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  1. It was the summer during a gap year before college. I was 19, 5’10 and and slender. I did some working out but spent a lot of my time goofing off at home. I was gay but I had no experience. I was a virgin and never played around with guys but I knew I liked them. I wasn’t out to my family and didn’t plan on telling them. Not until I was in collage and had a good footing on my own. I didn’t think they’d react badly at all. I was just insecure about it. Besides, you never know how someone will react to shocking revelations so I figured it would have been better to keep it hidden till I was ready for it. My dad wanted to get the house renovated so he wanted me to stay with my grandfather for a while since we wouldn’t have the space. He planned on the renovations before I graduated and hoped I’d be away at university during all the construction. So naturally my gap year wasn’t the most convenient for him. Grandpa lived in a humble apartment complex. It was about an hour away from where we lived so getting back and forth wouldn’t happen often. Dad assured me it would just be for the summer, that way all the major stuff would be done and the house would be semi livable again. I didn’t know grandpa that well. He lived on his own for many years and didn’t visit much. He wasn’t estranged from the family. He was just independent. Dad was busy with contractors and his job so I took the bus up to the city with a travel bag that had what I needed for a few months. The complex looked a little run down and it wasn’t in the best part of town. I made my way up the the second floor where his apartment was. Sure the conditions weren’t the best but living in the city could have its advantages. I might be able to meet some guys that could show me more of the gay scene. Maybe even pop my cherry before college. I knocked on the door and it didn’t take long to get a reply. The door opened and out came a short balding man, maybe 5’4 or 5’5. A little big in the belly and a round face. He had on a tank top, sweatpants, and sandals. He looked like the type that would be slumming around here, but he was family. “Hello Kenny my boy! It’s been years. Wow you’ve grown!” He was cheerful and excited to see me. I guess I was happy to see him too. It had been a long time. Probably since before puberty I saw him last. “Hi grandpa. I hope I’m not putting you off too badly.“ I wandered in to his place, there wasn’t much there, and it had a slight odor to it, like body odor or something like that. It was a little messy, with underwear and socks here and there. “Nonsense! It’s great to have company over! Let’s get you set up in the bedroom. It’s cosy but comfy.” We went to his room. The place was a small one bedroom so I felt bad that he was giving me his room. The room was in the same state as the rest of the place. Clothes all over and a fishy body odor smell. Not a strong smell but a little more apparent then the living room. Grandpa took my bag and was shoving clothes in his dresser. “I can keep those in the bag. You don’t need to do that.” “It’s fine Kenny, you can mix and match. If ya need any clothes, just take your pick from mine if ya like.” I would have preferred to keep my clothes separate but he was letting me stay with him so I was living with how he did things. Besides I guess it was nice to have my clothes somewhere other then a case on the floor. “Where are you sleeping grandpa? I see only the one bed and the couch in the other room.” “Right here. We can share the bed. Gotta make compromises in hard times right?” I wasn’t thrilled with that. Sure I may have slept with my parents when I was a toddler but I was a bit big for that. Plus grandpa had a small single bed so that meant we would have to be close. After we got settled in. I called dad to tell him everything was fine. We discussed what we would have for dinner and decided on take out delivery. Grandpa lounged around the place in his underwear and tank top. He liked to be comfortable. I tried to avoid looking at his crotch. Not because I was interested, he was my grandfather for goodness sake, but rather he had a fairly prominent bulge, I couldn’t tell if he was hard or not. If he wasn’t then it must have been a whopper in there. It made me semi hopeful. Perhaps mine would get bigger. I was about 6 inches. Not small but not very big either. I got the notification that the delivery guy was at the front office so I headed down to pick up the food. There was a big bearish guy working in the front office. Probably the landlord. He was rather handsome but had a very ‘tired of everything’ attitude. I guess the apartment business wasn’t what he hoped for. I gave a friendly wave but he didn’t respond. I made my way back upstairs and I saw some chubby older man talking with grandpa in the doorway. They both looked at me as I approached. The big guy kept talking to grandpa as they looked at me. “Not bad. Any chance he can come visit?” “No, this is my grandson, my real real grandson. So he’s off limits.” Grandpa told him. “Kenny boy! Let’s get you inside.” He put a hand on my back as he ushered me in. The big man looked in towards me. Something about the interaction didn’t sit quite right with me. Almost like the stranger was dangerous or something like that. The stranger then decided to head back to his place, giving his farewells. “You have with him, Mr. Lewis.”
    14 points
  2. part 2 Dinner went fine. Grandpa and I talked about my college plans, dads renovations, potential subjects for me to study. I wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do. He said I’d figure it out eventually. We talked about how long he had been living where he was. It had been well over a decade in the same place. He had made a bunch of friends with a lot of the guys in the apartment complex. He knew everyone who lived there and that a lot of them where fun to hang out with. He told me he’d introduce me to some of them in time after I settled in more. We were watching tv together. I was playing on my phone. At some point in the knight I wanted to ask about why we barely see him these days. “So grandpa. Last time I saw you, I was probably 8. Is there a reason you don’t come to visit?” Grandpa Lewis looked at me like the question wasn’t that big a deal. “I see your dad on occasion, every now and again. But there’s no reason in particular. I’m an older man set in my ways. I don’t have a car either so I am fine with staying up here. Anyway my lifestyle is better for in the city versus down in the suburbs where you and your folks are.” “What life style is that?” He didn’t seem like the socialite. More like the type to spend his days at home. “You see Kenny boy. I have certain apatites that are easy to satisfy while I am up here. I get lonely from time to time so it’s easy for me to find companionship, male companionship if you know what I mean.“ I did know what he meant. But did that also imply that he was trying to say that he was gay? “Grandpa, are you saying that you like men? You’re gay?” He smiled at me. “Fruitier than a box of fruit loops I’m afraid. It took me a while to figure it out in my youth. But shortly after your dad was born I realized who I was. Ever since I have lived uninhibited with no limits.“ He chuckled and patted my shoulder. That was surprising. I had no idea he was like that. Dad never mentioned it. “Does dad know?“ “Nah I never told him. Not because I was hiding it. Because he never asked.“ I had to admit I admired his confidence to be true to himself, even if dad never knew about it. It kind of made me feel ashamed for hiding it myself for so long. “Wow, that’s pretty cool that you have it all figured out.“ “When you get to a certain age you just kind of stop caring about what people think. If one person doesn’t like what you have to offer then you dump them and go onto the next. There are plenty of people out there willing to except all you have to give.“ his confidence made me feel more ashamed. “Yeah, I guess so.” “Hey now, why the long face? Something bothering you? You can tell your dear old grandpa.” I was nervous to tell him. But at the same time I figured it made sense for the safest person you could possibly come out to would be another gay dude. Especially a gay family member. And since he never told dad about himself, perhaps he could keep it a secret until I was ready to tell him myself. “Well it’s just that, I’m gay too.“ Grandpa Lewis’s face lit up. He looked genuinely surprised. “Really?! You don’t seem the type. I never would have guessed sonny boy.“ I had his full attention now. “But my parents don’t know about it yet. I was gonna wait till after college to-“ Grandpa Lewis interjected. “No need to explain anything to me. My lips are sealed. What goes down in this apartment stays in this apartment.” that was such a relief. I felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. It felt good to finally be able to tell someone in my family, and I was happy it was someone who also knew what I was going through. At this point I felt like I was starting to warm up to grandpa Lewis a lot more. “Thanks grandpa!“ I leaned in to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and we embraced warmly. He had a bit of a musky smell to him but it was fine, I didn’t mind it. At one point I think I heard him sniff deeply. When we broke off the hug, grandpa Lewis still had an arm around over my shoulder and his other hand rubbing my chest for reassurance. It felt affectionate and I appreciated the gesture. “You know you can come to me for anything right Kenny? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my precious grandson. Absolutely anything you could think of.“ We were now partially cuddling on the couch together. My head was on his shoulder and his hand was on my hip holding me. It may have been a little much for me since I wasn’t a kid anymore but the occasion felt like it called for it. “I know that now, thanks grandpa.“ “If you like I can teach you all sorts of things about gay stuff. Would you like that Kenny boy?” “Yeah sure. I’d like that.“ “Have you played around with any boys yet?” I was embarrassed to admit it but I told him the truth. “No I haven’t had sex yet but I do know I like men.” “I see. I guess since you’re not out yet you probably haven’t had the time to seduce any boys your age, or mature men who’d like a sweet young thing like you.” “No no. Nothing like that.” “I for one have have sampled many men in my days. Probably in the thousands” “Wow really?! That’s insane.” I was looking up at him as he looked down on me, his hand gently rubbing my hip. I was genuinely impressed. Wither it was an exaggeration or not, just playing around with a handful of guys would impress me. “Not all at once of course. It happens over a long period of time. And of course it comes with the risks of decades of barebacking.” “Barebacking? What’s that?” I was pretty sure I knew what it was but I had only heard of it in the context of Internet porn so I tend to not use that as a blueprint for real life. “It’s not using condoms. Feeling a cock in you skin to skin and dumping the cum in one another. That’s how I’ve always done it. Never used one in my life. Heck, it eventually lead to producing you didn’t it?” “Yeah but aren’t you worried about STDs?” “Already have it.” “Hu?” “AIDS. Ive been poz for many years. It’s no big deal.” “Really?! I’ve heard it was pretty bad.” I can’t believe it. My grandfather has AIDS? I’ve heard about it from health class and they always made it out to be a horror show. “Oh it definitely can be. You can manage it with simple meds now and it basically becomes essentially nothing. That is if you keep up with meds. But you can’t go through life living in fear. I don’t let anything stop me from enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. We’re all warm blooded men and we have needs.” It was a lot to take in. But he seemed like a jolly old man so he must be content with his life. So who am I to worry about him? We continued on like that for a couple more hours. Just sitting there and watching TV. Grandpa Lewis was much sweeter then I though he was going to be. I think I was going to like staying here for the summer. Eventually it got to the point where we had to head to bed. I normally slept in the nude but this time I had on a T-shirt and a pair of baggy boxers. I guess that’s going to be my bedtime attire for the next few months. Grandpa Lewis took off his tank top and his underwear. I turned around before I saw anything. I assumed he was getting pajamas on. The lights got turned off and I crawled in bed. I tried to scoot to the edge to give him enough room but the bed was small. I turned to my side and that seemed to help. Grandpa got in bed too and his front was pressed up against my back almost like we were spooning. Was this really going to work? “Now normally I sleep nude Kenny boy, but since you have you’re underwear on I figure no sense in me changing that. You got a fabric to protect your virtue.” He was nude in bed? Now that he mentioned it I did feel something press against my butt. It had to have been his private parts. I felt fairly uncomfortable with it but I was in his only bedroom and he was letting me stay for free so I shouldn’t be too prudish over how he wants to keep his routine as regular as possible. I didn’t want to mention his downstairs making contact with me so I asked about the bed size. “Are you sure this will be enough room for us? It’s a little close.” I tried wiggling further to give more space between us but there was no more space to give. Grandpa put an arm around my waist. “We’re fine Kenny. I’ve slept with guys like this all the time, it works. If you’re worried about my junk, don’t be. You have your layer on. Don’t need my old python finding a young new cave to slither into in the middle of the night. I swear it has a mind of its own, he he he.” He chuckled, I laughed a little too at his crude joke despite the awkward situation. He was a funny guy and not afraid to be unfiltered. We got comfortable and focused on trying to sleep. I tried re-adjusting more but no luck. “Really you’re fine.” He whispered in my ear. “If you didn’t have those boxers on, who knows. It has managed to sneakily worm its way up in some guys who have slept in the nude with me in the past. And I’m sure the darn thing can’t recognize the difference between a family members hole from a floozies hole so it wouldn’t have any hang ups about going for your back door.” He sounded like he was being silly. There’s no way a penis could just casually go up someone’s butt in their sleep. I laughed at his joke then focused on trying to get to sleep. I was having a hard time sleeping. At one point in the middle of the night I woke up and my baggy boxers had bunched up on my waist revealing my butt cheeks. Grandpa Lewis was sleeping and snoring. His penis was half erect. I could feel it poking me. It must have been big. But it was also resting on my bare ass underneath my boxers. I tried wiggling my butt a bit to try and maneuver it away and it seemed like my movement was getting it harder. I was unintentionally making it more inconvenient for me. My wiggling at one point made his penis fall between my cheeks. It didn’t touch my hole but it was close. His tip felt big, really big like a golfball. Damn what did it look like? I was getting really embarrassed even though I was the only conscious person in the room. It kept digging against me as it got more erect. I thought about grandpas joke, about it having a will of it’s own and wanting to crawl into whoever it had access to. I knew he was kidding but I was getting nervous and held still. I didn’t want to move anymore or else I might wake him up. I closed my eyes and tried sleeping. The last thing I remember before fading off was the feeling of something warm and wet poking my butthole. At another point later in the night or very early morning I might have been partially woken by something. It was a shaking sensation jiggling the bed, and perhaps heavy breathing? I felt my butthole being gently poked in rhythm with the shaking sensation. I had no idea what was going on but it felt kinda good so I wiggled my butt back into the mysterious shaking pressure. The brief moment of consciousness only lasted a few seconds before I dozed off again.
