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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Out doing morning errands, I had to stop by Home Depot for a couple of things. This was the H.D. on Sunrise & 4th in Ft. L. In the power tools aisle, a store employee actually propositioned me - said his break was in 10 minutes, and to meet him in the men's room. I was stunned/interested/flattered all at the same time. Now. I've never been arrested for wanton Breeding in all my years of being a sexual Pig. I go to places like private fuckclubs, bars that pay off the cops or are owned by politically connected guys. Yes, I've fucked in parks (where there were plenty of ways to get away, just in case). But I've never been propositioned in a retail store. Cruised, yes. Propositioned for sex right in the store, no. Yes, it's cooler weather here, and I wore jeans this morning. Obviously, a pair of 501's is more - oh - enticing than cargo shorts. This employee was a good-looking guy, but had that apron on that covered most of his torso/crotch, so I couldn't see anything re: the goods. The john at this particular H.D. is well-known for cruising, and my warning hackles went up right away. But, it was exciting too. So, of course I went to the john a few minutes later. Shortly the guy came in, walked right over to me and wanted me to follow him to a restricted area where the stock is kept - not the public store area. He said this with complete nonchalance, as though he was asking for a light or some pocket change. Led me to an area behind some large boxes - appliances, maybe. He knelt down, unbuttoned the jeans, and started to suck my Cock. A moment later he took out his phone and texted - which almost made me ditch in a hurry. He looked up and smiled, said he was just texting another employee. Started sucking my Cock again. A few minutes later another guy showed up and joined the Cocksucker on his knees. They both wanted to get fucked, but I drew the line on that one. I did give the first one my number though - he said they'd be over later on in the afternoon. I find it hard to believe that a large company like Home Depot will allow this behavior, and I'm just too way wary of getting tossed in the clink. Maybe they'll be over later on, maybe not. But it was really cool to get a couple of hot Cocksuckers on my Cock for a few minutes. Scary, but thrilling !!!
  2. I've found this to be true more often than not. If the bottom only cares about getting the Seed hammered up his gut, kids are fine, since teen-Cock hasn't really learned how to "connect" with a Hole yet. Lots of kids don't instinctively know how to Breed a Hole, using the entire length/girth, "plumbing" the Hole from different angles (particularly using the knees), using their Cock to investigate every facet of the Hole. It takes a while to learn that our Cocks are able to deliver a lot more than Sperm - they can deliver a really hot mating experience when we use our Cocks as one part of the whole event. Depends, of course, on the venue, but young Cocks need some "seasoning" to become all they can be.
  3. hntnhole


    "I mostly suck at math. Always hated it." So have I. One more common thread. In High School, I flunked algebra. The teacher allowed me a D, so as not to prevent me from the "college track". She was an old woman, and I remember her telling me that there had been a handful of students she's run across who's minds simply could not comprehend algebra. That said, my mind has a metronome in it - I can sense a flagging tempo instantly, which tends to happen a lot in more complex scores. "And I discover that my name has both the same number of letters ..." If I knew how to do it, I wonder if my name (numerologically?) would reveal to the World what a HoleHound I am ... at least it would be convenient !!! "But there will always be a tiny little seed of doubt now sprouted in the back of my mind: What if there really is some greater cosmic energy out there with the power to reveal fundamental truths about ourselves, and I just tapped into it." That wouldn't surprise me, nor would it disappoint me if untrue. It's a fascinating issue, and the world is full of interesting facets, connections, symmetries, parallels - particularly where the grass grows blue. I wouldn't put anything past your estimable abilities.
  4. and I'd have been right behind you, waiting my turn ... that boy turns my Cock to granite ...
  5. Hello, you two ... and thanks for joining up. I've recently joined too, and it can be frustrating. Apparently the business model is, we get X number of chances (like 3?) per day to respond to any posts, or click the "heart" button and choose a response to a post, Once those allotted responses-per-day is up, we have to wait around a day (maybe 24 hours?) to take part in the discourse again, and the limit applies. At some point, you'll get a message that you've "earned" a badge. Apparently - and I'm not sure of this - if you compose new content, you get "rewarded" with "points", which at some point add up to a "badge". You'll notice them on guy's profiles. So the site seems to be based on how much you participate, but at first we're prevented from participating !! The only thing to do is, check in, use your allotted responses, wait a day or two, and repeat the process until - and I have no idea what the construct is - at some point you'll be able to participate more. For other, more established members: Was this a fairly accurate explanation for the new guys ???
