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  1. AUTHOR’S NOTE Just to be as fair as I can to everyone reading – I’ve written another story on BZ that I never finished. My intentions with these are far from solid. This was a spur of the moment thing and while I would love to write many more chapters and very well may, I cannot guarantee I will either. I know some people get frustrated when an author doesn’t finish their work to the fullest, so I thought I would at least add the disclaimer that while my intention is to do so, that may or may not be wishful thinking. The story is fiction, but my characters always share a lot of my DNA. Ever since my boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) did the whole open relationship thing and then encouraged me to be a slut, then realizing what a monster I become, I realized how woefully addicted to “wrong” I was. I craved it, I still crave it, and I will allow it to control me and I make no apologies for it. Jace was exited his run down mobile home to the sounds of his father brutally fucking some woman while his mom was at work. Such was commonplace in his life, so much so it was normal. He loved his mom and his dad, but Jace knew he was wired differently, always had been. He wasn’t a big fan of living the normal life. High school dropout, now 18, he didn’t have many plans for his life, and his parents couldn’t have cared and less. He stunk of cigarettes, one held precariously between his fingers he strutted towards his motorcycle. No car, just the bike, and it was old, decrepit, and flooded the air with black smoke as he drove it. He could still hear the bitch screaming as his father boned her, almost just as loudly as when he sat in the hallway caressing his dick and watching his father’s ass move back and forth on the bed with her. Yeah he was fucked up. He thought cheating was hot. He wasn’t specifically jacking off to his father, he was jacking off to the…”wrong”. Wrong was always right to him. Sex was always right. And whether he was involved or just a spectator, why not take pleasure? Jace was 5’9” at with the bone structure of a toothpick, soaking wet hitting just around 100 lbs. His jet black hair was slightly long, down to his mid-neck, and he inherited that rare green eye thing. Being it was a 100 degree day, even with the sun going down, Jace had been totally naked in the hallway, beads of sweat dripping down his skeletal body. Jace was one of those naturally smooth twinks, not a hair anywhere. He embraced it, he embraced everything about himself. Vanity, was beautiful, in the same way that wrong was right. He wasn’t wearing much tonight, just some basketball shorts and long his legs looking smooth and penciled as they entered the chunky shoes. He enjoyed being naked listening to his father cheat. It was so hot to him. He looked up to that lifestyle. Dad hadn’t had a job in ages, being an alcoholic and all. Mom kept the lights mostly on, but not by a lot. The trailer they lived in felt like it was straight out of the 60s with sticky shag carpet in a multitude of colors, none of them appealing, complimented by a plethora of stains. The furniture, at least the furniture that wasn’t broken, held that same color palette of greens, oranges and puke yellows. The windows were so coated in tobacco every beam of light was a mixture of acid green and that same puke yellow on the furniture. To top it off, it was a tiny trailer, one bedroom tiny kitchen, and small living room. Jace slept on the couch, or the floor, or wherever the fuck he wanted most nights. There was always a full ashtray nearby filling the room with its sweet and smokey aroma. For the right men, Jace was a bad boy dream come true. Cocky, hot as hell, and overall had little care for anyones wellbeing besides his own. As he hopped on the bike, he nodded to the middle aged fat balding man wearing the dirty wifebeater standing under one of the few street lights in the mobile home park. He’d let the guy fuck him the other night, the nod was just an acknowledgement of his presence. In some ways, Jace knew that man couldn’t have dreamed to have a better lay than him, and he should be praying to whatever deity he worshipped and thanking it for even allowing his grubby fingers to caress Jace’s beauty. Yet, juxtaposed with that, Jace loved the feeling of throwing standards out the door. There was an incredibly high to sleeping with the men no normal boy like him would think of, and he got off on it. He didn’t specifically find the men attractive, he found the “wrongness”, attractive. Jace let the motor crank and sputter, thick black smoke shot out the exhaust. If the residents around him were at all nodding off at this hour, he certainly woke them up. In the past, anyone who confronted him by yelling to shut the bike off where always met with his middle finger. The bike finally leveled in its sputtering and he roared off through the park, his hair blowing behind him, his skin reflecting the sickening pale street lamps, and his bike moving much faster than the 20MPH speed limit. Jace headed downtown. News on the street was that a new gay club opened up. Jace didn’t give a shit about dancing, Jace gave a shit about sex. Any new gay club would obviously draw out regulars but there may be some new faces, and he was all about that. Despite his appearance, Jace did own some hot clubbing clothes, but tonight he was in a “fuck it” mentality. He was already mostly naked, shorts and shoes, so he was halfway there. As he drove through traffic, he caught the eye of many, and he nodded in return, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, his green eyes cutting through the person staring at him. He loved the attention and he loved to give in to it. The new gay club was supposed to be highly controversial. For starters, it was called Death Wish, which was an odd name, but Jace remember the shiver his dick felt when he read that name. The subtitle to the ad he had seen posted on a street lamp pole mentioned freaks, pigs, and hedonists, something like that. He remembered thinking that maybe the crowd would be extra special to some of the boring shit he normally dealt with. Jace detoured. Alice Avenue was traditionally a pickup spot for married men that wanted to get something on the side on their way home from the downtown to the suburbs. It was pretty perfectly located on that drive home for most businessman and of course, boys like Jace made them shiver with glee over their dumb wives with their crusty cunts that refused to put out anyway. As Jace rode down the street, he took it slow. A hand reached out an upcoming GMC Yukon, jutting out it held out 2 fingers, like the peace sign but pointing outward from the car. Jace pulled in front of the car. His cigarette had burned to the filter, so he spit it on the ground, walking to the passenger side of the car. He pulled the door open to reveal a 50ish year old man, with partially graying hair. Mark was in good shape overall for his age, good dad body but he still worked out to keep things tight. “Hi Jace!”, Mark excitedly exclaimed. Mark had a history of being with Jace multiple times, amongst the many other twinks that cruised Alice Avenue. Most of the other twinks were more purely subservient, but Jace was the wild card. He was hard to discern and understand, and Mark felt he was kind of…evil…in a way, but he still drew Mark in. Jace flipped his head to nod his hello to Mark, but didn’t utter a word. Climbing into the passenger seat he turned his head to the back of the Yukon. As expected, all the seats were removed. This was a typical thing for these big wigs coming from the city in their large SUVs. They had the windows tinted, not for privacy for their family but privacy for who they were fucking. They would take the seats out and their big office, store them somewhere, and use the back of their SUV for fucking. Since the windows were tinted, it was hardly noticeable on a worknight when they arrived home after dark after their LONG day at work for their wives to notice of even question the seats gone, let alone think of entering the vehicle to smell the sex that took place there. Jace, again without saying anything proceeded to step around the passenger seat and laid on his back in the back of the SUV. His slid his shorts off over his chunky skater shows, showing his pure skinny body ready for this married man. “Jace, you doing ok today?”, Mark always had to nervously get himself going. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knew that Jace was about to throw that in his face when the fucking began, so he always found a way to nervously try and make chit chat. “Mark yo, you gonna fuck this hole now or are you gonna play games?”, Jace replied finally, He rolled on his side, revealing his tiny ass, and he pulled his skinny legs up more in the fetal position. He pulled out a cigarette from his discarded shorts and started to light it. “Hey hey Jace you know I don’t want the car to smell like smoke,” Mark started, almost being knocked back by the gaze of hatred that Jace was shooting him as he made the statement. “Old faggot you got like less than 30 seconds to get your goddamn dick inside this hole or I’m moving on. You’re using my hole and I’m using your car as my smoke box, deal with it,” Jace replied. In some ways his response felt like repressed rage and yet there was a level of sultry to it. Mark really couldn’t help his dick from being rock hard. It wasn’t that Jace was dominant per se, just selfish, spoiled, so incredibly hot that he could just get away with anything. The car had no ashtray and Jace didn’t care. He ashed right on the floor of the SUV. He pulled his legs up a little tighter, exposing a fairly loose hole. Mark lunged onto Jace, caressing his perfect boney body, kissing him, his hands sliding with Jace’s sweat. Jace could hear Mark’s dress pants unzipping, and his average sized dick sliding right inside him with no effort. “I love that I’m getting the dick your wife can’t,” Jace muffled, his eyes moving into the back of his head as the raw dick entered him. He reached around touching Mark’s hand and starting to pull his wedding ring off. Mark started fucking harder, becoming more obsessed with holding Jace after each passing second. Within a minute, Jace at pulled Mark’s wedding ring off and it bounced loosely on Jace’s finger. It was a kink for Jace, to take that piece of fidelity and promise and have it transfer to him. It was a signal to the man he was with that he was doing wrong, and specifically that Jace was enjoying it. Mark was already sweating and he could feel his orgasm building inside him. There was no one like Jace, regardless that Alice Avenue had the pick choice of many of them. However Jace was different, the body, the face, the fact that he never wanted money for his ass like so many others did. He was purely about sex, bareback sex that is. Mark knew he was risking things by putting his dick in this slut, he just couldn’t control himself. Jace sucked on his cigarette, the smell of Mark’s saliva all over his face mixing with that sweet tobacco that he spewed from his month, was heaven. He grunted and moaned in a muted manner. Jace liked wild, extreme, out of control sex. This was cramped, muted, and fairly boring. He kissed Mark back when Mark kissed him, but it meant nothing, he felt nothing, he just craved Mark’s load. “Gimme those fucking babies,” Jace grunted, again using that imagery of breeding and baby making as a strong reference to what Mark should have been doing with his wife. It pained Mark for a moment but he felt it sink in, seeing Jace twirling his gold band on his fingers, that reminder of infidelity with every glimpse. Mark continued to grunt until he blew. He grabbed Jace’s hair and pulled his head back in a reaction, stretching Jace’s neck to the limit. That felt good for Jace. A reactionary yet more forceful move, gave him great pleasure. Marked pulled out of Jace’s loose hole and Jace sprung into action. Before Mark had a chance to zip up, Jace slammed his cigarette into the car’s carpet right near one of the seat clips, pulling Mark by the hips and getting that dick that just pulled out of his cummy ass directly into his mouth. Jace turned from a fairly passive slut to a psychotic animal in seconds. His breathing intensified a hundred fold, desperate to taste his own ass on this man’s dick. Jace craved ass to mouth. He had barely ever had a fuck where he didn’t get that wet dick in his mouth as soon as it pulled out of him. It felt so beautiful, so dirty, so fucked, he loved it. Mark’s partially limp dick started to harden. Jace’s hands, tongue, mouth, were working in overtime. It was like Mark’s dick was coated in a drug that Jace couldn’t get enough from. Mark gave in to the wildness that Jace was portraying. “You’re a sick little fuck boy aren’t you?” He asked, in a more commanding tone. Jace nodded, and Mark couldn’t see anything but the whites of his eyes. Jace was in a trance. Mark felt him making him harder than the first time, Jace’s panting increasing harder and harder, sweat beads dripping down his face. Mark’s hands were drawn down Jace’s extremely boney spine, feeling every bump and groove below his skin. Jace was going crazy on his dick, as Mark was being put into ecstasy from touching this fuck toy. Jace pulled himself back, pulling Mark to lay flat, and jumping on his dick and began to ride it in the car. The SUV started shaking back and forth as Jace seemed to have left reality. He was slamming himself up and down, totally soaking wet, eyes still rolled completely into the back of his head, with Mark’s hands attempting to grab any piece of his perfect flesh. Jace was slamming himself down so hard on Mark it actually started to hurt as Jace’s boney ass slammed Mark’s pelvis. Then Jace pulled off again, maniacally attacking Mark’s ass coated dick. Jace was becoming more animalistic every second. He pulled off Mark’s dick, slamming his mouth into Mark’s. Jace whispered as he kissed him hard, “Taste my own ass and cum on my lips and remember how good it tastes when you go home to your family you fuck,”. Guilt and shame flooded Mark for a brief moment until he let go and let Jace just play with him. His ring was still dangling around Jace’s finger. Jace went back and forth, riding Mark for a few seconds, ass to mouthing his dick, and making out. The whole scene felt like the beats of a club techno song. It continued to build in intensity, increasing in its frequency of Jace changing his positions. Mark really didn’t see Jace anymore, he just saw a slut, he saw an addict. He saw a devil. “Wish your wife could see you now”, Jace was mumbling as he sucked Mark’s dick. He knew how to sprinkle in guilt and pleasure so well, it was like he was born for it. And Mark couldn’t stop himself. He started moaning in the indicative way that he was going to cum again and Jace jumped on his dick, straddling himself with his hands to the ceiling of the SUV, slamming himself down on Mark’s dick with absolute insane pushes that seemed otherworldly and possessed. Mark screamed as his orgasm felt as if it was a thousand times greater than the last one, the SUV rocking so incredibly hard from the outside it was almost comical. Jace screamed as the cum shot through him hard. While Mark screamed like someone having an orgasm, a scream of relief and pleasure, Jace screamed like an animal. It was a primal, visceral scream, like a wild demon poured out of his mouth and he kept that same single scream going for several seconds to the shock on Mark’s face. And then it was done. Jace dropped the wedding ring right in front of Mark, pulling himself off him and swinging the door open on the SUV to the outside world. Smokes, lighter, and shorts in hand, Jace’s skeleton body jumped out the car door in just his shoes, onto the street, where there a bit of a crowd of the whore twinks that cruised the street that had gathered to see why the SUV had almost capsized. Jace picked his foot up and kicked the door shut, closing Mark off from view of the twinks, although most of them knew him and had slept with him. Before the door latched, Jaced quietly muttered, “And now back to your family”. Jace stepped into his shorts in front of the crowd and as he pulled them up he slid two fingers along his crack, picking up a nice gob of cum. He walked towards his bike, which meant walking past a fem blonde twink wearing tight white shorts and a black crop top. He swung his hand up and sensually placed the cum all over the twink’s lips, then slammed his own lips in the twink’s, using his tongue to press Mark’s cum and his ass juices into the twink’s mouth. Pulling away just as quickly he let his eyes quickly tantalize the twink, saying “Cheating cum always tastes sweeter baby”. He brushed passed the somewhat stunned twink, started up his loud cycle, lit a cigarette, shoving it in the corner of his mouth, and in a plume of thick heavy black smoke, cruised out of the parking spot down the street. Jace had cruised Alice Avenue for a while and he was getting tired. Tonight solidified that while he still knew how to get himself turned on, he needed so much more. He needed to feel darker, more immoral, more crazy, more uncontrollable, uninhibited, as he continued to delve deeper down this rabbit hole of hell he was addicted to. Hopefully, Sarah Palin’s Harem would be a step in the direction he wanted and needed.
    16 points
  2. Part 1: First Time Meeting The Jelous Daddy After I became sexually active things escalated quickly. It didn't take long for me to start seeking out strangers online to fuck me. I was freshly 18 years old and was still in high school, living with my parents, and couldn't drive. So, most of the guys i met were older guys who were able to pick me up and bring me back to their place. I had been chatting with an older daddy type for awhile. He'd send me pics from time to but was always to nervous to agree to meet. But his pics were fantastic. He was good-looking, muscular, and had a nice 8in cock (I could tell from the pics it was thicker than any cock id taken up to that point). Eventually he relaxed enough to agree to meet. So I gave him my description and asked him to pic me from a store just down the road from my school at 3:30. When the day finally came I rushed to the meeting spot to wait. Even though I was early, about 15 min, I didn't have to wait long because he had been waiting in for me to show up in a black pickup truck. He pulled up in a flash and took off as soon as jumped in. The truck was a practically brand new and looked like one of the more expensive models. I was sitting across from him on the trucks bench seat. We chatted a bit as we started driving to his place. He still seemed quite nervous and kept remarking about how young I looked. So I decided to help him take his mind off things. I undid my seat belt and moved closer to him. He stopped mid sentence when I reached over and started rubbing his cock. He quickly got the idea and adjusted his position slightly so could undo his belt. I undid his pants and pulled cock out of his briefs. He was already a bit hard, but not enough to stand upright if I let go. It was about 6inchs in this state but still thicker than almost, but not every, cock I'd had. I started working my hand up and down the length of his shaft. I looked around while I was rubbing is dick and noticed we were still in town with alot of cars on the road. We pulled up to a red light and another truck stopped beside us. When I realized he would see everything that was happening if he just glanced over at us, I got excited. I got on all fours with my head between daddies belly and the steering wheel and ass visibly in the the air (in plain view of the guy stopped next to us). I started to work daddies cock with my mouth. He was focused on driving and still not fully erect, but he was a little harder and was now probably about 6.5 inches. Thile light must have turned green because we started moving again. I wasnt very experienced with oral and kept gagging whenever we hit a bump. We hit two more stop lights leaving town. I was too focused on sucking cock to notice if there were people around us at the lights. Given the time of day there was probably someone next to us at every light. Although people in cars would have be too low to see into the cab However, because I was on all fours they probally could've still seen my ass in the air. When we arrived at his place he pulled into driveway and put the car in park. I tried to finish strong by pushing him as far into my throat as I could. I barely got past the half way point before I gaged and pulled off. A strand of my saliva hung off my lips and connected with the head of his cock. He was pretty hard now and had grown to about 7 inchs. I took two deep breaths and tried again. I only made it a little further on the second attempt but managed not to gag. He pushed his dick back into his underwear and buttened his pants. We got out of truck and walked to the front door. Overall the drive only took about 20 minutes. He had a big house in a new subdivision (the kind where all the houses kinda look the same). We went inside and I followed him to the kitchen. He asked if I wanted a drink. He listed off a few things he had and I settled on asking for a beer. As he handed me the beer he smiled "Im pretty sure you're not old enough to drink." I took the beer and replied "I'm old enough to drink, I'm just not old enough to drink legally." He laughed as he poured himself a glass of bourbon and took a sip. I took a swig of my drink and set down the bottle. Then got on my knees and undid his pants again. His pants fell down to knees and I started to rub the large bulge in his underwear. With his free hand he reached down and pulled his cock over the his underwears waistband. He held it by the base and moved it to be level with my lips. I opened my mouth and started gently sucking him again. He took another sip of bourbon and set down the glass. Still holding the base of his cock he reached down and ran his fingers through my hair while my head moved back on forth on his cock. After a minute or two of gentle sucking he grabbed the back of my head and started to move my head himself. He was still being pretty gentle, just moving my head at a slightly faster pace. I gagged a bit and pulled away to take a few breaths. He gave me a second to catch my breath before he grabbed me with both hands and pulled me back onto his dick. He was going a bit faster now and was almost fully erect, about 7.5 inches. He started to move his hips in rhythm my head. I was focusing on trying to gag to much. After a few minutes, he looked down at me said, "you think you can deep throat this cock boy?" Cock still my my mouth I mumbled that I'd try. He grabbed the back of my head pushed me towards him while he trusted his cock forward into my mouth. My eyes started to water and I immediately started to gag while he held my head in place and pushed his dick further. He held me there for a few seconds while I tried to push away. When he let go I fell backwards onto my butt and started coughing. I quickly regained my composure and returned to my place on my knees in front of him. He said "That was three seconds and you didn't even make it all the way" He paused a moment and sipped hi bourbon. He said "I thought you said you were slutty teen boy" I looked up and said, "I can take it deeper in ass than in my mouth" He grabbed the back of my head again, "I guess you're gonna need to practice." He pushed his cock back down my throat. "Five seconds this time, try to go deeper." I fell back again when he let go, coughing with tears starting to run down my cheeks (I wasn't crying but my gag reflex was making my eyes water). I got back into position and opened my mouth. "You're not gonna pull away this time. Were gonna do three seconds deep then three seconds deep and if my dick comes out of your mouth between between counts were gonna jump to thirty seconds" He pushed his cock back down my throat (I was still only taking about 3 quarters of it). After 3 seconds he let go and I pulled back but kept my lips wrapped around the head. He quickly grabbed again and pushed his cock back in for another 3 seconds. I started coughing when he pulled it out "Good, now 5 seconds deep then 5 seconds deep and if my dick comes out of your mouth between between counts were gonna jump to thirty seconds" He pushed his cock down my throat again and held me while he counted. I gagged as he withdrew his cock and pulled all the way off. "I told you there would consequences if that cock left your mouth." He grabbed me and moved me so my back was to the kitchen island. "Now you're really gonna take it deep." He pushed in hard. I couldnt pull away with my head sandwiched between his pelvis and the kitchen island. He started counting. I tried to take it all the way but after 5 seconds he started rocking in and out a bit. I started gaging on his cock. By the time he got to ten I was gaging and coughing on his cock. Each cough blew saliva from the corners if mouth which stuck onto his public hair and ran down my chin. When he got to 15 I started trying to push him away but he grabbed my hands and pinned them against the edge of the counter top. At 20 seconds he started aggressively fucking my face. I was still trying pull away but thought my throat fuck was almost over. Finally he reached 30 seconds. I was relieved it was almost over, then I heard him count 31 as he pushed in all the way to base and held it there. He pulled out when he hit 40 and I fell to the floor limp while he stood over herking his massive cock. "Get up and open you're mouth slut" he commanded and I did as I was told. I opened my mouth and waited. He grabbed me with his free hand and pushed me head lower whike tilting my head back. Within a few seconds he shot a burst of thick white cum across my face with most of it landing on my left cheek just under my eye. Three more spurts went into my open mouth. I stayed still in case more was comming. I continued to jerk for a few more seconds before pausing. There was still a glob of cum sticking his cock head. He gave it a quick shake and it landed on my chin. He examined his handiwork for minute before telling me not to swallow. He pulled up his pants and led me out. I kept his cum on my face and in my mouth the whole ride back to the store he picked me up from. Before I got out he had me open my mouth to show the cum was still there. Finally he had me gargle it before swallowing. He took off as soon as was out and I quickly wiped the cum from my cheek into my mouth and swallowed again. I scooped the glob off my chin and sucked my finger clean. It was about 5pm when he dropped me off so still had to wait an hour and half to get picked up. To be continued...
