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Everything posted by bberik

  1. Not sure. I've never made any hook ups in Europe with bbrt, but I always find someone wherever I travel with Planetromeo. You can also search for profiles with "to be discussed" or "never" when it comes to condoms. I always avoid profiles with "always". In Eastern Europe I love Planetromeo, because someone always contacts me. It's probably because there are so many homophobic people there, and many of the gays are too scared to hook up with locals, afraid they will be beaten up, so instead they want sex with travelers.
  2. You should find a local to trust. Russia is very homophobic, but there are gay clubs there, very often with a secret door that you need to ring the bell according to what I've heard.
  3. Planet Romeo is the best when it comes to Germany. It is also the site I've had the most hook ups through, not only in Germany.
  4. In Norway we've just adapted the English word "bareback". So nothing exciting from here.
  5. Well, he did something illegal, so he had to pay.
  6. I expect to be filled with cum, so no condoms. When topping, putting on a condom makes my cock to go soft anyway, and most likely it will fall off. Done that once.
  7. I have hooked up with faceless profiles before. I guess it's no different than taking raw cock in a darkroom.
  8. Luckily I have never been asked. I think I would have had problems pulling out. Once one guy insisted on condom, which for me is a turn off, but I did anyway. Luckily the condom fell off and I kept fucking him till I came. Inside his ass was both cum and condom. As a bottom I would never ask anyone to stop as long as they're already inside me.
  9. Have had sex with people from almost all continents, Europeans, black, Asians, even an Arab. Love them all. Small cocks, big cocks, don't mind (well, unless they hurt).
  10. Haven't caught anything yet. Maybe I just don't get fucked enough.
  11. Never tried it public restrooms, but in restrooms in gay bars. I also pull my pants down in darkrooms for anyone to feel my ass.
  12. My favorites are Barelin, Barecelona and Amsterdam.
  13. The one thing I hate about Grindr, you cannot tell if someone barebacks or not. That's generally my first question every time someone contacts me. Hornet is better that way, because then you can search for tags. Unfortunately most people with a bb tag is too far away from me, so I wish more people would use it though. Most of my bb hook ups I've found through Planet Romeo.
  14. I mostly have sex when travelling, so as I'm living on the country side it usually takes weeks or months between each time. But then, when travelling, I am not afraid of going to bars or saunas, where I can let myself get fucked in a dark room or in a sling. Hopefully more than one. Simply make up for lost time.
  15. I have some condom nazi friends. I just don't discuss barebacking with them, and they don't know that I'm barebacking. That simple. If I have to I lie. I only fuck with strangers anyway, so no worries.
  16. I started raw from the beginning, before we even had a name for it, I guess. I also had penpals who sent me cumfilled condoms in the mail, and also underwear stained with cum, which really turned me on to wear. I discovered fast that using condoms was a turn off. So I never looked back.
  17. Always ass first, both when I bottom or top. Mouth second. Everything else is out of question.
  18. Planet Romeo is my favorite, but depending where I travel. At home it is still Grindr. Hornet was the best one in Tel Aviv least year, so I will need to try several ones when traveling. And of course, then there is showing up at clubs with darkrooms.
  19. Wise friend.
  20. I wish I could search for bb guys only, like I can on Hornet. Unfortunately the bb guys on Hornet are too far away for me.
  21. I did it once behind some bushes a few meters away from a beach in Curacao. Many probably think that taking several anon loads in darkrooms at places like Bull in Berlin is insanity. I'm addicted to places like that. Not knowing what's hitting me.
  22. I'm over 50 as well. Of course I don't attract all the young guys anymore, I didn't like older men when I was young myself. But once in a while there are some who are attracted to me. But I've moved on, and I'm way more open to anything than I was before. I like older guys better than I used to, but at the same time it doesn't really matter as long as they get hard, and can give me a load of anon warm cum in a darkroom.
  23. Agreed. Taking a stranger's cock, and having a stranger's cum inside me is what turns me on. There's nothing like darkrooms.
  24. I tend to have more sex when travelling too. I don't want to have sex with people I know, because there are so many condom nazis among them.
  25. Hell yeah. I skip porn with condoms no matter how hot the guys are. Condoms are such turnoffs. If I feel a condom on someones dick trying to enter me, i try to remove it. If he insists on condom, I walk away.
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