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  1. Part Eight: How Could I Say No ************************************************** I made it home and peeled myself off the seat of my Jeep and made it inside my apartment, remarkably with very little mess considering how trashed my track pants were. I peeled them off and threw them directly into the washer. I grabbed an old towel and passed it between my legs, pulling it up around my back and right side--a makeshift diaper if you will--to catch what was now an oozing seepage of piss and cum. I headed straight for the shower and, shucking my remaining clothes and then the towel, I climbed in as the warm water bathed my skin in relaxing heat. As I stood there, hand on the wall in front of me, head down under the water, I thought of what had just happened the last few hours, and realized my cock was rock solid yet again. I had blown a major load on the back of Gary and Tom's couch, and another substantial one down Gary's throat, and here I was again ready to erupt. I reached to my left where my own butt plug sat, and reached around behind me, placed it at my anal entrance. Anyone who has ever attempted to use toys in the shower knows water is the worst lube, but I was determined to just shove it in, and so I did. But the dry, scratching resistance I expected was only minimal, and I knew my hole was still slightly lubed with leaking cum. The 5" plug slipped in the whole way and I clenched my ass as I straightened myself slightly and my left hand made its way back around front to my hard uncut penis. I slowly pulled my foreskin back, and then slid it forward, beginning a steady, rhythmic fisting of my shaft. I knew it wouldn't be long, and surely enough, in just a few minutes I was coating the shower wall before me with thick globs of white, negative cum. I knew it would likely be one of the last untainted loads I ever produced, and my entire body crumpled with the ecstacy of the release. A few more strokes, and I reached around to remove the plug; as I rinsed it, I noticed the pinkish hue of the water entering the drain. I had definitely been torn up inside, and there would be no escaping the consequences of my night. I exited the shower, dried myself, and slipped under the covers of my bed and into a blissful sleep. I went about my normal routine for the next three weeks, my mind always on that night, knowing what lay ahead. It was the third Friday after that weekend that I awoke feeling shaky and under the weather. Calling into work, I told them it was just some bug I had picked up (the truth), common for this time of year (not the truth), and that I wouldn't be in that day. It helps when you are reliable and need time off work, as they don't question your story; besides, I was definitely about to have one of the most miserable weekends of my life, or so I thought. I don't know why, but once I got off the phone with work, I pulled up Grindr and flipped to the messages tab, scrolling down to the chat I knew had started everything. A green dot aside his blank picture box and I knew he was online; the message was short and slightly veiled, but hopefully obvious to the one for which it was meant. "Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the fun the other weekend. Feeling today like you guys may have passed something on. Thanks for letting me stop by!" I put down my phone and crawled back under the covers, noticing that I was already beginning to form beads of sweat on my body. I knew the fever wouldn't be mild, but I really had no choice or input; my body was about to wage it's final battle against a foe it could not defeat. I closed my eyes and drifted into a state of semi-sleep, awoken what turned out to be almost six hours later by the vibration of my phone. It was a notification of a Grindr message--I knew by the color of the flash--and needed no guesses as to who it was from. Gary had responded. "hey boy, cameron was it? so you got our gift?" "Pretty sure. Woke up this morning feeling like crap and starting to run a fever. This Gary or Tom?" "gary. tom never uses this app. hes not good with technology ha. youll probably have a rough weekend ahead, anyone who can take care of you?" "Nah, just me. I'll manage I'm sure." There was a pause, and I wondered if he would continue to respond. After all, he now knew he had accomplished his goal. But he did respond, and not with what I expected. "if you want, you can cum here and I can keep an eye on you. least I can do. maybe when your fever breaks we can even have a celebratory fuck" Was he really inviting me back to their place? "Thats nice of you guys to offer, but I don't want to be some puking guy on your couch. You guys probably wouldnt appreciate that." "well its just me here, tom actually lives a few houses down with his partner rob. my nephew is here visiting for the weekend and then hell be gone, but its no problem. we can get you through the worst of it at least" I knew I should say no, but somehow my fingers didn't follow my brain and I found myself responding that I'd head over. After that, I was in the shower, trying to at least make myself somewhat presentable for my arrival, knowing it wouldn't matter much after that. I towelled off and slipped on a tshirt, jocks, and sweatpants. I grabbed a jacket and slipped into my sneakers before shoving some extra clothes in a travel back. I locked up and hopped in the Jeep, and headed back to that beaten path I had travelled back just three weeks earlier. The sun had already nearly set by the time I turned onto that gravel path and headed back to the house. A minute later I was parking and walking toward the door, feeling far more feverish than earlier. I reached out to knock and instead the door swung open and there stood Gary. He quickly ushered me in to the dimly lit living room, where I assumed I would be set up on the same couch I had "christened" at the same time Gary exploded his first load of poison cum deep into me. Instead, there stood a built and muscular guy about my age, standing about 6' 3" and 220#, a crew cut with several days stubble on his firm jaw, deeply tanned skin, and wearing only a leather harness on his chest and around his waist, with a strap leading down to a ring that wrapped itself around the base of a monstrous uncut cock. He had to have been almost nine inches in length and his shaft was insanely thick. The head of his cock looked simply like a tiny cone, there for one purpose only: to force open whatever hole was presented it. It was the opposite of Gary's cock: small head and massive shaft. Gary's voice pierced the silence. "This is my nephew, Mark. Mark, this is Cameron." Mark reached out his hand and I slowly reached out, completing the handshake. "Damn Cameron, your hand is hot. You really are coming down with something." I heard Gary all but laugh behind me and I turned to find him also standing there naked, his rock hard shaft angled slightly downward as his heavy, bulbous head leaked a strand of precum between the lips of his foreskin, the tip of his piss slit ever so slightly visible. And the look on his face told me everything: his offer of help, however genuine it might have seemed, would come with a few extras. And yet as I stood there--feverish, weak, and in the presence of these two men, both with raging hardons that I knew were meant for me--I knew there was no refusing what was about to happen. I was their guest and they had offered to nurse me through this. I let my bag drop to the floor and suddenly felt Mark standing behind me, his solid dick smashing into my back as he embraced me in a bearhug. "Are you up for some fun before we settle you in?" I was. And with no resistance left, either inside me or out, how could I say no?
    9 points
  2. Sold Health (Part 01) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “Hey… need a hole to fuck – only 50 Dollars and you can fuck mine” the twink whispered to me. I knew, there would be young hustlers in this part of the park at night. Most of them were addicts. They were shadows of human beings. This one was not finished yet. He was still good looking, but his youth was vanishing. His eyes seemed clouded and he slurred the words. “You got a place to go?” I asked. “There are many deserted areas here. We can find a place easily…” he answered. “Nah… I am looking for a guy to fuck him in his bed” I said shortly and turned around to leave. “Wait… wait… let’s say 30 Dollars and you can fuck me here… what do you say?” he begged. “What do you say, if I give you 100 Dollars for your mouth and a bit of your time?” I replied. “Okay. But my flat is not so… tidy.” he said. “I didn’t expect it to be. It will be enough if you are on your knees and suck my dick there… and maybe some other stuff.” I answered. We left the park and walked through deserted streets. It was way after midnight and the good people were all asleep. We walked without talking. The guy was always two steps ahead and I followed him. I watched his ass move and this made me quite horny. His body was shaking from time to time. Obviously he needed money for his next fix. It was such a shame. He had been a good looking lad once. Don’t get me wrong. He was still doing ok. I have seen worse looking boys. It would be a pleasure to use this one. We stopped at a run down house in some part of the city. The lad tried to open the first door to the hall with his key, but he was shaking so much, that it took him a while to open the entrance. I didn’t touch him… Not yet. I just watched his petite frame. He would have been a cute guy, with his blonde hair and his cute little ass, but he chose the wrong path one day in his life and now he was rushing downhill, with no one able to stop him. “Sorry… I am a bit shaky” he apologized. “Take your time…” I answered with my low voice. I followed him to the second floor and again he had to complete the impossible task, to open the door with his key in a calm fashion. When he finally managed to unlock the door to his flat, he opened the door and he stumbled into his own one room apartment. I stood outside and waited. After a second he came back and looked at me questioningly. “Don’t you want to welcome me?” I asked. “Yeah sure… come in” he said. “No I mean… welcome me, with your mouth - outside of your flat.” I insisted. “Dude… I live here. The people around here know my girlfriend.” he whispered desperately. I stood there calmly and simply looked into his eyes. “Oh damnit…” he cursed. He walked outside into the hall and crouched before me. With trembling hands he tried to open my jeans. It was hilarious how much time he needed to set my cock free. And still it was cute, how bad he needed the money, that he even serviced a John out here in the open, just to get cash for his drugs. My cock hardened already, because of the massage his fingers gave to me, simply by opening my pants. Finally he grabbed inside of my cage and freed my hardening cock. I pressed the button for the floor light. The twink flinched. “Man… please… don’t…” he whined. “Open your mouth and suck!” I ordered him loudly. For the first time I saw his face in a bright light. The lad seemed to be broken already. His face showed the story of his decline. He was working for one thing only and that was his drug. It didn’t matter what kind of substance he abused. The drug ruled his life. His blue eyes looked up to me, while he sucked my cock deep into his throat. He had this pleading look. He wanted me to give him the sign, that we could move into his apartment to finish this job. I nodded at him. Thankfully he smiled at me and crawled backwards into his one room flat. I followed him inside his home. Home sweet home… The whore wanted to get up and close the apartment door. “Stay on your knees dog.” I simply ordered and closed the door myself. “What…?” he asked. “You understood me. Stay where you belong… on your knees.” I pushed the light switch but the room stayed dark. “No light?” I asked. “I didn’t have the money to pay it. I guess they shut down the electricity.” the boy mumbled. On his knees he scurried through the room and lit some candles. “How romantic…” I said ironically. “Can I have my money first? Then I will finish sucking you.” he asked with a broken voice. I interrupted stroking my dick and gave him the 100 Dollars. “Who are these people on those pictures?” I asked and pointed to some photographs on a cupboard.” “That’s none of your business I guess. I will suck your dick…” he argumented. “I paid for that AND your time faggot” I rebuked. The teen moved closer and watched at those pictures. “My parents… and that’s me one year ago. When I turned 18.” he sighed. “That was you? One year ago? May I say it, you look shit today” I replied coldly. “I know. I have changed a bit, but I am still handsome… at least my girlfriend tells me so” the boy mumbled. “You changed a bit?” I laughed. “You’re girlfriend… *chuckles” “Is she a whore too?” I asked him. “Huh?” “Is your girlfriend also a whore like you?!” I repeated the question. “She does what she has to do” he answered. I turned to him and fed him some cock. I like my boys to keep their heads still. It is my job to move and so I held him by his ears and shoved my cock deep into his throat. “Open up” I ordered. “Would it be okay if I would piss into you?” “Ho… mu….” he inarticulated. “What?” I pulled my cock out of his mouth. “How much… can I get for it?” he asked. “So you would drink it. You would be my urinal, for my stinking piss. It just has a tag on it” I chuckled. I will give you another 100 Dollars just to piss. But I won’t use your mouth bitch. What about your bed? Or could I simply piss into your closet… onto your clothes. He could see another 100 Dollar bill waving in front of his face. It took him a while, but then he grabbed for the money. “Easy cash… easy cash…” I repeated. After he accepted the other bill I turned around to the little cupboard and showered all the pictures with my yellow liquid. I laughed out loudly. “Saw that? I pissed on your family. I pissed on your girlfriend and I pissed on you… 18 years old handsome guy…” I grinned evilly. Then I stopped pissing and wandered around. I opened the closet and started another stream of my dark yellow colored piss. “This is okay… for you. Right? I'm allowed to piss on your clothes. Since your flat is a pigsty anyways…” I reassured myself. The guy held his money in his fist and nodded defeatedly. I walked to the fading beauty and crouched next to him. “Listen – you have already lost everything. Do you think you can make it – any time soon?” I asked him seriously. “Maybe… if I get some help. Maybe then I can start a new life” he whispered. I stood up and pushed my cock deeply into his mouth again and rocked softly in and out of his throat. “What would you say, if I tell you tonight… I will give you a great amount of money, if you are willing to gamble with your health…” I asked him softly. “*Hrmpf* I don’t understand…” he interrupted his sucking motions. “You know HIV and AIDS? Sure you know…” I grinned knowingly. “Are you clean…?” I asked him “I am carefully – sharing my needle and I don’t let guys fuck me without a condom” he said. “I got an HIV rapid antibody test with me. We could know within 20 Minutes, if you are infected or not” I told him. “And then…?” he didn’t know my intentions, but he accepted my cock again and suckled on it. “If you are negative… a friend of mine and I will pay you 10.000 Dollars to fuck you bareback. The only risk is, we are both not medicated AIDS Tops and highly contagious. Are you willing to take the risk?” I asked him. The lad was stunned. His eyes seemed to be empty, but I knew his thoughts were rotating around the money. He probably didn’t realize, but he was still sucking my infiltrating cock. “Think of all the things you can do with it. Pay your next fix. Move out to a better apartment with your girlfriend. Start a new life!” I reasoned with him. “You can keep the 200 Dollars and I will leave, if you decide that’s a risk, you don’t want to take” I withdrew my cock from him. “But if you are willing to get POZ fucked, we will pay you the money tonight. My buddy will have the cash on him. And there is still a chance, you won’t get infected. In that case you can keep the money of course…” I explained. “So? Do we have a Deal or No Deal?” I wanted to know.
    7 points
  3. Part 11 - Weekends are for rest Saturday morning Joe woke up spooning Kyle. He felt the heat emanating from Kyle’s body and saw he was covered in sweat. Slowly he rolled backward and let Kyle lay on his back. Looking over, he saw Kyles eyes open slowly and said “Morning. You feeling ok? Cuz you look like shit.” “Good, I feel like shit too” Kyle replied. Steven woke and slid out of bed not sure if he should stay or leave the room. “Do you think this is the fuck flu?” Joe asked. “God, I hope so. I’ve never felt this bad without puking” Kyle answered. “Shit. Is this what we’re all gonna go through?” Steven asked. “Yeah, I guess. I heard everyone is different and some never get the flu” Joe said. Kyle curled up on the bed and pulled the covers over himself muttering “fuck, fuck, fuck” over and over until he passed out. Joe and Steven went out to the living room and Joe said “Ok, we gotta help each other through this. Lets check on him every hour. It might just be a bad flu bug or it could be the real thing. I’m gonna go to the store. Keep an eye on him while I’m gone.” Joe grabbed Kyle’s car keys off the hook and headed over to the megamart. On his way he called his brother Mark. “Hey, how’s it going?” he started. “Hey bro. I’m doing good and Eric is back to his horny old self. Things couldn’t be better. How are you? That’s probably the bigger question” Mark replied. “I’m ok, I guess. Kyle woke up this morning with a bad fever and headache and said he aches everywhere. I’m headed to the store. What should I get?” said Joe. “Just ok? Isn’t this what you guys wanted?” “Yeah, it is. But I was hoping I would be the first to get sick” Joe explained. “Just be patient. As for stuff to get, just make sure he’s hydrated. Gatorade is good. I couldn’t keep food down for several days, so I wouldn’t worry too much about food. Soup or toast. Just see what he’s up for. Do you know how high his fever is?” “No I don’t. Thanks for the info. Talk to ya later” Joe said before hanging up the phone. He grabbed a case of sports drink bottles and then added a second one into the cart. Joe wandered the store and got a few more things to stock the kitchen and finally found a thermometer before paying for the stuff and loading it into the car. It was times like this that he regretted the 3rd floor apartment, it was going to take a couple trips to get everything up. As he opened the apartment door he spotted Luis fucking Steven on the floor and laughed. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just drop this stuff off and leave you two lovebirds so you can have your fun” Joe told them. “I’m almost done” Luis said as he slammed his cock into Steven’s ass hard and let out a groan while adding more charged up cum into him. “So fuckin’ hot to hear Kyle is sick. Who do you think will be next? All you guys took a lot of hot loads when Mark was here and Kyle and Steven have been soaking up a bunch more since then” Luis said, pulling his cock out of Steven. “I dunno. I kind of want it to be me, but I know I haven’t taken as many different poz loads. Besides, I have an appointment tomorrow to do more work on the tattoo, so it would be better if I make it through that before I get sick” said Joe. Luis started putting his clothes back on and said “Hey, I gotta get to work. Catch you guys later.” Joe made another trip to the car and got the last of the groceries while Steven plugged his ass and put his shorts back on. Joe put everything away and they sat on the couch watching TV and tending to Kyle, sometimes forcing him to drink. At one point Joe helped him into the shower and held him under the water. Looking down, he smiled - both of their cocks were fully hard. A while later, Joe got up and put a pizza in the oven. When he came back to the room he noticed Steven scratching a few red spots on his arms. Looking closer, he saw beads of sweat dripping down his forehead too. Joe picked up the thermometer and stuck it in Steven’s mouth. When it beeped, Joe pulled it out and looked - 101 degrees fahrenheit. “Damn, I guess you’re the next one. You can sleep in the bed with Kyle. I’ll crash here tonight” Joe told Steven. He went back into the kitchen and pulled the pizza out and cut it up. Steven had a few bites but just wasn’t hungry. He sipped on the bottle of gatorade for a little while longer before getting up and heading to the bed to join Kyle. Joe sat on the couch stroking his cock thinking “I wonder how long I have before its me.”
    7 points
  4. I decided on going Mr. C as might as well experience it all at once as the money is the same between the two, I’m such a whore. Being lock up in chastity for 3 months is no fun as I will do anything to get out of it . Larry says the funds are in my bank and the date is set, the room will have cameras in it for filming and I will get a cut of the film rights as this film will be sold privately. Today is the day and I’m escorted into to room , as I sit and wait for Mr.C to show I’m scared shit of what’s going to happen to me and if I can take what’s about to come. When the door opens it’s Mr.C and he is very hot looking with just a jock strap that is bulging out from the massive size of his dick. Next the bar tender shows up with the supplies and it’s WOW with what he is bringing up. I know what the syringes are all the heavy ones from the markings and the same goes true for the spiked Gator Aid and lube, but there is one box I have no idea what’s in that one. Mr.C has a key ring around his neck and I hope it’s for this chastity device that is killing me, he starts to give me a leather harness for my chest to be used by him to grab on to me if I resist and a leather collar. Larry comes in with some papers for us to sign that I’m willing to do this and understand what is going to happen and the building takes no responsibility in what happens. Then Mr.C boy comes I guess to help or something else, he is 5ft.8 maybe 140 LBS. and must spend 5 hours a day in the gym. The boy has a Bio Hazard tattoo just like Mr.C with a P.A. but with a dick about my size 9X2.When Larry leaves Mr. C want’s me on may stomach and for me to spread my legs as wide as I can , he takes some rope and ties my ankles to the bottom of the bed as this room is used mostly for BDSM so it has plenty of hard points. Once that is done Mr.C is taking pictures of my virgin hole and is saying this is so beautiful it’s a shame to be wrecking, but he is so happy to be the one to be wrecking. Next Mr.C has his face in my hole rimming me and using his tong as his boy is kneeling on the floor next to me, my dick is so hard I feel it’s going to break this metal cage around my dick. I feel him using so warm lube on my hole as he stick his finger in and soon it starts to feel warm then it gets hotter ( so I guess this is what a booty bump feels like) I guess he has his big finger in me as it hurts a little till he tells me that was his pinky. Shit if that his pinky how Am I going to take the 12X3 dick in my holes. After working my hole for what seamed hours he turns and says look at the mess I made from my dick leaking pre cum. Mr.C says I know you have been lock up for months , so he take this fucking cage off my dick he gives me a bottle of Gator Aid as he wants to keep me hydrated ( LOL I know but I have never tasted it before) They are right it taste horrible but this is a heavy dose. After I’m finished drinking his boy goes down on my dick and it’s WOW time soon he turns around so I can suck his dick and every movement he does to me I do the same to him, found out tater he was lock in chastity for 6 months and this is his first time out. Between the booty bump and the G what ever fear I ever had are now gone as I suck this boy dick and he does the same to me. I think we are doing our best to hold back but a few seconds apart we are both shooting massive loads in our mouths as Mr.C tell us the swallow each other loads as best as we can. The sheets are rubber and we are to lick up every place of where we drop cum, as we finish we both start kissing as Mr.C takes his boy arm and I see the needle goes into his boys arm then the flash of blood and the syringe is empty as his boy is doing a very heavy coughing up as he lays down on the bed. Next it’s my turn to get slammed Mr.C says this is a day you will always remember now he has to find a vein in my skinny arm,He ties off my arm and a vein pops up and I watch the needle go in then the flash of blood as he looks in my eyes and says enjoy the ride. I feel this rush and I can’t breath I’m gasping for air as I feel my heart is ready to explode as he turns me over and gets me on all fours. He take this lube shooter as stick it in my ass , then ask his boy to give me some poppers. The boy says to me breather real deep as he closes off one side of my nose as I take 10 deep breath then the other side , wile this is going on Mr.C is rubbing his dick head around my hole with out his P.A. on After I’m spinning on the poppers and my hole is begging for something to be in my virgin hole Mr.C just drives in till he balls deep and I’m screaming as the pain is to much for me as I go spread eagle on the bed and Mr.C weight is on top of me with no escape and he just lays on top on me and says your hole is now broken and you will get used to getting fuck. He laid on top of me for 10 minutes before he started moving and the pain level was way down as he lifted me up till I was back on all fours and started to fuck me as his boy kept giving me poppers. The pain was soon replaced with joy of pleasure as his shaft was going all the way in and out as I rode that dick like I always wanted. When he finally came in me I could feel his pulsating dick is giving me his toxic loads in me but I’m on PrEP but it’s a raw load and as he pulls out I turn around like I have seen so many do and put his dick in my mouth with all the cum and blood on it as I watch his boy take my arm and give me another slam.
    5 points
  5. My biological father was killed in a car accident when I was 10 years old, leaving my mom and me on our own. My mom struggled as a single mom for a couple years, but she was miserable without a man in her life, so it was hardly surprising to me when she started to date again. What was very surprising was that when she finally picked a second husband, she chose Bud. My dad had been an incredibly intelligent, cultured, and soft-spoken academic, and Bud...wasn't. My dad used to spend hours on the weekend absorbed in books, but Bud was more the type to spend hours on a chair in front of the TV, drinking beer (and if we were lucky, he'd be wearing pants). But he was nice to my mom, and nice to me, and my mom stopped worrying all the time and seemed more relaxed. I know that some people, in particular my biological father's family, used to question her decision to remarry so soon and why she chose a man so unlike my father, but she just used to say, "He makes me laugh" and leave it at that. I did overhear her talking to a friend once, who asked the same question, and instead of her usual answer, she replied, "Because when I'm riding his monster cock, I can cum two or three times for every time he does." I didn't really get it at the time, but like I said, she was happy and relaxed, and so I was too. I asked Bud one time, before he married my mom, what his real name was. He told me that his parents had wanted everyone to like him, so they named him Buddy. But as he got older, he shorted it to Bud. Then he told me how, even though he knew that he could never replace my father, my mom was very important to him, and so that meant that I was very important to him too. He knew that having a man around was very important to a boy in his teen years, so he hoped that I would soon feel comfortable to talk to him about anything. He was so sincere, and my mom was so invested in this new relationship, that I bypassed the stage where most step-kids resent the new man in the house. Even so, although Bud and I tried, but when it came down to it, we had very little in common. I was very much my father's son: quiet and introspective, shy and lacking confidence, not in the best shape, whereas Bud was loud, brash, in-your-face, a proudly self-proclaimed redneck. Even so he'd pretend to take an interest in my schooling, and I'd pretend to enjoy watching football with him, and we had a friendly relationship, which was a relief because I started having some interesting changes happening to my body around then, and he was right, it was nice having a male friend to talk to about it. He got me through wet dreams and pubic hair, masturbation and shaving, all without a scratch (literally). It was interesting, but as Bud's and my friendship got stronger, his relationship with my mom got worse and worse, and so did mine. I think that she envisioned that her second marriage would be mostly about the two of them, with me just hovering on the periphery keeping out of their way. But Bud wasn't having that - we were a family unit. So the two of us got closer, and my mom's jealousy drove her further and further away. It got to the point that when I was 16, and I finally admitted to myself that maybe thinking about the quarterback at school while jacking off meant that I was gay, that Bud was the first one that I told. He hugged me, told me that he loved me, and that he was proud of me, and told me that I might want to hold off on telling my mom until things got better. I was so relieved that he was okay with it, given his proud identity as a redneck, but he just told me, "I think of you like my own son. You are mine, and I'm not getting rid of you that easily". This new insider knowledge made us even closer, causing all sorts of whispered conferences just out of mom's hearing, and private jokes - it wasn't that surprising that she packed up and took off one day. When my mom left, Bud made it clear to everyone, especially me, that he considered me his son and was planning on keeping me with him for the next couple of years until I was 18. I was so relieved that I wasn't going to be uprooted, or lose another parent, but he just hugged me and said, "I told you, I'm not getting rid of you that easily." Since he started working long hours to make up for the loss of the second income, I started picking up my mom's extra work around the house. It wasn't easy, because I kept fucking it up for one reason or another, but Bud was very quick to kindly correct me and get me back on track. He became more and more of a guiding hand over the the next two years, and I spent more and more time with him, because he made me feel good about myself, even though I kept screwing everything up. We talked about college sometimes, and I told him that even though my grades were good enough to go anywhere on a full ride, I wanted to go to the college in town so that I could live at home and take care of him. He agreed to the idea, saying, "I'm not getting rid of you that easily" and chuckling over that old joke. Then, my 18th birthday came around, and everything changed. I woke up the morning of my 18th birthday to a strange tickling sensation. I was startled to find Bud sitting on my bed, in just his jockeys and his ever-present trucker's cap. It was shocking because Bud had always stressed that my room was MY place, and he never entered without permission, until this morning. He was, as I said, sitting on my bed pretty close to naked (I was completely naked, as I had started sleeping that way every summer), and the tickling sensation was his middle finger, slick with lube, sliding back and forth up and down my ass crack. I was paralyzed by the bizarre nature of the situation, so when Bud put his other finger to his lips in the classic "Shh" signal, I obeyed. Then he slid his finger into my hole, and I had to let out a gasp. Even though I was 18, and had known I was gay since I was 16, I was still a virgin. This, ironically, had been advice from Bud - that you only get one first time, so make sure that it's special. So, Bud's probing digit was the first thing to ever enter my hole, and it wasn't the most pleasant intrusion. I tried to wiggle away, but he put a first grip on the leg closest to him and I was stuck. He figured out when he hit my prostate based on my reaction - my eyes got very wide, and I lost my breath. Then he pulled most of the way out and then slammed his finger into my teen G spot again...and again...and again. After three minutes of this, my dick decided it couldn't take anymore and I came, sobbing a little with the intensity of it. I was pretty sure at this point, because I knew with 100% certainty that Bud was straight, that this was a really vivid wet dream - like a birthday present from the universe. So when he reached out and scooped up my cum off my chest, and held it out to me on dripping fingers, I obediently opened my mouth and starting sucking his hand clean. I heard from his end of the bed the snap of a cap, and the pop of a Ziploc bag opening, but was so focused on doing a good job that I didn't pay attention until his fingers (this time middle and index) slid into me again. This time the intrusion burned more than before, and it staying warm even after the initial burn. In fact, by the time he was deep as my prostate again, my whole ass felt like it was smoldering. The shock from my prostate felt ten times better, and when he pulled all the way out, my ass had never felt so empty. The pop of the Ziploc again, and his fingers were back - this time the smoldering turned into a full-on blaze of lust. My ass needed to be filled, and stretched, and used. I was making little noises in the back of my throat, and when he pulled his fingers out of my hole again, they got louder. Bud smiled, and wiping his lubed fingers on his jockeys, he stood up and came to loom over me. I could see his enormous bulge straining at his briefs, and I remembered, as a kid, hearing my mom use the term 'monster cock', but the feeling from my ass was making it hard to focus on anything but how empty my ass was. He looked down at me and smiled, saying, "I've been waiting for this day for some time now, boy. I thought about it often enough, and almost jumped the gun a couple of times, but I realize that it is very important for your development that you understand that this is a choice, and that you are an adult, and aren't being manipulated or victimized, so that when you decide to embrace it, you know that it was your choice, okay?" My head was starting to spin, too much for me to really understand what he was saying, but I felt I had to acknowledge him somehow, so I grunted. He continued, "The choice is that you can either tell me to fuck off right now, and I'll leave and we'll forget this ever happened, or you can ask me to stay, but that means that you do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that I say. It's your choice." My head was spinning even harder now, and I was desperate for some physical contact to hang on to, so I started groping blindly in his direction, which is how I grabbed hold of his cock. My mom was right - it was a monster. He laughed and pulled my hand off, holding me firmly by the wrist, saying, "I need to hear the words, boy - either go or stay." I focused as hard as I could and gasped out "stay" - whatever he had planned couldn't be worse than this isolated, horny, bizarre spinning feeling. Bud feigned confusion, "Sorry, couldn't quite catch that..." I was sobbing again, the feelings of lust and emptiness so strong within me, and so I sobbed out a much louder and definite "Please stay". When he chuckled, it froze my blood - I had never heard him sound so...well...evil was the best way to describe it. He shucked his underpants, and his monster cock sprung free. Then he pulled my chin so that I was looking directly into his eyes, and said, "You asked for it, faggot." Coming soon - part 2.
    4 points
  6. pt. 1 is here "That's Aldo. He told me was Puerto Rican. We ended up dating a little after the movie was over." On screen,they traded blow jobs and then Aldo fucked him from behind. No condom, but lots of lubricant from somewhere. It was hot, but got monotonous after a few minutes. "This scene was short over the course of two hours because he kept losing his woody. But wait a few seconds. It was a close-up shot of Aldo's bare ass pumping vigorously into Houston. He was a vocal top and never stopped 'shit' and 'fuck'. "Right there! See how he pauses and squeezes his ass together? And then just keeps going? He'd already shot his load inside of me, but then a few minutes later, he claims he can't cum and is losing his boner. The director told him to take a break." Wow. I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around all of this. "Not many poz guys get the moment they were bugged on tape." "I do," Lloyd said quietly. "That's a homemade tape, and you knew what was happening at the time." Carl turned to me. "We don't share that one." I was stunned, silent. "Do we have to watch the rest of this? At least let me mute it." Lloyd pressed the remote and we all then sat and watched in silence for a few minutes. I was ready to explode with so many feelings and could not handle the quiet. I turned to Lloyd. "Do you have an HIV+ tattoo as well?" He looked at Carl "You showed him that picture?? Why?" "I just showed him the one on my belly. He said he liked all the pics, so I guess that means the tat one too." "Oh. OK. Yes, Matt. I went and got one as a surprise for Carl, but he doesn't like it." "It's just badly placed and they made it too big." "Can I see it?" I suppose it was time to get things going. Lloyd stood in the middle of the living room and peeled off his shirt. There it was. On the right side of his torso was a huge bio-hazard symbol onside a circle with some Latin words around it. It covered that entire part of his rib cage. I could do nothing but stare. "I designed it myself. It took all day, and there was supposed to be color added the next afternoon, but I couldn't handle any more pain." I guess he read too much in my stare because he took off his shoes, socks and pants as well. Oh God. I was in this now. His underwear bulge was big and odd looking. "Jesus, Lloyd. You gonna dance now?" Carl sounded very annoyed. "You gotta have music to dance...hold on." He went to the stereo and then there was gay bar music. Erasure was the group I think. "Wait. Matt hasn't seen my new tattoos yet." Carl then stripped completely nude. So weird to see a video take and the real thing at once. He was only about half hard but still very daunting. His eyes met mine for a second. I guess they both knew by now that I wasn't mad... just horny and willing. "Check it out" he said as he turned around to show me his backside. I saw the red kissing lips he had inked on his left butt cheek. It seemed kind of dumb, but whatever. "And this one." He lifted his foot in the air and held his right calf out so I could see the little tat of a scorpion. I got on my knees to get a better look. "You know what that signifies?" "You're a Scorpio?" He laughed. "I was born the day after Christmas. So I'm not a Scorpio." He turned around and I saw he was completely erect. Damn! It was a work of art. I guess Lloyd was feeling a little left out because he came up right behind me and stood. "Yeah, he's got a porn-perfect cock, but mine is like nothing you've ever seen." He was sure right about that. I turned around and there was this giant, potato-like dick that didn't seem to be possible. It was so pale and weird. I marveled and couldn't even really tell if he was cut or not. So odd. "Well. If you don't kiss it, my feelings will be hurt." I leaned over a kissed the underside of the head and reached one hand out to feel his nut sack. It was tight and wrinkly, and the texture was similar to the bottom of rain boot. "Lloyd! You can't make the poor guy try to take that. He's new and you'll make him suffer. BACK OFF!" Lloyd stepped away from my face and hand. Carl was the boss here, I guess. "Give him to me for a little. Hey, Matt....want to kiss the lip tattoo?" Yes. I crawled over and put my lips directly on the ink. I thought about how many times I'd heard the phrase 'kiss my ass' without ever picturing it as an actual activity. I smooched his butt cheek and reached around to his crotch with one hand. He was hard as slab of marble. "Move to my crack, OK?" I did. I inhaled the man musk and wasn't the least bit offended. I rubbed my nose up and down the crevice -- knowing my mouth on his hole. I had never imagined I'd like it as much as I did. It wasn't so much the smell or the taste that was appealing as much as it was servicing someone confident and in charge. "Oh damn, that's gonna get me off! I...damn!" I pulled away only because I wanted him to cum a different way. "I guess we're not in the doghouse anymore, Carl. He might even be into us." "Yeah...he's pretty horned up. I'm going to take him to my room now." "Can I join you...or at least watch?" Lloyd sounded like a kid begging his dad for a toy. "We'll see. Leave us in private for a little while. Come on, Matt. Let's go play around." I followed naked Carl to a dim room. The bed was neatly made and there was a cozy lamp already on next to it. This had all been planned. I was grinning on the inside. "Take your clothes off...let me get a look at what I've got here." I did. Quickly, giving away how eager I was. "Wow." he said as he rubbed my chest and shoulders. "You're skin is so smooth. Nice dick too. Turn around and let me see that ass. Oh FUCK! That's so cute and tiny. Shit!" He maneuvered me to the bed and lied me flat on my back. I suppose there was no going back now. He then climbed on top of me and his nude weight pushed me deeper down into the mattress. I felt his dick rub against mine as we kissed. If this was all there was to fucking, I'd still say I loved sex. I mean it. I didn't need anything more. But of course we had just started. "You've never been fucked before?" "I have once. My very first boyfriend fucked me when I was 21. It didn't feel all that great, but at least we used a condom. I thought I loved him." I couldn't believe that, with everything that was happening just then, I was talking about that jerk. "Did you use lube?" "Yeah. KY." "Oh, there's way better stuff now. What about poppers?" "No. I've heard about that. I know what it is." "We'll probably need some and I've got a new bottle ready to go if you need it." "Sorry I'm so clueless about everything, Carl." "Shh. I'm about to give you so many clues about so many things. Hold on." He got up off the bed and rifled through a dresser drawer. My eyes were shut, but when I felt his weight back on the bed I opened them. "Since you're not all that broken in yet, the easiest position for us will be where you're on your hands and knees. Yeah. Like that. Now pull your knees closer as close to the front as you can. Good." I felt vulnerable and exposed. And then he was rubbing some oily lotion around my butt hole. He was working his finger inside of me. "Does that hurt?" "No. It's not bad." "Goddamn, you are really tight. You need to be opened up all over again. Let me try two fingers..." Now that hurt a little. "Relax, baby. I need to get at least three fingers in there before we can do anything more." He shifted a little and produced a little brown bottle with the cap off. "Inhale through one nostril ...as deeply as you can. Good. One more. How you feelin' now?" My head lifted into the clouds as my body sank into a warm lake. I was relaxed at the same time I was keenly aware of my nerve endings. The nerve endings in my ass wanted him to never take those fingers away. My heart was beating in a faster and deeper like a disco song's bass line. I was aware that Carl was taking his own sniffs of that magic potion now. I kept my eyes closed because I was really digging the flashing dots showing themselves, encouraging me. I lifted my head again and asked him for a few more whiffs. "Okay...but how about just one for now. I've got four fingers in you already." Wow. At that second I would have taken five or six. I took more deep huff and everything I loved about the effects doubled. I almost cried when he slowly took his fingers out little by little. I was almost in mourning for that sensation when He poked the hot head of his big dick between my butt cheeks. I felt a little jolt of pain try to get my attention, but I willed it leave me alone. "Get ready. Take one more sniff, OK?" He let me have three inhales. That little hurt I'd felt was so far gone beneath of the sound of blood flowing past my eardrums. "Here we go." And then he drilled all the way inside of me. Shit! This pain was harder to fight back. It felt like his cock was three foot long and was hitting my neck from down there. I cried out a little, but he rescued me with the sacred bottle to smell. "Fuck, man....this is so fucking nice. Here -- can you hold the bottle. Take as much as you need." Oh, I sure did. The bed moved again as I felt Lloyd's hands on the side of my head. He was squatting down in front of me on the bed. How perfect! He pushed the head of that freakish penis up to my lips. The two of them didn't say a word to each other. I was just a pleasure object to these men and I loved that idea. Carl picked up the pace of his thrusting and was breathing heavily. It didn't occur to me at that moment that I had two HIV+ weapons plugged into me. It was just about the love my whole body was feeling. Every single cell. "Lloyd, Buddy, are you getting close?" "Almost, You?" "I'm gonna fucking shoot ....NOW!" He heaved and then was still like a statue. "Cum on his back." A few seconds later I felt heavy drops of Lloyd's hot semen puddle onto my spine. "Good job." Carl drug his fingers through it and scooped some onto his shaft that had partly pulled out out of me. He plowed back in and the mixture of their hot loads were pounded up inside of my ass. "Just keeping it all in the family," They both laughed. We collapsed in a pile and I my ass empty again. The slush of so much cum, sweat and probably blood was not comfortable. We were a trio of funky brothers sleeping in a post-lust pile. At some point, I had a cramp in my shoulder from sleeping in such a weird position. I needed the bathroom anyway, so I peeled myself away from the heap of men. The bathroom was neat and clean for something shared by two males. I had dried blood/goo on my backside, and I cleaned up with wet toilet paper. My butt was aching, but in an almost wonderful way. I stepped into the hall and Lloyd was right there to meet me. "Everything OK?" He was naked and still beautiful. "Yeah. My shoulder hurts and I think I'm going to crash on your couch if that's alright." "No problem. I can only get good sleep when I'm all alone in bed. I'll bring you some stuff." He came back with a pillow, blanket and a pair of cotton shorts. "In case you don't like to sleep nude. Want some socks?" "No. Thanks. This is all I need." I was suddenly very tired. "Let me get you all tucked-in, Matt." He fussed and made sure I was comfortable. This felt better. I watched his ass as he walked away. "Hold on." He came back with a glass of water and a bunch of antacid tablets. "In case you get stomach acid from the wine. Carl always does." "Thanks, man." He knelt right next to me with his face a few inches from mine. "I need to tell you something else." I got scared all of the sudden. More surprises? "You need to know that your pal Theresa helped us get you. She and Carl are friends from back during his drug days. They don't get along very well, but she obviously owed him big favors for something. Holy shit. I hope this was the last plot twist. "Are you mad?" "I feel like an idiot. I mean, I'm happy that this night happened, but I always confided in her and trusted her. She was my best friend -- 'was' being the key word." "That's between her and Carl. I didn't know it was a set-up until that night after you two left. Well, I'm going to go sleep in my own bed. We can all talk about it more in the morning. Carl gave us both the day off. Me and him, I mean." And then I was alone in the dark, the almost dark. We'd left the TV on and it was a blue 'menu' screen. I liked the light. I let sleep overtake me -- with no thoughts about the possible consequences of what I'd done earlier. There was plenty of time for that later. I slept better than I have in months. In the morning we all sat at the kitchen table in our half-dressed state. There was casual chatter mixed in with serious talk. We had so much to discuss because they'd both decided that they wanted me to come back and see if we could all have a repeat. I was more than agreeable. NOW It's still hard for me to believe that this all happened two decades ago. We are all still together and all doing fine. Gay marriage is legal now, but not for three men. Still, we consider ourselves all to be 'husband and husband and husband'. We live in a different house even though their old one meant so much to me. I never talked to Theresa again and I have no idea where she is now. I realized I will always be stupid enough to believe in love, but at least I'd found it.
