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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. I recognize this is a very sensitive subject, so, I try to reply to you as polite as I can: some fetishes discussed in the "back room" turn me on, I can't hide it; but being turned on by something does not mean wanting to pursue it or wishigng others do it; reading real stories here, and talking to real chasers, made me understand most of them are INFORMED people. They know both roads and they chose to follow one rather than the other. Of course if I discover a very close friend is a bug chaser I try to understand why, before judging him, but I would never come here or on Twitter to say "please don't, you're wrong" to strangers. There's a debate about lack of sex education, especially young people assuming they can learn something about sex, thanks to porn; but porn's role is NOT to educate. Even if there are some videos which have this purpose, I mention "U Equals fucking U" I think most of you know what I'm talking about. And lack of education can be seen even in game chats for instance, where many women are bothered with sex requests by complete strangers. About my stories, they're set in a reversed world where "positive" is the ordinary while "negative" is the stigmatized condition - the opposite of real world, and the purpose is to induce reflection. If you're a neg reader and feel offended because the poz character calls the neg one "empty box" "electron" or such names, think about what a HIV positive person can feel when they're called names or even rejected from job, relations, family... by negative serophobics in real world. Then, yes, I write twisted stories in the bugchasing fiction section here, but it's part of the writer's game; it does NOT mean I want to poz real people at all! How many books or films exist, where the murderer never gets caught? This does not mean authors approve such behaviours! Books or films can be chosen; if you want to read love you do not go to the crime section; Internet is bigger, that's why my most twisted HIV stories are here in the bug chasing fictional section; what I publish elsewhere also has the talking virus, the pozworld, and so, but it's much more soft and based on relationships between positive and negative. WTF, I am tired to explain everything to everyone, even HERE.
  2. So happy and proud to have found a couple FRIENDS here who appreciate me for what I am. You know who you are 😘😘😘

  3. I feel this is becoming a FLAME, while it can be a useful discussion instead. I'm the first to say that you can fly high with FANTASY; as a story author I know it and I defend the freedom to have fantasies, live them, EMBRACE them, without judging ourselves or feeling guilty; but important thing is to be EDUCATED and know how to distinguish between fantasy and desire. I remind that in many countries there's still a very large stigma against us; I'm reading a long discussion -flame?- elsewhere about a guy who was not admitted to a reality show because he has HIV. And this year he came out, asking to participate again, and FINALLY the rule has changed. I personally don't like that kind of reality shows but I find very important that the concept of "undetectable untransmittable" begins to enter into "mainstream culture"'s doors. And let me say... my bf's mother loves to watch that sort of shows so I count on this, I think some day the discussion will come out and I'll come out as an undet poz too. The rest can go to hell when it wants. My sex fantasies then, they're other things; I live them in bed, but have also learnt to embrace them and allow them to flow out in my written stories -here and in other spaces- so if someone assumes I'm infecting other people, I have means to sue them and to defend myself from any issue. UEqualsU must become a basic concept. Then, if there are positive people who want to remain detectable and negative folks who accept -or search for- the risk in real life, well, it's not our business. Serophobic propaganda must end! If people continue not to test for the fear of stigma, HIV will continue to spread. It's too easy to accuse the rare cases of gifters/chasers when the biggest problem is under the ground.
  4. just a quick hello. And good luck for your journey ☣️

