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  1. Trigger warning: If you somehow didn't realise you are in bug chasing & gift giving story section, then this is the final warning. This story is written in 1st person dual point of view Chapter 1: 7 Feb 2003 Jamie Alec slipped the condom off his hard cock as he lay back on the bed, “Let me catch my breath, I don’t want to cum just yet.” Even though he had not cum, the pouch of the condom was filled with pre-cum. Alec oozes a lot of pre-cum easily - something I found both hot but scary at the same time. Scary because Alec was HIV+. We were boyfriends for more than a year but were unable to have bare sex as we were sero-discordant. “What time did you want to start driving to your parent’s seaside unit tomorrow morning?” I asked. It was going to be my 23rd birthday this weekend and Alec had been planning to take me there to spend the weekend, just the two of us. I met Alec just over a year ago in the winter of 2001 while I was doing my postgraduate studies in a University town in the East Midlands. That winter was my first term break, and I decided to stay at my hostel instead of going back to my folks’ place. During the first term, I focused on my studies and was celibate. The break away from my parents meant a chance to find a hookup. I signed up to a gay dating website and browsed the profiles. Being a small university town, there weren't very many men on the dating site unlike the bigger cities. Stumbling across Alec’s profile, I took a moment to admire his pictures - he was totally my type, 44 with a dad bod, hairy, with a beard, with a balding head that he shaved - a very masculine looking top. I honestly didn’t think I had a chance to catch his interest. In my limited experience, I generally found guys that looked like Alec weren’t interested in slim, twinkish, nerdy looking guys like myself. So I moved on. I wish I had similar tastes to my gay friends and peers. Amongst them, I was the odd one out who found older men attractive. But hey, I like what I like. To my surprise, not long after I viewed his profile, Alec messaged me and we started chatting. It turned out he lived pretty close to where I was. We met and the sex was great. After sex, whilst having a chat, Alec revealed to me that he was HIV+. I remembered feeling quite calm at his revelation. I was more surprised at feeling so calm about the news than learning that he was HIV+. I only had safe sex with hookups and only saved bare sex for a significant other - a boyfriend/partner when we reached a level of trust and commitment, before properly consummating our relationship. However, nothing is always 100% safe and I had always expected that I would be more terrified of accidental infection despite all precautions. I had even surprised myself that even after Alec’s revelation, I was still willing to suck him without a condom. The sensation of rubber against flesh for anal sex was already awful. But the taste of rubber, orally? Vile. It simply cannot compare to sucking on rock hard flesh and drinking in the smell of manhood that isn’t drowned by the smell of rubber. The taste of salty pre-cum filling my taste buds - and with Alec being a leaker of pre-cum, it would have been a shame to miss all of that. It started as a one night stand, then moved on to meeting up every weekend as fuckbuddies. Fuck sessions eventually also became great hangout sessions with each other, and not long after we became exclusive. I never really pry about Alec’s past sexual history. I always had a thing for a very experienced top who had sowed his seeds. The idea that his cock had been to many other boy’s holes before mine turned me on - he must have fucked so many guys bare and got infected I thought. Prying might give way to revealing my dark fantasy which I found highly embarrassing and inappropriate on my part, so I kept it firmly hidden. Alec was my 3rd boyfriend/partner I had. With my first two boyfriends/partners, I remembered how exciting and special it was to be able to completely share our bodies completely with each other after we went to the doctors and tested clean. It was intimate and special - the joining of flesh of two people in love, full skin to skin contact. The memories of the love making with my ex-es only served to highlight how unnatural a piece of latex worn over the dick felt. It was unfair I could experience such a connection with ex-es but not with a current boyfriend. Unfortunately, bare love making would always be a forbidden fruit between Alec and I, yet it didn’t mean I wasn’t frustrated at the situation. Unconsciously, I let out a sigh. “Why the sigh?” Alec asked, “What are you thinking about?” I felt my cheeks turning hot. “It’s nothing,” I said. Alec’s lips formed a mischievous smile, “When you say ‘nothing’ and your face is as red as a beetroot, it usually means you have some naughty thought that you are too shy to share. Spill it, let me enjoy it too.” I made an inward sigh. Alec would badger me to tell him what I was thinking, so I confessed, “I was just feeling frustrated that circumstances prevent us from having bare sex, ok? I just like the idea of being so physically close to you that we are joined together but we can’t.” Alec’s features softened, though his eyes seemed to smoulder at the same time. “I know what you mean. It’s a crap situation.” A moment of silence passed before the playful spark appeared in Alec’s eyes. “I have an idea - have you ever tried frottage? — Ok, that blank look on your face has given me my answer. Why don’t you lie face down? And don’t worry, I am not going to fuck you, the angle would be all wrong, don’t worry.” It was definitely a term I had never come across. I had absolutely no clue what Alec was talking about. Letting him take charge (which I rather like), he positioned me on the bed face down. Unconsciously, I arched my arse upwards in anticipation as if to invite Alec to fuck. “Nope, don’t raise your arse up. Don’t tempt me, just lie flat. We’re not going to fuck. I’ll keep you safe,” Alec said. Just as I complied, I felt a generous amount of cold lube being rubbed between the crack of my arse cheeks and my upper thighs. I stifled a gasp as the edges of his palm rubbed over my taint, before travelling in between my legs. “Feels nice, doesn’t it? My hands rubbing between your crack?,” I could ‘hear’ the grin in his tone, “Now you stay lying flat and I want you to keep your legs shut as tightly as possible. I’ll let you feel something nicer than my hands down your crack.” I felt Alec positioned himself above me as if getting ready to fuck me. I trust that he wasn’t going to fuck me, yet a thrill of anticipation washed through me. Both his hands pressed down against the bed, he was a little to far towards the bed head to be able to fuck me. His beefy hairy legs squeezed my slimmer smooth legs to make sure they are pressed tightly against each other. Instead of the side of his palm running against my crack, I felt his hard knob run from the top of my tailbone, right down between cheeks, then glancing past the entrance of my passage, before it reached the bottom of my crack and his cock slid in-between my smooth legs. Even though I could feel the angle of the cock was not right for penetrating, that brief glancing touch of his glans against my pucker caused me to gasp. Despite being unable to see Alec’s face, I knew he had a wicked grin on his face. He repeated the motion of thrusting hard just above the top of arse cheeks, letting his cock glide hard between the cleft of my butt, quickly running over my hole and between my legs. Even though his cock did not enter my passage, the force of his cock still sent shockwaves to my prostate. For brief fleeting moments, the helmet of his cock was tantalisingly close to my hole before it moved away in between my pressed thighs. It dawned on me that this was the closest his piss slit ever got to my opening. I felt a momentarily uneasy - would the dangerous pre-cum oozing out of Alec’s piss hole be smeared all over my entrance? It should be safe, I reasoned to myself, the thrill of the situation and being closer to Alec overwriting any concerns, and my unease subsided and was quickly eclipsed by the thrill of how close we were to do something we shouldn’t. Alec’s rod, a tool for both pleasure and danger, so close to my passage. “Imagine if I was actually really fucking you like this with my bare cock. We get too horny and throw caution into the wind, fuck raw skin to skin like two boyfriends should. As I get close to cumming, I ask you where you want me to cum and you ask me to cum in you,” Alec said, panting. I froze in shock, arousal and unease at Alec’s fantasy. To be precise, I was shocked at how intense I found the idea arousing, but there was an underlying unease. “It is just a fantasy, Jamie. I’ll keep you safe like I always have, I promise,” Alec said soothingly and my unease faded as I got into the fantasy. Had it been anyone else who shared that fantasy, I would have been utterly scandalised and put a stop to it. There was no way I would even confess to finding that idea titillating. I once read an article about these people called ‘bug-chasers’. I couldn’t fathom how anyone could have such ridiculous notions. However, at this moment, it wasn’t some random stranger’s bug. It was Alec’s. His load was dangerous and toxic, yet I could suddenly hear its seductive promise of the most intimate of bonds with my boyfriend. I wondered at that moment if I had gained some insight about what those bug-chasers meant when they talked about a bond and a brotherhood. A bond with Alec - it was heady and intoxicating. I found myself immediately deeply embarrassed by how I found this [banned word] fantasy so arousing. I managed to find my voice and tentatively joined in with the fantasy,, “That’s so wicked, Alec… A poz boyfriend pozzing his neg boyfriend, making him his forever.” “That idea turns you on too, Jamie? We throw caution to the wind and give ourselves completely to each other to pleasure each other? At the end of it, I deliver my poz cum in you? Knock you up with my viral load? You’ll always be mine,” The idea was primal and animalistic, and spoke to a base and basic instinct that I never knew I had. The love making between 2 negative guys could never form this biological connection that Alec could with me. Suddenly, the bare love making I had shared with my previous 2 exes felt lacking comparison with what Alec’s dirty seed could offer. They left no permanent mark on me. I wanted to voice this out to Alec to feed into his fantasy but I struggled to voice out the [banned word] ideas. The ideas made me so horny that I felt my orgasm building, “I’m going cum.” “Me too,” Alec responded as he thrusted. Years of safe sex indoctrination kicked in and I reflexively reminded Alec, “Please don’t cum on my hole.” But as I said it, the idea of Alec searing hot cum splashed all over my hole and being dangerously close to dripping into my entrance tipped me over the edge and I came. “Don’t worry I wouldn’t,” Alec panted as he gave a few more hard thrusts, before pushing his cock completely between my legs and came. I felt his warm dangerous cum wetting my inner thighs and the bed. “Enjoyed that?” “Yea,” I replied breathlessly, “it is as close as we can pretend to fucking bare.” To my surprise, the disappointment in being unable to fuck bare weighed heavily.
    11 points
  2. Chapter 2: Alec Jamie and I were on the road to my parent’s seaside unit. The drive was unusually quiet. I wondered if Jamie was thinking about our play time last night just like I was - namely, the little fantasy about pozzing him as I was frotting him. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jamie staring out of the window on his side of the car as if deep in thought. I drank in the sight of my slim nerdy partner. Even now, I marvelled at how we were boyfriend/partners. As much as I found Jamie very attractive, there was once upon a time when I would not have considered being in a relationship with someone who would only have sex with me with a condom. Life throws strange curveballs. I discovered that I was poz in ‘89. By 2000, my CD4 still remained good though the viral load kept fluctuating over the years. My doctor termed me as a long term non-progressor and I was encouraged to get on meds, but as I wasn’t progressing, I decided I wasn't in any rush. The doctors said that I should always wear a condom, even if I was having sex with other poz guys. There was a risk of cross infection from different strains of HIV. The doctors say it like it would logically act as a deterrent to raw sex - afterall, you’d think I would have learnt from the first infection. However, the only effort I put into safe sex, was if my sex partner insisted that we use a condom. Instead, the idea that a poz sex partner and I swapped DNAs, leaving an indelible mark of our viruses in each other, regardless if we were casual strangers or life partners, got my juices going. Or a neg guy who didn’t care whose loads he was taking, getting knocked up by my toxic seed, and I becoming his poz daddy. It was primal, natural and raw - re-charging strains, or knocking up someone. A heady mix of raw pleasure, intimacy, risk and danger rolled into one. When I was living in London several years ago, which had a huge sleazy gay population, my profile read “Safe Sex: never”. Despite that, there was never a shortage of guys in London willing fo fuck bare. Most didn’t ask too many inconvenient questions, all too eager to take a bare cock without question. Some would certainly be poz and not know it. Others probably still neg but their neg days were certainly numbered. On rare occasions, I might find a bug chaser who wanted me to confirm that my load was toxic. Sometimes it was meeting another poz guy, both of us throwing caution to the wind and medical advice and fucking raw, mixing our toxic strains in an evil genetic soup. Unfortunately, I had to move out of London to a small university town partly in the East Midlands. Partly to be close to my ageing grandmother who had no other family nearby, and partly because I was also offered a pretty well paid job in that region. However, it seemed like all the sleazy gay men in the UK had moved to London. There was a non-existent underground bareback scene where I was now located. I got the distinct impression I would be staked and burned if I so much as suggested raw fucking. To have any luck to get laid, I had to change my profile to read “Safe Sex: Always”. In the early days after my move, I might risk a cheeky poke and slip my cock into a bottom willing enough to let my cock slide in bare and not discuss. Unlike the guys I picked up in London, more often than not, I would illicit outrage. I guess it was true that more conservative folks tend to be out here. Gradually, I stopped trying, only going back to my wicked ways if I was up in London visiting. Meeting Jamie and getting along well with him was a pleasant surprise especially since Jamie was particularly conscientious about using a condom when we had sex. We formed a nice easy rapport quickly early in the piece, and since I more or less had to use condoms with everyone out here, he was a top candidate to be a fuckbuddy. It sounds mercenary describing this now, but that was the honest truth about how things started between us. Over time, I discovered that we got along really well, and I really enjoyed his company. I always knew that companionship was a powerful motivator, but trust me when I say that even I surprised myself when it was I who suggested to Jamie we should see each other as boyfriends, and exclusive, no less. I smiled at the memory of how Jamie’s face lit up when I proposed the idea of seeing each other. Jamie, being quite a reserved person, would probably never broach the subject first. My best friend, Chris, who still lived in London, joked that I must either be having a mid-life crisis or super desperate and/or lonely. Chris was certain that if Jamie and I met in London, I would never have asked to meet with Jamie for the first time, much less a second time because of the condom. Nothing like a best friend who knew how shallow I was. I cannot deny that Chris was wrong, but I guess fate spun things this way. Jamie and I met in a specific time in my life with a specific set of circumstances that made things right at that moment. Lack of bare sex notwithstanding, I genuinely enjoyed Jamie’s company and am in love with him. There was a certain sweetness and innocence that Jamie had that I found alluring. In a different time, I would be finding ways to lead him down the corrupted path, as I often did with previous exes or fuckbuddies. Instead, I found myself in an unfamiliar territory of being at war internally - I felt protective over Jamie, and yet I still desired to poz him. A quandary I never had before. Maybe it was moving into this small town and slipping into the facade of a responsible poz top that I was starting to believe my own bullshit. Fine, maybe I feel more for Jamie than I did my previous exes or fuckbuddies. “That’s not you, Alec. You’ll get bored of him one day,” Chris said to me not long ago. BAH! Chris was probably disappointed that Jamie would be my first boyfriend since we’ve known each other that he wouldn’t get to fuck. We were both a top & top-verse, and got off sharing our bottom boyfriends and fuckbuddies with each other. My cock turned hard at the lewd image of my sweet innocent Jamie bouncing up and down Chris’ cock like a slut while I plough Ross, Chris’ boyfriend - Chris and I churning our mixed cum in our boys, a frothy mixture of cum coating our shafts, massaging our mixed toxic cum into our boys and knobs. At the end of the session, both boys are so stuffed with our mixed toxic seed, our strains mingling with each other through our boys, before passing from our boys to ourselves. An unreachable fantasy in this instance. I can even imagine how Jamie would react if I shared this with him - turning all red and scandalised. My mind drifted back to frotting Jamie last night - it was the closest my piss slit ever got to his opening. What made it hotter was Jamie even briefly sharing his fantasy of taking my toxic load. It had almost made me lose my resolve last night and I came close to ‘accidentally’ blowing my load all over his hole and watched my juices slowly seep into his passage even though Jamie begged me not to cum over his hole. In the end, my protective feelings towards Jamie won out in the end. Unfortunately, feeling protective over Jamie was a double edged sword. My deviant mind always loved the idea of perverting my role of an older boyfriend/husband/partner, from one who is supposed to be caring, nurturing and a protective lover to my younger spouse, to that of a selfish, deviant lover, who wanted nothing more than to taint my boyfriend with my viral load and maximising the pleasure I can get for cock out of my boyfriend’s hole. I love it when bottoms lose control and beg for raw cock. For the first time, I actually have someone I wanted to protect and keep myself under control and yet… I was under no illusions that my resolve is held by a thread, and the idea of giving in to my desires and losing control, or far more alluring, the idea of both Jamie and I mutually losing control… Even darker fantasies started being spun in my head. Thoughts of pinning Jamie down and ravishing him completely with my bare cock despite his protest, knocking my boyfriend up and making him completely mine. Despite all the prim and proper protestation, Jamie secretly loved me raping his hole, as he half fights and half gives in to his desire. I wondered if Jamie was aware how he whimpered louder last night every time the glans of my cock brushed against his smooth pink pucker. I would love to hear how he would cry out in pleasure when my knob breaches his hole…. My cock stayed hard for the entire drive and my boxers had several wet spots from my pre-cum. By the time we reached the unit, I had worked my horniess up to a frenzy. Stepping in through the front door of the unit, I told Jamie, “I think you should get on your knees and suck me off.” A playful and naughty grin flashed on Jamie’s face as he got on his knees dutifully and began to undo my pants. My cock sprang out, rock hard with pre-cum dripping out of the piss hole. My thick and veiny cock sticking out of my hairy crotch contrasted against Jamie with his neatly combed hair, a nerdy pair of glasses and his youthful clean shaven face. Ideas of corrupting Jamie in all sorts of manner surfaced - especially a biologically corruption. Jamie’s mouth stretched wide open to accommodate the girth of my cock and my cock throbbed in response to the slutty sight of a clean cut nerdy young man taking on my cock. His eyes held mine as his mouth worked my sex tool. It was one thing I really enjoyed about sex with Jamie, we both liked to watch each other’s expressions - as if trying to capture every micro-expression of bliss as we pleasure one another, and feeding off each other’s pleasure, a powerful mental connection that stuck in a perpetual feedback loop. “Mm, you look so good servicing my cock,” I said in a low tone, as he worked my pants down onto my ankles, then using his hands running them over my hairy thighs. He loved feeling my fur, just as I love feeling his smooth skin. I growled, “I don’t think I can wait any more - I need to fuck you. Let’s get on the bed.” We stripped naked and practically stumbled our way into the bedroom. I noticed that the built-in wardrobes beside the bed had floor to ceiling mirrored doors. I had never brought anyone here for sex before, but I was now also looking forward to watching ourselves play in the mirror with plans to update the wardrobe at home to floor to ceiling mirrored doors - what a great idea. Jamie lay back on the bed, lifting his legs up, exposing his pink smooth hole and I knelt in front of Jamie. I then lifted his arse up with my hairy paws so that his arse was close to my mouth, and he was practically on balancing his shoulders. We kept our eyes locked onto each other as I slowly moved my head down towards his hole to eat him out, never breaking our gaze. I fed on the anticipation on his face as my mouth got slowly closer and closer to his hole before he gasped when we finally made contact. I loved watching Jamie writhe as I pushed my tongue deep into his hole. His moans made me work my tongue even more. Pushing hard against his pucker one moment, before being gentle. I paused munching on his hole a moment and said, “Imagine my tongue is my cockhead, pressing against your hole.” I dove my tongue in hard on his hole and Jamie seemed to cry out in pleasure even louder than before. A sign he was more turned on, no doubt by the wicked idea planted in his head. “You like pretending that it is my cockhead working at your entrance. Imagine it is just the tip of my cock, rubbing and prodding.” “That’s so wicked, and it feels so good,”Jamie moaned, “I wish we could do it for real but it isn’t safe.” “But we can pretend,” I responded smoothly, and ate his hole with renewed vigour. My trimmed beard sanding his smooth crack raw. I decided I needed to cum to take the edge off, before I drove myself crazy. I reached for my bag to grab the lube and condom and cursed at my discovery, “Fuck, there are no more condoms left in the box.” “Oh,” I heard disappointment in Jamie’s voice - no doubt he was looking forward as much as I was to railing him. There was a slight pause, then he continued shyly as if he were confessing to one of the seven deadly sins, “How about you cum by frottage? It felt so good yesterday and that wicked fantasy you had too was very horny.” Jamie’s suggestion perked my mood. Sure, lying face down normally meant that we could not feed off each others’ expressions, but this time we have a floor to ceiling mirror which allows us to watch ourselves and see each other’s faces. Repositioning Jamie to lie face down on the bed, I rubbed a generous amount of lube between his arse cheeks and between his slim smooth thighs. I drank in Jamie’s male form before positioning myself over Jamie, my cockhead sat on his tailbone before slowly gliding down between his arse cheeks, the flesh of my knob glancing over his puckered flesh, before sliding snuggly between smooth thighs. It was a mimicry of fucking. My cock felt warm flesh engulfing my shaft but it lacked the primal edge raw fucking had: where top and bottom were completely exposed to each other of their bodily fluids and virus, where risk, danger, pleasure and intimacy all rolled into one.. I looked into the mirror and drank the sight of me above Jamie. My eyes caught Jamie’s through the mirror, he moaned, “You look so sexy, Alec - your beefy body is such a wicked contrast to mine.” “Yea? You like seeing us in the mirror? My older beefy hairy body against your younger smooth slender body?” “It looks so…” Jamie at a loss for a word before settling on, “... perverse…” “An innocent boyish looking man taken by his older animalistic looking lover? Without any context, what someone might see in the mirror would look like you’re being taken advantage of by me,” I suggested with a lot of heat in my voice. The dark fantasies during the drive snuck free and the thread holding my protective feelings snapped away. It would be so easy to overpower my slim slender boyfriend with my beefy bear form and bury my cock deep in him and plough him. A simple matter to pin him down, change the angle slightly of my cock slightly and we would be joined, forever making him as mine, giving him his first poz load. My body subconsciously began to shift the angle of my body lower relative to Jamie’s - this changed the angle of the thrust bit by bit. I discovered my unconscious movement when my cockhead wasn’t gliding smoothly across Jamie’s arse crack. There was a distinct sense of a bump on my knob’s trail down to between his crack. As if a portion of my knob got caught in Jamie’s hole before the force of my thrusts knocked it out. “Ohhhhh, it feels so good, how your cock feels like it is briefly caught in my hole without entering,” Jamie moaned. Hearing his delight, I shifted down a bit more and his pucker captured my knob even more without it slipping in. Teasing Jamie was also teasing myself. I fed into Jamie’s pleasure, relishing how tantalizing close we were to fucking, “Yea, it feels good for me too, Jamie - love hearing how you moan everytime my cock get briefly caught on your hole.” I found myself again angling myself even lower to “catch” onto Jamie’s hole more and he moaned even louder. As I lifted my cock up to the top of his crack, I noticed the slightest, almost imperceptible movement by Jamie lifting his arse ever so slightly in response. I was rewarded with the sight of my red angry glans of my cock breaching Jamie’s pink hole when I moved down slowly and deliberately.. We both gasp in pleasure. The angle was still not right for fucking. If I pushed down or forward, my cock would come out, so I stayed still so that we remained joined by the tiniest bit. The barest of taste of my boyfriend’s bare entrance engulfing my knob. No doubt Jamie was relishing the feel of bare flesh, instead of cold sterile rubber, pushing his hole apart. My piss slit, the gateway of my toxic cum, was now within the borders of his passage. I could feel pre-cum oozing, and my cock throbbed in excitement as I pictured it dripping into my boy. My primal brain wondered if my pre-cum was poisonous enough to convert him like this. We shouldn’t be doing this. Yet neither of us moved to break free. The forbidden nature of this act was deeply arousing. We held still for several moments in silence, joined knob to hole, as if speaking would break the spell. Jamie had not said anything nor had he told me to stop but his eyes were riveted at our connection through the mirror. I was so horny and eager to properly take and possess my boyfriend. With any other guy, I would have acted even earlier to reposition myself to slide my cock all the way - not missing the window of opportunity of the lack of protest. But this was my Jamie, the monster in me somehow gave Jamie a few more additional moments to protest before I found myself repositioning myself so that I could slide my cock in all the way. No doubt Jamie could feel and see me shifting and would understand my intent. This was going to be the point of no return for us. Just as I got into position, he suddenly cried, “Please don’t fuck me without a condom.” I froze, leaving my cockhead clasped by Jamie’s hole. I looked back at Jamie through the mirror, his eyes had a look of panic, but I could see he was fighting desire. There was a wave of disappointment and I wouldn’t deny that the temptation was there to just fuck Jamie anyway just like my fantasy - he would love it. But I managed to keep fantasy and reality separated like a responsible top and pulled myself out. “Sorry, Alec,” Jamie said, looking very apologetic through the mirror, but I could see relief and disappointment in his face. Maybe he did want me to take him regardless of what he said. “It’s ok, Jamie. It felt very good for me though.” To my surprise, Jamie asked shyly, “It felt really good for me too. Could we do what we did earlier - just the tip but no fucking?” My body moved without thinking, re-positioning myself smoothly. I heard Jamie whispered, “Don’t fuck me…. Please… just the tip. Oh we shouldn’t be doing this.” I was very aroused by Jamie’s desire for the tip of my cock, the thrill of the forbidden, of pushing boundaries. In one day, we went from frottage to ‘just the tip’. Maybe it wouldn’t be long before I truly get to take Jamie properly, my over aroused sex addled brain thought.. “I wouldn’t fuck you, Jamie. I promise,” I whispered soothingly. Jamie’s arsed arched up tentatively despite his protests. His body language in contrast to his words. Temptation returned - It would be so easy to fuck him. A single thrust me and I would be completely in him. I strongly suspected Jamie and I shared the same fantasy of me taking him against his consent, my cock swelling at the idea till it ached. I moved my knob very slowly in and out of Jamie - just the tip as I promised. My knob plopping out, before prodding his entrance apart, slipping in and out with mini-thrusts. We were tantalizingly close to proper fucking and love making. A little forbidden taste of each other’s bodies. Jamie moaned with delight, telling me it felt so good one moment, then begging that I not fuck him. The idea of slowly wearing down his resolve and making him lose control of his dark desires of taking my poz load titillate me. “We aren’t fucking Jamie, just the tip, I promise,” I said gently, though Jamie could see the wicked evil grin plastered on my face. “The tip feels so good. Your knob is just stretching me open, then leaving and the muscle closes up before it gets forced wide open. It feels so good. I hope it is good for you too.” “It’s great, Jamie,” I sped up my mini thrusts, Jamie’s sphincter pleasuring my knob and I felt my cum building up. I wanted so badly to blow my load into Jamie even if I wasn’t balls deep in him. “Where do you want me to cum?” I shouldn’t have to ask Jamie - I knew he wasn’t ready for me to cum in him yet. Yet, an evil part of me decided that I would blow my load inside Jamie if he did not answer my question - to hell with positive consent. Would he even hear my question amidst our moans? There was a long pause, as if Jamie was debating this internally before he finally said, “Please cum outside of me.” I was so close to blowing my load inside Jamie, but I pulled out immediately. The first volley of cum shot onto his slightly stretched hole before I managed to deposit the rest of my cum on his lower back. “Your cum is searing hot— ugh–” Jamie’s cries of orgasm joined mine. Did my cum hitting his hole tipped him over the edge? When we both finished cumming, I looked at the single glop of cum painted onto his twitching hole, imagining his hole drinking in my juices and my seed dripping ever slowly down his passage. “Could you get a towel to wipe off your cum, please?” Jamie asked, breaking me from my daydream. “Of course,” I said, grabbing a towel wiping the spunk off his lower back first before slowly wiping the spunk off his hole. “Do you think I’m still ok?” Jamie asked quietly as if lost in his thoughts. “You’ll be fine, Jamie. There was a lot of lube - I’m sure there was no torn flesh,” I said soothingly. That is why I prefer spit. Sure, prep is a lot easier with lube - but spit, it dries quicker - it is all natural. A chafed cock and a torn hole - as we fuck, bits of blood and cum mingling, the perfect swapping of body fluids. And lube tastes horrible. Silence draped the air for a few breaths, then Jamie continued softly, “I thought you were going fuck me anyway even though I told you not to. The worst part of it all was a part of me would have been so turned on if you had fucked me anyway even though I said no.” “Are you sharing that with me because you want me to fuck you even if you say no?” I asked playfully, mentally filing this information. “W..what? No, t..that’s not what I mean,” Jamie stammered, his face turning scarlet, “Only that I find the idea horny.” “You better not share that with me, Jamie. The idea turns me on greatly too - It took all my willpower not to rape you despite your protest,” I warned him in a light playful tone. Jamie bit his lip, face turning even redder, before blurting, “Gosh, I wish that didn’t sound so hot - I’m glad you are willing to protect me and keep me safe. Can we get a box of condoms tomorrow before we do something we regret?” “Of course, I’ll drive to the shops first thing in the morning,” I said.
