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  1. Part 13 - Why not me? Kyle woke up covered in sweat yet again. He rolled over and there was Steven naked and dripping sweat too. He still felt weak, but he got up and took a long shower. All clean and dried off, he put some clothes on. “I gotta get to both classes today, but I’m fucked for the test in engineering. I didn’t study at all” he thought. Joe was making breakfast and Kyle tried to eat some toast and drink coffee, but the most he could handle was a few nibbles and sips. They checked on Steven and got him set up with a drink and a clean garbage can since he was still vomiting but with little in his body not much was coming up. Kyle walked slowly into his engineering class and the professor looked at him and said “What do you think you’re doing here Kyle?” “I’m here for the test, sir” he replied softly since loud noises made his headache even worse. “I don’t know if I should send you to the clinic or the morgue. You look terrible. How long have you been sick?” the professor asked. “Since Saturday morning, sir” was Kyle’s answer. The professor moved closer to Kyle and said quietly “You’re in no shape to take this test. I doubt you studied at all. Go over to the clinic and then get some rest. Stop by my office when you feel better and we’ll figure out how to make up the test.” With that he turned Kyle to the door and the professor ushered him into the hallway. Kyle wandered back to the parking lot having to stop several times to rest. Once he got there he got into the passenger seat and passed out again until Joe came back after his classes were done. They went home and Kyle was back in bed. Joe played nurse for Kyle and Steven the rest of the day and once again slept on the couch. Tuesday began like Monday and Kyle showered and got ready for class. A quick test of the thermometer indicated 99.8 degrees F. Still a fever, but better than the previous day. He ate a little more than the day before but staggered and fell over going to the door. Joe sent him back to bed and told him he would let his profs know he was still sick. About ten in the morning, Steven looked up and Luis and Derrick were standing at the foot of the bed grinning. “Ya want to know the hottest fuck of all is, Luis? Breeding a guy with the fuck flu. Their holes feel so good with your poz fuckstick inside them.” Luis nodded as they quickly undressed and pulled the two sick boys to the edge of the bed facing each other. “See, their cocks are even hard knowing that the bug is taking over their bodies” Derrick said. They lubed up their cocks and simultaneously started pushing their cocks into the weary boy’s holes. Once they both had bottomed out, Luis said “Damn, this hole is on fire. He’s gonna cook my chorizo.” “Yeah, just like yours was when I bred you when you were sick like these two” Derrick answered. Kyle moaned when Derrick started to fuck his hole. The rest of his body might have been sore, but his pussy was in ecstasy. He looked over at Steven who had a smile on his face while Luis pounded his ass. The bed was bouncing from the boys getting slammed in from each side. It only lasted a few minutes before both Derrick and Luis started grunting and unleashing their toxic cum into the helpless boys. “You gotta make sure you fill them with bugs when they’re sick so theres no chance the body can fight it off. These boys are going to make great poz breeders” Derrick said with an evil grin. They pulled their cocks out and laid the two boys back on the bed and watched them pass out. “I’m headed over to the hotel and see Dennis” Luis said as they walked out of the apartment. Derrick just laughed and smiled at Luis. Joe finished his classes and decided he should check up on Dennis and sent a text message. Dennis called Joe back “Hey Joe. I’m doing good. I felt a little feverish Monday morning and was dragging the whole day. There were a few weird rashes too. I thought for sure I would be out like Kyle and Steven Tuesday, but I’ve felt fine since. Do you think that was it? I know some people never get the flu when they convert.” “Yeah, I know. I’ve felt fine too. Maybe the virus didn’t take or we’re the ones that don’t get sick” Joe replied. “Who knows.” Joe asked “Have you taken any more loads since Sunday’s fuck with Tony and Derrick?” “Oh my god yeah. Those horny fuckers have been taking it out on my ass since Kyle and Steven aren’t available to fuck. All three fucked me last night at work and Luis just did me again at lunch today” Dennis replied. “Shit, I’m going crazy here not getting fucked and you’re getting nailed all the time. You bitch!” Joe said before laughing. “Haha, yeah. I gotta get back to work. I’ll let you know if anything happens and let me know if you guys need any help” Dennis said. Joe went home and checked in on his patients. It seemed to be the same as when he left. He sat down and studied for a while and then worked on a class project. Once again, he made dinner for himself and ate it with the other guys passed out in the bedroom. “This wasn’t how I thought it was going to be” Joe said to himself as he lit up a joint and took a big hit. He went back to studying and after about an hour was having trouble focusing on the book. He was thirsty too and got up to get something to drink, he was unsteady on his feet and almost fell over so he sat back down on the arm of the couch. Reaching up he felt sweat on his forehead. Slowly, he got up again and made his way to the kitchen and got a gatorade from the refrigerator. He felt weak and went to the bathroom where he got the thermometer and sat down on the toilet before he fell over. 102.7 degrees F. “Finally” he thought. Joe staggered back into the living room and fell onto the couch. He reached over and pulled the blanket and pillow up and covered himself up. Grabbing his phone he sent a text message to his brother “103 fever. guess u did it.” After hitting send, he typed another message to Dennis “I’m sick” and hit send right before he passed out. Mark heard his phone buzz and read the message from Joe. A smile came over his face. He was now bonded with his brother like few brothers are. He tried calling Joe, but the phone just rang and went to voicemail and he hung up. He tried a little while later and got the same thing. He called Tony, but it went straight to voicemail. “He’s probably working tonight. Or fucking” thought Mark. He dialed Dennis’s number and got voicemail as well. This time he left a message “Hi Dennis, this is Mark. Can you check on Joe? I think he has the flu and I can’t get hold of him to find out if he’s ok. Thanks.” Dennis laid on the bed of one of the empty hotel rooms, Luis’s cock still in his ass with two loads seeping into his body. He had seen the phone ring and Mark’s name pop up. Slowly he pulled off Luis and saw one voicemail and one text message he missed. He read the text and then listened to the voicemail before calling Mark back. “Hi Mark, I got your message. I also got one from Joe and haven’t been able to talk to him either. What’s his address? I’ll go over after work.” Mark gave him the address and thanked him. “I wasn’t there to care for Eric and now I’m not there to help Joe. I’m a fucking asshole” Mark told himself. Dennis went back to the bed and climbed in. Kissing Luis, he spread Luis’s legs before thrusting his cock into Luis’s hole. Luis looked back at him with a devilish grin and wrapped his legs around Dennis as Dennis plowed his cock deep into Luis’s poz hole. Having only been getting fucked for several days, Dennis needed to release and Luis was going to get his huge load. He kept fucking harder and harder and his cock started to throb. “I wonder if its neg or poz cum” thought Dennis as he slammed in and felt almost 10 shots of cum pump into Luis. Dennis collapsed on the bed next to Luis and after a few minutes Luis asked “So what was the call about?” “Oh, Joe has the fuck flu now. Mark wants me to check up on him” Dennis answered. “Fuck yeah. So that leaves just you still shooting blanks…” Luis said. “Yeah, so I guess I gotta keep taking more loads until I’m knocked up like them” Dennis replied as the two of them laughed. Dennis cleaned up and then stopped over to check in on Joe. When he got there, the door was unlocked so he went inside. The apartment had a funky smell of sweat and something else he couldn’t place. Joe was on the couch, covered with a blanket and shivering. His body was oozing sweat and he could hear the occasional moan from Joe. It wasn’t a good moan either. You could hear the pain in his voice. Dennis went into the bathroom and found a small towel and soaked it in cold water and mopped Joes forehead with it. Dennis sent a message to his boyfriend Corey, saying that he wouldn’t be home that night since he was watching the guys he was with at the sex party and they all were sick. Corey replied “OK ;)” Dennis looked around the apartment and found Kyle and Steven in the bedroom. The smell of stale sweat permeated the room “Damn, they’re going to have to air this place out soon” thought Dennis. He went back to the living room and pulled off his shirt and pants, picked up a blanket that was on the floor and sat down in the chair. He chuckled, the blanket smelled like cum but he still pulled it over himself. “They need cum scented fabric softener” mused Dennis. He watched Joe for a little while until he fell asleep. For the next few days, the guys pushed through the flu. Dennis kept an eye on them when he wasn’t working and even had his boyfriend look in on them. He was sending Mark an update a couple times a day. Dennis was a little jealous that he had taken as many viral loads, if not more, than the other three but hadn’t gotten sick yet. He was still getting at least 2 loads a day from either Tony, Derrick or Luis. Between bottles of gatorade and toast or bread, the three guys kept hydrated and ate as much food as their stomachs would allow. Kyle was the first to get back on his feet and decided he would go back to classes on Monday. Steven was moving around Friday evening and was taking care of Joe. Joe finally shook the fever and swollen glands that made swallowing anything difficult late on Saturday. When Dennis showed up on Sunday, they all agreed to head to the clinic downtown and see about getting tested on Monday. “Do you think its too soon? Maybe we should wait a week” asked Kyle. “OK, lets wait until Wednesday and we’ll see what the tests say and if we’re still neg we can retest in a couple weeks” Joe said.
    8 points
  2. Todd was admired by most of his team mates and those who played on opposing teams as well. He had played soccer and baseball in high school and had trouble deciding which to follow at university. He had been recruited by 2 state universities for soccer and 3 for baseball. He wanted to go where no one knew him. Todd had a secret to protect from the guys at home. As the school year wound down, Todd became more and more ill at ease. He had to make a decision. He decided on the school furthest from home. He knew none of his classmates were going there and it was in a major metropolitan area. His campus visit made the decision easy. He was wined and dined by the coach and given a guide from the baseball team. Todd was a catcher. He had the squat formation perfect. As a result, his thighs and calves were well muscled. He had a large ass that really filled out his baseball pants in the squat. His tour guide was a catcher as well, but a senior to be graduated in 2 weeks. He was tall for a catcher, but nimble. Todd was impressed. He was more impressed as he met pitchers. The varsity first baseman was nicknamed Stretch for obvious reasons. The guys all seemed likable. Todd thought he would fit in. That catcher tour guide TJ's roomie was away for a quick visit to his family. So Todd bunked in the room with TJ. Two rooms shared a bath between them. TJ told Todd to go ahead and shower as they were going out to a campus party that night. Todd said he really didn't have clothes for a party. TJ volunteered some of his roomies. Todd wondered but wanted to see what parties on campus were like. He made his way into the shower. Odd, there were no locks on the doors. oh well, Todd stripped, folded is clothes neatly, and climbed in. There was plenty of hot water but little steam. Todd loved the pulsating shower head. It caused a rise in his groin. He stayed in the shower a long time. When he came out, TJ was coming in from the hall. Todd wrapped in the bath towel searched his bag for underwear. Shit, he had none. TJ said no problem and gave him a cock sock to wear. Todd laughed and said, "You can't be serious." TJ remarked that all the guys wear them. Todd donned the cocksock before dropping the towel. Little did Todd know that TJ and the guys in the next room had watched him in the shower via camera. They saw his big dig get hard, saw him shoot his wad, nearly collapse against the wall. But most of all they loved the way he soaped his ass and his hole, slipping one the two fingers in. Now only did they see, they recorded it all. The roomie's clothes fit Todd a little snuggly, especially around the ass. Oh well. It was a campus party. When the two left, they were met by other players coming out of rooms into the hall. They walked together to a spot in the woods laughing as joking as only college jocks do. The clearing had tables, benches, 2 sheds, and an outhouse. There was an old fashioned water pump. two old washtubs held ice and beer. A makeshift bar held hard liquor. The guys began to party. TJ brough Todd a beer and a chaser. Todd was accustomed to beer but not alcohol. He watched as TJ chugged his beer and slammed his shot. So Todd followed suit. After a few minutes Todd felt a stirring in his crotch. He knew there was no way to hide it, the pants were too tight. The guys continued to drink, they passed around a few smokes. Todd had never smoked. But he took one, Marlboro the label said. What Todd didn't know was the guys had laced that one cigarette with g. Todd would soon be extremely hard in his pants and extremely happy and needy. To be continued if I get guys wanting it
    6 points
  3. K, so, I recently moved in with my cuzin and her kid a couple weeks ago...since then...I've had to get my lazy ass up every morning, early as fuck, to take her to work and take little Jacob (aka Jacob Jr. or "JJ") to his dad's...long story short...JJ's dad's loaded me up a couple times...most recently, this morning lol....oh and did I mention JJ's dad has another gf lol. So, it all started last week on Tuesday...like usual I dropped off my cuzin at work and took JJ to his dads. Well, when I got to JJ's dads place JJ was asleep so I carried him into his dad's room and laid him on the bed...but of course as soon as I laid him down he kinda woke up and started crying...so I laid there for a minute to put him back to sleep (btw JJ is 4yo lol). Once he fell back to sleep I got up real slow and started to walk out of the room...that's when JJ's dad stood in the doorway with an obvious semi hard on lol and wouldn't let me pass. Nothing like creepy or anything just like kinda blocked the door way to where I kinda had to scoot past him in a way that he rubbed against me lol..... ok so a little back story on JJ's dad (aka Jacob Sr. or Jake)...when he was dating my cuzin I always thought he was so hot...ugh...but truly never thought he liked me cuz he would be an ass to me sometimes...like say stuff about being gay or making gay jokes...shit like that. So I figured he was pretty much straight...although, he did flash his cock to me one time when he was drunk as fuck lol...but so was I, so it was like whatever lol....besides my cuz saw him do it and she sorta laughingly scolded him...you know how that goes....ANYWAY.... so...once I got past him I still had to go get JJ's diaper bag and car seat from the car...so I did that and came back in...this time tho...when I got back in...Jake was pretty much fully hard as fuck lol (oh and yeah...he was high lol)....now...I'd like to say I was like OMG whats wrong with you lol...but come on lol.....so as I was putting the stuff down he asked if I wanted a hit (420) ...I was like fuck it sure...ended up taking a few more hits and got super fucking horny, like I usually do lol.........and like all of a sudden I got up all fast and said omg where's JJ...I went to the room real fast and he was still asleep (LOL I was so high and paranoid LOL)...anyway as I came back into the living room Jake was laying on the couch totally naked and hard as fuck...I sorta giggled and he said you want another hit...so I sat on the floor next to him and he started stroking his cock...omg I wanted it so bad...and without a word I knelt next to the couch, grabbed his cock and started sucking on it...ugh it tasted so good....after a little while he sat up and said come here and lifted me up off the floor....he spit on his hand...rubbed it on his cock...spit again on his hand and rubbed it on and in my hole...and he sat me down on his cock...omg fuck....finally when I was all the way down I started riding it up and down real slow...hearing him moan was soo hot.....so after a few minutes of that he told me to get up and he had me kneel on the couch with my chest against the back of the couch and then fucked me so fucking hard omg damn...like seriously his balls were slapping against my ass so hard....and after about 10min or so he grunted so loud and pushed in me as deep as he could and busted his nut deep in my hole mmmm fuckin omg it felt soo good.... sadly...hes one of those kinda guys that are like ok you need to leave now lol....but whatever...I got what I wanted and so did he....AND...he's had it a few more times since the first time lol...this morning being the last time ....cant wait till his next load mmmm hehe
    4 points
  4. Part 14 - Aaron’s freakout Sunday morning Mark was flipping through websites looking for another hookup so he could dump a load or two. Eric had been working late trying to catch up on the days he missed while he was sick and here it was Saturday and he was at work again. Mark’s regular phone rang. He picked it up and it was a number he didn’t recognize, but the area code was from where his brother Joe lived. He answered the phone and heard “Hello, is this Mark?” “Yes it is.” “Sir, this is Aaron from A1 Car Rental. Do you remember me?” the voice on the other end said. “Sure I do, Aaron. Is there a problem? I don’t think there was any damage to the car.” “No sir, this isn’t about your car rental. Do you have a few minutes to talk? There’s no one here I can talk to and…” Mark could hear sobbing on the other end. “Yeah, no problem Aaron. What’s up?” After a few moments Aaron said “Well, I hooked up with this guy a couple nights ago after work. We met at this adult book store and we ended up in a room.” Aaron continued after a few more sobs “The guy got really rough with me, which I kind of like.” “Yeah, I remember” Mark chuckled. “Well, he held me down and slammed his cock into me and came inside me. While he held me down, he told me I was a stupid fuck to let a poz guy breed him.” There were more sobs before he added “He told me that I would have AIDS soon just like him.” Mark was shocked. He wasn’t expecting to ever hear from Aaron again, much less having to calm him down from a another guy breeding him with poz seed. His mind was racing trying to figure out what to say when Aaron started talking again. “And last night I started feeling sick. I have a fever and my neck is swollen and my arms and legs ache. Did he really give me AIDS?” “Aaron, take a deep breath. Relax. No one just gives you AIDS. He may have infected you with HIV and maybe other STDs, but you have to leave it untreated for a long time for it to progress to AIDS. Maybe he was just telling you that to shock you. Some guys get off on that.” “Uh…. OK. But why am I sick?” Aaron asked. “It could be lots of things, you deal with travelers at work who may be sick and passed their flu on to you. How many guys have you hooked up with since I met you?” “seven or eight, I guess” was Aaron’s response. Mark smiled and thought “The kids becoming quite the slut”. “Well, one of them could have given you something. If you’re really feeling bad, you could go to a doctor and have him run some tests.” Mark told him. “I don’t want to go to my doctor and tell him that I had sex with a bunch of guys.” “Ah, that makes it a bit harder. Let me check something out” Mark said as he picked up his tablet and started searching for gay friendly clinics near Aaron. “I’m doing a few searches, just hang on ok?” but Mark only got a few more sobs as a reply. “Aaron, you still there?” Aaron replied with a sullen “Yeah.” “There’s not much near you. The only thing I can find is the Jones Health Clinic up by the university, about an hour north of you. It says they are gay friendly and have sexual health programs with free testing. Do you think you can make it up there?” “I don’t know. I feel horrible. If I was infected the other night, do I need to go right away?” Aaron asked. Mark wasn’t sure how he wanted to answer - the timing was about right for Mark’s loads to have infected him. A test now would point the finger at him. If Aaron waited, all the guys he had bareback sex with could be the one. “Well, if you don’t feel safe driving up there and can’t get anyone to take you there then I guess you should go as soon as you feel well enough. If it is the flu that you get when you’re infected with HIV, then its already too late to prevent it.” “Oh fuck. You think I have HIV?” Aaron said before sobbing again. “It’s possible. The symptoms you said you have sound like when the body seroconverts, but it could also just be the common flu.” “Fuck. ok.” “Aaron, be sure you treat the fever. It doesn’t matter what kind of flu it is. Drink fluids and eat what you can, like soup. If the fever gets too high, you need to see a doctor no matter what. Worry about what kind of flu it is after you recover and can see someone” Mark said before adding “Let me know what happens. You have my number.” Mark gave the address and phone number for the clinic to Aaron before hanging up. Mark replayed in his mind both of his fucks with Aaron and remembered he said that he had taken some raw cocks between those sessions, so that would be his way to cast doubt that it was him that infected Aaron. While at work Wednesday morning, Mark’s phone rang. It was Aaron. He answered and heard Aaron’s voice on the other end “Hello, sir. Can you talk?” “Yeah, just a moment, let me get to a place where I can be alone” said Mark as he walked down the hall to a small conference room. “What’s up Aaron? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, a little better. The fever is down. I called the clinic and set up an appointment. I was kind of vague but told them that I had a fever and sweats and aches. I’m going up there now, but what do I tell them?” “Be honest with them. If their website is accurate, they are sex positive and won’t shame you for being gay or having sex. The reviews looked good too. Tell them that you had a few sexual encounters that you didn’t use condoms and then there was the meeting with the one guy from last week and you’re scared he may have given you something bad. I don’t want to scare you, but its probably better that you don’t identify anyone you had sex with to them. They might get really nosy. Just tell them you met them in public places and don’t remember their names and don’t have any phone numbers. They’re used to that with gay guys. OK?” “Yeah, I understand“ Aaron replied. “Call me back after you finish. They are probably going to do some blood tests so you won’t get an answer right away. Don’t worry, its normal” said Mark “Thank you sir, I will.” Mark laughed to himself before saying “Aaron, please stop calling me ‘sir’. Call me Mark. If you keep calling me sir, I’ll come back there and put a collar on you and drag you back here to my dungeon.” Mark paused a moment waiting to get a response from Aaron, but got nothing. “I’m just kidding, I don’t have a dungeon.”
