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  1. I was one of those horny teens seduced into letting a poz and toxic cock into me the first time I ever bottomed. A few weeks later, I got sick. And years later, I've recruited hundreds into my army. Let's rewind a bit. It was in the midst of summer ball for my senior year of high school. I was poised to be one of the studs for my high school football team. My older brother was the star QB who just went off to college and finished his freshman year. He joined one of the university's top frats and endured a tough hazing process (most of which he didn't tell me till later). My coach was a big fan of my brother. He was one of those give is 110% kind of guys. Stays late to get an extra pump in. Kept the team in line through intimidation. And my older bro was one of those typical high school jocks. Always walking around the locker-room in his slightly used jock. Thinking about the next time he could fuck his girl. A horny mother fucker. I looked up to him for many reasons, and this was one of them. That summer, my coach was on my ass. He expected me to be the guy. He expected me to be my brother. Problem was, I just wasnt as good as he was. I wasn't as aggressive or tough. And my coach was determined to change that. He worked me HARD during the first days of two a days. He made me (along with a few other seniors) get there early to lift before practice and had us run after. He had me in the film room every night. It was a grind, and I was wearing thin. My brother was home from college, so he often got to hear me complain about my coach and about practices. At first, he told me to suck it up. But then, he told me "hey bro, why don't we have a bro weekend. Just me and you. We can drink some, watch some games, and practice some." Needing this time off, wanting to hang with my bro before he head back to college, and the thought of drinking (which I had done very little of) sold me. That weekend, we went off to our parent's cabin about an hour away. During the day, my brother and I passed the ball around, ran sprints, lifted, played some video games. We began watching games and drinking some. The whole time, my bro was texting someone on his phone. I had assumed it was his girl, so I didn't think much of it.My brother said he needed to pick up some more beers from the store, a solid hour round trip. In the mean time, I continued sipping on the beer sort of feeling the buzz working. Then, I heard a knock on the door. Our cabin is pretty secluded and you need to know where to go in order to get there, so it had to be someone we knew. I opened the door, and I was terrified to see my coach standing there. I thought my starting time would be ripped away from me when he found out I was drinking. Instead, he laughed, said my bro invited him to watch football with us, and to finish my beer and he'll get the next one. I chugged my beer, he went to the kitchen to pour the next one out. Although I hadn't drank much before, and I didn't totally know what it was like to be buzzed, I could tell there was a difference in the drink he gave me. All of my senses were heightened, while my mind focused. As we watched the games, just coach and I, I could smell his musk from a few feet away. The more I drank, the stronger the scent became. Then, I noticed my coach put his arms around me. Once again, I could tell my senses were heightened, as I could feel him rub my muscles, chuckling with how tense I was. He told me to relax boy, that he was just getting the knots out. When I was done with the drink, he told me to finish his, and I did. His scent grew stronger, and I noticed the bulge in his pants. He noticed mine grow too. He pulled a bottle of poppers out of his bag, asked me if I knew what they were. I said no. He said you just sniff them and theyll help you to relax more, to focus more. I listened and huffed some. Then I felt his hands move from my shoulders to my chest, to my bulge. With no objections, he pulled my shorts down to reveal my jock. Took my cock out and started to worship it. I had only hooked up with girls before this (jerked to dudes a few times), but no girl I was with had ever been able to deep throat me like my coach was able to. My coach blew me for about 10 minutes before getting his own cock out. It was a solid 7.5-8 inch girthy uncut cock. It was dripping with precum. Every 5 minutes, my coach would shove the poppers back under my nose getting me higher than I already was. He moved his tongue from my cock to my hole. Making me feel every lick. Then, his cock was rubbing on my hole. Another hit. His head was inside me. Another hit. He slid further in. One more hit, he was balls deep inside. He started pumping faster and faster inside me. The poppers and drugs he slipped in my drink helped me open up. After 10 minutes, he burst inside, not even asking where I wanted his seed. He slid his cock out and we plopped on the couch, breathing heavily. A few minutes later, after our shorts were back on, my brother came back. He said hey to coach, cocked a smile when he noticed the empty drinks, the poppers, and the sweat we worked up. He went to his room and came back out with a plug. He threw it to me and said "Bro, if you want to be a stronger man, you're going to want to keep every drop inside you. Let coach absorb into you, and make you more a man." I kept coaches load inside me all night. Little did I know, it was changing my DNA. Making me one of his own. Weeks later, when I got sick and missed the opening game, I remember my coach smiling as I told him I wouldnt be able to play because I had the flu.
    16 points
  2. Chapter 7: *Showtime PrEP continues* First out came the hair clippers. He switched them on and removed all my Ass hair down to stubble, during which time I continued to fly into the next universe. Continuing to be an actual PiG in heat, frequently grunting in euphoric pleasure. - You keep yourself nice and clean down there Stevie. Good a boy should look after himself. And I fully intend to make sure you are very well looked after tonight. - Uh huh. Out came a standard beard razor. He spat a few times on his fingers and smeared his spit around and onto my now VERY eager cunt-hole. I screamed in ecstasy as my entire body physically shuddered, as did my inner being. The Boss chuckled to himself. He knew exactly how this night was going to pan out. He carefully shaved my boi-cunt until it was now properly smooth. I was 'almost' ready for the crowd I would be dancing for tonight. He leaned in and slowly began to very slowly lick me. Sweet mother of fucking Jesus. Those first few licks sent me into the next universe where I was pinging at an intense speed from star to star, for what felt like eternity. I was SCREAMING the fucking place down. If I was single, and met this man in a bar, I would not have given him a second thought, nor chance. So not my type. Yet, here I was! He came back up, and told me pull my own butt cheeks apart and keep holding them until he said otherwise. I again did as I was told, and looked down at his face as he continued to get me ready, just perfectly so. He placed the razor very close to my anus, when an aggressive expression took hold of his face, and he dug the razor in, purposefully cutting me. He repeated this process on the other side of my anus. Two cuts enough to cause some mild bleeding. - That feels a bit sore Boss. What happened down there. - Oh, just some stubborn hairs that wouldn't shift Stevie-boy. Don't worry. You are beautifully smooth down there now. That wasn't the real reason. He was making sure I was going onto stage thoroughly PrEP'ed. 😈 He took out a toothbrush from his bag, and started to brush it very softly over my now completely hairless NEG-Virgin Ass. OH FUCK ... That was feeling too GOOD! Once again I was in that next universe pinging from star to star as I continued my piggy 🐷 grunts of intense euphoria. He only done that for about 1 minute as he still had quite a bit to do to get me ready. - C'mon Stevie, get up, time to get you showered. Follow me. I got up, and as I walked behind him I felt like I was literally floating on air. I could not wait to DANCE! He turned on the shower and in I hopped. As the water hit my skin I was pinging from star to star again. It felt incredibly amazing. Water hitting my skin had never felt like this before. My nighttime Boss put a bucket in the shower, and grabbed hold of the douche. It was time to make sure there was absolutely no barrier between dirTy t☢️xic filThy DNA, and my unprotected cunt flesh. - Right Stevie, I am going to squirt some water up your ass now, and when I do, I want you to hold it for a few seconds, then sit on the bucket, and let it go. Okay!? - Yes Boss. We repeated this action a few times until my soft velvety NEG-Virgin insides were clean as a whistle, and ready to be contaminated with what was best for me, if I knew what was right for me. He poured the bucket contents down the toilet, gave my boi-cunt hole a quick wash and rinse, and threw me a towel. - Dry yourself up Steve-boy, and come to the living room where I and your custom made outfit will be waiting for you. - Yes Boss. As I was left alone, and dried myself, I actually now discovered that all my senses were super heightened. I felt fucking invincible and was ready to Dance ALL night. As the towel brushed over my nipples I noticed that they were rock hard, and poking right out, as though it was freezing cold or something. But I was nice and warm. My entire body was clearly ON-HEAT! I went into Aiden's living room, where I was thrown my custom made shorts especially for this event. They were exactly like the ones he had me try on a few nights ago; Still neoprene, still had the backside that unzipped for easy access. However, these were a different colour; completely black, and across the front part of the waist-band spelled out 'Stevie-boy' in a bright Orange. I felt excited. A thoughtful gifT! I tried them on, and they fit perfectly. They framed my pert round peachy ASS wonderfully! 🍑 - Thank you Boss. I Love them. - You are welcome Stevie. A little memento for you to keep for always, as a small reminder of your first night dancing here, where you potentially might become a regular feature during your stay. Now stand up, I need to put these on you. I stood up, and he attached to my brand new standing to attention nipples a set of stainless steel nipple clamps. He stood back to admire me. - Oh yes. My customers are going to have a very enjoyable evening. OK, two more things to do, and you'll be ready for showtime. He got a RED permanent marker pen and wrote on my back. Starting between my shoulder blades he wrote; NEG PIG. Then in the centre of my back he wrote; POZ ME! Underneath he drew an arrow to my coccyx. A very simple message for the private party goers downstairs, who were by now drinking Beer as they waited for the young NEG Englishman to come down so they could do what PIGGY acts they wanted to with him. 🍆💦👊💦 - Okay. One final touch. Lie on your back on the couch Stevie, legs in the air, and SPREAD them! He knelt before me again, unzipped my brand new custom made shorts, picked up the toothbrush that he was softly brushing over my anus earlier, and slid it inside my ass. He spent a good 5 minutes giving my soft velvety insides a good firm brushing. When he was done he zipped me up, got me to stand up, and MADE me look at the toothbrush. It was bloodied. - Why did you do that Boss? - Just want to make sure you are super ready for your Dance performance. God, how damn naive was I. It had nothing to do with my Dancing! I wasn't even here to dance, was I. That was all just one big ruse. He popped the handle of the bloodied toothbrush between my skin and waist-band to my neoprene dance shorts. Well, really they were quite simply neoprene FUCK-shorts. I clearly had a lot to learn!
    15 points
  3. TWF Chapter 1 I started to think coming to this place was a bad idea. I didn’t get this feeling when we were telling two eyes staring out of a sliding peep hole in the door the password to get in, or when we were descending the rust metal spiral staircase into the darkness below. Nor when we stood in the dimly lite locker room that looked as if it was straight out of a horror movie. It wasn’t until I was standing in my frayed jock strap and combat boots on the makeshift viewing stands that enclosed an old wrestling ring. We, myself and my partner in crime Dan, were in the front row leaning on the wooden rail watching other men, dressed in jocks and boots just like us filling the stands. “What is this place,” I asked Dan. “You will see,” was his reply. The ring looked as if this was its last days and would soon be home in a dump. The ropes were unraveling and looked as if they would let someone fly out if they were hurled into them. The mat had worn spots all over and dark stains all around it, which I assumed was dried blood. What stood out the most to me was the huge black scorpion in the middle with a red plus sign in its stinger. “What’s the scorpion mean,” I asked Dan “You will see,” he replied again The stands was filling up quickly with men dressed in jocks and boots and soon the lights over the stand went out, casting darkness all around. The ring was soon flooded with bright lights, so focused on the ring that the stands were still shadowed in darkness. “Chasers and Gifters, welcome to the TWF:The Toxic Wrestling Federation. The line up tonight are going to be brutal. It’s going to be life changing. It’s going to keep you hard and leaking, wanting more and more” “Our first battle is between a twink who weighs maybe 20 pounds soaking wet and The Executioner. Our second match is a tag team match between a couple who have been together for twenty years and Dr. Death and Reaper” “Fuck we are in for a treat tonight” I heard someone say in the darkness behind me. I looked over at Dan, he was bent forward with his ass pushed back framed by the straps of his jock. The man behind him was slowly dragging his finger up and down his crack. I couldn’t believe it, Dan was shy about anything sexual when out but here he had a stranger stroking his crack. Dan reaches down and pulled a brown bottle from his sock, twisted off the cap causing a little hiss. He held it under his nose and inhaled deep. Seeing me watching he pulled me down until I was leaning on the railing and pushed the bottle under my nose. Having hit poppers before, I breathed deep and rode the rush. “Fuckers, entering the ring is our challenger, known as Twinky!” I watched as this short small framed guy enter the ring. He was no taller than five foot and was about a hundred pounds. He was super lean and completely smooth. He was dressed only in a skimpy posing strap like the ones bodybuilders wear. He was walking the ring pulling his posing strap up as he circled the ref, waving at the crowd of men. “And now fuckers entering the ring is our champion— The Executioner” My eyes widened and my mouth fell open as I watch a beast of a man enter the ring. He was massive! He towered over the twink by at least a foot and a half and out weighed him by a hundred fifty pounds! His muscles body was covered in tattoos which made every muscle look even bigger and every vein stand out! His face was half covered by an executioner’s mask, hence his name. My mouth started to water when I saw his crotch. He wore a jock so ragged that I could see most of his thick shaft. His pouch was so packed it was pushed out so far that when he turned to the side you could see his cock and balls. As he flexed his muscles, his cock would flex and push out more from his body. My hand slide down my abs and squeezed my own cock, as if my hand had a mind of its own. My other hand grabbed the brown bottle from Dan and took a deep hit. I felt the man behind me push himself against my back, his pouch against my naked ass. I turned to see but couldn’t make out much from the dark. “Just getting a better view” he whispered in my ear. I pushed my ass back and turned my gaze back to the ring. The ref had both contestants in the middle of the ring, I guess explaining the rules. I still couldn’t take my eyes off the Executioner. As he turn I looked directly into his dark eyes. As they locked I felt a chill run down my spine. His eyes looked dead inside. As I stared, he winked and then shot his middle finger in the air at me. I jumped a little, feeling the pouch against my ass bounce. My mind wondered - did he really lock eyes with me or was that just my imagination. I tried to blow it off, but felt that our eyes connected. Both men in the ring went to a corner as I shook off what I though just happen as the man behind me pushed his crotch into my bare ass. “So many men in this room lives will change tonight” he said in my ear. I focused my eyes forward. “Maybe I will get to change yours” he said in my ear again I could feel his cock expanding as it was nestled in my crack “I’ve help so many reluctant men, confused men, and men who didn’t have a clue what I was doing, change” “I’ve set countless free!” I could feel sweat forming on my body as I focused forward, eyes locked on the ring. A ding from the ringside bell echo in the room, but was quickly drowned out from the cheering crowd of men. The twink rushes out of his corner towards the Executioner, only to meet his forearm and slam backwards on the mat. Fuck, it was hard to watch as the boy clothesline himself! As he lay there on the mat, an evil grin formed on the face of the Executioner. Reaching down, his massive fist grabbed the boy by his hair and bring him to his feet. The suddenly the boy was lifted high above the Executioner’s head. The Executioner turn slowly to allow the crowd to see the boy. A blood curdling scream pieced the night as the boy was dropped to the mat, face first. I watched as the boy bounce and his nose hit the mat again and blood shot out onto the mat. It was a brutal move. The executioner moved to the boy’s feet, jumped high and landed flat on the boy’s back. His massive bulge slammed into the boys ass, his chest hit the back of the boy’s head and it went nose first into the mat. His exhaling, shot more blood from his nose. The ref dropped to the mat by the two and started counting slowly as he hit the mat by the boy’s head. As he got to nine the crowd started to go wild. The ref hit ten and announced the match was over. “You are going to love the next part,” Dan said to me. What more could they do to the twink?
    14 points
  4. Chapter 6: *Preparing for Showtime* I crawled over to him, very slowly as I was now feeling super sexy and extremely horny. I was now flying! I wanted that crawl to last as long as I could make it last. Once I arrived to my destination I grabbed hold of his Dick and eagerly licked up the remnants of his creamy salty spunk. As I did, my boyfriend Lew was trying to call me. I knew it was him as I recognised the video-call tone, and he was the only one I video-chatted with. My reaction was to simply look up at Nesto's cocky satisfied smile as I enjoyed my cleaning work. - Right. We have to leave in 10 buddy. Bring anything you need, and lets go. I scurried around in my high state getting what I needed. The obvious things; Phone. Wallet. Keys. Oh, and toothbrush in case for whatever reason I didn't get home before bed time. I like to have clean teeth. A few minutes to 9 and off we set to my first GoGo Boi gig here in Boston. We arrived a few minutes early, and rotund club owner Aiden buzzed us both in. - Good to see you here on time Stevie. You are looking pretty sweaty. Did you run? *He asked jokingly* - No, well, Nesto here gave me a hiT of GHB. - Aaaaahhhh, did he now. I cannot have you go on stage covered in sweaT. We'll need to get you showered. - I knew I could rely on you Nezzie. What time did he receive the dose I instructed you to give him? Did you bring my stuff. - 8.05pm! Yeah, here you go bro. Listen, I gotta run, shit to do. - See you at the After Party later Nezzie-boy. So they DID know each other. How naive was I to this entire situation. And now, it was all set up perfectly, in time for some last moment preparations for the piece of nasTy Fuck-Meat in waiting. Aiden was a real jolly chap, nicknaming everyone he came across with a cute shortened version. Stevie. Nezzie. - Okay. Now we need to prepare you for your stage outfit, so, I am going to need you to strip naked, and sit on the couch here. - Yes Boss. - Good boy. You remember your place. I stripped naked, and my reserved nature from a few days ago had completely dissipated. I sat on the couch as told to, and waited to see what my new nighttime Boss would do next. He examined his array of packages he had just received, and pulled out a syringe. He reached for a tourniquet that was lying on his coffee table and he wrapped it around my upper arm, with a cushion underneath to support that arm, telling me to squeeze my hand. He tapped a vein and directed the needle. - What are you giving me? I don't like needles! I might have been high, but my phobia of needles was still there. - Awwwwwwwweeee. Don't worry Stevie. Just a tiny scratch and it will be all over in a second. You can close your eyes if you think it will help you. I did just that. I didn't want to look. He was right, just a quick tiny scratch sensation, and it was over. In went the mystery drug. I took a short sharp gasp, my eyes opened quickly and wide, my heart raced, I was breathing heavily, I was sweating heavily, and fuck, I felt on top of this world, like I was flying into the next universe. Aiden watched on as I writhed about on his couch rubbing myself all over in a piggy frenzy. Still an anal virgin I suddenly felt an intense urge to get fucked. How could this be. I am a Top! Maybe by the end of the night that would read as; 'I was a Top'. I wriggled myself to the edge of the couch, and lay back flinging my legs in the air, keeping them in the air as I held onto behind my thighs for support. - And that is the joys of meTh Stevie. It brings out the real you. And you happen to have one very hairy cunt-hole. We need to get that sorted out before you go on stage. - But I thought you had designated an outfit for me!? - You do have an outfit. But, I like my Dancers to go out looking and feeling their very best. Know what I mean Stevie-boy!? - Uh huh. Where are the other Dancers? - Oh, last minute change to schedule. It's just you tonight. But don't worry, you still only have to do just the hour, and I'll still pay you $200 as promised. I'll be right back. Stay in that position. I know I had been very firm with my nighttime Boss telling him that the audience were not to touch me, but fucking hell, I was out of my head, and badly needed to get a damn good fucking. Now I WOULD allow my audience to do what they want with me. Maybe the Boss would find that unprofessional of me!? After-all, I am new. Maybe I might just after my show go over to the most handsome Man in the crowd, and get him to take me home where he could literally fuck my brains out. The Boss came back with a small bag, and knelt by my hairy-NEG-Virgin Ass.
