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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. I think this is the main difference between a “party” and an “open-door” hosting session. The former implies that there will be several guys present at once, whereas the latter implies that it’s going to be more a series of one-to-ones over a period of time. Of course there will be some overlap, and it’s always possible (and maybe desirable for some, at least) that guys will run into each other at an open-door session, creating a party-like event. The point is, each situation will attract its own set of tops. Those that enjoy group play will favour the party, whereas those who prefer one-to-one will go for the open-door session. Some will do both.
  2. Although I’ve turned up and been surprised to find one ‘extra’ top, I’ve never been lucky enough to have been surprised with 3 or more. I think my reaction would vary wildly depending on how well I knew the top with whom I had arranged the meet in the first place. If he were a trusted a regular, I reckon I’d be thrilled, and would tear off my pants and spread my legs in a heartbeat. But if I didn’t know him well, or if this was my first meet with him, I would be pretty nervous, perhaps even scared, depending on the ‘vibe’. I still think I might tear off my pants and spread my legs, but there’s a chance I might just scream and run away like the sissy I am lol.
  3. I think the first thing you need to do is find someone you trust to be on hand in case things take an unexpected turn. Although it’s undoubtedly a hot scene, you will be putting yourself in a potentially vulnerable position, and I think you’ll enjoy it more knowing you’ve got back up, just in case. This also opens up an opportunity for someone to film some of the action, so you’ve got a record for posterity
  4. I’ve never seen that, @blackrobe. Which sites? Maybe that’s the way guys like to play in the PNW- could do with more of that here!
  5. I reckon this is something we’d all like to know! My feeling is that they don’t, not in London, anyway. I think this is a case of healthy fantasy mixed with that nagging worry we all get from time to time, namely that there’s a better party going on somewhere else, and we just haven’t been invited lol. Even though I wouldn’t expect to be approached by such a group (stereotypically I’d imagine they’d go for young twinkish or femme bottoms), I still think that between us we would know about the existence of such breeding teams by now. Whether on bbrt, Grindr or other sites (including this one), I think they would leave some kind of trace. I suppose it is possible that they are so on the dl that they don’t- and it would be great if someone on here was to prove me wrong!
  6. Thanks for the tip @Phillymale Am in Montreal as we speak, and have checked out the Gouverneur- currently staying at GI Joes and having a great time taking loads all night, but there is going to come a point when I need a proper bed and some sleep!
  7. Thanks for your reply @Gilmtl. Funnily enough, I was also thinking of just taking a room at GI Joes, at least for the first night. I don’t get in till quite late- doesn’t seem worth paying for a hotel when I was planning to head straight out to a sauna anyway lol. I didn’t realise you could book an overnight room at the saunas- you can’t do that in London...
  8. Can anyone recommend a hotel in the gay village area of Montreal with easy room access for late night encounters, etc? Will be in town from Weds to Saturday this week...
  9. Hello @NWUSHorny- I talked about this very topic earlier today in another thread. I find it similarly frustrating, and it’s the reason I can’t contribute to the Load Tally threads on this site. From my experience as a slut bottom, it’s not feasible to keep an accurate load count in a bathhouse or fuck club situation for exactly the reasons you outline so well in your post. And I’m always slightly suspicious (or maybe just jealous!) of bottoms who claim they can, and are able to give an exact number once the load count exceeds more than a half-a-dozen or so. Sure, if you’re entertaining your partners on a one-to-one basis over the course of an evening, then fine- but if that’s the case you’re unlikely to rack up the kind of eye-watering totals I’ve seen touted around. Such totals would require some serious group action, and in any kind of gangbang situation you’re really not going to have much of a clue who came in you and who didn’t, so keeping an accurate score becomes impossible. It is just about possible to keep track of the number of fucks, but not all fucks translate into loads, and I’m sure when some people talk about load count, what they really mean is fuck count. Until someone invents some kind of arse implant to keeps track of these things, I think best (and realistic) estimates such as yours are the only way forward.
  10. It’s very difficult to keep track when you’ve got your head down and arse up in a busy fuck club, and have been randomly selected as the ‘popular’ bottom that particular evening. Recently at SBN in London I did try to keep count, and clocked some 32 fucks in the course of an afternoon. How many of those were repeat fucks I have no idea- it’s impossible to tell if you’ve got your head down. Similarly it’s impossible to tell how many of those fucks turned into loads- once you’re loose and got cum dripping out of your arse you just can’t always be certain if one individual top has cum or not. But I reckon between about a third and a half of them did, so that would be about a dozen loads. Although that was indeed a busy session, it was by no means record breaking, so I’m estimating my personal best in a 24-hour period lies somewhere north of 40 cocks and 15-20 loads.
  11. Indeed you are, @Londonbear. Sometimes I think true tops just don’t realise how much effort bottoms go to in order to give them a pleasurable experience: the cleaning out, the diet, the pre-loading, etc. Nonetheless, manners are for everyone, including tops, and I’m afraid I’m not one of those subservient bottoms who believes that tops can do no wrong. He’d have to have a very good excuse indeed if he wanted to use my arse again, and I’m not just saying that to be petulant. The fact is, I would just lose interest in him, especially when there are so many other tops around, as you so clearly demonstrated yourself!
