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  1. We clinked our glasses together, and each took a small sip of champagne. Being 18 years old neither one of us was particularly used to it, so she grimaced a little and I almost certainly did. “Well done Your Majesty” she said, smiling at me. “And to you too, Your Majesty” I replied, before reaching up and touching the plastic nonsense I was wearing on my head. We had fished out our Prom King and Queen crowns to remind ourselves of what we had achieved. “We made it” she said. “It’s done.” “It is” I said. “Well, that part of it is.” “You know what I mean” she replied, smirking. I winked at her, then turned my head to look out at the moonlit lake in front of us. “Can’t quite believe it” I said quietly. “Thought for sure someone would find out.” “I didn’t” she replied, causing me to turn and look at her quizzically. “I mean, yeah, it could have happened, but we’re both so fucking good at acting that I was sure we would survive.” Survive we had, and here we were sitting toasting our graduation from high school. The crowning at the Senior Prom had been quite a feat for a gay jock and his lesbian girlfriend, but of course that’s not what our classmates knew us as. Ben “Cockhands” Hancock, the celebrated quarterback of the school football team, and Rachel Westman, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Popular, friendly, tall, athletic, good looking (even if I do say so myself)… Our win was so predictable it was almost cliché, but we still came first in the votes and duly and humbly accepted our crowns in front of our fellow seniors. Somehow we had got to that point without the true nature of our relationship getting found out: a pair of beards, hiding their exciting, sometimes sordid, private lives. We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the lake. “So you’re sure?” she asked. “I am” I replied. “It’s all I can think about.” “It’s a bit messed up” she said. “So you keep telling me” I sighed. “But it’s what I want.” “Fair enough” she said, “I guess I can’t stop you.” “No, you can’t” I responded. “Where?” she enquired, causing me to turn at look at her again. “I mean, where is it going to happen?” “One of his barns” I replied. “He says it’s where he normally does this part.” “Classy” she snorted. “Well, at least please let me know the address so I know where to send the police when he murders you.” “I’ll be fine” I said. “You know I’ve met up with him a few times, so I know what I’m getting into.” “Do you?” she asked. “Just because he’s fucked you in a toilet a few times does not mean he’s not going to strangle you tonight.” “Stop” I said, knowing she was joking but it somehow also causing my stomach to turn over a bit. The truth was, I did not know for sure that Tucker wasn’t a serial killer. What I did know is that he was going to fucking me several times that night, maybe with some help from his brother, and that by the end of it there was a good chance I would be HIV positive. — When Rachel had tried to get me to make a move on her after we had been dating for a while, I had come clean to her about my sexuality only to be overjoyed with her revealing her own true feelings back to me. There and then we agreed to become each other's beards, spending enough time together to not arouse any suspicion, but never seeking anything more from each other than friendship. Having her there as my faux girlfriend had been awesome, meaning I could maintain an image without having to force myself into something I did not in any want want to do, and had been willing to come out to her to avoid. What I did want to do was of course seek out men, and despite having no experience, I just knew deep down that I wanted to bend over for them rather than the other way round. However, I had shied away from activing pursuing any of that until my 18th birthday, when I had decided to go out and celebrate with a bang. I had read so many stories online about guys having their cherries popped on their 18th birthday, and it felt right to me that I had that kind of experience for myself. With Rachel’s help, I had put a lot of focus and effort into a whole charade to get myself clear of friends and family, and then had headed off after dark to a local public bathroom to see what sort of action I could get. Action I got, being fresh meat and all, and I went home that night thoroughly deflowered (at both ends). The day after that birthday, and only my second day of actually doing anything with men, is when my uncle caught me being fucked in the woods, evidently while seeking out a bit of action for himself while he was in town staying with us for my belated birthday celebrations. I got The Talk from him, but I think he also realised what was inevitable and thus helped me get a supply of Truvada so that I could safely and freely become the cumdump bottom I just so naturally seemed to be. That laid the groundwork for my senior year, and with our house being designed in such a way that it was very easy for me to come and go at night without my parents noticing, I had encountered few barriers in my nocturnal pursuits of cock. The problem with all this, despite how new I was to it, was that I wanted something more. Something more sleazy, more exciting, more dangerous. Yeah, I was happy to take cocks and loads all night, but there was something missing. I started to realise what that was the first time I encountered Tucker in the park toilets. Adorned with tattoos of scorpions, skulls and biohazard symbols, he hid nothing when it came to his status as a toxic, breeding pig. I did not hide that I was on PrEP, but the fact that I was only 18 was probably enough of a turn-on for him to breed me anyway. Him doing so, and growling in my ear about the toxic load I was taking, set off something exhilarating in me. This was it. This was the thing I needed. From then on I actively sought poz cock, and got fucked by Tucker many times over my senior year in all sorts of venues and locations. However, I remained on the pills my uncle sent me, putting up a barrier in my system to prevent the virus from getting in. Tucker started to get tired of it, and the thing is that I did as well. The more I sought poz cock, the more I wanted it to actually be dangerous, and for conversion to be possible. I had done some research online, and I knew that someone who got pozzed would have to go through the ‘fuck flu’ while converting. I decided that this was not something I wanted to endure during high school, particularly as it might lead to the game being given away, so I started to plan. Graduation Day just seemed to come into focus for me as the perfect time to aim for, and so I got things lined up. I managed to convince Tucker to fuck me again despite his reluctance, and then when he was hammering away inside me in that stinking public bathroom, I told him what I wanted. Unsurprisingly, he agreed. Meanwhile, after a bit of research, I worked out when to stop taking the Truvada, which also basically meant an ending to my nighttime escapades. I wanted this to happen when I chose, not accidentally. I came up with some bullshit excuses why I couldn’t be with my friends that night, and also used Rachel as the reason for escaping my family. Reading me like a book, she’d demanded to know what was going on, and it was actually quite liberating to tell her. To give her due credit, she was not as appalled as I thought she might have been, and had elected to go along with it all despite her misgivings about what I was choosing to do to myself. Now we were sitting beside the lake, having one last night of being a notional couple before we officially broke up and got on with our lives beyond school. —— “I better go” I said, starting to stand up. “One more time, are you sure?” she asked, staying sat down but reaching up to take one of my hands . “Yes” I said. “We made it to graduation, but I want to be who I am for college.” “And that means getting infected?” she asked, sounding a little pleading. “Yes” I said again. “I know you don’t understand, and that it’s a bit fucked up, but I just know that this is what I need to do.” She continued to look up at me for a moment, then nodded and let go of my hand. “Well then” she said, “I can at least say I tried. Have fun, I guess.” “Thanks” I replied, smiling at her as warmly as I could. “Not just for that, but for all of it.” “You too” she replied. “We made quite a team.” “We did” I said. “Don’t stay here by yourself please.” “Jenna’s on her way” Rachel replied, smiling. “We’ll drink the rest of the champagne and then go get naked.” I laughed, and then turned and headed off towards the edge of the park where I had parked the car. I’d only had a couple of sips of champagne and knew I was fine to drive, so I started up the engine and set off out of town to Tucker’s farm. I had not actually been onto it before, but in the lead up to Graduation Day I had headed out to the address he had given me one Sunday morning to scope it out. Truth be told, and despite Rachel’s ribbing, I had wanted to see if it gave me any sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. From what I could see though it all looked like a normal farm, with animals around, buildings in good shape, and so on. The drive out there only took a few minutes at this time of night, with the hardest part being the bumpy dirt track up to the main house. Once I had negotiated that, I pulled in to what looked like a sensible spot in the yard, turned off the engine and then sat for a moment to gather my senses. Was I actually going through with this? Was it crazy? No, it’s not crazy, I thought to myself. I’ve wanted this all year. I’m never going to marry someone and have kids. I’m a cumdump. I’m meant to be filled with everything men have to give. I’m meant to be toxic. “Toxic” I whispered to myself. “A poz cumdump whore.” That was all I needed, to hear myself say what I was, or at least wanted to be. Certain and resolved, I opened the door and got out, just as Tucker emerged from the house with a man who I immediately knew must be his brother. I guess this was going to be a two-for-one night then, immediately getting my dick hard at the prospect. “Evening boy” said Tucker. “This here is my brother Grayson.” “Hello sir” I said, nodding towards the brother. “Respectable little pig, isn’t he?” said Grayson. “Let’s see if we can’t fuck that out of him.” Tucker and his brother both laughed, but I gulped. This was happening. This was really happening. “Now let’s get you into that there barn and get on with this” said Tucker. “I’ve not fucked in a week and my balls are churning to get inside you.” The night was about to begin… [to be continued]
    12 points
  2. I necked my own drink, and then got up off the stool and followed Peter over to the padded fuck bench in the middle of the room. “Let’s give the guys a good welcome sight” he said, motioning me to get onto it. I took a hit of poppers from the bottle stored in the pouch on my harness, and then did as directed and got on the bench on all fours. I stayed still while he attached a couple of chains to the leather cuffs I was already wearing round my wrists, and waited patiently while he wrestled to get the bench’s own restraints round my boots to strap my legs in place. “Right, that should do” he said. “You lubed?” “Yeah” I replied. “Used a plug earlier too.” “Good” he said, “no need to dally around then.” With that, after a cursory exploration of my exposed hole with a couple of his fingers, I felt his cock pushing against me. Then, without much fanfare, he slowly but firmly pushed the entire length of it into me, the PA he promised (which I had not actually seen yet) feeling really different to anything I had experienced before. “There we go” he said. “You OK?” “Yeah” I breathed out. With that he started to slowly fuck, building up his tempo fairly quickly until he was hammering in and out of me. He was really verbal throughout, repeatedly telling me how toxic he was, how this was going to be the fuck that changed me, and what a slut I was. I just moaned and groaned as I was pushed back and forth, absolutely loving both the physical feeling of his cock in me as well as the mental fuckery he was putting me through with this first pozzing of the night. Eventually he thrust into me one final time and stayed put through the spasms of his orgasm, pumping me full of his gloriously toxic juices. I just quietly muttered “breed me” over and over and encourage him to fully empty his tanks into me. Just as he was breathing deeply out following the final spurt, we heard the door to the warehouse open and clomp of several sets of footsteps coming into the foyer. “Company’s here” said Peter, before withdrawing himself from me and leaving me feeling empty and gaping. “Gents!” he shouted, as the men entered the room. “Just bred the pig to get us started, so he’s ready for you.” Cheers went up, and I heard a lot more clomping as the group moved around the room, I guessed in boots not dissimilar to what I was wearing. I could not tell how many of them there were given my exposed arse was pointing towards the door, and the immediate hubbub of conversation amongst them all did not help me work out what kind of crowd they were. However, it wasn’t long before I felt some hands started to explore my backside, and a finger get inserted. Again, it wasn’t clear if this was one guy, two, or a whole crowd. Then, of course, the finger was withdrawn and another cock was pressing against me. In it went, bony hands gripped my hips, and the next breeding of the evening got underway. While the mystery guy was fucking me, some of the crowd started moving around to where I could see them. They were indeed all middle aged or older, but it was otherwise a very mixed group. Fat and thin, tall and short, muscled and wasting, leather and normal clothes, smoking and not. I looked around them all as I was fucked, keeping eye contact where it was made, and admiring any dicks that were already out on display. Eventually a large chubby guy wearing a Nike tracksuit approached me closer and held out his dick, which I happily took into my mouth. I do love being spit roasted, and knowing that both dicks were poz was such a turn on that I started to moan around the cock being pushed down my throat. I was on that bench for a long time, and was fucked over and over. Although I’d seen some of the guys in attendance I knew there were more who had stayed behind me out of view, with quite a lot of chatter coming from the bar area over at the side. As such, I had no idea if everyone had bred me yet, whether anyone had taken a second turn, or what. It didn’t matter though, as I was being reamed out almost constantly, and while each guy had his own style and approach to it, every single one of them let me know in some way that I was taking unmedicated poz cum. This was even better than I’d hoped it would be. After however long it was, Peter appeared in front of me with a warm smile, while someone else was hammering away at the back. “Having fun?” he asked. I just moaned while nodding in response. “Well, we don’t want to wear you out so early in the night, so once Calum here has shot his load how about we give you a bit of a break?” I just nodded again. Truth be told, as awesome as this was, I wanted to change position, maybe have a drink and a cigarette, and I was keen to actually see this group in its entirety. Sure enough, the guy I now knew was called Calum shot off in me, his poz talk coming through with a bit of an Irish brogue, and then once he withdrew Peter and some other chap got me released from the bench. I stood up rather stiffly and stretched, then turned to see the group. There looked to be about twenty of them, much more than I had expected, and while most were chatting to each other a few did nod or wink in my direction as I made eye contact with them. I made my way over, and gladly took a glass of water that someone handed to me followed by a beer from someone else. While I wondered where the packet of cigarettes I had brought down had ended up, one was offered to me by a big bear of a man which I gladly took, and then relaxed into chatting to these men for a bit. They were a nice bunch it turned out, and I could see why they hung around together. There was no judgement of the various fetishes on display, nor of those who just dressed in normal clothes, and what surprised me the most was that no-one seemed to want to delve into my reasons for being there. I guessed I must not have been the first bugchaser to attend one of their gatherings. After a couple of drinks, a real gym bunny of a man started to stroke my exposed buttocks signalling that Round Two was not far off. I stood there and smoked what I knew would be my last cigarette for a while as a couple of others joined in with exploring my body, and then found myself being coaxed over to a nearby mattress. After being on my feet for a while at the bar it was a bit of a relief that it wasn’t the St Andrew’s Cross they wanted to use next, and I happily got down onto the mattress, took a few hits of poppers, and waited for some indication of what position to get into. The first couple of guys took me missionary style, seemingly enjoying making a lot of eye contact while they sawed in and out of my well-used hole with their toxic disco sticks. Others wanted me on all fours, a couple of group members had me ride them, and then the last few took me while I was spreadeagled on my front. Some got really verbal, others just did the deed and then made way for others. It was all fucking fantastic, quite frankly. Once the last of them was done, I once again got up to join the rest of the group, my stretched arsehole now properly dripping with toxic cum. Once again I was handed drinks and a cigarette, and once again it was just really nice to have a chat to this curious mix of guys. However, I could feel I was now a bit more physically tired, and I had lost all track of time so was clueless as to the hour. “Right, we’re going to get you into the sling” said Peter from behind me as he put his hands on my shoulders, “and then everyone is going to fuck one or two more loads into you. Then bed. OK?” I nodded, took a final draw of my cigarette, and then allowed myself to be walked over to a really impressive apparatus with a padded leather sling attached to it. I climbed up onto it, lay back and lifted my legs, watching as a couple of guys put my ankles through the hoops. However, rather than my wrists also being secured in place, I was quite surprised when an ashtray, cigarettes and a lighter were plonked on my chest, someone handed me some poppers, and another guy brought over some drinks and put them on a small table nearby. “Just say if you want some water, whisky or whatever” he said, giving me a warm smile. “Someone at this end will get it for you.” I could not help but chuckle, but gave him a warm smile back and nodded. Round Three was a much more relaxed affair, with everyone clearly less energetic than they had been before, but almost enjoying the fucking more as a result. It was fantastic to just lie there with a steady supply of toxic cocks keeping me filled, while able to make eye contact with each of the group, smoke cigarettes when I fancied it, take hits of poppers when I needed it, and gulp down swigs of water or whatever else was on offer to keep myself both hydrated and buzzed. Again, I have no idea how long I spent there, but time had no meaning nor concern to me. I was where I belonged, and this was only the first night. I could not wait to see what the rest of the weekend had in store. [to be continued]
    9 points
  3. Chapter 1: My name is Dennis I'm a young black male of 18 years old, 5'10", 150lbs. with a runner's built, athletic legs very shapely with a firm tight but, I'm out for my morning jog like I do every morning before school but this time was different no school I graduated a week ago so had the summer free. I made my regular hour jog around the neighborhood it's now about 6:23 in the morning, I'm about to pass Mr. Stevenson's house that lives next door to my parents house a fenced yard separates us, he just stepped out his door to pick up the newspaper. He looks up at me and wave me over I stop my jog and head over to his porch. Good morning Mr. Stevenson Hey Dennis how's your run going? Quite well Sir thanks for asking Hey Dennis I know you had a birthday a some months ago so I got you a present Ahh, Mr. Stevenson you didn't have to do that No problem at all son you're a good kid and I wanted to do something nice for you Thanks you again Sir Come on in so I can give it to you, you got time don't you? Yes Sir since I'm finish with school That's good it won't take that long son As l was walking pass Mr. Stevenson he was looking across the street up and down I didn't think anything of it and just walked into his house. Mr. Stevenson closed and locked his door, came up behind me place his right hand on my shoulder. Your gift is upstairs I wanted it to be a surprise go on up I'm right behind you. I reached the top of the stairs looking a little puzzle Your gift in the backroom Mr. Stevenson said and pointed the way. I walked into the room the door slammed Mr. Stevenson put a hand over my mouth grabbed me up from behind and carried me over to the bed, I was yelling into his hand kicking my legs but it did nothing Mr. Stevenson was way taller, bigger and stronger. He got to the bed and fell forward both of us hitting the bed hard, his heavy weight on me was making it hard for me to breathe but I was still trying to free myself. With his body on top of me he took his arm from around mybody reached up to grab my neck and started squeezing Shut The Fuck Up, Keep Still He was squeezing my neck hard I stop yelling and struggling to focus on air. Now do what I say and behave yourself and I won't have to hurt you, Do you hear me boy? Say It, Say It, Yes Sir! SAY IT!!! Yes Sir, his hand was still over my mouth. Good son, now reach under the pillow and get some of your birthday gifts out. I put my right hand under the pillow pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs, I started to sobbing That's not all boy, reach Again. "more sobbing" That's right a nice huge ballgag to keep your mouth shut. Now put that cuff around your wrist and squeeze it tight, tighter, Put the other cuff around the rod and close it around your other wrist, tighter Tighter! Now listen up I'm going to remove my hand from your month if I hear one sound I'm going to beat the shit out of you, Got It? and he started to squeeze my neck again harder that I was yelling yes into his hand. Good boy... He released the grip on my neck and took his other hand off my month picking up the ballgag, it was coming towards my mouth so I automatically open my mouth because I didn't wanted to get hurt. Good, you're leaning... I was making noises from my mouth as he was forcing that huge ball in, my jaws was hurting I yelled out some. Take It, It's going in one way or another, Open Wider, I Said Wider, I was shaking my head side to side yelling that I can't. Yes you can! He slapped my head then pushed it in Told you could take it He started pulling on the straps really hard they was cutting into the corners of mouth once it was buckle he got off me and the bed. I turned around and balled up my legs I just wanted to get away from him, "He was smiling" You ain't going nowhere so stop making it harder on yourself I'm still not finish getting you ready the most important birthday gift is still coming yet.