    11 points
  5. Chapter Five: ~ *I cheated on my Lew* Friday had arrived. What would this entire day bring? I set about my new daily routine; Get ready for work, go to work, come home. I was home for 7pm. Only 1 Hour before Nesto would be arriving with my assistance for the evening. I quickly had my shower, then hurriedly ate my take away that I grabbed on the way home (I only ate a little of it), alongside getting some convenience provisions from a mini-store. 7.55pm! Only 5 minutes to spare! I sat on my couch, feeling nervous. All these new things were happening, and I was completely out of my comfort zone. I sat there, heart racing, palms sweating, and generally fidgeting. *BUZZ* ~ Nesto had arrived. I let him in via the intercom. - Come on up. The door will be open, let yourself in. I sat down on my couch, and continued my nervous wait. I heard footsteps, and the closing of my door. He walked into my living room confidently, looked at me and gave me an arrogant and unnerving smirk, and strutted to my kitchen. Not a word was spoken. Fuck. A strange man in my home wandering about not saying anything, my GoGo Boi gig later; I was suddenly overcome with mixed emotions, and my nervousness was becoming worse. I wanted to cancel, but I didn't want to let down Aiden, and it would be nice to make some new friends via fellow dancers in my new temporary city of residence. Nesto walked into my living room with two glassed of cola; - Drink this. Down it in one. I necked it quickly. It tasted salty. He handed me the second glass. - Now drink this. Down in one again. This time is tasted just like regular cola. - Good boy. Have you ever taken GHB before? - No. No. Can't say I have. - The first drink had it in it. The second one was simply to chase it down with. He sat in the opposite corner of the room in the armchair, lit up a joinT, and began smoking. We chatted, and chatted, all the while he was rubbing his crotch. After about 15 minutes after my hiT of GHB I started to fly. Oh wowzers! 🤪 I instinctively stood up quickly, and felt a bit dizzy ... - Kneel on the floor until it fully kicks in PiG-boy. I did as he said. I guess he must know best. He stood up himself, walked to where I was kneeling. There was a round wet patch in his on his light coloured tracksuit bottoms in the crotch area. He pulled them down to reveal a fully erect, heavily pre-cumming uncut Dick. - Now suck it. - But ... - But what? - I'm in a long term trusting monogamous relationship. I can't. Sorry. As I was coming up on the drugs, I was fighting hard to hold onto my usual morals, and was only just managing to remain faithful to my Lew back home. This rough looking Puerto Rican fucker commanded I kneel up straight, and clasp my hands behind my back. Then, I was ordered to open my mouth as wide as I could, and keep it like that. With his beautiful Dick bouncing around (which I had to resist) he bent down grabbing hold of my chin, looking me directly into my eyes. - You have to pay for what I just gave you somehow. I cannot go on giving everything away. Then how would I eat!? As he finished speaking he laughed arrogantly, spitting inside of my mouth a few times. He stood up, pushed the base of his throbbing erect Dick so it was pointing directly towards my mouth, then in it went, almost all the way, with my mouth still very much wide open. - Close your mouth, PiG. 🐷 It closed, with my lips 👄 wrapping around his warm throbbing shaft. It felt great, and now my GHB hiT was getting harder resulting in me now feeling completely relaxed, and, becoming sexually aroused, too. He held the back of my head with both hands, and began pumping his thick solid Dick. First slowly, gradually building up into a steady decent paced rhythm. I know he had been fucking my face for a while, as I was drooling all over the rug. He abruptly withdrew, and stood back, looking at me, laughing. - If you want more of that, you have to BEG! - Please let me suck on your Dick again. Please. - That did not sound like you really want it. - PLEEEEEASE. PLEEEEEASE. I beg you. I want to suck your Dick again. PLEEEEEEEEEASE. I want you to fuck my face just how you were a moment ago. - Oh no. No, the pace has changed PiG-boi. And he was being serious. He slammed back into my mouth, and there was no steady face-fuck, this was now a full on aggressive face fuck, pounding to the back of my throat. Each time after about 20 of his merciless power-thrusts I would be coughing and spluttering, spewing more of my saliva onto the rug. I'd only just moved in! He pounded away like this for several minutes until he was ready to shoot his dirTy load down my gullet. His final leg of power thrusts ended after about 10 short sharp thrusts. He held on tight to the back of my head, THEN ... *SQUIRT* 💦💦💦💦 I felt his Dick twitch inside my mouth, and the first squirt of his hot salty sperm hit the back of my throat. And that was the beginning of his ejaculation which went on for quite a while. After the first several rounds of his semen were shot directly down my throat I had to breath, and again found myself coughing and spluttering, so the remainder of his load got pumped into my mouth. He ordered me to keep my mouth shut, and to swallow ALL he was kindly giving me. Once unloaded and done he shuffled (tracksuit around his ankles) over to where he was sitting a moment ago, and sat down. - I think it is time that PiG-faGGot that has a belly full of my high quality Puerto Rican sperm came over and licked my Dick clean. NOW CRAWL!
    11 points
  6. The boyfriend and I were having a typical boring Sunday. I was cooking in the kitchen and he was watching TV and chatting with boys on Grindr, getting the typical pic collectors and flakes. So we were not expecting much. We figured we would make dinner get each other off and go to bed, not anything super exciting. After I was in the kitchen for while he comes in asking questions about how much longer the soup will take, and if it is ready to start to simmer; he has his phone in hand with Grindr open. He quickly confirms my suspicions that he has found an horny boy that wants to come over and it’s more of a right now situation. I see one pic and am totally in. There is a few more messages swapped and am told the slut is on his way. I then ask what he is in to? And am informed he is looking to suck cock. The cock sucker arrives within minutes. He is much more of a bro than I expect, and it makes sense why my man asked me to put on “non-showtunes music.” After about 20 minutes of slightly tedious conversation ranging from football, to travel, to hiking he pipes up and asked “do you want head?” I’m thinking “finally!’ Within no time out pants are around our ankles and he’s on his knees swapping between our cocks. For some reason it’s taking me a minute to get into it, and my cock is not getting hard as a rock as soon as he gets his mouth on my dick. But I stick with it and tweet my nipples and jet it some while I watch him suck on my mans huge cock. He moves back to my now semi hard cock, I continue to tweet my nips and my man plays with our new friends ass. This has the desired effect on our new friend. He looks up and asks “do you have any lube? Wanna fuck my ass?” No mention of condoms, perfect. Before I can respond he’s on all fours in front of the couch and my boyfriend is hanging me lube and poppers. As I lube up my cock and line it up to his hole my boyfriend takes his place in front of the slut and continues to get his dick sucked, I poke around and finally hit the right spot and slide my 8 inches in to the hilt. The boy has done this before no doubt. I start fucking away, get into a rhythm, and take a hit from the poppers. Before I know it he pulls off my boyfriends cock turns around to speak, and I’m worried he is gonna tell me to slow down or go easy, but he just askes to confirm “you’re on prep, right?” We reply In unison “yeah.” This is game on for the bro and he surprises the fuck out of me, telling me to “blast inside” and that he “wants my fucking cum.” This pushes me over the edge and breed his ass within a minute. I wipe my cock off and sit in the chair when my cock is replaced with my boyfriends super thick one. They try a few positions before he gets on his back face to face with my boyfriend legs spread wide begging for more cum. It’s a hot show. He is begging and moaning, has us take some video on his phone of his hole getting fucked. Then is soon rewarded with load two. as quickly as he arrives he is gone. But he is gonna be in town for a few weeks so here is hoping we can breed his very willing hole again.
    9 points
  7. - Look, it's 10.25pm, time to make our way to the stage entrance. My customers do not like to be kept waiting. C'mon Stevie-boy. Are you ready for Chapter 8 you filThy PiGs? 🐷 😈 Showtime ~ The c☣️nversion gang-bang ☣️rgy will be with you shortly! ☢️
    8 points
  8. Part 45; - What is it you want from me Charlie? - I want you to Fuck me. I looked at my face in the mirror, with tears, yet, expressionless. My loose and battered piece of very well used meaty boy-cunt still had some more immediate work to be done, - You want what? - PLEASE Fuck me Doctor. PLEASE. Do with me what you must. I am a nasTy faGGot-PiG that needs to learn how to please my superiors, and satisfy their needs before my own. As I uttered those words he stuck 4 fingers from each of his hands into my mouth merely to use it as a support, USING my inner cheeks so he could now pick up his pace of fucking and pound into me with pure EVIL HATRED! - Not only do you need to learn to completely submit to your superiors, you also need to LEARN to do exactly what is asked of you. Last night I told you to not move from the spot in the Medical Chamber, and, you disobeyed me. And now you need to be punished. His fingers gripped on super tight, pulling my jaw down. His head tilted towards the ceiling where he now let out his demonic laughing, and proceeded to violently fuck me. I was sore all over, inside and out, exhausted, but indeed, I did need to become completely aware of my position in life, and give full respect. Doctor Spike after a few minutes took one final HARD thrust and stopped, keeping himself impaled. Then, those silver spikes flared out a little, just enough to dig into my cunt flesh. He completely let go of my so that now I was being held up in mid air by his Demon-Dick. He turned away from the free standing mirror, walked over (with me beautifully IMPALED) over to my fire place, with the painting of me from a few years ago, and made me look at it as he continued his violent fuck. I looked at how I used to look. My wonderful golden locks. Smiling. A good colour to my skin. I didn't recognise who it was, even though I knew it was me. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, I felt a surge of feeling super horny again and no longer was needing that rest I was whinging for a moment ago. My NEG Dick bounced to a full on erection, and I grabbed on my tits, pulling and twisting, pulling and twisting. Doctor Spike knew the sudden change of my direction and energy, and swiveled me around so I was still impaled on his Demon-Dick but now facing him. I was face to face with his dark soulless eyes, gaunt pale face, and his slicked back black hair. As I twisted on my tits harder and harder, my mouth remained open wide, contorting with a depraved fuck-piggy 🐷 lust, with Doctor Spike's serpent tongue slithering out, and down to the bottom of my throat and into my stomach, flicking around and probing. It was sending tapping signals to my prostate, which caused me to become aroused so much that I brought my lips to his, spread my thighs as wide as they would go, linked my ankles and pulled them tight into his back, and found myself communicating with him like a Demon. I spoke with my mind into his dark-soulless eyes, begging for him to flare out his spikes. Only a moment ago I had had enough, and now, I wanted MORE! He heard my silent begging. His serpent tongue retreated, and keeping me impaled on his Demon-Dick he threw me on my back onto my bed. Using his partially flared spikes, he again pulled my fucked up prolapse all the way out. He became completely silent and still, and his soulless demon eyes bored into my soul. Once again without talking I begged him to flare those spikes out as far as they could go. His lifeless expression slowly built up in a look of intense ANGER. Inside his demon body his anger grew on a parallel with my tit twisting, and it didn't take long for me to see his anger build to his look of pure EVIL akin to our Dark-Lord. 👺 I knew I would soon be getting what I had been asking and begging for. I knew the pain that would be inflicted, yet, I was now craving it. I had to feel that pain NOW. I exclaimed in a hungry and eager fuck-pig tone; - C'mon Doctor, GIVE me what I deserve. Fuck up this nasTy soon to be p☣️z faGGot. Simultaneously he snarled at his intense anger from his gaunt expressionless face as he once again flared those spikes through my meaty boy-cunt prolapse. Again I felt that intense pain rip right through me, as I twisted even harder on my now weeping tits. And when the pain reached it's peak I shot another huge NEG load without even touching myself. From that point on I did not remember anymore from that night. Apparently as soon as I shot that last load, I passed out. But, when I did pass out to sleep, it didn't stop, as I immediately fell into an abyss of nightmares; The same nightmare every night, which would last 13 days and nights (whenever I slept). In the nightmare I would find myself running from my Master's mansion in a dramatic thunderstorm with torrential rain, to the spot of where a permanent reverse pentagram was branded into the ground (just like it was on the top of my head). The reverse pentagram branded into the ground was surrounded by flames, and inside of it the ground was completely dry. I was wearing my metallic red jockstrap, with huge suction cups drawing out my nipples. Each time I had the nightmare, the D-E-V-I-L would keep on TRYING to claim my soul, but somehow, my boyfriend Richard kept on preventing this from happening. Having angered the D-E-V-I-L my boyfriend would see a curse fall upon his shoulders. Mixed within this nightmare were very quick flashes of me in an immortal form. Only to those that knew beyond this realm knew it was me. I had lost my small frame and was broad and muscular like Sir. My voice was different, as was my face. And I no longer possessed male genitalia. If you were of the human realm, and you looked very closely, and deep into my eyes, and really connected with me, then, you would know it was me. ************************ Boyfriend Richard was on his way. Would he regret his actions? 🐺
    7 points
  9. Chapter One: My boyfriend were out at our favourite restaurant celebrating two occasions. Our 4 year anniversary, and my promotion at work which entailed me going to Boston, from England, for 6 months. I was due to leave in 1 week. Once we got home from our happy celebrations, we carried on drinking with our own chilled Champagne on a blanket, on the floor, with some sweet sugary nibbles, Mediterranean house music, and each others wonderful company. Our own little picnic. We laughed, reminisced, made more plans for the future, and of course, we ending up having our usual wild passionate sex which had not dwindled at all in all the time we had been a couple. The evening ended with emptying the load in my balls deep inside his ass. We were both Neg, and Monogamous, so, all was fine in our own little world. As our final week together for a long while went on, we both became anxious. We really did not want to be away from one another. BUT, in the long term I was doing this for us, to give us a better future. And then, that dreaded day came. My flight. He took me to the airport, and we shared our goodbye that went on for far too long, with mutual waves through floods of tears as I disappeared through security. Once I was settled on the other side we continued our very emotional goodbyes via app. It was so hard, but, this had to be done. But, would my plan for a better future for me and my man go smoothly, or would there be repercussions? 😈 Once I arrived in Boston there was a chauffeur waiting to drive me to my new apartment for the next 6 months. I was already missing my Man terribly, yet, excited too to be in new unknown surroundings. It was all so thrilling. My employers had rented me a rather posh apartment in a well to-do part of town. My boyfriend would be squealing if he saw this. Our home was comfy, and merely modest. And we were happy with what we had, for the time being. I had a shower, then went out for a quick meal, came home, prepared for my first day at work the following day, took some sleepers so I could get onto Boston time, and I was very soon asleep, ready for the next part to my life. The following day I awoke fully refreshed, and arrived into work bang on time at 8am, eager to begin. On my first day at work I spent it with my boss, who with great strong strides and authority marched over to me and shook my hand, introducing himself; - Good Morning. You must be Steven from England. I am a confident being, but suddenly I felt my stomach knot. INSTANT sexual tension! - Ye ... Yeah. I mean, yes, yes I am. Good Morning to you too. And you are? - I am Ayan. Come through to my office. Follow me. I could not help but notice the extremely abnormal over sized package in his groin area, and down his leg. Wha .... I would very soon be thinking of Ayan as my *daytime boss*. We spent the day talking about my role, duties, and how the company operates, plus getting to know each other on a personal level too. It was all very laid back, whilst also retaining a certain air of formality, with that bubbling obvious two way sexual tension going on. He seemed to be keen on probing me about my hobby as a Dancer, which I put on the hobbies section on my application for the post. Having both came out to one another earlier in the day and our instant spark, I felt at ease to be able to tell him I have danced and do dance as a Go-Go boi as I really enjoyed doing it, and the extra money comes in handy, not that I need it. As I spoke his huge nipples underneath his pristine crisp ironed shirt seemed to become aroused. poking and pressing underneath the fabric, causing it to form two unmistakable and mouth-watering cotton mountains. My virgin cunt twitched! Virgin? Yes, but more about that later After my first day at work he took me out to dinner at a posh restaurant, which was then promptly followed on with a gay bar. It wasn't your typical crazy bar. The Music was subtle, gentle and quiet enough so you could have a proper conversation and minus any of the also typical sexual energy you frequently would find. Perfect for me as I was faithful to my boyfriend of 4 years back home in England, for which I was very clear to Ayan. We started out with a few cocktails each. - I hope you are not a bottom. Lots of hungry virile tops more than willing to plant their seed inside a cute young English boy like yourself. His charm and confidence made me feel relaxed, so his sussing me out did not make me feel uncomfortable. His directness and air of control once again made my Virgin cunt twitch! 🍑
    5 points
  10. Part 44; Doctor Spike started to laugh demonically, as Friedrich suddenly took hold of my neck, squeezing it tight, and began to power rut me. It really hurt, causing me to clamp down on his purple veined Werewolf shaft, yet my meTh high saw to it that I bloomed like a fragrant summer rose. Clamp-Bloom-Clamp-Bloom-Clamp-Bloom 🍆🌹 I suddenly heard an almighty crash, like huge steel gates opening, and that is when any order of me being USED was lost. It was now a free for all!! Within a split second I could not hear the Doctor, nor myself. My head was filled with noises of howling, snarling, growling, and crackling flames as the eight eager demons known to me, that I saw only moments ago race into the Medical Chamber, along with another 37 Demons of unknown origin. I was now surrounded by a total of 47 Demons. And as I said, there now was no order, and I was immediately yanked off from the Demon-Wolf dick that was buried deep inside of me, only to be aggressively penetrated by a thick slippery EEL Dick. I could not see, so had no idea if it was my Master, or one of his fellow Goat-Beast Friends. As I got fucked my body was being tugged, pushed, pulled, scratched, in the quest to be the one banging my human boy-cunt, with various demon fluids being sprayed over me; Sperm. Saliva, with lots of Demon sweat. Demon sperm was on multiple times EACH minute of the next 4 hours being blasted deep inside my accommodating juicy-meaty prolapse, and deep down my welcoming Oesophagus. I had in an instant been turned into a stinking cesspit of Demon-filTh. Defiled for their selfish pleasure, and to teach me where I lay in the packing order; At the BOTTOM! After a few hours of being aggressively fucked, in my cunt, and down my throat, with absolutely no mercy, no mercy at all, I felt I needed a break. I tried to motion to stop, but there was never enough time to express with a limb that I needed to stop for a bit, due to the constant tugging, pushing, and pulling. And, I could not communicate with my eyes, nor my mouth. It was now my sole duty to give all present what they WANTED! During the last few hours my body on several occasions would shut down, and I would apparently black out, go limp, as the defiling pleasure continued. I was about to blank out for the final time when; - CLOSING the Gates of HELL. The 4 hours were up. I was immediately let go, with each and every Demon currently present, leaving, with the exception of Doctor Spike, and Sir. The Gates slammed shut, and I lay on a heap on the floor. Scratched to pieces. Shaking. And absolutely drenched INSIDE and out with Demon-DNA. Doctor Spike addressed the Medical Chamber computer; - NATAS, unlock the Medical chamber. - Unlocking Medical chamber. The door clicked, and again, the door was ajar. - 'L', take this nasTy FaGGot-PiG to his room, and lay him on the floor in front of the full length free standing mirror. And stand guard. He is not to move. - Yes Doctor. My sight and speech were still impaired as the red rubber hood was still firmly in place, still zipped up. Sir carried my drained body to my room, and lay me down, and stood guard. I felt wired, yet, I had a major urge to have a big sleep. I was now exhausted. After a while, I heard footsteps, and in walked my medical captor. - L, take his hood off. - Yes Doctor. - Get up PiG, and face the mirror, hold onto it's frame either side, standing a few paces back so your body is bent at an angle. I was too feeble now to respond audibly. In fact, I could not get up. So Sir had to help me up. As I stood, I shook, and used all I had in me to hold onto either side of the mirror as instructed to. I looked at my reflection. I was drenched in Demon-Sperm, scratched to pieces, my face looked grey, and my long flowing golden curly hair was no more. I did not recognise myself. Who was this looking back at me? Doctor Spike now naked, and in his skinny, pale, sinister looking human form, grabbed hold of my hips, and plunged his Demon Dick DEEP inside. I whimpered; - Please, no. I need to rest. I had to learn, that, I would be allowed to rest when it was decided for me. With his jet black Dick once again deeply impaled, I felt those silver spikes slightly flare, and dig into me. I flinched. He took one step back, and then two, and then a third, and with each step commanded that I push out, push out my cunt. On his third step my human boy-cunt come prolapse was entirely flopped out. - You will rest when I decide it is time for you to rest. - Can I just take a few minutes. Please. He stood very still, and silent, and allowed those silver spikes of his to flare out that little bit more, then a little bit more again. I began to wince. - You WILL now BEG me to Fuck you. Now BEG. I hesitated. I knew I had to go with it, but, I was so damn tired. I guess I was now in full flow of my training to just accept ALL of my journey, even if I really did need to lay my head on a soft plump pillow. - Doctor, can we just please take a shor ... It was time I had to LEARN. Doctor Spike flared out those silver spikes to a long length, again piercing right through my Meaty-boy-Cunt. I let out an almighty loud scream, and tears began to stream down my face. I looked at my tired pale reflection, and felt myself resign, and submit. My feeble voice trembled; - PLEASE Fuck me. His silver spikes retracted and he slid back in, Demon balls deep, and began to fuck me, with a hateful aggression.