    4 points
  5. Wile I’m sucking on Mr.C dick his boy is cleaning any of Mr.C cum that is dripping out or that is on the rubber sheet and feeding it to me. When he pulls his dick out he says the fun is just beginning for me as his boy puts a shard in my hole and for some reason I go into a foggy haze . When I wake up I’m in the room the nurse that is uses to treat us so we don’t have to go to regular Dr.an have them ask questions. As I see a video playing of me and what happen. My hole feels funny like something is in it , my ass cheeks are on fire , my mouth and jaw hurt. When the nurse who is really a Doctor but was disbarred from the medical world for some unknown reason sits down next to me as says how are you doing. I tell him and says I will have dentist appointment in 2 days as some of my teeth were chipped from the ones who had Prince Albert piercings on their dicks, your hole there is a large butt plug in you as you were dripping cum out and your ass cheeks are a bright red from the men smacking you . He says Larry will be speaking to me later but the video of what happen it being played in the club now and ask if I want to see as I was in that fog after Mr.C fuck me. I ask if I can fast forward and I do , so after Mr.C pulls out I’m given some pills and a slam then 4 men show up as they hand Mr.C envelopes and proceed to fuck me and I suck their dicks. They put me in all different position you can possible be in they even did a Double penetration on me and all the wile this is going on I’m keep asking for more dicks in my hole and begging for their cum , the men who are fucking me as they keep coming one after another as I see they take a magic marker and draw a line on my back after they have given a load, in the end the marks go from the top on my shoulders to the top on my ass crack and total 175. Some of these men are very old and look very sick and some are very hot looking and a lot had a bio hazard tattoo on the video but they all give Mr.C an envelope. The pills they give me are to keep me up but I don’t remember it at the time but on the video I can see the bug eyed look I have on my face asking for more cum ,for another slammed and a booty bump.They are giving me water but the sweat coming off my body was not enough and that is why I lay in bed with this IV in my are. Some even were licking the sweat off me with some burying their face in my ass cheeks sucking and licking the cum out of my hole, some even put a white powder on my ass cheeks and snort it.I see a lot in the back ground slamming before they fuck me. They put this device on me when they have to piss as I hear one say it’s a crime to wast chem. piss. http://shop.oxballs.com/URINAL-ULTIMATE-strap-on-piss-gag-by-OXBALLS-OX-1309.htm When its about over Mr.C comes over and opens that box , it's a syringe and what ever it is he injects it into the base of his dick ( found out later it's caverject )and in a few minutes his dick is rock hard and then just drives into me and this time it goes easy as he looks right into the camera and says this hole is now officially broken and to be used often. Mr.C is fucking me so hard that he is driving me to the wall , the cum from pervious loads is coming out an splashing all over the place as his boy takes his hand to clean it up then gives me to lick his fingers clean. I almost fall off the bed then he drags me back , I’m looking at the tape and he fucking me for close to one hour before he collapse on top of me and just lays there. When he with draws his dick his boy buried his face in my ass and took his tongue to my hole then he shoves a large butt plug in my hole so I don’t leak it all over the place and to let my body absorb all the toxic loads that I have taken. The nurse says that he should remove the plug and that it might hurt , when he does there is some pain but its bearable , he spreads my cheeks to examine the damage to my hole and says that in 10 days I go back to work , he takes a picture and you can see how red the hole is and the lips around are very swollen like it had been just gone through a heavy fisting. When Larry comes in he is smiling and says I did great and the money is in my bank and this envelope is for me from Mr.C. for what I did not know is that he was pimping me out and after he got his money back the rest was for me and there is enough for 2 semesters at school , so he fuck me for free.
    4 points
  6. Sold Health (Part 01) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “Hey… need a hole to fuck – only 50 Dollars and you can fuck mine” the twink whispered to me. I knew, there would be young hustlers in this part of the park at night. Most of them were addicts. They were shadows of human beings. This one was not finished yet. He was still good looking, but his youth was vanishing. His eyes seemed clouded and he slurred the words. “You got a place to go?” I asked. “There are many deserted areas here. We can find a place easily…” he answered. “Nah… I am looking for a guy to fuck him in his bed” I said shortly and turned around to leave. “Wait… wait… let’s say 30 Dollars and you can fuck me here… what do you say?” he begged. “What do you say, if I give you 100 Dollars for your mouth and a bit of your time?” I replied. “Okay. But my flat is not so… tidy.” he said. “I didn’t expect it to be. It will be enough if you are on your knees and suck my dick there… and maybe some other stuff.” I answered. We left the park and walked through deserted streets. It was way after midnight and the good people were all asleep. We walked without talking. The guy was always two steps ahead and I followed him. I watched his ass move and this made me quite horny. His body was shaking from time to time. Obviously he needed money for his next fix. It was such a shame. He had been a good looking lad once. Don’t get me wrong. He was still doing ok. I have seen worse looking boys. It would be a pleasure to use this one. We stopped at a run down house in some part of the city. The lad tried to open the first door to the hall with his key, but he was shaking so much, that it took him a while to open the entrance. I didn’t touch him… Not yet. I just watched his petite frame. He would have been a cute guy, with his blonde hair and his cute little ass, but he chose the wrong path one day in his life and now he was rushing downhill, with no one able to stop him. “Sorry… I am a bit shaky” he apologized. “Take your time…” I answered with my low voice. I followed him to the second floor and again he had to complete the impossible task, to open the door with his key in a calm fashion. When he finally managed to unlock the door to his flat, he opened the door and he stumbled into his own one room apartment. I stood outside and waited. After a second he came back and looked at me questioningly. “Don’t you want to welcome me?” I asked. “Yeah sure… come in” he said. “No I mean… welcome me, with your mouth - outside of your flat.” I insisted. “Dude… I live here. The people around here know my girlfriend.” he whispered desperately. I stood there calmly and simply looked into his eyes. “Oh damnit…” he cursed. He walked outside into the hall and crouched before me. With trembling hands he tried to open my jeans. It was hilarious how much time he needed to set my cock free. And still it was cute, how bad he needed the money, that he even serviced a John out here in the open, just to get cash for his drugs. My cock hardened already, because of the massage his fingers gave to me, simply by opening my pants. Finally he grabbed inside of my cage and freed my hardening cock. I pressed the button for the floor light. The twink flinched. “Man… please… don’t…” he whined. “Open your mouth and suck!” I ordered him loudly. For the first time I saw his face in a bright light. The lad seemed to be broken already. His face showed the story of his decline. He was working for one thing only and that was his drug. It didn’t matter what kind of substance he abused. The drug ruled his life. His blue eyes looked up to me, while he sucked my cock deep into his throat. He had this pleading look. He wanted me to give him the sign, that we could move into his apartment to finish this job. I nodded at him. Thankfully he smiled at me and crawled backwards into his one room flat. I followed him inside his home. Home sweet home… The whore wanted to get up and close the apartment door. “Stay on your knees dog.” I simply ordered and closed the door myself. “What…?” he asked. “You understood me. Stay where you belong… on your knees.” I pushed the light switch but the room stayed dark. “No light?” I asked. “I didn’t have the money to pay it. I guess they shut down the electricity.” the boy mumbled. On his knees he scurried through the room and lit some candles. “How romantic…” I said ironically. “Can I have my money first? Then I will finish sucking you.” he asked with a broken voice. I interrupted stroking my dick and gave him the 100 Dollars. “Who are these people on those pictures?” I asked and pointed to some photographs on a cupboard.” “That’s none of your business I guess. I will suck your dick…” he argumented. “I paid for that AND your time faggot” I rebuked. The teen moved closer and watched at those pictures. “My parents… and that’s me one year ago. When I turned 18.” he sighed. “That was you? One year ago? May I say it, you look shit today” I replied coldly. “I know. I have changed a bit, but I am still handsome… at least my girlfriend tells me so” the boy mumbled. “You changed a bit?” I laughed. “You’re girlfriend… *chuckles” “Is she a whore too?” I asked him. “Huh?” “Is your girlfriend also a whore like you?!” I repeated the question. “She does what she has to do” he answered. I turned to him and fed him some cock. I like my boys to keep their heads still. It is my job to move and so I held him by his ears and shoved my cock deep into his throat. “Open up” I ordered. “Would it be okay if I would piss into you?” “Ho… mu….” he inarticulated. “What?” I pulled my cock out of his mouth. “How much… can I get for it?” he asked. “So you would drink it. You would be my urinal, for my stinking piss. It just has a tag on it” I chuckled. I will give you another 100 Dollars just to piss. But I won’t use your mouth bitch. What about your bed? Or could I simply piss into your closet… onto your clothes. He could see another 100 Dollar bill waving in front of his face. It took him a while, but then he grabbed for the money. “Easy cash… easy cash…” I repeated. After he accepted the other bill I turned around to the little cupboard and showered all the pictures with my yellow liquid. I laughed out loudly. “Saw that? I pissed on your family. I pissed on your girlfriend and I pissed on you… 18 years old handsome guy…” I grinned evilly. Then I stopped pissing and wandered around. I opened the closet and started another stream of my dark yellow colored piss. “This is okay… for you. Right? I'm allowed to piss on your clothes. Since your flat is a pigsty anyways…” I reassured myself. The guy held his money in his fist and nodded defeatedly. I walked to the fading beauty and crouched next to him. “Listen – you have already lost everything. Do you think you can make it – any time soon?” I asked him seriously. “Maybe… if I get some help. Maybe then I can start a new life” he whispered. I stood up and pushed my cock deeply into his mouth again and rocked softly in and out of his throat. “What would you say, if I tell you tonight… I will give you a great amount of money, if you are willing to gamble with your health…” I asked him softly. “*Hrmpf* I don’t understand…” he interrupted his sucking motions. “You know HIV and AIDS? Sure you know…” I grinned knowingly. “Are you clean…?” I asked him “I am carefully – sharing my needle and I don’t let guys fuck me without a condom” he said. “I got an HIV rapid antibody test with me. We could know within 20 Minutes, if you are infected or not” I told him. “And then…?” he didn’t know my intentions, but he accepted my cock again and suckled on it. “If you are negative… a friend of mine and I will pay you 10.000 Dollars to fuck you bareback. The only risk is, we are both not medicated AIDS Tops and highly contagious. Are you willing to take the risk?” I asked him. The lad was stunned. His eyes seemed to be empty, but I knew his thoughts were rotating around the money. He probably didn’t realize, but he was still sucking my infiltrating cock. “Think of all the things you can do with it. Pay your next fix. Move out to a better apartment with your girlfriend. Start a new life!” I reasoned with him. “You can keep the 200 Dollars and I will leave, if you decide that’s a risk, you don’t want to take” I withdrew my cock from him. “But if you are willing to get POZ fucked, we will pay you the money tonight. My buddy will have the cash on him. And there is still a chance, you won’t get infected. In that case you can keep the money of course…” I explained. “So? Do we have a Deal or No Deal?” I wanted to know.
    3 points
  7. As a white male, I love black cock more than any other. But, why do I worship black cock? Let's see... Black Cock feels so great sliding in and out of my ass pussy, Black guys know how to fuck the best, There Black Cocks are all ways erect, And all ready for action, Black Thick Cocks are all ways the Biggest, Of all races. Black nut is by far the tastiest of all, Black pheromones make me do weird things, A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting like hormones outside the body of the secreting individual, to impact the behavior of the receiving individuals. Black Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, In the white male breathing The Black Hormones cause the white male to become submissive and have emotions and mood changes. The Black Hormone that regulate physiology and behavior in white males. Causes the white male to be come submissive in nature, white male produce estrogen but at higher levels When exposed to Black Hormones, Making them more feminized, The Black Male be comes Aggressive and Dominant, and the white male be comes more feminized, The white male is hypnotized by the Black Hormones, The white male is unable to control them self, Finding the Black Cock and swallowing it, The Black Male puts a leather collar his slave! The white male falls to the bed face down, The Black Male seizures the opportunity and grabs the white male by the hands and ties his hands and legs spread eagle to the bed, He puts a mouth gag on the white male slave, Your a slave now ... And I want you to remember your a slave, So I'm going to paddle your ass Till I can see the imprint of SLAVE on your ass from this paddle on your ass ! And with that he let go on my ass with his paddle , He wanted me to count out every time he gave me a whack one, two, three, four, Ten, When he was done He said that's a nice ass Your going to have SLAVE imprinted on your ass ! Your going to get this BBC now boi ! The Black Male Very quickly slides his Black Cock into the white ass, The pain is intense at first, I was thrashing around as much as I could, But being restrained to the bed limited movement, He said soon you well like getting fucked You'll be begging for this BBC soon enough ! Most of my white slave's only resist for the first few times ! I have to restraint them at first, But soon this Black Dick well give you pleasure, You can call me Black Master from now on! Black Master is fucking his ass pussy like there's no tomorrow, Black Master says you wanted to be a Bitch, Now you are one! Your my white Bitch now! Any time I want this ass pussy! Your going to give it up to me. You hear me ! Did I tell you I'm Poz ,, I'm going to give you this Poz Cum ! Now I'm going to breed this ass with my Poz load ! Yes I'm cumming ! Can you feel that load of Cum in you ? Your my Poz cum dump now! I own this Poz pussy now, His Black nut dripping out of my white asshole, His BBC was not going soft , It was pulsating in my hole than I could feel it getting larger and longer as he fucked me, I'm hitting your second hole, I'm going to take this mouth gag off of you now, I want to hear you moaning and begging for this Poz load , If I hear any thing other than you Begging for my Poz load I'm going to put the mouth gag back in and go to sleep with my hard BBC in you all night long ! Under stand ! He removed the mouth gag And stated to fuck me hard , I started to moan and I felt his BBC growing again, It was deep in my ass, I said Please give me that Poz load ! I feel his BBC Pulsating cumming He removed his BBC and I felt empty , He pulled my head around and put his BBC into my mouth And said clean it up bitch .. I got a Black Brother on his way over that wants to fuck and Breed a white boi Hes going to break you in real well ! He has a Black Dick the size of my arm ! He put the mouth gag back on me, He said his Bro was some kinda of star And he wanted to stay anonymous , He added a leather hood and ear phones Playing a tape That said you are a slave now Your ass belongs to BBC with no rights , It was a end less loop.. Than I felt a body touching my ass hole It was replaced with a BBC This dick was fat it was stretching my ass open And then started the deep fucking, He fucked me for a long time He picked up his pace and then i felt him Cumming And he left ...
