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  1. Part 18 - The Big Day Thursday night, Mark sent a text message to Joe “Aaron’s appt at 10:30. Can u be there 10:15?” Joe responded “ok.” Joe, Kyle and Steven drove over to the clinic and checked in. Joe looked around and there was no sign of Dennis. Or Aaron. Worried, Joe sent a message to Dennis asking where he was and got a response “Be there in 5.” Aaron and Dennis walked in the door together and Dennis led Aaron to a seat next to Joe. “What do we have here? Did you use all your charms on him Dennis?” Joe asked. Aaron blushed and looked down at the floor. “Nothing happened. He looked pretty scared when I saw him on Wednesday and figured he needed someone to talk to. We talked on the phone yesterday and we’ve been over at the diner talking for a couple hours just now” Dennis explained and then turned to Aaron and said “If you have an appointment, you better check in.” “We all should” said Kyle. The guys all went up to the receptionists desk and waited. The receptionist looked up and Aaron said “I have a 10:30 appointment. “ Douglas looked up with a smile and said “Oh good, you came back. A lot of guys get too nervous and don’t show up for the followup. It will be a few minutes, so have a seat and the nurse will call you.” One by one the other guys got checked in, each flirting with Douglas but getting nowhere with him. They sat down together and chatted about everything but the test, trying to keep Aaron from breaking down. The nurse came out of the door and asked for Joe. Kyle squeezed Joe’s leg and Joe got up and went into the exam area and was shown the same room as Wednesday. The nurse checked his temperature, weight and blood pressure and said “Have a seat, the doctor will be here in a few minutes.” Joe sat looking at the walls, reading the poster encouraging him to have safe sex, another wanting him to test often because some STDs can be silent killers, and another that showed a cutaway of a guys cock, balls and colon. He liked the last one the best, thinking about the nice fat, hung cock. There was a knock at the door and the doctor from Wednesday came in and sat down on the stool with a folder in his hand. “Hi Joe. We have the test results. Before I give them to you, I want you to know that we are here to help you both physically and mentally. Not just today, but for as long as you need it” the doctor said in a somber tone. Joe had heard this part in the past, it was nothing new. Opening up the folder the doctor said “Joe, you have tested positive for HIV and gonorrhea. There’s nothing to worry too much about. We can treat both of them and you can lead a normal active life.” Joe looked at the doctor, stunned. He had wanted to hear these words for a long time, but was still shocked when it really happened. “Uh, ok” was all he said. “We will treat the gonorrhea right away, it’s just an antibiotic and it will be cured quickly. HIV doesn’t have a cure, but we can treat it and you can have a long, normal life. First, we need to run more tests to see how far it has progressed and what the right treatment is. I see from your history, you have been getting tested for STDs about every two months the past few years. That’s good, since we know the virus hasn’t had a long time to attack your body. In the mean time, you should not have sex with anyone - oral, vaginal or anal. Be careful with any cuts and get them bandaged immediately. Once you start treatment it will take a while for your body to get to a point where HIV is undetectable and when that happens you can resume sexual activity, though we recommend always practicing safe sex to ensure you don’t infect your partner.” Joe was numb. He heard everything the doctor was saying, but was expressionless. “Do you understand what I just told you?” the doctor asked. “Yeah, I do” Joe replied. “Good. Some people get depressed when they find out news like this. We have counselors on staff for you to talk to if you need to. You can use their services at any time - today, tomorrow, next month, whenever. The nurse will give you the antibiotic and then take you down to the lab to take some more blood samples” the doctor said. After a pause the doctor continued “Do you have any idea who you might have been with that could have infected you?” “No, I don’t. I haven’t had sex in a few weeks, but before that I had been pretty active. I don’t even remember most of the guys, except for my boyfriend” Joe answered. “The reason I ask is that we usually have one new HIV infection every week or two and this week we have seven. The patient we saw yesterday thinks it was a tall guy with tattoos on his arms and a large piercing on his penis. Does this guy sound familiar? We would like to find him because he may not know he is infected and is spreading the virus around.” Joe had to fight back the smile that he felt coming on. “Oh, yeah. I know who he is and he knows he’s poz” thought Joe but he told the doctor “No, that doesn’t sound familiar, but I did have sex with a guy with a pierced cock, but I couldn’t see him.” The doctor wanted to chuckle, but tried to stay professional and just said “Ah. OK, well, I have a busy day and need to get to my next patient. I will be seeing you soon when we get the new test results. You should set up an appointment for late next week or the following week. I’ll see you then.” The nurse walked in and handed Joe a packet with the antibiotics inside and ushered him down to the lab area. He took his seat and waited for the door to open. Several minutes later the door opened and the same cute lab tech from the other day looked out. “Oh, sorry. I was taking a little break before the rush. Come on in.” Joe walked into the room and took a seat, while the lab tech closed the door and took a seat next to Joe. This time Joe remembered to look at the guy’s name tag “Tyler, remember that” thought Joe. “Are you Joe? It’s the only name in the queue on the computer” Tyler asked. “Yeah, that’s me.” “Can i have your date of birth?” Tyler next asked and Joe gave it to him. Tyler looked at the screen to see what tests he was going to need to do and how many vials of blood to draw. “Hmmm, I see. Well, I guess I should first welcome you to the club, Joe. Are you doing ok with the news?” Tyler asked. “Oh yeah, I’m doing good” Joe responded, maybe a bit too cheerfully. Chuckling to himself Tyler said “Sounds like it wasn’t too much of a surprise to you. Were you, ummm…” Joe interrupted “Chasing? Yeah, kinda. Not avoiding it, anyway.” Tyler looked at him and smiled “Cool. I did too. It was a lot of fun and now I’m on the flip side of it.” Joe looked back at Tyler thinking that he looked like a squeaky clean twink and not someone he would have thought of as a bug chaser. “Yeah, some of the best sex I’ve ever had. You’re not going to put that in my file, are you?” Joe asked. “Oh hell no, don’t worry about that. It’s more for personal info and, uh, I, uh” Tyler stumbled for words for a moment and continued “Here, give me your phone.” Joe handed over his phone and Tyler added his name and number into Joe’s contact list. “Call me if you have any questions you don’t want to ask the counselors they have here. I don’t do this for every new poz guy, but I think you’re really hot.” Tyler handed the phone back and picked up a syringe and four empty vials. Tying the strap around Joe’s arm he proceeded to draw the blood and then paste the labels on the vials. “All done for now. I hope I will be seeing you again… for more tests” Tyler said with a quiet laugh. Joe got up and went back into the waiting room and to the receptionists desk. Douglas looked at him with a big smile and Joe thought “Damn, everyone here knows I’m poz now.” Joe quickly made his appointment for a few weeks later and went back to his posse. Aaron was missing from the group and before Joe could ask Dennis said “Aaron is finding out now. I hope he’s ok.” About that time, the nurse came out to call another person back for an exam and everyone heard a loud noise coming from the exam room area and the staff went running. Aaron had gone to an exam room to get his results. The nurse had taken his vitals and he waited for the doctor to show up. His stomach was churning and he could feel his heart race. He had spent almost two hours talking with Dennis and occasionally crying. He heard the logic from Dennis - if he tested positive for HIV, he wasn’t going to die any sooner, his sex life wouldn’t die, he may lose a few friends and gain some new ones, and if he tested negative his life would go on as it had before. But it still was tearing him up inside and he was sure he would be alone and unwanted for the rest of his life. Finally the doctor walked in the room with a folder. Aaron had never been in a situation like this and was visibly shaking. “Hello Aaron” the doctor started. “We have the test results. Before I give them to you, I want you to know that we are here to help you both physically and emotionally for as long as you need it” the doctor said in a somber tone. Aaron turned even more pale. He thought his heart was going to pop out of his chest. The doctor looked at Aaron and opened up the folder and said “Aaron, you have tested positive for HIV, gonorrhea and syphilis. We can treat…” At that point Aaron fainted, falling on to the floor with the chair smashing into the exam table. The noise reverberated through the main clinic area. Nurses and other staff came running into the exam room as the doctor was propping Aaron against the wall and checking him for cuts or other injuries. The staff helped get Aaron up on to the exam table, laying back. Aaron came to a few minutes later, staring up at the ceiling with the doctor and two nurses around him. “Aaron, are you ok?” the doctor asked. “I, uh, think so” he replied. “I know this news came as a shock to you. But don’t worry. We can treat you and your life will be fine. Two of the infections we can cure with antibiotics and HIV is not a death sentence, it can be treated as well but not cured. Do you understand?” “Yes” Aaron said quietly. “We need you to take another blood test so we can find the right treatment for you and the nurse will bring the antibiotic. I want you to set up an appointment as soon as possible with a counselor since I think you need to talk with a professional about this news and how you are going to handle it.” “OK” said Aaron. “I want you to wait here for ten minutes and rest. We don’t want you to faint again. The nurse will come back and check on you.” Aaron nodded and the doctor and nurses walked out of the exam room. Steven was called next and given his results, the same as Joe’s. The doctor asked the same questions about who he may have gotten infected from and Steven said no, he didn’t meet a guy like that. He got his antibiotic and waited for the tech to draw more blood. When he walked in, Tyler looked at Steven and said “Mmm, my food came back to me” in a very bad Count Dracula impression. Steven and Tyler both laughed. “I guess you heard my comment on Wednesday” Steven said as he sat down and put his arm on the armrest. “Yeah, I’ve heard all of the jokes and comments before. You’re Steven and your birthdate is…” Tyler asked. They completed the blood draw and as Steven was about to get up, Tyler said “Welcome to the club. Its pretty exclusive, hehe. Don’t worry, everything will be ok.” Steven said “Thanks, I hope so” and walked out to the waiting room, running into the nurse escorting Aaron to the lab for his blood work. Aaron went straight into the room and Tyler had been told that he was the one that fainted. He was extra gentle and kept reassuring Aaron that he would be ok. Tyler kept checking Aaron out and even licked his lips once, before he caught himself. “I want to tap that” he thought. Once the blood test was done Tyler asked “Are you ok to walk out to the waiting room by yourself? Do you have someone to take you home?” “Yeah, I’ll be ok. Thanks” Aaron responded and slowly walked out to the guys. “Where’s Dennis? he asked as he got there. “He’s in getting his results. Have a seat. What happened back there? Someone said a patient passed out” Kyle asked. Aaron looked down and said “Yeah, that was me. I fainted when they told me I have HIV, gono and syphilis. Fuck, I’m so screwed.” “You’ll be ok. We all are poz now. We can work through this together” said Joe. “Do you think Dennis is too?” asked Aaron. “Probably, he was at the same party we were. He didn’t get sick though, so maybe he is still neg” Joe said. A minute or so later, Joe asked Aaron “Oh, by the way did they ask you who you think might have given it to you?” Joe, Steven and Kyle all looked at Aaron waiting for the answer. “No they didn’t. I bet it was that asshole I met at the book store last week. He told me he was giving me AIDS and that fucker did” said Aaron, and added “They want me to see a counselor but I would rather just talk to you guys, if that’s ok. You know what I’m going through better than they would.” The guys all nodded and assured him that he could call any time to talk. Dennis walked up and plopped down in a chair next to Aaron. You could tell he was fighting off showing any elation. “HIV poz and gono” was all he said. “Well, lets get our next appointments set up and get out of here” said Kyle. The group walked up to the receptionist and Joe said I already did mine, Aaron…” Aaron told Douglas that he needed a followup in a few weeks and Joe said “lets set them up for about the same time, so we can carpool.” Aaron got his appointment just after Joe’s and Douglas looked at him and said “It’s going to be ok. Take care of yourself.” The other guys got similar appointment times but with a much happier farewell from Douglas, complete with a wink. Luis woke up earlier than normal from the sounds of his roommates getting ready for class. Thankfully he had no classes that day and just had to be at work for the Friday afternoon rush starting at 4PM. He missed the constant fucking that he had been doing with Kyle, Dennis and Steven before the fuck flu hit them. He was horny and needed to fuck. He looked at a few online sites and apps and everyone seemed to want “neg only” or “safe only”. Desperately, he got on Craigslist and did a few searches and found one that looked good: Horny bottom cub looking for hot sex. 27, 5’10, 200lbs, furry ass, safe or bb, anon ok, newly poz He liked the pics, especially the one with him laying in a sling. “Newly, poz, huh? He probably won’t mind some more poz cum in his ass, then” thought Luis. He sent a reply saying he was poz too and gave a description, his phone number and a couple of his pics - the obligatory dick pic and a pic he took of his cock coming out of Dennis’s cummy hole. He took a shower and was reading email when his phone rang. It was the guy from the Craigslist ad. A few questions were passed back and forth and Luis was out the door on his way to dump a four day load in the cub. Luis knocked on the door and a guy opened it. They looked each other over as Luis said that he was the guy who answered his ad. The guy looked better than his pictures, more muscular but his face looked tired. He invited Luis in and they walked back to a bedroom. Luis was always friendly and chatty with people, even his hookups. He asked “So man, your ad said you’re newly poz. When did you find out?” The guy looked embarrassed and said quietly “Yesterday.” “Fuck, dude. You doing ok?” Luis asked as he sat down on the bed, and took his shoes and shirt off. “Not really. None of the regular guys I fuck with want to do it now that I’m poz. You were the only one that answered the ad. When I’ve put it up before, I usually get two or three hookups out of it and a bunch of time wasters. A few weeks ago I had this really hot guy with tattooed arms and a big pierced cock that was an amazing fuck, but I think he was the one that pozzed me.” Luis stood up and dropped his pants and stepped out of them and walked over to the guy and gave him a big hug. “Don’t worry, you’ll find a new group of regulars and things will work out. Trust me. I’ve already been through it” He slowly pulled the guys shirt off and let his shorts drop to the floor. Luis kissed the guy and slowly the energy shifted. Luis pushed him down on the bed and he climbed on top of the cub. He chewed on the guy’s nipples and worked his way down, rubbing his furry chest and stroked his cock. He went down on the guys five and a half inch thick cock, easily deep throating it and squeezed his balls. Working the guys cock with his tongue he started tasting the guys charged up precum and knew he was getting this guy out of his funk. Luis pulled off his cock and pushed the guy’s legs up revealing a furry ass. He spread the cub’s ass cheeks and dove in with his tongue, tasting the guy’s scent. He wondered if a guy’s scent changes when he converts and quickly returned his attention to the fuckhole in front of him. He fucked his tongue into the cub’s hole and felt it start to relax and pulse. He knew that this was not the time for a hard breeding, it had to be more sensual to make the guy feel like a desirable bottom, not an outcast. His fingers toyed with the cub’s hungry hole, slowly fucking in and out, pushing the spit deeper inside him. Once he felt the cub was loosened up enough he lowered his ass down and rubbed his precum soaked cock around the guys hole. He looked the guy in the eyes and softly said “Do you want this?” “oh god yes, please. fuck me please” replied the cub. Luis pushed in and felt the cub’s hole swallow his cock eagerly. He started slowly pistoning his cock in the warm soft tunnel, the strokes getting longer and harder. The guy kept begging for his cock and used his ass muscles to massage Luis’s shaft. Eventually, Luis couldn’t hold back his cum and began unloading his four day load into the guy who immediately began to shoot his own toxic load all over his chest. Luis began to lick up the cum from the guys furry chest and then kissed him with it. They laid there kissing and holding each other for several minutes. Luis rolled the guy over on to his stomach, smearing the cum all over the bed and began feasting on his cummy hole. Luis always loved the taste of cum, his or anyone else’s and was sucking his load out of the guy. His cock still hard, he mounted the cub and shoved his cock back inside. The guy moaned and yelled “Yes, fuck me again” and Luis did not disappoint. This time he got rougher and really pounded the guys hole. He pulled the guy up on to his knees and kept up the assault on his ass, varying angle and intensity of his thrusts. His cock had been leaking precum for most of the second round of fucking and the cubs hole was very sloppy and soon it would be even sloppier. The thrusts got erratic and hard and Luis drove his cock in all the way and felt the rush of cum pumping into the poz cub. He rolled over taking the guy with him and they lay spooning on the bed for several minutes. The cub rolled over, facing Luis, and kissed him and said “Thank you. I was so down before you came and now I feel so good.” Luis said “You have my number. Call me to talk or fuck. I’ll introduce you to other poz guys and you can get back into your groove.” He looked over and saw the time. They had been fucking for almost three hours and he needed to get home and shower before work. Luis got dressed as the guy watched him from the bed. He went over and kissed the guy one more time and walked out the door. When he got home, Luis pulled out his phone and found the Craigslist ad and copied the picture of the cub in the sling and sent it to Joe with a message “pls send pic to your brother and ask him if he did this guy.”
    8 points
  2. Wouldnt you know it, I happen to be doing that very thing right now.
    5 points
  3. I haven't posted in sometime, just been busy, out and about, and getting cocks Anyway, Saturday past was a busy day! A new guy I had never met showed up, wanted to have me quick in the living room, just lift my skirt and fuck me. But, wanted me to have condoms ready. Ok, no problem. Well, he came in, bent me over, and fucked me hard for maybe 15 min, then grunted, and came in the condom, or so I thought! I took it off him thinking i could save it, and it seemed pretty empty, sucked his cock a bit. After he left, sure enough, I think he must have torn a hole in it, as it was empty, and my ass was full of cum! Later in the afternoon, a regular married guy came over, and we chatted for a bit, then started making out. He pushed me onto my front on my couch, and proceeded to lick my ass like a madman! I love this, drives me wild! Finally, he mounted me and drove his cock in me over and over, before grunting, and telling me he is filling me with his cum! Mmm yessss! Kept his cock in me till it plopped out, along with a lot of cum that ran out. In the evening, a top dom guy wanted me face down in bed. Not going to argue with that! I heard him come in the door, and into the bedroom. He started by slapping my ass, calling me a dirty whore, fingering me, and rammed the rubber dildo i had ready and lubed into my ass! Told me he needed to open me up for his thick cock! After several minutes of ass slapping and dildo fucking, he spit on my hole, and started to push his very thick cock right in! Pulled my hair back and started just jamming me with his cock! I was moaning so loud, glad the neighbors weren't home! A few minutes in, and he slid me to the edge of the bed so he could stand up and fuck me harder! Lasted a few minutes, then back to the middle of the bed, where in short order, he lowered all his weight onto me, asked me to beg for his cum! I did just that, and in no time, he pushed in deep and groaned, letting me know I was only good for taking cock and cum! I could actually feel his cock pulsing! It was a huge load, as he pulsed for what felt like a long while! He pulled out, thanked me, dressed and left! My ass was dripping cum!
