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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Never! Cumming destroys my horn for days at a time, and turns me into a normal person. I’d much rather be a slutty cum-hungry cumpdump craving loads all day long and whoring my arse out to all and sundry.
  2. Anyone going to Hardon this Coming Saturday (July 20th)? Would be great to meet someone there from this site, either for a drink or a fuck (or both)
  3. Anyone going to Hardon this coming Saturday (July 20th)? Would be great to hook up with someone from this site, either as a buddy or a fuck!
  4. It’s gotta be Berlin, hasn’t it? Never been, but seems to be Europe’s current hot spot for sex of all kinds. Choose a weekend when they’ve got Fickstutenmarkt on, and I’ll come with you!
  5. Ok, this actually happened to me today and I’m quite excited about it, because although it does happen from time to tome, it’s quite a rare event for me. I was at a sex event in London, and was getting ready to leave, when this fit mixed race guy suddenly comes out of nowhere, pushes me down flat on a large padded fuck bench, and lies down on top of me, pinning me down completely with the weight of his body, squeezing my legs together with his. He’s inside me in no time, and after a few minutes vigorous fucking he cums, and I can feel every.fucking.spurt. Swelling and pulsing is exactly how it feels, and it’s the hottest feeling there is! I can only assume that it was either the force of his orgasm or the position we were in which made it possible to feel him cum: usually I don’t feel anything. I certainly don’t think it has much to do with the tightness of my arse: this was after four hours of pretty intense fucking, and he was cock number 32. By this stage, my arse was as sloppy as. Anyway, I decided to call it a day after he got up and left: I wanted to keep his load inside me, and didn’t want some other fucker to come along and fuck it out of me without leaving a deposit of his own, something which happens all too often. I should have posted this in “My Last Load”, but as this topic has come up again, I thought it more appropriate to post it here.
  6. I don’t buy into this idea that there are more bottoms than tops. It always looks like that on sites like this, because I think bottoms are more prone to chatting about sex than tops. Many bottoms like me only cum once in a blue moon, which means we’re always horny, always edging, always looking for the next load- and always on sites like this talking about it. When tops are horny, they are more likely to find a hole and dump their load in it- thereby releasing themselves (at least temporarily) from the grip of horniness, and freeing themselves to do other things. In real world situations, I find that the ratio of tops to bottoms is fairly even. This seems to be true in clubs, in bathhouses, and online. The only difference is that most tops only cum once, and when they’re done, they go. Whereas the bottoms hang around longer, waiting for more loads. This does indeed mean by the end of an afternoon sex club session like SBN, for example, there will inevitably be more bottoms than tops. And the moral that story? Get there early! Speculating further, I believe that in fact there are far more tops out there than bottoms, if you were to take all the straight guys into account. If we ever reach a point in society where there is absolutely no stigma around m2m sex, I think we’ll find there’s about 1 cumdump for every 10 tops- evolution’s perfect ratio to guarantee satisfaction for everyone! Until that day, however, I’ll just have to fantasise
  7. What a curious situation. I wonder what made this guy assume that he was somehow in the position of sexual superiority that he could demand money off the OP. How would he have reacted if the OP had turned round and countered his hustle with a hustle if his own, along the lines of “Er, you should be paying me for the privilege of fucking my ass- come on, cough up, loser!”. Is it because he was the top, or because he was younger, or perceived himself to be better looking? (Sorry, I don’t know the OP’s stats.) I dislike the attitude of many young tops that they occupy the number one slot in the sexual hierarchy. Being young doesn’t necessarily make you hot, and being top is nothing special either. I think all bottoms of all ages should value themselves and their booty more highly, and not perpetuate the “young top trumps all” stereotype.
  8. I’m not convinced that haemorrhoids have anything to do with sex, in fact this is the first time I’ve heard that. In the past, I have had very occasional haemorrhoid flare ups, but that was years before I started bottoming, and in fact since I started taking it up the arse, I haven’t had any at all. I can imagine though that having sex during a flare up would be very uncomfortable, and would likely make them even worse, so I do have sympathy for the OP’s situation. Similarly, as far as I’m aware, herpes is a completely unrelated condition, and so is the idea that you can get haemorrhoids from heavy lifting: surely that’s a hernia. I seem to remember that the main cause of haemorrhoids is diet, particularly a low fibre one. And some people are just more susceptible to them than others, which is just plain unlucky. So yes, to a certain extent haemorrhoids are just a fact of life, but not to the degree that you are experiencing them, Makingwords. Usually flare ups will just go away by themselves, or can be helped along with the application of various ointments, etc. But more stubborn haemorrhoids may need to be treated surgically. In any case, I think you should probably discuss it with a medically trained expert, as we’re all in danger of giving you misinformation in this thread. After all, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about: it’s a condition that affects millions upon millions of us, regardless of whether we have sex or not.
