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Everything posted by norefusal

  1. i went over to an anon GH "goatthroat's" house sat nite for the very reason @ShootDownMyThroat described above: after a busy day of servicing he needed to bust a nut in a fellow slut. his profile pic is a close up of his luscious mouth, his surrounding beard covered in thick jizz. now that's truth in advertising! 😜
  2. that being said, he still has a point. i came here not understanding the bug chasing fetish and simply by reading and listening silently, i learned. there's plenty of fetishes i don't get but i dont initiate topics about them just to say "ew". even the post he's responding to is more a statement of dislike rather than a genuine request for information.
  3. the closest tangible real life example i can think of, is when comedians complain that people come up to them after the show to say certain topics shouldn't be joked about. kinda like PC Karens i guess. this is such a non issue for me i can't even be bothered to roll my eyes. people are worried we're all gonna be thrown in jail for using the wrong pronoun, meanwhile people are actually going to jail in real life for abortion, assisted suicide, etc im not saying it's impossible but trust me, ill be long dead before this country ever becomes "too liberal" 😜
  4. i've enjoyed many a fb "relationship" over the years including one that really got me thru covid lockdown w/out going insane 😜 as for regrets: i've only two: 1. lockdown fb was the only one i had during my long marriage and if i had it all to do over id cheat on my husband every chance id get 2. like all other relationships they don't last. i'm sad some of them ended and regret if i was the cause.
  5. i'm a tight bottom so i've tried all of the advice given above. here's my rating in order of best to worst: 1. rimming etc. asses are like cunts. the more foreplay to get us in the mood the more we just open right up. it's almost shocking how wet down there the right guy can make me. 2. pull out, pause, add more lube, try again, don't force. this is my go to when guys rush to the main event. 3. walk away and find a "better" hole. this only happened to me once and i hope the guy is currently having his balls mauled by a wild dog in the most painful and prolonged way. what a dick move!
  6. tbh the gayest thing about this description is that he didn't mention having to pick up pizza for his kids' dinner while walking out zipping his pants up. in my experience str8 guys always need to mention their wives/girls/kids after they nut. i figure it's part guilt, part str8 guy arrogance (they all seem to think everyone is in love w them lol), and part reminder to both of us that what just happened was 100% about nutting and nothing more. i've hooked up w a bunch of straight identifying guys who profess to love breeding ass. and tbh they all do go right for it acting like i got a Ken doll crotch they've no interest in. one of the things i love about these guys is they're also the first to start tellin you to take it like a bitch, smacking your ass etc all the good shit they feel weird doing w the mother of their kids.
  7. i've had similar experiences w site like recon or buddy etc. anyone you chat w is way far away and the 3 guys even remote close are of course the polar opposite of what your looking for. any effort to make s&m happen always seems to come up short, not sure why. even joining the local leather group produced nada, although i've had some fun w sadists i've met thru the local nudist group. go figure. anyone else i've met on sniffies or scruff or even live cruising areas and just been lucky to find a fellow kinkster. although they've all similarly petered out too.. mostly because so much of s&m also seems to be chemsex and i'm not ready to make long term commitment w a drug addiction.
  8. last time i spit, bill clinton was in the white house! who's spitting in 2024 and why?
  9. i can't believe i'm going to say something posiTive about T but it's really what got me to love rimming and being rimmed. if you're both on T, jesus you could do nothing but stay up all night rimming the shit out of each other and consider it "great sex" lol
  10. which? chasing is just that chasing. like sex itself, often the hunt is the real thrill, sometimes more than the catch. for a lot of guys, risky sex is the kink, not being poz. for other guys it is being poz. you can't swing a virtual cat around here without hitting 20 posts about how much better sex was once they converted. and of course, for some guys it's having the gift to give that becomes the fetish. guys who focus on the disease part of it really seem to get off on the idea of spreading it. and then there's all the posts of guys looking for a "recharge" of all the things i've learned by reading this site, i can't think of ever coming across posts about how once it happened it was over and now they're deflated.
