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  1. Had just finished gymming and I was horny for some gloryhole action. The thrill of the chase, putting my ass against the wall and waiting until I feel the poke of a hard cock, drives me wild. Every time I go in, I always get multiple loads and I wonder how many today will score me. I walk in, go to the back past the wall lurkers and am in my booth with just enough time to take off my shorts when I hear the door close on the other side. Without having to even touch it, in pops this hung white daddy dick ready to fuck and I lube up and in he goes. I start riding it and within two minutes my hole is dripping his seed. As soon as he zips up and is out, the process begins and I ended up with 14 cocks unloading in me during that hour. I think the best fuck was when I walked in and this older and kind of pudgy straight guy saw me walk in. I love that I’ll take all loads as long as the tops cock is hard. He seemed hesitant at first but wanted to load me and was rock hard in the hall. Once I saw his shoes on the other side, after I had him buried inside my ass for a couple minutes I hit the buddy booth and let him watch through the now frosted glass as his cock slid in my hole, leaking loads all over his dick. He loved it and gave me one of the biggest loads. Can’t wait to take some anon cum again today.
    6 points
  2. Last Friday Night Massage: Was a shitty week at work and pay week, so I decided to spoil myself with a massage. These are hit and miss and I love a massage that ends in me getting bred, but it is hard to broach the subject when the massage is somewhat a legitimate add. Found a guy that does Lomi Lomi massage walking distance from my house, and he is very reasonably priced. Interestingly he charges an extra $50 for kissing and touching on top of the low price which I liked. So, I opt for this and we share a few pic on text along with address. Seems like a nice guy and I hint at my expectations by sharing my arse pic which shows my pig tattoos on my arse and add “I will leave myself in your hands – do anything you like”. And I get a response, “I think I get the idea”. I am looking forward to this massage. I get there and he is a muscly smooth guy with a gorgeous smile. Cut to the massage which is both of us naked and I have never had a massage that uses so much oil. It is amazing. On my stomach my cock is going up and down all the time. He flips me over and starts on my front occasionally wanking me and asks if I have cum already because a leak lots of pre-cum lol. Probably about 40mins in the massage has been mostly legit with the occasional touch. He has done the usual teasing of his mouth right over mine but not actually kissing. Then he jumps on the table on top of me and starts sliding against me and he is rock hard. We are both covered on warm oil. And then he leans in and passionately kisses me. Let me tell you, it is so good it is worth the money lol. He then jumps off the table, swings me around on my back and lifts my legs over his shoulders and pushes his cock against my hole and says, “this is what you wanted isn’t it”. And before I can answer, he slides in balls deep with ease with all the oil. There is no more discussion. He fucks me deep and hard and repeatedly leans in and kisses me as he fucks me. I start to play with his nipples and he lets out a loud growl and starts to shudder. Pump after pump after pump of his seed floods my insides. He stands there for a minute and continues to slowly fuck me as he stays still and then leans in and passionately kisses me while still inside me after cumming in me. He does that for almost 5 minutes before slowly falling out. After a lot mere kissing and shower I leave totally satisfied and full of his seed. Really happened!
    5 points
  3. It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
    4 points
  4. Taking in the news that Jack, my son, has gotten into the party scene… It feels like I just slammed again for the very first time. Hearing the rentman in the next room got lit with my boy and fucked him in LA last spring was jolting, like the whoosh of that first point, the sudden drop in your chest and feeling of whoa. Then realizing all the different avenues this opened up for the sex between us... that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of ecstasy. And now, like any slam rush, I am about to fuck the rentman senseless. But unlike topping after I have slammed, where I shove my cock up the nearest available and consenting hole without even bothering to lube it up, I am approaching rentman’s ass a little more thoughtfully. “Tell me.” I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, erection jutting forward. It takes rentman a few seconds to notice, transfixed as he was by the video of my boy getting spitroasted by two gorgeous black daddies he told me he found online, and who had become more than fuck buddies. And this video is transfixing. I almost lose my train of thought recalling the day Anthony told me about these guys. They were his west coast dads. I hadn’t met them yet - and with what rentman just told me, I understand why, these guys definitely like to party. They may have been the ones who got Jack lit the first time. But Jack had told me a lot about them. He had been vague on how they met. But he had been very detailed in other areas. The home cooked meals, and once a month, a trip to Roscoe’s in Hollywood for Chicken and Waffles. When he bought his car - an 84 El Camino he was determined to restore, they helped him find a good mechanic and a better body shop. The older one, Dave, even taught him how to do laundry the proper way, a lesson I had failed to impart despite repeated efforts over 18 years. And of course, they took him to the bathhouses and circuit parties. Judging by the dilated pupils I’m just now noticing Jack has in this, and probably other videos, they took him to plenty of other parties as well. I stare at these two beautiful Black men, each of them drilling my boy’s cunt, my boy screaming out in absolute perverted ecstasy, and my cock is painfully hard. I’m leaking so much precum it looks like I’m low key pissing. Feeling playful, and wanting to get rentman’s attention, I start helicoptering my dick, dousing him, myself, the bed and everything else in the immediate vicinity. He’s surprised at first, but I picked a good little pig to fuck tonight, and he’s on his knees licking it off his arms and my legs. He’s got that lustful look in his eye that you can only get when you’re high, a look that says ‘I’m using you to use me.’ It’s the kind of look I’ve given plenty of men, and plenty more have given me. It’s a look that makes my painfully erect cock bounce uncontrollably. Rentman sees my dick jerking on it’s own accord, and he actually whimpers. Like a puppy. There is nothing in the universe he wants, needs, more right now than to get pounded long and hard. Not oxygen. Not water. Not food or validation or respect. Just my cock. And more crystal. He crawls over on all fours, mirroring the video playing where Jack is crawling to the second Daddy - Derek - after being bred by Dave. Rentman starts sniffing and licking my cock, my balls, my taint, my hole. But I stop him “Tell me,” I repeat. And he’s puzzled for a second. I can see it click in his head. “Oh, you mean the kid in the video? He was so much fun. Insatiable little cum slut. I met him at a bathhouse called Flex. “ Oh I know Flex. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that my boy would like it there; the first time I went I said “this is my kinda trashy.” “Anyway, I was with a client, this doctor I fuck once a month. Dude flies me out there, loves getting fucked by me. Terrible lay though. Doesn’t know how to bottom and since he’s a doctor you can’t tell him anything. So I’m finishing with the Doctor, and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. I see this cute blond twink sucking a bunch of cocks around the hot tub. I sit and watch the show for a minute, but it gets broken up when the staff comes around - you’re not supposed to fuck in the water, apparently. Well, I swoop in immediately and invite him back to my room. One of the big ones with a big bed.” He takes a long hit off the bong, slowly exhales, blows a couple of smoke rings on my dick. “He laid down on the bed and turned the porn on, and then he looked at my reflection in the mirror - I don’t know why but I found that so hot - and asks me where the party’s at. I didn’t think anything of it, everyone gets high there, so I pulled out my bong and torch, told the kid to help himself. I had smoked plenty with the Doctor. The kid took 3 or 4 big rips and was flying. He got on all fours and started shaking his ass, wiggling it and licking his lips, still keeping eye contact through the reflection in the mirror.” He pauses for another rip off the bong. “I’ve never had someone ask me to eat their ass that way but it was such a fuckin turn on. So I fucked him for an hour or two, and then I had to leave to get to my next client. Gave him a couple of rocks and some G tho so I’m sure he stayed turnt that whole night. Where’d you find this video by the way? I love homemade porn, and I bet a bunch of my clients will as well.” Instead of answering his question, I said “show me.” I can hear the slightest trace of annoyance in his voice when he says “show you what? Mind if I take another hit?” The second question he asks as he’s in the process of taking a hit, he’s reached that point of being spun where he cannot begin to care about anything but his own dick and hole. I love a good rentman. “Show me how you fucked the boy in that video. Pretend I’m him. Fuck me just like you fucked him.” Rentman is amused but also turned on, I can see he’s going to comply. “Well, first thing then you’ll have to take a bunch of rips off the bong.” One, two, three, four major clouds later, I’m shaking with anticipation and the drugs. My heart is racing, my dick is bouncing, my asshole puckering, eager to be opened up by this stud and then fucked senseless. Just like I fuck Jack. Rentman stands up, puts his hand on my chest, and pushes me onto the bed. Wordlessly, he grabs my calves and pulls them up, getting me flat on my back. He sees the precum flowing freely from my cock, and dabs a finger on my dick head, drawing back a long strand he takes in his mouth and hungrily devours. He drops to his knees, and I know what’s coming next. I feel his hot breath in my crack, the scruff of his beard causing a little bit of friction that I find pleasurable, and leaving the musk of my asshole all over his face, which is a major turn on for both of us. And then I feel his tongue slowly licking my asshole. Lapping at it, the way a dog laps up some water. The way I lap at Jack’s hole. This goes on for 10 minutes or so, as he keeps feeding me shotguns, trying to get me as spun as humanly possible. After spitting on my hole one last time, He stands up, and repositions me so that the porn is behind him, “so you can watch” and he gestures to his phone. I make a quick decision. “Hold up a second.” I get up, and go to the bathroom. “Let’s do this right.” I open my toiletries case and pull out two syringes that I had preloaded, .5 each. I don’t party that often, and I slam even less, but after giving a great speech at a very lucrative conference and finding out that my boy is just as much of a meth craved cock whore as I am… Well, I knew this would be one of the nights where I go balls to the wall. I walk back out and rentman is taking more hits off the bong. He looks up, sees the syringes, and licks his lips, subconsciously echoing Jack’s invitation to lick his ass. “Can you admin yourself?” Rentman nods. I hand him the syringe, and he starts prepping his forearm with an alcohol wipe. I do the same. We pull the cap off the points simultaneously, but rentman quickly puts his back on, stands up and grabs his jockstrap, jeans and shirt. For a second I think he’s about to leave, but then he sets the phone down to record. Ah, he’s one of those guys I think to myself, and I decide to follow suit, as it were, putting my clothes back on too. Whenever I stumble across a slamming video, I think its so hot the way the guys take all their clothes off and start playing with their dicks almost immediately, no matter whether they are top bottom or side. Clearly rentman enjoys it too, and is one of the guys who gets dressed just so he can slam and get naked again. Thanks to rentman’s roided out body, his veins are huge and easy to hit. Mine are too, although that’s more from a lifetime of clearing the brush on the 2 acre lot my house sits on. Both of us insert our needles at the same time, his registers just a fraction of a second before mine does. We both push the plunger down, and I’m feeling the rush even before I pull the needle out. “Holy shit,” is all rentman says, as he starts coughing and taking off his clothes. “Fuck yeah” is all I say, through an even stronger cough. The warmth of the rush is almost overwhelming, as I rip my clothing off, literally ripping the shirt I had just put back on. “Come here.” Rentman’s voice has changed, lost all it’s playfulness and charm. Only lust and domination remain. I get on all fours and crawl to him, the same way he crawled to me, the same way Jack’s gonna be crawling to the both of us (I’ve already decided). “On your back. Spread those cheeks apart. Let me see that cunt.” I follow his instructions with enthusiasm. My asshole is puckering uncontrollably, begging for his cock, which is hard as steel and thicker than anything I’ve taken in a long, long time. “You want it like that kid? Well here you go.” He shoves his whole dick up my ass in one sudden thrust, and even though it’s painful, I take it in stride. I even look up at him and, feeling my playful side return, say “is it in?” Rentman gets a wicked smile across his face, right before lightly slapping me across the cheek. “Is it in? You tell me.” He starts thrusting wildly, slamming his dick into me over and over. I notice he’s matched the pace of the video, where Dave is once again fucking Jack. I’m in the same position as my boy is in the video, and I’m loving it almost as much as he is. My cock is rock hard and I start jacking it furiously while rentman continues his unrelenting assault on my ass. “Fuck oh yeah fuck me fuck that cunt give it to me fuck yes oh my god fuck me.” I can’t tell if it’s me saying this, Jack saying it in the video, or if I’m even saying it outloud, I’m that fucked up on the crystal. But except for the first night with Jack, this is the most intense sex I’ve had in years. Maybe because I’m pretending to be Jack. I don’t bottom very often, and Jack hasn’t even mentioned the possibility of me topping him - something I’ve been meaning to ask him because he clearly knows how to top, and from the videos and webcams I’ve watched, he enjoys it. “Yeah you like that big fat dick slamming in you? Dirty meth whore. You should fly us out to LA and we can take turn on that kid. I bet he’d love to get DP’d by the two of us.” Sweat is pouring off his forehead and chest, it feels like rain washing over me, and I’m just as thoroughly sweaty. Both of us are close to cumming. Rentman quickens his pace, I can feel his cock somehow get harder and harder in my hole. My own dick is covered in precum, and I’m jerking it in pace with rentmant’s powerful thrusts. “We don’t need to go to LA. He’s only an hour away,” I say, keeping eye contact with rentman as his orgasm continues to build. “Oh yeah, how do you know that?” “Because he’s my son, and you and I are going back to my house to get him high and fuck him senseless.” It’s enough to send rentman over the edge, as he busts a huge nut in my hole, I can feel 10, 12 spurts of his cum hitting inside me. That, in turn, sends me over the edge, and I shoot an equally large load all over his chest, my stomach, my face, a few arcs even hitting the TV, where Jack has just shot his own load all over himself. The two Black daddies in the video are panting just as hard as rentman and me. I point to the screen, ask rentman if he knows either guy - there’s a tiny snippet at the very end where they both show their faces. “Oh shit that’s Derek and Dave. Yeah I know them. They used to be porn actors before starting their own studio. I’ve actually done a couple of scenes for them.” My face breaks out into a smile of unrestrained deviance. “Get them on the phone.”
