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  1. Getting pozzed in my dream part 1 I woke up from the best dream that I ever had. I got back from a friend's sex bash that he had every month and every month the whole of the party were all vers and all fucked bare so there wasn't a single guy that wasn't leaving without cum being put in their asses. I was exhausted after all the fucking and taking a fare amount of loads from every guy at the party that when I got home I didn't even bother with a shower and just stripped and dumped my clothes at the door and went right on the couch and fell right to sleep. I have always bareback and have never put on a condom but keep plenty of doctored ones with me if anyone refuses to bare fuck me and I always want the tops to be so aggressive when they fuck me so the condom breaks and they flood me with their cum. I can't get enough cum to ever just satisfy me and when I get my first load of the night I won't stop until my hole is sloppy with cum and puffy with all the aggressive fucking. I have read so many stories about guys getting HIV and each time I get so horny when I read how happy they are or how they get over the fears anymore and embrace it. Reading about chasers and ones who get pozzed without knowing and asking always leaves me leaking so much precum and then I search desperately for someone to flood my hole with cum. My name is Alex and I just turned 19 and spent as much time as I could cruising for random cock in cruising areas, porn shops with booths and theaters as well as the bathhouse that's 10 miles from where I live with my brother Jeff and so far I have had no luck in my search of my poz daddy to fill me and change my life. I was a swimmer in highschool and I was on the team in college so I had your typical swimmers body with my swimmers six pack and hairless from the neck down. I have brown hair and brown eyes but I don't know how the genetic roulette happened that gave me a 12 inch cock. I have seen my brother naked plenty of times as well as our dad and neither of them had a cock as impressive as mine so I stopped thinking much about where I got my blessed cock from. Swimming also gave me such a large bubble butt that everyone loved getting their hands mouth and cock on and In so I used my assets to my advantage and got laid allot. My brother was on the same swim team when he was in highschool and kept swimming when he graduated but for him it was a workout and recreational instead of competition. Jeff had the same style body as me minus the large cock and ass so everyone thought we were twins and it made us laugh when we told everyone that we were 10 years apart. Jeff and I had the understanding that since we were both adults and we were both gay that nudity at home was never a problem so we never wore anything at home. We both had plenty of guys over for sex too and they seemed to love the thought of two hot brothers naked together all the time. Now back to my dream. My dreams I could always remember them when they were about sex and this dream was different and felt more real to me. I dreamt about my brother watching me flip fucking a random guy I brought home and fucked a few nights ago right on the couch I was sleeping on. It started normal with making out and sucking of course which lead to both of us rimming each other and then flip fucking until we both came in each other's asses and then he left and I stayed on the couch fingering my hole and licking up the sweet cum he left in until I had every drop of it in my belly. I stayed on the couch in my dream and saw my brother there stroking and watching me with intensity. I bent down on the couch exposing my open hole to him and he moved with a quickness I never imagined and rammed in his leaking cock down to the base in one motion making me moan and scream in pleasure. Jeff was a animal in fucking me adding in his fingers alongside his cock making me moan in pain and pleasure at being stretched more. He rotated me while never leaving my ass and started to bite on my nipples causing me to moan in pain because he knew they were always so sensitive all the time. Jeff never slowed down with my torture and pleasure until I could feel him stretch me more as he got harder and flooded me with his cum and that didn't stop him from completely ramming it in deeper digging his cum as deep as it would go in my hole and I could feel his second load shoot in me so quickly it made my cock explode with my second load of the night as well. I coated us both with a shower of cum and Jeff never stopped fucking me as he scooped up my load and fed it to us both and then shoving his tongue in my mouth. He finally pulled out of me after I felt a third load being fired in my guts and his cock softening in me and coming out with a pop. I held his load in me and he kissed me again whispering to me that he was now my father and welcome to the club. I woke up with a start like I always do after a sex dream to the realization that I was in the same position that I was in in my dream and I felt my hole and it aches and was wet again after I was sure I had no more cum in it. I looked around and saw Jeff standing in his doorway looking at me and smiling and then turned away after saying he loved me and that's when I saw his tattoo on his left ass cheek of a bright red scorpion with a biohazard on its pincers. I say there a bit dazed and after sitting there for awhile thought maybe my dream wasn't a complete dream. I thought about it as I was scooping the load in my ass out again licking it all up thinking what it would be like if my brother really did fuck me.
    7 points
  2. I take a moment to truly capture the sight before me. My son. My boy. My pride and joy. Toughest fucking quarterback his high school team had ever seen. Smartest honors student in probably the entre state of Texas - and not just book smarts, like Pearl Harbor happened on December 7 and the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell kinda shit, my boy is brilliant. Deductive, insightful, and possessed of an emotional intelligence virtually unknown to someone as young in years as he is. He can assess a room instantly, read every person with uncanny, almost chilling precision, and know instantly what they need and how he can help them. It’s made every girl he’s ever met fall in love with him, and you can practically hear their panties get soaked just from his very presence. And more than a few boys have to adjust their suddenly throbbing dicks after a fleeting glance. I get more than a glance though. He stares at me intently, his piercing green eyes - almost a shade of emerald, locked onto mine with love and lust and hunger and a rapturous joy. His perfectly symmetrical face is still, with his powerful jawline silhouetted against the bright lights of the bathroom he just exited, having showered, prepared himself, and the points that will take our relationship beyond father and son, beyond fuck buddies, just.. Beyond. There is a stillness in the air that matches the stillness of his body. He is smiling, the playful, mischievous smile I’ve come to know so well over these last months we’ve been fucking. It’s a smile that reflects the pride I feel in him, and the pride he feels in himself, in his form, from the long sinewey stretches of his neck, the powerful broad shoulders, sweeping down to his biceps the size of bricks, pecs the size of dinner plates, a perfectly outline core of eight perfect abs. His adonis girdle, which I know he considers the sexiest part of himself (only because he can’t see his eyes the way I do) and which he calls his cum gutters… a term we’ve verified as accurae countless times over, when I’ve fucked the cum out of him or pulled out and doused him with the geyser of semen he brings out in me every. Single. Time. And then there’s that dick. Uncut - I wanted my boy to have a choice, even though I tend to prefer cut. He should get to decide what the essence, the root, the wellspring of his manhood says about himself. HIs magnificent cock is jutting, and like mine, long and curving slightly up and to the left. From my vantage on the bed, and the reflections in the mirror, it looks like a cobra, and it can charm and entrance anyone who sees it just like the real life cobras charmed by a flute played by a ballsy son of bitch with nerves of steel. I can see the deluge of precum - a trait he inherited from me - has already started flowing. He’s literally dripping on the floor, long thing strands flowing down his balls - he’s stopped trimming them, I’ve noticed, probably because he’s seen how the musk of his ball sweat drives me crazy, makes me into little more than a feral animal. That’s what I feel like right now. I want to ravish him, I want to pin him to the bed, lick his neck, suck his nipples, work my way down till that gorgeous dick is the only thing I can see, taste, smell. I want to rub it all over my face, get every last inch of my head covered with the cum and spit and essense of his masculinity, manhood, sex, all over me. I want his dick to claim me, mark me as his territory, as I’ve done to him countless times. I sit up a little straighter in the bed, my dick brushing against my thigh, and that simple touch is nearly enough to make me cum again, so powerful is the sexual tension in the room, so intense the lust between father and son, Anthony and Jack. I notice he’s shaking, trembling with the same anticipation and desire and hunger as I am. But before we can attack each other, sate our meth fueled hunger for each other, he and I have to talk. “Come sit with me a minute. We need to really talk about what’s about to happen, if you want it to happen.” He gives me this amused, though slightly puzzled look, a look that says “what idiot wouldn’t want this?”. Nevertheless, he saunters to my bed and sits next to me after putting the points and tourniquet on the dresser where they will be directly in my line of sight, a passive reminder that with two simple injections, he and I can cross into virtually uncharted territory of debauchery, depravity, of shooting more cum into, onto, around each other, of orgasms so powerful they’d sink California into the depths of the pacific. “I know you’ve heard me say this many, many times. And I want you to hear me, really hear me, again when I say it now. I love you, I wouldn’t trade what we have for all the riches of solomon. You know you are the most important man in my life, you are the foundation of my existence. And if you ever get even the most fleeting notion that this isn’t good or healthy or satisfying, then all you have to do is say the word and it’s done. Because you deserve to be loved by a man who will be as devoted to you as I am, but who can also share in the great experiences you have ahead of you, someone you can grow with.” At this, he cuts me off. “Daddy, I’ve fucked around a lot. I’ve dated several boys, and even one girl.” At this, I cock an eyebrow, a bemused expression creeping into my smile, which he matches. “I don’t see what those straight boys get about pussy. But that’s neither here nor there. I don’t ever want this to change. I’ve found the man who makes me happy, makes me fulfilled, makes me get out of bed so I can do the things that make me proud of myself, and makes him prouder still of me.” “It’s you. It’s always been you. When I was 13, 14, 15, I had so many dreams about you. You fucking me. You kissing me. You cumming on me over and over and over, and when I turned 18, all those dreams became a reality. Every night when I go to bed… well, on those nights when I actually do go to bed, I say a prayer of thanks to God for giving me a wonderful father, and the sexiest fucking man I could ever hope to find, would ever want to find.” He leaves the rest unspoken, and so do I. I can feel he heat returning, the tension reigniting. He feels it too. Both of our cocks are at full mast, the precum leaking out of us, as each word he speaks brings us closer and closer to what we know is coming, what we both want more than anything in the world. He stands up, making sure his cock sweeps within inches of my face, watching my eyes follow it. And smirking because he knows how much I’m under his spell, and how much he’s under mine. My dick jerks, once, twice, and a huge spurt of precum jumps out as he turns to grab the points and I see his ass in all it’s worked out, worked on, teenaged perfection, the deep tanline of his torso and legs abruptly ending and the soft, slightly olive hugh of his skin making for a natural highlight, focal point of the room, my gaze, and at this point, my very existence. I want to touch it, lick it, make out with it, rub my face all over his crack and wear his musk like the finest cologne. He turns back, striding to the bed with purpose. He gets on the bed, points in hand, and positions himself on his knees facing me. His powerful thighs so cut, so defined in the camera lights Dave and Derek have put up for precisely this shot. His abs, his pecs, his biceps and shoulders all perfectly shadowed to accent just how powerful and sculpted his body has become. I match his pose, and I can see him taking in the sight. We’re just a few feet apart, and our dicks are touching, kissing each other, sharing precum and stoking the fires within us that are already burning past white hot. We don’t want this anymore. We need it. We crave it, We are addicted to each other, to the sex we’re about to have, to our family founded on lust and masculinity and taking another man’s ass and having him take yours, of feeling a beautiful cock thrusting wildly in you, of that overwhelming pleasure of having it jackhammering in and out of you at a lighting clip, and nearly melting your brain from an orgasm so powerful your balls are literally pained, of panting so hard you never think you’ll catch your breath, at looking in the mirror and seeing streak after streak after streak of cum on your face, chest, ass, dick, legs, feet, and feeling like you’ve just been claimed by masculinity incarnate, that a stud has marked you as his, and that you’ve marked him as yours. “Daddy, be a dear would you, and shoot me up so that we can fuck each other until the stars at night are big and bright.” “I’d be happy to oblige. Jack, you cocky little fucker, you brazen little slut, my cum whore of a son who never fails to make me the proudest father and slutiest fuck buddy I can be, get ready to get fucked like you’ve never been fucked before.. And,” I pause for dramatic effect as I put the tourniquet on him, and he looks up at me expectantly,” Get ready to fuck your daddy. I know you can top. I’ve seen the videos, had those nice gentlemen downstairs, confirm for me, that you fuck just as good as your old man, and I fucking want it. As soon as we’re rushing together, I want you to bend me over, return atll those tender licks I’ve given your cunt, and then shove that fucker in me. I want you to dick me down like I did to you that first night, any position you can think of, any pace you want, just as long as you give me that load. I want to feel my boy’s cum leaking out my hole, I want you to scoop it up with your fingers when it does and feed it to me” I’m saying this as I push the needle. He’s so turned on I have to remind him to breath. We both stare intently as the flash of blood reigsters, quickly fills the rig. I can see that both of our cocks somehow get even harder, his jumping from the first taste of a slam, mine jumping from the sight of his jumping. I unclip the tourniquet. “See you in the stratosphere boy.” I stare directly into his eyes as I push the plunger as quickly as I safely can, and pull the needle out. His eyes dilate right in front of me, his face flushes, chest turns red and he starts coughing, saying “thank you daddy thank you daddy holy fuck thank you daddy oh my god daddy thank you fuck “ I know what he’s feeling because in an instant, I’m feeling it tool. I haven’t even finished coughing and he throws himself against me, tackling me the way he’s tackled countless men in his dorm. Before I even know it, his face is buried in my ass, his clean shaven face between my ass cheeks, and he’s lapping at my hole. I can feel him savoring the taste as he kisses my hole passionately. I feel him take in several deep breaths, drinking in my musk and ball sweat like it was the finest wine, like he was a thirsty man in the desert. And then, I feel it. His cock. His beautiful, gorgeous, uncut cock is pressed right againt my hole. The precum mixing easily with his spit, and through his cock head, I can feel him trembling. “Thank you daddy. Time to make this cunt mine.” I don’t say anything, I just growl, And then, he pushes in. And just like my first time fucking him, he doesn’t even have to push. My hole pulls him in. Ever inch, every millimeter filling me up and sending shudders of pleasure rippling throughout my body. He bottoms out, his pubs against my ass, his balls dangling. He’s still for a moment, and I instinctively know that he’s making a deliberate effort to remember every second of this moment, of every sensation he’s feeling with his cock buried deep in his daddy’s ass. “Thank you kindly son. This feels incredble, now if you’d be so good, I want you to fuckin rape me.:” It’s his turn to growl, and he begins thrusting slowly, deliberately, The cameras are capturing every angle of it perfectly, as he slowly pulls his cock out, the lips of my hole straining, practically begging him not to pull out completely. He gets to his head, the slightest bit of fleshy pink just barely past my asshole, and then with the same deliberate pace, pushes it back in. I’m transfixed at watching his eyes watch his cock as it slides back in. He does this three or four times before changing his gaze, meeting my eyes in the mirror -- rentman is right, it really is so fucking hot to see that beautiful green hue locked on you in the mirror, consumed by lust and possession… And now, an animalistic, primal masculinity fueled by the knowledge that this cunt is now his, my hole to be stretched and licked and fucked and bred at his leiesure, just as his is fo rmine. Anothe growl from me prompts a growl from him. And then it begins. His pace goes from zero to sixty, the intensity of his thrusts could transform coal into diamonds, the waves of pleasure overwhelming both of us as his cock hits my prostate again and again and again, his eyes locked on the mirrors where an infinite regress of Jack’s fucking his daddy senseless, and indeed i am - my eyes are rolling back uncontrollably, I’m making these gutteral noises where once there were words, so overwhelmed I am by how fucking amazing his dick feels, how fucking amazing this boy I created and shaped and molded and fucked and fucked and fucked is now the one fucking me. Between the slam, our natural lust for each other, the tenderness of those minutes right before we points, and the knowledge that there are several more cocks and holes downstairs, connected to men we both desire, men we know are honest and upstanding, leading lives with integrity and purpose, and utterly as piggy and depraved and kinky and sexual as we are, neither Jack nor I last very long. He fucks me for all of five minutes before his cock erupts into me. Feeling the white hot streaks of cum hitting every square inch of my ass that he just dug lout, and hearing his growl turn to grunts turn to a primal scream of triumph send me over the edge, and I cum so hard I lose my vision for a few seconds. Almost a minute goes by before the last convulsions of this, the most intense orgasm I’ve ever expeienced, subsides, during which time my hole clenching on Jack’s dick causes him to cum again, adding more cum to my hole, more certainty to his claim to it. When he finally starts to pull out of me, I actually whimper a little, and my knees buckle. I fall out of doggy style, trying to catch my breath, and then flip over so I can see his angelic face, those glorious green eyes, which greet mine with a satisfaction and contentment neither he nor I knew existed. He leans in for a kiss, one that’s long and slow and filled with love and gratitude and the promise of more to come. He’s such a great kisser I think, as I feel his arm move, his hand graze my dick and my balls, as his fingers snake their way up my ass, to my hole where it seams like a gallon of cum is starting to leak out. Without saying a word, he pulls his hand back and holds it over my face, my mouth open and my eyes locked on his hand, on the cum he just shot in me, as he lets if fall off his fingers, into my mouth, all over my face. I’ve never tasted anything so good in my life. He leans in, and slowly laps up every drop of cum that spilled onto my face, savoring it in his mouth before coming back to mine with a kiss. We taste each other; his cum, my ass, all mingling together as we kiss, passionately, intensely, our cocks rousing back to life, hard and harder. We’re so focused on this moment, so amped up from the drugs and each other, that both of us have forgotten the men downstairs… Who, having watched us on the feed Dave and Derek set up, have come up to our room, each of them naked, eyes filled with the same deviant lust, pipes and points in hand, with their massive fucking cocks pointed right at us. None of us speak. None of us need to. In an instant, Jack and I are on our knees, next to each other doggy style, assholes beckoning this throng of studs to join our little party. This video is going to kill is what I think as Derek lines up behind me, rentman saddles up behind my son, the sheriff positioning his cock right in front of my face and young trucker’s cock in front of Jack’s. Yes, I truly fuckin love my son. And he truly loves me fuckin him.
    7 points
  3. My retired next door neighbor pays me to take care of his yard. He's too frail to do it himself anymore so I don't mind. He recently moved out and moved in with his son. He rents the place to an older woman now in her mid sixties but still pays me to take care of the yard. She is a little chunky with really big tits and huge nipples. She's always coming outside when I'm around doing the yard in her night wear with no bra , nipples just poking through about the size of my thumb. Being a gay man I try to ignore her , I know she does it on purpose.. During the warm months I wear thin shorts commando style so the outline of my cock is pretty obvious. Guess I'm as big a slut as my neighbor ! Today I was working on the side and the neighbor beside her had recently moved out , actually evicted . The property was being cleaned up by an older guy in his early sixties. We were both working on the side and struck up a conversation. He was a big man , much bigger than me. He had on some overalls. He obviously had really big cock and balls as the bulge was easy to see.. There I was with a t shirt and thin shorts trying not to look at his bulge so I wouldn't start getting a hard on.. I had been sweating so the outline of my cock was totally obvious. I could tell he was glancing at it. At one point I decided to turn off my weed eater sitting there idling. I turned around and bent over from the waist giving him a nice view of my ass.. We talked about the couple living there that got evicted and the mess they left behind. He asked if I wanted to come inside and see the crazy mess . So I said "sure". We went inside and sure enough it was a big mess.. He said " take a look at the bedroom!" and pointed down the hall.. I went first he follow me from behind. We got to the bedroom and Little did I know he had a big hard on. I bent over again to pick up a can and suddenly I felt two big hands grab my shorts and pull them down real fast. He grabbed my hips and pulled my bare ass to his crotch and I could tell he was hard as a rock. He say's " I know a bottom boy when i see one and your a bottom boy !! your fixin to take my big cock whether you like it or not !" My shorts were down and my cock was getting hard and he wanted to rape me . He commanded me to my knees. I turned around and got on my knees. He noticed my growing hard cock and said " I'm going to take that ass , got it ?" I said "yes sir". He took his overalls off and his big cock was standing tall !! Nothing was said as he grabbed his big cock and guided it to my mouth.. I have never been raped before , I was scared , he was twice my size.. Nothing I could do but go with it.. He grabs his cock and guides to my mouth , I submitted and started sucking his big cock. My cock was now frozen hard.. He say's " good boy , suck daddy's big poz cock !" I squirmed away saying " Please don't make me suck your poz cock !" He replies " Oh yes , your gonna suck it good then its going up your ass ! " " Now sit still boy and take daddy's big cock !" I submitted and sucked his poz cock.. Soon i got my first taste of his poz precum.. Though I was being raped I still had a hard on.. I liked it.. I enjoyed sucking his big cock though I was nervous of possibly getting pozzed as I knew he was going to cum in my ass.. Thoughts were racing through my mind.. Is it really rape if I give in ? how could this be rape if I enjoy sucking his cock and I have a hard on ? He then commands " Its time to fill your ass up with cock , bend over across the bed boy !" I get up and turn around and bend over the bed as commanded.. My ass fully exposed to his big poz cock.. He commands me to spread my legs.. He gets up close behind me and rubs his big cock on my ass cheeks.. He reaches around and grabs my hard cock and say's " you like this don't you boy , your hard cock don't lie !" He then spits on his cock.. I knew what was next ... Soon his big cock head was up against my sphincter wanting in.. He took it easy on me going slowly by head fucking me first.. He big cock head going in and out felt really good. My cock immediately let out some precum as soon as his cock head penetrated my boy pussy.. I started backing down on his cock wanting more cock.. He began to tease me as he had me where he wanted me.. I started fucking his cock.. he started pushing forward as i leaned back and soon his big cock was rubbing my prostate .. felt awesome.. I began to drip precum as his cock head rubbed my sweet spot .. He say's " good boy , take my cock , take it all ! " with that he went balls deep and held it there holding my hips tight. He grinded my ass doing circles really spreading my sphincter open good and wide while his cock head probed the depths of ass.. He say's " I love fucking boy hole deep !" With that he held me tight as he fucked my ass.. he started repeating " take that cock ! take that cock !" as his breath became shorter. His intensity level was raising and I knew he was getting close. He then say's " I'm gonna poz your ass boy , get ready for my dna ! " He then makes a sound as if winding up , his voice was getting higher. He grabs my hips and thrusts his cock in as deep as it would go while pulling on my hips.. He then lets loose a huge orgasm ! Pulsating his poz cum deep in my ass .. His hard thrusts and his pulling on my hips made me orgasm as he cummed deep my ass.. We both were shot our load !! After he finished his gifting deed he puts his overalls back on .. my ass is dripping his poz load as I put my shorts on.. He say's "I'm here every two weeks till I get this place rented again , if you want get fucked again with daddy's big poz cock you just cum on over.. and bet you'll be here ready to take more of my poz cum won't you boy ?" I said "yes sir"
    5 points
  4. I’ll be there too. No 1:1 all week. Group sleaze only for that week! I’ll take that ass for a test ride at cumunion sometime in atlanta
    5 points
  5. I am an exhibitionist and a voyeur, both visually and verbally. I get off on phone sucks, not for the role-play. But instead I get off talking about my experiences and hearing someone else tell me his.
    4 points
  6. Got a surprise DP'd by 2 college guys last night. I was a a college bar last night with friends to hook up with some college girls. Was talking to this girl for some time and her gay friend was with her. He was tall and slim and good looking. She met her female friend and said ill be right back and left me alone with her gay friend. He was a good talker and we got talk about all kinds of things then got into sex talk and asked if I was ever with a guy and told him I was bi. He asked if I play with guys much I said mostly lately guys. He said his boyfriend is here and we are leaving to a private party and asked if i wanted to go. I saw i had no hope with his female friend so agreed to go. I told my friends im leaving to go home and as i passed by the gay guy i said meet you outside. He said his bf is coming now. I waited outside and the two came out. His bf was a muscle guy both about 25. So i followed then to a house 30 minutes away. Got there and there were a few other guys there. Some my age and other in their 20s. So the two guys i came with brought me to a bedroom. One grabbed a bottle of vodka and orange juice as we went in. We sat in the room smoking and drinking alot and talking about things. Then the sex talk started and told me what they do to each other asked if i ever bottomed. I said mostly I like to be a bottom. Then one of them locked the door and put on gay porn. I drank more and watched with them. The three of us laid back watching gangbang porn and both started to rub my leggs. Then unzipped my paints and pulled them off. Rubbing my cock and leggs i was getting hot. Haven't been with this young in a while but going for it. They stripped and wow nice smooth bodys. We started to makeout and i started to suck. As i was bent over sucking i felt my hole played with. I said i wasn't planning this i need to cleen. They both said the shower as a toy on it. They said go to ready we were set already. So i showered and used the attachment to deep clean. I got out and saw them laying on the bed with dildos in each other. I said thats hot and got on the bed and in notime had a larger dido pushed in me with a ton of lube. He pushed and pulled the didlo for some time. Hurt in the beginning but i got loose as i was sucking an cock. The one i was sucking slid more under me and the dido got pulled out slowly and felt him grab his friends cock and line it up to my hole. I sat up and felt lube alot of lube rubbed on my hole and his cock and sat on his cock playing with his nipples. He thrusted as i felt his cock was in deep. He friend watched for a little then pushed on my back for me to lay on his friend. I felt more lube and all of a sudden felt another cock try to slide in. It hurt a little and was like a pole it was so hard and felt my ass give and he slid it and felt so good as it went in deep with the other cock. They both started to thrust and i buried my face in the pillow. Thank god they weren't big. They fucked me like bunny rabbits. Then one blew his load and a few more strokes the other blew a load. They pulled out and i was laying with them and rubbed the one guys smooth ass. It got me hot so i rolled over and pulled his ass up and rimmed the hell out of it i got son hot after me getting DP'd and that nice smooth firm ass I shoved my hard cock in him and fucked him hard for a while and blew a hugh load in him as his friend sucked my cum out of it. We laid on the bed for a while watching more porn.
    4 points
  7. Excellent !!! Hopefully there will be plenty of men in the traditional sartorial splendor of your nation: KILTS - with no other interfering garments underneath them. They can skip the bagpipes though; I reckon there will be better things to blow ...
    3 points
  8. Had just finished gymming and I was horny for some gloryhole action. The thrill of the chase, putting my ass against the wall and waiting until I feel the poke of a hard cock, drives me wild. Every time I go in, I always get multiple loads and I wonder how many today will score me. I walk in, go to the back past the wall lurkers and am in my booth with just enough time to take off my shorts when I hear the door close on the other side. Without having to even touch it, in pops this hung white daddy dick ready to fuck and I lube up and in he goes. I start riding it and within two minutes my hole is dripping his seed. As soon as he zips up and is out, the process begins and I ended up with 14 cocks unloading in me during that hour. I think the best fuck was when I walked in and this older and kind of pudgy straight guy saw me walk in. I love that I’ll take all loads as long as the tops cock is hard. He seemed hesitant at first but wanted to load me and was rock hard in the hall. Once I saw his shoes on the other side, after I had him buried inside my ass for a couple minutes I hit the buddy booth and let him watch through the now frosted glass as his cock slid in my hole, leaking loads all over his dick. He loved it and gave me one of the biggest loads. Can’t wait to take some anon cum again today.
