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  1. It was a little over a month before Marc's birthday when Bobby and Mike went to see Carl in his hotel suite. Bobby drew a quick map of the house and wrote down the security code as well as the code that would open the dungeon door even if it was locked “Martin thinks this is a secret but I have seen him enter it a few times and I tested it last week while he was out” Bobby told his step father. “Dad would know the lay out of the house, since it’s the one we have lived in since before Mom died but just in case he doesn’t get out you need to know this, Carl” Bobby said Something occurred to Mike, he pulled out his phone, pulled up the county tax collector website and did a search on their address. The house was still in Dad’s name and he told Bobby and Carl that “Hmmm I wonder… ” Carl said, He had Power of Attorney for Paul and he made a quick call to his lawyer. “Yep it’s legal and the papers will go out as soon as you file Bobby. All they need is your ok” he said handing the phone to Paul’s older son “Yes this Bobby, I signed the papers and you have them on file, Go ahead and get it started” He told the lawyer Now all they could do was wait Ten days before Marc’s birthday Carl left “If all goes right your Dad should be getting out soon. I want to meet him ay the gates. I can’t wait to see him!” he told the boys. I will call o text with news Bobby and Mike checked their phones pretty often over the next few days but heard nothing new A week before the big day Martin took their phones, turned them off and locked them in a drawer in his desk “Just in case you two are up to something, that should make it harder, You are not to leave the house till this is all over and I’m keeping Marc home too. This is going to happen so forget any plans you have to stop it” He told them For the next week Martin kept Bobby and Mike in the dungeon most of the time. He strapped them down and made them listen tp a recording with a mind twisting mantra “Everything that you have been through is Marc’s fault, You have suffered and been humiliated because of him and he’s been laughing at you the entire time! I’m going to devote so much more attention to him than I give you two! This has all been about Marc! If you want revenge you will help me enslave him so he’s no better than you two. Help me make him nothing more than a poz fuck toy like you two already are! He deserves it! This is all his fault!” looped over and over as Master periodically shoved his cock into them. He would brutally fuck them but stop before he came and pull out telling them his cum was all for Marc’s neg ass now There were some pretty big logical holes in the things Master said but after it was repeated over and over, hundreds of times it began to seep in and take root They had talked about this because they knew something like this was coming. Martin was a bit predictable They tried to counter it with a mantra of their own. They recited it over and over again in their heads. Carl had suggested some of the wording “Dad is coming to save me! Dad loves me! Dad only does what’s best for me! I have to do what Dad says so he can save me! I have to focus on Dad and he will always take care of me!” They both mentally chanted and the two mantras warred in their heads. If dad had been there he would have won hands down because they loved and trusted him as much as they hated and despised Martin, but he wasn’t At midnight on Marc’s birthday Master told his two slaves “Marc is officially an adult as of right now, go bring him to me” Dad wasn’t hare to save them and they almost mindlessly walked, naked, to Marc’s room with their thoughts clouded by Martin's twisting manipulation. They gave up because Master had apparently won. Dad wasn't coming to save them ***************** Paul was nervous on the day it was supposed to happen. The night before he had spoken to Sean and told him what might happen the next day and then he shared it with his lieutenants “If I do get out Sean will be in charge and Buster will be second in line” Paul said and they all nodded Sean hadn’t been upset with him for keeping it a secret, He understood why. That night in bed Paul thanked him for everything he had done in the only way he could, he made love to the blond man gently then held him all night The next morning a little before noon a guard came to get him “The Warden wants to see you, both of you” he said also indicating Sean They were confused but followed the guard to the Warden’s office The warden sat behind his desk and Tony was there too, in a wheelchair with a blanket over his legs. He looked like he had aged twenty years since the last time Paul had seen him “My friend, Governor Richards kept his word. It’s his last day in office and he has issued you a full pardon Paul. I was going to surprise you and have Carl pardoned too but he got out on his own so I substituted this young man’s name” He said nodding to Sean “ I hear he has been helpful to you and maybe he can keep on helping you on the outside” “Governor Richards went me one better though. I only have maybe two months left and he is granting me clemency and letting me go home to spend my remaining time with my family. I wasn’t expecting that” Tony said “Sometimes good things happen to good people Tony” Paul said thankfully “I’m hardly a good person” Tony laughed “To me you are” Paul said and went to the man, bent down and hugged him “Normally the release process takes several days, mostly to give the person who hs been pardoned time to make arrangements but that hardly seems necessary with you” the Warden said nodding to a window Paul went and looked. There were two limos at the gates. One had a wheelchair lift and the other had a large bald man leaning against it, looking up at the wardens window Outside the gates Paul hugged Tony one more time and then ran to his husband, throwing himself into those huge muscular arms and kissing him soundly. Sean hung back nervously and said “I took care of him like you wanted Boss” to Carl “He really did help me a lot Carl but we….” Paul said feeling guilty “Shhh Babe, I knew what would happen if he decided to help you. He was going to have you one way or the other while I was not there to protect you so I took a chance and told him it would be ok as long as he didn’t hurt you and protected you. It looks like it paid off” Carl said “Come here Sean” Carl said and the blond man stepped reluctantly closer Carl caught him in a rough hug “Thank you for keeping Paul safe, I owe you big time” “Will you let me come and help Paul get his son’s back then?” Sean asked and Carl nodded “I can’t think of a better man to have at our backs” he said Paul picked up the small box that had his personal things in it and all three of them got in the limo Carl handed him a phone of his own/ “Bobby and Mike’s numbers are programmed in already, why don’t you call them and let them know you are out” he told Paul Both numbers went straight to voicemail though “Let me try something” Paul said. He rummaged through the box and pulled out a letter, calling the number on it “Hello” A voice answered “Marc is that you?” Paul asked “Dad?” Marc asked “Yes, I am out! A full pardon like I told you in my letters!” Paul said “Why can’t I reach your brothers?” “I think Martin took their phones. He thinks I have no idea what is going on so he didn’t take mine” Marc told him “He’s keeping them away from me and in that creepy sex dungeon of his so I probably be able to tell them anything, but I will if I get a chance” Of all his sons, Marc was the most intelligent and he had come out to Paul in a letter when he was twelve. Paul had told him what was happening, in general terms because he knew Marc could handle it and he should be forewarned. “We will be there on your birthday. Martin has custody of you so we can’t take you away before then. It could be construed as kidnapping” Paul told his son “You better come at Midnight. I see how he looks at me, He won’t wait for morning” Marc said “We will be there, Son. I love you so much” Paul said and hung up That night Carl got them a hotel suite near the prison. They would drive back tomorrow Sean went to bed early in his own room, he said he was exhausted and wanted to give Paul and Carl some privacy Paul took his Cael by the hand and led him to the bed, pausing to slowly strip his huge husband naked then he pushed the big man backwards onto the bed and slipped out of his own clothes in a slow striptease Carl looked up at his Paul with love filling his eyes. This moment and the way Paul looked, said it all. It showed everything Paul was Paul/s beautiful, soft body with it’s slightly feminine air that was totally at odds with the dominant, possessive gaze he leveled on his husband’s hard, muscular form To look at them you would never think that Paul was the Master in this relationship, but he was He crawled on top of his huge, buff husband, hooking his legs onto his slim shoulders and pushing them back till Paul’s thick almost 10 inches of cock was poised at that waiting pucker, then he slowly pushed in as Carl moaned in pleasure and submission Paul took his time, this was the first time they had been able to openly make love and not hide what they were doing under the covers in the dark He slowly slid in and out, grinding his cock along Carl’s prostate from an angle they had never been able to use before, they had also never been able to kiss while Paul fucked Carl before and they savored the taste of each other’s mouth and tongue. “You are MINE Carl! I love you so much! Take my cum and my love” Paul said as his balls contracted and he pumped Carl’s hole full of his seed “I’m totally yours Paul. I loved you from that first fuck when you wanted my gift so bad. I only feel complete when you are in me. I was born to be owned and dominated by you!” Carl groaned and shot all over his stomach and chest Paul licked up all that cum and shared it with his man They fell asleep with Carl holding the much smaller Paul snuggled into his massive chest When Paul woke he felt like a hotdog in a bun with a muscular body in front of him and another behind “Shhh Babe, it’s Sean” Carl said quietly “I woke up because I heard him crying. He missed you and could not get to sleep without being near you so I brought him in here with us a few hours ago, just let him sleep” “You are such a wonderful, caring man Carl” Paul said and they both fell asleep again They got a late start but they still had three days till the big day The next night Paul ha two muscle asses to play with, one with dark hair covering it and the other was smooth with blond hair in the crack He put them on their hands and knees next to each other and spent a while playing “Swap a hole” as he fucked a lode out of both of his subs and finally gave his load to Sean since Carl had gotten it the night before The night before Marc’s birthday they left with plenty of time if not for the four car pile up on the highway Paul texted Marc “Caught in traffic! STALL” ******************************************************************************************************* Next Chapter: Martin gets what’s coming to him Let me know what you think Scanbu
    9 points
  2. My boyfriend and I had been together since highschool. We were each others first everything. While we went long distance for college, since he wanted to go to school in New York and I didn’t, we had moved in together after graduation a few months ago. Everything was going pretty well, Martin did like to go out to the bars a lot but that never bothered me I was confident in our relationship if he went all of college without cheating there was no way he was going to start now. On Thursday night as I was sliding the condom on my average if a bit skinny five inch cock Martin spoke up. ”Would you want to come with me and some of my friends to this gay bar tomorrow night. I’ve never been and it sounds really fun” ”I don’t know” I replied “ I’ve never loved gay bars or bars in general” “Oh come on chris please I don’t want to have to go home alone since all my friends are single” ”fine I’ll go” I relented as I pushed into Martins hole. He released a light moan as I began to pound into him. Martin had always been the bottom even though he had a far bigger cock. He tried to fuck me once but it was way too big to fit. Now he kept his cock in a cage. He had since his sophomore year of college he always said it let him focus on his ass. I had asked where he got the idea and he always avoided the question. He had gotten several tattoos during his time in college as well. He had a lock tattooed right above his penis as well as the word pig tattooed on his asscheek. Right now I was looking at the biohazard tattoo he had right above his ass. I had asked what these tattoos mean but he always just said he liked them. I shot my load into the condom after about 4 minutes then laid down and went to sleep as Martin cleaned up. The next day after work Martin and I were getting ready for the bar. As I was putting on a pair of jeans I saw Martin put on a tiny bright red thong I’d never seen before. “Did you get a new thong” I asked “No I’ve had it for a while” he responded as he slid into a pair of leather pants. “Hmm I’ve never seen it” “Oh I guess I’ve never had a reason to wear it around you” he said I was wondering what that meant as I made us drinks before we left. Both Martin and I would be called twinks. I had very little hair naturally and Martin was always waxed. We met up with Martins friends outside the bar. They were a pretty standard group of young gays who I’d met once or twice. The bar was called the bloody scorpion. As we got the the front Martin hugs the bouncer who whispers something in his ear before slapping his ass and sending him on in. “ I thought you said you had never been here before” I asked Martin as we walked into what seemed like a locker room. “ I haven’t I just know Greg” he responded as he slid off his jeans. “Why are you getting undressed” I asked “Oh did I forget to tell you oops this bar is clothing optional” “Yeah you forgot” I said shitily as I stripped to my plain white boxers We went up to the bar to order drinks and Martin gave the bartender a peck on the lips as we got there. I was fuming when he handed me my drink and drank it down quickly. After finishing my drink I hear a deam voice yell “hey there’s my boy” and turn to see a near god of a man. He was probably 6’4 with a thick well muscled body that was covered in thick hair. He wore only a white jock that barely contained his massive bulge. He had a thick chain around his nick and a well kept brown beard. I was surprised when he walked up to Martin and took him in a hug grabbing his ass in the process. I tried to stand up to say something but I suddenly felt really light headed. I decided to sit back down and have another drink while Martin cuddled up with the mystery man to my right. After finishing my second drink I was feeling really drowsy when I heard moaning to my side I looked over and see my boyfriend Martin bent over the bar getting fucked by the stranger. I stand up to punch the dude but get pulled away by Greg the bouncer. He dragged me into a back room and threw me down on the couch. “ look asshole I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but nobody fucks with the boss and his boy” he yelled at me “His boy?” I slurred back “ Martins my boyfriend” “Oh now I see” he said seeming to calm down “ my bad man I get that it’s probably hard to see your boyfriend getting breed but you shouldn’t get jealous like that” Greg sat down on the couch next to me “ look I know after two shoots of g your probably horny as hell but if the boss hasn’t bred you yet the attacking one of his boys isn’t going to make him.” “What the hell are you talking about I don’t want him to fuck me” I slurred out again. Confused about everything he was saying as my head felt foggy “ there’s no need to be ashamed man you already recognized that your boyfriend needs true fulfillment from the boss now every thing else is easy.” He said soothingly “ I didn’t recognize shit” I yelled back “Shh it’s ok how about I breed you tonight so you don’t feel left out I know I’m not as good as Bo’s but I’m still pretty good.” I tried to protest but there was suddenly a bottle of poppers under my nose and my protests fell away. I felt Greg pick me up like I was nothing and bend me over the couch. I heard my underwear get torn in the back and while I expected him to slowly open me up as I was still an anal virgin he slammed into me full force. My dry hole burned as he forced what felt like a horse cock into my virgin hole. It felt like I was being torn in two as Greg pounded into me. I felt myself losing consciousness as I looked over at the door and see Martin standing there nude with cum dripping down his legs and what looks like a crack pipe in his mouth
    6 points
  3. Had a quick stop over in Berlin on the way to Gran Canaria (Another blog later). Was out looking to be a dark room whore, so I went to Scheune. I love Scheune because I find it easy to get used in the dark room basement in a way that leaves me feeling cheap and degraded which I love! The crowd is average middle-aged stocky German men who drink and smoke quite a bit and are typically horny. Cocks are short, but thick German stock. I was there during the week so the bar wasn’t too crowded. After stripping to my jock, I walked down to the basement. There was only one heavyset guy lurking in the corner with his fly undone and a soft dick hanging out. He didn’t respond when I walked by to check him out, but when I leaned over a fuck bench and pointed my ass in his direction, he came out, pushed my face down on the bench and shoved his cock into my hole. He jackhammered me with his thick German cock, not saying a word until he grunted about five minutes later and unloaded into me. He immediately left. Not much happened for a while and I went upstairs to check on my friend. He was talking to a couple of guys so I joined in the conversation. And this is where the humorous part of my evening started! The bar got slightly more crowded and I decided to check out the basement again. One of the guys that we had been talking to followed me downstairs. He brushed my ass and I turned to suck his dick for a while. Once nice and hard, I leaned against the wall will he entered me. His dick was more slender than the previous guy and he was passionate and took longer to cum stroking me and kissing the back of my neck. He came in spurts that pulsed into my hole. After he had finished, we both went upstairs. He proceeded to walk around the bar announcing to various men “I fucked him!” while pointing to me. Guess he was a satisfied top. lol I ended up getting many more loads that night thanks to his public announcement.
