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  1. Bull Berlin never disappoints. After having my hole stretched at the Lab by a good 20 or so men of different sizes, I felt a little unaccomplished by the only 3 loads I managed to milk out of the crowd. TBH, I don't even know if the first guy who said he came, actually did. I couldn't feel anything. But I counted the load as he said he did cum. Maybe he wasn't the cummer I hoped he would be. Anyway, on my way home, I thought I'd stop by Bull for a night cap. Berlin being Berlin it was quite cold and damp, so before going into the bar I stopped outside for a smoke. Halfway through, a stocky bearish guy comes out and lights up a smoke too. We got talking a bit and he says that he'll go in for the last round as he has to work in the morning. As much as I was hoping he would be a top, I also noticed he had stains of cum all over his beard and shirt. So, I thought he'd be a bottom. But, as fate has it, he turned out to be a top. And a good one at that. As soon as i got into the bar, and bent over in the dark room, I felt a dick pushing into my hole. I recognised the guy's voice and he started pounding me viciously. Not the biggest dick of the night, but he was not holding back anything. Fucked me savagely for only 4-5 minutes until he let out a loud groan and unloaded. I know he did because my hole made that sloppy squishy sound all bottoms appreciate and know that the load has been delivered. As soon as the guy pull out and slapped my butt, another one got in. In one thrust he got his cock all the way in. He started fucking my ass and the cum inside me was making his moves very loud. at one point he turned me around and made me suck his cock. That's when I discovered he had a seriously curved to the side cock. I sucked him for a minute or two and then he turned me around and shoved his dick back into my hole. He came after a few thrusts . Load number 5 delivered. So, i was getting content now, with 5 loads for the night. But a group of three or four men pulled me aside and I one of them pushed my head down to his dick while another one started fucking me. Both men, good above average dicks. Shame the guy I was sucking came very soon. But, at least I could taste his bittersweet cum. Then, the guy who was fucking me, left. I don't know what happened but he kinda vanished. And as you know, there is not much telling who fucks you in the darkroom. Went for a drink and noticed at the bar an Italian guy in his late 40s early 50s. Smallish frame, smooth skin, contrasting with a hard dick of considerable size. He noticed that i was staring at him and came over. Small talk, turns out he's top, recently broke up with his ex, need some release. I went for a piss, and he came after me. as soon as I was done, he asked if I would drink his piss. As horny as I was I didn't wait for a second and took his dick all in. Now, this is where things get murky. I remember we went back to the bar and started talking a bit while he was fingering my hole. At that point, I knew I was going to get fucked, so I turned around and indeed he grabbed me from behind and started fucking me slowly. The fuck of the year! Slow moves, kissing, nipple and balls play, licking... the whole nine yards. He asked that we go into the dark room. Gladly did that. But as soon as we got in there, the first group of men, came over and before you know it I was sucking on two cocks while the Italian guy was fucking me. From there onwards, I lost the plot. I got fucked by, and sucked, everyone in easy reach. According to the time, I was there for about 45 minutes. When I finally finished, got out and went to the bar. The Italian guy folllowed shortly after and with a smirk he tells me and the bartender that I was the biggest slut of the day and that I got 5 more men to unload in me, in addition to his own. So that made me proud slut with 11 loads for the night. Whilst I was still seated, I see a guy passing by and slapping my butt. The Italian guy tells me that he was one in the group. I took a better look at him.... He was really hot. Late 20s, blondish guy, tall, with a big PA adorning his equally big dick. So, all in all, 11 loads for the night. Tonight I am staying in. No Lab, no Bull, no nuthin.... But tomorrow, boyz of Berlin, daddy's back in action!
    14 points
  2. Chapter 1 I was coming up on the big 5-0. I’d had a pretty good year and was feeling great about myself. I was taking better care of my diet, joined a gym and actually went. I had lost some extra pounds and was looking and feeling better than ever. In case you’re wondering, I’m 5’7” green eyes, short dark brown hair with a bit of grey starting to show, hairy chest, clean shaven and a nice toned body starting to come through. My right arm has a full sleeve of tats and my left a half sleeve. I always scheduled my yearly medical exam around my birthday and this year was no different. The day before my appointment I received the usual reminder phone call. “Hello is this Scott?” “Speaking.” “Hi this is Matty from Dr. Manning’s office calling to remind you about your appointment tomorrow at 5:45.” “Umm I’m sorry did you say Dr. Manning? My appointment’s with Dr. Jackson.” “Dr. Jackson is no longer at this practice. Dr. Manning is now seeing his patients. You should have received a notice several weeks ago. I apologize for any confusion.” I wasn’t very happy. I don’t know about you but once I find a good doc I’ll do anything to hold onto them. “Yea no I didn’t receive any notice. Where did he move to? I’d really prefer to keep seeing him.” “Oh I’m sorry he moved out of state.” “Fuck! Oops sorry” Matty was chuckling on the other end of the line. “Don’t worry about it. I’d be pissed too, but you have nothing to worry about sir. I think you’ll really like Dr. Manning.” “Well I’ll have to take your word for it. I really don’t want to find another doctor at this short notice so I guess I’ll give him a shot.” The next day I showed up for my appointment. Right off the bat I could see the changes at the office. It had definitely been given a face lift not to mention the receptionist was hot as hell. Mid 20s, cute as fuck, goatee, piercing blue eyes. “Hi sir, I’m Matty; how can I help you?” “Hi Matty, I’m Scott. I have a 5:30 appointment.” “Mmm yes you do cutie. Here you go. Fill these forms out and we’ll get you going.” I felt myself starting to blush. I quickly filled out the forms and took a seat in the waiting room. About ten minutes later I heard my name being called. I looked up from my phone and saw the hottest nurse I’d ever seen. Over 6’ tall, hairy arms, deep blue eyes, 5 o’clock shadow, very muscular, his scrubs top was so tight you could tell his right nipple was pierced. Holy shit maybe I should have changed doctors years ago. I stood up and grabbed my stuff and started towards him. “Scott, hi I’m Chris, I’ll be taking care of you today.” He said as he shook my hand. “If you’ll come with me we’ll get you started.” Oh I know just where I’d like you to start!! He lead me into an exam room and had me sit on the exam table. “Okay, just a few questions to start. I see you’re here for your yearly checkup and you were a patient of Dr. Jackson.” “Yep, that’s correct.” “It says in chart you’re on medication for high blood pressure.” “Yes, a couple years now.” “Anything else you’re taking?” “No, nothing else.” “Are you in any pain today?” “Nope.” “Are you sexually active?” “Oh yeah!” “Mm that’s good to hear. Do you play with men, women or both?” “I’m gay, so that would be men only,” I said winking at him. Damn I could feel my pants starting to get a little tighter. He grinned and licked his lips then turned back to his computer to make some more notes. “So I don’t see anything about prep in your chart.” “No I just use condoms.” “Hmmm good to know. Okay let’s check your vitals.” He took my temperature and my blood pressure and damn if he didn’t run his hand up and down my arm as he took the cuff off. Fuck I was starting to get harder. “Love your tats. They look great on you. Okay that should just about do it. The doctor will be in to see you shortly.” “Thanks Chris! I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon.” What the fuck. I was turning into a teenager. “Oh I’m sure I’ll be back to take some fluids from you.” He grabbed my shoulder as he was heading out of the room and squeezed tight. Damn I could swear his crotch was bigger than before. I waited another ten minutes or so until the doc came in. Holy shit, seriously was everyone at this practice a fucking ten. “Hi Scott. I’m Dr. Manning thanks for coming in today. Why don’t you take your shirt off and we’ll take a look.” He did all his doctor stuff and it took every ounce of self control to keep from getting a massive hard on. Once he was done he started asking me about my sex life. “So I see you use condoms. What percentage of the time would you say?” “100%.” “That’s really good. Some men think safety is very important.” Okay that was odd, I thought. “Are you interested in going on prep? A lot of guys go on prep so they can play without condoms. Some of my patients even have sex without condoms and aren’t on prep. They say it’s rather freeing. So you’ve really never had sex without a condom? It’s okay this is a safe place you can talk to me freely. No judgment here.” I couldn’t believe what was happening. Did he really he just tell me fucking raw was fine and actually encouraged it? Okay he was definitely nothing like Dr. Jackson. “Umm no always played safe. But I must admit I’ve been wondering lately how it would feel to have a raw cock fuck me. I mean to have sex without condoms.” I blushed. “It’s okay Scott no reason to be embarrassed. We’re both gay men and you can be totally open with me. I’m here to help you. Well I have to say it’s rather impressive you’ve made it to 50 and never barebacked.” Seriously I think I’ve entered an alternate universe, what the fuck was happening. But damn my cock was rock hard. “My last boyfriend was really safety conscious so we always played safe.” “Were you the top or bottom in the relationship?” “Mostly top but I much prefer to be on the bottom.” “Hmm yes I can totally picture you as the bottom.” WTF seriously was I dreaming. “Well let’s see everything looks really good except I’m a little concerned about your blood pressure meds. I think I want to try you on a smaller dosage since you’ve lost some weight over the past year.” “That’s a good thing right?” “Oh yeah that’s excellent. I’ll want to see you in a month to make sure everything’s on track. I’m going to send Chris back in to draw some blood then you’ll be good to go. Just make your follow up appointment with Matty before you leave. It was great meeting you Scott and I look forward to seeing you soon. Oh and if you wanted to talk to someone about barebacking with or without prep Chris is a great resource. He has first hand experience both ways.” He winked at me then walked out of the room and closed the door. Holy fucking shit! Seriously what the hell kind of medical practice was this and why the hell hadn’t Dr. Jackson moved sooner!
    8 points
  3. Chapter 4 One of the perks of my job was that I can work from home a couple times a week with no issues from my boss. I don’t do it very often but Friday, this worked out perfect. It would allow me to get work done, make it to the gym at lunch and allow plenty of time for me to clean out before I headed to my appointment. I was strangely nervous excited all day. At around one I headed over to my gym, which conveniently was right around the corner, to burn off some of my pent up energy. It was pretty quiet for the middle of the day but I did notice a few hot older guys and few others who looked to be on their lunch breaks as well. Now when I’m at the gym I usually don’t pay attention to anyone else. I’m there to work out so I try not to get distracted by watching others. But fuck it, today, I couldn’t stop watching the guys wondering if they were gay and if so, did they fuck raw. After about 20 minutes I figured this was a lost cause so I packed it up and headed home. I didn’t get much work done in the afternoon; I just couldn’t concentrate. My mind kept going back to all those deliciously nasty stories about guys actively seeking toxic loads. As I was cleaning out I kept playing with hole thinking how good that raw cock felt. Since I was working from home I’d planned on just wearing shorts and a T-shirt. My big dilemma was do I wear boxer-briefs, a jock, or go commando. Fuck it I was wearing my jock. I loved the way it framed my tight ass. It was finally 5:30 as I walked into Dr. Manning’s office. Matty looked up from his computer and at first had a confused look on his face which quickly turned into a huge grin. “Holy shit Scott I almost didn’t recognize you. Damn you look good enough to eat.” I smiled back feeling a little self-conscious. “Come here sexy give Matty a kiss.” He leaned over his desk and laid a nice wet one on my lips. “Now go have a seat in the waiting room and quit distracting me.” I gave him a quick smile and went to take a seat. There was one other guy already there and he’d been watching the exchange between Matty and me. He winked at me and said “damn Matty why didn’t I get a kiss?” “Oh stop it Chad. You know I only kiss my favorites.” “Oh that hurts.” “Truth usually does.” He grinned and stuck his tongue out at the hunk apparently known as Chad. Chad turned his attention to me with a huge smile. “Love your tats. Where’d you have them done?” “Tat City on 3rd.” “Nice. Max?” “Yep.” “He’s done all of mine too.” “Excellent. I love his work. I’ve been going to him for years.” Okay so I know you want to know what Chad looks like...about my height, extremely toned, tanned, muscular, brown eyes, goatee. I’d say he was probably in his 40s. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. His tank showed off his amazing ink on his shoulders and upper arms. There is nothing hotter than a guy with tats. At least in my opinion. So basically my walking wet dream. I sat down next him and we started discussing tats. He’d just gotten a new one a couple weeks before. “I’ve been thinking about getting another one, I just can’t make up my mind. What’d you get?” He grinned, grabbed the strap of his tank top and pulled it down past his pierced nipple to reveal a big bio haz sign on his pec. “Holy fuck that’s hot!” Before I even knew what I was doing I reached out to trace his tat with my fingers. “Mmm he did great work, right?” “Oh fuck. Sorry man.” I said as I pulled my hand back. “No problem. I love it when a guy admires my ink.” He winked and licked his lips. “You need to get one. You’d be floored how much ass I’ve gotten since I got it.” “Really? I’d have thought it would scare guys away.” “No way, it’s a fucking magnet for those chasers. Let’s the neg boys know what’s on the table.” “I never would have thought it would be but fuck it’s sexy as hell.” “Do it man you won’t be disappointed.” “Uhh yeah I’m not poz.” “Damn, sorry. I just assumed.” “No problem.” He grabbed my hand and placed it back on his tat. “Who knows, play your cards right and you may just earn your own bio haz.” Fuck me! I was starting to get hard. He glanced down and noticed my shorts getting a little tighter and started smirking. “See fucking magnet.” At that exact moment I heard Chris clear his throat behind me. “Umm hope I’m not interrupting boys. Scotty you’re up. Chad honey, sit tight. We’ll be ready for your help shortly.” He has smiling from ear to fucking ear and I was just getting harder. “Take your time. I’m in no hurry. My whole evening is wide open.” He winked at me. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon, Scotty.” Oh dear god please someone shoot me now. I got up and followed Chris; my dick leading the way. I started to cover it up but Chad brushed my hand away. “A hard dick is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Let everyone know you’re horny and need to fuck. Isn’t that right Chris?” “Damn you boys keep this up I’m going to rip Scotty’s shorts off and start breeding him right here in the waiting room.” “Now Chris, remember what the doc said, no fucking in the waiting room.” Matty called out. “You’d have to do that in the break room.” Yep full on rock hard now. Chad just bust out laughing and Matty had a very smug look on his face. This appointment was not going how I imagined. Then again maybe it was going exactly as it should. Chris lead me to the exam room and had me hop up on the table. “You should just take off your shirt, it will make taking your blood pressure easier.” He managed to say with a completely straight face. “Umm okay. That’s a new one.” “Can’t blame a boy for trying.” He was trying really hard not to laugh. “Well let’s see how that blood pressure is especially with all that blood down there in your crotch.” He finished up and took the cuff off. “Looks really good. Why don’t you take your clothes off and the doc will be into see you in a few.” “Um I’m sorry all my clothes? I’m just doing a blood pressure check. Are you joking again?” “I never joke about getting naked. It says in your chart he wants to do a prostate exam. So he’ll want you naked for that.” He could see I wasn’t convinced. “Trust me it will be a positive experience Scotty. If you’d like I can go get you a gown to put on, but we’ve found most of our patients prefer to be naked.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Trust me Scotty all of us here have nothing but your best interests at heart. Besides you’ve got a hot body; you need to show that fucker off. Oh yeah and I love your new shaven look.” He winked and left the room closing the door behind him. Okay, here goes nothing. I took my shirt off and stood up and was unbuttoning my shorts when the door opened and the doc walked in. “Scott, great to see you again. Thanks for coming in so late on a Friday.” He walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. “Have a seat and let’s see what’s going on with your blood pressure.” I kept my shorts on but they were still unbuttoned so you could easily see my jock. He looked at my chart and said “damn your BP looks great. Cutting back your dosage seems to be working. We’ll keep it as is for now then check it again in a few months. Now how are you doing with everything else? How was your month?” “Well doc, umm it was kind of weird.” I proceeded to tell him a bit of what had happened. When I was done he asked, “So the guy came in you, did you enjoy it or did it make you feel guilty?” “I loved it. I didn’t feel guilty until the next day.” “Interesting, so you were okay that night?” “Well,” I blushed and looked away from him. “I kinda went home and fingered myself. I ended up eating most of the load.” “Well Damn! That’s excellent. Did you discuss status?” “No, that’s why I think I’m a bit stressed. He told me after he shot his load that he hoped I enjoyed his gift. I know that may not mean anything but some of those stories I’ve been reading inferred that gift could mean a poz load so I’ve been a little worried.” “That’s perfectly understandable. Other than the stress how have you been feeling? Any flu or cold like symptoms?” “Nope I’ve felt fine.” “Did he cum in you just the once?” “Yes, just once.” “Have you had sex with anyone else since him?” “No.” “How does the thought that you might have taken a poz load make you feel?” “A little nervous.” “Interesting. You say that but your penis is hard and you appear to be leaking quite a bit in your jock there.” “Well damn!” “Okay Scott, here’s what I purpose. We do a rapid HIV test to check your status. If it comes back positive we’ll talk and make a game plan. If it comes back negative we’ll see what we can do to fix that. That sound good to you?” “Umm yeah okay.” Wait what did he just say? “Great. Take those shorts off, but you can leave the jock on. We won’t be needing your cock today so you can keep him covered.” He winked at me. “I’m just going to step out and grab a few things then we can get started.” Fuck! Me!
