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  1. Take someone you know with you and have him fuck and load you first. Makes clear you want bare, and since there's already a load up there why not add more? If you're dripping cum no one will ask if you want a condom, and once the dick is in you raw you won't ask for it to suit up.
    5 points
  2. Omg I'm a slut. I was riding the bus back home when I saw a hot guy on Grindr. Since he disabled distance, I had no clue where he was. Well ... he wound up being on the same bus ... in the seat directly in front of me! He wanted to bust a load and I wanted a good pounding. We got off the bus on 436 near Steak n Shake, and walked to empty buildings with no lighting in the parking lot and behind the buildings. I love sex outdoors! Not much to the hookup: I whipped his dick out, sucked it deep to get it wet, and applied some spit on my hole. He didn't have a big dick, maybe 7" average thickness but I was too horny to care. No talk about status or condoms. I leaned over the hood of a car parked in a rather dark parking spot, and then felt his head at my hole. He started fucking me slowly until I had all of his dick in me, then I told him I wanted it rough and hard. Damn he didn't disappoint! The fuck only lasted about 15-minutes before he unloads in my ass. Love it when atop doesn't ask where I want the load. I felt kinda bad asi was jacking my dick during the fuck and sprayed my load all over the car. Oops. It was kind of awkward waiting at the stop and riding the same bus route on the same bus. But I got my load in my ass. They'd all that mattered.
    3 points
  3. 1. The Pary I slipped back into the booth setting my beer down on the round table as I did so and nodded to the booth’s other occupant. I had never been too keen on gay bars but it was my roommate’s birthday so he had gotten to pick the bar. It was still early in the night, the bar was still quiet, a person could actually hear himself speak, and so far only one of my roommate’s other friends had shown up. Austin, my roommate had gone off to the bathroom while I went to the bar to grab myself another beer, which now left me alone with his friend Rick. Rick was a bit older then I was maybe twenty-six, or twenty-seven, to my twenty-four. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. His strong square pecs were clearly visible through his black v-neck t-shirt, and this thick growth of dark black hair sprouted up around the base of his neck. He was just the sort of guy that I normally go for, a total man’s man, if there was such a thing any more. I myself was a little shorter then he, with sandy blond hair, and a tight runner’s body that I worked hard to maintain. Around my sophomore year of college I had started to get a bit hairy, and now a year after graduation I was quite proud of the broad swath of light brown hair that grew across my chest and stomach; however I was now where near as hairy as Rick promised to be. “How long have you known Austin,” Rick said, in a deep voice, shifting round the booth a bit to get closer to me. “We met freshmen year of college, we lived across the hall from each other actually.” “And now you’re roommates? Or something more?” “No, just roommates. There’s never been anything like that between us,” I said truthfully. Austin and I had become friends living in the dorms at Northwestern and then roommates when we both moved off campus our junior years. It had seemed logical after graduation when we both got jobs in Chicago to continue the arrangement and get a place together in the city. Our two-bedroom Wrigleyville apartment was small and a bit cramped but we had found a place in a pretty good part of the neighborhood and sometimes the sun even shown through my window in the morning. “What about you,” I asked, “how do you know Austin?” “I met him a year ago, just after he moved to the city…well actually, right here,” he gestured to the bar around him, “been fucking the shit out of him since.” I was a little taken aback and just blinked at Rick. I had never really been comfortable discussing my own sex life, and I was most certainly uncomfortable discussing my roommate and best friend’s sex life. “Excuse me,” I stammered. “Yeah, I’ve probably wrecked that boy’s hot ass once a week sense we met. Except for when he plows me with that donkey dick of his.” The way that he said that sounded like he assumed that I had first hand experience with Austin’s donkey dick. Just then Austin came back followed by two girls and a couple more guys. The night suddenly took off from there, drinks were ordered all around and many shots started appearing at the table. Eventually the bar filled up and everyone ended up on the writhing mess that made up the dance floor. Austin, having drank more then his skinny little twink frame could handle, and possibly more then I had ever seen him drink before, had lost all of his inhibitions and was grinding his ass unapologetically on Rick’s crotch. Amongst the mess of sweaty gyrating bodies I was the only one who noticed the pair. My gaze was drawn to them as I watched my normally quiet and demure roommate grind his ass hungrily onto this big hulk of a man’s crotch. More drinks were had, and more dancing, Austin kept pace but was fading fast. As it drew close to closing time he had devolved into a sweaty, sloppy, drunken mess. When the lights came on and the bar started to clear out, I scooped Austin up from the booth he had half sat half fallen into for the past ten minutes and started to guide him towards the door. Several of his friends asked if I needed help with him, I assured them I was fine and started to steer him towards home. Just as I got to the corner and started to push Austin towards the L station, Rick caught up with us and slipped Austin’s other arm around his shoulder taking some of the, what was quickly becoming, dead weight that was my roommate. “Looked like you could use a hand,” he remarked. Again I assured him that I was fine, but Rick wasn’t taking no for an answer. He helped me get Austin onto the train, rode the two stops to our apartment and then helped me shove him up the steps to our door. Once we had pored him into his bed, rolled him onto his side, stuffed a pillow under his head, and closed the door, Rick finally broke the silence that had fallen between us. “You’re a good friend, taking care of him like that.” “Thanks,” I said, “and thanks for your help. He would have been a lot to handle on my own once he passed out on the train.” “No problem,” he smiled a broad toothy smile. “Do you want a glass of water or something?” I asked. “Yeah that would be great, those damn clubs are always so hot. I’m always so sweaty and hot afterwards.” I laughed and turned to the little kitchen area just off the living room. I filled two glasses of water from the pitcher in the fridge and turned back to face Rick. He had pulled off his black v-neck shirt and now stood bare chested facing me. His broad square pecs looked even more impressive then I had guessed they would through his shirt. Covered in a thick dark forest of hair they each sported a warm pink nipple the left one adorned with a single silver bar through it. He didn’t have a six pack but rather the single broad powerful patch of muscle that came from manual labor not a gym. A deep v of muscle framed the dense, dark, almost black, treasure trail that vanished into his low slung dark jeans. My cock twitched. His skin still glistened with sweat slightly. I felt my mouth go a little dry. He smiled that big toothy grin at me again. I handed him the water silently, his fingers brushing against mine as he took the water. “Too bad Austin got so drunk tonight,” he said the smile faltering a little. “Why is that,” I asked. “Well I’ve been saving up this birthday present for him all week,” he said, something new creeping into his sparkling brown eyes, “but I guess I’ll just have to give it to someone else.” “Could always wait till tomorrow,” I laughed, feeling a little nervous now. “Can’t wait that long, I’ve been saving this up all week, it’s now or never,” he took a step closer and as I leaned back to keep the distance between us equal I felt the kitchen counter firm behind my back. I laughed nervously again, as he stepped just a little bit closer. “So what is this present that Austin’s going to miss out on now,” I asked, guessing that I probably already knew the answer. “What do you think it is?” he asked, the hand not holding his glass of water now drifting to his crotch. “Dunno,” I said quietly trying to keep my eyes on his face. “A big hot six day load from my big, fat, beer can cock shot right up your roommate's cunt," he answered in a whisper. He was now only a foot away from me, and I heard him set his glass down on the counter with a clink. “But,” he continued, leaning in a little bit more his mouth getting closer to mine, “I guess I could always find some slut on Grindr to give it too. Unless,” he paused, his mouth now only an inch from mine, “There was a hot bottom boy right in front of me I could give this gift to.” With that he finally closed the gap, his mouth pressing hard to mine. I resisted for a moment, but when the hand that had been holding his water came to rest on the small of my back pulling me tight to his hairy slightly sweaty body, I melted. My lips parted and I let his tongue slip into my mouth, wrestling with my own. His hands slid over my body, slipping under my shirt, running up and down my back. He broke the kiss only to quickly pull my shirt off over my head. With my shirt now gone his hands slid down my back till the rested on my ass. He kneaded at the meaty flesh, and pulled away to say, “Damn you’ve got a hot ass. How the hell has Austin been able to resist this for so long?” “I always thought Austin was, like me, a total bottom,” I replied, a bit breathlessly. “With a cock like his that would be a fucking crime. Now get on your knees and get my cock out. I wanna see it down your throat before I stuff it up your ass.” He spun us around so that he was now the one with his back against the counter and I immediately fell to my knees. Normally I am not a hook up sort of person, but Rick was so fucking hot, between his amazing body, the slight stench of sweat that clung to him, his brick demanding manor, and the considerable amount of beer I had had I never once thought of saying no to him. I fumbled for a moment with his button fly but soon had his pants around his ankles. He wore no underwear, so I was face to face with Rick’s self proclaimed “big, fat, beer can cock.” He had not been exaggerating. It was like being face to face with a flesh colored can of Guinness. The massive, heavily veined, organ sprouted from a dense patch of black pubes and sported two almost absurdly low hanging swollen balls beneath it. Without being told to I stretched my mouth widely and too the bulbous mushroom head in my mouth. I worked as much as I could into my mouth, slobbering all over the shaft as I did so. I put my hands on his strong hips trying to pull myself forward. His hands soon came to rest of the back of my head pressing me into him, forcing more of his cock down my throat. Precum began to ooze from his cock, filling my mouth, and dripping out the corners of my lips along with my own spit and he started to face-fuck me. Rick groaned in pleasure as my throat worked his cock, and my own cock strained against my pants. Though I never would admit it I loved rough sex, I loved being used, and this big hunk of a man was doing just that. After I don’t know how long, he stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He dragged me to my feet and kissed me before saying, “Strip.” I shucked the last of my clothing, and stood naked before him, my own modest six and a half inch cock shinny with precum. He kissed me again and then said something that surprised me, “Sit on my face, I wanna work your hole open before I fill you with my fat cock.” I stepped back and he lay down on the floor right out side of the door to where Austin slept. At this point I didn’t care and as soon as he was down I knelt down over him putting my ass right on his face. As his tongue found my hole I bent forward and did my best to swallow his cock again. Rick clearly took pleasure from eating ass and as his tongue danced around my hole I felt myself opening up to him, my sphincter relaxing far quicker then it normally did. Relaxing my hole wasn’t enough for him and he pressed his tongue into me, occasionally slipping a finger in too. I was moaning around his cock, groaning desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over me. It was a good thing that Austin was completely passed out cause there was no way he would have slept through my desperate whimperings and moanings of pleasure as Rick lapped at my hole. Finally I couldn’t take any more of it and I pulled my mouth off of his cock, quickly turning around so that I was now straddling his hips. I kissed him hard on the mouth, rocking my hips back and forth I felt his spit-slicked cock sliding up and down my equally slick crack. When I had spun around I had intended to get him into my room, into my bed, quickly get a condom on his cock and stuff his fat tool deep inside of me, but when I felt his mushroom head make contact with my well loosened hole, I did something that I never do out of a relationship. I pressed back with my hips, pushing my ass onto his cock, Rick locked eyes with me and shifted his pelvis forward a little bit. The head of his cock began to work its way inside of me, stretching me wider and wider as it entered. The thought of stopping seemed impossible, plus he had basically told me that he was going to be dumping a load in Austin tonight, and Austin would mess around with someone who wasn’t safe. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as his cock sank deeper and deeper into me. When I finally felt his pubes on my taint I felt more full then I had ever before. Rick smiled that same toothy smile and started to rock his hips, fucking his cock into me slowly as I got use to the size of his cock. I felt like he was pulling my intestines out with his cock each time he retreated and punching them back in again with each inward thrust. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me deeply again. Somehow he managed to flip us both over, his arms tight around me, his cock never leaving my hole, so that I was now on my back and he was between my wide spread legs. The gentle fucking was over now. Rick from his new position shifted my legs to his shoulders and left forward essentially bending me in half, and then began to hammer away at my hole. This was how I loved to be fucked, on my back like a whore, taking cock deep and hard. Rick seemed to understand that without my having to explain it to him. He whispered “I’m gonna wreck your hole boy and then give you my gift. You want it boy?” “Yes,” I panted, sweat springing up on my face, “Give me Austin’s birthday present.” He completed my hole, telling me how it fit his fat cock like a warm glove. I could feel myself becoming loose around him, and I squeezed my ass tighter working his cock with my sphincter. I honestly have no idea how long he fucked me on the floor that night, all that I knew is that when he finally growled, “Here comes your present slut,” I had become sweaty, sloppy, mess, begging Rick to use my hole. Rick slammed into me one last time, bottoming out completely and causing me to yelp, as he said, “Take my fucking load bitch!” I felt his cock twitching in my hole and I knew that he was flooding me with six days worth of built-up cum. I moaned and felt my own cock twitch as I shot a load all over my self without even touching my cock. We stayed like that for a long moment, laying there with his cock still buried deep in my now cum filled hole, in a sweaty heap, before finally Rick said, “Damn, you’ve got a better ass even then Austin. I’m gonna have to start breeding your hole regularly.” I laughed, “Why don’t we go crash in my bed for a while. If you’re up for it in the morning we can go for round two.” “Sure thing,” he flashed that toothy grin again and pulled his cock slowly from my hole. I clenched tight as he withdrew trying to keep the massive amount of cum he had shot inside me. I mostly succeeded and I showed him to my room with just a thin trickle of cum running down my leg. Rick walked closely behind me, kissing my neck as we walked, his cock quickly rising to full mast again. By the time we got to the bed he had slipped his cock back into me and was slow fucking my wrecked hole. We did sleep that night but not much, by the time we passed out around seven in the morning I had two more loads in my ass. Together we fell asleep in my bed, Rick’s cock just inches from my well-used hole, the door to my room left wide open in our drunken horniness.
    2 points
  4. I like when the cock is so inside to me, that I can feel his balls hit my butts !
    2 points
  5. The skin on skin feeling, best when the cock slides in and the breeding is my fav!
    2 points
  6. Just now... Blindfolded. Guy from BBRTS hit me up and wanted to drop a load. Status was 'don't know' so I said yeah. He came over I was ass up and blindfolded and he ate my ass and fucked me good. Dumped a big load and as he was leaving I asked and he said neg... DAMN! But still a hot fuck, he asked when he can have it again... I said every day if he wants
    2 points
  7. 3. The Cake Night had fallen again and Austin and I lay in my bed spooning, his cock having just softened enough to slip from my gaping hole a small dribble of cum following it out. “You sure you’re alright,” Austin said, he had asked me this after each of the three more load he had dumped in my hole. “Yeah, I’m sure.” I was more then sure, I had slipped into a cum lust. It was a sensation, a need, a craving that I had never before experienced. With each load I took my lust grew, and I started to gently grind my ass again Austin’s crotch and he held me. “Jesus,” he said, laughing a little, “You can still be horny.” “Well,” I replied sheepishly. Taking one of his hands and leading it down to my still rock hard cock. I had cum several times as he fucked me but that wasn’t enough, it no longer was about me shooting loads but rather me taking them. “Nine loads of POZ cum and you still want more, you’re more of a cumslut then I am.” He laughed. I turned my head awkwardly to kiss him, and I felt his cock beginning to harden again, pressing against my ass cheeks. “I’ve got an idea,” Austin said, breaking out kiss and rolling out of the bed, “stay there, and don’t let any more of that cum drip out of your hole.” He padded out of the room completely naked his half hard cock swinging in a wide arch as he walked. I rolled over onto my stomach and waited. I head Austin wandering around the rest of the apartment, and then a few minutes later he came back into my room, his cell phone in hand. He got back in bed, put his phone on the nightstand and looked at me with a crooked smile. “How about you start sucking my cock again, slut,” he said playfully, “get in nice and hard before I stuff it back in your sloppy cunt.” Austin lay flat stretched out on the bed, and I shifted down so I was on all fours between his legs my face level with his steadily swelling cock. I took the growing meat in my mouth and started to suck, swallowing its full length while that was still manageable. I could feel my jaw stretching as his cock grew in my mouth forcing my lips wider and wider. As I bobbed my head up and down slathering his cock with spit, I heard his phone go off. As I continued to choke myself on his cock he checked the text and sent a quick reply. Another minute or two passed and my jaw was becoming sore stretched around his massive dick, when his phone went off again. Austin again checked his phone, and sent a reply, this time after he put his phone back down he looked at me and said with a wry smile, “Ride my cock.” I quickly jumped into position my legs on either side of his hips, his cock brushing against my ass. I shifted and took hold of his dick in my hand, guiding him to my cum-lubed hole, and sat down on his now fully erect cock. I sank slowly down on the shaft my hole tender from the obscene amount of cock it had taken in the past sixteen hours. When I had fully impaled myself on his cock I began to rock slowly back and forth lubing up his cock with the many POZ loads that still filled my ass. Austin pulled me to him, pressing my chest hard against his, kissing me roughly on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me in place as he kissed me. I heard something behind me, out in the rest of the apartment but Austin held me fast. I could sense that there was someone else in the room, but still Austin kept a tight grip on me, slowly bucking his cock in my loose and sloppy hole as he tongue fucked my mouth. Then the weight on the bed changed and I knew that there was someone else in the bed with us. The mysterious stranger moved between Austin’s legs and I felt big rough hands on my ass cheeks. My heart was pounding. I considered running, pulling away from Austin, but despite my fears I didn’t want too. Austin understood my cumlust and had said that he had an idea of how to slake it so I would trust him. Just as I had come to that decision I felt the unmistakable pressure of a cock head rubbing up and down my ass crack. This new cock quickly found my already filled hole, and despite Austin’s thick cock already being lodged inside of me, began to press against my straining sphincter. For a long moment it seemed as though the mysterious stranger’s cock would never be able to breach my hole no matter how hard he pressed until all of a sudden my hole gave way. It was like I was being torn in two. My hole, which until the night before had been a tight sphincter, bust open and became a wide sloppy cunt. I pulled my mouth away from Austin and pressed myself up till my arms were locked straight, arching my back, pressing my ass into the two cocks that now filled my hole. I looked over my shoulder now and saw Rick, a wicked smile playing across his strong handsome face. “Austin told me you couldn’t get enough POZ cock after I bred your cunt last night,” he said, “He and I are gonna wreck you good, and then if that’s not enough we’ll take you to the bathhouse, strap you to a sling and let every cock in the place dump a load in you.” My cock twitched, and my hole pulsed around their fat cock. “You like the sound of that, don’t you?” “Yes,” I replied. Rocking my hips a little to fuck myself on their cocks. “You really are a cumslut,” Austin said. “Alright Austin,” Rick said, putting a hand on my back and pressing me forward so I lay flat on top of Austin’s smooth chest again, “let’s wreck this bitch.” Rick pulled out till just his cock head was inside of me, and then slammed back inside. Pushed forward like I was Austin could buck his hips up and down jack hammering my hole. It took them a few moments to find a rhythm but soon they were pounding me in unison, their two cock moving as one inside of my gaping hole. I screamed and moaned, their cocks battering my prostate and they fucked me. Sweat pored off of all three of us and the stench of sex became the only thing I could smell. We must have fucked like that for almost half an hour before Rick said, “You ready Austin?” “Yeah, let's breed his hole.” Together they slammed into me a few more times, Austin stopping a few strokes before Rick slamming balls deep inside of me. Both of their cocks were thrust past my second sphincter as they shot their massive POZ loads deep inside of me. They each fucked my now destroyed hole one more time that night before dressing me in a dirty old jock of Austin’s; a leather harness; and stuffing a butt plug, so large that the day before I would have questioned why any one would every need something that big, in my hole, and whisking me off to the bathhouse. Rick hoisted me into a sling while Austin attached my arms and legs to the restraints. The plug was then removed and my gaping cum filled hole exposed to the small collection of men who had already gathered around me. By the time I got home the next morning my once tight, condom only hole had been transformed into a cum dripping rosebud. I looked at my hole in the mirror in my bedroom before passing out, reveling the way my swollen ass lips puckered. I ran my finger along the rim of my hole remembering the way my hole had looked in the mirror over the sling as I took my first fist that night. I would never be the same prude again. I called into work; slept most of the day and then that night went back to the bathhouse. I never even bothered getting a room; I just got a locker and went straight to the sling. As I looked at myself in the mirror above me I knew that this would be a regular haunt of mine from then on.
