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Everything posted by MuscledHorse

  1. Just got my new giant Slepnir stallion toy from bad-dragon. So proud that a little more than half of it's foot long 10 inch circumference thickness slid right into with ease. Now to figure out how to stretch the inner ass ring so the  remaining 4 or 5 inches will slide full in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MuscledHorse


      no..that was totally sober with a small hit of poppers

    3. purpleslut
    4. Willing


      Entering the second , inner hole?

      Fuck yeah ?

  2. That's why all the vids i've put up are watermarked with my name JaredEriksonXXX
  3. so as not to risk violating any board rules on the subject i may not know about i'll reply to you by email.
  4. i agree that asspig is the best choice for fisting . I am on there as muscledHorse too.
  5. pends on what you are looking for. The guy I am partners with will likely have to be a fellow sex worker or at least one that embraces sex as a male sport and treats it as such. If he is looking for monogamy and the Stepford Husband experience he needs to look some place else; that is so NOT me.
  6. I think i've reached a new level of bottom pig hypersexuality. in addition to the constant sexual use my body enjoys i've had my huge bad-dragon toys in me everyday for over a week now assoon a si get home from work. My sex tunnel stays so hosed out for use I have't taken a natural shit in weeks and my jockunt is stretched out more than ever. Loing the pig life like never before!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MuscledHorse


      my cunt hasn't been normal in years!! It's just looking more like a mare's with each passing day. I worry human cock won't be able to satisfy it and i'll need a parade of big toys, hands, etc to be used and satiated sexually. But I can live that if it cums down to it.

    3. Guest


      Strapping on a giant toy and fucking you like a mare would still be just as satisfying

    4. MuscledHorse


      I'll welcum use like that too!

  7. AS I cannot edit out my the info on my post as it's been up too long, I am simply going to add this: IF you are going to contact me from here DO NOT expect I can drop everything just to take care of you on short notice. I have met some great guys from this site but this thread has produced more losers than winners in the adulthood department. I do not have time for assholes like the last one that contacted me briefly on Tuesday, wanted pictures, said nothing about meeting in any concrete way until texting me out of the blue at 10 am this morning (Thursday) and was unhappy because I realized I wouldn't have time to meet before I had to work since I had some errands to run first. If you want to meet me, follow through and schedule it on the initial contact. I cannot help I am going to be traveling to other cities for the next six days when you contacted me two days ago and then went silent. I stay very busy between work and male companionship services I offer. I DO NOT have time for overgrown children who engage in this kind of behavior and then tell me I'm "just playing games." If you can't behave like an adult, please, do not waste my time by contacting me.
  8. i was about a month ago at a pool party during leather prode. I was in th egarden area of the resort and three guys took turns fuking me while guys gathered around to watch. Then they started pissing on me while waiting their turn to fuck me some more and i was covered inpiss and cum by the end...it was a total animal high to be covered in so much male scent and from multiple guys.
  9. Breeding videos are important for showing guys what natural male sport fucking should look like. A guy's nut juice should never be wasted on a floor or towel: that's what the ass and mouth are for: receptacle for the fellow male's sacred seed.
  10. kinda hard for me as it was a fellow high school mate that did it, and he encouraged my slut development (he was a big one too). We lost touch years ago, but I'm sure he's as oversexed on men as I am. Don't think I could ever be sexually loyal to just one guy; it's not in my DNA.
  11. getting bred in a group setting til cum is running down my legs is a huge high, i love being the piece of muscled of sexual livestock nature intended me to be
  12. That would be me! And with as much size as and use as my ass enjoys I know it's a full on male cunt and stays that way and I'm totally proud of it.
  13. I am planning to make my first trip to it. Should be a good social an d sexual experience.
  14. I plant to be back before the year is out. I'm now at 409 sex partners and 451 breedings. Had a great one saturday night: 10 x 7 that plowed me non-stop for 3 solid hours. I was dripping cum and sweat and my hole was trashed. I slept like a baby and woke up to more guys needing to breed. I love this life. Love how the escorting is coming along. JUst need ot get some porn films under my belt.
  15. I agree it sounds more like an STI. See a doctor just to be sure. If the PA had done any real damage I would have expected some blood with the mucus. BUt your symptoms point to infection rather than damage.
  16. Totally open about indulging in natural male sex. I do leave the condom option open for clients (though few take it). I have bareback/bbbh clearly stated in my ad so it's no surprise.
  17. As of now I am at 405 sex partners and 446 breedings. so close to my goal of 500 partners. (i've also been fisted this year by 17 different guys a total of 23 times. Yeah!! I one happy overused sexual athlete. Bring on more guys to finish of my year right!!!
  18. it's great to see so many guys were so active so young. it's probably why we have no sexual hangups like the rest of society does and we enjoy sex for the male pleasure sport that it is without guilt or embarrassment.
  19. i always check out my fellow males...every guy i cruise is a potential sex partner in my book...and i always show my own fat bulge so guys can check out between my legs when i walk by. I especially love wearing gym shorts where they can see my fat meat flopping around as i walk.
  20. Guys seems to love how loose and sloppy my hole is from all the use (cocks, toys, hands) it enjoys. I consider a loose hole the sign of a true power bottom. and I am proud to have one that rivals many porn workers (whose ranks I am trying to join).
  21. palm springs leather prided and CCBC were amazing. all told i had 51 different sex partners and was bred 57 times and fisted nine times. even now my hole is still loose and sloppy...bringing my 2017 total: 404 sex partners (including some pre palm springs clients and hookups) to  444 breedings. so close to my 500 partner brreding goal for the year!!

  22. Dawson and Ryan Cummings are my sex idols and I have worked hard to model my sex life on theirs and live up to those total heavy use cum whore standards. This has served me well as I apply to porn companies to make my sexual athlete journey complete and show on film what a hungry high endurance pig I am.
  23. Damn! I cannot wait to get over there and be in a place where guys can openly mate and no one cares. I will be naked and letting guys enjoy using me the entire time. Wish the USA would finally sexually lighten the fuck up instead of doing all this stuff on the DL because they are too phony and pious to admit the crave it too.
  24. This s a great How To reference. My hole is hosed out everyday at least once due to the amount of heavy play i enjoy and that guide is a great reference. I use a portable shower device with a long 22" flexible nozzle.
  25. I love the titles of slut and whore because i am both and embrace that in my life. Escorting has an amazing number of rewards to it.
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