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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. I'm not a medical doctor, but I am a PhD in a relevant science (Chemistry), have worked in the pharmaceutical industry, and have a decent understanding of basic pharmacology principles. As long as you get it into your system, it will work. The dose is sufficient that a possible small loss in the crushing would not be significant to the effect. The drug is an immediate-release formulation, so crushing it is not going to cause any problem with absorbing it. The tablets are coated (which is disrupted by crushing, of course), but the coating dissolves in your digestive system to release the drug. This happens relatively quickly (less than an hour). You can take it with or without food, and if the former, it would be held in your stomach longer than an hour, so it could potentially be exposed to stomach acid even if it were not crushed. Hence, that is not a reason you would need to take it whole. Here again, there is no reason to think the crushing will prevent the drug from having its proper effect. The one difference it is likely to make is that if you take whole without food, it would normally move through your stomach quickly and be released in the small intestine. If you take it crushed, your stomach would be exposed to the full concentration of it without any food. This could potentially cause some stomach irritation. As nausea and stomach pain are known (though not common) side effects of the drug, the main purpose of the coating is to prevent them in cases where people choose to take it without food. In my somewhat-educated opinion, you are good to go - but I'd recommend taking it with food and plenty of liquid.
  2. I had trouble submitting friend requests at some point. I filled in a bunch of previously blank things in my profile and then it let me do it. Mind you, the person can still turn down your request, and frequently will if you don't have any content posted yourself.
  3. Wait, we slept together? I don't remember that... 🥴😏
  4. Yeah... we know what you get up to when you're all alone with his mittens.
  5. If you read the posts in this very topic where you posted the question, the answer is there. Multiple times. Highlighted. In bright colors.
  6. I notice you edited that post. So perhaps it still doesn't say what you actually meant. Because as it reads, it makes no sense (the word "post" doesn't fit). Would you care to try again?
  7. You can do that anywhere there's plenty of snow and not too many trees and rocks. They call it "cross country", but don't let that fool you. Your legs will tell you the truth afterward.
  8. My hypothesis is that humans (some more so than others) have an innate tendency to push the boundaries of the safe and the possible. Such a trait would explain a great many things that are otherwise puzzling - the classic examples being geographical exploration beyond the bounds of the hospitable, or even the habitable - the South Pole, Everest, the Moon...
  9. It's not you. That's not the only moment when he's busy checking something in the mirror (or monitor feed). It looks disengaged because it is disengaged. Dude's a professional and should know better. Of course, I'm old (and possibly grumpy) too.
  10. This is possible if you have two copies of the mutant version of the CCR5 gene. You can have this tested for. It's quite rare. This is completely impossible. There is no mechanism by which it could do so. Your doctor must have flunked immunology. This is true. There is some research on on the use of doxycycline for this purpose, which appears to be moderately effective; see this topic:
  11. If you want to try getting the tablets down you, I'd suggest coating them with a lubricant (ordinary sex lube would work, or vegetable or mineral oil) and taking them with a lot of water (perhaps even a mouthful of water, and then tilt your head back and drop them into it - I've done this with larger pills or many pills at a time). Another option that I'm not sure is open to you is to try the newly available injectable cabotegravir which can be used as PrEP - it's one injection every month or two. See this topic:
  12. In fact, the original post of this thread was reported by a member for that infraction of the rules. I did not moderate that report, as I decided it was appropriate in this case to recuse myself. Thanks to @drscorpio for doing so.
  13. No. Here's a relevant post from that thread explaining the distinction: Is that a judgment call? Yes, it is. TBH, it would be a hell of a lot easier just to remove all of those topics. We haven't done that because they're popular, people enjoy discussing these things, and it's probably helpful for a fair number of people working through their own issues. I freely admit that I did that once, several months ago, when I was in a crappy mood. I later realized that I was being unfair and pissy, and went back and removed those downvotes. If I downvoted your posts or your girl's recently, it was because I honestly thought they were crappy content. I don't think that about all of y'all's posts. But I certainly do think it about some of them.
  14. Amen. And in my region add to that trans-feminines, cross-dressers, and people looking only for those.
  15. Your boy was suspended for violating a long-established rule about posts regarding underage sex. You might like to review the rule and contemplate what was different about his post from those other supposedly-similar comments. Actually I can do nothing of the sort. The attributions for reactions are hidden from moderators, so I cannot see who downvotes (dislikes) my posts.
  16. The only thing you've ever received a penalty for is posting things in the wrong place, or posting duplicates of the same thing in multiple places. The only serious infractions among those were posting bugchasing topics outside the Backroom.
  17. All of the rules for the site are made by @rawTOP, and he alone is responsible for them and for the rationale for them. We moderators (I think I speak for @drscorpio as well here) try to enforce them as even-handedly as possible. I won't claim to be perfect; like everyone else here, I'm human. I have to disagree with you on several points here. Drug abuse and bug-chasing are tolerated. They are certainly NOT encouraged, and they are limited to the Backroom forums, which allows members to choose not to see that content if they have a desire not to. The majority of what we do as moderators is to enforce that limitation. AIDS worship, or fetishization, is specifically prohibited (even in fiction), per the new "harm to the community" policy that @rawTOP instituted in March '21. There is not a "compelling need to censor you from sharing opinions that others deem harmful". There IS a policy against posting "false information, conspiracy theories...". Unless you are the individual in question in BOTH instances, or have reliable information from that individual, you are very likely drawing this conclusion on the basis of insufficient information. Warnings (and the penalties that are sometimes associated with them) are seen only by the person to whom they are issued. The posts that triggered the warning may not be altered in any way, even if the author was penalized severely - or they may be edited, moved, or removed entirely. What is done depends on the particular infraction, the content of the post, and the context of the post.
  18. Absolutely agree. I will certainly vote against Trump in the '24 Republican primary if I'm still in my current state of residence, and depending on what happens in the next year I think it's quite possible that Cheney could make a credible run against him.
  19. Moderator: The number of reactions per day is intentionally limited. That is the way @rawTOP decided to configure the system. One reason for this is to encourage people to contribute their own ideas about a topic raised by someone else, rather than just using a "thumbs-up" (the visual equivalent of saying "that's hawt"). Sure, a lot of things on here are hot... but we know that already! Limit your use of reactions to things that really impress (or disgust) you, and it's not really all that much of a hardship. When I was a full Member (with 10 reactions a day) I used to hit the limit maybe once every couple of weeks.
  20. So it DOES work, and there's a limit on the number of times per day you can use it. Which is exactly the way it is programmed to work. The number of reactions you can apply per day depends on your membership level. You are a full Member (as opposed to New Member or Junior Member), and I believe 10 exactly is the number you get per day. As you continue to post content, your Reputation score (which you can see if you visit your own profile) will increase and you will advance to Senior Member, and then you will get a larger number of reactions per day.
  21. Very sexy pics, man!

  22. It just looks that way because you're not in one of the more benighted areas of the country like West Virginia (where I am). There is apparently only one place in this entire state where they are holding vaccination clinics.
  23. You might want to clarify what you mean by that. A lot of people are confused. For the current (Jynneos) vaccine, this is true. From the FDA announcement of its approval (2019):
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