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  1. Part 2: There’s something about JD…. As the train began to roll down the tracks, I started to get really comfortable. Train rides, well for me at least, are extremely relaxing and very scenic. However there was nothing scenic about this train ride as it was cold and dreary out. The weather seemed to be in sync with how I was feeling. I try to focus on my work which the train ride luckily affords me the chance to catch up on. The world of a beat reporter doesn’t stop, especially when you are dealing with a corrupt mayor who’s taking bribes and has been known to frequent the cities bathhouses. He’s known as Aunt Fancy as he is extremely prim and proper but a total cum dump. His wife knows about his nighttime routine. In fact they’re well known in the swinging community. The reason nobody has blabbered about his nighttime exploits is that in a very sex positive city, sex scandals just aren’t popular. Now if the mayor of my hometown had been accused of that, then it would be the story of the year, no the circumstances. I mean I see why he gets his reputation, he’s charming, extremely good looking, and he has this Cary Grant way of speaking. In one swath he could be putting you down but by the end you want to rollover and take your closes off for him. As I’m working on this, I glanced over to JD. By this point in our journey he was already passed out. I happen to notice that his phone had fell out of his hand and onto the floor. For a moment the lockscreen flashed and it was a photo of him in a jockstrap with a leather harness. I looked at the phone and back at him and it peaked my curiosity. However I didn’t want to wake him up from his nap. So I placed the phone back into his lap and he just kept on sleeping. About an hour or so later we reached our first stop at Cold Harbor, and the wind and rain was still blowing at a steady pace. The screeching of the trains breaks woke up my napping train companion. He stirred asking me if we in Bristol yet, and I said no not yet. He then noticed his phone was not in the same place it was when he dozed off. He asked, “what happened to my phone?” ”It fell out of your hand and I picked up before anyone could step on it,” I said pointing to the spot near where I picked it up. “That’s very kind of you,” he said with a slight laugh and a grin. I leaned over towards him and said, “I couldn’t help but notice that your lockscreen picture is very revealing.” He quipped, “Is that a bad thing?” “No it’s not,” I said with a grin. He definitely picked up on that. The train finally began to roll again, and JD was by then wide awake. So I felt it would be a good opportunity for us to kinda get to know one another a bit more. “So JD tell me a bit about yourself?” “Well obviously my name is Jesse but everyone calls me JD. I’m 28 from Pall Mall, Kentucky. It’s a small town just on the Kentucky side of Kentucky lake. I have two sisters who are much older than me. I’m the first in my family to ever graduate from college and after college I moved to D.C. to try to make a fresh start.” “What do you do for a living?” I asked him, “Well I’m a structural engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. I’ve been doing that job ever since I moved to town. I also do some side work on the weekends at a bar to make some extra cash. You would think that me being an engineer would be a fruitful endeavor, but again I am working for the government. So on the weekends I work at Marvin’s which is this nice little bar over in Annacosta.” “I’ve heard of Marvin’s and it’s a really fun bar, and the men that frequent it are really really good looking,” I said with a wink and smile. “Oh it is a very nice place and I have made many many friends there,” he said laughing. “So what is it you do there?” I said curiously. “Oh I’m a go go dancer. I get tipped really well and it’s enough money for me to help save and put back. Especially with all the student debt I have and what not,” he said laughing. “So you’re an engineer by day and a go go dancer by night. That’s an interesting combination, and maybe someday I might have to mosey over there to see you dance,” I said with a playful smile. He was certainly blushing when I said that and it was that moment I noticed he had to adjust himself. He then put his hand on my thigh and asked me, “Now that you know some things about me, how about yourself. Tell me about you?” ”Well my name is David. I’m 32 from Tupelo, Tennessee. I moved away from home at 18, and I work for the Capitol Journal as a reporter on their local news division and occasionally helping out on the Congressional side too.” “I have read your work and it’s really really good! Your story on Councilmen Lawrence’s bribery scandal was a masterclass,” he said enthusiastically. ”Well I’ve had many years to hone in my craft and the only way to hold your leaders to account is to expose their skeletons,” I said laughing. ”I have to ask, are you named after David from the Bible?” I wasn’t surprised he asked me this, because this is actually the most frequently asked question about myself. So I chuckled and said, “Oh I wished I was named after him, but no I’m not named after him. I’m actually named after former teen idol David Cassidy. Why, I was named after him remains a mystery to me,” I said with a smile and a laugh. ”Well at least you were named after a celebrity of sorts. I wasn’t as lucky. I was named after my father’s cousin whom my parents just liked the name. However I never really went by that, my parents always called me JD which is the abbreviation for my first and middle initials.” So I had to asked, “So what’s your middle name?” He replied, “Dickinson, my full name is Jerry Dickinson Patton, however JD Patton is much easier on the ears.” I smiled and put my hand on his thigh and said, “I agree it’s much easier on the ears.” We continued to tell stories and laugh for the remainder of the train ride to Bristol. He struck me as charming and it didn’t hurt he was good looking. I couldn’t help but every once in a while notice the bulge in his pants. I really wanted to see what that was all about, but hooking up on a train can be hot. However I was spent. Yet there was something about him that just screamed raw sex appeal. As the train pulled into the station I looked at JD and asked, “Since we’re going to be in the same town for the next few days, would you like to hangout more?” He immediately and enthusiastically said, “Yes I would love that!” He took my phone and said, “Here’s my number, and the cabin resort we’re staying at is a place called Tupelo Falls.” I thanked him and as he departed I could see his silhouette growing further a part. I then heard my phone go off. It was a text from JD saying, “I can’t wait to get to know you more, and who knows you might get to have your own private dance ;).” I started to blush right then and there, but before I could reply I heard my mom’s voice calling out for me.
    7 points
  2. So for many years now , I had been noticing my sisters oldest son , who lives in Australia, checking me out. He would watch me piss and one time he walked right into the pool house while I was completely nude, and he just stared at my cock. I responded with “you see anything you like, nigel?’ I never acted on it because he was family and underage but last summer..he was back in Canada, and now 22. I took him to meet my best buddy in montreal who proceeded to get us both trashed. And as he was swirling out, I had to sudden urge to pounce on him, pull off his shorts and start pushing myself into him. as I got balls deep. He said, I know you have aids… you gave it to my one friend the last time you came to Australia.. I wished you had done me. I responded with”well you’re getting it now… better late than never.” i shot four toxic loads into him and just under two weeks later, the day before he went back to Australia, he got sick. I told him don’t worrry, that’s just fuck flu. “What do I do” he asked. To which I responded “well when you have the flu, that means your viral load is super high, and that would be a good time to shoot one back into me” he grinned and fucked me like a wild dog. So proud that he was shooting his toxic jizz into another guy for the first time. he now wants to come back to Canada on a work visa and stay with me for two years
    6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. 'Sub male wanted for full time slave. Must willing to submit to ABSOLUTELY anything this Master will require, want and demand. Status, age, ethnicity, looks, are unimportant. Must be completely submissive and have no other commitments and willing to relocate permanently' He read the message again. He already knew it by heart but, it still excited him. He'd responded to the ad almost five weeks ago and had a reply within just a few hours. The Master had asked many questions about him. Was he HIV positive or have any STDs? No. Was he a total submissive? Yes. Did he have anyone that would miss him, family or friends he was close to? No. How old was he? 22. What was his weight? 11 stone. How tall was he? 5ft 10". What experience of BDSM and CBT did he have? Very little, just getting his arse smacked really. Was he cut? No. There were numerous other questions but, he'd forgotten most of them except; I would modify you, you understand that you would have no choice on what I would do to you once you submit to me and once you give yourself to me, it is forever, no going back? Yes, I understand. This last statement made his cock, already semi hard jump to attention. Fully erect it began to leak precum. Now he stood at the entrance to a farmhouse somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It had taken most of a day to get here. A bus, a train, a taxi and an hour walk. He was shaking, partly with the cold but mostly in nervous anticipation. His cock was leaking again. This place really was in the middle of nowhere. He been instructed by the Master where be dropped by the taxi, presumably so nobody would know where he'd gone if anyone ever looked for him. Not that they would. He'd only really been casually acquainted with a few work colleagues but, he told them he was going travelling so didn't have any forwarding address. He approached the farm house and as instructed entered through the unlocked front door and closed it behind him. He undressed, also and previously instructed. The house was large, with large rooms and high ceilings. It was pleasantly warm on his bare skin. A large wooden door was slightly ajar and now, completely naked, he pushed open the door and entered a large lounge. A tall man stood with his back to an open fire. "You actually came boy, I'm surprised. A few have said they were willing but have never arrived. Turn around, let me look at you" He had been told prior to coming that he was longer to use his given name. He was to forget that name and his life before as it would now be irrelevant. He would be called "Boy" or, when referred to as "It" He turned around letting his new master peruse his body. He felt very self conscious, embarrassed, nervous and even a little afraid. The Master stepped closer, to within a few inches of him. The Master looked slightly overweight. He had very short cropped hair and a short neat beard. He reached a hand forward and cupped it under his chin, staring into his eyes and observing his features. He ran a hand down to the boys crutch, cupping his testicles and caressing them gently before making and approving grunt. "Turn round and bend over" This made the boys cock jerk which was noticed by the Master. "Have to do something about that" He said, which made the boys cock jump even more enthusiastically. "Pull you cheeks apart" The boy did as he was told. Another approving grunt. After the inspection he was shown to a bedroom with an en suite bathroom and told to clean himself properly inside and out. There was a douch attached to a shower hose specifically for the purpose. The douch was small in diameter and he was able to easily slide it inside himself to achieve the required result. Next he used the soap to cleanse his exterior. As instructed he had already removed all hair from his body and head before arrival. He loved the clean feeling of being devoid of any hair. It felt very sexy and even more naked than with hair. After showering he dried himself and went back into the bedroom. The Master was waiting for him with an envelope in his hand. He handed it to the boy. "You must read it properly and fully understand its contents before signing it. Take your time as once you sign it, it's understood that you are bound by it. If there is anything you don't understand speak to me. The boy wasn't expecting a contract, which this obviously was but he nodded his head and said "Yes Sir" There was nothing in the paperwork that they hadn't already discussed. It was very detailed but easily understood. The only thing he was unsure of was whether to sign it in his former, given name. When asked, the Master had said yes and that it was the last time that name would ever be used. He signed it. The Master took the letter and the boy to follow him. They went into an adjacent room and Master placed the envelope in an old steel safe. He turned "Your mine now. You may come regret that, infact I guarantee you will at times but, so be it. You have sealed your destiny now. Come let's start your indoctrination. He was led into yet another room. In the middle of the room was a wooden bench. It was about eight feet in length and five feet across. In the centre of the bench was a hole. Around the room were various slings leather straps, whips and other sex toys. "On the bench face face down. Put your cock and balls through the hole" The boy did as he was told convinced the Master would perform some sexual act on him that would make cum. He hadn't masterbated for almost a week in anticipation of what was to come today. The Master tied the boys hands to two leather straps on each side of the bench and his legs, at the ankles to the bottom corners of the bench so that his legs were spread far apart, almost painfully at full stretch. His fully erect cock, which was hanging through the hole, was then secured to the underside of the bench, very tightly with another strap. Something was then secured around his scrotum above his testicles. It was very tight. He could feel the master doing something else with the item securing his scrotum but didn't know what. Suddenly it was clear what he'd been doing as a very heavy weight was released and his scrotum and testicles were stretched to, what felt like, their limit. The boy cried out as the heavy weight swung to and frow taking his balls with it. "I'm going to fuck you now boy. Going to consummate our relationship. When I give you my seed you will be mine forever. You will be pregnant and carry my babies, my poz babies. They will infect every cell in your body and you will become part of me" The boys cock was dripping copious amounts of precum now. He was so turned on. This is what he had wanted so badly. "Yes Sir please Sir, make me yours" "Remember what we said boy, no lube to make sure I impregnate you" "Yes Sir" The Master removed all his clothes. For first time the boy saw his Masters huge engorged cock. It was at least 10 inched long and thick, thicker than he'd taken before. He was very hairy. A complete opposite of his own smooth shaven, slim torso. The boys balls ached from heavy weights that seemed to be tearing from his body but he feared the pain of being fucked by this cock, without lube, as much as having his balls torn from him. He could feel the master position himself behind him now. His hairy body on his own smooth back. His cock head being pressed against his hole. Without any mercy the Master forced himself inside the boy, tearing at his sphincter and soft internal flesh of his hole. In 22 years the boy had never felt such pain. The Master fucked him hard, having no regard for pain he was causing. The boy had felt so full of cock. As painful as it was he didn't want it to stop. More than anything in the world he wanted this man's sperm, his poz sperm inside him. As the Master continued to fuck him his arse became more accustomed to his girth. After about 15 minutes of violent fucking the Master cried out as he pumped a huge load of thick poz cum into the boy "Now your mine, forever" The Master withdrew his cock from the boys arse and presented it to the boys mouth to cleaned. The boy noticed blood on the shaft as he took it greedily into his mouth. His Masters sperm would be swimming in his hole now. Finding the fissures and abrasions caused by the vigorous fucking. Swimming and forcing their way into his bloodstream and circulating around his body, eventually infiltrating and corrupting every cell in his body. ****To be continued *****
    5 points
  5. Last night, Slammer. Oddly, the darkroom was almost empty. While I did get there a bit earlier than usual, it still surprised me. The orgy room was going full bore, so I sat on bench close to a guy I wanted to fuck, but he was the center of attention for other guys too. He did notice me, sitting there, but there were 2 other guys right in his face. So, just got my Cock out, and inched closer - bit by bit - caressed his ass - he grabbed my Cock - all the "prenuptials", and started to move away, but looked back. So, I followed him to a booth, and the kid tried really hard to get me into his Hole, but - he just couldn't. I just told him to go get some other Cocks up his gut, and I'd come find him a little later. Left the booth, checked the darkroom again, and there was only 1 guy in there - not sure whether T or B. So, walked around a bit, enjoying the eye-candy, came to a corner in the aisles, and this guy was standing there in a jock, just smiling. Said hi. I said hi. Reached around, felt his Hole, as he felt up my Cock. He kicked open a door to one of the booths, and in we went. This guy sucked my Cock like it was the last one he'd every get. Bent over, I shoved it to him, and he was muttering about how it was too much. So, I did what I usually do - told him I'd open him up a bit, knelt down and started eating that Hole. He'd clearly been "opened up" by a number of other Cocks (he claimed "6 or 7"), since his Hole was full of loads, which fucks he gladly described as I started to rut. The guy also seemed to respond to filthy Breed-talk, so we started in on that while I was sucking that sweet Hole. Some other guy stuck his Cock through a gh from the adjoining booth, and this sweet boy slobbered on it, sucked it off while I was almost there myself. Pulled out, turned him around and kissed that sweet boy, enjoying the fresh load in his mouth. Turns out, his husband (I'd call him a Daddy) was off somewhere else fucking other boys, they go to Slammer together, split up, and then meet up in the bar and go home at some pre-arranged time. He wanted me to meet his Dad, but I'm not sure why. Maybe I'll run into him again tonight ... find out why he wants me to meet his Dad ....
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. I haven't been to Madrid in a few months, but living here in Maspalomas I can offer some advice. Factory: good place to have sex. Large and many installations. Small smoking area behind the bar. Lockers and lube available. Clean toilets and anal douche. Three slings. Customers tend to be 25 to 45 with a relative even distribution of tops and bottoms. A fair number of "look at me how pretty I am" boys, standing and posing. But also a good number of men who get into action. A lot more emphasis on the looks than any other clubs. So depending how fit you are, you may score a decent number of fucks. Don't expect too many loads though. Noxon & Raddar: recently went through an expansion and very good experience. Well attended and wide variety of men, ages, shapes... Popular on Tuesdays for the Piss night. There are the Breed Sundays, but don't expect a large number of tops. Good facilities, although they can do better. Construction: probably the best on the island. Large and spacious with many customers of all ages. Love their dark areas: put your ass up in the air, you will get fucked in less than a minute. Again, fucked and loaded are two different things. Great corridors for a quick fuck or suck. Two slings. Great bartenders who will at times indulge 😉 I'd say if you are in for the loads go after 1am. You can get out with 5 to 7 loads easily. Bunker: Had their closing party two weeks ago. CruiseBar: good if you are into bears. Mostly clothed bar, so watch out for pickpockets. A hit and miss. Toms bar: small with a small dark room. go there to open up your appetite and do some watching. Although it is in a remote corner and not too many people to cruise. Never had a single fuck there. Zoo: Great if you are bottom. For some reason, there are not too many bottoms going to Zoo and so you will normally find more tops going there. very clean facilities with anal douche. more popular are the wednesdays and thursdays evening. Reds: A top's paradise. Tons of bottoms. Great staff. moderate prices. Happy hour from 20:00 to 21:00 when you get two drinks with the entry (10 euros). One sling and one very well used dark room. Five glory holes and cabins. You get fucked a lot but almost never loaded. Construction, Reds and Zoo are the ones with the most action, followed by Noxon and Factory.
    3 points
  8. Yes… sorry but I don’t eat a sandwich with the plastic wrap on… and I don’t take a cock in me that is wrapped up either. Even when I’m in a darkroom offering up my hole… I will reach back and try to make sure that the cock is Raw💦💦
    3 points
  9. It is the only refusal I'm give. I'll take any cock except for one with a condom. It's a totally unacceptable way to behave for me
    3 points
  10. Was doing some traveling over the holiday today and had a four hour layover in Denver. As I was waiting for lounge access I logged onto to Sniffies. First profile I see is this hot 6’ stud with just a pic of an 8” thick bbc. I message him and he asks if I wanna suck. I do so he tells me to go to this very private bathroom upstairs. The bathroom only has two stalls and where the toilet covers are the metal completely lifts up so it’s pretty much a GH. I wait for him and he wastes no time whipping his massive cock out and shoving it down my throat. I suck his perfect cock for about 20 minutes til he shoots a load down my throat. I then get a message that my access to the lounge is ready so I get up and make my way. So glad I found a great bathroom for cruising, and can’t wait for another long layover in Denver.
