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  1. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
    6 points
  2. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 6 We spent the night spooning each other in bed. I woke with morning wood and Zak’s hard cock sandwiched between my ass cheeks. It felt so right waking in his arms with his boned up dick against my body. I snuggled further into Zak and worked his shaft against my hungry hole. Thoughts of last night’s breeding made my cock dance rock hard. Zak yawned and stretched, rubbing his boner tight against me. “Morning, babe.” “Morning.” He sighed and kissed the back of my neck, “Did you sleep well?” “Yep. Feels good waking up with you.” As he snuggled me and ground his cock against me, “Doesn’t feel so bad for me either.” “I can’t stop thinking about last night.” “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?” “Want to do some more breeding today?” “Yeah, I’m game.” “You still have Jonathan’s number from lunch yesterday?” “I’m sure it’s still in my pocket.” “Why don’t you message him and see if he wants to have a drink and some threesome play?” I reached for my phone. Tap, tap, tap….. I tried to reach Jonathan with a text message. “Hey Jonathan….it’s Zeek from yesterday at the restaurant. U have plans today?” I snuggled into Zak again. A few minutes later my cell phone called out to us with a “ding.” I had a message from Jonathan. “Hey Zeek, Glad to hear from u. Enjoyed our ‘bathroom break.’ No plans today. What did u have in mind?” “Brunch and some 3some play?” “Love to. Where and when 2 meet?” Zak was stroking my hard shaft while I tried to concentrate on messaging back and forth with our new play bud. “How about Café Centraal on Kinnickinnic at 11:30?” “Sounds good. Will give me time to get moving. Still lying in bed. Feels good to sleep in on my day off.” “We are hangin out in bed yet too.” “Awesome. Nothing like a lazy start to the day.” I snapped a selfie of Zak and I in bed and sent it to Jonathan with a message, “U need 2b here in bed with us swappin cum.” “U R getting me turned on.” About a minute later pics of Jonathan’s hard rod and tight hole showed up on my phone, “Look forward to seeing u guys.” “Damn, can’t wait to tap that ass again. See U at 11:30.” “Boned with anticipation. Will your BF fuck me too?” “U bet he will.” I snapped a pic of Zak’s cock making sure to not include his biohazard tattoo then sent it to Jonathan with a message. “Here’s Zak’s cock….inked and pierced. You’ll love it…..feels amazing!” By the time I finished texting Jonathan, Zak had his lips wrapped around my shaft and was deep throating my cock. “Fuck, Zak that feels so good.” Between panting, “Jonathan wants…. you to…. fuck him too. I want… to see you… unload your…. poz seed in him.” “We can both breed him, babe.” I pulled Zak off my slick cock. “The thought of pozzing Jonathan has me so close to cumming. My dick throbbed and stiffened over and over. Precum glistened on the head of my shaft. “You better slow down, or I’ll be shooting my swimmers down your throat in no time.” We showered fully erect. I don’t think our cocks dropped to more than half mast the entire time. We made out while lathering each other’s bodies and stroking each other’s rods all soaped up. We both pissed on each other at the same time. Our urine mixed together as it ran down our bodies with our lips locked. On the drive to the restaurant our cocks strained against our jeans begging to be released. “Damn, Zak, I’m so boned up. I can’t get my cock to go down.” “I know, breeding always gets me going too. Try thinking of something else.” Thought I had it licked. I focused on thinking about the landscaping I wanted to complete around my house, but that led to thoughts of Summer, the hot sun, sweaty construction workers, to stripping their shirts off and my cock boned up again. Zak chimed in, “Not working I see. I have a sure way to kill your hard on.” “Go for it.” “Think about a woman naked. Her cunt is steamy and goopy with a yeast infection. When she spreads her legs it smells like a rotting fish.” “Damn, Zak….talk about not only killing my wood, I may be vomiting on top of it.” He chuckled, “Works every time.” We arrived at Café Centraal a few minutes early and ordered a drink at the bar. The bartender was a sexy number with ink up one arm, a trim waist, reddish brown hair and a scruffy 5 o’clock shadow. In no time my cock was boned up again. “Hi guys, can I get you a drink?” Zak blurted out, “I’ll have a stella.” “Bottle or tap?” “Bottle please.” “And you sir?” “I’ll have a Sam Adams……bottle.” “Coming right up.” The bartender bent down to get the beer from the cooler, allowing us both to check out his firm ass. Zak and I glanced at each other. Zak smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “Here you go guys. Are you having lunch too?” “Yes, we’re just waiting for a buddy to get here.” “I’ll start a tab, add it to your food bill.” “Ok, cool,” I added. Swinging my bar stool toward Zak, I motioned toward my crotch and softly stated, “Think I’m going to stop battling the monster in my pants, because he’s clearly winning.” Zak chuckled, “You ARE a horny devil aren’t you, babe?” Jonathan was a few minutes late. He slipped onto the bar stool next to me and nudged my shoulder with his. “Hi, guys.” “Hey, Jonathan.” Zak added, “Hello, Jonathan.” “Zak and Zeek,” he said, “Kind of has a ring to it.” “It’s actually Isaac, but my friends call me Zeek.” “Well, I really enjoyed meeting you both yesterday……. Zak and Zeek.” “Same,” added Zak. “We just ordered a drink, Jonathan. Would you like something?” Zak motioned for the bartender. “What would you like, sir?” Jonathan ordered a brandy and coke. “With Korbel if you have it, please.” The bartender returned shortly with his drink in hand. “Thanks, man.” Jonathan scooped it off the bar, and we shuffled off to get a table. You could feel the sexual tension in the air as we perused the menus. I fumbled on my words, “So Jonathan, I bet it has to feel good being on the receiving end……ah, I mean being served rather than serving…..um….you know, waiting tables.” We all laughed….breaking the ice. Jonathan grinned, “I do like being on the receiving end in more ways than one.” (Thinking to myself) You’ll be receiving a lot more than you realize today. My cock twitched in my pants. “Good because Zak and I are in a giving mood.” (Thinking to myself) Or I should say gifting mood. Zak glanced at me with a cheeky grin that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Our waiter popped in out of nowhere. He was short and thin, smooth shaven, and proper with his shirt buttoned to his neck. Nice, cute, maybe 19 or 20 and a little nerdy. “Hi, guys. I’m Coty. I’ll be your waiter today.” We all said hello at the same time. He quickly blurted out, “I see you all have drinks. I’ll give you some time with the menus and stop back in a few.” “Thanks, Coty.” As fast as he appeared he disappeared. Jonathan said, “Boy, he’s fast. Too much coffee or something, another cup and he may explode.” “Well, Jonathan, that bubbly personality you bring to your customers certainly stands out.” Zak tapped Jonathan on the shoulder, “Not to mention the added attention you give to some of us.” He blushed, “I do like my customers to leave happy, but yesterday was a FIRST.” Zak inquired with a flirtatious air, “Ok, Jonathan, see anything you like on the menu?” Jonathan smirked then continued to browse his menu. Without looking up he said, “Well, that would be on the dessert menu, guys, but yes I do.” Coty slipped into position at our table with his pad and pen in hand to take our orders. I wanted to tell him to loosen up a bit, unbutton his shirt and let his hair down a bit, but resisted the urge and let the young lad be. I just thought to myself a good stiff cock up your ass would do you wonders, Coty, as I smiled and placed my order. After a short wait Coty promptly returned with our lunch plates. I noticed his glances at the three of us. This was more than looking. This was checking us out in a subtle way. It set my gaydar off. “Is there anything else I can get you guys right now?” Zak said, “No, I think we are good, Coty, thanks.” He shuffled off to the bar area, but every time I looked at him his eyes were glued on us like he was ready to break into chorus of Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.” About halfway through my Waldorf salad I asked, “Are you guys reading these signals from Coty too?” Jonathan replied, “You mean all the looks and stares from a distance?” “And all the glances every time he comes to the table,” Zak added? “Yeah, my gaydar is ringing like crazy.” “How could we miss it?” Coty returned to clear our plates, “Are any of you interested in dessert this afternoon?” Jonathan replied, “We saved room for dessert, but we’re having that at my place in a bit.” Coty naively said, “Oh, what’s for dessert guys?” Zak couldn’t resist, “It’s not WHAT’S for dessert, but WHO.” He glanced over at Jonathan with a smirk on his face. Coty’s mouth dropped open. The silverware slipped from his hand, and he nervously bent over to pick them up. It took him a while before reluctantly standing up. He couldn’t hide it. The tenting to the front of his pants was obvious. Coty was family too, whether he knew it or not. His face turned three shades of red, “I’ll be right back with your bill guys,” and he scurried off. My cock twitched and half boned in my pants, “I know he’s a little geeky, but there’s something sweet and innocent about him too.” Jonathan added, “Yeah, he is kind of a cute little number.” “He’s definitely a bit closeted or unsure of his sexuality,” Zak said. About 5 minutes later Coty returned. He placed the bill on the table. He could hardly look at us. Mortified, he said, “I apologize guys, and there’s no rush with this; whenever you are ready.” He turned to walk away and Zak stopped him by grabbing his shirt sleeve. Coty let out a little gasp. “You know, Coty, I hope I don’t offend you. There’s no reason to be embarrassed around us. I only said that earlier because we noticed your glances. We’re all gay here. What I said obviously turned you on. It’s cool, and you’re very welcome to join us for dessert if you like.” Coty nervously stuttered, “Ah, th…thanks, but um…..my shift doesn’t end until late.” Then he awkwardly slipped away. I left a note with Coty’s tip. “If you want to explore your gay side or just chat a bit give us a call, Zak and Zeek.” I didn’t expect to hear from him, but you never know. My focus shifted toward Jonathan and us breeding his ass. Zak was so excited at the thought of pozzing him. I’m surprised he didn’t cream his pants on the way to Jonathan’s place. “I can’t wait to dump our loads in his neg hole,” he said. I have to admit my cock was pretty boned up and leaking too. “Ditto!! The anticipation has me turned on big time.” We followed Jonathan to his apartment. My rod was throbbing in my jeans watching his tight ass strolling down the hall to his front door. Perfectly round, and plump, it filled out his pants so sweetly. I could hardly wait to tear those jeans off and bury my dick in his man hole. We no sooner got the door closed and Jonathan stripped his clothes off. His cock stood straight up in the air. He walked over to Zak and started making out with him and pulling his clothes off. As he reached to unbutton Zak’s jeans he was distracted by me pulling him to me, burying my tongue down his throat. I dropped my jeans to the floor. Having gone commando, our cocks immediately touched. We ground our wet shafts against one another, soaking each other with our slick precum. Jonathan pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside as Zak slipped in behind him. Zak unzipped his jeans, flipped his hard shaft out, and worked it against Jonathan’s tight hole. Zak grabbed our prey by the hips and pumped his cock hard between his ass cheeks. I made eye contact with Zak as I made out with Jonathan. He winked at me, puckered up and blew me a kiss then shot me a huge smile. Jonathan arched his back and worked his ass against Zak’s poisonous meat. Zak reached in his pocket and pulled out a jacket, “I have a condom, let me suit up.” Jonathan broke away from kissing me and said, “Drop the rubber, get those jeans off, and fuck me with that poz cock!!” With shock in his voice, Zak replied, “What did you say?” Jonathan chuckled, “You came to poz me, and there’s nothing more I want than to charge up. Bury that poz cock in my hole.” My cock stiffened even more. Zak kept grinding against Jonathan’s tight ass, “How did you know I’m poz?” “I’ll tell you later after you both breed my hole.” Jonathan led us to his bed and sat down on the edge. He leaned back with his cock standing tall in front of him. While looking right at Zak he said, “Are you going to get out of those jeans now?” Zak reached down and unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, revealing his big, brazen biohazard tattoo marking him as poz and proud. “Fucking hot!!” Jonathan’s cock stiffened and pulsed down the length of his shaft as he gazed at Zak’s poz dick and ink. “Turn around and get on your knees,” Zak demanded and walked toward the bed. Zak greased up Jonathan’s hole with spit and worked the head of his shaft in his hole. I wasted no time in crawling on the bed on my knees and making out with Jonathan slow and deep. Zak shoved farther into Jonathan’s hungry hole raw. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss, and Zak impaled Jonathan all the way onto his rod. Jonathan stroked my pole. Zak pumped his ass slow and deep. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s grip by standing up on the bed before him. After grabbing the back of his head I buried my cock deep in his throat. “Suck my cock, pig,” as I continued to face fuck him. Zak and I were in perfect rhythm fucking Jonathan from both ends. “You like my poz cock leaking poison in your hole, don’t you, pig?” I pulled my dick from Jonathan’s mouth after about ten minutes of deep throating. “Oh fuck, I want your poz loads in my ass so much.” Zak asked, “Yeah? You want my DNA?” “Yes, give it to me.” I stroked my pulsing cock, stiffening even more with each word. “Yeah? You ready for my swimmers to poz you?” “Fuck, yes.” Zak pounded into Jonathan, “Take my virus, pig. Here it comes.” “Fuck!!” Zak’s body jerked as ropes of charged sperm filled Jonathan’s guts. He quickly pulled out of Jonathan, leaving a trail of cream dripping from Jonathan’s stretched hole. “Get over here, Zeek, and get that cock in his cunt.” I scooped up Zak’s seed leaking from Jonathan’s hole and fingered it into his ass. I worked my fingers in and out of his gut then lined up my cock and plowed in. My meat was immediately coated with ass slime and my babe’s toxic cum. Sloshing my rod in Zak’s demon seed with Jonathan’s hole wrapped around my shaft made my cock throb. I worked my boyfriend’s charged load into Jonathan’s intestinal walls with each thrust. It was wet, slimy and incredible. Zak worked his dick into Jonathan’s throat, “Clean my cock off, pig. Suck it all down.” I slowed my thrusts, pumping into Jonathan feeling every inch of my cock slip deep inside. “Fuck your hole feels so good. I love working poz cum into you.” Zak held Jonathan’s head in place on his shaft, and let out a small shot of piss in Jonathan’s mouth. He quickly gulped it down his throat. “Yeah, you like that sweet piss don’t you? Want more don’t you?” Jonathan simply nodded, and I continued to fuck his ass, groaning with each thrust. I said, “You want my seed too, don’t you pig?” He again nodded as Zak fed him his piss. Jonathan devoured every drop of urine into his belly. “Are you ready for more DNA in your ass?” He nodded and mumbled, “Yes,” between gulps of piss. “Fuck, yes, cause I’m getting close.” Zak pulled his cock from Jonathan’s mouth after emptying his bladder. Jonathan licked his lips with piss dribbling off his tongue, “Oh my God that was hot!!” He took a deep breath, “Now give me your charged seed!!” “Fuck, you love that piss too, don’t you?” “Yes. I love poz cum and piss.” “Here’s my seed, pig.” “Fuck, yes.” My cock pulsed and throbbed over and over. “Yes, Fuck, yeah……I can feel you cumming in me.” I grabbed Jonathan’s hips after draining my balls in his ass. With each slow thrust of my cock I could feel our cum gushing around my shaft. As I pulled my meat from Jonathan’s hole he leaned back against my sweaty chest and with only a few strokes of his cock he splattered Zak’s chest with his creamy spunk. “Fuck, I want to poz so much!!” “Well, I definitely have a viral load,” Zak replied. “Awesome. What about you Zeek?” “Not even sure I’m poz yet. I haven’t tested, and Zak’s been filling my hole with tons of his virus.” “So you may be poz already?” “Could be.” “God, I loved that so much. Thank you, guys.” Jonathan kissed Zak on the lips and slipped his tongue in his mouth. We all flopped down on the bed in a clump of sweaty, hot flesh. After catching our breath, Zak again asked, “So how did you know I’m poz?” “Easy. I checked out guys in Milwaukee and Chicago on BBRT when I knew I was moving here. I saw your profile.” “I don’t have face pics unlocked in my profile.” “You didn’t need face pics. Your ink is hot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw your tattoos at the restaurant. I knew it was you right away from your profile pics.” I said, “So you knew all along when you took my load in the bathroom stall?” “Sure did, and you guys thought you were going to stealth my ass.” Jonathan chuckled, “I would have played along, but the poz talk while taking seed is hotter.” We both laughed. “You’re a sly little devil, aren’t you?” Jonathan grinned with satisfaction, “So you don’t know if you’re poz yet, huh Zeek?” “Nope. No symptoms yet either.” Zak cut in, “But he should be converting any time now, if he hasn’t already. He’s taken a lot of my cum. You may very well have gotten two toxic loads today.” “Awesome!!” The surprise turnabout from Jonathan left us horny as hell. Driving home our conversation about our weekend of toxic play left us with two rock hard cocks wanting release. I pulled into my garage, and we were ready to fire off another load. The garage door closed and by the time I got out of my car Zak had circled around to my side. He tore my shirt off, and pinned me against the car door. His lips were gentle but aggressive against mine. “I want you Zeek. You need another dose of my virus?” “I want you in me.” Zak pulled my jeans to my knees and flipped me around against the car. I heard his zipper fly down and seconds later his throbbing cock was plowing into my hole. It was raw and rough. He pinned my face to the roof of the car and thrust in me repeatedly. I arched my back against his meat. My cock danced with excitement against the car door. The harder and faster he pumped my ass, the closer I got to firing off my own load. I could feel he was getting close too. His panting grew more intense, and he moaned and groaned building toward climax. His shaft expanded and stiffened, opening me up wider as he shot off round after round in rapid succession. His pulsing cock filled me with sensations that pushed me over the edge, and my rod exploded with a huge load of creamy jizz streaking across my car door. Zak pressed his body against mine. His cock still buried deep in my guts. He kissed my neck then whispered, “You know I’m falling in love with you, don’t you?” I rubbed my head against his. “Ditto, babe,” and he caressed my head and body then kissed the back of my neck. The feel of his body against mine sent chills from my head to my toes. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t falling in love with him; I was already in love with him, but I didn’t. Our relationship was still new. I wanted him against me all night, but I knew he would soon be heading back to Chicago. More to come......
