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I've been around the various bareback communities to have seen people "want to get HIV" (or rather AIDS) and become wasted, spread the disease and so forth during times when it was unclear if the disease were treatable and the emerging treatments were (like chemotherapy) at times almost as bad as not being treated. I'd be surprised if there were not some people (or community) if you will who wants to get COVID - there are some around these boards who at least profess to want other diseases, usually STIs/STDs, actively.

I'm no medical or other type of doctor but I'm not convinced that a life time regime of any of the HIV treatments given to a population that didn't need them would not affect them adversely - another way of saying, I'm sure that we might survive longer if we didn't take HIV medication if we didn't need to do so. Or, another way: retrovirals etc. might stop the onset of AIDS [which is not a great way to die, not that any ways to die are great] but I wouldn't take them expecting no ill side affect; they're not placebos.

That said I'm as human as everyone else but sometimes hearing the "We should protect ourselves from COVID" against the "Oh, please I want HIV" just makes my "Huh, that's completely discordant thinking!" gong in my head.

PS. I'm not sure if this is a new topic or on topic but it's been niggling at me during this pandemic.

Edited by fuckyouraw777
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  On 4/9/2020 at 8:16 PM, rawTOP said:

There was a report out of China that someone had gotten COVID-19 a second time. It got a lot of press and then went unconfirmed. So it's assumed that once you clear the infection you're immune. Though there are 8 strains of it going around.


There are many strains of Corona Virus, it's quite possible that they got a completely different strain one of those two times. Also, New York was able to trace back many of its infections back to the Europe because of mutations that were seen that were consistent with Europe, but not Wuhan China, so it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility of a re-infection of a more similar strain. Hopefully the body would be better equipped to fight off a second infection if the immune system is not compromised. 

I personally have had a strain of Corona Virus a few years ago, but it wasn't as lethal as this one. Long story short was in the hospital, but mostly for monitoring. 

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Have y'all seen about convalescent plasma transfusion? Did somebody mention that in the thread--I didn't read everything. It's pretty exciting. They take plasma from somebody that recovered from COVID and transfuse the plasma into somebody that's having trouble. It was a small study, but 7/10 had undetectable viral loads after transfusion. They showed rapid improvement within three days. All better in 7 days. 

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This is based on my own experience both in Thailand and currently in UK.


The antibody tests do not work unless you have had a serious case of infection and it has to be done quickly so it is a useless test at this current stage for general public countries like US that keep trying to push this stuff is really wrong something not right about that country very iffy motives going on over their some of it reminds me of the outbreak of HIV.


It is correct people have been re infected this has been kept very quiet it was the same with when they was trying to hide healthy people and younger people getting sick but cases have now leaked out us in medical field saw this first hand but he had to be quiet about it, when I was last in Thailand the first death we had was a 30 yeah old who was in great shape they suddenly dropped dead from it.


The herd immunity method sounds good but for this it was based on false information and the thing is with viruses they mutate or inpact people differently so it's rare to have full immunity which is why you see that anybody can get a cold/flu over and over again the difference is how they can deal with it I expect this to be the same.


Another big issue is you may not get sick but you can be a carrier for a very long time and testing may show you as clear but you then end up carrying it again this is limited data but cases have been seen even if it just via your hands for example spreading it around.


If you are working around this it doesn't always matter if you have all the correct gear etc you are exposed to a lot of it so it keeps upping the % you then add in fatigue/stress plus other factors it puts you at even more risk so to say people will be fine just go out etc is poor advice this is why in Thailand the people working in ICU are working 16+ hours and isolated as well in their only the doctors that have very limited contact are not stuck in their.


Regarding the strains reports claiming their is so many strains is not correct evidence has shown slight mutations but again the data is limited this could be based on some peoples dna and the headlines coming out about 7+ strains is the family group of Coronavirus not just this one this is what confuses a lot of people that do not have any medical background the same is many other illness or diseases they hear say herpes well that covers a group




  On 4/8/2020 at 7:38 PM, BiggerJigger said:

And just think of all the health care workers who are dying trying to save us. How dare anyone not stay safe when health care workers are dying!


Thank you for this. 

We are pressed with personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages at the hospital where i work.  With my first Covid patients, i had to wear the same surgical mask all day (13 hours). But, with 'precautions,' i could not wear it when outside the patients isolation room, so had to store the mask in a bag and reuse.  This is an example of crises 'management."  Two months ago if any healthcare professional had suggested reusing a mask they would have been put on disciplinary action and forced to take education courses on proper use of PPE (i.e., it's only protective if you dispose of it after use).  We all knew this, but we're up against a wall with PPE shortages.  

