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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2017 in all areas

  1. I have to say it is so fucking hot to wake up and slowly work my hard cock into my boy's pussy as he is sleeping only to flood his hole with scalding hot piss. He woke up fast when he felt my piss flood his insides. we had to move to the play room were our new sub bottom boy joined in and asked for my boys hard cock and hot piss load. I love weekends like this. I am sure my boy liked the load of piss as well as my massive load of cum deep in his hole. I haven't shot a load in close to a week so it was a massive load for him to take. and hot to watch him suck off the new bottom boy as I drilled his hole.
    5 points
  2. Cocks are like potato chips. I can't eat just one. If I taste one, I'm gonna eat... 30. Or until I run out.
    4 points
  3. Which of these four guys is usually: Top Bottom Switch Bi
    4 points
  4. Choking on a Corn Dog: Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. I told myself over and over it was a one-time thing. That I shouldn’t go back there - that I couldn’t go back - that I needed to stay away from the carnival and the two brothers who had fucked me raw, bred me with their charged nutt, and gave me dick-munchies from the good weed we smoked. I was lying on the bed in my motel room, stroking my dick. My eyes were closed as I replayed our fuck fest over and over in my mind like one of those cheap dirty movie channels on the motel TV. I decided the self-inflicted frustration was not worth it, so I might as well head next door to the truck stop diner for some breakfast/lunch. Well, that just made shit worse. There were all these truckers and other guys that just made my ass quiver with the need for dick. I even hung out a minute in the bathroom after I was done just on the chance someone would walk in and whip out his dick - which of course always happens right? NOT! Back in my room I smoothed out the rumpled paper once more that Isaiah had given me. It was the schedule for the summer of the dates and towns where the carnival was going to be along with a handwritten note at the bottom, “WE’LL BE HERE TWO MORE WEEKS AND YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANY NIGHT. WE GOT ROOM ON THE ROAD FOR ONE MORE TOO - SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF THE SUMMER?” I held the paper up to my nose and SNIFFED. It smelled like him - them. Damn it! The sun was starting its western descent as I put the car into drive and headed towards the carnival. I had the weekend off so why not enjoy it right? And not like there was really any chance of them wanting to fuck again right? Maybe I was just setting myself up for disappointment right? I was about the 5th person in line at the gates when the carnival opened. While part of me said I shouldn’t appear too eager, my ass told me to make a run for it. So I did. I headed straight for the Fun House, all the while scanning left to right as I passed booths and rides, just in case I saw Zeke or Isaiah. Of course, Zeke was not working on the generator, which appeared to be running smoothly from the solid rumble it made. I even stepped around the back and tried the door to the room where he first fucked me - locked. What the hell, I decided to go their trailer and told myself if they were not there, then I would just go back to my motel. Their beat up truck and camper trailer looked even more rundown and dingy in the light than it did at night. All seemed quiet, the curtains were drawn, and not even a whiff of weed smoke was seeping out. I paused, took a deep breath, and KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I waited, placed my ear against the door, and waited then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK a little louder this time. The trailer shook, I thought I heard voices, then someone yelled, “MOTHER FUCKING CHRIST - HANG ONTO YOUR HORSES - I’M COMING, I’M COMING.” A minute later Zeke threw open the door, a freshly lit, unfiltered cigarette dangling between his lips as he squinted at the daylight, then me. I could only stare at his semi-hard dick as clearly he had just woken up and now I knew he slept totally naked. He pinched the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, exhaled, “Well don’t just fucking stand there. Come on in. You’re letting the bugs in and shit.” Zeke sat down in the little booth table with his left arm resting on the counter, “I knew you would be back boy for more of our AIDS cotton-cum-candy.” I let out the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. He said that without judgment - just a fact - and somehow I felt reassured knowing that he wanted me again, and that he was right about what I needed even though I had not yet admitted it fully to myself. I looked to the back of the camper trailer where the bed was and noticed there was a dark curtain pulled across the doorway, yet there was enough of a gap that I could see a large, hairy leg - Isaiah. I then looked at Zeke and maintained steady eye contact as I pulled off my t-shirt, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off, kicked my sneakers off, and stepped up between his spread legs. Zeke blew his smoke towards my face and while the embers and ash of his cigarette flared, he reached out with his left hand and started rubbing my right nipple. I closed my eyes and moaned and reached down to stroke my stiff dick. SLAP - “DID I FUCKING GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TOUCH YOURSELF!” Zeke said. Anger flashed hot across my face, which quickly ended as SLAP - Zeke left a deep red handprint on my cheek, “You need to learn right boy. Now keep your hands to your side and don’t fucking move.” I did as the carnie daddy ordered. Zeke set the cigarette between his teeth and then reached up with both hands and pinched and twisted my nipples hard. I winced, gritted my teeth, and forced myself not to flinch or move. His left upper lip raised slightly in a snarl as he twisted harder, his eyes daring me to cry out or move. A few minutes of tit torture was all Zeke needed to get his dick pump primed. Zeke stood up, put his cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray, then leaned into me as he slid his hand under my balls and drove a couple fingernails into my ass, “You need that hole fucked?” My pig instincts took over as I tried squatting/pushing down on the sharp nailed fingers that were digging in my ass. When I opened my eyes, Zeke was staring at me with a knowing smile, “I need you daddy,” I said. There was no verbal response, just another clawed finger added to the excavation going on against my ass ring. The harder and deeper Zeke tried scratching at my hole, the more I tried to push down onto his hand needing to be fucked. Zeke pressed his body against mine, pushing me back against the pantry cabinet as he continued his rear assault, “YOU KNOW WHAT I’M DOING? NO? I’M STRIPPING THAT ASS HOLE LIKE A COUPLE OF WIRES - PULLING THAT COATING OFF, SCRAPING IT RAW SO YOU CAN GET THAT FULL VOLTAGE CHARGE. THE BLOODIER THE HOLE, THE MORE MY AIDS CANDY WILL STICK TO THEM WALLS, DIG IN. YOU WANT ME TO STOP BOY? OR DO YOU WANT DADDY’S CANDY?” I wasn’t given the time to consider a response as Zeke pulled his red tipped fingers out of my pulsing ring, spun me around, and stuffed my mouth with those same fingers so I could taste the last of my own NEG self. “GIVING YOU A GOOD CHARGE BOY. HIGH VOLTAGE DADDY DICK AND CUM GOING TO POZ THAT HOLE GOOD. FUCK - COULD NOT GET THAT SWEET ASS OUT OF MY MIND AND MY BALLS BEEN SPINNING THAT AIDS NUTT DOUBLE TIME. LET’S PLAY A LITTLE RING TOSS NOW - SLIDE THAT RING OVER THIS DADDY STICK - SEE WHAT PRIZE YOU GET. THAT’S IT BOY - YOU WANT THE PRIZE? YOU WANT DADDY’S HOT, STICKY, AIDS PRIZE? I’M GOING TO…..AW FUCK MAN - WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE?” Zeke declared. I was confused and grunted in pain as he withdrew from my ass just as I was wetting up nice for him. I turned and joined Zeke as we both stared at Isaiah. He apparently had woken up and was standing behind the curtain to the bedroom, peeking out through the crack, and furiously beating his dick as the curtain flapped and billowed with every stroke of his hand. Zeke shoved me face first against the pantry, slammed his dick back in as I yelped, then wiggled his hips to make sure the connection was good, before turning me towards the curtain. “LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT ANOTHER DICK THAT NEEDS ATTENTION. COME ON NOW BOY, I GOT YOU - WALK AHEAD, THAT’S IT, NOW BEND FORWARD AND OFFER UP THAT GLORYHOLE MOUTH TO YOUR OTHER DADDY. SUCK THAT DIRTY STICK.” Isaiah’s long, thick dick was rank, sweaty, and crusted and I savored the sticky syrup that slid out the tip. “GOOD BOY. CHOKE ON THAT DADDY CONR DIG DICK, WHILE YOUR UNCLE - DADDY - WHATEVER THE FUCK SEEDS THIS ASS. I DUG IT UP GOOD SO I CAN PLANT MY AIDS CORN, NOW TIME TO ADD THE FERTILIZER IN THOSE GUTS, SPREAD MY SEED, WATER IT DOWN, AND WATCH THAT BUG GROW! YOU’RE GOING TO GET A FUCKING CONTACT HIGH OFF MY CUM BOY - DADDY’S NUTT IS ALWAYS YELLOW, THICK, AND SUPER STICKY AFTER A NIGHT OF SMOKING THAT GOOD COLORADO WEED - OR WAS IT THAT OREGON SHIT? NO MATTER - HERE IT COMES BOY - OOOHHH HELL YEAH - CHARGING THAT ASS UP!” With a sigh and a grunt, Zeke pulled out of my filled ass, slapped it twice, and said, “Fuck boy. Now I need me a coffee, a joint, and a pick me up. You go on back there and take care of your other daddy now.” The curtain was yanked back, Isaiah took his left hand and pulled his long hair back off his face and smiled as he stepped sideways to let me get to the bed. “How do you want me?” I asked. Isaiah’s big bear paw of a hand swiped at me, sprawled me onto the bed, before he dragged me back, pulled my hips up, and pushed my shoulder blades down. My cummy ass quickly started talking back to daddy as he started digging it out with two thick fingers - which felt bigger than three of four of his brother’s. I moaned, pushed my ass back, silently begging for that monster dick. Isaiah frustrated me once again though as he pulled his fingers out and buried his face in my boy snatch. His long tongue and beard set my crack on fire as he slurped out my booty boy juices, but suddenly he paused - KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Jesus hell. Isaiah stood up and pulled the curtain all the way back. I turned my body to look towards the front of the camper trailer as Zeke stood up from the table - still buck ass naked - and opened the door. A man - no woman - no fuck I didn’t know stepped into the trailer. The newest arrival was all hyper and spewed out, “Fuck man knew you was up. I could smell that good skunk weed from the other side of the camp. I’m hurting man and need a little pick me….” The person stopped speaking as he looked from Zeke, to Isaiah and his ramrod dick, to my naked ass on the bed. Zeke laughed, patted his new guest on the shoulder, “I got you Walter. You know we always keep some extra stash just for you. So what you looking for today? Some coke, or that Croc shit you been shooting up?” The person he called Walt just stood there staring, and I stared right back. Zeke called him Walt, but this person looked like he had DD tits, long, curly blonde hair with a big red bow on top, and was wearing a red and white checkered poufy dress like they had just stepped out of some country and western square dance show. Isaiah poked my hips and said, “That’s Walt. The bearded lady.” OK, now I got it I guess. They still had si9de show freaks like that these days? Isaiah walked towards the front and frustrated at the interruption I did too. Walt was still standing by the door all fidgety as Zeke pulled a couple of coffee can tins out of the pantry, set them on the table, sat down, lit up a fresh joint, and started to peel plastic covers off the tins and pulled out various baggies full of weed, pills, and other shit. “This is our new boy,” Zeke said as he nodded towards me. Isaiah had sat down at the table too now and took the lit joint out of Zeke’s mouth, hit it, then set it back between his brother’s lips. I was suddenly embarrassed and aware of my nakedness and bent down to get my t-shirt. SLAP - Zeke had reached out and cuffed my head. “No one told you to get dressed. Now Walt, he’s got some good boy hole and I just wet it up nice and deep. What do you say - want to fuck it before Isaiah here stretches that shit out?” Isaiah chuckled and spanked his still hard dick. Walt looked at me, his eyes darting back and forth, “I don’t know man,” he said, “I mean yeah fuck, you know, I’m like horny like horny shit all the time, but you know man, I don’t know, I mean fuck.” Even as he seemed to object, Walt started getting undressed. He looked at me and shrugged, “Can’t get the costume fucked up you know? It’s just a job dude - I mean yeah fuck - just a job. I ain’t into all that fem shit, I mean fuck - not nothing wrong with it I mean fuck. Just, just I mean, for me it’s a job, right? Fuck.” I yelped and turned as Isaiah - with the joint between his lips - winked at me as he jammed his thick fingers back up my ass and started scraping my flesh raw. I leaned into his hand, begging for him to go deeper as Walt continued to get undressed. Isaiah handed the joint to me, I happily took several hits back to back, as we watched Walt take for fucking ever to get naked and Zeke set up a Walt’s hit. I then choked as Walt pulled the white stockings down over his legs - they were covered in large black, scaly spots. What the fuck was that? Isaiah poked my side, I bent over and he whispered, “It’s from the croc. Nasty shit.” I looked at Zeke as he stirred some foul looking liquid in a dirty coffee cup, pulled back on the end of syringe, and filled it with Walt’s drug of choice. I looked back at Walt and noticed even his dick - which was as long as Isaiah’s and maybe even thicker - also had the black, scaly spots on it. I cringed a little, hit the joint, and then watched as Walt stepped forward, naked except for the red bow in his blond hair. Walt picked up a syringe full of the brown liquid Zeke had extruded from the mug, then casually jammed it into a pulsing vein on his lower left abdomen that was so close to the skin he looked like a slice of exotic cheese. The syringe emptied, Walt closed his eyes and turned his head, set the needle down, then shook his whole body like a Labrador that had just taken a swim. “Fuck yeah - mean fuck - yeah - I mean..” He said. Zeke looked at me, “Get on your knees boy. Slobber on that charred corn dog - taste that drugged up dick.” I knelt on the camper trailer floor, and hesitantly reached out to touch that diseased dick. It felt like slabs of granite glued to his dick and the last thing I wanted to do was put my mouth on it. “Here,” Zeke said as he handed me a bottle of Jungle Juice poppers, “Hit these if you need to.” I shook my head. No, I wanted to taste it, lick it, suck it without that first. I gagged, wretched, and my eyes watered at his rotten, crunchy dick, but I took it in my mouth and tried to soften the scales up with my spit to no avail as Walt quickly got hard. “Fuck - I mean I got to cum now - come on - you want it in your ass - fuck I mean,” he said. I stood up, bent forward with my forearms resting on the table and Isaiah smiling and jacking his dick while Zeke set a joint between my lips, then the bottle of poppers. “GET FUCKED UP AND TAKE THAT CROCODILE DICK FOR YOUR DADDIES,” Zeke ordered. I winced as Walt’s scaly dick shredded the outer layer of skin and started banging my ass. Isaiah was entranced and as he jerked harder I just kept thinking I didn’t want him to waste the cum. Zeke kept me drugged between the joint and poppers and as the double shot kicked in I wanted to feel Walt really scrape my ass raw. I arched my back, lowered my shoulders, and set my right foot up on the table seat by Zeke. “Shit!” Isaiah said. I smiled at daddy, turned, and smiled at daddy #2 as Zeke lit a new joint, hit it, then set it between my lips. He exhaled, “Fuck, you’re a slut hole boy - mother-fucking-Christ! Go on Walt, cum in that boy ass, I want to see his face as you put that toxic load up his shitter. Make it bleed good with that reptilian dick. He’s a good boy, he can take it.” Walt banged the fuck out of my ass as my two daddies watched, proud of their boy. Walt started clawing deep lines down my back, “FUCK - I MEAN YEAH FUCK - I’M READY TO SPILL - I’M READY TO SPILL - NICE FUCKING WETT ASS - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - OH I NEED THAT HOLE - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - I MEAN - FUCK YEAH - I MEAN…..AAAAAHHHHH - AAAAAHHHH OH HELL THAT BURNS!!” Walt’s cum might have burned his dick coming out, but totally scalded my insides as he worked it in. That croc chem nutt was some fierce shit and burned like acid! A few minutes later Walt was dressed and gone, happily on his way and in time to make the 4:00 p.m. show. Zeke was cleaning up and sorting his various bags of pills, weed, and other shit and said, “I’m the man the folks here come to see to get what they need. No matter what their fix is, I got it or can get it in 24-hours tops and make a fucking shit load of money for a tiny bit of trouble.” I looked around the run down camper trailer and frowned thinking this sure doesn’t look like they had a shit load of cash. Zeke must have known what I was thinking as he said, “It’s all about laying low, not attracting attention. Who would think that two brothers living in this dump are major drug smugglers and dealers? All our cash goes back into the store stock and our ranch outside of Santa Fe. You been to Santa Fe before boy? What do you think brother, could we use a boy on the ranch? A boy to keep us warm on those cool nights, a boy to bend over and take the ranch hand’s dicks? I boy to tie up to that big post beam in the middle of our hacienda and whip and fuck the shit out of?” Isaiah paused - the Spam/butter/white bread sandwich he had made halfway to his mouth. He then nodded, looked at me, smiled, and said, “OH YEAH!” Zeke continued, “I also sell to all the fucking country folks who don’t got their own connect. Jesus - even fucking poppers - I get rid of Jungle Juice by the fucking case! Triple the price - no questions asked.” I looked around wondering where he stored all that stuff and again, the fucking daddy read my mind. “There are many advantages to being in charge of maintenance. We got our stash hidden and stashed in just about every moving vehicle and ride and piece of equipment here. Within two-steps I can set a fucker up - cash on the barrelhead. And with our shit spread out, if something happens to one part of it, well we still got plenty left.” Fucking made sense. I couldn’t wait any longer and got down on my knees pushed Zeke’s legs back under the table, and started slobbing on Isaiah’s dick. Zeke then pushed his way out of the booth, knelt on the floor behind me, slapped my ass and said, “COME ON BOY - SQUEEZE THAT HOLE AND PUSH THAT NUTT OUT. LET ME TASTE THAT CROC’S LOAD.” Once he had slurped me clean, Zeke grabbed my t-shirt, wiped my crack and fingered my hole and then said, “He’s ready brother, go slam that big corn dog up his silo.” I was led to the bed and thrown on my back. I grabbed my ankles pulling my legs up and apart so Isaiah could see my ass. I needed him to take me again, fuck me deep, and his drizzling AIDs dick seemed more than willing. I knew what I wanted - what I needed - and as he held the Jungle Juice down to my nose for a final sniff, I smiled, knowing my ass would get hurt and POZZED again by this daddy’s horsey dick. Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    3 points
