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  1. So you wanted more about Troy. I'll call this what's wrong with Troy. I know you pigs out there would like to think that Troy was over every night slamming me and breeding me. Sorry buddies but that was not the case. However, he was at my house all the time, we'd smoke and look for our separate fucks. He'd find his and take off and I'd do my thing. We became close enough that he had a key to my place. He needed it to bring his fuck toys to use in my guest room. I only had one rule, clean up your fucking mess. I have no idea what time it was, I was beat tired from a 16-hour shoot, up for at least 24. Passed out in my bed and sleeping like a baby, dreaming that someone was playing with my hole. It was definitely a hot sex dream. The touch was so real, the wetness of the thick finger pushing into me. Then there was a burning sensation, I knew it, the same as a booty bump. I remember thinking to myself, please don't wake up this dream is too hot. Then a push and oh fuck my hole was being opened and I hear, open up little cuz. Fucking Troy you're rapping me in my sleep. He pushed me down flat on my stomach as his cock goes balls deep. He tells me that little fuck got to spun so he dumped him. When he saw my ass his cock made a decision. He said and I quote "I'm high, horny, and need to cum. Just lay there and take it". Now let's think about this. This mother fucker came into my room, lubed my ass, and gave me a booty bump while I was asleep and you want me to just lay here? Hell no, now I'm horny from that bump he gave me. So I'm going to play his game and I say, stop or I'm going to tell my dad. He says, no one is home but us so take it. You know you want this cock, you always want it slut boy. Tell me you want it. I say I don't get off me. His trust gets harder, deeper. Tell me you want it. NO, get off. He kept telling me to tell him I wanted it, but I kept saying no, playing the game. He pulls out and flips me over, spreads my legs, and slams back into me, Tell me you want it. Ok, ok I want it. Now the two of us are at our high peak, the booty bump has taken full control over me and I want his cum. Were sweaty messy kissing, talking dirty about his thick 9 1/2 cut cock and my boy pussy. I remember him telling me to tell him to rape my pussy while mom and dad are gone. That I want him to get me pregnant. I tell him no I won't say that. That fires him up and he insists that I say it. NO! He becomes more forceful. My little 5'5 135 lb body is no match to his 6 foot 185 lbs. I'm being tossed around like jello. My hole starts to spasm, I lose it and start to beg Troy to bread me. Nothing is more important than cousin Troy's cum in me. Then he says it, Tell me to get you fucking pregnant. Get me fucking pregnant. Please Troy get pregnant. The next minute is haven as we both come down from the massive load he just pumped into me. We lay there and I ask him what the fucks wrong with you? He told me to shut up, I loved it.
    7 points
  2. This topic is ever so fresh for all of us lucky enough to make it past the age of 50. So, here's my experience and tidbits of advice as a 100% vers, over 50 gay man: - Wear and act your age. Dressing up like a 20 yo twink will not match your facial features and colour of your hair so while our hearts and inner desires may be stuck at 21, our physical appearance changes with time so wear your age with pride. - When you get naked, have the confidence of your desires not that of your body appearance. Ageing is natural and so are the changes in body shape and fat distribution. Keeping fit is one way to attract a wider range of men. The more you're trying to hide certain features, the more it has the opposite effect. - Keeping fit doesn't mean just muscles. It can be a toned body, it can be a nice, straight-up posture, etc. Spend some time every day taking care of yourself: a few situps, a 5 minute dance on your fave Backstreet Boys or the Pet Shop lads will do wonders to your physique at any age. - Going to a sex- club means you're horny enough to want to have sex. So show it. If you're in Berlin at the Lab, Berghain, the Bull or any other fine establishments, don't just sit in a corner, feeling sorry for yourself, sipping from a glass of rose and yapping with your buddies. Lab is not RuPaul's werk room for throwing shade. Go out there, put your ass up in the air, get yourself in the sling and show everyone you mean business. You are not at the Lab for the fashion show and not there for your company dreaded xmas party. You're there to suck cock, get fucked deep in the ass and stick your cock in a man's ass. - While a 25 yo may have little difficulty getting cock (or ass), as a 50+ man, one needs to do a bit more work than just sitting by the bar and looking pretty. You need to be more assertive and initiate contact. There's plenty of young tops turned on by the daddy looks and butts. - Don't be put down by a rejection or two. We all have our likes and dislikes. Sure, as I said, you won't get all tops in the room to like you, but there's always more than a few who will gladly shag you. - Confidence. Be confident and show the world what you want. When I top, I am looking for that ass or hole that insipires me at that moment. It can be a twink, a 35 yo bodybulder, or an experienced sloppy hole of a 65 yo man. If I'm looking to get fucked, I put my ass up in the air on the fuck bench or in the sling and let the audience know what I'm looking for. And if you have your ass up in the air, you can't really afford to be too picky or choosy. Be grateful for (almost) any cock willing to get inside you. - The Lab in Berlin is the grand daddy of the sex clubs. So yes, you will have competition. As a 50+ yo, you will get less action than the 30 yo body builder with the perfect skin and bedroom eyes being fucked in the sling by 100 men. But getting fucked by 20+ men in the dark room is still a decent outcome. - A lot of people come to Berline from afar and they all have different customs and habits of initiating contact. And remember that for every German in the room there will be at least 10 non-Germans. Also not everyone speaks English and that body signals are the best way to communicate. - Rudeness is universal. Get over it. You are going to Berlin to a sex club to have sex. You're not there for a deep meaningful spiritual contact. If someone is rude to you (or what you consider rude), move on. Cultural differences are sadly ignored. A grunt from a hunk may be interpreted as rude by a polite, proper Oxford educated gentleman, when in reality the hunk is from Serbia, has a 9 inch hard cock, and has a soft spot for 50+ English bottoms. But he doesn't speak a word of English and in his culture the grunt you just heard is a deeply admirative signal that he wants you. However, a push away, is a push away. And while you may think this is rude, you gotta move on. No point in wasting your time. - Lower your expectations. I read and hear all the times stories about bottoms get tens and hundreds of loads in their asses in one go. With the very, very, very few exceptions, these are just that: stories and fantasies. Because tops want to fuck as many holes as they can and once they come, 3/4 of them are done for the day (or night). So no. You will not get 20+ loads at the Lab or any other sex clubs in one go. If you're lucky, you may get on average anywhere between 5 and 10. If you're super hot, you will get fucked. But not easily loaded. - Don't waste your time with standoff-ishy people. Ignore them and move on. - Not being let in to a club. I've been going to Berghain/Lab frequently for the past ten years or so and the only people whom I've witnessed not being let in are when they are heavily drugged, drunk, or not dressed up for the event. And yes, sometimes, you are at the mercy of the doorman who's on a power trip. And that's that. If that happens, move on to the next club. There's more than plenty. - Do a bit of research upfront. There are many sites listing sex clubs and their events. Spend a bit of time upfront to know what's going on throughout the year and plan around the time that suits you best. Also, do a bit of research into the type of crowds you expect to find at each establishments and events. Don't go to SNAX if you're a bear whos only sport attire is a pair of worn out Sketchers. You won't get in, and even if you get in, the crowd is mostly 20 to 40 yo. I said mostly, not exclusively. As a 50+ bottom, overweight and not fit, your best bets are the glory holes or darkrooms. Leave your ego at the door and be thankful for any cock you get in. - Big events in Berlin, or anywhere else for that matter, do attract bigger crowds and as such everyone has high expectations. The reality will be different for everyone. And to stay focused on the theme of the OP, if you are a bottom over 50, no matter your shape, consider some extra time in grooming yourself. I am always amazed of how many bottoms come to a sex club with a dirty hole, drunk and drugged to extreme, untrimmed hair (for those fortunate enough to still have it on their head), and generally unwashed. Don't mistake man smells for unwashed. (Although there is a market for those into dirty stuff as well). - Everyone's experience is different from others and different on separate occasions. One time you may have the shittiest of all times, and next day it will be the pinnacle of your sex life. You just never know. - World gay scene is constantly evolving. Berlin is still holding the crown when it comes to crazy sex, but do consider places such as Barcelona, Madrid, Paris or Maspalomas. Sure, they attract smaller crowds but that's constantly changing. In my lifetime I've seen Amsterdam sliding from the most desirable place to a nice, decent, good place to have sex. I've seen London going down the same way: With only two or three small-ish venues London has lost its appeal it once had in the late nineties and noughties. Now, although Berlin is still top, Barcelona and Madrid are rising fast as the place to be for uninhibited sex. - And the last piece of my wisdom:-) Go easy, Go very easy on the drugs. Smoking a joint and sniffing on the poppers is probably enough. Any more than that, your sex vibe will be lost and there aren't too many tops turned on by a drunk and drugged 50+ unfit hole. Happy fucks people!
    4 points
  3. There’s no greater joy than focusing on relaxing your ass to get that strangers cock as deep up inside you as it can possibly go. Feeling the head of some mans prick in the core of your body, knowing that if He decides to pump harder into you you may get tiny tears in your tender fuckhole while you picture his dickhead expending as it splash’s hot semen onto your excited membranes. As he slips out of you, you pray it won’t be long before another man enters you and uses the cum that’s still hot in you to get his seed in you even more deeply. It’s the greatest joy there is to give your body to men for their pleasure. If you’re a good bottom you will please many many men and they will come back and se you often as you get better with every load you receive.
    4 points
  4. Hello everyone. I'm 19yo and just moved to a large city for the first time in my life for studies. I come from a small village (which is on an island). Although we do have tons of tourists well it was hard to do anything sexual. It seems as there is a kind of an invisible barrier between us and the tourists. Being gay is tough here but I've managed to be a fake str8 or whatever you may call it. I know that I'm gay and I have no regrets or bad feelings about it. I love liking men. However I'm a bit scared too. Sometimes it feels that my sexual drive takes control. It's not easy finding someone. I recently made a profile on a gay site, I receive lots of messages but very few were interesting for my taste. I'm mostly into someone who would be 35+, the daddy type you know. I don't really know if I am a top or a bottom, for the time being I can be everything. I feel like I'm ready to catch fire, metaphorically speaking. I also thinking of getting a nipple piercing. Sounds irrelevant but somehow when I get horny I think of that too. Or when I see it in others. I wanna test another man's lips and not only that. I know about prep and I know about STDs. I want my first time to be raw. The only guy that we're talking these days is a guy who is 40 and he likes smoking and poppers. he smokes cigarettes and weed. We jerk off together at cam and he likes smoking a lot while I stroke for him. he wants me to suck him. I think I want too. I'm just a bit confused. I'd like to discuss all these with someonen who is patient and does not want to fuck me right now. I've got no gay friends or friends who know that I'm gay. So I wanted to share all these..
    3 points
  5. Had just finished gymming and I was horny for some gloryhole action. The thrill of the chase, putting my ass against the wall and waiting until I feel the poke of a hard cock, drives me wild. Every time I go in, I always get multiple loads and I wonder how many today will score me. I walk in, go to the back past the wall lurkers and am in my booth with just enough time to take off my shorts when I hear the door close on the other side. Without having to even touch it, in pops this hung white daddy dick ready to fuck and I lube up and in he goes. I start riding it and within two minutes my hole is dripping his seed. As soon as he zips up and is out, the process begins and I ended up with 14 cocks unloading in me during that hour. I think the best fuck was when I walked in and this older and kind of pudgy straight guy saw me walk in. I love that I’ll take all loads as long as the tops cock is hard. He seemed hesitant at first but wanted to load me and was rock hard in the hall. Once I saw his shoes on the other side, after I had him buried inside my ass for a couple minutes I hit the buddy booth and let him watch through the now frosted glass as his cock slid in my hole, leaking loads all over his dick. He loved it and gave me one of the biggest loads. Can’t wait to take some anon cum again today.
    3 points
  6. I was also 19 when I first had sex. Gosh, those were long years waiting to get to a big city so that I could find other gay guys. But that was a very different time before AIDS and the internet. I wouldn’t even try to advise you on modern coming out and hooking up. However, I strongly urge you to think carefully about your health. I totally understand wanting your first sex to be raw. And I would feel the same way. The great thing is that you can go raw and be pretty safe too, but it will take some planning. Take precautions. Find a doctor or free clinic where you can get medial consultations. At minimum, I’d suggest getting on PrEP and get vaccinations for HPV and hepatitis. You can also get a prescription for doxycycline to take after having condomless sex to dramatically reduce the risk of catching an STI (DoxyPEP). I’m definitely not a medical expert, so others will probably correct me or add to the list. Reading posts on this site can make risky sex sound great - it sure does to me! But I urge you to take a step at a time. Just having sex for the first times is unimaginably exciting. If later you want to stop PrEP, you’ll be in a much better headspace to make that life-altering decision. Good luck to you! Keep us posted.