    4 points
  4. K, so, I recently moved in with my cuzin and her kid a couple weeks ago...since then...I've had to get my lazy ass up every morning, early as fuck, to take her to work and take little Jacob (aka Jacob Jr. or "JJ") to his dad's...long story short...JJ's dad's loaded me up a couple times...most recently, this morning lol....oh and did I mention JJ's dad has another gf lol. So, it all started last week on Tuesday...like usual I dropped off my cuzin at work and took JJ to his dads. Well, when I got to JJ's dads place JJ was asleep so I carried him into his dad's room and laid him on the bed...but of course as soon as I laid him down he kinda woke up and started crying...so I laid there for a minute to put him back to sleep (btw JJ is 4yo lol). Once he fell back to sleep I got up real slow and started to walk out of the room...that's when JJ's dad stood in the doorway with an obvious semi hard on lol and wouldn't let me pass. Nothing like creepy or anything just like kinda blocked the door way to where I kinda had to scoot past him in a way that he rubbed against me lol..... ok so a little back story on JJ's dad (aka Jacob Sr. or Jake)...when he was dating my cuzin I always thought he was so hot...ugh...but truly never thought he liked me cuz he would be an ass to me sometimes...like say stuff about being gay or making gay jokes...shit like that. So I figured he was pretty much straight...although, he did flash his cock to me one time when he was drunk as fuck lol...but so was I, so it was like whatever lol....besides my cuz saw him do it and she sorta laughingly scolded him...you know how that goes....ANYWAY.... so...once I got past him I still had to go get JJ's diaper bag and car seat from the car...so I did that and came back in...this time tho...when I got back in...Jake was pretty much fully hard as fuck lol (oh and yeah...he was high lol)....now...I'd like to say I was like OMG whats wrong with you lol...but come on lol.....so as I was putting the stuff down he asked if I wanted a hit (420) ...I was like fuck it sure...ended up taking a few more hits and got super fucking horny, like I usually do lol.........and like all of a sudden I got up all fast and said omg where's JJ...I went to the room real fast and he was still asleep (LOL I was so high and paranoid LOL)...anyway as I came back into the living room Jake was laying on the couch totally naked and hard as fuck...I sorta giggled and he said you want another hit...so I sat on the floor next to him and he started stroking his cock...omg I wanted it so bad...and without a word I knelt next to the couch, grabbed his cock and started sucking on it...ugh it tasted so good....after a little while he sat up and said come here and lifted me up off the floor....he spit on his hand...rubbed it on his cock...spit again on his hand and rubbed it on and in my hole...and he sat me down on his cock...omg fuck....finally when I was all the way down I started riding it up and down real slow...hearing him moan was soo hot.....so after a few minutes of that he told me to get up and he had me kneel on the couch with my chest against the back of the couch and then fucked me so fucking hard omg damn...like seriously his balls were slapping against my ass so hard....and after about 10min or so he grunted so loud and pushed in me as deep as he could and busted his nut deep in my hole mmmm fuckin omg it felt soo good.... sadly...hes one of those kinda guys that are like ok you need to leave now lol....but whatever...I got what I wanted and so did he....AND...he's had it a few more times since the first time lol...this morning being the last time ....cant wait till his next load mmmm hehe
    3 points
  5. Part 19 - A Side Job Mark and Eric were sitting at home sipping a glass of wine when a message popped up on Mark’s phone. He quickly took a look. He had been waiting all day for a word from Joe and Aaron. It was from Paul. “Want to earn some easy money?” Mark responded “Uh, oh. how?” Paul sent back “Got a client who wants tops 2 breed him and partner. $1k each for 2 hrs. u and eric want to join me?” Mark shook his head and asked Eric if he was up for it. Eric said “Fuck no.” Mark picked up the phone and started typing “Sorry, Eric says no” and right before he hit send, Eric said “Well, maybe.” They talked about it for a few minutes and Mark called Paul to get more info. Paul answered all of his questions like he was buying a refrigerator - very business like. He got Paul’s address and explained to Eric “It’s a last minute gig he got. We’re to wear nice casual clothes, the client is very rich. Both the client and the partner are neg and want to get filled with unmedicated poz cum. It’s a one night fuck and we are gone, no fuck until they convert, unless they hire us again. Paul thinks we can breed each guy once, so they each get three toxic loads in them. We need to be there at 9 pm, so we have to get ready now.” They quickly showered, dressed, grabbed a backpack of toys and drove over and picked Paul up at his apartment, which was definitely not your normal student housing. It was an upscale apartment complex with pools, tennis courts, gym, etc. Paul had his gym bag, but instead of a stripper outfit inside it had a variety of sex toys, bondage cuffs, ropes, blindfolds. It was stuffed full. Paul gave each of them a viagra and they shared a bottle of water to wash it down. Mark drove over a few suburbs and pulled into the driveway at the client’s address and was amazed at the sizes of the mansions. Paul called the client to let them know they were at the front gate and soon the gate opened. He drove up to the front of the house and parked next to a new Ferrari. They walked to the front door and before they could knock the door opened. Standing before them in a monogrammed bathrobe was an athletic middle aged guy, Mark guessed early fifties, with a full head of salt and pepper hair. He had a simple but large diamond stud earring in each ear and a couple rings on each hand. The man looked the three of them over and said “You look absolutely delicious. Please come in.” They followed the man down a hallway to a staircase, down the staircase to a lower level and down another hall to a door. Mark thought “I hope I can remember how to get out of here if this goes bad.” The man said “Gary is waiting in the playroom here. Across the hall here is a room you can remove and put your clothes in. Oh, how rude. I am Greg. I hope you will try your best to make sure our future isn’t so negative. We only have a few limits - no permanent marks, no broken bones, no scat and no pictures. Discretion is required. I hope that is acceptable.” Paul looked at Mark and Eric and they nodded and he said “Yes it is.” The man pulled out an envelope and handed it to Paul and said “I will be in the playroom, please join us when you’re ready.” He opened the playroom door and walked in as Mark, Eric and Paul went into the other room. Paul quickly counted the money and smiled. $3000. He handed Eric and Mark their share and started to undress. Mark whispered in Paul’s ear “I have a special PA that I just got, should I wear it?” and showed him the mace balled PA he got when visiting Joe. Paul grinned and nodded. Mark finished undressing and swapped the ring in his cock yelling “Ow!” as he tightened the ball on the ring. He put on a leather harness and put his boots back on. Paul was naked except for two wide leather bracelets with biohazard symbols sewn onto them. Eric was dressed like Mark, with leather boots and a black leather harness. Eric looked at the new PA in Mark’s cock and said “oh my fucking god, you are going to rip them up.” Paul agreed and said “Just fuck them for a minute with that thing then remove it or put the other one in.” Mark grabbed the normal ring and slid it into his boot. The guys walked across the hall and entered the playroom. It was larger than Mark’s whole apartment and filled with numerous devices. There were crosses, fuck benches, slings, cages, a piss play area with showers, a tub with a large tank next to it with a hose, a rack that had numerous whips and other gear hanging from it. Mark could look around for hours at all of the equipment, but they had a job to do. Paul walked up to Greg who was laying on a fuck bench next to the other guy, presumably Gary. Gary was about the same age as Greg, but in very average middle-aged shape with several extra pounds and a belly. He had a bald spot starting to grow on the back of his head and a simple tribal arm band tattoo on each bicep. Gary had several welts on his back. Both were naked. Gary was already strapped down with hand and ankle cuffs to the bench. Paul picked up the fur lined leather cuffs and locked Greg on as Gary watched and whimpered. Mark walked over to Gary and checked the cuffs and made sure they were secured to the bench and allowed very little movement. The three poz guy’s cocks were stiffening by the second partially from the viagra but also from the scene that was unfolding. Paul looked over the two clients and walked over to a rack and picked up two ball gags. Paul stood in front of Greg and said in a calm voice “Greg, I want you to tell me what you want from our session here tonight in clear words, no innuendos.” Greg said “I want you and your partners to use me for your pleasure and fill me with your HIV positive cum and infect me.” Paul leaned down and strapped the ball gag on Greg’s head. He moved over to Gary and stood in front of him. “Gary, I want you to tell me what you want from our session tonight in clear words, no innuendos.” Gary cleared his throat “Sir, I want you and your friends to use and abuse my body to infect me with HIV.” Paul then asked one other question “Gary, are you doing this of your own free will?” Gary said “Yes, Sir.” Paul smiled and strapped the gag on Gary’s head and slapped his ass. Paul motioned to Mark to move behind Greg and said “We are about to begin. There is no turning back. Shake your head now if you want us to stop.” Paul waited ten seconds and then nodded to Mark and Eric. “This next step will be painful, but it will help ensure infection.” Paul pointed at Mark and said “Go”. Mark circled Greg’s hole with his finger and pushed in easily. He was already lubed and ready to be fucked. He rubbed his spiked piercing on Greg’s hole and Greg whimpered loudly around the gag. Slowly he pushed in until he felt his cockhead pass the first ring. Mark paused a moment and then grinned and grabbed Greg’s hips. He thrust in all the way, feeling his body slam into Greg’s ass. A scream filled the room and Greg fought against his restraints. Mark could see the sweat pour from his body as he held his twitching cock deep inside Greg’s hole. The screams continued and he could feel the hole get slicker and assumed it was a mixture of blood and his precum. After only two strokes, he pulled his cock from Greg’s cunt. It was covered in blood and Mark decided that he had done enough damage. Greg was still writhing on the bench as Mark moved over behind Gary. Gary was squirming on the bench as Mark rubbed his pussy with the bloody piercing. He followed the same steps - push past the ring, pause, then slam all the way in. Just as with Greg, the screams from Gary filled the room. Mark started to slowly fuck his hole but after only one stroke, Gary went silent and limp. Paul checked him and then gave Mark a thumbs up sign. Mark gave one more stroke and pulled out. Paul pointed at Eric and he got up behind Greg and thrust into his bloody hole. The screams from Greg slowly turned to grunts as Eric pounded his hole over and over. He jabbed in different directions and found the right position to hit Greg’s prostate. After twenty minutes of constant pounding, Eric started to jackrabbit Greg’s hole and with one hard slam, unloaded his virus filled cum into the shredded chute. Pulling out, Eric’s cock was covered in dark pink cum. He wiped his cock off with a towel and rested a while. Mark had removed his spiked PA and decided to fuck without the regular one for the rest of the session. He stood back and watched Eric pound Greg. When Gary came to, Paul leaned down and whispered in his ear “Are you ok?” and Gary nodded yes. He then whispered “Do you want us to stop?” and he shook his head no. With that, Paul moved behind Gary and drove his cock in all the way. He fucked and drilled Gary’s hole until he couldn’t wait any longer and pumped him full of his toxic baby makers. The guys took turns fucking then breeding Greg and Gary until both had received three loads of viral cum and copious amounts of precum. They had been at the mansion for over two hours. After the last load was dropped into Gary, Paul inserted plugs into both of their asses. The guys went over to the shower area and cleaned off the blood, cum and sweat off their bodies and went to dress. Ready to leave, Paul went over to the playroom and removed Greg’s ball gag and unlocked the cuffs that held Greg on the fuck bench. Mark and Eric were watching from the doorway to see what happened. Greg slowly got up and it was obvious he was in a lot of pain from the destruction of his ass and from being locked in one position for a few hours. Paul helped him stand up straight. Greg looked at Paul and said “My boy, that was the most amazing fuck I have ever had. I am sure you and your friends have given me the gift I want so badly and have never gotten from regular sex. You tip is in my robe. Please take it with my and Gary’s thanks. You can show yourself out while I stay here to recover.” Paul looked at Greg and said “Thank you. You should leave the plug in over night and let the cum absorb. If you are still bleeding in the morning, you should see a doctor. You got a bit more torn up than we planned.” Paul took the envelope out of the robe and the three walked back down the hallway, up the stairs and found the front door. Getting in the car, Mark exclaimed “Holy fuck that was twisted! I hope they are ok. That PA really tore them up.” Driving home, Paul opened the second envelope and counted out the tip. “Damn, I guess we did a good job. There’s another three grand in here. That means we each took in two thousand dollars for a nights work.” He handed Eric and Mark’s share to Eric and sat back and relaxed. When they got to Paul’s apartment, he got out and said “Thanks, guys. I couldn’t have done that gig without you. I hope you enjoyed it. Mark, I’ll see you at work Monday.” Mark and Eric drove home in silence, a bit stunned. Once inside the apartment, Mark threw their clothes in the washer and cleaned the harnesses and piercing. He set the mace piercing on the book shelf in the living room thinking “This is never going to be used again. It really is for show only.” He picked up his phone which he had left on the table while they were out. There were six missed messages. Reading through them he saw: Joe: pozzed and gono. thx Aaron: I am HIV positive, have gonorrhea and syphilis too. I want to die. Dennis: Thanks for helping me get pozzed. its official now. so happy Steven: I got it. no more dreaming about it Kyle: we are all poz now. thanks 4 ur help Joe: hanging at Dennis’s. watching Aaron. he’s not good with it Mark thought “It’s almost 1AM here so it would be 3AM at Joe’s. I’ll call him in the morning.”
    3 points
  6. Hey guys... How is everybody....
    3 points
  7. Part 16 - Connecting the dots Mark had been checking the intern at work out for a couple months. The company frequently got college students to come in and work cheap with the promise that if the company liked how they worked they would get an offer when they graduated. He could tell that the guy was hiding something and it wasn’t just that he looked uncomfortable in the corporate clothing of khaki’s and polo shirts. He could see there were several piercings that he didn’t wear at work, and he always seemed to be checking out the other people in the office but never said a word about what he did outside the office. Many people try to keep their private lives out of the office gossip, but Paul took it to new levels. Mark talked to his boss and got Paul to help him on his current project. They had spent a week together and Mark had caught Paul staring at him several times. Finally he called him out on it. Paul stammered for words, embarrassed that he had been busted but happy that Mark couldn’t see his crotch, since he was rock hard like he usually was around Mark. “Listen, it will be a lot easier if you just tell me what you’re thinking and why you keep staring at me. Is it the tattoos?” Mark asked? After a few false starts, Paul finally said “No one in the office knows, but I’m gay” and paused before he added “and there are a lot of hot guys that work here” and paused again before turning bright red and finished with “and you’re the hottest one.” Mark chuckled “Dude, about a third of the guys in this department are gay. Including me. Don’t be shy about it, its cool. Just don’t stare and stalk guys at work or it can get you in deep shit. That doesn’t mean that you can’t let them know that you’re interested in getting to know them better. Just keep extracurricular activities and work separate. Look, it’s about lunch time, lets go grab a bite to eat and we can talk more openly.” Paul gave a big sigh and a smile came over his face. “Thanks, I didn’t realize it was that obvious.” The two left the building and went to a deli that Mark knew of. They grabbed sandwiches and drinks, drove back and sat down on a park bench outside the office and began to eat. Mark broke the silence and said “You should be yourself at the office, unless you’re some twisted crazed maniac, of course. It would make it a lot less stressful when you only have one life to live, not two.” “I don’t think most people would like what I do in my off time” Paul replied. “Oh? You have some skeletons in your closet?” Mark asked inquisitively. “Kinda.” Mark probed a bit “It can’t be anything crazier than some of the stuff I’ve done, so give me a hint.” After a few moments, Paul asked “If I tell you, you won’t tell anyone about this, right?” “Of course.” Paul took a deep breath and said “I go to a lot of warehouse parties. I DJ sometimes, but usually dance and hookup. Sometimes I strip at clubs and get a lot of offers for, uh, services.” He stopped and looked at Mark, waiting to see if he looked shocked or pissed off. “That’s it? Kinkier shit goes down with some of your co-workers. I don’t think management would like to hear about the stripping and escorting, but you’re a hot early 20’s gay guy. Have fun, enjoy your life. Do the crazy shit that you won’t be able to when you get older. Don’t brag about it in the office, but be yourself. Hell, my boyfriend and I might even want to watch you strip sometime” Mark said with a wink. Feeling a lot more comfortable, Paul asked “You do things like that with your boyfriend?” “Yeah” Mark said, chuckling a bit “Last stripper we saw we took home for the weekend.” Mark could see Paul react with some surprise but also saw his cock twitch. “Well, I’ve been working on a new routine and if you would like I can give you a private showing sometime” Paul said with a big grin. Mark was stripping Paul in his mind and felt his cock get really hard. “Mmmm, I bet that would be fun. I don’t like to mess around with guys from work, though and I doubt I could keep my hands to myself with you stripping in front of me.” “Well, I’m just an intern and I doubt I’ll be around after the end of the year. I also like my customers to touch the merchandise” Paul said with a nudge. “What do you have planned this evening? Maybe seven?” Mark looked at him, shaking his head. “He’s bold, that’s for sure” he thought. “I should probably decline, but my cock says yes. I usually listen to it when I shouldn’t and it always gets me into trouble. I think seven is good. I’ll text Eric and see.” “I like trouble” Paul said as they got up and walked back to work. Sitting at his desk, Mark wondered what he just got himself into, but texted Eric anyway. “hottie from work wants to show us his new stripping routine. u up for it? 7pm” and he hit send. A minute later Eric replied “What? u sure u want to bang a guy from work?” “not sure it will go that far, but I do. U in?” Mark replied right away. “ya. It’s hump day and I’m gonna dick someone tonite ;)” was Eric’s response. Mark gave Paul his number and address and decided 7:30-8 PM would be a better time. The rest of the afternoon went quick and as Mark was about to leave for the day to get home and clean up, his phone rang. It was Joe and he answered “Hey, Joe, how are you feeling?” as he walked out to his car and started driving home. “Still dragging a bit, but a lot better than I was at the end of last week” Joe replied. “Good to hear. How is everyone else doing?” Mark asked. “Kyle and Steven are doing better too. Kyle hit classes on Monday and Steven and I were back Tueday.” “How’s Dennis?” Mark then asked. “He hasn’t gotten sick yet, but he keeps getting loaded from Tony, Derrick and Luis.” “He must have a really good immune system then!” Mark said laughing. “The four of us went to get tested today. Do you think its too early?” Joe asked. “Cool. Where did you go - the university clinic? I would think that a blood test it would show it, but you never know. I did mine a couple weeks after I recovered from the flu. Did they say when the results would be ready?” Mark inquired. “Fuck no, the university clinic hates fags. The only time I went there they told me I was going to burn in hell for being gay. We went to the Jones clinic. Most everyone that works there is gay. We have to go back Friday to get the results. There were a lot of people there today. I’ve never seen it that busy. There was this one kid there that looked like he was still in high school, scared shitless. Kinda cute, skinny with bleached hair and some colored streaks in it and big plugs in his ears. Bet he would be a fun fuck. Dennis was hitting on him pretty hard” Joe said. Mark’s mind raced as he heard Joe describe the guy. “Oh fuck. Uh, did you catch his name?” “Who, the kid Dennis liked? Uh, yeah. Oren or Aaron. Something like that. Why?” “FUCK! Uh, it sounds like the guy from the car rental place. I nailed him. Twice” was Mark’s response. “You what? Is he even legal? Does he know you’re poz?” “Yeah, he’s legal. Nineteen. He hit on me and I fucked him in the bathroom when I picked up the car and then again when I dropped the car off. And no, he doesn’t know I’m poz. He called this weekend all freaked out. He was sick and some guy who fucked him last week told him he was giving him AIDS. I sent him to the same clinic you guys went to” explained Mark. “Damn, bro. That’s twisted. Why did he call you?” “I don’t know. He said I was the only one he could talk to. He’s not really out and has just started getting fucked. If he has any gay friends, they are probably just as clueless as he is” Mark said and then continued “Listen, tell the other guys you gotta keep the chasing and gifting quiet with him. And me being poz, too. If you can, help him out. He’s a good guy. He just needs someone to guide him. I fucked up on that part and thought with my dick.” “OK, bro. I’ll let em know.” Joe said, rolling his eyes. “Let me know what the tests say. You might have earned your other tattoo” Mark said. “Oh yeah, I forgot to thank you for that. Thad told me about it at my last session. I’m trying to figure out what to do and where to put it. I’ve seen some hot pics on the internet and have a few ideas. I’ll text you on Friday morning when I find out the results” Joe said. “You’re welcome. Talk to you soon. Bye” said Mark and he hung up, sitting in the parking spot at his apartment. Mark got out of the car and shook his head. “How fucked up is this?” he thought as he entered the apartment. Eric was in the shower and Mark just stood there watching him through the steamy glass, rubbing his crotch. He started to take his clothes off and his phone rang again. “Fuck, who is it now?” Mark mumbled to himself. Picking up the phone he saw it was Aaron and he answered it “Hello?” “Hello sir, er, uh, Mark” Aaron responded. “Hey, did you go to the clinic and see a doctor?” Mark asked, pretending not to know. Mark could hear Aaron sobbing again before he replied “Yeah, I drove up there and saw the doctor. They took four vials of blood to test and the doctor checked me out. He even stuck a swab up my dick and fingered my hole.” “Sounds like a fun date” Mark joked before turning more serious “When did they tell you they would have the results ready?” “I have to go back Friday morning. I don’t know if I can make it until then. I’ve already thrown up twice since then from nerves.” “Aaron, relax. There’s nothing you can do at this point other than wait, so just go to work, hit the gym, watch porn or what ever you normally do and don’t dwell on what the results are going to be. Just deal with it when you actually know something” Mark said trying to comfort him a bit. Mark recalled his talk with Joe earlier and decided he should see if Aaron remembered Joe and his friends. “Was the clinic ok? Did they treat you well? Obviously they ask a lot of personal questions, but I hope they made you feel like you could trust them.” “Yeah, everyone was really nice. Even some of the other patients were friendly and tried to cheer me up. One guy even gave me his number. I’m not sure if he really wanted me to call him just to talk or whether he just wanted to fuck. He was really hot, but I don’t feel like ever having sex again. His friends were really cool too. But I feel like everyone was looking at me like ‘you’re a slut and are going to pay for your crazy sex life’” said Aaron. “Aaron, don’t beat yourself up. A LOT of people get an STD sometime in their lives. It’s what happens when you have sex with multiple people. And its natural to have sex with multiple people, especially if you’re gay. Maybe you should to talk to the guy that gave you his number. What was his name?” Mark asked. “Let me find the note. Dennis, I think” Aaron replied, fishing the scrap of paper out of his pocket. “Yeah, Dennis.” “You dog” thought Mark with a big grin on his face before asking Aaron “You said he was hot. What did he look like?” Mark figured if he could get Aaron to keep his mind off the tests, he would settle down and let Mark get back to Eric. “He was about six foot tall with reddish hair. He had a beard and a bunch of tattoos. And a smile that melted my heart. But he won’t want to talk to talk to me if I have hiv” Aaron replied. “It takes a lot of guts to give a stranger your number like he did. And you’re just turning away without even giving him a chance. Call him, talk to him for 5 minutes and see where it goes. Maybe he just wants to talk and that would be REALLY good for you right now. It will give you something to do and kill time before Friday morning. I have to go now, but I want you to let me know what happens when you get the results. No matter what the result is, you’re going to be fine. Life may be a bit different, but its still going to go on for a long time.” “Ok, thanks. I’ll be ok, I guess. Bye” Aaron said and hung up. Mark stood up and Eric was looking at him with a confused look. “Becoming a therapist, now?” Eric asked. “Nah, this guy I fucked when I was visiting my brother thinks he got pozzed from a guy last week. He needs some moral support” Mark answered. “Damn, that death stick of yours really gets around. You think you pozzed him?” Eric asked with a sly grin. “Probably.” Mark jumped in the shower and cleaned himself off and changed into shorts and a tank top and slid into some sandals just as there was a knock at the door.