    10 points
  3. Part 9 Breathing heavily from the intense fuck I'd just given Ryan I pressed against his strong sweat-covered back, riding the high of the most enjoyable physical pleasures I'd ever known, reveling in the feel of my cock (still hard!!) inside his muscled chute coated with the warmth of my own cum spewed into him. But besides the physical sensations, I was aware of a different kind of reveling and enjoyment. A feeling, an attitude, bordering on getting turned on more and more by all the raw uninhibited mansex. Cheating on my wife but not just cheating like I know husbands do all the time, but cheating on her with other MEN and quickly feeling the need to have more of it. And more of the smoke - Tina, Drew had called it. It made all the dirty sex and unfaithfulness to my wedding vows somehow more exciting and seductive. And I had to admit I liked those thoughts and feelings! Starting to come down from my cum high I also became aware of another feeling that I was beginning to enjoy. The feel of Kevin's wet cockhead rubbing teasingly across my sweaty pucker, along with the feel of his tongue, lips and teeth nipping at the sensitive skin on the side of my neck. I moaned, louder than I realized until after the fact, recognizing at the same instant that all 3 of us had lost ourselves in our own sex play and forgetting all about Drew temporarily. That thought had just crossed my mind when I heard, “Whoa! What do we have here?!”, Then, “Hey Daddy Justin. Looks like you've been having a fun time!” I lifted my head from Ryan's shoulder and opened my eyes. Standing right next to me was Drew. Still naked, still hard and still making me want him again. And holding a nicely loaded glass pipe and lighter in one hand. Before I could even gather my thoughts to say anything, Drew said, “Here Daddy have some more fuck smoke. I know you've already had some today if you're playing with these two pigs! Haha! And I know you want more. I remember how much you liked it last week at my place,” he said in a low sexy voice. He placed the stem between my lips and started heating the contents and I immediately started drawing in the thick white smoke without hesitation. The smoke and clouds that Drew had introduced me to a week ago I naturally connected in my mind to all the forbidden and “wrong” and exciting things I did with him then and that I had been doing with Ryan and Kevin today. I wanted as much of the smoke as I could get if it meant more of all the hot sex these studs had shown me so far. Keeping his eyes locked on mine as I continued inhaling, Drew spoke to Ryan, whose ass was still filled with my hard cock. “So, cuz, how'd you like getting fucked by my sexy Daddy Justin? Knows how to use an ass pretty good for a beginner doesn't he?” Drew smiled at me as he said the last words and I felt my cock twitch inside Ryan's wet hole. Ryan clamped his ass muscles tight around my cock as Drew put the pipe stem to his lips and lit it for him. After blowing out a huge white cloud Ryan said, “Aw hell yeah cuz! His cock is made for fucking ass! And he dumped a big load of his married cum in my guts! I could feel every shot!” Ryan looked at me and said seductively, “You can fuck me anytime you want to, daddy. And breed me every time.” Drew put the pipe back at my lips and smiled at me as he answered Ryan. “Tell me about it bro! He filled me up with THREE fucking loads last week and I felt all of them. Three hot thick loads of his daddy cheating married party cum!! It was fucking perfect!” Looking at Drew's face I exhaled a thick cloud of the sweet smoke directly at his hard dick and as if I'd done it all my life my mouth followed the path of the cloud and for the first time in a week I had Drew's wet steel-hard dick in my mouth again! I moaned in satisfaction as I tasted his flesh and juices once more. I felt Drew's fingers stroking my hair and the side of my face as he pushed himself deeper towards my throat. “Aw fuck yeah daddy! I fucking love your mouth! Suck my big hard dick daddy. You like sucking your son's cock? The cock that you make so hard for you by letting me know how much you want it?” Caught up in the moment and my mind and cock being led by the Tina, I didn't even give any thought to the subliminal manipulation Drew was working on my mind and life-long ideals of right and wrong and morality. My focus was totally on pleasing the young stud who now had his cock in my throat and who wanted to be my son. I would do whatever I could to please my sexy son. Sliding my mouth off of his spit-covered cock I looked into Drew's eyes. “Fuck yeah son! Daddy loves sucking and tasting my boy's meat and dick juices. I want to make you feel so so good son!” Kevin, who at some point during all this time had finally released his hold on me pulled my face toward his and wordlessly pressed his lips against mine, followed by his tongue and the lungful of the smoke he had obviously just inhaled. I sucked the smoke in hungrily, sucking on his tongue as we ground our hard cocks against each other. Breaking the sloppy kiss, my body and mind and dick at a height of excitement and lust I'd never reached before, I looked at the 3 spun naked masculine men around me and spoke in a voice thick with smoke and raw animal hunger. “Damn guys! You are the hottest sexiest and wildest I couldn't have even imagined! You make me want to do everything we can with each other. I want to make all of you feel as fucking good as you make me feel.” I stopped my gaze on Drew and reaching out to stroke his hard young cock I said, “And I want to please you son any way I can. Daddy wants to make his son feel better than he ever has.” Drew pulled me tight against his toned hard smooth flesh. I felt both of his strong hands grab my muscled butt and knead my asscheeks as he licked my lips. He pulled back from my face just enough to let us look into each other's eyes. His were dark and enticing and seemed to be filled with a burning need. “I know what would really make me feel better than anything else Daddy.” Playing with his hard nips I answered, “What son? Daddy wants you to have it.” I felt Drew's hands tighten their grip on my butt. “I want to fuck you Daddy. I want to be the one to take your virginity. I want you to feel the hard cock that you and mom made pushing inside your cherry married ass and hear you beg for your own son's cum. Will you do that for me Daddy? Please?!!” My cock throbbed almost to the point of hurting when he said this. Oh fuck! I said to myself. (to be continued)
    7 points
  4. Found some new stories downloaded from Tumblr before it went done and have been going through them. Not sure who wrote most, as always if someone recognizes a story let me know. Have reviewed and fairly certain they meet guidelines. ============================ "Big Black Cock at the Bath House" So this story takes place back around 2010 when I was going to LA community college. I had been sexually active since back in high school, and once I got to college I had blossomed into a full time slut, taking advantage of any cock or ass that was available. It was really when I started going to the bathhouses like Steamworks or Midtown that I had cast off any last notions of ‘safe’ sex, and started taking any raw cock up for fucking me. I am sure I took a number of poz loads during that time, but I had yet to develop the ‘hunger’ for them, and rarely asked a guys status. That all changed on a fateful night shortly after Pride. I had gone to Midtown Spa that night after finishing classes and noticed that the parking lot was fairly sparse and guessed much of the crowds from Pride had gone home. I got inside and there were a few horny men, mostly older looking guys that eyed me as I made my way back. I moved toward the Steam room area which is where I normally like to start things off since I love getting hot, damp and sweaty. Just as I was getting there, a Big Black hunk of a man just stepped out from the steam area. This guy was huge and looked like he must hit the gym every day for the cut body I was looking at. His skin was coal black and glistened with sweat and water from the steam room and I guessed he must have been in there for a while. He had a thick, long, black cock that hung low and slapped against his legs. I realized he was the type of guy who could have asked to fucked any bottom that night and no one would have refused. I followed him around like a hungry puppy for a while until he headed into one of the back areas where there were cheap latex ‘couches’ and a bare mattress on the floor. As the guy entered he turned and looked me up and down for the first time. I knew a guy with a body as hot as his would be picky about who he fucked. Luckily, and not to brag, but at the time in college I was in gymnastics team and I was just as hot as the Black Daddy and knew I could get almost any cock I wanted. I chatted him up, talking kinky to him before I turned and laid naked, face down on one of the mattresses. He came over to me, placed his firm hands on my ass and began to kneel into position to fuck me. He slapped some lube on his cock and played with his dick until it was rock hard. Then he leaned forward and began working it into my ass. He pushed it way in, I thought all the way, but then after pausing for a moment, he shoved harder and it went way deeper inside me. He hit bottom in my ass and I was sure it was the biggest dick I had ever been fucked with. But then he even pushed harder and his big dick moved deeper inside me kneading my ass deep inside as he penetrated bend after bend inside my butt. I remember how much it hurt, I squealed with surprise at how deep into me his cock had gone. He stopped for a moment and roughly asked me "You DO want me to fuck you don't you?" I said yes but asked him to pause for a moment to let my ass relax around his huge dick. He waited for a minute or two. Then began to thrust his dick more slowly in and out of my hole. It felt like my whole ass was getting reamed and I didn't think I could take it very long. He reached his hand around to my face and pushed a bottle of poppers into my nose. I took a deep whiff as he continued to pump my asshole. Now I was getting into this scene. A second before I thought I couldn't take anymore but now I wanted his dick to punch my ass as hard as he could make it. He began to fuck me faster, his hands wrapped around my stomach, pulling my butt on and off his dick as he thrust into me. He had been on his knees behind the mattress but now he leaned over and forced his body against mine, driving his dick its full length inside me and I felt his giant balls squeezing into my ass crack as his shaft completely crammed its way into my butt. He started to groan and other people came closer to watch this black muscle gods body pump the giant rod into my hole. The guys watching were jacking off as the witnessed me getting fucked, the big dick withdrawing and then driving like a piston it full length back into my hole. He was fucking me fast now, and perched above me supported by his arms straight out and on his toes. I could tell he was getting close, his arms squeezed me tight and he learned forward. Just as I felt his body tense I hear him say. “You better enjoy my cock white boy, I am Poz and you are about to get my Poz Swimmers!” I lost my fucking mind when I heard this and shouted back. “Poz me up Daddy! Breed me, infect my hole!” I shouted! I had been a closeted bug chaser for a while back then, jacking off to stories on Bug Share, and now I was having my first real Poz Moment!!!! He fucked just a few moments more and yelled. "Ahhhhhh! YEAH! POZZING THIS HOLE!“ as his cum shot inside me. It felt like I was getting a hot, sticky enema and I knew he shot a huge load of cum deep inside me. It felt like his seed was burning me and I wondered if it was because I know knew his cum was POZ Infected! Gradually he slowed, withdrew his cock with minuscule movements, and sat back on his knees as he had started. I caught my breath, turned over, and looked at the huge cock that had just fucked me so hard. As I laid on my back I started jacking off, looking at the big dick on this black dude, remembering the feeling of it deep inside me. Knowing he was infected with a disease like HIV got me so hot. I started moaning under my breath. “Poz cum, POZ cum, Poz me up daddy!” Over and over. “Yeah that’s a good white whore! Like a boy that wants my Poz Babies!” He said and yanked my tits. He worked my tits while I yanked on my dick and pushed the poppers again in my face. I took a deep sniff and was close to cumming. Just before I shot my load he leaned over me, pushing his now limp dick into my mouth like a big salami. I sucked the remaining cum that dripped from the giant mushroom head as my own load shot up against his body. As we both lay gasping and catching our breath the full enormity of what happened hit me like a ton of bricks. “You really Poz?” I asked and I remember his smile “Poz for 6 years, but I have been on meds almost the whole time. I like to keep my body looking as good as possible.” He said “You undetectable?” I asked, still panting and covered in cum. “Maybe, Maybe not, last week my Doctor changed my meds so I am on a break. Maybe you got lucky” he said cryptically. A moment later he moved back, getting to his feet. Then he walked away without another word. The group of people who had been watching us began to dissipate. I laid on my back, out of breath, my ass pounding with sensation from the deep fucking I had just received. I didn’t convert from his fuck, so I guess the guy didn’t have a high Viral Load at the time, but that fuck awakened something in me and I started seeking out poz guys way more. Eventually I did get pozzed and went on meds as well, but will always remember that one special night.
    5 points
  5. Chapter 25 The Kid walked home that way, staying to the shadows when a car came up. He had time to think and remembered that the Handler said he wanted to get to the Kid next weekend, and that he already had some ‘ Clients’ setup for him. He hoped that he would be able to get home without running into someone but dressed the way it was, Or wasn’t, he wasn’t sure The Kid’s brain was still not comprehending everything that went on or said. IN the past he didn’t remember a lot of stuff, Only the fun parts. The comedowns were never bad but for some reason he was starting to feel that dreaded feeling. He knew that most of his butt was showing so he tried to cover more by pulling his T shirt down, in the process he ripped the shirt and made it worse. More of his near naked body was showing. He was a few doors form his apartment complex and was feeling like he would make it home with out any issues. He didn’t know what time it was, but he thought he could see some light from the east. A guy stepped out from between the buildings. He blocked the Kid’s path and said “ You put on a pretty good show tonight Kid “. They were in the shadows, and he couldn’t make out who the guy was. The Kid didn’t say anything, he wondered if the guy was at the park. The Guy pulled the Kid over between the apartments and grabbed the Kid’s crotch through what use to be his ’ whitey titties ‘. Now they hardly were staying up and his limp cock would hang out the side every once in a while. The guy felt the Limp cock and smiled and said “ Yeah, Those drugs can really kill a hardon, but they cam make the play a lot more fun”. The Kid was starting to know what he was talking about. He never had this issue in the past, he wasn’t sure why it was this time. When the guy grabbed his cock and nuts it almost hurt, his cock was never so sensitive. At the same time the guy reached behind the Kid to examine the damage that was done to this Kid’s hole. The guy had problems getting the Kid’s undies down so he ripped them Off. In reality the underwear was so stretched and worn it didn’t take much. The material fell down between the Kid’s legs, one again, leaving him naked from the waist down. The Guy grabbed the Kid’s cock and nuts roughly and at the same time started probing the Kid’s very sore hole. The Kid winced in pain but at the same time his muscle memory kicked in and he arched his back to allow better access to his rump. The guy heard and felt the Kid’s reaction and said “ Yeah, that’s a good little whore. Your little cunt is sore but you want more “. The guy cold tell that the Kid was hurting some and didn’t want to cause to much more damage to him. He could also feel some of the cum and chem cocktail still in his butt. He looked into the Kid’s eyes and then kissed him on the Lips, he pushed his tongue into the Kid’s mouth. This caught the Kid off guard, and he didn’t know what to make of this. The Kid’s soft cock immediately stared to come to life The Guy felt this, and He chuckled at this. The guy got excited and turned the Kid around and pinned him up against a wall of the building. He pulled out his cock and hugged the Kid from behind. The Kid could feel the guy nibbling on his ear and at the same time his cock was bumping against the Kid’s cheeks. This actually excited the Kid and he once again arched his back. That was all it took and the guy’s cock probed into the Kid’s loose hole. Even though the guy’s cock wasn’t very big, probably one the small side, It felt huge in his sore hole. The guy whispered in the Kid’s ear that he didn’t have a lot of time to play so it would need to be a quicky this time. The Guy pumped for a few minutes and then said “ Hear it comes “. With that he shot is load in this Kid’s ass. The Kid could feel the warm liquid in his ass and leaking around the cock in him and dripping on his nuts and down the inside of his thighs. The Kid shivered with excitement, and he wasn’t sure why. The guy said “ Now that I know you are next door, we are going to have all sorts of fun “. He pulled out of the Kid and patted him on the ass. He also said “ I am not sure how many of my friends saw your little show but a special friend of mine wants party with you”. The guy told the Kid about the guy and that he would really get him fucked up. He also told the Kid that they guy knew the Kid also and would be ‘ Having “ him over soon. He told him that the guy actually built a special breeding place in his basement where he would shoot up the Kid and then have friends in to use his bottom. The ended it with “ After all, you wouldn’t want your cute girl friend finding out “. The Guy pulled his pants up and went down the sidewalk to his place. The Kid walked to his flat hoping that no one else would see him. It was already light and anyone up in the early morning hour would be able to see him and his naked bubble butt. The Kid knew that this was only the beginning. He didn’t think he would have any choice as to what and when he would be putting out. In a perverse way he liked the idea. With what the Cop and his Handler had said, and now this guy, he realized that he was now nothing more than a crack whore and prostitute to be used by everyone, just for some more ‘ good feelings ‘. The End
    5 points
  6. After Craigslist died, I've checked out Doublelist just a handful of times.....there was no where near the volume or kind of ads that really appealed to me. But it was originally new, so I've checked it out very sporadically. Yesterday morning by 9 am there were around 60-70 posts for the day so far. I scrolled them, only really even looking at the ones that included a pic. That narrowed it down to about 15. One got my attention enough to send a reply - short and sweet - mid 30s, BB Bttm for tops to use his hole.....don't ask irrelavant questions, raw only. no ass pic, but a hot guy kicked back in a towel. I replied back with my own short reply - top breeder into younger slutty ass - no stats at all, and it seemed I could only attach one single pic, so I gave him one that included my body, face and hard cock -he could see from my face and gray hair I'm a dad. Told him I did NOT need any other pics as long as the pic in the ad was himself and accurate. Gave him my cell. I got off there but checked my email and text for the next hour and no replies. figured he's maybe not into daddies - some are, some aren't.....I never was, so I don't get bothered when they're not. Then at 3pm I got a text......just said hey, doublelist here. No more pics or questions, just address and what time? An hour later I was parked at his secure building and waiting, and waiting - was wondering if he was gonna flake after I drove there - ugh.....he ended up coming downstairs to get me. He was taller and lankier than I usually go for and a little older face than I expected, but definitely not bad, and was hoping he was also ok with me. Walking up to his loft he told me his "other daddy" just left - he was trying to pair us up, but the other guy was short on time and JUST bred him and had to leave. I definitely liked this slut 🙂 We started stripping when we got in the door, and I would say we were both the type that "look better naked". We were clearly both getting more into each other FAST as we got naked. I thought he was just tall and skinny, but he had abs and pretty built once the baggy clothes were off - He sucked me for a minute- amazing mouth, and I would have loved it WAY longer but he hopped on the bed all 4s....puffy, fucked hole, and I could see the white cum from the last dad. He could tell I was kneeling down to eat his hole and "warned" me he JUST got bred.- that just made me dive down faster, and he let out a groan. I could have eaten him out all day, but stood up and slid in - definitely no lube needed.- it felt fucking amazing, and from his moans and comments I'm pretty sure it was mutual. I would have loved this to be an hour (or more) play session, but I was pretty sure it was more of a quickie for him from his actions. I at least wanted to fuck him on his back to lock eyes while I bred him. I told him to flip over, then I saw his HUGE fairly soft cock. I commented on his great cock - he said he's vers but just craved to bottom today....I wasn't prepared anyway.. We groped each other, and I bred him pretty fast in missionary position. He didn't make any move to cum himself. We made some small talk as I cleaned up and got dressed - I don't want to use the wrong word here, but let's just say he's a "pro" and had an appointment to top a customer in a few hours. That just set my imagination on fire and wondered how the customer would feel knowing his top stud had multiple fresh loads brewing in his loose hole.....or possibly if it was even a "request" to be loaded up when he got there and sit on the guys face or something 🙂. I hope I get to play with this hot sleazy guy again pretty soon!! I told him that was my first time using doublelist and definitely considered it a success, and he said he did too lol. I'll be going with my hole ready to flip next time - just in case 🙂
    4 points
  7. We were out to dinner with new neighbors. A straight couple, or so they said. They certainly were very curious about our gay sex lives. "Is it true you are all promiscuous? That you all fuck each other at every chance?" She asked with a casual none judgment curiosity. My partner didn't hesitate to throw me under the bus though. It was as if he'd be waiting for this chance to try to shame me despite his assertions to me privately that he was OK with my wondering ways. "No not all gays. I've always been the monogamous type. I know lots of guys that have only had sex with three or so men in their entire lives. This guy on the other hand (pointing a menacing finger at me) fits your stereotype to a 't'. " "That’s hot.", said the man, "an open relationship." Their dark skin colour betrayed their Latin heritage as did her 'cut to the chase' question directed at me, " So are you active or passive, or do you just like oral?" I blushed at the bluntness of this enquiry and stumbled, "Um ... awe... um." "He's definitely poly/vers, but there's no question he prefers the passive role. " spat my partner as our server arrived with our pre-dinner drinks. After the server left she took my hand and gently asked; "Is it true you guys are all fucking without protection now?" "Um ... awe ...yeah." I was still undone by her directness. "Fuckin A, so hot. " said the guy. "So do you ask guys about their HIV Status before you let them enter you, how do you call it bareback?" She was as casual and direct as ever. I wasn't comfortable responding directly in front of my partner but he had tried to throw me under the bus so I decided 'what the hell, I'll just answer away. "Like most guys now I only play bareback, and no. I never ask anything, before, during or after. And when a guy fucks me he most often breeds me. I fuckin love that part." "Wow" she exclaimed, "how many men have cum in your ass in the last year?" I looked my partner in the eye and he looked angry, but he saw sadness in my eyes and his face softened. Then he nodded, "Answer her question." "You sure?" I directed at him. "We agreed to open our relationship. I may not love it, but I love you no matter what. Answer the question, I may as well know the truth. " "Um ... awe ... somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 in the last year." "Wow, I knew you were promiscuous but I never drempt.", hubby. "You must be on PreP. " her comforting voice again. "Um ... no." my hesitant response. "Don't you worry about getting HIV?" this time from the guy. "No need to worry about what has already happened." The words were no sooner out of my mouth than my phone vibrated in my pocket. Normally I would just ignore it but I had a deep intuition I needed to take this call. I excused myself and pulled my phone out of my pocket. When I saw the sheep farmer's name I excused myself from the table with an apology. I hadn't heard from him or his partner for over two months and was glad I'd followed my intuition. I asked our tall, slim, fit waiter directions to the bathroom even though they were clearly marked. I liked that two extra buttons of his dress shirt were open showing off his strong hairless chest and the odd glimpse of his dark nipple. His tight black dress pants betrayed an impressive bulge. He pointed the way and winked. I was pacing outside the men's room just getting into my conversation with the sheep farmer when our waiter arrived. He grabbed my arm, forced me into the bathroom and locked the door. I tried not to let on what was happening to me as the sheep farmer began to describe their visit to see the Mexican artist's work. The waiter now had my cock out and growing erect in his warm mouth. He was extremely good and I couldn't repress a satisfied moan. "Nice moan, sounds like you might be involved in more than just this call." "Yeah our waiter is blowing me in the men's room." "Fuckin awesome. Don't stop him, I've got a story for you. The hot Mexican artist showed us his private collection. It included you getting bred by one sexy hunk. Hunk clearly balls deep in your ass, head thrown back in extatic release and your cock blasting cum all over your torso, chest and face. This painting is the most hardcore of all his work. Hubby and I were instantly rubbing our crotches." "Nice! Did he invite you to play so he could paint your sex?" "As a matter of fact he did. We were so hot and bothered by your painting that we stripped down and fucked each other then and there." "Speaking of which, my waiter has spun me around and is eating and tongue fucking my ass as you talk. Fuck yeah man!" "Hot. I love this!" "Fuck he's pushing into me bareback now. Fuck he's big." "Great! The Mexican actually bred me. First he fucked my partner with a condom. I took over fucking hubby raw doggie style and snuck the Mexcan's protection off before he sandwiched and penetrated me. Hubby had already bred me so I was well lubed. His raw average size cock felt amazing pounding me. I especially loved sneaking in a breeding literally behind my hubby's back." The sheep farmer could hear the slapping my ass was taking and the eratic breathing as the waiter whispered "Fuckin slut. " in my ear. "He's about to breed you isn't he?" "Fuck, fuck , fuck. He's got to have ten inches in me. ... Fuuuccckkkk! he's flooding my ass." We wound up our phone conversation with a promis to talk soon as the waiter straightened his clothes, unlocked the door and left. When I got back to our table the guy smiled like the Cheshire cat and said, "Good for you, 151 count now, eh?" My hubby and the woman shared a good hearty laugh.