    4 points
  7. I'm not sure how far I'll take this, but hope you enjoy another few chapters. ------ Part 10 - Joey’s turn? Joe came back from class and sat down on the couch and lit up a joint. It was Friday afternoon and just over a a week and a half since his brother Mark had gone back home. Each morning since Mark had left Joe awoke, hoping for symptoms of the flu, but there had been nothing. He craved cock, but had promised himself that it was his brother’s strain that would be the one that infected him. His sole sexual relief had been sucking cock. Almost any cock he could find - his boyfriend Kyle, guys at the adult book store, guys at the club, guys in the park. He couldn’t remember a time in college that he hadn’t been fucked at least twice in a week. What made it harder was watching Kyle take poz loads from Tony and Derrick. He would stand there stroking his newly pierced cock as Kyle got pounded by their big cocks and then hear the orgasms signaling another successful delivery of tainted cum in Kyle’s hole. Joe wouldn’t even felch the loads out of Kyle's ass, something he loved to do. No, it was going to be Mark’s cum that did it. His daydreaming was disturbed by the sound of his phone. He picked up the phone and saw it was Steven, who he hadn’t seen since Mark had been there. “Hello?” “Hi Joe, it’s Steven. I’m in a bind and was wondering if you could help me out.” “Maybe. What’s up?” replied Joe. “Uh, my dad caught me in bed with Luis and threw me out of the house. Can I crash at your place for a few days until I find a place? I can’t stay with Luis because there are already four guys in his apartment.” “I need to check with Kyle, but I think that would be ok as long as its not for more than a week or two,” Joe explained. “Oh my god, thanks. I have to wait until everyone is out of the house to get my stuff, so just call me when you know from Kyle,” Steven said excitedly. After checking with Kyle, Joe let Steven know it was okay. Steven was relieved, even more so when Joe drove over to Steven's place and helped Steven pack a suitcase with his clothes and a couple boxes of stuff - computer, trophies from high school, and a few pictures. Steven broke down crying on the end of his old bed. Joe hugged him and told him “Don’t worry, things will work out okay. They will come around and if they don’t, then you won’t want to deal with people that can’t accept you for who you really are.” They picked up the boxes and headed out the door leaving the empty drawers on the floor and the bed stripped clean. Back at the apartment, Joe cleaned a spot for Steven to put his stuff. “You can sleep on the couch and use the playroom to fuck, if you want. The inflatable mattress in there has seen its share of piss and cum, so you probably don’t want to sleep there.” The guys sat on the couch catching up on the last several days. Steven and Luis had been fucking each other almost every day since they met. “I had just dumped my load in Luis and had flipped over on my back and got Luis’s cock in my ass when my Dad burst into the room screaming like a crazy man. He told me to get my stuff, get out of the house, and yelled ‘No son of mine is going to be a faggot'” Steven told Joe. They popped a couple beers and smoked some pot and talked some more. “Oh, yeah. You didn’t see what I did the day after the party,” Joe said while standing up and dropping his jeans. Pulling his cock out, Steven gasped as he saw the piercing in Joe’s cock. “Fuck yeah. That is so cool. It’s smaller than the one Mark had, but really hot” Steven said. “Yeah, I’m gonna stretch it eventually, but I still like it with the smaller ring.” Steven reached up and held Joe’s cock and played with the ring with his fingers. He leaned forward and licked the head and the piercing with his tongue. Joe moaned and put his hand behind Stevens head and pulled it towards him. Steven began sucking his cock deeper and deeper and worked his tongue all over Joe’s shaft. He took a deep breath and relaxed his throat and pushed down as hard as he could, feeling the piercing and cock head enter his throat. Steven began to gag a little but kept pushing until his face was in Joe’s pubic hair. Joe had jacked off a few times since he got the piercing but this was the first time that his cock had been inside someone since then. Steven flexed his throat around Joe’s cock just like Luis had taught him and it drove Joe crazy. Joe started to fuck Steven’s throat thrusting in with his hips while also pulling Steven’s head forward. Steven was working his lips, tongue and throat on the cock and started tasting the precum leaking from Joe’s cock. Joe knew he wouldn’t last long since he was overdue for releasing his cum. Soon his balls started tingling and tightening while his cock throbbed and swelled. Steven felt Joe’s cock expand in his mouth and stopped bobbing on it. He wanted to taste Joe’s cum when he shot, so he pulled back so just the head was inside his lips which were sealed tight around the shaft. Volley after volley of Joe’s cum shot into Steven’s mouth, coating his tongue and throat. Steven started swallowing as his mouth filled with Joe’s questionable cum. Joe couldn’t believe the amount of cum he was flooding Steven’s mouth with. 'He’s a natural cocksucker. Amazing for someone so new to gay sex' thought Joe. As the cum stopped shooting, Steven swallowed more cum and began to lick and clean Joe’s cock. When he finished he looked up at Joe who then pulled him up to his feet and kissed him savoring his own cum and Steven’s spit. They fell back down to the couch with both of them breathing heavily. Joe looked at Steven and said “Thanks, I guess I really needed that.” “Fuck, do you always cum that much? I almost drowned!” Steven joked. After a pause, Joe looked at Steven and asked “So… Have you had any of the flu symptoms?” “No, I haven’t. My throat is a bit sore, but that’s from your cock just now!” Steven laughed. They smoked another bowl and had just turned the TV on when Kyle walked in. “Sorry I’m late. I stopped over at Tony’s place before he went to work for another dose. He and Derrick filled my cunt up with more spunk.” “Drop em and bend over, I want to see it” Joe demanded. Kyle grinned and moved closer before dropping his shorts and underwear and bending over the table and pushing a little bit of the cum out. “You fuckin’ slut. Any other time I’d use that as lube and fuck your brains out” Joe told Kyle, but noticing Steven who was rubbing his cock through his jeans, Kyle suggested “You should fuck him and soak your cock in that toxic swill, Steven." “Fuck yeah. Do it!” encouraged Kyle. Steven didn’t need any more encouragement and got up and slid his jeans down revealing a very stiff cock. He pushed it down towards Kyle's hole and smeared the cum that he had dribbled out all over the tip of his cock before pushing into Kyle. Slowly he sunk his cock all the way in before starting to piston Kyle’s pussy. He moaned as he felt the cum coat his cock and heard the sloshing sounds as he fucked the cum-filled hole. “Fuck, they really loaded you up,” Steven remarked as Kyle braced himself on the table as the thrusts got stronger. Joe was stroking as he watched his boyfriend get fucked and it didn’t take too long before he couldn’t take it any more. He stood up and moved behind Steven. He slicked his cock up with some lube from the table and added some to Steven’s hole before put his piercing on Steven’s hole. Pushing in, he forced Steven all the way into Kyle’s hole. Joe marveled at the new feelings with the ring on his cock as he fucked. His hands guided Steven’s body, so he did all the movement, fucking himself on Joe’s cock and then pushing into Kyle’s cum slick hole. The three emitted guttural sounds as Steven bounced back and forth between Joe and Kyle. Joe knew he was not going to last very long and when he felt his balls tighten again, he slammed into Steven and felt rope upon rope of his cum pump into Steven’s fuck chute. Steven felt Joe start to breed his ass and that pushed him over the edge and he unleashed his cum into Kyle. Kyle had been stroking his cock and shot his load all over the table, covering the baggie of weed with his cum. All three stood there feeling cocks get milked of their cum and asses getting filled with possibly neg cum until Joe slowly pulled out and sat down on the couch. Steven followed suit and lastly Kyle stood up and took the third spot on the couch. They all grinned at each other then sat back and watched TV, drank and smoked until it was in the early hours of Saturday morning. Joe was the first one to get up and told the other two “Come on, let’s get to bed and crash.” Steven looked up at him puzzled and said “I’ll take the couch.” “Nah, join us in the bed,” Joe insisted.
    3 points
  8. 6. Jay I was empty. Rod had pulled his cock out of me. I had barely kept it together when he had been fucking me, and I was learning that the alternative, not being fucked, was even worse. The only thing that made it bearable was that Rod had cum in me. In the heat and passion of getting fucked, I hadn't even noticed him cum. But as I took my first hesitant steps, I could feel his seed slosh within me. It felt good, to have a man like Rod fuck me. It felt even better to have his load inside of me. "I'm sure you can get more," Rod said. "You've got a great ass." "Thanks," I said, a bit embarrassed. I had played around a bit with girls, but somehow, it had never felt quite right. But this, now, this was totally different. It felt natural to have another man's cock in my ass. It felt right. Now that Rod had pulled out of me, I was empty. All I could think about was how to get him back inside of me. It didn't even have to be Rod. I wanted a dick in my hole. Any dick. "It felt good. Really good." "I'm sure it did," Rod said. "You want to join the party?" He motioned to the balcony door. The lights in the hotel room were dim now, but I could make out some of the men inside. There seemed to be more men, some on the couches, some still standing. All of them were wearing less clothes than before. "Sure," I said. I went to where my clothes were piled up. "Don't worry about those," Rod said. "You won't need them. Besides, you look better naked." I blushed, and followed Rod to the door. He hadn't bothered with clothes either. There was an economy of motion with him; no motion was superfluous. It had been the same when he had been fucking me. Every movement had been done with his pleasure in mind; now, in walking, every movement was done with intention. He paused for a moment at the door. "Ready?" he asked. "Of course." Even this close, it was still hard to make out exactly what was happening in the hotel room. Men were standing as to obscure what seemed like important activities going on in the room. "Should I not be?" "No," Rod said. He reached out and grabbed my ass. "You're more than prepared for this." He opened the door. There was a slight rush of air out, and I could feel the warmth against my skin. I inhaled; it was the scent of sweat and masculinity and a new scent, one that I immediately knew as sex and passion. It was like a locker room, crossed with an orgy. My dick responded immediately. "Welcome back," a man said. It took me a moment to recognize him as Aiden. "You're just in time." My head was still swimming in the electrifying scent of the room. I took a moment to survey the room. The lights were dim, and there was a haze in the room. I could smell a bit of weed, but not enough to account for the cloudiness. It made me think of an opium den; there was something dark occurring here, but I didn't know what it was. "Would hate to be late for this party," Rod said. Aiden had crossed over and was standing by me. He took my arm, and guided me deeper into the room. "I want you to meet someone," Aiden said, as he propelled me into the dark room. "He's been working for me for a while now. I think the two of you would get along well." Even if I didn't know where I was going in the dim room, Aiden did. We headed towards one of the far corners of the room. As we walked, looked around. On one of the couches, two of the men I had seen earlier were now naked, their legs spread wide. Two of the younger men were kneeling, their lips wrapped around the older men's cocks, giving them head. As we passed, one of the older men flicked a lighter. The intense blue flame barely illuminated his face as he heated up a glass bowl. But before I could see what happened next, Aiden gently pushed me along. "You'll find out soon enough," he said, in reference to the glass pipe I had seen. It was a little lighter in the corner than the rest of the room. There was a candle sitting on a table there, and it provided enough light to see the two men standing around it. One was a younger man, maybe just a bit older than me, and right about my height. He was wearing little more than underwear and a pair of sneakers. The other was a hulking black man. He was maybe only an inch taller, but he was far more muscular, and between the muscle and a pair of black leather boots, he seemed far bigger. He had on a pair of boxers. "This is Tucker," Aiden said, indicating the smaller white boy. "And this is Jay." "Nice to meet you, Jay," Tucker said. "And this is Damon." "Hey," Damon grunted. "Tucker, Jay is new here. He's just had a chance to get acquainted with Rod." "Heh," Damon snorted. "Acquainted." He knew exactly what Rod and I had done on the patio, and didn't care for Aiden's polite euphemism for our man-on-man fucking. "Maybe you can help him get to know Tina, and then see where she takes you?" "Hell yeah," Damon grunted again. It was hard not to stare at his perfect, dark body. There was hardly an ounce of body fat on him, and every muscle was visible under his taut skin. I glanced down quickly, but it was hard to tell what he was packing with the loose boxer briefs. I remembered my middle school days, where the rumor among the boys had been how hung the black boys at the school across town had been. I wondered if Damon would re-enforce the stereotype. "I can do that," Tucker said. He reached out and ran a hand down my back, coming to rest on one of my ass cheeks. He paused, just enough to remind me who was in control here. "It's gonna be fun," he continued. "Jay is gonna love it so much." I nodded in agreement. "Right on. I'll be back in a bit. Time for me to find some of my own trouble," Aiden said, and soon disappeared into the stand of men in the center of the room. It might have been my imagination, but more of them seemed naked than just a few seconds ago. I tried hard not to stare, but the thoughts of the hard cocks just a glance away were hard to resist. "This is your first time here?" Tucker asked me. I nodded, not wanting to admit just how naive I was. "That's cool. First time for everything. You partied before?" "Party?" I asked. It seemed like a strange to ask. "You know, Tina." He held up a glass pipe with a round bowl at one end. It was filled with small white crystals. It was the same kind of pipe I had seen the guy heat up earlier. "You'll love it," Tucker continued. He held a torch under the bowl; the crystals quickly melted and the bowl filled with a white vapor. "Just inhale, like you would a cigarette or a joint." He demonstrated it, draining the bowl several times. "Shotgun it," Damon said. He moved behind me, pressing his body against mine. His skin was hot, with just enough sweat for it to slide against me. Chills ran down my spine, directly to my dick. "Yeah," Tucker said. He pressed his lips against mine. "Inhale," Damon whispered into my ear. I did and as I did, Tucker exhaled his hit into my lungs. "Hold it," he said. Tucker made sure that I couldn't exhale by keeping his lips against mine. Tucker's tongue probed my mouth, as the shotgun turned into a long kiss. "Hold it," Damon continued. His dick was growing, pressing against my ass, and it felt massive. It was a rush of sensations, as I tried to hold my breath, even as I was desperate to exhale. "Feel it?" Damon asked. I nodded. "Good. Exhale." Tucker released his lips, and I exhaled. It was a thick white cloud that momentarily obscured his face. As I exhaled, I really started to feel it. It was a feeling of freedom and possibility, of happiness and potential. Barriers that I had erected for myself came down, and anything was possible. "Oh fuck," I moaned, and pressed back against Damon. I wanted to feel his dick, regardless of how big it was. I wanted his dick inside me, filling me up, and challenging the limits of my anatomy. "Yeah, you're feeling it," Damon said. "Another one?" I nodded. "Of course he wants more," Tucker said. "It's your turn now." He put the pipe in my mouth. "Let's do this one right," Damon said, and pushed down his boxers. I felt his dick nestle in my ass crack. It was a perfect home for it. "Make it a big one." I was scared of what I was getting myself into. Whatever the drug was in that pipe, it was powerful and quick-acting. I felt the warmth from it fill my entire body and infiltrate my brain. Even as I worried about the effects of the drug, my ass rubbed up against Damon's thick black cock, to get him as stiff as possible. I exhaled the last of the previous hit, to get my lungs as empty as possible for the next one. "Of course it's going to be a big one," Tucker said. "Just wait for the bowl to fill, then inhale slowly. He held the torch under the bowl. This close, it was easy to see the bowl fill with a thick white cloud. I waited, then Tucker nodded. I began to slowly inhale. I expected the smoke to be harsher, more like weed or cigarette smoke. But it was smooth and easy. "Not so fast. Give it time. Savor it," Tucker said. "Lots of time to have fun tonight," Damon said. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight. "I want you flying tonight." I kept my eye on the bowl, draining it on a regular basis. Finally, my lungs were full, and I nodded that I was satisfied. "Just a little more," Damon said. I thought my lungs were going to burst, but I did what Damon told me, inhaling two more gulps of the cloud. "Fucking hot," Tucker said. He took the pipe from my mouth and stuck it in his, sucking down on the thick clouds. "Now, hold it," Damon said. One arm was still wrapped around me, holding me. With his other, he put his hand over my mouth, and pinched my nose closed. "Hold it until I tell you." At first, it felt almost safe, to be under the control of a strong black man. But it didn't take long for my body to demand, selfishly, the right to breathe. I tried, but found such a simple thing was being denied. "You can breathe when I want you to," Damon said. "Come on," Tucker said. He exhaled his cloud in my face, taunting me with his ability to breath at his pleasure. "He's new at this." "I know," Damon said. "That's why I'm doing this." I was starting to get frantic, trying to breath, and was squirming in an effort to escape. But Damon's arm held me tight and his hand was unyielding. He leaned in and whispered to me. "Just think what it's going to be like when my cock is inside you." I shivered. His dick was now a steel shaft against my ass. It was hard to tell if he was leaking pre-cum, or if Rod's cum was starting to leak out of me. Either way, his dick was sliding up and down, pressing against my hole, and demanding entrance. The night had suddenly taken a brutally serious turn. Even worse, whatever I was smoking was keeping me from being scared. The shiver was less from fear and more from hungry anticipation. I was struggling, helplessly, for breath, and my cock was throbbing. "Fuck, this is going to be good," Damon whispered, as he finally released his grip on my face. I exhaled, and gasped for breath. "You want another hit?" Tucker asked me. I hadn't yet caught my breath but I wasn't in control of my body any longer. "Yeah," I said, my mouth answering for me. "I do." "Damn boy," Damon said. "You're a natural at this. We're gonna have to play a lot more." He reached down and stroked my dick. I thought I was going to explode as the sensations ricocheted across my body. "Give him what he needs." We repeated the process, every step of it. Tucker inserted the pipe into my mouth and held the torch. I inhaled big gulps of the white cloud, and then Damon put his hand back over my mouth and nose. Even though I knew it was coming and how it would feel, it was still impossible for me to suppress my instincts to fight back against Damon's actions. "Just relax," Damon said. "We're only just beginning." I tried my best, but whatever was in the pipe was making it hard for me to concentrate. My mind was constantly flitting in all sorts of directions, thinking about my throbbing cock, before turning to my hungry, needy hole, and then skittering off back to my dick. The only constant was Damon's strong hand cupped over my mouth and nose, the band around his ring finger pressed against my lip. As black spots started to cloud my vision, Damon relented. "My turn," he said to Tucker, and released his hold on me. I gasped for breath, as Damon took the pipe and torch from Tucker. He made no effort to move away from me; the flame was close enough that I could feel the heat against my cheek, and could hear him inhale the thick drug. "Big clouds, huh," Tucker said. Damon just nodded, focused on the pipe. He handed the pipe back to Tucker; the young man stuck the still-warm stem in his mouth and inhaled as he re-lit the torch. Damon held his hit for a long time before grabbing my jaw, twisting my head around, and exhaling his hit into my mouth. "Hold it, boy," he said. This time, at least, he let me decide when I had had too much. Still, I tried to hold it as long as I could, before exhaling. Damon was still pressed up against me, his dick still nestled in my crack. I found myself involuntarily grinding my ass against him, eager for him to put his penis into my ass. "Yeah, boy, I know you want it now." His body was warm against me, and for a brief moment, I was at peace. But then, his dick twitched and grew, and my hunger for cock returned. "But first, I think you need another chance to suck on the glass pipe As soon as he spoke, Tucker stuck the pipe back in my mouth and held the torch under it. It was still warm, and it didn't take long before it was smoking again. "Make it a big one," Damon said. He continued, somewhat ominously, "You're going to need it." "He can take it," Tucker said. Nevertheless, I did as I was told, and inhaled deeply from the pipe. I was starting to get the hang of it, and this time, I could feel the thick clouds collecting in my lungs. "Fuck, look at him. He's a fucking natural." "I know," Damon said. "You should feel how his hole is trying to gobble up my dick. He's a hungry little faggot." I tensed at the word "Faggot." It had always been the worst of the schoolyard taunts. I had managed to escape it for so long. But now, it was hardly calling me a name. I had kissed another man. I had let him fuck me up the ass. Now, barely ten minutes later, I was all but begging a totally different man to fuck me. It was hard to deny that "faggot" now fit me. He rubbed his cheek against my neck and ear. The stubble on his face was rough, like sandpaper. It was not the soft skin of a woman, but the bristly whiskers of a man, and despite how much had grown in on his cheeks, I knew if I asked, he would say he had shaven that morning. It reminded me how I just barely had scruff on my face, despite not shaving for nearly four weeks now. He was more of a man that I would ever be, and it was an honor to be his faggot. "Big hit for me, faggot boy," Damon said, as I started to slow down on the pipe. "Get your head up in the clouds." I nodded. I wanted to make him happy, and if that entailed sucking down more of this drug, I was more than willing to do it. Even though I thought I had filled my lungs full, I drained the bowl a few more times. "That's good, Damon said, just as my lungs reached their ultimate capacity. "This is going to be really good." "His first time is going to be one to remember," Tucker said. He took the pipe out of my mouth, and Damon immediately put his hand back over my mouth and nose. This time, his ring pressed against my lips. As the hit of the drugs started to wrap its influence around my brain, my mind once more jumped to wild thoughts and conclusions. I wondered if he was married, and if he was married, whether it was to a man or a woman. Damon must have been reading my mind. "Yeah," he said. "Feel that against your lips?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's my wedding ring. But you know why I come here?" I shook my head. I barely knew what "here" was. much less why these men had come together. "Love my wife. She's amazing. But you know, she isn't into all the things I like." I nodded; it was hard to follow the exact words, the air I needed to think had been displaced by the drugs. "And boys like you, well, boys like you let me do anything I fucking want." "Umpph," I managed to grunt, but only the slightest but of the cloud escaped. I had no prayer of getting more air, and I felt my strength gently sap away. Nevertheless, I wasted valuable energy rubbing my ass up against his cock. Damon's dick was thick and hard, warm with the blood flowing through it. I wanted to feel it inside me. I wanted to milk it dry, and get his load. "Oh yeah," Tucker said. He had just done his own hit, and his words were formed from clouds. "Stop teasing him and fuck him." "Ready for it?" Damon asked. He nodded my head up and down for me. "I knew you were." Tucker was fading out of my vision as I struggled against his grip. I didn't know what I wanted: to give in to the faggot that had been hiding deep inside me all those years? or to escape, and pretend that I hadn't seen who I really was. It was good that Damon was making these decisions for me. He could give me what I needed. "Of course he is," Tucker said. A part of me knew he was standing right in front of me, but I couldn't see him. I couldn't see anything beyond a few blurs, as the drugs took over. Damon's cockhead was now pressed against my hole. "Give it to him." Damon pressed into me. His hand over my mouth was perfect for the leverage he needed to press his manhood into my hole. I was glad that Rod had fucked me earlier; if Rod was just merely large, Damon's shaft was massive; at least an inch thicker around, and several inches longer. Damon didn't give me any chance to adjust, and just pressed himself all the way into me. "Oh fuck, faggot," Damon grunted. "That's the raw hole I need. Fuck you good, and give you my babies." I was impaled on his cock. He slammed in and out of me, each stroke reminding me how I was little more than a fuck-toy for the black man. He still had his hand over my mouth, and it was getting far harder to concentrate. I had already closed my eyes; looking just felt too hard. All that I focused on was Damon's dick, forcing its way into me. "Oh damn! You've got a load up there. Fucking nasty boy." "You better let the boy breathe," Tucker said. In the drug-filled haze, I wondered what would happen if Damon refused. Consciousness was already draining away from me and I didn't know how long I would be able to hold out. But, Damon had one small mercy, and released his grip on my nose. I exhaled as quickly as I could, the thick cloud enveloping my head. I quickly inhaled, terrified that Damon would take away the small privilege of breath away from me again. "Awww. But it feels so good. The way the faggot relaxes his hole. No resistance. Just pleasure." "For you," Tucker said. "What?" Damon sneered. "You think I'm worried about the whore? That's what he's here for. For me to use." "You don't want to break him." "I dunno. You remember last time." Tucker winced. He was remembering something, something he didn't want to remember. I wondered what that memory was. "I do. And I told you can't do it again." "To you," Damon said. His cock was sliding, long, agonizing strokes in and out of me. I was glad that Rod had cum in me; the lubrication from the cum was desperately needed. "I didn't say anything about our tweaker whore here." With that, he slapped my ass. It stung; the last time I had been spanked was when I was six, over twelve years ago. But this time, it wasn't about being a bad boy. It was about being a good boy. About making Damon feel good. Making him feel like a man. Making him feel like he could do anything he wanted. I wanted him to feel good, because that was the way I was going to get his load. Tucker leaned in towards me. "I know that face," he said, as he pressed his lips against mine. His tongue pressed into my mouth. It was far too easy to respond to his kiss. I relaxed. Damon had the experience to know what was coming next, and pushed his steel shaft even further into my body. "You head is way in the clouds," Tucker said. "It's a dangerous place to be." "It's the only place for him," Damon said. "I want to see the two of you share another hit." "Of course." Tucker said. He produced the now-familiar glass pipe, but this time he stuck it in his mouth. It was my first chance to watch him up close, and I stared at the solid blue flame as it heated the bowl. It wasn't long before the thick white clouds started to form. Tucker took long slow hits from the pipe, never letting the bowl completely empty. "That's how a boy hits the pipe," Damon said. "Watch and learn." I didn't have to be told. I was mesmerized by the sight. I wanted to see Tucker get high, just like me. I wanted to know how far he would go and if what his limits were. As I stared, Damon pushed his dick deep in me. He was forcing Rod's cum deeper into me, where it could burrow into my body and become a permanent part of me. I could hardly resist such an idea, and pushed back against Damon. His dick only got deeper in me. "That's it," Damon said. "Your turn," Tucker said, as he finally pulled the pipe out of his mouth. The pipe was hot and still smoking. Thick tendrils of the white cloud sunk down, taking seeming minutes before they dissipated, like the contrails of a high-flying jetliner. He leaned in again, and pressed his lips against mine. I knew what to expect, and had already emptied my lungs. Tucker paused. He closed his eyes and savored the sensation of the drug flooding into his body and taking over. When he opened his eyes, I could tell it was no longer quite the same person as before. He was hungry; he needed something that he didn't have. I understood his desire. I had Damon's cock in my ass. It was enough to take the edge off, but knew what he was feeling. "That's the Tucker I want," Damon said, seeing the same need in the young man's face. Tucker leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. He exhaled and filled my lungs with the thick clouds. As he did, Damon pressed even more of his cock into my hole. "All the way in," he said. I gasped; this was more than just filling me up like Rod's cock. This was practically splitting me in two, and I struggled to get comfortable. Unfortunately, my struggles only meant I sucked more of the cloud out of Tucker's lungs. "It's OK," Damon said. "I know it's a big one. But don't worry. You're doing better than Tucker did the first time." Tucker suddenly froze at the memory. "Yeah," Damon said. "First time I fucked him, he passed out when I stuck it all in. Didn't you, Tucker-boy?" Tucker only nodded. He kept his mouth against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, and prevented me from exhaling the hit. Damon pulled out, leaving just his fat cockhead in my hole. Tucker released his lip-lock on me at the same time, and involuntarily, I exhaled the hit. I shivered. I couldn't tell if it was from the drugs, from being suddenly empty of dick, or from fear of getting Damon's cock all the way back into me. "I'm sorry," Tucker said. "Your cock. It's big." "Oh, don't worry. I know it's big. It's OK. You just need more practice." Damon pushed his cock back into me. I gasped, but forced myself to take it. I didn't want to disappoint or demean Damon by rejecting his cock. He must have noticed, because he continued. "But Jay here, he's taking it like a faggot should." "Did you really pass out?" I asked. "Yeah," Tucker said. "And?" "And what?" Damon asked. "I continued fucking him. He's a faggot. That's what he's here for." Tucker nodded in silent agreement. "He did. When I came to, he was pounding my hole." He put the pipe in his mouth again. It was still smoking, but nevertheless he held the torch under it. As soon as the bowl started to smoke, he inhaled, pulling in deep gulps of the thick cloud. I wondered if he was trying to remember or trying to forget. However, I didn't have much of a chance to wonder. Damon had started slamming his dick in me, each stroke seemingly deeper and harder than the one before. I understood why Tucker had passed out; Damon was a machine, fucking me harder than I had even seen in porn. It didn't seem possible that I could withstand it and I silently prayed that he would let up. However, the prayers were for naught. After each stroke, he slammed back in, harder and more intense than before.
    3 points
  9. Part Seven: Leaking Onto My Seat *********************************************** I began to come down from my orgasm, again my brain focusing on the wetness inside my ass and the thick, rigid cock stretching it open. I could feel Tom beginning to soften, and slowly he began to withdraw, the metal of his ring tracing a line of cum I obviously could not see as it popped through my inner ring and began to slide against the soft innards of my lower rectum. It arrived at my outer ring, and he paused as he spoke. "Squeeze down tight, it will keep any cum still on my bar from coming out." Squeeze down... right. As if my ass had any control of its muscles anymore. It had be savagely busted open by these two men and used for their pleasure, and after destroying any ability of my muscles to tighten themselves, he now wanted me to try to close itself as he withdrew. Nevertheless, I tried to oblige him. He popped out and I felt the cool air rush up inside me; clearly my ass could no longer close itself. "Yeah boy, that's a gaping hole there. Mmmm, nice and cummy, with just a hit of red to know the job is done." My own uncut cock had been released by Gary's mouth, and as I felt him begin to pull himself out from under me from under my ass I felt myself experience a strange disappointment, that the night was now over. And yet, not quite. Gary pulled himself forward enough that he was able to sit up, his legs partially entwined with mine, and I felt the warmth of his breath move toward my hole. His tongue began to gently lick what must have been a small trail of cum leaking from my gaping ring. He slowly moved upward, collecting the dribble and bringing it to the doorway it had escaped through, and gently pushed it back in. He hadn't spoken since Tom had entered the fray, and I heard that first, original voice again. "There we go, no cum left behind." He and Tom both chuckled. "A little tearing but not much. You took us both so well boy. Don't think anyone has ever handled both our cocks so well. Did you enjoy it?" Hah! Was it not evident by the fact that I had never said "stop" or such? Were the two generous loads I had expelled not a sign? My still exposed ass all but begging for more didn't make it obvious? Of course I had, and I responded as such. "Fuck yeah. Still can't believe I did that. I mean, taking poz loads was always a fantasy, but how fast it just happened. I've always managed to avoid it somehow." Gary continued to maneuver himself down around my ass, and I felt his still rigid and wet head come to rest against my hole. "You avoided nothing tonight boy. You've taken quite a bit of toxic cum, with more than just our gift of AIDS. Many bugs now reside inside you. And you've been ripped open a bit. There's no question of avoidance this time. You belong to us now." And with that, he pushed his head into me, the dull pain of my outer ring being stretched open so far was far less that it was just a short time ago when he had ripped me open as never before. This time, though he was still large enough to always remind me of his size, he was able to bust in with minimal resistance. And he didn't stop after his head broke through, sinking all the way into me, lodging just inside my inner ring as it also expanded sorely and then clamped down to hold that head deep inside me. I knew he had one goal, to push any cum that had escaped my deepest insides during Tom's withdrawal back where it belonged. He pulled back out of my inner ring and shoved back in again, deep short strokes beginning to build in force and frequency. He was clearly bringing himself to a third orgasm. It took only moments and I felt his head again become impossibly solid as he shoved forward once more and the warmth I had experienced deep inside me from his first two loads, and that I realized had been missing when Tom exploded, returned as several splashes of his virally toxic semen joined what had to be quite the pond of deadly seed deep inside me. I could almost feel a sloshing inside me. "Oh yeaaah. That's it boy. So much cum in my balls." He collapsed forward on my back and my weak arms and legs gave out from under me; we landed on the bed, both face down, his sweaty, matted fur pressed against my back, his cock still inside, the last bits of his seed dribbling out his slit as he twitched a few more times. Tom laid down up at the head of the bed, his softened cock coming to rest on his left thigh. It was still streaked with the tiniest hints of cum, and--much more obviously--red blotches of blood. My blood. I hadn't bled just a bit, clearly I had been torn open quite badly. I felt my eyes grow heavy momentarily, and I closed them for just a moment. Or so I thought. In reality, it turned out I dozed off for about an hour. I awoke to find us in the same positions, Gary atop and inside me, Tom to the left of me. My ass was incredibly sore, and Gary had softened a bit while I had laid there, but feeling my stirring, he flinched inside me, and I felt his head begin to expand as the blood flowed in. Softened, it had slipped itself back into my lower chute, but wedged inside me his expanding head and shaft again begin to work into my deepest reaches, and I felt him again enter my second sphincter. Surely he wasn't about to fuck me for a fourth time?!?! He was not. Instead, I experienced another previously unexplored sensation. I suddenly felt a deep heat inside me, and it began to expand upward toward my stomach. Suddenly I began to feel my middle colon filling up and I realized his bladder was doing just the opposite. He was pissing deep into my ass, washing his and Tom's cum deep into my bowels. A part of me they hadn't been able to reach with their cocks was now to be fouled with their deadly poison, propelled forward by a wave of positive urine. Clearly he had well hydrated himself because the expanding colon walls of my intestines were becoming hot and painfully distended by the forced expansion from his discharge. Finally it seemed to stop moving, and I knew he had emptied himself. I heard--and felt--him sigh, his frail, wasted body still on my back. "Oh fuck boy, I needed to let that go. I piss like a racehorse too so you are quite well drenched inside. Just hold still as I slide out, we don't want you to lose any." He slowly pulled back and as his head popped back into my lower anal cavity, i felt a little splash of his scalding hot piss follow into an undrenched area. His cock tugged at my outer hole slightly as his shaft, which had dried a bit during my nap, extracted itself and the bulbous head it supported down to my final opening. He pulled out, my outer hole expelling him more easily than before as he had softened again considerably, and I felt the cold rubber of an ample butt plug thrust between my cheeks and through the entrance he had just vacated. It stung a bit as the unlubed plug broke through and created a seal. Everything was locked inside. Gary slid off the foot of the bed into a standing position, and Tom also rolled off and stood up. Our night was over. I somehow summoned the strength to pull myself off the bed and forced my wobbling knees to hold me upright. We all managed to make it down the stairs somehow without awkwardly tumbling down, and with the flick of a switch, Tom illuminated the room slightly with a single lamp. There behind the couch was the pile of my clothes, exactly where I had left them. Wait, where was me jock? Shit, I still had it on as I looked down at my now-soft uncut penis, exposed by the fabric where Gary had pulled it aside to free me. I pulled the fabric outward, allowing my dick to return inside. Gary and Tom stood there, watching, as I awkwardly bent over to pick my clothes up, the butt plug in my ass making this anything but a simple task. It was compounded by the fact that in bending over, my inner ring must have stretched in a way that I felt a small torrent of cum-laden piss spill into my lower rectum and splash down to my plug-sealed ass. It was unable to go further. Both noticed the momentary look of panic on my face as I felt the piss break through, thinking it would blast its way out of me onto the floor. Gary chuckled as Tom stepped forward. "Yeah, it will eventually work it's way down, filling you up down there. You'll feel like you need to press down and take a shit. Best to resist that urge." I somehow managed to work my legs into my track pants and pull them up, but in doing so I could feel my movements releasing more piss, and it was beginning to seep down around the butt plug, lubricating it; I knew eventually the dry seal holding it in would give way. I pulled on my tshirt, threw my jacket on, and stepped into my sneakers, leaving them untied. I dare not bend over for fear of losing the contents of my ass. Tom walked with me to the door, still naked, opening it to a blast of cold night air. I stepped out into the darkness, grabbing my keys and hitting the unlock button on the small remote. "Thanks for coming." Tom gently closed the door, and just as unceremoniously as that, I stood outside the house. My ass was full of lethal seed, already doing its work, my bowels distended by an incredibly large amount of piss. I stepped up into my Jeep. I sat down, the plug pushing up into me as I felt the first signs of wetness between my cheeks. I knew it would only grow, and as I began to drive away, the uneven terrain of the driveway bounced me around, releasing more piss from deep inside into my rectum, where the increasing pressure forced more drops and dribbles past the plug and into my track pants. I had almost reached the highway, when I felt one more torent increase the pressure to a point I knew was unmanageable. I slammed the car into park, threw open the door, and hopped out next to my Jeep. I thrust my pants down, grabbed the frame, and squatted back as I felt the but plug painfully erupt from my ass, firing itself into the darkness of the brush alongside the road. It was followed by a foreful spray of hot piss, splashes of which came back against my legs and sneakers and the track pants piled around my ankles. I felt my ass contact again, pushing down hard as if trying to take a shit, and another loud, forceful spray shot out. A few more pushes, a bit more piss, and finally it stopped. Shit. My ass was drenched and I had nothing to wipe it dry with. I winced as I pulled up my pants, feeling a disgusting wetness. I climbed back in my car, and resumed my drive home. And yet, despite all that I had expelled, I felt a few remnants of piss continue to escape, drenching my pants; I drove the remaining hour home that way, the mixture of cum and piss passing through the nylon fabric and leaking onto my seat.
    3 points
  10. Part Six: Swallowing Every Drop *********************************************** Cocks, no matter how hard they get, are still flesh. When push comes to shove (literally), inevitably they bend, flex, contract. But metal? Metal never gives way to flesh; it pushes flesh aside, maintaining its movement and motion at the expense of flesh. And such was exactly the case with Tom's barbell as I felt it slowly pulling out over my second ring, my soft tissue--already brutalized--stretching awkwarldly and tenderly as the pair of balls slid over it. Tom slowly pulled back, then pushed forward again and slowly buried himself to the hilt once more. "Mmmm, yeah. You feel me deep inside you there? My head and bar feel so wet, Gary really spunked you good." Twice. Gary had injected his fatal load in me twice, both times copious amounts of tainted cum, and now it was coating Tom's head and piercing, ready to be gouged into the soft walls of my rectum as they eventually tore open under the onslaught of the metallic monster inside me now. Just one more way to make sure that I left this bed, this house, a changed man. He pulled back and thrust in again. "Much as I love seeing your eyes squeezed shut as you try to enjoy this, I prefer a different angle when I fuck. Time to get on your hands and knees boy." How long had I been laying here? Did it matter? Despite every last ounce of common sense I had that told me I should stop this... get out... go... run, here I was about to roll over to give this sickly and wasted man a better angle to inject his poison into me. I somehow managed to make my arms move and began pulling myself to the left as I, for the second time that night, attempted to turn myself with a solid shaft deep in my ass. I felt a slight dry tug as my outer ass ring painfully began to slide left with me on the base of Tom's dry cock. If you've ever attempted to execute this maneuver, you know there's no way to do it that isn't awkward. Like a pig on a spit roast, you have an axis on which you must rotate, and your limbs become less useful than at any other time. You may need to use short motions, moving one limb at a time, your body rising and falling as you gradually move your right arm underneath you. Eventually you bring your arm far enough underneath that you can plant your hand and begin to make your upper body rise, as your left arm and hand also make contact with the semi-soft covering of the bed. Your body and face begin to rise and your legs in turn begin to establish themselves as your feet adjust to stradle your top. And yet this was made even more complicated for me by the feeling of a piercing tearing at my inner ring with every up and down and left and right movement of my body. Yet somehow I managed to do it and there I was on all fours on the bed, Tom's rigid tool still buried deep within me. Gary reached under and pulled away the pillow that had elevated my ass for him. "Much better." Tom's words were punctuated by another withdraw from my deepest insides, but instead of a short and gentle thrust, this time his head and piercing pulled back until they were just inside my outer ring. And gradually they decended again into me; it was time for him to fuck me. He began to long dick me, the ass juices and bits of Gary's cum no doubt beginning to lubricate his shaft as each pass felt less dry and more smooth. Well, as smooth as can be in this case, since his much thicker shaft continued to stretch my ass, with no loosening in sight. I was clamped firmly on his rigid penis. As his long, slow thrusts continued, I felt the bed shift as I saw Gary mount it in front of me and he laid himself down on his back in front of me, positioned head to head so that he appeared to be upside down. I didn't have to wait to wonder what he intended, as he reached his arms up between mine and slowly pulled his head past mine and moved under my chest. I was now faced with his hairy chest, boney ribcage clearly visible, the lesions just inches from me. And then... Oh fuck. His warm mouth enclosed my right nipple and my head snapped upwards and backwards, and I felt my ass painfully try to clamp down on Tom's tool, almost trying to expel it, as if I could push his nine inches out of me that easily. There was very little my ass muscles could do in their traumatized state, but they definitely did their best to tighten my hole, and as I let out a gutteral groan, I heard Tom do the same and I knew he had felt my contraction. My ass would contract several more times as Gary shifted to my left nipple, and then back to my right, alternating between the two as he suckled them. His hands reached up to my sides, and I noticed for the first time that night how coarse they were as they moved along my lower abdomen, out to my sides, and toward my back. All the while Tom continued his rhythmic assault on my ass, his piercing never failing to remind me of its presence as he steadly gouged my rectum with each thrust and retraction. His pace increased slightly and I felt his balls begin to gently slap against mine with each re-entry. They were definitely large, as large as Gary's, and no doubt just as full of lethal AIDS virus as his partner in crime's were. Virus that I had no doubt would be deep inside me in the very near future. I felt Gary shift further underneath me and as his warm mouth sought out and enclosed the foreskin of my uncut head and my ass contracted one more painful time, I found myself now with my closest look at the weapon that had impaled me at the start of this night. He was solidly hard again, his head swollen beneath the hood, his thinner shaft unable to keep his cock upright as the weight of his bulbous acorn kept it almost laying against his chest. Precum poured from his piss slit, already pooling in a small wet spot near his belly button. The underside of his shaft visible to me, I noticed even it was marked by a lesion, one that had been inside me; I shuddered, both from this knowledge and from the warmth of Gary's mouth as he elevated his head to take most all of my dick into his mouth. Again my ass contracted. "Oh fuck boy, you are bringing me close!" Tom's words refocused my attention on his now-pounding of my ass as his balls began to slap heavily against mine. His hard thrusts driving his barbell deeper into my ass, its walls, and my vulnerable soft tissues as he spread Gary's seed throughout my ass. "Yeah, it's time to fuck this wad into you. Oh yeah, gonna cum, gonna.... AGHHHH!!!" His thrusts had reached their climax, his balls has begun slapping me higher as they drew up, and his already thick and solid shaft grew harder, and with one last, as perhaps the most painful thrust yet, he lodged himself as deeply inside me as he could... and came. It was another torrent of seed as I felt the first two or three jets impact my inner hole's walls; his load was indeed just as large as Gary's, and it continued for a good 8 or 9 well sized shots. He must have been holding this one for days. And as his cum began to find every exposed surface inside me, coating me with deadly seed, my own cock could take no more of the wet, warm attention being paid it and without warning I erupted down Gary's throat. And as his throat was coated with my last negative load, my ass continued--as it had with his two loads--welcoming Tom's seed deep inside me, my inner ring swallowing every drop.
