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  1. Catching a tan and enjoying being a hairy poz fucker
    18 points
  2. Part 47 - Reflections Javier woke fairly early Friday morning, the warmth emitting from Pedro's body passing to him as he lay in his arms. One thing for sure he thought to himself, his ass was sore, but he was to excited and twisted his body around to face Pedro was waking up 'morning lover' Javier whispered in Pedro's ear. He snuggled up a smile racing across his face 'lover, I like that' he said kissing Javier tenderly on the lips, both of them were still tired falling asleep with their bodies as close as they could get. Down the road Juan was out doing his morning run plus it was a great way to see all the houses around Bel Air. His route had taken him along Bel Air Road then Copa De Ora and Bellagio Roads, he turned on to Stone Canyon Road. He always took to running in his shorts and t-shirt but already he had taken it off and attached it to his shorts, the beat of his music playing in his ears and dappled sunlight filtering through the tree lined road just seemed to be perfection. He looked to his left to see a beautiful large white house with a fountain in the driveway, he didn't see the furthest gate opening by the mail box. The car came speeding out and Juan suddenly stopped inches away from going over the bonnet and tripping on the curb grazing his knee on the road. "Idiot" the occupant called out from the window and he sped down the road leaving Juan on the ground. Standing up he turned but the car had gone "I'm so sorry are you alright?" a young lady asked standing at the gate. Juan looked around "Yes, just a couple of grazes on the my leg" he replied "Someone is in a hurry". The young lady walked out to have a look "Hmm, come in at least let me clean it up for you" she said. Juan followed her and walked through the four tall pillars supporting the overhanging roof of this impressive house, she indicated for him to sit in the entrance hall and disappeared for a moment returning with some antiseptic wash. Juan could hear children playing outside. He commented saying that she probably has to do this a lot with young children running about, she looked up and was almost swallowed up by his brown eyes watching her, a tingling up her spine which she had never felt before, in fact her husband had never looked at her in that way. She couldn't place his face but he looked sort of familiar, she finished cleaning the grazes on his leg. Juan just found the young lady so fascinating and attractive, but hey she is obviously married and way of his league he thought to himself. "There, good as new" she said standing up "Haven't see you around here before?" she stated looking at him. Juan stood up "I'm here visiting, speaking of which I should be heading back. Thank you playing nurse". She giggled "It's the least I can do. Do you need a drive back?" she asked. Juan smiled "Very kind but no thank you, I need to finish my run" he replied heading to the door. She walked him down to the gate "Enjoy the rest of your run, maybe I will see you around running" she chuckled. Juan turned and waved, she watched him head back down Stone Canyon Road, the finely tuned body and muscles glistening in the sunlight, did she let him escape she wondered as he disappeared from sight. She turned back to the house enough is enough she thought sadly closing the door knowing that the love in her marriage had gone. Juan arrived back at St Pierre a trickle of blood had run down his calf and he walked in to the kitchen to clean it up. Ben was already up and asked if this was normal for him to come back bleeding from his run, he grabbed the first aid kit in the kitchen and cleaned up Juan's leg then poured him a coffee. Juan explained what had happened and Ben chuckled asking if she was attractive, Juan laughed and asked why but Ben shrugged his shoulders and just commented about the way he told the story as it sounded like he had fallen in love with a stranger. Juan laughed and reminded him that though he was married he was still young enough to be thrown in the pool. Mark was on the phone talking with his father a furrowed look on his face as he listened, Ben caught the tail end of his words down the phone 'Well he expected everything but gave little back', he knew not to ask and that Mark would tell him in his own time what that was all about. He rushed in grabbing a coffee and kissing Ben as he headed out to pick Franco up for work. Thank god Angelo and Ethan were due home this weekend from honeymoon, it meant getting more of Mark back but also Ethan who he had missed greatly. Whilst they waited for Javier to come home Juan and he headed to the gym and worked out for an hour. Being a Friday their evening would follow normal routine and dinner at Liongate with the family and very close friends. Maddy had already warned them that Nicky and Kit would be joining them since she had wrapped up filming and needed a normality check. Juan was excited about being invited to dinner this evening and meet a celebrity in real life for the first time. Ben could see that Juan's mind was elsewhere and when quizzed he smirked at Ben and just said he couldn't get this mornings incident out of his head. "Do you think she was interested?" Ben asked out of the blue catching Juan by surprise. He stopped putting the weights down "Looked like she was married with kids" he replied. Ben mused it over a while "Was she upset you know I assume it was her husband driving out". Juan shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. He could have been going to work". "There you are" Javier said walking in to the gym with Pedro. Juan looked over "Talking about lovers, about time" he said smirking at them standing there. The Friday night dinner was as usual noisy and Juan loved every minute of it the evening, David proclaimed it was one of the best nights discovering that Juan was actually a very avid soccer supporter. Joking and having heated playful discussions about their favourite player it was a refreshing change for both of them. Mark's sister and husband had made their excuses not to attend and it was quickly forgotten about. Sunday morning Juan was dropped off at the airport by quite a large a crowd including David who kept joking that he would fly Juan over to LA whenever there was a match on and he was at home. He made Javier promise that in a couple of weeks he would come home to see his parents and bring Pedro with him. Leaving the departure concourse some of the crowd headed home the others went to the beach for a few hours by the airport to wait for Angelo and Ethan to return home. Juan sat in the lounge waiting for the flight, he found it odd feeling out of place among the obviously wealthy passengers. Figuring at best he could afford two flights a year to LA in economy, he felt a little tired never expecting the trip to be so enjoyable and welcomed in such a way by Davenport family, he was definitely looking forward to sleeping for the most of the flight to NY. One thing he knew for certain was barring anything coming between Pendro and Javier, he was staying in LA, he sent a text to his parents telling them he was waiting for the flight and should be home around 6pm with the time difference. Juan sat there overlooking the apron watching the planes pushing back and heading off when the manager of the lounge approached him and introduced himself, he handed Juan an envelope. "What is this for?" Juan asked looking confused. The manager smiled "This is your Concierge club card, simply call the number if you need anything" he said. "Oh right, thanks" Juan said putting the enveloped in his ruck sack without any idea what it meant. The airline representative escorted Juan down to the plane and his seat making sure he was comfortable before wishing him a pleasant flight and leaving. This was his second time travelling in first class, he was quite looking forward to it and notching it down as an experience in life. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he saw a message from DD which was his code for David Davenport, he smiled and unlocked the phone reading the message 'Juanito, so enjoyed your company this weekend and I wasn't joking about you coming to LA for matches. Please don't be offended or upset but you should have now received a Concierge club card from the airline, my way of saying thank you and also for letting Pedro and Javy be together. Use it freely to come to LA yourself and also for your parents. Looking forward to Madrid, D' he chuckled and wondered what was in the envelope, standing up he retrieved his ruck sack from the overhead storage. Opening the envelope he saw the black card with gold lettering, his name and membership number, on the back he saw the phone number. The cabin manager spotting the card in Juan's hand immediately focused her attention on him apologising that they were not informed of him travelling. Juan felt a little embarrassed unsure what it was all about until he asked the cabin manager who explained everything to him. He was even more shocked when she explained that it self billed to the person who nominated him as a member and this he felt was way to much. He sent a text to David thanking him explaining that it was to much to accept, the response he got made him smile 'If you don't use it I will fly over and drag your sorry ass to LA' ending it with a smiling emoji. Reluctantly he slipped the card in his pocket and settled in for the flight, after some brunch he slept the rest of the flight. A few days after returning home he received a text from David telling him to phone the number and book a flight to be in Madrid on a specific date and time and to tell the airline he was staying at the Ritz Madrid, returning 4 days later. He opened the desk draw in his room, looking at the card and turning it over he dialled the number. It was answered immediately and he was greeted by name as if they knew he would be calling. The call only took a couple of minutes where they asked for dates and passport information. Within half an hour he received a text from the airline with his confirmation and time the car would pick him up for his evening flight from JFK to Madrid. It was all to easy he thought to himself, getting trapped by this way of living, he would have to speak to David in Madrid and hand the card back he thought as he sent a text with his flight details on to David. Pedro and Javier settled in to their seats in business class along with Bobby and Josh, having to slum it as there were not enough seats in first class where Maddy, David and Selina sat. Deciding not to mope around at home, Selina had left the kids with the nanny for a few days away with the group. She was sad but happy with her decision, after all her husband seemed to be expecting handouts all the time whenever he wanted something, but her father was not playing ball. In New York Juan arrived at the airport and found himself escorted through to the Concierge lounge. It felt strange seeing other passengers look at him as he was escorted in to a private members only section, he was just expecting to be in the lounge and then help himself. But this section was empty and he had personal service from the lounge staff member assigned to him. Juan stepped off the plane feeling pretty refreshed having slept a good portion of the flight and soon was on his way to the hotel. David met him at the lobby and invited him to their suite to plan the day ahead explaining that sitting by the pool or sightseeing and shopping were the options. Juan chuckled and said he was definitely for the sightseeing. Showered and feeling clean he stepped out of his room and too the elevator up to the Maddy and David's suite and knocked on the door. Pedro answered the door "Juan" he exclaimed excitedly hugging him "Javy is inside" he said escorting him in. David walked over to Juan "Let me introduce you to our daughter Selina you two haven't met yet" he said. Juan looked totally surprised when she stood up and turned "Oh, jogger" she said smiling. Juan laughed "Nurse" he said as she walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "Errr hello, someone tell us what is going on here?" David asked seeing the surprised by happy looks on their faces. Selina explained how they met on the morning she had told her husband to leave. They joked about it for several minutes but David wasn't fooled and could see a twinkle in both of their eyes. As it turned out Selina wanted sightseeing so only Maddy and Josh went off shopping for the day whilst the others piled in to two hotel cars and David took them all to the best sights in Madrid. He was busy texting Maddy when they stopped for a bite to eat in the early afternoon, keeping one eye on his daughter who was bordering on flirting with Juan when she was sure no one was watching them. David found he was pretty chilled about it, after all this had been a chance encounter and he liked Juan which helped a lot. It had been a fabulous few days in Madrid and Pedro collapsed on the bed giggling at Javier who was complaining that his feet hurt after their long walk after dinner. He attention was soon strayed seeing Pedro laying there in his underwear sprawled across the bed, without ceremony he shed his clothes and jumped on the bed ending on top of Pedro, his cock already erect. He pressed his lips up hard to Pedro's welcoming mouth, as much as he loved it when Pedro played the rough top, he was going to appeal to his submissive side tonight. His actions making it clear to Pedro how things were about to play out, Pedro smirked and looked deep in to Javier's eyes. He slipped his thump under Pedro's underwear band and delicately pulled them down exposing the hard cock underneath that was already leaving precum. Kidding and biting down Pedro's torso he was a man on a mission. His tracing along the shaft of his cock, his lips enveloping the head tasting Pedro's juice. Driven insane by the taste of his lover his desire increased beyond words, his hands caressed Pedro's legs raising them slowly until his mouth found the prize and sucked on his hole. His tongued danced around trailing saliva and using his tongue to push it in to Pedro's hole. The moans of delight filled the otherwise quiet room as, Pedro was amused how such a virgin could allow him to bath in such ecstasy 'take me Javy' he mumbled just loud enough to be heard. Javier shuffled forward with Pedro's legs on his shoulders he positioned his cock, unsure at first how much this would hurt him let alone Pedro. He pushed forward feel the head of his cock prising Pedro open as it slipped inside, he look down 'oh fuck' he said watching Pedro's eyes. Pedro loved it. He loved the violent need wanting Javier to drive in to his body seeking his own release inside. He loved the way Javier's hips moved in rhythmic undulations, Javier repositioned Pedro's legs taking a lead on how Pedro fucked him. Javier leaned further forward pushing more of his cock inside, Pedro felt burn and dull ache coursing around his hips, he clamped his legs around Javier's waist. Javier moaned and pushed up hard giving several solid thrusts in to Pedro, he stopped and kissed him deep. Without warning, he pulled out and flipped Pedro over, pulling his hips up until he was on his knees before thrusting inside him again. Javier's animal instinct took over, something he never realised he had until this point. Gripping Pedro by the back on the neck, he pushed down until Pedro's cheek was against the bed. Holding him there he ground into his ass over and over. Pedro curled his fingers in to the expensive sheets surrendering himself completely to Javier. His hips rocking fast and hard never missing the target, Pedro moaned, his ass wriggling begging for Javier to fuck him. He fucked Pedro mercilessly, sweat dripping from his face on to Pedro's back, he moaned and thrashed about on the bed with the intensity from being driven to almost one climax to another. It was insane. Wild. Primitive. Pedro pushed up on his hand until his back was connected with Javier's front. His arms encircled Pedro's waist and held him still as he thrust up into him even deeper. His mouth sucking the lobe of Pedro's ear then his neck. Javier shifted flipping Pedro on to his back again, Pedro pulling Javier forward as he needed him back inside his body. The sex changed to a fluidic thrusting their mouths seeking each other, kissing hard and with purpose, tongues pushing back and forward in a wrestling match to get the upper hand. Pedro reached under, his fingers finding Javier's nipples gently tweaking and pinching them as Javier set a new pace driving down over and over. Javier raised his head 'fuck' he said, grunting pushing in harder he began to orgasm inside Pedro flooding him with his seed, so much seed, it felt to him like it would never stop, it was uncontrollable and he fell forward feeling the arms of Pedro folding around him tightly. Pedro ejaculated for the second time driven on by Javier's orgasm. Both panting and giggling covered in sweat their bodies glistened slipping over each other. Javier pulled a face as he began extracting his cock, rolling on to his back he laughed. "Hell that was amazing" he said rubbing the sweat from his face. Pedro chuckled "Your an animal. I love you so much Javy, te quiero mucho' he said leaning over kissing him. Javier held Pedro's hand and looked at him "I never imagined I would find someone to love". Pedro rolled on to his side snuggling up to Javier where they fell asleep covered in sweat and cum. In the morning everyone headed to Maddy and David's suite for breakfast, as usual there was much conversation going on but Maddy was more interested in the how Selina appeared to be getting on with Juan. They had a few hours to spare after breakfast before they needed to head to the airport, Juan said he was going for one last walk around the hotel grounds and Selina asked if she could join him. Maddy finished packing and joined David in the lounge for coffee. David smiled as she walked in "Are you worried about Selina?" he asked trying to sound casual. Maddy sat down and chuckled "No, Juan and her seem to be hitting it off" she said pouring coffee. "You noticed" David said raising an eyebrow "how do you feel about it?" he asked her. Maddy put her cup down "Darn sight better than John" she replied "Juan does seem to get nervous around her". David laughed "Selina just needs someone who is a little more stable in life" he said sipping his coffee. "Or not afraid of you" she joked "and not expect everything handed to them?" she asked him. David shrugged his shoulders "The difference here is I already like Juan, so seeing her wouldn't be an issue". Maddy finished her coffee "Cars will be here in 15" she said standing up. Their flights to LA and NY departed 10 minutes apart and the airport lounge was chaotic with the Davenport Set as they now called themselves. Juan took the opportunity to catch David when he walked up to get a soda, he was nervous as hell unsure how he would react. "David, can we talk?" Juan asked helping himself to a sparkling water. David looked at him "Of course Juan, what's on your mind?" he asked as sitting at a table away from the others. Juan looked over at the group then David "You know I was going to give this card back to you" he started saying. David smiled "I know, I figured, you and Javy are a chip off the same block. So what has changed?" he asked. Juan shifted in his seat and looked down at his water "It's Selina, I.., may I get to know her more?" he finally asked. David sat back in his chair "Yes. If she feels the same" he said. Juan looked surprised "Oh, right. Sorry I mean I didn't think you would agree straight away" he said. David smiled "I am no fool Juan, I can see the two of you are interested and seem to have something to explore". "I promise I won't hurt her" Juan said "that is if things get serious". David stood up "You have one big advantage Juan, I like you. But take your time, really get to know her" he said. Selina saw them both smiling and knew it had gone well, she walked over and hugged her father but he also gave her a stark warning not to rush in to things. They did a brief good bye as Juan's flight was called for boarding, he promised to fly over in a couple of weeks so they could spend some time together. Javier hugged his brother knowing he would be seeing him this weekend as he was flying back to NY with Pedro. Juan sat on the aircraft after being settled in by the cabin manager who had personally escorted him to the aircraft, he liked Selina a lot since the first day he clapped eyes on her. As nervous as he felt about how things could pan out in the future it was obvious that both Maddy and David liked him. He thought about Ben and how much his life had changed from being with Mark, looking out of the window he saw the terminal disappearing as the aircraft pushed back from the stand. The week flew by and Mark was trying to persuade Juan to spend more time in LA opening Ben and his house to him whilst he dated Selina, it was a constant barrage of text messages, Pedro and Javier had also been tasked with bringing Juan back to LA after their trip to NY. There was definitely a little