  5. As I brought Kane into the Abattoir I took a brief moment to enjoy the crowd. In the centre of the room in front of us was a huge dance floor; dark music pumped dirty and loud and the low strobing lights flashed show illuminations of men in various states of dress dancing and grinding their way across each other. Kane's eyes were barely registering anything after that double bootie bump he had been given by the bouncer and I doubt he had a clue what his piggy hole was in for. I walked him over to the bar along the side and shouted into his ear over the music "So what do you think!" His words slurred back semi comprehensible back to me "erm yeah, its loud man, I'm not feeling so good, this is all a bit much man. I... I... I don't know" "Kane, Kane relax, chill, you're here with me, I'll take good care of you trust me, these guys are harmless. Let me get you a drink and you can relax better" I grabbed the attention of the hot leather daddy bar man and leaned over to give him our order. "My Pig here is new and needs something to relax, can you get me a house special" The daddy winked back and grabbed some cheap soft drink and poured it into a plastic cup. I then watched him squirt some G and some meph into the cup before dipping his cock into the cup to stir it around. The liquid level slowly rose reaching the lip of the cup as he pulled his pissing dick out the cup and placed it in front of me. "There you go Sir, something wicked and wild to get your pig in the proper mood, no charge for you, but I'll be expecting some payment later" He leaned over and grabbed Kanes face shaking his eyes awake. "Hmmm he's a tasty one isn't he" Said the Daddy as he prised open Kanes mouth with his big thumb and held it open wide. The Daddy took a big snort from the back of his throat and spat a huge fat phlegm right into the back of Kanes throat and before Kane even register, he pulled Kane forward and stuck his tongue in, roaming around tasting. Kane pushed back from the bar shocked and confused "fuck FUCK man, no no, I'm not like that, I'm not into dudes". I kicked back into actor mode and grabbed Kanes shoulder to reassure him. "Listen its cool its cool he's just friendly thats all don't think anything of it, you know how slutty some gays are" "Ugh its gross man, he tastes like ash and shit" "Here use this to get rid of the taste" I said as I held the glass to his mouth and poured it down his throat. "Just chug it all and get rid of that taste". I looked back at the bar daddy who was standing back stroking his massive hard dick watching Kane drink his piss. "Ugh that shit was awful what was it" "Just some cheap pop man, I figured you might want something to help clear your head a bit" "Yeah ok cool, cool, ugh its fucking grim though" "Come on listen lets go dance and just try and have some fun yeah, if you don't like this place we can always leave" Kane reluctantly came to the dance floor and he followed me into the thick of the floor in amongst all the sweaty bodies as we began to dance to the dirty beats. It was pretty obvious Kane was the centre of attention as everyone turned towards him watching him dance and move. Guys weren't being subtle as hands decided to start groping his chest and feeling his body as I slowly took a few steps away and let the attack happen. All the drugs Kane had taken so far had him loose and mellow and out of it and he just allowed these men to remove his tight white t-shirt revealing his hard toned torso and pecs. I watched tow guys immediately attach to his nipples slathering over his body I could see in the flashing lights men behind him seeing the exposed hole. I moved around so I could watch as a guy dropped to his knees, pulled my pig's cheeks apart and began eating out the hole. I worked my way through the growing crowd to see my pigs face and could see he was gone, if the crowd wasn't so thick the pig would have fallen over long ago. So I decided it was time for me to go and get a drink for myself. After having a nice cold beer and a good friendly chat I looked over to the dance floor and noticed the crowd had dispersed, back to the usual dancing and grinding. Shit the Pig wasn't there. It wouldn't have been let out by the bouncers, so more than likely was in the toilets. Walking to the back of the club I pushed through into the wet area; the Abattoirs' toilets. There was my pig, on all fours with its classic tightie whities ripped wide apart, letting its shrivelled cock and balls hang loose. The jeans, boots and t-shirt were long gone but it had his white socks on still. Although now they were more a wet yellow colour from all the piss they had clearly been soaked in. The pigs hair was drenched along with most of its body which was currently being roughly thrust between two hot muscled black men, who were so muscled they put my pig to shame. My Pig was definitely not in the room anymore as the guy raping his mouth was pounding his giant cock right down his throat, and I mean down his throat as I was watching this bulge moving back and forth when my Pigs adams apple should have been. Moving behind I saw a similar sight, with every outward pull, a dick the size of a babies arm was pulling out my pigs puffy turn pussy lips before roughly shoving them back inside. This babies arm I guessed was at least 10 inches and jack hammering my pigs guts like it was mashed potato. "You liking my pig boys?" I said as I fished my dick out my jeans. "This ass is fucking prime and about to get nice and charged up in a minute. He's about to get some proper african aids babies. Gonna make him pregnant real soon" he said as he began thrusting harder into my pig. "We are proper toxic, proud and strong" said his friend as he was busy bashing his balls into my pigs face, occasionally taking a moment to slap him with those big open hands. "You sure you want this for him, he want this, no coming back, no treatment for this strain, its nasty shit" "Not a He, It. This pig doesn't deserve being acknowledge as a man, its a thing, my thing. Now fucking knock it up. I want it ruined and toxic and as fucked up as it can be. Give it your aids, both of you. fill it FILL IT UP WITH YOUR AIDS!" I shouted as the pair both began gutturally bellowing pumping their loads into my pig. "FUCK!" they screamed as they both pushed in as deep as they could, shooting load after load of their poison into the pig. Part of me wished the pig has been awake for this. Would it have hurt? Not the fucking, obviously that would have been agony for it, but would it have burnt inside as those viral strains flooded his insides seeping into his blood changing him and further mutating my strain in him. They both took a deep breath in unison as they slowly allowed their softening dicks to slide out, letting go and allowing the pig to slump down to the piss soaked floor. I took the fuckers dick and admired it in my hands for a brief moment. This was at least 12 inches long soft, I had clearly miscalculated. I was getting stiff just thinking about all the damage it had done and how deep that load must have gone. I placed the tip into my mouth and sucked the head tasting my pigs dirt and blooded ass. I stood up and proudly spat the flavour onto its face as it lay there with a slight puddle of cum leaking from its mouth. I used my foot to push the dribbling load back in along with some piss and tilted its head back upwards. "My worthless fucking pig" I wished looking down in both disgust and pride at the sight. The two guys started leaving, heading back to the dance floor, passing the leather daddy barman on their way out. "I'm on a break and figured this was where I could get my payment. Shit looks like someone bust the cherry before I did. Looks like I'm going to have to go a little extra" He leaned down and picked my pig up and put him over his shoulder. "You come with me too, you'll enjoy this" and we walked further into the depths of the club. We walked through some winding corridors and the music died down. We got to a big door with 'Slaughter House - No admittance' written across it. He took out a key with one hand, still holding Kane over his shoulder with the other and open the door. "Holy shit... now THIS is impressive" I gasped as I took out my phone and checked the battery life. Just over 50%, hopefully that would be enough to capture all of this, because this was able to get nasty.
    3 points
  6. Despite calling in sick that day, this semester was more difficult than previous years. My departmental director changed and wanted to institute new teaching techniques using technology guided education methods. Learning how to use the technology and how to teach using the technology required a lot more time than he anticipated. I was rarely out of school before 6pm on weekdays and frequently reading about how to work with the technology on weekends. I barely had time to run or go to the gym. I stayed on a shorter workout routine, but continued to get home after 9-10pm. Consequently, I had very little time for sex and my hole was getting twitchy. The holiday break came at just the right time. I was getting tired of using my dildos. I needed to get properly fucked and bred. I went out to the bars in Manhattan with Marty, who was definitely still chasing the A List crowd around. It annoyed me that he wanted to associate with these guys just because of who they knew, where they worked, and what parties they went to, etc. Regardless of all that "noise," I was at the bar and it was time for some drinks. It was also time to cruise the fuck out of these boys. I scoped around the bar and and saw a few guys I liked. I talked to one of them for awhile and he was in town from Chicago and had left his boyfriend at home. After an hour, I realized this dude was not looking for a hookup and I moved on. I went back to Marty and grabbed an open seat at the bar. We hung out with his friends for a few hours as they discussed almost every guy in the bar - top/bottom, cock size, where they live, what they do, who they are dating, etc. Granted, it interested me because I hadn't really ever seen any of these guys; so I encouraged them to talk more. As I did so, the rounds of drinks kept coming and I was getting rather tipsy. A couple of Marty's actor friends wanted to go to a bathhouse. I said I'd go with them. We left Marty and the others behind and went to a bathhouse I'd heard of but not been to previously. I loved getting fucked, but it's not like I was a denizen of all things sexual in NYC. I asked why they liked it and one of the guys said it's because they are mostly guys in their 30s-50s. They had met some awesome daddies there. I was up for some hot daddy action, why not. We got into the bathhouse and changed. Marty's friends weren't shy about their bodies and they didn't need to be. They were gorgeous. We went in our towels, me also in a jockstrap, to the main area. We saw some porn playing and guys watching it and each other and stroking. We hung out for a bit. The guys were right, these daddies were pretty hot. Sure some were out of shape but there were plenty of built and toned daddies around to ride on. We separated and I wandered the hallways for a bit. I saw a face that I faintly recognized in a sling. The room was large enough for me to get into and there was a bit of an audience. I stepped into the room. Leaning against the wall and stroking my cock, I was trying to remember where I met this dude previously. He could be a fuck or a mostly anonymous fuck that I'd had over the years; but that wasn't it. There was something more about this guy - something memorable. As the top fucking him got closer, he asked if the bottom wanted his load. The bottom grunted, "Give me your load." The top unloaded in the bottom. He pulled out and another guy stepped up to take his place. The second top said, "Do I need to use a rubber?" Almost in unison, the first top and the bottom said, "No. I/He just fucked him/me bareback." At the mention of the word bareback, the memory of this bottom flooded back to me. It was Sam! Sam, the pharmacist from when I was with Eli. Sam, the never bareback, always use condoms guy who helped me pick out lube and condoms and enemas when I was 18. Holy crap! The second top finished inside Sam. I stepped up and slipped my cock in Sam - bareback. I was topping for the first time in years. I wanted to feel his ass. I wanted to have it - Mr. Safe Sex Pharmacist was taking my cock bareback. He never mentioned a condom as I slipped inside him. I was thinking how times have changed since I first met Sam. He was such a Safe Sex guy back then. I wondered what had opened him up to taking bareback loads from random guys. I wondered if a boyfriend had gotten him hooked on being bred. I wondered if he gradually stopped using condoms over the years. I felt a cock press into my ass and I looked back to see one of Marty's friends slipping his cock inside me. He said, "You have an amazing ass." As he fucked me, I fucked Sam. I had a hot guy fucking me bareback as I fucked Mr. Safe Sex pharmacist bareback. Man, I was on a fucking high. I was getting close and said, "I'm going to cum." Sam begged for my load. I fucked it into him. As I pulled out, Marty's friend stopped fucking me but left his cock in my ass. He guided me to the wall and fucked me against it until he came. He took awhile and I heard Sam beg for two more loads as I was getting fucked. I turned to look at Sam before I left the room. He was in his 30s, toned, tight body, still really attractive and he was sweaty and covered in cum. Fuck that's hot, I thought as I left the room.
    3 points
  7. 7:00pm on June 3, 2017....My face was pressed into the filthy mattress by my older brother Mark's hand while his cock was forcing its way in and out of my ass. All I could focus on as the smell of cum and piss coming from the mattress, and the sound of my brother's ragged breathing while he raped me in front of his drug dealer DeShaun and the dealer's two thugs who held me down. Every now and then my brother would mutter under his breath, something like "faggot" or "slut", punctuated by a blow to the back of my head. Once he even said something like, "practically begging for it, weren't you". Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was him trying to justify the truly horrendous act he was committing against his younger brother to his drug filled brain, but mostly it just made me feel dirtier (and wonder, maybe, if I had somehow wanted my brother to do this to me). Suddenly, Mark's hand stopped pushing my face into the mattress, and his arm snaked around my throat. He pull me up from a face down position until we were both up in all fours - DeShaun's thugs let go to let the position shift happen - and even though I had thought he couldn't fuck me any deeper or harder, I was wrong. The iron grip if my brother's arm made everything fuzzy as my air flow was getting cut off, and from what sounded like a great distance, I could hear Mark start to breathe more heavily. "Marky Mark - you getting close?" DeShaun asked. He walked over and stroked my older brother's sweaty red face with an almost lover-like gesture. "You gonna POZ that pussy, bitch? Gonna spray your toxic jizz into your little bros cunt and get him pregnant for me?" "Yes...Sir..." grunted Mark, as he raped me even harder. "Gonna fill this faggot cunt up with fuckin death seed. Gonna knock up this virgin pussy." DeShaun leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Hear that, white meat? Your older bro is about to fuckin rape your white faggot cunt to death. After he's done, you ain't gonna be good for anything but to be my nasty faggot whore. So much for fuckin Ivy League and full ride scholarships...you'll be getting plenty of full rides, but the only letters you be earning are STDs." I could feel his tongue licked the side of my face when he was done whispering. I thought I had run out of tears, but I was wrong. Mark was getting ready to climax, pounding harder and harder. I could hear him hissing nasty things through his clenched teeth, "Fuckin hate you...wish you hadn't been born...fuckin nasty faggot slut...gonna POZ your pussy...just...fuckin...DIE". He roared the last word as I felt his cock spasming inside me, pumping warmth into me...and then my ass started to clench while my cock started shooting jizz into the mattress. DeShaun started to laugh. "Oh Lord, white meat...you just shot a huge load from a soft cock...you must have loved getting knocked up by your older bro so much. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He laughed some more. Mark grunted as he pulled out of me and let me collapse onto the mattress. I could hear him putting his clothes on but I refused to look at him. I didn't know how I could ever look at him again - because while I couldn't admit it to myself yet, I wanted what just happened to happen again. "We good, DeShaun?" he asked. "My debt is paid in full?" "Oh, Marky Mark...we good. You actually built up some credit on that, brother." DeShaun chuckled. "Here, take a ball on me." "Enjoy the faggot." Mark said, prompting me to realize he wasn't taking me with him. "He was supposed to leave on a week long trip straight from the graduation party, so no one is going to realize he's missing for awhile." He walked to the edge of the mattress, looking down at me, tears streaking my face, t shirt ripped to hell, boxers and jeans around my knees, blood and cum oozing from my ass, and cum dripping from my cock. He leaned down and spat directly in my face. "If my parents could see him now, they'd rather he was dead anyway. You are doing my whole family a favor." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see my brother again for a long time, if ever. "Well, white meat, I bet you are feeling pretty much like you wanna die right now, don'tcha?" DeShaun said gently, "Good thing Daddy DeShaun has just the thing to make it all better. Time for you to meet Ms. Tina, bitch, because your nightmare is just beginning...and this pussy," he reached between my legs, shoved a couple fingers into my ass, and pulled them out covered in pink stained cum, which he held up to my lips, "this pussy is going to get used a lot worse before your nightmare is over." I knew what he wanted, and a twisted, perverted part of me wanted it too...so I opened my lips and sucked the bloody cum off his fingers.