    3 points
  11. TWENTY YEARS AGO Ever see pictures of yourself as a 20-something, and thought "I can't believe I was ever that young?"? I do that but I also add a "You knew NOTHING back then." as well. I really did not have a single clue when was I was 23. I'd just graduated and moved to a big city. I was gay and had my first sexual encounter with a man two months ago. He was in my technical writing class. We shyly met up for beers a few times before either of us made a move. It was safe sex all the way and not that big of a thrill. I figured we were boyfriends at that point, but we weren't. Not in his mind, anyway. I thought he was a jerk, but he was just being honest. I'd grown up my whole life thinking that gay couples followed the same path to marriage that straight people did. I'd be Joanie and find my Chachi. It would happen naturally and with no effort. It was and is confusing and painful when I got rejected. The lesson I took from the whole experience with Rico was that gay guys just fooled around and never really 'dated'. Talk about a bitter pill to swallow. I placed a single red rose on the grave of my romantic thoughts and decided to just go and have fun. I made fast friends with a girl at work. She was a chubby gal with a golden heart and a wicked sense of humor. We were always talking and laughing. I was about to confess my sexuality to her when she stopped me and said,"I know." She shrugged. "I seem to have a knack for picking gay guys." "You're the first straight person I've ever wanted to tell, Theresa." My family might not ever find out if I could help it. "I think that Brian guy in your department is gay too, but he's hiding behind Jesus." "Really? You have to teach me how to spot them." "It'll come naturally. You probably just need to go out more. I always have a blast at gay bars. You should come with me to "The Edge". My step-brother is a DJ there and I know everybody." I'd heard of the place. It was technically gay. but so hip and trendy that the young heteros had found it. "They'd never let me in there." "I'm your golden ticket, baby! We may have to go shopping first. You dress like your mom buys all your clothes. No offense." Mom actually did. "Oh. OK." "Your hair isn't so bad. The scruffy, messy look is hot now. Would you let me add a blonde streak or two?" Would I? Oh what the hell. Theresa was my fairy fagmother. "Want to come over and smoke a bowl with me after work, have a 'happy hour'?" She later arrived at my door my door with a legal pad. "What's that? Your dream journal?" "No, Funny Boy. I need to look at your wardrobe and make notes of what you need to get...which I'm guessing is a lot." She waddled straight to my bedroom and started going through my stuff. I stood there like a charity case while she looked and took notes. "Shoes is at the top of the list. You need something besides loafers and gym shoes. Boots, maybe. And some black jeans. We basically can't use anything you have. We need to hit the mall...and a few vintage stores. You need some funk, some edge." We got stoned and watched some old science fiction movie. "And my hair?.." "Oh, I'll handle that myself. I think I'm changing my mind about the blonde streak, though. We can wait until later for that. I'm going to turn you into a new Matt." That whole next week, we shopped for me. I normally just found shit in my size and bought it. Theresa made me try everything on so she could judge it. I was getting sick of her voice after a few days. We went to thrift stores and scary little consignment shops. I only had two credit cards and we killed one of them totally. I hated being so helpless when it came to fashion. I hoped that aspect of my gayness will emerge at some point. By Friday, I was so far beyond prepared that it was almost like we'd already gone out. I arrived at Theresa's apartment sometime after 8 PM. She made me come to her place because that was where she kept all the 'final touches' I'd need. I would only let her put a minimal amount of makeup on me, but let her have final say on the hair. She fussed over me and made little adjustments and then I was a finished product. I looked like a crazy convict dressed to attend a hip private school. I thought I looked ready to go trick-or-treating, but just thanked her for all her efforts. "Ready to go?" "Are you kidding? Nobody goes out this early! Let's stay here and have a few drinks...just be careful how you sit...and don't touch your face or your hair. I'll bring lip gloss with me. Settle your nerves a little, you'll sweat all my hard work away. We drank some gin and tonics and talked about everything in the world. She wanted to know if I could dance. "Not really. I dance by myself at home sometimes...but not to the kind of music you'd like." "Just don't be stiff. Move your hips a little or you'll look like a sixth-grader. If I thought you could handle it, I'd give you a little pill. We'll see. What kind of guy do you like?" "Cute, hot, casual. Sexy." "I can't guarantee there will be much 'casualness' at The Edge. Everybody there seems to love drama, but you never know. I just don't want you to get all depressed if Mr. Right isn't there tonight." "I don't believe in love. I tried to once, but I just got hurt. I'm just going out with my best friend for a few drinks." "You're not fooling me, Babe. I've tried to build a wall around my heart several times...and it crumbled over and over again." "I just want to have a good time." "OK. That's do-able. Let's go." There's no way I could describe this club that would give you the surreal impression I had when we walked in. I grabbed Theresa's hand out of panic. It was so loud and so confusing. She drug me over to a wall of mirrors and spoke into my ear. "Stay here. I'll get us a couple of drinks. Don't look so scared. Act bored if you can." I thought about the staff meetings we had at work each week -- where nothing important was ever discussed. I tried to act like I was listening to my manager talk about profits and losses or some shit. It helped me relax enough to scan the crowd. Everybody had gone through as much of a grooming ritual as I had...probably more. Perfect, pretty people. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives, throwing their heads back in laughter and kissing one another's cheeks. It seemed fake somehow. Nobody appeared to be alone. Just me....until Theresa came back with two tall drinks that were an alarming shade of blue. "I ordered vodka tonics, but I don't think he heard me right." "It's so goddamn loud in here. And I think this the same song that was playing when we walked in." "Nope. It's just not your taste. Don't hold your breath waiting for some grunge or college rock." "No kidding. Can we move somewhere quieter?" "Sorry. It only gets louder after this. They have like fifty speakers around here. I want to move us closer to the dance floor so you pick up some tips. We're going to dance eventually." It did get noisier as worked our way through the crowd. We leaned against a railing and watched the throng of dancers. I'd look like a fool out there. I saw a guy that looked so familiar. I knew him from somewhere...no...wait. He looked like somebody famous. I guess I was staring too much because he noticed. We made eye contact. I smiled too eagerly. "I see you like the cute ones," Theresa said in my ear. "You have good taste." "Doesn't he look like that one actor...the one from that movie?" "Could you be any more vague???" Maybe this electric blue drink was affecting me more than I thought. "He's a pretty good dancer. If he asks you out on the dance floor, just mirror him." "I'm not dancing tonight. One more of these drinks and I will be barely able to walk." The songs never ended...they all mixed together with no seams. How did you know when to stop? "I see some guys I know. Will you be OK here for awhile?" "Yeah. Where are the bathrooms? I need to go." "Directly behind you. I'll just be a few minutes." I carried my drink into the bathroom and put the glass on top of the urinal. I couldn't dare get piss on these pants or Theresa would kill me. I was walking out just as that guy was walking in. "Hi. Do you know who you look like?" I was so stupid. He got nervous and looked at himself in the mirror and patted down his hair with one hand. "Oh God. Who?" "Kevin Costner." He really did. A young Kevin Costner. "Oh. Wow. No way are you serious. Is it your birthday today?" "No. Why?" "You're drinking a Windex. That's what people who are celebrating or want to get really drunk have." "My friend got it for me. I think it was a mistake." "Theresa? I doubt it was a mistake." He had a beautiful smile and nice skin. "I know who she is, but we don't know each other." We left the men's room and emerged back into the crowd. I knew the song that was playing. It was that one about boys who like girls who like girls who like -- . Decent tune. He urged me out onto the dance floor. Oh God. I left my drink somewhere. I guess I'd had enough of it to not stress out about my dance abilities. It was natural and fun. At some point I saw Theresa watching us. Kevin Costner put his hands on each side of my hips and pulled me a little closer. His eyes were intense. Blazing. "Don't go falling in love," I told myself. After a the song changed, I motioned for us to please leave. I was going to introduce him to Theresa, but I didn't know his actual name and he didn't know mine. "I'm Matt, by the way." "I'm Lloyd." OK. Cool. I introduced him to my girl pal, and he was thrilled to meet her. Theresa's eyes were judging and making mental notes as she smiled pleasantly. She'd give me the scoop when we were alone. "Nice to meet you, Lloyd. Are you here with anybody?" "Just my roommate. I don't know where he went." "So he's just a roommate...not a live-in lover?" Goddamn her bluntness. "Hell no! Carl and I share rent and nothing else. He's kind of a bastard, but you can meet him if you want." I almost said there was no need, but Theresa quickly agreed. "So what's his name?" "Carl. He's a jerk, but usually good at staking out one of the few tables they have here." Sure enough, there he was at an empty table. Something about him was so striking. Tall, dark hair and pale in an almost unhealthy way. His long bony fingers were gripping a craft beer I'd never tried. Lloyd introduced us and we all settled in a circle. I offered to get us another round and Lloyd volunteered to help me. The place was getting crowded and the music was even louder which made idle chit-chat pretty difficult. We tried to shout our drink orders at the bartender and he mostly got it right. I made sure to be extra careful that I wouldn't spill something on somebody's perfect outfit. Theresa and Carl didn't seem to have much to talk about so I was glad to be back. I got the sense she didn't like Carl because she focused on Lloyd. "Do you work or are you a student?" "Both. I'm a waiter at Mazzio's and also a student at Kinney Art Institute. I work with glass mostly." "Like glass-blowing?" She was smirking on the inside. I liked drawing and cartooning, but I went to college in order to get some kind of career and some kind of life. A degree in glassblowing didn't seem like something a motivated young man would want. Maybe his family was rich. I asked Carl what he did for a living... "I work at the same place as Lloyd, but I'm the manager. I gave college about a month before I moved on. I've done some modeling, a few movies." "Really? Like what? Have I seen you in something?" "Oh, forget it," Lloyd chimed in. "He won't give any details, which makes me think it was porn." Both Carl and Theresa gave me a quick look, curious as to what my reaction would be. "Hey...whatever pays the bills. Does anybody have a cigarette?" Nobody did. I really felt the urge for one. "I'll go buy some. Is there a machine here." Carl stood up. "Yeah. I'll show you where it is. I need one too." I followed his thin frame through the crowd. "Do you come here a lot, Carl?" "No. Almost never. Lloyd comes here all the time --looking for his soul mate." "There's no such thing. If there was, he wouldn't be here." Carl flashed me a bright smile full of perfect teeth. "He's just a kid...like you. But he's still Linus waiting for The Great Pumpkin." We found the cigarette machine and I pumped in a few bills. I didn't have matches. Shit. "You don't have a light, do you?" "No. But they have matchbooks at the little bar near the door. C'mon." Once we got there, Carl reached into a mason jar and pulled out several of them. And found a pen. He lit the smokes for us as we settled down on the two empty stools left. "Let's do a shot before we go back...give your fag hag a chance to learn all she can about Lloyd." I watched his prominent adam's apple move up and down his throat as he puffed away. "So...seriously....did you do porno movies?" He didn't even blink. "Yeah. They were trashy and from a small studio never's ever heard of. It was in San Diego. I was okay-looking and have a big dick -- and did everything." "You're still very good-looking, Carl. Why did you stop?" "I caught AIDS. Most dudes in porn have it, but I never once tried to hide it. I mean, why lie?" Dear God. Part of me wanted to think I didn't hear him correctly over the loud music. But, no. "Does Lloyd know?" "Probably he's guessed. Nobody in my family or at the restaurant knows. I don't lie if someone asks, but I also don't tell many people. Just certain cool guys...like you." "I'm so not cool, Carl. I never dress like this normally. But thanks." "We should probably get back to the table or they'll think we were doing something. Here..." He handed me two matchbooks and the pen. "What do I need these for now?" "Write your phone number on the inside and give it to Lloyd. He'll ask for it later anyway. On the other one write your number and your email ... for me." I followed his instructions and gave him his while I put the one for Lloyd in my front pocket. "I guess we should go, Carl." We got back to the table and saw the suspicious faces of Theresa and Lloyd. Curiosity mixed with a bit of anger. Luckily, Carl made it all better. "We had to look forever to find matches. What did we miss?" Theresa relaxed and announced she was going to become a dyke. "Men don't want me, but I've gotten a few glances from lesbians. Sex is sex, right?" "Yeah...and that's really all there is." She leaned over to Lloyd. "He doesn't mean that...he's trying to convince himself that love isn't possible." "I hope it is," Lloyd said, looking right into my eyes. His knee touched mine while Carl's hand was on my other knee. I thought my head would explode. Theresa stood up and asked Carl to dance with her so Lloyd and I could be alone for a little while. They left and there I was with this adorable guy who believed in love. He smiled at me. "Do you work on weekends?" "Yeah. Carl goes in before they open, but I don't have yo be there until 11 AM. What do you do?" "Advertising and printing. That's how I know Theresa." "Oh yeah...she already told me that. I'm pretty buzzed right now. I don't think she likes me too much." "She's just sexually-frustrated -- like the rest of the world." "She for sure doesn't like Carl...told me that almost right away." "Why?" "Don't know. He can be damn unlikable at times. She sure adores you, though." I wondered what her thoughts about both of these guys were. I handed him the matchbook with my number right then because I knew I'd forget about it otherwise. He beamed. "Here they come. Be sure to call me sometime, Lloyd." Theresa was sweaty while Carl looked powder-dry. "Okay. I think I've burned off enough calories to justify a trip to White Castle on the way home." So I guess the evening was coming to a close. I was getting sleepy anyway. "Have a cigarette now, Matt. You can't smoke in my car." I took out one from the pack and gave one to Carl. He lit mine first and stared right into my eyes as he did it. I stared back. Aware that I was too obviously attracted to him, I turned around and gave Lloyd a wink. He smiled. "Both my mom and dad smoke, but I never have. It looks like fun -- wish I could join you." He was so sweet. Carl's hand was on my thigh, under the table. I could be sly too...I put my hand on his as Lloyd and Theresa sat there, oblivious. "We need to go too. Carl has to wake up early and I've had too much alcohol." He hadn't. really. "Theresa and I will meet you two out front in a minute so you two can say 'good bye'." Carl drilled his dark eyes into mine. I'd watch any crappy porn movie with him in it. We had a shared secret of desire, and that was better than any feelings of love. Lloyd was cute, but he didn't have his roommate's magnetism. We stood right outside the entrance and it felt painfully awkward. He was a good guy...I could see us going to dinner or to see a movie or a walk in the park. That, of course, would probably end up being a waste of time before the year was over. I wish he wasn't so shy because I am too. If he would just be a little more aggressive. "It was so nice to meet you, Matt. Did I say that already?" Did he? I don't remember because I'd been so into Carl the whole night. I suck as a person. "It was great meeting you too, Lloyd." We kissed for about three seconds. It didn't do much for me, didn't make my heart beat faster or anything. "Call me sometime." "Oh. I will. I'll call you tomorrow. Do you have plans for the weekend?" "No. Wanna come here again?" "Not at all. Let's just chill out at my place. Carl will be out all evening. I'll cook dinner and we can watch a movie." 'Sounds good," I said just as Theresa and Carl came through the door. She looked eager to leave. Carl nodded and said good bye. There was nothing hidden in his gesture. Theresa and I walked through the parking lot. "Well, I guess tonight was a big success for you, Matt. Two guys have their eye on you." "Lloyd does, maybe. We might get together tomorrow. He even wants to cook for me." She sighed. "He is very date-able. I can totally picture the two of you together, but..." "But what?" "I got to spend time alone with each of them. That Carl guy is trouble and there's just something unwholesome about him. Lloyd is cute and polite, but kind of a dud. He's mostly boring." "Yeah. He'd make a good husband for somebody. I just didn't feel anything for him except a little affection." We got inside her car and sat for a minute. "I did, however, find Carl very intriguing." "I was afraid of that...and I think Lloyd did too when you both left us for so long. And I can see why you'd be drawn to him. He's got that bad boy, Damien thing going on. Did you do anything with him?" "No! We looked around for matches and...talked a little." "Did he give you any coke? I'm sorry, but I got a drug vibe from him. I'm no baptist or anything...I just don't want you falling for this guy." "I already told you that I'm never going to 'fall' for anybody. The last time I thought I was in love, I got hurt." We got to my apartment building. "Hurt! Pffttt. Let's compare a list of hurts sometime. You're talking to someone who was called "Bratty Fatty" all through grade school...and even worse things after that." I shut up because I knew there were degrees of pain that everyone has gone through at some point in their lives. We barely said our good nights and she left. I wasn't really drunk, but I couldn't wait to crawl in bed. I slept later than I usually do on Saturday mornings. This was the time of week when I got cleaning and shopping done, but all I wanted to do now was drink coffee and think. I got dressed and had no sooner put my shoes on when the phone rang. It was only 10 AM. "Hello?" "Matt? Hi! It's Lloyd. I didn't wake you did I?" "Uh...no. Hi. What's up?" "Not much...I'm just getting ready for work. I'm off at 5, though. Short day. Want to come over tonight?" "Sure. Want to bring anything." "Nope. I got everything here. Except cigarettes...bring some if you want to smoke." He gave me the address and I wrote it down. I went to check my computer. I'd given Carl my email address, and secretly hoped he had sent me something. Anything. He had...early, early this morning. Hello Matthew Kenneth Harkner: hee hee. I did an internet search for you and didn't find anything scandalous. Shame. But I saw your company profile and almost didn't recognize you...you looked so all-American and innocent. Just kidding. I don't mind that at all. Just makes you more fun to corrupt. Lloyd talked endlessly about you and your big date tonight. Have fun. He's a good kid, but I wish you had met me first. I think you and I excite each other more. I think you think it too. I'm sending you some jpegs of me from my studio days as well as some that are more recent. Enjoy and reply after you've seen everything. I opened the file eagerly. pic #1: just a portrait shot with the name 'Houston Briggs" superimposed over his shoulders. It was copyrighted 'Raw Nerves, Inc.' pic #2: a full nude body shot of him sporting a giant boner (I'd guess it was over nine inches long) pic #3: a video still of some anonymous mouth wide open with Houston pissing in it pic #4: another video still of him fucking some blonde guy from behind pic #5: a close-up of his soft uncut dick with a visible '+' tattoo just above the trace of pubes pic #6: a shot of his hard dick with watery cum running down the shaft Damn! I had the urgent need to look at them all over again...and again. I needed to have a cigarette in the worst way. I went to the kitchen window and smoked while I thought of all the things I wanted to say in my reply. My heart was beating fast from the coffee and the nicotine and the lust. I wanted to jerk off right away. It didn't take long to come. I wouldn't remember until much later that this was the only time I'd ever masturbated in the kitchen. OK. I had to send a response and I was much calmer now. Thanks, man! You are incredibly hot! Do you have any tapes of your movies? I'd love to watch every single one. From beginning to end. Yes, I think there is something between us, but I'm an honorable man, and Lloyd and I have plans tonight as you know. It would hurt his feelings if I said "I'm into your roommate. Bye." I'd never do that. Visit my dreams sometime. Matt I needed to call Theresa. We'd left on bad terms last night. I sometimes got too involved with my little life, that I sometimes didn't pay attention to my words. Of course she had known about pain. It takes a special kind of bad luck to be a chubby kid and grow up on a hog farm. I didn't ever see her as fat because I adored her so much, but I bet it was hard for her to navigate romance. "Hello?" "Hi, Hon. Can I buy you some lunch?" "Sure. I got up early this morning to go join a gym, but I never made it out the front door. I don't own anything to wear to one of those places." "We'll go shopping after we eat. 'The Krab Kitchen'?" "Fancy! You must feel really guilty. I shouldn't have gotten mad last night and snapped at you. Pick me up around noon." So we ate and killed a few hours at the mall with no talk of love or hidden hurts or men. It was a nice afternoon, but I was sorry when it ended because that meant I had to fill the remaining time before my date with Lloyd. I wish I was excited, walking on clouds. But I was so very earthbound. Carl wouldn't be there. I'd be barely able to breathe if I was scheduled to meet up with or even just see him. He hadn't emailed me back. Damn. I took a shower and groomed. I didn't fuss much with what to wear. I just put on what I'd wear if a relative came to visit. It was past 5 now and he was probably showering and primping too. I had almost two hours to kill so I just sat on the floor and played Nintendo. New video games had gotten way too complicated for me and so I played old stuff like "Tetris" pr "Super Mario Brothers". I'd bought a smallish bottle of rum while out with Theresa. Time for a sip or two. I left the house a bit before 7. The place wasn't that far. I almost wish it was fifty miles or more away. I didn't want to be so near all this mess. It was a small house with a tidy lawn and some ornamental trees. OK. Let's get this over with. At least I'd remembered to bring cigarettes. Lloyd met me on the front porch with a wide smile. "You are right on time! Dinner is still cooking. Want some wine?" I tried my best to look happy and relaxed. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you're making smells really good." He brought me a glass of wine and an ashtray.Thank God. I needed a smoke in the worst way. The wine was pretty tasty. I sat on the sofa and took in the decor. It had to be all Lloyd's taste because it was basic and grandma-ish. If Carl had lived here alone, the walls would be red or black and there'd be weird shit on the walls. If I was really into this guy, I would have waited to smoke -- possibly all night. As it was, though.... "Did you have any trouble finding the house?" "Not at all. Where's Carl tonight?" "Working. He won't be home until way late. What did you think of him?" Oh, man. I had to choose my words carefully. He refilled my glass because I'd been sipping too rapidly. "He was nice. My friend Theresa didn't like him much." "But you did, right? You thought he was hot?" Oh God. "Well...he's attractive. So are you." "Relax, Matt. This happens every time he and I go out together. Every guy I meet and talk to ends up lusting after Carl. It's the pheromones he gives off or something. I should just go by myself from now on, but we've been friends since we were kids." "I came over tonight to see YOU, Lloyd. I thought we hit it off last night and I wanted to see you again." The oven dinged. "The lasagna is done. I have to let it sit for a few minutes now. Want some more wine? What kind of movies do you like?" He got up and walked to the kitchen where I couldn't see him, but we could still hear each other. "I like horror movies mostly." "Oh. Not me. I just can't handle scary stuff." This would never work. "I don't even own a single horror movie. Look over at the shelf next to the TV and see if there's something there you'd like to see." He messed around in the kitchen as I looked through his collection. He seemed to have almost everything Tom Cruise had ever been in. I wasn't a fan of that midget. I settled on 'Mommie Dearest' because, even though it was bad, it was a lot of fun to watch. Lloyd brought out plates of steaming hot lasagna and some bread sticks and set it on the coffee table in front of us. He went back to get silverware, napkins and more wine. "Oh, good choice! We love that movie." "You know...I've never seen an actual movie Joan Crawford was in. I keep meaning to," "I have. She's epic." The food was good, but I was still a little full from all the snow crab legs I had for lunch. I ate enough to be polite, but finally had to stop. "It was so good, but I guess I ate too much at lunch. I'm full." "No worries. I'll send some home with you to eat tomorrow. Carl doesn't eat much either, which is why he's so skinny." At least I still had room for more wine. "Want some help cleaning up?" "No. I'll just throw everything in the dishwasher and deal with it later." After he left the couch, I lit up a cigarette. I'd seen this movie too many times. We were at the part where Chrsitina Crawford wouldn't eat the rare steak she was served. "What the HELL??," Lloyd said loudly. "Carl just came home. He wasn't supposed to come back until after midnight...at the earliest. Fuck!" I was excited and scared. I would see the living person behind the porn pics I'd just looked at this morning. And then there he was, grimacing and limping. "Hi. Matt. Sorry to interrupt your evening. I'll just go straight to my bedroom and close the door." Lloyd looked very pissed-off. "What happened? I thought you worked until closing." "Brenda spilled some grease in the kitchen and I slipped in it. I might have broken my ankle." My little brother had broken his ankle as a kid when he fell out of our tree house. They had to do surgery even. "Lloyd and I will take you to the E.R." "Hell NO. I'm not spending Saturday night in a waiting room with a bunch of dying people. I'll see how it is in the morning. Enjoy your evening, fellows." "No. Sit down and take your shoe off." "Oh God no!," Lloyd said with a laugh,"nobody wants to smell or see those hobo feet." "Shut up, bitch. He's trying to help." He looked down at me as I knelt on the floor in front of him. He put one foot up on the ottoman and asked me to unlace his dress shoes for him. I carefully removed his left shoe and sock. There wasn't a bad smell at all, but his foot was big, sort of ugly and his nails probably should have trimmed a few weeks ago, but his ankle looked normal and not all injured. No swelling or bruising that I could see. "It doesn't see broken, Carl. Can you move it sideways of up and down?" "No. I don't want to try because it'll hurt too much." I touched parts of the ankle and asked if he felt pain. "I think you might just have a sprain...or a tiny fracture at worst." The room got quiet. "Well, thanks, Dr. Matt." I felt stupid just being on the floor so I got up and went back to where I was sitting. Lloyd refilled our glasses and asked Carl if he wanted some. "Just bring me the bottle. I've got another bottle down in the crisper drawer." The energy in the room felt weird, but we all sipped and watched the end of the movie. Then it get even more strange and quiet. Carl looked over at Lloyd. "He has a good heart. I think Matt's too nice a guy for us." Us? "I told you. He thinks you're hot, though." It felt like there was a secret that I wasn't being let in on. "Yeah...but I am not feeling good about this now. Tell him." "Matt?" "What's going on?" I felt my face get hot with embarrassment. I was somehow feeling like a fool. "We lied to you about some things...and left out information. Carl and I have been a couple for several years -- and we're both HIV+. But we're into lots of kinky stuff and love to play with strangers. Since I'm more approachable than he is and he's more attractive, I find young guys to bring home for him...and me. The clueless ones are the easiest." No way was this really happening to me. "So I looked like an idiot to you?" I was angry and scared at the same time. 'I'm a fool, now??!" "Not at all, Matt. A little naive, maybe, but you're definitely not a fool. If we thought that about you, Carl would still have a broken ankle and I'd be trying to get you in my bed...and then you'd sneak into his room." "I can't believe this shit! You two ought to be in prison!" "Probably," said Carl. "But I saw how caring you were now and how concerned. Nobody has ever been that way with me....not even that jack-off sitting next to you." Lloyd was in crisis mode. "We can all be friends and just party for a while. Or you can go home and we'll never bug you again." "I'm a little too buzzed to drive." I was taking stock of the situation. What was I going to do next? I'd let them guess and be in the dark for a minute. "You can crash on the couch. It's a great sleeping couch...and we won't come near you. We both work early tomorrow anyway. I had the power now. I could take over the narrative at this point. I hated admitting to myself that I was wildly turned on, but wanted to hide it a little longer. "Put another movie in and let's finish the wine." I lit up a cigarette and let them wonder what I was planning. I guess the fact that I didn't leave in a huff was already pretty telling. Lloyd shrugged and started scouting for something to watch. "Carl? Do you have any horror movies in your bedroom? Matt likes those." Carl scooted away and returned a few minutes later with a tape. "I found something he might like more," he said with a grin. Of course it was one of his old porn videos. "Wow, he's really pushing his luck," I thought. "Oh Lord, Carl. Not that one. It's so cheap-looking and plus the sound sucks. Get the one where you're the limo driver." "No. This is the important one. Remember?" "Oh yeah. I forgot." The opening music was a terrible electronic version of every porn theme you've ever heard. At the time, though, I'd never seen a gay porn video until right at that moment. I tried so desperately to keep cool, but waves of embarrassment washed over me. It was called something really lame like 'Firm On the Farm'. And there was Houston Briggs (Carl) wearing a cowboy hat and jeans with no shirt. He was carrying a bale of hay and he was supposed to look sweaty, but it was obviously body oil of some sort. Younger Carl was bulkier and more tan than the current version. As much as I tried to seem casual, I'm sure my eyes were open very wide. So in comes another actor who I guess was supposed to be the boss farmer. "Lex Colton. He looks so butch in this, but he was a major queen." I looked over at at Carl who had taken his other shoe and sock off and untucked his shirt. "Not a nice guy either. He would have made a great top, but he always refused. Bottoms make more money than tops." I would have guessed it to be the other way around. There was dialog, but you couldn't really make out what they were saying because the audio was so crappy. And then Houston was naked and stroking his huge boner. Lex sucked it and seemed to really enjoy it. It was sloppy in a hot sort of way. At the end of the scene, the boss got huge wads of cum sprayed on his face. Wow. "That's a fake shot. I really did cum on him, but it didn't 'read' on film. So they had him kneel there again while somebody off camera shot a squirt gun full of egg whites at his face. I wasn't even there that day." Carl made a few more comments about the scene, but I remember being profoundly disappointed that the huge blob of sperm wasn't real. Carl came over and sat on the other side of me and took control of the remote. "We need to fast-forward a little. All the dudes in it were so bad and most of them have probably O.D'd by now. OK. Watch this next scene carefully...it's one of the few times I ever bottomed. What can I say? -- rent was due." I paid careful attention. There had to be a reason he'd said it was 'important'. A really large darker-skinned man approached Houston outside of a barn. He was shirtless as well. "That's Aldo. He told me was Puerto Rican. We ended up dating a little after the movie was over." On screen,they traded blow jobs and then Aldo fucked him from behind. No condom, but lots of lubricant from somewhere. It was hot, but got monotonous after a few minutes. "This scene was short over the course of two hours because he kept losing his woody. But wait a few seconds. It was a close-up shot of Aldo's bare ass pumping vigorously into Houston. He was a vocal top and never stopped 'shit' and 'fuck'. "Right there! See how he pauses and squeezes his ass together? And then just keeps going? He'd already shot his load inside of me, but then a few minutes later, he claims he can't cum and is losing his boner. The director told him to take a break." Wow. I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around all of this. "Not many poz guys get the moment they were bugged on tape."
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  12. What I'm about to tell you is 100% true. I know this is a "fiction" forum, and I have written several stories on here. But something is driving me to share my real story. The story how I became positive. I need to confess my behavior, for posterity, so that at least some people will know what happened. To believe me or not is entirely up to you, but I know I'll feel better getting this down in print. I started off as any good, self-respecting, midwestern gay boy who came of age in the late 80's did. I was scared shitless by the AIDS epidemic and always used condoms. Always. With a couple girls, and then even with the few boyfriends that I had when I finally came out in the mid-90's. It was just what was done-- unless one was in a long term committed relationship and both parties had been tested. Fast forward to the later 90's and I had a long-term "committed" relationship with a guy who eventually got me to drop the condoms. And I LOVED it. He was younger than me, with a big, curved, 8" cock and I really got off on feeling him cum inside me. But then that relationship ended. I moved away to the Carolinas and he stayed. It was a good thing, because it turns out that neither of us was particularly faithful in that relationship. During my time In the Carolinas is when I started my descent into barebacking. Early on I had a few boyfriends... always fucked with condoms with them. And then suddenly I was single... perpetually single. And perpetually horny. It started innocently enough. I would have hookups and we would "mostly" use condoms. If the guy was married, I would let it slide because he "was safe". And fuck how hot is it to let a married guy fuck you bare, right? At first I always asked them to pull out when they came. Most of the time they did. But then I just finally stopped asking, and they stopped pulling out. And I found out that I really loved feeling the throb, the wet heat, of their semen pouring into me. I began to crave it. So I started letting "partnered" guys fuck me bare. I figured they were a pretty safe bet too. And then it was married, partnered, or guys who said they were negative. Granted there was still condom use here and there, but it was much more sporadic. This was in the era of those home HIV testing kits. I was far too scared to go to a clinic or my doctor, so I would buy the test kits every 6 months and dutifully stab my finger and mail in my sample. Waiting for the results was nerve-wracking, but it was always the same. Negative. As the years progressed during my southern tenure, the lure of barebacking got stronger and stronger. Condoms were a rarity now, and I was starting to let anonymous guys cum in me raw. And I found I really got off on it! I can still remember the first time a complete stranger came in me at a bookstore in the city near me. I was in a dark alcove watching a guy taking turns blowing the three guys surrounding him. I was jerking off and a guy snuck up behind me and started playing with my ass. And before I knew it he was lubed and pushing into me. I just let it happen as the other guys stopped getting blown and started to watch me take dick. They all egged the top on, to "breed me". And he did. I was simultaneously so turned on and so mortified that as soon as he was done, I dashed out of there. And then jacked off a huge load later at home! That session sort of flipped a switch in me-- if I was willing to let a complete stranger cum in me, then fuck it. My inhibitions about taking raw cock were completely gone, and I would take multiple anonymous loads at that same bookstore in my remaining year in the South. I started going to sex parties and letting guys breed me. I started taking cock at the Y. And I even went to a leather party where I was roofied and ended up in a sling with guys taking turns and tallying up their loads on my stomach with a sharpie. I left that party with 18 hash marks-- but only remembered like 4 of the guys. I tested myself again... and still was neg. Even after all that, I was negative. Then I moved back to the Midwest. I dated a poz guy for awhile and we fucked bare all the time. But he refused to cum in me, even when I begged him to. He had too much guilt and didn't even want to fuck me raw in the first place. He said he didn't want to be the one to infect me. We eventually broke up. And I resumed my slutty ways-- taking lots of raw cock and loads. Going to sex parties. Etc. A friend involved in the AIDS community discovered I was being reckless and so he dragged me to the clinic to get tested. I figured I MUST have HIV by now, right? So much unprotected sex. Nope. Still negative. And then I met Steve. I met him online under one of his screen names "BarebackerMn" or "BarebackerMan" or "StevenToTheNuts". I think this was back in the days of gay.com still. Anyway, if you are reading this on this forum, you may know him (or of him). I found out later he was quite the "gifter"-- lots of conversions to his credit. Lots of videos. But I get ahead of myself. Steve and I chatted online quite a bit. I mean, his cock pics alone were a big draw for me. He had several pictures of a big, beautiful 8 inch dick. Naturally my ass was begging for it. But Steve was positive. To backtrack a little, yes I was being a slut. I hooked up with lots of guys and attended sex parties and went to bookstores and such. But really not very often. Oh, every so often I would get cum crazed and do the bookstore thing, and then leave with several loads in me, and a huge amount of guilt. And sex parties were few and far between. And my online hookups were with guys who said they were neg, or were partnered... still. I didn't actively seek out guys who said "don't know" or "poz" because even though I craved feeling a man cum inside me, I really didn't want it to be poz cum. Not in the back of my mind I didn't, because I knew it would seriously impact my life. So I tried to be a bit selective-- not letting guys who "looked" poz fuck me bare. Only letting proclaimed "neg" guys breed me during one on one hookups, etc. Yeah, I was that naive, but it had worked so far, right? Anyway, back to Steve. Like I said, we chatted a lot, and I was VERY tempted by his cock. But his profile (and his chats) let me know that he was DEFINITELY positive, and that he ONLY fucked bare, and he NEVER pulled out. He also warned me that he was charged and that if he fucked me, I'd probably get "knocked up". Because he'd done it before. All this talk scared me. And titillated me. But mostly scared me. I kept looking at his dick and thinking, "I really wanna feel that inside me. I wonder if he'd pull out if I asked?" I probably should have just avoided him... but every time I saw him on, we chatted. Little did I know I was being inexorably drawn into his web. And then one night, it happened. It was late fall and cold outside. I was in one of those cock hungry moods and had been online for hours trying to find dick. All to no avail. And then Steven logged on. And we started chatting. It was late and fuck I was horny and damn I needed some dick and fuck I'd probably already taken poz loads unknowingly and ok I'll drive over what's the address? Before I knew it, I was standing on his porch and knocking on his door, thinking "what the fuck am I doing?" He answered wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I left my boots by the door and followed him downstairs to the basement, my stomach in knots and my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. (My stomach is actually clenched while typing this). When we got down to the basement, it was.... almost too much. My apologies to Steve (if he ever reads this) but he and his husband were not excellent housekeepers. And the basement was, well, the best way to describe it is "seedy". There was fake panelling on the walls, a ratty, plaid 70's couch in front of the TV, and a carpet with stains from god-knows-what. There were also vodka bottles and full ashtrays and ... you get the picture. I almost turned around and left. But I didn't. We sat on the couch, and there was bareback porn playing on the TV. I'll give him credit, he sensed my nervousness and he didn't pressure me into anything. He just sat there and put a hand on my thigh. I reached over and touched his cock through his sweat pants. It felt huge, and he was definitely hard. He played with my hard cock through my jeans too and we watched porn for a few minutes in silence. "Hey bud, we don't have to do anything you don't want to. But maybe you could suck me a bit, if you want?" he said. And then he played his ace. He stood and slowly shucked his sweats, and that big cock flipped and bounced just inches from my face in all it's glory. He sat back down and started stroking it, and before I knew it I was on all fours in front of him with his big meat in my mouth. He was very appreciative- because he knew that as soon as he was inside my mouth... my ass was his. I sucked him a bit longer, and then he told me to get undressed. I did. I was so horny at this point, nothing was going to stop me from getting that cock in me. My dick was drooling precum all over that godawful carpet and I didn't care. "Get on all fours in front of the TV," he told me. And I did. "Take a hit of those poppers," he instructed. And I did. And then I felt his raw dick slide into my ass. Alarm bells were going off in my head, but my cock was rock hard and I NEEDED to be fucked SO DAMN BAD!! And damn if his cock didn't feel INCREDIBLE! Just like his screen name, he went in my hole "to the nuts". And then he started slow fucking me. He paused with his dick half in, and I saw a flash. He had pulled out his phone and was taking pics of his raw dick in my ass. I asked him not to show my leg tattoo if possible. "Don't worry," he said. As he fucked me, he started talking. Dirty talking. Filthy stuff. Stuff that noboby had ever said to me before. Stuff like "You know you have a poz dick in you, don't you? And you like it! You're ass is gripping and loving my big cock! You're gonna take my poz load and I'm gonna charge you up. Make you convert, like I've done to dozens of guys. You're just a fucking pig bug chaser, aren't you? A dirty fucking whore that's gonna let me put my toxic load up your cunt." A litany of filthy poz talk poured out of his mouth while he fucked me. I can safely say, at that time I was NOT a fan of this kind of talk. In fact, it made me nauseous and I wanted to stop. But the poppers were doing their job and in my haze I let him continue. "Guess what boy? No going back now-- you're getting my dirty load," he shouted as I felt his cock start throbbing inside of my ass. He pounded me hard as he came, trying to push his load as deep in me as possible. And I took it all. As soon as his load was shot, he pulled out and went for a cigarette. I started getting dressed in silence, not having cum, and not comprehending what I had just done. He showed me to the front door, and I drove home in a daze. I think I stayed up another hour just thinking about what I had done. I had just let a VERY poz guy cum inside me. I felt a bit sick to my stomach and cursed myself for allowing it to happen. Until the next time. The next time Steve and I fucked was about a month later. This time his partner was there and they both fucked me. I sucked Steve while his partner fucked my hole first. And let me just say this, Steve's partner had an even BIGGER cock and it fucking HURT! But I took him, and his load. There was no filthy talk when Steve's partner was fucking me-- I don't think he liked that scene. But as soon as he was done, he left to go to their sauna, thus leaving Steve and me alone. That's when Steve ramped up his poz talk and dumped his nut in me too. Then we sat in the sauna together. I took Steve several more times after that. Once again on all fours as he took more pics. The fourth load was video recorded. That recording ended up on a bug chasing website (much to my dismay). I had asked him not to post it. It had LOTS of poz talk and it was clear that I was neg and he was gonna poz up my ass. We made a few videos at my place too-- one shows him mugging evilly for the camera as he uses a finger to "prime" my hole before he sides in and breed it. I didn't understand what he was doing until much much later. Later that winter I got sick. Like really sick. But it was also the year that the H1N1 or whatever flu was hitting hard, so I didn't think much of it. But damn if that flu didn't take it out of me. I found that I was fatigued more and often tired. It took me a long time to recover, but even then I never felt "good". Steven and I sort of lost touch, and I really didn't see him online much anymore. I was finding plenty of other dick to keep my ass satisfied, and I was hitting up a local sex party more and more frequently, taking as many loads as I could get. Then about a year later, I got a call from the clinic that summer informed me that I had been exposed to Syphilis and that I needed to come in to be tested. So I went, and naturally they performed all the testing. And that's when they came in and told me that I had tested positive for HIV. Subsequent testing would show my viral load was pretty high, so I'd been poz for awhile unknowingly. I know to most people, the initial diagnosis probably comes as a shock (although really, how much of a shock can it be if you are having unprotected sex?) Upon hearing the news, I didn't get angry or cry or go numb or anything really... I just rationally processed it as a fact. I think I mystified the counsellors with my calmness about it. I mean, heck. I'd been having unprotected gay sex for years, was almost exclusively a bottom, and I'd let a known poz guy breed my ass. Repeatedly. It really was just a matter of time. And that's it. That's my story. I'm on meds and healthy, I'm doing well, and taking more cumloads than ever. PReP has made it so that EVERYONE barebacks-- it's so fucking hot! And EASY! And now? Now I sorta get off on poz talk. I've had more than one hot session where I pretended to be neg so a poz guy could get his rocks off on "knocking me up". I think I posted one of those stories here. And if you read my other "stories" no doubt you'll recognize parts of this one in there. Write what you know, right? Do I regret allowing myself to be careless and become positive? Sometimes. But it is what it is, and there's no going back now.
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  13. CHAPTER 1... Introduction to our life My husband and I have been married for 2 years, have been together for 6 years and have a fantastic life; David is a pilot for a national airline, I'm a partner in one of the largest legal firms in the country. We have a loft apartment in the city centre and we have a beach house property in Spain which we use on a regular basis. David is 12 yrs younger than I am, I'm 39 yrs old, David is very fit, a total btm and a big flirt whereas I am a Chub bear, vers and quiet most of the time. We say opposites attract and in our case it's true and we were very lucky to find each other. I met David at his own 21st birthday party 6 years ago, it was on in the same hotel as a client function I was attending and we met at the bar. The rest as they say is history because that very same night we spent in my hotel room where I got to breed this stunning 21yr old repeatedly and one of his then best friends partied with us. David has a real turn on for chubs and I have a thing for hot young men so situation was perfect. 6 years later, he's finished his training, qualified and is an officer flying from Dublin to Europe several times a week while my career and my practice goes from strength to strength. When we married we agreed to an open relationship, one built on trust and only would ever have sex with other men on the following conditions 1) Never without the other knowing first 2) Never with colleagues or friends i.e. always with strangers 3) Only hook up online and 4) Never bring another man into our bed. I was standing in the kitchen of our loft having only flown in from the USA overnight and was brewing coffee while I listened to David moaning in pleasure in the spare bedroom. He was clearly enjoying the cock he was taking, from the pictures he sent me last night it was living up to expectations. David had been out his family for a meal the night before thenwent for a drink afterwards himself and naturally had his hook up app active while sitting at the bar when this bear in his 30's got chatting to him online. While all this was happening he had been texting and emailing me updates on where the conversation was heading and what kind of responses he was getting from the bear, I didn't need to know his name or ever want too, David was comfortable with him so I told him I'd be home around 6am and enjoy his night. The bear came to meet David for a drink in the bar, one drink led to two which led to four and that led to a taxi home to ours; While I walked around the loft I could see evidence of the night before... Davids jacket and a strangers coat carelessly thrown on the coat rack inside the door, Davids size 10s and a strangers shoes next to and under the sofa, the sofa cushions thrown around and two of them on the floor followed by Davids sweater and T-Shirt on the living room table, a strangers shirt on the floor next to the table, Davids jeans in the hallway leading to the bedroom, socks that I didn't recognise on the hallway floor and the classic (something David and I always did to each other) a jockstrap hanging outside the bedroom off the door handle. I smiled and came back to reality as I heard the loud roar of a man blowing his load, assuming it was up my husband, and heavy breathing followed by some laughing and men talking. I went back up the hall and off into my study, we never interrupted each other if the situation arose where we were both home and one of us had a fuck around. I closed the door of my study and sat on the couch, I picked up a remote control on the coffee table and pressed it, the large cabinet in the wall slid back to reveal a 55" TV screen, I undid my shirt, unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants and boxers and turned on the screen... to watch a recording of David and his bear...
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  14. i was about a month ago at a pool party during leather prode. I was in th egarden area of the resort and three guys took turns fuking me while guys gathered around to watch. Then they started pissing on me while waiting their turn to fuck me some more and i was covered inpiss and cum by the end...it was a total animal high to be covered in so much male scent and from multiple guys.
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  15. The Santa lookalike I met at bookstore the other day agreed to come over last night after his family gathering. He showed up around 10pm, and we quickly got naked. Some kissing on the bed first, then his tongue was buried in my ass for 30 minutes, with him massaging my ballsack with his hand, rubbing his saliva all around. My cock was dripping wet by the time he pulled me back by my hips and slid his cock easily into my hole. He slow fucked me for 15 minutes, then built his pace before unloading deep, holding me tight against his cock. I felt his cock soften a bit, and then a warm sensation and I knew he was pissing inside me. I clamped tight around his cock and jerked my cock, cumming when he told me what a good piss pig I was being. He lay down on top of me, licking my neck and whispering in my ear to just let his cum and piss soak in. I held it for 20 minutes before I had to head to toilet and release it. Back in the bed he spooned behind me, rubbing my ass with his hand and sliding a finger in and out of my hole. I told him I hated to not have his load in my ass anymore, and he said not to worry he'd put another up there soon. We slept a bit, then he woke me up by sliding his cock into me as I lay on my side. He fucked me steady for 30 minutes before telling me he was gonna nut. I pushed back to get his cock in as far as possible, and he breed me. I slid down and licked his cock clean and jerked off a second time as I did it. He had to leave, but said he'd be back in town at Christmas.