    5 points
  11. Part 43; I started to feel alongside my meTh high a deep submission before this wonderful Beast, and as a result I instinctively leaned back placing my hands on the ground behind me as I knelt, looking up at him in awe. His white purple veined knotted Werewolf Dick 🐺🍆 would repeatedly twitch at the base, and each time it did he would ejaculate a massive thick demon load 💦💦 (TWICE the huge amount my Master would unleash), with it spraying all over my body, onto my face, into my open mouth, and onto the dry soil that surrounded me. This went on for about quarter of an hour, Friedrich howling at the Moon 🌕 and seemingly completely unaware of me, as he continued to frequently ejaculate, DRENCHING me in his Werewolf-Demon seed. His howling eventually stopped as he took his loyal gaze from the moon and looked at me, growling, and snarling as thick smelly saliva dripped and swung from his ragged jaw. He picked up my heavily Werewolf-Demon sperm soaked body, stood me upright, spun me around, and slammed his veiny knotted shaft deep into my guts, pulling me in tightly with my soft firm human flesh against his rippling hairy Werewolf body, gripping onto me tightly with one hand around my waist, and the other around my throat. The knot was so wide that it was very uncomfortable, but before I could say anything he started to power rut me. It was too much. 🐺👦 - PLEASE stop. It's too much. I need a break. Ple ... Why would a super horny rabid Demon-Werewolf listen to this submissive Fuck-PiG. I had no say anymore. If someone or something wanted to use me for their sexual appetite however they wanted, it was their absolute right. He ignored me and kept his firm grip on me, rutting in the moon lit night. Every few minutes he would ejaculate a big load DEEP inside of me without even pausing for a second. Naturally after a while I soon became like I was with my Master, that being my abdomen once again becoming heavily distended as my guts had no choice but to accept the dirTy Demon sperm that was filling them way beyond their usual capacity. Soon not only was the knotted Dick hurting me as it impaled me, sliding it's full length repeatedly in and out of my battered boy-cunT, but I was also now full of Demon filTh to the point of discomfort. I had to take what was being given to me. After a long while of animalistic Werewolf rutting I heard Doctor Spike stood by the doorway to my Master's run down mansion call out. But I could not understand him, as he now spoke in Demon language; - Friedrich, you will bring to me little Charlie, and follow me. And KEEP your Dick impaled tight into his sweet and soft human boy-cunt. Keeping himself impaled he flew the short distance to where Doctor Spike stood, whose body was again in Lizard form, but his head was in his scary, sinister, pale and gaunt human form. He walked into the house, and down into the basement, as we followed. And here I was, once again, at the entrance to the medical chamber. The code was punched into the pad; SA66TA6N, and the door clicked open. We all entered, with my Demon-Wolf still impaled inside of me, still fucking me, and STILL frequently blasting his dirTy-Demon seed inside of me. I really could not anatomically accept much more of his filTh. Doctor Spike once again addressed the central Medical Chamber computer; - NATAS, lock the Medical-Chamber door, and bring the gates of HELL.- Locking Medical-Chamber door. Bringing the gates of HELL. Just like earlier the Medical Chamber fell into pitch darkness. I was STILL being fucked, and I was now so FULL of Werewolf-Demon sperm that the internal pressure inside my guts was now forcing my Demon's knotted Dick to partly push out, with his excess cum splattering onto the floor, 💦💦💦💦💦💦 even though he remained inside of me. Having Demon-Wolf cum being continually pumped inside of me ensured I remained HEAVILY distended. - NATAS, do you have Charlie's results. - Checking results. Affirmative. Results are as follows; HIV; Negative. Hep C; Negative. Syphilis; Negative. I wonder how much longer I would be getting a full set of negative results!? THEN ... Just like earlier, the wall to the entrance of the Chamber burst into a long wall of flames, from corner to corner of that wall, lighting up the entire room., and once again came the sounds, of beasts growling, lost souls wailing, flames crackling, and demons snarling. Soon I saw Sir (aka; 'L'), my Master and his 5 Goat-Beast Friends, and Friedrich's fellow Werewolf-Demon friend, Igor. Eight Demons eager and ready to use my NEG cunt, and soft plump human flesh for their dark-desires of the D-E-V-I-L. 👺I could see their intense hunger, and wondered if they would be joining the two demons I was already in the presence of. Doctor Spike had on his person the red rubber hood that I was wearing earlier, and, he put it on me, keeping the mouth and eye pieces zips opened, so I could still see and talk. He went over to the blood storage area, took a syringe full each of Igor & Friedrich's highly toxic HIV, Hep C and Syphilis blood, and walked back, over to where I was being fucked. And in his Demon language he spoke; - Stop fucking him. I need him to be still. My cannula port was opened up, and I took two big immediate blood-slams of blood that was so highly charged with wonderful nasTy diseased filTh, it was now absolutely certain I would convert; Multiple infections! -- Multiple strains! Doctor Spike flushed the toxic blood-slams with a sweeT big hiT of tina. The instant rush saw a storm of salty sweat rain down over me as I began to heavily perspire. It also made me grind my hips vigorously and push down my prolapse over the knotted Werewolf Dick that had its firm grip deep inside my human boy-guts. - Charlie, STAY still. - Sorry Doctor. - It's time your cannula came out, because, things are about to get VERY rough.
    5 points
  12. 2. It took Tommy a second to realise that Callum had introduced himself “I’m Tommy, Hi”. Callum was smiling as he took a step forward “I’ve seen you a lot over the past few months. You’re starting to really get into shape. I do personal training.” Tommy immediately relaxed, this guy was trying to sell him workouts. “I’m just curious if you’d like a workout buddy? It would be nice to have a friend at the gym that wasn’t paying me to tell them how to work out. I could give you pointers though…” He shifted slightly, a slight hint of nerves, maybe. Tommy was just about to head home after he’d done 1 more machine, he wasn’t really up for doing much more. “I’ve been trying to come to the gym more often, I’ll be here after I finish work tomorrow. Probably around 7” Tommy had almost forgotten to draw breath, this guy Callum made him feel slightly flustered. He’d never had someone outright ask to be his friend, at first it fell like a cruel joke but then when he thought about it Tommy realised he was meant to be putting himself out there. “I’ll see you at 7 tomorrow then, bye” Callum smiled, spun round on his heel and walked away. Tommy waved his hand meekly and then headed over to the last leg machine he hadn’t used. Glancing back towards Callum, he admired his physique. Broad muscular shoulders, a trim waist and a solid ass. That night Tommy couldn’t get this guy out of his head, he was horny and the apps were quiet, he logged into BBRT. It didn’t take long for him to get a message from an older guy. Mid 40’s, he and his husband wanted to use someone and were very into Daddy role play. Feeling more kinky than usual, Tommy was on his way. He cleaned out and rolled a fresh joint. Maybe the Daddy’s would want a bit of a buzz. He put on a red jock and jumped in his car. Tommy barely said two words when he walked through the door, both daddies had their hands on him before the door was shut. In a blur he was stripped, except the jock. “I brought a joint if you want some… Daddy?” Tommy hoped he’d ticked the right box with these two. One of the two daddies was also wearing just a jock, and the front of It was starting to bulge. He took the joint and lit it, he then walked through to what Tommy found was the bedroom. The bedsheets were black and the room was dimly lit. The other Daddy was wearing leather jeans and removed his whit t-shirt to reveal tattoos all over his arms and body, he marched up behind Tommy and quickly spun him round. He grabbed Tommys jock and yanked it down to reveal his still soft cock. The daddy clicked a piece of smooth clear plastic over the cock and with a click Tommy realised he wasn’t there for his own pleasure. It made him hornier. Both daddies took turns passing the joint between themselves and with Tommy, they ate out his ass and started to tease his hole while plying him with poppers. While his ass was being slowly broken in by the daddy in the leather jeans, which he kept on, the daddy in the jock was lubing up his thick 7 inch cock on Tommy’s spit. They changed positions a few times, in between blowjobs and fucking they shared the joint and kept hitting the poppers. No one had came yet and Tommy was enjoying the pleasure of having his ass worked over. “Time for our fun now boy, take a draw of that pipe and let your daddies knock you up”. ‘Fuck’ Tommy thought to himself, these guys are Poz. He decided they were already balls deep and being caged made him horny, he’d get PEP in the morning and be fine. The pipe was put in his mouth instead of a cock and when Tommy took a deep hit he found out that it wasn’t weed but something else. He felt immediately euphoric “A special something for our special boy” Neither daddy had smoked the pipe and they began to manoeuvre themselves so that Tommy was between them “Have some more poppers boy, Daddy knows this might be a bit much at first but we know what is best for you” “Yes daddy” Was all that Tommy managed while deeply huffing on the poppers, his ass felt like it was being torn in two. This was the first time he’d been double fucked and he couldn’t tell if he loved it or if he was going to die from the pain. Eventually the mix of drugs and poppers did their magic and Tommy was soon being congratulated for being such a good boy for his daddies. “Lets sting the boy” The Daddy in the leather trousers was underneath Tommy and was pulling Tommys hips into him as his cock started to shoot ribbons of cum into his beaten hole. The other cock crammed into his ass went off immediately afterwards, churning both loads deep inside. They were all spent and after a post fuck cuddle, Tommy made for home. Completely forgetting his cock was still caged up.
    5 points
  13. I discovered the Bull in Berlin about five or six years ago when one of my friends recommended it to me. I was spending the weekend in Berlin - one of my very favourite places to unwind. I had spent a very enjoyable and relaxing Saturday roaming through the streets of the city and was meeting some friends for dinner in the evening. I had been working hard for weeks and had not had much time for anything else and I was looking forward to cruising in the Tiergarten later on but around 11pm it started raining heavily. I was disappointed - I really wanted to find a fit arse to fuck and I was also very much in the mood to drop my pants and bend over to take a few loads myself. I was just debating what to do when I remembered that one of my friends had recommended the Bull and I decided to try it out. I arrived there shortly after midnight and found a front bar which opened out at the back into a large darkroom with a toilet leading off it. It was quite quiet when I got there at first and I had a couple of drinks and then ventured into the darkroom and watched two guys fucking bareback for a while before returning to the bar for another drink. The place was filling up now and soon it was quite busy. I was ready for some action now and made my way back to the darkroom. It was packed now and guys were sucking and fucking all around. There was a real mix of guys, some young, some older, some really fit looking young lads, some guys who looked a bit gaunt and one or two who looked positively ravaged. I noticed straight away that almost no one was using condoms and I knew I was going to enjoy myself. I watched a young blond twink being fucked and loaded by a much older guy and soon I was being sucked off by a tall, slim, dark haired guy. He sucked me for a while and then offered me his arse. I slid up him easily and fucked him for a while but I didn't want to cum yet so after a while I pulled out and let the guy standing next to me take over. I enjoyed cruising in the dark room for a bit longer, sucking a couple of cocks and slipping mine up a young lad I had noticed at the bar earlier on. I cruised around for a while longer and then went back to the bar for another drink. A really nice looking, slightly chubby guy made room for me and we smiled at each other. He was really attractive and I had noticed him in the darkroom earlier. He had been standing at the side watching the action but had not joined in. I made my way back to the darkroom and soon I was fucking a guy who was lying in one of the slings. I looked round and noticed the chubby guy standing watching the action again. I pulled out the guy in the sling and as I did another guy pushed his cock up him. I had noticed this guy earlier on - he had short blond hair and very piercing eyes. He was wearing a striped T shirt and on his upper left arm I could see a biohazard tattoo. He also had a big thick cock and as I watched him fucking the lad in the sling my cock was harder than it had been in a long time. I went for another drink and when I came back the chubby guy was bent over the bench at the side of the darkroom being fucked - I watched for a while and when the guy pulled out him I took his place. The chubby guy didn't look round as I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed it up his arse. I was really horny now and I enjoyed every minute of fucking this fit lad's arse. I knew I wouldn't last long and so I started off slowly and then I took hold of his hips and began to fuck him faster. After about ten or twelve more thrusts I shot what felt like a massive load of cum into his arse. I left the darkroom and went for another drink. Even though I had just cum heavily, I was still very horny and I knew I wanted to be fucked and fucked hard. I thought about the guy with the piercing eyes and the biohazard tattoo and my dick started to get hard again. I went into the toilet, lubed my arse and then went back into the darkroom and soon I was sucking off a fit looking dark haired guy. I sucked him for a while and then stood up. We kissed and his hand went down the back of my pants and found my hole. I sucked him for a bit longer and then I pulled my pants down and offered my arse. He slid up me easily and soon I was being fucked hard in the middle of the darkroom. It was very horny - the lad I had fucked earlier was bent over next to me taking another raw cock up his fit arse and all around I could see bare cocks sliding up unprotected arses. The dark haired guy was fucking me harder now and then he pushed his cock right up me and held it there and I knew I was being filled with cum. When he pulled out I looked around and saw the guy with the piercing eyes standing to the side looking at me. I knew he could give me what I wanted and slowly I turned round and pushed my arse in his direction. Nothing happened for a moment and then I felt him behind me . I pulled my cheeks apart and then I felt the head of his cock pushing against my hole. I pushed back and felt his big cock slide slowly but surely right up my arse. He began to fuck me, slowly at first and then he began to fuck me harder. He took hold of my hips and began to fuck me even harder and then he pulled me up and said something in my ear. I understand German perfectly well and I knew he was asking me if I wanted him to poz me. I nodded and he pushed me back down and began to fuck me harder than I had been fucked in a long long time - it was one of the best fucks of my life. I could tell he was getting close and I knew that I knew that within seconds I was going to take a load of toxic cum into my arse. I took hold of my cock and began to wank as he pulled me close and pushed his cock right up me. As I felt his cum pumping into me I shot another big load of cum out in front of me. It was about a year later I was back in the Bull looking forward to some more horny fun. I was having a drink at the bar when I noticed the doorman talking to a fit young lad who had just come into the bar. He was trying to explain something and the lad didn't seem to understand. I went over to help and explained to the lad that he was being asked to check in his bag behind the bar and would have to pay a euro. The lad grinned at me, thanked me for helping him out and offered to buy me a drink. "I'm Sam," he said. I told him my name and we shook hands. It turned out that Sam was from the same part of Scotland as me, was 19 years old and was a student in his second year at university. He was a very fit looking young lad, slim with dark, floppy hair, an engaging smile and an incredibly fit arse. I asked him what had brought him to the Bull and he told me that he had recently split up with his boyfriend and one of his friends had told him the Bull was a good place to have some fun. I finished my drink and said I was going to explore the darkroom. Sam grinned and said he would need to have a few more drinks before he ventured in there and I left him to it. I had some fun in the darkroom and when I came back to the bar Sam was finishing one drink and starting another. He grinned at me and I smiled back. A little later I noticed him standing at the side of the darkroom watching the action. He seemed to be frowning and after a while he left the darkroom. When I went back into the bar he came over to me. "Do they not have any condoms here?" he asked. I shook my head. "I guess you have to bring your own." "Oh, right," he said. "Do you like to play safe, then?" I asked. Sam nodded, looking very serious, "Always." he said When I came back to the bar a little later, Sam was flirting heavily with a very good looking blond guy. He had clearly had a few more drinks and as I watched them I realised that I had met the blond guy before. I didn't really know him, but I had met him a couple of times in company with my friend Rudi. I remembered that his name was Timo and I remembered being told that, like Rudi, Timo was HIV positive and not on any meds. I could see that Sam was all over him and after a while, Timo took him by the hand and led him towards the darkroom. A few minutes later I was in the darkroom watching from a discrete distance as they kissed and before too much longer Sam was down on his knees sucking Timo's cock. He sucked him for a while and then Timo pulled him up and they kissed again. Timo said something and Sam nodded and then pulled his trousers and his white Calvin Klein pants down and bent over. Timo pulled out a small pack of lube and began to finger some into Sams arse. He then put some on the end of his cock and began to push it against Sam's hole. Sam didn't resist and soon Timo was pushing his big bare cock right up Sam's arse. He gave Sam a moment to get used to it and then began to fuck him. I got my cock out and began to play with it as I watched them fuck. Sam was being fucked quite hard now and seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. I could see that Timo was getting close and as I watched he pushed his cock right up Sam's arse, held it there, and bred him. A little later, Sam was back at the bar sinking another drink. He grinned at me and I smiled back, wondering if he had any idea that he now had a toxic load deep in his bottom. I had another drink and got chatting to a guy I knew slightly while Sam downed another couple of drinks, one after the other. He then got up and steadied himself against the bar before making his way rather unsteadily towards the darkroom. I entered the darkroom just behind him and watched as he walked over to the other side of the room, stood for a moment, and then pulled his trousers and pants right down and bent over the bench, arse in the air. Seconds later he was being fucked bareback by an older guy who fucked him until he shot his load up him and when he pulled out another guy took over and then another. Sam was now sucking on any cock that was presented to him as he let guys breed his arse without even looking round. I was just about to take my turn when I noticed the guy with the piercing eyes and the biohazard tattoo who had bred me the year before step up and push his cock up Sam's arse. He shot his load quite quickly and when he pulled out I took his place. My cock slid up Sam's cummy hole easily and I began to fuck him. I knew I wouldn't last very long and after about ten or twelve thrusts I began to shoot my load into his cum filled arse. As I finished cumming he turned round and grinned drunkenly at me as a thin, gaunt, older guy with a scorpion tattoo took his turn. I watched two more guys fuck him before he pulled up his pants and stumbled out of the darkroom. I joined him at the bar and he grinned and leaned in close to me "I've been a bit naughty," he said with a grin, "I'll need to be more careful from now on." A short time later I was walking through the deserted streets on my way back to my hotel, enjoying the warm summer air. I thought about Sam and wondered just how many guys had bred him that night and how many of them had deposited a toxic load in him. I wondered if he would go back to playing safe and reflected that it probably wouldn't make much difference either way now. I was fairly sure that Sam was going to leave Berlin with something he didn't have when he arrived.