    3 points
  8. ????????? For awhile I wasn’t sure what was going on , I seemed to drift in and out, flashes of scenes came to me. I was unable to move and felt a sharp jab at my elbow and then a warm rush and I cough hard 5 times. Poz daddies voice was in my ear and his over sized cock was slow fucking me. My worn out hole feeling ever inch of his cock, the flared head popping in and out of my sloppy hole. Daddy held me up by my hair and one after another cock passed my lips, swallowing who know how much cum. I just wanted more and more. Then I felt for a bit and the air on my hole. I heard music and what sounded like a log of people milling about. Light, voices, sounds, sweat, swallowing spit, piss and cum anything that went in my mouth I swallow or sucked. I passed out at least 4 times always waking up to being used. Who knows how many cock came in me. Finally everything went black again and I entered into oblivion as another cock throbbed in my wrecked hole. Light streaming in my eyes woke me, I was warm…almost hot and laying in a soft bed……wait this is my bed……I went to move but a weight was holding me down, well not holding me I was just so weak I could really move. I started to wiggle and the weight shifted and pull me close. The arm around me was muscled and hairy. I flip over and looked into the face of my Daddy. Warmth spread though me and I snuggle into his chest and licked at his nipple. “Keep that up pup and you are gonna either be really sorry or really happy” I continued and a growl escaped from his lips as he flipped me on my back and pressed his lips to me. I looked into his black eyes, black hair and pale skin. Perfect black irish man, minus the usual myth. His lips pressed to mine and his cock pushed into me. I whimpered as his tool slide like a hot knife through butter but it hurt, hurt so much tears came to my eyes. Daddy looked down and nibbled my neck. His gruff voice whispered in my ear, DO you want me to stop, it said punctuating each word with a thrust. IN answer I pushed back on the cock. It was the worst and best fuck of my life. Poz Daddy kissed me hard as the latest load was deposited in my hole. I shuddered as my own cum, so tired it just leaked , out of my cock. His weight fell on me and he side and nuzzles my neck. In one swift move he was off me, swept me up and carried me into the master bathroom and sat me in the sink while he drew a bath. While waiting for it to fill we made out. His big tongue licking me . Once full he lead me to the tub and I winced at the hot water but oh it felt good. I got in followed by Daddy whose lap I then sat on. He caressed and washed my body paying special attention to my hole working 4 fingers in and making me moan. I sighed and melted into his arms. I grabbed the soap and lathered him up , washing him good and making sure he was well taken care of. I drifted back to sleep in the warm water waking only once to be lead back to bed and tucked in, Daddy’s arm once again around me my body pressed to his, our breathing matched
    3 points
  9. Friday taken For one moment I was empty at both ends, the sweat was pouring off me and I as catching me breath when I heard the sounds of cloths being taken off and a gruff voice loudly proclaim it was his turn to won me. Looking to my left I saw a mountain of a man. The kind of guy who look fat but you know it is all muscle and strength. Covered in dense hair he lifted me up and sat my bare ass on the trunk. “First you are going to learn to clean me fucker” With that he raised his arm and the scent of his body hit me, he grabbed the back of my head and roughly pulled it into his dense furry pit. The smell overwhelmed me and something inside of me broke. A mewling sound escaped my lips as my tongue instinctively began to lap and the wet hairs under his arms. Tasting the acrid and sweetness of his essences. Being that close it filled me pervaded my mind and wrapped my up. Before I knew what i was doing I had both arms around his massive shoulders and was forcing myself into his pit and humping his legs. “Good boy” he purred and stroke my hair. The calming motions setting me further into my new mental state of service. Wanting to make him happy. He grabbed my hair again and pulled me away, a rumbling chuckle escaped his lips as my face must have shown my disappointment and being denied what I wanted. Then I realized it was time for the other side and I dove in and began to worship him again licking every inch of his pits coating my face in his musky scent. “Ok boy your turn now, want to get me fucking Poz Daddy dick in that hole” He laid me down on my back and I raised my legs, in a surprise move he swooped down and started eating my hole. Nibbling on my already puffy cunt lips, making me moan and gasp as he sucked and bit and chewed my hole. Precum leaked from my cock soaking my drenched jockstrap. He then raised up and leaned forward, hic cockhead touching my swollen sore hole. I didn’t care I knew I wanted him in me. Looking me in the eyes he place both my arms on his shoulder and reached under me. Laying his mouth over mine he pushed the sucked cum from my ass into my mouth along with his tongue, at the same time lifting me from the ground I pulled myself towards him. His cock sank in one deep thrust all the way in further than anyone so far, feel my already stretched hole tray to accommodate his mass I moaned, screamed , sighed in a mix of pleasure pain and ownership. He began to bounce me on his lap thrusting deep in me lodging his cock so far, so good. “Tell me what you want boy” “I want you to fuck me and fill me with your fucking cum” “What kind of cum boy, say it for your poz daddy let him know you want him to be the one” “I want your poz com I want you to knock me up , I want you to be my poz daddy” “Good fuck toy good boy. Cmon boy keep it up, make daddy want to give you his deadly babies” The litany kept spilling from my mouth as our bodies got hotter and sweater, dripping down both of us. I bean to lick his neck and face like a dog. He held my waist and shove his face in my pit and began licking. I have never felt that before , I arched my back in pleasure. His thrust got faster and faster pounding my already ragged hole. I heard whispers around us and panting. “Im close boy gonna flood your hole with my babies, cum for me boy” Having not come yet I grabbed my stiff cock and began jacking it. The sounds of men doing the same was all around me. His thrust were animalistic now. A growl bean in his chest and came from his mouth like a roar as his cock grew even lager and began to throb, I could feel his cum as I reached my own orgasms, jizz shooting form my cock and rain down on my chest ace and all over tm Poz Daddy, more cum than I thought I could make until I realized we were surrounded by erupting cocks, raining their cum down on our bodies. Baptizing us in their diseased seed. The intensity of the orgasm pushed me over the edge, my vision grew fuzzy and I felt strong arms wrap around me as I went limp and the world went black…….
    3 points
  10. (this story was inspired by a post right here on BZ) 2000 Once I finally got a computer, I was hooked. I was 24, horny and loved nothing more than looking at naked photos of men. I had a dial-up connection that was too slow for videos, but the pictures were enough. I guess I liked looking at so much while remaining invisible behind a computer screen. I'd done my best to be invisible my whole life because I was scared to death of being embarrassed. I had two older brothers who loved to humiliate me when I was a kid. Nobody could make fun of me in this cyber world. There used to be an internet site that was set up so that gay guys could read and post anything about gay life. In the beginning it was mainly about coming out, politics, relationships and health. It was educational and helpful, but got raunchy pretty fast. Bare-backers invaded! I'd never heard that term before. They posted topics about sharing HIV loads, drinking piss, fisting, drugs, etc. I recoiled at first, but kept reading what these men were writing. My disgust changed to interest and led to fascination. I discovered that I had a dirty mind (whatever that means). The site started to become an obsession. It just kept getting nastier. I found myself wanting to have sex with a poz men and do things with him. I went from fearing a disease to wanting it in just a few short months. I logged in every spare minute. One topic that grabbed my attention was about getting cum in your eyes. I discovered once during a masturbation incident that cum burned the eyeballs something fierce. Would another man shooting sperm in my eye be different? Hot? Here's what I remember reading in the the sub-forum: : Is taking cum in the eye dangerous? : Hell yes it is! You've got so many blood vessels exposed. You can get herpes and HIV and probably other stuff that way. It also hurts. Avoid it!!!!! : I love facials but not in my damn eyes! : Oooh. A new way to convert a bottom! Thanks for the info! : Former med student here. It's bad for so many reasons. Sperm is meant to invade an ovum and your eye has the same mucous membrane as an egg. That means millions of little sperms are trying to dig their way into your eye. It could cause problems -- including blindness. : Fuck yeah. I want to get somebody's eye pregnant. : That's sick, man : Kiss my ass. For whatever reason, I loved the idea. The danger. I guess I mostly loved that there was a guy or two out there who would purposely hurt me with his squirting dick. There'd be no going back after that. I got hard at the thought of hazardous behavior. That topic seemed to have been exhausted after a week of one-sentence insults. I wanted to get it started again, so I made a post myself: Kansas City guy wants a dirty load in his eye I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. Regret. I let the computer stay dark for a few days before I got up the nerve to look at the site again. Guys replied: : Filthy! : I'd love to do it, but I'm in Ohio. Travel? : Don't be stupid : You neg? I'm in KC too. Perv and poz always looking to play. Click on my name and leave your email. : Can't believe this is a thing Well - I'd sent out my twisted wish and somewhere nearby was willing to make it come true. How near? What did he look like? I left my email address in his box with a note that just said "Hi". As much as I wanted to walk away and let the computer get cold for a day or so, I stayed on and waited for a response like a dog waiting for feeding time. Not only did he reply, but sent a few photos! The first shot was of him from the chest up. He was in his 30's, bearded and had thinning reddish-brown hair. The second picture was a dick close-up. It was big and shaved. Cut. I didn't have an online photo or a camera on my PC. So I just described myself a little, told him the area I lived in and left my phone number. No going back from that. 'ring' "Hello?" "Hi. Is this Tommy? It's Jerome" "Yeah. Hi. How are you tonight?" "Tired. Worked late and it's humid as hell out there." "Where do you work?" He talked about his job and I talked about mine. We made general chat for almost five minutes until he finally asked."Want to hook up?" "Uh...Yes. Yes, I do. When?" "Now. After I take a quick shower." "Now? OK, but don't take a shower -- just come over in half and hour." "You like it sweaty and dirty, huh? I can do that, but I do outdoor work for nine hours day. You sound young...ever done this before?" "No. I've never done anything with anybody." "Awesome! This will be great. I won't take a shower, but I have to change into something clean at least. Give me your address." I gave him my location and we said 'good-bye'. This was moving so fast. I went right to the kitchen and gulped a beer. Then another. I felt an impossible number of emotions. My dick was so hard that I was afraid Id shoot before he even got here. I needed to calm down or I'd ruin this. I watched CNN until there was a knock at my door. He was here! I let him in and we sized each other up for a few seconds. He was taller than I would have guessed. He didn't look sick. "Damn! You're a baby! Got any I.D.?" "Uh. Yeah. I'll go get it." "Chill, I was only kidding. I didn't take a shower. Want a hug so you can smell?" "Yeah. Please." He wrapped me in a big bear hug and I could smell hot male sweat immediately. "I didn't even change underwear, but I took off my nasty socks and put on sandals. That OK?" "Sure. I guess." "Damn. You are something else. Next time I'm going to jog over hear and let you lick me all over. You want that?" "God yes." He settled himself on my couch. "How do you want to do this?" "No idea. I hadn't that far ahead. Why don't you make all the decisions from now on." "You got it, Tommy." He kicked off his sandals and then stripped off all his clothes. He was erect and dripping a little from the pee hole. I knelt down but then immediately stood up again. "Do you want me to get naked too?" "Can't wait that long. I'm almost ready to cum. You're not going to close your eyes are you?" I got on my knees again. "No. Wait. Hold my eyelids open with your fingers." "Right eye or left eye. Decide quick!" I didn't have time to choose. He reached two fat fingers down and held my left eye open. Then a blast of seed hit the eyeball directly. It burned badly, but in a thrilling way. He then poked the head in and made it hurt even worse. It was hotter than I ever imagined. He let go of my eyelids and rubbed the remaining cum across my lashes and lips. "Let me see. Oh your eye is so red. My seed is working its magic...the invasion is happening. Excited?" "Fuck yeah!" "We are going to have so much fun together. You might be almost as twisted as I am. Tomorrow night I'm going to bare fuck you good and proper.... I won't even change socks." He did. We did. We did anything he could think of. Plus a few kinks I came up with. He added HIV, sweat, piss and blood to my system. More stories to come.
    2 points
  11. I posted an ad on Cragislist that read Cumdump hosting. You pick the hole. Door open room dark on knees naked waiting for your cock. Feed it to me until you're hard. You decide which hole to dump in." A 29 year old rough trade hot motherfucker shows up and had me suck his dick, which was buried in my throat balls-deep. I could feel his rod throbbing. Eventually he stepped out of his pants, and I caught a glimpse of a somewhat small tattoo midway up his chest, but as he was still wearing a shirt I couldn't see much of it. After blowing him for a few minutes he slid into my hole. He was not gentle, but instead virtually ripped into my hole. He pounded my love button for about five minutes then withdrew, telling me he wanted me on my back as he wanted to see my eyes as he came inside my ass. I shifted to the position he wanted as I was utterly horny and determined to get his cock back into my hole, so I took a deep hit of poppers as he re-entered my ass, again going balls-deep. About a minute of deep-dicking me, he thrust in his entire length, and leaned back as his cock began shooting cum deep into my ass. Afterwards he looked deep into my eyes, smiling broadly, as he pulled off his shirt to reveal his his hot scorpion tatt.
    2 points
  12. Midnight on June 3, 2017...I should have been on a boat getting crazy in a supervised manner with the rest of my graduating class of high school students...instead, I could feel the rough surface of the alley cutting into my hands and knees through the haze of meth and alcohol as I braced myself on all fours as the next filthy, reeking homeless guy took his place behind me and shoved a rough finger into my...well, I used to call it my asshole, but I'd learned pretty quickly tonight that calling it anything but a pussy or a cunt would get me a sharp backhand across the face. And honestly, being naked on all fours in a dank, smelly dirty alley at midnight, feeling cum running down my thighs because I was too loose and sloppy at this point to keep it in, the terms pussy and cunt were more appropriate anyway. I bit back a cry of pain as the next guy pulled out his finger and shoved his cock in...it felt like a big one, and I think I felt something inside rip...but I knew that I was supposed to be silent unless told otherwise...thankfully, I felt the glass pipe held to my lips and heard the flare of a torch light up...I started to inhale the precious, acrid chemical smoke that would make this experience not just bearable, but arousing. The soft, smooth silky voice on the other end of the pipe chuckled at my eagerness to inhale. "That's it, bitch...take it all the way in...fill those faggot lungs full. I want you to feel that rush all the way down to your pussy, bitch" I held the hit in as long as I could with a cock slopping in and out of my cunt...then let it out slowly, knowing a quick explosive release would result in being deprived of another hit. "Oh baby...you a good bitch, ain't ya. You learning what it takes to become one of my junkie bitches...only three or four more homeless guys for your pussy and then we can get out of here...now, bitch, take another hit." As I sucked down more meth, feeling the need for cock hitting my cunt hard, I couldn't help but think back to six hours earlier...before my asshole was a cum filled pussy, before I had ever taken homeless cock, before I knew what meth tasted like...when I was a normal, 18 year old white kid from the suburbs. Before I knew my older brother had a drug problem. Before I knew he owed a few thousand to his dealer. And before I became payment for his debts.
    2 points
  13. Just an introduction so far. Still working on the filthy parts. Let me know if you want me to continue. --- I had seen them at the bar for a few months now. A Daddy and his boy, always at the same table. I watched from afar, longing for what they had. Daddy Jack, as he was known, was a big bear of a man, at 6 foot 9 inches, over 300 pounds, in his early 60's. Brick shit houses were built like him. His salt and pepper flat top picked up more salt as it blended into his thick beard. More hair could be seen sprouting from his shirt collar and the gap between his cuffs and gloves. He was always in full leathers, just snug enough to show off his body and massive package. He exuded testosterone. Every time he caught me looking he would look back with his piercingly blue eyes. I always looked away first. Once I got up the nerve to follow him into the men's room. He stood at the bar's trough style urinal, a strong golden stream flowing from an absolute snout of a foreskin. I tried my best to act natural, taking only glances at his cock, rather than climbing into the trough and drinking my fill. Mid-way through an epic piss, Daddy Jack cracked his neck twice and then stretched his arms up over his head. I thought I was being subtle with my sniffing, but then I heard Daddy Jack's deep throated chuckle. He roughly grabbed the back of my head, pulling my nose to his pit. Such a wonderful manly mix of musk, leather, and Old Spice. My cock got rock hard fast enough to cut my piss off mid-stream. While boy scott had nearly the same intensity, it was on a different wavelength. A foot shorter, half Jack's age and weight, swimmer's build he was the otter to Daddy Jack's Bear. Well maybe dolphin instead of otter. His head was shaved, and he looked like the razor ran across his scalp more often than his jaw. One night he was even missing his eyebrows, I still wonder what he did to deserve that. He dressed more casually, t-shirt and jeans most nights. This was set off by his chain collar, thick inch long links dipped in orange latex, with a heavy lock. However, scott was no beaten and broken slave, he was his Daddy's boy and proud of it. The pride could be seen in his bearing and the look of quiet satisfaction. Speaking of quiet, I don't think I ever heard him talk at the bar. One hot summer day, I was sitting at the bar bored after work. Not wanting to go home, not wanting to do much of anything. When a massive mitt in a leather glove reached over my shoulder and grabbed my beer. "Hey!" I shouted as I turned around to see Daddy Jack downing the drink in one gulp. He let loose with a massive belch. "Damn carbonation. Come on we're leaving." "But, but," I sputtered trying to make sense of the situation. Putting the bottle back on the bar, he grabbed me by the chin, looked directly into my eyes and growled, "Boy, I said 'we're leaving' now, pop your donkey-clutch get your ass in gear." He confidently strode out of the bar. Not knowing what else to do, I hurried after him and got into the passenger seat of his car. His smell filled the small space; stronger, with hints of cum and smeg. Soon as I buckled up, he took off like he was making a jail break. A couple miles down the road I found my voice again, "Where are we going? ... ... sir?" "We are going home." "Okay?" still not understanding. "Once we get there, scott will poz your boi cunt good, and then we'll kill him." "Wait, WHAT!?"
