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    Reno, NV
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    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. Depends on the mood and what I want. My presence is to always be hard when I bottom. I view gay sex as a competitive sport over an act of submission and domination. So if I want to jerk my dick, I will. One time a guy decided to *reprimand* me as a started to wank my dick. He thought his comment would be hot - I took it as a command and that didn’t mesh well with my natural defiance. So, I proceeded to tell him that if he fucked like a real man and would do his job properly, I wouldn’t need to get myself off. He pulled out and started to cry.
  2. Ok, So I was thinking of you and even quoting you in conversation last night to a favorite  straight woman colleague when she was asking what makes marriages  between gay men more successful. I'm hoping that I reflected your ideas correctly:

    1)  Regularly appreciate , enjoy and even sometimes admire your partner ( You've often reflected that in your posts)

    2) Open your partner to new ideas after years of trust buildup ( which you describe gently coaxing him and yourself to start PREP).

    3) Validate both your enjoyment of sex in (and out of the marriage if you choose,) but be clear that  sex with other men " is about the feel , not the feeling" ( i love that expression of yours) and no romance with outside men, and certainly no overnight cuddling with randos in hotel rooms.

    I wish for more examples of joyous marriages between men and thoughts on what makes them such. You have provided us with glimpses of that. We would be thrilled to hear more of your general experiences.

    1. GoingEasy


      P.S. Your stories of the experiences with porn stars in Vegas ( and in home depot)was hot.

  3. You need to look into PrEP immediately. Let’s face it: you are likely going to end up with a cumload up the ass very soon. Being on PrEP will reduce the fear and make for a better experience overall. There are services where you can get PrEP online via telemedicine. You could probably get an appointment today. They will order the labs and provide you info on co-pay assistance. Your office visit may not be covered with insurance, but telemedicine is generally affordable and your insurance should cover the medicine.
  4. I used to have this problem. A bad case of diarrhea and I’d be SOL. Most likely, it meant a hemorrhoid. Half the time I’d develop a thrombosis which would take 2 months to go away. Twice, the hemorrhoids tore with the huge blood clot going everywhere. I hear you brother...this fucking sucks. For me, I had a series of banding that totally worked. Removing potential internal hemorrhoids reduces the chances and severity of external hemorrhoids. Also, there has been huge improvements in banding with the CRH O’Regan system. When I first consented banding in 2013, I was told it would require 3 complex procedures. In 2018, I went to a different doc trained in the newer system. No anesthesia, no pre-op prep, totally non-surgical, super fast (literally 3 in-office visit that took less than 5 minimum appointments - my first appointment, which I though was just an intake to discuss options, resulted in my first banding), and an easy recovery time. I’m going on over 2 years without a hemorrhoid, and I used to get a couple every year. Try the banding - worst case it wouldn’t help. It had been a life changer for me. Just make sure the doc is trained in the CRH O’Regan system because, while super simple, it is a new technology.
  5. Both Truvada and Descovy are designed to be taken daily. How was your prescription written by prescriber? Following those directions is the safest and smartest recommendations anyone can provide.
  6. I have the following responses which typically squash this issue: 1) My health insurance pays good money so I can fuck raw. 2) Using condoms is an insult to the PrEP gods I worship. 3) I like eating cumloads out of assholes...condoms are therefor a conflict of interest.
  7. Playa-Bi...it’s a real thang. That being said, I’ve never had sex at the Burn. My husband and I are both in agreement that the dust is just too much. You are a brave man.
  8. I use ‘Zero For him’ which I buy from Amazon. It is essentially the same but about 40% cheaper. I highly recommend these designer fiber supplements as a way help keep the fuckhole ready.
  9. This is your second story about getting plowed by your man while in isolation. I can honestly say quarantine has been great for my sex life with my husband. I almost feel like we are dating again. Don’t get me wrong, my husband and I are Seriously fucking ready to plow other dudes again, but this has been a great change.
  10. Dude, sucking dick ‘to know first’ is beyond stupid. For one, oral Gonorrhea is equally bad to rectal. Second, the antibiotics work much better on rectal Gonorrhea because so much of the active component is excreted in your crap. Oral Gonorrhea has the lowest treatment success of any of the 3 most frequently infected areas. Only an ocular infection is harder to treat. Finally, many guys are completely asymptotic so you can’t rely on your mouth as a medical diagnostic tool. Fucking raw has serious associated risks. That’s all part of the game. If a guy sticks his raw dick in you, he’s risking an infection. AND if you let a guy fuck you raw, you are risking an infection every single time. For me, the rewards far outnumber the risks. It is also possible you don’t know who the top actually was...you are really just making an educated guess. Penile discharge can be very uncomfortable to to point on not being able to orgasm. Any of those guys could have given you that infection.
  11. I couldn’t have put it better! The natural taste of a man’s ass, when clean yet sweaty and musky, is my favorite taste/smell on earth. A cummy hole turns the event into a feast.
  12. Descovy is a superior option for those on any other medications/supplements with potential renal damage. This includes the vast majority of pre/post workout drinks (for the fitness guys out that). My husband just transitioned to Descovy because he takes creatinine powder. Descovy is also superior to those with low Vitamin D or a family history of osteoporosis. Finally, while both medications can impact LDL and total cholesterol in adverse ways, Descovy appears to not lower HDL as seen in Truvada. If your insurance/finances will cover Descovy, Descovy is the superior option. It has a safer long-term side effect profile. Otherwise, Truvada (and the soon-to-be generic) are an amazing choice.
  13. First, it is complete BS you are being treated so poorly about your HIV status. Anyone that ‘doesn’t want AIDS’ needs to either get on PrEP or not have casual sex. Fucking an U/D guy is safer than using condoms. The idiots. I’m sorry you are being discriminated against so much. Second, you didn’t lie. It is important you do disclose your status if asked, as this is a legal requirement in many states, but in these cases, you did nothing wrong. If they didn’t ask, that’s on them. Moreover, if these married men catch something (even if from you) and give that to their spouses, that’s also on them. They shouldn’t be sticking their raw dicks in random assholes if that is their primary concern. Finally, stop being so damn hard on yourself. As I stated above, you did nothing wrong. I’d even remove your status info on your Grindr profile. Unless you are asked your status from a potential partner, don’t publicly disclose your medical history. ✌️
  14. Just about everyone on this site is gonna tell you to bareback, and I proudly count myself among that number. Do it!
  15. Fucking awesome pics man. Thanks for the share!
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