    13 points
  3. I have been having a dry spell for quite some time. But then I got an invitation for a "Fuck Daddy" sex party a week ago Sunday afternoon. My friend gloated it would be really fun. Said a good number of tops had accepted the invite. So I jumped at the opportunity. It would be him, me and a friend of his I didn't know as the bottoms. I have no idea how many guys attended as they were coming and going. I ended up with five loads at the party. But the best one was when I was on all fours with a guy rutting in my hole. And then a guy kneeled in front of me. FUCK! Beautiful cock. Big and thick and a set of yummy low hangers. He pushed his cock in my mouth. A grower too and hard in no time. Slobbered on that beauty the best I could. He's a mouth filler! The guy fucking me groaned and pumped his load in. "Stud' pulled out of my mouth and took his place. He fucked like forever (so good!) but finally shot his load. Later I saw him fucking my friend too and I saw him hanging around. After about three hours guys the room started to empty and only my friend was getting fucked, the other bottom nowhere to be seen. I decided it was time to go home and went to get something to drink from the TV room off the living room and there was Stud watching porn and jerking his big dick. He saw me walking in and spread his legs. Feasted on his cock. Hard as a rock. We heard noises from the living room as my friend was starting to clean up the room. Was clear the party was over. Stud asked if we could go to my place. So we did. Stud left and I said goodbye and thanks to my friend. Stud was waiting outside. Fucking hell! The guy can fuck alright! Nailed me in different positions. I blew my load when he was hammering me doggie smacking my ass and saying he was going to wreck my cunt. Low hangers banging against me. He kept fucking until he pumped his load in. That was so good! He's been back three times last week and then again this Sunday afternoon when we fucked so long he dumped two loads in me. I have found a new fuck buddy! Was about time! 😉
    10 points
  4. So I'm in abu dhabi for work and for the most part this being a country that doesn't tolerate gay people I avoided grindr and other hook up sites. After no sex for months my inner pig took over and I finally got on. Surprisingly there were alot of guys, unsurprisingly they didn't have face pics which I didn't mind. Pretty quickly I got hit up by a guy who's name was "mywayorhighway" with the simple message of from and role. When I said America and bottom he immediately sent a pic of his beautiful cock and said "want fuck" at first being a little worried I hesitated but once again my inner pig took over and I said sure. He gave me his address and I was on my way. I get to his place and it's nestled in a pretty dingy neighborhood but at this point I was too horny to back down. I had already cleaned out and had my lube and poppers with me. I get to the address and tell him I'm there and I see it's a pretty simple house. He tells me to just come on in. I walk in and see him and he is about 5ft 8 toned body and a bushy beard. Hair all over his chest and arms. My hole starts to twitch as he is only boxers and I can see a nice tent in then. Without saying a word he motions to a mattress laying in the middle of the floor. I thought it was a bit weird but whatever and I went over to it. He tells me to get undressed and get on all fours. I do as he says. No real talk just pure lust for sex. Once down I take a hit of my poppers and my head starts to fly. He gets down and i can feel the scruff of his beard as he works magic on my hole with his tongue. I moan and relish in the feeling of his tongue ravishing my hole. I take another hit or poppers and then I hear it. The sound of guys talking in arab coming to the house. I freeze worried that maybe this was a trap to get gay guys but the guy is just going away at my hole with his tongue. The door opens and he finally says something to the people entering in arab. I make to get up but he pushs me down and I see 4 more arab guys coming in. All shapes and sizes. 2 looked in there mid 40s on in his 30s and the third no more than 18. They all just stare at me but with smiles on their faces. The initial guy was talking to them and pointing to me. They laugh and begin to strip. At this point I realize he had invited some friends to have their way with me. My inner pig is delighted and I immediately get back on my knees with my ass in the air and huff more poppers. They all crowd around with with their dicks out and hairy bodies. The barely 18 year hold had the most impressive dick looking close to 8 or 9. The rest were average. Another mouth is on my hole and a dick is shoved into my mouth. I smell the intoxicating man musk and love it. I'm swirling my tongue on his dick getting some moans of pleasure and i constantly hear them talking in Arabic. Finally I feel the unmistakable feeling of a cock head on my hole. I'm not sure who it is and I don't care. I take a big hit of poppers and start flying as he pushs in. I feel my hole stretch as I'm tight from the lack of sex and whimper a little. This makes the guys laugh as they cheer on the guy. I feel his body lay on top of me and his chest hairs tickling my back as he thrusts in and out of me. I'm loving the feeling of all of it. His dick slowly being pulled out and back in the dick being shoved in my face and hearing them speak Arabic. Not being able to understand them made it hotter but I knew they were calling me a slut and whote and I loved it. The guy fucking me started picking up the pace and I knew he was close. I squeezed my hole on his dick and heard him grunt and shove in. I was barely able to feel his cock twitch in me as he shot deep in me loving that feeling. After a bit he pulled out and immediately another cock was replaced in my hole. The guy who fucked me came around and I cleaned his cock with my mouth. The second guy didn't last long and was blowing his load in me. The third guy was the initial guy who I had talked with and he was way more rough. Slapping my ass and really giving me a pounding. My head was being shoved into the mattress as he thrusted into me with all his weight. This went on for a while as he really used my hole. Finally he gave me his load and it was the young boys turn. He had mainly been watching and jerking off to the side and honestly I think he was the son of one of the guys. He looked similar to one of the 40 year Olds. The other guys were talking to him and I could tell he was a bit hesitant. I think he might have been straight but the urge to fuck a hole in country that is so restricted probably was the turn on. Eventually he came around and he just shoved his dick in. I could tell he was pretty inexperienced as he didn't really move that much so I decided to take a bit of charge. I started squeezing my ass and moving my ass on his dick. His big long dick felt amazing and I got a gasp from him. He finally started to move his hips but I still was moving mine as well to get his entire dick massaged by my warm wet hole. It really didn't take long to get him really moaning and I no lie felt his dick swell more and really beging to twitch inside me. I felt him shoot rope after rope of cum into me. This young boy sure had a lot of cum and I milked all of it from him. Eventually I felt it stop and I immediately moved my ass off his dick turned around and started cleaning his dick off. I could tell he was sensitive as he flinched but it was my turn to tease him. I sucked on his cock and used my tongue to really swirl on his head. He placed his hand on my head to move my head over but I just grabbed his dick and kept sucking away. Eventually he really pulled away and his dick plopped out. The guys started dressing so I did as well and left.
    7 points
  5. Was a drizzly morning today and decided to out for run/jog/walk in spite of the weather. I took my t-shirt off and folded it so it'd stay dry and set out. The trail I go on has a couple spots to park cars and there can be some cruising action there. There was a car parked there and a younger guy in it shirtless. I figured I'd stop to get a drink of watch and see what he was up to. He was looking at me and did a head nod so I went over to his car and he put down his window and let out a "sup" to me. Good looking younger Anglo guy. I said not much and he asked "suck me?" He had his cock out and was stroking it, so I said yeah and went around and got in the passenger side and got down to sucking him. He had a nice thick uncut cock and was throwing off a lot of precum and I told him I was down to get fucked if he wanted to. He asked if I had a place and I said I couldn't host but I knew a place nearby where we could park to fuck. He said cool and started the car and told me to give directions. We got to a place I use pretty regular and he put the car in park and left it idling and saying nothing we got in the back seat and stripped down. I was jerking his cock and he asked if I had a condom. I told him I didn't but was cool for him fucking me raw. He gave a faint smile and asked if I had lube. I pulled a packet out of my shorts and handed it to him and got a laugh. "Came prepared, didn't you?" I said I did and he said nothing more as I turned my ass to him and could feel him finger the lube in my hole and soon felt his cock enter me. I was groaning and loving feeling his thick cock force my ass open and was verbal about telling him how good his dick felt and how bad I wanted his load in me. He was pounding me like crazy while jerking my cock and I could feel him shudder and let out a loud groan as he shot his load inside me. As he slid out of me I heard him as "you wanna fuck me?" I said I was and loved it as his turned his ass to me. Problem was he'd used the only lube I had on me, so I fingered his cum and the lube out of my ass and fingered it in his hole and added spit. "You have to pull out to cum" he said and I tried hard not to groan. I hate fuckers like him who are all too glad to pump their loads in me, but get all kinds of scared if I want the same. I slid in him surprisingly easy and I could only guess he gets fucked fairly often or had got it recently. Even so he was moaning, telling me to be gentle and go slower. I was already super close to cumming and know I was throwing off precum like crazy and was guessing his ass was already a sloppy cummy mess. He's probably one of those closet fuck sluts who claims he doesn't like to get fucked, yet is actually getting fucked left and right. He's moaning and I'm debating whether to tell him I'm about to cum or just pump my load in his ass and I tell him I'm close to cumming. He reminds me to pull out to cum and I do, just long enough to spurt one burst of jizz on his back and then I force my cock back in him to pump the rest inside him. I keep stroking inside him knowing I could easily pump another load inside him and wishing he'd be down for it. It's weird how he's moaning and not verbal, like he's embarrassed to be enjoying taking a cock. I don't care, he's just a hole to me. Maybe he'll agree to take my load but he's pretty much taken it anyhow. I keep pounding him and again tell him I'm close and he reminds me to pull out to cum and yet again I spurt the first burst on his ass then plunge back in to pump the rest inside him. He's clearly one of those who likes to fuck but doesn't kiss or do "gay stuff". Once I've drained my balls inside him I slide out and pull my shorts back on. He pulls his shorts back on saying nothing and we get out to get back up front and drive back to the car park. Guys like him are awkward. No "thanks" or "that was hot". We get back and I thank him saying it was fun and I get a head nod. I mean, dude...I let you cum in my ass. Seriously? No "thanks"? By now the rain had let up and I was in a mood to get my ass drilled by someone who really wanted to drill it and be verbal and nasty about it.
    6 points
  6. I recently discovered that there's an old-school cruising spot about 20 minutes from my house. It's located in a large park that includes several woodland trails and is accessed by a trail that is rarely used since a footbridge over a wide stream was washed away years ago. I love to get bred outdoors and now that the weather is warmer and the leaves are budding on the trees, this secret little hideaway is once again growing in popularity. This spot never came to my attention through the normal cruising channels. I was only introduced to it when a big-dick top hit me up on Grindr one Saturday. He lived close to the park and, since like me he doesn't live alone, suggested we give the spot a try. His invitation came with a caveat, however. He could not guarantee that we would have it to ourselves. I'm always down to take loads in front of an audience and am more than happy to let anyone watching take a turn. We met at a small parking area at the trailhead. He was waiting in his car and as I pulled in beside him, he nodded, got out, and grabbed what looked like a comforter from the trunk of his car. As I opened my car door he began slowly walking up the trail, leading the way. He was several yards ahead of me when he suddenly cut through a gap in the brush on the side of the trail and disappeared. I quickly followed and after a moment of sweeping the small, prickly branches out of the way with my arms I stepped into a lush, sun-filled clearing. I looked around. The brush through which I had just come hid the spot perfectly from view of anyone on the trail. A rare hiker meandering by would have no idea what lay on the other side, nor would they be able to glimpse any action taking place there. On the opposite side a steep tree-covered hill rose to meet the road. It was the perfect outdoor cruising spot. I will admit that I was somewhat disappointed that we were the only ones there. As I followed him up the trail I had found myself hoping that we would find others there, sucking and fucking. But we were alone. He spread out the comforter on the grass and turned to face me. Through his grey sweat pants I could see the outline of his thick black cock. Instantly I began salivating in anticipation at having that hog invading my holes. "Strip," he ordered. It was the first word he had spoken to me. I did as instructed, placing my clothes on one corner of the comforter to keep them off the wet grass. Then it was his turn. He took off his t-shirt, revealing his muscular physique. Next he dropped his sweat pants, leaving his massive, already-hard cock to swing free. It was a solid seven inches and girthy and narrowed at the tip to a smaller head, like a missile. The saliva production in my mouth increased and I took full advantage of it, dropping to my knees and taking that gorgeous cock into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and began thrusting, working that head deeper and deeper into my throat. I choked and gagged and covered his shaft and balls in thick saliva. "Fucking perfect," he said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth. Streamers of thick saliva trailed from my lips to his shaft. "Now turn around." Once again I did as instructed and soon his lips and tongue were on my hole. He thrust his tongue inside, teasing me and helping the muscles to relax while simultaneously lubing me up with spit. I could have stayed like that all day but soon he moved behind me and I felt a pressure on my hole. I had forgotten my brown bottle in my excitement to meet him, so I willed my muscles to stay relaxed as he gently guided the tip of his cock inside me. I needn't have worried. I was so ready for him that he slid in with ease. It had been a long time since my hole had felt that full, and I relished every moment as he grabbed my hips and began methodically pounding my hole, driving balls-deep with each thrust. Then, suddenly, he stopped. "I don't wanna cum yet," he said, gasping for air. "That ass is too good." "I could take a turn." This was a new voice, coming from behind us. His cock slipped part-way out of my ass as he turned to address the newcomer. "Fuck yeah," he said, offering my hole without consulting me. "I love a loaded hole. Have at it." A new, unseen set of hands caressed my ass. I stayed in position and did not look back, wanting this stranger to remain just that. My new top friend had awoken my animal hunger for cock and I didn't care who used me, as long as my hole was stuffed. I heard the rattle of a belt buckle and the stranger was kneeling behind me, one hand on the small of my back as he lined up his cock and slid inside. He wasn't as thick as the first, but he filled me nicely and, just like the other guy, pounded me balls-deep with every stroke. The first guy knelt briefly in front of me so I could taste my ass and saliva on his cock. He grabbed my head and began throat-fucking me again, causing me to gag and spew thick ropes of saliva all over his cock again. "Fuck!" the newcomer cried. I felt the telltale spasming of his shaft as he shot his raw load deep in my guts. He stayed inside me a moment longer as the spasms died away and his cock began to soften. As he slid out the first guy stepped around behind me to take his place. No sooner had one slipped out than the other had replaced it and once again I was getting a pounding. The newcomer knelt in front of me. "Clean me off," he ordered. "I have a husband to go home to." I gladly obliged, taking the entire length of his shaft into my mouth and bathing it with my tongue. I savored the salty, musky taste. He slid his cock out of my mouth and got up to leave. As he stood, he lifted his shirt ever so slightly. Until that moment it had covered his entire belly and pubic area. He was silky smooth with not a hint of hair anywhere that I could see. And there, where his pubes would otherwise have been, was a tattoo of a scorpion. The sight caught me by surprise so much that I froze in shock. I was only vaguely aware that the first guy had quickened his pace and soon was dumping another load into me, mixing his DNA with the toxic brew that the stranger had left behind. Before I knew it he had stood and pulled me up to my knees, shoving his cum-covered cock into my mouth so I could clean him off. I was so accustomed to cleaning off cocks after they bred me that even in my stupor I licked and sucked every drop of cum and spit and ass from his shaft and balls. He grabbed his clothes and began to dress. As he did so he looked at me, still frozen in position on the comforter. "What's wrong?" he asked. "That guy," I managed to reply, "as he was leaving he showed me a scorpion tattoo. I think he's poz." "Oh yeah, I know," he responded. "I invited him to join us. I figured that if you were going to take one poz load, you might as well take two. Twice the chance for it to take." At first I didn't comprehend his meaning. Then his words sunk in and I felt a knot in my stomach. "You're poz too?" He grinned. "Don't look so shocked. I follow you on BBRT and Breeding Zone. I've read all your writings, all your fantasy stories about getting knocked up by strangers. I see you on Grindr saying 'raw is law' and I see your Sniffies profile that says Bareback Only. I know you've taken hundreds of anonymous loads and that you knew it was only a matter of time. Now look," he swept his arm around to draw my attention to the clearing in which we stood. "You've got the perfect actual pozzing story to add to all those fantasies." I was stunned. Though my mind reeled I was unable to formulate any words. "I had a lot of fun," he said as he picked up the comforter. "Hit me up if you want to meet again." With that he disappeared through the brush, leaving me alone in the clearing. I drove home in a daze, unable to fully fathom what had happened. As soon as I stepped through the door I raced to the bathroom, where I douched again and again for ten minutes straight in an effort to wash out the poz loads I had taken. I stood under the hot shower for what seemed like an eternity, and by the time I had begun to feel clean again a fatigue began to set in. I toweled off and flopped onto my bed, where I promptly fell into a dreamless sleep that lasted several hours. I awoke with as deep a sense of regret as I have ever experienced. But it wasn't what you might think. Having had a chance to sleep on the day's events, I found myself regretting that I had washed those toxic loads out of my hole when I got home. I had been thinking and writing - and occasionally yearning - about being bred by poz men for years but had never stopped to think about the fact that it might actually happen. Getting pozzed was an abstract concept all along, something I never thought would happen to me, and I was disappointed at my reaction when it did actually happen. The sun was just beginning to set as I picked up my phone and opened Grindr. He was offline but I sent him a message in the hopes that he would see it, and soon. "I need more."
    5 points
  7. I should mention that this is going to be a bit of a slow burn story. Mr. Lewis was faster with Tommy because Tommy was a random guy who lived in the same building. If he rejected him then no big deal he could have gone to someone else. With Kenny, since he’s family he needs to properly groom him. Very slowly break down barriers and get more and more “comfortable“ with him. Let’s just use the previous story as a means to understand just how depraved and kinky he can be while Kenny is blissfully ignorant to what he’s walked into.