    3 points
  9. We met at the local park and checked each other out. He was a computer geek, 27, short choppy brown hair, and thick glasses. The only thing he didn't have was a pocket protector. But that's okay. Alan is cute. Plus, he’s real thin, something I prefer in a bottom. And NEG. Make that past tense. He sported a good eight inches. Too bad he never got to use it. Anyway, we hit it off. And I really wanted his ass. His place wasn't free, and neither was mine. He claimed to have roommates, but I suspected he lived at home. So we went to a local motel. We chatted awhile, but I grew impatient. I pushed him down on the bed, and kissed him all over, and tore off his clothes. He was naked in less than five minutes. Alan was smooth and very thin. I felt his rib cage against me as I devoured his tits. His moans were suppressed and subdued, probably from constantly having family around. Regardless, I ravished his body, licking and teasing and nipping everywhere. I wanted to get him ready to plow. I knelt at the foot of the bed, and gave him a blowjob. I freed up my cock and lathered it with my precum. I had Alan writhing and whimpering. I moved my mouth to his hole, and he nearly shot off the bed. He moaned and raised his ass to my lips and told me how great it felt to be rimmed. Soon, his Geek-Pussy was pulsing against me, begging for cock. I lubed up my Death-Dick and lifted his legs. I looked him straight in the eyes and plowed into his mancunt. His face twisted in agony as he stretched to accommodate me. “Wanna be fucked?” A rhetorical question. I was already inside him, and it was gonna happen if it hadda be rape. “Pleeease,” he whispered. I grabbed his tits and twisted ‘em hard. His mouth formed into an "O" as the pain and the pleasure hit him. With him distracted, I slammed into him. He screamed, but it came out as a yelp. I grinned down at him and started my Power-Fuck, bouncing him on the bed like a lifeless rag-doll. My POZ cock knocked the shit out of him as my dick shredded his hole. His choppy hair sweaty, lay plastered against his forehead; his thick glasses, askew on his face. I straightened up, and grabbed him by the back of the neck. Reflexively his thin arms flew about me as I pivoted him onto my pole. His full weight plunged down on my pubes, as I plowed away at his delectable manpussy. “Oh God!” he cried, as I stabbed at his prostate. I watched in the cheap motel mirror, aroused at the sight of this 130 pound NEG impaled on my leaking POZ pole. If only he knew of the joys I wished to imbue! I clamped on his neck and bit into him like a fucking CHARGED vampire, leaving a blood-filled POZ hickey on the base of his neck. I wondered how he’d explain that to Mommy and Daddy. Alan started to quiver, as grunts escaped from deep in his psyche. A wetness splashed on my stomach, and I looked down to find him spurting NEG cream. With each jab from my pole came another ass spasm and another splash of impotent NEG jizz. I hoped I could cure him of that. After 5 or 6 spurts, he quivered and went limp. I ignored the pain in his face and his half-baked complaints he couldn’t take anymore. I was a man on a mission. Ten minutes later, I fired off my own pent-up volley—shooting gobs of POZ jizz up his well-abused ass. We lay quiet and cuddled, 20 minutes or more, before I screwed him again. I tried to make the second fuck even more brutal, and Alan didn’t protest. He’d learned what to expect and what he deserved. I gave him my number and told him to call, that the next time we’d do it at my place. All told, the afternoon cost me $45 and the pocket-protector I had committed to buy. In return, I hope it costs Alan…YOU KNOW.
    3 points
  10. Chapter 3 So here I am still locked. Still confused about my feelings about said locking. Holding my phone and looking at the 3 notifications. Who do I open first? Do I call Johnny back and plan to get the key to my cock cage to get myself out of this situation? Do I see what my Mystery Italian sex god has to say? Am I ok with this? Through all of my emotions I know one thing for certain and it isn’t that I have to pay a therapist a shit ton of money to figure out my boycunt craves to be used and when it is the orgasm is earth-shattering. That I know for certain as I’m sitting here on the edge of the bed with the random strangers’ cum leaking out of my used and abused boycunt onto the bed making the bed have a wet spot that housekeeping would sure to know what happened here. So not ready to deal with either of these men I bit the bullet. I picked my Italian. Him: Good boy. I could tell you were new to being caged, but I didn’t expect you to last in it this long. Knowing this helps me gain interest. Him: “Yes” is not how you address a conversation with someone who will be taking up your thoughts every waking moment……Matteo is my name. Save it, memorize it, long to know it. Because I’m going to allow you to serve a purpose. Understand though we must meet and both come to an understanding. If you have no interest don’t bother texting me back. Reading that I threw myself back in frustration and my phone on the pillow. WHAT??!?!!?! UNDERSTANDING?!??!!?!?!? What on earth? Who is this guy? Who does he think he is? Does he want to own me? I’m a flight attendant, He must think I live in NYC. He doesn’t know what I want. He doesn’t even know me. But then my mind thought back to that 8-inch uncut monster of a cock attached to the olive skin body with Muscles. I was weak and my hole twitched spilling out some more of my earlier load. I could always call it off anytime I wanted right? He couldn’t completely control me. I at any point could jump on a plane, delete his number, and never hear from him again. I was a free man. Well as free as I could be at the moment with Johnny still having the key to the cage at this point. Nonetheless, I was able to make my own decisions. So let’s see what he has to say. What could that hurt? I’m off for the next couple of days. I could fly back to NYC and meet him. I had to get the key from Johnny anyway. So that’s what I will do. I’ll call scheduling and get released from my DeadHead back to Base and jump on a flight to NYC. I could be there by 5:40 if I got dressed in the next hour. I typed out a text to Johnny and sent it. Me: Hey I’m sorry I didn’t answer my hole took over on grindr. But I’m going to jump on a flight and come back to NYC, Might also meet another friend. Sooooooo if you go into the city take the key with you. I will meet you. Johnny: A friend????? Keys on my keychain so I have it with me. Me to Matteo: I’m willing to meet. I’ll be back in NYC tonight. Probably leave sometime tomorrow. Just know I’m a flight attendant so not always there if that changes things. I got ready and paid extra attention to my newly discovered boycunt while in the shower. It had gotten abused the last couple of days so I needed to make sure I gave it the respect it deserved. Packed my rollaboard, Put on my uniform that I started to like since it showed off my cage print slightly, and headed to the hotel shuttle to the airport. Landing In LGA I turned my phone off of Airplane mode to see if I had any texts from Matteo. I did, it was a link to a restaurant reservation for 2. Close to Chinatown. I knew the place I had walked by many times but never took the time to try it. Mainly since it was all booths with tall backs. Very intimate, and very dark. Seemed the place for dates not for going with crews or friends. Looking at the time I was happy I got ready at the hotel since I had exactly 1 hour to get from the airport to the restaurant. But what will I do with my luggage? Guess it is coming with me. So I changed out of my uniform and into the nicest clothes I had with me. A pair of black skinny jeans that shows off my ass perfectly and my cage very obvious out the front. These jeans are almost painted on my body. Plus a white T-shirt and a black blazer. This will have to do. Now to grab a cab. Cab ride there I texted him. “see ya soon, got my bags with me since I hadn’t got time to meet you and go by the hotel” Pulling up to the restaurant I leaned up to pay the cabby and suddenly the door opened and it was Matteo. 6’3” man wearing this Navy 3-piece suit complete with a pocket square. That obviously was custom-tailored. It hugged the biceps on his arms perfectly, and the bulge in his pants was shown, This man knew he was wanted by women and men alike. So him looking this good in this suit was brutal to see. My cock began to strain again the confidant of the cage. But the biggest turn-on was his sent. If I was blind I would follow him anywhere just to smell him. He smelt citrusy, musky, and spicy, like he was fresh out of the shower but also like he had been out in the wild. It made my mouth water in a way he was substance and my boycunt pucker in an effort to be released all from the smell of him. I stood out of the cab between the car and the curb and tripped. I fell but Mataeo caught me with one arm and lifted me. Looked me in the eyes, and at that moment I could see his dark green eyes now in the light of the evening unlike in the club the other night. He spoke finally and the streets went silent from the people and the cars. “No need to fall for me just yet. You haven’t even had dinner yet”. My mouth opened to try and respond in embarrassment when he brought my face to his and kissed me gently but in a way that owned the action. He wasn’t reserved he was controlled. I was straining in my cage now, and he reached forward grabbed my crotch, and said “Perfect you are still in the mindset to serve. Let us get you inside and get you some food before we discuss our understanding.” About then he put his arm around me and led me to the door. Just when I realized my bags were still in the cab. I turned to look and about the speak when he snapped at the valet and spoke “Mr. Joy’s bags must be in the trunk send them to the house” To which I said “House? I haven’t even booked my hotel yet? Wait how did you know my last name? not to mention my first name.” Mateo cleared his throat and responded “Knowing things is my hobby, knowing you are my interest at the moment, and no hotel means you will be my guest. I’m used to getting what I want so please don’t change that tonight.” With the next thing he said he got stiffer, and its as if he filled his chest with air and got bigger but his eyes began to smolder like he could get set off of if I didn’t say the next thing right. “If all that is settled, we must get started with Dinner. I don’t see the issue if there is any?” Gesturing towards the door that was now being held open by a cute blonde-haired girl who was trying not to listen in. I shook my head yes not daring to lose eye contact. Mateo smiled and led me inside to a booth upstairs that was very private from the main dining room. Once getting to the table Mateo removed his jacket and then spoke, “Dinner? Drinks? Or your mouth on my cock before we eat?” I choked on the water I had been sipping on sitting down at the table. Snapped my head at him and saw he had his hand on his crotch massaging that trouser monster and it was not shy. Something inside me told me not to speak but to comply. My hole most of all was screaming to not be left out. But I sunk to my knees in front of that man and reached up to feel him. Unaware if anyone was in the room. But then began to look around to check nervously. To which he eased my worries by saying “I am the only person who is permitted to dine upstairs, it is my restaurant and we will not be bothered unless I request it, right now I request your mouth, so enjoy. Do what you wish to do, it might be the last time you control what you want to do in giving head”. I felt the desire I had to please this God start from my boycunt and work my way up through my spine till it reached my mouth, I started drolling and Then It took over. I unzipped him and reached in. The heat that escaped I could feel and it blushed my cheeks. Reaching in I learned he wasn’t wearing any underwear and I could smell him, not his cologne but him, A man. I felt the pubs that were short and tried to locate the tip to pull it out and release the monster from the confines of the suit pants. When he laughed the words “unbuttoning the pants might speed up getting him out”. Now kind of embarrassed that someone would question my abilities I sheepishly complied and had the drive to make it up to him that I knew what I was doing. So that is what I did, I released it and basked in the sight of it. All 8 inches staring at me, head arrow-shaped and echoed the ability to assault an opening and girth that I just perfectly could wrap my hand around, and my middle finger and thumb just barely touched. I leaned into the place where his leg met his goin and breathed deeply. Letting him fill my nose. His lightly trimmed pubs tickle my face. I moaned. He pushed forward meeting my face, and said “Memorize that smell, might be how you can tell me apart one day” It didn’t register with me but I did, I breathed in a couple more times while pressing his cock against the side of my face. But then he pulled back. Rested the tip against my lips and I could feel the wetness of his precum starting to drip out. I licked it and tasted the sweetness that started to cover my tongue which began to start a reaction in my body, It set a fire that was my hunger for him. It was like a compulsion. So I took him in my mouth and started to tease the tip with my tongue. Swirling it around the tip. He groaned deep in his chest, it fueled my excitement. So I drove down his shaft and started to bob back and forth taking more and more of him. I could hear him starting to breathe heavier. That’s when I took him in my throat. I willed my throat to relax and accept the length this God had to offer. Finally, I succeeded in planting my nose in his pubs smelling his natural scent. Licking his balls from the bottom. I reached up with one hand to start massaging them. With the other, I reached around to his ass. Pulling him even deeper into my throat. Looking up to him I heard him let out a breath he must have been holding. “You’re are doing so well. Now if a crossroad, you either continue with what you want to do, or you give over to me and permit me to use your throat” coming off his cock to the tip my throat juices sticking to his cock I just said “Use me”. He did, he started his assault on me. Going at my throat deeper, and deeper, with speed. I started to gag and he’d hold me on his meat. Telling me to relax and breathe through my nose. I would not give up. I would please this man. I could start to feel my knees beginning to ache. But the man I was servicing showed no signs of letting up. He was going fast and deep skull fucking to changing it up to shallow and slow blows. Saying things like you’re the best one I have found. Your throat is velvet. No one has ever taken me this long. I was covered with spit with it dripping down my chin on my neck and finally soaking my shirt. The tears coming from my eyes were the mystery. I still don’t know if it was from the occasional gagging or the pain in my boycunt from not being used. That’s when he slapped the side of my face and I snapped out of thought and looked up at him. “Get ready I’m about to give you your first course. He started getting faster and never left my throat. I could feel my face starting to turn blue from lack of oxygen and then his balls pulled up against his body and his head swelled up in my throat, and released multiple jets of cum. Pulling up so the last 3 coated my tongue. He pulled off and squeed the tip of his cock where a couple of drops came out and rubbed them on his lips. I licked at them to not lose them. He said, “Open your mouth and show me you swallowed my gift”. I quickly swallowed opened my mouth and moved my tongue side to side like I was being checked into prison. To which he zipped up and sat down, telling me “Go wash up, you must be famished”. I stood up brushed at my knees in case there was anything from the floor, and walked to the bathroom. Once inside I locked the door and looked into the mirror at my flush face and tear-soaked checks to the drying spit and cum down my neck. thinking to myself how could I lose myself to this man after only being around him for 10 mins? But then I tasted his cum on my lips and I know in my bones that ever his “understanding” is I would comply. I quickly grabbed one of the cloth hand towels washed my face and neck off in the sink and got myself ready to join for dinner. Just went my phone dinged in my back pocket. Opening it I saw Johnny’s text. Johnny: Hey, So I’m wrapping up in the city….Have you made it in? I have your key. Something in me didn’t care. I wanted to hear out Mateo first. Or did I? Was this too much? I looked at myself in the gold-framed mirror and could see the print of the cage. I wasn’t ready to end this. Something changed and I wanted to keep down this road so I quickly typed back Me: Hey no worries I can get it back tomorrow. I’m at dinner atm. Fingers crossed it ends well. Walking back to the table I was putting my phone away when Mateo said “That isn’t another man now, is it? I expect full attention when you have a mouth like that.” To which I just put my phone away slid into the booth and looked down. “I’ve already ordered for us, the chef is running by me new menu items, So we will be testing them out.” After eating my last bite of some type of fusion chocolate dessert I still can not pronounce I leaned back in defeat. We had so many types of meats and bites different salads, and fancy soups and I attempted to eat what I thought was a marshmallow, and turned out to be a warm townlet for my hands. I finally spoke up and asked “So what about this Understanding” to which Mateo whiping his mouth spoke up. Let’s first discuss who has your cage and what are your rules. Not knowing how to explain I just broke down and nervously explained from the beginning to him. He said he listened to me and then he pulled out his phone and did some typing with me sitting there in anticipation. Finally, he spoke “Someone else cage just won’t do. We are going to my condo there this cage will be removed and I will fit you with one I have the key, and as for the understanding we will build on it. You are a flight attendant. You can sleep around but you only get out of the cage with me. You are not to sleep with men, just fuck. Now it’s either yes or leave in the morning. Tonight you are my guest.” Something told me in my soul to just agree, so I shook my head up and down and said “Yes, Sir!” with more enthusiasm than I cared to show to him at this moment. Next thing we are in this towncar in the back with a driver. Mateo has his hands all over me. rubbing me with powerful hands and pulling up my shirt. Feeling my smooth skin he’s growling with a growing erection. How can he still be going? and after that meal. We pull up to a beautiful house and He is out of the car dragging me inside. Telling me where the shower is and pointing to a room where to meet me after you get prepared. The rest was a blur. I was in the shower getting ready one moment then next I opened up the door to see Mateo standing against the tall window with linen pants that practically show everything from the light shining through from the street below. Then it’s like he senses me and turns saying “Do you trust me?” Trust him? I barely know him……But I responded confidently “Completely” He came over with small bolt cutters broke the lock on my cage and took it off. I feel the air hit parts of my cock that have been locked away for days now. My bulge was smaller now, but still one most would be envious of. But something in me makes me look away from my cock and up to him. I had this feeling that had me unsettled and then I said “I thought you liked me cage”. He laughed and produced a new one. Said “I’m going to fuck you till you cum, Then If you still want to be caged I will lock you. I will own your orgasms, I will have you.” The way he said that had me jumping in his arms and he carried me to the bed. Laid me down and he explored my body, Licking my collarbone to my shoulder, then up next to my ears breaking into them telling me “good boy” then down my chest and stomach to my cock that hasn’t been touched in days. Engulfing it. While one was fingering my nipple, twisting and pulling to the point of pain, I couldn’t focus on it. All I could feel was my cock getting pleasure. I hadn’t felt this in days. It was sending me wild, I didn’t know how long I could last. Mateo was eating my cock like he hadn’t eaten anything in years. teasing the tip and licking my slit like he was sucking a milkshake through a straw, pulling my precum from my balls. Then he would go all the way to the base. I had not been this hard in days. My skin was pulled tight over my shaft and my head was a dark purple. It wouldn’t be long till I exploded. I was breathing so hard and gripping the edge of the bed and the sheets in the other. It was only seconds away from happening and He showed no signs of stopping. So I said “I’m…about…….to….I’m…about…” just went he let my cock drop from his mouth and pulled down on my balls to the point of pain. Stopping my orgasm in its tracks. I was mad! I leaned up and shouted at him “WHY WOULD YOU STOP!” To which he laughed and grabbed some lube. “Your hole needs attention too, Don’t worry This orgasm will be your last uncaged for a while, it needs to remain in your memory for some time. You need to know what I can give you when you deserve it” Dripping some cold lube on my crack and pushing my legs up just so my ass was tilted revealing my hole and legs spread. Working the lube into my hole while slightly playing with my shaft. Never fully gaining speed, just enough to keep me hard. But Then My Boycunt tried swallowing him, he’d pull his fingers away. He was driving me mad, I was trying to gain my cumshot and he was fighting to control it. Finally, he entered my hole with two fingers and I let all the breath in my lungs out, it was both shocking and rewarding Because he engulfed my cock again, just this time it was slower. Massaging my hole and loosening the ring, He stopped at the top of my cock, just the head in his mouth, and looking at me, His eyes locked on mine. I couldn’t look away. That’s when he grinned while on my cock and If I wasn’t feeling my hole being played with I would have come from just that man on my cock. But he added another finger and my head throw back against the pillow and he said “Relax feel good, but don’t cum yet” Then resumed his sucking and fingering my hole with 3 fingers for a bit and added his pinkey and His thumb was teasing my hole. I could feel it, he was good to stay clear from my love button, He knew it’d send me over. After a bit I knew we had to be at this for over 30 mins, I was covered in sweat and my whole body was tingling, I needed to cum. So I started begging, He then told me to relax and I willed my hole to relax. That’s when he got his whole hand up my boy cunt. The pressure was intense. I froze hearing the pop going over his knuckles. I screamed out in pain and leaned forward. I guess it scared him because he leaned up. I reached down and felt my hole stretched over his fist. He kissed my lips and breathed “Good Boy, Let it happen” I kissed him more, leaned back, and gave myself to him. He started to turn his hand inside me. The amount of pleasure I was experiencing from his hand filling me up inside and the assault on my cock was so much! It was painfully good. That’s when my boycunt took over. “Fist me babe, make me explode” He gunted and took over. His assault felt like a boxer practicing with a speed bag. I was thrashing in the bed, basically meeting his fist with every punch in. That’s when it happened. I started pissing, it flooded out of me, releasing more room in my opening for him. He looked up smiling at me, and said “Let go” That is all I needed I shot, I shot 6 times, the first landing on my face, and then proceeded to get higher, Landing on the wall, Soaking everything in in its path. I was seeing stars, I couldn’t feel anything except his fist, and my orgasm. It was so intense, I passed out. I lost consciousness for the 2nd time in my life from an orgasm. I have no idea how long I was out but I came to, The room was dark and I knew two things even with the room as dark as it was. 1 my hole was loose and still hungry, and my cock had something on it. Hard and constricting. I felt and knew it was a new cage fitted to me where the other had been. To be Continued……. This story has started taking a life of its own. So let me know if you want to hear about what Alan should do. Is he getting in too deep?
    3 points
  11. Chapter 11: Three Strokes When Marc got home from his session with the nerd, I told him I had set up a three way stroke session with him and the nerd. Marc said he knew, and had some ideas for it, and perhaps a future session. I asked him what they were. He suggested that I bring a hood for the nerd to wear and he would never show his face, and even though we saw the thick creamy load on his stomach, he said there was even more on his face. What a great idea I thought. I asked him what other ideas, and he said i should suggest that I suck the nerds cock, and then perhaps the nerd suck our cocks. I was concerned the nerd would say no, but he said he was driven by all of the tokens he earned for the private show. He said the nerd stated that his regular viewers were declining, and just watching him stroke without wanting private shows. Marc said it was a lot easier to get a finger up the nerds ass than he expected, and he Ioved it! He said perhaps then we could convince him to use toys on himself, and in time maybe even get our toxic cocks and seed in him! I agreed saying it would take time, but worth the wait! Our three way jerk session was set for tomorrow. Marc would already be there when I arrived and act just as surprised as the nerd when I arrived! There was no way we wanted to blow our cover as a couple. The nerd was thrilled when he saw me, and Marc acted just as suprised and excited as the nerd. Marc started telling me that both he and the nerd were just starting to explore their sexuality and he recalled I said I was gay in the first day introductions. The nerd chimed in and admitted that he was hoping that we could connect, and that he was afraid to make the first move by asking. Marc said he felt the same way, and how cool it was that we all met this way. I of course said I'd be more than happy to teach them a few things about being gay. The nerd asked what. I said he seemed to like things up his ass, and that I had a variety of toys I could bring and use on him. The nerd seemed to love that idea! I then said I had one more idea I'd love to try today, and then grabbed the leather hood from my bag. The nerd looked suprised but he was wondering how he could show his face, without really showing it. I said judging by that load on your stomach, I bet your face was covered in cum. The nerd said yes, and even the headboard was! The nerd asked what else. I said I had an idea, but I'd save it for our session. I suggested we could let the audience vote with tokens, perhaps grabbing a few from those who didn't want to donate for a semi private show. The nerd was gleeful in saying they made over $300 in tokens on the private show alone and he'd love to make $600 so we could split it three ways, earning $200 each rather than the $150 they each earned the other day. Of course I didn't say so, but yea the money was a nice bonus, but my ultimate goal was for Marc to create his very first son with the nerd! With that, we started our "pre production " meeting. We positioned ourselves on the bed, with me in the middle. The nerd asked if he could see my cock, and I told him he'd have to wait like the viewers did. I did grab his hand and put it on my cock though letting him get a good feel for it. The nerd asked if he could jerk it off after I finished us off, and I suggested that wr should first see how the tokens were coming in, and if not as good as expected, perhaps add an additional show, or request additional tokens from those already in semi private show. The nerd suggested a combination of both, and I agreed!
    3 points
  12. So last night this dude messaged me on Grindr, and asked if I wanted some head. I said sure, because it had been a while. So I went over to his motel room, and he wasn’t physically attractive but holy fuck was he a good cocksucker. He sucked me off and on for over three hours, before I gave him a huge load right in his mouth. Which he gladly swallowed whole. I dry humped him and he ate me out, but I really wanted to deposit my load in his raw hole. He kept talking about it all night, but it would definitely happen the next time. Needless to say I will be depositing my load into him next time, and just thinking about last night is already making me hard again.