    4 points
  5. Part 17 I silently nodded at Chad as Robert chuckled softly. "Depends on what you think it means I guess," he said. "It means you're..." Chad started then saw me shaking my head and indicating Greg who was hungrily feeding on the mammoth meat in front of him, taking it balls deep down his throat. I had no way of knowing what Greg's reaction would be hearing that Robert was poz, but I didn't want him to find out just yet. Chad and Robert both understood what I was meaning and immediately were careful with their words. Robert smiled at me then whispered to Chad, "Yeah, I am. Does that scare you off boy?" "No fucking way!" my spun little brother let out in a husky voice. "Then get to work eating my ass! Soon as this other sexy mother fucker has my dick wet enough I'll fuck you good with my stinger!" Chad and I both groaned hearing that, and Chad buried his face and tongue between Robert's cheeks as I dropped to the floor next to Greg, amazed at how easily he seemed to be taking Robert's length and girth. I ran my tongue across Greg's jawline and whispered in his ear, "Damn dude! You're going to town on that big black cock like it's half the size it is. You're loving it aren't you?" Greg opened his eyes and slipped his lips off of the tip of Robert's manhood on his next upstroke. "Hell yeah, I'm loving it!" he panted. "I can't believe I can get it all in my mouth and throat but I want it so bad!" I stroked Robert's cock and looked into Greg's dilated eyes. "I know what you mean. I couldn't get enough either that first time with him - in my mouth then in my ass." Greg groaned when I said that. "You want to watch Robert stretch Chad's hole, then maybe let him do yours too?" Greg wrapped his lips around the head of Robert's cock, then pulled off and said, "Fuck yeah!" In a matter of seconds it seemed the four of us had rearranged ourselves. Robert was sitting with his back against the headboard of the bed with Chad kneeling between his thighs. They were blowing clouds while Greg lubed up Robert's cock and I was applying a generous helping of lube to my little brother's ass. Slipping three lube-covered finger's into his hole I leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "Are you sure you want this, bro?" Chad turned his sweaty face to look back at me and grinned obscenely. "So much, Lance! I am so turned on!" I kissed his lips softly and smiled. "I hoped you would. You're such a dirty pig!" Satisfied they were both lubed sufficiently, Greg and I moved to the chair anticipating the fuck that was about to start. I was anticipating it, of course, more than Greg. I settled myself in the chair and pulled Greg into my lap, feeling his wet hole slide easily down my shaft. Lighting the pipe I gave it to Greg and we turned our attention to the bed. Chad was positioned now with his jock cock-hungry hole just above the tip of the black stud's throbbing pulsing dick. "Are you ready?" Robert asked, already knowing the answer. His voice quivering with lust and need Chad answered loudly and said, "More than ready dude! Fuck me man! Fuck me with your dirty dick!" I quickly glanced at Greg but it seemed he didn't understand the meaning behind Chad's words. With a deep almost menacing tone Robert grabbed Chad's hips and yelled out, "That's what I'm gonna do pig! Fuck you with my dirty dick and give you my dark seed! Just like I did your brother!", glancing at me, then he thrust his hips upward shoving over half of his toxic cock into my little brother's unprotected hole. "Oh fuccckkkkk yessss!!" Chad screamed out, his head snapping back and his back going stiff. Robert held still for a moment before pulling out a little, hesitating, then slamming deeper into Chad's guts. "Take that cock, boy!" Robert commanded. "Open up your tight white hole for my black meat and beg for it!" With that Robert didn't hold back and began a brutal determined deep penetrating fuck of Chad's ass. "Happy graduation, little bro!" I said silently to myself as Greg and I watched transfixed.
    3 points
  6. I'm not sure how to even express this really but, my main question is have you ever been scared or freaked out by an experience you had or a situation you have been put in? a little background on my current situation. I have been servicing an older very dominant man for several months now. It didn't take long before he was having a few of his buddies over to also use me. I love being called names and degraded and used so for the most part I have enjoyed being used by them on a regular basis. however the last couple months things have changed. He has always been very into sharing me with other men. but the last couple months he has turned me into it a cum dump. to the point where he has arranged several large parties where I was the only bottom. The last party had over 20 men throughout the night. this is the part I have a hard time expressing. I can't express how much it both scares me and turns me on at the same time. one thing I need to make clear is I am not a bug chaser. I have no desire to ever be HIV positive. I have been a total submissive bottom for years and it's not like I haven't been put in very dangerous situations many times before, but this just seems different and way more intense. it's been a very big mind fuck for me. The situation scares me I feel like I'm in over my head I feel like it's all too much. but at the same time a big part of me really likes that this man is making me do this. That he is throwing me down this rabbit hole. I have always had a dangerous fetish of dominant men making me do things I am not totally comfortable with. I have started taking prep so that this situation is at least somewhat safe. I figured it's about the only thing I can do. because I know myself well enough to know I will not walk away from this situation. I have always been submissive and always like being used by dominant men that put me in my place. being a totaled cum dump taking so much random cock and cum has very much put me in my place. And seems to have put me in a permanent sub-headspace. anyway I guess this was just a way for me to get this off my chest. I am curious if anyone else has been in this situation or is currently. I would love to have a fellow sub to talk about this stuff on an ongoing basis. I'm also open to speaking with dominant men that have put a sub through these types of situations.
    2 points
  7. After a year long dryspell when I moved to a smaller community I have been getting lucky a lot. Don't get me wrong during the last year I had plenty of hookups but they were all bottoms my cock was getting regular service but my hole was going without In theast month have had numerous hookups with 4 different tops I met on grindr and it has been fun if nothing to special that was until a couple days ago I was chatting with a guy I had hooked up with a few times he is older but has a nice cock and a decent fuck for a man in his fifties when he pointed out a profile on grindr he thought I might want to check out he had chatted with the guy but hadn't been able to hook up with him I admit I was curious my friend had pointed out other guys in the past but they were all sub bottom types he wanted to tag team this was first time he pointed out a guy who mostly topped. Then he told me why the guy claimed to have a ten inch cock My friend of course knew that in the past I had been a complete slut and definitely a size queen and figured I would love to have the chance at a cock like that When I saw the guy was on grindr later that day I didn't hesitate to hit him up and didn't take long for us to decide that we really needed to get together unfortunately because of my partner wasn't able to that day but we continued chatting The next day I had my chance my partner was working so I had the time she of course knows I'm with men on the side but has rules one of which me being with them can't take time away from me being with her but I had hours while she was working Even though was excited was also a little cautious despite telling me my friend was right and that he did have 10 inches he wouldn't send me a pic of it and his profile pic wasn't very attractive he was very skinny with long kinda greasy looking hair he also didn't have a car which is unusual in this area but I agreed to meet up with him There were more signs something was odd when he sent me the location to pic him up at it was at a business I knew wasn't open that day and not in great part of town many homeless stay in that area at night When I got there my fears were proved right he came out from a stand of bushes with his backpack and a blanket and I told myself thus wasn't going to happen I didn't want to be rude so I got out of my truck and introduced myself and even though I had decided I wasn't going to fuck him I went ahead and had him get in the truck since I had said I would take him to Walmart so he could get some money a friend had wired to him As we drove we talked a little and he started asking where we would go after Walmart he knew I couldn't host and obviously he didn't have a place I know several good cruising spots of course but hemmed and hawwed a little since at that point I was planning on backing out all I could think of is possible risks of letting a homeless man fuck me He could tell I wasn't likely to go through with it and I'm sure he knew why but he also knew what to do to change a man's mind As we git closer to Walmart he began rubbing his crotch as we talked his pants were thin and pretty loose so it was very obvious when his cock began growing with his attention and the bulge was impressive When we were just pulling into the parking lot he pulled the waist of his pants down and let it all slip out The guy hadn't been lying though not even fully hard yet it was at least ten inches and about as thick as a redbull cN maybe a bit more it was by far the biggest cock I have seen on a white guy outside of porn and only a few black men I had been with in Arizona could match him Once I was parked he pulled his pants up and got out of the truck to go into the store. I had been telling myself that once I got him there I would come up with an excuse for why I had to leave but I couldn't get that cock out of my head so a waited for him I told myself I was just going to be a nice guy and give him a ride back over to the side of town he had been staying in he was a homeless guy after all and not attractive no way was I having sex with him After about 15 minutes he came back to the truck and got in he even said he was surprised I had waited since he had noticed I hadn't seemed that into it We hadn't even left the parking lot when he was again rubbing his crotch and in less than a block he had his cock out again this time rubbing his hand slowly up and down this time I got a very good look though still not fully hard it was everything he had promised and a little more not only was it big it was uncircumcised I admit at that point I lost all my willpower and found myself Taking a turn that would take us to one of my favorite places to park with guys And as I drove he moved closer to me and took my hand and placed it on his cock As I rubbed his cock while driving and felt it get fully hard another concern came to me for a little over a year I hadn't had anything bigger that a finger in my ass until the last few weeks and of the guys I had been with the biggest was only average for a white guy it had been a very long time since had a monster cock like his Again I almost backed out this time because of his cock size but as I ran my hand up and down his shaft I knew I wouldn't be able to say It was a few miles to the parking area a little used parking lot for some hiking trails with a convenient little corner nobody can see you in unless they drive super close and the only people I had seen there were other guys like me Most of the time when park there just lay the seats all the way back and play I. The cab he of course had other ideas I had backed my truck into the parking spot to be able to be sure nobody snuck up on us but he hoped out and walked around the back of the truck At first I thought he had to pee or something first but I felt him put the tailgate down and he started motioning me to co e back there I was a little nervous but grabbed the bag I keep for hookups out if the back seat and joined him behind the truck and opened the bag getting out some lube and condoms Now I almost always bottom raw in fact had been almost five years since a man fucked me wearing a condom but always keep some on my truck because many of the guys I top insist I use them I really wanted to feel him fuck me bare but wasn't willing to risk it I knew he was homeless and he told me he would have sex with men just for a place to stay a night or 2 and didn't know if he was I to drugs so wasn't a risk I was willing to take The guy wasted no time with foreplay he simply spun me so I was facing the truck and pulled my gym shorts down then with one hand lightly pushed meso I was bent over the tailgate while his other hand began lubing my ass The guy was obviously very used to having to get guys ready for his giant cock because he took his time I felt first one than two finally three of his fingers lossening me up for him when he finally removed his hand I heard him open a condom package and looked back to see him putting it on that's when I noticed a problem The condoms I had were of course meant for me to use and were sized for my cock which is only six inches on him it was very tight and only covered two thirds of it He didn't let that bother him he git in behind me and put the tip against my hole then after asking if I was ready he began pushing it in Even after his prep work he had to push hard to get it into me after the first few inches I wondered if I had .are a mistake it felt like he was going to rip me open In the past when I had been with well hung guys they usually got a few inches in then began to fuck me their cocks getting deeper as the sex went on but he had a different idea he just kept pushing it slowly and steadily deeper I could tell he planned on bottoming out before the sex really As he pushed it in it was all I could do to just take it it had been a long time since felt that stretched and even stopped breathing a few times in discomfort But finally he had all ten inches in me and he stopped just stood there behind me for a minute I thought so I could have time to get used to it though later learned it was because he was filming then without a word he started moving again At first was going pretty slow alternating from long strokes to shirt ones but he slowly began picking up his pace and the short strokes were less frequent then the condom broke Cursing little he pulled out and peeled off the broken condom and I watched impatiently as he put a new one on Once rewrapped he got back behind and was able to re-enter no problem this time though he went right to it he held nothing pulling it almost all the way and shoving it all the way back he also started talking telling me how tight my pushy was what a dirty little fag I was a cum slut that loved his cock By then I was accustomed enough to his cock I still felt stretched but also felt like heaven my own smaller cock was rock hard The I felt it the second condom broke and I felt him get ready to pull out but this time I stopped him I was so very close to Cumming just from the feel of his cock so I reached back grabbed his arm and told himto keep going That must have really turned him on because he started fucking me harder and faster and talking more asking if I liked his dirty homeless cock asking if I wanted him to breed my dirty faggot pushy the said aren't you even going to ask if I'm clean than told me hadn't bee. Tested in over year All I could do is answer back yes I a dirty little fag I. His little batch I wanted his homeless seed After about five minutes of that I felt his strokes get shorter and his cock get Harder than he asked if I wanted him to cum in me. Without hesitating I just said one word yes Almost as soon as the word left my mouth hw grabbed my hips pushed all the way in and I felt his cock start to pulse as he came deep inside me for about 10 seconds at almost the same time my own cock shot my load all over the ground For almost a minute we both stayed in that position me bent over my tailgate him behind his cock slowly getting softer in my ass Finally I had to stand up straight I had lost track of time but had been bent over like that for half an hour and back was starting to get sore he pulled out and let me up I look over at him he was still breathing a bit hard and his cock was still out even mostly soft bigger than mine I also noticed a little blood on it even prepping me the way he had he had ripped me some We didn't really say much just cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to head back when an idea struck me after I found out he did have a license I had him drive while I got into the passenger seat Giving guys road head has always been a turn on for me and there is no way I wasn't going to try it on a cock that big So as we drove a pulled his still limp cock out and lowered my mouth over it I had never been with a uncircumcised guy before so sucking him was a unique situation for me Honestly that soo. After sex I didn't really expect him to get hard again figured I would suck it a little it would feel good for him but that would be about it I was wrong by the time we git back to where he had slept the night he was fully hard I was going to have him drive to another place I knew but he said not to worry he parked my truck and lead me to the bushes he had co.e out of earlier once back inside the brush saw he had a well hidden. Spot and he also didn't have it to himself another homeless guy was asleep on a blanket in no time I was on my hands and knees with him one again balls deep in me this time I had no problem taking him as we fucked the other guy woke up and began watching taking his own cock out and rubbing it In other situations the other man's cock would have gotten .e instantly excited it was about eight inches and fairly thick but compared to the one that once again stretching my ass it was nothing the two homeless men began talking as the first one fuck with him telling his friend what a cumslut I was and again calling me a dirty whore and a fag At a certain point he told me his friend wasn't gay but would love a blow job so I found myself on my hands and knees in some bushes with a ten inch homeless cock in my ass and an eight inch in my mouth The second guy didn't last long I had only sucked him for maybe two minutes when he held my head hard against him as his cum went down. My throat It was almost an hour before they first guy was ready to cum again and I admit I was starting to get more than a little sore the whole second time he had been fucking me hard fast and deep though my own cock was hard again as well When he was about ready to cum he told me to start stroking my cock he wanted us to cum together so I did but he hadn't given me enough warning and I wasn't there yet when I felt him Cumming in me for the second time This time he came even harder and I was able to count him spurt 12 times into me that was almost enough to make me cum right then but not quite but I kept stroking as he just knelt on his knees behind me trying to catch his breath Then out of the blue he tells me he has to piss this time his cock had gotten softer faster it was still in my ass but seemed half the size it had been but seemed to stiffen a little as he just let his bladder go and I felt hi. Filling my already cum filled ass I was a little shocked but not bad I actually enjoy piss play but had never said anything his friend however laughed and asked if he had really just pisses up my he admitted he had as he pulled out of me and I felt his piss and cum run down my leg I was still stoking my cock wanting to cum before I left when his friend said he wanted to try I looked over in time to see him with his cock in his hand aiming it at my face . Before I could say anything I felt his wam piss hi my forehead and I just went with it moving me head so he showered the whole thing even taking some in my mouth That was as much as I could take as he finished emptying his blather my own cock finally shot its second load We really didn't talk after I pulled my clothes back on got I'm my truck and left as I drove home my face smelling like piss my ass leaking piss and cum part of my mind was asking myself what I had done I had let a homeless man probably a drug addict fuck me raw not once but twice the piss in me the list of what diseases he could have given were running though my head but another part of my was wondering if I could get a third from that beautiful ten in monster
    2 points
  8. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    2 points
  9. Bored and horny, I put an add online. “Taking anonymous loads”. Guy responds with a photo of a hard 8” cock and say’s that’s the only time you see it. Me and my mate need to nutt. Where and when?” Gave address. 15mins later I buzz him up lift. I’m waiting in the dark bedroom in jocks and on all fours arse up at end of bed, blind folded. I have my butt plug on the side table ready to slide in after they leave. I hear the two of them laugh and a hand slowly massaging my arse as a guy climbs on the bed in front of me. I can smell his crotch as I hear him undo his jeans and I feel a thick cock hit my face. I know the deal and I am sucking him off. No sooner is his cock in my mouth than I hear him groan in pleasure – he is happy with my work. He says to his mate, “How’s your end?” I feel a finger try to penetrate me and it stops, and I hear him say “needs a little lube”. I hear his jeans go down and I am thinking this is gonna be a rough dry fuck. But no. I feel his tongue dive into my hole and the tell tale feeling of a beard as he eats me like I am his dinner, and he hasn’t eaten in days. This goes on for about 2 minutes – not long. And his mouth is gone. In seconds it is replaced with what must be a 9-inch-thick cock and there is no waiting. He drives in me balls deep in one go. He holds it there for a bit to allow me to adjust and accept his cock. “Fuck man, he took me in one go” he says to his mate. The pain quickly subsides, and I am in heaven as he slowly starts to fuck me. His mate is face fucking me and says, “don’t take too long, this guy is good. I don’t know how long I’ll last”. His mate responds, “I’m close. Hold on.” The guy face fucking me pulls out and is bending down in front of me and I can smell cigarette smoke on his breath and then a tongue is down my throat as he kisses me. He also has a beard, and I am rock hard now. As he does his mate almost yells, “here it comes, oh fuck” and he bottoms out and I can feel the cock swell and pulse as he pumps rope after rope of his seed inside me. His mate kisses me and says, “that’s a 3-day load mate”. His mate pulls out and I feel empty suddenly. They switch places and I am presented with a semi hard cock covered in arse juice and seed to clean. “Now for the 5-day load – it’s gonna be big”. He fucks me hard and fast as I clean off his mate’s cock. I can feel drops of his mates cum dripping down my crack as he fucks me. It is quick and in minutes he is growling as he bottoms out and I feel the tell-tale signs of his load painting my insides. He holds in there for almost a minute. It must be the biggest load I have taken yet. He slowly keeps fucking me and he is not going soft. I can hear the wet sloshing as his and his mate’s cum is being mixed up and leaking out as he fucks me. He then flips me over on to my back without pulling out and I am rock hard dripping pre-cum. His mate starts kissing me like a love sick school girl and jacking me off and I just can’t hold back anymore and I shoot what must be the biggest load I have ever shot all over my chest. This makes me clench my arse muscles and send the guy over the edge and I get a 2nd load off him without him even pulling out. He says to his friend, “pass that plug over. Don’t want to waste any of this” and I feel my butt plug inserted. I can hear him panting now and the guy kissing me steps away too. I hear the tell tale sounds of them pulling their pants up and it sounds like they are about to leave, when I feel a tongue suddenly licking up my cum off my chest and then a slow sensual kiss as I taste my own cum. When the cum is all gone the guy kisses me softly and then moves to my ear and whispers “did you like that?” I respond, “fuck yeah”. “Did you like eating that cum”. I respond, “very much”. “Good, cause it’s the last neg load you will ever shoot”. And they are gone. I take the blind fold off and there is two pieces of paper on the bed next to me. Both blood test results with the names removed. Both showing high viral loads and a message at the bottom of one saying “you know how to find us. Let us know when you join the brotherhood”. I wank again and shoot another load all over me. I fall asleep with the butt plug in and don’t remove it until morning. Nothing comes out – I absorbed it all!