tension in the air at first when Pedro was introduced to Javier's parents, unsure how to react but the way they saw Juan being very open and accepting they soon engaged and got like him more as the evening went on. The entire evening was spent talking in Spanish and when the conversation moved on their recent trip to watch Real Madrid playing Pedro found out that Javier's father was an avid supporter of Real Madrid. Pedro insisted they fly over the next time a soccer match was on as it would be an good way of meeting his parents. Juan had finally relented after being badgered by his brother to fly back to LA with them for the week. Javier and Ben had agreed to set up pool maintenance business together and they also wanted Juan to join them. He was taken back a little by the offer and accepted, knowing it would mean spending most of his time in LA and more time with Pedro's sister. Mark was overjoyed when he heard that Juan would be arriving Monday with Pedro and Javier as he sat by the pool at Liongate with Selina whilst Ben played in the pool with his nephew's with Maddy and David. Ben had also been using the time to learn as much about swimming pools, apart from swimming in them. Both Mark and Pedro had offered to finance the company but they refused saying they had to start the business up properly, they wanted to build it up as a personal achievement. Ben had also asked David not to put the word out and explained his reasons since the PR company Bobby and he owned was mostly built on the Davenport name involvement. He nodded and said he was proud of them doing this venture alone, but it didn't stop him offering to buy all the kit as a start up. Ben had also researched about a business loan and rates of interest usually charged by the bank. He had all the paperwork ready for when Javier got back to discuss it with Juan and him. They fully intended to ask David to provide a business loan using full bank terms, he knew that David would no doubt question the one missing item which was salary draw down but figured they didn't need it for the moment. Within a week the business was up and running with 4 pools on their books, all family ones but it was a start, when going from St Pierre to St Cloud they would drive around Bel Air for 15 minutes slowly letting the van do the advertising. It was the day when they drove to Selina's to do her pool that some enquiries came in from neighbours who had seen them coming and going. They knew the prices that most other companies charged in Bel Air and were under cutting them by a few dollars to make it more attractive, their biggest selling point they were Bel Air based unlike other companies. By the end of the first month they had 10 pools on their books and made their first repayment to David whilst Maddy scrutinised their books to make sure they were balancing correctly. Josh contracted to build and maintain the website allowed Javier to start the internet service on the server and it went live with them all watching as he typed in the address and the page displayed with their company name Crystal Pools of Bel Air. Ethan rushed back to the office to catch the launch with his father having just completed their move to LA. Ethan's family had finally moved to LA and with David's help they secured a modest sized home in Bel Air that Angelo and Ethan helped fund as they wanted their family close. Jack wanted to make it an official loan to repay back but Angelo tore the documents up and so the game ensued where by Jack would put a contract in the mail at least twice a week. Angelo kept them in the home office and the pile was growing bigger and bigger daily, he would send Jack a text every time he received a new one with the word 'No'. Ellie was already turning heads in Bel Air being seen out with Maddy and Nicky at least four times a week. And Sofie was put in to acting school personally recommended by Nicky which opened very important doors for her and she was already taking minor parts in some TV shows and adverts. Friday nights were getting longer at Liongate as the group grew but it was the one night when everyone downed tools for dinner and a catch up, more often than not it ended up being a pool party early evening before changing for dinner. Juan and Selina were now verging on engagement and he was loved by her kids as he spent more time with them than John had ever done. Jack and Ethan together had helped with the divorce settlement and got it through quickly leaving Selina free to build a new life with Juan, mostly helped by the pre-nup that David had insisted on before they married. People started leaving the dinner table and head through to the family room when Maddy asked for Selina, Juan, Javier and Pedro to stay behind for a minute. Maddy started by saying she knew how hard it was finding some private time and handed them both envelopes saying she had booked them in to the Salinger Barbados for a week leaving on Sunday and that everything had been taken care of. Juan's clothes and passport would arrive tomorrow morning by courier and Selina's nanny and kids would move in to Liongate. She said they would meet Daniel and Jordan at the hotel who were expecting them and who would look after them. Pedro and Selina had met Daniel and Jordan only briefly before on their visits to LA, Javier was excited having heard so much about them from Ethan and Ben was looking forward to the trip and spending some time with Pedro. Ben was looking forward to running the show solo for a week and he only had 5 pools to do that week so it was no hardship. Their lives changed in so many ways over the year as Selina and Juan married in a very lavish ceremony at Liongate, David and Maddy brought them a house two doors down from Mark and Ben on St Pierre, Juan worked with Javier and Ben on their booming pool business which had become a big success in Bel Air, mostly due to the Bal Air housewives loving how sexy the guys looked, it was usually the topic of conversation amongst the ladies lunches and dinner parties and the best excuse when one of them couldn't make lunch was they were having their pool cleaned, often meaning most of the ladies piled round that house for lunch. When Pedro and Javier married they received so many gifts from all the housewives and gay couples whose pools they cleaned, Liongate was packed with their customers for the evening ceremony. Who would have thought that just cleaning pools they would end up being well loved by so many people who usually remained very private shut away inside their own lives. Stefan and Franco eventually married and stayed at St Cloud with Ethan and Angelo who were now travelling around quite a lot with Mark and Ben visiting countries all over the world several times a year when Ben could get away from the pool business. Mark fulfilling his promise to make love to Ben in as many countries as they could. Angelo handed over the running of the business to Adam and Tony who after a year of pestering by Angelo finally moved to LA with Steve and Callum who lived with them when not running a Salinger hotel. Josh and Bobby moved in to a house a few doors down from Liongate. Pedro and Javier decided they preferred to live at Liongate much to Maddy and David's happiness. Whatever and where ever lives took them Christmas was the one time everyone flooded back to spend at Liongate then flying down to Barbados for two weeks taking over the newly opened Orchid Wing at the Salinger Barbados, Nicky and Kit would join them as well as the Salinger family. Angelo and Mark sat at the waters edge in their swimwear as the sun set "I never get bored of this place" Mark said. Angelo put his arm around Mark "I never saw my life being planned out like this" he said looking at Mark. Mark rested his head against Angelo's shoulder "You do know that everything that has shaped the lives of all these people here traces back to one thing and that was the choice Ethan made on his 18th birthday". Angelo smiled and kissed Mark on the head "That is very true". Ethan stopped splashing Ben and wrestling with him in the water, he waved for Angelo and Mark to join them.
    11 points
  3. **This story is inspired by real life experience. Let me know if you like it. I have a fuck buddy from another city. I will meet him whenever I am visiting there. One time, he asked if I smoke. I said no but I didn't mind he does it. He took out a bong, lit it up and took a few puff. It got me curious cos I have not seen that before. I asked if I can try and he said yes. I took a deep puff and cough, I had never tried anything like this before, immediately I feel relax yet energised and horny. My buddy pinched my nipples and I jumped and moaned. My nipples have never been so sensitive before. He took a few more puff and encouraged me to smoke too. Soon, he was sucking my cock and playing with my nipples. My cock was getting hard from his blowjob. I noticed that my nipples were getting bigger and more perky from his pinching. Both of us are into kinky play and usually I would take on the more dominant role and he will be the submissive one. But we are both flex. After I got hard, I lied down on his bed and put on a full face hood. I told him to tie me up spread eagle to the bed and ride on my cock. He put on some lube and rode on my cock like a champion. He used his ass to edge my cock. I was so close to cumming but somehow I was unable to cum. I became really horny. I got him to untie me and told him to lay down while I fuck him ruthlessly. He was moaning as I thrust my hard cock in and out of his butt. He was begging for more and I was very horny to keep going. Despite fucking him for a long time, I was still unable to cum. He suggested taking a break and we had a shower together. I felt relaxed again after the shower but a wave of horniness gushed through my body and made me super horny. My buddy asked if I have slammed before and I said no but don't mind trying. He disappeared into another room to prepare the stuff. When he returned I was shock to see two syringes loaded with liquid inside. He tied an elastic band around my left arm and told me to squeeze my palm together. I looked away as he squeezed and injected the content of the syringe into my arm. He got me to lift up my arm and applied a small plaster to the point spot. Then he did the same for himself. Within seconds, a strange feeling hit me. I was coughing and suddenly I felt as if my whole body was on fire and became super horny. I tried to jerk off my cock but it remind soft. I looked over at him and he was stroking his cock too but unlike my small, soft dick, his cock was getting harder and growing to 8 inches. He beckoned me and I took his cock in my mouth. As I deep throat him, he was moaning and I got even hornier. His hands went down to pinch my nipples and I was moaning as I was giving him a blowjob. At this moment, I felt really submissive and begged him to use me. He smiled and said he has been waiting to hear those slutty words from my mouth. He lubed up his fingers and poked them into my ass. My hole had never been so hungry before and I was begging him to start fucking me. He slapped my ass and told me to be patience as he slowly teased my hole turning me into a slutty whore. I was chewing on his nipples and he finger fuck my hole. When my hole had loosen up, he placed his cock at the opening of my ass and thrust it fully in. I let out a loud moan, it felt painful for a second but then it became amazingly pleasurable. At this moment, I realised that my mission in life is to be a slutty whore for tops to fuck and use me for their pleasure. (To be continued)
    7 points
  4. I used to always be a clean freak and shower and use Axe and aftershave because 'cleanliness is next to godliness' I would freak out if I didn't smell fresh all the time. Now I don't give a fuck. Actually realise that my scent and musk is an aphrodisiac to cock hungry pigs and awakens their need to be rough fucked. I love fucking a guy and if he tries to get me to stop because I am being too rough or haven't used enough lube for my meaty cock etc I just force him to sniff eat out my hairy unwashed pits. My smell acts like nature's poppers and if I am jerking off I sometimes sniff my pits etc to help get me going.
    7 points
  5. First a little about myself. I just turned 18 a few months ago. It's been mom and I for as long as I can remember. Mom has been a nurse at least my entire life and even before then. She is now the head nurse (no pun intended) at our local hospice which cares for men with AIDS. I have been around sick men ever since I can remember. I have helped mom and the other nurses out quite a bit. I clean up on occasion and help feed those that cant feed themselves. The disease has never scared me. When I was a lot younger I realized I enjoyed being around these men. My voice and mannerisms were more feminine than masculine. I discussed this with my mom and discovered I was indeed gay. My mom approved of my sexuality so I got lucky there. As my hormones started kicking in I noticed being around these men was giving me a hard on. I would come home and jerk off and then lick myself clean. I enjoyed my own cum and definitely wondered what theirs would taste like. Since I had no dad the birds and the bees were taught to me by mom. We discussed my fantasies I was having for those men and she said for my 18th birthday I could start living out my fantasies in real life. She revealed that some of the men thought I was beautiful which made me blush. I stand at 5 feet 3 inches and weigh about 110. Shoulder length blonde hair that thanks to mom I style it like a girl does. As my teenage years progressed I noticed my fantasies were getting hotter. I imagined being called a dirty faggot while taking these mens loads. Being pissed on had crept in there as well. I knew that I at 18 I was going to get fucked. What I didn't know was that I would be the hospice whore and I couldn't refuse any loads. The night before my 18th birthday mom instructed me on how to clean out my hole. After doing this I had a lite dinner and repeated the same process the morning of my 18th birthday. Mom inspected me and when she was satisfied she handed me a pink silk robe and slippers. I was told that was my clothing for the next four days. My birthday fell on a Thursday. We left home and headed to the hospice. Before going in mom attached a leash and collar on me and led me inside like a bitch. As we neared the entrance mom took off my robe. Once inside I was put on all fours and led into the family room. There were 2 men there already. Mom took off my leash but left the collar on. She told the two men which I recognized to have fun knocking me up. I knew what she meant because of my research on the matter. Before mom even walked out the door Sam had his cock in my mouth. Mom just laughed and went about her business. Sam is definitely a sick man. He has sores on his body and cock. I must admit I still worshipped his cock. The other gentleman Michael stopped Sam for a minute. Michael then slapped me a couple of times across the mouth to get my lip bleeding so I had an open wound while giving Sam a blowjob. Those sores were rubbed all over my busted lip. Some would say that's abuse but I came from Michael doing that. While I worshipped Sam's cock Michael only using spit for lube rammed his cock up my ass. I tried to scream but Sam held me tight against his cock. Sam's cock is only 7 inches and sort of thin. Michael on the other hand has a ten inch cock and fairly thick. It felt like Michael ripped my ass into. I soon realized that he did it on purpose to get me bleeding so I can take his AIDS cum directly in my bloodstream. Sam came fairly quickly but he didn't pull out of my mouth after cumming. I did swallow his cum and he let me nurse his cock while Michael continued the assault on my hole. Michael fucked me for a while and kept saying how good my pussy felt. Okay I thought only women had pussies but I quickly learned that as a bottom my ass is a pussy for gay men. When Michael got ready to cum he sped up his thrusts and was pounding my pussy hard. I started moaning and Sam pulled his cock from my mouth so my moans couibe heard by anyone walking outside the door. Then it happened. Michael started cumming and Breeding my pussy. God it felt like he shot a dozen huge globs of AIDS cum in my pussy. After he finished he kept his cock in my pussy to make sure I got it all and to make sure no cum leaked out. Once he was soft even I was exhausted. Both he and Sam left the room and I thought I was going to get a nap in. I was wrong. Mom came walking in with two more men to use me. She inspected my pussy and laughed. She said oh I bet in a couple of weeks you will be pregnant. But don't worry because once you're knocked up then your ass is going on meds. You are still my son and I want you around for a very long time. In the meantime your little faggot ass needs to get back to work. You still have 18 more men to satisfy today. At this point my pussy is sore but I knew I couldn't tell mom no. So I put my ass in the air and my mouth open to satisfy the next two men. Well time to get back to being a whore.
    5 points
  6. Iā€™m gonna try and sum up last night but in short, I took my first known POZ loads šŸ˜ˆ i was fucked nonstop for nearly 6 hours by 13 guys, each dumped multiple loads in me and the usual DP was also happening, but the most incredible part was happening when I was tied to the fuck bench, blindfolded and in the middle of the gangbang when my bf came closer to me and whispered in my ear asking if I was having fun and told me how proud he is to watch me please our friends and all the new guys that are here, he made sure to emphasize that last part and he continued... he asked if I had any idea who was using my pussy right now (I had no clue) and he just kept saying wha t a good boy I was... then he lowered his voice and told me that the man using me is X and he's Yā€™s new friend, I moaned hard for that cause he had a nice size dick that felt awesome and I knew Y have some very hot friends (AKA fuckbuddies) then my BF continues telling me what a special boy I was and that I deserve a ā€œspecial giftā€, I was in pure heaven from the pounding I was receiving and high on poppers that I couldnā€™t really register what he was saying so then X bent over to my other ear and told me what a good pussy boy I was and how heā€™s gonna enjoy blasting his seed deep in my cunt, just as my bf asked him too and I just kept moaning like a bitch in heat. This time my bf continued as X was panting on the other ear... he told me that X is a special friend and that he and Y recently started hooking up and the 3 of them played together a few times (which got me even hornier), what he said next froze my blood in a split second... ā€œX just got tested 2 weeks ago and guess what, heā€™s going to breed your pussy with his POZ load before he start going on meds, just like he bred me...ā€ At first I must admit i was in shock but that was quickly replaced with the inner slut I am and I backup up on his cock and started really milking him for his load X described to everyone in the room how much I wanted it and what doing to his cock to get his POZ load (he emphasized that last part too in my ear) side note: my BF and I are both neg, on prep (never miss a dose and tested regularly) so I wasnā€™t worried about getting infected. X really started pounding me harder now and I sensed that he was getting closer so I just kept telling him how much I wanted his seed, his poz seed deep in my pussy and how sorry I was that Iā€™m not fertile and canā€™t get pregnant (seriously, I have no idea where that came from, this site is really messing with my head, in a good way šŸ˜ˆ) and then I felt it, he started shooting his massive load deep inside shouting ā€œtake my poz load you dirty bitchā€ i could only moan in agreement cause my own caged cock started shooting a load while my bf kept whispering in my ear that Iā€™m his perfect boy and that thereā€™s one more poz guy in the group tonight that no one knows about that is going to breed me i just grunted and asked for more! I was loaded so many times and by the time they were done with me I was totally spent, physically and mentally but when my BF released me and removed the blindfold we just started kissing like two starved men, feeling up each other like teens in heat before he bent me over to shove his own massive cock and deposited the last load of the night like we always do but this time he made sure to repeat that I have at least 6 poz loads swimming in my pussy l. Thatā€™s when he pulled out and laid on the floor for me lay on top of him in a 69 to clean his cock and taste all the wonderful loads and my ass juices and he started feltching out all the loads that was deposited in my pussy (more than 30!) we snowballed the loads in a passionate piggy kiss, savoring the poz cum before we both fell asleep in our play room mattress, waking up all sweaty and sticky from cum, me with a sore puffy pussy lips and my bf raging hardon lodged deep inside heaven! Ps. Iā€™m not naive and I probably have taken several poz loads in the past but this is the first knowing loads I took which made the whole thing even hotter!
