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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. As much as I agree that violence is not OK, human history has it as the primary remedy. Most of the time someone is at war. Duking it out until one side is worn down from the aggression of the other. As options go, and as sad as it is; it is becoming ever more "the popular option package". So violence and taking up arms. Sadly, our society already does that and celebrates it in a ritual of "sacred rights" rather than social guardrails help the most. Gun violence is celebrated in our "entertainment". Our fun is way less about reflecting to us how we actually interact with each other, married to some humor, to help us recognize some of our own tunnel vision. We look for "superheroes" and expect that of our leader. So, yeah, I'm not a gun guy and to become that after three quarters a century? If I have to kill my neighbor then shoot me first please. Not the world I want to live in. This whole thing about show our facts, discuss our points of view allows for us to come to an understanding. It seems as if we are split and focused on two different sets of data. There is only 1 100% of us. Our numbers have doubled twice and are approaching a third doubling since my late 40's birth. Plus we continue to not recognize our rapidly changing climate. Perhaps the end of our species draws near. We've danced around with our finger near the button for all of my life, and then some; the better part of century. We each have significant impact on each other, It would appear authoritarianism is the emerging wave of how humans choose to be ruled. A daddy as it were to take care of us, let us drive the car and provide a room for us.... And perhaps that is natures way of culling the herd. But we've also seen some pulling together. The 1960's sure felt like our nation was coming apart. TV news brought hanging or worse, chaining up and dragging behind the truck of black men. KKK rallies were also a news item. No one seemed to agree. Somehow, we seemed to reconcile more than not... But we've lost that. We've taken sides as if society was a football game. As much as we know 100% agreement is unlikely, 75% means most agree. 50/50 means we should talk more widely and publicly because we seem to be talking over or around each other and not achieving understanding. When I say "talk about" I don't mean so called "conversations" where people talking over each other is accepted as conversation. Those aren't. Those are just two people yelling and zero people listening. And a number of news shows demonstrate that behavior quite well. If TV wants to do something profound, they would have dialogues which don't start out with "the answer". And if they start talking over each other there is a mandatory 60 seconds of utter silence, and then each speaker one at a time; enforced. 🙂 Obviously bad parenting.
  2. I have a six point sling in my dungeon. It is absolutely fantastic. It takes all the need to support our mates weight but let's our dicks and asses to be the focus of energy.
  3. Defiinitely @hntnhole renegotiating is in order. The Israeli citizens need to make their own minds up about Nettie. I am glad though that we didn't abandon our agreement mid stream. That would have our word count for nothing when it was being relied upon. It was an agreement with the Israel citizens and the US, not Nettie and the US.
  4. You know, understanding why we have to do these things doesn't help. WTF do we continue to be impelled to tell everyone else what they are allowed to do with their own body? This is fukken stupid. Thanks @rawTOP. I know we need to know; so thank you for keeping us fully informed of how you're evolving your site. my controls on my own controversial website are different. These days "discussion" might be boring to those who prefer to look at photos and videos. Seeing what you do each step has me question my own exposure; and my options.
  5. I would not say no to a cumsicle in my always willing hole. In fact it would be super soothing after an aggressive fuck. But I think I need the old popsicle molds; and TBH I love the taste so much I lick it up before it can ever get to the mold.
  6. Sweet. For me certainly not every event. There are other aspects of my adult life where discretion is my wiser option. But indeed some events in life, be they biking, bowling, community home renovations... Any of them can be where a spark happens and some fun play ensues.
  7. My home is somewhat as you describe. Clean potable water, made better by my own systems in my home to remove forever chemicals for example. Big private yard. Away from the fray. And I am grateful that is the case today. Will that remain tomorrow? These and other secrets will be uncovered in the coming days, weeks, months and years...
  8. I can't speak for how things will unfold down under. Here in the US there are multiple solutions, not just one. I would not cry if muskrat got offed, but I suspect that isn't going to happen. I think with our gun crazed population (well some of our population) gun violence seems inevitable. Greed, we're somewhat repeating the US in the 1880's and 1890's, the so called golden age.
  9. I'm not sure there is "no solution". Rather I think there are a variety of solutions, but one size doesn't nor should fit all.
  10. I only wish you were in Wisconsin then, happy to spend hot naked time with you.
  11. Hmmm, not sure how to think of this query.... Having been a biker myself for several decades...
  12. My hope @Erik62 is that the majority of us (and MAGA thinking is no where close to majority) coalesce into a unified opposition and we come back to the center; where the needs of most is the emphasis. Not that we shouldn't help our unique fellows, just not at the expense of the whole shebang.