    3 points
  11. Immediate refusal. I don’t enjoy getting fucked wrapped.
    3 points
  12. I went to a techno festival with a friend for a weekend in the summer. My boyfriend, with whom I've been monogamous for two years, didn't want to come along. The festival was impressive. You could hear good techno sound and feel the bass everywhere on the festival and camping site. We got on well with our tent neighbours and there was a lot of alcohol. On Saturday evening we went to the festival site. On the way there, I took MDMA to really party. When I arrived in front of the main stage, I could feel the effects: I started dancing and also got ... very horny. For fun, I downloaded Grindr and looked to see which guys were also at the festival. In my excitement, I wrote to several guys. I actually just wanted to chat suggestively and maybe get some dick pics. When the effects of the MDNA fully kicked in around 0:30am, I wanted to do more than just chat. Maybe wank together or something similar. I particularly liked one guy at Grindr. We arranged to meet at 2 a.m. at my tent, which was conveniently located near two main roads on the campsite. On the way to my tent, I realised that the effects of the MDMA were wearing off. I began to have doubts: should I really cheat on my boyfriend? When I arrived at the tent, I opened Grinder and pondered: should I say no to the guy or not? After all, I don't have any lube or condoms .... I looked at our neighbour's tent. I looked around and, in a knee-jerk reaction, went to our neighbour's tent without thinking. I opened the tent and reached for the bag of cocaine hidden under the front of a jumper. I quickly closed the tent door and disappeared into my own tent. I quickly rolled up a banknote and pulled the white powder through both nostrils. I realised how warm I was getting and how ... horny I was becoming agein. I looked at my watch: "Fuck, it's already 2:07!" I quickly crawled out of my tent, stood up and the Grindr guy was already waiting on the corner! I waved him over. In the twilight of the camping lights, he arrived grinning and we hid in the tent. When he undressed, I realised how the cocaine was kicking in with full force. He looked at me and asked: "Have you taken anything?". "Yes, cocaine... maybe a little too much" I replied. He grinned, said "very good boy...!" and took off my trousers and boxer shorts. He lifted my legs and started to lick my hole vigorously. Every time he stuck his entire tongue into my hole, I started to moan. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the way he worked my hole with his big tongue. When I felt his tongue in my mouth and he began to moan softly, I opened my eyes. He had that diabolical grin again. My hands slid down his back to his sexy, tight arse. I enjoyed the way he penetrated my hole with his "tongue"... When my hands reached his arse, I noticed that it was constantly moving back and forth. In my cocaine high, I suddenly realised that it wasn't his tongue but his cock in my hole that was fucking me! "Fuck! You're fucking me right now!" I moaned at him, seeing his face only slightly blurred by the effects of the cocaine. "Oh yes! Are you enjoying my cock in your cunt?". I moaned and couldn't get a straight sentence out... I just stammered: "Ehm... Fuck... Fuck, that's hot... but fuck..." After a short time he grabbed my hair, pulled my head towards him and said: "I'm going now to fuck your fucking cunt from behind!". While he pulled his cock out, I wanted to suck him off. I grabbed his hard cock and realised that there was no condom on it. While I had his cock in my hand, I looked at him in horror and asked: "Fuck! Did you just fuck me without a condom? I have a boyfriend!". He replied annoyed: "Calm down! Didn't you like it? Come on, lie down on your stomach and I'll lick you again...". I was pissed off, but incredibly horny due to the cocaine. I agreed. He turned round and pulled poppers out of his bag on the floor. He gave it to me: "Take a few puffs! Then I'll lick your arse some more...". I opened the bottle and took a few puffs. The high kicked in immediately. Meanwhile, I noticed how he pushed his cock into me and started to fuck me hard. He bent over with his body and I felt his breath on my ear. He turned my head towards him and rammed his bare cock really deep inside me. I moaned loudly. "Tell me, how does my bare cock feel in your wet hole?" he asked. I was so horny that I could only answer: "Fucking goog. Fuck me. Fuck me bare. I don't care about anything right now. Just fuck me hard and cum inside me!!!". He bent up and started to fuck me hard. After few minutes he moaned loudly and a few seconds later he started laughing. I noticed how he pulled his cock out of my hole: "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm ready," he replied as he got dressed. My horniness abruptly diminished. I sat down and asked: "Ehm... did you come inside me?". "Yes," he grinned and put his shoes on and added: "It's leaking out of your hole, boy...". "Ehm... Okay... Tell me, how often do you fuck bareback? Are you healthy?" I replied. He opened the tent door, turned round and said: "I only ever fuck bareback. That's all you need to know!". Then he left. I wanted to run after him, but I was still naked. So I picked up my phone, opened Grindr and wanted to confront him. As soon as I'd written the first word, the chat disappeared. He had blocked me! Now I was sitting there: alone in the tent, overwhelmed and scared. My thoughts were running round and round: "What will you say to your boyfriend? What if he's infected me with something?". I spot the white bag of cocaine and thought to myself: Fuck it. Lets take a few more puffs. So I took another hit of cocaine, which made me extremely horny again. I started playing with my cock. With my right hand I slid down to my hole, where I realised that the sperm was flowing out. I took it on my finger and put it in my mouth. "Fuck that's hot... and it tastes good" I moaned quietly to myself. I reached for my phone and opened Grindr. I thought to myself: if anything, I want to be fucked properly today. Luckely, I quickly found a guy in his early 40s who had an XL cock and was a few tents away in his campervan. We arranged to meet up. I put on my clothes, took another line of cocaine and literally ran to the guy. Once there, everything happened quickly. He closed the door and took off his clothes. I knew from his profile that he was married to a man. While he undressed, I pressed my boxer shorts hard against my hole to wipe away the last traces and evidence of the past guy. We started kissing and I felt his big hard cock against my legs. "Fuck you are hot! Come fuck me" I whispered in his ear. He turned round and put on a condom. Then he turned me on my back, spit on his cock and slowly pushed it inside me. He started to fuck me slowly, but faster and faster. "Boy... you're incredibly hot and you have a delicious hole!" he moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his head and replied: "Oh fuck... I love your big cock! I would love to have you bare inside me". "Oh fuck yes. To fuck your beautiful cunt with my bare cock... That would be awesome! ", he replied, moaning and ramming his cock into me really hard all the way. While he fucks me in an alternating rhythm, he leans forward slightly: "Fuck boy... If I knew you, I'd fuck you right now without a rubber!". "Wow, yes, that would be so incredibly hot," I reply, pulling his face back to mine. "Do you often fuck bareback?" he asks me. I put my hands on his arse, grab it and push his arse against my pelvis. As he groans loudly, I look deep into his eyes and say: "No, I'm in a committed, monogamous relationship. I only fuck bareback with a boyfriend". He grins at me: "In a monogamous relationship?! You do realise that you have my cock in your hot hole right now?". I grinned back. Suddenly he stops. He slowly straightens up and slowly pulls his cock out of my hole, while he asks and says thoughtfully:"mhhhh... I understand. I'm married and only fuck bareback with my husband...". He looks down briefly, spits on his cock and slowly pushes it back in my hole. I moan loudly. "Do you want poppers?". "Oh, Yes!", I reply. He bends down and takes out the bottle next to the head bar. He opens the lid and slides the bottle under my nose. "If you only fuck bareback with your boyfriend and I only fuck bareback with my husband, then everything would be safe, wouldn't it?" As I sniff the poppers and give him the bottle back, I reply: "Yes. Everything's safe!". He sniffs hard on the poppers several times. While he puts the bottle away, he plays with his cock and rolls his eyes - the poppers kick in for me too. He looks at me, takes my hand and guides it to his hard, thick and big cock. "If you want to fuck bare, then take off the condom now...". My pulse increases, my cock gets really hard. I put my hand around his cock and pull the rubber off. He leans forward. I feel his rubberfree glans at my hole entrance. "You're really safe?" he asks me, "Yes, trust me!". And then... I realise how his glans penetrates my hole unprotected with rhythmic strokes. I close my eyes and burst with horniness. "Fuck, this is unbelievably hot!" I scream at him. "Fuck yes man! You have such a hot, wet cunt!" he replies and starts to fuck me really hard with his hammer with his eyes closed. I bend up a little to see his cock as he fucks my hole without a condom. It feels indescribable. The cocaine. The effect of the poppers. His big bareback cock. But the thing that really makes me explode is the knowledge and the fact that "my naughty cunt" is bulging with the cum of a guy I don't know. A guy who only ever fucks bareback. A guy who has blocked me on Grindr. A guy who probably isn't healthy. And now I'm getting fucked bareback by a married man who thinks I'm safe. As I watch his bare cock fucking my hole, I almost faint. The whole situation is so hot that I can hardly stand it. I mentally imagine what it looks like in my hole right now: My arse full of most probably highly contagious cum from a complete stranger, which is being massaged deeper and deeper into my bowels by a naive guy with his unprotected cock. At the same time, he pushes and rubs the highly contagious cum on his unprotected cock. I love the mental image of his glans of his uncut cock being wrapped in cum as he thrusts. And when he pulls his cock back, the whole cum is enclosed by his foreskin until the glans is exposed again during the next thrust... I mean: I really love it when I see an big uncut cock and the entire glans is full of cum and it spreads between the glans and foreskin. But the idea that it's someone else's sperm that the guy doesn't even know about. Not knowing that it's most likely poz sperm. Directly in my hole - wow, I can't have a cock in me as deep as I'm horny with this. Suddenly he punches me in the face. I look at him. "Fuck boy, were are you? I'm about to cum! Where should I cum?". "Fuck... hot... splash your load deep into my hole!". As soon as I've said that, I notice his cock twitching hard. With a loud moan he thunders his cock into me to the hilt and collapses on top of me. He starts to laugh and mumbles "Boy... You and youre hole are fucking awesome!". Meanwhile, I put my hand on my cock to make myself come. He leans up again and pulls his cock out of my hole. He looks down: "Wow... there's a lot coming out. I didn't realise I had such plump balls...". "hehe... yeah, me too!" I reply with a grin, "please push your dock in again slowly so that you massage your cum into my hole". He then grabs his cock with his hand, took it up with the leaking cum and pushes it into me. I take another quick poppers sniffs and shortly afterwards I come explosively as I feel his cock inside me - and once again - as I imagine how with every movement of his cock inside me, stranger, anonymous and highly contagious sperm is massaged between his glans and his foreskin. Later, while I wipe my sperm off my stomach and he wipes his cock with a cloth, he asks me for my number. I reply that we can continue writing on Grindr. I quickly put my clothes on and am about to leave when he grabs my hand. He looks at me and says that we should stay in touch, if only in case there was something about the bareback sex. I kiss him and agree. When I get to my tent, I open Grindr and block him. 13 weeks after the festival, I receive my HIV-positive test result. In the meantime, I had active and passive unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times. But that's another story ... 😉
    3 points
  13. I really didn’t ever play raw in my teens or early 20s despite being in a committed relationship. Probably around 22/23 I hooked up with this guy that lived near my grad school. We had been talking through Grindr for nearly a year but had never fucked or even met. After a bit of flirting and getting each other horned up, he asked me to skip class and come over. I packed up and drove over and he was waiting naked for me at the door. He pulled me into the bedroom and immediately undid my pants and started giving me hands down the best blow I have ever gotten (even to this day). He then jumped up on the bed and arched his ass and I have a very passionate rim job. That’s when he asked me to breed him. I was a bit nervous since I hadn’t barebacked before and I asked to wear a condom. He said okay but just tease his hole raw for a bit. After awhile I slid into him raw and began fucking him doggy. It was unbelievable and I couldn’t believe how much better raw felt. After a bit though, I got nervous and asked to put a condom on. He was okay with it and open up pack, slapped on a condom and then went back to fucking him doggystyle. Now things took a turn and a few things to note. Firstly, this guy is extremely horny all the time (we still talk/fuck), is a very cute Asian bottom twink with a perfect bubble butt, and extremely verbal with the dirty talk during sex. While I was pounding him doggystyle he looked pushed back up on my cock with his bubble but and moaned that he wanted to ride it. He ended up pushing back on to his be and hopped onto my hips and started massaging my cock and balls. He took my cock and slid it into his hole and started riding me. It was wild. He could tell it was driving wild and then told me I was gonna breed him tonight and that he wanted my load. He pulled my cock out of his hole and took the condom off and went back to riding me. It was unbelievable and I knew it was risky but I didn’t care because it felt so amazing. He kept riding me and I ended up grabbing on to his hips and then shot a huge load deep into him making him moan. He collapsed on me and cuddled for a bit. He let me know that he had to head out soon to an appointment. As we were getting dressed I was overcome with a second wave of horniness. We started making out again and pushed him back on to the bed and pulled his shorts off. I slid my raw cock right back into and started barebacking him again. I swear I could feel my first load. His hole felt even better the second time. He got extremely submissive and kept begging for another load and l gladly obliged. I bred doggystyle and then packed up and went back to class.
    3 points
  14. Went to dinner last night with friends and forgot I had Sniffies going. Got messaged by a guy nearby who wanted to fuck after I was done. Neither of us could host and so we swapped in the stairway of a parking garage. Good looking white boy of 19, home from college pumped two loads in him, took both his loads too.
    3 points
  15. **Seasons Greetings, Everyone** My eyes dart to Dad, then to Grandpa, then back to Dad; bewildered. “It’s time for you to join our little family tradition.” As Dad squats down to look me square in the eye, his robe comes wide open. No pretenses of modesty anymore. A glistening string of pearls oozes from a metal ring protruding from the hood of his cock. My breath is caught in my throat. What the fuck is going on here?! Dad pulls my head up to look me in the eye. “This is why you haven’t been allowed to come with us all these years. We had to wait until you were of age. Trust me – I wanted to bring you out here and join us much sooner.” Grandpa could see the confused look on my face. “It’s a special elixir that will make this Christmas festive.” “You’re gonna love it, Baby Bro,” Ronnie said. His body radiated a frenzied energy, as though he had seen Rudolph outside in the snow. “It’s gonna make you so…” “Zip it, Robbie,” Dad says as he reaches inside Robbie’s robe and gives his nipple a hard tweak. “Do you trust me?” Dad grabs a firm hold of my chin, directing my eyes into his piercing gaze. I am frozen in place, in shock. I want to pull my head away, but it is as though he clenched his hand around my inner being. “You have a choice,” he says. His demeanor shifts and I am taken back to my youth whenever he reprimanded me, lording his authority over me. “You stay here, go through our little ritual, and join our clan. If you stay with us, I promise you it will be the best decision you ever make. Otherwise, you go up to your room, gather your stuff, and bring it downstairs. You will be locked down in the basement, spending the rest of your time down there alone.” “Please stay, Baby Brother! Please stay! I’ve been counting down the minutes to this moment!” Robbie is practically bouncing up and down. “It’ll make sense soon enough.” Grandpa says, picking up the syringe. He strokes the side of my face. “Please stay, Baby Boy. Show Santa what a good boy you are.” “Uhhh…I guess.” What the hell was I supposed to say with their eyes staring at me intently, full of giddy hope, yearning, and Dad’s stern paternal stare?! Whatever it is they have in mind, they really want me to be a part of it. That much is abundantly clear even as nothing else makes sense. Still, the peculiar way everyone has been acting this morning has me more than apprehensive. “Good, Baby Boy! You know Dad loves you so very much and is so excited to go on this journey with you.” Just then, the front door busts open, letting in a blast of swirling snow and frozen air. “Ho Ho Hooo-oh good, we didn’t miss it!” “Papaw!” Robbie runs over to greet our great-grandfather, the eldest living member of the McKinley family. I pull my robe closed tight against the harsh wind howling inside. “We thought we would never make it.” Uncle Tom slams the door closed, bracing against the onslaught of wind and snow. Carrying a pair of bags, he stomps the snow off his boots. “Fucking storm canceled all incoming flights. We drove through the night, inching along at points. Almost thought we were going to get stranded as this second front moved in, but here we are.” “I wouldn’t miss the christening of my Baby Boy to save the world.” Papaw says, giving me one of his crushing bear hugs. “You did say yes, didn’t you, Baby Boy?” “I mean…I don’t know what I said yes to.” “To the best day of the rest of your life,” Uncle Tom says with a hug before embracing Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie. “I’m going to take our bags up to our room. Don’t start without me.” “Wouldn’t dare, Big Bro,” Dad says, kissing Uncle Tom as he passes by. I am thoroughly confused…especially as I adjust my hardening cock to conceal it in my robe. I’ve known for a while I’m attracted to boys. No, take that back, men. My classmates never did it for me. But their dads… But my own dad?!? I look over to see Grandpa remove his green velvet vest, revealing the expanse of salt-and-pepper fur covering his chest. A pair of silver rings adorn his nipples. Dad shucks his robe and I see he has a similar, but smaller pair of rings. I look to my left. Robbie the same. “Like the rings, Baby Boy?” Dad reaches out and puts one hand on Robbie’s chest, the other on Grandpa’s and starts rolling the rings in his fingers. “You’ll get yours soon enough. And many more.” I notice a glint from below. Metal also adorns the heads of their cocks as well, increasing in size with each generation. Grandpa’s has to be as big around as my pinky! Dad and Uncle Tom’s the size of a pencil; Robbie’s a little smaller than that. “Now it’s official,” Uncle Tom announces, bounding the stairs. Not only does he have a set of rings matching the rest of the men in my family, but he’s also got one in his nose. “Almost forgot.” Papaw reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out another set of rings and hands them out. Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie proceed to put them in their noses – again tapering in size from generation to generation. “I’m so proud of my boys.” What portal into the Twilight Zone did I enter this morning? And why am I so aroused? “We put them in this time of year as a reminder of our bond.” Grandpa stands behind me and grabs the shoulders of my robe and slips it down my body. “And to remind everyone of their place in my hierarchy.” Papaw reaches up and grabs Grandpa’s nose ring, pulling him in for a kiss. “Today, you earn yours.” Papaw turns his attention from me to his duffel bag, pulling out a set of orange-capped needles, setting them on the end table Dad moved to my side. He then pulls out a small, black case. Inside is a small vial with even more needles. Robbie rubs his hands together again. “Okay, Baby Boy. Why don’t you climb into the sling?” Dad pats the suspended sheet of thick leather. They ease me back onto the cold leather slab as the fire crackles in front of me, radiating heat. A stark contrast to the snow accumulating outside in the winter wonderland. It’s surprisingly comfortable; like a small hammock. I hear Papaw rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a mass of black leather and metal. “This will keep you safe and secure.” He passes one to each of the others standing at either corner of the frame. “It’s not too late, Baby Boy.” Dad stands in front of me, placing a hand on my shivering belly. “The choice remains yours. Stay and accept what’s coming or be banished to the basement and ostracized from the clan; never welcome back for another Christmas again.” All my life I admired the bond between these special men in my life. Try as I might, I just couldn’t seem to penetrate their inner circle to feel truly a part of the group. I was super jealous when they came home three Christmases ago. I could tell, in the moment I first saw he and Dad interact - I was now the lone outsider. If this was my one chance to join the camaraderie, I wasn’t going to let that window close. We lock eyes. The crackle of energy is palpable. He stares into my soul, and I can feel him connect, locking on tight. I nod my head, unable to form words. “That’s my Baby Boy!” Dad picks up his mass of leather. The four of them shackle my wrists and ankles. I am tethered to the chains, minus my right arm. Papaw takes Dad’s place in between my legs. “Give me your right arm.” He grabs hold, rotating it, wrist up. Grandpa rips open a small packet with a white square inside. The smell of rubbing alcohol fills my nostrils. He wipes the inner crook of my arm. Papaw uncaps the syringe, eyeing the tip and rotating it to his satisfaction. He leans in and I feel the prick of the needle. Robbie holds a tight grip on my wrist. “Look at me, Baby Boy.” I turn to face Papaw. His face has turned sinister, almost scary. “You no longer have any say what happens to you this weekend. Or for the rest of your life, really. I own you now. Merry Fucking Christmas, faggot. And welcome to my clan.” After Papaw pushes the contents of the needle into my arm, Robbie swiftly pulls my wrist back and locks it into place above and behind me then grabs the alcohol square and presses on the injection site. The four men circle the sling, looking down at me with eager anticipation and sadistic grins on their faces. Robbie rubs his hands together. They all look like they’re expecting something to happen and for a second I wonder what it’s all about. And then it hits me. First, the bottom of my throat sends me into a convulsive coughing fit. I try to bring my hands to my face to cover the coughs, but only meet resistance. “What did you give me?!” As the coughing fit subsides, my breathing becomes shallow. I panic, gasping shallow breaths. “Shh, Baby Boy. Just ride the wave of me taking control of your body from the inside,” Papaw says, nodding to Dad who reaches around from behind, rolling my nipples in his fingertips. The only way I can describe is like a smoldering sheet of paper burning from the outside in, consuming it. An electric heat spread through my body, consuming my insides as it worked its way through my system. The burning came to completion, tickling and tantalizing my asshole. I wriggle and write in the sling. I try to pull my hands free to touch myself; my cock, my face, my stomach; to touch ANYTHING! “You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, Baby Boy.” Dad’s pinch on my nipples dug deeper as he twisted and pulled.” “Oh Dad…” “Merry Christmas, faggot. Now give yourself over to Papaw like the rest of us.”
    3 points
  16. AIDS. Sick joke, right? Kind of along the lines of the classic “What did the boy with no arms or legs get for Christmas? Cancer.” Only I’m not joking (although I wish I was). And yeah, I’m the “naughty boy” in this cautionary tale. It all started off innocently enough. Me and my friends were hanging at the mall after school- we used to do that a lot. Not much else to do in our town when you’re seniors in high school, just waiting to escape into the “real world”. And it was less than a month til Christmas. All the extracurricular shit was winding down for the holidays, so we had extra free time in the evenings. No play rehearsals. No band practice. So yeah, we cruised the mall. On this particular Wednesday, I was hanging with Matty, MJ (short for Margaret Jean), and Brittany (aka Brit-Brit). We were doing our normal shit- trying on crap clothes and modeling for each other. Drooling over Apple store products. Having DQ. And people watching. I don’t remember who had the idea (not me) but someone said “Hey, let’s go visit Santa!” I thought we were a bit old for this crap, but everyone thought it would be funny. Revert to being kids again and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. Shit like that. I wasn’t really game, but I went along with them because hey. They’re my best friends after all. Anyway, it’s midweek and before 5 pm, so the Mall is fairly dead and there’s almost no line for Santa. Great, I think. We’re really doing this. I hang back and let them all go first. I figure I might be able to bow out once they all have a turn. Before I go any further, I feel like I should kinda set the stage a bit more. So the town we live in isn’t big. It’s big enough for a mall, a factory, a prison, two grocery stores, a Walmart and one high school, but that’s about it. Our town is, how should I put this… a shithole. It’s pretty run down and tragic. Not like Stonebrook, where all the fancy folk live. No, we’re definitely the “other” kind of town. The kind of town people don’t visit unless you have to. Like where the whole place is on the wrong side of the tracks. Anyway, as you can probably imagine, the mall is also pretty run down. It’s dying a slow, horrible death- kinda like most malls these days. Lots of vacant stores. Macy’s is the biggest thing we got. And Kohls. But that’s about it. I’m pretty sure you can picture what it’s like. Tis the season, so the place is decorated for Christmas (albeit poorly), and in the center atrium is where the big, phony tree is located. Along with the phony Santa, and the phony elves (actually elf, singular), and phony Gingerbread house and reindeer. The tree, the house, and the decorations have definitely seen better days, and there are burnt out lights on the tree and crap. It’s a real fucking Christmas wonderland, I tell ya. We get there and there’s no line to speak of. There’s one kid with his mom and they are finishing up, and that’s it. And I can pretty much see why. Now that we’re closer, the whole “Santa Village” looks more like “Santa’s Trailer Park”. It’s pretty sad, and more than a bit sketch. And the Santa? Definitely as sketch as they come. Kind of a greyish beard, and it looks like his suit hasn’t been cleaned since the chimneys from last year. We’re talking serious homeless vibes. Total cringe. Undeterred and buoyed by her goofy, giggly spirit, Brit-Brit goes first as we all hang back. Matty and MJ are laughing and waving and enjoying it all. Taking snaps with their phone cameras. And I’m just watching dirty Santa probably getting his holly jollies from having a cute teen girl wiggle on his lap. I mean, let’s be honest. If you’re an old dude working as a Santa midweek at a rundown mall- you’ve got to be some kind of [banned word]… amiright? Anyway, after whispering what she wants to Santa and having a grand ol time, Brit-Brit hops off his lap and comes back to our pack. Full of good cheer, Brit and MJ push Matty up there next. He trots up plops down on Santa’s lap- hamming it up for us. Because it’s Matt, our leading man. He’s 6 feet of big grins and affable charm. Naturally he goes for the “aw shucks” schtick, miming asking for a football for Christmas. What a goofball- which is why I’m secretly in love with him. I’m still hanging back and MJ goes next. She’s all business as she marches up and takes her turn. It looks like she’s really getting serious, pleading her case with Santa and trying to wheedle her way onto the nice list (cuz we all know she’s permanently on the naughty list). Just ask her parents. Soon MJ is done and back and they all turn to me, expectantly. “Naw guys, I don’t think I’m down. Not really my speed,” I say with a shrug. This was met with a cacophony from the others. They would have NONE of this. I had to do it. It was fun! They wanted pictures. And above all they wanted to see me, the shy one, on Santa’s lap. I was told it was a moral imperative and that I was NOT getting out of doing it, even if they had to drag me up there. At this point, I knew it was better to just get it over with than fight it. I probably could have just walked away toward the food court, but I knew they’d be disappointed. I was already the “fourth one” in the group, and I wanted them to keep inviting me along places… if for no other reason than to be close to Matty. So I relented- but not without making a big show of giving in. Sighing. Eye rolls. The works. So I started my slow, reluctant walk up to Santa. The closer I got, the more oddly nervous I became. Like, there was something making my tummy clench a bit. I think it had something to do with the way Santa was looking at me—like I was the last rib at the Golden Corral buffet. Yeah, dirty Santa was definitely giving me the eye. I watched his gaze scan down my body lecherously and come to rest at my groin in my grey sweatpants. I was suddenly quite self-conscious about what I was wearing. The last few steps to him were agonizingly slow, and I was seriously debating about turning around. But that nervous excitement in my gut couldn’t be denied. I turned around to sit on his knee, but suddenly I felt his hands firmly at my hips. As I was sitting, he pulled me back and fully into his lap, all while doing his best jovial HO HO HO! My friends were all laughing and eating it up. I felt my face flush a bit with embarrassment- not just because of this whole Santa scene, but also because when I sat down, I could most definitely feel Santa’s package pressed against my asscrack. Fucking [banned word]. All of them I tell ya. And something was telling me this Santa was a gay [banned word]. “Ho Ho HO young man! And what is YOUR name?” Skeezy Santa asked . Up