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  1. Part 2 I gave him the run down of how the past few years have been. My studies, my interests my career paths. We talked about me for quite some time. Uncle Chester was on the couch next to me already empty on his drink. He was tentatively taking in everything I was saying. Never taking his eyes off me. “And so now my gap year trip has lead me to San Diego.” I wrapped up. “Sounds like you have a general idea on what you’re going to do.” “Yeah I don’t like to over plan. I like some room for flexibility.” “Well that’s good. You need some room to enjoy yourself. Do you have anyone to enjoy it with?” “Oh no I’m single.” “No ladies catch or eye? Or are you a heart breaker?” He smirked I hadn’t outright asked him if he was gay but I remember dad mentioning he was and based on the way he acts dresses and some of the hints in his house I’m fairly sure it was a safe bet. He does fit the effeminate old queen stereotype. I decided to tell my first family member about me. Chester seemed a safe bet since he was estranged for so long it wouldn’t hurt much if I was rejected for it. “Actually I’m not into girls. I’m gay.” “Oh wow! That’s wonderful!” Uncle Chester wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. “You precious boy. We have more in common. I’m gay too.” “Yeah, dad mentioned that a while back. Is that why you guys don’t talk anymore?” He was sitting with his arm around my shoulder keeping me pulled in close. He had a musky smell to him “Nah your dad is just a drama queen in his own right. You know he had his own experimental phase when he was your age.” “Really? That’s crazy.” I guess a lot of guys experiment at some point in their lives but dad? He never came off that way at all. I can’t even imagine it. “Yeah he’s a piece of work, your father. But enough of that. I’m assuming you haven’t told you parents.” “Right, I’m not out to them. So I’d rather they didn’t know.” “Your secret is safe with me. You’re not telling them you over here so what goes one here stays here.” “Thanks uncle Chester.” “Just Chester you silly boy.” “Sorry, I like the way uncle sounds. I didn’t get to know you much growing up.” “Well I’m an open book nephew Will. Ask me anything. Nothing is off limits with me.” “How have you been these years? What have you been up to?” It was uncle Chester’s turn to give me the run down over the past decade. He tells me about all the different jobs he’s taken, places he’s lived and bounced around till settling back here. He currently works as an at home masseuse. He talked about vacations to a handful of exotic countries that I’d love to go to and some tedious history lessons on each place including the monuments. Then things got a little personal as he mentioned his various boyfriends he’s had… “Well boyfriends isn’t accurate. I don’t really date much. I hook up a lot. What can I say? I’m a lean mean fucking machine.” “Oh, that’s empowering. I’m all for sex positivity and all that.” “Damn right Will. I was born with a massive insatiable libido, I’m gonna “positivity” in every hole I can find. That was always something your dad didn’t like. How often I fucked.” “He just comes from a conservative world. He doesn’t understand anything that doesn’t conform to his lifestyle. He’d always warn me about catching something from the wrong girl.” “Yeah well the catching part is right. It caught me quite a few years ago.” “It?” “HIV. Been living with it for nearly two decades.” “Oh I’m sorry Chester…” “No don’t be. It’s totally fine. It makes me who I am, adds spice to my life and I can fuck uninhibited all I like.” “I guess medication these days helps you live a regular life.” “Eh, when I remember to refill my prescriptions. Sometimes i do, sometimes I don’t.” “Oh well I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” “I definitely do.” As we chatted like that in the living room. The day was turning into an evening. Chester and I had dinner and talked about local shows that were going on. At some point I heard a knock on the door. Chester sprang up and looked anxious. “Oh that must be one of my tricks.” “Your tricks?” “I still fuck, Will. Don’t worry I’ll keep it in the bedroom. But that’s how I do things around here. Almost daily sluts from grindr, scruff, recon, you name it. That’s not going to be a problem is it?” I was a little uncomfortable with the idea but I was in his home and he is a red blooded man, so I understand the need. Besides this wasn’t my parents house anymore. No prudish uptight lifestyle anymore. “No not at all. It’s your place, keep doing what you always do.” “We’ll get along great Will.” He smiled and answered the door. I saw the guy enter and was surprised. He was a young guy close to my age, blond. He looked like he could be my brother, if I had one. Uncle Chester guided him wordlessly down the hall to his room. For the rest of the night the house was filled with sounds of sex and moaning. I don’t know if Chester realized how thin his walls were. This may take a little more getting used to. Later in the night. I was trying to sleep on the couch. It was a warm night and I was having trouble staying asleep. I was stripped down to my boxers which did little to help. I heard someone come out of uncle Chester’s room so I kept quiet. In the dark I saw a silhouette walking toward the kitchen, it was uncle Chester, he was nude and I could see his penis, or at least the outline of it. Damn was that real? Was he wearing a monster strap on? The dim light from the window illuminating it just enough for me to see something dripping out the tip. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Chester drank some water and returned to his room. I couldn’t help but wonder how that other guy could take such a huge dicking for so long. In the morning I slept in a little. I was kept up a little by uncle Chester’s late nite play time. I was woken up by the sound of a coffee mug being placed on the table in front of me. “Good morning Will.” Chester was still in the same thong he wore yesterday. That was the only thing he had on. He sat down on the couch in front of my waist and rubbed my hair. I was a little old for that but it was kinda sweet. “Good morning uncle Chester. Is your friend still here?” “Him? Oh nah. I sent him home earlier. Pozzed up and walking with a limp he he.” “Pozzed up?” “Shot my raw load in him, converted his ass. I gave that boy hiv.” “What? Why?” “He wanted it. I’m a gifter Will. There are plenty of guys out there that crave toxic seed, and I love giving it to them.” That was quite a shock. I knew of STDs and protection. But I wasn’t aware of people who actively try and catch hiv. “Oh don’t look so surprised. There’s many many fetish communities out there. I’ve dabbled in quite a lot in my day. It’s all good fun.” I didn’t want to be judgmental. Uncle Chester welcomed me into his home after so many years without question. I know that there are plenty of communities that get into all sorts of weird things in the cities. As long as he’s having fun then who am I to say he shouldn’t do that? “Oh it’s fine with me uncle. I’m not gonna lecture you on how you live your life.” I was sitting up now. Slowly sipping on my coffee. “I guess I was a more surprised with how such a young guy would be into that sort of thing.” “But chasers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. I’m not picky but 18-25 year old bottoms are my favorite.” “Oh, I see.” I’m 18. I don’t know why that’s relevant. I’m his nephew so being in his preferred age range means nothing. “I know, why would the young handsome guys want anything to do with a decrepit old man like me?” “I wasn’t thinking that. You’re probably just his type.” “This is his type.” He grabbed his bulge and jiggled it around. “Gay guys may be picky at first impression looks but they see this big bad boy then all that nonsense of type, preference, principles go out the window. If there’s an ugly troll with a monster cock then even the most snobbish gays will bend over and beg for it.” “Yeah that tracks. I’ve seen plenty of porn where the top wasn’t my type but the dick was nice so it didn’t really matter.” “So what is your type Will?” He was cross legged and attentively paying attention. I hadn’t really thought about my type. I like a wide range of guys, but the few partners I’ve had tended to be in the older crowed. “I guess I like older guys. But I’m not picky. It’s more if the vibe is right.” “Older men eh? Good to know.” He giggled a little. “I now a place that caters to that. I can take you sometime.” “I’m not old enough to get into bars.” “That’s why you’ll be with me. I know the people who own the place, they never check IDs with the friends I bring.” “Oh that sounds like fun actually. I haven’t been to any night life like that on my trip yet. But I don’t have anything club appropriate to wear. Speaking of which.” I grabbed my bag and sniffed a shirt. Just as I thought. Nothing clean and the semi clean stuff was getting musky. “ You use my washing machine. Let’s get your things sorted out.” Uncle Chester grabbed my bag and was headed down the hall. I got up to fallow. “Here we go I’m sure you haven’t found a good place to get your clothes washed yet.” He was throwing my clothes in the washing machine. He didn’t have to go through the trouble of doing the laundry for me. I was grateful for the help. “Let’s get those off of you too. I’m sure they’ve seen their mileage as well.“ He was pointing towards my underwear I was wearing. it was the only thing I had to wear left. “But Chester I don’t have anything else.“ “We’re both guys, what does it matter if you let it hang out while the clothes wash? I’m usually walking around the house in the buff most of the time. This thing is merely a courtesy.“ He snapped the string off his thong. He calls it a courtesy, but it really doesn’t cover up much at all. He junk is practically shrink wrapped in it. But it was his house, and the pair I was wearing was also in need of a wash as well. So I opened it and threw them in the machine with the rest. “Well, since modesty is no longer an issue.” Chester took off his thong and threw it in as well. That was the first time I saw his dick. I couldn’t believe how large it was. It was hanging down and flopping back-and-forth so it could not have been erect but there was still so much there. It was almost frightening to imagine what it would look like hard. He threw in some soap and started up the machine. “Now then, let’s see if we can find you anything interesting in my wardrobe for later tonight.” Chester gave me a playful slap on the butt as he walked past and entered his bedroom. I blushed a little, but I was curious to try on something other than what I had been carrying around with me these past several days. “Don’t mind the mess, there’s a bunch of naughty stuff all over the place.“ As I entered his room, I noticed that there were sex toys, lube bottles, handcuffs and all sorts of strange objects I couldn’t identify all over the place. A leather swing on chains in one corner and a padded table with a hole in it at the other. His room had a distinct smell of stale sex and sweat. He obviously got a lot of action in here. I was feeling a little self-conscious, so I was covering my privates with my hands as I followed him to his dresser, and he was rummaging through it looking for something for me. “We’ll have a regular guys night out. What kind of host would it be if I didn’t show you around?” He pulled out a pair of black jeans that looked like they were from the 80s. They were faded but they looks like they might fit me. “Now stop all of that. You don’t need to be shy around your dear uncle. Take those hands away, let it breathe for goodness sake, he he.” I pulled my hands away, and now uncle Chester could see my dick as well, it wasn’t nearly as big as his, it was average, but it got the job done. At least I haven’t had any complaints. “That’s a healthy looking thing there. I’m sure you’ve given plenty of men memorable times.“ “Some here and there. I’ve played around with a few guys, but not that much and nothing too crazy.” “Well, while you’re here, we should do something to change that. Soil your oats, spread your wings so to speak. I’m sure these old things will fit you.“ He wadded the pants up and threw them in a corner for later, I figured he would have had me try them on, but if anything else, I can just throw on whatever comes out of the dryer. “Well, what do you think of my set up here?“ He pointed to his room showing it off. I wasn’t sure how to respond. It looked like a sex shop exploded in here. “It’s pretty extensive. I couldn’t afford all this.” “Well I didn’t buy it all at once. I gathered a bunch of it over the years. I’m sure some of it is from before you were born.” “That long? Wow and and I thought the saying was ‘I have shoes older than you.’” “I have those too! The foot subs love sniffing them. Come let me show some photos from back in the day.” Chester wandered over to the bed and reached under it to pull out a photo album. He sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him to invite me to join him. I sat on the edge and looked over at the album cover. “Closer you silly.” He wrapped an arm around my bare waist and pulled me in. We were sitting close, our hips touching. I was so close that I couldn’t ignore the way he smelled. It wasn’t typical BO, it was more like the smell of sweat, stale sex, and cheese. I hadn’t noticed it before but being this close it was fairly strong. He open the book across our laps and turn to a collage of Polaroids from when he was younger. He looked like he was in his late 30s early 40s standing next to some classic cars. He also looked like he had more body mass on him back then. I could even call him slightly bear-ish. A stark contrast to his rail thin body now. My dad was in there too, looking like he was in his 20s. I was surprised to see how much dad looked like me back then. Maybe a bit rougher around the edges, but it was fairly close. “Whose car is that?” I asked, pointing towards an old van. “That was mine. Your father, and I would go on road trips in that thing all the time. We got up to all sorts of riffraff in the back of that thing. You look so much like your father. Such a handsome young man.” He put a hand on my face as he looked at me to admire the resemblance. I blushed a little bit. “Thanks, uncle Chester.“ We flipped through several other pages. He would give me a brief backstory to every one of it he pictures. He rotated his body slightly to position towards me more. When he did it I felt something warm poke against my thigh. I didn’t know what it was at first, but eventually realized it was his dick poking me. It was soft but it still had enough length to make contact. It was a little awkward, but I was more focused on the album and Chester’s commentary on the past. “Here we are at one of my old friends parties. Your father stayed for a little bit, but it was getting too rowdy for him so he left early.“ As he showed me the collage of party photos, I saw many guys drinking and smoking pot. There were cups and bottles and all sorts of paraphernalia all over the scenery. I noticed quite a few of the men were naked. The rest wore very little. Amongst the polaroids of naked party, goers, I saw Chester in there as well. He was naked and wrapping an arm around a young 18 or 19 year old blonde boy. The blonde boy in the photos was pretty cute. Chester pointed to him as if remembering someone he forgot about. “Oh, he was a lot of fun that day. I definitely got a lot of mileage out of him. Can’t for the life of me remember his name.” He turned the page and the nude party photos continued. Common characters reoccurring to pose with one another, the occasional fool putting on a curtain like a dress, and putting on some sort of impromptu performance. In the collage of photos my eye shot to one particular photo that I was not expecting. The cute blonde boy on a table, surrounded by party cups. His legs were up in the air, and uncle Chester had his cock in the boys ass. They were fucking in the middle of the party. The boy had a look of ecstasy on his face while Chester was holding his ankles nearly folding him and a half. “Oh, my God.“ I muttered, not really sure what to say. I get that it was that kind of party, but I didn’t expect to see a picture of my uncle turning up the action. “Yeah, Harvey thought he was Sylvester, trying to dance a jig.“ Uncle Chester was commentating on the photo of the guy wearing the curtain dress, as if the pornographic photo of himself wasn’t the highlight of the page. “I was talking about this.“ I pointed to the photo of Chester going to town on the blonde boy. Chester look at it and commentated like it was any other photo. “Good technique, right? I made that little bottom squeal good. He couldn’t get enough of my meat stick.“ As he looked at the lewd photo I felt his dick starting to get hard against my leg. I think I even felt a dab of something wet oozing out the tip. “Yeah, that’s quite the extreme inclusion to the album.“ That’s when it dawned on Chester. “Oh! Will, I hope this isn’t too much for you to see? Your uncle having a little fun? Like I said, I’m very sex positive. I’m not ashamed to bear all and share all.“ Seeing photos of family members having sex would normally be quite the ick factor for me. But since I didn’t grow up with Chester in my life, I don’t feel quite as conservative around him. It was still a little bit awkward to see my uncle in that position, but if he’s comfortable with it, then I guess there’s no reason for me not to be. I tried to see it as if an another friend were showing me wild highlights of a kinky party. So I decided to be mature about it. “I’m cool with it. It looks like a fun party. I wish I could’ve gone to parties like this. Not necessarily the sex part, but everyone looks like they’re enjoying themselves.“ “You would be quite popular then. But you probably wouldn’t want to go to this specific party.“ “Why not?” “Well, this house party was hosted by my friend Gus. He always had a cheeky rule that any new guy who showed up to his parties for the first time had to allow their ass to be available for him to fuck. Sort of like paying a toll. And trust me almost every first timer who went to his parties got a hefty load up their bums.” “I mean, I’m not a prude, I guess it just depends on the mood at the time.“ “That’s not all. You see, at this particular party Gus was living with AIDS, and it was really putting a toll on him. This was before medication‘s were really a thing. This particular day I’m pretty sure he mostly spent time in his room. But his rule still stood. Let’s say if I chaperoned you to that party, Gus would expect me to bring you into his room to see if he’d be interested in fucking you. And you are quite the handsome young man. I know without a doubt he would shoo me away to leave you alone with him. Regardless of how advanced his condition was you still wouldn’t be leaving his bedroom without him emptying his toxic balls into you.“ “Yeah, I don’t think I would want to go to that party.“ Things really were different back then were they? I shudder at the thought of getting infected with HIV but the party itself still looked fun regardless. “Well, those wild parties are hard to come by these days. I still attend a few here and there, but not as frequently as I used to.” Chester was flipping through more of the pages looking for other memories worth recollecting. As he flipped through the pages, I noticed the photos were getting progressively more and more raunchy. Different locations and time periods well past the party. Full-blown pornographic images with him, and other men doing all sorts of things. He stopped on the page that had an assortment of kinky activity on it. My face was blushing hard, and I was trying to keep my composure. Uncle Chester pointed to what looked like a fairly recent photo of another young blonde guy sucking on his toes. “This was the best foot slut I ever had. The only boy to make me cum just by working his tongue on my big old stompers. Probably of all the kinks I like, having a boy worship my feet is perfection in its simplicity. Look at that boy. Doesn’t he just look like he’s in heaven beneath my feet?“ “I guess. I wouldn’t know, I never did anything like that.“ “You never worshiped a man’s feet before? Oh, goodness! You must try it! It’s the most common fetish, you know. Even guys who say they aren’t into it, once they try it, it flips a piggy switch in their heads.” “Hm, I’m not sure if I would be into that. I mean, for the right guy I guess but in general, I’m not so sure.“ “You never know until you try. We’ll find you some feet to go down on. We just need to find a a nearby old man who loves having boys worship his feet.“ Uncle Chester emphasized his last sentence by subtly wiggling his toes. “I appreciate the offer uncle, but I will try that out in my own time. I’m not opposed to it though.” “Fair enough.” It was then that we heard the buzzer for the washer. Uncle Chester closed the photo album and was about to get up. When he lifted the album up, his massive erection, strang upward and smacked his belly. “Oh goodness that trip down memory lane stirred up this old thing again.“ Jesus Christ, and I thought it was big when it was soft. Chester‘s cock was a massive monster thing. I was surprised the photo album was able to hide it. The head of his cock was poking out of his foreskin, and the tip was drooling pre-cum down its shaft. I looked at my leg where it was touching me earlier and I saw there was a blob of pre on my thigh, trailing down and onto my balls. “Um, uncle Chester?“ He looked at the mess he made on my leg and saw my messy balls. “Oh, let me get that for you.” He reached over and grabbed an old sock off the floor and started wiping me up. He then positioned himself between my legs. “lift your legs Will, looks like my stuff dribbled all the way down your taint.“ Before I could say anything Chester grabbed my ankles and lift them up over my head, my ass on full display. He was sitting on his knees, scooting closer to me and placed my legs over his shoulders. His huge cock pointing straight at my ass. He took the sock and gently wiped up my scrotum. “Uncle Chester, that sock is kind of dirty, don’t you think?“ I should have told him that I could clean it up myself, that it was embarrassing to be naked with legs up in front of him. But the sock did look fairly well worn so I didn’t think it was getting me any cleaner. “I guess you’re right. I think I have a rag under the pillow.“ Uncle Chester tossed the sock aside, and in a maneuver not very well thought out he leaned his body forward and reached underneath the pillow my head was on. But due to where his cock was already aiming, his body leaning forward, caused his dick to come forward. I was feeling my uncles cockhead kissing my pucker. “Hey! Chester!“ “There it is!“ Uncle Chester sat upright again, revealing the rag from underneath the pillow. His cock head no longer digging into my ass, but still pressed against it. “Uncle Chester this is a pretty compromising position don’t you think? Your dick is poking me down there.“ I try to say as calmly and diplomatically as possible. Uncle Chester takes a look down, and it looks as if he didn’t notice it before. “Ha ha ha, well look at that. Oops guess I wasn’t watching where I was aiming this thing“ “Could you please move it?“ “Just a moment Will“ Uncle Chester reached over for the photo album and was flipping through pages all the while I could feel the heat and the moisture from his twitching cock on my ass hole. “Take a look at this“ Chester pulled out a Polaroid of the party, where he is fucking the young blonde boy on the table. Legs in the air. “History repeat itself I guess. Ain’t that funny?“ I try to let out a chuckle to laugh at his joke. And I’m surprised with how casual he is about this. I know he’s a free spirit, but is his dick pressed up against his nephews ass really not that big of a deal? “Let’s get you cleaned up shall we?“ He pulls his dick aside, leaving a trail on my opening. He wipes my butt with the rag and tosses it aside. “All right, let’s go dry those clothes.“ Uncle Chester got up off the bed. My heart was racing a little at the strange phallic contact that I wasn’t totally sure how to feel about. “Hey, uncle Chester? Was that really OK, you know, your dick poking me down there?“ “Oh, don’t be silly. It was just a little bump. You don’t freak out when shaking a man’s hand, and that hand most likely jacked off that morning. Besides most guys in locker rooms do far nastier jokes on each other. Nothing wrong with the occasional bump.“ “He he, I guess.“ I guess that made sense? I mean sorta. Either way it did put my mind at ease a little. But I was curious about something else. “Hey, uncle Chester.“ “Yes?“ “That blonde boy at the party in the photo. Was that his first time there?” “Yes, it was. And yes, after I was done with him, I gave him to Gus to deposit his obligatory cum load.“ “Whatever happened to that guy?“ “After Gus got to him? That boy passed away about four or five years later. It was a time before meds after all.”