    2 points
  13. First attempt at this, all fantasy for now Recently divorced from women, who had some, shall we say issues, part of the yr would be up for swinging and liked women, but part of yr would swing into a.. asexual now and you should find fun elsewhere. Didn't know that I was exploring my bi side during those time. When told her I was Bi, she couldn't completly get on board with it. She is a decent person just a bit bi polar. anyway, divorced for 2yrs now and i m out exploring my newly discovered bottom slut side. Have recently been getting introduced to the joys of bbc, and while I never thought I was submissive, if you push the right buttons then I just melt. The top that introduced me to all this name is Jesse, and he has a nice thick 8in that make me drool. While still new to slamming, I love how piggy it makes me, but it also is frustrating as, I become such a hungry hole, and always want more, (yeah never heard that before). So have been introduced to a couple of his friends and haven;t managed to arrange more than 2 of them at a time, so he knows I d love to gangfucked. I have also shared with him, stories about my ex and shown him a few pics, We are both mid late 40s but look younger, she is 5'6 120lbs and small boobs, and a tight little pussy that she claimed always had trouble with big cocks, good for me since I m avg. I was joking with jesse and saying she had never done t and I d love to see her get spun up and see if she would get crazy for cock like me. Jesse laughed and asked if she could take BBc as well as me. Hell no I said, I d like to make here watch me take on a bunch of bbc with each one filling e till there cum is overflowing. Maybe slip her some t and see if she gives in and joins. Jess thought about this and said I bet I could figure a way to get that little fantasy going. What, no way I said she is to innocent lol, he said I can figure something, I said now be careful, not into really harming her etc. 2 weeks later I get a call from jesse, we havent had a nice fuck since that night, he says I have ideal, uh oh what have I started but my cock instantly got hard. So this is the plan he had, I invite her into the city for dinner/shopping catching up and splurge for a nice hotel rm, with seperate beds so we can stay overnite (we are still close so would not be unual). After dinner that is delieved to room by one of his friends in disguise, he slips her something to knock her out. once she konks out, we strip her to undies/bra, slip her just a small bit of t, when she comes to she will be in chair facing bed where I will be on my knees and restrained by couple bigger black guys(i m small guy 5;7 155lbs, and I m blindfolded and naked and being made to suck a nice BBC, I have earplugs in so I have no ideal she is there. Jess whispers in her ear that no harm will come to her, but they know I am bi and love cock and have fucked me before but only once and we don't really know one another. but we know a mutual aquaintance, who has told them about me and that we need to figure some way to fuck both of us. He then tells her that I believe you are asleep back in your room, and he has just been having some fun down the hallway. He tells here I have never been gangfucked and fantasize about it. and that they have given me t so I am high and willing to do anything. She is starting to feel the effect of t on herself and can't figure out why she is started to wiggle around. She asks if they are going to mak here have sex with them. Jesse says no but soon you will be begging for us to do so. I am now on my knees ass up trying to deep throat a thick cock. they explain that with the headphones secured to my head I only hear anything when thay talk through a microphone that goes to my headphones. They are say and of course the ex can hear that part, that I am a good cocksucker, but they bet my wife would be better, trying to tease me. I shake my head no, they laugh and say into mic, do you think she could take BBc in her holes like me. I am fairly high at and of course am in on the scam so I take the cock out of my mouth and say I wish she could see what a total whore for BBC I have become, she would be shocked , and she would see how I was a better fuck than she was, I then say too bad she never figured it out, I would have shared all the BBC we could find and take em together, I say i d lover to eat her cum filled hole if she was gangbanged, but would make here do the same to me. Now the other guys jesse invited who are in the room all strip, 4 other guys besides jesse, nate who is skinny tall guy but with biggest cock I have ever seen, and thick as my wrist, then g who is a large guy 6;4 and all muscle but with a soft voice and silver tongue whose cock is about as big, Stephen who is also over 6ft and husky with a nice thick 9 inck cock, he s a quiet guy bu very sexy , and next guy I only know as t also over 6ft, with a pretty curved 8 inc cock, I have only meet Nate before, and it took some work but finally took that huge cock and am anxious to try again. They all tower over me and could pick me up and bounce me on their cock with ease. I also trust the two guys I am friends Nate and Jesse and trust them, we have a safe word if things arent going well and they will promptly knock out the ex with something gentle, we put her in my bed, with empty liqur bottles and some interracial pron the the motel tv, whe will wake thiking we had some kinky sex and imagined most of the weird stuff , no hard done. But at the momen she hasn't said much but is starring at me sucking cock. Jesse leans in and says to her , 'watch what happens-' when we inject him with t, that I ll be an uncontrollable slut and beg for there cocks' she shakes her head and says dont do that she doesnt want to see me hurt. Jesse laughs, oh don't worry he has done this before, just never with 5 at a time, just watch he says. Nate then holds me down, I m still on my kneees ass up, and wraps a tourniquet around my arm while jesse slides a nice sizable hit into my vein. The Ex is watching mesmerized unaware that the reason she is wriggling around is the t slipped to her 30 min ago in some juice, As the rush hits me I cough and then I m flying they let go of me as I start fingering my hole. I then shock her by begging for some one to put their big cock in me,,I then add I wish she could see this, I could teach here how to take cock(still with headset on and pretending I don't know she is there. As t move behind me, jesse asks her should we use lube, she looks terrified and says yest dont hurt him, he then loosens one of her arms and says she will have to it then, he guides her hand into a container holding lube, she get her fingers wet and then hesitates, go on says jesse slid a few fingers inn his hole. finger fuck me to get it loosened up. I ve never done this she says, so jesse helps slide first one finger then two and she now takes over fingering me by herself. Its so tight she says,..Oh dont worry by end of night it wont be says jesse, he is rubbing the slide of her now exposed brests and her breathing is picking up, Does he really like it she asks, oh yeah says jesse, you ll be jealous watching him moan and beg for more. I could never take cocks that big she says while looking intently at her fingers sliding into my hole. Oh I could give you a little of what we just gave him and you would not be able to control yourself. Really she says, I don't believe any drug could do that,... Oh it just loosens all your inhibitions and makes your pussy and ass tingle, youll be so horny you ll beg to take our cocks. She is really quit now, I don;t think so she whispers, .. Oh just watch for a min, ...T has now moved so is standing on bed, she is in a chair 2 feet away , he then slides his big cock into my hole in one smooth push, I am riding the rush and my hole just opens up, I moan and say oh god yes please fuck me with athat wonderful cock. T now says I bet your wife would be jealous if she were watching, I doubt it I say she s a bit timid, but yeah I d love here to see me doing this. The ex is now rubbing her clit, and hasnt noticied all her restraints are off, or that jesse has slipped a tourniquet around her arm, he tells here its a small hit and she may cough a bit but then she will beg for cock. She looks down at her arm and jesse holding the needle, he says ok if you say no I wont do this but I promise to take good care of you both and you will have best sex you ever had, she is quit so jesse finds a vein gives one last look into her eyes, she says I m scared, he reassures her, she is in good hands, that he is actually a paramedic in real life and will take care of her. She nods yes and he slips it in, pulls out, she leans back in the chair with a cough and says fuck.. (she is not aware that my blindfold is off and I am looking back watching her as that first rush hits her. Holy fuck she says I never thought this exisitited. Jesse is now rugging her pussy which is leaking he asks her if she wants to learn to be able to take cock as well as me,, when she says yesys its in a whisper, t isnow slowly puls from my hole, ithas a slight gape, ..Look at his fuck hole, we are going to make your pussy and ass look like that, in fact you ex there is going to be sucking our cum from you holes when are done, ... she is whimpering now, yes she says.. oh you will return the favor, says jesse, now suc, T s cock and taste your ex husbands ass on his cock, see what kind of pig you turned you ex into. T slides his cock into her mouth, she is then carried to the bed and laid on her back with her head below mine, just then jesse slides his cock into her. its slow going as she is really a small woman down there, her eyes flash open as a moan escapes her lips, it is then she realizes I am above her still on my knees no blindfold etc and am looking into her eyes, I say to her take that bbc and show me you are as good a fguck as I am. She immiediatly starts to cum all over Jesse cock, yes , I say this ihas been in you the whole time, you were just to timid to let go. Oh my god she says he is so big, oh yeah I say but before the night is over both or our holes will be gaped and leaking cum, you will be forever a size queen,. she moans and cums again at that comment I am now kissing here and tell her I can taste my ass from when she sucked T's cock.I then crawl forward till we are in 69 position, me on top and she n ow see Ts big cock at the entrance to my hole. go ahead guide it in I beg I so need him in me, I want you to watch what a total fuck hole I am for bbc, I would do anything for it, but just wait, by end of night you will be too. She orgasms again at that, She grabs his thick, cock barely able to get here fingers around and watches as my tight ass opens up and he starts to fucke me good, he pounds then pulls out so she can see my hole gape open, I am now telling jesse to fuck her hard open here up so everyone else can get in that tight pussy fuck yeah says jesse her pussy is real nice like you said, I could make money off that hole, brothers be lined up for a turn,. fuck yeah I moan as my eyeballs are rooling into the back of my head, my hole is gettting pounded and my ex is underneath me cheering me on saying yeah that is so hot, show me what a whore you are baby,T now unloads a huge load in my hole, and as he pulls out she is watching intently then a big globe of his cumm fall right into her face and open mouth. she is stunned, but T now rubs his big cock across her face and says yeah suck that cum off my cock, , he tells her my ass is so good, he bets she will never be that good a fuck. she is cleaning his cock best she can but mostlu ots smeared all over her face, she is also panting through at least her 9 orgasm on jesses cock, He asks her if she wants his big load of cum in her little milf pussy yes pleas she says, I have no scooted down and am licking the cum from her face as jesse grunts and unloads a 5 day load, when he pulls out her pussy doesnt close and a river of cum is leaking out. It is so raunchy looking. I reach down and scoop some up with my fingers and feed it to her , she is still flying and says ple;ease she want more cock
    2 points
  14. I got a decent cock. Shame it goes to waste attached to a BTM cumhole.
    2 points
  15. collected 4 at the sauna last night
    2 points
  16. The difference is that human sexuality isn’t supposed to be a commodity. @Kayne touches on the core of the reason when he talks about payment being in part compensation for damage for the harm caused. At a biochemical level, every time we have a sexual union with another person, our bodies engage biochemical mechanisms to create bonding. This is not something we have control over; it’s hard-wired. We’ve just learned societally to simply rip away from those feelings of bonding and ignore them. But they still happen, every time, and they account, often, for the feeling of emptiness, unfulfillment, or sense of being discarded, devalued, or used that may follow a casual encounter even if it’s otherwise consensual, exciting, and pleasurable. Sexuality is s basic need identified in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but unlike the other base-level survival needs also found in level 1, where it is represented as a physical need, it also has a presence in levels 3 and 4, implicated in the need to be loved and accepted, and the need for self-esteem. When made transactional, an act of sex may superficially satisfy the level 1 need, but it actively causes a deficit in levels 3 and 4. (One might hypothesize this as a possible explanation for why individuals like some cumdumps have a maladaptive sense of pride and self-value from being serially used as sexual objects - they may be attempting to psychologically interpret the severe deficits being caused in such a way as to either minimize the loss, or actually invert the process and convert the deficit into a gain, illusory as it might be. I’m just spitballing, or looking in the mirror. One of those.) I realize there are times when a man may feel he has to pay for sex because he cannot obtain it any other way, and he feels a desperation to meet his basic level 1 survival need. But a society that sanctions transactional sex, however illicit, essentially obliges him to sacrifice his higher-level needs to do it. He must rob Peter to fuck Paul. It’s not a moralistic statement of “sex shouldn’t be for sale” - it’s a rational observation based on observed phenomena. That is to say, science. What becomes a value judgment is whether we value the quality of human lives enough as a society to say that this is something it is not ethical to do. I think it is not, which is why I will neither pay nor accept compensation for intimacy. I won’t judge those who do, but I am sad for them.
    2 points
  17. Looking back some five years ago, I was such an idiot back then! Not because I lost my neg status one night, but that I didn't get in to horny and wild raw sex at a much earlier age. You see, as of age 26, I was a a classic time wasting guy. I'd hang out with my straight friends, come home, turn on the laptop and chat to some hot guys. I'd lead them on with talk about using my tight hole and sucking them dry. This would last for hours, then I'd shoot my load, and flick the power off without even so much of a goodbye. I had cum, so I was done. Of course I would hook up with guys, but these were guys I picked up in bars, clubs or out and about. I was lucky, I have dirty blonde hair a defined body due to my love of sports and an ass that fills a pairs of jeans very nicely. I started chatting to a 56 year old guy on BBRT. He was older but hot - sort of perfect looking in a really non-perfect way. He was too young to be a daddy, too old to be a jock, a muscular rugby type with definition but not gym-obsessed, sporting a healthy amount of chest hair with a few tattoos scattered about. My dick got instantly hard when I first saw his pics: his cock was thick, eight inches, and 8" dick, negative and he described himself as 'somewhat kinky'. In addition, he lived some 45 minute from me, which meant I was close enough to stimulate some interest, but far enough away to discourage an immediate offer of a hook-up. In short, I could put off meeting until I got my rocks off. I did my usual "hey, great profile, wanna chat?" Within minutes his first reply came through "Hell yeah! You've got an ass I could eat for hours". I was in a very horny mood that night and gave him my Skype ID so we could cam together. His body and cock were beautiful, and we jacked off together on cam, our conversation getting dirtier and dirtier. He kept telling me how he wanted to bend me over and fuck me. I kept willing him on, teasing him by playing with my hole, telling him how much I wanted him. He ended up shooting a HUGE load over his furry chest and within second my hands were covered in my own cum. We said bye and logged off. I showered and slept but woke next day with a raging hard on that could only be satisfied by jacking off to the memory of the hot cam session from the night before. We kept in touch and had a few more session, each of which got nastier and nastier until bareback sex was the major thrust of our conversation. I encouraged him by telling me how I love being fucked and how I want to take anonymous cum and have a top guy use me. This turned him on a huge amount! I was a pro at cyber sex and knew how to work a guy's buttons. Once again he spurted a HUGE load whilst moaning how he wanted to fill my raw hole with his cum. Unusually after this session we stayed online and started chatted about life, hook-ups, boyfriends, turns ons, etc. We must have chatted for over an hour with the time passing by. Two days later I was in a bar and my pocket vibrated. I found this Skype message: "Hey bud, u free and online?" I replied "Sorry, m8. Out drinking tonight" I didn't think anything of it until I was headed home, having had a bit too much to drink, and my dick stirring in my pants. Checking my phone, I found this message: "Hey bud, I really need to shoot my load... and i dont mean on cam. Lets fuck for real." Without even thinking I replied "Yeah that's long overdue. Come and fill my tight hole". This went on for another 15 minutes or so until, without giving the matter proper consideration, I sent him my address and told him to head over. After all, what was the problem? I was really horny, I really wanted to hook up, he seemed a decent guy, was clearly horny himself, and so we would satisfy each other's needs - at least for the night. He arrived just after 1:00 AM. I had already stripped to my boxers, and he did likewise. The outline of his hard cock clearly visible. "Hey bud, lets make his horny and like we spoke about" he said, pulling a blindfold from the pocket of his jeans. I nodded and obliged, without being able to see anything I sucked his dick and it was the most amazing experience ever. Using my hands, tongue and mouth to explore him. My cock was twitching and dripping precum without even touching myself. His hard uncut dick tasted great, and, as he gently pushed the back of my head, I sucked his cock deeper and deeper into my throat. After a few minutes he then turned me over and rimmed my hole very deeply. In fact his tongue action was blowing my mind. I wanted him to fuck me so much, so I was not surprised when I felt his hard head pushing against my hole. Still I was in command of myself enough to stop him, saying "Sorry man, but I only fuck safe. Can you rubber up there are some on the side?" "Huh?? But we met on a bareback site and talked about me fucking you raw and I'm neg and 100% clean." "Erm.. yeah.. well I was just kinda horny and said that. Let's fuck rubbered up and may be next time we can go bare. Once I know you better". Still blindfolded, I could hear him grab a packet from the side table, and rip it open. I reached behind me to feel the condom on his cock. I lubed myself up again and felt him slide inside. His dick was a lot thicker than I realized (or my hole was tighter!) In any event it felt great! It was the perfect balance of pleasure and pain. He continued fucking me for about 20 minutes, fast, slow, sometimes pulling out, sometimes balls-deep in my ass. Occasionally I'd reach round, seemingly to guide his dick, but in reality to check he was still wearing the rubber. Each time he told me to breathe, relax and enjoy! I was getting closer and closer but more importantly my arse was getting sore so I couldn't last much longer. "Need a minute?" he asked, pulling out and stopping for a minute. "Nah, I'm good man, but I can't hold off much longer" He just chuckled and slid straight back in to my arse. After another couple of minutes of fucking I could feel his dick shudder. He screamed "Fuck yeah man, take my hot load". That did it for me and I blew my own load straight away. Still horny he turned me around and got me to suck his dick clean. Only then did I realize he wasn't wearing a rubber. "Hey man, what did you do with the rubber?" "Oh, I got rid of that before loading you." I stopped sucking and removed the blindfold. The first thing I saw was a tattoo of a scorpion just above his dick. It was tiny, sitting at the very base of his still hard dick. "Oh by the way kid, I guess we're both not honest with guys - I've got a POZ sting in my tail." With that he grabbed his clothing and left. I didnt know what to do. My mind was all over the place. Was he lying, will I convert, what had I done?? So I did the only thing I could do in that situation.... I started jacking, fingering my hole and shot a massive load with the knowledge that I had a huge thick POZ load deep inside of me..... ;-)
    2 points
  18. Who in their right mind would pick 1 cock over 6? Imagine all these different shapes of dicks, these different guys, each of them unique. 6 different kind of fucks, some slow, some hard. They can also tag team you, dp you. There is way more cum in six balls than 1, and 6 different strains of DNA for you. Also most guys get crazy when a bottome is loaded, so you'll get them horny as hell.
    2 points
  19. Last Friday Night Massage: Was a shitty week at work and pay week, so I decided to spoil myself with a massage. These are hit and miss and I love a massage that ends in me getting bred, but it is hard to broach the subject when the massage is somewhat a legitimate add. Found a guy that does Lomi Lomi massage walking distance from my house, and he is very reasonably priced. Interestingly he charges an extra $50 for kissing and touching on top of the low price which I liked. So, I opt for this and we share a few pic on text along with address. Seems like a nice guy and I hint at my expectations by sharing my arse pic which shows my pig tattoos on my arse and add “I will leave myself in your hands – do anything you like”. And I get a response, “I think I get the idea”. I am looking forward to this massage. I get there and he is a muscly smooth guy with a gorgeous smile. Cut to the massage which is both of us naked and I have never had a massage that uses so much oil. It is amazing. On my stomach my cock is going up and down all the time. He flips me over and starts on my front occasionally wanking me and asks if I have cum already because a leak lots of pre-cum lol. Probably about 40mins in the massage has been mostly legit with the occasional touch. He has done the usual teasing of his mouth right over mine but not actually kissing. Then he jumps on the table on top of me and starts sliding against me and he is rock hard. We are both covered on warm oil. And then he leans in and passionately kisses me. Let me tell you, it is so good it is worth the money lol. He then jumps off the table, swings me around on my back and lifts my legs over his shoulders and pushes his cock against my hole and says, “this is what you wanted isn’t it”. And before I can answer, he slides in balls deep with ease with all the oil. There is no more discussion. He fucks me deep and hard and repeatedly leans in and kisses me as he fucks me. I start to play with his nipples and he lets out a loud growl and starts to shudder. Pump after pump after pump of his seed floods my insides. He stands there for a minute and continues to slowly fuck me as he stays still and then leans in and passionately kisses me while still inside me after cumming in me. He does that for almost 5 minutes before slowly falling out. After a lot mere kissing and shower I leave totally satisfied and full of his seed. Really happened!
    2 points
  20. I love the 'visits' to the story by Tim's Mum and look forward to them alomst as much as I look forward to Slipitupme's next chapters 🙂
    2 points
  21. The sight of Bill being fucked pushed me over the edge. I felt my control go, my balls tighten and then I orgasmed deep in the old man's backside, filling it with gouts of spunk. When I finished, I pulled back and watched my cock slide out of his dirty arsehole. He levered himself up of the table and wiped his hole with his finger. "Oooh, lovely!" He grinned. "I'm all wet and dripping!" The black guy was fucking Bill in short, hard strokes, his mouth slack and eyes staring as he worked himself to a climax. "Oh yeah!" He gasped and his fat body rippled as he shot his load. I felt fingers greedily feeling for my arsehole as other hands pulled me face down over the table. Bill stood up and stuck a finger up his ravaged arsehole, pulling out a fat gob of spunk with his forefinger. "Let's just lube him up boys!" He laughed, and stuck his finger into me, rubbing the spunk over my hole. There was an old man waiting patiently behind me, his cock grasped in his gnarled fingers. As soon as Bill took his finger away, he slid his cock up me in one delicious thrust. I gasped and hung on, widening my legs and pushing back to feel his cock as deep as possible until his hairy balls were slapping against mine. I was dimly aware of the doorbell and Bill pulled up his shorts to go and answer it. The old man was fucking me hard, spit dripping from his slack lips onto my back. "Oh, hello" I heard Bill say. "He's a bit busy at the moment." Then I heard my mother's voice in reply "Just wanted to check what time he'll be home so I can get dinner on." "He's just in the yard, "said Bill " Ask him yourself" The door opened and I looked over my shoulder to see my mother standing there. The was a gasp from the crowd as she saw me being buggered. "Oh!" She said, then grinned. "I might have known! Dirty little sod." The old man was close, looking at her anxiously but continuing to fuck. "Don't mind me, mate" She said " Shoot up him if you want." The old man gasped. "Cumming!" he croaked and I felt his cock throb and throb as he spunked in me. He staggered back, and his cock dripped as it slid out of me. "Lovely!" She said. "Right, I'm off. I can see you're busy, Timmy so I'll put dinner back until 8ish" She pointed at a very old, wizened man with no hair and sagging belly but a nice big cock standing up between his thighs. "Fill yer boots then, Pop. You look like you need it!" The man grinned, got behind me and slid up me with a sigh of pleasure. She laughed. "See you then Bill" and the door closed behind her as the group clustered around me...
