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Hi, guys. I've posted before about the sauna I frequent in London, and I went there again this past Friday. Everything seemed to come together to produce the most fantastic experience of my life. In short, I got fucked fifteen times in a little under four hours, and 13 different guys shot their loads up my ass! They ranged from a fat guy with a four inch dick, to a thin guy with a huge dick (more about him later), from a group scene in the restrooms on the third floor, to a really slutty scene with me laying in the sling, legs up, taking cocks one after the other until my ass was just dripping spunk. I think the sling scene was best - this fat, middle-aged guy started fucking me and by the time he was ready to cum, there were three or four others watching. When he finished, a nice, athletic looking guy with a big dick took his place and began fucking me really slowly, moving the sling back and forth. He really turned me on. He kept smirking down at me, sort of secretly, and I suppose he might have not cum if I'd asked. But I told him to shoot it, and when he came he just sort of held the head inside me and squirted just inside. When he pulled out I felt round for my hole, and there was there was this huge gob of spunk sliding out. A small, hairy bear-like guy was watching. He put his finger in me and felt for the spunk. He was really excited. I said "come on, do me." He practically launched into the saddle and shoved a short, but fat dick up my oozing ass. He was all red and sweaty and after a while he gasped "where do you want it?" I grabbed his hips and held him in me. "Inside" I said, and he let loose, slamming his cock into my hole he shot. I just want to say about the restroom. I went up there and fell asleep naked, face down on one of the benches. Suddenly, I felt some one climb on top of me. What a shock! One minute I was dozing, the next a guy was crouched between my legs, shoving a very long, thick cock up my ass! Fortunately, I was wet with spunk and lube. Then a few other guys came into the room, presumably to take a piss, and I heard someone say “let’s take turns fucking him." I surmised word had got round about me. The guy on my back was very thin: I could just see his face silhouetted over my shoulder and reach back to feel the boney legs straddling me - and he was shivering and gasping as the other guys fed him poppers. His cock was smooth and it kind-of tingled as it slid in and out, almost like a burning feeling. I lay there helplessly as someone straddled my head so the top could suck some cock he fucked. I felt my spine tingle as I glanced back and saw the gaunt, excited face of the guy riding me - I suspected, no, I knew he was far gone with AIDS. I looked around, and the other guys were watching and jacking, eager to take me, pale excited faces in the dim light. The guy in my hole started to shake and jerk - should I stop him? Should I? Then I lay my head on my arms, raised my ass a little, and accepted his cum as he shot it into me. I swear I could feel it burn as it flooded me. When he'd finished, he started to giggle and climbed off me. He was really skinny and bright eyed. "Wild!" he said, "really wild. You're fucked man." Then his buddies got me kneeling on the couch, as the next cock slid up my tingling hole. I can't tell you how excited I am.
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Prelude: As a guy I've failed in life, growing up I fancied guys and girls, particularly a boy in my class but to avoid the ridicule I kept it to myself. I did the expected thing, found myself a girlfriend, didn't last, found another, same result. Around 20 I found Gaydar and despite the plethora of opportunities I never saw myself as attractive (skinny and spotty) so my entire gay exploration involved a single meet with a guy, brief suck, hand job and him cumming over my chest. By my late 20's I met a woman, ended up married in my early 30's we played out our lives but it was ultimately boring. I hovered around the gay sites on occasion often drawn to the darker aspects like bareback and HIV+ guys, met 2 older gentlemen who were nudists but my fears led to a half-baked lie and I left their home before anything could happen. I eventually cheated on her with another woman, she found out (or maybe I subconsciously let her?) and I ended up a bachelor alone. Perhaps this was my time to explore guys?
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#BumDickStalker – Who got that AIDs dick? Can you tell the difference in taste when a guy shoots in your mouth and his cum is filled with AIDs? Can you feel the difference when he blows in your ass? The venom, the toxic acid, the hell fire spit, the dick that streams poison and death tastes so much better, and feels so much greater than any other. My voice is hoarse as my vocal chords feel burned and my insides are twisting from his virulent stew that is brewing. So it began -#BumDickStalker. What do you do when your god issues a commandment? You obey – or should anyways – guess that’s why there’s hell or whatever for those who don’t. Well my god, my MASTER, is a straight-thug-fag abusing-uber alpha-swamp footed-evil mother fucker, and I’m honored to serve him. Yet I had to wonder, how low can one go? How much degradation is too much? At what point does the humiliation for his pleasure stop? I guess the answer is 'never'. It had been a typical work week like any another. Busy as fuck and I was tired. And my Master was demanding as ever with a list of shit I had to do for his financial and perverted pleasure. Each week I received a list of tasks to complete and Master was not happy unless I reported back that I was getting bred raw like a slut and had some BBC planting his load in me. To get there, I was typically ordered to respond to at least five Craigslist ads per day, in addition to placing my own. The ads he preferred me to hit were ones from straight or bi guys who were as desperate for pussy as I was for dick. Anonymous, drinks, smokes, gas money – whatever it took to entice them I had to do. When, as expected, I would not hear back or get an outright, hostile rejection, I had to share that with Master for his twisted pleasure and enjoyment. He loved to laugh and tell me I was a ‘cock hungry ferret’, but on those occasions when it did pay and I found a DL man who just wanted a pussy – any pussy to fuck - and I got another guy’s load, Master would praise me saying “Good job, keep up the great work!” Feeling totally frustrated and in excruciating need of dick, I decided to take my mind off my troubles and go for a nice walk. Luckily I live near the river and there is a nice path, some benches to sit on and enjoy the view, as well as a few hide-away bushes and fuck dens where, if one is real lucky, one might find an eager dick. The sunny day and clear air helped, but the lack of any potential dick added to my desperation. I was about to turn around and head back home when I saw a tall, dark man in the distance by one of the benches at the end of the yacht club storage house. I wove my way through the few other people on the walkway and as I got closer saw he was in Army fatigue pants, a black short sleeve shirt, camel boots, and was standing