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Chapter 6 Matty moved in between my legs all the while stroking his cock. “The moment you walked into the office a month ago I knew I was going to end up breeding your cunt. I just didn’t realize I was going to get to help poz your neg ass too. Doc here hasn’t let me cum in two weeks so you can imagine I’m feeling a little crazy right about now.” I couldn’t take my eyes off his huge cock with that dangerous looking PA. I started to panic a bit and tried to get out of the sling but I was restrained tightly and couldn’t move. Chad and Chris were on either side of with doc at my head. They all reached out and put their hands on me to help calm me down. “Shhh,” doc whispered in my ear. “Just relax this has to happen, but I promise you after a few minutes you’ll be begging for Matty’s load.” Matty started speaking again, if possible the look on his face was even more wicked looking than before. “And it would be very rude not to give little old Matty a turn after the others have already had their shot. Right Scotty?” Fuck he was right. “I’m sorry Matty. I just wasn’t expecting you to be hung like a fucking horse.” I gulped then continued, “please fuck me. I need your cum too.” “Much better.” He started rubbing the head of his cock on my not so tight hole, adding his precum to the mix. “You know I think it’s funny, when I first saw you I thought ‘fuck I bet he’s a power top’ but turns out the small queeny guy is the power top and you’re just another bottom cum whore waiting to learn his true place in the world.” With that he shoved his pierced cock deep inside my ass. Holy shit I’d never seen this side of Matty. Gone was the sweet kid and in his place was a fucking animal. Damn it was scary but hot as fuck. I let out a scream but Chris shoved his dick in my mouth to distract me from the pain. Doc was rubbing my head while Chad was playing with my nipples. Doc said, “open up Scotty, it’ll start to feel amazing in a minute. We just needed to make sure your insides were probably prepared to accept all of our toxic seed and give our babies a fertile place to latch onto. I thought Matty deserved the honor since he missed being with you in the exam room.” “Thank you Matty,” I screamed as his cock started to feel amazing. “Bred my cunt, fucking knock me up!” “Fuck I’m not going to last long you’ve got me so horned up.” With that I could feel his dick start to spasm and fill my ass even fuller than it already was. After a few minutes he pulled out and quickly took his piercing out and placed it on my chest then returned his cock to my well used hole. “Okay I think you’re sufficiently prepped. I don’t want to do too much damage. Oh and I’m good for at least one more load before I’m done with you.” He winked at me. It looked like sweet Matty was back. I noticed the piercing on my chest and it was covered in dark pink cum. Yep no question about it there was no way I was leaving here neg. I had never felt so alive before in all my life. I lost track of how long Matty fucked me but soon he was delivering his second load of the night. As soon as he pulled out doc moved right in. “Sorry boy, I know you need a break after Matty but watching him use you like that made me so horny I just needed inside you again. Trust me it won’t take long for me to shoot my load.” While doc fucked I tried to clean Matty’s cock off the best I could. It had shrunk a bit so I was able to get most of it down my throat. With my bodily fluids mixed with everyone’s cum, it was fucking delicious. “I’m proud of you Scotty. You’ve currently got six toxic loads of cum deep inside you. Chris, hand me one of those plugs from the table. I’m about to shoot then will give our new boy a much deserved break.” After a few minutes they all helped me out of the sling. I looked at the clock and realized we’d been at it for well over two hours. No wonder my legs felt like jelly as I tried to get up. I noticed for the first time that behind the sling was futon that had been pulled out and covered in black sheets. They laid me down in the middle and Matty instantly climbed in and snuggled next to me. He whispered in my ear, “hope I didn’t hurt you too much. I get a little carried away sometimes when I haven’t had sex in so long, especially when I know I’m fucking a neg hole.” “It was amazing Matty! Thanks for sharing your gift.” Chris laid down on the other side of me and doc and Chad both sat at the end of the futon. I’d never felt so safe. “Hey doc can I ask you a question?” “Of course Scotty.” “I understand the three of you, but Chad, was that just a happy accident his being here today?” Dr. Manning started chuckling. “Well that’s an interesting story. You see Chad here was the first patient that I had the honor of telling they were HIV positive. This was years ago and Chad didn’t react very well to the news.” Now Chad was chuckling. “That’s an understatement. I was a fucking wreck. Thought my life was over. Doc hugged me and let me bawl all over him but pretty soon I could feel him getting aroused and I was like what the fuck!” “Hey who knew I’d have that reaction but it was hot. I calmed Chad down and started to explain to him that he had been given an amazing gift and it was his duty to share it with others.” Chad took over the story. “As you can imagine I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A medical doctor was telling me it was not only ‘cool’ that I was poz but it was my responsibility to share it. I mean fucked up right?” We all started laughing at that. “But then doc took my hand and placed it on my own dick and I realized I was rock hard. Well fuck! So he leaned in my ear and asked me if I wanted to give him a recharge.” “That was also the day I realized I hadn’t been doing my duty to the community,” doc said. “Since I was undetectable at the time, I realized I had dropped the ball, so Chads getting knocked up helped me make the decision to stop meds. I mean what kind of doctor would I be if I didn’t do what I preached.” This whole time Chad had been playing with the plug in my ass. Matty and Chris were rubbing my chest and tweaking my nipples. I was starting to moan like a bitch in heat. “Hmmm looks like he’s ready for round two boys.” Chad yanked the plug out and dove into my ass eating me out. Oh fuck I went crazy. After a few minutes he climbed on top of me and fed me a mouth load of cum, then we proceeded to make out. The rest of the night was kind of a blur. I ended up with 15 loads buried deep in my guts with a slightly bigger butt plug sealing every drop inside. It was early morning by the time we wrapped things up. As we were leaving doc explained the next steps. “Okay you’re going to become hornier than ever. We’ve unlocked your true nature tonight but you are not to let anyone else fuck you until you’re officially a member of the family.” I got kind of got a nervous look on my face. Weeks without sex yea that would never work now. He noticed my panicked look and said, “sorry I should’ve been more clear. Only the four of us are allowed to fuck you. “Here’s what you’re going to do. All of our numbers are in your phone so anytime you get the itch all you have to do is call one of us or better yet just walk into the office during business hours. One of the three of us will always make sure we’re available to give you what you need. And Chad has a flexible schedule so he can help out too. Then every Friday night we’ll expect you back here for another session. At this rate you’ll be in the family in no time.” I looked at Chad and the others and they were all shaking their heads in agreement. “I promise you we’ll keep you drowning in cum and once that test comes back poz we’ll have a big surprise for you. Now go home and get some rest. Keep that plug in as long as can to give our swimmers ample time to be absorbed into your DNA.” With that doc gave me a passionate kiss and we all headed out.
    4 points
  6. Chapter 5 I sat on the exam table in just my jock. One thought kept running through my mind...I know what my next tattoo’s going to be! Without even realizing what I was doing I stuck a finger in my mouth, then leaned back on the table, brought one leg up and started fingering my hole. My eyes were closed and was I moaning. I was up to two fingers, lost in my own world so I didn’t notice the doc had returned. “Damn Scotty, I have to say I never imagined you’d progress so quickly but fuck look at you go. Tell me, what do you want?” “Poz cum sir. I need poz cum!”” “Good man. Is that the first time you’ve admitted it out loud?” “Yes,” I said starting to blush again.” “Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve finally realized what’s been missing from your life. You should be proud of yourself. Now let’s do this test so we can get you knocked up.” “Doc I was thinking. We don’t really need to do it since it’s going to happen anyway.” “Well, good point, but to be honest with you, I’m a little selfish and want to know for myself. You see, I want your family here to be the ones that convert your ass not some random hookup.” “Fuck me! When you put it that way I totally agree.” “Oh believe me son you will be fucked and fucked hard tonight.” He quickly administered the test then said “ Okay I really do want to check your prostate before we start so why don’t you standup at the end of the table and lean over.” Before I could move there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” doc responded. The door opened and Chad stuck his head in. “Hey doc, Chris told me you wanted me in here with you guys. Umm looks like I arrived just in time,” he said licking his lips. “Hi Chad, come on in. You two are my last patients of the day so I hope you don’t mind if we double up a bit so I can give you both some good quality attention. I know it’s unorthodox but I think it’ll be good for you both of you.” “Works for me.” Chad was grinning from ear to ear. “Should I get naked too?” He didn’t wait for an answer just stripped down. Chris entered the room carrying his equipment to take some blood. “Prefect everyone’s here. Okay, Chad you take Scotty’s place on the exam table and Chris you go over there to take his vitals and draw blood. And Scotty you come over here on the other side of Chad and bend over him so I can examine your ass. Feel free to suck on Chad’s cock; it’s rather tasty.” Okay seriously I felt like I had entered the fucking twilight zone. This didn’t happen to normal people. Good thing I was becoming a twisted fucker then. Doc was right. Chad’s precum was delicious! I was in my own world sucking away when I felt doc’s fingers start to probe my ass. Oh fuck that felt good. I was moaning around Chad’s cock when someone pulled me away. I looked up and they were all staring at me with my face covered in slobber and precum and they started to laugh. “Damn boy I thought you were going to suck my balls through my cock. You’re one horny motherfucker. You keep sucking me like that and I’m going to cum and this load needs to go deep in your ass.” “Not to mention you have Chad wiggling around like a mad man and I’m trying to take his blood without hurting him.” “Sorry guys.” I said sheepishly. All the while Dr. Manning kept moving his fingers around inside me. “Well your prostate looks good. Chris you about done with Chad?” “Yep all good here. You need me for anything else?” “No, I just have a few questions for Chad then we’ll meet in the break room.” Just then we heard a big huff and turned to see Matty standing in the doorway. “You guys promised you wouldn’t start without me.” “Matty we’re just finishing up here. No one’s fucked our boy yet but we’re getting very close. Give us ten minutes and we’ll meet you in the playroom.” Playroom, seriously?? Matty was pouting again but turned and left the room. Dr. Manning sighed, “damn that boy is sexy as fuck when he pouts. We better hurry this up before he really gets mad at us. Okay Chad, you okay answering a few questions in front of Scotty?” “Of course. We’re practically family. Scott why don’t you suck my balls while the doc and I chat.” I dove for his balls immediately. “Chad, how you feeling? I see your viral load is the highest it’s ever been.” “I feel fine doc. My specialist really wants me to start meds but I’m still not sure.” “Well you know I’ll support you in whatever you decide and remember you can always go off them again.” “Thanks doc. Maybe after we knock this slut up I’ll consider it, but for now I’m really enjoying spreading my gift.” “Well Scotty, I think it’s time to see what the test showed. You ready?” “Is it strange I really want it to be neg so you guys can poz me?” Doc chuckled. “Not at all I Know I hope that.” He took a look at the test and got a big grin on his face. “Alright then, let’s get this neg boy knocked up.” The two of them lead me out of the exam room and down the hall to the employee break room, which apparently doubled as their play room. I walked in and my jaw hit the floor. There was a sling set up in the middle of the room. A fuck bench off the side and a table filled with dildos and butt plugs. Nothing like the break room at my office. Chris was standing by the sling naked, stroking his cock. Matty was next to him but he was still wearing some very tight boxer briefs that looked to be hiding one hell of a package. “Guys why don’t you help our guest of honor get in the sling why I finally get out of these clothes.” Before I knew it I was secured in place ready for the breeding to begin. Dr. Manning had a nice 7” cock which looked pretty thick. He was rock hard and I noticed he had a big bio haz tat just above his cock. “You ready son to join our family?” “YES please fuck me I am so damn horny!! Knock my fucking neg ass up,” I screamed. That’s all it took. Doc shoved his dick inside me in one go. Thank god he loosened me up earlier or I would have been in a world of hurt. He started fucking me and the pain soon turned to pleasure. I looked around me and the the other guys were all surrounding me each of them jacking off, all except Matty who still had his undies on. “No turning back now. You ready for my load?” “Yes! Give it to me.” He plowed into me balls deep and I felt his cock start to shoot rope after rope of cum. I clamped down hard on his dick. “Fuck yeah, milk my cock. Get every drop of toxic cum.” He pulled out of me and Chris quickly took his place. Doc walked around to the front of the sling and shoved his cock down my throat. “Clean me off Scotty.” Delicious! Chris picked up his speed and pretty soon he was adding his toxic load to the docs. Then Chad stepped up to take his turn. I was in heaven. Who knew sex could be this good. I had a cock in both ends and couldn’t get enough. I could feel Chad starting to load me up. Damn it felt like he was shooting a gallon of cum in me. I could feel down dripping down my legs. “That’s a 5 day load there for you.” Everyone had fucked me except for Matty and he was still wearing his underwear, WTF? “How you doing Scotty? You need a break,” asked doc. “More, please I need more.” “Good man. We have a surprise for you. Matty has a new piercing and he’s been saving it for a special occasion. Guess what? That would be you Scotty.” Matty had an evil grin on his face as he slowly pulled down his boxer briefs. Out popped the biggest cock I’ve ever seen on such a small guy. It had to be over 9” and as thick as a beer can. Matty was only about 5’6” and real skinny plus he had his pubes trimmed short which made it look even bigger. But what scared me the most was the wicked PA piercing he had. It looked like a wheel with spokes, sharp spokes. “My turn. I’ve been waiting for a month for this moment. You ready for your life to change forever Scotty?”