    6 points
  4. I breathed out deeply once I had closed the car door. It was done. My strapping younger son was safely delivered to the halls of residence, his first year at university about to begin, and I was done. Sure, fatherhood was lifelong, but this stage of it was over. Justin was starting out on his road to independence, his brother Jacob had already done so two years earlier, and I was now something of a free man. The boys were my pride and joy. Smart, athletic, good looking, popular, a perennial hit with the ladies - they were everything the right wing nut jobs would tell you they that never could have been with a single gay dad. But those things they were, and I was damn proud of it. Since their mother had thrown in the towel on parenting and marriage six months after Justin was born, they had been my entire focus. I had done a good job all things considered. My wife’s departure was obviously difficult, but it at least made me vow to never go down that road again. I have no regrets given the amazing two sons I have out of the whole debacle, but I knew I was gay before I even got married and it was tougher with each day to keep that side of me bottled up. I never made that mistake again, instead choosing to be honest with myself and those around me. Jacob and Justin grew up only knowing me as a gay man. Raising two sons by yourself does not leave much time for other pursuits, and I was basically celibate for fifteen years. Sure, I had many offers from my sister and parents for babysitting, but to be honest whenever I took them up on it and got out of the house, all I wanted to do was check into a hotel and sleep. However, once the boys were old enough that they could be left at home for a few hours with Jacob in charge, I finally started to re-explore the world of men, something that I had only done a little at university before meeting Simone. Well, it turned out that there was something of a pig in me who was finally being let out of the pen. At first I tried just generic - almost vanilla - hookups, but after I’d had my first visit to a gay sauna I realised my true nature lay on the sleazier side of things. I was initially versatile, and went on PrEP so I could safely engage in bareback sex with any man who fancied a session. In time I found I was really more of a bottom, although perfectly willing to top when the moment called for it. My preference, however, was to just be bred over and over, and I cared not by whom. But then I got bored. Maybe it was that age old problem of the excitement of something eventually wearing off, to the point that you start to look for the next thing to tickle you. I didn’t want that to be chems or other drugs, so I guess I started looking for it in the sex. Despite being on PrEP, I found there to be something exciting in hooking up with poz guys and having them shoot their toxic seed in me. I actively started seeking it out, engaging in a growing fantasy of being pozzed, and not always being honest with the tops that I was in fact on PrEP. I guess it was something of an epiphany that led to me realising that I didn’t just want the fantasy anymore. I wanted the real thing. I mentally flip-flopped on it for a long time, convincing myself in the comedown from a sex high that it was just a fantasy that I used to get turned on, but eventually it became impossible to convince myself that this was the case. It was obvious: I wanted to convert. However, I wanted to have some control over it, rather than just going off PrEP and randomly finding out some day that I had been pozzed. It was a turn-on for me, but also a transition to a new stage of life, and I wanted to choose when it was going to happen and be ‘in the moment’ with it all. As such, I joined the ranks of chasers online, seeking an actual unmedicated (and willing) top through the sea of undetectables. Many a hope was dashed along the way, finding myself being repeatedly ghosted once whichever guy I was talking to had presumably got his rocks off wanking about the fantasy. It was all quite disheartening, but then I seemed to strike gold. The guy - who went by the username PozMids - was a little older than me, and lived in a former mining town in the north Midlands. He ran what he described as a ‘social club’ for older poz guys, utilising the premises of his old family business in a warehouse on an industrial estate. He told me it was a relatively closed circle, but members were allowed to bring in some entertainment every now and then with the agreement of everyone else. He was proposing that I be that entertainment, after what he said had been a ‘stealthy vetting process’. It eventually transpired that some of the guys who had flaked out on me had actually been testing me to make sure I fit whatever they considered to be the requirements. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Justin had been accepted to the University of Nottingham, meaning I was going to be driving him up to the Midlands. It wasn’t too far to get to where this club was going to be meeting, and PozMids had told me that that I was welcome to stay for a long weekend as he had built a couple of bedrooms with basic facilities into the former offices of the warehouse. I just had to bring what food and drink I might want for any downtime I had, and otherwise my needs would be catered for by the group. This all sounded too good to be true, and I fully expected another flake-out. However, after dropping Justin off at his halls of residence, I messaged PozMids again and got an immediate reply containing the full address that I needed to go to. It was going to happen! I set off in the car, but had to pull over after a few minutes and compose myself. I was seriously excited, but I think I also needed to check that my racing heart was not a sign of impending doubt. Was this taking a fantasy too far? Did I really want to deliberately convert? I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Bad habit, not one I really had in my day-to-day life, but was a good nerve calmer when I was letting my inner pig out. It did the trick. Yes, this is what I wanted, and I was just pumped up as I was excited about it, with a possible mild tinge of wondering if I was unwittingly going round to a serial killer’s place of business. I chuckled to myself when I realised that was exactly what I was doing, from a certain point of view. Cigarette smoked, I got myself together and then set off again, putting on some music to accompany the drive. When I eventually found my way through the industrial estate to where my satnav was sending me, I parked up and got out of the car. There were a few warehouses around and it was far from obvious which one I was actually supposed to be heading for, so I got my phone out and messaged that I had arrived. While waiting for a response I then got my bags out of the car, dumped them on the pavement and lit another cigarette. Bags. Yes, plural. You see, aside from wanting the normal provisions you need for a weekend away, I had also brought my stash of kinks. Various bits of leather, some toys, a blindfold, a marker pen, and of course my douching equipment, lube and poppers. I was well ready for whatever these guys might be into, or of course for what I was into myself if I was given that choice. I had a vision of how I wanted at least part of this weekend to go, so thought I better come prepared. As I was approaching the end of my cigarette, I heard a door open behind me. Upon turning around, I saw a man emerge and immediately recognised him as PozMids. “Glad you could make it” he said, smiling as he walked towards me. “It’s always fifty-fifty.” “The odds are worse than that from my experience” I replied, also smiling. “True, true” he replied, reaching out to shake my hand as he got to me. “Anyway, I’m Peter, and welcome to my little place.” “Not so little” I said, looking back at the warehouse. “But I’m very pleased to be here. I’m Brad” “Good to meet you Brad” he said. “Now let’s get you inside and settled before everyone else arrives.” I picked up my bags and followed him inside, going up some stairs as soon as we walked through the door to reach a set of rooms. He directed me into one of them, where I found a single bed with a small set of drawers beside them, and then he showed me where the admittedly clean bathroom and kitchen were. I had honestly expected it to be a bit of a state, but he seemed to keep the place in good order. He also showed me the small balcony area at the side of the building, I guess having realised I might want somewhere to go and smoke. He left me to get unpacked, showered and cleaned out, and suggested I get dressed in whatever I was most comfortable in for the evening before coming back downstairs for a drink. I thus got on with all that, having a shower and then a bit of a douche to finish off a job I had quietly started before dawn at home while Justin was still sleeping. Once cleaned and dried, and with lube and a plug inserted in my rear end, I stepped outside wrapped in a towel to have a cigarette. I had another straight after, such were my nerves. Finally I felt ready to go all in on my outfit. First up a leather jockstrap, then some nice sturdy chaps and my Fuck Me Boots. I then got myself into a harness, my big thick padded wrist cuffs, and my muir cap. I then fished out and put on my 1.5 kilo silver chain, something I had bought on a whim and occasionally regretted given I was a bit too meek to wear it in my daily life, but which just seemed perfect for tonight. Finally, and with a bit of slow and careful effort, I used the marker and the convenient full-length mirror in the bathroom to write “POZ ME” on my buttcheeks. I had another cigarette outside to help me gather my nerves, and then went downstairs. There did not seem to be any other obvious rooms downstairs, so I went through the door into the main warehouse space. It was huge and thus looked pretty empty, but as I glanced around I saw there was actually quite a lot in there. Various mattresses, couches and chairs were dotted around, as were an array of big wooden boxes, upturned oil drums, a couple of slings, a St Andrew’s cross, and a padded leather fuck bench in the centre of the room. It was quite clear what this room was for, and I got an immediate hard-on. Over to the side was a bar area, and that’s where I saw Peter (aka PozMids) sitting on a stool with his back to me, looking at his phone. I coughed to make it clear I was in the room, and he swivelled round. “Well, you don’t beat about the bush” he said, smiling at me as I walked over. “Dressed like that, I think you’re not going to get much of a warm-up this evening. The guys will be all over you the minute they walk in.” “That’s what I was hoping” I said, smiling back at him. He offered me a drink, and I gladly took a large whisky. He also fished out an ashtray and slid it across the bar at me, letting me know I was fine to smoke in the warehouse. I happily lit up a cigarette as we sat on the stools having a drink. “So, you’re here to get pozzed” he said. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely” I replied. “Been wanting it for ages now.” “Fair enough” he said. “There’s a couple of guys coming tonight who are on meds, but most aren’t. One guy you won’t be able to miss has full-on AIDS.” “Great” I said, “hopefully tonight will be the night.” “I’m sure it will” he said. “I can get an old toothbrush out and make sure if you want.” “Actually” I replied, after hesitating, “I kind of want it to be natural.” “OK” he said, “although I have a big PA as do some of the other guys, so you’re going to get pretty worn out back there anyway.” “Cool” I said, smiling. “I like the sound of that.” “Any other limits?” he asked. “No” I replied, “I don’t think so.” “Well OK then. If you need a break just say, we’re not here to hold you hostage or force you to do things you don’t want to.” “Great” I said. “I’ve got quite a bit of stamina so hopefully I’ll be fine.” He necked the last of his drink, and then put the empty glass down on the bar. “Shall we get started?” [to be continued]
    6 points
  5. Here is my first attempt at a story. Hope you like it. Today was the day. The plan for my pozzing had been set in place. For the last week I had been messaging with an older Dom top who had a high VL. I had come across his profile on BBRTS and was enthralled by the pictures of his erect penis. His profile said he was poz. I had never been with a poz top let alone one with a high VL, but his cock pictures had me returning to his profile several times over the course of a week. He must have seen me repeatedly looking at his profile as he finally messaged me that he liked my profile and wanted to meet up. I saw his message to me the next day and responded to him that I really liked the pictures of his cock, but I was neg. He was online and replied right away saying that I was neg now but after an hour with him I would be poz. He then told me how much he loves loading a neg hole with his high VL toxic cum. Reading his response made my cock go rock hard. I first realized that I was gay when I was in junior high. As a teenager, I would masturbate to the fantasy of getting HIV. Growing up in a conservative town, there was little opportunity to explore my sexuality. There was an older single man named Bruce on our street who was believed to be gay, but he was not out. It was not until I was in university in a major city in a more liberal area of the country that I was able explore things. My first sexual experience was in second year with a senior that I met at a LGBT pub night. I told him I was a virgin before we left for his place. That night, we performed oral on each other until we both had cum. He invited me to come to his place later that week so he could take my anal virginity. There was never any discussion about condoms, he automatically put one on. It hurt when he first entered me, but once he got into a rhythm, I knew that I was born to be a bottom. Still due to my conservative upbringing, I dated women while in school and did have straight sex a few times. However, no matter what I did, whenever I had sex with a woman, I would always be thinking of having sex with a man as the bottom. After graduating I moved to a city with a large gay community and several bathhouses. Over the next few years, I discovered barebacking but was always very selective and still used condoms with most men. The fantasy of getting HIV though had never gone away and I would search bareback sex sites for poz tops and look at their pictures while masturbating. One day I found out from my cousin that Bruce had died of complications from aids. I replied to the high VL top from BBRTS that the thought of his poz cum being shot deep into my ass had made me really hard but that I didn’t think I could go through with it. He responded that he understood and wished me a good night. The next day, I was really horny and was surfing BBRTS. I noticed that he was online. I sent him a simple message saying how beautiful his cock looked and how great it would probably feel in my ass. He replied right away promising me it would feel amazing in my ass. He then warned me to be careful what I wish for because he only plays bare and once inside me, he would not stop until he had shot his toxic load inside me. I was rock-hard at the thought. In a moment of weakness, I asked if he wanted to play. He said he couldn’t but was free Saturday afternoon which was two days away. Friday, he sent me a message telling me that he could come to my place on Saturday afternoon around 3pm. If I was interested, I needed to provide him with my address by 2:30 Saturday afternoon. He then gave me a detailed list of instructions to prepare myself. I woke up Saturday morning with a raging hardon. I jerked off twice in the shower hoping that it would calm my nerves and eliminate being horny. But I just could not get the thought of him coming over out of my mind. At 2pm I sent him my address and started getting prepared. I thoroughly cleaned myself out and prepared my bed the way he requested. I got a message from him at 2:45 that he was on his way. I unlocked my front door, got undressed, lubed my hole, and waited on my bed. I was a nervous wreck. Time seemed to stand still waiting for him to arrive. Then after what seemed like hours, I heard a car pull into my driveway and then a car door open and close. I heard him enter my house and then he walked into my bedroom. He said hello and then proceeded to undress. His cock was much bigger than it looked in his profile. He climbed onto my bed, and I lay on my back with my legs up. He had a metal guitar pick on his index finger that had been filed to a sharp point. He slowly inserted his finger in my anus and started pressing the pick into the sides of my rectum. I knew that this was to prepare my hole to receive his gift. I let out a small yelp from the sting of each press after the seventh time he said just one more and then he pulled his finger out. I asked if he wanted me to suck his cock, but he told me pricking my rectum had made his cork rock hard. I could hear him spit on his cock and rub it around. He asked my one final time if I was sure about this because once he started pushing his cock in there was no stopping. I didn’t say anything, I was too scared to talk, I just pulled my legs up. In an instant, I felt his cock start to slide in. I immediately snapped back to reality, but the process had started. As he established a nice rhythm, his cock felt so good sliding in and out while rubbing on my prostate. I started to really enjoy it and began thrusting my hips in rhythm with his movements. After about 10 minutes, his breathing picked up and I knew he was getting close. My cock was harder than it had ever been. My mind was racing, what was I doing, I was about to have my life changed forever. My wrecked hole was seconds away from being filled with high VL poz cum. While I considered myself to be gay there was a small part of my that still wanted to have kids with a woman and at only 28 that was still seemed possible until today. I was about to become poz. At that instead he let out a loud moan and pushed his cock deep into my ass. As I looked into his eyes, I could feel the base of his cock pulsing with each spurt as he ejaculated into me. It was too late, I was being pozzed and there was nothing I could do about it now. The mental sensation was so intense that I started ejaculating my last neg load. I could feel tears in my eyes as the reality of what had just happened set in. As his cock started to go soft, I felt him pull out. He kissed me on the lips and told me that it would be OK. While he got dressed, I lay there on my bed thinking about Bruce, how he got pozzed and how he died. He kissed me one last time and said thank you. Then he left. I heard the front door close and then his car door before I heard his car drive away. I lay there well into the evening watching the sun go down replaying what had happened that afternoon over and over in my head. I alternated between regret and intense hornyness. I jerked off several more times until I could not cum anymore. The next day I resumed my normal routines and went about my life. I dove into my work as I had several projects that I wanted to get wrapped up in case I got the fuck flu. Sure enough, two and a half weeks later I became very sick with the flu. I knew what was happening. It took a week to recover. That Friday afternoon, I went to a local clinic and got tested. The result was not a surprise. As they gave me the results, my cock went rock hard. I sent him a message on BBRTS and he replied that night congratulating me. Then I went to CumUnion at a local bath house. I had not cum since the day I was pozzed. While I am usually a bottom, I found a nice young neg twink to fuck and proceeded to shoot a huge poz load into him. The feeling of my cock exploding into him while knowing how toxic my cock was felt amazing. The End
