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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Tall, short, big, small, muscled, skinny, smooth, hairy- I crave variety, and could never settle for just one type.
  2. At first I asked wasn’t sure, and then I asked myself this question: Would I prefer to spend 4 hours with the most perfectly chiseled, handsome cock in the world, reaching into the deepest recesses of every orifice before it finally spewed its load into me... or would I prefer to spend 4 hours arse up, face down on a fuck bench, taking load after load from an endless parade of average, unseen and unknown hard male flesh? Easy answer! The latter, of course- I’m definitely a cumslut 😉
  3. Faggots, when a top presents himself to you, do you feel obliged to suck him for a while first, or is it acceptable just to turn round, bend over and wait for the penetration? Sometimes in cruise bars I’m really not in a sucking mood, but often I feel I’ve got to show some oral appreciation of cock I’m about to receive inside me, particularly when the top seems slow to take control. I understand that sometimes it’s necessary to help him achieve full hardness, but when he’s already rock hard, am I just wasting my time (and his)? Tops, what’s your view on this? Does it seem a little rude when a faggot only offers you his arse, or do you really not care?
  4. As a cumdump, I fully understand how a bottom’s brain works when it comes to sex, but obviously need some help working out the other side of things. I’m currently interested in what’s going on inside a top’s head when he sees his own freshly deposited load seeping out of a bottom’s hole. Some tops seem to be the hit-and-run type: they cum, they pull out, they zip up and go, losing all interest in they’ve just loaded. But others will linger and play with the bottom’s hole for a few moments, and seem to take great satisfaction in seeing and feeling their own juice safely deposited in its new home. These are the ones that interest me the most: what exactly are you thinking at that point? Is it a power thing and a feeling of having ‘conquered’ your bottom, or is it a kind of staking out of your territory: a sign to other tops that you’ve been here first and left your mark? Or is it a sense of planting your DNA inside another human being, and an expectation of it being absorbed and becoming a permanent part of him: a primal male urge to spread yourself around? The top/bottom dynamic fascinates me (not so good with the versatile stuff lol). To me the best sex is when the two partners involved are complete complimentary opposites: anatomically, mentally, psychologically. Let me understand what floats your boat.
  5. When a top enters the last stage of his rut and embarks on the final leg of his journey towards orgasm, I try to stay as still as possible for him. It’s in no-one’s interest to force him to change direction and break his stride. At this point, it’s clear he’s found the golden spot in my arse that’s going to get him off, and he should just be left to it. Bottoms like me live for such moments, and it’s both foolish and arrogant to think I can enhance the experience for him with show-off maneuvers that should be left behind at an earlier stage of the fuck. The only exception is when I find myself in such a position that I cannot physically endure it for more than a few minutes. It’s never my arse that gives out, but some other supporting body part, such as a knee or a thigh muscle. Even then, I’ll put up with an enormous amount of discomfort to get his load, and only shift position once it’s clear the point of no return has been reached.
  6. Also Backstreet in Mile End, and the (relatively new) Bunker Bar on City Road. Themes/events vary very much on a night by night basis: naked nights are usually the most popular events these days. I think that’s Wednesdays at both those venues, but check their websites. For consistently large numbers of guys, it has to be the Vault on naked nights (Mondays and Thursdays), and SBN on Sunday afternoons. The Play Pit was before my time, so I can’t really compare- but it’s still possible to have plenty of sleazy bb sex in London, if you plan your availability around the cruise bars’ listed schedule of events.
  7. Thanks guys- sounds like I’m going to be spoilt for choice on that front- let’s just hope there are plenty of men around next week who need unloading!
  8. Hello guys- first time visit to Gran Canaria (Maspalomas) at the beginning of February: can anyone advise this cumdump on the best bars/clubs to visit, etc? (I know some might think this should be posted in the “Europe” section, but nobody will find it there, and besides, it’s UK/north European guys that are probably best positioned to give advice on this to a fellow snowbird).
  9. You’ve all got it wrong. Slings are there for when you want to take a nap, aren’t they? Whenever I’m in a busy cruise club, and am feeling, well, for want of a better word, a bit ‘fucked’ and in need of a recuperative break, I head for a sling. It’s the one place I can guarantee I’ll get no attention whatsoever. As soon as I stretch out in a sling, I become completely invisible. There can be literally hundreds of guys wandering around, and not one will even glance in my direction. They’ll often stand around right in front of it, invariably with their backs turned, watching and wanking over any lame action taking place nearby: two guys kissing, someone bending over to do up his laces, a man drinking a beer. Meanwhile, my waiting hole won’t be approached by even the ugliest of trolls. It’s very relaxing. After a few minutes, I’ll get up and head back into the fray. Suddenly I exist again. So just treat the sling like a hammock, and you won’t be disappointed.
  10. I’m going to second everything that HereInLondon has already said. I’ve only been once, and that was some time ago, for one of their regular Saturday night naked parties, TFN. It wasn’t that busy, but it was early days for TFN, and I don’t know if it’s better attended these days. But it did strike me as a very pleasant venue, a cut above the usual London sauna (which isn’t hard- London saunas are pretty dire compared to those in other parts of the world). It’s not huge, but it is very central, and I can imagine it’s a relaxing place to spend a few hours. Can’t comment on the tea lol. But like HereInLondon, I have rose-tinted memories of the place largely down to the fact that I was in the receiving end of a particularly stupendous fuck there in one of the private cabins 😉
  11. Cruise club in London, mate- a regular Sunday afternoon fixture 😛
  12. Although I have a couple of cumdump buddies I can chat to online, I’d love to have one as a wing man, someone I could hang out with, whether that’s hunting cock together at a cruise bar, or co-hosting a hotel breeding session, etc. Sadly all my attempts to find one have failed. Something always seems to get in the way, usually distance. Finding fuck buds is a breeze in comparison: I guess there’s an instant and obvious ‘bond’ in that kind of relationship, whereas two cumdumps really need to be compatible on a lot of different levels before any real bond can be forged. Anyway, I’m ever hopeful, so if there’s anyone in the London area who feels similarly, hit me up!