    4 points
  7. Chapter 3 The next day was pretty quiet except for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about Dr. Manning and that damn blow job I received from Chris. On Friday, two days after my exam a couple of friends were taking me out for my birthday. With all my tats I know I give off an edgy vibe but I’m really much more of a quiet guy who prefers a nice dinner with friends instead of going to the clubs. Of course my friends on the other hand prefer the loud clubs so yep you guessed it that’s where they took me. My best friend had a thing for twinks so before I knew it we were knee deep in a bunch of horny young guys. After the third kid called me daddy and told me he was a very bad boy who needed his daddy to fuck him, I knew it was time to call it quits. If anyone was getting plowed it was going to be the birthday boy! I made my excuses to me friends, who didn’t seem all that sad to see me go as they both had a couple of guys all over them. I got home but was way to keyed up to go to bed. I sat on the couch and noticed the card Chris had given to me with the website written down. Fuck it! I grabbed my computer and pulled up the site. Fuck me! There are some twisted nasty fuckers out there and good god my dick was hard and leaking. I stuck to the general barebacking stories as advised. After a couple hours of reading I was so fucking hard my dick could cut glass and that was after shooting a load already. I needed to get fucked! I had downloaded Scruff on my phone a few months ago but hadn’t really used it much. I started looking around but the only ones biting were other bottoms wanting a daddy to fuck them. Okay enough of this. I went to the bathroom stared at my reflection in the mirror. Before I could talk myself out of it I grabbed my razor and started shaving off my beard. Once completed I took a look and damn I almost didn’t recognize myself. I looked a good ten years younger. I couldn’t remember the last time I was clean shaven but it had to be close to 20 years ago. Now try calling me daddy. Honestly I have nothing against daddies. I personal thought they were hot as fuck and I’d never say no to one myself; I just didn’t see myself as one. I took some new pics for Scruff, several of course being shirtless because that’s the rules right. Okay with that done I made sure I was cleaned out and ready to go then started looking at the profiles. I normally am very passive when it comes to these damn apps and wait for someone else to initiate first contact but if I didn’t get a cock in me fast I was going to explode. I sent a couple messages to a few guys and thank god got a response from one rather quickly. “Hey I’d love to fuck you. Got a 3 day load for you.” He unlocked his pics and I did the same. One look at his dick pic and I messaged back “Fuck yeah! Address? He sent it and I was out the door before I could come to my senses. He was close, so It only took me a few minutes to get to his apartment. I rang his number and he buzzed me up. I usually got really nervous when doing a random hookup but not this time. I had never needed to get fucked so bad in my life. The guy was waiting for me with his door open when I made it to his floor. He looked me up and down and told me to get inside and strip. Yep I was naked the second I stepped through the door. His face pic was definitely not current but I didn’t care at this point I just needed his dick inside me. “Get me wet boy. That’s all the lube you’re getting.” Thank god I lubed up a bit before I left home. I sucked him off for a few minutes before he pulled up and told me to lean over the couch. I assumed the position and he slammed his hard cock deep inside in one go. “Holy fucking shit” I cried out. “Sorry man. I’m so horny I couldn’t wait for you to open up.” He started fucking me and pretty soon I was moaning like a bitch in heat. “Damn you love my raw cock buried in your tight cunt don’t you.” Holy shit he was inside me raw. I mean holy shit I actually did it. I had a raw dick buried inside me and OMG did it feel amazing. So this is what all the fuss was about. Pretty soon I could feel him speed up. Then he slammed into me balls deep and I could feel his cock start to shoot and shoot. “Yeah man take my gift boy. Give my babies a good home.” He slowly pulled out and I immediately dropped to me knees and cleaned off his dick. “Fuck yeah clean that dick off good. Don’t miss a drop of my cum.” Seriously who was I. First raw dick and now ass to mouth. Damn talk about a night of firsts. He pulled out of my mouth, patted my head and put his shorts back on. Thanks man I needed that.” Okay I guess we were done. I grabbed my clothes and he showed me to the door. As I was walking to the elevator I could feel a little cum start to run down my leg. When I got home I went to cleanup but instead used my fingers to wipe the cum off my legs then I licked them clean. Oh shit that tasted good. I stuck my fingers in my ass and started fingering myself. Every once in awhile I’d pull them out and stick them in my mouth. Didn’t take too long before I was shooting a huge load all over my chest which of course I promptly ate. I woke up the next morning and couldn’t believe what I’d done. This was not me at all. The next two weeks went by like normal or at least my old normal. I stayed away from breeding.zone; tried to stay busy so I’d stop thinking about the fact that I been fucked raw and liked it. With one week to go before my followup appointment I was acting like a caged animal. Even my friends wanted nothing to do with me. I had been avoiding those nasty stories because I was afraid they’d set me off again. A couple of days before Friday I couldn’t take it any longer. My normal safe porn just wasn’t doing anything for me anymore. I saw the condom and my dick would deflate. I opened up the site again and went right for the stories. I noticed the back room section and saw the bug chasing category. I know Chris said I wasn’t ready for those but honestly the general barebacking ones, as amazing as they were, just seemed like they were missing something. A little danger maybe. Before I knew it several hours had passed and I’d cum twice and was still hard. One thing I started to notice was a lot of the stories talked about receiving the gift or taking dirty loads. I started getting a little nervous wondering if the guy who breed me was actually poz since he kept saying here’s my gift. Fuck maybe Dr. Manning was right. At least it seemed like there were lots of guys out that felt the same way. I was really looking forward to Friday so I could talk to him about what I was going through. Thursday I received the reminder call from Matty and as soon as I saw the number come up on caller ID I started to get hard. “Hey cutie, just calling to make sure you’re good for tomorrow?” “Hi Matty. Oh yeah definitely looking forward to tomorrow. I have somethings I’d like to discuss with the doc.” “Don’t worry he’s made sure to leave plenty of time to take care of all your needs. Oh and it looks like he wants to do a check on your prostate so he’s asked that you make sure your totally cleaned out.” “Umm Okay. That’s an odd request but yes of course.” “Excellent! Trust me it will be a very positive visit I promise.” “Well you haven’t lead my astray yet.” “You’ll be in very good hands. We’ll see you tomorrow stud.”
    4 points
  8. Chapter 2 I sat in the exam room with a hard cock in my pants. I had never been this horny before. I was trying to think of non-sexy thoughts to try to get my cock to go down before The nurse came back. No such luck. The one time you want a medical professional to take his time and they show up in minutes. Chris walked in and looked right at my crotch. “Hmmm so I guess there’s no mistaking what you thought of the good doctor.” He had a huge grin on his face. I tried to cover my crotch and he just grinned even wider. “Scotty that ship has sailed. No reason to be shy now.” Fuck I turned bright red. “Besides who doesn’t love to see a hard cock. Although it looks like yours about to bust out of your pants.” He winked at me as he pulled the tray up to my side so he could take my blood. “Okay, so it looks like we don’t need extra blood for the prep regiment. Glad you decided to stay away from that shit. Now we’ll just have to work on getting rid of those pesky condoms next.” Holy fucking shit I was seriously going to blow my fucking load. “So Scotty, doc said you might have some questions for me.” “Umm well yeah, umm I’m, wow it’s really hot in here.” “You’re not going to pass out on me are you? I haven’t even started taking your blood yet.” Damn that sexy smile of his. “No no I’m fine just a little nervous.” “Hmmm you know I think all your blood’s gone to your dick. That’s going to make finding a good vein a bit difficult. Let’s see what we can do about that.” Before I knew what he was doing he pushed me down on the exam table, unzipped my pants and pulled out my very hard cock. “Oh fuck what are you doing?” “Just relax, I’m a medical professional. I know what’s best.” He winked then swallowed my cock. Needless to say I didn’t last long. I shot the biggest load of my life. Oh dear God what the hell was happening to me! It took me a few minutes to come back down to earth. “How you feeling now, Scotty?” “Oh fuck that was just oh fuck. I can’t believe my nurse just sucked me off.” “And it was delicious!” He said licking his lips. “Good thing I knew why you came so fast or we may have needed to have doc check out your quick release there. Now let’s get that blood drawn.” Okay if I was dreaming DO NOT wake me up. I was still in such a post orgasmic glow that I didn’t even notice as he took my blood. “Okay Scotty let’s get you sitting up. You know I never asked. Hope you’re alright with me calling you Scotty.” He winked and helped me up. “Now let’s have that talk.” “Yea so, this is by far the strangest doctors visit I’ve ever had. I mean Doc Manning basically told me barebacking was okay and even better not to go on prep and to play raw. Then my hot nurse gave me a blow job. I’m just, I mean that’s not normal...right? Oh and Scotty’s fine, I kind of like it.” I blushed as I looked at him. “Damn you’re cute when you blush.” “Yea I’m almost 50. No one’s called me cute in years.” “Well you are. Okay how about hot daddy?” “Cute it is!” I said. He burst out laughing. “Now I know you’re trying to process a lot, we just want you to know that we’re all committed to making this a very positive experience for you. Doc has a special way of helping patients reach their true potential.” All the while he’s talking he’s rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. So naturally I start getting hard again. It’s at that moment I realize my pants are still undone and my cock is still out in the open, leaking like crazy. “Now as much as I’d like to take another sample of your cum if I don’t get you to Matty to checkout he’s going to have my ass. Now while normally that wouldn’t be a bad thing he has a hot date tonight and he’ll kill me and you if we make him late.” I quickly came to my senses and shoved my dick back in my pants. While I’m working on making myself presentable he’s busy writing something on an appointment card. “I’m giving you some homework. Before your next visit I want you to check out a website, breeding.zone. Start with the general barebacking stories. I don’t think you’re quite ready for the bug chasing ones yet.” I took the card and placed it in my pocket. “Thanks, I can honestly say this is not how I pictured today going, but I’m certainly not disappointed.” He grinned that killer smile. “Excellent! Can’t wait to see you in a month.” We walked out to the front desk. There was no one left except for Matty. I could tell he was getting anxious. “Oh thank god I thought I was just about to come check on you boys.” “Sorry Matty. Scotty had a few extra questions we needed to go over.” “Scotty huh.” His pouty expression was so damn sexy. “So was I right?” He asked me. “Right? Right about what?” “That you’d love Dr. Manning.” “Yes, I must say he’s not at all what I expected.” “Matty, Scott needs a followup appointment in a month.” He checked the calendar on his computer and suddenly got a huge smile on his face. “Can you do the 7th at 5:30? That’s a Friday.” “Wow you guys do that late of appointments on a Friday?” “We do once a month for a special patient. We’ll squeeze you in right before him.” He exchanged a look with Chris and they both smiled. Okay that doesn’t make me worried or anything. “That sounds good. Schedule me in.” “Okay you’re all set. We’ll see you next month.” I headed to the elevator when Chris called out. “Now don’t forget your homework. There will be a quiz.” He winked at me as I got on the elevator. Man it was going to be a long month.
    4 points
  9. I woke up this morning with a solid erection. I was lying on my side with Drew in my arms, spooning him with my hard cock pressed on his arse. He was still fast asleep so I used spit to lube my shaft and started gently probing for his hole. My helmet was soon pressed on his hole and I very slowly began to ease my cock inside him. I was over halfway in him and was gently fucking him when he woke up “morning daddy” and he pushed his arse back on to my cock so I was now balls deep. I rolled him on to his belly and fucked my boy real hard. I emptied my balls in him and just stayed in him enjoyin his loaded hole.
    3 points
  10. There is so much great advice already, and @topblkmale is right, you need to spread your legs and hit those poppers and let a top fuck you often. But if a real loose, puffy lipped hole is your goal, I'll share some advice a fellow bottom playmate once shared with me, and this is the plan I have in action currently. And he had the most beautiful, puffed out cunt lips I've ever seen, and he could regularly take a hard fucking from any top we encountered with no problem. So the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Treat it like a workout. If say Monday is chest day, and Tuesday is leg day, etc., then Monday is stretch day, Tuesday is depth day, rest Wednesday, Thursday is grip day, rest Friday, Saturday is piston day, Sunday is control day. You should have something in your hole every day of the week, even if for just 10 minutes. So on rest days that means you're either taking dick, or using a small butt plug. Here's how I do it: 1. Stretch Day. The goal is to teach your hole to open wider and wider. With all of these routines, start with something small and comfortable. The goal isn't pain, it's pleasure. So here I use the Topped Toys Gape Keepers. You could also use your standard issue butt plug trainer set, or the Square Peg Egg series. Whatever your budget allows. And don't go crazy, buy one and use it for a few months before buying your second. It's a marathon not a sprint. So, for me, I get my 3 Gape Keepers lined up: the 100, 108, and 116. I get nice and relaxed and then slide down the 100. My goal is to just sit on it for 30-45 minutes. Mind you I started at 10 minutes. Set goals, work towards them slowly. Maybe a light bounce or grind, but your goal is to sit and get your hole used to the sensation of being open. Then I take it out and rest for about 5 minutes, on the the 108 for at least 15 minutes, and then on. I still struggle with the 116. Some days I can sit on it for about 5 minutes, some days I can't get it in at all. There was a time I couldn't leave the 100 in for more than 5 minutes. You'll get there. 2. Depth Day. The goal is teaching your deeper parts to get touched. And again, no thrusting or bouncing, put the whole thing up your chute and sit. Grind a little if you'd like, have fun. But you want your deep parts to get used to having something deep. That way when you get fucked,the top can slide in with little to no resistance because you're used to having something that deep. Get a collection of 3 dildos of varying lengths and sizes, and follow the same goal to sit on the deepest one for 20-45 minutes. 3. Grip Day. This is where you bust your ring so your top can slide right in. So named by Topped Toys Grip series. Likewise you could use their Mare Maker series. Get what you like. Same concept as Stretch Day, start with the smallest and work your way up. But instead of sitting on it, your going to do reps. EagerBttm on Just for Fans has some great workout vids I like to follow along. First do 10 reps just popping the widest part out and back in, then 20, then 40. Take a 2-5 minute rest. Then do 10 reps sit all the way down, pop it out as you stand all the way back up. The goal is to teach your hole to open, and then to pop. Then 20 reps, then start working your way up the next 2 sizes, same routine. 4. Piston Day. Get your favorite dildo, one you can take comfortably. Slide it in and out 10 times. Rest 30 seconds. Slide it all the way to the balls and all the way out 20 times. Rest 30 seconds. Slide it all the way in, and then all the way out. But this set when you take it out, concentrate on pushing your hole out/keep it open for 5 seconds between each rep. Do this 25 times. If at any point you can't keep your hole open, you start back at 1 until you are gaped between each rep for 25. 5. Control Day. Get a favorite, smallish comfortable plug. Maybe one of the small ones from your workout if you can hold it comfortably. If not get a smaller traditional one. Slide it in and walk around, do your chores, whatever around the house. Start with 10 minutes, work up to an hour. Keep to this workout routine, and you will have a loose, easy hole for anyone to enjoy. Even take fists like a pro. Sorry for the long post, but it's definitely worth the investment in resources, time, and energy. Also, sign up for emails. The 3 sites I use most to get my toys (FortTroff, Mr. S, Topped Toys) all offer sales throughout the year. Figure out which toys you want to start, and then when the sales are announced, get what you want. For instance Topped does a "seconds" sale in early July on toys that have minor blemishes that work just fine, they just don't want to sell at full price. But these supplies are limited. So if you know what you want, you can grab it as soon as the sale goes live. Anyway, hope that helps!
