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Everything posted by tallslenderguy

  1. my sweet FB just left. Called an hour before He got off work, and i was so worked up by the time He got here, i had an erection (which i never feel the desire to use, it's a good meter though). He really likes when i lie between His thighs and lick, kiss and suck on Him. i'm really learning His body from that perspective and He is much more expressive when i am sucking Him than when He is fucking me. When i'm between His legs, most of the expressions come from Him, when He is fucking me, it gets reversed. He really brings out the cocksucker in me though, His obvious pleasure is like fuel on my fire and i get wilder and wilder with desire in synch with Him till He finally wants to fuck me. He's never cum in my mouth before, i think because He would rather fuck His cum into my hole... and i love and am grateful for that sweet chemistry we have. Three years and it's like it only gets better. Something i have with Him is i don't feel the need for more cock when He is done breeding me. Sure, i'd gladly receive it, and even though i have not climaxed, His climax really fills and sustains me, it's really a fucking awesome dynamic... seems to break all the rules and expectations.
  2. Do you perceive your self as masochist along with/as well as submissive? To me that seems part of the mix that makes you who and how you are? Or do you see what you describe as solely an expression of your submissive need/desire/tendency/_________? While you say your "former Master required" of you, at the same time, you were in control. It seems that the dynamic you experienced with Him was an alignment of desire/need? In other places i recall you writing of being hypnotized, was that with this same Master? my sense and recall of your hypnotism experience is that person crossed a boundary with you and thus did you harm? As i see it, this thread (not just this post) is about a driving energy, tendency (force?), ____________ in 'life', 'nature' towards balance. This is foundational in my profession of healthcare, expressed in what seems a constant tendency towards homeostasis. As a holistic thinker, when it comes to humans, i connect the psychological with the physiological in that dynamic. Off the cuff, to me, the "stasis" part of that word seems contradictory. i wonder if "stasis" is even achieved in 'death,' or if there is such a thing as "death" given it's dual meaning of balance and inactivity? That what we call death is a change in existence, not a cessation. Sorry, this kind of discussion has rabbit hole for me. While i think hierarchy exists, i wonder if it serves the bigger picture, that hierarchy is within the tendency of homeostasis or if it is an evolutionary force that works against balance, or maybe it can be either?
  3. i'm writing this before work today and hope to join this conversation when i am off and can give it more time, but wanted to start a response. i learned about my own submissive side later in life, and i think it's because how, what to me is crude definitions of D/s, just didn't fit. Then i was picked up and Dommed by a Man on a vacation to Palm Springs one year and i knew by experience how profound the connection can be when it's real and 'right' (for both involved). Speaking of "nuance" though, i'd make a distinction between submissive and passive. To me, the "doormat level" is passivity. A profound part of a D/s dynamic to me is the dance of a Dom eliciting the submission of a sub. As i see is, submission is not a given, it is given. Most of my sub nature is locked in a room inside of me and it's not a simple or automatic process for a Man to access, occupy and possess that space.
  4. no. i think what strikes me is not so much the amount, but the constancy and how being with Him never gets old or routine (though it would be a really nice routine). 🙂
  5. i don't think the traditional relationship model works as well as often idealized. i think there is something to be said about relationships where two people don't place unrealistic expectations on each other because of having to meet some ideal. Why not get what each can with each other and not try to force it to be more or different than what it is? To me, the fact that two people are "exe's" means there was likely some connection... which i understand can go away or get destroyed,, but just because two people become "ex" doesn't mean the relationship has to end, it can be redefined i think, to fit present realities.
  6. my sweet Babe FB just left. idk what else to call this, but we're on our third year and it never gets old. i can't see a traditional relationship, forced into some sort of mold, ever working for us... but the way we touch and kiss each others bodies (never kissed on the mouth?) goes beyond 'just sex' (if there is even such a thing as "just sex?"). We manage to have an ongoing affection for each other that makes the sex that much better, and the sex is always incredible. my guess is if we tried to make it different, we might ruin it? Sometimes i don't realize how much i want Him until i'm actually between His legs kissing and licking His thighs and balls, swallowing His cock... then He penetrates and fucks me, and He owns me. i don't think He realizes it, but there's a definite oneness thing that happens and i meld into Him. i do think He is starting to grasp just how much i love His seed inside of me. i have an awful lot of it after 3 years, i have His mark on me. sigh.