    4 points
  8. That's part of my hottest thing a guy said story. Met up with this black guy at his place though we had to be quiet cuz his sister was sleeping down the hall. He was 10 inches, and only ate me out for lube but he was down there for like 20 minutes and was doing a great job of opening me up with his tongue. Once he was ready, he started sliding his cock in me slowly, pushing every inch into it until he was balls deep. I was on my belly, laying flat with him on top of me. I had started moaning softly cuz it felt so good but he just whispered in my ear to "shut up and take it". I'm sure he felt my hole open up even more cuz that turned me on so much. He ended up breeding me twice that night. So fucking hot. Dirty talk is the best way to get me to be even sluttier hehe.
    4 points
  9. 3. I found my phone and looked at the time. 5:30pm. I had two and a half hours to kill before I was to meet up with Jack and Danny. It seemed impossible. I was so horny. I need them right then. I padded around the small apartment, looking for a distraction. About ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Despite rushing to open it there was no one there when I got there. What was there, just sitting on the little concrete step, was a much larger silvery orange butt plug. I brought it in the house. I was heavy, and slightly warmed from the sun. The material was soft, with a good amount of squish to it, but the plug itself felt sturdy and powerful. Right there in the middle of the living room floor I spat onto it, and smeared my spit around. I set the slicked-up plug on the floor, and squatted over it. I lowered myself slowly onto its point, and then slid down the widening body. It slowly stretched me open. It was much, much, bigger than my plug, and it took a long time to get to the base. The two forceful fucking’s I had taken, along with the massive loads I now carried in my hole, however, had me open and slick, and after a few careful minutes the plug popped inside of me. I shouted when I felt the base lock into place. My whole body shook. I had never been this stuffed. A big drop of precum throbbed out of my cock. How was I still horny! I thought to myself. I’d been fucked twice, had shot two massive loads, and yet my dick was still hard as a rock and leaking. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to focus on anything else, and went to get my computer. I spent the next two hours plugged, and leaking watching daddies breed boys on the internet. Time moved glacially. I was on the edge of cumming the entire time. I had never edged before but there, rocking on the crest of orgasm for two hours it was intoxicating. The pouch of my jock was literally soaked with precum when I got up at 10 to 8. I slipped on my flip flops, and wearing nothing but my jock with a big thick plug in my hole, walked back to Bungalow 4. I tried to slip around in the shadows. I knew that no one else was on the property but I still felt wildly exposed walking around in just a jockstrap. When I got to the main courtyard, however, keeping to the shadows was impossible. I had to walk across the brightly lit patio, and past the pool. I walked around the side of the low building and paused in front of the door. The plug banging against my prostate as I walked has forced even more precum out of my straining cock. I felt an animalistic heat at this point. I needed to be fucked. I knocked on the door. Danny opened it. He was fully nude, with a thick black leather cock ring pulled tight around the base of his throbbing shaft. Right there, not even fully inside the door, I dropped to my knees and licked the head of his cock. Danny moaned, and put his hand on the back of my head. He pushed me forward onto his cock, and I coughed and spluttered again. I swallowed him down as much as I could. My back was arched and my ass presented to the world. The big plug felt like it was pulsing in my hole. “Jesus Danny,” Jack said from inside the bungalow, “let the boy get in the door before you face fuck him.” “This was all him,” replied Danny over his shoulder, “He saw my cock and just dropped to his knees.” “Boy, take that dick out of your mouth, and come over here.” Reluctantly I pulled off of Danny’s cock and got up. I saw Jack now, behind Danny, sitting on the couch. He was also completely naked, and hard as a rock. He was stroking his big uncut cock slowly. I could see the black strap of a cock ring around the base of his member as well. “How was the rest of your evening? Get up to anything fun?” “Honestly, I was too horny to do anything… well besides…” I turned around and bent forward showing them both my plugged hole. “Fuck,” said Danny. “Good boy,” said Jack, “I knew you could take something bigger than that little plug you had.” I heard him get off the couch, and then felt his rough hand against my cheek. He rubbed at my furry ass for a moment, then flicked the plug hard. I groaned. One of his hands snaked around my chest, finding my right nipple. He twisted, and pulled me back to him. My body was pressed against his warm flesh. I could feel his body hair against my back. His slick cock pressed into my spine just above my ass, leaving a trail of precum in its wake. “How long have you had that plug in your ass boy?” His voice was a velvet whisper in my ear. “Since you dropped it off daddy.” “Good. You’ll be nice and opened up by now. Saves us some work.” Danny appeared in front of me. He pressed himself to us, his erection pushing against my jock. He brought his lips close to mine. His tongue darted out and gave my lips a cheeky flick. He smiled. “Jack told you what we were going to do to you if you came here right?” “He said that if I took his load this afternoon I was committing to getting fucked by you both tonight.” “What else boy?” Jack whispered in my ear. I felt hot. Their bodies pressed against me. The heat from their flesh made my head spin. I could smell them both with every breath I took. I could feel them breathing, I felt every pulse of their engorged cocks. “That coming here was me giving my consent. That once I was here you weren’t going to keep asking me what I wanted it was going to be about what you wanted.” “Good… I guess you being here is our answer then. You want this don’t you?” “Yes! More than anything.” “You want both of our cocks inside you?” “Yes!” “You want both of our loads?” “Yes!” “You want to be our boy?” “Yes! God! Please fuck me! Use me! Breed me! Stretch me out! Please daddy! FUCK ME!” That was all it took. The playful energy went out of the room. Jack scooped me up under the armpits and hauled me into the other room. He flopped me down on the bed on all fours like a rag doll. His hands pawed at my ass. Danny was suddenly in front of me again. He was kneeling on the bed, his cock pointing straight at me. I swallowed, and then moved forward. I took his cock head inside me mouth, and ran my tongue across the slit. I sucked the precum from the drooling tip eliciting deep groans of satisfaction from him. Hot spit landed directly on my hole, and Jack’s cock head followed. He pressed in and easily sunk into my well used guts. I moaned around Danny’s cock. Jack started slowly, fucking me with long deep strokes. I whimpered, and tried to keep sucking on Danny’s cock but the pleasure was too much. As Jack picked up the strokes my mouth became just another hole. Danny had hold of the back of my head and was fucking his thick cock in and out of my mouth as I became slack jawed, trapped between the two of them. Thick spit was dripping down my chin. I could feel the froth of both of their pervious loads trickling down my taint as Jack fucked it out of me. Every moment I spent with these men was a new level of slutty, a place I had never been before. When Danny pulled his cock out of my mouth I gasped for air. My face felt hot, and my cheeks were clearly flushed. Tears ran down my cheeks and my chin looked like a sloppy mess. I knew, even without being able to see myself, I looked like one of those boys on the internet. I looked like one of those boy sluts who had just been roughly face fucked. I was one of those boys. The thing I had been edging too earlier that day was coming true. I was a daddy’s boy. Danny flopped back onto the bed, laying on his back. His big beautiful cock pointed straight up towards the ceiling. He grabbed my under my armpits and hauled me forward. Jacks cock slipped from my ass and I let out a little whimper of displeasure. I wasn’t empty long though, Danny brought me forward so that I was on top of him. He then pushed me back slowly till his cock head found my hole and slid inside me. Feeling the big fleshy mushroom press into me I sat back hard and impaled myself on his member. He let out a chuckle of appreciation as I started to ride him. Jack was behind me, his arms wrapped around me in a warm bear hug. His cock was pressed against the small of my back, and his fingers were toying with my nipples. He was nibbling on my ear and telling me how sexy I was, what a good job I was doing taking their cocks. “Come here sexy boy,” Danny said, and pulled me down to kiss him with one large paw on the back of my neck. He held me close, his cock still deep inside me, and kissed me ravenously. His other arm wrapped across my back. He pressed my body into his hairy chest. I felt a new pressure on my hole, and Jack’s hands on my cheeks. I tried to look over my shoulder but Danny held me tight, not allowing me to break our kiss. The pressure grew, it felt like another cock. “What, what’s happening?” I managed to gasp out. “We told you,” Jack said in my ear, “We’re both going to fuck you.” “What?!” I didn’t fully understand what they were saying but I was excited and scared by it. “You’ll be ok boy, it will feel good in the end,” Danny cooed. “Now, on the count of three you’re gonna take a deep breath,” instructed Jack. “Then hold it and clamp down tight on my cock,” added Danny, “and hold it for five seconds.” “After that let out your breath really slowly and imagine your hole opening wide. Think you can do that boy?” “Yes daddy!” I was panting with excitement. “Good boy. Ok. One… Two… Three…” I took a deep breath, pulling air as far into my lungs as I possibly could and tightened my hole. I squeezed Danny’s cock with all of my strength. One Mississippi, I thought, two Mississippi. When I let my breath out it was hard not to just let it out in one big rush, but I breathed out slowly and imagined my hole blossoming around Danny’s cock. I saw my hole turned into a big loose open hole for cock. I imagined it gaped and ready for use. The pressure returned, only this time it felt easy. I suddenly understood what “both of us are going to fuck you,” meant when I felt Jack’s stomach on my back. He had pressed his cock into me alongside his husbands. They were both inside me. We all let out a long collective groan. “Good job boy.” “How do you feel.” “Oh my god! Oh my god!” Was all I could say for a moment. “I think he likes it.” “Oh my god! I fucking love it!” “Do you want us to fuck you now?” “Fucking destroy me!” “Good answer boy.” Danny bucked his cock up into me, and Jack hammered downward. I tried to push myself up on my hands, to arch my back, but it was too intense. I flopped forward onto Danny’s warm sweat slicked body, and became a toy for them to use. My mouth hung open, and a deep guttural grunting was being fucked out of me. My whole body was on fire, like little bolts of electricity shooting across every nerve. Sex had never felt this good. I had never felt this good. It was bliss. An overwhelming euphoria seemed to envelop me. It fogged my mind. While they were both inside me there was nothing in the world but them, their cocks, and my hole. “Im going to fucking breed you.” Danny growled below me. “Fill him up babe, give him your load.” “Yeah! Fucking take it.” “Please breed me!” “Take my fucking load boy!” Danny roared, and slammed his cock inside me. While his shaft pulsed and throbbed Jack kept hammering. His hands held onto my ass cheeks, roughly holding them apart. I felt my ass become warmer and slicker as ribbons of cum were pumped inside me. Jack kept pounding till he finally grunted, “Fuck yes, and here’s my load.” He forced himself balls deep just like Danny and flooded me. We were all panting, sweat dripping off of us. They held their throbbing cocks as deep in me as they would go as they both came down from their orgasms. I was shaking. Jack was the first to move, with one last pulse of his cock he pulled back. I shuddered, something in me tightened, and suddenly my own cock exploded. I shot my load between Danny and I, covering both of our stomachs in cum. “Fuck, good boy,” Danny said. Jack flopped down onto the bed next to Danny and lay there panting. I slowly got up, and pulled myself off of Danny’s cock, instinctually being careful to clamp my hole down as I did so as not to lose a drop of their cum. I fell between the two of them, totally spent. The three of us lay there, in a sweaty cummy heap, wreaking of sex, without saying a word for a long time.