    3 points
  11. You tell us that no one is allowed to speculate on a mental health diagnosis of another person, yet you do precisely that, declaring decisively that he is not on the Autism spectrum, and on the basis of a single diagnostic factor, that Autistic people find it difficult to lie. In fact, you are quite correct that Trump is plainly not Autistic, for many reasons, and that we Autistics are honest by default, often to our disadvantage. You are also correct that professionals in mental health do not offer diagnoses of persons who they have not formally examined and systematically diagnosed, and you are correct that mental health diagnoses are a private health matter. There are instances, however, where an individual’s condition becomes a public concern, not the least of which is when he is trying to obtain the office by which to wield power over the entire nation. We the people have a vested interest in knowing whether the man is mentally fit to be entrusted with such power over us. The fact that the oaths and rules of the mental health profession prohibit them from speaking to this is yet another example of how Trump has weaponized the norms and decencies of civil society against itself to further his perverse goals. It is therefore necessary that others who are knowledgeable but not bound by those oaths speak aloud the truth that is in plain sight - Donald Trump is mentally ill. His psyche is patently unbalanced by any conventional measure, speaking scientifically or philosophically. He is a pathological liar - irrefutably documented - and that fact alone sets him outside the range of normative human cognition. But it isn’t limited to that. His very public speech and actions provide ample evidence, not just to trained professionals, but to everyone, that something is very, very wrong with the man. On this site, men like to say, “Let us make up our own mind.” So I won’t ask you to listen to my view of it. Instead, I’ll give you the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, a widely accepted tool for screening individuals to determine whether they are psychopaths. The checklist has 20 items, and is scored by giving a 0 if the item does not apply to the individual, a 1 if it applies to a certain extent, or a 2 if it fully applies to the individual. A score of 30 or higher suggests clinical psychopathy in the individual. Apply it to Donald Trump, and make up your own mind. *Note: The Hare Checklist is not determinatively diagnostic, but merely a tool for screening. Diagnosis can only be performed by a clinical professional. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist • Glibness/superficial charm • Grandiose sense of self-worth • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom • Pathological lying • Conning/manipulative • Lack of remorse or guilt • Shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses) • Callous/lack of empathy • Parasitic lifestyle • Poor behavioral controls • Promiscuous sexual behavior • Early behavioral problems • Lack of realistic, long-term goals • Impulsivity • Irresponsibility • Failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions • Many short-term marital relationships • Juvenile delinquency • Revocation of conditional release (from prison) • Criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)
    3 points
  12. It's got to hairy, hairy, hairy. The hairier the better.
    3 points
  13. Chapter 3 I felt conflicted, but I also knew the gym made Maria horny. I struggled to get hard for her, only managing it when she offered me her ass. I could still feel Andy’s cum leaking from my hole. Fortunately Maria didn’t go there before I blew my load in her ass. I also knew I needed to take precautions. The next day I made an appointment at the health clinic for the day after. I didn’t explain over the phone the reason why. I arrived I quietly explained to the nurse I thought I may have had a poz partner. I was referred to an hiv expert apparently. ‘Hi , I’m Gino, I believe you think there may be a risk of hiv?’ ‘er yes’ I quietly said. ‘’Can I ask was this after sex with another man?’ I nodded and looked embarrassed. ‘Look Nathan, I see a lot of men like you. I can just give you Pep and / or PreP and tick a box. But if you want advice you need to open up. Just so you know, I am gay and I’m also hiv positive, so I know what you’re going through’ I took a deep breath’ okay, I’ve started having sex with men, though I’m with a girl. And we had unprotected sex and both guys were poz.’ I blurted. ‘. How do you know that? ‘Gino asked. ‘Because they told me’ ‘ok, before or after sex’ ‘before’ I replied. ’so you knew they were poz but still had sex. Did they promise to pull out but didn’t?’ ’no, they were going to pull out but I wanted them to cum in me. I don’t know why, I just wanted to know they had cum inside me’ ‘that is perfectly natural.why suddenly are you into gay sex.’ ‘It was an itch I thought I would scratch and that would be it, I would then stick to girls’ ’ok and has that worked.’ I shook my head. ‘No I just want more now, almost as if a light has gone on. I just want more cock.’ ‘ don’t we all’ Gino laughed. ‘Have you been to Kings sauna.’ ‘No what’s that?’ I asked ‘ it’s a gay sauna. It’s where a lot of married guys who pretend they’re not gay go, and where a lot of barebacking goes on. And a number of poz guys go too’ Gino said. ‘ok, here is what I will do. I will keep you as my patient. You’re out of time for pep to be effective for the first sex you had, you’re going to have to leave that for luck. You can take for the second time. And I will give you a prescription for Prep. But think whether you really want to take it. By the look of you’re cock, I can tell that poz talk turns you on. And you like the risk.’ I looked down and my cock was hard in my joggers. ’I’ll also put you down as bisexual …at the moment. When you know that has changed tell me’ . I didn’t say anything and red faced I took the prescription, trying to hide my erection. I picked up my prescription and took the dose, hiding the rest in my car. Gino’s words floated round my head. Was I turning gay? I didn’t think that was possible. Life turned back to work for the remainder of the week. However, on Friday I had made an excuse that I was going drinking with mates to Maria. But there was only one place I was going. The sauna. The itch was back I paid my entrance fee and sauntered in. I changed and wrapped my towel. ‘There’s lube and condoms in every cabin’ the attendant said. I wandered into the steam room, and sat down. I wasn’t sure of the etiquette so I kept a towel round me. I saw a guy in the gloom openly wanking. My cock stiffened and I removed my towel. The guy came over and without a word turned round and lowered his ass on my stiff cock. He only had time for a few riding motions before the steam room door opened and a couple of guys moved in. The guy on my lap disappeared like an apparition. One of the new guys came over and sat by me, the other on an opposite bench. ‘bareback, nice’ he said. He was slim and slipped off his towel. His cock was thin but very long. He reached over to my cock and started wanking me. I reciprocated and he turned and kissed me, snaking his tongue in my mouth. I felt myself being drawn in again. ‘we’re bare only’ he said. ‘Are you poz?’ I asked, remembering Gino’s words. ‘Yes we both are, Joe here is undetectable, though I have a viral load at the moment.’ It struck me that although I had taken the Pep, the Prep was still hidden in my car, untouched. ‘im neg, I’m not on anything’ I stammered, still stroking his cock. ‘No problem, we don’t bite’ he replied. I couldn’t help it, I lowered my head and started sucking his cock. ’good boy, suck that poz cock for me. Joe likes his sucked too’ I stood up , moved to Joe who opened his legs. I knelt in front of him and took his cock in my mouth too. I felt a hand lifting my torso, until I was on all fours. I carried on sucking. I was aware ove movement and suddenly felt what must have been skinny guys cock pushing into my already lubed hole . ‘Fuck ‘ I thought, he’s poz. I tried to move but Joe expertly held me in place. I couldn’t move other than to suck his cock. ‘ we’ll give you what you came here for ‘ Joe whispered in my ear. Skinny guys cock seemed to be prodding the whole of my insides as he picked up pace. Suddenly Joe erupted in my mouth. I was concentrating on swallowing all his cum when skinny guy grunted. And thrust deep. ‘Take my babies boy ! ‘ he whispered as he came in me. my head was in a swirl, as almost immediately they left me alone. I put my hand to my ass and felt the cum. I wandered to the showers. Had I really got what I came for. ? I was absentmindedly showering when a voice I knew said ‘Nathan, not really a surprise to see you here’ I spun round and saw Gino entering the showers. I glanced down at his shaven cock. The biohazard tattoo was in his pubic area.. ‘you can’t help it can you. It’s like a magnetic force drawing you in. I know the conflict your having.Tell me have you taken your Prep? ‘ I shook my head. ‘ Give yourself to your needs, don’t be ashamed, I can tell you’re a natural bottom. You just need to admit to yourself what you are. Turn round’ I did as I was told. ‘I’m going to fuck you Nathan. You can stop me at any time. You know I’m poz, and I will stop if you want’ I put my hands on the shower wall, and spread my legs. Gino’s hand went to my hole, and slipped a finger inside. ‘Mmm I’m not the first. I won’t be the last. I don’t know whether to cum in you ‘ he whispered ‘ please’ I whispered back’ please cum in me, I want it’ My cum brain had taken over. ‘What do u want.? Nathan’ ’i want you to fuck your poz cum deep in me , please’ I begged as he entered my sloppy hole . ‘Well since you asked so nicely I’ll give you what your body needs’ Gino whispered in my ear as he picked up pace. He pistoned in and out before announcing’ a heavy poz load cumming!’ And held me in place as his balls emptied. ‘Yes a natural, as I suspected. We need a proper talk. Come and see me at ten on Monday’ and with that he was gone. I looked around. Shadows here and there, but I could feel myself descending into a sordid pit. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fight it or not…….
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  14. I would say that a pre-loaded hole because these appeal even to horny bottom guys. I was once in a darkroom at a busy sauna and once I took my first load, the second and third happened pretty quickly. The first guy pulled out and some guy who had watched the action would touch my dripping hole and move close to my hole and dump his load. A dripping hole is always really hot.
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  15. Chapter 10 I can just imagine what the old security guard in the lobby was thinking as six sweaty guys reeking of cum got off the elevator and proceeded to leave the building at almost 3am. “Late evening doc?” “Hi Chester, you know me. I’m not satisfied until my patients have a positive outcome.” “You’re a good man doc. You shouldn’t work so hard. I hope you boys appreciate the good doctor here, giving up his Friday night.” I looked at the guard trying to keep a straight face. “We absolutely do sir. He’s positively the best.” With that we exited the building as fast as we could before one of us lost it. “What do think Chester would say if he knew just how positive the evening had really been?” Chad asked. “You boys are terrible. Didn’t you hear him tell you that you should be grateful to me?” Adam grinned and said, “oh doc believe me I’m VERY grateful!” “Okay you sluts, home. Now.” Adam, Chad and I started walking in the same direction towards our subway stop. “Hey I have an idea. You and Chad should crash at my place that way we’re altogether and don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules tomorrow.” “Sure Adam, and you wouldn’t have any designs on milking a couple more poz loads from Scotty and me, right?” He tried to look offended that we would even think that about him but he couldn’t hold it and was soon grinning from ear to ear. “Can’t blame a boy for trying. Come on doesn’t a sleepover sound fun?” He was wiggling his eyebrows up and down. “Good god I thought Scotty was a sex fend but he has nothing on you.” I started laughing. “Well what can I say, once you taste poz cum it becomes very addictive. I could go another round.” “Fuck you two are going to be the death of me.” Adam was laughing. “So is that a yes?” “Fuck it let’s do it.” We made our way to Adam’s apartment. Turned out he lives pretty close to Max’s shop so maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I mean who needs sleep anyway. We were all naked pretty much the second Adam closed his door. I dove into Adam’s ass eating out some of the many loads he had buried deep inside his cunt. While Adam was busy sucking on Chad’s big dick. Honestly as much fucking as we’d done the last several hours it was amazing we had anything left. But yep I was rock hard again. I used some of the cum from his ass to lube my dick then plowed deep inside. I lost track of time and was soon shooting my load. Damn I’d topped more in one day than I had in months. I pulled out and Adam flipped around to clean me off while Chad took my place fucking the little slut. Chad fucked him like a machine making Adam whine like a bitch in heat. Chad slammed into his ass balls deep and let out a scream as he blasted his load. We all collapsed in a tangle of bodies. Pretty soon I dozed off with Chad’s arm wrapped safely around me. Saturday morning, or I should say afternoon, we made our way to the tattoo parlor. Max was at the front counter when we walked in. He saw us and broke out in a big smile. “You have no idea how hard I’m going to fuck your tight ass today. I hear you’ve become quite the slut. He gave me a big hug and grabbed my ass. God I knew I should have tried to seduce you the first time I saw you.” I gave him a passionate kiss. Fuck he could kiss. He greeted Chad and we introduced him to Adam who was drooling like a fucking fool. Max was about 6’4” not overly muscular but extremely fit and toned. Shoulder length blonde hair, three day stubble, piercings in both ears and he had amazing ink. “Damn you’ve got some new work since I’ve seen you last,” I said. He was wearing a white tank top which showed off full sleeves on both arms. He took off the tank top and turned around to show me his back which was now covered in devil wings, he also had a design down the outside of both legs which looked like it ran all the way from his ankle to his pits. But the one that made me rock hard was a new one on his chest, a very large bio haz on his right pec. “Fuck me that’s beautiful!” “I understand that’s what we’re doing for you today too.” “That’s exactly what he’s here for,” Chad said. “Have you decided where you want it?” “I’m thinking here on my hip,” I said pointing to the area I was considering. “Okay strip and let me take a look.” Now a month ago I’d have been like ‘you want me to do what?’ But now, fuck it. I didn’t even bat an eye. “You, ginger boy,” Max growled in his sexy voice, “you here for moral support or you getting your bio tat too?” “I’m not poz...yet.” “Strip boy,” Max said licking his lips. Adam wasn’t quite so sure but slowly started taking his clothes off. “Hey boy, when an alpha male gives you an order you comply immediately! Understand?” “Yes sir.” He started going a lot faster. Damn I liked this side of Max. “Okay Scott let me see.” I was standing in front of him totally naked. “Damn, I do good work,” he smirked as he looked over his past designs. “Yea with your hairy chest it wouldn’t look the best on your pec. I think you’re right, your hip is a better spot. Turn around. Hey Chad come here for a sec.” Chad and Max were whispering behind my back. “Fuck yeah that’s prefect,” Chad agreed. “Umm guys, what’s perfect?” “None of your concern. Chad here’s paying for it so you don’t need to worry it.” Oh fuck. “Now you ginger boy, front and center. Hands behind your back. Damn I’ve always wanted a ginger of my own. You say you’re still neg?” “Well I was Sir, but not sure after last night.” “How many poz loads you take?” “Honestly I’m not sure sir. I lost count.” “It was probably around ten or so,” Chad said. “That’s a good start. Turn around. Fuck look at that virgin canvas just waiting for its first ink. I’m going to have fun with you. You like being told what to do don’t you ginger?” I saw him start to shake a little but damn if his small cock didn’t start to get hard. “Max noticed and said, “yep that’s what I thought. I think we have a good little sub on our hands.” I think Adam was starting to wonder if maybe he should have stayed in bed instead of coming with us. Max’s business partner Tommy was just finishing up with a customer so when he was done he had him join us. “Boys this is Tommy. He’s almost as good as me,” he said grinning. “Don’t believe a word he says. I taught him everything he knows.” “You wish. Okay as I was saying, Tommy here’s going to take care of Adam while I do Scott.” Tommy, Chad and Max conferred for a few minutes and had evil grins on their faces. Poor Adam. “Scott you’re with me, Adam, follow Tommy and Chad. This won’t hurt too much.”
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  16. Chapter 9 I’d been stuck in the apartment for a week now. By Friday morning I was climbing the walls. Thank god I had the appointment tonight. I’d finally know for sure if I was poz and hopefully get fucked like crazy. At 5pm I walked into Dr. Manning’s office. The minute Matty saw me he jumped up, ran around the counter and threw his arms around me. “Scotty! I’ve missed you, hot stuff.” “Matty you were at my place Wednesday.” “I know but your were all sickly then and now you’re positively glowing.” “Do you know something I don’t?” He stuck out his lip and pouted only like Matty could get away with. “No! Dr. Meany wouldn’t divulge the results. Something about health care privacy. He insisted you know first.” I burst out laughing. “I missed you Matty.” “Doc wants to see you in his office before we all get naked. You can go ahead he’s waiting for you.” His office door was open so I just stuck my head inside. Fuck he was so handsome. He already had his scrubs top off and was just looking at his computer while playing with his nipples.“Hey doc. Looking good. You wanted to see me!” “You’re looking much better yourself. How you feeling?” “Not back to a 100% yet, but definitely getting there.” “It may take a few more days to be back to normal. Just remember to take it easy. Well except for tonight.” He grinned that sexy wicked smile. “Sit, let me check you out real quick.” He took my temperature and blood pressure. “Everything looks good. Your coloring is back to normal too.” I reached up and pinched one of his nipples. He slapped my hand. “Behave! There’ll plenty of time for that when I’m done examining you. God why are poz bottoms so fucking impatient?” “Wait what?” “You heard me you sexy slut. Did you really have any doubts?” “Well I didn’t want to get my hopes up just in case I was still neg.” I jumped into his arms and gave him a deep kiss. “I’d wager to bet that with that first massive breeding we gave you, your neg cunt never stood a chance, but there’s nothing like getting absolutely confirmation.” He grabbed my hand and said, “come on strip. You have several horny fuckers who have been hounding me all day to tell them the news.” We both got naked and he lead me to the playroom. Gotta say guys there’s something fucking liberating walking around your doctor’s office naked with your doctor’s hand on your hard dick leading you to the fuck playground. We entered the room and Chris, Chad and Matty were all standing there stroking their hard cocks in front of the sling. “So,” they all called out as one, then started laughing. “You want to tell them Scotty?” “I don’t know I think you should be the one.” “Oh fuck the both of you. Just tell us damnit!” Matty yelled. I got a huge smile on my face. “Congratulations guys, you knocked me up.” “Congrats you slut!” They were all still standing in front of the sling. I was kind of expecting a little more of a reaction. Doc put his arm around me. “Now Scotty, we know you lean more towards bottom but we hope with your newly gained status in the poz club that you’ll not be selfish and that you’ll share the precious gift you’ve been given.” They were all looking at me with very proud looks in their eyes. “Chad and I talked about this a lot during the week. I understand my responsibility and fully intend to spread the gift!” They all cheered and surrounded me patting me all over my body. With them closer to me I noticed the sling for the first time. Already secured with a hungry look in his eyes was the cutest ginger I’d ever seen. The doc smiled and said, “meet Adam. When he heard we had a newly pozzed up member of our family he wanted to meet you and present his neg pussy for you to dump your first motherfucking toxic load deep inside.” “Fuck yeah! Thanks guys. I’m so horny, now I understand why y’all wouldn’t let me cum all week.” My hard dick was leaking like crazy. “We’ve got him all prepped for you, “Chad grinned holding up a toothbrush with bright red bristles” “What he doesn’t get Matty’s torture device?” “We decided to go old school tonight, plus I forgot to bring that PA. I only have my smooth one in tonight and we wanted to make sure we knocked the slut up good.” Matty smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “Um excuse me,” Adam said. “I know you’re all excited about Scotty’s new status but there’s a very horny, very neg ass in this room that needs a very poz dick to fuck the shit out of him, now please!” “Fucking bossy bottoms,” doc said. “Scotty you heard the man. Get busy.” I didn’t need to be told twice. I shoved my cock into Adam without warning and started to breed his neg ass for all I was worth. The guys cheered me on all the while stroking their very hard cocks. “Knock the fucker up.” “Breed that neg ass.” “Give him you first very toxic load!” “Poz that motherfucker.” “Yeah you want my poz load?” I screamed. “Yes!!! I need to be pozzed. Please give it to me.” That put me over the edge and I started shooting one of the biggest loads of my life. “Here it comes you fucker. Welcome to the family!” After that it became a no holds bar fuckfest. Adam got at least one load from each of the other guys and I gave him one more. They strapped me down to the fuck bench after I dumped my first load. They said I had to top more now but my first priority was still to be their poz bottom cum dump. Several hours later as we were all trying to catch our breath, Chad crawled over to my space on the floor where I had crashed and rested his head on very tired crotch. “So slut, got any plans tomorrow?” “Besides sleeping till noon, nope. Why,” I asked cautiously. “We have an appointment with Max tomorrow afternoon to get you some new ink. Imagine Max’s surprise when I made the appointment and told him what you wanted.” Oh shit, I tensed up. Max didn’t know I was gay and he was the straightest guy I knew. “Fuck what did he say?” “Let’s see, his exact words were, ‘wait Scott’s gay? No fucking way. And he’s a fucking chaser. I’m so going to kill him’.” “Wait what??” “He said if knew you were gay he’d have knocked-up your ass years ago when you went in for your first tat. He has a huge crush on you.” “Okay now you’re fucking with me. Max is not gay. That man is as straight as they come.” “Funny he said the same thing about you.” Matty started laughing. “When will we learn that looks can be deceiving. You thought I was a screaming bottom, I thought you were a total butch top, Max thought you were straight and you thought he was. Fucking hilarious!” Chad chuckled, “He did say you’d better be prepared to get fucked tomorrow. He may not be able to convert you but he sure as hell is going to add his strain to your toxic ass.” We all thought Adam had fallen asleep until he spoke up, “you guys mind if I come along? I’ve always wanted to get some ink.” “Fuck yeah! Max will love you,” Chad said. Just then doc got up and started pulling on his pants. “Okay boys. I think it’s time to call it night. It looks like Chad, Scotty and Adam have a date with a hot tattoo artist tomorrow.