    5 points
  3. Disco and techno music should be banned from amateur porn. Grunts and groans should be enough.
    5 points
  4. Jeremey’s perspective: Oh my god it happened so fast, it was incredible, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just so stoked after meeting the most wonderful man yesterday. His name is Matt and believe it or not, he lives just a building over from me. I guess it was a instance of being at the right place at the right time. Let me back up a little though to tell you how it came to be. I’m Jeremy and I just turned 22 last May. Now, here it is September again and I’m back at the university studying business with a minor in liberal arts. Yeah, I figured if nothing else I could get a teaching credential if I couldn’t find a job in the business world. I grew up in the bay area, the only child of a single Mom. She never discussed my father and it was a taboo subject around her. I have a cool Uncle Tony who is about five years younger than Mom. He is only 18 years older than my age, and has been a good friend and a surrogate dad over the years, especially since he is only 18 years older than me. As far back as I can remember Mom always had health problems and after beating breast cancer twice she succumbed to it a couple years ago. It still makes me sad. I keep a picture of her on my bookshelf, she was so pretty back then, I suspect the dude in the photo was her boyfriend and possibly my father. Uncle Tony is always teasing me how I wanted to have the photo off the credenza, when when I asked my mother why she kept it there she replied that it was the best photograph taken of her in her when she was in her twenties, but I figured she was still in love with the guy. Uncle Tony said the guy had broken her heart, and added he didn’t see why she kept it in such prominent view. Enough about my Mom. I guess I always knew I was different and when I was in junior high. I finally figured I was queer. Yeah, I was clearly gay, after all I found myself lusting after the other guys at school and on the school ball teams. I was a smart cookie and had the good looks to go with it, so you might say I was a hunky geek, which is one reason I got along with my Uncle as he was also handsome and clever. We loved our video games, be it console or computer, but we also loved going out and tossing the ball around. Uncle Tony pegged me as gay long before I wanted to admit my attraction to guys, but he was cool with it and even took me out to a gay 18+ club on my 18th birthday, not telling mom where he was taking me and just telling her to a ball game. It was a night where I received my first kiss from a boy. I was so turned on by the kiss that I creamed my jeans, and ended-up excusing myself and slipping into the men’s room to clean myself up. When I returned to find Tony making out with the stud who had caused my ejaculation. Sure, the stud 20 and really hot, but I started wondering about Uncle Tony. Being an athlete is why I was at University on a partial scholarship, being a gay athlete on scholarship kept me in the closet freshmen year although it didn’t take long for me to figure out my roommate in the dorms was a big old queer, after catching him snuggling and who knows what in our room one night when I returned from the Frat party we had gone too together, I recognized the frat boy as one of the alumni or senior from the frat house we had gone too. I just shed my clothes and climbed in bed, turning towards the wall and tried to go to sleep. “Think he might want to join in the fun” I heard the frat boy said “Nah he’s straight “I heard my roommate say Steve and I became close as brothers and he soon realized that I too was queer and like him seemed to get along better with older guys. I however was still a virgin in all things gay, yeah I lusted after seniors and older students and maybe even had a crush or two on this professor or that staff member but I was too shy/scared to make a move. Steve set me up on a couple of dates with guys in their 20’s a couple times but it generally ended in a hand job and maybe the occasional blowjob. By the time we both moved in together sophomore year, off campus Steve was hooking up 3-4 times a week and I was still a virgin, but he would tell me of his exploits over breakfast or dinner, always leaving me hard, he’d give me a hand job through my jeans or inside my gym shorts kissing me the whole time teaching me techniques to use on guys he had learned from his various dates, then it happened Steve Mr. Safe sex always Top man, slipped up, he had gotten invited to a party with this really hot 30 year old guy and they convinced Steve to kick back in the sling before he knew it guys were caressing his ass and fingering him, he loved being fingered, then some guy had slipped his raw cock in Steve’s ass, I’m guessing he wasn’t that big but just large enough to really gets Steve revved up and moaning, by the time he realized his safe only policy had gone down the toilet the guy had unloaded in Steve’s hole and the next guy slid in using the cum for lube. 3 hours later they helped Steve from the sling and welcomed him into the brotherhood. Steve was confused and when he questioned his date, the answer was that it was a conversion party and that at least a third of the loads he received were POZ. Steve panicked but was totally turned on by it at the same time, his hole dripping with their loads, someone slid a plug into his still gaping ass and indicated it be best to keep the loads from seeping out during the rest of the party. Steve then started fucking whoever’s holes he could side his large cock into, blasting the last vestiges of his negative loads. He came home early in the morning and crawled into bed with me drunk from sex and alcohol, it wasn’t all that unusual to wake up after one of his lengthier dates to find him cuddled up behind me, but he never tried to my knowledge to fuck me, he always said that was for someone special, because you always remember your first. I would ask him about his and he said he remembered but he rather not talk about it. About three weeks after the party I was nursing him during spring break, where he finally broke down and started talking about the party, he had already given me sketchy tidbits of how things went down but left out the juicy ones about him getting bred, now he spilled the beans and told me everything about his date removing his clothes and easing him back into the sling to the guys talking turns filling his hole with spunk, then he dropped the bomb, that he had done it bareback and several of the loads were charged, toxic loads, and that is why he now had the flu. I cried with him but we were both sporting hard-on’s his story had gotten both of us rock hard, I let him suck me off as I jerked his cock to an explosive ending. Between then (spring break) and now he continued to tell me the tales of his exploits getting us both hard and he had helped sign me up for BBRT saying if nothing I’d be able to meet some hot daddies and chat about my fantasies. During the summer we got with Uncle Tony’s help our current apartment, although I was seeing less and less of Steve as he found himself a hot sugar daddy and guess you’d call it fellow gifter I had gone to work and school Monday when I decided to post some pictures that Steve had taken of me on BBRT just to see if it increased my hits. I was worn out Tuesday morning after finishing my morning shift and my first class, I had come home for lunch before heading off to A&F at the mall to work a five hour shift that evening. On the bus ride home I had logged into BBRT to see if any hot guys were on, mainly looking at late 20’s early 30’s when I got an “OINK”, not wanting to use all my data on the bus I waited to check him out till I got home. At first I saw his age and was about to delete the message when I decide to check out the full profile, wow I was glad I did. He was 6’2” 195 short brown hair with a dusting of white at the temples, dazzling smile, average build although it looked athletic to me, his pics were hot I would have never pegged him as being 46 if I passed him on the streets. I decided to be polite and message him saying thanks for the oink, and see what he was up too. We seemed to hit it off good and distance said 0miles so he was at least somewhat close. Then he invited me to coffee, I told him I couldn’t make it tonight but maybe tomorrow morning might work and we set up a time at the coffee shop across from my apartment complex. The next morning I got up early and showered the evenings sweat and funk off of me and threw on a “A” shirt, my favorite lucky jock strap, Black basketball shorts, the kind that show off the bulge if you stand just right and a pair of shorty socks (almost wore my Sk8trs “fuck my socks off” pair but decided they weren’t good for going out in public in mixed crowd) and my favorite sneakers. Grabbing a hoody off the couch I jogged over to the coffees shop raising a slight sweat, god I hoped he liked a little boy musk on his men, I entered the shop recognizing him right off the bat, and I dawned on me I never got his name. I got a regular coffee, not wanting to seem pretentious or not thrifty, I realized he had a latte when I went to sit down. I said hi and inquired what his name was, we talked for what seemed like just minutes but soon our beverages were gone, though I don’t remember drinking mine. We had so much in common and we got along so good, finally realizing we were hogging the table he asked if he could drive me home, I asked if he wanted to come in and chat some more. He agreed and when I directed him where to park he just said he’d park in his space, just on the other side of my building, I was so stoked. We never got to chatting some more or at least not then, we were all over each other as we entered my apartment, not even had the door closed before I attacked him and began macking on his face, he or I led the other to the couch and we were soon naked in each other’s arms, damn he smelled so good, I thought I smelled a bit ripe after jogging to the coffee shop but he ate it up bathing my body with his tongue lapping at my pits to get my essence, we must have made out for at least 10 minutes grinding our engorged cocks into each other then I said it “Fuck Me Daddy” I had never been fucked but I knew, just knew this was the man I wanted to be my first. I presented my ass to him and he slowly lubed it up seeming to have problems with my tight hole. “You ever been fucked before” he asked me “no” I replied then he went into overdrive on my hole licking and fingering it making it open up to his advances it felt like I was entering heaven then Hell as he pressed his mushroom capped head into my hole, my ass was on fire but he held it there allowing me to adjust to the invasion, the pain subsided and he pushed in a little more my hole was beginning to open up for him, then wave after wave of pleasure began to engulf me my ass was pulsating around his hot cock as it worked in and out of my hole, it was the same feeling I got went I stroked my cock past blasting my whole body shuddered my ass was cumming, but my cock wasn’t, the pressure building in my nuts was intense, I wanted to cum but I wanted it to last forever then I felt his cock swell and he asked where I wanted his cum “give me your Toxic load Daddy, Give me your POZ seed” he froze then pumped harder I could feel his cock pulse at its base as blast after blast flowed up his tool and flooded my insides. After he came down off his orgasm he asked why I assumed he was Poz since we never discussed status. I told him I just assumed and he just grinned at me with this evil grin. Then he surprised me by quickly mounting me sliding my aching cock in his hole, “but I’m a bottom only” “you’re a top today, now just fuck daddy” he rode my cock and for the first time in my short sexual life I thought of myself as versatile as I blasted my load deep in this hunk of a man. Then I realized my fucking him cause another eruption from him coating us with spooge. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and directed him to stand under the warm stream, I washed him off, and then he washed cum from me as well. I handed him a fresh towel and told him I’d have to cut our adventure short as my bus would arrive shortly. He took me in his arms and kissed me, then offered to drive me to school. I got dressed for school as he went out and gathered his clothes which were strewn all over the living room then yelled back to me he’d met me at the car. When I got out to the car he was exiting his apartment in an escaping motion like he was trying not to let something out. He opened the door and I hopped in catching my hair on the head rest “ouch” as it pulled a strand out, we drove for a short distance in silence then he started asking me about the picture of Mom on the Bookshelf, I found it weird and just answered the best I could. He dropped me off at the bus stop on campus then indicated he’d call me. I hoped he would, other than his strange questions about the photo I was getting a positive vibe from him, he was stirring feelings I just couldn’t put my finger on, could I be falling for him and he for me. It was happening all too fast, I didn’t hear from him the rest of that day so I messaged him a thanks for the good time then headed to bed as I had a early day again tomorrow, Thursdays were always busy. When came home for lunch there was a message slid in the doorframe I had an invite to dinner I was exhausted as I got off work but checked my messages and there was the invite again, He was on line at the time so we started exchanging messages and I invited him over again but I was running out of messages so he sent his phone number to text him at. I texted him when I got home, damn I was ripe from a day working both jobs and attending classes, my boy funk was strong, I had stripped down to just my low slung jeans, which with me thinking about him all day were quite moist where my cock head lay, He was at my door almost instantly as I set down my phone and opened the door I pulled him inside, he was in just a tee shirt and loose gym shorts his hard cock tenting the fabric, I damn near ripped his clothes off him as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down off my hips, we barely made it to the couch before we were sword fighting, he lead me past the couch and into the bedroom throwing me onto Steve’s bed and planting massive kisses all over my body lapping at my skin giving me goose flesh it was just after 9 and as tired as I was he invigorated me we made out and caressed for at least an hour before drifting off to sleep. I woke about 2 and slinked out from under his grasp to take a piss I sniffed my body and pits while letting the stream flow, my ripe boy musk had been replaced by the smell of sex, of Matt’s spittle, of Matt in general I smelled him on me masking my funk. I slid back in bed next to him smelling Steve on his pillow and Matt on me I wiggled my ass next to Matt's hardening cock nestling it between my Twinkie butt cheeks and fell back to sleep content to being the little spoon.
