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  1. Get as many cocks and loads inside you as possible. Be adventurous, experience new things, don't be afraid. if you don't, when you get a lot older you'll regret it.
    4 points
  2. We pulled into Wills apartment building. I was still slobbering on his hung 9" thick cock with a huge PA ring. My throat felt raw after he kept forcing my wiling mouth on his huge meat and ring. He pulled me off his gorgeous cock and zipped up. My mouth had spit all over and my face looked all wet. As i started to wipe up all the salaiva off my mouth he slapped my hand away and said leave it on. I want you looking like the whore you are. I smiled at him. "Yeah you are a whore arent you. You love being bottom bitch. You need Daddy Will dont you. Say it", he commanded. "Yes i need Daddy Will. I need his huge cock in me", i moaned. "What else you need whore", he asked "Your whore needs not just your fucking huge cock but your charged seed in me. I want you to make me pregnant again", i begged "Hmmmm...you want to have my baby bitch?", Will said "Yes i do.", i said with loving eyes. I loved my Daddy and was committed to him. But Will knew how to push my buttons and knew how to bring out the slutty whore in me. Also on my way out Daddy whispered in my ear, "Do whatever it takes to please him". Will stepped out of the car and i joined him walking into his building. My hair was messy and i had spit all over my mouth and neck. You could smell the spit and precum on me. As we waited by the elevator a couple also came in. I got the look from both of them and the woman smiled at her date or husband as if she knew what all that spit was from. An elevator came and we all got in. Will and I were in the back and they off the side slightly in front. Will stuck his hand down the back of my scrubs and pushed his finger in my ass. I jumped a bit, i let out a soft moan but tried to remained composed. The couple looked and the woman could see his hand down my back. She smiled and as they got off at their floor, she said " have fun", and laughed as the door closed. Will didnt say anything, he just used my finger to probe my mancunt and had me breathing heavy. He leaned into my ear and said, "Your cunt is wet whore. Its eating up my finger. Ohh we are going to work over that nasty hole over tonight.". He was massaging my prostate and my cock was hard and leaking pre cum. A small stain formed on the front of my scrubs. My eyes were half closed and i leaned forward a held onto the side of the elevator not to stumble forward. The elevator stopped and doors opened. Will pulled me back using his finger in my ass. It was a cute older guy, in his late 40's with tattoos and nose ring. It looked like he just came from the apartment buildings gym. He was wearing tight spandex shorts and a fitting tank top. He could see where Wills hand was and what it was doing to me. He smiled and said, "How are you guys doing tonight? Looks like your hands are full". Will smiled back and said "not my hands just a finger or two". As Will said that he rammed second finger in me and lifted me up a bit and pushed forward. I moaned and also put my hands on the front button panel as to not fall. Will not caring anymore started to twist and use his fingers to push my innards and make me moan. I couldn't help myself. He started using his fingers to fuck my cunt. I was just there letting him have his way with me and didn't care about the other guy in the elevator. "Looks like someone is enjoying it", the other guy said "Yes he is. He's a whore how cant help himself when there is something up his cunt", Will said. "I can see that" said the stranger and walked over and stuck his hands down the front of my scrubs and started wank my cock but it was in my cage. "Hmmm locked up. Nice", the stranger said "Yes his Daddy wants him to remember its nothing of use and that only his ass is worth anything", Will said. The guy stood back and starting rubbing his huge hard cock thru his tight spandex shorts. While Will was rubbing my prostate like crazy as i was half bent over and panting, i looked at this strangers cock with lust. "Ohh yeah he wants some. Look how hungry this whore looks. You want some?", he said taunting me. I was in frenzy with Will massaging my manhole making me so horny and just the energy in the elevator, i need cock bad. What seemed like the longest elevator ride in the world, we finally came to our floor. Will turned to the stranger and said, Kevin would you like to join us?
    4 points
  3. Chapter 6. Two weeks later, Douglas sent me a message on WhatsApp. I hadn't heard from him in all the time since we left the beach. I had secretly hoped that Douglas had forgotten the whole thing. Douglas informed me that I should be at the Motel across town at 7pm that evening. He told me that I should go to the door of room 107 and knock on it. The room is located in the wing of the building, so the door can be accessed directly from the parking lot. All I need to know at this point is to be there at 7 p.m. In the evening, I told Max that I was going to the gym and drove my car to the motel parking lot. My heart was beating so hard I was afraid it would explode. With unsteady steps I walked to the door of room 107 and knocked on it. The door opened ajar, but I saw no one. I entered and an unknown gruff male voice told me to close the door behind me. The room was completely dark. The voice told me again that there is a blindfold on the table by the door that I should put on. "Are you ready," asked a rough male voice. "Yes," I replied. I noticed through the slits in the blindfolds that the lights were turned on in the room, but I couldn't see anything. I was led to sit on the edge of the bed, and they started asking me questions. What is my name, how old am I, am I in a relationship, what is my husband like, how big a cock does my husband have, do I also let other men fuck me, Does my husband know, do I use protection, do I let men cum in my hole raw... I answered the questions honestly. Finally a male voice said I should take my clothes off. I obeyed again. Finally, I sat on the edge of the bed naked, with only Blindfold on my eyes and socks on my feet. "Well then, get on all fours on the bed and now spread your cheating hole on us," said the rough-voiced man. "For us? Is there anyone else in the room besides the rough-voiced man". I was lying on the bed with my ass up and my head in the sheets. I spread my buttocks with both hands. "You first," said the gruff one. I heard someone spit and must have rubbed his spit on his cock. After that I felt a hot cock in my hole. "Give the cheating husband what he came here for," said the rough-voiced man. I felt the cock sinking into my ass. I shuddered from both pain and ecstasy. The man hammered my ass for a while and the rough-voiced man told me to beg the man to seed me. I kept repeating breed me, breed me... And the man roared and seeded me. As the man pulled out of me, I felt a new cock on my hole. With a strong thrust, the cock sank deep into my already spermed hole. The unknown man began to push and pull at a fast pace. Soon he emptied his load inside me too. After that, the rough-voiced man told me to spread my hole again and thank the unknown seeders. I did as I was told. Very soon I heard the sounds of getting dressed from the room and very soon I heard how the front door of the motel room opened. The room became very quiet. 5 minutes later I guessed there was no one left in the room. I opened the blindfolds and saw that the room was empty. I got dressed quickly and left for my car. When I got home I had received a whatsapp message from Douglas, where he told me to send him a video showing sperm pouring out of my hole. Fortunately, my husband Max was watching his favorite series on netflix, so I quickly sneaked into the bedroom and videoed my hole and pushed out the sperm of unknown men. I fingered my hole at the same time and it felt really good. I sent the video to Douglas and he complimented me on being a nice slut and sent me back a short video clip taken in a hotel room. In the video, I sat in a hotel room with blindfolds on my eyes and answered a rough-voiced man's questions with my own name. Douglas said he has the entire video of my insemination. We could watch it together sometime, Douglas messaged.
    4 points
  4. A couple of weeks ago, I developed a skin rash, no doubt because I’d been cycling my ass off trying to get in the best shape of my life before the cruise and the swimwear modeling stint. So while I looked good, my skin was in need of a little care and feeding. When oral antibiotics didn’t work, I needed to check in to the hospital just for the night so they could do IV drugs. It was no big deal. They even gave me the celebrity suite all to myself with a huge walk in shower. It might as well be the Four Seasons. I didn’t even bother to get into a hospital gown. Just slipped off my clothes down to my boxers, let them plug me in, and turned on some ball games. I must have dozed off because when I woke up there was someone checking my IVs. Once the haze lifted, I noticed he was stunning. Ridiculously hot. Porn star hot. And underneath those hospital sweats, it looked like he had a body to match. When he realized I was awake, he said, “I’m your night nurse. Just checking to see how it’s going.” Then he proceeded to take my vitals. I was so glad there was a blanket over me so he couldn’t see the tent creeping up in my boxers. He smiled and left and I wished to god my right hand wasn’t stuck with an IV so I could jack off right there. But I tried to settle and get back to the TV. I was about to doze off when the door opened and he walked back in with some juice. “What’s that,” I asked? “Your doctor wanted to boost the meds with this. It’ll make you a little drowsy so don’t be surprised if you nod off.” “No worries” as I gulped it down and he took off. About ten minutes later, things started to get a little wonky. I wasn’t able to see the tv that clearly so I turned it off. I figured this was the “drowsy” part so I just laid back and let it wash over me as I went into this dream-state. Or at least I thought it was a dream. Next thing I know, my nurse is standing at the end of the bed with a big smile on his face. I look around and the curtains were drawn and the door locked. I also noticed that both my hands were tied to the bed. As I glanced back to his face, he said, “if you’re good and quiet, there won’t need to be a gag. Besides, they are used to screams on this floor all night long.” I had no idea what he meant, although I admit I wasn’t sure this was even real so I didn’t say a word. Then I saw him pull up a syringe, walk over and put it into my IV. As he depressed the plunger, he said I should take some deep breaths and just relax. I felt the warm tingle go up my arm and then up into my throat and my tongue started to tingle. I felt short of breath so I let out a cough, which worried me and I got anxious. “That’s completely normal. Here, try some more juice.” As I drank it, I felt that tingle move down my body and my pelvis start to surge up as my asshole began to throb and kagel. I went from dreamy to alert to horned out of my mind. As I lay there, strapped to the bed, I watched him pull the IV out and put a band-aid on. Then he proceeded to pull my covers down and look at my tight, ripped, lean body. He seemed to nod in approval as he muttered, “They are going to love this.” I watched as he picked up my boxer shorts and noticed I was flaccid, which made no sense since all I could think about was pulling my dick and coming. Next thing I know, he’s got another syringe and points it towards my cock. “You might want to look the other way, but I promise, it’ll be painless.” He lied. I felt a sharp prick as I watched, completely shocked and horrified, as he stuck the needle in my penis. It was over in seconds and I could feel more tingling happening there. He cradled my cock in his hand for a second and looked up at me and chuckled. My eyes must have been like saucers. Then I noticed my cock was growing in his hand and growing and growing. He treated it like a newborn pup, just before he put it in his mouth. He took it out and said “mmm, salty pre-cum, then leaned over and put his tongue in my mouth.” I tasted it as well. And my mouth and tongue went crazy for his as my pelvis began thrusting up and down begging for attention. I was about to vibrate out of the bed when there was a slight knock on the door. He turned and smiled and said, “Just wait. You’re gonna be very happy tonight.” He unlocked the door and in walked two more guys in hospital sweats, just as hot as he was. One looked older, grey haired, very masculine
the other was Latino with warm buttery skin and this wry grin on his face. They took one look at me and said to my nurse, “Damn, you hit the jackpot.” At this point, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I admit every fantasy imaginable ran through my mind. I watched as all three guys wrapped a tourniquet around their arms and pulled out orange pointed syringes like the one that went into my IV. They were so relaxed as they each punctured the skin, drew back this swirling rush of red blood, then proceeded to count down, 3, 2, 1 push. As they each pulled out their needle and ripped off their armbands, I saw my nurse let out a little cough. He smiled and said “I gave myself a little extra
just to make sure tonight is special with this one.” The others laughed and then they turned and looked at me. I felt like carrion in the desert about to be eaten by vultures. What happened next was even harder to describe as they proceeded to take off their sweats, revealing these muscular, perfect bodies
and fully erect large penises. The latin guy’s was hooded, which I love, literally leaking pre-cum. They then walked over, took off my boxers and proceeded to start sucking my cock, fingering my hole, touching my body and kissing me. It felt like an electric current was running through my body. My nurse was the first to climb on the bed, lift my legs, and thrust his cock in me. I assume it was due to all his pre-cum because my ass was already wet. He had no problem getting inside when he moaned in pleasure before starting to build rhythm. The other two were touching each other and playing with their asses and cocks while they watched as my nurse start to build up steam. “What do you say I plant some seed for you guys?” “Hell yeah, let’s load him up.” I watched as his face began to turn flush, his rhythm increased, as he thrust it into me. Then he let out this grunt sound and practically tore my second backdoor open as I could feel him ejaculating into my cavity. I even felt the vein on his cock throbbing, as he kept ejaculating. He lay on top of me for a second, covered in sweat, waiting for his breathing to return to normal. Then he pulled his cock out, jumped off the bed, walked over and fed it to me. It was literally dripping in cum. The other two proceeded to laugh and I heard the word “flip?” I assumed it was to see who would fuck me next but instead, they untied me, put me on all fours horizontally and as one guy shoved his cock down my throat, the other guy mounted me from behind. They were laughing and moaning and I could hear the sloppy sound of cum being churned in and out of my hole. Next thing I hear is “you ready?” “Let’s do it.” They both sped up their motions and, amazingly, I felt a gush of cum down my throat and in my ass simultaneously. I was in heaven. They proceeded to put me in every position possible in the room. They even got me in the shower where I was able to feel their amazing skin and touch their bodies all over. Suddenly they pushed me down. I thought I was supposed to suck them all off but they held my head back as they each began to pee on me. I admit, I was so whacked out, I even opened my mouth and drank some of it. Sounds disgusting now but in the moment, it made me even hornier. Their tee smelled odd, making me think that I must have gotten even higher off of it. Before the sun came up, I had been used in every hole and every position by every guy and then showered off, put back in my boxers and laid back in bed. I was blissed-out with a huge grin on my face as I watched them get their scrubs back on and walk out. My nurse came over, put in a new IV and hooked me up to the machine. He pulled out another needle and put it in my IV fluid and said, “Here, this’ll help you sleep it off until mid-afternoon. Oh, I’ll let your doc know you’re going to need to stay another night to get more IV meds.” All I could do was smile and nod as I watched him walk out of the room and my eyes slowly closed. I woke up with the sun blazing through my window. In walked my day nurse, Leilani, from the day before. She took one look at me and said, “you must have had quite a night. You’ve slept all morning. Didn’t even wake up for your vitals.” Groggily I said, “Oh, I dreamt all night. Lots of tossing and turning. “ She seemed a little confused but just nodded as she walked out. All I could think of was how long before the Night Shift?
