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  1. I can feel the warmth of his boney body. The downy hair of his legs and chest and course pubic hair against me. His boney hands holding my head. My hands are around his skinny waisted torso feeling his warm skin and the hair on his back. The weight of him pressing me into the soft bed. We're urgently pressing our lips together and his soft wet tongue is in my mouth exploring everything within reach. He tastes and smells of mint from the toothpaste he's used before my arrival. His cock is hard and laying between our stomachs. It's feels hot and there's a slightly wet feeling of his pre-cum on my belly. My own penis is soft and laying downward, his testicles resting on it. His right hand moves slowly and gently down the left side of my body. He has hard calluses on his boney fingers and hands. The hands of a manual worker. He reaches my left buttock and intuitively I lift my leg so he can slide his hand and probing fingers underneath me and find my hole. My breath quickens as he finds it and rubs a finger over the around the rim. He pulls his tongue from my mouth and lifts his head slightly to look into my eyes. He has dark brown eyes, almost black. They are smiling and gazing into mine. I feel a finger probing inside me. I am totally his. I move my left leg a little further to my left and away from my body, a signal that I want him to explore further inside me. He understands this and slowly inserts a digit as deep as he can. I'm incredibly aroused. My mind blank, except for the here and now. He lifts himself off me and I open my legs, bend my knees and pull my feet up towards me. He takes hold of his member and I feel the head at the entrance to my body. Precum is leaking heavily from it and he rubs it around the rim. He's still looking into my eyes as he says gently "Your sure" I'm unable to speak. The want, need, excitement and trepidation has made me unable to reply so I nod my head. He pushes himself slowly inside me. My sphincter is still tight and causes me pain as he pushes past it and further inside me. He's big. I'm not used to anything this big. It's stretching the walls of my arse. He pushes it all the way inside me and holds it there, leaning forward to kiss me. The passion in me reaches a new high. I'm breathing deeply, I feel hot, my body craves him, my mind is totally captivated. I want his sperm inside me, to fertilise me, make me pregnant. I know that this can only happen once between two men and its going to happen now. He begins to move inside me. All the way out then all way inside. There is no lubricant other than his precum which has little effect on the friction between his cock and the soft walled tissue inside me. The friction is good. It was cause abrasions that will allow us to procreate more easily. Allow his seed to enter my body. He picks up speed. Fucking me, breeding me as it should be done. My arse feels wonderful sore and full. We're both sweating. He's working hard at his task, ploughing into me, the need to plant his seed is his only purpose in life. He knows it maybe his last chance to pass on his dna. He's is very thin, boney and his face is gaunt. Physically he doesn't look capable of the fucking he's giving me. It's obvious all the energy he has left is being used and its pure determination to reproduce is all that's driving him on. He fucks me for at least ten minutes then his eyes widen and he looks into mine. I can't tell if he's smiling or crying as he cries out and thrusts his cock as deep as he can and ejaculates a huge wad of thick creamy hiv infected sperm into my guts. He collapses onto me and we frantically hold onto each other tightly. I'm overwhelmed by the feelings I have and ejaculate my negative sperm between us coating our stomachs. We kiss passionately and lay still recovering from our orgasms. We lay like this for a time reflecting on what we've done. We have both achieved our goal. Rest is what we need. We both fall asleep.
    8 points
  2. Lost my login Details so new account so now lying on the bed higher than I ever had been before. He asked me if I minded this kinky older couple joined us knowing well the way I was that I would never refuse. Took them about 30 mins to arrive and when they did I was so glad to see them as a shot of G we had while waiting was really starting to work it magic 2 really hot lads in mid 40s and turned out we had played before but never knew how kinky they could get end fucked like mad for 1st hour with me taking 3 loads and tasting a lot more chem piss we had the music playing and the j lube was taken out had ff many times but only once as btm. I started to play with all three of them moving for 1 to other lubing there holes starting to slide my fist in and did not have to take much time on any of there holes I could tell these lads were used to having a fist in them. I was using the couple 2 ass had a fist deep in both of them and our host start to record it was then we heard a noise behind and turned to see 2 young police men standing there. Not sure who was more shocked us or them when coming in the couple had not closed the front door correctly and a neighbour had phoned to complain about the music been to loud not only was I deep it there as but there was lines and pills every where I could see them looking at them as they said lads keep the music down slid out as quietly as they arrived
    5 points
  3. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 1 – Daniel) It was in late fall. I was driving down the interstate without a route in my mind, without any directions. I was looking for the right guy. He shouldn’t be too tall as I liked my toys around 170 cm. Not taller. He should be skinny as I want to be able to move his body around when we are in action. He should be young, preferably a twink with no body hair at all. While 18 years would be great, certainly no one older than 21. It was around 6:00 PM and it was getting dark already and so I chose to close the books for today and head home, when I saw a blonde angel sitting on his huge backpack at the side of the road and holding a handwritten sign with the single word '‘Portland’. I slowed my car down and slid the window down on the passenger’s seat. “Hey there,” the guy said politely, adding “Going north…. ?” He looked very tired. “Well, I can give you a ride for a while, though I won’t drive to Portland,” I explained. “That’s rocking. Any distance will help," he replied, not moving from the passenger’s side, presumably awaiting my instructions. I got out of my car and, opening the trunk of my car, said "Here, put your backpack in here, and then hop into the car." He turned to his backpack. I could feel my cock growing while he was bending down and trying to lift it from the ground. His tight blue jeans showed slipped down a bit and showed part of his ass. I wanted to rip his clothes off right then and there, but instead I helped him lift the stuff into my trunk. After we both got into the car and fastened our seatbelts I started the engine and we drove off. “What’s your name?” I asked. “Daniel. And yours?" “My friends call me 'Scorpion',” I replied with a grin. He chuckled, saying "I like that," as he added "“Nice to meet you, Scorpion and thanks for giving me a ride.” He gave me a broad smile, flashing his perfect set of teeth. “How long had you been waiting on the side of the road?" “Man, forever, it seems. I had trouble with my girlfriend. We had a huge fight and then she kicked me out of the car, the stupid bitch,” he complained. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I am slightly older than you, but women can be bitches in all decades.” “Well, thanks to you, at least I'm one step closer to getting home," he commented. “Living still at home with your parents?” I asked. Daniel nodded. We kept on talking for a while. Daniel mentioned me he had just celebrated his 18th birthday with the slut of his girlfriend and now he was heading home from this bad vacation. “Would you hand me the water bottle from the back seat?” I asked him suddenly. “Sure” he replied and unfastened his seat belt trying to fetch my bottle from the seat behind. That way I could almost smell his ass cunt, and, as the seat of his jeans slid down, the upper reaches of his butt cheeks were clearly visible. Having retrieved the bottle,he turned around and gave me the water. “You’re thirsty?” I asked. He nodded but told me, that his bottle was in the backpack and that one was in the trunk. I suggested he look around, that there should be another bottle some where in the back seat. I knew there was one left, since I had spiked it with GHB. Again Daniel made his way to show me the moon. My cock was already bulging out dangerously. He opened the water bottle and didn’t seem to register that he didn’t hear the obvious ‘click’ from a sealed bottle. He swallowed a few sips and we continued talking casually. I started to drink from my water bottle again and animated Daniel to drink some more water too. After a while I realized, that Daniel was getting sleepy I slowed down the car speed. It appeared he had drunk about half of the bottle of spiked water. I wanted him to be conscious, but helpless. I hoped he didn’t drink too much. The open bottle in his hand dropped to his crotch and spilled on his jeans. I pulled over into an apparently little used parking lot and stopped the car. There were no other cars in sight. I grabbed the bottle out of the boy's crotch and asked him if he was okay. He wasn’t barely even able to open his eyes, but he saw the mess he produced. “Oh no…. I am sorry mate….. I am just so tired. I don’t know what…..” he mumbled. “No big deal” I replied and added, that it was only water. Still I told him I needed to dry the mess, since the water was already reaching his seat. He nodded solemnly, but didn’t reply and so I took a hand towel I had deliberately placed on the driving console, and wiped Daniel’s crotch, giving his dick a good groping. He moaned and tried to focus on me, but was not able to show great resistance. “Spread your legs, so I can reach the seat” I instructed him. He did, but I didn’t care about the seat. I was, however, very interested in the guy's crotch. It was time. I threw the towel aside and massaged Daniel’s dick unashamedly through his jeans and started opening his buttons. He moaned softly, but didn’t open his eyes anymore. “Got you,” I murmured as I turned back and re-started the engine. I wanted to reach the nearest possible abandoned place, and, as I knew the area very well, I already had a good spot in mind. I glanced at my drowsing new toy and thought ‘The Scorpion is about to sting again'.
    4 points
  4. I swear to god its this feeling that separates tops from real breeders. There are days when I just can't stop. Even if I've flooded someone's hole yesterday or this morning I can still feel it at the base of my cock. My root, the center of my sex. It's like a pulse that sends electric waves to my cock and makes my mouth water and my brain switch off. I'll have a hard on all day long and my thoughts become clouded by the idea of pussy. I get moodier, angrier and every minute spent not touching my hard on feels like a minute wasted. This usually will happen to me in the middle of a work day when the urge just comes and when I clock out my cock leads me to the first or sometimes second or third available pussy. I become insatiable. All I want is to fuck, and I like to fuck hard and long and deep. I can feel my balls aching, getting ready to fucking bust and shoot my seed deep. It's moments like these where I can just fuck anything, don't care what, so long as I get to plant my seed in its hot cunt. And when I finally do get to cum its explosive, and my cock is able to jet out 4, 5, 6 squirts of cum. Its like my body knows that I was put on this earth for one purpose alone... to impregnate.
    4 points
  5. There are many factors to consider, such as where are you coming from, your budget, allocated time to your sexcation, etc. If I were in US and have a couple of weeks of holiday, and want to make the most of it, I would fly into Amsterdam and head to Sauna Nieuwezijds. It is close to Central Station and easily accessible. Just a couple hundred yards away there's Dirty Dicks and Eagle. Not too miss the night at Club Church. (For all these and following named clubs, do a google search and check out their parties programme so that you can plan based on your kinks). After 2-3 days in Amsterdam I would take the train to Berlin. There's the Lab at Berghain, Ajpnia, Scheune, Bull, etc. Allow for 4-5 days in Berlin. Then hop on the train again and head to Paris. You have l'Impact, IDM, Bunker, BonZob. 2-3 days in Paris is enough. I would then again take the train down to Barcelona for Open Mind, Berlin Dark, Rectum. If you have time, head west to Madrid where you also have at least 3-4 clubs like that. And then, pregnant as you will be, head back to your home country. Note that I suggested train trips rather than flying as distances are shorter between cities and you can take high speed trains which are really cheap. Just for giggles, I did check the fares for Amsterdam-Berlin-Paris-Barcelona-Madrid and it comes at about $380. Granted, you will have preferences for times, days, class of travel, etc. so what i got quoted can easily double depending on your search criteria. TLDR: 1) Berlin, 2) Paris, 3) Barcelona, 4) Madrid, 5) Amsterdam.