    3 points
  8. Here's a belated Halloween story... Ray got out of the shower and was drying himself in front of a large mirror. A sudden chill went down his spine, he might be naked but this felt unerringly cold. As he continued towelling himself, to his shock, he could see an extremely handsome young man behind him with an already tumescent penis bobbing up and down at the sight of Ray's nakedness. The man spoke... “I am an incubus, a male sex demon. I have had so many men, fed on their sexual desires. Accept your fate! You want to give yourself to me... to become my eternal sex slave.” “Look at my cock, this engorged predator penis... so unearthly, you can't look away. You are now frozen by the sight of my cock. It's so beguiling, so deadly! Can you see my cock growing? See my cock growing harder... and harder... and harder!” “Suck it slowly. Suck my cock and begin the ritual. Lose yourself and suck... lick it up and down... up and down. It's so erotic, it gives so much pleasure!” That's it, it's now as hard as rock! Take my cock fully inside you! I shall push it in long and hard. Let me fill your arse with my engorged cock! How does that feel? Feel yourself being filled deeper... and deeper... and deeper! As I fuck, and fuck and fuck you towards total oblivion. Submit to my cock! Take it in deep. Let me hear you whimper! That's it! Good!” “Know your fate! You are trapped now as I push my cock into you! You know that this will be the end of you! … and out. You can't stop me, you won't deny yourself this pleasure … and in. When I cum, I will fill you with my toxic jizz. Feel my dick pounding you and embrace your fate. I will fuck you and fill you up. You want it don't you? To give yourself to me? I will empty myself completely into you and give you my poisonous essence... you want to die for me in a beautiful orgasmic release.” “Take my whole length in! Yes, that's it! Let me take you! Let my cock overwhelm you! How does that feel now? Feel the thrusting in and out of your dark master! My powerful cock will fill you.” “In... and out... and in... submit to my cock. Out... and in... and out... you've never known such desire. In... and out... you want me to fill you! In... and out... you want me to give you my toxic spunk. Feel my cock grow ever harder. It feels so good, so intimate, so much pleasure! You ache for me to empty myself into you! You yearn for me to fill your hole!” “I will spunk it all into you! You want it all! Quiver in awe, you are enraptured! No mortal man can make you feel this way! My erotic magic overwhelms your senses. I have taken you over, you live to serve my needs! Feel my cock move faster... so good, so much pleasure! Feel it go faster... and faster... and faster... Feel me plunge in deeply. Soon my poison will course through you!” “I will destroy your body, yet you crave more don't you? Yes, you want it so much! Feel my dick go faster... and harder... feel my powerful cock up you! In... and out... leading to your demise. In... and out... faster... and harder... soon I will come inside you! I will ejaculate my toxins into you and you will feel it all pulsing inside you. I will come and give you every last drop of my poison. It will be a beautiful, glorious release!” “As I fuck you in... and out... and harder... closer to the end! Faster... harder... closer to your desire... faster... and harder... closer... and closer... closer … and closer... closer... and closer...” “Now you will scream in agony and ecstasy as my cock grows twice in size and pours it toxic load deep inside you! Feel it go up you... more... and more... and more. Feel it all, feel every last drop! More and more of my poisonous essence sending you to oblivion!” In the morning, Ray woke up on his bed naked. It had all been just a vivid wet dream. Or at least he thought so until his next check-up at the clinic. All the doctors were surprised that not only was he positive but that his viral load was already 187,000. Beware the coming of the Incubus!
    2 points
  9. Went out with a couple friends yesterday and at the end of the night, went to a rave. Ended up with a load in me in the bathroom, one in me in the back seat of a car and a third one at a guys hotel room. All in all, it was a blast!
    2 points
  10. No one ever said Grandpa was POZ , it’s no problem for Tommy and me as both of us are on PrEP. One boy is laughing and the other 3 are so high it goes right over their heads. Later I found out that the boy laughing had the fuck flu last month and tested POZ and the 3 other boys have no idea what PrEP is and just came down for the money and to PARTY . They have never done anything like this before as when it was their turn we found out. I was next and I really enjoyed getting fuck by the boys now with Grandpa I thought it would be a problem but I guess taking 8-10 dick a week as a rent boy help me to enjoy that monster dick fucking me and when I cleaned it off with my mouth there was no blood but I really miss that full feeling in my hole now. The boy who is POZ is like me a rent boy who has been this for over a year. The 3 negative boys well they are barely legal and someone told them about the money and the party supplies and that hook them. When it was their turn the 3 of them had a tuff time taking my 8 X 2 dick so when it was Grandpa time is when the fun began. I knew what to do and gave them a heavy slam right before Grandpa drove his monster dick in them as I knew he would be tearing them up real good and the look on Grandpa face was priceless knowing he had 3 boys who were negative and not on PrEP. The screams coning from them as Grandpa drove his dick right in till he was balls deep was a sound of joy to my ears and I know how much pain they are in . These 3 are so naive about coming here for a sex party and not knowing what can happen and I think Grandpa planned it this way. The 3 boys holes were leaking a dark blood and cum as if Grandpa used a cruel condom on them. Grandpa as the POZ boy and me to keep these boys well party us with GHB , Tina and Molly and what ever Grandpa got the chance he would fuck thous 3 boys and leave Tommy , Poz boy and me alone so we just enjoyed our time down here in the sun getting a tan having fun with the drugs Grandpa had her and the 3 of us fucking each other. Grandpa must have put 10 loads in each of them and I think he gave them a blood slam to make sure they will become pregnant from his toxic load. When they left they were walking funny and I ask them for their email address so we could keep in touch. Grandpa tells Tommy and me if we ever want to get knock up to contact him directly instead of going through Larry. On the way home Tommy says he had a fanatic time and wants to go to work on the second floor like me.
    2 points
  11. So I recently took my first load in my ass at Club Pittsburgh and have been craving it ever since. Yesterday I went hunting some cock, the time I was free really was an odd time for getting cock (2pm is a dead time around here). So in a bit of a desperate move I went to the local ABS. It was dead when I pulled in, but there were two cars there so I took a chance. I went in and they didn’t have any poppers I took that as a bad omen, but proceeded to the video booths. Only one was occupied, but it was double occupied! So I waited until this guy rushed out and went straight out the door. I walked over to the booth and the guy let me in. What was awaiting me was a married daddy type in a Patagonia jacket and snow cap. He was packing a skinny long cock about 8 inches long. I went to town on him. Deep throated him until I had gone of thick saliva dripping down my chin onto the floor. I stood up and took that saliva and wiped it in my ass and then put my hands on the wall and told him it was his for the taking. Just at that time a knock on the door brought in a hairy bear about 25 years old and with his cock already out. And the best part of his arrival is that he head poppers to share! I went ahead and got spun on his poppers and resumed the position. My married skinny guy walked over and fucked me fast and without any remorse for my hole. Luckily he was as thick as a 99c hotdog that has been rolling all day at the 7/11, so it didn’t hurt, in fact I thought it was funny at the moment and when I started laughing he came.
    2 points
  12. i just wanna feel cum in my boi hole so bad idc if you use lube. tear me up so it soaks in
    2 points
  13. I love having Tommy living with me as on cold nights I have a warm body to keep me warm, in the mornings we even fuck and suck each other as it’s a great way to start the day. I’m seeing about 8-10 clients a week so my hole is being well used so I’m becoming a size queen when I bottom. Larry ask me if Tommy and I would like a vacation in Key West over spring break from school, SURE as we are both are tired of the cold weather and would like to get a little sun and the money we are to be paid make it a fanatic deal for us. We will be staying with a person we will call Grandpa who is in his late 60s and was release from jail for being a member of NAMBLA and his boy OG. We find OG at the airport and the 4 other boys we will be vacationing with, OUCH these boys are HOT and we will be staying with them , this is getting better and better as when Tommy see them he goes into sex over drive with a ragging hard on. We get to Grandpa place and it’s an island with no one else on it with this big house on it surrounded by a white sand beach. For his age Grandpa is in great shape as he meets us in a tight bathing suit showing off his hard monster dick.He explain the rules , we are to be naked all the time , we will all take a turn on the fuck bunch for the nightly gang bang , there will be plenty of GHB , Tina, Poppers and Molly for us to use. OG is available for massages , putting sun screen on us and is not to touch us and sexually as he is in chastity , OG is about the same age as all 6 of are JAIL BATE. I just want to get into the warm water and get out of my clothes and so do the other boys and once we are in it does not take us long to start doing what we all came here for , kissing running our hands over each others bodies with this hot group as Grandpa is watching and we are putting on a show. When we come out Grandpa is holding 6 straws ads we are to pull them out and the short straw is tonight victim for the gang bang. Tommy has never done this and I know his hole real well. I tell him to load up on GHB 1 hour before and a booty bump. Grandpa has it set up with lights so he can film for his friends, as Tommy walks his I can see the GHB and booty bump have done their job. I led him over , tied off his arm and gave Tommy his very first time getting a slam , as he coughs we all go in for the kill. Tommy is such natural as I want to go first as I just spit and ease my dick into Tommy hole and the bump and GHB have done their job , he is very relax as I bang away wile he is sucking another ones dick. Grandpa wants all of us when we drop our loads deep in the hole we are fucking and I’m balls deep I explode in Tommy hole and when I can pump out any more cum I pull out and walk around to Tommy face for him to clean my dick off, what a slut he has become and I’m a bigger slut. Grandpa says who is next After 5 of us have cum in Tommy hole and leaking cum out Grandpa tell us to fuck Tommy again and again till we are all exhausted and cum is flowing out of his hole, I put 3 loads in Tommy. Now its Grandpa turn and drives right into Tommy hole and is screaming from Grandpa MONSTER dick ( its like a beer can and the longest I have ever seen) Tommy is in real pain and is asking for more and more , that is how much Tina and GHB I have given him and Grandpa is just giving Tommy all he can going all the way out them balls deep as fast as he can and when he cums its like a water fall of cum flowing out of Tommy hole and some blood and Grandpa says I hope you are on PrEP as I’m POZ and very toxic.
    2 points
  14. Part 17 Tom kept forcing his swollen cock to the back of my throat. I gagged and wrenched but he never stopped. The cock now buried in my ass wasn’t as big as Tom’s but the man behind it didn’t let that put him off. He slid all the way out to the tip and slammed it back in, each time me moaned in delight. “Tom you’re one lucky son of a bitch” The top groaned as he continued to plow into me. I could feel my fever rising again and the room began to spin more, I thought I’d surely pass out but Tom’s continued hold of my head and massaging of my throat with his cock kept me in the room. The top abruptly pulled out from my ass, I could feel a cold chill around my hole. He moved round to the side of the sling and presented his cock to Tom who smiled. “Well torn up, just how Daddy likes it. Clean him up boy” Tom moved away from me and thats when I seen the tops thick 8in cock smeared in blood. My blood. He rammed it into my throat and I did my best to swallow him down in the first go. “Good boy, do as Daddy tells you” The top was taunting me as I worked my mouth on his cock. I felt a cock against my now puffy hole. I don’t know how I did but I knew it was Tom’s. He positioned his head against my hole and began to tease it. He leant forward and whispered into my ear, while I was still cock sucking. “Daddy will always be your first and last load boy” He slammed his cock into my ass and began to fuck me harder than he ever had, I couldn’t concentrate on sucking cock anymore. It was too brutal. I felt hands on my shoulders again, and the darkness of the gas mask covered me. Within seconds I was getting buzzed on the fumes of poppers. They seemed stronger or maybe had just been topped up. Tom picked up the pace, if that was possible, he used the momentum of the sling to slam my body into his with every fuck. “Load 1 from Daddy, here it comes boy” I could barely hear anything with my heart pounding in my ears. I felt Tom get harder inside me and swell until he shot his load deep inside me. I could feel it burn my insides. I was truly his and only wanted to make him proud. Once he had came down from his orgasm he pulled out from my ass and removed the gas mask from my face. “Right Gents, round one of this evening can begin. This round is called 420. My boy here will be fitted with a gas mask that will make him high as a kite. You have 4minutes and 20 seconds to pound his hole. If you don’t manage to cum you can hang around for another round or cum in the jar which will be used later. Do both, do all three, invite friends, we should have at least 100 men here tonight. The one rule. What I say goes. He’s my boy, in the middle of a nasty fuck flu. If I say stop then you do. Got it?” There was a murmur around the room and agreement from all the men. Tom turned to me in the sling and smiled like an excited school boy, he leant down and kissed me. “I knew you’d be a hit boy, tonight you’re going to make Daddy very proud, just you wait and see what else I’ve got planned for you!” I felt the familiar feel of hands on my shoulders and a gas mask was placed over my face again, this time however it wasn’t poppers but the smell of weed. I didn’t know how it was done but I was breathing in nothing but a strong joint, I felt my head swim. I hadn’t had a joint since college and I wasn’t a big fan of drugs, what was going to happen to me next…
    2 points
  15. Ooops, the last part didn’t have any sex in it. Need to fix that ------------- Part 17 - Intern-al Mark opened the door and there stood Paul with a gym bag. “Come on in. Paul, this is my boyfriend Eric, Eric this is Paul from the office.” After the introductions Paul said “I have my outfit in my bag, I figured you didn’t want all your neighbors watching me come in dressed like a stripper.” “They’ve seen worse” Eric joked. “Can I change clothes?” Paul asked and Mark showed him to the spare bedroom. Mark and Eric slid the coffee table over to the side to give Paul plenty of room to move. Mark yelled out “Paul, do you want something to drink? Beer, booze, water?” Paul yelled back “Water would be good and maybe some tequila if you have some.” Mark went into the kitchen and got a glass of water and picked up 3 glasses and the bottle of tequila. Coming back into the living room he set the glasses down and poured a generous shot into the glasses. Paul came out of the room dressed in shiny silver track pants and a shiny red shirt. Mark could see the tear-away seams on the sides of both the pants and shirt and smiled. He handed a shot to Paul and another to Eric and they toasted with a simple “Salut.” Mark and Eric sat down on the couch together and Paul hit play on his phone to get the music started. As Paul danced Mark was impressed with the nimbleness of his body and as each part of clothing got removed he liked seeing more and more of Paul’s body. Eric reached over and started to rub Mark’s growing bulge. Soon, Paul was giving attention to both Mark and Eric, pulling both of their shirts off. Paul finally pulled his shirt apart revealing a red leather harness on his chiseled, hairless chest. Mark smiled as he saw under the harness on Paul’s left pec was a scorpion tattoo with a red stinger. Paul wasn’t shy about making body contact with his audience and soon he had Mark standing next to him in just his jockstrap. The dance got more and more erotic and Eric was the next to be standing up almost naked. Cocks were stroked, asses felt up, tongues explored and nipples were bitten. Mark wasn’t sure when the music stopped but Paul was on his knees, completely naked licking his cock through the material from the jock. Quickly, Paul turned his attention to Eric who was now completely naked. Eric’s cock was hard and he slapped Paul’s face with it. Mark pulled his jockstrap off and freed his dripping cock and stood next to Eric letting Paul shift between the two hard cocks in front of him. He was surprised at how easy Paul was able to take his pierced cock all the way down his throat. As he moaned he wondered how he was going to bring up the issue of HIV status before things went much farther. He wasn’t going to stealth breed a co-worker and risk his job. Mark pulled Paul to his feet and rubbed his cock along Paul’s crack and whispered in his ear “I like the tat. Are you a scorpio or does that cock have a sting to it?” Paul froze, unsure how to answer while Eric leaned over and bit and tongued Paul’s nipple. After several seconds, Paul said “I’m a Virgo and its got quite a sting.” Mark whispered back “Fuck yeah, ours too. You up for a recharge?” “Oh god yeah” was Paul’s response. Mark grabbed Paul by the harness and dragged him into the bedroom with Eric right behind. Pushing Paul on to the bed on his back with his head over the edge of the bed, Mark lowered himself down and pushed his cock into Paul’s mouth as Eric started to rim Paul’s ass, pushing his legs back to his chest. Mark felt Paul moan around his cock as Eric got more and more aggressive. Fingers joined his tongue in prepping Paul’s tight hole for the fucking that Eric planned. Mark fucked Paul’s throat and Eric finger fucked his pussy. Two then three and finally four fingers were shoving in and out of his hole stretching and tugging. Eric couldn’t wait any longer and moved in driving his raw cock deep inside Paul’s hole. Eric had only fucked Mark once since the flu and he needed to fuck and breed really bad. His thrusts got harder and longer until he was pulling all the way out and slamming back into Paul’s now gaping pussy. He knew he was close and looked at Mark for approval to breed his co-worker. Mark grinned and nodded before saying “Do it.” Eric unleashed a torrent of cum into Paul’s fuckhole. Pumping in what he felt like was a gallon of toxic jizz, a look of ecstasy rushed over his face. Mark had buried his cock into Paul’s throat when Eric started to shoot in the other end and pulled out as Eric stopped shaking from his orgasm, hearing Paul gasp for breath. Mark pulled his spit covered cock out and pushed Paul to the middle of the bed, flipping him over on to his knees and rammed his cock into Paul’s cum slick hole. He pulled him up so that Paul’s back was against his chest. He reached around and pinched Paul’s nipples and whispered in his ear “Is this what you wanted to happen tonight? Be a cumdump for our toxic seed?” Paul was moaning loudly and fucking his ass back on Mark’s cock. He turned his head and said “Fuck yeah, its been so long since I had real poz cock inside me. Too many guys are on meds these days.” After a few minutes of grinding his ass on Mark’s cock he said “Oh my god I’m about to cum.” Mark looked at Eric and said “Back your hole on his cock before he shoots. You need another strain.” Eric nodded and got on all fours in front of Paul and moved back, positioning Paul’s cock on his assring. He shoved his body back, feeling Paul’s cock rip into him. “Oooooohhhh fuck thats so hot” moaned Paul. Mark could feel Paul’s hole contract around his cock and knew he wouldn’t last long. He held Paul’s hips and pounded faster but he wanted Paul to shoot first so he could enjoy Paul’s orgasm from the inside. He didn’t have to wait long and with a few twists of Paul’s nips, he felt Paul begin to flood Eric’s hole. Mark started pumping his load into Paul, adding to Eric’s diseased cum. He waited until Paul’s orgasm ended and pulled him down horizontally to the bed, his cock still inside Paul’s pussy. Eric was similarly attached to Paul and they lay there spooning for several minutes before they recovered. “So, I guess I found out another of your secrets” Mark said to Paul. “Yeah, that’s probably one I shouldn’t advertise around the office. Are you really poz too?” Paul asked. “Hehe, yeah. Eric is one of my recent, uh, victims.” “You’re toxic? No meds? Fuck, yeah” Paul said enthusiastically. “Yeah, its been four months since I tested poz. I want to stay toxic as long as I can. I really get off on knocking up neg guys. Every time I find out one converted, I crave more.” Mark explained. Paul smiled and continued “Me too. Over six years so far. Though I mostly bottom. A few guys have paid me for my gift and I breed a lot of chasers. It must be pretty potent since I’ve gotten a few one-and-done pozzings in the past few months. Even did a straight couple last month. The guy paid me a lot of money.” “Damn, you got pozzed young. You weren’t chasing at that age, were you?” Eric asked. “I was a slut. I couldn’t get enough cock. I never asked status and some of those were poz. It’s simple. I wouldn’t change a thing” Paul replied with a grin. Mark’s cock got harder as he heard Paul tell his story. He pulled back and thrust his cock back into Paul’s cunt. Paul moaned. Eric pulled off and pushed a finger in his own ass and then sucked the infected seed off his finger. “I think we’re ready for round two. Paul, ride Mark’s cock. Let’s see just how slutty that hole can be” Eric said followed by a sinister laugh. Mark always got worried when Eric started to get aggressive. It was how he took his first fist, tied down and helpless to do anything about it. Eric was not gentle fisting him and it took weeks for his ass to recover. Paul climbed up and straddled Mark’s abs and lined up the shaft and pushed it back inside. Leaning on Mark’s shoulders, he started fucking himself on the thick cock, taking long strokes until he could feel the piercing at his outer ring and then going back down. He felt a hand between his shoulder blades and it started to push him down. Mark took over and started to thrust his hips up driving his cock into Paul’s stretched out pussy. Eric climbed up on the bed and rested his dripping cock just above Paul’s hole, feeling Mark’s cock rub against it. Eric started to push, stretching Paul’s hole until he finally squeezed in next to Mark’s still moving cock. It had been a long time since Paul had been double penetrated and the pain was intense at first. He was biting his lip and stifling his scream. After a while the pain slowly subsided and turned into pleasure until Eric slammed his cock all the way in. Paul let out a scream and his body dropped down on top of Mark with his head in the pillow next to Mark’s head. Mark kept up the pace, pounding in and out squeezing between Eric’s cock and the walls of Paul’s fuckhole. Once Paul got used to being stuffed like this, Eric started to fuck his hole as well. Moving in the opposite direction as Mark, the sensations were driving Paul crazy. His cock throbbed and twitched between his and Mark’s bodies, soaking both bodies in precum. Mark knew he couldn’t last much longer with the stimulation his cock was getting. He stopped for a moment letting Eric’s cock stroke his cock and Paul’s pussy. Once he caught his breath, he started to jackrabbit Paul’s hole until he erupted, pumping another load of charged seed into him. Eric felt Mark’s orgasm and rammed his cock all the way in as he too added more venom into Paul. The three laid there as their bodies slowly stopped writhing in ecstasy. Eric kissed the back of Paul’s neck and then pulled his cock out, covered in cum. Paul leaned back with Mark’s cock still inside his ravaged hole as Eric walked around the bed and stood over Mark’s head. Paul lapped at Eric’s cock, savoring the taste of the combined cum on it. Eric leaned against the wall as Paul cleaned his cock, balls and groin and then said “Open your mouth.” Paul did as he was told and Eric rested the head of his cock on Paul’s bottom lip and let his bladder empty. Paul was guzzling the piss as fast as he could but some still dripped down his chin onto Mark’s torso. Paul grabbed Eric’s waist and impaled Eric’s cock in his mouth, forcing the piss straight down his throat. Once the stream stopped, Eric pulled his cock out and leaned over, giving Paul a deep kiss, tasting the cum and piss that was still lingering in his mouth. Paul raised his body up and felt Mark’s cock fall out of his gaping hole with cum running down his leg. He rolled over and laid on the bed next to Mark smiling. “So, what do you think of my new dance routine?” Paul asked jokingly. They all laughed before getting up and moving into the shower. After they were rinsed off, Paul put his regular clothes on and stuffed his dance outfit in his gym bag. He hugged and kissed both Mark and Eric and walked out of the apartment.