  7. idk, not an easy question for me to answer. i guess i'm a romantic in many respects, when i feel a certain energy from a Man fucking me, intense desire and need in His focused fucking, i have to bite my mattress to keep from declaring: "i love You!" Doesn't matter if He's a complete stranger prior to Him having His cock in me, it's that "connection" some of us on BZ obsess about lol. For me it's about having and feeling that intense special kind of desire/need connection He has to pleasure and impart a part of Himself into me. i think it's easy to reduce that process down to "cum," but i think there's more to it than that? Then i have to be honest and admit i'll take a found condom with cum in it and empty it into my hole, butt even that seems connected to my concern that some Man wasted His seed on a condom? i get that a Top would want to rut and fuck lots of bottoms without cumming. That makes sense to me. To me, that's not all that different of energy than what a bottom expresses by taking multiple cocks. i see a sort of edging going on with both Tops and bottoms, trying to extend the experience and get around the reality of refractory. Let's say there was some unwritten rule of nature that a bottom had to shoot his load every time he got fucked, what would that do to a lot of bottoms craving for cock in the moment? Personally, i'm one of those guys who'll edge for 10 days and not cum because of how needy it makes me for a Top. Still, even with that understanding, i feel incomplete if a Man fucks me and doesn't cum. It's not just the cum, it's all that goes with it. i'd actually rather a Man slide in and piss inside of me without the fuck, than Him fuck me and not have a release of Himself into me as part of the connection. There's a part of me that craves a permanent connection to Him, even after He is gone? It's complicated, i feel like i'm leaving a lot out and i don't quite understand or am able to articulate all the feelings i have, and the ones a Top has, that i want to connect with when we fuck. i think quantity is often (in part?) an unconscious drive to find and sustain that "quality" that ErosWired notes. Not finding it all in one Man, we look for and get it in lots of pieces in lots of Men?
  8. i have not encountered a prolapse with a guy or in my sex life others, but then i'm a total bottom. i've had lots of guys interested in it from me though. The most i'll go for is a rosebud, don't really want to have a prolapse. As a side note, i have encountered anal prolapse as a nurse with patients. i had one woman patient who had gotten to a place where she could no longer reach back and digitally replace the prolapse and we had to do it for her.
  9. Just left, my sweet FB. When He walked in He apologetically said it would have to be a quickie. He's been breeding me for 3 years, and despite my telling Him several times in many ways, i don't want Him to ever feel like He has to perform for me. i often feel like He keeps fucking even after He comes... which means i get more than one load, but i also get this sense that He feels like He has to fuck me good. He doesn't get that any way He fucks me is "good" as long as He really gets off on it. i'm not altruistic, i love the fact that He enjoys fucking and leaving His seed in me. When He was done, i told Him again that He never has to apologize for a "quickie," that i love having Him however i can get Him, how much i love His orgasm inside of me. He told me He'd been saving it all day and i told Him i was grateful that He saved it for me. We both agreed we have good chemistry. i don't care if He slides in and comes immediately, the fact that He wants to put His cock and seed in me is awesome... i love being he place He gets His pleasure and plants His seed. i'd much rather Him do that than jack off. i think it's awesome that He knew He could save if for me and that i'd want Him/It.
  10. About 30 minutes ago. FB contacted me while i was doing some paver work in my front yard. Spontaneous, butt cannot say no. i ran in to my shower, prepped and thankfully was able to prep fast. He is really getting into oral and loves when i suck Him, lick and kiss His thighs, balls and taint, it's the most expressive i ever see Him... He really wants me to rim Him too. Seems like i'm going that direction, though it's not really my inclination... but it really turns Him on, so i seem to be inching my way there. For His it's all foreplay for fucking and breeding me, so i think that's what's making it something i love doing for Him. He definitely breeds hard after, and i have Him inside of me the whole day after He leaves. Back to laying pavers, just have a funny smile on my face now. life's sweet.
  11. As a bottom, it seems to work best if the Top initiates? idk, i'd think some Tops would appreciate a demonstration of being wanted, but it never really seems to work with the FB's i've had? The rule of thumb seems to be a bottom can always be ready to fuck (despite the prep involved), but a Top has to be in the mood? That's the feel/impression i have gotten with my FB's over the years, and there is no discerning how or when that's going to happen. i have a current FB Who is very spontaneous, and not very verbal about His feelings. Sometimes He will want it a couple of times a day, other times He can go a week, ten days. i'm not in His head, and He doesn't share those feelings with me, so i pretty much just make myself available whenever He wants. Last time we fucked (three days ago), i had just eaten dinner when He called. i told Him i'd just eaten and was preparing for my work day the next day, but i was so easy to persuade, and ran to the shower to prep, he was fucking me 15 minutes later.