    5 points
  6. Part 22 After a while (I have no idea how long) Drew stirred and lifted himself up off of my chest, then off of my cock. I lay there in the stillness trying to relax but not knowing how (I didn't know then the extent to which tina could play havoc with resting and sleeping). Then I became aware of a sound and automatically knew it was due to someone having some kind of sex. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Drew leaning against the trunk of a nearby tree, bent over slightly at the waist. Kevin was on his knees behind him and was feverishly slurping on Drew's just-fucked asshole. That was the sound I had heard. I watched and listened as I heard Drew telling Kevin to eat his ass, to suck out his Daddy Justin's fresh cum. I groaned in lust and felt my half hard cock start to stir again. From the other direction I heard Ryan's deep sexy voice and turned my head to face him. He was sitting on the seat of the picnic table filling up another bowl and started talking to me. “Fuck man, you really drilled his ass good didn't you daddy? You got into all the dirty piggy talking you were doing with each other, huh?” Before I could answer Ryan offered me the freshly loaded pipe and once again, with no resistance at all, I eagerly inhaled the fuck smoke which had helped change me so quickly. I blew out a huge cloud and listened to Drew and Kevin while I listened to Ryan's sensuous enticing husky voice. “Yeah you really got into the idea of fucking your own son – Jeremy, right? - while you fucked Drew. Incest raw fucking is so damn hot man! Don't you think so?” I was confused with the thoughts running through my mind and the horniness I was feeling. I had never thought about incest at all and definitely not with my own son. But, there WAS something about fucking Drew and pretending it was Jeremy I had been fucking. Was it pretending, I asked myself, or was it wishing? “No!”, I screamed inside my head. I can't think like that about my own son. I won't I told myself. But..... Ryan continued his dirty arousing talking. “Is Jeremy as hot as you are, Justin? Is he hairy or smooth? Don't you ever wonder how big his dick is when it's hard? Haven't you ever wanted to see him naked and hard?” I couldn't help but moan deep in my throat as Ryan's words were easily worming themselves into my mind and brain, making me think of things I knew I shouldn't. A memory flashed in my brain of when I had accidentally walked in on Jeremy in the bathroom when he was 16. At the time I was embarrassed and apologetic. But now, between Ryan's verbal onslaught and all the walls that had been broken down last week and today, I remembered thinking how impressed I had been with the size of Jeremy's dick at the time. It had looked kind of plumped up I now realized and I wondered if he had been jacking off. “Oh, Jeremy,” I whispered softly stroking my re-awakening dick. I heard the “click” then parted my lips again as Ryan fed me more fuck smoke. And his rau*chy words fed a hidden hunger I knew I shouldn't acknowledge. As the sweet fuck smoke brought everything into a perspective that was totally carnal and forbidden, I heard Ryan as he continued. “Yeah, that's it. It's what you want man. Don't fight it. Think about how hot it would be to fuck Jeremy's ass.” I groaned. “How perfect it would be to get him spun on the fuck smoke and hear him beg you to fuck him. Or to let him fuck you.” I was pulling frantically on my hard cock as Ryan unrelentingly worked to destroy what had to be my last wall of resistance. Then I heard Drew's voice from the other side of me asking what was going on and why his Daddy Justin was so hard and moaning. Ryan answered, telling him, “Daddy Justin is thinking about partying and fucking with his son for real not just roleplay. He wants his own boy in a bad way man,” he finished saying with a smirk in his voice. “Is that right, Daddy Justin?” Drew asked me as he played with my hard nips. “Do you want to have some real nasty incest fun with your own son, Jeremy?” I no longer had the desire or strength to resist. Almost sobbing, but turned on like never before, I said, “Oh fuck yes! Heaven forgive me, but YES!” “Tell me, Daddy Justin,” Drew whispered into my ear. “Let me hear you say it. What do you want to do with Jeremy? Your own flesh-and-blood son, Jeremy?” “I want to fuck his hot teen ass!” I cried out. “I want to shoot my cum inside his guts. I want him to fuck me and cum in my hole. To breed his own dad's hole!” I couldn't believe I was saying these things but I knew I meant them. So bad! Drew pulled me up to a sitting position on the edge of the picnic table. I was light-headed and dizzy and had to close my eyes. I don't know how long I had been laying down there but I was aware it was starting to get dark. Drew stood between my legs and took my cock in his hand. “Well, Daddy Justin,” he said, “what would you say if I told you we might be able to make that happen for you? Would you want us to do that?” I shook my head. What is he talking about, I asked myself, even as I felt my dick throb harder and my ass twitch in anticipation. (to be continued)
    5 points
  7. Having read through this thread, all I can say, is 🤯🤯🤯! My fantasies/kinks are just that - mine! If the vibe is right, I'll mention them as a possibility to the bottom I'm going to hook up with. If they're not into them, I drop the conversation as I don't need to have my fantasies/kinks happen every time I have sex. Some of the listed requests are so weirdly specific, that I have to wonder what happened in those people's lives to get them to that point...
    4 points
  8. I'm sorry this happened. But the fact is, if an anal rupture has not healed naturally and it's been 3-4 months, you need to go see a doctor, pronto. The longer you wait, the more damage can be done that will be harder to repair - assuming it can be repaired. I realize you live in one of the shittiest states in the US for health care for uninsured people, with one of the shittiest governments in the US in charge, but you need to beg, borrow, or scrape together the money for a visit to an urgent care site (and they may send you to the ER). You might well have developed an infection that won't go away on its own, or otherwise injured yourself in a serious, serious way. No amount of folk healing advice from anyone on here is going to change that. This is a time for actual medical professionals, not suggestions for creams or cleaning.
    4 points
  9. Chapter 6 Monday, 6:45 A.M. It feels weird to say it, but I could tell he liked me. I never got sold off or prostituted like his other "victims". Getting his dick hard was as easy as kissing him on the cheek. When I mentioned my boyfriend, he clearly got jealous and started fucking me even harder. He even let me sleep every now and again. Of course, he still fucked me while I was asleep, and more than once I woke up with a load or two dripping out of my throbbing hole. Once he told me he was poz, the last ounce of my resistance disappeared. There was no point in resisting. I was never going to have a normal romantic relationship again, and that turned me on more than I'd ever been turned on. I had no choice but to be a depraved slut. It was Monday morning when he took me back. He passed out at some point a few hours ago. I decided to wake him up by eating his ass. It was covered in sweat, so he tasted fucking amazing. I felt drunk off his musk (and all the booze he'd force-fed me). I stopped licking his hole and started making out with it. I watched his flaccid cock get hard while I kissed his hole like I used to kiss my boyfriend. "Good morning, Sir," I said. It was time. The "vacation" I took over the weekend was ending, and I didn't want Earl to go back to jail. Plus, I couldn't help but wonder if he'd be true to his word and leave me on my boyfriend's front doorstep. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when his boyfriend came back to him covered in bruises, cum, sweat, and piss. He woke up. "Good morning, boy," he said. He grabbed my head and pulled my tongue deeper into his ass. I started tonguing his hole like a crazy person, refusing to come up for air and going as deep as I could. "Mmmmm, good boy," said Earl. "Choke on that fuckin' hole." I did as he told me. I don't think I could refuse him anymore. I would've done anything for him. "Kiss that ass like you wanna fuckin' marry it." "Yes sir," I tried to say. I could see his cock throbbing. I still couldn't believe how big he was. "I'm gonna cum, boy," he said. "Tell me how old you are." "18," I said. "An 18 year old is eating your old ass out..." "Again." I leaned forward and whispered a lower number in his ear. A much lower number. It wasn't true, but I knew it was what he wanted to hear. I was right. That number was all it took to make his fat balls pulse huge ropes of cum out of the tip of his cock as he moaned uncontrollably. "Fuck!" he said. "You're gonna send Daddy back to prison, babyboy..." I bent down and licked the cum off his red sheets. I didn't want any of his disgusting, diseased cum to go to waste. "It's time, boy." I was sad. I really, really didn't want to leave. He flipped over, got out of bed, and hoisted me onto his shoulders effortlessly. He carried me out of his room, the first time I'd been out in almost 3 days. He really had used me like a pocket pussy all weekend. He kept carrying me until we were both outside. Both of us were fully naked. He must not have been afraid of being caught. He pulled his keys out and opened his trunk. After all this, I was really going in there? I still had some dignity. I made this old, rapist, HIV+ motherfucker cum dozens of times and I don't even get to ride in a seat? "Sir... I was thinking I could sit beside you while you drove me off," I asked. "Seats are for men. Objects go in the trunk." He dropped me in. He took a piece of rope from the trunk and tied my legs together, then a pair of handcuffs with some blood on them. I wasn't the first one to be here, and I knew I wouldn't be the last. "Try not to run out of air. Give me your boyfriend's address, now." I was his property and I knew it. Any dignity or pride I had as a human being melted out of me. I was a sex offender's property, and I couldn't have been happier. The words "126 Beauplaisir Drive" dripped out of my mouth like saliva. He slammed the trunk shut. I was tied up and cuffed in the dark. I felt the car start to move. I took a lot of damage on the ride to my sweet, young boyfriend's apartment. He lived in Noblesville, so it was a long drive. I felt myself running out of oxygen. At some point, I passed out. When I woke up, I was being put on some sort of ottoman or small table he'd had in the back seat. I was directly in front of my boyfriend's door. "He deserves to see what I turned you into," he said. "I want him to see me poz you." I felt his head on the top of my hole. As he leaned forward, he pushed inside with no effort. I was a loose, gaping mess at this point. He knocked on the door. He was already fucking me as fast and hard as he could, like a fucking piston, when my 19 year old, short, beautiful, innocent boyfriend opened the door. He saw a man with a biohazard tattoo pumping the biggest cock he'd ever seen into his loving, loyal boyfriend. "Oh my God..." he said. I could see his tiny prick get stiff in his pants. "Honey..." I moaned to him. "He's raping me, baby. Watch his big Daddy dick fuck my ass better than you ever could. I'm sorry, honey, I'm his fleshlight now." I was barely even conscious at this point. I couldn't believe how depraved I'd become, but I loved it. I was breaking his pathetic heart in 2 and he couldn't do anything about it. He tried to shove Earl off me, but his tiny arms couldn't manage it. Earl pushed his dick deep in my guts to get close, then punched my boyfriend in his pretty blonde head. Earl picked me up in the palm of his hand, and walked into the apartment while he kept using my hole. He slammed the door before dropping me on top of my boyfriend on the floor. I moaned as he pumped his dick into my loose, knocked-up hole. "I wanna breed him too," he said. He was gonna give my boyfriend AIDS, too? How many teens had he done this to? "I can't stop you," I said. I sat on my boyfriend's bruised face. Earl's pre dripped down my colon into his mouth. He wasn't strong enough to pull me off. I watched Earl position his cock onto the entrance of his tight hole. His tiny prick was rock hard. We both leaned forward and pressed our sloppy, spit-covered lips onto each other. We kissed like it was our wedding night. "Beg," he demanded. I knew I'd have to say it out loud. "Poz my pathetic boyfriend," I said. "Ruin his hole. Ruin him like you ruined me. He lives alone. Nobody will know. You can do whatever you want to him. Anything." "You're such a good boy," he said. My boyfriend woke up. If it wasn't for my ass covering his face, he would've screamed. "Do you know what 'poz' means, boy?" he asked my boyfriend. He tried to shake his head no. "You're about to find out," Earl said. He pushed the head of his cock inside the boy I once called my future husband. I knew both my boyfriend and I were gonna be corrupted. I didn't know what Earl would end up doing to us, but I knew I'd love every second of it. _____ Thank you all for your support! It's crazy to see how many people love this concept. Feel free to DM me story ideas! :^)
    4 points
  10. Part 8 After the flip fucking and breeding we had done, made even more intense with the chems running through our blood and in our brains, we took a break to catch our breath and to smoke more weed and tina and drink some more of what was left of the liquor we'd had when we started out tonight. In my drug-hazy mind I wasn't sure how or when it had happened, but I noticed we were getting low on the booze. It was just a little after 11:00 P.M. and I knew we'd be wanting more for the night. I'd made arrangements when I booked the room to have all the beer and booze we wanted so I reached for the hotel room phone on the night table to call the front desk to order more. A deep sexy voice answered on the third ring and as I started to give the guy my name, room number and order, Chad slid 2 fingers into my cum-soaked hole and began twisting them around, making me moan softly. “Stop that!” I hissed quietly as I looked at Chad and saw the devious grin on his face. “Excuse me, sir?” the guy at the front desk asked on the other end of the call. “No, not you,” I replied trying to regain my composure as Chad added a third finger and began to slowly fuck them in and out of my hole. “My brother is being an ass!” I said by way of explanation. Chad grinned that beautiful seductive smile at me as he continued to torture me while I was on the phone. The desk clerk laughed at my explanation and seemed to let it pass as I wrapped up my order. At that exact moment Chad entered my hole with a fourth finger causing me to gasp and moan loudly. The desk clerk hesitated a moment and asked if I was all right. I assured him I was and asked him to hurry with the delivery, then quickly hung up the phone. I lay my head back on the bed and spread my hairy thighs wider, moaning continually from the hot sensation of having my little brother's fingers in my cummy and partyed-up hole. “You little shit!” I groaned at him while at the same time pushing against his fingers every time he pushed them into me. I heard Chad snicker. “You're liking it though, aren't you big bro?” he asked in a husky whisper. “Fuck yeah I am!” I'd never been fisted before but I'd seen Chad fisted twice in a couple of 3-ways we'd had and it had been obvious he'd enjoyed it. He had tried to talk me into giving it a try but it never appealed to me. I'd rather have his cock (or someone's cock) in my ass instead of a fist. But now, as high and horny as we both were I was not resisting at all as he slid his four fingers in and out of my pucker, stretching me wider than I'd ever been stretched. I wasn't consciously thinking of him fisting me but at the same time I was wondering if it felt this good or better. Chad scooted up so that he was kneeling on the bed, pushing my legs higher and back toward my chest. This position allowed him to move his fingers in and out at a faster smoother pace while I moaned louder than I probably should have (I didn't know how thin the walls between the rooms were), squirming on the bed in lust-filled pleasure. “Feels good doesn't it Lance?” he asked seductively. “Feels good having your little brother's fingers sawing in and out of your fuck-hole, huh?” “Yes! Oh fuck bro it feels fantastic!” “Now you can understand why I enjoy getting fisted from time to time,” he continued teasingly. “Right?” I spread my legs even wider and agreed with him that, yes, I understood. “Do you want me to fist you, Lance? Do you want your little brother to fist-fuck your horny hot married hole?” I was just about to answer him when suddenly there was a knock on the door making us both jump. “Fuck! It's probably the booze I ordered from the front desk”, I whispered. “Pull your fingers out, Chad!” I instructed him in a low voice, then saying in a louder voice to whoever had knocked, “Hold on. I'll be right there.” Chad cork-screwed his fingers once more inside me then slowly slid them out, smirking at me. Before I realized it or could stop him, Chad jumped off the bed and headed toward the door, glancing back at me and quickly said, “You better cover up big bro!”