    3 points
  5. You're going to build up a stable of REPEATS sexy! I started fucking a 32yo fucktoy almost identical to you about a year ago. Slim body, perfect bubble butt, gorgeous tasty hole that started tight but loosened and slicked up FAST, and such an eager slutty attitude!! I first replied to his cumdump post on doublelist. After that, anytime he texted me saying "hey", I knew what he wanted, and I'd try to drop what I was doing to get inside that perfect ass. He moved away a couple months ago, but we reconnected over Pride with a hot breeding. I rarely miss when a fuckbud disappears (find another), but I genuinely miss him....just a cute, sexy, hungry cum hound - eager without being needy - wanting it again almost before he's out the door! My point - DO NOT be shy to hit up the tops who have bred you before and obviously enjoyed it. If you lived near me you could count on me for a couple loads a week if you text me when you're in heat. Your pics and attitude are about as good as it gets to me!!!
    3 points
  6. No. Hand size has nothing to do with penis size. Foot size has nothing to do with penis size. Nose length has nothing to do with penis size. Skin color has nothing to do with penis size. Hair color has nothing to do with penis size. I could do this all day. I’ve noticed that athletes in contact sports wearing protective cups over their genitals beneath tight-fitting pants appear to have sizable bulges. Go figure. Most successful athletes don’t have itty-bitty hands, because bigger hands usually are an advantage in, say, grip in wrestling or ball handling in football. So that would mean that all wrestlers and all football players must have big cocks, right? No. Athletic ability has nothing to do with penis size. All day long.
    3 points
  7. My brother and I grew up in Nebraska where being Gay was a big problem. These right-wing Christian nationals will come after us and want to destroy the LGBTQI community. Please vote in 2024
    3 points
  8. Absolutely ZERO wasted loads - There's only 2 months left to the year, but I have a new goal inspired by a buddy I reconnected with on Friday. I hadn't played with him in over two years, but we were both on bbrt Friday morning, and he invited me to come share a muscle slut he was already fucking. I was over there within 30 mins, the bottom was ass up on the couch, the top was edging his BIG cock. I got down and ate out the pigs sloppy fucked hole, then had him suck me hard while the top guy fucked him awhile. I took my turn fucking the WET bottom and came a little faster that I like. When they are hot AND sleazy it makes me cum kinda fast. The top fucked again after me and loved that he could see my cum all over his cock. The top and I both got dressed and left, and I drove him home. He told me that he edges a TON - he wastes way too much time edging. BUT he has not seen his own load since 2019. Every single load gets fed or bred into someone. He edges all the fucking time, but just STAYS horny unless he has someone to dump in. I have done this for shorter periods before, but about to start again! When I bottom I usually cum, but for the time being I won't. I'll save it and STAY horny till I can dump it in someone else.
    3 points
  9. Hello to everybody, as I was telling you some months ago, I developed the desire to be a cumdump, after moving to NYC. I have managed to find a Master who is training me into turning myself into a toy for tops, and this really makes me always crazy horny. I have found to be a very resilient power bottom also. I cannot describe you how much I love the smell, the feeling of that sloshing, and of that cock pumping a big loads inside of you. So far my loads count since February 2023 is 198 loads. Master wanted me to have a slow progression at the beginning to test and train me with smaller and controlled sessions. Now I'm officially ready and Master will create a yearly goal to keep improving myself. I wanna get used as much as possible I will never refuse a load. Master agreed to my request, to make this social, so he will set as goal the most common (values) suggested in this topic. So given the fact that I am at 198, we still have 3 months and that now I'll finally start to get used without any limitation; what do you think has to be the 2023 and 2024 goals for this 21yo cumdump?
    2 points
  10. Happy Halloween guys! 😜😈👅🍆💩🎃
    2 points
  11. Some things I would advise my younger self not to get involved in as got me in trouble. Plus I would advise my younger self to get more cock and pussy too.
    2 points
  12. Please tell us you have a copy of it. I hope they didn't just live stream it and not record it, but good for you. So many guys enjoy watching or participating in those kinds of activities, was wondering if you used Zoom or another site to do that on.
    2 points
  13. Bro,,I was blindfolded, slam and whored out and filmed this past weekend at the Leather Pride in Palm Springs where I'm from
    2 points
  14. No correlation between the two. I've had tall guys with big hands and small dicks, and I've had short guys with small hands and big dicks. Had sex with this guy who was 6'7", hot as fuck to look at, but dick was only about 4". One of the biggest dicks I've ever seen was on a short 5'4" latino, who was packing a thick 10" dick. I'm surprised the weight of his dick didn't cause him to fall over.
    2 points
  15. Having read your opening thread from the 2nd but before I got to this update from the 4th I done a calculation based upon Feb-Sept then increasing the amount of loads by the time elapsed and time left and I got 452, so 450 sounds like a perfect goal. With 2 months to go I wonder how you are progressing. As next year is a leap year how about leaping your current goals even higher; 2024 in TOTAL: 1,650 1 lone session: 84 (I'd love to be load number 84 -- I love a good fucking sl0sh about) đŸ· In any given month: 333 loads
    2 points
  16. In the 90's I played with a guy who was 6'3", wore a size 13 shoe and probably had big hands (honestly don't remember). His penis was the size of a Vienna sausage. I guess the growth hormone hit every part of his body except his penis.
    2 points
  17. My straightish cousin had similar experience when he had his gallbladder out at Myrtle Beach. The nurse on night shift pushed something for pain in his IV, and he said he would do anything for him for another dose. He felt his nipples get hard as he started panting and his cock got erect as he got hornier and hornier. His hole ached with feet as he started touching it and fingering it. He didn't mind at all, he said, when the nurse slipped his cock in. Said it felt like an orgasm that wouldn't stop as the nurse kept pumping his cock in and out. All he could feel was total lust and desire for his hole to be filled over and over again and didn't want to stop. The lust and his cravings made him forget his gf for awhile, as he wanted it to never end. He barely thought anything of it when his mouth was filled with cock, but he wanted his nurse to go back to fucking him. Time flew and most of what he said was, 'fuck me" over and over.
    2 points
  18. If you’re asking whether they’ll chemically interact to pose a physical risk to your body’s systems and potentially harm or kill you, there’s not a particular known health risk such as there is in mixing poppers with Viagra. But otherwise, of course it isn’t safe. Both alcohol and cannabis can impair your judgment, both alcohol and poppers can cause you to lose consciousness, and any combination of the three is likely to compound the chance that you’ll use too much of them, lose control of yourself and your situation, and thereby put yourself at risk. You want to cumdump - blindfolded - whilst drugged up to the point that you’re falling in and out of consciousness while completely vulnerable to any and every man on the premises who could do anything at all to you? No, it isn’t safe. In fact, if that’s what you’re planning, asking whether the drug combo will make you sick is kind of silly. You’re at worse risk of falling, hitting your head and getting a concussion, asphyxiating on your own vomit, or having your anus torn from having something shoved up it while you’re unconscious.
    2 points
  19. my cock was smeggy the other day, like to let it get like that every now and then. [think before following links] https://photos.app.goo.gl/xecj6ZeLEzAVwBgQ8
    2 points
  20. If I find freshly used condoms in a sauna or cruising ground I'll eat the load while guys watch. If they are older (or if they've been mailed to me by pervy followers from twitter) they go in my ass. Sometimes I'll freeze them for a special top to use on me.
    2 points
  21. I live in a small town with a population of 1200, surrounded by corn fields for 1 1/2 hr drive in either direction. I regularly walk my dogs around town following the river through the parks occasionally passing by the fire station staffed with volunteers on my way to the post office. Yesterday, walking along I noticed one of the guys leaving the station get into his pickup. Nodding hello & smiling at me, I returned the gesture & continued with the dogs. A bit further along as i got to the normally empty big park with baseball diamonds & wooded trail which ended @ my house, I noticed the pickup truck with fire station logo from minutes b4. A brisk walk onward trailing behind my dogs we followed a sent behind the toilets; there he stood pants down around his knees, cock in hand stroking. Early 30's blond, a body built on a farm with a ring glinting on his finger. Transfixed by his cock & abs, I heard him say hey man!, pulling me out of my momentary daze as he continued stroking. Wanna join me? I paused for a moment looking around b4 moving closer, reaching out caressing his abs, my hands moved down towards his cock. The dogs tugged on their leash after a squirrel so i tied them to a tree to continue playing with the hot fireman. Standing in front of him I began to unzip as he dropped to is knees. My semi hard cock flopping out onto his face, he rubbed my cock across his blond stubble & lips b4 slowly sucking on the head of my cock & milking my shaft with his calloused hands. I could hear him moaning as he tasted the first drops of precum. You've done this b4, hungry cocksucker, he looked up with a smile in his eyes, continuing to suck my now fully erect cock. I was loving it, but wanted to taste him, motioning him to stand up he did, but turned around presenting his bubble butt. NO need to ask me twice, I was on my knees, tongue in his ass making him moan, 1 finger in, he was clean & not resisting. Standing up, I spat in my hand then rubbed it on my cock head as he moved back pressing himself into me. Pushing him back up against the wall kicking his legs apart, his hole now exposed and ready for action. He reached behind grabbing my cock positioning it up against his hole. Slowly he backed up taking my head then another inch b4 stopping & exclaiming he was close to cumming. I began working my cock into him telling him he was not just gonna tease me like that, I'm going in all the way b4 you cum. My dry shaft parting his pink hole with each thrust which made him moan & gasp as i bottomed out. Sinking to our knees I began fucking him using longer strokes, this virtually dry fuck had my dick harder than normal. Flipping him onto his back, legs on my shoulders, i dribbled precum on his hole and went balls deep in one stroke. We continued fucking for a few mins b4 he asked, are you close, do you wanted to cum in my ass? I smiled and said im getting there, wanna cum together? A couple long deep thrusts & i was almost there, burying my cock balls deep in his hole i could feel him begin to shoot when i unload in his hole. This little piggy sucked my cock clean and thanked me for my load, said he was gonna keep it in him all day & night when hes having sex with his wife.