close, his makeup was terrible. Definitely theater makeup applied with a heavy hand, all caked and cracked. Over the phony rosy cheeks and highlighted by heavy eyeliner, his dark eyes twinkled. “Ummm, it’s Kyle,” I managed to reply. “Oh yes. Kyyyyyle. I remember you,” he nodded theatrically. “You do?” I asked naively. “Of COURSE! From my lists!” he laughed. “So. Have you been a good boy this year… or a bad boy?” He asked somewhat conspiratorily. “Um, shouldn’t you already know? Because lists,” I say sarcastically. (In case you couldn’t tell, I’m the sarcastic one in our group). That’s when Santa looks at me and for a second it’s like he’s looking into my soul. “Oh, I know exactly what you’ve been up to- I just enjoy hearing handsome lads plead their cases.” I gulp and am suddenly quite uncomfortable with all of this while my stomach continues doing backflips. “I, ah, I guess I’ve been pretty good this year. I’m getting good grades. Helping mom at home. Staying out of trouble. Stuff like that.” “So you have… so you have,” he says nodding again. And then he leans in closer and whispers “And yet you’ve also been a bit… naughty… haven’t you Kyle?” I catch the smell of cigarettes and a faint whiff of alcohol. He shifts a bit underneath me, and I can feel him stiffening inside his red velvet pants. From what I can tell, Santa’s proverbial stocking is definitely hung. Feeling his massive member pressing against my ass makes me shiver, and I feel a bit like I’m going to hurl. The simultaneous feelings of revulsion and titilation really mess me up. “I don’t know… what… what you’re implying…” I stammer. “Oh, I think you do,” he whispers even more quietly, punctuating it with a flex of his cock. “You’ve been more than a bit naughty this year—with some school chums, I’d wager Perhaps even your friend Matt?” I feel my face go hot with shame and embarrassment. He couldn’t possibly know my secret. That I liked guys. And worse- that I’ve had sex with a handful of guys from school. Sure it was mostly just blowjobs, but not always. And since this past summer, I’d been getting fucked about every other day by Jimmy Pulaski from the swim team. That was totally our secret to the grave! I could feel Santa’s eyes boring hungrily into me. “Oh Kyle,” he chided. “You know the song. I see you when you’re sleeping. I know when you’re awake. I know if you’ve been bad… watching gay porn on your phone and jacking off at night. Sucking off boys at sleep overs. Fantasizing about getting fucked by your cute friend Matt.” “I’m not familiar with those particular lyrics,” I manage to squeak out. This makes him laugh, like for real-real. “I know EXACTLY what kind of boy you are, Kyle. I can spot your kind a mile away,” he whispers with a grin. “And I’m pretty sure you can feel what kind of Santa I am.” Again, he grinds his now wickedly hard cock into my ass as he makes a show of adjusting me on his lap. And again I’m mortified- and aroused. Santa lets out a good round of Ho-ho-hos and I steal a glance at my friends. They are loving seeing me so uncomfortable. If only they knew why. “Oh Kyle. You have definitely been the highlight of my day! So here’s what Santa can do for you for Christmas. If you consider yourself a nice boy, then by all means, go back to your friends. Have fun here at the mall. Then go on home to your mom like a good lad, and I’ll make sure you get a little something under the tree this year.” Then he lowered his voice and the phony Santa schtick disappeared. “But if ya feel like being naughty? Well. I have a special BIG gift for you. And if you want that special gift- meet me here at 8 when my Santa’s village closes tonight.” He then mugged for the camera, and his Elf helper took our picture with a knowing smirk. I looked at the proof, but declined to purchase it. In it Santa looked like a sleazy Walt Whitman, and I looked like a deer caught in headlights. I rejoined my friends and we were off in a cloud of laughter. Matty and MJ were chatting loudly about how skeevy the Santa was, like it was all some big joke. Brit was just telling them to leave the old guy alone and that he probably really needed the job. And I was quiet- trying not to feel the ghost imprint of his cock against my ass. My friends and I hung around the mall for a couple more hours—hitting the food court for Sbarro and Egg Rolls, and generally bumming around and shooting the shit. I tried my best to be present and join in the conversations, but Santa’s words were rattling around my head. Of course I was a nice boy. I was just gonna head home tonight… right? So why was I even thinking about the way his big cock felt as I sat on his lap. And my was my stomach still all fluttery while I was thinking about it. 7:30 rolled around and we all decided it was time to beat it for home. We headed for the exit, and just as I was leaving I startled myself by saying, “Oh shit. I just remembered! I was gonna pick up something for mom for Christmas while I was here. You guys go on- I’ll catch you tomorrow at school.” We said our goodbyes , and suddenly I was alone. I was alone at the Mall. Where a sketch as fuck, hung Santa propositioned me. And I was actually entertaining the idea. What. The literal FUCK. Was I doing? The next 30 minutes were agony. I paced the mall, debating with myself. I should just go home. But I was curious. I wouldn’t have to do anything. I could maybe just ask him how he know about me? Was I obvious? No, I should just go home now. Forget this weird Santa business. But maybe I could just… see his dick? Not like actually touch it or anything because gross. But it felt massive. Like waaaay bigger than Jimmy’s. Or even Tony Scarpucci’s, which gagged the hell out of me that one time when he got drunk at homecoming. Why the fuck was I even entertaining this? He’s a pervy old fuck! I should just… And then it was 8:02 pm. And I found myself standing outside Santa’s sketchy village. The sign was flipped to closed, and the lights were off at the Gingerbread house. The elf guy was already out of costume and was helping to tidy things up. Santa looked up and saw me standing there and smiled. “I was wondering if you’d show up, kiddo,” he said. I just stood there and looked at my feet. “I can handle the rest, Eric. You can go on home. Now,” Santa said pointedly to Eric. Eric looked from Santa to me and smirked again. “Is Santa doing some special gift-giving tonight?” Eric asked breezily. Santa lay a finger on the side of his nose and winked. And with that, Eric said a cheery “have fun… and good luck, dude!” and left us alone. Santa turned to me. “So Kyle. I need to get out of this makeup and stuff. Come on into the house here and keep me company?” And he headed for the Gingerbread house door. “I thought this was just some phony prop,” I said. “It is,” he replied. “But it’s also our break room/dressing room. It’s small, but it works. And best of all, it’s private.” And with that I followed him inside. He locked the door behind us. Inside was definitely small. There was a rack for costumes, three vinyl chairs, and a small table/mirror setup with those round globe makeup lights. Scattered about the table was makeup, tissues, an ashtray and other detritus. It smelled like cigarettes and B.O. And … something else I couldn’t identify. “Cozy,” I quipped. He laughed. “Take a seat, kiddo.” Santa reached into a bag on the floor and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He unscrewed the top and took a healthy swig. He looked over at me and said, “Want a pull? Might help you relax some.” I shook my head. He just shrugged, set the bottle on the makeup table, and started to disrobe. “Oh! Um…” I kind of stammered. “Oh don’t worry. I just gotta get out of the jacket and hat and stuff.” He first took off the hat and wig and placed them on a stand. Then he took off the dirty jacket and the pads that were underneath to make him appear chubby. This Santa was actually quite thin underneath the padding and baggy clothing. He was nearly emaciated looking, but with a slight paunch. I was reminded of the Christmas Claymation special where Mrs. Claus says “Nobody likes a skinny Santa.” I kinda did. Soon Santa was standing in front of me, still in his red velvet pants, but also in a dirty wife beater. He had skinny, bony arms and on his shoulder was an odd tattoo—three interlocking semicircles. He still had the beard —I assumed it was spirit gummed in place. Without the hat, Santa was mostly bald, but with a rim of close cropped silver hair. I just stared up at him. “The illusion shattered, huh kid?” He said with a smile. “And by the way… my name is Carl.” Then he sat at the makeup mirror so he could start removing his makeup. He was old school—Vaseline and paper towels. I watched as he got to work. Our eyes met in the mirror. “So. You came back. Why?” He asked. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I guess I was just… curious?” “Curious about…?” he led. “Oh, I guess curious about how you knew I was… that I …” I trailed off. “That you were a horny little cocksucker?” He offered. “WHAT?” I shot back. “Kid, relax. It’s not like you scream “faggot” when I look at you. But we gays? We just know, ya know? Or at least I had a hunch. And you are cute as fuck, so I pushed it. Plus it was a dead night and I figured why the hell not? I might get lucky. And after your initial reactions to sitting in my lap and my… stiffness… I knew you weren’t about to blab to anyone.” “But… but how did you know about me… doing stuff… with guys?” Carl laughed at that. “Boy, you may not think it when you look at me, but I was a young faggot once too. I know what I was doing back I when I was your age. Besides, I could see the way you were looking at your friend Matt. I’ve had that same look on my face before.” My face flushed again with that. Suddenly he spun in his chair to face me. “So—while this is nice and all, let’s get down to brass tacks. Did you also come back tonight because you liked what you felt pressed up against that pretty little ass of yours?” Carl stated matter-of-factly. “Oh… um… I…” was about all I could get out. “So, that’s a yes. Yeah, all you boys seem to get turned on by big cock. Bet you’re hoping to see it too. Maybe just to see how big I really am?” he leered. I just looked away, and then nodded. “So, why don’t you help ol Saint Dick along a bit and tell me what all you’ve done with your buddy Matt?” he says as his hand drops to his lap. “I have NEVER done anything with Matt!” I say, flustered. “Well, you ain’t innocent. I can tell you’ve got some miles on ya. So tell me. Who’s fucking that tight little bubble butt of yours? Give an old horny Santa some details!” And here I was. Sitting in the broken down Gingerbread house in the middle of the dead mall with a sketchy old [banned word] Santa, and he was asking about my sex life. And I was honestly thinking about doing it. After all, I was here— and I’ve never told a soul about any of my escapades. I kinda liked the idea of speaking my truth out loud, you know? Boy, If you’d have told me this is where my day would have ended up, I’d have told you that you were smoking crack. So I took a deep breath and started to tell him about Jimmy. “The, um, most stuff I’ve done is with a guy in my class named Jimmy Pulaski. He’s on the swim team and one of the school jocks. I met him at this one girl’s birthday party over the summer. We were both drinking a little and he followed me into the bathroom because we both had to go. We both peed at the same time, and before I knew it we were making out. And then I was blowing him right there in the bathroom. It didn’t take long. Then about a week later he sees me at school and asks what I’m doing after. I tell him not much, and he invites me over because his parents don’t get home until 6. And we end up messing around again—me blowing him. Then it becomes this regular thing. And soon we go from blowjobs to him fucking me. The first time was in his bedroom after school. Mostly it’s in his bedroom, and it’s always him fucking me. He doesn’t blow me or jack me or anything- we just fuck. I mean, it’s fun I guess. I like it. Sometimes I even cum while he’s fucking me…” I’m lost in the remembrance for a moment, and then I snap out of it. My eyes dart down and I see Carl stroking himself through the red suit pants. He looks like he’s at full mast. “Ah, young lust. I remember those days well. When the straight boys just sort of fucked because it was convenient and fun. So, how’s that polack dick? Any good?” Carl inquires. “Um…yeah. It’s pretty decent. Thick. He’s uncut. Probably about 7 inches I guess? It feels good.” “No condom I’m guessing,” he says. It’s not really a question. I shake my head no. He cum in you?” “Yes,” I say quietly. “And you like that, don’t you?” Carl leers and licks his lips. “Yes,” I say again even more quietly. “And that’s what makes you a naughty boy. And I think it’s why you came back tonight.” I don’t respond, but the butterflies in my stomach are basically beating out a morse code of YESYESYES. Carl stands up slowly and his crotch is right in front of me. The red santa suit pants tent out obscenely in front of him. I sit there, frozen. “Go on, boy. You know you want to. Just unzip the pants and haul it out. It won’t hurt you… yet.” I hesitate, and he flexes it inside the pants. I can see a wet spot starting to seep through the velvet, darkening the fabric to the color of blood. I reach out slowly and brush his hardness through the pants. His dick jumps as he sucks in a sharp breath. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,” I think. “But just a look. Just to see how big…”. And then my fingers find the fly and slowly pull down the zipper. I reach in and feel the heat pulsing from his groin. I have to fish around a bit to get him through the opening, but then there it is. This massive, ruddy, rock hard prong jutting out proudly from the santa pants. It’s hard to tell exactly how big he is, but it’s definitely the biggest dick I’ve seen. It’s of porn proportions. I grip the base of it just to feel it, and my fingers don’t touch around his girth. “Holy shit,” I manage. “I get that a lot,” he chuckles. He then reached down to also tug out his balls. He has the proverbial “old man balls” going on, but they’re equally as epic as his cock. His balls are BIG. And they HANG. They literally hang to the middle of his thighs. “Holy SHIT,” I say again. “In my youth, I spent time doing the ball stretching thing. And now gravity has taken over, especially when they’re full like they are now. After all, I had cute twink edge me up all day.” He looks down at me and winks. “They really get swinging when I’m fucking, too. They’ll swing and slap your nuts and dick.” I don’t know quite what to say to that. “Ok Kyle. Time to show me what that mouth can do. Suck me like you suck Jimmy,” he commands. “Um, I’m not sure…” I start. “Yes you are. You want it. That’s why you came here tonight. You want it all. You wanna taste it. And Once you get a taste, I bet you’re gonna want me to fuck you.” “Oh, I don’t think I could ever take THAT. It would rip me open!” I say. “You’d be surprised what a willing bottom can take,” he says. His dick jumps in front of me again, and a drop of precum squeezes out the piss slit and starts to drool down from the end in a long string. I reach out and touch it with my fingers, fascinated. And before I can even think about what I’m doing, I touch my fingers to my tongue. His precum is slightly bitter and salty. “There you go… that’s a good boy. Now, let’s get the head in your mouth.” My brain is racing again—what the fuck am I doing? Am I really going to go down on Sketchy Santa? At the MALL?? It’s getting late and I should be home. What that fuck kind of faggot am I? But then I look at that massive cock again and it hits me like a slap. I know exactly what kind of faggot I am. And I take the great knob of his cock into my mouth greedily. Carl’s head tips back and he lets out a big sigh as I start sucking him. Admittedly I don’t think I’m that good a cock sucker. I gag way too much and I really don’t know what all I should be doing. Mostly I just slurp around and move my hand up and down. Carl doesn’t seem to mind though. And jesus, he’s fucking big! I can maaaaaybe get 1/3 of him in my mouth before I gag and have to stop. I’ve heard of guys and girls deepthroating entire cocks (MJ brags that she can do it), but I can’t. His head is just too big to even think about going down my throat. I take a break from sucking and get my hands around him to sort of “measure” him. I put my right hand at the base, and my left on top of that. Then I took my right hand off and put it on top of my left… and the head of his dick was still above my thumb and forefinger. Fuck. Three full hands worth of dick. Plus the head! I also take a measure of his balls. I grab at the base of his ball sack, and his balls still hang freely below my hand. I experiment by trying to take one testicle in my mouth. Carl moans in delight as I tongue and lightly suck on one testie. There’s no way I could get both in. “You like Santa’s sack, huh boy?” Carl says. “Yeah, I do sir,” I reply as I go back to playing with his nuts. “Well, there’s lots of little toys in that sack just waiting for a good boy to receive them.” I went back to sucking his cock as best I could for awhile, but suddenly Carl steps back and away from my mouth. “Ok, boy. I think it’s time I got a closer look at that ass of yours.” He hoists me up by my armpits, spins me over to the makeup table and bends me over. “Oh, I don’t know about… I’ve never done….” I say with some trepidation. “Relax, kiddo. I’m just gonna eat that little pucker of yours. But first, let me get rid of this damn Santa beard.” In the mirror, I see him reach up and start to tug at the phony beard. “Wait! Um… can you leave the beard on?” I ask tentatively. “And… um… maybe put on the santa hat?” Carl meets my eyes in the mirror and chuckles. “Ho Ho Ho! Well it seems young Kyle has a Santa kink! You like silver daddies, Kyle? Santa types with beards? Is that what turns you on?” I blushed furiously in response. Honestly, I didn’t know why I asked. Sure, my head was always turned by older men— coaches, teachers, etc. But there was just something about this scene. The mall santa (sketchy as he was), the gingerbread house, the beard and the suit… for some reason it all enticed me. I couldn’t explain it. “Well Kyle. Let’s see if this hole is as naught and nice as I suspect it is.” Carl is now talking a bit more like Santa, and I gotta be honest. It’s doing it for me. How fucked is THAT? Carl pulls down my sweats to reveal my bare ass. I feel his bony hands pull open my ass cheeks, and then I feel his hot breath in the crack of my ass. “Fuckin beautiful,” he exhales, before diving his tongue into my quivering hole. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Nobody has ever eaten my ass, and the feeling is exquisite. The heat. The wetness. The movement of the tongue. The beard… my god. The BEARD! I can feel myself relaxing and trying to spread my legs wider, only to be hampered by the sweats binding my legs up. Carl sees what I’m doing and he deftly helps me lose my shoes and sweats. While still tonguing my fuckpucker, he pulls off my right shoe. And then he works my sweats down and off that foot. Once freed, I’m able to spread my legs wide and bend over more for Carl, so he has more access to my hole. And I’m loving every second. Mostly my eyes are closed for this, but I did open them briefly and I saw myself in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize myself. The naked lust on my face. The blown pupils. “You’re a slut like MJ,” I thought to myself. “Only worse. You’re letting a random stranger do this. And not just a stranger—one old enough to be your grandpa.” And yeah. God help me, I fucking loved it. While Carl was buried in my butthole, I piped up and asked him. “Hey Carl? How old are you?” Carl stopped eating my ass and leaned back. “Why? How old are YOU?” he says suspiciously. “You’re a mall santa eating the ass of a young guy in your dressing house— something tells me you don’t really care how old I am,” I say. “Look kid. I ain’t no pedo. I like my boys to be old enough to know what they’re doing and appreciate this cock. And I would really prefer not to go back to prison so….” “Is that where you got that tattoo?” I gesture to his shoulder. He looks at it. “Oh yeah. That’s where I got it,” he says with a wry smile. “Well, don’t worry. As of September I’m old enough to vote and serve our country. All good.” Carl goes back to eating my ass. He pauses just long enough to say from my crack, “I’m 68.” “Wow. My grandpa Henry is only 61,” I say. “You turned off by a man 50 years your senior eating your hole, boy?” “No. Not at all. Actually, it’s kinda hot knowing that older guys are still horny for it.” And to show that he is, he redoubles his efforts on my hole. I’m not sure how long Carl ate my ass. He kept tonguing and spitting and tonguing and spitting, and occasionally teasing my hole with a finger. I could feel my back arching and my ass pressing back into his face and finger—I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t think I could take what was bound to happen next. Carl, being a savvy man of the world could read my body language. He stood up and moved behind me. Our eyes locked in the mirror as he did this. I watched as he drooled a lot of spit out onto my ass and his cock, and then I felt him slowly start to slide his massive meat against my spit slick crack. Just the feel of that much cock sliding against me has me almost cumming. Involuntarily I start moving in rhythm with his humping motion, getting that monster to slide in my crack like a Chicago footlong in a bun. I see him reach across the makeup table where he grabs the jar of Vaseline. Shit- I guess we’re going old school for this, I think. He scoops up a generous portion and starts to finger my hole with it. He’s very good—teasing and circling around slowly. Eventually working in a finger. Then two. But I’m tensing up for the fingering. No guy has ever put a digit in me either—only dick. So his bony fingers feel sharp and foreign. Next he slathers up his dick with another goodly amount of Vaseline. I see his hefty meat shining in the lights from the mirror. He goes back to rubbing it against my ass, and then he stops and positions his head at my pucker. “Wait. Shouldn’t we get a condom?” “Why? You don’t make Jimmy wear one. Or the other guys. Why start now? And trust me—it’s going to be hard enough getting this inside without the friction and tightness of a condom.” And to emphasize his point, Carl nudges his head forward a fraction of an inch. Even with the Vaseline it burns a bit. “Oh dear baby jesus… that’s never going in,” I said with a shiver. “Oh yes it will. All it takes is a little Christmas magic,” he says. Carl reaches into the pocket of his Santa pants and pulls out a small, brown bottle. He hands it to me. “What’s this?” I say? “Christmas magic, of course,” he says with a grin. “You ever wonder how Santa can get his fatness up and down all those tight, little chimneys? Well, a little whiff of what’s in this bottle is all it takes.” I am really hesitant at this point, and I draw the line at drugs. So I just hold the bottle, and Carl says “Suit yourself.” And he starts to push inside me. “Oh FUCK that hurts!” I cry out as I try to squirm away. “Hush up!” Carl commands. “These walls aint exactly soundproof.” He starts to slowly push in again. “Wait wait wait!” I whisper. “I think I need some magic.” Carl pauses as I uncap the bottle. I’m met with a sweet, yet acrid chemical smell. “Just place the bottle under you nose and inhale a bit. It’s like smelling salts… for your asshole.” So I place the bottle under my nose and take a deep sniff. The warmth soon floods over my body and I feel tingly and a bit dizzy. I also notice a pressure at my asshole. A slightly burning, stretching feeling, and a fullness inside. Somewhere in my brain, I realize that Carl’s huge penis is starting to make it’s way inside me. I also dimly realize that it hurts a bit, but I also kinda don’t mind that it hurts a bit. “Oh my god…” I exhale. “Just you wait, kiddo. I ain’t even CLOSE to being all the way in. Take another whiff and we’ll see how far I can get.” With a few more inhalations of the brown bottle and some steady pressure from Carl, he slowly starts to make forward progress. Carl has one of those dicks that is ramrod straight and hard, but not like steel. There is still a little sponge to the head and shaft. Like he’s 95% hard and rarin’ to fuck. Soon I feel my ass stuffed to the point of tearing. I also feel a dull pain inside where evidently Carl’s prick has hit bottom. “Ouch,” I tell him. “I think that’s as much as I can take. Maybe you should pull out now.” “You mean like this?” he says, as he slowly starts to retreat out of me. The long pullout is intense and makes me shudder as his meat drags across my prostate. “Oh FUCK me that’s good!” I manage to croak out. Carl doesn’t pull all the way out. Instead, he leaves his head parked inside and adds more Vaseline to his dick. Then he starts the long, slow slide back in. His dick moves more easily this time—like either I’m relaxing more or the Vaseline has finally slickened me up enough. Carl bottoms out again, and backs out again. Rinse. Repeat. And I occasionally hit the bottle for relaxation help. After a few minutes, he pushes in to the stopping point again. “Kid, we gotta get past this point. I’m at your second ring and I got a good two inches left of dick to give you. You need to trust me that once I get past this point, you are gonna find the true meaning of Christmas. So take a good whiff and relax for me.” I do as I’m told and I exhale and will myself to relax. I feel Carl’s massive head pushing deep inside my guts. It hurts, I’m not going to lie. But in a weird way. Like, it’s both a sharp and dull ache inside me, but there is a pleasure quotient that is also undeniable. He pushes ever so slowly and the pain builds, and then… Joy to the motherfucking WORLD! “Now THAT’S a good boy!” Carl exclaimed. “You just made my secret ‘special’ Naughty List!” The feeling when his head breached that deep deep place inside me? I honestly don’t know how to describe it. Once his head popped in—I felt his cock slide easily all the way to the root inside me. The brief intense pain was replaced by pleasure that nearly caused my knees to buckle. “Oh… my… God… Oh……. My……. GOD!” I gasped. Carl stayed buried inside me and made small movements back and forth and around, and all of it was pure pleasure. Then he slowly withdrew, maybe about midway, and then pushed forward again. This time his head popped in with only a little resistance.” “Now you’re opening up. I told you Santa had a big ol present for a special boy!” I was now freely hitting the bottle and getting more into the fuck while Carl started to slowly pick up tempo. I honestly lost track of time in my haze, but before long, Carl was really giving me all of this dick. Like slowly pulling out until only his head was inside, then shoving in until his bony hips slapped my muscle butt. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m taking it all!” I groan. “Yeah, all the precum I’m leaking has lubed you up inside so your guts are slick. We can get to fuckin now,” he says. Carl then started to fuck and snap his hips forward. That’s when I felt the first ball slap. As promised, his balls swung forward and tapped mine making me gasp. “Oh!” The feeling both startled me and turned me on. “Told ya, kiddo. My balls will really get to slapping you now.” And they did. More bottle snorts, more relaxation, and I caught myself in the mirror again. This time I watched. It was like I was watching one of the porn scenes I so frequently jacked off to. Only I was also feeling the pleasure from the fuck at the same time. The guy in the mirror was gooned out all the way, tongue lolling out, drooling on the table. Fucking back onto Santa with every thrust and having his balls slap repeatedly into his balls and taint. And Santa was gripping the guy in the mirror’s hips hard, as he hungrily watched his cock disappear repeatedly inside the young guy’s ass. “Oh Christ kid, you’ve got me close!” Santa says. Carl keeps fucking me with all of his might and I swear I feel his cock get harder. Like that extra 5%, which translated into like another half inch of dick and some extra girth. I’m feeling every damn thrust from him and my insides are starting to ache mightily. His balls are also tightening up, as they’re now only slapping into my taint, which is oddly working up my own orgasm. I know what’s coming (or so I think) and the small, intellectual part of my brain is saying “don’t let this stranger cum inside you.” But the animal side of my brain has fully taken over now and I find myself willing him to cum. I WANT to feel him cum inside me. I DESERVE it after all. “You ready for your gift Kyle? Santa has a special gift for naughty boys!” His eyes lock on mine in the mirror. “It’s coming. Do you want Santa’s gift? Tell me you’ve been a naughty boy. Beg me for your gift!” “Fuck yeah, Santa! I’ve been so fucking naughty! Letting guys fuck me. I want your special gift for Christmas! Please Santa?” “Here it come’s boy! A gift you’ll never forget!” And with that he thrusts one more time, hard, and buries himself deep inside me. And I feel it. I feel him cum. The throbs of his orgasm cause his cock to press deeper inside me and stretch my hole. I feel every spurt. Every dick twitch as he unloads all the way up inside me. The feeling of him cumming inside me pushes me over the edge. This entire time I’ve been rock hard and leaking precum everywhere, but I haven’t once touched my dick, and neither has Carl. But we didn’t need to. Carl is still spurting inside me when I arch back and start launching my load. I’m proud to say I completely spackled that makeup mirror and table. It was running down in streaks like a scene in a horror film. Carl saw it and just chuckled. “I’m gonna have to clean that before Eric comes in tomorrow,” he says. Now that I’ve cum, the realization of what I’ve done is starting to set in. I start to panic a little as I pull off Carl’s softening dick. When he slides out of my ass, a large blob of cum drips out of my hole and hits the floor. “Oh my god! You fucked me. You CAME in me! What the fuck was I thinking?? Jesus, you tricked me you fucking [banned word]!” I spat. “Now now, Kyle, don’t get chippy. You wanted this. You know you did. And hell, I just bet in a couple days you’ll come back to visit Santa because that ass will be craving another Christmas gift.” I start to reply but am cut short by a PA announcement from the Mall. “The Mall will be closing in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the exits.” “Better get going home to Mom, kiddo,” Carl says with a smirk. “Hope you enjoy your gift. Oh, and if you want more, you know where to find me. Maybe next time I can arrange for another Santa too? I know Terry the black Santa here would love a shot at that ass.” I pulled up my sweats, threw on my shoe and beat feet for the exit… and home. I beat myself up the entire drive home, cursing Carl and my stupidity. I dashed past mom while apologizing for being late and ran to my room. As I lay in bed, I tried to forget what had happened at the mall. But my sore wet ass was a constant reminder. As was my relentless boner that took jacking off 3 times to make go away. And yeah- I thought about Carl’s cock breeding me every time I jacked for the next 4 days. Until I went back to the mall on Monday evening….