    3 points
  7. I've been to cumunion quite a lot, and I have never seen a condom in use. It's promoted by BBRT (barebackrt), and might have been originated by them although I'm not sure about that. I think you will experience a lot of rejection at that particular event if you try to make guys wear condoms for you. I can't speak for cities other than Atlanta, but I'd say that RAW is expected at cumunion. If it's at a bathhouse, I would suggest going on a "regular" busy night. It sounds like you're not a stranger to barebacking, so maybe you just want to tell yourself you're gonna be safe the first time. You don't have to do anything you don't want to there, so maybe just go, walk around watching the raw sex, let the shyness wear off and the hormones start pumping - then bend over for the bare cock you know you want and need 🙂
    3 points
  8. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    2 points
  9. It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
    2 points
  10. This all started around the end of 2018 when Patrick started PrEP. As someone who’s a bit shy around sex Patrick felt that PrEP could reduce his anxiety around condomless sex and turn him more into the pig he always desired to be. You see, he had a darker sexual idea of intimacy for years but never fully embraced it. For a long time he’d been a member of bareback forums and a member of BBRT even since he was a first year undergrad in college. While Patrick fantasized bareback sex and getting roughed up in the bathhouses of the big city, these desires only stayed a fantasy and never were a reality. Patrick had a deep desire for hairy men, group sex, flip fucking, exchanging seed and swapping loads, pummeling each other and using loads as lubricant, in dark, dimly lit spaces. To Patrick, PrEP could be the key he needed to unlock his promiscuity. The time he first started taking PrEP was also around the same time Patrick accepted a new job at a startup in the Flatiron neighborhood. Things were looking up for him now as he had entered his late 20s; he was more assured with the direction his career was heading. Additionally, a new workout routine had finally started to kick into a higher gear as he began focusing more on weight training, pushing less reps and heavier weights, and feeling more confident with the barbell. A few months prior Patrick was an average weight-height ratio, a true mesomorph, with a little extra love around his chest and hips, but since he began hitting the gym and eating leaner, he was losing weight and seeing more definition in his arms, back, and shoulders. Walking around nude around the locker room was also different, as his shyness was becoming less and less obvious from his early and mid 20s. His chest hair was also starting to grow more dark and curly; he was becoming more manly and less boyish. If he had time after his workout, he’d even stick around in his towel and begin to use the dry sauna, hoping to catch sight of someone joining him or to hook eyes with another gym rat. On an early November morning Patrick had planned his PrEP appointment at the Chelsea health clinic not far from the office. Showing up early he was amongst a bunch of other gay men waiting outside for the doors to open. Patrick was a bit nervous as he wasn’t sure how much time he’d need or how seamless the process would be with the doctor. In no time the doors had opened, and the queue had begun filling in their clipboards with personal information. Finally after nearly an hour and a half, his number was called and was presented to the doctor who’d exchange all the information he needed to begin building up his immunity. Upon finishing up his appointment and heading to his office for the day, he had already begun his daily regimen of the blue pill to become the primal bareback sex fucker he’d been pining for. All Patrick needed to do now was wait for 2 weeks and the games would begin. He kept track every morning how many days left until he’d let his body be consumed by all the new fuck buddies he’d soon be making. Motivated and completely horned by all this activity and excitement about being used, Patrick decided to walk back after work to the west side of town to Chelsea and head to his go-to sex shop, the one with a long blue awning outside and awkward mannequins in the window display. His current bottle of poppers were drying up and needed to refill, but some other purchases could possibly inspire him that day at the store. While he typically didn’t buy much more than a bottle of poppers and silicone lube, Patrick decide to go for his first jockstrap with a thick black waist band and a big pouch to hold all his junk in. Feeling a bit out of place and unsure what he actually wanted, he kept flipping the jocks across the clothing rack rather quickly as if he knew what he wanted, but clearly didn’t come PrEPared. Upon finding something medium size, and simple in design, Patrick brought his selected black jockstrap to the cash register to this cute guy who he recognized before from prior shop visits. This man in his late thirties has a good looking face but not particularly conversational. Patrick gestured to this cashier that he needed a minute to grab some poppers on the shelf behind the line, but instead of grabbing 1 bottle he grabbed 3. 1 bottle he picked up he recognized and 2 were new he hadn’t tried. He felt it was worth investigating further so he asked the cashier “would you recommend these 3?” The cashier took a look at the selection and without hesitation returned “I’d go for the white English one missing the logo, guys say it’s pretty strong”. Looking at the price it was more expensive and in a larger bottle than the others. The value made sense to Patrick so he quickly exchanged one of the 2 new ones for the white bottle and was ready to commit. To Patrick, the stronger the fumes, the better the fucking. “sounds like you’re gonna have one hell of a night”, the cashier said softly as he winked and smiled. Patrick blushed, “well I’m hoping to branch out a bit from the same ones I always get”, proving just how shy Patrick is. He could feel his palms sweat, as the cashier handed him the small stapled paper bag with the poppers and jock. “Have a nice night!” as Patrick scurried out. “You too man!” he could hear from behind. Once home in Harlem Patrick started messaging some guys on BBRT, invigorated by his new purchases and with the renewed sense of certainty that he was getting closer to uninhibited group sex he always desired. One of the guys messaged Patrick, giving him a jolt of horniness and excitement. The message was super basic as you can imagine. “Hey what’s up” this stud wrote. Intrigued by the prospect, Patrick went to his profile to see a guy who was well built, and listing many hot keywords: kissing, sucking, verse, group fun, rimming, 69, undetectable. This guys preferences were practically singing to Patrick as he began envisioning the two of them entwining their bodies together, exchanging their fluids, exchanging saliva and cum, licking each others sweat, huffing and huffing poppers all night. Patrick also saw a coupl emojis: eggplants as usual, but also a mountain and some clouds blowing, which he thought seemed a bit out of context. Without much thought Patrick began edging carefully as he contemplated messaging him back. Patrick thought that this might be someone he could meet up with in the coming days, as his plan was to wait until Friday night after work and see what kind of trouble he could get himself in to. Restraining himself from cumming, Patrick decided to prioritize browsing guys and getting comfortable with what hot profiles his neighborhood could offer. He did not recognize anyone from any prior hookup but potentially there could have been prior messages Patrick had regrettably ghosted in the past. Not this time he thought. Friday finally came, and Patrick felt like a kid waking to a white Christmas morning. Now that he completed his immunization, Patrick would later that night go hunting on BBRT across the entire city, searching for verse and hairy guys who wanted to ram their cocks into cum filled holes. Getting through the day, Patrick hit the NYSC by Park Ave around lunchtime, focusing on his arms and chest. Patrick spent a solid hour and 10 minutes working his body, feeling his testosterone lighten the stress a bit. Looking in the mirror of the locker room Patrick could clearly see the results of today’s routine, recognizing his arms and chest all pink and swollen from the pump of his workout; his face was flushed pink as well. Everyone else in the locker room during the lunch rush minded their business as if it were a normal Friday. After Patrick had returned back to the office, he pursued his remaining tasks before the weekend started. Patrick’s last meeting finished up, and by 6 it was time to leave, catch the D train home to 145th St. and start PrEParing for the night. Patrick was completely spent from the long draining day at work and feeling the exhaustion from his workout, he was feeling more focused on his need for a nap once he got home. Speed walking from the station and from the dark and cold air, Patrick made it home, walked up his quiet and empty apartment, and slipped into bed, setting his alarm for 9:30. Hearing the gentle chimes, Patrick recognized that it was well into his Friday evening and he needed to get a move on. Luckily, Patrick slept solidly and was ready to focus on getting some dinner ready and start cleaning his ass. Patrick had a basic meal ready in no time, accompanied by a few shots of rum. It was strong but would help him relax even further into the night. It was time to hit the shower, taking with him his douche, his new poppers, and his music playlist. The playlist that Patrick had curated was dedicated to deep and seductive beats, a very low energy but could easily put you in a sexual trans. While he didn’t want to take too long cleaning himself, Patrick took the liberty of opening one of his fresh poppers and inhaling the fumes through one of his nostrils, letting the warmth make his body glow. His heart was pounding in his ears as his ass lips were pulsing. Patrick slipped 2 fingers up his ass, feeling the pleasure of something entering his ass and rubbing the walls inside. His cock was full of pulsing blood, making him erect at 8 inches. Fuck. Tonight was going to be a ride. By nearly 10:30 Patrick was fully prepped, and feeling the intensity of his continued use of poppers mixed with the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream. Patrick could feel the worked muscles from his workout and confident with his looks. Dried off and laying in bed, Patrick opened up BBRT and began exploring all online profiles within a 5 mile radius. The profiles were just incredible; it was a buffet of furry raunchy pigs. It seemed that every block in the city showed somebody online wanting to bareback. Patrick was sweating and he could see clear precum begin to ooze from his erect cut shaft dribble down his mushroom head. Patrick was determined he was going to hit up multiple guys and take each of their loads, allowing them to churn the last pigs shot into him like making butter, slicking his ass with any load he could get. While there were some messages sent from blank profiles, Patrick kept on, sending a handful of messages of his own indicating that he was interested in what the other guys were up to. He soon checked out a profile of a couple in their 40s who lived close to his Harlem apartment. The pictures from their side looked hot!, (although who could know for sure if they were up to date). Some of the photos had them together and some separate. One of the guys a bit tall and somewhat thinner but broad shoulders, while the other guy was a bit more beefy and a chest full of hair. Their account showed active and online, and that they can host, fantastic! Patrick sent a message and waited a bit, and in very little time he got a reply from the couple. For Patrick, this couple would be his priority if they could host and could host NOW. After some quick back and forth, the conversation did not waste any time getting to the matter of position, likes, timing, and phone numbers. Moving to text, the couple sent the address and let Patrick head on over. Slipping on the new jockstrap, warm clothes and a shoulder bag with his new sex supplies, Patrick would show up on their brownstone doorstep within 15 minutes. After being buzzed in and walking up to the third floor, Patrick could hear their apartment front door open with a low voice call him in to greet him. Seeing the guys head peek out, the taller partner welcomed Patrick with a warm tone to his voice, covering his mostly naked body with the front door. “I’m Mike, great to see you Patrick” Mike closed the door behind Patrick and were facing each other, with Mike only wearing short briefs. Looking at his face Patrick recognized him from the photos very clearly and was relieved to see that his photos were accurate. Entering their apartment, Patrick was met with the smell of burning incense and low lit colorful lighting, and a warm air temperature. Patrick scanned the room trying to gauge the layout and if the partner was around. “You look incredibly fucking hot, this is going to be a lot of fun” Mike closed in on Patrick. Given that everything was meeting Patrick’s immediate expectations he was relaxed to give Mike a smile and a brief embrace. “Thanks for having me over so quickly you look hot yourself” Patrick returned. Mike continued to gaze into Patrick’s eyes. At this point, a sound from the kitchen could be heard as the partner, wearing a tank and briefs, came around the corner holding what appeared to be Gatorades. “Hey there kiddo I’m Ben” the shorter partner said. Mike looked at Ben with a devilish grin as Ben came up to Patrick, giving him an amicable hug to gesture his welcome. “So how long have you lived in Harlem? I don’t think I’ve seen you much online or at anybody else’s house before” Ben said “Yeah I’ve been in this area four years actually, I just don’t log on too often” Patrick replied, taking off his coat and placing the bag to the floor. “Well we’re looking forward to getting to know you better” Said Mike, smiling Small chat continued briefly about the apartment, helping Patrick ease into the environment, and the hosts were gracious to help him get comfortable. “Water?” Ben asked, heading back to the kitchen “Yes that would be great thank you. By the way I picked up some fresh poppers I hope that’s something we could try if you’re interested” “Thanks for bringing them! We can’t get enough of them. We have some new ones too so we should be in good company” said Ben Mike ushered Patrick, “come follow me Patrick. And hey, Ben? Can you also grab the other supplies?” Mike led Patrick thru the living room down their hallway, opening the door a bit further to Mike and Ben’s bedroom, more dimly lit and curtains sealing the windows. A projector was also showing incredible porn with the volume at a decent level. There was also a laptop in the middle of the bed and several cups on their dresser right near the bed. Patrick was excited but nervous, recognizing that things were gonna start heating up. “This is our room, now don’t be shy you can have a seat in the bed let me grab some candy we picked up from the deli” Patrick removed his shoes and socks, took a spot on the bed and watched as Ben came in with the Gatorade and gummy bears from the kitchen. Mike came over to Patrick and proceeded to deeply kiss him from the edge of the bed. “Let’s take this off shall we” Mike said looking into Patrick’s eyes and running his fingers across his waist. Before long, Patrick had pulled his long sleeve shirt over his head and revealed his chest. Ben had now reappeared in the doorway, focusing on their new guest as Mike took Patrick’s shirt and laid it on a side chair. Patrick’s heart was racing but was more excited than nervous. “Oh let me grab my bag in the living room” Patrick got up and headed down the hall. Grabbing his bag, Patrick returned down the hall half naked and reentered the bedroom. Ben had taken to the bed having removed his short as Mike was going through the drawers looking for something. Ben gestured to Patrick to come meet him in bed, and Patrick responded by unbuttoning his pants and exposing his black jockstrap and his hairy legs. “WOOF you’re gonna make us wild tonight, bring that ass over here!” Mike