    2 points
  22. February 20th, 2007, my birthday. I’d been chatting with my gifter for a while. I knew that I wanted it, but I was also afraid. I had thought about it often, but always backed out. He was into chems, fisting, and was poz (REALLY POZ). We had talked on the phone for a while, sharing thoughts, ideas, crazy things that might happen or did happen in our lives, how he had been pozzed, etc. I was a good intelligent man, who just happened to love taking cock. We talked about how he felt when he was fucking, and how much I’d love it, when he seeded my hole. I can see now that he was seducing me to the idea of taking his poz loads and I was eating it up. Taking advantage my weakness, my willingness, but it was ok. I think in my mind it was just a fantasy and the things we talked about weren’t really going to happen, even though I was sort of hoping it would. I wasn’t really going to submit my body to the ravages of HIV; it was just talk, right? So I booked the hotel and the flight to Portland. I arrived that morning, it was raining, but there he was waiting by the baggage claim. He looked more real that I had imagined him to be. Funny how I thought he would have horns, or a dark shadow clinging to him. We got on the tram together and headed to his house. He said it was close. I was nervous now, but he calmed me and told me everything was going to be ok. He’d watch out for me and to trust him. We took the short walk to the house, and he showed me the shower and told me to clean out. I took my time and did a good job, preparing myself for him. When I came back to the kitchen, he had the meth out and was measuring it, mixing it, putting part of it into a needled syringe and part into a syringe that didn’t have needle. I watched fascinated almost hypnotized. I had never seen anything like this before in real life, only on the television. He then looked at me and asked if I was ready. I was scared, but somehow thought it would still turn out to be just a fantasy and that he’d shoot himself up and that would be that. After all, I don’t do drugs. I put on my underwear and followed him out the back door, to a garden shed in the back yard, my soon to be birth chamber. Inside the small shed was a portable heater on the floor, a roll of paper towels, some shelves with dildos and lube, and a sling. I had never been fucked in a sling before, so that was going to be a first for me. The first of many firsts, which would happen to me on that day. He helped me slide into the sling, and adjusted me, so my ass was at the edge and easy access for his use. My feet were pushed through the straps, making certain I wasn’t able to pull myself out of the sling. My head was slightly lower than my ass, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Guess, he didn’t want anything to leak out. My cock was hard and standing up, ready for action. He made certain that I was well situated in the sling, and was comfortable since I was going to be there a while. He reached over and got the syringe that didn’t have the needle in it. My hole was still a bit loose from the douching out, so I didn’t struggle much when He inserted into my ass. He pushed down on the plunger saying “This might burn for a bit.” He then walked around to my head and adjusted the straps that went around my wrists on the chains by my head, to make certain I was secured in place. I pulled on the straps experimentally, I was pretty comfortable and my cock was hard, thinking about getting fucked in his sling. I leaned my head back in the sling and tried to relax. I closed my eyes and felt the “burn” he was talking about, but it felt very good. He told me “You’ve just had your first booty bump.” I tried to concentrate on the feeling of my heart beating and the burn in my ass. The temperature seemed to jump and my heart was racing, when I realized that he had slipped his cock into me. It felt so good that I laid back and willed my hole to open to take more of him into me. The fact that he was fucking me bare and was poz only made it hotter somehow. It didn’t seem real; like it was happening to someone I was watching on a porn film. I don’t remember his first load into me, but my body did. All of a sudden, my hole started clenching and pulling, milking his cock with every muscle in my being. I was being impregnated by His seed, and all my body knew was how much it wanted it. It just felt so good to feel his cock inside of me, breeding me, making me his boy, my body instinctively pulling it deeper inside of me to grow. I have no idea how long he fucked me or how many loads he gave me, when he pulled out and fingered me a bit. He moaned at how sloppy my hole was and how open it was. He then walked around to the side of the sling; He tied the sling wrist straps down securely. I was still out of it some, my body screaming for His cock. The fact that I was naked in a garden shed, with a small heater, in February, didn’t matter, I felt hot and flushed and oh so very horny. My head was rolling from side to side and my eyes were closed, but I could hear him moving around. We had talked earlier on the phone about a fantasy of mine. He pulled out a red bandana from somewhere, put it between my teeth and tied it around my head. “Look at me,” he said. I opened my eyes, and watched as he tied His arm with a rubber tube, then took the meth loaded syringe, found a vein and stuck it into his right arm. He pushed the plunger down about halfway, I watched fascinated as the semi-clear liquid went into His arm. He held it there for a few seconds, breathing deep, and then pulled the plunger out, and I saw the red tint of His blood start to mix with the remaining meth to fill the syringe. He pulled off the rubber tube with his teeth. I looked at His face, it wasn’t an expression, I recognized, and his eyes glittered like they were made of black glass. He reached over, tied the rubber tube around my arm, making my veins stand up, and started examining my arm, looking for a good vein. I remember, trying to say “No, no”, but the bandana was muffling my voice. He found the vein and said, “Here”. I remember tightening up a bit, but He had a firm grip on my arm. “Don’t move!” He commanded and for some reason that I still don’t understand, I obeyed him. My eyes widened as I saw him put the needle into my vein and I remember shaking my head from side to side. I started to breathe hard, fast shallow breaths through my nose. This is real! It is going to really happen! I was staring at the blood/meth filled syringe when he said “Look at me.” I looked in his eyes and felt him push the plunger down. He pulled out the needle, massaged the vein for a moment and then untied my gag. I looked at my arm, where I had been injected, and started to freak out. “Oh God, what have I done? What have I done? Help me! Jesus, help me!” I was crying out. I was panting in my terror. He looked at my face and pulled off the rubber tube, allowing the meth and his toxic blood to flow throughout my body. His bugs already starting their deadly work as they barebacked on the meth. He didn’t say a word as the drug took hold of my mind and body. He just walked down to my spread legs, shoved his hard cock into my hole, wrapped his arms around the chains of the sling, started pinching his nipples and began fucking me with full deep strokes. I looked deep into his glittering eyes. I’m sure he saw the horror in my eyes quickly turning into lust as he smiled and said the words I’ll never forget, “It’s too late. It’s too late” At that point, I realized he was right, it was too late. I wasn’t going to escape; I was going to be poz from this day forward. As, my mind tried to cope with that reality, he was delivering another load of seed into my body, and my ass was pulling and flexing, milking every drop into me. The drugs were hitting me hard and only one thing mattered; that was taking every drop of cum from my Father’s balls into me. “Please, please take my last neg load. I give it to you; I want you to have it. Help me give it to you.” I had to cum for him. Right then, the cum leaked out of my soft cock, He saw it, scooped some it up with his two fingers and put them into my mouth to suck clean. “This is the last neg load you’ll ever have.” And then he scooped some up, put the fingers into his mouth, and licked it clean, taking it into his body. My second load came just moments after my last neg load. He repeated the process, only this time; I was shaking, moaning, and begging for his cock. “Is this my first poz cum?” He looked down at me still fucking and said “The first of many, to spread to others.” Which wasn’t true, but in my fucked up mind, I swear that I could feel the bug swimming in my cum. “Yes Father, yes, I want to spread you to others. You’ll live forever in those I breed, just like all those who came before you live in you. Just like you’ll live in me. As I cum in them, part of my seed will be yours.” There was more talk, some of it I remember, some of it only comes to me in my dreams. The drug filled haze of my body and mind, made me into a cum whore. All I wanted was his cock and to be filled over and over with his seed.
    2 points
  23. Fuck son, you got the most beautiful ass - and it looks so fucking hot with that big load pouring out your hole. I got a bi daddy load I'd love to pump deep up your willing hole
    2 points
  24. Let me preface this with a statement that I'm not endorsing any of these potential reasons. They are, instead, quick recaps of things that people have said and posted online here (and elsewhere). 1. Some people believe in the fantasy of a "brotherhood" - that sharing a disease connects you to other guys who have the same disease, creating some sort of bond. It's horsecrap, of course, but some people really do have this fantasy idea of a sort of toxic Elks Club, where getting pozzed is your initiation into increased levels of debauchery. It's true there are a handful of sex parties, etc. that are only open to positive men - but it's not like there is a shortage of events to have sex at for guys in general. (Shortage of participants you're interested in and who are interested back, maybe.) 2. At one time, some sexually active guys who hated condoms figured it was going to happen to them sooner or later, and they wanted it sooner because then they could stop worrying about each sexual encounter. I think this attitude picked up considerably once highly effective treatments debuted about 15 or 20 years ago, and then has waned somewhat with the advent and widespread use of PrEP. 3. Some guys viewed it as an element in a domination/submission world - where some guys submit enough to a dominant guy that he infects them as part of his demonstrating his dominance. As any number of people will attest here, the idea that it's no big deal because you just take one pill a day for the rest of your life and you'll be fine is bullshit. There are all sorts of increased health risks and things you have to monitor if you're poz (unless you have a death wish, that is). Which I suppose would be #4: people who just want to get life over with, fast. There's a lot of discussion about the appeal of being poz and chasing getting pozzed in the Backroom area. This, however, is the health forum. The site allows some discussion about personal experiences regarding the upsides of being poz here - something I have mixed feelings about, myself - but any discussions encouraging people to get pozzed belong in the Backroom area, not here.