    5 points
  7. I'll explain, how has the porn you watch changed you as a person. Going back to my neg days where I repressed everything in order to try to be a good Christian boy the few porns I would rarely jerk off to was vanilla condom porn. Jump forward to a few years ago as I became a bareback chem fucker, I doubt I would even get hard to that boring shit. I craved more intense porn, treasure Island media, sketchy sex etc to get off on. Porn has to be BB and sleazy, extra points for POZ talk and the more rough the better. I have been liberated to real porn and although it's not real sex it is always good to have playing on in the background to give the poor pig in my place an idea of what will happen to him.
    4 points
  8. Chapter IX As we rested my love Nigel, was still making out with Randy and Justin. I was too tired to do anything but sit and watch. It was hard to believe that they all still had enough energy to play around. They kept kissing and rubbing and probing with their mouths and hands and all of them had cocks standing at attention. Mine was limp as a noodle and I could not imagine how they were doing it. I was completely exhausted but could not take my eyes off of them. It didn't take a very long time at all when Nigel started to suck on Randy's huge cock. Justin flipped him over a little more and the climbed between his legs and pulled him up a little and drove his big cock into Nigel's ass in one thrust. Nigel seemed to be in heaven and was moaning his pleasure loudly. I knew he was loving this. I was getting my dream, to see Nigel getting fucked good by a bbc and a poz one at that and knew it could not be long before he became poz. Those two huge cocks had to do the job and I could see no reason he could possibly stay neg. after all the poz cum he had taken and was about to get more of. My only worry was that I had also taken several poz loads too and now I might be on my way to becoming poz too. My thoughts returned to watching them on the couch. I had gotten up and was sitting in my recliner watching them. Justin was pounding Nigel's hole mercilessly and every once in awhile Nigel would release Randy's cock from his mouth to almost scream to ram his ass harder and deeper. Justin seemed to redouble his pounding somehow and after a good 45 minutes, his movements became almost spasmodic as he then rammed his cock deep and bellowed he was cumming. As soon as Justin quit grinding his cock around, Randy pulled his from Nigel's mouth and helped turn him around and then jammed his huge BBC deep into Nigel's well-used hole. I caught a glimpse of his hole and it was gaped wide open. I wondered if I would ever be able to feel the sides of it with my small cock again. Randy began to ram Nigel's ass hard right from the start, yelling the whole time that he was going to ruin that hole and fill it so full of cum he was going to taste it in the back of his throat. He was pounding that ass so hard I was sure I could feel it too. I gasped with every single thrust. Randy pounded and pounded and ground into Nigel over and over again. He kept going and going and it seemed like days of it. I glanced at the clock and he had been going for a good hour and then all at once he yelled really loud that here it comes. With one final mighty crashing instroke he seemed to shake from head to toe as he filled my boy with his toxic cum. He was cumming so much and with the load already in Nigel it almost splattered out and then Nigel screamed and he was cumming all over the couch beneath himself. OMG That was so hot I felt my own small cock erupt all over myself.
    4 points
  9. An ideal pig to convert into a fuck toy
    3 points
  10. Condom porn bores me to death... don't even watch it. Sperm is meant to go in the ass and that's where it needs to go before I'll watch it. The sleazier, rougher, edgier the better ! Love POZ porn and POZ talk but they're hard to find.
    3 points
  11. i'm a critical care nurse and my experience has conditioned me. i'm aware, but it doesn't really matter. Last time i was in Palm Spring i hooked with a guy who didn't have legs and His cock had been refashioned, but it still worked just fine. He was Top and we'd arranged an anonymous scenario where He was going to come in my open door and breed me... which is a pretty common scenario with me. When He got to the hotel, He needed help getting His chair over the threshold of the room, so anonymity was no longer a factor. We ended up kissing, which i rarely do, but He was definitely kissable to me and i ended up kissing and touching Him everywhere, including what was left of His legs (about 4 or 5 inches). He was hot and passionate and so responsive to my mouth and touch, i got very turned on. At one point, He said that most people would not touch his legs and that it felt good. We talked openly, and i asked if i didn't know. i prefer guys who don't consider themselves 'perfect' because i know that i am not. i don't even try when a guy has an attitude that they are way too hot, i want mutual need and desire.
    3 points
  12. I rarely wear deodorant and my pits are pretty rank within a day of showering. Then oddly, they taper-off a bit and enter a tolerability zone that the men I interact with really like. Personally, I think they always smell fucking fine.
    3 points
  13. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    3 points
  14. Part 4 The young guy who they called 'the gifter' lay next to Logan as he still high as fuck as 'the chemist' came in the bedroom. He handed 'the gifter' a bag of meth, several points and a bottle of water. The kid quickly prepared a couple points for himself while 'the chemist' fixed Logan's next slam. As 'the gifter' ready to administer his own slam 'the chemist' was about to give Logan his slam. The man in charge came into the bedroom and told Logan that as where his gifter was gentle the rest of the fucking he was about to get would be much rougher since Logan was to learn that his place was to please anyone he was told to please however they wanted. As 'the chemist' administered Logan's slam 'the gifter' was doing his own slam. 'The gifter' coughed out hard and began to enjoying his rush as Logan coughed out hard. 'The gifter' leaned over and kissed Logan as men began to enter the bedroom. Although Logan was the main attraction, 'the gifter' got his share of cock. Logan was kept his and high for 3 days as he was thoroughly fucked. 'The gifter' really wanted to pay attention to Logan. At one point they positioned both boys in 69 as they got fucked. Although Logan couldn't get hard he certainly enjoyed his chock being sucked. 'The chemist' kept Logan high as God while 'the gifter' took care of himself. 'The gifter' knew that Logan would be as addicted as he was and hoped that they could be party buds. After 3 days off non-stop partying and fucking it was evident that he was ready for a hard crash. 'The gifter' asked if he could look after Logan through his crash and the head man told him that he wasn't only supposed to look after Logan, he was responsible for slamming him up again, but this time he wasn't to be fucked. He could have Logan suck his cock. 'The gifter' moved to a back bedroom where they carried Logan as he passed out. The two snuggled up in bed as Logan zonked out. Logan was out could for nearly 2 days.
    3 points
  15. Part 3 After Logan had swallowed his first load of cum the man took Logan into the living room of the house where there were about half a dozen guys sitting around waiting for him. He was told to get on his knees and crawl over till each guy and suck each guys cock and swallow each load of cum. One by one Logan sucked each guy and swallowed every drop if cum and as the meth I his system began to fade. The man knew that Logan would need another slam before he was going to be fucked for the first time. They took Logan back to the bedroom he woke up in and told him to sit on the bed. He was given some Gatorade to drink that was laced with GHB as 'the chemist' entered the bedroom. As he drank the Gatorade he saw 'the chemist' load a syringe with crystals then add some water to get the meth to dissolve. Logan was finishing up his Gatorade as the GHB began to take effect. He didn't try to resist as 'the chemist' placed a tourniquet on his upper arm. Logan watched as 'the chemist' found a good vein and slipped the needle in, drew back getting a flash of blood before emptying the contents. When the tourniquet was removed Logan began to cough harder then he had the first time. Through his coughs Logan heard 'the chemist' tell the man as he requested, thus one was stronger then the first slam. Logan was breathing really fast as he rode a rush that was much stronger than his first slam as he laid back on the bed. The man stood over Logan as a naked guy came into the room. The guy looked closer to his age as the man left then in the room alone. The guy climbed on top of Logan, looked into his eyes and told Logan to relax as he leaned in for a kiss as he heard someone say that the kids newly poz and his vial load will easily convert the new meat. Once again Logan was lost in the drugs as he willingly accepted his kiss as Logan felt the guys cock stiffen between their bodies. Logan was quickly giving into the drugs and sex not knowing if he'd ever see his family or friends again. As the two were sharing spit and tongues he maneuvered Logan so that Logan could suck stone cock while he got his ass ate for the first time. This was all the lube Logan would get before he had his cherry taken. Once the young guy thought he had a minimal amount if lube for Logan's as he repositioned Logan where he could hook his legs under his arms as he pointed his cock towards Logan's ass. Logan felt the tip hit his ass as the guy moved his hips enough to get his cock right at Logan's hole. The guys pushed his hips forward as his cock began to slip inside his body. Logan couldn't resist the pleasure he was starting to feel as the cock inched its way home until Logan felt three guy's pelvis bump up against his ass. They kissed again as Logan began to not only get his first fuck, but a poz fuck. Logan had no clue what he was getting but the guy fucking him was nicked named 'the gifter'. He was an addict that needed his fix and agreed to get pozzed and become a member of the crew. He'd get the 'fix. He'd need as long as he took as much cum as possible, never went on meds and when he was needed to 'gift' someone he would only be given a small slam and drugs to keep his cock hard. With all that he was known for cumming multiple times and usually big loads. He knew after he was done with the 'deed' he'd get a larger slam and get fucked all night long. Logan felt the chock inside his ass begin to swell as the guy kissed him before looking into his eyes and telling him in broken English that he was giving Logan his first charged load. Logan didn't comprehend the meaning at the time, but once he got the fuck flu, as well as being addicted to the drugs he was being given, he'd understand. In the few hours Logan was fucked by this guy he took 5 loads when the guy pulled out. The guy looked at Logan's hole as a little but of cum seeped out before he roughly stuck a dildo inside his pozzed filled ass. The dildo would force the poz cum deeper inside Logan's body. After a good 5 minutes of the dildo it was roughly pulled out. It was replaced by a brush that would scrap the walls of locks ass mashing sure the bug would get inside his blood.
    3 points
  16. Earlier in the week, I visited my ā€˜reserveā€™ dealer because she was (eventually) picking up her phone. Itā€™s the second time in about a month Iā€™ve seen her (which would also be the second time in over six months). Last time, her sisterā€™s boyfriend was there, a young bloke who calls himself ā€˜Tardyā€™ or ā€˜Tardā€™ for some reason and he and I seemed to hit it off pretty well. As I hadnā€™t been partying for several months, I had a few pipes before I left (I now live at least 90 minutes from Melbourne and stay in the city 2-3 days per week) and I offered Tardy some (as you do) and talked. We seemed to get along well. Tardy is a bit ā€œrough around the edgesā€, very much a bogan - replete with the shaggy, unkempt dark blonde/light brown hair and the jail tatts, etc - and he was obviously a little slow (he was stoned) but good humoured. (He even joked that ā€œTardā€ wasnā€™t a reference to him not being that smart; that had never even occurred to me. He seemed like a decent bloke. But, as I had a few pipes for the first time in a while, I found myself looking him over and finding him attractive. Heā€™s skinny but still looks more athletic than scrawny and does look a little older than he is (heā€™s just turned 22 a few weeks ago) with that rugged, hairy but young look. I hoped that it wasnā€™t obvious to anyone although I think he mightā€™ve twigged that I had a quick look at porn when I went out to my car for a few minutes. He was standing behind me when I turned around but he gave no indication that heā€™d noticed and his demeanour didnā€™t change at all. Fast forward to a few days ago; the sister announces to me that sheā€™d told Tard to leave. Heā€™d only been staying with them because he was having trouble with the men his housemates; theyā€™d jumped him in the street the night before I first met him and beaten him up. I really didnā€™t think much of it until I reached the end of their street and thereā€™s Tardy on the corner, looking lost. He waved so I pulled over and asked him how he was. Even though he obviously couldnā€™t remember my name, he recognised me and was friendly but obviously down. He told me that heā€™d been thrown out and then asked if Iā€™d ā€˜collectedā€™? Me being me, I said ā€œyes but Iā€™m about to head home...ā€ And then thought, ā€œshit, offer him a coffee (and a quick pipe)ā€. He was reluctant to accept at first but relented when I told him I was stopping to grab one anyway (and would sneak a pipe) to ensure that I was alert enough to drive. Long story short, I only just arrived home a few hours ago. When we started smoking, the conversation really flowed. And I kept sharing more and more, by which time it started to get dark. I asked Tard where he was staying and offered a lift but it was obvious heā€™d realised it was too late to arrange any emergency accommodation. There was no way I was going to leave the kid sleeping rough (Melbourneā€™s had a shocking cold patch in recent weeks). I felt responsible for that. I told him Iā€™d book a hotel room in the city rather than drive home and that he was welcome to stay there and smoke pipes with me if he wanted. Seeing his eyes light up with gratitude was quite a special feeling but he still was reluctant to accept. I was uncertain if he mistrusted my motives or if he really just thought it was too much but I really couldnā€™t think of a way to broach the subject of what his concern might be without making it look and feel worse. So I just went ahead and presented him with a fait accompli; I booked a room and gave him my mobile number so he didnā€™t have to decide until later what he wanted to do. The kid rang me before I even got to my car. I was really pleased. I actually enjoyed talking to him; heā€™s a good kid whoā€™s clearly had a rough upbringing and I knew that I would never act upon the attraction I had for him anyway. When we got to the hotel, he was like a little kid at Christmas. The view of the city skyline etc was incredible for him. After a few more pipes, Tard announced that heā€™d find a way to pay me back and, I thought, alluded to sexual favours. When I told him in no uncertain terms that I expected nothing in return but he could pay me half of the hotel bill when he could afford it if he wanted to. He seemed happy with that and we were having a great time just chilling. Until a few hours later, Tardy suddenly said, with a huge mischievous grin on his face, ā€œIā€™m horny as fuck. Iā€™ll suck your dick if you suck mineā€. My immediate reaction was more annoyance than anything else but, I admit, Tard voicing the idea had caused some movement of blood in my nether regions. And then he started flirting full on. It was either that or he was taking the piss. He touched my arm; put his hand on my leg and left it there too long. It even felt as if heā€™d reached toward my cock before taking his hand away. I kept saying ā€œplease donā€™t mateā€. I was speechless otherwise. He settled a bit but the look in his eyes remained...and, by now, Iā€™m now getting pretty uncomfortable and embarrassed. And then Tardā€™s lowered his pants and his cock is out. Itā€™s a fucking nice one too. Pretty big and oddly thick and veiny for such a skinny bloke. Heā€™s rock hard and playing with himself. I couldnā€™t look away. Honestly, I wanted to deepthroat him right then and I doubt I was hiding the look of lust on my face. Until he took his shirt off. His body is gorgeous and I couldnā€™t hide my attraction any longer. My erection was pushing hard to escape and Tard made it clear he had noticed. But I still said, ā€œno.