. I grabbed the bedspread and pulled it up to my waist at the same moment Chad grabbed the knob and opened the door. Standing there was a very handsome man who looked to be maybe early 30's, with a crew cut, a chiseled face, and wearing khaki shorts and a tight sleeveless pull-over shirt. Chad had positioned his lower body behind the door (thankfully!) but his bare torso was visible to our visitor, as was my own bare sweaty chest. He looked back and forth at us each a couple of times, a look of surprise and interest on his suntanned face. “Uh, I've got the beer and liquor you ordered,” he said, trying to sound professional but not really succeeding. “Great!” answered Chad. “C'mon in!”, and pulled the door open wider but remaining behind it, hiding his nakedness. The guy at the doorway hesitated a moment then stepped into the room, pulling a cart on wheels behind him carrying the good-sized order I'd placed. “Chad!” I said loudly, but it was too late. The man was already inside and Chad was closing the door. “Where do you want...”, he started as he turned around, stopping in mid-sentence as he saw my sexy hard-bodied little brother totally naked, his mesmerizing smile covering his face and his dick more than half hard. “Oh, sorry”, he stuttered. “Did I come at a bad time?” he asked. Chad didn't miss a beat. “Not at all, man. Me and my big brother were just having some fun waiting for the booze. I'm Chad and that's my brother Lance”, he said indicating me. “I'm Greg,” the man answered, unable to take his eyes off of Chad's hunky naked body and growing dick. Chad stepped closer to Greg. “Good to meet you, Greg. Thanks for the booze. Do you want to hang out and have some fun with me and my big brother?” I couldn't believe Chad was standing there naked, with an almost total hard-on, asking this gorgeous man to stay and play. My mind was screaming, “Chad! Wtf?!!”, but I felt my own dick growing quickly to full stiffness. I couldn't deny the thought of a 3-way with this hunk was turning me on. Greg was looking around the room like he didn't know what to do or what to say. Then he stopped as if he had seen something. A smile began covering his face as Chad and I watched him move a hand to the crotch of his shorts and he started fondling a quickly growing bulge. “Are you guys partying?” he asked, and I realized he was looking directly at the glass pipe and lighter sitting on the table next to the bed. “Aw crap!” I said, sure we were going to be tossed out at best, if not have the police called on us. But Chad answered in an even voice as he stepped right up to Greg and put his hand over Greg's own hand caressing himself through his shorts. “Yeah, just a little. Is that okay, Greg? We'll share, won't we Lance?” They both glanced over at me and I nodded and said, “Yeah, sure, we'll share.” Greg was grinning widely now as he looked from Chad then to me then back to Chad. He moved both of his hands to Chad's bare body giving Chad complete access to his stuffed shorts. Greg began running his fingers across Chad's lean tight flesh and Chad unsnapped Greg's shorts and let them fall to his ankles. He was wearing a snug fitting yellow jock strap, the pouch already becoming soaked, and the back of which framed two solid globes of man-butt. “Are you going to share everything?” Greg asked in a sexy voice, which I recognized as the same voice I had talked to when I ordered the booze. Chad had already dropped to his knees, pulling Greg's jock strap down as he knelt, revealing a thick hard cut cock at least 8” long and dripping precum. “Oh yeah, we're definitely going to share everything with you man,” Chad answered, slipping his mouth over Greg's rigid meat making Greg and me both moan. (to be continued)
    4 points
  11. I play quarterback on my university's football team. Im tall with a large frame, but I’m not fat (6’2, 230 lbs). Gym and practice are what I focus on most. It was only my freshman year, but I had played all throughout high school too, so I was well on my way. During spring break, I went home to visit my dad. We lived in a rougher part of town, so it had its fair share of shady types, but it was still home to me. Dad and I got along well. Typical guys. We talked about sports, girls, work, argued about politics. It never went anywhere too seriously, so we just ended up shooting the shit like we usually do. What I did look forward to was my dad’s new hot tub. Well, sort of new. He took it off the hands of someone who wasn’t using it anymore. It was later in the evening that we were going to try it out together. Neither of us owned swim trunks, but that didn’t matter. We’d just skinny dip since it was in the backyard and there was plenty of privacy. We set out a case of beers and were getting the tub ready. Just as we were stripped down and about to go in, there was a knock on the front door. "Ah shit, just a moment, Ryan. I’ll go see who that is." Dad threw on some shorts and went to answer the door. I was sitting on the edge of the tub, naked in the night air. I was dipping my fingers in the hot water and casually playing with my dick. I wasn’t trying to get it hard or anything. I just tend to play with it when I get bored or space out. Eventually, dad came back with company. "Hey Ryan. This is Mr. Wilson. The guy who gave me the tub. He wanted to take it for another spin." I looked over and saw an older man in his late 60s or early 70s. He was terribly thin and pale. He was bald on top with a gaunt face. He definitely fit the profile of one of the shady types. "Oh hey. Thanks for hooking my dad up." He walked on over and started getting undressed. I was used to showering with the other guys after practice, so being around other naked men didn’t bother me. "Nice to meet you, Ryan. Hope you two have been enjoying the tub." "Not yet, we were just about to jump in." I looked toward my dad. But he didn’t get undressed. "I can’t this time. I need to take care of a few things I forgot about. Plus, the tub would overflow with all three of us in there. You two have fun." And with that, dad left me alone with Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was down to his underwear and leaning up against the hot tub on the opposite side of me. I figured I’d step in since I wasn’t waiting for dad anymore. I sat up on the edge with my legs dipped in. The water was hot but felt good. Mr. Wilson did the same. As he swung his leg around, I saw his dick. Damn, it was big. I thought he might have had an erection at first, but it was actually flaccid. I wasn’t interested in imagining what it looked like, but damn if I wasn't a little envious. We both sat down in the water at the same time. Sinking into the hot water up to our chests. It felt good. "It’s nice to dip in after a long day. Johny tells me you play sports?" He talked pretty fem. I could tell he was one of those flamboyant gays back in his day. "Yeah, quarterback at university." I grab a couple beers and crack them open. I offer one to Mr. Wilson, but he just waves it away, not interested. So I sip mine down and keep the extra near by. "I can tell. You’re a large young bull from what I can see." "I gotta keep the muscle mass up; it's good for tackles." "I’m sure you’re great at tackling. For me, it’s difficult to keep my weight up. I'm quite ravaged away, as you can notice." "Do you diet? Do a lot of cardio?" "I get my cardio in other ways, but I’m not thin from dieting. It’s standard wasting from advanced AIDS." That last sentence made me feel uncomfortable. The guy was sick with something pretty bad, but I tried to play it cool and not let it get to me. There was a large gay community near by, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. "Sorry to hear that man." "It’s fine. I’ve been on home hospice care, and it’s hard for me to get around. Which is why the hot tub is very relaxing for me. I hated giving it up, but the maintenance was getting too much for me. Too many wild parties kept clogging up the filter. But it’s nice to come by and take a dip every now and then. I can at least make the trip next door here." "That’s good, I suppose." "And my viral load is in the millions." "That’s pretty cool." I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded impressive. Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow, like I said something interesting. I finished my first beer and was burning through my second. Mr. Wilson and I chatted about random stuff. Small talk. It went on for quite a while, with a bit more beer. As he trailed on about something, I was trying to act interested, but the beer was getting to me, and in my obliviousness, I ended up playing with my dick out of boredom. Mr. Wilson must have noticed because he started playing with his. It started to get semi hard in the water, and I couldn’t help but notice it getting bigger. "Hey Wilson, don’t take this the wrong way, but how fucking big does that thing get?" The alcohol was definitely making me less tactful. "Oh, this old thing? It can get up to 11.5 inches." "Woah really? Bullshit. You’re such a small framed dude. It can’t really get that big." "My condition doesn’t shrink my cock. If anything, the lack of body mass only accentuates my length more." "Oh sure, whatever, I call bullshit." "I can prove it." "Fine dude. Prove it." A ridiculous challenge. Now Mr. Wilson was standing up and playing with his cock in front of me, stroking it. I was chugging more beer, waiting to see if this guy was all talk or if he could really get his dick large. "Oh, I’m getting a little winded. I need to hold on to something." Mr. Wilson let go of his cock and put his hands on my shoulders. "You okay, man?" "Yeah, I just need a little extra support. Would you mind giving my meat down there a hand?" "I’m not gonna jack you, dude." "You’re not jacking it. Just getting it hard. It was your idea." He had a point. I did want him to prove it that he had an 11.5-inch dick. "Fuck it." I put my hand on his cock and started stroking it. "Yeah, just like that young man." His thing was getting bigger in my hand. It quickly grew to full length, with thick veins and his cock head poking out from his forskin. The tip was looking at me. "Yeah, that’s nice. What do you think? big hu?" His cock was definitely large. I could feel it throb in my hands as his hips rocked back and forth. The tip of his cock started oozing, and it was dripping down into the water. "He he he, shit man you were right. It’s definitely huge." I was laughing it off. My curiosity satisfied. I let go of his cock and it slapped down between my pecs like a hotdog in a bun. He slid it up and down like he was trying to slowly titty fuck me. "Now that it’s hard, what do we do with it from here?" I looked down at it between my pecs. He twitched it up towards my face, pointing it just below my nose. I thought this was just to prove he had a big one. I wasn’t expecting it to go any further. "Uh, I’m not gay. I’ve never sucked cock before." As I opened my mouth, Mr. Wilson let his tip rest on my bottom lip. "I never said anything about sucking it. But that sounds like fun." I pulled away and got up, changing the subject. "This thing has jets, right? How do I get those on?" I was drinking more beer as I was bent over fooling with the control panel on the side. Then I felt something warm poke my asshole. "It’s this button over here." Mr. Wilson was leaning over on top of me. Reaching around to the proper button. "Uh, is that your dick?" "Oh this? Yeah, couldn’t help myself. Your large, muscular ass was too tempting not to give it a poke. Hope that’s okay." "That’s alright. Guys in the locker rooms dick slap every now and then, so a little poke doesn’t bother me. It’s not like you’d be able to get into me anyway. I do legs twice a week, so my ass muscles would be too strong for ya." "Is that so? I could push in and you’d keep me out?" "Go ahead, try it." The beer was definitely affecting my judgment. Mr. Wilson grabbed his dick and started pushing towards me. I felt my ass getting pushed in, but his tip wasn’t making any progress. I was clenching tight. "You are tight. What a big mountain of meat you are." He started stroking his cock as he pressed up against me. "Let’s get some natural lube on that ass." I felt my ass getting slippery from his pre. He was digging around, getting me greased up, and pressing harder. "Push that hole out. Open up for me." "I’m not trying to let you in. If it can’t go in, it can’t go in." "But I’m an old man; I need a little help to penetrate your strong young ass. What if I do get it in?" His pushing persisted. "It won’t." "I think it will." "Ha ha. If you can get it in, then you can do whatever you want to." "Is that a promise?" I was still drinking beer. My buzz a full on drunk by this point. "Heh, I’ll do whatever you say if you can manage to jam that big thing in me." "Oh, I plan on holding you up to that. This old queen is going to pop that neg cherry." "Then do it, man." I rocked my ass back into his dick as he kept trying to push it in. His movements got more enthusiastic as he was stroking his cock. His tip trying to dig into me, oozing out more pre on my hole. I thought it was pretty funny, this skinny old fem grandpa attempting to fuck me. I would die of embarrassment if any of the guys from the team saw me like this. Bent over with some random wrinkly old gay dude digging into my ass. But we were well secluded in the backyard in the dead of night. So I figured it was harmless to let him have his fun. The beer was getting me cocky, and I decided to tease him. "Come on grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "Oh? You want this poz cock to fuck a load in you?" He kept humping away at me. I knew the guy had a dangerous cock, but I was confident in myself. I was rocking back into his humping. Mr. Wilson not making any progress on penetration. "It's not going in man. You’re gonna have to call it." Mr. Wilson stopped his efforts but reached over to the hot tub filter. "True, guess I’ll have to use something to smooth it along." He pulled out the filter and reached in the container, pulling out a handful of a globby yellow-beige substance. "What’s that?" I asked, a little disturbed by the sight of it. "You know, I’ve had many parties in this thing. The filter always gets clogged with cum and sex juices. I’m glad to know there’s still some left over." Mr. Wilson slapped a handful of the slime on my ass and stroked his cock with it. It felt sticky and gross, but I had serious doubts over how well that would work. "He he, gross dude. But hey, if you think that will help, you’re welcome to try again." "Spread your ass for me." I grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. "Good, now push that hole out." I puckered out my asshole. Wilson smeared more goo on my hole. Then I felt a jab as he stuck a finger in me. "Oh shit, your finger is in me, dude!" His finger went in while pushing the tub cum goo in me. "Yeah we need to get your ass used to things going inside it. My finger is much thinner than my cock, so it went in no problem. How does it feel?" Wilson was finger-fucking me. It felt strange, but not bad. "It’s kinda weird." "Then let’s get more in." He then pushed another finger in. My ass felt like it was getting stretched a bit. The goo helped the process along. Then came a third finger. "Ouch, that’s getting tight. Think you can ease up?" He didn’t stop. His fingers kept digging into me and twirling around. "Just a moment. You’re definitely a virgin down there. But it’s starting to feel like you’ve been prepped enough." He pulled his fingers out and slapped more goo in my ass. He then repositioned his cock at my hole. It was coated in the cum goo. "Now push your hole open for me and spread your legs more." I did as instructed. He didn’t have any luck getting into me before so I didn’t think he’d be able to do it this time even with the fingering. He started to push. It felt like my ring was hugging his tip. Not fully keeping him out. But then I started to open up more with his pushing. "Oh shit. That’s really slippery." Wilson leaned down. Grabbed my pecs and whispered in my ear. "Such impressive muscles you have. I can’t wait to see how this disease of mine devours them all away." "What?" Wilson gave a hard thrust, and to my shock, his cock slammed all the way up my ass. My cheeks slapping his pelvis. "OUH! FUCK!" He actually got it in! I didn’t think he could, but it was definitely all the way up in me. He wasted no time getting to fucking. His massive meat drilling away at my insides. "What’s wrong, jock boy? Can’t handle this old man’s dick?" His assault was rough and hard. My guts were hurting, and I wanted him out. I was moving around. Trying to get out of the tub. I ended up stumbling out on the ground. Wilson’s cock popping out of me. "Wow, that was wild. I didn’t think you’d be able to get it in." I got to my feet rubbing my ass. Wilson got out of the tub and got behind me, rubbing my shoulders. His hard on poking my