  6. Well happy Birthday to you too - as well as happy Halloween. Hope you get something niiiiice and spooky tonight !!!
  7. YES !!!!! A thousand times YES !!!!! I'm not that big a fan of kissing in the first place - I'll do it if the other guy(s) want to, but I really can't think of any reason (within the context of a darkroom/fuckclub/t-room/wherever) to kiss other men unless they've got a mouth-full of Sperm from sucking off other Cocks, or eating Holes fucked full of Sperm by other Cocks, or both. Obviously, within the context of two lovers kissing each other, that may be different, but that's not tne posted question. At one time in my life, I had a life-partner, and was into him in every way. Kissing him was always wonderful, but since he passed those days are gone now. I'm no "romantic" anymore; I'm a Hole-loving, Cock-loving, Orgy-loving, Sperm-loving Breeding Pig, and I like it that way.
  8. Mid 30's, near as I can recall, in the fuckroom at the Eagle. I was fucking a guy, some other guy came up behind me, felt my ass, and I reached around and felt his Cock. He pressed, so I relented. It was more for a deepening of the BreedLust that I said ok. Prior to that, I had only been Topping Holes, and that since I went away to undergrad. That was the first time I felt a Cock pump Sperm up my gut. Never saw his face, never tried to. It was more of an epiphany than anything else. I'd taken my life-partner's Cock before, but his Cock was too big to be anything but really painful, which is why he never came inside my Hole. Didn't care for taking Cock (sexually) after that first time at the Eagle, but it was intellectually very "freeing" of the constraints I'd observed prior. To my understanding of the "connection" thing, I had only been taking part in half of the equation, and it suddenly occurred to me that I wanted the whole enchilada. Still don't take much Cock up my gut, but I have nothing against it either, since if some guy wants it (and his Cock isn't too big), the appropriate thing for me - as a Lust-driven man - to do is let him Breed in my Hole. It's all about Cock/Hole(even mine)/Sperm
  9. What a nightmarish thought !!! Actually, I chose 16 years old. If we're old enough to drive a car, we should be legally able to drive a Cock deep in a hot Hole too. Admittedly, it's Fri night, and I've got almost a week's worth to pitch in a little while, so pardon my typing with my Lusts foremost in my mind. It's absolutely true though, that some guys just aren't emotionally ready to start having sex at 16 - or 26 - or 36. I think those guys are in the minority, Some "skills" are learned later than age 16, which is fortuitous for the bottoms. But once a kid discovers his Cock, figures out what it's there for, he's gonna start using it. And if he's lucky, he'll start using it on his buddies !! It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  10. The word "Cock" has two non-voiced percussive consonants - with the "k" sound at both the beginning and end of the one-syllable word, The word "Dick" has only one percussive consonant consonant, the last letter "k". The "D" must be voiced to be heard commandingly. In the science of acoustics, which I know a little something about, the "k" consonant is very powerful, and since there are two of them in a one-syllable word, that word is a powerful one. "Suck my dick" is hardly passive, but "Suck my Cock" is, by virtue of the words construction, already powerful. When said with a guttural grunt, "Suck my COCK" becomes a very powerful phrase. "Dick is ok for general conversation, but in the context of a darkroom, orgy, t-room, cruise-bar, whatever - Cock is definitely more coarse, more commanding (and thus, appealing).
  11. billy's right ... nothing attracts Cock like a "gimme that load" attitude. Also, boypole's right too. Leave the undies at home, but be sure to put on a Cockring when you're out cruising, even if you're cruising for Cock, not Hole. Show it off - jack on it a little to get the Cockdrool flowing, so you can show a "wet-spot" showing on your 501's. A pair of worn-in (as opposed to worn-out) will cup your ass perfectly, and the Cockring will encourage other men to cruise you back. A pair of black boots won't hurt either. Tall black boots will show nicely, even inside the jeans. Or, just "street" boots is better than sneakers. That said, chin up, looking directly at other men's Cocks, staring them directly in the eye will definitely send the right signal !!!