    4 points
  14. My hole went to a small hole that a finger had trouble at 17 as now at 25 I have man cunt that looks like a old woman cunt. Just spit and dicks go right in. A little lube and a small fist goes in. For larger fist and toys still need lots of lube. Im a small twink 5ft 7 120 lbs so when guys see my cunt and how out of shape it is they laugh.
    4 points
  15. Part 11 - Back In The Game Jacob took us through to the studio so I could see where I would be working most of the time then explained that we were having dinner with him and Marcus at their townhouse and to finalise terms of our arrangement, he apologised for having to use official language but made a solemn promise there would be nothing untoward in it. Jacob whisked us out in to a secure room with a keypad entry system known as the concept room. I could already see the forming of the new brand he spoke about. "So this the beginning of the brand Tom, all of you must not mention this" he said and we nodded. Sean was busy looking at some particularly nifty swimwear he took a fancy to "Yeah sure, mums the word". Jacob laughed "You like that design" he asked and Sean nodded "Sarah, bring beach 41 over" he called out. I leaned over Sean's shoulder "Wow they look really good, you should try them on" I said to him. Jacob handed Sean the swimwear "Want to try them on?" he asked looking at him as Brad sniggered behind. Sean seemed a little taken back "No pictures though" he stipulated "Your next Brad" Sean said smiling. "Only if you ask us to" Jacob replied chuckling and pointing to the screened off section "You can change there". Sean went off behind the screen glancing to make sure no one was watching when I heard the door opening to the concept room and in walked Eddie. He took one look and rushed over lifting me up in his powerful arms and kissed me before putting me down and doing the same to Brad. "What, how on earth?" he stumbled over his words "Jacob you never told me he had agreed" he said smiling. Jacob laughed "I can keep some secrets" he said to Eddie "So you on board then?". Eddie chuckled "Absolutely you try and stop me" he grinned. "Get your hands off me" Sean's voice sounded from behind the screen. Jacob laughed and headed to the screen "It's okay Sean they adjust it to sit right" he said disappearing. "You brought Sean?" Eddie asked me. I nodded "Yeah thought he might like to come along" I replied. "Dam" he said "maybe I can shoot him as well, so cute" Eddie said putting his arm around my shoulder. "Hey!" I nudged him laughing, feeling good being with Eddie again. Sean returned with Jacob and Eddie walked over smiling and shaking his head "Sean... perfect" he said. "They feel really good Jacob" Sean said as Eddie grabbed hold of Sean and kissed him. Sean giggled and squeezed Eddie's biceps "Let me photograph you" he asked Sean who was mesmerised and nodded. "We can't publish it Eddie not unless Sean says so" Jacob said standing there smiling. Eddie nodded and stood back "You have been working out Sean" he said running his hand along Sean's arm. "Just a little, I sort of live with them now" he replied aroused by Eddie touching him. I laughed "There is no sort of, he does live with us" I said. Jacob knew bits about the circumstances of Sean's arrangement. Eddie guided Sean over to a small studio section that was pretty basic being a mock up, Jacob walked over and did some final adjusting and put Sean in a pose position sitting on a box, adjusting Sean's hair slightly he looked and nodded to Eddie 'Just look ahead Sean ignore the camera' Jacob said to him as Eddie rapidly took photos. It made me kind of proud to see Sean really coming out of his comfort zone and he seemed to be smiling and have a glint in his eyes loving the attention. Jacob was at the printer pulling the shots off as they arrived and I could see the look on his face which said it all. Eddie held out his hand to Sean and took him over to where Jacob and I were standing looking at the pictures. He was quietly amazed how he looked. "Do you like them Sean?" Jacob asked him handing over the photos. Sean smiled "Do I look good" he asked trying to assess them "the swimwear is amazing" he said feeling them. Jacob laughed "If you agree to model you can keep them" he said. Sean handed the photos back "I don't know" he replied sounding embarrassed. "Right to work" Jacob said knocking us all back to reality. Jacob's assistants arrived with boxes labelled 'The Model Called Tom' rolling my eyes seeing Jacob grin and telling me it was the project name for Man by Jacob until it was released officially it made some sort of sense. He also explained there was a lot of work to be done before it was official. We moved out of the concept room in to a closed set where Marcus was sat with 5 other people going through the marketing plan. Marcus came over and said hello hugging us then pulled Sean away taking him under his wing whilst I got to work with the assistants getting changed. Brad sat chatting to Eddie who was trying to persuade him to do a swim wear shoot with me later for the JJ brand. I was to model the new underwear and trainer range then on to some swim wear, sunglasses and baseball caps today so it was going to be busy. Shooting went well and by the time we broke for lunch mid afternoon Sean was helping Marcus and throwing ideas around including a gym wear range which caught Marcus by surprise and he put it at the top of the list. Jacob was eating an apple when he walked over and looked at the list "Gym range?" he asked tapping his apple. Marcus looked up "Sean's idea" he said "we completely overlooked it, the age range is spot on for that". Jacob nodded "Put it on the must list" he agreed then looked at Sean "Can you come up with some suggestions?". Sean looked at him "I did" he replied chuckling pointing to the list. Jacob laughed "No I mean what sort of gym wear, come up with a range these guys will help". We went back to work after a short break and finished by 5pm. As usual for me I ignored the photos and was more interested in sexing Brad but he asked if I wanted to sleep with Eddie, he knew Eddie had a thing for me and alot of history behind us. I chuckled and kissed him telling him only if he was involved as well. Marcus, Sean and his team had disappeared for coffee. Brad smiled "Such a fool holding back so long to be with you" he said with his arms around me. Eddie glanced over waving his camera "So do this for me Brad, model with me" I asked and he nodded. "Jacob" I called out and he turned "what would you like us model" I asked. Fucking hell Jacob said running out of the studio resulting in strange looks all around and he quickly returned with two boxes. Brad sat smiling and chuckling in the corner until Jacob called him over and gave him some underwear, it caused me to laugh as it suddenly dawned on Brad he was going to model and he looked petrified. Brad emerged from the dressing room and I went over and gave him a kiss before the make up artist moved in. Marcus came rushing through the door 'Have I missed it' he asked and Jacob laughed 'Not yet', he was followed by several marketing people and Sean. It was real alright they were waiting to see us model together. Marcus shook his head seeing how terrified Brad looked he went over to him and whispered something in his ear and he relaxed seemed to calm down. Brad walked over to me "What did Marcus say to you?" I asked him. Brad chuckled "He said if I didn't relax he would fuck you in front of everyone" he replied. I looked at Marcus who smiled and shrugged his shoulders "What?" he said laughing. The back drop was grey and Jacob adjusted my underwear slightly, Eddie walked up to us speaking softly 'Ignore everyone, I know it's hard to do but can you give me intimacy' he sounded a little unsure if he was asking to much, Brad smirked and looked at Eddie 'Easy' he said. It was over quickly as a round of applause erupted in the studio, Brad was sporting quite an erection as he was turned on. I looked down and smiled seeing my own aroused state and kissed him whilst Eddie took a couple of snaps. Jacob beckoned us over to look and it took us both by surprise, there was undeniable intimacy as we looked at each other in the shots, some showed Brad's hand inside the strap others were simple shots of our bodies close but showing the jock straps off to perfection. The one that caught my eye was Brad's head over my shoulder almost kissing my neck with his hand in the strap that went over my left ass cheek. Although it just captured my face enough to distinguish me, Brad's was hidden at his request, but the photo had the effect and captured the love and seductive desire in one photo. Little did Brad and I know then how widespread that photo would go and be licensed out by many LGBT organisations around the world. Eddie showed us the two photos of us kissing afterwards "My present to you both" he said. Sean came over "Wow, my god that was amazing seeing that" he said almost crying. Jacob smiled and walked over "Want to sign up Brad?" he asked. Brad shuckled "No, I don't mind doing the odd one with Tom but it's not something I want to do" he replied. Jacob kissed him on cheek "Thank you Brad" he said. Sean was looking tired he had been working with the design team all afternoon throwing ideas around but absolutely loving it. Jacob was discussing things with Marcus and the team before he walked over. "Going to have to put you on the payroll Sean" he said laughing "You came up with some great ideas". Sean looked a little sunned "I did?" he asked. Jacob sat down and took his hand "It would be even better if you got involed with modelling it with Tom" he said. Sean contemplated "On one condition" he said "Brad and Joshua model it with us" he said. Jacob laughed "Okay but you have got to convince Brad and Joshua then" he said to Sean who nodded. Jacob took us out of the studio and to the admin offices and told us to give our bank details to the accounts manager, he explained to Brad and Sean they would get paid for today. It was so busy the three days we spent in New York and I never got chance to enjoy Eddie since it was his home turf where he lived with his partner. We drove straight to Jacob's townhouse and the businessman in him wanted to get everything out of the way so we could enjoy dinner. We sat and he tabled the terms of me working for him, in short it boiled down to $5k per day whilst on set and a commission of 10% on sales from Man by Jacob and all expenses paid for. I looked surprisingly at the terms, there was no nasty bits but it was missing one thing I thought. Marcus looked at Jacob seeing me staring at the document "Is it not enough Tom?" Marcus asked. I looked up "No, no I mean that's a lot of money" I said stunned. "That's what your worth and will probably go up the more you model" Jacob said seriously. I looked down again and pushed it towards them "It's missing something" I said. Marcus looked at Jacob who in turn looked at me "What do you mean missing something?" Marcus asked. I leaned back confidently in the chair "I will only sign when you put the exclusivity clause in there". Jacob grinned "Phew" he said looking up at the ceiling "anything else, you name it" he said. "Yes" I replied "if Sean, Joshua or Brad model with me they get the same fee" I said cheekily. Marcus chuckled "Just the shoot fee but fixed at $5k irrelevant of how much your fee goes up" he said. "Done" I said laughing "You knew I was going to sign anyway" I looked at Brad and Sean who sat there stumped. "Sean" Marcus said getting his attention "You get consultancy fee $1k per day then 10% of gym wear sales". Sean just stared at them blankly, like me he was unmaterialistic "Err yeah okay" he replied. Jacob looked at the gym wear design and handed it to Marcus "Put it under Man by Jacob". Marcus smiled "I was thinking along those lines". The second day Brad spent mostly going through the wardrobe and pinching clothing from old ranges much to Jacob's amusement and he just let him get on with it. We had dinner with Eddie and James and it was the first time we met Eddie's partner. He was a complete contras to Eddie, no tattoos but built like a brick house and tall, blond hair and blue eyes. He was fascinated to meet me being the second person to ever steal Eddie's heart, I was nervous not sure how he would react to me but the first words out of mouth when he saw me 'Now I know why Eddie loves you so much'. Part of me had hoped I would get a chance to sleep with Eddie again, even Brad wanted it to happen so he could join in. James though was instantly attracted to Sean and dark hair which explains why he was with Eddie. Whilst we kept the conversation light, James was flirting like hell with Sean and he was giving as good back. Eddie shook his head looking at James "Tell me have you ever with Sean here?" he asked looking at Brad and me. I just grinned giving it all away "Of course" Brad replied chuckling. James looked up "Shall we take this to the bedroom?" he asked looking around "Sean I am going to fuck you". It was a statement and the way he said it and Sean was already on his feet captivated by James, Brad grabbed Eddie and I sat there on my own 'What about me?' I asked laughing but a little left out, Eddie turned and smiled 'Oh your getting it don't worry' he said as Brad reached for my hand. So much for a quiet dinner I thought as we entered the bedroom, I laughed watching Brad rubbing his cock against Eddie's ass who quickly spun him around to face him 'No, no, no Brad, your bottoming for me tonight' he said lifting Brad up and placing him on the bed 'get your clothes off' he said then turned his focus on me instantly kissing and lifting me off the ground, all my limbs clasped around him in desperation, it was like coming home, a place I first found happiness with my sexuality. James collapsed on the bed next the Brad, Sean was orally pleasing James and enjoyed watching them, James pulled Brad closer and kissed him 'Fuck me later?' he asked and Brad smiled nodding then kissed James again. Suddenly he felt his legs being pulled and he disappeared from James, Eddie dragged him down to the edge of the bed, I sat there cock in my hand in excitement watching, for the first time Brad was about to get fucked, Eddie nodded to the bedside cabinet beside me, handing him the lube I bent down and kissed Brad 'this is so awesome' I said kissing him again madly. Looking at his face and eyes opening wide he grimaced and yelped holding my arms. Eddie leaned over and kissed me then Brad's neck 'Tell me if it gets to much Brad' he said. I could see him nod, I leaned up and moved my cock closer until the head was touching his lips, they slowly opened taking the head in to his mouth, it would clamp down hard against my cock as he grunted every time Eddie pushed more of his cock inside Brad's ass. He was in no rush and gently fucked Brad for a while before penetrating his further. I could sense him relaxing his body no longer tense as he began to enjoy the sensation, his arms gladly holding on to Eddie's tattoo hefty muscled arms he seemed to be in heaven. I looked over to see Sean facing me, James's arms wrapped around his body, it looked like he was sitting on James's lap, Sean's head was rolled back against James's chest, his legs straddled apart showing two sets of balls joined, Sean was deep on James's cock. His moaning and the subtle smile of delirious happiness on his face as this man took him to new pleasures. It was so arousing watching them I had to look away for fear of blowing my load to soon. Brad was expertly working my cock then resting as he now felt the fullness of Eddie being inside him gently fucking, the forward thrusts pushing his mouth deeper on my cock causing him to choke and gag, his eyes watering as they looked up me like a helpless puppy clearly enjoying himself. James moaned louder and pushed up harder. Sean's eyes opened wide letting out a load moan and begging, James's arms tightened around Sean's body, his legs shaking as he released his seed in to the young body of Sean. My hips began to move faster fucking Brad's face as I knew I couldn't hold back, surprisingly his lips clamped tighter around my cock 'Fuck' I shouted and pulled out showering Brads' cheek and mouth with cum. My orgasm brought Eddie over the top, I saw Brad closed his eyes moaning and whimpering rapidly. I knew what he was feeling when Eddie was about to orgasm having been there so many times. His body collapsing on top of Brad his ass muscles clenched hard and Brad cried from the deep penetration, his ass filling with Eddie's love juice. He was still horny and immediately took my cock back in his mouth tasting my cum. I had never seen Eddie orgasm properly and I was bowled over seeing how purposefully he bred deep, even after he had finished his ass muscles still moved massaging the ass internally with his still rock hard cock. I pulled away from Brad and Eddie put his arms around Brad's neck lifting his had and turning it to kiss him deeply. Gently he pulled his cock out of Brad who winced from the pain, his ass readjusting and closing up. He rolled on to his back and looked up at me and chuckled. So taken by his reaction and love for him I never felt the bed move and Sean pulled up behind me, quietly he slipped his arms around me his cock already pressing against my hole prising it open, he was slick from the all the precum he had leaked getting fucked by James. I turned my head and drowned in his eyes pushing my ass back gasping as he pushed in deep with one stroke. I was at the mercy of a 19 year old, he showed no naivety as he quickly grabbed my hips pushing me on to all fours he fucked me deep and relentless, my eyes watering at the constant pummelling. He was like a machine that had no off button, James, Brad and Eddie kneeled watching entranced as Sean brought me down big time. Eddie moved round to my face and pushed the head of his cock in to my mouth, he was already hard again. I knew Eddie and he could quite easily fuck all four of us one after the other if he wanted. But I knew I was his prize for the night. My moans and whimpering fell on deaf ears with Sean, he had wanted to and needed to fuck me as we had played so long but never fucked. I could feel him inside me and my cock was oozing precum again being very turned on. Eddie looked at Sean, he raised a hand to Sean's face and stroked him gently. Sean cried out and pushed in harder, his cock erupting like a missile launcher each spasm in his cock followed a hard jolting of his hips. He fell forward wrapping his arms around my body then giggling as he pushed in harder and harder, job completed he pulled his cock out of me. He raised himself off and looked at Eddie 'Your turn I think'. I had no time to recompose myself as Sean held me down as Eddie brought up the rear and entered me, Sean moving to my face grabbed my hair lightly and pulled my mouth on to his cock. Brad and James started kissing momentarily before he had James down on the bed and began fucking him, he knew he wasn't going to last long, edging ever since Eddie fucked him he needed to blow his load. Trying to control he managed to last 10 minutes before he grunted and continued pounding hard in to James's ass he unloaded. Brad feel forward into his arms, he loved being held after he orgasmed and his body came down from the high adrenaline rush. They both laid there with Brad's cock still planted inside James watching me getting fucked by Eddie. Suddenly he pulled out, pulling my body round to face him my legs went around his waist as he laid me down on my back. Straight away he was back inside me, his arms around my neck cradling it, his mouth closed in and kissed me. It was like being back in LA the way he would make love to me. I held on for dear life having missed this intimacy with him. We stayed like this for almost 20 minutes as he slowly made love and climaxed pushing in deep, never once did he stop kissing through his orgasm. We shut everyone around us out for a few moments, it was clear we both had missed each other badly. James looked at Brad "You don't mind this do you?" he asked quietly. Brad shook his head and looked at James "No, they have always had something special" he replied. James hugged Brad "It's a kind of love but the not the kind you both share or Eddie and I share" he assured Brad. Sean stopped stroking Brad "He absolutely adores you Brad, I do as well" he said laying back down. Brad sat on top of Sean "You know how we feel about you and Joshua" he said tweaking Sean's nipples gently. Sean giggled and looked up at him "Fuck me Brad" he asked, he didn't need to be asked twice. James went to fetch some water leaving Eddie and