    10 points
  3. I rejoined everyone at the party. The two shots were doing their magic, and after a while so was the edible. It was pretty strong actually. M brought over a couple more shots, but i told him I couldn't and that I needed to drive home. He scoffed and told me that wasnt happening. That he wanted me to stay all night and party with him, since he never gets to get out of the house. Then he pulled S over and told him that I turned down shots. M told me to just stay the night at S's place. He lived only a few blocks from the gym. S looked at me a gave me a devilish smile. Then came over and said I had to do at least one more. And that I could definitely stay at his place, and that his wife and kid were out at her parents and not coming back till Christmas day. I was sold. M, S, and I all did another shot. I was feeling very warm and relaxed. The edible was kicking in and I was less nervous about being there and how I was going to get home. My guard was coming down a little bit and i was starting to laugh more and enjoy the party. Some of the girls from the gym were talking with me and telling me stories about some of the guys that we worked out with. One of them was telling the rest of the group about how big one of the guy's cock was because she had recently fucked him. One of the firefighters. He was 6'6" apparently his dick was actually proportionate to his size. Then she put her hands out to show a rough measurement of it. The other girls in the group were practically dripping wet. And very envious, even though they just laughed. But they all started to treat him a little differently. They were giggling around him and touching him a little more than before. I was definitely intrigued, but my mind was still on S and what had happened in the bathroom earlier. I kept playing it over in my mind. I comvinced myself that he was just drunk and high on coke and teasing me. Then S came up with two more shots. He handed one to me and leaned into my ear and asked if I was really gonna stay over at his place. I nodded and said, "If you're ok with that," he nodded in agreement and we did a cheers and knocked back the shot. And his hand found its way to my ass. Like actually on my ass. As he talked to the rest of the group. He acted as if he didnt realize it was on my ass. He was leaned in and talking to the whole group and noone noticed but me. I didnt stop him and i didn't bring anyone's attention to it either. His brother M came up to me, told me to come with him, grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We went back to the bathrooms and we went into the first free bathroom. He closed the door and locked it. Then lifted the toilet seat and pulled his dick out and started peeing while he was talking to me. Now, this isnt unusual. Ive been in this situation before. Drunk straight guys wanting to talk to me while they're peeing. I didnt actaully think anything of it. He was asking me how the party was. Telling me how happy he was that I made it and that I was actually drinking, because we havent drank together in so long. Then he turned around with his dick still out and in his hand. He noticed me look dowm at it while he tucked it back into his pants. I just said, "No undwear M?" He answered, "Never!" We both laughed. I was laughing in an awkward way, because I'd never actually seen M's dick before. I'd seen his ass many times. Very muscular, very round, and kinda fuzzy. But this was the first time that I'd actually seen his dick. It was thick and uncut. But his foreskin didnt fully cover the head of his dick. And it looked heavy. Then he asked if I was gonna keep partying with him and S back at S's place? I told him I didnt know that we were gon a party back at S's place, but that i was gonna head there for the night after the gym party finished. He then asked if I wanted to party with him and S. I said sure and said I didnt really party much anymore, but that Id be down to keep drinking. M then politely asked me if I wanted to party. He said that theres lots of blow if I wanted some. And to be honest, i really really wanted to. But i said I was good. But that if there was some MDMA i would do some of that. He went to the sink and started washing his hands. He looked at me in the mirror and said, "I can get some for you if you are serious." I was kinda shocked and a little excited. I answered, "I mean...yeah...I'll do some M." He smiled at me through the mirror. The same devilish smile his brother had given me earlier. He jusy said, "cool!" And left the bathroom. I followed him out. We went back to the alcohol and we did another shot. What was happening? I didnt really think they were in the same pervy place my mind was going. Honestly, it was so far away from anything I knew from these brothers. Ive been friends with them for years, and nothing has ever happened. So i just thought i was reading too much into things. They were just drunk and high and wanting to keep partying.
    9 points
  4. Chapt 4 Alec The beast within me felt immense satisfaction at finally claiming our young mate. I experienced one of the most intense orgasms in my life as I delivered a huge load deep inside Jamie. I felt Jamie’s hot spunk on our bellies, glueing us together. I loved the spontaneity of fucking Jamie raw without a proper discussion of risks and consequences - both of us losing control together, the exhilarating thrill of moving step by step to raw fucking as boundaries were pushed and broken in an irresponsible manner. I also loved how Jamie asked me to cum outside of him, yet he clung onto me tightly with his pleading eyes simultaneously begging to be taken and for me to pull out. All the wicked fantasies we shared about me taking him without his consent finally came into fruition. As my orgasm died out and lucidity returned, I felt a growing guilt. It wasn’t like sowing my seeds on some random fuck who didn’t care to take care of himself. I had long rationalised if it wasn’t me pozzing said random fuck, it would eventually be someone else. But Jaime had a place in my heart unlike said random fuck. My hypocrisy was not lost on me that the last couple of days, I pushed Jamie’s boundaries with lustful delight. Chris, my best friend, would probably be rolling on the floor laughing at my sudden acquisition of a conscience. Our running gag was if gay men live by the ‘sword’, then we die by the ‘sword’. Jamie seemed to have returned to his senses as well. We looked at each silently, both breathing deeply, still joined by my semi-hard cock. “Are you ok, Jamie?” I asked gently. “Yea I am. And you?” Jamie responded, sounding a bit distant. A sign he was deep in thought. I withdrew from Jamie, letting him sit up beside me. “I am good - it was amazing. It was more than I hoped for. But I am sorry, Jamie - we should have discussed this properly. I know we talked about fantasies about me taking you without your consent, but without actually a proper discussion about boundaries, I should have pulled out,” I took a deep breath and continued, “But we can still protect you. They have medication for medical staff for situations where they are accidentally exposed to HIV. So long as the medication is taken within 72 hours of exposure, it should be able to prevent infection. We can go to the hospital and get them to prescribe you some.” It felt strange that the consequences of an act so intimate between my lover and I could be severed by some medication. As if the slate could just be wiped clean. We will have to go back to condoms too. My inner beast howled in protest after claiming our mate. I reminded myself that getting Jamie poz only benefited my sick perverted mind. “Oh,” I could see the cogs turning in Jaime’s head as he considered the information. “So what you are saying is that for the next 72 hours, we can fuck raw to our hearts content and I can go to the hospital to get the exposure medication and I wouldn’t be infected?” I almost burst out in laughter. It wasn’t quite what I was expecting him to say. Though 72 hours of ravishing my boyfriend did have a great appeal. Instead, I put on my responsible hat and stripped off sexually evocative poz words, “72 hours is a guideline. You need to get the treatment as soon as possible for the best results. The longer you take to go on medication or the greater the exposure level, sero-convertion can still happen even if the post exposure medication is taken. You shouldn’t have to pay for me losing control and being highly irresponsible. As you know Jamie, I am not on meds, so my viral load, while stable, is high so I may be more infectious than what is typically expected and therefore the exposure would be greater which may yield poorer results from the meds.” “Oh,” Jamie said and paused, mulling over the information some more. “Does this mean I should push out your cum to reduce as much cum in me as possible, therefore reduce exposure?” I couldn’t fault Jamie’s logic. However, it would be such a waste to push out all that cum immediately. It had been a long time since I had the opportunity to eat cum out of an ass since moving out of London, a few more moments of my toxic cum in Jamie should be alright, shouldn’t it? “Wait Jamie, sit on my face for a bit, I want to eat out your hole - It may be my only chance of ever doing this with my cum in your hole. Sit on my face.” An amused grin blossomed on Jamie’s face. I lay back on the bed and Jamie straddled my face. “I got a perfect view of your hole - it looks so red and it smells of cum and sex,” I growled before munching on his hole, drinking in the taste and smell close up. My tongue pushed easily into his already stretched hole. I pulled back, watching his hole twitch as pearly white cum leaked and flowed out on his puffy pink entrance. I watched with a morbid fascination wondering if there was enough broken skin on his pink entrance for my virus to seep in before I lapped up my cum, “Love tasting my cum mixed with your hole juices as it drips out of your hole, tasting our fuck.” “That’s so bad…” Jamie moaned, “I want to taste our fuck too.” Jamie suddenly leaned down and tentatively put my rock hard cock in his mouth and sucked my cock. Tentativeness grew to eagerness as he sucked up and down my rod. Jamie, feasting our sex juices on my cock, while I feasted on our sex juices from his hole. “Kiss me, Jamie. Let’s share what we are tasting with each other.” Jamie released my cock and repositioned himself, he straddled me on my waist, my long thick shaft rested in between his crack as he leaned down and kissed me. We dove our tongues into each other’s mouths, sharing the taste of our bodies with each other. Jamie rocked his hips, the cleft of his butt rubbed against my cock. We were lost in our kiss for a long time. When we finally took a moment to catch our breath, Jamie had a sombre look on his face and said, “And for the record, Alec, it was ‘we’ lost control. Not ‘you’ lost control. It was what made it so… intoxicating. ‘Us’ doing what we should not be doing together. Like we both lost our minds together step by step together, but somehow stayed in sync, remaining one mind - connected even in our madness. I don’t even think I make sense. If it was just one of us losing self control, it wouldn’t be the same because we are not of the same mind.” Jamie’s insight took me by surprise. He wasn’t wrong. “Thanks Jamie, I appreciate that.” Jamie remained silent for a bit as if mulling some more before his cheeks turned a little pink again and his cock throbbed. “What dirty thought crossed your mind, Jamie?” I grinned. “You know how you said earlier that your viral load has been high but stable, it just made me think that your cum is even more potent and dangerous than I thought. It was just a strange way to think of cum with those descriptions,” he responded softly. I found my cock throbbing between his arse cheeks. Jamie flashed a grin, “Wow, a barest hint of poz talk and your cock is throbbing. You’re really bad, Alec - for all your talk about asking me to go to the hospital to get meds, deep down you really like the idea of pozzing your younger boyfriend.” “Unfortunately, all this time you’ve been going out with a sick, perverted man, who gets off on doing things that he shouldn’t. I just kept it hidden from you all this time to keep you around. But I lost control last night, and now you know,” I replied with a grin, half joking, but also realising there was more truth in my statement than I cared to admit. “Is that so?” Jamie asked with an impish smile as if discovering a secret. Grabbing my cock underneath him, he positioned my knob at his entrance and gently rubbed them against each other. My knob, raw from the friction burns of our fucking, felt sore and tender against Jamie’s entrace. “We shouldn’t have let your knob and my hole teased each other last night. It all started with this,” he whispered teasingly. I growled with lust, my self control slipping, “You’re playing with fire, Jamie…” “I should have straddled you like you suggested earlier when you were teasing me with your cockhead. So that I would have been in control and you couldn’t slip into me,” he teased further. I smirked at his unintended challenge, “Sweet, naive Jamie. You must have only been with inexperienced tops before.” In a quick smooth practised motion, I grabbed his arse, pulled cheeks apart, tilt his hips into the right angle and buck my hips upwards in a single thrust. I felt a brief moment of resistance when my knob met his hole, before resistance gave way and my cock penetrated into his warm flesh, still well lubricated with my dirty seed. My cock stang from being chafed from our fuck, his warm flesh heightening the burn as it made my cock harder. I gave him a smug evil grin and boasted, “I could have easily entered you this way too.” Jamie moaned in pleasure but did not make any move to jump off my cock, which delighted me. I loved feeding from his pleasure and his desire for my cock. It was heightened even more by the idea that it was something we ‘shouldn’t’ be doing. Jamie leaned, resting his head on my shoulders, our chest pressing against each other and mouth beside my ear and he whispered huskily, “You said that you shouldn’t be fucking me raw anymore, or your potent virus might be too much for the meds.” As he said that, he began to slowly move himself up and down on my cock. “Don’t move,” I told Jamie, “let me fuck you instead.” Jamie stilled himself as I bucked my hips, my both hands pulling his cheeks apart as much as possible for full access. The beast within me taking control.. It wants to breed our mate again. “Yea, I shouldn’t be fucking you raw. But I’m not a good person, Jamie. I tell myself that I should keep you safe as your boyfriend, but what I really want is to be the man who knocks you up. Mark you as mine. You’ll always have a part of me in you. What kind of sick boyfriend has these kinds of thoughts and acts on them? Especially on his younger boyfriend just at the start of his life” Jamie groaned and clutched onto me, “It is so perverted, but I love hearing that you want to do these wicked things to me, to be tied to you forever.” “On your back, Jamie. I know you like me on top and properly in control. Going to give you another good fucking.” Jamie got up and moved across the bed as I sat up, I had a good look at my fucktool. Frothy white cummy foam coated my rod, my crotch damp with some of the cum that backflowed out due to churning my own cum. As Jamie lay on his back, he caught sight of my cock and sucked in air in a hiss, “That looks so hot -I’ve never seen a cock so cummy before, it looks so slutty.” I knew a devilish grin was plastered on my face as I got in between Jamie’s legs, flaunting my hard wet tool, wet with my own cum. “None of your neg ex-boyfriends ever fucked on their own cum? Probably because they are just firing blanks. Whereas your poz boyfriend has his toxic load that he wants to massage into your passage and your blood stream,” I said, simultaneously slamming myself into Jamie and fucking him, “Massaging my cum in you with my cock.” Jamie lay back giving himself completely to me. His submissive manner looked completely wanton in my sex craze haze. Lewd sounds of flesh slapping flesh reverberated in the room as we clung onto each other. “So hot, losing control together and giving into our desire for each other,” Jamie murmured feverishly I felt my cum building up. Jamie still had not verbalised that he wanted my cum. I needed to know that he wanted all of me - my dirty toxic cum, my virus. “Where do you want me to cum, Jamie?” I asked Jamie, our eyes fastened. Jamie hesitated for a moment, which almost caused my heart to sink before he said, “Cum in me Alec, make me yours forever.” It was like a dam burst as my orgasm exploded as I gave my boyfriend my second toxic load in him, delivered deep into his guts. I felt Jamie cum within seconds after I came. I lay on our backs panting, holding each other’s hands and catching our breath for a few minutes. “Last chance, Jamie. We go to the hospital now, or I’m keeping you in this unit for the next 72 hours and keep pumping load after load of my potent viral cum into you.” There was not a little dread that Jamie would choose to go to the hospital. It would be the right decision. The sensible one. A part of me was not ready to lose what we have just discovered together as boyfriends and lovers. Jamie cuddled up to me, our sweaty sticky skin plastering on each other. “I don’t know if I can lose what we had just shared,” he said, echoing my thoughts. “I never felt so close to anyone, so connected and bonded.” We did not leave the unit for the next 72 hours. 2 months later I heard the door open as Jamie came back. I popped my head out of the kitchen and asked, “So, what were the results?” “It came back positive,” Jamie confirmed. “Are you feeling ok?” While the results are not unexpected, sometimes reality can hit harder than fantasy.. “Unlike other newly poz guys, I have you,” Jamie hugged me and I held him. “So what did you and the doctor talk about?” “Oh, she said I was taking it all very calmly. I said I knew who poz-ed me. She asked if we were having protected sex now…. I said no. Then she said that even though I am poz and got it from you, we need to use protection because the virus mutates separately in our bodies. Unprotected sex may mean we get re-infected by a new mutated strain from even each other… and we may end up harming each other. She said, I quote, ‘You don’t want to harm your boyfriend or your boyfriend harm you, do you?’” My cock stirred in my pants, tenting. Jamie eyed my hardon with a salacious grin. In a mischievous tone, he said, “The doctor made it sound so serious and dangerous, Alec. Maybe we need to discuss having safe sex.” I pinned Jamie against the wall, pressing our hardons against each other. Over the last two months, Jamie had really gotten into poz talk and play with me. I huskily said, “We are never fucking with a condom, Jamie.” “But I’ll be such an irresponsible boyfriend, re-infecting my boyfriend over and over again with my strain, never knowing when it might mutate,” Jamie teased, working me up with all the right buttons. I growled, “We are never fucking with a condom. We will keep swapping our juices and recharging each other with our strains… fuck if they mutate.” “People are going to say we are so irresponsible and have such an unhealthy relationship… We risk harming each other while we make love.” “That’s why it is perfect and right for the two of us,” I said, kissing Jamie to shut him up.
    8 points
  5. Part 3: Homecoming ”David! David! David!” My mom had looked like she aged 20 years since I last saw her. She was noticeably more raspier than she was when I last saw her and the distinct smell of cigarette smoke wafted in the air around her. When she finally saw me she hugged me so hard I thought she was trying to break me in two. “David you look well and I can’t believe that my baby boy is finally home,” she said hugging me. “Hi mom it’s good to see you too.” I couldn’t help but notice the tears rolling down my cheeks. It had been little over 10 years since I had seen her in person. We had only been speaking to each other again for the last three years. For the both of us it was a bittersweet moment. For all the fighting and hatred that we both inflicted on one another it felt like those times would become a distant memory. As I grabbed my things my mom insisted on her putting my things in the trunk of the car, but I told her, “mom I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to load my own luggage.” As we pulled out of the station onto highway 320 she leaned over and said to me, “I’m so happy that you are finally home again, and I can speak for both me and your father we are both happy to have you home.” I was kinda taken aback that my father was looking forward to me coming home, because we had essentially only communicated through head nods. So I had to ask the question on why she was so insistent on me coming home, but her reply really caught me off guard. “Well I suppose I can tell you. Baby boy the doctor’s found a lump in my right breast. The lump was cancerous, and it has spread to other parts of my body. I didn’t want to go another few months without seeing you and I needed to make peace with you. I needed to bury the past so I could spend my remaining days and weeks with you.” The news that the woman who raised me was in the winter of her life really took me back. “Have you gotten a second opinion on this? Have you visited the cancer center at UT? How long have you known?” I said this with tears pouring out of my eyes. She sighed and said, “I’ve only know for about two months now. My doctor her sent me to ETSU and then down to UTK to see their doctors on how to go after this. Everything they looked at was either going to prolong the inevitable and would rapidly deteriorate my quality of life. So I choose to make myself as comfortable as possible. Your father has been taking care of me as much as he can, but he’s been battling his own issues. So we’ve taken on a hospice nurse to help him with my care. I’m not entirely gone yet, but things have gotten a lot harder for me to deal with. It’s only a matter of time.” For the remainder of the car ride to my parent’s house, I just sat there in stunned silence. My mom knew that the news was a lot, and she was kind enough to let me have some space to think. That car ride was the longest ride of my life, however the entire journey from the station to my parent’s home was only a 30 min drive. We finally pull in and the house that I had grew up in looked the same as it was when I last seen it. I had so many good memories there. Ranging from the first time I learned how to ride my bike to me figuring out that I was a gay ole country boy. I found that out thanks to a neighbor kid named Corey who would come over from time to time to “sword fight” and to make out with one another. Eventually he would be my first lover and the person who would take my virginity. Of course that happened at his house as his parents were mostly not home after school. So we had ample opportunity to explore. I walked into the house for the very first time since 2009 and I immediately noticed all of the family portraits on the wall. I also noticed that my mom had framed several of my newspaper stories. This ranged from my first story with my high school newspaper to my first story with the Capitol Journal. For me seeing that part of the wall gave me pause, and maybe rethink how my parents felt about me. Did they actually feel proud of me or were these put up prior to my visit, but I’m more inclined to believe that they were actually proud of me. As I was looking at these framed items on the wall, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was text from JD saying he made it to the resort. I texted him back saying I had made it safely to my parents house. He then sent me a picture from his room with a breath taking view of the mighty Great Smoky Mountains. He captioned the photo with, “what a great view. I hope to share it with you sometime this week.” I smiled and replied back with, “It could happen sooner rather than later.” Just as I was hitting send, my father walked into the living room. He had gotten more heavier set than he was when I last saw him. He was definitely showing his age, but what I didn’t expect was for him to grab me and give me the biggest hug of my life. It was at that moment I broke down in tears again, with him crying into my shoulder. All he kept saying was, “I’m sorry son,” over and over again. I kept telling him it was okay, but I believe the last decade of guilt had finally made him crack. After our tearful reunion, he motioned me over to the couch. The couch was the same one that he used to read me stories about Robin Hood and King Arthur. He pulled this old looking photo album, and he handed it to me. “Every since you left, I wanted to keep a memento of the work you did from your college paper to your current work with the Capitol Gazette. So I saved every article here in this photo album. I wanted to have this so I can look at all the amazing things that you have done, because you have made me proud. I know we didn’t speak for a long time, but I wanted to let you know is that I’m sorry son. I should have accepted you sooner than I did, but sometimes it takes me an old fool like me to loose something to realize just how important you were to me.” I stared in amazement that after all these years my own father has finally accepted me for well being me. I looked at him and I said, “Thanks dad. I missed you too.” Right when I said that a man walked out of the kitchen. It was to my surprise that it was my childhood friend Corey. When he saw me he was like, “well look who the cat drugged by.” I laughed and said, “well you haven’t changed a bit.” I got up and hugged him. My mom tapped me on the shoulder and said, “David let’s go put your things up. We can catch up some more after you have settled.” As I went to grab my things Corey offered to help me with them. So he followed me down to my old childhood bedroom and as soon as the door closed I was immediately fixed on him. He literally hadn’t aged a day, and he was just as beautiful from the last time I saw him. I could see his semi growing in his scrubs, but I had to resist the urge to pounce on him. As we were unpacking my things he quipped, “Man I have so many memories in this room. Especially all those times we used our dicks to pretend we were sword fighting.” I laughed and said, “yea I do remember that very fondly. So just out of curiosity, how did you get to become my parents hospice nurse?” He replied, “Well I had been working as a traveling nurse for a while, and when my mom got sick I came back and took care of her. After she passed, I decided to go into hospice care. I got assigned here because it’s obviously close to where I live, but your mom and dad were there for me when mom died. So naturally it was a good fit.” I missed a lot over the years and I knew I wanted to get looped in. So I asked him if he wanted to hangout the next day just to catch up, and he said yes enthusiastically. In fact I’m pretty sure he was wanting to catch up both literally and physically. I however wasn’t opposed to him catching up with me physically. If memory serves me correctly, his dick was uncut and thick. Not to mention he was definitely a shooter so I’m pretty my ass was going to get coated with cum, if we got that far. So I had that to look forward to the next day, and thank god I brought my supplies to prepare. First off I want to thank everyone for your kind words and support for this story. It’s definitely my first time writing something like this. I’ll definitely improve over time, but I wanted to tell a well rounded story. Things will get to become more interesting starting in the next part especially for David. Who doesn’t know he’s on the journey to joining the brotherhood.