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  17. Chapter 8 Hi guys, Adam here. I know you were expecting Scotty’s big reveal but I promise he’ll be back soon. Just a little about me. I just turned 32 last week. I moved to the city a year ago when I was offered an amazing job opportunity, which so far has been great. I’m a small guy, 5’5”, 140, my haircut is really short and I keep myself totally smooth, which I know some guys don’t like but I’ve found it makes me look a lot younger when I’m naked. Which in turn seems to attract older guys which I really, really like. Oh yeah and I’m a ginger. I’m pretty shy so I haven’t made a lot of friends since I moved here. I love dancing, so for my birthday I decided fuck it and took myself out to one of the gay dance clubs. I made sure to have lots of liquid courage so I wouldn’t care what anyone thought of me. A couple of hours in and this hot daddy was eyeing me up and down. I had to pee so I headed to the bathroom. As I was doing my business I looked over and there he was stroking his hard dick. I didn’t even think just dropped to my knees and started sucking. Thank you liquid courage! He stopped me after a few seconds and dragged me into one of the stalls. “Take your pants down boy, I’m gonna fuck you.” It it didn’t take long before he blew his load deep inside me, and with that he was out the door. I went home shortly after that and made sure to keep his load inside. I know the dangers of bare backing but really don’t care. I mean it’s not like I get fucked that much anyway and honestly this was the first time since I moved to the city. Besides aren’t most guys on PrEP now anyway. A couple of days later I went to go pee and it was like pissing glass. Oh great my one fuck in a year and the asshole gives me Gono. That’ll teach me. Since I hadn’t been in the city long I really hadn’t set up any doctors so I went on line trying to find a gay doc. I know I could’ve just gone to one of the urgent cares but I’d had bad experiences with them back in my home town so I tended to avoid them like the plague. I knew in a big city the staff probably wouldn’t be as judgmental but I really did want a gay doc so prefect timing. Right?? I finally found one that looked promising and had great reviews. I called the office Monday morning as soon as they opened. “Hello, Dr. Manning’s office this is Matty how can I help you this beautiful morning?” Oh great a cheerful guy first thing in the morning. “Umm hi. My name’s Adam. I’m hoping to get in to see the doctor as soon as possible.” “Are you an existing patient?” “No I’ve never seen Dr. Manning before.” “Okay his first appointment for new patients is in two months.” “Shit two months really? Is there anyway you can squeeze me in sooner.” I started to panic. I mean I know this was no big deal, but guys it felt like I was pissing glass! “Okay honey, calm down it’ll be okay. Tell Matty what’s going on.” “I think I have Gono.” I could swear he was trying not to laugh at me but he remained professional. “Okay honey let me see what I can do. I’m going to put you hold for a second.” A few minutes later he came back on the line. “Okay can you come in around 1pm today?” “Oh my god thank you. Yes that works great.” “Okay then you’re all set. Please make sure to bring your insurance card with you and we’ll see you this afternoon.” I arrived promptly at one and fuck me if the receptionist wasn’t the cutest guy I’d ever seen. I usually don’t go for guys my age or younger but damn. Plus he was small like me so he was probably a total bottom anyway. Oh well not like anything would happen at my doctors office. Matty was sweet as could be and got me all squared away. I didn’t have to wait too long before a hot nurse came to get me. “Hi I’m Chris, if you’ll follow me.” Fuck me this place was a gay man’s wet dream. He lead me to a really small exam room tucked off a short hallway. “Sorry for the room. We usually don’t use this one but since we’re a little busy today hope you mind.” “No it’s perfect. I’m just glad you guys could fit me into today.” I explained to Chris why I was there. He took all my vitals, put the information into my chart and left me to wait for the doctor. As he closed the door it tried to latch but didn’t take so the door remained open about an inch. About five minutes later I could hear voices out in the hall. This exam room was close to where the nurse had his station. It sounded like a very excited Matty speaking to Chris. “Holy fuck did you check your texts?” “No Matty I’m working. You know I don’t look at my phone when I’m with a patient.” “Your not with a patient you’re in the hall. Check your fucking phone.” I was trying not to laugh. They were so funny together. “Holy fucking shit. This is great!” “I know right?” “Has doc seen this?” “I don’t think so. He’s finishing up with a patient. He’s going to be thrilled. I know he’s been anxiously awaiting waiting for the news.” “Fuck we all have Matty.” Just then a third voice joined in. “I’m assuming since Matty is away from the front desk that you both saw Scotty’s text.” “Sorry doc. I was just so excited I couldn’t wait to tell Chris.” “It’s okay, I totally understand. Scotty’s been a special group project and I think it’s safe to say we’ve all grown close to him over the past few weeks.” “Should we call him, make sure he’s alright?” “I already did the second I saw his text. He says he feels like shit but is hornier than ever.” “Do you think he’s really seroconverting?” “Well based on his symptoms I’d say yes we were successful. We’ll give the virus a few days then take some blood to confirm. In the meantime Chad is heading over to take care of him for now. We can all go after we’re done with our last patient. Matty, can you make a schedule for the next few days so one of us is always with him?” “Of course.” “Chad can do the day shift since he can work from anywhere. Okay guys let’s take care of our other patients so we can go be with our newest family member.” “Doc the walk-in patient is in room 4. Oh fuck you don’t think he just heard our conversation do you?” I think they just realized the door hadn’t closed all the way. Oh and for the record I had heard ever last twisted word and my dick was rock hard! “Damn it! I know we don’t use that room much but we really need to fix that damn door.” A few seconds later there was a knock and yep you guessed it another hottie walked in. “Hi I’m Dr. Manning, he said as he reached out to shake my hand.” “I’m Adam.” “Nice to meet you Adam. I apologize if you heard our conversation out in the hallway. We should have been more discreet. I hope you weren’t offended.” “Don’t worry about sir. I wish I could say I hadn’t heard anything but one look at my dick and you’d know I was lying.” “Well Adam, good to know. Now what brings you here today?” He now had a big grin on his face. He did a quick exam and agreed with my Gono assessment. “So not your first time huh.” “Nope,” I sheepishly said. “Nothing to be ashamed of son. It’s all part of being a good slut. STDs are all part of the package. Do you want an HIV test today while we’re at it?” “Might as well. Who knows what else the fucker gave me.” “It seems you wouldn’t be to upset if your test came back poz.” “Well sir, before I moved here I was pretty sexually active. I was from a small town but I had a group of fuck buds that kept me satisfied. Since moving here I’ve been in a bit of a dry spell. I’m shy so meeting new guys is hard for me and I’m not really into anonymous hookups. Well usually not.” “He chuckled. “So with your fuck buds would you play safe or raw? Are you on PrEP?” “Not on PrEP. As for safe vs raw, both really. Depended on what the top wanted. I didn’t care either way as long as I was getting fucked. I figured there was a good chance I’d catch the big one but honestly wasn’t too worried. But I gotta say overhearing your conversation, fuck I know it’s sick and twisted but damn, it turned me on.” I could tell doc was liking the way this was going as his scrubs were starting to tent. “Son trust me. There’s nothing wrong with the feelings your experiencing and if you’re still neg I can certainly help change that, if that’s what you want.” “My brain’s saying ‘you’re fucking crazy, but my dick is saying ‘about fucking time’.” “So who’s winning?” “My dick sir!” “Okay here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to have Chris come in and give you a shot so we can clear up your Gono, then in a few days the office will contact you to let you know when you need to come back in to begin your treatment.” “Treatment?” “For HIV,” he said with a wicked grin. That will give you time to decide if this course of action is right for you. If you agree I think you’ll be a prefect surprise for the newest member of our family. You know what they say, the newly diagnosed are extremely toxic. Any questions?” “No this has been a weird but amazing visit I’m so glad I found you and was able to get in so fast.” “It’s funny how the universe works. Okay I hope to see you soon.” The rest of the visit was over pretty fast and now here I sat a few days later on a late Friday afternoon sitting in Dr. Manning’s waiting room about to change my life forever.
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  18. Thanks for all the likes and comments. Chapter 7 The next couple of weeks went like so...Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I’d end up stopping by Dr. Manning’s office and one or more of the three of them would give me a quick load. Saturday, Sunday and Thursday I would hang out with Chad and he would usually be good for a couple of loads. Matty even joined us one Saturday. Damn that was a fun night. Then of course there was our Friday sessions where all four of my guys would use me for hours. We were coming up to the fourth Friday since I actively started the pozzing process. So I’d been taking toxic loads for three full weeks now. I woke up Friday morning with a slight headache and scratchy throat. I really didn’t pay much attention and went about my day as usual. I’d changed my work schedule so that I was only working half a day in the office on Fridays and the afternoon at home so I’d have plenty of time to prep for my weekly fuckfest. I was really loving these events and looked forward to them all week long. There was nothing better than when all five of us were naked together. By the time I left work for home I knew something wasn’t right. I felt like shit. I didn’t want to bother the guys at work so I just sent a group text to let them know that I thought they’d finally succeed in knocking me up. Less than 30 seconds after I sent the text my phone rang. Dr. Manning must have been between patients because he never responded that quickly. “You fucking slut! I almost shot my load when I read your text. Tell me your symptoms.” I started laughing. “Oh fuck, sorry Scotty. I’m just so damn excited.” “It’s okay doc. I figured you’d be happy just not this happy.” I proceeded to tell him all my symptoms and I could hear him getting even more excited on the other end of the phone. “It definitely sounds like your seroconverting.” “And doc my cock is rock hard. I feel like shit but I’m seriously horny as fuck. That can’t be right.” “Actually Scotty, my chaser patients often tell me that when they came down with the first symptoms that the only thing they could think about was getting more toxic cum. So it sounds like what you’re experiencing is quite normal. Well for a fucking twisted bug chaser that is, you slut.” “Thanks doc.” “I want you to sit tight. One of us will be over shortly to check on you. Just try to get some sleep.” Ten minutes later someone was buzzing my apartment. I didn’t even bother to check who it was and just buzzed them up. Shortly there was a knock the door. Chad was standing on the other side with a big shit eating grin on his handsome face. “So I understand you’ve earned your new ink? Have you decided where you’re going to put it? Oh fuck and how are you feeling? You don’t look so good.” I wanted to laugh but it just came out more as a cough. “Fuck you’re burning up. Let’s get you a cold shower to cool you off.” He stripped me then took his own clothes off and helped me to the bathroom. “God I want to fuck you so bad right now.” He was in back of me so I pressed up against his front and felt his hard dick poking into my ass. I reached around and guided him to my hole. He pushed forward and I pushed back and he was soon balls deep in me. I sighed. “Perfect! My body needs your toxic cum.” It didn’t take long for me to shoot my load against the shower wall while his went safely deep in my hole. “Thank you. Now can you please help me to bed.” The others showed up a few hours later and each of them proceeded to give me one load of beautiful toxic cum. It was the least amount of loads I’d received during one of our Friday sessions but honestly it had to be the hottest. They took excellent care of me over the next several days. One of them was always with me. On about the fourth day I was starting to feel human again. On Chris’ shift he took some blood so we could get confirmation to what we were all assuming. I asked about the rapid test but he said Dr. Manning wanted to be 100% sure. I was strong enough to get back to work Thursday but the doc insisted I just work from home. Doctor orders. However, he told me I was expected at his office Friday at 5pm sharp for a followup appointment. I tried to get him to tell me my test results but he kept saying ‘sorry I don’t have them yet.’ Somehow I didn’t believe him but he wouldn’t budge, so Friday it was. Friday could not get here fast enough!!