    18 points
  2. My first time writing a story. Chapter 1 serves as a prelude. Chemsex element will become more prominent starting in next chapter. Chapter I Finally I'm all done with my exams for my classes. My winter break has officially begun. I cannot wait to head home to see my best friend Keith. "come on. I miss blowing my cum in you and I know you do too. " was the last text I received from Keith a few days ago We've been best friends all our lives. The last weekend before we each off to college, we were in his parents basement playing call of duty. We both proclaimed that we were much better than the other person. To decided that we'd take turn playing 5 rounds. Whoever gets the most kills win. Even though we were the same age. I looked boyish still. I had peaked at 5'9. In shape. Keith and I both are stayed active and played sports all year round. I had define arms and abs but nothing like Keith. He straight up looked like a matured young man in his 20s already. His physique was great. Muscular, blonde, with a charming smile and outgoing personality. 6'3, green eyes and his huge bulge had always been hard to ignore. I've only saw the outline of his dick when we were changing in the locker room a few times. I've seen his mushroom head a few times when we were working out in the weight room. He occasionally didn't wear underwear so when he was spotting me and standing over me at the bench press, I looked up and there it was. His long dick hanging on one side of his shorts. From my angle, it almost seemed like it his shorts could barely consealed it. My dick started getting hard the first time when I focused on his dick too much. After I finished my reps, Keith flicked my boner hard and said "we're almost done handsome. One more set then you are free to take care of yourself so let's stay focus buddy." I didn't know if he knew what got me hard but ever since, I try not to look into his shorts too long bc I didn't think I'd be able to control my urge to wrap my mouth around his mushroom head if I looked at it for too long again. As our two-people video game tournament went on, whoever is off started messing with the other person. At first Keith stood next to the TV and started lifting his shirt up, licked his finger and circled around his perfect nipple a couple times attempted to distract me. When it was his turn, I did the same except I went a step further and pulled down my shorts to show him my butt, supported by a pair of black jockstrap. Each round, we tried to one up the other. He licked the back of my ear, I full on licked his ear inside and out, he even sat behind me and played with my nipples. I made sure I didn't accidentally let out any moaning. Everything was all in the name of distracting the other person of course but I was getting hard. I didn't want Keith to see my boner so my last couple rounds I laid on my stomach instead so Keith wouldn't see my rock hard dick. As soon as my last round started, he pulled down my shorts, exposing my whole butt. I said "I played the game naked at home so that ain't going to do anything to hurt my game. If anything, it puts me at ease to take the crown for sure". My attention is fully on the game but I heard Keith said "is that so?" and I heard him walking away, opened and closed his drawer, and I heard couple bottles opening and closing. I said "are you getting your beside lotion? If you are, that's perfect. I could use a nice shoulder rub. You can start calling me the king bc I'm on my way to break my personal best" then I heard Keith whisper right next to my ear softly "we'll see about that. Tell me. Do always play this game at home with a hard on? ". He then reach into the sofa and grab my hard dick and lean me on my side slightly and started stroking it. He caught me off guard but I thought we were still trying to one up the other person so I said "keep stroking that. My dick is hard only bc the first thing you gonna have to do after I win is to put that down your throat". His arm wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer to him and said "you haven't won yet mister. You still need 10 kills and only 60 seconds to go". When he did that, he shotgun me a mouth full of smoke that he got off his vape and gave me a good head buzz. Meanwhile, He stopped stroking me and rest his hands on my hip. I didn't noticed that he had lube up his dick and was sliding up and down my butt crack. By the time I realized what he was doing, I felt a little warming sensation and heard a wet pop, his whole head slid into my ass before I could make a sound. By the time I did make a sound, his had his hand and a wet rag over my mouth. The rag smelled like some sort of chemical so my vision started to blurred and my body went soft. Mean while, he felt my muscle relaxed so his dick made its way deeper. I wanted to moan but I did everything I could to hold back bc the basement door suddenly opened. Keith's mom brought us a plate of fruit. She noticed that we were cuddling, which was something we had casually done before. We both still had our shirts on so nothing appear out of ordinary to her. She was completely unaware that we had no nothing on under the blanket that Keith throw on us last minute and her son's dick was making his way up my virgin asshole. It was so big and made me feel so full. I didn't even know how much I had taken bc it took everything out of me to aoo normal. When Keith's mom looked away for a few to turn up the basement theremostat for us, Keith placed the rag over my nose and mouth once again and whispered to me "take a deep breath then hold it in". As I followed Keith's instructions, I could feel his dick going deeper and deeper slowly as I inhaled. His mom turned up the thermostat the started making her way back up stairs. "you boys behave down here" she said as she made her way up. I let out the deep breath of poppers i inhaled and grab a big pillow and put my head into it and let out the moan I've been holding back for what felt like eternity. As soon as I lifted my head up, Keith put the rag in front of my nose and mouth once more and said "couple more deep breath. You're so tight but you're almost there. Baby Come on. You can do it. Take it all the way in". I could feel Keith pulling his dick 2/3 of the way out to reapply the warming lube on the shaft of his dick. His hands are covering my nose and mouth with such force that I was inhaling poppers whether I liked it or not. I feel my vision closing in, my ass warming up, and his balls now touching my butt. When his hard throbbing dick was all the way in he whispered "good job, Ben. That was all 10 inches of me. Relax and just feel it in you. Inhale more poppers on the rag and just focus on the feeling. I bet you can feel my blood pumping through my dick, can't you? It is hard as a rock bc damn you have a nice hole. Tight like mine just a year ago. I saw you made a tent earlier when I pinched your nipples so I decided to go for it. You're the first person to take in all of my dick. I'm impressed. Here take two more deep breath, one on each side." Keith put the popper bottle right under my nose this time. Left then right. "good now hold it" he straddle on top of me, grabbed the remote and turned on some music on TV and shoved my head deep into the pillow and held on hands together behind my back with one hand and started moving his pelvis back and forth. My head was buzzing and I was moaning without holding back now but with my head shoved in the pillow and music playing, my moaning was barely audible. Keith's head was massaging my prostate in a steady rhythm. I could hear him trying to keep his own moaning down. "oh ben.. I'm gonna cum soon. Are you ready for it?" I knodded. Then I felt Keith pressing his body hard against my back and his body tensed up, 4-5 warm waves of his warm cum hitting my inner rectum wall. When he rolled down on my side and turned me side way, his mushroom head touched my prostate and the pressure of it and his warm cum made me shot my cum hard hands free. I let out the first groan without anything over my mouth. He panicked and covered my mouth with his big hand through the rest of my orgasm. My cum got on his hair, my hair, our faces. After 30 seconds or so.... He finally started letting go of me. We both covered in sweat and cum and was still recovering from the intense pleasure that we just had. I said "why did we wait until now to do this?" he said "I don't know but I promise you this won't be the last. I have so much more to show you". We parted way a few hours later on our way to our college. We wanted to fuck once more but his parents interrupted us every few minutes we honestly couldn't. Keith slapped my butt as I walked upstairs and said, I guess I will see you during winter break. I'll have a good Christmas present for you. He giggled. I had no idea what was on his mind but all I know was no cock had felt nearly as good as his since I got to college. However, I did learn a few new tricks that I plan on showing him when I see him. 😏
    8 points
  3. Nick and Dane kept up an impressive regime of breeding me for the next two weeks, during which time I also got to spend some time meeting everyone else who lived in the mansion and the outhouses. It was all a bit overwhelming, but the longer I spent there the more I realised it was exactly where I needed to be. I didn’t really know what that actually meant, as while I hoped Bill and Hank would agree to me moving in, I couldn’t believe that they would just take in a freeloader without having him do something. “They’ll find a place for you” was all Nick ever said when I raised it with him. What I did find odd is that my only interaction with the owners up to that point had been when they first found Nick using me in the trees. I had caught glimpses of them here and there when I was outside enjoying the pool, but I had yet to actually speak to either one of them. Nick just shrugged this off too when I mentioned it to him. “They’ll come and find you at some point” he said, “in their own time.” What I suspected it meant is that they were trusting Nick to really test out whether I could stay the course, take everything he and Dane had to give, and eventually get myself pozzed. Fortunately my resolve on that only got stronger with each passing day, with a growing impatience in me that it hadn’t happened yet. Anyway, two weeks to the day since I had first followed Nick into the trees, I was lounging on the bed in his and Dane’s outhouse, flicking between YouTube videos while I waited for them to get back from an errand they had been sent on. When the outhouse door opened I assumed it would be one of them, but when I looked up I saw Bill standing in the doorway staring at me. I jolted up and off the bed. “Hello” he said, giving a hint of a smile while he looked me up and down. “Hello” I replied, before adding “sir.” “We haven’t had a chance to talk yet” he said. “No sir” I responded. “Has Nick been taking good care of you?” he asked. “Yes sir” I said, “this has been the best two weeks of my life.” “And you want to keep it going” he stated. “Yes sir” I said. “Well” he sighed, “Nick speaks very highly of you, and told me he thinks you’re ready.” “Ready sir?” I asked. “For the talk” he replied. He turned and walked out, and I knew I was supposed to follow so I hastily put on my flip-flops and went after him. He was heading into the trees along the path I had first arrived here on, and I hurried after him until I was a couple of paces behind. We then walked in silence along the path, before taking a turn and heading into a thicker part of the forest. As we did so, I glanced along the path we were turning off and saw a guy I thought might be called Marc just standing there looking at me. I briefly paused to look back at him, before he gave me what felt like a knowing smile and a wink. I blinked back at him, and then hurried on after Nick. The sound of the sea got progressively louder, and then we emerged onto a small section of pristine beach between two rocky outcrops, with not another soul around. Nick turned right and walked along the edge of the sand for a few paces until he reached a wooden bench that had been placed there facing the sea. He sat down on one end of it, and then looked back at me while in a way that told me I was also supposed to take a seat. We sat in silence for a while, just looking out at the waves while my nerves started to go. I just knew that my future here was going to depend on whatever happened during the next few minutes. Bill eventually pulled a packet of cigarettes out a pouch on his harness, then offered me one. He lit them both up, and then briefly fixed his gaze on me. “So what’s your story” he eventually asked. “Why are you here?” I gulped, and then as he looked at me in anticipation of a response, I took a deep draw of the cigarette to gather myself. I then started at the beginning, telling him about my life, my desires, my wedding, and my epiphany two weeks earlier when Nick entered my world. He listened intently, but I could not get much of a sense of anything from his facial expressions. “That’s quite a common story you know”, he said when I had finished. “Many a boy who has passed through here has had a similar tale to tell.” “Well, maybe you all just have a way of freeing men like me in a way nothing else can” I said, which got a warm smile from him. “So you’re a mechanic” he said. “Yes” I replied. “I love working with cars, on engines, on anything really.” “You sound like a useful person to have around” he said, causing my stomach to jump a little in excitement. “I like to work” I said. “I mean, I’ve enjoyed the last two weeks, but I am starting to get a bit restless.” He laughed at that. “Will have to have a word with young Nickyboy” he said. “He cannot possibly be fucking you enough if you’ve got time to get restless!” “They’ve been fucking me plenty” I said with a smile. “But I do want to do something useful.” He gave me a warm smile, and then reached over and patted my back. “Relax boy” he said. “This isn’t an interview. You’re already in.” “Oh” I said, a bit taken aback. “You may not know this, but Nick is like a son to me” he said. “He’s the smartest of them all, and a good man. When he tells me a boy belongs here, his word is enough.” I didn’t know what to say, and just sat there staring at the ground. Suddenly it was all very real. I would be staying. “He’s not the only one who wants you here” Bill continued, causing me to look up at him. “Greg?” I asked, after a pause. “He likes you” Bill said. “It’s been too long since I saw that sparkle in his eye.” “I like him too” I said. “I mean, I’m new to all this, but I do like him too.” “I’m glad to hear it” he said. “Just don’t rush into anything, OK? He’s got a big heart under all the shits and giggles, and I don’t want to see it broken again.” I nodded, realising my sense of Greg being a gentler, more vulnerable guy than he presented had been correct. “Anyway” Bill said, “Nick and Dane will no doubt have you joining the ranks soon enough, and then you can decide how much ink you want.” “I can’t wait” I said, my dick gardening at the thought of getting a big biohazard symbol on me somewhere. “Good lad” Bill said. “So how about we sort out the rest of it?” “The rest?” I asked. “Follow me” he said, giving me a wink. He stood up off the bench and went back the way we had come, so I hurriedly followed him again. We headed back to the mansion, then went round the side and got into a golf buggy. Bill then drove us down a track that led out of the trees and onto a dusty track, which he followed until we rounded a corner and another huge mansion came into view. Just as we approached the gate a stunning black car that looked to be custom-made pulled up from the other direction, so Bill stopped the buggy and waited. The car door opened and an absolute hunk got out and came round to speak to us. “Bill” he said, “good to see you.” “Rico” Bill said, “you’ve been working out.” “Gotta do what the man wants, right?” Rico said, smiling and just slightly flexing. “Is he home?” Bill asked. “Come on up” said Rico. He got back in the car and slowly drove in through the gates and up the driveway, with Bill and I following in the buggy. Rico took the car off to the side to a garage, but Bill drove the buggy up to near the front door where we climbed out. Just as we were approaching the main door, it opened and another older man came out. “Bill” he said, “what have you brought me today?” “Just one for decorating” said Bill, with a slightly stern tone. “He’s Nick’s.” “But of course” said the other man. He came towards me, and then looked me up and down. “No ink yet” he said. “Yet to convert” said Bill, which caused the other man to turn towards him with a surprised look on his face. “Yet you’ve already brought him here?” “He’s staying” said Bill, quite firmly. They looked at each other for a brief moment, before the other man turned back to me. He approached a bit closer, and the brought his hand up to touch my chain. He lifted it as though to feel the weight, and then let it drop back onto my chest. “Not a bad piece” he said, “but from the looks of this one we’re going to need to go a lot bigger.” He reached up and stroked his chin while continuing to look at me, and then suddenly twirled around the marched back into the house. “That’s Conrad” Bill said, after a moment. When I didn’t say anything in response, he continued after a pause. “Designer to the stars, but his passion is putting silver on hot men.“ Then it clicked: the ‘look’ that all the men at the house had was thanks to Conrad. “Who is Rico?” I asked. “His current plaything” Bill replied, as we started to walk towards the house. “Though he’s stuck around far longer than any I have known.” “So they’re poz too?” I asked, stating the obvious given their tattoos. “Conrad and I got turned at the same time” Bill said. “Same party, probably the same guy.” “Wow” I said. “Sounds like some party.” “It was” said Bill, chuckling. “Some day I might even tell you the names of a few of the other guests. You’d be shocked.” With that, we headed down a set of stairs into the basement, where Conrad was already at work pulling supplies out of drawers and barking orders in Spanish at two men who were sat in an adjacent studio. Bill motioned for me to take a seat on an armchair while he sat on another, and then we waited. For a good couple of hours Conrad had repeatedly come in and out of the space where Bill and I were sat talking, getting me to stand up so he could look all around my body, and fire off the occasional question about my gym aspirations, haircut thoughts, and what I was thinking of for tattoos when the time came. After that we were ushered out, and Bill told me we now needed to leave him in peace for a few days to work. He drove me back to the house, and as Nick and Dane had returned from their errand I dutifully went back upstairs to their bedroom for another double-fucking. Dane in particular had coached and encouraged me through getting used to it, and while Nick’s piercing still did a number on me every time they both squeezed themselves into my hole, I did start to kind of enjoy it. However, I very much preferred having just one of them in me at a time, as the connection was just so much more intense. Before Conrad could finish whatever he was working on, the flu finally hit me. I had got up and attempted to do something downstairs in my delirious state, but had passed out on a chair in a hallway. I was completely out of it for a couple of days, and when I did eventually come back to earth I found myself in a different bedroom. I initially assumed it was a guest room, until I noticed a wardrobe door slightly open showing it had clothes in it. Looking around I could also see some personal touches here and there, albeit no photos or anything. However, when Greg came into the room a little while after I had woken, it did not actually surprise me to find out I was in his bed. He checked in on me numerous times throughout that day as I remained in bed to fully recover, and then late at night once his duties at the bar were over he came back in just after I had woken from a sleep. He started bedding down on the floor, but I motioned for him to get into the bed with me. He beamed at me, and then climbed in beside me, put his arm around me, and we dozed off together. The next day I felt much more like myself, and was also starving hungry. Max and Kenji cooked me an enormous breakfast, and Greg noted to me that a guy’s first meal after the flu was ‘a free one’ that required no sacrificial offering of a juicy hole to the chefs later on. Once I had eaten my fill with Greg keeping me company, we went outside so I could enjoy my first cigarette in a while. After smoking a second one, Greg then told me to follow him. I duly did, and we ended up going down a set of stairs behind a door I had not seen before into a basement I did not know the house had. There waiting for me were Bill, Hank, Dane and Nick, all sat in chairs round a giant red, black and silver biohazard symbol painted on the floor. “Welcome back” said Bill, giving me a warm smile as he stood up. “You got quite an easy ride compared to some” said Hank, reaching out to shake my hand. “But good to see you on your feet again.” “Thanks” I said. “I feel much better now.” “Anyway” said Bill, “it’s time to properly welcome you in.” By this point all four men were standing, and Greg put a hand on my lower back to encourage me to move forward and stand on the symbol. “We have a little tradition here” said Hank. “When a man brings someone new into our little family” Bill continued, “he gets to adorn his new poz son with whatever Conrad has created.” At this point Nick and Dane approached me, with Dane holding several fairly flat leather boxes. I stared at the boxes, and then at Nick. He had the warmest expression on his face, and then he reached out and pulled me into a long-lasting hug. “Thank you” I whispered to him, the emotion of this finally happening causing my eyes to well up a little. “I’m so proud of you” he whispered back. When we eventually let go of one another, I made eye contact with Dane and mouthed a thank you to him that got a smile and a wink in return. Nick then opened the first box, and my mouth dropped open. EPILOGUE It’s been five years since that fateful day that I followed Nick off the beach. Every year on the anniversary I go down and just spend a bit of time around the spot where Hannah and I had pitched our umbrella, and this year is no exception. I take this annual opportunity to just think about where things were going for me, what might have been if I had not had the guts to stand up and walk into those trees, and what kind of a shell of a man I might have ended up. Of course, I do also think about what I have lost, the friends and family I have little to no contact with anymore, and of course the awful thing I did to Hannah by maintaining the charade for so long. Those thoughts do eventually pass, and for one simple reason: my life is incredible. Curling up with Greg every night in bed never gets old, and it seems like we fall further for each other every morning when we wake up together. The crazy energy he has with other people is just so perfectly balanced by the gentleness, vulnerability and loving nature that only I get to see, and I love each and every day with him. Of course, all relationships in this place are open, and we both enjoy a lot of sex with our fellow residents and visiting tourists. Outside of our bedroom I am basically a bottom, and every night’s lovemaking with Greg starts with him cleaning out the loads I have collected that day. With Greg I am more versatile, and only ever really show the top side of myself with anyone else when he and I are playing together. Of course, on plenty of occasions of playing together with others we both end up bent over taking a pounding, and there is now almost an expectation that Greg and I will jointly thank Max and Kenji for their food for at least one of each day’s ‘shifts’ in their room. A few more men have joined our ‘family’, and a couple have also moved on to pastures new. Greg and I have not brought anyone in, but have talked about possibly doing that some day if we happen upon a tourist who seems like they might fit in. For the most part the visitors that I play with know full well what they’re getting into thanks to the tattoo on my back, and I suspect most of them are on PrEP anyway. As for Greg, he actually prefers sex with fellow residents, leaving it to the likes of Dimitri and Anton to engage in rampant pozzing of men who thought they were just going to the beach for a tan. Then there’s Nick. What can I say about that divine god of the beach? He occupies a place in my heart and in my life that no-one else ever could or will. I love him, and I think he loves me, but it is in a very different way to how we feel about our partners. There was just something about the connection we made over those two weeks that now seems like it can’t be touched, that it can’t be broken, or perhaps you could say with an ironic twist that it can’t be tainted. In the five years I have been here he has not brought any other guys in to the fold, which Bill drunkenly told me one night is because he doesn’t think it would ever be the same for him again after me. Fortunately this bond we have between us has not caused me any issues with Dane, who has become one of my best friends in the house. He and Greg both know that Nick and I just need some time together occasionally. Speaking of which, it’s time to head off for the second part of this special day. Most guys in the house have a yearly ceremonial rutting with their pozzer on the anniversary of when they got their results, but Nick and I have always done it to mark the day we first met. Even without turning round, I can already sense that he’s at the treeline waiting for me, so I’m going to sign off now. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you all have a charmed day. Yours pozzingly, Joe
    8 points
  4. Part 1 Six months ago, James got to know John and Amir in the back room of the bar. John and Amir both took turns fucking James' ass in the back room of the bar. "Do you like our bare and dirty cocks?" "Wanna get some hot cum in your unprotected hole?" John and Amir whispered in James' ears. "Yes seed me", "recharge my hole", "give me your poison", begged James greedily. Finally, when both men had emptied their positive seeds into James' hole all three men returned to the bar side. John and Amir were happy to meet a new poz-hungry man. The men said they were a couple and had been together for 5 years. Amir had already been a poz when they met and had corrupted John early in their relationship. John had wanted to get an infected cock for a long time and had been looking for a suitable positive inseminator. James said that he had the fuck flu six months ago, but he doesn't know who gave him the virus. John, Amir and James drank beer and talked for a long time. John and Amir said that together with their friends, they had founded their own club for positive men, which met a couple of times a month. The club did all kinds of fun together. Sometimes we spend movie nights or a day at the beach together, sometimes we organize fuck parties and sometimes we cook together. The Positive Daddies club is a safe space for positive men to be together, talk, enjoy nudity and have uninhibited sex together. The idea for the club was born from the fact that many in the positive men's circle of friends had chased the virus, but had not found a suitable infector. The club can help chasers, although only infected positive men can become full members. Negative chasers can only become trial members of the club and can only participate in fuck fests, but not in other club events. John and Amir said that the club already had several regular members today, who have progressed from trial membership to full members. James was really enthusiastic about the club and definitely wanted to be involved in the club's activities. "As a positive man, you can become a member directly, but it requires that all members are in favor of joining. The process proceeds so that you can come and present yourself at the next meeting, and at the meeting it will be decided whether you will be accepted as a member," said John. "Next week we have a movie night at a member's house. If you want to come and present yourself, it is possible," continued Amir. ___ I don't know if this setting is interesting enough for a sequel?
    7 points
  5. The meeting of Will and uncle Chester bonus: Chester’s dangerous tool
    6 points
  6. Part II I started sucking the closest cock to me, a nice solid 8 incher, uncut, nice veins running up the side. Stuck my tongue inside the foreskin and worked around the head, pulling the foreskin back and giving it some good flicks before putting it deeper in my mouth. “Oh yeah, this slut knows how to suck some dick” it’s owner said as hands grabbed the side of my head and the cock was pushed a bit deeper, pushing into my throat. “give him some poppers” someone else says My head is pulled off the cock and a bottle is placed under one nostril. I know what to do, I love poppers, and in combination with the edibles that are really kicking in, my head is swimming and I just want cock, I’m craving cock. I plunge back onto the cock. “Oh fuck yeah, here we go cocksucker” and he starts to fuck into my throat, gently at first and then gradually building up some speed. I kind of notice that I’m hearing some lighters and smelling a kind of acrid smell in the air, and my face is pulled off the cock I am in total lust with. “Here bitch” it’s Luis and he blows some smoke into my face, and then seals his mouth over mine and basically forces it into my lungs. “Oh fuck, no is that meth?” I’m thinking, and I’m really getting more and more hungry for that cock to be back in my throat. It's basically rammed back into my mouth and the owner is going to town on me and I am in cocksucker heaven. He lets me up to work on the head and it’s like I’ve been starved fir weeks and getting my first sweet taste of the most delicious suckable treat of my life, I am moaning and the throat slime is running down my chin. He pulls out and I’m presented with another cock, this one a modest average 6 incher, but very thick, and I start treating it like it’s the last cock I’ll ever suck. I’m soon working my way from cock to cock as they nudge my cheeks, and reach out my hands and work cocks and then turn to them. I am in heat. “See I knew he’d like it” a familiar voice is saying, I pull off and look at where it’s coming from and it’s my friend Alex, whose is always telling me about how much he loves doing meth and how horny and hot it makes him. “Yeah you judgmental little whore, I knew if you got some meth you would be transformed” I’m sucking another cock and he gets up to my ear “I’ve wanted to get you spun up and used for awhile so you would get off my back and realize how much fun this is. I was with Luis when you sent your invite request in, and we hatched a little plot. I’m going to give you a nice shard up that slut ass and we’re all taking turns on you. Everyone here knows the drill. The invite did say this was for "no cock and no load refused" attitude, and fucker, you are not going to refuse a single cock here, or those still coming. We posted a different ad that we're spinning out a newbie who needs to be turned out into a chem whore, and there was a lot of interest”
    6 points
  7. After graduating high school I was stressed about what colleges to go to. I settled on a modest place that hopefully wouldn’t put me too far in debt. College life was exciting but in the moment it felt a little overwhelming. So I decided to take a gap year and backpack across the states and see as much as I could. The various places I went to were fun. I met some interesting people and saw some landmarks. It was a couple weeks into my road-trip and expenses were getting tighter. I was in Oceanside Southern California and on my last day in a cheep motel, contemplating what I would do for lodgings in the future. It was then I remembered I had an uncle living in San Diego. I think I remember him slightly from when I was really little. Vague memories of him babysitting me on hot summer days, sitting on his lap, cuddling up while watching TV. My family didn’t talk about him much. He and my dad had some falling out many years ago. I don’t have all the details but I think it had something to do with him being gay. I was gay as well and not out to my parents, so it would be nice to connect with someone in the family that I could relate to. I didn’t have his contact information so I looked him up in the yellow pages. Not an actual phonebook but the website. I found him easily enough, uncle Chester still in San Diego. I gave him a call. He was excited to hear from me and about my future plans. When I told him I was back packing in Cali just a couple hours away he was quick to offer me a place to stay while I was traveling. I was glad he offered. I didn’t want to come off as the nephew that calls up just because he needs a place to crash. But since he and my dad still weren’t on the best of terms, he asked me to not mention to my parents that I was gonna stay over. Which was perfectly fine by me since i would be able to play catch-up with him without dad trying to get the last word in constantly. I arrived at the address he gave me. It was a run down part of town. A lot of the houses had bars on the windows. All the lawns were gravel and cacti planted. A few palm trees here and there that had seen better days. I walked up to the door lugging my travel backpack with me. It would be great to get some laundry done if he’ll let me. I don’t have many clean clothes left. I knocked on the door and waited for a moment. Then the door opened and short older man answered. He was bald and thin. He sorta resembled my dad a little bit but he was older by about 15 years and looked like life had worn him down. I immediately noticed he was under dressed. He was in a short thin robe he hadn’t bothered tying up and underwear that I saw out of my peripheral. I kept eye contact and asked. “Uncle Chester?” His face lit up and was excited to see me. “William! It’s been ages! My look how big you’ve gotten!” He ushered me inside. His place was modest. A small one bedroom house the front door lead us to the living room that had a tv, a coffee table, and a dirty old couch. Uncle Chester immediately pulled me in for a tight hug. “It’s good to see you to uncle Chester.” I dropped my bag and returned his hug. “It’s been what? 12 years? 13? Oh that doesn’t matter, my little nephew is here and he’s not so little anymore.” Chester broke from the hug and grabbed my arms, feeling my muscles. “Oh, you’ve definitely developed into quite the man now. I bet you’re popular with the ladies.” “Thanks Uncle. I has been a long time. Thanks for letting me stay here a couple days.” He was still rubbing my arms a little, admiring how much I’ve changed. “Nonsense, you can stay as long as you like. Hell, stay the whole summer if you feel like it. My home is always open to you. How about a drink?” Before I could respond he was already off to the kitchen preparing something. “Thanks, uncle Chester. It pretty hot down here.” I sat on the couch and placed my bag by my feet. “Please just Chester. You don’t have to be so formal with me. You’ll quickly discover things around here are very loose and relaxed. Do you like gin and tonic?” “Oh, um I’ve had a few beers before but I haven’t tried gin.” “That won’t do, I see I’ll need to educate you on class while you’re here.” Chester returned with two beverages in hand. I was sitting mid level rummaging through my bag when I saw it. Holy shit what the fuck was that? Chester was standing in front of me and my eye-line naturally fell to what was between his legs. He wasn’t just wearing underwear, it was a thong, and the crotch area was large and left nothing to the imagination, I could see the contour of his head, even some of the veins on his shaft. Damn, I know I’m in his house but this was way more casual than I was expecting. I remembered how warm it was out side and it wasn’t much better in the house, so I guess his attire made sense. My glance at his package was only a split second and I quickly looked up at him, putting away the image of down below. “Thanks unc- uh Chester.” I took the drink from him. He was leaning against the couch and crossed his legs. His bulge becoming more prominent. “So tell me how you’ve been. High school, plans for college, career stuff, relationship status, I want to know it all.”
    5 points
  8. Part I. I don’t think I’m naïve, but how could I have been so stupid? I have avoided doing meth for decades now, and I have found that I can be piggy and a pretty no holds barred slut without it. But then one night last week I logged onto BBRT and looked at the party page. A hot Latin guy was having a party at a motel “Do you have a no cock, no hole, no load refused attitude? Then this party is for you”, the 20 or so other guests were a nice diverse range of men mostly in their 30s-50s, various body types (good since I’m just working with an average body these days myself) and among them only one other person who identified as “bottom”. Everyone else was either vers or top. Um sign me up! This was my kind of crowd. I sent a request and had an “invite” with the location information in short order. As the hour approached, I cleaned out, had an edible to make the evening a little more relaxed, took a shower and made sure my hole was squeaky clean and headed out. When I arrived at the motel room the Latin guy, Luis opened the door “Oh, you’re hotter than your photos” he says to me. “Thanks”, way to make me feel confident and at ease. A great group sex host! “Get in here and strip down in the bathroom, there are bags and a marker for your clothes and either get naked or wear a jock. I know you’re a bottom so you’re probably not going to be using your cock much tonight, so a jock would be hot, something to grab onto” He was really making me feel totally welcome as a pretty much exclusive bottom. I stepped into the entry hallway and slipped into the bathroom to get undressed. Two other men were in there already, a tall 40 something blonde who was just sticking his kind of massive cock into a cock ring and another Latin guy about my height but with really broad shoulders, a big chest and big juicy nipples. “Hey there sexy” the blonde said, “I love silver headed daddies, I’ll be looking for you out there’ as he slipped out of the room. I already came wearing my jock so I just pulled off my jeans, socks, shoes and tshirt while the Latin guy kind of stared at me like I was dinner. “Hey, I’m Jose, I think I saw you at Folsom sucking a big fat cock in the middle of the street” Busted, I just can’t resist when one is offered up, even if it is in front of a crowd of people with cell phones – it had been a small miracle that I had only seen a photo and no video of that moment online after the fair, “I remember you took that cock like a champ, he was fucking your face good” I blushed “Thanks, my mother always said to share my talents” and laughed a little. “Well you little slut, I’ll be looking for you out there, and I’ll feed you good” I was getting a little light headed at how happy this was making me. Now I in my jock and left the bathroom and wandered out into the party. It was a pretty big room, really actually a suite with a big central room with two queen sized beds a sofa, a table with 4 chairs, all in classic basic “motel chic” and pretty dated. A modern flat screen was playing a hot porn I had bever seen with an orgy of mixed men, all bareback, pretty rough with a bit of a piggy mood. The atmosphere of the video was carried into the room itself. At this point there were only about 8 guys, but they were all naked except for cockrings, one guy in a jock and a tall older guy, very muscley with graying hair and a mustached in leather chaps with what must have been a solid 8 inches hanging between his legs – not hard. They were all kind of chatting, having drinks and smoking joints, and a couple were playing with each others cocks, but nothing serious as far as play going down yet. I can be a bit shy when I don’t know anyone so I went over to the bar set up to get a drink. There was a guy there, a lean swimmer type build in his mid 50’s, with a big meaty looking uncut cock hangin between his legs (shit is anyone here even hung just average I wonder) mixing a drink in a solo cup. “Hi, I’m David, Luis’ partner, welcome to the party” “I’m Dale” I said shaking his hand. “Here, I just made this cocktail, why don’t you take it, you look a little nervous, this will help you relax” I take the drink and basically chug it. It wasn’t quite what I expected, not really alcohol. “Just some g and juice” he says” it’ll help you for the party” he leans over and whispers into my ear, his mustache tickling my ear. “You’re a sexy man, I read your profile you slut and I can’t wait to get you on your knees”. Oh my God, my head is already swimming a bit from the edible, and now this hot man’s words are melting me. “I can’t myself” I reply, trying to sound a tone or so more butch than I really am. Right about then about three new guys arrive and one of them, a cute early 40’s looking jock type very loudly says “Why the fuck isn’t anyone sucking dick yet”? Jose speaks up “Dale over there was internet famous choking on dick at Folsom this year, someone get that bitch on his knees” He’s coming off way more demanding , forceful and even a bit mean, not like the kind of nice guy I met in the bathroom. “Bring the slut the center of the room” another guy says as two guys basically grab my arms, twsting them behind my back a bit and steer me to the center of the room. A black guy laughs at me “Oh shit look at the skuts face, I can’t tell if that’s fear or the beginnings of rapture. I saw that vide and he was fully getting his face fucked” maybe there was a video. How had I missed that? I’m pushed down on my knees and 5 or so of the guys start to crowd in around me stroking increasingly growing cocks. “Here you go bitch, suck this for me, let’s get this party started” a gruff voice on a big burly type says and he basically shoves a fat cock in front of my mouth. These guys have no idea how much all this slut talk and abuse is turning me on, or maybe they do….
    5 points
  9. To expand on Marlin's answer above: Assuming by "snipped" you mean a vasectomy, yes, it's still possible for an infectious HIV+ man who's had one to infect someone else. HIV is found in bodily fluids; it's not restricted to being inside particular kinds of cells (like sperm cells). It uses cells for replication, but otherwise the viral particles exist in the fluids (including semen, which is produced in the prostate and seminal vesicles). Because semen production is "downstream" from the testicles (where sperm are produced), ejaculate can contain HIV even if no sperm are entering the seminal pathway upstream.
    4 points
  10. ^^^ This is a little bit of a shorthand explanation. Any time you "break a rule" (in other words, post something that belongs in a different place, or isn't allowed on BZ at all) and a moderator (or someone else) notices it, a moderator then has to fix it. They can do that by moving it, by editing it, or by removing it entirely. When they do that, they can give you a "Warning" (what @BootmanLA and many others, including myself, refer to as "an infraction"). To keep it from taking an enormous amount of their time, there's a list of standard ones for all of the rules, each with a boilerplate message that gets sent to you and a default number of points. Points stay on your account for a year or two (longer in a very few cases) and after that they expire. If you get a warning and your total number of points at that time is above a certain level, the system automatically assigns a penalty as well, either suspending your posting privileges or suspending your access to the site for some length of time. Generally, people don't get penalties for trivial infractions like putting something innocuous in the wrong place. They get small penalties for putting things in the wrong place (usually outside the Backroom). They get large penalties for constantly ignoring or deliberately flouting the rules, for seriously out-of-line content (there's not a lot that qualifies, but there are a few things), or for spamming the site. We're not doing this to shame you or abuse you. It's simply the way @rawTOP designed the site, to try and keep it, in his words, If you want to stay on the right side of the rules, you can prevent about 95% of potential goofs by doing two things: 1. Read them so you know what goes where and what isn't allowed (link below). 2. Know where you are posting on the site. This is a super easy one to goof on - I do it myself when moderating sometimes, and then have to do a bunch of extra work to correct the mistake (usually incorrectly giving someone a warning when they were in fact posting in the right place). The breadcrumb strip near the top of the page (if you're on a computer) is very helpful: It shows the nested subforums that the post (or subforum) you are viewing are inside of. If you don't see "Backroom" in the second spot from the left (right after "Home"), you are not in the Backroom and should not post things that are restricted to it.