    8 points
  6. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas weekend. Im back to work and still reeling from what happened a few days ago. For those of you who have read my stories before, you know I've had a rough patch a few years ago. Ive been through a long recovery after about a decade of partying hard and fucking and getting fucked by lots and lots of men. Ive been leading a much healthier life than I had been. I rarely drink and haven't done any drugs of any kind for at least two years, with the exception of a toke of weed every now and then when im not drinking at parties. Well, this holiday season has been kinda crazy. I haven't shared a story in a while, as Ive been trying to keep busy at work and stay on the straight and narrow. And to be honest, i still feel like I'm maintaining good health. Even though, some on my path would say that this last weekend i would have been considered to have fallen off the wagon, so to speak. It didnt start out that way. I got invited to my regular annual gym Christmas party. Nothing out of the ordinary. I am pretty up front with everyone at my gym that I dont party like I used to. And that im trying to live a healthier lifestyle. And thats how it started. As I was getting ready for the party, which would usually just be the core group of crossfitters, we're all pretty close and we all work out together pretty much everyday. The owners of the gym are two brothers, both very sexy. They have their wives and kids, who I know all very well. We've all been to each other's houses for dinner and all different occasions. And the brothers really supported me through my crazy time. Even during me coming out, they both stood by me and helped me through some very volatile times. They're really incredible guys. There are also A LOT of very sexy people that go to the gym. Many guys and girls that are high performing professionals, a couple firefighters, one cop, and a bunch of other finance guys. And ALL of them are in amazing physical condition. (I would definitely recommend to anyone thats looking to get in the best shape of their life, to join a crossfit gym.) But I digress... I was getting ready for the party. I showered, cleaned up, shaved, and douched...just in case i ended up wanting to go out afterward if the party was boring. I showed up to the party. Its held in the gym and its a bunch of familiar people. I arrived about an hour and a half after the start, so that I wouldnt have to have the awkward conversations with some of the people that I maybe didn't know. This way, they would be a little drunk, and I could just sneak in and hang out with my gym buddy crew. By the time I walked in, everyone was already VERY drunk. I didn't expect the party to be as rowdy as it was at this time. It was only 8:30pm. When i walked in, there were a few of my friends that saw me and came running up. Drunkenly telling me how excited they were that I was there and that they weren't sure if I was going to make it. Which, I assured them that I in fact did make it. I was handed two shots and instructed to take them right away, as I needed to catch up. So i quickly did both shots. Tequila, so it wasnt tough to do. But, as Im trying to be on my best behavior, and this kind of an environment can be a little triggering for me. I kept it at that. After a few minutes of chatting and laughing with the group that greeted me at the door. One of the brothers saw me, made his way over and gave me a tight hug. The hug lasted a little longer than it should have, but i didn't mind one bit. He is bigger than me. Im a pretty big guy. Im nearly 6'2" and weigh about 240lbs, but in his arms I feel small. I chalked up the lingering embrace to his being very very drunk. He was slurring a bit telling me that he's glad I came. Then he turned into the party and announce my arrival to everyone. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the centre of a big group of people in the back of the gym. There was a kitchen sink, a fridge, and a long counter that stretched along the back wall. It was a make shift kitchen for the staff at the gym to be able to keep their food cold while they worked and wash their dishes afterward. But tonight, there was a big plate on the counter and people huddled around doing lines of what I would assume to be coke. The first brother who greeted me, we'll call him M, still had me by the arm. He brought me to his brother, we'll call him S to let him know I made it to the party. S, also grabbed me and pulled me in for a very tight hug. He also rubbed my back a little and let his hand slide down toward my ass. He left his hand resting on the top of my ass and lower back while he talked to me, practically resting his forehead on mine. He was so close to my face. He was telling me how glad he was I made it and that it wouldn't be a party if I wasnt there. His hand then slid onto my hips and he pulled me in again, practically grinding his dick into me. (I want to remind everyone that these brothers are both painfully straight. They are both very aware of how gay men want them, but they are always very respectfully rejecting advances. They are both married and both have kids. But their wives only let them out to party with gay guys, because they know that they are safe and not going to do anything that would jeopardize their marriages.) They also both know that I really dont do hard drugs, so when S saw me looking at the pile of coke on thr plate, he grabbed my face and made me look at him directly in the eyes and said, "No! I've got something else for you." He pulled me back out of the crowd and lead me to the bathrooms. The bathrooms were each individual rooms with a sink, toilet, and shower. We went in one and he closed the door and locked it. Then pulled out a little baggy with edible marijuana in it. He gave me one and said, if i wanted more just let him know. Then, the strangest thing happened. He told me to open my mouth. So i did. Then he put the jelly candy in my mouth with his index finger and thumb. Then pushed the candy to the back of my mouth with his index and middle fingers. It was incredibly erotic... out of nowhere. We just stared into eachother eyes while he did it. I closed my mouth around his fingers and sucked on them while he slowly pulled his fingers from my mouth. My heart was racing. I didnt expect that. And didnt know how to react. He smiled and let out a big laugh. Then leaned in and kissed me on the mouth and whispered, "You're a fucking dirty boy." Then he turned around and left the bathroom. What the fuck just happened?? I stood there, absoultely stunned. S, was so fucking hot. I had always fantasized about him and flirted with him. But he never gave any impression that this would ever happen. I'm friends with his wife. Ive babysat his kid. Im friends with his sister. I swallowed hard and then took a drink from the bathroom sink faucet, then left the bathroom and joined the party.
    7 points
  7. Chapter 3 Jamie The next morning, I woke up to find Alec had left the unit, leaving a note saying he was off to the shops. This left me with some time to stew in my own thoughts as I jumped into the shower. I had always associated bare sex as something special intimate bond shared between boyfriends/partners/lovers. Being unable to share this most intimate bond with Alec was frustrating - but a relationship wasn’t all about bare sex right? But last night feeling Alec’s tip taking a dip into my hole, my mind was fixated on how pleasurable it felt and we were a few inches from a full fuck. I hate the feel of latex pressing against my hole. It was a necessary evil, but at that moment, life felt terribly unfair about Alec and I being sero-discordant. A whisper bubbled up from my subconscious: ‘You could just become sero-concordant with Alec. Alec can help you with that, with his seed. Impregnate you with his virus. You’ll become his completely, carrying his ‘babies’.’ ‘Ridiculous’ - my rational mind tried to slap my subconscious back into the ether. “What you are hoping for was Alec to just fuck you last night even though you were protesting,” my insidious subconscious whispered back to my rational mind, “Alec, your virile alpha inseminating you with his virus, joining you with him biologically forever.” This was confusing, I never had rape fantasies - and rape fantasies still did nothing for me - I was pretty certain. It was specifically Alec, my boyfriend, taking me completely regardless of my lack of consent that turned me on. ‘Ridiculous - that is the very definition of who shouldn’t be your boyfriend,’ my rational mind screamed. Yet, in that moment, I had also gained insight that it was the perversion of Alec being the loving boyfriend to that of a debauched, pleasure seeking alpha that had no regard for anything but his own sexual pleasure that turned me on. The crazy mix of simultaneously yearning for tenderness and darkness from Alec. “What you want, Jamie is a sick perverted tart with a heart,” I blurted out loud to myself. Drying myself after my shower, I lay on the bed, slowly stroking my cock as my mind played back the events of the night before: The tip of Alec’s cock breaching my hole. My pucker clasped desperately onto Alec’s knob. We both froze as we knew we shouldn’t be doing this. My eyes were locked to our naked forms in the mirror. Neither of us made any attempts to disengage the connection. I was lost in bliss up until I felt and saw Alec repositioned himself to get the fucking angle right. In a moment of panic, I begged him not to fuck me. In my fantasy, Alec did not take heed of my feeble protests. Instead, he kicked my slim smooth legs apart with his beefy hairy thighs to get better access to my hole. He then moved to press his hands down on the back of my hands, pinning my hands down with our fingers entangled. Through the mirror, my boyfriend had a hard sinister slutty look on his face as he pressed my body down with his, engulfing my body and my senses with his hairy beefy body. There would have been no way for me to struggle free. He would then slowly and deliberately thrust forward, sliding his thick shaft down my chute despite my protests. Joining us, filling me completely. He would then pull himself out of me completely, and then in one smooth stroke after another, plunge into me again and again. I would feel a rising panic and yearning for his seed as his cock gets harder and harder, inching closer to ejaculation. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn’t push him off me. I kept protesting, but his thrusts simply became harder and faster. I keep begging him to let me go, but he does not listen. “I’m going to make you properly mine, Jamie,” Alec would whisper sinisterly in my ear, disregarding my protests. “None of your ex-boyfriends were able to mark you the way I can. You’ll be impregnated by my toxic seed. I would always be the one who infected you. After tonight, we will always be fucking bare.” The opening of the front door of the unit broke me from my fantasy. My cock was achingly hard and pre-cum was leaking from my glans. I heard Alec making his way through the living room and opened the bedroom door. He was greeted with the sight of me lying in bed with my cock up on full mast. He took a moment to take in my nakedness, his eyes running up and down my body in a way that made me feel so sexy and desired, even though I never considered myself sexy. He then eyed my aching cock and teased, “Well someone’s horny.” I caught sight of the new box of condoms that he just placed on the bedside table. I felt annoyed and relieved at the same time. Annoyed that Alec appeared to have every intention to play safe. Relieved that Alec appeared to have every intention to play safe too. As Alec moved forward to put my cock in his mouth, I said, “Wait, get your clothes off too. I love you naked.” Alec discarded his clothes quickly and efficiently. I drank in the sight of my man’s nakedness. My peers preferred guys their age, or guys who were well-muscled with a low body fat. While I could appreciate those male forms, Alec’s body type was what really got my juices going - A dad’s bod. Beneath the softness of flesh, you can see the traces of hard muscle hidden underneath. A bit of a belly and a layer of fur covering his body. “I love the way you look at me. The way your eyes can’t seem to get enough of looking at me naked. Makes me feel sexy,” Alec said huskily as he took my cock into his mouth, slowly sucking me and watching the pleasure wash over my face. “What were you wanking off to when I got back?” There was a pause as I debated if I should share the entirety of my fantasies. There was shame, embarrassment and confusion as to how I felt towards my fantasies. I decided to share part of it - minus being taken by Alec by force bits, “I was thinking about your knob teasing my hole yesterday.” “I couldn’t stop thinking about that all morning, too. I had a rock hard cock driving to the shops and back. Had to take a moment to get my cock down before I ran into the shop for condoms. I’m glad it had the same effect on you too,,” Alec chuckled. I internally battled with my desires and my fears. I would love to feel just the tip of Alec’s cock prodding against my entrance again. It should be safe, shouldn’t it? We wouldn’t really fucking. I blurted out, “Would you like to tease my hole with your cock again? But this time face to face?” Alec’s eyes seemed to turn dark, as if a caged animal threatening to break free took brief possession of him. I felt a tinge of trepidation, vulnerability and arousal. Would the animal in him finally break free and take me? “You want to feel my knob pressed against your hole again?” Alec asked in a deep husky voice. I nodded. He moved to lay on the bed on his back, his girthy rock hard cock on full display. “Sit on my face, I’m going to eat your hole, and I want you to suck my cock. We’ll get my cock and your hole nice and wet.” “Shouldn’t we use lube? To make sure there are no torn skin due to friction as spit dries quicker?” “If we use lube, it would be so well lubricated that more than the tip of my cock might slip in. Spit drying up quicker makes it harder for me to slip in,” Alec said, as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world, pulling my arse over his mouth before his tongue began working my hole. The pleasure of his wet flesh generated even greater anticipation for his knob. His trim beard sanded against my smooth arse crack. I put his rock hard cock into my mouth, the girth stretching mouth open, and sucked and slobbered all over his rod. We mutually serviced each other: Alec alternated between spitting copious amounts of spit and working it in as deep as he could with his tongue. Me eagerly worked on Alec’s steel bar member, as I let spit flow freely onto this shaft. I wondered if both of us were silently lubricating more than necessary for the tip. This added to the anticipation - would Alec cross the line? No, would we cross the line? “I think we’re ready. I can lie here and you can be in control by climbing on top of me and teasing my knob with your hole,” Alec said. That would be the sensible thing to do. But I liked Alec being in control… and the thought of Alec losing self-control and taking me anyway… No, Alec is right, I should be in control. Just as I was about to agree with Alec, Alec misread my hesitation and spoke, “Ah, that expression on your face. I think my sweet Jamie likes me in control. Alright you get on your back.” Pleased with the turn of events, I chose not to correct Alec and did as I was told, and lay back on the bed, and lifted my legs up. Alec smoothly moved to help support my legs and placed them on his shoulders. His eyes, smouldering with the lust. My exposed taint felt vulnerable, yet it thrilled me feeling so vulnerable to Alec. “You really like to test my self-control don’t you Jamie,” Alec growled. His eyes had a wicked glint as his knob made light contact with my entrance. Once again, we are so tantalisingly close to a proper consummation as boyfriends. A smug grin blossomed on his face when I gasped at the naked contact of our sex. There was anticipation in the air. He gyrated slowly, his knob rubbing against my crack that was a little tender from the sanding of his beard, as we feasted on each other’s expressions. “That’s what my boy wanted - my cock teasing his hole,” Alec said playfully. “Kiss me,” I begged, reaching my arms up around his neck. We kissed, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. Then I felt a bit of pressure at my entrance, and the muscles of my anus were pushed apart as the helmet of his cock breached the entrance. We gasped into each other’s mouth, not breaking from our kiss. “Just the tip dipping into my neg boy Just a little taste of my boy and it is so good.. So glad you want this too, Jamie,” Alec whispered into my mouth. “Oh Alec, your knob feels so good, I love it, it is closest to proper fucking,” I could only moan in response. I wanted more than a dip. I want to feel the full length of Alec’s bare shaft sliding in and caressing the walls of my ass. Alec broke our kiss but kept us joined at the tip. He lewdly gathered a big glob of spit in his mouth and let it dribble down onto his cock. His slimy spit hit squarely at the connection between his cock and the rim of my anus - a perfect aim. Distantly I wondered how many times he had done this before to have such a good aim. Did he often fucked other guys bare with spit before we met? We had never really discussed much about our sex lives before we met. My mind conjured images of his cock fucking one boy after another bare and I was getting more turned on by the idea. A pity I never had the opportunity to watch Alec fuck one of his previous boys in the past before we became exclusive. My eyes drifted to our reflection in the mirror and I imagined I was watching Alec fuck one of those boys in the past instead of me lying beneath him. “What were you thinking there that caused your cock to twitch?” Alec asked and I felt my face turning red. Even though it was all in my mind, I felt caught out and I felt embarrassment flushed my cheeks, I didn’t particularly want to share it with him. He might laugh or find it ridiculous or think I was a dirty minded slut. “Hey, don’t need to be embarrassed about it. You can share with me. Whatever it is, you obviously like it. You wouldn’t know if I like it if you didn’t share.” “I was thinking that you must be very experienced at dripping spit on your cock to have such a good aim,” I said in a mock-accusatory tone, telling only part of what I was fantasising and trying to turn the tables. Alec’s eyes twinkled as if seeing through my intent. With slow deliberation, he dribbled down a second glob of saliva. I watched with fascination as the viscous liquid left a line that trailed from his mouth down, before the line of spit connecting to his mouth breaking and I felt it hit my entrance - another perfect aim. “Well, I am very experienced at dripping spit down onto my cock, and you never asked before,” Alec teased, “There was more than just that, Jamie. You were staring at the mirror there for a moment. Come, share with me.” I wanted to bury my face in the sand. I quickly blurted to get it all out in one go, “I was imagining what it would have been like to watch you fuck one of the boys in your pastbefore you met me.” Alec’s brows quirked up in amusement, “Why the past? If you fancy, we could invite another lad to join us and you can watch it live in the present.” I felt Alec’s cock throbbed as he said that. He liked the idea of giving me a live sex show. I froze - a threesome wasn’t something I had considered before. Our relationship had been exclusive all this time. The idea didn’t sound terrible, somewhat intriguing, but I had been comfortable with being exclusive with Alec. Images of watching Alec fuck someone live in front of me went through my mind, it would 3-dimensional live porn of my boyfriend which was rather horny. “You like the idea of watching your boyfriend to fuck another boy in front of you?” Alec grinned, his fist wrapping round my cock, “We can talk about this another time. Right now, I’m enjoying my knob being pleasured by my boyfriend,” he punctuated it with a thrust that was far more eager than his earlier shallow thrusts. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. It felt like a quarter of his cock is now buried in me - the most my hole ever had of his bare member. “Whoops, thrust too hard,” Alec said, surprised and apologetic, withdrawing his cock almost immediately. His expression was quickly replaced with a wicked glint when he observed my response. “Gotta be careful,” he said smoothly before sinking just the tip of his rod back in and working the bud of my hole. My hole felt the absence of Alec’s cock and I nearly begged for Alec to sink his cock all the way in. No, no, we’re too responsible for that. We shouldn’t cross the line. Yet, the forbidden fruit always seemed sweeter. He dribbled even more spit and continued his shallow thrusting. I revelled in pleasure of his cock stretching my ring as it entered and feeling all hungry as it left. Then suddenly without warning, he made another hard thrust, pushing a quarter of his tool in again before withdrawing and repeating the shallow thrusts. His eyes lit up in response to me gasping in a mixture of surprise and pleasure. “Whoops, sorry - too eager again,” he said in a husky tone. There was no apology in his eyes or in his tone of voice. We both knew that deeper thrust was deliberate. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, but he was pushing the boundaries. Distantly, I was aware that I should be outraged that he was pushing the boundaries without discussion. Instead, I discovered that I was turned on by him pushing the boundaries without a proper discussion. I wanted to remind him to only fuck with the tip, but I could not verbalise as deep down I knew I did not want him to stop. My mind was too focused on the pleasure sensory overload of my opening being worked on by his knob again and again, being so close to Alec. Just as I mustered the concentration to say something, he thrusted in again, overloading my senses and I lost my voice and cried out instead, giving in, and joining him in this madness. He repeated the process of several shallow thrusts with a deeper thrust, then reverting back to shallow thrusts. The deeper thrusts gradually felt like half his cock was now in me when he did a deeper thrust. The senses felt so heightened and I was aware that Alec’s cock was gliding more and more smoothly in my hole, as if my hole had gotten more and more lube. It dawned on me that he was leaking pre-cum in me. I could not muster protest or outrage, the pleasure was out of this world. It all felt so right and natural - being so intimate with Alec, giving my body to Alec and being tainted by Alec. I loved the spontaneity of the situation, both of us pushing the boundaries without proper discussion and it was like our two minds acting as one in this madness. It created a sense of being so in sync with each other in our mad desires, it was intoxicating. I craved to feel Alec’s body and flesh engulfing mine. “Kiss me,” I blurted. Alec leaned down towards me slowly. Our eyes locked onto each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt my legs wrapped around his hips to pull our bodies closer. This time he sank his cock into me slowly and deliberately, moving past the quarter mark of his shaft, then the halfway mark of his shaft, until finally he was balls deep in me. We both let out a contented sigh, before Alec finally kissed me slowly, just keeping us locked together, his arousal palpable as I can feel his cock throbbing. We were lost in our sense of touch of our naked bodies, lips to lips, chest to chest, crotch to bum, and shaft to passage. The awareness of his physicality was overwhelming - the sense of his beefy hairy body pressing down against my slimmer smoother one, fully joined to each other for the first time and properly consummating our relationship. Alec’s leaking cock, was now fully positioned in the deepest and most vulnerable part of my body, ready to unload his tainted seed at any moment. I started to have an inkling as to why the bug chasers and gifters used the imagery of a scorpion - a stinger - an apt imagery. With how easily his cock slid in, the walls of my arse were already coated with his spit and pre-cum. “You feel so good in me, Alec. I wish we could go on forever but we should stop before it gets out of hand,” I whispered one thing, but arms and legs clung onto Alec tightly. My hazy mind wondered why I was even protesting. I was engulfed in Alec, why should it end? The natural climax to such a bare connection was for Alec to breed me, leaving his DNA in me, knocking me up - forever binding us biologically with each other. “Just for a little bit longer, Jamie. A few more moments - what difference does it make?” Alec said and began to slowly fuck me. The full length of his shaft slide in and out slowly as he kissed and fucked my protest away. “I wanted to do this yesterday, Jamie. I wanted to fuck you raw even though you said no.” “When you came back earlier, you asked me what I was wanking off to… I was fantasizing that you fucked bare last night me even though I begged you not to.” Alec groaned with arousal and his thrusting picked up pace and pinning me down. “Did you think about me blowing my load deep inside you and knocking you up? The man that you love, who is supposed to love and protect you in return, instead delivering his poisonous cum into you and turning you poz? Me taking charge and taking the decision out of your hands?” “I did,” I panted, “it shouldn’t have turned me on, but it did. I wanted you to take charge and force yourself on me last night, marking me and making me yours.” “Shit, Jamie, I am not going to last long. Where do you want me to cum?” Alec managed to pant out. An internal war waged within me. I wanted so badly to give myself completely to Alec, to be bonded together with him by his virus, and always be able to get fucked by Alec without a condom. Yet, years of indoctrination and fear held me at bay from physically voicing yes. My mind said yes, but my voice said, “Please cum outside of me.” I could see the disappointment in Alec’s face. Instead of releasing my arms and legs around him so that he could withdraw, my arms around his neck tightened, as did my legs around his waist. A momentary look of surprise passed Alec’s eyes and my actions. He was far stronger than me and could easily break free. Instead, he stared into my pleading eyes - I did not know if I was pleading for him to withdraw or to blow his load in me. An animalistic possessive look washed over his face and he plunged deep into me and said, “Fuck it, Jamie, I’ll make you mine now.” Alec roared as he came and I felt every pulse that Alec’s cock made inside me, delivering his dirty payload in my guts. That tipped me over the edge, and my cock, sandwiched between his hairy beer belly and my smooth flat stomach, blew its load in tandem with Alec’s pulsing cock in my hole. There was a bit of shock, and a little horror, but in my pulsing orgasm, those feelings were buried by a strong sense of connection to Alec, satisfaction and satiation of how right it all felt that we crossed a line together, and I never wanted it to end.
    7 points
  8. When we got back into the kitchen, noone even looked sideways at us. They were talking and hanging out. Laughing and joking around, but the boys were starting to get much closer to M. And i have to say, he wasnt minding the attention. They were asking him if girls like his big ass. Now, M has an incredible ass. His body is literal perfection. He looks like he was cut out of stone. His ass is not only round and muacular, its a fucking shelf. He turned around to show of his ass to the boys. He admitted that girls often ask to touch it and have tried to put fingers in his hole when they're sucking him. But hes never actually let any of them do anything to it, not even his wife. Then the ass eating boyfriend asked if any of them had ever eaten his hole. He said his wife has a couple times, but shes not really into it. She's more into vanilla sex and doesnt really like to get into anything more adventurous. It was the exact answer the boys were hoping for. They asked if he'd be down to let him try. There was an awkward laugh. It was a bit uncomfortable for a second. Then M said, i think id need more shots to do something like that. And almost instantly shots were being poured. We all started laughing again. While this was all happening, i was still standing there in just my shirt, with my ass and cock still out. I was standing close to S and he was discreetly caressing my ass. I arched my back a bit, to give him access to my hole. He would occasionally slip a finger inside me. I would make no noise at all, i didnt want snyone to notice. I just wanted him inside me so bad. We all did another round of shots. M laughed a little uncomfortably, and said, "Ok, we doin' this?" And started undoing his pants. And the next thing i knew, the guy who ate my ass first was right behind M and dropping down to his knees. He wanted to busy his face in M's furry ass. And boy did he ever. M fell forward, and gave out a, "Woah!" And we all laughed. M wasnt laughing. He was moaning. Loudly. S was definitely turned on watching his brother getting his ass eaten, and took the opportunity to put more fingers in my hole. He was really getting them in deep. And was transfixed on his brother. He was fingering me in sync with M's moans. Now i have to admit, there are few things hotter than watching a straight guy moan while having an expert ass eater devour their ass. The moans were getting more and more animalistic. You could tell he was really enjoying the sensations of his hole being tongued and sucked on. His eyes were rolling in his head. When he opened his eyes they were slightly crossed. It was so fucking hot. And knowing his brother was watching and liking it too only made it that much hotter. I looked at S and he was sniling slightly. I asked him if he wanted to try it too. He gave me that same devilish smile from earlier. I moved over to S and pulled his pants down and pushed him over. I buried my face in his ass cheeks. I inhaled deeply and took in his amazing scent. His body was also fucking perfection. His ass wasnt as round as M's, but it was round and muscular too. I tongue fucked him as deep as my tongue could go. I have long tongue strokes, licking like an ice cream cone, then sucking on his hole. I wanted it puffy and swollen, to relax it. Ive never wanted to open an ass with my tongue so badly. S was moaning as loud as his brother. They were both bent over the kitchen counter, facing eachother having two gay dudes feasting on their pussies. It was one of the hottest sexial experiences i have ever taken part in. These straight brothers howling in pleasure while they submit to their forbidden desires. S was arching his back to present his hole to me. Giving me more access to him. Allowing me to get deeper inside him. The boyfriends switched places. M had a second tongue in his hole. Getting bitched out in his brother's kitchen. His head was spinning. His eyes were still crossed. Have you ever been so high on Molly that your eyes are vibrating. When you cant see straight? Thats how high i was. So i can only imagine how high M and S were. The boyfriend not feasting on M's ass moved behind me, while i was pushing my tongue inside S's pussy. He started to finger me, he got on his knees behind me and i fekt him line up his cock to my hole. And then i remembered that they had poppers. So i asked him to bring them. He did, i took a long hit in both nostrils, M watched me as i did. I gestured them to him. He asked what they do, i said you'll lovem them. So he took them from me, and did the same. His eyes went wide and all he could say was, "Wow...oh wow...oh my god...wow..." He started pushing his ass back into the guys face behind him. Rhythmically fucking his ass on the guys face... I felt the cock back on my ass. I took a deep breath and pushed my ass back on the cock. And buried my tongue as deep as i could into S's hole. There was so much moaning and howling. The cock in my ass felt amazing, but i wanted S's cock againg. I wanted to feel him in the depths of my pussy. I wanted him so bad. I turned S's around and took his cock in my mouth while i pushed my ass back on the cock in my ass. I squeezed my hole as tight as i could. I wanted the guy to cum, so i could turn around and fit S's cock back in my hole. I was moaning so loud and throwing my ass back hard. I started begging for this strangers load in my hole. He picked up the pace of his fuck. He was pounding away on my hole. I shoved my face down on S's cock to muffle my moans. I looked up at M, who now had the guy standing behind him. I couldnt tell what they were doing, but i thought the guy was fingering M, and trying to convince him to let him work his cock into M. The guy behind me started breathing and moaning loudly. I could feel his cock stiffening inside my hole. He was building up to unloading inside me. I kept begging. "Please cum inside me. Please fuck me harder." And he did. He fucked one final deep thrust and unloaded inside me. I could feel the pulsing of his cock in my pussy. He collapsed ontop of me. I laud my head against S's stomach and breathed heavily. I wore out the guy behind me, but i wanted more. My hole needed more.