    2 points
  8. For me taking a guy's load in my body is the ultimate in intamacy. I really get off on having a guys load in my hole. However the risk is also very hot. Not sure which one is more psychological, the cum or the risk.
    2 points
  9. When I lived down South, this hung top who used to breed me would always talk about this incredible sex party that happened a few times a year. Evidently the thing was in a huge house out in the country with 100 horny men or so. You had to be "invited" of course, and I begged him to get me on the list every time he brought it up. Especially since I'd never been to a party that big before. The next time the party rolled around, I finally got my wish. In my email I had the invitation! And this was the annual "leather party". There were some stipulations-- all guests had to be in some kind of leather gear, there was an entry fee of $20, and you had to show if you RSVP'd or else no more invites. I RSVP'd "yes" and counted down the days. The party was at night and about 2 hours away from where I lived. It really was out in the country some, and the house was indeed huge. I signed in, gave the doorkeeper my $20, put my clothes in the designated area, and then began to wander. There was fucking and sucking EVERYWHERE! It was a two-story house and every room had something going on. There were slings in the garage, along with glory hole booths. There were folks fucking on the deck. Bedrooms were being used for orgy scenes and the walk-in closets were dark hideaways for quickies. I was overwhelmed. I was also so fucking turned on by the scene! Leather daddies and bears and jocks Everywhere I looked. Harnesses, chaps, jocks, caps, hoods-- you name it, I saw it. I was rather modestly decked out in a borrowed harness, jockstrap, and combat boots. Eventually I managed to get my courage up (after a few beers) and I sucked a few guy's cocks in the garage area. I also found a guy willing to sneak into a gloryhole booth with me-- where after a bit of coaxing I bent over and took his raw cock. This guy came quickly, and then said "Dude, don't tell my boyfriend we did this. We agreed that we wouldn't fuck raw tonight." One fuck was all it took. Now that my pump was primed, I was horny and ready to go for more cock! My only problem is that I was sorta shy when it came to getting fucked. I liked it to be just one-on-one, and most of the house was wide open to voyeurs. So I ended up wandering around a lot. During my wanderings, I kept passing by the stairway to the basement which was open, but roped off. There was a red light on down there, but I couldn't tell much beyond that. When I bumped into my fuckbuddy who got me on the party list, I asked him about the basement. "Oh, that's a special fuck dungeon and it's by invitation only.". I asked who did the inviting, and it was the host (whom I hadn't officially met yet). So I asked my buddy if maybe he could wangle me another invite. "Man, I don't know if you want that. It gets pretty hard core down there." I said I'd come this far, why stop now? He said he'd look into it for me. After that I wandered a bit more, sucked some more cock, and then eventually wandered upstairs. In the bedroom many guys were fucking on the bed and there was a guy getting fisted in a portable sling. I stood next to a hot, leather daddy who was in chaps and a harness. I'd noticed this particular daddy all night so far, but he aleays just seemed to be watching. We watched the fisting together and jacked a bit. Eventually I leaned in close and asked if he liked to fuck. He said yeah. I reached down, grabbed his cock, and said "I want this in me, but I like it a bit more private." He led me to the walk-in closet which was pitch dark. I could hear two other guys going at it in there, and the smell of poppers and ass was intoxicating. Daddy shoved me down and I started sucking his cock. It was a thick, uncut 7 incher and I was really enjoying it. Then he spun me around and started eating my ass. "Mmm, tastes like you've already taken a load tonight," he grunted. I said I had. He then said he was gonna fuck some more into me. But before he did, he said he needed to lube me up some more. He fumbled around behind me for a bit, then I felt a small tube slide up my ass. Then he squirted the "lube" in me. Then he positioned his cock behind me while i took a hit of poppers. Then he started fucking me. Hard. After about 5 minutes of fucking, I started to feel funny. Light headed. Disoriented. At first I figured it was the beer and poppers, and having my head down while being bent over and fucked. But it got worse. Soon my arms and legs got really heavy and lethargic and I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. Top daddy had a firm grip on my hips and was still fucking me. Then I blacked out. After that, the details of the night are really hazy. The next thing I remember is seeing a red lightbulb glowing above me, while I was getting both holes fucked in a sling. I can remember feeling a cock thrusting in and out of my mouth and feeling a cock thrusting into my ass. At the time I thought it was one cock and found it odd that it was able to fuck me in two places. The next thing I remember was seeing all these hovering faces around me. They were grinning and saying things, but it sounded like I was under water. There was just a rushing in my ears and everything was so foggy and thick. I foun the rocking motion of the sling quite soothing. I lost all track of time. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, but every time I looked down toward my feet, I would see a different face hovering there. And I could feel the slapping of hips against my ass, but it felt like it was coming from miles away. Everything was so heavy- my head. My arms. My legs. At one point I knee thinking that I needed to escape and I tried to sit up. But several hands pushed me back down and then kindly fed me more poppers. Then there is another blank stretch in my memory. The next time I came around I knew what was going on. I was in the dungeon, in a sling, and being gang banged. There were only 4 guys in the room at this point, one of them was my fuckbuddy. "Dude, what's going on? What's happening to me?" I asked-- even though I really knew. "You said you were looking for an invite to the basement. I guess the host took a liking to you-- mainly because you're such a novice. But he figured you might balk at getting knocked up by a ton of guys, so he... Sorta helped you along." "You mean he drugged me?? Fuck this!! Get me out of here!" I begged. "Why? It's too late. The party's nearly over and 20 guys have already taken their turn and cum in your hole. You might as well just let these last few finish up." I stopped fighting. 20 guys had used my ass as their cumdump?? As I laid there, I felt the guy fucking me stiffen and groan an I knew that load 21 was shooting into me. I asked my buddy for some more poppers, and let the remaining three (my fuckbuddy included) use my ass. I watched them each take a turn, but it was like I was watching someone else get fucked. When my buddy finished up inside me, he helped me down out of the sling, and supported me while I climbed the stairs. He tossed me onto one of the fuckbeds in rhe first floor bedroom and told me to sleep it off. The next thing I remember is waking up in late morning with a chalky mouth, a splitting headache, and a supremely sore ass. It also felt like I needed to take a shit something fierce. I stumbled to the bathroom and sat down. And I swear a pint of cum ran out of my ass. It just kept flowing out of me, burning my raw asshole as it dribbled out. I dressed quickly after that and drove myself that long 2 hour drive home. The whole time freaking out about being drugged... And raped. And used raw by that many guys. And I had paid $20 for it too. Of course I also got hard thinking about it and gave my load to a stall wall in a rest area on the way home.