    4 points
  5. The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.
    2 points
  6. I ate dinner out that night with some friends. We went to a modestly priced restaurant and had pleasant conversation, a good meal the returned to our respective places of abode. When I returned home I opened my laptop and checked my e-mail, then thought I’d read a story on BZ and maybe edge my meat before going to sleep. I checked out Bugchasing section and scanned over the offerings the scrolled up to the general forum and checked out the tread “Where did you get (or Give) your last load.” I almost always found good jerk-off/edging material there when I came across a newer poster “New2BB4dad” who had posted a description of his first encounter, which sounded not only hot but incredibly familiar. I checked his profile and, while it was fairly basic, not really giving up much except his BBRT nick name, but I realized it Jeremy. I had never laughed so hard before. I hadn't mentioned to him that I was on Breeding zone nor, of course, that I was a frequent contributor to the bug chasing/gift giving fiction forum. Yet here he was, a new user, (or at least a newly registered user on the site), which somewhat explained his obsession with Poz talk and such. I resolved to follow up with him, perhaps without showing my hand, just to see how twisted this cute twink could be. I pulled up my BBRT account and found a message from him thanking me for the pleasant time we had spent together and asking if I would like to meet up again in the near future. I checked back on his profile on BZ and noticed he had registered that very day so most likely when he got home from school he had hit the website. Not knowing if maybe he was stalking me but something seemed to be bugging me about Jeremy, yes after seeing the photo on his bookshelf I was suspicious and had a lot of questions about him. First and foremost was it fate that brought us together or was I the target of his research of who his dad might be? Secondly was, why he had a photo that should be in his mother’s collection of memories, not sitting on his shelf, thirdly I kept coming back to his question when we were chatting about if I was generous. What did he want from me, granted in my BBRT profile I no longer looked like I did 24 years earlier in the photo? Yes my facial feature were similar but I was no longer a twink, I was closer to a muscle bear and I now sported a goatee and sometime mustache. Just so many questions, not that I didn’t think he was hot, he was, he actually reminded me of Amy’s brother. Amy was the girl I had dated in College and used as an decoy from coming out to my parents and family, she was also the one in the picture whom I posed with, for the portrait sitting. We had broken up maybe 6 weeks after we received the prints, with me telling her “it’s not you it’s me, I’m Gay and it won’t work out”, she never called or talked to me after that conversation and I felt so guilty I don’t think I really wanted to see or talk to her. I edged till I was leaking pre-Jizz pretty heavy but soon drifted off to sleep, the following day I had a couple job interviews scheduled, so I was up early and showered and shaved, dressed in a shirt and tie and headed out. After the first interview I was hopeful that I would soon be employed again then I went into the second one, the interviewer was hot and had my bone stiffening by his body language alone not to mention his special intonation on how he phrased some of the questions, making them sound extra personal. I could tell he as sporting a hard cock beneath his slacks as well, but I played it cool and answered professionally and left with a wet spot on my slacks and a semi hard cock snaking down my leg, as well as a good feeling that I might have landed a second part time retail job. it was coming up on noon when I checked my phone to see a message from Dave D: Dude we need to talk, call me when you can M: Does this have to do with the little test I gave you to perform for me? D: are you free for lunch? M: Yeah at the mall currently want me to meet you at that little burger place near your lab? D: yeah in about 20? M: See ya there I slipped my phone back in my pocket and headed for the car, drove to the burger joint getting there just before Dave, told the host there would be two of us then was seated near the door. Dave walked in about 5 minutes later holding a large envelope, he sat down and pushed the envelope towards me D: Dude you are the last one I’d ever thought you would be needing these services but for you I pushed it through and the computer spat out these results mid-morning. M: so without opening the envelope what was the results? D: well according to computer models you are 98.8 % match so most likely the father of this boy M: oh shit what am I going to do now? D: well tell me about him how’d you find him I told him about how we meet up on BBRT and had coffee then went back to his place where I saw the photo, the one that raised suspicions in my mind and prompted me to get the test, luckily Jeremy hair was long and got caught in the head rest. We finished lunch, then Dave gave me a hug, telling me it will be ok. I never let on that that we had had sex, as kinky as Dave had been in the past I wasn’t sure if this fell in his area of comfort. I drove home with the envelope on the seat next to me, not really knowing what my next move would be. When I arrived I took the envelope inside then thought what the hell it was me who oinked him and he probably had no clue he had been fucked and seeded by the cock who made him, and return had seeded the man who gave him life. I remembered I had seen the envelope in one of my old year books so I went to my bookshelf and pulled out my HS yearbook from my senior year and there it was I pulled out a wallet sized portrait and secured it to the envelope with a paperclip. I went over to Jeremy’s and knocked on the door, no answer, I knocked again, still no answer so I left a brief note asking him to message me when he had a chance. I figured he was in class or at work so I wasn’t expecting a quick response. I headed home and pulled up BZ again and edged to the stories in the last load section then flipped over to the bug chasing stories, as I stroked my cock to almost the edge of no return I had BBRT open in the background. About a hour later I got a message on BBRT J: hey what’s up? M: was wondering if you might want to do dinner tomorrow? J: have to work till 7 tomorrow if you don’t mind a late dinner M: I can hold off need me to pick you up? Where you work? J: A&F at the mall M: I knew you had that look lol J: can you cum over tonight I was still rock hard and I was partially thinking with my dick M: sure when you going to be home? J: in about half an hour M: text me when you get home and I’ll CUM over 555-6289 J: cool getting on bus now M: see you in a little bit J: I’m wearing a sexy pair of low rise jeans and I have a wet spot on the front, I need to keep my bag in front of my crotch so people won’t notice M: guess I should throw on some clothes so I can make it to your place J: <J I stopped messaging when he suddenly stopped replying then he messaged me on my phone that he ran out of messages for the month on BBRT. 20 minutes later I got a text that he was home, I threw on a jock strap and gym shorts, along with a loose fitting tee shirt grabbed my keys and headed over, the jock just barely containing my hard meat I showed up at Jeremy’s door and barely knocked when he opened the door and pulled me inside, tossing me up against the door frame as he shut the door and passionately kissing me while caressing my chest and ass. We soon worked our way over to the couch groping and fondling the whole way. Soon we were naked on his bed as I suggested it would be more comfortable, and I wouldn’t have the photo to remind me I was having fun with my own fresh and blood. As we lay on the bed we soon had cocks in the others mouth, fingers in ass. We were getting hot and sweaty and were on the brink of shooting our cum on each other, I had edged most of the afternoon, Jeremy on the other hand had had a hard on in his jeans all through class and work, the friction of them rubbing his cock all day pretty much had built up a sizeable load in his nut sack as well. I suddenly shot my load in his face as he shot onto my neck and chest then pointed it back to my lips as I tasted my boys cum blast into my mouth. We cleaned up and laid back down and cuddled until I awoke next to my boy snuggled in my arms, I looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table and it read 3:30am and I had a choice to either try to slip out or just enjoy the feeling of my son in my arms, I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. Waking a couple hours later to the sounds of the shower running and my boy joyfully humming to himself. I got up and joined him in the shower, he had his head under the water and jumped slightly as a came up behind him and kissed his neck. I decided to see if his profile was accurate as my semi hard cock was pressed between his cheeks and let my flow begin, he leaned back into me and whispered J: oh daddy you are so bad M: you want me to stop and get out? J: oh no He turned around and squatted in front of my stream and began letting it cover his head and face then took it in his mouth and began suckling it trying to drink down every last drop of my morning piss. As my flow stopped he continued sucking my cock and making it rock hard, he then stood up again and using some conditioner slid onto my cock, he obviously had been playing with his hole to loosen it up before I entered the enclosure since he sank all 7.5 inches into his rectum in one fell swoop, he then began fucking himself on my pulsating tool. It didn’t take me long to blast a load into his needy boycunt. He felt me pulsing into his ass and he began shooting on the shower curtain, long streams of greyish thick gooey cum running down the plastic liner. He got dressed and I retrieved my clothes from the living room slipping my spent but thickening cock back in my jock then pulling on my gym shorts and tee. He was dressed by the time I found my socks and trainers and ushered me out the front door, locking it behind him. Escorted me to my door then gave me a kiss then was on his way to his morning job. I unlocked my door and entered without letting the cat out, walked to the bedroom and crashed on the bed. My alarm clock said 6:45, I was actually tired and dozed off until my alarm went off at 9. I had already showered with Jeremy so I strode into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal and returned to the bedroom where I had turned the morning news/AM wakeup program on, mainly for background noise once again, but I was suddenly riveted when they reported in the local segment that a winning lotto ticket had been sold at my local supermarket and they were anxiously awaiting for the winner to step forward. The drawing had been two nights ago and I had almost forgotten I had purchased a ticket. I finished my breakfast and rummaged through my wardrobe for something clean to wear today I found a clean polo shirt, and pair of kaki cargo shorts. I had to go to the store anyway to pick up a few items and to get some cash back from my purchase so I could do laundry later that afternoon. I wanted to look good when I took Jeremy to dinner that night. I drove over and did my shopping getting my cash, then on my way out decided to check my ticket, I walked up to the ticket machine, I was lucky for once and there was no line either to the machine or the store customer service window. I chose the machine. I scanned my tickets bar code and the screen popped up “checking for winning ticket” buzz, buzz “WINNER, please see attendant for assistance” Oh great now I had to ring the bell at the customer service window. Ding , ding “May I help you” “Yeah your machine said I had a winner” “Ok let’s see” She took the ticket and ran it through the ticket machine where I could see the display show a ungodly long number, it then printed out a receipt and the clerk reached under the counter and walked back to the window. “Here you go your ticket, the validation and the claim form. If we can get your Name we can post your picture with the big check” About that time the manager came over with one of those big checks and a camera, he talked to the clerk for a second , wrote my name on the top line of the check (the amount had already been filled in) then had me pose for a picture which he then took my e-mail address and said he would send me a copy of the photo. I was still in shock and what had just happened was still not fully registering. I put my groceries into my car and drove home, I unloaded the groceries and went to office to money on laundry card, then went back to apartment, gathered up laundry the put it in the washers. Upon returning to apartment I picked up the claim form and began filling it out following the instructions to a tee. I got to the amount line and was baffled and looked at the validation receipt and wrote down the numbers not really paying attention I checked the box for lump sum and elected to have 40% taxes withdrawn, hoping that it would cover all that I would owe and might get a healthy Refund check on the next years taxes given my current economic condition, I then entered my bank information for direct deposit of the final amount after taxes. I read further on suggesting I contact my bank to expect a large sum being directly deposited. It also suggested contacting legal representation to handle any litigation that might occur upon news of my winnings being broadcast. I had heard stories of relatives coming out of the woodwork when big winners were announced. I switched my laundry to the dryers then proceeded to prepare the claim form for mailing following the directions getting insurance on the envelope and requesting a receipt, alternate claim instructions were to hand deliver it to the offices if the winner was close to a branch office. I decided this was a better choice since my apartment was just a few miles from the offices in my state. I made lunch hen turned on the noon news to see my picture presented on the news, I saw the picture then it was beginning to register I was rich, really rich, really stinking rich. My heart began to beat faster, I had to sit down, catch my breath. I realized that my dinner with Jeremy that night had just dramatically changed, I still had to discuss us and our relationship, I still had to get the answers I needed, but I was now in a position to be very generous.
    2 points
  7. Thanks, pigs. If anybody's into sharing stories on the phone, send me a message. I love that shit.
    2 points
  8. I was bored and horny, and was just reading through some stories on Breeding Zone with the television on in the background for noise. I briefly remembered hearing that the multi-state lottery was at a large amount and was expected to make someone very rich. The thought played in the back of my mind but I sort of forgot about it as I stroked my boner to the images of the boys mentioned in the stories I was reading. I was mid-forties and in decent shape but life hadn’t been particularly good for me, I was recently unemployed again, having lost my full time job a couple years back, and been filling in with shitty part time retail jobs. I lived in a dingy apartment that had seen better days. It was a nice neighborhood when I moved in, but over the years the management companies changed, as did the nice neighbors, as they moved out in moved trash. I pretty much kept to myself, traveling out for hook-ups, occasionally going out to the clubs and bars, often just hanging around as the cover charge at the clubs was usually enough to keep me sober as, most of the time, I could only afford soda. I scanned A4A and BBRT then came across a hot ad for a cute 22 year old who was into just about everything on BBRT. I oinked him and waited, and waited then went back to cruising the ads, then back to BZ for some more hot stories. I was just about to shoot a hot load to a bug chasing story when my computer oinked in the background, indicating I had a message on BBRT. Checking my mail I found a message from him. H: Hey Daddy, thanks for the Oink, what’s up? M: Just browsing around looking at who’s on-line. H: Anyone catch your eye? M: You did. H: Thanks, I almost didn’t respond when I looked at your age, but your body got me rock hard. M: Then I guess I owe you a 'thanks'. Then BBRT advised me "This member has unlocked his pictures." H: Hope you are even more enticed with my unlocked photos. By the way I want you to know I’m not a hustler, but was wondering if you were generous. There was that question I always seemed to get from the younger crowd, wanting a free ride, a sugar daddy, a john to service. I almost ended the conversation until he continued saying: H: Daddy you still there? Daddy, I meant that I find you interesting enough that I wouldn’t mind if we became friends, not just a casual hook up. But I can’t support you. I’m still in college with two shitty retail/food service jobs, and given the distance it says we are from each other, I guess you’re in a similar boat. Our neighborhood is pretty much a slum. M: Oh so you think I live in a slum. H: That’s not what I meant, but this is certainly a lower income 'hood. Wouldn't you agree? M: Well, I guess you’re right about that. Want to meat up at S for coffee? H: Can’t do that tonight but would love to “meat up” in the morning. I checked out his unlocked picks, thinking 'Damn this kid is cute, and has a great body. I wonder if maybe he has an agenda.' M: Sure. Say about 8:00 or so. H: Sounds cool. My name is Jeremy, by the way. M: Awesome. See ya in the morning then, Jeremy. I relooked at his pictures and began wondering what I was in for, He was 6’1 about 150 pounds had blonde hair, blue eyes and a athletic looking body, looking at that sweet face and juicy cock and tight ass had me extremely hard and dripping pre-cum, but shit he was going to meet up with me in a little over 8 hours, I decided to save the cream for him if he wanted it, after all I could always jerk off to his pics after we met. I turned off the laptop and turned down the volume on my phone and went to sleep, filled with erotic dreams of Jeremy and what we could do together. The alarm went off on schedule and I was up and showered by 7, had thrown together my gym bag and tossed it into my car, going to the gym was one of those little things I struggled to get past in my current financial state, but I figured I was more hirable if I looked good and fit. Around quarter past I drove across the street to the supermarket and did some light shopping, on the way out I stopped off at the lottery machine and purchased a ticket for that night’s drawing. I arrived at the coffee shop shortly before 8 and ordered a white mocha and took a seat facing the door. Just shortly after 8 Jeremy walked in wearing black basketball shorts, a white wife beater, and an oversized hoody, zipped up about half way so that the tank top showed through revealing his muscular hairless chest, carrying a large backpack, his well-toned legs sprouted slightly darker fur, than was on his dirty blond head, he nodded in my direction then went to order himself a coffee. Upon finishing his order he came over and sat down next to me and extended his hand in greeting J: hey there, glad you could make it, I don’t remember if I caught your name on line last night or not M: oh sorry I don’t think I shared that, its Matt J: glad to make your acquaintance Matt His smile was electrifying and melted away any reservations I had about the boy. We chatted for almost an hour over our respective coffees discussing this and that and soon discovered that in spite of our 24 year age gap we had lots in common, and I soon grew very comfortable around Jeremy, almost like he was my son, As we each finished our drinks I asked him if he would like a ride home, having seen the sweat glistening on him when he had unzipped the hoody after sitting down I had concluded he had walked here, not to mention his musk was not only making me hard but he smelled great sitting so close. He accepted the offer and we headed out to my car, upon belting ourselves in I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. I followed his directions as he led me back towards my apartment, having me pull into my drive and circle around the complex in the opposite direction I would normally take. We rounded the corner nearest his apartment and he turned to me J: you want to come in and hang for a while longer? M: sure J: you can park in any open uncovered space M: tell Ya what I’ll park in my space and walk back to your apartment J: you live here too? M: yeah and it seems not so far from you We both laughed as I parked the car, then walked to his place one building over. We entered his sparsely appointed apartment and were on top of each other as the door closed, his hoody hit the floor first as he lifted my tee shirt off. He began sucking on my quarter sized nipples shortly after we broke our kisses off, his hands found the buckle on my belt and soon I felt my jeans being lowered, having gone commando, freeing my trapped hard cock. I slid his shorts down and fondled his cock through the mesh of his jock strap his precum oozing through the fabric. We stood there groping each other and pressed against the door when Jeremy took my hand and led me to the couch where we began caressing each other anew, Jeremy not allowing me to free his cock from the Jock which was now soaked with his precum, his hard cock straining to be free J: please daddy I want to pleasure you, my release is secondary, please fuck me daddy make me your boy M: you want me to use you as my boy, breed you with my seed J: yes daddy I need you to breed me, make me yours I sank down and sucked the precum from his jock into my mouth then lifted his legs and slathered my spit and his precum on his hole, before rising to my knees and aiming my cock head towards his sphincter M: you sure you want this, there’s no going back J: yes fuck me, give me your daddy seed M: you sure you want my load blasted into your boy cunt? J: yeah daddy give me all you have to give I pushed into the unyielding pucker, but it would not open for me M: you ever been fucked before, son? J: no daddy you’ll be my first Oh my god he was a virgin and he was offering up his cherry to me, I changed my tactics a bit and began licking at his hole tongue fucking him to see if I could loosen him up. I could feel his pucker loosen some after about five minutes of probing with my tongue, I then inserted a finger and it slid in after a brief amount of resistance, I wiggled it around massaging his prostate from within. His tight ring began to yield and loosen enough to slide in a second finger, and after about five more minutes a third, I was now rubbing on that tender spot just inside of Jeremy’s sphincter his moaning beginning to fill the room, I removed my fingers from his hole and replaced it with the tip of my mushroom head, flowing with precum it quickly made the outside ring slippery and slick as I worked my head over his pucker. J: fuck me daddy, do it now M: here it cums son I pushed in as he bucked up to meet my thrust forcing the first few inches into his hole J: oh Fuck, oh Fuck, OH FUCK M: just relax and try to push out a little As he did I could feel his ring relax and I pushed another two inches up into his gut, I pulled out about an inch the slowly slipped the rest of my 7.5 inches into his rectum, he moaned as he felt my pubes on the back of his nuts tickling the taint as I ground my pelvis into his ass J: oh daddy I fill so full, now let me ride it M: mmmm so tight and pulsating around my cock As I rocked back and forth I could feel his ass muscles convulsing around my meat, like Jeremy was orgasming on my cock inside his hole I slid it out the thrust back in, the waves of muscle rippling against my organ increased and I began pumping it in and out of Jeremy faster and faster the walls massaging my cock on each pass, I soon realized I had made the boy have a anal orgasm as I continued fucking him M: I’m going to cum where you want it J: oh daddy breed my ass make me yours forever, give me your toxic seed, POZ my hole I had never discussed my status with the boy but his talk of me POZing his virgin hole just made me harder and after edging in his convulsing hole for about 15 minutes I blasted my cum deep into his bowels. I was still hard after I came so I continued to pump in and out of his flooded hole, I so enjoyed fucking a cum filled hole and then about 5 minutes later I felt the tingling in my balls again and felt the semen shooting from my cocklips again, blasting another load in his gut J: oh daddy we are now one, thanks for breeding me M: it was nice fucking you, you made me cum so hard I rolled off of the boy and we snuggled on the couch for a while before either of us could catch our breath enough to talk M: why’d you tell me to POZ your ass, we never discussed status? J: I just figured, since we meet on BBRT, you said ask me on your profile and you were willing to breed some dumb twink without even asking status or offering yours, you must be POZ M: All good assumptions but in my case wrong J: oh …, sorry hope I didn’t offend you I started laughing then pulled the boy into me and started making out with him, caressing his muscular body and getting him all excited again. M: so are you still negative? Being as you were virgin and all J: yeah I am, sorry about the POZ talk while we were fucking M: no problem, kind of got off on it actually We both began laughing together and resumed our exploration of each other’s bodies and mouths, soon he was sucking in my cock removing the ruminates from our lovemaking, his 8 inch slender cock rock hard, I couldn’t resist as I slicked it up and then climbed in his lap and impaled myself on his drooling member J: what are you doing? I’m all bottom M: you’re a top for now boy, now fuck your daddy I held my ass about three inches away from his crotch and he began thrusting upwards into my willing hole, every now and then I would raise and lower my ass a few inches to get him in me deeper, all the while I had my tongue buried in his mouth and we dueled for oral superiority, he suddenly pulled back J: oh fuck I’m going to cum M: oh yeah give me your toxic load fill me with your AIDS babies wreck my hole J: oh god I’m filling your hole with my POZ cum I ground my ass down into his groin getting as much of his twink cock buried in my ass as I could, I could fill the wetness seeping around his cock pulsing in my hole, I threw my head back and for the first time saw the photos on his bookcase besides the couch. I froze as one in the upper corner caught my eye, it was a man and a woman, the man was in a brown suit and the woman in a teal chiffon dress, it was so familiar, I blinked and went back to Jeremy kissing him passionately, now fearing the photo linked us in a way, that he was unaware of or maybe he was. Jeremy pushed me off and I got up we were both drenched in cum as I had shot again as he was cumming up inside me, blasting both our abs and almost to his neck, Jeremy grabbed my hand and led me to the shower where he tenderly washed me off then himself. J: Matt I have class in about an hour so I need to leave now, if I’m going to catch my bus M: I’ll drive you in if only to spend a little more time with you J: that’ll be great just let me get dressed and I’ll meet you out by your car. I gathered my clothes and hurriedly dressed while Jeremy got himself presentable in the bedroom, I looked at the photo again, not really believing my eyes. I exited Jeremy’s and hurried to my apartment I scrambled around and grabbed a couple dollars for gas then hurried out to the car where Jeremy was waiting for me. I unlocked the door and we both hopped in, about a mile down the road I began to ask the question that was nagging me M: the photo on your bookcase the one that looked like a professional prom photo, might I ask who they are, since it isn’t you J: oh that’s just a Photo of my mom and her boyfriend, she says it was taken when he won a portrait package in some raffle, I always suspected he was the one to knock her up with me, but she never wanted to talk about it but I always suspected. M: hmmm interesting story I dropped Jeremy off at the bus stop in front of his university then did some errands, . I had noticed a strand of dirty blond hair on the head rest in the car, about Jeremy’s color and length, I placed it in a zip lock back, I had a friend who did DNA testing to determine paternity thought this would maybe calm my nerves. it was after 2 when I got home Little did I know how much my life would change over the next 24 to 48 hours.