    4 points
  10. The Photoshoot Chapter 1: To say Austin is pissed is a huge understatement. He specifically told his boyfriend he was not going with him to this photoshoot under no uncertain terms, but Blake insisted anyway, saying he goes with him to almost every other shoot, so he saw nothing wrong with going to this one. Austin didn’t bother to point out that Blake only goes to the shoots where Austin might be modelling underwear or swimsuits, he doesn’t both if it’s something completely vanilla like sweaters or jeans. Normally he’d preen under Blake’s jealous, possessive behaviour but today is not the day. This isn’t a typical photoshoot, he just lied hoping Blake would buy it but the second he saw the package of lingerie Austin bought for himself for the shoot, he immediately jumped on going. The shoot is for Blake, a small series of boudoir pictures Austin was hoping to surprise Blake with as an anniversary present, but his loving boyfriend seems determined to ruin his gift. He even tried to play the my-agent-doesn’t-want-visitors-on-the-set card, but Blake threatened to call his agent and hear it from him, and Austin conceded immediately, knowing his agent wouldn’t back him up because he didn’t know what was going on. In hindsight, he really should’ve told his agent, but he hadn’t thought of that until they were getting off the subway at the determined station and walking the four blocks to the photographer’s address. Austin had been stubbornly silent the entire trip, even when Blake tried to make conversation, Austin shut him down almost immediately. His only solace is he’s sure Blake’s going to feel like a complete fool and be incredibly sorry once Austin gives him the photos from today on their anniversary next week. “Seems like a weird place for a professional job,” Blake says as they enter the building – it’s standard for the city, four-stories of dirty brick and filthy windows. The inside is somewhat more updated, with the aesthetic practically screaming New Management. Austin decides he likes it, Blake obviously doesn’t if the way he wrinkles his nose at the smell of delicate potpourri and sneers at the grey-blue colour scheme is any indication. “They wanted something that felt intimate and secure,” Austin lies easily as they make the climb up the stairs to the fourth floor. He’s glad his boyfriend only knows what he does about the modelling industry from Austin himself, Blake never having been big on the whole idea in the first place but was supportive enough to not question Austin about any of it. “I believe this is the photographer’s personal studio and he thought it would be a better fit than a larger set.” “He? What happened to Monica, your normal photographer?” “The company provided their own guy,” Austin says, sweating a little from all the lies he has to say just to keep this surprise a surprise. “Don’t worry, Deanna vetted him and gave her approval.” Deanna being his agent who has no idea about this photoshoot. That seems to ease some of the tension from Blake’s shoulders. They make the rest of the climb in silence, the only sounds their shoes on the tiled stairs and the crinkling of the bag Austin’s carrying. The bag is his treasure trove of goodies to wear, each one guaranteed to make Blake drool and resist every urge to pounce on him. Austin can’t help but feel a little petty about it, knowing Blake will struggle to keep his hands to himself the entire time he’s watching, and Austin will do everything he can to make this the most incredible blue-ball experience for his boyfriend as payback. The pair reaches the door Austin mentioned earlier on the subway ride – one of the few things he did say willingly – and Blake knocks much to Austin’s embarrassment. Moments later the door opens to reveal who Austin believes to be the photographer. The man is six-foot tall with thick black dreadlocks that hang to mid-back, his hair is contained by what appears to be a handwoven red and gold hair-tie. He’s also shirtless, his dark skin and muscled torso on perfect display. “Austin?” he says, looking at Blake. His voice is rich and seems to reverberate from his chest, it matches the warmth in his dark brown eyes. Blake glares at him and shakes his head. “No, and Austin and I are leaving.” “Uh no we’re not,” Austin says firmly, then he looks at the photographer. He didn’t picture this man when they spoke on the phone, if anything he thought he’d be mid-thirties and decently good looking, not this . . . God-like man that to Austin stepped straight out of some of his favourite books. “I’m sorry about that, I’m Austin, the buzzkill is my boyfriend, Blake.” The photographer’s dark brown eyes light up and he holds out his hand for Austin to shake. They do and Austin is taken aback by how warm and rough his hands feel. “I’m Javier,” says Javier, the photographer. “Sorry about the mix up, when we spoke over the phone, I wasn’t given a description.” Blake raises an eyebrow, looking at Austin curiously. “Didn’t the agency send over your headshots beforehand?” “The agency sends them to the company, I’m just expected to photograph whoever shows up,” says Javier smoothly before Austin can even fumble for a response. “I was told Austin would be alone, or with his agent, so I apologize for the confusion.” “Why didn’t you think I was his agent?” “Because Deanna wears plum power suits like she’s part of the agency in The Devil Wears Prada,” Javier says with just a hint of annoyance. “Anyway, this is a closed set, so only models and staff are permitted. You can wait out here until we’re finished or you’re free to go home.” Blake definitely doesn’t like that answer. He turns to Austin and says, “Babe, I really don’t like this. We need to leave; this man is clearly unprofessional, and I’m going to call Deanna and let her know not to let you work with any agency that employs this asshole.” Austin wants nothing more than to melt into the floor. He cannot believe that Blake is being so rude to a perfect stranger. “I’m sorry, Javier, my boyfriend can be a little . . . protective. Anyway, I need to get changed, is there a dressing room?” Javier smiles warmly at Austin and steps out of the doorway to let him in. “Go down the hall and it’s the first door on the left. There are some supplies in there to freshen up and plenty of places to hang your outfits. Once you’re changed, knock three times and I’ll come in to see your outfit and adjust the set accordingly. We’re doing five scenes in total.” “Understood!” says Austin brightly as he hurries inside before Blake can catch him. He goes in the direction Javier indicated and once he’s inside, he makes sure to lock the door just in case Blake tries to break in. Ordinarily, he’d be more than happy to have Blake in the room with him – they’ve had many memorable moments in dressing rooms across the city – but today is different. Blake was rude to the photographer after butting into the photoshoot in the first place, so Austin feels like punishing him for his poor behaviour. The dressing room is pleasant, small and intimate unlike most he’s been in, the lighting is dimmed to a comfortable level with most of it coming from various salt rock lamps scattered throughout the room. The walls are a delicate cream the reflects the light well and warms the room. Austin spies the round bed in the centre and must resist diving onto the invitingly fluffy surface of pastel blankets and thick pillows. Instead, he puts his bag on the small vanity and proceeds to take out each outfit, adjusting each one before putting it on a hanger on a nearby clothing rack. Javier may be a small-time photographer, but he certainly knows what models need when doing a shoot. Once Austin is satisfied with the appearance of his clothes, he selects the first outfit of the day – a sheer dark blue nightie with matching thong – and lays it on the bed before stripping out of his street clothes. He hangs them up beside the rest and takes a moment to collect himself, just like he does before every photoshoot. Over the past few months of doing this work, he’s learned that being mentally prepared is just as important as being physically ready, if not more so because it’s one thing to stand and get your picture taken it’s another thing entirely to immerse yourself in the experience. There have been times he’s come out of a shoot crying because of the overwhelming emotion he felt during a certain scene, and others where he’s so drained, he can barely stand at the end. The best trick he’s found is to reconnect with himself by looking at himself in the mirror, not out of any sense of vanity, but as a means of centering himself. Luckily there’s a three-way mirror in the corner so he doesn’t have to skip that part of his routine like he has at some projects because the only mirror they have is in the makeup room and he’s in and out so fast he doesn’t get a chance to focus. He goes over and simply stands in view of each mirror, allowing his mind to clear and hands to drift over his bare skin. Touch is another grounding method he enjoys; it reminds him that he’s still a person and not a doll being dressed up for money. He remembers trying to explain this routine to Blake after an intense day and Blake simply said he was just a doll to the company so what difference did it make. He stopped trying to explain the intricacies of his mind after that. Austin shakes his head, watching the delicate blonde curls bounce around his face and neck as if they have a mind of their own. He smiles to himself as his hands start to drift on his chest, fingertips running delicately over the smooth pale skin on his chest. He’s glad he had the foresight to make an appointment for a full body sugaring – it’s his favourite method of waxing, the sugar wax is far easier on his skin than chemicals or standard wax and the results last much longer in between sessions. Deanna had recommended it after he suffered from a wax gone wrong, which made his skin break out and left tiny red bumps all over. Now he can’t imagine how he went so long without it; his skin always feels so smooth and delicious after. His hands dip lower, trailing over his hips and down the V-shape of his pubic bone to his cock, which sits soft and supple. He lets a hand caress his small cock, gasping softly at the feeling of burgeoning arousal. He closes his eyes and his mind drifts to warm dark rough hands, cupping him as the palm rolls over his flaccid cock, coaxing it to life with firm movements. A warm smile and deep voice encourage him to let go and relax. Austin’s eyes shoot open, and he wills away the images as hot guilt boils in his stomach. In the almost three years they’ve been together, he’s never once thought of anyone else other than Blake in these moments and now he’s gone and thought of Javier! He dismisses it as a slip of his mind, nervous about working with a new photographer at an intimate photoshoot. He quickly puts on his outfit and does his makeup, going more natural than he usually does at a shoot only because he knows Blake hates the way he looks with caked on product. Satisfied with his appearance, Austin knocks on the door three times and waits on the bed for Javier to arrive. “Austin?” he hears Javier say on the other side of the door. “It’s me, let me in.” Austin jumps up and unlocks the door, letting the other man in before soundly closing and locking the door again. “Your boyfriend is still here,” Javier says with obvious disdain. “I tried to get him to leave but he insisted, so I told him he’d have to sit in a corner away from the set.” “Stubborn bastard,” Austin sighs and Javier nods. “I’m so sorry about all of this Javier, I tried to tell him he didn’t need to come, I told him not to come, but he didn’t listen. And I’m so sorry he was so rude to you earlier, that was completely uncalled for and—” “It’s okay, Austin, I’ve dealt with worse,” Javier interrupts gently. “Besides, if I had a boyfriend like you, I’d be just as bad, maybe even worse than him.” “Thanks, by the way, for covering for me,” Austin says a little sheepishly. “I’m glad I mentioned Deanna now in our last conversation.” Javier grins. “I think we should both look into acting after that performance earlier.” His dark eyes scan Austin from head to toe and Austin feels warm under his attention. “I love the outfit. Makes me think of a midnight tryst.” “That’s what I was going for!” Austin says excitedly. “I was going to wear some silver jewelry and maybe a few diamonds, but I thought that might be overkill.” “I think you should wear them,” says Javier with a nod. “Not saying the look doesn’t work without them, but it would definitely add another dimension to the scene, like you were a piece of the sky itself.” He thinks to himself for a moment. “I think that’s the angle I’ll go for with this first scene. It’ll be dreamy, with lighting similar to moonlight, a bed or chaise for you to lounge on, with dark blue and black cloth draped around you with metallic accents. Sound good to you?” “It sounds delightful!” gushes Austin. “These photos are going to be amazing, Javier!” Javier smiles gently. “Only if you trust in my vision, Austin, otherwise it won’t work.” “I trust you! I trust you completely. I love everything you’ve said so far.” “Good,” says Javier with a chuckle. “Now finish up and I’ll get the set ready in the meantime.” Austin nods, a smile still plastered on his face as Javier leaves. to be continued....
    3 points
  11. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_mfQ3biwD7dc4 Never Pull Out!
    3 points
  12. Chapter 31: Getting the Job Done After I dropped my load in Sir, we proceeded to the bed, where he sucked my cock clean. Sir said although he's had some hot sex, that was on of the hottest sessions he's had. I then asked him about his comment on tearing up his hole. He told me that guys would sometimes want the insides of their ass to be torn, so that the toxic cum could enter their body more quickly. He said it could be done by fingernails, which was the most discreet way for guys that wanted to stealth someone. He said there was minimal bleeding and likely the bottom wouldn't even know it happened. I then asked him what about guys that wanted their holes torn. He said there were several different ways to do that. The most common was by brushing their hole with a toothbrush. I asked him if that hurt, and he said not much, it was more of a ticlkly feeling. He then said other guys would use a small bottle brush. He explained he was brushed that way once, and he wasn't sure if it was the size, or how hard the guy brushed him. He continued by saying some guys would even use a toilet brush. He said these were typically already poz guys with gaping holes looking to get a recharge. I asked him why guys who were already poz would want a recharge. He said he guessed different guys had different reasons, but the power of poz was powerful. He said some guys actively chase getting HIV, and although it may seem simple to get, it really isn't. He explained that some guys chase for years before it happens. Even if they are total cumdumps taking any and all loads. He continued by saying that once a guy converted, their journey doesn't always end. They may have been total bottoms, but now topping to share what they have with others. They may just want to keep seeking other strains to keep the virus in them to keep growing and getting stronger. He told me it likely depends on how the guy was pozzed. In his case, it was forced upon him, and for the most part, he was content on being undetectable. I then asked if he would ever consmsider going off meds to convert someone? He said anything is possible. I then said I wasn't sure I wanted converted yet, but if I did, would he convert me? He said anything is possible, and if I truly wanted converted, he'd be honored to do so, as it would be through father son love, and not forced. He then quickly got off the subject by saying there was one other way to rough up an ass. He explained that some guys used what is called a cruel condom. It is a mesh metal condom with hundreds of metal loops that guys would wear on their cock to tear up a hole. He said he had never used one as a top, but he knew they could possibly also cause the tops cock to bleed. I then got up the nerve to ask my dad to use a toothbrush in my hole so that i could experience the feeling. My dad asked me if i was truly ready for that? I said yes, and after that i want you to make love to me and feel his undetectable seed seep into my brushed ass. My dad went to the bathroom to retrieve a toothbrush, while I anxiously waited on the bed. When dad got back, I begged him to brush my hole, but he said that I would start brushing myself to not just get a feel for it, but to show my commitment. Dad instructed me to stick the brush up my ass slowly and deeply as possible at first. Dad was right, it tickled more than it hurt. Dad then instructed me to slowly start pumping it up and down in my ass. He said to speed up as I felt more and more comfortable. Once I was at a good pace, dad told me to start twisting the brush as I pumped it in my ass, making sure I hit all sides of my hole. Dad then suggested we see how I did, and told me to pull the brush from my hole. It was a nice shade of pink, telling me that it did as intended. Dad then made love to me. When he was about to cum, he asked me if I was ready to feel his medicated seed seep into his body. I said yes Sir. Dad made sure his cock wasn't past my second ring so I could feel his man seed soaking into my torn ass. His load was huge, and it burned a little as it seeped into my body. My dad then plugged my hole, and kissed me.
    3 points
  13. Just finished. Met him once before, like a year ago. I remembered it being good, so when he sent me a message on sniffies I happily offered my services. He said "yes, could use a quick cumngo" so I wasn't expecting much. So he shows up as I am trying to get into the shower... So I tell him to get comfortable and i will be right out. I come out and his cock is ROCK hard... and it has a big mushroom head that I know I am gonna feel. I am mesmerized by his cock so I start sucking on it... We then move to a 69 when he starts eating my ass and fingering me. Eventually I climb on top and push the head of his cock into me and sink down... he slowly fucks my ass and getting me used to his head. We move slowly while I am getting used to him in me. He proceeds to gently fuck me and then pulls me in close... load #1. I got up to get him a towel and wipe him off but used my mouth instead. As I walked back from the bathroom, he said, 'bend over the bed'. He then pushed into me again and I could feel that head again stretching me open, and filling me up. He pumped me until my knees were weak then rolled me onto my back, The back on my feet, then back on my back... Finally we were laying down on the bed spooning when he pushed his cock back in me and proceeded to hammer my ass full in and out. He finally grabbed my hips again and drilled into me and unleashed load #2. He said that was all the time he had today.... 😉 My ass is so sore even playing with the cum dripping out of me is tender. I love it! I can't wait for him to come back and own my ass again.. get me into shape for serious fucking..
    3 points
  14. My Master and I had previously discussed impact play, and I was curious, yet very apprehensive about it. Up to this point, I couldn't see how pain could be enjoyable, so I was very nervous about trying it out. My Master was very patient with me in explaining how it was supposed to work, and likened it to the runner's high that I was familiar with. We agreed to give it a try - he'd warm me up with floggers, and depending on how well I took things, would potentially even try some of his single-tail whips on me. I would have a safe word if needed to stop at any time, although he promised that he would be able to read me and scale accordingly. The day we had planned, my master told me we'd skip my morning breeding session, and instead we'd try doing impact play instead. He put on me a thick leather collar, leather wrist cuffs, and a leather hood (with eye covers), and led me over to the door frame which had a rope hanging down from it. He clipped my wrists to the rope and held me briefly from behind, gently asking "Are you ready, boy?", to which I nervously replied in the positive. He started very gently, the flogger barely touching my back. He slowly ramped up the intensity, the leather from the floggers hitting with more force. It still didn't hurt, but I was aware of the hits now. There was a rhythm to the flogger strokes that helped me focus on the sensations. He ramped up the intensity again, each stroke now hitting with enough force that I felt a 'warmness' in my back with each hit. He occasionally would throw in a harder hit in between the lighter strokes. He stopped abruptly and I felt his hands gently run down my back, and I gasped involuntarily - the sensation of his hands on my back sent shivers down my spine. He checked in with me and asked if I was ready for him to ramp up the intensity a bit more, to which I agreed. He started with the flogger again, in a similar rhythm, except this time the lighter hits were harder, and the harder hits were much harder - very 'thuddy'. My left leg started to shake, and I felt my breathing quicken, and the sensations now were definitely into the 'pain' threshold. I'm not sure how long this went on for, but my Master increased the intensity further, such that the heavier strikes knocked the wind out of me, and made me cry out. He stopped abruptly, and I felt his hands gently run down my back again - this time the sensations were much more intense, making me moan out loud and my whole body started trembling. It was like nothing I'd experienced before, pleasure, mixed in with pain, and a sort of floating/detached sensation. My Master hugged me from behind and asked if I was ready for the whip. I could feel his cock, rock hard, rubbing up against me as he hugged me. I felt a strange burst of emotion - my suffering was bringing pleasure to my master, and I wanted to please him with every fiber in my being. I responded as such, and he kissed me on my shoulder. The next thing I heard was the whip crack, and it made me jump and cry out involuntarily. It hadn't actually hit me, but the sound of the whip crack was a shock. The first stroke that actually hit me felt extremely light - just a caress, and not painful at all. That would quickly change. Where the flogger felt like a blunt impact, the whip had a sharp stinging feeling. Stroke after stroke, different parts of my back being hit, my brain was on overdrive. I cried out in pain with each hit, and yet, I didn't want it to stop. My whole body was shaking again at this point. I heard my Master say "I think you've just about had enough", and after one more hard stroke, he stopped and I felt him embrace me from behind. I was gasping and shaking, not able to focus on anything. I felt my hands unclipped from the wall, and was gently guided to a bed. The hood was removed, and I lay there in my master's arms still shaking and gasping, the endorphins running through my body. He held me, gently stroking my head, and I felt a wave of emotion overcome me, and I started sobbing into his chest. "Shhhhh, it's okay, let it out, you're safe here with me." I felt a flood of negative emotions, mostly shame and guilt, leave my body, being replaced with a warmth and feeling of rightness being in my Master's arms. In this moment, I knew that I would do anything that he wanted - anything to please the man that had made me feel so wonderful. I looked up at my master, and he kissed me, tenderly and lovingly. We fucked and he bred me, but it was without a doubt the most loving and tender experience I have ever experienced in my life up to this point. He fucked me missionary, and we kissed while he was fucking me. I cried again as he bred me, tears of happiness this time, not only that I was able to please my Master, but also just how wonderful I felt in that moment. The next few days, I experienced a positive mood adjustment - it was like the beating I had received had cast out the negative energy and emotions from my body. And I was eager as ever to please my Master. Truly a life changing experience for me!