  12. hntnhole


    What a thoughtful, incisive, enriching post. I think that the truth - however we are given to understand it - is crucial to living a productive life. While cultural norms may be unaccepting of the richness, diversity of the human experience, it's important to realize that cultural norms have little, if anything, to do with truth. These norms exist for cultural reasons (more babies, more cannon-fodder) for all the negative things we're pressed to accept. Fomenting hatreds against "the other", self-interest (religion), temporal power (wars), is something that human beings have been fooled into accepting for millennia. While I know nothing about numerology, it is interesting potential facet of our lives. What it isn't, however, is a controlling facet of our lives. I believe that what controls our lives is our honesty about ourselves. It's tough to live a lie, once we become aware of the choices we can make. "there was once a version of me who could never have imagined I would become what I am now" - which applies to uncountable numbers of we human beings. I too could have made that statement, and it would be utterly true. The fact is though, that "version" would have been far less productive than the "true" version of who and what I am. Each of us have choices to make, and those of us who choose to follow our own personal "truth" are - in my estimation - the lucky ones. "My former Master took a latent instinct and forced me to confront and accept that it was my true nature." I think your former Master recognized your value, your ability for reflection, your intelligence, and most crucially, your instinct to become an honest man. I think he did the world a lovely favor. More, I think he did you (and the world) an immeasurable favor, not to mention the value of accepting your truth. He gave you a magnificent gift. He knew that mating with you would be enriching not only for your truth, but enriching for every man that mated with you. "Yes, there’s a sense of humiliation I feel". Humiliation is nothing more than a tool the unfulfilled use in defense of their own inability to face truth. You need not accept cultural humiliations, rather you can feel triumphant in the fact that you have accomplished (thanks to your former Master) what those who would denigrate you have obviously not. Take those humiliating comments for what they are: inverse compliments. You're the one with the courage to become the man you were born to be. Those to try to humiliate others, clearly have their own issues to resolve. "Could I have simply turned left instead of right at some point and never become this at all?" Of course you could have. Choosing that path would have placed you among the millions upon millions of fearful human beings that were unable to be true to themselves. That would have denied you the fulfillment of becoming the man you were born to be. That would have limited your ability to become Whole, and that would have been a tragedy. You have no idea how many lives you have made richer by sharing your thoughts, perceptions, questions, answers. Of course you mated with your peers - your Brothers - again. You're free of the constraints that cripple so many. You know yourself, you know your instincts, and you fulfill them. In short, you're an honest, truthful, complete and magnificent Man. Does anything else really matter more? (sometimes, it's all about more than) Cock/Hole/Sperm
  13. Wouldn't the best time to start be when the young man knows he needs to? Is there any point in wasting time, once he knows who and what he is? Sucking Cocks off leads to wondering what a hard raw Cock feels like up his Hole, which leads him to try it and see for himself, which leads him (over a period of years) to more and more ever-deeper Lusts. All of this, and at a youngish age, when he's (for most, it seems) at his most attractive. I'm not endorsing any child-molestation by older, adult perverts. I'm merely suggesting he begin experimenting with his friends, of about the same age. When he reaches his majority, he will already know more than a lot of us knew when we first became aware.
  14. There's one missing bit of information: is your brother gay as well ??? Yes, brothers often - oh, what's the word - "experiment?" when they're kids. Sometimes it's only the first foray into they innate gayness, sometimes it's tried, rejected, and confirms their straightness. If your brother actually is gay, and loves you back, then you are a most fortunate guy. Most of us love our siblings in the familial sense (maybe excluding one or the other for certain reasons), but few are the ones that actually love - in both the familial and sexual sense - their brothers. It's like exponentially deepening and confirming their life-long "one-ness". Shocking? Only in the magnificence of that gift. It's absolutely wonderful, if the answer to the above comments are "yes, he's gay". Afraid to express their feelings to each other? I'm guessing that you're concerned you may lose the closeness with your brother in the event he turns out not to be gay? If that's the case, no one can judge how to proceed but you. That said, if you really think he is, drop a few hints here and there, and gauge the reaction. Better to have a brother that accepts you for who you are, than have him turn against you. Take it slowly, and see how he reacts. On the other hand, if he is gay, and afraid to make the first move for fear of losing your love, make it a more general thing - issues discussed in the abstract - not the personal. Real Love isn't all that easy to find, particularly in our special community. If there's a chance you can have it all, go for it, and know you're one of the luckiest guys around.
  15. Hej, Svensk - jag ar fod i Sverige, nar min familj kommar til USA nar yag ar bara en or. Apologies for the "gamla bund Svensk", I don't speak it all that well, but did learn some from min mormor. I remember Malmo from visits back to the homeland as a kid, was too young to even think about the "better" side though. Hope all's well in Copenhagen !!!
  16. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!" Absolutely nothing. That said, you may want to consider relocating to somewhere your talents will be more appreciated, valued, and reinforced. Somewhere like .... oh .... for instance ... my spare room ....
  17. Well !!! I see that not everything in TX is crazy-broken these days !!! Tast-EEEE !!! <filthy grin>
  18. Can't say it was like sandpaper, it just didn't feel "right" ... more like the Hole was filled with liquid rubber cement - or the stuff that idiot on tv - they guy who makes screen-door boats out of some glue he peddles.