    2 points
  14. Fuck, for a kid his age he was taking a hard fucking well. Jony is an amazing top fuck. Not only is he beautiful---from the Dominican Republic so he has that caramel skill that is of fucking hot, he has a BBC that is both unique and worthy of the BBC description. Longer than most at over 11 inches, it is also narrow, but has a mushroom head to die for. In fact, it almost looks like some cartoon toadstool. Best of all it has that curve that you know will drive your prostrate into a faggot frenzy. Jony also fucks hard. Not just a little....but damned hard and can go forever before giving up his tainted seed. First time he split my queer ass, it was over an hour until he finally rewarded me with his cum. It was one of the only times I remember thinking I was glad to have a cock out of my bruised hole. But Trey was a trooper. We had selected Jony to go first since we all knew what Trey was in for. If the little homo wanted to fuck like a real man, then taking a pounding like this would prove it. The kid hardly made a noise as Jony mounted him from the rear. Still, those watching could see Trey wince and thrust his white ass to meet that black monster. He must have done some dildo play, because he took that cock like a pro and they were soon fucking hard and fucking in great rhythm. For nearly 35 minutes that skilled top worked Trey into a sexual frenzy. And all that time that fresh bottom hung in and took it. Jony has fucked me enough that I recognized when he was ready to unload. His noises, his movements, the speed and rhythm all were so familiar. My own hard-on was leaking precum by the buckets. I am not sure what was the most exciting, seeing Jony fuck him, think about how that diseased Dominican dick feels in my own ass, or knowing that I was "on deck" to fuck the boy next. When the low moaning started escaping from that dark skinned top, I knew it was happening. Without a single word, Trey had just taken his first POZ load and one of several gifts he would that night...the night he graduated from high school. In our small, isolated mountain town there are limited social opportunities. I suppose we are lucky that there are plenty of "unique" folks in the area so one local diner/pool hall/bar/grocery store (yeah all in one) is very open and accommodating. Thursday is unofficially queer night and a number of us get together to bullshit, play some pool and eat. Must of us are fuck buds in one fashion or the other, but queer night is not really sexual---just a hang out, food and talk thing. Trey first started hanging out a bit right after he turned seventeen. Since all of us regular fags were much older, we were quite careful about our conversations and comments when he was in the place. Eventually, we figured out he was gay---and eventually he brought a few of his own age high school friends and presumed friend with benefits. No doubt, we were all clear that any of that group was strictly off limits. Regardless of how cute, those underage guys are ALWAYS a no-fuck-zone. He was a decent guy, at once he had very serious and introspective and on the other hand, we could see a wild ass homo developing. He asked a million questions about being a "growed up gay". One night, when the subject of the discussion was my recent intentional POZZING, he became more animated than I had ever seen. Clearly he had some connection to chasing and gifting. He thought it was great to know someone (ME) who was POZ and unleashed every question imaginable. Little did he know that the other 5 guys at that big round table were just as POZ as I was and quite likely one of them was the dick that knocked my ass up. A few weeks later, we held a bit of a birthday party as he turned 18. Although he was not longer jail bait, the other locals and I had declared him off limits. We all agreed that as good as fucking him could be, it may be best if he figured out his own place without our horny asses influencing him any more than we had. He seemed happy with his gifts.....some very good lube, a gross of condoms and a huge butt plug. So, it was with major shock that we heard him say, "thanks but what I really want is POZZED'. WTF did he just say? Trey? Wants fucking POZZED? What the shit is up with that.? What we got was one of the most beautiful descriptions of how a young queer, now of age, understood his place in the generations of queers--past, present and future. He knew he had all the loving connections he would need...good family and friends...what he longed for was to be as authentically a fag as he could be. For him , like so many other including me, that was the starting block for our chase. He was clear and eloquent--this kid wanted to get POZZED and SOON. Eventually the subject changed and we had a fun time and the evening ended around 11. Nearly two hours later my phone rang. It was Jamie, the BBC that I think knocked me up. He was worked up. "Man", he said, "you got to give it to him". Half asleep I slurred, "why the fuck me...and what the hell are we even talking about this for/" Jamie continued, " you know he is gonna do it and soon....better that he gets it from someone who cares than a back alley stranger". He kept talking and added, "besides you were just knocked up a few months ago...you know you have the highest VL, you know you could breed him". My brain and my cock were at instant war. My head saying no fucking way and my cock stiffening up as to say "let me at that tender ass." I finally got Jamie off the phone, but could not get back to my sleep. How erotic, how amazing, how wrong, how inappropriate, how...fuck how..fuck how...over and over all night. Nothing else was said until maybe a month later. I had gotten nailed by an honest-to-god AIDSBONE the previous weekend and was all to eager to tell the others about taking that seriously sick dick. I really had not noticed that Trey was not around. Then another occasional partner and part-time group member, Dave, suggested that I introduce the AIDSBONE to Trey and get it over with. Jamie chimed in with a "why ask the AIDS dude when we all could get that done". Starting in jest, an hour later we had designed the perfect POZZING party for our 18 year old buddy. I knew that I was not the only one horned up by the idea as the group started breaking up early. I knew I needed fucked and suggested that anyone who wanted to play could follow me home (two block walk). Four of us spend the next hour sharing our toxic cum and lusting over who might get to POZ Trey. Jony clearly spend some effort to make sure he fully drained his nuts and distributed his load thoroughly in Trey's ass As that black snake slowly withdrew from that very white young ass, we were all waiting to hear any comments the new graduate might have. He just had a world class fucking from an amazing black dick and was filled with a load of HIV+ cum. Not bad for a kid that just a few hours earlier was awearing a green cap and gown as he ended his high school career. All he said was, "fuck, I want more".....and started wagging his ass. I was up next. Of course my cock had been rigid the entire time Jony was working his magic. I was second for several reasons. Not only was I sporting the highest VL of the group due to my own fairly recent POZZING, I was also a confirmed breeder---one conversion in my short life as a POZ FAG. Additionally, I had done the prep work to make Trey as responsive as possible. I washed out his hole to squeaky clean status....removing any natural barriers to the tainted seed he was about to receive. Then, using the same brush that prepped my ass for conversion, I worked his hole until I had achieved a pinkish slime on the bristles. I am sure he was disappointed as I mounted his ass. Not only am I unskilled as a top (full on bottom except for the chances to breed a neg bottom) and I have none of the size Trey's first gifted presented. But, we got into a rhythm and for 5 or 6 minutes, I enjoyed fucking that hole and feeling the leftover cum. But all too soon I knew my time was up and with a loud shout, that little twink got exposure number two. I drained the contents of my balls into his hole. I know what it feels like to get knocked up and to knock up a horny hole.....and I could only hope that highly enjoyable fuck was good for him. As I started to pull out, he clenched his ass, holding more for a bit longer---no doubt, he HAD enjoyed it. And maybe, just maybe me seed was planted once again. We had a planned "break". We wanted to be sure he understood what was happening. By plan, there booze and drugs were absent from the night (save poppers). But, any horned up fag worth the name knows that POZ COCK LUST is even more powerful than the best enhancements. One of the things we offered was a chance to stop at that time. Additionally, he could stop and we would get him to an ER to seek PEP, had he changed his mind. We offered to postpone anything else--anything to make sure he knew he could stop, could get treatment or simply have time to think. Trey had been sipping on a Red Bull while he heard us blab about his options. Suddenly he chugged the rest of his drink, grabbed Dave's cock and said "Somebody needs to fuck me now". Dave is a real cutie, perhaps a bit old to be called a twink at 27, he none the less has that look. Tall and thin, he is also a red-headed Irish guy with that translucent alabaster skin that some ginger Micks display. His skin is just as soft as it is beautiful and his body is fully hairless except for the fire red patch of hair surrounding his junk. Dave and I had met some years before either of us chased. We hooked up a few times, but never were extremely close. He was introduced to me (again) by my most likely gifted. Dave's one infection came the tip of the same BBC some 5 months before I converted. We laughed a bit at the fact we had only fucked with condoms and now were both POZ. Anyhow, Dave is a very nice lover. Enough skill and size to make it enjoyable, but also largely effortless. He is neither fast or slow in summing. Just an all around nice fuck. I knew why Trey wanted him next. Dave had been on meds after getting the bug, but never went "undetectable". He still unsure if it is his own make up or the strain he has, but he continues to have a 100K VL. From my discussions with Trey, I knew he had a fetish for the more extreme strains and was hopeful Dave had one. Dave rolled the twice fucked twink onto his back, wedged his shoulders under the boy's legs and proceeded to mount him with speed and enthusiasm. Again, Trey took cock without a sound (he is going to have to give TOPS some feedback), but Dave let out a huge laugh. The feel of the two loads already deposited was a joy for him. The pure pleasure of breeding a cum filled hole was giving Dave a real thrill. I think it was Trey that really started that fuck off. He was rocking on his ass and working Dave's dick with some decent skill and a whole lot of young-dude testosterone filled lust. Dave started moaning about what a great fuck it was, Trey making a low mooing sound. They were soon in their own fuck-focused world where their bodies were joined and nothing else existed. I suspect many of you have had a fuck like that...where the connection is strong, the lust is mutual and the feelings and desires of both men are matched. It was clear, Dave was NOT FUCKING Trey, rather those two handsome, smooth men were making intimate love. The fucked slowly and deeply for nearly a half hour. At times, they were still, connected, touching, feeling breathing. Other times, they writhed in unison and moaned the same guttural sound as the fucked at a higher intensity. Then for the first time of the night, Trey begged for demon seed. "Dave", he panted loudly, "give me your seed. i want all of your cum. fuck it into me.". A little jealousy was welling in my body as, I expect in Jony". The boy took us without a word And now, after the erotic ecstasy had peaked with Dave, it was all Trey wanted and he kept saying so. Dave responded, "here it is, here is my POZ cum, I want you to have my bug". And with that comment, Trey had his third exposure to the bug. There is way more to this story...and if anyone likes it...will be glad to add to it in other "chapters".
    2 points
  15. Sore ass goes with the territory. The more cocks you take the less sore it will be, especially is you have cum drippin out. Go for it. Take plenty of poppers and all will be well.
    2 points
  16. Wife went out this morning to get a massage. I hit up A4A immediately knowing i have at least 1 hour to get some cum. There is a very close by married top online this morning but I do not hold out hope for a couple of reasons. Mainly I have messaged this guy over the past 3 years and when it came time to actually meet he would just disappear. But for some reason this morning he finally gave me his address which is literally across the main thorougfare from my place. I messaged him about only giving oral as I was running an errand. However, once I got down on his nice cock my ass started twitching. Now his profile says condom but I knew deep down I was going to get him bare in my ass if I just took iniative. After sucking awhile I just told him how much his cock felt good and I wanted to feel him in my ass and asked if it was cool if I just teased him. Long story short I was soon on all fours with him getting lube out, no condom, and sliding in me. He did not last long and he came really nice. The hottest part was his wife was upstairs and we were in his man cave that she is not allowed in so we had to be quiet. Nothing like hearing a top muffle his moans of pleasure as he is climaxing. Still leaking him now and wife will be home soon, double bonus.
    2 points
  17. It was the next semester. I had been teaching for a few weeks and needed a break from the tech heavy routine my classes had resumed. I met Marty out for Sunday Funday over President's Day weekend. We met in the mid afternoon at that same bar in Chelsea. Marty's "A List" friends were there again. I assumed the position of attentive Brooklynite listening to the wisdom of Manhattan gays. I'm not sure why I did this except it definitely made all these guys like me. Marty's friend who had fucked me in the bathhouse was there. He introduced me to his boyfriend from LA. I was a little surprised but didn't say anything since I wasn't drunk yet. When the boyfriend went to the bathroom, Marty's friend asked me not to say anything. I said I wouldn't, but it was sad not to get his load again. He blushed and laughed. He said, "I don't normally do that. I was really drunk. And, honestly, you have an incredible ass. Are you wearing a jockstrap again?" I thanked him and said I was. He smiled and sighed knowingly. LA boyfriend returned and we all melded back into the larger gaggle of gays. I was about four drinks into the afternoon/evening when I heard Marty say, "Oh fuck! It's Connor." I looked up into his face and Marty later told me that my face read, "Fucking hell? Really? You couldn't have warned me? OMG! Oh, I'm going to be ill," all at once. Connor and another guy, who looked like an Aryan poster boy, joined the gaggle. Turns out this guy is an attorney and he and Connor have been dating for awhile. They'd been seeing each other since the NYE party when I last saw Connor. Ugh. I was so over it. It was my turn to buy a round (otherwise I would have left) and I stepped up to the bar to get drinks. Connor stepped over to me. He asked how I was doing. I just kind of stared at him. I am not sure I want this "friendship." He told me that he was really happy with the new guy. He asked if I was dating anyone. I said no. His face showed concern as he said, "I'm really sorry about last time we saw each other. I didn't know what to do or how to act. At the time, you were still the only guy I'd ever loved. It hurt to see you. I am sorry." At this point I can't decide whether to scream or cry. I mumble, "I'm sorry too." Connor said, "It took me years to get over our relationship. I've forgiven you for everything. I really do hope you are alright." I have no idea how I got our drink order into the bartender, signed my credit card receipt, and started to give the drinks to the other guys. Connor was helping me. I guess I'd bought a drink for him and his new man. It was hazy. My stomach and my heart and my brain were all a jumble. It was like my brain was in my gut feeling everything; my stomach was in my heart trying to poorly manage my circulatory system, and my heart was in my head desperately trying not to feel anything and keep the body moving. I turned to Connor and said, "It was good to see you. I'm glad you are well." We resumed engaging with the gaggle. I don't actually remember leaving the bar. I spent that night getting bred at the bathhouse. I made time every night that week to have sex. And then the week after that and the week after that. I went back to apartment where I'd gotten fucked on NYE and spent a whole weekend getting fucked and bred by my host and his friends. I craved the attention from guys - it didn't matter who the guy was; just that he wanted me. Wanting my ass was enough. I wasn't happy unless I had cock and cum in me. It was during this time that I became a regular at the bathhouses. I loved running into guys I knew or kind of knew or knew of while I was there. It was a slight thrill to get fucked by them or watch them having sex. What I didn't know is that I was beginning to get a reputation among Marty's friends as being a bareback slut. Not someone in the A List and definitely not someone to be seen with in public. No matter how many of them had fucked me or how many times they had fucked me; the group-think was coalescing around the idea that I was a "bareback slut" and shouldn't be invited around anymore. I didn't know how Marty was sliding away from me, and taking Rachel with him, because I was too busy getting fucked. What I needed, they couldn't provide. I noticed something was up one night around the spring break period. Marty wasn't returning my calls or texts. I went out the bathhouse that night and ran into a couple of Marty's friends. They said hi but then they walked off. Not unusual bathhouse behavior, but these were chatty guys. I let it go and wandered around. There were a few guys I recognized who had previously fucked me and I got a cock in me within a few minutes of being there. I took the guy's load and kept cruising. One of my favorite bathhouse encounters happened that night. I was walking the halls, cruising around, looking in open doors, and generally making myself available. I stopped at an open door where this really built guy - bulky, football player build was getting railed by a black guy who I knew had a humongous cock. The bottom is totally riding back on the guy's cock. He is taking every thrust and matching it with the rhythm of his ass. The black guy stops fucking him and says, "Fuck yourself on my cock bitch." The bottom looks back at his top and says, "Yes sir." He sees me. I see him. It's Jason - the high school quarterback who I caught fucking my first boyfriend Eli. The memory floods back of seeing him pound Eli in Eli's bed. I can't believe it but I start getting hard thinking about it. Making eye contact with Jason, I realize that his eyes are glazed over. He's on drugs. Not sure what, but he is still lucid enough to fuck himself and recognize me at the same time. I walk up to him and put my rapidly growing cock at his lips. He starts sucking my cock. The top now takes back over fucking Jason because Jason can't both fuck himself and suck cock at the same time. The top pounds Jason and I can feel how much Jason loves taking the cock because his mouth constricts when the top bottoms out. It's as though he is silently moaning for my cock and opening his throat at the same time to let my cock in farther. In that moment, if Jason could've opened himself wide enough at both ends; I think he would have loved the top's cock and my cock to touch in the middle of his body. I was a slutty bottom, but Jason had me beat. At least I think he did. Jason's desire to suck cock was getting me very close. I said I was cumming and Jason sucked like a hoover to get all my cum. He swallowed it all. I pulled out of his mouth and leaned against the wall. It took another five minutes for the top to unload in Jason's ass. He made Jason beg for his cum. It was so hot to watch Jason beg like a whore. The top unloaded in Jason and pulled out. He slapped Jason on the ass and said he was a great fuck. The top left and Jason closed the door. We looked at each other and laughed. Here he was, the high school quarterback, the top jock, the top who broke up my relationship with Eli, the guy who got to fuck Eli when Eli wouldn't let me fuck him and he was getting bred like a bitch in a bathhouse. Jason and I relaxed on the bed for a bit. He was coming down off his high and was pretty lucid. He told me about getting fucked into submission by his fraternity brothers during college. Honestly, it kind of sounded like a porn movie. He'd been a total top until he moved into the fraternity house his sophomore year of college and then his roommate fucked him one night four times. His roommate then told the other guys that Jason was a cockhound and he was getting fucked so much he almost failed out of school the first semester sophomore year. He got his academic shit together by the second semester and was a wall street trader now. He said, "They made me love taking cock. And I still love it." He asked about me and I told him. He was glad I wasn't judging him about getting fucked bareback. I said, "Judge you. I fucking loved watching that top fuck your jock ass." Jason asked if I wanted to go to a party with him that night.....................