    3 points
  11. #1 Cairo, Egypt. There has to be at least 100 tops for any bottom out there. #2 Doha, Qatar. Oddly enough, one of the places where bottoms thrive #3 Berlin, Germany. Third on my list, but there's a top for every bottom out there. If you can't get fucked in Berlin, it's time to go into priesthood #4 Gran Canaria, Spain. Always a top ready to unload #5 Beirut, Lebanon. Half of male population is a little gay, and of course, tops #6 Frankfurt, Germany. Never disappoints. #7 Paris, France. Best Arab city in the world. And they grow them big out there! #8 Montreal, Canada. Maybe it's French that makes them tops? #9 Tirana, Albania. Such a beautiful collection of tops. mostly young though #10 Buenos Aires, Argentina. The most handsome, preciously groomed, big dicked, lots of cum producing tops. And my list in reverse order, meaning places with least amount of tops, in the meaning that bottoms have very little chances of getting fucked, other than by the occasional top: #1 entire PNW (from Vancouver, Canada down to San Fran) - it's dead out there. If you find a top, cherish him, nurture him, protect him LOL #2 Most places in Africa (other than Egypt, you may score on a few BBC but don't expect too many; it's rather dry out there) #3 Scandinavian countries (again, you may score two or three sweet encounters, but that's about it. A lot of talk, but no walk) #4 Australia (unless you are 22 -24, max 25) and have a body to die for, you won't find too many tops. Ocassionally, you will find some hairy Greek guy who wants to fuck, but then they will ask for condoms, prep, insurance, blessing from the church, etc.) #5 most of Asia, other than Middle East (sure you will find tops, but most would be tourists and not locals)
    3 points
  12. I'm going to guess that movie night is more about making movies than watching them.
    3 points
  13. I would never have guessed this was the first time for you writing here- this is already off to a great start and nothing about it needs to be changed- I am already eagerly anticipating the next chapter(s)
    3 points
  14. let me share this I was reading your story together with my bf and he commented "I had no guts to escape from honeymoon like the character did" And I said "I had no guts to force you out from that cage too"
    3 points
  15. Great fur and hard fucking [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/furry-stud-fucks-twink/
    3 points
  16. Author's Note: To comply with the rules of the site and the forum, ages and the timespan have been modified. Enjoy! I grew up in West Virginia, in a double-wide trailer with a big yard, a creek, and woods. Ours was a big family. Mom is 17th of 17. That's not a typo. Dad is 3rd of 8. I have tons of first cousins on both sides, many of whom I had crushes on from an early age. One, in particular, always got me hard and dripping - Michael, as well as his dad (my uncle by marriage), "King." I never found out why, but everyone called him that. Mom wasn't keen on King. He was a long-haul trucker. He dipped snuff. He cursed. He was loud. He was opinionated. She called him "trailer trash who married well" (she liked my aunt - my dad's sister - well enough, because she went to our little Pentecostal church with us). Michael was all alpha male, too. He was 3 years older than me, and I had idolized him when he played sports in junior high and high school. He now worked at a junkyard that serviced all the bubba gearheads in our area, including those who competed at the local motor speedway. Right after I turned 18, Mom, Dad, and my aunt went to a week-long church retreat upstate. When Michael found out that I'd be free so soon after my 18th birthday, he invited me over to spend the first night they left, which was a Friday. I loved spending the night with Michael. He had (str8) porn mags. He had all of his old sports gear. He almost always had a pile of dirty laundry, including ripe jockstraps stained with cum, piss, and sweat. And he had this maddening habit of showering and then toweling off with his big, floppy, uncut cock bouncing up and down as he dried his hair for what seemed like just a bit too long, as if he wanted me to stare while his face was covered by the towel - which I did. Whenever he'd catch sight of me from under the towel, he'd smirk and sometimes give his cock a tug or two. It always made me hard, and gave me endless jackoff material. When I got there that night, Uncle King was in the living room, in a stained wife beater and short-shorts. He was in his recliner with his feet up, drinking a beer and watching an action movie. I could see up the leg of his shorts: he was wearing a stained jockstrap. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, that was hot. When I went to put my duffel bag in Michael's room, King told me that the two of them had a big surprise for me, since Mom, Dad, and my aunt were out of town, but I'd have to keep it a secret. The way he grinned as he said it, spitting some dip juice into the red Solo cup beside him, told me it was something that Mom definitely wouldn't approve of. He told me to go get squared away in Michael's room, and for both of us to come out to the garage once I was settled in. When I got into Michael's room, he gave me this shit-eating grin. "Dude, Dad and I got some righteous weed. We're getting you high as fuck as a late birthday present, Little Buddy." (He'd called me that since I was little. It was his pet nickname for me, but sometimes his teammates or coworkers would call me that as well. I sorta liked it. It kinda stamped me as belonging to Michael in his buddies' minds.) "Here," he said, handing me a pair of short-shorts and an old jockstrap. (This was the 80s.) "Put those on. Those should fit you. They're old pairs of mine." It turned me on to be wearing some of his old gear, and I think he could tell that I got a little chubbed up as I tucked myself in to the pouch of the borrowed jock. Even though it was one he'd worn in junior high, the pouch was still loose on me, given the difference in the size of our cocks. The waist and ass-straps fit perfectly, though. He rounded out my workout outfit with an old practice t-shirt with the sides cut out, tossing it to me to put on. "You ever smoke pot, Little Buddy?" I shook my head no, mouth suddenly dry. Was this really happening? "Ain't no thang. Dad and I sneak a bowl or a joint here or there all the time. Mom knows Dad still does it sometimes, but she'd kill me if she knew I did it, so - seriously - mum's the word about what happens tonight, all right?" I nodded my head. "Good. Let's go. Dad's probably got the bong packed and ready by now." I followed Michael outside. Their garage was detached from the house, and always had some sort of project in progress - rebuilding an engine or whatnot. I wasn't very up on stuff like that. I was more bookish, I guess you could say. No matter what project they had going on in there, they always had the back corner with the free weights and bench press free to use. Michael had taken me in there in the past couple of years to tone me up, although I still wasn't crazy about it. He said it would make me look sexier for the girls. Whatever. When we got inside, King grinned and told Michael to lock the side door leading into the garage, and to lock the garage door as well. "Don't want someone catching us. Better safe than sorry!" King explained to me. Made sense. King showed me how to use the lighter and how to suck on the bong to take a rip. My first one wasn't very good, since I was all out of breath from the excitement of it all. "Here," King said, putting one hand on my back and the other on my stomach. "Get control of your breathing, and then you can suck in a really good rip. Show him, Michael." I jumped a little when King's hand touched my stomach, just above the waistline of the short-shorts. His touch was electric. Michael obliged, and took a massive rip, demonstrating how to do it. I figured he would exhale, but instead he leaned over, grabbed me gently but firmly behind my neck, and moved toward me like he was gonna kiss me. "Suck in his rip, Little Buddy!" King instructed. "It's called a shotgun. We try not to waste what we've got, so shotgunning makes it last longer." I stopped resisting Michael's hand on the back of my neck. When his lips touched mine and he exhaled that smoke, I was harder than I'd ever been before. My whole body tingled - whether from the smoke, or from the fact that Michael's lips touched mine, or both, I wasn't quite sure. I never would've guessed in a million years that he'd do something like that with me. Uncle King grabbed the bong and took his own rip. As King pulled me toward him to do another shotgun, I could smell the mint of his dip. After he shotgunned me once, he said he was gonna go back in and watch some more TV, but would be back out at later. "Have fun, you two!" he called over his shoulder. Michael chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Dad. We will." After King left, Michael groped himself and said, "Fuuuuuuuuck, Little Buddy, this shit always makes me horny! Are you feeling horny, too?" I blushed. I was, from the shotguns and I guess the pot itself. He smirked and told me it was OK, it happens to most people. He had me do another rip, and moved in to shotgun it. This time, he stuck his tongue in my mouth and groped me. I was shocked, but incredibly horny. He broke the kiss, and got behind me. "Make muscles for me, Little Buddy! Remember how scrawny you were when we first started lifting together? You're a hot little firecracker now, and girls AND guys are gonna want some of this." I made a muscle for him with both arms. He ran his hands over both mounds, and then let the backs of his fingertips drift under my armpits, and down my bare sides where the t-shirt was cut out. I moaned, whimpered, and sighed all at once. The backs of his fingers were cold, and felt amazing. "Like that, Little Buddy?" he whispered in my ear, nibbling on it a little. I nodded. I couldn't speak. He tweaked my nipples. I just about jumped out of my skin. He laughed. "Sensitive nips, huh? That's gonna be fun!" When he let his hands drift down to the waistline of the short-shorts I was wearing, he paused, grinding his fat monster of a cock into the crack of my ass through the nylon fabric. "I know you've wanted this dick for a long, long time. Well, today's your lucky day. And we're gonna play all weekend long." Holy Shit. This really was really, really happening. I wasn't dreaming. He turned me around to face him and kissed me, deeply and passionately, again. "Get on the bench, Little Buddy! Let's lift some." That threw me for a loop, but I was buzzed and putty in his hand. I assumed the position, making sure my hands were spaced out correctly for good form. He always preached that good form was essential for good lifting. He put on a slightly challenging weight for me to lift. The first set was no problem. I got a little wobbly midway through the second set, and he gently spotted me to help me lift the bar. The third set, I was struggling. On the eighth rep of the third set, I noticed that he had dropped one hand down and was spotting me with just his other. On the ninth rep, I noticed movement right above my head. As I completed my tenth rep and placed the bar back in place with his help, I looked up to see that Michael was fishing his cock out of the side of his own short-shorts and stained jockstrap with the hand he had dropped. Fuuuuuuuck. Nice. He flopped it onto my lips, painting them with precum. I gasped. "Oh, fuck, Little Buddy, your sweet cherry lips and deep dimples look so hot framing my big cock! We're both gonna enjoy this. You've wanted this for a long time, huh?" This time I answered, humming against his massive uncut cockhead. "MMM-hmmmmm!" "That's what I like to hear! Open your mouth and suck on it, Little Buddy. See how much you can take. If you slide your head off the bench some, the curve of my cock will fit nicely down your throat." I slid back, and he squatted down closer as I did so. I could smell his sweaty ballsack and the musk of his jock. I opened my mouth, and we both moaned as he slid about half of it into my mouth. That cockhead of his was lodged in my throat. I squeezed - not trying to block it out, but rather trying to swallow it. It felt right. "Holy fuck! You're a natural. I knew you would be. You like that dick?" I moaned "MMMMMM-hmmmm!" this time, realizing I could answer yes or no questions even with his cock in my mouth. "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to do this. But Dad said we had to wait until after you turned 18, so that your mom couldn't say shit about your consenting to having us use you." The thought of pissing off Mom made his cock all the sweeter. Or, maybe it was the precum he was leaking in buckets. After a few minutes, Michael pulled out of my mouth and said, "Let's do some more rips on the bong." As we traded shotguns back and forth, Michael asked questions, like who I had crushes on. Top of my list? HIs best friend and next-door neighbor, Kip. Kip was a hot redheaded redneck who was voted "Why Teachers Go Crazy" his senior year. He was not just the class clown, but he had played on the same football team that Michael quarterbacked. Kip was one of the "inner circle" who called me "Little Buddy" - and I especially liked how he said it - always with a smirk on his face or a twinkle in his eye. Michael surprised the hell out of me when he told me that Kip was one of the top weed dealers his dad and he bought from, and that this primo stuff was from Kip's personal stash. He really floored me when he said, "Kip is gonna be playing with us this weekend. He has it for you bad, and has for years, Little Buddy. He could barely wait for you to turn 18." I had always wondered at some of the things that Kip did. For instance, when Michael and he took me four-wheeling back on the trails behind my grandparents' farm, Kip would often take a piss in nature, and angle himself so that I could see what he was sporting. Although not as thick as Michael's, it was about as long, it looked like. One time, I'd ridden back to the farm with Kip, instead of with Michael. The three of us had helmets with mics and earpieces. Kip told me it was OK if I wanted to rest my hands lower as I rode behind him. Michael put a quick stop to that, having me switch back over to riding with him. I jerked off that night hard, thinking maybe Kip was onto me, and was gonna let me feel him up a little that day. Other times, when Michael wasn't looking, Kip would grope himself and wink at me when I blushed. After we finished trading rips, Michael pushed me gently to my knees on the thin wrestling mats that they had in their garage-corner gym. "SUCK IT!" he hissed, commanding - expecting - to be obeyed. I gladly obliged, and found that - with this angle and with the downward curve of Michael's monster cock - I could get some of it in my throat, once I relaxed my throat *first* to let the cockhead in, and then clenched it *after* it was down my throat, to drive Michael wild. "Oh, that thing you're doing with your throat, Little Buddy! That's better than any bitch has ever done for me! They get scared of it and lick the head or put a few inches in their mouths and call it quits after just a few minutes. Keep working at it, and you're gonna have it all in no time!" "Looks like you two are having fun after all!" Uncle King chuckled, causing me to jump out of my skin. He'd snuck up on us. "TV was boring," he explained, holding up a smaller bong with water in it and a small glass bulb at one end. It was full of white crystals, with a little bit of green weed on top. "Is that some of Kip's special stuff?" Michael grinned. The tone of his voice was almost ... something hard to put my finger on right off the bat. "Yeah, and it's killer shit, too!" Uncle King replied. He pulled out a small device and clicked a switch. A blue flame - like the pilot light on our gas stove at home - sparked up, hissing. "OK, Little Buddy," King said. "This is stronger, more concentrated stuff, OK? So, you put the torch under the bowl until you see vapor coming out the top of the bulb. Then, you suck slowly and steadily to pull the vapor through the water. I've dropped an Altoid in there to keep the water minty. The vapor can taste a little bitter otherwise. Take a nice, steady toke on this end of the pipe, and we'll get you blowing some big-ass clouds in no time." I tried my first hit, as Uncle King held the lighter - or "torch" I guess - under the bowl for me, so I could focus on waiting to inhale. The first hit was decent, but Michael immediately said, "You can do better than that. Calm down, and control your breathing. Hold it in, too, this time." My second hit was brilliant. I knew it was as soon as I exhaled a big white cloud. Both Uncle King and Michael grinned. King started groping his crotch through his own short-shorts. I reached over and groped him. "Like a duck to water, huh, Little Buddy? You want that cock, too, huh? A true faggot: never enough!" he laughed. I replied by pulling the elastic of his jockstrap and short-shorts to the side, letting his gigantic cock fall out to one side. Like Michael, he was uncut with a massive cockhead. He was about an inch longer than Michael, too, but not quite as thick. Both were Viking gods: shiny blond hair, sharp, intelligent, mischievous blue eyes, strong jawlines, and great bodies overall. "You want that cock, Little Buddy?" King asked again, his voice husky. I nodded, and dove in. He was surprised that I already had the trick down pat for letting his cockhead enter my throat, even if I couldn't take his cock the whole way just yet. "Oh, fuck, he is a goddamn natural!" he hissed to Michael. "Fuuuuuuuuck! Fuckin' hot cocksucker!" He moaned, and told me to take another couple of hits. My head was buzzing, and my whole body was tingling. This *was* good shit, I guess! Pot rocked! "That's right, faggot! Worship that daddy dick!" he grunted, gently grabbing the back of my head and running his hands through my hair, which I suddenly noticed was soaking wet. I was sweating like crazy. The coolish air out in the garage felt good on my skin. "You feeling that special stuff Kip got just for you, Little Buddy? Your extra special birthday present?" Michael asked, coming over to stand in my peripheral vision. He had hiked his shorts and jockstrap pouch under his huge nuts, and was stroking his massive jock cock while watching his dad gently facefuck me. I moaned "MMMMMMM-hmmmm!" but assumed it was just the pot I'd seen on top of those crystals in the pipe. In fact, I assumed the crystals *were* pot - just a concentrated form of it, like King had indicated. The crystals had melted when the torch had been put under the bulb, and now there was sort of a burned-out looking film on the bottom of the pipe. I assumed it was residue from the pot. Uncle King leaned over and whispered in my ear: "Bikers and truckers use this shit to stay awake on the road. Kip gets me some *really* good shit when I do really long hauls, to help me stay awake and have some fun on the road. Makes you super-horny - even hornier than pot. What would your mama think if she knew you were doing crystal meth like a little faggot whorepig, like the boys who suck my dick do when I'm on the road? What would she do if she knew that you were smoking the same shit I do on the road right now?" I'd heard about people getting hooked on that shit, and it was one of the "hard drugs" we'd learned about in Health class Sophomore year. It was supposed to be really, really bad for you. I don't know what it was. The way Uncle King was talking - calling me a faggot and a whorepig and cocksucker - turned me on. Plus, this shit rocked. I was hornier than I ever imagined I could be, and I beat off 8 times a day usually, so I knew what it meant to be super-horny. Michael repacked the pipe, using a slant-sliced straw to funnel crystals out of a little plastic baggie. I watched, mesmerized. I wanted more. He took a small hit for himself, then handed it to his dad. King took a really big hit, and then blew the cloud down onto his cock and onto my face. That really turned me on, the way he blew in my face like that. Then, he handed the pipe and torch down to me, and told me to hold my breath when I got my hit, suck his cock into my mouth, and blow the smoke around his cock. I thought that was clever and hot, and really was careful with my breathing to get an ace hit. Sweet! I was getting the hang of this. If Mom could only see me now! When I went to hand the pipe and torch back to Michael, he insisted that I do a few more hits. "We're getting you totally spun, Little Buddy! Happy Fuckin' Birthday! Sorry we're a little late, but we had to wait until the Bible-thumpers were outta town this week. We're calling you out sick from school all next week, too. Surprise!" I heard the side door open and close, and jumped as Kip called out, "Hey guys! Y'all got the party started? Sweet! Here's some more stuff in case we run low." Kip came over in front of me. Uncle King relinquished my throat, and Kip wasted no time in lowering his sweat pants and boxers to present his own cut, thick cock with bright red pubes. Fuuuuuucking HAWT! Although not as long or as thick as Michael or King, his cock was veiny and plenty of a mouthful. He waggled it a couple of times and slapped my face with it. "You're lucky Michael threatened to kick my ass if I broke the pact. I've wanted this for a long time. I know you have, too. Nasty little boy, watching me piss outside. Well, this weekend, you're gonna get some of my piss, and see if it suits you. I have a feeling you're the right kind of cocksucker for it, too. Call it a hunch." I stuck my tongue out for him to smack it with his cock. He finally pushed in, a little rougher than either Michael or King. I gagged a little, but redoubled my efforts. "See that? He recovered like a pro! This fag is gonna be hella fun to train, guys!" Kip grinned. He pulled my hair - again, just a little roughly - to have me look up at him. "Oh, shit! Look at his eyes, guys! They're totally dark. He's spun as shit already. Awesome! And he thought it was just another way of doing pot? Told you that trick works every time. You have NO idea how many of my hot straight boy customers come up short on money. So, I pack a pot bowl with the crystals hidden, and they haven't got a fucking clue. After one bowl of my "special stash," they're open to all kinds of stuff, starting with jerking off together. It releases their inhibitions to act on stuff like sucking another guy off, too, especially once I start showing them bi magazines." As Kip was saying this, Michael went out to the front of the garage, and returned with something I couldn't quite see. Michael came into my peripheral view. I heard a familiar click then whirr. "Holy shit!" I thought. "He's taking Polaroids." I started to get up, but Kip held me back down on my knees. "Lick my balls, you fucking hot cocksuker!" Kip growled. Guys at school sometimes called me fag or cocksucker or whatever, the way boys jest in the lockerroom or on the school bus or in gym class. This felt different. Having these three guys call me names made me *want* to be *good* at servicing them. I licked Kip's balls, as he shucked his sweats and boxers. King came back into view, standing right beside Kip. "Suck on my sweaty pouch, boy!" King growled, offering my his jock-clad nuts. Another click and whirr. "Don't worry, Little Buddy," Michael said, "These are just for the four of us to look at later. You won't believe how hot you look with Dad's crotch on your face. Stick out your tongue and taste it. Hold it so I can get a picture. You're gonna love having this on film to look back at your first time." I stuck out my tongue and tasted Uncle King's pouch, starting to get into the fact that my hot trucker uncle was basically offering up his cock to me on a silver platter while my cousin and his perverted, mischievous, class clown, drug-dealing friend watched. Michael asked me if it had turned me on earlier when he let me borrow his clothes - which I was still wearing. I moaned "Uh-huh!" as I kept tonguing and sucking on King's jock pouch. "I got a bunch more gear I want you to try on, so I can get some more pix of you, Little Buddy. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I'm using the Pentax, too." Two Christmases ago, Michael had begged for a fancy camera, so that he could take Photography at school. He had taken me to the darkroom once, and the teacher, Mr. Lacey, was there. He was really hot in a nerdy, glasses kinda way, and I could tell he had a huge cock in the front of his chinos. While I was leaned over watching Michael apply the chemicals, Mr. Lacey had come up behind me and put his arms to either side of me as he leaned forward to look over my shoulder as Michael worked to develop his pictures. I could feel Mr. Lacey's cock in the crease of my ass. I had jerked off to that incident many times since, wondering if: A. Mr. Lacey realized his cock was up against my ass; and B. Michael had realized that Mr. Lacey's cock was right up against my ass. "I'll develop these in the darkroom at the school. Mr. Lacey still lets me use it. Or, I know a guy at the FotoMat who is cool when I develop pix like these when we play with other guys." I didn't like the idea of anyone else but the four of us seeing the pix. I stopped sucking on King's jockstrap pouch long enough to tell Michael I'd prefer he develop them himself in the darkroom. "No problem, Little Buddy! Maybe Mr. Lacey will be there when I do. I bet he'd like to see these. He sure seemed to like your ass that one day he was in the darkroom with us. He's a kinky fucker, and always says that access to a darkroom lets a photographer be more uninhibited." Somehow, I didn't mind the idea that Mr. Lacey might see these. It turned me on, in fact, and I stopped mouthing King's jock long enough to say so. Michael smiled and told me to take as much of his dad's cock as I could, and then to back off it slowly. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click! the fancy camera went, in rapid succession. I guess he got a series of me throating Uncle King? HOT! King pulled out, and Kip took another turn. He had let himself go half-soft, and stuck his cock in my mouth. "I'm gonna start really slow, and piss in your mouth, Little Buddy! I've been drinking like a champ for three days, so it shouldn't taste bad - it's basically water. I'll pinch it off so you get a taste, and then hold my cock about halfway in your mouth so I can open the floodgates. Swallow as much as you can, but let the rest run out your mouth, onto your dimples, and down your chin. My favorite cocksuckers do this for me, Little Buddy. Please don't disappoint me." I dunno why, but what would ordinarily sound batshit crazy sounded hot as fuck to me. I nodded, with his half-soft / half-hard cock in my mouth. I was ready. "Fuuuuuuuuck, nice!" said Kip, looking down at me with green, sparkling, mischievous eyes. "Look up at me while I do this, Little Buddy!" Michael got up close to take a close-up series. He instructed me: "Just let it run down off your chin an onto your clothes, Little Buddy. I'll capture the moment." As Kip let loose with the first bit of his piss stream, it didn't taste bad at all to me. It was a thrill, though, to let him use me this way. I looked up at him and caught his eyes staring down at me. "HOT, Little Buddy!" Kip sneered a little. "Drinking piss like a total faggot whore. NICE! I knew you wanted my dick all those times I pissed with you in the woods." With that, he let loose the floodgates. I fought to swallow it all, trying to make him proud. But as piss spurted from my mouth, all over my face, and down the front of my clothes, all three were commenting on what a total cocksucker I was. Kip lost it. As soon as he finished pinching off the last few drops in my mouth, he had Michael give him the pipe and took a big hit. Then, he surprised the hell out of me by shotgunning me and kissing me, tasting his own piss in my mouth. "I can't believe you did that on the first date, Little Buddy! You're a helluva find, dude. I still think we should've broken you in years ago, though." "Let it go, Kip!" Michael laughed, rolling his eyes. "How was that, Little Buddy? Like having so much piss you couldn't handle it all? The camera sure seems to think you liked it. I bet those pix are off the chain when we develop them." I grinned - a piss-drinking grin, I guess. "Loved it! Fucking hot!" I said, a little out of breath. Uncle King grabbed a duffel bag from under one of his workbenches. As he unzipped it, he made sure I could see the contents: dildos and other toys. Oh, fuck! Were they gonna try to fuck me? I'd always imagined sucking only, and had no idea if I could possibly take any one of them in my tight, hairless hole. I was naturally smooth, and Michael had commented more than once when I put on a jockstrap to work out - one of *my* jockstraps, where everything fit right - how my hole, framed by a jockstrap, made it look like I had a sweet pussy. I always blushed bright red when he said that, especially when he tugged at himself a little when he said it. Uncle King seemed to read my mind: "Don't worry, Little Buddy. We have all weekend to tap that sweet little ass of yours. For now, I just want to show you how good we can make your hole feel. I'm going to insert this small bead into your hole with some lube. It's attached to a slightly larger bead, then a slightly larger one, until you're up to the girth of a man-sized cock. You ever play with your hole before?" I shook my head. "Nothing except showering," I replied. "Well, this is gonna be really pleasurable for you. Promise, Little Buddy. I know you've wanted to suck some dick for a long time, but you need to learn how to pleasure other men with your tight hole, too, OK?" I nodded. Kip grabbed the pipe, which was sitting on a shelf of the garage, and repacked it from a plastic baggie. As he did, he also sprinkled some dust onto the lubed-up bead Uncle King was approaching me with. "This may burn a little bit, Little Buddy," King said, "But it's gonna feel really fuckin' good in a coupla minutes." As he said that, he squirted lube on my hole. YIKES! It was cold. I jumped and clenched. All three of them laughed. "Don't clench. Bear down like you're taking a shit. There ya go! Open that sweet boyhole for this very special bead." Shiny, silvery, and cold, the first bead popped in. Almost immediately, I felt a burning sensation. "That burns!" I announced to all three of them. I guess they *had* warned me. "Just chill for a minute, Little Buddy," Kip said. "My stuff is really, really good, so it's gonna burn. But it's gonna feel absolutely amazing by the second ball, I promise." I looked between my legs. King and Kip were already slathering the next ball in lube and powder. "Here," Kip said, thrusting the pipe at me. "Take three really good hits from the bubbler. That'll help pass the time and take your mind off your hole for a few while you get used to it." I took another hit, motioning for Kip to shotgun with me. Click. Click. Click. Michael was taking pix of my ass and the beads and the powder. Hot. I'd wanna see those later. As Uncle King inserted the second bead, Kip got into position behind me and pushed the bead in with just the head of his cock. A little of the tip went in. HOLY FUCK, that was hot! Almost at that same instant, my hole became - well, there's no other way to describe it - hungry. My hole was as hungry as my mouth and throat for the first time ever. "Yeah, he's feeling that booty bump now," Kip grinned. He passed me the "bubbler" pipe again. Again, we shotgunned. This time, after he kissed me, he held my face to where my mouth was open and spit in my mouth. Some of it got on my face. "Filthy faggot cocksucker, learning to take dick up his ass this weekend. Niiiiiice!" That turned me on more than anything that had happened so far, including the piss play. Holy fuck, did Kip have my number! I moaned as he wiped the spit off my face with his cock and fed it to me. "Want more powder on the third bead, faggot?" Kip asked. I groaned, "Yeah, please!" So King and Kip carefully lubed up that third ball, sprinkled some powder out of the baggie, and - once again - Kip pushed it in with his cockhead. This time, the whole head - smaller than King's or Michael's - slipped in. I moaned like a bitch in heat. "Fuuuuuuuuck! Fuck me, Kip! Put it in me!" I begged. He laughed and pulled out. "Nope, we have a gentleman's agreement. Your Uncle King gets to do the honors, since he's the one that read us the riot act about waiting until you turned 18. It was worth the wait. So, it's that last bead you'll need to take before you're ready to be fucked by his giant daddy dick, Little Buddy!" Uncle King piped up: "Don't worry, Little Buddy. I have lots of experience bitching out boys like you. I have all kinds of fun on the open road with boys at rest stops and with guys on my route in the warehouses and such. You're gonna love having my cock inside you to get things started. Me, then Michael, then Kip to close up with sloppy thirds. He loves fucking other men's cum into a used hole. It's gonna be hot, Little Buddy!" On the fourth bead, Michael got up close with the camera as Uncle King used *his* cock to push the ball in. Only a very small part of his ginormous uncut cockhead went in, but it felt amazing, especially when Kip pulled my cock out the side of my short-shorts and jockstrap and started stroking me with some lube. The sensations were almost too much to bear. The first little bead was up inside me, followed by its three chaingangers. It felt awesome, no two ways about it! For the fifth and final bead, Uncle King once again used his cockhead to push the bead in, but told me to really bear down as he did so. Not only did the bead pop in, but so did his cockhead. Click. Click. Click. Click. Michael was capturing it all on film. He'd already changed the film in the camera several times. Uncle King rested his cock inside me. I didn't move. "Little Buddy, how's that feel?" Uncle King asked, grunting huskily. "Jesus, fuck, you're tight! But we're gonna make this happen. I can't wait another day." Holy shit, this was it! I was gonna get fucked tonight after all. [To Be Continued; Hope You Enjoyed!]