guard over a couple large bags. He looked quite clean, but I immediately thought – ‘homeless’ and my ass clenched a little as it was rare to see homeless guys hanging around this part of town. I was about two yards away when he turned, the cigarette in his mouth dangling precariously on his lip. I stopped like I had just been caught doing something. He scrunched his eyes, scratched at his beard, cocked his head so his gray/black dreads dangled to the side a bit, then took the cigarette out of his mouth and raised his chin in the universal, “What’s up?” greeting. “Hey, how’s it going?” I asked. Lame, I know, but that’s what came out. “Good, good, good my man. Good my man. Just enjoying this beautiful day right here,” he replied as he thrust forward his right fist to bump mine as a greeting. He was taken aback though when I held out my hand for a handshake instead and the smile he gave me in welcome was truly heartfelt, and also showed me his badly stained teeth. I then had to focus on the pain now shooting up my right arm as he gripped my hand. Fucking hell, he was strong as shit and felt like he was breaking it! The sinews and muscles in his arm flexed and bulged and I thought, ‘hell, for a homeless dude he’s damn cut and powerful'. Of course my next thought was, ‘..and I bet he would be a rough dirty fuck’. Well, I hoped to find out. Suddenly a crowd of construction workers, tourists, and locals seemed to descend from nowhere and my courage took flight like one of the ducks from the river. I quickly handed him a couple $1s, excused myself, and headed back home where I jacked off twice in a row thinking about him fucking me and sniffing my hand for any trace of his musk. Like a good dick chaser, I reported this Master and his email response began with, “WTF!!!” That’s never good. A ‘WTF’ is like a parent using your full name – you know shit’s about to hit the fan. Master went on to tell me I better get my ass back out there and lure that bum dick in using all my fag-pussy tricks so I could get his dirty AIDs cum. Now Master knew I got fucked raw and had once asked me my status and then that was that. It was never anything addressed specifically again and he had never before told me to chase dick specifically hoping I would get a load full of AIDs. Maybe my bug chasing ways were rubbing off on him? The following few weeks my #BumDickStalker activities would have made the beginnings of a great police blotter: - I walked by his bench early in the morning on my way to work and a couple times when he was there and sleeping under an old blanket, I left a pack of cigarettes, or a bag with a sandwich, or some other little offering. - I walked by his bench every night coming home and would even sniff around a bit hoping for some lingering man funk smell. - I caught a glimpse of him one night as I left the grocery store and with full bags in hand, stalked him for three blocks trying to catch up with him. - I began doing large circuits around those blocks looking for him if he was not on his bench, and I always had my offerings in my backpack of cigarettes, something to eat, and an extra five dollar bill in my pocket. - I saw him up by the Metro entrance begging for change and I hung around, circling, trying to find an opening. The more I failed to track him down beyond glimpses, or a quick run in in front of the grocery store, the more Master rode me. He dismissed all my excuses of ‘never the right time’, ‘too many people around’, ‘the guy had too many bags with him and I didn’t want people in my building to see’, or that ‘the guy seemed just more than a tad crazy’. The first couple of times I saw the homeless guy he seemed good, but then a few other times he was talking to himself, pacing back and forth in short little loops. Once I caught the whiff of his smoke – spice – and that shit can fuck you up big time. Also, instead of carrying on any sort of conversation as much as I tried, whenever I gave him a five dollar bill he would start a rehearsed speech that was the same every time: “Abe Lincoln was a free man. He was a free man and a lawyer. Abe Lincoln fought for the rights of his countrymen and by God I shall too until every man is free….” The first time I listened to the entire speech. It was a long one. The second time I lasted about halfway through and was impressed, but frustrated. The third time I just gave him the cash and bolted. Finally one afternoon as I did the extra circuit on the way to see if I could spot him, there he was, resting under the shade of a large tree in front of a building just a block from my house. I did a quick scan behind, and it was all clear, no one seemed to be walking this way. A quick scan ahead, and side-to-side seemed good too. My palms got sweaty, my throat dry, I felt nervous as I approached him. Like a gentleman with the best southern manners, he rose from the bench and smiled as I approached and held out his fist to bump mine in greeting. His brow was damp with sweat, his camo pants and jacket looked dirtier than I had ever seen and the skin of his arms had a light coating of dust. “Hi, how’s it going?” I asked using my standard greeting. The homeless guy took the cigarette butt from his lips, threw it into the grass by the sidewalk, reached into one of his bags that contained his world, and pulled out a Subway wrapper with a half eaten sandwich. “This from you?” he asked. I nodded. “Well I don’t much like roast beef, but whatever,” he continued on, “Thanks though. Guess you left the cigarettes too?” I nodded again. “So what do I owe for all this generosity you been throwing my way?” he asked. There it was. The opening. Weeks of waiting, wanting, needing. I looked up into his bloodshot eyes – he’s a good deal taller than me – and said, “I…umm…just trying to be friendly. I recently moved in up the street, saw you around, and well…” OK, now or never, I could not blow this chance, might as well get right to it, “…wanted to help you out if I could. And…I…well if you might be up for making a little cash thought maybe I could help you out some more.” PHEW – there. I said it. Sortof. Kindof. Not really. The homeless guy sat down, unwrapped the rest of the sandwich and started to finish it off. I just stood there a second not sure what to do, until he casually pushed his green canvas bag off the end of the bench to make room for me to sit down too. When he did however, a pile of things spilled out of the open top onto the ground and I quickly knelt to pick them up for him as he continued to chew nonchalantly and watch me. A few t-shirts, some crusty socks, a well read copy of the Bible, and wrapped up and poking out of a holey towel was a large Ziploc bag. As I grabbed it, the sound of hundreds of little pills echoed around the bench. I slowly turned the bag side to side, and around, reading the labels as I did so. They were all scripts from the Whitman Walker Clinic and included various antibiotics, pain meds, but what made me stop and stare were the bottles of AIDs pills. Some quite old, some newer, some seemed partially full and others maybe never opened or barely used. I recognized the names on the bottles as I had taken many of them too over years. Other bottles I had no idea what they were but my ass lubed up right then and there thinking about how his virus must be mutated like a B-horror movie. I looked up and the homeless guy had an evil smirk on his face that caused his upper lip to slightly rise revealing his row of fucked up teeth – a predator’s smile. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, brushed a few bread crumbs off his beard, stood up and stretched then ran his left hand up and down his stomach and said, “Much better. OK, come on.” He then bent down, grabbed three of his bags, nodded to the open one I had been putting stuff back into and told me, “You grab that one.” Not a word was said about the pills and maybe he thought I did not know what they were and he was trying to stealth breed me! Fuck! That made me rock hard just thinking about. The walk to my condo was a quiet one and while I tried to make small talk with him, the homeless guy seemed more interested in his own thoughts and even just nodded when I told him my name, without giving me his in reply. Fine. That’s cool. I liked anonymous dick. When we got to my building I used my digital key to open the door to the outside stairwell on the end and held it open for him. I was not trying to hide him, but knew the security guards who monitored the cameras in the lobby would call or come by if they saw him walking in with all his bags looking as dirty as he was. Up the stairs I went, hoping he was getting a good view of my ass on the way. Down the hall to the far end we reached my condo, I unlocked the door, he stepped in, dropped his bags in a jumbled pile in the hall, and strutted into the living room. “Nice. Nice place you got here,” he said. “What you got that’s good?” I was not sure exactly what he meant, but went to the kitchen and pulled out a couple options for him to smoke, asked if he wanted beer or liquor and when he said he wanted something clear I grabbed the Vodka bottle and a glass with some ice. I set everything down for him on the side table, flipped on the TV, hit play on the DVR and watched as he squinted with interest at the porn that came on. “Let’s get down to business,” he said, “What do you need done and how much cash you got?” Damn, did I really have to say it? He saw me hesitate, put the cigarette between his lips, slid the clasp back on the belt holding his pants up, dropped the fatigues to the floor, unstuck his balls from his thighs and said, “You trying to get some thug dick? You can see I got a nice one and I’m straight, but I’ll hustle if you pay-to-play.” Nice? I was thinking gigantic, huge, delicious, chewy, drippy, thick, OMFG! And THUG is my favorite flavor. I eagerly nodded my head and he said, “Well get the fuck over here and start sucking it.” I dropped to my knees and scooted into position, looked up and asked, “Can you shoot more than once? I got like $60 on me, plus whatever you want to drink, smoke, eat and stuff.” He placed his large, right hand over his dick as he thought about it, moved his hand away, smiled and said, “Let’s just say I got more cum than most folks can handle. Are you most folks?” I wasted no time then and twisted my head and cupped his slimy balls with both hands as I flicked out my tongue for my first taste – RANK, SALTY, SWEATY, MUSKY - ALL MAN! I bathed his balls in spit while gently guiding his dick to the right out of the way. My hands held onto his thighs, which seemed just muscle and tendon like skinny chicken legs or something. The homeless guy was focused intently on the porn and his smoke, with the occasional lean to the side for the bottle of Vodka. He was skipping the glass with ice and hitting it straight. I repositioned myself and spit three times onto his flaccid, uncut dick. It was crusted in spots, dark and delicious looking, and I opened my jaws wide so as I rolled the skin back on the head I could slide the shaft as deep as possible into my mouth and throat before closing my lips over it. I forced myself to taste it all at once to inundate my senses with his dick funk. I pulled back off, breathed in, closed my lips over his hardening shaft again, and then with his dick completely in my mouth began running my tongue all around the rough edges of the head, scooping up the cheese and crust – the potent smegma that only certain men can truly make. The homeless guy liked that and moaned in pleasure before grabbing the back of my head hard and forcing me to get down to serious business. Over the next few minutes his dick swelled, deflated, swelled, before he finally pulled back and said, “I gotta piss.” I frowned as I watched him waddle into the bathroom with his pants still down around his ankles and boots. I quickly followed and asked, “Hmm…you want me to drink it for you?” He looked at me, scowled, shook his head, “Naw, I ain’t into that freaky shit,” and continued to stand over the toilet willing his bladder to release. I stepped back into the living room and a few seconds later heard the forceful rush of piss against the porcelain as his bladder let loose. He finished, popped his head out, “Come here.” I had taken the time while he pissed to shuck my pants and my dick led the way back to the homeless treat. Once in the bathroom he backed up, his heels against the tub facing the sink and mirror that filled the wall. On the shelf above the sink was a torn, crumpled Polaroid picture of a nice looking woman. I faced him, he spun me around and said, “Time to take some dick!” I couldn’t have agreed more and happily bent over, my face inches from the sink bowl. He paused, “You got some lotion or something?” I shook my head. “No, just want it dry or with a little spit – want to feel it.” That made him laugh and he replied, “FUCK YEAH, FEEL THIS BIG DICK,” as he started pushing at my dry ass ring. It wouldn’t go. His dick bent, curved, my hole clenched tighter. Nothing. The homeless guy did not get frustrated, just took a step back, squatted behind me with his big hands covering my cheeks, spread my hole apart and inhaled. “DADDY’S HOME NOW HONEY. IT’S ALL RIGHT NOW. EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT. SWEET SWEET PUSSY HONEY,” he said right before burying his face in my hole and kissing, lapping, slurping, and priming it with his spit. His beard was rough, and his tongue felt like sandpaper, and I loved it. When he had had enough, he straightened back up, aimed his missile, and pushed. Once he forced himself a little in, he pulled his t-shirt off over his head showing some faded tatts running up his side. His ribs poked out with every breath, his clavical showed, but his abs were cut so he was either wasting or super tight/thin. I was betting on wasting and my hole clamped down on his dick like a kitten on his momma’s tit. “FUCK HELL YEAH – TAKE THAT DIRTY DICK,” he said. Holy fuck my ass about snapped his dick off right there! So many meanings – like earth dirty or disease dirty – and in this case I was literally betting the house it was both. I moaned in pleasure, “DID I HURT YOU HONEY? YOU WANT DADDY TO STOP?” he asked with true concern in his voice. I meekly told him, “No, please fuck me daddy,” and he did. “I’ve missed you honey,” my BBC bum said as he pushed the dreads out of his eyes, “YOU’RE PUSSY IS SWEET LIKE A GEORGIA PEACH. WET AND MISTING ON MY BALLS, THICK LIPS FOR DADDY TO SLIDE