I to come down from our euphoric state. It was a wasted hotel room that night, spending it with Eddie and James in their bed. Sean and Eddie thought it was fun tag teaming me in between the intimate moments, even Sean found a liking for Eddie and took a load from him. Brad who was suffering a sore ass from his first fuck nailed James, Sean and me several times more until we all fell asleep. James and Eddie brought coffee in the morning, the room smelt of sex and sweaty bodies. Sean received a text from Joshua 'How was it?' he asked him, Sean replied to him 'Quite amazing'. He laughed and told us Joshua was quite jealous, James looked at the picture of him and turned to Eddie 'I think a trip to Texas is on the cards' he said and winked at Sean. I kept quiet about one thing, I was desperate to fuck as I always seemed to be spending my time under people and never on top, but I would bide my time for now. Our time in New York seemed to fly by, word had got out that I was back modelling, Jacob was pretty angry and called all the staff in early for a meeting trying to ascertain who had leaked or spoken to anyone about me. Since no one came forward the 10 staff working on the new brand signed a non disclosure agreement to keep things quiet. It didn't take long for Patricia to contact me asking if I would work for her again at double the salary. Jacob laughed and told me not to reply until the press release went out later that day. As we sat in the lounge at the airport Marcus sent me a message with details of the press release that had gone out and it was brief but to the point 'Jacob Jansen Fashions are pleased to announce they have secured and exclusive deal with The Model Called Tom. Owner and designer Jacob stated he was please to have Tom on board, further details will be announced in due course'. My twitter was going berserk and Marcus put one of his team helping me manage the account meaning I didn't have to worry to much about it. We settled in to our routine once we returned home, Sean was receiving packages nearly every day from JJF, when not working on the ranch with me he was stuck firmly in the gym wear range that he was so involved in now, he began spending more time in the gym with us loving how his body was changing. He seemed to have found his calling in life and definitely had a natural flair and eye for detail with design. I would sit and watch helping if I could, it was clear that Jacob saw something in him. Joshua loved sitting there watching him work, he was still conflicted if he should model but the lure of $5k per shoot was winning him over. Sean told us to leave the room as he couldn't concentrate with Joshua and I fooling around naked on the bed during the day. The following week Brad, Sean and I flew to New York again, Sean had been requested to present his ideas. The first day Brad came in to the studio with me to shoot ideas for the finalised brand identity for Man By Jacob. They were using my silhouette as the brand logo but it was sketched from a photo, Black background with a white silhouette formed the main logo. A smaller version of the silhouette would be used on the clothing to distinguish it. I had to admit it looked pretty awesome when you saw it. Sean had a day to prepare his presentation, he didn't expect to be sat in Jacob's office with Giovanni the senior designer. He was pretty nervous being the first time he had been in a meeting like this, Sean had the ideas better formed in his head than he could put down on paper and with Giovanni and Jacob's help and guidance around some of the design aspects he began to understood things better and how to transpire them to paper. By the end of the first day when Sean eventually came out the meeting room with Jacob his eyes seemed glazed over. That evening when we had dinner together he told us that Jacob had offered him a job to oversee the gym wear range he had designed. Not only that, he would also be having personal tuition with the senior designer of the main JJF brand. He could work from Texas but would need to spend one week a month in New York with Giovanni. Sean looked at us across the table, obviously he was still shocked at Giovanni being so impressed that he personally wanted to train him. He had a long chat with Joshua that evening and the following morning he accepted Jacob's offer and officially moved in to the world of fashion, a change in direction he never saw coming or how successful he would be. The long and short of these events lead to Sean and Joshua moving to New York a few months after...
    4 points
  16. A friend and I had entered an underwear contest during the Folsom weekend and we got a free pass to Steamworks. We decided to use it for lights out on Monday night this week. We got there kind of early because I couldn’t stay out too late with it being a work night. Most of the evening was pretty mellow with not much action or much of a crowd. There was a very handsome black man with a trimmed beard and nicely defined chest who was sitting frequently on a bench in the back near the dark rooms. When I commented on his appearance to my friend (who’s a top), he stated “oh he’s a bottom”. After that I sort of dismissed him, although every time I walked by I would think about how handsome he was! Each time we’d pass each other, we always end up making eye contact. Towards the end of my time when I knew I had to leave, I decided to do one more walk through. When walking through the dark area, I noticed he had positioned himself pretty close to the fuck bench and he was now stroking his impressive member. We made eye contact and I was again drawn by his looks. At this point I said “what the hell!” and went over and grabbed his dick. There were other men starting to circle and I knew if I didn’t move someone else would. I still wasn’t sure if he was a top or bottom as he grabbed my dick and we started stroking each other. He got down on his knees to suck me, and I thought “damn he’s a bottom! “ when he stood up, I reciprocated and started sucking on that beautiful member of his! I was still hoping that he’d turned out to be at least versatile as I sucked his beautiful 8 inches tonguing and mouthing his head all while rubbing his taut stomach and hairy chest. He pulled me to my feet, flipped me around, and pushed me over the fuck bench. In one stroke he entered me and I had my confirmation! He fucked hard while going deep and making a circular motion while in my hole. I felt intense happiness as his cock throbbed and unloaded.... The extreme pleasure of having just been loaded by a guy who I really wanted! As he pulled out and walked away, I realize that the crowd that had been watching him had stayed to watch us fuck. A husky black guy was cock ready. I looked and turned back around, leaning over. He also fucked me hard holding onto my shoulders and pulling me back to slam on his hard rod. He unloaded quickly and deep. Feeling much more satisfied than I had a half an hour ago, I got my stuff and exited; ready for a good nights sleep.
    4 points
  17. I'm a kinky bastard, what can I say? I enjoy getting off to hot videos of neg holes getting bred by poz tops and stories of stealthers coming in and knocking-up unsuspecting neg bottom boys. I do it a lot myself, and I'm good at what I do, they never know who it was that got em...at least I thought none figured it out. I admit once I had gotten cocky so I wasn't careful, and sure enough I came across a story, and it was so fucking hot...and I realized it was about me! The boy knew he had been pozzed deep and good. Maybe you'll get off to what happened to him like I have. (Story told from Bottom's Point of View.) Looking back now, I can't tell if I was stupid, horny, or naive. One thing I can tell you is, the guy had a huge dick. I was new to the city and it was my freshman year of college. I was still just eighteen and only had a bit of experience being fucked and I always played safe like I learned in Health Class my Sophomore year in High School. I hadn't come out though so I couldn't really make the typical profile. I was sticking to things like Craigslist, maybe that's how I got set up so easily. He had a nice package, said he was on the DL. He was a hung mixed guy, couldn't tell what mixed but he had great slightly tanned looking skin, and a thick beautiful cock that curved upward just a bit. He had a remote control right next to his dick for size reference, oh god....I was already hard. I messaged him and sent a pic of my ass and face. I hoped I'd get one in return, I told him I was looking for some 'safe' and 'sane' fun, just some buzz words that I picked up to convey I was vanilla and maybe a bit inexperienced. To my surprise I didn't have to wait long to get a response and a face pic. He was way better looking than I had imagined, I thought guys who wanted to hide their face would probably require a paper bag if I wanted to get fucked by them, but that was so not the case. He asked if I was neg, and I said yes so condom only. He asked if I got into any kink like being tied up or blindfolded because it turned him on a lot. I had never tried any of that before but if he would fuck me more than once, I would go for it. He agreed and sent me his address and when to be there. It was just over an hour and so I had to move like lightning if I wanted to be ready in time. I was all nerves and butterflies as I pressed the buzzer to the apartment number he gave me, the door opened and I went up to the floor I was told the room was on. I came knocked the door '232' tentatively and it opened as I tapped the wood. I pressed my palm against it and opened the door fully. The room was dimly lit with candles and some sensual R&B jams playing lowly. He sat there shirtless, nice built chest, sweatpants hanging loosely from his hips showing his pubic hair and the very base of his dick was exposed as well. My heart was pumping hard in my chest now, was I supposed to fall to my knees and worship his dick? I wanted to at the very least. I confess I have a thing for thugs, just the idea of one getting rough and merciless with me was hot...but not sure how well I could deal with pain if there was any unexpectedly. "Come here and suck this dick," he commanded firmly. I obliged and covered the distance between me and his crotch, tugging down those sweats and sucking the ever-stiffening uncut monster cock that I was going to let drill into me. He licked a finger and slid it down my track pants and fingered my tight hole, his saliva slicked it up as he opened me. I moaned contently. "I'm gonna widen you up, that hole is too tight, I need it loose and used up," he whispered seductively. I arched my back trying to let myself open to him more, another finger made its way inside. He coaxed me up onto the bed, pulling me forcibly by my hair so I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the middle. He took my hands and pulled them up towards the corners, leather straps found their way around my wrists and were secured snugly with lightning quick precision. I could barely move my hands, there was no way I could slip out. This whole time he kept me gagged with his dick so I couldn't say much at all. He did mention restraints in the e-mail, so I was only surprised because I was so into sucking him. He moved away from me, and I tried to turn to see where he was going but a blindfold was already over my eyes and tied firmly into place. With one more fluid motion my ankles were bound to the bed to. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move either. My track pants had been taken off as he had pulled me onto the bed and I was commando, so no underwear stood between my hole and his cock. "I brought condoms," I said, almost more like a whimper. I can't lie, I was scared, he could do anything to me now. Most of the things I imagined him doing to me, I wanted, but what if he wanted to do something else.... "Good," he said somewhere behind me. I could hear the floor boards creaking oddly, and now that I thought about it, I hadn't got to look around his place. There were rooms down the hall, could there be more than one person here? "You have a roommate?" I asked timidly. "Nope, just you and me," he assured me, I felt him press his dick against my ass lube covering it nicely. I couldn't tell if he had a condom on but it didn't feel like it. He pressed my head into a pillow with one hand before I could question and his dick shoved into me as well. I grimaced as the initial burn of his cock widening me up began. I gasped as he plunged into me. He tried to let me get used to it for a few moments but not nearly long enough, this top was impatient for my hole and he knew he could take it. I had no choice but to try and bite into the pillow and give up my ass to my dominator. The whole bed shook, I could hear the headboard knocking against the wall in rhythm with his thrusts into my captive hole. I moaned with each slap of his balls against my ass cheeks, they were so huge, I could tell he shot huge loads. Oh god, I hoped the condom wouldn't break or I'd be the one overflowing with his seed...if he was wearing a condom at all. I was nearly screaming at the top of my lungs into the pillow before he suddenly slacked off and slid out of me without a word. Had he cum? Was he about to rim me? I couldn't tell what was happening, that familiar feeling of nervousness and excitement struck again, perhaps this is why he liked the bottom to be blindfolded. Not knowing could be an aphrodisiac after all it seemed. Then, his cock slid into me once more. Yet, something was different this time. It seemed fatter somehow, his was a hung dick but it was overly-thick, this one though had way more girth to it. Did he put on a cock ring maybe? I didn't have time to ask or ponder before I was being drilled again. Tears started splashing into my pillow as the assault renewed with incredible power. My hole quivered from the force of his dick cramming into me and forcing me even wider. My top was silent not even a little dirty talk, just me moaning and grunting as his used me as much as he wanted. He gripped my hair and pulled my head back, and something was pushed under my nose. I wondered what it was and inhaled curiously, it didn't smell like much of anything but he moved it and held it under my other nostril and made me sniff deeply again. As he moved the bottle away I got the most intense feeling I had ever had. A warmth seemed to spread from the center of my chest and radiate through my whole body. My hole could barely handle his dick before but suddenly it seemed to want nothing more than to open up and get raped by his horse-hung cock. All I wanted was to let him use me as his cumdump, I wished I could have told him to rip the condom off and just blow inside me. My hole felt like a secret part of it was opening up to just him and he could violate me deeper than anyone ever had before and...he sure fucking did. I moaned like a bitch as he drilled my ass in places I couldn't imagine having been fucked in. It was like his dick found a secret compartment to stuff his meat into again and again until suddenly I felt it throbbing repeatedly while he was balls deep inside. I breathed heavily just feeling the pulses taper off after two minutes. His balls emptied every drop before he slid out of my ass. "You wanted multiple loads from me though, yeah?" he questioned. I felt him press his dick back into me, though now it felt longer again, not as thick, and it went even deeper than before. I felt the familiar bottle pressed against my nose. I inhaled, and now I knew he definitely had a friend using my ass there with him, and if I had to guess I was being the cumdump for both of them. I tried pushing out the load, to be sure it was inside me but the rush took over again and his dick was already plowing me deeply. I closed my eyes even though I couldn't see anything anyway and just relaxed and let him use me. Resisting wouldn't help now and he knew I had given in. The bed was rocking like a boat in a storm and the pounding of the headboard was like thunder with how powerful his fucking was. I screamed into the pillow in ecstasy. "Just fucking cum in me, I know you're doing it!" I begged. And that's when he shot. He pulled out so I could feel a spurt of jizz shoot across my back and then plunged balls deep into me and kept it in the entire time until he was done. A finger ran across my back gathering the load he shot and pushed it back into my hole with the rest of the loads. He unbuckled me but pinned my arms behind my back as he undid the restraints on my ankles. He walked me across the room with the blindfold on and pushed me outside the door of his place as he dropped my clothes to the floor with my shoes also outside. The door slammed shut as I was taking off the blindfold, completely naked in the building where anyone could walk by. I hurriedly got dressed, my aching hole wanting to burst with the amount of cum his balls had filled me with. I hoped I could make it home or to a bathroom before I had to let the loads out. "Ugh!" I gasped as it was too late, a huge stream of cum suddenly ran down my left leg coating my socks with jizz there was so much fucking jizz, and I knew that was only the beginning. My track pants were soaked, I could only hope they were dark enough people couldn't tell I had just been fucked in the ass and bred. I felt like such a slut. He had used me and tossed me away like tissue paper... And God was it hot. I found out I was poz two months later, but I never saw him again...that's when I thought to write this. Maybe he'll see it and get in touch someday... ((Note: For anyone who is thinking of asking -- nope, I didn't find this story somewhere else, haha I wrote it all myself, just added more to the story to include that twist. Wouldn't it be hot to read a story written by someone you gifted? ))
    3 points
  18. Last night after coming home from dinner I was a little buzzed and the boyfriend and I were cruising grinder, not expecting much. There were the standard bots and flakes. We were about to give up, but one blank profile we could not figure out if it was real or not. It belonged to a 20 year old top that “needed to dump a load quick”. Despite him being rather pushy and annoying the pic he sent us was pretty hot, with a nice dick pic. We invited him over figuring the chances of his showing were about 50/50. My man does most the talking, and says we are down for oral and he didn’t think I was up to bottom. If he did show it would be a fun cock to suck, since I didn’t really feel like bottoming and the boyfriend is a TOTAL top. Half hour later the door bell rings and, I guess they twink-top is real. The boy comes in and ready to go from the moment he walked in. Standing there in the living room he drops his pants and I drop to my knees. I begin to service a cock so hard it could only belong to a horned up 20 year old. It’s a nice cock. Cut, well proportioned, and well trimmed; but it’s much smaller than the pic he sent. But a decent average sized cock Since I am used to servicing my mans huge cock that is beer can thick I like working the smaller ones. I can really work them like a porn star. We get him naked and on the couch switching back and forth on who’s is throathing his cock. He’s quite impressed with both of our oral skills. While he is tickling my tonsils with his dick, and I’m making good eyecontact, he asked if I would like to get fucked. I shrug my shoulders and agree. The kid follows us into the bed room where I lay on my back on the edge of the bed, take a hit of poppers, and lube his cock. I throw my leg into the air and he shoves his cock it to the hilt in one go. Which it burns like hell at first. I make him slow down at first. I can tell this won’t take long. My body adjusts to his cock. He comments on how good my ass feels, as I use my muscles to massage his cock. My boyfriend stands back and watches the well built twink fuck his boyfriend. He’s playing his this phone and taking pics of me getting plowed by this horny, yet inexperienced top. He asked if he “can blow inside” and I reply with a simple “yes.” After about 3 minutes of fucking me starts saying something about how he has to meet friends soon. I realize this means he just blew his load, and we doing the typical freak out of a young closeted boy that just had an orgasm. He quickly got dressed, asked if we were feee next weekend and rushed out the door, leaving me and my dripping hole on the bed. The boyfriend lets him out and meets me back in the bedroom. Where I give him the best sloppy head I can. I could tell he will be back, and will be even more eager to breed my hole now that he knows I’m not opposed to taking loads.