  12. i'd guess the real answer for most of us would be "both" and the minority of us would be strictly one or the other. Personally, i make a distinction between a connection and a bond. To me, the former can lead to the latter, but not necessarily. But i value both. For me, any Man Who wants to penetrate, fuck and breed me is a wonderful connection of our mutual need/desire. Just the "wanting" is meaningful for me. "Bonding" can happen faster with some than others, for me, and some bonds are stronger than others, but i always seem to bond with an ongoing FB.
  13. Then there's this... a bit of extrapolation since the study was hetero, but i don't think it's a stretch to be inclusive. "Does semen have antidepressant properties? Gordon G Gallup Jr 1, Rebecca L Burch, Steven M Platek Affiliations expand PMID: 12049024 DOI: 10.1023/a:1015257004839 Abstract In a sample of sexually active college females, condom use, as an indirect measure of the presence of semen in the reproductive tract, was related to scores on the Beck Depression Inventory. Not only were females who were having sex without condoms less depressed, but depressive symptoms and suicide attempts among females who used condoms were proportional to the consistency of condom use. For females who did not use condoms, depression scores went up as the amount of time since their last sexual encounter increased. These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration." [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12049024/
  14. ^this i’m a critical care nurse. In school we learn all kinds of ‘norms’, but in a hospital environment, more often than not, our parents are outside some of those standards. Blood pressure is a common one. The ‘norm’ is bad on the Western diet, high in sodium. So the “normal BP “ ends up being higher. You get fucked a lot, it can change from the norm where most are not getting fucked.
  15. i love a PA on a Top. To me, a PA screams "TOP." Don't know why, but it's a Top accessory in my mind, so i would not be inclined to get one. i love getting fucked and bred by a Man wearing one. As to pics, if you're willing, i'd appreciate seeing pics in all stages of healing, even right after it's done.
  16. i'd go with Pals as well. Surprised no one has mentioned all the flakes you have to deal with with anonymous hook up. Just not as reliable or easy to arrange. With a FB, i can get a text and have His cock in me soon after. With anonymous, you never know if the person will even show up. Even at a sex venue, no guarantee you're gonna get bred. Pals are a sure and constant source of lust for me. i get anonymous in between, but if i had to choose? Pals. i'll add that i also like the connection and bond that forms with a Pal. To me, sex that goes beyond the physical is sexier. you get to know what works and what doesn't and just do what works with a Pal. Anonymous can go either way, sort of roulette. If you have a FB/Pal, there's reasons that you keep fucking together over and over again.
  17. Mine hasn't and i don't really want it to, to me it's the mark, signature of the Men Who have bred me, and i love having Them always with me. It's more a sphincter for receiving than retaining now, much easier access. The body is somewhat adaptable, and my hole is different now. i can flex it and squeeze a cock, but it's more opened even when a cock is not in it.
  18. just left. Fuck i needed that. FB, we kept missing each other, He'd call, i'd be at work or He would be working. Tried Him last night, but He was working late again. Prepped this morning thinking might work out, then gave up, did the gym, ate dinner and He called. Fuck, i just ate, but had prepped this morning and did another prep and was ready. So fucking sweet. i sucked Him first, He really likes that. i kiss and lick His thighs and balls, His taint... drives Him wild when i do that, so that just makes me hungrier till He says: "I wanna fuck you." He plows me so hard, it's like He is fucking His soul into me. i try squeezing His cock with my hole, but He fucks so long and hard, incessant, that finally i just give in and open wide. i'm full of His seed right now. i have to work the next couple of days, so glad we got together before. Sweet.
  19. Yep, totally an individual need/desire question and the answer cannot be generic me thinks. i'm on the far end extreme of this one. i only like to masturbate to edge, to make and keep myself hornier for a Top Who needs/wants to penetrate me with His cock and release His seed into me. i do masturbate, and i do cum that way, but it's always a disappointment for me even though i do it to release the tension and for prostate health. my ideal orgasm would be hands free from being penetrated/fucked... just my particular psychosexual wiring, so i'd be one of the ones who would definitely not cum prior to going to a sex venue. When i am getting enough connection with a Top/Man, and getting bred regularly, i do not need or want to cum, even solo or behind closed doors. i find i derive a lot of satisfaction from having His orgasm inside of me, plus i love that ongoing lust i have for Him. But really, that ongoing lust only works if it's mutual, then it becomes a connection, a bond. But that's me. i know we all share similarities, but we're all unique as well, so would not presume to think what works for me would work for any other bottom.
  20. haha, this is great!!. Watch the cherries closely, one is filling the other up.
