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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. These are indeed legitimate concerns. Another long-term consideration for antibiotics like Doxycycline is long-term damage to your kidneys. This is true of all of the antibiotics in the tetracycline family. Long term use is discouraged in people with chronic kidney disease. If you're on Prep that includes Truvada, you're already risking kidney disease as a side effect. I can tell you from my own personal experience that the damage starts to come on fast. I was on Truvada for about five years when I suddenly started experiencing a continued decline in kidney function. I was sent to a nephrologist and he quickly took me off of Truvada. My kidney function recovered somewhat but never returned to normal. I was put on a Prep routine that was much more kidney friendly and my kidney function has been stable, but I never fully recovered from the damage that had been done. If you're on Truvada, my advice is to watch your kidney function carefully. Once the damage is done, you seldom recover from it.
  2. I don't understand why you want so hard to press to hear from a Republican perspective. It's as if you're implying that you can't be gay and a Republican, or that you can't be a Republican and believe in the right to abortion, or hold some other belief that may not be widely accepted in the gay community. We have many of the political disagreements today because everyone is so focused on sorting people based on their belief system, labeling them, and then scorning them if their belief system doesn't match their own. Where's the "inclusion" if everyone is so busy finding ways to "exclude" everyone?? It's like sorting people into "binary" and "non-binary". The very act of doing so creates yet another binary system. So may people fail to think for themselves and develop their own value system that they blindly follow others who tell them what their value system should be and adopt beliefs that they've never questions or examined, or even bothered to think thru the logic of them (or lack of logic in many cases) nor have they stopped stopped to think about the long-term effect of those positions on society as a whole.
  3. If you would like to read the opinion, a link to the PDF can be found here: [think before following links] https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf
  4. [think before following links] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/maxine-waters-urges-people-to-e2-80-98defy-e2-80-99-supreme-court-after-abortion-ruling/ar-AAYQqvF
  5. Their super majority returned when Paul Kirk was sworn in as Kennedy's replacement a month later. If this had been such a hot button issue to put to bed "once and for all", then congress would have acted, but they chose not to.
  6. Placing the right to decide the abortion matters back in the hands of the individual states is an incorrect decision? It would seem to me that allowing each individual state and its residents to decide the laws governing their state should be a right that all states and their citizens should want. Don't get me wrong, I support legalized abortion, but not to use it as a political tool, as it has been from the start. Had the Democrats really wanted to end the issue once and for all, they would have made it law when the Obama administration has a super-majority and it could have passed and been signed into law and the whole discussion would have ended there. They chose not to, because campaigning on any change in abortion law has always been a great fundraiser, and the last thing you want to do is fix the problem and put an end to the fundraising it drives. There are numerous political issues that never get solved for this same reason - they are just too profitable politically to finally put to rest.
  7. In all fairness, the case we are talking about, Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization was not filed with the Supreme Court until June 15, 2020, and not heard by the Supreme Court until December 1, 2021. Justice Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were already seated on the Supreme Court before the matter was even filed with the Court, thus this matter had not come up for reconsideration at all. Since there were no arguments before the court until December 2021, this also means that the matter had not come before Comey-Barrett for reconsideration either. For any politician to claim that defying the existing justice structure, such as Maxine Waters did just a few days ago, should worry every American. If you have politicians who openly encourage defying the structure (instead of changing it) is a corrupt politician. We have excellent examples of this behavior by looking at Mexico, Venezeuela and Cuba. This is only the start of our decline as a nation.
  8. There's no point to lie about my loads. It turns some people on and turns others off, but it is what it is, so why lie about it? If you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with?
  9. I personally blame the lack of tops on the meth problem. Nobody is able to get hard anymore. You see people too young to have erection problems having erection problems. Too many people can't get it up anymore because of meth.
  10. I agree with you 100%. Have only tried them twice, but I've gotten nothing but a bad headache from poppers.
  11. No.. turns out he LOVES to fuck face aggressively and choke girls out with his cock, but since "settling down", he doesn't get to find the variety of sluts he used to encounter when he was single who were into this, and his fiance (now wife) doesn't really like to suck and doesn't "appreciate" getting her throat fucked aggressively. I'm now his regular source of relief. 🙂
  12. I posted a few months back about an ex-coworker of mine who was in town for his bachelor party. After a long night of drinking, I ended up sucking his cock. He'd never had sex with a guy before. He's happily married now, but doesn't waste an opportunity to fuck my face EVERY chance he gets, and creates reasons to come to town just for that. He's got a great cock too! 🙂
  13. Eros is my favorite lube. Doesn't wear off, stays slick and a little goes a long way.
  14. If you're on High Blood Pressure medication and it's affecting your ability to get and/or maintain an erection, I'd strongly suggest you talk to your doctor. There are numerous different blood pressure medications they can try and one may work better for you than another. My father was an alcoholic. He was put on BP medication but refused to take it when the BP medication and alcohol made him sleepy and he enjoyed drinking too much so he quit taking his blood pressure medication. He suffered kidney damage because of the uncontrolled high blood pressure and had to go on dialysis. The sad part of this story is that they could have changed his blood pressure medication and he would have been able to continue to drink (not that it would have been good for him) and not ended up with irreversible kidney disease. When I was put on blood pressure medication, I had side effects from the first one they tried. I let the doctor know and he changed me to a different class of medication, and I've had no issues with it since. I don't have any side effects and it doesn't stop me from doing anything, so the first medication may not be the right medication for your body.
  15. Some guys don't like the noise of the sling. It draws more people over and a lot of tops I know don't want an audience or want to be seen or recognized in a bath house because they're married or not out or whatever other reason. I've met a few "in and out" very quick tops. They just want to get off and leave without any other distractions along the way.
  16. I don't care what political party a person belongs to. Sex is sex. Politics is politics. When did the party of "No H8" become the party of "H8"??
  17. You can have HSV and not even know it. A lot of people who test positive for HSV have been asymptomatic their whole life. The only way to know for sure is to have an anitbody test. Believe it or not, one of the most common forms of transmission is from mother to child, when the mom kisses their young child.
  18. So is the whole concept to suffer in some way? Maybe that's why I don't get it. I think it would be hot to watch my partner have sex with someone else.
  19. There's a series of videos called "Bait Bus", where the premise is that they trick "straight" guys into having gay sex. I think it's probably fake as well.
  20. I've never understood the whole 'cuckold' fetish. What am I missing and what thought actually turns people on about this??
  21. I don't use condoms, seldom ever did even before PREP. i like sex the way it is supposed to be - RAW!
  22. Love getting my face and ass fucked hard and deep!
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