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  16. ***I actually stole my own idea and incorporated it into this part of the story. I have an entirely other story that I wrote months ago (yet to be posted) about a construction crew. To be added sometime soon*** CHAPTER THREE Pat and I resumed our fucking like animals after that session at the book store just because it felt fucking good, and if I happen to already be infected, then his chances increased. But it was more about the fuck until a few weeks later when I went to get tested. I hadn’t experienced any sort of symptoms, but that’s not always an indicator. And shockingly my tests came back negative. I couldn’t fathom how that was possible after all of the furious pounding I took that night. Pat could see the disappointment on my face as soon as I walked back into the apartment. “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “Still negative,” I sighed. “I guess it doesn’t matter either way. We’re still fucking, right? And if you want other guys to fuck you, go right ahead. It will get done sooner or later.” His words were encouraging, and he’d never told me to let other guys breed me other than when he was with me, but I guess he was giving me the green light to amp up my efforts. We continued to peruse stories on Breeding Zone in the hopes of getting some more good ideas that might tip things in our favor. After all, we’d only done one gang fuck. And sure, lots of those guys said they are poz, but they might have been undetectable. Well, not all of them, but some of them must have been. And there is the possibility that some of them said they were poz just to get in line to fuck me -Pat had said ‘Poz guys to the front of the line’. Anyway, it’s not like we were going to quit pigging out just because we finally convert. If anything, we were hoping to open ourselves up to even more depravity. “How was your day?” I asked him, flopping down on the couch next to him with a glass of wine. “Weird,” he replied, frowning. “Word has spread to the crew that I left my wife . . . for a man.” “Uh-oh. Are they giving you shit?” I asked, worried that he might find himself in a situation where he might be outnumbered by a bunch of homophobic assholes. “A couple of the guys gave me some strange looks at first, but a few of the others kind of broke the ice during lunch.” He stretched out his legs and put his feet up on the coffee table and his arm went back and over my shoulders, holding me closer to him. “They started asking me why I left her, and then why I decided on guys.” “What did you tell them?” We’d never really discussed what went through his mind during that time. All we knew is that I sort of seduced him and drew him into my wicked web of sex games. Kidding. Sort of. “I kept it basic. Told them she was a bitch who only wanted to shop and never put out.” “What did you tell them about me?” This I had to hear. Pat chuckled a little before replying. “You might enjoy this. Or get pissed at me.” “Spit it out,” I urged. “I told them that you were a whore for dick, and couldn’t get enough of mine,” he said quickly, sounding worried that I might freak that he’d told a bunch of strangers that I was a whore. “Sounds about right,” I murmured into my wine glass before taking a mouthful. “Did they leave you alone after that?” “Hell no. The questions kept coming. How much sex? Any weird places? Did I let other guys fuck you? On and on. I didn’t say anything about us trying to get pozzed, but I told them that you got gangbanged at the book store a few weeks ago. That got their attention quick,” he laughed. “In what way?” “Honestly, even though I know that most of those guys are straighter than straight, they all had tents in their pants when I was telling them about you.” “Haha, I’ve never been nailed by an entire construction crew,” I joked, taking another swig of wine. “Yeah, that’s the thing. I think they might want to try,” he told me reticently. “I never knew how some guys just like to fuck, no matter where their dick goes. So even though a lot of them are married and don’t have evil wives like I did, they still need more sex than they are getting.” I sat back a little so that I could look directly at him. “Are you serious? Do you really want to have another gangbang with your entire crew?” As much as I always loved the idea of my man pimping me out, my mind was still spinning with this scenario. It was also taking us off track from our goal of getting infected. Still, who in their right mind would turn down an entire construction crew of red blooded, virile, buff studs? So, naturally, I was getting seriously aroused and my mind slowed it’s roll. “Only if you want to,” Pat told me. “Do you want me to?” I asked him sternly. If he was concerned about how it would reflect on him at work, I would never risk it. I certainly wasn’t lacking for dick. Pat shrugged his wide, muscular shoulders. “I think so? I never had to think of this stuff before I met you. But I do love to watch you take dick,” he concluded, and the tent in his own pants filled in any other blanks there might be. After he fucked me right there on the sofa and dumped a nice big load into my ass, he sat there with his phone texting some of the crew, spreading the word that we were having a gangbang at his hotel room this weekend. And he made sure that they all knew that condoms were not allowed. “I told them all that you’re a cumwhore -that’s what one of the guys at the book store called you and I definitely think it fits,” he told me. “Mmm,” I growled, “You know how much I love it when you call me names,” I said, climbing back into his lap and freeing his hardening cock from the confines of his pants once again. As his stiff cock slid back into my cummy hole, Pat’s hands held me firmly, guiding me up and down in a slow and pleasurable fuck. “I like the reaction you get from it, but you know I would never hurt you, right?” he asked me. "And you mean a lot more to me than just a place to put my dick." “I know,” I panted, still bouncing up and down on him, varying my ride from short and quick to longer full-dick-length strokes. “And lets keep the poz-chasing between us. I don’t think any of the guys I invited have any diseases and we don’t want to scare them off before you get all of their cum,” he said, grinning evilly. After I rode him for a few minutes he also said, “And depending on how strenuous the gangbang is, maybe we’ll have some poz guy over after they’re all done with you.” That got my heartbeat racing and I slammed myself up and down on him harder than ever, desperate to feel him spraying my insides with his stud seed. With his hands gripping me tightly, he pulled me down hard, burying his cock balls-deep in me. His head fell back and a growl ripped from his chest as his balls fired off inside me. I leaned forward and kissed him as he continued to drain inside me. My own cock was still hard and throbbing, but I honestly didn’t care about it. I was already planning how I could take on the entire construction crew and get some poz dick afterwards.
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  17. Had that urge to get fucked raw the other morning. On A4A there was a guy that bred me a year or so back. He lives in the area during the winter. Sent him a note offering up my hole for his pleasure. He wasn't completely settled in and was unable to host. I wasn't able to host because wife is home all the time. He was up for some raw breeding, just didn't have a place. I decided to run an ad on CL for a hosting voyeur. On occasion that's a fun way to get a place to play. Got a response back fairly quickly. Straight guy wanted to see two guy breed. Sent message to my top guy and now he's not available. Drop a line to the voyeur and he says, why don't I come over and service him. Get stats and they seem OK. Then notice, that he's 22 and I'm mid 50's. Start thinking I'm not going to drive 30 minutes to be turned away at the door. Email him and ask about age difference; he says he's into getting his cock in a hole what's age got to do with it. On a side note, think that's when you can really tell if you have a “straight” one. Those guys tend not to be focused on age or even looks all that much. Real straight guys just want a mouth and/or ass to serve their cock. My other two married “straight” guys are the same way. I digress…….. Make the 30 minute drive, walk up a flight of stairs and stand there at the stranger's door wondering what is going to greet me. Damn, door opens 6'2”, nice build, couple of day beard scruff, and unrully dark haired stud is standing there with only a Polo Shirt on and a 7+ cut cock with low hangers is standing there. Not a word is said. He walks over to the sofa, sits, spreads his legs as his cock starts firming up more. I'm down on my knees fully dressed deep throating the guy. I get so hungry for his cock, all I want is his load in the back of my throat. I slow down, decide to change the tempo and head for his low hangers and tant. The good news is, he's not raising his legs up like a closet bottom does meaning, he really wants cock in him and acts like a top to sucker a guy in to breed him. Just mention it, because that happens a lot around here. The good news is, balls and tant felt good but that wasn't the action he wanted. After some time on the nuts, he grabs my head and positions his cock back in my throat and he takes over the pumping. He becomes a true throat fucker and I'm starting to taste continuous ribbons of precum oozing out of his cock. Gad, the time is close. I pull my head off his cock and ask……...please, fuck me……..please! Not a word from him, he just stands up and looks at me. I'm not sure if he's through or will he fuck me. I pull some lube out and start on his cock, he doesn't back away. From there I strip down, lean over the coach, arms on the back, and he plunges his cock into me. No testing, no getting my ass relaxed, just the tip hits my hole and he plunges it full force into me. I want to pull away, push him out, tighten up, what ever to get that burning feeling out of me so I can relax to fit his cock. Then I just say to myself, I'm the one that wanted cock in me to today and this is what I'm getting. All of sudden the pain become that special pleasure. I open up and he can drill deeper. The next thing I know, I'm saying “please seed me….please , please. The first time he says a word since I've arrived, he says “you want me to cum in you?” I'm just saying, yes please give me your cum. He starts rocking and convulsing. I feel my ass starting to feel the liquid warmth. He keeps pumping and just won't stop and the his cock doesn't soften in the slightest. My cock starts getting harder and out of nowhere, my load starts pumping out of me. Of course I'm in dream land. But after my load is shot, my ass is really tightening up and I start to pull away. He pulls me back and starts to pump harder. I'm squirming now and not really into it. He comes close to my ear and says, now I'm going to really fuck you, you're pre-lubed and tight. My ass is so tight resisting this rape. I was not a willing participant and my ass kept getting tighter. His first load was oozing out of me. That's when he'd take his finger, cover it with his load coming out of my hole and start feeding it to me, telling me to eat my ass cum. The first taste had that nasty flavor and smell. But when it sat on my tongue all of a sudden my ass started to losen up. He grabs for my cock, I guess thinking that would relax me. Of course I'm soft as can be from shooting my load after he came the first time. He flicks my cock with his fingers and laughs saying I'm a real pussy now, not even a man. His pumping is steady and has a rhythm. Same pattern over and over; pull out to the edge of the head and then plunge back in. My mind is going into a zone and then all of sudden I feel my balls starting to move. At first I think he's starting some CBT but no, another load is starting pump out of my soft cock. I just start spewing loads of cum. He forces me on my knees doggie style and tells me lick my cum off his floor. As I've got my face on the floor eating my own cum I start to feel that warm flow in my ass. He pulls out quickly and with it comes some of his load now on the floor and more still oozing out of me. He grabs my head, puts my mouth where his cum sits on the floor and tells me to clean it up. He walks away and I'm just sitting there with ass cum around my face and mouth, naked, limp cock, and a cummy ass. He walks out from the hall he went down. Now he's fully clothed. Looks at me in disgust. Tells me to leave now. I ask for a towel to clean my self up some and he says NO. Put your clothes on and wear my cum. I get dressed and head to the door. Just as I get to the hallway, he says I need to know one more thing. I turn around, and now standing in the hall next to living room where we had just fucked is his woman, standing there with a camera. She smiles and says, Oh sometimes he just needs some man pussy; you did good. His last comment to me as he was edging me toward the door was, next time bring your buddy we still want a voyeur session.
    2 points
  18. Cleaned up, skipping the underwear and went out to the bookstore last night. Stopped to get bred by a couple on the way do my hole would already be used. Turned out it was pretty busy. I made a point of studying the selection of gay vids for a minute and grabbed my crotch to massage my cock before walking done one of the halls to a room where 3 guys were standing. As I walked I was taking my belt off and unzipping and pushing my pants down as I walked through the door so my ass showed plainly. I heard one of the guys day he was going to fuck that hole as I slid my shoes off and dropped my pants around my ankles. He didn't close the door as he stepped in and felt my ass and asked if I already had a load in me. When I said 2 loads in my ass he said he was going to be #3 And I heard him unzip. I was going to turn around to suck his cock but he pushed me down and rubbed the head of his hard cock against my hole as I took a hit of poppers. One hand reached up yo hold my shoulder as he pushed balls deep into my ass. He had a thick cock and I moaned in pleasure as he began fucking hard. I didn't look to see who it was as another guy offered me his cock to suck and I just gobbled down his soft cock and felt it grow hard in my mouth. His cockhead pushed past my tonsils as the guy fucking me started really pounding my hole. He only lasted a few minutes before he started groaning and bucking and I felt my hole get slicker with the load he was emptying into me. He pulled out and within seconds another guy was taking his place and telling me that he was going to breed my whore hole. One after another I took cocks up my hole as the cum started leaking down my legs.
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  19. Gladly and eagerly join this fuck club!
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  20. Blonde And Stupid – Two Christian Boys Dragged Down (Part 02) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Ryan was so excited. He thought of all the handsome and masculine jocks and his ass was tingling. Ben saw things differently. He was also horny, but he was more carefully and a bit scared too. What if their parents would find out, that they were gay. How would they react? What if they would change their behavior. He didn’t want to act like a sissy. Right now they lived a peaceful life. A little bit undercover. Maybe they were not happy all the time, but… it was a good and easy life. They had average grades at school. It wasn’t too hard to get good results at school, maybe because of their looks. Of course they got also teased from the members of the different sports teams, because they weren’t so much into the boy stuff. Girls, on the other hand, would adore the teens. Everything would change, if they decided to open up and come out of the closet. Ryan tried to calm his pal down. “No one said, we need to come out to our parents or our friends. Just let us experience some fun and meet some guys who are willing to help us and feed us some cock” “Nothing happens without a price. If we do one thing, it will trigger another. That’s what I’m afraid of” Ben answered. “You are thinking too much with your brain. Start thinking with your ass…” Ryan said and farted loudly. Ben threw his pillow towards Ryan and both guys laughed merrily. The next day was an ordinary Saturday. They went downtown and did some shopping. They met some of Ryan’s female friends at Starbucks. Then they returned home and had lunch with Ryan’s parents. In the afternoon they watched some stuff on TV to kill some time. Both guys had to admit, that they kept thinking of the big cocks they had seen last night on Skype. Ryan’s parents were invited that evening and told his son and Ben, they would be home way after midnight. So the lads were all alone, when they started their computer and opened Skype. Soon they received a request and accepted the call. This time they had their cam turned to them and they smiled, when they saw the jocks from last night. These guys seemed to be in their mid-twenties. Ryan liked that. He felt more open to them, because the age gap wasn’t too big. “Oh… Only three guys tonight?” Ryan looked disappointed. “We thought it would be better to talk to you in a moderated number. You guys are too hot. We are a bunch of horny fuckers. If eight hard cocks are on this side, we won’t be able to talk to you in a decent way” the guy on the other side said. Both boys wore only shirts and tight underwear. “So what are your names?” he asked. “I am Ryan and this is Ben. We are both friends. We met on the internet and know each other only for a short while. But we became very close” Ryan answered. “Understandable. Two fags giving each other support and rubbing their dicks together. You surely sniff at each other’s asses.” Biohazard1 replied. Ben was a bit intimidated by those rude words, but Ryan was turned on by that and already massaged the cock in his briefs. “You said you live in Marcon?” one guy asked. “Well… I do. I live with my parents… Ben lives in Rome… also with his parents.” Ryan chatted. “And you two are virgins? How come? You are two nice looking faggots” one guy expressed. “It is not so easy. Our parents wouldn’t approve. They are heavily engaged in our churches and we don’t want to hurt them….” Ben answered. They described the situation at their schools also and mentioned the names of the schools nonchalantly. “Your parents won’t have to know, that you let your faggot asses get fucked by some horny jocks….” another guy mentioned. “How come you haven’t fucked each other yet? Can’t you get a hard on, if you are supposed to be an active fucker?” someone wanted to know. “Well… we both want to be… pure bottoms and we talked about it a lot. We tried some things, but that was limited to kissing each other and jerking off a lot.” Ryan sighs. “So you fags want to be used as cheap fuck holes. You need your cunts stretched beyond repair. We can do this for you, you know?” Biohazard1 explained. “But you know, we must be sure, that you are not just fakes. You got to prove to us, that you are really fags and that you really want our cocks” The three jocks muted their microphone and discussed the situation obviously. While both lads stared at the screen, two guys got up and opened their jeans slowly. They hauled their dicks out of their pants and started stroking their cocks, while being heavily engaged into a disputation. Ben and Ryan were hypnotized, just viewing the big hunks stroking their tools slowly. “We’re back. So do you dare to prove your seriousness?” Biohhazard1 asked. “Yeah…. yeah…. we will do anything, to prove we are sincerely.” “Okay…. Ryan. Go to the room, where your mom keeps all the dirty laundry and get the box to your room. Go and get it NOW” the guys ordered. Ryan couldn’t imagine why he should pick up this box and get it into his room, but he followed the order. Then they guys told him to pick up every dirty laundry out of the box and show it to them. There appeared socks, trousers, shirts… every time he pulled something up, he had to show it in front of the camera and drop it to the floor. Then Ryan picked up a white brief out of the box with only two fingers. “What’s that? Biohazard wanted to know. “My dad’s underpants” said Ryan and wanted to drop the dirty thing also, but the guys told them to stop. They wanted to get ea closer look and so Ryan held the briefs in front of the cam. “Are there piss stains on that underwear or is it dried cum?” Biohazard1 wanted to know. “It looks like piss…” he added. Ryan shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know… “ he simply answered. “Then find it out. Sniff at it…” Biohazard1 ordered. “I can’t sniff at it. That’s disgusting… it’s from my dad!” he whined. “Pull the underpants over your head. The front of it should be over your nose and mouth. If you don’t do it now, we will our conversation with you guys.” Biohazard1 threatened. Ryan looked in panic to Ben. Ben seemed to be happy, it wasn’t him who had to smell at the underwear. “I am counting to 3…. if you are not wearing the fucking thing over your face and inhale your fathers scent, we will log off. 1…… 2…… aaaand….” the guy counted. Ryan’s eyes spoke volumes of despair but he pulled the white briefs over his head and wore it as requested. Ben was disgusted but the guys on the other side of the cam cheered loudly. “Well done bitch. How does it smell? Do you enjoy your daddies smell?” Ryan had a tight feeling in his chest, but tried to inhale deeply. “I… I don’t know. It smells sweaty” “Why don’t you lick the pants from the inside. This way you can tell us more about the consistency. We would still like to know, if it is piss or dried semen. Maybe both?” they laughed hysterically. The boy retched. The idea of touching the underwear with his tongue, where his dad usually had his dick in, made him sick to the stomach. “You better start licking now. Make it all wet and tell us about how it tastes….” the three guys ordered. All of the sudden they saw how something poked against the fabric from the inside. Ryan truly started licking the undies. “Damn… make it really wet. Use your spit to soak the encrusted stuff. Get the whole flavor you dirty bitch.” the leader of the pack growled. Ben was petrified when he heard his name suddenly. “Hey Ben. Why don’t you help your boyfriend a little bit. Go and use your faggot tongue and start making out with him.” “I don’t understand…” Ben cried. “Lick the pants from the outside. Help him with your spit and do some french-kissing. Your tongues won’t ever meet, since the textile will always separate you. Give him nice and wet kisses – NOW” Ben shivered and moved closer to Ryan. He closed his eyes in fear and started to flinch his tongue against Ryan’s tongue. ‘Are you recording all this shit?’ one of the jocks whispered to the other. ‘Of course I am – this is just too hot man’ he replied. This went on for quite a while, until the hunks had enough fun. Both boys seemed out of breath and had glowing cheeks. “Well… what was it now?” the three guys still wanted to know. “I think it was piss” said Ben. “Yeah, but it was really encrusted from the inside. I guess it was cum also” said Ryan and looked totally unhappy. “Don’t be so shy. What do you think? As faggots you will do other stuff, which will humiliate you even more, just because it is your job. This was nothing!” Biohazard1 stated to them. “Maybe both of you will mouthwash your dad’s underwear continuously. Wouldn’t that be nice? Is it clean now?” he asked. Ryan looked at it silently. “There are no stains anymore” he replied softly. “Get up whores….” Both boys got up and revealed, they had built small tents in their shorts. “That’s what I guessed. You are little perverts. I knew it all along… 100 % FAGGOTS!” With that the connection was interrupted. Ben and Ryan looked at each other desperately. A message came through. ‘Be here tomorrow night at the same time’ Ben looked at Ryan and asked him, if there was another dirty underwear from his dad in the laundry box. Ryan nodded slowly. This time Ben pulled it over his head and both boys repeated the procedure, but this time they jacked off violently. It was for both boys the strongest orgasm they had ever experienced.
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  21. Part 9 - Monday - Long way home Mark woke to the sensation of his hard cock being massaged by Joe’s ass. Joe had taken advantage of Mark’s morning wood and, having impaled himself, was trying to milk another load out of his brother. Mark reached his arm around, pulled his brother closer as he thrust his hips against Joe’s butt, driving his cock in deep. He continued to drill into Joe’s warm pussy and rolled him over on to his stomach. The pounding awoke Kyle, who rolled over and watched his boyfriend get fucked again by Mark. Mark soon felt the cum rise and began to pump his load inside his brother’s doomed cunt. Mark pulled out and looked at Kyle, “Your turn,” he said as he moved off. Kyle climbed behind Joe, pulled him to his knees, driving his hard cock into Joe’s cum slicked hole. Mark sat back and watched, trying to decide which was hotter - watching his brother get fucked or Kyle’s ass as it flexed with each thrust. Mark stood up and moved behind Kyle, whispering in his ear and urging him on. As Kyle pulled back out of Joe, Mark shoved his cum-covered cock into Kyle, who moaned loudly and fucked himself on Mark's cock and then ramming back into Joe. Mark worked Kyle’s nipples, pinching and twisting them which caused Kyle to clamp down on Mark’s cock. Kyle was in pure bliss and tried to hold off his orgasm but finally gave in and shoved his throbbing cock into his boyfriend. Mark felt Kyle’s breathing change and as he lunged forward into Joe, Mark pushed forward ramming his cock deep into Kyle. Kyle shot a large wad of neg cum into Joe while his ass milked a poz load out of Mark into his own hole. The guys lay in a pile, their cocks and asses twitching as their systems calmed down. After several minutes Mark extracted himself from the pile, entered the bathroom, and took a shower, giving himself a thorough cleansing, after which, having dried himself, he stepped back into the bedroom to find Joe and Kyle were still in bed, making out, as a matter of fact. Giving the two boys a smile of approval, Mark dressed in his workout clothing and headed towards the gym. The gym was empty and Mark looked over the equipment again while stretching out. He hopped on the elliptical machine and began. He worked up a good sweat and kept pushing himself. He heard a noise and looked towards the door as Dennis walked in. Dennis had a big smile and he headed toward Mark. Instead of stopping he motioned with his head toward the locker room. Mark got off the machine and followed Dennis. Once inside the locker room, Dennis pinned Mark against the lockers and kissed him roughly. Finally, he pulled back away from Mark and said “Thanks for setting that party up. That was freakin' wild. I’ve seen those guys around but never thought they might be toxic breeders. The only time I’ve seen Luis was with his ass backed up to a glory hole at the new ABS. My boyfriend loved putting his cock in my ass last night and feeling all that cum inside.” Mark nodded “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone got what he wanted.” “Oh yeah, I know I did. I hope it's enough to do the trick,” Dennis replied. “Let’s make sure. Turn around and drop those pants,” Mark commanded. Dennis grinned and turned around, unbuttoned his pants and let them fall. Bending over the bench he spread his ass. Mark could readily see that Dennis' hole was still swollen. Mark dropped his shorts, slipped his cock out of the side of the pouch and stroked his already stiffening cock. He spit on Dennis’s hole and shoved his cock in half way and held it there. “What’s the charge for a late checkout?” Mark asked. Dennis was surprised by the question, but answered “One load and you can checkout by one, sir." The pain was clearly showing in his voice. “Mmmm, good, that’s all I need,” Mark replied as he thrust his cock the rest of the way in. Mark knew Dennis wasn’t ready for his cock and could feel Dennis’ hole spasm around it. As the spasms subsided, he began to piston in and out of Dennis’ pussy. He enjoyed fucking Dennis, who was one of those bottoms who knew how to work a cock, yet who always let the top be in control. Mark knew time was short though, and he began to make longer and longer thrusts until his cock was just coming out of Dennis’s hole before he drove back in. Dennis started to beg for Mark’s load and his bug. Hearing Dennis plead just made Mark fuck harder until he felt the load build in his balls. He put his arm around Dennis’s neck and slammed his cock in hard a few times before the cum began to shoot, coating Dennis’s guts. As he lay on top of his back, Mark’s sweat soaked into Dennis’ shirt as he whispered in Dennis’ ear “I wish I could be here when you convert and become a true poz pig. It won’t be long.” Mark pulled his cock out and Dennis turned back around and started to lick the cum and ass juice off his cock. When Mark was satisfied, he pulled his cock out of Dennis’s mouth and tucked it back inside the jock and put his shorts on. “Text me and let me know how things turn out, okay?” Dennis replied “Yeah, I will.” “Oh, and check up on the Steven and Joe. You guys need to help each other out when your bodies lose the battle with the bug. I’m pretty sure all four of you will be poz soon.” Mark walked back to the room with a smile on his face. Joe and Kyle were dressed and sitting on the couch smoking a bowl. Mark stripped as soon as the door closed and headed to the shower. “Smells like someone had a good workout” Joe yelled as the water in the shower turned on. A few minutes later Mark came out and put on the last of his clean clothes. “I’m heading over to the Tattoo shop. Do you guys want to go?” Joe and Kyle jumped up and said “Hell, yeah.” They drove over to the shop and walked in. Thad was over near his tattoo chair sketching on a drawing pad. He stopped and greeted the guys “Hey, guys. Glad you came back. Daryl is in back if you want to see him.” “I just want to pick up a couple piercings” Mark said. Kyle immediately picked up when Mark stopped “And I want to see about an appointment.” “Yeah, I warned him. I think that's what he’s getting ready for. Let me get him,” Thad replied. Soon out of the doorway walked Thad and right behind him was Daryl. Daryl wasn’t what Mark was expecting. Daryl looked to be in his late 30’s, stood about six foot tall and was on his way to becoming a bear. Like Thad, he sported a long pony tail but instead of scruff he had a bushy beard. Barrel chested with fur popping out from under his tank top, and thick legs that looked like they could break Thad in two in a flash. Daryl was no stranger to the piercing needle either. Mark spotted numerous piercings in both ears, a bridge and septum piercings in his nose, snake bites in his lower lip, large nipple rings were visible through his tank top. Mark noticed the ink too. While not as dense as Thad’s or his own, it covered a large part of his visible skin. Daryl let out a hearty “Hi, what can I help you with?” Kyle hesitated a moment so Mark answered with “I saw a couple piercings in your display while Joe was getting inked yesterday that I would like to get.” “Sure, which ones?” Mark pointed out the ones he saw the day before and Daryl unlocked the cabinet and pulled them out and laid them on the counter. Daryl looked at Mark’s chest, the tight fitting t-shirt revealing all of the curves. “You don’t seem to have your nips pierced for these so I assume its for a PA?” He didn’t wait for an answer and continued “Obviously these are just for decoration. I don’t recommend leaving these in during sex since they’ll shred the pussy you’re fucking. The one with the mini mace balls especially.” Mark chuckled “Yeah, probably.” “These are 7/8ths inch diameter. I have the one on the left in 3/4 and one inch too.” Mark said “OK, I’ll take the mace one and the other one in 3/4 inch.” “Great. That's the last mace one I have. I only made up a couple. A lot of guys get freaked out when they see it. Let me grab the other one and we’ll be done,” Daryl said as he rummaged through a box looking for the right size., ringing up Mark's purchase and then asking “Was that it? Thad said something about someone wanting to get a PA.” Kyle responded “That would be me, but I want to get two.” Mark and Daryl looked at him with a perplexed look. “Oh, not both for me. One for me and one for my boyfr… er, uh, Joe,” Kyle said, looking completely embarrassed. Mark laughed and Daryl looked at the clock checking to see if there was enough time before saying “I think we can squeeze two in if you don’t mind being together when I do it. And if he’s your boyfriend, I would hope neither of you minds.” Kyle pulled out a wad of money, settling the transaction. Daryl ushered both Joe and Kyle into the back room and Mark followed Daryl. Mark noticed poking up above the neckline of Daryl’s tank top was the top of a biohazard tattoo between his shoulder blades and smiled. “Nice ink, Daryl,” patting him on the biohazard tat. “OK, both of you stand next to the table and drop your pants and underwear and lets figure out where we do this” Daryl said. Mark interrupted and said “Let's pierce them a bit larger than you usually do. An eight gauge, maybe. They’re not going to change their mind and they will be stretching them as soon as possible. Daryl looked at Joe and Kyle asking “You okay with this?” Joe replied “He’s the expert.” Daryl said “Cool” before first lifting Kyle’s cock and looking it over. Reaching over and grabbing an alcohol wipe he tore it open and sanitized the top quarter of his penis. Daryl then picked up a marker and put a dot at the spot the needle would go in. He grabbed another alcohol wipe and slid his chair over to Joe. He followed the same procedure with Joe, releasing his cock. Mark was rubbing his cock through his jeans as Daryl continued “You guys have really nice cocks. They would look even better with a ladder, I bet.” Joe and Kyle looked back bewildered. “A ladder?” they both said. Daryl said “Yeah. A Jacob’s ladder. It's a series of bars that run up the cock perpendicular to it. Here, let me show you,” as Daryl stood, dropped his shorts, lifted his cock, displaying the row of eight bars across the bottom of his cock and the mace balled PA ring on the end. “That would wreck a hole,” Joe said as Daryl pulled up his shorts, smiling. “OK, there’s only room for one on the table, so Joe you stand to the side and Kyle you get up and lay back.” Daryl pulled over a tray and ripped open a swab. “This has a topical numbing liquid on it, but a lot of guys think this is the worst part of getting a PA. Do you ever play with sounds?” Daryl asked, looking at Kyle. “Sounds?” Kyle asked a little bewildered. “Ah, never mind. Look it up. It can be fun.” With that, Daryl stuck the swap into Kyle’s piss slit and pushed it down and twisted it around. Kyle squirmed and whimpered. “Once I start with the needle, you have to be still. No more moving around. Got it?” said Daryl in a stern voice. Kyle nodded and gripped the table with one hand and Joe’s hand with the other. Daryl waited a minute for the anesthetic to do its work and picked up the receiving tube and slid it down Kyle’s urethra and then got the needle. “Breathe deep a few times, nice and slow. In……. out….” Daryl told Kyle. On the third inhale, Daryl pushed the needle in, sliding the ring in behind the needle and pulling the receiver out. He popped the ball into the ring and blotted the blood off. “You okay?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m ready. Poke me when you want,” Kyle replied. Daryl chuckled “It’s done, you goof.” Kyle looked down at his cock head with the ring in it. "Wow,” was all he could say. “Fuck, that is amazing,” was Joe’s response. Daryl looked up at Joe and said “Good, cuz you’re next.” Daryl wrapped the head of Kyle’s cock in gauze and helped him sit up and stand. Kyle pulled up his underwear putting his wrapped cock inside and pulled up his pants. Kyle walked over to a chair and sat down. Joe hopped up on the table and was ready by the time Daryl walked back. Daryl threw away the used wrapping and dumped the needle and receiver in a biohazard waste container and set up the items for Joe. Mark moved next to the table and grabbed Joe’s hand, his cock tenting his pants. Daryl repeated the procedure except Joe watched every step. After it was done, Joe sat up on the table with his bandaged cock and pulled up his underwear before standing and slowly pulling up his jeans, gingerly stuffing his cock in. Daryl looked at Mark and said “I assume you know how to care for your boys’ new piercings?” Mark looked at Daryl and laughed before explaining “Joe is my brother. I’m just visiting for the weekend. “ “Oooohhhh. Sorry” Daryl responded. “No need to apologize, but I will tell them about what to do… and not do. The ‘no sex for a few weeks’ part is going to be the worst for them, I bet.” As they walked back to the front of the shop, Daryl handed each of them a small bottle of mild soap and a sheet telling them what to do and not to do. “Be sure to follow the soaking instructions. It may be a pain, but will help it heal more quickly,” Daryl said. Thad tapped Joe on the shoulder and said “We didn’t schedule your next visit yesterday. Can we do it two weeks from yesterday, same time?” Joe replied “I think that will work, unless I have the flu then.” Mark smiled. Mark drove back to the hotel and packed his suitcase and backpack. The three of them got in the car and Mark dropped Joe and Kyle off at their apartment. Standing on the curb, Mark gave Joe a big hug. “Keep in touch. I’ll call Mom and Dad on my drive to the airport and tell them what we decided. Don’t forget it. Oh, and let me know what happens,” he said with a smile. Mark then gave a big hug to Kyle whispering in his ear “Take care of each other. You may be sick together. Text me if you need anything.” Mark got in the car and drove back towards the highway. Driving down the expressway he dialed his Mom, who answered the call on the first ring. Clearly she had been waiting for the call as she began her usual harangue “Why didn’t you call us? We were worried. Are you okay? How is Joe? Where are you?” Mark waited for the string of questions to end before he bothered to speak. “Everything is okay. Not perfect, but okay. And both Joe and I are fine.” He detailed the story n which Joe and he had agreed, assuring his parents that things will work out well for Joe. “He just needs to survive one and a half semesters and he will graduate," Mark added. “I’m almost to the airport, so I have to hang up. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.” Mark hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Mark took the exit off the highway and pulled down the side street to the car rental place. Pulling in to the lot he spotted Aaron sitting on a bench tapping away at his phone. Mark stopped and got out of the car and got his bags. When he turned around there was Aaron standing in front of him with a very big smile. “Hi. Welcome back. I hope the car was okay. Did you have a good time visiting?” Aaron said a bit too enthusiastically. Mark then saw Aaron gazing at his crotch and just smiled. “Oh, let's put your stuff back in the car. The shuttle bus is having issues, so I’ll drive you over to the airport,” Aaron explained. Mark saw the shuttle bus in the pickup zone with the driver standing next to it and just shook his head, wondering where this was going but said “Okay, thanks.” Mark got in the car and Aaron drove the car to the exit and the person in the hut just raised the gate and waved. Aaron drove down the road and made a few turns before he pulled into an abandoned self serve car wash. Parking the car, Aaron looked over at Mark saying “I hope we have time for a repeat. I couldn’t stop thinking about you fucking me all weekend long. You’re right, bare does feel better and I tried out a few other cocks to make sure.” Mark looked around and saw no one but still said “Here?” Aaron said “This is the only place I could find nearby. The rental office has too many people today.” “Alright, then” and Mark got out of the car and walked around to the driver's side grinning. Aaron got out and started to get in the back seat when Mark pulled him back and pushed him against the car, his chest against Aaron’s back, whispering in his ear “You want to fuck here, then we do it outside.” Sliding Aaron towards the front of the car, he bent him over on the hood (bonnet). Reaching around, he unbuckled Aaron’s belt, unbuttoned the pants and then pushed them down to his knees. When he tried to pull down Aaron’s underwear, it was caught on his hard cock. He slid his hands in Aaron’s underwear and stroked Aaron’s cock and freed the underwear. He kept stroking Aaron until he started to feel precum ooze from his cock. Coating his finger with Aaron’s precum he spread it over Aaron’s hole and then slid his finger inside. Slowly he finger fucked Aaron until he was able to get two fingers inside. His fingernail would occasionally catch and scratch Aaron’s tender cunt. Mark’s cock was straining at his jeans. He undid them and let them drop as his cock poked over the top of his jockstrap. Mark pulled his cock out the side of his jock and stroked it. Moving close behind Aaron he asked “What do you want Aaron?” “Please, sir, fuck me again” Aaron replied. Mark wanted to hear him beg for his toxic load “And?” “Please, sir, cum inside me. Fill me up with your seed,” Aaron begged. Mark teased his hole with his dripping cock as Aaron pushed his ass back, trying to snare himself on Mark. “Are you sure? I may have picked up something from one of the boys I fucked this weekend,” Mark added. “I don’t care. I need your cock and cum in me. PLEASE FUCK ME,” Aaron pleaded. The last part was loud and if anyone had been within a few hundred yards they would have heard it. Mark looked down, positioned his cock on Aaron’s pink hole and began the slide in. Aaron was panting and trying to relax as Mark’s cock relentlessly pushed inside aided by Mark’s pus and precum. Aaron gasped as he felt the head pop inside the outer ring. Mark’s cock felt better and thicker than any he had taken and he needed to feel it fuck him roughly until he got filled with hot, creamy cum. Mark waited a moment letting Aaron get used to his thick cock and then started thrusting his cock in. It wasn’t going easy. He didn’t want to get caught fucking Aaron in public but he needed to breed this sweet 19 year old hole again. Each jab of his cock pushed Aaron’s face into the hood of the car. Harder and faster he rammed his cock into Aaron’s pussy. 'He’s going to be knocked up before he’s twenty', thought Mark, mentally adding '“hopefully it's my seed that does it'. He felt his balls start to tighten and asked Aaron “You want this load?” “YES SIR! BREED MY ASS!” was Aaron's immediate response. It was all the encouragement that Mark needed. He slammed his cock in at an angle, scraping his PA along Aaron’s colon and began pumping another toxic load into Aaron's body. “Yes! YES! I CAN FEEL IT!” screamed Aaron. Mark gave a few hard thrusts and pulled his cock out. Looking down he saw some streaks of blood and cum on his cock. He pulled Aaron back and forced him to his knees. “Lick my cock clean, Aaron” Mark said in a commanding voice. Aaron looked up at Mark, unsure he could lick a cock that had just been in his ass. Mark nodded and Aaron began to clean his first cock - cum, puss, blood and all. The taste of cum drove him crazy with lust and he made sure he licked Mark’s cock and balls clean. Mark stood back and helped Aaron to his feet. They both pulled up their pants and got into the car and started driving back to the airport terminal. Nothing was said for a few minutes until Aaron said “Thank you, that was even hotter than the last time.” During the rest of the drive Mark debated telling Aaron about the poz cum in his ass, soaking in and becoming part of his body, but decided it really didn’t matter at this point. Aaron would find out soon enough if he was infected. If he kept up getting bred by strangers he would end up poz anyway. Aaron dropped Mark off at the terminal and Mark gave him a hug telling him “Thanks, hope you liked it as much as I did.” Aaron blushed and said “Oh, I did!” Mark walked inside and checked in for his flight. After making it through security, Mark sat at his gate for a while thinking about the weekend. He only got one load, but what a fuck it was. Every hole that he bred was neg, but probably not for much longer. He felt closer to his brother than ever before. His daydreaming was stopped as he heard the boarding announcement so he got in line. Walking on the airplane he was greeted by the same male flight attendant who had caught him reeking of cum. They both smiled and nodded at each other as he got on the plane and found his seat. Thankfully no one was next to him and the elderly woman in the aisle seat didn’t try to talk to him. He slept most of the flight waking up just in time to get his little cup of soda. The flight attendant winked at him as he got his drink and he chuckled to himself “Don’t get your hopes up. Not my type, sister.” After they landed Mark joined the herd getting off the plane and went up to the board looking for his new gate number. Just as he found it a hand rested on his shoulder and he heard “Do you need any help sir?” It was the flight attendant. “Let me show you the way” he said as Mark started to protest. They walked down the concourse and the flight attendant said “You must have had a really good time when you were here last Thursday. I’d like to nail that ass and leave my load in you like the other guy did.” Mark looked at the guy in disbelief and said “I’m mostly a top.” The flight attendant laughed “Ive heard that before, honey” and nudged Mark to his right, into the men’s room where he got fucked the last time. The flight attendant wasted no time and directed Mark back to the stalls and pushed him into the same stall as last time. Opening up his pants he looked at Mark and said “Suck it, Mr. Top.” Mark found himself strangely turned on and opened his mouth and started sucking what looked like a very average cut cock. As it grew in his mouth he realized it was bigger than he thought, maybe eight inches long and not quite as thick as Mark’s. His face started to get fucked and the long cock pushed into his throat. Mark was no stranger to long cocks and he gave it a good working over. As quick as it started, Mark felt the cock get pulled from his mouth and he was getting up and turning around. “Drop them” he was told and he did, only to hear a quiet laugh behind him. The flight attendant rubbed his cock around Mark’s hole and then just shoved in. Mark gasped and felt the rest of the guy's cock slide in. “Yeah, you know how to take cock pretty good for a top. Well, you’re my bitch now,” the attendant muttered. His ass was getting pummeled. The sounds of the hand dryers was drowning out the quiet grunts he was making as he leaned against the wall being used just like he had used Aaron a few hours earlier. The flight attendant's breathing changed, and the tell-tale thrusts told Mark he was about to be bred, and sure enough, with one hard slam which pushed him up against the wall, Mark felt his gut being flooded with cum. He also felt the attendant's hot breath on his neck as the last few spurts filled his gut. The flight attendant whispered “A slut like you doesn’t mind an ass full of toxic cum, I’m sure. Enjoy.” Suddenly his ass was empty and the flight attendant was wiping his cock off with some toilet paper then walking out of the stall, leaving Mark just like he was the week before. Mark cleaned himself up a bit and and left the bathroom, walking over to the gate for his flight home. He sat down feeling the squishiness in his ass as he tried to keep it in. He sent off a text to Eric, asking if he was okay. A few minutes later he got a reply “Feel like hell but need ur cock.” Mark remembered that feeling - sick and unbelievably horny at the same time. His flight started boarding and he got up found his seat on the plane. He fell asleep before the flight took off and woke up as the wheels hit the ground. Mark collected his stuff and grabbed a Uber home. Walking in, he dropped his stuff just inside the door and went into the bedroom. Looking down at Eric, he was surprised at how bad he looked - pale and covered in sweat. He took his clothes off and climbed in bed, kissing Eric on the forehead. Eric moaned and giving a very weak “Hi, babe.” Mark rolled Eric over on his side and kissed his neck while wrapping his arm around Eric’s torso. Mark reached down and Eric was rock hard. “Fuck me,” Eric whispered. Mark was very turned on by the sight of his boyfriend converting and his own cock was fully erect. Mark slid his cock into Eric, feeling the warmth of his fevered body. Slowly he fucked Eric, knowing he couldn’t take the intensity of their usual fuck. It didn’t matter, after only a few minutes Mark couldn’t hold back and began to shoot volleys of cum into his boyfriend's newly poz hole. He kissed Eric again, holding him tight and left his cock deep inside as they both passed out.