called. Climbing into the bed, Patrick dove straight into Ben and began making out aggressively, tongue locked and feeling their bodies press against each other. They could feel each others muscles and firm and warm bodies comfortably come together as they started to suck each others necks. “ would you like to try on any of our gear? We have tube socks and a harness if you’d like, I’m gonna put mine on” Mike said. Patrick chimed “ I’d love to sure “ returning to Ben, as Ben licked his pecks. Patrick’s set of gear was handed to him and he quickly figured out how the back pieces crossed and how his arms would feed through. Patrick could hear the poppers open as Ben inhaled long in each nostril. Ben looked like he entered Pleasure Island as he sat back against the headboard, took a pause to let the warmth run through his body. Patrick climbed back to Ben, facing him with his ass facing Mike. In moments, Patrick could feel the third person join the bed and began rimming his ass. Mike cradled Patrick’s dick as Mike licked upwards to the base, back toward his hole. Mike's tongue circled and circled, while he stroked Patrick’s dick slowly and tenderly. And then SLAP - against Patrick’s ass. Ben and Patrick continued licking each others tongues and exchanging saliva. Their hands cupping around each others ears to stabilize each other and holding each other firmly. Mike was now sucking on Patrick’s ass hole as the inner ass muscles were relaxed. Ben grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it to Patrick’s nostrils. “Five seconds each kiddo, we’re gonna all take a turn and get flying” Ben said. Patrick complied, letting each nostril fill with the amyl fumes, reaching his blood vessels and through his body. It was ecstasy, and Patrick took a third hit before passing the bottle to Mike. Mike inhaled twice in each nostril before capping the bottle and throwing the poppers on to the bed. “Want a cock ring? Might be fun if you haven’t used one” Ben asked me. “Yeah I’ve never used one but I’ll take one if you’ve got an extra” Patrick replied. Ben scurried off the bed and went to the dresser. Sitting back against the pillows, Patrick and Mike faced each other before colliding into each others arms and started licking each others chest. Patrick could taste Mike's salty body, letting his lips suck at Mike's treasure trail, down into his crotch. Patrick proved more dominant and pushed Mike back to expose Mike's mast. Immediately Patrick began feasting on his meat, roughly 7 inches long but pretty fat. Each of them slipped on their elastic and colorful rings. Patrick felt like it wasn’t completely necessary for his already hard dick but felt comfortable with the pressure on his balls. Before continuing Patrick grabbed some water and rehydrated. Ben, applied lube to Mike's cock and said, “wanna ride him first? And I face fuck you?” Without hesitation Patrick swung his legs on both sides of Mike to straddle him as he lined up Mike's dick right up to his loose fuck hole. Letting Patrick control the dick invasion, the slick cock pushed through Patrick’s ass lips and began to slide slowly through, letting out a low and deep moan. Ben already had the poppers ready for Patrick, as Patrick took a longer huff in each nostril. Once Patrick was sitting at the root of Mike’s throbbing dick, he let Mike's meat adjust in his warm soft cunt and settle in its new home, until he slowly begun riding back and forth like a jockey, rocking and milking themselves; Patrick pinning down Mike's elbows, and their rhythm maintaining a good pace. Ben climbed over Mike's face, giving his partner access to his sweet furry cunt, and Patrick access to his swollen uncut rod. Ben could now lean forward and grip Patrick’s hips, massaging his back muscles and lightly dig his fingernails up and down. It left red marks but not in a painful way. Patrick was quietly working Ben’s growing hard-on as Mike sucked his partners hairy ball sack. The moaning of all three of them continued as the porn from the projector continued through the queue of scenes. Now you could hear the bed beginning to squeak just a bit but ultimately the bed contained these pigs pretty well. Their heat was warming up the room and Patrick was in the center of the action. Their sweat had made his skin slick, and occasionally requiring he push back his bangs. “Hey wanna try something stronger? We wanna see if you’d like to try something that’s similar to poppers but lasts more than just a couple minutes. It’s definitely stronger and we have a bunch we wanna share with ya” Patrick’s eyes lit up. Hearing that it was similar to poppers was what Patrick was hoping to hear and this couple was fulfilling his needs. Continuing to ride Mike, Patrick agreed “fuck yeah I want you to take me beyond the limit” “Trust us you’re gonna love it. It’s gonna be a good time” Ben said in an enthusiastic way, emphasizing the last sentence. Mike looked to Ben and Ben got to the bedside table and got three big shot glasses already pre poured with what looked like a red Gatorade cocktail. “What’s in that?” Patrick asked. “Some really good shit. You’re gonna feel incredibly cock hungry and you’ll want more. Start with this dosage and see how you feel after 30 minutes.” Ben said. Stopping for a moment for Mike to pull over and sit upright, Mike grabbed a shot glass and handed one to Patrick and Ben grabbed Mike a glass and one for himself. “See ya on the other side kiddo”
    2 points
  11. Part 1. First, some background information. Me and my husband Max have been together for 8 years, 6 of which have been married. We are both around 30 years old. I am 30 and Max is a year younger. Our life is really good and we have fun together. We have a lot of friends and we travel a lot during the holidays. We spend a lot of time together and do a lot of different things together. But... There is one thing that is not perfect. My sperm hunger. For the first 4 years I was able to keep it quiet, but the need for strangers' sperm only got stronger. It grew inside me. I realized that I always looked first at the man's crotch. Ohh, what a big bulge that man has. I realized that I was jealous of every bottom boy in a porn movie who got a raw cock and loads of cum in his ass. I had tried to subtly talk to Max about it, but he didn't want to hear me. He was definitely of the opinion that marriage is only an agreement between two people and does not include other people. My cheating started unintentionally 4 years ago. I was at an optometrist and a 50-year-old male optician gave me vision tests. Every now and then my eyes strayed to the man's crotch, which seemed to be bulging out nicely. After the tests, the optician rested his own hand on his bulge and rubbed it lightly, looking me straight in the eye. Finally he asked if I liked what I saw. I nodded shyly, and admitted that I liked it. The optician said that if I want, I can also examine in more detail. Timidly, I reached out and felt the optician's hot bulge. "Open the buttons," the optician commanded. I obeyed. I opened the buttons and the big pouch of the optician's underwear was sticking out of the pants. "Lick it," was the command. I obeyed again. I greedily licked the pouch of the optician's underwear and bit through the fabric with my teeth on his hardening cock. "Take it out," ordered the optician. I did so and immediately took the man's hot cock straight into my mouth. I started sucking cock like there was no tomorrow. "Oooh, you greedy slut," said the optician. The man fucked my mouth hard. The cock wasn't terribly long or thick, but the man's testicles were big and juicy. I held the bags and caressed the testicles as the cock moved in and out of my mouth. "Get up and turn around," the optician commanded me again. I obeyed like a sheep. When I turned around, the man would pull my sweatpants and underwear down to my knees with one jerk. Immediately he placed his raw cock on my hole. Without asking anything, he pushed inside me. The man's raw cock was inside me. He hadn't asked if I wanted a condom. He just thrust into me with his bare cock. I screamed in pain, but the man growled at me "shut up bitch". "We don't want the whole house to find out what a whore you are". After a while, the man picked up the pace and squirted his sperm into my hole. I felt several injections in my gut. After emptying himself, the optician pulled away from my hole and buttoned his pants. "Well, now lift those sweatpants up and you can leave so I can continue my work," the optician said coldly. I pulled up my pants and left the optician's booth with my ass full of sperm. It was the first time I cheated on my husband.
    2 points
  12. Knowing who you are and what you want is good, but it's only half the battle. I knew in my mind that I wanted to touch naked boys before I had any idea what jerking off was, but was in my 20s before I was open enough to have proper sex with a guy. But that was a different era. Now it's ok to be open about such things, especially if you're in a big city. Find a gay friend your age, or an older mentor type, and have long talks about gay stuff and sex. Don't worry about what makes you horny. You're still in the process of figuring that out. That list will change and grow over time. Things that seem weird now may make your dick drip in 10 or 20 years. Are you a top or a bottom (or versatile)? You won't know until you try. Don't be scared of trying each of them over and over until you're absolutely sure. :) Just learn how to clean yourself out before bottoming. Both you and your partner will appreciate that. Whether you start raw or use condoms is up to you. Of course you know our opinion LOL. The idea of going without PReP may get you horny (or maybe not), but whatever you do, make it an educated decision. As was mentioned earlier, you can always start safe, and then take the training wheels off later. Being scared or nervous is normal when you're starting out. I'll also echo @viking8x6's comments about "pickyness". I can't say much. I was picky. I also didn't touch many dicks other than my own. Looking back, I want to slap my younger self and tell him that there will be time later to find Mr Right, but that at their age, they should be focusing on Mr Right Now, and Mr Big Dick But With a Hairy Body or With Facial Hair, and Mr Interested In Me But Over 25, and Mr Doesn't Look Like The Guys I Jerk To Online But is Horny and Lives Nearby. Those are the guys that will get your hole filled (or let you fill theirs) on a regular basis, and when you're young and horny, that's what should matter. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
    2 points
  13. If you're not on PrEP, you should be. If you are, then relax and hopefully enjoy the experience. As for what you'll experience: nobody else's experiences in that regard are really relevant - you and your body will react the way you and your body will react. For some, bareback sex is a life-changing experience. For others, it's another day of the week. My own suggestion, though, is to not put too many expectations on it - increased expectations = greater opportunity for disappointment.
    2 points
  14. Well, if I were a closeted gay politician who works hard to block same-sex marriage, or adoption by gay people, or whatever, while cheating on my wife with other men, and I were asked "How would you feel about being outed?" of course I'm going to object. That doesn't mean my own (selfish) desire for privacy over this part of my life trumps exposure of the hypocrisy. In my view, you don't get to invoke the "this is a private matter" cover when you're working to harm others on the basis of THEIR private matters. You're making their private lives a public issue, so yours gets to be one too.
    2 points
  15. As a tight bottom with a relatively shallow ass, I'd say breathe, relax, and as you're receiving the dick, push out like you're taking a dump, it opens up the inner hole. Lots of lube helps, too! My Tops love how the ass muscles stroke their heads. Never had any complaints!
    2 points
  16. I binged this story today and am loving it! Brock had a good working knowledge of sex going in, but it didn't take him long at all to figure out what he really wanted, and to get Dale to give it to him. He's not even one day past his 18th birthday and has yet to walk out of the first porn store he's even been in when he looks up from the cock he was sucking and says "I want you to poz me, uncle Dale." That's my kind of teen. Horny, eager, and down to business. It was tough to get past the point in the story where Dale pozzed his nephew, and again when Brock converted. I damn near blew, but held back. I didn't want to wait another day to get to the end. I'm also anxious to see if Aaron becomes one of Brock's conquests. I hope so. If Aaron isn't already poz, that needs to be fixed. Something else I like is how the virus becomes a character, guiding Brock along and nudging him to go deeper into the world of sex and debauchery. That's cool. I'm looking forward to more of that, and seeing Brock willingly go deeper down that path. Then we top it off with an author who takes the time to develop a plot and create detailed descriptions, on top of writing hot as fuck dialogue? Damn. This is some good shit. Are there things I wish were different? Sure. I imagine Brock to be clean shaven and smooth, and a little less jockish, but that's easy to "fix" in my mind, and I'm not dismissing the author's preferences. You gotta write to what gets you hard. Other than that? I just think it's really hot, and hope we see more!
    2 points
  17. Depends on how he acts. If he's friendly about it then I'll gladly suck him again later on if he wants. If he's a jerk about it then he won't get a second glance.
    2 points
  18. I am a dl married man and I know many other dl married men that hang in gay venues. Most guys enjoy the company of these married men. We frequent these places because we feel safe. But if word gets out that dl men are being outed you will certainly see a drop. But my question is why? Why out ordinary non public figure dl men? What are gay men gaining by doing this?
    2 points
  19. Love this! Pre-AIDs daze when porn had a "storyline"... LOL! Hot men had moustaches instead of over tatted bodies. And of course, disco music in the background! We need Jack Wrangler back again.
    2 points
  20. Cumunion 9/16 - not a sedate, hard to get fucked Cumunion - wall to wall ass and fucking Saturday night well into Sunday morning. Oddly the 4th floor had a fair amount of action, got fucked several times in the now dark room on the 4th floor. And there was a line and show at at least two rooms on the 4th floor as well. Only definitely bred once though, and this by a guy who had me fully off my feet, getting fucked in the air (started out bent over waiting for dick). My weight fluctuates from 185-190 lbs with 18-19% body fat, so I'm a little muscular - this guys dick was big but not too big - he had me fully off my feet for most of the fuck. The dungeon had ass available until well into Sunday morning - both slings and the fuck bench. However around 2-3 am guys did kind of break off from hunting ass to more one on one.
    2 points
  21. None of these responses seem to reflect any "holier than thou" attitude, in my humble opinion. As many threads seem to do, this one has evolved from one plain old regular guy sneaking off to the tubs, to a gay, closeted public figure using his/her public position to attack the same folks he/she sneaks off to have sex with, and that's what makes the difference from where the thread started, and where it evolved to. Rather, the responses in favor of a "situational ethics" issue reflect the instinct to serve justice upon someone whose soul is so corrupted, they have compromised the privacy they so noisily compromise in others. If a closeted public figure rails against "the gays" in a public way, he or she is acting out his/her own self-hatred by condemning all the others like her/himself, which invites some measure of counter. I do not condone, and have never "outed" some regular guy - married and cheating - or cheating on a boyfriend - or anything similar. The issue the above respondents are reacting to has evolved to addressing justice upon those who are one of us, yet seek to harm us. I think it's healthier to be open and honest in my own interactions, but that's only my personal bent. That said, we're still buddies, yeah?