    2 points
  16. Several weeks ago I set up a party via A4A, yep a raw, bareback party. However this party was for negs only. So as the replies came back I told everyone that when you arrive I would administer an HIV test to make sure that no POZ guys tried to sneak in and ruin the fun. When all was said and done a total of nine guys showed up and as promised I gave each a swab and if they came up neg they were in. Well of course two of the guys who showed up tested poz and I told them that I was sorry but they could not take part. One took it in stride the other was kinda pissed but in the end he too left. It was a shame though, he was fucking hot: a 35 white guy, built like a tank, with an impressive tool to boot. In any event, this brought the party down to eight participants, including myself. Now mind you I just moved to the town a few months ago so I thought the party would be a great way of meeting some hot boys, and hot they were! Of the seven who were allowed to stay one was a 30 year old Latino top, Pedro, a white couple, Mike and Steven, 32, and 34 respectively, both of whom liked to play around. One was a sweet young black twink boy, Jordan. When I swabbed him I actually had to ask for an ID. Turned out he was 22. My remaining guests were an 27 year old Asian top Mark, with a monster 9.5. I never knew an Asian could pack a cock that size. The next in the line up was Jack, a white 35 year old married guy, who loved to play around when his wife and son were out of town. Finally my last guest was a 25 year old named Bobby. This kid must have been born into the royal family he was such a queen. Once all the intros were done and the tests completed proving all participants were negative, I put-out the beer, poppers and lube, turned on the music and the night started. Thanks the maker for three day weekends. Pedro went straight for the couple, Mike and Steven, while Mark unleashed his monster tool on Jordan. Mark didn't play around with any four play at all, he simply pushed Jordan down on the couch and ripped off his shorts. The kid's legs were so far bent over his head I was going to check to make sure his neck didn't break. I guess Mark knew what he was doing because Jordan seemed to be happy with Mark's attention. When Mark started I didn't see him use any lube, he just smiled at me and plowed Jordan's hole. I tried to comfort Jordan by holding a bottle of poppers under his nose. I am not sure if it helped or not. When I stood up I looked at Mark go and I was pissed I wasn't getting plowed like that. While this was going on I spied that Jack and Boby were holding up in a courner of the house, lip locked and rolling on the floor like a newlywed couple. Jack must have been from Ohio or something because he was corn fed. When he started to finger Bobby's hole, the queen was purring like a cat in heat. Jack lifted Bobby's legs up in the air and used loads of lube. (I can't imagine why Jack bothered with the lube, 'cause Bobby's back side looked like a truck could drive out.) As all were having a awesome time, except for me, I walked up behind Mark who was still plowing the hell out of Jordan. I slipped my finger into Mark's sweet ass. The kid jumped in surprise, and quickly turned saying he was a top only. I told him that my rules were everyone had to get fucked at least once and I said if I fucked him, he didn't have to worry about getting tagged. so while he was pounding Jordan I was able to move in. Using my finger I slowly entered his hole. I could tell Mark was not happy as he kept telling me I was ripping him up. Little did he know, that was exactly what I was doing. Before he could put up any resistance I shoved my cock in him with the same force he used on Jordan. Mark let out a yell as his ass was spread apart. This kid never got topped so I made the most of it. Fuck it hurt, but I bent him over Jordan and next thing I knew Jordan was getting bred by the biggest load of cum he had ever taken. The force of Mark's thrust into Jordan made my cock explode at the same time. After which I pulled out. Mark asked why I pulled out, I simply told him, once you bust your nut it hurts like hell getting fucked so I did not want to cause him anymore pain. He said thanks, and thanked me for not shooting in his ass. I said no problem as I let my index finger probe in his hole. As he walked away to start his next conquest I looked at my finger and sure enough, it was red. As the night passed I managed to dump my load in a total of four guys that night. Not bad as I managed to tag Mark, Pedro and the couple. Now they were fun. They each wanted to get double-dicked so I told them that while each fucked the other I would fuck them too. It was a real turn-on with my cock sharing each guy's butt, knowing that my seed not only covered their lover's cock but that each guy's lover's cock was ramming my seed further down his partner's ass. Eventually the party ended and everyone left the house, except Jack. I approached him to see if he was ok. He said party was one of the best times he had ever had, that he had been plowed by Mark twice and that his ass was all beat up. I told him that if he wanted he could stay the night. After a moment he agreed and gathered up his clothing. As we walked up the stairs his eye keept looking at the packets of swabs I had on the table by the door. When we walked into the bedroom he dropped his clothing on the floor near the bed, and his wallet, watch and cell phone on the night table. Then he climbed into bed and lay on his stomach. He turned his head to me and just looked up. Sensing an oncoming question, I quickly rolled on to his back and started to make out with him. At first he said "Stop my ass really hurts" but I shushed him, saying told him I would go easy, as I began to rim his ass, all the time thinking to myself 'Damn Mark really fucked his cunt up'. Not surprisingly, as I started to rim Jack, he turned into a big old pussy, his ass rising in the air. I asked him if he wanted to get fucked one last time before the night was done. He just moaned and that was all I needed for my cock to get hard. As I entered his hot, torn-up hole, Jack said, "I been thinking. When we all showed-up you made us all take an HIV test." "Yeah," I said "to make sure you were all neg." Jack replied "Yeah, I got that. You showed us each of our swabs, but I don't remember seeing your results." As he said that his cell phone rang. Handing him his cell phone, I asked him who it was: "My wife" he replied. Better answer it, I commented, adding that I wouldn't make a sound, although I slowly continued to fuck his hole. While she was talking to him I could over hear her say that she came home early, I whispered into his ear "No you didn't see my results because mine would have turned up POZ." His face turned pale white as I had him pinned under me, he couldn't scream and he didn't' move. I told him that his ass was really fucked-up and that if I bust in him he most likely be pozzed. As his wife chatted away, I quietly gave him a choice: "Tell your wife that you missed her and you will see her soon I would pull out without busting, but if you tell here you love her and you'll be home in an hour or two, I will bust my nut in your wrecked hole." He signed off the conversation with his wife saying "Love you, honey, I'll be home in an hour or two." With that I whispered "Welcome to the brotherhood" blowing the biggest nut in my life into his hole. Afterwards I told him "Go home and fuck your wife before your cum turns to poison" but after looking at the sheets I concluded he had already had blown his last negative load. Still shell shocked he dressed and went home.
    1 point
  17. Hi everyone I get so wet your cocks going to slip out of me. No lube needed. Some guys have turned up to mine and plunged their raw cock straight into me balls deep sometimes. Gentle sex and looking for regulars if possible. I just love sex and can't get enough of it. Need it on an hourly basis. Hosting in Clevedon.
    1 point
  18. About six months ago I set out to use my first glory hole. That night and about thee to four nights a week since then here in Albuquerque I take loads at our local ABS glory holes. At some point I stopped seeking relationships, stopped caring about what people thought and lowered my standards. Instead of seeking well to do men that would advance my position in life, attractive men that I would look good with for a Facebook photo I realized that I'm just a whore and all Men are above my station in life. Since then I am honored to take all cocks, and now the dirtier, poorer, lowest social economic classes are my preference. I also realized that Men don't use me via a glory hole; I am their glory hole. I think of it throughout the day now: I'm just a human glory hole. Does anybody else feel like he is more of a glory hole than a real person?
    1 point
  19. Hello all, It has been a while since I have written anything here in my blog. That's because up until last night I really haven't had anything out of the ordinary happen. I have been getting my normal blow jobs and ass fucking at the local ABS. On Saturday I was checking out Craigslist and BBRT looking through the ads for hook ups when I came across a party ad on BBRT. I checked it out and the ad was looking for a bottom for Tops party. I messaged him asking for details about the party. He messaged me back telling me that he had a bottom and three other Tops lined up for the party later that night and the bottom he had lined up bailed on him. Which in turn caused the other Tops to bail also. He told me that he was in town from Minnesota and was leaving in the morning and still wanted to party. We exchanged some pics and stats about ourselves. He told me his likes and dislikes. He told me he was all Top and didn't bottom at all, though he would suck cock on occasion. He really liked to have his ass rimmed and he liked to rim ass especially before fucking it. He was into some raunch and some water sports and his one big dislike was the word "no" coming from his bottoms. I told him I was good with his likes and dislike and that I would do my best to please him. He wanted to know if I wanted to meet with him at the scheduled time he had listed in his ad. He told me that he would try to line up the other Tops but for sure he wanted to fuck me if I was game. I didn't have to think all that long and hard and I told him I would love to join the party with just him or other Tops. I asked for the Hotel and room number and told him I would be here at 8 pm for the party. He messaged me back and told me he was looking forward to partying with me. I was a little nervous but more excited about the party I was going to later in the day. More excited in not knowing how many people might be at the party. I took the afternoon to get myself ready for the party. I showered, shaved and cleaned myself out real good for a night of fun. I had a couple drinks at home to take the edge off and headed out to the Hotel for the party. I showed up at the hotel got in the elevator pressed 5 and up I went. I got out of the elevator and found the room and knocked. I still at this time had no idea how many people might be on the other side of the door. Within a few seconds after knocking the Top opened the door wearing only a towel around his waist. He told me to come in and as I entered the room I noticed only the Top and I were there. He must of noticed me scanning the room and told me he couldn't get a hold of the other Tops and hoped I wasn't too disappointed. I told him that everything was cool and now I could direct all of my attention on him. He told me he had a beer in the fridge if I wanted one. I told him I would take a beer and he told me he would get it for me and that way I could shed my clothes so he could see in person the ass that he was going to be fucking. He got the beer for me and stood there as I finished undressing. He handed me the beer and had me move over to the bed rubbing my ass checks on the way there. He told me to sit on the edge of the bed while he stood in front of me. We drank some of our beers and had some mild chit chat then he looked at me and asked if I was ready for a good fucking. I told him I was as ready as I would ever be. He said good and grabbed my beer bottle and placed it on the table next to the bed. He dropped his towel and I was very impressed. He did send me a pic of his cock earlier but I have to say it didn't look much longer but it looked a whole lot bigger in girth in real life. He moved over and laid on the bed and had me move up next to him so I could explore his body. I moved my hands up and down his chest and I just couldn't help myself and I let one hand move down to his cock. He wasn't completely hard yet but I could feel it getting harder as I stroked it. He let out a soft moan and said how my hand felt good on his cock and to keep that up for a bit. I continued to stroke his cock with my hand as my mouth made up to his mouth and I kissed him. Damn his mouth came to life as we kissed, tongues moving around each other. I finally broke the kiss and started to kiss down his neck to his chest stopping to gently nibble on his nipples. I worked my tongue down his stomach to his belly button licking and kissing around sticking my tongue in his belly button. His cock was standing at full attention as my mouth and tongue licked its way down to the base of his cock. My tongue slid up the top of his cock and when I got to the head my tongue licked the little bead of pre-cum that had formed. My tongue licked its way down the bottom side of his cock until I reached his ball sack. He moan all the while my tongue was bathing his ball sack. He spread his legs to give me better access to his nut sack. I made sure to take each nut into my mouth and work it around. I moved his nut sack up and started to move my tongue between his nut sack and his asshole. He moved his legs up and I knew what he was wanting so I moved my tongue down to his asshole and licked his hole and pulled back giving his hole a soft breath. I moved in with my tongue licking and sticking my tongue in his ass as far as I could get it in. He was loving it from the moans and the movement. He even placed his hands on the top of my head trying to pull my face in to his ass. I finally finished with his ass and started to work my way back up to his cock. My tongue licked the bottom side of his cock from the base to the head of his cock. He was moaning and saying things I really couldn't understand, but as I took the head of his cock into my mouth I did hear what he said then. "I hope you like Poz cock". I had the head of his cock and half the shaft in my mouth when those words registered in my mind. My heart skipped a beat and started to pound really fast. I pulled my mouth off his cock and asked him what he just said, trying to confirm what I thought I heard him say. He picked his head up and look me right in the eye and said you heard me. I said I hope you like Poz cock. I must of had a blank look on my face because he said I shouldn't be surprised and he knows I have fantasies of Poz cock. I looked at him puzzled and asked how he would know that. Then I felt like a dumb ass as he told me that he had read my blog here on breeding zone. I said well yes you do have me there. I told him that I wanted to try undetectable poz cock first. His reply was well you know your going to try undetectable poz cock and then your going to try toxic poz cock and guess what, you've had my toxic poz cock halfway in your mouth. I just sat there not knowing really what to say. He was right its just not the way I had visioned things happening. He broke my thought process when he grabbed my head and started to guide my mouth back to his cock while telling me that he was starting to think I was going to embark on his biggest dislike as a bottom saying "no". He said look just suck my cock for now and lets see how it goes for you and if your still too uncomfortable to go through with it we can stop. His hands holding my head over his cock, my lips touching the pre-cum on the head of his cock. He tells me to lick his pre-cum and tell him if it tastes any different than negative pre-cum. My tongue licks the pre-cum from the tip of his cock. He asks "does it taste any different". I shake my head no all the while thinking holy shit I am about to suck a toxic poz cock. My cock gets rock fucking hard as that thought goes through my head. With a little help from his hands I give in and I slide my mouth all the way down his cock until the head of his cock is in my throat cutting off my air supply and my nose at the base of his cock. He is moaning telling me to suck his poz cock and how good my mouth and throat feel on his poz cock. He turns my head loose and I go to town on his cock. My head moving up and down and my mouth sucking for what it worth all the will hearing him tell me to suck his poz cock. I keep feeling his cock hit the back of my throat as my head and mouth move down his shaft, the pace picking up wondering if he is going to shoot his toxic load of cum down my throat, his breathing is getting faster and more labored, his hips are meeting the rhythm of my head and mouth. I know he is getting close, my cock is so hard its about to split wide open, I'm so horny thinking that any second I am about to have a toxic poz load of cum shot down my throat, then he stops and pulls my head off of his cock! I'm thinking what the fuck and he tells me that he was about to cum and he doesn't want to cum just yet. He has me take my mouth and hands off of his cock for a bit so he can calm down. He has me move up from between his legs and wants me to straddling his chest. He wants to see my cock and can't believe how hard my cock is. While my legs are straddling his chest he strokes my cock and tells me he knows this is making me so hot and horny from the feel of how hard my cock is. I told him that yes I have to admit that I am so fucking hot knowing that I have had a poz cock in my mouth and thinking about how close I was to having a poz load of cum shot down my throat. He keeps stroking my cock as he lays back with me straddling his chest. As he strokes my cock his other hand finds its way to my asshole and he starts to rub my asshole. He tells me to spit in my fingers and lube my hole so he can slide his fingers in my ass. I get a good amount of spit on my fingers and move it around to my ass and lube up my hole as his fingers take over and push inside of me. I moan and move my hips loving the feeling of his fingers sliding inside of me while his hand is stroking my cock. He keeps talking to me telling me how hot it makes him knowing that his poz cock is having this much of an effect on me. I just moan and listen to him talk loving the feeling of his fingers working my asshole his hand keeps stroking my cock. His hand keeps pushing against the base of my cock as his fingers work my hole. I'm lost in the moment and he tells me to put some more spit on my hole for him. So I spit on my fingertips and move my hand back to lube up my hole for him when I notice the head of his cock only a couple of inches away from my hole. I lube up my asshole real good for him and his fingers continue to work in and out of my ass. He tells me to get some more spit and to lube up his cock and stroke it for him as he strokes my cock and fingers my hole. I spit a big amount on my fingers and bring it down to the cock that is only inches away from my ass. He is talking to me while he has me moaning with the pleasure of him stroking my cock and fingering my ass, he asks me if I'm still hot for his poz cock and I tell him yes I know its wrong but I did get fucking horny sucking on his cock. As I am stroking his cock I feel him pushing me back until I feel the head of his cock hit the crack of my ass above my hole. He keeps telling me in an almost seductive tone how I make his poz cock feel so good. He wants to know if I want to know what it feels like to have a toxic poz cock rub up against my asshole. I told him I don't know, I'm kind of scared, but still as scared as I am I do want to know. He tells me to move the head of his cock to my hole and rub it around and then let him know if it feels any different than a negative cock. I move his cock to my hole lubed up with my spit and rub it around. I move my hips so the head of his poz cock rubs all around my now hot asshole. My asshole feels like it is on fire and it is craving cock. He moans and says that my negative hole feels so good on his poz cock and wants to know if the head of his cock feels good and if it feels any different than a negative cock. I moan and whisper to him that his poz cock actually feels better and I don't know why. He tells me that's because his poz cock is so wrong in my mind and that by it touching me like it is, so close to being inside of me, where I want it to be but because of the taboo of it makes me extra sensitive. I tell him I don't know if that's it but I do know that it feels so, so good. He tells me to get some more of my spit and lube up my hole some more. While I am spitting and lubing up my hole he is telling me that I really want to see what it feels like to have his poz cock inside me and that I should just put the head of his cock in my hole and then pull it out and let him know how it feels. He asks me if I would do that for him and I with my eyes closed I softly tell him yes as I line his poz cock up to my negative hole and slowly push back feeling the head part my asshole and slowly slide inside of me. My heart his beating out of my chest knowing that what I am doing is so wrong on many levels and yet I can't stop myself. I feel the head of his cock push past my asshole just inside me, he lets out a moan and tells me how hot my asshole feels and I pull myself forward and the head of his cock pulls out of my ass, my eyes still closed he asks me how it felt. I tell him it felt amazing, no cock has ever made my ass feel like this. He tells me to push the head of his cock inside of me again and to leave it inside of me for a little bit longer. I line head of his cock back up to my hole and with my eyes still closed I slowly push the head of his cock inside my asshole, my heart still pounding, he tells me to leave it there because it feels so good to him to be inside of me even if it's just the head. He asks me if I like the way his poz cock feels inside of me and I tell him softly fuck yes, it feels so fucking good. He tells me he knew I would love his poz cock inside of me and that I would want more of his cock inside of me and he asks me if he is right. I tell him yes I want more of his cock inside of me but it scares me. He asks me why it still scares me when I already have the head of his cock inside of me. He tells me that it is completely up to me but he knows that I want more of his poz cock inside of me and that I should push a couple more inches inside of me and then I can pull out if I want. I take a deep breath and I push back and slide a little more of his cock inside of me, he lets out a big moan and tells me how good my negative hole is making him and his cock feel. I tell that his cock is making me and my ass feel so fucking amazing. He corrects me and and tells me that he wants me to tell him how good his poz cock is making me and my negative ass feel. I tell him that I love the way his poz cock is making me and my negative ass feel, it feels amazing. As I am telling him this with his hands on my hips he pushes forward until his cock is buried deep inside of me and he holds it there. As I feel his cock push all of the way inside of me I finally open my eyes and look at him, he has a devilish smile on his face as he tells me that he knew he could get his poz cock inside of me, as he begins to slowly push his cock in and out of my asshole, he just had to be patient with me. At that point I didn't know what to do. I have this HIV positive cock inside of my HIV negative ass and part of me wants to get up and run, but a bigger part of me gives in and I wrap my arms around him, I hold on tight as he rolls me over onto my back with his cock still inside of me, pushing deep inside of me fucking me. His pace picks up as his poz cock works in and out of my asshole. He asks me if I like his poz cock fucking me and I tell him yes I love the feeling of his poz cock inside my negative ass. His pace quickens and I can feel his sweat dripping on me. He tells me again to tell him how his poz cock feels in my negative hole. I am moaning and moving my hips to meet his hips as his cock is now slamming my ass, it feels like he is tearing my asshole up, I tell him how good his fucking hard poz cock feels in my negative hole. He tells me to tell him how I love the feel of his poz cock wrecking my negative hole. His breath is getting more labored and his sweat is dripping off of him and onto me, he yells at me to tell him how I love the feel of his poz cock wrecking my negative hole. His pace picks up even faster as I almost scream telling him how I love the way his HIV positive cock is wrecking my HIV negative hole and with that I feel him raise his chest with his arms and he pushes as deep inside of me as he can, I can feel the head of his cock swell up deep inside of me and at that point I realize that he is pumping his toxic load of HIV infected cum deep inside of me and I am fucking loving it. In fact I am loving it so much that my cock begins to shoot its load of cum and I haven't even touched my cock. I have never been able to cum without touching my cock. He finally begins to slide his cock in and out of me, trying to calm his heart rate down. I tell him how amazing that felt having his poz cock shoot deep inside of my negative hole. He looks me in the eye and tells me that I can't say that anymore. I laid there with a lost look in my eyes realizing that he is more than likely right. He rolls off of me and lays back, still panting from the poz fucking he just gave me. I look down at his softening cock with his my ass juice and his cum on it. I sit up and lean over, lick his cock and take it into my mouth cleaning it of his HIV positive cum and the last of my HIV negative ass juice. While cleaning off our combined fuck juices his cock starts to get hard again and he asks me if he can fuck my poz hole with his poz cock. As wrecked as my asshole feels I looked at him and told him only of he fucks my sore poz hole gently. He laughed at me and told me what a hot conversion that was for him. He asked me if I liked it when he kept having me tell him how his poz cock was making me feel. I told him yes and that after the first couple of times I figured out why he kept wanting me to repeat it and he said yes because that was going to be the last time I was going be able to say that. He fucked me two more times before he had to get to the airport to leave. I went home and got into the tub to soak my sore asshole and reflect on the events of Saturday night. I have a host of emotions mainly scared not knowing what to expect next. Later in the day on Sunday when he was at the Denver airport he text me to tell me what a great time he had and he wanted to let me know that although he is HIV+ he is on meds and is undetectable. He told me that he was sorry for not letting me in on him being undetectable but he wanted me to get the full feeling of a possible HIV infection and from the way the night went down he believes that had I known he was undetectable that I wouldn't have reacted the same. So I am relieved in one sense that I probably didn't get poz'd and sad in another but mostly relieved.