    6 points
  4. Athletic Trainer 3 Luke heard the water in the shower stop while he was on the phone. Right after he got off the phone, Jason came walking out with a towel barely hanging on his waist. He looked like he barely dried himself off because most of his body was still wet. The water droplets hanging off his nipples and defined muscle turned Luke on a lot. Jason sat down on high top chair at the kitchen island with both hands rubbing his temples. Luke hid himself behind the kitchen island because despite Jason's discomfort, this was one of the sexiest appearance that he was not expecting. It is even better than a guy just spread out on all fours in a doggie position because he is no stranger to guys getting into that position for him willingly. He could vaguely see Jason's soft cock through the opening of the towel too. “What's the matter? Are you alright?” Luke asked “Yeah….maybe it was the hot water….I just felt light headed when I got out of the shower” Jason said while still rubbing his head Luke looked at the glass of juice he poured for Jason when they first arrived and saw the empty glass. He had thought Jason was already under the influence of G earlier when he was fucking. Luke now realized he must have chug the whole thing just before he came into the room so the G is just now hitting him “Well……drink some water” Luke poured him a legit glass of water this time and watched Jason gulp it down. He then poured another then walked up next to Jason to prop him up from his underarm and said “do you want to sleep or nap it off? You tell me how you feel and what you want to do.” Some may enjoy taking advantage of guys while they passed out, but not for Luke. He finds no joy messing with an unconscious body so realizing maybe that was too much G for Jason, he was willing to take a couple steps back. After all… he's playing a long game “I think laying down for a bit might be good” Jason started to slur his words so Luke carried him back to the bedroom. Jason’s towel fell off on their way back to the bedroom. Luke put him down on the bed and this is the first time Jason had a direct look at Jason's fully nude body. His soft cock is a good 6-6.5 in long. Some guys wish their dick was that size fully erected. His pube is trimmed nicely with a little trail up to his belly button. Although Luke was high earlier, he had to admit this boy knew how to fuck. It well exceeded his expectations earlier. Even now his hole felt somewhat empty without Jason's dick. He doesn't bottom often and he sure doesn't feel this way often after getting fucked. “So ... .is there anything that's off limits for you before we get started?” Luke asked after putting Jason on the bed, but Jason had fallen asleep entirely. Luke wasn't too concerned. With the dose he put in the juice, Jason at most gets knocked out for a couple hours at most. Luke hopped in the shower himself but kept Jason's cum in his hole. He did a hygiene check to make sure it is okay to do that and no red flag there. Luke heard his phone buzzing and saw a text showing up on his phone. The text said “I'm here” along with a selfie of a good looking blonde guy with a big smile at the building entrance. The guy's name is Brad. He's a senior and no one would even guess this young kid is his connection. He looks healthy and in shape. Technically Luke's connection is his uncle who lives out of town. He had met Brad a few years back and even had several great 3 ways/groups with them. When Brad started attending the same school he works at, he felt comfortable going through Brad bc despite being young. He does know what he's doing so Brad has been his direct connection since. Luke buzzed Brad in as he towel off and put on a jock then continued to dry himself off as he walked toward the door then wrapped the towel on his waist just before he answered the door “Sorry to interrupt. As promised, here's everything you asked for. Where's the fresh meat? I was expecting a tied up first time bottom whore right here on your couch to be honest” Brad said “Well….. about that. I may have accidentally G him out. I got carried away earlier and you know I won't go after someone who's unconscious” Luke said “The boy should consider himself lucky. Where is he? Can I have a look at him at least?” Brad asked “He's asleep in my room” Luke led Brad into his bedroom and opened the door. Brad size him up from head to toe and whispered “damn…. that's the size of his dick soft!?” Brad asked. Luke nodded and smiled. The two exited the room. Before exiting the room, Brad took a picture of Jason fully nude with his phone without Luke knowing. They pack up a bowl in Luke's bong and started smoking in the living room “I think he might be in my history class” Brad said “Is he?” Luke said “you're a senior and you still have common classes with a sophomore?” Luke teased “Well….at least I'm making progress but this year ain't my last, that's for sure” Brad Said while letting out a big smoke cloud out of his mouth then passed the bong to Luke “So…. I came here with a raging hard on thinking I'd have a tight hole to fill with you” Brad pulled up his shorts slightly, letting his mushroom head out at the bottom of his shorts. “What are you thinking?” Luke said with a mouth full of smoke. Brad knows he's attractive and Luke has known him for years. There's almost no limit to how far Brad would go with his request. “Hum…. I'm still deciding to be completely honest. Have you been to the sex club just opened in town?” Brad shotgun a big smoke into Luke's mouth and lightly pinched his nipples after he asked the question. Luke started to build a tent under his towel so while Luke was taking a hit. Brad slipped his foot out of his shoe and was teasing Luke’s crotch. Eventually snagged the corner or Luke's towel and pulled it off “awww….you have a jock in” Brad said Luke chuckled and almost choked on his mouth full of smoke “sorry. Just a habit. I thought my boy toy was passed out so I didn't think anything beyond that” Luke shotgun the rest of the smoke back to Brad and passed the bong back to Brad “How about your hot neighbor downstairs?” Brad asked before taking a hit then signal Luke over to take the smoke out of his mouth. Luke locked lips with him and the two made out for a little bit this time before taking the bong back from Brad's hand “The guy you swore is a closet gay!? No way. I live here. I ain't about to take a shot unless I know for sure there's no way I will miss. You are more than welcome to knock on his door and text me a picture of him blowing smoke on your dick then I'll make my way downstairs. I can lend you a bubble so in case you are wrong, he isn't gonna call a cop on your bc you have a meth bong in your hand before he even open the door” Luke said “and if somehow you can make everything I said happen. My boy might be up by then. Either you two come up or I'll bring him down then we can still call it even” Luke was half serious and half joking. The scenario is outrageous that he can't even just go knock on a stranger's door and make them bow to him at will, let alone get high and bow to him. And like he said, he's a resident in the building. That's way too much risk for him to take. However, he knows Brad, even if he failed, wouldn't rat him out. At worst he may have to say he didn't know Brad is into drugs bc camera can probably track back to who let him in the building and both Brad and his uncle will understand why he can't stick his neck out for Brad unconditionally. It's a scenario they chatted about long ago, which is also why they trust each other. Historically speaking, Brad does have a way with his magic somehow and has made some impossible group sex happen before. They all went on a vacation once and Brad somehow brought back two porn stars who had never gotten high before and both were eager to try for Brad and they all had a great time. “Ok. I'll take your words. Give me a bubble. Short one preferably. And if I text you that picture you asked for. You have to bring your sling downstairs and set it up. And no jock or underwear under whatever you decide to wear coming downstairs AAAAAND you will wake your boy up. I'd at most give you 30 min to convince him. If you can't fulfill your part of the bargain then your hole is mine to use for the next 48 hours” Brad said then shotgun smoke out of Luke's mouth and made out with him. Luke hesitated for a bit because letting Brad own his hole for 48 hours is no joke. He has fucked Brad far more than Brad has fucked him. He does also know Brad as a top in almost all other scenarios so he has no idea what kind of experience that will be. But the unknown does turn him on and he is rather confident that it won't get to that point because he'd only need to bring Jason downstairs with him. He already knows Jason will do anything to have sex with him again. Nothing a little more smoke couldn't conquer. “Deal but you also have 30 min to send that picture” Luke said and got up to get a bubble from a side table in its hidden compartment in the drawer. Brad took the opportunity to tried sliding his index finger in Luke's ass “Oh damn….I have never been able to slide my finger in just like that. That boy sure opened you up, didn't he? And you still have his babies in you?” Brad licks his finger clean. Luke jumped when Brad slid his finger in then laughed “yeah. He was a surprise so I'm not gonna just treat him like a quick fuck. There's much more I wanna do with him. Here. You have 30 min. After that, I just can't promise I'll still be by my phone after 30 min and if you plan on returning, you have to ask before you do because I do have a guest who may be awake by then so you can't cock block me if you failed. Here's for the stuff” Luke said “but we can maybe still get together but on equal footing but I can't promise anything outside of 30 min” “I like the way you think. There's no one else on this campus I trust more than you because of that.” Brad took an extra big hit from the bong and slowly shotgun it all to Luke and wrapped it up with a quick kiss without causing Luke to exhale the smoke. He then quickly stood up and showed his mushroom head to Luke. Brad said “give me your blessing and be ready for that picture to arrive on your phone. This won't be the last you have of my dick tonight. Mark my words” Luke pulled Brad's shorts up even higher and put half of Brad's shaft in his mouth before start letting out the smoke in his mouth and started sucking on Brad's dick head and licking all around it while it was in his mouth and felt it grow harder and harder in his mouth. He loved the confidence Brad had. It's one of the reasons that makes Brad so irresistible. He knows Brad is at least as big as Jason's. He has bottomed for him a few times in the past but Brad, especially high, can get carried away. If he matches Brad's high, he very well may love that but Brad has always wanted to make him a cumdump, which is something he doesn't want to get into so he has never given Brad free reign over his hole before and Brad has respected his boundaries so far because if he doesn't, Brad knows his uncle will sure make him pay the price. After Luke's thoroughly sucked part of his dick, Brad grabbed everything and the bubble and was eager to head downstairs. “Wait…..do you remember his apartment number “ Brad asked last minute “7010. How the fuck are you going to make a dude who you don't even know is gay or not to get high and worship your cock when you can't remember a simple apartment number” Luke teased him and took a hit from the bong and shot gun it to Brad “That's not where my magic is. I have cock suckers to help me remember that sort of thing… like you” Brad said and followed up with a wink. “See you in 30 min Luke. Oh one more question. Did we ever figure out his name?” “Noah. Don't forget we spoke to him in passing a few weeks ago in case he remembers and you don't” Luke teased Brad “Oh if he remembers that then you've already lost half of the bet mister” Brad said “one more favor to ask you. Do you have a couple cans of beer I can take with me as props?” “Sure but if you g him out. it doesn't count” Luke reminded him “You wanted a picture of him blowing clouds on my cock, don't you? I can't do that if I g him out, can I, dummy?” Brad said “I was just reminding you” Luke said and took a hit from the bong and walked toward Brad who's eager to go on his mission and blew the cloud in Brad's mouth “good luck babe. Your time starts now” Luke pinched Brad's butt, an ass that he has fucked on many occasions before and enjoyed it a lot. He will never say no to fucking that ass again. If Brad wasn't mostly a top like he is, he's sure that the two of them would be fucking every other day, if not, every day already.
    6 points
  5. THE BIGGEST TOOL Chapter 1: Force of Habit As he felt the rim of the younger guy’s hole snap tight around his cock, he grunted, “Fuck, yeah.” Slowly he slid his meat deeper in between those lush ass mounds, sinking into the guy’s tunnel. It was a long struggle because his dick wasn’t short, and it wasn’t thin. The slim, young blond man under him was struggling to make room for it. He kept the pressure on steadily until the moment when something gave way and he was finally able to sink himself all the way inside, his hip bones resting against his partner’s glutes. He gave the guy another minute to get used to the intruder in his body, and then roused up, lifting his body into the air on his muscled forearms as he began pumping up and down, pulling his cock out and then driving it back in. The bottom twisted and moaned, half in pain and half in ecstasy, as the monster cock plunged into him repeatedly. This youngster was trying harder than some of them did. He really was making an effort to work his hole around the top’s dick of death, but it was a losing battle. He was stretched so far that he couldn’t command his ass muscles to work. The top stud laid himself down along the young blond’s back, tangling his fingers in the longish blond hair and forcing his legs wider apart to give himself more room. In this position, he could pump really hard and fast, building up to a rapid tattoo of loud smacks that roused echoes all through the room. “Fuck, man – it’s so fucking huge. You’re splitting me in two. Porn scenes with dialogue like that are a dime a dozen, but in this case it was at least believable. That massive tool looked like it was almost a third the size of the bottom boy’s entire waist. The bottom was experienced, definitely, and had been plowed by a lot of big dicks, but this one took things into another league altogether. This blond guy wasn’t the first, and he wouldn’t be the last, to say that he felt like he’d lost his cherry all over again after getting his cheeks pried open by that massive ass-splitter. Not that it really mattered. The man plundering his butt was an expert, and he knew exactly how to show his bottoms a good time while getting his own rocks off inside them. Some tops might fake an orgasm from time to time, but this man never did. He was thorough, he was an expert, and he knew exactly how to make his partner cum, as well as making himself cum – and cum on a grand scale. He never let them down He pulled out then, grabbing the bottom and flipping him over with a snarled, “On your back! Now!” The bottom obediently complied, lifting his legs into the air over his head so that his hole was totally visible to the cameras, the gaping opening mercilessly illuminated by the brilliant lights. His mouth was gaping open too, gasping for air after the pounding he’d already taken, while knowing that the worst was yet to happen. The top planted his knees further apart so the cameras would get a clear shot as he leaned down and started pushing his way inside that quivering ass-pussy again. Slowly, but with force, he pushed inch after inch of his enormous tool all the way inside the younger guy’s tunnel. As he resumed his determined fucking, the shadowy figures beyond the reach of the lights watched the scene with a mixture of reactions. The younger ones displayed various degrees of awe – particularly the first-time camera guy whose own cock was out and rock-hard. The reactions ran the gamut from there to the producer, a white-haired veteran of the trade who’d been making porn flicks for nearly half a century. He smiled with satisfaction at the realization that this awesome top man, even after all these years, was the most striking performer he’d ever seen. The pounding strokes were getting harder and harder now, plunging down more forcefully and ripping upwards more sharply. The stud’s breath came in harsh gasps as he took what he wanted, riding hard and deep in the younger man’s ass and getting ready to breed his hole. The younger guy groaned and cried aloud as the pounding reached his limit of endurance. But this too the top understood. He closed his eyes and his mind to all else but the sensation of that widely stretched hole grabbing and stroking his man meat. In just a few more strokes, he roared, “Cumming inside you!” “Fuck, yeah, stud, fill me up!” He drove in, one last ferocious stroke, and then held it there as his shaft shuddered, convulsed, pumped out one massive squirt of sperm after another. After three shots, he pulled out, sprayed the next three over the bottom’s firm round cheeks and throbbing crotch, and then drove back in to pump the last four or five squirts deep into the asshole. Then the bottom grabbed his own tool, yanking on it fiercely for about twenty seconds until it shot a fountain of cum up onto the straining abs of the man who had just bred him. At last it was finished. He drew that long, thick shaft up and out, eyeing (not without a touch of smugness) the slow tidal wave of man cream that poured out of the hole and down the bottom’s taint. He used his cock to scoop it up, and then forced it all back inside the younger guy’s gaping ass – cock, cum, and all. Only then did he lean down and close in to exchange a few kisses with the bottom. After a minute he eased out again, Then, feeling his thighs beginning to strain to hold him steady, he flopped down onto his back, letting his dick fall back down and dribble out the last bits of cum onto his washboard abs. And with that, from the back of the room, a voice called, “That’s a wrap.” The man who had once been Adrian Pennyfather lay there, slowly catching his breath back, as his partner tentatively lifted himself up and off the bed before heading off to the shower to clean himself and soothe his aching, defeated hole. “Be with you in a minute, Sven,” he called after the bottom’s retreating bottom. “Great job – as always!” The producer’s congratulations were heartfelt “Thanks, Mike.” The words were formulaic. He knew that he had given a good performance; he always did. He understood thoroughly that a big dick didn’t make a porn star. It was at least as much a question of attitude, a professional approach to the job to be done. This he had mastered years ago, and it was his attitude and thorough approach to his work, even more than the size of his cock, which had producers and directors lining up to sign him. In a few more moments he’d join Sven in the shower room, helping to ease him down from the intensity of the scene and sympathizing with the sore ass which he had stretched so badly. Right now, though, he was pondering the never-ending mystery of his life. What he didn’t know and just couldn’t ever understand was how the shyest, most timid kid in Exmouth, Nova Scotia, had ended up becoming one of the most famous – make that notorious – and sought-after gay porn top stars of the last twenty years. And why was it that nobody in the porn industry, nobody in the whole wide fucking crazy gay world, could ever seem to figure out – or even seem to care – what it was, what were the kinds of sexual action, that really turned him on Even after he and Sven had towelled off and dressed, and Sven had left, he kept sitting there, pondering it all. Was he really at a crossroads in his life, or was this just his usual “kind of down day” that always set in after a shoot ended? He wasn’t sure. Once again, he found himself pondering the idea of quitting. This whole porn thing had become a matter of habit. It was all an established routine: setting a date, laying off sex for several days beforehand (had to save up a huge load for his legendary money shot), meeting his partner, fooling around for a while to find the bottom’s hot buttons, then the showers, the scene shoot, the familiar stages of sex for the cameras, and finally the explosive money shot – the signature trade mark of every one of his scenes. Then, showers again, hug and kiss, and go home… to what? There it was again. The perennial question he could never solve. What was he going to do, how was he going to live, and above all who was he going to become when he hung up his jockstrap and quit the porn industry, and his porn screen name, for good? For that matter, who was he? Plain and simple – and he still didn’t really know the answer.