    6 points
  9. The party started to wind down a bit. There were maybe 10 people left at the party. Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen area where the plate of coke was. There were a few lines cut and waiting on the counter. I kept eyeing them, I wanted to do a line so bad. It would wake me up after having eaten that edible. I was feeling sluggish and introverted and a little anxious. I kept playing back in my mind the smiles from M and S. Was I reading too much into it? I was getting a little paranoid. M came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and gave them a quick massage. He put his mouth next to my ear and whispered, "Hey...I've got something for you. Follow me." And he slinked off toward the bathrooms again. His walk was wobbly, he had definitely had too much blow and liquor. I snuck away from the group and made my way to the bathrooms. I saw M peaking out of one of the almost closed doors and I followed him in. Again he closed and locked the door. As soon as he locked the door he turned quickly with a big smile on his face. "Look what I found for you." He was holding a sandwich baggy with a brownish gray powder in it. There was a lot. "Woah man, I was only expecting a cap." I said to him in disbelief. But he just laughed. "I told you we were gonna party." He said with that same smile as before. "How do you want it? Want me to cut up some lines? That'll probably be the fastest way for it to kick it. That way you can be on our level." He dumped a small pile on the counter and pulled out a costco card from his wallet. He started crushing it and cutting it into lines. There were 8 very fat lines on the counter. I was starting to get the jitters. I haven't done any drugs in more than 2 years. I was very nervous. I didn't want to feel the shame of relapse. But i told M that I would do some with him if he got it. In an instant, i had a million thoughts in my mind all at once. Should I? Shouldn't I? What would it mean? Who would I have to tell after? Am I gonna end up back where I was? M passed me a rolled up $20 bill and i tool it. I let him know that I was nervous and scared. He put his hand on my chest to calm me down. He said, if I dont want yo do it, that he supports my decision. I let him know I really wanted to do it. But i was worried that I would end up doing the same shit I was doing before and i dont want to wind up back there. He looked at me in the eyes and told me that he understands, but if I do it, he would watch out for me and not let me make any bad decisions. And that if i feel like I am getting outta control, he would put an end to everything. I felt way better and my anxiety came way down. I toom the bill and bent down to the lines and in one long snort, i did a full fat line. It burned and lingered in my nose. My eyes started to water. I tapped on my nostril till the pain subsided. M patted me on the back and said, "Fuck yeah! Lets do it up!" We both laughed a bit and he took the bill from me and bent down and did the two fattest lines on the counter. He handed the bill back to me. I bent down and did another. Then there was a knock at the door. M asked who it was, and we heard S answer. "Its me man, open up." I unlocked the door and let S in. "Ho ho, what do we got goin' on in here?" S came bounding in happy and excited. He let us know that people were starting to leave, but that a couple people wanted to keep partying. They were bagging up the last of the blow and wanted to go to the bar that was down the street. "What is this? Mind if I have a line?" I let him know it was MDMA and said, "Sure," but he was already bent over doing one of the remaining lines. He stood up fast afterward and told us how bad it was burning. He passed the bill back to M and said he wanted another, but that he was gonna get everyone out. And asked if we wanted to go to the bar with them. M and I agreed, but after we finished the line. S left and we locked the door behind him. M grabbed my hips and moved me closer to the counter. "I hafta pee again." And i stepped away to let him pass. He let his crotch slide across my ass as he passed me. I was already starting to feel the effects of the M, even though it had only been about 10 minutes. Nothing too strong, but i mybface was feeling a little thingly and felt that slight lightness and euphoria. I jokingly mentioned to him that i felt his cock on my ass. He laughed and said, "You're dreaming." we both chuckled. He peed again, and again when he turned around his dick was still out in his hand. But this time, he didnt tuck it away. He definitely wanted me to see it. He shook it. I let him know hes got a good dick. And like a boy getting his first compliment he said, "Really? You think its nice?" He said it in full sincerity. "Yeah, man. Ive seen a few. Yours is nice. It looks fat. Thats important." "Its not very big. Chicks want big dicks." "Actually, girls don't want too big. They like fat dicks. And yours is pretty big man. It looks heavy." I said reassuringly. It actually was a nice dick, I wasnt just saying that. It was thick and veiny. He had been drinking and doing blow all night, and it still had some hang to it. "You need another line." He said. So i picked up the bill and did another one. Just then, S walked in and let us know that everyone had left. "Woah...we taking our dicks out?" He said and laughed loudly. I passed him the rolled bill. "Only if you want." And we laughed again. "Maybe after this?" He said as he smiled and gave me a look. M tucked his dick back into his pants as S did two lines. M grabbed thr bill from S and didnthe last line. "Lets get outta here." M said and we wiped down the counter to get rid of the remaining residue. S placed his hand on my lower ass again and said, "lets fucking party." He squeezed my ass. I kinda froze and he noticed, but he gently pushed my forward guiding me out of the bathroom and we made our way to the bar.
    6 points
  10. PART ONE I was meeting my girlfriend for a dinner date on the other side of town, so I had to pretty much dash straight from work in an uber. A dash I didn't need to make as it turned out as she texted me shortly after I arrived saying that she'd be late. I sat at the table and started drinking the glass of wine I'd ordered on arrival. There were a pair of gentlemen on the table next to me who smiled warmly towards me as I looked around the restaurant as I marked time. It had been a pretty frustrating day at work so it didn't take too long before I ordered a second glass. I'd barely taken a sip when I got another text message saying that she was held up at work, was gonna have to cancel and that she'd catch up with me on the weekend. "Fuck", I muttered under my breath as I put my phone on the table. "Tonight not going as you expected?" one of the guys asked. "You could say that." "Well, you're welcome to join the two of us for dinner if you'd like. We were just about to order, and you've certainly had enough time to check the menu!" he replied. Why not? I might as well eat while I was there. I moved my chair & glass across as the waiter took my cutlery across. "I'm Ron, and this is my husband Damian." I must've looked shocked as they introduced themselves. "Is us being gay an issue for you?" "Oh God no, & I'm sorry if it looked like I did. It just never registered with me that the two of you were gay. I'm Josh by the way." The three of us shook hands. "No, we're not the "usual" gay guys." Damian replied, laughing. They both looked to be in their 50s to 60 and in pretty good shape. "Have you two been together long?" "About 30 years, in fact tonight's our anniversary!" "Oh God, I'm so sorry to be imposing. I'll leave you to it." "Not at all, in fact we thought it might've been fate that you sat next to us." They held each other's hand as Damian said this. "You look exactly like our son, we lost him a few years ago." It made sense given I'd only just turned 24. "I'm very sorry to hear that and I certainly hope that we can have an enjoyable night tonight then." "I won't get too crazy!" Ron replied. "I'm the one that drove here." The next couple of hours flew by in a blur of food & wine. They were the nicest guys, asking me lots of questions about my background, family & everything but whenever I tried to ask them anything about themselves, they quickly turned the subject around to me. I got to my feet to head to the bathroom & immediately stumbled. "Let's get you home!" Ron laughed. When I replied that I lived on the other side of town, they said that they lived pretty close by & that I could leave in the morning. Sounded pretty good to me. We got to their place pretty quickly, I sat in the back of the car while Damian & Ron were in the front, chatting & laughing. "Here we are, home sweet home!" I'd never been inside a gay couple's house before but it didn't seem to different to most places. Damian went to use the bathroom while Ron handed me a big glass of water. I drank half of it quickly in the hope of warding off a hangover as he watched. I saw a bunch of photos of the two of them with a much younger man who must've been their son. I could trace his deterioration through the years in the photos even in my drunken state. "This must be your son?" I asked Ron with a mumble. Everything was getting a little hazy. "Yes, that's Josh. He was such a giving young man and loved his daddies so much." I saw a photo of him with the two of them, standing proudly in his school uniform while the two of them flanked him, he looked about 15 or so. "You don't have any younger photos of him?" "Oh no," I heard a voice from the doorway. "That was around the time we first met him." "Met him? What?" I wondered as I turned toward the door. I caught a glimpse of Damian dressed totally in black leather before I passed out. END OF PART ONE
    4 points
  11. This is a real life story how someone gave me a shotgun hit 7 years ago of T and my life changed for the better. I am a LaTino ParTy BoTTom and I love T. I have accepted the fact that I will never be sober. How did this transformation go about. I can't believe I started with shotgun hits. Now I need large clouds to get high. I prefer large clouds. Like most PNP BoTToms I started parTiyng occasionally. There was the time I smoked in a Hotel in San Diego. There was the first time I parTied and I got fucked. I went to a PNP ParTy. There were about 8 guys. Everybody was fucking and touching each other and parTiying. Some of the guys put a head cover over me with just a mouth opening. Throuought the night guys kept giving me shoutgound hits. It was so hot. I think they knew I was a newbie and they wanted to get LiT. I parTied sporadically until I got my own places in Denver. That when I became from occasionally user to full blown PNP Meth Whore. One night I parTied with one dude and then the next day I decided to find another guy to parTy with. I had never parTied two days in a row. Before, It would be months between PNP Session. I invited a PNP LaTino ParTy Top. His name was Sebastian. He was muscluar , and a daddy. We starting smoking and got into daddy son play. He nonchalantly asked if anybody had ever pissed me. I said no and did not think much about it. Later on he took me to the restroom. he was fucking me in front of the mirror and started looking at me. I felt a gush of liquid inside of me. It was my first Chem Piss experience. I could feel the T getting me higher. My toes curled up. Sebastian had not asked if I wanted chem piss. To be honest I did not mind, he was my parTy Daddy. He wanted to corrupt me even further and he did. I started to get more urges to ParTy more frequently which had not happen before. I remember one time I got High AF with this white PNP top. He slammed. We would get high AF and when I got back to my place something happen which had not happen before. I wanted to ParTy more. The cravings were sooooo intense. I tried to repress my true nature. I would tell me self I am going to take a break. But alas I kept parTying more and more. I thought about parTying weekly. Just a couple months before this would of been unheard of. I invited Jose a pnp Top to my place. I asked him if he thought people can parTy weekly and he said as long as you can handle it. That was not the interesting part. We started making out and then, withought asking, he put a little rock inside my pussy. He wanted to high AF. Im glad he did. I had never been as high. I started to loose all my inhibiptions like what I got pozzed, what If I slammed? Then, I would travel and parTy. I went to Mexico City and ParTied with two guys. I parTied with guys when I went to San Fransisco. This was no longer a phase. It was like the cravings were taking over. I still tried to take "breaks" Then I started to accept my fate. Manuel was a latino top and he got me high. He loved putting the fire until the pipe and he would control how much T I got. I knew he wanted to get my high af and I let him. We got so high and he fucked me. I screamed "im in ecasasty! Yes daddy fuck me. I am a meth whore. I want to get higher and higher" He parTied everyday and I asked him do you want me to parTy daily and he said yes. Then we partied one day, then two eventually to 2 weeks. Manuel started talking buddy John. "hey John, you wanna corrupt this LaTino Twink and make him accept his fate that he wont be ever be sober" John said "fuck yearh, also I have an extra toxic idea. I have not been on my HIV meds and have a high viral load" Manuel said "we should make him join the brother hood, and give him his first slam. Manuel told the LaTino Twink "Today your life will change, you will be mine, and you stop talking about this sober crap" The LaTino Twink was already high AF from taking 4 large clouds. So the corruptions began 1) Manuel blindfolded the LaTIno Twink 2) He then give a huge rock in his pussy 3) Then Manuel wrapped a leather band around the LaTino Twink. The Twink knew what it was but did not resits and with that SLAM. The twink sceamed "thank you daddy, I have dreamed about slamming but was always shamed to telling people. I fucking love to ParTy. Get me more high daddy." John then told him "I have a high viroal load do you want it" and the Twink replied. "Yes John, make be Pozz, slam and poz me" and with that The Twink was converted to a Poz Meth Loving Whore. This night was just the beginning. The Twink and Manuel parTied everyday for two week. That was 2 years ago. The Twink had parTied everyday since.
    4 points
  12. It has been ages since I have been to Steamworks Las night I thought I woul give a try again Arrived about 2 and rented a room showered cleaned out and got ready Layed on stomach ass in the air. in about 5 min I felt a hand on my ass Turned around and there was a hot Latin guy . He never said a word but just climbed on top. Shoved his bare dick in me and started pumping. After a few minutes he moaned and went in balls deep. Shot a huge load in me. In total till midnight I got five loads in my ass. Sorry I was away for so long
    4 points
  13. I saw the silhouette towards the doorway of the sauna's darkroom. The man moved quietly around the walls, feeling his way through the darkness... finally reaching me. He stopped and hesitantly started feeling my ass through the tiny towel wrapped around it. A substantial ass, I'm not a thin person, quite the opposite. But my ass is not just for show, it's actually pretty muscular and I love squeezing the cum out of hot cocks buried deep inside me. He came a bit closer and I could feel his hard cock through the layers of cloth, he pressed it towards my ass crack... and he was feeling me up, his hands came around my hips and onto the worthless chem-cock. Yeah, I had taken three thick lines of MMC3, also known as "kat", and my reaction, besides getting really horny, was for my dick to shrivel up - I am a total bottom when having snorted kat. His hand cupped my tiny cock, and squeezed... I hissed and pushed backwards a bit, feeling his hardness on my ass... "Chem-dick?" he whispered in my ear. "M-hm" I nodded in the dark. I could feel his whole body pressed against my back. The other hand moved onto my round and nice tummy and up to my chest. I could feel him breathing harder in my ear, as he found my (extremely sensitive and hard) nipple. Flicking it a bit to make sure it was hard, he squeezed the nipple between his thumb and index. I moaned a little bit - it's so fucking cool to be high and have a guy handle your nipple with one hand and squeeze your balls and dick in the other all the while he's pressing up against you from behind... god I needed to get fucked. I loosened up my towel and let it slide to the floor, kicking it to the wall so I'd find it again. He sighed and let his hands roam over my body, back to my ass cheeks, squeezing them, and feeling them up. I could feel his fingers getting closer to my hole, his fingertips moving over the well lubed hole now. He hummed in my ear and opened up my hole just ever so slightly, and I couldn't resist showing him how I can suck it in, pulsating it onto his fingers. He let go of his towel, his cock sliding into my ass crack. He played with my crack a bit, holding my ass cheeks apart and rubbing his cock against me. My ass is very clean and very well shaved. He kept close to me and suddenly let me go, leaning a bit backwards - I could hear the snick of a lid being twisted of a little bottle, and the huffing while he was poppering himself up - I could almost feel his nice big cock pulsating in time of the breaths - he then put the bottle under my nose and I hit it twice in every nostril - god I love poppers!!! He put the lid back on and re-hung the bottle around his neck - pushing his cock downwards, in between my legs, letting it get a bit lubed up by my hole's lube. "Yesss" I could hear him hiss. I pushed my ass back a little to let him know he could mount me. "Bare?" he whispered? "Fuck me" I whispered back. His hands moved down to my hips and his cock stopped right on my hole. He pressed into me as I opened myself up to let him enter. "Oh... god" he moaned as he pushed his cock down to the balls in one stroke. I bit my lips, he wasn't small, probably around 20 cm. of meat. He stayed there for a few seconds - and then slowly started to move in and out. How I love a man that can use his cock - even though it's big. He slowly picked up the pace, with long strokes, all the way out to his quite large cock head, and back in balls deep... his hands moved away from my hips and went up to my tits, squeezing them and then concentrating on using my nipples, pulling and squeezing them. That's usually a good way to make me cum, but the kat has a strange effect on me, I won't cum easily - however, his cock hitting my prostate and him using my nipples made me flow of cock juice, I could both feel it and smell it, almost like pissing. After pounding me for a couple of minutes, he took a small brake - his cock still moving inside me - but him huffing more poppers, deep hits, and I could smell the whole room filling up with aroma. As he offered to me again, which I gladly accepted, I could feel another man coming straight towards us, feeling his way along the wall. He stopped in front of me, feeling my body up and the guy behind me - I could feel his hands behind my balls, feeling the cock sliding into me. Then cupping my dripping wet cock. My first man started to pick up his pace again. The second man quickly got to his knees, licking my balls and sucking on my tiny worthless chem-dick like a tit. He engulfed both balls and dick with his mouth, warming them up and swallowing whatever he got, humming happily. Time for my ass to work harder. As guy number one was pounding me hard, I started to squeeze his cock. I could hear him gasp, and now his balls were slapping hard against my ass with every stroke of his cock. I wanted my reward, needed cum in me - deep in me. He lasted about 30 seconds with me working on his cock. I am very good at what I do 🙂 While keeping up the pace he leaned forward and asked "inside?" - "Hell yeah", that's where I want all cum. The second guy overheard that and moved his mouth action to behind my balls and First guy started to cum in me - fucking it in with hard strokes, but of course some of it overflowing - right in the second guys mouth. Fuck yeah, I really needed that. Hard cum inside me and some soft mouth sucking at the same time 🙂 First guy slid out of me slowly, allowing for the second guy to lick his shaft. He took his towel and then left with a squeeze on my ass cheek. The second guy pressed his nose to my ass, licked up some excess and then left as quietly as he came in. I picked up my towel and wrapped it around my cummy ass and wet cock, waited a while and then left for my little room I'd rented, where I still had at least five lines left that I could snarf. I could see some guys in the area, but no-one I would recognise from the dark-room silhouettes. I got into my room and took off my towel again, feeling my asshole and thinking about how much more dick I could take tonight. I took out my little baggie of kat crystals, and used my driver's license to crush and cut a couple of fat lines for me on the bed. As I bent over with my straw to enjoy my lines, I heard the door open - Shit! I'd forgot to lock the door. A young staff member was standing in the door-way, looking at my nice set-up - dressed as all staff members in bathing suit and tank top. "Sorry", he said, "I thought it was empty here" - and then "you know, we have a no-drug policy here".
    4 points
  14. Ive been hooking up with a very hot young black guy. He's 22 but looks 18..Dreds, scruffy facial hair and very lean , 5-10, 140. When he's naked I love the contrast between his 8" man dick and his boyish body. He is totally smooth but has an unkempt bush and a hairy hole. He is a great kisser and mostly a bottom. Hooked up with him the other night and found a dirtier side to him. Before we met he asked me if i had showered. I told him i didnt and he said he wanted to eat my unshowered hole. I wasnt really into that but the thought turned me on and i was defitely musky. He came over, undressed, kissed passionately and i got on the bed on my knees and he went to town eating me out...OMG was he good. His tongue getting in there and the feel of his scruff on my hole. It felt so good and i wanted to kiss him. I turned around and we shared tongues. So hot that I could taste my ass mixed with his saliva. I then told him to get on his knees and I started to taste his ass which also was unshowered. Normally this would be a turnoff but i was so turned on. We kissed again so he could taste was i was tasting. I pulled away, had him roll n his back and dove my tongue in again. We started sharing poppers and I know had to fuck him. I slid inside him and fucked while we kissed. Soon I started shooting. After I rolled on my back and he got up hovering over me, kissing. Next he scooted up aiming his hole over my mouth and started squeezing my cum and ass juices.....the mixture was intoxicating
    4 points
  15. So yes, for tablet medications (i.e. solid pills like truvada) then many drugs will last notably beyond their expiration date, but over time their effectiveness reduces. The medication is a stable chemical compound that either requires a reaction with water to activate or disolve the outer coating of the tablet - background mositure in the air will eventually cause this reaction to occur, which is something to consider if the medication is contained in a bottle/jar rather than in self-contained "blister packs" where each pill is separately sealed. The stability of the medical compounds and their resistance to background mositure will partially determine the choice of packaging by the manufacturer. As already mentioned by others this is why free clinics, and those in developing countries, will often use medicines past their expiration date because they are still likely to be effective, but certainly aren't guaranteed to be as effective. There's also consumer/health protection rules and regulations, as well as corporate interests from pharma companies to stop you stockpiling. I'd wager that many folk have almost certainly grabbed a couple of out of date paracetamol/acetaminophen when they've had a headache and its still worked. Liquid based medications (i.e. either a straight liquid in a bottle that you pour or liquid medications contained in a small swallowable capsules) are naturally more volatile compounds, and so can be much less stable long-term but again it depends on the compound itself and how its been stored - cough syrups are largely the same medications as in cold/flu tablets just in a liquid solution that's mainly sugar and will probably still work years later, whereas something like insulin has a very definite short-term window of effectiveness. For both Truvada and Descovy the information published by Gilead ([think before following links] https://www.askgileadmedical.com, search the drug name and "stability") says that when either medication is provided in a bottle they include a "silica gel desicate" (think those "DO NOT EAT" sachets that you get in some packaging boxes). Descovy is also available in a blister pack, and again Gilead includes within each blister cavity some form of desicant, which will protect the medication against mositure. They also publish some information about in-house stability tests but these are largely testing extreme circumstances (e.g. high/low temperatures, different humidity conditions). These are also stability tests once the medications have been opened, not tests of the long-term stability of medication that has been kept unopened in its original packaging. Not that anyone should be taking random medical advice from an unqualified random stranger on the internet...
    4 points
  16. It's the best thing I could do for him. When in 2020 he was running the risk of dying by covid, and when it happened with cancer afterwards. I wanted to be superior to hate, as hate generates more hate! I simply needed to break that chain. Sorry, I almost seemed the psy's lounge. But, SERIOUSLY, I appreciate stories where authors bring other feelings up, this is a sex-based site but honestly, stories where people just cum, go, and collect loads, mean nothing to me. We are all human beings, with feelings. And worthy of respect.