    2 points
  18. WARNING: SOME VIOLENT CONTENT (2002) i made it to the age of 23 with my virginity intact even though I went to a liberal college famous for its gay activism and cruising. I just couldn't work up the nerve. It bugged me a little because most of my friends had started having sex in high school. It's not like I didn't have a sex drive or was unattractive...I just lacked even the tiniest amount of bravery. Maybe most of you already know that the longer you go without action, the more fantasies and fetishes start blooming in your brain...and the more you beat off. I had accumulated a huge porn collection by the time I graduated and moved out on my own. I decided on my 23rd birthday that I needed to get my cherry popped within a year. I went to a bar in my neighborhood that I figured was gay because of the rainbow flag that hung over the doorway. As luck would have it, it turned out to be the roughest, sleaziest spot in town. The instant I walked in, I knew I didn't belong in this place. The big bear of a bouncer studied my ID for a long time. "Have fun", was all he said after handing it back to me. There were TVs everywhere, showing porn and music videos. Most of the customers were older than me and wore leather stuff. One unhealthy-looking guy sat at the bar wearing nothing but leather bikini shorts. Some of them were handsome and many of them were definitely not. I tried to act like I'd been here a thousand times already but I doubt anybody bought it. The stares were coming from all directions. Dark eyes sizing up the new kid. I saw an open spot at the bar and ordered a beer. I looked at the TV screen above the liquor bottles and wondered what would happen next. There was a guy sitting next to me who was all leathered-up and probably in his 60's. And drunk. The thing was...he was the least threatening man in my vicinity. He was close to passing out...and so I resumed watching an old Madonna video on the screen. My goal was to finish my three dollar beer and leave. Done. Good-bye. I headed for the door and caught the bouncer's eye again. "Not your kind of place, huh? Well at least you didn't have to pay a cover tonight." I felt the need to apologize for some reason. "It's a nice place. I just need to go." "Wait just a minute or two. There was some kind of fight or something in the parking lot and the cops are out there. Cars, flashing lights." I stood there like the scared doofus I was. In my blue Izod shirt, new jeans and loafers. I was so stupid to just saunter in this place. The bouncer hopped up and left me alone...and then soon came back with a fresh beer and a wooden stool for me to sit on. Nice guy. "Thanks. How much longer do you think I need to stay?" He peeked out the window. "They're cuffing somebody. Shit's going down because they've got the K9 unit out. Drugs, probably." We listened as more sirens sang their way to the parking lot. "Holy shit, Does this happen a lot?" "Regularly. You're safe next to me. What's your name?" "Matt. Yours?" "I'm Brian. You're a cutie. Stay here and keep me company." Brian wasn't 'a cutie' exactly. He was in his 30's, very tall, a little fat and had that weird kind f mustache that reminds you of a walrus. He also had bucked teeth. But yet I felt electricity when he looked at me. He had a leather cap which only somewhat disguised that he was losing his hair. We spent the rest of the evening talking about the scene. The scary guys filtered out slowly and then it was closing time. I sat and watched the exit parade. So many of them scowled at me for whatever reason. "Let's go get breakfast," Brian said as he came back. Well, we skipped IHOP and just went to his place. I wanted to. He had a roommate who was always out getting fucked or partying (or both). They used to do it together, but Brian was older, more tired and had specific tastes. He was a "dad looking for a "son". I was agreeing to everything he proposed for us, but the truth is I just wanted sex. I wanted to see him naked at least. And I did. For about an hour. I massaged his back and size 17 bare feet, but then he went to sleep. I slept on the couch for a few hours until sunrise crept into the room. For the next few weeks, we "dated". It was never going to be serious. We weren't what each other wanted. He wanted a "boy". He wanted me to go get leather gear and have my head shaved down to a crew cut. I was okay with being a submissive, but I wasn't cutting my hair or wearing some leather vest or collar out in public. At least he was kinky. He liked to pee on and in me...and had a hatred for condoms. Only problem was that he couldn't get me relaxed enough to take his dick. He once got it almost a third of the way in, and that seemed celebration-worthy. "I didn't cum, but I put some swimmers in there." Brian also wanted to lick my ass, but I never liked the idea of that. It was just too gross. Why would a guy do that to another guy? One night we lied in bad and tried to discuss things. Brian told me about a little device he had that gave out electric shocks. Wha? He was into discipline and control. He had straps and cuffs and gags ready to go. He was older and knew more stuff, but I knew what and what I could not deal with. I was new, but I wouldn't apologize for not being into his scene. "C'mon. Tell me the sickest thing you'd do with another man." His huge dick was hard and standing up. I hesitated. I had some dark fantasies that I'd never say out loud. "Well...." He wanted to hear something, anything that we could share. "I have rape fantasies. I want forced sex. I want to asleep in my bed and have a group of guys break in and fuck me against my will." He laughed. "You're not nearly ready for that. Look how much time and effort it took me to just get partially into your ass. I can make it happen, but you need some preparation beforehand." "How do prepare for a rape?" "Start using a dildo. You need to loosen up that ass of yours first. If you stay tight, the rape won't be sexy for you. It'll feel like somebody breaking your ribs." "Oh." "I've got some here, but they're too big for you to start with. We'll go to 'Treasures' tomorrow and do a little shopping." And so a day later I came home with some little rubber dicks of various sizes and widths. Also some lube. He instructed me to start out with the smallest one and let him know when I got the biggest all the way in. All that week I worked those things into me while watching porn. The last one was the most difficult, but I got it all the way in. And started to enjoy the sensation more and more. When I called Brian to tell him about my progress, he was happy. "That last one is just slightly smaller than my dick! That means I can finally fill you all the way up! I'm saving my load for then. Saturday good?" And it happened. Finally my virginity was officially gone. We fucked regularly for a month, but he was growing bored.He really wanted me to be a true submissive and call him "Dad". He wanted me to wear and collar and have a crew cut. He also wanted to brand me with, like, an actual branding iron. I couldn't make myself love him enough to do all that shit. We drifted apart and the phone calls stopped. I knew the end was coming, but I still missed him. I never went to the bar he worked at, I'd find another place, but I needed some time to grieve, I was convinced I was over it all and ready to be available again that weekend. Saturday probably. On Friday night I got super stoned and listened to Depeche Mode. There was a heavy knock at my door. Shit! Was my music too loud? Did the weed fumes leak out into the hall? I had no clue. "Who is it?" "Security. Can we come in?" Busted. I opened the door slightly and a bunch of large men burst in and I was knocked to the floor. A heavy boot was on my head and then my wrists were tied behind my back with nylon rope. "Gag him, Stan." I could've sworn that was Brian's voice. I almost cried out to him, but there was now a rubber ball in my mouth that was secured with an elastic band around the back of my head. "You sure about this, Brian?" "Oh yeah. He's been wanting this. Carry him to the bed -- it's right through that door." Was this real? I was carried to my bed and plopped down on my back. A big, meaty hand was covering my eyes. "Should I use the blindfold?" "No. Let him see everything so he'll have a nice memory. Get undressed and I'll fuck him first. Danny is last of course." (chuckles) And then I was face to face with Brian. "Christmas came early, Son. No snow, however -- this is a dry Christmas. I wasn't sure what he meant until he plowed his dick into my ass with no lube. My God! It was like having a wad of sandpaper shoved up there. I was unable to scream, but tears formed in the corners of my eyes. He didn't stop. He had his patterns I was familiar with. Fast, fast, slow, still, and then super fast and cum. He rested his heavy body on top of me for a minute and then got up. "You can take the gag out now. I got him nice and lubed for you. I want to hear how much he's enjoying this." A new guy who had acne scars and sort of a mohawk straddled me. He wanted to be sucked. I did. He loved that. I thought he was stiffening his body because he was about to cum, but no, He pissed down my throat. I wanted to pull away, but his knees were locking me into place. And my hands were literally tied. His flow leveled off, and then he started fucking me. He was a little larger than Brian and it wasn't painless, but it wasn't unpleasant either. I liked it when he finally made a final thrust of cum inside me. I was moaning and talking nonsense words of pleasure. "Shit, Brian? Why are you taking a video of this??" "Just in case he flakes out and wants to go to the cops. We have proof that he liked it." Guy # 3 had a huge piercing in the end of his dick. I was glad he didn't want a blowjob because that thing could break a tooth. He just got down to the business of fucking me. I learned then that you really can't feel a metal ring shoved all the way up your rectum. I guess I was all loose and open at that point. I made more groaning noises because I knew Brian wanted to hear them. But really I didn't feel much more than a nice pinch inside. He came and crawled off. How many were there? Was that Danny? Was he the last? "Let him rest a minute and then it's Danny's turn." I looked over at Brian. He was getting all of this on videotape. I looked at the lens and said "These men are innocent. I invited them here to do what you've seen. OK, Brian. You can stop with the camera already." "No way. You're going to want a record of this. Danny has the biggest dick in the city...and it's lethal. He's got some deadly seed in those balls. You gonna get pregnant, Son." 'Danny' sounds like an innocent little kid's name, but the dude hovering over me looked like a chubby Charles Manson after a bender. He let his full weight settle on me before spreading my legs farther apart. He got the head in. "Shit, boy. You're so full of cum and blood. Try to tighten up for me a little. I'll make it worth your while. I got a dirty dick...dirtier than most. You have it in you now. I'm going to plant my poison in you - hope you've got good health insurance." I looked over at Brian. "HIV??" "Among other things", he said while still filming. "We probably all have it. We all fuck the same guys as well as each other. I might have given you some stuff already. Just enjoy Danny now." I tried. He was just so big. Inch after inch kept snaking its way into me. When would it end? He was inhuman. He took the longest to cum. He did and it hit somewhere deep in my organs. "Get dressed, fellas. He's spent. We'll show ourselves out." Brian untied my hands, kissed me on the forehead and left. My sickest fantasy had become a reality. What the hell could be next? I'l keep you posted.
    2 points
  19. 6:00pm on June 3, 2017....I had spent the day with family celebrating my hard earned graduation from high school. The school-supervised graduation party would begin soon, and my older brother Mark had volunteered to drive me to the school to join my classmates. I was glad to have the time with him - even though he was almost ten years older, we had always been close until the last couple of years. Mark had become unreliable, always running late (if he didn't call and cancel with some weak excuse), and when he was around, he was twitchy and scattered. Even now, driving me to the party, he kept looking around like he though we were being followed, glancing at his phone and taking the long way to school. "Hey bro" he said nervously, "you mind if we make a quick stop? I got to talk to a buddy real quick." "Sure." I said, "I just can't miss the party." "Oh, kiddo" he laughed, "Something tells me you are going to parTy tonight like you never have before. You are going to remember this night for a long time." With that mysterious comment, we sunk into silence as he drove us to what most would call the bad part of town. He pulled up to a dilapidated townhouse with music playing so loud the bass made the car windows vibrate. "This is where my buddy lives" he said, " Come on, he wants to meet the graduate." "That's okay, bro," I said, "I think I'll stay here." "No, you'll fucking come in!" he suddenly freaked, hitting the car door. "Okay, okay - damn." I said, climbing out of the car and following him. I followed him around to a side door, where he knocked. The door swung open to reveal the biggest black guy I'd ever seen in real life - not that it was difficult because I had grown up going to private schools that were 99% Caucasian. The big black guy looked at my brother with disgust on his face. "DeShaun said you weren't supposed to come around here no more, cracka," he growled, his rich ebony voice sending shivers up my spine and down into my hole. "He said I couldn't come until I could pay my debt," my brother stuttered, then sort of jerked his head back towards me. The big black man finally focused on me...he looked me up and down while I squirmed and blushed - then he chuckled, low and slow, and stepped aside to let us pass. "Damn, cracka, you came through alright! You one evil muthafucka...DeShaun is gonna love this..." he said as Mark grabbed my wrist in and iron grip and dragged me into the house. We stopped when the big black guy snagged the back of my pants. "I'll see you later, white meat," he said in my ear. Then Mark dragged me further into the house. We ended up in what must have been the master bedroom - but there was just a dirty mattress on the floor and a throne-like recliner with a fat black guy and two skinnier guys, one black and the other Mexican, flanking him. The room stank of piss, sweat, and chemicals and something I couldn't place, but would later learn to recognize as the stink of fear. The fat guy in the recliner looked up when we entered. "What up, Marky Mark? You bring me something?" he said, bringing the recliner to an upright position. "I know you wouldn't show your cracka face without bringing me payment for your debts." "Hey, DeShaun," my brother stuttered, watching as the two skinnier dudes moved towards us. He jerked his head towards me again. "This is my little brother Nick - the one I was telling you about." The fat black guy looked me up and down. "Well, hey there Nick," he said in a friendly manner, "I'm DeShaun - a buddy of Mark's. He was telling me all about you - class president, valedictorian, off on a full scholarship to an Ivy League school...you got quite the future in store, don'tcha." "Yes Sir," I said, feeling a certain amount of threat from the fat guy in the chair. "Sir!" he chuckled, "Finally, a white boy who knows his place! Tell me, Nick, you ever have time for getting nekkid with all that schoolwork? You a virgin or a playa?" "I'm a virgin," I replied nervously, "I've never dated anyone or anything...too busy with school." "Bet you wanted your first time to be special...something you'd always remember, right boy?" he asked. I blushed and nodded my head yes, confused about where this conversation was going. DeShaun looked at his two associates who were by now on either side of me and jerked his head towards the filthy mattress on the floor. Before I could do anything, they each grabbed an arm, wrapped it behind my back, and dragged me to the mattress and shoved me down onto my stomach onto it. I struggled pointlessly in their firm grips, yelling for help, trying to be heard over the thumping music. DeShaun got out of the chair and came and kneeled on the mattress next to me, and I felt his hand stroke my head. "Sorry to tell you, white meat, but that bright future you had all planned out just went down the drain. See, your brother Mark is a huge meth addict...my best customer in fact. But, he's had some difficulty lately paying for his drugs. I let him have more and more on credit, but told him he needed to give me something special in payment. So Marky tells me about this hot little cunt of a little brother he has, and offers you as payment to clear his debts. So, now your cunt belongs to me - you gonna be working off his debt. There's just one little matter to resolve first." He chuckles, then says to Mark, somewhere in the room, "You got one more thing to do, Marky Mark, before we square. You know I don't fuck pussy that ain't been broken in first. Now slam that rig and pay your debt." I heard some activity from wherever Mark was, as tears streamed down my face and I was babbling for him to save me. A snap of rubber, maybe, and a grunt and a gasp, and my older brother started to breathe really heavy in and out through his gritted teeth. DeShaun chuckled. "Yeah, Marky Mark, that rig is a little stronger than you used to, but I wanted to make sure you put on a good show for us. Now, let's see you breed that cunt." He punctuated the statement by slapping my ass. I heard what sounded like clothes coming off then Mark spit on his palm and it sounded like he was getting the spit on his cock. I started begging him, DeShaun, anyone not to let this happen to me as I felt his weight hit the mattress and he crawled towards me, held facedow still by DeShauns goons. Then, he yanked my shorts and boxers down, and next thing I knew, my older brother was raping me on a filthy mattress while his meth dealer watched. The part that I wouldn't admit yet, even to myself, was that in the very back of my mind, where the darkest, dirtiest thoughts in my head lived, the situation somehow felt...right.
    2 points
  20. Agree with felchingpisser! If you wank a lot cut it down. The bathhouse thing is quite a good place really. It will give you lots of practise fucking, and hopefully cumming, in guys arses. Get to the point of cumming by being sucked and then into a guys hole. In time it will fall into place. Or darkrooms in bars and clubs. STI's are sometimes inconvenient, but dealable with.
