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Everything posted by norefusal

  1. the body regulates sperm temperature to keep it healthy. between 90-95 deg. if it felt warmer than usual, his balls were prob just a bit hot - like tight pants on a hot day sweaty. was he out on a summer bike ride in lycra? jizz can taste funky or look discolored if diseased or unhealthy. but i don't think it's noticeably warmer.
  2. am i a different person? i want to say yes but the truth is, when it happens it just feels like an honest moment when i can be more myself than who i force myself to be. long story short: the only reasons im not a constant cumdump faggot whore 24/7 include: - societal homophobia -toxic masculinity - aids phobia - an reluctance to get reinfected follow an STI bout - cultural slut shaming - cultural pro-monogamy propaganda
  3. i tried PUR because it's advertised as a healthy alternative to douching. unfortunately, it's not up to the standards of today's Felix Unger neat-freak tops demanding a fully sterile exchange of bodily fluids. i continue to take it tho as i like the regularity the fiber supplements offer and douching is now easier as there's typically a whole lot less to clean out. i typically take 2 pills daily, one in am, one before bed. it's the only practical routine to ensure continuity.
  4. i wish i could have this attitude. santa etc are blips on the radar screen, not quite as optional as big foot or lock nessy but not heavily pushed imho god however is the abusive cult i was born into and even after leaving, continue to be hounded and harassed by its members. the fucking Allito douchbags aren't flying flags about the tooth fairy. they are using god as an excuse to control our lives, our bodies, our freedoms
  5. i did. but i also havnt forgotten how fucking dangerous it all was. the park during the day was the constant risk of arrest. it was common practice to ask guys point blank if they were cops before you sucked their dick because entrapment was common. at night, guys would actually periodically get murdered. and yet, there we were. cruising strangers we could barely see in densely forested areas. don't even get me started on barebacking w random strangers while hospitals were overloaded w aids patients dying horrid med-evil style deaths. we were fucking insane and lucky to still be alive imho.
  6. this is something i'm trying to work on. in the past i only had 2 types of sex: relationship sex, or anon hookups w strangers. a sort of spin on the madonna/whore syndrome. in retrospect i regret not acting in all those awkward moments when a friend gave me "the look" and i decided to ignore if for fear of ruining the friendship. as for sex parties: i'm like u but it can backfire. 1. new england is insanely compartmentalized and it boggles my mind that i've been back in my hometown for a decade and have yet to ever once run into anyone i know from the past. 2. im an introvert so a roomful of strangers can eventually go south and end w me slinking out unnoticed because i wasn't "feeling the vibe". seeing guys i hooked up w previously, actually helps get things started.
  7. ok, this is both me and who i wish i was. yeah, i've always readily given it up to any random stranger who asked, and secretly gotten turned on if they were too ugly to admit to my friends i served them like they were gods. but honestly, when i was your age, i foolishly let too many of those "haha, why don't you lick it off" awkward moments slip away for fear it would "ruin the friendship". if i could do it all again, i'd make myself the last call bottom bitch for every roommate who came home after closing frustrated to not have scored. my man ever said on his deathbed "if only i hadn't fucked so much" 😜
  8. im sure somebody did a study somewhere w data lol but on a personal note: i lived in italy in 84 and 85. princess diana was a big big deal. no one ever mention reagan once. ever. the average italian was vocal and unapologetic about their hatred of the japanese. it was shocking tbh. that's just a snap shot of one country at a particular time for what it's worth.
  9. yes! interesting i'd never made the connection between starting dialysis and the sudden worsening but it's def true in my case.
  10. interesting. i did not know any of this. i currently take cialis (i think 5mg) daily that my dr who treats my low testosterone prescribed. honestly, i'm not sure i notice any real affect. but my ED is apparently emotional per my GP, this guy, and my shrink. i was hoping it would help as a placebo but i guess that only works if you're not in on the ruse. my boners randomly show up unexpectedly depending on how my dick feels about the guy, which doesn't always match how my brain feels. they have different tastes apparently. the worst is when it randomly decides to get hard as a rock for guys who are "ew - i don't suck dick." which frustrates me to no end. if future me went back in time to tell past me that "someday, str8 guys will willing want to try sucking dick just to try it, and some self described gay guys won't suck dick at all" i'd be like "get lost nut job!" but here we have it. life in the modern world! 😜
  11. yeah, no. i wasn't trying to channel my inner kellyanne conway. but why try to explain the evils of the church to your catholic grandma? she not only drank the cool aid, she runs her own cool aid stand by the side of the road. 😜(ha. that's such a libra thing to say! )
  12. to be fair, it's starts w "i believe.... ". personally, i believe telling you im a libra gives you information on my personality. neither of these are rational or based on science or law, but if we're gonna knock belief systems: may i introduce you to the concept of an all knowing God that micromanages events on planet earth? 😜
  13. i do wonder how effective self- reporting is in these gun laws. technically, he could have been totally spun and still walked out w a gun if he'd checked the box the same way. god only knows how many non-famous addicts there are running around pew pew shoot em up. so that aspect the two cases have in common. it's good they were tried just like everyone else but if they weren't both gossip rag regulars, no one would probably know about either crime. in both cases, the cover up is the crime.