    1 point
  10. I'd been wanting to get spit roasted for some time, but I live in a small city which makes for slim pickings. We have some porn theaters in town, but they can be touch and go. So as you can guess, I spend a fuck load of time on the internet. So one day on the internet I saw an add for a couple of guys visiting from out of town. After exchanging very few emails, I knew these two guys were my type: shorter than 6', football builds, Hispanic and dark hairy chests. They were both tops and that suited this bottom fine. They mentioned they would have condoms and lube and wanted to do this semi-public. They also said I was their type: a 6' tall otter, slim build and good looks with a beard...college boy type. I suggested on the theaters that had both glory holes and a large theatre. That way, if they were flakes, I could try my luck at the gloryholes. The two liked the idea and asked if I liked poppers. My answer was straightforward: poppers are the extent of my current drug use with sex and as far as I would go. They replied, "Same here." We decided on 11pm that evening. I did my douching around 9pm and left an hour later. My joint glowed in the wind of the rolled down windows as my tunes blasted into the night. I got to the theatre pretty blazed and noted there were a good amount of cars in the lot. So I decided to check out the glory holes first since I had arrived a bit early. I set up in a booth with glory holes on either end. There were a couple of tall rugged guys there and I was hoping I would get a taste of cum since I assumed the two tops I was meeting would be cumming in the condoms up my ass. I heard this guy enter the booth to my right. I kept my eyes on the porn. Usually guys try and sneak a peak at their potential cocksucker slut, but this guy just stuck a 7" dick through, uncut. I fucking love uncut dicks. I went to town on the hairy shaft. "Shit...", I thought, "this has got to be truck driver or a country guy." This was only because his dick was rough and hairy, no primping with this guy. My cottonmouth was coming on hard and I could tell it was affecting the blowjob. The guy pulled off and wagged his dick through the glory-hole. He was hairy from head to toe. God, if those two dudes show up I am gonna be one happy cock slut. Just then I heard someone enter the booth to my left. I couldn't take my eyes off this trucker though. His hand came down with a drink and a straw in a large styrofoam cup. "Drink this, wet that mouth for me." I did. I swallowed large gulps and kept a bit in my mouth on the last sip to slosh around and keep it wet. He stuck his dick back through and I stood up a bit to give my knees a rest and was just bent over, unknowingly showing off my ripe cherry to the glory-hole behind me. As I sucked on the trucker an odd head-rush came to me. I kept sucking on the guy's cock, but felt really . . . well, higher. Almost like I was on X or G! That guy had G in the cup. It had been awhile, but since I knew what I was in for, I did not complain and just kept going. I felt the dude in the other booth moving around and blowing air on my pucker. I decided, "Let's get some good ass play if the other dude is up for it." I inched backwards and felt my ass hit the wall behind me, my back arched and I could feel fingers spread my cheeks. Then a wet, lubed finger penetrated my hole and started loosening it up. I felt the guy tap my ass with a small bottle. I reached back and took the poppers. I took a sniff and then the trucker pulled his dick out of my mouth. He bent down and his eyes met mine. "Give me those poppers." . . . I did. His hand stretched up to my nose. His index finger held one nare closed and the others pressed the open poppers to my open nostril. "Sniff you slut!" . . . I did. He kept it there for about 3 breath cycles in both nares. My head spun and I felt something larger at my well lubed and now welcoming shit hole. I turned around. There was a good 8" hispanic dick right there. I went to town on it. I did not want a bare dick up my ass. And then I felt the truckers hands on my crotch as he positioned my hole for his access. I felt fingers massage my pucker as I deep throated a hot brown cock. Then I felt the trucker's 7-incher penetrate my hole. "I don't want bare cock!, my mind screamed. But what really came out of my mouth was, "Give me your bare cock sir!" I was in deep and I knew it. I did not know the status of these two guys, but I didn't care. I could feel my hole open up. He went slowly at first and then started full speed. He did not last long. I felt his hot cum pulse into my ass and then he pulled out. I heard him say: "Here is something for you, I bet you got a long night ahead of you." I felt two fingers in my hole quickly enter and go. He then capped my hole with his fingers and said: "Keep it in there for a bit." It? What could it be? Then a rush came, a familiar rush . . . a booty bump. Wow people were generous with their drugs tonight. I got off the hot cock, turned around and spread my cheeks wide. I took three hits off the poppers and let the man fuck me bare. I could feel him enter and just thrust. He thrusted for a bit and my head just whirled. My dick was a raging hard on and I could feel the guy start going deep. He was about to cum. "Fuck, take this load you fucking whore!", he screamed. . . . I did. When he pulled out, a cloud lifted. Shit! The time, right? It was 11:07pm. I would be fashionably late. I picked up with slutty dignity I had left the booths and entered the theatre. It was not full at all. The two guys were dressed like they said and they saw me as I leaned up the back wall. They moved in closer and I saw two hot dark Hispanics with two football builds, huge chests, hairy and baseball caps. They both took them off and put them on backwards. This was going to be hot. I must have looked a bit sweaty and one said: "Shit bro, was that you getting rammed?" "Yeah, I got here early." "Then why did we even bring lube?!? Let's get your undressed!" They stripped me down bare. It was a theatre in a porn store and I was the night's dish. I started sucking their cocks together and both were beyond 7", but not 9" each. I didn't care. I wanted dick. They both got hard quickly and got me in spit roasted position. Top #1 looked a bit older and got my ass first while I sucked the younger guy's, Top #2, rod. I could here #1 take his bare dick and slap it against my wet and gushing hole. I heard a condom come out of its package and #1!slap it on. He entered with a moan, "Ooooohhhh, fuck, what a nice wet pussy. Dude, you are gonna cum so quickly!", he joked with his friend. "Naw, with the condom on it takes me longer." "Right! Awesome, well I just gotta keep my rhythm with this ass. What do you have up there? A whole bottle of lube?" I had no idea how much the other two had cum in my ass, but it must have been a lot. #1 just kept a nice pace, moaning the whole time. I could hear the doors opening and closing and see about 3-4 other dudes watching and stroking. One guy came up and I recognized his pants as the hispanic dick, the guy who had the poppers. He took them out and made me take a couple sniffs. I did, one . . . two . . . three sniffs. I felt the top speed up and then I heard, "Shit, bro, hand me another condom. This one broke." The other top started searching and gave him another. He opened it and put it on. One thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts, ".... SHIT! This one broke too." The two tops looked at each other while I kept sucking Top #2's dick. I heard whispering. I felt Top #1 caress my hairy chest and bring me upright with his dick still in. He whispered, "You like bare dick man?" "Yeah, I do." "You neg?" "Yeah, neg." "My bro and I here are both poz and we just found out. That's why we wanted to fuck you safely." I gave him a smile and said, "We tried." I bent over and started going over Top #2's long brown shaft. Top #1 just started pounding... "You want my poz cum you whore? You want my babies up in you and infecting you?" "Yes sir!" He screamed and shot a huge load up in me. He paused and kept his dick in. "Bro, get over here. If I take my dick out that cum is not going to stay in. You have to pound it in." Top #2 kept me upright as he switched positions with Top #1. I felt some cum leak out and a guy lick it off my legs. I was upright again and someone had pulled out a rig. I could feel the tightening of my arm, the insertion of a needle and then a rush of heat accompanied by a cough. I got bent over and a new cock was in my mouth. Top #2 started slamming me and I moaned, and moaned and moaned. I did not care. The chemicals were spinning me beyond sex and into a new world. Top #2 did not last long bare. He came within a couple of minutes. I am truly unsure what happened after that. I know I went over to a bench and put my legs up. I know the hispanic dude repeated and a couple other dudes munched on my hole for sloppy seconds, thirds, whatever . . . . I'm poz now and I have a steady boyfriend. We both got pozzed in similar ways, so we sometimes try and repeat those scenarios between us and our poz friends. I'm sure my conversion will never be surpassed.
    1 point
  11. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
    1 point
  12. I've been analyzing this idea for quite some time now. With me, at the time of this writing being HIV- and not on PReP, I am seriously starting to believe that I am addicted to letting men use me to sperminate my insides. I continue to let complete strangers who possibly and probably have HIV, AIDS, HEP C, Ghon, Syph and any other sti, have unprotected anal sex with me with my insistence that they cum inside my ass. I refuse to use condoms and daydream about all the random dna traveling inside my body into my blood stream and bonding with me physically and permanently. I have slowly allowed poz men first to bareback me but cum externally, now I allow undetectable men to breed me on a regular basis. I can't and won't stop doing this knowing my health is in very big jeopardy. What are the thoughts of the B Zone? Is it possible to develop a sperm addiction or is it more of an addiction to risky sexual behavior? Or something else completely.