    1 point
  9. It had been a long time since I'd been out to a club in rubber. I'd promised myself not to drink quite so much this time around, so with that in mind I thought I'd pace myself in case anything untoward should happen. I suppose wearing a short rubber chapsuit with a rubber thong and waders was suggesting stuff I probably would be too scared to give in to, but here I now was. Trying to not get drunk. A guy I'd been chatting on and off with was there. He seemed to be getting involved with most of the other men, but soon came over to where I was standing and exchanged small talk. He was wearing a short rubber surf suit and looked fucking beautiful, but after we exchanged pleasantries, I let him go on his way, further back into the club. Another hour or so had passed, and there I was, making my way around the sex area. Half prick-tease and half nervous, but my cock had stirred enough to be in the mood to join an encounter, so I started to eye up what was on offer. There he was again. Standing there. Drinking. Watching the guys wander about. I thought I'd try and see if he fancied jacking off at least, so I ventured closer to him. "Alright mate, see anything you like the look of?" I wanted to say "yeah, you" but batted it away as a "Yeah, a few things hehe". A mate of surfsuit joined us, believing we were about to get into it. He knelt down behind me and started to lick my hole. His tongue with the strip of the thong combined made me feel a bit hot and so I reached in to kiss Surfsuit while this was going on. "Mmmm" Surfsuit said "Good kisser aren't ya?" I blushed and smiled inwardly and took a blast of his poppers. Inhaling as much as Surfsuit did. By this time we were starting to explore each other more and I started working his rubbered crotch. "Want that, do yer?" I could only nod through the popper haze. He turned me around and pulled his cock out and started to teased my tongued hole. He was muttering into my ear as he also reached around and felt my hardening cock. "Yeah, you'd be a good addition to the team". I had a vague idea what he meant, but by now was too poppered up to really indulge into further conversation. "Open that arse up for me boy, you're ready". Again, through the haze, this was incredibly hot, and so then I started pulling my cheeks open wider for him to enter. "Yeah, nice hole lad. Bit tight, but that'll change" Fuck me, he was turning me on. I bent over and allowed him entry. Only brief flashes of "What the fuck am I doing?" going through my head. He started building up a rhythm, and there was no way I could just walk off while he was in me like this. Right now. It was ecstasy. He started to go faster, as I felt our union. This was the sluttiest I think I'd ever felt, and I was falling under the spell. Surfsuit stopped suddenly, and whispered into my ear "You're a dirty little rubberpig aren't yer? You do know that all the rubberpigs that sit on my cock end up converted, don't you?" I was panicking now. The sweat gushing and my cock straining. I was in no position to suddenly destroy this moment. It felt somewhat real. Like a union I never was aware of. As Surfsuit sped up, I heard him grunt and my arse became the recipient for his load. Fucking with a condom was fine, but to feel this guy's load in my hole was too much. My cock strained harder as he whispered again to me "I've been saving that load all week since you mentioned that you might come here. I've had my sight set on breeding you up. You're one of us now, pig. A brother. Welcome. Rejoice in your new existence". Then Surfsuit pulled me back up and pushed me down onto my knees and presented his cock for me to clean. As I got down to it, devouring his meat, he unzipped his suit slightly and there was the biohazard tattoo. My cock could not have got any harder by now, as he held my head down. Bobbing up and down on his cock with the tatt almost hypnotising me. "Good lad" He said. "Right, let's see about where your last neg load should go. I suggest up here", as he turned around and unzipped at his arse. I was beyond help at this point. Adrenalin of the encounter rushing through me. Caught up in the rapture of the encounter. Soon I was spasming my neg seed into his arse. It felt like a union. A connection. A circle. In the moment, I went to kiss him. The two of us were in each other now, regardless. "Man, it feels good taking the last neg load of a rubberpig, putting him on the road to brotherhood", he said, with a grin. As it all dawned on me, I started to worry in my mind that I'd done something deeply insane, yet the bugdad/ brother chat had won me, and my cock, over. No going back now. After that night, we continued to chat on and off. I felt a bit more kinship growing in me, gradually as I started to fall ill, yet feel indescribably horny. When I said this to him, he responded "Excellent, it has begun". It felt like I was in a cocoon of painkillers and wooziness and with these hard ons. I started looking and cruising more 'needs discussion' guys online, as I felt a weird kind of kinship grow within me. A few weeks later I was back at the club. I'd got myself my own surfsuit outfit, and felt more at home in that environment then I ever had. As that night went on, I too had begun to fuck randomly, now not needing to worry. As the gentleman who went down on my cock started to struggle slightly as I unzipped my suit to reveal my new biohazard tattoo, I revelled in this twisted new power as I came into his mouth, and welcomed a new brother. It's what the brotherhood does.
    1 point
  10. Who here likes piss up the ass? Nothing hotter than the feel of a hard cock in your ass and the warm fill of his piss.
    1 point
  11. I love the poppers training video on xtube. Anyone out there done it? I did last night and posted it on xtube. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=QB3dj-G487-
    1 point
  12. Is it possible to search for profiles by location. I've seen profiles that give city, others give country, one gave a zip code and another said "Hell!" I'm thinking that would make it impossible to easily find local guys. Thanks!
    1 point
  13. Anonymous, or "anon for short, is a word used frequently when referring to hook-ups or sex. But while one word can mean different things to different people, true live-and-die fanatics of anonymous sex (like myself) often find the watered down definitions which can mean as little as something banbal like "we didn't know his name" to something so salacious it can't be described in open company, like the bottom wearing a blindfold. This is NOT the threshold for "anonymous" sex and it really is just barely the beginning. What do you think is defined under the broad term "anonymous sex"? I also include below a brief rant I wrote on the topic -- I think it's quite funny. ---------------------------- I’m pretty particular in terms of what “anon” means so let me explain. There is a difference between 1) someone acting as the willing bottom in gang bang with tops he knows or knows of, and 2) a hog tied faggot brought to a bathhouse to be blindfolded and used by anyone that walks by. One is just sensory deprivation which can be thrilling and exciting and the other takes sensory deprivation and adds true anonymity to the equation — beyond not controlling who’s breeding you, you don’t know anything about them, their stats, or even how you might ever get in touch with them again. They might know you, but not the other way around. The most anonymous you can get exchanges no real information. No picture, no stats (age, weight, etc), no personal information (name, phone, email, etc.), no visual or auditory information the bottom receives which could give clues. The least anonymous you can get (prior to having your boyfriend blindfold you during sex), is basically “covering” or reading the profile and selecting based on information therein, then doing something like blindfolding. If you already know all their data — it’s not really anonymous. It’s blind. Being a cumdump is about NOT having control and giving yourself up. You’re only 100% there when you see your value only in your ability to take and absorb loads from all men — not the ones you find attractive or desirable. It’s a pretty big jump for a lot of people. You go from having SOME information to NO information. Are they healthy beefy daddy with a PA that’s gonna tear you up followed by the super tweaked out slammer 25 year old with a viral load that could infect China? You don’t know — you just lay there and take it in your cunt. The way I made the leap to full cumdump was to do it via anonymous fucks. I started posting no-load-refused ads on Craigslist. If pictures were sent, I would not look at them, and I’d never ask questions. I’d move as quickly from first contact to breeding and have a whole system in place for getting guys in and out without me seeing or knowing anything. I’m now addicted to anonymous loads — and I love watching videos of the guys coming in and breeding me after the fact so I can see some of the trolls, pigs, and nasty fucks that have bred me. There’s plenty of people guys would think are hot too, but I just don’t give a shit. I get to lay there, soaking up their seed, and loving the fact that a bunch of guys I’ll never know the name of used me to dump their load. (Picture is the bottom I whored out at a bathhouse recently. Blindfolded him and bound him to the sling and made him take whatever cock I found. He didn’t want any black guys so I made sure there were a few.)
    1 point
  14. So seems that I'm back up for it Had a business lunch with boss and client from out of town. Got a bit tipsy and ended up back at client's hotel room to "seel the deal" ... ended up getting fucked by both and then by client again in shower and boss sucked me off and I finally came. So glad to be back to taking loads. Also was very hot that client was married (to a woman) and wore wedding ring while fucking me. Wife is home pregnant...so she doesn't need the loads! When done noticed missed call from my bf...what he doesn't know...
    1 point
  15. In the past 12 months I have finally shaken off what I saw as my last bastion of "respectability." As a total bottom slut for 20 years and the last 13 of them as a positive cum dump you become increasingly aware of the general disdain tops have for bottom sluts. Sure, they like to fuck you, get dirty with you and use you as their cumdump - but they generally don't want you as a partner, a dinner guest or appreciate the need bottom sluts have for cock and seed. They just don't understand the sheer bliss a bottom slut gets from having a hard cock in them, and as often as they can get it. It takes a special man who wants a slut for his partner, that understands their need for cock and seed, and appreciates that they are generally going to get fucked everytime there is a stiff cock around and their dominant male ownership factor is overcome. The last mental barrier I had was men who were "partnered" or in "open relationships". I am sure many of them have fucked me in venues, at naked sex parties or in beats, but I didn't know as quite often I have been fucked senseless by men who have not even spoken to me. But if I was online prowling for cock, I would skip over ads from tops who were "committed" in "open relationships", "happily partnered" or similar. Towards the middle of last year, I was on BBRTS and this "happily partnered" top hit me up - his cock looked lovely and I was horny (as usual) so I unlocked without really checking his profile. He messages back with "nice arse luv to fuck that" and unlocked his pics as well. When I saw the "happily partnered" bit my conscience kicked in and I said something like I was not really into "married guys". He messaged back that all was cool and his partner knew everything and nothing was a secret - and I kept drooling over his cock pics and my mancunt was twitching so I lost the plot and agreed to go to his place. My first surprise came when his partner, John, opened the door. I felt awkward yet he did not disarmed by my presence. Patrick soon came into the lounge room to meet me, quick introduction and he said "let's go upstairs", taking me by the hand to lead me. I was relieved at that as I did not want the chit chat and kissy kissy talk shit, I just wanted this man to fuck me. He was everything his pictures indicated and in no time we were naked and I was chowing down on his beautiful thick 8" cut cock. Boy could this man fuck! A couple of minutes into the fuck he started to get loud and verbal - which I normally like and reciprocate yet I still felt awkward knowing his partner was sitting downstairs listening to the love of his life fuck the arse off me. Four changes of positions and 20 minutes later he was whitewashing the walls of my arse with his seed. I waited - not knowing where to from here - you get used to men heading for the shower to wash you off their cock, or just getting up an giving you a "thanks" for taking their load. To my surprise he threw my jocks at me and said "put these one and we will go downstairs and have a drink. I obliged (as I do with what most tops tell me to do). He poured me a wine opened a beer and we sat at the dining table where John joined us also with a beer and we had a bit of small talk. As I looked at John I kept thinking how lucky he was to have a wonderful top like Patrick. 20 minutes later Patrick said "ready to go again" ... of course I was, I just nodded. He walked over to where I was sitting and started rubbing his crotch in my face. The slut in me went straight into overdrive as I started gently nibbling on his fattening cock through his underwear. He was rubbing my head when he said "do you mind if John watches and takes some pics of me fucking you - he likes watching me fuck other sluts". At that point I would have said yes to anything - my hole was twitching at the thought of him giving me another pounding. I took my mouth away from his now fully fat cock long enough to nod. Again he took my arm and we went up the stairs with his hand rubbing my arse and his partner following. The pounding was better than the first one, and I got verbal with him telling him how wonderful his cock was, what a great root he was and what a great body he had. At one point he was hammering me missionary and I glanced over at John who was sitting on a chair taking pics and watching his man fuck me. I started nibbling on Patrick's neck, licking his body and started to enjoy putting on a show for his partner - knowing I was giving his man what he didn't - a total slut arse to use for his convenience. After he dropped his wad in me John looked somewhat astonished at how I dutifully got to work cleaning up his cock with my mouth, sucking the last strands of seed out of his slit and polishing his balls and kissing his cock - till he had enough and pulled away. I could tell by the look on his face that the show was over. I had done what he needed me for and he walked over and kissed his partner and said "this is one perfect slut." I somehow found it all erotic and John was busy SMS'ing me the shots he had taken of Patrick fucking me. I left with my arse on fire - I had just had to head to town to go to a backroom as I wanted more before I blew my stack and he had opened me up perfectly. Once my arse is off the chain it is totally connected to my brain and I just have to have cock in me. Since then I have targeted "partnered men" and have had some astonishing fucks. I try to be the "perfect slut" and be everything they fantasise about and won't do with their partners. In fact this afternoon I am headed for a hotel in the city where two guys visiting Sydney want me to be the "other hole" for the top - whose cock pics also look lovely. They want to vid the fucking which is fine with me - I get his husband's seed and he gets to watch how a "perfect slut" operates for his man.
