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About CumBoxxx

  • Birthday 11/14/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Deep South
  • Interests
    Connected sessions with other open-minded, non-judgmental piggy guys of all ages, str8 to gay. Instant hard-ons for cum loads (poz+), GH's, darkrooms, breeding, learning anothers' perversions, inter-gen, seduction, bulges, sports gear, taboo, pig and, perv play, sweat, spit, verbal
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    I've seen a little of almost everything, but only a LOT of some things. I know what makes me tick and what doesn't. So I want a deeper immersion in the places and with the people that bring my sexual being and its deviants to the surface. And to see what is there that maybe I haven't seen yet
  • Porn Experience
    o Industry viewing expert :) Preference for amateur vs big-budget, porn company releases. Not exclusively though. Enjoy being recorded or recording some escapades.
  • Looking For
    Depends on mood and place. Connected sessions always. Prefer longer, unscripted, mutually gratifying scenarios, as long as all involved are having a good time and getting what they want.

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  1. Really well done. Great writing. The eroticism peaks and valleys all throughout. Hope we'll get to read more stories from you in the future.
  2. Nope. Not once. At 7 x 5.5, I'm ok with my cock size but would gladly take another inch. When bottoming, I enjoy the sight of my dick jumping about and reacting to the pounding I'm getting. Seems the tops do too.
  3. Unquestionably 2, 5, 6, 7, 14
  4. thought i'd kill some time a read a chapter or 2 of a new story. this story. that was almost 3 hours and 12 chapters ago. and there's no sign of slowing down. Great story slavetoy4u2use!
  5. I also love to spend as much time as I can or as little as I want at GH's' taking anon cum in both holes.
  6. Valid question, as many have said. It's not one that has really occurred to me though. Not substantially, anyway . Until now. So, I had to give it some thought. I read through a lot of other guys replies, too, and I get all of it. Here's where I landed........I come at this having always been generally vers. Sometimes more top, other times, more bottom. But I'm always shifting between the two because what moves my urge in one direction vs. the other is typically wherever my sexual mood is on that day. The vibe/connection/chemistry with whoever I'm meeting can play into it too, but let's not complicate the answer. So, when I'm looking for a bottom, I'll be looking for his ass pics first. If I'm after a top guy, his dick gets my first look. But no matter which, I still want to see pics of the whole package in either situation. Just because I plan on fucking the guy stupid doesn't mean I won't want to suck some of his dick along the way.....particularly if it's really nice dick. On the flip side, I have a really big thing for checking out the butts on top guys.
  7. brilliantly told, pal. honestly, i have always wanted to either have your experience personally, or join in on having and giving another guy his 1sr like that. and always, wth the constant inhalng of poppers, until the glass pipe comes out. sorry, man, but you probably didn't stand a chance! . Keep wrting!
  8. i've never used one. wait, technically, i have. one time as a top, i went soft soon as i wrapped my dick. off came the condom and i've never put one on since. same for bottoming. the first time a guy tried fucking me with a condom on, i truly couldn't take his dick. Told him to bb me, and it's the only way I've ever fucked. Top or bottom.
  9. almost always a jock, or similar - like ass-less briefs/boxer briefs. it works perfectly at home, at a FB's place, the sauna or sex party
  10. @ErosWired + @ChainedBoy covers everything I would offer. Solid perspectives. Good luck - and for Godssake, if you decide to bed-down with both dad and son, under whatever stipulations, make sure you can (and will) jump in with both feet and have one hell of a time!
  11. damn, damn, damn hot boy!!!   we need to get naked, sweaty and nasty :)

    1. Gregory


      Yes I love nasty boys

  12. Hey ... thanks for the follow! xx:*xx

  13. HAWT!
  14. thanks for the add buddy

  15. love how this is going pal. nice job
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