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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, good on them. It's the responsible thing to do, and given what goes on there, it wouldn't surprise me if Slammer was ground zero for mpx in Ft.L. Fortunately though, there are other fuckjoints around, and my sentence rotting in mpx jail will be up just before L.D. It's my favorite, but there are others ...
  2. The practice of Bd/Sm is an outward, visible expression of what's in a man's heart, his mind, his being. It's anything but one-sided; it's entirely a sharing construct, from one man's mind to another man's mind, via the body, sexually as well as emotionally/intellectually/spiritually. Some men hear the Call to Service, whether from the Top or the bottom, some men hear nothing, probably because they're not listening. The gear, the Acts associated with Bd/Sm are merely the tools we use as we delve into the depths of a man's need for something more.
  3. I'm very please she won the primary, and I think she'll be able to toss Our Dancing Daughter right back to the trashdumps of Miami. Already sent her another check - she'll need all the dough she can get. As to Christ, I didn't live here when he was Governor, so I don't know a huge amount about him. He presents well, but then sometimes even I can rise to that level too. I know, of course, that he's a willow-the-wisp regarding party loyalty, but I'll vote straight-ticket in any case.
  4. For them, it's all done through Saran Wrap ......
  5. So does every raw Cock in DC, you hotass ......
  6. That's a website for guys the Breed on cam, broadcast it to somewhere, so other guys can watch? What do you mean by "meet"? As in, they come over to your place, or invite you to theirs? I kinda get what you mean there, young man ..... but in the context of this thread, all of this takes place virtually, right? Via some computer doo-dad, right? This one is nuts-making ...
  7. As far as I know, I've never met him ..... but then, I don't ask questions like that in the fuckjoints either. If he's still around though, I may have seen him over at RR, and didn't know it. However, speaking of politicians/elections, I'm glad that Demings is going to go after Our Dancing Daughter .... hopefully kick his sodden ass out on the street. I doubt that Christ can dislodge DeathSantis though ...
  8. I never thought much of it until : I had a fb who would come over and set up all these little cameras in the slingroom and broadcast me fucking him to somewhere - some website, I assume - and shortly after that his phone would start to holler with other guys in the area wanting to come over and fuck him too, or take my Cock too. It worked out great - more loads for him - more Hole for me - and more contacts in the 'hood for every guy. If the notion makes your Cock hard, do it - you might have a great time with it !!!
  9. LOL - and I didn't know Biaggi ran for office around here !!! Must have been before I arrived in SoFl. I'd have voted for him, and contributed to his cumpaign fund too.
  10. That's true - and it's being shipped to <polite cough> "hot spots" all over the country. "Hot" being defined by areas where there are a lot of rawmen fucking each other. That looks exactly like my arm did when I got the first shot - but the bump/redness was gone in maybe 6 hours. The itch went away in even less time, and it was barely noticeable. You'll be out with us, doing what you need to do in short order, bud ....
  11. Are you kidding? Surely you know about the statue of you on Wilton Manors Drive, honoring your magnificent accomplishments ??? You're a fucking hero around here ..... literally !!!!
  12. You're not being a killjoy; it was a fun, silly question, and got a lot of fun, silly replies. If there were any possibility of this becoming an actual event - gaining a "super-power" for a brief time - you'd see a lot of far more serious replies. Obviously, if there were even the remotest of chances of possessing a "super-power" for a moment, the world would become a far better place in very short order. That, however, will only come with long, hard work by responsible, caring people, many of which live in our little corner of existence. Thanks for your reply.
  13. I think that it's still a valuable tool: 1. Meet in person, in some public place, like a street-side cafe. Without going into all of it again, I still would recommend this to any guy. About 4,5 months ago, I heard from a delightful young man who, maybe 10, 12 years ago, began to understand his call to submission within the context of the LeatherLife, and contacted me for instruction in the same. I hear from him occasionally (how're things, etc), but this particular time he was in anguish over the fact that I had stressed - years before - the importance of having a specific time when someone he knew would be calling the (supposed) Dom. Well, despite a well-crafted profile on Recon, the Dom balked at the notion. The supposed Dom had mindfucked my (well, formerly young) friend into all these preparations (body shaving, etc), and expected him to drive down to the city from WI with nothing more than the online expectations. He called me in tears before he actually left home in WI, and I did my best to comfort him over the phone, but he did listen all those years ago, and he knew better than to simply show up in the middle of boystown in Chgo with no one else knowing where he was, what he was doing, etc. Point: It's always best to get the limits ironed out in advance, not just let one's imagination run away with itself. Even better if one can get an affirmation from a third party that the Dom is on the level*. I hope no one bothers to pour cold water on this response, since I have no quarter to give on this particular issue. I wouldn't consider a serious exchange without a prior, in-the-flesh meeting in some public place. These cruise apps aren't even close to enough validation. *for instance, a bartender at a local Leatherbar. If he doesn't know the guy, then he'll know someone who does, maybe one of the clubs like CHC (which, I hear, is no longer over on Levitt - is the clubhouse sold? Any Chicago guys have the lowdown?