    4 points
  17. Once we got to S's place, he grabbed some glasses and poured more shots. M took out thr MDMA and started cutting up more lines for everyone. We all did a cheers and downed the shots. Then M rolled a bill and we each did a line of MDMA. S turned on some music, it was deep house music like what would be playing in an after hours club. It got my heart pumping and i started dancing in place. I couldnt stop my body from moving. Fuck, i was so high and feeling so good. S came up behind me and spanked me, then laughed loud again. I turned around and looked him in the eyes and told him that im really into getting spanked. "Really?" He said in an innocent boyish way. I told him i really loved to be spanked when im getting fucked from behind. And he kinda blushed, followed by that devilish look again. Then he spanked me again. Fuck...i really wanted him to fuvk me. I thought about how ibsaw his cock in the bathroom at the bar. Then I thought about how I also saw Ms fat cock. I closed my eyes and had a vision of the brothers spit roasting me. God damn. I wanted it so bad. I opened my eyes and looked around. I didnt see M, but i introduced myself to the two guys that came with us from the bar. I asked them how they knew S and they said that they just met at the bar. They did some blow with him in the bathroom and he invited them back to his place to keep partying. (i cant remember their names now.) I found out that they were gay and a couple. We talked a little bit more, and they asked if they could do another line of MDMA. I let them know that M had it, and I would go find it. So i went to S's bedroom to find M. I could hear the shower running, the bathroom door was open slightly so I knocked and pushed it open. M was in the shower. I spoke loud enough for him to hear me and asked if we could do another line. He said yes and got out of the shower. His wet naked body was fucking amazing. He was so fucking ripped, his body was perfection. Like an instagram model. I was kinda speechless for a second, and M noticed. He stood up and put his hands on his hips and smiled at me, his fat cock hanging between his legs. He said something like, "what are you looking at?" Or "Do you like what you see?" Or something equally as stupid. Then he grabbed his pants off the floor and pulled thr MDMA from the pocket and handed it to me. "Here you go. Go get some lines ready. I'll be right out." And i told him that I dont think I can do anymore because I dont think my nose can take it. He gave me a disappointed look and said that we're just getting started. Then i jokingly told him that before I never put it up my nose. And he laughed and ask if i only used to swallow it. I kind of jokingly told him that i love to swallow, but not MDMA. I usually put it up my ass. He looked very interested and laughed and said, "well...go put some lines out for them, then come back here and we'll put some up your ass." And continued to laugh. I wasnt sure if he was serious or not. But when I went out to the guys in the living room, i put two lines out for them, and they questioned why I only put put two, and I said that I was gonna have M put some in my ass. They gave eachother a look that said, "really?" But in an excited and curious way. I asked them if they wanna watch and they both nodded. I cut up their lines and one for S. They all tool turns doing theirs. And when we were sitting there, M came into the living room. One of the guys spoke up, "I thought you were gonna put a bump up his ass?" M laughed and said, "for sure!" He looked at me and said, "Pull down your pants." I let him know you cant just shove it in. I gotta get loosened up a bit first. And one of the guys said, "i can help you." And he stood up and walked over to me. My heart skipped a beat and I got very excited. I asked him how he wants to do that, he looked at his BF and then back at me. "I'll eat ur ass. Then M can finger it into you." Oh my god. I couldn't believe that was actually happening. I looked at M and he looked a little shocked, but he gave me a little head nod to let me know he was fine with it. So i gave him another nod back and i started to undo my belt, button and zipper and slowly pulled my pants down. I started to shake, i was so overcome with excitement. I folded my pants and put them on the back of the couch. I pulled at my dick to make it look normal. It was so shrunken from all thr MDMA that I had railed througout the night. I felt kinda embarrassed, but that feeling went away quickly. The guy reached out and took my hand. He guided me over to the couch where he and his boyfriend were sitting. I put my knees on the couch and bent over facing the kitchen with my head over the back of the couch. I took a deep breath in anticipation of the tongue on my hole. I looked at his boyfriend who was sitting next to me. And I ask him, "Are you sure you're good with this?" And he nodded at me. Just then his boyfriend burried his face in my hole. I dropped my head and let out a loud moan. When i lifted my head, S was standing right in front of me. He put his hand on my head and bent down and whispered in my ear, "You like that? Does it feel good?" I nodded and gave him an mmmhmmm. "Tell me what it feels like." He continued to whisper. I couldn't get words out. I just continued to moan as the tongue pushed its way into my hole, deeper and deeper. Then a long flat tongue licked away at my hole and it felt so fucking good. "Holy shit." I managed to say. "Fuck...you really do like it dont you." S kept whispering. It was driving me wild feeling the tongue in my pussy and S's moist hot breath in my ear. "Hahaha, damn." I heard M say from the other side of the room. I reached out and put my hand on the boyfriends shoulder sitting next to me. I looked over at him and he was smiling so big. "He's good isnt he?" He said to me. I just moaned again and nodded. The ass eater pulled his tongue out of my ass and replaced it with a finger...then two...as he was also jerking me off. It felt so fucking good. I hadnt done anything like this in so long. I had forgotten how fucking good it felt to be such a slut. The ass eater told M that my hole was prepped now and asked him to come over, which he did. He brought his finger to my mouth and stuck them in. I sucked them and made them wet. I heard him rustle in the bag of MDMA, then he asked if i was ready. "Fuck yeah I am!" "Ok cool," he said..."I cant believe Im doing this." And he laughed loudly again. "No one can ever know about this man." I just looked back at him over my shoulder and nodded. I was so rewdy to feel M push his fingers inside my hole. I wanted it so bad. I was already so fucking high and so fucking horny. I felt his finger press against my wet hole. More pressure on my pussy. i gasped. I could feel the grainy sensation of the MDMA on his finger. "Oh my fucking God." I said in an exhale. M started to massage his finger in and out, in and out of my hole. Then two fingers. Then three. He pushed all the way in. It stopped burning and stopped hurting. Now I just felt a warm whole feeling. It was intense and fucking hot. I grabbed S by the hips while his brother was fingering my hole. I pushed my face into his crotch. He smelled so fucking good. Musky and sweaty from him being at the bar and partying all night.i could feel the outline of his soft cock on my cheeck. It was starting to harden a bit. He put his hands on the back of my head. The boyfriend that was eatinf my ass now pulled my ass cheecks apart to give M more access, while his boyfriend next to me reached between my legs and jerked my cock. I still cant believe what happened there that night. My hole was being worked over by a long time friend while his brother my other long time friend was pushing his soft cock into my face. And two strsngers were helping to facilitate this whole scene...i wanted all their cocks so bad.
    4 points
  18. I know I'm kinda giving lota of background. But im still just trying to process everything that happened. These brothers have been my friends for years. I never would have imagined what happened last weekend. I was getting major vibes from these straight brothers. I usually am the one flirting with them, but tonight, it felt like they were the ones flirting with me. We left the gym and walked to yhe bar. It was just a few blocks away from the gym, so it wasnt a long walk. The air was cold and we walked kinda fast. We caught up with a couple of the people from the gym. Two girls and a guy. I didnt know them, but they knew M and S. They joked around and laughed with us. Let us know how much fun they were having at the party and that they were excited to get to the bar and that we would need to do more shots when we got there. By now, the lines of MDMA that we did were really kicking in. I was feeling so high. I did a few big lines pretty close together. I was feeling light headed and felt like i wasny able to walk straight. I grabbed S's arm and let him know how high i was feeling. He got close to me and put his arm around my waist and his hand on my hip. He let me know that it was totally fine, he would help me walk. But i would have to act sober when we got to the bar, otherwise the bouncer won't let me in. I could feel his thick thigh on mine while he pulled me close to balance me. He talked quietly into my ear. I could feel the warmth from his breath. I let my hand hang down to my side, which was grazing his inner thigh. I was dsngerously close to touching his cock. I wanted to so bad. But just when I was feeling bold enough to touch it, we arrived at the bar. He told me to stand up and act sober. So I did. We got past the bouncer and made our way into the bar. We went right to the bar and S ordered shots for all of us. Followed by another round of shots from M. Then I ordered us some another round. Things are a little hazy from here. I remember that we went to the bathroom together all three of us a few times. We all did more MDMA. I saw S's dick, and I remember it being longer but not as thick as M's. And one of the times in the bathroom with just M and me, i actually held it in my hand. The next thing I remember was the lights coming on at the bar. We had closed it down. I found S and told him I was gonna stay close to him. I'll need his help walking to his place. He let me know that M is gonna come with us and also another couple people from the bar. So we all made pur way back to S's place. On the way, we stopped back at the gym and grabbed a couple bottles of liquor that were left over from the party. Then we continued on to S's place. There were 5 of us in total. Me the brothers, and two guys from the bar. I dont remember if they were also from the gym. But I didn't recognize them from anyone that I knew. We had two bottles of liquor, sandwich bag of MDMA and i dont know how much coke. I dont remember much of the walk to S's place, but i do remember thinking that i really wanted to suck some dick. And I think i even told S that while we were walking.
    4 points
  19. If you have cleaned out properly you will not make a mess. It’s natural to feel that urge. It does go away as you get used to bottoming. Once in a while I feel it when a top is pounding me hard but I know it’s all good and nothing will happen. Just go with it and enjoy the breeding.
    4 points
  20. BLACKMAILED FOR MY ASS Dan was a nice guy that I met online. He’s ‘straight’, married to a woman who was at work too much, and wanted to dip his toe in the guy pool. That’s where I come in. After chatting online for a couple of weeks, his wife went out of town to visit her mother in another city. This left him with the house to himself to finally play and indulge in the fantasies he’d been getting off to for who knows how long. I’m no model pin-up or anything, but some people think I’m attractive. And I’ve got a great, fuckable ass that would never turn down a load. From the pictures Dan had sent me, he’s about ten years older than my 45, more of a Daddy, and attractive in his own way. Not all burly or buff, just a regular guy with slightly thinning hair and a slightly thickening middle. But that’s okay. It was his dick I was interested in, anyway. The rest never mattered much to me. I arrived at his place as planned and ready to play. I wasn’t in the mood to waste time, so as soon as I got in the front door, I dropped to my knees and fished his cock out of his shorts -even before he got the door closed! He was a little panicked at that, but also surprisingly turned-on. Maybe he had a little voyeur in him just aching to get out. I sucked him to hardness and then he was ready to fuck. Neither of us was in the mood to waste time, apparently. I was liking him more and more. We’d talked about condoms already and I told him I don’t like them. Well, more than that -I wouldn’t accept them. If he wanted to fuck me, he would have to do it raw or not at all. He’d been stuck using condoms on his own wife for years, so he was kind of eager to fuck someone without. Lucky me. Especially with the choice piece of meat he had swinging between his legs. The perfect size for me, really. Not too big, not too small. A decent thickness that you can no doubt feel but won’t be destroyed by upon first entry. I’d already lubed a little at home in hopes that he would want to just get down to the deed, so right there in the entry way, he spun me around and placed my hands up on the wall like I was a perp and he’s a cop about to frisk me. He did feel me up and down while I was in this position, but when he got to my lower half, he yanked my nylon trackies down to my ankles, exposing my bare butt in nothing but a jock strap. I heard him make an approving growl in his throat, and then seconds later his fat cock head was pressed against my opening. I hadn’t been fucked in a while, so I knew it might be a little rough getting started. I closed my eyes and tried to think relaxing thoughts, willing my hole to relax and open up naturally for him. This actually does work for me, and it did now. It’s like easing the tension from your shoulders, only with my butt hole. I felt myself relax and then like magic my hole just yawned open and his cock slowly slid a couple of inches in. “Jesus!” he hissed. “It’s like your hole is eating me up! Fucking unreal!” I felt it, the minor discomfort of taking someone in me after so long without, but it felt so damn good, all I could do was moan. He moaned his appreciation, too. And then he slowly sank the rest of his shaft in me until he was balls deep. He held there for a moment, reaching around and pinching my nipples, which got my hole fluttering over his cock. I guess that was the signal he needed to move, so he started rutting his hips, lightly smacking my butt cheeks with his abdomen with every sharp thrust. His strokes lengthened, and turned more frantic. Before long Dan was slamming full length in and out of me, his hands gripping my hips tightly, while we stood in the entry way of his house, grunting and groaning like animals rutting in heat. It was fucking awesome! “I . . . I don’t think I’ll last much longer,” he panted. “Do it, cum in me!” I yelled. More like begged, really. “Yeah? You like getting bred like a little whore?” he snarled in my ear, which really only turned me on more. He hadn’t said much of anything through the fuck, but this slightly rougher side was fucking hot. And when we’d been chatting online, I told him I liked to be called names and stuff while getting pounded, but at the time he didn’t seem all that into it. Glad I was wrong about that. “Fuck yeah!” I shouted. “I love getting bred! Cum in me!” I felt like a man possessed, but it was more like an addiction -I needed his seed swimming in my guts. “Take it, pig! Take my load up your whore ass!” he growled. I leaned my forehead against the wall, removed my hands from the wall and reached behind me to pull his hips flush against my ass so he was buried as deep as possible. I held him there for a moment, rippling my hole over the length of him, practically siphoning the seed straight out of his balls. That pushed him over the edge, he pulled back and slammed extra hard and extra deep, his arms wrapped around me so tight I could barely breathe while his balls emptied into my willing hole. I was in heaven once again. That moment is always heaven to me. He was breathing hard, his forehead resting on the back of my neck, as he collected himself and slowly withdrew his softening cock from my happy hole. I turned around to thank him but before I could utter a word, he reached up and grabbed hold of my face, pulling me into a passionate kiss. He’d made such a point of being a ‘straight’ married man, I never expected he’d want to kiss me, but kiss me he did! When we came up for air, I must have looked confused, because he said, “I just had to kiss you. That was the best fuck I’ve ever had. I couldn’t help myself. I just . . . I just needed to kiss you. Your ass is fucking amazing.” He was breathing hard and smiling wide. I’d done my job. We had agreed that our first meet would be brief, so we could feel comfortable, and also leave us wanting more. So I began to slowly dress myself, clenching my hole tight so I didn’t lose a drop of his cum. Once fully dressed, he kissed me again, and then I was on my way. He texted me later to thank me again, and to set up another fuck -soon! Over the next couple of days we swapped messages, just flirting until I could get over there again. But on the second day, I was at home later that night, and I got a strange message from him. Might be in trouble here, not sure how we should proceed. Ominous, right? I text him back, What’s wrong? The wife back in town? His reply was, My next door neighbor apparent heard us fucking, and saw us through the front window. He said if I didn’t want my wife to know, I had to let him fuck you the next time you come over. And he thought this was a problem? The more the merrier! What pig would ever turn down extra loads? I quickly sent a message back, telling him it was more than fine and to not even worry. What I didn’t know is that his next door neighbor had secrets of his own. Secrets that would change my life forever.
    3 points
  21. Anonymous sex with a condom just takes all the fun out of it. Nothing feels better than holding a load that you have absolutely no clue about the top.
    3 points
  22. Most drugs have potency long after the due date. I had to switch my PREP regiment because I was having kidney problems with Truvada and the doctor asked me if I had any of it left if I could bring it in so they can donate it to health clinics. They can't legally sell it beyond the expiration date but they knew that it was till potent past its expiration date so they would donate it for health clinics to distribute for free to patients who could not afford the medications. There have been numerous studies about the efficacy of expired medications and the majority of them have shelf lives way beyond their expiration date. They're not tested beyond a 3 year shelf life. He's one study example: [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/07/18/537257884/that-drug-expiration-date-may-be-more-myth-than-fact
    3 points
  23. Visited home (a small town) for a few days over the holiday and managed to get some local dick while I was there. Being a small town, the locals are pretty excited for fresh meat. Friday night, met a construction guy in his early 30s who wanted a bj in his truck. We found a quiet place away from people and I drained two loads out of him. Saturday early in the morning I was on Grindr and got messaged by a young 20 yo top. He was interested in fucking someone a bit older and was hoping I wanted it raw. I let him know I was definitely up for it, so I got ready, told my family I was heading off for a morning walk and I'd be back later. Walked over to the guy's place a few mins away, he invited me in and we chatted for a few mins before making out on the couch. He grabbed my arm, dragged me to his room and had me on my back in no time. He was pretty twinkish, really lithe body but a nice hairless uncut cock and balls and after eating my hole for a little he looked up at me with this hungry look on his face and I just pleaded with him to fuck my brains out. He definitely did for about 10 mins, and bit my shoulder when he finally sprayed his virile cum all over my guts. Saturday night I got hit up by another guy in his mid 20s. Nothing much more than a picture of his flared mushroom cock and a message "Bare?". I replied yep, and did he want to meet, since I couldn't host. His place was easy. Got ready again, told family I was going for an evening walk and headed over. This one was pretty much a pump and dump and I was loaded and walking home in less than 10 minutes, haha. Last night I was messaged by the twink again asking if I was interested in a second fuck. I had to leave in the morning, so I let him know I could but it would have to be relatively quick. He said he'd be ready and to come over. Again, got ready and let family know I was heading off for a walk. Headed over, door was unlocked and I walked in. He called me into his room and he was laying there with his legs spread, stroking his cock that he already lubed. I stripped down, climbed onto the bed and starting making out. When he started moaning after a minute, I climbed onto his cock, slid him in and buried him in my hole. A few minutes of riding later he was begging to cum so I milked until he flooded me. Got dressed and headed home. Three hometown loads, good times!
    3 points
  24. Met a few friends for drinks at a nearby bar, got horny and had a look at the apps, got hit by a couple (28 & 29, dark skin and lovely dick pics) 100m away that wanted to have fun. I excused myself from the group and left. The couple greeted me naked, both well good looking and hung, one of the was extremely thick and the pics he sent didn't do it justice (later he told me it on purpose because it scares people off lol) I immediately stripped, on my knees and servicing them getting them hard. the 9" thick really filled my throat and enjoyed getting a proper blowjob. couple of minutes mater we moved to the bedroom and I was put on my back, legs up and the thick guys sat on face to eat his lovely hole while his partner mounted me and shoved his lovely 8" dick in one push all the way (told them I was already lubed with my partners cum) he went to town on my hole fucking me hard making me moan on his partner hole. He was horny and dumped a load in me after 15 minutes and switched places, he shoved his dick in my mouth to clean from my ass juices and all the sweet cum while his partner started pushing in his soda can bull of a dick. He made me smile with pleasure till he was all the way in. then, he started pounding me. Oh boy did he pound hard!! I came hands free from his hard fuck during 30 min of non stop fucking while he dumped 2 loads on me without stopping. I felt so empty when they switched again when I got to clean him off and the partner resumed fucking me. When he got close to cumming he stopped and layed in the bed and I was instructed to sit on him which I gladly did. Then, the thick partner positioned himself behind me and started pushing in. I was moaning and grunting like a pig in heaven as I was being double fucked by these 2 hung men. they got a rhythm going and they fucked me like that for a long time dumping 2 more loads each without leaving my hole, all the while my own prostate was leaking a pool of cum. this continued for 2 hours and we finished with me cleaning them both while the thick guy was shoving his hand up my used hole. We had to part ways cause they had to get up early but we exchanged info so we can set up a sequel soon. happy cumdump heading back home leaking cum in an Uber to see my partner and have him admire my used hole.
    3 points
  25. I feel it’s just natural. You are who you are. The best thing you can do for yourself is become self aware and not listen to negative stereotypes about your sexuality. I would say that while you are waiting to get on prep you continue to work your pussy with toys. You won’t regret it when you are in your first group breeding.
    3 points
  26. A week or so ago Was in Birmingham UK for an exhibition and decided I wanted to breed. Went to a sauna -I was early so no very optimistic Huge venue with only a few of us in (nearly empty car park) Went in to the underground dark room and fucked a couple of guys but didn't cum. Went on to Grindr and there was an Arab guy who's profile title was "Already go 3 loads in me - want to add yours?" He had photos including a face shot which was unbelievably hot (most guys are a bit more shy) , and a picture of a bubble butt in a jock - he was late 20's - under half my age. I messaged asking him if he wanted a load now - yes came the reply instantly. We met in the changing room and we went to a cubical (shame as I would had rather fucked him in the sling room - more chance of other tops joining in). He dropped to his knees and stated to suck I pulled him on to my thick Daddy dick and positioned him so that I could skull fuck him with him not being able to escape - he fucking loved it. I reached of his back and wormed a couple of fingers in him - he was loose as fuck and reeked of the other tops cum. For me this is the greatest aphrodisiac. I pulled hom to his feet and pushed him over the bed , crouched down and got my tongue up him so I could taste the loads in him. This got me so horny that my cock was absolutely rigid. I'm not a small dicked guy and I normally need to work it in so that the bottom can adjust , but with all that spunk in him when I started to push there was no resistance - so I went up up in 1 push. His hole was just to warm and wet that I grabbed his jock and pulled him on to me to get extra penetration. I am a stocky bear , properly twice his weigh so I pushed him down on to the bed , holding him in a good position for me , holding him with my weight pumping him till I sprayed my thick 5 day load of Daddy cum deep in his ass and laid on to of him till he's absorbed it. I pulled out and wandered off leaving him collapsed on the bed - hopefully for another top to enjoy him as I had.
    3 points
  27. I had an ad on Doublelist and was surprised to have two guys answered They wanted to fuck me while I was sucking the other i had little faith they would show but gave them address anyway they showed One was 30 6’1” 195 with a huge cook The other older 43 5”8 with a medium dick they both wanted to fuck me bareback Making a long story short the each fucked me three times While one was fucking me I was sucking the other The last time they both went in my ass and shot a load in together after 3 hours my ass and mouth were soar but satisfied
    2 points
  28. I went to a lunchtime sex party today. It advertises to dudes over their lunch break. I usually leave after a few guys fuck me and maybe take 1-2 loads. Today, I was an in-demand btm. Tops lined up for me while I was on the sling/ass up on the couch. My hole was essentially drilled for about 45 mins straight by strangers. I took about 6 loads there. I saw a few good fwbs there including one who was so turned on that he gave me two loads in succession. I bred his fit middle age cutie after exploring a few other holes. It was so overwhelming that I had to take a nap when I returned home. Gotta rest up as I'm going to a friend's sex party tonight 😈
    2 points
  29. The Israeli government may not hate the Palestinians, but they certainly have abused the Palestinians for many years. As for "many of the extremists..." - That may be true, but I think you overstate the case; very few of the Palestinian and Iranian people can accurately be described as extremists of the type you describe. My opinion is that the nations of the West - aka the victors of the first and second World Wars - need to bear a good chunk of blame for having ignored important cultural and historical facts when they carved up the Middle East and created Israel. Yes, religious conflict over the region has been going on for centuries (or at least since the religions in question - all three of them - laid claim to the "holy land"), but the "solution" arrived at by the British and other nations was a disaster waiting to happen, and it's been happening ever since.
    2 points
  30. Last night I needed to get some poppers so i went to the adult bookstore not too far from my house...Decided to check out their movies and their theater....They had a deal for $10 for 4 hours you could enjoy either a gay or straight video room with others...Well I took advantage of this offer and hopped right over to the gay theater to check it out....Not too many guys there but there was this daddy there with his thick hard cock out stroking it...I happily took the seat next to him and offered him a hand...it felt good feeling that think hard cock in my hands...He looked at me and said "Boy you want to feel this cock inside you?" well I thought he meant to get down and start sucking him but he said "No, drop your drawers and bend over the bench....I want to fuck your little ass" So i gladly dropped my pants and bent over and he fucked me...it was a bit awkward with my pants around my ankles so after about 10 minutes, we stopped and i stripped down to just my jockstrap, rugby shirt, socks, and tennis shoes....Then he proceeded to ride my ass hard and deep...I could feel his cock deep inside me...Soon others were coming into the theater and instead of watching the screen they were watching me get fucked by this hot daddy....It felt soo good feeling his hard thick cock in my tight furry hole....he then asked me are you ready to take my seed. I gladly said Yes give it to me daddy and he pumped his cum deep inside me...No questions asked about status just me taking his seed deep inside my fuck hole...I came home and couldnt sleep thinking about his cock breeding my furry ass.
    2 points
  31. After the guy fucking me had finished unloading his cum inside me, he let his cock go soft inside me. I lifted my head off of S's stomach and looked over at M. The boyfriend of the guy fucking me was still behind him, but standing up. I couldn't quite tell what he was doing, but im pretty sure he had some fingers in M's hole. The look on M's face was a mix of pleasure, pain, and confusion. He looked like he liked it, but he wasnt sure if he should. I stood up and walked over to M. I ran my hand on his back and inspected what was happening. He was getting fingers exploring inside his hole. Just a couple. I asked M if he was ok with this and he looked at me and nodded. I asked him if he wanted more, he just continued to look at me, not saying anything. Again, i think he didn't know if he was supposed to like it, but he did. I looked over at S and the guy who finished fucking me was now standing next to him and causally jerking his cock. He smiled at me, giving me the go ahead to continue with M. I lightly massaged M's back with one hand and put the other on his face to turn his head toward mine. I leaned in and kissed him. We were tonguing eachother, while the guy continued to slowly finger fuck his ass. He would let out soft moans periodically. I think when the guy would insert more fingers. We were making out passionately. M even held my while we were tonguing eachother. I gently removed the guy's hand from M's ass and moved behind M. I wanted to eat his pussy. I bent over behind him and pushed my face into his crack and licked my tongue into his wet hole. I place the guys hand on my hole, inviting him to finger me. I was licking and sucking M and felt the guy's fingers inserting in my hole. He was easily able to get 4 fingers inside me. My hole was open and relaxed after the booty bump and the fucking his boyfriend gave me. I turned to him and asked him to fuck me, then i buried my face back into M's ass. M reached back and pulled my face in deeper to his hole. I felt the guys cock pushing inside me. I found the poppers sotting on the counter in front of M and had him pass them to me. I took a long deep hit again and let the wave of poppers take over my body. I melted into M's ass. I felt at one with the guy fucking me and the ass on my mouth. I was in complete unison with both of them. We were one being. Being fucked in that state is incomparable. There is no better feeling than being so high on M and using poppers. I left my body. I was completely giving myself over to the sexual pleasure of M and this stranger. I only wanted their pleasure. I would squeeze my pussy tight around his cock everytime he would bottom out inside my hole. Synching up to his thrusts. I moaned loud directly into M's ass on my face. Thr vibrations were driving him wild. I took the opportunity to reach between his thick legs and found his cock. I was pulling it down and jerking him im sync with the fuck i was receiving. Using my free hand to pull his ass cheeks apart. I wanted in deeper insidd him as the cock was thrusting deeper and deeper inside of me. I wanted M to imagine what I was experiencing. The pure ecstasy i was having while getting fucked. I felt like M was really loving the experience. He was moaning and cursing. His body was completely limp on the counter, he was arching his back and moaning. The fuck i was getting started to speed up. I felt the cock get more and more rigid inside my ass. He wasnt making much noise, so i know he was focused on cumming. And i wanted his load. I wanted more cum inside me. I pushed my asshole out and let him as deep inside me as he could go. I was moaning wildly. I was telling hiw badly i wanted his cum. Fuck me i was so fucking ready to be loaded again. He had a firm grip on my hips and was pounding me hard. Ruthlessly fucking my pussy. We were in that state of absolute abandon. Nothing else mattered in that moment than me making him cum. I still had M's ass on my face, but all I wanted was for this man to cum in my pussy. I was yelling into M's hole for this man to fill my ass with cum. I was such a slut for cum. He yelled out that he was cumming. He stopped thrusting and left his cock in my used hole. Pulsing his cock inside me. We all knew he was unloading. Fuck. It was all I wanted in that moment. M stood up straight and said, "well damn. Ive never done that before." And we all just chuckled. I was so spent. I was sweating like crazy. I had two strangers loads inside me and the brothers had both filled my mouth with their asses. But i still wanted more. The guys started to collect their stuff. We hung around for a little while longer and talked a bit more, but it was around 4am now and they were going to head home. But I wasnt through, and neither were the brothers, I dont think. I sat on the couch next to S, i was still naked from the waste down, he was still fully naked. I was running my hands along his muscular thigh and stomach, feeling his sexy body, while M said goodbye to the guys at the door. When M came back to the living room and join S and I, he said, "who wants another line?" Showing us the baggy with the last of the MDMA.