    2 points
  21. Friday in the woods Another guys cock slid in my whole, so stretched from the buttplug I couldn’t fight him off. The guy I was sucking grab my head and held his cock all the way down my throat cutting off my air. I began to panic when he pulled out, a bottle off poppers appeared under my nose and without meaning to I inhale deeply. My head was spinning as the latest cock throbbed in my how. “Fuck yeah slut take those poz babies. Fuck boy get him over the trunk” I was manhandled around and pushed of the trunk of a fallen trunk of a fallen tree. During the brief time I was upright I saw at least 6 men, all of them older and with their cock out and grinning, looking like you stereotypical to catch a predator. Poppers were shoved under my nose while another cock slammed in my making me gasp, my head was held and I breathed in, my mind spinning. Another troll moved around front and a cock was in my mouth and tasted so good. The flavors of piss and sweat ran over my tongue as precum oozed out of it. Looking I saw a wiry grey bush, raising my eyes up a guy that could be my grandfather leered down. His thin hand held the popper bottle to my nose again. Making eye contact he nodded slowly and I knew my role. Breathing hits I bobbed on his cock as he chuckled. “Cunt is open for all cummers now, lets make sure he gets every drop of our poz cum” Tears formed at my eyes as another troll easily slid in my wrecked hole the cum dripping down my balls I fell into a state of bliss and sensation as the filthy men used me from both ends, and the poppers made my head swim. I barely had the thought of how I got to this point before it was chased away as the next cock throbbed in my mouth and I swallow his bitter sperm, looking eagerly to the next guy not caring about anything but getting more cock and cum in me.
    2 points
  22. Friday evening After waking up for the second time that day I felt sore, used and confused, I was now divorce with some sex workers poz load in my ass. My head swum at what that mean, I couldn’t even digest what was going on in my life it was all just too much to handle at once. It was around 6 pm when the fog cleared enough in my head to think of anything to do, the first thing that popped in was the mundane task of getting the mail. Simple enough thing and easily done….small steps I guess. I opened my front door and there was another supplement delivery form next door, this time with a note. “Ran into your ex as we were leaving, sorry to hear neighbor. Mixed these up figure you might want to just get a run in and clear your mind. Let us know if we can help” There were a total of six bottle altogether and this time they were a much darker yellow brownish tinge, I wonder if they made them extra strength knowing I need a boost. Forgetting about the mail I grab the gift and went inside putting 5 in the fridge and, thinking that a run sound like a good idea started drinking one. Gah these must be stronger they tasted a lot more acrid, the pleasant warmth filled my belly and I went upstairs to put on my running gear. Once I had my blank jock and tank top on I grabbed my big butt plug and worked it in my hole. Didn’t want cum leaking down my leg on a trail. Then stepped in my shorts and shoes. I know they said only drink one and these were made stronger it seems but with the day I was having I grabbed a second one from the fridge and quick chugged it. And just like that I was off. I took the same way that Tom and Mike and shown me the other day, my wind was really good and soon sweat was dripping of my body and my tank was soaked. Those water bottles really did the trick though, between the running and the supplements my mind was clearing up, letting me focus just on my running and movement, of course this also meant the movement of the plug in my ass which felt amazing as it was worked around. Working my way through the woods I followed the same trail as before and found my way over to the highschool. There I did some stretches and then some pushups and squats just for some muscle work. Having drank two bottle I started to feel like I had to piss so turned around and started back down the path. It was about 7 at this time and the sun was still up but on the horizon heading towards night. Jogging along the urge to piss for more and more urgent, not helped any by the plug in my hole. I was about half way through the woods when I noticed an off shoot and decided to chance it and take a quick piss. I slowed to a walked and walked the meandering path in a bit. It came to what looked like a bit of a clearing, I quickly pulled my short down ad bit and fished my cock out. Took awhile to get a stream going as I was half hard but once it started damn that felt good, man I must had had to go more than I thought I was pissing for a good minute when I heard a noise behind me. Startled I turned and saw an older guy come through the trail. He was maybe like 50s decent shaped dressed similar to mem he looked down at my pissing cock and then back up and me and winked. With that he went a bit away from me and started to piss as well. Fuck that was close , thank god he was just int eh same spot as I was. Unfortunately his appearance my my cock go hard again and I had to strain to get my flow started. Suddenly I jumped as I felt his hot breath on my ear “Need help with that?” Without a word or asking his hand reached around and grabbed my cock, instinct and my inner slut took over as moaned and leaned into his body. He smelled of sweat from running and it was like poppers, I moaned as he worked my shaft and his mouth nibbled on my ear. “Haven’t seen you in here before, you must be new. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Would you like that? Want Daddy to take care of you Son” “Oh yes please” I gaped breathlessly as his hand worked me slowly making me writhe against him, his other hand reached down the waist band on my shorts cupping my and agoign to my hole. “Fuck what do we have here, must be my lucky day. Bend over boy” His tone made me do as he said and without a thought in my head I bent forward. He pull my shorts all the way down showing my ass and the handle of the plug. “MMmmmmm jackpot, fucking slut bottom boy running with a plug in his ass. We are going to have some fun. Stay just like that boy.” He backed away a bit and I turned to see him taking a pic with his cam and typing into his phone, I started to straighten up and he was on me, turned me around and slapped me hard across the face. I saw stars and before I could regain my composure he pushed me to the ground and whipped his cock out. “Suck that cock slut boy” His cock wasn’t that big but it was uncut, sticking out of a silvered bush. My mouth watered and I stuck my tongue out and licked under the foreskin tasting his sweat, piss and precum. I moaned around his cock and began to take more and more of it into me. My Daddy threw his head back and lifted his arms showing dense pit fur. I hint of humiliation hit me as I realized I was still hairless from the neck down. I heard a rustling coming from the trail and Daddy just looked down and smiled at me. Through the break in the trees came two younger guys about college age, they looked similar enough that they must be brothers. “Glad you could join me, look what I found sons” My eyes grew big as it hit me, these were this guys kids and he had texted them to help in using me. The short of the two came around back and lifted me up still bent over blowing his father. He grabbed the plug and pulled it out in one quick motion . My muffled scream not stopping anything as the first son shoved his cock in my hole and started fucking me. Being young he didn’t last one and grunted adding more cum to my ass. He pulled out and his brother took his place, his cock was thick and a moaned as it hit my prostate making my own cock leak into my jock. At this point his father started to speed up the abuse of my mouth and I could hear his breathing picking up. His son redoubled his effort and the two flooded me at the same time. The father’s cum was sweet and I gobbled it down as I fell the older son fill my hole with a second load. “Good job boys should be fun for the rest. Lets go” Spent I dropped to my knees as the three put themselves back together. My hole felt empty and I grabbed the buttplug and started working it back in my hole. It felt so good I started fucking my hole with it bouncing on it sweat dripping form me , my eye glazed over I watch as the three left the clearing. I sat back down on my heels wondering what to do when I heard someone approach again. The guy that came through the clearing was about my age but very much not a runner. He wasn’t fat but not in great shape. He leered at me and smiled, grabbing his crotch. My mouth watered and I zeroed in on it as he unzipped and pulled out a decent sized dick and walked it over to me. Without thinking I started sucking, wanting more cum needing to get more in me. A bottle of poppers was placed at my nose and I took a big hit, then another, then another. Y head swam as I sucked harder and hard. The guy moaned and thrust his cock dripping precum in my mouth. Hands again grabbed my ass and lifted me. Someone else must have come into the clearing. I felt the plug pulled from my ass, my tank was pulled from me and the plug was place in that on the ground. A cock lined up and shove in me. It felt great, sliding in my worn hole I moaned around the cock in my mouth as the man shot his cum. It was bitter and watery but I swallowed it down. He stepped away and was replaced by another cock. I no longer noticed the guys just the cock. I was in a daze, I felt horrid and dirty thinking of sucking all these dicks without knowing the guy, without being attracted to them. The guy using my mouth had a belly that would hit my forehead with each thrust. The guy in my ass grunted and I felt his cum added to my hole. At this point I stood up and needed a breather. The light was fading but I could make out a couple more guys, no one I would have picked up at the bar. A hand came around my chest and the bottle was placed to my nose. I heard the command breathe……and I did. The bottle was held there as I inhaled forcing me to take hit after hit, my head swam and my breathing increased. “There you go, that’s the ticket now bend back over and let us finish shooting our dirty loads in that hole. You know you want it slut boy “ I leaned over and grabbed my ankle as another cock entered me. A sigh escaped my lips and the rocking continued. The slapping fo their flesh against my ass. Working the loads deep in me. Tears formed at my eyes as the man grunted cumming in me and slapped my ass hard “Who wants to knock this cunt up next”………..
    2 points
  23. Monday, Day 1 I waved goodbye to my wife as she drove off to spend two weeks with her sister at some spa. She does this quite often and I always end up enjoying myself when she does. First, just because it is healthy for couples to spend some time apart, but also because it lets me do some stuff I would rather she not know about. See, although I love my wife, and I consider myself straight, I have a secret: every now and then I login in to one of the gay sites, get out some lube and my poppers, strip down to a jock and search for guys to have phone sex with. I would edge myself for hours until I couldn’t hold back anymore. I know a lot of build up for something pretty tame but hey, we all have our quirks. Plus I figure it is the safest version of cheating on her I can do. I mean it isn’t like I am going to catch anything from my hand. After she left I went back inside the house and finished getting ready for work. Just as I was about to leave a kinky thought popped in my head and I ran upstairs. Stripping of my suit pants and boxer briefs I grabbed my jock from the drawer and slid into it. I love the way the black Bike jock framed my ass. My Polish, Irish mix looks great in black, the pale skin and dark black dense body hair just looks great. My cock gave a slight twitch at my kinky thought, but before I let it go too far I got dressed and headed out. All day while at work I felt that jock hugging my ass and the tight pouch pressing my cock and ball tight against my body. I ended up having to take a quick bathroom break more than once as I could feel the precum, which felt super slick, particularly when I was walking, dripping between my legs and over my ass. Finally the end of the day came and I started home from work. The constant stimulation all day made me really horny and all I could think about. I just wanted to get home strip down and find some guys for some phone edging. As I got home climbed out of my car, I saw my neighbor and waved hello. My wife and I are friendly enough with his husband and he, and we occasionally exchange invitations to parties. He and his husband moved in about three years ago and they are a sweet couple. As soon as I got inside I started ripping off my clothes off and throwing them everywhere. Fuck it, there was no one home but me to bitch, so I could do whatever I wanted. Stripped to my jock I made my way to the garage where we have a second fridge and (naturally) where I hide my poppers. I love the feel of walking around more or less naked. In addition, the garage just smells amazing. I felt a little self-conscious as I passed in front of several windows, but part of me was enough of an exhibitionist that I sort of liked the idea that I might be caught. In any event, when I reached the fridge I grabbed my Berlin XXX and, again a little self-conscious, I hesitated for only a moment before I twisted the cap and took a sniff, then another, and another, and yet another. A flush came over me so, of course, I took another deep breath. The slightly smell of the garage, gasoline and unfinished lumber, combined with my own body musk, overwhelmed me. By now the idea of being watched also made my cock twitch. Before I could change my mind I lay down on the dirty floor and started working my nipples. The popper rush flooded my senses, invoking a guttural moan. My hand wandered down, pulled aside the jock pouch, and took my cock to task. Seven uncut inches, possessing lots of foreskin, and dripping precum, stood straight up from my dense bush. With deep pleasure my hand began to jack myself. Each time I raised my arm I caught the scent of my pits, and a sense of deep satisfaction controlled me. This was what it was to be a man. I managed to grab the bottle and take another couple of hits, but never did I pause in pleasuring my cock. Fuck, it was so hot: mostly naked on the filthy garage floor, all the little manly smells, my ass on the cold concrete. Normally I would edge but I just wanted to shoot my load so bad,and after four more hits and I can’t help it: the sweat dripped off me as I fucked my hand. I ran my hand through my chest hair and start to lick the salty sweat mix. It tasted so good. I was getting closer and could feel myself reaching the point of no return. Just to push myself over the edge, I grabbed the bottle of poppers to take another hit when I heard a knock at the front door. Startled I immediately stop stroking, capped the bottle, shoved my dripping cock back in my jock strap, I cast about to hide the poppers, and settled on shoving them in the pouch next to my cock. Then, making my way to the front of the house, I grabbed some running shorts and a tank top from the laundry room, pulling them on within seconds, and opened the front door - a little sweaty, perhaps, but respectable. To my surprise, my my neighbor was standing on the stoop, dressed in some running gear. “Hey, I saw the wife leave and figured you might be lonely on your first day, so I figured to invite you out for a run with me and Tom. Gotta make sure you don’t end up with a Dad bod. Although looks like you might have already been working out. You look a bit flushed” I paniced a bit and without thinking just replied 'Sure', and asked what time he wanted to get together. "We usually run around 6:00 during the summer. We head from our development through the park at the end of the block, around the high school and then back. Takes about an hour and has a nice variation in terrain so you don’t get bored." I paused for a second, and without thinking shifted my weight from one foot to the other. The bottle move in my pouch and and involuntary 'Fuck' crossed my mind as it slid out of the leg of my shorts and hit the carpet. Thankfully if bounced behind the door and I don’t think he saw it. In any event, I confirmed I'd be over at 6:00 PM for a run and, upon closing the door, I fall against it, breathing heavily, completely relieved I had managed not to let on what I was doing. Then, taking a couple deep breathes to clear my lungs I headed upstairs to take a quick shower. Yeah, I know it's stupid to shower if one is going running, but I knew there was a ton of crap on my back that I had picked-up from the garage floor. Afterwards I got out of the shower, grabbed a fresh jock and clean running shorts, checked myself in the mirror and went downstairs for a light snack before heading over to the neighbors'. Monday Evening Having got myself squared away I put on my best face and headed next door, I love wearing running shorts. I tend to favor the short nylon kind, in black of course, with the built in underwear (I cut that part out seems superfluous since I always wear a jock) and my black under armour compression tank. Anyways I knocked on the door. Within seconds Tom's husband Mike opened the door. The two men are different as night and day. Tom is big and more built with dark hair somewhat like mine while Mike is a ginger with a slightly smaller build. The only thing they both have in common is the amount of body hair. Both are like me in that regard: all three of us have thick, dense chest hair and furry legs with dense pit hair. Mike was shirtless, but still wearing his dress trousers. “Hey, Tom said you were joining us. Come on in and take a seat. I just got home and need to change, but I'll be right down. If you want a drink or just to chat, Tom is out on the back deck.” I had never really been in their house before so just sort of walked in the general direction of the kitchen figuring their layout couldn’t be much different than mine. Tom was on the back deck drinking water and looking ready to go he was staring off into his yard, probably doing what I tend to do and imagine what little project to add next. I stepped out onto the patio and grabbed an offered water bottle from off the table. I did the usual look around thing and admired their backyard. A set of stairs led up to the second floor deck that must come off their bedroom. All in all it was a nice way to spend any evening. I unscrewed the water bottle and took a long drink and almost gagged, it had a weird taste to it and left a nasty after taste on my tongue. I sputtered a little and Tom turned around. “Whoops that one is for Mike not you, he like to add a special supplement to his to help him try and get bigger. But you might as well finish it off. I'll make Mike another. The other bottles don't have the supplements, so feel free to take one of those after you finish that one. But who knows? Maybe you will like the effects. He says it gives him lots of energy and that he can go for hours after just the one bottle.” Screwing up my face I figured what the hell and downed it quickly so as not to taste it that much. I then grabbed the other bottle and cracked it open take a big drink and getting the flavor out. Damn, I had no idea what he added to the water, but I could definitely feel the additives kicking in. I suddenly had lots of energy and was positively antsy to go for a run. Mike came down dressed in blue running gear to match mine and we were ready to go. Tom re-explained the course to me and we were off. I kept paces with them and after ten minutes a good sweat was dripping off my body. I seemed hyper aware of the way the compression tank was slightly rubbing my nipples. My cock started getting hard and I was glad I was wearing my jock. We had cleared the park and were circling around the high school heading back when they started picking up the pace. First Mike took the lead, then Tom. I found myself working hard to keep up and was doing a god job until we got back into the wooded area near the park. Sweat was really dripping off me now as I followed them through the woods, branches brushing my skin that seemed hyper aware, a steady dripping of precum leaking out of my cock. I could feel the precum as it joined the stream of sweat running down my legs. I was afraid I would lose them when we finally broke free and were back in the development heading back to their place. We reached the steps and I mostly collapsed panting like a dog, sweat plastering my body hair to me. Tom and Mike chuckled and went inside inviting me to come on in. I hesitated remarking "I'm covered with sweat." Mike laughed answering "So are we. Stop being stupid and take a load off your feet." “We are just gonna go grab a cool shower, there is another one in the guest room if you want to do the same and I am sure I can find some short for you to throw on. How about you stay for dinner, we are grilling tonight and well Mike makes the most amazing meat.” With that, Tom smiled at Mike, who blushed, and ran upstairs. With an offer like that how could I refuse? I made my way with them upstairs to the guest room where I found the second bath. Stripping off my sweaty clothes I prepared to get in the shower. I started by rubbing the soap first all over my chest and pits. Fuck, it felt good. My skin was still tingling from whatever was in that water. My cock was rock hard, so I almost involuntarily began a one-handed slow jack of my cock, as my other hand played with my soapy balls, and also tickled the area behind them, which naturally caused me gasp in pleasure. I began to wander and let my finger slide further right against my hole, making small circles around my hole. Involuntarily I found myself gasping lightly. Fuck, it was amazing. Lubing myself with some soap, I began playing with my hole in earnest. I was surprised with what ease my finger slid into my hole - first one, then a second, and finally a third. Forgetting my cock, I went to town on my hole, plunging my fingers in and out. I found mself struggling not to openly groan. Then - well, holy shit: a fourth finger slid into my hole. It felt amazing. Maneuvring carefully, I lay down on the floor of the tub and threw my legs up really pounding my hole. A knock on the door brought me out of my stupor. “You okay in there, neighbor?” asked Tom's somewhat muffled voice. Startled and very embarrassed about my actions I stammered out that I was fine just had a cramp and would be out in a second. Quickly washing up I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist to go out into the main room. I looked around and my running gear was gone but nothing was there to replace it. Assuming they had laid out clothing for me somewhere, I stepped into the hallway and approached the master bedroom, looking for my hosts. While I didn't see any clothing set aside for me, nor did I see my hosts, but I did see Mike’s blue jock cast on the floor. In any event I assumed it was his. On impulse I went over grabbed it and sniffed it. Fuck that smelled great, I rubbed my face all over it breathing deep. Hearing footsteps coming from right outside the door I panicked and tucked it under my towel. It was Mike. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You need some clothing. Just grab whatever you find out of the drawers on the right. Tom’s stuff should fit you.” With those instructions, he walked back down the hall. I'm not sure why I did so, but I slipped on his used jock. It was super tight on my butt, still it felt great. Checking out Tom's drawers, I found some basketball shorts and a tank appeared to be the right size, so I pulled the clothing on and went downstairs to hang out and wait for dinner.