  12. A timely post. Just back from the clinic having been treated for what seems to be my annual infection- always happens in August for some reason. Gonorrhoea this time. No big deal- tested, diagnosed and treated all in the same day, just a single shot of antibiotics in the arse. Seems a worthwhile price to pay for all the raw cock and loads I’ve taken since my last infection this time last year. I must have had literally hundreds of men inside me since then, and in some very sleazy situations. I get tested every 3 to 4 months and am always amazed when the results come back clear. It makes me think that either STI’s are much less widespread than the anti-sex propagandists would like us to believe, or else I have just been very lucky. Thoughts, anyone? last
  13. Interesting theory, @RawCunt. It’s usually the dating apps that get blamed for the death of fuck clubs, bathhouses, cruising grounds, etc. But you think it’s the easy availability of free porn. I think there’s a lot of truth in that, and it doesn’t bode well for the future, once VR really starts to kick in. Are we heading for a place where no-one meets in real life at all, and everyone just stays at home fulfilling their fantasies digitally? Makes me glad I’m old lol.
  14. I’m with the previous couple of posters on this: just get yourself on PreP. You don’t say why it’s not an option. If it’s cost, you might want to look again- it’s getting cheaper all the time. Here in the UK you can get generic PreP for something like $0.75 per pill. If you go down the event-based route, that means you could binge on as much raw cock as you like in a 24-hour period for about $3.75 (5 pills): how about that for good value! Of course, there are the other STI’s too- and you’d have to get your head round that. Just remember, they’re all currently treatable, and in my opinion shouldn’t stop you living your life and fulfilling your fantasies.
  15. I take it a simple bulb douche is out of the question??
  16. Definitely try again, and then try again some more. I know exactly where you are in your head: I’ve been in that place too. It took me many visits before I became comfortable with it. Just remember, there’s no pressure for you to do anything until you are ready: you’ve got nothing to prove to anybody. Gradually you will acclimatise, and it will become a ‘normal’ environment for you, and your horniness will slowly emerge triumphant over your nerves.
  17. I’ve finally got to the point where if a guy tries to fuck me with a condom at a sexy club, I’ll turn round and say no. I used to put up with it coz I thought I should- but they’re just too fucking uncomfortable, AND they make me feel I’m gonna shit myself lol. Sometimes guys try to ‘reverse stealth’ me and slip one on when I’m not looking. As if I wouldn’t be able to tell! Thankfully, as a species, they seem to be becoming rarer, but I’ll still have a bad night now and again when they seem to multiply like Tribbles.
  18. You’re lucky, Ozpig. I’d love to find another sleazy cumdump to pig out with, but finding one is proving to be a tough call!
  19. I think I’d stick to an all-gay cruise if it’s action your after (I don’t have any personal experience to pass on- just what I’ve heard). Most gay US cruises seem to involve Mexico, the Caribbean or even Canada in their itinerary, so if you want to stick to just US ports, I think your severely limiting your options. I’ve always fancied the Key West/Puerto Rico thing: I wouldn’t want to stop anywhere ultra-homophobic like many of the Caribbean islands, and support their hate with my hard-earned cash...
  20. SBN stands for “Stark Bollock Naked”, which is just a British expression for completely naked. It’s the name for a cruise event which takes place from 2:00pm every Sunday at a venue called the Union Club in an area of London called Vauxhall. It’s well attended, usually about 300 guys or more, and as the name implies, the dress code is totally naked (except foot ware). Sex is very much the name of the game. I think it costs £17 or £18 for non-members, which includes a drink and coat check (you don’t have to be a member to get in). There’s no such thing as ‘fashionably late’ in London: make sure you get there by 3:00pm, as most of the action takes place between 3:00pm and 5:00pm. There’s often a live sex show on stage at about 5:00pm, and things start to peter our after that. From 6:00pm underwear is allowed, and the event staggers on till 10:00, but it’s not as good in the evening (although I’ve never stayed beyond 7:00pm). I hope you enjoy it if you go, is great fun!
  21. One thing I like about this site is its ‘history’. When this thread was started several years ago, a number of the tops expressed surprise that there were bottoms out there who didn’t like having their dicks played with: apparently it had never even occurred to them that not all bottoms enjoy it. Move on a few years, and we now have a whole fetish dedicated to it, with chastity and cock cages, etc., and I think it’s now much more acceptable (even desirable) to keep the bottom’s dick entirely out of play during sex.
  22. If you’re happy going naked, and don’t mind fucking in front of a crowd, there’s a couple of options you gotta try: SBN on the Sunday afternoon at the Union Club in Vauxhall (2:00pm-6:00pm: but get there by 3:00pm), and Vault139 at 139 Whitfield Street. The Vault is open every night, but the dress code varies from night to night (check the website). Monday and Thursdays are naked, and probably the best/busiest, especially Thursdays. Being over 40 is not an issue at either venue, and both events are pretty full-on. Naked events seem more scewed to a somewhat older crowd anyway- young guys don’t always have the confidence to get naked and/or get fucked in front of a room full of strangers. Have fun- as it happens, I’ll be over in your side of the Atlantic at the time: otherwise I’d come with you
  23. Awww- thanks, Hornedpigdc! It’s nice to know someone’s cares
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