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Everything posted by seattlebbbtm

  1. Please, please don’t kill Jordan or Daniel. But I do want to see Sage squirm like my fellow fans of your brilliant love story
  2. Dude, you are killing me. The ominous foreshadowing. Brilliant
  3. Please continue this wonderfully written, engaging adventure
  4. Well crafted and looking forward to more
  5. Intriguing looking forward to more
  6. Chi4loads: we all agree your stories turn us on, so I hope you can help us move forward with your wonderful smut
  7. Thank you for a poignant, well written, virus-laden love story
  8. Two thumbs up for a positively enticing new adventure
  9. Just let a guy I never saw before and whose name I did not learn breed me raw in the showers at the gym. Mother’s Day seems like a good day for anonymous loads at the local gym. Nice thick cock left me fully loaded. All in all a good day
  10. Wow. Great sex. Great storytelling. Great job
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