    4 points
  6. Yesterday I went down to the bookstore that has a theater. So I stripped naked and got on a sofa spread my ass I put a blindfold on. The door opens letting a new person in and who started fucking me raw and rough. After he came in me I took the blindfold off and it was the clerk in the store, thin guy. When I first saw him I thought maybe he was poz, even aids not that I cared. A few minutes later another guy came in he stared at me for a while and then he unzipped and fucked me raw. He shot a huge load in my hole. It was dripping down my legs. So I was about to leave and I passed by the clerk who is jerking off and he said he was about to come back in to give me another load and I said sounds great so I went back in the theater and he followed me and this time he shot a huge load in me and was very verbal. So he goes back to his Clark position I get dressed and leave with three loads in my hole. And a smile on my face. No idea status of these guys again not that I care but I love hearing when someone is breeding me that they are poz or toxic.
    3 points
  7. you're 100% right.... all those factors can make many of us not be who we truly are.... and we have those "urges" until we have them met. but.... I think, as we get older and more comfortable with ourselves.... and simply do NOT give a flying fuck anymore... those factors get push aside and we do more of what we want.... when we want ☺️
    3 points
  8. As a straight acting married family man, I can definitely identify with this. The switch just turns on, I turn into a total faggot & I need cock, whether it's in my mouth or arse.
    3 points
  9. Wow, I realize how much I loved Eli. It was like he had shown me color in a black and white world. I couldn't imagine being without him after the first night. We were always sneaking around for weeks meeting in the mall parking lot, school bathrooms, the locker room during practice, etc. It was always the same thing too - me on my knees sucking his cock. We'd make out, he'd rub my cock and I'd feel his and then I'd feel the pressure on my shoulders and I knew to kneel down and take his cock in my mouth. I always sucked him to completion. I always swallowed his load. He loved that. He called me his sweet cocksucker. We didn't have anal sex again for awhile because we couldn't make it work. There was really no privacy, between my brother and his brother, practice, school, and our parents; we couldn't make it work. Then, one day, my brother had a swim meet in Connecticut. My parents would be driving him up for the day and taking some other kids in our minivan. I immediately sent Eli an IM letting him know. I told him we would have all day - really early morning to after dinner. He was excited too. I read up on anal sex on the internet and discovered I needed to clean out my ass. I was confused and asked Eli, but he didn't really know either. He told me to go ask the pharmacist. I was mortified. I just stared at him. I said, "Mr. Gould? He's been taking care of my family forever. I can't talk to him." Eli laughed and said, "It's no big deal." I said, "Well, then you do it." He grabbed my hand and kissed me. He said, "You can do this babe. Ask the new pharmacist who works there. The new one. Sam. I'm sure he will help you out and he doesn't know your parents or care." I was still scared and Eli kissed me and said, "See you Saturday!" I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. All week I was so scared. I kept telling Eli that I was scared and he'd kiss me and I'd suck his cock and swallow his load. After I swallowed, when I was always really horny and happy, he'd rub my ass and say, "Come on babe. You know you want to get fucked again." I'd agree. But, on Friday, when we met after school and before practice in the school bathroom and we kissed and made out and he was all over my ass (more than usual) Eli said, "I want to fuck a clean ass babe. If you don't get the enema thing, we won't be fucking tomorrow." I was shocked. I was hurt. I really loved him and he was going to deny me what I needed. (I'm not sure when it turned from want to need, but now I needed to get fucked.) I rubbed his cock and got on my knees to suck him. He pulled me up and said, "No cum for you until you clean out." And he walked out of the bathroom. I was stunned. I actually had to choke back tears. I was so scared that people would find out about me and Eli didn't seem to care about my feelings. He didn't even offer to go with me or to go himself. I was so bad during practice that day that coach benched me and asked me what was wrong after practice. I was stunned again that it was so obvious that I was upset. I almost cried again telling him I was okay. He actually looked really concerned. I just looked at the floor. Coach said I could go but I needed to get over what was upsetting me or he would bench me until I told him the problem. After I left his office and got changed, I did cry. Leaning against the building, behind some bushes by the gym door. When I was crying, I realized that I had to go buy this stuff if I wanted Eli to be with me. To fuck me. To give me what I needed. I didn't want to lose him. I decided to go to the pharmacy. I walked from school to the pharmacy and walked inside. I walked over to the area that I thought it might be in and I didn't see it. I was surprised. I looked around and although I didn't know exactly what I was looking for, I thought I would figure it out. After 10 minutes, I was panicked. I didn't know what to do. I looked over and I saw Mr. Gould talking to a woman from temple. I rushed over to the counter and asked Sam for help. He looked annoyed that I was asking him while he was filling orders, but he came over. I choked out what I needed. He looked somewhat surprised, but also curious. He asked me what I needed it for. I blushed. He got closer and asked me if I needed it for a medical issue or a sexual one. I looked down and said sexual. Sam came around the counter and walked me over to the area. He gave me the enemas in the water bottles, you know the two in a case and filled with saline or whatever. He had me buy two of them. Sam then said, "Are you the one getting fucked?" I was so surprised at the question that I couldn't answer. He asked if it was my first time. I shook my head. He asked me more questions and e eventually figured out through my monosyllabic responses and nods that I was having sex with the same guy, but it was new, I didn't really know what I was doing and that I really cared for the guy who was fucking me. He said, "I know what you're going through. I want you to understand a few things. One, you need to loosen up a lot before you get fucked. If not, you're ass can tear. If that happens, you are vulnerable to get HIV from your partner." He asked me if I fingered myself or used other things on my ass. I told him that I didn't but my boyfriend did use his fingers the first time. That's the first time I called Eli my boyfriend. He said that my boyfriend must have some experience having anal sex. I was stunned. I couldn't speak. I realized then that Eli really did know what he was doing the first time when he fingered me before I took his cock. Then Sam asked, "What did you use for lube?" I told him about the vaseline and he immediately asked if we used condoms. I said we hadn't. He took me down the aisle and picked out some water based lube and some condoms. He asked how big my boyfriend was. I said, I don't know. He used his fingers to estimate size. I knew exactly how big Eli's cock was(I'd been sucking it for weeks and dreaming about it when I wasn't sucking it) but I didn't know yet that I could measure by inches. Sam picked out the right condoms. He then said, "Zach, you need to use condoms. HIV causes AIDS. AIDS has a very high mortality rate. You need to be careful. You need to open yourself up and ease into the sex, you need to use condoms, you need to be well lubricated." I just nodded and said I would definitely do those things. We went to the register and I thanked him and paid. Sam then said, "If you want me to, I will order you something larger you can use more than once to clean yourself out. You won't need to keep coming back to buy the bottles." I quickly said that would be great. He told me to come back in a week. I almost ran home. I was so happy. I did it. I sent Eli an IM telling him I got the stuff and he responded that he knew I would. He actually said I was great and he looked forward to seeing me the next day. I said XOXOXO. He did the same. I sat there and looked at the screen. Eli, my boyfriend, said I was great and XOXOXO. I was so happy. That night my parents told me they were leaving around 6am and that I had some cold cuts in the refrigerator and some leftovers for dinner. They said they would be back after dinner. I went to bed thinking about all the sex I could have with Eli the next day. But, I also thought about two other things. The first was to ask Eli how he knew so much about anal sex. The second was that we had condoms and lube now. We could have sex without breaking any rules. (That's how I thought about condoms - a rule.) The next morning, I woke up early and said goodbye to my parents and wished my brother luck. I watched them leave to make sure they were leaving. I turned on the TV and waited for Eli. Eli came over about 830am. He was in running shorts and a tank top and running shoes. He looked like he ran over because he had. He grabbed me and kissed me as soon as I told him my family was gone. He pulled off his tanktop and grabbed my ass. He turned me around and said, "are you ready?" as we rubbed his hard cock along my ass (him in shorts and me in boxers). I told him I hadn't used the enema yet because I wasn't sure how and hoped we could do it together. He looked disappointed, but said he would help. We went to the bathroom and I guess it was pretty easy to figure out - long nozzle in the ass and squeeze the bottle until it's empty(duh). I did this while Eli helped. I laid on the floor, kneeling, ass up, face on the floor. Eli told me how hot I looked like that. We used 2 because I was kinda nervous and wanted to make sure to clean out for him. After we finished, we went to my bedroom where Eli saw the condoms and lube out. I was naked and he kissed me and pushed me on the bed. Then he did something he had never done before, he sucked my cock. I was electrified. I gasped and it felt so amazing. I'd never had someone give me a blow job. I grabbed the sheets and just moaned. He sucked my cock for awhile, but not long because he could tell I was getting close. Eli told me he had another surprise. He lifted my legs and jammed his tongue in my ass. He tongue fucked me and sucked on my ass and licked and spat and ate my ass. He fingered me some and then tongue fucked me and then fingered me. I was moaning so loudly that I could only hear myself. He kept at it and kept tongue fucking me and opening me up. He stopped, undressed, opened the lube, but some on my dick and on his dick and then went back to eating my hole(that's what Eli called it - my hole). I had never felt so good. Eli was once again giving me pleasure I didn't know existed before that day. He also started spitting on my ass more and then there were more fingers. I was writhing on the bed, grasping the sheets, moaning, existing only for the pleasure he was giving my asshole. Then he stood up, and leaned over my body spreading my legs wider and his cock sliding over my ass crack as he bent my legs up to kiss me. I could taste my ass. I could taste his tongue and him. I could feel his lubed cock rubbing my wet wet hole. I said, "Eli, please fuck me." And he lined up his cock and slid the tip and head and half is cock inside me before my ass resisted him. He kissed me and we just started moving his cock in and out, pushing further in each time until I felt his pubes and balls on my ass. He fucked me and I was loving it. I loved him. I loved how his cock made my ass feel so full and how he kept hitting something inside me that made me moan. I was moaning around his mouth and tongue as he kissed me. We were locked as one. He kept saying how great my ass felt. I told him how great his cock felt. Then, all of a sudden, he said, "Oh fuck! I can't hold it. I'm cumming!" His dick slammed into me and I felt it jerk and felt his cum shoot inside me. The way his cock jerked up when he came. He hit the inside of my ass. I rolled my eyes and felt it and then came all over myself. He laid on me for awhile and then he pulled out. He was pleased because his cock was clean except for the cum. I was sad that my ass was empty. But after the glow faded, I asked why he hadn't worn a condom. He said, "You told me to fuck you. You didn't ask me to wear one." I was surprised. I said, "But don't we have to? I mean we have them now. I don't want to get sick." He said, "Baby, I love you. I won't make you sick." He cuddled me. He kissed me. He ran his hands over my body and my ass. He fingered my wet hole and said, "Besides you loved feeling me shoot inside you. You totally came without touching your dick when I did." I blushed and said I did. He said, "Then baby doll, let me keep fucking your ass without condoms. I love you and you love it." I kissed him and agreed that we should fuck uncovered. We fucked 4 more times that day and played Playstation and Eli sucked me off just before he left. He fingered me as he swallowed my load. His cum running down my legs as it seeped out of my well used ass. I cleaned out using those bottles two other times that week and told Eli when I did. He fucked me both days in the school bathroom and shot his load in my ass. I came hands free both times feeling his cock jerk up as he shot his cum in my ass. Then, I waited until I could see Sam to get the regular enema thing. I went back to the pharmacy to see Sam. He gave me this black thing in a box and told me how it worked. I thanked him and paid for it. He asked if I was having safe sex. I lied and blushed and said, "Of course." He said, "Then you should buy more condoms." I agreed and did. I cleaned out my ass everyday once I figured out how to work the thing. I told Eli and he was so happy. He told me he loved me. We kissed and he held me for awhile as we sat on the back bumper of is car in the far back of the mall parking lot. We fucked almost every day for months after the day I told him about the using the enema daily. I loved him so much and I loved that he shot his cum in my ass. I started to get addicted to how my ass felt after he came in me. Such a nice wet feeling. Especially on days when we fucked more than once. After the initial embarrassment of wet underwear, I loved how his cum felt seeping out of my ass. I loved Eli so much. I never did ask him how he was so experienced with anal sex though.......