    4 points
  6. The netiquette as well as general social graces have morphed over the past 30 years into a mish-mash of selfishness, arrogance, stupidity and pettiness. I am old enough to remember the iRC and AOL chatrooms as an user, not only as someone who heard about them. The beginning was awesome because most of us were computer-literate and super excited to find new ways of communicating, dating and living a fantasy for real. However, the anonymous identity behind your nickname soon started to give way to a new range of behaviours, such as misrepresenting your stats, photos, likes and dislikes. Also, the amount of porn (gay or straight) started to really take off, and many people found it very comfortable to have a wank in front of the screen while sex chatting somone 2,000 miles away. And from there to today's online behaviour bad things got worse and good things, well, not much left of them.... I did, and still do, have a profile on a few apps, however I have been ghosted, catfished, stood up, you name it, a few times. Somewhere around 2015 I stopped using these apps as they were just the dumbest way to spend time hoping that the guy you're chatting with will actually turn to be a good fuck irl. Out of 10-12 people who messaged me daily, only 2 or 3 a month would materialise in something concrete. And even then, the hard top becomes a cum dump bottom when he sees my dick, a twink bottom turns out to be 230 lbs of organic fat, etc. So, I think as a social group, we need to realise that real like encounters are mostly happening in sex clubs, baths, saunas, adult cinemas... and that chances of meeting someone irl from an app are diminishing by each passing day. We are persuaded to pay more for hundreds of more profiles, thinking that just when you scroll down one more time you will find the man of your dreams. Well, my friends, that ain't happening that often. Some of us may have indeed found the love of our lives online on one of the apps. We may have had a great fuck now and then, but my overall opnion of the apps is that they are good if you want to live in a virtual reality where your mind is racing and fantasizing about the greatest fuck. I do hope that bars, clubs and saunas will someday make a comeback. Because as it stands right now, very lucky few are getting to put their hands on a hard throbbing cock, whilst the vast majority are busy scrolling right, left, down and up.... And the screen is crisp clean: not a trace of cum LOL
    4 points
  7. This story is a fantasy of mine. It is also only the second story I've posted. I apologize in advance to the grammar police! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been growing more and more bold with my sexual urges and what porn at which I look, which means I've been pushing my boundaries further and further. I've even been hooking up with random guys, however, not until the first time I was stealthed did I realize I wanted it bare. That realization led me to BBRT and Breeding Zone, where I chatted with a few guys, even getting to the point of planning a hook-up, but each time I backed out, afraid of the risks. After a handful of such failed hook-ups, I found myself chatting with a guy who was my approximate age, who seemed to be a nice guy. We got to know each other, and in the process he mentioned he was poz, which led me to tell him of the several instances where I had backed-out of hook-ups as my fear of being pozzed held me back. At that time we both went onto BBRT and looked at the guys with whom I had earlier been chatting. We discussed how hot the various guys were, and speculated what it would be like to get fucked by one or all of them. After some time of this we agreed to meet up have a few drinks and, if possible, to jack off together. That was something to which I could commit myself. On the day we had agreed to get together, he contacted me, asking if he could fuck me, assuring me, however, we would use protection. I agreed, but reiterated I was serious about playing safe. I showered and headed to his place. Arriving at his door, I rang the bell, only to wait a surprising amount of time, but when he opened the door he was clearly damp, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hi, sorry for the delay," he commented as he gestured me into his apartment, adding "I was still showering when you rang. Let me make you a drink before I get dressed. Make yourself comfortable, where ever," he finished, gesturing vaguely at his Murphy bed, which was still open. As he stepped away, I stripped off my clothing, stripping down to my jock strap, in the process noticing the restraints which were fastened to the headboard of his bed frame. As I knew he liked bondage, I didn't think much of them, instead I focused on the bareback porn that was playing on his flat screen, jerking myself a bit just to get into the mood. About then he came back into the room, this time carrying two drinks - oh, and his towel had disappeared, and his rock hard, thick, cut eight inch cock was sporting a condom. Handing me a drink, he took a sip of his. "Already wrapped up?" I asked. "Yeah, thought it would put you at ease. I want you to understand I'm a man of my word." Honestly, his tone was so honest and relaxed I was quite relieved, and took a deep chug of my drink, which naturally went straight to my head, or so it seemed as I immediately felt the impact of the alcohol. Setting his drink down, and likewise relieving me of mine, he opened our session by kissing me as he also found a tube of lube and prepped my ass and his cock. "No foreplay, I take it?" "No, I just want to get right to it. I haven't had a good fuck in a while. In fact I've been holding myself back since we decided to get together." He then flipped me over slid into my hole. Fuck, his cock was amazing thick. It honestly felt like he was tearing me a new hole, almost as he was tearing me in half. Fortunately the drink, which was apparently even stronger than I had realized, dulled my response to a loud grunt as he hit bottom. Then he started to pick up his pace, pulling all the way out and slamming back in repeatedly. The pain gradually transitioned into pleasure, especially as my hole seemed to be getting progressively slicker. I was definitely enjoying myself, even as I seemed to be getting increasingly light-headed, but I do recall his comment "Ooops, looks like the condom broke. Want me to stop? I can't hear you. Maybe it's what I put in the drink. Oh, well. You're gonna love this!" When I came to the room was pitch black, so while I couldn't see anything, I could tell I was a bit groggy, and my crotch and ass felt wet and sticky. I also realized my hands and feet were restrained, and somehow it felt like a gag was wrapped over my mouth. He had apparently bound me face-down sometime after I passed out. Then his cock rammed into my ass. Not only was he still fucking me, but I could tell from the head of his cock on my cheeks that he wasn't wearing a condom. The condom broke? Was that was he said? He's poz! I thrashed about a bit, but to little avail. Not only was I bound, the gag was effectively muffling me. My helplessness must of turned him on more because he pounding even deeper and harder, tearing my hole apart. Then I heard a different voice remark "Ah, looks like he's awake! Just in time to take my gift too!" I panicked at the realization a completely unknown guy was fucking me, especially his use of the word 'gift'. I might not have known exactly what he meant, but I had good reason to distrust this situation. "I told you I'm a man of my word," the familiar voice said as he rubbed his cummy cock all over my face. "You lead all those guys on, telling each guy he could tear your hole apart and give you his load, but you always backed out. Well, now you can't, and you've already taken eight poz loads while you were sleeping. What's another ten (or twenty)?" I really started to buck, trying to get free, but the guy fucking me put me in a choke hold, slamming harder than I had ever before felt. "Oh, boy, you're not going anywhere. You said you wanted this ten incher to tear you apart, and that's what you're gonna get!. Fuck, I'm about to cum!" I burst into tears which soaked into the blind fold as I felt him give one last slam into my ass, deeper than anything I had ever before felt, his cock pulsating as he filled me with his cum, his poz cum. "That's it, boy. I saved that load for a few days - just for you." With that he withdrew, but before I even felt the fresh air on my ass, another cock had slid in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all I have time for now. If you want me to finish the story, just let me know. Thanks!
    3 points
  8. I have witnessed this at a couple places I worked at. IT NEVER WORKS, PERIOD. If you work at any kind of medium or large company, there will be an HR department in the mix. Then things are out of your control. It's a dumpster fire at best. There is an old adage. Don't shit where you eat.
    3 points
  9. Learn to compartmentalize. There’s a space in your life for working, for earning a living; there’s a space in your life for sex. They’re not the same space. There’s a time and a place for each of these things, and you need them both, but not at the expense of each other. Let’s say you approach the guy and the whole thing goes as badly as it might. Then you have neither the job nor the sex. On the other hand, let’s say you proposition him for the kind of domination you want, and he gives it to you - there is absolutely no way that power dynamic doesn’t bleed into your work relationship and affect it, and not for the better. And as you know perfectly well, the chances of such an arrangement lasting for any length of time are slim - what happens when he gets bored with the novelty of you? Because he will, and then you’ll be a distraction, then an annoyance, then someone he really doesn’t want around the office, and suddenly you have, again, neither the sex nor the job. I don’t see this ending well either way.
    3 points
  10. I played hooky on Thursday, and drove to my favorite adult theater. It's about 65 miles away, north of Seattle, but it's almost always good for some dick. I'm a cocksucker, and when I get into the right headspace, I am not picky at all. I've been going here for 20 years or more - started out as the cute twinky type. Now I'm older and grayer, but still in decent enough shape. There are three, maybe four guys there when I walk in. There are three rooms - straight porn, gay porn, and trans porn. Within two minutes, one of the guys (probably 50-60, decent dick) puts his dick in my mouth. I take my shirt off, and start alternating between sucking his dick, chewing on his nipples, and making out. It doesn't take long, and he blows a load in my mouth. He leaves, and I walk around. One of the other guys grabs me and takes me into the straight room, where there's a decent couch. He's maybe 40's, black, skinny, and needs head. I get on my knees, and suck him good and slow. After a few minutes, he busts down my throat, says thank you, and heads out. 2 loads in 20 minutes, before 11 am. I hang out, and over the course of three hours, I end up with a total of six loads in my tummy. I got to swap some cum with another cocksucker. I watched two bottoms get bred, and shot my load. Way better than sitting at work. Definitely worth the car ride! Please be kind.. I'm a longtime lurker, but I rarely, if ever, post a full story.
    3 points
  11. I've been doing it with this guy Brian for a while and had a hot experience with him at the weekend. He's a pretty big guy, about 6', slim, kinda hairy and has one of the best beards I've seen. Thick, dark, soft and a bit wavy. I've had a lot of fun kissing him and running my fingers through his beard. We mostly meet when his truck route takes him through my area. He's a bit of a odd guy, he's not much good for talking and he's always been shy about getting his clothes off for some reason. He doesn't mind being touched, grab his butt, even pull his t-shirt up a bit and play with his treasure trail, no problem, but until the weekend I'd never seem him fully naked and he'd always been pretty clear his dick was a hands off place. He'd move my hand if I got near it. I've always wanted him naked though, he's a sexy lean otter and totally my type. Usually we hang out a while kissing then he'll blow me until he's got a big load in his beard and then we're done. Sometimes he wants to be fucked though. It's always kind of down to business when we do that, he just pulls his jeans and boxers down a bit to expose his hairy butt and lie face down, or on his back with his legs up for me to enter him. I like getting intimate usually, kissing and stuff when fucking, but he just wants to lie there and take it. He's got a super fuckable butt though, and he moans and grunts a lot. Never asked for a condom, takes it as hard and as long as I want, and is cool with me shooting in him. So I can't complain. Sometimes he shoots a load in his boxers too, I can feel that familiar clenching in his hole and he's making the noises. I wonder how many other guys he's letting fuck him. On Friday, I told him he's a sexy guy and if he ever wants it's cool to top me, and I tell him how I'd like to make him cum too. After a while he says guys never want him on top because he's small. Eventually he gets it out and he's about 2.5" hard. Big nuts though. He says that other guys just ignore it mostly and never want to bottom for him, he's never topped. Took some convincing but it was about time he got in a guy's butt. I expected to have fun, he's a hot guy and I've got a pretty sensitive hole. Having the entrance teased with a dick feels great. But I had way more fun than I expected when Brian did it. He was rock hard and when he was pumping at my hole he was bumping and teasing it great, just dipping the tip of his dick in and out and leaking precum. A few times when I was really getting in to it and forgetting I pushed my hips up and expected to feel him enter me fully. Thing is, I loved being that dick hungry with him teasing my hole and never getting completely filled. He teased the hell out of my hole. He eventually cum with his tip pushed just inside me. I was relaxed and open so his shots went deep. I really felt the hot pulses of cum entering me and filling me. No prostate orgasms, but I definitely felt something happening with it when his hot cum filled me up. So, I'm wondering, do other guys ever bottom with small tops, and what does it feel like for them?