    2 points
  17. Part 1: Boarding the train to Tupelo. “Do you have the time?” Asked a young woman no older than 20, “5:20,” I said. She thanked me and went back to her book. It’s not uncommon for someone to ask for the time here on the metro. It’s almost a daily occurrence. For me I was keenly keeping track of the time, and I have to make it to Union Station by 6:30 in order to board my train that leaves for Roanoke. You see while most people are heading home from their workdays, for me I’m dreading the train ride. You see I’m planning on spending time with family for the holidays. For me going back home is not fun, and I try my damnest to not go home. However this time it was different. Something was calling me to come back home, but I didn’t know what it was. You see I grew up in the small mountain town of Tupelo, Tennessee. It’s a small town that has a few stores and a couple of fast food restaurants. It serves as a small little suburb of Bristol. Really it’s more of a pass through town for those heading up to the smokies. My hometown didn’t have a school and so I had to attend high school in nearby Bristol. I remember being a kid that was fascinated by getting away from my parents and this town. Was I a happy kid, for the most part yea. However I was never truly happy because I had to hide my sexuality from my parents and from a lot of people that I knew. Not only am I gay, but I knew from about age 12 that I wanted nothing more than cock. By the time I turned 16 I had lost my virginity and I was known as the communal hole in some circles. At 18 after my parents found out, they arranged to have me go to Georgetown University. For me it was a chance to be myself in a large city, but it was also a chance for my parents to send me as far away as possible. My mom, Peggy, was a clerk at the post office. My dad, Richard, was the town constable. There were rumors that I was getting around, and on the eve of my 18th birthday my parents confronted me. My mom was crying and in a pleading way, “David just tell me are you gay?” After that night I swore that I would only live with them until I graduated and then I could move as far away from them. They kept telling me that my lifestyle was going to cause me to get AIDS and what not. However I was so confident in myself, I knew I just needed to get out of there. So since August 12, 2009, the day I moved up to Georgetown, I hadn’t stepped foot in Tupelo. From the moment I got to Georgetown, I was practically horny all the damn time. I knew I want to get dick down every chance I could. I went to some bathhouse in the city and that place was my sex education. I knew HIV/AIDS was something that I could get but it really didn’t cross my mind as I was in probably one of the best cities in the world to monitor my sexual health. Besides I wasn’t willy nilly sleeping with every Tom and Dick out there. For several years I was in a very romantic relationship with a man 10 years older than me. He was from London, and he was gorgeous. He was 6’3, blonde hair, blue eyes, a very hairy sculptured chest, and the thickest uncut cock I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I would go down on him his precum would mix in with his pubes to give off the most intoxicating aroma. He would fuck the day lights out of me every morning and every night. I was his personal cumdump and he was the first person to teach me about using a plug to plug my hole to keep all the cum in. We were together for about 6-7 years before he finally had to return to England. You see he was a worker at the British embassy and the foreign office promoted him and he went back home. So this was not only my first holiday with out him, but it was the first holiday that I was returning home. I finally get to the train station and when I arrive my train was shown as being delayed. I looked at the train companies website and sure enough it was delayed due to a faulty road crossing. Luckily the delay was only a 45 min delay. Which was another 45 mins that postponed the enviable. Meanwhile I decided to get on Grindr to see if there was anyone attractive nearby, but then I decided to get to a piss. Now the bathrooms are prime cruising grounds. I went into one stall and load and behold I get lucky. This 7 inch cut beer can comes under the stall divider and I just went to town. I was also admiring the mixture of piss, musk, and pre on his bush. I also licked his taint and played with his balls. I obviously enjoyed sucking his magnificent dick. Finally after about 5-10 mins he shot his nice warm load down my throat. It tasted amazing and I licked every precious drop of his man batter that I could. He got up and left and I was still entranced with it. I got back up onto the toilet, and began jerking my cock off. Now I have a 6 inch thick cut cock, and I love to jerk it dry. It’s just a preference I developed over the years. I also like to finger my hole while I jerk off as well. I use some of my precum and spit to insert a couple of fingers into my hole. Once it was in there my ass juices did the rest of the work. As I jerked and fingered myself I couldn’t help but notice that I’m not the only person in the bathroom. I knew I was being watched but I didn’t let that stop me. When I cummed I took some of my load and ate it and took the rest and put it in my ass. I liked doing that so that way if I was to get fucked there would be some sort of lubricant in there. You know the natural kind. I check the time and by the time I got out of the bathroom my train had started to pull up. I boarded the train and of course I get a window seat because I like to look out. I get my laptop out and do some work and I didn’t even notice the gorgeous man sitting next to me. He was about 5’9, he had short brown hair, tanned skin, and a very nice ass. He was wearing a hoodie with some jogging pants. Let me just say he wasn’t hiding anything. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked me, “Do you happen to have an extra charging cable, I can’t seem to find mine?” “I believe I have an extra one.” I start rummaging through my things, and I finally found one. “Thanks, I owe you. If you didn’t have one I didn’t know how I would get through this trip.” So I decided to ask him, “so where are you heading?” “Tupelo, Tennessee I meeting up with some old buddies of mine from my days in Knoxville.” ”Why on earth are you going there?” ”Well my buddy Blake found this resort up in the mountains and we figured this would be a great way for our group to reunite and have some fun up in the mountains.” I was almost tempted to ask him what kind of fun he was going to be engaging in, but I chickened out. So I instead said, “It’s beautiful up there, especially this time of the year with the snow covered mountains.” ”Yea I know, and it will be great just to get away from all of this. Especially for a whole week. Where are you heading?” ”I’m heading to the same place you’re heading but unfortunately it’s to visit family. Now a mountain getaway would be better.” ”Well if you want to I can see if the guys wouldn’t mind if you came up to hang with us. Here is my number and also the place we’re staying at. But for now I’m going to listen to this podcast and take a nice nap. I want to feel energized when I get there.” “That’s very kind of you Jesse..” ”My nickname is JD. So call me that.” ”Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m David.” What I didn’t know was that interaction would change the course of my life forever.
    2 points
  18. So I started him off last weekend getting him high on Tina and stripping him down to his briefs. I got him on all fours on the bed and played with his hole, teasing him and licking him out, talking dirty and winding him up with my cock, till he was begging for it. I told him I'd only fuck him if his hole was wet and sloppy with spunk. He greedily agreed to let me find some one to do it. Didnt tale me long to find a local guy (30 ish) who wanted an anon fuck n go. He would only fuck with a rubber (BOO!) but was happy to shoot all over my sluts hole so I thought at least that would open him up and lube him for the rest of us. I left him on the bed and went in another rooom silently. The guy arrived, I heard him groaning and pumping, then he left after about 10 mins. I had told my partner to stay exactly where he was and not move at all, so I walked back in to see his pert naked ass, covered in ribboons of thick cum! I treated myself to one good lick of it, then left the rest in place. Next guy was a 20 something, He wanted me in the room to guyide him into my cum buckets mouth and arse, which I did. He was rock hard when he walked in, I sucked it for a few mins, then slide it into my boyfriends mouth. After hed enjoyed that, I took hold of the hard cock and pulled it around to the rear, wiped it over the spunk on his ass, and then pushed it into his cunt. That lad went wild, took him about 3 mins to shoot and he shot deep inside. As he pulled out, he gently pushed my own face into my cum buckets hole to taste his jizz. Last guy, was a marrtied bloke, late 30s, wanted to be verbal but anon, so I left the room and listened in on Alexa as he told my boyfriend what a dirty slut he was, as he pushed his raw cock in his sloppy hole and fucked him. When he was close to cumming, my boyfriend told him 'My partner will be back home soon and Ill wait for him just like this, with your load dripping from me' he shot his wad in excitment. After that lot, it was my turn and I spent the entire night licking every last drop of spunk, inc my own after I came three times, from him juicy hole.
    2 points
  19. It is certainly possible to get candidiasis (thrush) even if you don't have HIV/AIDS, but it's unlikely unless your (immune) system is out of whack. Antibiotics of the usual sort (antibacterials) won't do anything against it, because it's yeast. It could certainly also be some kind of bacterial infection that isn't severe enough to cause a sore or other symptom - either STD or otherwise. Oral hygiene is your friend. With a symptom such as this that isn't one of the "usual" symptoms of the common STDs, your chances of getting useful information about it from an internet discussion forum are very, very low. If it continues/worsens, see a doctor! That's what they're for.
    2 points
  20. Back in the 90s I took a trip to NYC for a weekend to check out NYU for grad school. I didn't make a hotel reservation; thought I would pick up a room near a gay cinema called West World. I was still closeted and playing around with guys discreetly at my small tech university in Pittsburgh. I started bottoming for a big thick 10 inch hung opera student, ginger guy, big and strong. He would stick it in me and get about ten pumps in, I would squirt everywhere and push him out and get dressed and fuck off back home. He got fed up with this one day and turned me over, forced my head down and held my hands behind my back and forced his way back in. He leaned in close over top of me near like he was going to kiss my neck and whispered hostilely THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM NOW ON... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. He didn't wait for a reply and didn't care if I said yes or no, he was grinding into me really slow and long while I screamed and he pushed my face down into the bed. Well I did understand and didn't like being told what to do but kept coming back for big dick. Safe dick. Rubbered up. I did hook up with a few friends who waited tables with me at restaurants. Always bareback and me topping even though I'm not hung. I was a short, muscled, smooth weight lifter from an Italian family with huge legs and a square jaw. I could pull a lot of guys back then, they would always say CUM ON MY BACK DUDE, CUM ON MY BACK. It was so hot. I loved fucking with guys my age plus or minus five years. Never liked daddies or bears, they kinda scared me. I sucked a lot of hot dick in the glory holes but never let a guy fuck me bare, I was too scared of getting the poz bug. Not me. Never. I hung out with guys in a fraternity and some really straight guys, the ones I really secretly desired, would stare at out the corner of my eye when I thought they were not looking. The kind of guys I would steal used jocks and socks and underwear from and secretly wear them. So when the NYC trip came up I got excited and started wanking 5 - 6 times a day fantasizing about what would happen there. I wanted to do a bunch of guys all in one night. I got turned on eating cum when a guy would jizz while I fucked him or sucked him. I loved to deepthroat medium and small dicks, just sucked deeper as they would cum right down my throat. Sometimes I would drink a little piss. When alone I would always tell myself I would eat my own cum but never could. I love cum, until I cum, and then that's it. Get it off me, don't want any smeared on me or in my mouth. Are you like that too? Well I guess I like extremes, either shoot it down my throat, let me lick it all up off the floor or your boots or chest OR none at all. So I get to NY and start walking the street in Greenwich village where I decided I would like to stay. I saw a sign on the road room to rent, it was one of those small black cardboard signs with big block red letters. I went in and was greeted by two really big Latino guys who did pest control for the building and let out a small single bed in one of the service closets. They weren't gay but it was cheap and I was happy, paid the money and got the key. Showered and put on my best whore jeans, a hot guy's underwear and socks I stole the week before but hadn't jizzed in, and headed out the door. I had a map and knew exactly where West World was so headed straight over. No time for food or drink I could do that after. My heart was pumping as I paid the entrance fee and went inside. There were some small video booths just as you went in and a couple of rooms with metal folding chairs and guys watching porn on big screens. I had never seen anything like it. All eyes were on me suddenly, it was full of bears and daddies with their cocks out wanking or fully clothed and waiting for signals from each other. One really tall skinny guy stood up and bent over a chair in front of him and a huge black guy started to fuck him bare. Wow ... this is scary, maybe not the room for me. So I went to the next room and an arm grabbed me as I walked by, a big strong hairy arm. I looked at him, steely blue eyes, big square jaw, Italian type like me but wow .. hairy and muscular in a more mature way. Where you going boy? he asked me ... why don't you sit down here? First time here is it? ... He was a typical pushy New Yorker who knew what he wanted and decided to take it. He pulled me closer and said here .. sit down here next to me. There was a Chinese guy wanking two or three seats away. I got scared. What was happening here, was I going to be SAFE would I get what I wanted or would they get what THEY wanted. Bare sex with strangers in NYC. I would get pozzed for sure. But my eyes met his and like a snake charmer he was able to keep me right where he wanted me. I listend to his voice, I was really hooked and would do what he wanted me to do. Within limits of course. So I sat down. He pulled out a big thick monster, not shaved, and smelling like man cock. Not soap but not dirty, just like a man's cock having been in his trousers all day, know what I mean? Man cock. It was thick and darker in colour than mine and throbbing. Then the Chinese guy moved over next to me and took off my pants. I let him, and he started sucking me! NY Italian guy pushed my mouth on his dick and said Go on boy, suck mine while he sucks you, then I'll take you to a booth. I really loved it, the smell and being under his spell, his control. He had real power over me, his cock was the master that could command me, his big physique housed the thing I worship. Cock and cum. I WANT YOUR CUM I told him and then the Chinese guy really started going to town on me. I had never had a guy suck me off to completion until then. I started to squirm and move away, started to push the Chinese guy away but it felt SO NICE as the waves of pleasure started to build up. The Italian guy noticed and told me that's it, move your hips into it, let him suck it all out of you boy and I exploded. He swallowed everything and then it all closed down. I wanted to get out of there and fast. It was all happening too fast. I sheepishly said Thank You and they both chuckled as I pulled up my trousers. Italian guy said come on, I want to show you a private movie in a booth. He was getting ready to fuck me bare and I knew it, but I had already cum. I said I wanted to use the toilet first and would meet him in the lobby. Instead I went to the lobby, grabbed my jacket and RAN down the street. I ran for my life because I knew a pozzing was waiting for me otherwise. I must have run about 3 blocks when a big green Range Rover beeped the horn and I looked over and it was Italian guy ... he rolled down the window and said CAUGHT YOU!
    2 points
  21. Trust me…I wanna keep loads in me, but after an intense fucking or if I’ve been bred a couple times close together I know I can’t hold it in. I don’t want to make a nasty mess and so I excuse myself and go let it out. I never push a load out but also don’t want to freak a guy out by making a mess in his bed or car or wherever. Some guys do want to eat it out and more than happy to let them.
    2 points
  22. In my mind I was constantly vigilant, making sure not to say or do anything that might give me away, but sometimes my eyes couldn’t help themselves when some dude bent over to warm up or when somebody was changing in the dressing room and had nothing more than a dance belt on. Usually I caught myself before anyone noticed me gawking, but not last Sunday. We had just finished a long dance rehearsal at the rehearsal space and were all being called in to the dressing rooms in pairs for our final fittings, and finally I was called in with Neal, the leading man who I was glad to say I had become friends with, despite him being the star and me only a lowly chorus boy. I was relieved that he and I were called in together because, while he was a very attractive guy, he was at least 20 years older than me and I had no interest in him other than as a buddy. Some of you are probably offended by this, but it had nothing to do with his looks or age. In any other group of men, he would shine as the most attractive, but in the theatre, surrounded by college guys and dancers in their early 20’s, he was only average in comparison. The costumer handed us some pants to try on and stepped out of the room so we could change which would usually have been my cue to run off to one of the dark corners or even into a bathroom stall to avoid changing with another guy. This wasn’t because I was that shy, but actually due to my fear of getting hard seeing the rock hard abs, bulging biceps and toned thighs of the other guys. Since it was just Neal and I, and he was engaging me in conversation, I stayed put and stripped to my tighty-whiteys while he tried getting a knot out of his shoelace. “No dance belt like the other boys huh?” he asked when he glanced up at me after finally giving up, and pulling the shoe off. “Nah, I don’t even own one,” I responded while pulling on my first pair of slacks. “I know I’ll need one for dress rehearsal next week but since this is my first professional show I’ve never bought one before and I’m stalling until the last possible day. “I understand,” he continued to undress, peeling off his shirt, revealing a surprisingly cut chest for a guy in his mid-30’s. “I still don’t own a dance belt and I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years.” “How do you get away with that?”I asked him while slipping on my next pair. “With this,” He said, motioning to his mid-section while undoing his drawstring and letting his sweats drop in a puddle at his feet. Unaware of what he was doing I turned and looked at the very moment his pants slid down, and my jaw dropped almost to my feet. “Jockstraps are just as good for me most of the time, and they don’t ride up into a super wedgie like dance belts do.” Neal should have been the one safe person for me to be in here with, but standing only 4 feet away from him now, unable to peel my eyes away from his giant bulge held back by a white athletic supporter, I was suddenly aware of just how naïve I’d been. Here I’d been treating him like an asexual mentor, and he was secretly concealing a fuzzy, muscled, horse-hung, sex god under his track pants and cotton pullovers. “Pete? Peter? Yo earth to Pete!” He snapped his fingers bringing me back to reality so quickly I caught my foot in my pants and fell forward into his naked chest. “Whoa boy, I thought you were more coordinated than the average teen. Or has this suave dancer façade been nothing but an act?” “Sorry,” My mouth was dry and I couldn’t push away and turn around to try on the last pair of pants fast enough. “Just wasn’t expecting…” “What?” His voice sounded too close for my comfort, and send a shock down my spine that began stiffening my cock. “Oh, I get it. Grossed out by my flabby ass and fur.” “you forgot your bare ass in that jock,” my quip caused us both to laugh. “That’s more crack than even Lindsey Lohan could handle!” “Hurrying to finish, I dashed out before he stopped laughing and ran almost straight into the costumer. “How’d it fit?” Big enough for you?” She asked. “Big enough? You mean the pants! Yeah plenty big. All of them were just perfect.” I said trying to sound nonchalant while begging my hard on to go down. “Well you are not getting off that easy,” she said, pushing me back towards the dressing room. “go put the number one pick back on and lets see it so I can mark any alterations I need to make.” “But” “Go! And send Neal out in the grey suit if it fits okay!” and with that she opened the door and pushed me back in, right past Neal who was passing me in the very grey suit she had mentioned. “So what do you think? Too tight in the inseam?” She asked as the door shut behind me. Quick before they finished I ducked around the wall with every pair of pants she’d given me and into the rest room part of the dressing area. Tossing the pants on the counter, I dropped my shorts whipped out my cock and began stroking. Just as I was about to cum I heard the door open and Neal re-enter, with instructions to try on the tweed and come back out. Shoving my cock back in my briefs, I picked up a random pair of slacks and slid them on, fastening them with the head of my dick trapped between my abs and the waist band. “There you are!” Neal announced as he rounded the wall, the costumer close behind. “Pam was wondering if you got lost so we came looking for you. Looks like a good fit Pam, so how bout letting me and the kid change into option two?” “The waist is pulling weird,” pam said as she began towards me. “Do we need to take it out a little?” “NO!” I shouted with such gusto it stopped Pam in her tracks. “No, sorry, just wearing the wrong underwear today. It is perfect.” “Wrong underwear?” Pam turned to Neal with a puzzled look. “Yeah, kid forgot to wear a dance belt,” Neal explained while trying on another suit coat over his bare chest. “Can you please step out so I can put on the suit you keep claiming you need to see me in?” “Fine.” Pam turned the corner and went to the door. “Buncha babies can’t get dressed with a girl in the room, I’ll step outside.” “Finally,” My voice revealed a little too much of my desperation for her to leave. “She can be such a knit-picker, even after 3 fittings!” “Seriously Pete,” Neal agreed with my excuse. “Spends hours trying to make my inseam fit just right and can’t make it so my zipper will work. Can you help me out with this?” “With your zipper?” My eyes came to rest on the bulge I previously ignored, wondering if he had to wear loose slacks or sweats all the time to keep it from looking obscene. “Yeah, it is stuck half way down and I can’t get it to keep going,” He added, oblivious to my depraved gaze. “Can you get down there and see if it is caught on my shirt or something?” With a nod I took two steps and lowered myself to the ground. Hands trembling I reached out and took hold of the metal zip, tugging a few times with no luck. “Maybe if I unbutton them,” and he did just that. “Now give it a good tug.” And I did, causing the jeans to slip and pull the jockstrap down with them. Without a thought I kept pulling down but Neal caught his waist just in time to stop the impending nudity, giving me a glimpse of his dark brown straight pubes leading right up to where they meet his cock, but not quite revealing it. “Whoa there buddy,” He said as he pulled his pants back on. “I guess I know what they got caught on! Better let me fix these bad boys. Mind stepping back into the changing section so I can take these off and see what’s wrong?” “Sure,” my cock throbbed as I turned to go around the wall, catching a glimpse of his fuzz-covered ass in the mirror right before cleared the partition and found myself alone again. Listening to him curse at the zipper I walked over to his discarded sweats and lifted them to my face while my other hand undid my trousers and fished out my cock. One deep inhale and suddenly I was exploding. Streams of cum escaping my dickhead while an image of Neal in his jock filled my head. Tossing a few paper towel on the cum spots I used my feet to wipe up while slipping into the second pair of pants. Just in time, Pam burst in and Neal rounded the corner, neither one any wiser about my illicit jerk session. As I packed up to leave after final dress rehearsal a dozen or so days later, Pam spotted me and pulled me aside. Some notes had already been passed along, but she wanted to ask me privately to make sure I went out and got a dance belt before the show opened the next night. Sensing my discomfort, she recommended a specialty men’s clothing store not too far from the theatre and told me to tell them what I needed when I arrived. I explained that I didn’t have my own car these days, and she got a smile on her face. “No problem!” She began walking me towards the dressing rooms. “One of the other guys needs one too and I’m sure he could give you a ride if you need.” Unfamiliar with who was in which dressing room since moving from the rehearsal space into the actual theatre, I didn’t realize who’s door she was knocking at until it opened. “Hey Pam, Pete, what can I do for you?” My heart sank as Pam explained to Neal that I was also needing a dance belt for the show and would he mind giving me a ride there the next morning before call. “No problem, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 9.” I considered not texting him the address to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing where I lived. Not because it was some dump, because it was actually a beautiful house in the suburbs. No I didn’t want him to see it because as soon as he did he’d know that no teenage could afford living there unless it was his parent’s house. Finally I decided I’d meet him in front of the apartment complex a few blocks away, when the house phone rang and my mom picked it up. Just as I was about to press send, I heard her say “The blue house on the corner, thanks Neal, we’ll see you at 9.” “Who was that?” I shouted down to her from my room. “That was a guy from the show looking for you,” She called back, nonchalantly. “He said you both need to pick up some dance equipment before the show today and offered you a ride. Turns out he had no idea you live at home. You must be acting pretty mature at rehearsals because when I answered he asked if I was your girlfriend. Isn’t that sweet?” “What did you tell him?” I begged of her as I flew down the stairs, two at a time, screeching to a stop in front of her. “Nothing embarrassing,” she smiled and handed me my coat. “I just explained that I’m your mom and we really appreciate the ride since I have work and your dad is taking your sister to a piano lesson.” I cringed and slunk back to my room to finish getting dressed. Bad enough he now knew I am still stuck at home with my folks, but now he would probably think of me as some sort of baby-faced, mama’s boy who has to get rides from his parents and be home before curfew or something. I wondered if opening night was too late to call and quit my first professional acting gig. Just in case I could avoid him being asked in to meet everyone, I texted Neal my cell number so he could tell me when he was close. When my phone buzzed at 9, I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door before my parents could see me. Rushing down the drive I ducked under some bushes to avoid having to open the gate and ran up along side Neal’s car. “Hey bud,” He reached across and opened the door for me, patting me on the back as I slid into his ride. “Got everything you need?” “Yeah let’s go,” I smiled a fake smile and began making small talk to avoid any questions he might have about just how old I was. Pulling off the highway and into downtown was still new to me, having grown up in the suburbs, but Neal slid from lane to lane with no problems, finally parallel parking like he did it all the time (which he probably did since he worked down here full time as an actor). Hopping out, he led the way to the front door of a small, unassuming shop, tucked between a large bar and an upscale clothing boutique. My eyes took a second to adjust when he ushered me into the dimly-lit entryway. Now indoors, I was shocked to see men’s undergarments from floor to ceiling, adorning mannequins and featured on buff models in photo spreads. Neal took point again, walk past me up to the counter and hitting the bell. Almost immediately a handsome man around My Dad’s age appeared from behind a curtain and asked what he could do for us. “My friend and I are in the show opening tonight across the street,” he said with no ego. “and we both need underwear with the necessary support for us to dance in, without creating any pantylines under our costumes.” “Certainly,” The man seemed to know exactly what we meant and called into the back room for someone named David. “Let me take you to those items and then David and I will help with the fitting.” Gesturing to follow, he stepped around the desk and briskly made his way down a flight of stairs into a much bigger room, with more varieties of undies on every surface. As we passed some truly bizarre pairs, Neal grabbed one from the wall and wrapped it around his neck and feigned choking. We both laughed for a second until the clerk cleared his throat and pointed out two dressing rooms, one for each of us. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping inside and disrobing, David will be along to take some measurements in a moment and I’ll be back with some choices of styles, colors and materials.” The man turned to go before pausing and turning back. “By the way, I am Edward if you need anything.” “I guess we should get undressed,” Neal said, pulling back the curtain to his dressing area and stepping inside. I followed suit and began to slowly peel away my coat and shirt, when I realized there was something missing from this dressing room. “Hey Pete does your dressing room have any-” “Mirrors?” I completed his thought. “Not one, guess we’re supposed to use the big one out in the main area.” David appeared moments later and walked right into my dressing room. He was obviously annoyed that I still had my pants on and dropped to his knees to pull them and my briefs off. Even with the handsome 20ish muscle guy running a measuring tape around my waist, thighs, hips and up my groin, I was too nervous to get hard, thanking God that it wasn’t too cold though. After writing a few things down, David stepped back into the main area and left my curtain open, pointing to something on his clipboard and nodding when Edward pointed to something else. With that he pulled back the curtain to Neal’s area and I wished to heck they weren’t right next to each other so I could have seen if he’d stripped all the way down or only to his undies. For the next twenty minutes or so, Edward brought me pair after pair of dance belts, but much nicer than any I’d ever seen. Finally I had worn it down to two choices, a flesh tone style with high sides and a nice soft pouch, and a black silky pair with an elastic band around the cock and wider waist band to help keep it in place. “Step out and take a look.” Edward said when he slid the flesh tone pair up my legs. My nerves were diminishing and Edward’s forceful tone had me thinking of baseball and fat chicks to keep myself flaccid. Opening the curtain, I was surprised to see Neal on the platform in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but a royal blue dance belt with a drawstring around the pouch to help keep things inside. If anything, his bulge looked bigger today than it had before. “Oh shit, Pete,” Neal turned red and spun around, dashing into his dressing room. “Didn’t realize you were stepping out so soon.” “No problem Neal,” I responded laughing at his reaction. “It’s only slightly less than you were wearing the first time we changed together.” We laughed and I stepped onto the platform and marveled at how manly I looked. My muscle mass had increased quite a bit since I’d begun training for this show, and the baby fat I used to carry around my love handles and pecs was all but gone since I’d been dancing so much. I thought I looked hot, but the faces of the two clerks said otherwise. “Try the black and I will go find on more I think you should see,” Edward said as David shooed me back into the dressing room. Expecting him to leave, I was shocked as he whipped the flesh pair down to my feet and held out the black for me to slip into. This time when he got it to my groin, my nerves were forgotten and my cock began to harden, aided when he grasped the base firmly, ran his fingers under my balls and tucked the whole thing into the black pouch. Running his fingers along the sides to make sure the sides lay right, he stopped as they met, right by my sensitive butt hole. Hearing the other curtain pull aside, I could just see a glimpse of Neal’s back as David stepped out to take a look at the other customer’s choice. Unaware that he’d left the curtain open an inch, I snuck forward and peeked out to see what Neal was wearing. My cock went from tentatively hardening, to full on hard-on when I saw Neal’s massive meat encased in white cotton so thin I could see the ridge of his cock head and a vein working its way down the shaft. David gave Neal a thumb’s up and Neal returned to his room. Absent mindedly stroking my own dick in the black pair, I forgot about Edward’s return until my curtain was thrust open once more and Edward led me up onto the platform. “Not bad,” He said with no hint of disgust or intrigue. My dick was fully hard and causing the black material to poke out obscenely, even creating a wet spot where the tip was leaking precum. “But I think these will work better.” Pulling me back into the dressing room, Edward reached into my pouch and grasped my hard cock firmly, while pulling off the black belt. Not letting go until I stepped free of the black one, Edward finally held open a new pair with a wide black belt, attached to a red pouch, which was attached to two red elastic bands that each made a small loop. Looking confused, Edward showed me to put my leg into the belt first then a loop for each on until they reached the top. Once there he grasped my hard cock once more and slid it and my balls through a small hole in the first layer of fabric in the pouch, giving me tons of extra support around my crotch with nothing touching my ass. He explained that this pair had a built in c-ring for added support, but the tiny leg straps were practically invisible under clothes. Now harder than ever, he tucked my dick back up under the waist band, leaving my bulge quite full but not so obviously stiff. I felt so naked I grabbed my shirt off the floor and tucked it around me and not a moment too soon. Ripping back the curtain, Edward was pushing me out to the mirror. I was surprised to see Neal standing on the platform in a red pair that looked like briefs at the front and a thong in back. Both of stammered for something to say as I took a spot next to him, before he finally spit it out. “Seems only fair I see you bare ass,” he said slapping my butt, “since you’ve seen me that way!” I dropped my shirt a little bit giving him a glimpse at mylily white cheeks, we laughed and the clerks ushered us back to our separate rooms. Once inside I agreed with Edward that this was the best pair for me, but asked if there was one with a fly incase I needed to pee and didn’t have time to release myself from the ring in the pair I had on. Reaching out, he took the top of the pair I had on and peeled back a Velcro piece, allowing the entire front section to roll down and reattach at the bottom, leaving my cock hanging free while still through the ring. “Would you like to see anything else today?” He inquired, before unzipping his own slacks and letting them fall open to reveal a similar pair on him, but made of leather and without any cloth to cover his thick uncut 8 inches. I nodded yes and reached for his thick cock, stroking it as he returned the favor. Pressing my body against the wall by the curtain he peeled away the closest edge so I could see Neal now wearing a crisp white jockstyle belt while David stood back and judged. Looking past them I caught a reflection of my face, chest and cock, being stroked by a meaty older man’s hand and felt a thick finger pierce my ass hole and force itself in two knuckles deep and I lost control. I stifled my cry of pleasure by throwing my head into Edward’s chest and began to cum, stream after stream soaking his cotton oxford shirt and soft wool and silk pants. Simultaneously I could feel Edward’s load shoot out over my dick and thighs. Pulling his chest away, he leaned in and kissed my lips before telling me to get dressed. He looked outside the tiny room and once he was sure the coast was clear he ran off, while I got dressed and waited for Neal. We left about 5 minutes later, making our way to the main floor to pay for our purchases. When Neal asked me where mine was, I told him I decided to wear it to the show. In actuality I had been unable to find my briefs anywhere and, assuming Edward took them to wipe up with, I decided to wear them so any rogue cum drop wouldn’t leave a mark on my pants. Neal was holding his in his hand, and from what I could tell it was one of the white pairs I had seen before, but I couldn’t see which. At the desk, I paid for mine using a credit card I had no idea how I was going to pay off, but luckily Edward (now with a jacket over his shirt and tie) gave me a big discount. Neal paid next and seemed unfazed by the price, whatever it was. As we left I made sure to accidentally leave my ball cap behind, and ran back to get it, sliding my number to Edward before leaving. Opening night was a rousing success and due to some very quick changes I had to make, I was given a private dressing room right off the stage so no one ever saw my new dance belt. By the curtain call, the whole cast ready to get out of there, which meant drinks for most and calling for a ride home for me. “Gonna come out with us for a drink?” I turned at the sound of Neal’s voice. “It should be fun.” “Wish I could,” I said, walking with him toward the parking lot. Rather than further embarrass myself I figured I’d be ambiguous. “Sadly I have to get home and get some stuff done tonight, otherwise I would.” “What is so important you have to skip out on your first professional opening night?” He asked, clapping a hand around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. The heat coming off of him was almost as intoxicating as the smell of his cologne and sweat, causing me to falter before I could come up with another excuse. “Just come out and have a couple drinks and you can still be home in time for Matlock, okay Grandma?” “Sounds fun but I am not old enough to drink,” I hated admitting it, but it might give me an out. “Sorry, forgot about that.” Neal loosened his arm hold as we walked, but kept it around my shoulders, and it felt nice. “But you can still have a couple tonight if you want. We got a full bar and buffet set up at Jim’s (the director) house, and I live only a few houses down from him so you can crash at my place if you’re too drunk to drive home.” “I dunno Neal,” I wanted to go but was nervous about spending time with everyone and having nothing in common. “I really do have things to get done tonight.” “If you really need to get home tonight then you can come for an hour and then you can drive my car home,” he said, defeating my defenses. “Chances are I will walk back to my place anyway once I decide I’ve had enough. Then tomorrow you can give me a ride to the show and bring my car back.” “Really?” My mind was searching for another excuse but this way I could hang out for a little while, then get home without any one worrying, and check out where Neal and Jim lived. “Okay, but I can’t stay too long.” “I know, I know,” he smiled and walked us over to his car. “You have things to do.” Pulling up outside the house I tried my hardest to seem nonchalant, but inside I was going nuts. Here we were in one of the snootiest neighborhoods in town, pulling up to the cast party for the biggest show of the year so far, and not only was I in it, but I was walking in with the star. It never occurred to me that the party would have more than just cast, but everywhere I looked I saw the local elite. Some famous, most rich, all classy. Lucky for me, Neal was pulled away as soon as we entered, so he could schmooze some big wig producers. Meanwhile the other chorus members grabbed me and pulled me out on the patio where there was a dance floor set up and lots of waiters walking around with champagne. After a few glasses and a few dances, we all decided to check out the digs, and snuck off to see the rest of the house. The ensemble guys and girls were all older than I was, some by a few years, some by a decade, but I was having a great time, especially when one of them absconded with a bottle of expensive vodka and we all snuck into Jim’s screening room to do shots. I’d forgotten all about going home when some of the others decided to go back out and dance some more. A few of the chorus boys who were fresh out of college wanted to see the bedrooms, and asked me along so I joined them. Turns out they were only looking for dirt about Neal and why we’d been hanging out so much. I laughed it off and explained that we were carpool buddies, which put it to rest, until we came upon Neal in Jim’s study and he asked to join us. The other guys were pretty drunk (although I was not far behind) and couldn’t help themselves when they noticed Neal joking with me. “So what’s all this?” One of the guys asked us. “Pete says you’re just carpool buddies, but I heard you two went shopping together and shit.” “yeah we did,” Neal said. “So? Is it too far-fetched to think we could be friends?” “But are you only friends,” the guy slurred. “Or maybe something more?” “Yeah we’ve all heard the rumors about you,” another guy added. “and you can date as many singers and ingénues as you want, but lots of your friends seem to be young guys like us.” “Well, not to fret Gents,” Neal smiled. “I promise not to make any of you my friends. Wouldn’t want any nasty rumors floating around, now would we?” “Besides,” I jumped in, feeling defensive. “If I was sleeping with the star don’t you think I’d have a bigger part?” Everyone laughed at that, even though I was being serious. “Truth is I don’t have a car and he was nice enough to gimme a ride. End of story.” With that, they dropped the subject although I am sure they had some doubts. Truth is, I had some too. Doubts about my ability to control myself around Neal, especially after hearing he might like young dudes like me. A few hours of hanging out and dancing and suddenly the party was ending. I went to get my coat when one of the actresses who had a supporting role, Lisa, grabbed me and told me to follow her. Up some stairs and past a set of glass doors and suddenly we were on a gorgeous veranda. Seated on some comfy couches around a low, glass table were the director Jim, choreographer Steele, the leading lady Rebecca , one of the chorus guys Mark, Neal and now Lisa and me. Taking a seat by Mark, I asked him what was going on, but he just shrugged and told me to “go with the flow.” Pretending like I wasn’t totally out of my league, I listened to the conversation and sipped on a cocktail handed to me by Jim before he went to retrieve something he referred to as “party favors.” Immediately I recognized the smell coming from his pipe as weed, having grown up with a hippy grandma. I’d only tried it once before, but when the pipe was passed to me I took a bigger hit than I should have and almost choked to death. Everyone got a kick out of it, but I wasn’t embarrassed since Lisa and Steele both did the same thing. Pretty soon we’d finished a couple bowls and I was melting into the sofa. Lost in thoughts of how hot Neal and Mark and Steele were, I didn’t hear when Jim asked me a question. “I said: what do you think of your first show?” He asked again. “Seems good to me.” I said, causing another round of laughs. “Got nothing to compare it to.” “Good point,” Mark said, moving in closer and patting me on the knee, before leaving his hard there to rub from my knee up and down my thigh. “Maybe I should ask you what YOU think of MY first show?” I said, feeling very deep. “I’d say you are doing an amazing job,” Steele interjected. Tall tan and ripped I found Steele to be hotter than hot and was flattered by his statement. “You’re keeping up with dudes who’ve been doing this for years and you’re only in high school.” “No shit!” Lisa piped in. “You’re in high school? I knew you looked young but damn man that’s impressive.” “I’m not in high school, I graduated early.” I tried to argue the point but it was futile. “It’s not like I’m 12 or anything.” “No one is saying that,” Rebecca, always the mature voice, chimed in. “We are just impressed at what you can do at this age. Just think about all the things you will accomplish before you’re 21.” “Yeah plus he is fucking ripped,” Neal’s comment made my dick jump despite the booze and pot flowing through me. “Dude’s got killer abs and a butt that makes sales clerks get hard ons.” “Please,” My mouth responded before my brain could catch up. “if anyone made that guy hard, it was you!” Realizing what I said, I turned bright red and tried to morph into the same color as the couch. The crowd took no notice of it and continued chatting about my looks and Neal’s, expanding from there into the rest of the cast. 20 minutes passed when Rebecca decided to call it a night and Steele, Mark and Lisa were heatedly discussing who was the hottest guy in the show. Jim walked Rebecca out while Lisa made her argument for the guy playing her love interest. “Sure he is cute,” Steele interjected. “But he is nowhere near as ripped as either of the two boys sitting on the couch.” “Thank you Steele!” Mark responded. “I’d argue that it comes down to either me, Greg (the dance captain) or Peter here. Who do you think is hottest?” “You,” I said, my eyes locking with Neal’s. Mark didn’t see that and assumed I meant him, and leaned over and kissed me before I could stop him. As stoned as I was I just giggled and covered my face with my hands, all while Mark’s hand had moved to my inner thigh and up closer to my crotch. “If you’re so hot,” Jim said, reappearing through the glass doors with another pipe in his hands. “then prove it Mark. Give us a show.” This was met with applause from Lisa, Steele, Neal and eventually, me. Once I joined in, he agreed, but told us he needed some place with better lighting. So the party moved inside to the upstairs tv room. While Mark went through Jim’s giant collection of mp4s on the house stereo system, Jim loaded a different looking bowl and took a hit before handing it to Steele and Lisa. When it got to me, I looked at it with no idea what it was before giving in and asking. “It’s tina.” Jim replied, still not making any sense to me. “Ya know, crystal?” I still wasn’t 100% sure and decided I was too fucked up as it was and passed it along to Mark who was once again seated next to me. Mark took a big hit from the pipe and then stood up and took off his shirt, revealing tight abs, firm pecs and an entirely unblemished torso except for an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He moved to the stereo to continue selecting while Lisa and Steele teased him about his tattoo. Before I realized it, the pipe had come back around but now Neal was sitting beside me, smiling and holding the pipe. “Give it a try Pete,” He whispered while the others paid no attention. “It feels really good.” “I am too fucked up already,” I argued, but leaned in closer to share in the whispering. “if I get any higher I’ll forget myself entirely.” “You talk like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes forgetting yourself is the only way to find what you really need.” He said while coming so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Just let me light it for you and take a hit. I promise it won’t make you feel bad, it might even make you feel better.” Looking at his strong chiseled face, I lost control. Clicking and sparking, the lighter burst into a small flame which Neal held to the bottom of the bowl. Clouds of white mist formed and swirled in the round end of the pipe. Neal nodded and I leaned forward and began to suck in the sour, white smoke. “Blow it in my mouth,” Neal instructed. We both leaned in and my lips grazed his as they opened, blowing the smoke into his mouth until I ran out, then pressing into his for a kiss. Pulling away I felt my world get brighter, and my mind get less foggy. While Neal took a hit, I started to remember where we were and what was happening. Suddenly his lips were on mine again and I was taking a shot gun from him, followed by a longer kiss, including a teasing with our tongues. Standing, he walked the pipe to Jim, who seemed to be torn between watching us and the other three. Looking over to see what they were up to, I wondered when I missed mark stripping down to his yellow and green bikini briefs, and when had Lisa and Steele both become topless. I laughed when Lisa made a joke about Mark’s dancing, which suddenly reminded him I was there. Bringing me the pipe, he straddled my legs and took my hand and placed it on his abs. Hitting it himself while I felt his ripped stomach, he took his time before tentatively trying to hand it to me. Neal was back next to me now, and told me to hold it to my lips while Mark lit it. I did what he asked and got an even bigger hit this time, which Mark tried to bend over and suck from my lips, but lost his balance and had to slide off of me onto the couch cushion instead. “Show us what you got Mark!” Lisa called out, now sitting on Steele’s lap, with Jim behind them, taking turns feeling her breasts and his chest. Never one to give up on a challenge, Mark pulled Neal and I over onto the loveseat next to the other three and turned on some music. Unfamiliar with the song, all I could tell you is it consisted of some pop star begging for someone to do things to her, with a very repetitive beat and overpowering baseline. He had some impressive moves, but he seemed to be trying really hard to turn me on by acting feminine, and all it did was turn me off. After a few minutes, Steele pushed Lisa off his lap and wanted to show Mark “how it’s done.” Switching over to the first techno-ish house music he could find he proved what an amazing athlete he is with all sorts of gymnastic moves, while stripping down to a black and gold pair of thong style undies. Even more cut than Mark, Steele was also much manlier and had no problem getting me hard in my pants. Steele tried passing it on to Jim, but he was too busy with his hand down Lisa’s skirt and Marks tongue playing with Jim’s dick through the material of his baggy boxer shorts. “Peter,” Jim said. “Show us what you got.” “Yeah Pete,” Neal said quietly. “I want to see what you got without a shirt in the way.” Taking a hit from the pipe, I felt bold, so I stood up, walked to the stereo and hunted for something to dance to. Originally thinking of something modern I stopped when “feelin’ good” by Sinatra popped up. As the opening strains began I turned around and slowly undid my shirt until it fell at my feet. Sliding in on and around the others on the loveseats, I somehow had them all watching me, frozen and focused entirely on my pants as I stepped onto the coffee table and worked them down my thighs, pulling a blanket off an armchair and using that to slowly uncover more and more of me until the climactic key change where I dropped the blanket. Left only in my special new undies, I twisted and turned and worked my way over to Neal, letting him reach out and brush fingers over my firm smooth butt and around over my cloth covered cock and balls. Just when I could tell all five were buzzing for me to finish I undid the Velcro and rolled down my pouch, until my hard 7 and a half inch dick popped against my abs, drooling precum down onto the floor. “Definitely the hottest,” Mark said before Jim shoved his mouth back down onto his now exposed dick. “Fuck yeah school boy,” Steele added while sliding his dick out of his thong and rubbing it over Lisa’s pussy. “I’m gonna get some of that ass tonight!” “Jim, where is the tina I brought over earlier?” Neal stopped me as I moved to join them on the couch. “In my room in the bedside table,” Jim said between moans as he face fucked Mark and felt up Steele’s ass as it slammed into Lisa’s cunt. “Pete and I are gonna go get it.” Pulling me behind him, Neal dragged me out of the tv room, down the hall and into a large bedroom, adorned with dark wood walls and a huge bed. Sitting me on the bed, Neal pulled open the bedside drawer and brought out another pipe, a bag full of crystals and a small torch. He loaded it, handed it to me and explained how to melt it, then started to hurriedly strip. When I finally got it melted and took a hit, I looked back at him just as he slid his jeans off. All he was wearing now was my briefs from that morning, and they were stretched to the maximum. Handing him the pipe, I worked to get his cock and balls through the fly while he smoked. Finally freed, his cock stood at least two inches longer than mine and was thicker than a peppermill. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” I wanted to lie as I always had and say no when he asked, but instead I just nodded yes. “I can tell. Only a virgin could see that cock and still be laying there.” “Your only job right now is to hit this,” he said, indicating the pipe he was handing me, then dropping to his knees, spreading my legs and munching my ass cheeks. I moaned and took a big hit and moaned and took another hit, and moaned and went on until I was writhing in ecstacy. Once I could take no more, Neal pounced on top of me and told me to get my hands on his cock. While I stroked it, he reached behind me and worked a shard of tina up inside me. “That burns,” I whined and wriggled as he worked some lube into my ass with it. “Good,” Neal smiled and pumped his meat into my fists. “I want to be sure you know that my dick is not meant for little boys like you. You need to feel some pain so you can understand that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. This is your last chance to say no, back down, and go back in there and try one of those average size dicks. Once you agree to stay, I will take that cherry and there will be no going back, understand me?” For a second I stopped and wondered if I was really able to do this? All I could see when I looked at my hands was a dick that I could just barely get my fingers around, long enough to fit through both and still leave a few inches uncovered, and it scared me. But then I glanced up and my eyes caught Neal’s gaze and I remembered how it felt being with him, what he was risking by being with me, and what it felt like with his hand on my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.” With that declaration, he tucked my legs back behind my shoulders and poured some lube on his cock. Pulling a small bottle off the side table, he unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose and inhaled. Moving it to my nose, I followed his lead and held it in. My head started swimming and I saw stars as his cock head moved in and pushed against my tight sphincter. In only seconds, but what felt like hours, it breached the hole and sunk inch by inch until slowly, and surely he worked it balls deep. I was in horrible pain, but I had nowhere to run. Hanging on for dear life, he began pulling out and pushing back in, fucking me in ernest, until we were up to a good clip. My eyes were screwed shut until I felt him lean in and kiss me, awakening me to his presence. Suddenly I relaxed a little and his cock managed to go deeper, pressing something so deep inside me that I felt orgasms exploding from every finger tip, eyelash and arm hair. Each sensation was 1000 stronger than my best jerk off session, and I forgot all about the pain just as he reached full speed. “Fuck Pete you’re so….tight…fuck!” Neal growled to me while working himself into a frenzy. I could feel my own balls contracting and knew he was getting close to. Pulling him down against me, his hairy abs stroked my smooth cock and almost hairless cock until I couldn’t hold back and screamed out. “You’re making me cum!!!” My dick exploded, coating us in teen semen, which pushed Neal over the edge. “I’m making you a man! Here it is boy, your last innocent moment. Now you are nothing but a sow to be bred by every bull that can seed you. I’m cumming!” His dick swelled so big that it somehow passed its previous record and unloaded a gallon of cum past my body and into my spirit. As high as I was, I still felt the exact moment his man seed spilled into my soul and made me crave cum for ever after. We laid on the bed, locked together for awhile after that, until my ass began to seek more cum and started to milk his dick again. That was only the first part of a night of surrendering to seeking seed, of a year of discovering my desire for deep deposits, and a lifetime of accepting my addition for any and all anal.