    1 point
  13. Just for today, just for the holiday: It's not hard, he thinks, seducing these neg only safe-sex only clean cut types. Just lie to them. Tell them what they want to hear, say, "Yes, I'm clean and disease free" (Technically HIV is not a disease, it's a virus). Smile in your pictures a little mysteriously and nod at all the right moments, "Yes, I always practice safe-sex" (What does that mean anyway...like if we don't end up knifed to death...that's safe sex right...?). Start in quick but subtle with the ever tried and true, "So what kind of porn do you like? I love XXX and ZZZ" (bareback only studios that are poz-friendly). "Yeah, they're awesome..." "Yeah, bareback is the best." "Yeah..." They're mine...all the time. It's so easy to invite them over and have them look and stare and think, "He's so nice," and smile broad and say, "Come inside, the bedroom is this way," Leading them easily over and over again, into the bedroom, "Make yourself comfortable and take off your clothes." Casually do the same, and look at the monitors playing porn then say, "So what kind of guys do you like." Do the my type and your type game for a bit and then just nod slightly and kick back in bed and led the clumsy foreplay begin. Let them trip over themselves over and over again as they try to impress you and just keep glancing back and forth to the screens of porn and then chuckle aloud and say, "I've got something for you to try." Reach to the side of your bed and pull out that glass pipe and a micro torch and smile as you heat the pipe just so and then hit it just right, watch their eyes grow big and they never say anything contrary. Exhale a perfect white cloud of that fucking fantastic smoke and then pass them the pipe and say, "Here, hold it in your mouth like this," as you position the pipe in their mouth, and finally say, "I'll light it for you, just inhale when I say so." They barely nod but you can sense their excitement bleeding into the air. Heat the pipe again and then when that white smoke starts to rise to the top, say, "Hit it." Always "hit it" because that sets them up to fall so far down they won't ever hit the ground. And then ya just let the white smoke do its magic. Pretty soon Mr. I'm Safe Sex Only guy is on his back with his eyes dilated with fuck-lust saying, "Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy!" And it's hot because he's so straight-arrow clean-cut nicely dressed jock guy...with an ass so wet you can stick your raw cock in it at any moment. So you do while you hit the pipe and let him watch you in awe as you take the hit and slide into him and fuck him hit after hit. You fuck him doggy and sitting so that he can take some hits as well...you are after all, generous to a fault. It's so natural to just ask him, "You want me to knock you up? You want me to poz you?" It's so natural for him to say, "Yes. Breed me. Please breed me." So you do, and you smile as his pupils dilate and he smiles feeling your toxic seed spraying inside him and you both gasp and then you smile when he reaches for the pipe and asks you to help light the pipe. "Of course," you say. What else would an incubus do?
    1 point
  14. I'm about to start writing up some great fiction stories, and I've got a pension for the stealthing sort -- I just don't know what would turn people on more -- reading a story from the mindset of a predator top wanting to knock up hole or from the viewpoint of the naive bottom who realizes too late he's been duped. When maybe 5 - 10 people have commented I'll start posting up some hot stories I'm sure you'll all enjoy. Maybe eventually I'll do the same story down the line but from the other side of the coin if it's a close tie. I'll do a poll too now that I see I have that option.
    1 point
  15. So I woke up this morning feeling very horny. Laying in bed naked I decided to start the day with a little protin, and put my brown bottle to my nose and woke my boyfriend up with my five start blowjob. Sucking him to completion and swallowing his load down when it shot down my throat. I was still feeling horny when he left for work so I got on Craig's list and found a man in town for work looking for a hole to breed. A beautiful cop, stocky build, scruffy thick. Since I was low on poppers and love a sleazy arcade I had him meet me at the bookstore. When we got back in the booth he wasted no time feeding dollars into the machine, then fucking my mouth. Very rough and aggressive, getting verbal treating me like a worthless bottom. I was totally getting into it too. Totally naked kneeling on the dirty floor. Like a true dom tom he didn't get naked. Shirt still on pants around his ankles, pumping his meat down my throat. Finally he was ready for my ass. Thank god he let me prep by taking a few long deep hits from the rush. I was bend over with one hand on my dick and the other on the floor to stedy myself. He had me take one more deep hit from the brown bottle when he spit on my hole and pushed it. His hands on my hips and just went to town pounding me, only caring for his own cock and pleasure. It felt amazing being used like that. He didn't last long, just a few minutes. Before I knew he he was pulling my hips in to him, forcing his rock hard dick all the way in when he let his sperm flow I to me, with a loud powerful orgasm. In a truly anonymous fashion he zipped up and let the booth. Leaving me on the filthy floor naked, like a filthy slut. I caught my breath and sucked a couple more cocks. But left soon. I was so hard and horny all day, but did to let myself cum till my man got home and fucked me one more time.
    1 point
  16. So it was around 2005, I was a junior at a northeastern college and I was doing ROTC as well. My sexual experiences with other people had been limited to women (dating as well), but my solo exploration was quite adventurous. As soon as I hit puberty and started masturbating I started playing with my ass. I don't know what inspired it, but I had progressed through the years from fingering myself and just generally exploring, to intentionally stretching my hole with whatever I could get my hands (ass) on. Over the years I had used markers, bananas, vegetables, shampoo bottles, water bottles, and finally, once I was older, dildos that I had purchased online. (I had also had quite a bit of experience with solo piss and scat play) Due to having a roommate at college my ass-play and exploration was quite infrequent so it wasn't like my boy-hole was a gaping mess or anything, but I knew that I would be able to comfortably take a thick cock if the time came. I had been reading the Craigslist ads for the past year or so and was really turned on by the idea of playing with an older guy. I don't know exactly why, but my interest has always been in older guys that were looking for a wet mouth and a tight ass to fuck. I've never been interested in topping a guy, and I wasn't then, and still am not very interested, in having an orgasm myself actually. If it happens at the end that's fine, but I prefer to play for a while before I have my own orgasm as I tend to lose interest after I cum. So I was 21 years old, reading the M4M section, and getting a feel for what was available in the area. I can't remember if I posted an ad or if I responded to an ad (I probably posted it) but I eventually settled on a guy in a town about 30 minutes away from school. He was a white guy, married, tall beefy but out of shape in an old man sort of way, and probably in his late 50s. After a couple of emails and probably a few picture trades we made plans to meet a few days later in the week. That whole week I was perpetually boned and both excited and extremely nervous. Not only was this my going to be my first M4M experience, but I was also a little concerned about the CL sketchy-ness of it all. So on...let's say Friday...I ditched my friends, walked to my car, and started driving to this guy's town. He had given me an address and told me to meet him at some sort of historic building in his town. Apparently he was the town historian or had some sort of role that gave him access to the building at night and he thought it would be a good location for a private rendezvous. So I drive to the given address and park on the street. To my left is an old church or train depot or something (it's crazy how the years have dulled the memory that seemed like such a big deal at the time). As I park I see a door open and there is a man silhouetted in the doorway. I get out of my car and walk across the street and up the stairs to him. At this point my heart is absolutely pounding from excitement and apprehension. We probably shook hands awkwardly and then he ushered me inside. His physical appearance was true to his pictures and he seemed like a nice enough guy. He was also obviously a little nervous, but seemed to be in better control of himself than I thought I was at the time. I remember walking through several rooms and hallways filled with simple little display cases and framed pictures until we came to a back room. While we were walking he explained his role in town and the significance of the building, but I doubt I even processed any of what he said. All I could think about was the throbbing erection I had in my pants and the pounding heart I had in my chest. Once we were in the back-room he closed the door and motioned to some blankets he had arranged on the floor. The room had that cheap kind of industrial-grade carpet and smelled of dust. He stepped close to me and asked me if I "was ok with this," and I nervously said yes. Then he put a hand on my crotch and remarked on my hardon. He didn't say anything further but he began to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants. He pulled my pants and underwear down and my hard cock bounced