    2 points
  22. Part 8 - Sunday - Party Time Mark woke up on the couch and went into the bathroom to take a morning piss and noticed his cock was dripping. He chuckled thinking 'Guess I picked up something else. I’ll get that checked when I get back home'. He let the piss flow and got in the shower. His body had a distinctly funky odor which undoubtedly related to the sweaty breeding sessions for the past day. Looking back he had the impression he had been neglecting Kyle. But he also rationalized his priority was to make sure his brother’s body absorbed as much virus laden cum as possible, and, of course, would soon never shoot another neg load. Besides, even if he didn’t infect Kyle, Joe would surely finish the job. As he was drying off he heard his phone buzz. Who would text him this early? His mom never sent him a text message and it was too early for his friends at home. Walking naked over to the phone and he picked it up. The message was from Eric and read "Sick. Feel like dying. Sweats, fever, everything hurts, glands swollen. Is this it? Love u.” Mark smiled. His bug had another victim. He texted out a reply “Yeah, u r converting. Wish I was there 2 help. Drink fluids. B back tomorrow night. Love u 2.” Mark then sent another text to a friend of theirs, Dan, who Mark had helped charge up. “Eric sick. Prob poz. Can u check on him today n tomorrow? He needs Gatorade. thx.” Mark got dressed and went down to the lobby area to get some breakfast. It was a bit more crowded than the day before and Chris was there with the family. Mark got some fruit and juice and decided that the waffles looked good. While waiting for it to cook he felt an arm on his shoulder. It was Chris who whispered in his ear “Thanks, bud. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever done. Left the cum in for a few hours. It was pink when I dumped it out in the toilet. Is that normal?” “Yeah, pretty common. Good chance you caught the bug though. Look for the flu in a few weeks if you did.” “Fuck! That’s hot” Chris replied with a smile as he returned to his family. The waffle alarm went off, Mark pulled his waffle out, added the butter and syrup and took a seat at a nearby table to eat. As he was finishing-up, a woman, Chris' wife, in fact, approached his table saying “Excuse me. Uh, Chris told me I need to apologize for my comments the other morning. I’m sorry if I offended you.” Mark glared up at the woman. “That’s not really an apology, you’re just saying what you were told to say. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions about people based on your prejudices. I’ve met drug dealers that looked like accountants and you probably would think they are nice guys. I don’t need your empty apology. Just go back to your family and think about being more accepting of people that don’t look like you.” He put the last bite into his mouth and got up and put his plate in the trash. As he walked out he saw Chris and his wife arguing. Mark grabbed his phones and keys, texted “On my way” and drove over to Joe’s apartment. When he got there he knocked on the door, but it swung open. He heard the shower running and smelled the coffee brewing. Heading back to the bedroom he found Joe sprawled out on the bed, face down and naked. Smiling, he kicked off his shoes, pulled off his sleeveless tee and dropped his jeans. He rubbed his cock which was already getting hard inside his jock and let it free out the side of the pouch. Softly climbing on the bed he spit on Joe’s ass and started to push his cock into his brother’s battered hole. Sliding in he felt a load of cum already inside him and chuckled thinking 'Kyle lubed him up for me'. A moan came from Joe and he pushed his ass up, his face, however, still buried in in the mattress. Mark began to drive his cock deeper and the moans got louder. He started jabbing his cock into Joe’s chute at all sorts of angles hoping to find some part he hadn’t already abused. He pulled out and slammed his cock back in and heard Joe groan. Soon he was pounding his brother’s hole as fast as he could, forcing Joe back down flat on the bed. The bed was squeaking and banging into the wall until Mark thrust in hard and felt his cock spray his cum inside Joe’s cunt. Collapsing on to Joe’s back Mark whispered in his brother's ear “Morning, sunshine,” laying prone for a minute or so, resting. “Fuck, you are just a breeding machine,” Kyle announced from the doorway. Mark laughed and pulled his cock out and started to get up. Kyle gave him a 'ahem', tossing him a butt plug. Mark understood Kyle's unspoken command, and pushed the plug into Joe’s hole, getting it most of the way in before Joe’s hole sucked it deep inside. Mark heard his hookup phone ring from inside his jeans. He picked it up and it was a local number that he didn’t know. Answering, it was Steven. Mark went out to the living room and let Joe get up and take a shower and get ready. Steven asked about the party. Mark told him “Well, its at 3 at my hotel room. Room 152 of the Rest Inn Lodge. There will be 5 guys at least, but less than 10. Just like last night, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I do want to warn you though, there are going to be a couple poz guys there.” Mark heard a gasp and “What?” come from Steven. Mark was sure he lost him at that point but added “You can play with whoever you want..” All he got in response was a sullen “Oh, OK. Bye” and Steven hung up. “Fuck!” Mark thought to himself. He had really wanted to fuck Steven. It had been a while since he had been inside a guy that who had only been fucked once and he was really cute and innocent. About that time Joe and Kyle came into the room. Looking at the clock, Mark said “No time for coffee. We gotta go or we’ll be late.” Mark drove the three of them over to the tattoo studio which was in a strip mall in one of the rougher parts of town. They walked in and there was Thad prepping his equipment. Thad stood about six foot four and was skinny. His hair was in a long pony tail and his face covered in scruff. Dressed in a tank top, shorts and sandals you could see that almost all of the skin below his neck was covered in various colors of ink - arms, chest, hands, legs and feet. Thad said “Hi, come on over.” Looking at Mark you could see his mind sifting through his previous clients. “I remember you now. Damn, you really added a lot more ink since I last saw you.” Mark laughed “Yeah I used what you started and took it a lot farther. Hope you like it.” Thad checked out the artwork and kept nodding “Yeah, very nice work. Wish I had done it.” Mark explained “I moved to California and got the rest of it done out there. When my brother here said he wanted a tattoo, I told him he should come to you.” “Thanks, I appreciate it. Now, let's get started. Which one of you is the victim, er, client?” Joe answered "That would be me," with a nervous laugh. Thad showed him the drawings that he came up with based on the images Mark had sent - one complete drawing and four others with the various layers he would do. Joe nodded in agreement as Thad explained "Now, this is going to cover from your elbow to your collarbone, wrapping around the front on to your pec and back onto your shoulder blade, right?” “Yeah, that's what I want,” Joe replied. With a marker, Thad marked out the limits. “You want a hard line at the bottom or a fade?” “I like it hard” Joe said with a laugh. “Okay, let's talk money. How do you want to do this? Pay for each session or all today?” Mark interrupted “I’m paying and I’ll pay for it all today. It’s his graduation present.” As Mark counted out the money they agreed on, Mark whispered in Thad’s ear “Here’s an extra hundred. When he earns it, give him a biohazard tat.” Thad looked at Mark and nodded with a grin on his face. “Fuck yeah, you think he’s close?” “I think so,” Mark replied. “Have a seat and we’ll get started. Today we’re just doing the outline of the tattoo. It should take about ninety minutes to two hours, depending on breaks. Let me know if you need to stop for anything - piss, smoke, jerk, whatever." Joe pulled his shirt off and sat down in the chair, feeling the plug jab his ass, earning a wince. “Most of this will go pretty quick, but the inside of the arm is harder since I have to do it upside down and the skin is a lot more sensitive there so some people find it painful.” With that, the room filled with the buzz of the tattoo pen and Joe felt the jab of the needle. His cock immediately stiffened. He had been waiting two years for this and it was happening. He stared around the shop trying to stay still. Mark and Kyle started wandering around the shop looking at the artwork on the walls, the book containing the work that Thad had done. Mark even found his picture and showed it to Kyle. Against a side wall was a display case with hundreds of piercings in it. Mark asked “You do piercing too, Thad?” “Kinda, my boyfriend does the piercing side of the business. He’s off at a show today.” Mark looked at the items and spotted exactly what he was looking for. A circular barbell like the one the guy in the airport had. Next to it was an even more evil looking one that was like his with little spikes on the balls. “Cool. Can I get anything today or do I have to wait for him to get back?” Thad responded “Ya gotta wait. He’ll beat my ass if I touch his shit. He’ll be back tomorrow.” Mark smiled and continued looking around. Thad raised Joe’s arm and started in on the under side of his upper arm. Joe had been silent for the rest of the work and suddenly was visibly hurting from the pen jabbing the tender skin. “Yeah, I know this hurts. Its what separates the queens from the studs” Thad joked. Joe never thought he was into pain, but his cock was straining at his shorts and there was a wet spot growing. Kyle hadn't said much the whole time, frequently rubbing his cock through his jeans getting turned on watching his boyfriend get marked up. He asked Thad “Do you know if he has any openings tomorrow?” Thad paused, glanced at the appointment book and answered “Yeah, there are a couple in the morning but his afternoon is booked solid. What are you thinking of?” “I can’t decide if I want my nips done first or a PA” Kyle replied. “Go for the PA” Thad said before adding “It heals a lot faster and feels fucking awesome for both of you when you have sex.” “Yeah, I know. That's why I want one like Mark’s.” Kyle said. Thad gave Mark a smile as he finished up the first layer of Joe’s tattoo. Thad then helped Joe get to his feet, and walked him over to the mirror to show him what had gotten done. Joe sat there turning back and forth admiring the work. “I’ll put some cream on it and bandage it up so there is no infection” Thad told Joe and finished telling him what to do to help his arm heal. “Come back in a couple weeks and I’ll do the second layer.” As they went to leave Mark told Thad “Thanks, and I guess we’ll see you and your boyfriend tomorrow.” The three got in the car and Mark drove over to the store, running in and leaving Joe and Kyle in the car. When he got back to the car he found Kyle and Joe in the back seat with Joe sucking Kyle’s cock. Mark put the beer in the trunk and got in, telling the guys “Save it for later. You guys need to be ready for a few hours of fucking.” He then drove back to the apartment. As they walked in the front door Mark asked “Got any weed you can bring? Any toys you want? Oh, and grab some lube.” The three hopped back into the car and Mark drove over to the hotel, parking in front of his room again. They guys got out and took their boxes of goodies into the room. Mark looked at the time: it was 2:30 PM. Half hour to go. He sent Kyle and Joe down the hall to get ice for the tray to keep the beer and water cool. When they came back, Mark was in the shower cleaning himself inside and out. Joe looked at him and asked “What the fuck are you doing?” Mark replied with a smile “Gotta be prepared. I never turn down a chance for a recharge.” Kyle stripped and joined Mark in the shower and did the same. Joe bent over and pulled the plug from his hole and nothing drained out. He cleaned the plug off and joined them in the shower. The guys sat around the room drinking and smoking a bit while watching the porn on the memory stick that Dennis had set up. They all recognized several scenes and Mark realized that every scene showed someone with a biohazard or scorpion tat breeding a young innocent looking guy. Soon there was a knock on the door. Mark grabbed a towel, wrapped it around his waist and opened the door. Dennis walked in and gave Mark a kiss and a hug before realizing they weren’t alone. Surprised, he moved back. Mark put his arm on Dennis’s shoulder and brought him into the room. “Dennis, meet my brother Joe and his boyfriend Kyle. Joe and Kyle this is Dennis. He, uh, works here and is into hot raw sex just like us.” Dennis blushed a bit and went over next to the dresser and took his clothes off, bending over and putting them in the bottom drawer. Joe and Kyle stared at Dennis’s bent over ass saying “fuck yeah” almost at the same time. Kyle packed another bowl and passed it to Dennis who took a big hit and passed it around. After he exhaled he said with a smile “I was going to bring my boyfriend but he had to go to his parents' house for some disaster. He told me to be sure to bring home a souvenir of the activities to share with him.” He grabbed a beer and sat down next to Kyle on the couch. A few minutes later, right on time there was another knock at the door. Mark walked over naked and opened it up and standing before him was Tony, a tall muscular black guy that looked to be in his mid 30’s and the Latino bartender from the club. The three new guys walked in, and Tony said pointing to the tall black guy “This is my partner Derrick and I think you met Luis the other night at the club.“ Greetings were exchanged and the newcomers all started to strip, dumping their clothes on the floor in three piles. Mark introduced Joe, Kyle and Dennis to the new arrivals while checking out Tony, Derrick and Luis. Derrick was similar in stature to Tony but slightly taller. Both obviously worked out a lot as their arms and legs were thick and muscular. Derrick’s head was shaved and he sported a bushy goatee. It was hard to discern the tattoos on Derrick’s body but Mark spotted the large biohazard tattoo between his navel and his sizable thick pierced cock. In contrast to Tony and Derrick, Luis was built lean, his cock hung low (even when soft), and was uncut. He was also startlingly short, coming in about a foot shorter than both Tony and Derrick. Mark finally stopped staring long enough to say “Rules of the party - if you fuck, you breed. If you get fucked you take the load. I know Joe, Kyle and Dennis are versatile take ALL loads in their neg holes. Tony? I know you’re poz and I assume Derrick is too with that tattoo.” Tony licked his lips while looking over Dennis, Joe and Kyle “Uh, all three of us are poz. Luis just got over his fuck flu a week ago. Oh, and we are all versatile too.” Kyle blurted out “Who’s toxic then?” Tony, Derrick, Luis and Mark all raised their hand. “Fuck, yeah!" exclaimed all three of the three neg guys. While the new guys helped themselves to the beer and pot they all started talking. The talking soon moved to groping. Mark went over to his suitcase and pulled out a few toys and a pill bottle with several little blue pills. “If anyone needs a dick pill, here are some I brought. Joe and Kyle walked over to their box and pulled out two harnesses, one of which was the one that Joe had on the previous day with the biohazard symbols on the straps and the other one was plain. Tony, Derrick and Mark all swallowed a blue pill and washed it down with a swig of beer. As a couple guys started moving to the bed there was a knock on the door. Mark looked at the clock and it was twenty after three. He grabbed the towel from before and wrapped his waist as everyone else got really quiet. Mark cracked the door open and asked "Yes?" Mark looked through the crack and standing there shaking just like the night before was Steven. Mark ushered Steven into the room with the introduction "Everyone, this is Steven. Steven this is Tony, Luis, Dennis, Kyle, Derrick and Joe." “Hey” he said in acknowledgement. “We were just about to start. I didn’t expect you to join us today.” Mark said. Steven took a big breath and said “The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. I told my parents that I have a project for school to work on so I can’t work tonight.” “Cool. Get naked and we can get started” Mark instructed. Derrick piped up and said “He’s fucking cute, but I don’t fuck kids.” Tony nodded in agreement. “I’m 21, sir. Is that okay?” Steven responded. “Oh, yeah. Works for me. I hope you like black cock.” Steven beamed “I haven’t tried one yet sir. Ask me later and I will tell you if I did.” Mark’s new protective nature took over and he turned to Steven. “Joe, Dennis and Kyle are the only neg guys here, so pick your partners with that info.” “I hope I get poz and neg cock inside me and my dick in anyone that wants it” Steven said bluntly. Mark smiled and thought 'I may get my wish after all'. Kyle walked over to Steven and helped him finish undressing. He then walked him to the bathroom and into the shower. “I remember my first sex party and I dont want you to make the same mistake. Let’s clean you up a bit.” With that explanation Kyle grabbed the shower douche and helped him clean out. Once done, the two walked back to the room and looked around. Dennis was on his knees nursing Luis’s cock to full hardness next to the couch. Mark had Joe on the bed and was rimming his ass and stroking Joe’s cock. Tony and Derrick were standing in the middle of the room,each stroking his cock with one hand and pinching the other's nipples with the other hand. Derrick moved first and moved towards Steven and put his large hand on Steven’s back and directed him to the side of the bed opposite Mark and Joe. That left Tony and Kyle. They wasted no time going to the foot of the bed. Luis held Dennis’s head still as he started to fuck it slowly. Dennis was enjoying Luis’ thrusts, especially when Luis' cock hit the back of Dennis’s throat. He tried to lunge forward to take it all but Luis held firm. “You like that toxic cock? ” Luis asked. Dennis could only briefly mumble “mmmmm” before the cock went deeper and he couldn’t make any sound. Dennis’s tongue kept swiping across Luis’ cock and he started tasting the precum dripping from his cock. The taste just fueled his desire to have that toxic cock deep inside his ass. Freshly pozzed, Luis should have a really toxic load to help him convert, thought Dennis. He pulled free of Luis’ hands and climbed up on the couch facing the wall with his ass hanging off the front at cock height, wiggling his butt. Luis took the hint, got on his knees and began eating Dennis’ hole. After working his tongue over the hole, he fingered the hole, probing and stretching Dennis’ pussy so it was relaxed. Quite soon Luis had three fingers inside Dennis, who was begging "Please, please, please, do it, please...." Luis got to his feet, paused to admire the neg hole he was about to defile - the first of many he hoped to gift with his infected cum. He pressed his cock to the ring and thrust inside. Dennis gave a yelp and some of the other guys turned to see the first penetration of the party. Luis might have looked like a nice, fun guy normally, but when he started to fuck he became an animal. He furiously pounded Dennis into the couch, grabbing his hair, using it for leverage when slamming into Dennis's hole. Luis saw it as his mission to wreck Dennis’s hole and ensure his bug invaded Dennis’ body. He pulled out and slammed back in. Dennis' scream of pain was a form of encouragement. Withdrawing, Luis flipped Dennis on his back, and having positioned Dennis’ legs over his shoulders, he drove his cock back in as he stared deeply into Dennis’s eyes. “You want this load, neg boy?” Luis asked. Dennis replied immediately “Fuck yeah, breed my hole and poz me up.” Dennis started working his hole on Luis’s cock, milking it to get Luis’s cum deep inside his torn and battered hole. Dennis reached up and twisted Luis’s pierced nipple and felt Luis slam into him in response. Luis began to jack rabbit Dennis’s hole and suddenly began shooting his noxious cum and flooding Dennis’s guts. Both of them smiling as the deed was completed. Luis leaned forward and kissed Dennis then rested his head oh Dennis’ shoulder whispering “800k.” Steven was on his knees on the bed staring at Joe while Derrick feasted on his ass. He never knew that a tongue could feel so good on his ass. “Damn you’re tight. You ever get fucked before?” muttered Derrick. Kyle was only a few feet away and said “Damn right. I popped his cherry last night.” Derrick laughed and said “Virgin to pozzed up cumslut in two days. Nice!” and dove back into munching on Steven’s boyhole. He used every trick he knew to open up Steven’s hole because he knew his thick nine inch cock was going to rip him open. Derrick looked around and grabbed a washcloth and stuffed it in Steven’s mouth. There was going to be screaming and Derrick didn’t want to draw attention to the party. He grabbed the lube and liberally coated his cock and Steven’s quivering hole. He rested his piercing on Steven’s pucker and started in. He looked at the fear in Steven’s eyes and said “Shhhhh, babe its gonna feel good after you get it inside. Just relax. Remember how good it felt last night? Its gonna feel even better today.” Steven felt like everyone was staring at him and they really were. He didn’t want to fail taking his first cock of the party. No one would fuck him then. He closed his eyes and took big breath like last night. Derrick took saw the boy breathing and trying to let him in and finally felt the hole relax enough to try. Pushing in he felt the piercing pass through the ring. Derrick kept up the pressure and started to stroke Steven’s cock. He felt the head pop through and kept sliding in deeper. Steven’s eyes opened wide as he felt like his body was being ripped in two. Looking up he saw Derrick’s face in total bliss and tried to relax even more. Derrick knew he was scraping and tearing up Steven’s colon and his precum was coating the fissures and seeping into his bloodstream. Derrick stopped short of giving Steven his whole shaft. He started slowly fucking the hole, each stroke getting longer. Steven’s hole kept spasming from the intrusion and it drove Derrick into a frenzy. Soon he was driving in faster and deeper. He could hear Steven’s cries in pain or pleasure through the gag. The bed started to shake and the Mark felt Joe’s body get slammed into his face as he tongue fucked Joe’s hole. Derrick, took hold of Steven’s shoulders and thrust in deep, slamming past his second ring. Steven let out a muffled scream and Dennis held his cock deep inside the near virgin boy’s hole. He felt his balls contract and his cock swell and the inevitable pumping of Derrick’s charged seed into the inner recesses of Steven’s body. As the orgasm subsided, Derrick slowly pulled his cock back, first popping through the inner ring and then the outer ring. A mixture of cum and blood dripped out of Steven’s now gaping hole. He pushed Steven flat on the bed and said “Stay there boy, you need some time to rest.” Tony kept glancing at his partner fucking Steven while he tongue and finger fucked Kyle’s hole. He couldn’t wait any longer and pulled Kyle off the bed so his feet were on the ground and bent over the foot of the bed. He had wanted to tap Kyle since he first saw him over a year ago. First he hesitated because he didn’t want to ruin Kyle and Joe’s relationship. By the time he found out they were open and fucked others and could have a chance, he had gotten pozzed and gave up hope of fucking him. Part of him wanted to make it last and the other part wanted to sample all of the neg boys holes and leave his load in each of them. The slutty thought won out and he drove his cock in one long thrust into Kyle’s hungry hole. 'This boy knows how to take cock' thought Tony as he just began fucking Kyle with firm long strokes. Kyle zoned out as Tony started to fuck his hole. Tony had a cock that he could take for hours. It’s size and curve felt perfect inside him. He started to fuck back as Tony shoved in, their bodies slapping together. He kept looking at Steven getting pounded and Joe waiting for Mark to add another dose of poz cum to his body. Surely Joe had taken enough seed to seal his fate he thought. Tony started to slam his cock in harder as he watched Derrick drill Steven harder. He was trying to keep pace with his partner hoping he could breed Kyle at the same time as Derrick bred Steven. They came close. Once Tony heard Steven’s screams he pounded Kyle quickly and then shot six strong spurts of virus laced seed into Kyle’s cum craving hole. He leaned forward laying on top of Kyle and forcing him down onto the bed. Mark was enjoying hearing the sounds of sex around him as he feasted on Joe’s hole. His little brother was an excellent sex partner and their fucks had gone from poz breeding brutal fucks to fucking for the fun of it with a side benefit of giving his bug to him. As the tops around him began fucking their respective bottoms, Mark decided it was time for him to get his cock back inside his brother. Joe’s hole by now was receptive to almost any cock. Between the hard fucks and butt plugs he was able to slide inside with only a little spit. Mark moaned and he once again begin to fuck his brother. His precum added to the spit and soon he felt Joe’s hole become a warm, wet pussy for him to savor and seed. He looked down at Joe as his cock thrust in over and over. Joe was obviously enjoying the cock in his ass, so Mark varied his attack, first pounding his brother's hole fast, then slow, then short strokes then long, coaxing his balls to prepare their cocktail of cum and HIV and who knows what else. He lay down on Joe’s chest and kissed his brother as his hips pumped his cock in and out. He shoved his cock in, paused and shoved in again and felt the cum rise and begin to flood his brother’s body once again. Joe wrapped his legs around Mark locking them together. When the shots of venom stopped Mark slowly withdrew and slapped his ass as he looked down at his well bred brother. Each of the four pairs seemed to finish within a minute or two. The bottoms all stayed in their positions waiting for the next round - except for Joe. He sat back on the bed grinning. Mark handed a water bottle to Joe, then Steven, Kyle and Dennis and they drank the water down replenishing the liquid they had just sweated out. Luis, Tony and Derrick also gulped down water while discussing who got who next. Derrick walked up to Joe and said “You up for me?” Joe smiled and said “Sorry, but I’m only taking Mark’s strain. I want to make sure he ’s the one. I WANT that cock though as soon as I’m poz.” Derrick looked a bit surprised but replied, "I understand. That’s cool. I felt the same about the guy who pozzed me," and with that gave Dennis a pointed look. Dennis laughed “Yeah, I don’t mind being second choice if I get that cock in me.” Luis walked over to Kyle and slapped his ass. “You’re next!” Tony looked at Steven and saw a look of fear and lust. He grabbed Steven’s arm and led him over to the end of the couch where Mark was seated. “Suck his cock” Tony commanded. Steven got down on his knees and began to suck on Marks cock. He was fascinated by the piercing and used his tongue and fingers to play with it when he wasn’t trying to suck his cock deeper. While Steven was preoccupied with Mark’s cock, Tony slid his cock into Steven’s still loose hole. A couple of slaps on his ass and Steven tightened up nicely around Tony’s shaft. Each bottoms enjoyed the new cock inside his hole, with with the second round the room’s energy level ticked back up. The sound of cocks sliding into cum-filled holes echoed around the room. Moans and grunts were the only verbal noises and before anyone knew it the pace increased until toxic cum was once again being pumped into once neg holes. Tony finished first and swapped spots with Mark. Having been edging while Steven sucked his cock and balls, Mark quickly dumping his load inside Steven. Luis let out a yell and filled Kyle up and Dennis who had been whimpering for a while screamed out as Derrick slammed his full shaft inside and added his load to Dennis’ vulnerable body. Once again there was a lull and beers were passed around and shared. Who cares about a little spit in the bottle when a guy just pumped his poz cum inside your ass? Tony walked over to Dennis and slid two fingers into his hole, coating them with cum and then feeding them to Dennis. “Need more?” to which Dennis replied “Of course!” Luis pushed Steven up on the couch and started to eat the cum from his hole. Derrick looked at Kyle and grinned. “Guess you mine.” Kyle let out an “Oh fuck!” Mark looked at Joe smiling. Joe slid down the bed and stood on the floor next to Kyle, both bent over the bed. Mark took his position behind Joe and next to Derrick. Derrick and Mark looked at each other and simultaneously thrust into his respective bottom. They kept the same pace, fucking Joe and Kyle in unison, each guy drilling his partner, each top feeling the silky cum from the previous fucks coating his cock. Each bottom initially moaning, which then turned to begging, until one by one each bottom was filled with another infected load. Luis shot first as Steven was begging for Luis to make sure he was pozzed. Dennis was next with Tony pounding him fast and ruthless until his load was mixed up with the others. Mark tried to keep up with Derrick, but his body just couldn’t last as long and he began sending volley after volley of his cum into his brother’s ass. The men who had shot all found themselves watching Derrick and Kyle, and wondering how long Derrick would be able to hold off blowing his load. As it turned out, Kyle actually pushed Derrick over the edge as Kyle, unable to handle Derrick’s abuse of his prostate any longer, shot his load on to the bed. Kyle's orgasm pulled Derrick over the edge as his hole spasmed for over a minute around Derrick’s fuckstick. The guys looked around the room at each other, all of them looking sweaty, grungy, and ready for another round. It didn’t take long until Dennis and Luis were fooling around with Dennis pushing Luis to the ground and rubbing his cock along his crack. It was a short, hard fuck with Dennis filling Luis’ ass with a huge load of neg cum. Steven was stroking his cock watching Dennis and Luis and looked around the room. He got up and walked up to Kyle who looked back and nodded. That was all the encouragement that Steven needed and slid his cock into Kyle's cum soaked hole. “Oh my god” exclaimed Steven. He finally had his cock inside another guy and it felt fantastic. He started to fuck Kyle as everyone else watched. Steven got all sorts of suggestions and he couldn’t process most of them as he reveled in the feeling of his cock inside the guy that took his virginity and all the poz cum that Kyle had taken. He got more and more excited and finally buried his cock and felt his cum shoot inside Kyle's cum-filled hole. The guys clapped as Steven pulled his cock out of Kyle and Kyle spun around and began to suck Steven’s cock clean. Afterwards the guys lay around, drank and relaxed, watching the porn on the TV. Occasionally a guy or two would go into the bathroom and shower. Steven fucked Luis in the shower and soon had an audience. Live bareback sex is always better than porn. Tony, Derrick and Luis were the first to head home leaving the others to contemplate what was next. Mark suggested they head out to dinner, it would be his treat. Since college students love free food, they all jumped at the chance.
 The five of them squeezed into Mark’s rental car and they drove to a burger place Mark remembered. As they went into the restaurant Mark was quietly laughing as he watched each man struggle not to leak any of the cum which was housed in his ass. They ordered food and found a table away from everyone. Mark sat across from Joe and as they started to eat said “Joe, we have a problem.” Joe looked back at him concerned. “What’s that?” “What the hell are we going to tell Mom and Dad?” "I don’t think we should tell them what really happened this weekend. They’ll kill me and maybe you too” Mark said. Everyone at the table laughed. Mark and Joe threw out a few ideas. The other guys gave a few suggestions too. Finally Mark said “Lets keep it close to the truth. How about you had a fight with one of the coaches and they faked your drug test and threw you off the team. You got a student loan and you’re going to graduate next semester on time. You’re looking for jobs already but don’t have anything locked up. Simple and believable. By the way, how are you paying for tuition and the apartment and food?” Joe looked back at Mark unsure of how to respond. His brother had taken everything so far with no problems, but would he be okay with the truth here? “Uh, its complicated, but I’m making it work.” “That doesn’t answer my question,” Mark insisted. Joe leaned forward and whispered “I have some student loans and I’ve been escorting when I can.” Mark let out a laugh. “Cool. Definitely don’t tell Mom and Dad that part!” Mark had noticed that Steven was constantly shifting his body and couldn’t sit still all through dinner. “You okay there Steven?” he said as everyone turned to look. Steven looked embarrassed and finally said “Yeah, but my ass feels like its on fire.” They all chuckled. “Well you really jumped into the deep end. I know a lot of seasoned bottoms who couldn’t take the pounding you got today. I’m glad you came and had fun,” Mark said. “That was so fucking hot hearing you beg for Luis’ poz load,” Kyle added. “Thanks, I’m glad I went” Steven replied. “Not to get too serious, Steven, but if you don’t want to chance those loads infecting you, you can get a treatment, but you only have a couple days to decide,” Mark explained. “No, I’ve been looking at websites and videos about getting chasing and getting pozzed for a while and always thought they were hot. I just never thought I’d get the chance around here.” After a lull in the conversation, Joe said “Damn, this table smells like sex. We should go before we spook the other diners.” The guys got up and walked to the car. Mark was last and saw wet spots on all four butts. Steven’s was the biggest and he realized he should have plugged Steven’s hole before they left the hotel. Mark drove back to the hotel. Dennis and Steven grabbed their stuff and headed home. Kyle and Joe started to clean up the room and took the rubber sheets and bondage straps off the bed “Damn, we didn’t use these” said Joe. Once things were tidied up, they all stripped naked and lay on the bed and nuzzled together. Soon they were soundly sleeping.