    2 points
  25. I woke up the next morning early. I had to go to work and then run errands. I work at a coffee shop as the manager and it was a busy day especially as one of my employees didn't show for work. So i was working both cashier and barista. Near closing at a tall guy around 50's with some tats and a younger kid looked no more than 20 walked in together. They were the only customers in the place. As it was closing time i went to go and lock the door and walked back to take their order. As i was walking back i noticed the older guy had his hand on the younger guys butt grabbing it with his arm around his waist. The older guy saw me glance at his hand on the other guys ass. I got back behind the counter and said, "Hi can i take your order.". The older guy ordered a latte and so did the kid. Then the older guy said, " Are you sure that's a good idea? You know what it does to your stomach and your pussy?". My eyes looked wide open as i couldn't believe what i just heard. The younger one said, "You are right Daddy. I'll have a veggie juice smoothie please.". The older gentleman looked at me and said "Change the second latte to a veggie juice.". I was just staring in a daze at the older gentleman both in what i just heard and in a bit of curiosity and excitement. He was hot. He was 6'2" medium build, he had a tight bike racing shirt and huge nipples and looked like a ring in each of them and tight spandex biker shorts. As I looked down i could see a huge bulge. He grinned and saw me checking him out. "Hello? You okay man?", he said slowly looking at me with his piercing eyes and as he was talking he reached down and grabbed his cock and shifted it up as it looked like it was getting harder. I watched him intently grab his thick meat. The door tried to be opened . It was was the post office delivery lady dropped of our mail. She just stuck it instead thru the mail slot. I said thank you and looked back at the two guys. The younger guy was now in front of me with the older guy behind him holding him. The Daddy, had one arm around his waste in a cuddling like way and his other hand running up and down his boy from his nips to his cock. He also looked like he had nipple rings and a nice but not large cock like his Daddy. The younger guy said, "Did you hear my order?". I said, "Uhhh ok. Sorry, yes.....I will get that for you right away.". The younger guy gave me his card to pay and i processed all the while looking at them but trying not to stare. The Daddy started snuggling more and kiss his boy from the back and playing with him, even sticking his hand down his shorts. The younger guy said, "Daddy stop you know how that makes my pussy so wet. We don't want this guy to call the cops or worst shoot his load.", he said and laughed. While the boy said one thing, he clearly push his tight ass back into his Daddy's crotch and opened up more of his neck. I turned away and worked on their drinks. The younger guy, asked for the code to the bathroom. I said, "It's 6969". They laughed and he went in. I turned around after finishing the drinks and the older guy was gone too. I heard some rustling coming from the bathroom. It was a single person bathroom. As i got closer i realized they were both in their. I leaned in and heard slapping, and moaning. "Uggh, uggh, uggh" in a bit of a fem high pitched tone. Then i heard the older guy say, "Ohhh yeah give me your wet tight cunt". "Yes Daddy its your wet cunt....you made me so horny fuck me Daddy breed me now with your seed please." . " Here is comes boy gonna make you pregnant. AAAHHHHHHH". By now my cock was super hard and i was so entranced i leaned in closer to the door and it wasn't closed tightly so the door opened right up. The younger guy was bent over the sink with his Daddy leaning over him fucking him from behind. They both looked at me and smiled, while his Daddy stopped and said, "Took you long enough to get in here. You want some bitch?"."Uhhh no i just heard noises and wanted to make sure things were ok.", I said. The boy said, "You sure, your cock says otherwise.". With that the boy started pushing back and fucking his Daddy. "Oh my boy still wants Daddys cock. You want another load boy?", Daddy said. "Fuck yes " in a whining panting moaning sound. Daddy gripped his boys waist and started pounding. I was just staring at that. A few moments later the Daddy said," Squeeze bitch", and i saw the boy wince his face and then the Daddy said, "Ahh here it comes another charged load boy". I moved closer and the Daddy pulled out and his cock was all covered in cum and ass juice. I just dropped to my knees and licked him clean. "Good boy. You like Daddy cock don't you.", i looked up and didn't know what to say other than keep sucking his cock. He then ordered me to clean up his boy. I hesitated and he grabbed my head and shoved it in his boys ass. The biker shorts had a back zipper for easy access. I stuck my face in and tongue and lapped him up. The boy pushed his back further back and he said, "Ohhhhhhhh eat me but don't suck it all out, i want Daddy's seed in me." The boy stood up, zipped up and turned around and pulled down his shorts. His cock was wet with precum and i swallowed him hole. All the while i didn't realize his Daddy was now behind me pulling down my pants....
    2 points
  26. Disclaimers: This is my first story on BZ. This story is based on an actual experience. Feel free to contribute your own ideas to help me flesh out the story - I'm not really a writer, but I felt this had to be told. Enjoy, piggies! ---------------------------------------------- Part 1 The heat of a July afternoon in the Midwest can get really intense. But I barely noticed it as I drove toward the metropolis with an anxiety in my stomach. The car sped along the highway merrily as I grew ever closer to my destination
 and my destiny. Five weeks since, I decided to take a bold step. I’ve been a bugchaser for years, but I really didn’t act on those urges and try to get myself infected. They just happened as part of the ho life, and I dealt with them accordingly. I’ve had a few STDs - the usual maladies of chlamydia and gono and the like - but this time, I was chasing down a big one. Sorta. I got in touch with a friend who has been positive for many years, and undetectable. Rick is known for HIV activism in his community, including volunteering for the clinic and AIDS hospice. He ran for a leather title a few years back and his platform that won him the title was about love and acceptance of the afflicted not only in his community but worldwide. So it’s a curious thing that he agreed to do this for me. Because I can’t get bugchasing and converting out of my head, I hatched a hair-brained scheme to find out for myself what the other successful chasers were raving about. I asked Rick to pretend to poz me. “Dude, that is not okay!” was his opening response to my request. “This bug is no picnic to live with. I get it’s not a death sentence like it used to be, but this shit will fuck you up, and your hunger to get charged up will get you in trouble.” I was prepared for this. “Rick, it’s just fantasy,” I answered. “All you have to do is fuck me like the bitch that I am, and work some poz talk into the scene. I’m not asking you to come off your meds so I can live this fantasy. It’s just that. Fantasy.” Rick went silent for a while. I suddenly felt like I crossed a line. When he finally spoke again, he said calmly, “I’m gonna send you some links to websites, some information. You don’t seem to be educated on what this all involves, and if you’re serious about doing it, then you should be informed of the commitment this lifestyle requires. And believe you me, this WILL change your life in ways you can’t imagine, Steve.” “Okay, I’ll take a look at it.” “I’m serious, Steve,” he quickly said insistently. “What you’ve asked me to do is really disrespectful, and I 
 I really need to think about this. I admit I’m attracted to you, and after seeing your sweet hole that night at the bathhouse, I wanted to pound you into oblivion. But I don’t appreciate you asking me to violate my boundaries like that, even though I’m undetectable, and yes it’s just play, but I’m concerned you’re going to go and seek out the real thing.” True to his word, Rick emailed the information to me. I read it, and only got more turned on. This was something I *needed* to do. Personal fulfilment, Rick’s warnings be damned. Four days after this uncomfortable phone conversation, Rick shot me a text message. “Did you read it? Are you still set on a fake conversion scene?” I hesitated. I didn’t want another lecture. I just wanted to fuck, and convert, and live my new life charging up other guys. “Hi Rick. Yes, I read it,” I texted back. “And yes, I still want to do it.” I didn’t ask him a direct question, and left it for him to fill in the blank. A few minutes passed before he answered. “Okay. I’ll do it. But we are going to have a talk about this in person when you get here. If this is what you want, then I’m going to make sure you never chase again. Understood?” I practically jumped out of my seat when I read this. I didn’t think he’d actually agree to it. I didn’t want to appear over-eager, so I gave a non-committal reply. “Yes, we need to talk about it as much as you think is necessary. When should I come visit?” “Five weeks. How’s the 24th looking for you?” I checked my calendar. I had no commitments that day. “That’s fine.” “Come to the brownstone. 4pm sharp.” Our conversation ended there. As I entered Rick’s neighbourhood, a growing mood of nervousness and anxiety began to manifest itself in my environment. I parked the car a few blocks from the brownstone, and just sat there for a minute. I need to get moving. It’s nearly 4 o’clock, and if I don’t show, I won’t enjoy having to ask him for this again. I looked in the rearview mirror at myself. Something behind my eyes told me Don’t do this. My dick, however, was standing fully erect while my mind raced. Remember, you’re totally safe. He’s undetectable, you’re going to be fine. And his monster dick will make you feel good. That was all the convincing I needed. I exited the car, paid for my spot, and began the trek to the brownstone. Rick was waiting for me outside when I arrived. I could smell his fat cigar well before I actually saw him. He was seated on the patio, scrolling mindlessly through his phone while hauling hard on a cock-sized stogie. He wore a simple t-shirt over his slender, underdeveloped frame, and tight khaki shorts, and had his aviators over his eyes. While not the picture of masculinity, there was a certain sexiness about the whole look. I walked over to his table, and could see a near-empty water bottle. The wind blew gently giving us a short break from the humidity of the afternoon. “I’m here,” I cheerfully announced. Rick looked up from his phone. “Good to see you made it, Steve.” He stubbed out the half-smoked cigar, and rose from his chair. The water bottle rolled off and I bent over to catch it, and missed. I suddenly felt his hand on my ass. “Hey, we’re not doing this out here,” he said. “But thanks for the preview!” “Let’s go inside,” I said, smirking. “I’ve gotta piss so bad I can taste it.” “Dirty boy! But later!” he said with a laugh. We entered the brownstone, and Rick sidestepped so I could rush to the bathroom and relieve myself. I unzipped, and my piss poured forth in a hot, thick stream of golden yellow. I couldn’t believe how much I was holding, but I also had to remember how much water I drank on the way here. The road to the city is a long one, and combined with July heat made for a very thirsty chaser. After washing my hands, I left the bathroom and found Rick on the couch, quite comfortable. He poured a drink for each of us, and patted the seat next to him gently. The conversation was more of what we discussed on the phone, and was frequently a carbon-copy of that conversation. “This really isn’t my thing,” Rick admitted. “When I was first diagnosed, I had to think of all the guys I played with around that time. And because I didn’t know I was positive, I infected someone I really liked.” He seemed to be remembering it as if it were yesterday. “When he got sick, I felt so guilty. I locked myself in my room for days, and just couldn’t stop crying. Not for me, but for this guy. And I had the unhappy duty of telling him in person that I was the one who pozzed him. He socked me right in the nose for that, and I never saw him again. Too bad. Dave was a sweet guy.” “You don’t know what happened to him?” I asked. “Nope. He blocked me on social media, and although I looked for him at the clubs a couple times, he was just gone. It broke my heart. So I want you to know that your actions today will have consequences that will hurt others if you’re not careful.” “I am quite prepared,” I said. “You did a good job educating me on the subject, and I am making the choice that is right for me.” I wasn’t about to let him change my mind because then we might not fuck. Rick then took one of my hands, and squeezing it, he said, “Are you ready?” His tone was all seriousness, and he was letting me know that I was in control of what happened next. Doubt crossed my mind for a second. I think it was at this point when I began to feel the most nervous about it. “Yes,” I answered as fearlessly as I could. He released my hand, and exhaled loudly through his nose. Rick then looked away, giving one of his thousand-yard stares that he was known for when something that questioned his morals crossed his path. “Okay,” he said with resignation. “If this is REALLY what you want, okay. I’ll help you. But remember - you asked for it, and if you can’t handle the fantasy, you have the power to stop it.” Something about the way he said that made me wonder what kind of script he was going to follow. And my hard dick made itself known again. Rick saw the rise in my shorts. “I think I already know the answer,” he said with a smile, grabbing my growing cock. He stood up while holding on to my swelling member, and said, “Come on. Let’s do this.” I obediently followed Rick to his playroom, guided all the way by his pulling of my dick.
    1 point
  27. Prep is not as expensive as HAART treatment that suppresses an active infection. It's some of the same drugs, but not all of them. Prep is NOT free. It may be provided to people in the US free of charge to the end-user, but it certainly costs a substantial amount of money, and that money comes from somewhere. In the US, that's mostly health care premiums.
    1 point
  28. Part 1 As with all of my Stories, this is fantasy, names have been changed, and any reference to a real person that has that same name in this story is just a coincidence. "Positive?! What do you mean POSITIVE??!!" screamed Jacob, at the doctor. "Well, that's what the test says. I know this is hard to hear, but it's not a death sentence anymore." The doctor tried to comfort Jacob, but all those years of teasing guys, chasing the bug, while on Prep, and telling people he wasn't on prep, finally caught up with him. Where it started Jacob has always been one of those guys that liked being in a relationship when it was convenient for him. At bear and chub events, he would be a total slut for any chubby or chubby bear guy that would breed him. There was a chub4chub that would go to those events that Jacob didn't care for. He viewed Jeremiah as competition for the chubby daddies that like to top. Jeremiah was 5'7, brown hair, blue eyes, and bounced between 320-360lbs. He has a 5.5-6"c cock. If Jeremiah got back down to his high school weight, it would probably be closer to 7"c cock. Jacob new that Jeremiah would have loved to have fucked him, since Jeremiah is Vers, but all Jacob ever did was tease Jeremiah. Unfortunately for Jeremiah, the one thing he never thought would have happened, happened. He got pozzed. He found out when he went to the doctor to start the process of getting on prep. Jeremiah thought that it was just going to be normal blood test, but the bitchy fairy of fate had other plans. (Side Note: The story of how Jeremiah got pozzed will be a separate story) Jacob on the other hand, had been negative, and taking prep. He went to several events and actually lied and cheated on his partner. They broke up because Jacob couldn't figure out what he actually wanted. Did he want a BF or just a BF in name only? It was a pattern that had repeated itself over and over. Different boyfriend, same outcome. This time it caught up with him. Jacob had run out of prep before his last adventure at a chub event. He didn't think anything would happen at the event. He was wrong though. In the shadows was chub daddy that was just his type, freshly pozzed and a super high viral load, and he had plans for payback for the way Jacob had treated 5 other people that Robert knew, including how Jacob had treated Jeremiah too. cont..... (sorry for the short part 1. Part 2 will be longer, and uncut >:})
    1 point
  29. I've just caught up. Thanks for such an amazing story! So hot đŸ”„ I'll be waiting for more đŸ€€
    1 point
  30. this would be a fantastic start to a great weekend 😈 sign me up
    1 point
  31. A knocking on the front door awakened me and as my folks were gone on a cruise for three weeks I had to answer the door wearing only a blanket wrapped around me.Mr wilson stood there holding my cellphone and as I openned the door he held it out to me."you forgot this at my place,its been ringing quite a bit"Taking the phone and looking at the screen I could see several calls from my parents listed.Just then it rang again,and as I answered Mr Wilson came into the foyer and shut the door."Oh hi Mom....no just got up,going to make breakfast then do yard work.How's the cruise"I said,as mr Wilson pulled the blanket off and I felt an erection beginning to develop."Oh you boys and your cocks in the morning...."He said as I talked with my mother his tongue licked my cockhead,then his lips slid over it and down my erection as it throbbed at the attention.As I talked with mom the aids infected man from down the street sucked on her son's cock and my heart began to pound.