    2 points
  10. Ahhhh .... thanks for the clarification. Per the above, I think that would be the height of selfishness. Just because a guy is Topping, it doesn't relieve him of the responsibility to display common good manners. I know some Tops think their Cocks are battering rams, and that's a matter of disinclination to give a hoot about what the bottom is experiencing - i.e. selfish behavior. I'm assuming the disinterest in the hammering has been communicated to the Top, and he's aloof to your enjoyment. In this kind of situation (and referencing the reply just above this one), and assuming you've communicated your disinterest in that kind of action, maybe you could allow that guy to understand by standing up, turning around and saying (with a smile) something like "You just don't get it, do you Sir ...". Walk away and find a more caring man with a more experienced Cock. It takes two men (or more) to make it a good scene, not just one.
    2 points
  11. Love it! Although sometimes it's a struggle to suck the guy in front of you properly when the guy behind you is banging your ass hard.
    2 points
  12. In my experience, I’m really just fluffing the Top that’s in my throat so that he’s primed and ready to go if the Top that’s deep in my guts unloads his balls or switches out to let the other Top take a ride.
    2 points
  13. 80's poz. I was there. Really quickly the poz bbckers in medical field, like me, realized that those of us with no to low viral loads could not transmit. I remember an all poz all bb orgy at IML Chicago 91 or 92 where it turned into an aids meeting where we could share our findings, free from.fukn ethics and police (poz bb was jailable back then). Same with biohazardmen europe in 94 or 95 where we all started talking about no viral load no transmission during the orgy. I know biohazardmen say their first official party was 1998, but there were secret poz bb orgies in all over europe already in the late 80's
    2 points
  14. Curiosity got me one day. He made it very available. DoubleList ads were constantly up asking for raw loads form big hung black dicks. One pic after another of him gaped or getting fucked raw by bbc. I texted “sup” with a pic of my dick, semi flaccid. I have a fat 10 inches on a skinny body. He responded promptly and we made arrangements with no small talk. Soon after, I was en route to ass-pound a stranger who was experienced af with hung jocks. I enter his room to find him ass-up, waiting, twerking. Clean, lubed-up and well-prepared, he was a perfect host. He’s a chub with plump cheeks. Room was clean, and neat; wipes, condoms, and lube were available at the bedside. Power bottoms like this are an answered wish. I was conscious about all the dudes he had received before me. This was only my second encounter with a man. So soon as I dipped in, I did my best to murder it in a way I might be remembered. Launching long, accurate, world-rocking backshots, cheek-smashing haymakers, and punishing knockout strokes from behind, before climbing up on top to piledrive a 5-day-load in deep. I lasted maybe 15 minutes. Afterward he seemed impressed, but also surprised. He asked for permission to record the next time for OF, and said the pics that I’d send did me no justice. I guess I’m just bigger in person. Another bootycall in my area; Another romantic encounter, as long as you think mean, raw, big dick breeding is as romantic as I do. Now I regularly load him up enjoying the knowledge that I’m his rudest, meanest fuck ever, as much as I enjoy the comments from viewers of his posts on pornhub and the like.
    2 points
  15. One thing to remember: a lot of casual sex just stopped cold when the pandemic started, and I'm sure some number of people stopped taking PrEP if they were not actually having sex with others (outside of whatever "COVID bubble" or similar that they were in). Some of them, no doubt, started up again before getting back on PrEP or before getting PrEP levels back up to par, so some may have been infected then. Bear in mind, too, that most people consider themselves negative and describe themselves as such right up until they find out they're not. Some of them - those who don't grasp the science that thoroughly, in particular - still assume that if they limit the number of sex partners they have, and limit them to "the right kind" of guy, then they're "safe" from being infected. During the pandemic, I'm willing to bet a lot of people ended up getting infected with COVID and in the course of getting long-overdue blood work, etc. done as part of the screening, some number of them found out - surprise! - that they were HIV+. That might account for some of the jump in numbers of infections, in addition to the previously cited factoid that we saw a "clump" of new infections finally diagnosed after labs began catching up on work delayed by COVID. People do lie. They lie about whether they have a wife, a husband, a partner. They lie about whether they have HIV. They lie about all sorts of things. But in my limited experience, there's not much mileage in lying about being Undetectable. If you're going to lie, you'd probably lie that you're negative, rather than UD. But you're also seeing that education is helping people understand the U=U mantra (undetectable = untransmissible). Now that more people understand that, people who were reluctant to admit to being poz undetectable are opening up. The riskiness of sex with them hasn't changed; what's changed is that some portion of them don't feel the need to claim to be negative when their real status is just as safe. What you seem to be saying is that you reject the science that U=U. You don't have to accept that, of course, just like you can believe the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, and Trump won the 2020 election. Your beliefs, however, don't change the facts. Simple answer: Yes. If the person stops taking medications, his viral load can rise to detectable, and eventually, infectious levels. Returning to meds - though they may or may not need to be changed - will usually return the person to an undetectable state. Oral sex is generally considered low-risk activity, yes. And receiving oral sex is safer, in general, than performing it on another man. But then being the penetrating HIV-negative partner for anal sex is far lower risk than being one penetrated by someone else - it's the party who's receiving the ejaculation (orally or anally) who's more at risk in any given situation. That said, if you go to fuck someone bareback and he's already been fucked very recently (ie in the same few hours) by someone who's poz and detectable, you are at some risk of infection even if the guy you're fucking is on PrEP. Because the virus might be present in semen in his rectum and enter through your urethra. It's a vastly diminished risk of infection compared with taking a poz load yourself anally, but it's still a small risk. Again, the only way this is risky is if one of those cocks belongs to a guy who is poz AND infectious. In that case, some of the other tops may - MAY - get infected. But in any event, no one should be both HIV+/undetectable AND on PrEP - PrEP is strictly for guys who are NOT positive, to prevent their infection. You're confusing two different things. A person on PrEP is taking PREVENTATIVE medication to prevent himself from getting infected with HIV. A person who is HIV+Undetectable is taking TREATMENT medication to treat his OWN health, with the side effect/advantage of making it essentially impossible to infect others. You really need to understand that those are two different things. Such a variant may develop - in fact, there are (extremely rare) strains of HIV that do not respond to most or any treatments. But those don't come about because people are having sex with a lot of different guys. When you suggest that, you're just slut-shaming at the same time as showing you don't understand the science of how such strains of a virus develop. There are more than a dozen compounds which can go into making up HIV treatment medications - with each medication (a given brand name) containing three or four of those compounds. The compounds are grouped into "classes" based on how they specifically work - whether by blocking replication, by interfering with the transcription of the virus during replication, by blocking infection of certain cells, or whatever - and most medications contain at least two, often three or more, of these classes of compounds. That enables the medication to attack the virus on multiple levels. PrEP is simpler - the oral version contains two such compounds, but they are sufficient to prevent HIV from gaining a foothold in an uninfected person. The two compounds contained in PrEP are often among the compounds in an HIV treatment medication - but the latter will contain other means of helping control the infection that already exists. Treatment resistant viruses develop primarily when someone is infected and is taking medication for treatment but he does not take it regularly enough to prevent the virus from replicating extensively in his system. HIV is what's called a "retrovirus", and the way it reproduces is sloppy, often producing mutations rather than clean copies. Those mutations are usually stamped out in a person who takes his medications regularly. But when a patient does not take treatment regularly, some of those mutations can also take hold, and sometimes one of those mutations will turn out to be resistant to the medication he should be taking. Once it's established, it may not respond to the medication, meaning he needs to be switched to something else for the treatment to be effective (assuming he can be persuaded to take his treatment regularly). But it has ZERO to do with how many people he's having sex with. Viruses and bacteria don't keep a tally of your sexual partners and develop according to your sluttiness.
    2 points
  16. Hooked up with the scrawny white trash boy last night after work. Had been messaging in the morning and he wanted it before he went into work, but I couldn't. He was mid 20s, inked, nice sized uncut cock, verse, open to raw, said he was neg. I told him after work could work for me. He lives in a pretty trashy part of Richardson, northeast of me and I was kind of leery going to his place. I was horned up at the end of the day and messaged him saying I was down, he was too. Headed to his place and when I got their he was outside saying his roommate was home and needed to fuck outside, in a car, or something. He said there was a safe place nearby we could walk to he'd used before and I was kinda worried I was gonna get jumped, but went for it. It was an empty overgrown lot, no way anyone could see us. Clearly he's done this before and I'm guessing he's taken more than a few cocks. We both undid our pants and started jerking each others cocks and he let out a "damn" looking at mine remarking at how thick and big it was. He asked if I wanted to take him first and I said I was and braced myself against a wall with my ass to him. I could feel his spit hitting my ass and felt his cock head against my ass as he entered me raw. I had no problem taking him and he got a nice rhythm going, saying nothing as he fucked me. I told him how good his dick felt and that I wanted his load bad. He said nothing and kept stroking, soon enough letting out a muffled groan as he unloaded inside me. He slid out and let out a "guess it's my turn" with a half laugh, taking his place against the wall and telling me to take it easy. He clearly was open to raw as he said, not asking about condoms or pulling out to cum and I can only guess he gladly lets guys breed him raw. I spat on his ass and my cock and started forcing it in him and could hear him hiss and groan as I did, cursing and saying how big my cock was, but truthfully it didn't seem like his ass offered much resistance. If I had to guess he'd probably taken cock recently and soon enough I was balls deep in him, stroking pretty hard as he moaned. A couple times he asked if I was gonna cum inside him, which was weird. I said I was and I wasn't sure if he didn't want it that way or it was his way of asking if I was close. I wasn't about to say I was going to cum and instead shot my load in him saying nothing. He let out an excited "damn" as I came, so clearly he could feel it. I was kind of flattered and asked him "you like that boy?" and he said he did and that it felt good. I told him there was more where that came from and kept stroking inside him. If he didn't want my seed inside him it was too late as I was churning it deep inside him now. He was now moaning about how bad he wanted it and I loved that this dirty little slut was desperate for my load. I had no idea if he was gay, straight, or what. There was no gay look or feel about him, yet here he was taking cock raw, letting me breed him. I blasted my second load in him and he said he was about to cum again and asked if I wanted to suck him off or get fucked. Trashy boys like him usually have nasty tasting cum, so I told him to fuck me and he had me up against the wall frantically fucking me, but not lasting long before he shot in me again. I was absentmindedly looking around and could see empty beer cans, liquor bottles, underpants, and drug paraphernalia and could tell this place is regularly used to fuck. I'm guessing this boy has been bent over and bred more than a few times here, getting bred by random guys. Honestly, it kind of turned me on as I've hooked up with guys in places like this before. He slid out and pulled his shorts up saying he was done and thanking me. I did the same and said it was fun and that I was down to do it again. He apologized and admitted his roommate doesn't know he hooks up with guys but was glad I was cool to do it here. We worked our way back out and it was the awkward parting, no kiss or gay shit like that. I just said to message me again when he wanted to hook up.