    2 points
  12. It was a not so typical end of the year party on a Friday night. Christopher had just graduated high school. He was your typical straight laced, high school jock, popular with the girls, but had yet to get laid. He had the occasional beer and maybe a joint, but never thought of doing hard drugs ever. Christopher was 5' 10”, 145 pounds of lean muscle with blond hair and blue eyes. He was invited to a party at the near by college he was to attend in the fall ans was hoping to get himself laid by some college chick. When he arrived there weren't many girls at the party so he grabbed a beer and walked around. After finishing a few brews he started to talk to some of the other people at the party. He hit it off with this one guy, his name was Reese. Reese was had just finished his second year at the college and was very out going, the total opposite of Christopher's shyness. They talked about the lack of pussy at the party when Reese said he could introduce him to a couple hotties name Gina and Tina. Christopher was excited at the possibilities and the 2 left for Reese's apartment. After arriving at Reese's, Reese offered Christopher another beer. Christopher drank it down as Reese told him he was going to get Tina. Christopher was a little confused why he never said he was going to get Gina when he started to feel very warm and groggy. When Reese came back he helped Christopher into his bedroom and Christopher stretched out on his back on the bed. It was at that point that Reese asked Christopher if he liked Gina. Christopher looked at him a little puzzled. Reese explain, Gina was in the beer that he drank. Christopher was a little out of it, but was feeling good and started to feel a little horny. It was at that point that Reese climbed on Christoper, sitting on his chest and pinning his arms under his legs. He was sitting so heavily on Christopher's arms the blood flow was stopped. Then Reese pulled out a syringe and said it was time to meet Tina, and with that he stuck the needle into Christopher's arm giving him is first taste of crystal meth via a slam. Christoper felt the warmth in his arm and as Reese let up on his arm the meth hit is system and he couched out. Reese gave him some water to drink and Christopher was flying. Reese then hit himself with a nice slam en joined Christopher in the sexual high. Reese then leaned in and kissed him. Christopher was unable to prevent Reese's tongue to begin probing into his mouth. As Miss Tina took it's hold of him he began to get very horny. He gave in to the advancements of Reese and the pleasure he was experiencing. Reese began to undress Christopher as they kissed and soon Christopher was only in a pair of blue boxer briefs. Reese then began to undress himself and then he straddled Christopher chest as he did when he forced slammed the teen. Reese then eased his hard, dripping 8a: cut cock into his victims mouth with some resistance, but with the G in Christopher's system along with the T, he was no match fir the hunk sitting on his chest. Christopher was getting his first taste of cock and he began to enjoy it. In no time he was a willing cock sucker and soon Reese was off his chest and sitting with Christopher between his legs willingly sucking his cock. To this point, Christoper had only taken half of Reese's cock into his eager mouth, but soon enough Reese took charge placing a hand behind the chemed up boy's head and little by little forced more of his tool into his mouth. When it hit the back of his throat, Reese told Christopher to take a deep breath and then Reese forced his dick into his cock sucker's throat. After e few seconds he with drew and then repeated his move placing his dick back into the throat of his cock sucker. This went on for a few minutes when Reese pulled all the way out and had Christoper get on his back. It was Reese's turn to show Christopher what it was like to have a real blow job from a real man. Reese easily deep throated Christopher's 7” cut cock and bobbed up and down for what seemed like an eternity. With the G and T in Christopher's system he was not going to cum any time soon, but the boy was moaning from the blow job he was receiving. Reese was enjoying working on the boy semi hard cock, but that wasn't his objective. He licked the shaft a few times, sucked and licked Christopher's balls as he worked his was to the prize he was after, Christopher's virgin hole. When his tongue began licking the prize her wanted, Christoper began to moan louder then he did when he was getting blown. As Reese licked the hole, lubing it up for his eventual penetration he also began to probe the soon to be willing hole with his fingers. As he slid in on finger he was sure to add a little meth to it to give Christopher a booty bump. Reese knew this would make his ass more hungry and willing to accept his cock. Between the slam and the booty bump Reese was opening up Christoper's virgin hole, 2, 3, 4 fingers deep. Reese thought that he might be able to fist this boy soon, but he held off on that idea. He knew what he wanted, to seed this virgin hole with his toxic seed, get him addicted to T and his cock so that when he returned Christoper returned next fall he would have a boy to use and abuse. Reese pulled his fingers out. Christopher let out a moan of disappointment. Christopher was feeling empty inside. He looked up at Reese and asked him to put his fingers back in side his hole. Reese looked down and with his eyes locked on Christopher's said that he was going to replace it with something more substantial. As that was being said, Reese slowly slid is raw cock into Christoper's ass prompting Christopher to reach down and feel what was going inside him. When he realized it was Reese's dick, he looked up and asked Reese if he should have a condom on. Reese just looked him dead in the eye and kept on sliding into the boys formerly virgin hole. As the last of his cock slid into the ass of his new bottom boy he grinded it in getting a moan out of the boy's mouth. Reese knew what he was doing, he slowly moved his dick, teasing Christopher with mini thrusts. Reese could see in Christoper's eyes that he was giving in and at that point Reese set about fucking him with a growing intensity. Reese knew that if his seed was too take hold he'd need to do some damage and since the boy was a virgin he knew it wouldn't take much to seed him. Along with the fingering Reese did some scratching inside. He knew that this would work since it was the same way he had be brought into the fold. Soon Christoper was moaning and begging to be fucked. The booty bump was really working now and Reese wasted no time in pounding the boy's hole. As Reese was abusing his new toys ass, he was ready to deliver his first load and did so without Christopher knowing. Reese could deposit a couple loads this way and did just that. As Reese was read to cum for the third time he looked down at Christopher, leaned in and as he was getting ready to cum he told Christopher that he was going to spend the weekend with him and that they were going to keep fucking until Reese was sure that his toxic seed was going to take hole. Reese then started to pant and moan and whispered into Christopher's ear that he was shooting his third poz load into his ass and with three loads in him deep there was no turning back. He was soon to get the fuck flu and be as poz as Reese was. Reese now owned his ass and he would do with it as he pleased. Christopher sat there in shock. He was so tweaked, he didn't know what to feel or what to do. All he knew was that he wanted more Tina and that he wanted of Reese's cock.
    2 points
  13. If the original author is still active on the site (which this one is), you clearly should ask him that! Regardless of whether he is or isn't (still active), the right way to do this is to create your own new story topic and start your continuation with a short intro that references the original piece and author.
    2 points
  14. hot - wish i'd been ur dad
    2 points
  15. seduced by an older man at a young age,I knew NOTHING about sex and saw nothing wrong accepting an invite into his camper and drinking the cold soda he offered.He began a full on seduction with porn mags on the little table....asking what I thought about the pictures in them.So much happened so fast...first kiss first blowjob,first time feeling a mans tongue on my hole....firstime feeling a cock enter me.first fucking,feeling him cumming deep.Amazing what you can learn in less than half an hour!After the clumsiness of that first encounter soon discovered I had been blessed with a cute lil ass man men could not resist.skinny,blonde hair blue eyes smooth skinned...learned my place was where men wanted me to be.Born a bottom?thinking my first time kinda set the tone and range of sexual expectations but am not a total bottom.
    2 points
  16. Stress makes me horny, so I am lining up my regulars in our group chat and on my way to get my hole plowed and filled with cum
    2 points
  17. Connection or not, just enjoy the fuckin
    2 points
  18. The following story is a true recollection of events which actually happened 2 weeks ago. If I’m honest, it’s taken a couple of weeks to sort everything out in my head. It was an epic session and it pushed me way beyond what limits I thought I had. To set the scene, it was 2 days after my 44th birthday. I’m a slightly chubby(ish) middle aged bottom, with dreams of being used as a cumdump. I live in a sleepy little town somewhere on continental Europe, where there is no action for miles and miles around me. I’m in a long term relationship with a woman, but we stopped having sex 4 years ago when she hit the menopause. I’m on prep, but given that I’m in a dead bedroom, there’s zero chance of passing anything on to her. I’ve always been bi, and have always found getting fucked by guys way more fun that sex with women. I was visiting friends in London, and a fuck bud hit me up. He knows about my situation, knew it was my birthday, and wanted to know if I fancied a birthday gangbang. Who was I to say no? He’s also the only guy I’ve ever done chems with, having been the first guy to ever offer me G&T. As long as I pulled out my phone every now and again to check MS Teams, work would think I’m online but in meetings, so the next day (Friday), I rocked up to his around lunchtime. He welcomed me into his place, and we went through to the living room to have a drink and a chill before everything started. As I entered the room I was greeted by the site of another slim, hairless guy in just his pants (we’ll call him A) but with a massive bulge in his pants. I could immediately tell that this was going to be a strenuous day for me. A was on the phone arranging some business, but we waved at me to say hi as my friend took me out to the balcony for a smoke. Turns out that A was a dealer and had brought a crap ton of party supplies for us. My mate and I sparked up some cigarettes, and he apologised to me, that somethings had come up, and whilst there would be a procession of guys to dump loads in me, some of them couldn’t get out of work at the same time, so it would be a staggered experience. I was just grateful that my friend had managed to put together anything at all. A finished his call and we went to the sofa. I stripped down to my jock strap and we all sat on the sofa. We all had a shot of G, and then the pipe came out. We started blowing clouds and catching up/got to know each other. I told A that this only my 3rd time on chems, and to be honest whilst it was fun, I never really the experiences that I’ve read about on here. Yeah I was relaxed, and there was a strong desire to get fucked, but it had always been less than I’d expected. My friend hates needles, and had asked that we don’t slam in his flat, but everything else was fair game. A asked if I’d ever had a booty bump, and I said yes, but as my friend is top, and only really smokes it, we didn’t really know what we were doing, and we’re probably far more conservative with the stuff that necessary. A’s eyes lit up and he started smiling. He said that he had to pop out for an hour, but when he got back he’d mix some bumps for me that I should appreciate. A headed out and my friend and I went to the bedroom. He put some porn on and I devoured his 8 inch cock. Turns out he was the smallest cock of the day. We alternated between blowing clouds and then sucking his dick. Eventually he laid me on my back with my legs in the air. I braced myself for the initial pain/discomfort that normally comes when the first dick goes in, only this time he just slipped in. The G&T clearly helped. Over the next hour my mate had me in multiple positions. He really went to town on me and I was loving just being his fuckhole. In the distance I heard the front door open and A calling out that he was back, then my friend asked me if I was ready for my first load of the day. I was on my knees and started squeezing was what left of my anal muscles on his cock as unleashed the contents of his balls into me. We laid back on the bed recovering for a moment, then he handed me the pipe and said he was going to see what A was up to. I just laid on the bed for a while, toking on the pipe and watching porn whilst feeling then cum slowly drip out of me. My mate reappeared carrying a small tray with 3 syringes filled with liquid. The booty bumps had finally appeared. He administered the first one and asked me if I was ready for