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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. I miss taking my late husband’s 8by6 for obvious reasons, but I miss being stretched out as well. Taking a big one regularly makes taking all the other big ones a lot easier. I can still make my hole loose, but it takes a lot more concentration these days.
  2. Sorry, a man who won’t breed you doesn’t deserve to own you.
  3. Those limits will go away as you increase your membership level. Keep posting new participating, and the restrictions will end.
  4. Last school year, I was regularly getting fucked by a cute eighteen-year-old, black twink I met on Grindr. He is commuting from a town about 40 miles away rather than living in the dorm this year, so we haven’t been able to hookup since I can only host late at night. He hit me up On Grindr in the early afternoon asking if I was free to take his load. I told him that I couldn’t get away from campus, but he could come fuck me in my office. He responded, “Fuck yeah!” College boys get off on fucking the prof in his office; I don’t get it, but whatever makes them hard is good for me. He showed up, and I put a note on my door. We both got naked, and I bent over the desk. He lubed up with a packet of lube I had in my briefcase and slid inside. He’s not super hung just a little above average. I did notice in the five months since we last hooked up that his stamina has improved; he gave me a nice fucking and blasted a huge load inside me. I am sitting at my desk with a cummy hole and an improved attitude. Hopefully, we can do this again.
  5. I think it’s time to have a talk. Tell him what needs to change for him to stay. Then let him decide.
  6. Wow, that was intense. Great writing as always, @losolent
  7. There are valid reasons for the incest [banned word] for people who plan to have children together (although even those are somewhat overblown - it takes multiple generations of inbreed for most genetic disorders to show up). I don't see how they apply to two gay brothers though.
  8. Yes, if you are taking PrEP as directed, you should be fine.
  9. Moderator’s Note: The original poster’s has not been on the website since 2013.
  10. As far as I am concerned, the point of PrEP is that it allows me as the bottom to protect myself without having to trust the top to be truthful. I am not being judgmental; most of us will say whatever it takes to get laid. I've certainly downplayed how often I take loads to tops who were skittish.
  11. What was bad about your spot? What makes a good spot? Just out of curiosity.
  12. Wow! A lot happened in that chapter. Sexy and wonderful as always!
  13. I had been sneaking into my parents bedroom and reading my dad's Penthouse mags. Mostly reading because the pics didn't do much for me unless there was the occasional guy. I knew it was called "beating off," but I wasn't sure what that actually meant. I decided to try it out. Going by the name, I started smacking my hard cock into my belly over and over as hard as I could. Of course, I was young and horny enough that this approach awkward as it was got me off. After a couple of weeks, I was doing this, and my hand slipped up my shaft over my head. Damn, that was better. So I figured it out myself after a false start. 🙂
  14. When I first started my job in a small Southern town, I didn't know anyone here. The guy in my department who had started the year before took me out to dinner the first Friday night of the semester. We had already pegged each other as gay, so we ended up back at my place hooking up. He didn't really do it for me, but I didn't know when I would find a hookup again (pre-internet, pre-hookup apps). He turned out to be a condom nazi, so even though I wasn't yet a committed barebacker, it was an extra turn off. It was obvious to both of us that we had no chemistry, so even though we hooked up a couple more times over the first year, nothing really came of it. Over the next couple of years, he became more and more of a problem at work. No one really cared for him much, but we constantly clashed because we were always working on things together being the new guys. Eventually, it came to a head at work, and we had a huge blow up. I told the boss I wasn't willing to work with him on projects. He quit a few months later. I didn't necessarily regret taking his cock, but I wouldn't have if I had known him before we fucked.
  15. Glad you got the help you need. That's a lot to live with, but you seem to have a handle on it.
  16. A lot of it comes down to not being an asshole. You don't have to be rude about your preferences, but you also don't owe anyone an explanation for why you aren't into them. Putting "no blacks, no asians" in your profile because you can't be bothered to say "no, thank you" to people who don't do it for you seems like being an asshole to me. Repeatedly asking "but why won't you give me a shot?" is definitely being an asshole.
  17. The desire to pair-bond with a mate is a real human desire. If you have strong enough feelings of infatuation for someone, they can crowd out your other real human desire to fuck everyone you can. Eventually, the infatuation fades. If you are lucky it deepens into real love. Regardless, that is when people start to stray from their partners. The problem we have in modern society is that we view the urge to stray as a sign the original feelings were mistaken instead of seeing it as a sign that it is time to open the relationship. My late husband and I were monogamous for the first 5 or so years. It wasn't a hardship for me because from the first time he came in my ass, I didn't want anyone else. Sex with him was so exciting that I didn't feel the need to take other cock. Eventually, we both started to miss sex with others. Then we opened things up, and enjoyed a happy open relationship until he died. He loved finding men to breed me while he watched and then fucking my cummy hole. In retrospect, we probably could have opened up earlier, but we were wrapped up in buying a home together and selling our old places for over a year which distracted us from talking about it. Talk to him about how you feel. It sounds like you are on the same page in so many ways.
  18. Snuff to me means erotic depictions of death/murder. A suicide in and of itself isn’t a problem.
  19. Damn! That was super hot. Thanks for sharing it.
  20. I ran across this mask design today. I thought people might get a kick out of it. [think before following links] https://www.redbubble.com/i/mask/Raw-and-Order-Special-Bottoms-Unit-by-St-Jinx/46690509.9G0D8
  21. I would say some counseling to get you over your hangups will help. You seem to have a really negative self-image, and you seem to want to blame your situation on everyone else. Neither of those attributes is likely to attract people to you.
  22. I disagree strongly that "How are you?" or even "Sup" is rude. I agree they are non-questions but I do not agree that they throw responsibility onto the responder. If I get no response, I didn't waste a lot of time composing a thoughtful opener for someone who won't give me the time of day. If they say, "fine" or some other trivial response, then I give them my real opener. Launching into a full-scale conversation without first judging interest seems rude to me. Generally, even in face-to-face conversation "How are you?" is a meaningless, phatic expression. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phatic_expression @BootmanLA, I was not in anyway defending the practice of not responding. I was just commenting on the general consensus meaning of the practice. I always respond unless I can tell the profile is a bot or spammer (like the 4th time in the evening a different account with the same picture hits me up).
  23. When I have managed to have a conversation with people about this topic, the consensus seems to be that no response is the polite way to show non-interest whereas saying something negative is an aggressive "how dare you speak to me" sort of response. Honestly, I think it is a "not interested but don't want to burn bridges" response. At 11:30, you aren't good enough for them, but at 2:15, you might do.
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