right up to attention. He cupped my balls with his big hand and began to caress my cock. I distinctly remember almost cumming right then, and so I quickly (and so nervously/excitedly) pushed myself away and said, "Can I see your cock?" He of course said yes, and then stepped back and began unbuckling his pants. As he was doing that I finished taking my pants off and then I dropped to my knees in front of him. At this point his pants were down and his briefs were exposed with an obvious erection inside. I reached up and slowly pulled his waistband down allowing his fairly large and thick cock to spring out. I pulled his briefs down to his knees and slowly began to grip and stoke his cock (the first cock I had ever touched...other than my own) He just stood there silently smiling and staring down at me. I remember desperately wanting to just gobble his cock, but knowing that with this being my first time that I should take it slowly in order to fully appreciate the moment. So I'm on my knees with his meaty cock in my hands...I look up and make eye contact with him, and then I begin to lower my lips toward his inflated cock head. As soon as my lips touch his cock I feel a wave of relief and pleasure wash over me. I remember that it felt like I had finally found something important that had been missing for far too long. I popped his head fully into my mouth and swirled my tongue around once or twice, and then I lifted his cock towards his belly and began to his and lick his shaft. Then I tipped my head to the side a bit so I could get my tongue on his heavy balls. My hand gripped his shaft and my tongue lightly licked his sack. I can still remember realizing that my nose was tightly pressed up in his sack and that his scent was incredibly sexy. After that I began to fully suck and lick him in a way that I'm sure was truly amateur After doing that for what seemed like forever, but I'm sure was only minutes, he sat on the ground and told me to get between his legs and keep sucking. He was not at all too dominant, but I do remember feeling like he was the one that was obviously in charge and knowing that I really wanted to keep pleasing him. So I kneeled on the floor and leaned forward on my stomach as I continued to suck him. At some point he began to pat and squeeze my ass and trace his fingers over my hole. So I was on the floor sucking him and he had moved onto his knees so he could lean forward and play with my hole. At this time in my life I was 5'9" and in good military shape, but I had the lean body of a runner and not a thickly muscled frame. I was probably about 145 or 150 lbs of lean muscle. I like to think that my ass was pretty cute and bouncy My body hair is naturally light except for my legs, pubes, and ass, but I used an electric trimmer to keep my leg and ass hair down, and my cock and balls were shaved smooth with my pubes being trimmed close. After a few minutes of me sucking and him touching he pulled me off his cock and told me that he wanted to fuck my ass. As absolutely great as sucking his cock was, a proper ass-fucking was what I had been waiting for so I eagerly agreed to his request. He had me turn around in the doggystyle position and gently rubbed some lube into my virgin (technically) hole. While doing this I asked him if he had brought a condom. He said that he hadn't because he was allergic to latex and that he hadn't used a condom with his wife in over a decade. He then asked me if I had fucked any other guys to which I said that I had only been fucking one girl (my girlfriend) for the past couple of years and that I was sure I was clean. He assured me that he was as well. I had gone into this thinking that a condom was going to be absolutely necessary, but in the heat of the moment I gave in. All I knew was that I wanted his big daddy cock in my horny hole. He lubed his cock and then gently pressed his fat head against my tight (from nervousness) hole. His hands gripped my side and his greasy cock began to fill me. It felt fucking incredible. The physical sensation and the psychological sense of fulfillment were amazing. As my hole warmed to his cock he began to pick up speed. At some point his hands reached down and began to jerk me off in rhythm to his thrusting and in just a few jerks he had my formerly straight cock spurting while my ass clamped down on his big dick. I was totally lost in the moment but at some point he told me that he was going to pull out and that he wanted to finish in my mouth. I pulled myself off his cock and spun around toward his cock. He sat back on his ass and once again I knelt/leaned forward to take his cock in my mouth. A few bobs of my head and a few pumps of his hips and he told me he was going to cum. Regretfully, (very regretfully) I remember jerking his cock furiously with my hands while hovering my mouth just above his cock-head. His manly cock shot a big load of cum up toward the roof of my mouth. The taste was both familiar (I had tasted my own spunk a few times) yet different and I loved it. My supremely over protective fear of STDs kept me from doing what was right and swallowing his manly gift, but I turned my head a little so the hot spunk could cover my face. As he grunted and basked in the glory of his orgasm I gingerly cleaned his cock and slowly sucked on his shrinking member. After a few moments of that we both got up, put our clothes on, and awkwardly said something like, "That was great. I'd love to do it again. Let me know if you ever want to do that again" and then we walked out and went our separate ways. I remember that on the drive home my ass was deliciously greasy and wet and that my cock just wouldn't go down. I never saw that guy again, but that encounter did launch a trend of playing with older married men about twice every year. The end. That's a totally true personal story and I'd love to hear what you guys have to think. I can't claim to have had as wild a sex life as all of the men here, but your experiences definitely feed my fantasies.
    1 point
  17. Take some drugs & lose those inhibitions
    1 point
  18. The breeding definitely. I love it when the fucker unloads in me. The same way, when I top, I love it when the person I fuck takes my load.
    1 point
  19. Hot story Tiger! I have not, but find the different mail uniforms incredibly sexy. My mail man isn't someone I am attracted to, but the UPS man, I want him to fuck my mouth and ass. He's fucking cute in a non-traditional way. Screams big fucking dick, as he's tall, skinny, mid-30's, blondish brown close cropped hair. nice bulge in his pants. I love it in the summer, when he's wearing shorts, hot sweaty hairy legs are exposed, hmmmm. Years ago, had a friend that worked at UPS, said a lot of people go after the delivery drivers.
    1 point
  20. I fucked around with a clerk from the 16th and Bryant post office in San Francisco, when I lived in that neighborhood. He was very passionate; I remember long drives and lots of kissing. He was irrationally afraid of HIV, which meant no fucking, even with a condom. (Of course, I wanted to coax him into taking my dick, and eventually, my load.) He gave great head, and I vividly remember pushing him down onto my dick. He was Filipino, lived with family, and was not out, so there was no prospect of a relationship. This, and the impossibility of fucking, drove us apart. (Kissing and fucking -- especially bare -- make me feel close to a guy, and head -- preferably with each of us swallowing -- is also necessary for fun. We had two of the three, but I couldn't imagine not being allowed to fuck my boyfriend.) In the end, I stopped going to that post office to prevent any possible awkwardness. Though we were involved just a month or two and this was 15 years ago, I still think of him whenever I'm in the neighborhood. I hope by now that he's out, sexually free, and with another guy who cares about him.
    1 point
  21. Holy shit. Totally fucking hot. Very well written. Thanks for sharing this piggy story with us!
    1 point
  22. When I was an undergrad, my mailman was really hot, and I used to do everything I could to entice him, but he was strictly (mail) business. I never thought he was straight, but instead that I was out of his league. C'est la vie. My loss (except for the fantasies).
    1 point
  23. My mailman is very hot but sadly i think too straight, he's a total muscle buff, i'm always checking him out & chatting to him when he comes to deliver, Just wish he would deliver another kind of package.
    1 point
  24. Don't know why I love risky scenes, but I hooked up with a hot white guy on campus (I don't attend, but I love all the hotties). Anyway, he wound up being a bottom which pissed me off cuz I wanted a good pounding. So we meet and did it in a handicap stall in one of the UCF buildings. Since I don't really like to top, I decided to make him really feel it by fucking him as roughly as I could. I placed a tiny amount of spit on my dick head and just rammed in balls deep in one hard thrust. There was no talk of condoms so I made the choice to fuck him raw. Ifucked him as he bent over and grabbed the railing. I didn't last long as I hadn't cum in over a month. I didn't even ask where he wanted it. I continued fucking with only his ass juices now as lube and unloaded a massive load in his ass. In all it was just a five minute rough fuck quickie. At least he was good enough to suck my dick clean. I'm still surprised at all the 18-20 year olds that don't ask about status at all, and how there's no resistance to raw fucking one my head hits their hole.
    1 point
  25. Love to get in the back room of a bath house and just take as many cocks and loads as possible. Like others said, it's hot to do it in front of others so they know they can fuck and breed me raw.