    1 point
  24. I think if you were really in the medical field, you'd understand that is a 99% reduction in your odds of contracting HIV. For a bottom, according to the CDC, your base odds of contracting HIV with a partner of unknown status are 1.43% per act. PrEP, at 99% effectiveness, reduces that to 0.0143%. That's a negligible risk. If PrEP protects at 96% -- you missed a dose or two -- that's still 0.0572% chance -- which is ridiculously low. In comparison to condoms, a study last year determined self-reported condoms use stops 7 out of every 10 infections. Documented PrEP use stops 8.5 out of every 10... and that was with the earlier, lower effectiveness levels averaged between users and non-users. It's hight than that now. PrEP is an amazing advance.
    1 point
  25. Best way; you'll never look back. You will become a major cumdump always wanting cock and loads. If your ass is getting sore get someone to piss in it; it will bring you relief.
    1 point
  26. I had a top like that before and I helped him cumming by just tightening my ass up more and more and that worked for him. We switched from ass fucking to sucking and switched again till he ejaculated deep in my ass. He enjoyed and af course i did as well. Maybe a flesh jack can help you instead of jerking off by hand that helped my top as well in cumming. The next time i had sex with him i didn't had to tightening my ass up he just came. If you lived closer i would love to help you in this.
    1 point
  27. Rawmen, Have any of you, daddies/older men, experienced barebacking with two guys in their 20s at the same time? I have. It's called bliss! Rissing, sucking, and fucking -- all bare. And me being vers, I got flooded by one of them as he unloaded his generous boycum in my daddy ass. These boys are very well-mannered but with a piggy side to them I love. I want to plan many more hot encounters with them in the future! Happy barebacking!!
    1 point
  28. I had stopped reading after his wife left. Glad I noticed the thread continued!
    1 point
  29. I'm sure you will be able to put Poz on your profile soon enough. With that arse it's only a matter of time
    1 point
  30. Same here but just for bars/clubs/cinemas/holiday resorts etc. Places, reviews and location. I'd be careful with cruising areas. Certainly in countries where you can be arrested by the police for cruising. I have read several times that in some countries (among which USA) police are monitoring the site for cruising activities/locations. Same for cruisingforsex.com
    1 point
  31. Boring? You got two raw loads mate. Two cocks up your hole. How is that 'boring'?
    1 point
  32. Blackout party last night at a bar, went ready to take some loads. In the back corner saw a hot younger guy getting fucked by an older top with a big dick... we were all making out while they were fucking and the older top pulled out and fucked me instead, planting a huge load in my hole. The younger guy seemed a little disappointed and pulled up his pants, but I grabbed him and kissed him, sliding his pants back down to show his ass to the bar. It wasn't long before he a couple of tops were feeling his hole. We made out and he held on to me while the tops plowed him, giving him two loads.
    1 point
  33. My hole LOVES to be stretched and seeded!
    1 point
  34. Just not true... I come across many guys on PrEP in my outreach work. Very Very few have any issues with taking it. It's been proven to be one of the best tolerasted and least side effect of any anti HIV drugs
    1 point
  35. How impolite it is that you give a guys hole a great fucking and a good load in his hole that he does not have the common decency to clean your dick with his mouth.
    1 point
  36. New Years 2006 I was teaching high school and enjoying myself in my free time. I was having a lot of sex. Rachel didn't love the amount of sex I was having because she didn't feel safe having "so many" strange men in the apartment. Rachel and Sara swapped apartments and roommates. Sara moved in with me and Rachel moved in with Marty and another actor friend. They also moved to Manhattan, which meant I would see Rachel and Marty less frequently. This all happened over the Christmas holiday, which was really odd because I wasn't used to moving in winter. But we were all happier. (The move is when my brother met Sara for the first time - future wife.) After that was all over, Rachel and I were on holiday break and we spent our days shopping, day drinking, etc. I liked day drinking in her new neighborhood because there was a different crop of guys on adam4adam and manhunt. If I brought my laptop, I could open it at the bar or go to a coffeehouse after she left. Within an hour I'd have a cock in my mouth or in my ass. I started sucking cock more because I liked swallowing cum. It felt so natural to feel that cock between my lips as I sucked it and worked the load from it. I got fucked as well and I was definitely having guys wear condoms, put I told them to pull out and cum in my mouth now. The sex wasn't always great. Some guys are bad at it. Some guys are too selfish and others are too pleasing. Some guys have old pics and others are totally showing fake pics. It started mattering less to me over the year because I was so horny and wanted the sex. I would try harder with the younger, hotter and gorgeous guys. I wanted them to feel great. I wanted them to want to have sex with me again. I wanted one of them to turn into the next Connor. I still thought about Connor. I still wanted someone like him. Instead, I was going through dozens and dozens of "Connor clones" as Marty and Rachel called them. There were other guys too. The ones who weren't the most attractive, or were older, or out of shape. I tried less hard with these guys. I mostly let them fuck my face and my ass as they liked. It felt good in those moments to feel like "just a hole." In those moments, I just wanted to feel something, anything like what I felt being with Connor. Not to say anything bad about these guys. Some were pretty cool guys and really nice, but I was not searching for a boyfriend when I was with them. I was searching to feel better about myself. Then came NYE 2006..... Marty insisted I go to a party with him. "Total A list gays only." Hosted by an A list gay couple - Wall Street guy and Theater guy. I had a really bad feeling about this party. Marty got the gaggle of gay boys together - only his "hottest friends" because he wanted to stay on the A list. I was already seriously annoyed with this entire evening, but we had a couple bottles of champagne at Marty's apartment and I relaxed. We got to the party and Marty was totally right - penthouse unit, gorgeous building, Tribeca, filled with amazingly hot guys. I was happy and knew I'd be getting some tonight. We grabbed champagne off passing trays and made our way inside. It was really packed. After about an hour, I got separated from the guys and went out on the patio. I was looking out at the view when I heard a familiar laugh. My stomach sank. I turned and there he was..................Connor. Gorgeous, perfect Connor. Connor who I hadn't seen since he dumped me in our kitchen. Connor who said he "couldn't look at me." Connor! I spoke, my voice wavering because I couldn't control it, "Connor?" He turned. He looked at me and smiled and then I saw the smile fade and his face grow cold. "Hi Zach," he said. We tried to make small talk, but it was obvious to his friends that this was a bad scene. Most of them went back inside. One of them touched Connor's arm and gave him a knowing look, Connor said, "I'm fine. I'll be inside in a minute." As his friend left Connor said, "It's good to see that you are ok. I'm glad for that. But, I am not glad to see you tonight. I hope you didn't come here looking for me. I mean, how do you even know my boss?" I was a bit stunned, but I explained that I was a guest of an invited guest. Connor didn't necessarily believe me. Connor said, "It's over between us. You know that right? Showing up here isn't going to make any difference in how I feel about you. I despise you." I was horrified and mad as fuck. I said, "Not everything is about you. I didn't want to come to this party tonight. This A List scene annoys me. But I'm not surprised that you are here." And it devolved from there with us both yelling at each other. That's when Marty came outside and fetched me. He said, "Fifteen minutes to midnight. Let's go inside." He took my arm and led me inside. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked Marty. He took me to the bathroom and I bolted inside and cried for a few minutes and got myself together. When I came out of the bathroom, Marty said that the hosts asked if I would leave after the toast at midnight. Marty was really annoyed at me for making a scene. He didn't even ask what happened. We did the countdown and the toast and I turned to Marty and said, "I'm sorry we have to leave." He said, "I'm not going anywhere. You are the one who is leaving." Marty told me the coats were in the bedroom down the hall. It took me about fifteen minutes to find my coat and I was getting angrier and more humiliated by the second. A guy in his late 40s ended up helping me find it. He noticed I was in a bad mood and asked if I wanted to go to another party with him. He said, "It'll be more relaxed and less stressful." I told him, "Why not? My friends are ditching me to stay here." We got in his town car and he took us across to the East Side. It wasn't a nice building outside, but once we got inside the apartment was great. There were attractive guys all over. I could smell drugs and sweat. As we went to the bedroom to drop our coats, I smelled the unmistakable odor of sex. We did a few shots at the bar and my new friend introduced me to the host. The host said that I looked a bit on edge. I admitted I was. He asked if I was on coke. I said no. He asked why I was so tense. I told him I had a bad night and was anxious because I didn't know anyone at his party. He laughed a bit. He offered me ecstasy to calm me down and relax. I took it and he said, "Just know that you are cut off of the booze now. Only water. The X is strong so you need to agree with me now or you can't have it." I agreed and took the tablet. About an hour later I was bent over a couch and getting fucked by a really hot guy. I remember thinking how hot and sexy he was and how I wanted him to fuck me. I guess I actually said that out loud because he was fucking me. I sucked off the guy who invited me to the party as I was getting fucked. He had a nice cock. I saw other people around but most of them were engaged in their own sex acts and not watching mine. The hot guy who was fucking me said he was close. He took a few more strokes, pulled out, ripped off the condom and came on my ass and my hole. He rubbed his cock on my crack massaging the cum into my ass crack. I reached back and spread my ass cheeks for him as he did it. I felt his spongey bare cock head on my hole. The top pushed his cum covered bare cock back inside me. I moaned loudly around the cock I was sucking. The top fucked me for another ten minutes before he said, "I'm close." I said, "Cum in my ass." He did. The first knowingly bare load I had taken since New Orleans. I loved it. I spent the next two hours getting fucked bareback on the couch. The guy who invited me to the party, the host, and a couple other guys all fucked me. None of them used condoms. I didn't ask any of them to use condoms. I begged for all their loads. The host eventually got me dressed, got my email for future parties, and sent me home. Gradually over the next two years, I was less and less cautious about condom use. I tried at first to play safe, but the urge took over. The guy or guys either used condoms or they didn't. I rarely mentioned them after the next party which happened over memorial day weekend. I stopped carrying condoms, although they were in my bedroom drawer next to the lube, by the end of the year. If I went to hookup and the guy had condoms and wanted to use them, cool. If he didn't have condoms or didn't want to use one, I was good with that too. Bareback was totally my preferred way to fuck again by the time Barack Obama became the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. How do I know that? I was getting spitroasted by two guys the first night of the convention. We were in my bed and when one of them took a condom and lube from the drawer. I looked at the hand with the condom in it and said "You don't need to use that if you don't want to." Those two Iranian guys plowed me bareback and made me beg for their loads all night. I was in slut heaven.
    1 point
  37. It's been awhile but I've decided to start writing. I've been working on a four part series called Dorm Life. The first three parts are complete and part four should be done within the next two weeks. It's been fun to write and I hope you'll love it. Writing this has gotten me motivated to finish Austin which is partially done.
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  38. 1 point
  39. STEALTHING WITH BREEDING - C2BB I stealthed a fuck bud recently. Came in him at the end and right after I pulled out he felt my dick and realized the condom had broke during sex! https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Stealthing-with-breeding-C2BB-30833181
    1 point
  40. That's right, baby. That's where you came from...
    1 point
  41. Don't make it a mission. This is called performance anxiety and it can snowball. Have sex for fun and cum if you want to, or not. Women fake orgasm all the time, you can still give a bottom the hot experience without giving him a load. Just enjoy the ride. Sometimes it really is all about who you're doing and not what you're doing. If you're monogamy oriented and you're out banging random, you're just not going to get there. Hottest piece of ass in the world will do nothing for you without a strong emotional connection. Fear will fuck up fucking. There are some people who get off on fear. Exhibitionists, for example, frequently get off on the fear of being exposed, of being caught, of the consequences for their "deviant" behavior. Cheaters, as another example, frequently get off on the fear of losing it all, on getting caught, etc. Fear is a great motivator, but for most people that's to stop doing what they are doing, not to cum. If you're seriously hung up on not catching something, and the guy in front of you who just gleefully agreed to your bare dick is causing you concern, and the letters "STD, STI, HIV, AIDS, HEP C, etc" are flashing through your mind like neon warning signs, no, you're not going to cum. Sexual Health Education is Great, but it's not Sex Ed. You passed the class on disease avoidance and knowing the parts, their role, how they work, and what goes where, yay! You didn't, however learn shit about sex. You were given lots of information that generalized and simplified a very complex act that's as different as every single person doing it. While there are similarities and commonalities, it's not just all insert Tab A into slot B and move in and out until ejaculation. That's basically how it works, but that's like describing eating as insert food into mouth, chew, and swallow. Yep, that's the mechanics of it, but that's got nothing to do with why we eat what we choose to eat, why we have favorite foods, etc. Sexual experience is way different. It takes people a long time to get there, and along the way you may have a lot of bad sex until you find your happy place. And you're not the only one, there's a lot of "hot sex" talk, but that's all it is, talk. What they are having may easily be shit that they wouldn't admit to under penalty of death. Instead, they Polish the turd and tell the tale. And that's about 80 of how the world works.
    1 point
  42. Do you masturbate a lot? If you do, it can really get in the way of cumming while fucking. Your cock gets used to what ever kind of grip you use--and an ass is never going to feel like that.