    1 point
  32. I've got to be in the mood to blow a guy, but when I am in that mood I'll be sucking a friend usually, and I'm going to do the job properly. I've got a dick, I know a proper blowjob from a crap half arsed one and I'm not going to be that guy who doesn't do it properly and complains or gives up after a bit. You've got to suck his nuts, lick the shaft, don't rush him. Blow him like it's your dick being sucked, then you know you're doing it properly. I don't rush at it. I like feeling him in my mouth and how he responds. Every guy is different. Some stay still, others buck around. Some grunt, others stay pretty quiet. Love a guy who gets his hands in my hair and pulls me onto his dick. And completing a proper blowjob means he cums in my mouth. I know that nothing feels as good as finishing in a guys mouth, so when I'm blowing that's how we're going to finish it.
    1 point
  33. Confirmed 270 and rising.
    1 point
  34. I'm looking for tops with fisting experience. I'm a total bottom, love getting my cunt stretched.
    1 point
  35. [think before following links] https://twitter.com/i/status/1679956886429356032 love to have a bull like that gettin in my ass!
    1 point
  36. Bugnutty452 diffidently hot story, thanks ✌
    1 point
  37. I think your goals should be specific and challenging. For example 1) fuck an Asian gang of 5 2) fuck a tranny while eating out an FTM 3) find 3 barely legal bbc to gangbang you 4) seduce a straight married Arab guy 5) find a Mormon boy on a mission 6) seduce a mall security guy 7) fuck a random guy at a McDonald bathroom - our imagination can go on and on
    1 point
  38. Part 36: (A Medical Procedure) I slicked the dildo up with a fair amount of lube, watching as Doctor Wade pumped Peter’s cock, causing the sick man’s body to shiver. “Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Flanagan?” Doctor Wade asked, his thumb running over the glands in a circular motion. “Please be honest. It’s important to be honest with your doctor.” “Yes, doctor,” Peter moaned, his hands reaching up and pinching his nipples, fingers moving through his sweat-drenched chest hair. “I believe my patient is in need of a special procedure,” Doctor Wade said, his hand moving down to the base and squeezing. His other hand cradled his balls, moving them in his palm. “Yes, I believe you may have a powerful buildup of potent, toxic cum trapped in your manly balls. I’m afraid we just can’t have this if you’re to get better.” “What can you do, doctor?” Peter asked. “I think my assistant,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me, “can assist us in extracting the precious cum we’ve all been waiting for.” “I’m ready,” I said, winking at him. “Shall we begin?” I crawled onto the bed and moved with Doctor Wade, him lifting one leg while I lifted the other. “Are you ready, Mr. Flanagan?” “Yes, doctor,” Peter said, looking at both of us with an expression that proved how much he wanted this transformation. He finally achieved what he had wanted for so long. Not only was he now poz, but he was starting out on a new journey, discovering what he wanted. I could see in his eyes the images of all the men he wanted to fuck, all the men he wanted to be fucked by, and all the men swimming in the sea of poz cum he would now drown the world in. I knew I would be one of those men, and I was thankful. I moved the dildo to his hole, a hole I was familiar with, a hole I loved fucking, and pressed gently, watching as the blue head slid inside him, opening him up. “Fuck,” Peter moaned, his hands running over his body, his mouth open in a silent cry as he welcomed this new object into his body. “More,” he finally said, his ass grinding against the dildo. “Fill me. Fill me. Fuck me. FUCK ME!” “If that’s what the patient needs,” I said, pushing the dildo further into his hole, the base reaching his hairy hole and causing his back to arch. His pelvis started thrusting into the air, fucking Doctor Wade’s hand. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his hands grabbing the sheets, his dick kicking in Doctor Wade’s grasp, pre-cum dripping out in a flood. “I think the patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade said, smiling at me. “We should take a sample to study.” He leaned forward and licked up Peter’s shaft, collecting the pre-cum on his tongue. “What a delicious sample.” He let go of Peter’s cock, his hand covered, and moved it to me. “Taste.” I opened my mouth and he slowly stuck his finger into my mouth, running it over my tongue. I could taste Peter along with Doctor Wade. My cock was throbbing, unable to believe the scene I found myself in. “It’s incredible.” “It’s all yours,” Peter said. “I’m all yours.” “Make sure you’re really grinding the head against the prostate,” Doctor Wade told me, squeezing out more of Peter’s pre-cum on his hand, using it to slick up his dick. “You do leak a lot of cum.” He moved his cum-covered hand to his naked body and rubbed it over his own chest, covering him with Peter’s essence. “We need to make sure we can extract that cum as soon as possible and as many times as possible.” “Absolutely.” I tilted the dildo, knowing where Peter’s prostate was having fucked against it so many times before. Just as with Dom, I knew Peter’s body well, and I knew how to control his body and fill every part of him with waves of pleasure. I slowly pulled the dildo out, watching it slide out of his hole, the hairs surrounding his hole clinging to the dildo, his legs shaking from the pressure I provided. “You like that?” “I fucking love it,” Peter said, his chest heaving, sweat pouring from his body. I leaned forward and kissed the leg I held, holding it close to my face, watching as I caused his body to writhe. “This is what you’ve wanted?” Doctor Wade asked. “This is what you needed?” “It’s
 everything,” Peter said. “I can feel it,” he moaned. “I can feel it. I can feel the poz cum. It’s filling me.” “We need to get it out of you,” Doctor Wade told him, jerking his cock faster, Peter’s balls bouncing, slowly pulling into his body. “If you want to feel better, if you want to be a true poz man, you need to blow your first poz load.” “Yes,” he said, looking at us both. “Please. It’s all I want. It’s what I need.” I jerked the dildo into his ass, moving it against Peter’s prostate, milking him. Pre-cum continued leaking out of his cock, dripping over Doctor Wade’s hand and Peter’s balls, creating more lube for the dildo, pushing poz pre-cum into his body. “You’re filling your own body with poz cum,” I said, manipulating the dildo to send chills throughout his body. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his body shaking, our grip on his legs tightening. “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming!” “Do it,” Doctor Wade shouted, his grip tightening, his pumping faster, centralized on the head which was a dark purple. “Blow you first poz load you fucking slut.” “FUCK!” Peter’s body lifted off the bed as cum shot out of his dick, sprayed high in the air, splattering over his poz body, mixing into his sweat and hair. “Fuck,” Doctor Wade shouted, watching with wide eyes as Peter continued to cum, pooling over Peter’s stomach, covering Doctor Wade’s hand. A few shots splattered his body, Doctor Wade looking at me with wonder. “He’s incredible.” “He’s a god,” I told him, leaning forward and taking Peter’s dick in my mouth, tasting the cum I’d loved before, knowing it was now toxic. It was still flowing out of him, filling my mouth. “How’s it taste?” Doctor Wade asked. “Potent,” I said, licking my lips. “Very potent.” Doctor Wade smiled and leaned forward, grabbing my chin and bringing his lips to mine. We kissed, Peter’s poz cum moving between us as we tasted each other and the sweet nectar. “I’d forgotten how incredibly hot you are,” Doctor Wade told me, grinning as I leaned forward, following after his lips. “You too,” I said. I pulled the dildo out of Peter’s hole, admiring the ass juice covering the blue silicone. Doctor Wade took the dildo out of my hand and admired it. “Mr. Flanagan, you were a good boy today. Your doctor is proud. How about a lollipop?” Peter’s hand reached out and took the dildo, his orgasm and poz-confused brain unaware of what he was holding when he brought it to his mouth and licked the blue shaft. “That’s a good patient,” Doctor Wade said. “That buildup of poz cum won’t bother you anymore.” “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I told him, reaching over and grabbing Peter’s already hardening cock. “I think the patient could go again.” “Then we should get to work,” Doctor Wade said. “This time, let’s take a more ‘invasive’ angle to the treatment.” Doctor Wade climbed off the bed, and I followed, Peter still admiring the dildo. “Pull his ass to the edge of the bed.” I did as he said, Peter moaning as he filled his mouth with the dildo. “Are you ready for another procedure?” Doctor Wade asked Peter. Peter nodded, smiling. “Please, sir.” “Then let’s get started,” Doctor Wade said, reaching down and scooping up the large puddle of cum collected on Peter’s stomach. “A doctor must be properly prepped.” He smeared the cum over his own ass, pushing deep into his hole, making sure his hungry ass was ready. “I believe you have a history of fucking this patient’s brains out.” I smiled, nodding. “Then let’s see how long it takes you to fuck his cum deep into my guts.” Doctor Wade crawled onto the bed and mounted Peter who was attempting to deepthroat the dildo. “Now, Mr. Flanagan, I believe a healthy dosage of sodomy should do the trick.” He grabbed Peter’s hard cock and slipped it between his cum-covered ass cheeks. “And I think a nice injection should help your body as it transforms.” He looked back at me and winked, Peter’s cock disappearing as it entered Doctor Wade’s hole. Peter moaned around the dildo as he entered Doctor Wade’s body. I collected some of the cum which had splattered on Peter’s legs and balls and slicked up my cock, There was still residual lube from the dildo and the cum which had dripped down to his ass, making his hole ready for the fucking. “Are you ready?” I asked, lining my cock up with Peter’s hole, my head pressing into his puckered opening. “Ready to begin,” Doctor Wade said. I forced myself into Peter’s hole, finding him to be prepped and ready for me. While my cock was bigger than the dildo, I still found no resistance, his body loose and open. “Fuck,” Peter and I shouted at the same time, my hands reaching forward and grabbing Doctor Wade’s shoulders, forcing him all the way down onto Peter’s cock. “Fuck,” they both shouted, Peter now thrown into a wave of confusion as his hole was filled, his prostate was hit, and his cock was enveloped in a warm embrace that welcomed him. “The patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade moaned, bouncing on Peter’s cock, his own hands playing with his nipples while Peter continued to suck on the dildo while his free hand pumped Doctor Wade’s stiff cock. “He’s doing very well.” I gripped tight on Doctor Wade’s shoulders, Peter’s legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me deeper into his body. Fuck, I had missed this hole. Fuck, I had missed Doctor Wade. Maybe Peter had the right idea. Maybe leaving all the secrecy behind so he could go out and live without fear of being discovered was the right way to go. It sure as fuck felt right as I fucked his ass, my mind spinning with the possibilities. “I can feel it,” Doctor Wade said, a hand resting on his stomach. “I can feel you filling me with pre-cum. I can feel it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, it’s incredible.” “Don’t stop,” Peter told us, his conversion unleashing the pervert slut within him rather than weakening his strength. “Fuck me. Fucking take my hole.” “We already have,” I told him, my fingers digging into Doctor Wade’s shoulders, my knuckles white as I fucked harder, my own orgasm on the horizon. These two men were incredible, their bodies pouring sweat as they gave into their animalistic passions, seeking out the only thing they knew would make them feel satisfied: poz cum. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I said, slamming into Peter’s ass harder, breathing in the stench of sex. “Oh, fuck. Fuck.” “Do it,” Doctor Wade said, his head jostled around as he rode toward his own orgasm. “Complete the injection.” “FUCK!” I shouted, slamming one last time into Peter’s hole, grinding against his prostate and starting the chain reaction. As I came, shooting my toxic cum into Peter’s guts, Peter’s toxic cock shot out his second load of poz cum deep into Doctor Wade’s hole, filling him full. As Peter’s toxic cum shot out of Doctor Wade’s packed hole, hitting his prostate, Doctor Wade’s cock erupted in Peter’s grasp, shooting cum all over Peter’s face and the blue dildo in his mouth. “Fuck me!” Doctor Wade cried, his body shaking, Peter’s body struggling under his weight. Doctor Wade held his place over Peter’s body for a moment before Peter’s legs bucked him forward out of my grip. I tried to hold on, but my fingers lost their grip, creating scratches down Doctor Wade’s back. “Oh shit!” Doctor Wade fell forward onto Peter, their sweaty, cum-covered bodies writing together in the heat they created. “What the fuck was that?” “I’m sorry,” I said, eyeing the cuts down his muscled back. “Don’t be sorry,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me. “That was incredible.” He looked down at Peter who was still filling the doctor’s hole with cum, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the intensified orgasm coursing throughout his body. “You’re amazing.” He leaned forward, pushing the blue dildo out of the way, and kissed Peter, Doctor Wade’s own cum covering their faces. I scooped up some of Peter’s cum which was dripping out of Doctor Wade’s hole and drank it down, savoring the flavor which I knew to be male lust. “Looks like I missed a good time,” Dom said, entering the room. “It was nothing,” I told him, smiling, cum covering my face. “It was just a simple medical procedure.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I couldn't help myself with the medical lingo and scenario. I love medical porn, and I couldn't resist.