  14. Sweat isn't quite as hot as loads off previous Cocks, but it's hotter than poppers ever could be .....
  15. We all do/did - but good on you for persevering. It's worth it to take whatever steps we can to pay as small a price as possible for our magnificent sexual proclivities. My waiting period is almost up, and yours will be up soon too. Seeya in the fuckjoints soon, at the bottom of the pile !!!
  16. Why would a guy go to a sex club - pay the dough, all of that - and then not have sex ??? I don't understand that ...
  17. Cool .... so that hot Cock will keep looking as great as it does now ! My waiting time will be over in a few more days, and I can't wait to wade into the Breeding Pool again !!!
  18. Mine would be really similar: the ability to turn any man, with merely a glance, and completely at my whim, into a voracious cumdump. Of course (yeah, I know this is two wishes), to go along with it, completely invisible to the cops ......
  19. Tack = thanks - pronounced "tahk" (there are no plural thanks, only singular, but it's customary to repeat the word multiple times for added emphasis, or add 'manga' '(many', and with the ring above the first 'a') = many thanks sa - = so - there's a small ring (still hiding somewhere inside the computer) above the "a" resulting in an "oh" pronunciation, instead of "aw") mycket = much - pronounced "mycka" Swedish.
  20. Assuming that ^ is shorthand for "in stead of", nope. Do BOTH !!! We need your input as much as other guys too.
  21. Does anyone still use condoms these days? The monkey business has put most of us on pause for a while, but before mpx, I haven't so much as seen one in the backrooms or fuckjoints for years. Even covid didn't bring condoms out of the closet. All the discussion about condoms is based on exactly what, I wonder. Not that it's illegitimate - it's clearly on the minds of some guys - but where do you guys even see them?
  22. Not only didn't I know that, the professor of Scandinavian studies (yes, the undergrad college I went to was that limited) didn't happen to mention it, when he did mention Thursday and Friday. You're one very bright dude !!! Tack sa mycket (no umlauts on the computer 🙁- or if there are, I have no idea where).
  23. This discussion is the chief reason I enjoy BZ so much. Very bright, intelligent men, from all corners of the world, discussing thoughts of this depth. AND, devoted barebackers !!!!!!!!! Eat this discourse for breakfast, religious pinheads !!! (of course, there are other aspects of BZ that are decidedly interesting as well, but of lesser import)
  24. Agreed. I would posit that Hedonism would ask the individual to care for others (as described above) as well as take care of their own needs. One who loves pleasure is eminently capable of caring for the welfare of others, since both perceptions spring from the same well. Neither excludes, but rather includes the other. Thus, hedonists do "get something out of the arrangement", that being the pleasure of extending a hand to our fellow humans. I do not see the correlation to "might-is-right" etc. Extending a helping hand to those who are in need doesn't equate with denigrating others, it doesn't doesn't equate to survival, it's only another facet of the pleasure that Hedonism encourages. Hedonism does not equate with selfishness, it encourages inclusiveness; everyone gets to survive, and do so in as comfortable way as possible. To the Social Darwinistic issue: A life devoted to the pursuit of pleasure is a positive life, inclusive of all, not exclusive of the perceived "weak". While it's true that some folks are 'on the take' for whatever they can get, that's more of a societal issue than a personal one. When a society or cultural construct allows some to be denigrated for whatever reason, the 'taking' mindset ensues naturally. When that is clearly and demonstrably avoided, and everyone is allowed to flourish, it's to everyone's benefit. Pie-in-the-sky maybe, but a worthy goal regardless. Thanks for the most interesting discussion!
  25. I'm about 2/3's through the waiting period, have a small bump at the injection site that felt a bit itchy for a few days, but nothing really bothersome. After that though, just waiting the required number of days. I reckon I'll be fully protected by Labor Day Weekend, which will be a couple of days longer than the suggested number, and I'll be hitting my favorite fuckjoint with a damn sweat on my brow. Even during covid (when I had a trusted fb, and we got through it together), I got at least some Hole (even though it was the same one every time). This mpx waiting period has been a pain in the ass to put up with, but - what is, is.
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