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Everything posted by seattlebbbtm

  1. Fantastic. Well written, stimulating, blasphemous. Please keep it going
  2. You are such a sexy man and I love your frank and honest attitude

    1. bearbare69


      Hey man thanks. Nice set of pictures btw.

  3. I'm addicted to this site because all I can ever seen to think about is Poz sex

    1. NLbear


      Why poz sex and not just sex?

    2. bols59


      & here I am on Lwr QA, just a-itchin' ta meet ya!!

  4. This is great because it's different. Liking this descent and hoping we can see the gifting the spawn can wreak
  5. I don't understand why a mere mention of women gets this story tossed into the Straight/Bi section. There is all kinds of kink I don't like in some of the pozzing stories I like on here but limits-pushing comes with the territory around here
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