    1 point
  39. Since I started bonking at 12, there wasn't any issue with fucking and getting fucked, I would have told myself to trust my instincts more. The things I told myself, they were spot on. Also, despite the numerous erotic writings here, actual incest being problematic, I wish I had taken my Dad up on the offer of taking a bath with him, which I suspect was an offer for sex. But, maybe I was right on refusing, not once but two times more,... I was 18, and still didn't have a whole lot of savvy when it came to being worldwise, and generally confused about my role in the world. I also turned Dad down because it would have fucked up my relationship with my Mum, and I detested the fact that he hid this side of him from his family, playing homophobic macho man to the applause of his ever adoring friends and relatives.
    1 point
  40. The detailed account of the chance meeting and subsequent relationship between a neg novice called Jeff and a poz top/Daddy, called Brian, is an enjoyable and well written story. It is certainly of sufficient length and quality to merit being posted separately from the stories (on the first one and a half pages), which precede it, even if they acted to 'set the scene'. Over the following four pages, the tale of their relationship is expanded upon in several detailed 'sections', each neatly following on from its predecessor, providing ever more details of the growing intimacy between the two characters. Of particular merit, is the well constructed dialogue. Brian's lust to infect Jeff, especially his declaration that there should be no doubt as to who 'pozzed him' and Jeff's conflict after each breeding, make for enthralling reading. The vivid description of Jeff's emotional turmoil (torn between his brain telling him to play 'safe' etc, and his soul, first acknowledging the risk of being bare fucked by a poz top, then his willing agreement to submit to Brian, and finally his acceptance (leading to desire), to be 'pozzed up' by Brian) is no doubt, very familiar to many members/readers of this site. I would much rather that mention of feminine attire e.g. lace panties, had been omitted from the narrative and also that the numerous references to 'pussy' (or 'clit'), had been replaced by 'ass'; 'sphincter'; 'hole'; etc., but that's a personal preference.
    1 point
  41. So, sadly Tamara didn't answer my calls, yet. So I just decided to go back to the bookstore, to see if I can hook up with somebody else. Like a nice little challenge. I also like to browse books, so even if I don't hook up with anybody, I got to buy books, which is a win in itself. I went to the same bookstore in the Mall. It has several stories with the different genres. So I looked at the floor plan, deciding where I should go. The self-help section maybe ... but those bitches be crazy. Maybe easy, but crazy. You cum in them once at the dumpsters behind a McDonalds and they want to marry you. Crime and true crime took up a whole floor. Could be a little dangerous. Those Girls know a 1000 ways to kill you and get away with. So I went again to the floor with Fantasy, SciFi, Horror and Manga/Comics. The nerdy girls. They can get crazy in bed, are crazy about their fandoms but usually leave a guy alone after he came in them. As long as you stay away from the Fantasy-Romance area. Never. Go. There. So up I went. There were some guys and girls, browsing the area. While.I went back to the horror section, I took stock. Some teens and tweens. I stay away from them. While I like the fantasy of funking around in prison and breeding the poor thinks, who are innocently prosecuted and getting into gangbangs with some gangbangers, I know I actually don't wanna go. Also funking underage girls and boys is just wrong and it would be the fastest way to get thrown out of a store it if a beared guy in his forties with a pot belly would approach underage girls. I can live without that experience. There was one Mombodtype at the Fantasysection and ... nevermind. She already picked up a Twilight-Novel, an Anne Bishop Novel and the only thing missing in the small shopping basket would be 50 shades of grey. Oh, there it is ... I bet she musturbated in the cinema with a cucumber she brought as a snack, when she saw the Film ... maybe I should talk to her ... But then my eyes fell on a girl browsing the SciFi Section. That was rare. Not as rare as it used to be, but still not a common occurance. She was maybe in her mid twenties, wearing a tight ripped jeans with thick legs and an oversized sweater. She had Shoulder length curly brown hair and when she turned around I could see cute dimples. And she seemed torn deciding between two books. Hardcovers of the foundation trilogy and Neuromancer. Wow, that book is still in print? I went over to her. "Can't decide what to want?", I asked casually while picking up a new hardcover edition of Dune with pictures of the new movie as the cover. She looked up and looked at me with her brown eyes. She had some tiny moles on her cheeks. "Oh, I already decided what I want. Now I have to decide what to get, because I really can't afford any of those at the moment." Bingo. "What a pity. Everybody should have the books they like." "I known right? Maybe I find a misprint or a one with a damage cover at the bargain bin." She put both books back on the shelf. "I have an crazy idea", I said, hesitantly, "I can buy the books you want in exchange for some company." She looked me at me, a smile creeping on her face. "You want me to fuck you in exchange for some books?" Straight to the point. "Yes. Pick any you like." "Deal." And she grabbed a basket and started picking. "I'm Sam by the way", she said, while we went over to the fantasy section, where she picked a special edition of the Lord of the Rings. After 10 minutes her basket was full and I payed for it. "We will go to my place. You will drive me there", she said, while I carried her two heavy bag of books. So it was decided. We went to her place. On the way there we made some more small talk about our favourite books and series and the Merrits of Fan Fiction. She led me into er place.It was a small one room apartment, full with books, a Nice computer set up. In one corner was the bed. She put the books aside. "Take your clothes off", she said while she took of her hoodie and started to take of her pants. I hurried to catch up with her and after like 20 seconds we stood naked in front of each other. She was a little chubby unshaved and had some more liver spots covering her perky tits. "Nice dick", she said while she came to me. She Grab it. She could barley put her whole hand around. "First, you will go down on me. For that to fit in you need to get me wet. Then you can fuck me. If you make me pregnant, you will have to pay child support. I saw your car and your credit card. I know you can afford it." I gulped. She was very direct and I was already hard. "You like to take charge, don't you?" She grinned. "Let's stop talking and use your tongue for good." She pulled me by my dick ti the bed, lay down and spread her legs. "Lick." I obeyed and went down on her. My nose went into her bushy hair that smelled of a little sweat. Her pussy tasted a little sour while my tongue parted her and tried to find the spot. She grabbed my hair and pressed my face harder onto her crouch. I think found the right spot - and licked it. "Yeah, just like that", she moaned. I could feel her move. I rested my hands on her soft belly and could feel the muscles working underneath. Her grip became harder as I continued with my tongue. I liked her clit, but changed it up a little by wandering down the lips and exploring her whole, sliding into it. She was already very wet. A mixture of her pussy juices and my salvia. She moaned louder when I went back to the clit. I took one hand from her soft belly and slid with one finger into her, sliding in and out while I continued to lick her. "Yeah ...", she grunted. I could feel her belly spasm under my hand. Her legs locked around my head, while she was pushing her crotch on to my face. She groaned and moaned louder, her belly getting tight. Suddenly, I felt a lot of liquid shooting in my mouth. It tasted faintly like pee. I had to swallow in order to not suffocate. She continued to squirt in my mouth, my head locked up in her legs and the only thing I could do was to take it. I loved it. After some time she let go. My face was wet, my beard dripping and the whole bed was mess. I looked up, she looked flushed and grinned. "That was fun. Now lie down." I did as she told me. My 8 inch dick was rock hard and ready for business. She went on top of my, guiding my dick in her still dripping pussy and then just sat down. My whole Cock just went inside her without a hint of resistance. I could feel her liquids still dripping onto my skin. She was so wet and sexy. And then she rid me like a pro. Not like some of those girls who just wiggled with the hips a little, no, she went up and down, like a real workout. She rode me. Her tits wiggling and all the way she smiled at me. It really didn't take me long. I could feel her pussy getting tighter or my dick harder ... I just exploded in her. She raised an arm and yelled "Finished!" and laughed. She leaned back and panted, while my dick was still inside her, my cum slowly leaking out of her. I had to take a picture of that. I grabbed my phone and looked at her. She nodded and grinned, when I said cheese: "We should do that again", I said. "Oh, definitely." I relaxed on the bed and looked a little around the room. I saw a small medication bottle lying on the side table. It read Tivicay. I wondered what that was for.
    1 point
  42. Berlin. The Junkiecapital of Europe.
    1 point
  43. i have loved beig on cam from the first moment a buddy got me high and had me show off. turns me on that strangers i can see and those i cannot are watching and getting off on it. i have also cammed for guys 1 on 1 who never turned there cam on.....just spoke and directed me.....its beyond just getting high...love the deeply mental xperienceof that kind of submission.