ass. "I recall you saying I could do whatever I wanted if I could get it in you." He rocked his hips around, sinking the tip of his cock between my cheeks and meeting up with my hole again. "Well yeah, but wasn’t that just a joke? You can’t expect me to let you fuck me." "Now now, you need to be a man of your word." He gave another thrust and popped his dick back up inside my ass as we were standing up. "Oh shit! I told you man, I’m not gay." The intoxication was making me feel wobbly. Wilson was happily fucking me where we stood. He then started walking forward, herding me back towards the house. "Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay; my cock still fits nicely inside you. Damn, you are tight as hell. Let’s go in the house and have some proper fun." Each thrust made me walk forward, going further and further into the house. "Wait, dude, we can’t. My dad is in there. He can’t see me like this." I whispered. But it didn’t stop Wilson. "Then we will just have to be quiet. Where is your bedroom?" He was whispering to. As we quietly walked through the house, I was trying to lead him to my bedroom so we didn’t alert dad to what we were doing. That’s when I saw him on the couch in the living room. He was facedown on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey next to his laptop. He was totally passed out. Wilson stopped us where we stood, his cock still inside me the entire time. "Oh, look at this. Instead of your bedroom, let’s go over there. We should spend some quality time with your daddy." He turned us around and was now ushering me towards my past out father on the couch. He was still only in his shorts and nothing else, snoring away. "No! I don’t want to wake him." "Then don’t wake him up." My dad was now just a few inches away from us. "How about you get down and pull those shorts off of him?" "Why? We can’t do anything like that." "You have to do anything I say, remember? If not, I could just cum inside you now. Do you want to get infected with my AIDS because of your insubordination?" "Fuck no." We both got down to our knees. Wilson never let go of me. Never taking his cock out. I reached over to my dad and put my hands on his hips, grabbing his shorts and slowly working them off of him, revealing his hairy ass. Dad also played football a long time ago. He had quite an impressive build from what I had seen in his old photos. But now he had gained weight on top of that. He was a mixture of muscle and chub. So his ass was quite large. "That’s a good boy. Now spread your dad‘s ass open and get your tongue in there." I couldn’t eat out my own dad‘s ass. That's sick and wrong. I had my hands on his large round ass; I didn’t want to spread it apart to find out what its greasy hole would look like. Wilson, picking up my hesitation, gave a sharp thrust inside of me, jabbing his cocktip deep into my guts, causing a jolt of pain. He put a hand on my back and pushed me down. My face plapping against my dad‘s ass cheeks. He hadn’t showered today yet. He was musky and sweaty, with a hint of BO on him. I didn’t want to do it, but the painful cock in my ass wouldn’t relent unless I did what this old troll said. I spread my ass cheeks apart, revealing a juicy, dark pucker looking up at me. God, it looked so masculine and grimy. That's where his shit comes from. I’m supposed to lick that? "Lick it or don’t. I’ll just have my fun back here." Wilson started going to town on my ass. Fucking me in front of my sleeping dad. His cock reached deep, sliding in and out of me. It hurt, but it was also strangely good at the same time. His pace was faster than before. He was really getting into it. "Oh God your muscular ass feels so good. You’re squeezing me so tight, oof, I’m not going to last at this rate. Fuck boy you must really want me to blast my poz cum in you." Wilson emphasized ‘poz cum’ reminding me that I was getting fucked by something that could absolutely destroy my life. I looked down at dad‘s ass, considering what I should do. Wilson fucking me hard. His hips slamming into my ass. "Oh shit boy. It’s coming. Either eat that ass or swallow up my AIDS… I'm good for either one. Oh my… oh my." Wilson was grunting and moaning. My ass felt wet and sloppy as he pulled all the way out and slammed all the way back in. His angry cock was definitely doing a number on my insides. Sliding throughout my tunnels, working its way up to spew its toxic poison. I could imagine his cock head inside me. His piss slit opening on the plunge forward and closing on the pull out. I was staring at my dad’s asshole. One question in my mind. Get AIDS or commit incest?’ Out of desperation, I dove my face into my dad‘s ass and licked his hole. It was salty and bitter, but juicy and moist. I dug my tongue inside while his ass cheeks hugged my face. "That’s a good boy; enjoy the taste of your father's ass juice." Wilson’s fucking slowed down. He was no longer working up to orgasm but just giving me slow, gradual thrusts. I had an old queenie gay dude fucking me raw while I had my tongue deep up in my dad‘s asshole. It was like something out of a dark, sick, twisted porno. Wilson’s slow fucking was stimulating me in all the right places. I felt my cock getting hard. I was even getting used to the taste of my dad‘s ass. I think I was even enjoying the taste of it. I grabbed my dick and started stroking it while I was getting fucked. Damn, I really didn’t want to enjoy what was happening, but I couldn’t deny the old fuckers technique. "Nice, looks like you’re starting to enjoy yourself there. Let's aim you up a little further." Wilson pushed against my hips, dislodging my face from my dad‘s ass. We repositioned further up, and now my cock was resting on my dad's ass cheeks. "Now how about you dig that young, virile meat stick into your dad's slobbered up hole?" "I can’t do that. I can’t rape my dad in his sleep." Both of us were still whispering to one another, although it probably wasn’t necessary. My dad was out cold. He’s usually a rock-hard sleeper, especially after he's been drinking. I’m sure he could get slapped in the face a few times without waking up, but I didn’t want to take my chances on him possibly waking up to see his own son‘s cock directed towards his ass. "Let me help you." Wilson reached around, grabbed my cock, and pointed it down between his cheeks. I felt my tip hit his hole. Fuck, it was so wet and hot. I felt myself leaking. Wilson fucked my ass harder and drove my hips into my dad. Each thrust plunged my hips forward more and my cock deeper into dad. His ass was so tight and hot. I could tell I was taking his anal virginity. Dad didn’t respond at all. He was still sleeping, unfazed. Gently snoring as the two of us were above him doing unspeakable acts. I didn’t need the assistance anymore. I was all the way inside him and figured I might as well start fucking. I drove my cock in and out of dad while Wilson fucked me. The cock up my ass and the hot, tight ass gripping my dick were driving me insane. Dad's ass felt so good. I’ve fucked plenty of pussy in the past, but nothing was like this. Holy shit, dad's ass was better than anything I’ve fucked before. I didn’t know if it was from my ass getting drilled or my first time fucking a guy's ass, but I was getting close to cuming. I could feel myself building up, and I was ready to blow. I looked down at my dad. His face in the couch pillow. I felt a little guilty over what I was doing, but I was overcome with the carnal desire to shoot my wad. I buried myself deep into his ass and my dick exploded. "Ah fuck.." I grunted and came deep inside my dad. My balls squeezed out a massive load. Several ribbons shot out my cock, working it’s way up inside him. "Beautiful. Such a naughty boy, molesting his vulnerable father." Wilson was still inside me, slowly fucking. His hard on never ceasing to calm down. The post-nut clarity was making me feel shitty but I was still drunk. I wanted a break. "Wilson I need to take a moment." I pulled my cock out of dad, and a small bead of cum dripped down his ass, the evidence of my evil deed. I got up off the couch and got Wilson out of me. He sat on the couch next to my father, stroking his cock. He was so skinny and frail in comparison to dad; it's hard to believe this guy orchestrated such a fucked up night. He picked up one of dad's legs and brought a foot up to his mouth. He looked me in the eye as he started sucking on my dad's meaty toes. Wilson's cock stroking sped up as his tongue laced between the toes, his moans euphoric. "I need to go to the bathroom." I hurried to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was dizzy and couldn’t think straight. What the hell was I doing? I let some old gay dude fuck me, and then I fucked my own dad? This night is so fucked up. This isn’t what I planned on when I came home. I felt nauseous, so I did what everyone does when they drink too much. I took care of my business in the toilet and rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth, and gargled a lot. I felt a lot better, but I was still heavily boozed up. I inspected my ass, and it was sore and sloppy. Ugh, no more cock going in me tonight. I need to send Mr. Wilson on his way. I staggered out of the bathroom to rejoin Wilson in the living room. But when I got there, Wilson was on top of my dad. He was violently slamming his hips down into him, fucking him. His cock going in and out of his freshly creamed ass. I saw my dad's cheeks ripple with each balls deep thrust. "Dude, what the fuck!?" My whispering voice getting a little louder. "Don’t mind me, Ryan. I’m just finishing up here." Dad was still out cold but seemed to be moaning like he was having a bad dream. Wilson had an evil look on his face as he raped my dad's ass. I stumbled to my knees and crawled over to them, putting a hand on dad's ass. "Mr. Wilson, pull your dick out! You can’t fuck my dad!" I watched his cock go up and down. His meat pole was glistening from all the juices inside, partially from my load I contributed. It was a horrifying sight to see such a long dick pulverize his defenseless, hairy, round ass. "I still need to cum. It needs to shoot in something. You didn’t let me shoot it in yours, so now I’m going to knock up dear old daddy here." "Please stop. Get your old AIDS dick out of him. You can’t give that shit to him!" "Then make a choice, Ryan. Either you sit there and watch me poz up your dad or you surrender up your ass to me and take my load." Is he serious? I have to choose? Mr. Wilson looked like he was getting close. I had to do something. I was too drunk to stand up straight. All I could do in the moment was watch this diseased creep plow away at my dad. I had to make a choice: save myself or save my dad. "Fine, fuck me." I reluctantly gave in. "Nope, not good enough. I’m too close to stop now, oh fuck, oh yes." I got on the floor with my ass up in the air, spreading my cheeks apart. "Fuck my ass Mr. Wilson. Come on, grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "If you insist. But first, before I fuck your ass, your dad has a dirty foot I didn't lick. Clean it with your mouth." I crawled over to my dad's leg and grabbed his large foot. It was dirty and smelly, but I didn't hesitate to get my tongue on it. I'm doing this for him. As soon as I started licking, the taste and smell brought back memories from when I was really little and would play with dad's feet as a kid. I felt nostalgic and warm. Dad's feet were making me feel good. "Oh, that's a hot sight, Ryan. Keep licking that man foot. Savor the taste. Fall in love with it, oh fuck!" I sucked dad's toes and ran my tongue up and down his sole. They were dirty but soft and smooth. I was surprised to find out how much I was enjoying it. My mind blanked out for a moment. "Yeah... lick that foot... suck those toes...oh! Shit! Here it comes, fuck! FUCK! AAAAHH....... .........ahhh ...... ohhh..." I snapped out of it and noticed I was no longer licking my dad's foot but Wilson's. His toes were in my mouth. Somehow he managed to swap out dad's foot for his. I looked up at them. Wilson stopped thrusting. He was still, his back arched, his boney ass pressing hard into my dad and making a contorted face. Then his clenched ass relaxed. "Ah fuck... fuck that was big...." I took Wilson's foot from my mouth and hurriedly repositioned myself, ass open towards him. "Fuck me dude!" Wilson pulled out and got off my dad. He quickly hurried over to me and immediately slammed his cock in me to the hilt. His fucking was as aggressive as it was with dad. He was grunting and breathing heavily. Taking the full length of his cock felt unbearable, but unfortunately, it wasn't quick. He took a long time to work up his shot. "Oh shit, here it comes. My toxic poz cum deep in your ass!" He slammed hard several times. "Oh fuck, fuck! Oooooooh yeah!" I felt his cock spasm deep in me. He was cuming inside me. Plow after plow, he shot his sick cum deeper and deeper in my no longer virgin ass. After several ribbons Wilson calmed down to catch his breath. "Ahhhhh. That was good. See? Things are so much better when you do as you're told." He slowly pulled his cock out. His tip still dripping cum on my hole and balls. I was scared. I took poz cum from this old creep. Fuck, will I need to see a doctor or something? I didn’t know what to do in this situation. "Fuck… my ass hurts." I rubbed my ass. My hand coated in cum and sweat. Wilson sat next to dad on the couch again. "Heh. This life is going to be pretty rough for you. I have a rarely aggressive strain. Most guys I fuck turn into me within a year or two. Guess your football career is done, he he he." He was rubbing dad's ass, casually fingering it, and sucking the juices off his fingers. I was only paying attention to every other word he was saying. My head was spinning. "Whatever dude. Just not my dad." Mr. Wilson chuckled. He reached between the cushions and pulled out a 300-ml marinade injector. The one dad used for marinading large briskets. He must have gotten it while I was in the bathroom. It was loaded all the way up with a murky, pale yellowish-brown jello substance. He stuck the tip in dad's ass and put his hand on the plunger. "What the hell is that?" "It’s the remaining cum sludge from the hot tub filter. Your father needs a good basting." "You can’t put that crap in him!" "He has far worse in him than this." "What?" "Oh, my dear boy. You were in the bathroom for a long time. I've already shot a load of cum in him. You walked in on me working my way up to a second load. And of course, while you sucked my toes, I shot a second load off." And with that, he pushed the plunger down and filled dads's ass with the rest of that foul stuff. "I think it’s time I called it a night. The two of you will have plenty to discuss in the morning." Wilson gathered his clothes and left us for the night. I was sitting there with a sore ass, looking at my passed out dad. His sweaty ass sticking up in the air filled with all sorts of cum from who knows how many guys. Mine included. I was scared for my dad. I didn’t want him to suffer for my mistake. I crawled over to him and spread his ass. It was sloppy, mucky, and beautiful. I didn’t think this would work, but the only idea I had was to suck on his ass like venom out of a snake bite. I planted my mouth on his hole and sucked. I used my tongue to loosen him up. I tried my best to drink as much cum out of him as possible. "Ryan?…. Is that…you?" Dad was walking up. I kept his ass firmly attached to my face, holding him tight. I kept eating him out. Dad was only partially awake and still drunk, like me. He was noticeably rejecting my efforts, but I wasn’t letting him up. "Just push it out, dad. Let your ass shoot it out in me." I continued sucking his ass. ‘Stay still, dad’ I thought to myself. ‘Let your son do what’s best for you, and let him eat the cum out of you.’ Dad was too out of it to stop me. But he did what I instructed. He pushed and filled my mouth with cum. I ate his ass all night. I had to be thorough.
    3 points
  12. Been noticing a lot of it too. Some mention they like my profile says I bareback or they ask if I'll take them raw, which I always say I will. I don't ask a lot of questions, all too glad to take their loads but yeah, guessing their GFs won't let them rawdog them. Most don't mention whether they're married, engaged, dating, or whatever but its obvious they're straight or bi. I've had more than a few saying it was so much easier with me than with a girl.
    3 points
  13. I always fuck with my PA in
    3 points
  14. I have great sympathy for you. I have had three out patient procedures since 2021 through Tampa General Hospital's Colon and Rectal Cancer Specialists. They said at first it was a fissure, it took two procedures and now I am able to go to the bathroom without pain. I need to use a stool softener every day, Colace is the one I use. Granted, you need to be near the bathroom when the urge to go strikes, but if you are in pain now it might be the best option till you can see a doctor. You can find Colace at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens. Even the hospital recommended I use it post procedure. I had a third procedure because they found I also had HPV and I never knew I was infected with that. The "down time" is frustrating, but between the pain medication (just a small amount) and the stool softener you should be fine in about a month. I would not suggest trying to have anal sex for quite awhile, to be honest I don't think you will have much desire to do so. It may seem like a long journey but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you the best....
    3 points
  15. Ethan Wolfe or Tony Bishop would be great. Both poz. For fisting Chris Damned or Devin Franco.
    3 points
  16. The top usually manoeuvres me into the position he wants me in. Usually, over long sleazy sessions, I get fucked in most of the standard positions. My own personal choice would be on my back, legs wrapped round his neck/shoulders which allows him deep penetration. I find it important to be able to maintain eye contact while I'm being bred.