    1 point
  16. I always notice sexy guys. So there is a waiter in a restaurant who is extremely hot. Tall, muscled, plays basketball. And straight. A year ago I found his profile on a dating site and offered him money for sex. He agreed. So today, almost a year after our first sex he came to earn some cash again. He isn't a perfect fucker, 'cause he cums quite fast. But it was still nice, to have him breeding my ass. And this time I paid less than a year ago We also made a vid of him pumping my hole and cumming inside.
    1 point
  17. Fantastic story!!! I really wish we were not prohibited from liking moderator posts! Moderator's Note: This was an issue with the old forum software that no longer is a problem.
    1 point
  18. A lot of guys will say they are into it, but few actually carry through. I just ask and see how excited they get. It seems to be more popular with those online late at night.
    1 point
  19. 1st thing the tubs need to do is eliminate the food bar. Our local baths ( we have 2) have free food events. One offers pizza on leather night, so the result is the older guys check in early, wander around and talk loudly in the halls because the hearing aid is in the room so it won't get wet in the steam room. At 10p when the 10 boxes of pizza are put out, there is a rumbling as they all shuffle towards the free food- in 10 minutes time it is gone, and for the next hour all you hear are doors slamming and shortly after, the PA announces a room is ready. I don't want to french kiss a pepperoni breathing dragon, and I don't want someone with 3 slices of pizza fresh into their gut trying to deep throat my cock with an unpleasant upheaval. The other tub has a noon BBQ on weekends, and the same action there- stampedes for the food, then a flow out the door when the last potato chip or chicken wing is gone. Cock should be the ONLY thing on the menu in these places, maybe a side of ass To get a following back, there might be an express lane kind of thing- for 5 or 7 bucks you get a locker and a towel for 60 minutes- guys on lunch break could do the tub and get blown/fuck hole/suck cock, then back to work. And, it would keep them from the parks and T rooms and entrapment by local cops. Same thing could be done after the bars are closing- maybe a 2 or 3 hour window from 1 AM till 3 or 4 AM the door fee could be a 60 minute fast fuck for five bucks deal- any overtime would be another hour at another $5. By then, you are pretty much right at the price of a locker or closing in on it. As far as luring in the younger guys, man, I am over 50-- too old to know what these guys are ticking on-- but it would be sweet to see some of the Grindr crowd do sex over text. Hmm, maybe the front desks could do the $5 for a fast fuck deal and store the guys phone on a charger until he checks out ( wishful thinking --I hate the guys who use their phones as search lights in the dark rooms !!)
    1 point
  20. 2 new vids I found : http://www.xvideos.com/video8530113/camisinha_rasgada_sem_o_passivo_perceber_02 http://www.xvideos.com/video8530114/camisinha_rasgada_sem_o_passivo_perceber_01 Some xtube vids have been removed, anyone got them downloaded?
    1 point
  21. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 5 We arrived at my house. While Zak chased me to the front door I stripped off my shirt and dropped it on the front porch. I flung the door open and ran toward the staircase with my hard cock begging to burst from my jeans. Zak caught up to me at the stair landing. He grabbed my ankle on my way up the steps, causing me to catch myself as I fell to the stairs. I laughed and turned over onto my back as he crawled up the stairs on top of me. He grinned, “You can’t get away from me, hot man.” I put my arm around his neck and pulled Zak’s lips to mine. As he rested his body on top of me I felt his boned up shaft press against mine. “Like I didn’t want to be caught.” The trail of clothes contnued. I pulled Zak’s shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. The pants were next. After I unzipped his jeans and worked them off his sweet ass, Zak stood up and kicked them to the floor at the base of the stairs. I remained on the steps leaning back on my elbows. He stood before me naked and hard then slowly made his way up the steps, straddling my body. He towered over me with his monster meat dancing straight out at attention and balls dangling above my face. Poison drooled from the monster’s mouth. I reached up to his chest and slid my hand down his abdomen to his cock. I grasped his shaft working more precum from his piss hole and down his Prince Albert jewelry. Strings of toxic juice dripped from his jewelry and met my tongue on the way to his death stick. I ran my tongue across his PA ring, to his gaping urethra, lapping up all his sweet nectar. I licked the head of his beast then slipped his shaft past my lips and down my throat while massaging his low hanging balls. He groaned with pleasure as I continued to devour his cock. Zak pulled his dick from my mouth and straddled my body on his knees. He unzipped my jeans and crawled down a few steps before standing up. Zak grabbed my pants leg and tugged to slip my jeans off, but they didn’t budge because I held onto the waistline. I started to laugh. “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Grinning, “Yep!!” He yanked harder. I grabbed the handrail to brace myself but still slid down a step or two as my jeans let loose and tore off my body with one swift swoop. My hard rod slapped against my abdomen with a smack. Zak whipped my jeans to the floor with a grin on his face. “Turn over and get on your knees. Get ready to take my poz cock, pig.” Zak smacked me on the ass with his open palm then positioned behind me. He spit on my hole and in his hand and lubed both up. With one swift jab he tore open my hole with the head of his mighty tool. “Woah, Zak!! You mean business.” He showed no mercy and plowed into my ass with the full length of his shaft. “Take my poz meat, bitch.” The more he talked dirty to me, the harder and more turned on I got. “Fuck, yes….give it to me.” As he rammed into me again, “If you’re not poz yet, you will be after today. I’m going to tear you up.” “It feels so fucking good. Fuck me!!” “You like my poz dick in you, don’t you bitch?” “I love it. Poz my ass.” “I can’t hear you bitch. You want it?” “Yes!! I want your DNA in me.” Zak continually pounded into my prostate, pushing me closer to the edge. He again cracked his hand on my ass then grabbed my hips and rammed in me harder and harder. “I’m going to wreck that hole till you bleed, bitch. You’re getting my babies right into your blood.” Zak was relentless. I could feel his PA stretching and tearing my hole up. “Fuck, yes, bitch. That’s what I wanted to see. Look at this, bitch.” Zak pulled out of my ass. I turned my head to see his meat pulsing and throbbing, coated with streaks of red blood. He again slammed his two fingers into my ass and pulled them out with red juice on them (a mixture of poz precum and blood). “Taste my virus in your blood.” I stuck out my tongue and he slid his fingers into my mouth. I sucked and licked them clean swallowing every bit down my throat. “Fuck, that is so fucking hot. Ready for my poz load, bitch?” “Yes, give it to me.” “What do you want, pig?” “I want your poz cum in me!!” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Beg for it, bitch. Beg for me to convert your ass.” “Fuck, please, give me your poz cum. Please charge me up.” Zak increased his force of his thrusts and again grasped my hips. “You loved fucking that waiter, didn’t you, bitch?” “Fuck yes. I loved breeding him.” “Giving him your seed to convert him.” “Yes, I want to infect guys.” “Fuck!! Share my virus. Poz those bareback pigs.” “Yes!!” “Fuck, here comes my poison, bitch.” “Oh Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust into me balls deep, and his cock began to pulse. Each throb made my ass pucker tight around his death stick. I reached for my cock, and just touching the shaft of my rod pushed me over the edge. My cock erupted. As my rod sprayed semen onto the stairs I felt Zak’s jizz coat my bloody guts. My ass was full of toxic seed. Zak pulled out from my hole, and bloody jizz leaked from my wrecked ass. Zak quickly lapped up his spooge then shared it with me in a deep, passionate kiss. Zak laid on the steps next to me, sweaty and panting. I remained on my hands and knees, puffing, and grinning from ear to ear. Being with Zak was exhilarating. He looked into my eyes, and with a serious look on his face reached up to me and caressed my cheek with a gentle touch of his hand. “I know we just met, Zeek, but I know how I feel about you. I want to be with you, two pig partners.” “You mean two poz, pig, partners.” “Yes, two poz, pig, partners.” I leaned over and gently kissed his lips and buried my tongue in his mouth. “I’d love that.” Zak and I showered together, lathering each other up, and boning each other up. I sucked his hard dick, deep throating him and tasting his sweet nectar that I loved. He pulled his cock from my mouth. “Open up, Zeek.” His cock pointed upward in front of my face. I stuck my tongue out to meet a stream of piss shooting from his shaft hole. He filled my mouth with urine, and I gulped it all down my throat. Zak grasped his dick and aimed it at my head, spraying piss all over my face. I lapped it from my lips as it drenched my stache. He continued to spray piss all over my body. I loved seeing it shoot from his dick hole, and again took his stream down my throat. The last few shots of piss ran down my throat, and I again took the full length of his massive meat into my mouth. Zak pulled me to my feet and made out with me while the hot water pounded against our bodies. That evening we cruised the club scene looking for fellow pigs to stealth fuck. I was pretty confident that Zak’s virus was in my system, and that I could very well be poz or pozzing very soon. Either way, the thought of us converting a negative pig together had my dick rock hard sitting at the bar. We scoped out the potential victims, and noticed a cute, trim, blonde haired twink sitting alone at the other end of the bar. He had a nice, scruffy, beard covering his face, and something about blondes and redheads gets me boned, not to mention the thought of our dicks in his twink ass bare. Zak and I motioned for the bartender and bought our twink a drink. The bartender pointed us out, and the twink raised his glass and smiled to thank us. We did the same and motioned for him to come join us. He picked up his drink and made his way to our end of the bar. As he approached us he put out his hand for the customary handshake. “Hi, thanks for the drink guys, I’m Ian.” “Zak and Zeek.” We each took his hand to shake it. A solid handshake, a good sign (I think you can tell a lot about an individual from a handshake). For starters this told me he was confident, and sure of himself. “Different names you don’t hear all the time… nice. Are you two partners?” I looked at Zak, and before I could say a word he blurted out, “Yes, we are.” “You two look good together. Nice ink too, guys. I love tattoos.” “Have any ink, Ian?” “No, but I’d like to. I just can’t make up my mind what to get.” (Thinking to myself) I know what you can get…..a biohazard tattoo after we poz your sweet ass. “Well, Zak here is a tattoo artist. He’s doing my sleeve.” “Awesome!! You do beautiful work, Zak.” Then Zak added, “If you decide you want some ink, I’d be happy to schedule a consultation with you.” “Oh, are you here in Milwaukee?” “No, I’m in Chicago, but I can pack up my equipment and head up here to see Zeek and do some ink work for you.” “Oh, so you live in Milwaukee, Zeek?” “Yep, we’re doing the long distance thing for now. We just met not too long ago.” “Cool.” He raised his glass again, “Well here’s to you two. A handsome couple.” “Thanks, Ian.” “I’ll be right back guys. I have to piss like crazy.” Ian turned and made a bee line for the men’s room. “Sweet, look at that ass, Zak.” “I’d love to tag team that.” “Well, what are you waiting for, Zak?” “Be right back.” Zak was off his bar stool in a flash and heading for the men’s bathroom. Zak walked into the dimly lit men’s room, took a spot next to Ian at the urinal, and whipped out his dong. The urinal was a long trough…..quite the cruisy scene. “Well, your cock is as beautiful as your ass, Ian.” Ian started to piss. “Fuck, are you ever hung, and inked too, so hot.” That’s all it took, and Ian’s cock started to bone up. Zak reached over and put his hand into Ian’s piss stream then licked his fingers. “MMMM, sweet.” Ian stopped pissing and looked at Zak. Ian was now fully erect, “You like piss too?” Zak grasped Ian’s shaft and turned Ian toward him. He got down on his knees and put the head of Ian’s cock in his mouth. “You want my piss?” Zak only nodded yes since his mouth was quite full. “Fuck, here it comes.” Ian let go a full stream of piss. Zak didn’t lose a drop and guzzled all of Ian’s piss from the tap. Zak came up for air, “God, I love piss.” Zak put Ian’s cock back in his mouth and started to deep throat his boned up meat. After a few minutes of sucking a guy stumbled into the bathroom and interrupted the play. “Oh, excuse me guys, sorry.” The guy awkwardly fumbled his way out of the bathroom and let the door close. Zak and Ian laughed. “Guess we should take this to Zeek’s place. Are you game?” “Absolutely!!” Zak and Ian returned to the bar with obvious boned up cocks bulging in their jeans. “I see you two got a little friendlier in there.” “Ian’s game. He’s going to join us.” “Sweet.” I reached for Ian’s package and grasped his hard dick while planting a long, wet kiss on his lips. “Damn, and an awesome kisser too.” We slammed our drinks, and the three of us left the bar. As we walked out the door my cock was already rock hard at the anticipation of filling Ian’s ass with toxic seed. Ian followed us home, and we made sure to not lose him in route. We both whipped our dicks out on the way home. Both our piss holes were already oozing precum as we stroked each other’s shafts. “Fuck, this is our first time tag teaming, Zeek.” “This is going to be so hot.” We offered Ian something to drink, but after one sip of our beer, the bottles sat on the coffee table. Zak grabbed Ian’s crotch, “Now where were we? Oh yeah.” Ian chuckled and unzipped his pants. Zak pulled Ian’s dick out and got on his knees. He held the tip of Ian’s cock in his mouth and downed Ian’s pissed. He saved the last mouthful and locked lips with me, sharing the Ian’s piss with me. I pulled Ian’s shirt off, and dropped mine to the floor, then began to make out with him on the sofa. Zak pulled his shirt off and added it to the pile on the floor. He knelt in front of Ian, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them from his trim body. Ian’s cock was fully erect, a good 8 inches, and leaking his nectar onto his abdomen. Zak wrapped his hand around the base of Ian’s shaft and licked up his sweet juice before slipping the full length of his meat across his tongue and down his throat. I unbuttoned my jeans and worked them to my ankles, and flipped them to the side. Ian stroked my throbbing meat while our lips remained locked, our tongues dancing together. Zak continued to deep throat Ian’s cock, and Ian grabbed Zak by the back of the head burying his dick even further into Zak’s mouth. Zak had unzipped his jeans letting his hard, poisonous monster out to stroke, but kept them buttoned to conceal his biohazard ink. After a few minutes he licked his finger and began working it between Ian’s legs massaging his tight hole. Ian quickly responded, lifting his legs and spreading his cheeks. Zak buried his face in Ian’s ass and licked and probed his hole, working his tongue inside. While Zak rimmed Ian, I engulfed Ian’s cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet nectar on my tongue as it leaked from his piss hole. Zak worked a few fingers into Ian’s hole, teasing his cunt to open up then buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. Ian moaned and squirmed with pleasure as we worked his cock and massaged his sweet hole. “Fuck, you guys are so fucking hot. I love it.” I pulled Ian’s cock from my mouth, “There’s a lot more where that came from.” I nudged Zak, “Come on guys, let’s take this to the bedroom.” I led the guys down the hall to my bed. My cock was fully erect, anxious to seed our blonde twink. Zak wrapped his arms around Ian’s chest from behind, kissed him on neck, and ground his cock between his ass cheeks. He whispered into his ear, “Get on the bed on all fours. I want to fuck your ass.” Ian crawled on the bed with his ass at the edge for easy access. Zak knelt at the edge of the bed and again buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. He licked and fucked Ian with his tongue, lubing his cunt for his toxic cock. Ian arched his back and groaned with pleasure. I slipped onto the bed on my knees in front of Ian; my cock leaking its juices that I hoped was charged. Ian grasped my dick directing it toward his mouth. He licked the full length of my shaft then engulfed my cock down his throat to the base. Chills shot through my body. I grabbed our blonde twink by the head and slowly fucked his throat, making him gag from the tonsil probe. Zak fingered and rimmed Ian’s man hole, loosening him up. His hole puckered around Zak’s fingers, and Ian pushed against Zak’s hand, working his fingers deeper inside. Ian began to rock back and forth on Zak’s fingers. He was primed and ready to seed. “That’s it, boy. Open up. You’re ready for my cock.” Ian flipped my cock from his mouth, “Do you have condoms?” We prepared ahead of time for this. “Sure do.” I reached for my nightstand drawer and tossed a jacket to Zak then flipped a bottle of lube on the bed next to Zak. Zak stood at the edge of the bed behind Ian with his toxic precum dripping from his PA ring. Ian was mesmerized with the flames of ink down Zak’s shaft, “Fuck, yes, what a hot cock.” (Thinking to myself) Yeah, one hot, POZ cock. Zak tore the package open with his teeth and stretched the condom over his PA ring onto his cock head. Ian continued sucking my pole. Zak looked at me and grinned. He slipped the condom off his cock, unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to his ankles. Zak lubed up his shaft. He lined up the head of his monster to Ian’s cunt and pressed