    2 points
  22. This is why I finally bought a fuck machine. I watch porn, hit the poppers and let the machine destroy my hole.
    2 points
  23. Dude. For god's sake chill. Thoughtful people disagree with you, including me, but this is not the way to have this conversation. Any Republican politician who is gay deserves to be outed, in my opinion. They want to fuck us, but they don't want anyone to know. Fuck that damage. They're not some 18 year old kid in small town Alabama who has a rational fear of being out., they're adults (like CPAC's Matt Schlapp, who's been accused of sexually assaulting several young men). They made their bed, now they have to lie in it. I am a firm believer in "DO NOT fuck any Republican under any circumstances. They want us dead." I (and perhaps you too) am old enough to remember when the first question about AIDS was asked in the Reagan White House briefing room. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that room laughed. Press and staff. They all laughed because we were dying. I was 21 and will never forget it.
    2 points
  24. Chapter 6 EV I’m starting to come back to myself. I know I’m high as fuck, and this isn’t just some molly like I’ve done in the past. I don’t know what that guy…these men…has given me but I’m barely aware of what’s going on. My ass hurts; it’s feeling needy…like a cat in heat. I’m plugged with something huge. It’s not comfortable, but when I rock my hips and my hole clinches around it, pain and pleasure shoot up my spine, and I’m not sure which one is stronger. It’s both the worst thing ever and the hottest thing ever. I let a out little groan with my next clinch around the plug, and I hear chuckles from somewhere. I try to move and look over and it only jostles the plug more and I whimper and moan more. “Well, gentlemen, looks like someone’s starting to come back to themselves.” I hear more laughs. I want to say something but my throat hurts, badly. I vaguely remember having someone’s cock (or is it cocks) in my mouth, and not gently. I’m trying to piece together the events of the last few hours…or is it a nights. I don’t know. “Hey darlin, I got you.” The bed or mattress I’m on sinks a bit on my left and I move toward the voice. A hand comes to rest on my face and I lean into it. “Shhhh. You’re safe. Can you open your pretty eyes and look at me?” I moan as I’m drawn up against a hard chest. I struggle to open my eyes, and when I get them open and somewhat focused, I see the handsome man I met in the bar….what’s his name…Brian? Bran?....no, Ben! So Ben did this to me….but I feel so good and so worn out. “There you are beautiful, starting to float down from the sky we had you in.” I feel the bed shake again and move and I close my eyes. Too much struggle to keep them open. “Now ain’t that a pretty sight, gents.” It’s another voice from somewhere else. “So subby and clinging to Ben. They’ll come to do that with all of us, eventually.” I must have a look of confusion on my face because Ben, I’m sure it’s him, cradles me against him and humms. A deeper, gruffer voice from somewhere just off my side pipes up “So, is this it now? This cunt goes clingy and we all just sap the fuck up?” “Fuck you, Horse! Claims don’t happen immediately and sure as shit not from as little as what we’ve done.” I don’t know this voice but it’s close…right almost….I jerk in Ben’s arms as more calloused hands start to rub me. I can’t make out all the noises around me, but my head is guided away from Ben’s shoulder and I feel rough lips against mine, demanding a kiss. I give in, and feel smoke enter my lungs. In my ear, Ben says “just inhale it, baby….let Axel make you feel good.” Axel’s kiss go on and on, it seems. He pulls back and let loose the breath he filled my lungs with. The bed moves again, and more lips come to mine, but different. “Such a good Hole for us, baby…..take Bull’s breathe, too. All of it will make you feel so good again.” That kiss ends, and there’s another….then another. I’m honestly not sure how many kisses like that I get from ever how many of these men there are. I’m floating again. I catch myself groaning and whimpering in Ben’s arms. He cradles me like I’m something special, and I hear “just let go and soar, baby. Your our Hole now.” BULL This kid is so fucking high, and so fucking beautiful, too. They’re limp against Ben’s body and just swiveling their hips from time to time, feeling that plug in their cunt. I reach over and tap it a few times and get a hearty groan for it. I fucking love it. “Ben, position him against your chest and throw his legs over yours.” Ben does as I ask and our Hole’s head just falls back against his shoulder. I’m in awe of this beautiful thing spread out before us and knowing it’s ours to do with as we please. My mind races with ideas and depraved ideas. I’m sure the grin that crosses my face isn’t a nice one. “Needles….I want a spreader and 4 cuffs, a massager, your sounding set…and the poppers, yeah.” We position our Hole flat on the mattress. I ask Horse and Needles to stay with me and tell Axel and Ben to enjoy the show. Needles comes back with what I’ve asked for and I start to work: cuff the ankles and attach them to the spreader, spread WIIIIIDE; cuff his wrists together and up over his head. I give the massage gun to Needles and notice as he catches onto my plan with that. I know I have tastes that maybe not all my other guys have, but I think Horse is enough of a mean and dirty fucker to be into this. I pull him off to the side some. “So…I want you to strip out your jeans and straddle our toy’s face and make him eat your ass. And hold the spreader up so his ass is open for Needles.” “Um, Bull, probably not a good idea….you know I haven’t been home to shower in a coupla days.” “Yeah I know that” I grin at him. “That’s exactly why it’s gonna happen. Look, this is new to you, I get it, but when this Hole moves to the clubhouse….let’s just say it’s gonna be easier to start the training now than later, if’n ya follow.” Horse’s brows pops up and he shakes his head side to side, “This just gets more twisted by the minute.” “Oh, and you’ll have the poppers with you….give him a good 4 or 5 deep inhales of that before you straddle his face. Pull his arms up and pin them between between your legs and then you’ll just be able to sit back and enjoy.” We step back over and Needles has the sounding set all ready to go. Everyone gets into positions and Horse starts feeding our Hole the poppers. Needles turns on the massage gun and puts it up against the plug and I watch our toy buck under the sensations, even as the poppers relax them even further. I pick up this soft tina-dicked little cock and squirt some lube into the tip and let it start to slide inside. Horse throws his leg over Ev’s face and sits back, completely smothering him with, what I’m absolutely sure, is probably a very ripe and rank hole. Our Hole starts bucking against everything. They aren’t at all happy with what’s his on face or with what’s going on in his cunt. They’re protesting more than I expected. Maybe Horse was even dirtier than I thought. “Fuckin lick it, you cunt!” Horse is growling and holding the spreader bar up with one hand and pinching the hell out of their nipple. “Clean my fucking nasty hole, bitch. You know you like it and deserve it”. He dismounted their face, held the poppers over it a few more times and slapped them hard and spit in their face. Leaning down he whispered in their ear where only I could hear, “you’ll lick my nasty hole clean and eventually you’ll be trained to love it. If you don’t I’ll beat the training into you and you’ll have to do it anyways.” With that, Horse straddled our Hole’s face and grinded back down on him. I’m guessing Ev was scared into it or was too out of it to protest because they just let it happen and Horse grinned as I’m sure that sweet tongue was licking him up. Needles turned the massage gun even higher, and I grabbed a twisted metal rod and started to let it slip down this little cock I held.
    2 points
  25. The purist approach, of course, is that everyone gets to decide for himself or herself when and if to come out. So if the question is framed in terms of, say, a right to privacy, it's really hard to say that X has that right but Y does not. After all, one of our most telling arguments for recognizing same-sex marriage was that if a man had a right to have his marriage to a woman recognized, he should have the same right to have his marriage to a man recognized. Ethics, though, isn't about rights; it's about doing what's right. So, for instance, a person may have a right to kill himself, but it may be ethically right to pull a person back from a ledge from which she's about to leap, especially if one suspects she's not completely capable of making an informed decision at the moment. And sometimes the situation is like the classic trolley switch problem: if a trolley is hurtling down the tracks toward five people who can't get off the tracks, and you can throw a switch to shift the trolley to a different track, but it will kill one person who can't get off that track, do you throw the switch? On the one hand, not acting means more people die. On the other hand, acting means that one person dies but it's because of something YOU did. What to do? I think outing a married person who goes to bathhouses or bookstores for sex (but who otherwise is not a public figure) is like flipping that switch when there aren't five people stuck on the track to start with. You aren't saving anyone, and you're inflicting harm not only on the person who's cheating on his wife, but on the wife and their families, too - for no gain other than adding to the sum of brutal honesty in the world. Outing someone in a leadership position - a religious figure who preaches against gay sex, a politician who votes against gay rights - is more like the classic trolley problem - outing is throwing that switch to save the larger group - with the addition that the five people stuck on the track are there in the first place because of the actions of the person on the other track. He's put them in harm's way, and you're not only saving them from harm, but you're helping normalize the fact of being gay for other closeted people. But again, that calculus only comes into play, in my view, when the person being outed has actively, not passively, worked to harm the LGBT community.
    2 points
  26. A top on Grindr hit me up on Monday of this past week. We exchanged photos and then proceeded to engage in hot breeding talk. I'm sure he shot a load while chatting with me. The exchange was so hot that we exchanged numbers. He wrote me yesterday, super horny and ready to fuck. I prepared my hole and drove a half hour over to his house. I walked in and got undressed. When I turned around, his 8 inch dick was already at full mast and up against my butt cheeks. I exclaimed, "Oh! You're ready!". He ate me out, made me suck his dick, and then he throat fucked my thrussy until I started to gag. He then folded me up in a number of very specific positions and fucked me senseless. We were both high off the poppers when he mounted me missionary. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he was close. He slammed into me, grunted and let loose. He went wild when I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. He stayed hard enough to keep right on fucking until he dropped a second load. As I lay on my stomach recovering from all the action, I saw that he kept playing with himself. He suddenly climbed on top of me and piston-fucked me until I got loads three and four. I've never had a top who could huff poppers like that and still be hard enough to fuck. I for sure thought he was done after that. We lay there chatting a bit. Because he has such a pretty dick, I began to massage his balls and suck him. Well, that got him going and he fucked load #5 into me. I got dressed, thinking his balls HAD TO BE empty at this point. I asked for a quick tour of his apartment. As I stood near the door, I thanked him for all the loads. He pulled his dick out again and asked me to suck it. I did and right there in front of the door, he pulled my jogging pants down and fucked me yet again. What the fuck?!? I got SIX loads in 90 minutes, so I know he wasn't lying earlier when he told me that he needs to cum 4 times a day. After I arrived back home, he texted me, "Come back soon to get my loads. Loved how you sucked me. I felt like there was no hurry. You just enjoyed sucking it and when I turned you over and used your ass, you just took it. Really nice." Nice indeed. I don't know what I did to deserve this big-dicked, multi-cumming top, but I'm hella thankful 🙏 .
    2 points
  27. Ordered a couple filled condoms from this guy I follow on Male Things Worn. Emptied them into my hole and went cruising at LBJ park yesterday. Ended up with two more loads fucking my mail order cum deeper. First was a shorter 5” thick Latin cock (quick cummer… awesome dude). Second was a 7” older guy with bad breathe. Got home and squatted over a zip lock bag. Gonna save these loads in the freezer and reload myself tomorrow for another round.
