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  1. Well aware of this phenomenon, and it's hardly surprising when a hung masculine ideal is what most aspire to be and look for in a partner or hookup. I think a lot of SPH and size contrast porn is specifically reacting to this and fetishizing something that one is supposed to be ashamed of or hide. And hopefully pointing out that while a big bouncing dick is nice on a bottom contrast can be sexy too, and even shocking or nasty (in a good way).
  2. the simple and honest answer is because hung studs wanted to fuck me raw and eventually wore down my resistance. I knew barebacking was often a way to attract and keep the interest of the type of tops I wanted so badly to mate with- they might agree to a rubber but I'd gain a competitive advantage if I let them hit raw. some insisted on raw. coupled with the ease of it sliding in and erectile difficulties melting away when no condom had to be squeezed on hurriedly, and the fact that I've always had well endowed partners, it just made sense for me and how I saw my place in the sexual ecosystem. I wasn't forced into it, I chose improved access to high quality fucking with elite daddy pigs as worth potentially getting pozzed for. (this was in 2011-2014)
  3. I didn't say pious/holy, but some of them were churchgoer and keeping up appearances! ;) (usually the Caribbean ones) There's a type I don't meet much in the big city but encountered more often in the midsized town I lived in for a while where I took a lot more dick from deeply closeted guys who may have driven 1-2 hours to the bathhouse from a rural area for their fix of no recip head and temptation to drop a load in a faggot ass. I used to get annoyed by men my father's age asking tons of questions at the bathhouse about whether I'm "neg" or "clean" and how many guys I've fucked recently. I do play ball to some extent since I think out of fairness they should make an informed decision about the risk that I might have contracted gono/syph/chlamydia since last being tested (every 3-4 months). I'd cite a number of sexual partners lower than my probable count but still high enough to make clear that this wasn't my first rodeo and I was not so innocent. Now I tell them Doxy Pep and Prep/treatment make it very unlikely my hole will give them anything except a good time and an inflated ego. Sometimes I still get suspicious comments like "are you sure you're on prep? telling the truth, right?" to which I say you can either believe me or don't, but I take care of my own health and like to keep my stable of stallions in fighting form as well. I also remind them Prep is often free/subsidized and in any case I am the one getting a 7 day load dumped so far up my guts that I won't be able to push it out even if I try, whereas they can wash their dick as soon as they're on their merry way and I'm still kneeling on the floor of the dry sauna with a bottle of poppers tucked into the waistband of my teal thong. nothing is risk free but my throat probably isn't going to kill them. sometimes this can lead to some kinky dirty talk about me being a filthy whore who lets any big dick up my boyhood, often we drop it and they stick to oral but let someone else use my rear who's less concerned about mixing their load with the primer
  4. The biggest dick of a pairing is often, but not always, the top. But even bottoms in porn are significantly more hung than the average man. Treasure Island, TimTales and RFC were early adopters of keeping bottoms in jocks throughout - which may have been because they were small to begin with, or were unable to get hard. But what about porn where a small dick, even a VERY small dick, on a bottom is either celebrated or treated matter of factly? There doesn't seem to be much. AnonBttmMIA on OnlyFans/X is one I really like. He does a lot of size difference and some small penis "humiliation" (it's not really humiliating and more lighthearted) in his videos. It's very hot to see his 2-3 inches next to the 8-10 he typically takes.
  5. I haven’t had any top use a condom in ages. And oddly enough, they broke with the last few who did (this never happened to me in 5 years of religious condol use before going bareback at 23) and no one bothered putting another on. A few say they intend to and I don’t object (which puts them at ease) but once they start rubbing their boner around my hole and teasing it we both know it ain’t happening. The ones most likely to wrap it up are religious married men who think gays have diseases (they’re often not wrong…)
  6. I sucked off a fifty something daddy with a hairy chest, trim belly and rock hard curved thick cock on the outdoor terrace of a bathhouse. A building is under construction next door and halfway through we realized we had an audience of two young construction workers on a balcony a few floors up. They laughed and seemed more amused than turned on or or repulsed. Not even shocked - maybe it wasn’t the first time. But the 20 year age difference, the roughness of the face fuck and the fact that I have a pronounced tanline from wearing thongs can’t have escaped notice.
  7. Has anyone been? Is it worth visiting on a weekend for an out-of-towner? The memberships are expensive and the no sexual activity in the public areas is a turn-off, but if there's a decent number of hot daddy breeders I'd put up with that.