    3 points
  10. Thanks y'all. This story has a long arc, so I planned quite a few chapters. It starts in 1998 and I'm operating on the premise that the BB party in Chaser is in 2012. As long as y'all still like it, I'll keep going. How It All Began (I Guess) Hi guys, I'm Zach. I'm 18, a senior in high school, 5'10", play soccer and baseball. I'm in pretty decent shape. I go to school on Long Island and live with my brother and my parents. My family is really religious (Jewish) and we go to temple all the time. I'm also gay. But I feel like my head wants to scream "gay, gay, gay, gay, gay" all the time. I'm not out. I can't be. My dad says stuff all the time about the gays not letting him get his work done because they are so gossipy and how they are always so sexual it's no wonder they have diseases. It's really kind of paralyzing. He doesn't ever care that my mom's brother died of AIDS or that my brother and I had a favorite teacher in school, Mr. Bennett who taught English, and he died of AIDS. My brother and I watched him get sicker in school over months and then one day he stopped coming. I cried and cried for a week. He was so handsome and so funny and smart. I'm going to be an English teacher when I grow up because of him. I just know it. But, damn, my dad can be such an asshole. I just really want to walk around the house sometimes or say at dinner, "I'm gay! Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay." But I don't. I'm in the closet to everyone. And of course, I'm a total fucking virgin. 18 and a virgin. Loser. Long Island has millions of people on it, but our world is small. I've grown up playing league sports - soccer and baseball - and going to local public schools, Hebrew school once a week until I was 13, and temple. It's the same group of people. I've known them my whole life. Sometimes people come and go, like my best friend 2 years ago; but mostly it's just the same people. I can't imagine coming out here. My parents would be so ashamed. Ugh. But, all that said, soccer and baseball definitely provide some sexual release. OMG! The guys arms in the baseball uniforms and the legs in soccer shorts. Drool. I've played on the same team with most of these guys since I was little, or went to Hebrew school, or......ok, you get the point. So, it feels weird that I totally perv on them and then go home and jerk off to them. I jerk off to me sucking their dicks and tasting their cum. I jerk off to feeling their bodies and them feeling mine. Eli is my favorite to jerk off too. We play soccer together. We've played together for 10 years. He is not the most popular guy. His brother is in college locally, so he hangs out with his brother's friends a lot and not really with the "group." He has tight curly light brown hair, a hairless body except for a treasure trail and some hair on his ass that I've seen in the shower. Ugh, his smile is so fucking sexy. Things changed with Eli last weekend. We had a great game the other day and Eli's brother was there. He used to play soccer with us. We beat the other team 3-2. It was close and we fought hard to keep the ball down field. We were a fucking sweaty mess when the game ended. There was Eli's brother smiling and cheering. It was great. He came over and said the parents were out of town and let's all do back to their place for pizza. Our parents, of course my dad wasn't there, all said yes and after we all got cleaned up I swear it was like a minivan caravan over to Eli's house. My mom and the other mom's stayed for a bit. Eli's brother opened a bottle of wine for them and then another. What we didn't know is that Eli's brother convinced some of the mom's to let their guys stay over and have beers and watch movies. There were about 10 of us left and Eli's brother when the mom's left. Eli told us our folks said we could stay over. I don't know when the pizza was ordered but it showed up just when our mom's were leaving and they all chipped in for the food - drunken Jewish suburban Long Island ladies looking for money in their purses and talking loudly. It's so embarrassing and so funny. I was sitting between Eli and one of the other guys and we were fucking rolling laughing. Pizza set up in the kitchen, Eli's brother opens the beer fridge. He says we could have beer as long as we stayed at the house. At first we were slow about it and then we were drinking faster. Eli loosened up and so did I. We were laughing a lot. They other guys had basically spread out in a circle in the living room and we played a stupid game of truth or dare for awhile. The most anyone did for a dare was I had to take off my shorts and shirt and stay that way the whole game and a couple of guys made other guys kiss each other. Fuck, that kissing made me hard and I had to cover myself with a pillow. Eli was the last guy to have to kiss another guy and he was told to kiss our goalie - Rich. I was so fucking jealous. I think I turned red and blushed because I felt my body get hot. After that, Eli's brother, Ian, turned on a movie. Boogie Nights. He popped some popcorn and we ate cold pizza. Eli, Rich and I (I wanted to stay close in case they kissed again) went to get more beers. Instead, Eli grabbed some whiskey and we made whiskey and cokes and went back to watch the movie. I was still in my boxers from the game. I couldn't find my clothes yet since the living room was dark. We went back and our seats on the couch were taken. So Rich laid down on the floor and Eli and I sat on the floor leaning our backs on the end of the other couch. We were drinking and our shoulders were touching. I was so crazy horny for Eli that I thought I would stop breathing. I just kept drinking my drink because I wanted to cool down but I didn't know it just made you warmer - I was thinking, "it's got ice in it. it's cold right. it should cool me off." Eli noticed I was empty and he asked if I wanted more. I said sure. He got up and put his hand on my bare shoulder as he stood. His hand felt so soft and nice. Eli came back with the drinks. It's the scene were Dirk shows the Colonel his cock. Eli hands we my drink, sits down right next to me, legs touching, arms touching and leans over and says, "That cock must be huge." I gulp my drink and say yeah. Eli puts his hand between us and I feel his fingers touching my naked thigh just below my boxers. I don't say anything. We watch the rest of the movie. Guys are falling asleep. Ian comes over to Eli, who moves is hand a bit for the first time, and says most of the guys are passed out down here. If there are guys awake once it's over, put them in the family room and the spare bedroom. If you need more space, I can take one of the guys in my room; but you shouldn't. Ian then says to me, "You should feel free to stay in Eli's room." I think Eli and I must've totally blushed. I was a little drunk and I stammered something like, no need. Ian said, "dude you're our guest, no worries." Then, Ian went to bed. We had one more drink and then we finished the movie and with that hot scene seeing Dirk's cock at the end I got hard. Eli, his hand back on my thigh and boxer shorts now, noticed. He smiled. He sent me to clean up in the kitchen a bit and he got the guys all sorted out. He came back in the kitchen as i was throwing out the plates and he said, "Ready for bed?" I said yes and he took my hand and we went upstairs and shut his door. He pulled me to him and kissed me. It was my first kiss from a guy ever. I was so into it. I almost cried. He felt so right. His hands were all over me and I was a bit stunned into inaction. He took off his shirt and put my hands on him. I rubbed my hands all over his shoulders and back and I kissed his neck and chest. As I lowered myself to kiss his chest, he put is hands on my shoulders and pushed me gently down to my knees. I looked up at him and he slid my hands down to the waistband of his shorts. I felt is rock hard cock. I looked Eli in the eyes, hesitated, and pulled is shorts and briefs off. It was Eli's cock. He said, kiss it. I did. He said, open your mouth. I did. He asked me if I wanted to suck his cock. I said yes. He sat on his bed, spread his legs and i slid my hands over is naked thighs and I literally moaned out loud and I took is cock in my mouth. I didn't really know what I was doing so I tried to blow it at first and he said, no suck it. I changed up and started sucking his cock. This is what I always wanted. I was sucking Eli's cock. It tasted salty and sweaty and like him. I kept at it for a few minutes and he said, "I'm cumming." I didn't stop sucking. I felt him blast in my mouth. I loved it. I kept sucking as I swallowed his load. I wanted it all. He had to push me off and said, "Hey it's sensitive after I cum." He stood me up and slid off my boxers and said turn around. I did. He said you have an amazing ass. I said thanks. He pulled me into bed and played with and stroked my cock and sometimes my ass. We talked about it being my first time. He kissed me and said I was good at it. He asked if I wanted to try something else. I asked what he was thinking and he said fucking. I said, I'm not ready. I've never done that. He kept stroking me and he kissed me a lot. He said, "I guarantee that you will cum if I fuck you." His cock was rock hard again. I was stroking him some. I was scared. He looked at me and kissed me hard. I let him roll me on my back and he reached over to the nightstand for some vaseline. He opened the jar, put some on my dick and on his dick. We stroked together and kissed. Then he pushed my legs open and I spread them. He put some more vaseline on his fingers and started to play with my ass. He kept saying how great an ass I have. The first finger hurt and I lost some of my erection. He stroked and kissed me more as he eased his finger in and out of me. One and then two. I winced at two and he said, "Let me know when two feels good with no pain Zach." In a few minutes, I told him there was no more pain. He added a more vaseline and put a third finger in my ass. I winced again, but then tought of something. Health class! We need water based lube. I asked if vaseline was water based. I said, "We need to use water based lube with condoms." He smirked and said, "Don't worry. We will. I'm just opening you up using this stuff because it works better. The water lube isn't as good for your first time." He was fingering me and stroking me and it made sense. I was stroking is lubed cock. He said, "Tell me wen you want my cock inside you." After a few minutes, I did. I wanted his cock so much. He said, "Do you have a condom?" I said, "Yes! Don't you!" He said, "My mom found my stash this morning before she left and took them. She said we need to have a talk when my parents are back." I said, "That sucks. I have one in my wallet." We both looked at each other, realizing that my shorts were somewhere else in the house. "Fuck!" we said in unison. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and laid on his back. My ass felt empty. We kissed and I knew he was disappointed. So was I. He was more distant now. Not even really touching me for the first time in hours. It felt so lonely there next to him, not talking or touching. I had just done so much and I wanted to do more. I looked at him. He was looking away from me and stroking his cock. I took some more vaseline and started stroking his cock for him. He stopped and looked at me. I got up and straddled him. Our cocks were touching. I started to kiss him again. I never wanted this feeling to go away. He was playing with my ass again and pulled me up his body some so he could finger me. He did and it felt so good having his fingers inside me again. Now there was one or two from both hands. I winced every once in awhile because it was awkward and he was stretching my asshole from both sides. I reached behind me because his cock had slid below me as he was fingering me. I stroked his cock as he fingered me. I put his cock on my ass cheeks as is fingers played with my ass. Eventually I was rubbing his cock on my ass crack and he was stroking my cock. I looked at him and kissed him a lot. Then I rose up and put his uncovered cock on my virgin ass. I sat down and his cock pushed past my first ring. I almost screamed in pain. But I had to hold it because the house was full of our friends. He added more vaseline and I lowered my ass slowly down his uncovered cock. I felt his hair on my ass. I was all the way down. He cock was inside me. I was in a lot of pain. I told him. He said, "The pain will go away, just wait." I kissed him and he stroked me. I started to move to ride his cock. I knew we should be using condoms, but I just wanted him. I didn't care at that point. I started riding more and more until I could hear the bed squeaking, him moaning and me moaning. I was rock hard and loving his cock in me. I loved him. I loved how he made me feel - sexy, wanted, desired, happy. I was getting close. He said he was going to cum. I went to get off his cock. He said, "Let me cum in your ass." I knew it wasn't safe to do that. But I kept riding his uncovered cock. I wanted him so much. He came inside me. I was in heaven. I felt him cum and it spurt in my ass. I kissed him to keep the noise down. I came when he kissed me back and shot all over his abs. I rested that way laying on him for a while, his cock in me, his cum inside me, and I was so happy. In a bit I got off him and we cleaned up and fell asleep in is bed. I was hooked. That felt so amazing.
    3 points
  11. Repurposing and updating an older story I wrote for agaysex.com back in the early 00's under a different pen name. ---- It was a Saturday night and Thomas was browsing the internet looking for a potential hookup. Being a Bi 25 male in a live-in mf relationship made hard for him to capitalize on his carnal desires for male to male action. So when opportunities arose he wanted to take advantage of it. His girlfriend was visiting her parents for the weekend, and Thomas found himself immediately logging into his favorite hookup app and began searching for dick as she left. He had wasted most of his afternoon browsing. Sending messages to "active" users he found interesting, but he wasn't getting any responses back. Thomas was the definition of an otter. Average looks with an average body that carried a little weight to on a slim frame. He was pretty proud of his cock sitting in at 7" in length with a nice thick 5" girth. A cock that was too much for most women, and always caught male bottoms off guard. Thomas was skilled top and regularly pushed bottom past the second sphincter. His ass wasn't large but he kept it in shape with regular squats and lunges at the gym. As Thomas reloaded the active user page. He was starting to think that the night would end up unsuccessful, but wanted to give it one last try. Who knows, maybe something changed in the last 15 minutes? That's when he came across a pair of profiles that caught his attention. Both online, and both seemingly in the same place. Their profile descriptions states they were a couple who looking to play with a potential third. Thomas had only experienced a mmm threesome once before, and the thought of getting spit roasted caused his cock to tingle with excitement. Thomas eagerly sent out a messages to both profiles and unlocked his private pics. He asked if they felt up for some fun and that he was more than excited by the idea of playing with both. It wasn’t long before Thomas heard the familiar chime of a new message coming to his inbox and he was greeted with a message from Fred. Fred was in his late thirties, with a caramel skinned dad bod, goatee, and shaved head. Fred carried with him a thick curved uncut cock with a plump sack hanging low. Curiously, above his crotch was the tattoo of a scorpion. Thomas had never seen that before. "Probably a horoscope thing." he thought. Fred's partner Mitch was a bearish white man in his mid forties. Clean shaven, parted brown hair, and a stout and thick cock. Mitch seemed to be the bottom in the relationship as he also had his big bear ass on display in his photos. Based on the position he took, Mitch was very flexible. Thomas loved that in a man. Both had their status listed as "Ask Me" in their profile. In reading that, Thomas thought it was great they wanted to have a conversation about status. Thomas opened the message from Fred. "Hi there, thanks for the message. I'm Fred. My husband Mitch I are definitely looking for a third to join us for some fun tonight. Interested?" Thomas' cock tented in the loose jersey shorts he wore around his apartment. He had been looking all night, and he finally hooked a big one. He quickly replied. "I'm Thomas, nice to meet ya. That sounds awesome. I'm actually ready to meet up when you are. So let me know when and where." He couldn't hit send fast enough. He then waited, what felt like hours in the mere moment it took for Fred to reply. "That's great. This is our address. Let us know your eta?" Thomas copied the address and looked up a route in a hurry. Fred and Matt were a little under thirty minutes south of where Thomas lived. "Be there in the next hour?" Thomas replied. "See you then." was Fred swift response. Thomas was flushed with blood. Heart pumping. The overwhelming excitement about what he was going to experience made him shake a little. It had been three years since Thomas was with another man let alone two, and his desire for cock has been going crazy as of late. He was finally going to get some cock, and he couldn't think of better circumstances. Thomas put on a T-shirt, some shorts, his best pair of boxers, and jumped into his Honda Civic. As he put the keys into the ignition his cock swelled. He rubbed his crotch as he drove to edge himself. Thomas arrived at the house 20 minutes later and approach the door. After ringing the door bell, he looked down to see his dick still straining against his shorts. The edging he had done during on the ride over created a familiar damp spot as his cock oozed precrum. As the door opened, Thomas was greeted by the handsome olive skinned man, Fred. Fred warmly invited Thomas into his home and introduced me to his lover Mitch. Whatever nerves Thomas felt about coming quickly faded. The three talked for a little bit in Fred & Mitch's impressive home to learn a bit about each other. Fred was an Optometrist, and Mitch was finishing up his time as a Major in the Air Force. As the three continued the conversation into the living room. They sat down on the couch, with Fred and Mitch sitting closely on each side of Thomas. As they got comfortable, Fred asked a little bit more about Thomas. "So you're Bi and currently living with your girlfriend?" Fred asked. "Yeah we moved in together after college. It's helped a lot with expenses." Thomas replied adding "She's out for the weekend." "I use to be Bi as well." Mitch said adding, "went through a few divorces until I realized how much more I liked dick and was only staying married cause of my job in the military. Turns out, there's plenty of closeted men looking for their nut on base." As Mitch spoke he placed his hand across Thomas and began rubbing Fred's crotch. As he got to the note about other closeted men, his grasp moved from Fred's crotch to Thomas'. "Your profile also says 'neg.' Is that right?" Fred asked, there was a twinkle in his eye that Thomas didnt quite catch. He was too distracted by Mitch's playing with his cock through his sorts. "Y-yeah." Thomas stammered out. "Excellent. We only play