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  19. I was strung out and full of regret. I had made the mistake of going out with friends, getting a little high and hitting the local bathouse "Club X" which had a slightly seedier reputation than our other one "the locker room". I met a hot hairy daddy, partied a little and ended up letting him and a few other guys bareback me until I was stretched out and full of cum. Technically any other guys. OK and also maybe I drank some piss too. I had only meant to get a blowjob or maybe fuck a hot guy. And eat a little ass too. Bareback was never on the menu until I partied just a tiny bit then I became a dirty slut pig who fucks with anyone. Thats how I wound up at the std clinic full of shame. There was one other guy in the waiting room with me who also looked strung out and shifty. He was a year or two older than me latino guy with a scruffy light beard in sweatpants a t shirt and flip flops definetely loooked like he had had just as much fun as me. I wonder if he barebacked too? I guese I still had a little piggy in me. The nurse an older guy with a grey beard but fit called me back andput me in a room with two big chairs that you could rest back and stuff and told me to wait for the doctor. The doctor came in and he was hot as fuck, hairy everywhere thick muscles light beard tan skin with blue eyes. "I guess you had a little too much fun last night" He said. "Yeah I just need some tests and meds and Ill go". "No Im the doctor and I will tell you what to do , first take off your pants underwear and shirt and put on this gown" Fuck! I had forgotten I was still wearing my nasty pig yellow jock already stained with piss and cum. "I'm not sure I want to" " I need to give you IV theres some nasy bugs going around so you have to be in proper attire" That didnt sound totally legit but he was the doctor. I took of my clothes and he put them in a plastic bag. "Underwear too." I gave it to him. I looked me straight in the eye took a big sniff of them and then put them in his back pocket. Holy fuck! he gave me a paper gown to wear that was completely open in the back and only came down to my balls in the front and put me in the chair. He started and IV and then plugged it into a saline bag and a connected pale yellow bag that had some vitamins and stuff in it to make me feel better. Then he left me. I did start to feel better. ANd that made me feel hornier. This doctor seemed like a perve so I was down for wherever this was going. The nurse opened the door andled the other young guy into the room. "Sorry you have to share this room. Take off your clothes and get into this gown. " The guy looked embarrased but pulled off his shirt. When he pulled down pus pants i could see an "addicted" jockstrap black yellow that he tried to cover. "Underwear too, We will need to do piss test and a full exam". He glanced reluctantly at me and pulled them off. The nurse put his clothes in a plastic bag again except for the jock which went in his pocket. The paper gown looked even tighter on him and did nothing to cover his ass which was pretty red as if it had been slapped alot. The nurse fixed his IV and went out with both our clothes. As we got hydrated we both started to be more relaxed. "Did you hit the Locker Room last night" The other guy asked. "No Club X" "too bad the locker room was so nasty last night, if you like bareback" "Fuck yeah but club X has more piss". Guess we were both loosening up. " Maybe we can hangout and see who has the nastiest stores" What the hell I was verse and this bottom slut looked hot."Names Bob" "I'm luke" Plus we were both getting checked for stds so it would be safe, safeish, whatever. "Sounds fun." After the IV i was feeling real good and also like i had to piss bad but trying not to show it. The Bob was jiggling his leg making his cock bounce (semi hard) indicating that he had to piss too. The nurse came back in with two small cups. He unhooked our IV's "OK boys time for your piss test." " I don't think i can piss with an audience" Bob said. "OK Luke can you help us then. You hold the piss cup" "OK" This was weird but I felt much better and hornier. Bob got up and put his dick in the cup I was holding. The nurse came around the side and took bobs dick in one hand. "Ok now just relack and let loose when I tell you" Then he immediatly shoved two fingers deep in bobs ass. Piss shot out hard into the cup which filled up in a a few seconds. the nurse pointed Bobs dick straight at my face and said "dont drop that cup." I opened my mouth and started slurping down the hot piss that was going everywear. finally I just put my mouth over Bobs (uncut i just noticed) semi hard piss fountain and drank. Bob had definely been partying hard and it tasted rank i could barely swallow it all but I was trying. Fuck this was nasty! and Hot! "Ok bob your turn" . Bob grabbed the cup and smiled and opened his mouth. The nurse put his to fingers up my ass and didnt hit my prostate but must have known exactly where my bladder was cause I started pissing like crazy. Bob filled the cup and then sucked down maybe a gallon of my piss. I had been coming down but with Bobs piss and the IV if was fluing and feeling great! Bob started sucking my cock his pupils wide. "None of that" said the nurse and lightly slapped him. "The doctor needs to give you your injection and examine you. He made us get on our hands and knees in the wide chairs so our asses were wide and gaping into the middle of the room and left. "I wish you wouldt have stopped. "I'm so fucking horny but I guess these perverts have a protocol" "I winked at Bob" Hopefully it ends with us getting fucked like whores" "Fuck yeah" "Ive got loads of cum in my ass right now" I couldnt resist I got out of possition and started licking bobs sweet cumhole. Fuck he was loaded from the club last night. "Up on the chair I will get you wet for the doctor too" He went to town on my ass. I was so happy to be full of those cum loads cause Bob loved it." The doctor and nurse came back. He had a big srynge and needle. I had never pointed before but whatever the doctor said? Unfortunately it when in Bobs asscheck, and then mine. So not drugs. It hurt but also made me feel warm and horny. " Boys I have taken the liberty of enrollling you in an experimental program since you were both such sluts. This is a genetically engineered form of HIV that while it will make you a carrier will also make you immune to most STDs The more STDS you expose yourself to in the next few months the more immune you will get. So you need to get fucked by strangers as often as possible. It does have a few side effects, it may make you hornier, it will increase your sperm production, family members may become more attracted to you so maybe avoid family functions. Or whatever." "Have you taken it" "Of course" the nurse and doctor both pulled out huge dripping cocKs "In fact me and my dad are going to break you in so that you start the day full of cum" To be continued..
    2 points
  20. Skin on Skin, Body on Body... and when I entered his body... skin on skin.. I know this isn’t safe... He breathes heavily... Our bodies sweat together Stick together in the sweat... we are both completely naked... No clothes No protection, too. No protection over my Penis... I know, this is completely naked. And I know this is not gonna be safe... I know this is not safe for him. He trust me. I still have my result in front of me: I got hard when I read it. When I first held the paper in my hand, I immediately got a boner: HIV positive. I got hard directly. I know: No medicine... Only pure Sex from now on. Directly. Skin on Skin... No protection. No protection for me... And no protection for the bottom. So now he is under me... Breathing heavily... Not sure if he thinks... About Safety? There is no safety.... My HIV+ penis slowly enters his ubry hole... I lubed it. It is hot... Sweaty. Humid. Our bodies stick together, sweat together... He trusts me.... I like him. He pushes his ass towards me. I am inside him. No condom. Bareback... Skin on Skin. Then my milk suddenly shoots in him. Millions of viral load... Inside his body. I fuck my sperm deeper in him. Fuck my milk into him. Deep inside. I know: He is HIV positive from this minute on
    2 points
  21. That's fine, if that's what you want. Forcing a bottom to take it, when he's made it clear he does not consent to that, is rape.
    2 points
  22. Just my opinion, but judging from the hue of his tan, he doesn't even have the patience to do that. Orangish tans are a product of quick-tan lotions that produce skin coloration artificially rather than stimulating a natural tan as UV does.
    2 points
  23. Breeding might seem to be an oxymoron in regards to gay sex. But is it really? I have a long held theory (unproven by any science that I know of) that a bottom absorbs some of a tops semen into his bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body and even passes the blood/brain barrier and has a physiological effect on the bottom. He wants more, he craves cum. A former girlfriend kind of turned me on to this way of thinking, she swore that after a hot night of sex she felt super feminine, calmer, and was aroused by my mere proximity. One could put it down to just the normal after effects of several orgasms (she was multi-orgasmic) but she thought it was due to absorbing my semen into her body. I myself have noticed something similar. Although I am exclusively a top if I am in an ABS or busy cruise area or even a gay fuck party I like to suck a dick or two before breeding some hot fag bottom's ass. When sucking cock I swirl the cum around in my mouth and hold it under my tongue so it can absorb straight into my circulatory system. It seems to make me even more gay and when I sink balls deep into some hot sexy fag ass I am so into the fuck that my whole world is at that moment focused on it. That is breeding, spiritually if not literally. And no, I do not use fag as a derogatory slur for bottoms. They are my sex partners of choice and we are playing the same game.
    2 points
  24. I feel like there are different types of anonymity. Virtually all of my sex over 45 years has been casual and probably mostly without names. But I do like to see their eyes as they are fucking me. And to talk to each other about what's working or desired as you go along. I've often had anonymous sex with the same guy several times over extended periods. Whether at each other's home or at a sex venue, etc. But I can't/won't engage with the current 'anon' stereotype of waiting blindfolded for a quick 1 or 2 minutes of thrusting. Apart from anything, no hotel or apartment I've been in for the last 20 years has such lax security that you could even do that! And nothing I've seen on the internet (there's a million clips) suggests it is much fun for either participant. There has to be some sort of connection to make it fun. Even just catching his eyes as he shoots in your arse!
    2 points
  25. Amazing story! Very sexy! Most men cheat, nature of the business. I got sexually bored with my last partner so I went out taking bareback loads. Went on for months until we finally broke up…was super hot for me having other guys loads in my ass when next to my partner in bed.
    2 points
  26. Depends how long your trip is. Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris-Barcelona-Madrid (in that order) can be done by high speed train. As well as being great sex hotspots, they are all wonderful cities in their own right, and would good you a good taste of different European cultures. Don’t bother with London- you’d need a separate visa, and although there is stuff going on sex-wise, it’s not as accessible as in the other cities mentioned. Also don’t bother with Italy, Portugal or Greece. Again, they’re great places to visit, but from a sex tourist point of view, they’re just not up there with the rest. If you can only fit in three destinations, then skip Amsterdam and Madrid. If you can only fit in two, then choose Berlin and Barcelona (all of Spain is wonderful, but Barcelona probably has the most going on).
    2 points
  27. It’s actually kinda strange to me that bigger cocks hurt less than smaller ones. This is especially true with really thick cocks which tend to be somewhat softer and more forgiving in my hole. As someone earlier mentioned, smaller and thinner cocks are stabby and can hurt more. I’ve gotten to the point now that I can take just about any cock without issue. I crave being used like a human fleshlight and the bigger the better! My only issue sometimes are cocks longer than about 9 inches. When they guys go balls deep they definitely hit something that can be slightly painful or uncomfortable. Sometimes I can adjust to change the angle of thrust to alleviate that or sometimes it just takes having the top slowly push as deep as possible to open up my second hole before pounding harder.
    2 points
  28. I think 🤔anonymous sex is one of the few arenas left where we can be men and not have to be anything more then just our primal self....grrrr🐖...nor is anyone asking us to be.
    2 points
  29. Nice cumpilation here buds that I don't think I've seen before [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/rough-amateur-breeding-compilation-xhfNMsF
    2 points
  30. After what might’ve been the best pump of my life I went to the water fountain with Clint when I realized it was 530. “ holy fuck we’ve been here for five and a half hours” I said “Yeah I didn’t stop you because you were doing great and I figured time wasn’t an issue” Clint replied “Fuck it is tonight I have a date at 6” “Damn do you have time to go home and shower you are drenched in sweat after all” “No its ten minutes away but my house is twenty” “Well looks like you’ll have to shower here with the real men, Timmy boy” Clint teased. I had never used the gym showers because I was always nervous about my small cock being seen. Clint had been poking fun at me for going home to shower for months now. “ I guess I have no choice” I replied dejected “No you do not, now follow my lead” Clint made his way into the locker room and I followed. I had always hated locker rooms since I middle school when I started noticing everyone else’s cock got bigger but mine stayed the same. Once we got to the lockers Clint began striping, saying “C’mon strip you ain’t gonna shower with your clothes on” I began to tentatively take my clothes off as I looked over a Clint’s large tattooed frame. He was wearing only a jock strap that seemed to be filled to the brim. When he took that off his 7 inches soft cock and massive balls fell out. I felt blood rush to my cock as I took of my briefs revealing my tiny cock. “Atta boy now lets hit the shower” Clint said as he wrapped his muscled arm around me, pulling me towards his smelly pit. As we entered the shower room I saw there were no stalls only a row of shower heads along the wall with small racks of soap. I took a shower head by the end and Clint took the one right to my right. As we began lathering I could not take my eyes off Clint’s massive cock. “ you wanna suck it faggot” Clint asked shocking me “Huh” “ I said do you want to suck my cock faggot, you’ve been staring at it since I took my jock off” “ uh I don’t-“ “Uh uh, shut the fuck up and get on your knees before I force you down” Clint said putting his massive bear claw on my shoulder and pressing me to my knees. Once on my knees I could smell the reek of his bush which instinctively made me breathe out of my mouth, which was clearly a mistake as Clint stuck his cock in my open mouth. “Now Timmy be a good boy and don’t bite, if you do I’ll have to break your fucking jaw and ruin that pretty face” he said as he spit straight into my eye. He pushed me toward the wall then began violently piston fucking my throat. I thought he was gonna break my skull open but he just kept pounding. “Oh yeah boy I’m gonna cum, you want me to fill you up don’t you, you don’t want me wasting my potent seed, you want it in your guts I can tell” he said before bottoming out and shooting a load straight down my throat. As he stood there he pulled out slightly before saying “Oh looks like I gotta piss, you’ll be god and drink it won’t you Timmy” he looked down at me shaking my head before I felt his warm acidic stream in my mouth “Swallow it all faggot, you don’t want to disappoint me” he said and I was surprised to agree and swallowed his huge flow down “Ah now how’d you like that Tim” he said pulling me up as I stared shell shocked “Hmm looks like you need a little something yourself” “Are you gonna suck me” I asked “HA that tiny thing, no fucking way” he said slapping my tiny balls almost forcing me to the ground “ face the wall now” Clint bent down behind me as I felt his hand begin to spread my cheeks. Before I knew what was happening his tongue was in my hole. It felt electric and I began moaning like a porn actress. I had never felt anything this good as he kept driving his tongue into me. After less than a minute the most intense orgasm came over me and I shot my load onto the wall before falling into it. “Tasty, I always love eating a virgin hole” Clint said standing “ you ok bud we should probably get going we’ve been in here a while” he said helping me up As we got dressed Clint looked at me and said “so you’re coming home with me right tim” “I’d love to” I replied eagerly
    2 points
  31. The next morning I was woken up by Cain for my “initiation.” Cain explained that there was not much actually involved in the initiation and I had nothing to worry about. To begin, Cain brought me to a small tiled room in the main house. Two brothers in loincloths stood inside and grabbed me when I entered. I resisted at first but then remembered I wanted this and gave in. They tied my hands to a chain hanging from the ceiling so only the tips of my toes could touch the ground. “Do not worry, this will hurt but it is worth it” said Cain as he put a plastic bag around my head. I felt hands rubbing some burning substance onto me and writhed in pain. After a few minutes a high pressure stream hit me hard washing the substance off. After the let me down they took the bag off my head and I gasped in air. I had not realized that I couldn’t breathe until it was taken off. I gazed at Cain in the doorway as he simply said “Come” I followed obediently. As we walked down the hall I realized that the thin coating of hair I had was now gone leaving me as hairless as all the other members of the family. Cain led me into a dark room. Once inside I could not see anything, only faint candles lighting the edges of the room. As I stood in the center 30 people all nude came out from the darkness with father at their head. Two caged men came forward and grabbed me, forcing me to my knees while holding my arms out. “Welcome child are you ready to take your first step to joining our family” said father “Yes I am father but where is Presley” I asked “He is taking his own path child, do not worry he is in ecstasy” father replied “Ok father” “ Good” he nodded to the two men holding my arms “begin” Both the men slammed needles into my arms and pushed down injecting what I assumed was meth into my bloodstream. I had never slammed before and was thrown into another world. All the men around me began chanting and I soon felt hand rubbing me. I felt something latch onto my cock as father lifted me up and I felt something enter my hole. Father looked into my eyes and I saw eternity in his eyes. “Please… please father… please” I begged without knowing what I was begging for. A moment later my vision went black and everything fell away.
    2 points
  32. The doctor slammed his cock straight into my ass up to the hilt. It would have hurt like crazy but I was getting a high starting from Bobs tina piss that I had just sucked down and my ass was open from last nights festivities. I moaned and thrust back instead wanting more raw dick. "Does this mean I'm poz now?" " yes but you probably were before you need to get this strain and as many more as you can. It will make you feel stronger and hornier, you might end up topping." "i'm verse actually" he chuckled "sure you are slut". Bob was taking the older nurses (who was also the doctors dad i guess?) cock like a champ. His hole was getting real churned up from last nights loads. All the sudden the nurses eyes rolled back and he gave a great growl/moan sound that I had never heard before and started shooting stream after stream of cum into his ass. bob cried "yeah fucking poz me up!" The Doc also gave a great gutteral growl and started filling my ass with more cum than I had ever had. It gave me shivers and grabbed my cheeks to spread them wider so he could get it deeper. "Ok boys clean us up and you are done." i turned around and started cleaning the cum off his dick while Bob did the same with the nurse. We switched off a time or two so we could share a little of each others ass and cum taste on their dicks. I was a little disappointed it didn't last longer but I figured they were still technically at work . Without warning the doc started pissing in my mouth. I gulped and swallowed as much as I could but the paper gown was pretty wet with piss. The nurse let loose a stream for Bob and he pulled off his gown completely and let it wet all over him as he took great gulps. "Ok thats it. heres your clothes and out the side door."They accidently gave me Bobs cummy stained addicted jock and him my nasty pig jock but he grinned at me and pulled it on. I grinned back and did the same. They barely let us get our sweatpants and shoes on before they unceremoniasly shoved us out the side door and into the alley. " Come back on Saturday at 7pm for a checkup and a little party" The doctor said and winked at me. At least there was something to look forward too. "Fuck that was hot" said Bob as he pulled on his shirt and adjusted his sweats. He put his hand down the back into his ass crack " I'm fucking leaking cum its going to leave a wet spot." "here let me help" I volunteered eagerly. I pushed him behind the dumpster and pulled his pants down just below his butt. Cum was dribbling out his hairy ass crack. I spread his cheeks and put my tongue all the way up to his gaping hole. "Dont eat it all i wan some for later" he said. "mmmmHmmmm" I moaned as I licked as much as I could out. When he wasn't leaking anymore I stood up and kissed him with a fat load. He shoved his hungry tongue back in my mouth with a vengance. "My turn" He said and proceeded to turn me around and lick my loads out grunting slightly as he did. The alley wasn't that hidden and it was 10am in the morning still. A few guys passed but they must have been going to the clinic because they just gave a little laugh as they walked past. "I think we should go now" I said. Kinda sad it was done. " Bob looked up from my ass with a mouth full of cum and said, " do you want to go to my place? I got some more party supplies and some p***ts. " "Ok Doc did say that we needed to get as many strains as possible and I feel real horny maybe we could invite some guys over, real nasty ones." " fuck yeah!" I could tell me and Bob were going to be good friends. "Just one problem we will have to be a little quiet because my 19year old brother is at the house." To be continued.....