    2 points
  22. Part 5 The next morning Dennis and Michael woke up and Dennis took another look at his cell phone and saw back the notifications of the apps Michael had installed. D : What to do with this M : What you should do with this, agree and give in to your new needs. You have to do that. D : I don't know. I've only had sex under the influence or with you there. Are you going to be with me on every date then. M : hahaha no I'm not going to be there. This is your first assignment. M : I want you to date at least 1 top in the next 7 days, get fucked without taking Tina or other chems. The only thing you may use are poppers. You get fucked every time bare , you get your pussy pumped full of cum and then lick the top's cock clean. M : You know since I made your profiles and know your password I will maintain the contacts. You don't have to do anything just open your door when the doorbell rings and offer your mouth and ass. I will then decide with whom and how much seed you get each day and you will not refuse any cock offered to you. I will come and install my surveillance cameras here later so I can make sure you carry out your assignment. Dennis didn't really know what hit him. He would have to let total strangers into his house for the next 7 days, get fucked, squirted full and filmed. He no longer had a problem with being filled with cum because he would soon get the fuck flu anyway and was secretly addicted to it already. But being filmed and having no say in who would fuck him did. He still had the penis cage on and what would those men say if they saw him like this. M : do this brother and then you only have to do 1 more job and then I will release your cock back and you will get a new dose of chems. You'll even get your own stash from me then. Dennis' heart started pumping faster when he heard that he would get his own stash of Tina and that his dick would finally be set free again. M : First prove to me that you have embraced your new destiny and are now a real cum dump and that you enjoy having a cock in your hole. D : ok, I accept the challenge and I hope you can convince The brothers had breakfast together, Michael went home to his cameras and installed them in Dennis's bedroom in places where you couldn't see them. Dennis was now back alone in his apartment for the first time and he noticed by everything that his thoughts, feelings and sexual needs had changed. When he watched straight porn, he no longer got horny from the horny women he saw on the screen but was fantasizing about what dick was in the men's pants and what he would want to do with it. Dennis was nervous, when would the bell on his door ring for the first time, who would it be, would he be handsome, young, muscular. What would he have to do and would he manage to have sex and let himself go completely without the blissful intoxication of Miss Tina. He didn't have to wait long because the doorbell rang and his cell phone lit up he had a message from his brother. He went to the doorbell pressed the button and let the person downstairs in and told him to just come upstairs. He opened the door and took his cell phone and read the message Michael had sent him. M : Have fun my son because the first one should be here by now. Don't disappoint me and don't forget that I can see you. He is expecting a real slut and wants to squirt down your throat. Wait on your knees with your mouth open at your door. Dennis' heart pounded in his throat, he was tremendously nervous but did what the message said and got on his knees at the door with his mouth still open . He heard his visitor come upstairs and the door opened. Dennis looked straight ahead and saw only the shoes and jeans of the man who had just come in. He dared not look up, his eyes fixated on the bulge in the jeans in front of him. Dennis saw 2 hands go toward the button of the pants, undo the button and belt, and lower the jeans. The hands were of the unknown visitor were firm and looked rough. It certainly wasn't a young guy doing a desk job though but the hands certainly belonged to someone doing heavy manual labor. The pants fell to the floor and a half hard fat but not so big cock was now looking at Dennis. Dennis felt his mouth fill with saliva and licked his lips at the sight of that tasty dick. He felt his own trapped cock want to get stiff but it was held back by his bars. The visitor now came to stand with his cock right in front of Dennis' mouth and the smell of the sweaty unwashed cock entered Dennis' nose. Dennis was getting hornier and hornier. He realized that letting himself go completely without Chems was not really going to be a problem and he had to have that blissfully smelling cock in his mouth. 1 : Well slut what are you waiting for, that cock won't suck itself stiff Dennis opened his mouth and took the half hard cock in his mouth. He tasted a mixture of sweat, pre-cum and piss and instantly the inner slut in him emerged. He placed his hands on the thick and flabby ass and pushed the cock all the way in. He felt the cock begin to swell in his mouth. Dennis' mouth was completely filled and because the cock was so thick he had trouble keeping it all the way in his mouth. The anonymous visitor took hold of Dennis' head and began to thrust and growl. 1: Yes little slut, make me nice and stiff. Then I'll rip open your little cunt with my fat cock later. That sounded like music to Dennis's slut ears. Michael sat behind his laptop and watched Dennis kneel down and suck the cock of a 60-year-old port worker. Michael had chosen him specifically because he wanted to test Dennis' ability to take any cock offered without hesitation. The dock worker was certainly not of the handsomest, he was smaller than Dennis, had man boobs was heavily hairy and not of the cleanest. But Michael was very pleasantly surprised that Dennis was indulging the cock without hesitation. Dennis still had not looked up and was enjoying the cock that was in his mouth. 1: Offer me your pussy slut. Take off your pants and lie on your back in your seat. Dennis stood up and was still looking down. He took off his pants and lay on his back in the couch. Now for the first time he saw the dock worker and Dennis shocked. This man was totally not his type, had he just sucked this man's cock and now he would let himself be fucked by this old dirty nasty troll. 1: With your panties on it won't work he slut. The dock worker tore open Dennis' briefs and the cock cage came out. 1: oh look here, the slut is caged. Are you not allowed to play with yourself by your master slut. Right he is , a slut should not play with his dick he should pleasure real men like me. Although Dennis was ashamed and didn't want to continue. Still the slut in him took over. 😧 yes I am caged. Stretch my cunt and rape my hole with your fat cock. Dennis was shocked by his own words but he didn't have long to think about it as he felt his cunt pulled open by the dock worker's fat cock. This was the first time for Dennis to be fucked completely sober by a stranger who was then not his choice. He felt his cunt tear and groaned in pain. 1: You're not used to much yet huh slut. When I'm done you won't have a tight pussy but a hole The harbor worker pushed his short but fat dick all the way in and felt the sphincter of Dennis' dick tighten completely 1: hmmmm this is what I like slut, breaking open and destroying a tight pussy like yours. Dennis wanted to push the dock worker off him but the man may have been smaller and older than Dennis he was much stronger all the same and held Dennis in a firm grip and pulled him hard on his cock. Dennis saw the poppers on the little table, he took them as fast as he could and sniffed them heavily. A horny and relaxed intoxication came over him. His pussy began to relax and the intoxication made the appearance of the man fucking him no longer matter. Dennis started moaning and the docker felt he could start pumping. 1: yes slut give your pussy to me completely let me fuck your hole. D : hmmmm yes fuck me, fuck me harder Dennis took a few more firm strokes of the poppers and released the beast inside him completely. His cunt was now completely relaxed and allowed the fat pole to slide in like a knife through butter. The dock worker increased the pace and rammed his cock in harder. Dennis no longer noticed the man's appearance he was only focused on his cunt and wanted it filled as long as possible. In his mind he wondered why he had not discovered this earlier, he enjoyed this much more than what he used to do with women. 1: do you still have a neg pussy slut. D : yes, but my pussy is already fully charged and my DNA is brewing the virus The dock worker was thrusting as hard as he could 1: fuck yeah, you dirty mother fucker. You deserve to be pozz. A real dirty mother fucker you are. A real dirty pozz whore you are. 1: Are you ready to swallow my dirty seed whore. Open your mouth I'm going to fill you up with my babies Open your mouth slut I'm going to fill you up. Dennis opened his mouth and sat up straight, took the cock in his mouth he tasted his own cunt fluid and immediately realized he was not rinsed but like a real dirty whore he sucked on it like a man possessed. He heard the dock worker growl and took he took Dennis's head firmly and pushed on his cock and held it. Dennis felt his mouth being filled with the dock worker's seed. The seed tasted heavenly, it was Dennis' reward for letting himself go completely with a man he otherwise would not have seen, or had sex with. Dennis enjoyed the seed in his mouth for a while longer, then let it slide down his throat. The man pulled his limp cock into Dennis' mouth and patted the back of his head. 1: Blessed slut. If you want any more of my cum you have to send me. He put his pants back on and left. Dennis was left only horny and turned on. With his hand he felt at his open hole and he stuck a few fingers in it to enjoy it for a while. He had to do something because he couldn't play with his own cock. He saw his cell phone light up again. That must be Michael he thought, Who must have been watching. He pulled his hand back and when he wanted to take his cell phone he saw that there was still brown residue on his hand. He realized that from now on he would have to rinse himself every day because if he could get fucked at any unexpected moment he had to be clean. He wiped his hand clean and took out his cell phone. It was indeed Michael. M: You have made me a proud father. Didn't think you could let yourself go like that right away. It shows me that you accept your new self and are ready for more and new experiences. Dennis sent back D : it's weird to admit, but I really enjoyed this and am longing for more. M : enjoy your evening, I will send you tomorrow for your next session. That evening while Dennis was still at work he received an email from Michael with the subject: enjoying the evening a little more. He opened the mail and saw a link. Dennis clicked on it and a new page opened and a movie started playing. He saw himself sitting on his knees and the dock worker coming in. As Dennis watched the movie, his cock wanted to get stiff again but the cage stopped him. He could no longer deny that he was not enjoying his new life. After watching the movie he crawled into his bed and continued fantasizing about his new life and about Tina, how he felt like being in Miss Tina's horny intoxication. Hold on for a few more days he thought and not refuse any cock and then ... The next morning after his morning toilet he stepped into the shower and the first thing he did was rinse his pussy so it was clean for what the day would bring him. From now on this would become his ritual every day. When he wanted to get dressed he noticed a side effect of his penis cage, due to the many excited moments of the last few days and not being able to empty his balls his nuts were on burst and his sack was very sensitive. Even the tension and friction his boxer shorts gave was too much. He took his boxer shorts back off and decided to just walk around naked at home. But with every step he took his balls clattered against his legs and signaled to him that they needed to be emptied. As a result, he spent a whole day walking around horny with a cock straining against his bars. He couldn't wait for the day he would be freed and finally be able to jerk his pole and discharge his seed. He fantasized about the moment he would be able to squirt his seed while being fucked and how the fucker would then feed his own seed into him. The cage and the desire for Tina certainly did not miss their effect as Dennis's day existed only by thinking about sex with men. It was already in the late afternoon and Dennis still had not received word from Michael, would he have forgotten him. It took until 8 pm before he got a message. M: I hope you are ready because in 10 min your next assignment will come. When he rings you open your door and get ready on your hands and knees in your shower. You should not be startled but the guest coming will be wearing a mask and will not take it off. He knows you well and wants to keep his identity secret. He was shocked by your profile because he had expected you to be gay and now that you profile as a real slut he wants to use you. You stay off his mask and he won't say anything. You swallow everything he offers you and you let him have his way completely. Maybe you will get a special reward and next time he will want to reveal his identity Dennis who had been waiting quietly but anxiously all day was getting nervous again. The fact that soon someone he knew would come in but wouldn't know who it was made him uneasy. Who would it be and how would he feel about him seeing him like this. Would he keep his new life a secret or soon everyone would know. Again Dennis's heart pounded in his throat but the desire to see Tina, to be used and to prove himself was too great and suppressed his sense of shame and fear of showing his new life to someone he knew. The bell rang. With knees buckling, he opened the door and set his door ajar. Went to the shower and got down on his knees. Who would it be, was it a fellow student, a friend, a family member, ... he heard footsteps and then he saw someone standing completely dressed in black. He had on a black balaclava with only the eyes clear and a hole for his mouth, a black hoodie and black jogging pants and black gloves. Dennis looked at him and tried to guess by the stature who was standing in front of him but it could really be anyone. He saw that the stranger pulled out his cock. Dennis looked at the limp cock and his eyes twinkled. It was a thick big meat dick. He grabbed his poppers and took a few more deep pulls first. His diffidence, fear and shame disappeared. He opened his mouth and the stranger shoved his flaccid cock into Dennis's mouth. Dennis wanted to start sucking but he felt a warm stream fill his mouth. Although Dennis had already been pissed in his mouth and drank piss, yet again this was a first time without Tina's intoxication. Because he had not expected this and was startled, he let the first gulp drain from his mouth. The stranger took a firm hold of his head and Dennis recovered and with some effort and some disgust he drank the piss he got in his mouth. The masked fucker growled and again Dennis tried to think who it could be. But could not place the voice sound with anyone. When the stranger's bladder had emptied and Dennis' belly was filled with piss, Dennis began to suck the cock stiffly. It wasn't long before his mouth was completely filled with his masked date's cock. The masked man pulled his stiff cock out of his mouth and made signs for Dennis to get out of the shower and sit on all fours in front of him. Dennis sat in front of the masked fucker on all fours and took a few more deep takes of the poppers as he thought he would be fucked immediately. He felt the cheeks of his ass being pulled up and felt the masked man's tongue on his sphincter. Dennis heaved a deep sigh from the blissful sensation that came over him. The masked fucker fingered and licked his pussy well open and moist. Dennis felt open once the swollen mushroom pushing against his wet and open starlet. Dennis quickly sniffed some more poppers, bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. He felt his sphincter open fully and the glans bore its way in. Dennis started breathing heavily, by now his slut hole had become somewhat used to letting a fat cock inside and pain was no longer there, instead he immediately got a surge of horniness over him and started moaning and riding the big fat cock with his ass like a hungry whore. The masked fucker moaned with pleasure along with Dennis and gave several firm slaps on his ass until it looked nice and red. The only thing you could hear during the fuck was Dennis' moans and the pounding of the masked fucker. Normally Dennis got dirty talk all over him now but this time it was quiet and he could fully concentrate on his filled cunt. It was heavenly, whoever was fucking him, was it a young or old person he didn't know but what he did know was that he knew how to ride a pussy. Dennis felt his prostate being stimulated and he felt an orgasm coming on. He started breathing very heavily and then suddenly he felt a heat come over him as if he was going to cum, the feeling of cumming didn't stop and with every pounding the masked fucker made he got another feeling of coming to his climax. Dennis could not control his body and moans and slumped through his arms and fell to the ground. The masked fucker now came down on him and was pounding hard and fast. Dennis fell into a trance and wanted it to never stop, because he had never experienced this before and didn't even know this could happen. He felt a wet spot forming under his belly. Now the masked fucker hit his climax, with a few more solid poundings he filled Dennis' hole and fell down on Dennis, exhausted. Both men were panting heavily and caught their breath for a moment. Then the masked fucker stood up, pulled up his jogging and went outside. Dennis was again left alone, but had not yet recovered. This was really rewarding he thought. He wanted to know who had just given him the orgasm of his life because he could come and do this any day. Dennis felt under his stomach to know what that wet spot was and to his surprise it was his own seed. He had been milked by that solid fuck. Dennis got down on his knees and looked in amazement at his own seed on the floor. The slut in him came up and he couldn't hold back and started licking his own seed off the floor. He stood up and was a little dizzy, thinking that was still from fuck he had just gotten and went to his seat. But 5 min later the dizziness was not over, it had only gotten worse and he felt that his horniness was not lessening either but only intensified. He looked at his cell phone and saw that there was a message on it from Michael. M : You did a good job slut. Enjoy your reward because the piss you drank so nicely just now was full of Tina. Enjoy your flight and take some toys with you to spoil your hole a bit. A big smile appeared on Dennis' face. He stumbled to his closet and took all the dildos and butt plugs he had and went to his room. He took the thickest dildo he had and inserted it into his cum-dripping hole. For a moment Dennis was back in slut heaven, for a moment he fucked himself with the dildo and when he wanted to take another he saw that the dildo was full of cum from the masked fucker. Without thinking about it he opened his mouth and took it in his mouth to lick it clean. Dennis never thought he would love the taste of semen so much, even though the seed from each cock was different, it was a feast every time he felt the divine nectar hit his taste buds. The week went on and every day a different figure entered his apartment that Michael had chosen for him. Each time with different expectations and needs, whether they were handsome, ugly, old, young, fat or thin Dennis emptied every cock and did beautifully each time what was expected of him. The last day was upon us and Dennis wondered when Michael would come to release his cock because he deserved it. Doubt that Dennis had embraced his new existence could no longer be there. His shame, fear and doubt about having sex with men was completely gone . He had become a proud cumdump after this week and craved a fat cock in his mouth and ass every moment, his desire for cum was huge. If he could he would relieve every man he saw of his load of seed and all without the intoxication of Miss Tina. Dennis's cell phone lit up, it was Michael. M : I am a proud father, your challenge has succeeded my son. Tonight you can get your reward if you complete 1 last task. The key to your cage and your supply of chems are with my dealer. You have already been there with me hopefully you remember where it is. Make sure you are well rinsed and fully shaved. Wear your sluttiest clothes and bring a bag of extra clothes to go back home with you. Cancel all your appointments for this weekend, refuse nothing, let yourself go completely and send me when you can go back home. It was a lot for Dennis to take in, but he had understood the most important thing right away. He would have to present himself to his future dealer for an extended session. He would be released from his cage and given his stock. He got hot inside not from fear or excitement but from longing. Longing for what would happen to him. The day was progressing and when he got a message from Michael that he was expected at the dealer in 2 hours he got ready, he took a shower and shaved completely and showered his hole for a second time that day. He stood in front of his closet looking for slutty clothes. But soon came to the realization that his new status was not really reflected in his closet yet but still found what he needed. He put on his jockstrap, took a pair of shorts and cut them a little extra shorter so that the cheeks of his ass came out of them. Without hesitation he went outside and like a proud slut he walked down the street. His cage was visible in his shorts, last week he would have been embarrassed about this and covered the visible cage with his hands but now he walked forward proudly without caring about the people watching. He arrived at the dealership and rang the bell, the door opened and he went in confidently. Tom ( the dealer ) came up to Dennis with a big smirk on his face. He came close T : Well slut we are a week late and as promised you are here nicely on time. T : look slut I will explain to you how it works here. I will be your future dealer of all the delicious things. But to have me as your dealer you have to pass your entrance exam first. When you pass you may come back to get your stuff. Then you pay me and if you can't pay me anymore then you have to serve me you understand. T : your father gave me a key, if you do as I command I will release you from your cage but you will have to prove yourself worthy. Dennis felt Tom's tone was coercive and commanding, this was new to him and he wasn't sure how to respond. D : ok is good. Tom gave a slap to his head. T : that's not how you speak to me. You address me as sir understood. Dennis who was still recovering from the blow to head had understood. D : ok sir I will prove myself. T : you have to know your place slut. You will have to prove that you are worthy of your place. Tom opened a locker that was against the wall and took out a collar, 2 knee pads and a chain. T : I would say take your clothes off but this will do for now Tom put the collar around Dennis' neck and attached the chain to it. He put knee pads around Dennis's knees and ordered Dennis to get on his hands and knees. Dennis did what was asked of him without hesitation. Tom pulled on the chain and took Dennis with him. Dennis followed on all fours. Dennis was taken to the playroom and when they got there Tom took a pair of scissors and cut up the shorts. Dennis knew immediately why he had had to bring spare clothes. His T-shirt was torn from his body and thrown away. The only thing Dennis now had on was his jockstrap. T : Stand up slut and let me take a good look at you. Dennis stood up and Tom came close to Dennis. He felt his nipples, gave a few taps against his ass, pulled his hair and his head back. Pulled at Dennis's over sensitive balls and gave a few light thumps into Dennis's stomach. Dennis tried not to budge but when Tom got to his nuts and when he got the bucking in his stomach he couldn't help but groan lightly. T : hmmm with those nipples of yours I will have a lot of fun and that ass of yours is pretty good too. T : are you ready for use slut. D : yes sir, I am completely ready to be used by you. T : ok then. You have no more plans this weekend slut. I may test and use you long and extensively. You are willing to completely surrender to all my whishes and desires and do whatever I command you without contradiction. Dennis who actually no longer had any fear or nerves got a little nervous again. What had he gotten himself back into now. But curiosity and his inner slut took over. D : yes sir, I have no more plans and you may do whatever you like with me this weekend. T : I am happy to hear that. Then I will prepare you for use slut. Once the preparation is started, there is no turning back understood. Dennis nodded and Tom took an xtc pill and a glass already filled with G. T : ok then slut. I will let you get to know my full range of stuff this weekend. So that later you will know what I have in the house and what it is for. T : open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Dennis' desire for chems would be fed in a moment and he did what was asked and stuck out his tongue and a yellow pill was put on it, the glass with G was put against his mouth and he had to drink the glass empty. T : fine. What do you say bitch D : thank you sir. T : and how are you going to thank me Dennis spontaneously got on his knees wanted to open Tom's fly with his hands so he could suck him. T : no slut you have to earn this cock first. T : Nico come over here. Nico entered the playroom. Nico was a big naked black man with a big thick-veined cock and came to stand in front of Dennis. T : Thank me by sucking his seed from his cock. Dennis looked at the long veined cock and didn't know if he would get this one all the way in. He opened his mouth and licked the mushroom, the blissful smell and taste of a real man's cock made the slut in Dennis come all the way to the top and he let his lips slide over the black shaft Nico's cock. As Dennis must have thought, he didn't get it all the way into his mouth. He felt the glans already entering his throat and began to gag. T : is it all you can slut. You have to do better than that. Tom pushed on Dennis' head so the cock shot deeper into his throat. Dennis gagged again and wanted to pull away. Tom let go of his head so Dennis could gasp and put poppers under Dennis' nose and let him take only deep pulls and then pushed him deep on Nico's cock again. T : come on slut, show me you want it. Dennis felt the poppers doing their work and just as his pussy relaxed when he sniffed poppers, now his throat also relaxed and he could slide the cock deeper down his throat. T : hmmmmm, good bitch. Take that all the way down your throat. As Dennis tried to get even more of Nico's cock down his throat Tom slapped his ass until it turned nice and red. Tom released his grip and nodded at Nico. Nico took over and began to deepthroat him. Tears were running down Dennis' cheeks from the effort he was making, and his gag reflex began to disappear. He felt Tom roughly insert his finger into his pussy and Dennis began to enjoy the whole thing. 1 finger became 2 and 2 became 3 and suddenly he felt his cunt being pulled open by a butt plug, the plug popped into place and now Dennis was coming all the way. After about 15 minutes he noticed that the pill and G were starting to do their work and Nico was going to squirt. Nico took Dennis' head firmly and pushed his cock as deep as he could one last time. Dennis felt every stream of seed being thrust through the cock and squirted straight down his throat. He regretted not getting the seed in his mouth and thus not being able to taste it because Nico had just squirted a huge load down his throat. When Nico pulled his limp cock back Dennis could just taste the last drops on his tongue. Nico pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth who was now completely flying from the G and X. Dennis didn't want to release the cock and took hold of it with his hand to put it back in his mouth but got a slap to his head. T : I decide what happens here slut understood. Dennis couldn't keep his head still and was already flying high in the clouds D : yes sir. Tom took hold of Dennis' head and looked him in the eyes. He saw Dennis' eyes turn in all directions and a grin appeared on his face. T : already flying well slut. Are you enjoying my tasty sweets. The drool was already running from Dennis' mouth. D : yes sir, thank you for these heavenly sweets Dennis was pulled straight and struggled to stand on his feet. He was given a wrist strap on each wrist and was attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling. The stuff Dennis had been given was of very good quality because he was completely in a trance and only half realized what was happening. His Jockstrap was taken off and now he stood completely naked in front of Tom who stood ready with 2 nipple clamps a whip and electrowand. Tom placed the clamps on Dennis' nipples who groaned for a moment from the pain sensation going through his body. Tom took a few steps back and enjoyed the sight for a moment. In front of him was a naked slut who was flying from the X and G ready to be trained. Tom's cock began to swell spontaneously. Tom pulled on the nipple clamps for a moment and enjoyed the moaning sound Dennis made. Dennis curled his toes to stifle the pain. Tom took the electrowand and delivered a shock to Dennis' ass. Dennis gave a cry due to the pain the shock gave. T : you like that bitch Dennis's senses were on edge, he wasn't getting much pleasure from this he hoped that would stop soon D : no sir, please stop this Tom shook his head. T : Wrong bitch, you still have a lot to learn. You're supposed to say yes sir thank you Tom gave two more shocks for each nipple one. Dennis groaned but had learned his lesson. D : thank you sir, thank you T : that's better already. Tom gave him a few more shocks, Dennis got 2 on his balls, his trapped cock also got a few and his nipples and ass were also given a few shocks from the electrowand. With each shock Dennis curled his toes and gave a groan. By the pain experience Dennis was experiencing, the first wave of the chems was gone and when Tom put the electrowand away you could see Dennis relaxing again. But Tom wasn't done with Dennis yet and took the whip. Dennis felt several firm pecks against his ass and a throbbing pain shot through his body. Tom came in front of him and teased Dennis's nipple clamps with the whip until he gave it a firm tap and the clamps shot off the nipples. The jumping off of the clamps made Dennis scream in pain. Tom came to stand in front of Dennis and pushed on both nipples. Dennis gasped for breath. Tom released the nipples and took hold of Dennis' head and began kissing him fiercely. When he broke the kiss he spit in Dennis' face and gave him a slap to the head. Dennis was completely out of it. He wouldn't be able to handle this all weekend and as he caught his breath he was untied. T : lie down in the sling Dennis looked behind him and saw a sling hanging and stepped over to it and lay down in it. His hands were secured and his ankles were also secured. Tom came to stand next to Dennis. T : up and your mouth slut I have a candy for you Dennis opened his mouth and watched a little blue pill disappear into his mouth. When he had swallowed the pill Tom took a key from his pocket. T : See this slut. This is the key to your cock cage. I can keep it with me for a while longer or I can get rid of your cage. T : but I do know that you just took a viagra and your cock will want to get stiff soon A big grin appeared on Tom's mouth T : so slut are you worth getting rid of your cage ? Dennis wanted nothing more than to be freed from his penis cage D : I hope I am worth it sir. T : will you be able to behave slut and stay off your cock once it is free. D : yes sir, I will stay off my cock I promise. T : ok fine slut I will hold you to your promise. Breach my trust and it won't be your best day. D : ok sir. Tom put the key in the lock and opened the padlock of the penis cage. He took off cage and put it away. Dennis heaved a sigh of relief and wanted to feel his freed cock but kept his promise. It wasn't long before Dennis' freed cock began to get stiff. T : look who's happy to be freed Said Tom while laughing. Open your mouth slut so I can empty my bladder. Dennis willingly opened his mouth and let Tom slide his slightly swollen cock inside. T : don't let a drop of my liquid gold go to waste bitch or your cock might soon disappear back behind bars. Tom felt the warm mouth clamp around his cock and growled loudly as he spilled his liquid gold into Dennis' mouth. Like a well trained piss drinker, Dennis swallowed every stream of the divine nectar. When Tom's bladder was emptied and he saw that not a drop was lost he gave a few encouraging pats against Dennis' head. T : well done slut. You did that well. I will reward you for this with an extra piece of candy Dennis visibly enjoyed Tom's approving words and was in happy anticipation of the candy he would receive. Tom took a crystal in his hands and pulled out the plug that was still in Dennis' hole. He placed the crystal on his finger and pushed it deep into Dennis's cunt. Dennis felt the crystal melt and release its burning heat into his hole. Dennis knew what was coming and his desire for Tina was stilled a feeling of peace and pleasure came over him. Tom after Dennis his stiff cock in his hands and began to gently jerk him. Dennis enjoyed the attention that his cock was getting and began to moan lightly. Tom quietly jerked on until suddenly he squeezed the glans hard. Dennis looked at him dazed, not understanding why Tom stopped jerking him. T : you shouldn't look so weird slut. Did you really think you would be allowed to cum. Dennis didn't understand. Tom waited a moment and then started jerking Dennis' stiff pole again but where Dennis was just now almost working up to a high point he now started again from scratch. Again Dennis felt the high point coming and again Tom stopped jerking and squeezed Dennis' cock hard which went limp again from Tom's squeezing. Dennis became completely confused by the mixed sensations he was getting. T : Liam come over here Liam a G addicted whore who couldn't pay his bill to Tom came in. T : quietly suck this slut's cock. You don't make him cum understood. Liam nodded and took Dennis' limp cock in his mouth. Dennis felt the moist lips sliding over his mushroom and a warm moist mouth sliding around his pole. Dennis let out a deep moan from the blissful feeling he was now experiencing. This was ages ago, his heart began to beat faster and he felt the crystal amplify his slutty feeling. Dennis' mouth fell open and he moaned with pleasure. But when Tom saw that Dennis was about to climax again he pushed Liam away and poured ice cold water over Dennis's stiff cock. Dennis cried out. Why wasn't he allowed to cum what was the point of this. He wanted it so badly, he wanted so badly to squirt his cum because it had been over a week. Dennis felt his seed-filled sack begging to be allowed to cum. D : let me squirt my seed sir, I'll do anything you want. T : hahahaa that you will do anything I want is true but squirt you won't yet bitch T : just make him hard again Liam. Liam started sucking again and again Dennis enjoyed the attention that his hard cock was getting. But just like before when he was working towards a climax the climax was taken away from him again. Tom let Liam suck Dennis' pole 2 more times and then had to stop. Should Dennis be able he would now sit and jerk his cock until he could squirt but his hands were locked on the sling and he couldn't do anything himself. Tom came up behind Dennis and sat on a stool. T : Liam go stand next to slut and offer him your cock. T : slut thank Liam by sucking him and swallowing his seed. Dennis didn't know what he heard, why wasn't he allowed to squirt. But he did what was asked of him and he opened his mouth and Liam pushed his cock into Dennis' mouth and made him suck his cock. Tom took a few more crystals and pushed them deep into Dennis' pussy with his fingers. Dennis felt the extra lump being pushed into his cunt and got hornier by the second. Tom took a large amount of fat and massaged Dennis' slightly gaping hole. He pushed in finger after finger, stretching Dennis' cunt open little by little. Tom felt Dennis' hole getting hotter and hotter and started to glow. Dennis got a Tina cock back and got more and more caught up in Miss Tina's intoxication. He sucked like a real whore on Liam's cock who was also nearing his climax and Dennis felt the milk flowing from Liam's glans. Dennis was on cloud nine, his hole well filled and his mouth full of cum. How wonderful his new life was, he thought. Liam kissed Dennis some more and left and Tom was now on his fifth finger but felt that the sphincter was now at its maximum. This is enough for now, Tom thought, with some Ketamina I will break through the last barrier tomorrow. Dennis was still on his Tina cloud and living in the clouds was heaven. Tom came next to Dennis and gave him a few slaps. T : Stay with me bitch, you can fly but you have to stay alert. Dennis looked at Tom with a horny slutty look, one of those looks you only see when a slut is completely in the clouds. T : Make me hard bitch, it's time for me to test the goods and take a test drive before the others get here. Dennis opened his still cum filled mouth. Tom saw the load of cum from Liam T : Oh you really are a unique specimen T : Hmmm you could come into my stable like that. A smile appeared on Dennis' mouth and he placed his lips on Tom's mushroom and looked at him with horny, seed asking eyes. Dennis felt the cock stiffen in his mouth. Tom thought that was enough and made Dennis stop sucking. He came up behind Dennis and in one fell swoop rammed his thick cock into Dennis' gaping hole. Dennis looked at Tom whorishly. 😧 Yes sir, fuck me. Fuck me harder. Fill me with your babies Tom slapped Dennis' ass hard. This only encouraged Dennis even more. D : Harder sir, hit me harder. Destroy my cunt with your fat cock. Tom enjoyed this unique find and rammed his cock into Dennis' hole as hard as he could. T : do you want my poisonous seed bitch, do you want my virus strain in your cunt. T : Do you want your master to empty his balls into your whore hole. 