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Everything posted by tallslenderguy

  1. Not sure i can add anything new. Like others, i see the term as a social or cultural construct. Go to a gay sex club and ask and one will likely get a different answer than if they asked Jimmy Swaggart (and he's gotta have some inner conflict lol). To me it's one of those words like "faggot" or "queer" that has been taken back by a lot of gays and owned. Labels are always just a starting place for me, people are individuals and there seems infinite variation on those labels. i think communication is necessary to see the real person beyond the label.
  2. Just left about 10 minutes ago... great way to start a Sunday morning. He was gone a few days and got home horny. Our sex is always intense, He is so verbal when i'm giving Him oral, really puts me in the zone and keeps me there as long as He wants, but always ends with: "I wanna fuck you." i'm finally pretty sure He's a fast cummer by the time it gets to fucking, almost instantly feel creamed. i've tried talking to Him about it, telling Him how hot i think it is and how it doesn't matter if it takes a long time to cum or no time at all. Too bad there's such a stigma attached to it, especially since He's bi. i think He's just conditioned Himself to keep fucking even after He has cum. i also know He's a multiple shooter, so that also may be why He keeps fucking after initially cumming. i have no preference, as long as He is just being Him and is happy about it. Feels so good to have Him in me, even after He leaves. Heaven.
  3. i wonder if Dorothy has figured out this is not Kansas and left. It's pretty remarkable how much stereotyping, transference and ignorance he put into so few words.
  4. Personally, i'm all for group sex... one at a time. i couldn't mark any of the survey answers because i would not want to do any of those. i don't want to ever "ignore" a Man Who wants to penetrate me, but i want to be all His when it's happening, and the notion of multitasking has been proven to be an illusion. Our brains are quick, and can switch back and forth between 'tasks,' giving the illusion of giving attention to two things simultaneously, but we are dividing our time. Which is fine if that's what everyone wants, but personally, i want to spend my full attention on the Man inside of me and cannot do that with two Guys at a time. "We sacrifice our power of full presence when we're multitasking, and we do so for a perceived benefit of improved productivity that simply doesn't exist. Research indicates that multitaskers are actually less likely to be productive, yet they feel more emotionally satisfied with their work, thus creating an illusion of productivity." [think before following links] https://www.inc.com/scott-mautz/psychology-and-neuroscience-blow-up-the-myth-of-effective-multitasking.html
  5. About 30 minutes ago. FB lots of oral, He loves it so much and is so expressive. Him being turned is like fuel for me and keeps me so horny and in heat. i think He was particularly turned on this time, He came almost instantly and continues to pound me. i love how gaped and slippery cum wet He leaves me. Gotta really clench to hold His cum in, though i did finger myself after and lick my fingers, so fucking good. His scent is all over my face, better than poppers.
  6. Not into being sucked or touched, except to edge, and my balls are super sensitive to pain. but when i'm between a Guys legs, pretty much everything between His knees and His navel are 'cock' to me. my mouth and tongue are gonna be all over His places, depending on what He likes and turns Him on. its particularly hot when i can fit His cock and both His balls in my mouth at once.
  7. i think the Top requiring pics and stats wants more than just a body or hole to dump His cum into.
  8. lol... spell check strikes again, shoulda been cocks not "cops". (i don't know how many of the cocks belonged to "cops")
  9. Only you can decide, eh? And this reads like you have. We're all individuals and land at different places on this depending on who and how we are. Of the thousands of cops and loads i have received, i can count on one hand the number of times there was a condom on the cock. i lived through the AID's pandemic of the 80's and lost my oldest gay brother to AID's. It was awful and scary, but never scary enough to outweigh my need/desire/drive for a Mans bare cock and seed inside of me. Life is full of risk. The recent Covid pandemic reminds us that going to the grocery store can result in ones death, i.e., that just breathing the air of someone who is contagious can result in death. i think a lot of hesitation and fear are associated with the cultural stigmatization that often accompanies sex. Death and sickness are an intrinsic part of life, but some sources of both get a lot more attention than others. For me? It's a lot more deleterious to my life and living to go without the joy and pleasure of being with a Man, to go without the complete connection of BB sex, than the risk of getting a disease.