    4 points
  8. Here is a recent of mine.
    4 points
  9. I'd never been to a circuit party before. But my college roommate Fred had been pestering me for almost the entire year so, knowing I probably wouldn't have a good time, I agreed to join him at Gay Disney just so I wouldn't have to hear any more complaints about what a bummer I was. See all through college I'd had a steady boyfriend and Fred could only count on me to accompany him to a club maybe twice a semester, often with my boyfriend. He'd wanted a wingman and I'd never been that for him. So when my boyfriend dumped me to attend seminary, Fred was ready to make up for lost time taking me around and showing me how much fun it can be fucking everything in sight. I was 25 and figured if I didn't sow my wild oats now, when would I have the opportunity? This was, of course, before I'd ever tried meth or any party drugs other than pot. Little did I know I'd have decades of debauchery to lose myself in. The minute we checked into the hotel, Fred was on the phone setting up meetings with the various sources for drugs he'd arranged online through fuck buddies and friends of friends of former fuck buddies. I had no idea what he was referring to as I heard different letters of the alphabet pop out of his mouth -- K, G, T, X. He'd arranged for everything, including V, which he assured me I'd be grateful to have handy even though I'd never had trouble getting hard. In fact, I'd always felt the opposite... I kinda wished I didn't pop wood so easy. I still got real shy in lockerrooms and at urinals as my decent 7-incher would swell up til the pink cut head started turning purple. It was not uncommon for me to race to the mens room to piss, then end up stuffing a boner back into my jockeys without having relieved myself cause the smell of the guy to my left got me horny. It was on the second night of the 4-day event that I finally started to relax at a big waterpark party. The ecstasy Fred has procured hit me hard and for a moment I thought I might need to use my tongue to show my buddy just how grateful I was for his chemical enhancement. Somehow I managed instead to convince him to join me for a float down a winding river in innertubes, a perfect way to cool off and enjoy the high while taking in all the eye candy. I felt a jolt as an innertube hit the back of my shoulders hard followed by the laughter of a group of guys who had obviously shoved someone into me. When I turned around, Manny was all apologies. "Sorry. My friends are infants." "No worries," I said. Sensing from the energy of his group that they'd figured I was his type and decided to give him a little help. i didn't have a type but was certainly happy to be bumping into him. His innertube started to drift away just as we were both about to say something and without thinking I saw myself reaching far, almost falling out of my own tube to grab onto his so we wouldn't lose each other. Fred was grinning like a goofy auntie and kept nodding encouragement to me as Manny and I found it difficult to talk without touching the other's shoulder, thigh, hand, chest, cheek for emphasis. Eventually we ditched the innertubes and ducked under a waterfall where finally we tongued our way deep into each other's mouths, ears. I was grabbing his round muscular bubble butt with both hands, letting my fingers slip into his speedo to feel the warm damp heat of his hairy crack and he could not stop squeezing precum out of my purple engorged cock head. The whistle of a Disney park ranger who seemed like a butch dyke stopped us as our cocks started to break free of our swimsuits. "Let's go back to my hotel room," he suggested without a hint of shyness. And I was rolling so hard on the ecstasy that I almost jumped for joy at the idea. "Just need to grab my stuff first," he said and before I knew it we were crisscrossing to the far side of the dancefloor to a secluded sandy beech area where some guys were lying on towels as though sunbathing even though it was like 3AM. Moonbathing? And with quick precision, he found a spot in the middle of the sand not marked in any way I could tell and squatted down low and dug. He dug about a foot down into the sand to retrieve a plastic change purse wrapped in a plastic bag. "Don't leave home without her," he said and i smiled and pretended to have a clue what he was talking about. Back in his room, I discovered that inside the change purse was a baggie of crystal and he quickly pulled a glass pipe from his suitcase, loaded it and was lighting up. When i barely got even a hint of smoke out of the pipe he stopped and looked at me with a combination of disbelief and affection. "Wait a sec. Have you never smoked before?" "Is it that obvious?" "Oh baby. What are you on? You're on something. No?" "X" He was kind enough to teach me how to smoke, first by shotgunning decent hits into me, then by holding the lighter for me as I sucked in my hits. I was starting to feel very horny and very driven to devour this man. And he seemed to be getting just as horned up as well. I ate his ass for 30 minutes and it still wasn't enough. Finally he stuck a shard of meth into my piss slit, greased me up with vaselline and guided me into his hole. It was so wet and open from the rimming that I just slid right in and I was precumming so much that the meth melted into my piss slit and into his hole quickly and we both felt another wave of intense drug-fueled horniness at the same moment. I started pumping. It's always taken me a long time to cum and that suited this bottom just fine. "Don't cum iin me," he said. I was shocked and sort of disappointed. "Really?" "Unless. I mean... Do you think you might want this to be serious? I only let guys I love shoot inside me." "I love you," I said. And he quickly said it back. And I kept saying it until all 7 spurts of my jizz had hit the back walls of his hole as his ankles dug into my butt to keep me as deep inside as possible. "This is like our wedding night," he said. And I kissed him.l He pulled away from my lips just long enough to add: "You, me and tina."
    3 points
  10. College Surprise Koa’s POV “Hey, do you want to go to a party?” Jensen asked me, as he passed me his weed vape for the umph time since we got back to his dorm room. I still had a good buzz going on from before. “It’s off campus, so you don’t have to worry anything. My friends always throw the best parties,” he said grinning at me. “I know they’d love to meet and get to know you,” he said giving one of his now familiar grins. “Sounds cool,” I said smiling back at Jensen enjoying my high, as I sat back on his bunkbed taking another hit of the vape before passing it back to Jensen. I hadn’t expecting anything like this when I arrived at Cromwell College this morning. I was expecting the usual BS colleges do for prospective students. Yeah, sure we did the tour, got to meet a few professors, and watched a lecture presentation about life on campus. Yet, when we were handed over to our hosts for the weekend things changed. Jensen, my host, told me he didn’t want to bore me with shit that really didn’t matter unless I decide to go to CC in the fall. So, we hit up the local coffee shop on campus before heading to relax on a small hill overlooking the dorm Jensen lived in this term. He asked me about myself, I told him about my family, there was only my dad, who owns a small internet company and my fourteen-year-old brother. My mom died in a traffic accident when Aspen, my little brother was four. I swam all through elementary, middle, and high school, but I didn’t want to swim in college. I was afraid it would cut into my major in photography and creative writing. “Fuck, I can’t believe it’s almost 90 degrees in May,” Jensen said, before pulling off his polo shirt exposing his toned chest and abs. “Come on take off your shirt and get comfortable, I know you’ve got to be sweating your balls off,” he chuckled, as he ran his hand down his chest before grabbing and squeezing what seemed a nice thick piece of meat between his legs as if he were adjusting it. My gaydar was going off like crazy, as I gazed over at my now shirtless host. I had to play this carefully, I was still deep in the closet. One wrong move and Jensen could kick my ass for being a fag, but I couldn’t help he seemed to be flirting with me. I lived in a small coastal town in South Carolina, the last thing in the world I wanted was being outed in town since I was on the school swim team. My life would become a living hell and so would my brother’s. I wasn’t a complete virgin, having the opportunity to do some oral with a couple of tourists at a beach outdoor restroom and shower, but that was it. I pulled off my shirt and kicked off my shoes enjoying the feel of the warm grass between my toes. At home all I wore were cargo shorts and rarely wore regular shoes unless absolutely necessary, I preferred being barefoot or wear just flip flops. I glanced over at Jensen to see him smile and nod at me, which caused me to bone up right away. It was as if my dick had no self-control suddenly. “Fuck, I need a hit, you cool?” Jensen asked diverting my attention from my boner as he pulled out a vape and hit it a couple of times. “Shit, I needed that, here take a couple of hits,” he said with a grin passing me the vape. I’d done weed a couple of times at parties, but I tried to stay away from it. It made want to do certain things, and that wasn’t a good thing in my small town. I thought briefly about saying no, but I didn’t want to look like a killjoy to Jensen. I took the vape and hit it a couple of times, and damn I was flying higher than I had before. This was some serious shit. “Let’s head back to my room and order some ‘Za, before the munchies set in,” Jensen chuckled, getting up, tucking his shirt into the back of his pants. “Here let me help you up,” he said reaching down to help me up. The next thing I knew Jensen had pulled me up against his slightly sweaty body. I almost thought he was going to kiss me as he gazed into my eyes, instead he just grinned at me, before heading back to his dorm. I grabbed my shoes and shirt jogging slightly to catch up with Jensen. Did I just imaging everything because of the weed or what? Jensen’s POV Holy fuckin’ shit, I was going to owe Simon bigtime once I managed to get this kid to tonight’s party, though judging from his reaction to my pulling off my shirt and squeezing my fuck meat I didn’t think there was going to be any trouble getting into his hot lil’ boy cunt. Koa was a serious piece of ass. His thick wavy golden blond hair just begged you to run your fingers through it as you grabbed a fistful of it yanking him back as you rammed deep inside him. His golden tan told of countless hours spent in the sun, I could see he had a serious speedo tan line from being a swimmer as his pants sagged a bit. Koa’s 5’10” slender body was nicely toned from years of swimming. His ears were pierced with what had to be three or four karat diamond earrings looked hot on Koa, though a pair of green biohazard earrings would look even hotter on him once we we’re done with him this weekend. This kid was going to be fun in bed once we partied him up, I hoped he was a moaner and a talker. There is nothing hotter than making a bottom pussy-boy beg for you to fuck them harder and nut deep inside their teen boy cunt, unless they are also begging for you to poz them. Now that would be fucking hot to hear Koa beg for us to poz his sweet tight bubble butt, definitely a goal to keep in mind for the night. Simon and I used the college’s tour guide mentor program to lure unsuspecting high school seniors into bed and leaving them with a special gift and a permanent reminder of their time at the college. I had gotten Simon to swop with me and take the red-headed emo boy I was supposed to have for this hot swimmer boy. Don’t get me wrong I love slutty skinny emo boys, yet it takes almost no effort to get into their hot little pussies, I wanted a bit of a challenge after a month’s worth of them. I needed a change of pace. Koa was just the ticket. I think though the challenge with Koa will be getting in him raw, so many closet gays, like Koa, think wearing a raincoat is the best way to keep themselves safe. It was my job and the rest of my friends job to show them raw was better. He would learn the best feeling in the world was an ass full of poz jizz. I planned after we ate switching to my T vape pen, that Twain, a chem major in our group, had made for those of us still living on campus, so we wouldn’t get busted by the RAs while we partied in the dorms. It would get Koa nice and horny for the party, and once there we’d switch to glass pipes and then some darts. I debated about asking Koa if he wanted to do some “E” before we left for the party, or just slipping it to him. I decided it just might be more fun to just slip it to him in his drink since he seemed so innocent. After this weekend though Koa would be a full-fledged poz cumslut bitch-boy instead of the innocent high schooler he was when he arrived here at CC. Koa POV “Make yourself comfortable bro, my AC isn’t working right. They are supposed to get it fixed Monday,” Jensen explained, kicking off his shoes and pulling off his jeans leaving him wearing only a pair of boxer-briefs with a large bulge in his crotch. “Shit that feels so much better getting out of those hot clothes,” he said grinning at me. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” Jensen nodded to me as he called for a pizza. The last thing I wanted to do at this point was take off my pants. I had been going commando since I was eight after one of the swim instructors told me serious real swimmers always freeball. Since that day I never wore underwear again. I still had ¾ of a boner from seeing what Jensen was packing. He would know at once I was gay, but still, I couldn’t help but wonder if that wouldn’t be a good thing. He was pretty hot with his shaggy black hair and intense blue eyes. Jensen had a nicely toned body, but seeing all the skateboards in his room, I suspected it was just from being active, rather than working out like I did for swimming. He wasn’t as tanned as I was, but you could tell he wasn’t totally an indoor person. I thought his red scorpion tat wrapped around his right side heading down towards his crotch looked pretty cool. He must be a Scorpio. “You’re not shy are you?” Jensen asked, setting down his phone giving me a grin. “You don’t have anything I haven’t already seen before,” he said fiddling around with his mini fridge, before handing me a beer. “No, but I don’t wear underwear, I haven’t since I was young,” I explained to Jensen. Hoping that would end the topic. “Wow, that’s cool. I freeball too sometimes, but not all the time,” Jensen said, giving me one of the looks that shot me to full mast. Shit, I thought what the hell is going on with my dick. It was behaving like I was twelve again, getting hard at every guy I thought was hot. Jensen told me about a party some of his friends were throwing off campus. He thought they would enjoy getting to know me and would help with my decision to attend Cromwell in the fall. I was really enjoying myself so I figured why not, after all nobody back home would ever know. My reputation back home as a good boy was safe, besides, I figured I deserved to treat myself. A knock on the door distracted me from thinking about the party. It must be the pizza, which was cool since I was getting hungry. Jensen got up to open the door, a hot looking shaggy-haired blond grinned at him holding out a pizza box. “Hey Jensen, got your meat lovers right here,” he said stepping into the room as he handed the box to Jensen. Noticing me he shot me a toothy grin, “Company tonight?” He asked my host, raising an eyebrow. “Finn, this is Koa. Koa, this is Finn,” Jensen said introducing us. “Koa is visiting from South Carolina for the weekend to look at the school. “Nice to meet you Koa, you couldn’t ask for a better school than Cromwell,” walking over to shake my hand. “Swimmer?” Finn asked looking at me. “Yeah, all through school, but not planning to if I come here. I want to focus on my degree,” I replied. I couldn’t help but smile at Finn’s work tee-shirt, which said, ‘Benny’s Always More Than a Mouthful.’ “I like the shirt,” I chuckled. Finn grinned back at me, “We’re a big believer in truth in advertising at Benny’s,” he replied with a chuckle. “Want a hit?” Jensen said offering his vape to Finn. “Does the Pope like altar boys?” Finn laughed taking a couple hits. “I’ll see you guys later after I get off from work,” he told Jensen. Turning towards me, “I look forward to seeing you again and helping you make up your mind to come here next year.” “I look forward to it,” I replied giving him a fist bump. “Later gators,” Finn said leaving giving me a wink as he shut the door. “Finn will be at the party later after he gets off work,” Jensen told me with a smirk. Just then there was a knock on what turned out to be the bathroom door. Two dorm-rooms shared a common bathroom. “Yo J-man, Benji wants to know if you want a ride to the party,” asked a tall slender guy wearing round black wire-framed glasses who looked like a hot Harry Potter with an industrial piercing through his left ear and tats. He had a giant black scorpion wrapping around his right side with its claws reaching towards his crotch, while his right arm was almost completely covered in a honeycomb sleeve pattern of black hexagons. His left arm had a black widow spider tat. All he was wearing was a pair of black bikini underwear, but what really caught my attention was the thick long dick which stretched over his left thigh. I almost choked on my beer it had to be the biggest dick I’d ever seen, and it didn’t even look like it was hard even. “Sweet, that would be great Kai. Oh, I don’t think you’ve met Koa, he’s visiting from South Carolina looking at Cromwell for the fall,” Jensen said with a smirk. “Oh shit, I just realized your names are almost the same, Kai and Koa,” chuckled Jensen. “That means we’re going to be great friends,” smiled Kai as he walked over to me. “Really close friends,” he said shaking my hand as he looked me up and down like a starving man about to devour a meal. Smiling he nodded at me. “I’ll see you guys later,” Kai said heading back towards his room through the bathroom. Jensen’s POV Koa was going to be extremely popular tonight both Finn and Kai already were imagining sliding inside his tight little cunt after I planted a couple of loads, few things were hotter than a sexy eighteen-year old’s gaping hole as multiple loads of poz jism leaked out. Hell, I was thinking the same thing. Koa would be a changed man when he left to go home on Sunday. I had no doubt come the fall Koa will be back here and getting his own scorpion tat before the first week is out. Damian had already hit me up to let me know there would be about twelve guys from our group there most of the night with others dropping in for a quick pump and dump. It looked like there would be about five newbies to break in while the rest of us mostly being vers. would play with one another between giving our guests the gift that keeps giving marking them as new members of a special brotherhood. I gave Koa my T vape; it was time to get things moving. I knew he’d soon be rolling hard from the “E” I slipped him in his beer, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t already beginning to kick in by now. I told Koa to go ahead and take a few more hits before taking a shower before the party. He turned away as he pulled off his jeans before quickly wrapping a towel around his waist. I kind of thought it was funny Koa was trying to keep from showing me his hard dick but had no problem showing me his hot little ass, which is what I was really interested in seeing. It did not disappoint; I was looking forward to burying my face it before booty bumping it. Koa’s POV Fuck, I was feeling amazing. I never suspected you could get so high from using a vape pen, it almost made me wish I did this more often. Every time I touched myself it felt incredible, and I was becoming increasingly horny. I began imagining having sexy with all these hot guys around me. What was happening to me, I was never like this, but at the same time I wanted it in the worst way. I began to really hope Jensen was gay, I wanted to have sex with him. Feel my mouth stretch wide around his cock and suck on it until he fed me his cum. I wanted to feel him slide inside me and take my virginity, showing me what it was to be with a man. Yet at the same time I wanted Kai, I wanted to feel that huge dick slide inside me stretching my hole wide open in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine. What would it feel like to have him ram deep inside me as he held me down and took what he wanted from me. It surprised me the shower in their bathroom had a clear shower curtain hiding nothing. There was also a shower douching tool attached to the showerhead, which told me someone was definitely gay in the two dorm rooms. As I showered I couldn’t help but wonder what it felt like to use it, and before long I began to wonder if I should clean out just in case something did happen tonight with Jensen. Even before I realized it I was using it to clean myself out just in case. I couldn’t believe how good it felt sliding the long nozzle inside me, using the toilet, and repeating the action several times. Each time it slid inside I wanted something even bigger entering my ass. I wanted fucked and I was getting to the point I didn’t care who did fuck me. I dried off conflicted about the way my hardon wouldn’t go down and now my desire for Jensen to see it. What was coming over me, this wasn’t me, but deep down I knew it was me. All the deep dark thoughts I had were coming to the surface. I secretly wondered what it would be like to be a slut, sucking dick whenever I wanted, having guys fuck me in the showers at school, in my bed with my dad and little brother at home hearing me beg for it harder, having guys shove me against the wall in the changing rooms at the beach and just fuck me like I was nothing more than a hole for their use. Why were these thoughts coming to mind now? I was a good boy and not a slut. At that moment I caught a reflection of myself in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door to Jensen’s room. My completely shaved body from swimming made me look younger than my eighteen years standing there in nude, but I had to admit I liked the look. My semi-dry blonde hair’s waves looked more like large loose curls. The only thing about my appearance which I wasn’t sure if I cared for was my tan lines from my Speedos. I wondered if I would look hotter completely tanned, maybe this summer I’ll lay out nude I thought, I knew of a couple of places along the beach where I could get away with it back at home. I couldn’t resist running my hands over my naked body as I looked in the mirror. My hand couldn’t resist reaching down to caress my shaved balls and hardening cock. I moaned from the feelings of pleasure my fingers gave me as I caressed myself. I’d never felt pleasure like I did at that moment. “Whoa,” exclaimed a voice behind me from the direction of Kai’s dorm room. “I thought whoever was in here taking a shower was finished,” smiled a handsome naked double scorpion tatted, lightly tanned, muscular toned brunette with emerald eyes. He closed the door as his thick eight and a half long almost beer can sized cock quickly rose to full mast. He walked over to me reaching out to take my own six and a half barely five inch around cock in his hand. “Kai had said you were fucking cute as hell, and he wasn’t kidding,” smirked this unknown guy leaning into kiss me as he slowly stroked my dick. “You taste amazing,” he said as he pulled back from the kiss with a smile. He leaned back in for another kiss, this time shoving me back hard against the door as we began to passionately kiss like long lost lovers. I couldn’t help but moan loudly as his hands shifted from stroking my hardon to running all over my body, before concentrating on my sensitive nipples, which in turn made me grind hard against this mysterious guy. I’d never felt like this before in my life and I wanted it to never end. I couldn’t care less if I didn’t know who this was I making out with, I wanted him in the worst way. He pulled back finally from our kiss leaving me pantingly hard, as he gazed into my eyes seeing my desire for him and his hard dripping cock. “Yeah, you’re one sexy little slut boy,” he said smirking at me. “I know what you want and need,” he chuckled softly, as he shook his cock at me. “Let me see if you can use that hot mouth properly on a man’s cock,” he said pushing me down to my knees in front of him. “Show me how much you want it slut.” I looked up into my dominator’s emerald eyes, as I stuck out my tongue beginning to lick the dripping precum. I started to reach up to grab it, but he grabbed my hand, “Just your mouth slut,” he commanded me, “And no teeth if you know what is good for you,” he chuckled softly at me. I obeyed taking what must be one of the biggest dicks I’ve ever sucked, it certainly was the thickest. I heard a hiss and double snorts before my dominator pulled out of my mouth and held one of my nostrils shut. “Inhale slut,” which I promptly did from a small brown bottle, and he repeated the process with my other nostril. My buzz had me flying now, as he pushed his hard cock back inside my mouth. I showed him everything I had learned about sucking dick, and before I knew it he was forcing himself down my throat further and further until his shaved groin pushed firmly against my nose. Once he sensed I couldn’t breathe he would pull out just long enough to catch my breath before pushing back in hard burying himself in my over-stuffed throat. I lost track of time as I became nothing more than a receptacle for his lust. “Fuckin’ hell slut, you almost made me nut,” he panted smiling down at me slapping his wet cock against my face, marking me with his precum and my spit. “I’m not ready to feed you my special venom yet,” he grinned rubbing my lips with his thumb before forcing it into my mouth to suck it. Before I could say anything Kia’s roommate had me bent over the bathroom counter with my ass spread open. “God damn! What a fucking hot hole,” he growled as he attacked my ass with his tongue. I was in total sensory overload as he worked his tongue inside me vigorously in such a way I could have never imagined possible. I couldn’t even speak, the only thing I could do was moan in pleasure as he ate me out. Soon this was not enough for him, as a finger begin working slowly inside me. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” He asked me as his voice dripped with lust. “Y…es…yesss, I managed to gasp in answer to his question. “If you weren’t with Jensen, I’ take your cherry right now, but I’ll wait my turn,” he said as I heard a drawer open, followed by a squirt and then his finger sliding inside me much easier and fully than before, causing me to moan louder as he touched a spot inside that made me see stars. “That’s your boy button,” he chuckled as he began working his finger in and out as I felt a burning sensation. “It burns,” I tried to tell him as he held me in position, squirting more stuff on his fingers as I felt two fingers working themselves inside me. “Don’t worry slut, the burn will go away soon,” he chuckled again, as he built up his pace working his finger in and out of my ass. Soon I discovered he was right as the burning pain morphed into a burning need to feel my ass used for his pleasure. He pulled his fingers out causing me to whimper in need for their return. I felt something rough against my hole, followed by the now familiar liquid squirt and the push inside my ass. This time the burning sensation seemed even worse as the fingers rubbed it against my boy button. I tried to twist away as the pain engulfed me, but my tormentor held me in place trying to sooth me, and as he promised the pain changed into a hunger for something more. I wanted something bigger, hard, more potent than mere fingers. “Yeah, you’re ready for tonight,” he chuckled smacking my ass hard. “Time to get you back to Jensen,” he grinned at me as he pulled me up from the counter. He guided me to Jensen’s door before opening it and steering me naked and hard back into the room. “I think you might have lost something,” he laughed to Jensen, who just grinned at us. “Thanks, Benji, I was almost ready to send out a search party for Koa,” he laughed high fiving my molester. “Koa? A hot name for a hot little slut boy,” Benji chuckled, slipping his finger in my crack, before slapping me hard on the ass making me moan in pleasure. I should have been embarrassed, but it turned me on for Jensen see this man, Benji, exposing me as his play toy. “Benji is going to drive us to the party tonight, he’s kind of fun isn’t he?” Jensen grinned at me. “I hope you don’t mind, but I found some of your clothes in your backpack I thought would make you look super-hot tonight at the party, I hope you don’t mind,” he told me. On the bed lay the pretty severely ripped pair of skinny black jeans I had planned wearing Sunday when I drove home, and one of my white tank-tops. The jeans would very easily show off my butt, and my balls and some of my dick if I stayed hard, which I suspected was the way I would be most of the night. Especially with the hot guys taking me to this party. I knew I should be more restrained than I was being, but it was as if all my secret desires were flowing to the surface. I mean sure I could be slutty on occasion, but it was as if my slut switch was turned way past full and it still wasn’t enough. I didn’t even think to protest wearing the clothes Jensen had picked out for me, I wanted him to be pleased with me. I was facing his bed as I started to shimmy into my tight skinny ripped, which seemed far more ripped than I remembered, jeans. The next thing I knew Jensen had pushed me down on his bed, which sliding a finger deep inside me and the now familiar burning sensation filling my ass, before morphing into an incredible feeling of desire for dick. “Now I think you’re ready for the start of the party Koa,” he chuckled pulling his finger out and caressing my ass. “Shit, we’re going to have so much fun tonight,” he huskily whispered to me. “If I thought I could get away with it now, I’d have you wear one of my dirty jocks and nothing else, but the evening is still young,” he chuckled, motioning me to finish getting dressed. “I know you like going barefoot, so don’t bother with shoes, you look perfect just as is,” Jensen smiled at me. Jensen’s POV Between Benji and I Koa was now primed for some serious fucking. I couldn’t wait to get him naked with his knees pushed back next to his ear as I claimed his cherry. Fuck, there are few things hotter than taking a guy’s cherry and pozzing him at the same time. Koa was going to be bred all night and into Saturday afternoon before we’d finished with him and his newly gaping hole. Jared would be making sure he got as much vid on our latest prey. We always made sure to get the guys begging to be bred and pozzed, so they couldn’t say they had been tricked. I was looking forward to teasing Koa’s hot lil hole with my dick telling him I only fucked raw and was poz. I wanted to hear him tell me to slide in and fuck him and blow my poz load deep in his newly born boy pussy. Once inside him I’d dart him, so he was ours for the rest of the party. Koa would soon understand his new place as a bottom bitch boy cumslut for raw cock, any raw cock offered him. I might have to invite some big hairy daddy bears to expand Koa’s horizons. I’d love to see him bouncing up and down on some big daddy bear dicks while people watch Koa begs for a poz load. He will be a changed individual by the time the weekend is over. Koa’s POV I couldn’t believe how fucking horny I was, I wanted dick in my ass, hell any dick, I didn’t care. I wanted to lose my virginity this weekend. Any of the hot guys I met Jensen, Benji or Kai, would do, hell I’d let them all fuck me. The idea of all three of them fucking me turned me on more than I thought possible. Jensen had me hit his vape a few more times, before heading over to Kai and Benji’s to catch a ride to the party. Benji and Kai talked me into taking off my white-beater and just tuck it into my jeans. They thought I’d look hotter for the party showing off my swimmer’s body. In almost no time we were at Benji’s black BMW x5, once there Kai and Jensen pulled out a couple of glass pipes whose bulbs were filled with white crystals and small torches. They both took long deep hits of their pipes before shot gunning me against the backdoor of the car. This seriously horned me up unbelievably, Jensen climbed in the back seat while Kai then guided me into the backseat on my knees. Jensen had me take a few hits on my own, while Kai played with my hole before turning me around and shot gunning me several more times. I couldn’t help but moan loudly into Kai’s mouth as Jensen’s fingers played with my hole. I couldn’t but help ride his fingers as he stimulated me. “Oh fuck,” I moaned as I rode his fingers. “So, fucking good,” I panted with desire. I needed Jensen to fuck me in the worst way. I wanted him to take my virginity, I wanted to feel him inside me. “Yeah, I think someone is hungry for cock,” he chuckled as Kai put the glass pipe to my lips. “Inhale Koa, show us what a proper tweaker you are,” Kai commanded me. I followed his command, taking three huge hits, as Jensen continued to finger my hole through my ripped jeans. I didn’t realize it at first, but we had arrived at the party. Benji took the pipe from Kai and took several hits, before shot gunning me a few times more. Kai and Jensen guided me out of the BMW’s backseat making sure to pop the front button on my ripped jeans. “Yeah, you’re ready for some fun now,” chuckled Jensen as my new friends guided me to the front door of a modern design house with a lot of floor to ceiling windows. There were mostly shirtless guys dancing to techno music pumping through the house. They all seemed to be handsy with one another, which really turned me on. I was fairly sure I would get fucked tonight for the first time ever. A hot light brown haired pale and seriously tatted skinny guy wearing nothing, but a pair of tight way too small black boxer briefs answered the door while using a small torch to heat a glass pipe. After he had taken a long inhalation of thick white small, he exhaled and then motioned us in the house. “S’up, guys we’re just getting started so you came at a good time,” he smiled at us, before coming over to shove his tongue in my mouth. “Hi, I’m Barry,” he said smiling at me as he rubbed his large scorpion tat. “We’re going to need to spend some time together before the party is over,” he continued stepping close so he could slide a finger through one of the rips exposing my virgin hole. I moaned as his long finger slid deep inside me awakening my hungry hole. “Drinks are in the kitchen, have fun,” he winked at me as he pulled his finger from my hole, “I’ll see you later sexy.” I wanted sex so bad at this point, I slid my own two fingers inside my hungry hole, trying to motivate Jensen to pull out his dick and just fuck me. It didn’t bother me that the small group of shirtless guys standing around drinking and talking saw me playing with my hole, in fact it turned me on when they all smiled at me. Jensen got me a Gatorade from a cooler, which kind of tasted weird, I guess it had some sort of booze I had never had before. I polished it off in no time as Jensen introduced me to his friends. They all hugged and kissed me while playing with my ass, telling Jensen how lucky he was finding and bringing me to the party. Jensen’s POV Fuck, Koa is so hot, I can’t wait to slide inside his virgin boy cunt and give him his first load of poz jizz. All the guys are excited to add their poz loads to mine when I finish using Koa like the cumslut he is destined to become this weekend. The G in the Gatorade will loosen Koa up even more pushing his horny meter into the red zone. I’ve waited long enough to show Koa his true purpose in life. I kiss him deeply, taking him by the hand leading hi to one of the bedrooms to complete Koa’s corruption. I don’t bother to close the door knowing others will soon join us and take their own turns with my new cumslut. I push Koa back towards king-size bed, “Get those pants off slut,” I command the tweaked and rolling soon to be bred eighteen-year-old twink. I kicked my shoes off as I stripped out of my own clothes. I loved Koa’s look as he saw my hardon for the first time. Pure lust and desire shown on his face. He was ready to be fucked like the bitch whore he was to become. “You’re one sexy mutha fucker Koa,” I whispered to him as I pushed him back on the bed. “You’re going to let me fuck your hot lil’ ass aren’t you Koa?” I asked him as I climbed on the bed moving towards his head in preparation to feeling his hot mouth lubing my cock with his spit. Koa nodded his head rather than answering aloud. I moved into the classic 69ing position feeding Koa my dick as I attacked his hole rimming and fingering his newly born boy pussy. I love the feelings from his moans and tongue work as I forced more of more of my thick eight inches cock in his mouth. Koa was doing a decent job, obviously he had done some sucking before, yet when the weekend was out he’d be a pro with all the dick he’d be getting at the party. I’d waited long enough the bitch needed his cherry popped and used like a cumslut. I pulled out of Koa’s hot lil’ mouth, as he whimpered at being deprived of his new favorite toy. “Don’t worry slut I have something far more fun for us to do,,” I grinned at him as I climbed between his legs and pushing them back towards his ears. I teased his hole with my leaking cock head, which made Koa try to hump himself on my plum like gland. “Somebody’s horny aren’t they?” I asked the desperately horny Koa. “Yes,” he moaned continuing to try and impale himself on me. “Well, I can give you what you want, but there are a couple things I need to tell you first,” I grinned at Koa, I paused briefly as Soren grinned at me as he walked in the bedroom wearing nothing more than his usual olive kaki cargo pants and his array of necklaces. Soren’s thick bushy long hair suited him perfectly making him look-like a cross between a raver and a hippie. A music major, he was extremely popular on campus with both gay and straight guys. His nine and a half Red Bull thick cock which was trying unsuccessfully to tent out his pants’ leg helped greatly with his popularity. I loved all his tats covering his arms and chest especially his large black scorpion tat covering his abs. He was thin but, seriously toned and could throw a mean fuck. I noticed he had a rubber elastic strap and a couple of darts in his hands. It was time to start the party. “Soren meet Koa, Koa meet Soren,” I said grinning at Soren as he set Koa’s tools of destruction down on the nightstand before unbuttoning and dropping his pants. Koa’s eyes bulged with lust as Soren’s cock was finally freed and stood at attention waiting to be used on Koa. “Hey,” Soren smiled at Koa lying on the bed with his knees push back to his ears. “Hey,” replied Koa shyly. “As I was saying slut, there are a couple of things before we start you should know. If they are a problem we can do something else,” I grinned at the horny Koa and at Soren. You see I only fuck raw, and never pull out until I’ve seeded a guy’s pussy,” I told Koa, as I watched his drug addled brain process this news. There was a brief hint of resistance which flashed over his innocent face but was soon gone. “You can fuck me raw,” Koa told me softly as he looked in my eyes. “Sweet Koa, I know you’ll love feeling raw cocks sliding in your cunt and pumping you full of jizz, but there are a couple other things you should probably know before we start,” I told him as I motioned for Soren to put the strap around Koa’s muscular arm in preparation for slamming him. “I thought before I fuck you that you might want to know my status,” I continued making sure to tease Koa’s virgin hole with my cock. “I don’t care if you’re single or not I WANT your cock inside me. I want your raw cock,” Koa demanded. “PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME,” he begged. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the teen’s innocence. I pushed gently against Koa’s cherry entrance, making him moan as he tried push down on my gland. “Are you sure? I told you I don’t pull out until I’ve pumped my load deep inside a guy,” I explained as I pushed harder now against his hole almost breaching it a couple times as Koa began trying to get my cock inside him. “Fuck me,” Koa panted now overcome with lust to take my dick. I grinned at him, as I slowly pushed inside his tight virgin hole. Koa made the sexiest moan as he took his first cock up his no longer virgin hole. I slowly rocked in and out of one of the hottest boy pussies I’ve enjoyed in a long while. In almost no time I had managed to bury nearly my whole cock in Koa’s hot lil’ boy cunt. I worked the entire length of my cock in and out of his fuck tunnel making Koa moan like a lil’ bitch each time I pushed all the way back inside his fiery hole. “You really should tell Koa about your status before I send him to slut mode,” Soren chuckled as he prepared to dart Koa. “Yeah you’re right Soren, it’s only fair,” I agreed slowly and very gently pulling my cock from Koa’s hungry boy cunt. I loved the way he whimpered as my cock exited his hole. “PLEASE,” Koa begged, “Put your cock back and fuck me, PLEASE I NEED IT,” he continued to beg desperately. “Well, I would love to fuck and flood your sweet lil’ boy cunt with my dirty jizz, but you should have the right to say if you want me to fuck you with my raw poz cock,” I explained waiting for Koa’s drug fogged brain to process what I had just told him. Suddenly a realization of what I just told Koa registered on his shocked face, as I teased his slightly open fuck hole making him want my cock back inside him. “Should we stop Koa?” I asked him as I pushed a little harder against his hole making him whimper in need. Koa took a deep swallow looking in my eyes, “No, please don’t stop fucking me,” Koa softly answered, realizing what he was saying to me by asking me to keep fucking him with my raw poz fuck tool. “You want me to mark you as mine then,” I said to a slightly frightened but still definitely horny Koa. “You want to be a poz cum dump slut?” I asked pushing a little harder against Koa’s fuck hole, but not entering completely. Koa swallowed deeply again before answering, “Yes, poz me.” My cock pulsed oozing out a big stream of precum with Koa’s answer. I pushed slowly back inside my bitch boy, enjoying the fact he surrendered his formerly virgin pussy to my raw poz cock. As I slid home inside Koa he moaned as his cock pulsed leaking a large puddle of precum on to his stomach and chest. His mind might be in conflict with his decision, but his body wasn’t. Koa’s POV When Jensen pulled his amazing cock from my ass and told me he was poz and wanted to keep fucking me and pump his poz cum inside me, I couldn’t believe what he told me. I desperately wanted Jensen to keep fucking me, but I wasn’t sure what to do. Jensen’s cock teasing my hole answered my question for me, I wanted his dick, and I didn’t care he was poz I would deal with consequences afterwards I just wanted fucked in the worst way. I was in bliss once Jensen’s cock was back in me, I knew I had made the right decision by letting him keep fucking me. My hole was made for his dick and soon his poz cum, for some strange reason the more I thought about taking his poz loads the more turned on I seemed to be becoming. I shouldn’t be getting turned on by the idea of taking Jensen’s poz cum, but I was. I did want his poz loads. “Let’s get you really in the mood for poz cock,” Soren grinned at me taking my arm that I didn’t realize had a tourniquet on it. “Don’t move or this will hurt a lot if you move so hold still,” he said as he found a vein and jabbed me emptying the syringe into my arm. He pulled the syringe from my arm and untied the tourniquet holding my arm up, the next thing I coughed hard a couple times before feeling a rush of pleasure and horniness flow through my body. “Oh…Fuck…Yes,” I moaned grinning up at Soren as he stroked his dick. “Gimme,” I demanded wanting to suck this fucking hot stud, before begging him to fuck me after Jensen. I wanted more cock up my ass and I didn’t care if it was poz or not. Fuck, I actually hoped I would get more poz cock before the night was out. I knew I shouldn’t but for some reason it turned me on knowing I was being fucked by a raw poz cock, what was happening to me? “Fuck me with that poz cock,” I began begging Jensen as he pounded the hell out of my hole, “HARDER MOTHER FUCKER, RAM MY PUSSY, POZ ME MOTHER FUCKER,” I shouted as I paused taking Soren’s thick cock down my throat. The only thing I could think of was taking Jensen’s raw poz cock deep inside me before he flooded me with my first poz load, but hopefully not my last one. “Fuck ya,” growled Jensen as he ramped up his assault on my ass. “I knew you’d be a nasty lil’ fuck,” he continued grinding deep inside me. “I’ll make sure all my friends give you all their poz loads too slut,” he promised as he began long dicking me harder and faster, quickly approaching his climax. “FUCKIN’ NUT!” I screamed, “POZ ME! MAKE ME A POZ CUMSLUT!” I yelled needing to feel Jensen to jizz inside me in the worst way. This wasn’t me, but it was. It was as if some deep dark hidden part of me was finally free and enjoying the new freedom of letting go fear and embracing my new sexual desires. Suddenly Jensen slammed his cock deep inside me, grunting as I felt his dick swell, beginning to pulse as warm cum began filling me up for the first time in my life. Poz cum, Jensen’s poz cum, transforming me, changing me, freeing me. Once he finished climaxing inside me, Jensen began once again slowly fucking me, making sure I felt every inch of his amazing cock using his poz cum as lube to fuck me. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven because it just felt so good. “You ready Soren to give this fucking cumslut another load of poz jizz in his boy cunt?” Jensen asked with a smile. “Fuck yeah,” Soren grinned at me, plopping down on the bed, and leaning against headboard. “Come up here bitch and ride my cock like the lil’ whore you are,” he commanded me as Jensen pulled himself from my hungry hole. I quickly clamored up the bed to sit on my latest fucker’s beautiful thick nine and half inch uncut cock. “Are you poz too?” I asked Soren, needing him to be poz too. Suddenly all I wanted was poz cock up my ass. “Fuck yeah I am, everyone at the party with a scorpion tat is poz,” Soren told me as I squatted over his cock. “You’d look fucking hot with one as well, do you want us to help you earn yours?” He asked as I began to push down on his raw poz cock. “FUCK YEAH!” I moaned as I slammed myself completely down Soren’s dick meat. “I want one,” I moaned as I began slowly riding up and down the entire length of Soren’s thick cock. “I want to be marked like you,” I howled as I took Soren’s entire dick each and every time I pulled up and then slammed myself down on his shaved groin. I Needed Soren’s poz load in the worst way ever, so I rode him like I imagined a cheap whore would. I loved the thought of being a total whore for cock, hell any cock, fuckin’ poz cock! I wanted as much cock as I could get this weekend, I wanted to show Jensen and his friends I wanted to be just like them. Jensen grinned down at me as he offered me his still glistening cum-coated dick to suck. “I think we have a keeper here,” he chuckled as I licked and slobbered all over his cock cleaning it of his poz cum and my ass juices. I wanted Jensen to know how much I loved him popping my cherry and pozzing me. “I’m going to guess you’ll be here in the fall for classes won’t you whore,” I nodded excitedly as I bobbed up and down on his cock, while Soren lifted my ass up some and began fucking repeatedly into my hungry hole. My body and mind were on total overload, from everything I was experiencing, but I still wanted more. “This must be the playroom,” a muscular thirty-something Afro-American guy, with his dreads pulled back in a ponytail said with a grin, as he fucked up into the naked hot red-headed emo boy with snakebites wrapped around his waist, making him moan into his shoulder. “My friend wanted a playmate to get pozzed with at the party, didn’t you babe?” The emo boy gasped, “Yes, Daddy,” as the thick cock fucking him long dicked him quickly and hard. The new kid and I both gasped loudly, but for different reason as the Afro-American guy pulled the emo boy off his dick and tossed him on the bed near me. He from what easily had to be a thick uncut ten-inch cock being yanked from his ass and me in awe and desire to feel that meat pummeling my hole and filling me with his poz jizz. The man shot me a toothy grin, “Don’t worry boy, I’ve got plenty more toxic cum to share with you before the night is out.” At that moment Soren yanked me down hard on his cock as I felt him pulsing and flooding my boy cunt with his poz load, “Take…IT…ALL!” He growled as I felt some of his load begin to leak out from my still stuffed hole. Soren must have not have cum in a few days from what it felt like. I couldn’t believe the night had only just started.