    2 points
  33. If I’m at a group fuck the hottest ass for me is one that has been freshly seeded. I love to stand ready, stroking my hardon while the man in front of me fucks his load up the bottom’s asshole. As soon as he pulls out I shove my cock balls deep in the freshly loaded ass. I love to feel the previous top's hot sperm on my cock while I’m fucking. Bonus points if the bottom is stocky, hairy with a beefy ass.
    2 points
  34. Hello everyone. I’ve been aware of this website for about two years now, and I’m finally taking the plunge to join myself. I’m 24 years old and I live in rural GA. I never have worn condoms and I never will. I love having sex with white men, my ex boyfriend introduced me to poz roleplay and it took off from there. I am a proud sex and porn addict, I love getting hard and fucking any man who’ll bend over for me. Love exchanging my pervy stories with like minded guys. It seems like this website is a place for me, as I’m getting hard while typing this.
    2 points
  35. Taking dirty loads all pig week
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Chapter 11 Max went to work on my hip and pretty soon I could make out the outline of what I was sure was going to be my new favorite tattoo. “What do you think?” He smiled as my face lite up. “Fuck I love it!” “Give me a few minutes and we’ll get this bad boy filled in, then we can start on Chad’s gift to you, if you’re still up for it.” “Go for it! I can’t wait to see what you fuckers came up with.” “I think you’ll be pleased. Your buddy Adam on the other hand,” he chuckled. “Let’s just say the world’s going to know exactly what he is. So you two together?” “Adam and me,” I laughed. “Nope. We just met last night. He was my surprise from my poz breeders and a reminder of my duty to pass on the gift they gave me. They told me he was shy but all I’ve seen is a cum hungry slut. His little cock stayed soft the entire night and just leaked precum like crazy.” “Yea I get the vibe from him he’s a total sub bottom who needs a good alpha to make him his boy.” “After his little display with you I’d agree, and I think he has the hots for you.” “Okay, all done. What do you think?” I stood up and looked at my new ink in the mirror. “Thanks Max, this is truly amazing. Now every time I see this work of art I’ll see what I’ve become. It beautiful.” I gave him a big hug and kiss. “And just what have you become?” He asked looking at me with a smirk on his handsome face. “Free!” I kissed him again and made sure to stick my tongue deep in his mouth. I had one hand on his ass and with the other one I grabbed his dick through his basketball shorts. He was hard. “I think we should take a break.” I slide down to my knees taking his shorts with me. He was going commando so his huge 9” dick jumped out and smacked in the face. “Damn that thing can poke an eye out.” “Guess you better get it in your mouth then huh. Damn you’re a good cock sucker but if you don’t ease up I’m going to shoot my load and I have other plans for that.” He pulled me off his cock got me on all fours and jammed his hard dick all the way in till his ball smacked up against my ass. “Fuck yeah!” I screamed out. “Damn you have an amazing ass. Can’t believe I finally get to breed you.” He continued plowing in and out of me for awhile until he slammed in all the way and I could feel his load explode deep inside me. “Fuck that was prefect!” He pulled out and I immediately flipped around to clean him off. “Too bad you’re not more passive or I’d make you my sub,” he chuckled. “Good thing you brought Adam.” He grinned. “Hop up on the table and relax for a few minutes. I’m going to go check in on my new ginger.” I laid down on my stomach and promptly drifted off to sleep. I guess the last 24 hours we’re catching up to me. I’m not sure how long I was out for but I soon felt someone touching my back. “Sorry to wake you. But if i don’t get started we won’t get much done today.” “No problem, Max. I was just having this amazing dream I was poz and had a hot load of cum in my pussy.” “Oh that was no dream you slut.” He slapped my ass and went to work. “Now I’ve made a slight adjustment to Chad’s gift. We were going to give you a tramp stamp, but after looking at your gorgeous back I think it needs to go right between your shoulder blades.” Gulp, just how big was this ‘masterpiece’ going to be? After a couple of hours I was at my limit and Max could tell. “It’s almost done. One more session should do it. I’d say you have to wait until it’s completed to see it but I know you’ll run to a mirror the second you’re out of here.” “Yep that’s an accurate statement,” I laughed. “Okay, lay still let me take some pics. Alright you can get up now.” He handed me my phone and I immediately looked at the pictures. Wow holy fucking wow. Perfectly nestled between my shoulder blades was a large bio haz sign and surrounding it was this amazing design that appeared to be made up of letters. “Those are the initials of your breeders who knocked you up.” “Holy fuck Max! That is truly the most beautiful design I’ve ever seen.” “Well I can’t take all of the credit. It was really Chad’s idea and I just took the concept and ran with it,” he grinned. At that moment Chad, Tommy and Adam walked into the room. “Honestly guys this is fucking amazing. Thank you so much.” I grabbed Chad and Max in a tight hug. “So I guess that means you like it,” Chad said. “Love it!” I suddenly noticed Adam standing off to the side. He had a sly grin on his face when he caught me looking at him. “Well damn Adam!” Both his nipples and ears were now pierced, his small cock was locked up and he had a chain with a padlock around his neck. “Turn around boy,” said Max, “show him the best part. Adam turned around, and there on his right ass check were the words ‘daddy’s little slut’ and on his lower back was the perfect tramp stamp. It said ‘neg cum dump’. “So what happens when he converts?” I asked. Adam’s face lite up and said, “Max is going to put a line through neg and tattoo poz above it.” I couldn’t help but start chuckling. “I take it from your reaction that you like it,” I asked. “I fucking love it! And he wants to add a bunch more ink over time. I can’t thank you guys enough. In less than a week my life has been totally transformed.” Max gave him a look and he beelined right to him, dropped to his knees and started sucking him off. “Well fuck me Max,” I said, “I do believe you’ve got yourself your very own ginger boy.” He grinned, “and you guys did a great job of opening up his pussy for me. He’ll be able to take my fist soon.” Chad had his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. “You really like your tat?” “I love it thank you so much.” I gave him a deep kiss. Damn I really loved kissing him. His hand dropped to my ass and he started fingering my already sloppy hole. “Hmm is that my load up there or did Max finally breed you?” “That’s Max’s, he gave it to me after he finished the first tat.” I started moaning when he added a third finger. “God I love how slutty you are. Isn’t your pussy sore by now?” “Yes it’s sore but I can’t help it, it’s hungry for more cum.” “What kind of cum?” Tommy asked. He’d been watching the action from the doorway trying not to get in the way. “Well I’m not picky but I do prefer the poz variety.” “It seems like all the real men here in the shop have had a go at your pussy today.” Referring to Chad and Max, “any chance I can take a turn?” “Chad and Max both said at the same time, “of course you can.” “He’s all loosened up for you, Chad said removing his fingers from my hole. “And already lubed too.” He stuck his fingers in my mouth for me to clean off. “Fuck Max, if you’d told me all your clients were like this I would have moved to your shop years ago. Get over here slut.” So apparently being surrounded by naked men was my new normal. I could get used to that. I walked over to Tommy and grabbed his hard dick. “So are you giving me a poz or neg load, Tommy?” “Poz but I’m undetectable, sorry,” he said sheepishly. “That’s Okay. At least your not neg. You can always go off meds,” I said winking at him as I turned around and backed onto his hard cock. “Fuck your cunt is so sloppy, how many times did Max breed you?” “Only once but I got a load from Chad in the shower before we came over and god knows how many loads I took last night. I just try to keep them in as long as possible.” He was fucking me rough and I was trying to clamp down on his dick but my pussy was really stretched out after all the abuse its taken. After a few minutes he pulled out and called to Max, “hey come here I need your assistance, he’s too loose.” “Of course what do you need?” The room we were in had a couch in one corner. “Lay down on the couch, Scotty climb on top and ride his dick.” We both did as instructed then Tommy came up behind me and pushed me to Max’s chest and shoved his dick in beside Max’s cock. “Holy fucking shit,” I screamed. “Just breathe boy,” Max said and held me tight. “You’ll get used to us in a minute.” They gave me time to adjust then slowly Tommy started moving in and out. I started moaning. “I think he likes it Tommy.” “Don’t stop, don’t stop! Fucking breed my faggot ass!” I have no idea how long they continued the assault on my ass but I was in heaven. Soon I heard Max start to grunt followed closely by Tommy. “Yeah fuckers, flood my cunt with your cum.” They slowly pulled out of my ass and Tommy collapsed on top of me. We all looked over and saw Chad fucking Adam doggy style on the floor. It took us awhile to pull ourselves back together, find our clothes and get dressed. We settled up with Max and were ready to head out. Adam was sitting on Max’s lap behind the counter up front. “Hey Adam you coming with us?” Chad asked. Adam looked at his new Sir and shook his head. “No I’m going to stay here with daddy Max. He promised to keep giving me toxic loads until I’m officially his poz boy.” I started laughing, “you two are perfect for each other. Max, Tommy, thank you both for a very memorable afternoon!” ”Call me when you’re ready to finish up your back and we’ll schedule you in,” Max said as we were waking out. Chad and I left and headed for the subway. “Hey I’m supposed to meet up with a friend for dinner. Do you want to join us?” He asked. I shook my head, “Thanks but I’m going to head home and crash.” “You do look like you’re going to drop from exhaustion. You okay getting home by yourself.” “I’ll be fine. Nothing a hot shower and ten hours of sleep won’t fix. Thanks again for today. It was awesome!” As I was waiting for my train I checked my phone. Fuck! My best friend had left about ten text messages and two voicemails. I hadn’t seen him in a couple years since he lived on the west coast but we usually talked a couple times a month. Except I’d kind of been avoiding him since he had a way of getting things out of me that he had no business knowing. I read a few of his texts then just called him. “Oh thank god I thought you were dead in some ditch!” “No Kevin, I’m very much alive just been crazy busy,” getting pozzed, but he didn’t need to know that. “So I’m in town for a few days on business but I’m staying with Josh.” Fuck! Double fuck!! “Dinner, tonight! I won’t take no for an answer.” “I would love to but I’m just getting over the flu and I’m really wiped out tonight.” Again not really a lie. “Scott I’m worried about you.” “I know and I appreciate it, but I promise you I’m fine. How about we do brunch tomorrow and we can catch up.” “Fine I guess that works. I really want to talk to you about Josh.” “What, is there something wrong?” “No, no he’s fine, I just want to run some things by you is all.” Okay, good you had me worried. Look Kev, I love ya but I’m about to drop dead from exhaustion so I’ll see you tomorrow.” “You’d better be there or there will be hell to pay! And I want every detail about what you’ve been up to. It’s been too long.” Oh this was going to be interesting.
    2 points
  38. I had been working out with Clint for a little over a year now. I started hitting the gym after my ex girlfriend cheated on me and I decided I needed to get fit. I met Clint after about 2 months and he took me under his wing. For the past year Clint has been helping me get super jacked. To help with that Clint convinced me to start steroids. “Cmon it’s only a shot and then you’ll get twice if not three times the results, plus it might put some hair on your chest” Clint had said with a chuckle as I was almost hairless compared to him being coated like a bear. While Clint was right about them increasing my gains, he was wrong about the hair. The only side effect was my balls shrinking, but my cock was already only two inches hard so it wasn’t a big deal. Today I met Clint in the parking lot like I normally do, wearing an oversized pump cover and 5in running shorts. Clint always wore a tight black wife beater that showed off his massive pecs and nipple piercings and sweatpants. “I’ve got a surprise for you today” Clint told me as I hoped in his passenger seat “I’m gonna share some of my special pre workout with you Timmy boy” I always hated when he called me that but he just shook my shoulder chuckling. I was excited though as I knew he had some special pre workout that he never shared. “Great I’d love that” I replied “I bet you will, so are you cut” Clint asked “Nah I’m bulking right now we talked about this a few weeks ago I thought” “No dumbass is your cock cut” he said slowly “ do you have foreskin” he over enunciated his words as I stared in confusion. “Uh no i got my foreskin” I said unsure and kind of uncomfortable “Good that makes this easier” he said pulling out a bag of powder “ don’t want you to accidentally shit yourself while squatting” he laughed as I just looked at him confused “We’ll come on then get your cock out” he said “Huh” “ don’t huh me I said get your cock out and I’ll show you how to do it, I’d do it with you but I did some on the way here” with that he grabbed the front of my shorts and underwear and pulled the down revealing my tiny soft cock as I turned red with embarrassment. “See nothing to be nervous about now pull down your foreskin or I’ll do it myself” I complied confused when Clint suddenly stuck his pinky in his mouth then dipped it in the powder, once it was coated he put it to the exposed head of my cock “Uh what are you” I began when Clint cut me off with “now pull the skin up” I followed his instructions and pulled it up over his finger. He suddenly pulled out and his pinky was clean. “Now jerk off” Clint commanded “What the fuck” I asked “Jerk off dumbass you gotta rub it so it absorbs or else you might as well have just licked it”he said “ don’t make me beat you off tim cause if I scratch your back you’d have to scratch mine” I began to nervously rub my cock withthree fingers as my hand was far too big. I was beet red with embarrassment as I rubbed my tiny cock next to the man I looked up to, but as I kept rubbing I started to feel a rush as my nervousness faded away and I started rubbing harder. Even though my cock was totally soft it felt amazing. I felt like I was on the edge when suddenly Clint slapped my hand away from my cock “if you wanna cum in my car you gotta earn it now come on let’s go”
    1 point
  39. As a bottom, I have already asked some Tops to withdraw before cumming. But sometimes I say "pull out" when I feel like he's going to cum, but it feels so good that my whole body says otherwise. When the Top realizes this, he continues, and ends up breeding me. It's very difficult for them to guess my true desires when my mouth says no (timidly) but my whole body says YES 😇
    1 point
  40. Great writing my friend, thank you!
    1 point
  41. I love wearing a blindfold while guys fuck me. I think it would be even hotter to wear a blindfold and (unknowingly) take loads from guys you know through work or friends, or whatever. They would know it was you, but not vice versa . Fuuuuck.
    1 point
  42. Some fuck buds I see weekly, others I see when I am in their town. Always lookin to make new FBs
    1 point
  43. Most definitely. The classic "lesbian turkey baster" but the "pregnancy" is different. Also, HIV is a pretty weak virus; exposure to LIGHT and AIR render it ineffective pretty quickly. You can imagine the challenge of collecting that much cum, in the dark and absent air would more likely than not render any virus ineffective.