    2 points
  15. Mine came in my 20's. I'm not really attracted to men and never thought of gay sex. My best friend came out to me and I was fine with it. One evening when I was alone, I went to the local ABS and rented a couple of gay videotapes out of curiosity. I became incredibly turned on. I had already played with putting things in my ass since I was a teen, and now wanted the real thing. I eventually found another married guy on one of the old net news local groups (this was before the WWW) and we rented a hotel and flip fucked with condoms. It was both our first times, but it was hot. I was off to the races after that. This would be in the late 80's. I eventually tried bare in the mid-90's and haven't used a condom since.
    2 points
  16. My bottoms won’t get completely willing. A fully willing bottom for poz cock isn’t hot for me. I mean, if they don’t care about the virus anymore then the danger/risk dies so it defeats the purpose for poz stories, for me at least. But they can get get partially willing. Having conflicted feelings about what they want. Barriers crumbling but still apprehensive.
    2 points
  17. I loved this video. Frozen cum that melts by the end of the fuck [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/61565/frozen/
    2 points
  18. It's a two for Tuesday!!! Chapter 32: The Doctor. Dad set up an appointment to see his doctor to get me on prep immediately. He told me it was because he cared for me, and in such a short time knew how much I loved having sex. Come to find out, this was actually my regular doctor. Just with a hidden secret. He had given me physicals before, but never like this one. Dad explained why we were there, and the doctor was suprised. He performed his usual exam on me, but then told me to strip and get on the exam table where he put my feet in the stirrups. He grabbed my balls and told me to cough. My cock got hard, and he said that was a normal reaction from a gay guy my age. He stroked me some until I started to pre cum, and then put his lips around my cock until I shot in his mouth. He said that the amount of my load was amazing, and then shared it with my dad. He then began a prostrate exam, in the traditional way, but ended up with his cock in me to finish it. In fact, he finished inside of me, and my dad then ate my ass, sharing the load with the doctor. The doctor then told me to get dressed. He told me my dad had told him about the nature of the visit, and that he was suprised, but happy that my dad was going about this in the right way, and wanted to be sure I was on prep. My dad told him I at least had a curiosity on becoming poz, and the doctor told me that if I ever had any questions or concerns about that, he would be glad to privately discuss with me. He added that if I did decide to become poz, he woukd be sure that I got Anti virals discreetly just as he did for my dad. He added that prep did not prevent other diseases, and that if i did happen to get one, he would also treat it confidentiality. The doctor then told us the room was free to use and all of the staff had already left. My dad told the doctor he knew how much he loved getting fucked on the exam table with his legs in the stirrups. Dad quickly got naked and on the table. My dad looked at me and said fuck me son. I askeded fuck or make love? Dad said in a situation like this, it would most likely be considered a fuck, but it was my choice. I said how about a little of both? I started by laying on top of my dad, kissing him and rubbing our swolen cocks together until we started to pre cum a bit. I then put his legs in the stirrups and rubbed my pre cum on his hole. I looked around and saw a tube of lube, but if this was to be a fuck, dads hole didn't need lubed. I thrust deep in him hitting his second hole. Dad was in heaven. He said that's my son, fuck me hard. As I was fucking my dad, the doctor came in with a stainless steel butt plug, saying you might need this. My dad laughed saying he knew what his exams were like, and he brought one which was already up his sons ass, but yes, he could use one soon. The doctor asked if we would mind if he stayed to watch, as he was amazed at how good a fuck I had become in a short time. We agreed, and after I finished, the doctor told me he forgot to test my gag reflexes, and said suck my cock boy. The doctor was close to 11 inches, and had a scorpion tattoo above his cock. It has 6 or 7 drops of blood around it, indicating his number of known pozzings. The doctor took no mercy on me grabbing the back of my head forcing me to the base of his cock, and holding it there as I started to gag. I could feel my mucous building in my mouth, and he let up. I took his cock from my mouth, and the mucous dripped from my mouth. He said that was a normal reaction for even some of the seasoned cock suckers. He said it was fine as long as the same didn't happen when he fed me his load. I looked a him and said cum is not to be wasted Doc! Hey said good boy, and told my dad to get over there so he could suck his cock. Needless to say it was a happy ending for all of us! Once finished, dad asked the doctor if this would now be considered an extended visit. The doctor said no, it would be coded as a regular physical exam for me, and no extra charges for any injections that took place!
    2 points
  19. Look everyone has the right to be the best version of themselves. Only you can decide what that is. While secret can be erotic, no one has the right ou authority to decide major life choices without at least discussing things with their partners. That means you must come clean. give her a chance right de ide to stay or go. tell her who you are. you might surprise yourself.
    2 points
  20. Few years ago toured an old house/ mansion from about 1860. Had a tower room in the middle of the house, third floor with windows all four sides, designed draw out hot air in the days before air conditioning( you see a few of those down here). Was just the right size for a sling. Remember thinking I would definitely put one up there if I could have afforded the house. Talk about a room with a view.
    2 points
  21. The locker room of a rugby club - after a match, being used by the whole team one after another.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Definitely try again... 🙂
    2 points
  24. @Jaygusher BRAVO on all accounts : You delivered an amazing story!!!! You completed this amazing story !!!! ....which so many other authors fail to do ... they turn us on - and leave us hanging with rock hard cocks in hand ... while YOU BROUGHT US SOOOOOO MANY ORGASMS - Thank you for this .... This story is definitely a MUST KEEP and belongs to the TOP STORIES HERE!!!! Cannot wait what story will follow next!!!!
    2 points
  25. One wonders, since Grindr isn’t actually very useful for cruising. On the other hand, if you’re trying to find a flake, a game-player, or a time-waster, it’s a gold mine.
    2 points
  26. PART SIX "Great stuff Cody, the money'll be with your stuff" I heard Seth say as I walked off. He must've known the money'd be too good to refuse and had already put it there. I was too busy following the trail of wet footprints to try & find Tim to ask what he was talking about. By the time I'd gotten to where all of the other guys must've gotten changed he was long gone. What I did find was Cade the make-up guy as he was about to leave. "Cody right? Your stuff's over there. From the size of the envelope you must've been fucked as well. Who'd you get?" "Ah, Tim" I sheepishly replied. "Yeah, he's the one that they usually use for first timers. Still, that'll be enough for a rounds of PrEP for you seeing his cum's worked its magic." I looked blankly at him and then a huge smile broke across his face. "Oh, you're already poz then and you don't care? That's great news." My blank face must've gone completely white as he said that, "Oh god...you've got no idea what I'm talking about do you?" "I...I'd never been with a guy before today." "Tell you what, give me a lift home & I'll explain it all. My boyfriend just got called out of town on business so I'll have to get an uber otherwise" As we drove to his place I explained my situation and he told me where to get PEP and that everything'd be alright. He usually worked on the "poz scenes" with Tim and others as he called them but hadn't been feeling too well the past week or so and was just doing some make-up work. He'd been pozzed some time ago by his long-term partner & knew Tim well through the area before working together. We pulled out the front of the place and he gave me the address of an anonymous sexual health clinic nearby where I could pick up the medication first thing in the morning, I was so relieved! "God Cade, I can't thankyou enough for all of your help. You're literally a lifesaver." "You're damn right I am, and that's why there is a way you can thank me. You're gonna come inside with me, and I'm gonna fuck that arse of yours." "But haven't you got a partner? And...you're a top?" "Haha, fuck you're such a fag, you didn't even think about your girlfriend when I said I was going to fuck you..." Fuck, he had a point there, "And I'm a top/vers, you'll find out why when we get inside." As we made our way to his apartment block, he took my hand as I looked around nervously, praying no-one would see me. "It's alright Cody, the more freaked out you look, the stranger it looks to everyone else." he was probably right, so I held his hand as we walked towards the entrance. He punched in his code & opened the door for me, using his hand on the small of my back to guide me, then it quickly drifted lower to my arse. I heard the elevator opening as we moved closer, and I was mortified as to who might see me like this when a lady in her sixties came out. "Ah hello Cade, Jeremy must be out of town is he?" "He sure is!" "Good thing I'm off to the movies then, you can make all the noise you want, give him one for me!" I couldn't help but be shocked as I entered the lift, "She's a neighbor then?" "Oh yeah, and the only problem she has with Jez & me is that sometimes we make too much noise. You're more hung up about this than anyone!" It was only when the door opened for his floor that I realised Cade's hand had slipped inside the back of my pants and was rubbing one of my cheeks. We walked into his apartment and he asked if I'd like a drink, I declined thinking the faster I'd be out of there the better. "The bedroom's through there," he nodded to the room. "I'm gonna grab a drink, leave your clothes here." I took my clothes off and made my way to what was a huge bedroom, standing with my back to the doorway. I soon felt Cade's breath on the back of my neck, and his hand groping my butt. "Mmm, no wonder they wanted you to stay back, kneel down in front of that seat over there." I made my way over to a big armchair & knelt in front of it as instructed. Cade was right behind me, putting his beer on the side table before he sat down. When he sat down, I knew immediately why he said he was a top. Although his dick was probably slightly on the larger side of the ones I'd sucked today, he had a massive piercing through its head. He must've seen my reaction as he laughed before saying, "That's why I'm a top mate, guys see that and their arse gets hungry for it, those that don't know about it already of course. I think it's known around town as "The Hole Destroyer"". "Um yeah...I can see why." "So it's in your best interests to get it good & wet before it goes in that pussy of yours." After the day I'd had, I was pretty well aware of what worked for guys so I got straight to work on him. I'd hoped that if I gave a really good blowjob, he might cum before fucking me. "Still hungry for cock after today? Wow, we might make a fag out of you yet. Plenty of eye contact too, that's such a turn on for me." I looked up at him, defeated. "Fuck, is there anything better than drinking a beer while you're getting a blowjob?" I knew there wasn't, but I'd never been in the position of giving one. It felt weird having a piercing in my mouth and I had to be careful on it. "Play with it in your mouth, I love that shit" Cade said. I flicked it with my tongue as I looked up at him, like it was my girlfriend's clit. "That's it man, you can take more than that, it's not gonna hurt." I smiled at his encouragement and took him deeper. "Theeeeeere's a good poof! I knew you loved it!" I didn't though, I hated it didn't I? "Righto, it's time." I felt his finger push into my arse. "Plenty of cum in there, Tim usually does a good job so you won't need much lube at all. Get on the bed for me." I obediently got up onto the bed and on all fours, presenting my hole to him. "No mate, it's not gonna be done like that. I wanna see your face when I take your hole, you're gonna ride me." END OF PART SIX
    2 points
  27. Local cumdump had an ad on grindr. I showed up and on my way in, there were two guys leaving. The smell of man-sex hit me in the face as soon as I opened the door. I get to the back bedroom of his shitty trailer house and there are 4 guys all in various stages of sin. I made 5. I drop my pants and sit on the bed and one fag immediately starts sucking me to life. The other three start a spitroast. Homeboy on my cock gets me to full attention and I tell him I want to fuck him. He starts to try to get out of it, saying he’s “mostly straight” and just likes to suck dick and swallow cum. I finally get him talked into trying. In the meantime his phone starts blowing up constantly, calls and texts. He says it’s his wife and kids. I get my dick worked all the way into him and start to stroke in and out of him. I can do some pretty fucked up shit sometimes when my dick is hard and I really have a homewrecker fetish. While I’m deep stroking him, his phone rings again. I grab it, slide the answer button, put it on speakerphone, and throw it down next to him. “Daddy, where are you?” are the words I heard as I slammed myself to the hilt in this “straight” man’s virgin hole while at least one of his kids listened to me use their father. Dad then whimpered an almost out of breath “tell mommy I’ll be home soon” as I started to grunt and breed him while he struggled to hang up the phone. This was like 8 years ago. Idk how old they were, but I wonder if they’re old enough to realize they were listening to their dad take a breeding from a stranger.