    2 points
  17. Part 31 Watching Kevin approach the bed with two liquid-filled syringes in his hand I listened as Drew explained to me and my son how this was going to be done. "Okay, Jer," he stated in a husky voice, "we're going to give you your slam first. You already know what to expect and how fucking great the rush feels when it hits you." "Fuck yeah I do!" Jeremy answered eagerly. Still talking to Jeremy but looking in my face Drew continued. "As soon as the waves hit you we're going to give Daddy, I mean your dad, his slam. As soon as it hits him he's going to push his cock inside your spasming ass. That will give your ass a jolt like you can't imagine and your ass is going to suck your dad's cock balls deep in you so you'll both feel hornier than ever together at the same time. Okay?" he asked us both. Jeremy didn't hesitate to let us know he was ready and I nodded excitedly at Drew. I watched Kevin fasten the belt around Jeremy's arm as I'd seen him do not too long ago on the computer. I was so engrossed in watching Kevin and Jeremy I was startled when Ryan took my left arm and began tying it off. He grinned at my astonished look and said, "Want to get you set for your slam stud so we can give it to you as soon as Jeremy feels his." I nodded my understanding and watched him mirror what Kevin was doing to my son. I saw both needles inserted to our respective veins then both syringes filling with our blood and mixing with the contents of the glass tubes. Then Kevin said, "Here it comes boy," as he pushed the plunger all the way down sending more of the liquified drug into Jeremy's system, while Ryan held mine steady until it was time. Just as before I saw Jeremy shudder and arch his back and heard him gasping for air as he was wracked with a series of powerful coughs. Then Jeremy began writhing on the bed, moving his hands all over his muscled torso, and we all heard a primal growl start in his throat and build quickly. At that point I was no longer able to watch the slam's progression on my boy as I heard Kevin say, "Do it," and I stared as Ryan gave me my first slam. Just as I was thinking I wasn't feeling anything, then WHAM! My head snapped backwards, my head and heart were pounding loud and hard, I felt a tightening in my chest and an almost deafening roaring in my ears. My body started shivering and convulsing and I was sure I was having a fatal heart attack. Deep coughs began in tandem with all of these things then it seemed my mind went silent. I was vaguely aware of two things: I could hear Jeremy still coughing as if from a distance, and my whole psyche and being were fixated on the need to have all the hot sweaty raw nasty sex I could. As I felt that need rapidly growing I heard Drew beside me saying what I ached to hear. "Now, Daddy Justin," he whispered even as he took hold of my throbbing cock. "Fuck your son! Slide your dirty cheating incestuous daddy dick inside Jeremy's fucking ass! Fuck him until you breed him stud!" With those words he let loose of my raging shaft as it pressed against Jeremy's burning 19 year-old hole and and was almost sucked into his flexing fuck chute! Jeremy's ass was still convulsing and spasming as I slid deeper and deeper into the warm wet for*idden places no father's cock is ever supposed to enter - my own son's ass! Tighter than any of the other three asses I'd been in today and more satisfying than I could have imagined. And more erotic because of the fact that it WAS my son I now had my bare cock buried in, something society called wrong and evil and despicable. I didn't give a damn what society said - this felt too good. Fucking my jock son Jeremy's cum-filled ass with the cock that had fucked him into existence. My head started to clear and I became aware of Jeremy's hands clawing at my back, his strong legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and his raspy voice crying out, "OH FUCK YESSS! Fuck me dad! Gawd you feel so fucking good in my ass! Pound me! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum! Fucking do it!!" Bellowing in raw lust-filled carnality, I began fucking in and out of the hole impaled on my dick. We were both spewing profanity and vulgarity as our moans echoed around the room. Too soon, I felt my orgasm ready to explode. Suddenly I knew I wanted to be looking into Jeremy's eyes when I started to breed him with my incestuous cum. I caught Drew's eye and managed to moan out, "The blindfold. Take it off! I want him to see my face when I cum in him! Now! Do it! I'm about to cum!" As I slammed home one final time into my hot son's cum hungry hole and I felt the first eruption of my seed blasting from my piss slit, Drew grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off and I was looking deep into Jeremy's confused horny face as I cried out, "Take your dad's cum, son!" (to be continued)
    2 points
  18. White daddy barebacking me from behind while he’s getting his point shoot up. I could feel his precum when he coughed out the rush. He went hard straight away holding my hip then fucked me brainless for hours.
    2 points
  19. Having said the above, I feel obliged to append the following: Rules For Tops, continued: 11. My cunt is not naturally designed to take your cock - use the lube. 12. Don’t spill the fucking lube. 13. It is not my responsibility to provide you with a condom, and why are you even asking? 14. Cleaning out my colon for you to enjoy is a time-consuming, uncomfortable, unpleasant process that often involves me eating little or nothing for hours. Respect the process, and do not expect a bottom to be both instantly ready and flawlessly clean when you call. 15. If you call for anal service, and a bottom cleans out for you, do not flake, ghost, or otherwise fail to fuck him. If you’ve asked for it, you owe him. 16. If I tell you to stop, you stop. Period. If I say No, the answer is No. If you want to talk about consensual nonconsent, that’s a conversation. 17. Do no expect me to answer you when my mouth is full of your cock. 18. Do not expect me to give you decent head when your buddy is pounding my cunt. 19. Don’t be a dildo. Actual fucking is expected of you, as in thrusting penetration. When the bottom is the only one moving, you’re not really Topping him, or actually fucking him - you’re just a dildo. 20. Fuck every fuck as though it were your last - this is where you’re as male as you can be, so let it all out, and relish it, go hard, go deep, go long. The bottom will thank you for it. Besides, you never know…it might be your last fuck. and, for luck… 21. Be a cock, not a dick.
    2 points
  20. Perhaps the topic would have been better titled “My Rules For Bottoms”, because the notion of there being ‘rules’ that bottoms are somehow subject to is rather droll, and we can only take this in any way seriously as an expression of one individual’s personal preferences. Note that we only tend to see these sorts of lists of rules, requirements, expectations, or characteristics in relation to bottoms, cumdumps, or ‘fags’, as though our submission or receptive male sex role renders us second-tier beings in need of being controlled. Where is the list of Rules For Tops, and if there were one, how many Tops would be jumping up and waving their hands to subscribe to that the way some bottoms do to this? But hey, what the fuck, why not? Rules For Tops 1. I am not responsible for your erection. If you can’t get it up and keep it up, don’t waste my time. I’m not going to spend half an hour on a lost cause. 2. Do not - do not - try to stuff a limp noodle up my fuckhole. Know when you’re hard enough for penetration and when you’re not. 3. Know how to find a cunt with the end of your cock. Missing the first time is understandable; missing five times in a row is embarrassing. 4. Know whether you’ve actually penetrated. Really. 5. Quit asking for my poppers. They will interfere with your erection. You are not immune. And while I’m at it, quit fucking stealing them. 6. You don’t have to be fresh from the shower to fuck me, but basic hygiene is required. If you have body odor, you’re breeding bacteria. 7. Know what you want from the fuck, and be prepared to take it. This is your chance to take what I’ve got - don’t waste the cunt, because another guy would have loved to have absolutely destroyed it. 8. Do not add imaginary inches to your cock. You can only disappoint bottoms by doing so. Be proud of what you have, and use it. 9. Your semen is like liquid gold. Apply it where it will be most valued. Do not shoot it onto my hole. This brings satisfaction to no one. 10. If you say you’re going to fuck me, show up. Nothing, and I mean nothing, emasculates a man like failing to follow through on a fuck. It calls your whole manhood into question. - I’ll stop, but there’s so many things I could add, I could do this all. day. long.
    2 points
  21. There have been times when I have felt disgusted with myself and vowed to end putting myself in situations. But it only takes a few months before I'm craving it so much that I'm back on my knees.
    2 points
  22. Let’s take a moment to look at what you’re telling us. You say that you feel scared, freaked out, that the situation you’re in is ‘too much’, and that you feel that what’s going on is to some degree dangerous. You characterize what is happening as something that is being done to you, a condition placed upon you - you say the Dominant is ‘making you’ do things and ‘throwing you’ down a rabbit hole. Yet you make it clear that you’re turned on by what is happening, and you think of it as a ‘permanent sub-space’ that you know you’re not going to walk away from. Let’s be clear here - the Dom isn’t making you do anything that you aren’t consenting to do. None of this is nonconsensual, and any sense of you being forced is something you’re conjuring up in your own mind as a part of the sexual role that you are playing as a submissive. No Dominant can force you into subspace - that’s a state you enter on your own. So dispense with the idea that your situation is dangerous because it’s out of your control. It’s not. You can say no at any point. That means the Dominant and his friends aren’t the ones making you uneasy. You’re making yourself uneasy because you’re internally conflicted - part of you wants to do these things, and does them, and you know perfectly well isn’t going to stop, even though another part of you isn’t on the same page, sees the potential dangers, and isn’t comfortable with it. The way you talk about being put in your place suggests you may wrestle with matters of self-image that predispose you to submission even if in a particular instance the submission might feel unwise; that, too, can be a source of inner conflict, but again the cause is internal, not imposed from outside. I would suggest that you reframe your question, for yourself, as ‘Do I get scared or freaked out by what I let happen to me, and if so, why do I let it happen?’
    2 points
  23. My thought is for you to talk to your Dom and tell him your feelings and doubts. Maybe he can help you adjust or feel safer in these situations. I think a good Dom needs to take care of his sub in all ways.
    2 points
  24. Part 2 Outside of the bathhouse he ordered me to follow him and not say a word. He was wearing just a small shorts that made his bulge look even bigger and no underwear. It was a windy night and the fabric was really thin, so anyone who walked by us spotted that huge cock swinging from one side to another. I felt like i was being totally exposed to this people walking by his side, like i was his prey being taken to the slaughter. And i was surprised by myself when i realized i was enjoying this scene. We walked 2 blocks, got to his car and headed to his place. It was a mess there. I felt a horrible smell, much like his cock, but it was a mix of sweat, piss, and other unpleasing odors. Soon i realized he shouldn't live there since it had almost no furniture and had a sling right in the middle of the living room. It was a place where he took sluts to rape as he said later. He grabbed my neck real tight, almost suffocating me. Feeling of regret crossed my mind and he saw the fear in my eyes. - You're gonna do everything i order you to do, whore! Don't try to run away or it will be worst. I see you like the cock cheese i cultivated for 3 days, but since you ate it all, you're gonna have to satisfy on my sweaty balls. - He said as he pulled me to my knees. I buried my face to his balls again. I wasn't feeling horny at all. He noticed that and gave me a huge slap on the face that made me lose balance and i felt on the floor. He grabbed my hair again and dragged me on the floor to the sling. I thought i have lost some of my scalp with this. He threw me on the sling and tied my hand and feet quickly before i could react. - I don't care if you're horny or not, you fucking trash whore. Im gonna rape you good till that hole bleeds and then i'm gonna fuck you some more. If you scream i'm gonna punch your face so you pass out. I couldn't move and my hole was all exposed to him. He shoved 3 fingers at once and i let out a loud moan. As promised he gave me a light punch on the face that got my nose bleeding. "- If you do it again i'll punch you full force." He said. He was an alpha male and he was gonna get what he wanted: My hole destroyed. He turned even more brutal and shoved his massive meat in my cum lubbed insides. Every time i closed my eyes to try to forget the pain he slapped me hard in the face and ordered to open them. He leaned on top of me so he could look closer in my eyes while fucking me hard. After 15 min of pounding he stops moving and there was the evil look in the eyes again. I was foreseeing what was coming and wanted it. So my predictions were fulfilled. A huge stream of piss inside my hole. The pain was excruciating, maybe because my ass was already bleeding. - Thats it slut! Take my rank piss in that pussy! Fell it in your guts! Some of the piss escaped my hole but he didn't seem to mind. So he went on piss fucking me harder and harder looking me in the eye for over an hour or so. I felt his cock getting even more stiff, which meant he would cum soon and I would finally be released from that hung rapist daddy. He untied me and put me on floor and buried his cock in me again, rubbing my face in the pool of piss. - Lick it from the floor while i fuck you, whore! I don't like looking at sluts while i pump my poz cum in them! There was the confirmation i needed. A might poz fucker destroying my insides and humiliating me. Then he started pumping like no one has ever did before. I couldnt believe how fast he was going and started screaming in pain but eager for his toxic load at the same time. By that time, he didn't mind my screams and kept fucking untill he shot a big filthy load inside me. I felt all the 6 squirts of cum flowing from his cock and i was in heaven. My brief moments of realization were interrupted by the poz daddy grabbing me by the hair and dragging me on the floor out of his house. I was thrown in the hallway all naked, with my hole filled with piss and spunk, a bleeding nose and piss in my face. He threw my clothes over me and closed the door.
    2 points
  25. My first ever story. Hope it's not terrible! Enjoy x This place didn’t smell very good, and yet the smell made me even hornier. I needed this. I had been jerking to gay porn for months, although my girlfriend had no idea. I even bought her a new dildo which I had become far more familiar with than she had. I just had to at least have a guy blow me. Maybe I’d even blow him. Those cocks in the porn I watched looked so damn enticing. Surely a blow job would satisfy me, and I could move on from this phase. Today the urge had gotten too much. I was sliding the gifted dildo in and out of my hole when the brain in my dick had taken over and driven me to the sauna in town. Of course, I knew about this place. I fantasised about coming here often but never planned on it. Now I was here and naked in the semi dark. The occasional hand groped my ass as I walked around. I stumbled upon some booths and decided to collect my thoughts in relative safety. There were no screens as I had expected but there was two well sized glory holes in the walls. There was cum running down the one in front of me and it made me hard. An eye appeared above the cum and then a finger. I knew the signal, so I took a deep breath and slid my cock through. Holy hell this had to be the best cock sucker in the world. My girlfriend needed lessons from this guy. I really wasn’t going to last long but before I could shoot my load he stopped. So close. I pulled my cock out of the hole to take a look through when his own cock slid through to my side. I guess that was only fair and it wasn’t a huge scary thing it was about 6 inches. Same as my own. I knelt down and licked at the head before sucking it in as deep as I could. It tasted kind of weird, a mix of cum and other things as far as I could tell, and it was intoxicating. I sucked and licked for all I was worth. This wasn’t a phase. I needed this. Far too soon the cock pulled away. My unknown friend told me to place my ass against the hole. His voice was rough, and I felt like I had to obey. I was way too horny anyway and happily obliged, unsure though if I really wanted anyone to fuck me. I needn’t have worried as he slid his tongue between my cheeks causing me to involuntarily moan like a bitch. I pushed my ass against the hole as hard as I could to get more of these sensations. I guess someone had heard me moaning and joined the opposite booth and whilst moaning I suddenly had another cock in my face from the other side. I didn’t even hesitate and started to suck this new guy who was a little bigger. My attention was alternating between the tongue in my ass and the cock in my mouth and I was feeling totally out of control to my urges. The guy eating my hole starting inserting fingers, first one then some more licking, then two and more eating. I knew what he was doing but it felt so good I couldn’t stop myself even had I wanted to. Soon enough something bigger than some fingers was pushing its way into my now open hole. This was many times better than my dildo and I moaned around the cock in my mouth. The guy fucking me wasted no more time easing me into it and started to fuck me hard. The force was pushing me onto the other cock and for a slight second, I wished my girlfriend could see me right now. Almost totally lost in the moment my brain kicked me back to reality and the madness of letting some random guy fuck me without a condom. What the hell was I doing? My panic threatened to pull me out of the situation and off the bare cock in my ass but timing is everything and the cock in my mouth exploded. I was forced to swallow my first ever load and the distraction was just enough time for the guy behind me to slam home and hold his cock buried in me. Oh fuck. I wasn’t sure I could feel anything, but I knew he had just blasted a huge load of cum in my ass. I was conflicted, hornier than ever and scared like I’ve never been. I had cum in my mouth and in my ass, but my dick was harder than ever. The guy I sucked left his booth and the guy that just fucked me spun around and put his own ass against the hole. It had clearly already seen some action and there was a small biohazard tattoo on his left ass cheek. The internal fight raged but I surrendered and pushed my bare cock into the cummy hole. I needed this.