😧 Yes Sir, I want your cum and as much cum as you can give me. T: I'll hold you to your word slut. Tom hits hard and when he is about to come he growls loudly and pulls Dennis hard towards him. T : Here comes my load slut. Dennis felt Tom's cock squirt string after string of dirty cum into his cunt. Tom jerked off after a while and stood next to Dennis and pushed his limp, cum covered cock into Dennis' mouth. T : Just lick it clean bitch. Dennis didn't have to say it twice. Dennis eagerly licked Tom's cock clean. Tom then tied Dennis' arm with a belt and picked up a sterile kit that was lying on the floor. He ripped open the sterile kit and took out a drug lock. He looked for a nice shiny vein and inserted the medication lock and taped it up nicely. Dennis looked at the IV and wondered why he was getting one. He thought he would get a slap when his arm was tied off, but he didn't expect this. T : You shouldn't look so weird, bitch. I'll give you this medicine lock so that when I give you a slam, you won't have to poke every time. D : Thank you, sir. T : That's better. Take a good look at the clock later because the next time you can look at the clock we will be at least a day further along and your hole and your stomach will be filled with poisonous seeds. Dennis was released from the sling and had to lie down on a king-size bed. Getting to the bed had become quite a task with all the chemicals coursing through his body. As he landed on the bed he began to wonder what would happen next and if Tom was going to fuck him alone or if others would come. Tom whistled on his fingers T : Hey guys, come over here, the bitch has moved in. Soon Nico, Liam and 5 others came into the room. Dennis couldn't believe his eyes. All of them were handsome, big muscular men and from what he could see they were all well supplied down below. Dennis' sphincter, which was already quite open, spontaneously opened even more. Nico came down on the bed and Tom ordered Dennis to sit on his pole. Another guest also jumped on the bed and came to sit behind Dennis, getting ready to push his cock into Dennis' hole as well. Tom took a syringe, opened the drug lock and inserted the needle and without any countdown or warning he emptied the contents into Dennis' arm. Dennis, who didn't really know what was going on. began coughing heavily, felt a horny rush rise to the surface and could no longer control himself. As Dennis was catapulted to the clouds, the guest also thrust his cock into Dennis' hole. Dennis' mind could hardly handle the flood of sensations. T : Come on whore show that you are worth getting fucked by these 2 alpha males at the same time. Dennis did his best and tried to slide the cocks deeper into his hole. D : oh fuck my cunt will rip, fuck this is blissful, fuck Tom was impressed with Dennis's perseverance to get the 2 fat poles all the way into his cunt Dennis got the poppers pushed under his nose and sniffed them eagerly. He felt his sphincter relax more and the cocks began to slide into his hole more easily. Now Dennis' cunt was completely filled. The Tina made him soar to unknown heights and the cocks in his ass made him feel like the biggest whore around. D : oh yes, oh yes tear me open, rape me with your blissful monsters. The two men who were fucking Dennis each began to increase their pace and with every thrust they gave Dennis moaned with bliss. Before long, Dennis felt his hole fill up with the tainted loads of the two men. When both men had filled it up and removed their dicks from Dennis' gaping hole, the seed ran out along his sphincter Dennis turned on his back and wanted to catch his breath. But he didn't get much time because he was pulled to the edge of the bed by his legs. His legs were thrown on another man's shoulders and he pushed his long fat cock without resistance into Dennis' gaping and seed-filled hole. Dennis' cunt was now so far open that he could not feel the cock sliding in, he felt the stimulation that his prostate received and how deep the cock drilled a way into his hole. Nico who had caught his breath offered Dennis his cock to lick it clean. Dennis took the limp cock in his mouth and as he tasted the taste of his own pussy and the seed in his mouth he fell even more into a trance. Once again he felt his hole receive a load of cum. Dennis felt a new rush coming on. He could just barely look beside him and saw that Tom had injected another load of Tina into his medicated lock. He coughed heavily and could only groan. How long he had been used, how many times he had been fucked, how much seed he must have swallowed. To Dennis it was a mystery. Awareness of time and space he no longer had. According to his thoughts, his cunt had been constantly filled with at least one cock; there could have been more. When he regained some consciousness, he was just sucking seed from a cock and felt a cock in his cunt. But how had he ended up back in the sling was a riddle to him T : Liam rinse this whore's cunt because I want to be able to fist him . Dennis felt Liam emptying his bladder into his gaping hole. He felt the piss and large amounts of cum run out of his cunt. Tom took hold of Dennis' head and looked deep into his flying saucers. T : Are you back with us whore. D : yes sir. T : good. Then you can watch how your cunt will receive a fist for the first time, while the others can get their strength up so they are ready for the second round. Dennis wondered how his cunt would be able to receive that big hand from Tom and how he would be able to see it. Dennis looked beside him and saw that a large mirror had been placed there and so he could see his cunt. Although he did not have much feeling in his sphincter he saw that his had become a large open hole. T : snort or inject whore. What do you choose Dennis didn't know what Tom was talking about D : what do you mean sir. T : do you want to fall into a k hole or be aware of your cunt turning into a rosebud for the first time D : I want to see it sir how you turn my cunt into a rosebud. Tom took a mirror put some Keta on it and rolled up a bill and stuck it in Dennis' nostril and pinched the other one. T : Snort bitch. Dennis did what was asked of him and sniffed the white powder. Tom then stuck the rolled up bill into Dennis' other nostril and Dennis sniffed the white powder for a second time. It didn't take long for Dennis to get a pent up drunken feeling. His body felt numb and saw in the mirror how Tom smeared grease on his hands. T : still with us Slut or are you tripping. D : oh yes sir, this stuff is delectable Dennis saw how Tom pushed his hand against his sphincter and how his hole opened without resistance and let the hand in almost all the way. Dennis felt how Tom was massaging his gut with his hands. Tom slid smoothly into Dennis' hole with alternately one hand and then the other. T : You have a blissfully open cunt slut. It won't be hard to push my fist inside later. Tom withdrew his hand one last time and made a fist. Dennis saw how the fist pushed against his sphincter and also felt how the fist wanted to drill its way inside. Dennis got the poppers pushed under his nose from Liam standing next to him and Dennis took a few deep pulls. Dennis's sphincter now surrendered completely and in his drugged intoxication Dennis saw and felt how the fist had won the match from his sphincter and pushed its way in. Dennis groaned, not from pain but from the blissful feeling that came over him. Although his body felt numb, he still felt his sphincter being jerked all the way open and the fist filling his entire bowel. Tom twisted back and forth with his fist in Dennis' hole, trying to push him even deeper. T : come on whore surrender your cunt completely to my fist, let it slide up to your second sphincter. Tom felt how he was at the second sphincter. With his fingers he tried to open the muscle and what he did not immediately expect, but the muscle opened like blooming flower. Dennis felt how the fist broke through the second barrier and cried out his pleasure. T : you are a real find, what a whore. Your father will be proud of you whore. Tom was able to push his fist a little further through the second barrier and felt now that Dennis was at his maximum. Dennis felt Tom massaging his insides and fell into a deep blissful trance. Tom was now up to a few inches past his wrist in Dennis' hole and carefully withdrew his fist. When he came back out of gaping hole with his fist he pushed it right back in and started fucking Dennis' pussy a little harder with his fist. D : oh fuck, oh fuck fist me harder sir. My cunt is all yours. T : hmmmm I like hearing that slut. Tom drove his pace some more and as he pulled his fist out of Dennis' hole one last time he saw how Dennis' gut came out and formed a nice red rosebud. Dennis looked in the mirror and gazed in wonder at what he saw. Now for the first time he saw what a slut hole he had. He looked proudly at his cunt. D : Fuck yes, give me more sir, I want more. Tom looked with approving eyes at unique specimen in front of him. Tom went to the table, wiped his hands clean and came back to stand in front of Dennis. T : Ready for a second breeding round whore. D : Yes sir, fill my cunt with all the cock you can find T : hmmmmm I will do that whore. Are you ready to take another flight with Miss Tina D : hmmm yes sir, Dennis watched as the medication lock opened a needle was poked into it and the slam was injected into his vein. Dennis felt the tickle rise in his throat and was shot back to slam heaven. D : Oh fuck, fuck me sir, I want your cock in my pussy. Tom's cock became stiff from Dennis' pleading and he took one of his thickest dildos and shoved his cock along with the dildo into Dennis' gaping cave. Dennis sank back into the blissful intoxication of Miss Tina and every now and then he saw an image of someone fucking his hole but he didn't realize much about it because the every time he descended from the clouds again he got a new load of Tina injected into him. When he came back to earth for the second time he was back in the bed. Dennis was startled because his cock was hard and he felt Liam's lips and tongue fondling his cock. L : welcome back, we filled up dick so it would be stiff. L : now let me spoil you some more honey, because you did a wonderful job. Liam sucked on Dennis' stiff cock and Dennis enjoyed it. Dennis felt Liam sucking on his cock and while using his hand to stimulate his prostate and it wasn't long before he was going to squirt. Dennis felt his seed could finally come out of his balls, flow through his pole and squirt into Liam's willing mouth. Liam could not handle the influx of seed, the seed kept pouring out of Dennis' mushroom. When Dennis finished squirting, Liam came to Dennis with a mouth filled with seed and kissed him intensely. Dennis and Liam together kissed and swallowed Dennis's seed and then took a breath in each other's arms. Tom came back in and threw Dennis' bag of clothes on the bed. T : you passed slut. Feel free to rest some more and if you want to get fucked by Liam again go right ahead. T : from now on feel free to come to me for goodies. Just come over and I'll never say no to that cunt of yours. Tom gave Dennis a pat on the back and left the room. T : ah right before I forget. Your father placed an order for you, it's in your pocket and I added a complimentary note from the house. Dennis enjoyed a moment longer in Liam's arms and then got dressed. As he tried to stand up, he began to feel what he had been through. His body was exhausted and he stood shakily on his feet. Nevertheless, he went home. He saw how people looked at him as they passed by. Only when he got home and looked in the mirror did he see how he was. He was pale in his face and had serious bags under his eyes. Dennis took off his clothes and saw how a damp spot had formed in his pants and stepped into the shower. He felt with his hand the state of his pussy and what he felt was a big gaping hole where semen kept spilling out. He put the seed that went on his hand in his mouth and licked his fingers clean and enjoyed the weekend a little longer. As he plopped down in his couch he felt how tired he was though, he got chills and his throat started to hurt. He called Michael. M : how was your weekend D : beyond all expectations, and now I'm sure I don't want anything else M : hmmm I like to hear that. M : come I'll bring you another dessert. D : feel free to come by, you have the key. But can't promise I'll still be awake. D : if you come and I'm asleep. Just stick your dick in my pussy and do what you want with it. M : hahaha ok is good, I will come and see how you are doing Dennis put his cell phone away and fell asleep a few moments later. Michael came as said a see how Dennis was doing. He found Dennis already asleep in the couch. He felt his head and noticed it was glowing. A grin appeared on Michael's face and he took his cell phone and sent in the whatssap group. M : men keep you ready. I am giving birth to a son. The transformation has begun. Immediately the others began to reply. - Hell yeah ( Jack ) - Tomorrow we will get together to celebrate his birth ( Nick ) - I'll get the party supplies ( Andy ) - Is he ready for his transformation yet ( Sam ) M : Guys, he is all set for his transformation, I am with him now and he just spent a weekend with Tom. I heard from Tom that he succeeded with colors. His hole already looks like a gaping cave. That will be a big party tomorrow.
    2 points
  23. Random status update: Enjoyed a slutty summer, taking cocks here and there. Found a 24yo guy who likes to throat fuck me. Last week I was gagging all over his Asian cock before he unloaded in my throat. Then he made me cum on his chest and forced me to lick it all up. Enjoyed it, ngl. He’s kinda sadistic, doesn’t smile. We meet infrequently. Recently have been messaging with a Mexican traveler, 19yo. He’s not old enough to buy beer yet but was definitely old enough to shoot two virile loads into my willing cunt when we met today. Had me squealing and lifting my hips to meet his powerful thrusts. Still got some of his semen in my guts right now. Really hoping this turns into a recurring thing with him, he seems interested too 🥰
    2 points
  24. Part 4. A few summers ago, my husband Max and our friends Donald and John were spending a warm summer day at the beach. Donald and John are also a couple. It was hot and it wasn't all because of the warm sunshine. All the hot men around me in speedos and their big bulges. I've never understood swimming shorts. Why do men wear them? Fortunately, most of the men on the beach wore speedos. The circling of the bulges made me hot though. It was a nice day, but watching the bulges made me incredibly horny. At some point I told Max and the guys that I had to go to the bathroom. Fortunately, no one else wanted to go along. Of course, I didn't head to the restaurant, which also had a toilet, but instead to the bushes behind the beach. I had read online that the bushes had become a well-known cruising spot for gay men. Soon I found three men in speedos in the bushes, who were jerking off in a circle. I crept up to them and they nodded in agreement. I took out my own cock and a 50-year-old man grabbed it and started jerking. The men's hard cocks looked lovely, so I knelt down in front of the men and took the nearest cock into my mouth. The cock tasted salty and smelled of sweat. I also tasted two other cocks. But since I was in a hurry to get back to the beach, I decided to be straightforward. I stood up and lowered the speedos to below my buttocks and turned my ass towards the men. Immediately I felt hands on my buttocks and hole. One of the guys said "you greedy slut. Do you have condoms with you"? "No," I replied. "There's no way, I'm not going to stick my bare dick in a hole that offers itself to completely unknown men in the bush," said the youngest man, about 30 years old. "Me neither," said another younger man as well. The older one, about 50 years old, said that he is not interested in rubbers. "Raw feels much better and it's always a pleasure to seed young greedy cumdumps". The older man pressed his bare cock in my ass and the younger ones took turns in my mouth. All three of them fucked me like a bitch, which was good because I should be hurrying to the beach next to my husband. One of the young men shot in my mouth and I swallowed all the sperm. The 50-year-old also sped up and whispered "take my sperm". One of the younger guys jerked furiously and started spraying his sperm into my mouth, face and hair. I'm sure I looked like a really horny slut in the bushes. The men stuffed their used cocks back into their speedos and set off on their journeys. I too began to rush back to the beach. I put on my speedo and on the way I tried to clean my face and hair from the sperm. I wiped my face with my hand and licked it clean. I really hoped I could clean up all the sperm spills. When I arrived on the beach with our towels, Max was already worried about where I had gone. I told him that I had bumped into my co-worker Karen on the way, with whom I had been talking, and that's why I was late on the way. When I had settled on my towel between Max and Donald, I noticed that there was a wet spot on the front of my own speedos. The head of my cock had been wet with precum when I had pulled the speedos on. I quickly turned over to lie on my stomach so the wet patch wouldn't show. At the same time, I was hoping I could keep my hole tight so the older man's sperm wouldn't leak out and wet the back of my speedos. After I had laid on my stomach on the towel for a while, I felt Donald's fingers in my hair. Donald took something from my hair between his fingers and then put his fingers in his own mouth. I looked at Donald in shock. It had to be sperm, I was caught. But Donald looked straight into my eyes and winked at me.
    2 points
  25. Rentman dutifully complies, dialing the number for Dave and Derek. I haven’t really thought about what my play is here - I’m half distracted by the fact that rentman has put his dick back in me, slow fucking me while watching a different video of Jack and what appears to be half the starting line up of the Bruins football team. Jack is getting railed, and rentman picks up the pace to match the video, but he stops when a voice comes over the other end of the phone. “What’s up dude?” I can hear the deep bass of his voice, as rentman starts to pull out of me - I clench my ass to keep him in place. Rentman looks at me with a suddenly confused look on his face - I haven’t told him what to say. I mouth the words “tell him why you’re calling” and rentman looks relieved. “So I’m playing with this daddy and we’re watching a video you and derek shot with this kid, looks like a blond twink I fucked last spring when I was out there. “ I can hear Derek or Dave - not sure which one he’s talking too - sort of half snort half chuckle on the phone. “Oh i know exactly what boy you’re talking about. Cute thing named Jack. Insatiable. Whoever taught him how to fuck should get a fuckin nobel prize.” I smile, taking pride in a job well done. “Do you happen to have his number?” I don’t know why rentman is going this route, and I clench my ass again to get his attention. “Tell him who you’re with” I silently mouth to him, while feeding him a shotgun. “Never mind the number, so actually, you’re probably not going to believe this, but I’m with the guys dad right now.” “Hold up dude what the fuck are you talking about ?” I can hear the defensiveness in Dave’s voice, wondering if this is some kind of setup. It is, but not the kind he thinks it is. I finally pipe up, saying “Hey, is this Dave? Or do you prefer David? My name is Anthony, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. And I wanna thank you for the way you’ve been taking care of my Jack while he’s on the coast. I’m thoroughly relieved to know he has a couple of guys he can count on when I’m 1,000 miles away.” Still suspecting a trap or a setup of some kind, Dave is neutral in his response. “He’s a good kid.” Rentman breaks the tension when he suggests we move the conversation over to facetime. A moment later, I’m staring at two gorgeous Black daddies, Dave and Derek, both of who are clad in their jocks and holding nice, clearly custom made pipes. I notice a needlecap in the foreground, hiding in front of the laptop they’re talking to me on, and it gets my dick so hard thinking about these two guys pointing and pounding the shit of Jack. I take a long rip off the bong to get the conversation flowing. I had rentman position the phone so that my fully visible in the mirror behind us, dick getting harder by the second. Seeing my cock getting harder, and the three or four big rips I take off the pipe, reassures the two daddies and they take a few hits themselves. Dave takes his dick out, Derek starts absentmindedly fingering himself. “So I do have a question to ask… How long has Jack been partying?” Derek answers the question with another question, “How long has he been getting fucked by his daddy?” He asks it to no one in particular, but obviously meant for me. I totally understand their reluctance, this is a weird fucking situation by any objective standard, and being black men in America, there are any number of ways this could end up hurting them whereas there’s almost no scenario where I get in any real trouble, other than being a social pariah in a my part of Texas. “To answer your question, I’ve been fucking him since he turned 18, or roughly five minutes after he turned 18.” “He really gets into the dad son stuff, now I can see why,” Dave seems more open and loose with me, and shows it by answering my original inquiry. “We met your boy a few weeks after he got out to LA. One of his classmates had gotten him high and he found us on BBRT.” That explains it. These guys didn’t give me off the vibe that they were into corrupting anyone. “We invited him over, fucked for a couple of hours, and then broke it down to him, not to do this shit too much, make sure he stays hydrated, eats something decent besides snickers and cheetos,” at that, I can’t help but snort. That’s been his diet forever, even despite the rigors of being a football player in a Texas high school. “We had him sleep it off so he wouldn’t be going into day three, and when he woke up, cocky little fucker that he is, asked if we had anything to eat.” “He’s told me a lot about your cooking.” I’m a tiny bit jealous; I considering myself a gourmet level cook and it’s been ages since Jack raved about anything that came out of my kitchen. Work these issues out the right way man… on your boy’s ass. I think Derek, taking a break from fucking the kid they had over - Jack’s not their only twink - senses what I’m feeling and says “he raves about his daddy’s cooking.” I appreciate him saying that. “Come to think about it, he raves about his daddy’s cock too. I just thought it was all that pervy incest shit guys jerkin off too.” As he says this, an idea that’s been slowly working it’s way through my brain turns into lighting. “How much do you think you could make off filming me fucking my son?” Derek laughs a little. Dave just whistles. I think both these men understand the look of seriousness in my eyes. Only rentman thinks I’m joking. “How would you see this going down?” Dave asks? “Well, I think it starts with Junior and I having a little sesh by ourselves. I’ll give him his first slam. He has just kept to smoking, right?” Both Dave and Derek nod yes, an invitation to continue. “After I point him and put the first of many loads up his cunt, I’d have rentman join the party while I sit back and pretend to get other guys. That’s when you guys show up and take turns dicking him down.” “With you so far,” Derek says, the hard dick in his hand saying the exact same thing. “Last, I’d have this deputy sheriff I know - he’s fucked Jack before - Come in and give him one last load before I come in and finish the job.” Derek shakes his head,” It’s gotta end with a gangbang or an orgy. After you nut in your son” his dick oozes a big drop of precum as it involuntarily jerks at the notion -- all of us come back and we turn the boy out. Maybe fuck his daddy side by side with him.” Derek flashes a wicked grin at me; I know whose dick I’d be taking in that scenario. “How much do you think we could clear. And when could you be in Texas?” “Well, could be in Texas day after tomorrow. Assuming you can provide all the supplies,” at this, I turn to Rentman,who now not only thinks the plan is real, but is seemingly on the verge of cumming the whole time we’re talking about it. I keep watching him edge himself, and I’m amazed he hasn’t cum yet. One more thing for me to take care of tonight, I think to myself though in no way do I consider this a chore. I’m a little sore from the earlier dickdown he gave me, but I’m determined to have him cum in me just like he came in Jack. Rentman nodds, he’s already texting his guy about getting a QP. He also assures me that we’ll have all the points, bongs, dick pills, everything we could possibly need. That leaves one last detail: getting my son’s consent. Dave and Derek, doing their due diligence, ask me one last time if I’m truly serious about this.”You know all the blowback you will get. Run out of your church, probably run out of your county. Might have to move out of state. Your business will suffer. Your names might be in the paper, on TV, on TMZ. You really up for that? Is junior really up for that?” I know I am. I’m tired of the tech life, I have more money than I could possibly know what to do with - besides spend a lot of meth and hookers - and I’ve always wanted to be in front of the camera. But I can’t make that decision for Jack. He has to make it on his own. I got the privilege of bringing him into this world, I got the honor of being the first man to give him the dick he deserves, but I can’t be the man who decides his future. That’s his job. My boy's a man, I think to myself. “That’s what he and I are going to discuss tonight.” Derek and Dave nod, and wordlessly disconnect the facetime feed, no doubt going back to the twink waving his ass in the air begging to get fucked. “Let’s pack up. You down to come back to my house with me?” This time, It’s rentman who lets the the lusty, deviant smile across his face answer for him * * * The drive to my house would ordinarily take a little over an hour. Tonight, tho, it takes nearly four hours because rentman and I stop and play a couple of times. Turns out, he’s always wanted to film a slamming video in a truck stop restroom. Being the good son of Texas that I am, how could I not oblige him? We pull into the truck stop alongside a couple of big rigs. Younger guys driving the trucks, and by the look of em, they know how to fuck. We both eye them lustily, I even lower my sunglasses to make sure they see me ogling them. One of them flashes a grin, the other nods more discreetly as he adjusts his bulge. Definitely seem like our kind of boys. Rentman has me rent a deluxe shower - he has so much cum and crystal dried onto his skin, we’re getting looks from the families we pass on the way into the shower area. I get my key and open up the shower, and it is deluxe. There’s a mini steam room, bamboo cabinets for our clothes, top flight toiletries you usually only find in high end hotels. Truckers like their comforts. Rentman - curiously,I still haven’t asked him his name, nor has he proffered one - slowly peels off his clothes, showering while I put together the sluttiest ensemble I can from the bag he brought. I settle on pink mesh tank top, black levi cut offs that I cut even shorter, a pair of chuck taylors and a gold rimmed smokey sun glasses, the last because I love watching a guy’s pupils dilate when they point. We set up our little stage, and using my phone for lighting (and a portable blacklight he brought with him which turned the hot pink mesh into a neon pink), we’re ready. I click record, and come in close to where he’s prepping his arm. My erection is already jutting, and with one fluid motion, I swipe my shorts off and free my aching cock. Rentman pulls out his rig, sticks it and once again registers quickly. I’m leaking precum like a faucet, my dick involuntarily jerking to the spurts of crimson that fill the barrel of the needle. Rentman lets out the sexiest fuckin cough I’ve ever heard, and strips his clothes off in front of the camera. He eyes my rock hard dick with a desire that borders on pyschosis, and immediately swallows the entire thing. He gags himself on it, refusing to pull off until the rush subsides. When he does open his mouth, my cock is glistening with his saliva, his tears, and probably a little cum - I pointed myself while he was sucking my dick, and I almsot aways nut a little when that happens. The shower is covering a lot of the noise, but I do hear something that perks my ears right up… two nearly identical coughs coming from the next shower over. Brazenly, I open the door and walk right over to the neighbors, knocking politely. I slipped my cowboy boots on,as well as a cheap hat rentman had with him, so the younger, lustier trucker opens the door to see me… Cock hard, ass puckering, a little blood still on my arm, with nothing but cowboy boots and a cowboy hat on. “Excuse me. Sorry to bother you.I wanted to save a horse…” The trucker gets my humor, and opens his door wider. “Then good thing you found yourself a cowboy to ride” is all he says, once again flashing me that million watt smile I saw in the parking lot. In no time, he has me bent over, licking my asshole and putting one, two, three fingers. “Dude. Just fuck me already.” He grunts a little, and mugging for the camera - rentman followed me back into the younger guys shower suite. He’s beating off ashe records, but he’s got his cock nice and slick --looks like he already claimed someone’s nut, maybe the other trucker -- so he’s holding the camera fairly steady, despite the long,caressing strokes he’s giving to his cock. I have to admit,I do love his dick. It’s long and thick - obviously - and veiny without being all about the veins. But what I love the most is that even though he’s uncut, his cock is too big for his foreskin and hishead sticks halfway out. The soft, almost bubblegum like pink of the crown, contrasted with the caramel tan he has over his whole body. I love sucking on his cock, and once we’ve got the slam footage, we quickly forget the cameras, shuck the remainder of our clothes, and go to town on each other’s cocks. I have the middle dick, after rentman.His is abouut an inch longer,mine about a half inch thicker. Younger trucker can’t figure out which one he wants first, so he takes turns licking and sucking the length of our shafts. Precum is freely flowing from my cock, enough to where I feel confident younger trucker is going to be able to take my dick with no lube. I have rentman go to town on his ass --he really has a passion for eating ass, and I nearly cum thinking about what it will be like to watch him hungrily devour my boy’s cunt. And that reminds me… I need to get Jack in the right headspace. So I prop my phone up against one of the bamboo trays, and I begin facetime him. I can see from the corner of my eye that he’s answered the phone, and it getting it good and hard from… the Sheriff? Perfect, I think. Although that may be a little complicated by the fact that I’m bringing a quarter pound of product home with me. That’s tonight’s problem, I tell myself. Right now the challenge before me is to get Jack fired up. Clearly, it’s not going to be a big deal. “Hey sport. I’m heading home shortly. I brought a present for you. He’s balls deep in the trucker whose face I’m sitting on. Oh, hey Andy.” I wave to the SHeriff’s deputy, who doesn’t break his rhythm at all thrusting into my boy, blowing me a kiss. “Hey Andy, can you give me a call when you’re back at the station? I got a ticket needs fixin.” Andy nods emphatically. He doesn’t look too fucked up, but I can see Jack has been partaking. I decide to tease the night a little, taking a big rip off a pipe off camera, and blow the smoke into the field of view. Steam? Vapor? Smoke? If Jack notices, I’m sure he’ll play it cool. But he’ll be wondering, especially in his twacked out state. Once more, my boy catches me by surprise. “Nice clouds old man. Maybe I should teach you how to blow a smoke ring on that beautiful cock of yours. Now get home and get that fuckin dick in my ass right now.” I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. My son is one cocky motherfucker. And it gets me so fucking hard. In a moment, I figure out that Dave or Derek must have let the cat out of the bag. I’m tempted to call them and find but decide that Jack is my son but not my child. If he can consent to his daddy dicking him down long and hard and over and over, he can sure as fuck consent to what chemicals are going into his body. I suddenly want to get home very, very badly. I want to feel my cock sliding into my boy’s cunt. I want to hear him moaning “thank you daddy”over and over, I want to feel his whole body shudder and cum when I unload in his ass. I want to see the lust in his eyes when he ostentatiously bends over to lick every square millimeter of my cock clean after pouding him senselss. I want to see him with my cum streaking all over his face, and his cum blasting all over the both of us. But after slamming, I don’t feel entirely confident to drive. And I sure as fuck aint gonna sk rentman. Young trucker can see the look of concern on my face and shoots me a silent “you okay?” “I’m too fucked up to drive, I want to keep playing, but I also want to get home and fuck my son.” Young Trucker doesn’t even blanch. “Bro, have I got the solution for you.” 10 minutes later, he’s driving my truck onto his flatbed. Turns out he’s on the return leg of a drop off, and I was so fixated on his smile and his bulge I didn’t even see that he’s not hauling anything. 10 minutes after that, I’m naked in his bunk with rentman, and young trucker. His older buddy was driving the return leg, and let his younger friend in the back have some fun. Turns out young trucker and I are pretty sympatico, judging from the videos he played of him fucking his step son, his nephew, and both his own sons. As I watched the first of many, many cumshots young trucker gave to his eldest son - he loves a good facial - I knew I was making a friend for life. I also knew that when I made it out to Austin I’d be fucking his sons, just like he’s about to fuck mine. * * * The rest of the drive went by in a flash.I nutted twice, and so did rentman. Young trucker bested us all with four loads. “I’ve been pent up cause I aint got my boys around.” A dirtbag after my own heart. My house is set far enough back to where we could simply hop out of the camper rig still naked, still covered in cum. I can hear Jacck in the house - the boy likes to hear porn sounds as loud as possible. I think it’s one of the first videos we made together, me fucking him in the shower. I check the time on my phone; Derek and Dave won’t be in for another couple of hours. Assuming Jack hasn’t been lit all weekend, things should be blasting off right on schedule. I walk in through the garage, and there’s Jack bent over the dinner table, lazily eating a piece of pizza. He’s a brazen bottom, I think as I give his beautiful, carefully sculpted ass a firm smack before bending over and licking his hole, kissing it like it just came back from war. Jack shudders in delight,a soft moan escpaing from his mouth. I give his ass a much harder smack, and this time he yelps. He’s definitely not used to the rough treatment from me. “Get your ass upstairs, we have a few things to talk about.” Jack obeys, wagging his perfect ass up every step, making sure that in my horned up state, I can’t stare at anything else. He’s surely heard the other voices in the garage, but he doesn’t ask, doesn’t even acknowledge. My boy is not only beautiful, he’s brilliant, and he’s figured out that I’ve figured out he parties. Even money he’ll be smoking when I get upstairs. And if I had taken that bet, I would have lost. Not that he didn’t have stuff or the implements to smoke it with. “I wanted to wait for you. I’m sorry daddy, I know I should have told you I started doing thiis. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me” He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes he knows I can’t resist. Yes, I’m being manipulated here, but I’m being manipulated into doing something I’ve lusted after. I’m going to get high on meth with my son, make him suck my cock like he’s done a thousand times before, bend him over, shove my aching prick up his pristine, beautiful, velvety ass, and fuck him until I cum and he begs me for every last drop of my load. And I’m doing it on film, with two of the porn industries brightest talents supervising the lighting, the sound, the angles, even the jockstrap my boy wears and the pair of sunglasses they decide to have me wear. Some cheap ray ban knock offs - I can never resist a good 10 dollar pair of gas station sunglasses. Jack still has no idea they’re here, or at least I think he doesn’t. “Ok boy, we are going to get high. I’m going to fuck you like an animal. You’re going to have my cum dripping out of your hole when the next guys have their turn.” I can see the excitement and anticipation in his eyes, but also the slightest bit of concern. “Don’t worry, you know them. Or all but one of them.” I begin casting my phone to the tv in our bedroom, it’s me fucking rentman. I’m in the shower at the truck stop, and from the pace of my thrusting, I’m pretty obviously fucked up. Jack sees it and starts to ask a question, but I cut him off. “Your asshole isn’t going to wash itself. Go clean out. We don’t want any accidents on camera, particularly with the professionals waiting downstairs to fuck you after I’ve had my way with you.” “Yes daddy. But wait to smoke with me when I get out? I want to get high with you tonight.” he says as he saunters into the shower. So here I am, packing the bowl and taking a few rips. I know he asked me to hold off, but I’ve been lit since yesterday afternoon and I need to keep my energy levels up. And I also need to prepare for what’s about to happen. I’m about to get my son fucked up by shooting him up on meth. Then I’m going to fuck him, hard, long, and in as many positions as I can think of, all in front of a camera that will broadcast my - our - depravity to the whole world. In a few days, I won’t be remembered for the tech I’ve developed, the charities I’ve donated to, the young women and men of color I’ve helped launch into an industry that refuses to get any less stale male or pale. No. I’ll be forever remembered as the dad who had the fucking balls to fuck his boy on camera, make a couple of million off the tapes, and retire to a life of debauchery and drugs and dicking down my only son. And who knows? Maybe we’ll find him a nice Russian bride, someone who won’t ask too many questions, and we can take turns fucking her until she’s pregnant. My cock is like a steel beam, and solid mass of granite, as I think about what it would be like watching my boy sink his cock into his son, feeling my grandson lick my dick clean after fucking him nice and gentle. I am so fucking hard. I picture what his cum face will look like, and I actually shoot my load right then and there. Just as Jack opens the bathroom door. “Hi daddy. I’m ready.” He’s one step ahead of me, as per usual. He’s got two syringes and a tourniquet in his hand. I fucking love my son.