    1 point
  43. Conclusion Part 7 Here I lay fully aroused by the fact that this man, who I just met today, has unleashed feelings that have been pent up since I was a child, taken complete control over me, introduced me to a Sarah Palin in a real and personal way, and has threatened to physically mutilate me, and yet there is no where else I would rather be. Ive paid my psychiatrist for years and never opened up to her like I did to my Daddy today. He knows things about me that I swore I would take to the grave, but at the same time having that burden taken away is cathartic. Im on this bed waiting for his return, wishing I could stay tied up like this overnight, dissapointed that I have to go home to my wife and kids, and truly contemplating a plan for how I can make this life of pig sex, drugs, and immorality a reality. And then my glorious savior walks back into the room and I'm ready for more. Daddy proceeds to do a few more bumps and with each one I can see his cock throb and drop a little. He brings the tray to my face and I do another few to get me ready for the long night ahead thinking of what kind of lie I can tell my wife so I can stay overnight. Daddy quickly stands on the bed tells me to open my mouths and stars emptying is chem piss filled bladder into my mouth and all over my body I drank every drop he put in my mouth a basked in vile stench if the rest as it soaked into my skin. Without stopping his extraneously long piss and spraying every where as he did it, he unstraps my right wrist, grabs the other unused hand cuff and attached it to my right wrist. It was so sexy that he never stopped pissing even as he was locking me in, as the last of the piss was simply dribbling out of the tip of his glistening purple head. So now I have one hand free but it is chained to my cock with the hand cuffs. Daddy gets off the bed spits all over my face and body and then says I'm done with you and leaves the room. I see he placed a tub of lube and the tray of crystal within reach so I stretch to grab the tray and push as much as I can into my piss slit, and then struggle to get the lube. I glob a nice amount of lube on my cock and start stroking. Then it comes to me. Maybe this is a test, maybe I need to do something to show Daddy how much I love Sarah Palin and him. I look around as best I can and what do I see, the dagger. I have to twist and contort my body trying to reach it, with the noose around my neck literally getting tighter as I struggle. I gripe and grope and finally reach it. I manipulate it so that I'm holding the actual blade vertical, with the tip pointed down, parallel to my cock, and all I can think to do is place the blade up to my cock and start stroking. The fear of doing real damage to myself washed away as I asked Sarah Palin to give me the will to make my Daddy happy. So I started to slowly jerk my faggot clit with the knife and my clit in the same hand with edge of the blade resting on my shaft. Now thankfully the blade was dull, though the tip as kind of sharp, but just the thought of blood and pain made me smile. I stroked faster, the metal running up and down my shaft, the pressure of the blade milking me. I was euphoric. Daddy walked in a moment later and sat down in a chair next to the bed to watch me. He grabbed the tray for a few more bumps. I was elated that he was back and giving me his precious attention. He asked me where I got this idea, and I said I prayed to Sarah Palin to help me make you happy. He grabbed me by the chin, opened my mouth and spit in it, saying good boi. Now I was fully in the depth of the perversion that I needed but that I held back for so long. I wanted to do something else to impress Daddy and it came to me as the blade grazed the tip of my clit. I shifted my grip so the blade was in my han better. I stretched my wrist upward, dragging my ball with it, then slowly inserted the tip of the knife into my piss slit, and I swear I almost came right the and there. Now I've done some sounding so my piss slit had some give, which made things even better. I pushed the tip in as far as I could (which was disappointingly not far at all) steadied the blade, and began to pump my hips. Daddy's eyes widened as he watch wil that same evil grin as before. The more I pumped the better it felt, sure it was only the tip and sure the knife was dull, but I knew this was only the beginning. Daddy looked me in the eyes and said, next time you're here we're going to start sounding you to open you up wide, and then we're going to get a sharper knife. I kept pumping, the slight sharp pressure edging me closer and closer to releasing my spunk for Sarah Palin and Daddy. Faster now, more pressure, faster, i getting close, Daddy is encouraging me, he takes off his pentagram necklace, makes me kiss it and tells me to give myself to Sarah Palin. So I did, I say the first thing that comes to mind...Sarah Palin, I offer all of my self to you and your disciples. I'm ready to be vessel for your evil. Hail Sarah Palin! Daddy shoved a bottle of poppers under my nose, I too a few huge hits and before I could exhale, Daddy tightened the noose. I was on another plane of existence, I could feel all the power I was being given right in my cock. I was thrusting now, stretching myself even more, feeling the impending explosion, gasping for air high as kite, Daddy saw my cock twitch as I started to cum and was pulling the noose as hard as he could. I shot thick creamy rope after rope into the air, onto the blade, and into myself. As soon as I was finished and without any time to rest. Daddy spit on me some more and said get out. He quickly unbound me, viscously ripped the monster dildo out of me, grabbed a pink butt plug, rolled it in the last of the crystal on the tray and fixed it deep inside of me. He then says, keep that plug in overnight, don't take it out for any reason and if your wife finds it that's you problem. I sit up, and timidly ask him if I could use the shower, to which he coldly responds...I'm done with you now leave. I quickly stood up, put on my clothes and ran out the door to make the long three hour commute home to Orange County in holiday weekend traffic. The entire time I was driving home I could feel the plug rubbing my prostate as I went over every bump, my cock was hard the whole time. I stunk like sex and piss. I didn't want that smell to end by I knew I was unreal trouble if I got home like that so I stopped at a Starbucks, walked in with my head held high and the stench of chem piss emanating from my body. Into the bathroom, strip naked, and because I knew Sarah Palin and Daddy would want me to, I washed my self in the toilet. Now cleaned up-ish I got back in the car and headed home. I left that plug in overnight and into the next. I kept it there to remind me that my life is going to be very different from now. Hail Sarah Palin! Thanks for listening to my story and I hope I'm going to have many many more (good and bad) now that I'm starting the transition to the real cum guzzling pig I was always meant to be.
    1 point
  44. Sitting beside the hottub after getting bred
    1 point
  45. Love pissing up a guys hole when he is not expecting it.
    1 point
  46. .... and Thanks for The follow Too ...
    1 point
  47. Friday I woke up sore and foggy and wasn’t feeling well so I called into work to give myself a break. As soon as I hung up I passed back out and didn’t wake up until I heard a repeated knocking at my door. Getting out of bed I padded downstairs and cracked open the door to see Tom my neighbor standing there sweating and panting a little. “Hey saw your car was still in the driveway after my run and wanted to check in on ya , and see what was up” I opened the door and let him in, only after realizing I was naked. Tom walked in wearing just a tanka nd basketball shorts and sat down on the couch. I asked if he wanted anything to drink and he said sure. I grabbed one of the bottle from my fridge and brought it to him. “Nothing for you? Come on don’t let a guy drink alone” Tom joked Padding back to the fridge I grabbed a bottle and went back into the living room where some was casually sipping at his bottle. I looked at him and raised the bottle to my lips and took a swig. This batch tasted different , stronger somehow. My tongue came alive and I groaned and just tilted my head back draining the bottle quickly and panting and wiping the drips from my mouth. “Tastes good doesn’t it? Better if you get it fresh after it is made though.” Tom spoke as he pulled his tank off. The scent of his sweat filled the rooms. I walked over to him standing naked in front of him my cock came alive and began to throb and drip. Tom looked me in the eyes and nodded putting his hands behind his head. I dropped to my knees. My arms going about his waist as my face nuzzled his furry pits and made mewing noises. My tongue stuck out and licked digging deep and tasting him. “MMmmmmmm good boy, glad those tapes are working. You have come a long way so fast. That’s it lick those pits clean. Be good boy and clean me out.” I continued licking his pits until he pulled my face up and locked eyes with me. His blue eyes held me and I stared as he dribbled spit form his mouth. I leaned in, my tongue darting out to lick it off his chin and then thrusting into his mouth. We both moaned into the kiss as our tongues battled and hit scent and spit filled my mouth. I wanted more of him. This sexy fucker making out with me on my couch. Tome stood up and kicked off his shoes and sock and dropped hi short reveling a stunning 9 inch long uncut cock dripping. I made to walk back up to the bedroom and Tom shook is head and lead me to the garage. The smell of grass and dirty and car triggered a moan from my lips. Tom present a familiar brown bottle and I grabbed it. Looking into his eyes again he nodded slightly and I inhaled,4 times I breathed deep. On the fifth onto Tom told me to hold it and turn around and bend over the lawnmower. As he bent down and dove into my ass I exhaled, the combination was intoxicating. My ass ground into him his tongue fucking my hole and making me moan. Tome stood up and leaned over me, his sweat covered hairy body covering me, his mouth pressed to my ear, his hot breathe his rock hard cock touching my hole. “What do you want neighbor?” I was unable to form words. The bottle appeared at my nose and I took another hit, and another, on my third Tim instructed me again to hold and only to exhale when I could commit to what I wanted. Thoughts raced through my head and I knew what I wanted. Exhaling I shoved back hard impaling myself on his raw dick. Scream moaning in pain pleasure and the intrusion with little lube and began thrusting back hard jamming my ass on his cock . Sweat was dripping form him and me, I ran my hand over my smooth chest and licked it off. Tom pulled me of spun me around and growled. His thumb went into my mouth pulling it open and he spit directly into my mouth, then slapped me as I swallowed. I jumped and wrapped my legs around him my ass hanging off the back of the mower he began thrusting deep into my hole raping me and telling me what a good fucking whore I am and how he can’t wait to shoot a load deep in my ass. His thrust became faster and harder my mind was spinning and my cock was throbbing, he slammed my prostate and before I knew what was happening cum was erupting out of my cock, my first orgasm in 4 days coating my face and chest. Before I even stopped shooting my hand was there. Wiping it up and feeding it to myself cum in my mouth on my body and as Tom sped up fucking I begged for his load in my ass. He was fucking me so hard the mower was hitting the wall, a constant banging to match his thrust. “So close, you ready slut you ready for this load!!!!?” Tom growled at me I nodding and he thrust one more time and the world stopped making sense. My arm hurt and my head hurt and I was cover in cum and my bed sheets, I dragged myself up off the floor panting and hornier then ever as I continued to wake up. The pounding came again and I realized it was the front door….
    1 point
  48. i,ve wanted your loads up me for a long long time - HOT man Gx
    1 point
  49. Tuesday Run and Bedtime Making my way over to the house I rang the bell and was greeted by Tom who handed me a bottle of water. “Here I made another one for ya so you don’t have to use the ones we gave you right away” Not wanting to let on I had already drank some I quickly drained the bottle while Tom watched smiling to himself. “Hey I was kind of sore after last night wanna help me stretch out a bit before we run?” Tom asked as he go down on the floor and stretched his legs straight in front of him. Thinking nothing of it I got down and mirrored his position and started to pull him forward. The water was already starting to warm me up and making my hole throb. The butt plug pushed harder in my ass as I was sitting on their tiled floor. A slight moan escaped my lips and I hoped that Tom didn’t hear me. I heard Mike coming down the stairs as Tom started to pull me toward him stretching my back out and making me bend almost in half. I felt my tank top rising up showing the top of my ass. “Well Tom I guess you win the bet” Mike chuckled Tom just smiled and informed him he would collect later tonight. We finished the stretch and got up off the floor and made our way to the door. The doctored water was definitely making a difference. I could feel all my muscles and just wanted to get out and start using them. The plug in my ass was making me leak and fuck it was amazing. We took off on the same route, I started panting and sweaty almost groaning with each step as my ass shifted and clenched. My body moving and sweating, dripping down my face I was having a a harder time keeping pace with my new friends. The plug was so distracting. My cock was so hard and I was thankful for the compression shorts to keep it in. Once again as we made our way back they both started to sprint as we re-entered the forest. Trying to keep up with them I ran faster, the plug shifting in my ass more and more, hitting my prostate, the shorts rubbing the rough material of the jock over my cock head. Oh fuck OH FUCK FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK before I could do anything an orgasm rippled through my body. I grabbed a tree to steady myself, my hole spasmed and twisted, I panicked feeling the plug force from my body. Fuck fuck fuck fuck luckily the shorts kept it lodge aimed at my ass. Walking a few feet I spotted a bench and before I could second guess the decision I sat down hard. The plug popped back in sending me into another orgasm. Gasping and grunting and blushing I felt dirty and wrong but so happy. I Jogged the rest of the way back to Mike and Toms, I entered their place and made my way upstairs to the guest bath. I heard noises from the their bedroom that let me know exactly what the bet was for. Blushing I made my way to the bathroom stripping my sweaty clothes off. The stolen jock now drenched in cum and sweat. I got in the shower and managed to get the plug out. My ass felt empty but also amazing. I had never had anything in that long. I set the plug on the soap dish and finished washing. Coming out of the shower I looked at the plug and wondered what to do with it. There was not lube left. Making a quick call I buried it in the back of the under the sink shelf. I figured since they used it for guests I could just pick it up on another visit. Exiting into the main room my blood ran cold, on the bed were my clothes form the other night cleaned and washed, but the dirty ones were missing. Maybe I could lie and say it was my jock and we just had the same taste……fuck fuck fuck. I got dressed and made my way downstairs to Tom and Mike sitting at the kitchen island. Mike passed me some water, I took a sip and tasted the now familiar bitterness and carefully only drank a bit of it . I wasn’t sure how much was safe. The once again invited me to dinner but I begged off saying I wanted to get back to my pace and use the hot tub my wife had insisted we install. I could definitely use the soak. Before leaving Tom reminded me to try using the relaxation tracks he had made for me to help me sleep. Mike looked up with a knowing smile as I shut the door behind me to a shout of “same time tomorrow” Making my way home I stripped as some as I got in , threw on some trunk swim briefs quickly loaded the tracks from the flash drive to my phone and made my way to the hot tub. Booting up the first of 9 tracks , each one was about 45 min, I put in my ear buds and listened. Seemed like some nice ASMR delta wave hippy stuff one of my friends had told me about once. I closed my eyes and started to just drift. After about 15 minutes I felt extremely relaxed and the hot tub had finished a cycle. Taking that as A hint I got out, went to the outside shower we had just for rinsing off and then went upstairs, stripped off my trunks and slid into bed. Putting the earbuds back in I fell quickly asleep. My dreams were really weird but I woke up feeling amazing and refreshed and made my way to the bathroom…..
    1 point
  50. Tuesday After Work Walking into the porn shop I thought of what it was I was looking for and why I had waited so long to get one. Now before you think I am a married prude I am not unfamiliar with porn shop, adult bookstores or ABS as you kids call em nowadays. I stop by on occasion to pop in some dollars and jerk off quick on the way home. Often with the viewing window down so me and some stranger can watch each other jerk off. They are again a nice safe way to be kinky without risking more than you want. As I walked in took notice of the cashier and smiled. It was one of my favorites, not that I have ever done anything but this guy was hot as all held. An older guy full and nice trimmed white bear, shaved head and really muscular. Think if you spliced Anderson Cooper with Joe Manganiello, fuckin nice image right. Anyways I went up to the toy wall and started browsing. Fuck there is a lot of thing that you can stick up your ass. I kept walking back and forth trying to decide between a set of butt plugs that were marketed as trainers (3 separate boxes 3 in each starting small and going to Lincoln tunnel) or this dildo that looked like what I imagined Tom’s cock must be like. “Need some help there son?” Without hearing him the cashier had snuck up behind me, I gave a start and a stare cause holy fuck he was hotter closer up. My hole started to twitch again like at lunch and my cock started to thicken, Fuck bet I still had some of the supplement running through me. “Ummmm not really sure which one to get, kinda new to all this” I stammered “Well here I can help you there” with that he grabbed the beginner and intermediate butt plug trainers off the wall and started back to the counter. On impulse I grabbed the dildo, figure I might be able to get it in there some day. I walked up to the front of the counter and he chuckled and motioned for me to come behind. The counter was tall about waist high and had shelves for storage underneath. The cashier looked at me and told me to drop my pants…..I stared at him like he was crazy and he repeated the command this time in a much more forceful way. Adding if I need it there were some poppers for encouragement under the counter to my left. Looking over I saw a bottle of Amsterdam already opened. Again my hole twitched and my mind raced. Was I really going to listen to this guy. Just then the front door opened and a guy came up to buy some tokens for the back. I sighed with relief. I am sure I look very out of place in my suit and tie just standing behind the counter. “Got a new one? “ “Naw just gonna give him a fitting” said the cashier with a wink The new comer chuckled and wandered off to the back room . He looked at me stared into my eyes and then glanced down. As if of their own accord my hands trembling undid my belt and drop my pants to the floor, before I could hesitate I grabbed the poppers bottle and took 4 deep hits. The rush hitting me and kicking that water back into me. I grabbed my underwear and the jock and tore them down exposing my full bush and hairy ass. The cashier looked at me with lust and came over and turned me so I was facing out into the store. Grabbing lube form the shelf I felt him smear some on my ass. “Now the beginner butt plug feels like this” and with that 2fingers were shoved roughly into my hole. I instinctively stood on tip toe, trying to deny him further entrance. His meaty hand came down on my shoulder and forced me back down. A moan escape my lips as I started to move my hips in a circle. His finger worked in and out of my hole, hitting my prostate. My cock fully hard dripped a steady leak of precum into the pouch of the jock between my feet. “This is the smaller set so this is what you would be starting with. Though seems like you have already being working this out a bit on your own. So we will get your started right at the intermediate level OK” Wordlessly and I nodded my head. At that moment I heard the door open. Panic gripped me as I saw Tom walk in the store. Quickly I ducked down pulling the cashier finger from my ass and crammed myself onto the shelf. “Hey Tom, got your order in , look like you are going to have a fun weekend this time.” “Me and Mike have a fun weekend every time but this time is going to be special. You should stop by after you get off work. We would love to have you. Not really a group outing but always fun to add a fourth.” “I just might do that thanks, here ya go have great day “ Once Tom left I scampered back out from under the shelf and the cashier was shaking his head and chuckling “Don’t know why you were so afraid Tom has seen me doing worse than that in here. Hell one time he came in while is husband was blowing me. That was a fun night. We ended up spit roast that hot little number right behind the counter. So back to your purchases, let get you’re the intermediate and that dildo I saw you drooling over and bring up. Here turned around for me and let me see that hole again……you might wanna hit those poppers too” Not needing encouragement when it came to poppers I took another 4 hits and present my ass. I heard him open the one box, smear some more lube on my hole and then felt the cool silicon of the butt plug pressing against my ass. Panicked I took 2 more hit of poppers and it snapped into me. I saw stars and my cock. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK it almost made me come. My breath was coming in shallow gasps. “ There ya go now pull up those pants and be on your way sexy. Before I decide to take a taste of the hole with more than just my fingers” Sliding money onto the counter I grabbed my purchases and made my way out of the store, the whole time the butt plug was rubbing my prostate. I opened my car door and sat down, instantly my cock erupted and the pressure from the seat pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed in the jock constrained and holding all my cum . It took me about 5 min before I could put the keys in the ignition and pull away. And you can bet I hit every pot hole on the way home……
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