  13. I’ve taken some two dozen cocks this afternoon and god knows how many loads, and I can tell you, I feel pretty manly right now!
  14. I think there’s a compromise solution. I’m often out and about prior to visiting a sex club/cruise bar, so can’t go through the full deep cleaning out process. But I can and do use a bulb douche, and will find a public toilet where I can spend 20-30 minutes getting myself pretty clean. Here’s the thing: 9 times out of 10 it works like a dream, and I can get fucked for hours and take multiple loads with no problem at all. But there is that 10th time, where things might get a little messy at some point during the session. Nothing major, but enough to send me back to the bathroom to ‘freshen up’. So it really depends whether you can bear the awkwardness of that 10th time. In an anon setting like a club or bar, most tops either don’t care that much or don’t even notice. In a one-to-one session it might be a bit more embarrassing, but as so many others have pointed out, accidents do happen from time to time, and it’s just best to deal with it as and when. Personally, I think life is too short to spend three hours cleaning out for a five minute fuck. Much as I love fucking and much as I want to be as clean as possible, there are just better things to do with that time.
  15. Welcome, @MuscCumslut! So many questions- where to start?? Although I have hosted anon hookups at home, I’ve never hosted a full-on gangbang (still on my bucket list lol), and take most of my loads semi-anon at sex clubs and cruise bars. In such situations, letting go and allowing any top to breed you is both liberating and empowering: it frees you from the burden of choice, and enables you to fulfil your role as a cumdump serving all of mankind- I thoroughly recommend it! What kind of experience do you have?
  16. Totally agree. It’s simple really: if a ‘top’ wants to see my dick, then we’re not compatible and we’re not going to meet. End of.
  17. We’ve been conditioned, largely by women (I think), to see extended foreplay as the mark of good sex. I’m not so sure. Maybe there’s a time and a place for it, but usually I like to get straight down to business. Oh, and btw, I for one DON’T view sucking as foreplay.
  18. You’re definitely not alone in this- somewhere on this board there’s another long thread entirely devoted to this topic. For me, it’s a rare event: it happened last night, as it happens. I’m beginning to think that it’s all about position. If I’m face down and the top is lying directly on top of me, then I can feel it- and it’s the hottest feeling ever! But doggy-style, I feel nothing.
  19. For me, I reckon there’s two things going on: 1). Liberation. I can be ridiculously picky when it comes to one-to-ones whether arranged through the apps or in real time situations, such as at the sauna. Going anon removes the burden of choice and frees me from myself. It allows me to wallow in sex in a way that I simply couldn’t do if I had to pick and choose my tops. 2). When I get fucked anon in a sex club, the top pounding my arse could be ANYONE, and on some weird level inside my head that means I’m getting fucked by EVERYONE. In a one-to-one situation where I know the guy, I’m simply having sex with an individual, and of course that can be great. But the less I know about the guy topping me, the more it feels like I’m having sex with all men in general, which is amazing! He becomes Mr. Everyman: nobody and everybody at the same time. I know it sounds nuts, but after a good session with multiple anon loads in my arse, I feel like I’ve bonded on a deeper level with all of mankind- and that’s fucking hot!
  20. I take PReP. I’m a cumdump. All I need from a top is his load. I need neither his opinion on the matter nor his validation. Respect yourself, and not the views of others who are poorly qualified to make such a judgement.
  21. So, @Pumpndump, did you get any action last night??
  22. I think this is the main difference between a “party” and an “open-door” hosting session. The former implies that there will be several guys present at once, whereas the latter implies that it’s going to be more a series of one-to-ones over a period of time. Of course there will be some overlap, and it’s always possible (and maybe desirable for some, at least) that guys will run into each other at an open-door session, creating a party-like event. The point is, each situation will attract its own set of tops. Those that enjoy group play will favour the party, whereas those who prefer one-to-one will go for the open-door session. Some will do both.
  23. Although I’ve turned up and been surprised to find one ‘extra’ top, I’ve never been lucky enough to have been surprised with 3 or more. I think my reaction would vary wildly depending on how well I knew the top with whom I had arranged the meet in the first place. If he were a trusted a regular, I reckon I’d be thrilled, and would tear off my pants and spread my legs in a heartbeat. But if I didn’t know him well, or if this was my first meet with him, I would be pretty nervous, perhaps even scared, depending on the ‘vibe’. I still think I might tear off my pants and spread my legs, but there’s a chance I might just scream and run away like the sissy I am lol.
  24. I think the first thing you need to do is find someone you trust to be on hand in case things take an unexpected turn. Although it’s undoubtedly a hot scene, you will be putting yourself in a potentially vulnerable position, and I think you’ll enjoy it more knowing you’ve got back up, just in case. This also opens up an opportunity for someone to film some of the action, so you’ve got a record for posterity
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