    2 points
  28. Part III a: Rebuilding the stables. Rahim never came so hard in his life. His emotions are all over the place and he feels conflicted. As he catches his breath and collects his thoughts, he feels a tongue going over his body. That’s right. Whenever he doesn’t cum down Vincent’s throat, he makes that fag clean up whatever mess of cum on his body. His cocks, his hands, his abs, and even when it drips down to his balls and ass cracks, Vincent would happily oblige. What a good bitch. He likes how much Vincent worship him, the thrill of making another man be his bitch, and not just any man but a well groomed, handsome jock. He remembers smirking at Vincent cumcaked hair and face, saliva dripping down his chin all over his muscular pecs when he dresses up after their throatfucking session. Vincent just looks back and smiles happily like a puppy getting treat. What a fag. And that fag is easy to train. He just needs to be told once what Rahim likes and he will do it everytime they meet. Just like now he is cleaning up Rahim with his tongue. He is cleaning up the cum that Rahim shot all over his abs, Rahim’s still rock hard cock and hefty nutsacks, Rahim’s ass that is cover in cum. “Wait… fuck… my ass.” Rahim thought as cum leaks out of him and Vincent lapping it up. Unlike the usual it’s not Rahim’s cum Vincent cleaning up alone. It’s Vincent’s cum that filled him up when he fucked and bred Rahim. The reality kicks in and Rahim bounces out of the bed. “Are you ok?” Vincent asked innocently, face covered in cum running down his chin. Rahim avoids eye contact and gather his clothes. Vincent shook his head. He fetches a towel and hands it over to him. Rahim takes it and mumbles a Thank you. He quickly wipes his body and dresses up in silence. Vincent knows better not to rushes anything. The stallion’s pride is wounded, and any wrong word could push Rahim away for good. So he just does what he knows these cocky straight guys like best, act like an obedient bitch and stay quiet. He kneels naked on the floor and wait for Rahim to finish with a puppy face. As Rahim tries to leave, he caught glance of Vincent and gulped. The fag assumes his position just like he always does, the way that makes Rahim feel like a big man. A tiny part of him feels strangely at ease. As he got home, Rahim quickly strips and goes to the bathtub to clean up. He tries to keep a clear head the whole way back but it was hard to stay sober with how much drank and smoked. His head still buzzes when he got into the tub. He looked over to his clothes on the bathroom floor and the panic hits again. His underwear is soaked with cum! Fuck, how much did that faggot dump inside him. Vincent doesn’t cum when they meet, except for that one time where he asked for permission while Rahim pounded his throat. They had been meeting a few times by then, and as much as he doesn’t give two fucks about the fag’s pleasure, he thought he would be a generous master for a change. He remembers now. It was a hot moment where Vincent blew a massive load on the floor while deepthroating Rahim. Rahim cums a buckload, but Vincent definitely has him beat in that department. It was quite gross when he saw the shower of cum spraying all over the floor, but then it gave him an idea. He asked if Vincent would lick up all the cum on the floor. Vincent made a quizzical face and for a moment Rahim thought he would loose his fag because he cross a line, but then he saw that smile again followed by a “Of course, stud. If it pleases you.” He couldn’t believe this fag. He was so turned on that once Vincent finishes his tasks and look up at Rahim, he was immediately stuffed with a mouth full of cock and a load sprayed down his throat. Rahim was certain it was a matter of time before he can own Vincent’s ass. The handsome fag would do anything to please him. But today outcome was not what he planned. It all started with that rimjob. And now he came home with an ass full of fag’s cum. Looking over at the cum stained boxer, he dreads what is coming. As soaked as it is, that is nowhere near the amount of cum he saw Vincent pumped out. He takes a deep breath and pushes, and a big stream of cum gushes out of him. His heart sinks. He does not know what to do or how to feel. He turns on the hot shower and cleans himself. As he touches his whole, it feels tight again. The fag has a small dick, nowhere near his thick giant tool. That is a silver lining, he laughs in defeat. He closes his eyes and try to push a finger into get all the cum out. He winces at the pain, but try to go deeper anyway. He remembers Vincent’s trick earlier to let the finger stay put to loosen him up before going further. He reaches deep, swirls around a bit and pulls out. Fuck, still has cum in there. He soaps up and goes in again. Second time was less. He keeps going again. Unconsciously, he stays longer each time. Soon he was fingering himself and rubbing that good spot again. He snaps out of it eventually. “Damn it, what was I doing?” He smacks the side of his head. He looks down to see a raging boner and gulps. He wants to blame everything on Vincent. It’s all that fag’s fault. But part of him enjoys it. Vincent does whatever he wants, and the fag would not have done so if Rahim didn’t ask for it. “Rahim, what is wrong with you. You are not a fag. Why the fuck did you order a fag to fuck you?” He lamented out loud. He is exhausted and try to pinch his dick to get the boner down. He dried up and flung himself into bed, passing out completely. A little bit of cum still trickle out of his ass as he laid sleeping. I wonder if I should include some pics of models that I imagine what the characters would look like. Let me know what you think.
    2 points
  29. Sometimes you need a guy like Jack to show you what you really want. Jack and Connor were two of my favorite fuck buddies. Connor was in his mid-20s – a fit bottom with a tight little six-pack and a hairy hole. His roommate Jack was about 10 years older, a few inches taller, more muscular, furry all over, and a total top with a 9” dick. Both of them had dark hair and dark eyes and wolfish grins, and they were twisted and verbal and piggy as fuck. When the three of us started hooking up, I thought of myself as a vers top. I’d been fucked a few times, but never really enjoyed it – and my fat 8.5” cock got plenty of attention from guys like Connor. So why not go with the flow? Anyway, Jack called me up one Friday night and asked if I wanted to play. I was horned as fuck after a long workweek and I lived pretty close by, so I was at their place within half an hour. Connor had shots of G waiting for us. Then we hit the pipe, tossed our clothes on the floor, and Connor blew clouds on our cocks while Jack and I traded a few shotguns. After we migrated to the bedroom, I got Connor on his back and ate his furry hole – and that’s when I noticed something a little unusual. Jack began running his hand up and down my back as I rimmed Connor. I found myself arching my back to get deeper in Connor’s hole, and Jack’s hand pressed down on the small of my back so I could arch a little more. “Yeah. That’s good. Get in that boy’s hole,” Jack growled. Connor’s ass twitched against my tongue. But here’s the strange thing: as much as I love eating butt, that’s not what I was thinking about. All I could think about was Jack’s hand pressing down on the small of my back. I tried to refocus by changing positions. I got up on my knees, pressing my cock against Connor’s hole, then lubed it up with a gob of spit and shoved in. But Jack’s hand was still on the small of my back. As I thrust in and out of Connor, I could feel Jack’s fingers slip below the waistline of my jockstrap to rest on the upper edge of my asscrack. When I looked over at him, he was staring me down. I stared back. Jack slowly nodded his head and flashed his devilish grin. I felt like I was in a trance. And I found myself thinking: I would do just about anything to make Jack feel good. Then Connor’s phone rang, and I snapped out of it. I stopped thrusting for a moment so he could answer. Then I glanced back at Jack, who was still staring me down. His hand had shifted a little, so now he was fully cupping my ass. “Shit,” said Connor. “I’ve gotta take care of a customer.” (Did I mention that Connor is my dealer?) He hopped off my dick, then stood up to walk to the bathroom. “It won’t be long. Are you cool with just hanging for a bit until I get back?” “Yeah,” I said, once again locking eyes with Jack. I felt a little wave of euphoria run up my spine. “We’ll be fine. Right, Jack?” “Oh, yeah,” he said with a smirk. “We’ll be just fine.” Connor emerged from the bathroom, threw on some clothes, and grabbed his backpack. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he said. Then he flashed us a little grin before walking out the door. Once he was gone, I turned back to Jack. We locked eyes, and then he smirked again. Without a word, he moved closer to me until our cocks were pressed up against each other. I played with his nips, making his eyes flutter and his cock twitch. “Let’s get high,” he said with a growl. “Fuck yeah,” I replied. My hands kept tweaking his nips. His eyes closed, his head fell back, and he began gently thrusting his cock into mine. Then his eyes opened again. “Hey bud,” he said. “I have a question.” “Yeah?” “Have you ever…” For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to say. Then he lifted up his right arm and made a gesture like he was injecting something into it. “You mean…” “You know what I mean.” He held my gaze while he ran his tongue along the vein in his forearm. “You mean…have I ever slammed?” “Yeah,” he said. I felt his dick squirt a little precum onto my cock. “Well, have you?” “I haven’t. Is that…OK?” He moved a little closer, pressing his cock against my stomach. Our mouths were nearly touching. “It’s totally OK, buddy. But now I have another question.” “Yeah?” “Would you like to try it?” We looked at each other for a long moment. I felt myself falling into a kind of trance again. And without saying a word, I slowly nodded. He nodded back. And as he nodded, that demonic grin flashed across his face. “Fuck yeah,” he said. “I can’t wait to fuckin’ slam you.” TO BE CONTINUED...
    1 point
  30. So I'm actually taking the day off on Thursday as he is arranging something. Both excited and nervous about what it could be.
    1 point
  31. New things are often "worth it". You may not want to get in on the action, but it's still "worth it" to find out. At CumUnion though, I think it might be best for you to hang back, watch some of the action before you jump in; I haven't so much as seen a condom at CumUnion in ages. Here in Ft. L., the event alternates between one of the bathhouses and the best fuckjoint in town, and I haven't seen a rubber in either of those joints, ever, no matter how jammed they are with Breeding men. You may find it productive to just go - watch - absorb the experience, and then figure out if you ever want to attend again. There's nothing wrong with experiencing new things, but it may not be your cup of Sperm either. Nothing wrong with deciding against attending orgies either. It's your decision, and yours only. Good luck !!
    1 point
  32. Appetizing 👅 I extremely jealous of you Sfsloppyaznbottom and your reverse Oreo cookie experience 💦
    1 point
  33. The problem is that life doesn’t work on absolutes, there’s so much nuance. if Joe Blow is stepping out on the side to fuck or get fucked though they have a wife and children. Should his spot be blown up? Some would argue yes because their cheating, but what if in spite of popular thinking they they cannot just come out and be open? The fear of losing family and some friends is a real possibility in some cases. Now one would argue if they don’t accept them, then they don’t need them out they were never their friends in the first place. But does should decide this? Now if Joe is engaging in multiple unsafe behaviors it will effect him and those around him. But as a society we do not out people addiction problems unless they broke the law. Now if Joe Blow is a congressman or senator that wants to introduce legislation that is harmful to the LGBTQ+ community , he’s a hypocrite and exposed it may or may not stop said legislation but then we’re talking more self hate or the desperation of being accepted.
    1 point
  34. Absolutely. If he came back after playing with the second guy it might have been because you're a better cock sucker. I'd take it as a complement.
    1 point
  35. Appetizing hot and love the complicity of the partner of crime 👅
    1 point
  36. Love it! Although sometimes it's a struggle to suck the guy in front of you properly when the guy behind you is banging your ass hard.
    1 point
  37. I would have for sure as it might lead to fuckin and breedin. And that is the reason to hookup aint it?
    1 point
  38. Breed me like crazy, guys! deep in my hole. Over and over, again and again and again
    1 point
  39. Living near the intersection of two interstate highways a lot of traffic passes through my area, though in general it dosn't often produce a lot of play opportunities. One afternoon however, I was online and struck up a conversation with a top and just a couple minutes later he was on his way to my place. I usually try to get to know someone a bit and have the chance to get a good read on them prior to meeting, particularly in regard their health status, but in this instance things moved at a quick pace without much pre-meeting activity. Earlier though I had done some internal cleansing in the hope to have some play at some point - which it looked like I was going to get. I have a thing for anon and bondage play which I mentioned as he was on his way, to which he said he would like to do, so prior to his arriving I quickly placed cuffs on my wrists and ankles, spread myself face down on the bed, wrapped a blindfold across my eyes and attached each cuff to short chains on each corner of the bed and waited. As I lay there, I realized that other than the few things he had on his profile, our short conversation didn't give me a lot of info but he included a quite appealing cock picture in our quick chat which admittedly had me hooked and not concentrating on the other details as much. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of his vehicle pulling up, the car door shutting and the door into my place opening. This was soon followed by the sound of his voice saying "oh yeah" as he evidently must have laid eyes on me. The touch of his palm on my upturned bottom caused me to give a soft instinctive sigh as I exhaled and melted into the moment knowing I was just where I wanted to be, with all other thoughts passing to the side. His touch on my ass lasted only a few moments and the sound of his clothing coming off and the mattress sinking between my thighs quickly followed as he took his place there. I knew what he was wanting and given that it had been quite some time since last playing, it was what I was wanting too. The lube was a bit chilled as he dribbled it between my cheeks and as swiftly as things were moving along, some degree of caution reentered my mind and I decided that it would be best to be safe and ask about his status and talk about condoms. As I began to speak though I felt his fingers quickly enter deep inside my ass and the sudden intrusion caused me to lose my words. The swift entry was somewhat uncomfortable but at the same time it also felt quite good. Other than very little play on my own, I hadn't had any anal or other play in weeks and his act quickly awakened my sense of arousal had he easily had me wrapped around his finger - in this case both literally and figuratively. It wasn't long before I found my ass slowly gyrating to his movements. Sensing that he had my attention, his body then lowered and was fully atop mine to which I gave another sigh, wanting to talk but also not wanting to interfere with the moment. Then in one seamless movement, his fingers pulled free of my ass, his body shoved forward and he sent his cock deep inside my ass causing me to give a loud and audible gasp. He took advantage of the moment and quickly shoved his fingers into my open mouth, turning any words I had into a muffled mumble. When he told me to suck my ass off of his fingers, I had little choice but to do. Then without hesitation, he then began fucking me. While my attention was on the activity happening inside my body, my thoughts were also on the subject of whether it was safe to be having sex together, particularly with someone that I didn't know at all, and I began to utter a muffled "wait" and "stop" while softly trying to pull back from his fingers and cock. He either didn't hear what I was saying or was just ignoring me because he didn't stop or slow, instead he kept moving in a steady pace with his cock continuously alternating between deep inside then just about out, time and time again. The amazing sensation of his cock fucking my ass caused me to give up on trying to speak and words stopped trying