    2 points
  32. Damn, I have just changed sheets on my bed, and they're soaked in poz precum again!!! You brought in words what my gifting kink has always been: a permanent, biological bond between two people who chose each other -boyfriend or whatever-. And I always think how fucking lucky science makes us currently! 20 years later from the story's plot. We can enjoy our intense bareback sex without harm roleplaying our poz fantasies without ever harming ourselves! And every time is like the first time...the pozzing time 🦠☣️
    2 points
  33. I only use lube if the bottom insists on it - I love to suck ass and love my cock slobbered on before fucking, so there's plenty of "natural lube" already. It seems to be getting more common to show up to a bottom's place and there isn't any lube in sight. I know he's either pre-loaded or slutty enough to know we're not gonna need it - PERFECT either way. Even if lube is laying there I will ignore it unless I'm starting to push in and the bottom asks me to put some on. My new PA does trigger a few more requests for lube but not most of the time
    2 points
  34. Name a product that you would buy off the store shelf if you saw that it was past its expiration date. …. still waiting … Exactly. ‘Expired’ in the case of medicine can generally be taken to mean ‘no longer fully effective’ at best, or potentially has begun to break down into other compounds. Using PrEP that is no longer fully effective means increasing your chance of contracting HIV, or of exposing the HIV virus to a weakened drug that may allow it to survive and build tolerance. Play Russian roulette much? The longer the med is out of expiry, the more bullets you put in the revolver.
    2 points
  35. Now, I know that this seems like some porn. Like something completely made up. But the only thing that Im making up is the names. And really im just using the first letters of their names. Some of thr details are hazy, because i had been drinking and doing Molly. But I'm relaying everything I can remember. And some of it, i dont think I'll ever be able forget. Two straight brothers and a gay couple we met at a bar all of us went back to party at one of the brother's house. From there, things escalated pretty quickly. One thing ked to another and Ive got one brother fingering some MDMA into my ass while the other brother has his crotch in my face. All while the couple is holding my ass open and jerking my cock as im bent over the couch. I was huffing and licking the pants covering my friends cock. I wanted it in my mouth so bad. I was willing to do anything to be filled full of cock. I was holding his ass and pressing him into my face. I started to fondly the zipper on his pants, and he stopped me. Then he crouched down in front of me so that his face was next to mine. He looked me in the eyes and said, not yet. I can't right now. I must've looked so sad, because he actually kissed me. And not a peck either. He opened his mouth and kissed me with tongue. Not for long, but long enough to really drive me fucking wild. Then he pulled back and smiled at me again. He whispered in my ear, "Fuck...thats a first." Then he stood up again. He vrabbed the back of my head and pressed my face back into his crotch. Then he laughed and said, "Hey M, lets do another shot...maybe another bump." I felt my hole go empty and M and S walked to the kitchen. I went to stand up so I could follow them, but i felt the couple hold me back down. Not rough, gently actually. But they weren't done with me. I felt the tongue back in my hole. Deeper this time. He was licking, tongue fucking and sucking my my hole. It felt so fucking good. His boyfriend looked at me and asked it if felt good. I let him know with a loud deep moan just how fucking pleasurable it was. I was in complete ecstacy. I looked at the boyfriend and said, fuck i wish i had some poppers. And the boyfriend laughed and pulled some out of his pocket. He passed them to me. And when he did, i asked him to stand in front of me. I wanted to huff poppers and suck his dick while his boyfriend ate my pussy. He lined up right in front if me. I took a long deep hit of poppers and then undid his pants. He wasnt wearing any underwear and his dick was only semi hard. Fucking MDMA makes that really tough. But it didnt stop me from trying. I sucked his entire length into my mouth. It was an average dick with an average girth. But it made it perfect to suck on whole my hole was being worked oved. I went to town on that cock. I was imagining S and M there watching me. I was hoping that they were. J wanted them to know just how good at sucking cock i was. I wantsd them to know whay I could do for them. I felt more fingers in my ass. Fingers, then tongue. Then sucking my hole. Then more fingers. I didnt know how many, but i could feel my hole being stretched and sucked and filled. It was incredible. I took another long deep hit of poppers. And continued trying to get his cock hard. It would start to, but then die down a bit. I asked him if he wanted to switch places with his boyfriend. And they did. I pulled the new dick out of his pants. His cock was very similar to his boyfriend's. Average thickness and girth. It tasted like it had been sitting in tight underwear all day. But that made me want it even more. I was in full piggy slut mode. I wanted dick so badly. I looked around for M and S. They were in the kitchen talking and laughing. I started to feel a little insecure, like I was doing something wrong. I wanted them to join us. I asked for the guys to stop for a sec so i could go hang out with the brothers. They did and we all went to the kitchen. We did another shot. And I asked why they left. He said that he couldn't get hard right now, and that he was still trying to wrap his head around everything. But that he was enjoying watching us go at it. I ask him if he really liked it or not, and he said yes. S actually asked if he could trying fingering me. So i said yes, and bent over the kitchen counter. They all continued to talk while S started to play with my hole. He started to slowly press his fingers inside me. He couldn't believe that I was able to take three fingers so easily. I was lightly moaning, letting S know how much I enjoyed it. Then I stood up and leaned back onto his chest while he still had his fingers in me. I whispered in his ear, quiet enough for only him to hear. "I want you to fuck me so bad." He looked around to make sure noone heard. They were still talking and laughing. He looked in my eyes, and i nodded. He smiled and gave me a nod in return. Then he whispered in my ear, "i cant get hard. And my brother is here." So i whispered back to follow me discreetly to the bathroom. I went there and waited for a while. Then after a few minutes, he walked into the bathroom too. I went right up to him and started kissing him. So deep. He had his arms around me and hands on my muscular ass. I reached down and put my hands in his pants and felt his cock. He kind of backed away for a second. Then he said, "Im sorry, ive never done anything like this." I assured him that I would be a good teacher and undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. He turned and locked the bathroom door. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock into my mouth. It was semi hard, not fully hard. I slowly worked his cock in my mouth. I was precise and direct. I was putting pressure on it and i could feel it getting harder and harder in my mouth. I reached between his legs and with one hand i was playing with his balls ad the other hand i was gently pressing on his asshole. He spread his legs farther apart to give me more access to his hole he was moaning quietly, he didnt want his brother to discover us. I spat on my hand and started to jerk him off, while i sucked on my other fingers to wet them. Then i went back to sucking and started to slowly push my finger inside his hole. He started to relax and i could feel his hole open up for me. For someone who had never done anything like this, his hole eas opening up quite easily. I got my full middle finger inside him while sucking his now rock-hard cock. I stood up, very pleased with myself. I gave him a smile and kissed him deeply with tongue. He reciprocated and put his hands back on my ass. Spreading my cheeks apart. I could feel the cool air on my wet hole. His hard cock was around 8.5 inches, and pressing into my stomach while he pulled me close as he played with my ass cheecks. Then he span me around and pushed my forward by the back of my neck, getting me into position. Oh my god, I can't believe it was actually happening. I was actually going to feel this massive cock fucking my pussy. I wanted it for so long. I held my breath as he pushed inside me. He was big. He knew how to get it inside me. Slow and steady. Feeling my hole adjust to his girth and length. He was used to having to work that big cock into holes before, i could tell. He made it all the way to the base. He was very impressed. Letting me know with a long breathy, "Fuuuuuckkkk." I was proud of myself. I hadnt been fucked in a long time, and definitely not by a cocl as big as his. But i took it like a champ. He moved it slow and deliberately in and out of my hole. I could feel my hole stretching around his cock. No lube. Just spit and determination. All the way out and then all the way back in. I was in heaven. He sped up the pace. He was rocking my world. Fucking me. Like a pussy. He leaned forward and held me around my waist. Putting his chest against my back. He played with my chest like i had tits. He breathed heavily in my ear. It was sending me over the edge. I was about to have a full body anal orgasm. My skin was so sensative. I was outside of my body. It was fucking incredible. Then there was a knock at the door. "Hey guys just checking on you. You alright?" Fuck...i didnt want him to stop. But he did. He answered quickly. "Yeah, just talking." He was so cool with it. It didnt sound rushed or forced or anything. Just so chill. Hebleaned forward and kissed me, then pulled out and pulled his pants back up. I was still bottom naked and we opened the door. It was M, he gave us a look but didnt question anymore. We all went back to the kitchen to keep talking. I suggested that we do another line of Molly.
    2 points
  36. just left bout 10 minutes ago. He is one solid piece of muscle, and He fucks with His whole body. i push back and squeeze His cock as He fucks me, and it's like He is fucking me into a place where i cannot push or fuck back, He always leaves me gaped and cum sloppy. fuck, i feel awesome.
    2 points
  37. Chapter 3: The Daddy Party “Are you okay? You’re acting real antsy.” Terry had picked up on Ricky’s nerves as soon as they got into the Uber. The driver had raised his eyebrows knowingly when he saw the address where he was to take them. Now he was covertly studying the two young guys via glances in his mirror. “Just trying not to let my imagination run crazy,” Ricky responded. Terry laughed. “If you can imagine it, then it’s probably happened at one of these get-togethers. Just relax and go with the flow. And be alert for signs of interest from any of the guests.” The Uber driver sniggered. Terry had certainly kept Ricky hopping for the previous two weeks. The daily workouts on his glutes, with enough attention paid to other muscle groups to avoid looking freakish, had done wonders. Those globes weren’t quite the eighth wonder of the world, yet, but they were round and firm enough to attract any top’s attention. He’d worn the butt plug for hours every day, or night, with the muscles gradually adjusting to the feeling of being stretched by a firm, round intruder. Terry had taught him all the ins and outs of getting ready for a good solid fucking, including douching technique and self-lubing in advance. Ricky had even gotten used to the weird sensation of wearing underwear that covered everything but his ass. Even though he was used to a jockstrap, this felt strange to begin with. In short, he was now thoroughly ready to be unveiled to the gay community as the hottest, cutest new ass in town. At the destination address, they climbed out and faced a modern house – a flat-top California modern – on a ridge overlooking one of the canyons. The house sprawled across a hefty stretch of hilltop land. Ricky stared in awe. “This guy’s got serious money.” “S’right. And he’s not the only one. That’s why we’re definitely in the right place for you. His name is Steven, and he hates to be called anything else.” Terry rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a fifty-something man in tightly fitted shirt and trousers which showed that he definitely looked after himself. “Well, hello, Terry, darling. Haven’t seen you for far too long.” “Good to see you too, Steven. Here, I’ve brought my friend Ricky with me.” Steven gave Ricky a brilliant smile and a quick once-over. “Welcome, Ricky, my friends will be happy to meet you and show you a good time.” “Thank you for letting me join the party, Steven.” Steven winked, and pointed them up the ramp to the right, telling them to leave their things in that room and go right on down the ramp on the far side. Once they were in the room they quickly stripped. The young man in charge handed them two numbered plastic bins to put their clothes in. He gave Ricky an approving examination, then sent them on their way with their numbered wristbands, giving Ricky’s firm round ass a quick squeeze as they went by. Down the ramp, in the main sitting room, they looked around them. There were a dozen or so older men sitting on the sofas and chairs, and as many again younger fellows in next to nothing sitting beside the older fellows. Almost all of them were either kissing the daddies or stroking their cock bulges. A couple were already sliding down the zippers, ready to go to work. One or two had climbed onto the laps of the older fellows and were busily grinding away as the daddies worked at their exposed asses, teasing the holes with their fingers. A couple of others were straddling their older men and feeding their cocks into the mouths of the daddies who eagerly sucked on them. “This way, Ricky,” Terry said, and led him to the right into another large room where a long low table was set up. Everyone in this room was already naked – or the next best thing. One or two other young fellows were wearing open-ass briefs like the one Ricky had on. There were already half a dozen lads bent over the table, face down, with their exposed butts in position. A few of the older guys were already sampling the tempting holes on offer. Without any prompting, Ricky went right over to the table. He slid next to one of the boys already there, and bent down across the table, putting his carefully cleaned and lubed ass in position. Terry waved goodbye and disappeared, back into the first room. “You’re a newbie, aren’t you?” That was the redhead he’d lain down next to. “Yeah.” “I’m Dylan. Welcome to the meat market.” “Ricky.” Just then, Ricky felt a hand playing with his ass. The finger slipped into his hole, and the man gave a grunt of pleasure as he felt the lube already in place. He withdrew his finger, and Ricky now felt the head of a cock nudging his hole. He relaxed and the cock slipped right into him. All that preparation with the butt plug certainly made it easier to take cock. He moaned in pleasure as the rigid dick slid up into him. After a minute or so of stroking in and out of him, the owner of the dick spoke. “Sweet hole,” the deep voice sounded above him as the cock slid easily in and out of his ass. “Hey, new boy, right, Dave?” “New boy, sweet pretty ass, and he’s a great fuck, too. Nice and tight.” “Well, don’t hog him. Give someone else a turn.” The cock slid out. Almost at once, another cock began to enter him. This one was shorter but wider, and not nearly as comfortable a fit. This guy was also rougher. After he’d stroked in and out about a dozen times, he got interrupted. “Okay, Greg,” another voice chimed in, “keep the line moving. You know the house rules.” Greg pulled out and Ricky gave a small moan of relief and appreciation as another cock, longer but less blunt, entered his body. This man began fucking him more determinedly, like a man bent on breeding ass – which he was. Greg growled in protest. “You pushed me out just so you could be the first to breed the new boy?” “House rules, Greg. You know I get first breeding rights on every newbie if I want to.” This guy began using his full length on Ricky right away. He was pumping it all the way in, and then pulling right out until his head began to pop out of Ricky’s ass. And then, just when it seemed he was going to fall clear out, he pushed back in again. He loved feeling the new boy hole stroking his head every time he pulled almost all the way out. He kept fucking Ricky nonstop for a couple of minutes in appreciative silence. Then he leaned down, still pumping firmly into Ricky’s hole, and purred, “What’s your name, boy?” “My name’s Ricky.” “Good boy. You know I’m going to give you my load in that cute round ass. You want my daddy load, don’t you, boy?” “Yes, oof!” This as the man gave an extra-firm thrust. “Yes what, boy?” “Yes, daddy. I want your cum.” “Good boy,” the man said again. His fucking accelerated and Ricky’s moaning grew louder. The top was pumping his hole harder and harder, bouncing off Ricky’s ass cushions on each thrust with a loud smack. Then the man drove it hard into his ass, holding his cock deep inside as it twitched and shot several pulses of sperm into Ricky’s ass. As his breathing calmed down, the man bent down and whispered, “There you go, boy. You’ve been initiated now.” “Thank you, daddy.” The man’s cock slid out of his hole. Almost at once, another cock slid in. A different voice sighed with satisfaction. “Mmm, I love sloppy seconds.” Ricky grinned, remembering Mitch’s lessons. Next to him, Dylan emitted a loud grunt of pain as an impatient top rammed his cock in hard, too hard, all the way to the bottom. Ricky was getting a smoother ride by comparison, all the men treating the new kid’s butt a little more gently. The man now sliding slowly in and out of Ricky’s ass leaned down to speak to him, in a pleasant voice. “You were a good boy, taking Matt’s load like that. Did you enjoy it?” Ricky nodded. The man went on, “You have a really sweet ass, Ricky. I’ll see you again in a while, after you’ve got a couple more loads in there. Then it will really feel great for me.” He pulled out and was soon replaced by another. Ricky was actually sorry. He’d liked the sound of the man’s voice. The man who was in him now was pumping quickly, already winding up to an orgasm. Along the table, Ricky could hear the grunts and groans of several daddies driving themselves to the finish line, and the moans of the boys taking those daddies’ cocks inside their holes. The man in his ass started panting and grunting. Ricky began working on his dick, squeezing and chewing on it with his ass muscles as the man built up to an explosion. “Aw, fuck!” the daddy yelled, as he jammed it right in and started firing his seed into Ricky’s ass. Just as he started shooting, the big muscular guy fucking Dylan was also cumming, filling the redhead’s boy butt with his sperm. After that, there was a break in the action. Dylan straightened up, patted Ricky on the ass, and said, “Let’s go get something to eat.” Ricky stood up and walked with Dylan, through another door and into a large sunroom which faced a patio. As they went, he clenched his muscles to hold his ass shut so all the cum wouldn’t leak out and go to waste. He was loving the feeling of walking around like this, ass hanging out in the cool air but warm inside from being filled with man cream. Out on the patio, they could see that there were more men, in and around a pool and hot tub. The boys stopped at a bar in the sunroom, got some drinks, and went by a snack table where they picked up a few nibbles. “Let’s see what’s happening out there,” Dylan said, leading the way to the doors. Out on the patio, there were several naked older men standing around with cocks at the ready. Six guys, three older and three younger, were sitting in pairs in the oversize hot tub fondling and stroking each other towards the point of no return. Right by the hot tub steps was a small sign, positioned on a short post so Ricky had to bend right over to read it. THE ONLY WRITTEN RULE: NO CUMMING IN POOL OR HOT TUB. As he read it, he felt a hand stroking his ass and then another cock entered him. Dylan chuckled beside him. “Now you know – aaah…” as a cock entered his butt too, “…why the sign is so low to the ground.” Ricky chuckled too as they grabbed onto a low stone wall next to the sign to steady themselves while the two older men pumped into them. But then the daddy grasped Ricky’s shoulders and pulled him up. “Come with me, boy.” His cock slipped out as he grasped Ricky’s hand, leading him over to one of the big lounge chairs poolside. The daddy, a white-haired guy who still had a decent body sat back on the lounger and said, “Hop on and ride for a bit.” Ricky straddled him and sat down on his cock, taking that big slab of meat into his body. The daddy then drew him down so they could kiss each other while he rode up and down. This guy’s cock was hitting him in just the right way, and he felt his own cock getting harder as he pumped up and down on the daddy’s tool. “You like my cock in your ass, don’t you, boy?” “Oh, yes. Give me all of that daddy dick.” This guy chuckled, and said, “Time to set your boy cock free too. Stand up and take off that strap.” Ricky obediently stood up and removed his seatless briefs, then sat back down and began riding again. His cock, now set free, bounced up and down and drooled juice as he fucked himself. The daddy under him reached up and began twisting his nips as they made out. Ricky was getting harder now, his cock jerking rather than swaying as his excitement built. This older daddy’s cock was really hitting his spot and driving him crazy. From the sounds of the daddy’s groans, he was finding this fuck just as stimulating. A loud cry of “Oh, fuck!” drew his attention to the next lounger in the line. There was Dylan, lying on his back with his legs pulled up while a muscle man fucked him missionary, a dark-haired, tanned guy with a hairy chest and what looked like ten inches of meat. He was plowing deep and hard into Dylan’s ass, and Dylan was plainly feeling the impact of it, moaning “More, more,” as the big cock savaged his hole. Seeing that epic fuck happening right beside him pulled Ricky’s trigger, and he moaned. “You’re going to fuck the cum out of me!” The white-haired daddy threw his head back with a cry, and suddenly thrust hard into Ricky’s ass, forcing Ricky up into the air as he exploded inside the cute boy’s butt. As soon as he started shooting, Ricky’s face screwed up and his cock jumped up and down, firing a fountain of boy spooge into the air and showering it down over the older man’s face and chest. When he finished cumming, the older man kissed him and said, “Turn around. I want to eat my load out of you.” Obediently, Ricky turned around and sat down on the daddy’s face. Then he saw the dripping-wet cock right in front of him and instinctively, automatically bent down to lick and suck it clean. He slurped and teased all the juices off the head and then pushed on down the shaft, loving the way the daddy moaned in appreciation and redoubled his efforts on Ricky’s ass. Finally, the daddy slapped his ass gently in a clear signal that he was done. Ricky stood up and the white-haired gent stood too, embracing and kissing him. “That was incredible, boy. You did a great job cleaning up after yourself, just the way a good bottom should do it. How many loads of spooge were you carrying around inside you?” “I think it was three, daddy, including yours – maybe four.” “Fuck, it just wouldn’t stop coming out. I figured I’d better leave some for the next guy.” He slapped Ricky’s ass again and walked away. Ricky’s attention was drawn again to the dark muscle daddy who was still hammering away on Dylan’s ass. Dylan was moaning and crying, as much in pain as in ecstasy, Ricky thought, but the top paid no attention. Finally, the stud felt his sperm rising and speeded up, pounding a load at full speed into Dylan’s tortured hole. When he finished, he yanked his cock abruptly out (wrenching one more yell of pain from Dylan), got up, and walked away without a word. Ricky made a mental note to himself: Body 10, manners 0. Avoid at all costs. Dylan lay there, whimpering, exhausted, looking up at Ricky, almost as if he were begging for something. None of the other daddies were nearby. Ricky sat down next to him and stroked his face. “What’s up, Dylan?” “That guy just ripped me -- really badly. I’m done for the day. But I just wondered….” “Yes?” “Well, I haven’t cum yet, and my balls are fucking aching with it. Can you ride me and pull my load up and out for me?” “You don’t have to ask twice.” Ricky spat in his hand, smeared it over his hole, and sat down on Dylan’s cock, rigid and red with blood. Dylan at once began moaning happily as Ricky worked his hole up and down, much looser now after all the cocks that had fucked him. Dylan was recovering his earlier breezy manner, and Ricky was all for it when Dylan asked if they could roll over so he could be on top for breeding Ricky’s hole. In no time, they’d settled into the new position, Dylan rising and falling in Ricky’s hole as Ricky stroked his body and grasped his ass cheeks, pulling Dylan deeper into him. His magic hole was making Dylan feel so good that there was no way for Dylan to hold out much longer. He began to drive harder, and Ricky welcomed him with moans and cries of “Fuck, yeah, fill me up.” And then it happened. Dylan slammed down into Ricky’s ass and exploded, driving shot after shot after shot of sperm deep into the younger boy’s ass. Eventually, they rolled apart, to a round of ironic applause from several of the older guys who’d been watching. But then, Ricky heard one of the audience mutter, “Oh-oh,” and there was Steven, standing over them, his cock bulging in his tight speedo, and doing his not-very-convincing best to look stern. “I’d like to speak to you two, please. Over here.” He led them towards a small gazebo where no one else was sitting. Steven sat down in the one chair, and looked at the boys as they stood uncomfortably in front of him. Ricky was suddenly acutely aware that he was completely naked, dripping with sweat, and reeking of sex. “Ricky, it’s okay for you, you’re new here and don’t know the house rules. But Dylan, you’ve certainly cum here often enough to know that the boys are to have sex only with the daddies. If the daddies want to get it on with each other, that’s one thing, but the boys aren’t allowed to do it.” “I know, Steven, but it was because of Dario. He was fucking me so damn hard, and even when I started crying from the pain he just kept right on going until he bred me. After that, I found I was bleeding, so I knew I was done for the day – but I still had an epic case of blue balls, and I asked Ricky to help me out because I just felt like he was a good guy.” “Let me see it, Dylan.” Dylan turned slowly around, and winced slightly as Steven spread his cheeks and gently rubbed a finger over his hole. “Yes, he messed you up pretty badly. If you talk to Kevin in the change room, he’s got some ointment ready to use on that. It’ll help to stop the bleeding and ease the pain before you head home. And Ricky, now that you know the rules, I’m sure I can trust you to keep them from now on.” Ricky nodded, and they answered in unison, “Thank you, Steven.” With that, their host got up and left. Dylan kissed Ricky goodbye and said, “Thanks for helping me out there, bro. You really are a good guy. See you again soon.” Once he’d left, Ricky wandered back along the pool. He found where he’d tossed his minimal underwear when the white-haired daddy was fucking him. He picked the seatless briefs up, pondered putting them back on, and finally decided to do it since it was the best way not to lose sight of the things. Next time, he thought, I’ll just go regimental and that’ll be one less thing to worry about. He took several steps towards the door to the house when he was stopped by a voice. A pleasant voice. A kind voice. It was the daddy who’d said he would find Ricky again after he’d collected a few loads. Ricky turned around. This guy was tall, standing five inches above his head, but otherwise fairly non-descript. He was the kind of person who would usually not be noticed wherever he went, neither dressing nor acting in any way to draw attention. That voice, though, was unforgettable. It was gentle, almost musical, and Ricky was immediately captivated by it. The man went on. “I hope you’ve got several good loads inside you now, Ricky. I watched you and Dylan getting it on, and it was really hot – so hot I almost lost it and jacked out my load. But I stopped myself in time. I’ve been saving it up all day to breed you, if you want me.” Ricky was even more intrigued. This was the only daddy, all day, who’d asked before taking. Truth be told, there’d been precious few people in his life, other than his own dad, who’d treated him with so much respect. In Ricky’s case, respect from an elder was like an intoxicating drug. “Of course.” He took the daddy’s hand, led him back to a lounge, and said, “How do you want to take me?” “On your face, flat on the lounger -- to start with.” Ricky lay down on his face, spreading his legs and pulling his cheeks apart. “I’m all ready for you, daddy. Lots of sperm in there to make you feel good.” The man breathed a sigh of satisfaction as he straddled Ricky’s prone body, inserting his cock into the hole and sliding forward until it was all the way in. Then he laid down flat on Ricky’s back and humped him slowly and gently, sliding his cock in and out as he murmured into Ricky’s ear. “That’s my good boy, getting his hole all nice and wet and loose for me. It feels so wonderful, all that man cream inside you, smoothing my way. It’s the best ass I’ve seen all day, and you’ve made it so wonderful, so ready for me.” “I want you to feel good inside