    2 points
  23. Part 7 - Cat’s out of the bag Joe’s jaw dropped and eyes went wide. He was stunned. Finally he said “You’re poz? Why didn’t you tell me?” Mark laughed, “I just told you I was gay yesterday. We really didn’t get any farther than coming out to each other and its not something you tell someone right away.” After a pause Joe asked “So did you just fuck me last night or did you cum in me?” “Oh you got a big load deep inside” Mark answered. Joe started to get excited and said “Fuck yeah. You really think you did it? Pozzed me up? Oh fuck that would be so hot having my brother be the one that charges me up and makes me into a poz pig.” Mark felt his cock twitch and start to stiffen and said “Maybe. You wouldn’t be the first guy I fucked once and they converted.” Joe kept getting more excited and said “Who said anything about once. I want you to fuckin’ breed my ass every hour ’til you have to go home.” Mark and Kyle both laughed. “I want you to fuck me right now and see if I can remember which cock you were,” Joe said as he pulled his tank top off and dropped his gym shorts. Picking them up he headed for the hallway and said “Come on, let’s go.” Kyle got up and followed Joe. Mark gave a grin and finally got up and followed the two to the second bedroom. Joe opened the door and went in and Kyle and Mark followed. Mark was amazed at what he saw. The room was divided in two with a sling on a stand on one side and a rubber lined floor area on the other with an inflatable mattress on it. Across from the sling was a St. Andrews cross attached to the wall. The closet doors were off with bookshelves in the closet lined with various toys. “Damn!” Mark exclaimed. “You dirty little perv. Bet this is lots of fun.” “Yeah, we have a lot of fun in here” said Kyle as he was rubbing his cock through his shorts. Joe was digging through a box and pulled out a leather harness and slipped it on. As he snapped the last strap, Mark saw two biohazard symbols, one on each of the top straps. The grin on Joe’s face was huge and he hopped in the sling and wiggled into position and put his feet into the straps. “Get out of those clothes and let’s fuck! I need more of that dirty seed inside me” Joe commanded. Kyle quickly shed his clothes and grabbed the lube. Mark looked around for a blindfold. Not finding one he grabbed Kyles t-shirt and walked up to Joe and wrapped it around his head. Once Joe couldn’t see, Mark spotted some cuffs and a couple carabiners and locked Joes hands on to the chains of the sling. Kyle was grinning at Mark’s prep work and handed him a real blindfold from a box. Mark bent over Joe and swapped the t-shirt for the blindfold over Joe's eyes. Now that Joe was ready, Mark stripped and stroked his half hard cock the rest of the way. Kyle’s cock was already stiff. Mark whispered a few words to Kyle and walked up to Joe and caressed his hole with lube. Adding a bit more lube he pushed his finger into Joe’s hungry hole and felt it clamp down on his finger. He stuffed two fingers into Joe’s pussy and twisted them around. Backing away he said “Joe you are going to get two cocks in you. You need to tell me which one fucked you in the club last night. If you’re right I will keep breeding you until I leave, almost surely pozzing you up. Get it wrong and I won’t fuck you again.” Mark pushed Kyle towards Joe and Kyle pushed his lubed cock into Joe’s hole slowly. He thrust in a few times leaving some neg precum deep inside his boyfriend and pulled out. Mark was tempted to push Kyle back to fuck Joe a second time and try and trick him, but he really wanted to fuck his brother again. So he approached Joe and unlike his normal penetration where he would play with his PA on the guys hole before going in, he just went for it. Slowly he slid his cock into Joe’s hole, pausing only a moment after the head was inside Joe’s first ring. Joe gasped and let out an “OH FUCK!” Then Mark took a few more thrusts getting deeper each time. On the fourth thrust he pushed in all the way and pulled out. Standing back next to Kyle, Mark asked “Was it number one or number two?” Joe was quick to answer “Fuck, it was number two. That fuckin’ cock tore me up last night.” Kyle said “I know, bro, it feels great doesn’t it?” Joe responded with a quizzical “Huh?” before continuing “I couldn’t take the next cock after it and had to get up. Some of the guys were pissed they didn’t get a chance to fuck me. And what the fuck are you talking about Kyle?” Mark and Kyle laughed and Mark explained “The hookup I had yesterday before meeting you after class turned out to be Kyle. I gave him a quick pump and dump downstairs. You should have seen our faces when I came to see you and he opened the door and I found out who I bred.” “So I was right, huh?” said Joe. “Mmmhmm” Mark replied. “Then get that hole wrecker over here and knock me up!” Mark grabbed his underwear and a bottle of poppers, pouring a little onto a corner of the shorts. He then walked over and held the bottle under Joe’s nostril, closing the other one. “Breathe.” Joe took a big hit. “Again.” Joe complied. “Open your mouth," upon which Mark stuffed his underwear into Joe's mouth, leaving the popper soaked section just under his nose. Standing between Joe’s legs he reached over Joe, his cock pushing between Joe’s ass cheeks, and removed the blindfold. Tossing it to the floor, he leaned back and played with Joe’s hole. “You don’t get any more lube - its dry or cum for lube from now on” Mark stated. He grabbed the lower straps on the harness and tugged, slamming his cock deep into his brother’s hole. Joe’s hole clamped down tight around Mark’s shaft as Joe let out a muffled scream. “Yeah, is that what you crave Joe? A toxic cock slamming in and ripping your cunt apart so my seed can infect you and make you into just another poz casualty?” He pulled all the way out and slammed back in. Joe screamed again and Mark could see the sweat start to pour out of his body. “Breathe” and Joe did. Mark looked in his brother’s eyes and saw him begging for more. 'He’s gonna be one toxic fucker soon' Mark thought. Mark pulled back with just the head inside Joe’s hole before he pounded the hole with five or six hard thrusts each time watching the sling pull his brother off until Mark tugged back on the chains. Mark pulled Joe tight against him, his cock deep inside and leaned forward. With his head close to Joe’s face he said “Two things I expect of guys I charge up - no meds for at least a year and you gotta share your new gift. You good with that?” Joe nodded in agreement. “Good.” Mark smiled and leaned back. He started drilling Joe’s ass letting the sling do most of the work with the occasional hard slam into his brother’s hole. He looked down and saw Joe’s swollen ring around his cock. He pulled out and saw a gaping hole and streaks of blood on his cock. Shoving his cock back in he started to pound harder and faster. His cock kept nudging the second ring and each time Joe would squirm and yell out into his gagged mouth. He continued to fuck until his balls started to churn and his cock begin to swell, Mark started to grunt. Kyle stood at the side watching his boyfriend get pummeled even harder than Mark had fucked him the day before and stroked his cock in unison with Mark’s thrusts. Finally Mark shoved in hard, his piercing driving through Joe’s second ring and holding Joe tight as volley after volley of Mark’s poison pumped into Joe’s ravaged chute. The orgasm was one of the biggest Mark could remember - almost s big as the first toxic one he had given Eric a few weeks earlier. He bucked his hips a few more times and fell on top of Joe’s chest, his cock still deep inside his brother. When his breathing slowed back to normal and his cock started to soften, Mark stood up and pulled his cock out slowly, catching any cum that escaped. He left Joe in the sling and pulled his underwear from Joe’s mouth. Joe was gasping. “Thanks, bro” was all he could say between gulps of air. Mark moved back and leaned against the wall, his sweat gluing him to it. He too was gasping. He looked down and his cum and blood covered cock just hung there throbbing. Kyle moved over and dropped to his knees and began licking Mark’s shaft up and down. Any place that Kyle could find cum he licked and sucked it off. A few minutes passed and Kyle was on his knees looking up at him like a puppy. Mark grabbed Kyle’s arm and pulled him up and pushing towards Joe. “Fuck him and breed him. Use my charged cum as lube” Mark said to Kyle. “Yes, Sir,” Kyle responded, sliding his hard cock into his boyfriend and started to fuck him. He knew he wouldn’t last long since he had been edging while Mark had fucked Joe. “Slower, make it last. Let your cock soak in my load” and Kyle slowed down as he was told. Suddenly Kyle felt a finger spreading his ass apart and rubbing his hole. The finger went away and came back with a little bit of lube and pressed into his hole. Joe was swinging back and forth in the sling, bouncing off Kyle’s body. He felt Mark spread his feet wider and move up behind him. Due to the height difference, Mark was squatting down. Mark ran his cock up and down Kyle’s crack. Kyle knew what was about to happen and wasn’t sure if he was scared or excited. He didn’t have to think long when Mark shoved his cock into Kyle’s hole. “You wanted to do it again, you got your wish” Mark whispered in his ear. Mark started to thrust into Kyle just as Joe was bottoming out on Kyle's cock, pushing Joe away. It took a few tries to get the timing right, but they did and Mark was tearing into Kyle just like the day before. Mark couldn’t last long like this and his balls quickly readied their poison. He grabbed Kyle from behind and drove his cock into him as hard as he could and unloaded five spurts of virus laden seed into Kyle. As soon as Kyle felt Mark shoot he started to unload inside Joe. Kyle’s orgasm milked a few extra spurts out of Mark. As the orgasms faded they both looked at Joe who had a big smile on his face which was covered in his own cum. Mark pulled out of Kyle and Kyle pulled out of Joe. All three were drenched in sweat. Mark undid Joe’s cuffs and helped him out of the sling. Kyle was rummaging through a box and pulled out two butt plugs and handed the bigger one to Joe. Kyle spit on his and bent over and pushed it in. Joe just bent over and used the cum dripping out of his hole to help it slide in. The three went into the living room and Kyle threw down a blanket. They all laid down on the blanket, spooning each other with Joe in the middle and his brother behind him. Soon, they were all asleep. Mark woke up and went into the bathroom. He climbed into the shower and turned it on. Letting the hot water spray over his body he pissed down the drain. As he started to soap his body up, the curtain opened and Joe stepped in. Joe hugged his brother tight and looked up at him with a smile. Grabbing the soap from Mark he started to wash his brother, covering every inch of his body. His hands roamed over Mark’s body and his eyes were not behind. Joe examined the tattoos and then kneeled down and looked at the piercing. He played with it with his fingers and watched it rotate in Mark’s cockhead. As he finished washing and Mark rinsed off, Mark took the soap back and started to wash his little brother’s body. When he got down to Joe’s butt, he bent Joe over and pulled the plug out of his ass. Some pink slime oozed out of Joe’s hole and down his leg soon to be washed away. Mark said “Good. A lot of the cum has already been absorbed into your system.” They finished their shower and dried off, walking back to the living room naked to see Kyle still sleeping. Mark and Joe smoked some pot and talked a lot, mostly about how Mark got pozzed and the people he has infected since. Joe wanted to hear about each guy’s pozzing and how many times he fucked them and how long it took before they got sick. Mark told Joe about Eric and that he had been breeding Eric for a couple weeks now, but he hadn’t gotten sick yet and warned Joe that not everyone gets noticeably sick when they convert. Joe then started asking about the tattoos. Mark explained what they meant to him and how they got done. At one point Joe went to the bedroom and came back with some drawings and handed them to Mark. “This is what I want for my first one” Joe stated. Mark looked over the drawings which were pretty detailed, and asked “Did you draw these? You’ve been thinking about this for a while, huh?” “Yeah I did. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple years. I didn’t know you had tats until you showed up yesterday. I just can’t afford it until I graduate and get a real job” explained Joe. “Well, these are pretty complex. You would have to do several sessions to get all of it done. And there’s healing time between. Have you found anyone yet to do the work?” Mark asked. Joe just shook his head no. “There’s the guy I used when I got my first two tats my senior year. He’s really good. I wonder if he’s still here,” Mark mused. A quick google and they had their answer. Mark made a call and talked to Thad. He texted over the drawings that Joe had made and asked what he thought and how long. Thad said he’d take a better look and call him back. About 20 minutes later he got a call back and they worked out a plan. Thad said it would take four sessions to do it and gave Mark a price. Mark asked if they could stop by the next day and start. Thad pushed back and said he was really busy, but in the end agreed if they could do it earlier in the day. They agreed on 11:00 AM. Joe looked at his brother confused. “I told you I can’t afford it right now. Why did you set up an appointment?” Mark just smiled and said “First one is on me.” Mark picked his phone up again and said “I have an idea. Interested in a small orgy?” “Of course” Joe replied, adding “but that's going to take a lot of work and time to set up.” “You just need the right incentives” Mark said wryly. Mark thumbed through his contact list, selected one and tapped out a message and hit send. Mark then sent a second message to another contact and set the phone down. “That’s it? Just two people?” asked Joe. “I want just a select few people there and I think each of them will bring one or two others. And there’s the three of us. Sometimes its quality not quantity” Mark explained. “Fuck, I gotta clean the apartment then. I don’t want people to see it this messy” said Joe. Mark laughed “But its okay for me to see it like this? Jeez. Don’t worry, my hotel room is perfect for a small group fuck party.” Mark’s phone dinged and he looked at it and smiled “There’s one RSVP.” A few minutes later his phone dinged again and Mark checked it out “There’s the other. I hope you don’t have any plans for 3:00 PM tomorrow. I’d have to share my seed with someone else if you do,” he said with a smirk. Mark looked over at Joe with a mischievous grin. He got up and nodded towards the playroom. Joe jumped to his feet and hurried to the room. His ass still was sore from the earlier fuck but he didn’t care. He needed to make sure he got as much cum from his brother as possible. Mark looked around and tossed the harness back to Joe, who put it on. Mark found the cuffs again and put them on Joe’s wrists. Mark led him over to the cross and locked the cuffs to the top of the cross with Joe facing the wall. Mark pushed two fingers into Joe’s fuck hole and commented “Pretty dry there. You must have soaked the rest up. Do you want more?” Joe moaned “Hell yeah.” Mark decided he needed a bit of lube. Any other chaser he would have just shoved in dry, but this was his brother and he didn’t want to hurt him any more than he had to to share his bug. He dripped some spit on his cock, lubing himself. Spitting another dollop on his cock, he positioned himself at his brother's puffy opening. His chest was resting against his brother’s back and he whispered in Joe’s ear “What do you want?” As Joe replied “More poz cum” Mark thrust his cock back inside Joe’s ravaged pussy, pumping away, fucking his little brother a bit less brutally than earlier. His cock was sore and he knew that Joe was in pain, but he needed to do this. Part of his brain said it was wrong, yet he was extremely turned on trying to poz up his brother. Sex usually wins over rational thought. Mark started to pound faster and felt another load start to brew. The cross was squeaking and Joe grunted each time he shoved in. Joe’s hole definitely felt different than when he had fucked him in the club last night. It was really abused and Joe was struggling to work his ass muscles on Mark’s cock. He looked over and there was Kyle in the doorway stroking his cock as Mark drilled Joe. Mark felt his balls start to tighten and piston fucked his brother quickly before he grabbed Joe tightly and shoved his cock in deep. It was a smaller load than earlier but probably just as deadly. He heard Kyle groan as he shot his load all over the floor. As Mark’s spurts of cum stopped he thrust in a few more times and slowly pulled his cock out. He unlocked Joe’s hands and the three of them went back to the living room, collapsing on the blanket. The guys rested a while until Mark got up, asking “You guys hungry? Lets go grab a bite to eat.” They showered again and dressed and hopped in Mark’s car and headed down town. Mark parked the car and they went in to a restaurant. It was one of Mark’s favorites from his days in school there. Joe and Kyle looked at each other and said simultaneously “Thai food?” Mark chuckled “Yeah, its better than fast food or more pizza, its spicy and some of these Thai boys are really cute.” They sat down at a table and a waiter came up and giving them menus and water. Mark looked up at the guy who was exactly what he had hoped for - a cute Thai guy, shorter, maybe 5 foot 6 at the most, thin, with jet black hair and a wicked smile. He introduced himself as Steven and explained a few specials. Mark quipped “You forgot yourself.” Kyle and Joe giggled and Steven blushed before stuttering a bit saying “I’ll let you decide and be back in a few minutes.” “I hope he’s for dessert," Kyle murmured. All three broke into gales of laughter. Mark kept glancing up at Steven and then back to his menu. Joe and Kyle had no clue what to order and Mark really wasn’t helping. Steven walked back up and asked if they had decided. Joe was the farthest and said “I really have no idea. I’ve never had Thai food before. Steven leaned over the table and pointed out that the dinners were on the right, with noodle dishes on the top and rice dishes on the bottom. A pepper next to an item meant it was spicy. Meanwhile Mark and Kyle were staring at Steven’s ass and pointing at each other trying to decide which one was going to tap it first. As he stood back up Mark could see Steven’s cock starting to bulge in his pants. Mark finally gave the boys some suggestions and and Steven walked away. Their glasses never got more than one sip down and Steven was back refilling them. About the third trip Steven started to flirt with them. Their food finally arrived and Steven put the plates down in front of each one, winking at each guy. The guys had burned a lot of calories that day and were very hungry. They wolfed the food down and as Steven came back to check on everything was amazed that the plates were mostly clean. “I hope you saved room for dessert” he said and the guys broke out laughing. Mark finally stopped laughing and said “I think what we want isn’t on the menu. Just an iced coffee for me.” Joe and Kyle ordered the same. When Steven came back with the coffees, Mark said “We’re going to have a little fun later if you want to join us. Here’s the address” and slipped a piece of paper to Steven. The look of shock on Steven’s face was priceless. Mark was sure that none of his customers had ever propositioned him before. Steven slipped the paper into his pocket and walked away. As Mark was finishing his drink, Steven walked up and set the bill down on the table and gave the usual “I’ll take that when you’re ready.” Mark opened up the folder with the check in it and besides the total was a slip of paper that said “I get off work at 9:00” Mark took the paper and put the money and a generous tip into the folder. Steven came back to the table visibly nervous and took the folder with Mark adding “It’s all set. Keep the change” with another wink. The guys got up and walked out of the restaurant with Steven calling “Bye” to them as they left. Mark drove over to the store and picked up more beer and a bottle of good tequila and they went back to the apartment. The guys cracked open the beer, Joe packed the bowl and they passed the pipe around until it was dead. Kyle looked up at the clock and announced “It's 9:30. Do you think he chickened out?” “Could be” replied Mark as he got up to get another round of beer. Joe got up and went into the bedroom and changed into some running shorts with no shirt. As they sat down there was a knock on the door. Joe got up and answered it. Steven was standing there almost shaking in his shoes. “Hey, you came! Come on in. We almost gave up on you” said Joe. Steven walked into the apartment, looking around nervously and said “I’m not sure if this is a good idea, but you guys seemed to be nice and fun.” “You know we’re gay, right?” Kyle stated. "Of course. Besides, I saw his bracelet," pointing at Mark's wrist and then continued "I am too, but I have a hard time meeting other guys that are interested in me.” Mark sensed that Steven’s experience level was pretty low and decided he better set some expectations before things got out of hand “Steven, I want you to know that we will respect any limits you have. If things go too fast or too far, just say something. We want you to have fun, not be scared away.” “Thanks. I have only been with a couple guys before and we didn’t do much. I really want to try everything. I hope you don’t mind teaching me stuff.” The guys got up and moved closer to Steven and started exploring his body. Very quickly Steven’s cock stiffened and strained against his pants and he let out a soft moan. Kyle leaned in and kissed him as Joe undid his pants, watching them fall to the floor. Mark stayed back a step from the boys and watched them undress Steven. Joe went down on his knees and pulled Stevens underwear down exposing a hard six and a half inch uncut, perfectly straight cock. Sliding his tongue between the head and foreskin, he could taste the day's sweat and piss that had built up under the hood, the scent drove him wild and he began so suck harder. Kyle pulled Steven’s shirt off and resumed kissing him, plunging his tongue into Steven’s mouth. Mark removed his clothes and then moved behind Steven, rubbing his shoulders before moving down his back and then to his butt. He moved in closer and started to grind his hardening cock against Steven’s ass. Mark moved his finger down and slid it between his crack and pulled it up to his nose for a sniff test. He smiled and began rubbing his hand between the crack, caressing Steven’s soft, possibly virgin hole. Kyle broke the kiss and realized he was the only one with clothes still on which he quickly rectified. Mark moved over next to Steven and Joe was presented a dilemma - suck his brother’s cock or the newbie. He didn’t get to choose since Kyle sank to his knees next to Joe sucking and kissing on Steven’s body until he reached his cock. Joe gave his full attention to Mark’s cock and balls sucking and licking until he felt it start to ooze precum. Mark looked down at his brother and they locked eyes, knowing what each of them needed. Mark motioned with his head towards the couch and the two of them moved there, Joe kneeling on the couch and facing the wall. Mark pushed the table out of the way and got on his knees, eating out Joe’s battered hole. Kyle meanwhile moved Steven over towards the blanket and they both laid down in a sixty nine position, each sucking each other's cock. Every once in a while Mark heard Steven gasp out “oh my god” and he would chuckle and dive back into Joe’s ass. Mark needed to get his cock back into Joe almost as badly as Joe needed Mark’s cock inside him. Mark got up and teased Joe’s hole until Joe bucked his ass back onto Mark’s cock. Mark stretched Joe’s hole open as he pushed his cock in balls deep. Joe sighed and said “fuck I need this, fuck me hard bro.” Mark began to piston his cock in and out of Joe saying “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kyle worked over Steven’s dick feverishly, taking him close to the edge but never allowing him to go over the line. He wanted to get his cock into Steven’s ass but knew he had to take it slow. “He’s probably really tight. I hope I don’t shoot right away” thought Kyle. Meanwhile Steven was savoring Kyle’s cock. His previous attempts at blowjobs had been short sucking sessions ending with the guy pushing him off and cumming on the floor. His lack of experience meant that he didn’t know whether he wanted to be fucked or be the one fucking more. He hoped that he was going to lose his virginity tonight and really didn’t care which position it was in. He figured he should let the other guy lead. Then it hit him. Here he was, having sex and he didn’t even know the name of the guys with whom he was playing. He also concluded, however, it didn’t matter. Names or no names, he was feeling more alive than he ever had. Kyle began to finger Steven's hole as he sucked on his cock. He then pulled off Steven’s cock and move down a bit and began licking Steven’s taint and then his hole. He fed some spit on his hole and worked it in with his finger. One finger became two as Kyle tried to open Steven’s tight hole. He finally got to the point that it wasn’t like a clamp around his finger and it started to wink and twitch. He knew it was time to pop this cherry. Kyle pulled off Steven and rolled him on to his stomach before helping him to his knees. Kyle grabbed a bottle of lube from the table and moved behind Steven. He dripped some on Steven’s pucker working it in with his spit inside. Kyle lubed up his cock and let it rest on Steven’s hole. Softly he said “Ready Steven?” Everyone in the room heard the trepidation in Stevens voice as he replied “mmmhmm.” Slowly, Kyle started to press in. He could feel Steven tense up and told him to relax. “Its going to hurt a bit at first, then you will enjoy it” A little more pressure and Steven’s hole opened up and felt its first cock enter. “OH FUCK!!! STOP!!” Kyle froze, but with difficulty. The pressure on his cock head was intense. He felt a spurt of precum shoot inside Steven’s hole. "Breathe, Steven. Relax." Finally the ring relaxed a little and Kyle edged in a little further until he felt the head get past the ring. Steven was breathing heavy. After letting him get used to having a cock inside him Kyle slowly started to work his cock deeper. He added a bit more lube to his cock and when he made it three quarters of the way in he sensed the change. The tight grip on his cock became a firm touch. His strokes became longer and he heard moans from Steven. He varied the tempo of his fuck and the length of the strokes. He felt his balls start to tingle and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He started to pound his cock into Steven’s hole when all of a sudden Steven’s ass ring started to spasm. Steven let out a loud groan as his ass body shook in orgasm. Kyle couldn’t hold back any more and began to shoot his cum deep inside Steven’s pussy. Shot after shot of warm seed filled his guts while Steven’s load soaked the blanked below them. Kyle leaned forward and held Steven tight as their connected bodies bucked and shook. Hearing the near simultaneous orgasms from Kyle and Steven, Mark started to ram his cock into Joe even harder. He imagined his cum shooting inside Joe’s hole, soaking in and the virus spreading throughout his body and then made it reality. He grunted three times as he slammed his cock deep into Joe, driving his cock into and past the second ring before shooting spurt after spurt of toxic poz cum into his brother’s guts. Both Mark and Joe were moaning. Joe felt the pressure build up inside his body and his brother’s chest on his back and Mark’s hot breath on his neck. Another dose of poisonous seed had been pumped into his vulnerable body. He never would know which load would be the one that sealed his fate, but it didn’t matter. He loved every one that his brother filled him with. Mark pulled his cock out and slapped Joe’s ass. Kyle slowly pulled his cock out of Steven and rolled him over on his back and the two kissed passionately. Steven eventually broke the kiss and looked at Kyle and said “Thank you, whoever you are.” The four of them broke up laughing. Mark told them “Fuck first, ask questions later. That’s my motto!” Mark took the hint and introduced Joe, Kyle and himself to Steven, then the guys sat around for a short while drinking, sharing some weed and chatting. Mark finally asked the question everyone wanted to know “Steven, are you glad you came over tonight?” “Fuck yeah. That was so much better than I ever imagined. I need more!” said Steven to which everyone laughed. “Well…” Mark started “we actually have a little group tomorrow if you’re interested. I know there are two other guys here that want to dip their cocks in a hot Thai boy. It starts about 3:00 PM.” “Haha… I don’t know if I can do that. I start work at five tomorrow” Steven replied. “You can stay as long as you want and go to work, uh, invigorated” Mark said. “OK, I’ll think about it. I should get going now, its late and I need to study tomorrow morning” said Steven and he got up and started to dress. Mark scribbled down on a piece of paper his number and handed it to Steven who put it in his pocket. Mark told him “Call me tomorrow morning between 9 and 11 and I can give you the info.” They all hugged and each gave Steven a kiss before he went home. Mark also decided to call it a night and got dressed. Exhausted, Mark drove back to his hotel and walked into his room. The towel stack was even higher than before. There was a dozen water bottles sitting in an empty tub. Mark noticed some bondage loops hanging from the corners of the bed which also had a rubber cover over it. In the bathroom there was a douche attachment connected to the shower. The couch had a sheet, pillow and a blanket on it, made up for Mark to sleep on. The TV played a bareback porn flick with the sound muted. “Dennis knows his stuff” he thought. He stripped his clothes off and laid down, falling asleep almost immediately.
    2 points
  24. “Boy”, he said, in a gentle tone similar to the one he used when he’d told me that it didn’t matter that I was gay, he’d love me all the same, “it’s time to acquaint yourself with some basic facts of life that I learned long ago. There are two types of human males in this world – real men, and pigs. Pigs look like men, talk like men, dress and act like men, but in truth they are inferior. They are governed by their lust for unnatural acts, and by their desire to submit to real men. A pig may think he’s a man, but deep down he knows every time his faggot cunt twitches that he is not a real man.” I was finding his voice hypnotic as it came out like a religious doctrine through my chemical haze. “Even when you were younger, boy, I could see your head snap up at the mention of the word “faggot”…when you first came out to me, I thought it was fear, but then as I watched you closer, I realized it was because that submissive pig in you was reacting to its proper title. I knew you needed to be released from the bondage of self-imposed morality that you suffered under to truly wallow in your subhuman urges, and I knew I was just the man to do it. Only your cunt of a mother stood in my way, and now she’s gone…and don’t think I didn’t notice that reaction to the word “cunt”, pig…you’ll be hearing a lot more of your proper titles from now on.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and gripped me under the chin. Something told me to open my mouth, and he grinned and spat into it. I closed my mouth and swallowed. ”Nature at its finest, boy” he said, “you aced the advanced course; now let’s give you a water break.” It was at that point that a single thought broke through the chemical haze that wrapped around my mind – “I am so fucking thirsty”. And there, sitting on the dresser next to the other playthings, like the Holy-fucking-Grail, were two bottles of water, with condensation running down the sides. It looked so good to me, and I was so focused on how much I wanted some ice-cold water, that I barely even grunted when Bud pulled me away from the wall and the dildo popped out of my ass. I’d never experienced the singular focus or the clarity of mind that Bud’s “pig feed” gave me. At that moment, I needed that water more than anything else I had ever needed. Bud noticed me staring longingly at the water bottles, and he gave an evil chuckle. “I don’t think so, faggot,” he said as he gripped me by the chin and forced my eyes to lock into his,” that water is a reward, and you haven’t quite yet earned it yet, pig.” I whined a little in the back of my throat, just like a dog. It wasn’t on purpose; it was just the natural sound that came out of me at that point. This made him give that evil chuckle again. I realized then through my chemical haze that the sound of that chuckle was making my ass muscles contract every time he did it, same as when he used words like “faggot”, “pig”, and “cunt”. Maybe it was the chems at work, but I was starting to think his theory about pigs and real men might be legitimate. Then Bud started speaking again, and all I could focus on was his rough voice and his grip on my chin and the deep, deep black of his pupils as they seemed to grow and fill his eyes. “Boy,” he said, firm grip still on my chin, “it’s time to teach you another essential function of a pig. I’ve been up all night flying high on T and slamming down beers, and I’ve got to piss something fierce. So, faggot, here is what is going to happen. I’m going to start pissing in a minute, and you can choose to open your mouth and serve as my urinal pig, as nature intended, or end up getting your bed sheets all piss stained. However, if piss gets on those sheets, boy, the least of your punishments will be to sleep on them for a month without washing them.” There was a small, still moral part of me that hated the way chemical pleasure rushed through me at the thought of this strong, viral man pissing into my mouth like I was garbage. That part of me caused me to try to pull away from Bud’s grip on my chin. Suddenly, the grip was on my throat and the voice very, very gently. “Listen, faggot,” he said gently, “I haven’t forced you to do anything you don’t want to do so far today, have I?” I slowly shook my head “no”. I had indeed made the choice every time to participate. “I’ve allowed you to decide to make the final move each step of the way, correct?” he asked more gently still, firm grip still on my throat. I nodded my head “yes”. “And pig,” he said, practically purring, “I haven’t done anything to hurt or damage you, have I?” I shook my head “no”. Suddenly one of his hands was in my hair, yanking my head back hard, while the hand on my neck clamped down like a vice until I started to see black on the edges of my vision. He leaned in to speak softly in my ear. “Faggot,” he said, “I haven’t done anything to hurt or damage you YET. Please don’t force me to start now.” If my cock hadn’t been flaccid from all the chemicals in my system, his words in my ear would have made me cum without even touching myself. That surge of pleasure at the whispered promise of violence and degradation at my step-father’s hands was the final straw that convinced me Bud was right – I was 100% pig, born to serve real men like him, and everything that he was doing with and to me that morning was not only what the pig inside me really wanted, but also what the pig inside me needed…what it craved. I opened my mouth wide, and prepared to take the piss of a real man and enjoy every drop of it. Bud gave that evil little chuckle of his, and released the iron grip on my hair. The death grip on my throat that was making my vision blur turned into a caress down my cheek, almost the action of a devoted lover. He ran his thumb along my lower lip, smiled and said, “Good boy”. Then he grabbed his rock hard dick and lined it up to my open mouth. I could see him relaxing the tension of his body, and then slowly it came, the golden stream of piss from his monster cock. At first, I let it run straight down my throat, but then I grew curious about the taste. The pressure was growing stronger now, but I was able to start to savor it a little before swallowing. I wanted the words of a wine connoisseur so that I could adequately describe the taste of piss created from a toxic mix of meth and beer in the urinary tract of a real man, but words fail me. All I can say was that the moment I tasted it, I had one of those epiphany moments where it clicks like “yes, this is something that has been missing in my life so far”. I knew then that Bud and any of his friends would never need a urinal to piss in as long as I was around – in fact, I would feel cheated if he spilled so much as a drop of fluid into a porcelain bowl from then on. Too soon, the strong stream of chem and beer piss came to an end, and I eagerly leaned forward to lick some stray drops from Bud’s slit. He looked at me with pride like I was a first-grader who had won the school spelling bee. “Boy,” he said with pride, “your first time drinking piss and not a drop spilled. Truly, this is nature at its finest.” He ran his thumb across my lower lip again. “I am going to have so much fun with you, faggot.” At that point, I was starting to feel warm in my belly and a flush came to my cheek. Bud noticed and smirked, “that was some strong man piss you just guzzled down, pig, and you are gonna be flying high again in a moment. Just in time, too, because it’s time for the main event, faggot. Here’s your water – drink up.” He grabbed one of the bottles of water off the dresser and tossed it to me. I was so thirsty I had the cap off and had chugged down half of it before I even noticed that it hadn’t been completely sealed, it had been opened at least once before. Coming soon, part 6...
    2 points
  25. Sorry pigs, circumstances kept me away...hope I can pick up the story to your satisfaction: “I think it’s time,” he said, “to graduate you to the big boy dildo, and to see how well you handle being filled up at both ends.” He unhooked the restraints on my wrists and ankles, and I let out a disappointed little moan, since I had quite enjoyed being in bondage. “I know, boy,” he said, “but you need to show me just how badly you want all of this, and in order to do that, you have to be an active participant. Now, faggot, get on all fours.” I scrambled to obey, and he chuckled. “Fucking faggot,” was all he said. Then he picked up the larger of the two dildos, and put some lube on it, and moved around to my hole. “Now, boy,” he said, “this is going to want to slip out, but you have to keep those ass muscles tight to make certain that doesn’t happen.” With that, he slid it in. I think that my eyes must have rolled back into my head at the feeling of such fullness. A little sigh of contentment passed through my lips, and Bud chuckled again. Once the dildo was in place, he smacked my ass, and said, “Remember, boy, it has to stay there.” Then, he moved around so that I was face to, well, monster cock. “Open wide, boy,” he said, “It’s time for the advanced course. I was so high and horny at that point that I think my jaw must have literally made a snapping sound when my mouth flung open. Bud's "pig feed" (meth for those who have forgotten) had me flying high, and I had my second dildo ever in my hole. I knew, like I knew how to breathe, that the thing missing was a man's cock in my mouth. Bud just stood there, cock arrow straight, pointing towards my mouth, which by now was watering like crazy. It took a minute for my brain to break through the chem haze and realize that, once more, the choice to move forward was being left to me. That truly obnoxious voice in the back of my head told me that it wasn't too late to stop yet, his cock hadn't entered my body - I could still say "no". I think the voice knew that the moment a real man's cock entered me, everything would change. But really, at this point, I wasn't going to say "no". I moved my mouth forward to swallow Bud's monster cock. The first few inches had barely entered my mouth when he stopped me. "Gently, faggot" he said, "you gotta work your way up to the whole thing or you'll choke." So I just focused on the first few inches of his cock. The taste was incredible - the only way I could describe it was sweaty bread, that yeasty damp taste from wearing briefs. I thought that I had never tasted anything so good in my life. When Bud's hand moved, I knew he thought I was ready to take more, so I moved to the half way point. At that point, I realized that I wasn't really doing much, just savoring the cock, so I started to tentatively suck. I could tell by the pleased noise that Bud made that I was doing well. Then, unfortunately, I lost concentration on my chem-fueled ass muscles, and the dildo in my hole started to slip out. Bud noticed my predicament, and solved it the simplest way possible...he walked forward, forcing me back so that my hole was against the wall...the dildo hit home again, secure in my hole, and I lurched forward on the rest of his cock. It turns out that Bud didn't need to worry - my throat and his cock were a perfect fit. I don't know if I wasn't born with a gag reflex, or maybe the tina/poppers combo was responsible, but it was hitting my voice box and I was in pig heaven. Bud fussed with something out of sight, then brought the mirror with fresh lines back into my field of vision. Since I was clearly occupied, he held the straw for me to slip my nose onto - only this time he didn't just give me two lines, he made me take all four (well, made me is a little harsh...I was clearly equating his "pig feed" with intense pleasure now, so I was going to take all that he would give me, however it came). Once the lines were up my nose and I was reeling, he brought the little brown bottle to my nose and reminded me to inhale until he told me to stop, first one nostril, then the other. I was completely out of it now, throat full of cock, ass full of dildo, head full of chemicals. That’s when Bud began to speak. “Boy”, he said, in a gentle tone similar to the one he used when he’d told me that it didn’t matter that I was gay, he’d love me all the same, “it’s time to acquaint yourself with some basic facts of life that I learned long ago. There are two types of human males in this world – real men, and pigs. Pigs look like men, talk like men, dress and act like men, but in truth they are inferior. They are governed by their lust for unnatural acts, and by their desire to submit to real men. A pig may think he’s a man, but deep down he knows every time his faggot cunt twitches that he is not a real man.” I was finding his voice hypnotic as it came out like a religious doctrine through my chemical haze. “Even when you were younger, boy, I could see your head snap up at the mention of the word “faggot”…when you first came out to me, I thought it was fear, but then as I watched you closer, I realized it was because that submissive pig in you was reacting to its proper title. I knew you needed to be released from the bondage of self-imposed morality that you suffered under to truly wallow in your subhuman urges, and I knew I was just the man to do it. Only your cunt of a mother stood in my way, and now she’s gone…and don’t think I didn’t notice that reaction to the word “cunt”, pig…you’ll be hearing a lot more of your proper titles from now on.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and gripped me under the chin. Something told me to open my mouth, and he grinned and spat into it. I closed my mouth and swallowed. “”Nature at its finest, boy” he said, “you aced the advanced course, now let’s give you a water break.” Coming soon (I PROMISE) part 5
    2 points
  26. "Now", he said, pulling my desk chair to the middle of the room, and sitting down in it, "Now comes the fun part. I want to see you fuck yourself with that dildo. Technically, you could still be considered a virgin by some, with just finger penetration. So, I want to see you take your own virginity...you and you alone. Show me how much you want cock." Even through my euphoric fog, I could feel the doubt rising. Yeah, the dildo was just outside my hole, but I was restrained. How the fuck did he expect me to fuck myself? I made a couple desperate noises in the back of my throat, but Bud just sat back and started stroking his cock. Desperately, I tried to slide down on the dildo, but there was nothing to stop it from just sliding away. Then, I had a brainstorm - folding my leg so that it was at the end of the dildo to keep it from moving (which required some contortion) I got the dildo back to my hole, just barely inside it. Then, I slid up the wall as far as I could go, getting a higher angle on the dildo, and suddenly it all came together. The dildo, stuck to my hole, finally got upright underneath it, and I slid down onto it. If I had been a sober virgin, or not been restrained, I probably wouldn't have, as a virgin, taken the whole thing in one go. As it was, the sound that came out of me as it hit home was definitely a squeal. Bud leaned back in his chair, this shit-eating grin on his face, and said, "Fuck yeah, faggot." I don’t know that I could put into words the feeling of being high as a fucking kite and slamming your virgin-ish ass straight onto a dildo. If you’ve never done it, you just can’t understand. For those of you who have done it, you’ll never forget the feeling. I’m not actually sure how much time passed with me just zoning into the feeling before Bud leaned forward and said, “Hey boy, that hole isn’t going to fuck itself”. This presented the next problem – how was I, restrained ankle to wrist on both sides, impaled on a dildo with no leverage, going to fuck myself? The chemicals in my system, and the chemicals just introduced into my system by the dildo, mixed together to provide a brainstorm. Beds, I thought, have mattresses and box springs. Box springs, I thought, have, well, springs. Springs, I concluded triumphantly, make you bounce. Much to Bud’s delight, I managed to slowly start to bounce myself up and down on the bed, which succeeded in making the dildo slide in and out just enough to give my hole the sensation of being fucked. Bud sat back and grinned, “Nature always finds a way, right boy?” I grunted in response, caught up in the intensity of the action. The interesting thing that hadn’t occurred to me at this point was that the entire time, ever since being woken up to my step-dad playing with my ass, I hadn’t spoken more than two words, sticking entirely to animalistic noises. There was no gag or any other impediment to speaking, I was just too caught up in everything to enunciate my feelings verbally. Something else that I hadn’t really focused on was the fact that despite my cock being out of commission (I seem to recall that happening to some people when they “partied”), I did get some blood rushing to it every time Bud called me “boy” or “faggot” in a derogatory tone. Of course, I guess if I overanalyzed everything, it would take quite a lot of the enjoyment out of it. I had my eyes closed, so caught up in the chemically induced sexual euphoria and making certain that the dildo bouncing in and out of my hole was hitting all the rights spots, that I didn’t notice that Bud had stopped his masturbating, gotten out of the chair, and come to stand over me again. Actually my first clue was when a hand was place on either one of my shoulders and he shoved me down on the dildo, hard. I don’t think I had ever felt such an intense moment of pain and pleasure so completely balanced, and if my cock had been in full working order, I would have shot the biggest load you’ve ever seen. As it was, the feeling just kept going and going, and I was definitely whimpering as Bud forced me to look into his eyes again. “You went from virgin to fucking whore in 60 seconds, didn’t you, boy? I’m impressed”, he said. More pressure on my shoulders led to louder whimpering. His cold blue eyes narrowed, “Now, you’ve been making entirely too much noise, boy. I think we need to keep your mouth occupied.” He stroked his monster cock a couple times, and I think I gurgled in the back of my throat. “First though,” he said, “I think you have outgrown this tiny toy, don’t you?” He pushed me so that my back was against the wall again, and my hole, filled with the dildo, was exposed. He took the end of the dildo in his hand, and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “This is probably going to fucking hurt, boy,” he said, “but something tells me that you’ll like it.” Then he jerked the dildo out of my hole in one swift, painful pull. All I had time for was a gasp before it felt like the air had been knocked out of me. It wasn’t even really the pain that I minded so much as the feeling of being empty, because I knew that I needed to be filled. But then there were Bud’s fingers, three of them this time, and since they tingled and burned where they passed, I knew that he was giving me more “pig feed” as he like to call it. I lost myself a little in the enjoyment of feeling his fingers slide further and further in. While his one hand was occupied he grabbed my chin again with the other and we looked into each other’s eyes. “You are just loving this, you faggot,” he said, “you haven’t even noticed that I’m keeping my hand still and you are the one shoving yourself further onto it.” Another moment, and he ordered, “Open your mouth.” It was pretty much impossible for me not to obey Bud’s orders at this point, so I did. He looked at me again, gauging me I think, and then calmly spat a huge gob of saliva into my mouth. “Swallow, boy” he sharply ordered, so I did. That made him grin. “Fucking faggot boy,” he grinned, “Nature at her finest.” Then he pulled his fingers out. “I think it’s time,” he said, “to graduate you to the big boy dildo, and to see how well you handle being filled up at both ends.” He unhooked the restraints on my wrists and ankles, and I let out a disappointed little moan, since I had quite enjoyed being in bondage. “I know, boy,” he said, “but you need to show me just how badly you want all of this, and in order to do that, you have to be an active participant. Now, faggot, get on all fours.” I scrambled to obey, and he chuckled. “Fucking faggot,” was all he said. Then he picked up the larger of the two dildos, and put some lube on it, and moved around to my hole. “Now, boy,” he said, “this is going to want to slip out, but you have to keep those ass muscles tight to make certain that doesn’t happen.” With that, he slid it in. I think that my eyes must have rolled back into my head at the feeling of such fullness. A little sigh of contentment passed through my lips, and Bud chuckled again. Once the dildo was in place, he smacked my ass, and said, “Remember, boy, it has to stay there.” Then, he moved around so that I was face to, well, monster cock. “Open wide, boy,” he said, “It’s time for the advanced course.” Coming soon, part 4.
    2 points
  27. Step-Dad Gets a Pig - Part 2 (thanks for the edits and the comment, Hotload84!) Bud smiled, and wiping his lubed fingers on his jockeys, he stood up and came to loom over me. I could see his enormous bulge straining at his briefs, and I remembered, as a kid, hearing my mom use the term 'monster cock', but the feeling from my ass was making it hard to focus on anything but how empty my ass was. He looked down at me and smiled, saying, "I've been waiting for this day for some time now, boy. I thought about it often enough, and almost jumped the gun a couple of times, but I realize that it is very important for your development that you understand that this is a choice, and that you are an adult, and aren't being manipulated or victimized, so that when you decide to embrace it, you know that it was your choice, okay?" My head was starting to spin, too much for me to really understand what he was saying, but I felt I had to acknowledge him somehow, so I grunted. He continued, "The choice is that you can either tell me to fuck off right now, and I'll leave and we'll forget this ever happened, or you can ask me to stay, but that means that you do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that I say. It's your choice." My head was spinning even harder now, and I was desperate for some physical contact to hang on to, so I started groping blindly in his direction, which is how I grabbed hold of his cock. My mom was right - it was a monster. He laughed and pulled my hand off, holding me firmly by the wrist, saying, "I need to hear the words, boy - either go or stay." I focused as hard as I could and gasped out "stay" - whatever he had planned couldn't be worse than this isolated, horny, bizarre spinning feeling. Bud feigned confusion, "Sorry, couldn't quite catch that..." I was sobbing again, the feelings of lust and emptiness so strong within me, and so I sobbed out a much louder and definite "Please stay". When he chuckled, it froze my blood - I had never heard him sound so...well...evil was the best way to describe it. He shucked his underpants, and his monster cock sprung free. Then he pulled my chin so that I was looking directly into his eyes, and said, "You asked for it, faggot." There was a tiny cricket voice in the back of my head that spoke up then, pointing out that when your supposedly straight, self-proclaimed redneck step-dad calls you "faggot", a sudden rush of arousal is not the typical response - you should be feeling fear or anger. But whatever Bud had done to my ass was rapidly spreading fire through my body, and I couldn't think clearly at all. It also might have had something to do with Bud's monster cock, which I was just seeing for the first time in 6 years. It was thick, and veined, and slightly paler than the skin that was exposed to the sun, straight as a rod, and thick as the handle of a tennis racket. I was having trouble focusing my eyes, so while I could see markings on it, possibly tattoos, I couldn't tell what they were. Bud pulled my chin again, forcing my eyes off his cock and into his own penetrating icy blue gaze. "Eyes up, boy", he said, "you aren't ready for that yet." I think that the sounds that emerged from me at that point could best be described as a whimper - I'm not certain, since I'd never made such a primal animal sound before. He gripped my chin even tighter. "You do everything I say, right?" he said, "that was the agreement." Again, that cricket voice piped up again, but I was on fire and knew that if I didn't get his fingers, or cock, or even the fucking bedpost into my ass soon, I was going to lose it - so I stomped on that little cricket in my head, and nodded my affirmation. He stared at me for a second, gauging something, then spat in my face. I would have jerked back, except for his tight hold on my chin. He kept the grip on, and with his other hand, he wiped the saliva into my face, into my pores. "Good boy," he said, his voice grumbling low in a way that went straight to my burning hole, "you barely flinched. Now stay put and don't move a muscle." Not moving a muscle when your body is on fire with lust and a prime specimen of manhood is walking away from you, monster cock hanging free, is more complicated than it sounds. But Bud had told me to do it, and I had agreed to do everything he said, so I held it together as best I could. Bud came back into view quickly, which meant that he couldn't have stepped away much further than my dresser. He returned with some items that I recognized from the porn that I watched secretly, a couple of dildos of various sizes and a butt-plug, I think it was. He also had a little brown bottle filled with liquid, and a mirror with some powder and a straw. At the site of this (I'm not totally stupid and naive) the Ziploc sound and the now overwhelming feeling of burning lust clicked together. "Booty bump", I croaked out, and he grinned a little. "So, boy," he said, grinning, "you aren't as innocent as all that. That's going to make this so much fucking easier." He pulled the Ziploc out, and I could see it was half full of crystal shards and half full of powder. "This, boy," he said, gesturing at the bag, "is meth, also known as Tina, XTina, or T. I, personally, call it pig feed. You are currently feeling it's effects, since I made sure to coat my fingers pretty heavily in powder the last two times I shoved them into your hole. That means, boy, that you are currently flying - but it gets so much better." While he spoke, he took the smaller of the two dildos, and drizzled some lube on it. He started rubbing the lube in, and my cock, though curiously limp, started tingling like he was rubbing the lube into my own skin. He finished lubing it up, and set it down on the flat end. He then looked into my eyes, and whatever he saw there must have encouraged him, because he said, "Okay, faggot, let's get started giving you what you asked for." Bud pulled me from my horizontal position into a sitting up position on the bed. Luckily, this allowed me to lean back into the wall that was behind me. Bud grabbed my dangling legs and shoved them onto the bed, which tilted me back enough to leave my hole accessible. I was still, well, "flying" was the term Bud used, by reality was gripping me tighter with each passing second. I was starting to accurately gauge the situation, and just beginning to freak out - and even more alarming was the fact that I was so freaked out by the fact that I wasn't really that freaked out. Bud reached for something I hadn't noticed before, four leather straps. Two of these he gently placed on my ankles and two on my wrists. He then hooked my ankles to my wrists, right to right and left to left. "Just in case," he smirked. I tested the restraints, and discovered all I could do in them was lift my legs higher and wider apart, leaving my hole more exposed. Bud picked up the lubed dildo, and rubbed it gently on my hole. I made a little noise at the back of my throat. He took the dildo, opened the Ziploc and swirled it around inside. He pulled it out and in the morning light I could see tiny shards and powder stuck to the lube. He then put the head of the dildo just at the opening of my hole, and left it there. I almost lost it, so close and yet miles away. He then picked up the bottle, and shook it. "A little more persuasion," he said, "I'm going to place the mouth of this bottle under your right nostril and close your left. You are going to inhale until I tell you to stop, got it? Then we'll do the other nostril." I nodded, because I couldn't think of any other response. Bud twisted open the top of the bottle, breaking the plastic seal. He covered my left nostril, and the bottle went under the right. I tried inhaling, but the unfamiliar chemical odor had me shying away. Bud held firm, and said, "I told you to inhale, faggot - now do it, and keep doing it until I tell you to fucking stop!" His sharp command brought me to my senses and I started drawing in huge breaths of this chemical haze into my nostril. After three or four deep inhalations, he switched nostrils. At this point, another unfamiliar lusty feeling was creeping over me, and I calculated that it was coming from that little brown bottle. I started inhaling deeper and deeper, only stopping when he pulled away. I laid back to enjoy the new sense of warm euphoria creeping over me, but I could hear the chuckle in his voice as he put the lid back on the bottle. "I was right - you were born for this, boy". The problem now was the dildo. I knew that it was just grazing my hole, because I was becoming more and more aware of it's presence every second, but Bud was making no move to insert it. Instead, he reached down for the mirror, and picked up the straw. "This," he said, gesturing at the powder on the mirror and in the little bag, "this is quality shit that I got from one of those Mexican garbage men who do our neighborhood. Remember, boy, Mexicans know their quality shit when it comes to narcotics." There were four lines on the mirror. "Two for you and two for me, boy." Bud said, "I'm just going to show you how it's done." He took the short straw and ran it along one of the lines of powder, inhaling sharply and sucking it up through the straw into his nose. Then he demonstrated on another. Then he took the straw, shoved it up my right nostril, and held the mirror underneath. Now, normally I wouldn't have dare to try, but I was feeling horny and messed up from that little brown bottle, so I mimicked Bud and inhaled. The powder flew up my nose, burning my nostril, nasal passages and sinuses. Before I could think, Bud swapped nostrils and lines, and I repeated the action. Now totally spun, when he held the mirror to my lips and said, "Lick it clean, boy", I was frantic to get the last little particles of powder, because it felt so fucking good. "Now", he said, pulling my desk chair to the middle of the room, and sitting down in it, "Now comes the fun part. I want to see you fuck yourself with that dildo. Technically, you could still be considered a virgin by some, with just finger penetration. So, I want to see you take your own virginity...you and you alone. Show me how much you want cock." Even through my euphoric fog, I could feel the doubt rising. Yeah, the dildo was just outside my hole, but I was restrained. How the fuck did he expect me to fuck myself? I made a couple desperate noises in the back of my throat, but Bud just sat back and started stroking his cock. Desperately, I tried to slide down on the dildo, but there was nothing to stop it from just sliding away. Then, I had a brainstorm - folding my leg so that it was at the end of the dildo to keep it from moving (which required some contortion) I got the dildo back to my hole, just barely inside it. Then, I slid up the wall as far as I could go, getting a higher angle on the dildo, and suddenly it all came together. The dildo, stuck to my hole, finally got upright underneath it, and I slid down onto it. If I had been a sober virgin, or not been restrained, I probably wouldn't have, as a virgin, taken the whole thing in one go. As it was, the sound that came out of me as it hit home was definitely a squeal. Bud leaned back in his chair, this shit-eating grin on his face, and said, "Fuck yeah, faggot." Coming soon - part 3
    2 points
  28. This story is inspired by a recent post by traindriver68 on his experience on the heath. Part one I had heard about Hampstead Heath and how wild it could be, but had never had a chance to go as I didn't live in London. To be honest, it also scared me a little as I knew what could happen, but at the same time it exerted a horrid fascination. Then one hot summer night I found myself staying overnight in London on business. Before I realised what I was doing, I took the tube and found myself on the edge of the heath. It wasn’t quite dark and there was enough light to see a path leading into the bushes. I followed it for a while, aware of some figures moving around me but I couldn’t find what I was looking for – the notorious “fuck tree”. I paused, my heart pounding in my chest and beginning to have serious doubts about what I was doing there. Did I really want this? My palms were sweaty with excitement and fear. Just as I determined to retrace my steps and get out of there a voice said “What’s up, you lost kid?” I turned to see a chubby, middle-aged guy wearing a leather waistcoat over his bare chest, leather jock strap and boots. Beside him was a taller, thin guy in denim shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. My throat was dry, but I nodded and managed a smile, my eyes fixed on the bulge in his jock. “Jesus, a newbie.” Croaked the second guy. They grinned and took my arms in theirs. “C’mon, we’ll show you the way.” We moved deeper into the heath, pushing through some bushes and into a clearing where an old tree had fallen on its side. It was packed with guys, sucking and fucking around the tree. I paused and felt my heart skip a beat. The chubby guy laughed. “Nasty, ‘ain’t it? You up for this?” “Here,” the other guy handed me a bottle of poppers. I took a deep sniff and felt the aroma sweep through me, melting my muscles and sweeping away my reluctance. They led me down into the crowd of sweaty, excited men. Many of them had stripped, and I was engulfed in sweaty naked bodies. There was a fat, balding man bent over the log being fucked by a younger guy in a baseball cap. I clearly saw the cock going in and out of his arse and there was no condom in sight. The thin guy handed me the poppers, then pulled my head down and levered his cock out of his shorts. It was dripping pre-cum and I eagerly lapped it up. I could sense we were becoming the centre of attraction and a number of hands began to caress my body and tug at my jeans. The chubby guy in the leather jockstrap squeezed my hand. “Easy kid, don’t be scared.” He whispered and his hands loosened my belt buckle, allowing my jeans and underwear to be tugged down by the denizens around us. I found myself being pulled over to the tree, and just managed to step out of my jeans and underpants before I tripped. Gently, but firmly I was bent over the log beside the fat guy lying there who put an arm over my shoulder and began to kiss me. Someone got in front of me and offered me a stubby cock which I began to suck. But as I felt the warm night air on my naked backside I asked myself what was I doing? Someone smeared lube into my arsehole, and I jumped with surprise, now scared and unsure of what I wanted. The fat man’s arm held me down. “Easy, son” he said “ Let them breed you.” I asked for poppers and as the chemical swept through me I felt a thick cock begin to open me up. I reached back and felt the bare shaft as it slowly slid up me, and groaned in surrender. I heard a low chuckle and looked back to see the chubby guy in the leather jockstrap riding me. He had discarded the waistcoat and I saw he had two tattoos on his chest of a scorpion and a biohazard symbol. He leant over me and began thrusting hard and animal like into me until I felt his cock stiffen and throb and he grunted like a pig. “Oh yeah,” He gasped. “No turning back now, kid!”