  8. this seems like a clip that meets that description: [think before following links] https://www.mansurfer.com/video/212305/rabbit-hole
  9. [think before following links] https://www.nakedsword.com/movies/297438/gangbang-lottery/scene/1 Raw Fuck Club Gangbang Lottery is giving TIM a run for their money - it's available on a few other sites too if you google (e.g. [think before following links] https://ww1.pornhoarder.tv/video/rfc-gangbang-lottery-part-1-mp4/MnpxSGFQb3Z6SEZqeVJyYnZCbUNZU0NxY00ramRDLzBCMDQ1WU1IZEh5ND0=) i love that we've reached the point where bottoming like this, on camera, is considered a reward akin to winning the lottery, rather than something that 10-20 years ago would (I think?) have been considered way more degrading than vanilla porn, or even group scenes where the bottoms seemed more human and less sphincterlike. (To be clear, I find this hot, not a criticism. Just kinda intense that even more slick studio porn looks like this?)
  10. perfection. the best thing about a throat is that it’s always ready. the hardest part for you will be finding cocksuckers who can actually take that kind of throatfucking because unlike taking it up the ass, it never really gets easier and the muscles don’t adapt. it will never give a bottom physical pleasure, just the psychological thrill of submission - this greatly reduces the pool of sluts willing to put out like that. luckily there are some of us who love cock more than anything and are horny/stupid enough to offer ourselves for this type of abuse. all i ask is that you keep me poppered up enough to ensure my soft tissue remains wet, silky and relaxed enough to be your toy for a session long enough that i’ll sound raspy for days afterward.
  11. No. I am 4.5" hard. These days I wouldn't bottom for anyone under 6" - I have in the past with hookups where I didn't know his size before I picked him up at a bar and brought him home. I find anything under 4-5" unappealing and frankly unworthy of my attentions.
  12. i’ve been posting for a while but never properly introduced myself. 34 year old canadian faggot here, but have lived in Texas, California and South Korea too. over time my sexual/social identity and desires have shifted from a more mainstream gay man to strongly understanding raunchier sex as a core part of who i am. for the first 5 years i was sexually active, i somehow managed to always use condoms despite being fucked by hundreds of anonymous men outdoors, at saunas and even in bedrooms. i guess it was a different time (2007-2012) and montreal tops were gentlemen. then i moved to seoul and was lulled into a false sense of security by the fact that immigration visas for foreigners required an annual negative hiv test. i spent most weekends riding american soldiers and south african esl teachers bareback in dark filthy bathhouses and had a blast. tested positive at 24 and had to leave the country. i moved back home, started meds and grad school and within 2 months was undetectable at a time when prep was still not widely available. my already slutty tendencies went to turbo mode. i was usually the only bareback bottom under 45 at cum union events and was in pig heaven - finally free to be bred nonstop by the biggest nastiest poz daddies until cum was running down my legs. it felt wrong but oh so right. as was bound to happen eventually to a powerbottom spending a lot of time hanging around with dom dads who saw me as Hole first, person second, t and g came into the picture even though i was already piggy enough on poppers. this has opened a lot of doors and really transformed my sex life in ways i’m still figuring out. i feel very comfortable when there are fairly strict roles and expectations for sex - this allows me to relax and enjoy without performance anxiety or insecurity about how i “should” look, act or feel. in my partybottom era i’m having similar sex as before just more of it, for way longer and with less hesitation about pursuing more extreme fantasies. i love BZ for a few reasons: - full of smoking hot older pigs - the erotic stories - thoughtful discussions about porn, chems, bodies, why we want the sex we want, how to up your bottoming game and maximize loads, etc you guys are my people. most of my gay friends are boring and sexless. i want to be around other pigs who are pushing the limits of what sex can be. there’s something special and maybe even sacred that i experience being with men who love that i’m proudly poz, a pussyboi and a pass around party bottom. it’s definitely not for everyone but it’s perfect for me. i’m hoping to start travelling more for sex holidays generally and to meet chemtops for long sessions in other cities. the idea of driving 5 hours or hopping on a flight to be a stranger’s sex slave for a long weekend or take dick in a sleazy motel turns me on a lot. meanwhile i’m working my day job and still sleeping with a mix of local rough dads and cheating husbands. ask me anything!