AGAINST, JUST THE PERFECT CUNT FOR MY DIRTY BABIES.” I moaned and groaned even more and pushed my ass back and out encouraging his AIDs dick to fuck me deep. He had just started to pick up the pace when he suddenly stopped, backed out of my now wet hole, and said, “Stay right like that.” The BBC bum went to his bags, rooted around, came back with the Ziploc full of pills, set it on the toilet, fumbled a bit, opened a couple of the bottles and then choosing carefully set a few pills out on the toilet, closed the lids, then proceeded to roughly stuff each pill up my ass. I moaned and he used my hole’s wetness to force two fingers in, his dirty and long nails cutting my gut lining as he explained, “YOU KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE HONEY? MY DICK VITAMINS. MAKES MY CUM GOOD AND POTENT SO MY BABIES WILL TAKE. YOU WANT SOME BABIES HONEY? WANT SOME OF DADDY’S BABIES? WE BEEN TRYING SO LONG FOR CHILDREN, NOW I THINK YOU’RE READY TO MAKE SOME BABY BULLS FOR ME.” OK, now I’m thinking he’s back on the edge of crazy, but his big black dick had felt so good I could deal with some crazy. This time when he shoved his man meat back into my secret chamber, he had gone from BRICK to ROCK to STEEL. His dick swelled to the extreme. “DADDY’S STROKE GAME IS AWLAYS ON POINT. I STILL REMEMBER HOW TO MAKE THOSE SUGAR WALLS SING DON’T I HONEY? THAT FEELING GOOD? BEND OVER A LITTLE MORE, THAT’S IT…LET ME UP IN THERE…TRYING TO PLANT THESE BABIES DEEP…TRYING TO FILL YOU UP…MOAN FOR DADDY…LET DADDY KNOW YOU LIKE HOW I’M STROKING IT…MOAN FOR ME HONEY….MOAN FOR ME YOU FUCKING COW SO THIS BULL KNOWS YOU MEAN IT….WHITE COW PUSSY FOR BIG BLACK BULL DICK…READY FOR THAT DIRTY DIRTY NUTT…READY FOR THAT BULL SPERM AND BABY BULLS…FUCKING….OH JESUS FUCK…YES HONEY!! YES HONEY!! TAKE MY BABIES!! TAKE ALL OF ADDY’S BABIES!! OH JESUS YOU GOOD AND PREGNANT NOW FOR SURE!!” Yeah I’m sure my neighbors heard all that and did I care? Not a fucking bit as my ass was full, throbbing, and my guts were roiling from the charged up AIDs cum my BBC daddy bum just gave me. “Taste it for me honey,” he said as he slowly withdrew from my well-fucked ass. His long dick was slick with funk and the cum/ass juice strands seemed almost greenish in tint against his dark skin. I didn’t get to taste it long before he took my hand, walked me into the bedroom, climbed up onto my bed and pulled me towards him. He then rolled me onto my stomach, got behind me, and buried his face in my ass again, slurping and relishing his aftermath. Soon he was ready for round two and this time as he sank balls deep into me, there was no resistance, just a welcoming of his warmth and steel. In the next hour my BBC daddy bum fucked me in multiple positions, fingered my ass with his long fingers and sharp nails leaving little bloody trails on the bed cover, and planted two more loads of his POZ cum inside me. No not just POZ – full on AIDs cum. I was sure of it now as he laid beside me, soundly asleep, his snores coming in regular beats. I was able to study his face now, the sunken eyes, the drawn skin over his skull, the sunken cheeks partially hidden by his beard, the lesionish looking spots on his body. Did the fact that he had kept the crumpled Polaroid always within sight someplace on the bed as he fucked me freak me out? No. Whatever it took, I was willing to do. I held his AIDs bull babies in my guts as long as I could, but finally I had to use the bathroom. When I did, I stood up and examined what came out – the spotting, the thick ropes of cum and ass juice, some gut lining, and swirling chunks of now discolored and broken pills. Can you OD from having pills shoved up your ass? Too late now to worry about that and when I thought about how he must have been on and off a dozen or more AIDs meds and how mutated and resistant his virus must be, I had to stroke myself a few times knowing his bugs were now swimming inside me. My revelry was interrupted as the bathroom door banged opened, my BBC daddy bum walked in, his dick hard and angry, his eyes quickly took in what I had been admiring, and he smiled. The bum then dragged me roughly back towards the bed, pushed me forward, I got on my hands and knees as he slammed into his new home he exclaimed, “I AM RA, YOUR GOD, YOUR KING, AND YOU ARE MY EGYPTIAN QUEEN. SACRIFIC YOUR PUSSY FOR MORE OF YOUR MAJESTY’S ROYAL JELLY!!”
Human clinical trials approved in the DC area on a possible cure for HIV. Interesting to see the advancement of the research made in the treatment of HIV. While this might not be the final solution to curing HIV, it's definitely a large step forward. Read the article here: Potential HIV cure approved for a human clinical trial, LGBTQ Nation
Roy was a 57 year old man. Who was a 5’9 130 pound man who lost a lot of weight. Balding, with some chest hair and a 7 inch poz dick when hard. He would hangout at the local bathhouse. Looking to get a guy to touch him. But his haggard appearance turned guys off. One night a 22 year old jock named Peter came in with his best friend Sean. Both were drop dead gorgeous. Sean was also 5’8 blonde hair blue eyes. And Peter was 5’11 dark brown hair and eyes. Both had 9 inch dicks. When Roy spotted the young men. Lust came over Roy. He thought both guys were extremely hot. But Peter made Roy’s dick hard. Both men went into the sauna. Roy followed them in and sat down next to Peter. His eyes were closed. Roy slowly brushed his hand against Peter’s leg. Peter moved his leg away. Sean didn’t stay long. He and Peter parted ways. Peter sat back down and Roy decided to slide his hand underneath Peter’s towel. “What the fuck are you doing?” Peter shouted at Roy. “Forgive me please.” “Nobody ever lets me touch them because of my condition.” Roy said. Peter said “it’s all right.” After sitting for a bit. Peter took Roy’s hand and let him rub his leg. “Thank you.” Roy said. He slowly once again moved his hand underneath the towel. Touching Pete’s dick. Roy took his hand and removed his own towel. Then he managed to get Peter’s towel off him. Roy asked if he could suck him. Peter agreed. But went to Roy’s room. He asked Peter if he could tie him up and suck him. Peter thought for a second. Because he felt sorry for him he agreed. Roy stopped his hands and ankles down on a table. Peter’s legs were spread. Roy locked the door and went over to Peter. He started jerking the young man’s dick. Then started sucking him. All the while Pete was enjoying it. Roy then went to eat his ass. It was a cute flat ass too. “Wait, what are you doing?” Pete asked. “Just relax.” Roy said. After eating out his ass. Roy grabbed the lube from his bag and put it on his dick and Peter’s ass. “No” Peter said. “Shhh” Roy said. “You need this has much as I do.” Roy stuffed a sock into his mouth. Then slowly put his Poz dick inside the helpless young man. Peter struggled to get free. But couldn’t Roy was enjoying this young fine piece of ass. Roy being on top of Peter. Removed the sock from his mouth and kissed him. Roy felt his dick plusing inside Peter’s now highly charged ass. His loads were deep inside the young man. Roy removed his dick. Peter passed out. When Peter woke up. Roy had some other poz guys who were fucking him and depositing their loads inside Peter.
