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Everything posted by bberik

  1. Last Thursday at Bull in Berlin was fantastic. Never seen it that wild (but then I'm a foreigner, just visiting once or twice a year). I could stick my dick in almost anybody. Many asses that were already wet, and I could smell the cum. I have no clue how many I fucked, and I gave my load to a young guy in the end. My cock was red and sore the next morning. My best time there ever. Probably 25-30 people there, maybe even more, the entire time I was there from about midnight to four in the morning. I wish there were more top guys though, so I could get some cock to.
  2. No doubt when I was in the sling in Tel Aviv letting 5 anon guys fuck me raw.
  3. Leaving it in my ass gives me the ultimate feeling. Then I feel good for days. But I also do swallow.
  4. 5 in the sling at a gay club during Tel Aviv Pride last summer.
  5. Mostly use it to chat when I'm home alone and drunk, lol. Not very often, though.
  6. That's why I rarely hook up with local people from where I live. People are so boring. Cell phones. Condom nazis. Just want to chat. Better going to Berlin, leaving my phone in my hotel room and go to e.g. the club Bull, drink one beer and head for the darkroom and play for a few hours. Suck some dick, fuck, be fucked, no condoms, get filled with cum. That's life. If it wasn't for my family I'd move there.
  7. I've never had the question. It has happened that they've said "I'm gonna cum", and then I'd say something like "give it all to me" or "don't pull out".
  8. Could've been written by me. I used to be top, but now love to take loads in darkrooms. The darker the better. Took five loads in the sling in Tel Aviv last summer. Looking forward to Berlin again next month.
  9. It's been a few years since I was in Prague, but Drake's was my favorite.
  10. I find darkroom porn filmed with night vision hot. Anyone know any good night vision bareback movies?
  11. Depends. If you lose your ability to get hard it must be worse to age as a top. Otherwise it's harder to get fucked when you're getting older and don't appeal to everybody like you used to. I don't mind a young cock, but not all young guys like me any longer. Well, that's life. Luckily I still don't have problems getting hard yet, and I still find people who wants to fuck me.
  12. Hell yeah, if I find used condoms in a gay club, I'll either drink them there or take them with me to enjoy playing with in my hotel room. Fresh cum is the best, used cum in a condom in a condom is the second best.
  13. As a versatile: As a bottom I don't mind the top giving me a load fast. That means I can take another one ASAP. As a top I'd rather wait as long as possible before I fuck someone. I normally have taken a few loads already, and I'm about to be ready to get to back home or to my hotel room. Basically it's the last thing I do, top someone and dump my load into someone when visiting a gay bar or club with a dark room.
  14. None of my friends are willing to get into a sling and take several raw cocks, so I would say I'm way sluttier than my friends.
  15. Merry Christmas and Happy New Breedings!
  16. I love being watched when fucked. I also don't mind if people want to join in.
  17. It's nothing after using vaseline anyway. According to what I've heard... Otherwise, I've heard from a friend that it's something you use on sex toys for easy cleaning afterwards.
  18. I've heard that vaseline is perfect if the top insists on using condom.
  19. Must add that the Minister of Health & Social Care in Norway is gay. Last year Norway ruled that gay people can get married in church in Norway, not only in court houses.
  20. Norway is sending a bold message to the world by becoming the first country to make HIV-preventing PrEP drugs available through its National Health Service. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) drug Truvada can reduce the risk of being infected with HIV by up to 86% if taken daily, and has been endorsed by the World Health Organisation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for at-risk men who have sex with men (MSM). It is already available in a number of countries including the United States, Canada, South Africa and France. Norway has this week become the second country in Europe to make PrEP available, announcing that PrEP drugs will be available free of charge to at-risk groups via its National Health Scheme. According to HIV Norway, Minister for Health and Social Care Bent Høie announced the move, making Norway the first country in the world to make the drug free for users. The decision by the minister is taken on recommendations from the Health Directorate and the Institute of Public Health. It is a result of two years of lobbying by HIV Norway – the national organisation for people living with HIV. Leif-Ove Hansen, the president of HIV Norway, said: “PrEP will contribute to reducing the rate of new infections in the gay community, as gay men are facing a risk of infection much higher than the general population. “Condom use is on the decline, and we are happy that PrEP now is an integrated part of the public health service.” The news has been met with applause from HIV charities in the UK, where NHS England has been fighting a legal battle over the responsibility to commission the drugs. Ian Green, Chief Executive of Terrence Higgins Trust, said: “Norway’s decision to provide PrEP is another great step forward for HIV prevention in Europe. PrEP is a game changer and, when used alongside condoms, regular testing and effective treatment, it can help end the HIV epidemic for good. “The announcement is a reminder that here in the UK we are still waiting for PrEP to be available on the NHS to those at risk of HIV. Every day NHS England delays access, 17 people are diagnosed – and the lifetime cost to the NHS for each diagnosis is £360,000. “NHS England must stop with their delays and confusion, and make PrEP immediately available to those at risk of HIV here at home.” Copied from Pink News.
  21. Love being fucked by anon guy in darkroom or lying in a sling for other guys to use me. And then just fuck some random guy in the dark.
  22. I believe in the truth. When I've just been tested recently I write "neg, recently tested" or if it's been a while and I've had sex in the meantime I write "don't know."
  23. They still have the possibility of contacting others, and tell their real age. But obviously some twinks are bombarded with messages from people they don't want contact with in the first place, and most people who contact them don't read profile texts. But the age they notice.
  24. Don't see why you're removing them again. If being exposed turns you on, why take them down? A lot of us in here have photos up all the time, also on other websites.
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