  9. I’m relatively new to this world of sex-crazed debauchery that is the Breeding Zone, and still finding my way as a fledgling cumdump. Last year I lost my partner of 25 years to cancer, and many aspects of my life have changed since then. Living out the fantasies I was unable to explore during that relationship is one of them. At this point, I cannot see myself ever being able to replicate what I had during those 25 years with another man, although that does not mean I am closed to the idea of a future relationship. However, I think that next time round, it will be more about companionship than love, but who knows? Whether or not a cumdump lifestyle precludes this, time will tell. I hope not. And as I can see myself settling down at some point with either a fellow cumdump bottom or a sympathetic top, at least that widens the field to some extent. In the mean time, I’m enjoying my new life as a cumdump. Although it doesn’t come anywhere near to filling the hole in my life left by my partner’s death, it’s certainly an adventure, and a very welcome distraction
  10. I suppose it depends what’s involved in your planned gangbang. I’ve never done a deep clean like MuscledHorse describes above, but then I’ve never been fisted and don’t use large toys, so I haven’t found it necessary. I find with ordinary rectal douching I can go for 4-5 hours at a sex club, and get pounded by many, many cocks with no real problem. Perhaps the best thing to do is not to overthink it. We’re all different though, and if you think that a deep clean will give you the confidence you need, go for it.
  11. Hi Jargam. I’ve just been to SBN in London and had 30-40 partners in about 4 hours. So I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about lol.
  12. I find in the UK it varies from holiday to holiday, and is quite weather dependent. New Year’s Day is always good- nothing like a hangover horn to bring out the guys. Bank holiday Mondays can also be good, unless it’s sunny, and then everyone’s doing the BBQ thing. But Christmas- forget it.
  13. Stop press: it looks like the implementation of this plan is to be delayed indefinitely because of a technicality. A statement to this effect is expected to be made in Parliament today, so keep watching.
  14. I would endorse this and take it further. Just because it’s a bathhouse/sex club doesn’t mean you’re under any obligation to have sex at all. You might feel more comfortable just looking round the first time, getting to know what it’s all about. Have a sauna, have a coffee, use the jacuzzi... bathhouses can be nice places just to chill out and relax, it doesn’t have to be about sex all the time. And believe me, whatever you do choose to do, no-one is judging you. Of course, you may prefer to dive right in and have sex with everyone there: it’s entirely up to you. But it’s not a ‘failure’ if you don’t. It took me years to pluck up the courage even to go to one, so for me just crossing the threshold that first time was an achievement, and it took several more visits before I felt comfortable enough to have actual sex.
  15. It really depends on the situation. In a pre-arranged one-on-one session at home, for example, it can be disappointing if a top cums in less than two minutes when you’ve been anticipating a long fuck and spent a considerable amount of time cleaning out, etc. But there are other times when I love a quick cummer- at an outdoor cruising ground, for example, where there’s a danger of being seen/caught. And also when I’m in cumdump mode at a sex club and it’s more about quantity than quality: I want a succession of reasonably quick fucks, not some guy that takes forever to cum and is going to monopolise my arse for the best part of an hour. Different horses for different courses. But on balance, I would have to say that I’d rather have a guy that cums too quickly than one that either doesn’t cum at all, or that takes so long about it that various parts of my body have started to fall off.
  16. You could always face the wall, pull your pants down and bend over. That’ll definitely get their attention, and make it quite clear you’re a bottom looking to get plowed. Works a treat for me 😉 Of course, it does depend on the kind of bar you’re visiting, I suppose... perhaps try somewhere less ‘nice’?
  17. Oh, this is a popular thread, isn’t it? Well done, RandyCubby. Mine was syphilis. Got it from sucking cock (I didn’t fuck in those days). And I’m pretty certain which cock it was. Some random guy off Scruff in east London. Had a big sore on the underside of his head: I didn’t notice till I’d already started sucking him. Anyway, I was too polite to stop and question it (yes, I really was that stupid!), so carried on till the job was done. I remember afterwards in the car wishing I had some antiseptic mouthwash lol. But after that, I put it out of my mind, as one does. Fast forward 6 months, I had a sore throat that wouldn’t go away, white patches on my tonsils, a painless rash all over my torso, and aching joints: full-blown stage 2 syphilis. Easily fixed, just a couple of VERY painful penicillin shots in the arse, and then a long wait to see if my titre count came down- which it did. Tbh, the worst bit was telling all my regular suck buds, but most of them were actually fine about it. But strangely it did change my life, and led me on the road to becoming the cumdump I am today. Being forced to confront my sexual health (I’d never even been tested before) and having to deal with an STD made me realise that catching one wasn’t the end of the world. We’re all very lucky to live at a time when all of them can either be cured or managed, for the time being at least.