“DOES THAT RAW DICK FEEL GOOD BOY? IS THAT WHAT YOU NEEDED?” The bottom had tried crawling forward, his body reacting to the infectious AIDS T-Bone I had just shoved in his booty hole - dry. He didn’t get far. His doggy masked head shook from side to side as his manicured pink nails - hidden inside his puppy costumed paws - tried to hold their grip on the edge of the bed. “GET BACK HERE BOY! STAY!” I snarled as I yanked my dick out of his rare hole, grabbed his wrists, dragged him back to where I wanted, and then mounted him again. My POZ drip mixing with his bloody hole was all the lube the pup needed. The pup’s dog tags jangled and jingled. “FEEL THAT BIG DICK KNOTTING YOU BOY?” He might have said something, but then arched his back and yelped like a good pup when I yanked out and slammed back in. I yanked out again, took a second to admire his furry little hole - surrounded by a touch of pink, now red, skin. His hole was the only thing on his body not covered by his pup costume, which was just fine by me. All I needed was someplace to bury my AIDS T-BONE. “BIG AIDS DICK IN THAT ASS BOY - FUCKING YOUR PUPPY HOLE!” The boy bucked, I laughed, grabbed the back of his collar, slid the fingers of both hands underneath and twisted and pulled back. The pup bucked and yelped and my AIDS T-BONE buried a little deeper. “I GOT A SHIT LOAD OF HOT AIDS GRAVY FOR THAT PUP HOLE BOY - FULL OF VIRUS KIBBLES AND BITS!” His little paws were useless. I turned my head to the left and admired myself in the full length mirrors he had on the wall. The small lenses of his two video cameras were not easy to detect, but I made sure they got the shots. I hope he enjoyed watching this later. I hope he enjoyed seeing my wasted body, the skin that hung slightly off my muscles, the ribs that showed in my chest, my hollowed out cheeks and lesioned skin. “THAT’S IT - WHIMPER FOR ME PUP. MY AIDS T-BONE DICK IS FILLING THAT ASS UP - TURNING YOU INTO A FULL FLEDGED BITCH!” The pup gurgled his agreement as I twisted the collar tighter and started to long dick that ass with deeper, filling, stretching and wrecking strokes! I had been eyeing the pup online for a while now. I knew his habits, his secret desires, his voyeuristic pleasures. I knew he liked to secretly record and live stream anonymous dick fucking him. I knew he always insisted on safe sex only - something which he was not only vocal about, but condescending to those who held a different approach to life. “I’M YOUR AIDS SIRE PUP! UNMEDICATED DADDY DOG DICK SLICKING UP YOUR LITTLE HOLE - BUSTING IT OPEN WITH MY BIG KNOT - THAT FORESKIN SLIDING BACK, GETTING READY FOR MY POZ NUTT TO SPADE AND FIX YOU!” A loud, clear, yelp escaped the pup’s lips as I tore open a new path of destruction in his guts. I pressed down on his shoulder blades with my left hand, turned my body clockwise with my dick still buried deep in his furry ass. We formed an AIDs’ cross, ready for his crucifixion. I took my right hand and pushed his right leg outward so his hips raised up a bit, giving me head on access to his sidewalls. “YEAH BOY, PLAYING FETCH. TAKING MY AIDS T-BONE SMACK IN THEM ASS WALLS. OPENING THAT FURRY HOLE SO WHEN MY BALLS MAKE YOU PREGNANT THERE WILL BE LOTS OF BRUISED AND BLOODY SPOTS FOR THEM BABIES TO HOOK UP TO!” The pup’s hole was smearing my dick good now, creaming for my AIDS T-BONE. I yanked out, the pup’s body spasmed from the sudden evacuation, and I easily rotated my position. I used my right hand now to press down between his shoulders keeping his body on the bed and adjusted his left leg and held it so I could damage the other side of his ass walls. The pup’s whimpering told me he was hungry. “GOOD PUP READY TO SUCKLE SOME POZ MILK OUT? GET THAT ASS BACK HERE - THAT’S IT - RIGHT ON THE END OF THE BED AND DROP THEM LITTLE HIND LEGS DOWN. I’M GOING TO DRIVE MY AIDS T-BONE RIGHT UP THAT HOLE AND SQUIRT MY VIRAL MILK! GOOD PUP - TAKE THIS AIDS T-BONE! FEEL IT PUP? FEEL THAT KNOT SWELL? YEAH WHIMPER FOR ME LIKE A GOOD PUPPY - WHIMPER FOR ME AS YOUR SIRE BREEDS YOU - BEG FOR MY POZ MILK! BEG FOR IT PUP - BEG FOR IT - FILLING YOUR PUP ASS UP YOU FUCKING BITCH! FILLING YOU UP!” A couple of hours later I got up my nap. Filling a NEG hole up is always the best thing to get me set for a long nap out in hammock in the afternoon sun. I wiped the sweat from my brow, adjusted my eyes, and pulled up the pup’s homepage. Fuck yeah! Folks had liked our scene and had rated it five WOOFS! Lots of comments about ‘what a great set up’, ‘hot role play’, the ‘realistic fake fluids’. I’d give pup a couple days. He’ll come scratching at my door begging to be let in and when he does, I’ll be ready. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
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Nico heard the door knob jiggle and the front door swing open. He's home, he thought. Jumping onto the bed, Nico was almost entirely naked except for the bright orange, knee-high socks he was wearing. He positioned himself on all fours with his hole facing the bedroom door. "Babe?," Omar called from the living room. "I'm in the bedroom," Nico replied. Nico heard Omar set his keys down and walk toward the bedroom. "You slut," Omar laughed. "Care for a ride, stranger?", Nico retorted as he wagged his ass back and forth a few times. And what a perfect ass it was. On their first date, Omar had joked about Nico's ass "defying gravity." Nico then heard Omar walk into the room and unzip his pants. "How was work?" Nico asked as he arched his back, revealing the muscular dimples where his spine met his pelvis and all but advertising that he wasn't actually listening for an answer. Omar, ignoring Nico's question, placed one hand on Nico's ass. "Such a fucking hot dancer's butt you got, boy," Omar admired as he ran his left hand around the gorgeous muscular spheres, making swooping figure-eights on Nico's plump fuck cushions. "It's going to be nice watching this hot ass catch the attention of all your friend's dads at graduation." Omar loved parading his young, hot boyfriend in front of other thirsty men. Nico could hear Omar reaching into his underwear to fondle his meaty dick. "Mmmmm, is daddy getting his thick cock ready to plow open some twink hole?," Nico purred. The age gap between Nico and Omar was always a huge turn-on for them both, with Nico's 18-year-old boyishness making Omar's 36-year-old manliness stand out all the more whenever the two were out in public together. Omar, again ignoring Nico's question, landed a swift strike to Nico's butt cheek with an open palm, letting out a crisp snap. "Fuck!" Nico responded, almost whispering -- quieter than seemed proportionate with the striking his jock ass had just received. "No more questions, slut," Omar muttered as he began pressing his raw mushroom head into Nico's supple, pink hole. Omar had been calling Nico a slut since the first time Omar stuck his bare cock in his sexy little twink boy on their first date. Omar knew he'd found his new boyfriend the second Nico led him into that bathroom stall at the restaurant where they first met and let Omar stuff him full of man-seed before dessert had even been served. Not only that, Nico had never even so much as broached the subject of condoms with Omar before guiding Omar's girthy, engorged cock into his young rectum and absorbing Omar's throbbing fuckstick into him with ease. "What a fucking slut," Omar remembers muttering after unloading that first thick ropey load of DNA is this sexually precocious high school senior. It was a huge turn on for Omar that Nico hadn't even so much as asked about STDs. The little slut had no idea what kind of load he was taking and didn't seem to care. "Jesus Christ, daddy, pork me all ready," Nico entreatied as his craving for Omar's raw cock hijacked Nico's patience. Still dutifully on all fours, Nico arched his back again revealing the sculpted, lean musculature of his lower back. Omar spat on his cockhead and swirled his dick around Nico's fresh, pink hole before thrusting his pelvis forward and plunging his cock into Nico's not-quite-ready-for-it rectum. "Ow, fuck! Daddy, that hurt!" Nico let out. Omar felt his loins burn with desire at hearing his boy toy cry out in pain from an unnecessarily forceful penetration. Omar had his raw, barely lubed cock already pressing at the entrance to Nico's second hole. Nico winced with pain. "You want me to stop, baby boy?," Omar asked tenderly. "Maybe just for a second, daddy," Nico replied. "Of course, slut," Omar replied while starting to slowly pull his raw dick out. Just as his cock head was beginning to crest at the lip of Nico's hole, Omar reversed course and slammed his raw dick right