    1 point
  29. If you were paying attention to the news some ten years ago, you know the town and the school I went to. It was that school in the Northeast where 14 teen girls all got pregnant at around the first time. It was a huge story locally, but it got national attention when it was rumored that they'd all made a pact to get knocked-up over the Summer. There was outrage from all sides. It was never proven that there was an actual conspiracy among the girls, but most everybody in the country thought so. They needed to believe the worst. I was a senior that year and can tell you some things that weren't reported. None of these preggos were even remotely cute. They were all skanks. The girls were all kinda dumpy and not real bright. They smoked cigarettes between classes and had started partying in junior high. The pretty girls all hoarded their virtues as they eyed a fabulous future and a rich, handsome husband. I'm not making any of this up. I was at ground zero. I was kind of nobody back then. I was the assistant editor of our school newspaper. I still remember the morning when the superintendent gathered us in his office and said to try and print one word about this scandal. He was the verge of an ulcer as it was and didn't want us to be another problem. He and the principal were ducking CNN reporters every day. My calculus teacher said that there was a camera man on his front porch one night. Another girl talked to "60 Minutes" on camera and was suspended. It was chaos. My closest friend back then was the senior editor, and he was working himself up into a frenzy. I liked Robbie, nut he was an asshole. We shared a love of current events and writing. He had groomed himself to be the next Rush Limbaugh. I was extremely liberal and our debates were intense. At least we both agreed that birth control should be free and separation of church and state was important. We both smoked. When he wanted to sneak a cig, he'd just say "let's go sell ad space". That was our secret code. We'd get in his car, drive around and smoke before eating a bunch of breath mints before going back to class. He never had girlfriends -- mainly because he was obnoxious and pretty fat. He was okay with it because he was so dedicated to building his brand. I wandered if he suspected I was gay since I was a big advocate for homosexual rights. He was on the fence about my views. "Did you hear what that one sophomore said during our staff meeting? That girl with the glasses?" "Her name is Trisha. She is super smart." She really was...had even skipped a grade. "She's a communist, vegetarian bitch. She tried to ignite the whole 'freedom of speech' shit again. It's my job as editor to nip that in the bud. I don't need to piss off the bosses when I have a chance to go to West Point." Seriously? He would never pass the physical. "You gonna be the editor of West Point's newspaper?" He huffed. "There's not going to be any print news in a few years. It's all digital media now. I should have told that bitch to just get an anonymous blog if she wanted her freedom of press. I am so careful on the computer and you should be too...everybody is watching us." I only emailed my grandma and watched silly videos on youtube. I had plenty of opinions but no desire to shout them at strangers. How Robbie didn't -- I had no idea. I was one of the few people who even listened when he talked. "I think I might major in literature." I just wanted to get him pissed off. "Joseph!" (everybody called me Joey, but Robbie never did) "Do you want to end up as a teacher in a shit hole like this? Get an engineering degree. You're good at math." He pulled into the parking lot a van that said 'NBC' on the side. It was empty. The newest rumor was that it was one dude had impregnated all the girls. And also that he was black. And HIV+. Homeless. None of this was probably true. The females in my class were Facebook addicts. Three of them were suspended for discussing 'this issue'. The sperm-giver supposedly lived in the park near my house. I was interested now. The source of the story was practically in my backyard...maybe. Or not. "Hey, Robbie -- I think I'm gonna skip the afternoon and go home. Take notes in Civics for me." What was I thinking? The semester had only barely begun and the rest of my classes for the day were mostly easy. I needed to get away, needed to think. I saw many news vans on my street. The 'culprit in the park' story had apparently leaked already. I was curious to see if any famous reporters were wandering around the park. I'd barely gone through the entrance when some guy in a ABC windbreaker came up to me. "Hi. I'm Phil Bridgeman from 'Good Morning America'. Are you a student at G.H.S.?" I didn't recognize him. "Yeah, but I can't make any comments." "I can make you an 'anonymous source'. Please???" "Well...maybe. Don't describe me in any way. I will be filling out college applications in a few months and don't want to piss off the administration here." "Can I record our conversation? I'm a terrible note-taker. It's just for me and not meant for air." I agreed, but never told him my name -- lust in case. "So I guess you're here because of the latest rumor." "Yeah. Let's go sit over here and talk." We settled at a picnic table and he brought out his little pocket tape recorder. It looked very Wal-Mart and not professional at all. He was maybe in this mid 30's and not bad looking...maybe Italian. He had that Fonzie nose and a bit of facial stubble. "You're not on camera ever?" "No. Not yet. I hope I am sometime quick before I lose more hair." "Oh. Isn't that William guy bald?" I watched Good Morning America when there wasn't school. "Yeah, but he's got a 'morning personality'. I don't look like a guy people want to see first thing in the morning. Anyway...what's it like being in your school right now?" "It's a distraction, but people are getting tired of it." "Do you know any of the pregnant girls personally?" "I know them as classmates, but not as friends." "Oh. That's too bad -- we're all trying to figure out why they would do this." "I've been wondering that too. My buddy thinks it's because they all want little dolls to play with, but I'm not so sure. There has to be more to it...don't you think?" "Conservative media thinks it's because they don't have fathers at home and because liberal schools are teaching sex ed." "Ugh. Sounds like my dad. He blames MTV as well." "Do they teach sex ed at G.H.S.?" "No. There's health class and biology, but nothing specifically about sex. Most everybody lost their virginity by freshman year anyway." "Have you?" "I'm not telling you anything personal, Todd." "Sorry. I am always full of questions....occupational hazard." He switched off his recorder and put it in his pocket. "It's okay. I guess I'm not going to be much help." "No. I think this whole 'blame game' angle is the one I'll go with." "I think it's ignorance too....an unawareness of consequences. I'm starting to think it's a rebellion issue as well. We're all trying to prove how mature we are. I only started smoking because I knew my parents would not approve. I spent a lot of years trying to spite them. Maybe if I had the anatomy, I'd have gotten knocked up too." I felt I could speak freer now that it wasn't on tape. Todd looked at me for a long moment. "That's good. You're onto something." "But there's the erotic element too. They want a fuck that actually counts for something...fulfills a fantasy. It's what they think 'love' is." "Wow. You're a good analyst. The girls are submitting to a dick full of dna that will turn them into someone else." "Exactly. It's hot if you think about it." He looked at me, puzzled. "Uh...yeah. We're all just mammals with a need to mate. Is that what you mean?" "Yeah. I don't think that's a groundbreaking story, though. I think you guys are wasting your time here." "But there's an angle somewhere. What about the homeless black guy who was the breeder?" "I doubt it. I've lived here my whole life and never saw a homeless person." "Let alone a black person. This area is solid white. Would you ever go out with a minority?" "I don't know. Probably. This off the record: I've never even gone out with a girl." "A guy?" "No! Why did you even ask that?!" "Sorry. I have an instinct for things. It's not offensive...I'm gay." He waited until I'd absorbed that piece of information. "My lover is black and travels with me sometimes. He's too afraid to leave the hotel because there's a racist vibe here -- no offense." "You're right. He's right. We're not as bad as Boston, but it's not easy for anyone different around here." "Oh look -- there's that guy from 'A Current Affair'. Total jerk." I lit up a cigarette. "Your school day is almost over. I should go to the parking lot and try to get some more quotes." "Go stake out the area behind the industrial arts building...that's where the stoners gather. They'll have an opinion and don't care about getting suspended." "That's a great tip! Look -- I don't know how many more days I'll be here, but let me give you my room number. I want to talk again." Yes. OK. "Um...Todd...This is off the record, but I'm gay too." "I kinda knew that. Any dude going to that school full of sluts and has never been laid? I won't say a word." He wrote down his room's phone number and bummed a smoke. We walked out and went separate ways. I felt weird. I'd never 'come out' to anyone before, but I just confessed it all to a national reporter. I was probably insane. I went to my room and listened to a CD by some woman named 'Katy Perry'. Robbie was in love with her and had magazine photos of her taped up in his locker. He practically demanded that I buy this music. I ended up really liking it. It's hard to believe that was a decade ago. Dad came home and was in a terrible mood. "I'm going to buy a gun, I swear. This town has gone bonkers. That Geraldo Rivera guy just wandered into the firm today and started asking questions. Smug bastard...he's older than he looks on TV too." Mom brought him a drink and retreated back to the kitchen. My dad had a bad temper and none of us wanted to witness the fury. "What the hell is going on at that school of yours? Ed told me they're going to start giving out birth control to anybody that asks...with no parental consent." "I didn't hear that. There's a lot of false information right now. We're all just waiting for it to blow over." "Good goddamn luck. Be sure to thank your hero Clinton for this. Those little whores are going to be sucking at the taxpayer's teat for years." I'd once made the mistake of telling I was a Democrat and he was beside himself. I probably took five years off of his life that day. "I'll bet nobody is learning anything at that school right now." "It's just a distraction, but I just took a test in Physics and got an A." Lie. I actually got a C+, but wanted him to calm down a little. White lies are exactly that. They benefit all involved. "Well, good. I hope you get into M.I.T. and invent a ray gun that sterilizes kids by just aiming it at their crotches. Bring one to me." He was in rare form tonight. Still mad, but also exhausted. "To hell with it...tell your mother I'm not hungry and need to sleep." He loosened his tie and went upstairs. The energy in the room changed dramatically. Mom stepped back into the room. Our moods always brightened when he retreated to somewhere private to be alone with a bottle and his paperback thrillers. "I'll make BLTs for us. Want to come keep me company?" "Sure." "Your father is leaving town tomorrow and will gone for three days. I can make that spicy fried chicken we had on your birthday. Or we can go out to eat. We can go to the mall or a movie. Let's have a fun day. Just us. You will be leaving for college before we know it." "Sounds great. Can we do it tomorrow?" "Tomorrow's a Friday -- you have school." "Can you excuse me from classes...just this once?" I knew she would. My attendance had never been a problem. Ever. "OK. I'll tell them you're running a fever. Just fake it good enough at breakfast so that your father doesn't get mad. After he's gone, we don't have to worry until next week." She seemed to be happy to conspire with me. "Is this all because of the scandal?" "Yeah. It's a pain in the butt just listening to all the whispering. We can't even report it in the paper. Robbie wants me to draw an editorial cartoon that hints at it but is too subtle to get us in trouble. Tall order." "The things you kids have to deal with these days..." "It'll pass. Mom, were you happy when you got pregnant?" She paused while slicing a tomato. "Yes! Oh my, yes! I was a little scared too. We were both thrilled, and your dad was overjoyed when we found it I was carrying a boy." "Was it..." I couldn't ask my own mother she agreed with any of the theories Todd and I had pondered in the park. "I mean... WHY did it make you happy?" "I wanted to be a mother. We tried to have you for almost a year. I wanted a Spring birth, but embryo Joseph had his own schedule." I let the subject drop. We ate and talked about pleasant, mundane things. As I helped her clean up, she mentioned how tired she was. "Why don't you go to bed early?" "Oh I will...in the guest room. I don't want to deal with him until morning." She fried her hands and we left the kitchen. "Don't forget to act sick in the morning." "OK. Good night." It was only a little after 8 PM and I was all alone in the large house. It's funny how life-changing moments can start so small and so quiet. I wanted to call Todd and talk to him, hear his voice. I had no idea why...or did I? I waited until after 9:30 to sneak back downstairs and use the living room phone. I had a cell phone, but didn't want the number to appear on the bill my parents paid. Family Plan. "Hello?" "Todd?" "Yeah. Is this my anonymous source?" "Yep. Did I wake you?" "What? No. We just got back from dinner and were going to hit the bar for awhile. Want to join us?" "Yeah. I have to sneak out. You're at The Crescent?" "Uh huh. Room 301. See you in a few." Oh shit. Did I just set something in motion I'd regret? Probably. Too late now. I changed clothes and combed my hair. Aftershave? No. Not now. Not tonight. I wore a M.I.I. sweatshirt so I wouldn't need a jacket. I went quietly out the front door and had a smoke on the porch. My car was at the curb and it looked so innocent, with no idea where I was going. The Crescent was a nice place and there were so many news vans in the parking lot. The scandal had been good for our local economy. I think I saw a few famous reporters in the lobby, but they had all started looking the same lately. TV people all share a quality I couldn't identify. His room was right outside the elevator. I knocked and a well-built black man answered the door. "Are you Deep Throat?" "Uh..." "Just kidding. Come on in. Todd's getting all fixed up, and I can see why. You made an impression on him." He had a friendly smile. There was a fat gold ring in his right ear. This guy probably worked out constantly. "Hi. I'm...I'm Joe." "Yeah. I'll just call you Deep Throat. Help yourself to the mini-bar and I'll go check on Todd." I opened the fridge and picked out a tiny bottle of vodka. It probably cost nine bucks, but ABC was picking up the tab. Serves 'em right for ever airing "Full House". I could hear their voices from behind the bathroom door. I had a really good sense of hearing that might be genetic because everybody in our house kept the volume down on the TV, and radio. I seldom listened to anything with headphones because I was afraid to miss things happening around me. I heard snippets of conversation from the two men. They both had deep voices that were purposely trying to mute a little. The vodka was gone and I grabbed another. I figured ABC had to pay for "Family Matters" as well. Then they both entered the room. Here he is, Jim...looking all pretty for you!" Jim? It was probably good he didn't remember my real name. Todd looked different than he did in the park, younger. I stood up and said "hi". We didn't shake hands. "I guess you finished your homework already. Glad you could come over." Sit and we'll have a drink and talk. This is my lover, Jack. He's rude." "Hi again Todd. He wasn't rude at all." "You see? I told you I was nice to the little guy." I finished the second tiny bottle of vodka. It burned a little...I could see why people mixed it with juice and stuff." "Well, have another snoot and we'll go down to the bar. There's a bartender there that Jack is in love with." It was nice to see a couple kid with each other. My parents were always very cordial with one another...they were constantly trying to avoid confrontation and debate. Todd fetched me the last of the vodka. I thanked him and tried to make some meaningful eye contact. I maybe could have if I knew how to do such things. Jack on I sat in chairs while Todd sat on the edge of the bed and considered the laces on his boots. Jack seemed very interested in me. "You're 18, right? We could get in trouble for giving you liquor. I am so done with police. So done with judges and jail and shit." "I turned 18 three weeks ago. And I don't have school tomorrow...you news people have shut us down." "Jack's a chef...not a leech like me. But I bet you don't mind a three day weekend. I've got more of the story to share with you. Your tip about talking to that stoner crowd paid off big...I even got a quote from one of the fathers." "Cool. Happy to help. Was it that guy with the neck tattoo?" "I'll fill you in on everything later. It's time to move downstairs." He and Jack fussed with each other about who had a key card for the door. I wanted a cigarette. The bar was sparsely populated at that moment. Todd mentioned that the story had peaked already and about a third of the reporters had left. Finally. I was in a good mood despite the urgent need for nicotine. Jack made us sit in the area where he could scan the bar for an appearance by his crush. A chubby waitress with a Baltimore accent took our drink orders and didn't even ask for my I.D. Todd looked like a million dollars and I was suddenly feeling like a 13 yr. old girl. He'd be one of the teachers all the female students would flirt with. Jack wasn't so bad to look at either, but I didn't completely trust him. "You switched to beer, Deep Throat?" "Yeah. Why do you call me that?" "Wishful thinking on his part." Todd was giving him a displeased look. "Nah, man. It's from Watergate. You probably don't know about all that." I sort of did, but just the basics. "He's smart...top of the class.One of the pot heads told me might be valedictorian." "Doubt it. My friend Robbie is probably going to beat me out. What else did those tell you?" "So much. I'm gonna get a promotion after this. Go get us some shots, Jack. Maybe your bartender will be there." Jack got up and left. I lit a cigarette even though I wasn't entirely sure we were in the smoking section. "Spill it, Todd. I want to know what you found out." He helped himself to a cig from my pack. "What do you want to know, Joey? I described you and they all knew your name. I won't use it. One of the future dads is Ronnie and he told me that he and one of the pregnant ladies was who he dated off and on. One of his quotes was 'she can't hit me up for child support because I don't got nothing.' He said he liked a warm place to put his cock in." "Yeah. I remember him. I tutored him in basic algebra, but I might as well have tried to teach a squirrel to speak French." "They also told me you interviewed them about drug abuse last year." "Yep, but I was cool about it. My angle was that it wasn't really an 'abuse'. Some kids drink early in life and some prefer pot. It was just a vice, a coping mechanism for people dealing with high school hell." "That's good. You're like me...searching for an approach that's not obvious. But I haven't told you the really big news. Are you ready? There actually IS a a homeless guy in the park, and he really has fucked some of the girls. He's not black, though. Just a dark Mexican guy. AND he has AIDS! Can you believe that?!" "Wow." "Does AIDS scare you?" "Maybe. I don't think about it much." "Jack and I are both HIV+. We both agreed to wait until one of us started showing symptoms before going on meds. What are you thinking?" "Uh...I don't know. Why did you tell me all that?" "I thought I'd tell you everything in case we all had some fun tonight. Interested?" Yes. "Sure. Where's Jack with our shots?" Just I finished asking that question, a new waitress came up with a tray of shot classes and a fresh beer. "Your negro buddy sent this over. He's a talker, that one." I had no idea what the shots were. I just downed one and let the fire spread over me. It had taken me a while, but I was finally a rebellious teen. I thought of my dad in some different city, knowing nothing. "Here..have mine too. I want to write tonight. I have an exclusive interview with Miguel -- the homeless sperm donor." "Where are you meeting him?" "Here. I got him a room on the third floor. My video guy is on his way....might even join us tonight. He's gay too, but I don't know if he's poz or not." The story was turning inside out now. Mom was sleeping right now and Dad was probably drinking...with no clue what I was in the middle of. Jack finally returned to our table. "He's not working tonight, I guess. His name is Lloyd and engaged to get married. Idiot. It's still pretty early...why aren't we rowdy yet?" "God, you're such a frat boy. I was just telling him about my successful day." "Let's celebrate! We agreed to show you a good time tonight...NYC style." "I'm pretty buzzed, man.' "Buzzed isn't going to cut it, Deep Throat." Todd's cell rang. "It's the network. Hold on." He walked a few feet away and answered the call. I sat there with Jack. "You ever been fucked by a man?" "What? No! Never!" "Then how do you know you're gay? Gay guys fuck." He was definitely an asshole. "I just turned 18, okay. It's not like this place is full of gay bars and bath houses." "Yeah yeah. I lost my cherry when I was fifteen and I wasn't nearly as cute as you." "Did it hurt?" "Definitely. I almost destroyed the first ass I plowed...and I'm not all that endowed. Not like Todd. Dude's got a giant cock. The camera guy, Nate, is new to me. He might be hung for all I know." Todd finally returned. "They are so psyched that I have the homeless guy for an exclusive. They are going to love me. Oh look! There's Nate." He saw us and walked to the table. Tall and bearded with a lip piercing. Hot. I imagined each one of them naked. Reflex. "Damn, Todd. This is a nice hotel. You must be moving up. What's everybody drinking? I'll get a round." He didn't wait for an answer -- just headed for the bar. I wasn't so sure I could drink any more booze." I watched him walk. Nice butt. "The call was from Mr. Matthews. He wants me to get the culprit's face on camera. We might have to him stoned first." "How?" I'd never smoked weed in my life. I thought it would kill my drive. Robbie offered me some once, but I declined. "We didn't fly here. We drove. It's inside one of my bags. You can't be too careful in airports." Nate returned with four cocktails and passed them around. "Is this kid even old enough to be here?" "Yeah. He's legal, Nate. Sit down." Jack said something about wishing there was music playing. "We're not at a club, you big queen. Be cool." "Why? You two are gonna talk shop and just leave me and Deep Throat just sitting here. Not that I mind." "'Deep Throat'? Wow...I'm late to the party." "He's a student at Conception High School. He's been a big help. You know better than to listen to anything Jack says. I haven't see Miguel since he checked in. He's probably just happy to have a shower and a bed. Let's get there before 10:30. I'm gonna offer him a little smoke-able truth serum. See how that goes." Jack and I continued to drink as Todd studied his phone and Nate went back to his room to get the camera. They went off to a separate table to plan the shoot and conspire. As much as I liked him, this guy had a story to get and a career to boost. "I'm used to this. What do you of Nate? He's not a bad guy." "I like the beard." Bearded men are almost always attractive to me. There must have been a movie or TV show as a kid that planted that particular fetish in my brain. Way back when there was just a trace of testosterone seeping into my system. "Todd had a mustache when we first met. I can take facial hair or leave it. We bonded over weed and kink." "Kink?" You'll find out later. We got left on prom night. Are you pissed off?" No. Maybe a little. I don't know." "Let's leave them to their work shit. We can raid the mini-bar and watch HBO or something." I finished my drink and stood up. I maybe shouldn't have come here. I bumped my shoulder on the door frame on our way out. "Ow!" "Dang, boy...You a lightweight. Need help?" "No no. I'm fine. That was embarrassing, though." as the elevator went up, Jack touched by butt. We passed the third floor where the breaking story was going down. "I been wearing these clothes all day...mind if I change?" I shook my head as we entered the room. "The remote is on top of that desk. Find something smutty on cable." He went to the bathroom and closed the door. OK. I found an imported beer in the fridge and cracked it open. He was running the shower in there. Or maybe it was the sink. I found "American Gigolo" which I think I saw once. You can see Richard Gere's limp dick in this. HBO was showing something about a handicapped kid. Jack walked out of the bathroom, wearing just a white robe. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed to freshen up my stuff a little." "It's OK. There's not a plethora of smut on TV tonight." "Richard Gere. I saw him in person once...wearing a fur coat and looking like a wealthy queen. Doesn't do much for me." "I like this movie only because they play a Blondie Song. Good group." "I met Debby Harry at an AIDS charity thing. Bitch is in her late 50's now. But way cool. And short." New York must be a magical place. "I...I can try to find another movie." "Never mind. Go get me something from the mini-bar. You decide what." He had loosened his robe a little. I chose a little bottle of gin. He seemed like a guy who liked gin. "Good man. Drink your beer and let me ask you some stuff." I had a surprise boner that was testing the fly of my jeans. "This one's almost empty. I'll get another." I did and kicked off my shoes, and joined him on the bed. His dick was so close to being exposed. So close. "Settle back. What's going through your mind right now?" "Not much. What did you want to ask me?" "You a virgin, right? Todd assumed you were." Shit. I thought he'd start with questions about my hobbies or something. "Yes. I am. I probably will be for a few more years." "I doubt that. You ever think about black men...you ever been kissed by one? Think you'd like that?" "Well...I probably would like that, Jack. " I could have waited for him to make the move, but I just leaned over and put a big kiss on his fat, fleshy lips. It was electric for me. We stayed in a sloppy lip lock for over a minute. Our faces were covered with warm saliva. I almost had an orgasm right then. "OK then! Nice. Take your clothes off, baby." Let me look at you." I did just that as he slipped the robe off. I was down to my socks as I saw his healthy hard-on stick straight into the air. I took one last glug from the beer and jumped back in the bed next to him. His arms were huge and muscular. I kissed his biceps and shoulders. "You are beautiful, Jack." "I know. I work on this body so I can keep my Sugar Daddy. Todd's OK, but we are not meant to be. Want me to show you some things?" "YES!" "Good answer. Suck on this cock for a while." It was so perfect...I swear it could be in an art museum. I licked it up and down and tasted soap. The head was the color of a bruise and a tiny teardrop of clear fluid was leaking from the piss hole. I took the whole thing in my mouth and tried to move down the shaft. 'Try' being the key word. Turns out my gag reflex was untested and fighting my desires. "Slow down. I guess your throat ain't all that deep after all. Take your time." I felt so greedy. I wanted his fat, brown shaft to fill my throat. I needed air so I pulled away and gasped for oxygen. "I'm new at this. But thanks for letting me do that, Jack." "OK. My turn to do something for you. Lie back. I lied there completely naked as his dark, muscular body covered mine. It was like a hot, porn fever dream. He moved down and spread my legs. He was tonguing my ass while jacking my dick. Wow. I was excited, scared and lost in pleasure. I'd never felt anything like that...hadn't even imagined it. Was this really happening?? He used his strength to just flip me on my stomach. He continued rimming me until I thought I couldn't it any longer. "You like that, Jim?" "God yes! Can I do that to you too?" "Later. I got to fuck that little bubble butt now. Let's try it with no condom on at first. You agree to that?" Did I? Yes. "This is going to hurt, isn't it?" He didn't answer because he was too busy rooting through his duffel bag. Maybe he was going to put on a rubber after all. Nope. He was greasing his fat dick with some lube I never caught a glimpse of. He worked a few oily fingers into my hole. "You're tight as hell, but pretty relaxed from my tongue.This probably won't hurt too much. Just relax and be patient...it'll feel so good eventually. " He lowered his body down and prodded my ass with that cock of his. Exciting! I tried to open my whole body to the experience. He jabbed my hole and I thought I'd die. Damn! "Ow! No, Jack. Let's stop for a second." My forehead was covered with sweat. "Relax. Open up for me as best you can." He had no intention of pulling out, and kept moving in. And then SLAM! Jack was all the way inside me. His hairy pubes were soft on my butt cheeks. "Shh. You're about to feel really good." He was right. My body had recovered from the stab of pain...and gave over to the delights of being fucked. He went at even pace and his hot breath warmed the back of my neck. He was an expert at this...he knew all the buttons to push and all the switches to flip. I shuddered as if I was cold. I came all over the bed. His dick must have enjoyed my shuddering and clenching because he was moaning and pumping even faster. I understood why couples videotaped themselves having sex...I so badly wanted to see his super muscular butt bucking up and down on top of me. I had just come, but my dick was getting hard again. As my mind was traveling the stars above, he said "Shit! It's all yours now, baby." His seed was a part of my future. This was the feeling so many people craved -- a mixture of pleasure, surrender and the feeling that your life was different now. "Wow. You're amazing, Jack. I mean...wow." We each composed ourselves a little. "You OK? Need the bathroom?" "Maybe. Yeah. I'll be right back." I was fine, but I needed a little time alone to process everything. The soreness down there was bearable and also pleasant in a weird way. I guess it was good that it was done, and there's no way I could make a different choice. There was another white robe on a hook in the bathroom. I put it on. I needed a cigarette, but I'm pretty sure this was a non-smoking room. "Everything okay? I got you another beer." I put my clothes back on. "You leaving already? I feel so cheap!" He was chuckling at his own joke. "I just need a smoke. Be right back." The elevator stopped on the way down and Nate stepped in carrying an impressive video camera. "You're going home? It's not even 1 yet." "Nah. I need a cigarette." "Cool...can I join you?" We stepped outside the hotel and stood near a big standing ashtray filled with clean white sand. "How'd the interview go?" "Oh man! We got some great stuff. This guy finally decided that he didn't want his face shown, and I don't blame him. He'd be hunted down and killed. Dude is dumb as hell, but he at least knew that much. Hell...I better go edit all this stuff now. Be cool and drive safe." The word 'safe' seemed kind of ridiculous now. A few minutes later I went back through the lobby and ran into Todd. "Well..what have we got here?" He had a devilish smile. "Oh. I uh..." "I went back to the room and the whole place smelled like sex. It's okay. I'm not mad at either of you...just wish I would have been your first. How does it feel?" "Fine. Good, actually." "Let's go somewhere. I found a little secret place on my way to Miguel's room." The place he found was a small utility room on the third floor. "It's not exactly very clean or comfortable here, but there's a lock on the door." I knew where this was going. So be it. "Can you handle another dick in you so soon? This dick right here?" He'd fished his meat out through the zipper. It was bigger than Jack's, but not as pretty. It was so heavily-veined that it looked as if earthworms were climbing up from the base. "Yeah. It's an interesting dick you got there, Todd." "Why not get a closer look?" I was down on my knees so fast. I guess I could have played along and pretended to study it, but the time for coy games had long since passed. I started kissing and licking it. It didn't get any prettier as it became fully hard. "That's it. Yeah. Take that cock, kid." He grabbed the back of my head and humped my face. His technique wasn't as smooth as his lover's. I didn't mind. I'd already discovered the joys of submitting to a man's dick. Giving myself away.... He bent me over a large cardboard box full of something solid and heavy, and pulled down my pants. This was decidedly less sexy than being in a bed. He probed my ass with two fingers. "Damn. You're still lubed up. Jack's pretty good at that. Let me fuck his load deeper into you and add my own. Want that, Joey? Of course you do. Lower yourself down just a bit...like you're about to kneel down and pray. Stick your ass a little. Like that. Yeah." And then there was that familiar feeling of his cock head prodding my hole. There was nothing smooth or seductive about his approach to this. He just kept pushing and trying to get inside. It occurred to me that it was part of my punishment for not letting him fuck me first...or for having sex with his boyfriend. I just knew he was making me pay. Or maybe he thought it's what I wanted. I yelped once. He hit a spot up in me that Jack didn't or couldn't reach. Todd was crazy with angry lust and just kept thrusting like I was a blow-up doll or something. I wasn't really enjoying this physically. Mentally, however, it was exciting to imagine two different strains of HIV entering my bloodstream. It would go through my brain and heart and do its thing. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the bug, the sex bug. "Gonna come in you now!" He grabbed my shoulders and made one final thrust. "Oh FUCK!" It was over. He pulled out of me and zipped his fly. "Wow. I'll remember that forever, Todd." "You have no idea. Sorry I was a little impatient...I just wanted to breed you so bad. Let's decide now that Jack's cum wasn't enough to impregnate you, but my potent sperm hit the bull's eye. Keep thinking that. I will." "Yeah. I like that idea." "I think I've got another special surprise lined up for you. A gift. Stay here a minute and I'll be right back." He left and closed the door behind him. I pulled my pants up and tried to look normal. The room was weird and I looked around for something, anything to occupy myself with. An ice cold beer would have been nice. Maybe Todd wasn't coming back. "OK." He came back in to our secret room. "Think you can handle another load? Miguel wants a blow job, and neither Nate or I would do it. Ethics and all. But I just told him about you and he liked the idea...especially because you're young and don't have any facial hair. He's a little sleazy, but all cleaned up. You need to taste the same cum that knocked-up some of your schoolmates. You game?" "Why not? I'm a professional slut now." "Good. He's in room # 312 and the door is wedged open a little. Just go in there and say 'Hi'. He'll tell you what to do. I don't think he wants to fuck your ass, though. Seed is seed, ya know? Jack and I have a poz friend who claims he's only ever sucked dick in his life. Maybe bite your tongue or something. Oh wait. Never mind." He kissed me deeply, passionately. The he bit my lower lip and sucked on my tongue fiercely. It was so hot until he clamped his teeth down on the tip.YOW! I knew what he was doing. My mouth was prepped for yet another toxic load. "Thanks, man. I think I'm ready now." "Almost." He stuck two hairy fingers between my lips and drug his nails across my gums and the insides of my cheeks. "Now you're ready. Room 312...just go on in. He's expecting you. I'll be here a few more days. Call again. Here's my business card. Keep in touch, please." I nodded and left. The hallway was silent. I made a mental note of the pattern on the carpet and the way the sconces made little pools of amber light. If only the room was further away. It was right there...a little sliver of TV light was creeping out of the crack in the door. OK. It was time. I knocked softly and went inside. "Miguel? Hi. I'm Jim." He was completely naked and lying on top of the bed. Flat on his back. You can't control the first thing people notice about you. I noticed what a sweet, delicate shade of pink the soles of his feet were. The rest of him was dark brown and hairy. His hair was longish and his beard was so thick and full. His eyes were dark, glistening. "Jim? OK. You like to suck the dick, yes? And you go to the school where some of my girls go?" "Yes. I've been wanting to meet you." "That's good. Get us some tequila from that ice box. TV is paying for it." I did what he requested. Never tasted tequila that I can remember. I handed him the little bottle and opened my own. It stung the little wounds Todd had made in my mouth. "So you live in the park?" "Not now. I'm living here as long as they let me. And then...and then I will go South. I got some cousins in Tupelo, Alabama. Shame to leave this place though, cuz there is so much willing pussy here. And I always need to fuck." He was stroking his nice slab of dark meat. "I'm sort of famous too. I should write a book, but my English is not so well." "I can help you. I'm a writer...or I want to be." "Good. Leave your phone and address with me. Can't use my real name." "Oh I know. I just want to be a part of your story and have you be a part of mine." "Yes. Good. Go bring us more booze. I don't care what." I brought back six or seven mini bottles and bravely lied down next to him. "You are very handsome. Your babies will be so cute. I know some of the mamas." " I always wanted a family...not this way, but there are not many ways for a guy like me. Especially now that there is a sickness in my balls." His dick was rock hard and sticking straight up. It was even darker than Jack's. Almost completely black. "You think this is handsome also?" He flashed a grin. I understood how so many girls had submitted to him and taken his seed. "Let's drink a little more and then you put your mouth there. We watched TV and glugged down the liquor. It was some MTV series with beautiful, young people staying at a beach house. It was practically porn, but everybody's clothes were on. Boring. I just looked at him jerking off that big cock. "What would you like to be in the book?" "Really? You really going to write it? Give me money when it sells?" "I promise. I'll give you half." "You are so good. I'm sorry but I won't fuck you in the culo . I don't never do that." "It's cool, Miguel. I'll do whatever you want. You set the limits." "Yes. You know what I won't do now...do some of your gay stuff. Want to lick my asshole?" "Yes. I do." "Just do what you want." I leaned over and kissed his hot, hard dick. He sighed loudly. I'd already sucked two dicks in the last three hours...I had a knack for it now. I knew my gag reflex had to be conquered. I amazed him (and myself) by taking the whole dick in my mouth. It was in my throat, hitting spots I didn't know about. If he shot his load now, it would fill my lungs. So be it. He was so verbal. "Fuck! I never want you to stop! Tomar mi semen! Swallow now! Mierda!!!" He let a long rope of cum shoot into my mouth. I made a point of swishing the fluid around over my gums. It was strong-tasting, salty and thick. No wonder he impregnated so many wombs. He lifted his softening cock out of my mouth and the last drops of hot semen soaked his pubes. It was completely white with tiny swimmers. Fertile man. He was sleepy, and I left. I thought about everything. My state of mind was of no importance. I had to go home and sneak back into my room. No time for regrets or sadness. Or anger. All those emotions were useless. I felt some blood in my underwear. I was leaking. Mom and I spent Friday together as my ass continued to drip. We'd see heavily-pregnant women walking around in the mall, and I knew something about them and also about me. We all got seeded because we caved in. We all shared a secret willingness to let a dick change our lives. (to be continued)
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  30. It has been about ten years since I graduated from college and I guess that's why this encounter entered my mind recently. I used to jerk off to the memory of it for awhile, but thankfully my lust for barebacking and cummy adventures has filled my brain with lots of spankable material. Still, when I think back to this occasion, I still get pretty hard. I was a Resident Assistant for two years in college and I loved it because not only am I social person, but also because I got to have my own room and bathroom. It was the perfect situation for me as at that time I was a 'straight' college student at a big southern state school - a way to get to know a bunch of people but still get my own privacy when I needed it. Of course I principally needed a private room so I could jerk off. If I needed to fuck and dump a load in a nice ass, I went online and found a bottom somewhere in the vicinity who needed to be bred and who could also host. I don't exactly know when I became a barebacker, although looking back I suppose the attraction stemmed from my first anal experience. I frequently went to an adult book store to get head through a glory hole. I had discovered the ABS in my freshman year. It was far from campus so I wasn't all that concerned about running into anyone I knew from school, and as I was usually successful in getting a blowjob, I began to visit the place regularly. In any event, on the occasion of which I'm thinking, I was in a booth at the ABS and was receiving a particularly good blowjob through the glory hole. I was approaching orgasm when the mouth pulled away. Somewhat surprised, I withdrew my cock from the hole, and crouched down, peered into the hole, whereupon I heard the guy on the other side say "unlock your door." I did and within seconds the cocksucker stepped into my cubicle with me. He was a small framed Latino. His body and ass were quite furry, which I found a major fucking turn-on. He gestured that I should take a seat in the chair, my pants and underwear around my ankles. When I was in position he sat on my raw hard cock until I was balls deep inside him as he stared into my eyes. He rode me until I felt my orgasm build and suddenly burst inside him. I plainly saw how his eyes got wide and glazed over with satisfaction and animal-like lust. I was hooked: I was a top who bred bottoms. And believe me, every bottom I encountered craved my thick raw cock, especially 'cause my cock head always swelled to generous proportions just as I shot my large load deep in the bottom's guts. I also think the curve of my cock must have played the bottom's prostate like a fiddle. I quickly discovered I had only to fuck a bottom once before he would be addicted to my thick curve and he would beg for my cock. Yeah, once I entered a guy, his ass would belong to me. One particular college night, I was especially horny and needed a good bottom in whom to unload. I went online to Craigslist and found a 40 year old bottom who was, in the words of his posting, "looking to take as much college dick and cum as I can." I sent him a pic of my cock and my stats and waited. Within a few minutes he sent me his hotel and his room number with some pics. I checked out his pics; nice lean, masculine frame, salt'n'pepper hair, moderately hairy with a relatively hairless ass with a very furry crack. He said he'd meet me naked on all fours with the door propped open and that he might find another top to join. I got ready and headed his way. I arrived at the hotel and found the door ajar. I went inside and immediately could smell the familiar scent of masculine sweat, lube, and cum. This hole had been used. "Got a cummy ass for me?" I asked as I loudly undid my belt buckle (bottoms love that part...always see them either excitedly re-position like a puppy who knows it's getting a their bodies tremble and their asshole winks. Either one gets my dick hard) "Got two loads so far...you college boys are hungry." I had finished undressing, leaving on only my backward hat with my school's logo proudly displayed, and placed my large hand on his ass. He shook with pleasure. "Suck my cock and get it ready for your cummy pussy," I ordered. He moaned and dove for my cock. The moment it passed through his lips and he began to feel the girth and the length, he let out a animal-like grunt and instinctively arched his back to raise his furry-cracked bubble ass higher. I could see the glistening wetness on his slightly-open hole in the dim light of the hotel room as he continued to feast on my cock, moaning and grunting like a good little fuck pig. This pig needed more seed. The pigs cell phone on the bed next to him began to ring. He pulled off my cock "Sorry, sir, it's the other college guy top who's going to breed me with you--if you don't mind, sir." "Answer the phone so you can get back on my cock, pig." He answered the phone and it was clear the kid was asking for directions and this guy didn't know the city. He looked at me "Can you help him find this place?" I took the phone in one hand and grabbed the back of the pigs head with my other and guided his mouth back to my cock. I spoke into the phone. "Hey, I've got this pig hungrily slurping on my cock but his cummy butt needs more cock in it. Where are you so we can get you in one of these holes and make this pig a happy cumdump?" The voice on the phone hesitated at first, but when he spoke it was clear he was horny as fuck. "I just need to figure out how to get there from where I'm at--I'm new this semester." "I've got your welcome present here--don't forget the balls, pig--if you want a big load you better worship those balls, too. Okay, so where are you?" I talked with the other top about where he was and quickly directed him to where he was going. He was only five minutes away. "The door is still ajar, come in and shut it and get undressed before you fully enter the room. I want you ready to take over this mouth the second you walk in, because I need to reward this bitch for slurping on my cock so much by driving this thick curve deep in that wet hole." "You got it, man. Sounds so hot." I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. The pig kept slurping on my cock as he held up a bottle of poppers. I took a huge hit and let the warmth and hunger wash over me as the cumdump took a few hits and hungrily returned to slobbering on my thick cock, savoring the precum and moaning like a fucking bitch. I heard the door open and heard the new college top fumbling with his clothes. He was a bit nervous, which wasn't all that surprising. I was prepared to take charge and get him where he needed to go, and honestly, I was sure once the college top felt the cock sucker's mouth he would be hooked. At that moment the college top entered. Glancing up I realized I knew him. He had recently moved to my floor, and I had casually spoken to him a couple of times. He was a quiet kid who mostly stayed to himself. A musician, if I remembered correctly. I remember thinking when I met him, that I thought he was cute, but I hadn't obsessed over him, after all, I was outwardly straight. But here we both were, both naked, in a hotel room, both of us were completely hard (and I noticed, his cock was also quite impressive. Once he recognized me, he was also clearly completely mortified and seemed a bit bit frozen, unsure of how to handle the situation. So I took charge. "Pig, you've had enough of my cock - at least for now. If you want my cock in that ass, go show our friend here how hungry you are for cock." The cumdump immediately got off the bed where he had been on all fours sucking my cock and rushed in front of my resident. Without hesitating, he dove onto the other guy's cock, loudly moaning and slurping like a slut. I watched as the panic melted away to pleasure and I walked over to the guys and presented a bottle of poppers under my resident's nose. He took a deep hit in both nostrils and immediately I saw it in his eyes--the hungry glazed look of a barebacker. He was ready. "On the bed on all fours, cumdump," I ordered. The 40 year old man quickly complied, making sure his back was arched to make his ass and mouth more appealing to the two college tops he was pleasuring. I looked at my resident asking "You want mouth or ass?" He smiled, "I want ass. I know I'll cum if I watch you fuck him and I want to breed him, especially if he's got some loads in him already." I climbed on the bed and got comfortable and the bottom immediately got to work sucking my cock. He was so excited knowing he was about to get fucked. My resident hesitated a second "Is there lube?" "He's got two loads in his ass. Just eat him out a bit to get him wet and push it in." I watched as my resident got between the bottom's legs, spread his ass cheeks, and went to town eating that cummy hole. The excessive moaning and flourishes he used on my cock made it clear he was quite happy, and was properly thanking me for arranging double fuck session. My resident, meanwhile, unquestionably loved eating cummy ass. I took some satisfaction in thinking I would have fun with the quiet musician who lived down the hall. Yeah, I was going to have fun with this boy. "Now fuck him. I'd say the bitch has earned a few more loads." I love being able to see the face of both bottom and the top when a top first slides his cock into a cummy-holed slut. The ecstasy and hunger the resident and cumdump were experiencing was abundantly tangible, so I took a large hit of poppers and begin to face fuck the bottom. He loved every second of the spit-roasting, and from the grunts coming from the top, I suspected he would barely last five minutes, so I paused in face-fucking the bottom so he can really enjoy my cock on his terms. I'd like to think each tongue-flick and oral massage of my cock was his way of thanking me. While he was enjoying the resident's cock, he knew he belonged to me. The cumdump could tell, even before I penetrated his hole, that my cock was special. He was a true cumdump. I looked up as the resident was practically howling, knowing he was about to cum. I withdrew from the cumdump's mouth, walked around the bed so I was directly behind the resident, allowing my hard cock head to rest against his ass cheek as I leaned in close behind him and quietly ordered the resident to "Load him. Load up the cumdump. I'm going to fuck him and I want your load deep in his guts while I'm filling him up. Give him your warm, thick load." I also ordered the cumdump to "Beg for that load, bitch. Tell him that you want it." And beg he did. The 40 year old begged and pleaded for that load like a true cumdump. The resident, meanwhile, was about to go over the edge, so I took the bottom about his waist and pulled him back so that the resident was completely balls-deep. Then, at just the right moment, I grunted in the resident's ear "Shoot that load." I could feel his body spasm as he came, wave after wave of orgasm hitting him as the cumdump moaned and thanked him over and over again. When he was done cumming, the resident pulled out with a wet "plop" and collapsed on his back on the bed next to the cumdump. I immediately grabbed the cumdump by the waist with both hands and spit on my cockhead. Placing my cock at the entrance to his wet, hot, cummy hole, I slid my entire eight inch shaft deep into his guts. The noise the cumdump made was unlike any I'd heard him: it was a deep, guttural groan that seemed to escape from deep in his gut. He was truly a bitch in heat. I took my time enjoying the cummy wetness of his warm guts as I pounded his ass, using every stroke to caress and massage the hole so that it began to naturally form to the shape of my cock. As I owned his ass, the cumdump eventually coaxed the resident to scoot up on the bed so he could suck his semi-hard cock while in the daze of the poppers and the pleasure of my cock filling his cummy hole. I felt my orgasm building as I watched the resident's cock growing harder in the cumdump's mouth and watching as the cumdump hungrily started really working for a load in his mouth, sensing another load would soon be deposited in his ass. He pushed back and met each thrust while giving focused attention to the cock in his mouth. As I said, he was a true cumdump, and most definitely was earning his cummy rewards. I unloaded in his ass moments before the resident unloaded in his mouth and felt the cumdump's body shivering as he felt my cockhead swell and release a giant load into his guts. His ass was filled to the brim with cum, and as the resident began to flood his mouth the cumdump laughed around the dick as he moaned and savored each drop. As my orgasm subsided, I pulled out slowly and felt the cum following my dick. When my cockhead popped out of the cumdump's well used asshole, a splatter of cum came out and landed on the hotel bedspread. In a flash, the resident dove on the cummy hole, licking and slurping up the cum and ass juices leaking out. "Push some of it back in" the bottom begged. "Please give me the seed." Scooping up some of the cum on my cock head, I slid my dick, which was still quite hard, back into his cummy ass. The resident kept his face right there by the hole, watching and breathing on my cock as if to make sure each drop of cum remained in the cumdump's hole. The bottom, for his part, clamped down on my cock when I withdrew, ensuring the multiple loads he had taken would not be lost. The resident immediately took my cummy cock in his mouth and cleaned it off. I smiled in satisfaction as he enjoyed servicing my cock for a few moments before I withdrew from his mouth. "Come on, we've got to go. I'm sure this cumdump has more tops on the way." "Just a couple," the bottom answered. I noticed his cummy asshole seemed to wink in agreement. The resident and I quickly dressed, so we were ready to leave at the same time. Just before I opened the door to leave, I looked over my shoulder at the cumdump and said "Thanks, cumpdump, you did a good job." With that, resident and I walked out. He didn't say anything until we were in the elevator. "Will this change anything at the dorms? Cuz I'm not really out," he asked with a hesitant voice. "Hey, nothing's going to change," I replied with a reassuring smile, "except that you're going to suck a load out of my cummy dick when we get back to the dorms." From his smile, I had the feeling he had decided a little change wasn't such a bad thing. This is my first story on here. Let me know if you guys enjoyed and I should keep writing...I have PLENTY of other great stories up my sleeves (or up someone's ass)