  18. Hey LatinPozSlut- I see no-one has replied to your post yet, and I don’t want you to think we’re all rude and unfriendly over here, so I’ll try to advise you as best I can, though it’s been a while since I’ve been to a London sauna. The sauna scene in London isn’t what it was 10 to 20 years ago: many have closed down, killed by a combination of sky-high rents and the dating app revolution. Same story in cities the world over, I suppose. However, there are still a few worth trying. Perhaps the most central one is Sweatbox in SoHo. It’s just reopened after a complete (and necessary) refurb, so it might be quite good- can’t say for sure, as I haven’t been since it reopened. It tends to attract a somewhat younger crowd than most saunas, and plenty of fit types. Probably busiest late eves (after 11:00pm). Then there’s Pleasuredrome near Waterloo- I think it’s open 24 hours, and often quite busy. It caters to all types: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unusually for a UK sauna, it has private rooms you can rent. Another one is Chariots in Vauxhall. Personally I dislike it: it has all the atmosphere of DIY warehouse. Seems to attract a younger, more drug oriented crowd. There are several more smaller ones dotted around, not all of them in central locations. I’ve heard good things about the Locker Room in south London, but haven’t been myself. Perhaps someone on here with more recent sauna experience can give you more up-to-date info. But do make sure you visit some of the sex bars and clubs as well- they seem much busier and much more popular than the saunas these days. Don’t miss the Vault (Vault 139), and if you’re happy to go naked, then you should go to SBN on a Sunday afternoon, where you’ll find literally hundreds of guys fucking, most of them bareback. First thing to do when you arrive is go to any gay bar and pick up a copy of the free weekly QX magazine, which will give you listings of what’s on where each night. Hope you have fun!
  19. How about ‘dual deposit scheme’? Guys who want to attend have to put down a significant financial deposit in advance, which they only get back if they actually attend and make a deposit of a different kind?
  20. Hi Dirtydudedub- I haven’t come across any art like that on this site, and do not intend to look to see if there is any.. I’m presuming/hoping the moderators are keeping the site clean of such stuff? As far as I might aware, they seem to be doing a good job... However, as a UK resident, what you say obviously gives me cause for concern. The idea of ending up on the sex offenders register for simply being on this site is alarming. The same goes for any talk of underage sex, obviously. The rules regarding this seem to be quite clear: discussing it in a manner that eroticizes it in any way is quite rightly prohibited. I was wondering if the moderators have any comments that might help clarify this matter further?
  21. For what it’s worth, I entirely agree with LetsPOZBreed. I’ve never come across biting before, and although I’m open to indulging new fetishes, I would want to exercise some control over this one.
  22. Love this thread, haven’t seen it before. So much of what has been said already is spot on. Things that resonate with me in particular are: 1). Inadequate facilities for cleaning out. Here in the UK I don’t think I’ve come across a single sauna which has made any provision for this at all... I mean, I don’t expect ordinary pubs/restaurants to provide these facilities, but a sauna should have all the necessary plumbing. Come on- step up! 2). Guys standing around the cruising areas having a good ol’ natter about God knows what. Particularly upsetting when a hunk you’ve had your eye on as a potential ‘rough top’ reveals himself to be as camp as Christmas. 3). Guys who shamelessly just won’t take no for an answer, and who repeatedly prey on one’s good manners and politeness to try to force one into an unwanted coupling (“I really didn’t want to, but I just thought it was rude to keep saying no 🤷🏻‍♂️“). In defence of the guys standing round who refuse to make eye contact: I used to be one of them! It doesn’t it necessarily means they are arrogant or think themselves better than everyone else: they might just be painfully shy and a bit out of their depth. I would often fail to make eye contact with guys I thought were far too good for me: I was fearful of rejection, or a getting a look of disgust/dismissal from them in return... For some people, I think it can take many visits to the bathhouse to acquire the confidence needed to interact properly with the other guys there, so cut them some slack!
  23. Totally agree with you, NLbear. I pride myself on my cocksucking abilities, but always feel sorry for the guy who’s using my throat during a spit roast session. He’s definitely the one getting the raw end of the deal: I just can’t concentrate properly and give him the attention he deserves, and I know I’m doing a shit job at blowing him. Usually I give up after a while, and just focus 100 percent on the guy in my arse. Unless the guy at the front end is a serious throat fucker- then I really don’t have much choice in the matter I think spit roasts are like many things in life. The idea is better than the reality, so don’t lose a lot of sleep over it, Coastalbender.
  24. Guys, if you don’t like guys glued to their phones at clubs like the Vault, just make sure you go on naked nights (eg. Mon and Thurs)! Phones aren’t allowed, and you have nowhere to put them anyway... But I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. From time to time, I’ve thought about arranging something in a hotel, but when it comes down to it, I just think “Nah, I’ll go to a club instead”. It’s just so easy- you pay your money, strip, and get straight down to it. And when you’ve had enough you leave. Also, now that Prep has become so ubiquitous, most of the action is bb anyway, so there’s really no need to use bbrt to find like-minded guys. There’s always horny action going on at these clubs. I appreciate that it might not be quite the same as a more intimate group at a privately arranged party, but it scratches an itch, and can be extremely horny in its own way. Although I haven’t matched Dawson’s load count yet, I’m getting up there! With literally hundreds of horny naked men crammed together in one venue, it’s perfectly possible, just so long as you’re prepared to ‘put out’, as our American friends say.
  25. Playerking, Airmax: I feel I need to stick up for the cumdumps again... At least the cumdumps are putting themselves out there and trying to organise something (and often paying for a hotel room in the process). It’s not their fault if others can’t be bothered to organise parties: it’s very rare I see a top going out of his way to arrange something. Don’t take us cumdumps for granted: you’d miss us if we weren’t there
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