    2 points
  28. 2. I picked up my clothes and wearing only my jock, walked back to my little apartment. As soon as I was in the door I couldn’t help but run my finger over my hole. It felt slick and a little puffy. It had never felt like that before. On a whim I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked the ass juice and cum from them. I felt even more slutty than before. It was a little hard to think about what had just transpired and how quickly it had happened. I suddenly understood my love of man scent, an attraction to older men, and had been fucked raw for the first time. My cock gave a powerful throb. I was still so horny. Danny was right, I would have said yes to anything in that moment, but time wasn’t going to change that. I wanted to keep feeling like this. I slipped a finger into my ass and felt how lose my ring felt. It had never been like this when I’d played with it before. This was what it was like to have a properly fucked hole. I was open, full of cum, and ready for more. I went into the bedroom and pulled out my suitcase. I had put most of my clothes away already, but there were a few personal items I hadn’t unpacked yet still. Sitting in the bottom of my duffle was a little black cloth bag. Long and heavy it was obvious before opening what was inside it. I took the shiny black butt plug out. Even though I had used it just a few days before it now seemed smaller somehow, a little less impressive. It wasn’t wildly thick or wildly long, but it had served me well in college. Normally it took a good amount of lube to get it in, but I suspected today would be much easier. I spat onto the head, and rubbed the toy against my hole. The spit made my sphincter slick again. I took a deep breath. I let it out slowly, and slid the toy inside my ass. It locked in easily, and I gasped a little. It felt good to be full again. I worked it in and out, the cum from my hole frothing around the shaft. I pulled it entirely out of my hole and pushed it into my mouth. I licked the cum from the silicone plug. With my mouth full of cum and ass juice I sat down hard on the plug. It slid into me in one easy movement. My phone buzzed. I struggled to find it for a minute. It was still in the pocket of my shorts which lay in a discarded heap on the floor. There was a text from an unknown number with a local area code. Hey David. This is Jack: it read. I felt my hands shake a little and my hole twitched around the plug. Hi!: I responded. Did you enjoy your time with Danny this afternoon? Yes daddy! It was amazing. I like you calling me daddy: his responses were coming fast: it gets me hard boy. The next message that came through was a picture of a shockingly thick uncut cock erupting from a slightly trimmed bush of dense gray pubes. The foreskin looked thick, and somehow delicious. There was a glint of precum leaking out of it. I typed back fast: Fuck daddy! That is a beautiful cock! All the same rules that Danny had apply with me boy. You have to tell me what you want. I want you to fuck me: after my afternoon with Danny I was more confident, it was easier to say what I was thinking. What else? I want you to fuck me till you cum in my hole. Anything else? I want to be your boy! I want you to take me. Good boy. What are you doing now? Honestly? Yes boy. I’m playing with my hole. I’m sitting on a butt plug right now wishing it was your cock. You want me to come fuck you? Yes daddy! You’re ready for me now? Yes! Good. Unlock the door and wait for me on your knees in the living room. Leave the plug in your hole. I’m coming to you now. Holy shit! I thought. It was happening now. I ran to the front door, holding the plug in my ass with one hand, and made sure it was unlocked. Then I stepped back a few paces and got on my knees waiting. My heart was thudding, but my cock was hard as a rock and my hole was pulsing around the plug’s shaft. Despite my nerves there was nothing that was going to stop me doing whatever this man asked of me. For several long moments I knelt on the cold tile waiting. He took his time I thought, making sure that just enough time had passed that I would worry he wasn’t coming. Then I heard footsteps on the path outside, a shadow passed in front of the window, and the door opened. Jack stood framed in the door way. He was shirtless, his skin a deep warm tan that stood out in sharp contrast from the forest of silver-gray hair that covered his torso. His nipples were large and brown. His belly stood proud from his body, a firm sort of belly that seemed to be built on top of a base of powerful muscle. His shoulders were broad and powerful looking. On the bottom half he wore a pair of short little vintage looking basketball shorts. They did nothing to hide the sizable bulge he was already sporting. He stepped into the room and closed the door. I realized I was holding my breath. “Hello boy,” he said in his rich resonant voice. “I’m glad to see you’re waiting for me so patiently.” “Of course, daddy.” “You remember the rules?” “Yes daddy!” “What are they?” “If I want something I have to say it out loud.” “That’s right. So what do you want.” “You daddy! I want you! I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me. I want you to breed me! I want to be your boy!” “Good boy. I’m going to keep asking you. I’m going to check in with you every step of the way till your hole is leaking my cum.” “Yes daddy!” “Now, before we go any further I want you to know what you’re committing to by taking my load. If you take my load you are promising me that Danny and I will get to fuck you together. If that isn’t something you want you can decide that any time until my load gets pumped into you. Once that happens however, your hole is promised to us. Do you understand.” “Yes daddy!” “Do you still want to continue?” “Yes!” “Then come suck my cock.” I crawled across the floor and my hands and knees in front of him. He pushed his shorts to the ground unleashing his cock. The foreskin was naturally rolled back part way down the throbbing head. His pubes looked a little wilder than the picture, a dense mound of gray hair. His balls hung low and full. I licked my lips. Holding his cock by the base Jack shook it at me, a little drop of precum oozed from the head. I moved forward still on my knees with my mouth open and caught the head in my mouth. I circled the head with my tongue, working under the foreskin, and eliciting a pleasure filled sigh from Jack. I held onto his shaft and balls as I began to bob forward and back. Danny had been in control when I sucked his cock… really it had been more like him face fucking me. Jack, however, was letting me do all the work. I pushed myself down on his cock, swallowing hard. I tried to breathe through my nose so I could take him deeper and longer. Still I was only halfway down the girthy shaft when my gag reflex kicked in and I fell back coughing and spluttering. “Its ok boy,” Jack said in a soothing tone closing the distance between us again, “You’ll get used to it. Danny and I will have you deep throating our cocks like a champ in no time. For now, take your time and savor daddy’s cock. Show me how much you love my fat dick in your mouth.” “Yes daddy!” I jumped back up and started to slobber all over his cock. I licked around the slit, lapping up the precum that was leaking out. I swallowed both of his balls at the same time. I slid my mouth up and down his cock till it glistened. My jaw was tired, and my face was once more covered in my spit. “Good boy, you love daddy’s cock don’t you. You love worshiping it.” “I do daddy! I love your cock. I love having it in my mouth.” “You’ve done a good job boy. Really. Now get up and worship daddy’s body a little.” He put both of his hands behind his head exposing his pits. I was instantly hit with the smell of a hot sweaty man and my hole clenched around the plug. I leapt up and dove into his pit. His scent was different than Danny’s but no less intoxicating. I slurped away like a starving man. I felt like my head was spinning. This smell was like a drug that made you horny. The more I smelled it the harder I got and the hungrier I got for cock. A long bead of precum hung from the tip of my cock now. I didn’t know what a pig was at the time, but when I look back I could pinpoint this afternoon as the moment I became a pig. The scent of a man was all it took to make me horny. By the time I was licking his second pit I was in heat. I pulled out of his pit, my face covered in spit, sweat and his scent. On my tip toes I kissed him lightly on the mouth and said, “Please fuck me.” “You’re ready for daddy’s cock?” “Yes!” “You remember what that means boy?” “You’re going to breed me.” “And if I breed you…?” “I’m committing to letting you and Danny fuck me together.” “Is that something you want?” “Yes!” “Say it.” “I want you and Danny to fuck me together! I want to be your boy! I want you both to fuck me, and use me, and fill me with cum!” “Good boy! Lets go to the bedroom and get that plug out then.” He led me by the hand into the bedroom, and tossed me on my back onto the mattress. Immediately I pulled my legs up and hugged my knees to the sides of my chest. “Look at that ass! Damn. Danny wasn’t kidding. Such a perfectly furry butt. And isn’t that the cutest little plug you’ve got in there. Is that the only plug you own boy?” “Yes… I… well…” “Go on.” “When I got back from being fucked by Danny I wanted to feel full again so badly I pulled it out of my suitcase and put it in immediately. It made me feel slutty to know I had Danny’s cum plugged inside my hole.” “That is nothing to be ashamed of. Feeling slutty is good.” He tugged on the base of the plug causing me to moan. “Now, I’m going to take it out, and then I’m going to put my cock in your hole. You’re sure you want that?” “More than anything!” “Good boy.” He pulled a little harder and the plug slid from my hole with a soft squelch. I moaned. “That is a pretty hole. Probably a little tight still, but a pretty hole.” “I don’t think its that tight after Danny.” I laughed. “Oh its still tight… but if you keep going with us you wont be. I’ll stretch you out good.” “Fuck yes!” I had never considered being opened up, but now that he said it I desperately wanted to be. He spat into his hand and lubed up his cock, then he spat again and smeared it all over my tender hole. I moaned again. “So eager,” he said and lined his cock up with my hole. He rugged the big head against my pucker, smearing his precum and spit around. I was whimpering, and pushing my ass back trying to get him to slide inside me. When he finally shifted his weight and sunk the first few inches of his cock into me I sighed deeply. It didn’t hurt, it felt like bliss washing over me. My hole radiated pleasure as the second raw cock of my life slowly slid inside me. Sweat sprung up across my chest, and I could smell myself too now. I had never noticed my own scent before, but now I found it just as hot and sexy as Danny or Jack’s. I put one hand behind my head and smelled my own musk. “That’s it boy! Smell your own manly scent. It turns you on doesn’t it. Good! We don’t like our boys too fresh. We want you to smell like a fucking man.” He bent forward, pushing the last inch of his cock into me and stuffed his nose in my pit. He inhaled deeply, and with a satisfied sigh, ran his tongue from the side of my body to just below my elbow. He smiled and kissed me. I tasted salty sweat on his lips, my own salty sweat. I wrapped my arms around him and held his big burly body to me kissing him passionately. Our tongues wrestled, invading each others mouths. He held his cock balls deep inside me, flexing it against my tight hole as we kissed. “Use me,” I said, my voice a breathless whisper. “Good boy,” he said in return, and reared back so he was towering over me. I looked up his body, taking in the firm belly, the massive pecs, the thick gray hair. I felt overwhelmed by my lust for this man. This man old enough to be my father. This man who’s husband had fucked me and bred me just a few hours before. This man who now had his unprotected cock inside me. This man who was going to give me the second load I’d ever taken. Everything about him was astounding and sexy. Then he began to thrust. The pleasure I’d gotten from Danny’s cock hadn’t been a fluke, or a one off. Jack’s cock felt just as amazing as he slid it slowly in and out of my hole. He held my thighs wide, on either side of his thick frame. I was spread open for him, his belly rubbing against my crotch. I felt my mouth go slack as he picked up the pace. “I can feel Danny’s load in your hole.” “It feels so good daddy!” “I love sloppy seconds.” “Fuck me!” He was pounding me now. There was a steady slapping sound echoing around the room and a grunting it took me a minute to realize was coming from me. Jack’s cock was knocking a low guttural sound out of my mouth with each deep thrust. It was uncontrollable and animalistic, my body’s reaction to being dicked down. “You like that big raw daddy dick don’t you?” “Yes! I fucking love it. I need your load daddy! Breed my hole!” “Don’t worry boy, you’ll be full of spunk soon enough.” He starter to fuck me even harder, growling with each thrust. It felt like he was punching my guts with his cock head. He slammed it in and out. I could tell my hole had gone slack around his invading cock, no longer putting up any fight. He had hold of my ankles now and was holding my legs forward and out so that he was over me slightly. I looked up into his handsome face, contorted in pleasure and exertion as he railed me. Sweat glistened on his face, and trickled down in little rivers through his dense chest hair. I watched his face change, the pleasure and exertion slowly morphed into hunger. It was like an animal was clawing its way out of him. A werewolf shifting at the full moon. His breathing was ragged, his eyes clenched shut, and his jaw set. A low growl came from deep inside his chest, the kind that you feel more than hear. He was jack hammering his cock in and out of my without mercy. I was a ragdoll in his hands. With one last powerful thrust he forced the full length of his member inside me. It throbbed against my battered hole. I felt the cum rush up through his shaft till it exploded inside me. His cum flooded my hole as his cock pulsed inside me. I felt a glowing warmth spread inside my gut. “Thank you, daddy,” I whispered. I felt spent. It wasn’t until he dipped his fingers into the mess I’d made on my stomach and chest I realized he had fucked another load out of me. I had been so overwhelmed by the pleasure his cock was giving me I hadn’t noticed my own dick shooting another massive load. He brought his cum covered fingers to his lips and licked my load off of them. Then he bent down and kissed me. I tasted my own cum on his tongue. I could smell his sent. I was in heaven. Slowly he pulled his cock out of my hole. We both groaned. I felt warm but empty. Jack flopped down on the bed next to me. I let my legs down, my hole felt slick. “Damn boy. You did good.” I rolled onto my side to face him, and ran one hand through his thick chest hair. “Thank you, daddy. It felt… It felt better than any sex I’ve had before.” “Danny told me that he was the first man to fuck you raw.” “Yes!” “Well that’s part of why it felt better. Raw sex just feels better. Having a man finish inside you makes it even hotter. Right? You like being full of our cum don’t you?” “Oh my god yes!” “The other reason is, we know what we’re doing. Older men know how to take care of a boy’s hole. We know what you need, and how to make you feel good.” “You fucked me better than any boy in my college.” “Good. That will hopefully keep you coming back for more… speaking of. You’ve got my load in your guts now. You remember what that means?” “It means I’m committed to letting you and Danny use me together!” “Good boy.” He kissed me. “Is that still what you want?” “Yes! I want you both!” “You’re horny again already aren’t you!” “Yes… if you told me to bend over for Danny right now I would.” He laughed, a deep rumbling laugh that I felt through the mattress, “Good to know, but we’re not going to give it to you quite yet. You’re going to have one more opportunity to back out boy. Im going to leave you here to think for a while. If you really want to be our boy. If you really want us to use you, to open you up, to breed you; come to Bungalow 4 at 8pm. Don’t bother getting dressed. Walk over in your jock, that’s how we’ll know you’re committed. Once you’re there tonight though, you will not be given more opportunities to back out. We will use you. You will be our boy, our cum slut.” “Yes daddy!” “Good boy.” He kissed me again, and then got up from the bed. He walked out into the front room and I followed him. He picked up his shorts and made to leave without putting them on, his cocks still shinny from my hole. “Oh, I’ll drop off a bigger plug for you in a couple of minutes. If you find you need something more substantial than that little thing in the meantime.” One more kiss and then he was gone. I was naked except for a jockstrap now wet with spit and cum, my chest covered in my own drying loads, with an ass full of sperm from two different men, and I was harder than I’d ever been before.
    2 points
  29. Anyone else have a cheating fetish? I love cheating. if you’re here to tell me I’m a horrible person, don’t bother, I don’t care lol
    1 point
  30. I have been submitting lots of ads seeking doms to come by and turn me from a bi kinky shy dad into a slutwhore by being held down and forced to take some thing like weed, coke, or others but without much success. Recently 'tho, I met up with someone who replied to my ad than really blew my mind away. We arranged to meet at my house while my wife and kids were away. Further I was to be dressed only in white g-string and white socks. George came by and we sat down and chatted. We had already agreed that he could force me to take some Tina and than seduce me. As we chatted, he took out his glass pipe and prepared some crystals in the bowl. When he leaned over to kiss me, I resisted and tried to move away. This got him angry and he forcibly kissed me pushing my mouth open and invading my mouth with his tongue. He then lit his glass pipe, took a deep hit, bent over me and kissed me hard as he forced the contents of the glass pipe in me. He took another hit and did the same. He then held me down, pinched my nose as he held the glass pipe directly in my mouth and waited for me to gasp for breath and inhale deeply through the glass pipe. Once he sensed I was feeling the effects of the Tina, he started caressing my nipples, teasing them, before licking and sucking them. My nipples have always been really sensitive but they have never felt so sensitive before. I was writhing with desire as he started caressing me as he continued to lick and suck on my tits. I almost fainted with desire when he started to tease my ass with his finger. I was trying to wriggle my ass so his fingers could work its way in me. All this time he kept asking me if I was ready to be his crystal whore. By this time I was so turned on I was pushing my ass against his fingers as he started inserting first one, then two until finally he had all four fingers in me. I was begging for him to fuck me. He told me to go on all fours and then started to fuck me, doggy style. As he rode me, he kept playing with my nipples. I was feeling so good that I was begging for him to fuck me harder and deeper and make me his whore. He then laid down on his back with his cock standing up. I was so horny by now that straddled him and sat on his cock as I fucked myself on him. As I worked my ass on his cock, I leaned forward so he could suck on my nipples as I fucked him. Oooh, the feeling was just fantastic. I was feeling so horny and turned on. I was now such a slut I was begging for him to make me his whore. He then pulled out and made me suck his cock that had been in my ass which love doing so much I have never been such a nasty whore before for a gay guy, but I just sucked his gorgeous cock without a second thought even though it has just been in my ass. He rammed his cock in until I gagged, but he kept at it, telling me he was gonna make sure I learned how to deep-throat his cock. I was starting to have regrets as the Tina wore out. He than had me lay on my back and as he fucked me with my legs high over his shoulders, he took another hit and lean over and kissed me and exhaled into me. This time I gladly sucked in all I could. He repeated this about five times before sitting me up and making me take a couple more hits directly from the glass pipe. I was feeling so horny from the Tina I was begging for him to fuck me and cum in my pussy ass. I've never been fucked so hard and so long and felt so horny when he licked and sucked my tits. We kept at it for at least four hours. I only wished there were more guys using me 'cause I was so turned on I would have been willing to be gang banged. He finally came in my ass and forced his cock in my mouth. I have never enjoyed the taste of cum, but was so turned on I gladly sucked it all in and had him rub it all over my face. I was no longer put off by the taste of cum, but reveled in it. When he finally stopped fucking me, he told me that the next time, he would blindfold me, and turn me into his whore, adding that he would have a few guys use me at the same time. I can't wait!