firmly against his hole. My shaft stiffened in Ian’s mouth at the sight of Zak’s biohazard tattoo and poisonous cock about to plow our unknowing, blonde twink. “Relax that cunt, boy. Let me in.” Zak grasped Ian by the hips and slowly worked the mouth of his monster into his manhole, drooling the first bit of toxic juice in his cunt. Ian gasped and groaned as Zak thrust farther inside, tearing his ass open. My cock flipped from Ian’s mouth, “Fuck it hurts.” “I’m about half way in, boy. Just relax, and let my shaft slide on in.” “Yes sir.” Zak again pushed on, further opening Ian up, then buried his cock balls deep inside his neg host. Ian tensed up in pain, “Fuck!!” “Damn, you’re so tight, boy. Feels incredible.” “Fuck, give me a sec. Hold on.” Ian slowly relaxed then began to ride Zak’s tool. “Fuck, so fucking hot,” as Zak began to thrust in and out of Ian. “God your cock feels good in me.” Ian’s hole begged for cock, and Zak pounded his ass hard and rough. He again devoured my cock in his mouth, working my pole, drinking up my precum. I pulled my cock from Ian’s mouth, “Suck my balls, boy.” “Yes sir.” Ian licked, then slipped both my balls into his mouth. My cock stiffened as I stroked my throbbing shaft. Ian sucked my balls for a bit then spit them out and stuck his tongue out at the head of my dick. I slapped my cock across his tongue then again fucked his face. Zak continued to plow our twink’s ass. “Fuck, boy, you’re going to push me over the edge. You have one sweet cunt.” “Fuck, shoot your load, Zak.” Zak asked, “You want me to cum, boy?” I nearly shot down Ian’s throat, knowing he was about to take a toxic load of jizz. I pulled my throbbing cock out of his mouth to save my cum for his sloppy hole. “Yes, fuck…..cum inside me.” “Are you sure?” “Fuck yes….shoot your load.” “You got it!!” Zak buried his cock deep in Ian’s hole. “Here it comes, pig.” “Fuck yes.” My eyes were fixed on Zak’s cock and biohazard tattoo. I stroked my shaft slowly, edging myself so close to cumming. Zak’s meat stiffened and throbbed as he started to fill Ian’s cunt with his venom. “Oh my God, I can feel you shooting in me. Fuck, yes.” Zak’s body jerked and he moaned and panted as he loaded Ian’s guts with his poz cream. Sweat ran down Zak’s face and chest. “So fucking sweet.” Zak pulled his still hard cock from Ian’s hole. The last few drops of toxic seed oozed from his piss hole, and Zak slammed back into his victim, working his seed deeper inside. He again pulled out and poz cream leaked from our twink’s cunt down his ball sack. Ian turned his head to look at Zak, “Fuck, did you just cum in me bare?” Zak replied, “Sorry, we prefer it raw. I couldn’t resist giving you my load.” Ian noticed the tattoo on Zak’s abdomen, “You’re poz??!!” Zak said, “Guess so, pig.” “Fuck, and you just shot in me?!!” “Tell me you didn’t love it. Tell me it’s not what you really wanted.” Ian sat on the bed with a stunned look on his face. His cock throbbed rock hard standing straight up. “Look at your cock, boy. Your cock is telling you the truth.” “Fuck.” Tears ran down his cheeks trying to wrap his brain around what this meant. “I can’t say I didn’t love it, but it’s poz cum.” “And it’s the freedom to be a total pig. Tell me you don’t want that.” “I can’t. Fuck!!!” “Tell me you don’t want more poz cum.” Ian’s cock stiffened and pulsed. “I can’t. I don’t get it. I should be furious, but the thought of your poz cum in me is turning me on.” Zak grinned, “Yeah, boy, you want more poz cum, don’t you?” “Fuck……I do. Why is this such a turn on?” Zak leaned over and gave Ian a wet kiss burying his tongue in his mouth. My cock was rock hard watching Ian’s realization that he wanted this as much as we wanted to convert him. “Just go with it, Ian. You want it, just let go.” I asked, “Are you ready for another load of cum?” “Are you poz too?” “Not sure yet. Zak’s been seeding me good for about a month so you may get a poz load and you may not.” Ian’s cock stiffened hearing those words. He stroked his cock shaft. “I don’t want to resist this. It feels so good.” Ian got back on all fours, “Fuck, give it to me. I want it.” Zak grinned, “Fuck, yeah!! That’s it, go with it. Good boy!!” Zak crawled on the bed in front of Ian, and Ian licked up all his poz cream and ass juice from Zak’s meat. While Ian serviced Zak, cleaning his tool, I lubed my cock with spit and slid right into Ian’s gooey hole. My shaft glided right in all the way, working my partner’s toxic juices into Ian’s intestinal walls. Ian began to deep throat Zak’s cock, boning him up again for round two. I continued to plow Ian’s ass, “Fuck, I won’t last long. What a turn on knowing I’m working Zak’s poz seed in you. Ian mumbled with a full mouth, “Yes.” I pumped his ass a few more minutes as Zak thrust in and out of his throat slowly. It pushed me over the edge. “Here it comes, bitch. Take my cum.” I pulled out of Ian’s ass and shot the first rope of cum across his hole then slammed back in his gut shoving my seed inside. My cock continued to throb and shoot my seed in him. “Fuck, I hope you’re taking poz cum. Take it all.” I emptied my balls deep inside Ian. My cock slipped from his hole. A mixture of our seed tinged with pink oozed from his man hole. I slammed my tongue into his gaping cunt and lapped up our juices. Zak moved in behind me, “Are you ready for more of my poz cum, pig?” “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” I moved to the bed on my back and slipped under Ian to suck his boned up cock while Zak plowed into Ian’s wrecked hole. I stroked my shaft and sucked Ian’s hard cock. Zak pounded Ian’s cunt hard. “Work that seed in you, boy. We’re going to convert your ass tonight.” “Oh fuck, give me your poz load.” “You want it?” “Yes!” “Want to poz up, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m getting close, pig. You’re going to get my toxic cum.” Ian’s dick was rock hard in my mouth. Ian exclaimed, “Oh fuck, I’m going to shoot!” His cock pulsed and began to shoot his creamy, neg, seed down my throat. “Here’s my second load, boy. Take that poz cum.” “Fuck yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust in Ian again and let out a wild moan. “Feel me shooting in you, pig? You’re getting my virus right now.” “Oh my God!! It feels incredible!!” Ian filled my mouth with a huge load of jizz, emptying his nuts into my belly. Zak pulled his cock from Ian’s worn out hole. “Keep that seed in you boy. Welcome to the club.” Before Ian left we gave him our phone numbers. Zak hugged him, “You have a sweet ass, boy. When you’re ready for more toxic seed, or your biohazard tattoo, give us a call. Zeek will probably be highly toxic soon too.” “I will. Tonight was amazing. Thanks guys.” Ian planted a kiss on both our lips then slipped out the door. Next……chapter 6 ASAP.
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  23. He was standing in my living room. Twenty two years old , five foot nine 195 pounds of beautiful defined pale light skin smooth latino muscle, yes my boner was instant. He looked around the room as I had shut the door pretending not to notice the buldge growing down my leg. “So I got 10 bucks” He said nonchalantly pulling out the bill. “I figure a dime bag of whatever we had last time. It was pretty awesome shit.” “I’m kinda out of that bro.” I said walking right passed him into my bed room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my pipe and a little baggie of T and let the time beat. Finally I heard him walking down the hallway after me. Leo was hot but maybe slow. He finally opened my bedroom door saw me laying on the bed fiddling with the pipe. “So you don’t have weed?” He said. Standing in my doorway tiny waist but hunky shoulders and chest even his nipples were pointing at me through his black Oakley Tshirt. I couldn’t help myself, I licked my lips a little. “This is all I got till next week.” I said throwing the little baggie of tina on the bed. He looked at it and looked at me. “Ten dollars an’t gonna cover it though.” I continued on. “Oh.” He said finally looking around my bed room. Kingsize bed. Big screen TV. Mirror on the Ceiling and closet by the bed had a mirror door. “That’s cool. I’ll come back next week.” He said but didn’t move from the doorway. “Get in here Leo.” I said I was already stripping him with my eyes. “You’re a cool guy. I’ll give you a free pass this time. Smoke with me.” He paused and looked at the bag. “I don’t know how to smoke that” he finally said. I patted the bed and set up the bowl. “I’ll show you.” I lit up the bowl and took a hit, I made sure to only take a small one. I wanted him to enjoy more of it. Then I held the bowl for him while he put his soft little pink lips on the pipe. I saw his lips on the pipe and all I could think about was fucking his face with his head hanging off the side of the bed while my big balls slapped his eyes. I lit the bowl for him and once there was a big cloud of white I instructed him to in hale. He took it and broke out coughing loudly almost falling back. “That tastes like shit!” He said coughing in between every syllable. I opened a half opened bottle of Gatorade and handed it to him . he sipped it while trying to control his coughing and I took another small hit smiling. I watched as he sipped the Gatorade and wondered how much G was still in it. I pointed the pipe to him again and he put his lips to it and took another decent hit. I put the pipe down and looked at him while he coughed and sipped and watched with my blood pumping the high could not hit him fast enough for me. I got up and walked to my closet stripping off my shirt. Using the mirror I saw his eyes look at me. I saw him lick his lips just a bit before taking another sip. “Take another hit man. “ I’m just gonna change. He looked at the pipe and fumbled with it for awhile while he lit up another hit and I pretended to be looking for a new shirt. When he breathed it out I took off my shorts and underwear off in one swoop and turned around. I was sporting my full hard on. I walked over grabbed the pipe from him and layed down. “What the fuck man” He kinda gasped. “What?” I said like nothingwas happening. “ You already seen me naked bro. it whatever.” I grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on the gay bareback porn that was playing before I left this morning to set up the party . He turned from me and started watching. “Hey Leo?” I finally asked. “Sup” He said slowly without turning from the screen. “You like my cock?” He laughed and turned. “Yeah…It’s nice” “Then suck me off a little bro.” He looked at me and then at my raging hardon. As if trying to think, but the thoughts kept running away from him. Then he climbed over and layed down between my legs, grabbed my cock with both hands, and put the head in his mouth. ‘ohmmmmmmmm” was the only sound he made. “Oh. My. God.” Was all I said. He started to jack my pozz dick into his mouth licking the head having his tounge swirl the fat mushroom head I watched as histight body made his tight clothes move and I couldn’t help it, I start pulling his clothes off. He threw off his shirt, and I laughed a little. He was perfect. Smooth big defined chest, strong abs, pink nipples. I grabbed his dark black hair and pulled him toward me shoving my tongue down his throat. When his tounge pushed back on mine, I started pulling at his belt nearly tearing off his jeans. He shuffled out of them and his boxers and I grabbed his head again and led his high as fuck face back to my cock and started to feed the muscle boy. “Oh my God.” I looked at his ass. Just light small hair practically smooth and so big and muscled I grabbed both cheeks in both hands and he pushed back and moaned. The muscle boy moaned. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed him and got him on his back and licked down his torso. “This is so fucking intense.” He moaned. As I sucked on his nipple, I moved my dripping pozz cock near his hole rubbing and pressing on it. “fuuuck bro that’s hot.” I started to press on it, when he pushed back “Condom bro…”He muttered. Obviously there was not enough G in the Gatorade and I almost instantly felt myself softening. Fuck that shit!!! I nodded but said nothing and passed him the pipe. He lit up as I searched around the closet and pulled out a bottle of lube laced with T. He blew out a fresh hit, and went down on him sucking on his balls. “I’m gonna open you up.” I said as I lubed up a finger and started pushing it toward his hole. He nodded and moaned when my first digit invaded his hole filling his hole with a special mix I put together. “I burns…” He said after a few seconds, but he didn’t stop me. I got a second glob and shoved it in his hole. He winced, but I could feel his hole relaxing. I was looking at him when his mouth started to hangopen and his eyes started to glaze over and I shoved in three fingers now massaging the burning lube into the walls of his ass. He was breathing hard and staring at me with he mouth hanging open a loss for words. Only light soft sounds and tiny grunts were escaping his open mouth as my digits worked tip to knuckle in and out of his hole and my tongue pushed back into his through . his eyes never shut until finally I pulled my fingers from his hole completely. When he opened them, his eyes were in shock. “No,” He whined “ put ur fingers back in. Its amazing” His speech was slurred and slow. “you want something up your ass?” I asked. “Fuck ….yessss…” he said “How bout my raw cock? You want that up your ass?”I started to rub my death stick on his hole. He grabbed his giant legs in answer and was pulling them back. “Fuckkkkkk….” He responded “I said, ‘ Do you want my raw cock in your ass’?” He nodded slow and hard “Yes!” I lined up my cock with his hole and started applying pressure to his lubed up tina filled hole. “You gotta open that hole up for me Leo.” “Fuuuuuuuck:” He moaned as the pressure and lube began to make slow room for his hole. Then our eyes locked and his mouth and eyes opened wide as my head slowly sank into his hole. I pulled back for only a second then pushed forward again, and his hole began to accept the slide going just deeper and deeper. “FFUUUUUCKKKKKKKK.” He said eyes wide mouth wide starting back at me. I could feel the walls of his ass stretching hard to accommodate my penetration. He was breathing so hard and fast starting at me as I slide back and forth opening and pushing further slowly and steadily he started making sounds like animal gasping when my cock was now stretching his hole still half of my cock trying to bury itself inside the muscular walls of his neg muscle boy cunt. And the tightness!!! He was squeezing his hole and ass so hard it was choking my cock but I was so hard and thick it felt like a glove stroking my uncut thickness in him . as the balls finally grazed his ass, he through his head back eyes open at the mirror above watching himself be impaled mouth wide open breathing hard and making sounds and finally uttering the only word he could: “FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK” I looked up and saw my muscle boy. My leo in the mirror muscles and veins glistening so young and clean and neg. So smooth and hard and neg. So young and tight and so about to be filled with pozz cum until my dick falls off. I fell on him throwing my arms under his legs, getting up on the balls of my feet and started to fuck. I licked his neck as his arms grabbed my back and thrust my hips into him again and again, feeling him squeeze his hole tighter only made me want to break him harder. I smash him to his own instruction. “OH MYGAWD” He yelled “FUCKMEFUCK. AWHAWHAWHHHHHAWHAWHAWHAWHHHH…fuuuuuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. AHHHHHH. OH…FUCK…FUCK…ME. FUCK FUCK FUCK. OHMYAWD. Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk.” Sweat started to drip off of me, and I pulled up wiped my self and started thrusting forward while holding his ankles watching his muscles tense and move and then I felt his hole start to loosen. Slowly at first, it was open, but then it adjusted to my assault and I could pull out completely for the first time and then push back in balls deep. Leo threw his head forward while I did this from tip to base and back again looking at my cock going into him in the mirror. He tilted his head while screaming religious hymns to my dick watching it disappear into his hole. “Ohhhhmaaagawwwd” He said when he pulled his gaze from the mirror watching him fuck . “You like that daddy dick leo?” First words I’d said for awhle. “Fuck yes daddy!” he yelled “You want that daddy cum” “Fuck yess!!” I went balls deep and thrusted deeply from there quickly and repeatedly till I felt my balls boil. He was loosing his mind from the deep dicking I was giving him I yelled: “You like that fucking pozz cock in your hole” His eyes were wide. Mouth open. Breathing hard. “You want my dirty pozz daddy cum in your hole!? He was taking my deep dicking, His face scrunched up. “FUCK YES I WANT UR CUM IN MY ASS!” I pulled his legs apart pushed as deep as I could go and began to unload rope for rope of pozz dirty cum into his neg hole. He moaned and groaned while I continued to push my cum into him again and again till my dick finally softened and I pulled out. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”He whined and flipped over on his knees and hands.”Fuck me!” He pushed his ass back and arched his back. “Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” He was begging and I hardened instantly. I climbed behind him and slipped my dick into his blinking hole and he moaned and whined and dropped his chest to the floor “Fuck meeeeefuuuuuck meeeeeee fuuuckk meee!” he was nearly crying. I fucked on, slapping his ass. “Who does this ass belong to?!” “You daddy!” “Who does this ass belong to?!” “It’s yours daddy!!!” “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU BELONG TO!!!” “All yours daddy its all yours. I’m all yours! FUUUUCKME!!!” “ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH” I began slamming the muscle boy primally smashing balls against ass while he yelled and begged in sheets and all that could be heard aside from the sound so slapping flesh on flesh and moaning and groaning, and me slapping his ass was him saying: “FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKMMEEEEEE!!!” at the top of his lungs till I blew a second load of thick creamy pozz juice into his neg smooth muscle boy wrecked ass hole.