    3 points
  11. My mother always said my heart was too big for my own good. She didn’t understand why I did so much volunteer work. I didn’t understand how other people didn't. While young women always want to work with kids, young men, I've found, have fewer volunteering opportunities, so when I found I enjoyed sharing time with the elderly, I stuck with it. When they didn’t get visitors often, I would come and spent a day with them. I always did stuff like that. When I read the advertisement from Mr. Johnson, a 62 year old who had AIDS and was looking for a gay friendly buddy, I didn’t think twice - I applied. Mr. Johnson was a real silver daddy with a friendly smile. “You don’t mind that I’m gay?” he asked me when we met. “ "No, of course not," I replied, "I’m also gay." Smiling, Mr. Johnson replied “Then it’s not awkward when I say you’re a handsome fellow.” We both laughed. There was a real click between us. Perhaps because we were both gay and knew the lifestyle and the prejudice... and the sex. Mr. Johnson said he was an avid barebacker back in the day, which was, of course, the reason he contracted HIV. He admitted that he didn’t stop having raw sex after he was tested positive. “Some men just don’t care” he explained, “they just want to enjoy. They want to feel the meat and not the rubber.” Then he asked if I had ever done it without a condom. “Yeah I have,” I admitted, “when I was a teenager and fooled around with boys of my own age I knew were disease free I didn’t bother, but when I grew older and met older guys I did start using condoms." I also had a steady boyfriend for a while who fucked me raw, but I never visited the sleazy places Mr. Johnson had frequented. He told me all about the crazy sex parties he attended, that he had tried watersports, fisting, s&m, several types of drugs. How he was a frequent visitor of baths and adult theaters. He didn’t have any regrets about his sex life, although he was sad it wasn’t as active as it used to be. Without shame he said how he bought gay porno mags and had several adult dvds, and on one occasion he asked “Want to see them?”, as if it was the most normal thing to show. I declined, not out of disinterest, but because it would be a little bit too awkward. Mr Johnson was a charming man and we hung out quite a lot. Instead of being just a buddy for him we were becoming real friends. Sometimes I did have the feeling Mr. Johnson was flirting with me. Whenever I went over i would fing gay magazines or dvds on the table or couch. He didn't even bother to hide them from me. Whenever we sat behind a computer I could see the tabs of pornsites like silverdaddies and barebackrt. The worst part was that it didn't bother me. I started to like this little game he was playing, mostly because I never met someone who was courting me like that. Never the less, I was quite aware Mr Johnson was growing increasingly bold in his attempts to woo me. I noticed his bulge more frequently in the shorts he wore, but especially when he wore sweatpants. The thin fabric showed clearly the outline of his cock and he probably didn't wear any underwear underneath them. I even suspected that he was deliberately trying to get a hard on before he opened the door to greet me. This was actually really inappropriate behavior, but it was effective. I always looked at his bulge and he knew it. Every now and then he reached for his crotch, to adjust the dick in his pants or give it another stroke to keep it hard. The scary thing was that I could't stop thinking about what he would come up with next. I imagined that one day I would come in his house, to find him masturbating in front of the TV or computer. Or how he wanted to go for a swim and decided to hop in the same changing room, because the others were already occupied. My cock would get hard thinking about how Mr. Johnson would seduce me and finally would show his cock. I wasn't even wondering if he would do it, I was already in the phase where I wanted him to show me. The night that changed everything started with supper at Mr. Johnson's place. After we were done he proposed to sit on the couch to watch some TV. So far he had behaved himself, but when I sat down the show began. "You know, I'm pretty sweaty, do you mind if I would take a shower?" he asked. I didn't mind at all and wondered what his plan was. Would he ask me to take a shower too? Would he ask me to join him? However Mr. Johnson never asked me to go upstairs with him. Instead, while he showered I watched TV. I noticed a gay dvd cover on the coffee table. A big blurb on the cover said 100% BAREBACK. I opened it and there wasn't a disc in it. My guess was that Mr Johnson was watching it or had watched it recently. When Mr Johnson came downstairs he was only wearing a bathrobe. "Do you mind if I wear these? I didn't want to dress again and it's a bit cooler" he reasoned. I didn't mind. I was waiting until his robe would 'accidently' fall open so I would be confronted by his cock. When Mr Johnson sat next to me my heart pounded in my chest. "What are you watching?" he asked. "Oh nothing, I was looking at something else" and l looked at the dvd cover. " Ah you saw the cover. Yeah I was watching it, didn't finish it because... wel you know" he smiled. Yeah I knew what he meant, he was jerking off when watching and after he came he stopped the film. "It's all I can do these days" he said, "I mean I would rather do the real thing, but in my condition it's not so easy to find a partner." He was none to subtle: Mr. Johnson was reminding me (i) he had a condition, (ii) in fact he had AIDS, (iii) most people would find it difficult to simply be a friend to him, let alone having sex with him. Of course I felt some sympathy with his experience as an outcast. It seemed to me such a sweet man should be able to have sex like normal people do. "How's your love life?" he asked suddenly asked bluntly. Well... I don't really have a love life" I admitted, "I spend most of my time on school and in the weekends I'm usually here." "And I appreciate that," Mr Johnson said, "I really do." When he said that he leaned over and gave me a warm kiss. He was a great kisser and unlike every other guys I've kissed he gave me lots of tongue and ample spit. Now, I am a 'closed-eyes-kisser', so I hadn't noticed that, while we were kissing, he had opened his bathrobe, but I understood as much when he guided my hand to his throbbing cock. When I felt the warm shaft I opened my eyes and finally saw the cock about which I had been fantasizing. Mr Johnson's dick was large and uncut and on the base of his cock was a big metal cockring. His foreskin almost covered the head completely and was so tight you could see exactly the outline of his bulbous knob end. It made his dick look even more enormous. I began stroking his cock while still being French kissed. Mr Johnson reached under my shirt and started pinching my nipples. He wasn't really gentle about it and my nipples were soon sore. "Suck me" he whispered in my ear, "I want you to suck me". Silently, I bent over towards his dick. It was already leaking precum which I lapped up first, ignoring how noxious the contents was. I did my best to pull his foreskin back, to expose more of his purple knob. I wrapped my lips around it and started blowing Mr. Johnson. While I was bobbing up and down I was thinking how nice it was of me to service his cock, to do this great sexual favor of an old man. I assumed it was a while since his last blowjob so I wanted to give him a good one. "Take of your clothes honey, let me eat your pussy" Mr. Johnson said. Soon I sat on the couch with my legs wide, while Mr Johnson was crouching between them to slobber all over my ass. His oral treatment of my rectum was a new experience for me. His tongue flicked between my crack and in my ass, making it slippery. Mr Johnson then replaced his soft tongue for one of his rugged fingers. It didn't feel nice at all, even a bit painful. I grabbed his hand to withdraw his finger from my ass and nodded at the silver daddy to make clear I didn't like it. "Just opening you up sweety" he explained, "but if you don't want it...." He didn't finish the sentence but placed his fucker against my pucker and pushed. "Mr Johnson!" I gasped, "We should't do this!". "Yes we do, yes we do. I want to fuck you, please let me fuck you," pleaded Mr Johnson. I wasn't complaining about getting shafted, but I didn't want to do it raw with someone who had AIDs! "You should use a condom" I warned, but Mr Johnson had his reply ready: "I haven't fucked in ages, I don't have condoms honey. This might be my last fuck, and I don't want it spoiled by rubbers. Please let me feel your warm hole, enjoy a hole the natural way, the way it's supposed to be enjoyed. You want to support me don't you?". All kinds of thoughts were racing trough my mind, would I deny this man's last sexual request, was I a bad buddy if I didn't let him fuck me, what would be the risk of a one time AIDS buggering? Mr Johnson saw me think and he used the time to keep dicking me. His huge knob was teasing my sphincter, making it open a bit more every time it slid past. The wonderful feeling of his tool invading my bowels distracted me from thinking clear. Even tough it were only a few seconds since Mr Johnson gave his plea, it felt like minutes, it felt like I didn't have to answer anymore, my silence was consent. The cold metal of his cockring touched my butt. "Thank you son," Mr Johnson said, not expecting an answer anymore, "I appreciate this and I'm going to make it good for you too." He leaned towards my face again and kissed me, this time not with lust but with passion. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered "Fuck me, give me your last load." Mr Johnson gloated and started to pick up the pace. He had finally received permission to once again bareback a young hole. Mr Johnson was grunting as he was plowing my ass, holding my legs by the ankles to keep them apart. So many things were new for me this night: the kissing, the rimming, the age of my lover was almost three times as much as my normal sexpartners, the position, the location (before this I only had sex in my bedroom). Suddenly Mr Johnson withdrew his fuckmeat, leaving my hole gasping to be filled again."Turn around" was the command and I obliged. With my ass in the air facing him, Mr Johnson spat a bit above my gaping rectum and used two fingers to rub it over my poopchute. He crammed his saliva coated fingers in my tender ass and I groaned. Like the first time he stuck a digit in me it hurt. I once again had to grasp his hand to push it away. My ass didn't feel as lubricated as after the intense rimjob he gave me earlier and when I got penetrated again it just didn't feel as nice. "We need more lube" I said and the old man pulled some lube from the pocket of his robe. Guess he was better prepared than I thought. He squirted a copious amount of lubrication between my crack, which felt very cold but when his shaft forced it's way trough my rosebud my bowels were burning. My elderly fucker was really slamming my ass now, giving everything he got. I was really enjoying it even more when it got verbal. "I love fucking your ass son, I never thought I would that's why it's so special. You like me pounding you ass?". "Uh hu", I grunted. "You've been eying my buldge for so long now, I swear i sometimes saw you drool when you saw it. This is what you always wanted eh, my dirty shitstabber in your shitsocket. I'm going to cum soon, I'm going to give you some aidsbabies." "Don't say that" I snapped, "don't say those things". My mind already was screaming "THIS MAN HAS AIDS, STOP NOW" I didn't need him reminding me, almost humiliating me with the fact I let this sick man fuck me raw. "Cum on my back, I don't want you to cum inside me." "Too late honey, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." With one last thrust Mr. Johnson unloaded his lethal spooge in my healthy ass. He was panting after he bred me "That was great honey" he said while kissing my back, "Did you enjoy it too?". "Yeah I guess" I said. "You don't know for sure?" Mr Johnson asked. I really didn't. I mean the fuck itself was wonderful, but the toxic breeding he gave me wasn't. He finally withdrew from my ass and replaced it with something else. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm plugging your hole honey." was the answer I got, like it was the most normal thing to do. "With what?" "It's just a buttplug." "But why?" Up until that point I had never used a buttplug before, "please get it out." The old bastard must have planned this from the beginning, no way he just happened to have a buttplug in one of his pockets. "I want to use my cum for lube for our next fuck." "What are you talking about?" The old man said: "It's already late, I thought you could spent the night and have a quick fuck before we slept. I want to make it good for you too and since you wasn't satisfied by this one. Maybe the bedroom is a better place for making love." I'm not sure how he convinced me but I did spent the night with him. We did fuck before we slept and again he bred me. He wanted me to wear his buttplug for the entire night, but I objected. The next morning I wanted to leave early but Mr Johnson acted like a lovesick puppy, wanting to shower with me (which he did and assfucked me there as well), wanting me to have breakfast with him (which I did while I had to sit on his cock), wanting me to stay with him for another day, having sex all the time. I was a bit taken back with his sudden change in attitude. I can't deny I really liked hanging out with him and maybe have some sort of feelings for him (otherwise I would've never let him fuck me), but I wasn't in love. Mr Johnson on the other hand really seemed to have butterflies in his stomach. I didn't know how to say to him I didn't have the same feelings for him, so I wanted to leave as soon as possible. Besides my ass was really sore of all the buttsex I received in the past hours. Around noon I finally went home, leaving Mr Johnson behind with the idea we were real lovers. I didn't have contact with Mr Johnson for some time. The sex had changed our relationship. For me it was just a one-off (well actually four-off) thing, but I didn't know if Mr Johnson thought the same. It surprised me that he didn't bother to contact me as well, especially considering his clingy behaviour the last time I saw him. When my ass developed a rash I went to a clinic. Of course they asked me if I had unsafe sex recently and with a tremble in my voice I said yes. The doctor advised me to take an HIV test. I called Mr Johnson to tell him about my visit to the clinic. He asked me if I blamed him. I said I didn't and that it was a conscious decision to sleep with him (even though I did ask him not to cum inside me). He never said he was sorry for my situation and after the phonecall we never met again. Every time I asked if he wanted to meet he was busy or not feeling well. The man who once was looking for a buddy and who loved my companion didn't need me anymore. Being optimistic I thought he did feel guilty about my situation and didn't want to confront me. A few months later I got the terrible news I was positive. I was advised to notify my last sexpartner. "My last sexpartner already had aids" I said soft. The doctor was surprised to hear I slept with a man with aids and wondered why I did it. He said I wasn't obliged to tell, but he was curious if there was some sort of underground sex group I was a part of. He met several other boys in the past few months who all contracted HIV from sleeping with a man with aids and wondered if it was connected. I explained I wasn't part of a group or a chaser and that the man who gifted me was a nice man. "Nice men don't give other men HIV" the doctor said stoic. When I left the clinic I wondered if Mr Johnson had set me up, if he played some twisted game to give me this horrible disease. I got the answer a few days later when I stumbled upon an ad: "Elderly man with aids is looking for gay friendly buddy."
    3 points
  12. I guess it depends on the book store. The ones I have gone to don’t care if you fuck around. I guess it’s because the longer you are getting bred in a booth the more money they are getting. I wonder what the staff at my regular spots call me? Lol
    3 points
  13. This actually happened to me recently. I was in the video store and a n older tall man caught my eye. He motioned to me to follow him into a booth so I did. He pulled out a huge cock and I naturally got down on my knees to suck it. He said I couldn’t suck it but for some strange reason he said I could suck his balls. I asked why I couldn’t suck and he said because he was married. I said ok and went to town on his low hangers. He clearly was getting there by his noises so I thought I would try to suck his cock again. He let me put his massive head in my mouth but he did the jacking. About a minute later he gave me a big milky load. I was disappointed that I didn’t get the cock but his load was great!
