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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. We are seeing that now... No "will" about it...
  2. If you think our system of parties was "designed to support a party-based system" may I suggest you reread Washington's farewell address?
  3. Man I see the exposure given Mr. Johnson's history. Things might get quite ugly making MTG and MG love him all the more. If he isn't awful, stability in the role is more desirable.
  4. Indeed on balance I think Biden has done a good job given conditions on the ground when he started. For most of us the years 82 - 85 are more challenging. As a result whomever is VP has a good chance of becoming President. It might be healthy if the WH starts showcasing Harris as well if Dem's proceed with an incumbent only candidate. Further, I think a second (and even a third) candidate allows for healthy discussion within the party; which I think would prove more attractive to undecided voters.
  5. Indeed @viking8x6 focusing on where we agree has historically worked pretty well.
  6. I'm already local elected person; and also work every election unless I am on the ballot. Re: Parties, I am opposed to parties in general and both of them specifically. Both parties hound me to join.
  7. Perhaps the question to explore. How can we begin to neutralize and ultimately reverse this seemingly intractable Hatfield's and McCoy's we're in?
  8. @viking8x6 I'm wishing you well. Indeed new stuff emerges all the time.
  9. I am thankful to have experienced a number of monster cocks. Equally grateful that after a few days my butt recovered. Given the opportunity I won't say "no"; but not the usual local find for me.
  10. @J-raw Interesting. I've managed to not get Covid. I am not fearful of it; but I note who around me comes down with it and act accordingly. It is not uncommon for ED symptoms to begin with some in their 40's. Sometimes due to medications prescribed and taken. And indeed, the SARS-cov19 virus is both still evolving and being studied now that there is more data to consider. Further libido often drops off as family and professional demands stress ones bandwidth. So there are plenty of potential causal opportunities. Herpes still goes around. Certainly never stops anyone from even asking me who has had HSV for decades. I will mention it if I have an outbreak, but as I control HSV with anti virals as it is an uncomfortable and irritating event (for me anyway). Herpes however is profoundly easy to pass on. And most of the time one won't feel a thing until the first outbreak; which is typically many weeks or months later.
  11. Indeed, if I had to wait for others to have sexual pleasure I would be truly frustrated. At 74 my option pool has changed, but still plenty of opportunities. Even with my short term medical break (a series of things perhaps resulting from my recent conversion to HIV); I was at 80 playdates, plus hosted a dozen more group events. ED shows up more often than I would like. PT141 (Bremelanotide) truly amps up my feeling of horns and ED resolves for a time; but I get a nasty backache to use it infrequently. TriMix was stupidly expensive and I had to use too big a dose to get a satisfactory response. Maybe the needle poke in my dick pissed him off... I typically cum only once or twice a week - when I truly engage my body and mind towards those happy feelings. That tends to suggest to me that I might consider more planned pleasure time each day...
  12. Indeed @BootmanLA ARV's may pose side effects I don't know of yet.
  13. Both my husband and I have previous experience being in purportedly monogamous relationships. We created our own "rules" for the two of us. And mostly it is quite simple; we each want to see how each other winds up; until one of us dies. We have few if any "expectations". We have developed patterns with each other. We enjoy each others "sexploits". We are each others immediate family. We co own everything we have in every country where we have stuff. We have our contracts which we put in place when we weren't allowed to marry. As we don't view our right to be married as a state we can rely upon, we keep our contracts current. I don't need him to "make me happy". He doesn't need me to "make him happy". We are happy with each other. Perhaps most significant' we don't worship imaginary beings we think provide us with magical outcomes. So there is no entity above or below we fret about displeasing; that which is the foundation of "social norms".
  14. Being an admin on another bugchaser site, I definitely will put it as a message on our site. There are already many similar. I think it is fine to chase, everyone can make up their own mind. This is one of the things that occurs with HIV. It can still surprise us. Thankfully not often. So if one chases and expects any sort of guarantee this sort of thing can't happen to them, I encourage them to think again. If on the other hand your characterization of bug chasing and our sites as "damned"; I'll say the same thing I say to "right to lifers", my body my choice. Information great; castigation not so much...
  15. Indeed @tallslenderguy It is easy to conflate the idea of an open respectful relationship with 'cheating'. They are very different things.
  16. Similar to @atlfukbud @Konrad @MuscledHorse. I've been in my open, respectful and loving relationship for 23 years. We encourage each other to enjoy sexual pleasure however we find it. We had both experienced mates who insisted on absolute monogamy; we eventually discovered were anything but.
  17. Thanks @viking8x6. As an admin on another similar site I want to toss in that a lot of the reasons we put in such initial restrictions is to help the longer term survivability of our websites. There are no shortages of people who disagree with any of us discussing what we discuss here. So before we open up the floodgates to unrestricted posts we want to give time for people to reveal who they are (might be an over simplification but somewhat our "why").
  18. Nicely said @ErosWired It wasn't a bathhouse encounter; it was a hotel room; so there was only the one other "customer" there. I think what would potentially bother me is less that I fucked the guy; but that there is a path to me per our pre meeting conversation that might leave me open to legal exposure (did I play with one guy who later accuses me of passing on an STI?).
  19. The handful of condom guys are few and far between for me.
  20. I don't see the problem.... I just ask or tell guys I only do raw and want my load in them or theirs in me. Some demure but most are in the "bring it on" camp...
  21. All true @BootmanLA I definitely discourage people from heading to Wisconsin. We've nearly limitless fresh water and clean air and open space. Who in their right mind would want that???? 🙂
  22. Pretty true @BootmanLA although I observe advantage plans providing a max out of pocket.
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