  13. so i don’t love the term bbc because it’s a bit dehumanizing although i completely respect anyone using it for marketing purposes to reel in those size queens. (for the record i also dislike bwc but mainly for being corny and just seeming slightly off). i’m into all confident/dominant and physically large (in every way) masculine men which generally skews black, arab, latino and white in descending order for a variety of genetic and cultural reasons. i like guys who are tall, strong and hung - those are just more frequently occurring traits in some racial/ethnic backgrounds than others. when i say “cultural” i mean that in my experience men from certain backgrounds and life experiences are much more likely to seek out male on make sex as tops, either because they never felt the desire or freedom to explore a more submissive side of themselves or because the sub bottoms just arent as visible and are being more discreet. it’s a bit of a cliche but in my travels to more conservative countries in europe and latin america there were simply tons more straight or non-gay identified men who wanted to fuck me and weren’t worried at all about being perceived as homosexual. wonderful for me! for some black men raised in the caribbean or in conservative/religious families the same seems to hold true at home in the US and canada. the long winded preamble is simply to say i don’t feel great about how “bbc” erases black bottoms or the not insignificant (definitely relatively less common in comparison to white/asian guys) number of african american, caribbean and african men who have average sized penises. you’re valid! i’ve also had some shocking experiences at bathhouses where older white guys will point at a black guy and loudly tell me i should go have some chocolate. like damn, maybe i wanted to but now you made it fucking weird and objectifying! with that out of the way, i am an incurable size queen and i’ve deeply internalized that pleasing men, even when it’s physically tiring, uncomfortable or even painful (within reason), is very important if i want to continue being blessed with large quantities of good dick and good sex. i have always gotten along well with black guys looking for hookups partly because the bar is so low: they’re sick of bottoms over promising and under delivering, and i finish what i started (even if i start to panic when the 11th inch is pushing its way in and there’s still more). black guys are far less likely to care that i have a small dick and often don’t get hard during sex (even before i started partying). i also find that on average they tend to be able to and want to fuck longer and appreciate bottoms with stamina. they just seem to know by looking at me that there’s a 0% chance of me wanting to flipfuck, too or have a gag reflex. finally, i don’t seem to have the hang ups about interracial public sex that some guys do so i never seem to have much competition (which still surprises me). every time I visit LA and new york i always end up meeting incredibly sexy black tops, with no bs or pretence. to answer the question, yes my cunt has been stretched wide and deep by some truly insane bbc. yes i’ve flown to nyc to spend the entire weekend getting pounded in harlem. yes i’ve been the only white guy in a bathhouse (in both dt la and brazil) and yes the mutual understanding that every single man there would be using me at his leisure was instant and wordless. yes i do get a bit of a thrill when i’m taking black dick in front of an audience, especially white men my fathers age with penises that simply don’t compare to 8, 9, 10, 11. there’s something hot about going where a lot of bottoms fear to tread: older bbc, extremely thick cocks impossible to fully swallow, young bbc, spit roasting, married/discreet fathers cheating, homophobic men, drug dealers and men packing heat, guys who got rougher than they should have … black lawyers and professors too who selfishly still very much enjoy having me snort lines off their monstercocks because they know it’s a sure fire way to get my pussy relaxed for 2-3 extra hours. i’ve experienced ecstasy that made me question whether the part of my life that didn’t involve having my prostate battered repeatedly was even worth living compared to the pleasure cocks 3x my girth and 2-4x my length can give a truly broken in white pussyboy like me.
  14. i sucked my first cock at 18 shortly before graduating high school (a 21 year old). a few months later i got fucked by a 27 year old teaching assistant at university. both were BIG men who did not know it was my first time and gave it to me pretty hard. without any discussion before, during or after, i naturally gravitated toward a submissive bottom role and reciprocation was not even considered. i wasn't expecting sex to be so physically demanding but i immediately knew on some level that i'd found my place and had better get comfortable in it. the rest of the year did not go as smoothly. instead of embracing my instinctive attraction to older, dominant, masculine tops who sensed our compatibility, i kept going home from the bars with guys my own age who lacked the equipment and assertiveness to make anything sexual happen between us. I felt guilty about being more attracted to men who weren't out as gay for political reasons and was generally confused about who to be friends with and who to fuck, not having any experiences with gay people. I did manage to get fucked twice by guys who were handsome but clearly more vers-bottom oriented so there weren't fireworks. by the end of the year, my new best friend, a tall 23 year old musclejock who seemed (to me) too masculine to possibly be completely uninterested in topping, finally succeeded in convincing me that it wouldn't work out between two total bottoms and to let him be my wingman instead. i turned 19 and returned to my suburban hometown where i'd be commuting one hour into the city for an undemanding job at my uncle's