  11. some do. i was shocked when my newest doctor questioned just that during a recent check up. i stared at her for a few seconds, first deciding against saying "i dare you to name me one pill on the market today that is free of all possible side effects" then secondly deciding against saying "oh yeah, cause im sure once i get pozzed all those hiv drugs you'll prescribe me are all side effect free" complete w eye roll. instead i changed the subject. of course, she was in fact pushing the old "never leave the house without at least two condoms on" dog n pony show so... i decided to avoid sparring with someone who may be voting for kennedy in november 😜
  12. basically if you're not one of the village people i'm not interested 😜 i've gotten off w off duty bi-curious cops in public cruising areas back in the day when arrests were still common. im most often exposed to construction workers thru work so the risk of being fired for inappropriate behavior is an added heart-pumping kink. oh, and anyone who's a gangbanger/punk/thug mmmmm... that horrid/wonderful moment where you don't know if they're going to kiss you or kill you. to quote Ken "sublime!" 😜
  13. sorry. i'm an older gay guy from the boston area. it's safe to assume almost every word out of my mouth is sarcasm said with the tone of a true smartass. 😜
  14. not sure what you mean by "profile" i get your overall point: it reminds me of circa 1990 when a fag could take a sip of miller lite and a drag off his marlboro and then go "stop bangin on about jesse helms. i'm not into politics" lol but i also get that i don't mention it on grindr because i like my men like i like my coffee: the less i know about it the better! im sure ive unknowingly sucked MAGA dick and i'd swallow every drop again. when it comes to dick, i support "don't ask, don't tell" 😜
  15. well, now it's out that he's nothing more than a gop operative tryin to help get our american hitler elected again. his family must be proud lol
  16. not dirty unwashed gross but masc man scent. last week i went out to a leather bar. this hot daddy probably showered well before getting dressed to go out, but after freeballin in a pair of tight leather pants for a few hours, when i went down on him in the back room the ball sweat was intoxicating. i could have lived in that man's crotch for days, i was gettin high off the musk 😜
  17. it's the smell that bothers me most. i've had tops make this request and sometimes it goes well but other times it starts to smell and i'm put off. but i get this more w bottoms who didn't prepare. i don't even mind fingering or fucking it but the smell especially once i'm out... i have to go running for the sink and just scrub scrub scrub lol idk some dirty is too dirty
  18. how did you keep track? i went to 2 dif sex parties plus a 3rd nite in a backroom of a club so i'm guessing anywhere from 12 to 20 but group action often get me living in the moment and then not totally remembering exact details. then there were 3 at home hook ups w 2 dif guys. anal i remember better. def 5 guys fucked my ass, possibly a 6th.
  19. it's like that old paris hilton quip "my mother always told me only ugly girls gave bjs" 😜 anyone who's ever spent time on their knees in public cruising spots either indoors or outside knows they are the filthiest most disgusting places on earth and you're wallowing in the filth letting strangers stick their piss sticks into your mouth like it's a cunt, using you to get off. if you're lucky, a group will form and openly talk about what a faggit u are right in front of u like u don't matter. no ones is making love to you in a bed. your getting used and forgotten like a $5 crack whore but you're too pathetic to even charge. it's slut nirvana. 🐷
  20. i love porn cause it's so fucked up. i don't know why but i've jerked off to several vids of this trio of actors playing incestuous 3 generation sluts - just something about your real dad and your granddad taking turns destroying your hole 💦💦💦💦gets me everytime
  21. there's only so much we can do ourselves ultimately i'd love to have a Sir who whores me out. that way i could be tied down, hooded, gagged, ear plugged etc but i'd have a pimp: someone encouraging guys to use me, piss on me etc but also protecting me from the real creeps so noone damages his property so to speak 😜 i came closest once but he insisted i be a chem whore too and as hot as the sex was it wasn't worth the price of addiction. i'm also probably too past my prime to ever get this wish fulfilled but that's the irony: younger/hotter me never would have been grounded enough to do it. it takes a lot of self confidence to be a total sub.
  22. i struggle w this still. hostin at home door open i slip the blindfold on when i hear the car drive up. listening to the door open and the steps approach is a huge turn on. but waitin ass up at the bathhouse there's downtime between tops and if i listen to my phone i get lost and when i suddenly feel a hand on me i jump. i've literally scared guys away lol
  23. 1. i get pleasure giving pleasure so fisting a bottom till he cums is as satisfying as sucking dick till it unloads in your mouth 2. it's a great feeling of power or masc energy or whatever to literally punch a guy's cunt. i mean u have to be gentle and give pleasure but just the act itself of having your fist up a man's butt is violent and kinda rapey in a good way 3. the older i get the harder it is to always be ready to rock n roll at a moments notice. drugs enhance sex but they're also often boner killers. fisting gives me a way to top when i feel like it ever if my dick doesn't cooperate
  24. this. the more i did it the more addicted i got to raw is law but as free and easy as i am w it now, nothing can replace the thrill of playing russian roulette w dick - not knowing which one would have the bullet it's a weird trauma kink id love to eradicate hiv so we can all fuck bare like we were meant to but sometimes in a disturbed way i think "these poor younger guys, they'll never know the thrill of truely dangerous sex at a time when society despised you as a pervert"
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