    2 points
  17. Our status, our state This is not the story yet, I need to explain the background so that I can start chapters without many boring setups. *** CONTEXT *** From dystopia to positive (pun intended) world. The story is set in 2050 after 20 years United Nations had realized the "Zero HIV infections 2030 goal" has miserably failed, together with all HIV vaccine trials and attempts of eradication. European Union has become a unique state with a single president in 2028 after a devastating war, new USE - United State of Europe's president was a very liberal politician who believed in human rights, awareness and protections but HIV cases did not stop growing because of a meds/prep resistant strain and people are fed up of all this mess. President attempts to calm population's unsatisfaction down and tries to plan mass sex education programs for young and adults, but he's unaware about the conspiracy behind the virus: his direct opponent was an old, retired, gay scientist who survived AIDS emergency in 80s as a long-term non-progressor, he didn't need meds and rather than helping science for humanity's good, he's created a lethal HIV strain to be used for military purpose. But having survived the real war, he's changed his mind. There's another way to eliminate HIV/AIDS trouble from Europe and the world, isolating HIV-positive people in a town built for them in a desert island and banning sexual freedom from the rest of the state. Campaign is a success and 2029 is the year where human rights are canceled by new president voted by people in place of the liberal one. The damage is done in a few months: HIV-positive can do whatever in their town (Bugdom) but it's strictly forbidden to cross the gate! Only way to contact negative folks is Internet in game or social network or ordinary mail and instant messengers, but everything is controlled from the neg world's side and if a neg is caught talking about sex with another neg or worse with a poz, they'll be locked into a cage in Bugdom where a neg has no basic human rights at all, unless a poz person decides to take them under their wing for pity or sex hunger. The gifter is the only one who can establish if and when the neg is worthy of becoming a true Bugdom citizen, meanwhile a negative person in the town can only be a slave with no say. In all these conflict there's a third (unlistened) opinion: HIV's. The old scientist is completely unaware that Bugdom's HIV has acquired capability of thinking, reasoning, feeling AND TALKING because it has mutated through years and perfectly knows what has been previous decades' human sex freedom and it (he) wants humans to have it back. Story begins with a 18-years-old boy who was born neg in 2032, from a poz couple. President's statement is that neg children born in Bugdom must grow up away from poz parents and be raised by the State, but the teen's father doesn't agree at all! Author's note: yes, I'm inspired by some social and political events of the real world but no intention to promote or discourage anything; this year has elections both in Europe and in US and, I hope, everyone of us is responsible of what they does. Politically and sexually. Literary exaggerations and parodies aren't forbidden after all, this is a sex and entertainment web site and my story is for this purpose only. First chapter currently in draft.
    2 points
  18. This morning a guy hit me up to fuck me, and said, “Is it okay that I have HSV (Herpes simplex Virus)? It’s dormant and no outbreak.” I replied that it would be necessary for him to use a condom, as HSV can spread virus during asymptomatic sheddiing, even when no lesions are present. I explained that because I am immunocompromised I need to take the precautions where I can. His retort was, “Don’t be a cumdump, then. Do you think everyone is as honest as I am?” First, not only am I not obliged to just accept a disease when it’s staring me in the face, as a responsible service cumdump I have a positive duty of care toward every man who might subsequently use my cunt - it’s not just a question of ensuring that I’m not knowingly exposed to HSV, it’s a question of making sure I don’t knowingly become a carrier infecting others. The reality is that HSV is so prevalent in the population, it is a virtual certainty that I have already been exposed - I’ve been fucked well over 1,000 times - even though I’ve never been diagnosed or shown ay symptoms. But I can’t knowingly simply take on the risk if it can be avoided. I’m sure it sucks for the guy to be honest and then get told he isn’t allowed to fuck the cumdump bare. I get it. I’ve faced my share of consequences for being open about my HIV status. But being a cumdump doesn’t automatically mean I have to volunteer to be a petri dish any more than I can avoid.
    2 points
  19. So had a pretty fantastic start to the new year! I am in Gran Canaria with my bf and he’s been coming to increasingly enjoy my appetite for dick and loads so we had an agreement that on Jan 1st he would be first and last and then I could be a slut for whoever I wanted in between. Since we were going to the beach my load taking was restricted to after 6:30pm so I didn’t have any expectations. I had been trolling the apps a bit, so had already arranged the first hookup with a bear top couple around 6:30. My bf gave me a farewell fuck and bred me deep. Then I Went over to the bear couples place and they stuffed me good and gave me 2 loads. There is Another couple from the UK that I had hooked up with on my last trip to GC. Turns out they are in town too and would love to hook up again. We had an amazing 3some. I had to work hard and rode them both for about 20 minutes and milked their dicks. They have such amazing cocks that I came so hard many times over. 2 huge loads added to my ass and cum all over their bed from my sloppy ass 😂😈💦🐽 I had told a guy about these plans of mine and he was horny AF to fuck my loaded hole. He came over for a nice 6th one. Another guy who I’ve chatted with before and thought was a flake had been texting me. He came over and felched my hole and kissed me with some of the loads. Has a huge dick and came twice during a nice 30 min session. Sloppy sounds all the fuck very hot. 7+8 🐽💦 A guy from Grindr that I also had chatted with before and suddenly now was the perfect chance. He asked to use a condom and I said no then he said “ok” and fucked me bare and his cock was frothing in loads until he dumped his own 😂🐽💦 Another quick one from Grindr some roadbiker who wanted to dump a load cause he wasn’t going out. 10. Some hours had had passed at this point so then now that the steady stream of fucks had passed I went with the bf to the sex bar Factory. Hole loaded AF dropped a glob of cum on the floor of the sex club, my ass reeked of it in a very hot way. Found a guy next to the wall, seduced him for a nice fuck, huge but comfortable cock. Amazing hot breeding. 11. A couple of guys then fucked me that I think were on viagra so they couldn’t cum, but pleasant sloppy fucks. Last fuck then in the booth, a guy came loudly in My ass. 12. It was kinda late at this point and we had morning plans so my bf fucked me for 20 minutes roughly and bred me deep at the end for the last load of the night. 13. Would have loved to get in the sling to get felched and fucked more but sometimes you gotta compromise 😈😁💦.
    2 points
  20. A mid-life crisis can be a funny thing to watch happen, but it isn’t so amusing when you’re caught up at the pointy end of it. That was my lot in life. Three days before my 40th birthday, my partner of twelve years tells me he doesn’t love me anymore, and has been fucking the neighbours’ 19 year old son since I started going back to the office after the worst of the pandemic was over. Talk about a gut punch. Anyway, I did what you have to do in that situation, and started re-building my dumpster fire of a life from scratch. The house went on the market and sold pretty quickly, and while Alan took his share of the money off with his twink to a rented flat in Hackney, I opted to move down to the river in the East End where I bought a small but perfectly fine new-build apartment. The shredding of our mutual friendship network eventually settled down, and life went on. I was not, however, at all interested in getting back out there to find a new Mr Right. The betrayal had cut me deep, and I intended to enjoy myself for a while before deciding what was next. I had kept myself in excellent shape, managing so far to avoid the onset of any hint of a dad bod, and I threw myself into an even more rigorous regimen in the gym and running by the Thames so that I would maintain some appeal to the men on the apps, in the clubs and wherever I was out hunting for some cock. I had never been much of a top. Although I’m reasonably hung and am perfectly capable of giving someone a good pounding, I’m wired up to want to be the one on all fours getting filled. I think I’m pretty good at it actually, although being back on the market had re-opened my eyes to how the same cannot be said of all the guys who call themselves tops. As much as he was a lying, cheating little shit, Alan had been a very competent fucker and had kept me satisfied for over a decade. It was rather deflating to think that I had not been able to do the same for him. The first few hookups had involved condoms, but after so long not using them while I was with Alan, I found it to be yet another disappointment in the sex department. Having a few too many vodkas one night and ending up being barebacked in the club toilets pretty much brought my brief return to safe sex to an end, and while nursing a hangover the next day I resolved to get myself on PrEP. But you know what it’s like when you have a to-do list that includes a dozen tasks relating to a place you’ve just moved into… There was something else nagging at me. During the lull in my sex life right after being dumped, I had descended into a bit of a reliance on porn as a means of escape. Once I did start to hook up with men again, I was nearly always left feeling a bit flat because what I had really wanted was to experience what I imagined the bottoms in my favourite scenes had been. I had assumed that would pass as I got more used to putting myself out there, but if anything the problem got worse. A solution presented itself one day when I was hit up by a guy online who was looking for a hookup, either solo or with his partner. He said they were both versatile, but happy to be exclusively tops if that’s what I was looking for in a session. Nothing particularly unusual there, but what got my interest was the suggestion that rather than either one of us hosting, I could come to a warehouse they owned where they played sometimes. Given both he and his partner were black and muscled, I realised that the opportunity was there to recreate one of my all-time favourite scenes where Marco Paris is blindfolded and taken raw by Kam Run and Chase Coxxx in some kind of industrial setting. I decided to bite the bullet and let him know that this was something I’d be into, and he just replied with the smile and thumbs-up emojis. Sure enough, a couple of days later on a Friday afternoon he messaged me again to suggest meeting that night, and gave me the address of the warehouse. He let me know how to get in before they arrived, so that I could truly live out the scene and not see either of them. Fuck, this was actually going to happen. I hurriedly cancelled my evening plans and found a way to get out of work early, and then made my way home to get showered and douched. I decided to open myself up a bit with a dildo, and then inserted some more lube and a plug to keep my hole ready for them. I then set out in an Uber to the address they had given me, and once there I found my way in the darkness around the side of the building where there was indeed a locked-looking door that was actually able to be pushed open. Inside things looked a bit different to the scene, with dusty boxes everywhere and various other things under tarps, but the industrial feel of it still got me going. Over in the corner I could see a mattress on the floor with a black sheet on it, and was also pleased to see a heater nearby given it was bit chilly. I made my way over there and then stripped out of my clothes and removed the plug, tossing them all to the side. I then pulled the roll of duct tape out of my jacket pocket, tore off a decent length of it, and carefully looped it round my head to recreate the blindfold Marco Paris had worn in the scene. I then set back and waited. After only a few minutes, I heard the door open and the guys entering. I stayed in position while I listened to them undressing, and then felt a hand on my head immediately before a cock touched my lips. I opened wide and it slid in, tasting divine but also feeling both thick and long. I felt the presence of someone to the other side of me, so reached up with my hand until I made contact with a thigh which I then followed up to another, thinner penis. I gently grasped that cock began to wank it as I sucked on the other one. I then switched so I could taste the second one, using my other hand to begin wanking the slicked-up first one that I had just been swallowing. I then went back and forth between the two. Eventually the second guy pulled his cock away from me, and I felt him running his hand down my back to my arse. I shuffled my position to enable me to get onto all fours, still sucking on the first guy while I made my rear end more accessible to the second. As soon as I had done, he began to push a finger into me, followed by a second. It was so hot that I barely reacted when I felt him curve his fingers inside me a bit, but I jolted when his nails made contact with my inner walls. It was kind of a turn on though, despite the scratchy burn, and I just pushed my arse out more towards him as he continued to do that. He then withdrew, and I felt him shifting position behind me and the tip of his cock starting to press against my hole. I instinctively pushed back while relaxing my hole, and he steadily slid the entire length inside me. I moaned around the cock in my mouth, and continued to do so as the guy behind me started to slide back and forth. His hands gripped my buttocks, and he got into a steady rhythm. It felt fucking amazing, particularly as my mind was flooded with images of the porn scene we were recreating. Finally, some sex that properly got me going. I was spit-roasted for a good long time, before the man behind me showed the unmistakable signs of reaching a climax. Sure enough, he took one final plunge into me and then held in place, yelling as he unloaded into me. I did my best to shout “breed me” around the cock in my mouth, so utterly turned on by what was happening that I never gave a moment’s thought to the fact that their status was not on the app profile and we had never discussed it. Once my fucker had calmed down and finished spurting, he pulled out and they swapped positions. In the porn scene it had become a twosome at this point, but in this real life encounter I found the cummy cock that had just been up my arse being pushed into my mouth. As I hungrily wrapped my lips around it, the other guy was pushing his finger into me and once again I felt it curl up a bit followed my more scratching of my innards. I moaned around the cock, at this time noticing for the first time that there was a metallic taste to it. However, before I could give that any thought, the finger inside of me was pulled out and immediately replaced by the thick cock I had been loving in my mouth just a few minutes before. I moaned even louder as I was stretched open, and almost could not believe how far up inside me it went before I felt the guy’s body and pubes press against me. He then immediately began to pound me, rocking me forward and back on the cock in my mouth. This was heaven. This second fuck was a bit more frenetic than the first, and I was almost seeing stars in the blackness the blindfold had created. I lurched back and forth, only getting a respite when my fucker slowed a little while his partner turned around and, I’m guessing, got on all fours in front of me. My face made contact with his buttcheeks, and as I took the hint and started to reach out with my tongue for his hole, the pace of the fucking re-intensified. I gave my first fucker the best rimjob I could while enduring such a shafting. All good things come to an end, and my fucker eventually went over the edge and blew his load in me. I encouraged him on by yelling obscenities into the hole of the first guy, feeling the dick in me flex and spurt. When his orgasm had subsided he slid out of me, at the same time as his partner pulled forward away from my face. I slumped down on my front with my legs splayed, panting from the exertion of taking such a hard fuck. I then felt a finger pushing into me, and this time was not surprised when there was a bit of scratching. This was clearly their thing. The finger was removed, and I was about to reach up and see about removing the blindfold. However, a body climbed on the mattress behind me, and I knew which one of them it was as I felt the thinner of the two cocks poking at my hole. I relaxed and it slid inside in one go, before he began to pump himself up and down. This time his partner didn’t join in, perhaps needing a while to recover after cumming in me, so I just lay there pushing my arse back at the invading cock while moaning and groaning in pleasure. In time, a third load was added to my hole, and of course a finger went back inside me once the cock was removed. I lay there wondering what was next, before I felt myself being gently pulled up by my armpits. I took the hint and got myself stood up, before being walked off the mattress and over the concrete floor a few steps. It was pretty disorientating, but I kind of liked how vulnerable I had made myself to these two guys. He indicated for me to stop, and then told me to bend forward. I did so slowly until I felt my arms make contact with something that felt like a barrel, at which point I used them to support myself while I adjusted my legs to get them open and my arse out. No sooner had I done that than the thick cock was pushing back into me, setting up yet another hard pounding. I clung onto the barrel for dear life as he fucked my brains out for a second time, my head this time filling with some hazy images of a similar scene in the same porn flick as the scene I had come to recreate. I loved that these guys had done their homework. He lasted quite a bit longer this time, and I loved every minute of it. His cock was huge, and was hitting spots in me that no-one ever had reached before. I just gave in and allowed myself to moan, groan and yell my way through it, making sure he knew how fucking good it was. I could have stayed there for hours, but he once again got to a climax and I was filled with my fourth load of the night. I slumped over the barrel when he pulled out of me, feeling the cum run down my balls as my gaping hole emptied. “You want more?” one of them asked me. “Yes” I panted, now totally lost to the fucklust. “Cool” he replied, “but we need to rest for a bit. Why don’t you come sit down over here until we’re ready to fuck you again.” I wearily stood up straight and cautiously turned around, before feeling a hand on my arm encouraging me to walk in a certain direction. My toes touched the mattress, and I stood up onto it before sitting down. I then heard the sound of a lighter firing up a couple of times, followed by the smell of smoke. “You want a cigarette?” the other guy asked. “Yes please” I said, despite having quit in my late twenties when I met Alan, a non-smoker. One was slid into my lips and lit, and then I took a deep inhale. The rush was intense, but I also loved it. I exhaled, then shuffled myself forward a bit until I felt like there was enough mattress behind me to lie down on my back. Reaching out occasionally to tap off ash on the concrete floor, I happily lay there and smoked my first cigarette in over a decade while my arse throbbed in a mix of pain and pleasure. A short while later a second cigarette was popped into my lips and lit, followed immediately by my legs being lifted into the air and onto a set of shoulders. A finger was pushed into my hole, and this time I winced as it scratched me a bit before being removed. The thinner cock was then pushing into me, and soon enough I was being fucked for a fifth time while I puffed on the cigarette between my lips. Oh yes, this was going to be a thing I did more often from now on. When I had finished that cigarette and the stub end of it had been taken out of my hand, the cock in me was removed and my legs lowered. I didn’t think he had blown in me, so I assumed a change in position was happening. I was right, as I was pulled up and eventually put into a kneeling position with my legs open. They encouraged me to raise up a bit as one of them slid under me, and then I was lowered to take in the thinner cock that had just been fucking me. I propelled myself up and down a few times on the erect penis, and then a hand on my back pushed me forwards. I knew what was coming, and gritted my teeth and did my best to push out as the thicker cock pressed at my hole and then began to slide inside. It seemed to take forever and I could not help but yell out repeatedly, but eventually both of them were inside me side-by-side. They let me get used to it for a moment, with a bottle of poppers presented at my nose that I gratefully huffed on, and then the movement started. The guy behind me did most of the work, vigorously pushing in and out of me in a way that caused me to also move up and down his partner’s cock too. I felt fuller than I ever have in my life, and who knows what sort of noises were coming out of my mouth while I took my first ever double-fuck. With the blindfold on and the intensity of the sex, I almost seemed to drift out of my body, imagining from any number of porn films I had jerked off to what this must look like. It all got too much for me, and I involuntarily and hands-free reached orgasm, presumably covering the guy lying on the mattress with my cum. They didn’t let up though, and I was starting to think I was going to cum again when they both finally went over the edge together and filled my innards. After remaining in a panting heap for a bit, they gradually disentangled us and I slumped over on my back beside the other guy. A cigarette went between my lips again, and in a semi-conscious state I lay there and smoked all of it. “I think we’re fucked out mate” said one of them a bit breathlessly, after we had rested for a while. “But I reckon you’re not yet.” “Never” I replied. “Need more.” “Thought so” he laughed. “Well, you just lie there while we see what we can do.” I had no idea what that meant, but was too fucked-out to care. I just lay there while they did whatever they were doing, presumably sending messages on their phones or something, only stirring at one point to ask if they had any water. A bottle was put into my hand that I took a few sips from, before I decided to turn over onto my front. While doing so my hand made contact with a packet of cigarettes that had a lighter inside, and with a bit of trial and error I managed to get one lit despite not being able to see a damn thing. Eventually one of the guys re-joined me on the mattress, and I felt the now familiar poking of a finger into my hole. I opened my legs wide to give full access, and just lay there as he wiggled and occasionally scratched around inside me. It’s obvious now what was happening, but in my haze I just passed it off as a kink or something. To be honest, my hole had become so insatiable that I was just pleased to have something inside it. It turns out that they weren’t completely fucked out, as the guy with the thinner cock pushed back inside me eventually and slowly humped me while I lay prone on the mattress. It was pretty gentle and lacking in energy, so I knew it was probably more about keeping me going than him needing to cum again. He kept at it for a while, and then I heard the door to the warehouse opening and the shuffle and clomp of more guys coming in. There were definitely at least two of them, maybe more, and from the sounds of it they were all soon undressed. My fucker withdrew, and then unknown hands pulled me up onto all fours. Something was pushed into me that felt very unfamiliar, but I now know was probably a toothbrush or something. I winced and yelped a bit as it was thrust around inside me, before it was unceremoniously pulled out and replaced with a cock. Only this also felt unfamiliar in a way, as there was something else there that I concluded must be a Prince Albert. Man did it feel weird at first, but once its wearer began thrusting in and out the sensations on my prostate were incredible! My moans and groans were soon stifled by a cock going into my mouth, which also had a really thick gauge PA on it. Swirling that giant piece of metal around in my mouth was yet another new sensation, but soon I had to contend with it going down my throat which really tested me on the gag reflex. The guy seemed unconcerned though, and thrust himself forward towards me so that I pretty much had no choice but to choke and moan around his pierced dick while the other one sped up his epic pounding at the other end. They swapped places after a while, and then again a while after that… I actually lost track of who was in each end given how similar their cocks and piercings were, but I suppose that as I couldn’t actually see either of them it didn’t really matter. Eventually the one in my arse blew his load in me with a roar, after which the other one took over and very quickly spilled his seed in me too. After he pulled out I collapsed onto my front, but was very quickly turned over and my legs parted to allow another man to push into me and start a rapid fucking that very quickly resulted in yet another breeding. As soon as he withdrew, hands grasped round my wrists and ankles and I was hoisted into the air, Being unable to see I did not know where I was going until I was briefly lifted even higher and dumped into what I knew must be a sling. I guess the metallic bangs and clangs I had been vaguely aware of during the spit-roast must have been related to this being got out or set up. Anyway, my arms and legs remained held in the air as the men worked to put some kind of leather cuffs on them, and when they let go I was properly held in position. It was at this point that I felt some tugging at the duct tape, followed by the cold of a blade or some scissors at the side of my head. Then, with no warning or care whatsoever, the whole thing was ripped off in one painful go, causing me to yelp out in agony. I blinked at the influx of light into my eyes, and then I blearily looked around me at the five black men standing in front of me. One of them looked familiar enough that he was presumably the one whose profile I had linked with on the app, and he was standing so close to another that I presumed that must be the partner. They were both lean and muscled. The other three were a different deal altogether, being tall and built like breeding bulls, all sporting huge gold chains with scorpion pendants. That was my first clue, but my eyes finally adjusting properly gave me my second. The breeding bulls were adorned with huge biohazard tattoos on their impressive pecs, and I then noticed smaller ones on the other two guys on their flat stomachs. I could not remember if one had been visible on the app profile photo or not, but either way, the scratching of my hole now all made sense. “Fuck” I said, to no-one in particular. “That’s what we’re here to do” said one of the bulls, before he stepped up and jammed his pierced cock into my hole. I yelped as I helplessly hung there, now knowing that the cock in me was toxic, the loads I had in me were all toxic, and this was nowhere near over. “You know you want it” said the profile guy, watching me being mercilessly pounded. “We could just tell that you wanted it.” And I did. In that moment, all I needed was for these guys to continue to use me until they were spent. Yes, the porn scene set-up had been a massive turn on, but as the PA ravaged my innards I had something of an epiphany. This is what I had been missing. This is what I needed. It’s like this toxic cock was finally bringing me into the light, where I could see the person I truly was inside. All those years of identifying as a bottom, when in fact I was so much more than that. I was, and would continue to now be, a truly unadulterated cumdump. “Yes” I wheezed out. “I need it.” The guy fucking me let out a demonic laugh, and then upped his pace even more until he growled and blew his load. One of the other bulls stepped up and ploughed in. When he had blown, the third followed. Then the first again. So it went on, with me dissolving into a profanity-filled fuckhaze, screaming at them to breed and poz me. Despite the number of times they blew, the bulls only seemed to get more energetic and eventually all three of them were fucking constantly. The partner guys now joining me as bottoms, bending over from each side of me so they could make out with each other, share sucking duties on my cock or puff on cigarettes (which they shared with me) while they were ploughed. The first signs of daylight appearing at the windows up by the roof of the warehouse seemed to take the energy out of the room, and after each of them blew one more load into my hole, they uncuffed my wrists and let me down from the sling. I was very shaky on my legs and had to lie down on the mattress for a bit, before eventually using a rag that one of them threw my way to wipe some of the cum off my balls and legs. I inserted the plug I had worn at the start of the evening, noting that it only just stayed in now, and then got myself dressed. By then they were all ready, and the bulls surprised me by each shaking my hand as they muttered a goodbye and left the building. The partner guys then offered to drive me home, putting a different rag on the back seat for me to sit on for the ride so I wouldn’t mess up their car, something I noted they also did on their own seats. “Make sure you let us know how it goes” said the profile guy, as his partner shut off the engine outside my building. “We can always have another go.” “Whenever you want” I said, smiling at him. “Might see if there’s any other scenes I’d like to do.” “I don’t think what we did tonight is in any porn I know of” his partner laughed. “Then we’ll just have to make our own” I replied, smirking. They both laughed, and then gave me a warm smile as I got out of the car. I watched them drive off, and then headed into my building and up to my apartment, grateful that I had not had any neighbours in the lift with me. I resisted the urge to collapse into bed straight away, taking the time to have a shower and clean myself up, but soon enough was passed out. When I woke a few hours later, I could only think of one thing. Normally it would have been coffee, but today it was porn. I grabbed my phone and got a few of my favourite sites up on different browser windows, clicking into my Favourites on each so I could look over the scenes that tickled me the most. However, my focus was on the interracial scenes, and I soon found what I was after. Joseph Ox being used by four hung muscled black guys, including Kept Secret. Man, the loads I had blown to that one. I booted up the app, and messaged profile guy asking for a way to contact the bulls and also sending him a link to the video. He replied a short while later with multiple ROFL emojis, but also providing me a name and number. I hurriedly got in touch with whichever one of the bulls it was, and then hauled myself out of bed. I dressed in a tracksuit and trainers, and then headed out the door to get a caffeine hit but also pick up some cigarettes. Fuck Alan and his rules. Today was going to be the first day of the rest of my life. And so it is, that really just a few hours after the most epic night of my life, I’m naked on a bed in my apartment waiting for the bulls to arrive. They’ve found a fourth somewhere so that the porn scene recreation can be vaguely accurate, and I know I will enjoy that immensely before they inevitably throw the ‘script’ out the window and focus on getting me pozzed. Profile guy and his partner are so intrigued that they’re coming over to watch, and maybe join in. They’ve hinted at possibly bringing some other people round later too. All the supplies we could need are laid out, and I’ve got things started by giving myself a bit of a brushing. This one is going to be epic…
    2 points
  21. I only had one experience before I was 18. I was too scared getting outed back then, but was also desperate to try cock! I waited across the road from a gay pub until a hot bloke I guess in his late 30's came out. He was wearing tight jeans and white tee, and I started to follow him up the road but from the other side. Eventually he became aware that I was following him and after a while stopped and spoke to me. After deciding I was a desperate cock hungry twink (or chicken as we were called in those days), and not an axe murderer he asked me back to his place which wasn't far away. I was a bit freaked out when we got there as he lead me into his living room which had a sofa with a large crucifix hanging on the wall above it. Anyway I soon dismissed that, got on my knees as told and sucked him off until he came in my mouth. I then went on my way home so pleased with myself that I had finally tasted a man. A week later I was in a store in town shopping when I spotted this guy, but this time instead of the tight jeans and tee he was wearing a black cassock and dog collar! I've never shifted so fast in my life and got out of there quick!!! I also saw in the local paper a few days later that he was a new priest in town. Lol - I should have gone back for seconds - it was a nice cock and thick tasty load. Memories eh?
    2 points
  22. I always had sex with older men. Never was interested in those my age.
    2 points
  23. While not the same I find that clubs that have blackout rooms provide comparable opportunities and experiences with all the more excitement if you get off even not knowing who is groping you, or if you are looking for some passionate touch and kissing, or if you want or have a willing hole to fill. Before you enter the room in the hangout area you can "size up" haha, those who are partaking and if you are particular wait to make a connection. Once in the room, it is free for all, almost totally dark in areas where only touch betrays the presence of an other(s) horned guy(s). Unless you make it clear that you are not game to anyone approaching, it can be a free-flowing hot time. This action is pumped up (haha again) by the beat of the music coming from the club and the noise of the crowd, warm bodies banging into one another moans or whispers of those fully engaged. I recall one of my first experiences had me enter this large dark area of a hot gay club in San Juan with lots of guys milling about along the walls or slowly inching themselves into the areas where the action was taking place. I moved there and enjoying all that the many hands mine included encountered in the hot bodies of those around. All the more hot was the feel of those hands roaming my body and the lips of guys who wanted to press mine. It was all consuming and all I could think was that I didn't want to prematurely pop my load until the right moment, perhaps much later into the evening on a return to the darkroom after additional rounds of drinks. In the midst of all, I caught a glimpse of a younger handsome guy who was enjoying me as I him.. I did not hold back and I felt his hands sliding inside my shorts and roaming about. He paused at my hole and lingered playfully fingering for a while one two three fingers for a while I was not about to discourage him. To the beat of the music in this space we bumped and grinded against one another while others stood by or joined. I felt my shorts lower and the warm press of his cock on my ass as he bent me over every so slightly and I took the well-sized cock of a different guy into my mouth. I was lost in the zone and so free, taking it all in, savoring everything that was happening. While I felt hole action, it was not typical for me on the first fuck of a night. No tightness, no momentary pain as a top breaks through the first wall of entry. It felt different, I was loose totally consumed with pleasure, tasting cock, and uninhibited. As the euphoria of this strange but hot guy paused I turned myself ever so slightly and asked in a low voice, do you need a condom? His reply came back, "too late" as in that very moment I felt the warmth of his seed leaking from my hole. In that space, I learned how good giving up my hole to a deserving top guy can and should be. Love to hear what you guys may be thinking.