    1 point
  26. To add to this just a bit, if I may: the problem of not being able to reply to private messages is not due to a bug in the software, but to the fact that you're a new member. You earn the right to send private messages (including responses) by participating in the forums here, making posts and replies and creating topics. The threshold for where you get particular privileges is automated (in other words, it's not that RawTop looks at your participation and manually decides "This guy now can send messages"), but the trigger points of how much participation moves you to the level where you can message is not public information. That's to keep spammers, etc. from gaming the system.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 10. Clean up, kid. I like it dirty, but not literally. 9. Call me a traditionalist, but I like my boyholes plucked and shaved. 8. Condoms? Your neighbor sports a perfect bubble and will give it to me bare. 7. So it hurts a bit in the beginning? It's supposed to, boy. 6. No, I'm not slowing down. Hit the poppers and take it like a pro. 5. Doggy, missionary, sideways? I like'em all and you'll give up your ass any way I like it. 4. I'm fucking you and you're telling me you want a gangbang. Tell me why you should be thinking about other cocks right now. 3. Don't tell me where to dump my load. It's going up your ass and you knew that when we started. 2. Do I want you to cum? Haven't thought about it but now that you mention it: No. 1. Ah... You cleaned my cock! I'm definitely coming back, slut.
    1 point
  29. A top on Grindr hit me up on Monday of this past week. We exchanged photos and then proceeded to engage in hot breeding talk. I'm sure he shot a load while chatting with me. The exchange was so hot that we exchanged numbers. He wrote me yesterday, super horny and ready to fuck. I prepared my hole and drove a half hour over to his house. I walked in and got undressed. When I turned around, his 8 inch dick was already at full mast and up against my butt cheeks. I exclaimed, "Oh! You're ready!". He ate me out, made me suck his dick, and then he throat fucked my thrussy until I started to gag. He then folded me up in a number of very specific positions and fucked me senseless. We were both high off the poppers when he mounted me missionary. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he was close. He slammed into me, grunted and let loose. He went wild when I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. He stayed hard enough to keep right on fucking until he dropped a second load. As I lay on my stomach recovering from all the action, I saw that he kept playing with himself. He suddenly climbed on top of me and piston-fucked me until I got loads three and four. I've never had a top who could huff poppers like that and still be hard enough to fuck. I for sure thought he was done after that. We lay there chatting a bit. Because he has such a pretty dick, I began to massage his balls and suck him. Well, that got him going and he fucked load #5 into me. I got dressed, thinking his balls HAD TO BE empty at this point. I asked for a quick tour of his apartment. As I stood near the door, I thanked him for all the loads. He pulled his dick out again and asked me to suck it. I did and right there in front of the door, he pulled my jogging pants down and fucked me yet again. What the fuck?!? I got SIX loads in 90 minutes, so I know he wasn't lying earlier when he told me that he needs to cum 4 times a day. After I arrived back home, he texted me, "Come back soon to get my loads. Loved how you sucked me. I felt like there was no hurry. You just enjoyed sucking it and when I turned you over and used your ass, you just took it. Really nice." Nice indeed. I don't know what I did to deserve this big-dicked, multi-cumming top, but I'm hella thankful 🙏 .
    1 point
  30. I can add more to here, hooray!! My "Daddy" messaged me out the blue today asking if I was about, and I said I'd be home about 1.15pm. Exactly 1.15, doorbell rang and I let him in, me wearing nothing but tiny little booty shorts (his request) so he could grope me all the way to my sofa. He sat down, slowly removing his shirt and undoing his jeans while I took some deep hits of poppers. As soon as I saw his unwashed cheesy cock, I needed it. Sucking it clean over and over til Daddy was nice and hard. I bent over, knowing Daddy wanted to use my hole first, and my god it was amazing. His first load shot deep into my ass, just how I like it. But Daddy wasn't finished, he turned me around, pushed me to my knees and started fucking my mouth, letting my tongue clean his cock from my hole. A few more moments, and a second load, the sweet saltiness shooting straight down my throat. Then, he simply got up and left as always...... I now wait for the next message where I know I'll please him.
    1 point
  31. One of my most favourite cocks was I think about the sixth one I sucked I was early 20's, at that time I was bi and dabbling. The first couple of times I didn't really know what I was doing. My third or fourth time I'd started to normalize the act of sucking and come to terms with it. My fifth time he was a tad on the small side, but this sixth guy.... It was the end of a night out and there was a guy I knew as also bi in the office, kinda nervous with it I think. Our works do was being held in the Pink Triangle gay scene in Newcastle (UK), and I got kinda forward. I took him to the toilets, got on my knees like a pro and something....clicked. I went all out to give a perfect blowjob, the noises he was making screamed I was doing a good job and within 2minutes he came in my mouth. I swallowed the lot, he looked absolutely shagged out and blown away, I smoothly composed myself and returned to the bar like butter wouldn't melt - he followed me back out and people joked that he looked a bit flustered Im rarely that performance driven but, twenty years and hundreds of cocks later as a gay man, I often think back to that cock as being transformative. It wasn't the first, but it's one that made me think 'yep, I both enjoy this and I'm good at this' I got better too 😉
    1 point
  32. I woke up the next day with a raging hard on. The dildo slipped out of my pussy during the night, and there was a puddle of dry cum under me. It was a work day and I should get up as soon as possible and go to the office. But I all I could think of was how to get another dick because I AM JUST A SLUT! PART THREE I started wanking to give my hard cock some release. I believed that it would solve the issue for the duration of the office hours. I had to stick the dildo back in my pussy to enjoy the wank. After just couple minutes, I shot a big load all over my body. I got up from bed to go pee and then I went to my terrace to have a cig. Just as I lit it up, mere minutes after I shot my load, my dick was again getting hard and at that point, the pussy-itch came back with all of it’s power. I could not imagine going to the office immediately, so I took advantage of the fact that my working hours are not clearly set and nobody will worry If I come hour later. I jumped in a shower to douche and after that, I opened all the dating apps which I use to search for bare cock. I was lucky in an instant...I got a tap from a faceless profile, it just said that it’s married guy wanting to unload on a way to work, on the same route which I take! I messaged him to let him know that I am willing to offer my bare ass. Immediately, I received a reply that he will pick can pick me up in ten minutes. Lucky, lucky me! He was there even little sooner than 10 minutes after all, arriving just as I walked out of the door. He was good looking guy, nice suprise! I hopped in is car and noticed that his cock is out...and big! Just upon saying hello, I decided to take advantage of the fact that he’s drinving a van which has the cabin way above the cabins of regular cars and started blowing his cock as we drove. His dick was so comfy to suck that I forgot about the surroundings completely. After short time, I suddenly heard the engine being turned off. I opened my eyes to notice that we’re in some dirty dead-end road in some old, probably unused industrial area. In to time we moved to the back of the car which provided nice and comfy fucking place. Just as I wanted to take his dick back in my mouth, he stopped me to say „No, I would unload in your mouth immediately!“ I felt honored, but got the hint...I turned around to show him my horny pussy. „Oh my, it’s so beautiful!“ was all I heard him say before I felt his tongue on it. He started eating me like crazy. I was moaning like a tiger, loved every second. How come that married guys are often so good ass-eaters and fuckers, I don’t know...but I certainly don’t mind it. This guy deep-tongued me wildly and with apparent appetite. At one point I ended up almost thinking that I will not get his dick after all, but just couple seconds after I had this thought, I felt his dickhead on my pussy. He took no mercy with me and in one move, he thrusted his beautiful cock in my pussy balls deep. I was in heaven. My pussy was slightly loose from yesterdays fun but his big dick still stuffed me full. I felt his huge balls hitting my prostate and all I could think of was how big his load could be...I hoped that there must be a lot to unload in those big balls, and I was soon to find out. After some genuine tough fucking, he started fucking me even harder, while his rapid breathing indicated that he could not keep it for much longer. I started begging for his load loudly to get him to the edge, and it paid off. In couple seconds, he started screaming with passion while I felt the warm sperm inside my pussy. I was not mistaken, this felt like really big load. „17 days with no release,“ he suddenly said just as If he was reading my mind, „thank you for your incredible man-cunt!“ he added. I feld proud again, having just served a horny married man who did not hesitate to unload in some random slut. He stayed inside me for couple more minutes while we were hugging and kissing. Then we helped each other get back to the look suitable for going to work 🙂 I kept touching his bulge while he drove me back to nearest public transport station. We shared one final kiss and went our separate ways. I arrived to the office right in time for bi-weekly call with colleagues. I felt really naughty sitting there, listening to the presentation someone was just having on the call, while feeling the cum in my pussy. For entire day, it was incredibly difficult to focus on work. All I could think of were dicks of anon strangers. I had to go wank to the bathroom two times to just be able to read e-mails. I am pretty sure that all my work that day was lame and full of mistakes. On top of that, the time did not fly. One hour it was 12, and what felt like hour later was still just 12:05. The slower the time felt, the more I was looking forward to go back to cruising place in the evening. I was imagining various strangers of all looks and dick sizes to fuck me hard and unload in me, and no other thoughts were actually able to catch my attention, even though I had some non-sex thoughts during the day, too...but each time just for couple seconds. By the time 11PM came, my heart was pounding like crazy as I was walking towards crusing place again. I was so horny. I could clearly feel that my pussy is wide open and in need of some anon bare dicks. I had no expectations as to who I might meet there, just focused on wanting dicks. It soon turned out that this might have worked it’s magic. Just as I entered the park, somebody just flashed his cell phone flash light at me from the nearby bush. I felt no fear walking in. To my awe, there was a very sexy, very athletic looking grey wolf around 55...wearing tight shorts and some sporty knee socks. His shorts were so tight that even upon squeezing his crotch hard, it felt that he has a smaller dick, but I was soon in awe again when I unzipped his shorts and suddenly, quite big soft dick fell out from them into my hand and started getting hard...and big...very rapidly. I wasted no time and started sucking. In just seconds, his cock grew really big in my mouth. Not the longest that I’ve had, not the thickest that I’ve had, but definitely he was in at least XL category. I tried to deepthroat it as much as I could, but unfortunately my throat does not come along with huge dicks as easily as my pussy does, so I could only take around 2/3 of his dick. I knew that my pussy could provide much better experience to this big cock than mouth, so I stood back up after some more sucking and turned around to offer my hole. He accepted the invitation and started pushing his nice tool inside me. I was lucky to have second XL bare dick of the day inside me and it felt amazing. As I stated before, I rarely ever feel the slightest discomfort with huge dicks, and this one was no exception. I don’t know how to desrcibe it properly, but in some way having such cock in my pussy feels like the cock just found it’s home. As this sexy guy pumped my pussy hard, the bush right next to me started moving. In couple seconds, yet another nice guy appeared right in front of me, with his dick already out and hard, nearing my face. I had no other choice than to open my mouth and welcome the stranger, surprised of yet another XL dick! He started face fucking me while cheering the guy who was fucking me. It had it’s effect, and the guy behind me started using my hole even harder. I had to focus on pleasuring the two really thoroughly as at some points I felt like I’m gonna end up having anal orgasm and shoot my load without even touching my dick. My hard work paid off as soon the guy who was face fucking me shot a decent load in my throat. I enjoyed swallowing his load so much, but had to keep holding good for the guy who was fucking me. While he gave me an excellent fuck, he was the quiet kind of fucker, so I didn’t feel him nearing his load as the guy from morning...suddenly I just felt his warm load spreading inside me while he slowed down the pace of his fucking. Anyway, I was pleased to have his load and again felt proud as proper slut should feel. We said goodbye to each other and I decided to sit on nearby bench for couple minutes to have a joint. While I was enjoying the smoke, the park started seeming dead-silent. From where I was sitting, I had pretty good overview of large part of the park and within the 10 or so minutes of my chill time, I noticed no people anywhere, no movement, not even some small animals rustling around. While I enjoyed the suck/fuck hookup with the two sexy guys, the thought of the fun being over for the night made me little sad. I decided to keep hanging around the park for some more time. It could have been like a full hour of „ok, 10 more minutes and I go home“, but the park seemed as empty as it could possibly be. I started slowly walking back to the main park entrance, while peeking to the bushes around, but no sight of anybody. Just as I was about to check the very last set of bushes before exit, I heard a very slight movement somewhere around. I peeked into one of the bushes and there was a young guy around 20, again very good looking. It must have been some kind of lucky day. He motioned to me to come closer and take care of his cock. I did not object. I started sucking his half hard cock and again, it grew to very respectable dimensions. He had a nice thin soft foresking which was a pleasure to play with. I was hoping for more, though, so I asked him If he’d like to fuck me. Unfortunately he only wanted good blowjob. I felt little sorry, but on the other hand as I was enjoying blowing his dick a lot, I had no real issue with going on sucking. I was again doing my best to pleasure him, changing from deepthroating to mild and sensitive foreskin play. I found oral play with this guy very hot after all, and again totally forgot about the surroundings. I had no chance to ever notice that while I was sucking the guys dick, another guys had sneaked behind my partially stripped butt. Suddenly in the midst of deepthoating the first guy, I felt some hands pulling my pants lower and exposing my butt in jockstraps in full. For a tenth of a second it startled me as I heard nobody coming in, but I quickly got used to the situation and didn’t even stop sucking the first guy for a second to turn and see who was there. I just continued providing my best possible service to the first guy, while the anon stranger behing my started pushing a finger in my pussy. It felt like quite a thick finger which I always loved. He knew how to finger the slut indeed. He was circling his finger around the hole both outside and inside, massaging my prostate, pushing the finger in an out in random and unexpected rhytms, all which you can imagine when speaking of good finger playing. This guy’s timing for adding more fingers was top-notch. And not even knowing who is he made it so hot. I kept sucking the first guy for like 10 more minutes and for entire time, I was enjoying the best finger fucking I ever had in my life. I am sure that it will take many years to have a better fingering experience...If it will ever come. The first guy was enjoying the show, too...he kept cheering for the guy behind me and his cock was rock hard in my mouth, clearly about to shoot the load down my throat in upcoming seconds. When he started cumming, the guy behind me stuck three of his thick fingers in my pussy as deep as possible and praised the first guy for using my mouth. I swallowed every drop and made sure that I cleaned his dick well. Only after kissing the guy goodbye, I finally turned to see who’s behind me, still fingering my ass good. For a moment, I ended up speechless. This definitely was the lucky day! I never before thought of having some preferable type of guy, but now he was standing in front of me, or more precisely behind me, and he was perfect. The total alpha male. Ancient god. Tall, muscular, so handsome that it could literally make the ice melt. He looked like mix of young Bruce Willis and Xander Berkeley, with a hint of John Hamm. I think I fell in love with him in some way, upon first sight. „You are so beautiful!“ was all I managed to say while moaning upon feeling his thick fingers in my pussy. He gave me the killer smile and that took the rest of words from me for quite some time. I imagine that this is what Seventh heaven feels like. He was there, a perfect man, smiling at me with lust in his eyes, fingering me beautifully and...holding by far the biggest cock of the night in his other hand. It must have been like 25 cm and so nicely thick. Immediately I wanted to bend down to take it in my mouth, but he stopped me half-way through: „I can’t let you suck my dick, I would cum to soon.