    3 points
  14. Part 14 - Reward I wake up feeling refreshed and instinctively reach down to my crotch. I’m still not caged and I feel a pang of anxiety and loss. I’m swaddled in soft, silken linens and plush cushions and I feel utterly content. After a short while letting myself fill my body with my senses, I realise I feel better. Like I’ve shaken off a virus finally and I let myself believe I’ve dreamed everything. Bottles of medication stand on the nightstand next to the bed but I don’t recognise my surroundings at all. “Gave us a little scare back there” John said from a chair at the foot of the bed. He’d been watching me and I saw him smile as reality diffused around me. “How …how long was I sleeping?” I ask. John looks tired and gets up out of his chair. 2 days he says walking over to me. He sticks a thermometer in my mouth and tussles my hair. After a minute he removes the temperature gauge, looks at it and says ‘good boy’. “Zeke?” I say “Too early to tell” John says and joins me on the bed and kisses me deeply. “How do you feel son?” “Energised” I say honestly “better” “Good” he smiles and presses me into the mattress in another passionate embrace “The meds are magic” he says, stroking my chin. “Where am I?” I ask John sits me up. “The beginning of the rest of your life son” and smiles almost regretfully at me. As he kissed my cheek, a huge muscled figure of a man appeared in the doorway. A flare of recognition blossoms in my brain as he saunters to the other side of the bed. “Hi pup” he smiles at me and a memory of a thick cock parting the lips to my ass flashes across my mind. “Jeff?” I stammer, and John laughs “He remembers you” “I left a lasting impression” he chuckled coming into the room “didn’t I pup?” I blush despite myself. Jeff kisses my forehead and hands me a coffee. “Thank you Sir” I say as I take a sip John raises his eyebrow and laughs “Guess you were right Jeff” The muscular guy smiles and pats John on his shoulder reassuringly. “You guys have Zeke” John pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “I know” he replies softly. John looks at me with a longing hunger as a Jeff pulls him into a deep and erotic kiss. I feel my dick getting hard watching them kiss on top of me. “Fuck…” I moan breaking them out of their passions. They notice the tent of my cock and I look at them a little embarrassed. “Sorry, my cage…?I stammer. John looks at Jeff who looks directly at me. “John told you there were rules to our club right?” I vaguely remember something about it and nod “Well, I have applied to own you and the club has agreed - from today you do what I say, when I say it, and take whoever I tell you too…your life is mine son and I will own you forever” I shudder at the finality of it. “In return, I’ll cage you permanently and feed you as much poz cum as your deep pussy could ever want. I’ll mould you into the most perfect version of yourself - my pup.” John watches for my reaction. “John?” I say and I catch John smile “Yeah - you imprinted, I know…you’ll still see him, but, full-disclosure, I’m hoping we’ll get a chance to develop that same bond…the club have methods” Jeff says confidently. John looks away for a brief second but I catch it. I gulp a mouthful of coffee, staring back From John into Jeff’s cold eyes and hear myself say “yes sir” John sighs “you’re going to be great son” he said, “we’re so proud of you” We meet in a three way kiss that doesn’t last long enough. “Join us downstairs when you’re ready - don’t worry about clothes” Jeff said breaking the kiss and leading John out. I finish my coffee, languishing in the softness of the vast bed and stretch my limbs. I feel fine, great even and to prove it I leap out of bed, feet splayed on the solid floor and catch myself in the mirror. The weeks of fever have taken a toll, I’m a little thinner, the skin ever so slightly taught over my lithe muscles, but I look good. I allow myself a little affirmation and almost make myself blush. I look around for clothes before I remember Jeff telling me not to worry, and leave the room. The house is big but easy to navigate, it’s minimalist and what objects are around look expensive and intentional - the type of house from a magazine. I find stairs and take them two at time, bounding into a vast open plan space - containing a sunken couch, and long white kitchen. John and Jeff are on the square couch chatting as they notice me. “There he is” Jeff smiles “come here pup” he pats his lap and instinctively comply and walk to him. “Damn you look hot” John said as I took a seat on Jeff’s massive thigh and let him kiss me with a passionate urgency. The kiss lasts a few minutes before he lifts me up and plonks me on the couch. “Ok pup - I think you’re ready for your reward” and reaches down under the couch to pass me a small box tied up with a black ribbon. “Open it” John says I pull the string and open the lid to reveal two metal bars, a thick metal ring - too small for my finger and the most incredible looking cage in the most perfect shade of deep black. “I gasp” “Thought you’d like that son” Jeff said. “Had it made for you while you slept - little rush order from a very good friend” he clapped a massive paw on my shoulder and I kiss him deeply. “Thank you sir’ I blush as I turn the cage in my hands. “It’s stunning” “What are these?” I say pointing to the metal. John nods to Jeff. “Piercings pup - today you’re getting your nipples and cock pierced” I gulp. I’m not going to lie, I had thought about a cock piercing but never had the strength of will. “Today?” I gasp “Now” Jeff says taking me by his hand and leading me to a bookcase that doubled as a concealed door. “This is the club’s parlour room” he said as the bookcase swung open to reveal, essentially, a tattoo chair and various instruments bathed in red, soundproof fabric. “Holy fuck” I say as John gently shoves me inside from behind and shuts the bookcase behind us. Jeff takes my box of treats and busies himself with the apparatus “You’re doing so great baby” John says “Ok pup - sit that perfect ass of yours here, legs over the edge” I gulp again, remember to breathe and I say ‘yes sir’ John watches as Jeff quickly, almost impossibly quickly, skewer each nipple - piercing them with the silver bars. He wraps them both in a salve and bandage before approaching my soft cock. “Ok, look at John and take deep breaths for me pup” I do as I’m told as John encourages me softly and Jeff lances my cock and urethra, pierceing my dick with a small, silver ring. “Ow fuck” I cry as the sharp pain lingers for an unbearable few seconds before becoming a dull, throbbing pain. Jeff moves aside and John takes a step to reveal myself in the mirror behind him. “Wow” I hear myself say over the dull pain all over my body. My dick looks glorious with its new jewellery and I’m so taken with it! “Some healing time, then we cage you up” Jeff says and I thank him with a delicate kiss - careful not to graze my aching nipples.
    3 points
  15. One of the worst things to come out of religion as an archaic holdover in the Age of Science is the moralizing of infectious disease. While no infection is desirable, they cannot be avoided. In football, you risk pulled muscles, broken bones, and the occasional concussion. In the sport of sex, the risk is sexual infections. As infections go, neither gonorrhea or chlamydia are a big deal in that we have antibiotics. BUT, bacterial mutation has presented a challenge in treating some infections, sexual and non-sexual. In the sex world, gonorrhea is the big challenge and rated by the WHO as one of the three big infections of concern (c. diff and shigella form of typhoid are the other two). Why? Since 1995, gonorrhea has evolved so much that it is resistant to practically every antibiotic and currently requires two antibiotics to treat it (ceftriaxone injection and azithromycin (or doxycycline)). In 1995, just about anything would kill it. By contrast, syphilis is pretty much unchanged and still dies from the penicillin B shot. One of the few good things to come out of the AIDS epidemic is that for gays it de-stigmatized "getting tested" and made us, as a group, almost religious about it. Because of that, I can have sex with well over 400 guys year every year and get only 1 or 2 STI's in a year (an infection rate of 0.25% to 0.5% of 400 partners, even less as the partner count climbs). Or put another way, if monkey pox had been a general population infection it would be out of control right now. But we were lucky, it struck in the gay community first and we all went and dutifully got our vaccines and helped each other in the USA FIND vaccine locations in the face of an inept government and CDC response. Consequently, the infection rate has plummeted, and by New Years should be non-existent. Were it to have occurred instead in the general population, based off how Covid went, it would be spreading all over the place while they fought over vaccination rights, effectiveness, conspiracy theories and so on. As for negative outcomes on not getting them treated. Top of the list is the fact you are spreading the infection to others and that contributes to spread and resistance issues. To your own person there are long term effects. Chlamydia, for instance, is an known as an STI in the West. In underdeveloped countries where its treatment is rare, chlamydia is the number one cause of blindness, via deposits building up in the ridge of the eyelid, which in turn causes the eyelashes to turn inward and start brushing and scraping the lens of the eye. Not something I recommend.
    3 points
  16. Your cock would turn purple, shrivel up and drop off. Otherwise you'd hardly notice it
    3 points
  17. This is a difficult question to answer in the terms specified, because the OP isn’t clear what he means by “straight”, and there’s never been any consensus on what it actually means when applied to a man who engages in homosexual acts. (Which, in my mind, means he is at least bisexual by definition.) I’ve been used in some very degrading ways by quite a few men, and with the sheer volume of men who’ve fucked me, no doubt I’ve been fucked by lots of men who think of themselves - ignoring the fact of their cock buried in my male ass - as “straight”. But I have no way of knowing. Hell, half the time I never even see who just bred me. If I had to guess, though, one of the more likely-to-be-straight times was a Top who fucked me brutally, with a lot of hard ass-slapping, and after he came, he picked up my big dildo and started jackhammering me with it as deep and fast as he could go. He kept on and on, the whole time saying, “You’re a fucking whore! You’re a pussy slut! You spread your legs wide open for anybody, don’t you, faggot whore?” Things like that. What made me think straight was the way he said it. There was something about his tone that suggested he genuinely found it demeaning that a man would let himself be fucked, and I deserved to be degraded for it. Other times have been more ambiguous, like the Top who savagely bred me from behind after telling me, “I have zero respect for you. You’re nothing but a faggot to be used.” I’ve always been a little perplexed by gay Tops who claim to have have nothing but contempt for bottoms. In any case, I’ll never forget that fuck because he made absolutely sure I understood I was nothing to him but worthless flesh to nut in, and after he bred me, he jerked his cock out of my cunt, shoved my face hard into the mattress and left without another word. The fact that I never saw him intensifies the sense of degradation I feel every time I remember it.
    3 points
  18. Here comes the next one. A bit more raunchy then the first. Reminds me of some of the old short stories by “yourcummyass” like his ‘five minutes to aids” though I don’t think he wrote this one’ ==================================• Normally I don't choose to get bred by POZ guys. I'm sure I've been exposed to POZ seed because a lot of times I don't ask, I just take, but last week I invited a POZ daddy over who changed my life. I met this guy online from Gay.com and we started chatting in one of those no name side channels. He was very up front about his POZ status, but never mentioned meds or his VL, the way he talked to me always got me so horny I didn’t really think much about it and so I just kept chatting. He had no pictures, but he sorta sounded like the type of guys I like: 58, salt 'n' pepper, short, stocky, and potentially a good dick. Now, in truth he described his dick as "average"-- but he did say he was pretty thick and guys seemed to like that. I had been a horny pig all week to that point and taken about seven loads, so I figured why not make it eight? Acting on pure lust for a potential hot Daddy, I invited him over one night after work. He finally showed up and let's just say he was rough. It became obvious why he had no online pics. His face was scarred, and he had lots of tattoos. He was also visibly POZ, with a full crix belly and gaunt veiny legs. I felt my lust shaken and almost turned him away as my brain started to realize he must be dangerously infected with disease. Before I could close the door, he stopped me and stripped off his gym shorts. When he did, out popped a glorious, 7.5" uncut monster-thick cock thicker than my wrist. Lust once more overcame rational thought and I immediately started sucking him as best I could. After a few minutes we moved to my bed where this glorious POZ daddy demonstrated his love for eating ass. He had me straddle his face so he could tongue my neg boy pussy while I worshipped his veiny infected meat. After ten minutes or so, daddy took charge, pushed me on my back, lifted my legs, and told me I was gonna get it. He spit hefty amounts onto his cock and my asscrack, and then positioned his head at my hole. “Before we go further, you need to know why I picked you to be my Son. Ive been home to HIV for a long time and I need to pass it on to a new generation. My infected seed needs to live on so I want you to become my POZ son and become impregnated with my strain.” He said as I felt the pointed tip of his cock dribbling its tainted precum on my hole. I was so lost to lust at this point I couldn’t think of saying no. I knew somewhere I was about to take a Deadly disease into me and all I could think of was pleasing my new Daddy. "You ready, son?" he asked and I did a massive popper hit and nodded. “Good boy! Daddy is going to give you his POZ Babies! No turning back!” He said as that POZ meat punched into my guts and I fucking took it like the champion whore that I am. Honestly, I was a bit nervous because of his size, but damn if my hole didn't just open up and swallow him. It was probably because I'd taken so much other cock that week, but I also think it was also because I was so fucking turned on by this guy. Everything that at first seemed ‘Ugly’ tm me when I first saw him now seems hot, sexual and almost primal. Knowing his body was being ravaged by AIDS somehow turned from thing of disgust to a sexual power I wanted. I looked into his AIDS wasted face and now saw my future and boy did that turn me the fuck ON! The POZ daddy pounded the fuck out of me while my raging boner slapped on my belly- oozing a steady stream of precum. His big infected cock was becoming noticeably harder in my ass. It felt thicker and his head was stabbing my second ring with every thrust. I knew he was close. "You gonna let daddy pump his POZ Babies in ya, son? You gonna let your daddy knock you up with his TOXIC Infected baby makers?” He said as his body was shaking. Somehow I felt as if I was already infected as if my brain was becoming POZ moment by moment. I wanted-- no, needed-- to feel him finish inside me! "Yes daddy, I want it, do it POZ ME!!.” was all I said. "Oh, here it cums son! Gonna load you with my POISON swimmers! Going to make you Pregnant right… Fucking… NOW!” A few more deep thrusts and then daddy gave out a throttled cry. I could feel his thick meat pulsing rapidly inside me and I knew his AIDS cum was painting my guts. I came seconds later-- not even touching myself and fell back utterly spent.. looking at his AIDS Wasted body, I felt right then he was the most sexual man in the whole world. Meanwhile as if fueled by unnaturally powers, the POZ Daddy kept fucking my raw, sensitive hole for several more minutes as I recovered. “Just relax my new POZ Son, Daddy wants to make sure his seed gets worked in proper into your new AIDS womb“ he told me. When he pulled out finally, it felt like a fist was being pulled from my ass. The sensation was incredible. My hole was gaping and gobs of his load were dripping onto my sheets. Daddy gently fingered the load back into me. "Gotta make sure my seed infects you boy, Your Boy Pussy is now my POZ Pussy. Daddy wants you to take good care of his seed until you’re finally Pregnant with my POZ babies.” He said as he collapsed on top of me. His skeletal, thin wasted body feeling like the most powerful man ever. After about 10 min of just saying there and catching our breaths, he caressed my body and fixed his eyes to look deep into mine. “You must listen to me Son, I know I have told you that I have given my body over to be consumed by the Virus. That is my purpose. Now that I have found a new home, you must promise me to not do the same. You must live a very long life to keep my strain alive as long as possible. Once my Seed has germinated within you, you must go on meds to stay healthy.” I looked at him shocked, my brain still swimming from accepting a life altering virus into me. “One day you will find you own son and then and only then will you go off meds to pass on my legacy” he said, and at last I understood my new purpose. He stayed the weekend, fucking me several more times. Two weeks later I got the fuck flu and called him back to tell him I was finally Pregnant with his AIDS. It was the happiest day of my life.
    3 points
  19. Chapter 24 He walked around behind the Kid The Kid was terrified, he knew the drugs were wearing off and that was a monster that was about to be forced into his ass. He was caught in a dilemma, he didn’t want that up his ass but he also didn’t want to go to jail. The Kid said “ I wanted to try to get that in his ass, but please be easy “. The Cop went behind the Kid and pushed the bloated head of his cock between the Kid’s cheeks. He Commented “ Your sloppy enough to maybe get me in you “. The Pressed his cock into the Kid’s ass but met a lot of resistance. The Cop spread open the Kid’s cheeks and pushed harder. The head started splitting open the Kid’s abused hole and began to penetrate. The Pain the Kid felt was unreal. In a strange way he wanted to get him inside him. The Cop asked the Kid “ Do you want me to stop “? The Kid answered “ No. I can do this “. The cop backed off a little and then pushed forward again. He could feel the Kid’s ring opening up and he pulled back again and gabbed the Kid’s hips and pushed into the Kid’s ass. The Head popped in and the shaft sank into the Kid’s now wrecked ass. The Kid’s eyes were wide open and tears were running down his face. It was extremely painful but in a perverse way he wanted this. He needed to see if he cold handle what no one else could. The Cop stared working back and forth. The Cop looked down at the Kid’s obscenely stretched hole. When he pulled back the Hole went with the cock and it looked like it was turning the Kid’s ass inside out. In an excited voice the Cop said “ The is the first ass I have gotten into, your fantastic “. The Cop was slowly pumping in and out as not to Kill the Kid. He felt his cock harden up and he knew he was getting ready to explode. The Kid felt the same thing and the Kid was worried as to how much harder and bigger it would get. The initial pain was not totally gone and now this monster was growing inside him. The Cop said “ Oh Shit “. He knew this was going to be a rough cum because of the tight hot hole he was in. He pulled the Kid’s hips to him and pushed up at the same time. The Kid went ridged, his mouth opened but nothing came out. The sudden massive violation caught him off guard. With the shock of everything he didn’t notice that the cop was unloading a massive load of thick cum in his ass. He didn’t realize it but the chem piss he received a short time ago was now working on him and it was helping him get through this. The Cop figured the Kid was on something when he looked at his eyes. What he didn’t know what the extent of the mixed cocktails the kid had in him. The Cop pulled out and the Cum poured out of the Kid’s ass and down his thighs. The Cop used the Kid’s soiled briefs to clean his cock off. He told the Kid that he was one of the best crack whores he has meet. He also said he suspected he was earning some money tonight also. The Kid walked home that way, staying to the shadows when a car came up. He had time to think and remembered that the Handler said he wanted to get to the Kid next weekend, and that he already had some ‘ Clients’ setup for him. He hoped that he would be able to get home without running into someone but dressed the way it was, Or wasn’t, he wasn’t sure
    3 points
  20. I love having my PA… and have enjoyed being fucked by guys with muck bigger ones. Pain wasn’t an issue for me, but yeah, pissing can get messy, so if I know I will be using a urinal, out it comes in advance ;)
    3 points
  21. I had looked through the online portfolios of all the artists in the tour to see if any had a gay erotic slant to their work. No luck. I'd just received disturbing blood test results the week before. We live in a rural area and I needed gay contact, at least a hot hookup to lift my mood. I wasn't ready to tell my partner who'd grown to be more like a critical brother than a lover over the years. Two of the portraits of male artists caught my eye. One looked Mexican, I love a dark skinned man,and this guy had a sweet looking face. The other had a cute boyish face and engaging twinkle in his eyes. They made it into my list of five stops. The oil paintings at our first stop were very bold, lots of layers and depth. Very good but nothing that grabbed and held my attention. Stop two were landscape watercolours, again technically excellent, but not my thing. Stop three was a farm house on a sheep ranch. Again watercolours, but this time of animals. At least in the first showroom. This was the guy whose promotion picture had the twinkle in his eyes. He greeted us on our arrival. 6 feet, slim, dressed in bluejeans and a simple white low cut v-neck t-shirt exposing a nicely muscled chest with a moderate whisp of dark hair. And his handsome face had those twinling eyes, which I hoped were communicating something about his sexual orientation. My partner and I had a great time chatting him up and our gaydars were firing at full tilt. He asked if we would like to see his more private collection and called his partner to watch the main exhibit as he showed us the way to the back closed in portch. Here beautifully displayed was the work I had been looking for when I researched this tour. Beautiful watercolours of handsome naked men, and groups of men engaging in orgies of sex. I noticed immediately there was no hint of condoms in these paintings, not even the obvious penetration depictions. My prick began to respond and I hoped he and my partner didn't notice. Well at least my partner. We hadn't had sex in years, agreed to an open relationship; but, mostly 'don't ask, don't tell'; which left me feeling like I was cheating to even use porn, let alone fuck around. Twinkle eyes clearly had noticed and increased the flirtatiousness of his banter especially toward me. Did I mention he subtlety touched his crotch? We talked about the art, Broadway plays, and sheep farming before he asked if I wanted to see the new batch of lambs out in the barn. 'He only had one extra pair of rubber boots, he could take my partner out after me if he wanted. ' Twinkle eyes and I were no sooner in the barn and his tongue was down my throat. When he pulled away his words raced out, "Give me a blow job, we don't have much time. " I deep throated his 6.5 inch dick and sucked with everything I had. He moaned and one of his hands was making it's way under my belt. I loosened my belt and opened my jeans. "Comando. As I expected when I first saw your bulge grow." , as he pushed a finger in my hole. "Fuck, I need this hole. Condoms are in the house but you don't need those do you. " as he released his boner from my mouth. "No, never use them!" I spat. " You tested lately?" Him spinning and bending me. "Yup" me And his hard raw cock had already penetrated my hole. He fucked me like there'd be no tomorrow, and soon blasted deep into my ass. Before I could say "Hey you " he was feltching the load and snowballing to me. " Lube my ass" he slurpped. I swallowed his cum, no hardship for me, and said "Not a good idea." As he was lining my cock up with his ass, "You tested lately." As my raw dick head penetrated his ring, "I'm positive." His hot ass felt amazing as he pushed on deeper. I'm not a great top and as often happens my ball sack was already unloading painting the walls of his gut. "Sorry man, sorry!" "Fuck yeah man, did you cum? Plunge and dump? I love it we need to get back inside." "OK, you must be on PreP?" "I live in the country, I rarely get a chance to get fucked. Why would I be on PreP?" "You just took my unmedicated poz load up your ass. I said I was tested recently, you didn't ask the result." We were back at the portch door so he turned and pseudo whispered, "Fuck man, you might have just pozzed me?" "I tried to warn you. You better get to an emergency ward fast, they can treat you. " "Fuck man." We proceeded into the portch to find our partners deep in conversation about cooking. Conversation continued quite naturally and comfortably for some time 'til his dark handsome husband invited us to stay for lunch. My hubby jumped at this and we moved to the kitchen. Twinkle eyes led the way, followed by my hubby. I was next followed by his partner. I felt him grab my hips, push his crotch into me as he nibbled on my ear and whispered, "No fooling me, I can smell the cum in your ass. My turn next."