    1 point
  20. Saturday evening I collected an old flame from the bus station, he had travelled from another county to see me. We had not seen each other in over 5 years but chatted, irregularly, online when we both spotted each other. He was in a relationship for almost 7 years but it had recently ended. I collected him as planned and we headed straight back to mine; once inside the house we relaxed, chilled out, opened a few bottles of beer and made out on the couch. We made out a few times and played with each other, half ways through my first bottle of wine we were getting hot and heavy and I went down on him. It all came flooding back to me when his large thick cut cock was released from under his boxers... I loved how hung he was, I sucked his rock solid cock and slowly made my way back up to his face and said I wanted to go upstairs. He got his pants back up from around his ankles and followed me to the bedroom, where he watched me strip, admiring my large chub belly and commenting how hot it looked. I dropped my pants to reveal I was wearing my black Obviously branded jock strap, as I bent over to take it off he said "Ohhhh thats nice, don't take it off, leave it for me" so I turned around and crawled onto the bed on all fours with my big ass in the air. He followed my, his hands grabbed my ass and he pushed me down and there I felt his tongue take charge. He rimmed me solidly for almost 10 minutes while I huffed on fresh poppers and moaned to show my pleasure. He sat up and slapped my ass a few times and teased me with his cock. He spat on my hole as he asked me for some lube. He lubed up my ass as I positioned myself doggy style and applied it to his cock also, we were going bareback as I had hoped, the drink and the moment were taking us where I wanted to go... he penetrated me and let me adjust before he started to fuck hard, pounding me, withdrawing and shoving his raw, hard, thick, long cock back into my unprotected hole. I was in heaven He was all over my body, rubbing my back, kissing my neck, whispering a few times how good his cock felt inside me. Where possible I turned and he kissed a few times and soon enough I could feel his tempo picking up; he was a quiet lover, making the occasional grunt or moan while I was telling him how good it felt, huffing on poppers and moaning like a bear. He got quicker and I knew there wasn't much left so I started to squeeze his cock with my ass cheeks and he responded verbally... talking to me while we fucked, telling me how good it felt and then he started to slam his cock into me, pushing and pushing and he froze. Wad after wad of hot cum blasted inside me as he held his erection for a few minutes releasing his seed in bursts. That night we fucked twice more in-between three bottles of wine and a lot of beer. The next morning we woke in each others arms and at 0730hrs, with a big hangover he fucked me once more and left me gagging for a repeat session
    1 point
  21. for me, the best fuck is from a Top who's head is into it (not that i ever mind a blow and go). I love a Top who is really into bottoms and hole and particularly marking His territory. For some Tops, opening a hole is about leaving His signature on the bottom, and I fucking love that. My favorite Top is one who loves bottoms, not just himself. I can tell because He becomes one with the hole He is penetrating. Whether He uses Hic cock, hand or a toy, all are an extension of who He is and how He leaves my hole is part of His fuck.
    1 point
  22. i know it would prob hurt but i wanna get pounded by a big cock with a PA
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. same here, neg, not a bug chaser but a cum craving slut... can't help. I have been on prep for a while, now I am off of it for other reasons but as soon as I will start dating again, I will take those pills and try to stay protected at least from HIV.
    1 point
  25. Love it when bottoms are hard when I fuck them. Like seeing them dicks flopping around and smacking my stomach when they ride me, even better if they cum when getting fucked!
    1 point
  26. "Yeah pig, that's hot ain't it? Watching that big fucking daddy pounding his raw POZ black cock in and out of that white twink's fuckhole! So fucking perfect!" Trevor was squirming and spreading his legs wider as Daddy continued finger fucking his wet hungry pig cunt, while he stared hypnotized at the erotic dirty verbal poz fuck taking place on the screen in front of his wide dilated eyes. "Hell yes, Daddy, it's fucking hotter than anything I ever saw. And that white guy is begging his black Master for his POZ cock! I can't believe how horny it's making me!" I began twisting his nipple nearest me as I leaned in and began running my tongue sensually along his jawline and up to his ear, causing him to moan and squirm even more. "Bet you wish that was you on that couch with him instead of the white pussy boi, huh? Bet you'd love feeling that hard fat black daddy meat slamming into your pig hole balls deep again and again, wouldn't you? Feeling his hard muscled daddy's body pressed down on your back while he pistons in and out in and out? Is that what you want you horny tina loving pig bottom?", I whispered in his ear, loud enough, of course, for Daddy to hear. Trevor shuddered and groaned low in his throat. "So fucking hot, so damn fucking hot", he panted, "but, but I don't want to get pozzed. I'd love to have him fucking me and cum in me, but, oh no, I can't take poz cum!" He whipped his eyes around to look at leather Daddy and in a voice unsteady and unsure said, "I'm sorry daddy. I can't take poz cum in my ass. Can I? Oh, Daddy!", he moaned with a hunger in his voice even as he spoke the words. Daddy pressed his lips against the full wet lips of the tweaked up fuckhole on the couch between us and slid his tongue into the accepting mouth. I heard them both moan as Daddy's thick tongue began exploring Trevor's mouth. As they started making out, Daddy pulled his fingers from the cum pig's loosened wet hole and held his head gently in both hands as their kissing intensified. As soon as Daddy's fingers slipped out of Trevor's sloppy cum hole I reached into the bag of crystal, pulled out a couple of medium sized shards and used 3 of my fingers to slide them into Trevor's burning hole. His legs immediately spread wider and he moaned and bucked against Daddy as they continued making out and my fingers worked more tina into his already overloaded system. He finally pulled away from Daddy's sexy lips, panting loudly and throwing his head back. "Oh fuck yeah bro! Yeah work this pig bottom's hole over with your fingers. Feels so fucking GOOD!! Gawd I never knew, I never knew it could feel so good! My holes belong to both of you. Use it, fuck it, breed it...just don' stop! Oh please!!" As soon as he stopped talking we all heard the neg white twink in the video yell out, "Oh fuck YES Daddy! Fuck your boi's hole! Give me that big black poz cock! It feels so good....please Daddy, don't stop! Knock me up with your raw poz cock!" Trevor, lost in the sensations in his ass and the uncontrolled lust burning in his brain rolled his head back and forth moaning, "Oh yes daddy. Don't stop. Fuck me with your cock daddy. Fuck me hard with your POZ cock!" "Fuck yeah!" me and Daddy both let out together. "Hearing you say that, boi, has your daddy and pig bro so fucking hot! I know you don't want to take a poz cock and cum in your ass, but it's so damn fucking sweet hearing you beg like that! How about if we have some fun with some hot dirty verbal roleplay? Let us fuck your sweet hot pig pussy and we'll just pretend we're both poz, and you start begging us for our poz cocks and poz cum in your ass! I promise you boi, you will get fucked like you can't imagine..and I bet you'll love it to. What do you think, boi?", Daddy finished up as he leaned down and bit hard onto Trevor's pointed hairy nip and I rammed my fingers hard inside his cum coated hole. "So hot," Trevor moaned, "so fucking hot!" He raised his head up from the back of the couch and with feverish eyes full of dark need he looked at us both. "I need to get fucked. I need to be bred. Please Daddy, please bro....fuck me...fuck me with your hot POZ cocks and fill me up with your dirty toxic cum!" Hot damn! The pig was almost there! It was just a matter of time now..time and tina.
    1 point
  27. It really has been all work and no play lately and I've spent the last few weekends including this one catching up on work at home. Early this morning I got a message from a Polish guy I've hooked up with a few times. He works nights at the airport and sometimes stops by on his way home to unload. He got here about 7.30 this morning and his cock was out almost as soon as he got in the door. I sucked his cock for a while, licked his hairy arse and then pulled my pants down and bent over. He slid up me, fucked me bareback and shot a nice big load of cum right into my arse. I've still got his load up me and my arse feels nice and wet. I've got to work this morning but I really want to take a few more loads today - so may post again later.
    1 point
  28. Fucking hot. My asspussy wishes it was there to get fucked too.
    1 point
  29. Inn Leather is definitely a good place to stay. The fuck bench outside off to the cormer of the patio is normally occupied by someone taking cock.
    1 point
  30. Took 5 last night. First up was an older white guy I’ve been hooking up with periodically for a few years. He’s an ass man. Loves to eat my smooth hole before he breeds it with his 7” cut cock. He always fucks me in his kitchen, lol. Before that even happened, I was messaged on A4A by another FB, and I told him it’d be an hour before I could get there. I didn’t tell him, but I wanted to get that first load before his and here’s why. He’s about 27, skinny as a rail African American with an honest to God 10.5” uncut cock that I need to work up to taking. Now this guy has fucked me in a variety of places over the last 5 years including his progression of low rent apartments, the back of my SUV, separate times in his workplace (a barber school and a college maintenance office), and in a park. This time, he told me about an empty house in his neighborhood which immediately got me boned. I get there and he leads me across the street to the basement of an abandoned house. On the cement floor of this unfinished basement is a dirty old mattress upon which I assume the position and popper up. He’s not much for foreplay so he sidles up behind me and starts working that long black cock into my pre lubed (with Rear Entry) hole. He’s as hard as a steel pipe and fucks me for about 15 minutes before sighing, grabbing me around the neck and realeasing a hot torrent of spunk into my loose cunt. I’m not kidding, every time he breeds me it feels like molten lava flowing into my body, I’ve never experienced with anyone else. I say thanks and wobble back to my car, lol I’m still not unhorny yet so I decide to swing by the cruisy back parking lot of the sleazy gay bar here in town where I relieved a Latin man with a 7” uncut cock, and a married white guy with a 7.5x6 hole plugger of their cream, both in my ass, both in the woods. To say I’m well lubricated is an understatement. So I get back in my car and there’s ANOTHER message from my BBC FB saying he’s STILL horny and wants to give me another railing. So of course I drive back over there where he fucks me in the same old wreck of a house, on that same dirty mattress, but this time his cock is legit harder than previously or EVER. Again with the liquid fire being shot deep into my butt guts. WHEW what a night
    1 point
  31. Maybe Adam has been to sick with the flu lately to have any adventures ?
    1 point
  32. Thanks for the comments. ---------- Part 15 - Testing… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Testing… Aaron parked the car he borrowed from the car rental company and walked the block to the clinic. His stomach was in knots he was so nervous and was afraid he was going to vomit. His body still ached and his neck was swollen still but he needed to know what he was sick from. Walking in, he noticed a large waiting room with almost all young men sitting in the chairs. A few looked like they were still in high school and a few were older guys in their 40’s or 50’s, but most looked to be about his age or a few years older. Most of the people waiting were by themselves but there were a few pairs of guys and one group of four guys. He looked at his watch and realized he was over 30 minutes early and walked up to the desk and quietly told the male receptionist that he was there for an appointment. The guy smiled and asked his name and handed him some forms to fill out. Aaron checked the guy out, reading his name tag which said “Douglas” and noticed he had a pride bracelet like the one Mark had, which put Aaron more at ease. “Everything is confidential, so please be honest. We can’t help you if you don’t tell us everything” the receptionist said. Aaron took the papers and a pen and found a seat away from everyone else and started filling out the forms. He couldn’t believe how much info they wanted. “Date of last sexual encounter”, “same or opposite sex partners?” “Do you have individual or group sex?” “Do you practice safe sex? Yes/no/sometimes/mostly/rarely” “Do you consider yourself heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual?” “how many sexual partners have you had in the past 30 days?” and it went on. He felt uncomfortable answering the questions truthfully and hoped that Mark was right about them not shaming him for being gay and the reckless sex he had been having. He finally finished the forms and took them back to Douglas who told him to take a seat and they would call him when the doctor was ready and then winked at Aaron. Sitting in the chair, he looked around the room. Every possible type of person was there - thin and fat; muscled or not; black, white, asian, hispanic and several he had no idea what ethnic group they were in; hipsters, preppy guys, average joes, hippies, jocks, cubs, bears, daddies and twinks; healthy looking guys and a few that looked not so healthy; one guy looked like some of the pictures he had seen of AIDS patients on the net. He kept looking over at the group of four guys and wondered what their deal was. “Who would go get tested for STDs with their friends?” he wondered. Soon a nurse came out and paged someone named ‘Steven’ and the asian guy from the group of four got up and went into what he guessed were the exam rooms. Finally a nurse came out from the door and called “Joe and Aaron.” Another one of the group of four got up at the same time Aaron did and they both went to the door with the nurse, the other guy, Joe, saying “Hi” to him with a smile and Aaron replied with a quiet “hi.” They were ushered down the hall and Joe was put in one exam room and Aaron the one next door. The nurse weighed him, took his temperature which was still a little high, and blood pressure which was quite high, probably from the stress. The nurse told him to stay seated and a doctor would be in shortly. When the doctor came in he had a very relaxed demeanor and seemed to be in his mid 30’s, wearing a lab coat over a shirt with a tie and dress pants and looking pretty athletic. The doctor looked over the forms that Aaron had filled out and Aaron saw a few smiles and a few frowns on the doctor’s face. “So, Aaron. It looks like you’re a pretty active young gay guy. Pretty normal, to be honest. Now, tell me about this illness you had this past weekend and why you’re worried about it.” Aaron explained what had happened and started to cry again. The doctor calmed him down and told him “Don’t be hard on yourself about this. Sometimes we meet guys that aren’t so nice and regret it. I’ve had my share. It’s my job to figure out if you did catch anything and then treat it.” The doctor did a few tests in the room and checked his throat, neck, and joints before having him undress completely and then examined him below the waist, including bending him over and examining his hole. Aaron started to get aroused as the doctor pushed a lubed finger into him. As he turned back around he was embarrassed to let the doctor see his hard-on. The doctor said “I guess that still works fine, then” he chuckled and then added “Don’t worry, most gay men enjoy anal exams so I’m used to it. So, the only thing left is to get some blood tests done. Between those and the cultures I took, we’ll know in a couple days whats really going on.” Aaron looked surprised “A couple days?” “Yeah, we have a lot of lab work between you and all the other patients you saw in the waiting room, so we won’t know the results until late tomorrow or Friday” the doctor explained. After getting dressed, Aaron got led down the hall to another small waiting area for the blood tests. There, he ran into the guy from before, Joe. Joe checked him out as Aaron took the seat next to him. “So, just a regular test or did someone give you something besides a good time?” Joe asked with a smile. Aaron looked at him with a horrified look and finally answered “Uh, not sure yet. Guess I’ll find out in a few days.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just trying to break the ice. Most of us are here for the same reason. Nothing to be ashamed of” Joe said as he put his arm around Aaron’s shoulder squeezing it. The door opened and Aaron recognized the asian guy from earlier walk out towards Joe. “Fucking vampire took four vials of blood” the guy told Joe, who responded “You’ll survive, Steven” Aaron’s eyes got big. He hated needles and the comment was making him feel even sicker. Joe got up and went inside and Aaron slid down to the first chair as another patient showed up for a blood test. It was another guy from the group of four he saw before - the ginger haired guy that Aaron had stared at earlier. “Hey, don’t look so down. It’s just a blood test, not death row” the guy told Aaron as he sat down next to him. The guy reached over and squeezed Aaron’s leg saying “Hi, I’m Dennis. First time here?” “Uh, yeah” Aaron replied. “You get used to it. It’s the price you pay for getting laid” Dennis said with a laugh and then asked “You go to school here?” “Uhhh, no. I live south of here. I didn’t want to see my old doctor in case he said something to my parents” Aaron said after a long pause. He looked down at his feet hoping Dennis would just leave him alone. “Ah, gotcha. Been there, done that. Don’t worry, everyone here is cool and they’ll help you no matter what” Dennis said as the door opened and Joe walked out. Aaron got up to go in and was shaking as he walked into the room. Aaron looked at the guy that Steven had called a vampire earlier. He was a really cute blonde haired, blue eyed twink with a big smile. Aaron thought he could be a model. After verifying Aaron’s information and sensing Aarons uneasiness giving blood, the lab tech suggested that Aaron look at a painting on the wall and distracted him with a few jokes. Aaron barely sensed the needle going in and before he knew it the needle was out and his arm was bandaged over the wound. “All done! They probably have already set up a followup appointment on Friday to let you know the results. Don’t worry, just keep a positive outlook” the lab tech said with a wink. Aaron got up and opened the door. As he walked out, Dennis was walking towards him and gave him a piece of paper whispering “I don’t know if you’re interested, but here’s my number. Give me a call if you need to talk or want to get together.” Aaron walked back out into the waiting room and over to the receptionists desk. He said to Douglas, the receptionist, “They said I might already have an appointment set up for Friday.” “No, not yet. You can either just walk in and wait for an opening or set up a time. What works best for you?” Douglas asked. “An appointment. Anything after 10 and before 4, I guess” answered Aaron. “I have a 10:30am. That ok?” “Yeah” Aaron said, wondering how he was going to make it almost 2 more days. “OK, here’s your reminder card” Douglas said looking at Aaron with a smile “Relax, everything will be fine. Find something to do to keep your mind busy while waiting for the results.” “Thanks” said Aaron as he turned around. Near the door was three of the guys from the group all standing there looking at him. He walked towards the door trying not to make eye contact, but couldn’t keep his eyes off Dennis who smiled at him and gave him a gesture for Aaron to call him. Aaron walked outside and down the street. He got in the car and just sat there, shaking. “What the fuck have I done? My life may be over and I have to wait two days to find out. And what the hell, almost everyone in the clinic tried to hit on me!” The light was peeking through the curtains and Derrick rolled over and put his arm around Tony, pinching his nipple on the way. Tony moaned and awoke with a smile. “I heard the boys are getting tested today. What do you think their chances are?” he said to Derrick. “With as many loads as we gave those three, I doubt they’ll be neg, but Mark’s brother only let Mark breed him. I don’t know how toxic he is, so I’ll say 50/50 for him. We should probably go to the clinic too. My cock’s been dripping again” said Derrick. “Yeah, mine too. I tagged the new barback last night after we closed. Fuckin’ hot boy, but damn is he dumb. He believed me when I told him part of his job as barback was to take all the other employees bareback and he had a week to get bred by everyone or we would fire him.” Tony said. “Fuck yeah. I saw him hustling around refilling ice and glasses when I was there last night. Hot body, great ass and a big bulge” Derrick replied. “He got four out of 11 guys last night, so he’s on his way. Luis and I were the first to breed him and left him sloppy for the other two bartenders. He said he wasn’t a bottom, but by the time I shot my load he was begging to get fucked more. He should be knocked up pretty quick. I want to get him as a server for the other club. I think he’ll be good for that. Oh, by the way… any luck lining up special guests for the next party?” Tony asked. Derrick rolled onto his side looking at Tony “I had a couple guys that might be good. One guy called yesterday afternoon and told me he just tested poz, so he’s out. Too bad, too. He’s a hot muscle cub with an ass to die for. The other one is a good looking daddy, but I don’t know if the members want someone older. I’ve been meaning to ask the Joe or Kyle if they know any students that might be up for it.” “That might be good. Students are always looking for a few hundred extra bucks. Having a chance at getting knocked up is just a bonus” Tony said laughing. “Speaking of knocked up, I haven’t fucked you in days. Show me that pussy” Derrick said as he spread Tony’s legs. Rubbing his oozing cock around the ring, he lunged forward jabbing his cock into Tony’s hole. Tony grunted and pulled his legs back while Derrick kept thrusting his cock in. Between the precum and yellowish discharge, Tony’s pussy was sloppy and lubed for the punishment. Derrick never fucked slow and gentle, it was always with force and with purpose. The bed was creaking and Tony alternated between moans and begging for Derrick to fuck harder. The precum and ooze from Tony’s cock was pooling on his navel to overflowing. Tony stuck his fingers in and scooped some up and licked them clean. Derrick grunted and slammed in and Tony could feel his cock twitch and the warmth of his poisonous seed fill his body. Derrick pulled his softening cock out and fell back to the bed. “Damn, I still like breeding that hole just like when I charged you up.”