“ His manly deep voice was so calming that I gave up on my need of sucking with no problem, turning back around to allow him for better access to my pussy. He must have been enjoying fingering me as much as I did as he spent around 15 more minutes doing that and it did not get boring for single second. Ocasionally, he removed his fingers to spit on them to moisture my pussy more, even though he quickly recognized that there is already one load inside me. Each time he removed his fingers, I felt so empty and could not wait to get them back. He knew this and started teasing me very naughtily, taking his time before sticking his fingers back to my pussy and getting me hornier and hornier with every second. At one point, he was giving me the most beautiful prostate massage when he suddenly removed his fingers and kept me waiting. He was squeezing my buttocks and spitting on my hole for quite some time, making me begging for sticking the fingers back. Just as I said „Please, my pussy needs it bad,“ I suddenly felt the head of his dick on my hole and immediately, he started pushing in. As huge as his cock was, again I had it balls deep in my pussy in no time, and having it in me proved that this is really a man just for my needs. It literally felt like I was born for his specific cock, thousand times better than feeling dick of any guy I ever loved. My alpha man proved to be even more excellent fucker than finger fucker. He started sliding back and forth slowly, but full length, which was amazing feeling. I find it hard describing properly how did it feel when he switched to more rapid pace, especially as I got hooked on his dirty talking. As he was giving me the fuck of my life, he started calling me slut...and cunt...bitch who wants nothing else than to walk around the park with pussy full of cum, offering it to more strangers…calling me the whore who needs him load...All I could reply was „Yes.“ or „You’re right“, which sent him over the edge soon. He just managed to add: „You fucking horny slut!“ before pushing his dick as deep as possible and shooting ropes and ropes of cum. I felt every stream hitting my insides and there were lots of them. At that point, I was again speechless. I was just moaning heavily, thinking that while all the today’s fucks were top-notch, the previous guys seem like average experience compared to this perfect total alpha man. If sluts can feel something like a true love for the random fucker, I think I feel it. Till now. The guy spent around 10 more minutes with me, just thanking each other for amazing experience and having small casual talk. Entire time we have been smiling at each other like crazy and while we admitted to each other that we’re partnered, I believe that we both felt that we’re on the same wavelength. He hugged me before saying goodbye and for a moment, I ended up standing there just replaying the experience and wondering how is it even possible to meet such perfect man on crusing place. Writing this post week later, I still feel little bit of some kind of love to this man, even though I had 16 other guys in between, starting with the one who came to me while I was wondering about the perfect man, still on the same place just minutes after the perfect man came. I was still in some sort of trance when I felt the newcomer pushing his cock to my cummy pussy. I did not resist and let him slide in balls deep, again to feel that it is nice XL dick. I bent deeper to let him have full access and he spent no time switching to rough fuck with no mercy. I did my best not to let much cum leak outside my hole as I wanted to feel it there as long as possible, but I could feel a stream of it leaking out and slowly flowing down along my leg. It felt hot and made my balls want to release, too, but I wanted to cum only after getting back home. I focused all my mind to my pussy just in time to feel the man’s dick shooting his load inside me. He pulled out soon afterwards, said Bye and disappeared in the bushes. I felt good and used, although I have to say that this last fuck couldn’t compare to the alpha man even in the wildest dream. Anyway, I called it quits for the night and went back home. On my way, the cum in my hole felt so good. All the guys today seemed to be heavy cummers and my pussy felt full. I even had to stop the walk at times and tighten my pussy as much as possible in order to not let all of the cum leak out. I managed to somehow make it to home while loosing just a tiny bit of cum. I was glad that it was night, because my slutwalk must have been pretty obvious even for the nuns. Only after getting home and creating a comfy place to lay on with legs wide apart, I allowed myself to let the cum flow out, but not before I set up a phone camera to take a video of that. While I felt all the cum leaking out, I could not believe how much of a cum it feels to be, yet I ended up shocked about the volume when I looked under me. I had to lick it before shoving dildo in my ass again. Only then I could shoot my load. The video did not turn out well unfortunately, but I keep trying. TO BE CONTINUED.
    1 point
  33. Double Ass Up 2 So it's Thursday and I just got a text message from the other bottom guy I played with in the previous installment. We're planning on meeting up again tomorrow to both go ass up and take loads again but he just suggested we meet tonight for something different. I told him I was intrigued and he texted me a hotel name and room number and told me to meet him outside in 1/2 hour. When I got there he told me he's getting the urge to top again for the first time in years. I realized that actually sounded pretty good to me too. I also have not topped in an awfully long time. The room number he sent me was not one he had reserved, but some other anonymous guy who wold be ass up and ready in a dark room just like we were. He told me he had been messaging with this guy and it was his first time doing anything and that he was very inexperienced at being a bottom but excited to try this, just like we both had been our first time doing it. And the best part was this guy was neg, not on PrEP and pretty clueless. Hearing that made my little cock spring to attention. Knowing that both my new friend and I were recently pozzed and toxic as hell with that high VL of the recently converted. As we knew it would be the door was kept open by the little metal thing and we both went in. After taking a few seconds for our eyes to adjust to the darkness we spotted the guy in the middle of the bed, ass up just like he is supposed to be. We both wasted no time in dropping trou and with dicks already hard we climbed onto the bed, my friend started feeling up the bottoms ass while I reached under and started to stroke his dick. My friend lubed up from the bottle on the nightstand and inserted a lubed finger into the guy's hole causing him to moan out and then he pulled it out and pushed two fingers in, causing a louder moan. He then got into position and started to slide his dick head up and down in the guys crack until it found the guy's pucker and he started to push in. It took a second but his dick opened the guy's hole up and slid all the way inside until his pubes were brushing the guy's ass and his balls were nestled against his taint. He groaned out in pleasure as the bottom moaned again with pain and pleasure. He sat there for a second and I started slowly stroking the bottom's dick having acquired some lube from the bottle myself. I also held a fresh bottle of poppers under the bottom's nose which he inhaled greedily. As soon as the bottom was ready he pulled back out and then slammed back in. Then he started a jackrabbit rhythm, the air filled with the smell of lube, sweat and man sex and the sounds of skin slapping and moans and groans of pleasure. It wasn't long until I noticed my friend's pumping becoming more erratic and I saw his balls start to pull up so I knew he would be filling the bottom guy's ass with charged cum soon. My friend roared out and then as he pulled his dick out with a pop he whispered in the bottom's ear "you just took my poz load". I could see the bottom all of a sudden tense up, but I was already there and as my friend moved off I mounted the raised ass and shoved my cock into the now well fucked ass before he could escape. I was so excited that I was pounding away as fast as my friend had and also found that unlike normal, I was quickly close to cumming myself. I felt my friend massaging my balls as I was pumping and that pushed me over the edge and my cock started throbbing and I could feel the hot jets of my cum spraying as deep into the guy's ass as I could possibly get. I also realized I had be practically shouting "fuck fuck fuck" as I came. Ooops... hope the motel doesn't get pissed. Then again, this place is seedy as hell so probably not. Like my friend I also whispered in the guy's ear that I just gifted him a high VL poz load. Almost before I could finish I was pulled off by a big black guy who told me that he was next and to get out of the way. By this time the bottom guy was not fighting to get away at all and almost sobbing as he realized what was happening. I watched as the black guy slammed his dick in one stroke causing the bottom to squeal out. This guy's dick was at least twice as big as either my friend or I, not that in my case was saying much, but the black guy had to be at least 9" and thick as a Red Bull can. He quickly started long stroking the bottom and my eyes now well accustomed to the light I noticed a biohazard tattoo on his ass. Yep... 3rd poz load on it's way. It was then I noticed there were at least 7 or 8 other guys stroking their dicks and waiting their turn. My friend was on his knees sucking one guy who just got there to get him hard. I decided to do the same with the next guy through the door. Looking at the guys waiting I noticed that several of them also sported tattoos noting their status. My friend and I stayed until all the guys left and it seemed like nobody else was going to show up. We both took a second turn on the bottom. As we got ready to leave my friend told the guy that he had called all his "regulars" which is why so many had come. And I knew, why so many of them were poz and not on meds. The guy seemed a little shell shocked but my friend told him he'd be OK and to get tested in a week or so and then get back to him. So later that night my friend texted me again about tomorrow night. He told me it would be "Triple Ass Up", because the other bottom guy would be joining us. He figured since it was already guaranteed he was pozzed up he might as well jump in all the way. I like the way he thinks! Continue?
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Thanks sfmike, Brian def needs more loads
    1 point
  36. This year Folsom Berlin was the best event for my brother and me. I hope it's the same for Folson San Francisco
    1 point
  37. I have this mid 20s guy who's into Daddies. Big cock and good fucker. Always good for two loads. Once he brought a mate. Cock not as big but an enthousiastic top and a cum cannon! BIG loads. So when my FB suggested another threesome with him I was all for it. 😉 So Sunday afternoon they got over. Gawd! This was good! Took turns fucking me. Spitroasted. Serviced both their cocks. Mate was the first to pump a load in me. FB fucked his mate's load in deeper and added his. A break with me sucking their dicks and another round of fucking. Mate blasted another load in my mouth when FB was fucking me from behind and I was sucking him. FB added one more in my ass. And then Mate wanted to fuck again and shot his third deep in my ass. Five loads! Fucking good!!
    1 point
  38. Lunch time fun! I just went to a deli to get a sandwich and was online waiting to pay. Felt a tap on my shoulder turned around and saw I guy i played with a few months ago. We both smiled and he said want to go to my place to eat that? I said i have about an hour. Got to his place and was close by. As soon as I got there we walked in and he said go to the shower i now have an attachment. I stripped and saw the hose on the shower and got a good cleaning. I got out and didn't see him he called me from the bedroom. I saw him standing there naked and hard and said get on all fours on the bed and get that ass to me. I did and felt a tongue on my hole then deep. Heard him breathing heavy then was given a bottle to sniff then felt very hot lube the he rubbed on my hole with then felt him slip is cock in. Then he said your my cunt as he pushed in deep and hard i fell flat on the bed as he got on top and thrusted for a while. He pumped so hard and fast i said slowdown so you dont cum fast but too late he moaned load and felt him explode as he laid on me catching his breath. He then got up turned me over a sucked me with fingers in me digging around my dripping hole and found my prostate it was an insense feeling and my cock exploded in his mouth and I almost passed out from it. He laid back and said lets eat. So naked we both went to the kitchen and ate our lunch. My seat had cum on it when i got up to dress and leave.
    1 point
  39. Agreed, that marks a slut.
    1 point
  40. Definitely not, I keep it private but I did have a scare once. I was at the club and had already taken 4 loads and was about to get my 5th when I looked up to see my sister’s husband across the room balls deep in a guy. I quietly snuck out without him seeing me. Wether he did or not I don’t know, nothings ever been said.
    1 point
  41. Im actually Black unlike most other responders. It is racist and offensive. A big turn off from strangers. For me, its fake respect and fake admiration. There's race play but that's consensual. There is nothing sexy about being reminded by strangers that you are discriminated against where it jeopardizes your life and quality of life. And then have someone who has no idea what's like to reduce you to a body part to be used while dismissing your struggle, that it's rooted in white supremacy or the fight for your very humanity.. Its not worship, it's a dismissive fantasy and discrimination. No one calls latinos "brown dick" or asians "yellow dick" or indigenous people "red dick". But its okay in porn or sexual fantasy to do it to Black men?? Check out Race Cooper, sex worker and now activist, he has a whole podcast about it. Most people reading here wont respect or dismiss this insight provided but then its not for you. Its for the people who genuinely care, are curious and respect their fellow human...even when fantasizing. Consent is sexy. Even consenting to be used. Peace.
    1 point
  42. By Sunday morning, Brock had fully recovered. In fact, he felt better than new. His virus was like a Marvel Comics symbiote, feeding off his own life, but lending him its own strengths and will. God he could be such a nerd sometimes. He stepped out of the shower wrapped his towel around his waist, and began working his way through his morning routine. He couldn't help but feel like things were off every time he caught a glance of himself in the mirror. Like he was looking at someone else's reflection. Brock couldn't shake that feeling as he threw on some sweatpants and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. As he sat down at the table with his cereal, he found a note. "Working a double. There's money in your account if you want to go shop for some clothes for senior pictures. If you want to go together, I will keep next Saturday open. Hope you're feeling better. Love, Mom" For the first time in the last 5 weeks, Brock felt a pang of guilt. His mom would lose her mind if she knew what he'd been up to. She was just starting to come to terms with him being gay. Everything else would probably break her. She just wouldn't understand. He shot a quick text off to Dale to say he felt better and would be headed up to the mall in the late morning. He finished his cereal and went back to his room. He put on compression shorts and jeans, his usual, and checked himself in the mirror. Something still felt off. That was when he felt it. He felt like his dick was struggling against the compression shorts. Thoughts of symbiotes returned. He rummaged through his underwear. He found a couple old pairs of regular boxer briefs and an old jock. He tried them on. Well, tried to. None of them fit him anymore. Brock had always been a big guy. Always tall for his age, but he had also been pretty husky until last year. His last big growth spurt - combined with two years of at least five hours a week of lifting and cardio - had turned him into something of a hunk. Broad, muscular shoulders and arms, muscular chest. From there, his body tapered to a narrower waist, followed immediately by his firm, muscular ass and thighs and calves. He tossed his older, too loose underwear aside and started to put his compression shorts back on when inspiration hit. He tossed those on top of the pile of things that didn't fit anymore as well and pulled his jeans on over his bare skin. He stole another glance at himself in the mirror. Hard, his dick was about 9" and uncut. Soft, he Ranged from 5"-6" depending on the weather and how horny he was. The thinner, well-worn denim left little to the imagination. Today was pleasantly warm and he was very horny despite his marathon fucking of his uncle. His bulge was prominent down the left side of his jeans. His reflection didn't feel as "off" anymore. As he was pulling on a henley, his phone chirped. His uncle Dale had responded. "What's bringing you to town?" "School clothes" "2128 Main St. South. Tell them I sent you. Might see you there." Brock grabbed his keys and headed out the door. ---------- "Valhalla Outfitters" the signage read. There were no display windows and the windows to the interior were tinted darkly enough Brock couldn't see inside. For a moment, he thought about getting back in his car and driving up to the mall to buy the two pairs of jeans American Eagle would have in his size and some shirts from the gap. However, he was outvoted by the virus and his dick. If his uncle had recommended the place, there had to be a reason. When he walked in, he felt like he understood a bit better. The sales floor looked like a Hollister run by someone with all the apparel fetishes. The sales floor had everything from men's "Daisy Dukes" to bespoke suits. He spotted an entire wall of designer underwear but stopped himself short of making a B-line to it. Forcing himself to take a detour to what he could only describe as the lumberjack emporium. He was browsing a rack of summer and fall weight flannel when he heard someone clear their throat nearby. He looked over and did a double take. "What can I help you find today, young man." The man speaking to him was the man with glasses he'd seen in the basement of the Block that fateful night. The man didn't appear to recognize him. "Um..I'm looking for back to school clothes. My uncle Dale recommended this place." The man's demeanor shifted a bit at the mention of my uncle's name. "Let's get your measurements, then, and I'll have someone pull some things to try on. I'm Iain. Baxter." He walked Brock back toward the fitting rooms. Brock had only been measured once before when he was the ring bearer in his cousin's wedding. He was 6. He expected the process to be more uncomfortable. Other than the ridiculous number of measurements, it was uneventful. Iain walked Brock out of the fitting area. "Wait here," he said and disappeared behind a door marked "employees only" on a brass placard. Branded into the wood next to the placard was the stylized scorpion he had watched tattooed onto Zeke. The same tattoo his uncle had on his abdomen. Brock could feel the blood rushing to his member and knew that if he had any stimulation of his penis - even a small flex of his erectile musculature, the dam would break and he would have a raging erection.
