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Everything posted by onlyraw

  1. Daniel Radcliffe (smooth shaven, scruffy, or with beard) short, tight, compact build ( and nice furry chest- makes me wonder about the rest of him) that I just find sexy as hell - and he seems to be smart and nice and funny (which means he might be nice yo hang out with after sex) and if you have ever watched the movie Kill Your Darlings - where he played a young Allen Ginsberg…. And there is the scene when Allen G gets fucked for the first time …. Woof
  2. Saturday morning cartoons were not this fun when I was growing up….
  3. I think it could be an intimacy thing (fucking is for hookups kissing is for relationships) or YOU sucked his cock and then he fucked you - so you took his fluids- but he didn’t take any of your fluids (so in that way he was being “safer”) or maybe maybe safer in that getting sucked by and then fucking some faggot is just because you are horny and he will service you - where as kissing a GUY means he is a faggot too - and THAT is dangerous for a closeted guy I used to be able to just fuck a guy at the baths and cum - but now I have found I can’t cum (as a top) unless I can kiss the guy I am fucking (but then I have been out for … 45 years)
  4. agree with all of the above also, maybe he has a small cock he is embarrassed about (which is why it goes in you so easily?) And I get that some guys are not into getting sucked they just want to fucK, but what ever reason- I think any bottom is with in his rights to say “hey - I want to see the cock that is going into me bareback”
  5. I haven’t heard anything about that - but you should confirm with your dr - or if you go to a good pharmacist- they should know
  6. So what kind of cbt do you love best?
  7. “It felt violent and raw. I had no rights here, just a hole.” a perfect summation of how a true bottom should feel a great story- looking forward to seeing how, and by whom he is used next
  8. The other thing- you are thinking of getting a piercing not a tattoo so if you don’t like it you can always take it out good on you - go for it
  9. Hi guys - I am glad this story resurfaced- I did have the next few chapters planned out - life just got busy and I lost track of it - I will see if I can find the rough drafts and finish them and get them posted
  10. Well Boston has not had a bath house in maybe 20 years? and only one (maybe 2 - I haven’t checked since before Covid) ABS with booths- and the one I knew about was not actually in Boston but just north of town for a bathhouse you need to go to Providence- about a 45 min to an hour south
  11. And with the right guy it is a lot of fun to find that line and how to stay “just” on the pleasure side
  12. Fuck - Great story- I hope you find the time to get to the next chapter
  13. Yes hntnhole is right- when I say we all need to vote in these next elections I don’t mean just for congress or senate or president we need to pay attention all the way down the ballot the republicans were smart all those years ago when they started paying attention to state legislatures- as they control the districting- and thanks to their being better at gerrymandering than the democrats- the republicans will be able to elect more legislators than their percentage of the actual vote would otherwise get them and remember school boards and library boards can ban books - and city councils can make our lives miserable if they want to So pay attention alllll the way down the ballot
  14. I just saw a story in HuffPost that a judge in Texas ruled that requiring employers who provide insurance to include coverage for PrEP violates the religious freedom of employers.!!!! Oh and the judge also ruled that they don’t need to provide the HPV vaccine either because of course by providing these essential health care miracles- they (the employer) would be complicit in encouraging sexual activity outside of the marriage of one man and one woman this is why we need to all vote this November- if the Republicans gain back control of the senate in November Mitch will make sure that Biden is not allowed to get even one more judge approved - creating more vacancies for the next republican president to fill - and these are the types of judges they will be looking to nominate
  15. I love this - this is the way it used to be …. (And I wish it still was…. I miss the bars) (and sounds like that was. Great local bar - you were lucky to have it)
  16. Nor should you (we) have to….. but alas I think it is the world we are living in now one of the advantages of “the good old days” when you hooked up with the actual guy at the bar. You both knew what you were actually getting (none of this “I wonder how old the pictures are?”) and you could see if the other guy was so out of it he wouldn’t make it to your house… or you could tell if while he was playing with you he was also scanning the room looking for “something better “
  17. If I was looking At the same clip - that was hot - and loved how the Top was grabbing and squeezing the bottoms cock and balls…
  18. There used to be a hypno site that had maybe dragon in its name (they even had swag - still have the key chain I bought with a nice dragon design) but then they did a site update and I got busy and when I went back to look for them I couldn’t get in i did down load these two audio sessions that were for working out - great deep voice telling me to push harder - to do another rep if anyone remembers the site (it was probably 15 years ago) I would love to find it again
  19. Or who knows- maybe it is the guy one check out line over at Publix …. 😉 I can remember when I first got Grindr I was trying it everywhere, amazed at the guys who were on and close by….. (And back in my younger days the A&P in Bostons Back Bay was the “cruisey” place to go shopping before we had the apps)
  20. Damn!!! Another fucking hot chapter My hard cock and I are definitely looking forward to the next chapter
  21. This is a really hot scene!!! and would they ever tell you their names … or just let you figure it out by whether you got pozed up or not would be really hot if you wanted to write it out for the stories (of corse it would give the ending away depending on if it was in just the bb fiction or the poz fiction
  22. I have been very cautious during Covid and was just getting to the point where I was about to say screw it … getting laid is worth the risk (I am vaxed and boosted) and then MP came along I live in Boston and there is not enough vaccine available up here so they are saving it for those at high risk with multiple partners- and my dr knows that ain’t me so I am not at the top of the list so will have to wait Once I get my vaccine and next booster…. I think I see a trip to Montreal the next weekend….
  23. @ErosWired you are right - and unlike guys who bug chase and then regret it - who can at least go on meds and get back to a sort of normal life….. there is no magic cocktail to give you your balls back.
  24. Well said - I will admit I need the sub to be “enjoying” himself for me to enjoy it (understanding that we are “enjoying” it in very different ways)
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