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Everything posted by SFRubberLeather

  1. I willingly volunter to be used like this for REAL!!
  2. Fantastic story what I wouldn't do to actually have this happen to me for REAL!!! Any volunteers to make this actually happen?
  3. I wish I was the one in this story getting bred like this, for REAL!!
  4. Being used by Rubber atired Sadistic tops (or group of tops) no limit, no safeword, no way out Medical/Surgical, BDSM , toilet, breeding,"object".
  5. So far VERY interesting
  6. My preferred way is to be in tight rubber head to toe with the only things showing are my cock, balls and butt. Of course those would be subject to the most twisted & sadistic BDSM things you could dream up. 2nd way would be the same only in tight full leather head to toe, again with cock, balls & butt available for twisted & sadistic BDSM.
  7. Hot story. This is something like I'd love to happen to me for REAL, not fiction! To find someone who'd chem me up then POZ me while also using me as his no limit bondage & S&M object!!
  8. Man I so wish I could have this done to me. Totally what I need to be done to me, for REAL!! I'm not joking!!!
  9. Great, Fantastic story, and I agree with "mspsubmale", wish there was a nonfiction actual Conversion Club Chapter in SF I would request to become a Fast Track member of it in a heartbeat!!!
  10. With me I'm a bottom into VERY extreme & sadistic SM play. Can't list what they are on this forum as it needs to go into the Backroom forum areas. Once Tops find out what I'm into and looking for, they either immediately do one of two things. 1) Say "Oh that's interesting", then cut off any further conversations. 2) Talk a good game about how many sadistic things they WANT to do to me in numerous conversations, then lie, set up a meet up, deliberately flake out at the last possible minute, never to be heard from again. Or when the talk comes round to actually doing a meet up, stop any further conversation and disappear. It's VERY frustrating and to be honest it seems to be something of a West Coast thing (or maybe it's now happening back on on the East Coast now too?). I was originally from NYC before I moved to SF in '95. I was VERY involved politically & socially in the SM community (was on the Board of Directors of the defunct SM group GMSMA) back in NYC and REALLY didn't have the above occur back there as much as it does here in SF.
  11. Read this post & loved it. Makes me wish I could have been you and experienced this. I'm jealous ?
  12. Thanks for taking to time out to work on the upgraded site. However I now notice that I can't join any new groups, nor can I post to the groups (group discussions) I already belong to. Is there some new setting that I don't know about?
  13. Just my 2 cents here on the straight posts popping up on the site, since I don't know the inner workings of the software RawTop is there a way to do something where all the straight post forums are put on a sub section & we are able to 'turn off/on" seeing those sections (like the chem sex areas) we need to click on in order to view them? I like others love my straight brothers & sisters (I'm a protest activist from the 90"s, & loved having them with us on those protest lines as well as supporting their causes + protests as well), so I'm not looking to have them transferred to another site, if you get my drift. Just my 2 cents here.. PS Raw Top, huggs for doing such great & excellent work on the site...I love it....
  14. What I would give to be Kyle in this story, actually anyone out there willing to do all this to me for real. I'm not joking, totally serious!!!
  15. Thanks for the comment on my profile, man what I wouldn't give to have you breeding me with your poz loads, it would be an honor!!!

    1. dickluva


      ☣ Fuckin' Oink~! Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Please keep sharing your pix & adventures, esp about forced chems. Wood love to breed your cumholez. Thanks for the Reps, & following me too. xox

  16. You don't know how much I wish I was the one being chemmed & pozzed in this story...If there's anyone out there that could make this a reality with me, I'd happily volunteer for it. Not a joke extremely SERIOUS about this....
  17. I too am part of the "picky" one's in a bath house/sex club. With me it's more of looking at the guy & if he has the "look" that I find hot & sexy, I'll do something with him. If not, I'll usually just ignore them or if they try to strike up a conversation I'll politely say I'm not interested . My beef is with the guys I say I'm not interested, and they cop an attitude of "how dare you not do anything with me", this is a sex club". If even had guys who almost force themselves on me, where I had to get snotty with them even pushing them away, telling them to "fuck off". It seems that attitude of this is a sex club so you're "supposed" to have sex with everyone is very prevalent out there.
  18. Mine is to be abducted, taken to a remote warehouse, forcibly chemmed and used as a toxic cumdump, toilet & torture object. From that day forward I would become one of their "objects" who'll be used from that day forward for their sadistic desires. Actually if there is a sadistic top/group in the SF area I'd honestly would like this to become a reality!!!! No kidding!!!!
  19. I always use my poppers with rubber hoods I got online from Fetters in the UK. Both have a side container (one of those old 35mm film containers) with tubes to your noseon them. I REALLY love these hoods. As a matter of fact I just bought another 2 rubber hoods from Regulation in the UK that also have a popper delivery system on them. Guess I'm a poppers junkie! :-) Funny thing I have tried Maximum Impact (iamwhatiam84 Maximum Impact is ethyl chloride also known as chloroethane) and found it did absolutely nothing for me using these same hoods. Anyone have any ideas why the heck the maximum impact is having no effect on me?
  20. Use poppers on a regular basis and other than a slight wheezing in chest sometimes (have allergies to dust & mold & if they are really bad slight asthma will act up) have no other side effects. Get no headaches with them nor vision problems.
  21. Bottom who's into extreme/brutal edge play but NEED to expand my currents limits & connect up with a no limits/no safeword/no mercy brutal/sadistic edge play Top. Looking to be forced chemmed/partiallly sedated (want to be completely aware of what's going on & able to remember everything the next day but can't resist what's happening to me (Also known as Chemical bondage/restraint)). The top also keeps me in this semi sedated compliant state as long as he needs so I become his torture object. Want to be used for intubation/NG tubes, cutting/needle play w/cock & balls, complete toilet training, seeding, and any other brutal edge play the Top can dream up. I'm VERY serious about this "need" so PLEASE serious responses only!
  22. I moved to SF from NYC about 17 years ago, when LURE was still around. I'm REALLY surprised to hear that NYC doesn't have many leather/rubber bars left. About 1-2 years ago SF Eagle closed down but it's now re-opened under new management. God when I 1st came out into leather in NYC, you had Spike & Eagle (within a block of each other). Anyone remember the Bar Altar down on W Broadway that was only opened for about 1 year? Then eventually LURE opened up while Eagle was still at it's old location. All kidding aside what's up back there? Even GMSMA (which when I left NYC I was the VP of it) is history!! Out here in SF we have SF Eagle, Powerhouse, Hole-In-The Wall, KOK, and Edge over in the Castro. Although I will say that all the people in all these bars aren't just strictly leather/rubber, but a mix of everyone, however leather/rubber is found mixed in with all of the bars clientele. Is Folsom Street East still drawing large crowds?
  23. Fantastic story, makes me wish I was the one getting pozzed & chemmed!!!!
  24. Haven't done this myself either but really need this done to me as well. Would also love to have a catheter inserted into me, my bladder drained then get refilled with piss from other tops to the bursting point!!
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