    2 points
  23. From a pure breeder, top loading a bottom perspective, flushing out the load you just have been given is a bit of a put-off, no matter what. From a bottom's perspective, things start to get a bit more nuanced and there are many reasons why a bottom would do that, such as: a big load and a loose hole gives way to leaks which if you are the travelling bottom may want to give it a second thought before venturing out in public with a leaky stain on your pants; or, some bottoms are getting bred but not on PrEP and they think that by pushing out the cum , they minimise the risks. And whilst personally I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, I think that there are more discreet ways of pushing out the load without being obnoxiously obvious to the top that just bred you. Of course, everyone's body is their own and I am a big advocate of "your body, your rules". However, if you need / want / have to / must flush out the load, do it in a more sensible way. You can be discreet about it, you can invent a fetish, or you can even tell a nice lie that you are going shopping and don't want to be embarassed by the leaky pants. I for one am not happy if I see the bottom squirting out my load right away. Felching is a different thing and that's of course is absolutely acceptable in my books. The bottoms who flush out my babies right after I bred them are not getting a second load. Sorry boyz. And to the tops who breed me: your babies are safe with me 😉
    2 points
  24. When I first discovered gay sex I bottomed for the first couple years. I always tried to hold it in so it would absorb into my body. Sometimes after a good long fucking cum would slowly leak out into my underwear on my way home. As a top I really appreciate it when a bottom doesn't clean himself up and retains my cum. Letting cum soak in and sperm cells penetrate into your blood stream makes you even more gay. That is a good way to be.
    2 points
  25. Chapter 2: End of the Line “End of the line, kid.” The big, beefy trucker’s voice had a deep growl but there was still the twinkle in his eye as Richard grabbed his backpack and opened the door. One last grope from that big paw, squeezing his ass, and Richard slid out the door and jumped down, thanking his host and closing the door. It had been a fun and eye-opening way of crossing the country from Nowheresville in the Great Lakes region to the booming metropolis of Los Angeles. It was the culmination of a process that he been playing out ever since that fateful Christmas party had changed his life for good. Life at home had never been the same after that night. His father, after the initial shock, seemed prepared to accept this new aspect of his son’s personality. His mother was another matter altogether. She had shifted her ground again and again, trying all kinds of tactics on him -- to no avail. “How could you do this to me and my sister – carrying on like that right at a family Christmas party in my own home???” Fountains of tears accompanied that one. “It’s just a phase you’re going through. You’ll get over it and live a nice, normal life.” This in a tone much like marching orders. “To think that my own son, my nephew, and my brother, would all decide that they want to be perverts and do things like – well, whatever weird, sick, dirty things you were doing up there.” Indignation mixed and mingled uneasily with sheer nosy curiosity in that speech. She’d also taken to dropping broad hints about mental health, seeing the doctor, and maybe trying one of these “new therapies” where they “fix people like you who’ve gone off track.” She’d stolen his condoms, and then replaced them by slipping pamphlets about horrible diseases into his pockets after doing the laundry. One was even a classic old 1980s Christian leaflet about the new “gay plague,” AIDS. Despite his lack of practical experience, Richard knew a thing or two more up-to-date than his mother, and he wondered where she’d found that museum piece. He also laughed with more than a hint of irony at her stupidity in taking the condoms away if she was really worried about him contracting HIV. Richard was unusually patient for a teenager, a characteristic he’d inherited from his father, and he was prepared to play a long game and wait out his mother’s persistent attempts to remake him. Next, she gave him the silent treatment. For weeks on end, she said just as little to her son as she could get away with. When he spoke, she acted as if she hadn’t heard him. Nor was Richard’s father getting much more out of her – at least, he wasn’t getting any kind of positivity. All her care and love and attention was now being lavished on her “girls,” her two little West Highland terrier pups. She talked a blue streak to them, cuddling them, showering them with all the full blast of her maternal devotion, while her husband and son remained frozen out. Richard simply carried on with school work and his intramural sports, not to mention joining the cheering section for the water polo team’s games, hung out with his friends in evenings and weekends, and did his best to ignore everything negative that his mother threw at him. Not altogether to Richard’s surprise, it was his father who ran out of patience first. When he remonstrated with his wife and suggested that she back off and let her son live his own life, she had fired right back, accusing him of being a closet fag lover himself, and telling him that she at least knew what was right and she wasn’t going to let these rotten-to-the-core queers take over the planet or corrupt her son, thank you very much. And with that, the war was on. The battles raged far into the night, night after night, for well over two weeks. Richard had never heard his parents fighting as bitterly as this before. Their war of words served only to harden the resolve that was forming in his head. Finally, one evening in late May, he snapped. He pulled together a few things, tossed them into his backpack, and then went down to his parents as they argued in the living room. His mother’s mouth closed with a rat-trap snap and a click of the teeth. His father looked for an instant, and then spotted the backpack and looked somewhat harder. “Where are you off to at this hour?” “I’m leaving.” “And?” “I’m leaving and I’m not coming back. Ever.” “You’re not serious, son.” “I am. What is there left for me in this house? My mother hates the person I am, and my father fights with her nonstop about it. At least, if I’m out of the picture, then maybe you two can get your act together and save what’s left of your marriage.” His mother actually spoke directly to him, for the first time in almost two months. “You’ve got some nerve, talking to your own mother and father like that….” “You’ve talked enough, Mom. Now, you listen to me, and listen carefully. Your son, Richard, is gay. G. A. Y. Gay. It’s not a choice. It’s not something that was done to him. It’s a fact. I knew it long before that Christmas party. It’s a fact, and it’s not changing. All your struggles to try to change me “back,” as you think of it, have led only to you losing me – and it’s your fault, no one else’s fault but yours.” Then he turned to his father. “Thank you, Dad – for trying. I don’t hold you to blame for what’s happened.” His father stood up and hugged Richard one last time. His mother sat in shock, her mouth hanging open, as he walked to the door and opened it. “Goodbye.” As he stepped through, his mother called out, “Richard!” in a beseeching tone. He kept on going. Behind him, the fight erupted again as she broke out at his father. “Well, don’t just stand there, Carl, go and get him and bring him back!” “For what? So you can keep on harassing him? No. He’s got a right to live his life in his way. I don’t like this choice that he’s made, but he’ll live with it. Face the facts, Martie. You’ve made a royal mess of this, you’ve driven your only child out of the house, and with that, you’ve lost – completely. And you’ll have to live with it, just as Richard will.” Predictably, she cried. Richard kept right on walking as the strident voices and over-dramatic sobs faded on the night air behind him. A half hour later, out on the highway, his thumb got results and a passing driver picked him up to drive him to the big city. Nowheresville wasn’t really the big time, of course – actually a small city of some 15,000 people, about thirty miles from the little village of East Mudhole where he’d grown up. No, those weren’t the communities’ real names, but they were the labels Richard always hung on those regrettable facts of his past whenever he was asked in later years. At first, street life wasn’t too bad. He’d gotten to know some of the other street people and met some of the charity workers who went about, helping as they could. He was lucky, too, that the weather had warmed up early and was staying warm. Unlike some of the street kids, he wasn’t nursing an addiction, and that made it easier to keep a small cash flow in his pocket at all times. From some of the other street folk he’d learned about the truck stop at the edge of the city, just off the Interstate. He’d gotten in the habit of heading over to the truck stop for a shower and a go at the cheap and generous buffet every week or so. It was a workable life, but in a few more months the year was wearing on and the weather was cooling down again. Soon the snow squalls would begin to fly. How he was going to survive then, he couldn’t imagine. All he knew was that he’d be damned before he’d slink back home with his tail between his legs. His visits to the truck stop gave him ample scope to check out the variety of truckers passing through. Some were pretty nondescript, but some were the kind of big, husky older guys who really revved his motor. He knew what he wanted, but he hadn’t managed to figure out how to land it. That all changed the night he asked a big-muscled redheaded trucker if he had any spare change, and the guy had offered to buy him a meal and let him share the truck’s sleeper for the night. When the trucker took him inside for a shower and some food first, “before we go to sleep,” he’d asked Richard the big question. “How old are you, kid?” Richard had instinctively rolled and flexed his butt. “Does it matter?” “Well...” “I’ll be eighteen in less than a month. Is that close enough?” “It’ll do.” Three of the five shower cubicles were free, but the big guy pulled Richard with him into the first one he came to. Richard got his first lesson in sucking dick in that shower. The man’s tool was a decent size, not gigantic, but uncut and tasty. The big redhead had been patient with Richard’s teeth once Richard told him that he was a total virgin, every way you could imagine. The trucker’s dick jumped with excitement when he heard that, and he carefully explained and demonstrated the fundamentals to Richard. After he’d blown a load down the kid’s throat (and it didn’t take long), they finished cleaning themselves, dried off, got dressed, and then went through to the buffet and got some food. While they were standing in the buffet line, Richard was getting thoroughly used to the taste of the cum in his mouth. During that meal, Mitch had gotten to know a thing or two about this young blond guy and realized that he wasn’t really a typical street kid at all but a man who needed to get off the streets. By the time they’d finished their meal, Mitch had figured out that what Richard needed most of all was to get to a big city where there’d be some decent gay life to fit himself into. He told Richard that he was on a weird, multi-stop itinerary across the country -- and it would take a week, but they would end up in Los Angeles. “Can I come? I mean, come with you to L.A.?” Mitch chuckled at the way Richard emphasized the pun. An hour later, they were in the truck’s cramped bunk together. It was a little too crowded to make ass-eating easy, but Mitch kept wetting his fingers and then pushing and flexing them into Richard’s hole to loosen it up. As he played with Richard’s ass, his voice kept rumbling quietly into Richard’s ear. “Relax, kid, just relax – let your muscles go slack. Just enjoy the feeling.” And Richard was enjoying the feeling of those fingers twisting and flexing inside him. But he also loved the feeling of this big muscular man spooning his body, kissing his shoulder and his ear, and rubbing his big tool up against the plump ass cheeks. At last, Mitch said, “Okay, think you’re ready now.” He extracted his hand, placed the blunt tip of his cockhead against Richard’s hole, and began to push. It was a struggle. Richard wanted it, he wanted to feel Mitch deep inside him, but his virgin hole had other ideas. It took a minute or so, and then Mitch leaned harder – and the head popped inside. Just as he did that, he also clamped his hand over Richard’s mouth. Good thing, too. The sudden flash of pain caused Richard to yell aloud, although only a muffled “MMMMPHH!” came through Mitch’s big meaty paw. Mitch held his cock steady there, just inside the ring, as he growled to “Relax, boy. Breathe. Breathe deep. And hang on. No way for the first time not to hurt.” In a few minutes, Richard’s hole finally began to loosen, and Mitch slid a bit farther in. It took a while longer, but eventually he was able to tell Richard, “It’s all the way in you, now. You’ve taken the whole length of your first man cock.” In a few more minutes, Mitch – still waiting patiently – felt Richard’s hole begin to actually work on his dick, to flex around it, to start chewing on it a bit. It was all the signal he needed. “Okay, kid, time to fuck ass.” With that, he started sliding out until only the head was clenched inside Richard’s tight ring, and then slide back in, all the way down into his body again. Each slide after that got a little easier and a little smoother. Richard began moaning as this man’s big cock slowly opened up his hole and taught him how a man’s cock could send his ass to heaven and back, over and over. “Oh, god!” Richard finally spoke. “It hurts, but it’s so damn good. Keep going!” “Okay, but I’m not stopping until I’m done.” With that, Mitch really notched up the speed of his plowing into Richard’s butt. After a minute, he grasped Richard’s shoulders and then rolled until he was lying on top of Richard’s back, his hard body moulded to the younger guy’s back and butt, and his cock still deep inside that hot boy butt and moving faster and faster. The slapping sounds of hips against ass echoed in the cubicle, and Richard began chanting as Mitch’s fucking headed for fever pitch. “Oh, fuck, yeah. Don’t stop. Fucking drill me open. Give me all that cock. Give it to me.” And Mitch growled into his ear in reply, “I’m gonna cum. You want me to cum inside you?” “Fuck, yeah. I want it all. Fucking shoot your cum into my ass.” That was all it took. Mitch let out a guttural cry as he slammed deep into Richard, holding it there while his cock flexed like a mad thing and flooded Richard’s ass with his sperm. Richard could feel his hole warming up and knew why it was happening. His first ass load, and from this awesome muscle hunk of a trucker. He felt happier than a pig in shit, knowing that Mitch’s seed was swimming around inside him. At last, Mitch began to go soft and slowly eased out of Richard’s no-longer-virgin ass. His cockhead came out with an audible “pop”. Richard moaned as he felt the sperm slowly leaking out of his hole. At last, the muscle tightened up, and Richard then reached back and swiped the cum off his ass and taint, bringing it up to his mouth to taste it. The taste made him even more horny, and he reached down to his own rigid cock, jerked it rapidly a dozen times, and spurted out a big load of cum. That soon found its way into his mouth as well, and he had now learned that cum from different guys doesn’t all taste the same. “Wow. What a day!” Mitch chuckled as Richard sighed in contentment. He wrapped his arm around the young blond, pulling him back into his chest and then caressing his body gently while kissing his ear and neck. Then, when he heard Richard’s breathing go slow and steady, he pulled the covers up over both of them and let himself fall asleep. In the morning, they filled up at the breakfast buffet and then climbed back into the big rig and hit the road. Once the doors were closed, Richard slid his jeans and briefs off and sat in the passenger seat, naked from the waist down. Mitch didn’t complain. Whenever the traffic got lighter, he was happy to slide his big paw over and start playing with Richard’s cock or fingering his ass. When Richard wanted to return the favour and suck Mitch’s cock while he was driving, Mitch stopped him. “Definitely not safe,” he growled. “Years ago I rolled a rig when a hitchhiker did that to me and I lost control.” Instead, Richard gave him a quick blowjob in the restroom at a truck stop when they took a lunch break. Mitch fucked and bred Richard half a dozen more times during that multi-stop cross-country drive. The best one, for both of them, was the night that Mitch booked into a motel outside Albuquerque. “Always nice to get a long relaxing shower and a good night’s sleep in a real bed,” he said laconically. Once they’d both cleaned up, and turned down the covers, Richard quickly found that he had to agree. There was so much more freedom to move in a proper bedroom than in the tiny little doghouse behind the truck cab. They enjoyed another long shower together. After drying themselves off, they turned down the covers and lay down together on the king-sized bed. Mitch had his arms around Richard, embracing and stroking him as they kissed each other for several minutes. For the moment, they ignored their duelling cocks, both rock-hard. Richard couldn’t help thinking that it felt as if Mitch was making love to him, but he knew that was ludicrous. There was no way Mitch was falling in love. That’s when Richard realized how lucky he’d been. This whole initiation into the world of man-to-man sex had come to him at the hands of a man who cared enough to make sure it was a good experience for his novice partner. Just as Richard realized that, Mitch moved down and started tonguing and sucking on Richard’s cock, playing with the head between his lips and tongue, and then swallowing it down into his throat. After a minute or so, he swung his body around so that his cock was staring Richard right in the face. Richard got the message right away and began to copy everything Mitch was doing to his tool – and just like that, he found himself in his first 69, realizing for the first time why it was called that. The sensations of the two guys sucking each other at the same time were incredible, of course, but Richard really wanted to try to experience Mitch’s cock in a whole different way inside his ass. He reared up, swivelled around, and began to position himself so that he could sit down on Mitch’s erection. Mitch tossed him a bottle of lube, and he prepared his hole, then slowly pressed it down onto that uncut meat. His hole now popped open easily, and Mitch entered him as he sat on down, slowly taking that entire cock deep inside his body. He sat there, swivelling around on this man’s cock, feeling it stirring all parts of his hole into life. Then Mitch urged him on. “Ride me now, boy!” Richard began sliding up and down on top of Mitch’s cock, pulling up until the head was only just trapped inside him, and then sitting right down on it again. Up. Down. Up. Down. Mitch moaned loudly as Richard had now gained a bit of control over the way his muscles stroked a big cock in his hole. But now Mitch wanted more control, and he pulled out from under Richard, then scrambled to his feet and pushed Richard down onto the bed. Rolling the boy over onto his back, he grasped Richard’s legs and lifted them straight up into the air, his feet resting up against Mitch’s shoulders and his whole weight supported on his own shoulders, with his hips well up in the air. Mitch straddled him, and then thrust in, straight down into Richard’s hole as Richard gasped from the suddenness of the entry. Down. Up. Down. Up. It was like the reverse of the previous action, but now the fucking motions were a lot more forceful, and Richard realized that Mitch was getting close. He began to urge Mitch on. “Fuck me, man! I want you to give it me hard and fill me up with your load!” “Oh, yeah! Gonna fucking pound your sweet ass and pour my seed into you.” True to his word, Mitch speeded up his piston motions even more, pounding straight down into Richard’s hole until Richard could barely take any more. But then the pumping got more irregular, Mitch’s breath came in harsh gasps, and Richard knew that he was about to get bred again! “Yeah! Give it now! Give me that hot load! Fuck me!” Mitch groaned aloud, slammed down into Richard, and held it there as his load pulsed and pumped into the boyhole under him. When he pulled out, he bent down and planted his mouth over Richard’s ass, sucking forcefully to draw his own cum up and out of the hole and into his mouth. At last he calmed down and pulled away, slapping Richard’s ass lightly as a signal that he could relax. Richard flopped down onto the bed, gasping for air, and Mitch fell beside him, then kissed him in a snowball, sharing his own cum with his boytoy. Richard fell away, spread-eagled on his back, and finally gasped out, “Wow! What a fuck! I feel like I could sleep for a week after that!” “Is that what you think, kid? I didn’t pay for a motel room to just get one turn at your ass. Ever hear of sloppy seconds?” Richard shook his head. “Well, I sucked most of my load out of you, but some of it’s still in there and it’s a great feeling to go back inside an ass – or a woman’s pussy, for that matter – when someone’s sperm is still swimming around in there. And that’s what I’m going to do.” Richard groaned. “I don’t know if I can take any more tonight.” “Sure you can. And you’ll thank me later because, where you’re headed for, there are all kinds of hot guys who aren’t letting you go with just one fuck. Better practise now while you can!” They both laughed at that, but Mitch evidently meant business. After a quiet intermission of some twenty minutes, with the two fondling and stroking each other, Mitch’s cock began to fill for another round. Richard eagerly dived down to suck it into full erection, finding that his protests had evaporated, and he couldn’t wait to get Mitch back inside his body again. This time, Mitch pushed Richard down on his back, lifting his legs in the air on either side of his own body. He let Richard rest his legs on his own back while he bent down and ate ass again, getting the hot boyhole cooled off and ready for more action. When Richard’s hole was ready, Mitch slid forward, easing the younger guy’s legs back over his shoulders, and then slid easily into his ass. This brought him face to face with Richard, and they began kissing each other again, as Mitch moved slowly and smoothly in and out of Richard’s ass. It was Richard’s first time in the missionary position. After a few minutes of this slow and gentle fucking and kissing, Mitch reared up and began to pound deeper into Richard, deeper and harder, slamming down against Richard’s upturned hips with repeated loud slaps. Richard was moaning and crying, not in pain but in ecstasy, as Mitch moved even faster, drawing closer to the moment of truth. “Fuck, yeah! Breed me!” That exclamation pulled the trigger and Mitch erupted forcefully into Richard’s body, the sperm squeezing out of the hole around his cock while he was still spurting. Richard groaned loudly, grabbed his own cock and began jerking it furiously, being reward after twenty seconds with a fountain of cum that sprayed all over his face and body. Finally, Mitch’s strength gave out and he pulled gently free from Richard’s sweaty body, then lay down alongside him. They put their arms around each other, stroking each other gently as they drifted slowly into a profound sleep of satisfaction and exhaustion. On the final morning of the long trip, approaching Los Angeles at last, both of them were silent while they entered the outskirts of the big, sprawling metropolis. As they’d rolled through the city towards the main railway station, Mitch had worked a hand under Richard’s exposed butt, teasing the now-experienced hole with his finger. “Damn. I’m going to miss that sweet little ass, kid. But this is it. You have to get out before I go into the terminal. And after I get this rig unloaded, I gotta head back home to the wife and kids.” “Hey, Mitch. Thanks for everything.” “No probs, kid. Pull your pants up before you get out. Good luck to you.” “And to you.” Just as Richard said that, the big rig slowed to a halt. And Mitch growled, “End of the line, kid.” Richard hopped down. He was surprised at how heavy his backpack felt – and then remembered that Mitch had taken him to a thrift store in Tucson and bought some clothes for him. Nothing fancy, but enough to go on with for a while. He’d also slipped some twenties into Richard’s pocket, “just to help you get started.” Now what? He hauled out a bit of paper on which he’d written a name and an address. Mitch had searched it out on a computer at the motel where they’d stayed in New Mexico. He knew it wasn’t far, but he had to figure out which way to go. He went into the station, found a big wall map of the city, and located the right street for his destination – a social help agency for LGBTQ street kids. That was him. He’d gotten a short interview with a worker at the agency and was given some useful leads on jobs that he could land at the age of 17. Then she directed him to a queer-friendly hostel where he could stay for a while. When he opened his backpack that night in the hostel, he’d found a note tucked between the new shirts. Hey, kid, it’s been fun. Glad to help you out. When you get a chance, pay it forward. He’d landed a job right away, as a dishwasher in a small café not far from the main drag of WeHo. Richard impressed the owner with his energy and bright, smiling demeanour and soon the youngster found himself reassigned to be a busboy out front. That suited Richard just fine. It was a great way to meet people. The kind of people he wanted to meet. Men people. Now that he was in the front of the café, he had a chance to meet some of his co-workers. The one who caught his eye quickest was the bartender, Terry. Like Richard, he had a big flop of hair over his forehead and sparkling blue eyes – although his hair was light brown to Richard’s pure blond. Unlike Richard, he was tall and lean, and had a strong air of assurance about him – the air of a man who knew himself and his place in the world. What intrigued Richard most about Terry was his habit of coming out from behind the bar to chat up three or four of the regular customers. Always the same handful, and they were all guys who arrived alone and left alone. All of them looked to be in their forties or fifties. Between those visitors, Richard used to watch Terry and indulge in daydreams about the decent-sized lump in the front of his tight black pants. He knew that it wasn’t just his imagination when that lump would get bigger after he’d had one of his little private talks with one of his favourite customers. Richard was intrigued. Terry was sexy in his own right, but it looked as if he had a thing for older guys. Just as Richard did. Sooner or later, it had to happen. After about a week and a half, Roxana (the regular evening server) had to leave early, and Terry and Richard were the only ones left to clean up and close. Once the last customers had left, they locked the door and got down to work. That is to say, Richard got down to work, dropping to his knees and fishing out Terry’s cock to suck, while Terry got right down to business with asking questions and figuring out what made this kid tick. Over the next half hour, Richard’s story slowly emerged in pieces, between slurps on Terry’s meat, with the rest coming out after Terry had finished fucking him and cumming inside his hole. Richard was learning some more about how to relax his muscles and accept the intruder – the hard way, because Terry was both longer and thicker than Mitch. Terry was a masterful fucker, and that was the night that Richard discovered the value of his prostate when a top knew how to hit it. It was also the first time he found himself cumming while being fucked, and hands free at that. After Terry finished breeding him, he laid out his entire story in a more coherent way, beginning with the home life which he couldn’t wait to escape, and ending with his current situation – living in the hostel, eating small and terrible meals, his best food of the day always being his break meal at the café, and the slow but steady way he was running through his emergency reserve of money from his savings account and Mitch’s gift of some twenty-dollar bills. Terry had an answer for him. “Listen, kid, you have to smarten up fast or you’ll be forced to leave the city. Nothing’s cheap here, and nothing comes cheap or easy in this town – except ass. You’ve got a cute one going on back there, but you have to make it work for you instead of just letting it hang around all day waiting for you to sit on it and make it feel needed.” “You mean becoming a whore?” “Right away, kid, get something straight. It’s called an escort. And no, that’s not what I mean. You’d end up in the clutches of some gangster pimp for sure, and those guys play for keeps. No, I mean that you need to get yourself a daddy.” “Fuck that. I just shook free from my parents three months ago, I don’t need another one.” “Oh, for fuck’s sake! That’s not what I meant! I mean we need to get you connected with an older man who will pay the bills and give you a decent place to live, away from that bare-bones hostel. You just have to become his boy and give him sex whenever he wants. It’s a fair trade-off, as long as you get one who treats you decently.” Richard’s head was spinning a bit at the idea, but he could see the obvious benefit of becoming a kept boy. His wallet could see it even more clearly. “So, Terry, is that the story with you and those guys you’re always talking to whenever they come in?” “Yeah, it is – or it has been. I’ve lived with each of them at one time or another. There are other guys like them around here – too old to compete for the younger guys on their looks, but pretty well off and willing to flash some bills around to make it happen. The bonus is that they’re mostly a lot more experienced in bed than the young hotshots. You get a good one, you can be sure you’re gonna have a good time between the sheets. The easiest ones to land are the ones who want hot, young stud dick in their holes. That’s what happens when I see those guys. They want me to fuck them and breed them, and that’s what I do. Play your cards right, you’re on your way in no time.” “What cards?” “Good point. You’ve really got nothing except your looks. Apart from a week with one trucker, you’re a total novice. So let’s talk about what you have got. By the way, how old are you?” “Turned eighteen last month.” “And how big is your dick when it’s hard?” “I don’t know, I’ve never measured it.” “Let’s find out.” With that, Terry expertly fastened his hand onto Richard’s bulge and began to knead it and stroke it. He guessed, rightly, that novice Richard would spring to a full erection in almost no time flat. When it was poking straight ahead in his uniform pants, he said, “Okay, drop trou. We’re gonna measure you.” Terry whipped out a small ruler which he kept behind the bar for those odd moments in life when you find that you need a ruler and can’t remember where you last put it. “Six and a half inches. It’s decent but nothing to raise any eyebrows around WeHo. Didn’t you tell me that your trucker buddy only fucked you? In that case, we need to find you a top daddy. I can think of a couple.” “So how do I meet them?” “Leave that to me. One of my friends is organizing a big daddy party in a couple of weeks. He usually gets a couple of dozen guys there. I’ll bring you along and introduce you. You’re on your own then to use your natural charm – and you do have it when you try -- and see who you can get to know.” “Do I wear anything?” “Smart question. Almost nothing, once you get inside. They’ll have a room to put your clothes. Let’s see, we need to get you one of those flashy briefs with the back missing, so your naked ass is hanging out. That’s the best way to signal what you’re looking for. And then get yourself a spot at the table – he puts out a long table and the bottoms all line up there, then bend over and lie on it so their asses are showing at table height. And then all the tops take turns trying them on for size.” Richard was feeling very nervous now, at the thought of being caught in an orgy with an unlimited number of unknown men trying to fuck him. But he figured, what the hell, he was sure he could enjoy himself. “Anything else I should do to get ready?” “Several things. First, unless you’ve got a real thing for getting HIV-positive right away, we get you onto PreP ASAP. I’ll get you an appointment with my doctor and get one of my guys to foot the bill. Then we get you a butt plug as well as the seatless briefs. Use it every day for a week before the party, just to get used to the stretch. Use lube with it too. Next, I’m taking you to my gym for the next two weeks so you can build up your glutes – your ass muscles. One of my buddies will buy a trial membership for you. Finally, I teach you how to clean yourself properly – inside and out.” “You’re putting yourself to a lot of trouble to help me.” “Kid, I’m three years, almost four years, older than you. Think I haven’t been there too? You’re wrong. Just doing what I wish someone had done for me when I first landed in town. Oh, one last thing, Richard. You need to sound more boyish. From now on, call yourself Ricky.” “Okay, I’m Ricky.” With that, Terry rolled away the bucket and cleaning supplies into the closet and started turning out the lights. He set the alarm, and then they walked out into the street and locked the door. Terry slapped Ricky on the ass, and said, “Meet me here at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon for your first gym session on these beauties.” As Terry walked away, Ricky watched him go, thinking that his whole life was about to get turned upside down and inside out yet again. It seemed like such a weird idea, sort of like selling his body to the highest bidder – but then, wasn’t that pretty much what he’d done for a week with Mitch? Not that he’d demanded money, or set a price on their fun, but Mitch had certainly rewarded him generously with meals and bed, with clothes and cash, and most importantly, with a ride to the west coast. Okay, then, he thought to himself, I guess I’ve already been a kept boytoy so I may as well do it again. And as he thought that, he murmured to himself “End of the line” under his breath.