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  24. Sorry for the delay guys. I'll start on chapter 5 and post it ASAP. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 4 As usual the phone rang at around 3 p.m. I didn’t even look at my cell phone screen or give my mom a chance to respond. “Hello mom. Yes, I’ll be there on time.” “I’m just checking.” “I know. I was expecting the call.” “Well, you don’t have to be rude about it.” “I’m not mom. I just knew you would be calling.” “Well, I’m glad you will be making it on time. You know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” “Yes, I know mom. I’ll be there.” “I know you don’t like when I ask this,” (Here it comes….. my mom’s opinions), “and I don’t want to pester, but your Aunt Ester and I have been wondering if you found a nice church yet.” (Thinking to myself) Well, I tricked with a priest in the rectory at St. Sebastian’s once. “No, I’m still looking, mom.” “Now whatever church you choose is really up to you, but remember, you were brought up Lutheran, and even though we weren’t fond of those Catholics, Aunt Ester became one…..well she married into it, dear, but Aunt Ester thinks you’re old enough to be safe around those priests now. So if you’re meant to be a Catholic, then so be it, but don’t be putting your fingers in that holy water, that’s so unsanitary.” “No, Mom, I wouldn’t think of putting my fingers anywhere that wasn’t sanitary.” (Thinking to myself) Unless my tongue checked it out first. “You remember Betty across the street don’t you, Isaac? You know the one with the ugly pansies in front of her house? I’m talking about flowers, dear.” “Yeah, mom.” “She told me today that her son is getting a bunch of tattoos. Betty was shocked to say the least. I don’t understand why he would want to do that.” “Well, it is his body, mom.” “Yes, but…..what do you mean It’s his body? You’re not thinking about getting any of them are you?” “No, mom, I’m not THINKING about getting any tattoos.” “Good because if God wanted you to have tattoos you would have been born that way.” “Oh, so it was divine intervention that you were born with pierced ears, mom?” “That’s different and you know it.” “How is that different, mom?” “Tattoos are defiling your temple, but earrings are just….. just a little bling.” “I’m sure God sees it that way.” “Don’t get smart with me, Isaac.” “I’ll see you tonight, mom.” My mom was going to find out about my tattoo sooner or later. Might as well be sooner and get it over with so I wore a short sleeve shirt to my parent’s house for dinner. I pulled up in front of their house and parked on the street. I started to walk toward the front door and saw my dad standing in the front window. “Walter, get the baseball bat!!! There’s a thug coming up the driveway.” Looking out the front window Walter said, “That’s Isaac’s car out front.” “Oh my God, the thugs got Isaac. Call 911!!” I opened the front door, “Hi mom. Hi dad.” “Oh for heaven’s sake, Isaac, get in here and shut the door before Betty sees you.” “It’s nice to see you too, mom.” “What is that on your arm? And what happened to your hair?” Sarcastically, “What?! You don’t like my new look?” “Well, your hair can grow back, but……but…..you told me you weren’t thinking about getting one of THEM.” “I’m not THINKING about it. I already got it.” “I suppose you think that’s funny.” “Not at all, mom. I happen to like tattoos a lot.” “Well, your father hates it.” Speaking quietly in the background, Walter said, “Actually I kind of like it.” I smirked a little. “You see, he hates it.” “Mom, I’m still the same Isaac as I was before. Actually I’m MORE myself now.” “Well, I don’t have to like it.” “No you don’t, mom, but it’s for me, not you.” During dinner my mom kept looking at me. I could tell she wanted to say something and it was only a matter of time before she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Please tell me you’re not joining a biker gang or doing drugs, Isaac.” I chuckled, “No, mom, I’m not doing drugs or joining a gang of bikers. Dinner is good, by the way.” My dad added, “I happen to like your tattoo, Isaac. It looks well done.” My mom chimed in, “Walter!!” “Whhhhhaaaat? It looks good.” “Thanks, dad.” My mom changed the subject, “Are you seeing anyone, Isaac?” “I’ve been on a couple dates.” “You know you can bring your guy friend home.” “You mean my boyfriend.” “Well, I don’t know what to call him.” “It’s no different because I’m gay, mom. He’s by boyfriend.” “Well, your boyfriend is welcome here.” “I know. We’re not at that point, mom.” After dinner, while my mom was in the kitchen, my dad hugged me. “Don’t listen to your mom. She means well, but….. You look good, son.” “Thanks, dad.” “Take care. See you soon. I love you, Isaac.” “Yeah, I love you too. Bye, dad.” My mom hugged me goodbye and whispered in my ear, “No more tattoos.” I whispered in her ear, “It’s my body, mom. I happen to like them.” “You’re mutilating your body.” “To you I am. It’s art, mom.” “Art shmart.” “I love you too mom.” “Just take care of yourself, Isaac.” She kissed me on the cheek. “I am mom.” (If she only knew I was also chasing poz seed). “I love you, Isaac. I just want you to be happy.” “What makes you think I’m not happy?” “Nothing.” “Well then……” “I just worry about you. I’m allowed, you know.” “I’m fine mom. I’ll talk to you later.” “Bye. Call me when you get home so I know you made it alright.” “Ok. Thanks for dinner. See you later.” As much as I love my parents, I was happy to be heading home. My mom can be a bit exhausting at times, and tonight’s dinner was about as relaxing as having a root canal. When I got home I called to let my mom know I was home. I flopped onto my bed, let out a deep sigh of relief, and drifted off to sleep curled up with my pillow. Zak and I talked during the week. His laughter at the details of my event-filled evening at my parent’s brought a little too much pleasure to his world. I had to chuckle a bit, though. He did not have the pleasure of meeting my mom…….YET. If our relationship continued to progress he would experience her bubbly personality firsthand. He suggested I grow my beard long, tattoo my neck and head, and pierce my septum, then invite my mom’s neighbor, Betty and her son, to my mom’s house for lunch together. I could see from his response that Zak may enjoy goading my mom relentlessly. I invited Zak to spend the weekend with me in Milwaukee and sweetened the bait by telling him we could initiate my house with some poz breeding. He took the bait and immediately cleared his schedule for the weekend. I was excited to have him coming to Milwaukee to spend time together. By Thursday I couldn’t keep my hands out of my pants, but for all the wrong reasons. My pubic hair was growing back and my crotch was itchy as hell. I tried to look like I didn’t have crabs or something while at work, but every step I took just made me want to tear my pants off and scratch like a dog covered with fleas. I never shaved my pubic hair off before our play last weekend, and as erotic as it was having Zak take a razor to “the playground” I vowed I would never do that again. I prefer pubic hair and body hair anyway. I had no choice but to tough it out. Zak had tattoo appointments Friday night so he drove up early Saturday morning. I took him to an early lunch at my favorite restaurant in the Third Ward. We arrived early, so it was still quiet before the lunch hour crowd flooded in. Our waiter was extremely handsome with dark hair pulled into a pony tail, a neatly trimmed thick beard, tattoos covering his right arm, and a beautiful, round, fuckable ass. “Hi, I’m Jonathan. I’ll be taking care of you today.” (I thought to myself) Yeah, I’d like to be taking care of you too. Zak said, “Hi Jonathan.” I added, “I don’t remember seeing you here, and I come here fairly often.” “I’m pretty new. I just moved here about a month ago.” Zak joined in, “Oh, where abouts are you from?” “I’m from Palm Springs.” “Ouch, you moved from California to Milwaukee?” “I know, I loved Palm Springs, but I have family here.” (Again thinking to myself) That you do, and we’re sitting right in front of you. “So, can I interest either of you in a cocktail to start?” Before we could respond, Jonathan dropped his pen on the floor. I reached to pick it up at the same time he bent down and our hands met at his pen. He brushed his hand lightly against mine and oh so intentionally. My gaydar was dinging “off the chart,” and my cock was half boned in a flash. I picked up his pen and handed it to him. Jonathan looked into my eyes as he stood up, gave me a smile and wink, “Thanks a lot.” With a grin on my face, “You’re welcome.” “Uh, oh yes, cocktails?” Zak ordered a bloody mary, and I got a martini. We skimmed the menu, and the waiter shuffled off toward the bar. “Did you see what just happened?” “How could I not? That boy is family, and hot looking family at that.” “He boned up my cock that’s for sure.” “Bet you’d like to poz his ass. I bet my virus is already taking over your body as we speak. You’re probably already poz with a growing viral load. Your body just hasn’t reacted yet.” Jonathan returned a few minutes later with our drinks. “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?” Zak said, “Sorry, we were chatting not looking at the menu. I’ll shut up and focus on the menu. I need a just few more minutes, please.” “Ok, I’ll step into the men’s room for a second and be back in a bit.” Jonathan glanced over at me, before turning and disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for, Zeek? Get your ass in there.” I strolled over to the men’s room and as I walked in Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at me. He was standing at the urinal with his legs slightly spread. I took the urinal next to him and didn’t say a word. He was stroking his hard shaft and looking at his cock. He didn’t flinch as my hand slowly passed into his line of vision and grasped his boned up meat. His cock throbbed in my grip, and he let out a quiet moan. I stroked his cock and led him by his hard pole into the bathroom stall and closed the door. Our lips were locked in a flash. Jonathan unzipped my jeans and pulled out my hard cock. He said, “We don’t have much time.” “Then we better get to it.” I dropped Jonathan’s pants to the floor. I grasped his ass and massaged his man cave as I turned him around. My cock found his ass crack and I pressed my shaft against his hole. “I want to fuck you.” “If you can make it quick, go for it.” I gave him no time to bring up a discussion about condoms. I bent him in over, spit in my hand and lubed up my cock then pressed my shaft head to his cunt. Jonathan spread his legs and arched his back into my hard tool. With a little force I shoved the head inside. Jonathan flinched and his ass tightened around the head of my dick. Thinking my fast entry was painful I held my cock still. With one quick thrust, he shoved my cock deep into his ass. A gasp escaped from Jonathan’s mouth. He reached behind me and grasped my ass, holding me tight against his cheeks. After taking a few deep breaths he released his grip on my ass. “Fuck me, man. Give me that cum.” “Fuck yes. I’ll load you up.” I began to thrust into him, first slowly, then hard and fast, burying my meat all the way into his gut. Knowing someone could walk in at any minute I held nothing back. There was no verbal talk, no kissing, no massaging or caressing, just all out hard fucking. I grabbed his hips and drove my tool into his hole over and over. The thought of filling his ass with what I hoped was a potent dose of charged seed brought me to the edge in no time. My cock stiffened and swelled even more. I gave him no warning as my shaft began to throb and pulse. A huge load of cum shot from my cock in rapid succession, coating his guts with my DNA. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s ass, tucked it into my pants and zipped up my jeans. He stood up and planted a big kiss on my lips. Jonathan’s rod remained rock hard, standing at attention with precum leaking from his piss hole. He stroked his shaft a few times then stuffed his stiff rod into his pants and zipped up. “Thanks, man….that was fucking hot.” “Sorry it had to be so fast, but I loved it.” We kissed one more time then I slipped out the bathroom door. Zak glanced at me over his menu as I approached our table then stared at me after I took my seat. “Well?” I just grinned and gave him a few slow nods of yes. He smiled back at me then we both continued to browse the menu. Jonathan returned from the bathroom with a professional posture. Except for the slight bulge remaining in his jeans from his still half erect cock, he was put together neatly. “See anything you would like on the menu?” Zak couldn’t resist, “From the silly grin on my boyfriend’s face I would have to say yes.” Jonathan immediately made eye contact with Zak. Zak winked and smiled at our waiter then gave him a lusty once over with his eyes, “I’ll have what he just had with a bacon burger on the side.” Jonathan chuckled and blushed a little. Now turning slightly toward me, “And you sir?” “I guess I had my dessert before lunch, didn’t I? But, I’ll have the mushroom burger and fries.” Jonathan smiled and collected the menus, “Thank you guys. I’ll get that right in.” (Thinking to myself as I glanced at Jonathan’s ass) Think I just did that, man. “No…..Thank YOU, Jonathan.” He didn’t know just how much I meant that, but maybe he would find out in a month or so. While chowing down on our burgers Zak wanted details. I shared that Jonathan never inquired about my status and there was no discussion about condoms. “He has no idea that you’ve been taking poz cum?” “Nope, not a clue.” By the time I reached the part about me filling Jonathan’s ass with my seed, Zak had a raging hard on. “Fuck, you have me so turned on, Zeek. I want to fuck your ass so bad.” Our lunch continued with plenty of flirtatious fun with Jonathan. After finishing our meal he returned again, “Can I get you anything else, guys?” Zak suggested, “Like coffee, tea, or me? Because I’ll take the ‘ ME’ part to go.” Jonathan and I chuckled, “You guys are fun to wait on. Please do cum again.” I added, “Oh, we’ll definitely cum again.” He placed the bill in the center of the table with a brief note with his phone number, “Call me anytime for the ‘ME part to go’ guys…..thanks again for EVERYTHING.” He got a good tip. While driving back to my house Zak was still turned on by our erotic lunch. He whipped his rock hard cock out and stroked his meat. I reached over and wrapped my hand around his shaft. His rod stiffened and throbbed as I stroked his cock. I knew what was ahead for my ass and the thought of that gave me a raging hard on.
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  25. never got to that point but would love to
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  26. I never pullout whats the point of that? our Precum is loaded with hiv anyway, and i precum fucking buckets...G> when a guy is asking me to pullout, i dont lie about it. I just say nothing and totally ignore him, or just grunt to aknowledge his request. I have always developed selective hearing about things i get told what NOT to do. but i know what his ass is about to get. I stay deep when i shoot in em so they wont notice as fast that they are loaded with my DNA. blow it deep so it SOAKS into thier guts. Fucking always turned me on shooting up a guys ass that is nervous or a "pullout: bttm. hes going to convert anyway if he bttms and BB. not sure how other pig tops stand on that. i never been the type to ;'"ASK" a bttm if its OK or can i shoot in you... FUCK that i dont ask i breed. back in the day of rubbers, i always id tear the fucking thing off during sex anyways and that turns me on even more. esp when i do the deed and seed his ass anyways. hahaha
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  27. I love sucking the cock that just unloaded in my hole. Do it every chance I get. The taste is awesome. I also like to finger his load out of my hole and eat it. Very tastey. Eating out a just fucked hole is also fun.
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  28. check out my screen name yes, that's right I find about 30% of tops expect it, About 60% are surprised but delighted and maybe 10% are not interested
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  29. I thought it was expected. My current partner always gets his meat cleaned after he has bred me.
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  30. I Love ATM. get to taste my Tops load as well as my own juices.
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  31. Well stated. I kind of assume it's mostly implied by me letting a Top fuck me. I can't let any of his seed go to waste.