ā€ This wasnā€™t my intention in helping him and I hated the idea that he might think thatā€™s how he could, or should, repay me. Tard just said, ā€œshut the fuck up. Weā€™re doing this because we want toā€ and he leaned forward to kiss me; just a small, almost apologetic peck initially but then he moved close and started touching my body and staring into my eyes. His touch seemed confident and assertive at the same time as seeming gentle and calming. Then he started kissing me passionately and his handā€™s on my cock. I remember just looking at his chest and his nipples and all I could think about was how weirdly smooth and hairless his chest was compared to his face and his arms and legs. How beautiful those huge brown nipples were. How, when you really looked at them, there were a few strands of blonde chest hair around each nipple and some tufts of slightly darker hair on his chest. And how enticing theyā€™d be to wake up to if youā€™d fallen asleep with your face resting on that beautiful chest the night before (preferably from exhaustion while feeling a firm young cock slowly losing its erection but never quite becoming flaccid.) As much as I kept protesting that he didnā€™t need to do this, Tard just kept kissing me and touching me, coaxing me to respond. Not that I didnā€™t lose that battle the instant his lips and his caress set my senses on fire. We were both as horny as hell and when I kissed, then licked and then sucked his left nipple, he groaned. It was the hottest sound I think Iā€™ve ever heard. This young man was as turned on as I was. He wasnā€™t doing this because he thought he had to. And he was already naked and moving to lie down on the bed, easing me with him. All I wanted to do was ask him how his skin was so soft..itā€™s really annoying how my over analytical nature doesnā€™t even lay off when my senses are on fire....so I grabbed the pipe, and went shotgun with a massive amount of smoke in his mouth. At some point, Tard paused and said, ā€œyou need to understand that this is not something I havenā€™t done before. I have. Sure thereā€™s been times when Iā€™ve hated myself for it. But there have been others where I enjoyed it. And Iā€™m loving this and I want this. With you. You make me feel special. You donā€™t talk to me like Iā€™m dumb, like Iā€™m a loser. Youā€™ve shown me more care after meeting me a couple of times than some people Iā€™ve known my whole life. Donā€™t worry: Iā€™ve sucked cock to get drugs. I fucked blokes to get drugs. Iā€™ve taken plenty of cocks just to score. Fuck me dead, Iā€™ve taken cocks when there was nothing in it for me except not getting bashed. Iā€™ve been fucked full of so much cum by so many blokes that I used to wonder why they didnā€™t talk to my ā€œdirty boy cuntā€. But I like having sex on drugs too and Iā€™ve begged for cock after cock and load after load because thatā€™s all I was to them. Been there, only a few months ago. Got gangbanged by probably a dozen old men because they gave me all the gear I could take and them some. And, afterwards, I had sex with another old guy because he was the only one who asked me if I was ok. So I said thank you the best way I know how. I pulled him towards me, kissed him and said, ā€œplease come here and make love to me. And I turned myself on my back and lifted my legs up and said, ā€œgive me your load daddyā€. And he did. He fucked another load of cum into me. And I loved him for it. He fucked me like I was the only cunt left in the world. He blew in me like all the others but then he kissed me and held me and even told me that he was fucking his cum into me. His cum was to seed my cunt alone, not to be passed around to the next cock. And I loved him for that. But I still enjoy getting fucked. I love it. I love fucking women too but, shit, I think thereā€™s hardly been a month when I havenā€™t gone out alone so I could get my cunt pounded. Iā€™m good at giving it and at taking it. Both to live and because I enjoy the sensation of it all. And now thereā€™s you. A hot guy whoā€™s so caring that he canā€™t accept that heā€™s even sexier because heā€™s a bit shy and a bit worried about getting some care back. Youā€™ve made a difference to me, you know. The way you look at me with all that lust but then you worry that youā€™re like the other thousand dicks that have blown their load into my cunt. But youā€™re nothing like them. You cared about me when your dick wanted you to fuck me like a worthless cunt but you actually talked to me like I was worth talking to. I want this, and I want you to want me just because you want this too.ā€ I know I just collapsed into him when he said that. And, somewhere in exploring his body, my cock and his arse crack rubbed against each other and the boy just sighed. A massive sigh. That alone made my cock go even harder and Tard mustā€™ve sensed it too because he started working his hole back toward the head of my cock. I canā€™t honestly even remember what he said but it was along the lines of ā€œIā€™m so happy you top. Itā€™s going to be yours tonight. I know youā€™re dying to get my cock in you and you will. And now you know that I canā€™t wait for you to fuck meā€...which, of course, was my cue to thrust into his arse. Iā€™d intended only to insert the tip but, somehow, I slammed into him, tearing through his second sphincter as well. Iā€™m blaming the bottom though: Tardā€™s entire body just seemed to heave and push back on me so I gently pushed in further. Before I knew it, my cock was exploring the walls of his innards. I love watching a manā€™s eyes react when you penetrate his hole and the groan he made was just magical. And then Tard blurted out, ā€œhave you ever slammed?ā€ It sounds awful in hindsight but it was so hot, so unbelievably hot, at the time. ā€œYes. Have you?ā€ And his eyes lit up. ā€œWeā€™re going to slam fuck each other one day soon, arenā€™t we?ā€ You should have felt how his body wrapped around my cock even more when I said, ā€œI have some fits. We can do it tonight.ā€ And, at that moment, one of us moved in such a way that our bodies were fucking each other. I donā€™t know if I thrust into Tard or if he thrust his cunt back onto my cock but suddenly I had ripped through his sphincter and was balls deep inside him. Iā€™m a bottom whoā€™s learned to be versatile, especially if a man has already taken control of my cunt and fucked me silly. Flipping is easy then. But it usually takes the attempted destruction of my cunt to make my dick reliable. Even though I flip pretty skilfully nowadays, I rarely top first. But we were fucking like animals. It was as animalistic and violent a fuck as I think Iā€™ve ever done. Everything I saw from Tard, every sound he made, every thrust demanding I go deeper and harder...everything just made my desire for him and his pleasure more urgent. My cock and his cunt were one. I doubt Iā€™ve ever loved another human being as completely as I did as I was making mad violent love to him. And then we flipped. And flipped. And flipped. After a few hours of fucking, we held each other a while. Iā€™ve kissed and licked and sucked every inch of that boyā€™s body. And we ended up staying for three nights. We invited a few other guys over after the first day and a bit and itā€™s fair to say that Tardā€™s almost as insatiable for cock and cum as I am now. Iā€™ve booked him into a hostel for a few weeks so he can sort out what he wants. And heā€™s got a standing invitation to stay with me on the farm as often and for as long as he needs. Iā€™m already missing him. I want his cock inside me. Iā€™m encouraging him to get tested for HIV but thatā€™s up to him. Itā€™s my birthday next week; Iā€™m hoping heā€™ll get tested so he can tell me, if he tests positive, that heā€™s giving me an extra special present. But thatā€™s selfish of me, I know...but itā€™d add even more fire to our love making. And, of course, I want my cock inside him. Not because I enjoy fucking the young man and not even because he derives so much pleasure from it...but because I get to hold him and feel the softness of his skin and smell him. Heā€™s already reminded me of something I started to lose sight of: that itā€™s important sometimes just to be there for people you care about and have them care about you...
    2 points
  17. I was actually feeling super slutty for the whole week and i sucked a random guy from grindr yesterday. But tonight i wanted to please more than 1 man. So first i met with my regular fwb ,who picked me up and we drove into the woods. We went on the back seat,where i started sucking and deepthroating his cock. I wanted to make sure that he will enjoy in a good,long and sloppy blowjob. It was a bit of challenge to suck him for long ,as my jaw still hurts from the long blowjob i gave yesterday. But i did nonetheless. After some time my FWB was ready to fuck me,so we went out and i leaned onto the trunk of his car and offered my ass to him while standing.He lubed me up and showed his cock into me. It hurt me a bit ,but my buddy always notices when it hurts ,so he was gentle and gave me the time to adjust wo me having to say anything. Ater a sec, he started pounding me rough ,as he always does, so i was moaning from pleasure. My perfectly clean and very wet ass was all sloppy as he was pounding me. After a while, he held onto my hips ( i love it when he does that) ,started to really pound me rough, until he stopped balls deep in me as he was filling me with cum. He pulled it out ,we got dressed and got home. Before i met with my regular fwb ,i had arranged a hookup with my other semi-regular 19 yr old top, that we we'll fuck and he wanted ,for me to come to him pre-filled with cum ,and still wet from the fuck i had before. This was actually this guys wish for quite some time now ,but we didn't really arrange it yet. I drove to his place, parked nearby and walked to his place. As i was walking i could feel my smooth and creamy asscheeks rubbing against each-other and i felt so slutty,knowing that i was just fucked and am going for the sloppy seconds. When i came to his place ,he was already waiting me naked on bed. I got undressed ,went on all 4 and started sucking him. After a while he grabbed my head and begun deepthroating me. After that, i had to go on the floor into the doggy and lean over the bed. He lubed me ,fingered me a bit ,showed it in and started pounding my sloppy ass. He was really passionate and i loved the feeling of his body on mine as i was pressed against the bed. Soon he filled me with his cum and i could feel it was a lot. Sex didn't last for long but i enjoyed it nonetheless. When we dressed ,we talked for a bit and then i left ,walked to my car thinking about what a great experience it was ,and that the 3 of us gotta get together next time, so they'll properly tag teamed me in a threesome. When i got home it was the time to clean up ,i pushed the cum out and was impressed bcs it was much more than i'd expect from 2 loads.
    2 points
  18. Just sucked my first cock and it was amazing. I'm bi and have always been curious about guys, but I haven't really acted upon it before, until now. A guy messaged me on grindr and something just came over me. I thought fuck it and so I walked to the public toilets he was at and sucked him off. At first the car park the public toilets are located in was a little busy and we had to wait for people to leave. As we waited he felt up my cock and I felt up his. Then when the coast was clear we went into the public toilets and he pulled his cock out and I got on my knees and took him in my mouth. I sucked his cock for a bit, licked his balls, licked the head of his cock, deepthroated him and then he came in my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. He left, drove off and I walked home with a massive smile on my face. I'm so fucking happy to finally be a cocksucker and taste another man's seed in my mouth. I can't wait to do it again.
    2 points
  19. Since PrEP became available here, there have been less and less guys even mentioning a condom. Perfect!
    2 points
  20. It is truly unfortunate how perfection-based the gay community seems to be. I realize that to some extent it is human nature to want to be with someone who meets our, and society's idea of normality. But it is sad and maddening that even if a person would be considered a "10" if he didn't have a disability, he is usually automaticly written off as unwanted. Those of us with disabilities, are still human. We are male. We are gay. We are human, males who are gay. Therefore, we are still sexual beings. We want to give and receive sexual pleasure. For some disabilities, modifications may have to take place for things to work properly. But for many of us, everything works quite well for sexual activity. And, for you younger guys, if you continue living, you will be old one day. You will want respect from younger guys if you contact them. So, give that same respect to older guys today. If you aren't interested, be nice about it. But, older guys are experienced, so you could learn something from them. My rant is done. Thanks for reading.
    2 points
  21. Loved it and thank you @losolent. It would appear that maybe this is the end of this sweeping love story of many parts. Loved the characters and the way they have been allowed to develop. The way you went off on different tangents to introduce new characters and draw them into the main story. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of these amazing people. So looking forward to your next story. In the meantime I have discovered some of your older stories which are keeping me occupied until your next new story comes to light
    2 points
  22. I used to rarely watch porn when I first came out. They were expensive to begin with and I rather looked at still pics to beat off to. And in earlier porn, the corny dialogues, the bogus, predictable plots and the inevitable 'elevator music' would kill it for me. My first BF was a FALCON-top in the 1980s and when he retired into a sedentary life with me and his 'roots', I still never watched any... Then the era of 'politically-correct' CONDOM porn came and that basically killed it for me. Always a reminder that there is a 'scary world' out there and one takes a garbage-bag-thin gizmo to avoid deadly consequences... and when you go through a phase of monogamy, many a BF will get jealous when you get off watching other guys have sex. "What? Am I not good enough?" Fast forward to now: Having turned poz, with a playful partner, embracing promiscuity and SEX AS SPORT it's now open season! All fear, reservations, hypocrisy, jealousies and monotonous monogamy... sworn off, NEW GAME!!! Aspiring to be a good slut and my partner too. We want proper moods and role-models! Mine are ADAM KILLIAN (versatile, champ-cock, promiscuous, ALLWAYS BAREBACK) Alam Wernick (champ slut looking innocent but a proud barebacker) DRAE AXTELL (holy shit, exotic thrill, takes cock like a champ and fucks like a champ himself) Devon Franco,Sean Duran.. to name but a few. HARDCORE BAREBACK PORN STARS! Bold-faced and always mixing it up! And porn is available 24/7 with much of it free. And if it's condom-porn it gets turned off! BAREBACK ALL THE WAY or it's bullshit! We get to choose our favorite 'styles' of porn with Treasure Island and SKETCHY SEX scenarios get top scores. Helix... cute! Almost 'too cute'. Makes me wish I grew up in a time like they do! Vanilla boys with attitudes bore us. Superslut cumdumpsters and serial breeder bucks are our new idols. The internet has become an amateur arms-race with nudity and raw sex! Expect a no-holds-barred, pants down, ass up, dick hard, face showing, tongue out, fuck-hole dripping and stretched will get the most LIKES!!! AMATEUR porn often is better than studio porn with their still awkward, predicatble 'plots'... you know, the pizza boy, the pool boy. The music has gotten better. Really I like techno mixes, club scenes, sex in seedy orgy situations, no loads refused, uncomplicated, versatile players or at least ACTIVE, boner-sporting bottoms with insatiable appetites... Dress code: minimal, action straight to the point. Otherwise believable, captivating 'action drama' like the unforgettable performance of sexy Max Rhyser in the underground poz-conversion thriller 'CHASER' The new porn scene has made it easier to let go of all the chains and inhibitions... I have embraced a lifestyle I once considered TOO WILD and dangerous!
    2 points
  23. @losolentAnother masterpiece from you! Iā€™m going to miss the characters as well as those tied in from Bejan Love Affair. You did a fantastic job blending the two story lines. The end of your story tied all the events that occurred back to that one Gifted Virgin Ethan. It is amazing how one person and their choices can effect the lives of so may people in such a way! This was such an incredible story of love and friendship! Iā€™m looking forward to your next piece of written art from you! I hope you continue writing as I and so many others enjoy! Thank you for making your characters come to life! Thank you for taking your time to write this, itā€™s something I looked forward to reading each week.
    2 points
  24. information here on event based dosing - scroll down for video https://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk/how-to-take-prep/ The French Ipergay study looked at event based dosing and found similar levels of effectiveness to daily dosing. Though obviously if you take it daily there is more margin for error and it doesn't matter if you miss the odd dose.
    2 points
  25. You are so right. There is no right or wrong way. Tops and bottoms come in all types. I read plenty of reactions on this site from bottoms who don't care about their own pleasure. All they want to do is to please the top (well, they get pleasure out of that). Good for them but I am not one of them. I want my fun too and nothing (for me) feels better than cumming from getting fucked. And I love tops who can do that to me with their cock. Even better if they can keep it up for a long(er) time and make me cum again (and the top too). And there are tops who only see the bottom as a hole to get off in. Also good for them if the bottom is into that too. That as well is not me. I like it when both top and bottom get pleasure out of sex equally. I am an active bottom even though I like being pushed around a bit, but I am not a sub. Some tops don't like that either. I was never submissive and I never will be, be it during sex or in real life. We can still have sex but there will probably not be a repeat. There is a reason my regular tops are my regulars. In short, do what you like and find someone (top or bottom) who is into that too. If someone wants to submit and be just a hole go for it. If that is not your thing, like me, find someone else who is more on the same page when it comes to sex. Sex is supposed to be fun so do whatever suits you best. There is no judging who is "better". Just do what you like best.