    2 points
  22. Part 2: Between Meetings, First Time as a Cum Dump The daddy I had met went dark after our meeting. I hoped he was just busy and hadn't lost interest because of my performance. I continued looking for men online to satisfy my need for cock. My meeting with daddy had been after school on monday. On Tuesday I met two guys, one at 3:30 and one at 4:30. They were just there for head. I sucked them off in their cars and they left as soon as I swallowed their loads. Met a different older daddy on Wednesday. He was a bit out of shape and had a 6 inch cock. I could feel his belly resting on my ass while he fucked me from behind. He came in my ass and remember enjoying the squishy feeling in my underwear on the ride back. Thursday was another car blowjob. I would of been disappointed, but his load was huge. Something special happened that night. My mom told me she would be busy until 10pm the next day and asked me if I could get a ride from one of my friends. I said it wouldn't be problem and that I'd manage. I rushed to my computer and messaged a guy I'd been talking to for a while. "Pick me up tomorrow at 3:30." There wasn't anything special about him, he couldn't even host. But he had said he'd be willing to get a room at a cheap motel and I had my own plans for that room. I made a few posts and messaged a few guys. Each post read the same: Motel Cumdump Skinny smooth twink, face down ass up, taking dick tomorrow from 4 to 9pm. Looking for quick anon pump and dumps. Bareback preferred, otherwise bring your own condoms. I brought my laptop to school the next day and rushed to the meeting spot as soon as I was out. The guy picked me up and brought me to the room. We got there around 3:30. He had me naked on all fours almost immediately. We skipped the foreplay and quickly lubed up his bare cock and pushed inside. I was surprised by how hard he was fucking me. Everything else about him was average. He didn't last long tho, after 10 minutes of pretty good fucking he pulled back on hips and pushed deep. He let out a few grunts and moans. He paused for a moment then pulled his dick out. Some cum leaked out when he withdrew and felt it running down my crack. I scooped it out with two fingers and licked a big glob of cum off them. Then I turned around and licked his cum covered dick clean. He left around 4 and I booted up my laptop to find the next guy. I had about 30 messages from the prior day. So I sent each an identical reply "ready now, room 231, door is open." I hit send and used a roll of tape from my backpack to keep the door from latching while still allowing it to fully shut. I staged some lube bottles on the nightstand and climbed onto bed. I wad completely naked and on my knees with my ass in the air facing the door. My face was buried in a pillow that I had my hands tucked under. The wait felt like forever but eventually I heard the door handle jiggle. I kept my face buried when the man entered. He walked over and I heard him undo his belt. He put his cock between my butt cheeks and ground back and fourth a few times before grabbing his cock smacking it against my hole. I heard him open a bottle and take sniff. He pulled back on my hips while pushing his cock forward. He was quite large and I let out a whimper as he pushed inside. He paused for minute while I opened up for his girth. He stated slowly fucking me and tossed the bottle down next to me and said to take a hit. I hadn't tried before but I held the bottle to my nose and took a deep breath. The sudden rush made me light headed and my heart started beating faster. He stated fucking harder and said "thought that might help loosen you up." He spent the next few minutes picking up pace. I took a hit from the black bottle every few minutes. He suddenly started grunting and knew I was getting my second load. After he left I was alone for a bit. I stayed in the same position to keep as much cum in me as possible. I slid my laptop over and saw 5 new messages. I replied again, "ready now, room 231, door is open." As I hit send i heard the door open again. I heard him take his cloths off by the door and walk over. I heard the lube bottle click and the squish of him rubbing it on his cock. He slid his finger into my ass while he herded off to get himself hard. I was disappointed when I heard him open a condom wrapper but his cock still felt pretty good. After he came he asked where the trash was. I said I'd take care of it and reached back to take the used condom. After he left I poured the contents of the condom in a small glass. I had to wait a while for the next guy to show. But when he arrived he went straight to work pumping my ass with his big raw cock. I quickly picked up the cum glass and took the contents into my mouth and held it there. Every few minutes I took a hit from the bottle, holding the cum in my mouth the whole time. While he was fucking me the door opened and another guy stepped in. The first guy kept plowing my hole for a minute or two before I felt him spasm. He slowed a bit and moaned "oh yeah, take that cum deep boy." My third raw load of the night. When he pulled out the other guy was already ready and immediately took his place. I was disappointed he was wearing a condom. After he came I spit the cum from my mouth back into the glass and reached back to take the second used condom from him. When he left I poured the contents into the glass to mix the two loads. Another guy showed up and fucked with a condom. Like before I filled my mouth with the contents of the glass and held there while he fucked me only to spit it back and add a third load to the glass. There was now more than one mouthful of spit and cum in the glass. It was getting late and I was worried I'd only get one or two more guys. Suddenly, the door opened and four guys walked in together. The first got behind me and said "my friends and I have been waiting all night, we love a sloppy hole." He pushed his cock into my creamy hole and I filled my mouth with my cum cocktail. He fucked me fast, aware that my time was almost up and that I still had three more cocks to take after his. Soon enough he had filled me with my fourth load, another cock took his place. The first guy moved around to my face.. I instctivly gulped down the massive load Id been holding in my mouth and began to lick the cum from my ass off his cock. When I finished he moved away to watch the second guy finish. I took my glass and emptied the remaining cum to my mouth. After a few more minutes the the second guy moaned and pushed deep, giving my ass its fifth load. I swallowed again and started to lick the cum off the second guys cock. . The first guy reached over and took the empty glass. He held it under my hole and told me to push. I did and felt all the cum I had taken that fill the cup. I continued to focuss on cleaning the second guys cock when guy theee pushed his cock into my hole. When the second guys cock was clean he stepped back with the others. The first guy handed me the cup witch now had two mouthfuls of cum from the five guys who had creampied me. I filled my mouth again. After and the third guy creamed he moved around to get his cock cleaned. The fourth and final guy began to fuck me. I swallowed another mouthful and started to lick the cum of the next cock. When the cock was clean I emptied the rest of glass into my mouth. Before he came the forth guy pulled out and came around to my front. I swallowed and felt the first guy push back into my ass. The guy in mouth said "now you're gonna take two loads at the same time" I sucked as well as I could while the other guy pounded my ass. After a few minutes the guy fucking my moaned that he was gonna cum. Both guys pushed deep and I could feel the cum pumping in both ends. I dressed and packed my suff. The guy who paid for the room was waiting outside to drive me home. I gave him a blowjob on the ride home. I kept going when we stopped in front of my house. And after a few minutes I slurped up my last load of the night. I was disappointed that it was the weekend. My mom didn't work weekends so I couldn't easily slip out to binge on cocks and cum. But I was still excited to go online and set up next weeks meetings. I got extra excited when I opened my computer and saw a message from the daddy I had met on Monday. He said he wanted to meet again the comming Monday. To be continued...
    2 points
  23. A week later hubby was at his office and I was working from home. I didn't have any meetings so was comfortably working in the buff. It was time to stretch and the garbage needed taking out so I pulled on very short skimpy work out shorts (the kind that have slits up the entire side) and a mesh see through wife beater. I use stand up tanning booths regularly and love showing off my out of season colour. Natalie was coming out their door as I was coming back upthestairs. "Hi neighbour." she smiled . Her man was now in the open door and called her back. As she approached him she said, "What's up. I'm just running to the corner store Will." "I don't care. " he responded. "I just need to plant a kiss on my sexy woman. " They kissed passionately and she dashed past me on the stairs. "Come in, I need to show you something. ", Will said. I no sooner passed through the door and he pinned me to the wall with a kiss that made the one he just had with Natalie seem chast. Only then did I notice he was only wearing tighty whities and an open jean shirt. This showed off his sumptuous olive skin, tuft of black hair in the middle of his chest and treasure trove leading toward his already hard groin. Before I could think he turned me, pulled down my shorts and his raw cock was pushing at my hole. "I wondered if you were bi." I said. "Yeah, just let a few of my college soccer buddies suck me off a few years back. But I've shoot off three loads this week just thinking of breeding your poz ass." "We should use a condom. " "No fuckin way slut, you're getting my load. I've never bred a man before." He dryly pushed into me with his 6 inch medium thick hard on. It hurt like hell and he just started to piston me . My ass juices barely started to flow when he pushed in deep and bit my neck hard as he painted my guts with his hot Latino cum. We had just rearrange our clothes as Natalie came through the door. "Sit down guys. Let's have a drink." When she returned to serve us I turned to hide my neck just in case Will had left a mark. She was her curious direct self. "So passive neighbour, have you gotten fucked lately ?" "Um, ... awe ...well " I stuttered before Will spoke up. "Fuck, I bet he's got a load up his ass right now." I was deeply relieved as my phone range. As I excused myself I backed out of their apartment for fear the ass of my shorts might betray Will and me. In the hall I realized the call was from the sheep farmer's husband. I asked, "Is everything okay?" "It sure is. Did you hear about our time with the Mexican artist?" "Yeah, sounded hot." "It was fuckin awesome. You should see the painting he did. It's so fuckin hard core. He painted us as a threesome sandwich. Hubby fucking me while the artist was pulling out of my hubby's ass. He used artistic license with this part cause he used a condom but the painting shows his raw cock and hubby's ass dripping cum. So fuckin hot. " I didn't betray a thing. "So he wants to do a gay orgy next . You, the two of us, and your hunky friend. He's enthusiastic to join in. " "Wow. You sure man? My doc has prescribed meds but I haven't even bothered to fill it yet." "Yeah, no problem. We both did PEP from our first time with you and we are now on PreP. The artist only tops so he's not worried. " Once again I held my tongue remembering my Brazilian friend breeding the artist's ass with my toxic cum for lube. In two weeks time the five of us were stripping down in the Mexican artist's studio. We were soon a tangle of naked bodies sucking each other's cocks and rimming each other's asses. The sheep farmer was the first to take raw cock up his ass. He laid me on my back and roughly sat on my hard cock. There was hardly any spit even for lube. But he just bounced away as my mostly dry raw cock tore away at his vulnerable gut walls. The sheep farmer's hubby looked on with amazement as my Brazilian friend mounted the Mexican in doggie position. Quickly these two were once again fucking like rabbits. Every few minutes someone would holler "Switch" and new raw cocks would penetrate different asses or mouths. At one point the sheep farmer and his husband had me double penetrated. Their two cocks stretching my hole felt amazing. The sheep farmer was the first to cum, loading my ass as his partners raw cock rubbed against his. It was as if a switch went off in the sheep farmer's head. He was now hell bent on me fucking and breeding him. I resisted for a while, but his begging was such a turn on I eventually was hosing my toxic load into his swollen ass. He insisted on my Brazilian friend doing him next and he had no sooner pulled out after his deposit than the Mexican was coerced into going next. His hubby was last to breed him. Hubby, Mexican and Brazilian all bred me their second loads, but it was the sheep farmer that went home with a big wet spot staining the ass of his jeans. Before the farmer's got into their pickup truck the sheep farmer asked when I was planning to go into the city to play at a bathhouse 'could he come with me?" "I don't see why not" I responded "I'm going next Friday. " "That’s perfect for me." He smiled and they drove off.
    2 points
  24. After lots of long hot sweaty football practices and the ripe lockerroom afterwards
    2 points
  25. I'm the 1st born male, and definitely bisexual. I've known I was attracted to both girls and boys since I was sexually aware. My 1st time having sex was with a girl at 14, and did not start exploring sex with other guys, I think mostly due to cultural conditioning, until I was 19 and in college. I don't seem to have whatever gene or at least it hasn't been activated, to develop a romantic attachment to another man, although I do have and have developed them several times with a woman. I have had a lot more gay sex, because of it's availability. Once I discovered that smorgasbord of gay cruising and hooking up at 19 that pull has been hard to resist, even though I developed several romantic attachments with women throughout my 20's and early 30's and tried to settle for maybe just a gay fuckbud or occasionally random hookup on the side, it simply doesn't work for me. At 53 I still pop a boner at inconvenient times, for both sexes, for me it is simply easier to go find anotherrandom guy to enjoy my boner with than a woman, so that is what I usually try to do.
    2 points
  26. The problem with getting gono or syhphilis multiple times is you can become resistant to the medications available. Syphilis is at epidemic rates in the area I live in and my doctor has warned me that I might become resistant to medication if I keep getting infected over and over. The problem with syphilis is that it is so easily transmissible and you don't have to even cum or have someone cum inside you. Just skin on skin contact can do it.
    2 points
  27. Well this is going to be my regular guy. 82 years old and his frinds almost same age. This is my 3rd visit to him! I sent him a text im alone tonight looking for fun. He answered right away. I said if his friends are around and he replied I'll get them. He said come over in two hours so he can get ready and have everything ready. I got there all excited he answered the door all leathers and hard as a rock. He pulled me in and his friends were in all leathers and one of them was sucking one of the guys. I stood and watched and had my arms plulled behind me and felt handcuffs go on. Had my sweats pulled down and sandals removed.. Got pushed to the guys there watching porn and the blowjob that was happening. Had a bandana put over my eyes and felt something under my nose and was told take a deep breath. I got so dizzy i drop to my knees. Someone grapp the handcuffs and dragged me across the floor and push me face down.. i felt some hands grab my ass and rubbed my hole. All i could smell was leather as theny must have been kneeling around me. Smelt so good. Someone kicked my leggs spread pull my hips up and with my ass up i felt a licking tongue on my hole then bit my hole as he sucked. I was given the bottle again took a big sniff and off I went while still getting eaten. Then i got pulled up to my feet and pushed to walk foward I kept getting pushed hard and fell and got pulled back up still I can't see shit. Then turned around and was ordered to sit . I sat on something but I knew it was the bench in the garage. They undid one hand pushed me back so i laid on my back flat grabbing my arms handcuffs my one hand then the other down. I felt my leggs lifted and tied to the poles on the bench. Now my leggs were high and spread wide and I cant move. Felt someone sit on my chest and shove his cock in my mouth. Agine smell of leather made me suck that hard . I felt the lub on my hole and in no time was getting fucked. As i get fucked and sucking i started to caught and got slapped on the face and told ti suck it and he said i want you ti drink. As soon as he said that i tasted and felt a stream of piss in my mouth. He sat even closer on my chest and shoved his dick deeper as i was try to keep up swallowing. The guys fucking was going hard and fast and heard him moan. When the guy stopped pissing had told me to suck him and get me hard and swallow my load. i felt another guy fucking me and my leggs were getting sore the way they strapped them . The guy was about to cum and pulled out to blow all over my hole.. I felt a bunch of fingers wiping the cum all over my hole. The guy i was sucking got rock hard and I tasted the precum as he exploded in my mouth and he said swallow it and I did. I got undone on the bench then they flipped me over pulled me to the edge and started to fuck me more. I got my ass slapped hard as another cock entered he lasted about 10 seconds lol The i felt something hard go in my hole and heard someone saying that's is how you use a screwdriver handle. They played with it for a while then i felt a cock go in and he layed on top pumping for a while he got real heavier and since my hands were free i slid the bandana down and saw the guy fucking me was getting fucked also. I almost couldn't breathe there was so much weight on me but it was hot. Both blew a load and got off. I laid there for a little a looked around at these old men and thought i got fucked by a bunch of young guys. I got pulled up and standing with them we talked little went in the house and we sat on the couch and watched some gangbang porn. I had to sit on a towel i was dripping alot. One of them came over and sucked me till i blew a load in his mouth. It was hot while everyone was watching touching and kissing me as he was sucking me. That and the smell of leather made me cum so hard! Love these old married guys. They are the only ones I'll play with now. If i suggest anything kinky i bet it would happen
    2 points
  28. I have taken a fist to the elbow. It takes a lot of training to get that stretched out. From the time I took my fist until I took it to the elbow was a year. I went to fisting parties and met friends who love working over a hole. The one thing about fisting everyone Takes a turn as a Top or bottom. There is nothing like getting fisted and then going to someone else and putting your hand in them, and you feel how warm they are.
    2 points
  29. Well the name of the club/party is called "cumUnion" it's about 10:30 when I get there the very first guy i run into is mark from my office buliding, I'd alway thought he was kinda cute so i let him start to fuck me some how we move from the side next to the wall to the middle of the floor, he's fucking me really nice and smooth in and out he had a good size 6 - 7 inch dick which i know i can take with no problem (My Dildo at home is about that) , now he's picked up the speed a little bit and he was pounding me really good and steady , it's dark with flashes of light going and I open my eyes as this latino dude walks up to me he's uncut with really hairy balls telling me to "stick out your tongue and lick 'em!" I'm doing it and I can taste lube and cum he must've just fucked a cummy hole, he then stuff his semi-hard dick in my mouth so Evan though it's hard to balance with mark now fucking me so hard my hole is starting to hurt i start sucking his cock like his balls have the air i need to breath! but now i can't talk, i feel mark behind me getting really hard and really pounding my hole! he starts making loud noises that gets a crowd gathering as he starts shooting his load in my ass, i can feel his cock pulsing inside me so much that I'm about to cum... then he stops and i feel him pull out but then another cock goes in, oh wow this guy has a pretty fat head i can feel the fat head of his dick straining against my tight but really wet hole I'm not sure it's gonna go it plus I think I need a break I've been fucking and sucking almost 30 min. now but mark came so much he just used the cum to work that "really" fat head in, the shaft was skinny, so i feel it kinda pop in! then holy fuck it's like a plunger churning my insides holy shit I'm shaking he pulls all the way out a few times then plunger me down to the root it was that long but FUCK! it was a fat fucking head so wide it hurt but really opening up my hole! that cock really stretches my hole , the latino guy grabs my head and starts fucking my mouth like it's a Fleshjack! he says something in Spanish I could only understand "Puta" my throat starts filling up with his cum i try to swallow but i start choking just as then the guy fucking my ass blows his load in my ass ,now my mouth is full of sweet latino cum (man it taste so good) so I'm gonna take a break for sure now go at least get some water, then holy Fuckin fuck! some red head guy that had a crowd around him while he was getting sucked ,about 28, is now on his knees behind me trying to put his dick in my ass, it must be 9 inches long and a good fat 7 inches around, he's bigger than me (6'3") I start to pull away no way I can take that cock he thinks I'm trying to get a better position so he grabs my hips and pulls me onto his monster cock! he's actually stretching my ass around the head of his dick! i'm trying to say "i need a break" but an older guy with a huge cock starts slapping my face with his dick till I open my mouth and starts fucking my mouth, but my hole oh my god it hurts so bad he's slowly tearing my ass open! The crowd of guys jacking off over me are talking and I hear guys standing around watching and jacking off saying "Fuck how can that fat cock" then i feel another pop and he pushes into me , the pain part is gone I just feel so full, oh my god it feel so good i'm so full he's fucking me faster now! 3 more guys shoot their loads on my face and in my mouth with all the cum in my hole it slides in and out so smooth, some old man fills my mouth with another load! i swallow every drop and now another cock takes his place but don't care my ass is now so open ! he's fucking me so hard i can feel his huge balls bang against my balls i can't breath from the big black cock thats fucking my mouth now, all of a sudden i start shaking, oh my god i'm cumming I loose control I don't know where I am I'm not using any hands I feel a mouth slide around my cock thing to catch my load that's flying everywhere I'm like an animal cumming with my whole body which makes my hole spasm the big black cock pulls out of my mouth and the guy fucking me bends down and start eating the black guys load then i can feel my red head's monster cock pumping load after load into my ass he's fucking so hard all the cum is pushed so deep into me he pounds me till dick goes soft and falls out of the gapping hole he made (which is now my ass) he bends down to my ear and says thanks. then what feels like a half a cup of cum pours out of my ass, as he pulls out another guy goes into his place not big so it was easy to take he cums in like a minute I mean really quickly! all in all i think i got fucked by 20 or 25 guys that night, but my red head made it easy for me to take all the rest! my hole is wet right now just thinking about it!
    2 points
  30. Good man ~ Whichever hole cum is going into not a single drop should ever be wasted.
    2 points
  31. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I’ve had dealings with politicians at the federal, state, and local level, and every single time I’ve come away feeling like I needed to go wash. The worst was a governor of Kentucky whose hand I had to shake for a presentation, and it felt like he was oozing invisible black tar. I felt soiled. I know I say on here that I believe any man has the right to cunt me, and I absolutely mean it, but being fucked by a politician like that would leave me feeling violated, and to be bred by a man like DeSantis would leave me feeling permanently stained. Do you realize that DeSantis means ‘of the saints’? Ron of the Saints. No fucking way.