    3 points
  19. I was one of those horny teens seduced into letting a poz and toxic cock into me the first time I ever bottomed. A few weeks later, I got sick. And years later, I've recruited hundreds into my army. Let's rewind a bit. It was in the midst of summer ball for my senior year of high school. I was poised to be one of the studs for my high school football team. My older brother was the star QB who just went off to college and finished his freshman year. He joined one of the university's top frats and endured a tough hazing process (most of which he didn't tell me till later). My coach was a big fan of my brother. He was one of those give is 110% kind of guys. Stays late to get an extra pump in. Kept the team in line through intimidation. And my older bro was one of those typical high school jocks. Always walking around the locker-room in his slightly used jock. Thinking about the next time he could fuck his girl. A horny mother fucker. I looked up to him for many reasons, and this was one of them. That summer, my coach was on my ass. He expected me to be the guy. He expected me to be my brother. Problem was, I just wasnt as good as he was. I wasn't as aggressive or tough. And my coach was determined to change that. He worked me HARD during the first days of two a days. He made me (along with a few other seniors) get there early to lift before practice and had us run after. He had me in the film room every night. It was a grind, and I was wearing thin. My brother was home from college, so he often got to hear me complain about my coach and about practices. At first, he told me to suck it up. But then, he told me "hey bro, why don't we have a bro weekend. Just me and you. We can drink some, watch some games, and practice some." Needing this time off, wanting to hang with my bro before he head back to college, and the thought of drinking (which I had done very little of) sold me. That weekend, we went off to our parent's cabin about an hour away. During the day, my brother and I passed the ball around, ran sprints, lifted, played some video games. We began watching games and drinking some. The whole time, my bro was texting someone on his phone. I had assumed it was his girl, so I didn't think much of it.My brother said he needed to pick up some more beers from the store, a solid hour round trip. In the mean time, I continued sipping on the beer sort of feeling the buzz working. Then, I heard a knock on the door. Our cabin is pretty secluded and you need to know where to go in order to get there, so it had to be someone we knew. I opened the door, and I was terrified to see my coach standing there. I thought my starting time would be ripped away from me when he found out I was drinking. Instead, he laughed, said my bro invited him to watch football with us, and to finish my beer and he'll get the next one. I chugged my beer, he went to the kitchen to pour the next one out. Although I hadn't drank much before, and I didn't totally know what it was like to be buzzed, I could tell there was a difference in the drink he gave me. All of my senses were heightened, while my mind focused. As we watched the games, just coach and I, I could smell his musk from a few feet away. The more I drank, the stronger the scent became. Then, I noticed my coach put his arms around me. Once again, I could tell my senses were heightened, as I could feel him rub my muscles, chuckling with how tense I was. He told me to relax boy, that he was just getting the knots out. When I was done with the drink, he told me to finish his, and I did. His scent grew stronger, and I noticed the bulge in his pants. He noticed mine grow too. He pulled a bottle of poppers out of his bag, asked me if I knew what they were. I said no. He said you just sniff them and theyll help you to relax more, to focus more. I listened and huffed some. Then I felt his hands move from my shoulders to my chest, to my bulge. With no objections, he pulled my shorts down to reveal my jock. Took my cock out and started to worship it. I had only hooked up with girls before this (jerked to dudes a few times), but no girl I was with had ever been able to deep throat me like my coach was able to. My coach blew me for about 10 minutes before getting his own cock out. It was a solid 7.5-8 inch girthy uncut cock. It was dripping with precum. Every 5 minutes, my coach would shove the poppers back under my nose getting me higher than I already was. He moved his tongue from my cock to my hole. Making me feel every lick. Then, his cock was rubbing on my hole. Another hit. His head was inside me. Another hit. He slid further in. One more hit, he was balls deep inside. He started pumping faster and faster inside me. The poppers and drugs he slipped in my drink helped me open up. After 10 minutes, he burst inside, not even asking where I wanted his seed. He slid his cock out and we plopped on the couch, breathing heavily. A few minutes later, after our shorts were back on, my brother came back. He said hey to coach, cocked a smile when he noticed the empty drinks, the poppers, and the sweat we worked up. He went to his room and came back out with a plug. He threw it to me and said "Bro, if you want to be a stronger man, you're going to want to keep every drop inside you. Let coach absorb into you, and make you more a man." I kept coaches load inside me all night. Little did I know, it was changing my DNA. Making me one of his own. Weeks later, when I got sick and missed the opening game, I remember my coach smiling as I told him I wouldnt be able to play because I had the flu.
    3 points
  20. Can't imagine a Top or Dom or any guy who needs to use His cock going anything but commando. Seeing a guys cock through His clothes automatically makes me wanna back my ass up into Him.
    3 points
  21. First post. Cum addict checking this place out
    3 points
  22. PREQUEL to Chapter Four: - Hey Man. Are you one of the Dancers at this place. - Er, well, er, well sort of, I start on Friday. - I hear you are not from around these parts. Been here long buddy? - I arrived only yesterday. I am here for 6 months. - You start Friday night you say. That's the private function night. They're a tough crowd to please. You might want something to relax you. I can help you wit' that. Here, take my number. I can come over to your place before your shift, and give you somethin', make the evening go better. - Thank you. What is your name? - I'm Nesto. What's your's Man? - I am Steven. - I've got to split. Nice meeting you Steven. Call me. He gave me the 'call me' hand gesture, and no sooner had he appeared, he disappeared off into the night, and I luckily found the taxi place, and went home. What an INSANE first day. I went home, showered, had a quick app video chat with my Man, showered, had a few nibbles (I really must get some proper food in to cook myself), then completely crashed out. Tomorrow would be Thursday. My first full proper day at work, and the day before my first Dance gig here in Boston! And who was that Nesto fellow I wondered. Did he also know my *daytime & nighttime* Bosses Aiden & Ayan? .... Was I being set up to arrive loosened up in preparation to be 'L☢️☢️SENED up'? 😈
    3 points
  23. True Story of my first slam! About 10 years ago, I was excited to connect with a hot ff buddy of mine -- talk black guy with a really hungry hole. I've been a ff top for a long time. I was able to leave work early and head downtown and check into a nice sleazy hotel. I had had done a little T recently and had a little bit left so decided to smoke some before the festivities began. A little bit later he showed up. We kissed and started to make out, but something was "off". He admitted he was not feeling great but wanted me to fist him deep, but admitted he felt we should reschedule. I agreed and was naturally a little disappointed. My hot 6'3" black ff bottom when home to bed. So what did I do? Well, signed on the BBRTS naturally. Ended up chatting with a couple of people, but nothing was clicking. The little bit of T I did was still in effect and I was horny as hell. Finally, after about a hour, this guy I had chatted with on and off before hit me up. Like I said, we had chatted but were never quite on the same page or could not make it work. Tonight was different. As we chatted I finally asked him "what are you up for tonight"? "I want to slam and fuck" he replied. Slam and fuck. Normally I would have probably not taken him up on the offer, but tonight was different. The little bit of T I had done early was in charge of my thinking. So my response? "Sound great, come on over". We chatted and determined neither of us had product. I had only purchased it once at a bathhouse, so had no contacts. I told him I had $$ if he had a contact. He said he did but wanted some of the $$ up front. He stopped by. OMG - hot Latin guy. Deep black eyes. And sexy as hell. We chatted about how much, and I suggested --- well, let's get enough so we don't run out if we want more. I gave him the $$ and off he went. Part of me thought -- hummm, that was a scam and I would probably not see him again. Anyway, I was back on BBRTS in case I needed plan B. About 30 minutes later there was a knock at the door. It was my hot Latin guy. About 34, 5'8" dark eyes and a great mischievous smile. He came in, I locked the door and we began kissing passionately. Kissing is a must and a major turn on for me, and he was a GREAT kisser. He then showed me the T and asked if I was ready. "Of course". Now, I had not told him I had never slammed before. I was trying to play it cool and appear relaxed. As he started weighing the product he asked me how much. I had NO idea. So my reply was "what ever you normally do". Again, I did not want to appear to be novice. "Ok, let's do a 3.0". He prepped the points and said they were ready. That's when I told him well, this is my first time, so you will have to do me. He had a little concern, but said, that since I was a big bear, I would be ok. He put the tourniquet on, looked me in the eyes and asked if I was ready. "YES" "Now tell me if it burns at all". I was transfixed. Not afraid at all and watched intently. He was slow and gentle. The point registered and said "here goes". I watched carefully as it entered the crook of my arm. When finished, he released the tourniquet. And my life changed. The rush was fucking amazing. I went a foggy, had a little ringing in my ears, but no cough. The world seemed to be in a great foggy spin. He asked if I was ok. "Hell yes", and I dropped to my knees and started sucking on his 8" uncut cock. I could not get enough of it. Out of the corner of my eye I watched him slam himself. He looked deep into my eyes and said "I want to fuck you" And I immediately got up on the bed and he began fucking my hungry hungry hole. He was inside me for what seemed like hours. His cock was the perfect fit. It seemed to expand in my ass, filling me completely and happily. We had HOURS of hot sweaty sex. And a 2nd slam a few hours later. More on that later.
    2 points
  24. Tommy had just turned 29, after a couple of heartbreaks he was ready to look after himself for a while. His hair had thinned so he shaved it close, down to the stable but not wet razor. He wasn’t confident enough to go that far. He worked for a tech company, a routine 9-5 job. With only a small social group who worked just as much, there was a lot of downtime and not a lot going on. After lazing about for a few months after the last relationship went down in flames, Tommy decided it was time to get back into the gym. After a 3 weeks of going to the gym, every day after work, doing a mix of cardio and weights. Cutting back on the weed and making home cooked meals. Tommy had slimmed down and started to tone up again. Not washboard abs, far from it, like a less toned swimmer. His confidence had started to build up again, he wasn’t ready to jump back into dating again but the odd hookup was always an in-between step. Logging into the usual Grindr and Scruff apps, there wasn’t much of an interest. Feeling particularly horny one Saturday night Tommy found his way back on to BBRT. He’d always felt sensible about sex, hooking up with guys who knew their status. High on poppers he couldn’t say no to an ass full of cum. After setting up a new profile, it didn’t take long before he was chatting to a guy in his mid 30’s. Average body, negative, recently tested and up for getting stoned, watching porn and having a long night fucking each other. Exactly what Tommy needed. Tommy turned up at Dave’s apartment, a typical bachelor pad. They sat on the couch and shared a joint and talked for a bit, sharing a cup of tea. Eventually they were making out before moving to the bedroom. Dave hooked his phone up to the tv, quickly navigating to a porn site and loading a bareback gangbang scene. The bottom way swallowing a cock while his ass was being pounded from behind. Before Tommy had time to think Daves dick was burning its way into his ass, with only a bit of spit, he was tight. “Here, huff these” Dave handed Tommy a bottle of poppers. They were under his nostrils in the blink of an eye. “They’re new, so they’re strong… Ahhh … fuck” Dave had bottomed out in Tommys raw hole. “Fuuuuck me” Tommy felt the rush of poppers hitting him and soon he was pushing his ass back on Daves nice 7 inch cock. “I’m going to dump my first load” Dave started to brutally slam into Tommy, his balls loudly slapping on Tommys ass. Tommy hit the poppers hard and allowed Dave to destroy his now puffy hole. “Take it!” Dave shouted as he came deep in Tommy’s hole, he quickly pulled out and started eating out Tommys ass. The smell of sex filled the room as the night went on. Tommy took 3 loads off and gave Dave 2 of his own. It was just the night he needed. Back to the gym routine, Tommy’s confidence had grown, especially after having such a hot hook up. He met Dave a few more times over the next couple of weeks but it was just a bit of fun that fizzled out. They gym had started to pay off more. Tommy had really started to add definition to his chest and stomach. Almost a 4 pack. He was working away on one of the leg machines, listening to a generic 80’s gym playlist, when a guy came towards him. Tommy thought he’d finish his set and let the guy use the machine. He cast his eye over him. Maybe slightly taller than Tommy, and much more toned, his arms looked strong but not overly muscular. His eyes were a clear blue and he was smiling at Tommy. Blushing Tommy got up from the machine, grabbing his bottle of water he made to walk over to a different machine when they guy tapped his own ears. Signalling for Tommy to take out his earphones. “Hi, I’m Callum”
    2 points
  25. Held a group session with 3 tops 1 versatile and a bottom. But bottom never showed up. As a result, i happened to be the lucky bottom. But one of the top had 8 inch cock. It almost wrecked my hole. So i had to beg him to be gentle, but he just ram into it. After that my hole was so opened that taking other cock was nothing. Frankly, i hardly felt a thing. Anyway big cock dude came 2 more inside me and others left immediately after they cum. I am guessing he took a viagra or some sort, cause i have never seen this kind of multi-cummer. Arriving home i could still feel my hole is not closed yet, and cum is oozing out. I am hoping to see him next week
    2 points
  26. This pic makes me immediately start salivating and my legs spread. To me, a cock with a PA is like a leash with a collar, putting it in me is collaring me.
    2 points
  27. the first time a boyfriend watched random guys fuck me we were at a bathhouse and he was fucking me in the public sling putting on a show when a guy asked him "can I fuck your boy?" and he said sure. Then when the guy asked if he had a condom he said "you don't need one, he takes it raw" then while the guy was fucking me my boyfriend blindfolded me and said "I wanna watch you take loads all night" from then on he would bring me to bathhouses, porntheatres and guys apartments all the time to watch guys fuck me.
    2 points
  28. Commando. Always. Except for work meetings. Love feeling my cock and PA moving around in my jeans or shorts. Also love the scent of my sweaty crotch and funky pierced dick whenever I unzip to piss during the day, it turns me on like a fucking switch. The visual advertising doesn’t hurt either, sometimes it’s a great conversation starter.
    2 points
  29. FFuck exactly my thinking...get turned on big time by guys with gaping elongated mancunt's, just like my own is and fuck such a turn on when guys with the biggest dicks like how easily accessible it is too...Quote "I love a true ffisters hole" and the biohaz tattoo too;)
    2 points
  30. Beautiful. I'd love to see you take a cock in your fleshy slit.
    2 points
  31. She came back with the tea, and grandad put his arm round me as he sipped the hot drink. It felt really strange to be sitting there naked next to my equally nude grandad with his cum seeping from my hole as they talked about the news which flickered on the TV. After a while, I saw grandad's glistening cock was beginning to thicken and stiffen as they talked. Idly he began to wank it to full erection and I saw my mother smile and nod at him. "Getting hard again, Harry?" She said, licking her lips and gazing at his cock. "Yeah," Said Harry. " Could do with another go." My mother looked at me and nodded at the sofa. "Well?" She said. "On your knees then." Blushing furiously, I turned and knelt on the cushions, my arse cheeks spreading.
    2 points
  32. Great story. I go to the Greenhouse whenever I can. It's a bit hit and miss, but naked day Wednesday is always busy. The basement is just as described, and it's really sexy to bend over the bench in the darkness (usually slippery with cum and lube) and wait for fingers to feel your lubed hole, followed by an anonymous cock sliding up you...
    2 points
  33. As someone who was stealthed before, I'm going to say fuck no. It's one thing if you're with a bug chaser who's into it and begs you to knock him up. It's another to ruin someone's life and infect them without their permission. And if you think stealthing is cool, then you're a sociopath.
    2 points
  34. Essential PrEP with a toothbrush. Love how the bristles of the brush change colour as the video progresses! 😈 https://barebackbastards.com/13864/neg-hole-being-prepped/
    2 points
  35. 23 yo hit me up on Grindr. Walked in and got down to business. Wasn’t long until his low hangers were slapping my ass as he pounded in deep. He asked if I wanted his load. So, naturally that was my cue to beg for it like a slutty cumdump. He slammed the first load into me and kept fucking. My hole was sloppy wet by the time he began pumping load 2 in my ass. When he finally pulled out my hole was open and the cum was running. He was a big shooter both times so still leaking cum.
    2 points
  36. PREQUEL to Part 44; He removed the cannula and bandaged up my hand. Friedrich began to rut at my gaping swollen cunt, snarling and growling with his stinking saliva dripping down my right pec. Doctor Spike bent down, and repetitively scooped up the Werewolf cum-overflow, and smeared it all over my body, eventually resting his hands either side of my distended belly. With his pale gaunt face, and dark brown-black eyes, he stared into my eyes, with an unnerving sinister, sadistic glare, and a depraved EVIL smirk; - I happen to know Charlie, that your boyfriend Richard is planning to break in to your Master's grounds, and TRY to save you. He has to know that there is no place on or in your body for human sperm anymore. And let him come. He is more than welcome to. The Dark-Lord has plans for the pathetic mere mortal. - PLEASE Doctor, I don't want my Richard to get caught up in any of this. His path is with his saviour. Doctor Spike took his hands off of my distended abdomen, and zipped up the mouth and eye pieces to my red rubber hood. I now could not see nor speak. - Is it? If that is his chosen path, he had better not try and execute his plan to come and save you. His destiny will then CHANGE!! ... NATAS ---> OPEN the Gates of HELL! And close them in precisely 4 hours from now. - OPENING the Gates of HELL! 👺🔥💀🐐🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🐺🐺👹
    2 points
  37. Gave it to another anon hotel guy. Super horny all day so went online to see if anyone was looking on my way home from work. Anon, ass up hotel guy said he already had some loads in him and was looking for more. Sloppy seconds always turn me on so I went by. He was nice and tight for a guy who had already been fucked but all that natural lube deep inside him felt great. Gave him a long slow fuck that he seemed to really enjoy and then pounded my load deep inside him. Been thinking recently it would probably be better for me to find some regular fuck buddies...but damn! anonymous hotel sex is hot!