office filling in for a receptionist on maternity leave. i was expecting the summer to be a dud but decided to take my friend up on his suggestion to check out the nude beach, the adult movie theatre and the personals on squirt and craigslist. My body count went from 4 to "lost track" within my first week on the job, I kid you not. Every day for 4 months I spent my hourlong lunch break on my hands and knees on the dirty floor of a $6 porn theatre sucking off every dick i could get my hands on, a nice mix of 30-60 year old guys of all racial backgrounds looking to unload before heading back to work. Some were in suits, some in scrubs, some in UPS uniforms, construction vests. If they had hair on their chest and a thick slab of meat I'd be bobbing in no time in front of the whole theatre. I realized there was nothing stopping me from moving on to the next cock even if the first guy had cum and gone, and nothing stopping strangers from playing with my tits and sliding their cock into my ass from behind while i was being held down on a stranger's dick and couldn't turn around to look at who was joining in. I was introduced to poppers and what they allowed me to do for the daddies. i quickly got over my shyness about age differences, public and group sex and being called "daddy's pussyboy" by men who were evenly divided between those who never touched my limp leaking dick at all and those who got off on our size contrast even when they stroked me to full 4" erection. many in both camps had wedding rings on. i started wearing red or black Calvin Klein thongs and hanging out in the "bi/straight" theatre instead of the one showing gay porn and realized i had even better luck there. the only days i didn't punch in for my shift as the financial district's resident shameless twink lunch hour bottom were when i called in sick to suck cock at the nude beach instead. i must have averaged 3 or 4 men every weekday for 4 months plus the occasional craigslist hookup or roadhead on the weekend which works out to 300-400 blowjobs in a summer. i probably only got penetrated about 50 times because there wasn't enough time to take any more. needless to say, my second year of college was very different than the first. i still went to bars and clubs with my friends but would slip away before last call to the local leather bar where i was usually the youngest person by a mile and men would pick me up by putting my hand down their pants or fingering me on the dancefloor. no ambiguity. i was usually blowing them before the taxi even got us home. if they fell asleep after fucking me i'd slip out and head to the bathhouse to get a $5 student discounted locker and station myself in a dark room in time for the 3am rush. if my hookup had taken viagra, i wouldn't be released from cocksucking duty until much later but it was still impossible to resist stopping by the bathhouse on my way home just to see who was around. By 5 or 6am the better looking guys were few and far between but there was never a shortage of hard dicks and nasty daddies very surprised and happy to see me pop up out of nowhere and start feeling them up under their towel. Sunday afternoons were also great sauna days, there's nothing better for a hangover than getting spitroasted in a steamroom. Weekdays after work were also prime time for commuter daddies cheating on their way to the train station. All that to say, things escalated quickly. It was 4 and suddenly it was more than 50 and suddenly it was a shockingly high ballpark estimate that I knew I should keep to myself in polite company. I've never been much of a counter - most nights at the sauna the dicks would sometimes blend together if I never got a good look at their face to begin with, and it might have been 4 guys or possibly 7, with usually about half of them fucking my ass. I've slowed down lately but I've probably averaged sex with at least 2 or 3 different men per week over the last 15 years. That puts me around 2500-2750 overall, although I have a lot more repeat customers these days which is fine by me!
  15. i only touched on one aspect of the question: the physical initiation into a more intense kind of bottoming than average. psychologically i have embraced the desire i’ve always had to be at the opposite end of the spectrum from a versatile flipfuck between men who see each other as equals. for me it took some time to own that role without shame or hesitation about expressing what i want even though it narrows the pool of men significantly. i respect that for the majority of guys a total bottom with a smooth body and small, decorative penis is not their first pick, but those who like it like it a lot, especially when it goes hand in hand with an almost limitless need to please. for me it’s almost a contract - if i want to be with a highly desirable male with superior breeding equipment and skills, my end of the bargain is outcompeting the mass of bottoms and women to keep him coming back by giving him the kind of fuck only a needy man could give another man. no strings, no compromises, no labels, no talking. when we rut i’m communicating that i recognize he is part of a sexual elite and that i’m powerless to deny him whatever he wants to do. when i bottom it reinforces that all the arbitrary rules about sex and social status are meaningless: money, politics, age and background are distractions from raw lust. i’m rejecting the hetero imperative to be spread my seed and carry on tradition as well as proper gay respectability - instead i’m letting men my fathers age dominate me for sport, maybe for hours, outdoors or on film. it’s about becoming a different kind of man no longer designed for procreative, penetrative sexuality and instantly recognizable as available and non threatening to the top’s identity as a man, regardless of whether he may live other parts of his life as a conventional father or husband.
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