round 2. We went into the living room to see A back in his pants, and that he’d brought another guy with him (who we shall call B, because I’m imaginative). B was naked and stroking a massive cock which at half mast was already getting on for 9 inches. As it was the only exposed cock, I quickly got on my knees in from of B and started giving him a friendly “hello” blowjob. As his cock grew in my mouth I began to really hope that the chems would kick in soon, as otherwise I was in serious trouble. I sat up on the sofa as we did another round of hellos. It was over an hour since the last G so we did another shot with B. A asked me if I was having fun before pulling his own cock out. It was a thick beast, and I couldn’t help myself. I got on my knees and started sucking it for a good 5 minutes. They then told me to get on my knees on the corner of the L shaped sofa. A and B started pushing their fingers inside me, commenting on how wet I was and that my friend must have shot a huge load in me. A leans over the sofa and puts the pipe in my mouth. B is standing behind me, slapping his dick over my hole. Then he slides himself in. I thought he was going to be gentle after the first couple of strokes, but he then started testing if I could take a pounding of not, alternating between hard and fast, deep strokes, and slower stokes going the full length of his cock. For anybody keeping count of time, it’s about 20/25 minutes since the booty bump. My first proper booty bump with what I later found out was 0.2g of T. A wave just washed over me. A rush that I’d never had before. Concentration on anything other than the cock inside me was impossible. I also began sweating like I was in a sauna. Getting words out was impossible. A and B knew exactly what was going on, as they were watching the physical change in me. I then started pushing my arse back into B’s cock. The harder he fucked, the more I slammed myself into him. I started clenching my ring around his cock, trying to milk it for that creamy goodness. A offered me the pipe, but I was so damn high I began to worry about having had too much. I just buried my head into the cushions and let whatever was going to happen to me take place. B pulled out and A slammed his cock into me. This wasn’t just a forceful entry, this was a full on slam fuck. He was brutal. No mercy, just slamming into my hole as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t hurt. The small part of my brain that wasn’t high and was just watching me with curiosity was amazed that whilst I was moaning, groaning and begging for more cock, my body was registering the feeling as just an extreme fuck, but it was not painful at all. Or at least, the sensations were not registering the feelings as pain. I do not know how long he was fucking me for. Time was an abstract concept. I do remember that A called out he was going to cum. He pulled out for moments and then slammed it in to the hilt. I just laid there panting and being a generally sloppy mess. He slapped me on my arse and said “don’t worry, I can cum several times”. A pulled out, and was immediately replaced by B who wasn’t going to be outdone by A. This next slam fuck actually left me with a slightly bruised arse. It was insane what he was doing. This isn’t hyperbole, I’ve seen the video they made. I honestly can’t believe that not only was I taking it in my stride, but I was asking for more. Again, after an unknown amount of time B let out a roar and thrust all the way into me. He then pulled out and flopped down on the sofa next to me, still stroking his cock. I just laid there for a moment, panting and trying to make sense of what just happened, but then I leaned over to my left and sucked B clean. I too then flopped down on the sofa (after asking for a towel to catch the cum dripping out of me). A was laughing his head off, asking me how my first “proper” booty bump was. We then all had a bit of a hydration break, smoking cigarettes and chatting. All of a sudden my friend gets a message on his phone. The last 2 guys are on their way. He then showed me a picture of a huge black cock. This was one of the guys on their way. A told me to lift my legs in the air and after fingering my cummy hole for a bit, he pushed the next syringe in and emptied it. I’ll be honest, I was terrified about how I would react to it, but I was also horned up, it passed very quickly. Suddenly, my friend bends me over a stool he has and A quickly slides in. He’s not pounding as hard as before (seeing as it’s been at least an hour now since my last pounding), but it doesn’t take him long to get up to speed. This fuck is just another warm up apparently, and he blows another load inside me working 10 or so minutes (4th load of the day if anybody is counting). B then is right back there again, and he’s still in punishment fuck mode. The T hits hard again, and B blows his load once more. Making good on his promise, A calls out “me again” and dives in. I’m moaning like a bitch, and I’m sweating so much the fabric cover on the stool is soaked. Despite my focus on the cock inside me, I look up at some point to see 2 mountains of black men, naked and both stroking cocks that would normally scare the crap out of me. A blows a load again and the black guys start feeling the cum in my hole as I clean A’s cock. My friend asks if we should move to the bedroom. At this point I’m so spun I just do as I’m told. A and B both say goodbye as they have to go. And I’m then just roughly thrown on the bed and told to get on my knees. At this point, things are becoming a bit of a blur. I couldn’t tell you exactly what order things happened in, but I do know that the next hour or 2 included DP, several loads and one more booty bump. I was asked to put on a mask at one point, and it turns out that half of the fuck with the two bbcs was streamed on a Zoom room (hence the mask). At the end of it, I remember that we all went into the living room and had some food delivered. I was still coming down but I was at least making sense by then. It was remarked upon just how much of a cummy mess I was. All in all, I apparently got 11 loads that evening. I left around midnight, and got an Uber back to where I was staying. The next day was spent with the Godson and his family, trying my very best to hide just how hard the cum down was. Around lunchtime, I got a text from my friend, asking if I would potentially be up for it again that evening. I was….. however that will be another story
    2 points
  19. I understand the feeling of insatiability too, only coming from the perspective of a bottom. Once I've got a couple loads in me I just want to keep going and the impulse to slut out grows as I take more and more dicks.
    2 points
  20. As someone who was raised by a total [banned word] single dad, I can confirm that it's the hottest and best thing in the world
    2 points
  21. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 2 – Daniel) Daniel was unconscious. His head leaned against the closed window and it appeared he was just sleeping on this trip. I left the Interstate and we drove for a while on a B road. After a few miles I took another exit and we reached a rural area. There were lots of opportunities for me to find a cosy spot in the woods. My dick was hard and ready and I wanted to fuck this heterosexual twink. While driving to a lonesome place I started groping Daniel already. His dick was also hard from the massage. From time to time he moaned. Maybe he thought of his girlfriend or another chick. I didn’t mind. As long as I could get my loaded cum into his hot ass. We reached the place I had in mind. We had to drive way into the forest and I had examined this spot before. Never had I met another person in this woodland. I stopped the car and turned down the engine. “Daniel….? Danny….?“ The guy did not reply. He was cold out. I opened my door and left the car. Slowly I walked around it and opened his side of the door carefully. A broad smile flashed across my face. It was almost too easy. I pushed a button and the seat was lowered automatically. In a couple of seconds Daniel was relaxing on his back. I opened his belt and the buttons of his jeans. Since Daniel was unconscious he was rather heavy. It took me a while to undress him from the waist down. His dick was quite thick, even in his semi hard status. For a second I thought about licking his dick head for a second. Just to get a taste of him, but rejected the idea. I pulled him to me and slowly turned him around, so soon he was lying on his front. In my glove compartment I had some lube. The idea to fuck him dry was exhilarating, but I was a bit tensed, that the boy would come back to senses because of the pain. On the other hand I wanted to enjoy the fuck also, so I decided to use a small amount of the lube, to make it comfortable for both of us. “Don’t tell me, I wouldn’t care…. “ I said and laughed. While working the lube into his ass, I was using my fingernails to scrape the inside of his asscunt. I wanted him bleed, so my gift would find no barriers raiding his body. I tried not to hurt him too much, since he moaned from time to time. Then I got up and looked around. It was dark already and the only noises I could hear were the sounds of nature. Swiftly I just opened some buttons of my jeans and pulled my cock out of the stall. Slowly I stroked my dick and looked down to the innocent guy I picked up some hours ago. I applied some lube on my cock also and entered the car again. Although the door was open, I had switched the light off before. So it was quite dark, surrounded by so many trees, but I didn’t’ care. I would find his snatch easily. I supported my body with my left hand, which rested on Daniel’s left shoulder. My knees were on the edge of the seat. With my right hand I found the twinks ass cheeks easily and rubbed three fingers again into his hole. He was so tight and hot inside. I knew the second my fingers touched his orifice, that it would be a hell of a ride – for both of us. Pulling one ass cheek apart I lowered myself onto Daniels behind. My hard and thick nine-incher had no problems to discover his opening. Without making a sound I went down on him in one slow stroke. Daniel groaned a little bit. Usually the GHB would make sure, that the guy would not wake up so easily. I used this so many times before. It took me a while to find the right kind of dose…. between making someone willing or receptive, or to knock someone out for a couple of hours. Daniel wouldn’t know what hit him, or what happened at all. Drinking the water would be the last reliable memory for him. I started fucking my cock in long strokes in and out of his pussy. Pulling my dick out of his virgin hole and ramming it back in one hard stroke. I repeated this for many, many times. For me, this whole thing was more than just a casual rape or an unwilling date. Daniel would have some pain in the ass tomorrow, but he wouldn’t remember me being the reason why his arse would ache. His pussy was so soft and receiving, it was almost a natural act. My cockhead was pushing deep into his body trying to gain the best of this totally relaxed butt. I would have loved to choke him a little bit. Since I tried this one before, I knew it was hard to explain the bruises the following day. So I decided I would simply do without his asscunt muscle spoiling my invading cock. “I would love to rape your mouth too, you little fuck, but I got bitten before” I told him, although I knew he was not capable of understanding. So I kept my steady pace to get a good feeling out of this puppet. Feeling my balls stir up already, I started to rabbit fuck Daniel. He was actually moaning a bit louder, but I doubt his eyes ever opened. And even if they did… it was pitch dark. He would just remember a bad dream in the morning, nothing more. “Here we go cunt…..” I spew my first cum injection into this cute young heterosexual guy, who just broke up with his girlfriend. But who needed women anyway. “Go and grab my gift you bitch. Absorb my load with your body…. and share it with lots of bitches” I smiled viciously. I was sure Daniel would make up with his girlfriend as soon as he would reach his hometown. And they would fuck like bunnies and so he would help me transmitting my legacy to the willing or unwilling. Who gives a shit. After finishing the ‘bad deed’, it was kind of hard to get this jock dressed up again. But with enough strength and a bit of dragging, Daniel was almost as good as new, when we started driving back to the civilization. I threw the kid out a couple of miles in front of his town. It was a service area with a closed diner and some trucks standing there for a rest. My wicked mind evolved a plan to share Daniel’s body around with other fellows. Maybe my plan would succeed, maybe not…. I would be too far away to know. Usually I write with my right hand, but for this a grabbed a piece of paper and wrote with my left hand a note. It read: 'Drug Addict in need of help. Will do anything for money’ It was a hassle to drag Daniel into a male toilet. There I pulled his jeans down a bit again and laid him on his side. All his stuff I dropped nearby and placed the note directly next to the sleeping beauty. I was on my way home, when two truckers entered the toilets and found this heartbreaking note on the floor. One of the guys fished ten dollars out of his pants and put it on one of Daniel’s bags. “You’re invited” he said to his pal and opened his belt. Enjoy…..