bare. I hope that isn't a problem?" Fred asked. Thomas was in heat, and didn't really process the question with the same level of scrutiny he would behind a screen. He remembered that the Status listed on Frank's and Mitch's profile listed "Ask Me." So this was them broaching the topic, cause they were also neg, right? These men were handsome, obviously took care of themselves, and had a very nice home. What was the worse that could happen? "No problem at all." Thomas said. As he confirmed his willingness, Fred leaned in for a kiss. Thomas moaned a little as their lips met, and Mitch gave his crotch a little squeeze. Thomas' lips parted, and Fred took his cue to thrust his tongue inside. They kissed deeply, and when they separated Fred turned to Mitch and kissed him just as passionately. Mitch then kissed Thomas and soon all three men were face to face crossing swords with their tongues. Thomas reached out to each of their dicks as they made out. He felt up Fred's long cock and Mitch's thick tool. Thomas own cock was being loosened from his shorts as the men slowly peeled away Thomas' clothes. Mitch worked his hands under Thomas' shirt and began tweaking Thomas' nipples. As Thomas' shirt went over his head, Fred got up from the couch and suggested Mitch and he escort their naked prize to their bedroom. As Thomas climbed onto the bed, the other two stripped down bare and joined him on the king size mattress that dominated the room. Thomas made a comment about his luck being between the pair and soon Fred was back to making out with the 25 year old. Thomas felt Mitch moving down his body and began sucking and slurping on Thomas' cock. As Mitch sucked, Fred played with Thomas' nipples. Flicking, squeezing, biting, and licking between sloppy kiss after sloppy kiss. Thomas' passion ascended at the skilled work the pair was doing. He let out a soft moan as Mitch continued to run the length of Thomas' dick with his expert tongue, taking care to lap it across the velvet texture of Thomas' scrotum. They continued like that for a while, Fred and Thomas exploring each other’s mouths and caressing their bodies while Mitch continued to service their cocks. Mitch didn't want to stop sucking Thomas' cock, but he also wanted some attention on his own. So he moved onto his back and asked Thomas to tend to his thick hard dick too. Thomas obliged and moved on top of Mitch into the 69 position and quickly swooped in to take Mitch's fat cock in his mouth. As Thomas moved his head into position, he noticed Mitch also had the same scorpion tattoo Frank had. "Must be a couple thing." Thomas thought has he brought his mouth down onto Mitch's thick tool. The taste of dick was something Thomas had been missing for a while, and he forgot just how smoothly a cock can glide itself in and out of a wet hole. Whatever previous worries Thomas may have had about “getting rusty” were quickly thrown out the window as he feverishly sucked Mitch off. Mitch responded in kind shoving Thomas' cock deeper into his mouth. He accomplished this by grabbing Thomas' ass and pushing his face deeper into Thomas' crotch. As Mitch sucked Thomas' cock and massaged his ass, Frank had come from behind and began rimming Thomas' exposed hole. Thomas loudly with Mitch's thick member in his mouth. The pleasure Thomas was feeling from Franks expert tongue was sending him whirling. Thomas took Mitch's dick deeper and deeper down his throat until he chocked on it in his excitement. This almost pushed Mitch past the breaking point and he quickly popped his dick out of Thomas' mouth to cool it down. Mitch's load was destined for Thomas' naive hole, and Mitch knew better than to waste a drop of his tainted seed. Frank loved fucking a sloppy hole, and the couple planned to spend the night filling Thomas up with their charged loads until it seeped from every orifice. Fred had been doing work on Thomas' hole all the while, probbing his tongue in and out. Lightly biting the rim of Thomas' sphincter. Probing the loosening hole with his fingers. Even giving the insides a little scratch here and there. Thomas loved all of it, and Frank was more than happy to continue priming his hole for total saturation. Once Thomas' hole started to hold its gape, Frank decided it was time to tease Thomas' hole with his leaking rod. Frank wanted Thomas begging for his cock, and he started with some light taps on Thomas' ass checks with his member. Thomas felt the thudding against his rear, his hole puckering with each hit. Frank continued rubbing the tip of his head around, and would give Thomas the occasion slap on the ass. "I think he's ready." Frank declared. Mitch got out from under Thomas. His thick cock covered in spit and throbbing. He came around to Thomas' hole and Frank moved to Thomas' front presenting his uncut cock. Thomas needed no encouragement and began sucking Frank's dick like a natural. Mitch watched as Thomas' head bobbed up and down on Franks cock making lewd slurping and sucking sounds. The motion of the blowjob made Thomas ass move back and forth as well enticing Mitch to shove his dick into the wanting hole. Mitch stuck a finger in, and soon Thomas was fucking himself on that finger as he sucked off Frank. With his free hand Mitch grabbed his PA and fastened it onto his member. He pulled his finger out of Thomas so he could finish fastening the thread of the piercing, and was happy to see the hole wasn't closing quickly. It was loose enough for the fucking to come. Thomas continued to messily suck Franks cock, spit dribbling down the sides of his mouth. He was becoming a cock pig, and soon the couple was going to turn him into a pregnant cum pig. Even if he didn't quite understand the true extent of the phrase. Thomas noticed Mitch's finger was no longer in this hole, but it wasn’t long before he could feel the pressure of Mitch's cock at the entrance. The tip felt colder, but he didn't put much thought into it. It was probably a dollop of lube, after all. Mitch gave Thomas' hole a few slaps with his cock. The PA glistening in the light of the bedroom. Slowly, he began pressing the head of his cock into Thomas hole. Mitch hadn't lubbed yet, and that was all part of the plan. As his cock started to snag on the anal walls of Thomas' sphincter, Mitch spit into the hole and on his cock to help guide his thick tool in. Thomas felt the mass pushing into his body, and paused sucking Franks cock in reaction. Pausing, however, was not an option as Frank grabbed the back of Thomas' head and held his jaw to being face fucking him. Thomas felt a bit of pain as Mitch's thick tool expanded his hole, and there was this extra sensation at the front of the push that Thomas couldn't describe. It felt amazing though. Mitch wanted to mess up that hole, but he also didn't want to kill the mood by inflicting too much pain on someone with so little experience. So he took his time expanding and priming Thomas' tight ass. Once he bottomed out, he held his cock in place, flexing it inside of Thomas hole. Thomas was now being spit roasted by the two men and his own cock was fully erect and leaking. He could barely think, the sheer ecstasy of the moment clouded his thoughts. His vision blurred. He only existed as a sex sleeve for Frank and Mitch in this moment. Having sensed Thomas will and hole could accommodate the fucking to come, Mitch withdrew his cock a moment to apply more lube. As he withdrew he saw a bit of blood on the shaft of his cock. Mitch smiled and looked up and Frank who met Mitch's smile with his own. They were going to knock Thomas up tonight. The feeling of Mitch's dick exiting was relieving, but Thomas was beginning to miss the sense of being filled up from inside. Sensing this longing, Mitch finished applying his lube applied he dived back in, this time reaching deeper with more ease. Mitch's cock wasn't long enough to push past the sigmoid colon, but he sure as hell could hit its seal to weaken the barrier for when Franks cock was ready for a turn. Thomas let out a low moan as he continued to get face fucked by Fred’s cock and his ass battered by Mitch. The fucking Mitch was giving Thomas was getting harder and faster. Thomas' hole hugged the girth of Mitch's cock like a vice. Each thrust dragged Mitch's PA stud along the inner walls of Thomas asshole. When the PA hit his prostate, Thomas' cock would spasm emitting another globule of precum from the tip. Thomas' body was on fire. This was becoming the best sex he has had in his life. Why was he repressing himself from experiencing total sexual satisfaction by denying his true nature? Mitch grabbed Thomas by the hips and lifted his upper body while keeping his ass in position. As Thomas reclined into the embrace of Mitch, Frank saw the trail of precum stretching from the small pool in the bed up to the tip of Thomas now exposed and displayed cock. The cock bounced and wiggled in the air as Mitch continued to plow Thomas' ass. Frank instinctively licked his lips imaging the taste he'll soon have of Thomas' leaking cock. Frank moved to a nearby nightstand and opened a drawer, pulling out a small brown bottle with a red cap. He moved in front of Thomas and locked eyes with him. Frank took the bottle, opening the lid and placing it under his nose. He inhaled deeply, switched nostrils and inhaled again. Frank then help the bottle under Thomas' nose. "Breathe it into each of your nostrils and hold it until you can't no more." Mitch whispered behind him. Mitch slowed his fucking to just the smallest thrusts so that Thomas could sniff the bottle. Thomas did as instructed. He wasn't sure what the bottle was, and it smelled like Isopropyl Alcohol. When he finished he held is breath and Frank helped Mitch take some hits as well. Frank exhaled and capped the bottle, tossing it aside on the bed. He knealed, lowering his head, raising his ass, and extending his tongue out to lick under Thomas seeping cock. Frank's eyes looked up at Thomas' reddening face, and Frank began slowly teasing and sucking Thomas cock his. Thomas exhaled and so did Mitch, who never stopped pumping his meat into Thomas' hole. The rooms filled with the smells of warmed Amyl Nitrate. Mitch began playing with Thomas nipples, and licking the nape of his neck. Frank's eyes glazed over as he deep throated Thomas cock. Mitch's fucking became focused and purposeful as Thomas' hole warmed and slacked, losing all of its resistance. The three men moan and groaned like dogs in heat as the rush hit. Thomas was drooling. Vision hazed. Ears Ringing. His nipples, cock, and hole felt as if they were a single entity. Each tweak of his nipple made his cock twitch in Frank's mouth. Mitch's groin was flush against Thomas's widening hole. Thier bodies only separating as Mitch thrust his hips rhythmically in and out of Thomas' ass. Each thrust from Mitch pushed Thomas' cock deeper into Franks mouth. Three bodies melded into one sexual unit. Mitch licked up and down Thomas' neck and ears. Biting and tugging on his lobes. "How's that cock feel, boy?" Mitch growled. Thomas could only moan in response. "Yeah I bet. You cant wait to become a cumdump for your Daddies." Mitch replied. The mention"Daddies" made Thomas' cock and hole twitch. Mitch continued, "Your Daddies are carrying a special gift in our loads. A special gift for our special, boy. Do you want your gift?" "Gift?" Thomas thought, but the haze made it hard to think clearly. "Gift = cum. I want cum." Was the extent he could put together. "Cum in me!" Thomas found himself shouting. "Give me your load, Daddy!" Mitch squeeze Thomas' nips and pulled Thomas body into his. He began to buck and spasm, grunting loudly as he began to shoot his load deep inside the now cock crazed Thomas. Thomas could feel Mitch's cock expand and contract as it impregnated him. Mitch kept his cock in and slowly milked it using Thomas ass. Mitch would make sure every last drop was going into the hole. Frank had moved to Mitch's side and watched as his lover slowly extracted his cock from Thomas hole. In exit, some of Mitch's cum dribble out but Frank used his cock to catch it as he switched places with Mitch. Thomas moved to his back lifting his legs and exposing his hole. Frank wasted no time and thrusted his curved cock into Thomas' freshly fucked and seeded hole. Thomas had to adjust to the curve, but once he did Frank entered fully. Frank didn't have Mitch's girth, but his length pushed even deeper shoving Mitch's spunk deeper into Thomas. Frank grabbed Thomas legs to use as a counter brace and began fucking. Frank's thrusts were different from Mitch as he took long strokes in and out of Thomas. The head would often come fully out and Frank would plunge himself back in. Thomas was thankful in hindsight that Mitch went first. It would have been harder to withstand Frank's anal assault if his ass wasn't already widened and loosened. As Frank fucked Thomas' brains out. Mitch moved to Thomas' exposed cock, balls, nips, and belly. Mitch moved his hands across Thomas body as Frank railed away. Occasionally Mitch would stop and give a suck or lick of each part he was massaging. The pair made an excellent team as one ran interference while the other went on offense, so to speak. Frank placed Thomas' legs on his shoulders. Hands firmly on each of Thomas' cheeks. He looked directly into Thomas eyes. "Ready for your second load, slut?" Frank asked without exactly asking. Thomas nodded, not breaking eye contact. Frank hammered away reaching even deeper inside Thomas than before. Waves of pleasure coursed through Thomas' body as his hole gave way to Frank's pleasures. Mitch laid next to them watching his lover went to town. With a few extra thrusts, Thomas felt Franks cock explode. As if they had planned it Mitch then began feverishly sucking on Thomas' cock. The expansion of Fred’s dick was overwhelming as he began to cum shooting streams of cum inside Thomas whose dick also swelled climaxed inside Mitch's skilled mouth. Mitch never lifted his head and sucked down each burst of Thomas neg cum. The post orgasm pleasure subsided and Frank withdrew from Thomas. He moved back to the nightstand and produced a but plug from the drawer. He put it inside Thomas and smiled saying "We don't want to waste your gift now do we?" Thomas just nodded, trying to catch his breath and bearings. Frank and Mitch wiped up the sweat they built up with a towel, and helped Thomas with some light drying as well. They then rejoined him on the bed. "So..." Frank began. "You said your partner is gone for the weekend, right?" (to be continued)
    2 points
  12. Paul was about to snap. Seven years in prison can do that to you and the letter he held in his hand had devastated him He was tall and thin, with long ginger hair, soft brown eyes, pale skin and a nice round ass. When he had first arrived here he had been “protected” by the prison’s top dog Tony Santorin, a man with significant influence both inside and outside of the prison’s walls. The price of that protection was Paul’s ass Paul was gay and had been no virgin at the time. Under different circumstances he may have even found Tony attractive. Tony had been there when they had brought Paul in along with several other new inmates on a bus,tp the prison and had inspected them all “This one, he’s a pretty girl” he told the guard and shook his hand, Paul noticed the folded money that passed to the guard with that hand shake. The “pretty girl” comment made him blush but Paul knew that despite his more than ample cock and preference to be on top he came across as feminine to most men. That combination had landed him here in prison but he hadn’t known that yet Paul had been assigned as Tony’s new cell mate. Tony's cell was on the top level and the last in a row. It had been meant to house eight men but Tony and Paul had it all to themselves, It was actually comfortably furnished with a queen sized bed, two large comfortable chairs and a small dining table as well as a shower and toilet area hidden by screens “The warden owes me some favors” was all Tony said when Paul asked how he managed all this Paul could hear a low conversation that he was sure had been timed for his arrival. A good looking blond man had been grabbed as he walked towards the door to Tony’s cell and dragged into the adjoining cell by a huge bruit of a man. What are you doing Sal? You know Tony will have you killed for touching me!” the blond man said in a squeaky, frightened voice “Tony got tired of all your pouting and demands, he doesn’t need you any more, he has a new and far prettier girl now. He gave you to me so get used to being my bitch" a low voice said “I won’t put up with your shit. If you piss me off I will just hand you over to Carl over in Block C. Now get on your knees and show me how grateful you are for my protection. You better convince me you love me and my cock because Block C is just waiting for some fresh meat” A moment later Paul heard the sound of someone gagging and choking for a while followed by grunts of pain and bunk bed springs squeaking accompanied by that same low voice saying “I’m not a gentle lover like Tony. I like it to hurt so moan for me butch” and so on as the blond man adjusted to his new reality and moaned loudly “Block C must be terrible” Paul thought with a shudder That night he didn’t fight or protest when Tony took him to bed. He did his best to please the man in every way he could. Paul was no fool Tony was a gentle lover but when you are that hung you almost have to be, Paul had been tied up and brutally fucked by five well hung guys and not been as sore as he was the next day He had thought he would not be there long because he was innocent of the embezzlement charges that had been brought against him. Millions of dollars had vanished without a trace on his watch but Paul had no idea how. A few months later, when the court of appeals declined his case, his last hope had died Another blow came when his husband Martin had come for a visit. He had given Martin temporary guardianship of his three sons as their mother was dead Bobby was 11, Mike was 10 and Marc was 9. They all were the spitting image of their dad with his hair, eyes and build. The way things were set up, if he was still in prison then his oldest Bobby would get full custody of his younger siblings when he turned 18. Martin was just a temporary guardian. The money he had inherited from his father a couple years ago made it no burden to take care of the three boys and as Paul had no other living blood relatives. There had been no real choice “I came to tell you I am filing for divorce. Don’t worry. I will take care of the boys. They should not suffer because of you” Martin had told him Paul knew that while the boys adored their “Uncle Martin” that the man he had married was just fond of them. He didn’t like kids in general but was a good enough actor that the boys never caught on that he had tolerated them to be with Paul “I hope you appreciate the favor I am doing for you” Martin said “I could just walk away and let the foster care system take them” The divorce had been finalized quickly, all Paul cared about was that his kids were taken care of so he didn’t fight it. Tony got tired of him after a couple years and he was passed down the line of his lieutenants but eventually he found out just how bad Block C really was Carl Anderson was a large, hugely muscled, brutal looking, bald man who ruled Block C with a combination of brute force and by lending out “his boys” to men who pleased him He