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  26. I still shoot bigger than average loads, but nothing like as much as when I was younger. One time I was fucking some guy who picked me up hitch-hiking, and when I started to cum I just couldn't stop. Each spurt lasted several seconds and I had about 20 spasms of shooting even more cum. It was so much the guy asked me if I was pissing in his cunt. I told him no, and then pulled out briefly to shower his face with cum before sliding back in and finishing inside him.
    2 points
  27. I play quarterback on my university's football team. Im tall with a large frame, but I’m not fat (6’2, 230 lbs). Gym and practice are what I focus on most. It was only my freshman year, but I had played all throughout high school too, so I was well on my way. During spring break, I went home to visit my dad. We lived in a rougher part of town, so it had its fair share of shady types, but it was still home to me. Dad and I got along well. Typical guys. We talked about sports, girls, work, argued about politics. It never went anywhere too seriously, so we just ended up shooting the shit like we usually do. What I did look forward to was my dad’s new hot tub. Well, sort of new. He took it off the hands of someone who wasn’t using it anymore. It was later in the evening that we were going to try it out together. Neither of us owned swim trunks, but that didn’t matter. We’d just skinny dip since it was in the backyard and there was plenty of privacy. We set out a case of beers and were getting the tub ready. Just as we were stripped down and about to go in, there was a knock on the front door. "Ah shit, just a moment, Ryan. I’ll go see who that is." Dad threw on some shorts and went to answer the door. I was sitting on the edge of the tub, naked in the night air. I was dipping my fingers in the hot water and casually playing with my dick. I wasn’t trying to get it hard or anything. I just tend to play with it when I get bored or space out. Eventually, dad came back with company. "Hey Ryan. This is Mr. Wilson. The guy who gave me the tub. He wanted to take it for another spin." I looked over and saw an older man in his late 60s or early 70s. He was terribly thin and pale. He was bald on top with a gaunt face. He definitely fit the profile of one of the shady types. "Oh hey. Thanks for hooking my dad up." He walked on over and started getting undressed. I was used to showering with the other guys after practice, so being around other naked men didn’t bother me. "Nice to meet you, Ryan. Hope you two have been enjoying the tub." "Not yet, we were just about to jump in." I looked toward my dad. But he didn’t get undressed. "I can’t this time. I need to take care of a few things I forgot about. Plus, the tub would overflow with all three of us in there. You two have fun." And with that, dad left me alone with Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was down to his underwear and leaning up against the hot tub on the opposite side of me. I figured I’d step in since I wasn’t waiting for dad anymore. I sat up on the edge with my legs dipped in. The water was hot but felt good. Mr. Wilson did the same. As he swung his leg around, I saw his dick. Damn, it was big. I thought he might have had an erection at first, but it was actually flaccid. I wasn’t interested in imagining what it looked like, but damn if I wasn't a little envious. We both sat down in the water at the same time. Sinking into the hot water up to our chests. It felt good. "It’s nice to dip in after a long day. Johny tells me you play sports?" He talked pretty fem. I could tell he was one of those flamboyant gays back in his day. "Yeah, quarterback at university." I grab a couple beers and crack them open. I offer one to Mr. Wilson, but he just waves it away, not interested. So I sip mine down and keep the extra near by. "I can tell. You’re a large young bull from what I can see." "I gotta keep the muscle mass up; it's good for tackles." "I’m sure you’re great at tackling. For me, it’s difficult to keep my weight up. I'm quite ravaged away, as you can notice." "Do you diet? Do a lot of cardio?" "I get my cardio in other ways, but I’m not thin from dieting. It’s standard wasting from advanced AIDS." That last sentence made me feel uncomfortable. The guy was sick with something pretty bad, but I tried to play it cool and not let it get to me. There was a large gay community near by, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. "Sorry to hear that man." "It’s fine. I’ve been on home hospice care, and it’s hard for me to get around. Which is why the hot tub is very relaxing for me. I hated giving it up, but the maintenance was getting too much for me. Too many wild parties kept clogging up the filter. But it’s nice to come by and take a dip every now and then. I can at least make the trip next door here." "That’s good, I suppose." "And my viral load is in the millions." "That’s pretty cool." I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded impressive. Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow, like I said something interesting. I finished my first beer and was burning through my second. Mr. Wilson and I chatted about random stuff. Small talk. It went on for quite a while, with a bit more beer. As he trailed on about something, I was trying to act interested, but the beer was getting to me, and in my obliviousness, I ended up playing with my dick out of boredom. Mr. Wilson must have noticed because he started playing with his. It started to get semi hard in the water, and I couldn’t help but notice it getting bigger. "Hey Wilson, don’t take this the wrong way, but how fucking big does that thing get?" The alcohol was definitely making me less tactful. "Oh, this old thing? It can get up to 11.5 inches." "Woah really? Bullshit. You’re such a small framed dude. It can’t really get that big." "My condition doesn’t shrink my cock. If anything, the lack of body mass only accentuates my length more." "Oh sure, whatever, I call bullshit." "I can prove it." "Fine dude. Prove it." A ridiculous challenge. Now Mr. Wilson was standing up and playing with his cock in front of me, stroking it. I was chugging more beer, waiting to see if this guy was all talk or if he could really get his dick large. "Oh, I’m getting a little winded. I need to hold on to something." Mr. Wilson let go of his cock and put his hands on my shoulders. "You okay, man?" "Yeah, I just need a little extra support. Would you mind giving my meat down there a hand?" "I’m not gonna jack you, dude." "You’re not jacking it. Just getting it hard. It was your idea." He had a point. I did want him to prove it that he had an 11.5-inch dick. "Fuck it." I put my hand on his cock and started stroking it. "Yeah, just like that young man." His thing was getting bigger in my hand. It quickly grew to full length, with thick veins and his cock head poking out from his forskin. The tip was looking at me. "Yeah, that’s nice. What do you think? big hu?" His cock was definitely large. I could feel it throb in my hands as his hips rocked back and forth. The tip of his cock started oozing, and it was dripping down into the water. "He he he, shit man you were right. It’s definitely huge." I was laughing it off. My curiosity satisfied. I let go of his cock and it slapped down between my pecs like a hotdog in a bun. He slid it up and down like he was trying to slowly titty fuck me. "Now that it’s hard, what do we do with it from here?" I looked down at it between my pecs. He twitched it up towards my face, pointing it just below my nose. I thought this was just to prove he had a big one. I wasn’t expecting it to go any further. "Uh, I’m not gay. I’ve never sucked cock before." As I opened my mouth, Mr. Wilson let his tip rest on my bottom lip. "I never said anything about sucking it. But that sounds like fun." I pulled away and got up, changing the subject. "This thing has jets, right? How do I get those on?" I was drinking more beer as I was bent over fooling with the control panel on the side. Then I felt something warm poke my asshole. "It’s this button over here." Mr. Wilson was leaning over on top of me. Reaching around to the proper button. "Uh, is that your dick?" "Oh this? Yeah, couldn’t help myself. Your large, muscular ass was too tempting not to give it a poke. Hope that’s okay." "That’s alright. Guys in the locker rooms dick slap every now and then, so a little poke doesn’t bother me. It’s not like you’d be able to get into me anyway. I do legs twice a week, so my ass muscles would be too strong for ya." "Is that so? I could push in and you’d keep me out?" "Go ahead, try it." The beer was definitely affecting my judgment. Mr. Wilson grabbed his dick and started pushing towards me. I felt my ass getting pushed in, but his tip wasn’t making any progress. I was clenching tight. "You are tight. What a big mountain of meat you are." He started stroking his cock as he pressed up against me. "Let’s get some natural lube on that ass." I felt my ass getting slippery from his pre. He was digging around, getting me greased up, and pressing harder. "Push that hole out. Open up for me." "I’m not trying to let you in. If it can’t go in, it can’t go in." "But I’m an old man; I need a little help to penetrate your strong young ass. What if I do get it in?" His pushing persisted. "It won’t." "I think it will." "Ha ha. If you can get it in, then you can do whatever you want to." "Is that a promise?" I was still drinking beer. My buzz a full on drunk by this point. "Heh, I’ll do whatever you say if you can manage to jam that big thing in me." "Oh, I plan on holding you up to that. This old queen is going to pop that neg cherry." "Then do it, man." I rocked my ass back into his dick as he kept trying to push it in. His movements got more enthusiastic as he was stroking his cock. His tip trying to dig into me, oozing out more pre on my hole. I thought it was pretty funny, this skinny old fem grandpa attempting to fuck me. I would die of embarrassment if any of the guys from the team saw me like this. Bent over with some random wrinkly old gay dude digging into my ass. But we were well secluded in the backyard in the dead of night. So I figured it was harmless to let him have his fun. The beer was getting me cocky, and I decided to tease him. "Come on grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "Oh? You want this poz cock to fuck a load in you?" He kept humping away at me. I knew the guy had a dangerous cock, but I was confident in myself. I was rocking back into his humping. Mr. Wilson not making any progress on penetration. "It's not going in man. You’re gonna have to call it." Mr. Wilson stopped his efforts but reached over to the hot tub filter. "True, guess I’ll have to use something to smooth it along." He pulled out the filter and reached in the container, pulling out a handful of a globby yellow-beige substance. "What’s that?" I asked, a little disturbed by the sight of it. "You know, I’ve had many parties in this thing. The filter always gets clogged with cum and sex juices. I’m glad to know there’s still some left over." Mr. Wilson slapped a handful of the slime on my ass and stroked his cock with it. It felt sticky and gross, but I had serious doubts over how well that would work. "He he, gross dude. But hey, if you think that will help, you’re welcome to try again." "Spread your ass for me." I grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. "Good, now push that hole out." I puckered out my asshole. Wilson smeared more goo on my hole. Then I felt a jab as he stuck a finger in me. "Oh shit, your finger is in me, dude!" His finger went in while pushing the tub cum goo in me. "Yeah we need to get your ass used to things going inside it. My finger is much thinner than my cock, so it went in no problem. How does it feel?" Wilson was finger-fucking me. It felt strange, but not bad. "It’s kinda weird." "Then let’s get more in." He then pushed another finger in. My ass felt like it was getting stretched a bit. The goo helped the process along. Then came a third finger. "Ouch, that’s getting tight. Think you can ease up?" He didn’t stop. His fingers kept digging into me and twirling around. "Just a moment. You’re definitely a virgin down there. But it’s starting to feel like you’ve been prepped enough." He pulled his fingers out and slapped more goo in my ass. He then repositioned his cock at my hole. It was coated in the cum goo. "Now push your hole open for me and spread your legs more." I did as instructed. He didn’t have any luck getting into me before so I didn’t think he’d be able to do it this time even with the fingering. He started to push. It felt like my ring was hugging his tip. Not fully keeping him out. But then I started to open up more with his pushing. "Oh shit. That’s really slippery." Wilson leaned down. Grabbed my pecs and whispered in my ear. "Such impressive muscles you have. I can’t wait to see how this disease of mine devours them all away." "What?" Wilson gave a hard thrust, and to my shock, his cock slammed all the way up my ass. My cheeks slapping his pelvis. "OUH! FUCK!" He actually got it in! I didn’t think he could, but it was definitely all the way up in me. He wasted no time getting to fucking. His massive meat drilling away at my insides. "What’s wrong, jock boy? Can’t handle this old man’s dick?" His assault was rough and hard. My guts were hurting, and I wanted him out. I was moving around. Trying to get out of the tub. I ended up stumbling out on the ground. Wilson’s cock popping out of me. "Wow, that was wild. I didn’t think you’d be able to get it in." I got to my feet rubbing my ass. Wilson got out of the tub and got behind me, rubbing my shoulders. His hard on poking my ass. "I recall you saying I could do whatever I wanted if I could get it in you." He rocked his hips around, sinking the tip of his cock between my cheeks and meeting up with my hole again. "Well yeah, but wasn’t that just a joke? You can’t expect me to let you fuck me." "Now now, you need to be a man of your word." He gave another thrust and popped his dick back up inside my ass as we were standing up. "Oh shit! I told you man, I’m not gay." The intoxication was making me feel wobbly. Wilson was happily fucking me where we stood. He then started walking forward, herding me back towards the house. "Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay; my cock still fits nicely inside you. Damn, you are tight as hell. Let’s go in the house and have some proper fun." Each thrust made me walk forward, going further and further into the house. "Wait, dude, we can’t. My dad is in there. He can’t see me like this." I whispered. But it didn’t stop Wilson. "Then we will just have to be quiet. Where is your bedroom?" He was whispering to. As we quietly walked through the house, I was trying to lead him to my bedroom so we didn’t alert dad to what we were doing. That’s when I saw him on the couch in the living room. He was facedown on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey next to his laptop. He was totally passed out. Wilson stopped us where we stood, his cock still inside me the entire time. "Oh, look at this. Instead of your bedroom, let’s go over there. We should spend some quality time with your daddy." He turned us around and was now ushering me towards my past out father on the couch. He was still only in his shorts and nothing else, snoring away. "No! I don’t want to wake him." "Then don’t wake him up." My dad was now just a few inches away from us. "How about you get down and pull those shorts off of him?" "Why? We can’t do anything like that." "You have to do anything I say, remember? If not, I could just cum inside you now. Do you want to get infected with my AIDS because of your insubordination?" "Fuck no." We both got down to our knees. Wilson never let go of me. Never taking his cock out. I reached over to my dad and put my hands on his hips, grabbing his shorts and slowly working them off of him, revealing his hairy ass. Dad also played football a long time ago. He had quite an impressive build from what I had seen in his old photos. But now he had gained weight on top of that. He was a mixture of muscle and chub. So his ass was quite large. "That’s a good boy. Now spread your dad‘s ass open and get your tongue in there." I couldn’t eat out my own dad‘s ass. That's sick and wrong. I had my hands on his large round ass; I didn’t want to spread it apart to find out what its greasy hole would look like. Wilson, picking up my hesitation, gave a sharp thrust inside of me, jabbing his cocktip deep into my guts, causing a jolt of pain. He put a hand on my back and pushed me down. My face plapping against my dad‘s ass cheeks. He hadn’t showered today yet. He was musky and sweaty, with a hint of BO on him. I didn’t want to do it, but the painful cock in my ass wouldn’t relent unless I did what this old troll said. I spread my ass cheeks apart, revealing a juicy, dark pucker looking up at me. God, it looked so masculine and grimy. That's where his shit comes from. I’m supposed to lick that? "Lick it or don’t. I’ll just have my fun back here." Wilson started going to town on my ass. Fucking me in front of my sleeping dad. His cock reached deep, sliding in and out of me. It hurt, but it was also strangely good at the same time. His pace was faster than before. He was really getting into it. "Oh God your muscular ass feels so good. You’re squeezing me so tight, oof, I’m not going to last at this rate. Fuck boy you must really want me to blast my poz cum in you." Wilson emphasized ‘poz cum’ reminding me that I was getting fucked by something that could absolutely destroy my life. I looked down at dad‘s ass, considering what I should do. Wilson fucking me hard. His hips slamming into my ass. "Oh shit boy. It’s coming. Either eat that ass or swallow up my AIDS… I'm good for either one. Oh my… oh my." Wilson was grunting and moaning. My ass felt wet and sloppy as he pulled all the way out and slammed all the way back in. His angry cock was definitely doing a number on my insides. Sliding throughout my tunnels, working its way up to spew its toxic poison. I could imagine his cock head inside me. His piss slit opening on the plunge forward and closing on the pull out. I was staring at my dad’s asshole. One question in my mind. Get AIDS or commit incest?’ Out of desperation, I dove my face into my dad‘s ass and licked his hole. It was salty and bitter, but juicy and moist. I dug my tongue inside while his ass cheeks hugged my face. "That’s a good boy; enjoy the taste of your father's ass juice." Wilson’s fucking slowed down. He was no longer working up to orgasm but just giving me slow, gradual thrusts. I had an old queenie gay dude fucking me raw while I had my tongue deep up in my dad‘s asshole. It was like something out of a dark, sick, twisted porno. Wilson’s slow fucking was stimulating me in all the right places. I felt my cock getting hard. I was even getting used to the taste of my dad‘s ass. I think I was even enjoying the taste of it. I grabbed my dick and started stroking it while I was getting fucked. Damn, I really didn’t want to enjoy what was happening, but I couldn’t deny the old fuckers technique. "Nice, looks like you’re starting to enjoy yourself there. Let's aim you up a little further." Wilson pushed against my hips, dislodging my face from my dad‘s ass. We repositioned further up, and now my cock was resting on my dad's ass cheeks. "Now how about you dig that young, virile meat stick into your dad's slobbered up hole?" "I can’t do that. I can’t rape my dad in his sleep." Both of us were still whispering to one another, although it probably wasn’t necessary. My dad was out cold. He’s usually a rock-hard sleeper, especially after he's been drinking. I’m sure he could get slapped in the face a few times without waking up, but I didn’t want to take my chances on him possibly waking up to see his own son‘s cock directed towards his ass. "Let me help you." Wilson reached around, grabbed my cock, and pointed it down between his cheeks. I felt my tip hit his hole. Fuck, it was so wet and hot. I felt myself leaking. Wilson fucked my ass harder and drove my hips into my dad. Each thrust plunged my hips forward more and my cock deeper into dad. His ass was so tight and hot. I could tell I was taking his anal virginity. Dad didn’t respond at all. He was still sleeping, unfazed. Gently snoring as the two of us were above him doing unspeakable acts. I didn’t need the assistance anymore. I was all the way inside him and figured I might as well start fucking. I drove my cock in and out of dad while Wilson fucked me. The cock up my ass and the hot, tight ass gripping my dick were driving me insane. Dad's ass felt so good. I’ve fucked plenty of pussy in the past, but nothing was like this. Holy shit, dad's ass was better than anything I’ve fucked before. I didn’t know if it was from my ass getting drilled or my first time fucking a guy's ass, but I was getting close to cuming. I could feel myself building up, and I was ready to blow. I looked down at my dad. His face in the couch pillow. I felt a little guilty over what I was doing, but I was overcome with the carnal desire to shoot my wad. I buried myself deep into his ass and my dick exploded. "Ah fuck.." I grunted and came deep inside my dad. My balls squeezed out a massive load. Several ribbons shot out my cock, working it’s way up inside him. "Beautiful. Such a naughty boy, molesting his vulnerable father." Wilson was still inside me, slowly fucking. His hard on never ceasing to calm down. The post-nut clarity was making me feel shitty but I was still drunk. I wanted a break. "Wilson I need to take a moment." I pulled my cock out of dad, and a small bead of cum dripped down his ass, the evidence of my evil deed. I got up off the couch and got Wilson out of me. He sat on the couch next to my father, stroking his cock. He was so skinny and frail in comparison to dad; it's hard to believe this guy orchestrated such a fucked up night. He picked up one of dad's legs and brought a foot up to his mouth. He looked me in the eye as he started sucking on my dad's meaty toes. Wilson's cock stroking sped up as his tongue laced between the toes, his moans euphoric. "I need to go to the bathroom." I hurried to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was dizzy and couldn’t think straight. What the hell was I doing? I let some old gay dude fuck me, and then I fucked my own dad? This night is so fucked up. This isn’t what I planned on when I came home. I felt nauseous, so I did what everyone does when they drink too much. I took care of my business in the toilet and rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth, and gargled a lot. I felt a lot better, but I was still heavily boozed up. I inspected my ass, and it was sore and sloppy. Ugh, no more cock going in me tonight. I need to send Mr. Wilson on his way. I staggered out of the bathroom to rejoin Wilson in the living room. But when I got there, Wilson was on top of my dad. He was violently slamming his hips down into him, fucking him. His cock going in and out of his freshly creamed ass. I saw my dad's cheeks ripple with each balls deep thrust. "Dude, what the fuck!?" My whispering voice getting a little louder. "Don’t mind me, Ryan. I’m just finishing up here." Dad was still out cold but seemed to be moaning like he was having a bad dream. Wilson had an evil look on his face as he raped my dad's ass. I stumbled to my knees and crawled over to them, putting a hand on dad's ass. "Mr. Wilson, pull your dick out! You can’t fuck my dad!" I watched his cock go up and down. His meat pole was glistening from all the juices inside, partially from my load I contributed. It was a horrifying sight to see such a long dick pulverize his defenseless, hairy, round ass. "I still need to cum. It needs to shoot in something. You didn’t let me shoot it in yours, so now I’m going to knock up dear old daddy here." "Please stop. Get your old AIDS dick out of him. You can’t give that shit to him!" "Then make a choice, Ryan. Either you sit there and watch me poz up your dad or you surrender up your ass to me and take my load." Is he serious? I have to choose? Mr. Wilson looked like he was getting close. I had to do something. I was too drunk to stand up straight. All I could do in the moment was watch this diseased creep plow away at my dad. I had to make a choice: save myself or save my dad. "Fine, fuck me." I reluctantly gave in. "Nope, not good enough. I’m too close to stop now, oh fuck, oh yes." I got on the floor with my ass up in the air, spreading my cheeks apart. "Fuck my ass Mr. Wilson. Come on, grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "If you insist. But first, before I fuck your ass, your dad has a dirty foot I didn't lick. Clean it with your mouth." I crawled over to my dad's leg and grabbed his large foot. It was dirty and smelly, but I didn't hesitate to get my tongue on it. I'm doing this for him. As soon as I started licking, the taste and smell brought back memories from when I was really little and would play with dad's feet as a kid. I felt nostalgic and warm. Dad's feet were making me feel good. "Oh, that's a hot sight, Ryan. Keep licking that man foot. Savor the taste. Fall in love with it, oh fuck!" I sucked dad's toes and ran my tongue up and down his sole. They were dirty but soft and smooth. I was surprised to find out how much I was enjoying it. My mind blanked out for a moment. "Yeah... lick that foot... suck those toes...oh! Shit! Here it comes, fuck! FUCK! AAAAHH....... .........ahhh ...... ohhh..." I snapped out of it and noticed I was no longer licking my dad's foot but Wilson's. His toes were in my mouth. Somehow he managed to swap out dad's foot for his. I looked up at them. Wilson stopped thrusting. He was still, his back arched, his boney ass pressing hard into my dad and making a contorted face. Then his clenched ass relaxed. "Ah fuck... fuck that was big...." I took Wilson's foot from my mouth and hurriedly repositioned myself, ass open towards him. "Fuck me dude!" Wilson pulled out and got off my dad. He quickly hurried over to me and immediately slammed his cock in me to the hilt. His fucking was as aggressive as it was with dad. He was grunting and breathing heavily. Taking the full length of his cock felt unbearable, but unfortunately, it wasn't quick. He took a long time to work up his shot. "Oh shit, here it comes. My toxic poz cum deep in your ass!" He slammed hard several times. "Oh fuck, fuck! Oooooooh yeah!" I felt his cock spasm deep in me. He was cuming inside me. Plow after plow, he shot his sick cum deeper and deeper in my no longer virgin ass. After several ribbons Wilson calmed down to catch his breath. "Ahhhhh. That was good. See? Things are so much better when you do as you're told." He slowly pulled his cock out. His tip still dripping cum on my hole and balls. I was scared. I took poz cum from this old creep. Fuck, will I need to see a doctor or something? I didn’t know what to do in this situation. "Fuck… my ass hurts." I rubbed my ass. My hand coated in cum and sweat. Wilson sat next to dad on the couch again. "Heh. This life is going to be pretty rough for you. I have a rarely aggressive strain. Most guys I fuck turn into me within a year or two. Guess your football career is done, he he he." He was rubbing dad's ass, casually fingering it, and sucking the juices off his fingers. I was only paying attention to every other word he was saying. My head was spinning. "Whatever dude. Just not my dad." Mr. Wilson chuckled. He reached between the cushions and pulled out a 300-ml marinade injector. The one dad used for marinading large briskets. He must have gotten it while I was in the bathroom. It was loaded all the way up with a murky, pale yellowish-brown jello substance. He stuck the tip in dad's ass and put his hand on the plunger. "What the hell is that?" "It’s the remaining cum sludge from the hot tub filter. Your father needs a good basting." "You can’t put that crap in him!" "He has far worse in him than this." "What?" "Oh, my dear boy. You were in the bathroom for a long time. I've already shot a load of cum in him. You walked in on me working my way up to a second load. And of course, while you sucked my toes, I shot a second load off." And with that, he pushed the plunger down and filled dads's ass with the rest of that foul stuff. "I think it’s time I called it a night. The two of you will have plenty to discuss in the morning." Wilson gathered his clothes and left us for the night. I was sitting there with a sore ass, looking at my passed out dad. His sweaty ass sticking up in the air filled with all sorts of cum from who knows how many guys. Mine included. I was scared for my dad. I didn’t want him to suffer for my mistake. I crawled over to him and spread his ass. It was sloppy, mucky, and beautiful. I didn’t think this would work, but the only idea I had was to suck on his ass like venom out of a snake bite. I planted my mouth on his hole and sucked. I used my tongue to loosen him up. I tried my best to drink as much cum out of him as possible. "Ryan?…. Is that…you?" Dad was walking up. I kept his ass firmly attached to my face, holding him tight. I kept eating him out. Dad was only partially awake and still drunk, like me. He was noticeably rejecting my efforts, but I wasn’t letting him up. "Just push it out, dad. Let your ass shoot it out in me." I continued sucking his ass. ‘Stay still, dad’ I thought to myself. ‘Let your son do what’s best for you, and let him eat the cum out of you.’ Dad was too out of it to stop me. But he did what I instructed. He pushed and filled my mouth with cum. I ate his ass all night. I had to be thorough.