    1 point
  33. I'm bi. My dick gets used when I'm with a woman. In the company of men, all I can think about is my hole full of cock and filled with cum. No interest in topping guys at all.
    1 point
  34. Part 14 - Aaron’s freakout Sunday morning Mark was flipping through websites looking for another hookup so he could dump a load or two. Eric had been working late trying to catch up on the days he missed while he was sick and here it was Saturday and he was at work again. Mark’s regular phone rang. He picked it up and it was a number he didn’t recognize, but the area code was from where his brother Joe lived. He answered the phone and heard “Hello, is this Mark?” “Yes it is.” “Sir, this is Aaron from A1 Car Rental. Do you remember me?” the voice on the other end said. “Sure I do, Aaron. Is there a problem? I don’t think there was any damage to the car.” “No sir, this isn’t about your car rental. Do you have a few minutes to talk? There’s no one here I can talk to and…” Mark could hear sobbing on the other end. “Yeah, no problem Aaron. What’s up?” After a few moments Aaron said “Well, I hooked up with this guy a couple nights ago after work. We met at this adult book store and we ended up in a room.” Aaron continued after a few more sobs “The guy got really rough with me, which I kind of like.” “Yeah, I remember” Mark chuckled. “Well, he held me down and slammed his cock into me and came inside me. While he held me down, he told me I was a stupid fuck to let a poz guy breed him.” There were more sobs before he added “He told me that I would have AIDS soon just like him.” Mark was shocked. He wasn’t expecting to ever hear from Aaron again, much less having to calm him down from a another guy breeding him with poz seed. His mind was racing trying to figure out what to say when Aaron started talking again. “And last night I started feeling sick. I have a fever and my neck is swollen and my arms and legs ache. Did he really give me AIDS?” “Aaron, take a deep breath. Relax. No one just gives you AIDS. He may have infected you with HIV and maybe other STDs, but you have to leave it untreated for a long time for it to progress to AIDS. Maybe he was just telling you that to shock you. Some guys get off on that.” “Uh…. OK. But why am I sick?” Aaron asked. “It could be lots of things, you deal with travelers at work who may be sick and passed their flu on to you. How many guys have you hooked up with since I met you?” “seven or eight, I guess” was Aaron’s response. Mark smiled and thought “The kids becoming quite the slut”. “Well, one of them could have given you something. If you’re really feeling bad, you could go to a doctor and have him run some tests.” Mark told him. “I don’t want to go to my doctor and tell him that I had sex with a bunch of guys.” “Ah, that makes it a bit harder. Let me check something out” Mark said as he picked up his tablet and started searching for gay friendly clinics near Aaron. “I’m doing a few searches, just hang on ok?” but Mark only got a few more sobs as a reply. “Aaron, you still there?” Aaron replied with a sullen “Yeah.” “There’s not much near you. The only thing I can find is the Jones Health Clinic up by the university, about an hour north of you. It says they are gay friendly and have sexual health programs with free testing. Do you think you can make it up there?” “I don’t know. I feel horrible. If I was infected the other night, do I need to go right away?” Aaron asked. Mark wasn’t sure how he wanted to answer - the timing was about right for Mark’s loads to have infected him. A test now would point the finger at him. If Aaron waited, all the guys he had bareback sex with could be the one. “Well, if you don’t feel safe driving up there and can’t get anyone to take you there then I guess you should go as soon as you feel well enough. If it is the flu that you get when you’re infected with HIV, then its already too late to prevent it.” “Oh fuck. You think I have HIV?” Aaron said before sobbing again. “It’s possible. The symptoms you said you have sound like when the body seroconverts, but it could also just be the common flu.” “Fuck. ok.” “Aaron, be sure you treat the fever. It doesn’t matter what kind of flu it is. Drink fluids and eat what you can, like soup. If the fever gets too high, you need to see a doctor no matter what. Worry about what kind of flu it is after you recover and can see someone” Mark said before adding “Let me know what happens. You have my number.” Mark gave the address and phone number for the clinic to Aaron before hanging up. Mark replayed in his mind both of his fucks with Aaron and remembered he said that he had taken some raw cocks between those sessions, so that would be his way to cast doubt that it was him that infected Aaron. While at work Wednesday morning, Mark’s phone rang. It was Aaron. He answered and heard Aaron’s voice on the other end “Hello, sir. Can you talk?” “Yeah, just a moment, let me get to a place where I can be alone” said Mark as he walked down the hall to a small conference room. “What’s up Aaron? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, a little better. The fever is down. I called the clinic and set up an appointment. I was kind of vague but told them that I had a fever and sweats and aches. I’m going up there now, but what do I tell them?” “Be honest with them. If their website is accurate, they are sex positive and won’t shame you for being gay or having sex. The reviews looked good too. Tell them that you had a few sexual encounters that you didn’t use condoms and then there was the meeting with the one guy from last week and you’re scared he may have given you something bad. I don’t want to scare you, but its probably better that you don’t identify anyone you had sex with to them. They might get really nosy. Just tell them you met them in public places and don’t remember their names and don’t have any phone numbers. They’re used to that with gay guys. OK?” “Yeah, I understand“ Aaron replied. “Call me back after you finish. They are probably going to do some blood tests so you won’t get an answer right away. Don’t worry, its normal” said Mark “Thank you sir, I will.” Mark laughed to himself before saying “Aaron, please stop calling me ‘sir’. Call me Mark. If you keep calling me sir, I’ll come back there and put a collar on you and drag you back here to my dungeon.” Mark paused a moment waiting to get a response from Aaron, but got nothing. “I’m just kidding, I don’t have a dungeon.”
    1 point
  35. Really loved this. To bad don’t have more to read.
    1 point
  36. Part 16 Tom had lifted me to the bathroom, I was showered and douched. Tom shaved my body from the neck down. I’d never felt so smooth. I was trembling the whole time with my body temperature rushing in either direction. Tom took me back to the bedroom and helped dress me in a rubber jock. It pulled my cock tighter to my body, still locked in it’s cage. “Lay down for now, boy. I’ll organise the rest.” I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Some time later I awoke flush with heat. Initially I thought it was my fever, then I realised I was back in the rubber suit from before and back in the sling! Only my mouth, eyes and nose holes were not covered in rubber. I could also tell a zipper at my ass. “Hey boy, just in time. People are beginning to arrive. I want you to remember all of this night.” Tom leant down and kissed me on my lips, it calmed me deep inside. Although I was burning up in this suit. I didn’t know what to expect anymore. Tom was wearing a pair of rubber jeans, opened at the crotch exposing a white jock. He had black rubber gloves on and his Biohazard tattoo was exposed on his chest. He looked so hot dressed like that. It made me feel flushed and horny. I didn’t know how I was feeling, I was sick as a dog but I felt incredibly horny. “You stay put boy, I’ll go get the others. This will be a rough night for you, just remember it’s what Daddy wants and thats all that matters!” He had a seriousness to his tone and his eyes pierced into mine. What was going to happen to me? Tom left the room and I lay in the swing unsure of what was going to happen next. I glanced over and seen Tom coming in with a group of about 10 men, the youngest must have been in his early 40’s. They were all wearing rubber, one guy had a rubber cock sheath, with only his pierced cock head exposed. That’s when I realised that every one of them had a pierced cock. This was going to hurt. Tom stood between my legs, he looked at me with an evil grin, his blue eyes were cold. I didn’t feel as calm anymore when he announced "Just remember: this is what Daddy wants, boy.” I felt the zip at my ass being undone. The room was spinning faster and faster. My head was pulled to the side and without warning the rubber sheathed cock forced its way into my mouth, the piercing hitting the back of my throat. I gagged but he didn’t stop, I struggled to breath. “Turn him to face me, I want to see his eyes when I rape his hole” Tom had pressed his un-lubed cock against my hole. My eyes widened in fear. It wouldn’t go in my ass, I was completely try. He must have seen the fear in my eyes. He just laughed. “Put the mask on him, lets see how long he lasts!” I didn’t know what was happening, He continued to push against my hole slowing tearing me open. I felt arms on my shoulders as a mask was put over my head. It was a gas mask. It smelt funny inside. It had been soaked with poppers. I felt overwhelmed with the heat and the haze of the fumes made my blood pulse. Tom continued at my ass, I took a sharp gasp when he pushed harder, forcing the poppers deeper into my system. My senses where completely overwhelmed. “No more playing boy.” Tom slammed his cock completely into my ass and started to pound my hole. I felt a trickle of blood running down my ass cheek. My head was pounding and my blood rushed with the mask on my head, It became harder to catch my breath. The men around the room were cheering Tom on. “Rape the boy.” “Tear up his hole.” “Breed that ass.” Tom ripped his cock from my hole and tore the mask off my face in the same motion. Fresh air flooded my face. He walked round and thrust his cock in front of my face. It had a smear of bloody across it. “Clean Daddy’s cock.” With that he thrust himself into my mouth just as another cock tore into my ass. And the night had just begun…
    1 point
  37. Part 22 Shortly after the weekend with Charlie, the twins went through their bout of the fuck flu. It did little to slow down their sex drive as they were left to spend their time in bed together. After they recovered from the fuck flu their sex drive seemed to multiply. They were sucking and fucking each other when ever they thought they were alone or able to get away with it. One night they were blowing some clouds and thought that their parents were out to dinner. Between the Tina in them and their over active sex drive they were careless as they were fucking. They were fucking in their bedroom with their door open enough that when their father walked by he couldn't help notice his two naked sons, one on his hands and knees and the other right behind his twin pounding away. Upon realizing what was going on he barged into their room calling them 'queer boys', 'faggots' and proceeded to kick them out on their gay asses. They grabbed what they could and stuffed it in their gym bags and quickly left the house they had grown up in the past 18 years. They only knew of one place to go and showed up at Steve's door. After hearing what had happened Steve told them they could live their (since that was the plan after they were to graduate in a few weeks). This also allowed them to do some more work for Steve as a twin sex couple. Things were fairly tame through the summer as the twins started to make Steve some nice money between their 'performances on the net and the occasional, 'personal and private appearance' with special individuals who paid Steve good money to spend time with two jock twins. On a sunny Wednesday morning as fall semester was approaching as the twins went to register for classes where they met Thomas. The twins knew Thomas was special and without saying a word between them had the same thought. Bam Bam, Robbie and the twins moved into the two bedroom after the co-eds moved out over the summer. This left the one bedroom open for rent and the studio was set up for the twin's to perform in along with anyone to take an unsuspecting hook-up in their to have the sex recorded (and hopefully a recorded stealth pozzing). Whether Thomas was gay or straight, the twins planned to get him into the studio, smoke him up and fuck him good. Thomas didn't think twice as the twins were very friendly asking all about himself. Thomas was very open with the twins as they learned he was far from home, all of his friends and classmates were going to either community college or a state school. It didn't take much to get Thomas interested in hanging out with the twins since classes were not set to start the following Monday. That night Thomas showed up at the apartment building meeting the twins at the studio apartment. The three guys chatted about high school, family and friends. What the twins did not know was that Thomas had his own dark thoughts about the twins. Out of the blue Thomas asked, "Do you guys smoke weed?" The twins didn't say a word as one of them pulled out a well packed bong and proceeded to light up. Soon the three were passing the bong back and forth while successfully getting Thomas to take more hit's then they were. The one thing Thomas didn't know was that the weed was dosed with Tina and his drink was spiked with GHB. As the drugs took effect it wasn't hard to get Thomas in the mood for something he knew deep down inside he wanted. Thomas further surprised the twins when he asked if they ever partied with anything other than weed. It was becoming clear to the twins (and Steve who was watching the action on camera) that Thomas was into more then they thought. Thomas could tell that there was 'something' in his drink and that the weed was more than weed as he knew the hunger for 'attention' was growing. Steve was able to control the temperature of the room and slowly raised the temperature causing the three guys to begin to strip down. Thomas was the first to remove his shirt as the twins followed his lead. The conversation continued and Thomas never mentioned a girlfriend as he talked a lot about one friend in particular. As the G and T in his system began to loosen his lips he let it slip about prom night spending the night with this one friend after dropping their dates at home. Thomas didn't hold much back as he talked about the two of them trying a new drug that got them horny as fuck that resulted in....... Thomas suddenly realized what he has said when he noticed that the twins were only wearing their underwear and had moved in closer to where he was sitting and he was naked. There was no denying it as they began to touch each other in ways only a man can touch and please another man. Thomas took a quick second to retrieve something from his cargo shorts pocket. The twins could see that he had that familiar glass pipe and a small zip lock bag of familiar crystal. The pipe was loaded and a torch was lit by one of the twins as the bowl was heated and Thomas took a huge hit before he handed it over to the twins. They were all naked now as they got high and proceeded to kiss, lick and suck. It didn't take long before Thomas mounted one of the twins and began to fuck him raw.
    1 point
  38. I used to love to make a piss cocktail. Vodka and piss over ice. Try it! I was introduced to it by a Master. Made me think of him whenever I drank it.
    1 point
  39. Part 13 “Just put the pizza on the table in the kitchen, thanks,” Tom said from behind the young pizza boy. “Sure,” he replied as he cautiously walked past me and into the kitchen. Once he had put the pizza down he walked back towards the door, he must have had a look at my ass as he did. “Like his arse?” Tom said plainly. “Eh…I… I should get back to work,” the pizza boy responded, walked quickly past me, his face scarlet. “Wow, kid it’s okay, my boy there is very accommodating. I’m sure he’d love to taste that hard cock you’ve got growing in your jeans.” The boy blushed again and I could feel myself moving towards him. What was I doing? Tom’s blue eyes pierced into mine. I knew what he was telling me to do. I knelt down in front of the twink and slowly found my hands unbuttoning his jeans. “I really shouldn’t… I’ve never… you know… well not properly… my boss will wonder where I’ve been.” He tried to move away from me but Tom had a grip on his shoulders and kept him and his hard cock in front of me. “Don’t worry about it, we were all virgins once. We’ll go slow and I’ll ask what you want to do. How about it? Tell you what, you’ll walk out of here with at least a week's wages and if you’re lucky, a surprise.” I took the guy's cock in my mouth, and any objections he might have had were gone. Was I really sucking a virgin cock? It wasn’t anything special but it was a nice length and had a decent girth. He was uncut which was nice. Be fore long I was deep throating the twink while Tom worked his nipples. Tom had slipped his sweats off, carefully keeping his top on, hiding his tattoo, the young kid was excitedly playing with his cock. “Let’s move this to the bedroom, it’s more comfortable in there.” Tom ushered the kid into the bedroom stripping his clothes off him as they went, I felt concern for the boy. Would Tom do to him what he’s done to me? I couldn’t let that happen. I found myself mounting the bed in front of them both. Maybe if I made a good show of my ass Tom would alternate with the kid in fucking me, and the kid would escape getting fucked. Tom grabbed some lube and slapped it on my ass and roughly shoved his fingers into my hole. I groaned and huffed some poppers. “Go on kid, bury your cock balls deep. He can take it.” “Do you have a condom?” Again the kid blushed. “We don’t use them, me and my boy only play with each other but I’d love to see you fuck him.” Tom sounded so reassuring and innocent that I wasn’t surprised that the kid fell for it. He placed the tip of his innocent cock at my hole, and with Toms encouragement he slowly slid deeper into me. It was the most gentle fuck I’d had in over a week. He picked up the pace after some time and I knew he probably wouldn’t last long. Tom took the poppers and forced them under the kids nose. By his reaction he was new to them. He started to bury deeper into me and from the force behind me I could tell Tom was making a move for the kids hole. I looked in the mirror to see Tom lubing up his cock and the kids hole. The kid looked like he was in heaven, completely new to every sensation. Tom again made the kid take deep hits of the poppers, asking “What do you want kid?” murmuring into the kid's ear while forcing the brown bottle under the kids nose again. “Fuck me,” the kid almost whispered. “Fuck you? You want it all? I’m big and I fuck hard.” “Yeah fuck me hard, don’t stop.” The kid was clearly high off the fumes, little did he know what to expect from Tom. Tom, however, took advantage of the kid's invitation, and lining his cock at the victim's hole, in one swift move had brutally taken the twink's virginity. “Fuck… owww…. no….no….please stop!” The kid tried to get away from Tom but as he did he only buried deeper into me. Interestingly the kid was harder than he had been. Tom slapped the kid's ass cheek hard and then put his had over his mouth as he brutally raped his ass! I felt the kid's orgasm as he came hard in my ass. Tom clearly knew the kid had cum by his ass muscles clenching. Tom violently pulled the kid away and pushed him across the room. He didn’t even glance at the kid as he went rolling across the floor. Tom slammed his cock deep into my ass and I felt his cum fill me deep and raw. I had no time to adjust to what had just happened, but I felt oddly satisfied that Tom had cum in me and not the pizza kid. After Tom’s orgasm subsided he glanced over at the kid who was sitting on the carpet staring at us both. “Sorry about that kiddo, but my cum is for my boy’s hole only. I’m sure you understand.” The kid looked confused and frightened about the situation. Tom walked over the bedside took a roll of dollars out his wallet and threw it at the kid barking “Our little secret kid. Now, grab your clothes and fuck off. My pizza will be cold.”