    2 points
  22. Here's a thought: maybe some people are misrepresenting themselves by using older pics or having some (to put it mildly) artistic license with their stats. That's likely why a lot of people ghost - because they would otherwise be found out to be different from what they claimed. It seems a common behaviour - so I ask what motivates that? My answer is that advertising, porn, and gay culture shows us images that are not a reflection of how many of us really are Do people then try to live up to these images and expectations by exaggerating aspects of their profiles? This further perpetuates that 'image' and it becomes a vicious circle. Images are beginning to change but I think it's an 80/20 thing where 80% of us aren't like the images we see in the gay media. And yet 80% of gay media is pushing that image. It's not healthy and I think what we see with people's behaviour in the apps is just a symptom of that.
    1 point
  23. I will let anyone who is who long enough to reach my hole and can get hard enough fuck me. I have tried with a few guys that weren't long enough to reach my hole unfortunately.
    1 point
  24. I started very early. By the time I was college age, I had already had hundreds of men inside me. I started going to group sex parties in my early 20s and the numbers grew exponentially in a very short time. I've had busier and slower years, but it would be impossible for me to even guess how many partners I've had. Every few years or so, I'll try to keep track of my load count for the year, but even then, I'm usually only partially successful.
    1 point
  25. If there are any Dads/sons looking for third, HMU.
    1 point
  26. 1st Story on here so hope you lads enjoys. Was chatting to this English lad who lived in Dublin. I was in Belfast but told I can travel up only takes about hour. We were both about 25 at the time so up I went one afternoon found his house easily and knocked on door he opened it Naked took he in and almost straight away took out Glass pipe I never really had done any hard drugs but a couple shotguns and I was up for anything asked me if I would fuck raw which I always love doing then asked if I would do him live on Internet Cam4 of course been so high I was game had him on bed and only lasted about 5 mins before breeding him then held up his legs and rimmed my load out of his ass and feed it to him then we started to suck each other could feel him hold my head and seconds later I felt him start to fill my mouth with his chem piss within seconds I was hooked lots more to come
    1 point
  27. Without a doubt, Sir!!
    1 point
  28. (a few years ago) I don't know what it is about my personality or my 'aura', but I've always attracted friends who had fucked up childhoods and/or substance abuse issues. It started in high school when two of my closest friends had a parent that committed suicide. College brought new friends who were molested as kids, were speed freaks or had been in jail. There's nothing tragic about me...I had a normal family and a normal life...except that I was gay. I buried it pretty deep inside, and tried not to even think about it. I considered myself to be pretty boring. I never did anything exciting, and maybe that's tragic in and of itself. I moved to a new city for a job that was something I really wanted to do, but it didn't pay all that great. I moved into an apartment complex that was in a somewhat 'iffy' part of town. It was two levels built into a box shape with a courtyard in the middle. It was cheap and not dirty. That's all I wanted. Wouldn't you know that I met a new misfit the day I moved in. He had the unit right next to mine, and introduced himself immediately. Andy. He looked fairly normal, but there was a touch of insanity in his eyes. I would have guessed he was in the military, judging by his solid build and extremely short haircut. He was around 6'3" and clean-shaven. Cute and around my age. I didn't have a "type", but I did think he'd be the kind of man I'd be interested in. He helped me move my stuff in. And I somehow knew he was crazy. "Just a word of warning: This side gets pretty bright sun in the morning. Keep your blinds closed if you want to sleep late." "Oh, okay. I usually get up early though." "Yeah. Me too. I do maintenance here. It's not great money, but I don't have to pay rent. If you ever lock yourself out or your toilet clogs, don't go to the manager -- just come by or call me. Got your phone on you? I'll give you my number." So I guess he wasn't in the military then. I settled in and arranged what little furniture I had. It wasn't even 24 hours later that my refrigerator stopped running. Ugh. At least there were only some diet Cokes in there. I called Andy and he came over in twenty minutes. He was in shorts and sandals ---- not what I'd think a maintenance worker would wear on the job. "Well, it must be minor because most of the fridges around here are new. It might be your outlet. Give me a few minutes to look." He moved the fridge out from the wall and went looking in the back. I never knew what to do while a repairman was in your home. Do you stand there or leave them alone to do their job? I decided to go watch TV. "Shout if you need anything." As soon as I said that, he said "Done. It's fixed." "You're kidding." "Nope. The plug had just slipped out of the wall socket. It happens sometimes if the power's been off for awhile and suddenly starts back up." I felt stupid. I should have checked that on my own. "Well, sorry for making you come over for an unplugged refrigerator." "No problem, my friend. You got me away from painting and I needed a break. Mind if I hang out here for a little?" "Not at all? Want a Coke?" "Got any beer?" I didn't, so he invited me over to his place next door. He didn't have much more furniture than I did, but it was nice. Great TV and stereo. I sat on the couch and he brought me a beer. I normally never drink at all, but it seemed like there was no way I could say 'no'. "Your TV is huge, Andy. Is it HD?" "Of course. Why? Did you want to watch something? I thought we could just talk." "Oh yeah. Sure." I swallowed more beer. It was way better than the last time I tried it in school. He settled down next to me and kicked off his sandals. "So you're gay, right?" What? I'd only met him twice and had fewer than ten sentences to him. How did he know? "Well...." "Sorry. That was rude. I just kind of see things, you know?" "Like what?" "The very first time I saw you, you were bursting with secrets. You've got those eyes that say there's more there." "Okay. And, yeah. I'm gay. I've just never told anyone." "I understand. I'm gay too. I also have HIV...ever since I was sixteen." "You look healthy to me." "I'm on some good meds now. AIDS is practically curable at this point." "Oh. Good. Are there side effects?" "Some. Nothing like there used to be with the old drugs. I'm a slut. Never had a boyfriend -- just hook-ups. There's, like, five gay bars and a bath house within ten blocks of us. I'll show you around. We can go tonight if you want. It's Saturday." "Ummm...I don't think..." "You've never done anything with a guy, have you?" "No. Not ever." I didn't look at him as I talked. "I guess I always thought it would go away. I come from a very conservative area." "Ugh. That term 'conservative'. It just means 'we all agree to hate the same people'." "You're exactly right. Wow." "It's no problem, dude. Probably too early to just bring you to the gay scene on a weekend. How about if I just introduce you to a few friends of mine --- ease you into this." "Sure. Thanks." "Cool. Well, I gotta get back to painting door frames. Call me anytime." He put his flip-flops on and showed me out. I spent the next few hours alone in my apartment, thinking. This gayness wouldn't go away. It was who I was and I needed to stop hating it. "I give up! You win!"I said to an empty living room. And I quit fighting. Andy called at 10 the next morning. "Let's go get breakfast. I know you don't have any food over there. I know a good lace and my friend Zach will be there." "Sure. Give me ten minutes. and I'll come over." Panic. How do you dress for breakfast with two gay guys? I wore some of nicest 'casual' clothes and even put on a little cologne at the last second. Then I went next door. "Good morning! Wow. You look nice...I could eat you up with a spoon. And you smell good too. Mmm." He nuzzled my neck and smelled. He was wearing more or less what he was wearing yesterday. His pickup was one of those tall ones that you had to climb in. "So how do you know Zach?" "He's one of my friends. He's HIV+ as well, but you don't know that yet. Sometimes he talks about it nonstop and sometimes he doesn't. He's always changing moods. He might be dressed better than you or worse than me." "I'll be cool." The funky little diner was full of the brunch crowd. Andy looked around and spotted his buddy. Zach was probably in his late 30's and had thinning blonde hair. He had a friendly face as he stood and greeted us. "Who's this, Andy?" "My new neighbor. Tommy. He just moved to town and I'm showing him around." "Well, he has to come to the beer bust with us. Hello, young man. Sit, sit." I shook his hand and felt him mentally read me. Andy and I sat across from him and I just studied the menu. "Probably not going to the beer bust, Zach. Tommy has never been out....anywhere. I don't think unlimited beer in a room full of horny dudes is the right environment to bring him to." I was intrigued. "No. It's fine. I'll go. When does it start?" Andy pushed his knee into mine as some sort of silent signal. "Oh, honey. It's already started. It goes on all day. Our whole group is already there. Eat a big meal to prepare your stomach for this." I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten a decent meal in two days. Just snacks and diet Coke. The food wasn't great, but it was filling. Andy aid the bill and told Zach that we'd be there in an hour. Out in the hot noon air, I suddenly felt so full and so sleepy. "Thanks for breakfast, Andy. Next time it's on me." "We don't have to go to this. We can just watch TV and snooze a little. When do you start your new job?" "Not until Thursday. I just need some coffee or a Red Bull first." "Okay. As you wish. I got something better than coffee, though. Take this." He gave me a tiny pill and I swallowed it without thinking too much. I trusted this guy. By the time we got back to the apartment complex, I was feeling nervous and maybe a little hyper. "I just need to pee and then we can go." I felt like my hair was trying to crawl off of my head. Weird. I went to my apartment and got ready while Andy waited outside. "Last warning. You don't have to do this." "Let's go." "Okay. It's ten dollars at the door and they give you a wristband. Then you can drink all the beer you can as long as you can. I'll stick close to you. My friends are cool. You're safe with us around you." We got to a huge bar called "South Paw". It didn't look much different on the outside than any other tavern I'd ever seen. This would be fine. Andy payed our way in and I wore the flimsy little band on my right wrist. The sights and sounds were so intense. I felt Andy grab my hand. His instinct for what I was feeling was starting to amaze me. He led me out a door in the back where there was a patio. "My little group of pals is mostly made up of smokers. You can only smoke on the patio. There they are." His group was composed of different sizes and ages of men, but they all had the same type of military haircut as Andy. Was this a thing now? Was it fashionable all the sudden? I wondered if they were secretly skinheads -- except one two of them were of mixed race. Andy introduced them all. Mark, Rick, Tony, etc. I was bad at remembering names even in the best of circumstances. "Hi. Nice to meet you." One of them grinned broadly. "Andy, is he a new member of our club?" "NO. This is Tom, and he's new to town. Be nice and don't scare him." "You can call me Tommy," I added. "Yeah. Tommy suits you better -- you look like a kid. Want a cigarette, Tommy?" Suddenly I did. I'd never liked the smell of smoke before, but it seemed like a good way to bond with the group. "Thanks." Andy kept me close as we sat down and joined the party. "Jesus, Andy...go get the kid a beer already." He obeyed because obviously this guy was "the leader" I guess. Once I was alone with this group, I decided to ask about the haircuts. I was just so curious. One guy who hadn't spoken yet answered with "It's part of being in the club. It's a rule we all follow...except for Zach." "I don't have much hair left, asshole. I already explained that I'm not shaving what little I have. Besides, I have tenure. I'm above 400,000 now." The others nodded and started trading numbers. 