back into the twink's hole without warning. "God, fuck!" Nico let out, wincing. "Tell me you want me to stop, slut," Omar barked dryly as he relished Nico's warm, tight hole. "Omar, please stop," Nico said, dropping the nicknames and taking on a more serious tone. Omar knew Nico wasn't just playing, but Omar's cock was not leaving that boy's hole. Omar slowed his thrusts but never stopped his slow-fucking. "Omar, come on," Nico insisted. Omar's thrusts picked up pace as he began plunging his shaft faster and faster into Nico. "Ow, fuck," Nico muttered. His tender hole was starting to burn from the lack of lubrication. Nico tried pulling his hips forward to get Omar's cock out of him, but as soon as Omar felt Nico trying to wiggle free, he grabbed Nico's hips and pulled the twink forcefully back onto his rock-hard cock. Nico cried out again. "Fucking take that dick, boy," Omar grunted, adding, "It's not my fault you made me do this to you." Nico gave up resisting and resigned himself to being fucked against his will knowing that Omar could not resist fucking Nico's brains out once he had his raw cock inside the twink. Nico relaxed his hole, hoping that would provide some relief from the pain of his boyfriend's raw cock tearing him open. "Apologize to me for making me do this to you, fucking slut," Omar said with a hint of disdain. "I'm sorry," Nico obliged. "You're what, you little whore?" "I'm sorry for making you do this to me, daddy." "That's right slut." Omar's cock thrusts were picking up pace, as he took advantage of his warm flesh-sleeve of a boyfriend. Omar reached around and clasped his enormous hands around Nico's throat and slowly began to apply pressure. Nico felt his airway closing under the force of Omar's grip. Omar was not piston fucking Nico at full speed. Omar's grip got tighter. It was getting to be almost impossible for Nico to breath. Nico started seeing stars. "Oh fuck yeah, slut," Omar uttered hungrily. "I'm going to fuckin choke you out while I rape you, you dumb fucking slut." Omar started grunting as he felt his balls swelling in anticipation. Omar's cock shot out a thick wad of sperm into Nico's now-compliant hole. Nico felt Omar's cock twitch inside him as he unloaded inside Nico. "Fucking whore," Omar said as he dismounted, finally releasing Nico's neck. Nico fell to the bed gulping air back into his lungs as Omar's cum sloshed around inside him. Nico gathered himself back up. "Daddy?" He said raspily, sounding upset. "Yeah?" "I'm so sorry, daddy."
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[Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
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***This is fiction, though the circumstance is loosely based on something that happened to me a couple of years ago. Sadly, that event didn't result in my pozzing or a gangbang. I'm confident that this story is much hotter than that encounter was.*** It was a bad enough day as it was, waking up with a wicked migraine. To top it off, I could hear the noise of construction machinery being set up on the street outside the house. The noise was unbearable, and what’s worse is that my pills weren’t doing a damn thing. So I resorted to the natural approach. It always works so I don’t know why I don’t just go for that first thing. My pain eased considerably, though wasn’t completely gone, but the incessant noise outside was doing it’s best to bring it all back. I couldn’t stand it anymore and, dressed in a pair of nylon shorts and tee shirt, I stormed outside and demanded to speak to the foreman. The first guy I confronted told me he’d find him, and I went back inside to wait. After a few minutes the doorbell sounded. I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that. I opened the door to find a stunning hunk with just the right amount of sweat and grime on him to make me forget all about my head as the blood all rushed to my crotch. Six feet four at least, solid build, hairy arms and chest (from what I could see peeking over top of his tee shirt) and thick legs stretching his jeans in the most mouthwatering way I could ever imagine. “What’s the problem?” he asked bluntly. Even with his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance he was HOT. I was almost at a loss for words at that point, using all of my brain power to keep my dick from rising to full mast in front of him like some nightmare from high school. I stammered a few seconds and cleared my throat to buy me enough time to reacquaint myself with my words. “Sorry to bug, but I’ve been battling a massive migraine all day and I was just wondering if there was any chance you guys might be cutting out early today? It’s almost gone but with that machinery just outside it really feels like it will come back,” I told him in a rush of too many words. “We just got started,” he complained. “I don’t want to make things difficult for you, it’s just-” “Please,” I begged. “I’ll do anything you want. I swear. Just for today?” I pleaded. I saw something in his eyes at that moment but couldn’t be sure what, and a slight tug at the corner of his mouth. He glanced over his shoulder back to his guys outside, considering his options I suppose, and then looked back to me. “Tell you what. I’ll take you up on that tomorrow. I’ll clear my guys out right now so you can rest up.” Fuck, could he get any sexier? I mean, beyond good looking and he had a sympathetic side, too. “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you,” I replied, practically bouncing on my feet. “Have a good night,” he said and then disappeared back outside, closing the door behind him. Within a matter of minutes the neighbourhood was silent again. A man of his word. I was so elated by the silence and opportunity to relax that I didn’t even clue into what he’d said about taking me up on my offer ‘to do anything he wanted’ tomorrow. Sure enough, feeling much better the following morning, in the midst of all of the construction noise, the doorbell sounded. I was surprised to answer it to find the hunky foreman standing before me. “Feeling better?” he asked, to which I told him so. “Good, then let's get started,” he said, boldly walking into my house and shutting the door behind him. I was stunned at first, having no clue what was going on. “Started?” I asked him dumbly. “Yesterday you said you would do anything I wanted if we cut out early. Time to pay up,” he told me, strolling into the living room and plopping his perfect muscular ass down onto my sofa.
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Rick was a 24 year old top. He liked to fuck guys his own age. Very much into himself. He would tease older men with the promise that he would bottom bareback for them. Letting them text their fantasies on Grindr. Even trading nude pics. One guy in particular an older man named Gus, at age 56 was diagnosed with HIV. And put on meds to help make him undetectable. However the meds didn’t work on this particular HIV variant. Gus wanted to be able to fuck but didn’t want to let anyone know he was positive. Rick would flirt with Gus. Promising him he could shoot his loads deep into his ass. Gus grew frustrated with Rick. When he kept avoiding hooking up. That would change. One Sunday night Gus and Rick were at a bar. Gus spotted him. And went over to say hi. Rick recognized Gus. And they engaged in small talk. Gus even brought Rick a drink. Unknown to Rick. Gus put a roofie into it. Gus got Rick out of the bar and into his car. Taking him to his house.Gus put Rick on the couch and undressed him. Then he undressed himself. Gus rubbed Rick’s ass cheeks. Kissed him on the neck. Gus also played with his and Rick’s cocks. He fingered Rick’s ass. Getting a moan from him. Gus lubed up his dick and Rick’s ass. Rick was slowly awakening up due to the thrusting of Gus’s dick inside his ass. “Wait” Rick said softly. “I’ve waited long enough and I’m going to see that you keep your promise to me.” Gus got more aggressive with fucking Rick. Who was too weak to fight him off. Gus flipped Rick around to fuck him missionary. He wanted to see Rick’s face when he came inside the young man. “Ahhhh” Gus grunted. “I’m cumming inside of you!” “Take my hiv loads, you teasing bitch!” Rick pleaded. “Please no!” But it was too late. Rick had Gus’s loads inside him. And Gus put a butt plug into Rick’s ass to be sure his loads stay inside him. “I’ll have you arrested for assault.” Rick said. Gus without a word got his phone and showing him Rick’s text that he could fuck him raw. Rick knew then he would have no case. And Gus fucked him one more time and secretly recorded the second fuck. As evidence in case Rick decided to arrest him.