  5. Horny as fuck. Again. My virus starts to feel what a VACATION means! And his host too! 🦠☣️ 

  6. Perfectly understand you! Sex without poz talk means almost nothing! ☣☣☣🤗🦠🎁🦂

  7. Mine is because I'm mainly an author of fantasy stories with HIV involved; nothing published or paid, it's just a hobby here and in some other web spaces. I was conflicted at the beginning as I wanted "PozWorld" due to the fantasy environment I create in my stories, but it sounded too ambitious and I preferred PozTales - the starting idea was to share this profile with my partner but English is not our first language, he's not too familiar and he has preferred to let me use it mostly. As we have both the same first name, we playfully call ourselves Proton and Electron (positive and negative sign) or, better, GifterProton and ChaserElectron so I also thought to change my nickname in GifterProton. Yes, "Gifter" is my nickname outside too, even if most people think it's due to a Christmas party where one year I distributed presents to children while dressed as Santa. In the end I decided to leave PozTales though, for a matter of RESPECT towards others: for me poz talk remains a fantasy, even during real sex but I'm undetectable without any intention to spread HIV so adding "gifter" to my label could cause misunderstandings or, worse, illusions. The world is full of keyboard warriors promising the moon only to leave people with nothing, I am not one of them, I clarify from the beginning what I'm here for and people I chat with who have learnt to know me, respect me as I am.
  8. Good! My virus is suggesting me those two guys are poz brothers -converted by the same gifter- and they don't know it yet.
  9. SEXTING and ROLEPLAY does not mean freedom to bother others. I'm NOT the puppy, horse, or whatever beast, for anyone. I'm a guy with his limits and want to be respected. ROLEPLAY means I decide how, when, and with whom. 

  10. You got it! As a fiction writer I know what you're talking about; in my fictions I use terms because their purpose is to remark the character's role. And to make serophobic people suffer the same stigma they tend to give us. I use it as a sort of hierarchy. From the "empty box" to the "superior".
  11. I knew it was a matter of time; I'm horny as fuck now Again. FINALLY! 

  12. Sort of auto-stigma? Do you mean this? Maybe people are afraid of re-infection and this can be understood, I think; when/if asked, I specify I'm undetectable but don't make a matter of life or death about this. Unfortunately I think someone may be influenced by homophobic and serophobic culture, so they develop a sort of pre-judgments so if you respect rules you are respected, otherwise discriminated. Making it short, I'm afraid many people think being detectable is something to be blamed for, I have learnt that other people's life and reasons, are NOT my business. Someone does not take meds for choice, some others have a resistance, why is not something I have to worry about. Also this jargon which is used here too. "dirty" rather than "clean" or even "toxic", we should start to treat people better. Words have their relevance.
  13. Not yet as usual, but my mood is much better than yesterday; matter of time then I'll return to poz dirty talk as I'm used to. Be patient. 

  14. no mood for sex or poz talk today. It's strange for me but I'm exhausted. Completely. Tomorrow is another day! 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I feel better now; not back to my usual horniness yet but I think it's matter of time

  15. COVID NEG! My HIV is the exclusive king of my DNA, again. Time for a deserved vacation for me and my virus. Think about whatever you want ☣

  16. Sorry guys, but today I'm so fucking NERVOUS. I'm particularly unpolite, so, better to leave me alone. 

  17. I've never been so much into anonymous sexual encounters, but I feel the same. I would not say it's "depression" but I think at a certain point you become more "selective". Life has many phases and we must take it as it is! Personally I feel it with food, and it may be the same with sex. Nothing obliges all of us to maintain same habits all life long.
  18. I'm starting to feel like reading, again. Linda Castillo now - the Kate Burkholder series. I love those books!

  19. What do you mean? My twisted bf wants Sharon character with two twins scorpions tattooed one on the right and one on the left breast, with their tail pointing straight to the nipples. And a biohazard circling her belly button. Of course no female sexuality will be mentioned in this tale, but PozCop may tell about the symbols.
  20. BF is covid-negative! VACATION is still a possibility for us. Let's cross our fingers for my result tomorrow!

  21. Well, listen: if someone flirts with me and I enjoy it, I flirt back. I do not have rules stopping me, so, I have fun! 

  22. Fingers crossed: my partner has covid test today. Mine is tomorrow! Our vacations depend on both results...Fingers crossed again. Wish us good luck! 

  23. I haven't forgotten this one, I'm just conflicted about which direction to choose. I have two possible developments and maybe I let my HIV choose by himself 🦠☣🤣
  24. Thinking to finish "the writer and his fan" story today. 

    Having two fictions in progress does not allow me to concentrate on both properly, "we have to talk" is the one I care about the most. Enthusiasm has brought me too far and in this period of illness I have had time to think about my writing plans. 

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