    2 points
  26. just took 2 guys loads bent over in an alley right dt in Toronto. several people saw me getting fucked in the doorway behind a dumpster by 2 dirty white boys with nice big cocks. but I was in my tranny whore gear so most of them probably thought I was a girl whore. they just hiked up my tiny skirt and pulled my panties to the side to slide in me.they didn't even really make an effort not to be seen. the first guy loved how easy it was to slide his bare cock in me (lol if he only knew why)
    2 points
  27. Part of the reason I offer my ass in service to any man and turn none away is to meet the needs of men who might for reason of age, appearance, disability, etc. find it difficult to obtain sexual gratification any other way. Sexual expression is listed among the basic human needs, and I find it tragic that so many men must suffer the lack of even the feel of another personā€™s skin on theirs, let alone an act of intimacy. I can always tell when a man has been starved for physical contact because their touch is always so hesitant, and you can feel the gratitude coming through the palms of their hands. If giving such a man my body for an hour and enriching his life makes me a whore, then Iā€™m proud to be a whore, and I donā€™t intend to stop.
    2 points
  28. Kindness is sexy with a capital ā€œFā€ - thanks @BlindRawFucker and @tallslenderguy for reminding me...
    2 points
  29. A lot of tops like when the bottom gets hard, it shows them they are turning the bottom on, they are exciting the bottom, that is what they tell me. I will admit I don't get this comment as much as I used to, so attitudes may be changing somewhat but I think it still is relevant.
    2 points
  30. Just sucked my first cock and it was amazing. I'm bi and have always been curious about guys, but I haven't really acted upon it before, until now. A guy messaged me on grindr and something just came over me. I thought fuck it and so I walked to the public toilets he was at and sucked him off. At first the car park the public toilets are located in was a little busy and we had to wait for people to leave. As we waited he felt up my cock and I felt up his. Then when the coast was clear we went into the public toilets and he pulled his cock out and I got on my knees and took him in my mouth. I sucked his cock for a bit, licked his balls, licked the head of his cock, deepthroated him and then he came in my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. He left, drove off and I walked home with a massive smile on my face. I'm so fucking happy to finally be a cocksucker and taste another man's seed in my mouth. I can't wait to do it again.
    2 points
  31. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/restrained-and-mercilessly-fucked-41298352
    2 points
  32. On Tuesday I hooked up with a cute older guy who had a long thick dick. His grindr profile said it was 9.5 inches and I believe it because it was a monster. I sucked it for a little bit, then I fingered my hole with lube and rubbed it all over the outside, too. When I sat on it, I had to take my time and get used to it because it was so thick at the base. He was laying on his back so I did all of the work and started to ride it up and down. I thought he would never cum. It was a really great ride and I orgasmed twice in the first 10 minutes, but after that I was starting to get tired and sweaty. I'm not exaggerating when I say I was loving it and hating it. It felt so good but my abs started to cramp up and my hole was making fart noises for most of the ride. When he finally came I was so pooped that I laid on the bed and held my stomach to try to get it to stop hurting. After I left he messaged me on grindr to ask how it was and I had to admit that I was completely satisfied and definitely want to hook up with him again. Only next time I want him to put me on my back and do all the work.
    2 points
  33. I had many 'proudest achievements' in my life but the most recent one was when I moved back to my hometown a few years ago and was invited to a BB sex party. The guys organizing it had invited two bottoms for 7 tops/guests, me and a young bottom (for diversity). I had a "test ride" with the two hosts before. Got there and it turned out the young bottom had cancelled and it was too late to look for another one. So it was only my hole for the guests + the two hosts. While the tops could take breaks I was fucked by all for about 4 hours with only little rest. Booze and poppers got me in total slut mode. Needless to say my hole was a fucking mess after that but I was proud I had taken it like a champ and must have had close to or more than 20 loads when it ended. I lost count. Was invited back several times but that first time really stood out. I met one of my current fuckbuddies at one of those parties.
    2 points
  34. Part 5 After being drugged & fucked Logan slept for 2 days. When he finally woke up he was hungrier then anything. The young stud known as 'the gifter' made after that Logan had plenty to eat as the two were all alone I the house. After Logan had digested his food 'the gifter' took Logan back to the bedroom where he prepared a large slam for Logan and a small one for himself. As Logan sat there watching the points being prepared he felt so run down from being awake and high for over 3 days. 'The gifter' talked him through the process of preparing the points letting Logan know that he's going to want to be able to prepare his own fix when he needed one. Logan listened as best as he could focus in his tired state. He watched as a tourniquet was placed on his arm. Logan was told how to find a his vein, swab it off with alcohol, stick the needle in, register a flash of blood and then push the plunger down. After the needle was pulled out if Logan's arm he didn't have to be told to pull off his own tourniquet. Logan coughed out hard as the drugs flowed through his body and into his brain. He laid back on the bed as 'the gifter' did his own slam. The two snuggled up with each other as they enjoyed their respective rushes they began to kiss. Soon enough they were kissing. Without any guidance Logan was tongue dueling with 'the gift'. With the drugs again fueling his actions Logan was enjoying the action. Soon enough Logan eagerly moved into position to suck the cock that not only took his virginity, but probably gave him HIV, only time would tell. Logan was enjoying the cock in his throat as his ass was not just getting a good rimming, but a few rocks added for a booty bump. This had Logan being to be fucked. Once 'the gifter' was sure that Logan had enough Tina in his as he put Logan on his back, kissed Logan and slowly slid his cock inside Logan's hungry hole. As Logan was pinned to the bed by 'the gifter' he pulled out another point he had prepped, worked a tourniquet on his arm and quickly slipped the point in his vein. Before Logan knew what was going on the point was empty and the tourniquet was pulled off. Logan coughed out hard as he began to hear ringing I his ears and he could focus his eyes. 'The gifter' began to pound away at Logan's ass. Logan was so high and fucked up he could only lay their and moan. 'The gifter' didn't hold back as he flooded Logan's ass with more poz seed then he did the first time he fucked Logan. The two studs spent the next 2 days fucking, sucking and kissing as Logan was not only hooked on Tina, but was also hooked on cock.
    2 points
  35. I had been waiting patiently for my sons 18th birthday. It was finally almost here. Two more days. Two more days till he would finally be of some use to me. Until now the pathetic little emo brat had been nothing but a burden. But in two days he would finally start fufilling some purpose and no longer be a total waste of his daddy's cum. Granted, I had only had to look after him for the last two years, but it was a hassell. I knocked his mother up when were 17. I tried to make her get an abortion, but her parents wouldn't let her. Some religious bullshit reason. When I was 18, I was sent to prison for 15 years for armed robbery trying to get money to take care of the "accident". So yea I blamed him for being incarerated. Prison changes you. I entered as a teenage punk and left a hardened ex-con. The first five years I was a prison bitch, owned by the toughest fucker in the joint. He claimed me the second day I was in there, raping me in the showers. For five years I gave up my pussy to him and anyone he sold me to. Then he got shanked in the yard. Another guy tried to claim me, but I was older, wiser, and stronger. I fought for myself this time, and earned some respect. Soon I had my own prison pussy, a scrawny little bitch. I owned him until I was released. When I got out, I was able to find a shitty job and managed to find a dump of a trailer to live in. That's when the bitch showed up on my steps with our kid and his suitcase. She just dumped him with me and took off with some bikers. I could have just kicked him out on the street, but he was my blood. And like I said, prison changes you. I had developed a taste of hot boy ass, and the power of owning it. So I took him in knowing he'd be legal in two years. Now the wait was almost over. The cumstain had no idea what his future was going to hold for him. I had been planning and preparing for this day. I had saved up and bought a state of the art digital camera, knowing it was an investment for what I was going to make off the boy. The morning of his birthday, he came out to the living room to find me sitting in my chair, smoking, wearing just a pair of dirty boxerbreifs, my chest and arms of prison tatoos on full display. He started to get some cereal in the kitchen, but I called him over. "Its your birthday son," I started. "I have a little present for you." I handed him a glass pipe with some crystals in it. Now, I know he's done drugs. I've smelled pot and alcohol on him many times. But I don't know what else he's done. I knew he knew what I had just handed him. "Go ahead son, you're a man now. Join Daddy in a smoke." He was a little hesitant, but I pushed it up to his lips and lit a lighter, melting the crystals. He took a big bit, coughing out a large white cloud. "Go ahead, take another one son." I encouraged him. He took another big hit, not coughing so much. I kept encouraging him to take more, and the dumb bitch didn't even realize I wasn't hitting it. After his 6th big hit, the pipe was empty and he flopped back on the couch. I knew he was flying, and I knew it was time for his real present. He wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes, so it was really easy to rip his jeans and underwear off of him. "What the fuck Dad?" he started, but a couple hard slaps across his face silenced him. "Shut the fuck up boy!" I ordered him. "The free ride is over. From now on you're going to earn your existence!" His skinny,pale body was no match for my pumped up muscles. I had had him naked and on his stomach before he knew what hit him. Ripping off my shorts I lined up my hard 8 inch cock up to his hole, and spit a couple loogies on my dick for lube. Holding his shoulders down I forced my cock in his virgin hole as hard as I could. He howled as I breached his ass ring, pushing my mushroom head into him and continuing till I was buried to my balls. I felt a warm wetness surround my cock as his cherry was ripped apart. He thrashed and cried beneath me begging for me to stop. I just started fucking him hard and deep, loving the red that covered my dick everytime I pulled out. God damn it was nice to have some hot boy ass again! I was going to make him a great whore. I pulled all the way out, looking at his busted open pussy, red oozing out of it, and rammed back in to the hilt, causing more howling from the cunt. I just kept on pounding his new pussy over and over. Eventually he quieted down and actually started moaning, and soon was pushing his ass back on me. "That's right boy. Ride your daddy's cock. Feel good boy? That's the cock that made your worthless life bitch. But now you have a purpose! You're going to be my whore and make daddy lots of money!" He just moaned beneath me as I talked dirty to him. "That's right bitch, moan for me. I know your faggot ass loves it. This is why you were born! Now take my cum. Take your daddy's cum in your whore cunt!" I pumped my son full of my cum as his pussy milked me dry, sucking my sperm deep in his guts. When I finished breeding his new cunt, I unloaded with a torrent of piss, making him my urinal. "Don't worry about school, I said, pulling out of him as his ravaged hole leaked piss and cum, "you won't be going there anymore. You'll be too busy working for me!" I turned off the camera knowing I had something totally hot to sell on the internet.
    1 point
  36. Sitting at home I was pretty bored one evening and being a horny 24 year old I decided to hit the gay chat rooms to see what was about. I flitted around from room to room, now I didn't actively engage in bareback sex but I had dabbled once or twice with guys I knew, I clicked on the barebacksex room and looked at the profiles of the men. One in particular struck me 'BigChris', as his profile opened I had a good look through. He was 36, six feet 10 inches, rugby build, extra large uncut, bareback only. The pictures posted of him in jeans with his cock hanging out and unmistakable tattoos on his arms gave me an immediate erection. At only five feet seven inches with average build, brown cropped hair, and okay looking I thought to myself he is way out of my league. Anyway I opened a chat window and sent a message "Great profile." then closed the window and continued browsing. He was also stated at being in east London and I was south east so quite a journey to get from one side to the other, believing that would that. No more that a couple of minutes had passed when window opened from BigChris. Him: "Thanks, what are you into?" Me: "Hi, usual stuff, kissing, sucking and fucking. And you?" Him: "Kissing, fucking, top only, never bottom." Me: "Do you only go bareback?" Him: "Yup, I plough and plant." Me: "Okay, interesting but I am neg." Him: "Poz here and I don't pull out for no one." Me: "That's pretty hot, but probably not for me, but thank you." Him: "Always happy to plant my seed in you if you change your mind. Bye" My cock felt like it was going to explode as I sat in the chair looking at our chat window and jacked off furiously until I shot my load. Well that was exhausting I thought to myself and headed off to bed. I had never considered myself a chaser of poz seed but it got me so aroused thinking about it. Around six months later I decided to flat share with a mate and we got a place just outside Greenwich in south east London. A few weeks after moving in I went on-line and updated my profile location, I then started to check out the local talent around this area. About 5 minutes in a chat window opened from BigChris, I was shocked that he even remembered me and our conversation. Him: "Hello, how are you?" Me: "Hi, I am good thanks, how are you?" Him: "Good. I see you moved to near Greenwich." Me: "Yes, about 10 minute walk away." Him: "Great, I am in Greenwich, would still love to meet you." Me: "I could do daytime at the weekend." Him: "No, I like late evening meets, I only like to cum once a day that way I make sure theres plenty of seed to plant." Me: "You tease, lol" Him: "Come over tonight." Me: "Okay, but let's see how we get on before anything happens." Against my better judgment I had just agreed to meet a poz guy with the possibility of engaging in bareback sex. But lust had taken over and I headed off and found myself walking towards his block of flats. Standing outside the door I contemplated if I should really do this, but my hand had already knocked on the door and I stood waiting. The door opened and and there he stood tall and well built his body almost completely framing the door way as he invited me in. I crossed over the threshold, he had a t-shirt and boxers on and I could see what lay beneath the fabric. We made small talk and sat on the sofa, he arm went around my neck pulling me in towards him as he kissed me tenderly on the mouth. I placed my hand under his t-shirt and stroked his chest, his mouth opened forcing mine to open in unison as his tongue sought mine. We kissed for several minutes then his hand began pushing my head down towards his crotch, my face buried I could feel the stirring to life of his cock. I moved his boxers down to reveal a beautifully formed long thick cock and ample balls, I took the cock in my mouth and began teasing the foreskin as he moaned, leaning his head back against the sofa. Slowly taking more of his shaft into my mouth, I made it a point to apply enough pressure to pull the foreskin back revealing the head. My tongue and lips caressed, licked and sucked gently at the steadily hardening shaft. Pulling himself and me to our feet, he took my head into his massive hands, kissed, and guided me towards the bedroom. His body and power was overwhelming as he stripped me naked and pushed me on to the bed. In no time he removed what clothes he had on and was laying next to me. His face was over mine as he kissed me deeper and with more urgency. I felt my legs wriggling with arousal, my toes curled, and my cock was at boiling point. Through his seemingly endless kisses, my mouth was beginning to fill with his saliva as his free hand was playing with my ass making circling motions around my hole. I let out sigh after sigh at the intense pleasure I was feeling. Slowly he knelt up and flipped me on to my stomach then pulled me up on all fours. I felt him move around behind me. I hear a click and felt a cooling gel being liberally applied to my hole. I gasped and waited holding my breath. Slowly I felt the head of his cock nudging away at my hole very gently. A moan of delight escaped my lips as I felt my ass opening as he pushed his cock in my ass. There was certainly pain, but there was also excitement and comfort from the sensation of his beautiful cock head being buried in my ass. His hands clasped like vices around my hips as he began the long journey of pushing his shaft in, all the way to his balls. It seemed to take an age and every inch caused my head to snap back and moan, my legs shuddered with every stroke that filled my ass. It was beginning to feel uncomfortable, he wriggled his hips and gave one last push and I yelped in pain and felt his balls tapping at my ass. He stayed there for a moment and began slow deep thrusts hardly take his cock out but making sure I felt that he was fully inside my body. He leaned over the top of me and placed his arms either side of mine, still balls deep in me he began to slowly grind his hips against my ass. The sensation was incredible. Involuntarily I shouted "Oh fuck!" Whispering in my ear, he reminded me "I'm gonna plough you and plant my poz seed deep inside, there is no going back now." Reality snapped back and I decided this was not such a good thing. As I opened my mouth to speak his left arm disappeared from view as I felt it tighten around my waist locking me in to position. He laughed as he sensed I had second thoughts and said "A little security to make sure you don't try to slide off when I start planting my seed." His thrusts began to get harder and faster, my moaning and gasping aroused him even more. My body was immobilised and I knew I would not be escaping this. I began to relax and started enjoying the fucking my ass was getting, urging him to go harder. Suddenly he grunted, his hips locked up tight against me. His cock gave an almighty pulse as I felt the warm liquid shoot in to my ass "Fuck" I screamed, another pulse of liquid planting deep inside me. I was in heaven as he continued releasing seed and planting it deep. As he relaxed he collapsed on top of me pinning my body on the bed, I pulled my ass cheeks wider and he gladly obliged and pushed his cock in even further. His cock still buried inside he rolled me on to my side with the arm that had held me in position, pulling me close up to him, his other arm went across my chest. It was obvious I was not going anywhere soon, so I relaxed and fell asleep. We woke in the morning still in the same position and I felt his cock was still where he left it. He kissed me on the neck as he slowly extracted his cock from my ass. I was still in a little shock at how much of a slut I had been. Still, I rose and dressed as I need to head home, shower and get to work. As he opened the door he commented "We will be doing this again."