to flow and instead I was only able to manage a series of moans, each coming in synch with the inward stroke bottoming out inside my body. As I lay there for a bit and absorbed in the moment, my mind went back to the moment when he started fucking me. While I had some condoms laying beside the lube, I was sure that I didn't noticed him taking the time to use one and in addition, the fucking felt much too smooth for there to be any barriers between us. While I wasn't really sure, it was quite likely that his cock was in me bare and natural. After a while he pulled his fingers from my mouth, wrapped both arms around and pulled me tight while working his body ever further into mine and with considerably more intensity. With the full length of his cock impaling itself on each stroke and with his girth taking a toll on my stretched and now worn hole, it wasn't long until the pleasures began to turn to soreness, which brought me back into the reality of the moment. With his fingers out of my mouth and my head now free, I turned my head in relief from the position it had been held in and instinctively asked if he was using a condom. His reply was "No", following by "Are you on prep"? This sent a mix of emotions throughout me, particularly since instead of asking what my status was, he was asking if I was on prep. There were only a limited number of reasons that someone would ask if I was on prep and ask it that way and I replied with a somewhat reserved "no". "Oh babe" he said as he held me closer while continuing to fuck me, somewhat more slowly but just as deep and even more intentional, "Are you undetectable", he asked, then after a slight hesitation before followed with "...or poz?" I answered "no, are you?", with a noticable degree of fear and apprehension in my voice. His grip tightened even more firmly with his chest now locked onto my back and with his mid-section continuously moving just as fully and as deeply as before, though at a slightly slower pace. "I don't want to stop" was all he said with his mouth so close that my ear filled with the dampness of his breath as his body fucking, not missing a beat. He didn't answer my question I thought, oh gawd, he didn't answer my question... My breathing immediately became quite deep at the realization of what might be happening to the point that it felt as if I was going to hyperventilate and my heartbeat increased to a rate that I don't think it has ever reached before. Even though the blindfold that was still covering my eyes had completely removed my ability to see, I could feel my eyes moving back and forth as if looking for something but I wasn't sure just what. "Wait, stop, please, just wait" I said in a pleading voice, "please just stop for a minute, please". My emotions were turning to complete fear and I needed to talk and know what was going on. I began to twist and turn while I tried to get free, though with the very limited movement I had while bound to the bed, I noticed that my movements were more like a gyration that was in tune with the fucking he was giving me than a clear sign that I was trying to escape, and in reality I was not in a position to truly stop him. A tear came to the corners of both eyes and I was filled with total fear with my body beginning to tremble at the thought that a hot and charged cock could very well be inside me. I am not sure if he stopped out of mercy or because he had just shot his cum because the way he ended the fucking was by dropping his body fully upon mine, with his cock fully impaled and continuing to hold me tight and close. With his face still nuzzled along the side of my neck, and with his labored breathing flowing across my flesh, I felt a series of slight spasms occurring throuhout his body as I lay beneath him. My thought was clearly that it was quite possible that I was now experiencing the waning energies of an orgasm that he had just released. I was afraid. I didn't know what to say or to do and I simply just laid there, immersed in the moment, confused, yet at the same time mesmerized in a warmth and an odd sense of sub-surface excitement. I had never considered myself to be a chaser and in reality I truly didn't ever want to become poz. At the same time though many of my most intense fantasies have been about being with someone that was poz and being fucked by them. About the only thing that ever came close to equaling a similar feeling were my fantasies about forced play and having my body violated and taken advantage of, or more specifically of someone raping me. Now here I was with the possibility that both had actually happened. The full sensations of the reality of the seriousness began to come into focus as the soreness in my ass told me that not only had I been psychologically used, but I had been physically used just as much. The pain in my ass from being stretched to take his girth, further inside where the end of his cock had been punching the linings of my guts and the intensity that some of the fucking reached told me that I would be feeling it for a very long time, and that my tender opening was quite likely also an open wound that would provide the opportunity for any cum to now directly enter my bloodstream. In reality though, nothing really mattered because what had been done had been done... I gave a whimper as he rose up and his cock pulled from my worn hole which also caused me to instinctively give a twist of my bottom back and forth. He clearly noticed my moving ass because just as we had begun, he promptly took two fingers, shoved them inside my ass and held them while asking if I wanted more, causing me to give another whimper, this time noticeably louder. It was clear that he didn't recognize the sound and signs of my anguish and had instead looked at it as perhaps a tease that I was wanting more - and when I didn't give an answer to his question if I wanted more, he dove his hand in even further and firmly grasp an exposed ass cheek with his other hand in a quite strong and painful manner which caused me to give a distinct "Oh Gawd" in response. "I could tell that you were a slut', he said', and clearly a cum and pain slut." The truth was that I didn't know what I was or what I wanted, and for that matter I wasn't really sure exactly what all had just happened - the fingers in my ass didn't feel exceptionally wet so I still wasn't sure if he had cum in me or not - or what his status truly was - and to be honest, I wasn't sure that I wanted to know. As he pulled his fingers from my ass, he wiped them on my bottom cheeks, got dressed then gave a firm swat to my bottom that I was sure would leave a mark and again called me "slut", which elicited a tender moaning sigh and an instinctive and interestingly sincere "thank you" from my lips. "I am through here a couple times a week, if you want to do more" he said as he headed toward the door. Without taking a moment to think I told him I'd like that, to which he responded "you should really be on prep, slut" and with that the door closed behind him. After I worked my way out of my restraints and got up, I saw that he had left a card with his contact info and the days and times that he passes through. Later a message came through the app with a couple screen shots from the video that he had taken which clearly showed him fucking me without a condom. What have I done, I wondered, and what am I going to do?
    1 point
  40. I think that most bottoms sense a bit of calling to "service" in themselves. That service-oriented mindset can find expression in all kinds of ways (social, community, etc), and for we barebackers the outlet for that calling extends to one of their most fundamental instincts - to service Cock. That is essentially a completely valid expression of their make-up, their innate sense of need to serve the greater good. Bottoms (and especially cumdumps) are basically service-providers, in the highest definition of "service". Those deep sighs of pleasure we hear are expressions of fulfilling their purpose, and satisfaction in completing the cycle of bonding we're all drawn to. However fleeting, that moment of completion is of tremendous value for bottoms. Not just the physical/sexual pleasure of taking loads, but the emotional fulfillment that comes right along with the Sperm pumped up their guts. I don't think they'd do it if there weren't a sense of following their truth as well as the sexual thrill.
    1 point
  41. Here is my first try and writing a story. I am an only child. I always wanted an older brother. My dad traveled a lot on business, and so I thought a older brother could have filled in that void, someone to hang out with, play catch with, and generally a big brother who would 'show me the ropes' (hmmm looking back on things now, Freud would have fun with that last sentence). My father was also an only child, so I had no cousins on that side of the family, and my mom only had one sister, who had two girls, a few years younger than me, which wasn't what I was looking for either. So I didn't really have any cousins with whom to hang out, either. As I grew older and started finding porn, I discovered 'family' stories always made me horny. Not the father-son stories, but the stories that feature brothers who fuck with each other would (and still do) get me rock hard. These tended to fall into two camps: the loving older brother who takes his little brother under his wing and teaches about sex, - how to jerk off, and eventually how to suck cock and even get fucked, and the other type is the more sadistic older brother who basically rapes his little brother, makes him his slave and cum dump and then whores him out to his friends on the foot ball team. I found both of these scenarios really hot. I would have been happy with either kind of brother. I can't count the number of times I jerked off thinking about my older brother's cock in my ass. I'm not being immodest when I say I am kind of hot, - just repeating what guys have told me. I'm 28, 5'9"with a tight lean build, with black hair, blues eyes, a little fur on my chest with a treasure trail down to a nice big black bush, a smooth ass, hairy crack and then nice hairy legs. I have a nice size cock, and I am lucky enough to be one of those guys whose cock is a nice size even when soft, so I get noticed in the locker room. When hard, my cock is a bit over 7" with a nice mushroom head, so lots of guys like sucking my cock, and I get lots of offers to fuck, and I've have taken up guys on some of those offers, but I have always been a bottom (the little brothers in those stories were always the bottom for their big brother) so I am happiest on my knees sucking cock or on my back getting fucked. I have never had problems finding guys for sex, but never found the 'right' guy. I've dates some but it never worked out. My fault - they were never the big brother for whom I was looking. After a few mediocre hook ups, and a few where the guy didn't get the hint to leave afterwards. (I'm a mid-westerner I'm perhaps a too polite, or is it that being a natural bottom I'm just not forceful enough to come out and say, "that was a really boring fuck, maybe you should leave now"). Then I discovered the baths. At the baths no one is expecting to spend the night and have you make breakfast the next morning. And if a fuck is only okay, well a better one might be right around the corner. Which, sorry for that long preamble, gets me to the point of my story. I have always played safe.... I mean would suck and swallow (I do love the taste of cum) but I would never let a guy fuck me without a condom. Now, we all have a 'search image' of the kind of guy we find hot. For me, as I explained, I have been on the search for my 'older brother', so it's no surprise I've long been attracted to guys who were a a few years older than my age, but who look kind of like me (e.g., black hair, blue eyes, some fur), but they seem to be a bit few and far between in Minnesota, the land of the blonde haired Scandinavian, where I lived back then. Don't get me wrong, they are hot - most of the local guys simply don't look like they could be my big brother. Everything changed when I had to go down to Chicago on business. My meetings started on Monday, so I flew down Friday after work so I could explore the city, which has some great museums and wonderful architecture - and yes, I had heard the baths down there were hot, and so it was no surprise that I sought-out and checked into one of the bath houses. I had been there about two hours , I had had some fun... sucked off two guys, when I saw HIM. I guess he was around 32, about 6'2" about 20 lbs of muscle heavier than I, black hair, blue eyes, a nice thatch of black hair across his hard pecs, a trail down the middle of his abs, and nice strong hairy legs. His towel was slung low around his hips, so that the top of his bush was coming over the top, and I could see the outline of his big fat cut cock against his towel. I literally became weak in the knees..... it looked like we came out of the same gene pool.... he was just a bigger slightly hairier 4 year older version of me. I wanted him. I NEEDED him. I didn't care if he was gentle and romantic or tied me up and raped me. Either 'type' pf big brother would do. I needed to taste his cock and feel him inside my ass. The only problem was that he was with this skinny blonde twink. Now, the kid was cute, but - well maybe it was just a one off. Maybe he wasn't 'into' smooth blondes, so I am kind of ashamed to admit this, but I started stalking him around the baths. Much to my dismay I noticed most of the guys he fooled around with were twinks, but I held out hope that while he had fooled around with a bunch of the twinks over the next hour, he didn't take anyone back to his room. So I got to see his cock as various twinks sucked on it for him. It was beautiful enough when outlined through his towel. When I saw it uncovered ....damn.... a massive black bush, low hanging hairy balls, and hard, it was about 8-1/2 a perfectly straight, a fat veiny cock with a big mushroom head. Finally, when he was in the steam room I got up the courage to try and get closer. He was on the top tiled bench, naked, legs spread slightly, his cock, in that wonderful 'not soft not fully hard' stage, just nice and plump hanging over his balls. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed. Sweat from the steam room, trickled down his fury chest, down into his pubes. I screwed up my courage and slid a bit closer to him and then reached out and brushed his chest with my finger tips. He gave a 'mmmm', that invited me to go a bit further and so I leaned in to gently take his nipple into my mouth. As I gently flicking it with my tongue he let out a longer moan, and then I felt one of his strong hand on the back of my head pushing me down to his cock. I slid my tongue down his chest, tasting his sweat as I went, down to his bush and inhaled, my cock twitched, my senses were on overload. Finally after all these years I was tasting, smelling, and feeling my 'big brother' (just like in those stories where the sweaty big brother comes home from football practice and makes his little brother service him). As I took the head of his cock in my mouth I could feel it stir and grow stiffer. He let out a slightly longer contented moan and he thrust his hips up slightly. He kept his one hand on the back of my head while I felt the other slide down my back to my ass, which by now had a nice slippery sheen of sweat. His had massaged my smooth ass cheeks for a bit and then started to explore my hairy crack. The hair was slicked down due to the sweat, but he found the longer hair right around my hole and started playing with it, pulling on it a bit and I moaned around his cock which was now fully hard and lodged down my throat. When his finger started entering into my hole I lifted my ass up, almost fucking myself on his finger and started to whimper when he found my prostrate, I sucked his cock and he worked my slippery butt for a while. I was in heaven, my 'big brother' was as hot and sexy as I had fantasized. His fat cock was in my mouth and I could taste his sweat and the precum that was leaking out of his piss slit. My nose was buried in his bush, his fingers fucking my ass. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled me off of his cock, but instead of saying 'thanks I think need to take a break' and ending it - as I had seen him do with the twinks earlier in the evening, he brought me up to his face and kissed me. His tongue probed deeply into my mouth, like he wanted to fuck my mouth with it. It was a forceful kiss, but with a hunger behind it, as if he needed me as much as I needed him. When he finally broke off, he was smiling. "You kiss as nicely as you suck. I don't like to fuck guys who don't know how to kiss, so are you really a bottom? Do you want to get fucked? Or do you just suck?" I quietly replied "Trust me, I am a total bottom. I love to suck but I really love to get fucked and you don't know how much I want your cock in me right now. I will do anything you want if you will fuck me." He smiled wider. "Nice. I like a nice hungry bottom. Its not very comfortable fucking on this tile, so let's shower off and go someplace more comfortable." I followed him into the shower room, and we both took a quick rinse next to each other and then toweled off. As I was about to wrap my towel around my waist he took it from me, and throwing it and his towel over his shoulder, he lead me naked into the orgy room. I was disappointed that we were not going back to his room, as I would have loved an intense one-on-one, but if he wanted an audience, I would do what ever it took to get his cock in my ass. There was a bowl of condoms by the entrance to the orgy room but he didn't take one. The room had a wide continuous carpeted platform around three sides of the room. Much of the platform was already full with other couples and groups going at it, so he lead me over to the corner that was more-or-less empty. Then he turned me around and as he pushed me down onto the platform I noticed one of the twinks with whom 'my brother' had played earlier in the night was also on his back getting fucked by a big black guy. As 'my brother" pushed me down, I naturally spread my legs as he lay down on top of me. I could feel his hard cock against my ass as he kissed me again. Again it was a forceful, hungry kiss. I could feel his rough 5 o'clock shadow rub against my face. (I had shaved when cleaning up at the hotel before I had come so my face was nice and smooth). While we kissed our hands explored each other's body. When we finally came up for air, he took one hand and started to align his cock with my hole and started to push in. "Wait, get a condom," I murmured. He paused, clearly startled, and replied "What happened to 'I'll do anything'? I thought you were a good bottom and wanted to get fucked." "I'm a bottom and I love getting fucked, and I have NEVER wanted to get fucked by anyone more than you. Please, fuck me, but please let me get a condom." He sighed and got up and walked away, I was devastated. But he stopped by the door where the bowl of condoms were, picked one up and walked back. He leaned down and kissed me, a little more gently this time "Listen, you are really hot, and I really want to fuck you, and you are an amazing cock sucker. Clearly you have been trained well, but you need more training on getting fucked. A bottom's job is to make the top's cock feel as amazing as possible. That's what you are here for." He turned and motioned to look at his friend who was next to us who had been getting fucked by the black guy when we came in. The black guy was now in the act of withdrawing his bare cock out of the kid's ass. I knew about 'barebacking' but had never seen it, never even seen a BB porn movie. All I knew about 'unprotected sex' was the horror stories we had been taught in sex ed class in school. So the sight of seeing a guy pull his raw cock out of the kid's ass was a shock - and, of course, very exciting. I could see a few drips of cum on the cock. The kid sat up, took the cock into his mouth and cleaned it off, smiled and said "Thanks Darryl.... that was hot." I was shocked. "Now see, Zach is a well trained bottom, HE knows how to give total pleasure, don't you Zach?" Zach smiled and moved over closer to us. "Well, I had a very good teacher" he said with a wicked grin on his face. "Well class is back in session." He motioned to my cock which gone soft during this discussion and said "Get it ready for the experiment." Zach smiled and leaned down and started sucking, while my 'brother leaned in and once more fucked my mouth with his tongue. I was rock hard in seconds. Once I was hard again Zach opened the condom and rolled it on my cock and before I knew what was happening sat on my cock. My 'brother' leaned in and said "that feels nice doesn't it? A nice ass on your cock?" "Yeah, it does." He nodded and Zach got up and ripped the condom off my cock and before I knew what was happening he sat back down on it and started riding my cock. "Now," my 'brother' said and he leaned in so just Zach and I could hear what he was saying, "Doesn't that feel a LOT better on your cock? I know you see the advertising about how thin brand x condom is, how 'natural' it feels? Bullshit, no matter how thin the condom is, no mater what special lube you use, it totally kills the sensation, and it creates a barrier. Sex should be about sharing, connecting. Blow jobs are great, but real sex is fucking. That's how real men have sex. Fucking. Fucking raw. Breeding is what it is all about. With the condom on, yeah, Zach's ass is a sweet fuck, but you couldn't feel just how sweet and velvety smooth his ass walls are. You couldn't feel the the other loads of cum already in his ass, could you?" The whole time he was giving me this lecture, Zach was riding my raw cock, and nibbling on my other ear lobe. Then Zach whispered "Do it, give in. You know you want to. If you are really going to be a bottom you need to join the brotherhood. Please? You will Love Chris' cock. He's a great guy and he gives the best fuck. Let him breed you." With that, Chris, my 'brother', who's name I now knew, leaned in and kissed me, deep, with that hunger that had captured me earlier. "Do it" Zack whispered. My head was spinning. Zach's ass felt amazing on my cock, and it was a million time better without the condom than it was when I was wearing a condom. Who knew that fucking could feel this good? Maybe I would fuck guys more often, but it was 'unsafe' 'risky' 'dangerous' - but it felt SOOOO good! "So how about it bro?" Chris asked. "You got me all hot and bothered. Will you let me fuck you, or do I have to find some 'real' bottom to fuck?" That 'bro' broke down the final barrier. I turned to look at him, looking into his blue eyes was like looking into a mirror. I had been looking for him for so long I couldn't let him walk away. I had jerked off too many times to this scene. Here was my big brother who wanted to teach his 'little bro' about sex, how to be a better bottom, how totally please him. I mean damn. I always prided myself on giving guys a great fuck. I knew my ass is talented. That I could really milk a cock, but here was Zach showing me that I had only been giving half the pleasure that I could have been giving the tops who fucked me - that up to now, I had not been a 'real' bottom. I knew I had to do it - at least once. Just this once would be okay, I thought. It can't be that risky. Chris seemed like a total top. Sure, he wasn't a bottom. It would be safe. Just this once. "Please little bro. Please, I really want to fuck you." "Do it. Let Chris fuck you. It will be amazing." "Yes" I answered. "Yes, what?" "Please Chris, fuck me." "And....?" "Don't use a condom" I said. Zach immediately rose off my cock and I 'assumed the position' on my back, legs up, and took my hands and spread my smooth ass cheeks to expose my hairy crack and hungry fuck hole. "Are you sure?" Chris asked as he positioned his fat mushroom against my hole and started to nudge his way in, just a little. "Yes, fuck me." As I felt his raw cock enter me, the final wall of resistance was broken. "Fuck me, fuck me raw and breed me. Bareback me" I pleaded looking straight into his eyes, adding a simple command: "Use me." He started slowly, almost tenderly, just like the 'nice' older brother in all of those stories. But as the fuck went along my moans and pleadings to be breed and fucked raw became increasingly urgent, and he responded by fucking faster, harder, and rougher, pinning my wrists down over my head. He frequently kissed me hard and deep, and then would move over and lick out my furry pit, then bite down hard on the muscle that runs along the top of the pit, connects the pec to the bicep, trailing his tongue up my neck, whispering in my ear how "Good your ass feels on my raw cock" and how much "I love the feeling of my bare dick in your ass" and "How fucking great it feels to bareback you." Then sliding his tongue down along my neck licking, he would sucking on that curve where the neck meets the shoulder and then bite down hard. I was going crazy, moaning, begging him to fuck me harder. Begging for his cum. I wrapped my hairy legs around his waist, holding him in, afraid he would escape. The whole time Chris was fucking me Zach was right there, serving as our cheer-leader, whispering encouragement into my ear: "Take it, take his raw cock, milk all his cum out of hairy balls, drain them, Didn't I tell you he was the best fuck? Don"t you love his raw cock filling your ass?" Even with the hard rough fuck Chris was giving me, I could feel when he was getting close. His thrusts into my ass became more urgent, more jerky, he looked me in the eyes, "Are you ready for your first load?" "YES. Breed me! Give me your load. I want your cum inside me,,,, BREED MEEE!!!" "FUUUUUCCCK, take IT!!!!!. TAKE IIIT! " It was amazing. I had been fucked a lot before this, but even when I had been fucked by boyfriends, where there had been at least some, even if not long lived, 'emotional connection', I had never felt anything like this experience. I could feel Chris's cock erupting inside if me. I looked Chris in the face as he came - just as I had looked into the face of so many guys who had come in my ass, but his face was different from all the others. Not because he was my 'long lost brother' of my dreams, but because his pleasure seemed more intense, and I realized that was what I craved: to give that level of intense pleasure to a man. Yeah, fucking Zach raw had been hot, but I was a bottom, and I realized THIS is was my purpose in life. My ass spasmed as he came inside me. "Welcome to the club" Zach whispered into my ear as Chris kissed me and pulled slowly out of me. While we had started off trying to be quiet, it had ended up a rather loud verbal fuck. As my focus shifted from Chis I realized several guys were standing around us watching us. None were wearing any towels off, and each guy was stroking his hard cock. Chris, moved to a sitting position, still trying to catch his breath after the fuck. As he leaned his back against the wall he looked at me and then at the men. "So, my little bro here just took his first raw load, who wants to be his second?" - To be continued -
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  42. The door opened and the first thing which hit me was the smell of unwashed bodies. There was a mirror over the bed. I looked up to see a group of old, ragged men being ushered into the bedroom by grandad. Some of them gasped and others laughed showing blackened and broken teeth as they saw me lying naked on the bed. All shapes and sizes from skinny guys with cadaverous faces to grossly fat men with drooping bodies. I saw some lick their lips as grandad said " There you go, boys. Peachy little bum on him. Get stuck in and fill yer boots!" I squirmed with shame and fear as they started to strip off, waves of sweaty, pissy body odour washing over me as they removed their filthy clothes. Then the bed sagged as they climbed onto the mattress, eager fingers digging between my cheeks and feeling the lube on my hole. I turned my head and saw grandad standing watching, a filthy grin on his face as he released his cock and began to masturbate. Hands grabbed my head and turned it to face a stiff, drooling cock. I just had time to see the sores engulfing the fat, swollen head and then it was pushed into my mouth and I had no choice but to suck it. I was sobbing with shame, and then the cock withdrew and another took its place, the pee-hole red and inflamed and I smelt the gooey discharge oozing from the tip. I tried to avoid it, but strong fingers held my head and I couldn't stop that filthy cock sliding between my lips. Grandad had moved closer to get a better view. He caught my eye and gave me a wink. "Good lad," He whispered. " You know you want it, don't you?" It was true. Despite the horrible, diseased cock in my mouth, I felt a mounting excitement. My own cock was stiff beneath my belly, and I felt overwhelming lust at this descent into absolute depravity. The bed was now covered in naked bodies licking, probing, rubbing against me. "Turn him over," Grandad said. Eager hands pulled me onto my back and I looked up into a circle of faces like something from a medieval painting - broken teeth, sores, some bald, all unshaven and smelling of sweat and filth. Strong hands grasped my erection, and I watched aghast as an old man with a huge sore beneath his nose bent and began to suck me. "Oh...oh no..." I gasped with a last awareness of my corruption, but the mouth bobbing up and down felt so good. "Just do it," Said Grandad. "Give yourself up to your true nature.. " He nudged a fat, short old man who was kneeling on the bed rubbing a fat mushroom cock. "Why don't you sit on his face?" The man grinned, scooted around the bed and squatted over me. I looked up at his smooth arsehole, smelled the odour where he obviously hadn't wiped and felt terror as he lowered it onto my face. I couldn't escape. My face was engulfed between his cheeks and I heard grandad tell me to lick it. Could I? Could I really lick it? With a sob of surrender, I poked my tongue tentatively into his hole. I heard him grunt with pleasure. He reached under and spread his cheeks, sinking onto me and forcing my tongue up into his arsehole. I knew I was lost. My cock was stiff in the old man's grasp, my face was engulfed in filthy buttocks and my tongue was deep in a dirty hole and yet I was loving every minue of it. I felt my legs being pulled up and outward and then the first stab of a blunt, slimey cock pushing into my hole. I gasped even as I licked the man squatting over me, feeling the delicious smooth rush of the cock sliding into my arse. There was excitement in the air and if anything, the smell from the crowd increased with their excitement. The man levered himself off my face and got off the bed. Hands held my legs and pinned my wrists to the bed. I looked up into the face of the man fucking me, his eyes wicked with lust. "Open...open yer mouth.." He gasped as he thrust into me. I opened my mouth, and he hawked and released a drool of phlegm which fell onto my tongue. Then he kissed me. His breath was awful but I no longer cared. He pulled back and cackled. "Nice! I can taste arsehole on your lips!" "Hurry up!" Someone said. "Don't take all day!" The man in me nodded, worked his cock harder and then let out a long gasp of pleasure as his cock throbbed in me, releasing his sperm. He sagged back and pulled out. I caught a glimpse of his cock covered in sores and realised it was the man I had sucked, but then I was turned over onto hands and knees, arse upraised helplessly as someone else mounted me and I felt another cock slide into my cummy hole. Beside the bed, grandad had lowered his trousers and pants and was bent forward being sodomised by a thin, balding man with red blotches covering his skinny buttocks and upper legs. He grinned at me as he saw my surprise " How do you think I became poz..ooff...thats nice...I take it up the arse as well." He stood up and the man slipped out of his fat arse, his cock now wet with lube. "That's enough mate. " He said "You know the deal. When you want to come, fill his arse with it." I realised the man was probably syphilitic but what could I do? I had probably already caught their diseases by now and the thought of it was exciting and shameful. The man in me made way having already cum, and the thin man got behind me. Grandad came and lay next to me, pulling my head down and kissing me. "You want it? " He whispered. "He's poz and he's got the syph. Means you will definately get knocked up and infected." I kissed him back and felt his hand gently ruffle my hair. "Hold me.." I gasped. He smiled, held my hand and nodded to the man behind me. I felt his cock pressing into my hole and then it slid easily up me and he began to thrust. I was lost. Depraved. About to be infected and bred all at once. I knelt in surrender as Grandad stroked my hand and whispered in my ear. "Good lad. Good lad." The man didn't last long, he thrust two or three more times like a rabbit, then pushed himself against me and grunted loudly as he spurted . He held himself in me for a long moment, then slid his cock out and I felt his filthy cum drooling over my balls. My cock was so stiff it hurt as I slumped forward. Grandad kissed me again and I felt a body lay down beside us. I saw it was a fat old man with whiskers and wispy hair. He lay face down spreading his cheeks with his hands, and I could see his dirty arsehole was smeared with cum and lube and worse. "Go on, cum in him and you'll feel more relaxed. There's a long way to go yet!" With a gasp of excitement, I slid onto the old man's back, feeling his sweaty skin beneth me even as he spread his legs further and my cock nestled between his buttocks. Grandad leant over, grasped my cock and guided it into position. I slide down and into the old body, feeling his sloppy hole hot around my shaft, and then I was spurting and spurting and finally resigned to my fate...