    3 points
  17. It was great over 10 cock bare in me
    3 points
  18. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    2 points
  19. Usual Disclaimers, this is a work of fiction, all characters are of legal age. Part 1 pretty much sets up the initial premise of the story as well as a few of the main characters. Feedback and suggestions welcome. Although if the story isn't your cup of tea, just please move along. Thank you. FRESHMAN PROJECT: Jason (Part 1) Jason took a deep breath, gathering up his courage, then pulled the door open and stepped inside. The lobby of the college LGBTQIA+ center was decorated in rainbow colors and the walls were covered with a mix of affirmations about being queer and safer sex messages. There were several hallways leading deeper into the building on either side of a reception desk. A butch lesbian in her mid-twenties was seated behind the desk. She looked up and gave Jason a welcoming smile, “How can I help you?” she said. “Um, well, uh,” stuttered Jason. “You here for the Gay & Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle?” she asked. “Uh, yeah,” said Jason blushing. “Welcome, it’s down the hallway to your right, second door on the right,” she said pointing to the hallway on her left,. “It’s just about to start so you better hurry, I’m Kat by the way, if you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities come stop by after the meeting,” she said. “Uh, okay, maybe, I’m Jason,” said Jason as he forced himself to smile then proceeded to head down the indicated hallway. He found the correct door, it had a sign, “Gay/Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle, 7-9pm Every Tuesday”. He saw there was a mirror next to the door so he justified stalling a bit to make sure he looked okay. He brushed his light brown bangs off his forehead. He had always kept his hair very short at home, but let it grow about a bit before heading off to college. He guessed he was sort of attractive as there had always been girls interested in him, but he put them off saying his family did not want him dating in high school. He had blue eyes and still was not able to grow much in the way of facial hair, so he only had to shave his pale face once a week or so. The thing he hated most about himself was that he was fairly skinny and had never been able to put much muscle on his 5’7” frame. “Okay coward, it’s now or never,” he said to his reflection before turning towards the door. He still stood in front of the door for a few seconds, fighting the urge to flee. Eventually he pushed through it and opened the door. Inside there were approximately a dozen guys ranging in age from 18 to mid-20’s. Some were seated in chairs that were in a ring dominating the center of the room and a few were standing outside the ring chatting with each other. There was a table with sodas, water, and a few snacks against the far wall. Jason’s eyes were immediately drawn to a gorgeous masculine guy that was standing off to his left talking to another guy. The hunk looked like a mix between and surfer bro and a clean cut college athlete. He had wavy blond hair that framed his handsome face perfectly. His body was muscular without being thick. He appeared to be just over six feet tall and didn’t appear to have an ounce of fat on him. He was wearing a light gray t-shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and firm muscles. He wore a pair of skin tight black jeans that had a noticeable bulge in the crotch. When he laughed, his smile and bright white teeth seemed to light up the room. Jason guess he was likely in his early twenties, which would make him an upperclassman or maybe a first year grad student. He was everything Jason dreamed about when he was masturbating in the shower back home at his family’s house. The student he was talking was the complete opposite. He was either Jason’s age or maybe a year older at most. He was about the same height as Jason, 5’6” and even skinnier than Jason who only weighted about 130 pounds. He was wearing a tight pink tank and a pair of skimpy red running shorts that were stretched tight around a firm bubble butt. The outfit left a gap between the tank top and the shorts, revealing a tramp stamp tattoo on the boy’s lower back. Jason couldn’t quite make out what he said from across the room. The boy also had several piercings in his ears as well as multiple tribal design tattoos on his arms and legs. His hair was died purple on the top with the sides shaved. ‘What a fag,’ thought Jason, his internalized homophobia making him look down on the boy for being so obviously gay, which was a stark contrast to Jason’s dream guy he was talking with. Jason realized he was staring at the pair, so he quickly turned and headed to the table with the snacks and drinks, avoiding the two by heading around the other side of the circle of chairs from where they were standing. Jason said hello to several of the other students that were hanging around the snack table. He grabbed a bottle of water so he had something to keep his hands occupied and hopefully hide his nervousness. After just a couple minutes, Jason’s dream guy, broke off his conversation with the fag boy and walked into the center of the circle of chairs. “Okay everyone, it’s time to start, everyone please take a seat so we can begin. For the fresh meat, er, I mean new comers, my name is Blake and I’m the group facilitator,” he said. Jason quickly found a seat and stared at the floor. ‘Maybe I made a mistake,’ he thought. He had grown up in a conservative household, his parents were devout evangelical Christians, in a conservative southern town. He knew he was gay from a young age but had always been too scared to act on it, let alone admit it to anyone. Now he was halfway across the country at a very liberal university on the coast of California just a short drive away from San Francisco. His father had tried to convince Jason to go to Liberty University, but Jason and gotten himself accepted with a full scholarship at an elite private university. While his parents weren’t happy about it, they said that since he was an adult, he could make his own choices now. Still, Jason was struggling with the thought of actually admitting to another person, let alone a room full of people, that he was gay. “So let’s start with introductions,” instructed Blake as he took his seat. Jason noticed that he did not sit next the flamboyant twink he had been talking with, which gave Jason hope that they weren’t a couple, “I’ll go first, as I just said my name is Blake. For those that don’t know me yet, I’m a senior this year. I’m doing a double major in Psychology and Education. I’m also on the swim team and if anyone is interested in trying out let me know and I can give you the details. I identify as gay. As an ice breaker, my idea of a great evening is listening to some music and snuggling with a cute guy.” There were a couple quiet chuckles from a few of the guys and the twink Blake had been talking with rolled his eyes and said, “Oh honey.” Jason had trouble focusing on the others as they introduced themselves. He kept trying to sneak glances at Blake but it seemed every time he looked towards him, Blake turned from whoever was speaking and smiled at Jason, which made Jason blush and stare back down at his feet. “As most of you already know, my name is Aiden,” said the boy that Jason had seen talking with Blake earlier. He had a stereotypical ‘gay voice’ and very over the top mannerisms, talking a lot with his hands. “I’m a sophomore and still haven’t figured out what major is going to be…” he was saying until he was interrupted by one of the guys on the other side of the circle shouting out. “You’re majoring in dick,” said the interrupter. Several of the guys laughed. “No cross talk Roger,” scolded Blake. Turning towards Aiden, he said “Please continue Aiden.” Aiden gave a smug smile then continued, “Well anyway, I identify as a cum dump and I’d say what my idea of a perfect evening was but I got told not to be so graphic at the end of last years meetings.” Again there were a few knowing chuckles. Jason was feeling nauseous, it was a combination of knowing there were just a couple more students until it was his turn to speak and warring emotions inside of him, he was both repulsed by Aiden and jealous of him. “Hey, it’s your turn if you would like to share,” said Blake to Jason. Jason had zoned out and now he was dying of embarrassment. “Um, uh, sorry,” he stammered. “My name’s Jason, I’m a freshman. I’m from a small town in Alabama,” he said trying to not look at Blake. “Isn’t his accent precious,” injected Aiden. “Let him finish,” scolded Blake. “Yes Sir,” snapped Aiden as he dramatically straightened up in his chair and smirked at Blake. There was an awkward silence before Jason continued, “Uh, I’m still debating between Political Science as a prelude to law school or maybe History and Education. I’m not sure how I identify yet, I think I’m gay as girls never really made me feel the way inside that I do when I think about guys. I really don’t know what a perfect night would be, I’ve never been on a date before,” Jason realized he was starting to ramble and overshare out of nervousness. He fought the urge to jump up and run out of the room. He expected the other guys in the room to start laughing at him but instead he some most of them of them were just quietly nodding and giving him welcoming smiles. “Thank you Jason. Don’t worry about picking a major or an identity. There will be plenty of time for you to figure everything out. That is what college is for, it helps you find out who you really are and lets you become what you were meant to be,” said Blake. The guy next to Jason started his introduction and Jason again had trouble focusing. After all the introductions were done, Blake led a discussion about safer-sex. He explained that it was a requirement from the university that the first night’s topic for all the student groups was to go over all the safer sex resources available at the campus health clinic including STD screening and PrEP for any students that felt they were a high risk for HIV. Blake also demonstrated on a banana how to apply a condom and that university recommended them for oral and anal sex as well as using a dental dam for rimming, all of which was available to students for free and both the health clinic and the LGBTQIA+ Student Center, which everyone just called the Rainbow Center since most of them kept stumbling over all the letters. After the presentation was over Blake announced that they still had the room for another half hour if people wanted to stay and mingle some more. Jason jumped up and was about to bolt for the door when Blake quickly crossed across the circle and stopped him, “Hey Jason you got a sec?” “Uh, sure I guess,” said Jason trying to not appear as the huge mess he felt he was at the moment. “I want to say it took a lot of courage for you to come here tonight. Coming out is tough and its hard if you are doing it all by yourself. If you would like to talk sometime we can grab a coffee at the Student Union and have a bit more relaxed chat, not in front of the big crazy group like these guys. Would you be interested in that?” asked Blake. Jason gulped. This smart, amazingly handsome jock senior was offering to have a coffee with him. Jason fought his instincts which were driving him right into fight or flight mode. “Um yeah, okay,” he said. “Great, does 3pm tomorrow work with your class schedule?” asked Blake. Jason couldn’t remember if it did or not but quickly replied, “Sure.” “Perfect, it’s a date,” laughed Blake. He saw a look of panic pass over Jason’s face, so he quickly added, “Just a phrase, no pressure Jason, I’m sorry.” “Uh okay, um, well,” sputter Jason, his words failing him. Fortunately Blake bailed him out, “Okay see you tomorrow at three,” he said as he reached out and gave the shorter boy a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. They said their goodbyes and Jason finally got his wish to flee the meeting. After the new boy had left, Aiden walked over to Blake. “So, he seems interesting,” said Aiden with a smirk. “Yeah, I think I found this year’s Freshman Project already,” said Blake with a big smile. “Do you think he will be as easy to convert as I was?” asked Aiden. “Depends on which definition of convert you are talking about,” replied Blake with a laugh. “Both,” said Aiden laughing as well. “Speaking of that, I missed you this summer, you started meds yet?” asked Blake. “I missed that pussy wrecker of yours. My t-cells are holding up so far so I haven’t started any yet, want to get as many strains as I can before I have to start. I’d love a recharge of yours if you are offering,” said Aiden as he leaned into the muscular swimmer who had been his gifter last fall. “Sure come by my apartment tomorrow after 9pm, I’m sure I’ll have good load worked up after spending a few hours with that naive southern boy. You going to want to pick up any party favors for the weekend as well?” asked Blake as he reached down and gave Aiden’s ass cheek a hard squeeze. “Yes please, I’ve already got quite a few guys lined up who also missed me over the summer,” teased Aiden. “Well keep some time available for me, I’m going to need to breed that ass of yours a lot until I got Jason broken in,” said Blake. “Well then for my sake I hope our little southern belle hangs on to her virginity for as long as she can,” said Aiden. “Oh come now Aide, you know he’s going to be pregnant with my babies before the Thanksgiving break, particularly if he meets Miss Tina,” said Blake, an evil gleam in his eye.
    2 points
  20. My last hall pass was two Saturdays ago, July 15th. I live in a close suburb outside Chicago, it’s basically in the city. As I usually do on my hall passes, I was planning on traveling around for the morning and then posting up at Steamworks or Banana Video in the afternoon. Maybe stopping by Te-Jay’s to get some gloryhole dick as a treat, who knows? I started planning things out on Sniffies and BBRT in advance. I weeded out the usual dozens of other guys who seemed like pic collectors, curious but flaky guys, or guys who were eager-but-way-too-far-out. By Friday night, I had 8 guys lined up in my area who had told me they were solid, all of whom confirmed “Saturday morning for sure” when I asked. Saturday morning rolls around and every single one of those guys flaked. 🤬 Oh well. I get back on Sniffies and start driving down to the Loop. I’m not ready to head to Steamworks yet—I want to get some variety before I make that investment. So I put my Sniffies location next to Te-Jay’s and figure if Sniffies is a bust I can at least stop in to the bookstore over lunchtime to fill up on penis and semen from the tourist crowd. *Ding* *Ding* Two guys message me right away. The first guy is closest to where I can find parking, so I tell him I’ll be to his apartment shortly. Black guy, nice looking thick cock, about average length. I walk in and drop my bag at the same time I drop to my knees. I immediately take his soft spongy head in my mouth, lapping at and massaging it with my tongue. This is the first cock I’ve had in months, and I waste no time getting him hard and pounding the back of my mouth. I take time to suck his balls into my mouth while I jerk his now rock hard cock on my face. I drop my shorts around my ankles and bend over his couch, and line the tip of his cock with my pre-lubed asshole. He’s eager as well, thrusting to the hilt and pumping four times before he starts shooting his hot load of cum deep in my hole. He pulls out, and I feel his seed drip out of my hole and run down my leg as I kneel back down and gently put his cock back in my mouth. We both stand up to pull up our pants, and I see that his cum has splattered all over the inside and outside of my shorts. I point it out and laugh, and he lets me clean up a bit with a dishrag. One load down. I message the other guy that I’m on my way. He’s in town for a conference, so I walk over to his hotel. I do the walk of shame past people brunching on patios that I walked by 15 minutes beforehand, when I didn’t have a giant wet spot on the front of my shorts (and probably another one in the back around my asshole). I finally get to the new guy’s hotel room after navigating the lobby elevator and dodging the concierge. He’s in bed stroking his super thick cock, with nothing but his hat and socks on. He lets me drop my bag and take my clothes off, asking me questions about the other guy who just fucked me—he’s gotta be careful because he has a girlfriend. That’s cool, I don’t judge. I grab my poppers and lube and crawl up his bed until I’m planted between his legs. I start licking his balls as I replace his hand with my own, stroking his meaty dick. I roll each of his balls around in my mouth before licking up his shaft and taking his cock past my lips. Savoring the flavor of his precum. I pause to hit my poppers, and he hits them as well while I go back to trying to fit him in my throat. It’s too big unfortunately. He gets up and brings me around to the couch at the foot of his bed, where I kneel and bend over. He starts rimming me. It feels fucking amazing, his tongue slobbering at my cummy hole. He reaches for my cock and I tell him that I usually have trouble getting hard with guys, so he gets the message. Eventually I need his cock inside me, so I reach back and grab for him to come up and fuck me. I lube his shaft and then take a hit of poppers as I feel his cockhead enter my cunt. He slowly presses inside, stretching me open. It’s the perfect cock for my hole. About 7.5 inches long, thick and tapering out to the base, about 2.25 inches in diameter, maybe 7.0 inches in circumference. I love being stretched out. Despite what I said earlier I start getting hard while he begins to move in and out of my loose pussy. He keeps pulling all the way out of my hole, the cool air a pleasant contrast to his throbbing cock. He says that he’s never felt a hole as hot and wet as mine, even his girlfriend’s, and he needs to slow down or he’s going to cum too soon. I tell him I don’t mind, and as he grabs my hips and thrusts back inside me I beg him to pump me full of his hot semen. He buries his cock balls deep in my hole, his whole body going into spasms on my back as he shoots cum into my guts. I’m flying high from poppers and the feeling that there is nothing I would rather be doing right at that moment than taking loads of sticky cum from random strangers. After his cock withdraws from my hole, I get back on my knees to clean him off, just like the last guy. I love going ass-to-mouth, tasting the penis that was just in my asshole and the semen that he just bred me with. He seems to be extremely sensitive, even my very gentle, very slow ministrations with my tongue seem to be too much for him. Either that or he gets a strong case of post-nut clarity, and appears to be in a hurry for me to leave. I take his cue and get dressed, making small talk before grabbing the rest of my things. I give him a fist bump before I walk out the door. I go down the stairwell this time so I don’t need to worry about the slow elevators. To my surprise I have good cell reception in the stairwell, so I post up there for a minute to figure out my next move. I send a message to the hotel guy to thank him for the great fuck and for giving me his load, then consider my options. It’s getting close to noon. I’m about a 30 minute walk from my car, and then probably 20 minutes to get up to Boystown. I had previously planned to meet up with another guy in Boystown around 1-2pm. This guy had said he could host at his apartment with his buddy who was visiting. He said they could spitroast me… umm, yes please! I check in with him again—we had chatted earlier that morning to confirm how many other guys I had lined up before them—and let him know that I was able to get a couple loads despite my earlier bad luck. I wait a few minutes but still don’t get any response. Another couple guys have messaged me around the Loop asking if I’d like to get fucked. After some back and forth I find that neither one of them can host either. They want to fuck me in a bathroom somewhere. Sounds a little too risky for my blood. I’m a cumdump, but I don’t want to be a cumdump with a rap sheet. I’m beginning to think it’s time to just head back to the car when Hotel Guy messages me back. “Dude I want a second round haha.” 🤔 I reply, “Right now…?” -to be continued-
    2 points
  21. When I run across a profile that I find intriguing (read: I want him to breed me) I will often try to go to his BBrt profile to find out more, only to find out that half the time (maybe more) it no longer exists. I'm sure it did at one time and you probably have a new one but haven't taken the time to update your profile on BZ to reflect the change. Please do. It may just mean more hole for from bottoms visiting your city who crave your seed. The same goes for Twitter profiles. I love to follow hot tops all over the world and announce when I'm traveling their way. 🙂
    2 points
  22. My dilemma when servicing cocks at a gloryhole is if and when to offer my hole. I enjoy sucking and swallowing loads a lot but I also like getting bred, especially by someone anonymous. Unless the top indicates he wants ass, through withdrawing, etc, I'm always afraid that the guy leaves the gloryhole and I miss a load, because some guys are turned off by bottoms who bareback.
    2 points
  23. My late husband and I met another couple, and we used to play with the younger piggy one. The 4th guy liked to watch, but usually said, "You boys have go fun," and that was it. I ran into the pig unexpectedly at an event a couple years later, and while my man was away doing his volunteer stuff, I was getting pounded by the pig's fat 9-incher. My guy was sorry he missed out on a good time. Seeing this in print, I wonder if this counts?
    2 points
  24. A few years ago I was cruising at the local adult book store in the video booth area . It was pretty busy but soon spotted the bf of a friend of mine. He's very handsome with a great build and never expected to ever see him here but we are all pigs. We glanced at each other and I headed into a booth and he followed me in. He immediately dropped his pants and I was confronted with a semi hard dick that was really big already. I got on my knees and started sucking. He pulled out a bottle of poppers, took a hit and then handed them to me. I was flying and super horny. Without saying anything I stood up, dropped my pants, bent over, spit on my fingers, and wetted my hole. I had made sure his dick was nice and wet before I stood up. I took a big hit of poppers and soon he was in. He grabbed me by the hips and began rhythmically fucking me. It felt great but I need more spit. I pulled forward releasing his dick, turned around,took his dick in my mouth tasting my ass and got him extra wet. Soon he was in me again, fucked me for a few minutes more until his breathing got heavier and his dick went deeper. All of sudden he stopped balls deep and I felt his dick throbbing knowing his cum was in me. I turned around, cleaned his dick and he left. That night I went out and saw him with his bf. We both smiled but what made it so hot was his cum was still in me.
    2 points
  25. I've been getting fucked by my older brother since 2012, but no action with any other family members. I've had sex with the boyfriends or husbands of two of my friends. In both cases they initiated it. One I just sucked off, that went on and off for about a year, and the second one fucked me on two different occasions.
    2 points
  26. it's not weird to love the smell of dirty womans cunts, i was loving it since my 12th when i smelled my moms used pantie out of the laundy basket.. smell of unwashed sweaty cunt, urine, sometimes dried cum if she was creampied by 1 of her fuckbuddy's. she was very hairy downunder, that makes the smell even stronger. i also have this fetish for unwashed cocks as well, especially smegma cocks. i prefer this types of cocks above fresh clean ones where there is nothing to smell and taste
    2 points
  27. If you're ever in Cornwall I'd love you to pissfuck my tight ass. Also in Brighton for Pride August 2023
    2 points
  28. Honestly, anyone dumb enough to fall for a scam this poorly worded probably deserves to be scammed, so that they don't lose their money to something more sophisticated, like a Nigerian Prince.