My uncle had business on the coast of Mississippi and he offered me $200 to help him out. I didn't have a job, I needed money, and I liked being around him. He's been my father figure since I was born and we've had a special bond that I didn't understand when I was a kid. I stayed at his house every weekend throughout most of my childhood. I've been attracted to him for most of my life. When I was thirteen, I started sneaking into his bedroom every time he came in from doing yard work. While he was in the shower, I would pick his underwear off the floor and inhale his scent. I was addicted to his musk, his masculinity. He wore his clothes two sizes too small, and he was never without his well-worn John Deere baseball cap. He was a red-blooded American man and all I wanted was him. When I was sixteen, I was finally caught in the act. He went out to get breakfast and I went to his bedroom. I was sitting on the edge of his bed, his underwear pressed to my face and masturbating, when I realized he was standing there, staring at me. I froze. I was too scared to move. "Forgot my wallet," was all he said. He grabbed his wallet from the dresser without taking his eyes off me, and left. After a few minutes, I managed to finish what I was doing. He came back with breakfast and we ate. We talked about going to the lake to fish. We didn't speak of what had happened. His attitude towards me changed only for the better. We felt closer. I told him when I was eighteen that I was gay, but that wasn't entirely true. I wasn't sure what I was. I wasn't attracted to women, and the only man I was attracted to was him, but I couldn't tell him that. I didn't know how he felt and I didn't want to ruin the relationship we had. I had noticed over the past year that his body was changing. He was getting skinnier. His ass wasn't as plump as it used to be. He was still as masculine as ever, but not as built. I still wanted him. He had a dark patch on his chin that he said was just a bruise. I accepted that as truth, but I noticed that it was gone the next day, and that it looked like he had put makeup over it. It didn't take much for me to realize that he probably had AIDs. My attraction to him only continued to grow. I still wanted him, and maybe I was wrong for it, but a need started growing inside me to be just like him. I wanted whatever it was he had, whether it was AIDs or not. When we were in the car, on the way to the coast for his business trip, I would find myself staring at him. He caught me several times, and smiled at me each time. This isn't normal, I kept thinking to myself. But I knew I couldn't come back from this business trip without getting what I wanted. Diseased or not, I've wanted this man sexually for years. It was time I did something to make it happen. I may have been doubtful when I was sixteen, but I knew in my heart that it wouldn't take much to get him to make love to me. Our hotel was a sleazy, rundown joint two blocks from the coast. A couple of tractor-trailers were parked at the far end of the parking lot, and two women, who were without a doubt prostitutes, walked up-and-down the sidewalk in front of the rooms. It was just after seven in the evening when we had checked into our room. I was surprised to see only one queen-size bed, and my heart and cock danced at the possibility that seemed too good to be true. I sat on the edge of the bed. I was hungry. "Can we order pizza?" He smiled at me. "Yes. But I want you to do something for me first." "Anything." He smiled again. "Good. I want you to watch me." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wait here for a minute and you'll see," he said. He walked out the door and a moment later he returned with one of the women. Without saying a word, he bent her over the little table by the window. He lifted her dress and made eye contact with me as he felt inside her. He didn't break eye contact even has he unbuttoned his jeans, slipped them to his knees, and put himself inside her. I was the one who broke eye contact first. My gaze fell to his ass, now starting to sag a little. A black patch decorated his right ass cheek. I sucked in air. My cock started to throb. I reached into the pair of sweat pants I was wearing and stroked myself. I met his eyes once again and he was smiling at me. "You like that?" He asked. The woman answered, but I knew he was asking me. And I knew what he was referring to. I nodded and smiled even wider. "Good. I was hoping you would." He stared at me as finished. I noticed a flash of pain on his face that lasted only a second as he came inside her. He pulled his jeans back up to his hips before she managed to turn around. He showed her the door and closed it behind her. He turned to me. "I'm hoping that was only foreplay." He was rubbing his crotch and I could see him hardening through his jeans. I stood up and took my clothes off. I looked at him. "You know I want you. I'd be surprised if you didn't." "But do you know what you're getting into?" He asked. "You're the only person I've ever asked that question. You're like a son to me. I want to know that you understand. I want to believe that you understand." I gave him a little smile. "I understand what I'm probably getting into. It doesn't take much to figure out what that black patch means. I still want you. I've always wanted you." He pulled his clothes off. There was a patch on his chest, two patches on his torso, a patch on his pelvis, and, even though I couldn't see it now, the patch on his ass that I saw earlier." "You have to promise me that I won't be the only one." "What do you mean?" I asked. "This is a brotherhood. By the time we go home, you'll be a part of a brotherhood of men who live their lives to recruit others. You have to help do that." I thought about it for a moment. If summoning up the urge to have sex with someone who wasn't him meant fulfilling a wish that I've desperately wanted to come true, I would do it. "I promise," I said. He walked over to me, bent down to meet my lips, and kissed me. He gently pushed me to my knees and rubbed his cock against my lips. He still smelled like her. It wasn't a pleasant smell. His slit was raw and oozing. I let him in my mouth and started sucking him. He moaned as I sucked him, doing my best to keep my teeth away from him. I had never sucked anyone before, and I felt like I was doing a good job. It sound like I was. I felt his hands slip under my armpits. I looked up at him and he lifted me onto the bed. Laying me down, he climbed on top of me, pressed his body against mine, and kissed me. My body was screaming with pleasure as he rubbed his cock against mine. He slid down between my legs, lifted them up, and started licking my asshole. I felt my brain popping with pleasure. He kept making me wetter with spit. He slipped a finger in, working me open. Two fingers. Three fingers. It hurt, but it felt so good. He climbed over my body and gently sat on my chest. "Get it wet." I sucked him, getting as much spit on his cock as I could. He climbed back to my legs, pushed them against my chest, and put his cock against my hole. "This will hurt at first. It won't last long. I promise." He pushed the head of his cock inside me with a little force. I yelped. He learned forward, cupping my face with his hands. "You'll be okay." I nodded, and he kissed me again. Slowly, he moved himself in, and out, and in again, until all of him was inside me. He was right. It didn't last long. Waves of pleasure crashed through me. It was bliss. It was perfect. He spent the better part of an hour slowly making love to me. His breathing started to get more rapid, his thrusts faster and harder. "This isn't the end." He said. "This is the beginning. You'll be a part of something that will connect you with men all over the world. We deserve respect, and that's what we get." His face started twisting. He was about to orgasm. He gave one last final thrust. He cried out in pain as he exploded inside me. I started to jerk my cock, but he pushed my hand away as he collapsed on top of me. He pulled himself out of me. "Men like us, we don't masturbate. We don't waste what can be given to others." He laid down next to me. "I want you to finish inside me." I climbed over to his ass. I spread his cheeks. He hole was purple and raw. There were little bumps around it. "Don't spit on it." He said. "I'll be fine without it. I promise. Just go for it." I put the head of my dick against his hole and pushed. I slid inside him with ease. I was in him for less than a minute before I started blowing the biggest load of my life. When I pulled out, I could see a small streak of blood on my dick. He rolled onto his side and pulled me to him. "I'm attracted to you as much as you are to me." He said. "I hope that we can keep doing this. Sharing our gifts is the best part of the brotherhood." I smiled at him. "Of course we can." I paused a moment. "That woman. You did that to spread the gift?" "Yes," he said. "I only hope that I gifted her and she'll spread that gift to every man that puts himself inside her." We ordered that pizza I wanted, ate dinner, and spent the night repeatedly making love to each other. When I woke up the next morning, my heart fluttered with excitement when I pissed and it burned a little. "Welcome to brotherhood." My uncle said when I told him. "It may only seem like a minor infection, but after the night we had, there's no doubt that you're a member of the pack now."