kept Paul as his personal bitch when he got to Block C The first thing he had made Paul do is kneel and kiss the head of his huge, vein covered, uncut cock while he ran a finger around the tattoo on his stomach. The tattoo looked evil, a biohazard symbol dripped what looked like cum mixed with blood onto the words “The Gift” written in a toxic green shade Carl smirked when he saw Paul’s eyes widen “That’s right pretty boy, kiss the cock that is going to give you HIV, worship it, open up those lips and suck it so it gets nice and hard for your first breeding” the man whispered in a surprisingly silky, sultry, sexy voice Carl put a hand behind his head and forced that toxic cock into his mouth while his other hand found his nipple and twisted with cruel fingers. Paul’s cock got rock hard despite the fear running through his mind When Carl was fully hard he forced Paul onto his back in the middle of his cell’s floor and then noticed Paul's rock hard cock that was almost as big as his own “Someone wants my gift I think” He smirked as he got between Paul’s legs and lifted them to his shoulders “Well want it or not I’m going to give it to you” and with that he pushed in balls deep Paul writhed in pain, Carl had the largest cock he had ever taken, even bigger than Tony's and the man gave him no time to adjust. Within seconds Carl was fucking him so hard that his huge, low hanging, lemon sized balls were swinging up to smack his ass crack with every thrust As Carl shredded his hole with his toxic fuck stick Paul’s cock dripped pre, the violent fucking he was getting was making it fly all over, some pf it even hitting him in the face “Here it comes, pretty boy! Here comes my viral seed to knock you up! I know you want it bad and I’m giving it to you. Take my poz load” Carl grounded then he leaned down and kissed Paul as hi fired ropes of HIV tainted cum into the neg man’s defenseless ass Paul’s cock twitched violently as he came without touching himself and they lay together kissing and trying to catch their breath. Carl fucked him twice more before he finally let Paul up Carl was fucking him four and five times a day for the next few weeks and when Paul got sick foru weeks from their first fuck, Carl had him moved to his cell and took care of him himself until he felt better The men of Block C were a little surprised as Carl had never shared a cell with anyone before. He kept Paul with him and fucked him constantly but the guys assumed it would be over soon when Carl resumed breeding every new boy who came to the Block They found out how wrong they were when one idiot asked for Paul as a reward for a favor he had done Carl The man spent the next week in the hospital Block after Carl beat the hell out of him. No one ever asked for Paul’s services again Paul grew to care for Carl, even love him, and as much as the situation allowed they were a couple “If I was ever going to get out of here I would marry you” Carl whispered in his ear as he held Paul one dark night “You were the first man who ever wanted my gift and I fell in love with you right then and there” Carl had three life sentences for his crimes. Paul never asked what he had done. he didn’t want to know “I would be honored to marry you if we could” he whispered back. Paul had grown to love this man slowly as he had opened up and let Paul see his gentle soul inside No one knew that sometimes when the lights were out that Carl would sometimes quietly bottom for Paul beneath the covers, They would spoon and pretend to be asleep as Carl pushed back on Paul and they gently rocked until Paul shot off inside his lover, then Carl would roll over and kiss him till they fell asleep Unlike Carl, Paul came up for parole every two years after his 4th year inside. He was denied at 6 years and Carl consoled him though he didn’t really seem that upset himself. Paul knew Carl wanted to keep him there A year later a letter arrived from his oldest son Bobby who had never written him before. It read: Dear Dad; I’m sorry I have never written before. Uncle Martin said you didn’t want to hear from us and that you didn’t love us anymore. I believed him just like I used to believe everything he said. He was so great with us and always took good care of me and my brothers. That all changed for me when I turned 18 a few months ago He took me out for dinner on my birthday and said it was a date. I thought he was joking because he knows I am straight but he wasn’t. He told me I now had custody of my two brothers because you had set it up that way. He said that he could legally just throw mw out and Mike and Marc would have to go with me Marc has some health issues and his medications are expensive. Uncle Martin said if he throws us out he will also remove us from his health insurance. I have never even had a part time job. Without Uncle Martin I would not have a penny and I could not take care of my them I’m not well liked in this town. I have kind of been a bully and an asshole to most of the people here, Uncle Martin never punished me or even corrected me. He never made me do my school work so I barely graduated. I don’t think anyone here would hire me and if I move II have to take Mike and Marc with me Uncle Martin says since we are not blood related that he is going to make me marry him, He says once we are married he’s going to start fucking me, That I will be his wife and slave Dad, he has HIV and he says he is going to get me pregnant with it. Even worse, he’s going to force Mike to be his slave on his 18th birthday and then infect him too. Mike is as straight as I am but he loves Marc so Uncle Martin can force him the same way he is forcing me He says he will take Marc as a slave as well when he turns 18. That’s been his plan since he married you, he says but you would not be dominated by him. You would not give him control, so he framed you for embezzlement. He didn’t inherit money, he stole it and made sure you took the blame. He’s doing his best to make sure you never get paroled as well He says as feminine as you were, you should just have accepted that you were meant to be his bottom and salve but you insisted on an equal relationship and even wanted to fuck him so he decided to get rid of you and enslave your sons when they got old enough. He’s crazy but what can I do? Marc has to have those medications for his Asthma or he could die. He also needs that EpiPen thing for his allergies Uncle Martin makes me dress in tight clothes he says are sexy and makes sure lots of people see us kissing in public. No one approves and someone even tried to have us arrested but the cop said we are not blood related and there is nothing illegal about what we are doing as long as we are both consenting adults The wedding is next week and I’m scared, dad. I’m even more frightened for my brothers. I can’t think of a way out of this, And Uncle Martin says he will throw us out if I warn them. Please write me back, Just knowing you still love me wll help, It hurt so much when Uncle Martin said you didn’t anymore. Send any replies to my friend’s house at the address listed below I love you dad Bobby Paul stared at the letter for a few moments then began to cry. Someone noticed and yelled “Hey Carl, your little sissy boy is crying” Carl was there in less than a minute. He paused and looked at a couple of his men “Take care of that asshole” he snarled and another idiot spent a week in the hospital Block You may not think that guys in prison, most of them career criminals would give a damn about a jail house romance but what Carl and Paul had was the envy of many of these men, Not the pm'y sex but the love and companionship they shared “What’s wrong baby?” Carl said sitting on the bed and putting those massive arms around him Pau showed him the letter and Carl gave a low whistle after he finished reading it Those are MY sons! He is claiming MY SONS as his slaves and there is not a damn I can do about it because I'm stuck in here" “We will figure something out Baby” Carl said. He had an idea but the cost would probably be so high he didn’t know if he could bring himself to do it. It also meant loosing the man he loved forever and Carl wondered if he could face life without his Paul **************************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: Bobby’s Wedding and Honeymoon Scanbu
    2 points
  13. When my body is ready to be fucked, I find that I become very different mentally from when I’ve just recently been bred. Mind you, my insatiable ass means that switch gets flipped at the drop of a waistband, but if any time has passed in which I have to go without, it’s like my blood starts boiling. The longer it goes, the more in-heat I feel, and the more willing I become to do just about anything to take a cock. Inhibitions melt like butter, caution flutters away like a moth in a hurricane, modesty and dignity cease to have any meaning. Once I’ve been serially bred, it all calms down somewhat (I always end up wishing for just one more cock) and I kind of think, Damn - what was I doing? Not remorse or anything, just a little surprise that I would descend so far into depravity, or that I let so many men utterly degrade me. It doesn’t last, of course, the fire never goes out under my pot, so it’s inevitably going to come to a boil again sooner rather than later. Right now, I’m so in heat I can almost see the fuck-me waves rising off me. (I use ‘in heat’ to describe me because I feel as though ‘horny’ is connected to cock, and my readiness is all about my cunt - I’m literally a bitch in heat.) Does anyone else experience this kind of back-and-forth?
    2 points
  14. I agree completely with thus commentary. Condoms hurt and turn me off. I get no pleasure just a rubbed feeling. When I get fucked raw the feeling of skin on skin and the stimulation in my prostate makes for great sex.
    2 points
  15. When you are a size queen like me, you just cant say no to a big cock-- not even a toxic one that might give you HIV. Now I'd been barebacking for awhile, but i aleays looked for neg guys-- or at least guys who lied and said they were neg. But its hard to find negative barebackers- and i really like raw cock. Well, i found this one guy's profile on BBRT enticing, so I started chatting with him. His profile said he was "huge and uncut"-- so I just had to find out more! His profile also said "ask me" under status. Of course he was Poz--- but he also proclaimed to have a 9x7 piece of meat. We chatted off and on for a few months anD exchanged pics, there was always some reason not to hook up-- besides my overall fear of him being positive an having a cock that would rip me open. One night, after I had a few beers, I found myself on BBRT and feeling incredibly horny for a fuck. And big cock stud was on. And he IM'd me. Him: you lookin? Me: yeah. I need to get fucked bad Him: you finally gonna let me breed that sweet hole? Me: will you go easy on me? Him: yeah-- I know I'm big. Don't worry Him: and you're ok with Poz? Me: would you pull out if I asked? Him: yeah- I can cum either way Me: yeah, I think we should do this Him: can we film it? Just for us. I like to rewatch my fucks later Me: as long as you don't post the video anywhere Him: cum on over. Bring poppers He gave me the address which was only a couple miles away. And soon I found myself knocking on his door. I was met by a thin, wiry daddy guy, in his 50's and a bit shorter than me. He ushers me in and leads me to his basement which could best be described as seedy. Ratty carpet, bad panelling, a threadbare plaid sofa, empty liquor bottles and full ashtrays everywhere. We go to the couch and sit. I'm nervous as hell, but the porn is playing and it gives me something to watch. Seeing my hesitation, he pulls off his shorts... Holy fuck. That cocknof his flopped out and I was mesmerized. It was every bit as impressive in person. Moreso actually. Thick as my wrist, especially in the middle, with all this extra foreskin hanging off the tip. He was also flopping yo about mid-thigh And he wasn't even fully hard yet! "Why don't you suck it for starters?" he suggests. I knelt and tried to work that monster as best I could, but at my best I could only fit about half of it in my mouth. So I mainly concentrated on his skin-- tonguing it for all I was worth. Pretty soon he was all full mast and so was I. "You ready to get the fuck of your life?" I nodded yes. He led me over to his desk area and his computer. He fired up the computer's camera and started recording. Then he pushed me down and had me suck some more and get him good and hard and wet. While I sucked he talked up a storm-- giving me feedback, telling me how it felt, what to do. Then he asked me if my ass was ready. He stood me up and squirted lube on his massive cock, then he had me lube my ass. He spun me around and had me brace against the panelled wall while he rubbed his fat cock head against my crack. "You might wanna hit them poppers about now," he suggested. So I did. My alcohol buzz mixed with the fresh poppers sent me soaring and the next thing I knew he was using short quick thrusts to work his head into my ass. It felt in-fucking-credible! While he slowly worked deeper, he kept up a steady litany of "Yeah, open that ass up-- take my big ol Poz cock in that pussy!". Stuff like that. I kept hitting the poppers hard, but it didn't help much when he got to the thickest part of his tool. "Whoa! Damn that's thick-- I can't take it all," I told him. "Okay," he said, then he grabbed my hips and shoved violently into my hole. I screamed in pain and tried to get away, but he had me pinned to the wall by that giant prong of his. I know I was whimpering a lot, but he didn't care. He told me to just do more poppers. "I know it hurt- but it was for the best. Trust me, yours wasn't the first tight ring I've had to bust. Besides, When I promised you the fuck of your life, I kinda meant of your death too." And then he started really fucking me. Okay, I admit the pain of him ripping past by sphincter sucked, but what his cock did inside my body was nothing short of amazing. The fat part of his cock steamrolled my prostate with every thrust, and the knob of his cockhead kept popping up into my Colon with every thrust. I could feel him poking so deep in me-- deeper than any cock or toy had ever been. It hurt... Deliciously. "Yeah boy! Take that Poz cock! Wrecking your guts with my dick of death! You love taking this Poz meat, doncha boy?" And I did. He probably drilled me for about 15 or 20 minutes solid- and by the end I was fully bent over, bracing my hands on that wall and pushing back into him. And he was fucking me with every inch-- coming out just so the head was in, then slamming back in. My cock was drooling precum everywhere. "What's your status, boy? You neg?" "Yes sir," I managed to get out between grunts. "You know I'm Poz, right?" "Yeah..." "Well, I'm getting close, boy-- where you want my load?" The poppers and alcohol (and the amazing cock) had done their trick. "Don't stop fucking me!" I heard myself beg. "Well Here it cums boy! Here it.... Fuuuuuuuuuck yeah! Breeding your neg cunt with my toxic seed! Take my dirty load bitch!" When he started shooting, he planted his cock as hard and as deep as he could. He also had one of those spongier cocks that really swells and pulses as it cums, so I felt every shot of his venom jizz up inside my colon. Then I came-- all over the panelling and that nasty carpet. I didn't even touch myself, my orgasm just... Happened. He stayed inside me for a few minutes, slowly thrusting and withdrawing his meat. Working his load into my guts. Which is exactly what he said while doing it. Eventually he did what felt like the longest pullout I have ever felt, and his dong popped out with a wet plop. Them he turned off the video and we cleaned up and got dressed. He showed me bits of our "movie"--- damn, it WAS hot seeing that much cock wrecking my butt! He promised to email me a copy for my enjoyment. "And this is just for us, right? No posting online?" "Don't worry," he told me. A couple weeks later I got sick-- and I knew. Sure enough, my next HiV test confirmed it. I Tried looking For big cock daddy online, but I almost never saw him on. I emailed several times, but months went by and I never got that copy. Evidently it was "too big" to email. And when he was online, we could never find a time to repeat the fuck do I could get a disc. Then one day I got an email from an acquaintance of mine (a friend of a good friend) and I though "how unusual" for him to contact me. In his email he sent me a video link and said I should watch it. It was for some bugchaser or bug share website.... My heart stopped. Damn if it wasn't our video, right out there in the public domain. You could see my face, me sucking his cock, me taking hom raw... I sorta freaked out a bit, to be honest. Then I watched the whole thing while jacking off. It a fucking hot clip! He had edited it down some for time, but you could hear me basically beg him for his toxic load and then there he was knocking me up with it. Evidently lots of guys liked it because it got a 5 star review and had been watched several thousand times. Plus there were comments posted like "I love how that bugchaser begged for you to breed his cunt!". Stuff like that. Although the site where the video was originally posted is gone, I still run into our video now and again on dirtier sites. And it always reminds me of the fuck of my life. And my death.
    2 points
  16. I resent anyone who lives outside of SW Florida, better known as "Heaven's Waiting Room". Filled with retirees, an almost "police state" atmosphere, where most of the "fun" bars are gone. Yes there are hook up sites and apps, but what better way to live then to walk out your front door and go to your local watering hole/fuckjoint for some good old fashioned fun. I am so jealous of guys who can ride public transportation after 7 pm at night. I miss the nights of riding home on the subway at 2 am, always making sure I am in the car with the policeman and his dog in case I nodded off. Oh how I envy you - those in NYC, Philly, San Fran (I walked there), and assorted other places where I could be a total pig and stumble home without fear of being arrested. Now I know members will say MOVE!, pull up all your roots and go north you middle aged man, but I have doctors and COMMITMENTS (God help me) that I just can't walk away from. You can tell it's Friday, I am already filled with jealousy. Have fun you lucky fellow BZ members..... Note: I am sorry I just became unhinged in this thread, I don't know why, something to do with a guy who had moved and talked about how wonderful was to live in different areas. Sorry to go off track...
    2 points
  17. LOVE it! It makes me focus on the sensations. I pay closer attention to his breathing and how his dick responds to my hole. Does THIS make him harder? Does THAT makes him pick up tempo. Learning how he wants it and then giving it to him! Love darkrooms and gloryholes as well - but that's more cause I love not knowing who's breeding me!
    2 points
  18. Always like to do it to a cock coming out of any arse!
    2 points
  19. Very true, "not my type" or "I wasn't into his look" is kinder. No need to put down someone else's desires
    2 points
  20. A btm with a blindfold can focus more on his tops cock.
    2 points
  21. how about saying, inistead of 'ugly,' either 'not attractive' or 'unattractive.' we do not need any more of this name calling.