  14. 1. let me be the first to say it: i'm neither surprised nor upset by the guilty verdict. i feel bad for HB but come'on. who claims to not be a addict post rehab? just one of the poor decisions he made in his trouble life and now he's paying the price for it. 2. oh jeeze. are you single? that's a rough life attitude. jmho
  15. cop an attitude make fun of him and say you're not sure you really wanna fuck someone like him make him beg for it act like it's a pity fuck, get annoyed and rough him up a bit then when you flip, show that you were a fucking sissy faggot this whole time, desperate to take dick from a real man beg him to spit in your face as he fucks you moan like a bitch from a porno, so he'll wanna gag you just to shut u the fuck up make sure to thank him for his load
  16. i'm kinda glad i chose when to get bred. first time i took a mouthful of cum stealth it was tramatic but addictive. i raged and panicked for days yet from that day forward i became an always swallow never refuse cum whore. likewise, getting bred is addictive. i went on prep once it registered that there was no going back. but had i become a cumdump back in the aids epidemic days when i was made into a feeding pig, im not sure i would have been able to cope.
  17. holy hard-core trama bonding Batman! 😜 my first sexual encounter as a teen went from sheer ecstasy to undiluted panic very quickly. the knowledge that my desires were no longer up for debate and that i'd just been on my knees on a filthy public restroom floor relishing a rough skull fuck from a random stranger and for the first time in my life i felt "at home" was a psychological branding in its own right. i don't think i could have survived an actual mark for others to see. i probably would have offed myself tbh.
  18. yes, book learning is fun but this is one thing that is better w on the job training 😜 shout out to the dom tops over the years who took it upon themselves to train me how to take it like a true faggot. this is one area where i support old school methods. one guy would punch me in the head if i got it wrong. learned real good that way 🐷
  19. i think the pendulum swings. as a older guy, i feel like my interest in gettin bred is directly proportional to the 25 years i was told it was a suicidal death sentence. i just wonder why younger guys are so obsessed with it, especially those who lost their cherry post prep. i also feel like it's setting yourself up for failure as antidepressants, recreational drugs, ED meds, all seem to make it harder to cum. if i didn't lean in to enjoying the fuck for the fuck, all those guys who tap out (including myself) are just a waste of time. it's like bizzaro world where premature ejaculator are king
  20. oh i've given to the dems many times 😜 in a way it's the same: Hillary's emails, Hunter's lap top, Clinton's bj, Obama's beige suit... people are losing their shit over things i just shrug off. as no biggie if others can shrug off Alito's insurrection flags, Trumps unending criminal probes, Thomas' $4M grift gifts, what can i say: i see the dress as blue and black, they see it as white and gold. (btw, did u see the dress couple is getting div cause he a wife beater!)
  21. you yourself hold the key. if you are doing all this because it's fun and you're enjoying the pleasure it brings: then take @Alaric's advice and act responsibly, take control and be a proud bottom pig. and yes, by most people's standards: getting fucked by a stranger over a car bonnet in broad daylight = you've embraced your inner whore 😜welcome to the club however, if you feel you have no control over this compulsive behavior and hate yourself for it afterward, than it's probably a trauma response from past abuse and this is not the way to confront it and you should probably take a break or scale back. so just ask yourself: why am i doing this? and then act accordingly.
  22. 😂now their going to take his gun lic away! obviously Biden is behind this as revenge for Hunter's trial 😜 #professionalvictim
  23. you're gonna love learning about Dobbs v Jackson 😂
  24. BBC i know that's technically two things, since being black or being hung are as good separately as they are together 😜 doesn't help that my first sexual experience ever was w BBC, so it's got the added "you never forget your first cock" nostalgia as well
  25. wow. interesting i only come across two types of guys who fuck w condoms; 1. married guys on the DL trying to avoid STIs and blowin their cover 2. college age guys, who i assume are timidly exploring their gay side so either have a GF or just have "my high school health teacher said fucking guys would give you aids" type knowledge
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