As it turns out, those regular surgical masks afford little protection, N95 masks are now the standard and they are 95% effective in the most ideal conditions. Bottom line is, when one works in a hospital, one is at risk.  

i choose my profession and love what i do, but it makes things better when patients work with us instead of against us.

Thank you to those of you who care and are being careful.

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  On 4/9/2020 at 8:33 PM, fuckyouraw777 said:

I've been around the various bareback communities to have seen people "want to get HIV" (or rather AIDS) and become wasted, spread the disease and so forth during times when it was unclear if the disease were treatable and the emerging treatments were (like chemotherapy) at times almost as bad as not being treated. I'd be surprised if there were not some people (or community) if you will who wants to get COVID - there are some around these boards who at least profess to want other diseases, usually STIs/STDs, actively.

I'm no medical or other type of doctor but I'm not convinced that a life time regime of any of the HIV treatments given to a population that didn't need them would not affect them adversely - another way of saying, I'm sure that we might survive longer if we didn't take HIV medication if we didn't need to do so. Or, another way: retrovirals etc. might stop the onset of AIDS [which is not a great way to die, not that any ways to die are great] but I wouldn't take them expecting no ill side affect; they're not placebos.

That said I'm as human as everyone else but sometimes hearing the "We should protect ourselves from COVID" against the "Oh, please I want HIV" just makes my "Huh, that's completely discordant thinking!" gong in my head.

PS. I'm not sure if this is a new topic or on topic but it's been niggling at me during this pandemic.


i too have wondered if we're not going to see a sub sub sub group of guys who wanna chase and 'gift' Covid? At what point does the term "sociopath" become fitting?  There is this study that can substantiate chasing/gifting as a thing in 2008 (study published in 2014 from data collected in 2008/09) 

[think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4768590/

i've wondered if the chaser/gifter sub culture gained momentum when HIV meds advanced to the current level of disease management? I.e., a difference between HIV and Covid is HIV can be managed, and AID's can be largely reversed.  Covid is more akin to Russian roulette. 

i think the concern of "...a life time regime of any of the HIV treatments... affect them adversely" is valid.  Given the current degree of management, if one has HIV taking a similar regimen of meds (an additional antiviral to Truvada or Descovy for instance), they can typically achieve undetectable status.  It is true that all medications have side effects, some experience them more than others, some more deleterious than others.  

PrEP is marketed as individual protection, but it could be argued that the greater benefit is reducing the prominence of the disease in general. Presumably, if we could have, say a period of universal abstinence where everyone got tested and treated for STD's, we could presumably eradicate those diseases.  If everyone that has HIV knew, was on meds and only had sex when undetectable, there would be no need/use for PrEP. 

Back to the real world. PrEP is not a "placebo" without side effects, but it is preventative.  So one has to weigh prevention against management... or eventual death from AID's. 

As to the "discordant thinking gong?"   i think a major difference is Covid is not a sexually transmitted disease. One doesn't catch it from cum, but snot (sorry, but it's true lol).  So unless one has a snot fetish (lmao, it too is a thing), i think the comparison suffers. The gifters/chasers i read are about transmission sexually, not hooking up to sneeze or cough on someone (Top?) or be sneezed or coughed on (bottom?).


Someone said earlier in this thread that healthcare workers are dying trying to save people - that in a nutshell and  taking it further that strangers, family, friends, etc can easily catch this and die- is enough for me. 
I think as human beings we need to act selflessly at times for our own humanity.  Sure maybe those who live with someone , whatever their title, that is also a sex partner maybe have it easier , but that’s the dice of life and in the end we are all in this together. 

There is light at the end of the tunnel. This will be over, and sadly people who didn’t chose to do anything but walk down the street , shop at a store, have dinner with family or give you a hug will not be around to see it.    

Guest DetroitAnon

I’ve had 3 FB’s wanting to fuck me since the directives to isolate and social distance.   While tempted, I ultimately said no to all of them.  I’m a guy that when I get a lot of dick, I can’t stop, I just want more and more and more.  I am one of those bent over cum dumps at the bathhouse.  

The 1st 2 weeks were major addiction withdrawals.  After that, the cravings started to get manageable.  A month later, my temptations are fully under control and now I can go whatever the duration will be fairly easily.   The more weeks and months that pass, the easier for me to abstain.  I needed a break anyway.   

I really wanted to stop being a cum dump before COVID, but I was feeding my craving so often that I couldn’t stop.   Now I want to transition to truly versatile.  Being a Cumdump left me no time to top because taking loads was my only goal.  Once Covid passes months or a year down the road, I’m going to be more selective with fewer partners and find some good ass to eat and fuck in addition to a few good men to breed me.  