    2 points
  29. I love taking piss up the ass its so fuckin hot
    2 points
  30. Well, frankly I am an assman but a total bottom. I love to rim a top before he fucks me !
    2 points
  31. I think that is a very honest post and I appreciated it. The first thing I would say is I'm glad you have such an understanding partner who accepts your past and doesn't judge. We all come with slutty baggage one way or another and it's not many that accept the past isn't the future or indeed the present. The second thing I took is that BZ is a place that is wild in it's sexual discussion with a grey border between what is experience and what is fantasy, but at the same time we can have realistic discussions on the real issues of this lifestyle (to use a phrase). Thirdly I was at my most slutty decades ago when blatant barebacking was quite transgressive and not as common as is really thought. Many the bloke in a park or club was only interested in safe, but a hardcore group of shags was to be relied for me, and decades later I don't even know their names. But the real consequence of this was that wide condom use kept the other bugs at bay. I certainly think Prep is a great thing, but I suspected personally that there would be other consequences. This happened at a time when access to sexual health services in the UK became patchy because of funding pressures, and when I saw my local clubs and saunas posting about super gonorrhoea was in the district etc, I changed my behaviour. My health is cranky anyway these days and I just don't need the kind of hassle that you have sadly gone through and I am now a bit more aware of who I choose to fuck. I do think that there is a commitment to self checking in aspects of the hardcore pig community, and that isn't refllected in the general gay wider population, especially the young. No judgement, but we all feel immortal at that age, and the creaky body is in a far distant future. But I think Philip's experiences won't be unique as we deal with the non-HIV health issues in years to come.
    2 points
  32. I had a guy who took me to a really cruisy park to strip me naked and specifically watch a bunch of homeless men fuck me and blow loads in me out in the open where anyone could see. he legit hate fucked me semi regularly and legit thought I was a disgusting fem whore and would often tell me I’m a “worthless piece of $hit" and that if I was his son he would have sold me as a sex slave. he was always trying to find new degrading stuff to do to me. so he prearranged for a few dirty homeless men to meet me there with him and several other homeless and regular cruisers ended up using me while he watched and told them to rape me and piss on me and ended up ramming his entire forearm up my as while I laid naked on a picnic table getting strangled and pissed on. there is another guy who liked to dress me up as his daughters and fuck me in their actual beds. I actually look exactly like his older daughter.he also has me call him daddy and dad and he calls me by their names while he brutally sodomizes me.
    2 points
  33. It was a quiet Monday and out of the blue I get a text message from a guy saying he knows my fuck bud Caleb and was I interested in hooking up. I asked for his stats and a pic and he sent me his dick pic and body/face. Nice sized uncut dick, thicker at the base taping to the head, and he's blonde, nice defined body, OK face. He says he can host and he wants to get off. I say I'm down and if he knows Caleb they've probably played and he almost certainly does raw like Caleb does. I say I can come over now and get his address. I don't ask his status and if he's looking to top, bottom, or flip as honestly I don't really care. I'd take his load anyhow and hope he's the same way, but I know guys his age and Caleb's don't ask a lot of questions and just go raw. I get to his home and he introduces himself as Chris and I'm struck by how tall his is and how deep is voice is. He has to be over 6 feet and meets me wearing just nylon shorts. He asks me if I want some water or anything and I say I'm good and follow him back to his bedroom. He closes and locks the door and I can see he's got the sheets on his bed pulled down and towel laid out and I kind of want to chuckle as white guys are all the same like that. He pulls his shorts down and I drop to my knees to suck his cock. He's shaved his pubes which is kind of weird but I know some guys do that and I'm loving the taste of his dick. I pull off my t-shirt and am eagerly sucking him and he tells me to slow down and then after a bit asks me if I want to suck him off or get fucked. I'm not lying when I say I want him to fuck me and he laughs lightly and says "right answer". I stand up and move over to the bed laying on my bed and he fumbles in the night stand and pulls out some lube and says he doesn't have any condoms and is it OK if we don't use them. I said it was cool and his face was pretty nonchalant like he expected the answer. He lifted my ankles up to his shoulders and started lubing up my ass and cock and sliding in me. Or trying to at least. I kind hate hooking up with younger guys as their technique isn't the greatest and his cock kept sliding out even though he had about 7 or so inches. As tall as he is he's kind of gangly and all legs and arms whereas I'm not. I finally asked if it would be easier if I was facedown and he laughed and said probably and so I flipped facedown even though I wanted to see his face and eyes and he came inside me. Now that I am facedown he's inside of me more easily and I'm struggling with how much it hurts when he shoves his cock balls deep in me as his girth at the base is straining my ass, but I'm also loving it. He's pounding away saying little, just groans and moans coming from him. He breathing is getting more labored and he says he's getting close. I tell him to cum inside me and not to pull out. I can hear him laugh saying he hoped I'd say that. Not long after I heard a loud groan and "oh fuck, oh fuck yeah" and could feel him unload inside me. His strokes faltered and got uneven and again I told him not to pull out. But his dick softened and I could feel it sliding out of me. He gasped when it finally slid out and he rolled on his back next to me saying it was his turn. I'd just assumed he was top looking for release but apparently he wanted to get fucked too. I rolled on my side and started jerking my cock hoping he wanted it the same way I just took it and wasn't going to ask questions. I already knew he didn't have condoms so wrapping wasn't going to happen. He's reaching down stroking my cock now looking in my eyes looking serious and tells me I can't tell Caleb that I fucked him. I tell him that's cool and that I won't, but inside I wonder what the story is. I'm getting seriously hard thinking of fantasies and dying to know. Clearly he doesn't want Caleb to know he bottomed so maybe he doesn't bottom for Caleb either. Or maybe he has a BF or BF. I'm ready to fuck now and ask him how he wants it and he admits he wants to be face down. Fine, not like I care, I'm putting my load in him. Chris is now face down and I'm lubing up his ass and my cock and soon enough sliding in him and finding his ass gives almost no resistance. Clearly he's either been fucked recently or a lot, maybe both, but he's moaning with delight telling me how good my dick feels inside him. Someone hesitant to get fucked would never say that. I tell tease him saying I bet he wants me dick and wants me to cum inside him. He's telling me what I like, how bad he wants to get fucked, how bad he wants it and wants my cum inside him. I'm making him beg for my load and he is and that I don't know his story is driving me crazy but makes me want to cum inside him all the more and soon I blast an intense load in him letting out a loud groan and he's in heaven telling me not to pull out, to pump my load deep inside him, and how hot my load feels. I'm still stroking and determined to pump another load inside him, telling him there's more where that came from asking him if he wants that second load. He's frantic now saying not to pull out and how bad he wants more of my cum. I'm wondering if he begs for Caleb's loads like this or if he takes loads from other random guys this way. Hell, he really hardly knows me, hasn't asked my status, all he knows is that I know Caleb. And he's keeping secrets about wanting to get fucked raw from someone, so it must be a BF or GF. Looking around his bedroom he's clearly athletic and into sports so I'm guessing a GF who can't know. A GF who won't put out and let him rawdog her, so he finds guys like Caleb and I he CAN rawdog, who want his loads. But she also can't give him what he wants, which is a cock up the ass and hot load of jizz as well. Cause he likes to take it the way he gives it: raw. I've worked myself up so much I blast another load inside Chris with a satisfied groan. I slide out and can see his ass is a cummy gaping mess. I roll on my back panting to catch my breath and Chris looks over at me and says "Damn dude, that was hot! I needed that!" He rolls on his back and I can see he's rock hard and I start stroking his cock which brings a smile to his face. He's throwing off a lot of precum and get up to straddle his cock and lower my ass down on it facing him and can see him smiling up at me as I start riding his cock. I'm not stopping until he pumps another load in me and I'm able to take him easier now even at the thick base. He's saying nothing as I do all the work, but can see as he's getting closer to cumming and can see his breathing changing. I've been jerking my cock trying to time me cumming right as he does and him cumming and feeling his load flood my ass gives me just what I need and I spray my load on his chest and face. He seems startled I've shot so much and so hard. I'm spend and lay down on his chest as he laughs and says what a mess I've made and that I should clean it up. I roll on my side and start wiping it off his chest and fingering it into his mouth. I finger quite a bit in and he eagerly eats it and eventually asks me if I need to shower. I say I do and he leads me into the bathroom and grabs some towels before getting in the shower with me. On the way there I see a few photos of him with the same girl and it strikes me maybe that's his GF. As we shower we're playing with each others dicks with both of us getting hard. He slides back in me teasing me more. He admitted he was glad I wanted to fuck him and he was hoping I would as he really wanted to get fucked. I laughed and said I'd thought he was all top and was surprised he wanted to get fucked. He laughed and said "Yeah, most guys do" and it was a slip up as now I knew he does have other guys fuck him and apparently quite a few if he would say that. I didn't know what to say so I gave an enthusiastic "hot" as a response and was tempted to ask more before quickly adding that any time he wanted to get fucked I was glad to do it. But I still wondered why I couldn't tell Caleb I fucked him and truly I had no ideas, but its hot that Caleb is sending guys his way. I asked if he and Caleb hook up with some of the same guys and he admitted "Oh yeah" a little more enthusiastically than I expected adding "quite a few". Caleb had admitted he fucked around a lot and it was hot knowing they probably did three ways or more, sending guys each other's way. I said that was cool. He asked if I hook up much and I jokingly said "not as much as I'd like" and left it at that. He laughed and said he guessed I did pretty good but didn't push further. Chris cut off the water and we toweled off and got out of the shower and I dressed. He thanked me for the fun and said now that I had his number to text me if I wanted to hook up. I said I would and that he should text me whenever he wanted it. He smirked and said he would and I have no doubts he will.
    2 points
  34. Ryan decided to stay with Aaron for a few weeks, as he was nervous over converting if he did. Well, “if” was not really the right mind set, it was when. It was inevitable, as he and Aaron had hot brother sex every day since, taking turns fucking each other. Finally about 2-3 weeks after their kidnapping, Ryan did feel a little bad, not horrible, but not right either. Aaron took Ryan off to the clinic he went to for testing, and sure enough, Ryan showed Poz. The only reaction the brothers had was to get instant hard ons. The first thing the brothers did was head off to the tattoo place that Bart told them about to get their own biohazard tattoos. When they got there, they saw Bart there and found he owned the parlor. He recognized them immediately. “So, the brothers appear. Am I to guess that Big Bro’s gift took and your both here to get your badges of honor?” Bart took them back to a private room and had them strip down. Bart shaved both of their chests and carefully washed them. They both got about four inch biohazards tattoos done on their left pectorals. By the time the tattoos were done, the brothers had rock hard dripping erections. Bart just had to quench his thirst on that toxic love juice, and promptly got on his knees and took each cock one by one in his mouth and drank their juices. Once Bart had his fill of the brothers copious sweet precum, he turned them around and bent them over his table so he could get at their firm dimpled asses. Aaron’s nicely fuzzy ass, and Ryan’s some what less fuzzy one (which Bart was sure would fill in in a few years to match Aaron’s). Bart took his turn between the two asses, spreading the cheeks and running his tongue all in the hairy valleys, all against the fuzzy holes and finally driving his tongue as deeply into their beings as possible. Aaron and Ryan moaned through out the rimming, their cocks never going down, and juices flowing out of their foreskins to the floor. While Bart was down at their asses giving them all his attention, he noticed for the first time that the brothers had tattoos on their left butt cheeks. Looking at them, they were identical and something he’d never seen before, and expertly done, but it also looked vaguely familiar like may be he has seen it. He looked closely at both as he lightly ran his tongue over them. They appeared to be three stylized arms made into a Celtic knot each “arm” also had a stylized letter, one being A, another R and last a M. The center of it all with all the lines a swirls almost seemed to have the biohazard sign in it. Bart could see a way of using a few colors to call a subtle attention to that. Bart lightly rubbed the tatts, “So boys, what is this beautiful tatt on your asses. It can’t be obvious spelling arm and be arms making a knot.” Aaron spoke up, “That’s a design I did for my brothers and I. Us three are exceptionally close. After our parents died I did that for us three, and we all decided to have them put on our asses. All three of us are gay, and came out to each other when our parents died. It was my first act as our baby brother’s guardian to allow him to get the tattoo at 15. Matty was just 15, Ryan was 18 and I was 21. Matty is 18 now and about to graduate.” “Well, now that is a special tatt then. Matty, so there is a third one of you hot boys? Matty, um, Matty?! Hold on, let me get something, I remember something now. You two keep yourselves busy a moment, let get my pad and delay my next appointment a short bit.” “Fuck, that tatt looks great on your chest Aaron. Turn around and let me see that ass tatt too.” As Aaron turned around Ryan pushed him over the table, and attacked his ass with his tongue. This made Aaron start to moan loudly. Ryan got his tongue deep into Aaron. Ryan was working over Aaron’s hole making it all wet and ready. Ryan stood up, and rubbed the tip of his hard and dripping cock against Aaron’s hole. At that point Bart walked back in, and saw the brothers in such a compromising hot position. He got right up against Ryan from behind, reached around and grabbed Ryan’s cock. “Such a hot sight to walk in to. Here let me help you put your dick into your big brother.” Fitting words to action, Bart nestled Ryan’s foreskin covered head against Aaron’s hole and using his body pushed Ryan slowly and steadily into Aaron. Both brothers moaned out an “oh fuck”. “Then while you boys have a nice little fuck, let me show you something. Ryan look over your brother’s shoulder while humping him.” Bart pulled up bbrts on his notepad, and an account that had caught his attention a few weeks ago. He showed the following posting to the boys fucking. NEWLY 18 AND SEEKING GIFT I just turned 18, and graduating in a month. Heading back home, and looking for a cumming home gift. Do you have the right package to give me the gift I want? Especially love skin wrapped delivery systems. Matty needs his gift soon. With the posting were some great pictures of a very fit twink. Beautifully fit chest with a little patch of hair between his pectorals, patch of hair around each nickel sized nipples. Shaggy treasure trail from his bellybutton to his bushy pubes, and a beautiful uncut cock. Just a hint of juice coming out the lips of his foreskin. The next picture showed a beautiful muscular back down a triangle to a perfect dimpled ass, with just a few hairs coming out the valley, hinting at a very nice fuzzy hole. On the nicely dimpled left cheek, that now very familiar tattoo. “Holy fuck!!” both boys said in unison, which at the same time they both blasted their very toxic loads, one all over the parlor table and one deeply inside an ass.
    2 points
  35. This writing is entirely a product of imagination. Nothing is true and this does not encourage risky sexual behavior. Chapter 5 - Muscledude's Unprotected Hole Robert and David have been together for 6 years and of that time 4 years poz. Both Robert and David are both really muscular and spend a lot of time in the gym. Robert is 45 years old and David is 24 years old. David and Robert started dating when David was only 18 years old. Two years later, they got married and had a memorable and hot honeymoon in Brazil. Robert and David love sex and love showing off their muscular bodies. During their two-week honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, they had sex with countless new men every day. Robert and David toured Rio's gay saunas and cruising areas for two weeks. Although both men are more tops, especially David's hole was tender and swollen after a two-week honeymoon. Brazilian men were hot for a muscular 20 year old all white guy. Both grooms had given and received countless loads during the two weeks. All bare. Two weeks after the trip, first Robert developed a fever and then David. They both received HIV as a gift from their honeymoon. Every year on their wedding day, Robert and David take a trip and reminisce about their honeymoon. They have already visited Berlin, Tokyo, Cairo and most recently Mexico City. At each location, local men happily accept Robert and David's sperm and seed their holes. For two months now, Robert and David have been fucking Roy, a 30-year-old muscular dude they met at the gym. Roy often works out at the gym with his husband. But Robert and David noticed some time ago how Roy always winked in their direction. One time Roy's husband was nowhere to be seen, so David went to talk to Roy. David made sure Roy could see the cock bulging under his shorts. After a while, Robert and David went to the locker room and the gym's sauna to relax after training. It didn't take more than a moment when they heard the sound of the shower and right after that Roy was standing at the door of the sauna with a towel on his hip. Robert and David had sat so that the only place for Roy was between the men. Roy climbed onto the top bench and sat between the men. Robert rubbed his muscles and hummed with pleasure. Robert opened his towel on his hip so that Robert's thick cock was exposed. Robert also rubbed his cock and moaned some more. David also opened his towel and revealed his luscious cock to Roy. Robert grabbed Roy's hand and led it to his own cock. Roy didn't resist and grabbed Robert's hard cock. David put his hand behind Roy's neck and guided Roy's face towards his crotch. Willingly, Roy opened his mouth and let David's cock slide deep into his throat. Robert had already put his hand on Roy's ass and slid his finger towards Roy's hole. "Please stop, I can't", said Roy startled. It turns out that Roy and the husband had a monogamous relationship, so Roy shouldn't be in this situation. Between two juicy cocks. "Okay, we're going home to fuck. It's nice if you come along. But that's entirely up to you. You're welcome!” said Robert and went to take a shower. David followed Robert. David and Robert were already dressed when Roy came out of the shower. "Wait, I'll go with you". On the way, Roy said that he had never cheated on his husband, even though he has a constant desire to have a stranger's cock in his ass. Once there, David and Robert undressed Roy right away. Robert offered his own cock for Roy to suck. David bent down to eat Roy's married hole. When Roy's hole was wet enough, David began to rub his cock on the hole. Roy demanded a condom for David. The men explained to Roy that they were just fucking bare, but it's completely safe because both men's viruses are undetectable. Roy was shocked to hear that both men are poz. David resolutely stated that it's bare or not at all. And pulling out is not an option, because if you fuck, the juices are always injected deep into the hole. Cheating muscle dude Roy was too horny. He couldn't refuse anymore. He could only say to David "Breed me". Both men fucked the cheater Roy in every possible position. Both cummed in Roy's hole twice. Every week, Roy would cheat on his husband once or twice at David and Robert's. Sometimes the men also quickly fucked Roy in the gym's sauna. Only in the weeks when David and Robert had a Thursday club meeting did they not fucked Roy. Because they were of meds. They did tell Roy what it was about. Roy listened in amazement that some willingly take poisonous sperm in their holes. Roy's own cock stood stone-faced when David told how they had gangbanged and inseminated 25-year-old Eric at John and Michael's and most recently a 35-year-old blindfolded parish priest at William and James's. Roy stared horny at the video of Max's gangbang, where Max begged for poz loads while blindfolded. The video caused Roy to shoot sperm with no hands.