    1 point
  28. I'll be in Atlanta for Pride weekend and also at Cumunion at Toyko on Wednesday, Oct 11 and Heretic darkroom after 11pm.
    1 point
  29. Hot story! What if Dad had a deal with Mr. Wilson, and was happy to exchange his son's neg hole for a used hot tub? 😈 Although, if that were the case, I think Dad would have wanted to stay awake for that. LOL.
    1 point
  30. I don't know if these stories _have_ to be fiction, but this is mostly true, even the dialog, which I've played over in my head countless times reliving the experience while jacking off. I've compressed some of the time to make it one story, some of these events didn't happen the same night but over many weeks and even months, but they did all occur, and more, but here is the main gist of what actually occurred the summer my best friend and I were 18 going on 19, both gay and naive and inexperienced, but ready and willing and driven mad by hormones to start our sex lives as young gay bottomboys. The summer after highschool my friend Laney and I were determined to get some adult male cock. We had been making out and sucking each other off all our senior year, and Laney had even fucked me a few times, but he had a thin, 6 inch teen boycock. He had been broken in by an uncle with a big cock and he kept regaling me with stories about how good a big, hard hairy mancock felt in his boypussy and I was determined to get fucked by a tattooed muscle-daddy. We had been checking online for months and knew a park in near the University where gays hung out and sometimes fucked in public or in the restrooms. We knew enough that risky behaviour like that could land you in jail with a record as a sex offender, so we weren't stupid enough to fuck in public, but we did hope to meet some horny big-cocked studs who would take us to their place and break both of us in. After some dead-ends with either fugly old trolls or fat, over-skinny or rotten-toothed park fags, we were pretty hopeless. Then we saw a notice for a hook-up party open house near the park that Friday. We didn't have an invite and we looked underage, so we knew we couldn't get in, but we hoped to hang out nearby and see what happened. Sure enough, standing outside the 10 foot high wrought iron fence watching hot daddies going in wearing bondage and leather gear we got plenty of lustful looks and lewd comments, but no outright invitation. Two heavily muscled and tattooed daddies with shaved heads but wearing casual clothes walked by, obviously a couple and not looking like they were going in. Still, the older one, probably in his 50s and with a greying goatee, stopped and challenged us. "What the fuck are you two twinks waiting for here?" Laney and I looked at each other, surprised. We had hoped for some action, but we were a little taken aback at being scolded. "We were trying to get invited to the party," I stammered lamely. "Trying to get invited in huh? And what do you think goes on in there?," asked the younger one, apparently in his late 40's, very good looking, with broad shoulders, a tapering waist and a muscular, tight ass behind a large, swollen package in his tight skinny jeans. "We wanted to hook-up," said Laney shyly. "Hook up huh?," said the older one. "And what exactly do you mean by 'hooking up'?" Laney and I looked at each other and smirked. "You know," I said "we are looking for some action." "You're a couple of young fags looking for some sex, basically" said the older one. The younger one laughed. "They might get more than they bargained for, Rane." "Do you really know what goes on at a hard-core party like that? You really think you're ready for something like that?" said the one named Rane. "We've been around, we know what's up," said Laney. "Walk with us, youngins," said Rane. "This is Michael and I'm Rane. You look like nice kids, but you have no idea. Let's go get a drink let us at least clue you in for what you are in for." "Are you old enough to drink, at least?" asked Michael. "Um, we're both 21," I lied. "Yeah right. Ok, how about we go to our apartment. We can get high there, anyway. I know you two hoodlums smoke pot," said Rane, putting a big arm around my neck kiddingly and dragging me down the sidewalk while Michael laughed and Laney followed nervously. When we got to their apartment Micheal, who said to call him 'Mike', rolled a fat one, broke out some cold ones and put on some Jethro Tull while Rane hit the can and changed into some shorts and a chopped off t-shirt and kicked off his shoes. "Get comfortable kiddos," said Rane, so we kicked off our shoes, unbuttoned our tight jeans and laid back watching wide-eyed at the hard-core gay bondage porn playing without sound on the wide-screen while we smoked the excellent ganja and inwardly drooled at these two hot hunks. We were still a little stunned and neither of us knew what to expect. "Ok twinks, first off, what do you mean when you say 'hook-up' with some horny, pervy stranger at a bondage party?" started Rane without preamble. Laney and I looked at each other, but feeling a little more at ease and bold with drink and pot, I blurted out "I'd drop to my knees, get his cock out and give him a killer blow-job!" Mike and Rane looked pained. "Well, no romance with the younger generation, just start right in grabbing his cock and slobbering on it. You ever heard of foreplay? Getting to know someone?" said Rane. "Not that they'd be doing any of that with that crowd," said Mike. "You know what would happen if you _did_ get inside? Those guys play rough. You'd probably get hustled into a back room, all your clothes would be off before you knew where you were, you'd be ass-up naked with a cock in your mouth and a bare-back cock up your ass in the first 10 minutes. Then, after you took a few loads, they'd pressure you into getting strapped into sling and you'd end up taking at least a dozen loads from anonymous guys while you were so fucked up on 'Tina you wouldn't feel the pain in your torn up, bleeding, unlubed ass." "Big guys, bikers, convicts, gang-banging black guys with thick, 10 inch cocks who don't take their time stretching your ass. If you aren't open enough for them to force their cock in, they use their fingers, one, three, four until you are opened up enough to jam their half-hard cock in, then they ream you for 10 minutes until they cum inside you, then the next guy takes over while you suck the ass and cum of the first guy's cock." said Rane harshly. "You'd get fucked so hard and so fast the friction would burn the little bit of lube from their cum and you're ass would be wrecked. After about the tenth guy you might probably be ruptured and would most likely need to go to the hospital the next day when you woke up, naked, sticky with cum and piss and a crystal meth hangover and maybe a prolapsed rectum." "That, and you'd probably be bruised all over, have black eyes, scraped knees and a dose of the clap, venereal warts, crabs and lice from the homeless guys who'd get you last." continued Mike. "And," finished Rane "with your ass fucked bloody and raw, you'd most likely be infected with HIV. If not then, in the next few days as they kept you trapped in the house, fucked up on drugs, selling your ass or giving it away to whoever wanted it, until they were tired of you and pushed you into the alley. You might even end up dead so you wouldn't go to the police and cry rape." "That's what happens to teenybopper wannabes who try to crash a hard-core gay skinhead bondage party. Not as sexy and fun as you imagined it jacking off last night, right?" said Rane. Laney and I looked at each other sheepishly. "Well what the fuck are we supposed to do? I admit, I don't know shit about coming on an older guy and who to trust and all that crap," I bitched, embarassed and feeling stupid. "We have played around together, but we are both attracted to older guys and we wanted to hook up." "What exactly do you mean by 'hooking up?'" said Rane again. "What are you going to do when you get alone with a guy, just go straight for his cock? You ever heard of getting to know someone? How about a little preliminary 'getting to know ya' casual fun?" "Well, like what?" I asked, not expecting it when Rane took me into his arms and pulled me close, looking into his eyes while he talked low and husky, obviously aroused. "You ever make out with an man?" he asked as he cupped my cheek with his strong hand and pulled my lips into his mouth, sucking my lips and nibbling my mouth before strongly invading my mouth with his insistent tongue. His mouth was very wet and I just melted as he drooled and fucked my mouth with his tongue. I kept my mouth tight around his tongue and just held onto his neck while he groped my body, rubbing my tummy under my shirt, going up for my nipple with his right hand while snaking the other down the back of my pants, pushing them down so he could squeeze my cheeks. He stood up with me, pushing my pants (I wore no underwear) down and I stepped out. He pushed hard on both sides of my cheeks near my asshole, rubbing all the way to the bone. It had the strange effect of relaxing my asshole and I felt empty and ready to be mounted. We had only been kissing for about five minutes! He broke off and started sucking my neck hard, giving me a sucker mark, then going for my nipple and biting and nipping it. I looked over to see Laney on his back on the couch, Mike with his cock out dry- fucking between Laney's thighs while they kissed deeply, moaning while they felt each other up. Obviously they were getting along fine. "Let's move this into the bedroom where we can get more comfortable," said Rane. (to be continued...)
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  31. There’s no greater joy than focusing on relaxing your ass to get that strangers cock as deep up inside you as it can possibly go. Feeling the head of some mans prick in the core of your body, knowing that if He decides to pump harder into you you may get tiny tears in your tender fuckhole while you picture his dickhead expending as it splash’s hot semen onto your excited membranes. As he slips out of you, you pray it won’t be long before another man enters you and uses the cum that’s still hot in you to get his seed in you even more deeply. It’s the greatest joy there is to give your body to men for their pleasure. If you’re a good bottom you will please many many men and they will come back and se you often as you get better with every load you receive.
    1 point
  32. Went to Austin 6 here in Austin tx with the intent of getting bred. As soon as I got there some guy was desperate for my cock, but I was intent of getting fucked. He offered to eat my hole, and I accepted the offer. He did a good job, and most likely lapped up the lube from my hole. Tried to fuck me, but he couldn't get hard. Eventually went into the theater, and saw a lot of action going on. A young looking guy sucking off a daddy that I played with before. I whipped my cock out, and enjoyed the show at a distance since I understand not everyone wants people joining in. Well I was totally wrong, and both of them wanted me. Soon the young guy was going back and forth between both our cocks, the older guy and I are making out & eventually the younger guy got up and all of use made out together. Tongues clashing everywhere. The young guy eventually went behind me, and shoved his raw cock up my ass. While bending over and sucking the 3rd guy I couldn't help but moan loadly. Felt so good to feel raw cock inside me. After a few minutes he pulled out, and force me on my knees to suck both of them, and eventually he came in my mouth. I wasn't bred, but his cum tasted so fucking good. After that I walked around a bit, got my dick sucked through the gloryhole......wasn't the best head & wasn't the worst. He wanted me to fuck him, but I didn't want to cum yet. So I went back in the theater and in comes this sexy daddy with huge pecs. Both of us checking each other out in the darkness for a minute before he left the theater for the arcade. I waited a moment & followed behind him. Seeing him in the light was even better. Both of us hit the jackpot. As soon as we were in a booth together both of us were naked. It was a frenzy of passion. A lot of kissing, sucking, he spit in my mouth.....which I strangely liked. He even fucked me for a while. While sucking his cock I wanted to make daddy proud and worked my tongue to his hole. He shook with excitement as I ate his hole. As much as I was willing to fuck him, he admit that he was still new to bottoming, and I said his first time should probably be in a bed.....preferably with me. Eventually daddy rewarded me with his cum for working his cock and hole so well. He even helped me get off afterwards. That was a good way to end a Sunday. Sure I didn't get bred, but my hole was played with, played with some fun guys & swallowed some amazing loads.
    1 point
  33. Damn, I'd travel to you to experience that. Hold me in place and empty yourself, sir.
    1 point
  34. SO, I am taking a break from writing the "Pozzed in Palm Springs" story, mostly after getting a little burn out, and wanted to try something different. Story is a different style and perhaps a bit more 'tame' but I hope it will still be enjoyed. ============================================ The books are spread to the walls, the papers are cast around the room, and the tattered remains of a night of study and education have fully given way to the sounds of impassioned love between two men. Ajamu drives his fat, coal black cock in deep, burying himself up to his balls in the tight white ass pushing back against him. He moans as the hot walls of the stretched boy pussy massage his aching ebony fuck stick. Beneath him, lying on his back, a young white boy lays gasping, feeling the huge black meat impale deep inside. Ajamu bucks his hips in a slow lazy rhythm, savoring the sensation of working this young white ass. “Good boy Daniel, squeeze me as I claim you.” Ajamu said to the boy, Daniel. Daniel's legs tighten around Ajamu's waist, urging him to fuck faster, but Ajamu is in charge here. He's waited a long time to be inside this smooth, muscled, 18-year-old slut, and he is going to screw this fuckchute as long as he can until he delivers his seed deep into the boys untrained Womb. An act he knows will happen regardless of the possible consequences. Sweat drips from Ajamu’s slick forehead as he twists his hips to corkscrew his ebony Baby Maker into Daniel's boycunt. Watching his long, very veiny cock slide smoothly in and out, His mind is on fire with lust, desire, hunger, and regret. He knows this night of passion will fulfill his needs and the needs of the boy, but it could also change his life forever. Ajamu was a 42 year old tall, lean, but surprisingly well toned African that had emigrated from Gambia. While arriving with high hopes, he had been disappointed by his inability to find a decent job. Trained as a computer systems engineer, he'd had the misfortune to arrive in early 2002, just as the high tech bubble imploded. After months of working nights as a cleaner, he had been happy to take a second part time job as a math tutor to Daniel. Daniel was the younger son of a sportswear manufacturer. He was bright, but undisciplined, and it seemed unlikely that he would gain admission to a prestigious university. Daniel was an only child, and also had only a single parent. His mother had passed away many years ago, and her death had perhaps started his rebellion. His father had put almost all his time into running his business, and so had little time to be their for his son. While he loved Daniel, he felt he could not be the father he needed to be, and so it was decided tutoring was necessary. He remembers their very first lesson. He had gone to Daniel's house, and they had spread the textbooks on the floor of his room, where they sat. The lesson had gone well, and Ajamu could feel early on that this young wealthy American was eager to please him. He would listen, respond, and Ajamu could tell he was much smarter than perhaps he let his parents believe. All throughout that first lesson, Daniel could be seen stealing glances. At the end Daniel announced he wanted to show something. He went into the bathroom that adjoined his room, and returned stripped down to a pair of silky red sports briefs. "So, what do you think?", he had asked, turning around in different poses. Daniel was someone who was very attractive, and knew it. His father was of Irish descent, his mother Filipino. From his father he had inherited curly red hair and light creamy skin; from his mother, delicate features, smooth skin, and brown eyes with just a hint of her almond-shaped eyes. He was active in sports, and his body was well-toned. Ajamu saw all of this at a glance. He also saw how the low-cut briefs showed the pale untanned skin and thick, curly hair of the topmost swath of Daniel's pubes, and how the briefs accentuated the round curves of his young ass, and how the impression of his semi-rigid cock was pressed in relief against the crotch of his briefs. Ajamu felt a growing sense of discomfiture which was swelling as fast as his cock in his jeans. "It's one of the designs my Dad makes. You like it?", Daniel prompted. Ajamu grimly nodded. "Here, for you - you'll look great", Daniel said, and threw Ajamu a new box of the briefs. And with that strange exchange, the first lesson was over.
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  35. Im so proud of my veiny uncut cock. I would take any opportunity to show off my cheating raw meat to ANY ONE no matter what type of guys or girls especially trans girls, who couldn't resist their temptations to get down on their knees to wrap their lips around my big cock or willingly spread their pussies and assholes wide open to give me the right to use their fucking holes and beg me to dump my seeds deep inside their cunts after a long fucking session.
    1 point
  36. Hey guys, Reluctant Bottom hit me up again yesterday offering me his ass to breed. I enjoyed seeding him last time so I agreed - with conditions. I expect him to be on all 4s, ass up, presenting his hole. I told him to beg me to shove my raw cock deep up his ass and when I'm fucking him, to beg me to pump my load into him. He did all that an when I told him I was gunna shoot, ye moans "fuck yeah, load my hole" He's learned fast. I enjoy his hole and told him I'm gunna be breeding him regular now. Gunna make him take other raw cocks too.
    1 point
  37. Us btm can be talk into anything😜
    1 point
  38. 9. Fireman's Hose "Lube that hole up for me," the Fireman said. Doug slammed his cock into me hard. He wasn't too big, but yet, it was still intense. "Oh fuck," I grunted. "Oh fuck." "Oh yeah, you're gonna get fucked," Doug said. "And bred," the fireman said. "And seeded. Give you a special gift tonight," Doug said. "It's almost time," the Fireman said. "I'm almost there," Doug said. "Then he's all yours." "We'll get him ready." I didn't understand what they were talking about. Not to mention that the relentless thrusts of Doug's cock into my hole made following the conversation difficult. It felt so good to have a man like Doug fucking me. I didn't want it to stop. I wanted to be fucked all night long. "Oh YEAH," Doug grunted, and slammed his cock into me. He was the third man to cum in me that night, and I was intimately familiar with all the tell-tale signals of orgasm. I was going to get Doug's raw load. "Oh FUUUCK," he moaned, and held his dick deep in my guts. "OH FUUUCK," he grunted again, and his dick pulsed and exploded. "Take it," he grunted and gave me another spurt of cum. That was followed by two more in quick succession, and then one very long, drippy thrust of his cock. He held it there, as his dick twitched, spat, and paused. "Fucking nasty slut boy," he said, leaning in to kiss me. "Breed me," I moaned. "Breed me." I loved the idea of the older man cumming in me. I wanted to be his boy. I wanted him to know that my hole was always available to him. "Give it to me," "You've gotten his gift," the Fireman said. "Well. Remember the point of the night," Doug said, and smiled. His dick was still deep in my ass, still dripping in the afterglow of the orgasm. He held a bottle of poppers under my nose. As I inhaled, he turned back to the Fireman. "Not my gift. Our gift. From the Dark Lord." I wanted him to repeat what he had said. I couldn't believe I had heard right. But the Fireman didn't seem to react. "Right," he said. "His gift to man." The Fireman nodded his head once, carefully, like he was praying. Doug put away the poppers. His dick twitched, and I felt a small, warm bloom of liquid in my ass. He spoke. "My dick chose him." He paused for a moment, and stared at the Fireman's dick. In just the few moments we had been talking, it had gotten longer and thicker. I noticed the familiar biohazard tattoo above his pubes. His was red. Doug started again. "But I'm just one vote here." I turned to him, and our eyes met. "Want another load?" he asked. I was floating on a popper cloud. I wanted more cocks and definitely more cum. "Yeah," I said. "His?" I asked, nodding towards the fireman. "For sure," the Fireman said. "I've not made my vote yet." Doug turned to me. "You're a very slutty boy tonight, aren't you?" I nodded. I would kill myself if I missed a chance for more dick. "Good. Now, make my friend here happy." He grabbed my waist, and pulled me off his cock. "Please," I moaned. "Just a bit more." "Fucking slut," he said. "Fucking hungry slut." He said it like it was a declaration of love. Even better, he pushed his dick back into my hole. "Just a bit more. My friend here wants to mark your hole." He turned to the Fireman. "What can you do. A slut's gotta slut out." "Totally," the Fireman said. "But that boy isn't ready for DP quite yet." Doug grabbed my hips again, and pulled me off. "Keep it all in you," he said, and pushed me upright, right into the Fireman's arms. His chest was hairy, and the thick leather suspenders pressed against my shoulder blades. Lower down, his cock had already nestled itself between my ass cheeks and was sliding in and out, searching for my hole. "And I better sign off on you." Doug stood up in front of me, and produced a pen. He scribbled a thick "DG" on my chest. "Be sure to get my friend's signature here," he said, before leaning into me for one last kiss. He pushed his tongue into me. "Hot fucking chaser," he whispered in my ear. "Gonna enjoy inducting you." He stepped away. We were standing in a sharp pool of light and soon as he stepped away, he disappeared into darkness. There was a haze in the room; I knew it was from so much smoking. Before I could even think about what Doug had said, the Fireman spun me around, and planted his lips on me. "Hot fucker," he said. "I'm Shay," he said. "Not sure your friend knew my name." I tried to remember the man's name. He had told me at one point, but now he seemed so far away. "Not that it matters," Shay said. "I don't know his name either." He wrapped his arms around me. He was only a bit taller than me, but nearly twice as big. It was all muscle and hair, and I loved the feeling of masculinity against my body. I would do anything for him. Yet, all he did was lean in and kiss me once more. He was taking his time, and carefully explored my mouth. "I'm Kenta," I finally managed to say, remembering to actually open my mouth this time. "Nice to meet you Kenta," Shay said. "You're a sexy guy." He ran his hands over my body. I shivered in pleasure. "I'm glad Jon sent me over." "Me too," I said. He had beautiful brown eyes. They matched his light brown hair perfectly, giving him the overall appearance of being carved out of a piece of dense, solid wood. It was at least what his cock was feeling like; it was still burrowed between my legs. Shay had been leaking all over my ass. I was glad for that. I had not been fucked much, and every bit of lubrication would help. "You're hot." "You are too. Jon tells me you love getting fucked." "Yeah," I said. "I love it." Now, it wasn't Jon's cock which was sliding back and forth. It was me. I was rubbing my ass against his cock, trying to angle my body and his for penetration. "And he tells me you like it bareback?" "Yeah," I said. I hated this interminable talk. I wanted him inside me. I was hungry for it. "Every guy has fucked me raw," I said. "Are you worried?" Shay asked. That was what I had been scared of earlier. AIDS. That was what the biohazard meant. But before I could react, much less say anything, Shay stuck his tongue back in me. "Mmmmmm," I moaned, as I let him explore my mouth. "You don't have to answer," he said. "Your actions speak loud enough." My cock was still stubbornly soft, but despite that, I was dripping pre-cum. Shay ran a finger over my dickhead, scooping up the runny dick juice. He licked his finger clean, and smiled. "This is going to be nice." He steered me back down to the sofa, pushing me down so one leg hooked over the back, the other leg splayed wide and on the floor. The position left my hole completely exposed. "Fucking nice," he said. With one hand, he stroked his thick cock, pulling the foreskin back to expose his dickhead. He reached into one of the pockets on his leather fireman's pants, and pulled out a torch. "You know most firemen are arsonists?" he asked. "We love to burn things down." He let go of this dick, and quickly, he was using the torch to heat a pipe. "Ready to party more?" I hesitated. He laughed. "Remember. Shotguns don't count. He held the hit as he leaned in to press his lips against mine. I didn't have a choice. I had to take his hit, and he was an expert at doing hits. It was thick and heavy. He forced it into me, but I greedily accepted it. It was obvious I shouldn't be doing this much drugs, but I couldn't help myself. I had never felt so good before. My body was warm and I was sweating a bit. But I didn't care. It felt amazing, and I had never felt so happy. I loved being naked with all these men, enjoying our animal sexuality. We didn't have to care about what society told us was acceptable. "Feeling it?" Shay said. His voice was like brass, and if I had any concerns, the care in it made them disappear. "I am," he said, but also took another hit. He held it for a few seconds. "It doesn't count," he whispered in my ear, before pressing his lips against mine once more. He exhaled another monster cloud into me. "Hold it," he said. "I want to breed your hole. Heard so much about it from Jon." He put his finger on my lips, stopping me from breathing out. "Not yet," he said. My lungs were starting to burn, but I didn't dare exhale. I wanted him to be proud of me. Proud to fuck such an obedient hole. "You want me in you?" he asked. I nodded. "Good boy. Breathe." I exhaled, and my head was enveloped in the dense cloud. Even though I was laying back on the couch, almost completely still, I felt like I was spinning. It was disorienting. I was glad that Shay's body was next to me. It seemed like he was the only thing holding me still. "Careful there, boy," he said. "Let's get you anchored down." He slipped the pipe and torch back into one of his pockets. Although I craved more, I knew that I had to pace myself. "We're both feeling it now," he said. "Let's do it." He lined his cock up with my hole. "Please," I said. I had to get his cock inside me. "Fuck me." "Breed you," he said. His cockhead pressed into my anus. It immediately opened up, and accepted the new man's dick. "Fuck me hard," I moaned, as his dick slid into my hole. "Cum in me." He slid in several inches of his shaft. He had the perfect thickness of cock. He was opening me up, pushing me, but it wasn't too much. I could take it for hours, if he let me. "Fuck, that's a used hole," he said. "So much cum up there." I didn't know how to react. This wasn't me. I wasn't at a sex party with a bunch of strangers. I hadn't been smoking crystal most of the evening. I hadn't let so many men cum in me. He continued. "It's so fucking hot." I relaxed, and exhaled. It was big, and some tina escaped. "Fuck," Shay said, seeing the cloud. "You held that hit. You're going to be tweaking hard." I suddenly realized it didn't matter. I could do anything I wanted. It was all for the pleasure. "Fuck me," I said. "Please. Breed me." It felt so good. Shay's cock was sliding into me, even as I remembered all the other men who had fucked me. Seth. Jon. Doug. It was hard to remember them all. "Give me your load." "Tonight," he said, pushing the last inch of his dick into me. "You're going to get more than enough." He started to fuck me. His deep, hard strokes made me gasp, and its incessant strokes pushed all the cum deeper into me. The first few minutes was just about the fucking. He was learning about my hole, and I was taking his thick cock. We were both high, and it only made the fucking better. Despite all the men who had fucked me, I was still hungry for dick. "So cummy," he said, ten minutes later. He looked around for a moment, then leaned in and kissed me. It made kissing seem like something furtive and dirty compared to being fucked raw by a stranger of a man. "Your guts are coated with sperm, you know," he said, before kissing me again. "I know," I said. "Fucking add yours to it. Breed me." I loved begging for his cum. It felt utterly natural. There wasn't anything I had to be worried about, and I could give into the pleasure. All I would have to do was remember one pill each morning. It was easy. "Give me your gift." "You're going to get it," Shay said. His dick slid back into me, now lubricated with his pre-cum. "Milking me and getting me off." He wrapped his arms around me, and in a practiced move, leaned back and pulled me up. I was sitting on his cock now, and my weight forced another inch into me. I gasped. Now upright, I took the opportunity to look around the room. There were only two lights in the room, both small, yet intense. Shay and I were in the middle of one, and across the room, I saw another young man bent over as a tall black man fucked him. In light that spilled out from those small circles, I could make out many more boys and men, all in various positions of sexual activity. "You're going to be very popular tonight," he said. He grabbed my hips, and pulled me down on his dick. "Gonna tell everyone what a hungry hole you have." "Fuck me," I grunted. "Breed me," I moaned. At the edge of the light, a man just barely stepped out of the dark, cloudy haze. I could see just a bit of hair on a lean runner's body. He also had a hard cock, and the head was already glistening with pre-cum. "Gonna take his load boy?" he asked me. "He doesn't have a choice, does he?" "Gotta give him the gift," the stranger said. I loved that, calling their seed the gift. It was a gift, finally being able to accept these men without any barrier or protection. "Get him to join the brotherhood." "He's joined already, haven't you?" he asked me. I looked unsure. "The Bareback Brotherhood," he said. "Fuck yeah. Breed me!" "Hell yeah," Shay said. "You want it?" "Please. Give it to me." I was sweating now, but I didn't care. Getting fucked raw by Shay was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I wanted it to go on forever. I wanted him to cum in me right then. I couldn't choose between the two. Shay was starting to shake. "Ohhhh FUCK," he grunted, before he just started mumbling incoherent gasps of pleasure. "FUCK," he said again. His cock jumped, and exploded inside of me. "FUCK." His orgasm was powerful, but restrained. He had practiced it many times before. He knew what made him feel good and he did just that. He was completely focused on his goal, which was to get his load deep in my hole. "FUUUUUUCK," he moaned again, as his dick throbbed and spurted. He was cumming in my ass, just as he said he would. It was dirty and perverted, the thing we were doing. But there was no way I could ask Shay not to inseminate me. He deserved the pleasure of breeding me.