    1 point
  26. Ive been the center of a lot of bukkakes...the last one there was 50 guys that came all over my face completely covering me....and they kept goin and goin til my whole body was just covered in cum
    1 point
  27. Chapter III. Tom and Blake led us to the bedroom and laid us down. My boy and I wrapped around each other, fingering POZ seed out of our loose holes. What started as an innocent day trip was about to devolve into a night of toxic debauchery. I fell asleep and dozed for a bit. When I woke up, my boy was, of course, gone. I heard him whimpering as he was getting fucked. One of the twinks from the Ferry had my boy bent over the sofa and was fucking him hard. My boy moaned as this this skinny suntanned guy pounded his hole with what must have been a nine inch dick. Tom was standing beside the twink pushing the twink’s hips back and forth. “Yeah Billy. Fuck him hard. Seed him good like we seeded you.” That sent Billy over the edge and he fired off his load into my boy’s ass. Tom saw me standing there, hard, and had me kneel down. Billy withdrew his cummy cock from my boy’s ass and Tom had me suck it clean. A river of seed was trickling down my boy’s thigh. Tom introduced us to Billy, who was apparently Tom’s nephew. Tom, Blake, and their friends had all been breeding the boy since he turned eighteen, but he had yet to convert. Billy told us that he would be working the party later and lining up cock for us. Billy kissed all three of us and flitted out of the house. Blake walked into the living room with two jockstraps. “Here, cumsluts. Put these on. They are all you’ll be wearing to the party.” We hopped into our jocks as the rest of the housemates filed into the room. They hugged us and told us we would be well taken care of, and we all headed down the boardwalk to the beach. Outside, we passed dozens of hot guys wearing very little, all on their way to the party. Several people commented that they recognized the two chasers from the ads they had seen online. They were talking about us! One really burly guy walked right behind me and my boy for a bit, grabbing our asses and working his fingers into our asses. “I’ve got my eye on you, boys. And I’ll have my dick in you both before the night is out.” He winked and headed on. The party was a blow-out. There must have been three hundred guys crowded into a small area. It was body pressed against sweaty body as far as the eye could see. Blake made sure to separate me from my boy and Tom guided me over to the railing, overlooking the ocean. He pressed against my ass and I could feel him working his drooling cock up and down my crack. “Just going to warm you up for your new friends!” He eased his dick into me and it felt glorious. I was looser than I had ever been and I felt no pain. The cum I already had in me was lube enough to get him going. I arched my back so he could fuck me easier and Tom hammered away. “Don’t want to cum yet, slut. I’ve got to you find your boyfriend.” Tom pulled out of me and disappeared into the crowd. A couple of the guys around had seen Tom fucking me, and moved in closer. A tall muscled guy pulled his shorts down in the front to reveal a stubby thick six inch cut cock, balls and pubes completely shaved. He whirled me around and shoved into me. His meat was so wide that I felt my ass struggle to accommodate him. He leaned his weight against me and rasped into my ear, “You take loads from guys like that, you’ll never get the bug!” I was confused for a moment, and he continued. “You want to convert, you take seed in the Rack.” He continued as he pistoned away, “Most of us pretty boys here are all medicated.” He was breathless as he kept fucking me. “You could take every load here and not become… ONE… OF…. US!!!!” He came in me hard and his dick was replaced by another one. And another. And another. As I took bare dick after bare dick, that guy’s words kept ringing in my ears. I lost track of how many cocks I had taken after ten or so, but I kept at it until my knees went weak under me. Billy appeared every few dicks with a new friend for me. He was there when the last guy pulled out. “Thanks, fellas. Looks like this chaser is all fucked out. His boy is still going strong though. That slut is a real champ!” Several guys waiting their turn with my hole walked away as Billy helped me to lean over a chair and rest a bit. I couldn’t see my boy but I knew someone was balls deep in him. Over the roar of the guys dancing, and the cluster of guys in the middle of the deck fucking him, I could hear my boy, “Yes! Yes! Feed me that big cock! Give me that dirty cum!!!” Billy and I drifted to the edge of the party. I told him what the first guy had said about loads from POZ guys on meds. Billy said he was probably right. He’d only taken loads from Tom and Blake’s friends and they were all really healthy. He said that he had heard about guys in the Meat Rack who really wanted the bug finding what they were looking for. The really sick trolls were not exactly part of the ‘in crowd’ anymore and kept their fucking to the darkness of the woods. I started to hatch an idea. If my boy really wanted to get sick, I knew a way to help him out. Blake and my boy appeared arm in arm. Both were grinning ear to ear, faces and hair sloppy with streaks of cum from countless guys. “Anyone up for a real adventure?” To be continued…
    1 point
  28. The last loads i took is when a friend called me last week telling me he had some friends coming over wanting to use me...i went over walked in his house seeing 30 guys there...i got fucked all day and all nite....i ended up taking a total of around 90+ loads in me....i couldnt walk right or sit for days
    1 point
  29. Hooked up with a hung black guy over the weekend. Oh and his dick is so thick I felt like he was popping my cherry! He started out by making out with me, then threw me face down on the bed and started rimming me. Damn, his tongue went in deep! After a few minutes of really good rimming and tongue fucking, I couldn't resist and had to taste his 8" thick dick. He face fucked me for maybe five minutes before he pulled out of my mouth. Then the fucking began. Rather, him opening and stretching my hole open. Damn I was tight as hell. Took about 15-minutes for the head of his dick to pop in. Once the head was in ... he slid in balls deep. He fucked me while I was on my back, stomach, standing up, and doggie style. He dumped a weeks worth of cum deep in my guts doggie style. Once I sensed he was gonna cum, u started to tighten my ass muscles and thrust my ass back as he thrust in. He came so much I felt my stomach filling up with his cum! But he wasn't done. He kept fucking me until he dropped at least 8-10 large loads. In all, he fucked me for about three hours. His cum started dripping as I started walking outside. Hot. Oh ... I let him record portions of the fuck and him fucking my face. And lots of pics.
    1 point
  30. Very hot! Bitchboy got exactly what he deserved...
    1 point
  31. Just hooked up with this guy I met on craigslist. I went over to his place and buzzed me up. As soon as I got in his bedroom is stripped down to nothing (which was easy because I was freeballing in a tshirt and flip flops. He strippes and I get on my knees and suck his cock. It wasn't big but it was nice, a bit more then 6in and he had big low hanging balls. While I was sucking him he was lubing up my hole and after a few min he turned me around and bent me over on my hands a knees. Came up behind my and slid the head in my ass. I asked him to stop (even though he wasnt that big) for a moment because I hadn't been fucked in awhile. Then he slowly started to ease it in, once he was balls deep I told him to fuck my as hard. He lasted about five min and told me he was cumming in my ass. After he stopped he pulled out and I sucked him back to full hardness for round two. After about ten min he blew his second load into my ass. Then we hoped in the shower to clean off and I sucked another load out of him while in the shower. It was hot night.
    1 point
  32. I would say it is psychologically addictive, but (obviously) not physically addictive. There was a scientific paper that came out a while ago saying that enzymes are released in the recipient that contribute to mental well being. but it was discredited due to the moral outrage that it seemed to be encouraging unprotective sex. Had a quick look but couldnt find it. I think the thrill of barebacking while you're neg is the most addictive factor. Lets face it some people call it the ultimate taboo, and once you've started its difficult to go back to a less thrilling form of intercourse.
    1 point
  33. We eat what we like the most. If you like pizza, are you addicted to pizza? We go to football games, are we addicted to football? What is addiction? Is masturbating an addiction? We know that people are addicted to drugs or alcohol because they cannot stop using it, and it eventually destroys them. But is barebacking an addiction or just a necessity (sex is part of being a human being, but also animals do it) with a little more excitement, like some people like extreme sports, like car racing, parachuting, downhill skiing? Barebacking doesn't necessarily do harm to you, but it can. But is then living an addiction? You never know when you get run over by a car, slip on the ice and bump your head, or get a serious disease like e.g. cancer.
    1 point
  34. 2. The Surprise I woke sometime around two in the afternoon to Rick pressing his cock back into my nearly recovered hole. I moaned as my hole once again stretched around his impressive girth, the cum from the previous times he had fucked me lubricating his shaft as he sank into me. Once inside of my Rick wasted no time, and was soon hammering my hole with ruthless efficiency causing me to cry out with lust. I am not normally a screamer but Rick’s powerful fucking forced yelps and moans out of me like no one had before. It didn’t take long this time for the load to boil up in Rick’s balls and soon he was grunting and bucking like an animal as he added another load to my already well-filled ass. “One for the road,” he growled into my ear as he came inside of me. When his cock had stopped twitching he pulled out and rolled out of the bed. “I’ve got some shit to do, so much as I’d like to spend the day breeding your hole… I’ve gotta go,” he said as he moved towards the door. “I’ll show you out,” I said covering my disappointment at seeing that magnificent cock go. “Don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep. Get my number from Austin and let me know when you wanna get plowed again.” Then he was gone. I laid on my bed for a long moment, naked on my stomach, my stretched out cummy hole facing the door that Rick had left open again as he exited. I went back to sleep. Several hours later I woke up again to the sound of a new voice in my room. “Damn,” the voice said, “Who wrecked your hole?” It took me a long moment to place the voice. But before my eyes were fully open and I had looked over my shoulder at the speaker I knew it was Austin. I suddenly remembered that the door to my room had been open and that the way I was laying on the bed my cum covered ass was clearly visible. Austin smiled at me a little oddly as he took in my compromised position. Knowing what I did now about Austin I found myself seeing him in a new light. He was still a tall thin twink, but I took note of the well defined abs, the incredibly hairy pits, sweet pink nipples, the narrow but dense treasure trail that led down into his skimpy yellow underpants. I noted too just how well the basket of those underpants was filled out. “Seriously,” he pressed on, coming further into the room, “someone did a number on your ass and left a shit load of cum behind. I had no idea you were suck a fucking slut, let alone a cumslut.” “I’m not normally,” I said, shifting in the bed and covering myself with a sheet. “So who dumped all those loads in your hole?” I hesitated for a moment and then said, rather sheepishly, “Rick.” A strange series of emotions played across Austin’s face so quickly that I couldn’t place all of them; but I’m certain that surprise, anger, jealousy, and fear all flashed by before he settled on lust. He rubbed his crotch through his yellow briefs and I could see that the healthy bulge was beginning to swell. “Why are you covering yourself up man,” he asked coming even closer. “You liked getting railed by Rick didn’t you? Well I’ve got something I think you’ll like just as much.” With that he practically leapt onto the bed straddling my pelvis. He lent forward and kissed me roughly. My cock quickly hardened again as I began to explore my roommates trim body with my hands. Our kiss was short lived though as after only a couple of minutes Austin broke away and said, “I have to get my mouth on that ass, flip over.” I did as I was told and kicking my legs apart Austin spread my cheeks and started to devour my ass. He lapped up the cum that had leaked from my hole and pushed it back inside of me with his tongue as he desperately tried to penetrate my hole as deep as he could with that same organ. Much like our kiss though this joy was short lived as soon I heard rustling and felt Austin shifting about behind me. Soon his mouth left my hole but his hands remained on my cheeks, I felt something warm and hard press against my hole and knew that it was his cock. Without saying a word Austin steadily pressed his fat raw cock in side of me. It was not quite as long as Rick’s but it certainly was as thick if not thicker. I whimpered into the pillow as Austin came to rest balls deep in me and started to kiss my neck. He started out slowly, sensing that my hole was still a little worn to from my night’s escapades but soon worked himself up to a feverish pace. Soon Austin was panting as I moaned into the pillows in front of me, and sweat dripped from him falling onto me. He was not going to last long, that was quickly obvious, but his cock was tugging at my hole as it stretched me wide in such a magical way that I wasn’t about to complain. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned as he bottomed out in me and his cock began to throb. As his orgasm rocked through his body he leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t last longer, I’ll be ready to go in a minute though.” He started to rock his hips forward and back slightly, “But feeling all those POZ loads in you I couldn’t resist adding my own to the mix right away.” “What,” I said, my ass clenching around his cock in shock, “You’re POZ?” “Yeah,” he replied sounding a little confused, and then after a moment, “So is Rick. I thought you knew and that’s why…” “Oh fuck,” I said, “I had no idea.” “I’m so sorry,” Austin said, moving to get off of me. As his cock started to slip from my hole I realized I didn’t want him to stop. I had six loads of POZ cum in my hole… there was no changing that so I might as well enjoy the cocks that put it there. I reached back and grabbed his hips, pulling him to me, and shoving his cock back inside of me. “Where do you think you’re going mister,” I said. “But I’m…” “At this point it doesn’t matter, so how about we stop talking and you get back to plowing my hole with your fat POZ cock.”