    1 point
  40. Part 20 A few night later Matt showed the video of the boys to Steve. Steve knew the guy who hosted these partied main business was having his boys perform on camera. They had an agreement that they never tried int the other's line of business without consulting the other before. Steve knew that his friend rented his boys out on rare occasions and only to their 'fans' who paid to make their fantasy come true. Steve had always wanted a couple 'performance' boys to do live sex shows at private parties. He thought the idea of the twins working for him like that was a perfect idea. Since Matt discovered the talent he had rights to them as per their agreement. He called his buddy to discuss this before having Matt retrieve the twins for a private meeting where they'd get an offer they wouldn't refuse. Matt knew exactly how to contact the twins without drawing attention. He knew that they like to go on a run every night. He took Bam Bam and they waited down the block his Bam Bam car knowing the twins would stop to talk. After they left the party the twins were so out of the closet. The twins got in the back of Bam Bam's car and began to make out which progressed into cock sucking and ending with them fucking. The twins thanked the two men who helped them out of their shell. Matt told them, "Don't thank us yet. We can show you a lot more if you're interested." The twins were excited at the chance for these college men to teach them more and that's when they told Matt about their nightly run since their father wouldn't let them have cell phones. Upon seeing the car the twins made a quick stop at the open window and leaned in to hear what Matt had to say. Matt asked them when they would be able to get away for a night like they had that previous weekend. The twins looked at each other knowing that their parents had a wedding to go to that up coming weekend and they would be home alone from Thursday through Monday. Matt asked, "You think you could skip school on Friday?" to which the twins replied, "No problem." Matt told them to be ready after school and arranged a place to pick them up. The weekend quickly came and soon the twins were brought over to Steve's. They had no idea what was really planed for them they night as they were taken to the basement basement where they were allowed to shower and clean up (an out) as the final 'preparations' for the weekend were made. When the twins were ready they rejoined both only in their underwear, a now naked Matt and Bam Bam who had a naked Robbie with them. The twins quickly shucked what little they had in upon seeing their naked hosts before being shown the play area that was well equipped with a number of items that intrigued the twins. One thing they recognized were the two slings hanging in the middle of the room. They were then asked what they had been up to all week at home. The twins could hardly contain themselves as they confessed to fucking when ever they could with their parents in the next room while the three college men were already blowing clouds as Matt asked, "You just kissed and fucked? What but sucking cock?" With the twins staring at the pipe they admitted they had thought about that but liked fucking more. Matt told "It's time you learn" as the pipe was now being passed between the twins as Robbie dropped to his knees and directed the twins to join him as he began to suck Matt's cock first (since he is not as big as his boyfriend, Bam Bam) taking the rod into his throat a couple times before switching to Bam Bam's cock which he had no problem deep throating his monster cock. The whole time the twins were watching they were blowing some impressive clouds. After some instruction it was time for the twins to try sucking both cocks. Knowing this was (possibly/probably) not easy for them to accomplish, they wanted to see them try. After only being able to get the cock to the back of their throats it was time for Plan B. That's where Robbie really was going to fit in with his smaller cock. They then had the twins start taking sucking on Robbie and soon they were deep throating him with ease. Then the twins moved onto taking turns sucking each other since they each seemed to have bigger cocks them Robbie, but not nearly what Matt and Bam Bam were packing. The plan here was mostly Steve's with the idea of getting them into sucking each other for an audience making suggestions they took turns sucking each other. Once the Matt was satisfied that the twins had found a 'new hobby' to occupy their time he figured it was going to take a little more to get them to swallow cum. It was time for a little G before the twins were going to be shown the finer points of swallowing. They were each given a cup of G laced cola and tole to drink it all down as they continued to play with each other as the 3 college men watched. As the action continued they were prompted as to what they should do as the G took effect. The audience grew as the action between the twins continued until it was clear that they were going to need more 'chemical' courage. When Steve finally joined the small group he was introduced to the twins. He asked the twins how much they were enjoying their new found mutual pleasure. After the twins admitted to Steve, the gather group and themselves that they each had thought about sex with each other. Steve then told them how they could make some money working for him, but they needed to be able to follow direction. He then asked them about their fucking each other and if they liked dumping their load inside the other's ass. The twins admitted they liked that the best. The twins were then asked about swallowing the other's cum, to which the twins admitted that they were a little apprehensive about swallowing since their (straight) male friends admitted that girls they would get blow jobs from didn't like to swallow. That's when Bam Bam stepped forward with Robbie who quickly knelt at his (more dominant) boyfriend's feet and began sucking cock like his life depended on it for life. The twins watched as Bam Bam placed his hand on the back of Robbie's head to prevent him from pulling off (as if he would even try) and within a few minutes it was very clear Bam Bam was ready to blow his load. Bam Bam grunted as he filled Robbie's mouth. Steve whispered something to the twins as they watch only nodding in agreement. He looked to Matt and nodded. Matt then appeared with 2 sets of ankle and wrist restraints. The twins were then bound before each was given a small slam. One by one the twins were getting his mouth 'raped' by a member of the small group gathered not being given a chose as to swallow (or not). Steve and Matt were the first to feed the twins a load. After they were done each of the guys who came to watch the new sex performers "audition" took a turn giving the twins a taste of cum. Within a couple hours the twins were freely swallowing and ended the 'audition' by 69'ing until each had tasted his brother's cum. To celebrate their new found love of cum Steve told the twins that they could get into the slings and be slammed again as they would be gang banged like the previous weekend. Neither twin said a word as they climbed into the slings and (without the need of being restrained), freely took a large slam. As each twin coughed out and rode what would eventually would become familiar to them just before taking a load from every guy present but multiple loads from Steve, Matt, Bam bam and Robbie.
    1 point
  41. Part 9 Tom pulled out from inside me, he flipped me on to my side. He scooped up the cum from my chest and covered his cock with it and slide back inside my hole. “Thats the last clean load you’ll ever shoot or have inside you boy.” He stayed inside me, spooning me and we fell asleep. I woke up with his cock still in me, the desire to escape was conflicting with how comfortable I felt. I could feel Tom getting harder as he was slowly waking up. He didn’t say anything but slowly started to fuck my ass. I could feel the previous loads of cum around his cock, lubing my battered hole. Before long his cock was pulsing another load into my ass. I was hard the entire time. I made to jack myself off but Tom grabbed my wrist to stop me. He pulled out and rolled away, I felt suddenly alone. I heard the door to the walled closed open, i rolled over to see Tom taking a few items from the shelves and climb back into bed. Without warning he grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard! “Fuck…” I screamed out in pain. Instantly went soft. Tom took my soft cock and started putting it into a metal tube, with a cock ring attached to it. I heard a few clicks and my dick felt tight. I looked at Tom confused. “I’m locking this away boy. You don’t need it anymore. The only cum you need to concentrate on are the loads for your ass.” Tom slid a leather jock strap on me and looked over my body with a sense of satisfaction on his face. “What are you going to do with me?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer. “That’s nothing you need to worry about boy. Daddy has everything planned. We just need to make sure you’re mine first before we do anything more.” He got up and left the room. I lay in the bed not sure of what he meant or what had just happened. I looked at the device now restraining my cock and couldn’t see a way out of it. If I was to escape I’d need to have it cut off. I didn’t want to think of how I’d manage that. I got up and went for a piss, it burned! The door opened and Tom was stood in his tight white briefs, his biohazard symbol fully on display on his chest. Next to him was a man I didn’t recognise. He was a similar build to Tom, white hair and at least 50, but very handsome. He was wearing a black pinstripe suit. “This is him Brian, My Boy” “You’ve got good taste Tom, how much has he had so far?” Brian said as he made his way to the table in the room placing a black leather bag on it. “The first 7 were mine, 20 from the group, 100 stale, give or take, and a couple more. Including his own last neg load.” Tom said smiling I stood confused between them not sure where to move to. “On the bed boy” Brian said, I looked at Tom, he nodded and I made my way to the bed. Why had I looked to Tom for approval? “Did you plug it in for long enough?” Brian was removing medical looking equipment from the bag and placing it on the table. “About 12 hours. I’ve still got what wasn’t absorbed if we need it.” I was lying there trying to figure out what they were talking about, the conversation felt like it was going above my head. “Probably best to restrain the boy” Brian looked at Tom who made his way over to me, he took straps fastened underneath the bed and tied me face down. My ass was exposed to the room. “What is going on” I said, unsure of the situation. “Tom if he’s going to talk then gag him. I don’t need to hear your boy, I hear enough from my own at home” “You did claim a chatterbox Brian” Tom said laughing, he took his briefs off and stuffed them into my mouth, I could taste his cock. “Let’s see if you’ve claimed your own boy then. Let’s test your strain first. You don’t want someone else’s venom to have gotten to him first.” I could see Brian taking blood from Tom and adding it to solutions in different vials. “Your count is nearly 200,000. A cold and you’d have full blown AIDs. Once he’s bred with your strain we need to start exploring more options for managing your count. You want at least a few years with your boy” “You know i’m resistant to meds, he will be too. With what he’s got coming his way I won’t need to worry about having a few years. He’ll be full blown long before me.” “Hmm, lets get him tested, I’ll examine his cunt and we can deep breed if we need to.” What were they talking about? Full blown? I started to panic, how would I ever escape from this? Tom leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You’re going to be Daddy’s boy forever, you’ll be stained with my DNA by the end of today, one way or another.” My dick twitched and my body flinched in pain, I couldn’t get hard, it hurt so much my body practically convulsed. I could hear Tom and Brian laughing…
    1 point
  42. Part 18 Bam Bam gave Charlie a ride home early Monday morning. Right after he disappeared into the house Bam Bam saw his father down the street. He slowly drove towards him with his window rolled down. Bam Bam let him know that everything h e wanted was accomplished. He had been exposed to Bam Bam's un-medicated virus through multiple loads deep in his ass along with dirty needles that contained some of his poz blood. He also reported that by the end of the couple days his son was openly asking for Tina any way he could get it into his body. His son was given a small amount of Tina, a pipe a one dirty needle to inject himself with if he desperately wanted to slam. Bam Bam was handed an envelope containing $1500 as Charlie's father said, "Half now, the other half converts." Bam Bam told the man, "I figure he'll be poz 7 to 10 days." He was basing the tie frame on when Robbie converted after his weekend visiting. Robbie began to feel slightly ill one week after his visit. His conversion was solely from poz cum he had deposited inside his ass from himself and Matt. He figured the added poz blood he received in the dirty needles along with the extended drug use he expected from the 18 year-old cum dump would get him there about the same time if not quicker. Bam Bam made the drive back to school and found Robbie home alone in bed. Bam Bam knew Robbie had an appointment Saturday night to strip for some drunk frat boys before servicing each and every brother who was there to watch him do his thing. He quickly stripped off his clothes to join his boyfriend naked in bed. The two shared stories of their weekend work which turned them both on to the point where Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam's growing cock using the cum still present in his ass for lubrication. This brought Bam Bam around knowing that they both would be needing to add something to the fucking that was just beginning. Robbie had 2 points prepared as he handed his man a rig he prepared or himself. The two became still as they each simultaneously slammed the other. They kissed as they removed their tourniquets together only breaking the kiss as they each coughed before They rolled over so Robbie was on his back as Bam Bam began to plow his ass. They spent the morning fucking before Robbie had to go to a late afternoon class and Bam Bam had a lecture right after dinner. Bam Bam made sure to see Steve before going to his lecture to give him the $1500 he received for his work that weekend. Steve took $500 out of the envelope and handed it back to Bam Bam along with a bag of Tina. He then asked his new boss where he was headed the coming weekend only to be told that the next scheduled pozzing would be in 2 to 3 weeks. He had someone who wanted to get back at his ex boyfriend by pozzing him through his new boyfriend. The only activity for the weekend ahead was Robbie going to a private party at a local rave. This rave was held every 3 months. The guy who arranges the rave has always had a VIP room where special guests could hang out. He was able to book Robbie to work the room as a sort of host making sure his special guests are treated right. When the weekend came Bam Bam went with Matt as he took Robbie over to the rave to work. The host invited them to stay as long as they wanted. The two figured they check out the guys attending the rave to see if they could find a boy to corrupt. They quickly spotted a group of high seniors from one of the area high schools. Matt knew that they were seniors when he spied the twins in the group. He knew the twins twins (Allan and Arthur) from wrestling and although they were seniors, the pair was 19 years old. Their parents held them back a year to help with their wrestling in high school. Matt made a comment to Bam Bam that he thought their might be something going on between the two identical twins as they continued to scope the group out the group of dancing jocks. They watched as they began to break away dwindling the group from 8, to 6 to 5 before 3 dudes headed off leaving the twins all alone. The guys who split off went to chase female pussy (although it was suspected one of them went after a known bottom boi fag with whom they'd easily end up getting action with before the night was over. Matt thought this was a perfect opportunity to lure the twins away from the rave. he knew that the twins were big pot heads. He hoped that they might remember him from last summers wrestling camp when he first laid eyes on the two and figured them to be closeted fags. He knew neither had a girlfriend saying that they didn't want a girl to get int he way of their wrestling. The two were inseparable. Matt figured with a little weed, some G and Miss Tina, he could bring these boy out of their shell and discover their true self. The twins looked like they needed a break when Matt went over to say hi allowing him to introduce his friend Bam Bam. One of the twins asked Bam Bam about his nick name, to which he was given a direct answer about his club of a cock. The twins seemed oblivious to much of what was being talked about until Matt suggested they go somewhere and smoke a little weed that he had with him. Matt was familiar with the rave having attended the last one and he knew there was an area where they could go and light up. The weed was primo stuff and quickly had the twins baked since they made sure to get them to smoke more then the two college guys smoked. The next step was to offer the twins a 'drink'. Although anyone over 18 could get into the rave, they were strict when it came to serving alcohol. Of course Matt had a small bottle of booze that they could slip into their can of Coke with no one being the wiser. A nice dose of GHB was added to each of their Coke cans and between the weed and the G both twins were starting to loosen up while also starting to become slightly tired. Matt knew this opened up an avenue to lead the twins down the path of no return. They told the twins about a banging private party they could go to where they do some more drinking as the Twins were quietly escorted the sluggish twins out a back door so they wouldn't be seen leaving with the two college jocks as began to yawn and fight to stay awake. One twin was placed in the front seat of Bam Bam's car as the other was put in the back seat with Matt. As they drove off Matt commented kept building up the party as the twins fought to keep their eyes open. It was time to introduce them to Miss T. Matt pulled out his pipe and torch as he told the twins he had something to 'perk' them up for the rest of the night (and a good chunk of the next couple days) as he lit a torch and heated the bowl. He inhaled a decent hit before blowing the white cloud out and saying, "Damn, that's good!" He then handed the pipe to Bam Bam so he could take a hit. After he exhaled the white smoke he added his own comment, "I really needed that hit" before handing the pipe back to Matt who was now offering it to a curious twin asked what was in the pipe thinking it was more weed, "More weed will probably put me to sleep." Matt told them, "This stuff is a mild stimulant called T. It will help wake you guys up. So relax, let loose and have fun." He then urged them do as he and Bam Bam did in sucking the smoke and blowing out some clouds. Matt first offered the pipe to the twin in the back directing him when to start sucking in the magic smoke. Bam Bam made a comment about being hot as the twin in the back was blowing out his first cloud. When the twin in the front took his first hit and blew out an impressive cloud, Matt was agreeing with his friend driving about being too warm as they each took his t-shirt off revealing their well defined, muscular upper bodies. As the pipe went back and forth between the two twins each one cloud help from noticing the half naked stud sitting next to him. After each had taken 5 massive hits as Matt and Bam Bam worked to challenge each twin to attempt to out do the other by taking a bigger and bigger hit off the pipe. By this point each twin had perked up and began to feel the warmth around them as Matt encouraged them to take off their shirts. The twin in the front seat was the first to bare his smooth, lean, defined upper body before he told his brother to quit being a pussy and take off his shirt. The one twin in the back seat with Matt was trying to sneak a look at Matt's well defined upper body. He quickly asked Matt, "How hard was it to develop such your chest and arms?" The twin in the front seat was now looking back at Matt as he answered, "I got this from years of wrestling." Matt then flexed his arms and chest before suggesting the twins have a feel of his muscular upper body as they touched us arms, shoulders, chest and abs. Matt then pointed out the definition Bam Bam had was was all natural. Bam Bam never really spent any significant time in the weight room like Matt. Bam Bam offered then had the twins feel his body like they had done to Matt asking them to compare their muscular bodies. The twin's opinions were split with each twin picking the one that were sitting next to in the car. Then Matt and Bam Bam commented on how lean and fit the twins looked each now picking the twin that had picked them. Bam Bam was the the first of the two to reach over and feel the upper body of the twin next to him. Matt made sure to add his ow two cents in and compliment the twin close to him as he reach over an felt the twin's arms, chest and paying particular attention to his tight stomach. At first the uninvited touching ad the twins a little freaked, but after all they had just touched both of the guys they were riding with when they suddenly began to feel a little excited about being shirtless and touched. It was a long drive to get to the party they were taking the twins too and since they didn't want them to remember the directions, let a lone, the parties location. They twins began to ask more questions about the party, something they probably should have done before getting into the car. After a good 30 minutes they pulled up to a nice house on the edge of a near by town. The twins had no idea where they were or what they were in for as Bam Bam parked his car. The twins were about to put their shirts back on when Matt told them to leave them off. He added,"It typically gets very warm inside, your shirts will be safer in the car. Besides you guys have great lean, tight bodies. You should show them off." The twins followed Matt's advice and seeing the two older, well built guys leaving their shirts int he car did the same. The twins followed Matt and Bam Bam as they walked up to the house and walked right inside without ringing the door bell or even knocking. They seemed to know some of the people at the party as Matt had Bam Bam take the twins to the den. With the little bit of Tina and G already in the twins they probably didn't notice the crowd at the party were mostly gay guys, most of them showing some skin (with a couple bare ass naked) now ogling the half naked twinks. Matt quickly joined them with G spiked drinks as Bam Bam offered the pipe so that the twins could blow more clouds. Before too long each twin had taken another half dozen hits as they slowly drank down their drinks. Both twins seemed oblivious to what was going on around them as their eyes seemed to be half open. Matt took this opportunity to lean over and kiss the twin who rode with him in the back seat as Matt was working on his twin to shot gun of Tina. Matt wasn't sure what the twin's initial reaction would be, but knew what ever it was, it could be changed with more G and T. The twin Matt started to kiss surprised him as he quickly parted his lips giving allowing his tongue access to his mouth along with a quiet 'MMMM" to be heard. Bam Bam was already on his second shotgun with his twin as he got him to stand up as they were now kissing as they embraced and allowing him to loosen the twin's belt letting his baggy jeans to fall to the ground leaving him only in a pair of skimpy green bikini briefs.. Not to be out done, Matt maneuvered his twin to stand as Bam Bam began to lead his twin towards the host up stairs play area. Matt followed his friend as he worked to free his twin from his cargo shorts which now had this twin only wearing some black CK boxer briefs The guy who owns the house was a good friend of Steve. He created his second floor play room by knocking down all the walls (with the exception of 4 small, private play rooms. He had half a dozen slings hanging from the ceiling and mirrors on the ceiling and walls which provided the ability to see most of the action. Not to mention the numerous hidden cameras that recorded all of the action, They were greeted at the top of the stairs by one of the host 'house boys' who asked, "Fresh meat?" Matt simply nodded as he granted them access as Matt whispered to the 'house boy' and handing him his bag of party supplies. Matt knew he could trust the houseboy to make up a 4 slams, a couple nice ones for the twins and one each for he and Bam Bam. Most of the part guests were still down stairs except for a few who followed the twins as they were guided to the second floor. The twins were easily maneuvered into the slings as they lost the last bit of clothing that remained. Once in the sling the twins were distracted as they each were now on the receiving end of a rim job and thus allowing Matt and Bam Bam to loose their own clothing. Like clock work the house boy who had greeted them at the top of the stairs returned with a few of his fellow house boys to assist in making sure that each twin was secure in his sling. The twin had no clue as now a naked Matt and Bam Bam moved from where they had been eating ass to standing next to their twin with point and tourniquet in hand. With the ability to see each other in the mirrors of the play room they each began to administer the slams to their respective twin. They quickly applied the tourniquet and without the twins being ant the wiser with the G freely flowing through their lean, compact bodies, had a needle slipped in a prominent vein. They each registered that familiar red flash just before pushing the plunger down and bring the twins on the last step to becoming chem sex slam pigs, Matt spoke as the twins began coughing, "Ride it out boys, we'll see you on the other side" as he and Bam Bam moved back between their twins spread legs and administered their own slams. As the now wide eye and confused twins looked up at the naked forms before them as they were each impaled by a hard cock driven balls deep as the host joined them proclaiming, "Let the fucking begin!"