    2 points
  32. Yea! Can't wait till Daddy J takes his first cock and load. Bring it on!!!
    2 points
  33. BONUS CHAPTER TODAY! Not knowing what tropical storm Nikki may bring to my area, posting today rather than tomorrow. Next Chapter: The Exam. The exam began like any normal exam. Height, weight, BP, the usual. As the doctor was checking my balls, I started getting hard. I was a bit embarrassed, but he said that was a normal reaction, and a good sign. He then asked if I had thought about pozzing anyone once I became poz. I told him that I had thought about it, but was worried my equipment wasn't the best to poz someone. He said just look at his cock. It was about the same size as mine, yet it looked longer on his wasting body. He continued by saying that he has pozzed others with a similar cock. That was a relief to me! The doctor then instructed me to put my legs in the stirrups and took out a speculum to open my ass wide. He said that my hole was quite flexible, and that he was sure that my partner helped out with that. I asked the doctor to retrieve my phone from my pants, and take a closeup of my wide open hole, to which he agreed. After he loosened the speculum and said it was time for a prostrate exam. He explained that I was too young to know what one was like, but normally the Dr would simply insert a finger to feel the prostrate for cancer. He explained that if it was OK, he'd be inserting his cock, not to check for cancer, but to see how I reacted. He then put his cock in me, and started fucking me. It wasn't long before I started to precum. My partner and the waiter entered the exam room, just as I shot a huge load on my chest and face. The doctor then released his nut into me after a few grunts. The doctor then congralated us on our decision and added by saying it was his option that I not only wanted it, but needed it. I looked at my partner, and said the doctor was right, and I wanted him to be the one to poz me. A huge smile came over my partners face, and he planted a huge kiss on me. The doctor did the same with the waiter. The doctor explained that he still had to do an HIV and STI tests, which would become a normal routine but he would be honored to see my partner breed me. The waiter asked if he could breed me too. The doctor said absolutely not! He said there would be plenty of time to breed me once I got the fuck flu. Just like the Dr helped him during his fuck flu. The doctor even said that he was thinking about going off meds to help me through the flu phase. With that, my partner told me to get on the table and we'd make love for the last time while both of us were still negative. The Dr walked over to a cabinet, and retrieved a glass pipe, and said don't mind us, we'll be celebrating too. As much as I wanted to smoke too, and we agreed it should only be done in a solo situation ans I wanted our last negative session to be completely sober, and enjoy the moment. My partner began making love to me and the doctor wheeled over some sort of machine. He explained that it was a sonogram, typically used on pregnant women but it was also great to see a cock up an ass. He applied a cold liquid on my lower stomach, and put the pad on it. Sadly he didn't let us watch the video, but said he'd give me a copy of it. He explained that as I had made up my mind to have my partner poz me, there was to be no anal sex for at least the next 2 weeks to insure that it was him that gifted me. He said that I was free to breed others though and suck as much cock as I could. The doctor said that he would test my partner every few days, and determine when he became toxic again. He said it normally took 2 weeks, but he'd seen it happen faster in rare cases. He then said he'd be happy to provide a place for my conversion to take place. He said it would be at his home, and not in the office. He continued by saying that it should be in a romantic setting. He continued by saying it would be an honor to video it to create a lasting video. We both agreed to that! Next Chapter: Hell Weeks
    2 points
  34. Until my mid 30's I only fucked women, and then only raw, as I hated condoms. Then in my 30's I came to terms with the feelings that I'd essentially had since I was 10 or 11, and started hooking up with men. As this was the 90's there was very little opportunity to fuck guys raw, and although I then saw myself as a natural top the idea of fucking covered was still a complete turn off, so I started to bottom and found that I loved it. Eventually about 15 years ago I started seeing one young top regularly, and as we developed a connection I realised that more and more I wanted him to fuck me bareback. Although I couldn't rationalise it clearly at the time I think with hindsight that there were several reasons behind this. First I wanted a deeper connection with him, and came to the belief, which I still hold, that two men can only properly connect sexually if they have fuck raw. Second I wanted him to want to keep coming back for more, and the best way of doing that was ensuring he had maximum pleasure. Third, and I've written about this elsewhere, I became increasingly obsessed with the idea of receiving and absorbing his delicious fertile sperm as often as I could. And inevitably the more I took raw loads from him the more I wanted, and now not just from him but from as many other beautiful men as I could get. And now at last we come round full circle: now Prep is readily available I've started topping again too and nhave discovered the exquisite pleasure of breeding a tight young hole.
    2 points
  35. Funny stuff. Did not realize a simple opinion would make you SO hysterical. No, not a Queen, just a simple observer of what goes on here and what is promoted. Great stuff! LOVE you rants and have shared them with all. Keep them coming!
    2 points
  36. Part 13 - Car ride John had taken care of all my medications as I clambered into the car. I saw a slight hesitation when he saw the box for Jeff but it passed in a flash as he squeezed my firm ass into the back seat with Kem’ Kem groped me deliciously in the backseat of the car as I lost composure. A second wave of ecstasy hit me and I blurted out everything that happened with the doctor like it was an everyday occurrence John and Zeke laugh from the front seat “yeah, that’s Harris” as Kem lifts my shirt and sucks on my nipple. “He said if you want to use me for Zeke you have to do it now or else I’ll be shooting blanks in no time” I repeat and Kem stops licking and I see John look in the rear view mirror. “Do you know what he meant” Kem whispers in my ear “No” I reply “Tell him Zeke” Kem teases I hear Zeke sigh - “I’m HIV negative” he proclaims matter of factly. All of this is so new to me that I have no idea what the context is or why that made a difference to what the doctor said John laughed as he turned the car. “Oh we’ve tried” he says “haven’t we Zeke’y boy? Had you sit on some very impressive and rarefied poz cocks, and still nothing” “He’s a persistent little fucker” Kem continues and I see Zeke blush “You…you want to be HIV-positive?” I ask as Kem idly tweaks my nipple. John glances over at Zeke, who meets the stare, sighing again. “Why?” I ask John laughs “cuz every club has rules kid. And ours is no different. Zeke wants to start his new life, the life he was born to, but we need him to absorb some poz cum before we can start” I blink confused “You don’t need to worry” Kem said “we converted you and you’re going to become something you only dreamed of” “But poz is the key…it’s the inviolable rule” John finished and I head Zeke sigh again. “We’ll get you there Zeke…promise” John whispered lovingly. “I’m the only failure in a long, long history of successes” he says almost angrily. “We’ll get you there” John reassured again. “And we only go for the natural method - cum up the ass. None of this fucking ‘new age’ brutal bullshit” Kem said directly to me as his hand slid under the seat of my pants. “Our conversions may take time, but they fucking take naturally” he said massaging my butt cheeks “Amen” John said “You know though - Harris is right. You might be able to help Zeke” Kem continued. John growled in the front seat - I wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t want Kem to say what he was going to say, or egging him on. “I hate asking a sub bottom like you, but would you help Zeke if you could?” Kem kissed my cheek I look at Zeke’s face as he peers behind him. “Fuck Zeke?” I manage to say John interjects. “Kem…we talked about this…” “I know…but he could help. We know you hate topping, but maybe we could make it easier for you?” I feel the car stop as John pulls in and pivots over his seat. “You don’t have to top son…” “You want to be poz?” I ask Zeke directly “and I can poz you?” The ecstasy haze is clearing and I am able to connect the dots. Zeke’s gorgeous, pleading eyes bore into my soul as Kem continues nibbling on my ear. “I’m caged…and…I’m not very good at topping” I stutter “but I cum a lot” Zeke starts smiling “Oh baby…I’ll make it so nice for you! I fucking promise” John watched everything happening with a disapproving fatherly-ness. “Relax John” Kem says. “Hmmm…” he growls again “We could move up the arrangement with Jeff?” Kem says “as a reward”. The word pushes a pleasure receptor in my brain… “…cum?” I ask and the car bursts out into laughter “You help Zeke and I promise we’ll cage you right back up and feed your hungry, poz ass a whole fuck tonne of cum…today if you like” Kem whispers “O-ok” I say “Zeke clambers into the backseat and straddles me. Kissing me deeply. I swear he’s delirious with happiness. Kem looks proud and John looks resigned. “No time like the present” Kem says “Fine” John says and removes the keys from the car. And from his pocket a small leather keychain with my cock cage key on it. “Give him a blue pill” John said “N…now” I stammer “Yes” John said authoritatively. Everything was going so fast and I was acutely aware of how groggy I was still feeling as the ecstasy was waring off and I was only recently recovered from my HIV fever. “I’ll phone Jeff - let him know….” John says to Kem as he exits the car and Kem smiles at me wickedly “So much poz cum” baby into my receptive ear. “Alright, lower the back seat Zeke” and he complied creating a long expanse of space between us and the boot of the car. “Get on you knees baby” Kem said pulling Zeke into a passionate embrace. “Make me proud son” he said as Zeke moved from the back seat, half way into the boot. “You’re a good boy son” Kem turns his attention to me as I hear John outside say something about timings. He pushed a thick blue pill into my mouth and kissed me. “Swallow it” he said and I did, I felt it stick in my throat so Kem told me to open wide and spat in my mouth - enough liquid to move the pill down my gullet. “Good boy…ok, time to say hello to your dicklet” as John reentered the car “All good?” Kem asked “Yup, the deal is made” he sighed. Kem patted his shoulder reverently as they both watched me. I was proud of my dick, but caging made me feel alive. It gave me a purpose I never knew I needed and being free of it, reminded me of how much of a slave I could be to my own pleasure - how often I’d beat off and spill the fluid that otherwise kept me eager and submissive. John watched me intensely and reminded me that it was ‘only once’ as some of my previously caged senses returned to the forefront of my brain. John growled as though he knew what was happening. “it’ll be fine John” Kem said as Zeke pulled pulled down his black jeans to reveal his perfect pale ass. It gyrated next to me and, magically my dick spring to life. It grew to its full, six inch solidity as I coughed a little. “Poor sick son” Kem said jokingly and passed my cage to John who handled it reverently. “Jeff was good?” Kem whispered to John “Yeah” he said almost curtly “It’ll be fine” Kem soothed “I know…” John sighs “We don’t have a choice” Kem said “He’s flawless” John admitted glancing over me again “he should be ours.” “I know…” Kem sighed reverently…”but we owe this to Zeke…to try” John ran his hand down his face “Yeah” he said looking at Zeke who bent down on his haunches to expose one of the most sensational holes I’d ever seen. Naturally hairless, perfectly tight and a shade of rose pink that looked like soft blush. “Go on baby” Kem encouraged, Zeke wants it. “Needs it” John said “open wide baby” and I knew he was referring to his ability to absorb my cum. “Please baby” I heard Zeke say to me I move myself behind Zeke, conscious my limbs are still a little sore from the examination - my normal strength still sapped from sickness. I look back at John. He nods at me, gives me permission, as I sink my face into Zeke’s hole. He moans as I eat him out. It feels so good to be buried in such a hot ass, and I can tell Zeke is enjoying it. “Ok, easy boy…let’s get your cum in Zeke and then cage you back up” John said “Relax John” Kem said almost angrily But railed off as John shot him an annoyed look. It was clear that John wanted this to be over quickly - like I was betraying some part of me he had been keen to keep intact. I sense the tension so stop my ministrations in Zeke’s ass and line my cock up against his hole. I take a deep breath against my rising anxiety - there’s a reason I’ve only ever topped twice in my whole life - and nervous thoughts of performance start to cloud my judgment. “Breathe baby - you’re doing great” Kem said pushing me forward, reading my expressions, and encouraging me. I spit on Zeke’s puckering hole and raise my cock head to kiss it. I breathe and shove the anxieties away. I push and I feel Zeke’s hole prise apart. “Oh my fuck” Zeke and I cry at the same time and I hear Kem kissing John to calm him down. Lost in our dual worlds of sexual bliss, I grab Zeke’s tight, glorious hips and pull him back on to my shaft. “Thank you baby” he nearly cries as my shaft is swallowed by his ass. As I sink my entire cock into him his tight sphincter belies the glorious smooth envelope of his ass as his anal walls flux around the length of my dick. “Ugh” I moan “Yeah?” Kem says as I feel his finger snake up my pussy. “Oh Fuck” barely a minute has passed and my cock erupts. I know everyone thinks they cum loads, but I truly do, I violently spray 12 shots of my newly poz semen into Zeke “Fuuuuuck” I cry as I feel the cum floods out of me and into this twink’s right, neg body. “Ok…” John said as I ride my orgasm to completion “Wait” I say “I can fill him again..I can make sure” I say trying to be helpful I feel Kem and John look at each as I hear Zeke say ‘thank you’ I rotate my hips and grind my fresh load into his glorious pussy. I pound him for seven long minutes, stretching his sphincter’s ability to clamp down on my cock, before I announce my second orgasm. “Fucking take it Zeke” I blurt out as 7 more ropes of cum spray out of my flaring cock-head and into his waiting ass. As my orgasm fades the virulence of my poor health catches up to me - the exertions of the day finally draining me. My cock pops out of Zeke and I find myself slowly collapsing. I hear myself say something as strong arms catch me as I pass out.
    2 points
  37. Part 8 “C'mon!” Ryan had said. “Let's go find Drew”, and had headed on up the path moving deeper into the park and the trees. “You know where he is?” I'd asked, my heart beating more rapidly and my hard cock throbbing with each pulse. “I have a pretty good idea!”, Ryan laughed and kept going. After what was probably close to ten minutes Kevin and I followed a slight curve in the path and spotted Ryan a few feet ahead of us grinning big and slowly stroking his cock. He put a finger to his lips letting us know to be quiet then waved for us to hurry and join him. As we reached the spot where Ryan was standing I saw that the path forked to the left and the right. Ryan was looking to the left and Kevin and I both did too. I don't know what I was expecting to see but it wasn't what I now saw. Instinctively I opened my mouth but before any sound came out Kevin, standing just behind me, placed a big hand over my mouth, pressed his bare chest against my back and whispered for me to be quiet. Acknowledging his command I nodded and we all three watched the scene a few feet away from us. Just off the path itself was a small open area with a picnic table situated just under a tall huge tree. Laying naked on his back on the table was Drew, his feet flat on the edge of the table and his knees bent. The three of us were standing so that we were to Drew's left and I could see his tight toned body clearly and once again was filled with a hunger for him. Straddling Drew's waist was a well-built dark-skinned man who was raising himself up and down rhythmically on what was plainly Drew's hard bare cock, taking it again and again balls deep into his asshole. The natural acoustics of the outdoors made it easy to hear the constant slap-slap-slap of flesh against flesh with each penetration. Their words also came across the space clearly to our ears. The man was panting and moaning and I heard him say, “Oh damn boy! Your cock. It's so big and so hard. It feels so good in my hole!” Drew was running his hands sensually up and down the man's sides as he responded. “Yeah, daddy. You like having your son's raw cock fucking you don't you? Do you want your son to cum in you daddy? Do you want me to fill you up with our family dna?” I moaned hearing Drew's words. It sounded so dirty and wrong and at the same time made me stroke my cock faster. I felt Kevin lean harder against my back, his turgid cock rubbing my asscheeks, as he whispered in my ear. “Fucking hot, huh, man?” I nodded and kept watching the hot scene before us. “Yes!” the man riding Drew exclaimed. “Please son. Please cum in your daddy's hole and breed me like I need you to!” I watched Drew grab the man's hips and thrust his body upward as he yelled out, “Cumming daddy! Fucking cumming in your ass! Whitewashing your guts with your own son's cum! Take it! Take itttttttttt!!!” With that the man shot his thick load all over Drew's chest and abs as Drew emptied his balls into the guy's stuffed ass. It was all I could do to stay quiet, especially when Ryan who was standing in front of me pushed back against me causing my aching leaking cock to press against the crack of his naked jock ass. At the same time I felt Kevin pressing harder against me from behind and was aware of his wet cockhead smearing his precum on my own ass. “Damn!”, I thought to myself. “How can they expect me to be quiet when they're doing this to me?!” As we watched Drew and the man making out, Drew's cock still inside him, I felt Ryan reach back, grab my dick and press his asslips back onto my dripping cock. Kevin, somehow anticipating that I was about to groan loudly and make our presence known, clamped his hand once again over my mouth as I felt my cock sliding deep inside only the second ass I had ever been in. I moaned silently against Kevin's palm as I felt Ryan's asscheeks make contact with my thick bush. His hole was so wet and warm and wrapped snugly around my shaft like it was made for my cock. A shudder ran through my body and I instinctively ground my hips forward into Ryan's jock hole. He turned his head back over his shoulder and looking me in the eyes said, “Fuck me Daddy! Fuck your son until you fill me up with your cum. Your hot married cum. Mom will never know!” Hearing that, all rational thought and control were gone and I pulled back and thrust forward over and over wanting to bury my cum inside him. Nothing else seemed to matter. As I would pull out my ass moved back and I felt Kevin's throbbing cock in the crack between my asscheeks. It felt so good. Then Kevin started whispering into my ear, “Yeah Justin fuck his hot young ass. Bury your raw married daddy dick inside your son's slutty hole. He wants it. You want it. Breed your boy stud!” I grabbed Ryan's hips tightly and began pounding harder into him, aware only of his tight ass on my cock and the feel of Kevin's wet cockhead rubbing against my own hole. Both sensations had me horned like never before and I could feel my climax approaching. I was about to breed my boy's ass I heard myself say in my head. And I wanted to. I wanted to coat his guts with his own daddy's cum!! Kevin pressed his naked sweaty chest against my back and ran his tongue inside my ear. “He loves getting dicked Justin. Just like Drew does. Just like I do. You'll love it too once you get fucked the first time. Don't you wanna know how good it feels man? I'd give you mine right now if you want it. Just tell me baby.” His dirty sleazy talk put me over the edge and I felt my nuts tightening up and my cum blasting deep into the young man's hole my dick was stuffing. (more to come??)
    2 points
  38. I agree. The tattoo on my back was far more painful than getting my cock pierced. I've gone from an 8g to a 1g in < 10 months.
    2 points
  39. Well as to that, I had actually just been thinking that the current situation sort of debunks a lot of the “End of Days” thinking, because you can’t have more than one AntiChrist, and at the moment there are two of them living in Florida. And they’ll both probably run against each other for President. The Bible didn’t say anything about a contest.
    1 point
  40. Tonight doing a Czech Fantasy type thing. Anyone wanting to fuck an anon bottom come between now and midnight. You will see a red bucket on the sidewalk. Follow the string til you find the red light. I am in the small shed with the grape You will see a red bucket on the sidewalk. Follow the string til you find the red light. I am in the small shed with the grapevine I am off I84 exit 374 by the Loves Truckstop. Taking anon loads. Two homes down from the Ontario Oregon State Park. Look for the red light and Nissan Armada
    1 point
  41. Keep those cumming! Don't let the good old stories get lost. I hope some of these inspire others to write some new ones too!
    1 point
  42. Only because the video stores have died out, at least in offering glory holes. I actually preferred the video stores and sucking/getting fucked through the glory hole. Also, my dick has never failed to get rock hard when I put it through a glory hole. It's just the seedy excitement of not knowing who's sucking me, while the person on the other side was usually always highly skilled, so it always felt amazing. If I watch a guy suck me, I can't always stay hard.
    1 point
  43. The last time I traveled out of DFW I got stopped by security because my PA alerted on the scanner. The security guy was kind of cute so I didn’t mind the groping... 🤣
    1 point
  44. Really? i LOVE having my ass filled with piss mid-fuck! The feeling of having my ass full of piss & cock sends me into instant ecstasy...add in a head full of poppers and i'll start begging louder and louder for the addition of his load to get mixed in!! i especially LOVE it when the guy's cock is long enough to put his piss and cum behind my "2nd ring", where i know they will both stay until my body absorbs them!! Excuse me...i've got to go try and find someone who will piss-fuck me now!!
    1 point
  45. So very hoT, he's geTTing addicTed To his new misTress Tina and all the pleasures she's about to give him.
    1 point
  46. Omg such a hot story, hopefully it continues someday
    1 point
  47. We've all been there and you have my sympathy. As I'm sure you know, whatever the treatment is, the cure isn't instantaneous. The period after you've been treated but before you've been cured is the toughest. I find the best option is to jerk off more than usual. Start first thing in the morning!
    1 point
  48. This daddy is on a t binge and completely ruined 2 twinks holes
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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