    1 point
  37. this story is pretty much based on a true story, - it was my first time, and we really did fall in love... sadly our paths took us different directions many years ago - and although we are still in touch, I've been without a soulmate since. At first glance you would assume I am just an average, conservative kind- of ā€“guy, and I would tend to agree with that assumption. But after my last ā€œordinaryā€ relationship with my boyfriend failed, I decided it was time to break my boring routine and try to enjoy some of the more adventurous things in life that I had always passed on. Now that I was spending my nights alone, I was relying on my computer more for sexual stimulation. Thank God there is no shortage of porn on the internet. I would surf for any hot movie that caught my eye, usually with some hot muscled jock. Iā€™d recline back in my chair, and start to lazily play with my cock while the stud in his jockstrap got his hole licked and fingered and slowly stretched open. Buy the time his pink pucker was quivering for some dick, I would usually have a finger or two up my own ass, and my own dick would be hard as a rock and leaking drops of precum that would mix with the lube I was using to stroke my shaft. I always tried to match my speed and intensity with the hot fuck session that was on the screen, so that I would cum at the exact same time as the guy in the movie shot his load deep in the ass of the jock stud he was fucking. After my own ass finished clamping down on my fingers and the aftershocks of shooting an intense load wore offā€¦I would clean up, shut off the computer and climb into bed ā€¦aloneā€¦and realizing that computer porn would never make up for the 'real thing'. As time went on, I noticed that my taste in movies was starting change, and those muscled jocks I had watched were now replaced with hairy muscled leather guys. I also started looking in the local chat rooms for some actual ā€œrealā€ connections. I felt myself being drawn to scenes that involved a lot of ass playā€¦guys in harnesses that were stretching open the holes of other guys in slings. Soon it wasnā€™t just hot dicks plowing pink holes...it was dildos and fists stretching open hot hairy butts. I was mesmerized, and my ass was starting to take on a mind of its own. After years of vanilla sex, my hole was starting to get hungry for more. I bought some toys...and some poppers...and began to start mimicking what I saw in the movies . I also started popping into some of the local chat rooms, and found out there were a lot of guys online that were really heavy into the leather scene. I posted a profile, but was always to nervous about ever starting a conversation with anyone. Here I wasā€¦just an average conservative guy, who was starting to feel the pig awaken. These guys were already knee deep in the pigpen, and I knew Iā€™d be a disappointment to them when they realized I was just a newbie. I didnā€™t own any leather, and I only had one jockstrapā€¦that I used for my online photo. So one night, I was feeling especially horny, and logged into the chat room, got my toys, lube and poppers out, and settled in for another solo session. Within a few minutes I suddenly got an IM from another guy in the chat room. He was a hot hairy muscle daddy, and he introduced himself by letting me know how much he loved the photo of me in my jock. He was hot, and sexy, and I started to wish I could muster up the courage to give in and let myself go, and be the perfect pig boy he surely was looking for. After some online flirting, he invited me to come over. I was horny as hell, but scared to death, so I politely declined his invitation. I told him the truth, that I was brand new to this, and way too inexperienced to be much fun for him. He immediately replied, asking if I was into PnP. I hated to admit, I didnā€™t even know what that meant. Pain and Pleasure? Piss and poop? Christ..what was I getting into? He responded with a ā€œLOLā€ and explained it meant party and play. Using recreational drugs to take the edge off, or enhance the pleasure. I told him I had done poppersā€¦but never had tried anything else. He asked if I was interested in experimenting a little, and told me that he would love to be the one to introduce me to the wonderful world of Pnp Pig Sex. Wowā€¦.all of a sudden my cock became instantly hard..and I could feel my ass twitch with excitement. I didnā€™t know what it would be like, but suddenly I had a hot leather daddy wanting to take me under his wing, and show me all the mysterious pleasures that had become so intriguing to me. In one last effort to stallā€¦I asked him what exactly he had in mind. He told me that I would need to come over, and that I would need to trust him. He promised to walk me thru everything once I was there and ready to playā€¦but he didnā€™t want to waste time writing about it when he knew it would be more fun to experience it. He gave me some simple instructionsā€¦take a shower, clean upā€¦and out, wear my jock, and pick up some Gatorade, or water, or whatever I wanted to drink. He promised Iā€™d need to replenish my fluids because he was going to make sure we had a long hot sweaty night. I got directions to his placeā€¦and I was burning with excitement. I couldnā€™t believe this was actually going to happen! I hopped in the shower and hopped in my car and within 45 minutes, I found myself knocking on his door. He opened the doorā€¦and looked even hotter than his pictures. His head was nearly shaved with a military style buzz cut. He was shirtless, except for a leather harness, and his tribal armband tattoo. His nipples were pierced, and his hairy pecs were hard and muscular, and shadowed over his flat abs. A thick treasure trail of hair disappeared into his black leather pants and silver studded belt. He looked just like one of the guys from the movies. He immediately smiled at me...which made me feel immediately more relaxedā€¦and he invited me into his place. As soon as I stepped inside, he reached around me to shut the door, and immediately put his arms around me to pull me in close to him. He rubbed his hands on my chest thru my t-shirt, and pressed his pelvis up against my jeans. It took me by surprise..a little, but it immediately broke the ice, and I wrapped my arms around him, and ran my hands over his muscular shoulders and arms. As my hands reached his, he took them, and smiled again, and pulled me into the entryway. ā€œCome In, studā€ he growledā€¦get comfortable, take your clothes off, and letā€™s get to know each other. He led me to a room off to the side, which had all of the things that you would need to film leather porn. ā€œWelcome to my playroom!ā€ I was speechless, and took a long deep breath to try to slow down my heartbeat. I think he could sense my nervousness, because he pulled me close once again, kissed me, and pulled me down onto the couch. ā€œJust relax..I promise, I will make sure you enjoy every minute of this, and if you ever want to stopā€¦just tell meā€¦we wonā€™t go anywhere that you arenā€™t comfortable going.ā€ We kissed again..and I was immediately turned on. He took my shirt offā€¦pinched my nipples, rubbed my crotchā€¦and I was instantly hard as a rock. My hands were all over him as wellā€¦and I started to let my inhibitions go. ā€œLet me go get something to help us relax, and you get out of those jeans and shoes. Iā€™ll be right back.ā€ He left for a second, and came back with a little travel shaving kit. He pulled out a bag of weed, and some rolling papers, and a lighter. As I got undressed, he rolled a really thick joint, lit it, and took a hit. He held the smoke in his lungs for a very long time, and then let it escape his lungs in a low growl. ā€œOkayā€¦your turnā€¦itā€™s just potā€¦and it will help take the edge off, help you relax, and get you a little horny.ā€ I took the joint, and followed his instructions. I took a deep inhale, and worked really hard to fight the urge to cough as I felt the smoke burn inside my chest. I held it in until he told me to let it outā€¦which seemed like 10 minutesā€¦but was really only a few seconds Iā€™m sure. ā€œGood boyā€ he said, and rubbed my neck. He took the joint back for another hit and we both sat back on the couch and started feeling each other as we passed the joint back and forth. It wasnā€™t long until I was feeling the effects. It was a fuzzy, drunk kind of feeling, but it felt good, and I WAS really relaxed, and starting to get a really deep new feelingā€¦it was hornyā€¦but a whole different kind of horny. I started to really get into our touching and kissing, and before I knew it we were done with the joint, and greedily sucking each otherā€™s dicks in a 69 position on the couch. Next thing I knew, I felt his fingers and tongue start playing with my hole. It felt so good. I knew it was the potā€¦but Damn! This was awesome. I was sucking his huge dick, and moaning, and grinding my ass against his face and fingers. He spit in my ass, and started working in two of his fat long fingers. God it felt so good. ā€œGood boy..you like that donā€™t youā€¦there is a little pig in there just dying to get out isnā€™t there?ā€ ā€œYes sirā€ I muffled between taking breaths from sucking his huge cock. ā€œNiceā€ he moaned, and began working my hole into a frenzy. ā€œI think youā€™re ready for my next surpriseā€ he said as he reach over to his travel bag, and pulled out a tiny little baggie, with some white powder, and a tiny little silver bullet. ā€œCoke?ā€ I asked. ā€œNope, Tina" he replied. ā€œTina?ā€ I repeated. ā€œYep. It's sort of like coke, but better for sex. You can smoke it, snort it, put it in your ass, and even inject it directly into a vein - but it goes right to your ass. And you will want more than my tongue and fingers up there.ā€ ā€œSo, how are we doing it?ā€ I asked. ā€œWeā€™ll go easy at first, just a little bump off the silver bulletā€¦and weā€™ll make sure you have some time to let it kick in. Youā€™ll probably feel a bit of a rush at first..like a jolt of caffeine, but in about 20 minutes, you will feel it start to warm up your ass, and I bet your hands wonā€™t be able to let go of your dick." "Okay" I replied, adding ā€œ although I think the pot has already done a pretty good job of that.ā€ We both took a hit from the bullet, and the instant effect was just as he described. I was really starting to realize I was in very good hands. He was letting me know what to expect, before it happened, and his description was very accurate. We went back to exploring each otherā€™s bodies, and before I knew it, my ass was tingling, and I was pulling on the head of my dick like I was pulling taffy. I was groaning a low guttural groan that I had never heard myself make before. We did another hit off the Tina bullet, and I was really starting to feel the effects. ā€œOkay, boy. I think weā€™re ready for some more serious play. Your ass is really getting hot, and I want you to get in that sling, so I can open you up, and fuck you.ā€ I hopped up so fast, I think my brain was now in my ass and following his instructions. He helped me get into the sling, and then lubed up my hole, and his cock, and I moaned in ecstasy as his beautiful thick cock slid into my hungry hole. We started out slow, and his fucking gradually grew in force and intensity. Getting fucked had never felt so good. He gave me another bump of tina, and then grabbed a bottle of poppers, and held them under my nose. ā€œYou said you have done poppers before..right?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œGoodā€¦then take good hit, so I can pound your ass really hard.ā€ I inhaled deeply, and he did the same, and no sooner had he recapped the bottle, he grabbed the sling and started pounding my ass with wild abandon. ā€œFUCKā€¦YEAHā€¦ā€ we both screamed. I was pulling on my dick as hard as I could, but noticed it wasnā€™t getting as hard as I usually doā€¦but I really didnā€™t care. It still felt good..but it was my ass that was feeling amazing. I felt it squeezing and clamping down on my hot leather studs hard dick as he pounded my ass, and arched his back while his eyes were rolling back in his head. This was incredible. It was better than any fantasy I could imagine. He gave me another hit of poppers, and then reached under the sling and started banging the shit out of my assā€¦.I could tell that he was about ready to cum. Between the pot, the tina, the poppers and the fuckingā€¦my head was reeling. I had never felt so turned on. I was suddenly brought back to my senses as I heard him shout and yell, and felt his hard cock slam deep in my ass as is shot the hottest, most forceful load Iā€™d ever taken. My ass involuntarily clamped down, and made sure that every drop of cum was worked out of that amazing dick, and not a single drop was spilled. He immediately slumped forward, drops of sweat landing on my chest, and kissed me passionately and deeply. My hips were grinding involuntarily, not wanting to let his dick escape my ass as we kissed. Finally, his dick slid out, but I was still pulling on mine, softā€¦but sensitive. He saw my face register a bit of disappointment ā€“ both for my failure to get hard, and also for the sudden emptiness in my well fucked hole. He immediately reassured me that the soft dick was often a result of the Tina, but not to worryā€¦all the pleasure was going to become more and more intense in my ass. He asked if I was ready to try some toys, and if I was ready to try a different way to do a hit of Tina. I must of looked a little nervous again, because he immediately kissed me again, and with his lips still pressed to mine, he whispered with a hot breath "Trust me.ā€ And I did. Once again, he reached into his black bag. This time he pulled out a thick syringe. My eyes widened with fear, because I was not real fond of needles. ā€œDonā€™t worryā€ he said. Itā€™s not a needle. Just a water syringe. But itā€™s got dose of Tina in it, mixed with the water. Iā€™ll squirt it into your ass, and within seconds youā€™ll get the effect. Just hold it in, and when I get your first toy, it should be absorbed. You'll love it..and youā€™ll be ready for some bigger toys than the ones you have. Cool?ā€ ā€œOkayā€¦I saidā€¦you havenā€™t let me down yet.ā€ He pulled the cap off the syringe, and showed me that indeed there was no needle on the end. He put a little lube on the edge of the syringe, and gently worked it into my hole. ā€œReady?ā€ he asked. I nodded. ā€œOkayā€¦here we go.ā€ I suddenly felt the liquid slowly start to fill my ass, and I envisioned it mixing with his load. I was suddenly hit with an amazing rush of warmth that nearly took my breath away. ā€œSeeā€¦it absorbs pretty quick. You should be flying by now.ā€ My heartbeat suddenly picked up, and my breathing became quicker. He pulled the syringe out, pinched my nipples, and then took my hand away from my dick as he sucked my soft cocked like a vacuum. I yelled in absolute pleasure! Oh my god it felt so good. FUCK YEAHā€¦DAMNā€¦my ass was on fireā€¦I needed cock bad. It felt so good. ā€œThereā€™s my little piggyā€ he smirked as he stepped away. My hand went back to my dick, and I started pinching one of my nipples as he back away. He reached over to a table and pulled away a black cloth, and revealed a table full of all kinds of dildos and sex toys in all sizes. One of them was just as big as mine at homeā€¦but they got bigger and bigger as they lined up along the tableā€™s edge. He grabbed one, and smeared it with a generous dose of lube, and then started slowly working it into my ass. I couldnā€™t believe itā€¦it was like my ass had a total mind of its own. I was no longer in control..and I suddenly felt my hole stretching open further than Iā€™d ever been opened up before. But it felt so good. I took a deep breath, and moaned again. He got it about halfway in, and then held it in place as he reached over with his other hand to grab the bottle of poppers. I took another deep hit of the poppers, and suddenly, I was in a whole new world. My eyes rolled back in the back of my head, and then I felt my entire ass open up as that huge dildo slid right in to its giant rubber base without any pain or resistance. HOLY SHITā€¦.It was so fucking deep ā€¦OH FUCK! I could feel that giant rubber dick deep in my guts and it felt so good! He started to work it in and out. Slowly at first, and gradually picked up speed. I got lost in the pleasureā€¦and closed my eyes and floated in that sling as that giant dick stretched my ass. Every now and then he would touch my chest, my dick, my face, and give me occasional hits of poppers...all the while giving me deep low groans of encouragement. He soon went for a bigger toyā€¦but I was too lost in my ecstasy to really notice. I did feel a little bit of pressure as he eased the bigger toy in, but it was soon followed with another deep hit of poppers, and I was off in my own world again, as that giant invader laid claim to my open hole. I have no idea how much time had passed, and hourā€¦maybe two. I gradually started to feel like I was coming down, and my senses were returning to normal. I looked upā€¦like I had just regained consciousness, and smiled at my sexy teacher. He smiled backā€¦and we didnā€™t even need words at this point to share the mutual pleasure we were both feeling. He slid the toy out of my ass..and I was shockedā€¦somewhere in my soaring highā€¦he had upsized again to a third, even bigger toy. I never would have believed I could take something that hugeā€¦but he showed it to me from between my legs, just to prove to me that I was more pig than I realized. We laughed a bit, kissed some more, and then he grabbed my bottle of Gatorade and a towel. I was sweating profusely. Took a deep drink, toweled off a bit, and started to catch my breath. At this point I thought things were winding down. He was standing closer to the table, taking a drink of his own bottled water, so I started to sit up in the unsteady sway of the sling. ā€œWhere you going boyā€¦you had enough?ā€ ā€œOhā€¦I thought we were winding downā€ I sheepishly saidā€¦immediately feeling slightly worried that I gave the wrong signal and disappointing my new leather daddy. ā€œWell, I have one more surprise for you, if you want. I thought Iā€™d try to take it up one more notchā€¦that is if you want toā€ I couldnā€™t possibly imagine what he had in mind. I was absolutely in awe of what we had done so far, so if we still had one more level to go, I wasnā€™t sure I could take the overstimulation of my senses. ā€œYou want to really let go of your inner pigā€¦this is the best thing there is.ā€ He reached into his black back again, and pulled out two thin syringes with an orange cap on the end. I was puzzled, because the last syringe was much bigger, so I didnā€™t know if it was a smaller dose to just bring the action back up a little, or if this was something totally different. ā€œOkay, let me tell you about this, and then you can tell me if you want to keep going or notā€. This syringe has a needle. So this dose of tina will go right into a vein. Itā€™s called ā€œslamming.ā€ Itā€™s just like getting a shot at the doctor, or giving a blood sample. ā€œThat doesnā€™t sound too badā€ I timidly replied. ā€œWellā€¦this will definitely take you one level higher than the booty bump. You will feel this rush in your entire body, you will immediately feel the Tina take effect, and I guarantee, you will be amazed at how fast you let go of all your inhibitionsā€¦.do you still trust me?ā€ ā€œYesā€ I answered. ā€œThen trust me, I think you will like this a lot. I will make sure that itā€™s quick, painless, and I will be here to make sure you stay calm enough to truly enjoy the amazing rush.ā€ ā€œOkayā€ I saidā€¦but I might not be able to watch, I donā€™t do so well with needles. ā€œNo worriesā€, he said. ā€œYou do whatever you want. Letā€™s get you out of the sling though, because I want to do you first, and then I want you to go kneel down over the arm of the couch with your ass in the air. I will then do my slam, and come over and take good care of your ass while you ride the rush,. ā€œOkayā€¦Iā€™m readyā€ He went back to his back bag one more time, pulled out a black elastic strip for a tourniquet, and 2 small white envelopesā€¦alcohol prep pads. He came back over to me, with the syringe, pulled my arm out and looked in the crook for a vein. He quickly tapped the large vein, and then started to wrap the black elastic around my upper bicep. My vein started to bulge, and my heart was already racing with a little bit of excitement, and a lot of nerves. He opened the alcohol prep pad, and gently wiped it over the inside of my arm. I was scared to watchā€¦but I couldnā€™t help it. I was fascinated. It was like my leather daddy was getting ready to give me a shotā€¦like a nurse. It was somehow, very touching, like he was taking care of meā€¦and all of a sudden all of my worry melted away. I kept watching as he took the orange cap off of the syringe, and exposed the tiny thin needle. He turned the syringe upside down, and flicked it on the side to knock the air bubbles out of it. He looked at me deep in my eyes, smiled again, and asked ā€œready?