    3 points
  8. I was traveling for work and found myself staying in a large hotel / conference center. Logging into Growlr, I ended up connecting with a bearish couple who were staying in the same hotel. Their pics were okay, a bit fuzzy (always a cause for concern), but they were conversing openly so I wasn’t too put off. Their cock pics were impressive, though, and I kept looking back at those as we chatted. Convenience was a bonus in their favor, so I agreed to swing by their room. I put on a jock strap, shorts, T, and flip flops; then slipped poppers in my pocket and headed down to their floor. They let me into their room — pretty standard hotel issue with a king size bed. The lighting was purposefully low. As expected, they were older than their profile pics — probably late 50s / early 60s — with more pounds than described, and both wearing black t-shirts. However, they played their cards well — the one who was waiting inside the room was standing there with a huge hard on. His cock was thick and long, and I was immediately captivated. There wasn’t much talking. The one who greeted me came up behind me, and four hands started rubbing my chest, back, and arms. A few happy grunts were all the noise we were making. I heard the guy who had opened the door slip-off his shorts. Our encounter picked up steam quickly. The bears pulled off my T and shorts, leaving my standing there in a jock strap. I put my hands behind my head so they could openly explore. Four hands worked across my head, chest, arms, and back. Then I felt one cup my balls, and another gently run up and down between my ass. There was a hand on my back pushing me toward the bed. “Get on all fours.” I jumped up on the bed, my feet hanging off the end. “Inhale.” I felt the cold glass under my nose, his hand pressing against the side of my nose while I took a hit of poppers. I inhaled without exhaling, holding it inside for a moment. As my heart rated started to pound, I slowly exhaled, letting the warmth start to wash over my body. “Take another hit.” As I inhaled and held the second hit, I could feel his partner tonguing my hole. I exhaled and moaned at the same time, that warm feeling spreading across my body, and my ass becoming very hungry. The girthy, long cock pressed against my lips, and I opened my mouth to engulf it. Riding the poppers rush, I slurped on that big cock on my mouth, while pushing my ass back on the others’ tongue and probing fingers. I didn’t have to wait long to feel lube being spread on my hole, and fingers begin to work it inside. “What do you want?” I let the big cock drop from my mouth, “I want your cock in my ass.” Our online chat never discussed condoms or bareback, so I wasn’t certain what I was about to get. I felt the hot, slippery head of his bare dick pressing against my hole, pushing it open. I groaned as the dick I hadn’t ever really seen pushed inside me. The poppers appeared below my nose again, and I took a long hit. I was swimming in the popper haze and dim lighting, focusing on the feeling of that cock in my ass. Once the fucking started, it didn’t stop. My chest was pushed into the comforter, the warm feeling of the comforter contrasting to the exposed feeling of my ass up in the air. He fucked me with a variety of strokes, loosening up my ass as he occasionally moved from side to side. There was no talking — just the sound of his body slapping against my ass, and the quick grunts his thrusts drove out of me. I lost track of time, but suddenly I felt his cock slip out. Against the poppers were under my nose, and a hand was pressing one nostril closed. I took two long hits, letting the feeling wash over me again, my heart pounding. I wanted to be used. Then the cock I’d seen when I came into the room, and had time to suck down, slid into my awaiting hole. I pushed myself up on my arms, arching my back. It was a BIG cock! I panted a little, trying to adjust to the size, but he just started fucking my ass. The other guy, meanwhile, pushed his cock into my mouth. I didn’t know if he had washed, but I wasn’t given a choice. The two bears had me spit roasted, plowing me at either end. I grunted and choked a little, but they didn’t stop. The guy in front of me grunted, his hand on the back of my head forcing me to take his cock deep. I felt the thick load filling my mouth, tasting the tangy-salty mix. Fuck that was hot! The bear behind me pulled out while his partner fell back on the bed breathing heavily. He grabbed my ankles and rolled me onto my back, driving my legs apart to expose my wet ass. He pushed back inside me and started fucking again. This time his strokes were long and deep, and I felt his balls slap my ass. I couldn’t moan or grunt any longer — the best I could manage were gasps as he plunged inside. My hole was stretched around his cock, and I slipped into total submission. This guy could do whatever he wanted at this point. ”Breed him,” his partner said from behind me. The topping bear growled, fucking my hole a bit harder and faster, growling every so often, his eyes locked with mine. “You want this load, don’t you, boy?” ”Yes.” ”Tell me what you want, boy.” ”Breed me, Sir.” Nothing more was said after that. The bear changed his tempo, now pounding me furiously, clearly focused on his own satisfaction. His partner grabbed my wrists and held my arms wide so I couldn’t stroke my own cock. I was reaching my limit for taking a pounding, but also realized I didn’t have any choice left. Without warning, the bear growled once, then again, and finally unleashed in my ass. He made a couple final, desperate thrusts to bury his load deep before pulling out. After catching his breath, the two bears made me get back on all fours so they could take a few pics of his load in my cummy ass.
    3 points
  9. CHAPTER FOUR By the time the weekend rolled around, I was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. The only thing that would make this group setting hotter were for the guys to be poz, but having a bunch of construction hunks working me over? Still a dream come true, status or not. Pat had confirmation from eight of the guy. Not as many as he’d originally thought, but a few chickened out last minute -which is to be expected with straight guys wondering how far they’re willing to go for a fuck. A couple others had commitments come up that they couldn’t get out of. Still, eight men plus Pat are more than enough to give my pig hole a good pounding. He set it up for mid-afternoon, figuring that even if the guys got done with me within a few hours, we’d still have time to post some ads for poz guys or hit a book store or bathhouse afterwards. Pat went to the motel alone and told me he would text me when all of the guys arrived so that I could walk in to a full room of horny men needing to be serviced. I didn’t even care that I was sporting a major bulge in my pants as I walked to the room. There was no way to help it. As soon as I walked in the room, the men all stared at me. I was surprised that they were all still dressed. I guess for a bunch of straight guys, standing around naked wasn’t something they were comfortable with. I actually felt my stomach drop a little -I just knew that this wasn’t going to turn out as hot as I’d hoped. They were probably just going to open their pants, fuck me, blow their load, and take off. Still, I pasted a smile on my face, walked up to Pat, got on my knees and fished his growing dick out of his pants. Hopefully if I put on a good enough show, they’ll get into it. And luckily they did. As soon as I got Pat’s beautiful meat in my mouth, I felt someone behind me, grabbing my ass. I’d only worn my standard nylon trackies, commando, so they would have easy access. And the man behind me easily slipped my pants down to my ankles and, with no ceremony, began to slid his cock into my awaiting hole. “Fuck, he’s already wet,” he gasped loudly for the other guys to hear. “Did you fuck him earlier?” he asked Pat. Pat laughed. “Fuck yeah, we fuck every day,” he told him. "Gave him a couple of loads before lunch," he added proudly. “Damn, ass feels better than I thought it would,” the man grunted, beginning to really pump me now. His dick was nice, about as long as Pat’s but thicker, so I was feeling a nice stretch. Now the other guys were starting to get into it. Slowly they all began to take the bulges out of their pants, and their cocks were free to jack in front of them until they got a turn in me. Pat pulled his cock out of my mouth and guided one of the other men to take his place. I didn’t get a look at him, really, but I had barely registered any of them when I walked into the room. I have to admit that, while I have eyes for cock (and a nice butt to eat), I really only have eyes for Pat. So when I walked into the room, he’s the only man I saw. The rest were just cocks. The man in my ass began to pound me hard and fast and I braced myself for the big load I knew he was going to deliver into me. And wow, was it ever big. It felt like he was pissing! He held inside me for over a minute, sort of petting my lower back as we stood joined. “You got a lot in you, buddy,” he told me. “My wife’s been out of town visiting her mother for a couple of weeks. That’s a big two-week load you got in you,” he said, giving my ass a slap before extracting his shrinking cock. Quickly, I pulled off of the cock I was sucking and spun around, taking the man’s cock in my mouth to clean him off, while I shoved my ass towards the dick I’d gotten wet and ready. So, the second man sank into me as I nursed the first fucker’s cock, milking out every drop before he finally stepped back and allowed another man at my mouth. The guys were all a little stunned that I sucked the cock straight out of my hole, but I guess seeing how slutty it made me, and just knowing how piggy they thought it was, it just got them more in the mood to fuck me like a real motel room whore. The next three hours went just like that. Each of them took a couple of turns on my ass and mouth, but I was happy that all of the men agreed to only put their loads in my ass. While I like a mouthful of cum every now and again, it’s just more satisfying to me to get it up the ass. None of that pesky stomach acid destroying any other gifts they might be delivering. I guess all it really takes to get straight men to lighten up is take their load. Greedily, too. They could see how much I wanted it, and in that environment, everything just turns animal. It’s just men fucking. Doesn’t matter who or what they’re fucking, they are just doing what evolution has programmed them to do. All in all, by six thirty that Saturday evening my hole had received seventeen loads from Pat’s construction crew buddies, not counting the two from Pat earlier in the day that had lubed my hole. He walked the guys out and, as he closed the door behind him, he turned and leaned on it, grinning at me. “That was fucking hot,” he said. “But I bet you’re ready for some more, aren’t you?” All of that cum in me had only fueled my hunger, and I felt insatiable. I would take on a thousand men in the mood I was in. “You have no idea,” I told him, almost in a pant. My heart was pounding and my breathing was coming almost in gasps. I felt desperate. “Hang on, I need to piss, and then I’ll hop online and see if we can find you some poz dick for that hole,” he laughed, heading to the bathroom. In just my jock strap now, I followed him in. As soon as he pulled his cock out of his pants, I grabbed his dick and guided him over to the bathtub where I climbed in and looked up at him. He started laughing and shaking his dick at me. “You want my piss? Want me to piss all over you? Fuck, you’re extra piggy today,” he laughed. “Fine, might as well go all in, then,” he added before going back out into the room and getting my trackies and tee shirt. He tossed them to me. “Put ‘em on,” he instructed. Once I was fully dressed, he began to piss on me. Starting from the top of my head, he then aimed directly into my mouth, where I swallowed as much as I could, and then he hosed me down over my chest, stomach, and then concentrated on my crotch, wetting my nylon pants until they were shiny and soaked. So there I was, with an ass full of cum -which was rapidly oozing out of my well-fucked hole- and fully clothed, drenched in piss. I’d never felt like such a pig in my life. I also couldn’t remember being so horny, either. Pat could see it just by looking in my eyes. “You need it bad, don’t you? I can see it in your eyes. You’re gone into full-on whore mode.” He was not laughing now, as he could see and practically feel my hunger. He told me to wait in the tub and let the excess piss drain off of me while he went to see if he could find anyone to fuck me. Less than five minutes later I heard the door close and Pat returned with someone. I could hear the other man’s voice. “I found you some more dick,” he called to me. “Come and get it, piss pig.” I think he was feeling the same energy that I was, because he was starting to get into the verbal that he knows I enjoy so much. I walked out of the bathroom, still soaked in his piss, and saw Pat standing next to a man I recognized as a pimp. I’d seen him with a few of his girls just outside of the motel entrance. He was taller than me. Black. Grungy looking, tough and mean looking, but the way he was grabbing his crotch told me was into it. “Tony here has seen, and heard, us fucking in here ever since I started renting this room,” Pat told me. “He’s straight, only ever fucks his whores, but he thinks you must be a big whore. I told him that you are a big whore. And a good one.” I felt my heart pounding in my chest. This was surreal. It’s not that I was attracted to this man -he wasn’t even remotely attractive, especially standing next to a stud like Pat. But knowing that he’s a pimp, and only fucks his skanky whores, it just made things that much sleazier. And so much hotter! I couldn’t help but wonder if he was infected with anything. “Come on, bitch, I gotta get back out there and keep an eye on my business,” he growled at me. “Suck it and get it wet,” he instructed, pulling his very long looking dick out of his dirty pants. At only half-mast, this pimp was sporting about eight inches. I dropped to my knees at his feet and began to give him a good tongue bath that had in grunting in no time. His crotch smelled very musky, like he hadn’t showered in a day or two. And his cock, well, that kept growing in my mouth. Fuck, he wasn’t too thick, but he’d grown to at least eleven inches, perhaps twelve. He didn’t let me suck him long -this wasn’t a seduction, after all. Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he yanked me off of his cock and shoved me towards the bed, where I landed on all fours. He grabbed a handful of the back of my trackies and yanked them down. Quickly he slammed balls deep into me. Out of all of the men who fucked me today, this pimp was by far the roughest, not to mention he had the biggest dick. This was a man who was used to treating whoever he stuck his dick into like nothing but trash. Practically inanimate objects, just vessels to be filled. As soon as the man entered me, Pat rushed around to my front and watched me with concerned eyes. Sure, he wanted to make this as memorable and dirty as possible, but he clearly was worried this pimp was going to hurt me. Despite the man who was basically punishing my hole, staring up into Pat’s eyes, we were the only two men in the room. His eyes never left mine, but he did reach down and hold my hands on the dingy bedspread. When the pimp was getting close, he grabbed my hips really hard. It was painful as he dug his dirty nails into my skin. “Where you want this stuff? You want it up that faggot kunt?” he panted. “Dump it up his ass!” Pat ordered him. “Breed me!” I begged. “Fucking sluttier than any of my girls, the number of guys I saw leaving this room today. Should be making money with this hot fucking ass,” he said through gritted teeth. I guess I should be flattered that he was actually enjoying my ass, but still all I could see was Pat, and all I wanted was cum. “You really want my load? Huh, bitch? Didn’t even ask me about no condoms or anything? You that big a fuckin’ whore?” he yelled at me. “I don’t care, breed me!” I yelled. Pat was now smiling huge as we listened to this guy insinuating that he might be infected. I wanted to bend lower and take his cock into my mouth again, but he pulled my head up instead, and our lips locked while the pimp finished off with my ass. “Look at the two faggots kissing,” the pimp said. “Fine, you get what you deserve, fucking fags. You want AIDS? I’ll give you fuckin’ AIDS. Take it! Here it fucking comes you bitchwhorekunt!” he roared, ramming balls-deep into me and spray painting my insides with his venomous seed. As soon as he finished cumming he literally yanked his dick out of my hole with a loud sloppy wet popping sound. “Clean this motherfuckin’ dick like a good bitch supposed to do,” he instructed. I removed my lips from Pats and turned around to lick the big piece of meat clean. I was stunned when I saw his still engorged cock swaying in front of me. His dick was covered in blood. Mixed with all of that cum, yes, but it wasn’t pink. It was red. He’d torn me up good. My heart was pounding again, really hard, as I licked him clean. And I was stunned again when I felt Pat’s tongue at my hole -licking my blood as it oozed out of my damaged hole. I finished with the pimp, he slapped me lightly on the side of the head to tell me he’d had enough, and then he stuffed his still semi-hard cock back into his pants. “You ever want to make a few bucks, you come see me,” he said before disappearing out the door. I’d never felt so cheap and used in my entire life. Nothing I’d ever done before at the book stores or bathhouses compared. This was as low as I’d ever sunk. And I was still turned-the-fuck-ON. Of course, that could have something to do with the insane rimming that Pat was giving my ass. This was the first time he’d actually rimmed me -thought I’d done him plenty of times before. I think this was it for him, too. The moment when we truly surrendered to the calling for cum, for us being true pigs, for HIV and AIDS. Judging by the way he held my ass, a cheek tight in each hand, and his face mashed as hard into me as he could get it, he was all in. When he finally came up for air, he was panting loudly. I spun around and just lunged at him. I needed to kiss him. His entire mouth area was covered in my blood and a mixture of all of those loads. Our tongues invaded each other’s mouths as our arms pulled us as close as we could get. And feeling that we were both rock hard, I knew that this day was far from over. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the day that I would get infected. That we get infected. Maybe I already am. And maybe so is Pat. Before I had time to give it much thought, Pat pulled away and hopped off the side of the bed. He grinned at me and said, "I've got another surprise for you . . ."