  10. i've often wondered about bias and stereotyping in the gay community. Being gay was my own personal awakening to the realities of bias, privilege, stereotyping, etc., because i got to experience those things first hand, even to the point of having them against my self. No doubt, culture conditions, effects and influences us and our behavior, often without regard or consideration of who and how we essentially are. The results are complex and seem to affect us individually and as groups. my personal take away and ongoing effort is to realize that i have conditioned attitudes, notions, bias. Many (most?) of those are unconsciously accepted and acted and are scattered across all sorts of 'groups' like race, age, gender, occupation, to name a few. i want to be aware because my personal moral ethic wants to be kind, love and respond to a person as they are, not as how i see them. While we are all members of groups, (e.g., i'm gay and part of the gay culture, i'm white and part of white culture, i'm a nurse, and part of nurse culture), we are all also individuals with infinite variation. i do not believe it's possible to respond accurately to individuals if we do not make the effort to see and hear them for who they are. i think part of that process involves seeing and acknowledging our own preconceived notions and being able to set them aside in deference to the individual. The human brain naturally groups people. A search of scientific research on the topic provides a plethora of information on the topic. Here's one such piece entitled: "Implicit stereotypes and the predictive brain: cognition and culture in “biased” person perception" [think before following links] https://www.nature.com/articles/palcomms201786
  11. "WASHINGTON – Are South Carolina voters among the most progressive in the country? Did they elect not one – but TWO – gay U.S. senators? That’s a fair conclusion after reading today’s story from Axios, “GOP donors fret over Scott’s single status.” Per the story, “Top GOP donors and their allies privately are pushing Sen. Tim Scott’s team for more detail about his bachelor status before deciding how much to support him in the presidential campaign, according to two people familiar with the conversations.” TOP STORIES FEDERAL JUDGE TEMPORARILY BLOCKS TEXAS’ BAN ON DRAG PERFORMANCES It continues, “some donors have questions.” Of course, Axios doesn’t dare go there and address what “questions” his single status might raise. So let me do it: Tim Scott is rumored to be gay, just like the senior senator from South Carolina, as the Blade has reported many times. Male escorts in D.C. have openly claimed that Sen. Lindsey Graham has been a client. (If you have an iron stomach, Google “Lindsey Graham ladybugs” for the details.)" [think before following links] https://www.losangelesblade.com/2023/08/31/does-south-carolina-have-two-gay-u-s-senators/
  12. Just left. He had taken a break from work earlier and came by, so fucking good... then He called and asked for "round too" and said: "it's okay if you don't want to." lol, right. i was still creamy from His first load and He needed to unload again. Really, He getting into the oral a lot, and so am i. Fuck, i love His pleasure, and He fucks me into a rag doll every time. i'm wasted in a sweet way and full of His seed. Gonna sleep so well tonight with Him inside of me.
  13. This afternoon. i can't get too much of Him, my mouth was all over Him. He's so non vocal when He is fucking me, even though He fucks hard, pounds the hell out of me. God i love Him. When i am giving Him oral, He is so vocally expressive, so obviously enjoying, drives me wild and i do not get tired of giving Him oral, i just get in the zone and stay there till He says He wants to fuck me... and fills me with cum.
  14. idk, in my experience, i do not find many guys who are open about their feelings. i think Western culture has long conditioned against males sharing, or even having, feelings. i believe all humans have emotions and cognition, but i do not find many guys who are in touch with what and how they feel. The lack of self awareness results in an inability, or lack of skill, when it comes to articulating about ones feelings. i think fear plays into it quite a bit as well. Culture promotes the notion that 'image is everything,' so we end up with a culture where people wear a facade instead of presenting as they are, hoping to get some form of acceptance and affirmation. But it's a very empty way to live because the true self is not seen, so such a one never knows if they are liked. i'm not one for advocating wearing the proverbial heart on the sleeve, but i do think we miss out on the beauty of connecting and bonding because we hide our feelings. Even extroverts are not necessarily showing what is really there. Being open is vulnerable, it's always a risk, but if there's attraction, i think it's worth the risk.
  15. i've done this too at gay resorts, CCBC among them, All Worlds in PS, Inn Leather in Ft Lauderdale, Las Vegas. Works with varying results. For years most of my sex was anonymous walk in, especially when CL was a thing. And it's always door ajar, not wide open... though at the gay resorts, my window curtains are drawn and i'm on display ass up and ready. Some Guys close them when they come in and fuck, others leave them open. i feel safe doing it at a gay resort, and will sometimes pass on anonymous walk in at home if i get a feeling the guy is sketchy. At home i have pretty good set us, a back door that walks almost directly into my bedroom. To me, it's similar to cruising restrooms or ABS or sex clubs with rooms, but not as safe. Of the thousands of cocks i have had, easily 95% have been anonymous and some form of walk in breeding.
  16. Earlier today. Was out hiking in the Redwoods this week with a (platonic) friend. Horny as hell all week, my FB messaged me a couple of times while i was gone, which didn't help with the horniness. Woke up this morning and He'd texted me last night after 11 asking when i was going to be home. Prepped for Him first thing this morning and texted Him. Damn, was so good. He has really gotten under my skin. i never used to rim, it always 'felt' like topping to me, but He is so vocal and responsive to my mouth, licking, kissing, sucking, His obvious vocalized pleasure drives me wild and i'll pretty much do whatever He wants to pleasure Him. It's all foreplay, which is probably why i can do it and love it, because He only wants to cum in my ass, breeding me. Also, i get so fucking zoned with Him, i never get tired pleasuring Him with my mouth, He keeps me so turned on by His pleasure. That was about 10 am, left my hole full of cum and it's 720pm now and i haven't lost a drop of His cum. Awesome day.
