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sinfuljock last won the day on January 23 2015

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About sinfuljock

  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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    moved to cheatingjock
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. PEP is different than PrEP. PEP is post exposure and prep is pre exposure. pep is basically the morning after pill for hiv (though of course more than one simple pill) so the does are higher and there are several different meds that are prescribed as pep. PrEP is pre exposure. It is a this point only Truvada, and is a lower dose and one pill per day. Takes a few days (I've herd from 3 days to 2 weeks..my doctor recommended two weeks to be safe (lol) though I think most say a week) to build up in your system. After this as long as you keep taking regularly your risk for HIV is drastically reduced.
  2. At a small pool party. Guy started slipping in bare and I went with it...then got fucked by the other guys there bare after. Haven't used a condom since.
  3. So I've always heard that when a guy first comes out (or moves away to college) he goes through a slut phase where he basically fucks/gets fucked by anyone w a dick. I had that in high school and college and settled down a lot (not a prude just not so much so often) But since I've started playing bare and prep, i seems like i'm having a second even more intense slut phase. Or maybe not a phase but who I am? Has anyone else had this either when you decided to go bare only and/or started prep?
  4. I love having a variety of colors and brands like Andrew Christian (lots of colors and diff designed...some i don't like so I love though they aren't really so supportive or durable), Timoteo, 2xist, cin2, and others. really like some of the Addicted and ES stuff though pricey. I like classic white or black too...white to appear more tan, black to appear more slutty (at least in my mind). My two favs right now though are CellBlock (which is made by Timoteo but is a bit more dark/fetishish/harry vs swimmer) and Pump...love the name, colorful, and very well made.
  5. So do you find it a turnoff if a guy is upfront and ready for sex/eager or is it better if he acts less interested/standoffish/has other options? I guess this might vary by top/bottom and also if you are wanting some kind of relationship or just a one off fuck. I tend to just be...you're hot...you're hung...i need fucked...let's go and i've had some guys say they like the chance more. So what are your thoughts?
  6. If the boss is out of the office it's ok to get fucked on his desk as long as I clean up after right?

  7. my dr when I had the original said that they vaccinate girls but don't usually boys...and even then they try to do younger. the reasoning is that hpv is so common that by the time you have been sexually active you likely are carrying hpv. However, he said there was no real reason to not give to people who are concerned since it won't do any harm if you already are infected, and you might only have one or two of the original covered types so you would gain protection from the others. He also said part of it was the medical cost/insurance doesn't want to cover after a certain age for those reasons. But he was fine with prescribing it and administering even though I was 24 (I think the standard cut off is 21? though i've heard 25 also) and said he would prescribe for anyone who wanted even though it would be private pay since insurance probably wouldn't cover it. Involved three shots over a few weeks if i remember correctly. So I'm guessing this will be the same. Appt w doctor soon for prep checkup so i'll talk to him about this.
  8. 22 and a virgin? How have you not hopped on a ridden a dick yet?! That's some self-control! Oh, answer is yet. You can try. Practice makes perfect...and part of the fun is in the challenge.
  9. this has happened several times to me. due to my insomnia i have ambien and lunesta prescriptions. the ambien is controlled release to knocks you out and keeps you asleep. The thing is you can sometimes sleep walk/talk/sex and not really be awake or remember anything the next morning. so i have been fucked while i've been unconscious, but i've also actively participated even though i'm not really conscious and don't remember the next day. Apparently when i'm sleep sexing i'm more demanding/dirty/rougher...so that's always fun. usually wake up after those times with a soar leaking ass, bruises, a sore throat, rug burn, and swollen lips lol.
  10. bf out of town tomorrow...so i'll need to entertain myself ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sinfuljock


      i can always put a thick cock to good use ;)

    3. Hotjjboi


      My thick cock is all yours and so is my cum

    4. seaguy


      You're so lucky to have a bf who both travels and is naive/trusting, or just clueless.

  11. so this sound like something we should have prescribed/administered even if we have already had the older version? I'm assuming that would be ok? I'll need to talk to my doctor about this. Thanks for the info!
  12. i didn't have dreams but then i've had insomnia for years so basically sleep on ambian / lunesta or not at all (and try not to take all the time...only when i haven't slept for too long)
  13. only those that have fucked me recently except for really close friends. most of my close friends admit to bb at least sometimes, and a few have started or plan to start prep
  14. Well i've only been on for five months, but can address some of your questions. I had slight stomach issues for the first few days and a headache (may not have been related since I do get headaches pretty frequently and other meds also cause them). After that nothing noticeable. I have been going raw with more people - only fucked bare with bf before (actually only fucked with bf before...) Had my three month checkup and was clear. Also tested for other STI (been every month since I've been fucking around) and surprisingly haven't caught anything - fingers crossed. So so far has been great...basically all the fun without the worry.
  15. Had a business dinner tonight (well boss did but I was along to take notes/etc...the etc coming later Client from out of town was there. Mid 40s older guy...kinda coach type hot. Had wedding ring and was talking about his wife/kids etc so didn't really think anything of it...basically eye candy and didn't expect anything else until after with boss. When we got in car to go home, boss mentioned that I gave good head...which kinda embarrassed me since I wasn't expecting this. Told me to show him and I looked over and he just nodded. Pulled out his dick, which wasn't really all that long but very thick. Didn't really get to finish since driver got us to hotel really quick. As we were getting out, driver had a smirk on his face so pretty sure he saw everything. Went up to his hotel room and boss and he ended up fucking me while I sucked the other, then tried to DP me but client was just too thick. Did get two loads up me though, then dropped off at home after. Had to run and take a shower so bf didn't smell the sex when he got home. Pretty sure I sealed the deal though
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