    2 points
  22. Been letting men use me forever. They could be old (REALLY old like in their 80s!), fat, gross, whatever. My pleasure is derived in the act of submission to an older man.
    2 points
  23. I'm finding the best gay men are either in their thirties or are older. Experiences make a man sexier. Give me an older man any day.
    2 points
  24. Part 4 I felt amazing and a bit drained after I walked away from the ride and found a place I could rest for a bit. I found a set of benches that all had large butt plugs in the center and figured that they were there to help keep the loads in from the rides as riders disembarked them. I chose the biggest of the three that where on the beach and lined my aching hole to it and slid down. The roundness of the plug met with a little resistance but I was able to push my ass out enough to slip down on it without spilling any of the cum in my guts. I felt full as I sat there and caught my breath and enjoyed the sights of other naked men walking around. I saw so many wearing all sorts of gear that made their bodies so hot to look at. Some were walking a bit funny so I assumed they had partaken in some of the other rides or found pleasure elsewhere. Seeing all of this made me so excited to keep exploring and i felt after about five mins of sitting there I was ready to go and explore more. I walked by many booths and I took in the smells of leather from the gear tent close by, the smell of fresh poppers from another tent, the smell of piss from the troughs close by. I could also hear the buzzing of tattoo guns and the screams f pain coming from so many of the tents up ahead and I walked towards the closest one where I heard the screams and was witness to a guy getting his nipples pierced. He had swollen nipples both were about the size of silver half dollars and I wondered how long he had been plumping them to look as they did. I stood there as the piercer lined up the needle to his big nips and winced a bit as he plunged it into his nipple causing him to scream yet again but I could also see that he was leaking precum and a major stream of it started flow once the needle went through so I surmised that he was enjoying this just as much as it hurt. Once the piercer was finished cleaning up the mans newly pierced nipples and covering them with bandages he looked down and saw that he was still leaking a massive amount of pre cum and he bent down and engulfed the mas nine inches of thick man cock. the man was moaning as the piercer deep throated him and was bucking his hips in unison with his sucking causing the piercer to moan as well and it made him go even deeper to push his cock deep into his throat making him buck even more in the chair. I could see his balls start to get tighter and tighter so we all new he was about to cum in the piercers mouth and he made one final thrust and grabbed his head and held it there as he unloaded down his throat. They both stayed like that for a minute and the guy finally slid out of the piercers mouth and sat there panting but with a huge grin on his face. The piercer smiled back at him and thanked him for the tip for doing his nipples and smiled even more when he saw the man was sporting a red biohazard tattoo on his bulging bicep. I was so distracted by the site in front of me that I didn't realize that the man doing the tattoo in the chair next to the piercer had finished his work and had snuck up behind me. I didn't hear him move or anything and I turned my head just as he made a sound alerting me to his presence and at the same time he stepped forward with his cock angled at my hole and thrust on into me. When I got a good look at the tattoo artist I smiled and moaned as I felt his rigid enormous cock spread me open. Even after the first ride and sitting on the buttlug bench I still felt some pain as he stretched me open. He was a hunk of a man wearing nothing but black boots and a black chest harness. He was muscled more than the workers I had seen from when I arrived and he was covered every inch in tattoos. His nipples were both pierced with very large rings and a red biohazard tattoos circled both of them and both his nipple rings had a chain attached to them and another part of the chain running down his eight pack abdomen to a place I couldn't see. He saw me looking and bent down while remaining in my ass and whispered in my ear that the chain connecting his nipples was also attached to the large prince Albert piercing in his 10 inch cock. Hearing this made me moan so loud and without missing a beat he carried me to his tattoo chair like I weighed next to nothing and spun me around so I was laying on my back and he speread my legs open wide. he was so experienced at this that he didn't leave my ass at all during the whole movement. He continued to fuck me roughly telling me that he wanted to shoot the biggest load he had at the moment into the cutest hole he had seen so far. Hearing that made me moan more and I spread my ass open more to give him more access to it. His attention didn't waver as he pounded my hole and while doing that he asked me where i wanted to be tatted. What made me even hornier was that he didn't ask me if I wanted to get a tattoo just where and hearing that made me almost blow right there on him. I told him I wanted a biohazard tattoo covering my whole ass and the center of the symbol be right at my hole. Hearing this hot tattoo idea made him slam into me one last time and I could feel him cumming like a firehose spraying my guts with his poz seed and causing my own orgasm to shoot all over him. We both came down from our shared high and he told me he loved that idea and no one had ever asked him to do a piece like that and he would be happy to be the one to do it for me. He explained that since I wanted that there that I should wait until the last day of the carnival to have it done so it would have the proper time to heal up otherwise it wouldn't set right if I kept wanting to go on the rides and do other activities the carnival had in store. I agreed with him and settled for now on getting the same tattoos on my nipples like him and I turned my head to the piercer as well and asked f I could get them both pierced and a prince Albert done just like this stud of a mand and he smiled and said he would be glad to. With that the tattoo artist went to work.
    2 points
  25. I packed fairly lightly in a duffel bag and a backpack. My aunt said there was a washer/dryer at the cabin and some stores in Cooperstown. I took the bus from Queens Village. My parents dropped me off in the morning and I would have about 6 weeks up there with almost no company and then my family would come up for a week and then take me to college in August. After saying goodbye to my family, I climbed on the bus and sat down next to an old lady eating oranges. I remember the smell of the oranges. The rest of the bus smelled like a bus, but she smelled great. To this day I smell oranges and it evokes a feeling of letting go of bad things and setting a new path. The lady and I chatted and all the way to Kingston where I switched buses. At this point, I needed to piss and eat so I used the facilities and by the time I got on the other bus it was packed. There were only a few seats left and I sat in the back near a guy about my age. Turns out that he was headed to Delhi and his name was Steve. Steve was attractive, but small and wiry. He had a kind of skater vibe to him. He was from Albany and we talked about college, etc. Delhi is a SUNY school town. He was going back because he said he couldn't be around his family the rest of the summer and was moving into his apartment early. He got off in Delhi after giving me his number. Delhi is a bit far from Cooperstown, so I doubted I'd call him but it was nice and if I desperately needed a human to chill with I could do a lot worse. The rest of my ride was quiet and there was a super hot guy sitting near me. I got so fucking horny on the bus I wanted to jerk off right there. I started rubbing myself but after I got hard someone got up to go to the bathroom and I realized I'd never get off safely on the bus. After 8 hours on the bus, I got off in Coopertown. I'd been here before. I liked the little down. My uncle was standing next to his beater pickup truck that remained year round at the cabin and we drove out to the cabin, which is about 5 miles out of town. He and my aunt helped me get settled in and at dinner said they would be up most weekends and then definitely for the week my family was coming up. But they would be gone during the week. My uncle said it would be good if I could do some chores while I was there - cut fire wood, seal the driveway, repair the porch screens, etc. He had a list and said he'd definitely be up to help with the bigger things - roof, fence, remove the tree stump from the tree that fell over during the winter. I was definitely working for my keep. The cabin is 3 bedrooms on three floors, but the bottom floor wasn't much then, it was meant to be a nice family room but it only had a fold out bed where my brother and I slept most times we visited. It had it's own couch and some bunkbeds built into the wall. The top floor was two bedrooms and a bathroom and the main floor was a bedroom, dining room, big living room and a large screened in porch that over looked the woods behind the house. It was comfortable, but everything needed some work. Work that I was going to be doing. After a trip to the store my uncle and aunt left and left me to do some chores and on my own for the week. The first thing I did was jerk off all morning. Fuck that felt good. I really needed to get off. That day I realized a few other things - I needed to chop wood if I wanted a fire for warmth, there was no real television reception except grainy network television on a small television in the master bedroom (which was not my room), and that my uncle had left some money, the key to the lock on the beer fridge and a note that said I should replace what I drank with the money he left. He also said that he'd teach me stick shift over the next few weekends so I could drive around and explore. Tuesday morning I woke up and ran into Cooperstown. It's about 5 miles on hills so it's a tough run for a Long Island kid where the land is basically flat. When I got to town there was a convenience store I'd been to a few times, it had one of those old area maps in a glass case by the door. I went over and looked at it. There was a couple that came past as I was there. They recognized me and told me they were the neighbors. I remembered them and said hi. They asked how I was settling in. I said well but still figuring things out. They asked if I was getting around ok and I told them about the truck. Mr. and Mrs. Rider, the neighbors, said they were up here all summer and that Mr. Rider would come over and show me the basics of driving manual transmission. I thanked them and we split up. I walked around town, ate, walked around some more and then popped in my new earbuds and ran back to the cabin. Over the next week, Mr. Rider taught me to drive and he and Mrs. Rider showed me around town some more. When my aunt and uncle came back up that weekend, I told them all the Riders had done and my aunt and uncle took us all over to the Otesaga Hotel for Sunday brunch to say thank you. The brunch was fucking amazing - seriously I'm sure I had never seen so much insane foods. I ate like a pig - 5 plates of food from like 7 or 8 different food stations. At one point, the waiter/busboy came by when no one else was at the table and said, "You really like the food huh?" I looked up and it was this totally hot farm boy in a waiters uniform and I blushed and smiled. I said, "It's really good. There is so much good food here. I'm staying up here by myself and I haven't eaten like this in a week." He smiled and leaned in and said, "I bet I can show you some other good things to eat." I almost choked on my water. I blushed and he winked at me. Fifteen minutes later I was in a back hallway of the hotel in an alcove behind some extra stacked chairs with the busboy's cock in my mouth. I needed that cock. It was the first cock since Eli had broken my heart. I knew this wasn't the best thing to do. I didn't even know the guy and I was gobbling down his cock, but I was so fucking horny. We both had to be quick and he only lasted a few minutes before he blew his load in my mouth and I did what I had always done before, swallowed it. He pulled up his pants, said thanks, see you soon, winked at me and we made our way back out to the dining room. I spent the next few days working on the cabin and then decided to go to Riddell State Park to go hiking. I didn't have much left for clothing, so I started laundry and wore my last pair of running shorts, a tank top, took some sun screen and my hiking boots and off I went. I realized later that I must've looked like a total whore, but I never thought it at the time. I got there, by driving the pickup although I stalled out a few times. I parked near the main parking area, bathrooms, etc. and I went on the longest trail. I got about almost all the way to the other side of the park when the sky darkened and I was like, are you fucking kidding me? I luckily made it to the far south picnic area before I got totally soaked by the rain. I had to wait it out under a partially covered lean to/rain shelter. The rain ended and I made my way back to the parking area which took about an hour or hour and a half. The parking lot was empty except for my uncle's pickup and two other cars. The rain having chased everyone else away. I went into the bathroom to see how I looked and to take a leak and I ran into a mountain man. He was tall and hairy and had big arms and a belly and a beard. I stared at him a bit before I walked over to the urinal to piss. I could feel him watching me. I finished pissing and went to the sinks to wash up. I don't even know what he said to me, but I was so turned on. He pushed me to my knees and for the next 10 minutes I sucked his fat cock until he blew his load down my throat. I swallowed my second load of anonymous cum in a week. He said thanks and left. I was still in shock at having sucked another stranger's cock but then I turned and saw this sexy college age guy stroking his cock and he said, "That was so hot." He walked over to me and put is hard cock on my lips. I licked it and kissed it. I opened my lips and sucked him down and spent another 5-10 minutes sucking his cock too. He said, "I'm going to cum." I guess he was warning me so I could pull off, but I never had previously with Eli or the other guys so it never occurred to me to stop sucking his cock before he shot his load. I kept going. He grabbed my head and thrust his cock into my throat and came and I swallowed it all. He sucked me off because I was totally bursting out of my shorts and then we talked sitting outside on a wet picnic table. He asked if I liked sucking off old guys and I said that was my first time and I was just so horny that I did it. He said, if you want to meet guys our age then try Wilbur Park. It's near SUNY Oneonta and just a little farther away than where I'd told him I was staying. He said there are more college guys over there looking and not many of them come all the way over here unless they are into married middle aged dick. I wondered at him saying that married middle aged cock was different than college dick - I thought it's cock; just cock. It's fleshy and some are bigger and fatter than others? I don't know where that thought came from, but I realized it was true. Cock is cock and cum is cum. I smiled at my thought and at him. He said it was nice meeting me and he said he hoped to see me at Wilbur Park sometime soon. He left and so did I. I went home and jerked off thinking about the three new cocks I'd sucked in one week. How I had swallowed all their cum. I came so hard. I jerked off all week thinking about each cock and how their cum all tasted different from Eli's and I remembered Eli fucking me and I wondered what other cocks would feel like fucking me. I smiled. Wilbur Park next.
    2 points
  26. I knew I couldn't avoid seeing Eli. We had too many classes together. I managed to avoid him in the morning, but by lunch he was sitting next to me and chatting away as if nothing happened. I could barely speak. Eli said, meet me in the bathroom during sixth period. He knew I had a free period (well, study hall; but we were near the end so we weren't studying). I said ok and got up to go outside. I walked outside and walked right into a group of football players. I could see Jason and heard him talking about this slut he fucked over the weekend while "her" boyfriend was out of town. I sat on a bench and needed air. I felt sick. Jason looked over at me and smiled and winked. All I could see was the repeating image of him fucking my boyfriend and hearing my boyfriend begging Jason to cum in his ass. I went back to classes and was on autopilot all day. I met Eli in the bathroom and he said, "We have to be fast. Get on your knees and suck my dick." I couldn't believe it, but I found myself on my knees and reaching for the button on his jeans. I took his cock out of his boxers and looked at it. It was beautiful. Such a nice cock. I opened my mouth and sucked the tip and then licked it all over. I was savoring the taste. I forgot all about being mad and hurt and focused on the cock. The cock that made me feel so good. I wanted it in my mouth. I started to really suck and stroke his cock. Eli moaned and said, "Damn babe, you are going to suck that cum right out of me." He grabbed my head and started to shove is cock in my mouth harder. I kept up the suction and he started using my mouth like he normally fucked my ass. I loved it. I wanted his cock and cum. I felt his strokes get faster and then he said, "Swallow." He came in my mouth and I swallowed. I wiped my mouth. I stood up. And said, "Meet me at my place after school. My parents are going to me out tonight." He smiled and as I washed my hands and checked myself in the mirror for cum stains, Eli grabbed my ass and said, "Later babe." I walked home alone because I saw Eli and Jason talking after the last bell. I couldn't wait for them to finish. I got home, cleaned out and Eli drove up as I was getting out of the bathroom. I answered the door in my shorts and we went to my bedroom. I closed the door and said, "I saw you." I said it so quietly that he didn't hear me. Eli was taking off his shirt. He looked and me and I said, "I saw you and Jason fucking." He was surprised. I told him that I saw them when I went over to surprise him. I asked him why he was cheating on me. I said I always give him what he wants. I'd fuck him if he wanted me too. He said that he loved me, but he and Jason had been fucking since freshman year. Then, I asked him why he was having unprotected sex with me and with other people. I asked why he put me at risk when I thought I was the only one he was having sex with. Eli was surprised at first. He then smiled and said, "Babe you are not the only person I'm having sex with. I never said you were. You just assumed that." Then he put his hand on my waist and pushed my shorts down some and his hand was on my bare thigh. He said, "As for the unprotected sex, you are the one that rode my cock without a condom the first time. And when we fucked every time after that you wanted it without condoms. In fact, I think you are hooked on me cumming inside you." That said, he slipped his hand into my asscrack and fingered my hole. I let him lower my shorts. I bent over the desk and Eli ate my ass. I loved how he ate my ass to open me up. I was bent over my desk and holding on when he dropped his shorts, spit on his cock, put it on my hole and said, "Should I wear a condom? They are right next to your hand." I pushed my ass back. Eli was right. I was addicted to Eli cumming inside me. His cock slipped uncovered into my ass. That cheating asshole was now inside my asshole. I was a lot looser now than I was just a few months ago and he could start fucking me right away. He fucked me pulling all the way out and then shoving back in my ass. He fucked me hard and fast. He said, "I'm going to cum. Do you want me to cum inside you?" I groaned and said yes. He came in my ass in one last shove. I felt his dick jerk and the warm feeling as he shot inside me. He pulled out and said he had to go. I laid on the bed and felt my warm asshole filled with Eli's cum. I couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt. I also started to think about the danger I put myself in. Eli hadn't said that he was just having sex with Jason and I, but that I wasn't the only one. That must mean there were others. I was scared. But, that didn't stop me. Eli fucked me almost everyday until the Tuesday before graduation. He fucked me in the bathroom that day and came deep in my ass again. I couldn't reconcile the fact that I knew he was cheating and that the unsafe sex was putting me at risk with the fact that I loved Eli and wanted him. After Eli sucked me off, we were cleaning up and then he did it. Eli broke up with me. I was stunned. He said, "Zach you are a great fuck. We need to break up though. I want to go away this summer and we are going to date other people when we get to college. We should make a clean break now so it doesn't get messy." I was stunned into silence. For the second time in a month, Eli had "gut-punched" me. I was silent and I started to cry. Eli held me for a bit and said, "I'm sorry. But I know this is for the best." He turned and left the bathroom. His cum in my ass was still wet and he had left me. Over the next week, I got progressively sadder until I couldn't get out of bed. My mom had to force me to go to graduation. I was so sad. I graduated and then went to a party that night, but came home early. I came home to find most of our family still at the house. I was sad, but stayed up and chatted with them. My grandmother said, "You're sad to be leaving all your friends and going to college. We understand. But, you will make new ones." I hugged her and before I cried in front of everyone, I went to bed. In the morning, my parents told me that my aunt and uncle had said I could go stay in their cabin upstate for the summer for as long as I wanted. My mom said that it might help cheer me up. Dad said it would be good having me out of the house and on my own like he was at my age. I looked at them and smiled. Yeah, 4 hours away from Eli was perfect. We all agreed and called my aunt and uncle. I would take the bus from Long Island to Cooperstown that Friday and they would meet me and take me to the cabin.