    2 points
  24. What I would recommend, if you are based in the Netherlands, is to build up a bit more experience with being around with many men at once. Start by being comfortable in the dark rooms of NZ sauna in Amsterdam. You have good control of how often you want / need to lube, or if someone is too rough for your liking. Learn to recognise the signals from tops of what they are into. Don't overdo on poppers or other drugs. Perhaps the best is to just observe what's going on without being under the influence of drugs. You can also go to the Church club and get acquainted with the type of action is happening. Then you can "upgrade" to participation within the limits of your comfort, which at times will be stretched LOL Once you have been fucked by 10-15 men in one session, you will know what feels good or not, when to continue and when to tell the top to stop. I would then go and present my ass in the sling, signaling to the men that you are there for their use. You have to be careful though as some men will think that just because you are in a sling you are also into fist fucking or rough. So, be alert, and stop when you feel too much pain or things get rougher than your liking. Now, some answers to your questions: 1. Depends on the venue, but best is to bring a small bottle of lube with you and tuck it in your socks. This way you know what lube works for you and you have it handy. Your hands are tied, but not as tight. Also, you can raise your hand and ask for a break, or to lube . However, you may lose your spot, and if you have a prime spot, you may not get it afterwards. 2. Yes. No, it won't disqualify you. Your safety and wellbeing is paramount. Being a cumdump doesn't equal to being forced into pain. 3. Sometimes. Not often, but yes, it can happen 4. No. Getting a load is not that easy. Tops come to unload, of course, but they also want to fuck as many holes as they can, for as long as they can. So no, you will get fucked, but not that easy loaded. If you get 3-5 loads you can consider yoursefl lucky. 5. being smooth twink. everyone has their own preferences, so what you may be a turn-off for one, you may also be a major turn-on for others. 6. Don't do drugs. If you have to, do it only from your own stash. Don't drink from open bottles. Don't get poppers in your face, eyes. Clean your hole thoroughly - the majority of men don't like shit on their dicks. If you get into a sling and don't get much action, leave the sling from time to time for others to use; don't hog it. Same goes for glory holes and fuckbenches. Don't make a big fuss if you meet someone you know: if you are in the sling and they want to fuck you, great. otherwise, don't start a conversation about work in the dark room. Say thank you to every top who gives you a load. A little thank you may get you a second load later on!
    2 points
  25. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/t-kruger-compilation/
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. This one's an unfortunate, unfinished shame. So much great work already invested in writing it. And so much promise. It's always been in my Top 5 list even as fast as it goes.
    2 points
  28. Chapter 5: Spreading Their Wings “So, tell me how you came by all that money. One of the daddies picked you up at the party?” “Wow, you’re amazing! How did you guess?” Ricky and Dylan had just finished a deluxe lunch on the patio terrace of a very upmarket hotel, a lunch which Ricky had paid for out of a stash of bills. Alan had slipped him the bills that morning with a comment about it being “just to tide you over until I arrange a card for you.” Dylan kept sipping thoughtfully on his wine as Ricky walked him through the whole story of how Alan had come to him at the party, fucked him and bred him, exchanged numbers with him, and (a week later) invited him to come with him so they could live together. After he’d finished, Dylan said, “Ricky, I swear you were born with a lucky horseshoe up your ass. I’ve had Alan fuck me for a minute on Steve’s party table, but that was as far as I got. What’s the catch?” “So far, the only catch I’ve heard of is that he falls for the next young cutie rather too easily, and when that happens the free ride is over. So I’m staying mindful of that, and just enjoying this while it lasts. Speaking of enjoying it, Alan asked if you would like to come and join us for dinner tonight? Trust me, he’s an incredible chef – trained for it when he was younger.” “I’ll think about it. Come on, let’s go down to the ocean and take a walk along Venice Beach and gawk at all the muscle men!” Dennis, the chauffeur, drove them down to the beach, and they arranged a time to meet him again for a ride back to the condo. The two young twinks sauntered along the beach together, making raunchy comments about some of the muscle hunks working out on the outdoor gym equipment. Suddenly, Ricky froze, putting a hand on Dylan’s forearm. “Dylan, who is that hunk balancing on the bar – see, over there, he’s just using his hands and holding his body horizontal. He must be superman-strong!” Dylan zeroed in on the dark-tanned man Ricky had described, watched for a few moments, and then laughed. “Let me guess – you’ve seen him before in a certain kind of movie, right?” Ricky nodded, blushing a bit. “He’s not just a porn star. He owns his own studio, plus at least one other. He’s called the Hawaiian Nine, and I’m sure you can guess why, especially if you’ve seen him in action.” “What’s his real name?” “I don’t know. He and his company both go by that Hawaiian Nine label. If you’re interested, I can tell you that he never seems to go anywhere socially, either with anyone else, or alone. It’s like he’s one hundred and ten percent business, and no room for anything else. The word is that he’s got a two-storey condo in one of those buildings right up there,” this as he gestured at the row of deluxe condos overlooking the beach farther along the shore, “and all his social activity takes place there too. Rumour has it that he’s got a thing going with his latest co-star, Arpad Nagy, but no one ever seems to have seen them together. I think it’s all just talk.” “Damn! I’d love to find out!” “Well, you could go to work for him. His side studio is called Twink Heaven – you could always audition for that.” Ricky blushed even harder. “Okay, I can see there’s a story here. Spill it!” “I already tried. I made an audition video with Terry.” “And?” “And nothing. Just a form letter saying they didn’t need any new people right now.” “Bullshit! Every film they do has newbies in it. I think maybe…. Wait a sec, how old were you when you applied?” “A couple of months shy of eighteen.” “Duh, That’s what they meant. Gotta stay right side of the law, and you, my dear boy, were under the legal limit. As a matter of fact, these porn producers all have to demand age twenty-one for wider distribution of their products. And anyway, I don’t know why you’re worrying about chasing a porn star who’s been around the block too many times when you already have a multi-millionaire in your pocket.” Ricky laughed, and said, “Come on, let’s get back to meet Dennis. Going to come on up for the hot tub and stay for dinner?” “Sure.” Half an hour later, they were seated in the hot tub on the terrace. Ricky was wearing the same barely-there suit as when he was with Alan (“Damn, your ass looks super-sexy in that little number,” had been Dylan’s instant reaction), and he’d loaned Dylan a flashy yellow brief from the half-dozen that Alan had given him. As they sat there and chatted, Ricky moved his foot and slid it in between Dylan’s legs, using his toes to rub Dylan’s bulge – which promptly began growing and swelling. Dylan pushed his foot away. “Don’t be an idiot. What if Alan comes home and sees you carrying on like that?” “I’m sure he’d enjoy it. Look, Dylan, Alan is different. I don’t think there’s a jealous bone in his body. I’m sure he’d enjoy seeing us getting it on together, as long as he could join in after a while. Here’s the thing – Alan just loves fucking a wet asshole, getting sloppy seconds. He actually encouraged me to go over and meet a couple of other guys and try to get in bed with them. This was when we were sitting up by the rooftop pool on the building’s other wing. I did -- and I got both their loads deep in my hole. Alan was happier than a pig in shit as he fucked my sopping-wet ass that night.” “No shit! When did this happen?” “Last night. So come on, just relax and let’s get each other warmed up and then we can go inside and fuck our brains out. I’d love to take your load!” “Is there anyone you don’t want to fuck you and breed you?” “I’m beginning to think not. Getting loaded up is so fucking hot!” Twenty minutes later, the boys were naked, and Ricky was bent over, grasping the bar at the end of the shower stall as Dylan worked a respectable seven-inch dick inside his hole. It didn’t take long. Ricky’s tale of the events of the day before had really revved him up, and Ricky’s hole was doing everything else that was necessary – and in just a few minutes, Dylan erupted inside Ricky, shooting a cascade of cum inside his friend’s cute butt. After he calmed down and slid out, Ricky said, “Turn around. I want to do you now.” “I thought you only did bottom.” “Don’t forget, I’m still a newbie, there’s lots of things I’m still experiencing for the first time. Yesterday afternoon again, first time I ever fucked and bred anyone.” “Who was that?” “Ever hear of Rod Rammer?” “And you fucked him? How the hell…?” Ricky laughed. “All those years being the King Stud Top Man of gay porn, and the guy actually prefers to be on the bottom. That’s who I was with yesterday, him and his husband.” “Holy shit. Did you get him to cum in you as well?” “Yeah.” Ricky’s reply was laconic. “I got them both. Just like I’m going to get you now.” With that, he slid his cock up Dylan’s crack and pressed against the tight knot of Dylan’s hole. Dylan took a second or two to adjust to the new dynamic, and then he relaxed and let Ricky slip into his tight channel. As Ricky started pumping in and out of Dylan, he began following – without being aware he was doing it – some of the lessons he’d learned on the receiving end of Alan’s gifted tool. The big one here was adjusting the angle so that his cock plunged in each time from a slightly different direction. He kept that up until he heard a loud moan which told him that he’d just hit the sweet spot, and from then on he concentrated on brushing that part of Dylan with each plunge. Dylan was thoroughly enjoying feeling his gland get stroked so often, but since he had just cum a few minutes earlier, it was going to take him a while to get right back up to the point. This was fine with Ricky, who was enjoying immensely the sensations he got from thrusting in and drawing back out of Dylan’s hole. Soon, he decided to up the stakes and began to speed up, also reaching around Dylan’s body to grasp and tweak his nipples. Those proved to be Dylan’s real hot spot, and his moaning and purring grew rapidly in volume and intensity – as did Ricky’s fucking. He now had grasped hold of Dylan’s slender hips and was slamming his ass hard and fast and beginning to draw a load up out of his own balls, moving it into firing position. Ricky leaned forward, across Dylan’s back, wrapped his arms right around his friend’s body, and started pounding deep and fast, just about ready now to breed the other boy. As his thrusts went in deeper and harder, Dylan could also feel the moment coming, and began stroking his own cock, trying to cum right at the same time as Ricky. But it was Ricky who got there first. With a series of high-speed and vicious thrusts, he dragged his seed up and out, finally slamming hard against the rounded ass cheeks of his partner and jolting his ass with bolt after bolt of energetic cum shooting deep into him. Dylan stroked even faster, but Ricky suddenly snapped, “No! Don’t waste it.” He pulled out of Dylan as fast as he could without hurting him, then dropped onto the shower floor, rolled onto his back, lifted his legs, and yelled, “Get it back inside me and fill me up again!” Dylan got down on his knees as fast as he could, planted his cock, buried it inside Ricky with a single hefty shove, and instantly exploded into Ricky’s ass while Ricky’s cum was still trying to leak out of his own hole. Once he’d finished cumming, the strength in Dylan’s arms gave out and he dropped down across Ricky’s body, kissing him while his cock was still throbbing gently inside Ricky’s ass. Ricky wrapped his arms around Dylan, as they both lay there, gasping for breath. It was all very gentle and relaxing after their intense fucking – until both of their heads snapped over to one side as the sound of gentle clapping came from the open door of the bathroom. Alan was standing there, plainly enjoying the show very much indeed. He was smiling with an erotic glint in his eyes, and the front of his tailored trousers looked somewhat strained, to put it mildly. Dylan was full of consternation at being caught out while fucking and breeding this multi-millionaire’s own private and personal boy, but Ricky knew that Alan was more than fine with it. But Alan, perceptive as always, could feel that tension, and he reached out a hand to help Dylan to his feet, smiling and kissing him, and saying, “Well done! There should be an award for the fastest switch between bottom and top, and you two could walk away with it.” Then Alan helped Ricky up, and Ricky, completely unabashed, greeted him brightly with, “Hi, Daddy,” and a big sloppy kiss. Alan just looked at him for a moment, and then grinned and asked, “How many?” “I got two of his and gave him one of mine.” Alan’s eyes sparkled even brighter at the possibility that he might even get two wet boy butts to fuck tonight. “Make sure you keep it all inside you, boys. You never know when a well-loaded ass might come in handy.” Then he checked the time. “Dinner in eighty minutes. Think you lads can get yourselves cleaned up and a bit presentable by that time?” Dylan nodded, and Ricky said, “Of course, Daddy. No problem.” Dylan was a bit quiet while they showered again, to wash off and cool down this time, and then towelled off and dressed themselves. Rationally, he could see that there was nothing wrong with the situation at all but, unlike Ricky, the idea of so much switch-partners activity happening so quickly made him a bit nervous. One of Steven’s Daddy Parties every few months was enough wild and crazy time for him, as a rule. In due course, Ricky jollied him back into a better mood, and when they presented themselves for dinner, Dylan was feeling a lot more upbeat. Alan spoiled them all with his hunter’s schnitzel in red wine mushroom sauce, along with a German potato salad and braised red cabbage. Since Dylan’s mom was German, he was thoroughly familiar with this kind of meal but not at this amazing level of quality. He said so to Alan, and Alan smiled, liking this young man’s well-mannered style at the table. After dinner, Alan took a moment to apologize to Dylan. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression before dinner that you were expected to remain after the meal or required to participate in any further fun and games. That’s entirely at your own choice, and if you are ready to go instead, I’ll message Dennis to come and take you home. He’s on standby for me all day.” “Thank you, umm….” “It’s fine if you call me Alan.” “Thank you, Alan. I appreciate your consideration, and your wonderful cooking. But I would like to stay, for a while anyway.” “And for the night if he wants to, right, Daddy?” Alan laughed at Ricky’s eagerness. It was plain that he’d enjoyed playing with Dylan. “Of course, as long as you two are on either side of me so I can keep you away from each other and hands to yourselves while I’m trying to get my sleep.” That made them all laugh. “Is that what you want to do, Dylan?” Alan asked – and then, as Dylan grinned and nodded, “Okay, I’ll message Dennis that he can go off standby now.” Although Alan tried to shoo them away, the boys insisted on staying in the kitchen to help with cleanup – “That’s the very least we can do,” as Dylan put it. But in another half an hour they were all lying naked together on the bed, with Alan in the middle, wrapping an arm around each of the boys and cuddling them close as they played with his nips, his balls, and his cock. It all looked very cozy and domestic, but it didn’t stay that way for long. Three cocks and two asses had very definite ideas about what should happen next and were all twitching and pulsating eagerly. In no time, the two boys had both straddled Alan’s body, as Dylan fed his cock into Alan’s mouth while Ricky went to work on Alan’s own cock. Both Dylan and Alan were moaning at the expert sucking, and Ricky realized that he wanted something to moan about as well. He straightened up, moved forward, and settled down again with Alan’s rigid tool sliding up into his warm, wet ass cavern. Alan moaned aloud as his boy’s hole swallowed him to the root. As soon as Dylan realized what had happened, he pulled out of Alan’s mouth, turned around, and presented Alan with his ass as he bent down to swallow Ricky’s cock. Alan was more than happy to start kissing and licking Dylan’s well-formed cheeks and tasting the musk and hints of cum in the deep crack between them. And Ricky was overjoyed to be getting it from both sides again as Dylan sucked him while Alan fucked him. Soon, though, Ricky had to urge Dylan up and away, saying, “I don’t want to cum too soon. Get on all fours and I’ll give you another load while Alan breeds me from behind.” The fuck train was ready to go in no time, with Ricky in the middle and Alan at the rear end. All three were making assorted moaning and grunting sounds as Ricky began to move, sliding back and forth between Dylan’s hole and Alan’s rampant tool, and Ricky was definitely making as much noise as the other two combined, with all the stimulation he was getting. Ricky’s obvious delight in the feelings of fucking and getting fucked at the same time intrigued Alan and nudged him to make an unusual request. “Hold on a moment, boys.” Once they’d stopped, he continued. “I think I’d like to try that, being in the middle – it’ll be a first for me. Come on, Ricky, let’s switch places.” “You want me to fuck you? I thought you were top only.” “Usually, I am, but tonight’s a good night to go experimental. Just take it easy on me, it’s been a while since I’ve been fucked. The lube is in the bedtable drawer, right there.” Ricky was both flustered and overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of breeding his daddy’s ass, which he had thought was strictly off-limits. He gulped with the anticipation as Alan got into place behind Dylan and sank easily into his hole. Ricky got the lube out, spread some around his raging cock, and used his fingers to apply it to Alan’s hole, sliding a finger in and out of his daddy several times to be sure he was ready. Then he moved into position, spreading Alan’s firm ass cheeks apart and nudging his cock into the crack. He planted the head right against Alan’s tight little button and then began to lean forward, slowly and easily. It took a bit of time, during which Dylan waited patiently with Alan’s cock buried to the hilt in his hole. While he waited, Alan leaned down next to him and spoke quietly in his ear. “That hole of yours feels wonderful with all that hot cum in there waiting for me to add to it.” Finally, Ricky slipped into Alan. Alan groaned aloud, biting down on the urge to yell, and Ricky held still for another minute or two, until Alan’s hole began to relax. Then he slowly sank all the way into his daddy’s tight ass, uttering a purr of satisfaction as he reached the bottom. He checked to make sure Alan was all the way into Dylan, and then pulled back until only his cock head was in Alan’s hole. “Okay, Daddy, you get to set the pace now. Start sliding back and forth between us. Just go at the speed where you’re comfortable.” Alan’s face was alight from the incredible stimulation he was feeling, a stimulation so unlike any he had felt before. As he pushed forward into Dylan, and then sank back onto Ricky, everything was being worked at once – his dick, his hole, his hands on Dylan, his boy’s hands on him, it was all a mind-blowing new experience. As the rhythm settled into place, he found himself drifting off into a sensual never-never land of unbearable and intense sensations. Suddenly, Alan emitted a gasp. “Fuck! I can’t hold it! I’m going to cum!” Almost before he’d uttered the last word, his cock swelled up and blasted off inside Dylan’s ass, filling the redhead with another hot load. Alan’s rapid onset of excitement and the contractions of his ass as he came were all it took to set Ricky off as well. A few more quick, hard strokes, and Ricky exploded into his daddy’s tight hole. Dylan was madly jerking his cock to try to catch up to the other two. But Ricky yelled, “Hang on, Dylan, be right there!” He slid carefully but quickly out of Alan, who also pulled free of Dylan. Ricky scooted around, slid under Dylan onto his face, and spread his cheeks. Once again, he was just in time to let Dylan plunge into him, and with a few quick strokes Dylan let off a third big load inside Ricky’s hole. Alan fell back against the pillows, watching as the two boys finished their instant power fuck. As wonderful as it had felt to take a cock and a load again, and to have his boy be the one giving it to him, he had still only cum once to their several. But he could wait a while if he had to. Dylan reared up and flopped back onto the pillows next to Alan, gasping, “I’m done! What an amazing experience.” But Ricky was not done. There was still one more load he wanted to get, and for him it was the most important one of all. He slid up and curled in on Alan’s other side, murmuring, “Let me know when you’re ready to take me, Daddy.” Alan cuddled him closer, reaching out an arm to draw Dylan in at the same time, and they all dozed off. About an hour later, Dylan woke up and climbed off the bed to go to the bathroom, get rid of the sperm swimming in his ass, and clean himself off. Alan woke up, too, when Dylan moved, and turned to look at Ricky, who was still sleeping, with a beatific smile on his face. When Alan heard the shower running, he reached out and gently stroked Ricky’s face, nudging him awake. Ricky came awake with a little cry of disappointment. “What’s wrong, my boy?” “I was just having the most beautiful dream about you making love to me on a tropical beach.” “Well, there’s no beach here but let’s see what we can do about that.” Alan had a knowing grin on his face as he drew Ricky into his arms and began kissing him. Ricky could feel that his daddy’s cock was hard again, pressing against his own. He began to draw his legs up into position on either side as Alan rolled on top of him. Dylan stepped out of the shower, finished drying off, and opened the door to see an incredible scene playing out on the bed. It was the most romantic encounter he’d ever witnessed. He slid quietly down into a chair and watched as the two bodies on the bed coupled. Dylan felt a real sense of awe as he looked on. The two were joined so closely together that it seemed almost as if they had become one being, or as if they had been perfectly designed from before the beginning of time to fit together and achieve complete unity. Ricky’s arms went right around Alan’s chest, while his legs locked ankles perfectly over Alan’s lower back. Alan had one arm holding Ricky close from under his neck, while the other stroked his body gently. When Alan fitted his cock into Ricky’s ass, his head naturally fell into exactly the right position for them to kiss deeply as Alan pumped into his boy. Dylan couldn’t help feeling the waves of affection emanating from the couple as they mated, and the affection was real and palpable. Is that love? he asked himself one second, and then immediately realized that if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. He kept watching as the world receded into the distance, as time itself seemed to slow and stop, and only the endless gentle motion of Alan’s hips up and down over Ricky’s pert ass continued. But then Alan gasped out the single magic word “…cumming…” and Ricky replied “…so am I…” Alan plunged all the way down and the two of them cried out in unison, bodies perfectly joined as they reached the climax in perfect unison. And Dylan thought, a bit enviously, And here I thought that only happened in romantic fiction. At last, Alan slipped out of the hole and Ricky lowered his legs and arms, but they continued kissing each other, more gently, but with no less intention. Dylan felt uncomfortable. Perhaps he should have left, but he didn’t know where else in this huge penthouse he could go to sleep. He shifted uneasily in the chair. Alan caught the sound and looked over at him. “I’m sorry, Alan. I shouldn’t have been watching.” “Don’t worry, Dylan. I don’t mind and I’m sure….” “I don’t either,” Ricky put in. “There, you see, it’s not a problem. Come on back to bed with us.” In minutes all three of them were cuddled up together again, with Alan again insisting on being in between the two younger guys for his own safety, and they fell deeply asleep in no time. After a profound night’s rest, Alan was the first to wake in the morning. He looked at the two young men sleeping on either side of him, and smiled, remembering not only their hot times the night before but also enjoying the surprise he was going to spring on them at breakfast. He pulled on some shorts and headed to the kitchen to set the coffee brewing, before whipping up a batch of his special French toast, flavoured lightly with coffee liqueur. As he was assembling the utensils he needed, two arms slid around his bare torso and a head rested lightly against his back. “Good morning, my boy.” The voice which answered was not the one he expected. “Good morning, Alan.” He turned around in mock surprise. “Wait… you’re not my boy!” Dylan laughed. “I let him have the shower first. I knew if we went in together, we’d only end up being late for breakfast – probably very late.” Alan laughed with him. Then he poured coffee for both of them. Dylan flung his arm out in a theatrical gesture. “Is this a steaming mug I see before me, the handle to my hand?” Alan laughed again and slid the mug over to him. “Cream? Sugar? “Just cream, thanks.” “I’ll hold off beginning any cooking until you are into the shower. That way the food should all be ready just at the right time.” A moment later, Ricky sauntered in, wrapped in a rather small towel. “Good morning, daddy. Hi, Dylan.” “Walking in here barely covered like that, I swear you’re trying to start something,” Dylan grumbled. “Which he is,” Alan put in. “I’ll go get cleaned up, and you can try to make him behave.” Dylan headed off to get in the shower. Alan and Ricky exchanged kisses for a minute, and then Alan turned back to his work, cracking and whipping up the eggs for the French toast. Ricky sipped his coffee meditatively. “Daddy, I hope you weren’t upset about me inviting Dylan to spend the night.” “Of course not. Just curious about why you did it.” “It just seemed like the natural continuation of spending a day together, getting to know each other. Other than Terry, Dylan was the first guy I really clicked with since I came west. We were right next to each other on the table at that Daddy Party, and he struck me right away as someone I’d like to have for a friend. And I was right.” “More than a friend?” “I don’t think so. Definitely fun to play with and cute, but that’s nowhere near being a full-blown relationship.” “Meaning?” “It takes more than sex to make a couple.” Alan looked at his boy thoughtfully. “I was right. You really are far more perceptive than anyone else your age I’ve ever met – certainly more perceptive than I was at that age. Oh, wait, I just heard the shower turning off. Better go put on something a bit more secure than that wash cloth before you sit down for breakfast. We wouldn’t want you to have an accidental wardrobe misfunction that would disrupt the program for the day, now, would we?” “Who is this ‘we’ to whom you refer? I wasn’t aware you would be upset.” “I certainly would be if something happened to make my French toast go for too long in the pan and get burnt and tough.” Ricky gave a mock sigh of exasperation, then winked at Alan and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. While there, he loaned some things to Dylan so he also could come to breakfast in clean clothes. Soon, they were seated at the table when Alan plated the first round of French toast, accompanied by grilled sausages and a choice of maple syrup, strawberry syrup, or Alan’s own special weakness, creamery butter and artisan chocolate mousse spread. Once the second round had been completed and dished up, and the coffee mugs refilled, Alan cleared his throat in a way that clearly said the meeting will now come to order. “I’ve got something to explain which I want both of you to hear. Ricky, we’re leaving a week from Monday for ten days in Hawaii. From what you’ve told me, I don’t think you’ve ever been off the mainland so that will be a real experience for you, hopefully an enjoyable one.” “Wow, daddy, that sounds absolutely awesome!” “I’m glad you approve.” Dylan spoke up. “And where do I come in?” Alan looked thoughtful. “Well, I’m not going for a holiday. I’m going to negotiate a major business deal and I will likely need most of my time there to make the deal take shape and get confirmed. That means Ricky is going to be on his own most of the ten days. Dylan, I’m asking if you’d be willing to go along, to give Ricky some company, and to make me feel a bit better knowing that you’re always out and about as a pair and not alone. But if you don’t want to go, just say the word. I don’t want to back you into a corner if you’d rather not make the trip. It’s completely up to you.” Alan was pleased to see that Dylan took some time to think about the offer before responding. “I’ll need to check with my boss to see if they can do without me for that long, but it’s our off season so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve not been working many shifts lately anyway. Can I let you know tomorrow afternoon?” “That’ll be fine, Dylan. If you confirm to me that you can go, I’ll go ahead and book your ticket. I’ve already got Ricky’s ticket reserved, and I’ve booked a huge suite at the resort so there’s more than enough room for all of us – even when someone really needs to sleep alone.” This with a wicked grin and wink. All three of them laughed. “I just need you to give me your full name and birth date for the ticket.” Once all of that was taken care of, they settled down to enjoy the rest of the French toast and coffee. Just over a week later, the three of them were seated in three seats in the first class cabin of a huge airliner as it taxied towards the runway at Los Angeles Airport. The flight attendants had already handed around an introductory round of mai tais, checking the boys’ photo ID to be sure they were old enough. The boys toasted each other, and then turned to lift their glasses to Alan in the single seat across the aisle. After the usual interminable wait for their turn at the runway, the flight attendants came around again to collect the glasses. Then the seat belt sign chimed, the plane turned onto the runway, and there came a deep-throated roar as the engines revved up to full throttle and the plane leaped forward. Alan felt again the never-failing sense of exhilaration as the acceleration pinned him back into his seat. He glanced across at Ricky and Dylan, recognizing their excitement as the same he had felt all those years ago on his first flight, when his mother (now long gone) had taken him in the summer to visit her parents in Switzerland. The nose tilted up, then came the sudden cessation of vibration as the wheels pulled away from the runway and the plane soared aloft. The coastline slid away seconds later under them, and they were out over the Pacific Ocean. Ricky and Dylan stared at each other, each having the same thought as they left behind the land where their feet had always rested, ever since they could walk. Hawaii, here we come!
    2 points
  29. my FB just left. i've been battling the flu all week, been pretty wasted, but there's always a part of me that can rally and be horny. Had to put Him off all week, just too sick and i also didn't want to make Him sick. Today i demurred again and He responded: "I honestly don’t care that you’re sick. I’ll slide right now if you are up for that, but I am super down right now and have all the energy to come." How could i say no? Besides, i didn't wan to, i've been going through withdrawals without Him. Left me pregnant.