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  43. For what felt like an hour, Dale sat on the futon, holding his nephew in a strong, warm embrace. Their naked bodies radiated heat to each other. Dale sampled a healthy portion of his nephew's cum before retrieving clean towels from a nearby shelf. He helped his nephew clean up. "It's late. You should probably have been home some time ago, bud," Dale said. "Yeah. I should get dressed," Brock dressed quickly as his uncle watched. Traces of lust still danced behind his uncle's eyes. After Brock pulled his shirt on, Dale handed him the same card Brock had seen thrown at Zeke in the video. On the back he'd handwritten a phone number. "If the virus takes, you're going to get pretty sick. Call or text me. Seriously," Dale said. It didn't really come across as a request. And then he kissed his nephew on the forehead and walked him back past the heavy black curtain to his office. The disheveled man Brock had seen head back to the booths shortly after he'd arrived was sitting in front of the desk. He looked worse for the wear with some fresh bruises coming through on his face and a split lip oozing dark red blood. One eye was swollen almost completely closed. The cashier sat on the corner of the desk next to the man, looking quite menacing with some fresh abrasions on his knuckles and an ice pack pressed to his jaw. Brock's uncle quickly took stock of the situation. "You'll have to see yourself out, Brock. This demands my immediate attention," Dale said in a suddenly serious, no-nonsense tone. Brock left his uncle and the two other men behind in the office and stepped back out into the store, nearly running into the man from the front row of the basement. He was headed for the door. All the effort of the night finally caught up with Brock and he felt very suddenly weary. He followed after the man, trying not to seem like he was pursuing him. As Brock stepped out of the store into the pitch dark September night, he saw the man getting into a Volvo parked on the curb. There was a single bumper sticker. It read "Park Village Thunder." Brock's heart leaped into his throat as he quickly crossed the parking lot to his own car and got in. He threw his hat on top of his letter jacket. His Park Village High School letter jacket, with the Thunder logo embroidered on the chest. ---------- The next three weeks felt like the longest weeks to ever fly by. Not a single day passed without some thought about that night at the Block. Some days it was a nagging half thought in the back of his mind. Some days he milked four loads from his dick before lunch thinking about everything that happened. On only two occasions had he really reflected on his decision willingly expose himself to HIV. He had concluded that he had no regrets and that if his uncle uncle's viral juices didn't convert him, he would try again after a month. On October 3rd, Brock knew his uncle had been successful. He woke feeling like he'd been hit by a truck. He had a fever and chills, he felt weak and had no appetite. His mom called him out of school before she headed off to work. As soon as Brock was confident she was gone, he texted his uncle "Woke up feeling like hell. Pretty sure you did itheb rnfhshsjfk dhdh h .?" An hour later, Dale was using a credit card to let himself into his nephew's house. He found Brock passed out in his bed. His phone had more gibberish typed into an unsent message. He was sweaty, but sleeping peacefully. Dale took the time to arrange him a bit more comfortably. Then he set about putting together some bland food for when his nephew woke. Then he crawled in bed behind him and held him until he started to stir. Brock would wake, have a bit of the food prepared for him and alternate sleeping and spooning his uncle until about an hour before his mom would get home. This continued for four more days. On day 5 of his conversion, Brock woke with his uncle's arms around him and a wrought iron beam between his legs. He was painfully hard. The virus had woken something slumbering deep within him. Without a word, he maneuvered himself between his uncle's legs and pushed Dale's feet back toward his head. Dale woke from his own dozing to the squelch of his nephew's precum in his hole as Brock was beginning to work his cock in. Dale gave no resistance. In fact, he seemed as though this was exactly what he was waiting for. Brock fucked Dale slowly, weak from his illness and hazy from the steady doses of poppers he and his uncle were using. When Brock was too weak, Dale would trade him places and ride him. Slowly milking his next load. In total, Brock filled his uncle with seven loads over 6 hours. Brock wasn't sure if these were his last negative loads or his first charged ones. They were probably both. All he knew was the little voice from the back of his mind that they must be inside someone. That all of his future loads must be inside someone. As Dale was getting ready to leave, he hugged his nephew and handed him A folded slip of paper. "Meet me here. Next Saturday afternoon," he said. He kissed his nephew once more on the forehead and left.
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  44. As Brock was herded back up the stairs by the cashier, he noticed the cold of the wet patch covering most of his left thigh from where his own copious precum had saturated his jeans. At the top of the stairs, Brock expected to be taken back to the register, or maybe worst case he'd be kicked out, so he was surprised when he was escorted to a room in the back. It appeared to be an office of some kind. The beat up desk took up most of the room. A heavy black curtain covered the wall behind the desk. On the wall opposite the curtain was the only thing that looked like it was bought this decade: a massive flat screen TV that looked brand new. "Have a seat." The cashier commanded. Brock immediately dropped into one of the mismatched chairs. "Look, I'll leave. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to go down there. It's my first time...," he blabbered. He was nervous. Who could blame him. From somewhere nearby, Brock heard a creak like a door hinge and the shuffling of feet. "Fuck! Stay here." The man barked and quickly exited the room. As soon as he was out of the door, Brock shot up out of his chair and started pacing around the room. He assessed his situation quickly and decided to make a break for it and get out of there. As he passed the desk, he saw the remote to the TV and another DVD case. The paper insert read "090305 'Zeke' 22," this time in blue sharpie. Brock stopped in his tracks as though he'd run into a brick wall of curiosity. Mixed with libido. He was still mostly hard despite the terror of the ordeal. And Zeke and Dale were fucking hot. Any chance to see more of them, he would take. He listened very intently to see if the cashier was coming back. He heard only silence. Before he thought more about it, he snatched up the remote, turned the TV on and hit play. The timestamp in the corner was 09/03/2005. Yesterday. Brock understood the first numbers on the handwritten cases. The room on screen was the same as the film dowstairs but the futon was nowhere to be seen. Brock recognized both people on screen. On what looked like a medical exam table was Zeke, once again in his boxers. He still looked like a surfer twink just as before. But he looked a bit worse for the wear. His eyes were a bit sunken and he looked like he had lost a bit of muscle tone. The second was not Dale. It was the man who had just left the room. The store's cashier was finishing setting up equipment next to the table. He pulled on latex gloves Brock recognized Dale's voice when he spoke from behind the camera, "Welcome back, Zeke. How was the rest of your summer." "It was fine," Zeke responded neutrally, "went home for a bit. Moved into an apartment for my senior year since I just have my big professional development class. Don't need the distraction of the dorms." "And how are you feeling," Dale asked, emphasizing the last word. "I'm poz, if that's what you're asking," Zeke responded coolly. "Was a three day ordeal from hell, but I knew to expect it at least. Told my parents it must have been an out of season flu." "Are you ready for the next phase of initiation?" "...yeah," Zeke sounded weary, but also excited. Like he had been a roulette wheel of feelings about this moment for two months and had landed on acceptance "Excellent. Two questions before we begin First have you, to your knowledge, received the HIV virus from anyone other than me prior to or since your initiation? Zeke shook his head. "I need a verbal answer," Dale chided. "No." Zeke responded definitively. "Second, did you start antiretroviral therapy?" "Of course I did. I'm undetectable." Zeke replied. "Green." Dale said, though this was directed at the cashier, who turned back to the equiment. "You are about to be branded as a member of the Scorpion Society. It is an international brotherhood of poz men. You will find a nest of us in every major city in the world and many rural communities. Like this one." It sounded like Dale had given this speech many times. "Each nest is headed by a Jarl, that's me, who holds the original strain of that nest. Each Jarl may have up to two Thanes of his choosing. The Thanes are hand selected and convertedd personally by the Jarl to ensure their strain is as pure as possible. Jarls and Thanes are identified by their orange scorpion tattoos." Brock realized he was rubbing his dick through his jeans again. HIV had been a footnote in his "abstinence only" sex education curriculum. He had never even considered it as something he might encounter in his life. He had definitely never considered there were people who were so open and clinical about it. Who spread it intentionally. The thought of it was triggering some side of him he had absolutely no control over. "Thanes are not allowed to be on ART. If a Thane starts ART, he loses status and joins the citizenry and a new one will take his place. Citizens bear green scorpion tattoos." The cashier showed Zeke his forearm, which had a scorpion tattoo identical to Dale's, but in a dark green. "Tell Walt where you want your tattoo and he will get started." Zeke gestured to the right side of his torso. Walt set to work. Dale continued: "Citizens can partake in all membership benefits and have open access to all member facilities. Your only obligation as a citizen is to the Jarls and Thanes. You are to submit your hole to them at their command. Immediately and without question. In the event you go off ART and infect someone, they are not considered citizens of this society and they will be excluded from citizenship due to their tainted strain. Benefits of citizenship transfer to other nests, should you travel or move Do you understand these guidelines?" "I understand." Zeke said with finality. Brock was transfixed by what he was seeing and hearing. At some point, he had unbuttoned his jeans and taken them and his boxer briefs down to his thighs. His hand was wrapped around his uncut dick, idly stroking his length as his precum ran down the length of his shaft to his hand. He slicked his dick up and still more dribbled onto his underwear and the floor. He had always been an extremely heavy precummer. He heard a rustle behind him and an ice cold chill raced down his spine. He fumbled to turn the TV off and quickly turned to see someone stepping out from behind the heavy black curtain.