    3 points
  10. My 9 x 5.5 decided he wanted my ass, and who was I to say no? I went to his apartment, and it was business as usual: he was on the sofa, naked, and I stripped down, crawled over to him, and sucked his gorgeous cock until he was rock hard. The first load -- and sometimes the second -- is always in the living room: I start on hands and knees, head down and braced against the sofa, and he enters me with one long, slow plunge, then starts fucking me, alternating between fast and deep and slow long-dicking. His loads are usually pretty large, and he usually manages four or five in one three to five-hour session.. This time he only dumped three in me, but they were HUGE. I wound up leaking into my jeans on the way back from his apartment, and all I was hoping was that the Uber driver didn't charge me for a stained seat. Luckily it all stayed inside my jeans, but when I was walking from the parking lot to my apartment, it started oozing down my legs. God, I love visiting him.
    3 points
  11. So I am at the bathhouse in Portland. I climb on the fuck bench and wait for some cock. Luckily it did not take long and I had a nice fat one forcing its way into my hole. He went a little too fast for me and it hurt. It was uncomfortable for me and I assumed he had a condom on. I really hate condoms. I think I might be mildly allergic to them because no matter how much lube you use they always seem to sting. I was not sure though since every time I tried to feel for it all I could find was cock ring. He fucked away for a while and then was gone. He did not seem to have shot his load. I was disappointed of course since he had a really nice cock and hairy legs, which I love. That is all I can describe since I never actually saw him. I went to take a piss and plop, something dripped out my ass. I thought it was lube. I had a half a hard-on so it was hard to piss and I had to strain. Plop, plop, then I realized it was not lube. I scooped some out of my ass and had a taste. Delicious cum. Holy shit! That guy really loaded me up. I had a hard time keeping all that cum in and I really wanted to leave it in there as lube for all the other guys who wanted to fuck my hole. I went into the dark room and bent over the bench. Pretty soon a short muscle guy helped himself to my cummy ass and loved it. I was enjoying it too as I have a thing for short guys, I am 6'2". He dropped a load in me as well. Later on he fucked me again. A few guys fucked me in the dark room but only got the one load from the short guy. Back on the bench I attracted a few more takers. The last guy who fucked me had a really gorgeous cock. Sooo hot! But was a little long for me and gave me some second ring pain. That is so frustrating. It was painful but I did not want to make him stop because his cock was so big and beautiful. He pounded away and I endured until he moaned and groaned shooting his jizz deep in my guts. I was thrilled to get his load. I saw him again in the showers and he complimented my ass and of course I thanked him for the fuck. I can't wait to get back on that fuck bench.
    3 points
  12. I decided on going Mr. C as might as well experience it all at once as the money is the same between the two, I’m such a whore. Being lock up in chastity for 3 months is no fun as I will do anything to get out of it . Larry says the funds are in my bank and the date is set, the room will have cameras in it for filming and I will get a cut of the film rights as this film will be sold privately. Today is the day and I’m escorted into to room , as I sit and wait for Mr.C to show I’m scared shit of what’s going to happen to me and if I can take what’s about to come. When the door opens it’s Mr.C and he is very hot looking with just a jock strap that is bulging out from the massive size of his dick. Next the bar tender shows up with the supplies and it’s WOW with what he is bringing up. I know what the syringes are all the heavy ones from the markings and the same goes true for the spiked Gator Aid and lube, but there is one box I have no idea what’s in that one. Mr.C has a key ring around his neck and I hope it’s for this chastity device that is killing me, he starts to give me a leather harness for my chest to be used by him to grab on to me if I resist and a leather collar. Larry comes in with some papers for us to sign that I’m willing to do this and understand what is going to happen and the building takes no responsibility in what happens. Then Mr.C boy comes I guess to help or something else, he is 5ft.8 maybe 140 LBS. and must spend 5 hours a day in the gym. The boy has a Bio Hazard tattoo just like Mr.C with a P.A. but with a dick about my size 9X2.When Larry leaves Mr. C want’s me on may stomach and for me to spread my legs as wide as I can , he takes some rope and ties my ankles to the bottom of the bed as this room is used mostly for BDSM so it has plenty of hard points. Once that is done Mr.C is taking pictures of my virgin hole and is saying this is so beautiful it’s a shame to be wrecking, but he is so happy to be the one to be wrecking. Next Mr.C has his face in my hole rimming me and using his tong as his boy is kneeling on the floor next to me, my dick is so hard I feel it’s going to break this metal cage around my dick. I feel him using so warm lube on my hole as he stick his finger in and soon it starts to feel warm then it gets hotter ( so I guess this is what a booty bump feels like) I guess he has his big finger in me as it hurts a little till he tells me that was his pinky. Shit if that his pinky how Am I going to take the 12X3 dick in my holes. After working my hole for what seamed hours he turns and says look at the mess I made from my dick leaking pre cum. Mr.C says I know you have been lock up for months , so he take this fucking cage off my dick he gives me a bottle of Gator Aid as he wants to keep me hydrated ( LOL I know but I have never tasted it before) They are right it taste horrible but this is a heavy dose. After I’m finished drinking his boy goes down on my dick and it’s WOW time soon he turns around so I can suck his dick and every movement he does to me I do the same to him, found out tater he was lock in chastity for 6 months and this is his first time out. Between the booty bump and the G what ever fear I ever had are now gone as I suck this boy dick and he does the same to me. I think we are doing our best to hold back but a few seconds apart we are both shooting massive loads in our mouths as Mr.C tell us the swallow each other loads as best as we can. The sheets are rubber and we are to lick up every place of where we drop cum, as we finish we both start kissing as Mr.C takes his boy arm and I see the needle goes into his boys arm then the flash of blood and the syringe is empty as his boy is doing a very heavy coughing up as he lays down on the bed. Next it’s my turn to get slammed Mr.C says this is a day you will always remember now he has to find a vein in my skinny arm,He ties off my arm and a vein pops up and I watch the needle go in then the flash of blood as he looks in my eyes and says enjoy the ride. I feel this rush and I can’t breath I’m gasping for air as I feel my heart is ready to explode as he turns me over and gets me on all fours. He take this lube shooter as stick it in my ass , then ask his boy to give me some poppers. The boy says to me breather real deep as he closes off one side of my nose as I take 10 deep breath then the other side , wile this is going on Mr.C is rubbing his dick head around my hole with out his P.A. on After I’m spinning on the poppers and my hole is begging for something to be in my virgin hole Mr.C just drives in till he balls deep and I’m screaming as the pain is to much for me as I go spread eagle on the bed and Mr.C weight is on top of me with no escape and he just lays on top on me and says your hole is now broken and you will get used to getting fuck. He laid on top of me for 10 minutes before he started moving and the pain level was way down as he lifted me up till I was back on all fours and started to fuck me as his boy kept giving me poppers. The pain was soon replaced with joy of pleasure as his shaft was going all the way in and out as I rode that dick like I always wanted. When he finally came in me I could feel his pulsating dick is giving me his toxic loads in me but I’m on PrEP but it’s a raw load and as he pulls out I turn around like I have seen so many do and put his dick in my mouth with all the cum and blood on it as I watch his boy take my arm and give me another slam.
    3 points
  13. I have been working at the building now 3 months and doing great but I’m still a virgin as to have never been fuck in the ass. Every shift I work I see guys get as fuck up as you can with drugs and have so much fun with each other and my desire to do so grows every day to have few men take me as their bitch. Larry as me is I would do a private shift as the rest of the place is closed so it will just the bar tender and me working. I see 5 men come and they head to the big room 1 is a young twink early 20s and is on a dog leach 2 of them look sick as they are very thin and the other 2 are very well built. I’m waiting for the green light to go on and for an hour it does not go on , then this guy who is dressed in a business suite & brief case walks witch is against the rules but he is being escorted by security. The green light goes on , I go in and its like they are having a business meeting with 5 naked men and 1 in a suite , the young boy is on his knees and papers are on the table, I’m ask to be a witness to the signing of the papers and about what is said. They are here to infect this boy with the HIV and the 2 sick looking certify that they are in fact they are not on meds and have AIDS. The other 2 are the boy owners as I found out later they have stable of boys who work for them. The one in the suite is a real lawyer who I have see here before , he ask the boy if he know why he is here , he says is to become infected with the HIV and become POZ, the boy signs the papers and then ask me to be a witness to the boy signing the legal papers. The lawyer leaves the room, I see the 2 sick guys putting a nasty looking ring in the head of their dick as I have see others have a Prince Albert but not like this.I’m told to get a case of water 6 heavy Gatorade ( I now know what is in the Gatorade GHB) 2 light points and 6 heavy points, poppers ,shards and some E pills as they want to keep this boy up for hours. As I’m leaving O don’t forget a few tooth brush ,what has me they are not asking for any lube? It takes me a few trips to bring all the supplies back as the 2 sick one are saying you are going to be our bitch tonight and get knock up with our babies. This boy is hairless like I am now but he looks so happy, they tell me any time I want to come in a watch I can as they leave the door open and there is really no one else here . So the bar tender and I will be watching this. The 2 sick guys take the boys and put him face down as one spreads his ass cheeks they spit by his hole and take the tooth brush, the boy is in some pain as they work the brush in his hole very deep, they take shard and stick that in and work the brush in again. The brush is coming out blood red and the shard is doing it’s work as they turn the boy over and strap his arm and give him a heavy slam and I have never see someone cough so much and the P.A. on the 2 sick one are just nasty looking. They turn him over and just ram their dick in this beautiful looking boy , even being this high he is screaming in pain and it does not take a long time for him to drop his toxic load in him , when he pulls out his dick is covered in cum and blood then goes right in front of the boy and with out saying a word the boy take the dick right into his mouth and cleans off the cum and blood as he finished the sick one says great job and gives him a kiss. The other one jumps turns the boy over on his back with the boys legs over his head and with the boys hole exposed puts his face right to it and is licking it clean , then takes his dick and rams it in this boys wreck hole wile the other 2 are twisting the boys nipples and giving him poppers and telling him he will soon be very busy boy working for them. They spend hours fucking , slamming and infecting this boy . What seamed very strange they all left but left the boy and told me to take care of him WTF, I call Larry and he says someone is coming down and for me to make sure the plug in the boy ass does not fall out. The boy is so fuck up he can’t even stand up and is asking for someone to fuck him as his hole is so empty even with a large butt plug in his hole. Security comes down and ask me to help and we are caring the boy , when we get to the third floor witch I have never been to before the door is already open, we set him on the bed as a nurse comes in and smiles and says nice a new member of the brother hood and spreads the boy ass cheeks and say they did good work as he puts a leather strap around his waist and through his crouch to hold the plug in.The nurse says to me in a few weeks he will be sick with the flu and in the mean time I will be taking care on him as he takes a syringe and injects something in his arm. As I'm leaving the floor the nurse says maybe one day he will be seeing me here and you can become a member of the brother hood.
    3 points
  14. I live in Las Vegas and for a town called Sin City, it can really be hit or miss if you're a bottom. But I'll never forget the time that I was essentially raped at Entourage, one of the two remaining bathhouses here in town. I'd been out with a couple of friends and we'd gone to Badlands, a somewhat old style saloon in the same commercial center where Entourage is located. I was feeling buzzed and was in no condition to drive home so as we said our goodbyes, my buddies went their way and I walked over to Entourage. As it was roughly 2:00 AM on a Friday night, all the rooms were taken up and I had to settle for a locker. I figured I'd just wait til a room was available and get some sleep then. In the meantime, I figured I'd check out the action. I undressed and walked around with the towel over one shoulder, which, for the most part, covered my cock, but which left my ass visible. The hallways and TV room were nearly empty and, as I made my way around, I could see that most doors were closed. I silently regretted those last two Jack and cokes I'd had because they were beginning to hit me and all I wanted was to lay down somewhere quiet and get some rest. That's when I saw Him walking towards me: good looking, muscular, 20 something year old dark haired stud with a USMC tattoo on his right pec and a beer can thick cock hanging between his legs. He walked past me without acknowledgement, but as I turned to look over my shoulder, I caught him doing the same, apparently staring at my ass. For the next few minutes, as I looked for a place to lay down, I would occasionally see him in my peripheral vision, stalking me as if I were his prey. I finally made my slightly disoriented way into the empty dark room and lay face down on a waist high platform, ready to get some shut eye and oblivious to the fact that the stud had followed behind me and was standing a mere few feet from me, fisting his thick cock and making plans for my hole. As I lay there on the verge of sleep, I suddenly felt him straddle my ass, spread my cheeks with both hands, and what felt like a baseball bat pressing against my asshole, trying to stretch it against its obvious resistance. The shock and pain woke me the fuck up and in a drunken slur I said "Please don't, you're really big." Without saying a word he backed off and I could hear him pop open some lube and begin to jack his cock. I naively thought that that was the end of it when he suddenly lay his full weight on my back, clamped one hand around my mouth, and used his other hand to maneuver his now slick cock between my cheeks and started using that big mushroom head as a battering ram. The slippery lube and his insistence gradually spread my hole and with an almost audible pop, his cock head forced its way through my sphincter and I heard him groan savagely as I lay there and saw stars from the pain of the sudden invasion. I tried getting up from under him but he used his body weight to hold me down and as he shoved the remaining length of his hole wrecker in me, he hissed into my ear, "I'm fucking balls deep in you now, just fucking take it." I felt helpless as I lay there and felt him bucking his hips and sliding his thick fucker in and out of me, feeling his huge cock head drag and push my insides as he shoved in and out of my guts. In the back of my mind, I was worried and scared because I knew I was essentially getting raped by a big dicked stud who hadn't even contemplated putting a condom on before spearing my guts with his huge cock. But in the forefront, I was beginning to really enjoy the fuck as I he would slam balls deep and ram directly onto my prostate. I couldn't help it and I started moaning uncontrollably against his hand on every down stroke. He soon noticed and that seemed to turn him on. He started getting more vocal, whispering encouragements into my ear, "That's right, fuck yeah, I knew you'd love my cock.....yeah, take my fucking cock all in you..... Yeah, your tight little pussy is gonna make me cum..... Yeah, I'm gonna fill you up with my load." The rhythm of the cock pistoning in and out of my ass began to become more frantic, even as I recognized a complete stranger was about to shoot his cum into my unprotected hole. His breathing became more ragged as he suddenly pushed himself as deep into me as he could and froze in place as I could feel his cock twitching and throbbing balls deep in me as he flooded my guts with his cum and groaned, "Fuck yeah, knocking your ass up with my seed! Yeah, take it all bitch, take my babies in you, fucking take my load!" My hole spasmed around his cock, responding to the stimulus as he lay on top of me, his heart beating like a jack rabbit and his cock still throbbing with the last jets of his orgasm. He pulled his cock out of me and I felt empty as the cool air hit my now puffed up ass lips. He smacked my left ass cheek and said, "Keep my cum in you and let it do its job, cumdump." With that advice he got off of me and walked back into the darkness. I lay there confused and conflicted as my military rapist's cum slowly trickled out of my hole and ran down my balls to join the load I'd unexpectedly shot as he took my ass and made it his cumdump.