    2 points
  26. honestly, goals. if it was my hole, do you want to be first or second?
    2 points
  27. fuck, would love to eat both of these tasty holes out. which one is greediest?
    2 points
  28. Well, we did it last night. Steve came over. I was lucky cuz he hadn't cum in a few days and his balls were full. I got Drew's ass ready - I rimmed him for ages so he was good and wet. We put Drew on his belly and Steve mounted him. My head was between Steves legs so I got a great closeup view of his cock pumping Drew's hole. I licked Steves balls and Drew's balls in turn. Steve grunted "mate, I'm gunna breed yer boy" I could see his balls tighten and I watched his shaft pulse as he pumped his sperm up Drew's hole. He pulled out and some of his cum leaked out. I mounted Drew and stopped up the leaking cum with my cock and shoved it back up Drew's ass. Fuck he felt amazing. Steve's sperm is well thick and is was still hot, fresh from his nuts. My cock and balls were covered in Steves seed and I shot real fast - mixing my load with Steves. Awesome fuck!
    2 points
  29. These days if I’m on line my first question is are you already loaded. Thats why I love Sauna - i slip a couple of fingers in a bottom in dark rooms , the smell of another tops load in a bottom is such an aprodisiac.
    1 point
  30. There's a hot asian bear who invites me to his office at closing, pretends to give me a tour then bangs me hard and bare in the toilets and takes pictures. My head pushed down in the sink while he's dumping a load in me from behind.
    1 point
  31. I Starting getting sucked off when I was really young by someone older. I moved away and dated girls and even got married and had children. I started having thoughts about getting sucked off by guys again later down the line and discovered Craigslist personals and gay chat sites. So many hungry cocksuckers made it really easy to get my dick sucked regularly and now I'm addicted to letting fags suck me off. It's literally like a drug to me and I've shot my load down the throats of probably 70 different men now. My dick can literally stay hard for hours getting sucked and I visit a guy who will suck for 2 or 3 hours non-stop, my record is 5 hours. I still enjoy fucking my wife but honestly would rather just lay back in bed having my dick slurped on. Cock worship is all I think about now. Anyone else who can relate?
    1 point
  32. Love sloppy asses to breed and fist
    1 point
  33. Take them orally then your daddy's anally 😄
    1 point
  34. That's like asking me to choose my favorite M&M color. Imma eat the whole bag, thank you! I think Johnny Rapid is getting hotter as he's aging/becoming less twinky. But Lord that Joaquin sure knows how to take a big cock!
    1 point
  35. thanks for the link. Glad TIM included a couple of FF scenes. I completely agree about Pigs at the Hoist. The fact it was filmed in a sex club I frequented adds to it further. I would love to take part in a group reconstruction of that film, pool balls and all. I'd have to take Virgo's place as he gets in most of the action - hot pig
    1 point
  36. About 20 minutes ago. Hooked up with a guy on sniffles. Went to his place and walked in the open door as instructed. He was on a recliner stroking his cock. I pulled my pants off and dropped to my knees in front of him and he roughly grabbed the back of my head and shove his cock balls deep down my throat. He fucked my throat for a couple minutes the said turn around on your knees. I did as instructed and he lined me up with olive oil of all things and just shoved his cock all the way in me. He fucked me so hard that it took my air away and I thought I would pass out a couple of times. He pounded me for about 15 minutes without letting up and finally groaned as he flooded my cunt with cum. He then just got up and said see you later. I asked if I took it well and he said you did ok, you tried to get away a couple times, but I needed a hole to cum in. I quickly put my pants back on and left.
    1 point
  37. I went to the bathhouse, sauna a couple weeks ago. There are some gloyholes there, but I have never seen anyone use them the other times I have been there. This time, I saw one of the doors was locked, so I went in to "check it out". I stuck my cock through the hole and got a half hearted BJ. So I pulled out, and then stuck my cock through again. The dude got the message and turned around. I slowly eased in and spent a few minutes building up pace. It got me pretty horny, but it was early and I did not want to blow. I eased out and left the cubicle. I did some "other stuff", and then came back to the glory holes later, which I noticed had been getting a bit of use. I guess that dude was good for business there. That first guy had left. So I went back and lubed up my cock and ass. There was a different guy there, and the area was quite busy. I went into the cubical, and stuck my lubed cock through. The dude in there, felt my lubed up cock and pushed his hole up agains my cock and I slid in slowly and gave some thrusts. It was hot and sleazy, I loved the dirty feeling of just fucking some random dudes ass. This cubical has two holes side by side between the pair of cubicles. The dude stuck his hand through the other hole and tapped me. I thought he was trying to signal something, so I pulled out. He turned around and stuck his hard cock through the hole. I thought, this is fair, he wants a go too, I am versatile, so I like to change it up to. I had my hole relaxed from doing "other stuff" and I had lubed it up, so turned around and pressed back against his cock head and pushing my ass back to the hole. He rubbed his cock head up and down my crack, searching for the right place, which he found and got his head in. I was ready and took his whole cock in a few seconds. He gave me a few slow short thrusts. Taking it nice and slow, and he spent the next few minutes gradually getting longer and faster. It was hot. I was wanking my cock, and dripping pre-cum. I felt dirty and sleazy. Real good. I was really getting into it. The guy pulled out. And gave me a tap on the ass, and left the cubical. I guess he quietly blew his load. May be he just wanted to do something else? Anyway, I fucking enjoyed it and I was horny as fuck. Right away, after that dude left, another guy came into the cubical. I put my fingers through the hole and motioned for him to put his cock through. I grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down my crack, where my greedy hole was just gaging for another cock to full it. I put the head of his cock in the right place and pressed back against it. His cock head popped in, and I pushed my ass back against the wall. The dude did the same thing, as the previous guy and started nice and slow and gradually picked up pace. This place is in a farming city. I think dudes are pretty considerate, no sudden moves, down low kind of guys. He gave me some hot full length dicking for a few minutes and then pulled out. I looked to the hole and he wanted me to put my cock through. So I obliged and he pushed his ass up against my cock. I found the right spot and got my cock in. He pushed back and I stated slowly and picked up the speed. Quite a bit of versatile action going on here. I am fully into it. I gave him a few minutes of cock and pulled away from the hole and stuck his cock through again. I turned around and took his cock. He built up speed pretty quick, I wanted him to blow. I wanted to be sure to have got at least one load up my arse. He gave me the longest and deepest thrusts he could and then held it in deep. He dropped his load and held it in for a short while, while his cock softened. I felt hot and dirty. He picked up his towel and left. Some cum ran down my leg - so hot. Right away, another dude came in, so I just offered up my cum lubed ass for him. In no time he was balls deep. It's hot when you have been taking dick and you can just let another guy get right into it. He just thrusted away like a champ. My cock was hard as fuck and dripping pre-cum more than ever. He did not last long. I felt good about providing a good service. As I said, this place is rural, I have met a bunch of farmers, and road maintenance guys there. I think some of these guys stand around in their towels, but don't initiate. One road maintenance guy, I talked to him outside, when he was having a vape break. Then we went back to a cubical. Chances are, if I did not say hi, we would not have hooked up. Road worker guy has a lot of tattoos, he could seem a bit intimidating. Anyhow, I was still in the cubical. With at least two cumloads up my ass. Another guy came in, he was a little apprehensive, I put my ass against the hole. I felt his cock head against my ass, so I reached around to guide him in. He had a rubber on, I thought I would give it a go anyway. He got his cock about half way in, and we did a few minutes, but I was not enjoying it, just not as smooth as raw cock, so I moved away from the hole a bit. The guy pulled out and left. Overall, I am cool with guys using rubbers. But they need to fit well and be lubed properly. This place, there are some rubber guys, I usually just avoid them. I have fucked some hot dudes there, they got me to wear a rubber. It's good for a couple of minutes, but it can't make me cum. Anyway. That guy left and then another guy came in. I am staring to think, how many people are just standing outside the cubicles? I put my fingers through the hole motioning for cock. Another nice, nearly hard cock comes through, I give it a few long licks to get it to full mast. I turn around and rub that cock on my ass and get the head aligned with my hole. He gets it in, and slowly builds up speed. This is the most cock I have ever had at a glory hole. I think I am being too greedy. Am I? This guy gives me some good long thrusts, but slows down and gets a bit soft after a while. Did he blow? I am not sure. I turn around and stick my cock through the hole. He backs onto it and I give him a few thrusts for a minute or two. I am not sure if I am into it. I pull out and leave the cubical. I walk around, I see a dude with a lot of tattoos. It's hot road maintenance guy. He gives me a head nod, and we go off and get a room. I give him my load. Writing this, I am still buzzing about getting so much dick and some loads at the glory hole. So much pre cum in my briefs right now. I got two loads for sure, and gave road guy my load. So that's a high score for me.
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  38. I went cruising at a park last weekend, and ended up taking two loads. The first guy was a bit heavy set (personally I really like when guys are bigger than me) and I blew him just off the trail. I have a bit of an exhibition kink, so I stripped down naked and got to work. His cock wasn't overly long, but it was thick enough to make my jaw a little sore after 15 minutes or so. He got pretty rough near the end and was using my throat as a cocksleeve, until he buried my face in his pubes and shot down my throat. It was just deep enough in my throat to where I couldn't really taste the cum. Pretty fun time, he even took a photo of it for me 😉 Unfortunately he wasn't up for a 2nd round, but after another 20 minutes or so I ran into another guy cruising. He was a lot leaner and just an inch or two taller than me, and I asked if he wanted to fuck me. He said he didn't have any condoms but still wanted to fuck me, so I told him i was on prep (a slight lie) and that I'd been tested recently. That was good enough for him, so I quickly slipped my jeans off and bent over against a tree. I passed him a little bottle of lube, and he quickly started easing into my ass. We started off a little slow, I absolutely love the feeling of when a cock slowly slides into my ass, pushing my hole open. We started to pick up speed a little, and he was getting pretty vocal calling me a slut who'd bend over for strangers. He got even more into when I told him I'd already sucked off someone else, telling me I should just save myself the trouble and do both at the same time. After about another 10 or so minutes he was grunting and told me he was going to fill me up, and I begged to get bred. After a moment or two he pulled out of my ass, he must have been deep when he came because none his cum dripped out. We parted ways after that, and on the way back out of the park I could feel the cum seeping out of my ass and down my leg. I eventually got home and took a shower, started playing with my ass again, had one of the best orgasms of my life.
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  39. Chapter 4 – Ralph takes it all In Chapters 1, 2, and 3, I tell about meeting up with Philip, who brought in his husband, Ralph. We’ve partied and explored several pieces of furniture in their playroom. Now, Ralph’s ass is being filled with a dildo, mine still has a butt plug in it, and Philip is filming us. I started some slow back and forth movements with the dildo. The Pegasus widens in the middle and even more at the base, so this provided Ralph with a nice stretch. It was sexy seeing the hairs around his hole cling to the dildo as it rode in and out of his ass. Each time it went back in, it would poke at his second hole, working it to open up. Ralph took another hit of poppers, and I decided to see if we could get the toy in deeper. I pushed it in, and Ralph braced his feet on the sling frame so that he could bear down on the toy. With a few adjustments of angle, it popped deep into his ass. The look of bliss on his face was fantastic, and I started to laugh. With this huge dildo penetrating his ass, Ralph joined in on the laughter. Philip said that Ralph had never taken all of Pegasus before, so this was a new experience for him. He definitely seemed to enjoy it. Ralph looked down at me and said, “Fist me.” I said he needed another bump for that, and he agreed, but only if I would take a bump. Hell, we should probably give one to Philip, too. So, I worked Pegasus out of his hole and pulled the plug out of my ass. Ralph wanted to bump me, so he got a shard, and I moved up to the head of the sling. Philip opened my ass, and Ralph stuck the shard inside me. “Damn, I wanna be back in there, too,” he said. He knew that he could have whatever he wanted from me. I bumped both Ralph and Philip. While we waited for the shards to hit, I fingered Ralph’s hole with my lubed-up hands. He was opened, and his ass was pulsating with enjoyment. I had three fingers in him for a while, and then I added the fourth. Soon, my thumb joined the party, and I slid my hand into his hairy hole. His ass was so warm inside and I was loving seeing him ride my arm. Ralph again braced his feet on the sling frame and swung the sling back and forth, driving my hand into his hole. It was obvious that he was having an amazing experience. Philip had filmed the entry, but now he was rubbing Ralph’s hairy chest and playing with his cock. Ralph spurted out a huge load of precum which Philip licked up. He shared some with Ralph and some with me. Ralph was taking my arm deep, and I knew I was well past his second hole. He stopped the swinging and let me control things for a while. I was twisting my arm around inside him and flexing my hand. I made sure I hit his prostate a few times with my wrist and would pull back to stretch his hole. Philip wanted a go at Ralph’s hole, so I got up and let Philip take my place. I could tell that these two worked together well, with each one knowing what the other liked. I put more lube on the plug that had been inside me and stuck it back in. Then, I moved up so that Ralph could suck my cock. I rubbed Ralph’s body, enjoying the feeling of my hands running through his soft hair. The smell from his pits was invigorating, too, and I bent down for the occasional taste. Philip pulled out of Ralph’s ass, and we got him out of the sling. He sat on the sofa while I climbed back into the sling. Philip started playing with the butt plug in my ass, taking it out, then shoving it back in. My ass must have been gaping nicely since he had no problem with each new insertion.
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  40. As I awoke the next day I knew I wanted to avoid the poz tattoo guy. I’d been thinking of him as a friend, but I was now disillusioned with myself and the evil influence he had become on me. I rented a car and went hiking in Joshua Tree National Park. The fresh air, exercise, and sunshine were exhilarating after so many nights in the clubs and so much idle time lounging in a pool chair. I was also very glad of the alcohol break. By mid afternoon I had covered a good distance and was deep into the park away from any roads. I hadn’t seen anyone in the last hour and a half. Most of the hike I’d only been wearing khaki shorts, commando off course. I decided to slip out of those and for the next half hour loved the feel of the air on my semi erection and the sun on my active ass. I came around a huge bolder and almost fell over two young men having sex. I was practically on top of them so there was no chance to hide my arrival. The tall athletic blond was being fucked by the most gorgeous muscled black man. The contrast of their entangled skin tones was intoxicating. They stopped for a brief moment but saw my nakedness and semi relaxed and just decided to continued. By this point I had found my voice and apologized. As I went to move away the black man said; “No need. Stay and watch if you want. Better still, why don’t you join us?” By this point I was fully erect. I couldn’t have walked away if I’d wanted to. And I didn’t want to. The black man kept fucking as I kissed each of them. He asked, “My ass sure could use some attention, do you eat ass?” That was all the invitation I needed. And what a sweet ass I discovered. It was a bit challenging to figure out the rhythm of his movements, but I was happy to experiment. I got so turned on that without thinking I stood, and my raw cock easily slid into his winking hole. He accepted the sandwich fuck for a few minutes before I heard his voice. “That feels fucking awesome, are you in me raw?” His words broke me from my lustful trance. I quickly pulled out. “Fuck man, I’m sorry. Your ass is so inviting, I got carried away. Sorry.” “Again. No need. As long as you’re clean I've been craving a raw bone. I’m getting close and you almost had me over the edge. Sorry I said anything, help me out here man.” I shouldn’t have. But I pushed back in. “Oh man, that feels so good. Oh yeah … I’m … loosing it … filling this rubber.” His ass contractions yanked me over the edge, and I was breeding his ass with my toxic load. Breathlessly; “Holy shit man, did you just breed me. Fucking awesome, I’ve never been bred before.” When we were disentangled, and I was watching the black man remove the full condom from his massive cock the blond spoke up. “How soon can you regenerate? I’ve never been bred either, looks like this might be my lucky day.” I was too embarrassed to fess up the truth right away and before I finished dithering with my answer the black hunk spoke while stroking his meat which was already back to full attention. “Well, I regenerate fast and I’d love to return the favor.” I couldn’t stop myself from presenting my ass to his mouth. He spat a few times in my hole and I sat on his raw prestigious black club. It took some time to get it all in, and a while for the pain to subside, but oh it was worth the effort. My attention was so consumed by the painful pleasure my ass was receiving that I didn’t notice the blond guy moving his ass onto my raw bone. My brain was now yelling at me ‘STOP THIS, STOP IT RIGHT NOW’, but the sandwich fuck and the pleasure sounds from the other two drowned out my conscience. All too soon the black man was shouting out his delight. “Fucking A man, I’m breeding your Lilly white ass.” His orgasm was so powerful he'd not needed to say a word. His orgasmic energy shot directly through my ass and groin; I was stealthing my second unsuspecting victim within ten minutes of each other. The blond was the first to speak; “Holy shit man, that was the most awesome fuck of my life. I’m never going to want a condom fuck again.” “Me neither, I’m so glad you’re clean.” My mind was racing. I wanted to tell them the truth, but I also had no idea how they would react. I was too far from help if they lost it on me and beat me to a pulp. So I said; “Thanks guys. This was totally unplanned. I’m so glad we all got loaded. Fuck your cum feels great in my ass. But I need to get going.” My feet couldn’t carry me away fast enough. I was so rattled with myself that I didn’t even put my shorts on to get to the rental car. Thankfully there was no one at the parking lot. In fact, I didn’t even notice I was naked until I got back to the hotel parking lot and went to get out of the car. I tried to get into my shorts but couldn’t manage behind the steering wheel. A quick checked proved the parking lot and street were empty so I rushed into and through the hotel lobby. The guy on the desk called after me; “You can’t do that; you’ll get the hotel in trouble.” As I dashed for my room I yelled back; “Sorry”. To get to my room I had to go by the pool. The pool boy was chatting with poz tattoo guy. I really wasn’t in the mood to be seen by either of them so continued my rush to my room. Once inside I collapsed on the bed and tried to calm my breathing and brain. Five minutes later there was a gentle tap at my door. Greeting me on the other side when I peaked out was the pool boy with concern on his face. “You okay? You looked upset when you went by the pool.” “Um, shit, come on in.” “If you don’t want company, that’s okay. I just wanted to be sure you are okay.” “That’s so sweet of you, thanks. No. Yes, I’m fine. Come on in. I’d love your company.” We sat facing each other naked, cross legged on the bed. “Do you want to talk about it.” His sweet compassionate voice. I hesitated for a moment and decided to tell him a slightly altered story. Actually, I told him much of the real story, just not my status and the accidental stealthing I had allowed in the heat of the moment. I told him about coming upon the hot couple fucking during my hike. I led him to believe my upset was that I had allowed another guy to bareback me this week. He was incredibly compassionate, and our naked bodies were soon entwined. He kissed away my tears and we were both fully hard. We 69ed for a bit and he asked if I wanted to fuck him. I suited my raging cock, and we were deeply and passionately making love. I was no where near ready to cum and my cock went limp falling out of him. He gently asked; “Do you want me to fuck you?” I nodded, he suited up and was quickly sliding into my cum lubed ass. “That feels good.” he said. “I’m embarrassed to admit it but it does feel good.” “What’s it like?” “What do you mean?” “To have a guy cum in you?” “Again, I’m embarrassed, but I really do love it. It feels amazing. And to walk away knowing you have his cum in your ass. It’s special, like nothing else I can imagine.” “But aren’t you worried?” “Of course, I am. That’s why I was so upset. (I thought to myself, ‘Another lie.’) But it feels so good; I find myself craving more. Fuck! I shouldn’t confess that.” Tentatively he asked; “Like mine, do you want me to breed my cum into your ass?” “Absofuckinlutely! Oh fuck! Sorry, that was too much. Sorry.” “Well at least I know what you think.” “Honestly, I would love you to slip off that condom and continue to make love to me. Would you do that for me? Please.” “I don’t think I should.” “No, you’re right. It would be too risky ” I could feel his cock twitching in my ass and a grin had spread across his face. “I get it though. Even the thought of entering you bareback makes me more horny. I’d love to be raw inside you right now. Would you let me do that, just this once?” “Just once, maybe just the tip?” He pulled out, removed the condom and teased my hole with his bare cock head. The look of sexual hunger on his face was amazing. I was afraid I would shoot another load as I watched his tip and felt it penetrate me. With just the tip inside he said with awe in his voice. “That feels amazing! You are so hot and wet in there. I don’t think I can stop from going deeper.” ‘Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” As he pushed in halfway; “Oh fuck, This is amazing. Are you sure you are okay with this?” “Never been more sure in my life.” He proceeded to balls deep and then passionately kissed me. “Make love to me please. Don’t stop now.” I pleaded. He and his raw cock made love to me for the next hour. We tried every position we could imagine. Every time his raw cock slid into me I was afraid I’d shoot my load. We were in missionary looking deeply into each eyes;. “I want to cum inside you. I’m so close. Would that be okay?” “Yes please, fill me with your seed. I want it so bad.” Two more powerful pumps and he was howling his orgasm. I’d been edging for so long my first blast went in my eye. My second blast hit the wall. I couldn’t believe I’d already cum a couple times earlier in the day, there was so much volume. For the next half hour we enjoyed a wonderful cuddle. Then he went down on my limp cock quickly bringing it back to full attention. As he straddled my body he brought my raw cock to his hole; “I think it is my turn. If I’m going to take a chance and bareback I want it to be with you. I really want to experience skin to skin with you.” Much as I was enjoying this and wanted to be in him raw I knew I couldn’t. And I wasn’t ready to tell him why. I just calmly explained; “Sorry. No that’s not going to happen. I’m spent. You saw how much and how far it shoot. I’m done, please understand.” He did and we cuddled the rest of the night away with tender pillow talk. I began to fear I was falling in love with this gentle soul. At the same time I began to fear I was being unfaithful to David. I kept these worries to myself. We both drifted off to sleep and awoke hungry at about 2 a.m.. We hooped in my rental and he gave me directions to an all night diner. We ordered big plates and a jug of beer to share. It was here that the topic of conversation changed in a way I had least expected. He ask me; ‘Would you let that guy with the biohazard and scorpion tattoo fuck you?” “I shouldn’t confess this, but that would be so fuckin hot. I bet he’s an amazing top. I’ve heard HIV poz guys are outstanding in bed. I’d make him wear a condom of course.” I was lying again as you know. “Yeah, I’ve heard the same thing. In fact that’s what he said this afternoon by the pool. He’s been trying to land my ass all week. I must confess I’m tempted. But I don’t trust him, even if he agrees to wear a condom.” “You’re very wise.” “Yeah, thanks. ... But can I confess one more thing?” “Sure, anything.” “This is so bad though.” “Come on, you have to tell me now.” “Okay, okay, but don’t hate me.” “I said anything, I couldn’t hate you.” “Oh, you might with this secret fantasy." "I'm all ears. And it's just a fantasy. How bad could it be." "Oh, it's bad. I’ve been jerk off to this fantasy of him since he came to the hotel … ever since I saw his nasty tattoos. I have such a fuckin great orgasm everytime." He paused for quite a long time. "Go on" I gently encouraged. "I fantasize that he is safely fucking me. You know, wearing a condom and he manages to stealth his s poz load into my vulnerable ass. The danger of taking a chance , letting him trick me, breeding me his poz load and praying he doesn’t knock me up. Fuck man, I’m so hard right now just telling you about this.” To be continued ...