    2 points
  38. Slutty Saturday and it looks like I have a new fuckbuddy. Hadn't seen any of my regular buddies since last week Friday and by Thursday (my day off) this week I was horny as fuck. Browsed the "dating" site looking to get laid. Not many guys on and I browsed the "who's nearby" profiles. For about a year I have seen a totally blank profile very close to me. Never contacted him due to lack of information. This time however it was updated. 48yo Top Only on PrEP (for me that means bare), XXL dick and preferred age range 45-65. Well! Pics showed parts of a hairy dad bod with a bit of a belly and a nice fat dick. Not XXL but looked like a nice thick 8+ with a mushroom head and yummy big balls. No face pic. "Woofed" him and since it didn't look like I was getting lucky logged off. Late afternoon I saw I had a message on the site. Logged in and it was from him and he was online. Message said he was horny and and to message back if I was interested. Was I ????? Messaged him back and after some back and forth messages (e.g. him asking if I took loads) I agreed to go to his place. Taller than me, quite attractive, hot dad bod and the dick pics were true 😉 Pulled down his sweats and sucked him for quite a while. He turned me around and ate my ass (hardly ever happens to me and it felt great!) Lubed me up and started to attack my hole. Pounded my hole like forever until he grunted and came. I was on the edge of cumming too from getting pounded but he came before I could. He rolled over and sighed it had been a great fuck. His cock was still half erect and I started to play with it while we made small talk. He said it wasn't likely he could go again as he already had jerked off twice before he saw my reaction to his profile. We exchanged phone numbers and I went home. So, yesterday late afternoon I got a text asking if I was horny. Told him I was but that I had a 'date' with a buddy later. "Wanna come over now?". He took his time but hammered two loads in me and fucked one out of me before I had to rush home. Horny fucker. No time to make dinner before my regular showed up. Sexy guy, usually good for a few rounds and he was eager. Said he hadn't cum in a few days. Alernated between a slow fuck (1st load) and hard pounding (2nd load). His dick always feels great and he always manages to get me off. Had a text from the 1st guy saying to get back at him if I wanted some more. But tbh I was tired, it was late and my hole was a bit sore. And four loads from two guys is more than I had hoped for anyway! So agreed to see him this afternoon. Nothing better than spending a rainy Sunday afternoon in bed 😉
    2 points
  39. I was laying in bed this morning and had a fantasy scenario playing inside my head and decided it would make for an interesting story, so I decided I would try and write it and see how it goes. I'm not done yet but I need to take a break so I'm posting what I have written and am interested in what you guys think. ------------------------------------------------------------ I was on my way home from work one day when my boyfriend Patrick called me and told me we’d be having guests for dinner. His uncle Steve was in town visiting his brother Frank, my boyfriend's father, and the two of them would be eating with us. Patrick also mentioned we'd have a third guest, a buddy with whom Frank had worked with at a local factory. I had met Frank several times, and he and Patrick are quite similar: same hair, same eyes, same build, same height, same weight, and I can only speculate, but I imagine they have the same cock, about eight inches, somewhat thick, with a nice set of balls that always pump out a huge load. I had never met Steve before, but upon doing so, was amused to see Steve, Frank and Patrick were spitting images of each other. It was, however, Nick, Frank's friend, who got me drooling. Now, I’m 5’8” 150 pounds, am modestly built, and Patrick, his father and Steve are even smaller at 5’ 3”, 125 pounds, nice and trim. In contrast to the rest of us, Nick was 6’ 3” 200 pounds of solid muscle, not muscle from a gym, but muscle built from an active life, and no doubt, from a lifetime of loading trucks at the factory. Now, I’m the top in my relationship with Patrick. I’m bigger than is he, both physically and in terms of dick size, but when I see a man like Nick my eyes glaze over and my asshole starts to twitch. Thankfully Patrick, Steve and Frank like to cook, so they announced they would handle putting the meal together, and warned Nick and me that we would only be in the way. I was so smitten with Nick that I gotta admit I was hoping Steve, Patrick and Frank and get to talking over a glass of wine and the three would forget that either me or Nick were there at all. We all went into the living room to have a drink and talk. Patrick, Steve, and Frank occupied our one recliner and the sofa, and as there were no other seats, Nick followed me to have a seat behind the bar to the back of the room. As I suspected the family trio started talking and tuned-out Nick and me, so I poured the two of us a strong drink and we started talking, mostly about the factory, what it was like to work there and how he really enjoyed it. He had started college and attended for a few years but decided he’d much rather be working class so dropped out and never finished. He was in his late forties and from stealing glances at his crotch while sitting at the moment I would say that he was packing something in there. A few times he noticed me looking and smiled which made me melt even more. After he finished his second drink he asked where the bathroom was so I asked him to follow me, and I led him through the house upstairs to the main bathroom. At this point I was confident enough to ‘joke’ with him. After switching on the light I asked him if he would need or wanted any help. He gave a nervous laugh, said no, and shut the door behind him. I was honestly quite taken aback, I was certain that he would be game. Dazed and confused I returned to my seat behind the bar and poured myself another drink. Looking at my glass and feeling the beginning of a buzz I decided that it was the alcohol that was making me feel a bit over confident. In addition, Nick was quite a stud, so to be sure my mind wasn’t thinking correctly. When Nick returned and resumed his seat, I made some lame remark about alcohol and having made a pass at him. “No big deal. It usually isn’t 'till after the third drink that I need help” he responded with a chuckle. My jaw hit the floor, here I thought it was all over and he just wasn’t ready. I just sat there dumbfounded till he broke the silence. “My drink ain’t gonna pour itself.” I was grinning from ear to ear as I poured him another. “What are you smiling about?” asked Patrick. “Nothing,” I replied, “Nick just told me a joke.” “Oh, well, you two have fun. We are going in the kitchen to get dinner ready.” Finally!! The trio got up and went to the kitchen where they will be cooking, leaving Nick alone with me. No sooner had they left the room than I turned to face him, wide eyed, and excited like a kid on Christmas Day waiting to open what was certain to be the best package. He chuckled a bit then shifted to a more comfortable position with his legs spread for better access and undid his jeans and zipper, then went back to his drink. The rest was up to me. I dropped from my bar stool and knelt in front of him pulling his jeans open far enough for me to reach in and pull that sweet meat out into the world. It was beautiful. At least seven and a half soft with a good thickness to it. My god, when fully erect it would be huge. Fortunately since we were behind the bar, should one of the guys cooking come back into the living room, Nick and I would be hidden by the counter, so no one would know I was blowing him. I sucked his flaccid dick into my mouth and tried my best to swallow it. I love sucking cock and love it even more when it goes in limp and I get to feel it swell and get hard in my mouth. Few things stir the desire to suck harder than that sensation. I kept the whole thing in my mouth as long as I could but eventually there was just too much. Fully erect it was nine and a half inches long, thick, but not so thick I couldn't blow it, particularly as his cock had a perfect torpedo shape - absolutely great for sucking, but also undoubtedly a pleasure to ride. I sat for a moment stroking that massive thing before me, I was in heaven, the perfect cock and I was sucking on it, my boyfriend and his family in the next room cooking and chatting away - I must admit, the fact that I could hear them chat away only added to the excitement. I glanced at this factory god with his flawless cock, his eyes were closed with a dreamy smile on his mouth. I wondered for a moment of whom he was thinking, but decided it didn’t matter. I grabbed that monster with both hands and nursed hard on the head while drilling my tongue into his piss slit. The taste of his precum was intoxicating and considering I was already pretty much drunk this was pushing me over the edge. I took his big cock as far into my mouth as I could get it, reached behind him grabbing the bar stool and pulled myself farther onto it. He moaned and grabbed my head and pushed me the rest of the way down on his cock. I knelt there, savoring the taste of his cock, the way it felt to have it filling my mouth and throat, the smell of his crotch and the weight of him holding me down on this monster. I pulled back to come up for air but he held me down choking me with his dick. Heavenly. A second later I tried to come up again and again he held me on his cock. I needed to breath, but still he held me. I slapped his thigh to let him know I enjoy this but need to breath and he just laughed and held me tighter onto his cock. I frantically grabbed the rungs of the bar stool pushing against him with all my strength trying to get this cock out of my throat so I could breath. My lungs were aching and I was starting to feel faint when he finally released me and I stumbled to my feet, violently coughing, choking, and loudly gasping for breath. I put my hand to my neck breathing deeply, staring at Nick as Patrick came running to the doorway asking, “What’s going on?” I looked at Patrick, then back at Nick who just sat there with his dick fully erect dripping saliva and precum, remarking “Your boyfriend here almost choked on an ice cube.” I looked back at Patrick, who, by this time, was backed-up by Steve and Frank. The three of them stood in the doorway and Patrick remarked (disapprovingly) “Well, he does drink too fast, always trying to get it all in.” With that the three of them walked back into the kitchen to finish dinner preparations. As I caught my breath, I stared at Nick's beautiful cock as it bobbed up and down. Nick, not to disappoint, reached down and grabbed it by the base and shook it at me, quietly saying “It’s time to fuck.” As hot as I was, I couldn’t say no. I dropped my pants and turned around, presenting my ass for Nick's pleasure. Or should I say 'our pleasure'? After all, I wanted that cock in my ass as much as he wanted my ass. While the circumstances dictated discretion, I was in a very clumsy position to take a huge cock up my ass, but necessity, as we all know, will find a way, so I found myself, essentially, laying on the bottom shelf of the bar, which, fortunately, was more or less empty, my ass raised to afford Nick access. While this meant I was essentially inside the bar laying with my body twisted sideways so I could barely see him, I could certainly feel Nick, and that was all that mattered. In the corner I noticed a small brown bottle of poppers that must have been lost. Thank god, I was already shaking in anticipation of that cock fucking me, partly because I was excited about it and partly because I was scared that he was going to make it hurt. I couldn’t exactly scream in this position because there would be absolutely no hiding this. I quickly unscrewed the bottle and started to inhale deeply as I felt him press the head of his cock against my hole. I could feel the thick saliva that had been dredged up from the back of my throat mixed with his precum on my hole as he started to press himself into me. AHHHHH. It hurt! I rammed my thumb in my mouth and bit down to distract from the pain. My body tensed and he stopped pushing. I took another hit of the poppers, and another, and another. Finally I got hit with that rush of heat and it was at that moment that I realized that he didn’t have a condom on. Oh well I was too high on poppers to care and was enjoying the feeling of just having his cock in me. He kept sliding farther in till I tensed then he would stop and wait a bit. Then a bit more till I finally felt his hips right behind mine with his big cock buried neatly in me. I took another hit of the poppers to keep the feeling going as I felt that big cock slowly sliding out of me and then back in. As rough as he was holding my head down on that cock he was super gently with the fucking. Slow and rhythmic. I could periodically hear him place his glass back on the bar above me so knew that up above it would appear business as usual, while down below I was getting filled. “Where’s Andy?” I heard the familiar voice asking. It was my boyfriend. The fucking rhythm ceased. “He slipped out for a bit of air. After his choking bit I think he needed a little breather.” Nick laughed a little with his response. “Well he shouldn’t have left you alone.” “It’s fine, I don’t mind, I can keep myself company.” “Well my Dad and uncle can handle the kitchen for a minute so I’ll stay here till Andy gets back.” I’m Andy, by the way, in case you hadn’t figured that out yet. And here I was crammed inside a bar with a huge cock in my ass while my boyfriend was chatting it up with the god the cock was attached to. Occasionally Nick would shift his standing position which would move his cock either further in or a little out of my ass, so I was kind of still getting fucked but I wanted a pounding or at least more than what I was getting. The cock in my ass was nice but I wanted some movement. I fantasized about Nick being able to finish fucking me then feeling him pull out and shoot his load all over my face. I imagined me licking every drop of his load from wherever it fell. Then I was horrified when I realized that the cock that was impaling me was going limp from lack of stimulation. I rhythmically squeezed my ass together around his cock to bring it back to life. I most definitely didn't want it to slide out of my ass. As I took another hit of popper. Nick shifted and I realized that the bar was quite solid, and that if I was careful, I could ride Nick's cock with alerting Patrick as to what was going on. I hit the poppers again and backed up a little. Nick resisted, which forced his cock back into me. Then I kept hitting the poppers and rocking my hips back and forth moving his cock in and out of my hole. Between the poppers and the constant pressure on my prostate and knowing that my boyfriend was right there while I was getting fucked I was in pure heaven. Suddenly Nick grunted a bit. “Are you okay?” Patrick asked. “Yes,” Nick replied as he grunted again. “Are you sure?” "Yes. Just a little…uhh…cramping in my…ahh…thigh is all.” The noises didn’t clue me in cause I was poppered out of my mind but I felt his cock swell and get warmer and start throbbing and I knew that he had cum or was cumming cause the throbbing seemed to go on and it suddenly got easier to get him farther in me. As hot as the situation was I was ready to cry, this was not what I wanted at all. I wanted Nick to have fucked me good, cum on my face and leave. I didn’t want to get fucked bare and I most certainly didn’t want his load in my ass. It was about five minutes after Nick had cum inside me when I got an ever greater shock. His cock was still rock hard in my ass and still being horny as hell, I kept hitting the poppers and rocking back and forth working his cock while my boyfriend was still talking with him. “So my Dad told me you have HIV and....” WHAT! I completely froze. I put the bottle of poppers down in front of me and then didn’t move. I had just been fucked in an unbelievable position by a man with an unbelievable cock who had cum inside me and now I find out he has HIV? My head was about to explode and my mind was racing. What should I do? There was no way to pull out without being noticed by my boyfriend, who for some reason decided to stay at the bar and keep Nick company, but I did not want to stay with this infected cum in my ass. Time was passing so slowly with everything that was on my mind. Nick’s cock was still hard as a rock and I for some reason was getting horny again. I hadn’t gotten off from the first fucking but finding out that Nick was positive really killed the mood. Unfortunately feeling a cock in my ass was quite stimulating. I imagine Nick was feeling uncomfortable about the situation because after I stopped stimulating him when I heard he was positive, his voice changed a bit when he was talking with my boyfriend. He seemed a bit edgy, but he certainly hadn’t lost the erection. I tried to move forward slowly to remove the cock from my ass but my head was already in the corner of the bar. I tried to slid my hand to a better position and knocked over the bottle of poppers that I had been sniffing. The poppers had spilled everywhere. And a huge cock had plugged-up my ass, ensuring the poz load couldn't escape. And I was getting high again. The poppers. I had spilled them in an enclosed place. Oh god. A minute later and I was hard as fuck again and rocking back and forth getting that cock farther inside. I didn’t care about the load it felt hot inside me. I was hungry and wanted more.
    2 points
  40. I get turned on by bottom-guys with a sexy GAPING, (elongated) fuck-hole. I imagine how many big-dicked studs must have rutted his hole... and how long... each session must have taken... how many MAN-HOURS are on his gaping fuck-hole. The more guys I imagine have bred and 'broken him in', the more I'm turned on.
    2 points
  41. My first load was in a rest stop men’s room on Highway 5 in Corning CA! i was 13. My cousins lived there and I spent a couple of weeks ever summer with them. when I was 8 or 9 I went into that men’s room and in the stall next to me was two men making grunting and other sex noises (I had no idea what those noises meant at the time). The floor of their stall was covered in porn magazine pictures. All gay fucking and sucking pics. I knew something was “bad” about what was happening because I felt ashamed just standing there seeing and hearing it. needless to say I was fascinated with that place. Fast forward to my 13th summer. Riding bikes with my cousin I told him I had to piss and wanted to ride over there. He told me “that’s where them faggots go to do sex” and we needed to stay away from there. I ditched him and went there alone around sunset. I hung around near the sinks and watched man after man cruise eachother and go into the stalls. I listened to their sex and was sweating with lust and shame. 90 percent of the guys ignored me and when one started to talk to me I ran out of there with my tail between my legs. I went back several more times with the exact same result. Then I finally decided to go into a stall. I sat with the door slightly ajar and...
    2 points
  42. I love to eat the cum out of another guy's hole. More loads the better.
    2 points
  43. Yep. Definitely chipped a guy’s teeth with my PA while skullfucking him - it’s happened a few times. I tell guys up front that I don’t take my 0g PA out EVER, so the more someone asks me to take it out the harder I skullfuck him. If he still doesn’t listen then it’s time to turn him around and shred his hole too. It’s not like he hasn’t been warned...