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  45. Brock stepped off the last concrete step into a short, narrow hallway. In the room beyond, he could see there were mismatched sofas ranging from floral paisley that looked like it had been lifted directly out of his grandmother's family room to a broken down leather La-Z-Boy that appeared to have lived a short, hard life in a frat house. Brock crept to the door and surveyed the very dim room in front of him. There were 10 sofas in total facing one of the unfinished concrete walls like theater seating. That appeared to be the goal, as there was a porno flick playing on the unfinished wall from a beat up projector. That was the only source of light in the room. Four men were scattered amongst the sofas. A mid 40s, average build business man in a Grey suit sat on the paisley sofa nearest the door with a very obvious erection under his suit pants, idly rubbing himself through the fabric. A muscular guy in designer label clothes sat in the far back corner, an obscene bulge quite evident in his joggers but he didn't seem to be giving much attention to it or the flick. A slight, nebbish man who wore a plaid button up and khakis sat transfixed on the film, the film reflecting off his glasses contrasting with how still he sat. The last guy was dressed much like Brock. He was seated in the front row, so Brock couldn't tell much about him other than he wore a ball cap, a plain shirt, and jeans. Of the four on the sofas, he was the only one who appeared to notice Brock, turning his head slightly toward the door. The porno on the wall appeared to be something very low budget. In fact, it looked like a home movie that had been recorded on a Handycam or something. The timestamp in the corner read 07/03/2005, which was two months ago, and the title was "Zeke." A younger guy - probably in his early 20s - with long blond hair was sitting in his boxers on a cheap metal futon being interviewed by someone out of frame. "So what brought you here tonight, Zeke?" The guy out of frame asked. Brock turned his attention away as Zeke was starting to answer. Behind the sofas, the projector sat on top of a half wall. A fifth guy stood behind the wall. His pants and briefs were around his ankles and he was stroking himself hard. He was a stocky guy and from the look of his stiffer-by-the-second dick, he had a short, beer can thick dick. Brock was a bit taken aback that someone was just openly jerking off, but he was immediately reminded how horny he was as his teenage dick strained against the tight denim of his jeans. The man saw Brock, then he used some spit to slick his cock up a little and continued wanking while staring openly at Brock for a few seconds before turning back to the film. Set into the walls on the left half of the room were four small alcoves. Small amounts of light from the central room barely made it into them and they were pitch black otherwise. Still more curious than anything, Brock started toward the nearest. Inside, there was another guy jerking off. He had tied twine around his dick and scrotum in some kind of home made Oxballs style cockring. His average sized dick was engorged and purple under the constraint of his knot work. He idly played with his dick, leaking some precum which he was enthusiastically licking from his fingers. He nodded to Brock, which may have been an invitation. Brock was oblivious, though, as he continued to the next alcove. Inside, he found a very roughly constructed plywood "table" at about the right height for fucking. An orange light bulb cast an eerie glow on the table. No one was in that alcove currently. The last two alcoves were two entrances into the same small, dark room. Inside were two construction workers. They still wore their vests. Each of them had his pants undone and around his thighs. Both appeared to have above average dicks. Kneeling in front of them was a man who had to be in his 60s. He wore nothing but a jockstrap. He was alternating sucking each of the dicks in front of him. "I'm gonna cum," one of the construction guys announced casually. The older man took his dick all the way down his throat and swallowed every drop of the man's seven inch uncut dick before turning his attention to the other dick. The guy who'd cum stuffed his dick back in his pants, buttoned up, and walked out of the alcove past Brock. Brock turned back to the film. Zeke had been joined on camera by a second man, Dale. The new guy was middle age. Dark hair and eyes. A bit taller than Zeke, but Zeke didn't look particularly tall. Dale looked like the "best friend's hot dad" in every teen sex comedy movie. Neatly trimmed beard, just a little bit of gray starting to come through, obviously knew his way around the gym. USDA Grade A Certified DILF. Zeke was now standing naked with his hands clasped in front of his groin. He looked a bit more uncomfortable now. Dale was walking around him groping him and pointing out tattoos and other details about him. Everywhere he would touch, the cameraman would get a closeup. "Alright, now we need some closeups of your dick and your ass, and then we can start the next part of the interview," Dale said as casually as if he were asking him to make some copies or fetch a coffee. Zeke seemed reluctant, but he eventually unclasped his hands. He had a decent size dick, even totally soft. "Oh yeah, this is going to work great, Zeke," Dale said enthusiastically. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his semi-hard dick. Commando. Brock had watched a lot of porn. I mean, A LOT of porn. But he had rarely seen anything this...rough. There was no editing to speak of, just one continuous shot from the single camcorder. Everything about it felt so amateur and real. Brock's dick pulsed it's approval. Dale had one of the largest dicks Brock had ever seen. "Might be as big as mine," he thought. The only word he could think of to describe it was "photogenic." Thick with a couple prominent veins. Large head, but proportionate with the rest of the shaft. "Show me what you can do," Dale said, gesturing to his cock. Zeke got down on his knees and took the head of the man's dick in his mouth. Brock found his way over to an empty couch in the back and his left hand went straight for the steel pipe in his own jeans. He realized he hadn't touched his own dick since he'd gotten here. Even through his jeans he felt like he could explode instantly. In the flick, Dale was groaning as Zeke worked his head and the first bit of the shaft. He placed his hand on the back of Zeke's head and was less than gently coaxing Zeke further down his shaft. Zeke seemed to be much more comfortable with Dale's meaty head against his tonsils than the had been minutes ago. Zeke was also quite talented from the look of it. Before long, Dale's entire dick was sliding effortlessly in and out of his throat, skullfucking Zeke. A mixture of fluids dripped off Zeke's face as he accepted the massive length and girth of Dale's dick into his throat. A hunger burned behind his eyes. "Please fuck me, sir," Zeke coughed out during a quick break when Dale had pulled completely out to show the camera his dick layed across Zeke's face. "You sure you're ready, kid?" Dale chided. Zeke responded by scooping up a handful of the fluids still on his face and smearing between his cheeks. Then he laid back on the futon and presented his hole to Dale. Dale took off his shirt. Between his navel and his pelvis, on his muscular lower abdominals, he had a single tattoo: an orange scorpion. It wasn't a complicated tattoo, but it was exquisitely done. On screen, Zeke asked if the tattoo meant what he thought it meant. Dale didn't answer, he just shucked his pants and began smearing precum on Zeke's waiting hole directly from the head of his massive dick. "Does that mean what I think it means!?!" Zeke said more urgently this time. He looked genuinely terrified. He began to squirm, but Dale had him in a bad position and 40 extra pounds of leverage. Brock found himself confused, but undeniably aroused by the scene on the screen. Why had Zeke been so terrified of a tattoo? What did the tattoo mean? "This is gonna hurt," Dale said as he plunged his massive member into Zeke's hole. He had slicked Zeke's hole and his own cock with a generous amount of precum, but even that was not enough to prepare Zeke. Zeke screamed. He writhed. The pain was evident in every fiber of Zeke's body. Dale was clearly enjoying it, but he held back for the benefit kd the camera. The cameraman got a close up of Dale's cock impaling Zeke's hole. You could see Zeke's hole spasm, trying desperately to eject the sudden intrusion. Dale didn't move much until Zeke had calmed down a bit. As Zeke's hole adjusted, Dale began short, slow strokes in his hole. "Yes, the scorpion tattoo means what you think it means," he said matter of factly. "You told me you were serious about becoming a member," he added. "The club...," Zeke sputtered. "I wanted to join the fuck club, not get POZZED!" "They are one and the same," Dale replied. "Trust me, the benefits are worth it." The pleasure of the fuck was beginning to set in for Zeke. His cries and sharp breathing were quickly turning into moans and panting for more. Dale pulled his dick out of Zeke. The coating of juices on his dick had streaks of red through it. He flipped Zeke over face down on the futon. He plunged his cock back into Zeke's battered hole with the full weight of his muscular body behind it. Zeke was rocking his hips on every thrust to let more of Dale penetrate him. Dale shoved Zeke's head into the mattress of the futon as he slammed his dick into Zeke's puffy hole. The cameraman got a closeup of Zeke's angry red pucker as Dale hammered his length into him. The camera panned back out to a wider shot and Dale wrapped his muscular arm around Zeke's neck. "I'm going to poz you up, kid. And then sex will never be complicated again. You want fucked. You take cum. Someone wants to fuck you. You take cum." Dale said, mere centimeters from Zeke's ear. Dale slowed down his strokes. "Do you want it, Zeke? Do you want to fuck freely? Do you want more sex than you can possibly imagine?" "I want it," Zeke mumbled. "Say it like you mean it, kid." Dale had pulled Zeke up against his chest by his hair, his dick still dripping red tinged fluids. It was poised just outside the wreckage that used to be a sphincter, looking very much like a stinger ready to inject a lethal dose of venom. "I WANT IT! I WANT YOU TO POZ ME" Zeke shouted. Dale threw him back down on the bed, inserted his dick firmly into Zeke's hole, and, as if on cue, began emptying his toxic payload into Zeke's guts. The camera captured every flex and spasm of Dale's dick. In agonizing detail. Every spurt of cum was clear as Dale's venom painted the inside of Zeke's guts. "Welcome to the nest, initiate." Dale said as he pulled out and disappeared out of frame. Zeke stayed face down on the futon as the camera got some closeups of his ruined hole. The cameraman's arm appeared from out of frame and threw a business card onto Zeke's back. It was black with a scorpion embossed in an amber orange color on the side facing the camera. "Instructions." The cameraman said and then the camera was put down on a tripod or something, still recording Zeke. Zeke sat back down on the futon. For the second time, Brock noticed Zeke's cock, but now it was rock hard. It was fairly long. Probably around 7 inches. And average thickness. Zeke slicked his hand with some of the juices seeping out of his hole and jerked himself off without ceremony. Zeke was dressing himself on screen when suddenly Brock felt a hand grab his shoulder. He yelped and sprang up from the couch. He whipped around to see the cashier from upstairs with a stern look on his face. "This area is for members only," he droned, grabbing Brock's shoulder again and pushing him toward the door to the stairs. "I...uh...I was looking for. Uh. Bathroom? I thought the bathroom was down here." As the older man escorted him to the stairs, he stopped to take the disc out of the player hooked up to the projector and put a new one in. He put the disc in one of those plain sleeve cases labeled "070305 'Zeke' 22."
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  46. My goal is to get them to switch places , or better yet, get them to dp my ass.
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  47. Dawn was breaking by the time they finished with me. My face and bottom were covered in spunk, and my belly felt like it had been pumped full of it a well. I manged to retrieve my clothes and crawled out onto the beach. I dressed, but realised I still couldn’t go home like this. I remembered an old, brick toilet set back from the beach in some bushes and thought there might be a basin I could wash the worst of the filth off. There didn’t seem to be anyone around, so I crept up to the building and went inside. It smelt of piss and damp. There were some urinals and cubicles and a cracked wash basin which had running water. I took off my trousers and peeled my underpants off my sticky buttocks and ran some water in the bowl. It was difficult, but I managed to raise one leg on to the edge so I could apply water to my arsehole which was puffy and sore. Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps and a short, fat man came through the door. He was wearing stained overalls, rubber boots and was carrying a mop and bucket. I froze with shock, and he grinned as he saw my bare arse and the puffy slit between the cheeks. “’ello.” He said. “what’s all this? Got yourself fucked did you?” I lowered my leg and stood there miserably as he laughed at my discomfort. “That’s why I like the early shift,” He said. “There’s often some dirty bastard washing his bum hole in the morning.” He put the bucket down and unzipped the front of his overalls. He had a fat, hairy belly and around the belly button was a large biohazard tattoo. When he pulled the zipper lower, a thick cock with a large mushroom cock fell into his fist and swelled into erection. “You alright in there, Mick?” Shouted a voice from outside. “Oh yeah,” He called back, turning me round and bending me over the washbasin. He dug out a battered tin of Vaseline and smeared it over my gaping hole. “This won’t take long, mate!” I felt his cock pushing into me. It forced my hole further open around the mushroom head, then slid into my gut with a delicious sliding feeling. “I’ll just clean the ladies, then, shall I?” Called the voice from outside. Mick was thrusting in and out, gasping with pleasure as he sodomised me over the basin. “Y..you…ooof…yeah you do that!” He gasped, lifting his belly onto my backside and going deeper up me. I was crushed over the cold porcelain as he worked himself to a climax. “Here it comes you dirty sod!” He grunted and I felt his cock throbbing inside me as he added his spunk to the cum already swimming inside me. “That’s better.” He sighed, pulling his cock out, wiping it with a dirty cloth and zipping up his overalls before wiping my bottom with the same rag. “Thanks,” I mumbled. He turned away and started mopping the floor. “Bye then.” I said. He ignored me, so I pulled on my underwear and trousers and went outside. Another man was emerging from the ladies with a bucket, and he raised an eyebrow when he saw me, then jerked his hips suggestively. I blushed and walked off with his laughter in my ears. By now it was nearly 9 o’clock and I knew Bill would be at the sauna, so I headed of there to get a shower. I let myself in and found him behind the desk drinking coffee. “Where you been?” He said, “Your mum’s been round looking for you.” I explained about what had happened and he gave a whistle of appreciation. “You ended up under the promenade, then? Bloody hell, they’re real tramps under there. Did you get fucked by an old guy with a warty cock and sores?” I nodded my head. “Then your arse will be swimming with bugs by now! His names John and he’s well known for having the clap and god knows what else!” As he spoke, I noticed his cock thicken and stiffen in his shorts and a dark pre-cum stain appear at the tip. “Mind you, there’s some find that gets them horny. Strip off and show me your arse.” I did as I was told, and he turned me round and stuck a finger up me, which slid in easily from the cleaner’s spunk from earlier. “We’d best phone your mum and tell her you’re ok.” He dropped his shorts and bent me over the counter and then dialled my home. As the phone rang, he slowly slid his cock up me and grunted with pleasure. “Oh yeah, nothing like an arse full of bugs around my cock.” I heard my mother answer and Bill said “That’s right, he’s here. I’m with him now.” He pushed his cock deeper and I squealed with pleasure. “Yeah, he’s happy enough….that’s so wet and dripping…no I was just saying there’s a drip in the shower…oof I’m going to cum..sorry I said I’ll make sure he comes straight home..ahhh.” With that he shot a huge load up me in spasms as my mother thanked him for looking out for me and rang off. Bill pulled out and I saw his cock was covered in slime. “”Lovely!” He said, pushing his cock back into his shorts. “I’ll leave it dirty to marinade” He ruffled my hair. “You’re a good one, a right dirty little pig. Lube yourself up and get off upstairs. They’ll be in soon and you’ve got work to do.”
    1 point
  48. The next morning, I waved goodbye to my mother and got to the sauna about an hour before opening. Bill was behind the desk doing some paperwork. “Morning Timmy.” He said. I could hear some banging and clattering down the hall. “Got some guy’s in to fix the showers. One of the cubicles has a leak.” He said, typing something on the computer. I undressed, hanging my clothes in the cupboard behind the desk, and feeling the excitement grow as I got naked. There was a crumpled pack of lube in the locker. With shaky hands, I squeezed some onto a finger and smeared it over my arsehole as I’d been told. When I turned round, Bill had dropped his trousers and pants and was stroking his erection. “I hate doing these accounts,” He said, pulling me over to the counter. “Somehow they never seem to add up. Bend over, there’s a good lad.” I bent over the counter and he got behind me, still looking at the screen. Slowly, he slid his cock up me and begun to fuck me. “That’s better,” He said. “How’s your mum today?” “O..ok.” I gasped as he worked himself towards a climax. “That’s good….tell her I said you’re doing a good job, will you?” He thrust faster, then suddenly grunted and I felt his cock throb as it spurted. When he was done, he slid out and wiped it with a tissue and then returned to the screen. “That’s better.” He slapped my arse in appreciation. “Now go and see if the guys doing the shower need a cup of tea.” I got up and used the dirty tissue to wipe my backside, then went along the corridor to the shower area. There were two guys working there – almost like laurel and Hardy. One was short, fat and red-faced with filthy jeans below a belly bulging below his t-shirt and the other was wearing t-shirt and shorts and had hollow cheeks and skinny arms and legs They barely looked up when I appeared naked in the doorway. “Would you like some tea?” I asked, my cheeks red with embarrassment at being nude in front of them. “Mac? Time for a break?” said the skinny one. Mac nodded. “Two sugars for me. Jack here takes just milk.” I went off to the kitchen and made a couple of mugs of tea. When I returned, they were standing looking at the shower. “I think you’re right, Mac. Looks like that crack at the back is the problem.” Mac nodded, scratching his fat arse through the jeans. “Put them over there.” said Jack. I went and put them on a table. “What’s your name?” asked Mac, unzipping the fly below his bulging belly. “T..Timmy.” I replied, mesmerised as he pulled his jeans open and dug out a long, thick cock, rolling the foreskin over the head as it grew erect. “That’s the problem with these places,” Said jack, lifting off his t-shirt and dropping his shorts. “They don’t look after them like they should.” His cock was long and thin like him, and I noticed the veins standing out on his arms and legs. Mac also removed his t-shirt, exposing a huge scorpion tattoo which covered his pudgy shoulder, and a floppy belly above his glistening cock. Jack sat down on the sofa and rubbed his cock as Mac bent me forward until my face was in Jack’s crotch. I took his cock in my hand and began to lick the salty tip, noticing his dry, scaly skin and a couple of sores on his thighs. “well,” said Mac, getting behind me and resting his belly on my back. “That just means more work for us!” He thrust his cock into me, and I gasped at its girth which stretched my hole wide before sliding home and I felt his heavy balls slap against mine. Jack idly rubbed my hair as I sucked him whilst his partner fucked me with short, urgent thrusts. “Nice hole on this one.” He said to Jack who just grunted in acknowledgement. “Timmy wasn’t it?” He leant forward and whispered in my ear, his bulky body on my back. “Mmmm.” I replied, my mouth full of Jack’s cock.” “Well, Timmy. Here comes my dirty cum. Bill said he wants you knocked up!” With that, he gave a loud gasp and thrust hard into me and I felt his cock twitch and cum, twitch and cum. “Fuck, that was good!” He grunted as he levered himself off me and pulled out. “Hurry up, Jack, we’ve got work to do.” Jack raised my head, turned me round and pulled me down. His long, thin cock slid easily up me given the lube and two loads in my rectum, and I found myself sitting in his lap, impaled on his cock. “Crouch up a bit.” He said. I put my hands on his thighs and lifted myself so he could thrust up into me from below. “Dirty bastard” Laughed Mac. “Look at that cum dripping out!” He was right. As Jack’s cock fucked me, cum and lube dripped out and smeared his balls. Meanwhile, Mac had dressed and was on his knees fixing the crack. He looked over his shoulder and said. “C’mon Jack, I need a hand.” Jack grunted and snorted and then I felt him trembling as he added his spunk to the mix in my arse. Then he pushed me off and used and old towel to wipe himself. They ignored me, drinking their tea and discussing the shower as I wiped myself on the old towel and went back to reception on weak legs.
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