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  41. Come down to New York. Ride the subway after rush hour. 10 PM on the weekend works best. The E train specifically. You'll see many dangerous unstable men. Some with very nice bodies. I've seen quite a few exposing themselves and masturbating. My only concern is little kids around to see that. Otherwise no one cares anymore. You'll experience what you're looking for.
    1 point
  42. Got fucked raw and bred by a big Afghani man who worked at the hotel I was staying at in Frankfurt. I was having breakfast and he came to take my empty plates. We exchanged a few words. Then he asked for my room number. He said he would be up in 5 minutes. I received him naked and sucked on his thick Afghani member. He then spun me around doggy and spat into my dry hole and penetrated me. After a few minutes I got on my back so I could look him in the eyes. I love that. He fucked me for around 5 minutes and then released his DNA inside me. Sadly most of it came out when he pulled out of my hole. He had to go back to work. I love that he has a family and was so horny that he inseminated me while on duty at the hotel.
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  43. I definitely agree. I've had numerous blowjob-only hookups end up with me getting fucked. It's always best to prepare for the unexpected.
    1 point
  44. You are incredibly handsome!
    1 point
  45. What are some reasons for non-chasing neg guys to avoid getting on PrEP? Mine is a chronic medical issue where PrEP might cause further damage. I know that once pozzed I will have to take Truvada with the ARV medications, but I'm willing to take that risk while enjoying topping and breeding holes.
    1 point
  46. Accidentally wandering into the "bad"/"sketchy" part of town while wearing a shirt that advertises the fact I'm gay AND take loads. The "wrong" people notice it and I get exactly what I had coming to me (or, rather, coming in me.)
    1 point
  47. "Okay guys, we all know why you're here. You've either had the fantasy of being a cum-dump or done it before and want to do it again. Either way, that's what we're going to do here tonight." He was a good looking younger guy, about six foot, maybe 185 pounds with dark brown hair. The term "cum-dump" made my insides tingle from the way he said it. "We're going to do this in a different sort of way than you might have thought or, maybe, wanted, but I'm about to tell you how we're going to do this tonight. We're going to play a game somewhat based on 'Musical Chairs'." He was addressing six other guys and me. "I hope you all understood when you came to this little party that what's about to happen is you bottoms are all going to be anonymously fucked and, probably bred by a number of horny tops. You're all going to be blindfolded, led into the other room where you'll be secured to well padded fucking benches. You'll have use of your hands for poppers or anything else you need, you'll only have straps around your waist, thighs and ankles." I was getting aroused by his narration and trying to picture the situation all the while trying to suppress my physical reaction. I was also wondering if I was actually nuts for getting myself into this situation. I had actually shown up, knowing that, if what I had been told by my fuck-buddy was true, I was going to be fucked raw by more than one guy tonight. I had a hard time controlling my breathing and suppressing my erection urge. I was still somewhat a novice at bottoming but had thrown myself into the role after that first time. There had been several guys that had topped me but always safe. Most of them had insisted and I hadn't objected because I hadn't known what I was missing. Then Paul happened to me. He was my first and, up until tonight, my only bare fuck. He had cajoled me into letting him enter me without a condom by insisting that he just wanted to feel my ass bare and would pull out in a couple minutes. I'm sure he went beyond that "couple minutes" before I felt him thrusting faster and deeper. I started to say something to him about the condom but found myself enjoying his bare cock fully stroking in and out so much that I failed to get anything out of my mouth. Shortly thereafter I heard him growling softly, grabbing my hips and I got my first load of cum inside me instead of my mouth. He got up, grabbed his jeans and started for the door. I heard myself ask if he had to go. He hesitated a moment. I got my second breeding about thirty minutes later. Paul became a regular fuck buddy and, for some reason, the only one I would let bareback me. Soon, my interest in other guys slowed because sex with a condom simply didn't interest or excite me as much as feeling his bare cock and knowing that he was about to shoot his cum inside me. Paul was somewhat multi-orgasmic. He always left me well-fucked and with at least two loads in my ass, a few times, three. During the down time between we would talk, generally about sex and, eventually, fantasies. He had eventually gotten me to admit that I would like to be bare fucked by someone else and that I had been reading about anonymous sex, "pump and dump" as it was called. He enjoyed my light duty fantasies but seemed to keep circling back to getting me to flesh out my fantasies about being fucked raw by guys I didn't know and taking their cum. That's what led me to being in this room with six other guys and Paul's friend who seemed to be the guy in charge of this situation. "I'm going to explain what's about to happen tonight so everyone knows what they're getting into besides the fact you're going to be fucked bare and, likely leave here with cum in your respective asses." When I had been led into the room I had wondered who the bottoms were and who were the tops. Shortly I realized us seven were the bottoms. "We've got ten horny tops tonight for this party. I know two of them personally, met three of them at a few of these parties. The other five I don't know at all other than they were referred by trusted friends. You won't know their names and, since you'll all be blindfolded during the breeding, you won't even see them." He continued, "Now for how we're going to do it. To make things interesting, this isn't going to be a simple fuck and breed situation. We've got ten tops and we're going to make this interesting for you and them both. Once you're all situated on the benches, the tops are going to come in and work out who starts with which one of you about to be cum-dumps. Once his cock is inside you, I'm going to start music playing. While the music plays, your top is going to fuck you. At various intervals, I'm going to stop the music. At that point he's going to pull out and each top is going to move to the next hole and enter, waiting for the music to restart. That way each of you gets fucked by each of the tops. Once the music restarts he'll start fucking you. If he cums, he's to stay inside you until the music stops. Once he cums, one of the other tops will join the fucking circle." "Now," he stopped and looked each of us in the eyes directly and seriously, "here's the one thing you all need to understand before we start. Once we start the party and the 'Musical Ass' party, we're going to be here until the last top finishes. You are here to serve as cum receptacles and will be used as long as one of them is hard and wanting to breed you. I know for a fact that three of the tops I'm familiar with is able to supply five loads in under an hour. Once the fucking starts, you have NO say in it. Your ass is there for the use of any and all of these tops. If they cum, it's in you. Understand that, accept it, or leave now." He looked dead serious. I took a deep breath and thought about it. For some reason, the idea of being fucked by somebody I didn't know, might never see again and knew absolutely nothing about simply excited me to no end. I had to do this without knowing why. Two of the guys suddenly shook their heads and told him that they didn't want any of this and wanted to go. Surprisingly, he didn't take offense or get angry. He simply told them fine and if they ever changed their minds, let him know. He turned back to the remain four and me saying, "Well, that increases all your odds of leaving with cum in your ass and the amount. Okay, I can't really promise that you'll all be bred, but I can promise that you'll all be fucked and fucked a lot." We glanced at each other some smiling and sharing a feeling of bottom camaraderie. "Okay cum-dumps, strip down, if you're wearing jocks you can keep them on if you like but you need to be naked otherwise except for the blindfolds which are on that table over there. Get ready and I'll be back shortly to take you each to your fuck bench and secure you down. Lube up, popper up, just be ready in about five minutes or so." I was terrified once I was strapped in place, unable to see and knowing my bare ass was fully exposed and available for whoever or whatever was about to happen. Then I heard the door open and his voice. "Gentlemen, and by that I mean you Tops, here are five cum-dumps for your use and this evening's entertainment. They know that you're going to fuck each and every one of them and some of them will be rewarded with your cum if they please you. You do know the rules and know that once the music stops you pull out of that cum-dump's hole and move to the next one, enter him and wait for the music to start fucking. If you cum during the music, you push all the way in and wait for the music to stop. Raise your hand so I'll know You can take a seat, rest and enjoy the show, knowing that these cum-dumps are being used as they should and see if you're ready to rejoin the breeding circle." I was glad I had lubed up liberally to the point of it nearly running down my legs. The top that chose me was larger than Paul and it was uncomfortable but tolerable as he entered me. I was happy when I felt his pelvis meet my ass. I wasn't sure I would have been able to accept anymore cock. Then the music started. He pulled slowly out and thrust his entire length back into me with very little pain. Shortly I was enjoying his steady rhythm and took a shot of poppers. My eyes were closed and I was thinking just how different it felt from Paul fucking me. Different but I was enjoying him immensely when the music stopped. I took a deep breath as he pulled out. I had been enjoying it and, for some reason, had forgotten the rules of 'the game' and had expected to be fucked and filled with cum. I felt a pair of fingers probing my ass, then a surprisingly large cock head against my anus. It was momentarily uncomfortable until it popped through then I realized that it was the head of his cock that was large, not the whole thing. Once inside he was pleasing me with a few cheat strokes before the music restarted. "Tops Ready?" came the question just before the music restarted. This guy was completely different in his fucking style. He would stroke fast, then suddenly slow then deep and shallow. His changing his rhythm kept my attention since I couldn't simply drop into a mindless trance and simply enjoy what was being done to my ass. It was a bit disturbing but I took another shot of my poppers and tried to anticipate what he was going to do next and work my hole on his cock. I heard his breathing getting deeper and a light growl out of him just as the music stopped. The head of his cock didn't hurt as much pulling out as it had going in. Damn, still no cum. Another cock slid slowly into my ass. This one wasn't unusual in any fashion. He was smaller than Paul and a bit shorter. I attempted to tease him by squeezing him with my anal muscles. He responded by slapping my ass. The music restarted after the 'tops ready' question. This guy stroked slow and methodically, steady as a metronome. His fucking let me relax into the mindlessness I like when being fucked. I started to take another shot of the poppers but decided to pace myself since his cock fit me perfectly. He surprised me by interrupting his perfect rhythm then plunging into me and holding his pelvis against my ass. I thought I felt something warm inside me and was wondering if he had just cum. Just then the music stopped. "We have our first breeding of the night." I heard our host announce. Was it me? Was it someone else. I heard the guy still in me whisper, "I hope you got what you wanted." It was me! The rest of the evening was mind-boggling and, somewhat, a blur. Without vision and very little speech, it was hard to keep track of time or events. I know I felt cock after cock entering my ass, fucking me, which was far easier after that first load of cum I received. My hole relaxed to the intrusions except for one top who was significantly larger than the rest. I was uncomfortable every time I ended up his bottom which ended up being several times as the night progressed. I know for a fact I got two loads from that fat cock since I heard him grunt, then tell me to, "Take every drop Boy!" as he plunged his monster into my increasingly sore hole. I was tired and nearly about to be sleep fucked when the host announced that the 'game' was over and asked the tops if they were sure. I had noted that I wasn't getting ploughed as often or as long but was so tired I almost missed the obvious. The poppers hadn't helped keep me that sharp. I was tired, sore and, sweaty. My thighs were sticky. I was just ready to go home. The host released each of us in turn and led us each, one at a time, to a shower and told us to wait in the next room. There were cold drinks and I grabbed two beers then called Paul to come pick me up as I sat in the waiting area where we had been told what to expect for the evening. I was tired, elated, and still wondering if I was out of my mind for what I had just done. I had just very recklessly allowed myself to be totally used by men I didn't know and might never see again and had loved every minute of it. Our host came into the room and called to us all, thanking us all for staying for a moment while the tops were all leaving. He conversed with us all, asking us how we were feeling, had we enjoyed ourselves, was it what we had felt it would be, would we like to do it again? Those sort of questions. It seemed that we all pretty much agreed with one hold out, that we'd all love to be invited back for the next party. He smiled and seemed very pleased then a pained look came over his face. "I do have something I need to tell you all that I didn't know about beforehand because we don't normally ask about status but I was told by one of the tops just before he left that he was just notified earlier this week that he was HIV positive with a high viral count. The problem is that I don't know which of you he bred or how many. He told me that he only managed to cum once tonight but, since he failed to tell us his status, he might be lying about how many of you he bred."
    1 point
  48. Thanks for all the kind comments everyone! Part 15 "Hi boys" Hunter said as he opened the screen door. "Glad you came back Tyler. Wasn't sure we'd see you again after you didnt come with Chris the last time." Chris freaked out. He hadnt told Tyler that he had come back to Hunters alone and suddenly prepared himself for the day to end right then. Tyler caught what Hunter said and turned to Chris. "You've been back here?" "Oops." Hunter realized what he had done. "Come on in guys. No use thinking about the past when we have some fun to have now." As Tyler walked in he told himself to let it go. He still hadnt told Chris that he and Casey had been fucking on the regular so one time coming back to Hunters was hardly a capital offense. As the three boys stepped inside Chris felt redeemed. Once Tyler and Casey walked into the house the odds of turning back got much slimmer. Hunter put his hand out to greet Casey, the third of the boys to enter his home. "Hi, I'm Hunter. Im sorry we havent met before." Hunter loved the way Casey looked and couldnt believe the luck of three hot boys entering his home. Casey met Hunters hand and noticed the firm grip. "Hey Im Casey. Thanks for letting me come along." Hunter nodded and patted Caseys shoulder. "Whats with the pipe? Thats a pipe right?" While Chris and Tyler were thinking through Chris's last visit to Hunters, Casey was fixated on what he thought looked like a pipe hanging out of Hunters mouth and then held in his non-shaking hand when he spoke. The question tensed Chris and Tyler immediately. Chris wasnt sure what Tyler had told Casey and Tyler knew he hadnt said a thing about that part of his last visit to this house. "Oh. These two boys know what it is. Why dont we have them show you?" Casey could not have set the table for Hunter any better if they had scripted it. As the boys took seats in the living room, Hunter handed Chris the pipe. He grabbed the torch from the coffee table and gave that to Chris as well. "Why dont you boys start by showing our new friend a shotgun?" Chris had every intention of lighting the pipe and getting the party started. Tyler was not so sure. He looked at Casey who was now watching as Chris held the torch to the pipe. Tyler tried to make eye contact with him, but Casey was fixated. Just as Tyler was going to tell Casey that he didnt have to do anything that he didnt want to do, Casey spoke first. "Whats inside the pipe?" Hunter replied as he sat down next to Tyler. "Tina." He put an arm around Tyler. He could tell the boy was the nervous one of this group. He would make sure that wouldnt last. "Tina? Never heard of it." "Thats ok. Its fun. Youll see." Hunter winked at Casey and the boy just shrugged. Hunter liked him. He would be easy. He was laid back about all of this and was open to whatever came his way. This was going to be fun. "You ever smoke pot Casey?" "Nah. I didnt travel in those circles in high school so I didnt really get the chance. This is like pot then?" "Not really. Its much better. More fun." Casey again responded with a shrug. Chris was now taking a big hit off the pipe. Tyler could tell he had some practice the last time he had come to Hunters. Perhaps the smoking was always part of the plan after all. Things were starting to become clear to Tyler about Hunter just as Chris shifted himself over to Tyler and passed on his hit. Chris couldnt help himself and gave Tyler his tongue along with the massive hit that he blew into the boys lungs. Tyler fell into the kiss easily, remembering in that moment how much he loved making out with Chris. The hit meanwhile was beginning to do its work. There was a stirring somewhere in Tylers mind that was shifting its focus to what they were at Hunters home for. Hot sex. "Fuck thats hot" Casey said. "Yeah? You like that? Chris, give the pipe to Tyler and let him give Casey a shotgun." Hunter had no idea what the relationship was between Tyler and Casey but he didnt care. He just wanted to push things right from the start. Casey was eager. Before Chris had even handed the pipe over, Casey was moving closer to Tyler. Hunter got up from his spot next to Tyler so the two boys could get closer. He gestured to Casey to take his place. "Now when Tyler blows his hit into your lungs hold it. Dont just let it go. Let it stay there so you can feel it." Casey nodded transfixed to the pipe and the smoke coming out of its end as Tyler took his hit. This was a big hit too. Only one experience with blowing clouds and he was already a pro. Hunter and Chris were impressed. Tyler moved over to Casey and blew his hit into Caseys open mouth then like Chris slipped his tongue in as well. The two began to make out in a way that made it clear to Chris and Hunter that these two had played before. It was passionate from the start. No hesitation. Like they already knew each others techniques and patterns and likes. Soon their arms were wrapped around each other. "Oh fuck yes" Hunter said. The kiss lasted long enough that Casey had to let the hit go before he or Tyler pulled away. Smoke rose between their heads as they made out. "Uh we're all still here" Chris said. This was meant to be snarky but it came out a little bitter. Hunter heard it clearly. "Hey Casey. You wanna give the pipe a try?" Hunter asked as a way of getting them to break the kiss which they did. "Uh sure I guess." "Great why dont you try a hit from the pipe and shotgun it to Chris." "Ok." Casey didnt hesitate. He didnt look at Tyler to see if this would be ok. He was here for the experience. Tyler was a little hurt by the immediate response but his mind was more preoccupied with the hope that they would all be getting naked soon. Casey did not wait for Chris but instead moved himself next to the boy to prepare for what would inevitably be their make out session. "Chris help Casey out if he has any trouble. I'm going to take Tyler into my room for a second." Tyler didnt know how to respond. This was unexpected. Had he done something wrong? He suddenly felt like he was in trouble. But this wasnt a request. It was a demand. And Hunter grabbed Tyler by the arm and pulled him up from the couch with a look that said "Lets go." Tyler thought it best to follow. It was Hunters home after all. Part of him did want to see Caseys first hit from the pipe but there was no time to ask that of Hunter now. They were walking with purpose.
    1 point
  49. When Jack left his family home to go to university he was determined to get a truly liberal education both from the books and life. He'd grown up on the family farm so had limited possibilities in his teen coming out years. He was very excited to open to the possibilities of a university campus and city life. He knew he should be asking his hookups to wear condoms, this was 2000 and HIV meds were getting better but still not completely proven. But he had never bothered with them the few times he let high school mates into his ass. Why start now? Besides, he loved the feel of bare skinned cock up his ass. He wasn't really chasing. It was more a resignation that at some point it was inevitable that he would get knocked up. Between semesters in his second year he traveled to Miami for a week of sex and debauchery. He found a really seedy gay bar online in a rough part of the city and decided to "see what kind of trouble he could get into. " It turned out to be the place the gay contingent of the Hell's Angels frequented. Sure enough there were about a half dozen of the big burly leather clad guys swilling down beer the night Jack went. It was not long before Jack was drinking and shooting the shit with three of them. As expected very soon the topic turned to sex. When they learned Jack was a bottom he was invited for a short bike ride. His desire for a liberal education said, "Go for it!" A ride of a few blocks had them in the parking lot of a very run down Motel. The room smelled of stale booze, cigarette smoke, pot, piss and cum. There were no sheets on the two stained mattresses. It was very clear this room was rented for one purpose and that was not sleeping. The three bikers had Jack naked in no time. The first one of them naked quickly pushed Jack onto his hands and knees doggy stile on a bed. Jack was not surprised to feel a naked cock teasing his hole. No one had mentioned condoms and he sure wasn't going to bring them up. Spit for lube and the girthy raw cock was steadily pushing in. The chorus of encouragement from his two buddies egged the first breeder on. After ten minutes of a good pounding the unloading commenced. Four long ropes of hot cum splattered Jack's vulnerable guts. Number two biker rolled Jack onto his back and lifted Jack's legs onto his shoulders. In the very dim light Jack could see the big biker lining up his naked cock with Jack's hole sported a good sized biohazard tattoo over his cock. Looking to the guy who had just bred him he saw a scorpion tattoo. The third biker had both the biohazard and scorpion tattoo on his chest and his huge beer belly tattoo said "toxic poz " with an arrow pointing to his massive dick. Already sporting one poz load in his ass, Jack resigned himself to his fate, his time had come. He had the time of his life recieving a number more brutal poundings and enough toxic cum to knock up five men, let alone his one torn apart ass. Mid-term he came down with the fuck flu. The moment he was well enough to get out of bed he dragged himself to his favorite bathhouse determined to spread his highly toxic DNA. Time to add topping training to his 'liberal education'. He had not been tested since his bought of flu so he could honestly answer if asked his status, "Negative last test. " With his usual sexual enthusiasm he bred three ass that night even in his weakened state. He was sure to establish they were all negative before planting his raw cock into their unsuspecting asses.
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