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  31. Author's disclaimer: Rape and sexual assault are major topics in the news as of late. In real life, there is a definite and legal necessity to obtain CONSENT from all involved parties when participating in sex. This story is complete fiction. It contains elements of non-consensual, risk-heavy sex and seroconversion. In pornographic stories of fiction and fantasy, we can explore fetishized privileges that, legally and/or morally, we should not attempt in real life. This story is a sequel to my original story, "The Broken Jock" which started in the "Bareback" section (Chap. 1 and 2) and then progressed to the "Bug Chasing and Gift Giving FICTION" section. The Broken Jock II: The Third Baseman My partner, Clyde, and I were all aglow with the realization that we finally got the sexy Adam (aka ShortStop91) to take our poz cocks bareback—plus we got to double penetrate the kid! He had been a conquest of ours for almost a year after discovering his profile on the safe-sex-only web site. We knew what softball team he was on because his picture on the web site showed the young, blonde-haired, stocky beef cake wearing his softball uniform. Clyde and I have gone to quite a few of their games to scope him out and enjoy watching him play; the whole time dreaming of one day getting our cocks inside that incredible ass. Our only disappointment in Adam was that we were not the first cocks to bareback and breed him. On the safe-sex only site, we tried luring him to come over plenty of times. We figured that he was getting lots of messages, because Adam's replies were either short or nonexistent. When he did reply, he was short with words. From what Hank told us, he and three of his buddies had successfully and aggressively barebacked Adam first only a couple weeks before, unopened condoms splayed out on the floor from the boy's pocket. But we were happy to take what we could get of him. Afterward, we got Adam to "buddy" us on both web sites so that his other safe-sex friends might consider spending a night with us. I'm John, the 63-year-old white-haired man who fucked Adam from underneath in that Folsom Motel room last weekend. Clyde is 67. He took Adam's hole from behind. Typically, Clyde and I have to rig condoms to break so that we can stealth the young men we find on the safe-only site. Our biggest turn on is when our poz sperm is shooting into young unprotected holes. After surely pozzing up the shortstop, Clyde and I were amped to try and get our bare cocks up the butts of one or more of Adam's teammates. Our next target was Tom, the 22-year-old third baseman. He is gorgeous with brown hair, blue eyes, a bubble butt and strong thighs that demand a top's attention. Clyde pointed out to me how his white uniform pants allowed everyone to see through to the straps of his jock just below his ass. Now that Adam is used up, (we've heard from Hank that an old perv named Leon is going to be fucking him regularly now) Clyde keeps talking about Tom. This morning Clyde is still in his lycra bike shorts and I can see his massive cut hardon when he tells me that he wants to discuss our plans for sinking our raw cocks up that sweet ass on the third baseman. He found Tom’s profile on a different dating site, where we discovered that he (or JockCub13) is a versatile bottom who likes 1-on-1 or to bottom for couples, he’s neg, and condoms are a must. His profile picture was just his cute face, but we already know what his amazing body looks like. "We'll probably have to stealth him," Clyde advised, "he doesn't say on here anything about poppers, but we'll need those, too." I offered, "Maybe we should have condoms on when our cocks are in his mouth. That way he'll be convinced that we're rubbered up for his hole, too." "Hmmm. If our mission is poz up his hole before he knows it, that might be how it needs to go down," Clyde agreed. "Maybe which ever one of us is dicking his throat and poppering the boy up can signal to the ass-fucker when it's time to rip off the condom and push back in. The first one of us to cum inside him needs to be discreet and slow about it so that he doesn't suspect anything. Well, at least until he gets a second load." "Sounds good," I said. "Let's message him now!" 243sum: "Hey, JockCub13. You're looking hot! We're a couple of tops with big dicks and big bed. If you want 2 men to take good care of your hole, let us be of service to you." After messaging Tom, Clyde was checking for replies all afternoon. At 4 o'clock, we got a reply. JockCub13: "Hi, guys. I like that idea! I'm at a softball after-game thing at the bar right now. Can I come over around 6 or 7? Here's my cell: 555-6509" 243sum: "That's a good plan. We're John and Clyde (me). Come over when you can. We'll text you our address. Wear your jock, too!" ------------------- Before Tom arrived, we decided that Clyde would fuck the boy first, so he got the rigged condoms ready, put on his cock ring and lubed up his bare cock with Crisco. At a quarter after six, Tom was at our door. Clyde let the boy in and closed the door. "Hi," he said. We didn't reply. He was wearing track pants, a t-shirt and sneakers. Clyde put his hand on the boy's butt, while I felt up his hardening dick through the smooth material of the track pants. He was wearing his jock underneath, and nothing else. When his dick was rock hard, I was able to move it to the side so that it was sticking out from the side of his jock pouch, the mushroom-shaped cockhead obscenely visible under the shiny material. I rubbed the head of his cock and heard him moan. That's when Clyde pushed Tom's track pants down. I knew Clyde was using his middle finger to feel up the boy's hole. Tom's dick began to drip precum, so I got on my knees to taste it. As soon as my tongue lapped over the boy's cock slit to taste his sweet precum, he shuddered and bent forward slightly, offering his butt more fully to Clyde. Clyde couldn't restrain himself. With his hard fuck stick already greased up, he stood up behind the boy, pressed his hand on Tom's back and started to push his unsheathed plug of a cockhead against Tom's hole. I sucked on Tom’s dick more aggressively to help the boy submit to being penetrated bareback. “Ah!" Tom moaned. But when Clyde started pushing his massive cock up Tom's tight chute, he cried out, "Wait! Wait!!" Clyde covered Tom's mouth with his hand as he pushed his poz daddy cock deeper into Tom's butt. "Arrrrrrrr!" "Take my cock, kid," Clyde coached. "You need my cock inside you. Just take it." Knowing that Clyde was able to get Tom to take his cock without a condom meant that we needed to get him over to the bedroom. I got off Tom's dick to lead the two of them over, but we only got as far as the back of the couch when Clyde announced that he was all the way in. That was my cue to get the poppers. I reached over to the end table and opened the brown bottle and immediately placed it under Tom’s first nostril. Ecstatic over the opportunity to fully bareback Tom’s neg hole, Clyde was already trying to plow into him aggressively, causing Tom to yell out behind Clyde's hand. With only his nose to breathe from, Tom had to take in the poppers when he inhaled. I stood there, guiding the bottle under each nostril about 6 or 8 times until Tom was flying. “He’s lit,” I reported to Clyde, and then I knelt back down to continue sucking the third-baseman’s dick, which was now dripping profusely with his sweet precum. Clyde removed his hand from Tom’s mouth. “Ahhh! Fuck! Fuck!” he cried out. “Yeah, Tom. That’s a sweet hole you’ve got milking my cock. Keep doing that! I’ve been wanting to get my cock up your ass since the moment I saw it on the field.” Clyde kicked the kid’s legs apart for better leverage and full access to his unprotected hole. When Clyde put Tom’s right leg up on the arm of the couch, I could see that at the crotch of Tom’s white jock strap, Clyde’s cock ring was pressed up against his young butthole. At over three times Tom’s age, Clyde was playing out his ultimate daddy top fantasy of pistoning his entire poz rod up a 22-year-old jock-strapped neg butt. “Damn nice.” “Fuck that jock, Clyde. He wants it.” Tom didn’t protest anymore. He was giving up his neg hole to a strange man's cock without using any protection, probably for the first time. He had probably fantasized about being barebacked. Clyde was fucking Tom harder. He had that determined look that he gets when topping young guy's ass, I’m sure he was thinking about how he was going to knock up Tom good. I know I was. “He wants that raw cock. Don’t you, Tom?” “Fuck! Fuck! This isn’t sa…” Clyde covered Tom's mouth again, and kept fucking the boy harder. Clyde made his shut-up look at me. I opened the poppers and got the jock lit up so Clyde would have the best chance at breeding that warm, neg hole before the kid smartened up again. On Tom’s sixth hit on the poppers, Clyde was getting close. “Fuck yeah, boy! I'm going to own that sweet hole, give it up to me,” Clyde demanded. “Ah!” Tom was grunting something, muffled by Clyde’s hand clinched tight over his mouth. I put the bottle down and went back to watching Clyde’s large raw cock fuck in and out of the jock’s hole. There it was. My Clyde’s huge poz cock shaft with Tom’s neg pink hole stretched around it. “AAAhhhh!” Clyde’s shaft pulsed once before it was pushed in to the hilt, and I new the deed was getting done. “Fuck yeah, Tom! Take my load to third base, you handsome fucker! Ah, goddamn! Fuck! Hold him steady, John. I'm still unloading. I want every fucking sperm swimming inside you, Tom.” I watched as Clyde started fucking the kid again. I know how he likes to fuck his jizz into a freshly bred hole. After a few strokes, I could see some of Clyde’s semen making a white ring just outside Tom’s hole. As Clyde continued to fuck his toxic seed into the beautiful jock’s perfect butt, he said, “You’re staying over, Tom.” Tom nodded in compliance, and Clyde removed his hand from the kid’s mouth again. “Damn! You came inside me? Aaaah!” he said half worried, half aroused. Clyde pulled out and pushed the jock down to suck his daddy cock clean. The third baseman dropped to his knees and worshipped Clyde’s cock with his mouth while I got the bed ready.
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  32. This story is 100% true and happended yesterday afternoon in West Hollywood CA. Part 1 I was cruising Craigslist for some cock since I was only working a half day. I happended to come across an ad for a leather pnp top. I immediately started to get hard and could fell my cunt getting wet as soon as I saw his picture. The thing about the ad was the last two activities he was into. Now I'm into most anything as a good piggy should be, but this was very new and a bit scary, but I thought oh well...expand your horizon and you add at the same time. So I dropped him a line got his phone number and headed over. Here is the text of the ad. ------------- Love to get lost in the one on one of a long session of being sucked. Also into leather, domination, WS, verbal abuse, humiliation, light bondage, forced feminization, being rimmed, taboo perversions,99. Six-two, 205, gray hair, moustache --------------- Now I show up at his place, a cute little bungalow in WeHo. Looks normal outside, step inside again normal house. Then he takes me to his bed room and that's were it gets real and I didn't know how much it would turn me on. As I stripped my clothes off, I inspected my surroundings. Pentagrams everywhere, a sign that said "I smoke meth and worship S a t a n", iron stocks hanging from the wall, knives, just so much filthy, evil, raw sexuality. What you may not have noticed about the ad is the distinct lack of a few things..1. He tells me he loves to pnp for nice long suck sessions, 2. That he is a full on satanist, and 3. He's poz undetectable. So to this point, being married to a woman, I've never consciously been with anyone poz, but today was the day that changed. So there I stand, cock out, stroking it while he gets a few things ready. I see him pull out his leather gear, some toys, and a big bag of crystal. Now I've only ever done crystal once before, so I was a bit apprehensive about all of this, but committed to show this sexy leather daddy that I really wanted to please him. He takes the crystal and starts breaking up some lines for us, and I mean big fatties. He then takes more a puts it on a tray next to the bed and says help yourself to as much as you like, so I do lol. I pull a few more rails and then ask him if I can it the pipe. He then pulls out the longest, biggest pipe I've ever seen. Puts a few large chunks in and fires it up for me. After a large number of hit (how many I can't remember) I'm flying, so I figure fuck it what's a few more. His response was so sexy, he said if we're gonna get high let's get as high as we can as fast as we can, because why waste time. I loved it.
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  33. Horny after work. ABS did the trick. I got bred 4 times in an hour. 2 gray haired guys were stroking each in in dark corner, so I went over and slid my jeans down, and started sucking one. The other guy got right behind me and slid his fat cock right in. I was sucking on a 7" cock and taking the other for maybe a few minutes when he unloaded in my ass. He quickly slid out and left, and the guy I was sucking pulled out of my mouth and went around to my hole and slid his cock straight in balls deep and fucked me for ten minutes before nutting and calling me a faggot as he walked away. Guy #3 was a heavy 40 something bear in work clothes. He was maybe 5" but thick as fuck. He was jerking off to the video screen and I just sorta backed up onto his cock and slid it in without him saying a word. He held my hips and fucked for like a minute before I heard him grunt, then his cock plopped out and I felt a big load running out of my hole. I walked away looking for more cock, and saw another guy jerking across the room. He was Indian, maybe 50, with a bushy stache. I stood beside him, and asked if I could help him out. I know he saw the bear fucking me, when he told me to show him my ass. Soon as my pants were down, his dark cock was rubbing in my crack, getting covered in the three loads I had already taken. I felt his cock line up with my hole, and pushed back quickly so he couldn't change his mind. I started moving my hips, fucking myself on his cock. He stayed still, and let me do all the moving. After three minutes he suddenly grabbed my hips and pushed in deep, moaning softly as he unloaded his balls in me. It must have been his first guy fuck, cuz he pulled out asap, avoided any eye contact and left abruptly. Lol. Lastly, I saw a chubby cub sitting on a bench stroking his tiny cock. I walked over and asked if he wanted to lick my ass as I jerked off. He nodded so I turned around and let him lap up the cum as I jerked. When I was about to shoot, I faced him and jerked off on his beard and tongue, and also making sure to hit his eyebrows as well just to be a bit of a pig.
    1 point
  34. Sure. On both sides, covered and covering. I belong to the Chicago Water Buddies. Any permutation of watersports and bb sex can happen there. I particularly love eating a well fucked ass--and often a ring of guys will stand around and piss down the ass crack of the man I'm eating out. Piss is flying from every direction. I drink most of it down--and poke some into the ass I'm about to fuck!
    1 point
  35. Do you remember the story 'Let Love Once Move In' ? Are you interested in the continuing abuse of the sweet teenager by several dominant turks and arabs? Some changes would be necessary.... but I am willing to rewrite some of the stuff and then it should fit into the Backroom. Let me know, what's on your mind...
    1 point
  36. By 12 you should know the smell, feel and taste of a man's dick and balls
    1 point
  37. Hot cover photo. I could spend days servicing those pits and milking that cock. Woof BBRT- fucknfeedme
    1 point
  38. Brother ask why we have 2 cases of Crisco and we never fry anything?????
    1 point
  39. Edited some stuff out, but This is a great post. To the OP, I want you to think about something, and thats a life without sex. For many reasons, men sometimes either stop having sex, or cant because of medical or physical reasons. Think about that life if you are HIV+ or HIV-. I say this because life has tons of ups, downs and changes. Right now sex is a fairly important part of your life, and there is a good chance that may not always be the case. While HIV is pretty much a non-issue in terms of life span today it still drastically complicate things, From things like life insurance, possibly having a kid, to paying for medication. You have to make your own decisions on this, but I would strongly suggest you think about your ENTIRE life, and everything that goes along with it, and think about that life WITHOUT sex, but WITH HIV. I think you may find that staying on PrEP may be a good idea. This forum is great for lots of things, but in general I have found balanced arguments lacking, and for the people that will say, "Yeah dont worry, get pozzed" Thats like saying to an addict, "dont worry about it, do all the drugs your want, you will make it out." Yeah there is a good chance you will be OKAY, but at what long term expense, or complication to the rest of your life?
    1 point
  40. If a bottom wants a condom we just don’t fuck ,simple ! i just can’t fuck with a condom however hot the guy
    1 point
  41. Just catching up on this amazing thread and your previous one. Much food for thought -- pardon the length of my reply. I can relate to your story, as a chaser who went on PrEP and then off it. I'm also brainy and educated and have a reputation for being cool-headed and rational. I do think the risky sex I crave is an important counterbalance to my persona (just as some sub bottoms I've met have been powerful, in-control men in their professional lives). I'm of a generation where HIV was genuinely terrifying. The fear was in fact sometimes immobilizing: I'd have heart-racing risky sex but then live in terror for weeks until I could get the next test results. Like many others, my initial attraction to seeking out intentional infection was not a wish to be HIV+ as such, but a need to get that fear out of the way. Poz guys were indeed magnetically attractive to me -- in part because they were already freed of that fear. They had faced "the worst" and it wasn't so bad. Most had been infected by accident (and often it was traumatic in the short term) but it did seem to have a liberating effect sexually. Some, however, made a more deliberate decision to leave the fear behind, have the sex they wanted, and accept the probably inevitable consequence of HIV. A few went a step further, wanting to take control of their seroconversion and to choose the man who would infect them. These guys in particular seemed especially ballsy and attractive to me. I think this cohort, which grew out of necessity in the pre-PrEP world, planted the seed (no pun intended) of today's chaser culture. The particular circumstances that created the subculture were a moment in history that is passing. It will be interesting to see what becomes of bugchasing in the new era, especially if/when a cure for HIV is developed. (I've read that when tuberculosis was incurable, around the late 19th century, there was a certain romanticizing/eroticizing of it... the subject of the opera "La Bohème," which got adapted into "Rent" in the 1990s, with the disease updated to AIDS... but I digress). I was at the point of accepting the inevitability of seroconverting and had fantasies of choosing the time and poz top to make it happen, but as you will have seen on this board, that is easier said than done. In any case I was letting go of the fear and openly seeking out poz partners. Then PrEP came along... and suddenly there was another option. I hesitated a bit because of the issue of taking meds with potential long-term consequences, but that is really a bullshit consideration because (a) PrEP is really very well researched and overseen (b) the current PrEP drug, Truvada, will almost certainly be superceded by other options with even fewer side effects soon enough -- no one is going to be on today's form of PrEP for years and years, and (c) once poz, you will be taking the same meds as PrEP, and more, for life, with no option to quit (unless you decide to let the disease run its course, something that really doesn't appeal to me -- it's an ugly way to die, though I recognize there are a select few for whom it is a turn-on), Anyway, I started PrEP about 4 years ago and went on to enjoy a freer and more unbridled sex life than ever before. I did it all -- clubs, bathhouses, Cumunion, and lots of hookups, intentionally seeking out poz guys (who seem on average just better in bed than negs, by my non-scientific observation!) It was mostly pure joy. (I have gotten STDs with some regularity, however, and though it's the price you pay for a liberated seed life, it can be a major annoyance and expense.) That said: on PrEP I missed the thrill of sex that had the possibility of a real consequence. I do relate to chasers who use pregnancy metaphors: infecting another man with HIV is the closest analogy we have to the chance a straight man has of impregnating a woman. The mystical element of converting another person turns me on intensely... though it's pretty twisted when you think of it -- impregnating someone creates life while converting someone, in the absence of meds... A major event was when I reconnected with an unmedicated poz guy I had chatted with several years ago, when he had tried to sweet-talk me into letting him poz me. We had never actually met, but I was planning to be in his city in a few months. So I made a "New Year's Resolution" to quit PrEP and did so, in early 2017. Just like for you, the thrill came back. I had some intense experiences, not least of which was finally meeting the "gifter" and taking his load -- in some sex that was very quick, brutal, and among the hottest of my life. It was an intense few weeks of waiting but the gift didn't "take." No huge surprise really... as everyone on this board knows, there are no guarantees and the odds of any single fuck knocking you up are relatively small. Still, it was a fucking THRILL. BUT... and there's always a but... thrills can't continue indefinitely at the same level of intensity. The outrageous becomes normal, and then you either adjust to less intensity or you have to seek out new extremes. Over the past 11 months I've had some great episodes (and will jerk off to the memories forever) but I've also continued to think about the tradeoffs. During this year I've had four close buddies seroconvert. None of them wanted it -- in fact they were all considering PrEP in one way or another but hadn't gotten around to it. They've adjusted and it hasn't been the end of their lives, but I've seen the shit they've gone through with insurance issues, worries about changing jobs or moving countries, side effects, fatigue, and not least of all a LOT of stigma that has really been a bummer for their sex lives. It has not been a picnic. Without exception they would go back to being neg in a heartbeat if they could. (None of them knew I had quit PrEP and I must admit that having sex with them once they were poz was so hot for me... though they were all undetectable by the time we did it, and I would never admit my chasing fantasies, which I think would have shocked and hurt them deeply). With those thoughts I began to notice I was bottoming less frequently and topping more (I'm naturally pretty vers though obviously when in chasing mode it's bottoming that's the real thrill), I think unconsciously moving away from risk taking. I also read the account of a chaser who, once he converted, no longer got much pleasure out of sex at all. If the thrill is in the risk, and *either* being on PrEP *or* being poz means there is no risk, then I think the effect will be the same -- with the obvious difference being that once poz there's no going back. (To answer your question above: would having sex with poz guys still be as thrilling once you're poz yourself? I don't think so, though sex with any liberated, self-assured guy will always be hot). I think you see that in a lot of the chat on here about poz guys seeking out other strains, hoping for "superinfection," even eroticizing other infections like Hepatitis C. They've used up that one fetish so they are pushing the envelope ever further in search of a new thrill. I must admit that the idea of pozzing other willing chasers myself has been a powerful turnon. But in itself I'm not sure it's enough of a reason to overlook the other drawbacks I've mentioned. And I also know myself well enough to know that if I pozzed someone, even at his request, and he later ended up regretting it, I would have a hard time living with that. So, long-winded way of saying that I've decided to end the yearlong "PrEP holiday" for now. I seem to have made it through still negative, and I had a great ride for a few months, but there is more to life than chasing thrills. This isn't necessarily the end of the story -- the option remains to go for another spin of the roulette wheel. But a major difference is that I'm twice your age and the opportunity cost of doing so would be commensurately smaller. Your sexual drives and tastes evolve a great deal between 20 and 40. Your brain's capacity for judgement isn't even fully formed until your mid-20s. Don't assume that what turns you on now, and how you feel about making irreversible decisions, will always be the same. If you can make your peace with the slightly less heart-thumping reality of PrEP sex, it will keep more options open for you in the future. You can always change your mind again later.
    1 point
  42. Damn Mister- such a tight little sentence loaded with so much meaning.
    1 point
  43. I usually just get naked and then leave the door cracked open with my ass facing the open door, usually doesn’t take too long before someone comes in and slides their dick inside me, and as a general rule most of the men in the places I’ve been too don’t use rubbers, they know bare is the best way to fuck
    1 point
  44. I like guys who push it out but only if my face is underneath their ass and i get to feed on all that cum
    1 point
  45. Part 6 - A Dilemma Mark was rudely awakened again by his phone ringing. His head pounded from the alcohol the night before. The ringing stopped and he tried to read the clock. 7:32 AM. WTF? He laid in bed a few more minutes and he heard the alert that said he had a voicemail. A few minutes later the phone rang again. Answering it, he heard his mom on the phone. “Are you ok?” “We haven’t heard from you.” “Is Joel OK?” “Have you been drinking?” and on an on. The same as yesterday - questions and not waiting for an answer. “Yeah, mom. I’m ok, Joey is ok. I spent all evening with him. I don’t really know everything yet, so I’m going back over today. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” He hung up the phone and jumped into the shower to rinse off. Standing in the shower, the night before replayed through his mind. After drying off, Mark put on his jock, a pair of workout shorts and a sleeveless tee and his flip-flops. “Lets hit the gym and sweat out the hangover” he thought. He grabbed the complimentary bottle of water and headed out. To say Mark was bitterly disappointed by the gym was an understatement. The room gave the distinct impression it had served as a conference room at some point in the past, and management had christened it a gym by scattering some garage sale gym equipment throughout the room. Over in one corner he saw a door labeled 'Locker Rooms'. In another corner was a treadmill with boxes stacked on top of it. Another corner had the lone elliptical machine and on it was the Dad from breakfast the day before. Mark quickly looked around to make sure the kids and wife weren’t there. He walked over to a weight machine that was near the Dad and sat down on it, placing the water bottle on the floor. After adjusting the weights, he started to do some bench presses and zoned out just staring at the ceiling. He lost count. Was that 30 or 40 reps? He stopped and realized that the Dad had also stopped and was just staring at him. Looking down his body he saw his shirt had ridden up and exposed his abs, and the tip of his cock was poking above his shorts. Mark always got a little hard when he worked out. “Oh shit. Sorry,” Mark muttered. The Dad grinned and replied “No worries, I was just admiring your….uh, ink.” Mark sat up and pushed his cock under the top of his shorts. Grinning back he said “Oh, thanks. I heard your wife yesterday and I guess she’s not a fan of tattoos. By the way, I’m not a drug dealer, just a computer geek.” “Sorry about that. Yeah, she’s still pissed that I got this little tattoo a month ago” the dad said pulling up the sleeve of his t-shirt exposing a small tattoo that Mark couldn’t make out. “Cool, but if you were going to get so much grief you should have gone for something more elaborate” Mark said, laughing. “Yeah, I really should have. It’s a shamrock. The kids like it. I can’t imagine what she would have said if I came home with what I really wanted to get. A friend convinced me to start small and then work up to bigger. That’s not going to happen now. I’m Chris, by the way.” Mark introduced himself in return. The guys started working out again and chatting. After a while Chris got off the machine and said “I’m going to go see if the sauna works. Catch you later,” as he walked to the locker room door. Mark finished his set of reps of on the butterfly part of the machine and got up. “Sauna, huh. I love saunas,” he said with a chuckle. Mark went in to the locker room door and saw it led to a short hallway with door on either side “Men” on the left, “Women” on the right. He went through the left door and was greeted with a small locker room with metal lockers on both sides and a bench in the middle. 'This would make a great porn set' Mark thought. Further back was a small shower area with three showers that were larger than your typical locker room shower. Next to it was a cedar door that Mark assumed went to the sauna. He noticed a table in the corner with a stack of towels similar to the ones that Dennis had brought. Mark grabbed a towel, took his clothes off and hung them in a locker. He rinsed his body off and wrapped the towel around his waist and went towards the sauna. Opening the door he felt the blast of heat hit him. Sitting in front of him on the top bench was Chris, naked and sitting on his towel. Chris’s eyes opened and he said “Hey”, then grinned. Mark took off his towel and set it down about three feet from Chris and sat down on it. He looked over and saw the fresh tattoo and could finally make it out. It was only about an inch and a half square and probably just flash art. He looked over Chris’s body as the sweat dripped off of it. 'Yeah, I was right yesterday. Ex-jock,' mused Mark, only to realize Chris was looking at him too. His eyes darting all over - up and down his arms then to his cock and back to his arm. Mark swore he saw Chris’s cock twitch too. Finally Chris commented “Fuck that is so hot. I really wish I had the guts to do something like that.” Mark had an idea what Chris meant, but presenting a wry grin asked “Like what?” Chris blushed a bit and said “Everything. The ink. The piercing.” The last bit surprised Mark so he decided to push it and see where things might go. “Take a closer look if you want. I’m not shy.” With that Chris got up and moved closer, kneeling on the lower bench where Mark's feet were. Chris’s hand moved up and moved over the tribal tattoos on his arm. As Chris moved over to the other side to see the tattoos on his left arm his cock brushed Mark’s leg. Chris’s eyes roamed over his arm as his hand rubbed up and down over the images of skulls and snakes. He stopped with his fingers on the image of the reaper and looked at Mark “That's pretty intense.” Mark felt Chris’s cock resting on his leg and it was getting stiffer. He could sense that Chris also wanted to see the piercing in his cock but was afraid. Mark reached down and stroked his cock a few times and felt it get stiffer and lifted it up. “And then there’s this,” he said looking down at his cock. Chris swallowed hard and looked down and got a little closer. “Oh my god. That had to fuckin’ hurt. I’ve seen a few guys with a pierced dick, but never up close or this big. Why did you do it?” “Cuz it feels really good when I’m fucking and I’ve been told it feels great inside,” explained Mark. At this point he decided to go for broke. Mark moved his hand and started pushing Chris’s head towards his hard cock. “Take a closer look. Touch it. I know you want to.” He could feel Chris’s breathing get heavy and Chris raised his shaking hand and grasped Mark’s cock and then moved it closer to the head. His thumb pushed the piercing and it rotated a bit. Mark pushed his head closer. Feeling no resistance, he whispered “Suck it.” Chris stammered “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t usually do that sort of thing.” Mark keyed in on the word ’usually’ and said “So you’ve sucked a guy before?” He could feel Chris’s reluctance start to fade. “Just a couple of times. Nothing this big though.” Mark pushed Chris’s head to his cock, the cock head touching his lips. Chris opened his mouth and started to take Mark’s cock into his mouth. Slowly he started sucking and playing with the piercing with his tongue. Chris started to bob up and down on his cock and Mark moaned. It wasn’t the best blowjob he had gotten, but having a straight guy suck him really turned him on. Mark looked down Chris’s body and saw his ass moving around as he was sucking his cock. 'I wonder...,' thought Mark. Mark started to move his hips, thrusting his cock deeper into Chris’s mouth. Chris gagged a few times but kept sucking. Mark pushed his cock into Chris’s throat and held his head there with his hands for a few seconds before letting up. Chris stood up and gasped for breath “Oh Fuck!” he grunted only to go back down and resume sucking. Mark didn’t want to waste his load down Chris’s throat so when he started to get close he pushed Chris off and said “My turn” with a smile, gesturing for Chris to take Mark's seat. Chris sat back down on his towel and Mark got between his legs. The cock facing Mark was a rock hard six inches of circumcised baby making meat. Obviously he must have enjoyed sucking Mark’s cock if he stayed hard the whole time. Mark began his oral endeavors by licking up and down Chris’s shaft and curling his tongue around the head. He dug his tongue into the piss slit and wrapped his lips around the head sucking gently. He slowly descended down the shaft moving up and down until he was almost at Chris’s pubes. He opened his throat and dove down the remaining distance and squeezed his throat around the tip of Chris’s cock. Mark felt Chris shiver and knew this was much better than he ever got from his wife. Mark kept working Chris’s cock a few more minutes and then pulled off before moving down and sucking one of Chris’s balls into his mouth and massaging it with his tongue. Pulling back he stretched the ball in its sack until it popped out of his mouth. Hearing the moaning from Chris, he repeated it with the other ball. Mark then pushed Chris’ legs back and started licking down the taint to Chris’s pucker and brushed his tongue over the hole. Tasting just a bit of funk, Mark kept flicking his tongue over Chris’s fuck hole making him moan even louder. He brought his finger up and circled the hole before pushing in just up to the first knuckle. A loud gasp came from Chris. Mark continued working Chris’ hole with his finger, getting deeper and feeling the hole start to relax a bit. He looked up and Chris had his eyes closed with a big smile on his face and was holding his legs open for Mark. Mark stood up on the lower bench and ran his cock across Chris’ straight boy hole. When the steel ring touched Chris’s hole, Chris’s eyes opened wide almost immediately, as he exclaimed “No! I can’t take that!” “But your hole says it wants it, Chris,” Mark said softly while rubbing his leaking cock around his pucker and pushing in gently. Chris’ breathing turned into a panting. "Relax, Chris, I'll go easy," Mark said soothingly just before he spat a large glob of saliva on to the head of his cock and a second at mid length. He also worked several globs of saliva into Chris’ hole, using the head of his cock as a bludgeon. “Breathe deep, now exhale” and as Chris exhaled Mark pushed in and felt the head pop inside. Pausing for a moment, Mark let the precum ooze from his cock inside Chris’s tender hole. He started to rock his body, working his cock in deeper and deeper as he heard Chris grunt and groan. Once he was half way in his rocking motion gave way to bigger thrusts and he would occasionally stroke Chris' still hard cock. Usually when Mark got to fuck a straight guy, their cock never stayed hard but Chris was enjoying this too much. As Mark’s strokes got deeper he started nudging Chris’ prostate and he watched as the precum started to run out of Chris’ dick. Mark was thrusting in all the way and feeling his balls slap Chris’ ass. He knew he was close and his conscience was poking his brain. Mark continued driving his cock into the now sloppy hole as he instructed “Chris, look at me.” Chris’ eyes opened as he grunted with each inward stroke and nodded. “Chris, I’m about to cum. I’m HIV positive and I will probably infect you if I breed you. Do you want me to pull out?” The thrusts were getting harder and more erratic. Chris looked right into Mark’s eyes and said “Breed me. Give me your cum.” The words were exactly what Mark wanted to hear and he slammed his cock in as his balls pumped their tainted seed deep into Chris’ fertile hole. After the last spurt of cum shot into Chris’ hole Mark moved back and he pulled his spent cock out of Chris’ now swollen hole. Over his shoulder he heard “That was damn hot.” Turning to look, he saw Dennis there, naked, stroking his hard cock. “Can I have a turn?” Chris weakly nodded, still in a daze. Dennis was in between Chris’ legs before he could change his mind and thrust his cock into the poz-cum filled pussy. Dennis started pounding Chris like it was the last fuck he would ever get. Their bodies slammed together over and over until Dennis grabbed Chris’ shoulders and rammed his cock in all the way and let out a growl as he unloaded his seed deep inside Chris’ guts. Almost immediately Chris’ cock erupted covering both of them with neg cum. Both of them were breathing hard and Dennis slowly pulled his cock out of Chris’ hole. The three of them got up and walked out of the sauna and went to the showers, sharing one shower stall as they rinsed off. Chris turned to Mark and asked “Were you serious about being poz?” “Yeah, I was. You still okay with it?” replied Mark. “Too late now, but yeah. I’ve been wanting to get fucked like that for a long time. Maybe now I’m free to do it." Dennis just grinned as he listened to the conversation. Dennis said “Gotta get back to work. Thanks” and dried off, dressed and left. Chris then dried off and dressed, walking out of the locker room a bit stunned. Mark toweled off and went to his locker. Opening the locker, he took his clothes out and found a note tucked inside. It was Dennis’s phone number. Mark went back to the room and contemplated his actions from last night and today. Was he going down a bad, dark path? After taking a long shower in the room, he made his plan. He got dressed, forgoing his usual jockstrap for boxer briefs, and jeans and a t-shirt. Grabbing his phone and keys he walked out the door and hopped in the car. He drove over to the big chain pharmacy and went inside. Mark roamed the aisles as if on a mission. Damn, he hated how they re-arranged these stores every month so you could never find anything. Finally he turned down the right aisle and spotted his target. He grabbed two home HIV test kits from the shelf then looked around and picked up a ten pack of condoms. Going to the front of the store he noticed this store didn’t have the self-serve checkout lines like his at home did. Oh well. Dropping the items on the counter the middle-aged female clerk looked at him with a disapproving expression. 'Fuck her,' thought Mark. He paid and took his bag out to the car and looked at the clock. It was 12:15 PM. 'Damn, I’m late' he thought. Mark knocked on Joe and Kyle’s door, it took a few minutes before Kyle opened the door. He obviously had just awoken. Mark entered the apartment and tossed the bag on the couch and sat down. Kyle headed to the kitchen and said “Coffee?” "Sure," Mark replied. He sat there a while until Kyle brought the cup of java and Joe finally came out of the bedroom and plopped down in the chair looking pretty hungover. Mark took a sip and then said in a serious tone “Joe, we need to talk about something, but first stand up turn towards the door and pull down your shorts.” Joe slowly got up and said “This is starting out to be a pretty kinky day.” Mark looked at Joe’s butt closely and said, “OK, pull em up and sit down.” Joe looked at Mark very confused. “What the fuck were you doing in the john at the club last night? Are you fuckin’ nuts? Just bent over taking cock like a slut from anyone who pulls his dick out? Do you even know who fucked you last night?” Joe’s jaw dropped and his foggy mind couldn’t put together anything to say. It was just “um, uh, I, uh....” Mark continued “You’re gonna get yourself pozzed like that. And who knows what other diseases - Hep, syphilis, gonno, herpes.” Joe’s face just went blank as he stared back at Mark. With Joe saying nothing and Kyle staying quiet too, he opened the bag and tossed a test box to Joe and the other one to Kyle. “Take these. NOW.” Joe and Kyle opened the boxes and followed the instructions step by step. The room was silent while they waited and Mark kept the time for waiting calling out the first time to check middle and end time. Mark was hoping that Joe was already poz and he wouldn’t be the one that pozzed him up from last night’s fuck. After each time was called, Joe would say 'Fuck' and nothing else. At the end Mark asked “Kyle, what did your test say?” Quietly Kyle said “Neg”. Mark looked at Joe and asked him the same thing. “Neg. Again.” “Again?” Mark asked. “Yeah, we’ve been trying to get pozzed up for a several months now” Joe explained. Kyle was nodding in agreement. “Fuck. Are you nuts? There’s no cure. And if you don’t take the drugs it kills you.” “I’m know what can happen and I’m not nuts. I got sick of trying to avoid it. I hate using condoms, sex is better bare. And it really turns me on thinking each guy who fucks me may be the one to gift me," Joe explained. “There’s PrEP. You can get fucked by anyone and not get pozzed. With HIV anyway,” added Mark. “If I’m taking drugs why not just be poz too?” was Joe’s retort. Mark realized that Joe and Kyle had already made up their minds and he wasn’t going to change them. And deep down, he didn’t want to change their minds. He had already bred each one of them and it was too soon to tell if he infected them. With that realization he made a snap decision. “Well, I was in the john last night watching you get fucked and I know at least one poz guy bred you. And he’s got a pretty high viral load too. So you might be on your way” Mark told Joe. “Who? You watched the whole thing? And didn’t say anything until now? Oh fuck.” said Joe. “No, I just saw part of it. I didn’t know it was you until later” Mark added. “How much later? Did Kyle tell you?” Joe looked at Kyle with an evil look. “No, Kyle didn’t say anything. I found out it was you as I pulled my cock out of your ass and saw the birthmark on your butt cheek,” explained Mark. “So, did the poz guy fuck me before or after you?” asked Joe. “Joe, it WAS me.”
    1 point
  46. i stopped taking my PrEP 8 days ago, Just had my first anon breeding this morning in a garage over a motorcycle. Didnt ask the guys status. Just knocked on the door , he liffted it and i was at his jeans before the door hit the ground. He was hard instantly and dribbling pre cum. I sucked him as i undid my pants and as i stood up to pull them down past my knees he turned me to face the motorcycle, and i bent over it and he fucked hard and fast, blew his load in me and it was over in minutes. The door was opening as i pulled up my pants and just walked out. I have to admit it was pretty exciting. i still have his cum in me , except for the small amount i let out to view his guys swimming around under my microscope.
    1 point
  47. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/SNEAKING-A-BAREBACK-FUCK-IN-A-PUBLIC-BATHROOM-STALL-30893082#scroll=comments Sneaking a Bareback Fuck in a Public Bathroom Stall Fucking HOT! Just wish this was longer. That piggy muscle bottom probably kept turning up in that stall.....
    1 point
  48. As a young street hustler - ugly men would pay more to do more raunch As a sub I found ugly men often had the biggest cocks - biggest loads or did the most disgusting things (which is what I wanted) As a top now - I test all my boys by making them suck or bend over for homeless and the ugliest fattest men as long as they have cocks lol
    1 point
  49. How about getting used by a str8 guy. Just as a hole. No contact or talk. Just him using you to Cum in
    1 point
  50. http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1937237986 cum in me ! CUM IN ME ! CUM IN ME !
    1 point
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