  19. This is a tough one - the question doesn't specify whether there's a difference (for this poll) in whether we pumped Sperm up a Hole each time or not ... I decided on 11-15, on the assumption that merely rutting would count. That I know I've done many times. As far as Breeding in Holes over that time-span, it would be maybe around 5 or 6 in 24 consecutive hours. As to taking Sperm up my gut, that number would be even lower, maybe a 3? As it happens, I'm not sitting on anything spectacular, and that's ok with me. As far as the age-range, I have not one scintilla of an idea, since I don't think I've ever asked. Most of the time I don't even see their face, or at most a glimpse. My standard modus operandi is to get my Cock in as many Holes as possible when I'm at my favorite fuckclub (or any other Breeding venue) and then go find which ever I liked best and Breed it. So, unable to even guess, I just skipped that one. My congratulations and profound respect to those of you who beat me by miles !!! Never the less, it's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  20. Years ago when I lived in Chgo, I had a regular Hole that would come over and set up several little camera doo-dads, and broadcast to some site. At the time, I didn't know (or care) much about how all the electronic doo-dad's worked, and I don't remember where he broadcast the action to, if I ever knew in the first place. What I do remember is, his phone would get a text from guys fairly close by, asking if they could come over. Then he'd show me their profile, pics, and ask if he could invite them over. Usually that was ok with me, as long as they weren't using drugs. All I really know is, I met guys that lived somewhere in the area, which turned out to be quite handy for later events.
  21. This happened between me and a fellow Leatherman: Many years ago, when Al Gore first invented the internet, and aol was the only way to access it, a young man from Indiana "messaged" me on aol. That was when there were actually busy (!!!) chatrooms. He was a Leatherboy, in a long-term relationship with a man who described himself as a "Master" in his profile. That immediately raised my eyebrow, since that's something that your Leather Community usually bestows - it's not something one anoints himself as. After a number of weeks blabbing back and forth, I told him he'd have to ask his Master if I could drive over there and have some lunch. "Master" was wary, and rightly so. However, permission was granted, so I drove over to Indiana (Gary area, not that far) and met the boy at the agreed-upon location. Turned out the boy was just a complete sweetheart; a beginner, but he knew what he needed too. Fast forward a number of years: I became friends with them after meeting at IML a few times, and because of that I had not laid so much as a finger on the boy. They didn't have much money, spent their vacations at a weekend place I owned, came over to the city for events, stuff like that. One day, self-described "Master" called me, and asked if he could send the boy to me for a week of training. I remember the words clearly: "You're obviously a *real* Master, and I know I'm not. The boy needs training I can't give him. May I send him to you for a week of Bd/Sm training? Please? If all goes well, maybe two weeks?" I damn near shot in my pants at that ... hearing something like that from a friend, a Brother in the LeatherLife, was just overwhelming.
  22. Hell yeah !!!!!! Sucking Sperm out of a full, wet Hole is my very favorite. I hold other "favorites", but felching a hot Hole that other Cocks have been fucking/Breeding in is my absolute favorite.
  23. This from one of my Breedbuddies that went to Touche (next door to Jackhammer) on Saturday night: Jackhammer is closed, and may reopen, or re-open under different management or owners. The Hole (the downstairs fuckbar) will become ... hold your nose ... a dance bar 😖 Touche is still going strong.