    2 points
  15. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    2 points
  16. pt. 1 is here "That's Aldo. He told me was Puerto Rican. We ended up dating a little after the movie was over." On screen,they traded blow jobs and then Aldo fucked him from behind. No condom, but lots of lubricant from somewhere. It was hot, but got monotonous after a few minutes. "This scene was short over the course of two hours because he kept losing his woody. But wait a few seconds. It was a close-up shot of Aldo's bare ass pumping vigorously into Houston. He was a vocal top and never stopped 'shit' and 'fuck'. "Right there! See how he pauses and squeezes his ass together? And then just keeps going? He'd already shot his load inside of me, but then a few minutes later, he claims he can't cum and is losing his boner. The director told him to take a break." Wow. I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around all of this. "Not many poz guys get the moment they were bugged on tape." "I do," Lloyd said quietly. "That's a homemade tape, and you knew what was happening at the time." Carl turned to me. "We don't share that one." I was stunned, silent. "Do we have to watch the rest of this? At least let me mute it." Lloyd pressed the remote and we all then sat and watched in silence for a few minutes. I was ready to explode with so many feelings and could not handle the quiet. I turned to Lloyd. "Do you have an HIV+ tattoo as well?" He looked at Carl "You showed him that picture?? Why?" "I just showed him the one on my belly. He said he liked all the pics, so I guess that means the tat one too." "Oh. OK. Yes, Matt. I went and got one as a surprise for Carl, but he doesn't like it." "It's just badly placed and they made it too big." "Can I see it?" I suppose it was time to get things going. Lloyd stood in the middle of the living room and peeled off his shirt. There it was. On the right side of his torso was a huge bio-hazard symbol onside a circle with some Latin words around it. It covered that entire part of his rib cage. I could do nothing but stare. "I designed it myself. It took all day, and there was supposed to be color added the next afternoon, but I couldn't handle any more pain." I guess he read too much in my stare because he took off his shoes, socks and pants as well. Oh God. I was in this now. His underwear bulge was big and odd looking. "Jesus, Lloyd. You gonna dance now?" Carl sounded very annoyed. "You gotta have music to dance...hold on." He went to the stereo and then there was gay bar music. Erasure was the group I think. "Wait. Matt hasn't seen my new tattoos yet." Carl then stripped completely nude. So weird to see a video take and the real thing at once. He was only about half hard but still very daunting. His eyes met mine for a second. I guess they both knew by now that I wasn't mad... just horny and willing. "Check it out" he said as he turned around to show me his backside. I saw the red kissing lips he had inked on his left butt cheek. It seemed kind of dumb, but whatever. "And this one." He lifted his foot in the air and held his right calf out so I could see the little tat of a scorpion. I got on my knees to get a better look. "You know what that signifies?" "You're a Scorpio?" He laughed. "I was born the day after Christmas. So I'm not a Scorpio." He turned around and I saw he was completely erect. Damn! It was a work of art. I guess Lloyd was feeling a little left out because he came up right behind me and stood. "Yeah, he's got a porn-perfect cock, but mine is like nothing you've ever seen." He was sure right about that. I turned around and there was this giant, potato-like dick that didn't seem to be possible. It was so pale and weird. I marveled and couldn't even really tell if he was cut or not. So odd. "Well. If you don't kiss it, my feelings will be hurt." I leaned over a kissed the underside of the head and reached one hand out to feel his nut sack. It was tight and wrinkly, and the texture was similar to the bottom of rain boot. "Lloyd! You can't make the poor guy try to take that. He's new and you'll make him suffer. BACK OFF!" Lloyd stepped away from my face and hand. Carl was the boss here, I guess. "Give him to me for a little. Hey, Matt....want to kiss the lip tattoo?" Yes. I crawled over and put my lips directly on the ink. I thought about how many times I'd heard the phrase 'kiss my ass' without ever picturing it as an actual activity. I smooched his butt cheek and reached around to his crotch with one hand. He was hard as slab of marble. "Move to my crack, OK?" I did. I inhaled the man musk and wasn't the least bit offended. I rubbed my nose up and down the crevice -- knowing my mouth on his hole. I had never imagined I'd like it as much as I did. It wasn't so much the smell or the taste that was appealing as much as it was servicing someone confident and in charge. "Oh damn, that's gonna get me off! I...damn!" I pulled away only because I wanted him to cum a different way. "I guess we're not in the doghouse anymore, Carl. He might even be into us." "Yeah...he's pretty horned up. I'm going to take him to my room now." "Can I join you...or at least watch?" Lloyd sounded like a kid begging his dad for a toy. "We'll see. Leave us in private for a little while. Come on, Matt. Let's go play around." I followed naked Carl to a dim room. The bed was neatly made and there was a cozy lamp already on next to it. This had all been planned. I was grinning on the inside. "Take your clothes off...let me get a look at what I've got here." I did. Quickly, giving away how eager I was. "Wow." he said as he rubbed my chest and shoulders. "You're skin is so smooth. Nice dick too. Turn around and let me see that ass. Oh FUCK! That's so cute and tiny. Shit!" He maneuvered me to the bed and lied me flat on my back. I suppose there was no going back now. He then climbed on top of me and his nude weight pushed me deeper down into the mattress. I felt his dick rub against mine as we kissed. If this was all there was to fucking, I'd still say I loved sex. I mean it. I didn't need anything more. But of course we had just started. "You've never been fucked before?" "I have once. My very first boyfriend fucked me when I was 21. It didn't feel all that great, but at least we used a condom. I thought I loved him." I couldn't believe that, with everything that was happening just then, I was talking about that jerk. "Did you use lube?" "Yeah. KY." "Oh, there's way better stuff now. What about poppers?" "No. I've heard about that. I know what it is." "We'll probably need some and I've got a new bottle ready to go if you need it." "Sorry I'm so clueless about everything, Carl." "Shh. I'm about to give you so many clues about so many things. Hold on." He got up off the bed and rifled through a dresser drawer. My eyes were shut, but when I felt his weight back on the bed I opened them. "Since you're not all that broken in yet, the easiest position for us will be where you're on your hands and knees. Yeah. Like that. Now pull your knees closer as close to the front as you can. Good." I felt vulnerable and exposed. And then he was rubbing some oily lotion around my butt hole. He was working his finger inside of me. "Does that hurt?" "No. It's not bad." "Goddamn, you are really tight. You need to be opened up all over again. Let me try two fingers..." Now that hurt a little. "Relax, baby. I need to get at least three fingers in there before we can do anything more." He shifted a little and produced a little brown bottle with the cap off. "Inhale through one nostril ...as deeply as you can. Good. One more. How you feelin' now?" My head lifted into the clouds as my body sank into a warm lake. I was relaxed at the same time I was keenly aware of my nerve endings. The nerve endings in my ass wanted him to never take those fingers away. My heart was beating in a faster and deeper like a disco song's bass line. I was aware that Carl was taking his own sniffs of that magic potion now. I kept my eyes closed because I was really digging the flashing dots showing themselves, encouraging me. I lifted my head again and asked him for a few more whiffs. "Okay...but how about just one for now. I've got four fingers in you already." Wow. At that second I would have taken five or six. I took more deep huff and everything I loved about the effects doubled. I almost cried when he slowly took his fingers out little by little. I was almost in mourning for that sensation when He poked the hot head of his big dick between my butt cheeks. I felt a little jolt of pain try to get my attention, but I willed it leave me alone. "Get ready. Take one more sniff, OK?" He let me have three inhales. That little hurt I'd felt was so far gone beneath of the sound of blood flowing past my eardrums. "Here we go." And then he drilled all the way inside of me. Shit! This pain was harder to fight back. It felt like his cock was three foot long and was hitting my neck from down there. I cried out a little, but he rescued me with the sacred bottle to smell. "Fuck, man....this is so fucking nice. Here -- can you hold the bottle. Take as much as you need." Oh, I sure did. The bed moved again as I felt Lloyd's hands on the side of my head. He was squatting down in front of me on the bed. How perfect! He pushed the head of that freakish penis up to my lips. The two of them didn't say a word to each other. I was just a pleasure object to these men and I loved that idea. Carl picked up the pace of his thrusting and was breathing heavily. It didn't occur to me at that moment that I had two HIV+ weapons plugged into me. It was just about the love my whole body was feeling. Every single cell. "Lloyd, Buddy, are you getting close?" "Almost, You?" "I'm gonna fucking shoot ....NOW!" He heaved and then was still like a statue. "Cum on his back." A few seconds later I felt heavy drops of Lloyd's hot semen puddle onto my spine. "Good job." Carl drug his fingers through it and scooped some onto his shaft that had partly pulled out out of me. He plowed back in and the mixture of their hot loads were pounded up inside of my ass. "Just keeping it all in the family," They both laughed. We collapsed in a pile and I my ass empty again. The slush of so much cum, sweat and probably blood was not comfortable. We were a trio of funky brothers sleeping in a post-lust pile. At some point, I had a cramp in my shoulder from sleeping in such a weird position. I needed the bathroom anyway, so I peeled myself away from the heap of men. The bathroom was neat and clean for something shared by two males. I had dried blood/goo on my backside, and I cleaned up with wet toilet paper. My butt was aching, but in an almost wonderful way. I stepped into the hall and Lloyd was right there to meet me. "Everything OK?" He was naked and still beautiful. "Yeah. My shoulder hurts and I think I'm going to crash on your couch if that's alright." "No problem. I can only get good sleep when I'm all alone in bed. I'll bring you some stuff." He came back with a pillow, blanket and a pair of cotton shorts. "In case you don't like to sleep nude. Want some socks?" "No. Thanks. This is all I need." I was suddenly very tired. "Let me get you all tucked-in, Matt." He fussed and made sure I was comfortable. This felt better. I watched his ass as he walked away. "Hold on." He came back with a glass of water and a bunch of antacid tablets. "In case you get stomach acid from the wine. Carl always does." "Thanks, man." He knelt right next to me with his face a few inches from mine. "I need to tell you something else." I got scared all of the sudden. More surprises? "You need to know that your pal Theresa helped us get you. She and Carl are friends from back during his drug days. They don't get along very well, but she obviously owed him big favors for something. Holy shit. I hope this was the last plot twist. "Are you mad?" "I feel like an idiot. I mean, I'm happy that this night happened, but I always confided in her and trusted her. She was my best friend -- 'was' being the key word." "That's between her and Carl. I didn't know it was a set-up until that night after you two left. Well, I'm going to go sleep in my own bed. We can all talk about it more in the morning. Carl gave us both the day off. Me and him, I mean." And then I was alone in the dark, the almost dark. We'd left the TV on and it was a blue 'menu' screen. I liked the light. I let sleep overtake me -- with no thoughts about the possible consequences of what I'd done earlier. There was plenty of time for that later. I slept better than I have in months. In the morning we all sat at the kitchen table in our half-dressed state. There was casual chatter mixed in with serious talk. We had so much to discuss because they'd both decided that they wanted me to come back and see if we could all have a repeat. I was more than agreeable. NOW It's still hard for me to believe that this all happened two decades ago. We are all still together and all doing fine. Gay marriage is legal now, but not for three men. Still, we consider ourselves all to be 'husband and husband and husband'. We live in a different house even though their old one meant so much to me. I never talked to Theresa again and I have no idea where she is now. I realized I will always be stupid enough to believe in love, but at least I'd found it.
    2 points
  17. "PopperMeUp79" you are on the right track ... "justsexnowatl" is so right ... why wait at home ... GO to saunas, ABS, or sex-parties... I found that those are the best places to have real FUN ... once you get yourself into position and the first cock enters you .....sooooooo many will follow ... it takes one pig to start the fun with.. and all others will automatically follow... once they realise that you take all and every cock ... no refusal and all bare, you will be in cumslut-heaven... Bring your plug with you .., so that you can store all loads inside you. Enjoy your travels and share with others!
    2 points
  18. I lost my job and subsisted on benefits and handouts. I took a cheap room near the sauna and spent all my time there taking and giving loads in the darkness and breeding like the pig I had become. Somehow, the sauna wasn't enough and, anyway, I could no longer afford the entrance fee. I discovered a subterranean world of old Victorian toilets in run-down parts of town and in the parks. A world of old men - depraved, diseased and damaged people meeting in filthy, dark and smelly old brick buildings to suck and fuck like animals. I was younger than most and still relatively healthy-looking in the dim and dark spaces despite losing weight and the sores on my body so I always attracted mates wanting to breed with me. Besides, I don't think they really cared or they wouldn't be fucking in such a depraved environment. One day, in an old toilet near the park, I was bent over, filthy jeans and underwear around my ankles being fucked bareback by two fat old trolls. I caught sight of my face in the cracked mirror over the sink with the hollow cheeks and dark rimmed eyes and realised I had hit rock bottom. At that moment, the old git spurted into me, adding his dirty cum to the loads I had already taken that day and I smiled at myself. Here in the gutter was where I wanted to be.
    2 points
  19. Fucking HOT! makes me pissed that my parents wouldn't let me go on long haul semi-truck rides with my redneck uncle, his 19 yo son, when I was younger. Found out later that he had sex with most of his children and that he and the older son would play together... would have been fucking HOT!!!!!!! to be on the road with them and other truckers.
    2 points
  20. This past Saturday night Sunday morning........ Saturday night hooked up with a married couple, the one husband wanted to watch his other half get fucked by me flash forward to after my shift ended up at the bathhouse walked around for a bit saw a hot young one in the sling just waiting for dick so I stuck it to him but not the best crowd showed up so we stopped......walked around a little more and saw this hot daddy with a huge dick took him back to my room where he opened me up good. He got tired and couldnt finish so we both went on another walk and then I came across this hottie laying in his room face down. Walked in and started tasting his sweet hole and started to fuck him but by then I was so fucked up I couldn't stay hard so my bottom side took over! The guy not only fucked me but bred my hole twice back to back! Nice start to my birthday gave a load and took 2!
    2 points
  21. Lunchtime bookstore trip. I zeroed in on a 25 yr old hipster bearded guy. He got me going as I love a great beard. It was bushy and about a foot long. Plus he was lean which means easy hole access! I walked over to him with my cock out and jerked it a bit, and he was eyeing it hard. Finally he sat on bench and started sucking me like a pro. I gave him a hit of poppers and asked him if I could fuck him. He reached into his pocket and pulls out a rubber, and starts to unroll it on my swollen cock. I go along with it and tell him to get on all fours on the bench and show me his ass. Fuck it was hairy- I got down on my knees and started tonguing him hard, jerking my cock and pulling the rubber off as I did it. I handed him the poppers and told him I was gonna fuck him, so take a big hit. I stood up and rubbed his hole with my cockhead a while before sliding in his tight ass raw. He moans and clamps down, and I'm slow fucking him steady, holding his narrow hips tightly. Soon my spit and precum had his ass slick and open, and I picked up my pace. He was a great bottom- softly moaning and letting me fuck as I wanted. After about 10 minutes I told him I was about to nut, and he clamped down tight, milking my cum into his hairy ass. I kept fucking til I went soft, and he started jerking hard and came on the bench under him. I slid my cock out and left. I figure my cum running out of his hole will let him know he got bred.
    2 points
  22. My first ever video of me being bred: https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/regular-and-me-32854582
    2 points
  23. I will never, ever flake on anyone unless I'm fucking bleeding to death. I've been flaked on so many times it's gone from being irritating to laughable back to irritating again. I'm up front about my age, all my images are of me, and I don't misrepresent myself, so what you see is what you get. Everything in my profile is true, not a bunch of exaggeration or BS - nobody can say I've ever done a bait-and-switch on him. I try to avoid giving any reason for a guy to have second thoughts. Yet evidently they do. What ticks me off so hugely about it is that I take bottoming seriously, to the point that I spend time at it - I take the time to clean myself out, make sure I'm clean on the outside as well, shave smooth in all the right places, try to be as reasonably attractive as my made-for-radio mugshot will allow, make sure my tools n' toys are clean, packed and ready to go, and then drive usually an hour or so to get to the man's place because that's how long it takes to get to civilization from where I am. And lately, over half the guys have let me know either after I've been on the road for half an hour or after I've arrived at the destination that they "can't make it tonight." Really? Really? I'm addressing you Flakers now: Have you ever given yourself a full series of enemas in order to be cleaned out for fucking? Do you have any idea what a bottom does to get his body ready for your pleasure? And you have the brass balls to blow him off after making him do that plus waste a two-hour round-trip drive? When you could have instead met him and had some sweet ass delivered with a smile? What the hell is wrong with you? I could have made you feel soooooooooo good...
    2 points
  24. i was about a month ago at a pool party during leather prode. I was in th egarden area of the resort and three guys took turns fuking me while guys gathered around to watch. Then they started pissing on me while waiting their turn to fuck me some more and i was covered inpiss and cum by the end...it was a total animal high to be covered in so much male scent and from multiple guys.