    2 points
  30. It was a few weeks after my 21st birthday and I'd headed out with some friends for the evening. We were a group of typical twinks, and I'd chosen a tight white t-shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers. Not to brag, but my dark hair was perfect, the t-shirt almost sprayed onto my lean, tight, toned body. Ass perfect in the jeans. I kissed a couple of guys, and it got pretty wild. One of my friends had coke (until then the only drug I'd ever tried) and I seemed to get pretty drunk pretty quick. My friends started to peel and pair off, and then before I knew it the bar we were in was closing. I stumbled around the street for a little while, alone at this point, before seeing another bar down the road still open. I'd only ever walked past it before. It was known as a seedy, older guy's bar, but I wanted more booze so I made it up the street and headed in. Pretty much every head turned as I stumbled through the door, and there were maybe 20 guys sat around the small, dark bar. I headed in as confidently as I could, trying not to look too drunk, and leaned against the bar. There were audible gasps behind me, men leering, and I was the youngest in there by at least 25 years. The bartender was an older, stocky guy, dressed in a leather vest. He headed over. "Can I help you Son?" I tried my best to look sober. "Er, yeah, just a beer please?" He raised an eyebrow, but then surveyed the room. Seemed like his customers were enjoying the view, and he shrugged as he gave me a beer. I dropped my wallet as I got it out of my pocket, and as I bent down to get it I heard more gasps behind me. I knew my ass would look good like this. I paid for the drink and sipped on it as casually as I could. I noticed a guy staring at me from one of the bar stools. Maybe 50 or so, he was dressed in leather, looked a little skinny but paunchy, and he gave me a smirk as I sipped my beer. I looked away, but could see everyone else in the bar staring at me and whispering. One guy in the corner was just staring at me non-stop, and he had his hand in his trousers, a goon expression on his face. 'Damn, what kind of place is this?' "Don't mind Frank," a low voice said next to me. I jumped a little. The guy from the bar stool had wandered over. I looked blankly at him. "The guy jerking himself off over there, he does it here every night," he smirked. "I can see why he'd have his hand in his pants for you though". He's eyes wandered down my body. "Sexy little piece aren't you?" I blushed, giving him a weak smile, trying to seem as sober and in control as I could. His breath was awful, really rotten, and I could see that his teeth were a mess, even some missing. His face close up was aged and haggard, with blotches all over, and his hair was thinning. "So what's a sexy little fucker like you doing in a shithole like this?" I smirked. "Can't a guy just buy a drink?" He thought for a second: "Sure he can, but most people come in here looking for other things too..." I blinked, my head feeling fuzzy, and I felt like everyone in the room was getting closer. Frank in the corner was really beating his meat now, tongue out, staring at me, and I put my beer down on the bar. "I er... gotta go..." I went to walk away but almost feel over, and the man's hands grabbed me around my waist. "Whoa boy, think you've had enough, better get you outta here..." He walked me to the front door and into the street, propping me up against the wall. "You okay kid?" I nodded, not very convincingly, my head hung in drunken stupor. "I'm gonna... gonna go home..." Weirdly the air seemed to make me feel better, and I looked up to see him grinning down at me. "You won't get a cab around here, it's kicking out time." I looked up the street, and to be fair it was very busy. "My place isn't far, come back for a drink and you can get a cab from there..." I seemed to get a second wind, and nodded. "Sure man, why not?" I managed to walk unaided as we headed towards his place. It was about a five minute walk, and as we went he told me his name was Steve. "Alex," I'd said non-nonchalantly, him walking slightly behind me. We got to a pretty run down apartment building and he let us in. His place was a mess, mattress in the middle of the floor, beer cans and food boxes everywhere, and it smelled too. It looked like he only had one room. There was a couch covered in dirty clothes, and a small kitchen unit in the corner. "You got a bathroom?" He nodded towards the only door on the far side of the room, and I headed in as he went to the fridge. His bathroom was filthy. Toilet un-flushed, mess everywhere. I was planning to leave but I needed to piss like my life depended on it. A let out a thunderous stream of piss, my aim all over the place as I pissed on his seat and floor. I flushed and steadied myself on the sink, looking into the dirty mirror. Peeling my phone out, I pulled up the Uber app. Swaying as I ordered, I got an alert straight away telling me there were no cabs. "You okay in there?" he shouted through the door. "Yeah man," I said, heading out into the living area. "Can't get a fucking cab..." "Stay, have a drink..." he said, bringing over two glasses to the couch area. He'd cleared some space, and by this point I was totally hammered, so I sat down on his couch and took the glass. I sipped it, fuck it was strong, and he encouraged me to drink it. "I put a nice, healthy dose of G in there for you... mine too..." I looked at him. "Huh? G?" He nodded, a warm smile on his face. "It's perfectly safe, I know what I'm doing..." At this point I didn't care - it felt like I was losing control, so I gulped the drink down. "Fuck..." I said. "That tasted nasty..." "Yeah, G isn't the nicest taste..." he said, finishing his own drink. "Mind if I get more comfortable?" I nodded. "Sure man, your place." He got up, giving a big stretch, and took off his leather shirt. His body was pale and gaunt, with a podgy belly, and he looked like he had sores all over him. I stretched on the sofa, arching my back. "Fuck man that stuff was strong..." My head feeling cloudy and whoozy, but a growing elated feeling inside me. I started grinning, almost uncontrollably, and giggling to myself. I started to feel warm - and as I looked over he was making another drink. He came over and handed it to me. "No G don't worry, just a normal drink..." I sat and sipped it, getting talkative and funny all of a sudden, making him laugh. It was so warm. "Your cheeks are flushed Alex... get more comfortable if you want..." I smirked, giving him a wink. "Like that wouldn't you?" I pulled up Spotify on my phone and put some music on. I got up. "Come on, let's dance!" He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm too old for dancing..." I shrugged, dancing around the room, feeling amazing and so sexy at the same time. I was dancing at him, for him, and I lifted up my t-shirt to show him my lean, toned six pack, rubbing it for him. His eyes were wide, and I could see a bulge in his pants. Turning my back to him, I shook my ass, playing with my t-shirt, flashing skin at him. I grabbed for my drink, almost knocking it over and taking a gulp. As I carried on dancing he leered at me as I showed him glimpses of my body. Before long, I slowly peeled off my t-shirt and tossed it onto the floor. I motioned for him to join me with my finger, and as he approached, I turned my back and started grinding my ass into him. Fuck I was horny, all sense and repulsion of this guy I would never have looked at twice out of the window. The smell of his breath ground me for a second, but then his hands touched me, and I arched my back, feeling his fingers rake down my exposed ribs, taking in my flat, firm stomach, my tiny waist, my smooth back. "Do you want me to take you to heaven Alex?" He moved away, heading into a cupboard in the kitchen, and I tried to see what he was doing. "What's that?" I said, as he messed around with his back to me. "Heaven," he said, turning back and nodding at the mattress. "Take off your clothes, lie on the mattress, and I'll take you to heaven..." I shrugged. 'Fuck it,' I thought, kicking off my shoes and socks and peeling down my jeans. I could see him stealing glances back at me as I undressed, and soon I was nude, clambering onto the dirty, smelly mattress. I was too horny to care, and so curious about this 'heaven' that I lost all sense. He took a while in the kitchen and my semi died, my soft cock lying lazily on my stomach. I heard some muffled sounds behind me, and as I turned back he seemed to be taking something off his arm, holding his arm above his head. He coughed violently for a minute, before heading over to the mattress and kneeling next to me. He started tying a shoelace around my arm. I looked at him, puzzled, before he held up a needle almost full to the brim with liquid. "What... what's that?" I said, nerves rising in me but some other force inside pushing them back down. "Heaven," he whispered, holding my exposed arm. I felt a sharp jolt as he pushed the needle into my arm, and I wriggled slightly. "Keep still," he said, an almost manic look in his eyes. He seemed to be mouthing a countdown to himself, before he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Welcome to heaven." In an instant, my entire body spasmed. I gasped in shock, trying to sit bolt upright but he pushed me back down. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was having an orgasm at the same time. I'd never felt anything like it in my entire life. My eyes wide, glazed, mouth wide open, head rolling around as he held my arm in the air and tore the shoelace off. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." I kept saying as I rolled around on his mattress, my back arched, nude body trembling. I looked down, and my soft cock had cummed all over my abs. I hadn't felt an orgasm at all, and I kept gasping in shock and the feeling washed over me. He dropped my arm, his mouth diving onto my dick, slurping every last drop of my un-felt cum shot. My soft dick dribbling semen. He started licking at my abs, making weird moans, clawing at my nude body as his rancid teeth raked at my soft skin. My head rolling around, unable to lie still, arms reaching up behind me, clawing at nothing in particular. By this point he was shifting position, pushing my legs apart. I'd never been as horny in my entire life. Staring at him, my eyes demented. "Oh fuck yes fuck me!" He pushed himself in between my legs, holding them in the air, and started rubbing his bare cock on my hole. He looked down at me, he looked like a demon, and started to frantically, desperately push. My hole, my body's last defense, desperately trying to reject his bare leaking cock as he pushed harder. It hurt, but I didn't care, my soft cock twitching on my stomach, leaking more cum onto my abs as my hole finally yawned open around his mushroom. I gasped, clawing at the disgusting mattress, digging my nails into it as he pushed deeper into me. He started fucking me, hard, holding my legs up. He took one of my bare feet and put it to his mouth, his tongue all over my toes as I flexed them. I felt his dick push through my second ring, his exposed cockhead deep in my gut. I reached out to grab him, pulling him down onto me and locking my mouth onto his. My tongue running all over his rancid mouth, my perfect straight teeth banging up against the stumps and gaps of his gums. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and his arms went under my armpits, cradling me as he fucked me bare. My back arching, pushing my hard nipples into his flabby chest. "Oh fuck yes!" Arms around his neck, legs locked around his back as he fucked his cock into my gut. He was grunting in my ear, both of us lost in drug-induced horniness as he cradled my twink body. "Oh fuck... fuck... I'm gonna..." He held me, maybe too tight, as he made one last, desperate, jabbing thrust as deep inside me as he could get, unleashing a torrent of cum into my unprotected body. Ropes and ropes of thick, creamy semen layering against the walls of my gut. I lay there panting as he roughly pulled out of me, lying down next to me on the mattress...
    2 points
  31. You should contact him and discuss starting the new year off right. And you could share some of your old pics and videos with him o the two of you together to remind him of how much you both had. I had a regular of over 35 yrs that was married with kids. ( He passed with cancer a few yrs ago.) We would meet for Pool & Drinks". He would spend the night at my place because he always got "too drunk" to drive home safely, and his wife appreciated me looking out for him. He'd also come over when they were arguing to let things cool down. (She was Puerto Rican with a really BAD temper.) She also would send him over for "Guys Night Out), and she had her "Girls Night Out". She wasn't worried about him "cheating" on her since he was "Straight", I was gay, and we were drinking at the gay bars. I also took him to the baths a few times. Always played bare, and he always left with at leat 3 or 4 loads in his ass/stomach.
    2 points
  32. Just thought of another model/actor. Rhyheim Shabazz!!!! He is romantic but still rough and aggressive. Of course that is what draws me to black men. They always seem to know just the right amount of rough with a little bit of romantic.
    2 points
  33. Part 1 It was the middle of the night and I awoke to the sounds of my son Matthew fumbling in the dark trying to find his flip-flops in our dark rv. "Sorry, Dad. I gotta go take a shit," he remarked as he slid his feet into his sandals, heading out the door. This was not unusual, as the campground where we were staying didn't have hookups, so we used the camp toilets which were really just outhouses. It was also not unusual for him to run off shirtless. He hardly ever wore a shirt unless absolutely necessary, but I certainly understood his aversion to shirts: at just one month shy of 20, he was in his prime. He had just finished his freshman year at university where he was on the football team. Not that he had actually played any games yet, but he still had to train hard, and keep fit. And boy did he. At 6'2", he was a tight 190 lbs of head-turning perfection. All the ladies drooled over his curly brown hair, which he kept a respectable shaggy length. His profile showed a strong nose, a stronger jawline, and plump lips that were absolutely enticing. In addition his broad he sported tan, wide shoulders, chiseled, smooth pecs, a narrow waist, perfectly formed, round ass, oh, and his strong legs were lightly covered in dark hair. The only other hair on his body was a light treasure trail, and his dark, bushy pits. His facial hair hadn't really started coming in very heavy, and he still had rosy cheeks which suggested a boyish glow to his face. Then his eyes. Oh my gosh, his big blue eyes framed in thick dark lashes. His mother's eyes. That's what drew me to her first, so many years ago. But how times change. She's still a wonderful person, we just are more like friends now. Still married, just cause it's easier financially, but that's it. The sex ended years ago, and we've had separate bedrooms for quite a while. She says I snore too loud. Of course it doesn't help that she put on a hundred pounds since our wedding. But I do have my sexual releases. Unkown to my wife, I've always been bisexual, and have had a long time fling with my best friend Brian down the street. We keep each other satisfied. Me? Well, I'm not too bad for 43. I'm six feet, and weigh in at 195 pounds. I work out, usually with Matthew, but still am treading the dad bod territory a bit. My salt and pepper hair and distinguished beard certainly help me. I was in the army for 20 years stationed right here, so I receive a pension, and in addition I sell cars. So all in all, things are pretty good. Matthew still lives at home, which I like, if only as it saves money. Matthew was never much of a party kid, instead he was a genuinely pleasant kid, which meant we gave him all the freedom he wants. Living in our basement bedroom, Matthew uses a private entrance to the basement, and we don't frown on his friends staying over. My wife never joins us on our camping trips, she hates it, so it's always been something special my son and I do. I have always treasured our trips, especially now he's almost a grown man. "Dammit," I mumbled to myself. "The fucking power of suggestion. Now I gotta shit!" I grumbled as I put my own flip-flops on and headed into the night, but not before I pulling on a shirt. Walking down the gravel path toward the shitters, I enjoyed the pure peace of a mountain night, however as the outhouses came into sight, I could hear whispering. Specifically, I heard two male voices. Now, at first glance that wouldn't be unusual, although the hour was very late, but when I realized the conversation was occurring within the outhouses, and further realized I wasn't really hearing a dialogue, but rather I was hearing grunting, and panting. You know: sex sounds. When I reached the toilets, I definitely heard a man ask "Yeah, you like that you little slut? You like taking that cock like a bitch?" And I heard another man say, "Yeah, fuck me. I AM a nasty slut! I want your cum in my ass!" IT WAS MATTHEW!! Oh my fucking God! My son was getting dicked in a dirty, smelly outhouse! I froze, not knowing what to do. Should I bang on the door? Should I slip away? My heart pounded as I tried to quickly digest what was happening. My little boy, my Matthew, was getting fucked by a total stranger. And he was liking it. No, he was LOVING it!! He was begging for it. The man fucking him was calling him nasty, degrading things, and my son was pleading for more! I couldn't move, I was transfixed. It was like a car wreck, I couldn't turn away. Then I realized, I didn't WANT to turn away. My cock was rock hard in my shorts. What the fuck? Listening to my son get used turned me on? I had never thought of my son like that! Sure, I could recognize his physical beauty, but I never thought of him sexually. Now that's ALL I could think about. Imagining what he looked like right now, taking a cock up his ass made my own cock ache. Listening to their filthy talk and animal noises made me want to join them. I wanted to be the one fucking Matthew right now! I could hear the man say, "I'm gonna cum slut. Gonna fill you up with a huge load!" Then Matthew begging for it. "Oh fuck yeah! Breed me! I'm a fucking cumdump. That's what I'm for!" That's when I high-tailed it back to our rv, shit or no shit. But before I was out of hearing range I heard the top grunt as he shot his load into my son's hole, to which Matthew moaned in appreciation as his guts were filled with sperm. Now out of breath and my heart racing, I jumped into our rv, kicked-off my sandals as I decided how I would respond to what I had learned. Should I confront him? Should I pretend nothing had happened? While I recognized ignoring what I learned would be the course most parents would take, a voice in my mind suggested 'This could be a golden opportunity. You have the power over him right now'. I had to ask myself, however, if that was what I wanted, recognizing Matthew could freak-out, permanently damaging our relationship, but I also considered Matthew had begged that strange man to use him. "Fuck it!" I thought, as I ripped off my shorts and climbed under my covers, "my son is obviously a cock hungry slut!" Some ten minutes passed before Matthew finally returned, long enough for my breathing and heart rate to return to normal, but not long enough to lose my hardon, or my nerve. "Everything come out okay, son?" I asked as he climbed inside. "Huh, oh, yeah. Just a little constipated, you know," he replied kicking off his flip-flops and crawling under his blankets on our bed. I could smell the sex on him and my cock ached more. "Good night, Dad," he murmured as he lay facing away from me. I waited a few seconds, then inched closer to him. I could feel him tense up as I pulled his blanket up and pulled mine off. The smell of fresh sperm hit me like a mac truck, making my dick pulse. I slid my body next to his as he froze in fear, not sure what to expect. I leaned into his ear as I touched the wet spot where cum had leaked out and whispered, "I know." "Dad......"he started to say. "Shh shh shh," I silenced him, as I pulled the elastic waist band of his shorts down. "It's okay, Matty. Daddy's not mad that you're a little cockwhore." I lightly rubbed his freshly fucked assring, feeling the slimy goo. Matthew moaned a little bit. "Daddy's just disappointed he didn't get it first," slipping two fingers into my son. He moaned a tad louder, so I let him know "But it's okay. Daddy loves sloppy seconds." I slid my fingers into his mouth so he could taste his ass. Then I instructed "Now, pull down your shorts." Matthew complied, removing his shorts, revealing his own throbbing erection. He may have his mother's eyes, but he has his daddy's dick. Before now, I had never seen it erect, but it was a carbon copy of mine. Not thick, but about eight inches long, uncircumcised, and with a wicked curve that could hit all the places inside. "Did you cum?" He shook his head yes, unable to speak. "And you're rock hard again? I guess you truly are a slut." He just shook his head again. I pulled back my foreskin and placed the head of my cock against his wet hole. "Good," I said as I slid my cock slowly into my son. "Daddy wants his little boy to be a good slut for him." Matthew moaned in approval as I buried my bone all the way in his warm, wet, hungry fuck chute, pressing it hard into his prostate. I just held it there as I whispered, "no more secrets." "No more secrets," Matthew returned. I began to saw my cock in and out of my boy's hungry pussy, pushing hard into his prostate as he let out little grunts and moans, obviously loving that his Dad was finally fucking his slutty hole. He reached to jerk his erect cock, but I slapped his hands away, growling into his ear, "No, don't touch your cock, boy until I tell you to." "I'm sorry Sir." He whispered. His natural submissiveness only made my cock swell more in his ass. I wrapped my arms around him, grabbing his hands and squeezed him tight against my body. He squeezed my hands back as he squeezed his glorious asslips around my cock, eliciting a throaty growl from deep inside me. My son definitely had a talented cunt. I knew I wasn't going to last long with his man pussy milking my cock, as I slid in and out of his cum slick chute. Knowing another man's cock had just been in my son, fucking him, using him, cumming in him was too much for my brain to handle. I knew I was close. "Tell me what you want son," I whispered in his ear, "tell your Dad what his nasty, slutty, cumdump of a son wants. Tell me what you are, boy." "I want your cum, Daddy," he whispered back in short gasps as I pounded his prostate hard. "I want you to use me as a cum receptacle. I was born to be fucked and used. I'm a slut, Dad, I'm just a cumdump. Shoot your load in my ass, Dad. Do it. I want your seed in me." That did it. Hearing my son begging for my load pushed me over the edge. I buried my cock as deep as I could in my boy and let out a long, deep moan as my dick throbbed and flexed, pumping what I knew was a huge load into my slut's guts, mixing with the load the other man dumped in him not even a half hour earlier. "Oh Matty," I moaned as his ass muscles milked all the cum out of me. "Daddy's going to be using this hole a lot from now on." "Yessssss," he softly hissed in reply.
    1 point
  34. I've had the feeling often of needing to go but your good. You've cleaned and I believe what it is is just the cock in your ass that is making you feel that way. Just forget about it and let him do his thing.
    1 point
  35. Amazing story thank you!
    1 point
  36. this is a slow build but maybe it will be enjoyable as it progressss. My first story I just had my one year anniversary of retirement and my 6 month anniversary of divorce. You see my wife had been cheating on me while I worked for 25 years to build us a life. I thought she was happy but I guess I was too distracted. My kids didn’t even know. My wife was a few years older than me so I just thought it was menopause or whatever. My kids were just as shocked as I was that this would happen. I will say though that they have really supported me during all of this. I provided for the family and ensured that everyone had opportunities to excel. I didn’t give it all to them and in think that’s what they now appreciate the most. They appreciated having had chores, responsibilities, having to pay their own way to college, having skin in the game. These young people who get it all and are never satisfied really are a drag on society and will be forever. I didn’t want my children to end up like that. When the divorce was finalized my ex wife didn’t get all that she wanted. The judge saw through all the bullshit and even said “ this man gave you everything you wanted, a home, a family, no need to work while you were raising the children and you betrayed the vows. You will only get 2000 per month, I hope your new spouse can pick up the slack”. She was floored, I was relieved. Though I really dislike writing that check every month it could have been worse. I suppose it helped that I’m in the security and IT industry and had ample evidence. Once I suspected something was up I didn’t lead on I just tightened my surveillance and built the case. About three months after the divorce a large competitor approached me to buy my humble consulting firm. Let’s just say that I never have to work again and can travel the world or focus on the philanthropic missions that I choose. Bitch was pissed when she found out she missed out on that lottery. One of the first things I did after selling was buy a light twin airplane. A Beechcraft Baron, a 1978 model B55. It was a typical 70s era plane in awful pain scheme and even worse interior. I had a Beech specialty shop do a complete refurbishment to include new engines, interior, paint, state of the art Avionics. You couldn’t buy a new plane better than this one. I’ve been flying it and have 200 hours as pilot in command of this airplane and it’s been wonderful. My goal is to travel to all the places on the west coast I never got to visit. Someone famous once said “give me a mile of road and I’ll show you a mile of countryside, a mile of runway and I’ll show you the world”. That definitely applies. So to keep from being lonely I just fly places and live out of a suitcase. I stay were I want for as long as I want and that’s it. Now here’s the story that you are probably getting impatient to read. Last week I was in Boston visiting one of my children. Spent a week there with my new grandchild. It was time to go so I decided I’ve not been to Knoxville Tennessee in many years. Let’s go there and spend a day there before deciding where to go next. I took off out of a small airport outside of Boston headed to Knoxville. I land at the Knoxville downtown island airport which parallels a river near university of Tennessee. I rent a car and head to get some dinner and a hotel. I decided I was hungry, so stopped for dinner and a drink. As I finished my meal I could see a commotion across the way at another table. A skinny young man with a camerabag, a few tattoos, and a purple streak in his hair was arguing with the waitress. It appeared that his card was declined. It couldn’t have been much because I could see he only had a water and a small salad but it was still an issue. My waiter was bringing my check and I asked what was happening over there. I was right. His card was declined. I told mine that I would take care of his check. As I was leaving not thinking a thing about it further the young man comes up by my car and thanks me for taking care of his tab. It was no problem I was happy to do it. I knew that I would get the blessing later in life. I just didn’t know how soon that would be or what. He explained that he had just been expelled from UT because his father decides he wouldn’t pay for his college anymore, or anything else for that matter. He had been basically disowned. I asked why and he said that his father found out he was gay. How old are you I asked. I’m 22 he said. I have a son that is exactly your age I told him. So do you have a job or a place to stay? No, I’m homeless as of 2 hours ago. I lived in an apartment my family got for me but that’s gone too. I have no money and I don’t know what to do. I’m going to sell my camera and lenses he said so I can find a place and look for a job. I was once a photographer myself I told him. What kind of camera do you use. Leica he said. Now that’s a real high end enthusiast brand so this boy comes from an affluent family it seems. I mentioned that he should be able to get good money for it. I asked what he planned to do for a job. He didn’t know but he fancied himself as an urban photographer and journalist but that doesn’t pay much and he didn’t appear to have the muscles for manual labor. He even said as much stating “I’m just a twink and will probably just have to suck dick to make ends meet.” I didn’t know what a twink was, but didn’t say anything. I told him I was just visiting town and was very tired. I said I would be happy to get him a hotel room so he had a place to stay. He agreed and he got into my car. On the way to the Hilton he thanked me said he couldn’t repay me, yet at least. I said don’t worry about it. Checking in I asked him how long he needed the room. He shrugged like he hadn’t thought about that. Our rooms were next to each other and I said good night. I mentioned that I was having breakfast downstairs at 8am and if he wanted to join that would be fine. About midnight I woke up and couldn’t sleep. I guess I was just thinking about this young man, Peter was his name. I got up and was going to go to the hotel gym. As I left my room I noticed that Peter’s door was slightly cracked. I don’t know why but I pushed it open a little further and I saw Peter on all fours with his ass up in the air and a blindfold on. I was startled and aghast I just kept walking and went to the gym. I worked out about 40 minutes and headed back up and the door was still cracked. I looked again and Peter was getting his ass eaten by some other young fella. “Well he did say he was gay” I thought to myself. I went to my room. I got back in bed but I was still thinking about what I saw. I get it out of my mind. My dick even twitched a little and a few minutes later I could hear what was going on next door and that got me hard. So hard in fact I jerked off. I didn’t know why I was feeling this way. If never had these thoughts before. What’s the matter with me? The next morning I went to the breakfast room and there was Peter. “I saved a spot for you he said”. Thank you I replied. This is going to be awkward I thought to myself. I ate my breakfast and we chatted. He asked what my plans were and I said. I think I’m going to go to Utah to the Zion national park and take in the sights. His eyes perked up and said that he had been there when he was young and loved it. A beautiful place he said. Before I could think I said. “So you want to go with me?” “YES!! But I have no money, as you already know”. “Don’t worry about it, we will work something out”. He gave me a little grin. I’m ready to go I said. When can you be ready, I asked I need 30 minutes to shower and change if that’s okay? I said be ready in the lobby in 45 min and we will leave. “That’s going to be a long drive Mark. “No not really I said as he looked at me with puzzlement.” 45 min. I don’t like people being late. It was getting warmer and Peter made it to the lobby with his camera bag and duffle. He was wearing a tshirt that said #BBBH and some really short shorts with flip flops. I had no clue what that meant and we got in the car. I’m happy to help drive he said. We won’t be driving much I told him. We are gonna fly. “Sir, that’s a lot of money and I just don’t feel right about you paying my way”. I’m headed there anyway, might as well have some company. “What airline are we flying mark”. I looked at him and said jokingly “MarkAir”. “Never heard of it he said. We pulled into the parking lot of the downtown island airport. Peter bent over into the back seat and I could see he was wearing a blue thong as he grabbed his things. “Wait, you are a pilot?” “Yep we are gonna take my plane west. we will stop in St Louis Missouri for fuel and get a bite to eat and decide if we want to go further today. “Sounds great to me he said, I’ve never even been on a small plane before”. I asked “have you ever seen a grown man naked” he paused. “I guess you’ve never seen the movie airplane, never mind it was a poor choice of joke”. “Well mark, I’m kinda fond of naked men, that’s why I’m in this mess”. I stammered “I didn’t mean anything by what I said, I was just quoting a movie”. “ uh huh, I saw you looking at my thong mark”. I blushed and we walked through the gate to the plane. "Put your gear in the back while i go pay the fuel bill" "Yes sir, can i keep my camera close?" "sure, that's no problem" i told him. I pay the bill and head back out to the airplane. Peter is taking a selfie by the prop in a sexy model type pose. "What are you doing Mark? This young man is gonna get you in trouble, you know it" but i was already mesmerized by him. He was really nice, seemed to be pretty smart but dumb as a hammer in regards to walking around sense. But, then again, I knew nothing really about this boy so who's the dumb one? "I'm so excited he yells out to me as i get close" I smile and said me too, now lets get going west. Since he's never been in a small plane before I normally let my passengers know everything that is going on so they can be at ease. He helps me to do the preflight and go throught the checklist. Once that is done we get in and buckle up. The baron kinda has a bench seat up front, so its cozy. "Can I sit by you?" he asks. "Fine by me, but the back is more comfortable if you want to stretch out" "No, i want to be near you daddy, I mean Mark" I look over at him and pretend i didn't hear that as I lean over him and pull the door to and lock it. His eyes were very wide as he looked over his little round sunglasses as we began our take off roll to the west. The nose comes up and then the main wheels leave the ground, we were flying. "Positive rate, speed increasing, blue line, gear up" i say out to myself i as i reach over to the gear handle and actuate it. "Knoxville approach, Baron tripple 6 romeo just off downtown, we would like to pick up our IFR to sierra tango lima, St. Louis" "666Romeo good morning, squawk 4137 ident" I repeat what the controller says confirming a squawk code of 4137. "tripple 6 romeo radar contact just off downtown, climb and maintain seven thousand, expect higher in one zero minutes, altimeter 30 decimal 12." "climb and maintain 7000, 30.12, tripple 6 romeo" I reply. Peter is intently listening on his headset and grinning from ear to ear with excitement. I'm pretty excited too but i'm trying to maintain some professionalism as I have a passenger. But I can't help but look at his beautiful legs and feet as now he's kicked off his flip flops and is sitting next to me with his legs crossed watching my every move, every adjustment of throttles. His eyes are all over me and it starts to happen. I'm getting an erection. I try to hide it by casually setting my chart in my lap to cover the tent growing in my slacks. He looks me in the eye and smiles. I'm busted. A little while later the controller tells us we are cleared to 11,000 feet direct to STL. I put the autopilot on and relax a little. Peter is enjoying the ride and I tell him, "now we just sit back and relax" " are you gay mark?" i wasn't expecting this at all to come over my headset. "uh, um, no i'm not peter uh," "okay, just checking. Did you hear anything last night? Did I keep you up?" "well, peter, i uh, saw, uh hmm, yes I heard you son" I just called him son! "what are you doing?" I ask myself. "Good, I had hoped you would" he says. "Actually, I got up and I noticed your door was ajar and i saw you on your hands and knees" "Good, i'm glad you saw that because you are going to get that ass tonight daddy" He leans over and lays a full on tongue kiss on my lips and my heart skips a beat, but for some reason I let it happen and I actually enjoyed it. He reaches down and feels my hard dick and licks his lips. "I would blow you right here but, i'm gonna take a little nap and let you process all of this....daddy" I was speachless. about 2 and a half hours pass and we are getting closer to missouri. Peter's been asleep since he teased me and i've been checking in with the various controllers. We've been stepped down in altitude to sequence us in for a landing and we are now at 5000 feet. There is a low pressure system here and its cloudy and overcast. You cannot see the ground. We are in a layer of clouds and i'm entirely on instruments. Its like being in a lightbulb. The windows just look like frosted glass. "baron tripple 6 romeo, turn left heading 210." "Left turn 210 tripple 6 romeo" as soon as I unkeyed the microphone a loud bang and the airplane shakes violently. Then again, and now the pilot side windscreen is broken and there is wind rushing in and blood everywhere. Peter is startled awake and is panicing. I've got my hands full as the abrupt change in attitude has disconnected the autopilot so i'm hand flying with one eye covered in blood, wind rushing into the cabin, and we are still in the clouds so its wet. I reach over to calm peter down. I get my headset back on that was knocked off my head in the commotion. i start telling peter to calm down its okay, he's crying and shaking. "you are bleeding mark!" I tell him "yes i know, but i'm okay." "What happened" "I don't know son but we have got to get out of the clouds and land." "mayday mayday 666Romeo needs to decend immediatly. Declaring an emergency" The previously quite radio and boring job the controller has had up until now has just gotten interesting. "tripple 6 romeo roger, just let me know what you need. descend at pilots discretion" "tripple 6 romeo, pilots descretion" was my only reply. a few seconds later the controller comes back on and asks me to specify the issue. By this time i've figured out what has happened. "99 romeo, bird strike. We've apparently hit a flock of sandhill cranes" there was the remains of one of those birds all over my fucking airplane. "the pilot windscreen is busted and we have a pretty good vibration but controls are free and correct at this time. we need to land immediately, request vectors to nearest airport" "roger tripple 6 romeo, the cloud bases turn to broken at 4000 then few at 2500 in your sector, nearest airport is 15 miles off your left wing, turn left 180, i'll get you the unicom frequency and get you vectors for the ILS" " I need a VFR field i'm injured and with this wind in my face its pretty difficult here." "mark, let me help" peter says. "okay son, look for the button on this big screen that says NRST, that's the nearest airport button, and see if you can find something to wipe this blodd from my face" Peter strips off his shirt and pats my face with it trying to help. "666Romeo, state fuel remaining and souls onboard" the controller asks. I think to myself, souls onboard. I've never been asked that before and its an errie question to hear. "2 hours fule, and 2 souls, 666Romeo." "are we going to make it" peter asks. "well, i'm not giving up yet son" i reply to him. the vibration is getting worse and worse. my face is now clear of blood and only a few scratches are present on me and they aren't too bad. i can see everything now and have the airport dialed into my gps and the approach plate pulled up on the second screen. I'm talking to myself briefing the approach. Peter is cold, he's used his shirt to wipe my face and i can tell his nipples are hard. Without thinking i reach over and flick one of them and smile, like this is a routine day at the office. I don't know but it seemed to calm him just a little. By now we have broken out of the clouds and i'm feeling better about the situation but i notice that the cylinder head temps on the left engine are rising slowly and we still have this vibration. I thought to myself, maybe we hit more than one, maybe the engine nacelle is clogged up with bird. The right engine is fine, normal temps. "99 romeo airport 12 o'clock 9 miles. Airport is untowered, 6000ft long, elevation 789, altimemter is 29.10. I read back the info and no sooner than i said that we have a severe yaw to the left, the RPM's go high and the plane is now violently shaking. The engine is still making power so I'll take it. I've trained for engine failures but I'd rather not shut it down if I don't have to. But it doens't feel good at all. I decide to feather the engine and shut it down. We are 7 miles out. Peter is now holding onto me, he's shaking more than the airplane. With the engine stopped i see the problem. With that last jolt we lost a blade off the three bladed prop. "runway in sight, tripple 6 romeo." The controller comes back, "roger 666Romeo, we have advised the onfield contacts of your arrival and emergency, they have local fire standing by. Good Luck sir, let us know by phone or radio when you are on the ground" "Thanks for your help boss, tripple 6 romeo" "alright peter, we have one engine, and one chance to get this right. I'm going to wait till the last moment to put the gear down. I don't want to make to many changes of configuration since we are stable. 3 miles to go, gear down, flaps set. we are crabbed into the wind 1 mile to go" You can see the firetrucks and police cars staged at midfield, peter has his hands over his eyes. without looking to him i just calmly say over the headset, its going to be alright son, daddy will take care of you." a minute later the screeching of our wheels touching down and peter looks up. I've now had to shutdown the right engine and we are just rolling under momentum as we are then followed by the trucks and roll to a stop. Peter jumps into my arms and gives me the biggest hug of my life. I hold him for a minute just to compose myself. "you did it sir, you saved my life" "hey, if you hadn't gotten on this airplane you wouldn't have had to go through this ordeal" "I've never felt so alive mark. I'm going to make you a happy man tonight. After this, i'm going to introduce you to things you've never even imagined." "by now we have arrived in a small country town with a country airport and this obviously gay boy is in my lap as the fire cheif looks in and says "welcome to Gardendale, looks like you boys had a rough go of it." all i could muster up to reply was "Its been a challenge" To be continued
    1 point
  37. The nice thing about the Bigger Blacker Book app is that it’s completely customizable. You can add categories and activities to be as specific to your style as you want. For instance, under the “Bottoming” category, it offers as standard list of activities where you can record the nature of the encounter - bareback, condom, he came inside, pulled out, etc. - but there was no category to describe the kind of bathhouse encounter where the Top fucks you bare but doesn’t cum because he’s just sampling your cunt as one among many he will fuck that evening. So I added “Sampling Fuck” to my list of choices, just because I like to keep track of the nuances. 🙂 If you were the sort of enthusiast who wanted to keep track if what brand of poppers you were using in a given encounter and how well they worked, you could probably set it up for that too (realize though that all poppers are actually pretty much the same thing in different labels in the U.S.) Or if you wanted to keep actual stats on claimed vs. actual cock size, you could set that up too. (But then you’d be a field researcher instead of a cumdump, and it’s hard to do both things well at the same time. Priorities are important.)