300k, 250k, etc. I figured out they were talking about HIV. They all had it. I thought that the new drugs lowered the viral amounts to almost zero. Guess I needed to read more. Andy came back and handed me a plastic cup of beer. "What have you been telling him?" "He asked about the haircuts." "Oh," Andy looked a tad bit worried. "It's our thing. Easy to recognize each other in a crowd." "I get it. Thanks for the beer. It's not very cold, though." "That's why it's so cheap, boy. Don't worry. You won't notice after we do some shots," Zach assured. "Shots? Like a shot of something, like drugs?" I felt stupid as they all laughed. "No. Whiskey. Mark is a diabetic and they him bring a bag in with his needles and shit. He always packs a fifth of JD in there. Shots here are four bucks a piece." The big, mixed-race guy pulled out his bottle and we all took discreet sips. Andy put his hand on my leg and whispered in my ear. "You can just pretend to drink it if you want." But I liked the foul, burning taste...it went well with the smoke I was inhaling. And I was relaxing a bit. I didn't even care that I was surrounded by poz guys... who seemed to take pride in their virus. Andy took medication so he couldn't be like that. Right? "Is there a cigarette machine here?" I wanted another one. "Yeah, but it's always out of order. Here." Zach handed me one and lit it for me. The light changed and it got later. Andy seemed to want me to leave with him and go someplace else, but I was happy here. We stayed and drank more beer and shots. By the time it was almost dusk, the place got crowded and the music got louder. I needed to pee. Andy escorted me to the restroom and stood by the door while I went. So many men! I hadn't even taken time to check them out. Wasn't this what it was about? They all looked fuck-able to me. Dicks and beards and tight jeans and big boots. When I finished, I walked out and got mashed by the crowd. Somebody grabbed my ass. I couldn't find Andy as I was moved out towards the dance floor. Where was the patio? I was lost. I got pushed up against the wall by Mark the diabetic smuggler. He towered over me and leaned in close. "You lost, Tommy?" "Sort of. I'm trying to find Andy." "Why? You think he's trying to find YOU??. You in love with him or something? Andy doesn't have boyfriends." "I know. But he's my ride home." "I'll give you a ride, little boy. Feel this." He rubbed his hard crotch against my stomach. "Touch it if you want. It's the biggest one here...big enough to make you a club member for life." As rude as this all was, I kind of wanted to touch him down there. I felt my own dick get hard. I reached toward the fly of his pants just as Andy appeared. "Back the fuck off, Mark. Tom and I are leaving now." He grabbed my hand and was leading me away. "How 'bout a little respect, dude. Remember I'm the only guy with the syringes." "Ignore him. Let's go." Once we were back out on the street, Andy seemed to be angry. With Mark? With me? "What's wrong?" "I should not have brought you here. You aren't ready and I thought my friends would be nicer. I need a smoke." "You?" "Yeah. I smoke, Tommy. I just didn't want to do it in front of you for some reason. I wanted you to think more of me." "Why? You saw me smoke." "You don't know what you're doing. This was too fast. Let's share a smoke and go home." We sat on the curb and shared a cig from the pack he'd had with him the whole time. I suddenly didn't want one anymore. We drove home in mostly silence when Andy finally asked, "What he do to you? What did he say?" "He rubbed his groin on me and said he could get me into your club. He also said not to fall in love with you because you don't have boyfriends. What's the deal with your club, Andy?"' "I'll fill you in later. That dumb fuck. I hate him, but he's sometimes a good guy. Sometimes." We got back to the apartment complex, and I wanted to invite Andy in, but he was still mad and distracted. I just went to bed with an upset stomach. I slept like a rock and didn't wake u until that morning sun snaked it's way around the blinds. My mouth tasted horrible. I was in the middle of my shower when Andy knocked at my door. I was still wet and wearing only a towel around my waist when I answered. "Oops. Sorry. I should have called first. I brought McDonald's breakfast since we never had dinner last night. Get dressed and I'll set everything up." I came back it in a t-shirt and shorts. Andy had already taken his flip-flops off and was setting paper plates of fast food breakfast on my little coffee table. I let him ick out something to watch since I didn't even know the channels in this area. We settled on some 70's movie about spies or something. "Thanks for this." "No problem. Mark called me last night. He wanted to apologize to both of us. It's all cool now." "Tell me about your club, Andy. Not later. NOW." He wiped his mouth, leaned back and closed his eyes. "This is too much information, buddy. But I guess I'll have to tell you eventually." "I'm not all that shock-able. I've heard everything." "Okay. Just...just don't avoid me after I tell you. I like you and we're neighbors. Promise? Promise you'll still like me?" "Yes." "Well...you probably already know we're all HIV+. And we all know each other from all the fucking we've done around town. We all started taking meds about the same time. And then we quit medicating." "What? Why?" "I don't know if I can explain it exactly. It all got too safe and too boring. We were all sitting around Zach's place one night and decided that, together, we could develop a mutant strain of HIV that couldn't be controlled by a drug company. It started as a fantasy. Then we got serious about it. It was exciting. We all flushed our pills at the same time. We fucked each other and others with no hesitation." "Wow, Andy. I don't want you to be sick." "I know you don't. But I haven't told you the worst. Mark let's us use his syringes to draw our blood and inject each other. He sometimes does it to strangers, but I swear to you that I haven't. And over the past year, we started competing. Everybody wants the highest viral count. Mine is now just a hair over 300,000. Zach's is the highest...he's almost full-blown. Mark is u there too. Tell me what you're thinking, Tommy." "I...uh...I want you to stop this. I like you and I want to be your boyfriend, but not if you're hell-bent on destroying yourself. There you go." "I've never seen your face without all the secrets hiding it. Can I kiss you?" We kissed and I felt electricity in every atom in my body. We made out on the couch and it almost felt like it would go further, but it didn't. Andy left with a big boner in his shorts and said he'd see me later. The next afternoon Mike came by. "Break time! Come out and have a smoke with me. It's so nice outside." We went and sat on the steps.He smoked, but I didn't. "What are you doing today, Andy?" "Trimming bushes. It's messy, but not that hard. Want to come down and keep me company?" Of course I did. He was cutting and trimming while I just sat om the grass and watched. I knew that I loved him. It was a fact. "Hey -- I thought maintenance guys always wore work boots. Why are you in sandals?" "They make those boots in my size...14, but they don't make 'em wide enough. I inherited my dad's wide, flat feet." "Oh. Sorry if I ask too many questions." "No. Ask anything." "Were you molested as a kid?" I already knew the answer. "Oh, yeah. Brothers, uncles, neighbor kids. I got taller and bigger and decided to do some molesting of my own. I was a bad seed. Why did you ask that?" "I've known a lot of people who went through bad shit. I had a collection of damaged friends." "They were drawn to you, Tommy. You're stable. Or maybe they saw those invisible walls you had been building and wanted to hide behind them too. With you." Yep. I loved him. "What are your goals?" "Seriously? You haven't started your job yet and already you're asking corporate questions. My goals are always changing. At the moment, I just want to be happy. What about you?" "I want to have a better life than I ever imagined. I don't mean being rich in a mansion. I just want to be satisfied." "Well put. 'Satisfied' is a good goal. I have to mow now. Can I drop by after I'm done?" "Sure. Watch your toes." He laughed and left me alone. I watched him walk toward the shed. He was beautiful. His butt and legs and strong back. I sat in my apartment and tried to memorize the TV channels. I ended up on one of the public access stations and watched one of those high school quiz shows. I was on a quiz bowl team back in the day, but was never on TV. I sat and was absorbed for a good hour when my Andy came by. "Done already?" "Yeah. There's not much grass here. What the hell are you watching? Game shows? Come over and have a beer with me. You're gonna be a working boy soon -- we need to party now." His apartment smelled like him and I felt my dick rise. He instantly took off his sandals and his t-shirt. "It's getting warmer out there now. I can turn on the AC if you want." "I'm fine, but turn it on if you need it." He handed me a cold can of beer and we settled on the couch. "Nah. I'm good now. How 'bout if I play some music. Ever heard of Matthew Sweet? He's a goddamn genius. There's a few songs I want you to hear." "Cool." He fiddled around with his stereo, and then the great music started. It was rock, but not harsh or heavy. This Matthew guy had a decent voice and sounded like his heart was breaking. I picked out a few lyrics... "Don't you need somebody to love?" "I want to be your boyfriend." It was just so dreamy. I forgot about his club and his disease. He put his arm around me, and I could smell his new sweat and cut grass. This time I kissed him first...and let my hands wander around his bare chest. His nipples were hard and sharp and perfect. I knew some things. I knew I wanted to have sex with him...and I knew I wanted him to give me his raw dick. He'd always been able to read my mind --- maybe he could now. "Andy...I..." "Shh. I know. Let's go to my bed. I should probably take a shower first." "Not now. Please?" "As you wish, Tommy." We both got entirely naked and wrestled around on top of his comforter. It was heaven. There was so much I wanted to do with him and so much I wanted him to do with me, but I was too afraid to make the first move. I think he knew that. How could he read my mind so easily? He got over me and positioned his big dick right over my face. I wasted no time. I took as much as I could..and a little more. He liked it. He did some push-ups on my face. A poz cock was going in and out of my mouth, but it belonged to a man I loved. "OK. I need you to know that I love having my ass licked. I like it almost as much as I like fucking. Can you do it for me, please?" "Sit down." He plopped his butt on top of my face and sat down hard. I wasn't sure how to go from here. I just stuck my tongue in his hole. Everything was new. I must have done a good job because he moaned and started sliding u and down my face with the heels of his feet dug into the side of my head. Funny how his asshole tasted like mowed grass too. I just wanted to please him. My Andy. He was starting to sweat more. "You've done it now, neighbor. I'm going to have to fuck you." He was reading my mind again. I could breathe again. "Yes. I want this." He was working his dick furiously. "I'll try to make it quick. You're not ready for a long session. Just hold on as best you can." I was talking to him with my mind. Yes, I want you. I want your cum and all the things in it. He lifted my legs up and rested my ankles on his shoulders. It was happening. He pressed that fat head against my ass. I was ready. He got in and I yelled. Loud. It felt like he was breaking me. He put a wide hand over my mouth. It smelled like grass too. He didn't stop, just kept going in harder and deeper. I can't say it felt good, physically. But my mind loved it. He was becoming a part of me now. He knew what I was thinking and quickened his pace. And came. In me. Naked as the day he was born. I held him so tight. So tight. His dirty sperm was now tainting my system. It would be OK. I spent the night in his bed. Cum and blood were everywhere. It was fine. I had unworried dreams. I guess I was in the club now. Now we're a couple. Dating and calling ourselves 'boyfriends'. We are bonded so tightly. I tried to get him to teach me his mind-reading abilities, but he claims it only works on me. I tested HIV+ a few months later. I went on meds and so did Andy. I have no idea what happened to the club. I guess we got each other banned from that group. Gay marriage is legal now and I wanted to propose to him, but of course he beat me to the punch. I'm wearing the ring now as I type this.
    1 point
  29. Broadly speaking, I agree with you. But here's the thing: I get messages on the apps from people 5,000 miles away. I get messages from guys who describe themselves as "sissy bottom looking for rough Top Daddy" even though my own profile says I'm a bottom - not versatile, a bottom. I get messages from people whose first question is "where are you from?" even though every profile I create lists my city and state. I get messages from people who open with "Looking for tonight?" even though my profiles always state "I plan ahead for sex, almost never looking for "right now". I don't respond to those idiots. If they can't bother to read a fucking profile and UNDERSTAND the words before sending me a message they've forfeited any claim to a polite response declining what they're offering, so to speak. It's a mystery to me how people that stupid don't drown looking up at the rain wondering where all that water is coming from.