  17. 2 hours ago? Was traveling last 7 days on family emergency, so really missed my sweet FB. He kept in touch, enquiring how i was, but could tell He was horny, and so was i. i wanted Him so bad. i can still smell His scent all over my face, and i'm still in heaven. i'm not usually heavily oral, and i never rim, but He is so vocal and loves everything i do with my mouth, and i know He wants it, so i was all over His ass, cock, balls, hole, thighs. It drives me wild when He kisses my back and shoulders when He is fucking me, turns out my kissed drive Him wild as well. Ultimately though, He loves to breed. That's the way He likes to cum, inside of me, so i think that enhances my passion and being in the zone. i don't ever get bored or feel like: "when's He gonna fuck me?" i get so much pleasure out of His obvious pleasure, it all just flows naturally. Damn i feel wonderful.
  18. To me this seems sort of like going to a restaurant and the waiter telling you they would not feed you until you purged. It seems to me he was in the wrong place for his expectations.
  19. As an aside, i'd like to express a bit about the word "promiscuity." It's generally used pejoratively as a social norm. One might suggest, from a different perspective, that those who are not similar are "frigid."
  20. To me the idea of expelling or losing a drop of a Mans seed once He has planted it inside of me is offensive. "Cleaning" it out is psychologically tantamount to an abortion to me. Then there is this: "Despite the lack of direct research, Gallup said he “wouldn’t be a bit surprised” if oral and anal sex provided a mood boost. “There’s no guarantee that all of the ingredients in semen will survive the digestion process and stomach acid, which could conceivably change some of the semen chemistry. But given what we know about birth control pills, most of the hormones should survive.”Regarding anal sex, he added: “My guess would be that the chemicals in semen would be absorbed through the lining of the colon.” Here’s some related research that’s worth mentioning: “There’s some evidence that gay males following anal intercourse will go out of their way to try to retain the semen for extended periods of time, which suggests psychotropic effects,” Gallup says. (I wonder whether the “sexiness” quotient of having your partner’s semen inside you might be another, perhaps complimentary, explanation.)" [think before following links] https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-05/come-again-science-semen-part-deux/
  21. yeah :-). i have two pumps. Here's one of them. i don't typically use 'toys' on myself, but sometimes a Man likes using toys on/with me.
  22. i can't remember ever trying to keep count long term... even short term (like in one night) it's not something i really focused on. Mostly, when it was asked here how many over a life time, i'd have to estimate. 40 (years) x approximately how many a week. So 40x52xapproximately=_________. And that's varied. Some years it was at least a couple of times a day. Others, a couple of times a week. But really, is it's been an estimate since the second time? idk. Somewhere between 3000 and 6000 cocks (not loads) conservatively. But never counted after the first couple of times. Apps have made sex much harder and less frequent to get in my experience. When cruising was the way i got sex, i went to a location and got fucked, usually several times a visit. It was dependable and easy. So i got a lot more sex that way. Less now, it's more of a process and not as dependable.
  23. Ditto this. Also depends on the Tops Cock length and whether He is seeding me past the 'second hole' (the sigmoid curve). For me, once it gets past that curve, it's not gonna come back out or "leak." If it doesn't get past that curve, even if i sleep with the cum inside of me over night, it comes back out eventually. my sense is, if it gets past the curve, i absorb the seed and am impregnated by Him... which "feels" awesome. For me though, it's not all about the cum. Don't get me wrong, i love and crave a Mans seed inside of me... i'm one of those guys who doesn't hesitate to empty a found condom into my hole. But when it comes to fucking? The dynamic meeting mutual need/desire is trump for me and that is more expressed in receiving a Tops pleasure and orgasm into me than the actual evidence of that (i.e., His cum). p.s. no matter how deeply i've been bred, i always clench and try to retain every drop... i don't want it to leak out
  24. A few more thoughts (not conclusions). "Superiority" seems to be a (the?) qualifying factor in hierarchy? If control is deemed the superior position in hierarchy, and the sub is ultimately in control. do some mis-perceive/label the roles in a D/s dynamic by concluding the alpha superior and the sub inferior? Though there is overlap/blending, to me there is physical and psychological dominance. Is one 'superior' to the other? Personally, i perceive one who solely uses physical dominance as a bully. Physical force does not elicit a submissive response in me, but the opposite. Even if someone manages to dominate me physically, they still do not have my psychological submission. To me, the Man Who manages to elicit my psychological submission, engaging my need and desire ends up leading the dance with me. But to me, that approaches symbiosis because it involves His need/desire to be in control. Though this kind of symbiosis has opposite sides that attract, if an actual state of symbiosis is achieved, it seems to me that balanced state/blend/result sort of changes to neutral? Relational homeostasis?
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