    1 point
  38. Part 41: Ben Learns the Truth (Will’s Perspective) I stared at my father, my attention jumping from his shocked expression to his naked body and down to the load of cum he had just ejaculated all over the floor. It felt as if time stood still and rushed past at the same time. I felt my head spinning, the air in my lungs sucked out of me. “What the fuck?” I said, trying to take a step forward before I felt my body go limp and I fell into darkness. I don’t know how long I was out. Everything was still dark, the world a blur around me. I heard their voices first, whispering low. “Maybe we should change him.” “I don’t think that’s a top priority.” “He fell right into my cum, Mark. He’s covered in it. I don’t want my son waking up covered in his father’s cum.” “You may not want it, but he might like it.” “I think you both need to give him some room.” “Who are you?” “I’m Dominic Moore. I’m your son’s boyfriend.” “My son’s what?” “Now’s not the time.” “I don’t understand what’s happening.” “Shhh. He’s waking up.” My eyes opened and I saw Dom, Pastor Kline, and my father looking down at me. What I noticed first was that Pastor Kline appeared to still be naked while my father was wrapped in what looked to be a sheet. “What happened?” I moaned, trying to push myself up. I felt a give beneath me; I must be on the bed, I thought. The bed… the bed I just saw Pastor Kline and my father fucking on… My father had been fucking Pastor Kline… MY FATHER HAD BEEN FUCKING ANOTHER MAN! I jumped, scrambling on the bed, but three pairs of hands reached out and held me steady, keeping me locked on the bed. “Take it slow,” Dom said, his hand resting on my chest, lighting pressing over my biohazard tattoo. “You took a tumble.” “Maybe we should take him to the hospital,” my father said. “He could have a concussion.” “He didn’t hit his head,” Pastor Kline said. “He’ll be fine.” “I think he was just shocked,” Dom said, looking at them both. “I think we’re all a bit shocked.” “That’s an understatement,” I said, sitting up. Once I was up, their hands left me, and I looked down, noticing the wet marks on my shirt. My father had been right. I must have landed right into his cum. Looking down, the smell of it hit my nose, and it pulled me into the reality of the situation. “What the fuck is going on?” “We can explain,” my father said, his hands pulling the sheets tighter around his naked body. “I think we all need to calm down,” Pastor Kline said. “It’s not a big deal.” “Says the man who has fucked his own son,” Dom said. My father’s eyes grew wide. “You what?” “Can everyone just stop,” I said. My mind raced over everything I’d seen, everything I heard, everything I knew and thought I knew. “First question: Dad, what are you doing here?” “Mark invited me,” my father said. “Not to do this.” “Well…” “Why?” I asked. “It was meant to be a surprise,” my father said. “I was here to visit, to see you preach.” “And that somehow became you fucking him?” “Is there any way we can use a different word?” my father asked. “I think it’s fitting,” I told him. “Also, how do you know Pastor Kline? You two never met before.” “Actually,” Pastor Kline said, “we have met before. We went to college together.” “You did?” “We only overlapped for a year or two,” Pastor Kline said. “But it left an impression.” “Hold on,” I said, stopping him. “Did you know that he was my father? Did you know when you hired me?” “No,” Pastor Kline said. “Back then, he had a different last name. I didn’t realize until recently.” “He took grandma’s name,” I said, remembering the complicated history between my father and his parents. “I didn’t realize that there was any connection until Mark contacted me,” my father explained. “That’s a complicated web we can untangle later,” I said, my mind trying to understand the ties coming undone. “All I want to know now is why and how I came into this room and saw my father— my religious, straight-laced, no sex before marriage, pure father— fucking my boss.” Pastor Kline and my father exchanged looks. They explained their meeting at the restaurant. They explained their conversation. They explained how my father had run out and then arrived unexpectedly at the house. All the while, my mind tried to account for the two different men I now saw as my father. The man I had grown up looking to as a strict, no-nonsense, follow-the-rules, perfect example of a religious man had no connection to the man I saw shooting his load all over the floor. Who was this man? “I didn’t come to Mark’s home thinking this was going to happen,” my father explained. “And while I’ve always had a thing for your father,” Pastor Kline said, “I never thought this would happen.” “Wait,” I said, remembering back. “You said that there was a man who you fell for while you were in college. You said there was someone who first awakened that inside of you. Are you telling me that the man you were talking about is my father?” “A strange coincidence,” Pastor Kline said, looking at my father and smiling. “But, yes. Ben is the man who I first fell for.” “And we’re just meant to believe that you didn’t invite Will’s father here so you could make something happen?” Dom said. There was a protective side rising in Dom. While I knew there was a part of him extremely turned on by everything happening, I could see that my confusion and concern was his top priority. It was getting me hard. “I’ll admit that there was a part of me that wanted something to happen,” Pastor Kline said. “Yes. In my fantasy, I wanted him to throw me on the bed and fuck my brains out. But I never thought it would happen. I’m not that delusional, but, after everything else that’s happened, I guess there was a part of me that hoped it would.” “But how did you let this happen?” I asked my father. My father stared at me, opened his mouth to say something, but then hung his head. “How about we give them some time,” Dom said to Pastor Kline. Though somewhat reluctant, Pastor Kline started out of the room. “Go easy on him,” Dom whispered into my ear. “Imagine if the roles were reversed.” Dom kissed me and then left, leaving my father and myself alone. “Mind if I sit?” my father asked. I nodded. “I’m sorry for how this has unraveled,” he said, pulling the sheets tighter. “I never meant for you to find out. At least, not this way.” “I understand,” I said. “I never meant for you to find out that I had a boyfriend.” “He seems nice.” “He is,” I said. “But we’re not talking about that. I want to know how the fuck all this happened. How is it that the man who raised me, the man who shouted from the podium all those rules and laws about sex and purity and everything else ends up fucking another man?” “How did you?” he countered. “I understand that you’re upset, but imagine my surprise. Not just with you, but with your brother.” “What are you talking about?” “I spoke to Jay,” he said. “What did he tell you?” “Everything,” my father said. “Then how are you surprised?” I asked. “How are you surprised that I have a boyfriend after everything Jay and I did?” My father stared at me, a look of confusion causing my stomach to twist as I realized my mistake. “He never told you about that,” I said, my fingers running through my hair, trying to calm the headache starting to form. “Jay told me that he’s gay,” my father explained. “What exactly happened between you two?” “We…” I started, looking at my father, unable to complete the statement. His eyes grew wide. “Oh… oh… oh no…” “It’s a mess,” I told him. “It’s a mess for a different time.” “You’re telling me that two of my sons have been having sex with each other?” I nodded. “When?” “It started when we were back home for your retirement.” “I don’t believe this,” he said. “It was an accident.” “How? How could it be an accident?” “I… sucked him off without realizing it was him.” I explained to my father what happened, how I had gone to the adult video store and gave Jay a blowjob without realizing. I explained how Jay had known, that he had tricked me into the whole situation. I explained everything I could, trying to lessen the impact I knew it was having on my father. I told him everything without mentioning anything about either of us being poz. “And is that why he’s gay now?” my father asked. “I think Jay is just an insanely sexual being,” I told him. “I don’t know if he has a label or wants one. I think he just wants to be having sex all the time.” “I know how he feels,” my father said. “You do?” “Of course,” my father said. “I’m a man, too. I understand how the head we have on our shoulders isn’t always the head we’re thinking with.” “So, is that why…” “When I spoke to Mark,” my father said, “I realized that I’d been hiding something deep inside me. When Jay told me everything he had done, well, almost everything, I found myself jealous of him. I wanted to be free like him. I wanted to let myself go to explore all the things I’d been resisting all my life.” “What about mom?” My father was silent for several moments. “There are complications in every relationship, Will. Your mother and I have complications. Even before I met your mother, I had slept with several women. I created a persona that I wore for decades, presenting myself to be the righteous man everyone wanted me to be. I tried to be that man. I really did, but that inner voice, that depraved little… demon, I suppose, that I kept hidden for so long finally clawed its way back to the surface.” “I understand,” I told him, thinking about the dreams which had taken hold of me before Dom had claimed me. “So, who knows about this?” “Only the men who were in this room,” he said. “How about you?” “The men in this room,” I told him. “Plus, Jay, Doctor Wade, Pastor Kline’s son Ryan and Ryan’s friend Lewis. Also Peter Flanagan.” “Oh, I heard about that,” my father said. “Well, it sounds like I’ve walked into a tangled web.” “You sure have,” I told him. “I can’t imagine how this could get any more complicated,” my father said, laughing. “Well,” I said, the weight of the biggest secret pressing down on me. “What is it?” I stood up from the bed and pulled my shirt off, revealing my chest. My father looked me over, a change in his expression. I felt as if he was not just looking at his son but was now looking at a fellow man who also relished the pleasures of the flesh. His eyes took me in, a smile on his face until he caught sight of my tattoo. “What is that?” “It’s my biohazard tattoo,” I told him. “Dom gave it to me. Almost everyone who knows what’s been going on has one. Even Jay has one.” “What does it mean?” “It means that we’re poz, Dad,” I told him. “It means that we’re HIV positive.” My father stared at me, stunned. “We’re all poz. Dom, Pastor Kline, Jay.” “Did you infect your brother?” “No,” I said. Though Jay had insisted that it hadn’t been me to poz him, there was suddenly a crack in the foundation of this idea. Had Jay told me the truth? “And that man, your boyfriend, did he do this to you?” I nodded. “Why?” “Because, it freed me,” I told him. “It binds us together. He’s a part of me. We don’t have to worry about condoms or anything else. It’s the ultimate sign of trust.” My father was silent. I could tell that he was trying to wrap his mind around everything I had told him, everything he had told me. So much had happened within such a short period. I wasn’t even sure if we’d all been able to fully digest the gravity of our situation and the ramifications it would have on us moving forward. “Will,” he finally said, standing up from the bed. “I need you to do something for me.” “What’s that?” “I need you to call Jay and have him meet us at your apartment.” “Why?” I asked. “Because,” my father said, releasing the sheet which fell to the floor, revealing my father’s hard cock which was leaking a steady flow of precum. “I think it’s time for us to have a proper father and sons bonding night. One that will truly bind us together.” I reached out and grabbed my father's face, pulling him to me, kissing him. It was a deep kiss, a strange sensation within the passion. I knew I was kissing my father. I knew that the man whose tongue was in my mouth was the same man who had raised me. Similar with Jay, I felt the heat of knowing that what I was doing was wrong. I knew it couldn't be understood by everyone. Only the men who already knew the truth would be able to understand. We broke our kiss, my father looking into my eyes. He smiled. "I love you, Will." "I love you, Dad." He kissed me again, his body against mine, his cock pressing against my growing bulge. My hands reached down and undid my pants, pushing them down along with my underwear. My father broke the kiss and looked down. "Holy shit," he said. "You're huge." "Dom is bigger," I told him. "You're a lucky man," my father said, kissing me again. As we kissed, our cocks rubbed against each other, precum leaking down our shafts and coating our bodies in our familial juices. The room, already pungent in the smell of sex from Pastor Kline and my father now intensified as our bodies were coated in sweat. I broke from the kiss, my father's lips reaching out, searching for me. He opened his eyes, looking at me. "What?" I slowly lowered myself down to my knees, his hard cock sticking out, aiming right for my mouth. "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded, opening my mouth and swallowing my father's cock down my throat. "Oh, fuck!" he moaned, his head thrown back, his hands reaching forward and grabbing the back of my head. His hips started thrusting forward, his cock gliding along my tongue, reaching my throat, dripping his neg precum into my stomach. "Whatever your boyfriend's been teaching you," my father said, his breathing labored, "he's been doing one hell of a job." I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him even deeper into my mouth. Not only could I taste my father, but I could also smell him, my nose burrowed into his pubes, his sweaty body creating a high. "Oh, fuck!" Memories of seeing Pastor Kline with Ryan flooded my mind, the image of a father and son locked together in a passionate heat. Now, here on my knees, I found myself with my father's cock in my throat. "I'm gonna cum," he moaned, his pace quickening. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna CUM!" I gripped his ass hard, just as he gripped my head steady. I felt his cock swelling in my mouth, kicking, shooting rope after rope of his hot cum into my throat and mouth. I glanced up, seeing his head thrown back, mouth open, a strained moan escaping his lips as he unloaded his baby batter, the same baby batter that had created me, deep into my throat. "Fuck," came a voice from the bedroom door. My father and I turned our attention to Dom who was watching us from the doorway. "I fucking love this family," he said, smiling at us both. I smiled and swallowed down my father's cum.
    1 point
  39. I absolutely love this!! The not knowing what comes next gets me so turned on! I want to do this again someday so bad!! If anyone in Los Angeles can host me in the mornings I would love to chat! One of my female friends wants to host something like this for me someday but she lives on the east coast!!
    1 point
  40. to have a son and raise him with a special bond most people dont experience then marry him when he turns 18 and adopt a son for the two of us
    1 point
  41. This guy produces some of the hottest Onlyfans content out there. He uses a camera man which allow him and his fellow models full range and not have to worry about holding a damn iPhone or camera. He's now doing vers roles which has surprised me but his fellow performers are always incredibly hot.
    1 point
  42. 321 Slammer is my personal fav
    1 point
  43. Chapter 3: WInging It! We got to the restaurant and it was pretty dead, but we picked a booth away from mist in case others arrived. I asked Marc how college life wad going, and he said OK, but not perfect. I asked how so, and he said his sex life was pretty non existent. He said it mostly involved watching porn and stroking off while his former roomie was away. He said it was difficult to host with a roomie and he really hadn't found anyone he was comfortable with meeting. I asked why he wasn't comfortable with meeting others and he said he's run across many druggies, and that wasn't his scene. He said hosting was a problem for most guys there also. I decided to test the waters and asked if there were positive guys there. He said yes, but he was horny and would have protected sex with them. He said he had an appointment to get Prep, and then would live life more "dangerously " as he called it. I simply said that was a good choice. I hated wearing condoms, but I wanted his ass so badly, and I know he wanted both my ass and cock just as much. I asked him about the stud in the shower, and he said he thought he was gay, but nothing ever happened between them. He said he had hoped it would, but he was afraid of his huge pierced cock which was bigger than mine. I smiled and said I'd definitely be stretching his hole later tonight. He said he loved that idea. I told him i wanted him in me too. He said he'd love that. We finished our wings and a few pitchers, then headed to the liquor store for a big bottle of Jack. He asked if I had any poppers, and unfortunately I forgot to bring any, so we headed to a head shop to get some. He said he didn't have any as couldn't keep them in fridge with his former roomie, but now that he's gone he could. We headed back to the dorm with the Jack and poppers in his backpack. When we got off the elevator, Jimmy was standing there waiting to get on. As we stepped out, Jimmy grabbed his package which wax positioned to the right. Before the door closed, I asked Jimmy if he wanted to join us for drinks in the dorm later. He said he was on his way to take care of some business, but should be back by 8. He grabbed his package again, and said see you then! Once the door closed, Marc asked me if i was crazy. I just said you saw him grab his crotch didn't you? He said yes, but I can't take that cock. He looked at me like i was crazy when I said i could. I said it would be a fun introduction by just watching porn, getting drunk. No one had to fuck. Marc did say he'd love to see me take his cock though. I smiled and said after Jimmy left, he'd be taking mine. He asked if I had condoms, and said yes, as well as some lube. I said I hope you've opened your hole up with some toys and he said yes, but not any as big as my cock. I smiled and said I'd take it easy on him.
    1 point
  44. Somewhere I have a nice photo of my swollen lips but need to track it down. Here's a placeholder for now.
    1 point
  45. I used to fantasize about being castrated with no meds, but then I had a surgery on one of my nuts. I was awake under only a local and I about passed out when the doctor stuck the needle in my scrotum to numb the area. The pain from that was almost more than I could imagine. I don't think guys who fantasize about losing their balls with no meds really understand what pain is! And I am pretty pain tolerant.