    2 points
  25. Part 11 - Weekends are for rest Saturday morning Joe woke up spooning Kyle. He felt the heat emanating from Kyle’s body and saw he was covered in sweat. Slowly he rolled backward and let Kyle lay on his back. Looking over, he saw Kyles eyes open slowly and said “Morning. You feeling ok? Cuz you look like shit.” “Good, I feel like shit too” Kyle replied. Steven woke and slid out of bed not sure if he should stay or leave the room. “Do you think this is the fuck flu?” Joe asked. “God, I hope so. I’ve never felt this bad without puking” Kyle answered. “Shit. Is this what we’re all gonna go through?” Steven asked. “Yeah, I guess. I heard everyone is different and some never get the flu” Joe said. Kyle curled up on the bed and pulled the covers over himself muttering “fuck, fuck, fuck” over and over until he passed out. Joe and Steven went out to the living room and Joe said “Ok, we gotta help each other through this. Lets check on him every hour. It might just be a bad flu bug or it could be the real thing. I’m gonna go to the store. Keep an eye on him while I’m gone.” Joe grabbed Kyle’s car keys off the hook and headed over to the megamart. On his way he called his brother Mark. “Hey, how’s it going?” he started. “Hey bro. I’m doing good and Eric is back to his horny old self. Things couldn’t be better. How are you? That’s probably the bigger question” Mark replied. “I’m ok, I guess. Kyle woke up this morning with a bad fever and headache and said he aches everywhere. I’m headed to the store. What should I get?” said Joe. “Just ok? Isn’t this what you guys wanted?” “Yeah, it is. But I was hoping I would be the first to get sick” Joe explained. “Just be patient. As for stuff to get, just make sure he’s hydrated. Gatorade is good. I couldn’t keep food down for several days, so I wouldn’t worry too much about food. Soup or toast. Just see what he’s up for. Do you know how high his fever is?” “No I don’t. Thanks for the info. Talk to ya later” Joe said before hanging up the phone. He grabbed a case of sports drink bottles and then added a second one into the cart. Joe wandered the store and got a few more things to stock the kitchen and finally found a thermometer before paying for the stuff and loading it into the car. It was times like this that he regretted the 3rd floor apartment, it was going to take a couple trips to get everything up. As he opened the apartment door he spotted Luis fucking Steven on the floor and laughed. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just drop this stuff off and leave you two lovebirds so you can have your fun” Joe told them. “I’m almost done” Luis said as he slammed his cock into Steven’s ass hard and let out a groan while adding more charged up cum into him. “So fuckin’ hot to hear Kyle is sick. Who do you think will be next? All you guys took a lot of hot loads when Mark was here and Kyle and Steven have been soaking up a bunch more since then” Luis said, pulling his cock out of Steven. “I dunno. I kind of want it to be me, but I know I haven’t taken as many different poz loads. Besides, I have an appointment tomorrow to do more work on the tattoo, so it would be better if I make it through that before I get sick” said Joe. Luis started putting his clothes back on and said “Hey, I gotta get to work. Catch you guys later.” Joe made another trip to the car and got the last of the groceries while Steven plugged his ass and put his shorts back on. Joe put everything away and they sat on the couch watching TV and tending to Kyle, sometimes forcing him to drink. At one point Joe helped him into the shower and held him under the water. Looking down, he smiled - both of their cocks were fully hard. A while later, Joe got up and put a pizza in the oven. When he came back to the room he noticed Steven scratching a few red spots on his arms. Looking closer, he saw beads of sweat dripping down his forehead too. Joe picked up the thermometer and stuck it in Steven’s mouth. When it beeped, Joe pulled it out and looked - 101 degrees fahrenheit. “Damn, I guess you’re the next one. You can sleep in the bed with Kyle. I’ll crash here tonight” Joe told Steven. He went back into the kitchen and pulled the pizza out and cut it up. Steven had a few bites but just wasn’t hungry. He sipped on the bottle of gatorade for a little while longer before getting up and heading to the bed to join Kyle. Joe sat on the couch stroking his cock thinking “I wonder how long I have before its me.”
    2 points
  26. Brother ask why we have 2 cases of Crisco and we never fry anything?????
    2 points
  27. Working at the building has made my life a lot better as to my financial situation a lot better and I now have some extra money to get rid of the clothes I brought here from the farm . I now ware clothes that show of my body and I get a lot of hot guys looking at me witch I really like. I make some extra money helping Larry when he needs someone with a big dick like me. Now being at the building 3 months and really getting a hang on being a bus boy serving party supplies and shacking my butt teasing the men here. Larry wants to see me in his office and ask me if I’m happy and if I have any intent about making more money on the second floor. I say yes and I know most would want me to bottom, as I look so young and then I say to Larry that have never been fuck in my ass and I’m still a virgin, Larry goes into shock and almost falls out of his chair and says YOU ARE A VIRGIN and I say YES, Larry takes me ASAP to the 3rd floor and has the nurse take a look at my hole to see what shape it’s in. I’m bent over the table and he put some lube on his finger and is probing me and tells Larry that this hole shows no sign of being used and is very tight. The nurse says that I look like I have have not started puberty yet, Larry is smiling and says we have to talk back in his office. Larry says that if I want to work the second floor I will make a lot of money the first time I give up my virginity , as he know a few who really get off fucking a young boy like me, he says the first time some will want me to do some very heavy play and he want to protect me as I can make a lot of money in the coming years. He wants me to start taking PrEP as for not and I want to get knock just yet and maybe later I will just like that boy and have as much fun as he did , but for now I’m on PrEP and in a few months he will have someone lined up to turn me into what I really am. Larry wants me not to have any sex until the day that I louse my virginity so he puts a chastity device on my, it fits very tight when I have hard on and it seams every one in the building knows now I’m a virgin and kid me about it. At school they a metal detector goes off and It shows up and security are laughing at me for having this device on.
    2 points
  28. I go for my first hair removal treatment and since I have very little hair to begin with it goes quickly. This will be my first night at the building and I’m kinda scared as all I will have on is the baseball cap , shoes and this small jock strap with my ass handing out. I’m on the floor for my shift and the place is busy in the main area with guys fucking and sucking, as I walk around taking orders. It’s then I found out what light & heavy points are syringes and on the tray with alcohol wipes with a rubber strap. There a few green light on so I’m taking orders as fast as I can and I relies my dick is rock hard and I’m wet. Everyone is very nice to me with a smile and a tap on my ass cheeks as I smile back. The person at the bar says you are a natural shaking your booty as you walk around. I see people of all ages here all doing some kind of sex act and most I have never seen before , like in one room they ask for 5 heavy point, shards, spike lube and poppers. I come back later when the light is green and I see he has his arm up the other guys ass and he is begging for more so he ask me to hold a bottle of poppers under his nose. The fister is smiling at me as he can see I’m rock hard , he says I see you have never seen something like this before, I say WOW you are so right as he laugh and say one day this might be you in the sling and little does he know I have never had anything up my hole. My shift is over and as I leave the bar tender says you did great and hands me the envelope I walk out the door past the doorman & security then I open the envelope and I see $500 in it WOW that is 2 weeks pay busing tables. Some days they ask me to go in and clean up for a few hours witch I do as I get to see what all the side rooms are about without anyone in them, some have slings , benches , OBGYN tables and one room that is the special room with Bio Hazard symbol on it’s walls , I wonder what goes on in this room as in the 2 week I have been here this room I have not seen it used during my shift. Larry comes by and says I’m doing a great job and needs my help on the second floor for a few minutes. We get off the elevator and it’s WOW as this is like a palace with 12 rooms we have to move a bed from one room to another, from what I hear a private party will be going on here. I see a this hot looking guy with a body to die for in a small speedo come up to Larry and say something to him and he looks worried , he ask me if I want to make $300 real quick, I say YES. This HOT guy leads me by the hand and gives me what is going to happen. He has a client who want a rough fuck with 2 Tops and say I have never done anything like this and he laughs and says you have seen what goes on down stairs, I smile and tells me to take shower as he will be here soon.I get out of the shower and the client is here and says to me how old are you and the HOT guy slaps him on the face as I see him giving him a slam and says look at that dick that is going to be raping your hole soon. We get him sucking our dicks and HOT guy starts fucking him first and soon dumps a load in him raw, the client is told to turn around and starts to suck the dick that just came out of his ass and now it’s my turn and the very first time I’m fucking anyone in my life. I’m told just go balls deep and I do and I feel the cum from Hot guy making it easy as the client is grunting , I'm fucking him as fast as I can going all the way in and pulling out then all the way in balls deep and it does not me long to cum with a load like I was pissing in his hole as I pulled out my cum is splashing all over us and HOT guy tells him to lick my dick and all the cum up that is on our bodies. I’m still hard as I slap my dick on the client face as HOT guy says this is what a real man is, later HOT guy says I’m a natural and I say at what and he laugh as a working boy. As I leave Larry say thanks as I help him out of a sticky situation then hands me $300.
    2 points
  29. One of the best things about cruising for sex is you never know who's gonna turn you on and what's gonna happen. Its the unpredictability that causes the buzz. You know that tingle in your cock, that beautiful ache in your balls, the twitch in your asshole. Its the expectation of a new fuck! I went out at the weekend to a club in town which has a good darkroom and cruising area. I met some friends; we chatted but not much was going on. As the evening went on I went to the cruising area and was immediately struck by a guy, I guess around 40, in sports gear: trainers, grey jogging pants, red t-shirt with the arms crudely cut off (I guess he'd done that himself) and a baseball hat. To be honest he was not really my type - a guy not prepared to accept his age; he was trying to look younger. The reason I was struck immediately was because as he went passed I caught the smell of sweat. Either he'd been working out or perhaps he'd already been having sex. It was like an instant turn-on. I felt my cock leap in my pants. And to get me horned-up even more I noticed, as he put his beer bottle high up on a shelf, thick black hair in his armpits. I was really, really hard, really, really quickly and all for a guy I wouldn't normally go for. He went into the darkroom and I followed as quickly as possible. It was busy in there and it took a while to find him by which time he was tickling tonsils with one guy and another was starting to chow down on his cock. Fuck, I thought. I'll have to wait. I stood to one side for a while. The cocksucker was doing great work on his cock. It was a good size and had a very red and now very wet head. I noticed my guy had very a hairy ass and was wearing a red jockstrap. If only I could get in on the action. After a while the guy kissing him got distracted. I think he was getting blown too. Anyway my guy was clearly really horny so I moved in and kissed him. He was fucking hot. I could smell the sweat on him, taste it on his neck, see it glistening on his shoulders. I lifted his arm and started to work on the pit. The thick hair was matted and wet and the smell deep in his pit was fucking rank. This guy hadn't washed for a while. But it was soooo good I could feel my cock stretch and tingle with excitement. I pushed down my jeans and my cock stood up to attention; he saw and took hold in his hand, jerking it quickly. Fuck, I didn't want to shoot yet. I moved his fingers to my balls and his mouth to my left tit. He was pulling hard on my balls and biting on. My nipple. Fuck he was turned on. And all the time there was a guy at his groin sucking on his hard cock. I wanted to fuck him. I had been fingering his ass a short while and moved in to massage his puckered little hole. He shifted slightly and I knew I was okay to fuck. I moved round and rested my hard and really blood-hot cock in his hairy crack. Its that moment when you think do I tell him I want to fuck raw. I took his hand and made him feel my cock. I whispered in his ear "Lube me with your spit, man!" He did as he was told and made sure my cock was slicked up and wiggled his ass. Great. I knew I didn't need to wrap. The guy sucking him got squashed as my guy bent over but the sucking continued. I felt my cock push at his pucker. Shit! Where is it? "Put me in," I told him and he reached round and helped me in. I felt the hole press and open as I slid into his ass. Well to cut a long story short, you'll know that I bred his ass and shot my load deep inside his guts. You've read that nmany times in these pages. The key bit I musnt leave out though is that as I plowed his ass, I had my face buried deep in his pit: the smell, the deep sweaty, stale, rank odour that I snorted deep up my nostril like some line of cocaine, was intoxicating. I drank deeply on this guy's body, sweat and saliva all mixed in with the stench. I didn't get to taste his salty load. That got gobbled up by the man squahed at our feet. I licked a little of my cum out his ass but he'd blown his wad so he was off. He pulled up his jogging pants and disappeared. The cocksucker and I remained to savour the moment.
    1 point
  30. I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that my young and hungry hole would be ravaged by all sorts. My cock was very hard and pre-cum was leaking into my shorts. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and headed into the bushes. There were plenty of passages and assorted fuck areas, dens throughout the park and the floor scattered with used condoms. I didn't have to walk very far before a guy was following me into the woods. My heartbeat increased and I continued to go deeper into the bushes, knowing I was being stalked. Others wandered around looking aimlessly for some action, passing by and turning around. Our eyes met and the language of no words uttered, as we all knew why we were there. I stood in the first empty den I saw large enough to encompass a group, dropped my shorts and pushed out my pert and hungry hole. I hung onto the branches of the overhanging bushes, poppers in hand and waited for the inevitable. My heart pounding, my cock hard as wood and my hole exposed.. Finally, I felt a hand touch my ass. Rough fingers touching my soft tanned cheeks, spreading them and touching my damp hole. Hmmmmmm, exciting. I reached around to feel a hard and rather large cock in his pants. I dropped immediately to my knees taking out his fat piece of meat and began sucking like a hungry dog. His shaft was covered in veins and hard, bulbous and uncut. He thrust it down my throat, gagging me and making me splutter. 'You like that boy?! Do you take it raw in your ass?' he said. I managed a mumbled 'Yes. Yes please.' Not long after, others started to appear, watching and masturbating at the horny scene. Very excited by the crowd I stood up, took the guys wet cock and pushed it up against my hole. He spat on my crack and without any hesitation started to slide it into my ass. No condom, straight in, bareback. Oh my god, what was I doing, this was insane, but so exciting. Letting dirty old men fuck me bareback in a truck stop, any cock, just dump your load in my hole and leave! I took a deep hit on the poppers and let him start pumping my cunt.. The guy fucking me ushered others to come forward and soon I was being spit roasted by two complete strangers. Others sticking their cocks in my face, men I didn't know or could barely even see were forcing me to my knees and making me sniff poppers. All my inhibitions disappeared and I began sucking all of them, anyone that wanted to have me. I knew what was going to happen, I was going to let all these men cum in my holes bareback. I was scared and yet very excited. I huffed on more poppers and feeling the rush started pushing back hard on the cock pounding my ass. The pace picked up and the guy behind spurted his load deep into my ass, squeezing me tight as he emptied his balls. 'Good slut', he said as he removed his dripping and limp cock from my hole. Hmmmmmm, very horny. Before I could move another bare cock was taking it's place. I looked around to see three or four guys standing around, cocks in hand, waiting their turn. It seemed I was going to have little choice, my hole was going to be fucked again and again and all that spunk was going to get pushed inside of me. Dangerous, who were these men? But I didn't care, I just wanted anonymous sex and to be filled with the spunk of strangers. I hit the poppers again, this was far too exciting to stop. My head was spinning, my hole was wet. I held onto the branches and let the strangers fuck my gaping hole. One by one they came forward out of the darkness and took their turn. I have no idea how many, it was a bit of a blur. I got the impression someone was spreading news that there was a cute and hungry whore taking it bareback from anyone, as more people seemed to suddenly appear. I was fucked raw and passed around numerous times. My hole now a wet and sloppy cunt for anyone to fill. After each one had shot his toxic load into me I stuck a finger into my cunt and smelled and tasted the last load. They all left as fast as they appeared, leaving me to deal with my very aroused self. Dripping with sperm and still very horny, I waited until more men cruised the area. There is nothing that excites me more, than being fucked bareback again when I am already full of cum. Other guys love it too. When they stick their stiff cock in and feel it's all warm, hot and wet. That bucket of used spunk, to pump full of yet another load. Guys really pound your hole when it's all full of sperm, making it very sloppy. Nothing beats huffing poppers and have strangers spurt into your hole at the same time. More groups formed through out the night and my ass was freely passed around with a bottle of poppers. I let anyone fuck me. Numerous strangers, young, old, fat and thin all fucked my holes, pumping my mouth and ass full of hot semen. By the end of the night I counted a total of 15 men had cum in my ass. Most dribbled out around the tenth, between my thighs and all over the balls of the guy fucking me raw while bent over a branch huffing poppers. The slapping and sloppy sound of the spunk being pumped into my guts still gets me hard. Even at this point more men were appearing and looked like they were waiting for their turn. I got scared at that moment and wondered how many loads I was going to take! I was fucked until late into the night. I squeezed the cum out of my asshole all the way home, my jeans were absolutely soaked when I arrived back at the apartment. I sniffed and licked the crotch of my crusty jeans the next day, remembering and smelling the previous night. Then I went sunbathing on a naturist beach, spreading my legs in the sand dunes, letting all the voyeurs see my stretched and battered hole and thought about the multiple loads of anonymous juice that was pumped into me the night before..