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  43. Blushing furiously, I turned and knelt on the cushions, my bum cheeks spreading as I knelt. Grandpa got off the sofa, knelt behind me and sighed happily as his cock slid into my hole which was still wet with cum. "Enjoying that, Harry?" My mother said as she watched him fuck me. Grandad just laughed "Oohh..ooh yeah." He grunted. "What time is it?" "About 11, I think." She replied. It was bizarre. There I was being buggered by my own grandfather as my mother watched, and all they could talk about was the time! "Best hurry up...oof..then " Grunted Grandad as his cock stiffened inside me " They'll be here soon....ahhh..here it comes you little bastard!" Then he slumped heavily on my back and I felt his cock throb and throb as it filled me with his dirty cum again. After a while, he got off me and I turned round as he wiped his cock clean and saw mum grinning. "W,,who's coming?" I asked. "Some friends," She said. "Well clients, I suppose." They both laughed and Grandpa said. "She's talking about the guys down at the hostel." I remembered Mum volunteered at a men's hostel by the docks where tramps and homeless guys could get a meal or maybe a bed. I had been there once or twice and shuddered at the memory of old, smelly men, many with untreated STI's shuffling around the line for the soup. "They..they're coming here?" I gasped. " What for?" They smiled at each other. "Poor things don't get much..you know..they don't get to have sex often." Mum said. " I know what a dirty little slut you've become, Timmy, so I said they could come round and use your bottom to get some relief." I blushed and shuddered with shame. How had it come to this? They were going to pimp me out, and even now the old trolls from the hostel were probably on their way! "You won't need to clean up!" Laughed Grandad. "Most of them haven't washed in a while. I'm gonna enjoy seeing them mounting you!" What could I do? Even as they spoke, my cock had stiffened with the filthiness of what was happening to me. They noticed it and my mother said. "Thought so! Dirty boy. Right, get in my room face down on the bed. I'll be in shortly with some lube. Go on!" With that, I got off the sofa, aware of my erection swaying in front of me. My mother had thoughtfully covered her bed with towels to protect the sheets. I lay face down and waited. After a few minutes, I heard the doorbell and then a gaggle of voices and laughter in the hall way. The bedroom door opened, and Mum came in with a tube of lube. "They're here. Spread your cheeks." Blushing, I reached back and spread my cheeks and she gently rubbed plenty of lube in and over my arsehole. "Good," She said, ruffling my hair. "Nice and loose. Now be a good boy and let them do you. Grandad will be around to make sure they behave." With that she was gone, and I heard many heavy footseps on the stairs.....
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  44. I didn't see grandad after that - he must have left while I was busy. Bill thought it was hot that he had fucked me and made me bend over the counter so he could fuck my cummy arse and shoot his load after a few thrusts as he was so excited. I cleaned up and left at the end of my shift. It was a warm night and still quite light, so I headed down to the park intending to sit by the lake and relax after the tense day I'd had. What would I do when I saw grandad next? Would I let him fuck me again? After a while, I needed a piss. There was an old, brick toilet set back amongst the trees. I went up the overgrown path and into the gloomy doorway. It smelled of damp and piss and was lit by a stained window high up near the roof. There was a narow space with a long porcelein urinal with cubicles behind it. As I entered three guys who had obviouly been playing broke apart in panic, one of them a bald little guy comically trying to drag a threadbare pair of trousers up over his bare arse. They looked at me guiltily until I smiled, went over to the porcelein urinal and unzipped my cock. It was semi-hard and I felt them relax as they saw it. The short, balding man lowered his trousers again. His lower body was flabby, hairless and slug-like in the gloom and his cock was small and flaccid. He turned and bent over. To my surprise, his buttocks had no muscle, just flabby sacks between which his hole gaped wetly with lube. Ignoring me, one of the other men went over, levered out his cock and slid it into the proferrred hole with a sigh of satisfaction, and began to thrust slowly in and out. The other two came over and closed in on me. One had greasy, curly black hair and a lazy eye, the other was tall, very thin and bald and I could see his veins knotted around his arms and the calves below his shorts. "Hey." Said the guy with the greasy hair. "Nice cock you got there", and he licked his lips lewdly at me. The other guy said nothing, but encased my cock in his boney fingers and rubbed it gently until it was hard. I was excited, but also scared. What if someone came in? Nearby, the small guy was bending over and sobbing as he was fucked, and I distinctly heard him whisper "Oh yeah!..please!..give me your poz load!" I felt the hairs rise on my neck as I realised how depraved these guys were, but I could move or resist. The thin guy released my cock and fumbled with my belt. "W..w..wait "I gasped. " I'm not sure..." The greasy haired guy nuzzled my ear and carressed my cock. "Easy..no one's going to hurt you...you want to play don't you?" My trousers fell to the wet floor, and the thin man dragged my underpants down with them. Before I could protest, the greasy haired guy bent forward and took my cock into his mouth. I gasped at the sensation and couldn't help pushing it further in. The thin guy took my neck, turned my head and smiled at me. His teeth were black and filthy, and I could see crusty sores in the corner of his mouth. He took my hand and encircled it around his thick, surprisingly long cock. I looked down at it, and noticed the upper shaft and head had a number of angry red warts and his pee-hole was drooling some kind of slimey discharge. I tried to back away, but my resolve was going as the man sucked my cock and I watched the little man being sodomised. Suddenly, the top grunted and came in him. He sighed happily and slid it out. The shaft was cummy and slimey and the small man's gaping hole glinted wetly, drooling cum as he straightened up. "You like that, don'tcha? "Whispered the thin man. "Yeah, you want some dirty cock." Oh god. I thought. This was bad news. Goodness knows what diseases these guys were carrying. "Show us you want it." He said, and offered me his cock to suck. I bent forward, feeling the shaft and the warts encrusting it, and hesitated. But he thrust his hips forward and that disgusting cock slipped into my mouth. "Yeah, " He whispered. "Suck it, bitch. " I felt a hand slide over my bottom, and then the greasy haired guy dropped to his knees, clamped his mouth to my arsehole, and slid his tongue up inside. I was shocked, and embarrassed as I hadn't cleaned out before I left the sauna, but he didn't seem to mind the slime inside and pulled my hips back into his face. To be continued....
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  45. As Glen shot into my hole, I had to admit that the feeling of cum in me was starting to turn me on. I laid there, cradled by the pair of them like something they needed to feed and feed off. The grim realisations can hold off for an hour or two, right now I’m starting to understand why guys chase and become cum addicted. The seed deposits soak in to you. Creating a stronger deeper connection with who you’re with. That moment feels like it could last forever. You bond. Perhaps I needed to be shown that, I needed that urge to be forced upon me. So I could see for myself. It was as if the toxic cum decided on me regardless and had begun its takeover, its rewiring. Like I said, I was starting to understand. “How you feeling now Dan. Happy you’ve begun a new life?” That freaked me out. I was drunk and stumbled into a sauna on the wrong evening and now here I was being assimilated into the poz brotherhood. Wait… I’d read that phrase before and now I’m thinking it? I need to get out of here before it’s too late. Steve shoved the poppers under my nose again “It’s time you tasted my cock Dan. It’s been in you already, so nice to complete the circle". I started to play with my own cock, now harder than ever. Glen brushed my hand aside and began to lick my cockhead. The connection was beginning to overwhelm my senses. No wonder they called it a brotherhood. Being like this was something far closer and more erotic than just lovers. Glen was muttering encouragement to me as I sucked him off. “Oh mate. You’re doing very well. I think we should take this elsewhere. What do you think Steve?” Steve removed his mouth from my cock “Fuck yes, maybe see if the sling is free” “Good idea. It usually isn’t free but we can get Dan to the front of the queue. What’s the point of running a night like this if we don’t get first dibs? The others will understand the need to fast track Dan. Maybe one or two of them can pitch in with the next round of recruitment” "There’s another round? What the fuck is this? I saw the sling area earlier and there were a handful of guys hanging around it, all taking it in turns on some poor guy they’d ballgagged. There was no way I was going to get involved in…" “Sniff, Dan. You’re going to love it… eventually.” Oh man.
    1 point
  46. After I'd cum, I was overcome with shame and disgust at what I'd done, and quickly showered and left. Bill grinned at me from behind the desk and said "see you soon, you dirty fucker!" but I vowed never to retun. For the next couple of weeks I was anxious waiting for the flu to hit or for some other symptoms to show. But nothing happened and and eventually I went for a test which came back negative. My relief was also mixed with a sense of disappointment. I thought about this and realised that I was a whore after all, and becoming pregnant from some filthy old man was the ultimate turn-on. I tried to resist it, but the need was in me now, like I was possessed or something, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Eventually, I gave in and found myself back at the sauna, handing my money to Bill as he winked at me. "Knew you'd be back," He said. " Carrying someone's baby yet?" I shook my head and he raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you want?" I blushed and gave a brief nod and he slapped my shoulder. "Knew you were a dirty sod!" He said. "We've a few more in today - couple of guys I 'ain't seen for a while 'cos they've been sick. They don't take meds so their immune system is fucked." He watched as my eyes widened with shock which was what he intended. He held out a locker-key and said "So, do you still want it, mate?" I paused, aware of the blood pounding in my ears. This was it. Decision time. I breathed deeply and took the key, heading to the lockers with his laughter behind me. I undressed, showered and went upstairs. To my surprise, it was very dark and I had to feel ahead of myself to stop banging into a wall. I found out later this was Bill's idea - to turn off the lights so you couldn't see anyone, only feel anonymous naked bodies and stiff cocks with no idea what their owners looked like or how disgusting their bodies might be. I turned a corner and passed a cubicle based on the gap in the wall my hands encountered. As I started to pass it, someone touched me. I jumped and then stood still, allowing the hand to slide over my thigh and squeeze my stiffening cock. Another hand emerged from the darkness and began to probe my hole. "Nice!" The voice was a harsh, dry whisper and another voice gave a low chuckle of appreciation. I shivered with fear and lust, not knowing what to do. "Come inside!" Whispered the voice and strong, boney fingers grabbed my wrist and started to pull me into the black cubicle. I almost resisted, but something in me responded to their touch, and I allowed them to pull me inside. Instantly, a thin, boney body was pressed against me and lips crushed to mine. I moaned as the tongue entered my mouth and couldn't help putting my arms around him. His body was thin without an ounce of fat. Then someone else got behind me and I felt a surprisingly large and stiff cock pressed against my bottom. "Mmm, fresh meat!" Said the man behind me, and I realised this must be the couple who weren't on meds. I felt the hairs rise on my neck and the fear, but the lips stayed crushed to mine, the tongue slithering disgustingly in my mouth. Then the cubicle was filled with the smell of poppers and a bottle was pushed against my nose. "Breathe deep, darling." Said the man as he released my lips. I had no choice and took a deep lungful, feeling my body mellt and my head swim. A thick finger covered in lube ploughed up me from behind and I gasped with shock. He began to move it slowly in and out and I began to moan with pleasure. " That's it, open up for daddy" The voice behind me was croaky and I reached back to feel skinny legs and a bulging belly above his enormous cock. I groaned in surrender as the poppers were thrust at me again and suddenly a hand pushed my shoulders forward and down and the huge cock began to slide into me. I cried out with pain and pleasure as he slid it home until his paunch was pressed agianst my buttocks. "Shhh!" whispered the man in front of me "Let him in, there's a good boy" I could only sob with surrender as he began to fuck me, and gratefully took the other man's cock in my mouth and steadied myself on his thighs against the brutal thrusts. "That's it, matey. Let old Harold fuck your sweet arse! You're gonna get what you want, don't worry. Open your hole for him." I gasped, but reached back to pull my buttocks apart so the big cock could get in deep. Harold grunted with pleasure as his movements became more jerky in my hole. "Oh yeah, gonna give you a baby you little slut!" Then he gasped and grunted like a pig, forcing himself into me and I felt his cock throbbing as he spurted. "Oh, you dirty bastard! It's in you now!" Said the man in front of me. "Don't fight it!" I groaned and crouched there, accepting the cock spurting toxic cum into me as the man stroked my head tenderly. At last, the enormous cock slid out and I felt the wetness around my anus. "Your turn, Peter." They turned me round and Peter slide his cock into me as Harold pushed my head down to clean his cock. Suddenly, I had a clear image of myself sandwiched between their diseased bodies and the tears splashed from my eyes at my depravity even as I pushed back and squeezed my hole around the thrusting cock, eager to milk more poz cum from him and get myself knocked up.
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