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  32. i luv it when they ask after they already got a huge load swimming around inside em
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  33. depends on the situation i try to avoid any status talk....if your NEG and like BB....you wont be neg for long, esp as a bttm. usually i never get asked or IF i do its after i already nutted inside thier ass raw,,,,woof or i just tell the bi guys online that im neg. but most guys know a dirty pigtop when they see a profile, take a hint boy. haha
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  34. Bi men ask status mostly but even thats RARE dont ask dont tell i seed your ass w dirty cum
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  35. I call the willingness to do ATM the "pig test"--the guys who pass it are invited back to the playroom, those who refuse or ask me to wash my cock fresh are never asked back. It is essential for me to eat hole before, during and after my fucking it...sometimes I share the load and sometimes not...
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  36. As a bttm slut who prefers bb "natural" (unflushed), if any shit does get on the guys cock it is my duty/responsibility to perform ATM ... should always volunteer and even beg to do it for him. Gets me mega horned when I am performing that service,
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  37. I agree, if I am drinking from the tap I feel it's my duty to make sure I swallow every drop. If the top pulls it out and hoses me that's fine too. And of course if it's going up my ass I take it and hold it.
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  38. PART 3 Conrad looked up at me and smiled. His legs were still wide open, and a pearl-size drop of cum escaped his hole. I pushed it in with my finger, and he moaned. “Sit up, boy,” I said. “Take three nice hits off the pipe for your big bro. I’m gonna get us ready for a night at the baths.” I heard the click of the lighter as I grabbed a white jockstrap from the laundry basket, giving it a quick smell and catching a whiff of cum, sweat, and piss in the fabric pouch. I threw it to Conrad. “Here, bud—wear this,” I said. “It’s only slightly used.” He nodded as a dense cloud billowed from his mouth. Meanwhile, I grabbed my playkit, threw on a T-shirt, and pulled my gym shorts over my cock—still rock-hard and glistening with fresh poz seed. The mesh fabric strained around my erection, pulling on the elastic and revealing just a little bit of the thick patch of hair above my cock. I heard the boy hit the pipe a second time, then a third, as I prepared another dose of G in the kitchen. I brought him the dose as he exhaled smoke from his nose like a regular chemwhore. “Drink up,” I said, “then put on those shorts. But leave your tank top here, OK? I want everybody to see my lil’ bro’s hot fuckin’ body.” He nodded, gulping at the G-laced soda before pulling his shorts over the jockstrap. The waistline landed about one-third of the way down his bubble butt, revealing a bright-white band of elastic. “Good boy,” I said, lighting up the pipe and sharing the smoke with him in a deep, hungry kiss. “Now let’s go feed your hot little butt.” He practically ran to the bathhouse, stopping every 50 feet or so to keep his shorts from slipping to the ground. Finally I grabbed his hand, unbuttoned the top button, and let the shorts fall. He shot a worried glance my way. “Don’t worry, bud,” I said with a triumphant grin, opening the front doors to the bathhouse. “Nobody here’s gonna complain.” My buddy Rick was on duty at the ticket window. As Conrad and I approached, he gave the kid a once-over and laughed. “Holy shit, dude,” he said to me. “This one's gonna be good.” “It already is,” I said, showing him one of my fingers slick with cum from Conrad’s hole. Rick practically licked his chops. (He was one of my regular top buddies, and he especially loved sprinkling a layer of T on his raw poz dick and sliding it inside a faggot’s wrecked, dripping cumhole.) As he secured a room for us, I glanced back at the guys standing in line. All of them craned their necks to see my boy leaning against the counter in his jockstrap. I pulled his ass apart, revealing a trickle of cum running down his leg. That earned a few grunts of piggy appreciation. Then I whispered in my lil’ bro’s ear: “Keep spreading it, boy. Be proud of your hunger.” He nodded eagerly, reaching back and showing off his smooth, knocked-up boyhole. One of the dudes in line responded with a single word: “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” “The sling room is taken,” said Rick. “But I’m pretty sure you’ll be invited there at some point.” (He gave the word “point” a little extra emphasis, followed by a wink.) “Anyway, I managed to get a deluxe room for you. Come on through and let me check your bags.” We walked through the security door, and I put my playkit on the counter. Rick opened it up. I'd packed everything I might need for a night of poz-fucking: a row of prepared points, a large dimebag full of T, a needleless syringe for administering booty bumps, and a water bong. “Looks good to me,” he said with a smirk. Then he leaned over the counter and lowered his voice. “I’m off at 6 am. You’re welcome to come by my place when you’re done here.” Rick often hosted a group at his place on Sunday mornings. It was always a good crowd—mostly because he would recruit the hottest partyboys from the bathhouse by giving them a glimpse of his big dick while “checking their bags.” I gave him a nod. “Fuck yeah,” I said. “He’ll be very ready for you by that...point.” “Point taken,” said Rick with a smirk. “Now get to work.” As Conrad and I began walking down the hallway toward our room, I put my arm around his shoulder, bringing my mouth close to his ear. “If you see anything you like, just let me know. OK, buddy?” “Yes, big bro,” he answered, causing my cock to nearly spring out of my shorts. We walked past the hot tub, where some kid sat on the edge, legs dangling in the water, his hole eagerly riding a Daddy's raw cock. The kid was clearly tweaked out of his mind, and I could hear the top muttering a steady stream of pigtalk as the kid bounced hungrily on his dick. Conrad stopped and stared. “Don’t worry, buddy,” I said. “That’s nothing compared to what you’re in for.” We turned the corner. Ahead of us, leaning against the wall, a furry guy in his mid- to late 20s stood watching the men walk by. He was wearing nothing but a towel and a camouflage ballcap. I thought to myself: this is what Conrad might look like in a few years. The dude sported a little more muscle, a spray of hair across his pecs, and a clear treasure trail leading from his abs to the towel wrapped around his waist. But that's not what really caught my attention. No: what caught my attention was the giant red-and-black biohazard tattoo just above his left nipple. And then something happened that blew my fucking mind. Conrad saw the dude standing there, let out a little whimper, and made a beeline for this total fuckin’ stranger. And without a word, he placed his tongue on the guy’s nipple...giving the biohazard tat a long, slow lick. The dude grinned, placed his hand on the back of Conrad’s head, and encouraged him to keep worshiping the mark of poz brotherhood. Then he looked over at me. “This your boy?” he said. “Fuck yeah,” I answered. “I’m Sloan. This is Conrad.” “Jason here,” he said. “But before we go any further, he needs to be clear on one thing.” “What’s that? “My tattoo isn’t gonna give him what he wants. Only one thing is gonna do that.” He pulled the towel away from his waist, and his fat uncut cock swung forward, its head grazing my lil’ bro’s abs. Conrad whimpered again. I leaned over to give Jason a long, sloppy kiss. “Come with us,” I said. “I wanna see you help my boy earn his tattoo.” Conrad broke away from his poz-worship, and the two guys followed me to the room. Once inside, the boy dropped to his knees and began noisily and shamelessly slurping on Jason’s poz cock. Fuck yeah, I thought to myself. That G is definitely kicking in. “Goddamn,” said Jason with a laugh. “You got this kid fuckin’ blitzed, huh?” I answered with a proud nod. “Nice,” Jason said, then lowered his voice. “So…how are you guys partying?” I raised my eyebrows, then gave Jason another deep kiss as Conrad kept trying to devour his cock. “Fuck, dude,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s one of my favorite fuckin’ questions.” (As most partypigs know, the only people who ask “how you’re partying” are slammers—so Jason was not only a hot poz fucker, but a slampig too.) “Oh yeah, fucker?” he said with a smirk. “You been playing darts with this boy?” “Not yet,” I answered. “But in a few minutes, he'll be getting his first fuckin’ slam.” I took Jason’s hand and guided it to Conrad’s hole. His finger made contact with the warm seed slowly dripping from my lil’ bro’s knocked-up cunt—and with that, Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned in appreciation. “That’s poz load #1,” I said. “My load. I got this kid high and pounded his virgin cunt full of seed. And of course he’s hungry for more.” “Of course he is,” Jason said. “Listen—I’m here with my poz Daddy, the dude who knocked me up about a year ago. We’re in the sling room. We love getting negboys on their backs, slamming ‘em up for the first time, and transforming them into little poz cumhounds. You wanna join us?” I flashed him a wolfish grin, then leaned over to kiss him again. “Couldn’t have planned it better myself,” I said. “Fuckin' A. Let’s go create a slampig.” MORE SOON…
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  39. Hey, pigs -- working on the latest installment today. Inspired by last night's experience of getting to the point with a hot, twisted top and being his trashy slampig all night long...
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  40. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
    1 point
  41. Poke a needle through the condom and wrapper before you meet someone. Make sure you use your own condoms. It surely will break.
    1 point
  42. The first time a guy ever pissed in me I wasn't expecting it. We'd set up an anonymous breed and go where he came in and found me naked and ass up ready for his cock and load. This particular guy liked for me to pretend to be drugged/asleep. I knew he had cum from his sigh and spasming cock buried deep in my hole. I expected he'd get up and leave, but he just stayed there. After a bit I could feel his cock kind of twitching and then I started to feel kinda warm and full and realized what he was doing. At first I was startled, but just as instantly got totally turned on by it. He pissed for sometime, and not just little spurts, this guy had some pressure and I could feel it going in. After he was done, he pulled out without spilling a drop (he was deep when pissing), dressed and left. I held it for quite awhile, but when I let it out there was easily more than a liter. Something else that is really hot is my piss took on his scent when I pissed later. The piss goes into the colon where fluids are absorbed. it is so fucking hot, wish I could find more guys who can do this.
    1 point
  43. you can piss in my hole there jimmy
    1 point
  44. He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Close to my 1st chem'd POZ fucking....... massive cock trashing my chem'd ass.. can't wait to read more of this!!!!!
    1 point
  45. PART 2 [Above: My ass in December 2012, waiting for anonymous dick to deposit a fresh strain of POZ cum.] After showering, I returned to Jake and Trey's living room. They already had a third guy there -- a very handsome dude, a little younger than me, smoking the pipe while Trey sucked his fat dick. "Hey, boy," said Jake. "Meet Beau. I told him that we had a neg hole all hopped up on Tina, and he came right over. Let's just say that he's gonna play a very important role in your pozzing tonight. You wanna tell him why, Beau?" "Sure," said Beau, right after blowing out a giant cloud of white smoke. "Around this time last year, Jake and Trey pumped me full of their sweet poz strain, and I got knocked up with the bug I'd been craving. Since then, I haven't gone on any meds, and my viral load is pretty fuckin' high. I love sharing my virus with boys like you, and especially with boys not like you -- boys who think I'm a neg total top, and trust me to destroy their perfect neg fuckholes with my poison shaft." "Trey and I are on meds," Jake explained. "So we're practically shooting blanks. But Beau here, he can do some serious damage to your immune system. Tell me, then: do you want this stud to fuck you after Trey and I have wrecked your neg hole?" "Yes. I want his unmedicated poz load," I said. Beau smiled. "I think we've got a good boy on our hands." "We definitely have a good boy on our hands," Jake replied. Then he motioned me over to the couch. "Sit down here, boy. Spread your legs. We're going to do a few things to help your cunt get even hungrier." I eagerly walked over to the couch, the Tina still making my head buzz after those first few hits almost an hour before. Jake lit up the pipe, took a giant hit, and blew it in my mouth. Then he handed the pipe and the lighter to me. "Here boy -- I'll teach you. Hold the flame right under the T," he said to me. "See that smoke coming out the top? That's when you start your slow inhale. Slow. Keep it slow. No, keep inhaling. Don't stop. Good boy." They watched me take four giant hits. Then I handed the pipe to Trey and lay back on the couch, lifting my legs to expose my hungry jockhole. "Oh, that's pretty," Beau said, smiling. "I can't wait to destroy that thing." Meanwhile, Jake was dipping his finger into a small plastic bag. He applied a little lube to my hole -- again, those fingers brushing against my cunt drove me wild -- and then he shoved into me with the finger that had been in the bag. There was a sharp pain, followed by a sudden warmth as he roughly rubbed the inside of my hole. Then my cunt relaxed, opened up, and began eagerly swallowing up that finger, then two, then three, with no pain -- just total eagerness for this man to use my butt however he wanted. Jake laughed. "Thatta boy," he said. "Jesus. I can feel this pussy getting hungrier by the second." Then he stood up, his dick looking even bigger, its curve pointing to his steady stream of precum. "You want this poz dick, boy? It's so ready to invade your neg cunt." "Fuck yes," I replied. "Please. Please give me your poz cock. I want to be just like you. I want you to mark me. Infect me. Please, please, please poz me." "You want my strain? Beau here has my strain. You like my strain, Beau?" "Fuckin' A," Beau said. "I'm so proud to carry your strain, and pass it on to every boy I can seduce with T and breed full of my virus." Jake knelt down between my legs, placing the head of his dick against the entrance to my hole. "You feel that, boy? That's my poz cock," he said. "Feel it?" "Oh fuck yeah, I feel it," I replied, squirming with total hunger for this man to transform me into a poz dickpig. "This is the point of no return, buddy. Once I'm inside, you're getting pozzed. In fact, even if I don't shoot a big wad, I'll still be dripping my precum the whole time, lubing you up with my virus. You ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "To get pozzed. To feel your poz dick in me. To beg for your poz cum." He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. He didn't last long. As I watched his muscular chest flex with every thrust, and his abs tighten each time his shaft drove all the way inside me, I could hear his breath grow shorter, his body beginning to shake with an intense need to release. "Tell me what you want, boy," he said. "Tell me now." "I want your poz cum, you fucking stud. Poz me." "What was that?" "I said PLEASE FUCKING POZ ME. PLEASE. PLEASE." "Fuck you, faggot. You didn't. Ever. Have. A. CHOICE." At that, his whole body went into a powerful convulsion as he plunged his cock even deeper. The muscles in his stomach spasmed repeatedly, and he grunted and growled with each pulsation of his stud-dick as he emptied a ballsac full of poz sperm inside my neg guts. Beau laughed. "Congratulations, boy," he said to me. "You are now officially a pig. Hungry for more?" "Yes, please. Please more poz seed. Please." "That's good," Beau replied. "Because that wasn't really a choice, either. But first, you're going to do what a true bottom does, and clean off the cock that just pounded your guts full of sweet poz cum." At that moment, Jake pulled out, and his dick glistened with the deathseed he'd just injected into my hole. I eagerly scrambled to the ground and wrapped my mouth around it, slurping greedily to taste this man's toxic DNA and worship his perfect boy-wrecking dick. "Jesus, he's a good boy," said Jake. As I knelt on the ground, carefully cleaning off my man's dick, I felt something slightly prickly press against the inside of my warm, wet cumhole. "Just hold still," said Trey. "I'm just rubbing the inside of your cunt with a toothbrush. Brushing some of that poz jizz up inside you, giving you little abrasions so that you can welcome more poz spunk into your bloodstream." Hearing that, I arched my back to spread my hole a little wider, allowing the toothbrush to plunge deeper inside my cum-soaked cunt. Seeing that, Jake whistled. "Jesus," he said. "I'd say we've created a pig. And trust me when I say this: this night is going to get much, much wilder. Just wait to see what fuckin' nasty surprises we have waiting for you." I glanced over at Beau, who was busy at work under the desklamp. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but it looked like he was carefully measuring T into little vials. Jake grabbed my head, turned it back in his direction, and impaled my mouth on his beautiful giftgiving cock. "Don't worry about what's next," he said to me. "Just worship my poz cock like a grateful faggot who knows his place." "Thank you," I murmured, as I plunged my hungry mouth down on his poz dick over and over again, with blood and cum oozing out of my partied-up hole. MORE SOON...
    1 point
  46. Damn!!!! A version of the fantasy fuck I've had in mind for a couple of years now. Yeah, I'd also probably panic and try to get out of it at first, but once the fucking started I'd willing take everything that wanted in..........
    1 point
  47. I'd love to get raped by 2 (or more) poz guys like that!
    1 point
  48. i would love to be pozzed and then start converting others kinkydawg u ae re fucking hot
    1 point
  49. love the 3rd method. getting held down, raped and pozzed by two bikers - fuck yeah
    1 point
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