    1 point
  31. I am new to this forum and wanted to say hello. I am 44, white, 6', 175lbs, very smooth and a total bottom slut. I first got fucked at 12 and took regular raw dick during my teen years. In college I got fucked by a few guys and took quite a few cum loads and learned to love big cock. But since then nothing. I got married and lived a "normal" life but knew all along I was meant to service cock with my mouth, throat and pussy. I was born a stupid bitch fag cum dumpster and, now that I'm single again, need to fulfill my calling. I've read about the STD's you can get from sucking cock or getting fucked raw but, honestly, it just makes me need it more. I should probably start taking prep (is that what it's called?) cause the desire to take dick is becoming overwhelming. I'm pretty nervous but ready.
    1 point
  32. The initiation What had I got myself into? I was now down in some sort of dungeon with three other 'novices' to be initiated into the “Fuck Club”. A friend had recommended I joined as the barebacking opportunities were numerous. Everything seemed normal upstairs after filling in but a few details, signing membership and consent forms and handing over my substantial subscription money. I also had to undergo some tests to ensure I didn't have any STDs. I was now downstairs being grilled by a sergeant major type dressed only in some leather gear with spiked collar, wielding a wooden baton. He looked sternly at us and stated “the first rule of the fuck club is that you must always fuck bareback.” “What do you think the second rule is?” I answered smartly “the second rule of the fuck club is that you must always fuck bareback.” “Wrong!”, he replied and proceeded to swing his baton at my groin making me double over in pain. “The second rule of the fuck club is this: during the first stage of your initiation during your first couple of weeks, it doesn't matter whether you are a total top or versatile, you are to behave as complete bottoms and accept everyone and anyone's bare cock and load!” “So, what's the third rule then?” I was still in great pain, but foolishly another of our threesome spoke out “To always obey your instructions.” “Very true but wrong!” and once again he swung his baton and another one of us doubled over in agony. “You will not be told the third rule until after your first stage of initiation is completed.” He pressed a bell and six large, well-built men dressed in similar garb came through into his office. He pointed at the guy still doubled over in pain and said “You two take him for his initiation; then he pointed to the other timorous guy and said “Throw him to the baying wolves” and then instructed the final two men to escort me to his private cell. The cell was fairly Spartan with manacles on the headboard of the bed covered only in a black plastic mattress. When we were alone, he stripped off his shorts revealing his impressive but still fairly flaccid cock and told me to suck it. I complied. It soon grew into an alarmingly big 10 inches. At which point he told me to turn round and attached my wrists to the manacles and with only my saliva as lubrication forced his huge dick right inside me. I was in agony as his cock violated my arse, ripping it apart, I felt violated as he forcefully thrust his cock in and out of me. He thrust his cock in my arse slowly at first, then began to thrust slightly more quickly. I felt just like his piece of meat. He was using and abusing me for his own pleasure, not for mine. He continued this hard thrusting with his enormous cock until a light winked on and off in the corner of the room. Suddenly, he went into overdrive, pushing his cock in and out vigorously. Then with a cry, he flooded my arse with his cum in long jets. He gave me a somewhat sinister smile and said “Welcome to the club! Now I'm sending you to Adam for your proper initiation, he's one of my best!” Once again, two hefty guys were summoned to take me to Adam. Adam was to be found in a cage in a corner of an otherwise large hall. It was very dark and could hear but not see the sound of fucking going on within this hall. At one point I heard a scream from what I believed came from the third novice in our group. I was taken into the cage, in which there was but a small red light to illuminate the dingy cell. It had a bench rather than a bed and what I presume to be Adam, already erect and raring to take my already raw arse. What I eventually perceived in this very dim light is that his penis was pierced with a series of studs along its length. I was made to kneel facing the wall with my legs off the end of the bench and the guy began to rub his cock up and down my bum crack. I could feel his dick was already sticky with precum. Then slowly and more considerately than the previous guy, he forced his penis inside me, I did, however, really feel his studs scraping my insides from the rough handling I'd previously received. He carefully began thrusting in and out, gaining a good tempo. I started to tolerate his studs despite the pain and began to enjoy the experience. This pace continued for some twenty minutes. The pain by now had largely subsided when his cock began to pulse as he came up my arse. I felt several jets of cum explode up my arse. He withdrew and his cum mixed with some blood dribbled out of my arse. “Welcome to the club!” he whispered in my ear. He then turned on a switch on the wall and I realised I'd been watched by a dozen others, all with their cocks out wanking to the sight of my initiation. At this point I was held with my arms and legs spread and tied to the bench. Lines formed at my head and my arse. The first man standing behind me and pushed hard and entered me while another guy forced my lips apart and placed his dick in my mouth. I could feel salty pre-cum sliding down my throat. Very quickly his cock body shuddered and my mouth was filled with hot, sticky cum. It ran out of my mouth and down my chin as well as down my throat. Meanwhile the man fucking me from behind let out a groan as he sent a sudden spurt of warm spunk inside me. He too said to me ”Welcome to the club!” Before I could realise it, another man had wanked his cock, giving it a couple of jerks, and shooting shot after shot of cum all over my face. It went all over my face. Meanwhile another man's cock took the place of the one who'd just shot his load inside me and started to slowly fuck me. After a while he thrust harder and then he just stopped moving with his dick all the way in. He released his load inside me too and gave the now familiar retort of “Welcome to the club!” He pulled out and another cock quickly took his place. His cock began to pulse and I got another arseful of cum, which then started running down my legs. The queue continued with guy after guy taking it in turn to fill me with their raw load and when they had emptied their cum into me, they all finished with the familiar refrain “Welcome to the club!” I was pretty exhausted by the end of the evening with at least a dozen loads taken and an aching arse to show for it with spunk and blood oozing from my insides. This pattern continued every evening for the next couple of weeks with Adam initiating me in front of other full members of the club and then many of those who watched taking it in turn to fill me with their loads. I must have taken a good hundred loads by the end of the first fortnight. By this point I was exhausted and not feeling very well. The owner of the club, who'd been my first introduction to the club advised me to take a rest from attending and return only when I felt fully better, then I would be ready for the second part of my initiation. He suggested I take paracetamol for my aches and pains, and felt sure I'd be right after a week or two. Although quite an ordeal I was determined to become a full member of the fuck club.
    1 point
  33. THIS PART IS VERY BORING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I will spice it up the next few. So after 10 days just like the nurse said my hole is back to normal and not deformed like it was after Mr.C pimped me out.Larry says that I have to see the camera man because I will need pictures for the building site so people can see what they are getting. I go up to the third floor and the camera man is waiting for me, he explains what he want poses he wants me to make, but first he hands me a syringe and I ask for a rope , he laughs and says this is not for slamming but for you to get a hard dick. When he shows me it then hits me as that is what Mr.C did before he fuck me the last time and his dick was hard for hours.I take the syringe and inject into the base of my dick and with in a few minutes my dick is like a rock hard sticking out ( I found out later it’s caverject ) he tells me this will last a few hours so we have to get to work as clients get off from seeing boys whit hard dicks. After he is finished he shows me the pictures and it’s WOW as I don’t recognize my self and the pictures of my ass and the hole with my finger in my mouth bending over are fucking hot. Later Larry shows my profile that will be posted with the pictures . Rates XXX Age Jail bate and that is very true Size 8 X 6 Hight 5 feet 6 Weight 110 LBS. Ethnicity Latin Services Escorting Preferences Anal,Nipples, Rimming , Oral ,Cum ,PNP ,WS , Body Hair None Body Build Skinny Safe/BB Anything goes Position Versatile/bottom Style Twink Orientation Gay Available by appointment only I will be working 3 days a week and during school and the summer I can travel I keep looking at the pictures and say to my self can I see this one now as I still don’t believe it’s me in the pictures. The next day I get a 2 hour session and it’s just fuck and suck as most sessions are. I will be working Friday , Saturday & Sunday and my first week I make $4,000 after Larry takes his cut. The rest of the week I in school and doing great with no financial problems and I’m wearing the hottest clothes. I hear about how are worried about how they will pay for school when they graduate , well if I keep this up I won’t have that problem. There is this boy that I see and like me he also skipped grades when in elementary school , he likes to spend time in the library like me as reading books is a passion of mine as most today are reading on I Pads. I can see every now and then he is eye balling me and gives a quick smile , I do the same . This goes on for a month before he comes over to me and we start talking and he ask me if I’m Gay. I take him by the hand and we go to a very quite are where no one goes but to make out. I start to give him a kiss and work my way down his body working over his nipples and his raging hard dick and give him a fanatic blow job that takes a minute for him to explode in my mouth , I get back up with his load in my mouth and kiss him and transfer his load back to his mouth as we kiss. Later he tells me no one has ever done that to him and would like to see me. He lives in a dorm so that is a big problem so I tell I have my own place and I know where there a few parties he can be my guest at, as Tommy leaves he gives me his number .
    1 point
  34. I use to play with an older guy who lived a couple miles away from me and he was about 5" c but he had a set of balls that were massive. the first time we played it was just a jacking session and he told he shot big loads but I never believe it until I see it. We were jacking for about 20 minutes on day and he asked me to work his balls which I did accordingly and it took know time after this started, he asked me where I wanted it and I said shoot where you wish. he commenced to spraying my face , mouth and chest with white to clearish ropes that would not quit. his cum was quiet pungent and I could not stand the smell but I endured through it many times over just because of the amount he shot. he could fill a shot glass without any issues and then some. to this day I have never met anybody that shoots a load like he did.
    1 point
  35. This story is 100% true and happended yesterday afternoon in West Hollywood CA. Part 1 I was cruising Craigslist for some cock since I was only working a half day. I happended to come across an ad for a leather pnp top. I immediately started to get hard and could fell my cunt getting wet as soon as I saw his picture. The thing about the ad was the last two activities he was into. Now I'm into most anything as a good piggy should be, but this was very new and a bit scary, but I thought oh well...expand your horizon and you add at the same time. So I dropped him a line got his phone number and headed over. Here is the text of the ad. ------------- Love to get lost in the one on one of a long session of being sucked. Also into leather, domination, WS, verbal abuse, humiliation, light bondage, forced feminization, being rimmed, taboo perversions,99. Six-two, 205, gray hair, moustache --------------- Now I show up at his place, a cute little bungalow in WeHo. Looks normal outside, step inside again normal house. Then he takes me to his bed room and that's were it gets real and I didn't know how much it would turn me on. As I stripped my clothes off, I inspected my surroundings. Pentagrams everywhere, a sign that said "I smoke meth and worship S a t a n", iron stocks hanging from the wall, knives, just so much filthy, evil, raw sexuality. What you may not have noticed about the ad is the distinct lack of a few things..1. He tells me he loves to pnp for nice long suck sessions, 2. That he is a full on satanist, and 3. He's poz undetectable. So to this point, being married to a woman, I've never consciously been with anyone poz, but today was the day that changed. So there I stand, cock out, stroking it while he gets a few things ready. I see him pull out his leather gear, some toys, and a big bag of crystal. Now I've only ever done crystal once before, so I was a bit apprehensive about all of this, but committed to show this sexy leather daddy that I really wanted to please him. He takes the crystal and starts breaking up some lines for us, and I mean big fatties. He then takes more a puts it on a tray next to the bed and says help yourself to as much as you like, so I do lol. I pull a few more rails and then ask him if I can it the pipe. He then pulls out the longest, biggest pipe I've ever seen. Puts a few large chunks in and fires it up for me. After a large number of hit (how many I can't remember) I'm flying, so I figure fuck it what's a few more. His response was so sexy, he said if we're gonna get high let's get as high as we can as fast as we can, because why waste time. I loved it.
    1 point
  36. I'm a verbal and kinda loud top. I love thrusting inside and hearing my bottom moan and groan. It means that we are doing the right things to bring pleasure to us both. I vary my speed and way I thrust. My bottom buds know when I'm close to shooting because I start to moan and pound his ass hard. I find myself pushing deeper inside, as deep as I can go so my load is felt way inside his hole. I don't want a drop of cum to miss my target. I love it when my partner moans and groans and I feel especially proud if he cums while I'm fucking him. But of course as a selfish top I wanna get off in him as much as possible and love cumming multiple times to really soak his hole.
    1 point
  37. i think this is such a great point. Despite how we may sometimes feel, bottoms like they are "just a hole for breeding" or Tops who are 'a cock for breeding,' the truth is there is so much more to all of us. Even though we may think we have reduced our need/want to a thing, there's usually a lot more to it. Though it may be counter intuitive (or more likely, counter stereotype), i have been fucked by guys with big cocks who were really lousy at what they were doing, and i have been fucked by guys with tiny (and i do me "tiny") cocks who turned into fb's because the experience was awesome for both of us. If the rationale behind wanting a huge cock is how it feels, the reverse is true as well (i.e., the bottoms whole is so open that the Top needs to have a huge cock to feel it). For me it is not the size of a Tops cock that matters, it's the size of His orgasm (and i am not referring to load size). For me the best sex is a dance of yin/yang where each is responding to and fueled by the other. For me, the bigger a Tops pleasure, the bigger my pleasure.
    1 point
  38. I hear you... and I guess Dante will appear again soon... ?
    1 point
  39. Re restroom, that's pretty easy too. The standard initiation is tapping your foot and the guy next to you taps in response. Some guys like to slide over and touch feet if they are unsure, others don't. Guys boldness runs the gamut in my experience. i have experienced where a guy will just slide his cock under without any preamble. Just like the booths, have your ass lubed and ready. i used to slide off the toilet and have my ass more reachable between the stall wall and toilet. Guys will reach under and feel you up, so if your ass is lubed, they'll get the message and if they wanna fuck will often slide their legs and cock under and you sit on it. I've gotten a lotta loads that way. Sometimes you have to initiate by reaching under and feeling them up, going for their cock to show what you want. I've even passed notes, but if you do be careful. ABS buddy booths are safe for sex, restrooms are sometimes patrolled by undercover cops. If you pass notes, that can be used as evidence against you.
    1 point
  40. This was seriously HOT and fucked up. I keep wanting to watch videos of what you described -anyone know where to find some? Busted open bloody asses seem to get me so turned on lately.
    1 point
  41. I’ve found a piss pig partner. I go to his house at lunch time. We put the plug in his bath and get in - that way we don’t waste any piss. its getting kinky - I filled my arse with my own piss so he could drink mine from my arse.
    1 point
  42. Good point! I don't even TRY to keep it in once I've hit 10 loads! I let it leak out and run down my legs. It's like a mating call - hard cocks just seem to find my hole when it's dripping like that!