As for the guy that is the subject here, at least he posted so people could give feedback on his vile behavior.  There are, I’m sure, a % of guys continuing to fuck anon with numerous partners that aren’t sharing on social media.   His treatment of the nurse is very appalling.  One of the reasons she is tired is because he is taking up a bed and her time, and didn’t have to if he wasn’t seeking to proudly display his slutty behavior during this pandemic.  And who knows if some of those other guys didn’t land in the hospital as well.


  On 4/8/2020 at 7:15 PM, boy4you said:

80% of the people who go on ventilator never come off alive and the 20% take long time to recover. 


It is higher even than 80% ... but those are almost always people with co-morbidities that the covid19 was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.  The flu would have done the same. 😞


Hey, Pornhub premium is free right now, and this is the perfect time to get a grip on our man to hand relationships... Break out your toys! Hell, most of us are home alone anyway... get weird 🙂!  Just try to keep things physically safe, because now is NOT the time to have to go into the ER for any kind of sex or masterbation related injury.

So lets all have our own private "Orgy for One" and once again have a fun reason to wash our hands for a change.

As for all of the hookup sites and dating apps, they are still a way to virtually meet and talk to each other, and well, I think the long lost art of conversation, flirting, and god forbid, something like courtship will have to make comebacks for a while.  (it's about to get all Jane Austin up in this bitch, lol)
Who knows, some of us may even avoid our usual "hookup only" mentality and possibly come out of this with a partner, or at least some new friendships.

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/9/2020 at 12:21 PM, rawTOP said:

"Flattening the curve" means the problem will go on for a very long time (until there's a decent treatment or vaccine). But the alternative where you shoot for herd immunity means millions of deaths and our entire way of life collapses.


Not sure what you mean by "our entire way of life collapses", but I don't subscribe to "end of times" beliefs.

Absolute worst case : 100% get it (not that this could happen). Out of those, about 1% die, that would have died even with care. And let's assume 2% more die because the health system can't cope with the tsunami and give them the intensive care that would have allowed them to live. That's about 3% of the total population disappearing, heavily skewed towards elderly people and people with preexisting conditions. A disaster, yes. Tragedies for most everyone, for sure. But hardly a fatal blow to civilisation.  The plague wiped out 30 to 50% of Europe population. And the Spanish flu may have killed 2,5%-5% of the world population (though more like 0,5% in Europe and US), and as far as I know the world resumed on much the same course after that. Arguably, the economic crisis born from the present confinement policies will have more impact on our way of life.

(I'm not advocating in any ways that we should let it "run its course". My parents, aunts and uncles are well over 70% and therefore at risk. Just sceptical of collapse theories) 

Unfortunately, we are likely to see what happens in the absence of confinement and stressed-but-still-coping healthcare in many African countries.

Edited by negparis
spelling and grammar
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  On 4/11/2020 at 7:35 PM, negparis said:

Not sure what you mean by "our entire way of life collapses", but I don't subscribe to "end of times" beliefs.

Absolute worst case : 100% get it (not that this could happen). Out of those, about 1% die, that would have died even with care. And let's assume 2% more die because the health system can't cope with the tsunami and give them the intensive care that would have allowed them to live. That's about 3% of the total population disappearing, heavily skewed towards elderly people and people with preexisting conditions. A disaster, yes. Tragedies for most everyone, for sure. But hardly a fatal blow to civilisation.  The plague wiped out 30 to 50% of Europe population. And the Spanish flu may have killed 2,5%-5% of the world population (though more like 0,5% in Europe and US), and as far as I know the world resumed on much the same course after that. Arguably, the economic crisis born from the present confinement policies will have more impact on our way of life.

(I'm not advocating in any ways that we should let it "run its course". My parents, aunts and uncles are well over 70% and therefore at risk. Just sceptical of collapse theories) 

Unfortunately, we are likely to see what happens in the absence of confinement and stressed-but-still-coping healthcare in many African countries.


3% of the US is 10 million people.

I agree there will be places that don’t or can’t control what’s about to happen and they will be lessons for all of us.

If 10 million Americans die it will destroy our healthcare system. It will take years for it to recover. Buttigieg liked to say that “freedom” was not having to worry about things. Turning on your faucet without worrying whether the water will kill you. Imagine knowing anything that happens to you could kill you because you can’t get proper care.

But there’s also the awareness that we LET 10 million of our friends, family, and neighbors die. It’s one thing if you’re a poor country and just can’t cope. But for the richest country on the planet to let it happen — that will destroy us. It’s literally the opposite of Make America Great Again. 

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The Covid virus is becoming a sort of chastity device, keeping us from having sex with each other.

 i'm getting some persistent requests from guys wanting to hook up, despite my frankly reminding them of social distancing.  It reminds me of guys who don't seem to read profiles, it's like you haven't said anything at all to them lol. They don't even acknowledge my comments about social distancing and continue to wanna hook up.  


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