    1 point
  31. Dad’s Basement Part One OFF LIMITS !!!! That’s how it always was, no one had access to the basement except Dad. Growing up I used to imagine that he was a mad scientist and it was his laboratory where he conducted hair raising experiments. As I got older, my thoughts changed - was it his private gym - he was built, but I knew he went to a gym early in the morning - hell I even went with him quite a few times. My mind always wondered, but I never had the chance to go down —— until now. Here it was my eighteenth birthday, I was home alone, which was the norm since Mom ran off with some man she met on the internet when I was starting my teen years and has not been heard from since. It was when I was heading to the kitchen to get my breakfast, that I saw it. The basement door was open, not wide open, but just enough to know someone could go down there. Stomach be damned, my curiosity was strong than my hunger at this point. I had to see what was down there. “Dad, are you home?” I yelled. No response. I made my way to the laundry room, which accessed the garage and saw that his truck was gone. My stomach groaned - not from hunger, but nerves. I made my way through the house, looking for my Dad. I wanted to make sure I was home alone. I was still scared of getting caught in the “forbidden basement.” He was no where to be found in the house, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hiding some where. Fuck I can’t believe I would think that my own Dad would set me up. I had to make sure. Grabbing my cell, I dialed Dad’s number, he quickly answered after one ring, was he waiting for this call. Was this a set up? “Morning Squirt, what’s up?” he said. Squirt - the nickname he knew I hated, yet called me that when it was just the two of us. “Dad, do you want me to do the yard today?” I asked “It’s your birthday and you want to do yard work? We can do it this weekend, together. Any more silly questions or can I get back to my work so I can be home on time?” he replied. “Yeah, are you coming home early or what, like you said it is my birthday.” “Right now, Squirt, it looks like normal time. Got any other pressing questions?” “Nah, I’m good” I replied. "Bye, Dad.” I hung up and quickly made my way to the basement door. In my mind I expected it to be closed and locked, thinking it was all a trick of my mind. Without knowing it I held my breathe as I made my way to the door, only to slowly release it seeing that the door was still a jar. Nervously, I slowly pushed the door open, exposing the darkened stairs which lead to the mysterious basement below. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything in the darkness below. Nothing! That first step was the hardest, I had always known I was not allowed down here, but with finding the door opened I could not help but break the rule. I felt the way to see if I could find a switch to illuminate the mystery, nothing. Another what the fuck? I slowly descended the stairs until I was at the bottom. The nerves in my stomach were twitching so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I was frozen to the floor, as my hands explored the walls, searching for a light switch. It wasn't long until I found one. I closed my eyes and flipped it, as I thought “let there be light.” At that moment, I wondered if this is really what I wanted. Did I want to know my Dad’s secret? I slowly opened my eyes, finding the room flooded with a red light. The walls were darkly painted and if I were to guess they were black. There was symbols painted on they walls with phrases under them. The one that was the biggest and stood out the most was a circle like symbol, that I had seen somewhere before, but did not know where, and had the phrase under it that said “TOXIC FOR LIFE” Else where there were sayings like “no load refused,” “Seed belongs in holes,” and “gifting is the way” - and more. I didn’t under stand. I slowly moved inwards, noticing a leather pad hanging from chains in one corner, two padded “saw horses” in the middle of the room. What the fuck is this place, I thought. It’s not a gym, because I have never seen equipment like this. As I made my way back, I saw that tucked under the stairs was an open shower area, with white tiles and three heads and two drains. I still didn’t understand. I passed out of that room and into another. The room was painted just like the other, with more phrases. The only different was the symbol, this time there was a huge scorpion on the wall, freaky as shit and ugly as hell. Under the big scorpion was shelves with little brown bottles on them, as well as what looked like plastic bottles filled with a clear liquid. I racked my mind trying to figure out what this shit was and what it was used for. From where I was standing there was a darkened opening to my left and one to my right, leading off to who knows where and what. Being adventurous, I went to the left, it was dark inside so I felt my way. I bumped into the a wall in front of me, but felt an opening to my right, so I turned and continued. I bumped and turned many times again. Shit this was some kind of maze. I panicked, I tried to remember which way I turned and went. What if I get trapped in here and Dad finds me here. I turned and moved, finding relief when I found the opening to get out. I have to be more careful. I discovered nothing with that adventure, so I decided to head to the other opening I went across the room and into through the other opening to find a wall blocking me, but with openings on the left and right. I went left only to find that this lead me to a room with another wall that went completely across the room. I walked to my right keeping a distance from the new wall with my hand on the wall that I first came to. I saw that there was three holes in the wall, which allowed light to come through. I gathered my courage and crossed the room to the middle hole, to discover that the hole came up to about my crotch. I slowly squatted down and looked through the hole - only to see the outside door to the left, which was letting in the light from out side through the frosted windows. I didn’t understand any of this. I went back out and look around the big room again, I failed to notice more shelves holding more brown bottles and plastic squeeze bottles. In each corner was a TV, hung high near the ceiling. As I got back to the stairs, I realized there was another opening on the wall with the light switch. It was still dark inside, so I reached around inside trying to find the new room’s light switch. A musty smell invaded my nostrils, rousing my curiosity, as well as my cock. Why was I turned on by this smell. Moments later I found the switch and found this room was a locker room. The lockers formed a square in the center, yet none were on the outer walls. Entering I found why. There were hundreds of used jocks nailed to the wall with pictures under them. The jocks were stained, some a bright yellow, some creamy, some very dark yellow. I lifted one of the jocks to look at the picture. It was of a naked man who’s cock was hard as a rock, my guess the owner of the jock. I lifted the picture up, to find a name, date, and what looked like a code - numbers mixed with three letters in the middle. Looking around I could see that three walls were almost covered with jocks. The fourth was bare. At this point I wanted out of the basement. I had so many questions, yet I found that I didn’t want to seek the answers to them. Switching off the lights I made my way I back upstairs, climbed them and put the basement door like I found it. My mind was racing - what the fuck was that shit downstairs and what did it all mean. Confused, I wanted answers, but again I didn’t. Was I really suppose to see this? Did Dad make a mistake? I went to my room, grabbed my laptop, determined to find out what all this was, even if it took all day. I logged in and had an email from my Dad pop up on my desk top. It’s subject line was “BASEMENT” - I forgo my searching to read this. It read: Squirt, I left the basement open for you today. It is time you found out what the secret is. It was after your call that I knew you were going to head down there. So here is what I do down there. I SUCK DICK, GET MY DICK SUCKED, FUCK ASS AND GET MY ASS FUCKED. I can only put it bluntly. Yes, son I am a faggot, cocksucker, or if you want me to be pc - I am gay. I built the basement as a sex club for men like me. We get together as much as possible to have sex. There is a sling hanging from the ceiling, fuck benches, a maze with glory holes, and a glory hole wall to suck cock from people not in our “Club.” I have well stocked it will lube and poppers (you snort to get a rush - not drugs), the TV’s are for porn. I am sure you are wondering what are on the walls. Son, we are a Poz Fuck Club, each of the members is HIV positive and each man enjoys passing his strain to others. We do not let loads of cum go to waste - we swallow and we breed. The jocks and pictures are of men who had been converted by our club members. I know this may shock you, that your Dad is a toxic cock slut, but after discovering what you were watching on line, I thought it was time for you to know, learn and maybe join in (this part makes my cock hard) Don’t be embarrassed - I want you to be open about sex even with me. I will be open with you. We will talk more when I get home. Happy Birthday Son Love ya, Dad I read the email over and over. He knew what I watched on line. I was so scared that if he ever discovered my secret, it would either scare him or anger him, not turn him on. I needed to talk my mind off him and the basement until he got home. So I headed to the living room to watch movies until he got home.
    1 point
  32. This gorgeous, dark skin man that knows my boyfriend has been trying to hook up with us for a few months (he mostly only communicated with the bf and we haven't been able to line our schedules up yet). One day, he began talking to me directly and started implying that he wanted to get with me on the side but the bf couldn't know (nor could his!). Obviously, I said YES! When I go to his place, he was waiting for me with his rock hard BBC, toned body and piercing eyes. He was quite a bit larger than what I'm used to and took his time opening me up. Before I knew it, he was pounding away and had me begging for more. After many different positions, he told me he was going to breed me and then he did. I felt every shot. After, he laid me on my side and started expertly massaging my prostate, verbalizing he wanted me to cum for 'daddy' and I did shortly thereafter..... (also, I am 40 and he is 25 🤯) After that, he politely asked me if I needed a towel, to which I said yes. After wiping down and reaching for my clothes, he came up to me and whispered in my ear: "I know you just came but can I PLEASE feel inside you one more time before you leave? You just felt SO good and I NEED to feel you again." ....In summary, I'm not sure which thing he did or said was the hottest but I definitely left a happy camper that day! I am curious what others' "hottest thing said" stories are?
    1 point
  33. Yup, they are both one and the same. This is either a sequel prequel or spinoff. But perverted Mr. Lewis is back at it
    1 point
  34. “Oh my god…..I can’t believe he came inside me and didnt use a condom like I asked. What the fuck do I do?!? Rob must be furious right now…” Unsure what to think, Matt feels his hole. Now, dripping with Billy’s cum. Matt starts to feel how much cum is inside himself and gets hard again. He knows he should be even angrier but his cock gets rock hard again. With some of Billy’s cum on his hand, he begins to jerk his 7” twink cock. Of course, just then, there’s a knock at the door. Billy telling Matt its time to take him home. At that point, Matt, angry and horny as fuck and already full of cum, he opens the door and shows Billy that he wants some more before he goes home. Billy smirks knowing he’s going to get more of that twink hole and bends Matt back over the sink of his bathroom and slides his monster cock back inside of Matt. All 9” buried easily into his guts. Matt makes Billy pull out to get on his back and lifts his legs up. Billy slams his cock back into the conquered slut and they begin to make out. Billy begins to talk dirty again. “Little slut liked my raw cock, didnt he?!?” Matt could only moan and grab Billy’s face and say “Ugh yes. I need your big cock in me raw. I need your load filling me up!” Billy, smirking, tells Matt that he’s gonna make that ass a regular cum dump over that Summer. Matt’s eyes roll back in his head as he wraps his legs around Billy. The two of them are wrapped around each other on the sink as they continue to kiss and get sweaty. Matt reaches back to pull Billy as deep as he can. Billy looks down at Matt and spits on his face. He demands Matt opens his mouth and spits in his mouth as well. They begin to furiously make out as Billy’s hips thrust harder and deeper into Matt’s guts. Matt’s cock begins to twitch and he’s about to cum once more without touching himself. This time he asks Billy for permission to cum. Billy says he better cum he needs even more lube. As Matt erupts all over himself, Billy scoops up the cum and lube his cock even more and fucks Matt’s own cum inside his hole. Billy now lifts Matt up and brings him into the bedroom so he can fuck even harder. At this point, Matt’s feet are behind his head as Billy drills downward with all 9”. Matt’s still rock hard as Billy pounds his prostate. Billy is gleaming with sweat as he uses Matt as a fuck toy. Billy begins to get close for the third time and tells Matt to get ready for another load. Matt is moaning and begging Billy to flood his ass one more time. Matt tightens his hole as Billy slaps his ass and Billy lets out a gutteral moan as he unloads inside of Matt once more. Billy, keeping his cock inside of Matt, becomes more gentle. Slowly thrusting his softening cock into Matt but kissing Matt and telling him how well he did and how good his hole felt. At that point the two showered quickly and Billy drove Matt home as Matt’s hands and mouth enjoyed Billy’s cock the entire way home.
    1 point
  35. I'd be back as often as I could...
    1 point
  36. I would also love to whore myself out as a free-use cumdump on like a cruise or at some kind of tropical resort
    1 point
  37. I would love to get fucked at a gay dance club with everybody watching. Not even trying to hide it, just taking a stranger’s load in my ass … and then in my fantasy it turns into a gangbang
    1 point
  38. That seems like the only good type of relationship and just seems more natural honestly.
    1 point
  39. Just spent the last hour getting fucked by extremely thick married bull. Started off by sitting on his dick and riding slowly until I was adjusted. Then we fucked in every position we found ourselves in, rode him hard until he shot a huge load in, he stayed hard rolled me onto my back and proceeded to breed a second load into me missionary.
    1 point
  40. Just visited a Grindr guy in his apartment. He had a sheet with a hole in it over the doorway to his bedroom and as soon as I got my clothes off his semi-hard cock poked through the hole. And I gobbled it up and sucked him til he was rock hard. Then I sucked some more, really enjoying his thick cut cock, deep-throating him, getting him lubed up with my spit. Then I stood up and turned around and backed my asshole up against his cock. He pushed and I opened up to him and he shoved it all the way in with no hesitation. I held on to the door jambs on the opposite walls and he fucked me hard and hot. He ripped the sheet open bigger so he could grip my hips and go deeper. I said “whatever you do don’t pull out when you cum” and he said “I won’t.” Then his pace got a bit harder and more frantic and he went deep and held still as he pumped his load deep in my guts. Then I got dressed and left. Hopefully to get more loads today.
    1 point
  41. I'm 46, 90% top, but once in a while I need cock. My husband is a cumdump in the region of Ghent, Belgium - i whore him out to as many as possible, but now it was my turn. One of the regular breeders (36) that fucks my hubby's hole was up for it, so after some sucking, he planted a load in me. Grinder was of use for top 2, a 31yo guy with a fat cock. Rode him, bred me. Then i went to a local park (Kristallijn), where i met a 24 yo on Grindr, keen to bareback. He started by rimming and sucking the loads out of my hole before breeding me. After him, i went to a fat cocked 29yo for the final breed. Now that that is out of my system for a couple of weeks, please line up bottoms: i'll breed you.
    1 point
  42. Epilog The Kid had a pretty wild ride this time, He stared out with the gay chem side including a male co-worker taking him in the company bathroom after work and Back to him getting taken by a woman co-worker that blackmailed him into submitting to her. This will be the last installment for the Kid. The Link to the Beginning of this series is below. I posted other stories about the Kid and you want to view the, you can search them in the Chem sex forum Link to the Chapter 1 of this story
    1 point
  43. My most recent exploration of power exchange/surrender of control with my mentor has had me craving more. I love that feeling of helplessness and the thrill that it adds. We also finally met face to face, and I learned that he's much older than me - in his 60s, which was a huge turn on for me. We had more discussions about power exchange, and we are definitely trending towards a total power exchange type situation, but agreed that we would take things slowly and one step at a time. He was also really proud of me for going to the bathhouse and getting loaded up there. We'll be going together at some point. Some of the new rules that we established included me never being allowed to wear clothes while in my master's home. I also need to ask my master's permission in order to cum, with the exception of cumming hands free (e.g. while being fucked without touching myself) - we talked about chastity but will revisit this later. I am to service my master and anyone else he sees fit to whore me out to. He also got me a collection of toys - when I am not taking loads, I am to practice stretching out my hole. He told me that I'd be getting double penetrated, and he wanted to fist me eventually once I was able to take it. I'm currently working on to taking a toy that's 8 inches in circumference, and the next two are 9.3 in and 10 inches respectively. Once I get to the 10, he thinks I'll be ready to take his fist. We also established a daily breeding regimen. Every morning, I am to head over to my mentor/master's home and take his load(s) before I go about my day. His home has a sort of attached in-law unit which has a separate back door entrance, and I was to show up, strip naked, and wait on the bed on all fours. After being bred, I was required to to keep the cum in me (assisted with a plug) so that my body could absorb it, as often as practically possible (allowances for cleaning out, etc.). This would also have the benefit of keeping my ass lubed and ready for me to take cock at any point. He also told me that he has a camera set up in the room, and that he would film every session. There's something I find incredibly thrilling about this vulnerability - especially since I'm not out, him having this leverage over me should worry me, but for whatever reason, it just makes me hard when I think about it. Starting my new regimen was incredibly pervy and hot. The first day, going about my day wearing a butt plug with my master's cum in my ass was incredibly horny and very distracting. One of my friends even noticed and asked if I was okay, saying I looked really unfocused. I made an excuse, but if only they knew what was really going on! We've been doing this now for about a week, and I've managed to get into a bit of a rhythm so I'm less distracted and actually able to focus in class. Sometimes it's quick and fast and I'm on my way, other times he fucks two or three loads into me. In any case, it just feels right. For next steps, we talked more about watersports, consensual non-consent, and impact play - my master is a big sadist and he wants to introduce me to impact play next. He assures me that it's not a one-sided thing - a skilled top can induce an endorphin rush/"runner's high" in a bottom, which he described as a state of euphoria. I'm a bit nervous, but also very curious and I want to please, so we'll see how this goes.