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  39. Disclaimer: sorry for my English. I know it isn't very good but I do hope you enjoy this true story. A week ago I was on Grindr looking for some bareback sex. A raw cock was all I needed. I texted a 22 yeard old guy, from Sicily, but living in Rome. He described himself as 'kinky and hung'. A few days later we got together, and as we were about to fuck and I asked "Are you poz?" "No," he replied, adding "are you?" "Yes." "On meds?" "Sure," I lied. Well, it was a gorgeous hard fuck. I ended up scooping his cum from my hole, licking it from my fingers and deep kissing him. Afterwards we lay in my bed, smoking cigarettes and cuddling, when commented "You've got no limits, man." "Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself," I replied. "Yeah, I did, and to be honest I wanna be like you." "Do you always play bare?" "Yeah. Four months ago I knew for sure I was still neg, but I really don't know now." "So you wanna get pozzed?" "Emmm, well, I gotta admit the mere thought of taking a poz load makes me hard." "And what if I told you I had lied earlier?" He kissed me deeply and, staring straight into my eyes asked "What do you mean?" "I'm not on meds. Want some poz cum? Want my virus in your blood?" Without saying a word he took my bone into his mouth and gave me head. Ordinarily I have a hard time cumming if I'm only getting a blow job, but something about playing with a 22 year old who wanted to taste poz cum pushed me over the edge. That and I wanted to please him. And, as my poz load began making its way out of my balls I asked "Are you ready for my toxic spunk?" "Yes, sir," he replied as he closed his eyes, a look of rapture on his face, as he swallowed all my poz man juice. Afterwards he said the next time we play he wants my cum in his ass - no mercy. I will definitely brand him.
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  40. ‘Do You Want Me to Stop?’ I was headed out of town for a conference to London. I’d managed to get my company to pay for the flights, and to be able to stay on a few days afterwards to get a bit of a vacation. My boy was planning on flying out on the next night of the conference and spending a few days sightseeing with me. We’d both been working hard lately, and were looking forward to some time together. We’d even done a bit of research into the raunchier gay clubs, thinking maybe we could have some naughty fun together in a public setting. I was running late trying to get out of the office to the airport, and I barely made it through security before the flight closed. We started taxiing shortly after I buckled my seat belt. The flight was choppy to say the least, and I was super stressed. A very sexy flight attendant could see how tense I was just from my shoulders. This guy was a real Hunk. He leaned forward telling me that we should keep in touch after the plane landed and he was off-duty. ‘I’d like to help you relax,’ he said as he pushed a card with his number into my hand and stroked my arm. I was practically sore all over, and groggy from having not slept well, by the time we touched down at Heathrow. As the sun rose, I headed for the tube into town for my morning presentation. I felt a body press into mine from behind as I stood on the platform, and it was my Hunk, the flight attendant. He was taller than I remembered, over six feet, with broad shoulders and a tiny waist. Blond spiky hair framed his chiseled face. We made small talk as we boarded the train, crowded with morning commuters. I was drowsy from not sleeping on the turbulent flight and found myself dozing off with my head against his muscular chest. I apologized, and told him we should make a plan for that night after the conference wore down. The presentations went well, if uneventful, and I headed to check into my hotel. I messaged the Hunk, and we made plans for him to pick me up and we could grab a light dinner, then maybe back to my place or his to relax. We went out dancing, and I could tell he was packing a big cock from the lump in his trousers. We ate quickly as we chatted about what turned each other on. He told me he had trained to be a masseur and liked to practice whenever he could. He held out his massive hands, and I swear I started to drip precum. He told me that he charged all of his clients… I asked what his fees were, and they seemed reasonable. £50- for an hour sounded fair, plus extras… I stayed hard wondering what the extras were. We got back to my hotel, and the Hunk wrapped his arm around me as he winked at the concierge, who winked back with a knowing look. Back in my room and tore each other’s clothes off. He had me lay down on the bed with a pillow under my chest. I shivered as he started working my shoulders with his masculine hands, then lower to my shoulder blades, then the small of my back, then my ass. He cupped my cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing my hole. He crouched lower and started blowing air across my asshole. I instinctively tightened up. He told me he’d loosen me up for another £10-. I breathlessly nodded assent, and he started lapping at my ass. I knew I was making a puddle on the bedspread. He pulled his whole hair body against my back, with his thick uncut cock right between the clefts of my cheeks. ‘£10- more and I’ll put the tip in… Sound good, lover?’ I grunted approval, not thinking to stop and ask for a condom. Thankfully, he had got me pretty wet with spit and the head of his dick eased into me. I moaned as he twisted my head around, ‘£10- more and I’ll kiss you.’ I grunted and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I knew he was deeper in me than just the tip, and that he was raw. I could feel my ass getting wetter, so I knew he was drooling precum into me. ‘£20- more and I’ll fuck you until you ask me to stop…’ ‘Okay!’ I shouted. He reared back and pulled my hips to his groin. My Hunk pounded my raw ass. The sound of sweaty flesh-on-flesh smacking as his balls slammed into me sent me in orbit. It had been a long time since I’d been fucked, and a long time since someone other than my boy had fucked me raw. ‘You’ll tell me when you want me to stop, right?’ I nodded and he maintained his pace. ‘You know I swap loads with guys all over the world, right? Do you want me to stop?’ I shook my head no and his pace picked up. ‘I love taking and sharing my seed with guys… and I’m carrying a charged load… do you want me to stop?’ I nodded no again, realizing that I was already lubed with his charged precum, so why stop now? My Hunk plowed me for a few more minutes, jack-hammering his thick cock into me. My mind reeled, knowing how risky it was to take a charged stranger’s load. I wondered what my boy would think if he could see me like this. Would it turn my boy on, or freak him out? The Hunk’s head shot back as he started cumming, firing his charged load into my hole, forcing it deeper and deeper with every thrust. He flung himself down onto me again, still filling my ass with his cock, sliding gently back and forth. He groaned, pawing his big hands through my tousled hair, ‘That’ll be £100-, please…’ I reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a crisp new note. He took it, and pulled out, leaving a squelching plop noise and my gaping well-fucked, well-bred sticky ass. He dressed and left quickly. I called my boy and told him I’d just had a massage, leaving out the detail that my ass was full to the brim with charged seed. My boy was at the airport getting ready to board the plane to London. He thought that a massage sounded fun, and asked if I could book him the same guy for tomorrow. Fuck, what was I going to tell him, I wondered, as I fell asleep. My boy arrived the next morning, having slept soundly on the flight. He came to my hotel and unpacked a bit while I got ready for the day’s presentations at my conference. I told him that my masseur was unavailable, and we should try to find someone else for him, suggesting we ask at reception for a masseur, and I headed out. I got a message around lunch that he’d managed to get a recommendation from the concierge, and a masseur was coming over. I was glad he’d get a bit of relaxation in, and we made plans to go out on the town that night. A few hours later, I messaged him letting him know I’d be back soon. My boy replied that the masseur was nearly finished and they were having a great time. ‘He’s really sexy,’ the text read, ‘and really affordable. Only £50- plus more for extras…’ It dawned on me that the concierge had set my boy up with my charged Hunk. I then received a message from the Hunk asking ‘Do you want me to stop?’ I took a breath and replied ‘I’ll bring £100-. Don’t stop until you’re finished…’
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  41. Part 1; I had been talking for a few weeks with this twink via one of those online apps. Turns out he is one of the many active seekers of intentional HIV infection. We discussed this online, and even met up over a Coffee. I like to be certain myself that my twink knows what he is getting himself into. We had arranged a day and evening where we would go to a sexual health clinic to confirm his sero negative status, then, we would change it that evening. I wasn't allowed in the consulting room whilst he had the consultation, however I was allowed in when he had the finger prick test which gives results within minutes. He also had the other test where blood is taken from the arm and the results take about 1 week. Finger prick test result; Negative! I took him home. 'One last time, you want Daddy to infect you?' He looked me straight in the eyes and firmly replied; 'YES Daddy'. I drew blood from my arm and blood slammed him with my high viral load of 1 Million +. I took the needle out and got him to press down on the cotton wool. 'Good boy. You can go home now. I'll see you in a few weeks'. 'What? I thought we were going to have sex', he quizzed. 'We will do soon, but not tonight. And you must promise me you will abstain from any sexual activity until we meet in about a few weeks time'. 'Er... OK'. He seemed a little confused, but, he obeyed his instructions. He left and I didn't hear anything from him, until 17 days later, when he messaged me, saying he felt horrific, that his entire body ached and for a few nights he had been having night sweats. 'Come on over'. 'I can't, I feel to weak, there is no way I can get on a train'. 'I'll get a taxi to fetch you' 'OK' There was a knock on my door... Squeal for part 2 Piggies
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  42. My poz gifter is a 10” black man. I was 17 when we started dating. I am not sure if it is because he was 30 years older than me? That he had a huge cock? That he was poz? Or that he was older? That attracted me to him, but I have been a fan of black dick ever since. I don’t want to stereotype but black men seem to have a greater sense of who they are and what they want. As a beta bottom I know my role in life and I like it when men see that and know theirs too.
    1 point
  43. Part 2 I loved living in the city and enjoyed the freedoms that came with being away from my family and my upbringing. I cruised regularly in public toilets and parks throughout my time at university and took every opportunity I could to take cock in my mouth and up my arse. I was learning a lot about life and also about sex and I soon learned that the lines between gay and straight were not always as clear as I had perhaps assumed. I would quite often see wedding rings on some of the guys I was sucking off in public toilets and a few times I saw lads I knew from uni who I thought were totally straight joining in the sucking and sometimes even the fucking. I had discovered that one of the toilets in the university library had a glory hole between the two cubicles. It was a few floors above the floor for my subject and I had discovered it by accident one day when the toilet on our floor was closed for repair. It soon became a regular haunt and I discovered a plentiful supply of students wanting to be sucked off - particularly in the evening and a surprisingly high number were happy to fuck me through the glory hole or even join me in the cubicle so I quite often got a load of cum in my arse as well as in my mouth. One evening I was heading for the toilet when I met a lad I knew coming out of it. Peter came from the same part of the country as me and had a very similar upbringing so his family knew mine and I had met him at various church events. He was a few years older than me and was in his final year. He had been going out with the same girl for a long time and I had heard he was now engaged to her. Peter nodded to me as he passed me and I noticed he looked a little red in the face. I wondered - I knew what Peter studied and knew that he had no more reason to be on this floor than I had..... It was a few weeks later when I was in the toilet one evening round about the same time - I had just sucked someone off and when he left the toilet I heard someone else come in to the cubicle next to me. I sat back for a moment as he pulled his trousers and pants down and sat down. Nothing happened for a moment and then I looked through the hole and saw Peter sitting there. He saw me looking and looked through. I thought he might be shocked when he saw it was me but he just grinned and then stood up. Seconds later his cock was pushing through the hole - he had a nice big cock and I wasted no time in taking into my mouth. I enjoyed every minute of sucking Peter's cock and I could tell he was enjoying it too and it was not too long before I heard him groan and soon he was pumping a big load of cum into my mouth. I sucked him off quite a few times after that - always in the toilet - I never met up with him otherwise. I enjoyed sucking his big cock and he always gave me a big load of cum. I offered him my arse a few times but he always shook his head. One evening towards the end of the year I was sucking him off in the cubicle and he was close to cumming when he suddenly asked if he could see my arse. My trousers and pants were already down so I just stood up and bent over the toilet. I could hear him wanking and breathing heavier. "Show me your arsehole" he gasped and just as I pulled my cheeks apart I felt his come shooting on my hole and all down my arse. It was very horny. The next few times I just sucked him off and then one night he asked to see my arse again. I bent over and pulled my cheeks apart. I could hear him wanking again and this time he began to finger my arse hole. I had been fucked through the glory hole a short time before I and I don't know whether Peter realised this but after a short time I felt his cock head pushing against my hole. I pushed back and the head of his cock entered my arse. He began to push and soon his cock was right up me. I spread my legs further and bent right over as he began to fuck me. I knew he wasn't going to last long as his breathing was getting heavier and heavier and after about ten or twelve thrusts he moaned and gasped "Fuck...Fuck....FUCK!" as he began to pump his cum right into my arse. I wasn't sure how he would react as he pulled out my arse and I stood up. We were both out of breath and neither of us said anything for a while. Then he said "We shouldn't do that again." I asked if he had enjoyed it and he said "Yes - but we shouldn't do it again." That was the only time Peter fucked me. I never saw him in the toilet again during the last few weeks of term and after he graduated he married his girlfriend. I wondered how long it would be after he was married before he gave into temptation and fucked another guy up the arse. Somehow I didn't think it would be too long.... One time I was cruising in a toilet in the west end of Glasgow when a fit young dark haired guy in a postman's uniform came in and we were soon wanking together at the urinal. After a while I bent over and took his cock into my mouth and he sighed as I began to suck him off. After a while he stopped me and asked if I wanted to come back with him and fuck. I was well up for that and followed him to a basement flat nearby. He led my inside and the first thing I saw was wedding pictures of him and a woman. I felt a bit strange and I was glad that he didn't take me into the bedroom. Instead he led me through the kitchen to a little recess area by the back door and that was where I fucked him, pants down by the back door, and shot a big load of cum into his married arse. My next experience with a married guy was when I spent three months in Hamburg at the end of my second year. I was introduced to Dieter at a reception for foreign students and, although I knew he was married with two children, I could tell he was coming on to me. He offered to run me home at the end of the reception and it was not too long before we were parked up in a dark, quiet area and I was down sucking his cock. He fucked me in some bushes nearby and shot his load up me and then dropped me off near my accommodation. We arranged to meet again in the same spot (which was on the edge of a large park I was soon to discover was called the Stadtpark) a few nights later and he told me to be lubed and ready for him. I met him a few times and each time he let me suck his cock for a while and then told me to bend over so he could slide his cock up my already lubed hole. He never touched me other than pushing his cock into my mouth and up my arse. He was a good fuck and, although I enjoyed just being used by him, after a few times I got bored so I was not really bothered when he didn't turn up one time we had arranged to meet. I decided to go for a walk in the park and after I had been walking for some time I began to encounter other guys. It was dark now and, although I had often cruised parks at home, that was during the day. I had not realised that guys cruised parks for sex at night! After a while I came across a very horny scene. A young lad who looked no more than eighteen or nineteen was being fucked up against a tree by an older guy and I watched this for a while before wandering further into the park. Soon I was being cruised by a fit guy and a short time later we were in the bushes and his pants and trousers were down and I was sucking his cock. He has a lovely big fat cock and I sucked on it until he said he was getting too close and pulled me up. He pulled me towards him and kissed me, pushing his hand down the back of my pants to finger my arse. He felt my lubed hole and asked me if I had already been fucked. I told him no because the guy I was meeting hadn't turned up and he grinned. We kissed some more and then he turned me round, pulled my pants down and bent me over. He fucked me up against a tree and it was one of the best fucks I had ever had - it was a lovely summer evening and I was being fucked hard by a guy I really liked even though I had just met him. He shot his load up my arse and when he pulled out I sucked his cock clean. He lit up a cigarette and we chatted for a while. His name was Jorg and he was about ten years older than me. We talked about cruising and I told him I had never really cruised at night. He told me it was best later at night - particularly at the weekends. He offered to come cruising with me and show me where to go and we arranged to meet on the Friday evening. I really liked Jorg and had a lot of fun with him. I guess he was my first real fuck buddy - he took me cruising that weekend and we had a lot of fun. I ended up being fucked several times that night and when I rejoined Jorg I had several loads up my arse. He taught me a lot about cruising including how to get things started. One night there were a lot of fit guys wandering around including a young, nerdy guy with glasses who looked about eighteen, but no one was doing anything. Jorg told me to wander around a bit and then let him cruise me as if we didn't know each other. I did and soon I was being cruised by Jorg and before long I was down sucking his cock right out in the open and we were beginning to attract an audience. Jorg pulled me up to my feet and, as he had done on the night we met, pulled my trousers and pants down, turned me round and bent me over. Guys started to crowd round as he began to fuck me and it was not long before most of them had their pants down and their cocks out. Jorg fucked me for a while and then pulled out and when he did another guy took over and then another and another. It was now an orgy, with fucking and sucking going on all around. The young nerdy guy was bent over next to me, also being fucked by one guy after another and other guys were fucking and sucking all around us. I even saw Jorg bent over, pants down, gripping on to a tree with one hand and wanking with the other as an older guy fucked him and loaded him up. I stayed friends and fuck buddies with Jorg for several years after that and, although my experience with straight guy Dieter was not particularly memorable - it led to some very horny experiences and a new found confidence in cruising at night! My next encounter with a straight guy was in my final year at uni. I was sharing a flat with three other students and one my flatmates had her brother and his fiancee over from Ireland to stay for a few days. I liked Danny straight away and also found him very attractive. He was dark haired with a friendly manner and a really nice grin. He was quite chunky and I really liked his fit arse, which really filled out his trousers. He was obviously straight but I thought there was no harm in looking. The night before Danny and his fiancee went back to Ireland, we were all out drinking in a bar nearby and we had all had quite a few drinks when I went to the toilet for a piss. A few minutes later Danny came into the toilet and stood at the urinal right next to me. He pulled his cock out of his pants and pissed like a racehorse. I had finished pissing by now but I was reluctant to put my cock away and I could sense Danny looking at me out the corner of his eye. He finished too but neither of us moved and he stood back from the urinal letting me see his cock which was now getting hard. I was getting hard too and soon we were wanking together. I was close to cumming and I think he was too when someone came into the toilet. We both quickly zipped up and left the toilet. The next morning Danny was sitting in the kitchen having breakfast when I left for uni and as I left the kitchen he winked at me. It was a few months later when my flat mate said Danny was coming over for a few days on his own as his fiancee couldn't get off work. I found it hard to get the memory of his cock out of my mind and when he arrived, looking as fit as ever, I couldn't help wondering if I would get the chance to get into his pants or if he had just been leading me on. The next day I was home from uni early and Danny was in the flat himself. He suggested going for a drink and soon we were in the same bar and after a couple of drinks Danny started talking about sex. He said there was nothing he liked more than sex with a woman but added that there were some things women didn't like to do that gay guys did. I was turned on now. "Like what?" I asked Danny grinned and leaned forward. "Like being fucked up the arse." he said He leaned forward again "Do you like being fucked up the arse?" he said. I nodded and within minutes we were finishing our drinks and making our way back to the flat. There was no one about and I led Danny into my room, sat on the bed and unzipped his trousers, pulling them down along with his pants. His cock was already hard and I took it into my mouth and began to suck. He sighed, and his cock seemed to grow even bigger. I sucked him for a while and then he pulled out. He turned round bent over and pushed his arse into my face. His arse was quite hairy and as I pulled his cheeks apart I discovered his hole was even hairier. I pushed my tongue right up him and he sighed. Soon he was kneeling on the bed in just his T shirt and socks as I licked his arse, pushing my tongue as far up his arse as I could. After a while he got up and grinned again "Ah now, you see, that's another thing the women don't always like doing!" He said he wanted to fuck me and soon I was bent over the bed and Danny was pushing his big cock up my arse. He couldn't get it up me at first so I put more lube on my arse and his cock and spread my legs a bit wider. He was an amazing fuck - he started slowly and built up until he was really fucking me hard and he gave me one of the best fucks I'd had in a long time before his breathing got heavy and he started groaning and I knew he was pumping a nice big load of cum into my arse. Some of the others were back in the flat now and we had to be careful coming out of my room but no one seemed any the wiser. Later that night Danny appeared in my room, climbed into bed with me and fucked me again, depositing another big load of cum up me. Every night he was there he came into my room when all the others had gone to bed. I would suck his cock for a while and then lay back on the bed so he could sit his hairy arse on my face and then he would fuck me. He never stayed long - as soon as he had shot his load into me he would sneak back to his own room, leaving me with cum dripping out my arse. I enjoyed every minute of it..... Part 3 to follow
    1 point
  44. Yup, keep taking that pozz cock and toxic ball snot and it won't be long before our piggy bottom boi gets the fuck flu!!
    1 point
  45. My last load was in my hotel room. Hooked up with Latino guy off BBRT, hot 30 yr old with big cock, but he never showed even though I'd given him my room number. So got hit on by a local top lookin to get off before work. He wanted me on my knees in my nasty pig jock, and blindfolded. he came in, unbuttoned and shoved his limp cock in my mouth. he tweaked my nips and I got sucked him, and got him hard. he face fucked me and then shot his load down my throat. As he was buttoning up, a knock on the door and another guy came in saying he was late. I guessed it was the Latino guy but I was still blindfolded. he shoved his cock in my mouth and I was certain it was him, given the size of his hardening cock. As I sucked it, he started fingering my hole, and pulled me off my knees, spat on his fingers and cock, and started pushing it up my hole. I felt someone tweaking my nips and realised the first guy was still in the room watching me getting fucked. In minutes he was fucking me hard, and then started groaning, but before he could come he pulled out and shoved his cock down my throat. I could taste my arse on his cock as she shot his load in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop, and before I could get my cock out to wank both guys left, leaving me feeling like the real cum whore I am
    1 point
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