    1 point
  35. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy. Tommy knew this was going to hurt bad and maybe for days but he needed that cock inside him. The poppers helped and made him want it all in him fast and he started to beg for it as he cried. "You want me to shove it all in and rip you open, boy?" "Yes give me all of your cock. Hurt me, I don't care just fuck me and ...." Oscar slammed into Tommy and the boy screamed and George told Bobby to make out with Tommy to try to quiet him. After trying several times but not able to quiet Tommy we had Bobby cover his mouth. Tommy stopped screaming but kept crying and Oscar told Bobby to move because he wanted to hear Tommy. Oscar taunted the boy as he fucked him as fast and as hard as he could. He told Tommy he asked for it and begged for it and was going to get it. Oscar had paid five hundred dollars and he was going to get his money's worth out of this boy. Normally a boy was out of commission for a week after one of his brutal fucks but Oscar loved knowing that there wasn't anyway this boy was getting a break and knew they'd slam him with a .5 once Oscar finished wrecking Tommy's boyhole. Tommy's crying turned Oscar on and he knew he wouldn't last much longer and he told Tommy to beg for his load and it would all be over. Through the pain Tommy heard and begged to be bred. Oscar started breathing harder and then pushed all the way into Tommy and held still as he shot into the boy. Oscar collapsed and stayed on top of Tommy until he felt his cock start to go down and he had Bobby bring him a big butt plug which he pushed into the bloody hole as he withdrew.
    1 point
  36. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them. Oscar told Bobby to bump Tommy and make it big. As Bobby went for the supplies Oscar talked with Tommy. "Tommy, since your a whore now and you can't suck my tool I guess you'll let me just fuck you." Tommy clearly was nervous and actually started shaking. "I won't fuck you boy, not even with you being a whore, unless you beg me too. Do you want me to wreck your new boyhole and make you cry like a little boy?" "Oh, sir, I can't take your cock, it would kill me." Bobby returned and showed Oscar how big of a bump he had and Oscar nodded for him to shoot it in Tommy's hole. As Bobby stepped back Oscar pushed a finger into Tommy. "OK, Tommy, let me just finger your boyhole and see if I can make you horny, isn't that fair?" "Yeah that's nice. I wish I had more practice because I want to please you. Could you use two fingers, please" Oscar pushed a second finger in. "I knew you'd like these fat fingers of mine. Here taste them" Tommy licked then started sucking on them and Oscar knew the bump had started. "I bet you'd like three fingers in you, just ask me" "Yeah please give me three fingers, please now" Oscar pushed three fingers of his other hand into Tommy as he finger fucked the boy's mouth. A minute later he pulled his hands back and looked at Tommy and could see the hunger in his eyes and asked him, "Tommy is your boyhole feeling empty?" "Please put your fingers in me" "No, Tommy, nothing is going near your hole again until you ask, no beg, me to fuck you and wreck you, and ask me to hurt you. I want to hear you cry because you need me and you want me to break you." Tommy started to shake for a few moments and then looked at Oscar and begged. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy.
    1 point
  37. I pulled up in front of Tommy's apartment and he jumped right in and as I sped away I handed him the knockout pills and without a word being said he took them. When I first started chatting with Tommy I never expected this but believe me that when a twink jock cherry boy tells me I can do whatever I want then I'm going to fulfill my fantasies too. I told him to remove his shorts and throw them out the window and I was amazed he did it without hesitation proving he was ready. When we met previously he told me he was a virgin but did jerk off however couldn't find privacy often and hadn't cum in nearly a month. I told him if he wanted me to make him a whore he couldn't jerk off again until we got together. Now without his shorts i could see the front of his jockstrap was soaked which told me he obeyed but I asked him when he last came and he said a few weeks before we met. I told him he was as good boy and to close his eyes and and to go to sleep and he soon passed out. Watching him sleep so innocently made my cock drip knowing what we were so going to do to him. Two hours later we pulled off the highway and another half hour later we arrived at my friend Tom's farmhouse. The guys heard me pull up and soon a dozen studs were on the porch watching me and Tom carry our guest into the house. The party had started earlier and they already had a couple of whore boys to play with but everyone held back waiting for me and Tommy to arrive. The pills should wear off soon and we put Tommy in a sling while we waited. Once we saw his start to come around I put a rubber strap on his arm and found a vein as he opened his eyes. He started to look around the room and I let him see and hear what was happening to the other boys and to know it would happen to him soon too. Oscar was a pimp we knew that liked dealing with white twink boys and loved breaking them in with his black ten inch cock that looked more like a fucking rolling pin it was so thick and straight. He stood next to me and when Tommy turned towards me he gasped when he saw Oscar's tool. "Tommy are you ready to become the whore that you know you are?" I asked him. "Are you ready for me and my friends, like Oscar here, to use you like a ragdoll?" Tommy clearly was nervous and didn't answer right away so I told him to wait a minute before answering as I pushed the needle in his arm and drew back turning the contents red and then pushed it all into his vein. One of the other guys wiped the injection site and even put a bandaid on him as I removed the strap and told Tommy what to expect.
    1 point
  38. I love the tip, followed by the shaft.
    1 point
  39. when I used to live in the book stores, I can't tell you how many unattractive guys I got. they would walk in the booth and the picky queens would turn their noses up at them. I'd go in the booth next to them and see a 9 incher and before I knew it, I was bent up against the hole getting filled full of cum. always loved seeing the disgusted looks on those bitches faces when I came out. they were like "how could you, he was so ugly" but with cum oozing down my leg, I was in pig heaven
    1 point
  40. No fuck buds but there have been un attractive faces. If their cock is sexy, then I don't care. I want their cum!!!
    1 point
  41. If I let a man slide his bare cock into my ass, then he should take that as permission to fill me with his cum. I have no right to get upset with someone for cumming inside of me, when I am the one who let them put it inside of me uncovered. When I made the decision not to use a condom (even if "only for a second!") I have accepted all of the risk that goes along with it.
    1 point
  42. My feelings exactly, I'm putting on a show to attract as many of the watchers to come and breed me, fill me with cum and then move for the next guy. Getting a double penetration is a real bonus and a piss fuck is the ultimate reward. The down side is that my local saunas seem to be getting more and more quiet and recently the guys who have been want to play safe.
    1 point
  43. I prefer to get fucked in public. Bathhouses and porn shops in the arcades. I love having guys take turns on me.
    1 point
  44. I love being fucked in public. That's why bathhouses and sex clubs/parties are such a turn on for me.
    1 point
  45. Hot story. I need an invite to a party just like that. Hartford, Albany, Boston even NYC. Maybe my Christmas gift can be a hot raw and rough conversion fuck for me?
    1 point
  46. Very hot story I would love to get tag teAmed by a couple
    1 point
  47. That is a Hot Story, and being a bear bottom bitch I can and wish that it was me.
    1 point
  48. Well played! Would love to get pozzed up like that! After, Id definitely pay it forward in the same manner! :-)
    1 point
  49. I have long foreskin that can keep a lot of cheese
    1 point
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