    1 point
  46. I only suck black and arabic. No white.
    1 point
  47. Chapter 2 Uncle King gently rocked his hips back and forth, asking Kip for more lube. Kip squeezed some lube on Uncle King's giant cock and on my hairless hole. Then, he picked up the pipe, took a big hit, and shotgunned me, kissing me ferociously. "Tweak his nipples!" Michael called out to Kip from behind the camera. When I jumped from Kip's touch, more of Uncle King's cock pushed into my hole. I grunted and moaned, while writhing away from Kip's thumbs and fingers. "Oh, that is just all kinds of excellent!" Kip laughed, a little sadistically. "We'll have to see if there's anything in that duffel bag for nipples. If not, my mom has clothespins I can borrow." The thought of this turned me on. I had played with my nipples while jerking off before, and always loved how it felt. These guys sure seemed to know what they were doing when it came to using a guy like me. Kip took another hit, and shotgunned me once again, while still stroking my cock. I was beginning to rock back on Uncle King's cock a little, meeting him on his subtle thrusts. I guess he didn't wanna go for broke and spook me. Almost as if he'd read my mind, King said, "Nice and slow, Little Buddy. I got you. Nice and slow. Keep rocking back on that big daddy dick. You gonna call me 'Daddy' when I plow your hot little hole, Little Buddy? You gonna tell me 'Yes, Sir!' and 'No, Sir!' when I ask you questions while I'm fucking you?" "Yes, Sir!" I answered, already getting into the spirit of it. He grinned. "Nice. We're gonna have a lot of fun. First question: "You gonna get mad if we invite other guys over to use you this week?" Wow. The thought that such a big secret as this would - could - go beyond the four of us hadn't occurred to me. Of course, I'd arrived that evening expecting nothing more than a routine workout and sleepover. "No, Sir!" I stammered, not too confidently. Then I added, "Like who?" "That's our little secret," King replied, winking at me as he rocked his cock back and forth, with a few inches now buried in my hole. "But there are quite a few guys around town who have it bad for you, Little Buddy. You're gonna have a fun time, though, I promise! You just gotta keep this all a secret, OK?" "Yes, Sir!" I replied. "Attaboy, Little Buddy!" King beamed down at me. His voice sounded proud. Slowly, Uncle King pulled his cock out, followed by the beads, one by one - which drove me insane as they put pressure on my prostate and then popped out my hairless hole. Then, he quickly stuffed his cock back in the gape before it closed up again. With the beads now gone, he now had a couple of inches more in there. "Sooooooooo fuckin' tight! Goddamn this is some Grade A boypussy right here, guys." Kip reached over and spanked me hard on my right asscheek. I jumped, and as I did so, Uncle King's cock slid in another couple of inches. This was happening, and I fucking loved it. I moaned out: "Oh, fuck me, Uncle King! Fuck me! Put it in me!" "Call me 'Daddy' Little Buddy," King reminded me. "And call Michael 'big brother,' OK? I've always wanted a boy of mine to take care of me, but Michael was never into it. You're like the faggot younger son I never had, and the cocksucking little brother Michael never had." That was off-the-chain hot. I wondered what King might have done to try to entice Michael to play with him. Had Michael done *anything* with his dad before, I wondered? With the smoke, my thoughts were nasty and scattered. I imagined that maybe King had secretly given Michael meth, too, like he had done with me. "Fuck me, Daddy!" I replied, focusing, grunting, and thrusting back on him as he got a little more aggressive with his strokes. Michael was taking pictures like crazy. He had Kip grab the Polaroid to take more of those, too. Michael came up to my head and offered me his cock, as he urged his dad on and continued taking pictures with the Pentax. I was lying back on the bench, King holding my ankles in the air while Michael squatted down to feed me his big "big brother" cock. "Come on, Dad! You're more than halfway in now. He can take it. He's all blissed out and high as fuck. Just a little further, and you're gonna bottom out and take that sweet cherry finally! Go balls deep, Dad! Show this little faggot of ours how much he's gonna love getting fucked this week at both ends!" Uncle King grabbed my narrow hips and pulled me back onto his cock, rough. He wasn't quite as aggressive as Kip had been so far, but pretty close. I realized I liked it rough. He locked eyes with me as he began to push more steadily at my hole, rocking back and forth in larger arcs now. He was fucking a few inches inside me, for sure, and hitting my prostate with each stroke. "OK, faggot," King said to me, "Second question: name some other friends of Michael's that you have a crush on besides Kip here." Michael took his cock out of my mouth so I could answer. I thought for a second and answered, grinning and flashing my deep dimples, "Definitely Javon and Juan Pablo!" Michael laughed: "Oh, they'll be here later. That was a gimme and a no-brainer, the way you always gawked at them in the locker room while waiting for me to give you a ride home after practice. You like the dark meat, Little Buddy? HAWT! Well, they can't wait to sink their black and brown cocks into your pink, pale, hairless boyhole." Whenever I used to wait for Michael in the locker room after his practices, Javon would let his big black cock swing back and forth, hitting each leg as he walked. Whenever Michael wasn't around, he'd waggle it at me and wink at me, and say stuff like, "You ever see such a big cock, Little Buddy?" or, "Pretty little white boys like you shouldn't stare, ya know." I'd blush every time, but he'd flash his pearly whites and tell me he was just kidding, and that he was used to the white boys on the football and baseball teams checking him out. "Even the coaches do, so don't worry about it." Still, I'd always blush whenever he did it. But I always looked. Then, there was Juan Pablo. His parents had moved to West Virginia from Colombia, and his dad was a general family practitioner in town. Juan Pablo was openly into me, even around Michael. Michael often had to fuss at him to back off and leave me alone, but I noticed it always seemed to make Michael hard whenever Juan Pablo would "cross the line" with me. For instance, one time last summer, Juan Pablo had been one of the first ones off the field after practice, and had come over to talk to me as I sat on the bench waiting for Michael. Michael's locker was in a back corner. Juan Pablo angled himself so that anyone else coming into that row of lockers couldn't see, as he untied his football pants, fished out his cup, and waggled his massive uncut cock out right in front of my face, about an inch from my lips. "Like that, Little Buddy?" he'd asked me, point-blank, shaking it and tugging on his foreskin as his cock grew larger. Blushing, I shrugged. "Well, it likes you," he leered, taking my non-committal shrug as a yes. "Too bad Michael is so uptight, or we could have a little fun, you and me. Guys back home play around all the time." Just then, Michael rounded the end of the row, and stalked over to Juan Pablo, a pissed-off, set-jawed look on his face. "Put it away!" he hissed, looking around to make sure nobody else had seen. I guess he had a sixth sense about what was going down. Or maybe Juan Pablo had miscalculated the angle. "Chill, amigo!" Juan Pablo said, nonchalantly and slowly tucking himself back into his football pants. "The kid wants it, though. You know it and I know it." "There's a time and a place for everything," Michael answered cryptically. Now, as I lay there with his dad's cock burrowing into my tight, hairless hole, I realized what he'd meant at the time. The time was now - after my 18th birthday - and the place was right here in this dingy, run-down garage. It all made sense now, and was HOT AS FUCK! King interrupted my train of thought: "Next question: how old do most people still think you are, Little Buddy?" I blushed. This was a sore spot for me. Most people thought I was still around 14 or 15. I answered truthfully: "Usually they guess 14 or 15." "That's fuckin' hot, Little Buddy!" Kip whooped. "You really can pretend that you're Michael's little brother, eager to please him, and his friends, and y'all's pervy fuckin' daddy!" King grunted, thrusting more of his cock in, insistently now. "Oh, fuuuuuuuuck, Kip, say more shit like that and you'll have me cumming in no time!" "It's hot as fuck, King!" Kip replied. "Give him all of that daddy dick, so his big brother can fuck him next!" Michael moved around to get a close-up of his dad's massive cock about halfway in my hole now. He told Kip to put some more lube on the back end of his dad's cock, and Kip quickly obliged. When Kip finished, he came up by my head and squatted way down for me to swallow his cock. Aggressively, he gagged me. "Breathe through your nose, Little Buddy," he instructed. "You can do this. You can throat my cock all the way if you try." I got a good bit of his cock down my throat, squeezing tight once his cockhead entered my gullet, before I gagged again. Michael was taking pictures of the action. "Holy shit, that's hot, Kip! Keep it up! He almost had it all. And you can see your cock stretching out his throat when you face-fuck him. That is so off the hook!" Kip kept at it for a few more minute, gagging me intermittently. I *almost* got it all at one point, then almost puked. Kip pulled out, as I gasped for air. "That was hot as fuck, Little Buddy! I'll give you a rest. Here, smoke some more." He handed me the pipe, leaning in to shotgun with me - kissing me aggressively and grabbing my hair hard to hold me in position - after every rip I took from the bubbler. Suddenly and without warning, King reached up and tweaked both my nipples, hard, as he rammed his cock into my hole. This time, I jumped so hard that my ring gave way and he bottomed out. I could feel his big nuts mashed up against my asscrack. "Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" he hissed. I grunted and moaned really loud. "Oh, fuck, Daddy, fuck! That feels so good! Fuck me, Daddy! Show my big brother and his buddy what a faggot I am for your big daddy dick! Let Michael get more pictures of his little brother being y'all's boywhore and boyhole." Somehow, I just ***knew*** that I could push some of *their* buttons now, now that I knew some of *their* kinks and turn-ons. King grunted, grinned, leaned down, and told me to hold my mouth open. When I did, he spat in it. It tasted minty from his dipping earlier. "Look at you, Little Buddy, embracing the whole daddy / son / big brother roleplay thing! You're even hotter than I imagined you would be. I've known for years that you were checking other guys out - I mean, it was obvious to anyone with eyes except your dumb-as-shit parents - but we had to wait. Sorry about that, Little Buddy. But I know some guys who got into some deep shit with the law for breaking that particular Thou Shalt Not." "I understand, Dad." I replied, smiling up at him. "Good boy!" he grinned down at me. As he said this, he began to slowly pull out just a little, then easing back in, starting a slowly-building rhythm. With each pullout, he pulled a little more out, until he was longdicking me from tip to base with each thrust. "Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Fuck my tight little boyhole, Daddy! Make me your bitch!" I hissed up at King, hunger in my eyes. Micheal piped up: "You're a nasty little faggot, aren't you, Little Buddy - or should I say, Little Brother? I always knew you would be. It killed me not to do anything about it. I knew you wanted it, and I wanted to help you act on your desires, but rules are rules, man." I moaned. My main crush had always been on Michael. Now, with him pretending to be my big brother? I was over the moon, delirious with horned-up, crazy, addle-minded fantasies. The smoke helped, of course. I was high as fuck, with all kinds of nasty thoughts running through my mind. Mainly, I wondered who else might be coming - or cumming - that week. And I wondered whether King had ever fucked Michael like this. It turned me on to think that King got Michael to suck and take his dick at least once. I don't know why, but the thought of him secretly slipping Michael meth like they'd done to me was a huge turn-on. "Are Javon and Juan Pablo really coming?" I asked, looking at Michael. "Yup. They'll be here later. We'll have to put the bubbler away though. They don't know I do this shit. They're due here in a coupla hours. That should give all three of us a chance to unload in your hot, hairless hole. Your hole makes you look so young, dude! It's fucking hot as hell, and it looks awesome stretched around Dad's dick, man! Just wait until you see these pix later!" King continued long-dicking me. "How's that feel, son? You like my great big daddy dick pounding your hot little boyhole?" I remembered the correct response: "Yessir, Daddy! If I'd known this felt so good, I would've been playing with my own hole all this time." Michael grinned and said: "We hid my bi mags from you, so that you had no idea how good it might feel to have a cock or something else in your ass. We wanted you as tight as possible for taking your cherry together tonight." That was hot. Still, I couldn't help but think of all the cucumbers I could've used. I'd heard boys on the bus joke about using a cucumber in the ass. Now, I wondered if they were really joking or not. King really picked up the pace now, pounding my hole and slapping his big beefy legs into my ass with each thrust. "Get ready, son! Here it cums!" he suddenly said, taking Michael, Kip, and me all three by surprise, I think. He grunted, grunted, grunted, and then - with one final total-buried-thrust - unloaded in my hairless hole. When he finished cumming, he just rested there for a minute, catching his breath. I was on fire with hunger. Pulling out, he turned to Michael and said, "Your turn." Michael waved him off. "I'll go last after all. I wanna get the pictures out of the way first before I fuck him. You go, Kip." Kip didn't need to be told twice. Shoving his dick in in one thrust, he grinned down and me and said, "Your daddy loosened you up real nice. Ready for another pounding, faggot?" King came up to my mouth and told me, "Clean my cock, son! Show Daddy what a nasty faggot he has for a son!" As Kip slammed into me, I cleaned that daddy dick, swallowing the first half, and licking off the second half to the base. I was in pig heaven. [Kip's rough fuck will be next + Javon and Juan Pablo arrive early + more guests are revealed or hinted at ... hope you enjoyed.]
    1 point
  48. Thanks @alexej2 and @novamax for the nice comments. Trying to put the English major to good use lol. This chapters a little longer than the previous couple. Part 16 Hunter led Tyler to the bedroom and shut the door once they were both inside. Tyler started to panic. What was this about and why would Hunter want to leave Chris and Casey alone together? "You seem really tense. I just wanted to bring you in here to see if I could help calm you down so that Casey wont get freaked out and run scared. Hes cute. We want him to stay." Tyler thought the royal we was a little much right now but didnt mention it. "I guess I just didnt realize that you had always planned the smoking to be part of us playing the whole time. I thought it was a thing you just happened to offer to us that once because you were in the mood." "I was. I am." "I just didnt tell Casey about it so I was worried but he just went with it just now so I think we're good. So lets go back--" "Did you take the hit from the pipe just now because everyone else was doing it or because you liked the feeling last time?" Tyler didnt know how to answer the question. He thought Hunter was looking for one or the other when the real answer was both. Hunter read the hesitation and opened the same drawer that he pulled the pipe out the last time Tyler was in this room. He pulled out that same pipe along with a torch. "Dont answer that. I get it. Here. Lets take a couple hits you and me and get you calmed down and then we'll go back ok?" Hunter did not give Tyler the opportunity to respond. He was already lighting the pipe and walking towards the boy. No matter what happened this day, Hunter wanted to be the one to convert this boy who was more beautiful than he remembered. Tyler saw that Hunter was going to take a hit first. He was thankful to have a little bit of time to collect his thoughts. So much was running through his head and the two hits he shared just a few minutes before were messing with him. But he didnt have the time he expected because Hunter was moving quickly close to Tyler to give him the shotgun. Tyler hadnt anticipated that move but just went with it and opened his mouth to take smoke into his lungs. But what happened in the living room also happened here. Hunter turned the shotgun into a deep kiss. Tyler melted into Hunter and met this mans passion with his own. The two were locked together and softly moaning into each others mouths. Tyler was reminded of Hunters forceful tongue from their first kiss. Those memories combined with the hits fueled the already horny boy. Hunter held Tyler and led him to the bed without breaking the kiss. Tyler could feel that he was tenting in his sweatpants and felt Hunters large hard cock through his shorts as it pressed against Tylers thigh. Tyler sat on the edge of the bed with Hunter still standing and looking down at him. He handed the pipe and torch to Tyler. " Go ahead. All yours. I did some before you guys got here so dont worry about me." Tyler thought for a moment about his revelation when they arrived at the house. Hunter was manipulating them. There was a plan that he was executing that included playing casual. Tyler knew that now even if he didnt know what the plan could be beyond getting everyone naked. But he wasnt able to think past that kiss and that hard cock that he saw but didnt touch the first time. He lit the pipe and started on his first hit. "Good boy" Hunter said as he kneeled down between Tylers legs. He grabbed at the elastic waistband and pulled at them forcing Tyler to raise his ass to let his sweatpants get taken to the ground. Hunter loved that Chris and Tyler didnt get Tina dick and loved the sound of a hard college cock slapping against a boys abs. None of it broke the hit the boy was taking. Hunter had him and was about to really have him. "Yeah boy. Keep taking those hits. I wanna see you get high for me." Hunter grabbed Tylers hard cock and began to slowly stroke it. It was already leaking a little precum. But Hunter here for this boys cock. ******************* Casey was mid hit when he and Chris heard Hunters bedroom door close. Neither was sure how to proceed. Do they continue with the shotgun or does Casey just blow the hit out? In their hesitation, Casey just blew his hit out. He wasnt sure how long he was supposed to hold these hits in. This was his first hit from a pipe after all and it turned out to be pretty big. He was starting to change but he wasnt sure exactly how. Chris watched the cloud disperse into the living room air. "Nice hit. Do you feel ok?" He didnt know Casey but Chris remembered the nervousness of doing t for the first time and just wanted to check in. "I think so but I think Im also definitely getting high." "Yeah? What do you feel?" "I dont really know. Just...different I guess." "Does it make you horny?" "I cant tell if I was just horny from before or if this is new because of the hits." "I guess all that matters is youre horny right?" Chris took the pipe and torch from Casey and did his own hit. Then he handed them back to Casey so he could take another. If they were going to wait for Tyler and Hunter to finish whatever they were doing they might as well get high in that time. "Yeah." Casey began to rub his crotch. He noticed that each hit would go straight to his cock. A tingling he never remembered feeling like this before. Chris noticed. "I know the feeling bro." Chris began to rub his crotch as he watched Casey. Casey noticed the staring and the rubbing when he handed Chris the pipe. They made eye contact, neither saying anything as they did the hand off. But before he put the pipe to his mouth, Chris asked Casey, "You wanna do a shotgun this time?" As they were getting higher what they were thinking more and more about but still hadnt said was what the other had done with Tyler. There was a competition between them driven by that unknown but was fueling this moment alone between them. It could easily have gotten aggressive if thats where these boys heads were but that wasnt who they were. Chris was also wondering what Tyler had or hadnt told Casey about the first time they were in this house just as Casey wondered what it is that happened. Casey never saw Tyler as being the casual drug user type but this seemed chill and safe. He couldnt see the harm in Hunter or getting a little high every so often if thats what Tyler was up for. Their curiosity and these hits made them want to see what might happen for as long as they were alone. "Sure" Casey replied. As Chris leaned in neither was sure if this would lead to a kiss but both did want it. Chris moved close enough that their lips touched and both very tentatively brought their tongues out slightly. Just the feeling of their tongues grazing was enough and the two started to make out deep. Chris leaning further into Casey as they pressed themselves together with hands exploring each others chests and abs even as Chris held on to the pipe and torch. Just as with his shotgun with Tyler, Casey had to let go of the smoke while they were kissing. "Thats so hot" Chris said as they both took a breath. "Do you want another?" he asked as he offered what was in his hands to Casey. "Is it cool that we're doing this while theyre in there? I dont wanna smoke all his stuff and get him pissed or anything." "I'm sure its fine. Theyll probably be out in a second anyways." "What are they doing in there? Did something happen?" "I dont know. I think it should be ok." Chris was trying to be casual because he wanted this to continue. But he was also wondering if Hunter was going to try to get Tyler alone to share what had been already shared with him...Chris' guilt was hard to shake and part of him knew that there was danger involved for these two boys by coming here. But hearing the click of the torch and seeing this sexy guy do these hits for the first time with him, thinking about what it might do to him, made it impossible to stop. ********************** "Scoot back." Hunter stood up and gave Tyler a small push to encourage him to pull his legs up on to the bed. The boy did as he let go of his first hit with this pipe. "Nice cloud. Go ahead do another." Hunter climbed up onto the bed his hands gripping onto Tylers ankles and firmly massaging his way up his calves past his knees and up his thighs. He bent down and started kissing the boys inner thighs, all hard with muscle. He looked up as he licked the space between Tylers thigh and balls. The boy moaned as he held his hit in. "When you let that hit out blow it out down to your cock." Tyler nodded and then blew a cloud bigger than the first fogging the view that the two had of each other for a moment. "Fuck boy. Thats hot. You been practicing since that first time?" "No that was my first time and the last time I did it." "Youre doing great. Hold on to them for a second." Hunter raised himself up and pulled Tylers legs along with him propping them up on his shoulders. He knelt back down to get a closer look at the boys hole. "You and Casey have fucked before right?" "Yeah.' Tyler was embarrassed by the admission. Partly because he hadnt told anyone else yet and because he was feeling bad that the first person he told wasnt Chris. Hunter could see it on his face. "Don't worry. Theyre getting to know each other right now. Itll be fine." Tyler nodded. "You guys flip fuck or do you just bottom?" Hunter made sure to look the boy straight in the eye. Even with the hits lowering his inhibitions he was turning red. He really hadnt ever even thought about saying these things out loud. "It's ok. I'm just asking. You can tell me." With those last words Hunter teased Tylers hole with his tongue eliciting a gasp. He looked back into Tylers eyes. Tyler was looking right back. "You love to bottom dont you boy?" Tyler just nodded. Without hesitation, Hunter feasted on Tylers hole licking and probing in a way that created new sensations in the boy. Chris and Casey werent guys who seemed interested in rimming so this was something Tyler never really thought much about. After Hunters rim job there would be no turning back. He would insist that guys he was with rim him like this. His moans became increasingly louder and for a second he worried that Chris and Casey would hear him. But that second passed quickly. Hunter could feel the hole responding and opening up to him. This boy was a true bottom and he couldnt wait to get his first poz load into him. He pulled his head up and propped himself up as he crawled up to kiss the boy he was about to own. He could see in Tylers face the disappointment that the attention to his hole had stopped and also that hunger for something more. Hunter pulled himself from the kiss and looked down at Tyler. "Can I fuck you?" Tyler was a little caught off guard by how gentle Hunter was in asking the question. He recalled the conversations in health class about consent and he was seeing it play out now. Tyler took this to mean that Hunter wanted him to want it and enjoy it. He took it to mean Hunter would never do anything to hurt him. He looked down and saw that huge cock fully hard and looking like it was leaking. He didnt remember noticing Hunter take his shorts off but there was a lot happening and all that mattered now was that he was naked. Tyler nodded. "Yeah. Go slow ok?" Hunter kissed Tyler softly. "I will." Hunter took the pipe and torch from Tyler and told him to pull off his hoodie and the tshirt underneath. Hunter had forgotten how sexy the boy was and started to second guess the promise he had just made. He handed Tyler the pipe and torch again. "Take another two first. I'll grab some lube." Hunter wasnt sure if Tyler would say anything about condoms or being safe but he wasnt about to bring it up. Tyler did give it a moment but as the first of these two hits moved through his body he realized that he had never been fucked with a condom. Chris and Casey always fucked him raw and bred him. With Chris it had just happened the one time but it was pretty clear now that he and Casey would never use a condom together. By the time he was blowing out his second hit he had forgotten that the thought had even past his mind. By then, Hunter had his cock lubed and was pulling Tylers legs back up onto his shoulders. "You feeling good boy? Those were nice big hits. Love seeing that." Tyler nodded. He couldnt believe how much he wanted to feel this mans cock stratching him in ways that even Chris and Caseys werent big enough to do. "Go slow" he repeated. Hunter smiled and nodded in response. Hunter grabbed his slick hard cock and rubbed the head along Tylers crack finding the tight hole and resting it there. The two locked eyes as Hunter slowly pushed into Tyler. Tyler had learned to love the anticipation and the feeling of a cock head penetrating him. But this was something different. He didnt know what it was but it felt so much more intimate with this man. Hunter was easing the biggest cock Tyler had gotten fucked with yet and it had none of the clumsiness that was the second or third tries with Casey in this position. They didnt break their stare. Hunter spoke first. "You ok" he whispered. "Yeah youre in?" Hunter smiled. "Not yet. I'm about half way." Tylers eyes opened wider as he felt Hunter continue to push deeper. He gasped but not out of pain. He realized he wanted more. He wanted this man to touch something Casey and Chris couldnt. This was his first time with a real pro. He moaned deep. "You like that boy?" Tyler found he was a little out of breath now and moaned out a breathy "Yeah" as he grabbed his cock. Hunter remembered how things ended last time. Cum. Shame. Leave. He wanted to make things last this time. He stilled his body with just about an inch left. They were silent for a moment and Tyler explored this mans body with his hands grabbing on to his chest and bringing them down toward his abs and thighs. Tyler saw the tattoo that he remembered seeing the first time he was in this room and traced it with his finger. His concentration on this symbol he only recognized as a hazard sign was broken when Hunter pulled his gaze up to his eyes with a gentle finger on the boys chin. He looked deep into Tylers eyes. "I want you to remember this cock. I want you to crave it and come back for it whenever you need to be filled." Tyler had never been spoken to this way before and as he heard those words he realized that this was what he always wanted. He started to stroke his cock even harder. Hunter bent down still not pushing any further and kissed Tyler passionately, pulling the boys hand from between them and away from his cock. He took that arm and wrapped it around himself. Tyler understood and wrapped both his arms and tightened his legs around the man. This was it. Hunter pushed that last inch into the boy and along with it the weight of his body into Tylers hole. Both moaned into each others mouths. After years of breeding boys like this Hunter had learned to control his body so that he could cum multiple loads inside a hole without the boy suspecting as much. He didnt think Tyler was going to be kept from Hunters secret for long but he wanted to wait until he had a couple loads in him first. As they kissed Hunter could feel his first load building fast. This boy had gotten to him somehow. It was his innocence with the obvious undercurrent of a boy desperately wanting to be corrupted. As Hunter gyrated his hips balls deep into Tyler, the boy moaned something different. Like Hunter had hit a newly discovered spot. Hunter kept at that motion and the moaning became whimpers. Nothing got Hunter going like a college jock boy whimpering from his first massive cock and that moan triggered Hunters first load. With the two boys just out in the living room this wasnt the time to edge. He could feel it was a big load and Hunter had to exercise incredible control. He moaned with Tyler and did everything he could from the shaking that always accompanied a load this big. He tried to focus that energy into his mouth and probed Tyler with his tongue even deeper. When he finally found the end of his orgasm he couldnt believe he hadnt given himself away. Tyler was still in it and didnt seem to realize that he had just been delivered his very first poz load. Hunter pulled up to look at this boy. "You ok? You need a break?" It was Hunter who wanted to take a minute to fully recover from one of his hottest fucks in a while but he knew he would win points with a boy like Tyler if he showed care for him first. They hadnt been fucking for more than a couple minutes and Tyler wasnt tired or in pain and didnt think he needed a break but thought out of politeness that he should accept the offer. "Yeah ok." Hunter very slowly pulled out of Tyler looking down as the head popped out and noticing a drop of his cum leaking out. He laid down next to the boy and kept one hand at Tylers hole teasing it and probing it as they softly kissed. "Is this all ok? You feeling good?" Tyler nodded not knowing what to say. What he wanted to say was he felt good and he felt safe in this mans arms but he didnt want to seem like he was being clingy. The other two guys who had fucked him were just outside this room after all. And one of them was now just outside the door. Hunter and Tyler heard a soft knocking, the kind that said its ok if you dont hear this I dont want to intrude. They both heard it. Hunter casually responded "Come on in" while Tyler felt that shot of embarrassment that they were going to see him with Hunter and assume that they had fucked. It was too late because Chris walked in before Tyler could say anything at all. *********************** The restraint the boys used because they werent sure what was happening between Tyler and Hunter and how long they would be was gone after they each took three more hits from the pipe. They were both feeling the high and Casey was beginning to see that whatever tina was was making him as horny as he ever felt he had ever been before. The two were making out now without the pretense of the shotgun and they were both down to their boxers and socks. These boys and Tyler were tight athletic boys not really made from the gym but from growing up playing team sports. Being in shape was fine but bonding with a team of boys was always what made it all fun. Casey started to see how this could replace sports. Caseys curiosity had him picking up the pipe to see if there was a limit or whether he would just keep getting higher and hornier. So far he hadnt reached his limit. Every hit would force his hand to his cock and feel that electricity tingling through it. "You know whats weird? I kinda cant get hard but I'm hornier than fuck. Is that this?" Casey asked while holding the pipe. That question wasnt enough to stop him from taking another hit to keep the experiment going. He was too far gone now. "I dont know. It doesnt do that to me." Casey was getting the hang of hitting from the pipe. He let out another cloud. "I know. Looks big bro." "I guess.' Casey wasnt sure if it was false modesty or if he was sweetly innocent in that way like he thought Tyler was. "It's not as big as Hunters though. Or his friend." "His friend?" "Yeah last time I came over without Tyler and Hunter had this other guy over." "Oh thats hot. So you done the group thing with Hunter then." "Yeah but just that once. And that was my first time." Chris was high but he could never fully shake that Christian guilt. As if only getting fucked once by a hot poz guy while another guy watched would be ok for his friends and family back home. "But you also were here with Tyler before that right?" "Right. Twice." "Nice." "You?" "Nah. This is the first time I ever been in something like this. More than one guy. Drugs. Seems pretty chill though." "Yeah." There was that guilt again. Now would be the time to tell Casey to go. To save himself and stay neg. But that would be too much. Casey might try to save Tyler and it could turn out worse. What Chris wasnt admitting to himself was that he was liking getting high too much to want to not keep coming by Hunters anymore. Chris thought about trying another tactic. "You guys...fuck?" Casey handed the pipe to Chris. "Yeah. You mean me and Ty?" Chris had never heard him called Ty. He didnt know why but hearing it made him feel that sting of jealousy just a little more. "Yeah we do. We live down the hall from each other so you know. Its easy." "Yeah. Uh...you guys...do....both?" "Both? You mean like fuck and get fucked?" Chris nodded as he took his hit. "Nah I only top so we just do that." Chris almost in relief breathed out and exhaled his next word. "Nice." "Not if I cant get hard bro." Chris looked over as Casey reached into his boxers and stroked his soft cock. Meanwhile the head of Chris' cock was sticking out of the waistband of his boxers. "Sorry." Casey just shrugged it off as Chris put the pipe down and pulled Casey into another kiss. They felt sufficiently high to keep this kiss going. Both boys got more out of breath feeling each others chests pushing their torsos against each other and feeling the others cock through the fabric of their boxers. Just as Casey rubbed the head of Chris' cock with his hand and reached past it to take hold of his thick hard shaft, they were interrupted. ************************** As Chris opened Hunters bedroom door and walked in he had not given any thought to what he might see. He was too preoccupied with what was happening in the living room to give Tyler and Hunter any thought. So when he walked in and saw the two naked in bed the shock was too hard to cover. "Oh sorry I didnt--" From the door, Chris noticed what he thought might have been cum leaking out of Tylers hole. His legs were spread and Hunter was rubbing his inner thigh. "Um I can..." He was going to say wait but he actually couldnt. "Its ok. Whats up?" Hunter asked as he sat up in the bed. Tyler lay almost frozen as he and Chris looked at each other. What both men in bed also noticed was the Chris was down to his boxers which were very clearly tenting. "Uuhhhh it looks like theres a couple people at your door."
    1 point
  49. sorry guys that this has stagnated for so long but i had some crap in my life to deal with...so we're back Meanwhile Duke was giving the oriental a kid a lesson in taking a big black cock down his throat, even though the chinks eyes were bulging Duke knew that the boy had done it before, he pulled his dick out leaving the lad gasping, a quick slap across the face brought Hiro round as Duke spat in his face “stop pretending you fucking slut”, Hiro looked up in genuine fear knowing he’d been found out “please Sir, please don’t tell Carlos”, Duke appraised the small Chinese boy and the bruises over his body “you’ve obviously fucked up before, I know Carlos he don’t mess up the merchandise unless they deserve it”, the boy lowered his head “please Boss, please don’t tell I’ll do anything”, Duke smirked “anything?”, the oriental nodded tears in his eyes “yes Boss”. Hiro bounced up and down on Dukes cock his hands tied behind his back, trying to keep his cunt tight round Dukes big dick as Duke’s big hands held him round the throat, as the Oriental boy rode Duke applied pressure bit by bit, the oriental boy was scared, he could feel it starting to get difficult to breathe as he rode the big mans cock. Duke relished the fear on the chinks face as he applied more pressure, his thumbs were pushing harder now, hard enough for bruising to start to form. Up and down Hiro went, his brain was struggling now, he felt light headed, his movements were slowing, Duke noticed and spat in the boy’s face “keep fucking riding slag!!”. Hiro was riding limply now, he could hardly breathe as Duke used the hands round to boy’s throat to keep him bouncing, the kids face was bright red, his lips with a slight bluish haze, and then he blacked out. Duke chuckled as he let Hiro fall to the floor, he stood up and looked at the bruised oriental lad whose neck was slowly turning a pretty purple, he checked the boy was still breathing, not that he gave a shit he knew to Carlos that boys were just merchandise. Duke fisted the unconscious boy, his big rings still on, literally ruining the sluts cunt for good, then with great pleasure he held his dick and pissed a nice long stream of acrid piss over the out of it boy, he tucked his dick into his shorts before giving Hiro a kick with elicited a moan. Satisfied he lit a cigar wandering out of the room to find Carlos and Ted. Duke was still horny and in a need of a good fix, as he walked into the viewing room, I turned to him “what you been up to?”, Duke sat down taking a mirror from Carlos and snorting a few lines “well Ted I’ve just had a bit of dull time with that useless oriental slut”, I roared in laughter as Carlos’s face turned red, he put my hand on Carlos’s arm “hey chill, you said he was crap”, Carlos laughed “true enough” Duke finally took a look at what was going on behind the two way mirror, Brutus was still getting his massive knob licked by Ryan, he took a brandy from Carlos “friggin A!!”, just as I pulled out Bobby’s phone laughing “now let’s see who else we can get once Bobby makes his debut here”
    1 point
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