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About cumdumpCNY

  • Birthday 01/20/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Being raped, used as a cumdump, gangbanged, held down and used. No kissing. Use my hole - dick locked in chasity.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Foster dad pimped me out at 13. Ten years as whore - fucked in every cheap motel on East Coast.
  • Porn Experience
    Several cheap kiddie porns - still out there floating around
  • Looking For
    Guys to rape me - only time I feel anything. Don’t need saving, need to be used by older men

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  1. No - you are assuming “cheap whore” is a bad thing - not me.
  2. It fucks boys up for life / anyone who says they like it is lying. Fantasies are fine but no one enjoys rape - by the very definition, you can not enjoy. Anyone boy undef 13 does not have the testosterone to enjoy sex either
  3. Ryan is a cheap whore - to focused on his own enjoyment/ cumming if you ask me though
  4. F hairy fat men fucking hairless small boys us hot. Hate bottoms jerking - they should gettin used, not enjoying it.
  5. Pimp that boy out - past the point he enjoys. Bottoms should be used / their pleasure is unimportant
  6. The POZ stuff doesn’t do it for me. Rapist should be be a 50s beefy hairy guy - in my opinion.
  7. Why be consensual - non-con ate hotter. Bottoms should remain soft and cry. Now that’s hot!!
  8. More sex - less drug and poz talk. Use that bottom - to much kissing too
  9. Love a story from the Tops pov. Awesome story!!!
  10. Hot - but would love a story with the bottom not so eager. Bottom saying "fuck me" or "fuck me harder" is such a turn off. Anyone know of stories written from the Tops perspective??? Thx
  11. Shouldn't a twink be smooth, no facial hair and no tattoos?
  12. Why would a big buff top have HIV?
  13. Why a straight story on a gay website? Very confused.
  14. Bummer theat Daddy Erik got fucked - tops should be tops.
  15. Once I enjoyed it, Daddy stopped breeding me. He liked hurting my hole.
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