    1 point
  43. We were chatting late one night and you told me to stop by. I went to your place and we headed right to your room. You were looking cute af in some gym shorts and a wifebeater. Wasted no time. Pulled off your shorts and gave me some bomb head before getting up on the bed on all fours. I couldn't resist when I saw that gorgeous ass up in the air. I got to eat your ass out and could taste the load that was already in you. That got me all worked up. I climbed right up and started hitting it from behind. Loved when your eyes started to roll and you were whimpering. Like you were in love with the cock. Your ass was so silky and smooth. Felt so bomb when I finally loaded you up again. Hot af.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Well.at.present moment slams are all I look forward to have a friend coming today to worship Sarah will forget all and get flying
    1 point
  47. Until death do us part (story a cheating boyfriend) – Part 05 The following day I called Dante and told him, that Marcus and his friends were still amazed of the good job he had done and that they would like to meet him again soon. I’ve made an agreement with Marcus, that the little bitch would serve them for more poz fuck. Quite a lot guys enjoyed the feeling to convert an innocent one. Tonight for example a group of perverted bikers were in town, looking for the right kind of fun. So I suggested to Dante, that it would be nice, if we would be able to repeat that whole game again tonight. Dante apologized, but he wanted to celebrate his anniversary with his boyfriend and they had already made plans for a romantic dinner. I was a bit disappointed and told him, that I was an invited guest. It would be impolite, if I refused the invitation, so I told him I would find someone else to accompany me. Silence…. “Hello…. ?” I asked through the telephone. “Well… maybe…. I can make arrangements…..” “But it is your anniversary” I interfered “That’s an important date… I totally understand that.” “Yes, but I would like to be with you also, and I don’t want you to meet other guys.” he answered slowly. “You know, I can still have dinner with him tomorrow…” he didn’t sound very convincing. We agreed to meet at 8 pm and to drive back to Michael’s place to enjoy another night of sex and action. Dante told his boyfriend, that one of very best friends had lost his kitten due to a careless driver and ‘she’ would be devastated right now and needed moral support. And his boyfriend believed him. Love is blind… you see…. I was staggered, when he showed up at the agreed time. His white jeans and white shirt was way too tight, but he looked hot in it. He stepped into my car and smiled cutely at me and then went down on my cock to suck me while we drove to Marcus’s place. I almost pumped my poisoned cum into his mouth, but I told him to go slowly. I wanted to enjoy the whole evening with him. There was no need to hurry. We entered the premises and Marcus gave us a warm welcome. “Here is the ‘fluffer-boy’ I told you about…. and almost 20 guys turned to Dante immediately and some of them high-fived him. The guys twisted his tiny and erected nipples, which made the boy moan loudly. Dante looked at me and whispered, that he didn’t recognize any of the guys from last night. Some of them looked quite dangerous and reminded him of a biker gang. I misunderstood Marcus (on purpose) and this was actually a totally different group than the other night. Dante sighed. He didn’t like this idea. More and more people got to know him. This was too dangerous, since he still got a current boyfriend. He turned to Marcus and said he was not happy with this development and Marcus totally supported him. He announced to the entire group, that the guys should respect the privacy of the fluffer, because his real boyfriend didn’t know, that he was here – sucking dick. The twink looked shocked as he saw the grinning and estimated faces of the bystander. The group of men nodded mockingly. They wouldn’t hold it against Dante, if he did a good job. Someone shouted ‘Give him the gift and send him back to his boyfriend’ Everybody was laughing – even Dante reluctantly did. “Oh well – where do you want me to take your loads. Do you want to splash into my eyes…. here? Like last night?” Dante asked softly. “Oh, that is important. Thanks for pointing that out. I suggested to this group, that you would suck dicks and would accept the guys shooting the cum right into your eyes.” Marcus told merely to Dante. “But imagine, they had the same event two days ago with another guy and they want to do something else. I told them, since you specified the rules last night, it would be fair, if they could decide tonight, what is hot…. and what is not.” he continued with his fib. He took Dante by the hand. “The group wants you to kneel… here! Yes… next to the sling…. no… more to the left. Perfect!” “Here you will suck the guys hard and as you can see, you will be placed next to the bitches ass, who will be abused in this sling tonight. This way the fucker can withdraw his cock from your mouth and immediately start fucking the whore. But he can also get out of the cunt and fuck your face for some assistance again. Do you get it?” Marcus asked Dante harshly. The twink nodded slowly. “This way you can concentrate on the next guy already and still assist the current top” he smiled at Dante. “They would also like you to swallow the cum after every third of fourth deposit. For this… you just move over here and put your open mouth over the asshole of the ass whore. Then he will fart the cum straight into your waiting mouth. You will wait until the cunt tells you he is finished farting into your mouth. Then you turn to us and show us the deposits. We tell you when to recycle the cum and then you simply swallow it. Don’t foget to show your empty mouth to us again. And you got to lick the asshole too. It should be cleaned out, so the next alpha male can get to business. Then you move back to your first spot again and the whole thing repeats itself.” Marcus looked expectant. “Can I talk to you, please?” he asked me. “Of course” I said but I showed no intention to move to a more private area. “Speak up….” “I don’t want to swallow the cum from guys I don’t know.” he whispered. The bikers grinned evilly. “Well…. hmm… well try to know them better. Ask their names, before you start sucking them. This way you would know them” I suggested. “But you told me, if I would swallow other guys cum, you would call me a cheater” Dante insisted. “No baby… I told you once, if you would suck a guy and swallow his cum – then you would be a cheater. But you are recycling the junk of other tops. The guy in the sling is the slut. He drains the nuts of these fellow gentlemen. You are just cleaning the mess up and this is exactly what a fluffer boy has to do.” I could see in his eyes he was confused. He wasn’t able to decide what was wrong and what was right. He lost his moral compass interacting with me. Every day a little bit more. Soon he would take dicks in a dark room. He was on its way to be a super bareback poz slut. “What about diseases? Are you all clean?” he asked and knew the answer already. Marcus told him, that he had checked all the papers one hour ago and all the guys were clean. No STD in sight…. such a fucking liar. “Oooookay…..” the boy sighed. Dante started to undress slowly. The guys were luring around him and touched his body. His nipples got twisted again and the blonde angel squirmed and squeaked from time to time. While he took his spot next to the sling, he got on his knees and three biker guys surrounded him. He started massaging their huge bulges through their leather pants and jeans. Suddenly there was a little commotion. The ‘slut’ entered the room and the guys went ballistic. Another twink actually got dragged into the room. He wasn’t able to stand on his own feet. He gazed around with a distant look. The dark haired teen has been drugged or he was totally intoxicated, or maybe both. The huge guys blocked Dante’s view. He just heard them clapping their hands, shouting obscenities. The ‘slut’ got positioned into the sling. He wore a tight jockstrap. Dante could see the hairless ass and he noticed, that the bikers were quite rough on the other young whore. He heard the boy moan, because some of the guys enjoyed squeezing the teen’s balls. “Are you the fluff-boy?” addressed to him. Dante didn’t react at once and got slapped into his face. “I said, are you the fucking fluff-boy?” the leather daddy repeated himself. “Yes Sir. My name is Dante” he replied sweetly. “I don’t care. Start sucking my dick. I want to fuck this filthy whore” he answered. “What is your name?” Dante asked politely. “I’m your first John… now start sucking, or you will deeply regret it” he roared. Dante started to unbuckle the heavy leather belt and opened the cage to a nice big cock. He was semi-hard, but even in this state it was impressive. Dante started licking the glans penis. The leather guy grabbed the boy’s blonde hair and started pumping his rapidly hardening cock deep into Dante’s throat. Really impressive, I thought. It must have been at least ten inches. The slutty bitch in the sling would definitely burst, if this king-size anaconda was raping his hole with this ‘big-gun’ Another guy needed already attention, although Dante’s mouth was still occupied he had to stroke at least one cock already, to keep the guys hard for the action. The leather daddy changed the hole now. He wasn’t the romantic type. You could see his positioned himself at the tight opening and while he drew the twink’s body closer to him, he used all his power to penetrate the ‘slut’ in one swift motion. You could hear the daddy grunt loudly, while he bottomed out. Although the bitch was sort of unconscious, he was still making whining noises and this made the biker even more aggressive. He slammed his pelvis against the young guy’s entrance. This was more than just an aggressive fuck. It was more like the boy got butchered alive. Although he had stamina, you could see and hear, that the first top was close to shoot. “You fucking dirty whore. This is what you get you filthy little punk. I hope I knocked you up you stupid cunt. Thought you could earn some money you bitch?” he groaned, “Now I will kill you…. I will kill you…. you little fag….. you stupid fuck…. this is all you can get….” and with this words he shot his highly toxic venom deep inside the ‘sluts’ ass. Dante had not time listening to all the shouting. He looked up to the second guy who wanted a blow-job, to get hard for the final act. “Hey my name is Dante. What’s yours?” he asked again “I’m your John too…. now suck!” the seconds guy ordered. Dante was so busy doing a good job and still his mind wandered to the sling. He imagined it could be him manhandled this way. And all of a sudden, he was scared…. curious…. excited…. He needed Scorpion’s dick. He wanted him so badly. Tonight…..
    1 point
  48. Thx to the anonymous editor.... (again) Still here the original version.... which makes it easier for me to continue with the story line. Until death do us part (story a cheating boyfriend) It happened all on a sunny Saturday at Michelle’s wedding. She was a very good friend of mine and I was an invited guest to celebrate with her, the most important day of her life so far. We were quite a crowd, as we witnessed the solemn vows in the church. But I had no eyes for the holy ceremony in front of me. My eyes rested on a young guy who was sitting not far away from me. I recognized his breathtaking beauty, his innocent appearance. He looked almost angelic with his blonde hair and blue eyes. His body frame was athletic and still petite. He was not really tall – maybe 5 feet and 7 inches the most. Eventually he felt observed and after smiling shyly to me once in a while, he concentrated his gaze at Michelle and John who promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. It was obvious, that the guy next to my blonde angel was his boyfriend. He held his arm around his shoulder, like he was protecting him. It was a nice gesture and somehow it made me hard. The boy’s eyes wandered back to me, just to look away…. it was almost like a hot and dangerous game. We all got up when the bride and groom started to leave the church. And although my cock was extremely hard, I stood up just to show the little blonde darling, what was in store for him. The blonde guy passed me and saw the immense bulge and blushed. Since he couldn’t look away, I knew I had him on the hook. During the afternoon we had quite a ball and I made sure, that Michelle placed me next to the lovely twink. He and his fiancée were friends of her now husband. I learnt that his name was Dante. Later that evening, when the people were wandering around to dance or take a smoke or simply talk to others we stayed at our table and looked at each other. He told me he was with his partner for two years now and they planned to marry also in the upcoming year. I nodded and my right hand was at the back of his chair. My thumb was caressing his shoulder blade, while he told me how much he was in love with his boyfriend. With my left hand I massaged my bump unashamedly. No one saw it anyway, no one but Dante who tried to ignore my hands playing with my hard on. “Would you mind stop touching me? I am here with my boyfriend….” he said all of a sudden. I kept on caressing his back and told him I knew that, but I was not doing any harm by touching him. “Still…. it is not appropriate” he insisted. “So you want me to stop. I can do that. I can stop touching you and I can take ‘that’ away from you” I replied and stopped groping myself. Spreading my legs I gave him a good view of the tent, that was building up in my pants. Dante gulped. “It looks great… but I am scared someone could see me looking at it” he whispered. “You could take a closer look, somewhere more private” I suggested. Dante looked around frantically. “Meet me at the church yard…. tomorrow…. at 3 pm” I demanded. “But my boyfriend” he mumbled. “We will just meet and talk” I promised him, although I knew I would be the one talking. He wouldn’t be able to reply, since he would massage my cock with his throat. Dante nodded. “I will try to meet you there” he promised and with that I got up and made sure he got a good last look at my bulging pants before I left the table to get me another drink and to enjoy the rest of the evening with a bunch of my acquaintances. The next day came and I arrived at the church shortly before 3 pm. Dante was waiting for me already. He was sitting on a bench and texting on his mobile. Dressed in a washed out jeans and a skater shirt he looked even younger than his 18 years of age, which he told me yesterday. I walked up to him and build myself up in front of him. My dick started to stir again and since he was sitting at the right height, it was the first thing he saw. A nice lump was forming in my jeans again. “Hey Dante… nice, that you made it” I greeted him. “Yeah – nice to see…. you…. too” he replied staring at my jeans. Then his eyes searched for my eyes and he smiled at me. “Although - I am still not comfortable to be here. I even lied to my boyfriend” he admitted. ‘Nice’ I thought. “Why? What did you tell him?” I wanted to know. “I texted him I lost my bracelet at the wedding and wanted to check in various places if I could find it” he said. “Well let’s take a walk over the cemetery. We could talk and find a quiet corner to converse some more” I looked at him with a friendly face. “Okay” he agreed and with that we started walking towards the entrance of the wide cemetery. We chatted along and I kept looking for a bench to be a little offside. Sooner or later I found the perfect place. It was a bench positioned beneath a willow without any tombstones neaby. We sat down and since Dante kept on peering to my jeans I laid my arm around his shoulder and sat there with legs apart. “Well, why don’t start feeling me up a little bit, while we talk.” I suggested. “I am not sure if I should do this” he mentioned. “It would feel like cheating on my boyfriend and I don’t want to go that path. I am proud that we are committing ourselves into a faithful relationship” he told me. ‘Blah blah blah’ I thought. Of course I agreed with that and I told him it was not my intention to ruin anything. I could relate on that, since I was in a solid relationship myself (a lie) and would never be not loyal to my loved one (a lie again… since I cheated always on my partners. Come on, as if fucking the same old hole would make you horny after some times of usage. “But then again – it is nothing more than a human touch” I explained to him and touched his right hand. “See…. nothing more. No cheating, no lies, just a human touch – and I got the feeling you were quite interested yesterday to feel me up. And I can see it in your eyes, that you still are… ” I encouraged Dante. He didn’t look at my face. He stared openly at my bulge and his hand tried to fondle the clear outlining of my hard 9 inch long cock. He started at the base with one finger and followed the route up to my cockhead. There he used three of his fingers to get a grip around my glans penis and massaged it through my jeans. “It is so long and thick” he said admiring. “Yeah – most guys turn me down, because of that” I sighed deeply. “Are you serious?” he looked up at me, but kept on stroking my cock through my tight jeans. I simply nodded. It was unbelievable, how many guys were scared of the size of my cock. Of course this was a lie also, but I wanted to get this thing going. “I would love to feel it up my ass” he confessed. He told me that the cock of his boyfriend was only six inches long and was really thin. “I’m sorry – I shouldn’t have told you that” he apologized. “Nah – man we are friends. Who can you turn to, if not to a friend in such matters?” I asked him honestly and played my cards so hypocritically. “So you fuck your boyfriend?” I asked him? “Good lord – no!” he exclaimed. He was the passive part, which made it so critical for him. He loved his boyfriend, just in bed he was a whack. “Oh that’s bad of course, but love can overcome such problems” I praised him and really had to bite my tongue in order not to laugh out loud. “You want to take a closer look?” I asked him. “Here? Out in the open?” he sounded shocked. I got the feeling this twink was really a good one ‘as in’ playing always safe – meeting the love of his life – testing for HIV and that crap and then fucking without condoms like rabbits. He was a ‘Neg’ for sure, which made him even more desirable for me. “Nah – are you crazy?” I played the surprised. “We could use the church toilets and you could take a short glance. That’s it” I promised. I vowed I would not fuck him there and smiled my winning smile and so we agreed on walking to the toilets. He was supposed to walk in front of me and reserve a stall and I would enter immediately behind him and enter the stall if no one else was in there at all. I’ve watched him shaking his ass at me, while he looked for the right way back to the church. From time to time he turned around to me and grinned, while I followed him, giving him a dirty look. I even squeezed my bulge more than one time, when he took another turn, gazing at me. I was horny like a dog when I entered the church toilets and as we thought, we were the only ones in there at that moment. So Dante took the last of three stalls and disappeared in it. I followed him and closed the door behind us. Right after that the main door opened again and someone shuffled into to urinals section and started to pee. I signaled Dante to get down on his knees and to open my pants, while I pretended to concentrate to the stranger outside, but I hardly listened to the noises the other fellow made. Dante understood and so he went down and started with my belt. I looked down on him and it was like, he was hypnotized by the huge lump in my jeans. He opened the buttons swiftly and then he received his present of the day – my cock! He was mesmerized and looked at it closely. He felt the girth of my dick and enjoyed smelling around my dong, but he never tried to move to the next step. So I whispered to him, if he would like to hold it, while I took a piss, because I really had to go… He nodded and smiled at me. He aimed my dick towards the toilet porcelain and I started letting go a strong gush of piss. I sighed relieved and the luck was on my side, when I realized that there was no toilet paper in our stall. So when I finished pissing up, I told Dante about our dilemma and asked him, if he could finish the job. He looked up at me with big eyes and you could see his brain started working. But the tension was too much for him and so he focused his gaze on my dick head again and shortly after that I felt his tongue lapping at my glanse penis. Dante enjoyed licking my piss slit. His tongue wiped through my piss slit a lot of times. He even dared to take my cock head into his mouth for a couple of seconds and started sucking me softly. Then the magic moment was gone and Dante started jacking me off slowly, but without his mouth supporting it. I knew what he was trying to do, but it was my game and he had to obey my rules. So I stopped his motions and started to button up, while grinning at him cheekily. Dante looked like a child, who got robbed of his favorite toy. I almost felt sorry for him, but this jacking off would lead to nothing. I had to keep his tension up and so I apologized to him, and told him that I had to leave for a date with my lover (a lie, since there was no solid relationship for me) and if he would like to meet me for another chat, we could meet at the church parking lot on Thursday at the same time again. His face brightened up and he promised he would make it. We talked about ordinary stuff, as we walked back to the lot. Dante came here by bus and so we parted merrily. I didn’t suggest to him, that I could drop him off somewhere else and he didn’t seem to mind it, but for the next time I knew we wouldn’t end up in the church toilet. There were other places…. peaceful places we could go, to get engaged in some more action. Little did Dante know, that there was more about me, than just my handsome face or a big cock in my jeans....
    1 point
  49. Here's me swallowing my own cum, I love it. Hate to see it go to waste!
    1 point
  50. ANOTHER TOP SENT ME THIS I picked bbslut up on our way to my buddys for a threesome. Played with his hole on the way there. Got there and my bud and me went at it. He sucked me while he bred him then we swapped and I bred him, we gave him 4 loads total. We left my buds and we headed to an arcade and I fucked him in a booth. Left there and we headed to an apartment in downtown and met a buddy of bbslut's. I bred him again then his buddy bred him. That upped the load count to 6. Finally on my way to take him home he said he was horny so I parked my car we got on my backseat and I gave him his 7th load of the night. Great cum slut!!!
    1 point
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