    2 points
  44. Although I knew the bar wouldn't likely shift, I was trying not to move too much as I was so horny that I could see myself shaking down the house in my determination to back-up on that cock. The cock felt great and the poppers kept me high and the adrenaline of the situation kept me going. There was so much wrong with this but I didn’t care at that point. Frank and Steve called to Patrick from the kitchen. “Sorry, they need me. When Andy gets back tell him it will be about fifteen minutes till dinner is ready then you guys can come eat. I’ll leave you alone till then. I hope he isn’t too long” I heard my boyfriend say, as, ever the gracious host him got up from the bar. I had to keep from screaming when Nick pulled his monster out of ass, partly because it hurt and partly because it left me feeling so…vacant. I grabbed the bottle of poppers to see if there was any still in it, which thankfully there was, although not very much and slid out from my position under the bar. It’s funny that you never notice how uncomfortable a position really is until you try to leave it. Once out from under the bar I hit the floor, bottle under my nose, ass in the air, turned around looked at Nick begged him to fuck me again. He didn’t take much begging but it was a big turn on to do so. In no time at all he had that monster back inside me and was fucking me as hard and fast as he could with his full length. And I thought the previous fucking was good, man could this guy move. Drunk, poppered, and getting plowed by a poz stud with a huge cock, one load in me and another on the way all while my boyfriend and his Dad and Uncle were in the next room. I moaned in pleasure. “You like this big dick fucking you?” “Yes sir, I sure do, please don’t stop.” “You heard I’m poz?” I took another deep breath from the poppers, “Yes,” was all I could moan in response. He pushed me hard into the floor driving his cock as deep into me as he could grabbing my hair and pulling my head back as far as he could. “You want another poz load in that hole?” Again I moaned yes. “Yeah I know you do. I’m working on it baby. I’m gonna fuck so much cum into you. Does your boyfriend know you’re a bottom cum slut? That’s what you are now, a dirty poz cum slut?” He whispered harshly into my hear while driving that cock in and out of my ass. “You want this load? You want me to breed you? You want me to infect that ass don’t you?” The only answer the pleasure and the poppers would allow me to answer was yes. Yes. YES! God, I wanted him to blow another load into me and keep on fucking. I never wanted his dick to leave my hole. It seemed so perfect, his god-like body fucking me with that beautiful cock forever. The intoxication of the moment was almost too much. His poz load would fill my guts until I too was infected and he would just keep fucking me. The virus would ravage my body and all the while he would be fucking me. When our bodies were old and dead the sexual momentum we has spent the time building would carry on for eternity and he would always be spilling his precious seed into me. Yes I wanted him to fill me again. And just like that I was cumming. I opened my mouth to scream the climax was so intense but it was instantly covered by his rough hand. “You asked for it baby, here it comes.” His body slammed into me again and again as he climaxed and came dumping shot after shot of cum into my hole. I was shaking from the chill, from the orgasm, from the poppers I’d been sniffing for entirely too long, from knowing I had just begged a poz man to fill me with his load, from know that I enjoyed it way too much. He lay on top of me. I could still feel every inch of him in me. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and I could feel his cock throbbing with every heartbeat. What a fuck! After a moment he got up and ordered me to clean his dick off, which I did happily. I put his dick in my mouth and sucked off the cum and ass juice. His cock tasted like fuckin' heaven. Once satisfied that it was clean he put it away and picked up his drink and left to go to the kitchen to join the other guys. I took a few deep breaths and staggered upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. I had cum on my stomach from shooting my load and I would need to clean out my ass. Remembering the cum I starting fingering it into my mouth on my way up the stairs, thinking god I love the taste of cum. Having eaten all my cum on the way, when I got to the bathroom I grabbed a rag to wet and wipe the stickiness from my stomach and was about to use the bathroom when Patrick popped his head in asking "You okay?" "Yes, I'm fine, I just need to freshen up." He entered the bathroom, closed the door, kissed me, and proceeded to help me with my disheveled hair. “No more drinks for you until after dinner” he said, giving me that ‘what am I going to do with you look’. He kissed me again, grabbed my hand and led me down stairs to the dining room for dinner. Nick was grinning from ear-to-ear as I sat down, oh so slowly. It wasn’t until I was actually seated that I realized that since Patrick decided to visit me in the bathroom I never got a chance to clean out my ass. I was so nervous about keeping his cum inside me. What kind of person wants poz cum inside his ass? That’s just wrong. It was the poppers and the alcohol. But it did feel good having it in there. Then, amid the chatter of the guys, I heard Patrick say to me “Oh, after we eat me, Dad and Uncle Steve want to go see the new Harry Potter movie at the theater. Since I know you have no interest in that stuff, and Nick doesn’t either, I thought the two of you could keep each other company.”
    2 points
  45. @pozpuppy this is definitely a unique spin on wrestling 🤼‍♂️. You definitely have my attention and can’t wait for the fun to begin!
    1 point
  46. Yesterday I and one of my friends went to the sauna. Although it was naked night the guys wasn’t really open for sex. My friend was lucky three guys fucked him, I found only one. He was nice but he fucked me wrapped. Fuck. So, I went to Coxx the cruising bar. It was a good choice. There was a pretty crowd. Everyone had sex. I barebacked some guys, and many of the guests barebacked me. Only one used condome and three unloaded me. I love the feeling when a bare cock is pushing my hole and lots of guys are watching it.
    1 point
  47. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 5 There we were...two slammed up boys worshipping their Daddy’s tits...humping Daddy as our legs entwined around his. “Fuck yeah boys...my fucking chemmed up pigs.” Daddy sighed. Holding both of us up tight to his strong pecs, we continued writhing as puppy’s hand moved down my back. Raising my ass, I gave him access to my cunt...puppy began exploring my cunt lips. “GRRRRRR!” puppy growled. “Fuuck! Yeah!” I responded. “Fuck me puppy. Feed my hungry cunt!” I begged. “Go ahead puppy, take it. You earned it.” Daddy laughed. “That cunt is fucking tight and deep. Go on! It’s yours now.” My eyes went to puppy and saw the look of authority wash over him. He was my alpha and I was about to find out just what he was capable of. Daddy disengaged and got off the bed. Both of us, acknowledging that Daddy was our superior, watched from the bed as he went and grabbed a black leather upholstered chair from against the wall and placed it at the side of the bed making sure he could see everything. “OK boys...continue. Give your Daddy a fucking show.” Daddy sat back and spread his legs wide...giving us full view of his hard cock. Puppy growled...rolling on top of me, he took my neck into the crook of his left arm...holding me there. “Fucking cuntboy...you’re gonna service your alpha...fucking give up that cunt to me?” “Fuck yeah puppy! Fucking take my cunt...it’s yours!” I yelled as my ass rose feeling his packed red jock pouch pushing into my ass cheeks. “AWW! FUUCK!!!” I moaned. Still holding me like this, puppy grabbed a chain hanging from one of the front bed posts with his other hand and attached it to my collar as I felt his breath on my face. “My cuntboy...” he exhaled, kissing my neck tenderly. Releasing my neck, puppy grabbed the chain from the other post and connected it to my collar and rolled off me. Puppy proceeded to shackle my ankles to the lower bedposts...leaving me on my hand and knees...cunt exposed. Moving to the side at the head of the bed, puppy stood arms crossed. “Fuck yeah...slammed up cuntboy,” he stated as he admired his cuntboy. Puppy climbed on the bed moving between the chains connecting my collar to the bed posts and sank to his knees and presented his bursting jock pouch. My mouth began to water... Puppy smiled, slowly pulling down his jock exposing the thick root of his cock. “Yeah cuntboy? You want puppy’s cock?” he teased. “AWWW FUCK … YEAH PLEASE PUPPY! I WANT YOUR COCK!” I begged as puppy gyrated his hips in front of me. I knew my place...and my place was to service. “Come on cuntboy...show puppy how much you want this cock,” puppy goaded me on. “Ya think that I’d waste my cock on someone who’d just lie there and take it? SHOW YOUR ALPHA. CUNTBOY!” he ordered. My slammed up cunt, now possessed with nothing but thoughts of puppy’s cock, took over. My back arched and my ass began rotating...offering my cunt to puppy’s fat cock as my throat let out low rasping pleadings. “Please puppy...I need your cock!” I moved forward and began sniffing the red pouch now leaking precum...I took in puppy's scent, recognizing the familiar scent all men emit in their crotches. Finally, satisfied that I proven myself, puppy pushed down his jockstrap releasing his hard uncut cock. I gasped...taking in the thick sheathed cock suspended above a set of huge balls. My mouth watered...imagining the amount of cum held inside. Puppy grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it across my lips sending the stringy leaking precum onto my face. “Fucking cock’s gonna fill your cunt...but first, service it...service your alpha’s cock cuntboy!” I quickly moved to explore the thick foreskin covering the cock. “AWWW, Fuck cuntboy...” Puppy shivered as my tongue moved under the flap and began circling the cockhead tasting the sharpness of his cock. Pushing forward, my lips drew back the skin...my tongue invading puppy’s cock slit...determined to take in the leaking precum. Puppy held my head tightly as he shoved his cock back down my throat...but I resisted and pulled back, holding onto the foreskin with my teeth, I began to chew. “AWWWW FUUUUCK!” Puppy yelled as he released my head. “AWWW FUCK YEAH CUNTBOY! FUCKING SERVICE MY COCK!” puppy yelled as he arched his back presenting his uncut cock. Pushing back the skin, my lips moved over his pulsing cockhead and I sucked it in as puppy jammed it down to his smooth crotch. “Fucking cuntboy...take it!” puppy ordered and began the face-fucking. His rapid movements wouldn’t allow me to get a rhythm...I couldn’t breathe. I began gagging... “Easy does it, puppy! Give cuntboy some air...we don’t want him passing out on that cock of yours,” Daddy joked. Puppy eased up and I took a deep breath. Then suddenly, puppy jerked me back down to the root and held me. I finally met puppy’s rhythmic thrusting as he pulled his cock half way out. Puppy spat and it landed on his shaft. I instantly went forward catching his spit and took his entire cock back down my throat. Puppy patted my cheeks and pulled out. “Cunt time...” puppy laughed and moved off the bed. Daddy urged us on. “Cuntboy, you’re about to be bred by your alpha!” I moaned as puppy climbed back on the bed between my legs. “Fuck yeah cuntboy. I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Daddy told me all about your conversations and what he was planning. I've thought about you and how hot your cunt would feel swallowing my cock.“ My cunt went wild... ”Yeah, slammed up cuntboy.” puppy continued stroking his cock. “MMMM fucking look at that cunt...full of Daddy’s cum.” He began to lick and chew at my cunt lips as I begged for his cock. ‘Fuck yeah puppy. Please! I need it!” I pleaded as puppy continued slurping my cunt. “Oh yeah. Fuck me puppy. Fuck my cunt and fill it with your cum.” Puppy rose...placing his hard cock at my cunt, he pushed through my sloppy cunt lips. “Here it is cuntboy. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” Shoving his cock in quickly, I let out a gasp. Puppy laughed, “Fuck Daddy... This cunt is so hot and tight still. Fucking feeling your load inside!” Puppy began his invasion of my cunt and we fell into a steady rhythm losing myself in the feelings in my cunt...until the spell was broken. Feeling someone grab my head, I snapped out of it. It was Daddy. “Yeah cuntboy. Suck my cock. Fucking two cunts on this one now.” He climbed back on the bed. I hungrily swallowed Daddy’s cock as he settled in front of me. “Oh fuck, cuntboy. Service Daddy’s cock while puppy feeds your cunt.” Daddy encouraged. I was in heaven being filled by cock in both ends. My body was now a cunt. Suddenly, I felt puppy quicken and start pounding me rapidly. “Fuuck Daddy! This cuntboy is so good. Thank you for giving him to me... I’m gonna fucking cum!” Puppy's cock spasmed...filling my cunt with his seed. The thrusts continued until Puppy let out a final grunt and fell on my back. I sighed...it was done...my cunt was full of my Daddy and my alpha’s cum. Puppy wrapped his arms around my chest and held me tightly as I held our Daddy’s cock in my mouth. We caught our breath and puppy pulled out...our sweaty bodies separating with a sucking pop. Again, I felt the emptiness I always dreaded when my cunt no longer contained cock. Then I felt it...puppy’s breath on me as he spread my cunt lips with his fingers and started sucking and chewing my cunt lips. His loud moans filled me... puppy was eating out my cunt! "Fuck yeah puppy! Taste my cunt juices." I yelled releasing Daddy’s cock pushing puppy’s tongue deeper inside me. Satiated with the fluids running out of me, he rose and moved to Daddy’s side. "Fuck yeah cuntboy. Look at my face. That's what your cunt is full of." He then leaned in and gently said, "Taste it cuntboy. Taste your cunt." I let out a moan and began licking puppy’s dripping face...my tongue feeling the slight stubble on his face. I let out a sigh..."Aww Fuck. Tasting my cunt." Seeing puppy and I bonding, Daddy removed himself and motioned puppy to replace him in front of me. “Go on puppy...I know what comes next right after you cum.” Daddy joked as he grabbed the yellow waist band of my jockstrap and released it with a snap. I jerked... Puppy positioned himself...presenting his slicked-up cock to me as Daddy moved behind me. “How’s that slammed up cunt of yours cuntboy...still hungry?” Daddy asked feeling my exposed cunt lips. My cunt spasmed.... “Go on puppy...feed him that recycled slam piss...cuntboy needs to get used to your piss mixed with mine.” Daddy ordered. I opened my mouth greedily taking puppy’s cock down. There I was...on my hands and knees chained to the bed...on display... Feeling puppy take a deep breath, I relaxed my throat and prepared for the torrent of piss sure to come out of that cock. Looking up into puppy’s eyes with a pleading look, puppy smiled releasing his slam piss. I growled...knowing the piss that I was taking had once been in Daddy. My throat pulsed as I swallowed. Puppy laughed and pulled his cock still shooting the hot yellow piss, out of my mouth leaving me surprised and wondering what I had done wrong. He aimed the stream at my face...intentionally moving it away from my mouth as it tried to follow the flow. He was gonna make me work for it! Dripping off my face and upper chest, the piss began pooling into the indentation puppy’s hard body and my hands made on the bed. I could feel the piss around my fingers as they wriggled in the wet warmth. Sensing their movement and seeing the desire in my eyes, Puppy released my collar chains and my head went down. My thoughts ceased...instinct now took my body over as I lost myself and fed. My tongue lapped up the acrid piss that I was now so hungry for. “Yeah...cuntboy’s got the hunger for piss now puppy.” Daddy stated matter-of-factly as he released my ankles. “Get up cuntboy...on the floor...on your knees.” I growled into the slick rubber sheets taking one last taste of piss and climbed off the bed... “Puppy...he’s earned it...bring it.” Daddy ordered. Not understanding what this was about...I watched puppy walk over to the shelves...leaving a trail of piss drops reflecting the red lights on the floor. I heard the rattling of metal as he pulled a bundle of leather from the top shelf and he turned back to me...holding a bulldog harness between his outstretched hands... I looked closer assuming it would be a match for puppy’s...only it wasn’t piped in red it was yellow. I moaned. “Yeah cuntboy...you earned it. Fucking urinal cuntpig now aren’t you?” Daddy laughed. “AWW FUCK YEAH DADDY! FUCKING PISS!” I groaned as puppy dropped to his knees and placed it on me. Satisfied that the straps were secure...puppy grabbed my framed pecs and held them playing with my tits. “Fuck...I’m gonna love feeding you piss cuntboy.” Daddy stood proudly looking down at us... Daddy held my head and I felt his finger go into my mouth. I knew what was coming and I looked up at Daddy’s face and waited for the question. “That cunt of yours make a decision yet, cuntboy?”
    1 point
  48. Usually by this time with a guy we had already decided who was going to top but the kiss had been so sudden I had no idea if this was just going to be a kiss and grope or we were going all the way. I heard him moan into the kiss and realized from his actions he didn’t either. Our hands explored over each other’s bodies and we kept kissing. Most straight or curious guys I had been with didn’t like to kiss but Louis wasn’t one of them. He seemed to love to kiss and was really good at it. But I needed more. While I usually topped, I figured that he would feel more comfortable fucking. I broke the kiss and rubbed our beards together as I moved back to his ear. I sucked on the earlobe a moment and then kissed down his neck. My hand rustled through the chest hair on his right side and down to his stomach. My head was following behind and my teeth latched on to his nip, biting it gently while I sucked on it. Louis’s hands were on the back of my head making sure my mouth didn’t stray too far from his body. I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his trunks and pulled them down, feeling his hard cock spring free and rub over my chest, drooling precum into my fur. I let go of his nipple and traced my tongue down his treasure trail, feeling the shaft brush through my beard to my lips. I licked the head of his cock and then wrapped my lips around it, slowly descending until my nose was buried in his trimmed pubes. I squeezed my throat around the tip of his cock and felt him shudder and moan. Slowly I pulled back until the flare of his cock head was on the inside of my lips and then I went back down. I began to bob on Louis’ cock using every trick I knew to drive his lust into overdrive. My tongue, lips and throat worked his cock like I’m sure no woman had ever done to him. I could feel he was getting close and I decided that I wasn’t going to swallow this load. I pulled off and sucked on his balls, one at a time, looking up and seeing his eyes closed and his mouth agape. I wondered what he was envisioning - me sucking him or some hot supermodel. I pushed off my shorts and walked the few steps over to his bike and bent over, the straps from my jock framing my furry ass. One hand was on the tank and the other on the back of the seat, I was braced for the fuck I hoped was going to happen. Louis looked at me and I looked back at him. He looked confused, like he had never fucked anyone before. Finally he said “You got any rubbers?” “Nope. No lube either, spit is gonna have to do. You ever fuck an ass?” I asked. “Nnnnno” was all he replied, obviously nervous. “Same as pussy, just better” I said before I spit on my hand and rubbed my hole with it. I knew it wasn’t enough for him to just slide in, but I like rough fucks. Louis moved closer, holding his cock in his shaking right hand. I pulled my butt apart and wiggled it suggestively. He spit on the end of his cock and rubbed it over my winking hole. I would have been in heaven if he had spent a long time rimming my ass, but I’d have to wait for that another time. Hopefully there would be another time, I thought. I relaxed and pushed back about the time he pushed forward. It took a moment of pressure, but then he popped inside. “Oh fuck… Oh my god… Aaahhhhh… aaaahhh… ahhhh” was all he said as his cock drove slowly into my hole. He got half way in and then pulled back a bit. He rocked his hips, getting deeper each time until I finally felt his hips hit my ass. The lack of lube had definitely given me the burn inside, but knowing he was fucking me raw made up for it. I felt his hands grasp my hips and he started to plow in and out of my hungry hole. His moans and grunts filled the garage and my hole started to get slicker as his precum coated the walls of my rectum. He pounded harder and I felt the sweat drip off his body on to my back. Louis slowed down after a while and I wasn’t sure if he was getting cold feet and was about to pull out or whether he was mixing it up so he could fuck longer. He kept fucking though and I enjoyed every thrust. When his hands moved to my shoulders and he started to hammer my hole I knew the answer. Several minutes later the grunts got louder and I could tell his breathing was erratic. A few well timed squeezes of my sphincter and he buried his cock all the way in. I could feel the throbbing from his cock and knew he was filling me with his pent up load. My own cock started to pulse, shooting cum all over the floor and milking all of the seed from his balls. Sadly, this wasn’t the first time I had wasted a load on the garage floor. I stood up, reaching back to make sure he stayed inside me and felt his sweaty chest against my back. It felt odd with one side furry and the other side shaved, but there was no way I was going to complain. I felt Louis’s arms wrap around me and his heavy breaths on my neck as the rush slowly dissipated. “Oh my god, that was amazing” Louis said breathlessly. He couldn’t see my grin but it was almost from ear to ear. After a few minutes, I moved forward and felt his softening cock fall out of my ass. I felt the familiar drip of cum run down my leg and I turned around to see if he was ok or if I had gone too fast once again and fucked it up. He leaned in and kissed me again. It only lasted a few moments before he backed away a half step. “So that’s what gay sex is like?” Louis asked. I chuckled and said “That’s just the tip of the iceberg, Louis.”
    1 point
  49. If I fuck and unload I slap his arse and say thank you, and if I take a load I have to say thanks too. Just good manners.
    1 point
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