  21. There was a time when i'd do that... fuck a bottom in need before leaving for the night, but i seem to have lost the ability to do that. It's not physical. If i a Top talks to me about wanting my hole and wanting to breed me, i get hard as a rock. Same with edging, i stay hard for hours (days lol) edging to fantasy about getting fucked and bred and doing other things i perceive as 'bottom.' Last year a sweet young university student from a repressive family hit me up on Squirt. He had a gorgeous, smooth ass and is such a sweet guy. He had not been fucked before and i didn't want him to get a jerk who didn't care his first time, so with trepidation i told him i'd try. i've never taken viagra in my life, but had some i got sent free, so i used it and was able to get it up enough to get it in... and it wasn't easy lol. He was soooo virgin his hole was very tight, so only a really hard cock was gonna get in. Plus, he had his eyes closed and was missionary, but kept pushing his legs against me instead of receiving my whole body lol. i did get in, but went slow and only got in and did a couple of thrusts before i lost my erection. it's all psychological for me, even then i was doing it for him, really not turned on by it, just wanting to give him a good time... but my penis didn't agree.
  22. i'd suggest that what you eat is an ongoing factor in the digestive/clean out process. Most of us do not eat a healthy amount of fiber. Fiber comes from whole fruit, veggies and grains. There's soluble and in soluble fiber: "Soluble and insoluble fibers have unique benefits. As soluble fiber dissolves, it creates a gel that may improve digestion in a number of ways. Soluble fiber may reduce blood cholesterol and sugar. It helps your body improve blood glucose control, which can aid in reducing your risk for diabetes. Insoluble fiber attracts water into your stool, making it softer and easier to pass with less strain on your bowel. Insoluble fiber can help promote bowel health and regularity. It also supports insulin sensitivity, and, like soluble fiber, may help reduce your risk for diabetes." [think before following links] https://www.healthline.com/health/soluble-vs-insoluble-fiber#benefits Everybody's body has traits/aspects that are the same, and things that make us different. Our guts are effected by what we eat, particularly our microbiome, and that becomes more individual because we all eat differently. As ErosWired points out, what we eat does not come back out very quickly, so what we eat the day of the event is not as big a factor as what we eat on a regular basis (pun intended). The body has ~four feet of colon (large intestine). Most of us are not cleaning out the whole thing as part of prep. When we eat, there is a physiological effect called the "gastrocolic reflex." Simply put, when we eat and food stretches the stomach, it also sends signals to the colon and increases peristalsis. [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549888/ i'd suggest eating an apple or banana. But on a routine basis, i'd suggest you eat a lot of fiber. You will find that what comes out changes and becomes a lot 'cleaner.' A good test is the wipe test after a BM. If it's clean (and you are not constipated), it's a good sign you are eating a decent amount of fiber and clean out will be a different and easier process.
  23. This is a great discussion, i'm glad it got reawakened. A few thoughts before i have to go to work. i do not relate to the notion that a Top gets pleasure and a bottom gives pleasure. i've read myriad profiles of guys who self describe as loving to "please," and invariably that's another way of saying they are bottom. i derive pleasure in so many ways when a Man fucks me or i suck Him,, both physical and psychological. my best sex as a bottom has been with Men Who are conscious of Their position, power and ability to please/give pleasure as well as receive it. To me, the best sex involves connection of mutual desire and need from opposite sides. It's symbiotic. i do understand the objection about "ownership." i use the term often enough, but i think it can have different meaning to different guys. Partly i think the challenge with the term is it's repurposed. We all grow up in and live in culture that has been heteronormative, so we end up using that vocabulary and heteronormative terms to try and describe who and how we are. i think "ownership" is one of those terms. It is for me. in a sense, it's mutual too, when two people give their self to each other. The difference for me is as a bottom i am a receptacle of sorts and perceive myself as having a 'place' inside of me that is made for a Top to occupy, fill, "own." It's complex. gotta go to work.
  24. For those interested in health info about oral/anal. 🙂 "Rimming carries a risk of passing on or contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, there is a risk of the following STIs from oral sex: chlamydia gonorrhea syphilis herpes HPV HIV trichomoniasis There is also a risk of contracting bacterial infections or parasites, such as E.coli or giardia, from contact with the anus. People can transmit a type of bacteria called Shigella through oral-anal sexual contact, causing a gastrointestinal infection called shigellosis. Hepatitis B and C are infections that people can pass on through bodily fluids. A person may be at risk of one of these infections if they have any cuts or sores that come into contact with the bodily fluids of a person who has one. There is also a risk of contracting hepatitis A from oral contact with the anus. To reduce the risk of passing on a bacterial infection, people will need to avoid rimming if they have any symptoms of a stomach bug, such as diarrhea, constipation, or vomiting. They should also wait until any cuts or sores around the anus or mouth heal before giving or receiving rimming." [think before following links] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/rimming#who-does-it
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