    1 point
  44. Chapter 14 Dr. Manning and Matty took their clothes off all the while Zack was going to town on Josh’s ass. I interrupted him for just second to take his shirt off and he dove right back in. I next worked on getting his shorts off and noticed he was commando. I rubbed his back while whispering in his ear, “hmm your not wearing any undies Zack. Were you hoping to get lucky at the bar?” He tried to answer but his face was still buried inside Josh. “You like eating out your friends pussy don’t you?” Doc pulled Zack away and kissed him deep. He melted into the doc’s side. “Get on the bed next to your friend.” The boys looked up at doc as he told them, “you two make out while the three of us work on your beautiful neg holes.” “Please use a condom,” Zack begged. “Sorry Zack, we’re all out of condoms. If you want us to fuck you it’s going to have to be raw.” Dr. Manning was gently rubbing his finger around his asshole. “What do you say Zack?” “I don’t know sir. Are you guys safe? I know Josh’s uncle is poz, and I don’t want to be poz. I’m not on PrEP yet so it’s not safe,” he whined. Matty and doc both looked at me as if to say ‘uncle?’ I grinned and said I’d explain later. I motioned for Matty to start eating Zack out to help loosen his inhibitions. Zack started moaning like crazy and we could hear Josh whispering in his ear, “just do it, it feels so good.” Matty moved away and doc took his place rubbing his toxic dick all over his hole. I said, “Zack, these guys are two of the amazing men who knocked up my neg ass and gave me their very precious gift. Josh has two toxic loads inside him already. You need to catch up. All you have to say is breed me please and the doc here will shove his poz dick deep inside you.” Josh kissed him and egged him on. “Do it! You know you’re really a fucking slut and deep down you understand you need to be pozzed, that a part of you is missing.” Zack was moaning like crazy playing with his nipples. “Give in. You loved eating out those poz loads out of my sloppy hole and look at your dick, it’s rock hard,” continued Josh. “Boy,” doc said “don’t make me wait much longer. You have five seconds to make up your mind before I shove this poz cock inside your friend’s cunt instead and MY friends here kick you out since you’re obviously too chicken to play with real men.” That seemed to push Zack over the edge. He reached down and put the head of doc’s dick in his hole then wrapped his legs around his waist and pulled forward causing a very hard raw poz dick to breach his very neg hole. I looked over just in time to see Matty ram his cock into Josh. Damn my hole was twitching. I noticed Josh’s hard cock moving around as he was getting fucked, leaking like crazy. I climbed on top of him and sat down on his hard dick. “Fuck yeah uncle Scotty ride me while your friend loads me up with more poz babies. Zack started screaming, “poz my cunt, knock my faggot ass up, make me pregnant with your poz baby.” Fuck, talk about a closet chaser! About that time I looked up and noticed Chris and Chad in the room. “We weren’t sure we had the right place till we heard the cum slut here begging for poz cum. We knocked but I guess y’all were a little too busy to hear us. Thankfully the door was unlocked.” “Well what are you waiting for? We have two neg boys here begging for the bug.” “Wait two? I thought there was just one?” “It’s a long story, just get naked and pick a bottom,” I said moaning as Josh started to shoot his load up my ass. As he was cumming he clamped down on Matty’s dick which caused him to add his poz cum to his not so neg ass. Matty pulled out and Chris took his place not even giving Josh a second to catch his breath. At the same time Chad was shoving into Zack. Matty, myself and doc moved to the other side of the room to relax for a few minutes and enjoy the show. “Thanks for coming over guys. I don’t think either of these boys had any idea they’d be getting the gift when they woke up this morning.” I looked down at Matty’s cock and noticed he was wearing his special PA tonight and all the sharp edges were covered in pink cum. He saw me looking and got a big grin on his face. “All you had to say was ‘help with a neg boy’ and I knew what I had to do. There’s no way these sluts are leaving here without our gift growing deep inside them.” I leaned over and gave him a deep kiss. We kept fucking late into the evening. Even Josh’s neighbor stopped by again and gave Zack a load this time. By the time we wound down we’d lost count of the number of toxic loads they each took. We left Zack and Josh in his bed cuddled up together. Both with huge smiles on their faces and butt plugs firmly in place. I called Josh the next day to make sure he was okay. “I’m great uncle Scotty! Thanks again for last night. My neighbor is taking Zack and me to another conversion party tonight. He says he told his poz buds about us and they all want a crack at our cunts before we’re official members of the club.” “And Zack’s okay with what happened?” “Yea we talked late into the morning after you guys left. Turns out he’s been watching barebacking videos online, jacking off every night and recently started following a bunch of neg bug chasers on Twitter. He just needed us to push him over the edge.” “Oh good! I was worried he might wake up full of regret.” “Yea no. He’s already scheming, trying to figure out how we can get our other two friends knocked up. I think we may have created a monster.” I laughed, “well keep me posted, and let me know when you come down with the fuck flu. We’ll be there to see you guys through it, and when you’re ready I’ll give you Dr. Manning’s info so you can make an appointment to see him professionally. He may be a sick and twisted kinky motherfucker but he’s a damn good doctor too.” “Thanks, I really appreciate it. So, umm, do you umm...” “Spit it out Josh. This no time to get shy on me.” “Well I was just wondering, was last night just a one time thing or can we play together again? I really liked it when it was just the two of us. I mean don’t get me wrong having all of you poz fuckers work us over was hot as fuck but there was something special about when it was just the two of us.” “Josh, if you’re anything like me once you join the family you’ll be hornier than you’ve ever been and you’ll need sex all the time. Groups or just one on one sessions it won’t matter you’ll just need it. But yes, we can absolutely play again just us. I have a special bond with the guys that knocked me up as you will too. Plus, I’m the first poz cock and load you’ve ever taken. Don’t ever forget that.” “Thanks!” Josh and Zack officially joined the club about three weeks later. Luckily their flu wasn’t too bad. They even managed to seduce their other two friends and brought them over to the dark side as well. Dr. Manning was right, once you get a taste of poz cum there’s no going back. We all still get together for group action at least once a month. We’ve had to find a new place to play since our little family isn’t so little anymore. Dr. Manning’s still my doctor. I probably see him more than I need to but damn there’s just something about that man and his very attentive staff that just keeps me cumming back over and over. I even wrote my old doc, Dr. Jackson, a thank you note for moving and selling his practice to Dr. Manning because without that one single event none of this would ever have happened...at least not the way it did. Then there’s Kevin. I finally got back to him to let him know Josh and I had had the talk and there was nothing to worry about; Josh knew exactly what he was doing and would be just fine. Kevin came back out a year later and stayed with me this this time. Let’s just say that’s a story for another time. Moderator's Note: You can find that story for another time here.
    1 point
  45. Dad: “Fuck.. fuck.. fuck… fuck me… fuck me… “, I groaned to the slapping sounds of Sam’s body slapping against my ass, “I want it”, “Oh yeah? So hot .. uhhhh… tell me… tell me what you want”, “I want… your…. Cum… Sam”, I said between breathes, “I really want IT”, stressing the word “IT”. I love Sam’s cock its so hot, almost 9 inches and I love feeling every vein when he guides it in. With Cody being at home I haven’t been over to Sam’s for a while and we’ve both been going crazy to get back to a regular fuck schedule. “…still off my meds … its going on 4 weeks, you’re going to get a big load of unmedicated poz cum today -- making me wait on your hole.”, “Oh fuck…”, the words rang through my head and made me dizzy. Sam said this to me the last time we fucked but now it really made me realize, he was fucking me and he was going to breed me with HIV+ cum deep inside my hiv- ass. I could literally be HIV+ after this session or the next, I might already be. Either way we both knew he would keep fucking me and I would keep taking his cum. Sam kept banging my hole, and my head was swirling, poz cum, being HIV+, Cod, what if I get infected? What if he gets infected? I just kinda blurted it out, “BREED ME SAM!”, it just came out of me. “Yeah you do want me to knock you up? Hot fucker.. Don’t worry I’m going to be breeding you a long time and I’m not taking meds until you’re poz.” “Fuck! Fuck yeah…”, my legs were up around Sam’s neck and he was using my ass deep and hard now with intent and a deep, steady rhythm. “I’m so close Mark, I’m getting there, I’m going to pump my HIV+ seed into you and you’re going to keep it there.”, “Fuck .. I know.. I want it”, “Say it… say what you really want, tell me.”, “I love sex between us Sam, I want to be HIV+, I want it to happen.”, “What about Cody?”, “What about him?”, “Are you going to pass HIV+ cum to him, or are you going to wimp out and not fuck him anymore?”. I haven’t fucked Cod even once after his return from college, I think he was feeling hurt, I wanted to fuck him every day and I knew it, eventually, it will happen, “I’m going to fuck him, Sam.”, “And you know he will probably end up HIV+ too? You sure you’re ok with that?” My ass felt so good, I was so horny and Sam was riding me with those long, deep strokes, “Yeah..”, “Yeah?”, “Yes. I want that. I want to fuck Cody, I want to breed him. If he goes poz from our sex, it’ll be so fucking hot.”, “Fuck yeah Mark, .. so twisted”, “Fuuuuck… I know”. Sam could barely talk he was making that noise he makes, the grunting, I knew he was close, “Gonnna fucking nut.. uhhhhh.. uhhhhh… gonna.. FUCKKKKKKKKKK! CUMMMMMMMMMMM”, Sam’s orgasm took over his body and just like that he was breeding me. It seemed like a huge load of his poz sperm jetted out of his cock directly into me; I was officially chasing, he knew it – and now I knew it. From this point I knew we’d have purpose in our sex with his intent to infect me with his HIV, “FUCK! FUCK! Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck”, he groaned and really he dumped his load in me. “Fuck! Fuck! That’s so fucking hot.. give it to me, poz me”, I said it just like that, “I’m gonna knock you up boy”, “I want to be HIV+”. He was out of breathe, but leaned down to kiss me and I was all over him; his cock slipped out, but I kept my hole tight so I didn’t lose his seed. He broke our kiss, “Turn over, I’m not done.”, I looked at him intently, “Turn over”, he said again. I moved my legs down and positioned on my stomach, “Doggy style”, “Again?”, “Yes. I’m so worked up I need to cum again while I’m still hard and horny”. I moved again and positioned my ass in the air, without saying anything Sam’s cock entered me all the way without any resistance, “mmmmmm” we both kind of moaned at the same time. “Fuck yeah… breed me again, give me another load.”, “You’re getting it pig, just you wait you’re going to get what I got.”, he started a fast rhythm, all the way in, and all the way out, followed by quick jabs. I had read about bugchasing and thought it was just too crazy, but now, with Sam’s infected cum in me I knew it was what I wanted. And if Sam was intent on sharing his seed and infecting a neg hole I was intent on being a breeding ground for his bug. “Fuck .. fuck... fuck… so hot… love that hole”, honestly I had been barebacking with lots of different men, I was kind of surprised I wasn’t already poz, of course I hadn’t tested, maybe I already was? I decided I’d get tested after the weekend so I could tell Sam and let him know for sure that if I’m neg. This way, if I’m not poz, we will know its his cum doing the deed and bringing, and eventually Cod, me into the brotherhood of poz men. I was so hard. Cod: I heard Dad’s car pull-up, he was back from one of his runs. I’m so horny for cum right now. I can’t help but think that unless he’s exhausted I want and need my Dad’s cock inside me. “Cod!”, I hear him yell, “Where are you?”, “..bedroom”. I was still naked, I liked sleeping late on Sundays and I hate clothes; he came in and just looked at me. He started to undress… neither of us really said anything, our eyes remained locked though while he quickly stripped. He stepped towards the bed and grabbing me a little rough. In a flash he’s kissing me intensely, “Daddy needs to fuck his boy.”, “… MMMM yes”, I moaned, “I need my Daddy.” I was so horny for it, I grabbed lube from the night stand and positioned my legs up, ass exposed, before he can say anything else or change his mind. We have been having lots of hot sex but he hadn’t been fucked yet and I was ready for a big load of Daddy’s cum deep inside me; this would be the first time I’d had cum inside me since Todd fucked me months ago. A quick squirt and I can feel the lube kind of chilly on my hole and my Dad using it on himself. A moan escape me, he’s just teasing my hole with his cock, “FUCK ME! Please, Daddy”, I offer to him in my youngest sounding boy voice. I need it so bad, he just kept rubbing my hole -- teasing me. “My baby boy needs his Daddy’s bare cock?”, it wasn’t really a question he knows I want and need it -- badly. "Please, Dad, please give me your cock.", I begged. Dad: Words cannot express how happy I was that Cod started to beg for my cock. Cody belonged to me, and I needed him to belong to my cock again. Even if Cody got a taste of someone else's dick, he would always come back to his Dad for sex. I lifted his legs up high over my shoulders, I leaned over Cody and stared down at my son. When he saw my face so close, square and handsome, looking down at him, his asshole flared and opened up. I moved my mouth over my boy’s and pushed my bare cock into his cum hole. Cod gasped, as I expected him to, I took that opportunity to shove my tongue into his mouth. My entire eight plus inches plunged into my son, rearranging his guts, I just kept kissing him. In my mind all I can think about is Sam asking me, “Are you going to pass it to him, or are you going to wimp out and stop fucking him?”, stressing the word “IT”. All the way in, I pulled away a bit and rubbed Cod’s stomach, my pubes tickling his balls. "You ready?" I asked with a smile. "Uh huh", Cod mumbled. Cod: Dad's dick was bigger than Todd’s and he was hitting some new spots; the position was a little uncomfortable. Dad pulled back, withdrawing at least seven inches of his man-meat. He plunged back in causing a bit of a whine and moaned at the same time from me, my face contorted and breathing quickened. "You all right, boy?", a little gruff realizing that Cody was having a hard time taking his cock, it had been too long. "I just gotta get used to you again, Dad." I said breathing hard, I was kind of embarrassed by my inadequacies at taking his cock but now that he’s fucking me I knew it would be a regular thing again. Dad started to get into a good rhythm and he was long-dicking me now. A good six or seven inches were coming in and out with each of his thrusts. As Dad bottomed out deep inside me, a dull pain went through my body; Todd’s cock never hurt this much. The pain in my chest was causing me to go into sensory overload. I started to buck my hips against my Father's cock; it hurt, but I loved every second. “Love your sweet cum hole baby boy”, and he pushed his whole cock into me as he said it. "Cod, you’re smelling slutty right now - like man ass and cum. You like being your Dad's cum whore?", he asked. I could only nod, my mouth was open and my tongue was hanging out. Dad couldn't resist my open mouth apparently and I found him doing something else we had never done before as he pulled up a big loogie and spit into my mouth. "You gonna cum for me, Cod? You gonna get off while I’m breeding your tight boy ass?", I nodded again. I grabbed my cock and started to stroke it, clamping down my ass muscles, this caused lots of moans of approval from Dad. He grabbed on to my nipples, one in each hand, and started to twist hard. At the same time, he was really pounding my butt hole with short, hard thrusts. I gasped a bit and leaned back, closing my eyes. I can feel Dad's dick sliding through my ass, hitting all the right spots inside me. Dad’s twisting my nipples like two dials on an old radio. I’m so into it, I start bucking my hips up and down to meet Dad's thrusts, and suddenly I felt it -- I was about to cum while Dad’s dick was deep inside me. My whole body was convulsing, Dad slapped me on the face. "Use it for me, Cod.", he said as he shoved his dick deep into me, "Milk my dick while you cum. Use your orgasm to get me off." The slap brought me out of the orgasm haze I was going into and I started to clamp my ass muscles down hard around Dad's dick. The feeling of my muscles trying to close but not being able to only added to the feelings in my dick. I felt it, and then I shot five ropes of cum with Dad's cock buried deep inside. My abs and the head board were literally painted with my jizz. "Oh yeah, son. That feels so good." Dad moaned, "Pull the cum out of my dick. You want Daddy’s seed?”, he knew I did. I couldn’t think, I just gave his cock more squeezes to show him what I needed. Dad: “Fuck!... ohh fuckkkk Cod, here it comes boy, your Daddy’s load is going to breed you deep, maybe knock you up”, I felt my cock so hard and then my orgasm took over, “Ohhhhhh .. fuck… ohhhhhh… cummmmming” and I started to unload deep inside his ass for the first time in years. I could barely think but I could hear myself talking to Sam, “I’m going to fuck him, Sam ……. I want to breed him. If he goes poz from our sex, it’ll be so fucking hot.”, those thoughts raced through my head as I was breeding my son. I let Sam fuck HIV+ cum into me and now I was fucking my boy and possibly sharing HIV+ cum with him. Cod was just staring at me, he was elated, I bend over to kiss him, but made sure to keep my dick deep inside him the way Sam had done all those times with me.
    1 point
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