    1 point
  44. Matt wakes up a few hours later. The guy is gone, but he left his phone number and name – Travis. Matt thinks, “So much for a name that begins with “S”?” He laughs. That evening he calls Travis and leaves a message. Travis calls back. By Midnight, Matt is back in his bed with 2 more of Travis’ loads in his ass. Matt just sat on Travis raw cock this time and Travis came in his ass without asking. Travis and Matt start seeing each other casually – just sex, not really dating. It’s comfortable and uncomplicated. If Matt and Travis can meet up, they do. If not, no obligations. Matt likes how the Travis cock feels when they fuck. Travis says he loves how Matt’s ass feels wrapped on his raw cock. About 6 weeks into Travis and Matt fucking around, Matt is over at Travis place. Travis has just unloaded in Matt’s ass. He pulls out and flops on his bed. Matt is thirsty. He asks if Travis wants some water. Travis says yes, but then says Matt should put on his underwear because his roommate might be home. Matt says, “Won’t hide much.” They both laugh. Matt puts on his black briefs and goes to the kitchen for some water. The roommate is in the kitchen and is surprised to see Matt almost naked wander into view. Matt blushes and apologizes. He says he is there to get some water for himself and Travis. The roommate gets Matt the glasses and says, “You sound really sexy getting fucked.” Matt says, “How do you know it was me getting fucked?” The roommate says, “I know what Travis sounds like when he gets fucked. Travis is a loud bottom.” The roommate laughs. Travis comes to the kitchen. He laughs and says, “Hey. No stories.” Matt and the roommates stand around laughing and talking. Travis is the shorts and tee that he answered the door wearing earlier. Matt is still in his briefs. As they are talking, the roommates makes some vodka drinks and the guys start drinking and hanging out. They are trying to decide on what to order for dinner – Chinese, Mexican or pizza. No one can decide. But they have another cocktail. Matt and the roommate go to the kitchen to make the second round of drinks. Matt bends over to fill the glasses with ice. The roommate says in a low voice, “Dude you have a wet spot on your underwear. Travis must have used a lot of lube.” Matt is embarrassed. He turns red all over. Matt puts the glasses with ice on the counter and turns to leave for his pants. The roommate stops him and says, “Don’t put on more clothes sexy. I like that I can see you just got fucked. It makes you look so much sexier.” The roommate rubs his hand on Matt’s body. Matt says, “Well I do love getting fucked and showing off.” The roommate says, we need a little more ice. Matt bends over the freezer and shows off his wet spot on his underwear as he slowly fills the glasses with ice. The roommate rubs his hand on Matt’s brief clad ass. Matt pushes his ass back so the roommate can feel the wet spot. Matt and the roommate make the drinks and return to Travis. The three of them are chatting and hanging out. Matt is comfortable being in just his briefs. This round goes down fast. Matt is back in the kitchen helping the roommate with the drinks again. This time the roommate puts his hard cock on Matt’s brief covered ass. Matt pushes the back of his briefs down and says, “Like my ass?” The roommate says yes and feels Matt’s hole. He says, “You are still so wet” as he slips a finger in Matt’s ass. He pulls his finger out and leans over to lick Matt’s ass. Matt pushes his ass back on the tongue and opens his cheeks so the tongue can slip in more. The roommate says, “I taste cum. Is Travis load in your ass?” Matt admits that it is. The roommate quickly slips his jeans down and slides his raw cock on Matt’s hole. “Can I just stick it in a bit?” Matt says, “Just the tip.” Matt feels the large cock push inside him, grunts and says, "That is more than just the tip." The cock pushes all the way in. Balls on his ass. The guys hear Travis say, “Where is my drink?” and can hear him walking to the kitchen. The roommate pulls his cock out of Matt's ass and puts his cock away. Matt pulls up his briefs. The roommate grabs the vodka and Matt opens the refrigerator for some more Sprite. Matt says they are almost out so each vodka just gets a splash of Sprite this time. The roommate fills the glasses with more vodka. Travis says, “Right on. Strong round.” The guys go back in the living room. The roommate says, “Travis did you see the wet spot on Matt’s briefs?” Travis says no. Matt, now tipsy, stands up and shows Travis the wet spot. Travis puts down his drink and feels Matt’s ass and the wet spot. Travis says, “Yeah. Matt you are really wet.” Matt says, “It’s your load.” Travis pulls Matt into his lap. The roommate says, “Fucking bareback again Travis?” Travis shrugs. Matt can feel Travis is getting hard. Matt slips his legs over Travis legs and leans back. He takes a drink. Travis kisses him. Matt kisses Travis back. The roommate watches as Travis and Matt make out in this position. Matt is getting hard in his briefs. Matt slips his hand in his briefs as he makes out with Travis. Travis slips his hand in Matt’s briefs too. Travis grabs Matt’s cock and strokes it. Travis pushes his hard cock on Matt’s ass. Matt can feel Travis hard cock through his briefs and Travis shorts. Matt reaches under him, still kissing the roommate, and feels Travis cock. Matt rubs Travis’ cock. Travis pushes Matt to his feet. The roommate slightly tugs Matt’s arm. He is sitting on the couch and Matt bends over to kiss him. Travis is rubbing his hard cock on Matt’s ass and holding Matt’s waist. Travis slips his hands inside Matt’s underwear. Matt pushes his underwear off and steps out of them. Matt pushes his ass back. Naked and bent over kissing the roommate, Matt hears the first roommate say, “Fuck him Trav.” Travis drops his shorts and slides his raw cock into Matt. Matt moans as he takes Travis raw cock in him for the second time that evening. It feels good. Travis is holding Matt’s waist and fucking him hard. The roommate presents his cock to Matt. Matt starts sucking cock. He is being spitroasted by Travis and his roommate, who he just met. Matt is in heaven. He is feeling good in his ass, his mouth, his cock – hands are feeling his body. Things are escalating. Travis’ cock is pounding Matt’s ass. Matt is having a hard time sucking cock because it keeps getting shoved down his throat. He is gagging. He puts his hands on the roommate’s skinny pelvis to stead himself. He feels mostly skin and bone. The dude is very thin with a huge cock. The roommate can tell Matt is uncomfortable. He pulls his cock out of Matt’s mouth and pulls him up to kiss him. Travis is still fucking Matt. Matt moans and grunts as Travis pummels his ass. The roommate kisses Matt and feels Matt moaning as they kiss. He pulls back and watches Matt in the ecstasy of the moment. He says, “You like Travis cock in you?” Matt moans yes. Roommate says, “You want him to cum in your ass again?” Matt opens his eyes and says, “Yes.” Roommate says, “You are getting fucked bareback. You know he isn’t wearing a condom.” Travis says, “Matt let me fuck him raw the first time we fucked, didn’t you Matt?” Matt says, “I did.” Travis says, “I’m close. Beg for my load.” Matt looks at the first roommate and says, “Cum in my ass. Give me your load.” Travis fucks Matt for another minute and then grabs Matt’s hips, buries his cock inside and shoots his load. Travis pulls out. The roommate lays Matt back on the couch. He leans in and says, “I want to fuck you. Do you want me to wear a condom?” Matt hesitates and looks at Travis. Travis says, “I might have one if you want it.” Travis leaves the room to get a condom. Matt strokes the roommate’s big cock. The roommate says, “Can I fuck you raw until Travis comes back?” Matt guides the raw cock to his hole. Matt spreads his legs and lets the roommate’s raw cock inside his freshly bred asshole. Matt moans as the guy fucks his ass. He is opening his ass more for this bigger cock. He says, “You feel so big in me.” The roommate fucks Matt on his back for awhile, then flips him so Matt is hanging over the back of the couch. Matt sees Travis come back in the room, condom in his hand. Travis says, “Found a condom. Guess you decided to take it bare though?” Roommate says, “He did. I’m in him raw right now. Feels good right Matt?” Matt moans and says, “Yeah it does.” Matt looks at Travis. Travis hands Matt the condom. Matt takes it. Roommate says, “Want me to wear the condom?” Matt says, “Just keep fucking me raw.” Roommate says, “Fuck yeah” and keeps fucking Matt’s unprotected ass while Matt is holding the unopened condom. The roommate speeds up his fuck. Matt can tell he is getting close. The guy says, “Where do you want my load?” Matt says, “Cum in my ass.” The guy groans out and blows his load in Matt’s unprotected ass. The first roommate pulls out and says, “Thanks slut. Gonna shower.” He slaps Matt’s ass and heads off to the bathroom. Travis grabs Matt’s arm, pulls him into his lap. Travis asks, “Feels better bareback doesn’t it?” Matt says, “Yeah it does.” Travis says, “I knew you would give it up bareback the first night we fucked. I had a condom but pretended I didn’t. When you took off your pajama pants and showed me your hole after I told you I didn’t have a condom, I knew you wanted it bareback.” Matt says, “I wanted to get fucked. I was glad when you didn’t have a condom. I think I hate using them now.” Travis says, “I can tell. You gave it up bare to my roommate easy enough.” Matt is kinda embarrassed and says, “Was that slutty?” Travis says, “Yes. But he fucks every guy bare. His cock is seductive. He fucked me bare the first day we met. Just like he fucked you bare bent over this couch.” Matt feels Travis is hard again. Matt positions Travis cock and sits on it. Matt’s hole is open and wet now. Travis easily slides inside. Matt rides Travis cock as he jerks off. Travis says, “You have so much cum in you. I can feel it.” Matt says, “Me too.” Travis removes Matt’s hand from his cock and replaces it with his own. He says, “You can cum when you get me off with your ass.” Matt concentrates on Travis cock. He tightens and loosens his hole on the cock while riding it. He is acting like a slut. Moaning like one too. Travis is stroking Matt, but the feeling in Matt’s ass are getting him off. Matt can’t control it. Cum shoots out of his cock and covers Matt’s chest and abs. As it does, Matt’s ass squeezes Travis abruptly and sends Travis into orgasm – shooting his third load into Matt’s ass that evening. Matt and Travis collapse on each other.
    1 point
  45. I awoke to a wet feeling on my ass. When i looked over is was Brain eating my sore hole out. "Hmmmmm", yeah baby eat me", i moaned. "Glad your up", he said He then pulled my legs on his shoulders in in one motion fucked me hard. "Ahhhhh", yelling in pain. While I had just been fucked good by him, he was still thick and ramming me still hurts. He went at it fucking me hard, really hard. There was no intimacy, no kissing or passion, it was pure primal animal fucking. He fucked me liked that for a good 20 minutes. My ass was burning. All i could do was to hold on to him and let him take me. Then he turned me over on my stomach and then rammed his cock in me again deep in my gut twisting and smashing my raw pussy. "Yeah bitch, I am gonna fuck you good. You need another load", he groaned "Yes Daddy fuck me", i cried out. Trying to get him to get off. I tried to get on my knees and be on all fours but he pushed me down and literally sat on my ass and fuck the shit out of me. "Here it comes bitch", he moaned I felt his cock swell and spurt in my cunt. I moaned and glad was over. He slowed down and grinded in me for 5 more minutes and then rolled off of me. I waited for a few moments and then turned over to him. My groin and sheets wet as i realized i came. He leaned over and licked me clean then kissed my softly and deeply. He pulled back and lay back down on his side looking at me and stroking my body. "So why did you finally give in", he asked "You mean to barebacking and taking your load?", i asked "Yeah". Brian said "Cause you are hot and have a huge cock", i laughed. Continuing i said, "It's primal. The first time we met i got all flustered and wet which never happened to me before. Your look and your scent took me over and i felt this primal urge to mate with you. I didn't know what that meant at that time but mating with you is something i needed to do." "Is that the only reason", he asked while still stroking my body playing my nipples and thigh. I was hard again and not sure if it was the talk or the touch or both. "The other reason is i wanted to give myself to you. What i used to like about being fisted is it was the ultimate in giving yourself to your partner or man you having sex with. It's so intimate to let him own and control you with his fist and arm in you. But Ihave come to realize there is something much intimate than fisting and that is letting a man fuck you bare and cum in you and mark you with his dna. Let him make you pregnant, mark your body with his DNA and poz you. i want to give myself to you Brian. I want to give you my body to own and control me, make me with your seed. Poz me." i said staring at him. By now i was rock hard. We kissed deeply than i pushed him on his back and climbed his hard cock. I slid down quickly and it hurt but i didn't care. I rode his like a bitch in heat. "Yeah you need Daddy's don't you", he said while holding my hips "Yes Daddy I need your cock, i need your cum, i need you to poz me please. Own me please, i give myself to you", i said in heat widly riding his mammoth meat. After a while of riding him, he pushed my back and fucked me hard and came in me. "Good boy. Now we begin your training", he said.