  13. Yes, know of those guys right around me.
  14. Fuck @hntnhole you're going to pull out three words out of a paragraph? Normally you are prone to misreading so significantly. The idea of puberty blockers seems like a good idea. But we won't know the long term consequences until we have long term consequences. Electroshock and lobotomies we thought to be effective treatments until we learned they weren't. How you got that I was advocating electroshock for young gay people is pretty fukken astounding... Have you not been paying attention to who write what here???
  15. We sold arms to Israel as part of our strategic partnership by treaty. Thankfully Biden was not too quick to abandon those. I think Netty pushed them too far though and fear that may lead to worsening global instability.
  16. A bit of an amendment if you please.... Most religions here in the US no longer push the notion that only their views are acceptable. But some in the US do, Westfield Baptist for example. Globally, which will only influence us more in the coming years, we still have plenty of zealot sects.
  17. Your best options to alter the course is BEFORE the election. Beyond that aside from sharing language; there are a host of unique "if/then/else" conditions that influence Australian life and USA life. It is great to know we want something, even better to understand why. Even better if we then understand how each of us are being impacted and find a place of mutual benefit? Here Donny and Elon? They are definitely not looking out for how their actions affect anyone else. They believe the better things go for themselves, that defines the place to be regardless of how that impacts those around them. Somehow we need to pull that curtain back.
  18. Yeah, I have other friends thinking along gun lines. If that is where we're going as a society I rather hope I am one of the first ones shot. But I am a senior citizen; retired; been retired for about a decade. No matter the outcome I am not going to be living it for a lot of years anyway. Therefore disposable? I hope not. I do actively work on community committees. If we're not part of our immediate neighborhood, aren't we just sort of floating?
  19. Nope @Erik62 not at all. For me "optimism" has left the station. But, I can see a variety of pathways which might unfold going forward. Some utterly brutal. We are in the process of grappling with the BIG DIVIDE we're living in. We have a whole lot of people seeking a savior; taking the position of "here go fix this" as if government were our local mechanic. Worse, rather than a shared pool of interaction, we've spun off into factions and pretty much ignore. We are in a world where conflicting and often warped if not overtly wrong information being spun to the masses pretty close to moment to moment. I am not a guy on his "smart" phone constantly. It is wherever I last set it down. I am not a fan of sudden loud noises; appreciating whatever environmental sounds actually around me is what I favor. There was a time we didn't always have a running stream of music, or talk radio constantly streaming into our ears? If we live that, when do we ever get into that quiet space of focused consideration of whatever catches our interest. So clearly I am in a minority of my fellow Wisconsin citizens; and that has become largely true throughout the USA. And indeed listening to music, especially focused listening is a pleasurable activity. Without earbuds, there are sounds all around us. Environmental sounds present information about what is going on around us. Data for our brains to use in getting familiar with, and understanding what is occurring around us. It seems to me we block each out out mostly... I try to visit with neighbors standing in line with me. Even trite interaction confirms that we, the sound we make, the heat our bodies put out, how the space we're in smells. Restated focused time where we actively plug in all the senses we can take in about the space we're in now, with whomever is with us now. I also became an adult while the 1960's unfolded. And it pretty much feels now like we were then. It might be that we need to consider the history of the 1960's (and early 70's) and see if we can see better what NOT to do now. Somehow, we need to rediscover our common ground. I don't think that happens for any of us until we, ourselves, decide to.
  20. A pretty good summation of the present state of USA leadership @negchaserlooking. In some ways I am glad I don't possess the ability to see into the future. Suffice to say we have a problem and many are leaning towards H2 ignorant of history 100 years ago. I am very hopeful my Australian brothers will prevail and not copy the US in your next election.
  21. Would MAGA do that? Some for sure would as they seem to be unaware of consequences. Is madness infectious? Yup.
  22. Thanks. FWIW (for what its worth) I strongly support religious freedom. However if your religion instructs you to kill me for my beliefs, we have a problem right?
  23. Oh lord NOT the way HIV/AIDS were dealt with. For the first few years to our President AIDS was the solution, not a problem.
  24. Ooooh baby if I was a fortune teller. Probably we're all safe though to recognize that things will differ a month from now, a couple months after that, this coming Fall... It could turn into an utter shit show. But maybe it won't. JD might be too busy fucking the couch in the oval office... LOL
  25. You've lived; hit challenges and got through. Yeah we're all susceptible to picking up prior behaviors which hurt us. Helps to know when we're in danger. I'm glad you're here @Poz50something.
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