    1 point
  43. Part 17 It was now time to start seeding this neg 18 year old and poz him as he was being paid to perform. Bam Bam let Charlie rock for a short time on his 9" poz cock as he readied the dumb kid for what he was eventually going to get, a huge load of charged jizz. Bam Bam hadn't cum in over 2 weeks as he prepared for his first job. Looking up at Charlie and seeing him lost in the pleasure he was feeling from having a cock finally inside him . Bam Bam knew the next step was crucial since part of his job, not only to poz the dumb kid, but to get him used t partying. He thrusted his cock up a little deeper eliciting a moan from Charlie as he asked him, "Are you ready to really get fucked? Charlie shook his head 'yes' while rocked slightly, with his eyes closed and mouth slithly hanging open. Bam Bam firmly slapped him across the face to bring him back to reality as he asked his soon to be poz cum pig the same question again, "ARE YOU READY TO REALLY GET FUCKED???" Charlie was now forced to verbalize his answer, "Oh yes, I need you to really fuck me. Give it all to me please?" Charlie had no idea what he was really asking for when Bam Bam pushed him off and told him to get on his back while he retrieved a few 'necessities'. When Bam Bam returned he quickly shoving the full length of his cock back inside Charlie right before he sprayed a rag with Maximum Impact and dropped it on Charlie's face so he could not see what was coming next. With Charlie's vision blocked and lost in the feeling of the G and T already in his system it was easy for a tourniquet to be placed on his arm and a pre-loaded (and previously used) rig slipped into a nice fat vein. With the expertise he had be taught, he quickly registered the familiar 'red' flash and emptied the slam into Charlie. As quickly as it was applied the tourniquet was removed and as Charlie began to vigorously cough causing the rag on his face to fall off as Bam Bam Administered his own slam before he began to start fucking the rushing teen beneath him. The slam he gave himself was enough to bring him to the verge of orgasm and allowing him to power fuck the teen he abused his formerly virgin hole. Bam Bam worked himself closer and closer to delivering his first poz load with good, long powerful strokes. Charlie was now moaning as he felt nothing but the pleasure his hole was giving him. A puzzled expression appeared on Charlie's face reaching down to discover he had a very soft Tina dick. Bam Bam told him, "Your soft cock give away your true being. I knew the moment I saw you that you were nothing more then a bottom bitch! I knew you'd be taking my cock and any man's cock you were offered, After we're done, I'm sure you'll go out an search for more cocks to fuck you." Bam Bam punctuated his words by long dicking the teen, completely pulling his dick out before slamming it back inside. As the teen ;s rush continued he quickly gave up on stroking himself and moved to feel the 9" rod working his hungry ass. It seemed the drugs weren't completely clouding the boy's head when he realized that he was being fucked bareback. The expression on his face seemed to be conflicted between enjoying the sensation he was feeling from the skin on skin fuck and knowing that he should ask for a condom. Charlie questioned Bam Bam's raw cock in his ass as he slowly gave into the raw fuck he was receiving. He was bluntly told, "You never asked for a condom when you willingly sat your ass down on my bare dick and I not stopping until I breed you" staring directly into Charlies eyes. He then added, "I can see the wheels spinning in your drugged up head, part of you screaming to fuck safe and the other part wanting as much of my raw cock as you can get Slowly you're giving into the pleasure of feeling nothing between us, knowing that soon you'll be not just asking for my raw cock, but for my load." The suggestions that were now filling his head along with the sensation of the are back fuck were definitely winning out as he shook his head yes between moans asked for it harder and faster. As Bam Bam was approaching his impending orgasm and depositing a massive poz load he began to continue his efforts in moving the teen closer to accepting being bred. "Yeah, I can see it in your eyes now. You're liking getting fucked bareback, no your loving it raw. I bet you want me to breed you, shoot my big load deep inside you. Bring you helping you finally realize that you are now nothing more then a cum dump to be fucked and seeded by any man who wants that sweet, ass of yours." Bam Bam totally controlled the kid's mind as he began a quick, rapid fuck that he knew was going to cause his balls to fire a huge load. Charlie started to ask for Bam Bam's load as Bam Bam continued to prime the pump. Bam Bam asked, "You want my charged load bitch?" Charlie practically screamed, "YES! YES! BREED ME! PLEASE BREED ME!" As Bam Bam/s cock began to thicken he then instructed his new cum dump, "Ask me to breed you and charge your ass and I will fuck my charged load into your ass." Charlie was totally lost on what he was being asked to say and without any idea of what he was truly asking for he yelled out, "FUCKING CHARGE MY ASS!" Bam Bam could no longer hold back and with the kids plea he slammed balls deep past the kids deep ring and unloaded what was probably the biggest load of cum he had ever fired while peering into Charlie's soul. Charlie felt the cock inside him spasm as he was being filled. The entire experience had Bam Bam turned on more then he thought possible as he began to make short jabs with his still hard cock deep inside Charlie. He had expected to go soft but found himself ready to work on a second load. This fuck took a lot longer then the first allowing Bam Bam to not only work the load already deep inside the boy into the battered walls of his colon, but to cause some minor damage that would allow the bug to seep into the teen's system. Charlie took 7 loads from Bam Bam, the first 3 before his cock ever left Charlie's ass and they took little break. Charlie started to gratitude for being shown his true nature as he sipped his G laced drink. He wanted more of what he was already given so far that night. Bam Bam told him if he wanted more of what he was already given he needed to finish his (G laced) drink and start to suck his cock hard so that he could fuck him again. Charlie downed his drink and quickly took Bam Bam soft cock into his mouth as the G worked into his system and Bam Bam retrieved another slam. This time he didn't hide the fact he was administering another slam as he let Charlie know about the drugs he had already been given. With the G fogging his brain he willingly accepted the slam as he was fucked some more.
    1 point
  44. Part 15 Bam Bam took Robbie back to his dorm room where he continued to fuck Robbie while they recovered from the past few days. Robbie was appreciative for what was done to him since it allowed him to discover his true self, a bottom boy ho needed to learn to surrender his hole to any man who wanted to use it for his pleasure. The two were also discussing plans for when Robbie will be starting to attend college next semester as the two drifted off to sleep Sunday night. As the day slowly approached noon on Monday morning, as if fate was calling, Matt knocked on the door to Bam Bam's room. As the two naked man stirred in bed, Bam Bam asked who was at the door to which a simple replay "It's Matt". Bam Bam told Robbie to answer the door and has the naked 18 year old grabbed for something to cover his body with Bam Bam simply said to him, "Naked!" A naked Robbie moved to the door and quickly welcomed their visitor. Matt explained that he was there with a proposal for the two of them. Matt went on to tell the two a little about the business, the old hotel Steve owned and the boys that Steve like to rent out. Robbie listened intently as Matt spoke and after all the Tina he had that weekend, was starting to get hard. Matt knew that Bam Bam wanted to move out of the dorms next semester so that he could get a place with Robbie. If the two of them were to go to work for Steve not only could they have Matt's apartment, but a nice pay check. Matt was going to take one of Steve's bedrooms. Matt had spoken to Steve on Sunday and figured the way Robbie liked to be fucked, he could be transformed into a high price boy. Bam Bam seemed to transform into a power, pozzing top who would be paid well to poz those that wanted it and those that other would pay to be force. Matt watched as Bam Bam was now rubbing his had up and down Robbie's back as the implications started to sink in, especially on Robbie who was coming to realize that not only did he receive his first fuck, but was probably now HIV+, a thought that, for some strange reason to him, made him incredibly horny. Bam Bam wasted no time and pulled Robbie close as the two kissed. Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam, who was lying on his back with his hard cock pointing straight up. Robbie impaled himself on the full length of his friends cock as the two kissed and, seemingly, forgot Matt was in the room. As Robbie road his friend's cock the two suddenly felt the presence of some one joining them on the bed. Bam Bam pulled Robbie in close as Matt quickly lined his cock up with Robbie's already full hole and pushed in along side. Robbie moaned out as the second cock invaded his hole and he began to get his first, of many, DPs.
    1 point
  45. We were all laying back together on the couch, taking a much needed breather and drinking water and Gatorade to stay hydrated. Trevor had greedily taken Daddy's ass-cum-and-piss-soaked cock into his mouth as soon as Daddy had pulled out after adding his chem piss to the two loads of POZ cum in the bottom's ass. Just like the tweaked out piggy boi he was there was no hesitation when I told him to clean Daddy's cock. He quickly spun around on his knees and started lapping at Daddy's thick wet dick like a dog lapping at his own nuts! Doing so had given me a perfect view of his sweaty hairy red boihole, the lips puffy from the back to back fucks he had just received from Daddy, and trickles of cum and piss pooling at the center of those lips. I bent forward, giving in to my own piggishness, burying my face between this young boi's sweet hole and began running my tongue around his leaking pucker, tasting the combined nectar there. His natural taste mixed with Daddy's cum and piss - with which I was very familiar - made it hard to stop. But I knew I needed to let the cum soaking inside him STAY inside him and do it's work. Now as we reclined on the couch touching each other's bodies and playing with nips and balls, Daddy turned the pig bottom's attention to the big screen TV which had been playing porn the entire time. The scene that was showing was of a young blond boi about Trevor's age with 2 hard bodied and hard dicked daddys one a hairy sexy white daddy with pierced nipples and the other a gorgeous smooth black Adonis with a dick that looked to be over 9 inches, thick and hard and wet with the young guy's spit. The ebony god's cock was withdrawn from the sucking mouth as white daddy fed the boy a couple of big hits from the pipe. "Ever had a black dick, pig", Daddy asked our boi as we watched the hot scene. "Once, it's been a couple years ago", Trevor answered as he himself took a hit as he was offered a newly packed pipe. "How was it?", I asked. "Did you like it? Was he as huge as that guy in the video?" Trevor exhaled a dick hardening perfect white cloud before answering. "I loved it bro! He wasn't AS big but almost and damn fat too! He fed me two thick loads of cum before he had to leave. Tried to connect with him a couple times after that but never could." Daddy turned Trevor's face to him and shotgunned the hit he had just taken into the pig's receptive mouth. I knew that even though we were taking a break Daddy was determined to keep the pig's high constant. As Daddy pulled back from the shotgun and looked into Trevor's dark pupils he said, "Bet a big black cock like that would feel real good in your boipussy now that you know how great getting fucked can be. Don't you think so?" Trevor blew out another cloud of smoke and coughed hard. "Damn Daddy! I don't think I could take anything that big! He's so fucking HUGE!!" Daddy pressed the point, planting the idea and desire in Trevor's tina controlled mind. "But I bet you'd try, wouldn't you? If a cock like that was here and offered to you, give you some more tina, and you'd be ready to feel that big beautiful black shaft opening you up. Am I right boi?" Daddy asked with a leering grin. Trevor shuddered in a combination of desire and fear. "Maybe", he finally half whispered. Then, "Oh damn it would feel incredible I bet!" Daddy chuckled as he ran a rough fingertip across Trevor's exposed hole, making him close his eyes and moan in pleasure. "No telling what will happen this weekend, boi. Your daddy and bro want to give you so much (he gave me a knowing smirk when he said this!), and explore all your darkest hottest fantasies. Some you may not have even admitted to yourself," he finished saying as he slid his thick finger into our pig's wet warm hole. "OOOOOOOOOO, daddy. That feels so good. MMMMM. Play with your boi's hole." "I will boi. Look at that kid on the screen. He is loving that big black cock in his mouth!" Trevor opened his eyes to watch and moaned again as Daddy slid a second finger inside him. "You see that tattoo on that black fuckers belly boi? Just above his pubic hair?" Trevor fixed his eyes on the screen again as we all took in the sight of the red scorpion standing out clearly against the black skin it was painted on. "Yes, daddy, I see it", he spoke softly and hesitantly. Daddy smiled at me over Trevor's head as I moved the bag of tina shards next to him. "Do you know what it means?" he asked as he withdrew his fingers from the pig's wet hole and dipped them into the bag of tina. "Oh, Daddy! Please! Don't stop! Please put them back in me!" "I am boi. Here", and he slid his tina coated fingers back into the hungry hole, causing a loud moan of delight to escape his lips. "Oh yeah, daddy. That's it. Thank you! It's burning a little bit though, but still feels so good". "That's probably because your hole's a little tender from getting fucked the first time. Let daddy use his fingers to massage it and it'll feel real good in a minute." Daddy is such an evil fucker!! My cock was throbbing so hard! "MMM. yes, daddy. It's feeling good. It's feeling real good." "Told you boi. Trust what daddy tells you. I'm here to make you feel good. Now you didn't answer me before. Do you know what that tattoo means?" Trevor looked from Daddy's face back to the screen where now the black stud was behind the white twink lining up his bare cock with the hairless hole. "Yes, Sir. It means he's pos...positive. HIV." Trevor breathed out the last word quietly but almost reverently. "Does that scare you boi? Does it turn you on? How's it make you feel?", as he continued fucking his fingers in and out of the horned up boi's hole. Before Trevor could answer we all watched as the black toxic dick began sliding into the twink's lubed up hole. The boi in the video arched his back and cried out, "Fuck YESS!! Fuck me with that black monster Daddy! Fuck your boi with your Big Black POZ cock! Oh gawd yes....do it!!" "OH Fuck!" Trevor blurted out. "That is so damn hot! Yeah do it daddy. Fuck your boi with your big black poz cock!" Daddy rammed three fingers all the way inside Trevor's hole at these words as we both leered at each other and Trevor moaned, watching the POZ sex on the screen and feeling daddy's fingers inside him. He was talking to the black daddy on the screen caught up in the moment but we both knew he was almost ready! And daddy and I were ready to start round two!!
    1 point
  46. I'm poz and not on meds and I'd love to poz charge your ass and convert your hole!
    1 point
  47. This is a true story. I am a 21 twink bottom. I have brown hair, and a smooth thin body. Until last April had never been fucked bareback. I have been fucked by a lot of dudes in my life, but always safe, as far as I know. The night I got barebacked started like a lot of nights for me: I was on Grindr, searching for a top with whom I could hookup. Then I found what I was looking for: a muscle top, in his mid-40. He was beautiful, very nice and very charming. We chatted a bit, he told me he wanted to take me raw. I told him I only played safe. It seemed not to be an issue for him as he said he would fuck me using a condom. I showered, I douched, made myself and my ass perfect, and then went to his place. Once at his place, he welcomed me, and I asked to use the bathroom. I peed, and left the bathroom. Then I saw him, completely naked, laying on the bed. I lay next to him, and tried to kiss him, but he clearly wasn't interested as he guided my head down to his cock, naturally expecting me to suck him. Damn, his dick was so good. It made me so horny. After a while, he made me stop, and positioned me on my back. He climbed behind me, lifted my legs a bit, wrapping them around his waist, as he leaned over to kiss me as his cock head slid about my ass crack, torturing my ass for five minutes or so. I was beyond horny, and let him know saying "I can't take it, I need your dick in my ass." Then he took some poppers and gave them to me. I took a deep hit and got hornier. He knew after a bit hit I wouldn't be able to resist his dick. Positioning his cock against my hole, he dribbles some lube into my hole, as he pressed forward. His dick entered so easily, I was in paradise. However, being a safe sex guy, I automatically blurted out "You should put a condom. Now." "Don't worry, I will, I'm just opening your hole. I'll put on a condom before we get into serious fucking." I guess I was easily convinced as, when his dick had reached balls deep, and after he had administered some additional poppers, he started to fuck me raw and I couldn't object. It was by far the best fuck I ever experienced - the sensation of his skin in my ass made me feel so close with him. I managed to ask him not to cum inside my hole, and he agreed, even as he continued fucking me. Few minutes later, as he was fucking me, he asked "I am going to cum soon, do you want me to cum on your chest?" I was so horny, this fuck blow minded me. I wanted his cum inside my hole, so I responded "No, please, keep fucking me. Cum in my hole. I want your cum in my ass." Then, for the first time ever, I felt a raw dick cumming in my ass. It felt amazing. He wasn't a romantic, however. Climbing off, he stepped into the shower without saying a word, leaving me on the bed, my ass filled with cum. I stayed there for a minute, then put my clothes on, and left before his shower was over. I haven't tried bareback again since that day.
    1 point
  48. Would hook up with a buddy at the local gay bars. He would be a beer or 3 ahead of me and always had an empty that he would refill with his fresh piss while I bought him his next beer. Sometimes he would refill it in the bathroom. Sometimes in the bar one year we went to the state fair with some of his friends. All day he would refill my empty cup while I bought his next round. Walked around the fair all day in full public view drinking his beer piss. Loved it
    1 point
  49. I am really pumped as I am about to take a Trans Atlantic cruise. My last cruise was over-the-top great. We traveled from Los Angeles to Miami, via the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal cruise was my reward to myself as I was very tired as I had just finished up a long, long three-year project so I took two weeks off for the cruise. I even paid the higher price to cruise alone. I was looking forward to good food and wine, time alone, reading and generally forgetting the 70- to 80-hour weeks of the last three years. By the second night out, things changed. During the afternoon of the first full day, I was working out in the on board gym when I spotted a tall, 40-something guy, with a dark tan and salt-and-pepper hair, who was lifting weights. Like me, he was dressed in loose-fitting workout clothes, but as he was bench-pressing, I looked over in time to see a rather impressive mushroom head appear from under his shorts. I am bi, and it had been along time since a man, but I immediately had to suppress a woody. I finished the workout and headed for the sauna (for which I had paid extra). Once in the steam room, I lay back and just rested. Shortly after I had settled in, the door opened and the guy from the weight bench walked into the sauna. We nodded, and then were quiet for along time. After a time, he shifted his towel and out popped the biggest cock I have ever seen. Thick. Huge head. Long. Grinning, he remarked "I caught you looking in the gym." I smiled and reached out to touch the giant cock. Immediately it sprang to life. Now, obviously I didn't have a tape measure, but I gauged his cock came in easily at nine inches in length. We chatted as I gently stroked him, watching the door for any intrusion. He was married, on the cruise with his wife, who was more interested in shopping on board, and hanging by the pool than being with him. I finally blurted out, "We can go to my cabin. I am cruising alone." So we left for my cabin. Once inside, we quickly undressed. He was stunning naked: great muscle tone, tight ass, and, of course, his huge cock. We lay on the bed and started to fondle each other. He began to kiss my body and worked his way to my cock. He teased, licked and finally engulfed my six inches all the way and began sucking with passion. "Stop Stop. I am about cum," I said. He paused, remarking "I have plenty of time, so unless you're in a rush, we should have enough time for you to cum twice." With that he engulfed me again. I shot. Wow. He took every drop and swallowed. Then he came up for air and it was my turn. I kissed him all over and worked my way to his massive cock, slowly licking the length and watching surge into life. I gently licked each ball and then worked my way up his shaft, finally reaching that enticing mushroom head. Licking and teasing it, I took it into my mouth and slowly worked on his cock as it slid into my throat, but try as I might, only about half of this monster would fit. I was sideways to him sucking his cock, and his hands began to roam over my back, stopping at my ass. Somewhere in my servicing his cock, he must have wet a finger because he started playing with my ass, rubbing his finger around my anus, before gently easing it in. I sucked even harder, and moaned at the wonderful sensations in my ass. "I want to fuck you," he quietly said. Understand, I was in sheer terror of his cock fucking me, but I nodded yes. I did not come prepared for fucking, but I did have some body lotion. I lay flat on my stomach on a pillow, he lubed my ass and his cock, and he positioned himself at the entrance to my hole. He was hard as steel, and he teased my with that giant mushroom head. I moaned in excitement, finally backing my ass onto his cock. At least I tried. There as extreme pressure but no entry. He then began to gently move the head around in circles and then with a firm push, the head popped into my ass. My breath was taken away. I could not even scream. It hurt like hell. We stayed like that for a bit and then he slowly started to push. Inch-by-inch. Finally, I felt his pubes on my ass. "I can take it," I said in a muted tone. "Yes, you can," he whispered, as he slowly and deliberately alternately entered and withdrew from my hole, eventually sliding in to the hilt. Slowly and deliberately. Within a few minutes of his magic I began to feel a twitch in my ass. I was loving it. The pace built. He pulled back to the head and then shoved all the way. My prostate had been stimulated but never like this. Each time the head of his cock pressed on my prostate, it was unbelievable. I felt like I would pee. He was driving me to feel something I have never felt. He grabbed my hips and increased pace. In and out. Deep. Deep. I was moaning. Suddenly, without touching my cock, I groaned and shot. It was a deep orgasm, such as I had never before felt. Just then he exclaimed "Shit, I cumming," as he buried his cock deep in my hole. I could feel it twitching, twitch after twitch, until finally he lay on top me, giving a deep sign of satisfaction. Afterwards we both showered and went to the deck to have a beer, where we crossed paths with his wife. Giving her a quick kiss, he turned back to me and made the introductions. His wife smiled and commented "Hello, it's nice to meet you. Let's get to know each other better over the next few days." Knowing her husband's semen was churning in my ass I smiled. Later that night, after the wife went to bed, her husband and I fucked again, and that's not all: for the next 13 days, which is to say daily on the balance of the cruise, her husband and I fucked. We parted after the cruise and kept in touch via email but have not seen each other. Last week, however, I received a message from him, and when we chatted we were able to coordinate our vacation plans, so all three of us, the man, his wife and I will be on the same ship. I cannot wait for 17 days of food, wine, sun and fucking. What could possibly be better?
    1 point
  50. I'm 57 -- that makes me "older" with a LOT OF EXPERIENCE -- LET'S FUKKK
    1 point
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