ā€ I nodded yes. Okay..turn your head if you want. ā€œIā€™m okayā€ I said. ā€œI trust youā€. He gently placed the tip of the needle at the edge of my vein, and I took a deep breath. He gently eased it in, with only a slight pinch, and then I felt a little pop as the needle went into the vein. I kept watching intently. He pulled back slightly on the syringe, and I saw a wispy red cloud rush into the syringe. He took the tourniquet off my arm with his other hand in a single soft pull, looked at me one more time, and said, ā€œHere you go baby, this is gonna be intenseā€¦you might have a cough..But thatā€™s normalā€¦itā€™s the tina hitting your blood and your lungs, donā€™t be scaredā€¦just enjoy it.ā€ ā€œOkayā€¦go for itā€ He slowly started to push the plunger downward, and the reddish liquid started to disappear into my vein. I immediately started to feel a tingle all over my bodyā€¦like when you put your tongue on the end of a nine volt battery. The more of the slam that went in, the more I tingled...I got this warm all over rush, and my chest started to expand with a heavy breath. I felt my eyes open wide, and my ass squeezed so tight, if there had been anything in there I would have snapped it in half. The last bit of liquid in the syringe went into my arm, and then I suddenly felt the uncontrollable cough. Two coughsā€¦and then I WAS SOARING!!! SHIT! SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT!!!. He pulled the needle out and immediately covered the skin with the alcohol pad. He lifted my arm above my head, and then reached around the start digging at my ass with his giant meaty paws. OH GOD!! I NEED YOU IN MY ASS! ā€œFeel good Baby?ā€ ā€œFUCK YEAHā€ OH SHIT..thatā€™s all I could say. I started to feel my legs go week. ā€œGo kneel over the couch, get your ass lubed up real goodā€¦Iā€™m on my wayā€ I staggered over, reached for the giant bottle of lube, pouring out more than I could control. I leaned over the couch and started shoving lube into my hungry hole, stretching it open, shoving fingers in, and trying to get my whole hand in. I was in ecstasyā€¦I was finally out of control, feeling piggy as all hell, and ready for anything. I didnā€™t even notice my leather daddy administer his own slam, until I heard his own cries and groans of pleasure suddenly shout from behind me. ā€œOh, yeahā€¦.piggyā€¦.let me work that assā€ ā€œYes sir!ā€ He came from behind be and I saw his had come over my head; he handed me the bottle of poppers, and then reached for the giant bottle of lube. ā€œTake a good long hitā€¦you are about to be sent into a whole ne w world.ā€ I took the deepest hit of poppers that I had ever takenā€¦and I held it deep in my lungsā€¦like the pot smoke from earlierā€¦and suddenly I felt my entire ass just relax and open up like molten lava, and I felt my daddyā€™s hands working to stretch my ass open. First it was three fingersā€¦.then fourā€¦..then another mind numbing hit of poppers, and then I lost all awareness of anythingā€¦all I know is that my ass had never felt more full. I was gyrating my hips, and wagging my piggy tail like I needed to get my hungry hole filled with a buffet of anything that was in reach. I suddenly felt my ass stretch just a bit far..and then a soft pop, or suction sound. I had his whole FIST! HOLY SHIT! I WAS IN HEAVEN!! I screamed in pleasure, my daddy was yelling encouragementā€¦ and I had never been so wildly out of control. He flipped me around to the front of the couch, laid me on my back, held my feet above my head with one hand, and handed me the poppers again with the other. I took another hitā€¦and then so did heā€¦and I couldnā€™t get his fist in my ass again fast enough. I was riding his fist, and then his forearm, and then suddenly I started to let go with a *******ial spray of piss all over my chestā€¦he grabbed my dick with his free hand, and held it up so that it sprayed all over my face, and then his. It had a bitter tasteā€¦the first time Iā€™d ever tasted piss. ā€œā€Thatā€™s tina piss boy..Itā€™ll keep you flying high tooā€¦but Iā€™m not taking my hand out of your ass yet ..but when I doā€¦it will be so I can shove my dick up your hungry hole, and piss my tina right back into youā€ He kept his wordā€¦he fisted me to the point of an uncontrollable orgasmā€¦I didnā€™t even touch my dick..and it was still softā€¦but I was coming all over myself. It was mixing with the damp piss stains on my stomach. He gently pulled his fist out of my hot hungry ass, and then shoved his dick in. He looked down at me, and with an amazing softness, he stared right thru to my soul, I started to actually tear up, and cry with absolute abandon. It was the most beautifully hot and touching closeness I had ever felt to another person in my entire life. I trusted him, and he took me placed I never knew existed. And then, just as I was catching my breath, and stopping my tearsā€¦he leaned in close, whispered once againā€¦ā€good pigā€, and then kissed me gently on the lipsā€¦.it was then that I started to feel the warm tina piss filling up my hot hungry assā€¦and my soul nearly left my body, and floated up to my new slamming soul mate.
    1 point
  38. Last year I met a hot boy at the p-house. He had just turned 18, and told me this was first time to gay club. We were out by the lake talking. I was really digging him. Several times he hinted around for me to buy him a drink, but I was scared of getting caught. Out of the blue an older man in his 40's joined us. I could tell he was interested in the the boy as snared more and more of the kid's attention. I figured the boy would reject him but before I knew it I was out of the conversation. The man invited the boy to smoke some weed with him and they took off together and went behind some bushes. It all happened so fast and there was nothing I could do, but I decided to hang around to see what else happened. After about fifteen minutes they emerged from the bushes, the older man's arm around the boy, leading him to the guest rooms. The kid was staggering and kinda out of it: I speculated the two of them had smoked more than just pot. They approached a guest room, the older guy knocked on the door - it promptly opened and the two of them disappeared within. I sauntered up to the room and, while the door was closed, I could faintly hear the TV playing a porno flick and assumed at least two guys were going at it. I walked by the window and noticed a gap in the blind. Peering in, I could see the old man and another taller hairy man had the boy sandwiched between themselves. They were kissing all over the kid, feeling him up as they removed his clothing. The boy had such a hot slim body, I was sad to see it wasted, so to speak, on the two older guys. As soon as the boy was naked the hairy guy picked-up the kid, positioning him on the bed, face down. Suddenly the door opened and the other man who had initially snared the boy caught me spying on them through the window. "I thought it was you. He sure is a hottie, isn't he? Sorry about your bad luck. but hey, you can come in and watch." I was happy to accept his invitation, so I entered the room, taking a seat in a dark corner, looking on as the other guy was simultaneously rubbing his crotch and the boy's ass. He unbuckled his pants, exposing his bulging jockstrap. Climbing on top of the boy, he began kissing and licking his neck and ear as he humped the boy, asking him "You won't mind if I take your ass first, will you?" The boy started to squirm, so the man wrapped his arm around him to control the squirming, barking "Don't make me take it the hard way!" The other guy asked "You need me to hold him down?" With that the boy quieted down, presumably figuring out that he had no choices given the situation. The hairy man on the kid's back pulled his cock out of the side of his jock and stroked it a few times. He then spat on it for lubrication, and positioned himself in the boy's (presumably) cherry crack. The other guy, who was standing near me, turned saying "I wanna see him take it the hard way, don't you?" I told him "Naw, that's messed up" to which he replied "Well, too bad, I'm gonna make sure he gets it hard. You ain't gonna do shit about it but watch and jerk your cock." The man went over to the bed, and stabilized the kid's legs, telling his buddy "Little man over there wants to see him get it hard." "Ok, then, hard it is. Get the restraints out from under the bed. You get this side and the little man can get the other." I quickly decided to go along with the plan, and within a couple of minutes the kid was restrained. The guys gave the kid a couple hits of tina to calm him down, making him horny and submissive. The man on top adjusted his cock across the boy's hole and starts to nicely hump his crack. "That cock feels good, doesn't it, son?" "Yes, sir." "You won't mind having your ass used like this, will ya?" "No, sir." "You sure?" "Yes sir." He covers the boy's mouth with his hand and jabbed his cock in the boy's hole. The kid's contortions told me he was in agony. The top fucked the kid for about half an hour, nutting three times in the kid's ass, non-stop fucking. Talk about stamina! Then the other guy fucked the kid while his buddy scouted outside, apparently inviting additional guys to join in the assault on the kid's ass. I admit I enjoyed watching the scene, but also knew it could easily become dangerous to me: I physically was much more similar to the bottom than to either top, and presumably could become the target of their attentions. So, I slipped-out of the room, just as three leather dudes passed me on their way to the room.
    1 point
  39. Two previous notes: 1. I'm not an English-native speaking man, so bear with me, in case of some misapplied terms or verbal times. Not looking for sympathy: it's just tha way it is... 2. The Miguel, in this story, is negative... It all started with the opposite feeling I would have a few hours later: I was boredā€¦ Bored and horny. I was browsing a blog website a guy had introduced me to: lots of hot pictures of hot men and some videosā€¦ As usual, I was wanking watching some bareback videos. I decided to take some action and went to the saunaā€¦ Mid-week night, maybe not so many men, but men who definitely wanted to fuck. After my usual routine: getting naked, wrapping a towel and placing the condoms, poppers, a Viagra blister and lube packs around my waist, I headed for the shower and started soaping, thinking Iā€™d go to the steam room, afterā€¦ When I opened my eyes, I had a vision of heaven: a man in his mid 50ā€™s, six four, around 220 pounds, crew cut, hairy, muscled and tattooed -- arms, chest and legs, pierced nipples, huge, thick cock, even soft as it was, hanging low, I thought due to weight of the thick PA thereā€¦, entering the shower room and absently nodding, with a faint smile surrounded by a walrus moustache which made me wanting to kiss him that same moment. One thing about me: when Iā€™m really into a guy, I tend to be colder and shy than to a guy that I ā€œjustā€ want to fuck withā€¦ I guess I feel Iā€™m unworthy of a god like the walrus man I had just seenā€¦ So, I just wrapped the towel back around my waist and left, trying to imagine a way to have this man closer to and inside of me, forgetting about my earlier plan to go the Turkish bath, I did not notice I was standing just outside the shower, blocking the way, until I felt this huge hand grabbing my whole shoulder and this low voice booming close to my ear ā€œexcuse meā€. I just trembled and my towel fell down, along with all the things I tucked thereā€¦ Bending over to catch everything back, I saw him kneeling beside me and helping me to gather everything, taking his time to return the pills to me, with a devilish smile I would get to know so much better, later onā€¦ He asked if I used to take Viagra to fuck and I just told replied, dry mouthed ā€œIā€™m into long sessions and staying hard is a good way to get themā€¦ā€. He gazed at me, locking my eyes into his, and, with that same smile, asked me if I would offer him one of the pills and he would trade it for something that would help me in a long session with himā€¦ Innocently, thinking the poppers Iā€™d brought would be enough, I wondered if he was talking about coke ā€“ I had tried that before and I always got a good trip with it, so I said ā€œSureā€. He lead me to a cabin where I could see he had some personal stuff, although I could not really identify everything thereā€¦ We climbed naked on the mattress and sat in front of each other kissing and feeling each otherā€™s bodies. He swallowed a V pill dry and he gave me an E, taking one himself. I thought ā€œNow, thatā€™s what he meant!ā€. I started sucking him while he started playing with my holeā€¦ Shortly, I started having that strob effect I have under E and that warmth that makes me sweat, turning my skin in that slippery hot sticky-not sticky surface that drives me wild, and with the poppers under my nostrils I was having much funā€¦ His thick fingers opening my hole, readying it for his huge cock which wouldnā€™t stop growing in my mouth, making it difficult for me to breath properlyā€¦ I could feel my throat getting wider and wider until I could feel his heartbeat though his cock head deep inside meā€¦ He told me to bend for him and started licking my hole, which was what I really needed at that pointā€¦ He inserted his finger quite deep, but, this time, instead of lube the feeling of getting fingered I felt a burning insideā€¦ Then, I really got hot. It seemed my hole was having an orgasm, almost like it produced its own lube, getting wider and craving to be filled. I noticed I started moaning, in a deep guttural way, and I heard him chuckle. I didnā€™t have to watch his face to know he was smiling ā€œthatā€ wayā€¦ I was feeling wired: his tongue on my ready-to-be-used hole, his fingers shooting electrical shocks wherever they touched. He was turning me in every way possible, his body sliding against mine. I know I licked every toe of his feet, I caressed his thick muscular veiny legs, I covered his hole with my tongue and saliva, I licked his pierced nipples and bitted them, as he demanded, I rubbed the back of his neck, while his meaty tongue was inside my mouth, but I donā€™t know the order of eventsā€¦ But I know that, in the end of it, my hole had gotten pluggedā€¦ He stopped and told me we should drink something and grabbed a bottle of water and drank from it. He delivered it to me and noticed my hesitationā€¦ Smiling that devilish smile I knew he was reading my mind: he placed his hard 9ā€ veiny cock in front of my mouth and started caressing my skull. He started to hum, and that humming was hypnotical to me. Like a music binding us in synchronicity. I opened my mouth in the same moment he started to piss. For the first time in my life I was able to drink all of it, managing to swallow with my mouth open and not spilling any of that hot golden liquid. I thought he would fuck my throat, after, but he laid in the mattress telling me to nest between his hard thick harm and his furry chest, feeling his deep fantastic scent. ā€œHowā€™s that hole?ā€, I replied that I could feel the buttplug like I never felt anything before. Apparently, I was wired not only on the outside, but also in mu gut. He removed the plug and I could feel my hole coming out, along the plug. I took the opportunity to climb on top of him, rubbing my hungry hole on that thick tool. His gaze was keeping me alert and awake, I could not break that stare. I was feeling I need not to speak to get fully understood by this masculine dominant yet quiet man. He told me ā€œGrab my stuffā€ with an even more devilish grin, if possibleā€¦ I managed to take a hold of everything not stopping to rub my hole in his cock. Knowing perfectly what I wanted he told me ā€œWait some more and you wonā€™t regret itā€. The tone he used, his hand on my face, his hard cock against my hole, lubing it with his precum made me ok with all the wait he would request, although, by then, I could beg to have him inside of me, using me for his pleasure. He took a glass pipe out of this pouch and asked me if I smoked. ā€œYesā€ I nodded and, smiling, he asked again ā€œDo you smoke?ā€. I think my smile matched his when I said ā€œI guess notā€. He lit his lighter and I watched a white smoke forming, trapped in the pipe. He inhaled the smoke and I watched mesmerized trying to count the times he inhaled the smokeā€¦ He put the pipe into my mouth and nodded, clearly wanting me to do the same. I swallowed the smoke and coughed it all outā€¦ He just looked at me and I knew I had to do a better job at it, and so I did. I took a few loads of smoke inside and when I was thinking of letting it out he placed a finger on my lips. My head was spinning with the chems inside of my systemā€¦ I started to get reddish and only after an eternity he let me exhale all the smokeā€¦ When I did, he grabbed my neck and pushed for what I thought would be a kiss. I opened my mouth, inviting his tongue inside. His tongue was not alone: he exhaled all the smoke he had still inside deep inside my mouth, throat and lungs! That made me climb to an even higher level of heat and hunger. When I asked him ā€œPlease, fuck meā€ my voice didnā€™t sound like my voice. The tone was even deeper to my regular tone, but what was different was the level of honesty: I never said anything before with some much truth. I wanted him deep inside of me. I needed to give him pleasure. That moment, I was breathing to give him joy. 100% selfish of me, I knew: that way, Iā€™d achieve bliss. ā€œItā€™s timeā€ he said, what sounded heavenly to me. He grabbed one of the condoms I brought with me and staring at me, asked me ā€œWhatā€™s this for?ā€. ā€œSafe sexā€. ā€œI donā€™t do safe. In fact, Iā€™m not safe. Iā€™m poz. Do you still want me fuck you?ā€. ā€œYes, I doā€. No hesitation, to my surprise. ā€œAre you sure? I wonā€™t pull out!ā€. ā€œYes, I am.ā€ Again, the honesty in my voice. And in my gaze. He smiled and nodded. ā€œBend overā€ and I never moved so fast, despite the haze I felt. I was breathing poppers when he placed the head of his cock in the entrance of my hole. My hole became a different entity: alive and pulsating, reaching out to engulf that hard dick inside. He put some white powder on the top of his veiny cock and pushed it all in, in one swift quick thrust. The burning sensation, again, along with the satisfaction of finally having him where he belonged made me reach an upper level. The lack of condom allowed me to feel his cock inside of me like nothing before. I could feel the enlarging meat, making me groan and move the way I knew ā€“ donā€™t know how I knew it ā€“ would make him have the highest pleasure fucking another manā€™s hole. I heard the lighter again and watched the white smoke descending in front of my face, making me aware he was hitting the pipe again. I knew he swallowed another V, even without actually seeing it. I knew it was another E he fed me, although my eyes were closed, that moment. I felt his cock getting harder and harder when he started to piss deep inside of me. It was like I could feel every squirt of piss, hot and chemically loaded on my inside walls. He managed to place a foot on my neck, submitting me to become his hole. His fingers rubbing my butt, his hands slapping my butt. ā€œTurn around! I want you to watch me when I shoot my charged load!ā€ My legs wrapped around his hard body, his rock hard abs pressing my own, his tongue filling my mouth. The humming sound, again. I think it was not an accident I shot my load when he started spasming, his throbbing cock shooting his own load, countless times, inside of me, filling me. He took his cock out and replaced it with the buttplug. ā€œTo make sureā€ he said, the devil smiledā€¦ ā€œWe need to be sureā€ I replied. Only then I could lick his cock. Still huge but softer. So easy to be engorged by a hungry mouth like mine. Again, we drank. He, from the bottle. Me, at the same time, out of my newly found favourite fountain. Panting, we rested, next to each other. His arm around me. My hand caressing his nipple. Our lips touching, exchanging our breaths. ā€œIā€™m going to stay with you for the next few daysā€ he announced. ā€œIt will be my pleasureā€ I replied. ā€œAfter all, we have to be sureā€. ā€œPedroā€ ā€œMiguelā€ I said ā€œand I love your smileā€.