    1 point
  30. It's not something I'm seeking. I dream about a future without any STDs where sex is more free and simple. But I understand kink and I think it's a kink for some guys. I think some kinks are better as an idea and not a reality. All changes to our bodies, like catching something, or taking medicines, come with a chance they'll go badly. PrEP is a medicine though and I'm willing to take it so I can bb sometimes. So do I have a bb kink? I don't know. Can we call sex like our ancestors always had it a kink? Maybe it is with modern context of STDs? But I figure PrEP was a minor risk for the benefits, I mean it's not like I have to keep taking it if there's ever a problem. I guess how willing we are to go for our kinks and wants is a very personal thing. I think it's good to remember though sex is just one part of our lives, and there's a massive range of things to enjoy and not every kink has to happen for us to have a great time. It's also good to have a good understanding what something is before doing it.
    1 point
  31. I I were to write another chapter to any of my stories... should I add to this one??? xxx
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  32. Don’t know if I could swallow it all, but I’d love to give it a try. I’d definitely clean up the mess!
    1 point
  33. I have been ashamed to be OUT and HONEST about wanting “risky” sex. Alas I am now being OUT and HONEST…..I love the desire to really be converted to being poz. Keith
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  34. 1 point
  35. Very often recently, last year I had gono twice, syphilis and chlamydia once and so far gono once this year. Don’t seem to be able to avoid them since I moved to a new location in 2021.
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  36. My 5 years older brother started playing with me young. I welcomed it and quickly started to seduce him. We played for 5 years. Absolutely loved it and have no regrets.
    1 point
  37. It’s an occupational hazard of being a bareback pig slut. I’m versatile. A lot of guys when they see my dick, they Want to get fucked. But my ass gets hungry and I have needs, so I take a lot of cock also. I’m poz, but all the other STIs get treated and I move on.
    1 point
  38. HOT installment, that boy Keith is leaving POZZED up, as it should be!
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  39. I was always interested, well interested after I started watching porn with my older brother and his friends. They were all about the pussy but I was looking at the cocks. Years later I knew pussy didn't interest me and found an older man to fuck me. My first time was bare and he sent me home leaking.
    1 point
  40. I had never really been able to deep throat anyone in spite of wanting to. I would just start gagging profusely. Then this one 10in BBC decided to grab the back of my head while I was giving him head, and he started throat fucking me like I had never had happen before. He was pushing as far in as he could. He pulled out, picked me up and threw me on his bed on my back, and pulled me head so was hanging off the side. He then grabbed me by the throat and I couldn't breath. He let go and I inhaled really hard, and he shoved it dick all the way down my throat and just held it there. I was holding back gagging as best I could, and my head was getting dizzy because I couldn't breathe. He then preceded to throat fuck me until he came. I was struggling to breathe between strokes until I realized I could breathe out a little on one stroke, and in on the next. I had tears running my face, and I was close to blacking out, but damn was it fucking hot to be be used the way he wanted. I don't even recall tasting his jizz as it was too far down my throat. One side effect though... I had a raspy voice for three days. I don't really know why. TBH, I didn't care and I'd do it again and again but there haven't been that many takers.
    1 point
  41. Once inside my place, I sat in a chair and cried. What the fuck is happening to me. I just want it to stop but I know it won’t until Bryce is gone. I hope he does not get a job; he cannot say here. I cannot live like this much more is what I thought as I sobbed. This went on for twenty minutes and then Jeff arrived and gained my composure. He wanted to know what was wrong and I told him I did poorly on a test, he seemed to buy that. He kissed me and told me it would be okay. He told me he wanted to take me out to make me free better. We had a great time, but I drank too much and passed out on the way home. He carried me to bed and undressed me and put me into bed. He fortunately did not see the cum stain in my underwear and possible a wet spot if he had put me in face first. When I undressed in the morning, I saw this big crusty spot of cumin my underwear that had dried. I showered and cleaned out and rushed over to Bryce’s place. He was on the phone when I walked in. All I heard was him saying, I had to jump on this opportunity, he had to pass his HIV test to perform. Besides they pay well, hopefully we can get several days of taping done and cash in. He hung up and told me he was an agent for another boy, and he was talking to his mother. I knew that did not sound right but I did not question it. We headed off to the studio and once we arrived, we headed back to the Nurse, and she took my oral HIV test and sent use to the waiting room. Forty minutes later they had use back. I was again taken to clean out and to wardrobe and the rest of the day I was a bottom for guys to use and cum inside. I even came in two of the scenes. I had so much cum inside me, I thought I would explode. They had use into the office the asked Bryce if I was up for a double penetration scene. Bryce said yes, although I had never done anything like that. We would like him to come back for one more day it will be our last scene with him, and it will pay $8,000.00 Bryce said prefect we will be here. The car ride home was rough, Bryce was so happy with himself he had to get on the phone and tell someone about it. Highest amount so far, he said. We arrived back and I like I’ve been conditioned to do I waited at his place and let me in, and he fucked me after I got up on the bed on all four and he added his cum to my hole. He told me what a wet cunt I he had as fucked me. I went home and cleaned out and showered so my boyfriend and I could have sex tonight. I waited for him, and I seduced him even before dinner and we made love. It was our last condom and we put that on the shopping list, and he asked me to pick them up. I knew tomorrow would not be a good day to fuck so I planned on telling Jeff I forgot to pick them up but would tomorrow. We had dinner and fell asleep and woke up like other morning but today I was a little more excited about the shoot. I was having a hard time controlling my dick. I got around and went over to Bryce’s place, and he opened the door and looked me up and down and said this is a different boy. Then he felt my crotch, someone is excited about getting used today. That is the boy I need! He leaned down and kissed lips and electric shock waves went through me. All the way to the studio, I wished he had really kissed me. He was so good looking, and I knew he kissed well. After arriving we checked in and a few minutes later we were with the nurse. After a 25 minute I was led to clean out and then to wardrobe, The first scene was with some of the guys who already fucked me. They were not huge except for one guy who had nine inches and it was thick. When I got into the room that guy was there of course and two other guys I did not know also hung and four others moderately hung, The scene started with the hung guy fucking me and opening me up, then the other two hung guys took their turn and the last one to fuck me grabbed me and had me sit on his dick and he held me close, one of the moderately hung guys pressed against my ass and after some work he slide into me and screamed out and the guy holding me put his hand over my mouth. The four guys took their turns fucking me next to that big dick and one by one they shot either inside me or on my hole and shoved back in. I have never felt anything like this, it hurt but felt great at the same time. The guy under me fucked away and shot inside me. I pulled off and some cum dropped out and he made me suck it up. Then the guy who had fucked me before had me sit on his dick and the last guy as big as he was pressed against my hole, and it did not want to go in. They tried another position and then finally on a third attempt he popped in and I was in such pain. The guy under be held my mouth like the first guy but I moaned, whimpered and even squealed at the pain. After ten minutes he pulled out and shot his load on my hole and the guy's dick and shoved his dick back inside me. The guy let go of my mouth and fucked my ass hard till he shot inside me. Then they left me there with cum leaking out of my hole on film. I was collected and rewarded with some drinks and some fruit. The had me clean up and clean out for round two. This was a scene with one guy from the frat whoring me out to outside guys. They led me in and a tall tatted young guy with a huge dick was there. They introduced me and told me how the scene would play out. He would be fucking me, and guys would knock, let themselves in and fuck my mouth and ass and get off inside. These were not college guys but older guys who just need some hot mouth and ass. I said I understood, and I began by sucking the guy's dick, it grew thick and had to ten inches. He fucked my mouth and got it down my throat a couple times. Then he lubed up his dick and my hole and slide in and fucked me and someone came to the door. The guy walked in, he was blond had to be thirty years old and pretty average looking, but he pulled his joggers down and out flopped a big fat dick I started to suck. The guy behind me fucked away and as I got the stranger hard his fat dick filled my mouth; he was thicker than the guy inside me and eight and half inches. He asked the guy if he wanted some and he said fuck yea and they traded places. The guy at my hole pressed in and even after all that stretching, he hurt some. He fucked my hole for ten minutes and shot his load inside me. Then they traded places and I was sucking the guy clean when another guy arrived. Tall black guy, he pulled out his dick as soon as he walked in and the guy in my mouth pulled out and tucked his dick and the black guy came and had me suck that huge dick of his. It grew to be 11 inches. He was hard to take but he two worked his way down my throat before the guy behind me asked to trade and the BBC entered my hole, and he was soon balling deed, and this went on for twenty minutes. The fourth and final guy came in and he was Latin packing a thick nine inches also. The guy who I started with pulled out and let the Latin guy have my mouth. I sucked the Latin guy for five minutes and then the BBC pulled out and the Lain after that and they led me over to the white guy and had me sit on his cock. I raised up and slide down, he slides in with ease. The white guy pulled me to him exposing my ass and the Latin guy feed me his cock again, while the black guy tried to get inside me next to the white dick. For hard attempts and still not inside me and on the fifth he broke through. He only got a couple inches in and pulled out and lubed up some more and hit it again and this time he inched all the way in. Fuck, it hurt so bad and then he finally got all the way in and held there. He slowly pulled out and then back in again. This when on for ten minutes and finally he was able to fuck me slowly and my hole opened some more, and he fucked me faster and shot inside me. When he pulled out of me I could finally breath. That was too much, but I was not done. I was pulled off the white guy's cock, the Latin guy took his place and I sat on that fat dick, and it felt good being the only one inside me and he fucked me for a couple minutes and then the white guy pushed me forward and shoved his dick in beside that fat cock and fucked me for five minutes and shot his load inside me. Then the Latin guy pounded my hole till he shot his load inside me and then picked me up and laid me back down and pilled is dick out and they zoomed in on my gaping hole as some cum ran out. I gained my composure and got dressed and met Bryce in the Directors office. The guy paid him in cash and then said, your boy is a natural. Here are two studios that are looking for bottoms like your boy. The first is a sister studio so you can trust that all the actors have been tested. The other you should only use if your boy is on PreP. Bryce thanked him and we headed home. In the car I was silent, horny as fuck since I did not cum during the scenes. I wanted to ask him about the other two companies, but I did not dare. When we got back, he said today I only want your mouth boy. Your hole is a cum filled stretched out mess. So, ho in and get on your knees. You were a good whore today. They paid a bonus on the second scene! I followed Bryce in and got on my knees and he fucked my throat hard and shot his load inside it. Boy go home, I need to contact these studios and see if I can get you more work. In the meantime. That first guy who fucked you is offering that same to fuck you again. He will be here in the morning at 10 Am so we should do him while your hole is already open. I went home and jacked off thinking about all the hot men who fucked me today. I love that so many hot guys came inside me. Then he shot the hugest load ever and it even hit the headboard.