me.” “And I want you to feel good when I am inside you.” “I do, daddy. You feel fantastic inside my butt.” The two of them continued moaning and sighing quietly as he gently fucked the boy’s ass, stirring his cock around inside that wet, sloppy hole. Ricky loved the feeling of a man’s body lying right on top of him, skin to skin from the shoulders to the hips, and feet intertwined at the foot of the lounger as this daddy kept gently humping his boy hole. After a while, the daddy pulled out, and quietly said, “Roll over. I want to see your face as I’m fucking you and seeding you.” Ricky rolled onto his back and lifted his legs. His older partner pushed his legs all the way back to his shoulders, then slipped back into his channel and resumed his pumping motions. The whole fuck so far was slow, gentle, hypnotic, and Ricky was duly hypnotized. For the first time all day, he felt like a man being fucked by another man, not like a slab of meat on a butcher’s cutting board. This guy, with his gentle, soothing voice and easy-going fucking manner, was giving him a sense of how two men could make love together. He’d gotten a taste, a hint of it before, with Mitch, but now this was the thing itself, and it just kept getting better and better for him. And for his daddy, too, as the older man sighed in contentment and then leaned down to begin kissing him, locking their mouths together first, and then dropping still lower to kiss and nibble at Ricky’s ear and neck while he kept pumping in and out of the boy’s ass cunt. Finally, his fucking motions began to get faster, and Ricky knew that this man was almost ready to give him the best load of the entire day. He wrapped his arms and legs around his partner, stroking his back and clutching him firmly into an embrace as the hips rose and fell faster and with more force. The slapping sounds on his hips came first, then the loud moans torn from the older guy’s throat.. And Ricky knew. “Cum inside me, daddy. I want your load. Give me all of it. Fuck me hard!” The man was now pounding full speed, and Ricky was hanging on for dear life – almost literally, as this much taller man was lifting up so much that Ricky was actually hanging in the air by his arms and legs clutching the man’s body. A guttural cry of “Fucking cumming… in your ass!” ripped the air. The top slammed down hard into Ricky, pulsing out his sperm, and then giving a series of short little rabbit-punch thrusts to try to force it as far inside the boy’s hole as he could. And Ricky came too. Finally, they came down from their high, and enjoyed a last series of kisses before the man pulled slowly out of Ricky’s ass. “Be right back,” he said, and sauntered over to a table where there were some blank cards and pens. He scribbled on a card, and came back, handing it to Ricky. “Here’s my name and number. I’d love to see you again. Now, if you want to see me, go over to that table and write down your name and number for me.” Ricky immediately stood up and walked to the table. He was vaguely conscious of a tidal wave of sperm oozing out of him, but this was more important. Name and number written, he glanced at the card the man gave him. ALAN BRYORS 555-555-6969 The name meant nothing to him. He walked back and handed his card over. “Here’s mine, Alan.” “Thank you, Ricky. You’re such a lovely boy. I’ll be in touch soon.” He gave another kiss, stroking Ricky’s ass gently, and then walked away. In another minute or so, Ricky headed off too, wondering if he should try to find Terry, or just go home on his own. On the way, he got a couple of back pats and butt slaps from guys who’d been watching him taking those loads out by the pool. He walked back through the table room, now empty, and through the first room he’d entered, now busy with naked men and boys coupling in various positions over diverse articles of furniture. Then he stepped into another room, and here he found himself watching a whole crew of older men being fucked by young studs – and he knew he was in the right place. Looking around, he finally spotted Terry, busily engaged in pounding the hole of a sixty-something heavyset man, a classic bear with furry belly and ass. He watched for a minute, and waved away one offer from an older man who was prepared to settle for his six and a half inches in lieu of some of the much bigger dicks that were otherwise occupied. Terry’s motions were getting more irregular, and it was plain that he was about to breed ass. Ricky kept watching as Terry slammed in, harder and harder, then yelled aloud and let his load fly, pulling out to squirt across the man’s back, and then shoving it back in to finish cumming inside. After he’d calmed down and detached from the bear’s furry bottom, Terry turned and saw Ricky watching with a salacious grin. He sauntered over. “Like that?” “Good work, Terry.” “You ready to call it a day?” “Yeah.” “Okay, let’s get upstairs, shower and dress, and I’ll book an Uber.” They sauntered up the ramp and into the change room, just in time to see Dylan putting on his shirt and pulling up his jeans. He came over to Ricky and hugged him. “Let’s swap digits. I’d like to keep in touch.” “Sure. Here’s mine.” He typed his number into Dylan’s phone, and Dylan sent him a text. So that gave him two new contacts, not a bad day’s work. Dylan kissed him and left, and Terry asked, “What’s that paper you’re clutching in your fist?” Ricky showed him. Terry’s reaction was beyond dramatic, almost volcanic. “WHAT???!!! You actually got ALAN BRYORS to give you his phone number? How the fuck did you do that? There’s guys here who’ve been angling for his number for years, and no luck!” “Well, Terry, that’s how. A fuck. He told me when I first got on the table that he’d find me again later because he always enjoys sloppy seconds.” “So I’ve heard.” “Well, then he found me again, he fucked me and bred me, and then asked me to swap numbers – and told me he’d call soon.” “Incredible. Look, I think we need to go have a talk. Come to my place for a bit before heading back to the hostel?” “Okay.” They finished pulling together their things, Terry tipped Kevin generously – “for both of us” – and down to the entrance they went. Steven was there, saying goodbye to guests that were leaving. He embraced Terry and kissed him. “Thanks, Terry, for bringing your new friend with you.” “Another wonderful hot day, Steven – thank you!” Then Steven turned to Ricky. A kiss, a hug, and a not too discreet grope of his round ass, as Ricky in turn patted Steven’s speedo-covered butt. “I hope you had a good day, Ricky. I’d love to spend some more time with you at the next party.” “Thank you, Steven. It was great!” And out they went, hopping right into the Uber which had arrived at the precise moment. Terry explained to the driver that they were only going to the one address, but he would pay the whole shot of the two-point trip as originally booked. The two of them sat quietly in the back seat as the car struggled through the modified rush hour of Saturday late afternoon, slightly less insane than late afternoon on the weekdays. It was very obvious that this driver, unlike the one who’d brought them out to the party, was not gay and didn’t have a clue of where they’d been or what had probably happened while they were there. Just another ride. Getting out at Terry’s apartment building, they headed up in the elevator to the fifth floor and into his living room. Ricky sat down, while Terry went and got a couple of beers from the kitchen. They toasted and drank, and then Terry said, “Okay, any questions about today? Fire away.” “Steven: I didn’t see him fucking around anywhere. What does he like?” “Oh, he’s completely versatile. But he never joins the action. He figures he has to be free to troubleshoot any time, so he can’t be trying to breed or get bred if trouble begins.” “Makes sense.” “But I bet you met his partner, Matt.” The light went on in Ricky’s mind. “The one who said he had first rights to breed any new ass?” “That’s him. Most of us can’t imagine what Steven sees in him. He’s a jerk like that with everyone, and too obviously on the make. But hey, love can make anyone look both blind and stupid.” “Okay, Terry. Next question: what do you know about a hunk named Dario?” “Enough to know that you need to avoid him. That guy’s fucking dangerous, most of all because he doesn’t care what anyone else wants or feels as long as he gets what he wants. There’s guys who’ve never come to another party after he worked them over.” “I believe that. He was piledriving Dylan when I was close by, and he ripped Dylan’s hole pretty bad, which is why Dylan was leaving even before us.” “Guy’s a complete jerk. Several of us have talked to Steven about him before. Does Steven know?” “Yes.” Ricky omitted the embarrassing details about Steven calling him and Dylan on the carpet for playing with each other. “Good. Maybe this time he’ll put Dario on the no-go list. And you had better put him on your own personal no-go list.” Ricky replied smugly. “I already did. Rated him as ‘Looks 10, manners 0’.” “Smart man.” Ricky smiled broadly. It was the first time Terry had referred to him as a man rather than as “boy” or “kid”. “Last question, Terry. Why did you go right off the deep end when I showed you that I got the phone number from Alan?” Terry considered for a moment and then launched into a lengthy explanation. “Okay, Ricky, here’s the deal with Alan Bryors. You probably haven’t heard the name, because he’s one of the wealthiest multi-millionaires in the gay community, but he keeps a very low profile in the community and in the outside world. Part of that is just his natural ability to blend into the background wherever he goes. He simply doesn’t do anything to draw attention to himself at all. A lot of his wealth has come from shrewd investing in everything from real estate and bitcoin to new business ventures to stocks and bonds, so he’s usually some kind of silent partner. That means he's not as well-known as an entrepreneur or high executive or anything like that. But he’s wealthy, in spades. Filthy stinking rich. And he’s generous. “What I’ve heard on the grapevine: if you’re his boy, he’ll practically give you the moon and the stars – deluxe clothes, lavish meals, luxury trips, random cash gifts. It’s no skin off his teeth and it makes him feel good to share what he has. “Then there’s his sexual taste – he prefers to fuck, but loves sloppy seconds, as you’ve already found out. One guy I know was with him a couple of years back, and he actually encouraged this dude to go out and get fucked and bred so that he’d have a nice, wet hole waiting when the master of the house came home at the end of the day. He also told me that Bryors sometimes brings home one or two more boys because he likes group scenes with several of his young friends. “The downside – because everyone has a downside, absolutely everyone, even a sweet innocent young thing like you. Bryors has one great weakness, and it’s that he can never resist the latest sweet young thing when that newcomer crosses his path. This is plainly why he zeroed in on you this afternoon. You were the only newbie on that table. He had a great time with you today, and he wants more, and that’s your ace in the hole, but you need to know that it will only last for so long, because there’s never a shortage of sweet young newbies in this town. “So, be aware. If he wants you to move in with him, and you decide to do it, go prepared. Know that you’re going to live it up as much as you want for a year or two, but then it’ll be over when the next young cutie appears. So play carefully. Be cagey with money. Squirrel away any cash gifts into a savings fund, and you’ll come out of it a lot better off than you went in. And don’t throw a tantrum when you realize that he’s ready for you to leave. That’s for sore losers, but by going in with eyes wide open and an exit plan prepared, you won’t be the loser.” Ricky pondered all that for a minute, and then asked. “So, you think I should go if he asks?” “Ricky, that’s for you to decide. I can’t advise you because only you know if you think you can take it as it comes. But I will say this. With your financial situation being where it is – shitty – I’d certainly be thinking about it very carefully.” So Ricky thought about it. He did a lot of thinking, weighing the up and down sides, remembering the feeling of almost comfort that he’d experienced when Alan had been fucking him, looking long and hard at how he might feel in another year or two, realizing he was still too young to be in the running for any really good jobs. And by the next Friday, when his phone rang, and the display showed the name “A BRYORS” he knew what his answer would be.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. I love being a cumdump The more the merrier and no regrets. There is no better feeling than a bare dick in your ass and knowing you are going to get his cum
    2 points
  40. Choosing a good piercer makes a difference, and experience is important. Mine was trained by a yogi in India. I went back to her for my guiche as well, and she didn’t just pick a spot on my taint and jab a needle - she had a method for ermaking sure she got the right spot. She took a swab and poked along the line of my perineum until she hit a spot that made my anus contract involuntarily. ”There it is,” she said, and marked it with a pen. That’s where she put the guiche, where it would trigger when touched. She’s a professional. Now, even a pro can’t make your body accept it really doesn’t like - she did my nipples also, and my nipples did not take to being pierced at all, never healed properly, and I finally had to take the hardware out and let them close. When she examined them afterward, with an experienced eye, she said, “Yeah, I could redo them, but it probably wouldn’t do any good - some just don’t take to it.” Pity. I liked them that way. If you do go for an ampallang or an apadravya, be very, very sure. Both are a serious commitment. They can take up to a year to fully heal, and are not for the impatient, or anyone looking for ‘quick and easy’. If you’re planning on Topping with one, it’s going to set your fucking schedule back considerably.
    2 points
  41. Yes. We'd be well up for this. I sm schooled in the occut sciences and am an initiated master but jeep that side of my life separate.
    2 points
  42. As Edith Piaf sang: Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait Ni le mal Tout ça m'est bien égal Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien C'est payé, balayé, oublié Je me fous du passé
    2 points
  43. Yes, I had been cruising in the local public toilets - like I did most days in my late teens, and this hot middle aged guy came in. Totally my type, moustache, leather jacket and smoking. I sucked him at the urinals for a bit when he suggested going back to his. I was totally nervous but we chatted for a bit on the sofa, shared a smoke, and talked about what we found attractive etc. I mentioned leather and to my delight he said he had leather jeans that he could put on. FUCK, I was on total lust with this guy and I knew I wanted he to fuck me for the first time. He was really gentle but fuck did it hurt. I think it was the whole mix of emotions at the time that prevented me from relaxing and enjoying it. Sadly it did put me off trying again for quite a few years and even now my mind can go back to that first time and I can tense up. But I know equally that I can really enjoy it especially now taking raw unrubbered cock.
    2 points
  44. I gave myself over to Lust at young age and my life has been happy and heathy as a result--plus being a gym rat helps. I wear the sigil of Asmodeus, demon of sexual Lust around my neck and have Lust themed tattoos on my body. Living with my legs spread is my ideal experience around other males.
    2 points
  45. 1000% agree with you. Nothing to regret or be ashamed about. I have so much respect for cumdumps. Once you submit to your desires, and allow yourself to be controlled by lust, you will start living your best life.
    2 points
  46. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/verbal-hunk-plants-seed-in-daddy-s-hole/
    2 points
  47. Race has never been on my mind when I’m trying to get bred. I’ll eagerly take loads from any race, no preference, no agenda. Respect, humility. Also never tried any race play, nor do I really want to. Experienced lots of other kinds of play, but race play does nothing for me.
    2 points
  48. My only regret is not taking loads when I was younger. Waiting so long was a mistake
    2 points
  49. The next morning I work to my boy sucking my dick. It didn’t take him long to get his reward as he was soon swallowing my load. He followed me into the shower where (like the day before) he helped me wash up. He went to the kitchen and made me breakfast as I got dressed. He kissed me goodbye and I went about my day as he cleaned the apartment and prepared dinner for when I got home. Just like the day before when I walked in he offered me a drink and then removed my shoes followed by a pre-dinner blow job followed by post dinner fucking. This went on every day that week until the weekend came. When I got home on Friday he was ready to party the weekend away. I had scored some good shit on my way home. Upon arriving Christopher was ready to party. I gave him the shit and was impressed by his ability to prepare the rigs with the Tina. He told me that he watched me the weekend before and knew what to do as h e prepared a total of 3 rigs. I asked him why 3 points, he told me that one for me, one for him and a third for us to share. This boy was turning into a real pig. I couldn’t wait to see him after he converted and I could share him with my friends or take him to the baths. I watched intently as he put the tourniquet around my arm and hit 2 of my prominent veins. He knew to pull the plunger back and registered a flash in each barrel. He emptied one completely into my vein and about a third of the second point before he filled it with my poz blood. He pulled both points from my arm and massaged the injection site as he removed the tourniquet. DAMN! This shit was good. I hope the kid can handle all that he was about to give himself. He fixed the tourniquet on his arm and found a couple good veins. He first hit with the point with my poz blood in it and then the point that had a good amount of Tina. He pulled them from his arm and massaged the injection site. I was already on a good rush when he pulled off his tourniquet. He coughed out hard 4 times, laid back in the bed and began to breath very heavily. I asked if he was ok, he just said he felt fucking fantastic. I leaned in and we began to kiss as he wrapped his legs around my waist. I knew what he wanted, and he was going to get it as my hard cock found his hole. He had pre-lubed himself and I slide home easily. We partied and fucked all weekend long. He kept himself high all weekend long and I was surprised at the amount he was using. By Sunday night his ass was dripping my poz seed and we were all out of Tina and ready to crash. A couple days later Christopher got the fuck flu. I was so proud of him as he begged me to fuck him even though he was sicker than a dog. I couldn’t resist and pumped a couple more loads into my sick boy.
    2 points
  50. In my mind I was constantly vigilant, making sure not to say or do anything that might give me away, but sometimes my eyes couldn’t help themselves when some dude bent over to warm up or when somebody was changing in the dressing room and had nothing more than a dance belt on. Usually I caught myself before anyone noticed me gawking, but not last Sunday. We had just finished a long dance rehearsal at the rehearsal space and were all being called in to the dressing rooms in pairs for our final fittings, and finally I was called in with Neal, the leading man who I was glad to say I had become friends with, despite him being the star and me only a lowly chorus boy. I was relieved that he and I were called in together because, while he was a very attractive guy, he was at least 20 years older than me and I had no interest in him other than as a buddy. Some of you are probably offended by this, but it had nothing to do with his looks or age. In any other group of men, he would shine as the most attractive, but in the theatre, surrounded by college guys and dancers in their early 20’s, he was only average in comparison. The costumer handed us some pants to try on and stepped out of the room so we could change which would usually have been my cue to run off to one of the dark corners or even into a bathroom stall to avoid changing with another guy. This wasn’t because I was that shy, but actually due to my fear of getting hard seeing the rock hard abs, bulging biceps and toned thighs of the other guys. Since it was just Neal and I, and he was engaging me in conversation, I stayed put and stripped to my tighty-whiteys while he tried getting a knot out of his shoelace. “No dance belt like the other boys huh?” he asked when he glanced up at me after finally giving up, and pulling the shoe off. “Nah, I don’t even own one,” I responded while pulling on my first pair of slacks. “I know I’ll need one for dress rehearsal next week but since this is my first professional show I’ve never bought one before and I’m stalling until the last possible day. “I understand,” he continued to undress, peeling off his shirt, revealing a surprisingly cut chest for a guy in his mid-30’s. “I still don’t own a dance belt and I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years.” “How do you get away with that?”I asked him while slipping on my next pair. “With this,” He said, motioning to his mid-section while undoing his drawstring and letting his sweats drop in a puddle at his feet. Unaware of what he was doing I turned and looked at the very moment his pants slid down, and my jaw dropped almost to my feet. “Jockstraps are just as good for me most of the time, and they don’t ride up into a super wedgie like dance belts do.” Neal should have been the one safe person for me to be in here with, but standing only 4 feet away from him now, unable to peel my eyes away from his giant bulge held back by a white athletic supporter, I was suddenly aware of just how naïve I’d been. Here I’d been treating him like an asexual mentor, and he was secretly concealing a fuzzy, muscled, horse-hung, sex god under his track pants and cotton pullovers. “Pete? Peter? Yo earth to Pete!” He snapped his fingers bringing me back to reality so quickly I caught my foot in my pants and fell forward into his naked chest. “Whoa boy, I thought you were more coordinated than the average teen. Or has this suave dancer façade been nothing but an act?” “Sorry,” My mouth was dry and I couldn’t push away and turn around to try on the last pair of pants fast enough. “Just wasn’t expecting…” “What?” His voice sounded too close for my comfort, and send a shock down my spine that began stiffening my cock. “Oh, I get it. Grossed out by my flabby ass and fur.” “you forgot your bare ass in that jock,” my quip caused us both to laugh. “That’s more crack than even Lindsey Lohan could handle!” “Hurrying to finish, I dashed out before he stopped laughing and ran almost straight into the costumer. “How’d it fit?” Big enough for you?” She asked. “Big enough? You mean the pants! Yeah plenty big. All of them were just perfect.” I said trying to sound nonchalant while begging my hard on to go down. “Well you are not getting off that easy,” she said, pushing me back towards the dressing room. “go put the number one pick back on and lets see it so I can mark any alterations I need to make.” “But” “Go! And send Neal out in the grey suit if it fits okay!” and with that she opened the door and pushed me back in, right past Neal who was passing me in the very grey suit she had mentioned. “So what do you think? Too tight in the inseam?” She asked as the door shut behind me. Quick before they finished I ducked around the wall with every pair of pants she’d given me and into the rest room part of the dressing area. Tossing the pants on the counter, I dropped my shorts whipped out my cock and began stroking. Just as I was about to cum I heard the door open and Neal re-enter, with instructions to try on the tweed and come back out. Shoving my cock back in my briefs, I picked up a random pair of slacks and slid them on, fastening them with the head of my dick trapped between my abs and the waist band. “There you are!” Neal announced as he rounded the wall, the costumer close behind. “Pam was wondering if you got lost so we came looking for you. Looks like a good fit Pam, so how bout letting me and the kid change into option two?” “The waist is pulling weird,” pam said as she began towards me. “Do we need to take it out a little?” “NO!” I shouted with such gusto it stopped Pam in her tracks. “No, sorry, just wearing the wrong underwear today. It is perfect.” “Wrong underwear?” Pam turned to Neal with a puzzled look. “Yeah, kid forgot to wear a dance belt,” Neal explained while trying on another suit coat over his bare chest. “Can you please step out so I can put on the suit you keep claiming you need to see me in?” “Fine.” Pam turned the corner and went to the door. “Buncha babies can’t get dressed with a girl in the room, I’ll step outside.” “Finally,” My voice revealed a little too much of my desperation for her to leave. “She can be such a knit-picker, even after 3 fittings!” “Seriously Pete,” Neal agreed with my excuse. “Spends hours trying to make my inseam fit just right and can’t make it so my zipper will work. Can you help me out with this?” “With your zipper?” My eyes came to rest on the bulge I previously ignored, wondering if he had to wear loose slacks or sweats all the time to keep it from looking obscene. “Yeah, it is stuck half way down and I can’t get it to keep going,” He added, oblivious to my depraved gaze. “Can you get down there and see if it is caught on my shirt or something?” With a nod I took two steps and lowered myself to the ground. Hands trembling I reached out and took hold of the metal zip, tugging a few times with no luck. “Maybe if I unbutton them,” and he did just that. “Now give it a good tug.” And I did, causing the jeans to slip and pull the jockstrap down with them. Without a thought I kept pulling down but Neal caught his waist just in time to stop the impending nudity, giving me a glimpse of his dark brown straight pubes leading right up to where they meet his cock, but not quite revealing it. “Whoa there buddy,” He said as he pulled his pants back on. “I guess I know what they got caught on! Better let me fix these bad boys. Mind stepping back into the changing section so I can take these off and see what’s wrong?” “Sure,” my cock throbbed as I turned to go around the wall, catching a glimpse of his fuzz-covered ass in the mirror right before cleared the partition and found myself alone again. Listening to him curse at the zipper I walked over to his discarded sweats and lifted them to my face while my other hand undid my trousers and fished out my cock. One deep inhale and suddenly I was exploding. Streams of cum escaping my dickhead while an image of Neal in his jock filled my head. Tossing a few paper towel on the cum spots I used my feet to wipe up while slipping into the second pair of pants. Just in time, Pam burst in and Neal rounded the corner, neither one any wiser about my illicit jerk session. As I packed up to leave after final dress rehearsal a dozen or so days later, Pam spotted me and pulled me aside. Some notes had already been passed along, but she wanted to ask me privately to make sure I went out and got a dance belt before the show opened the next night. Sensing my discomfort, she recommended a specialty men’s clothing store not too far from the theatre and told me to tell them what I needed when I arrived. I explained that I didn’t have my own car these days, and she got a smile on her face. “No problem!” She began walking me towards the dressing rooms. “One of the other guys needs one too and I’m sure he could give you a ride if you need.” Unfamiliar with who was in which dressing room since moving from the rehearsal space into the actual theatre, I didn’t realize who’s door she was knocking at until it opened. “Hey Pam, Pete, what can I do for you?” My heart sank as Pam explained to Neal that I was also needing a dance belt for the show and would he mind giving me a ride there the next morning before call. “No problem, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 9.” I considered not texting him the address to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing where I lived. Not because it was some dump, because it was actually a beautiful house in the suburbs. No I didn’t want him to see it because as soon as he did he’d know that no teenage could afford living there unless it was his parent’s house. Finally I decided I’d meet him in front of the apartment complex a few blocks away, when the house phone rang and my mom picked it up. Just as I was about to press send, I heard her say “The blue house on the corner, thanks Neal, we’ll see you at 9.” “Who was that?” I shouted down to her from my room. “That was a guy from the show looking for you,” She called back, nonchalantly. “He said you both need to pick up some dance equipment before the show today and offered you a ride. Turns out he had no idea you live at home. You must be acting pretty mature at rehearsals because when I answered he asked if I was your girlfriend. Isn’t that sweet?” “What did you tell him?” I begged of her as I flew down the stairs, two at a time, screeching to a stop in front of her. “Nothing embarrassing,” she smiled and handed me my coat. “I just explained that I’m your mom and we really appreciate the ride since I have work and your dad is taking your sister to a piano lesson.” I cringed and slunk back to my room to finish getting dressed. Bad enough he now knew I am still stuck at home with my folks, but now he would probably think of me as some sort of baby-faced, mama’s boy who has to get rides from his parents and be home before curfew or something. I wondered if opening night was too late to call and quit my first professional acting gig. Just in case I could avoid him being asked in to meet everyone, I texted Neal my cell number so he could tell me when he was close. When my phone buzzed at 9, I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door before my parents could see me. Rushing down the drive I ducked under some bushes to avoid having to open the gate and ran up along side Neal’s car. “Hey bud,” He reached across and opened the door for me, patting me on the back as I slid into his ride. “Got everything you need?” “Yeah let’s go,” I smiled a fake smile and began making small talk to avoid any questions he might have about just how old I was. Pulling off the highway and into downtown was still new to me, having grown up in the suburbs, but Neal slid from lane to lane with no problems, finally parallel parking like he did it all the time (which he probably did since he worked down here full time as an actor). Hopping out, he led the way to the front door of a small, unassuming shop, tucked between a large bar and an upscale clothing boutique. My eyes took a second to adjust when he ushered me into the dimly-lit entryway. Now indoors, I was shocked to see men’s undergarments from floor to ceiling, adorning mannequins and featured on buff models in photo spreads. Neal took point again, walk past me up to the counter and hitting the bell. Almost immediately a handsome man around My Dad’s age appeared from behind a curtain and asked what he could do for us. “My friend and I are in the show opening tonight across the street,” he said with no ego. “and we both need underwear with the necessary support for us to dance in, without creating any pantylines under our costumes.” “Certainly,” The man seemed to know exactly what we meant and called into the back room for someone named David. “Let me take you to those items and then David and I will help with the fitting.” Gesturing to follow, he stepped around the desk and briskly made his way down a flight of stairs into a much bigger room, with more varieties of undies on every surface. As we passed some truly bizarre pairs, Neal grabbed one from the wall and wrapped it around his neck and feigned choking. We both laughed for a second until the clerk cleared his throat and pointed out two dressing rooms, one for each of us. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping inside and disrobing, David will be along to take some measurements in a moment and I’ll be back with some choices of styles, colors and materials.” The man turned to go before pausing and turning back. “By the way, I am Edward if you need anything.” “I guess we should get undressed,” Neal said, pulling back the curtain to his dressing area and stepping inside. I followed suit and began to slowly peel away my coat and shirt, when I realized there was something missing from this dressing room. “Hey Pete does your dressing room have any-” “Mirrors?” I completed his thought. “Not one, guess we’re supposed to use the big one out in the main area.” David appeared moments later and walked right into my dressing room. He was obviously annoyed that I still had my pants on and dropped to his knees to pull them and my briefs off. Even with the handsome 20ish muscle guy running a measuring tape around my waist, thighs, hips and up my groin, I was too nervous to get hard, thanking God that it wasn’t too cold though. After writing a few things down, David stepped back into the main area and left my curtain open, pointing to something on his clipboard and nodding when Edward pointed to something else. With that he pulled back the curtain to Neal’s area and I wished to heck they weren’t right next to each other so I could have seen if he’d stripped all the way down or only to his undies. For the next twenty minutes or so, Edward brought me pair after pair of dance belts, but much nicer than any I’d ever seen. Finally I had worn it down to two choices, a flesh tone style with high sides and a nice soft pouch, and a black silky pair with an elastic band around the cock and wider waist band to help keep it in place. “Step out and take a look.” Edward said when he slid the flesh tone pair up my legs. My nerves were diminishing and Edward’s forceful tone had me thinking of baseball and fat chicks to keep myself flaccid. Opening the curtain, I was surprised to see Neal on the platform in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but a royal blue dance belt with a drawstring around the pouch to help keep things inside. If anything, his bulge looked bigger today than it had before. “Oh shit, Pete,” Neal turned red and spun around, dashing into his dressing room. “Didn’t realize you were stepping out so soon.” “No problem Neal,” I responded laughing at his reaction. “It’s only slightly less than you were wearing the first time we changed together.” We laughed and I stepped onto the platform and marveled at how manly I looked. My muscle mass had increased quite a bit since I’d begun training for this show, and the baby fat I used to carry around my love handles and pecs was all but gone since I’d been dancing so much. I thought I looked hot, but the faces of the two clerks said otherwise. “Try the black and I will go find on more I think you should see,” Edward said as David shooed me back into the dressing room. Expecting him to leave, I was shocked as he whipped the flesh pair down to my feet and held out the black for me to slip into. This time when he got it to my groin, my nerves were forgotten and my cock began to harden, aided when he grasped the base firmly, ran his fingers under my balls and tucked the whole thing into the black pouch. Running his fingers along the sides to make sure the sides lay right, he stopped as they met, right by my sensitive butt hole. Hearing the other curtain pull aside, I could just see a glimpse of Neal’s back as David stepped out to take a look at the other customer’s choice. Unaware that he’d left the curtain open an inch, I snuck forward and peeked out to see what Neal was wearing. My cock went from tentatively hardening, to full on hard-on when I saw Neal’s massive meat encased in white cotton so thin I could see the ridge of his cock head and a vein working its way down the shaft. David gave Neal a thumb’s up and Neal returned to his room. Absent mindedly stroking my own dick in the black pair, I forgot about Edward’s return until my curtain was thrust open once more and Edward led me up onto the platform. “Not bad,” He said with no hint of disgust or intrigue. My dick was fully hard and causing the black material to poke out obscenely, even creating a wet spot where the tip was leaking precum. “But I think these will work better.” Pulling me back into the dressing room, Edward reached into my pouch and grasped my hard cock firmly, while pulling off the black belt. Not letting go until I stepped free of the black one, Edward finally held open a new pair with a wide black belt, attached to a red pouch, which was attached to two red elastic bands that each made a small loop. Looking confused, Edward showed me to put my leg into the belt first then a loop for each on until they reached the top. Once there he grasped my hard cock once more and slid it and my balls through a small hole in the first layer of fabric in the pouch, giving me tons of extra support around my crotch with nothing touching my ass. He explained that this pair had a built in c-ring for added support, but the tiny leg straps were practically invisible under clothes. Now harder than ever, he tucked my dick back up under the waist band, leaving my bulge quite full but not so obviously stiff. I felt so naked I grabbed my shirt off the floor and tucked it around me and not a moment too soon. Ripping back the curtain, Edward was pushing me out to the mirror. I was surprised to see Neal standing on the platform in a red pair that looked like briefs at the front and a thong in back. Both of stammered for something to say as I took a spot next to him, before he finally spit it out. “Seems only fair I see you bare ass,” he said slapping my butt, “since you’ve seen me that way!” I dropped my shirt a little bit giving him a glimpse at mylily white cheeks, we laughed and the clerks ushered us back to our separate rooms. Once inside I agreed with Edward that this was the best pair for me, but asked if there was one with a fly incase I needed to pee and didn’t have time to release myself from the ring in the pair I had on. Reaching out, he took the top of the pair I had on and peeled back a Velcro piece, allowing the entire front section to roll down and reattach at the bottom, leaving my cock hanging free while still through the ring. “Would you like to see anything else today?” He inquired, before unzipping his own slacks and letting them fall open to reveal a similar pair on him, but made of leather and without any cloth to cover his thick uncut 8 inches. I nodded yes and reached for his thick cock, stroking it as he returned the favor. Pressing my body against the wall by the curtain he peeled away the closest edge so I could see Neal now wearing a crisp white jockstyle belt while David stood back and judged. Looking past them I caught a reflection of my face, chest and cock, being stroked by a meaty older man’s hand and felt a thick finger pierce my ass hole and force itself in two knuckles deep and I lost control. I stifled my cry of pleasure by throwing my head into Edward’s chest and began to cum, stream after stream soaking his cotton oxford shirt and soft wool and silk pants. Simultaneously I could feel Edward’s load shoot out over my dick and thighs. Pulling his chest away, he leaned in and kissed my lips before telling me to get dressed. He looked outside the tiny room and once he was sure the coast was clear he ran off, while I got dressed and waited for Neal. We left about 5 minutes later, making our way to the main floor to pay for our purchases. When Neal asked me where mine was, I told him I decided to wear it to the show. In actuality I had been unable to find my briefs anywhere and, assuming Edward took them to wipe up with, I decided to wear them so any rogue cum drop wouldn’t leave a mark on my pants. Neal was holding his in his hand, and from what I could tell it was one of the white pairs I had seen before, but I couldn’t see which. At the desk, I paid for mine using a credit card I had no idea how I was going to pay off, but luckily Edward (now with a jacket over his shirt and tie) gave me a big discount. Neal paid next and seemed unfazed by the price, whatever it was. As we left I made sure to accidentally leave my ball cap behind, and ran back to get it, sliding my number to Edward before leaving. Opening night was a rousing success and due to some very quick changes I had to make, I was given a private dressing room right off the stage so no one ever saw my new dance belt. By the curtain call, the whole cast ready to get out of there, which meant drinks for most and calling for a ride home for me. “Gonna come out with us for a drink?” I turned at the sound of Neal’s voice. “It should be fun.” “Wish I could,” I said, walking with him toward the parking lot. Rather than further embarrass myself I figured I’d be ambiguous. “Sadly I have to get home and get some stuff done tonight, otherwise I would.” “What is so important you have to skip out on your first professional opening night?” He asked, clapping a hand around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. The heat coming off of him was almost as intoxicating as the smell of his cologne and sweat, causing me to falter before I could come up with another excuse. “Just come out and have a couple drinks and you can still be home in time for Matlock, okay Grandma?” “Sounds fun but I am not old enough to drink,” I hated admitting it, but it might give me an out. “Sorry, forgot about that.” Neal loosened his arm hold as we walked, but kept it around my shoulders, and it felt nice. “But you can still have a couple tonight if you want. We got a full bar and buffet set up at Jim’s (the director) house, and I live only a few houses down from him so you can crash at my place if you’re too drunk to drive home.” “I dunno Neal,” I wanted to go but was nervous about spending time with everyone and having nothing in common. “I really do have things to get done tonight.” “If you really need to get home tonight then you can come for an hour and then you can drive my car home,” he said, defeating my defenses. “Chances are I will walk back to my place anyway once I decide I’ve had enough. Then tomorrow you can give me a ride to the show and bring my car back.” “Really?” My mind was searching for another excuse but this way I could hang out for a little while, then get home without any one worrying, and check out where Neal and Jim lived. “Okay, but I can’t stay too long.” “I know, I know,” he smiled and walked us over to his car. “You have things to do.” Pulling up outside the house I tried my hardest to seem nonchalant, but inside I was going nuts. Here we were in one of the snootiest neighborhoods in town, pulling up to the cast party for the biggest show of the year so far, and not only was I in it, but I was walking in with the star. It never occurred to me that the party would have more than just cast, but everywhere I looked I saw the local elite. Some famous, most rich, all classy. Lucky for me, Neal was pulled away as soon as we entered, so he could schmooze some big wig producers. Meanwhile the other chorus members grabbed me and pulled me out on the patio where there was a dance floor set up and lots of waiters walking around with champagne. After a few glasses and a few dances, we all decided to check out the digs, and snuck off to see the rest of the house. The ensemble guys and girls were all older than I was, some by a few years, some by a decade, but I was having a great time, especially when one of them absconded with a bottle of expensive vodka and we all snuck into Jim’s screening room to do shots. I’d forgotten all about going home when some of the others decided to go back out and dance some more. A few of the chorus boys who were fresh out of college wanted to see the bedrooms, and asked me along so I joined them. Turns out they were only looking for dirt about Neal and why we’d been hanging out so much. I laughed it off and explained that we were carpool buddies, which put it to rest, until we came upon Neal in Jim’s study and he asked to join us. The other guys were pretty drunk (although I was not far behind) and couldn’t help themselves when they noticed Neal joking with me. “So what’s all this?” One of the guys asked us. “Pete says you’re just carpool buddies, but I heard you two went shopping together and shit.” “yeah we did,” Neal said. “So? Is it too far-fetched to think we could be friends?” “But are you only friends,” the guy slurred. “Or maybe something more?” “Yeah we’ve all heard the rumors about you,” another guy added. “and you can date as many singers and ingénues as you want, but lots of your friends seem to be young guys like us.” “Well, not to fret Gents,” Neal smiled. “I promise not to make any of you my friends. Wouldn’t want any nasty rumors floating around, now would we?” “Besides,” I jumped in, feeling defensive. “If I was sleeping with the star don’t you think I’d have a bigger part?” Everyone laughed at that, even though I was being serious. “Truth is I don’t have a car and he was nice enough to gimme a ride. End of story.” With that, they dropped the subject although I am sure they had some doubts. Truth is, I had some too. Doubts about my ability to control myself around Neal, especially after hearing he might like young dudes like me. A few hours of hanging out and dancing and suddenly the party was ending. I went to get my coat when one of the actresses who had a supporting role, Lisa, grabbed me and told me to follow her. Up some stairs and past a set of glass doors and suddenly we were on a gorgeous veranda. Seated on some comfy couches around a low, glass table were the director Jim, choreographer Steele, the leading lady Rebecca , one of the chorus guys Mark, Neal and now Lisa and me. Taking a seat by Mark, I asked him what was going on, but he just shrugged and told me to “go with the flow.” Pretending like I wasn’t totally out of my league, I listened to the conversation and sipped on a cocktail handed to me by Jim before he went to retrieve something he referred to as “party favors.” Immediately I recognized the smell coming from his pipe as weed, having grown up with a hippy grandma. I’d only tried it once before, but when the pipe was passed to me I took a bigger hit than I should have and almost choked to death. Everyone got a kick out of it, but I wasn’t embarrassed since Lisa and Steele both did the same thing. Pretty soon we’d finished a couple bowls and I was melting into the sofa. Lost in thoughts of how hot Neal and Mark and Steele were, I didn’t hear when Jim asked me a question. “I said: what do you think of your first show?” He asked again. “Seems good to me.” I said, causing another round of laughs. “Got nothing to compare it to.” “Good point,” Mark said, moving in closer and patting me on the knee, before leaving his hard there to rub from my knee up and down my thigh. “Maybe I should ask you what YOU think of MY first show?” I said, feeling very deep. “I’d say you are doing an amazing job,” Steele interjected. Tall tan and ripped I found Steele to be hotter than hot and was flattered by his statement. “You’re keeping up with dudes who’ve been doing this for years and you’re only in high school.” “No shit!” Lisa piped in. “You’re in high school? I knew you looked young but damn man that’s impressive.” “I’m not in high school, I graduated early.” I tried to argue the point but it was futile. “It’s not like I’m 12 or anything.” “No one is saying that,” Rebecca, always the mature voice, chimed in. “We are just impressed at what you can do at this age. Just think about all the things you will accomplish before you’re 21.” “Yeah plus he is fucking ripped,” Neal’s comment made my dick jump despite the booze and pot flowing through me. “Dude’s got killer abs and a butt that makes sales clerks get hard ons.” “Please,” My mouth responded before my brain could catch up. “if anyone made that guy hard, it was you!” Realizing what I said, I turned bright red and tried to morph into the same color as the couch. The crowd took no notice of it and continued chatting about my looks and Neal’s, expanding from there into the rest of the cast. 20 minutes passed when Rebecca decided to call it a night and Steele, Mark and Lisa were heatedly discussing who was the hottest guy in the show. Jim walked Rebecca out while Lisa made her argument for the guy playing her love interest. “Sure he is cute,” Steele interjected. “But he is nowhere near as ripped as either of the two boys sitting on the couch.” “Thank you Steele!” Mark responded. “I’d argue that it comes down to either me, Greg (the dance captain) or Peter here. Who do you think is hottest?” “You,” I said, my eyes locking with Neal’s. Mark didn’t see that and assumed I meant him, and leaned over and kissed me before I could stop him. As stoned as I was I just giggled and covered my face with my hands, all while Mark’s hand had moved to my inner thigh and up closer to my crotch. “If you’re so hot,” Jim said, reappearing through the glass doors with another pipe in his hands. “then prove it Mark. Give us a show.” This was met with applause from Lisa, Steele, Neal and eventually, me. Once I joined in, he agreed, but told us he needed some place with better lighting. So the party moved inside to the upstairs tv room. While Mark went through Jim’s giant collection of mp4s on the house stereo system, Jim loaded a different looking bowl and took a hit before handing it to Steele and Lisa. When it got to me, I looked at it with no idea what it was before giving in and asking. “It’s tina.” Jim replied, still not making any sense to me. “Ya know, crystal?” I still wasn’t 100% sure and decided I was too fucked up as it was and passed it along to Mark who was once again seated next to me. Mark took a big hit from the pipe and then stood up and took off his shirt, revealing tight abs, firm pecs and an entirely unblemished torso except for an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He moved to the stereo to continue selecting while Lisa and Steele teased him about his tattoo. Before I realized it, the pipe had come back around but now Neal was sitting beside me, smiling and holding the pipe. “Give it a try Pete,” He whispered while the others paid no attention. “It feels really good.” “I am too fucked up already,” I argued, but leaned in closer to share in the whispering. “if I get any higher I’ll forget myself entirely.” “You talk like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes forgetting yourself is the only way to find what you really need.” He said while coming so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Just let me light it for you and take a hit. I promise it won’t make you feel bad, it might even make you feel better.” Looking at his strong chiseled face, I lost control. Clicking and sparking, the lighter burst into a small flame which Neal held to the bottom of the bowl. Clouds of white mist formed and swirled in the round end of the pipe. Neal nodded and I leaned forward and began to suck in the sour, white smoke. “Blow it in my mouth,” Neal instructed. We both leaned in and my lips grazed his as they opened, blowing the smoke into his mouth until I ran out, then pressing into his for a kiss. Pulling away I felt my world get brighter, and my mind get less foggy. While Neal took a hit, I started to remember where we were and what was happening. Suddenly his lips were on mine again and I was taking a shot gun from him, followed by a longer kiss, including a teasing with our tongues. Standing, he walked the pipe to Jim, who seemed to be torn between watching us and the other three. Looking over to see what they were up to, I wondered when I missed mark stripping down to his yellow and green bikini briefs, and when had Lisa and Steele both become topless. I laughed when Lisa made a joke about Mark’s dancing, which suddenly reminded him I was there. Bringing me the pipe, he straddled my legs and took my hand and placed it on his abs. Hitting it himself while I felt his ripped stomach, he took his time before tentatively trying to hand it to me. Neal was back next to me now, and told me to hold it to my lips while Mark lit it. I did what he asked and got an even bigger hit this time, which Mark tried to bend over and suck from my lips, but lost his balance and had to slide off of me onto the couch cushion instead. “Show us what you got Mark!” Lisa called out, now sitting on Steele’s lap, with Jim behind them, taking turns feeling her breasts and his chest. Never one to give up on a challenge, Mark pulled Neal and I over onto the loveseat next to the other three and turned on some music. Unfamiliar with the song, all I could tell you is it consisted of some pop star begging for someone to do things to her, with a very repetitive beat and overpowering baseline. He had some impressive moves, but he seemed to be trying really hard to turn me on by acting feminine, and all it did was turn me off. After a few minutes, Steele pushed Lisa off his lap and wanted to show Mark “how it’s done.” Switching over to the first techno-ish house music he could find he proved what an amazing athlete he is with all sorts of gymnastic moves, while stripping down to a black and gold pair of thong style undies. Even more cut than Mark, Steele was also much manlier and had no problem getting me hard in my pants. Steele tried passing it on to Jim, but he was too busy with his hand down Lisa’s skirt and Marks tongue playing with Jim’s dick through the material of his baggy boxer shorts. “Peter,” Jim said. “Show us what you got.” “Yeah Pete,” Neal said quietly. “I want to see what you got without a shirt in the way.” Taking a hit from the pipe, I felt bold, so I stood up, walked to the stereo and hunted for something to dance to. Originally thinking of something modern I stopped when “feelin’ good” by Sinatra popped up. As the opening strains began I turned around and slowly undid my shirt until it fell at my feet. Sliding in on and around the others on the loveseats, I somehow had them all watching me, frozen and focused entirely on my pants as I stepped onto the coffee table and worked them down my thighs, pulling a blanket off an armchair and using that to slowly uncover more and more of me until the climactic key change where I dropped the blanket. Left only in my special new undies, I twisted and turned and worked my way over to Neal, letting him reach out and brush fingers over my firm smooth butt and around over my cloth covered cock and balls. Just when I could tell all five were buzzing for me to finish I undid the Velcro and rolled down my pouch, until my hard 7 and a half inch dick popped against my abs, drooling precum down onto the floor. “Definitely the hottest,” Mark said before Jim shoved his mouth back down onto his now exposed dick. “Fuck yeah school boy,” Steele added while sliding his dick out of his thong and rubbing it over Lisa’s pussy. “I’m gonna get some of that ass tonight!” “Jim, where is the tina I brought over earlier?” Neal stopped me as I moved to join them on the couch. “In my room in the bedside table,” Jim said between moans as he face fucked Mark and felt up Steele’s ass as it slammed into Lisa’s cunt. “Pete and I are gonna go get it.” Pulling me behind him, Neal dragged me out of the tv room, down the hall and into a large bedroom, adorned with dark wood walls and a huge bed. Sitting me on the bed, Neal pulled open the bedside drawer and brought out another pipe, a bag full of crystals and a small torch. He loaded it, handed it to me and explained how to melt it, then started to hurriedly strip. When I finally got it melted and took a hit, I looked back at him just as he slid his jeans off. All he was wearing now was my briefs from that morning, and they were stretched to the maximum. Handing him the pipe, I worked to get his cock and balls through the fly while he smoked. Finally freed, his cock stood at least two inches longer than mine and was thicker than a peppermill. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” I wanted to lie as I always had and say no when he asked, but instead I just nodded yes. “I can tell. Only a virgin could see that cock and still be laying there.” “Your only job right now is to hit this,” he said, indicating the pipe he was handing me, then dropping to his knees, spreading my legs and munching my ass cheeks. I moaned and took a big hit and moaned and took another hit, and moaned and went on until I was writhing in ecstacy. Once I could take no more, Neal pounced on top of me and told me to get my hands on his cock. While I stroked it, he reached behind me and worked a shard of tina up inside me. “That burns,” I whined and wriggled as he worked some lube into my ass with it. “Good,” Neal smiled and pumped his meat into my fists. “I want to be sure you know that my dick is not meant for little boys like you. You need to feel some pain so you can understand that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. This is your last chance to say no, back down, and go back in there and try one of those average size dicks. Once you agree to stay, I will take that cherry and there will be no going back, understand me?” For a second I stopped and wondered if I was really able to do this? All I could see when I looked at my hands was a dick that I could just barely get my fingers around, long enough to fit through both and still leave a few inches uncovered, and it scared me. But then I glanced up and my eyes caught Neal’s gaze and I remembered how it felt being with him, what he was risking by being with me, and what it felt like with his hand on my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.” With that declaration, he tucked my legs back behind my shoulders and poured some lube on his cock. Pulling a small bottle off the side table, he unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose and inhaled. Moving it to my nose, I followed his lead and held it in. My head started swimming and I saw stars as his cock head moved in and pushed against my tight sphincter. In only seconds, but what felt like hours, it breached the hole and sunk inch by inch until slowly, and surely he worked it balls deep. I was in horrible pain, but I had nowhere to run. Hanging on for dear life, he began pulling out and pushing back in, fucking me in ernest, until we were up to a good clip. My eyes were screwed shut until I felt him lean in and kiss me, awakening me to his presence. Suddenly I relaxed a little and his cock managed to go deeper, pressing something so deep inside me that I felt orgasms exploding from every finger tip, eyelash and arm hair. Each sensation was 1000 stronger than my best jerk off session, and I forgot all about the pain just as he reached full speed. “Fuck Pete you’re so….tight…fuck!” Neal growled to me while working himself into a frenzy. I could feel my own balls contracting and knew he was getting close to. Pulling him down against me, his hairy abs stroked my smooth cock and almost hairless cock until I couldn’t hold back and screamed out. “You’re making me cum!!!” My dick exploded, coating us in teen semen, which pushed Neal over the edge. “I’m making you a man! Here it is boy, your last innocent moment. Now you are nothing but a sow to be bred by every bull that can seed you. I’m cumming!” His dick swelled so big that it somehow passed its previous record and unloaded a gallon of cum past my body and into my spirit. As high as I was, I still felt the exact moment his man seed spilled into my soul and made me crave cum for ever after. We laid on the bed, locked together for awhile after that, until my ass began to seek more cum and started to milk his dick again. That was only the first part of a night of surrendering to seeking seed, of a year of discovering my desire for deep deposits, and a lifetime of accepting my addition for any and all anal.
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