    1 point
  44. Just barely dancing around this issue. Have always felt I had an addictive personality and scrupulously avoided T for years. Several months ago I hooked up with a huge BBC at an LA bathhouse. We went to his room. He was smoking and I actually feared he might disappoint me with Tina dick but in fact it seemed to empower him and make him harder. We ran into each other a couple more times at the baths and the fucking was always great, him high and cumming multiple times and me afraid to try the pipe. We finally started seeing each other for long sessions at seedy motels and his place I screwed up my courage to do one shotgun while making out Then another and then many more as he penetrated my hole. I loved the feeling First of all my ass just opened up, no going slow or working to accommodate his huge cock Also, I’ve never felt so horny and fulfilled at the same time Hard to describe the feeling. Almost like floating a bit outside my body. Simce then he has smoked me out every time I only smoke with him. I haven’t bought, don’t own a pipe and tell myself this is special and I have it under control. But I know in my heart I’ll say yes to the next guy who offers it to me. Just hoping it doesn’t totally suck me in. But I have a sense a lot of Tina whores have had that conversation with themselves, at some point before they realized they were losing control. Anyone else been down this road?
    1 point
  45. I don't wanna come off judgemental because Im not perfect, but I wouldn't. Risking someone else's health is kinda selfish. It's one thing for us to get something because we know the risks that come with this...but to risk someone else? Ehh
    1 point
  46. Chapter 23 When the Kid got back to his place he walked in the door and found an envelope under the door. On it was written ‘ I know what you did ‘ . It was the same handwriting that was on the note in his office. He opened it and found a message that said ‘ Call me or I let everyone know what a slut you really are. Including your sweet girlfriend ‘. He was exhausted and needed a day to recover so he didn’t call that night, he slept thru most of the next day and he got up the nerve to call the number. A man on the other side answered the call. He didn’t recognize the deep voice. The Kid said I got a note whit this number on it and instructed to call it. The guy said “ Oh, you must be the Kid I have heard about “. The kid wasn’t sure what to make of that and the phone was handed to a woman with an older voice. She said “ It is about time you called. I thought I was going to have to make a call to our girlfriend to see where you were “. He recognized the voice to belong to Gloria. She was the older lady that sat in the cubicle across from his office that was always smiling at him and giving him glimpses up her shirts, he noticed that lately she waw getting bolder and making sure he could see her panties. He didn’t know if she was considered a ‘Cougar ‘ but she was a lot older than him. He would guess she was in her early 50s. hell, His mum was only 55. The thought of her wasn’t appealing to him. It wasn’t that she was ugly, in fact she looked pretty good and had a nice shape but she was just too old for him. He felt he didn’t have much choice in this situation. She told him that he needed to come to her place and they could talk a bit. After getting her address he showered and headed over to her place. He remembered what his Neighbor had said about the one new Cialis he was given and that he would be incredibly Horney and he still had a partial hardon, in fact the warm shower water seemed to magically bring it back to life. He drove over to the address that he was given, it was an older brown-stone and he walked up the steps and paused a bit. He was trying to figure a way out of the mess when she opened the door. She looked at him and said “ Come on in, you didn’t change your mind did you “? The Kid replied “ No “. She told him he was just in time, her friend had left and she had a couple drinks made up for them. He said that he wasn’t into alcohol that much but he also figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a drink with her. He tool a sip of the drink and discovered it had a lot of alcohol in it but wasn’t bad, he asked her what it was and she said it weas on the order of a ‘ Long Island Tea ‘ but with a little extra in it. She said it relaxed her and made her more Horney. It was apparent that this wasn’t the first one she had tonight. She told him that she saw the Vid of him in the park and knew that she and one of her other co-workers had some fun the other night before you left work. He was apprehensive when she said that and she reached over and patted him on the leg and said “ Don’t worry, your secrete is safe with me. He has done me in the men’s room after work on more than one occasion “. Her hand slid up his thigh to his crotch and felt his semi hard cock. It didn’t take much for it to grow and she though it was because he was attracted to her and ready form fun. She stood up and pulled her robe off and what he saw shocked him. If he hadn’t been Horney for her, he was certainly now. His mind flashed back to when he was younger looking at some of his fathers magazines he found. The ones that were hidden in a box in the garage covered with some old news papers. His heart rate about doubled. He spent many nights jerking off to those mags and here was one of the women in front of him
    1 point
  47. Chapter 21 The Neighbor knew it was getting late and the Sun would be coming up soon and he would have to call it quits but the Kid had one more surprise before the end of the night. The Cop was digging deep as he could in the Kid’s ass. He wasn’t that long but with the thickness he was definitely opening the Kid’s fuck hole a lot. When the Cop would push in to one side you cold hear the pathetic little girl squeal from the other side of the wall. The Neighbor knew he was going to have a great time editing this movie. The Cop reached aid to get his phone from a near by shelf, he said “ I want to get some pics of my cock in this Kid’s ass so that when some of those whiney sluts on the strip or in the park complain about his size he can show them that this Kid took it up his ass “. He took a couple pics and then switched to the Vid mode and took a short Vid of his cock going in and out of the Kid. You could hear the High pitch squeal of the Kid as he did this. The Cop handed his phone to one of the guys and stared to really lay a strong fuck to the Kid’s ass. The wall was shaking with every thrust, and he was getting close to shooting his six day load. He knew it was going to be a big one. He hadn’t felt this good for a while and it was almost hard for him to get his nut. He didn’t realize that he was getting a hit of the Meth from the Kid’s ass. Sweat was dripping off he Cop as he plowed the Kid’s ass. You could hear the squishing sounds of the Kid’s overly stretched ass while that thick piece of man-meat was trying to destroy the Kid’s ass. As spun as the Kid was, his ass was openly excepting the assault on his ass. The Cop bellowed “ Here it cums you worthless little fag “. With hat you could see the Cops cock throbbing in the Kid’s ass. It seemed to do on forever and with each throb everyone knew that a huge rope of dirty cum was being delivered to the Kid’s cunt. The Cop finally finished and pulled out. There was a constant stream of cum running out of the Kid’s ass. One guy moved in to fuck the messy hole and commented that he was really lose and he didn’t know if he could get off in that mess. Another guy couched down behind the Guy and asked it that helps. The guy said “ Oh yes, feels great “. The guy had put four fingers in the Kid’s ass to help tighten it up. The guy couching said “ He is really sloppy and there is a lot in the pan under him. Looks like this Kid had a lot of fun tonight “. The guy said I am having problems getting off. Gues sit is the Damn Tins “. The couching guy worked a finger into he Guys ass and mashed his prostate. The guy yelled and stared coming. Because of the Tina it was one of the strongest climaxes he had in a while. The Guy with his fingers in the Kid’s ass said “ O Yeah. I feel the nice warm cum being shot in the Kid’s ass ”. The guy stared coming down from his climax and realized that the Hinger in his ass was almost uncomfortable. The pressure that was being put on his Prostate felt great a minute ago but now it was uncomfortable. He asked the guy to stop doing that and the guy pulled his finger out of the guys ass and the Kid’s cunt. The guy stared to fall back and a guy behind him steadied him. There was only two more guys that hadn’t taken the Kid’s ass yet and they were sitting on a couch waiting their turn. The was going to be the Kid’s last fuck of the Night but the Neighbor hadn’t gotten of yet either.
    1 point
  48. Chapter 16 The POZ guy smiled to himself thinking he was about to pop a cherry on a NEG guy and them send him home with a little extra in his tank. He kind of hoped he was read for this but at the same time didn’t really care, you come here, you get what you get. With that he rammed deep in the Guy’s unprotected ass, splitting his hole open like never before. He felt the rush of adrenaline as his cock pulsed and shot rope after rope of hot cum in the guy’s newly deflowered cunt. The guy whimpered with the sudden intrusion and sharp spike as his hole was pried open more that any toys he had used on himself. The Brutality caught his off Gard but, in a moment, he was shooting off in the bent over guy that was bound to the point he couldn’t move. A couple guys saw what was happening and what surprises the guy might be taking home and started to cheer. The guy that was heading home thought it was for him and smiled. The POZ guy pulled out and the guy started to pull back when another guy came up and slid a couple finger up the guys now sloppy ass. He tasted the rich cum dripping out of the guys ass and then did something the guy never felt. He started to rim the guy as he stood there with his cock softening but still lodged in the bent guy’s ass. His cock started getting hard again. He never felt so hot, so intensely turned on and wanted more up his ass. He couldn’t figure out what was happening, but it was something he definitely would try to repeat again. He was sweating and his legs started giving out on him. He pulled out and the guy that was riming him grabbed the guy by the cock and lead him over to a ouch to sit down. The guy started sucking on his cock. It was tender and not real hard but he wanted to shoot again, he desperately needed that final release. He looked over at the ass he just shot in to see another guy was already using that messy hole for his pleasure. Even though it was dimne in the room, he could see the slippery shine on the guy’s butt cheeks. The guy that was sucking his cock was also fingering his ass again and it was really getting him hot. The guy mentioned he had to get going soon and that is when another came up behind the couch and started rubbing the guy’s nipples. It felt like electricity was hitting his skin, it wasn’t intense, but it was definitely there. The guy was memorized by the feelings he was getting. He felt the finger pulled from his ass, he was disappointed, he desperately need this to continue but he also knew he was late and needed to get home. All of his senses seemed to be amplified. A moment later he felt the guy sucking him push something hard up his ass. It felt lie a small rock or something. It almost felt sharp and he was going to say something when there was burn he had never felt before. He said “ That burns”. The guy kept fingering his ass and now was taking the guys cock to the root. He had never felt that and he wished he would get hard so he could shoot. The warmth seemed to spread to all parts of his body, especially his groin. Someone got a damp towel and started drying the guy’s chest and legs, it felt cool and it was very welcome. Someone asked the guy how far he had to go to get home and he said only a couple streets over and that he had walked over on his normal afternoon exercise. He had no idea how much exercise he had gotten or how much more he might get tonight. The guy stood up and stared getting dressed, he was a bit wobbly on his feet but he figured it was from all the excitement and it would pass. A guy handed him a sealed bottler of water and said you best start drinking some fluids, you really got hot. The guy thanked him and said to please let him know when the next get-to-gether was going to be. He wanted to see if he could arrange more time to stay. With this group if he came back he would probably end up tied in on one of the benches with his ass hanging out and spun. Either way that water wasn’t exactly sealed as he thought, it had a dose of an experimental potent Viagra, He would not only be Horney with all sorts of energy but would also get an erection that should last for a while. He would want to fuck for hours and probably with the Tina in him would have problems getting across the finish line.
    1 point
  49. I had looked through the online portfolios of all the artists in the tour to see if any had a gay erotic slant to their work. No luck. I'd just received disturbing blood test results the week before. We live in a rural area and I needed gay contact, at least a hot hookup to lift my mood. I wasn't ready to tell my partner who'd grown to be more like a critical brother than a lover over the years. Two of the portraits of male artists caught my eye. One looked Mexican, I love a dark skinned man,and this guy had a sweet looking face. The other had a cute boyish face and engaging twinkle in his eyes. They made it into my list of five stops. The oil paintings at our first stop were very bold, lots of layers and depth. Very good but nothing that grabbed and held my attention. Stop two were landscape watercolours, again technically excellent, but not my thing. Stop three was a farm house on a sheep ranch. Again watercolours, but this time of animals. At least in the first showroom. This was the guy whose promotion picture had the twinkle in his eyes. He greeted us on our arrival. 6 feet, slim, dressed in bluejeans and a simple white low cut v-neck t-shirt exposing a nicely muscled chest with a moderate whisp of dark hair. And his handsome face had those twinling eyes, which I hoped were communicating something about his sexual orientation. My partner and I had a great time chatting him up and our gaydars were firing at full tilt. He asked if we would like to see his more private collection and called his partner to watch the main exhibit as he showed us the way to the back closed in portch. Here beautifully displayed was the work I had been looking for when I researched this tour. Beautiful watercolours of handsome naked men, and groups of men engaging in orgies of sex. I noticed immediately there was no hint of condoms in these paintings, not even the obvious penetration depictions. My prick began to respond and I hoped he and my partner didn't notice. Well at least my partner. We hadn't had sex in years, agreed to an open relationship; but, mostly 'don't ask, don't tell'; which left me feeling like I was cheating to even use porn, let alone fuck around. Twinkle eyes clearly had noticed and increased the flirtatiousness of his banter especially toward me. Did I mention he subtlety touched his crotch? We talked about the art, Broadway plays, and sheep farming before he asked if I wanted to see the new batch of lambs out in the barn. 'He only had one extra pair of rubber boots, he could take my partner out after me if he wanted. ' Twinkle eyes and I were no sooner in the barn and his tongue was down my throat. When he pulled away his words raced out, "Give me a blow job, we don't have much time. " I deep throated his 6.5 inch dick and sucked with everything I had. He moaned and one of his hands was making it's way under my belt. I loosened my belt and opened my jeans. "Comando. As I expected when I first saw your bulge grow." , as he pushed a finger in my hole. "Fuck, I need this hole. Condoms are in the house but you don't need those do you. " as he released his boner from my mouth. "No, never use them!" I spat. " You tested lately?" Him spinning and bending me. "Yup" me And his hard raw cock had already penetrated my hole. He fucked me like there'd be no tomorrow, and soon blasted deep into my ass. Before I could say "Hey you " he was feltching the load and snowballing to me. " Lube my ass" he slurpped. I swallowed his cum, no hardship for me, and said "Not a good idea." As he was lining my cock up with his ass, "You tested lately." As my raw dick head penetrated his ring, "I'm positive." His hot ass felt amazing as he pushed on deeper. I'm not a great top and as often happens my ball sack was already unloading painting the walls of his gut. "Sorry man, sorry!" "Fuck yeah man, did you cum? Plunge and dump? I love it we need to get back inside." "OK, you must be on PreP?" "I live in the country, I rarely get a chance to get fucked. Why would I be on PreP?" "You just took my unmedicated poz load up your ass. I said I was tested recently, you didn't ask the result." We were back at the portch door so he turned and pseudo whispered, "Fuck man, you might have just pozzed me?" "I tried to warn you. You better get to an emergency ward fast, they can treat you. " "Fuck man." We proceeded into the portch to find our partners deep in conversation about cooking. Conversation continued quite naturally and comfortably for some time 'til his dark handsome husband invited us to stay for lunch. My hubby jumped at this and we moved to the kitchen. Twinkle eyes led the way, followed by my hubby. I was next followed by his partner. I felt him grab my hips, push his crotch into me as he nibbled on my ear and whispered, "No fooling me, I can smell the cum in your ass. My turn next."
    1 point
  50. The beaded metal sound (#1) is my fave. (The beads make the sound!)
    1 point
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