    1 point
  40. Good girl anyone want to fuck this whore?
    1 point
  41. I know its not the usual thing to turn away tops or hot guys with big loads, but I guess I am a guy who thinks manners are important, I wont mess guys around and make a big effort to do exactly what I commit to and if I cancel it would certainly be before a guy had got around to douching let along collecting loads for me........
    1 point
  42. Well I'm making the move permanently to Atlanta in March.... I loved Manifest. Hopefully it'll be back and just as fun
    1 point
  43. So young and already toxic ... that's what the boys should be like šŸ˜œšŸ’€šŸ˜ˆ
    1 point
  44. spending all weekend in the bathhouse on gay pride weekend and taking over 150 loads from totally anonymous strangers including 92 loads in 24 hours from random bathhouse guys without seeing the faces of almost any of the guys who fucked me
    1 point
  45. 35. "So this is where you both been so much?" asked Blake towards Eric and Louis. "What is this place?" Lenny added. Eric and Louis looked towards each other and then to Tony and Aaron. Eric sighed deeply: "You sure they can handle the truth?" "Trust me. They can." replied Aaron with a smile. Louis started spitting out his confession fast. "Well, boys. The truth is me and Eric have been long unhappy with your mothers. Then we came into this place, met Tony and Aaron and discovered our hidden cravings and desires. Desires for mansex. Hard, filthy and perverted. This place is a tattoo and piercing parlor and a sex club all at once. This is where we spend so much time now. There. I just said it like it is!" He looked to Tony. He nodded. Both Eric and Louis looked at the boys for a few seconds before Eric asked: "So... what do you say? You wanted the truth and you got it." "Uhmmmm... I don't know what to say." Lenny said. "I mean... we love you and support you... but it's a bit too much to take all at once." "I understand. If you want you can take your time." said Eric. They stayed at the DEIMOS for around an hour... the two dads and sons were sitting by the bar, while Tony got each one a pint of beer. They were talking it out. "Uhm..." Blake laughed nervusly after a long and overwhelming conversation. "I... I... I like your tattoo and piercing actually dad." he laughed towards Eric. "I saw the tatt while you were changing, it looks badass." "Does it mean you're poz?" asked Lenny and added: "I read that somewhere." "Yes it does. But don't worry. Me and Louis have access to meds if we need them." sighed Eric. "Hmmmm... ok." "You know... if you boys wanted any tatts or piercings... Tony and Aaron here would do it for free." "Really?! That'd be amazing!" The boys said. Tony and Aaron both nodded. Let me know what you think.šŸ˜ˆšŸ·ā˜£
    1 point
  46. As Trevor's body and mind reacted forcefully to Daddy's ramming the thick 6" dildo in the pig's relaxed and increasingly hungry hole, it was more from the shock and surprise than anything else. Hell!! The tweaked out little fucker had already had so many booty bumps, coated fingers and shards in his pussy along with all the hits from the pipe, there was no fucking way he could feel much lingering pain from the dildo. Although I knew that when Daddy's FAT throbbing hard and bare cherry-popper pierced the pig, his pain would be intense and blinding for the first few moments. Even experienced (and eager!) holes like mine still had some discomfort on Daddy's initial entry. But then, every time, taking another hit or two and letting my hole transmit the pure sensual lust Daddy's cock created throughout my body I always enjoyed the ride. I was excited to see the sub pig's transformation and acceptance when he had that long hard unmedicated poz daddy dick in his guts! We were getting close to that point and my cock twitched with the anticipation. I held the boi firmly by the shoulders as I ordered him to keep sucking on the glass pipe, soothing him with my voice...telling him how horny it made our Daddy to be using his hole like this...letting him know how hot he looked, covered in sweat, his hairy muscled legs pulled back and watching the dildo slide in and out of his greedy pig hole as the Tina turned his mind to the fullness between his legs. A fullness he had never known or felt but one which he would crave more and more as the night and weekend went on. As I saw his body and mind begin to relax and enjoy this new sensation, I leaned down and licked his sweaty neck and ran my tongue inside his ear and whispered to him, "Yeah, pig baby....that's it....give in to it. See? The pain doesn't last but the fucking pleasure lasts and lasts. And you know what?" I asked as I relit the pipe for him. "It's our hot fucking leather stud Daddy who's the one who brings you the pleasure. He wants you to enjoy giving your body and your hole to him....he only wants you to enjoy it as much as he does! Pleasure and Daddy...they go together pig." I pulled the pipe away from his lips and drew in the remaining swirling smoke as I watched Trevor blow out a huge cloud then begin to murmur, but loud enough for me and Daddy both to hear his chemmed chant, "pleasure...Daddy....Daddy..pleasure.....mmmmmmm". Then, as if a switch had been thrown, he arched his back and pushed his ass into the inward thrust of the dildo, crying out. "Fuck yeah Daddy Sir! It feels so DAMN good! Oh gawd, fuck my pig hole with that dildo...yeah...shove it deep! Just like that..fuck YEAH!!" Daddy shoved the dildo in harder making the cunt whimper and said, "My little pig's hole is getting hungrier and hungrier isn't it? Never had anything even as big as this dildo in that sweet young virgin hole of yours have you?" 'Never, Daddy! I never thought I could like it,...but OMG I fucking love it!!" Daddy's voice remained seductive and inviting but the demon in his eyes when he looked at me and smiled oh so wickedly, made my cock throb and ooze a big pool of poz precum. "Look at my other pig's big hard wet cock! It turns him on knowing you're liking what Daddy is doing to your hole. Don't let his juices go to waste pig. Suck his cockhead and take that precum into your belly. Trust me, his precum is delicious and very special". Trevor turned his face to his right where my achingly hard cock had been rubbing against his cheek, smearing it with precum. With a hungry growl he parted those fucking fantastic lips, sealed them just under the mushroom head of my dick and I felt his tongue begin swirling across my piss slit, lapping up every dirty toxic drop of my precum. "Oh fuck yeah slut!", I said. "Your mouth feels so damn good! Suck that cokc, just like Daddy told you to. Do whatever Daddy tells you to and we'll all have one hell of an unforgettable weekend!" The pig boi hummed around the first couple inches of my cock as he continued fucking his hole into the dildo thrusts. This went on for a good five minutes when he finally took his mouth off my cock and looked at Daddy with eyes raging with lust and as dark as hell and pleaded with him..."More, Daddy! I need more. Something to fill my sub pig cunt deeper, wider! I can't fucking get enough! Please Daddy! I am your pig boi and I'm here to serve and please you.....but...OH GAWD!!" he yelled out as Daddy rammed the dildo in hard and twisted it. "I want to please you Daddy, but my hole is so hungry! I'm sorry Daddy". I was sucking on his hard sweaty hair-covered nipple as he said this and smiled around the nub in my mouth when I heard him, then heard Daddy's response. "There's nothing to be sorry for, boi. Your hunger IS pleasing Daddy. It's making Daddy so hard and wet. Here, feel it", he said and I could see him as he pulled out the dildo and let just the wet leaking tip of his cock teasingly touch the unsavable pig's hole. "Feel that, boi? That's how hard and wet you've made Daddy by wanting what Daddy wants to give you." Daddy gyrated his hips slightly and stepped just a bit closer touching the pig's unprotected hole with the full flatness of his cockhead. "You like that pig? You like Daddy's hard cock pressing against your cunt lips like that? The cock that YOU made so hard!" "Oh yes, Sir Daddy! It feels so much bigger than it did in my mouth. Soooooooo big....mmmm". Daddy knew he was almost there. "And you want something bigger than the dildo I've been using on you, don't you?" "YES!! Bigger! Thicker, longer! To feel my hole completely. I need to be filled Sir. Please. Do you have another toy that you can slide inside me that's as big as your dick?!" Daddy slid another couple tina coated fingers into the hyped up soon-to-be-pregnant cock slut pig, making him moan and spread his legs wider. "I have just the 'TOY' for you boi. I think you'll want it but it's going to hurt going in at first. It's a LOT bigger than the dildo." "That's what I want Daddy! A LOT bigger! Please Daddy...give it to me.....let me feel your toy in my hole! I NEED it!!" Daddy leaned forward causing his wet cockhead to again tease Trevor's wet hole. Daddy stared into the pig boi's black eyes and said, "If that's what you want pig, then Daddy's going to give you just what you want. Get ready slut!"
    1 point
  47. Part 3 I tried to get comfortable in the confines of the cage, but I was too large for it. I could kneel, bent over, but the wire bottom dug painfully into my knees. I eventually settled on my side in the fetal position. I tried to rest, but I was so wired I just lay there, my mind spinning. It had been less than 12 hours since I was a cocky teen God, lording my perfection over the leather queens. Now here I was, in a cage, having been chemed up, brutally raped for hours, and plugged with a gut full of God only knows whose cum. My asshole throbbed around the plug, burning and raw, yet all I could think about was getting more cock. Suddenly a large t.v. turned on and I turned my head to see what was up. To my horror, there I was on screen, bound in the sling, getting fucked like there was no tomorrow. I instantly realized my predicament. My fate was truely out of my hands. The crazy thing was the more I watched my rape, the more I wanted to be fucked. My asshole instinctively clenched and sucked on the plug buried in me. I was truely transforming into a jock slut. After what must have been a few hours of watching myself be ravaged, my new Master came back into the room. He carried a glass pipe and held it up to my mouth through the cage. I didn't even hesitate as he lit the bowl. I sucked the sweet white smoke deep into my lungs, and soon was spinning again. Opening the cage he reached in and fastened a collar around my neck, attaching a leash to it and pulled me out of the cage. I started to stand and was immediately floored with a hard kick right on my nuts with his steel toed boots. "I didn't tell you to stand, whore!" he admonished me as I writhed in pain on the floor. "Let me explain what's what. I own you pig! I did my research, I know everything about you, and I know you have no family in this city. I know your estranged from your parents back in Nebraska, so they won't miss you. I have someone emptying out your apartment, and I know enough people to make you "dissapear". In a couple days we are out of here, back to where I live, where you will be nothing more than my fucked up, jock slut, cumdump slave. At least till I tire of you, or wear you out...whichever comes first. The last slave lasted 4 years till he was so used up and worthless, I dumped him in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't even sell him. What became of him, I don't know or care. But he wasn't the prime specimen you are! You're going to please me well!" I shuddered as I fully realized what I was becoming. But somehow I wanted it. Last night taught me something new about myself I never knew. I WAS born to be a fucked up cumdump! Master reached behind me and yanked out the plug, releasing a flood of cum. Quickly he rammed a syringe in my jockcunt and injected more T into my body, then quickly jammed the plug back in me. He then tossed me some clothing and told me to get dressed, it was time for my next adventure.
    1 point
  48. I am never hard while being fucked. It IS all about the hard cock in my ass. I want to make it feel welcome wanted and cum.
    1 point
  49. Took my very first poz load last night 2/15/13 I did not plan to take a poz load or get pozzedā€¦I met a guy at the bar last night..took him homeā€¦.He had white to snort. We pnpā€™d and then while he was fucking me he asked if I liked it bb and if I was ok taking a poz load. It was a shock at first but I was turned on by it and said yesā€¦it felt awesome when he came in meā€¦now I think I will be taking more poz loads, I liked itā€¦
    1 point
  50. barebacked my buddy last night with a very hot black guy. the other guy was "condom-only" but while I was barebacking my buddy I kept telling the 3rd guy "just slip your cock inside of his ass for a minute... it's what he wants... it's feels so good..." and i talked the 3rd guy not only into barebacking my buddy but breeding his ass as well - and then i added my own load of dna. a nice way to spend a snowy evening.
    1 point
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