    2 points
  36. There is a surplus of tops. Old tops, fat tops, ugly tops, smelly tops. Bottoms are just too picky. Cute top walks in, five bottoms descend on him like a pack of wolves. Meanwhile there’s the rock-hard 90-year-old that’s been waiting in the corner for a blow job for the past hour. I see this all the time. Before I realized my role as a truly submissive bottom, I was picky too. Now I fall to my knees to service that 90-year-old dick, and any other that comes along. That guarantees me a gut and ass full of 9 or 10 loads every time I head out. The tops are there. You’ve just got to be willing to take them. Every cock deserves good service.
    1 point
  37. Hot story! I've been that bottom so many times. Knowing I need to be safe, my brain screaming for a condom; but the raw cockhead is teasing my bare hole, his tongue exploring my mouth, the poppers hit hard, my head starts spinning, my hole relaxes, he slides inside my ass "just to feel it for a second"; then my lust takes over and I'm begging to be fucked raw and bred deep. Please post more!
    1 point
  38. If you have gotten something in the time since being tested, then yes there is a risk.
    1 point
  39. I’ll be going to the Berlin (Aug 12) market as a bb mare 😈 It’s been on my bucket list for a while and I can’t wait! I’m keeping my expectations in check though, as I have heard mixed reviews. I’m just going in with an open mind and a willing hole!
    1 point
  40. Here's one from last week. I had a little play session and recorded it for a friend.
    1 point
  41. I swear if I don't find a dude to let my wild side go I think im gonna have chronic blue balls!! I guess ill have to give in and do the whole Gr**** thing. If I end up with a sissy-sub that'd be ideal. Like the sissy in this video, fuck, i blew so much seed to this one person with multiple videos. I POP SO HARD when hes getting fucked with his cock hanging backwards off a stool and while hes getting pounded he just streams cum without touching. So fucking hot. Wish i was there beneath to swallow all of it. Who needs a girl if I had this sissy. The best of both worlds. Cock all day and a gaping cunt to fill with my seed whenever i want. He acts so feminine. Id take cock and mancunt any day over pussy. I desperately need to mount a dude and coat his insides with my jizz. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e9c80b626625
    1 point
  42. The first man that bred my ass, he is also the first man who made me sniff poppers and cum hands-free. We were both cheating. He is a mixed-race man, has a nice 8 inches cock and is thick. Very experienced. When he fucks me, he commands me to moan loud and beg for his cum, and we lock eyes fucking. He would shout something like "ready for daddy's cum boy" "sexy cum whore" to me... and hold me in when he cums inside, gently moaning beside my ear. I could feel his every thrust in me. At the end of every session, he put the small plug up my ass to lock his cum inside me, and I kept it in for a day and a half till it was all absorbed. He indeed turned me into a popper-loving and cum craving boy. Even though I have a boyfriend who creams my ass now, I still think about him and would beg to have sex with him again...
    1 point
  43. BBRT - of all the sites, what hypocrites. I am sorry to hear this has happened to BZ members, but that site has been notorious for "enhancement" usage. So they read our messages to each other? Not surprising. Manhunt does the same, so for those of you who are on there, beware.
    1 point
  44. I have a top who pisses in me after fucking me and eating my arse, usually its chem-piss, and when I am full and can't hold it in any longer, he drinks it out of my arse. We are a great recycling team of sluts
    1 point
  45. If you're still keen on going to Lab/Berghain, plan a trip outside of the big events, i.e, Folsom, BLF, Snax etc. It's worth it. I don't think the change in the crowd is intentional, I'm seeing it everywhere on the fetish scene, especially with the increasing popularity of the pup/handler community. Younger non-fetish guys are venturing out to the bigger events for sex, which is fine, but 20 year-old twinks in pink plastic harnesses does nothing for me. The older guys were all over Berlin for BLF, just not at Snax, which is a shame as 6-7 years ago, it was much more sleazy.
    1 point
  46. hot story... be careful what you ask for...
    1 point
  47. 2 of my uncles use my boypussy at least every two days . 1 is my dads brother and the other my moms. My dads brother I seduced at age 13(took my virginity bareback and bred me)and my moms bro I seduced at age 16. My dad also fucks me and breeds me when mom is out 😈😈😈 worse is none or the 3 know about one another
    1 point
  48. My next few encounters… I had a few more encounters after this one. They weren’t as hot, but still worth mentioning… The first one was very brief. I was selling a game system for money, and while I was returning from my sale, I was hit up on a hookup site by a guy and his friend staying at a nearby hotel. They wanted some fun, and I was horny so figured why not. I headed over to the hotel to meet them. Both were older gentlemen, mid to late 40s and early 50s. The younger one was mostly tweaked out, tine-dicked and mostly just wanted to watch me and other guy play. The older one wanted to slam first, while I got ready. I didn’t have any supplies myself but they offered some if I wanted to pay for some of their stash. I settle for a little bit, and hit some of my new stuff with the younger guys pipe. I was enjoying the rush while watching porn with the younger guy. The older was having a hard time slamming. After about 15-20 minutes, he finally got his hit and came back into the main room from the bathroom. He got on the bed, his dick super hard and leaking. I took my cue and hopped on the bed, ready to suck him off. The older guy handed me some of their poppers. It was in a blue bottle, one I hadn’t seen before. A few hits and man was I flying. I was just in love with his dick, sucking and sucking. I was doing such a good job that he ended up cumming a lot for me. I early drank it. The younger guy had enjoyed the show but couldn’t really do anything. So I ended up not getting fucked, just a nice taste of cum. Because I didn’t feel like heading home, this lead me to my 2nd encounter with Ace that I wrote about before. The Black Daddy After this, I didn’t play with anyone for another month. After a while, it got to me so I went cruising online. I found a guy on the other side of town that wanted to hookup. A black daddy type with a nice 8-9” thick cock. We agreed to meet at his house. As I drove, he called me and we started to talk. He asked what all I was into, which I replied anything but scat, blood, and intense pain. He asked if I was into bondage and BDSM stuff. I said sure, it was cool. As long as he understood that I had to be home at a certain time and have to be able to end things if I didn’t feel right. I arrived at his house and he let me in. He told me right away that he wanted to order me around and that I have to be willing to listen and obey. I told him ‘yes sir, anything you want sir.’ He smiled at that. He told me to get undressed, to fold my clothes up, and to leave them on his couch. He then ordered me to go and clean out. I did the best I could. When I finished up, he handed me a towel and very small pair on undies. I honestly don’t know what to call them other than they barely contained me and was like a thong in the back. He told me to put them on and then come in the room. He went in before me as I finished drying off. I put on the undies and headed in. He was sitting on a bench at the end of his king-sized bed. He already had his bong and torch out. He told me to walk in front of him, twirl around, show him my ass, then had me lean against the wall, ass out. He nodded with approval, then ordered me to kneel infront of him. I did as I was told. He told me that if I did well I would get the hits I wanted. He started to ask me questions: ‘Will you do as I order you to? Say yes sir.’ ‘Yes sir.’ ‘Do you like to get fucked?’ ‘Yes sir.’ ‘Do you like black cocks?’ ‘Yes sir, very much sir.’ ‘Do you want to get fucked my big black cock, slave?’ ‘Yes sir’ (I trembled at this point, I was so turned on) ‘Good. You may have a hit, after I hit it.’ So he takes a big hit, blows it right at me. He tells me to inhale it as he blows smoke at me. I breathe in what I could. He smiles. ‘Good slave. Now I’m gonna light this, and when I say hit, I want you to exhale, put your mouth on the end, and inhale nice and slow until you can’t inhale anymore.’ He places his bong infront of me and starts to heat it up. It starts to smoke, and then he tells me ‘Hit.’ I exhale, then start inhaling slowly. I have really good lungs, so I take a huge hit. He’s impressed. ‘That was good. You deserve another one. While you are hitting, I want you to tweak your nipples for me.’ I do as order, he gives me another good hit, and then hits it himself. ‘Take out my big black cock, slave.’ He has pants on, along with boots. I’ve done a few BDSM scenes before, so I know he also wants me to undress him. I pull off his boots, his socks, fold them next to his boots. I then undo his belt, his button, and his zipper. He lifts himself off so I can pull down his pants. He’s commando, so out pops this huge thick cock. Its dripping. I’m mesmerized. He can tell. ‘Suck it.’ I do my best, but FUCK is it hard. He’s not happy with it but says he’ll teach me to suck it better. He tells me to get on the bed, laying on my back, head over the side. He has me put my hands under my ass, and to just relax. He slaps my face a couple of times, letting me lick at it. I’m so horny and high at this point. ‘Yeah, you’ll do. I have to teach you, but you’ll do.’ He fiddles with a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a can of Max Impact, along with some poppers and a rag. He asks if I have ever done Max, and I tell him not really, but heard about it. He says it helps numb, kinda takes you to a special void. He sprays the rag and tells me to try it. I do a quick hit, and I see what he’s talking about. I basically just feel numb, ragdoll even. I tell him I’m good with this. He tells me to lean my head back over the bed, he puts his cock right on my forehead. ‘This will help you learn to suck my cock, slave.’ He then tells me he’s gonna stick the rag in my mouth, that I’m to breathe in deep, just like my hits on the bong. Then he’s gonna stick his cock in my mouth and to just relax. So I open my mouth, he presses the rag to it, and I take a deep hit. He tells me one more, and repeats. I’m numb at this point, my mind just dead. My mouth is still open, and he slides in his cock. Its thick and I try opening wider, but I really can’t. He tries a couple more times before sliding out. I apologize and tell him let me try one more time. He smiles, sprays the rag a bit more. This time I do 3 hits. I lay there, and finally I take his cock in all the way. He’s enjoying it. I’m trying my best to just be his fuck toy. After a few minutes, the numbness is gone and I nearly choke. He pulls out, a bit disappointed. ‘I will train you, but not tonight. Tonight, I want that ass.’ He orders me to get naked for him. He starts messing around with his monitor he has setup, pulling up some bareback porn. He pulls out some restraints. He’s explaining that the videos we’re watching are his, of his friends he’s fucked, people he’s met and trained and fucked. He says if I’m good enough, he’ll tape me. He says he likes to train guys, get them used to getting fucked by big black cocks. Get them dependent on him, as a master, especially white guys like me. He wants to get me fucked up, take me down to sex club or even the train station, let guys just fuck me while he gets paid. Part of me is turned on by this, the other part scared. He orders restrains me, both my feet and hands. He then tells me that we’re gonna hit the bong again, he wants me rolling. He has me kneeling on the bed, my hands behind my back. He sits down against the head of bed, his big cock just glistening. He takes a hit, blows smokes, watches me inhale it. “Good, you remembered to do that. If I smoke, you inhale.’ He then orders me to suck on his nipples, while he switches up videos. He then orders me to lick his cock then his balls. He’s talking dirty and nasty to me. Lots of words I won’t repeat, but very hot. He wants to sell me, be his little slut bitchy white boy for black cock. I moan a bit for that. He’s lighting his bong, orders me to take a hit. Then another one. Then another one. He takes a bit hit himself, blowing smoke at me, which I breathe. ‘Now you’re ready for this black cock, slave.’ He gets up from his position, removes the restraints, and then has me lay on my back. He orders me told hold my legs up, as he positions me on the edge of the bed. He ties the leg and hand restraints together, so that I’m not totally holding them myself. He lubes me up, finger me a bit. I’m very eager to get fucked at this point. He lubes up his cock, teasing me with it. He takes the popper bottle, has me lean up, and he closes a nostril as I inhale, not even needing to tell me what to do. He pushes his head in a bit. Another hit of the bottle. He slides in more, my head reeling from the poppers. He slides back and forth a bit, then makes me hit longer, ordering me. He does it a couple more times, as he slides all the way in. ‘You now have your master’s big <thrusts in> black <a bit harder> cock <more thrusting> in <a very deep thrust> you!’ He starts to fuck me, his hands on my hips, as he just starts to pound me. God is it feeling great. I’m just rolling in my drugged-haze. Harder and harder he pounds me. I’m watching a clock. This goes on for like 10 minutes, nearly non-stop. I’m a horny bitch for this guy. I ask him meekly if I can moan and praise him. He tells me that’s fine. So I start just telling him how much of a god he is, how much I love my master’s cock in me, fuck me harder, breed me, use me, I’m yours. He’s loving it. He pulls out, smiling. He undoes the restraints, letting me rest, though tells me to tweet my nipples. He starts talking trash about my tiny tina-cock. He says that all white dudes get like that when they get fucked up on tina and get fucked by a real man, a black man. Emphasis on the black. He orders me to get on my hands and knees, ass up, face down. He retrains my hands and hands me the poppers. He gets on the bed behind me, restrains my legs. He tells me ‘that once he’s done training me, I’m gonna be begging to be fucked by black guys. He’ll find the biggest dicks he can find, ruin me.’ He slaps my ass, as he pushes my legs together. He pushes my head down, as he puts his cock head at my entrance. ‘Hit those hard.’ He orders. I take a huge hit, and he pushes in me deep. He starts just pounding away, hitting my spot, and I’m moaning. Every so often I take more hits, and god does his fucking feel good. He’s talking more trash to me, how he could easily get a couple of guys tonight to come fuck me, fuck me real good, breed me with their seeds (though another word was used). I moan at his words. He fucks me for a good 10-15 more minutes, just slapping my ass, thrust deep in me. I’m trying to keep myself on the bed, but his trusts are just so strong. We have to stop as I nearly fall off. He pulls out, helps me up, and cleans me and himself off. He tells me to lay down, on my side, as he gets back to sitting at the head of the bed. His cock is still cock hard. He orders me to lick and clean him up. I eagerly do. He tells me yeah he’ll train me to be a fine black cock sucker. He pushes the MI rag into my face, orders me to breathe it in, then forces me down on his cock. I relax and let it happen, getting about halfway down. He fucks my face for a bit, then pulls me off. He says I’m still a bit teethy, which I apologize for. I ask what time it is, as I did have to get back home around a certain time. I couldn’t see the clock from where he had me, so he tells me. Its getting close. I tell him that I had agreed to let him order me around, as long as I could say stop when I needed to. This was the time. He smiles, then tells me that yes, we could stop. He doesn’t want to scare me off nor get me in trouble if I don’t make it home. But he’ll still be my master no matter what I say. So he undoes the restraints. He tells me that I can use the shower to clean off. But he wants me to wear his undies home and that the next time I come over to bring them. I take my shower, clean up. My high is starting to come down a bit, though I’m still wide awake. I come back, wearing the undies he wanted me to wear. He’s gotten his clothes back on and is cleaning up his room. We chat a bit, mostly trying to setup another encounter. We also talk about his friends he’s taped, things he’s done, things I’ve done. He’s surprised that I just started pnping. He just warns me that not everyone I meet in this scene is nice like him. Some may come across like it, but once they get high, get me high, there’s risk. And that he was serious about things he said to me. I nod and agree, telling him that it’s a fantasy of mine, just not sure how I can make it work in my life. Playing for me is every so often, just so I don’t get addicted and so that my friends don’t have to worry about me. After an hour of this, with me drinking water and eating some fruit, he bids me farewell. I make it back to my house, my ass sore but fulfilled. The next day I wake up and realize that some of my time is missing, especially after he started to fuck me from behind. I also vaguely remember some of the conversations after it, laying there feeling numb and barely able to do anything aside from half-assed following of orders. I posted in a thread on here about it, and it was a bit worrisome. I kept him in mind though. I never forget black cock. Not like his. Wow.
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