    1 point
  42. Part 8 "What is this? You..you...film this stuff? And and and you do this with a lot of guys?" I was freaking out feeling a little stupid that I had thought for a second that I was the only guy this hot man had seduced. In the video he was pulling the boys shirt off. Mr. Kelly came over to the bed and sat next to me. "Hey its ok. I've done this before yes. But this was really special with you. I wanted this and I want it to keep going. I've played with other guys before. You had to know that. That doesn't have anything to do with you and me except that we get to watch if you want. Do you want to keep watching? We can always watch something else. You're pick." I was torn. I was a little jealous watching as Mr. Kelly started making out with this guy "Justin" but it was also really hot watching someone I know in what was basically homemade porn. And where was this guy now? Mr. Kelly was with me now and I had to let that be all that mattered. "We can keep watching this I guess." He smiled and came closer so he could put his arm back around me as we watched. He pulled his towel off and I followed by taking mine off too. He was rigid and his cock was sticking up like a flagpole. He turned my face toward his and pulled me into a long slow kiss incredibly tender and soft. I was falling for him. We didn't know each other that well but I wanted to be with this man who was treating me better than I thought I deserved. "I want to make love to you again son." I moaned in his mouth. "Yes dad. I want that to. Make love to me dad." He pulled me down onto my back again and then pushed me onto my side. He pressed his body against my back. I could feel his hard cock against my ass. "Hook your leg around mine and put your arm around my neck." I did as he said as I got ready to get fucked in this new position. He grabbed the bottle of lube and coated his cock with it and rubbed what was left on his hands on to my hole. I could feel that my hole was still sore but I wanted this. Bad. "Look into my eyes son. Are you ready?" I nodded. Our faces were so close but I could tell that for now he didn't want to kiss. We stared into each others eyes and didnt break as he put his cock against my hole and slowly pushed inside. i gasped as I felt his hard cock going deeper never stopping. We were staring into each others eyes the entire time. He looked so focused and finally he moaned when he pressed his pubes against my hole. "I love being inside you son. You are so warm and tight." I just nodded and moaned into the pleasure of the feeling of his cock taking long slow strokes inside me. "I was right wasn't I? You like raw cock in you don't you?" I nodded. "No son. Jake. Say it. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you want." I was deep in the pleasure of his motion. I could only get one word out. "Cock." "No son. Say it. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want for the rest of your life." We still hadn't broken eye contact. "Ra...ra.....raw cock. I want raw cock dad." "Thats right son. And whenever youre getting fucked where do you want your top to cum. Say it Jake. Tell me." His voice was steady. He never got louder or faster. His cock was keeping the same slow pace. Long and slow. "Inside me. I want them to shoot in me. I want them to breed me." "All the time?" "Yes dad. All the time." "Good son. That's the way it should be." He moved in closer and started that soft and slow kiss to go with the slow fucking. Suddenly a yelp came from the video. I forgot it was even on. We both turned and looked. The guy was fucking Mr. Kelly. He was on all fours getting fucked from behind. "Wow. You bottom?" He chuckled. "Of course. I think everyone should know how it feels. It makes you a better top." I looked back at him. "Yeah it does dad." I was smiling but he became serious again. "I'm glad you like it son. But youre not going to top are you son? You were born to bottom weren't you? You were made to take bare cock into your hole and have every top shoot their loads in you. Just getting bred over and over again. Youll never have enough. Isnt that right son?" I just nodded. We were still staring at each other. He was starting to pick up his pace. "Like now. You just cant wait until I shoot another massive load deep into you can you? You feel that? I'm fucking so deep in you. The only man who has touched you in that spot that gives you your ultimate pleasure." He went down to a whisper. "I love touching that spot inside you with my raw cock. That's my skin touching your spot. And its going to be my cum shooting against it. Oh son..." His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he picked up his pace. He pulled me into a kiss again but this time it was animalistic. He even growled. "Oh fuck oh fuck. I'm gonna cum. What do you want son? Tell me what you want son." "Breed me dad. Please. Shoot that cum into your son dad." He was rubbing into that spot instead of tapping it like the first time. It still felt like there was something in me that was going to explode. And then I did. I was shooting all over my chest and the contractions put him over the edge. "I'm cumming son! I'm cumming! Yes!" Then the open mouth scream with no sound. That expression was getting me so hot. Knowing I did that to him. And it meant that warmth I was starting to feel was the cum he was shooting inside me. His body was bucking uncontrollably. He let out a long exhale after his last spasm. "Oh fuck. Youre amazing." I reached down and pulled him into me. "Don't pull out. Stay inside me. Please. I don't want the cum leaking out this time." "Your wish is my command." He smiled and kissed me. We were back to the soft slow kiss.
    1 point
  43. Part 7 I was so happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. I didn't want to leave this bed with him inside me. "I like that idea I said...uh...my phone is in my pants." He laughed. "Ok. We have to do this slow. Just raise yourself up slowly." He held my hips and helped guide me off his still hard cock. I looked down as I lifted myself up and could see his cum leaking from my hole. I had never seen anything so hot before. Finally his head popped out and what looked like a flood of cum came out with it. "Woah I knew you must have shot a huge load but you could have drowned me with that." "That's what you did to me son." I couldn't help but feel proud. Which got me hornier. Whenever I came before this time I was relieved and would need at least half an hour or so before I felt like I wanted to cum again. This time even though I came a ton I didnt lose any of that feeling. I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled out my phone. I sent a message in the group chat between me and my parents and was set. I never needed their permission really. They just always wanted to know where I was. "Ok, we're set" I said and crawled back to Mr. Kelly, my teacher, my dad, my first. "How are you feeling son? You ok with what we did? How it happened?" "Yeah that was amazing. I wanna do that all the time. Like...now?" He laughed. "Someone's feeling less shy." I blushed. He was right and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. I suddenly worried that I would lose control. "I love it. I want you to keep sharing what you want and I want to keep teaching you those things and more." "Well...we've pretty much covered everything and more so everything else would be amazing." "I've got some ideas. If you think of anything else tell me and we can make it happen. It's best to explore new things with someone you trust. You trust me right son?" I nodded. I did. "Dad you just took my virginity and shot a huge load into me. I better trust you." We both laughed. "That's true son. The reality is that a lot of guys don't have their first times with someone they really trust so I'm glad you feel that way with me. So how about we shower and then we can turn on another movie and see what happens?" "Ok. Do you want to go first or should I?" "Oh uh ok why don't you go first. I'll get you a towel. Follow me and I'll show you where the bathroom is." We walked to the bathroom and he handed me a towel. "Oh I love those showers. I was at a hotel that had one once." "Yeah I had that rainfall showerhead put in just a couple weeks ago. It's amazing. I'll just be back in bed when you get out." He kissed my forehead and then walked out. My shower relaxed me again as I washed the cum and sweat off me. I was getting worked up again thinking about how I was getting clean for this man so he could fuck me again and get me dirty all over again. My hole was a little raw and it did feel a little sore when I ran my fingers and soap over it. But that didn't make me want it any less. When I came back to his room, he was sitting on his bed with shorts on and his laptop on his lap. I jumped up and sat with him with just the towel around me. "You smell good son. I'll take my turn now. Why don't you pick a movie this time?" "Ok. What site should I go to?" "You can go to any site you want but I do have a whole collection of stuff here in this folder. Up to you. Just know that I only have a certain type of video. I only have videos with bareback fucking and where the top cums inside the bottom. It's such a turn off for me if the top is wearing a condom or if the top pulls out and cums outside of the bottoms hole. What a waste." I never thought of it that way but I knew that after that day I would only watch bareback porn with the top cumming in the bottom. No wasted cum. He left to go take his shower while I looked around his folder. He had his folder divided into studio porn and amateur porn. He was so organized which made me laugh. I guess he really is a teacher. I looked to see if I recognized any of the studio porn that he had and turned a couple on. I was still in the habit of fast forwarding to the fucking and for these videos the part where the top came inside the bottom. He was right. It was really hot. I kept going back to the folder every couple minutes and then ended up in the amateur folder. There were a lot more videos in this folder and some folders inside it. I noticed that all of the folders in the amateur category had names on them. I randomly clicked on one called Justin. There were a few videos in the folder and I clicked on one. As it started I immediately recognized the room. It was Mr. Kelly's bedroom. Where I was sitting at that moment. There was another guy maybe a little older than me sitting right where I was. Right on the bed in shorts and a tshirt. And then I heard the familiar click. Mr. Kelly came into view with pipe in hand and brought it to the boy's mouth. He took a hit and blew a big cloud. I was fascinated and didn't hear Mr. Kelly walk in wearing just a towel. "I thought you might find one of my personal videos."
    1 point
  44. I totally agree! I need to cum at least 10 times a day, and I always make sure at least 2 or three of them go straight into another guy. So that's a lot to take care about in 24 hours. I hardly have the time to go to work! And even there I have to take a few bathroom breaks more than any other colleague...
    1 point
  45. Yea I have a regular top guy,who recently started fuckin me..he said he loves my hole..and says he'll only fuck me..anyway..his 1st time he came 3 times in about 20mins..2nd time he came FIVE times in 30mins..never pulled out..was amazing..I've never met a guy who could cum and recover so quick..like when he first cums(all loads are big btw),he shoots his 2nd load like 2mins later..only thing is he's not free much..but I know he'll fuck me again..
    1 point
  46. About 10 years back, I used to hook up with a south Asian doctor who worked at a hospital less than 2 blocks from where I lived. When he was on call, he'd often contact me to see if I was home. If I was, he'd drop round when he had the opportunity. He was only into being sucked off, and had a considerable cut cock. He would literally lay back and stare out the window or watch TV - not porn, just regular daytime TV - while I knelt and worshipped. He was always leaking precum heavily by the time I got my mouth on it, and would invariably shoot a full load within a minute or two of me starting to suck him. The first time we met, I thought that was that and started to ease off, but he said "I'm not done, keep it up". Sure enough, he stayed hard and continued to leak precum until, within 5 mins or so, he was stiffening and twitching and shooting off more ropes of sperm into my mouth. He made no move to get up, so I continued to suck. A bit longer this time, but no more than 10 mins, he was unloading for a third time. I swallowed and kept sucking, then his bleep went off and he was suddenly up and gone. I emailed him directly afterward, asking if he had been particularly full, and he eventually replied that he normally shot at least that much, if not more. Long story short, we met regularly for about 6 months. Always the same scenario, he liked me to do all the work, but he'd be leaking like a tap, shoot his first load within seconds and not lose his hardon or look for me to stop. The longest we met for was about 50 mins during which he came seven times and never lost his wood or stopped dripping with slimy dick-juice. My jaw ached for a day afterward. More usually, he'd only have 10 or 15 mins before his bleep would summon him back, but that would be enough time for him to produce 2 or 3 heavy duty loads of cum. One day he called by 3 times in the space of about 6 or 7 hrs, and deposited 3, 4 and 3 loads. During each session, his loads would taper off in terms of thickness and size, but if he did call back later, his first load would be back to full initial quantities. His balls, while they weren't the size of melons or anything, were a bit on the large size of average, yet he was otherwise unremarkable. Just one of those guys. Really wish he'd been into ass-fucking.
    1 point
  47. True multiple cummers are rare, especially if it's a quick anon cum n dump. I do have one buddy though who cums 6-7 times when we fuck and it's all within an hour. He cums in like 30 seconds, and then he holds his cock in my ass, then about 2 minutes later he cums again... and it just goes on and on with him never pulling out. It's always the same... me on my stomach and he hops on and then just cums over and over. I like it because it really makes me feel like a cum hole. He doesn't change position... I just lay there and he fills me up. I love it.
    1 point
  48. I regularly see a guy that will cum 3-4 time in my ass in 30 minutes
    1 point
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