  24. It can, hotlad !!! Bears suck soooooo bad .... Johnny was a very different guy. He had been sexually active for years, both pumping loads in Holes and taking loads up his. However, when asked, he was unable to explain to me why he felt compelled to be such a slut, and seemed embarrassed he couldn't. He'd been employed in "go-nowhere" jobs, was managing to keep food in his belly, but not much else. So after some time with Johnny, I realized that giving him the right direction might help him figure it out, and a couple of months later I agreed to let him stay with me for a while. We had fucked a number of times prior, and he knew how much I loved a pre-loaded Hole, and he always brought one. Plus, he was just my "type" ... curly black hair, great smile, some chest hair, delicious happy trail when he shot his load on his belly, and a magnificently hairy BreedHole. So I have to admit, there was a little something else involved in letting him stay with me. He didn't have any real friends, only acquaintances that drifted in and out of his life, and he thought that's what a "friend" was. I have to admit I did feel sorry for him. When I got around to getting down to business with him, I spent a decent amount of time figuring him out. I knew he had a poor opinion of himself (as a person), but he could charm the hate out of a republiKan too, so he'd pretty much just drifted along. That may be ok when we're young, but at some point we need to think beyond just tomorrow. I asked about his days in high school, wondering if the answer lay there, and was disappointed to learn that he'd dropped out. So, at least I had a starting place. I laid down the law, and told him he had to get his ged in order to stay. He had to study, read books, start to realize that his looks weren't going to last forever. So, that process began, and lasted for a whole damn 13 days. In essence, he was trying to challenge me, and that's hardly how to get one ounce of empathy from me. Told him he had to leave and I didn't care where anymore than he did. If there's one thing (well, actually there are a number of them) that I simply will not accept from anyone, is the attempt to manipulate me. I thought to myself at the time, too bad - but he's made his choice. I don't quite remember how long it was - maybe a month, maybe 2 - that he came back, begging me to "give him another chance". It was probably the thousandth time he'd used that line, and I said something like "you know what you have to do to set foot in my house again", and sent him on his way. It took him a few more months before I heard from him again. That time he was just beaten down. Everything had gone wrong, he said he knew I could help him, pleeeeeze pleeeeeze, blah blah blah. At the time I had a business, and invented a "position" for him (part-time), and told him he could come back for a month, on one condition. The previous conditions applied, plus he had to keep up with his work, keep an accounting of his spending, and had to ask if he could go out for loads. The guy wasn't "bad", he was just lazy, assuming he could smile and get whatever he wanted. So, being the softie I've been accused of being, I let him back in, this time with a contract. After much consideration, I figured I'd try the old X behavior gets a reward, Y behavior denies the reward. Every Friday I had "accounting time" for his financials, all the rest, and if everything was good, I'd whore him out on Saturday. If everything wasn't good, he had to stay home while I went out. Of course, I was Breeding his Hole, fucking his throat all the while, occasionally having fuckbuds over to fill him up, but if he hadn't done something he should have, he couldn't play with us. Kinda like tying a carrot to a long stick and holding it in front of a donkey, so it would keep walking, walking, trying to get the carrot. After 2 weeks in a row of fulfilling the contract, I took him to an old motor lodge that is well-known for whoring out Breedboys (some of the guys on here know about it - apparently it's still thriving), and arranged an afternoon of wanton sex for him. I kept on talking to him quietly, telling him how beautifully he was servicing Cocks, how being responsible could get him more and more, how proud of him I was (fingers at the time still crossed behind my back). Point: meet him where he is right now, and continue the work later. In about year, he had really begun to understand. He was getting a stable home, he was getting a lot of Cock, he had a *real* friend that was helping him, not hurting him. So, I bought him a car (used), nothing fancy, just a car. He had to maintain it, insure it, all of that. I also gave him a modest raise. Things had started to fall into place in his head, and I could tell he was happier with himself that he had been for a long time. The months rolled by, I was busy with the business (except on weekends, of course), and I was pleased with Johnny. I know he was pleased with what I had done for him. We got along well, and the A/o organization of the relationship was working well. After he got his ged, I insisted he start at a Junior College not far away, and he responded to that challenge well. He knew he could trust me, he knew I cared for him, and that was enough. So, all told, it lasted for just over 3 years. As he grew in self confidence, learned the value of having goals and working to achieve them, and still get all the Cock pumping Sperm up his gut, it became apparent that he was well on his way to a much better life than before. While I cared for him, I can't honestly say I loved him enough to want him as my life-partner. It was time to send him along on his life's journey. I think he knew it was time for him to be completely on his own, and he had developed the skills to handle all the aspects of life without letting any one thing take over. Everything in it's place. Order. Fulfillment. Accomplishment. We discussed various options, and there was no time-constraint. I'd had a pretty good ride too, so I wasn't in any particular hurry either. Eventually a job offer came along he decided he wanted, and I encouraged him to take it. He actually offered to repay me for some of the things, but I suggested that instead of pay me back, he should pay it forward. When/if (the former being more likely) he ran across some guy that was foundering like he had been, help that guy to the best of his ability. Help the next guy become a better man. Endorse all the proclivities that are inborn, just as I did. Help him overcome the negativities you see but he can't - yet. Johnny moved away, continued with his life, and I still hear from him occasionally. I'm damn Proud of him, and yes - remembering what a Sperm-slut he is, all the wanton Lust - it still turns my Cock to granite. Two men's lives enriched, if in different ways, and in no way compromising our sexual Lusts; only increasing them, deepening them.
  25. The difference is not in the taking of poz loads. The difference is in lying about what's in the Sperm when one is asked that question.
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