    2 points
  27. True, drscorpio. Way too tame IMHO, but that's probably a matter of taste... I really got off on the sex scene with those three guys taking turns breeding Zach's ass. But just because of their kinda wasted faces, to be honest. Unfortunately, your imagination has to totally rely on those visual cues, because the topic of "chasing" is never really addressed in the film. Wish there was a more explicit, especially more outspoken version. Would love to see that same scene dubbed with some nasty POZ talk... Wondering what the mainstream critics would have to say about a "chaser" short film done Breeding Zone style. They'd probably go berserk. Would love to read their reviews... LOL
    2 points
  28. Honestly, I think the name of the short film is a lot of the problem. For people who frequent this forum, "Chaser" means someone who is seeking poz loads and begging tops "Shoot your poz load in me. Knock me up" rather than a bottom who takes all loads without actively seeking poz cum as Zach is depicted in the film. Even though I find the film hot, it did not live up to my expectations nor all the hype I had heard about it. Clearly Zach is taking risks, but his "chase" is pretty tame compared to what gets talked about on Breeding Zone.
    2 points
  29. At a sauna yesterday I struggled to maintain a hard on after an hour of no action. I decided not to try to top but to find a room and to lie back with legs in the air seeking to catch a top. I did get fucked pretty soon, no load, and left. Tonight I tried a different sauna. Once again I struggled to maintain an erection which is certainly not a problem I usually have. This time I had come prepared with a metal cockring. Alas it had no real effect. Since I hadn’t been getting any fuck action I headed into a booth to suck cocks through a gloryhole . A guy with a smallish cock slipped it through and I set to action. Somewhat to my surprise he was soon moaning and clearly going to cum. I made sure it would be in my mouth. The most curious thing happened. When he came in my mouth I got an immediate huge hard boner which was trapped in my cockring. After he left I rushed into the dark room hoping to find someone to top. Before long a guy was sucking and rimming me. I could feel his prelubed asshole and soon we were fucking and eventually I deposited my seed in his hole.
    1 point
  30. Wish u lived newest me so I could use ur poz holes bb every day and night multiple times for life as I pleased and French kiss u and ur loaded ass and ws with u.🤤
    1 point
  31. Hmmmmmmm ...... when was that - I mean when you spent a lot of time in Chgo ..... Maybe we know each other better than we think !!!! <<<filthy grinnnnnnnn >>>
    1 point
  32. am i a different person? i want to say yes but the truth is, when it happens it just feels like an honest moment when i can be more myself than who i force myself to be. long story short: the only reasons im not a constant cumdump faggot whore 24/7 include: - societal homophobia -toxic masculinity - aids phobia - an reluctance to get reinfected follow an STI bout - cultural slut shaming - cultural pro-monogamy propaganda
    1 point
  33. Most guys I hook with just cum and go, I love how dirty I feel just being a cum dump
    1 point
  34. I get hard and usually cum after top cum in me.
    1 point
  35. Got lucky yesterday while out on my morning beach run. Was running along the beach, shirt off, muscles showing, wearing my usual running shorts that kind of highlight my bulge and show off my leg muscles…anyway a sexy af younger stud was running towards me…we pass, make eye contact…he keeps going and I keep going my direction. Little did I know, he turned around and started coming back towards me from behind. I didn’t notice as I was focused on running and listening to music. I finally reach the spot where I usually stop and stretch. There’s a bluff above there and some good places to fuck, which I’ve been lucky enough to have enjoyed in the past. This sexy guy, covered in sweat, shirt off, gorgeous body, fit, tan, light brown hair, blue eyes…just my type of guy…he comes up to me and starts talking about the weather, running, etc. I keep glancing at his package and going back to his gorgeous face…he’s getting the vibe that I’m into him. He’s looking down at my hardening cock that’s being constrained by my jock. Looks like he’s very interested in finding out what’s inside my shorts. I kind of ask him what he’s up to after the run, if he’d like to stretch together. Told him about the spot on the bluff that’s perfect for stretching and hanging out. We head that way. He’s in front of me and his bubble butt is right in my face as we’re climbing the hill. Fuck, at this point my cock is leaking precum and swollen inside my jock. We get to a good spot that’s out of view. He comes over to me and reaches out to grab my cock, but in a nonchalant way. I grab his hand before he touches my bulge and guide it to my chest, I pull him in for a deep kiss. We start making out, pressing our sweaty bodies against each other. I pull down my shorts and step out of them, now just wearing my jock. He pulls his shorts down and doesn’t have any luring else on…just his sexy body showing and a huge cock with low hangers. Had to be at least 9”. I drop to start sucking on him. He’s rock hard and thickening as I gag on deep throating him. He’s leaking so much precum. Lucky for me I prepped in the morning while showering so my ass was ready for cock. I turn around and get on all 4’s to present my cumhole. He lines up and penetrates me in the most sensuous way. He’s sliding into my velvet smooth hole inch by inch until his balls are resting on my body. He starts pumping and pistoning in and out. I’m matching his rhythm by contracting my ass muscles as he’s sliding out in the hopes that I’m milking him good. Finally after a few mins he’s breathing hard and moaning with pleasure. His cock is now very stiff and my hole is slick by all his precum…finally he blows, driving forward balls deep and I feel his cock throbbing and that nice warmth of cum coating my ass walls. At that point I am having an anal orgasm and uncontrollably start shooting my load all over the ground. It was intense. We’ll hopefully meet up again for another run.
    1 point
  36. when i was younger id get hard all the time but i was also more choosy about my tops and bottomed most to enhance my own orgasm so it was all very male and selfish. the older i got the more i started living in the moment and enjoying bottoming for the fuck. as i slowly morphed into a no cock refused sub bottom slut my own dick became less and less important and rarely gets hard. i usually wear a jock to help hide it. sometimes after the fuck(s) ill realize that the pouch is full of a load i leaked out while enjoying the fuck. it's in these moments i feel most like a bitch w a cunt.
    1 point
  37. Monday night after practice, Tom showed up at Coach's door for game vids. The two watched as if nothing else had ever happened. When the finished, Coach said, "Boy, strip. and give me ten." Tom did as he was told but Coach said, "Wait, you do your pushups on this special board." Tom had never seen such a board. It had a sort of tube attached. Tom was to start from the down position with his dick in the tube. Tom did as told. He began the up and down motions, on the down there was no problem, on the up the tube squeezed Tom's elephant cock pulling on it as he pushed his body up. Stretching the already huge cock. When Tom counted the tenth repitition, Tom got a surprise, a jolt of electricty ran thru hiis big dick and he came. He came a lot. Tom turned to coach, saying, "I'm sorry Coach, it just happened." Coach smiled saying, "Electricity can be a wonderfu thing boy. No go clean out your hole. You need a dose of fresh cum. Coach took the cup off the tube that had collected Tom's cum. He put it into a needles syringe baister. When Tom came out of the bathroom, all naked, Coach had him bend over a chair, shot Tom's own cum into his hole and began to fuck away at him. "Tom, do you want my cum,"Coach demanded. Tom could only ned, he begged. Coach was fucking him like a 2 bit whore. Coach gave three loads to his stud quarterback and said, "Boy, you will get plenty more hot cum. Good thing you like it. But, you are going to have to learn to top, too. We will work on that with a friend of mine. I never bottom. " Coach produced a larger plug than before, forced it into Tom's ass and sent him home saying," take it out in my office in the morning, not before." Tom dressed, thanked Coach and moved toward the door. Coach shouted,"Halt, my special sluts get a kiss." He and Tom engaged in a long wet kiss. And then again. When they finally broke, Tom got on his motorcycle and headed home. His mind was agog. The plug was driving him crazy with every move. He fell asleep around midnight. His dreams were of cock.
    1 point
  38. Absolutely! Love that delicious aroma. Nothing else quite like that smell when walking into the booths in an adult arcade on a busy night.
    1 point
  39. I hate all the sub folders we create when in fact I assume we would be pretty open to fucking around with any man who interests us- or at least makes us take a few extra looks at them be it at the beach the mall or the doctors office. That said, in my head, ANY man who has settled into a more domestic life and has a spouse and/or rug rats , and devotes his energy and attention to his family is in the realm of a DILF. Age wise, they could be 21 or 61; but the concept that they are grounded and have responsibilities makes the man more alluring. Not that I wouldn't bend over for the 18 year old skateboarder who knows the latest video game but cannot figure out how to have any money in his pocket is a fuck, but not a particularly "attractive" hook up, even if he is smoking sexy.
    1 point
  40. I love being fucked this way, cuffed aswell for the total submissive feeling. X x
    1 point
  41. I used to get hard getting fucked a lot more than I do now. Not sure why, probably a mixture of things. Getting older for one. And psychological conditioning that as a sub, my worthless cock should always stay soft (and either hidden in a jock or caged) as a mark of respect to the top and his alpha cock. Thinking about the second bit tends to get me hard when I’m alone. When I’m actually getting fucked, I’m pretty good now at focusing on that, and on the top’s cock, and usually mine stays soft like it’s supposed to. I’m quite proud of that.
    1 point
  42. I'm a Bottom and I'm hard to start with, then go limp, but my butt is so sensitive to the sensations I can't think of anything else. I stream precum and regularly cum without a single touch to my cock, which has also lead to multiple orgasms from my prostate being rubbed and then I can still orgasm from a wank too!
    1 point
  43. Total bottom here I’m always hard when I get fucked 😈
    1 point
  44. I always push their eager mouths down to clean up my balls for those first few moments before allowing them up to my dripping shaft. The heady mix of ass juices and cum is pretty intoxicating--I certainly know why they are eager to get to it.
    1 point
  45. I love it especially during group sex. And when a guy cums in my ass and has me lick his dick clean. Love the taste of my hole on someone’s cock
    1 point
  46. DM me your address, and I'll send you a zine with your favorite chapter from this story and something I haven't published yet. (This is an open offer, not just for BBArchangel)
    1 point
  47. absolutely. I crave cock when I am horny and when that button goes into slut mode in my head - nothing satisfies me like cock. I just have to get fucked. I can work for a couple of days and it does not enter my head much but when it does - that's it - I have tro get cock and seed.
    1 point
  48. I go for my first hair removal treatment and since I have very little hair to begin with it goes quickly. This will be my first night at the building and I’m kinda scared as all I will have on is the baseball cap , shoes and this small jock strap with my ass handing out. I’m on the floor for my shift and the place is busy in the main area with guys fucking and sucking, as I walk around taking orders. It’s then I found out what light & heavy points are syringes and on the tray with alcohol wipes with a rubber strap. There a few green light on so I’m taking orders as fast as I can and I relies my dick is rock hard and I’m wet. Everyone is very nice to me with a smile and a tap on my ass cheeks as I smile back. The person at the bar says you are a natural shaking your booty as you walk around. I see people of all ages here all doing some kind of sex act and most I have never seen before , like in one room they ask for 5 heavy point, shards, spike lube and poppers. I come back later when the light is green and I see he has his arm up the other guys ass and he is begging for more so he ask me to hold a bottle of poppers under his nose. The fister is smiling at me as he can see I’m rock hard , he says I see you have never seen something like this before, I say WOW you are so right as he laugh and say one day this might be you in the sling and little does he know I have never had anything up my hole. My shift is over and as I leave the bar tender says you did great and hands me the envelope I walk out the door past the doorman & security then I open the envelope and I see $500 in it WOW that is 2 weeks pay busing tables. Some days they ask me to go in and clean up for a few hours witch I do as I get to see what all the side rooms are about without anyone in them, some have slings , benches , OBGYN tables and one room that is the special room with Bio Hazard symbol on it’s walls , I wonder what goes on in this room as in the 2 week I have been here this room I have not seen it used during my shift. Larry comes by and says I’m doing a great job and needs my help on the second floor for a few minutes. We get off the elevator and it’s WOW as this is like a palace with 12 rooms we have to move a bed from one room to another, from what I hear a private party will be going on here. I see a this hot looking guy with a body to die for in a small speedo come up to Larry and say something to him and he looks worried , he ask me if I want to make $300 real quick, I say YES. This HOT guy leads me by the hand and gives me what is going to happen. He has a client who want a rough fuck with 2 Tops and say I have never done anything like this and he laughs and says you have seen what goes on down stairs, I smile and tells me to take shower as he will be here soon.I get out of the shower and the client is here and says to me how old are you and the HOT guy slaps him on the face as I see him giving him a slam and says look at that dick that is going to be raping your hole soon. We get him sucking our dicks and HOT guy starts fucking him first and soon dumps a load in him raw, the client is told to turn around and starts to suck the dick that just came out of his ass and now it’s my turn and the very first time I’m fucking anyone in my life. I’m told just go balls deep and I do and I feel the cum from Hot guy making it easy as the client is grunting , I'm fucking him as fast as I can going all the way in and pulling out then all the way in balls deep and it does not me long to cum with a load like I was pissing in his hole as I pulled out my cum is splashing all over us and HOT guy tells him to lick my dick and all the cum up that is on our bodies. I’m still hard as I slap my dick on the client face as HOT guy says this is what a real man is, later HOT guy says I’m a natural and I say at what and he laugh as a working boy. As I leave Larry say thanks as I help him out of a sticky situation then hands me $300.
    1 point
  49. hs sk8r here - luv to hear more about this
    1 point
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