    1 point
  46. He pulled down my pants easily as they are elastic grey nylon athletic pants. He pulled down my briefs and and started to finger my hole, "Oh what a nice tight pussy...hmmmm.", he said. I let out a low groan as he started to finger me, i unconsciously pushed my ass back and up. He kept fingering me, and found my gspot and i let out a panting moan, "Hmmmmwhat a slut.", he said. He then leaned in and started to eat my pussy. "OHHHHH Fuck.....ughhhhhhhh", i panted like a bitch in heat. I then felt his cock at my hole entering. "Noooo please not bare", i called out. Once he he heard that he rammed hard into me. "Ouuuuwww.....ugghhh", i grunted. It hurt as there was not lube only my spit. He started stroking me hard. I tried to pull away but his boy pushed me back on his cock. Oh damn he was pounding me hard and it hurt but he was also hitting me in my prostate and i let out a moan, arched my back and started to pant. "Ohhhh someone likes it now huh", he said. He kept hitting that spot in me that made me moan like a little bitch in heat especially as his boy had his cock back in my mouth and he was playing with my sensitive nipples. "I am going to charge you bitch.", he said. "What's....ughh guhh, charge?" i moaned. "I am going to poz your pussy with my charged seed.", he grunted back. "No please i don't want to you to cum in me...please", i managed to blurt out in between panting moans. "Fine bitch", he said. He pulled out and pushed me away. I looked back in shock and sadness. "What, you said you didn't want me to cum in you so i stopped. I don't give cum to bitches who don't want or appreciate them." he said staring at me. "Can you fuck me more but not cum in me", i asked shyly. "No i am not going to waste my time with you.", he said. He looked at his boy and waved him over. The younger guy came over dropped to his knees and sucked him clean. The Daddy pulled up his shorts and they both left the bathroom, grabbed their drinks and left. I laid there mesmerized by what just happened and still horny. I got up, wiped my ass and went back outside. As I started to clean up and close the shop a guy walked in, and asked if we were still open. I apologized and said sorry we are closed and I forgot to the lock the door. He was a stark handsome looking man. He was about late 40's, 6'1, medium build, tatts on his arms and neck. He also had an large loop earring on each each and a nose ring. There was something animalistic about him. "No problem. My name is Mitch and i am a new massage therapist in this area and wanted to know if i can put my flyers on your business board. I said sure. "What kind of massage do you do?" , i asked him. After he posted his flyer, "It depends on the customer. I tailor it to their needs. I like to find that spot and relieve their stress, especially in the lower back regions. We keep a lot of stress their that needs relieving and stretching.", he said in a very calm yet seductive tone. "Do you need a massage?", he asked. "Yes who couldn't, and its been a long day.", i said. "Great why don't you come over to my place at 8p. I would love to work on you and help you relax.", he said. "Uhhh i have to run some errands and stuff, maybe another time." i said nervously and reluctantly. "You sure, i can really make you feel good and stretch your limits." , he said as he leaned in towards me over the counter. Our faces were about a foot a part. His eyes were so seductive and his manly body odor scent was overpowering me. "Ok that sounds really nice.", i said. "Great, see you at 8p. I cannot wait to get my hands on you.", he said walking out. I closed up the store and ran my errands. I got home around 7p and my mom asked if I was going to join them for dinner. I told them now i was going out to meet some friends. I quickly took a shower, cleaned my hole and was getting dressed. I picked out some jocks i had, loose shorts and a shirt. I left and arrived at his place right at 8pm. He lived in 3 story walk up apartment off the main road that was surrounded by small businesses. I called him to ask what apartment number and he said to come around the corner to his studio. I walked around and found his studio. It was the only one in the area that had lights on and i walked in. It was a nice studio with a massage table in the middle, a couch, tv and bathroom with a shower. He grabbed my hand and welcomed me with a soft hug. It felt so good i hugged him back and we just held there for what seemed like a while but was only probably 10 seconds. I am much short so i only came to his shoulders and i was intoxicated with his manly body odor no deodorant scent. It was so animalistic. We parted and he said, "why don't we sit on the couch and talk for a bit before we start.". We sat down next to each other our bodies slightly touching. I could feel his sexual energy that was oozing from his body. He put his hand on my knee and said, "So what would you like to get out of your session?". "You know just a relaxing massage", i said nervously "is that all? Are you sure?", he said smiling I saw the TV on on the side and never noticed until now but there was gay porn playing on it. And it caught my eye. His hand ran up my leg and massaged my thigh and i turned back to him. "You sure that's all your want from your session?", he asked. He kept rubbing my thigh and I was having a difficult time concentrating. "I would like a full body massage that releases all my stress", i said while touching his leg as well. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. I traced the outline and it was huge and thick. "I want you to feel comfortable to explore and enjoy male touch, okay?", he said while smiling at me. "Okay", i said relaxing. He stood up, grabbed my hands and pulled me up. We stood against each other. "Here let's get you out of these clothes.", he said pulling my shirt over my head. I slowly pulled down my my pants. He then grabbed my jocks and pulled them down, my hard cock popping out dripping with precum. He then took off his shirt. He was gorgeous. He had tattoos all over his body. He then pulled down his short and out popped this huge 8"+ thick cock covered in tattoos. I couldn't help myself and tried to reach out and touch it. He let me just hold it and caress it. He pulled me closer and just held me while fondled his huge meat. Then he pulled us a part and told me to get on the table. As i turned i looked at the TV playing gay porn and i couldn't figure out what was going on. The bottom was in a sling and there was the top in between his legs but he wasn't fucking him. He was moving his arm back and forth slowly and twisting his wrist. The bottom was in total pleasure. I turned to Mitch and asked, what is this, i am confused. He chuckled, "It's fisting". "What", i said. "He has his fist in the guys ass. It is called fisting.", he said. "OMG, you mean he has his hand in the guys ass? That must hurt like hell", i said. "Actually it doesn't. Does that guy look in pain?", he asked as his hand rubbed my butt. I was mesmerized. I couldn't stop watching. I didn't realize that his chest was on my back and his hands were starting to run slowly and sensually over my body. He was hugging me from behind while his large hands roamed my body. "That looks incredible as i watched the TV", i gasped softly leaning back into his embrace. His hands were slowly teasing my nipples and lightly brushing my hard cock. "Let's get on the table", he said softly in my ear. I got on the table face down and he slowly worked my shoulders, back and legs. I was jello and horny at the same time. He then slowly ran his hand up my inner thigh and i let out a low moan. He focused on that area and my cock was rock hard and leaking all over. I felt him climb up on the table and start to massage my buttock and then started to rub my hole then he leaned over and started to eat me out. I raised up my hips to meet his mouth and tongue and started to moan loudly. He ate me and fingered me slowly. First one then two then three fingers. "Ughhhhhhh", i moaned like a total slut. He continued to work on my hole opening it up. It felt so good. He was working it, stretching it open. Then he got four fingers in. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. He has really large hands and it was having both pain and immense pleasure. He then started to kiss up my back then the back of my neck my ears. I lifted my head to meet his lips and our tongues were intertwined. "You like the taste of your pussy", he asked. I leaned in to kiss him and cleaned his mouth and tongue of all my pussy juice in his mouth. Now his cock was sliding between my ass cheeks. "Do you have a condom", i asked. "No sorry i don't fuck with condoms", he said. And i don't fuck in my sessions. I want it to be exploring and sharing of our bodies beyond sex. "We will get there", he whispered. I turned over on my back and we embraced kissing and his hand went back to my hole playing with it, teasing it, probing it. I opened up my legs and lifted my knee to give him more access. We made out like that all the while slowly sinking more fingers in me driving me crazy. He tried to stick his thumb but it wouldn't go in so he kept swirling his fingers in me a stroking my prostate when suddenly i started to shoot all over. "UGhhhhhhhhhhh", i moaned. Spurt after spurt erupted all over us. His hands worked faster fingering my pussy. Our lips locked. Slowly i came down but his fingers were still in me and our lips doing slow intimate kisses. "That was incredible", i said. "It's only the beginning", he said and kissed me. (I appreciate your patience. We will get there soon.)
    1 point
  47. I laid there glowing and my ass feeling empty. He took off the condom placed in a trash can near the massage table. I couldn't stop staring at his cock. He moved closer to my face and grabbed the back of my head very gently and pushed it towards his cock. Up until this point i have never sucked off another guy before. I had only had sex with women and watched some gay porn. I opened my mouth and took his head in and licked it and sucked it. He still had lots of cum on his cock and it was still oozing out. It tasted better than i thought and had that viscous creamy texture. I started to suck more and licked up and down his shaft. My teeth scraped him and he said to be careful. I nodded but kept sucking and licking him wanting more of his cum. He put his head back and moaned and grabbed my head more forcefully trying to push his cock deeper in my mouth. I gagged as i had never had anything like this in my mouth before let alone this size. He pulled back giving me time to regroup but i wanted to suck his cock. I leaned in and sucked it like i needed it and wanted to coaxed and suck as much cum that was left in his cock out. I saw his expression of pleasure and moaning as i sucked it and he was clearly enjoying it and i realized i enjoyed pleasing him. Then i felt his fingers on my ass entering my hole. He teased my hole rubbing the outside and using his fingernail to drive me crazy. I pushed my ass back down on his finger and it slipped in. He then stuck in 1, 2 then 3 fingers swirling them in me and massaging my prostate which drove me crazy he started to used his fingers to fuck me. I moaned and went on sucking his thick tool determined to eat his cum. This went on for about 10 minutes sucking his cock and balls and then he shot a huge load in my mouth. He started to tense up and i he held my head and pushed into my mouth and throat holding it there while gagged and i pulled back a little and about 5 spurts came out and swallowed the first but kept the rest in my mouth cause i really wanted to taste him. I went back down on him as far as i could sucking on him. i swirled his cream in my mouth, reveled in the feel and taste and looked up at him and swallowed it. He kept on playing my hole working it and then he grabbed my cock and went down on me. OHHHH, i said in a loud moan. At that moment he then stuck a fourth finger in my hole. I yelled, OOOOOOWWWWW. It hurt like hell to have his fourth finger in me but he started to do that twirling motion and massaging my prostate and the pain suddenly turned into immense pleasure. I couldn't last long like this, his hot mouth on my cock and his hand in my man pussy making me feel things i have never felt before. Then his left hand went to my nipples and that was it, i let out a loud groan and shot load after load into his mouth. He swallowed my load and kept sucking on me. He kept up working my hole and nipples sending me into an overboard ecstasy of pleasure. I stopped sucking him and just laid letting him work me over. I pushed his mouth off of me as my head was super sensitive. He took that as a sign to stop all playing and stop working my hole but i pushed down on his hand. He smiled and started again working it slowly. I just laid there moaning in pleasure. After a few minutes he finally pulled out his hand sucked his fingers clean then leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss stuck his tongue in my mouth, i opened up and accepted and kissed him back sucking and tasting his tongue. It was my first kiss with a man and it felt right. He pulled back and said, "That is how your pussy tastes.", I looked at him in his deep eyes and leaned in for another kiss and our tongues intertwined with each other playing a lovely dance and i sucked on his tongue to taste more of myself. "One day you will taste both of us together", he said. I didn't know what that mean but just smiled and enjoyed the moment. I went back down on him to suck out more as much as i could get. Finally he pushed back as his cock was so sensitive too. We were both spent.
    1 point
  48. This truly is an exceptionally hoT story and I thank @earlystart for sharing it with us. Only a few stories make me cum more than once while reading them, and even fewer make me come multiple times when read a second, third, or fourth time. This is one of the very few. Though I would have been happy to read more chapters, I'm also happy with it just the way it is and as a writer myself, I'd rather see a story end when the author feels there's no more further he can go with it than just limp along without enthusiasm to make it longer, I'm not sure if anyone else was feeling this way, but I'd have loved an epilogue that took place Monday morning at school when Jake encountered Mr. Kelly in the hallway and sat down in the first row in History Class in front of Mr. Miller... face to face but surrounded by clueless students...
    1 point
  49. I'm uncut and when I was younger used to make a huge amount of smegma as did most of my friends whose cocks I used to suck. I loved the taste and the smell, as I still do. Nowadays we are obsessed with 'cleanliness' and sanitizing everything, so smegma is becoming a rare commodity. When you find a guy who makes smeg, make the most of him, cherish him because before too long there won't be many of his kind left.
    1 point
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