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I’d been with my girlfriend for a couple years. EVERY time things got hot in bed, I’d bust my nut way too early. Then feel too tired to do much else. My girl loved receiving oral, which I liked going down on her. But I would stroke myself off while eating her out. She had some bi tendencies and a couple of times she had hooked up with other girls and really enjoyed a girl going down on her. So she hatched a plan. She borrowed a skimpy dress from one of her friends who was a couple sizes larger than she was, bought some fishnet stockings and pink frilly panties. I come home from work one day and these clothes were laid out with a note. “Put these on and come eat me out bitch”. I’d never dressed like a girl, but getting dressed got me excited. I got to the bedroom, and she was naked playing with herself. She sees me in the dress and tells me “dinner’s ready, eat it up”. It was so hot, and I came almost instantly just putting my tongue between her thighs. She told me I needed to last longer. She gets out her phone and finds male chastity cages. Asks if I’d be willing to try, getting locked up for a couple hours while I pleasure her. I read the guys who try this have mindblowing orgasms once they are released. I made no promises that I’d wear it more than once. She said to go get one, And maybe some gogo boots to complete the girl look. Why not, sounded like she would really enjoy it. We look on line and find a couple of physical stores down in the city that should have what she wanted for me. I was getting ready to go to the store that Saturday, and she said “wouldn’t it be more fun if you went shopping in the stockings and panties?” I started to hesitate, and she started pulling off my pants. She convinced me to do whatever she wanted when she started giving me a bj. I did not last long before I exploded in her mouth, put the panties and stockings on under my pants and drove off. 45 minutes later and I was parking at the store. I went in and started looking for the boots first. A man came up and asked if I needed any help. He was an older white guy, maybe early 60’s, just in shorts and a t-shirt. I actually did need help. I had no clue about sizing. I told him my girlfriend’s feet were about the same size as mine. He winked and stated to add about 1.5 sizes larger. Cool, picked some out, but they were expensive. Almost $200. But why not, right? Then I was looking for the cage. I’m standing in front of 3 different sizes. The older guy from earlier asks again if I need help. I tell him I don’t know what size I need. He says “ grab the medium, head to the bathroom, and try it on.” He points to a door with a sign that says “employees only”. I was like “Are you sure? I’d have to open the packaging.” He says “Yes, we send stuff back all the time that someone has tried.” Cool. I went into the bathroom, but no lock on the door. Oh well. I took off my shoes and pants. I zipped the boots up. They fit perfectly. Next, I open the packaging for chastity cage. It’s pink plastic with a couple of keys that go into a cylinder to unlock it. I was fumbling trying to get it on before I got too hard. I heard a satisfying click when I got everything in place. I was looking at myself in the mirror on the back of the door when it burst open. “What the fuck are you doing in here faggot?!” came out of the mouth of the huge black man standing in front of me. I started to explain “The old guy told me..” He said “You mean your boyfriend?”. I stammer “N N No, I have a girlfriend”. He looks me up and down. He’s like 6’4”, and built like a defensive lineman. Dressed in a white button down shirt and gray slacks. “I am so tired of you faggots stealing shit out of my store!” he said. I said “I was going to pay…” “Bull-FUCKING-shit. Take MY boots off NOW!” he said. As I started to comply, he walks into the small bathroom and shuts the door behind him. He said “Stop, you kind of look good in them you little faggot. I’m going to make you earn them.” “ W W What do you mean? I’m not gay, my girlfriend..” “You’re MY girlfriend now.” With that, he pulls out a massive cock, at least 9 inches. As I stand there staring at it, he said “on your knees, it’s not going to suck itself.” As I started to protest, he grabbed my shoulder and easily pushed me on my knees being unsteady standing in half unzipped gogo boots. “Suck it faggot, and if I feel any teeth I’ll knock them the fuck OUT!” This is when I sucked the first cock in my life. It felt wrong….but good. I was opening my mouth almost as wide as it could to take his massive shaft. He then put his big hands behind my head and jammed his massive cock in my throat. I was trying to gag, but he held steady. It seemed like ages and he let go. I was…. enjoying this? I could feel my cock pushing against it’s constraints so I could not get hard. Since he had let go, I assumed we were done. I started to stand up. “Where the FUCK do you think you’re going?” his voice boomed. “Turn around and pull those panties off.” “No fucking way am I…” SMACK He slapped me across the face and move me into position to rape my ass. “No,PLEASE, I don’t want this” “You should have thought of that before you tried stealing from my store. Now put that ass up.” I complied. He sipt on my ass, and rubbed something else on it, then PAIN. I was SCREAMING. “Shut the fuck up faggot, I know you’ve had bigger than my finger up in you.” FINGER? Holy shit. He kept this up for a minute or two and kept muttering that he was going to break in this tight pussy. He pulled his finger out and positioned his cock right on my hole. “Where’s the condom??!” “I don’t know, did you steal any of them from me FAGGOT?” As he was saying “faggot”, he force his cock into my virgin hole. My god did it hurt! After a couple of minutes, the pain started to become pleasurable? Was I actually enjoying being raped? It seemed like hours, the pleasure subsided and turned to pain again as the picked up the pace. He was pulling further out and slammin his shaft in my ass. I could feel his balls slapping me. “Take my toxic load FAGGOT!” he screams as he stops thrusting and holds my hips so tight I can’t possibly pull away as he shoots his load into me. He pulled out with a wet plop sound and stood up. “Don’t fucking move faggot”. I didn’t. I could feel his cum oozing out of my ruined asshole. He comes back and moves me to the toilet. I think he is going to piss on me, but the reality is much worse. He gets me on my knees again, and handcuffs me to the toilet. “Those boots are $200. You’ve earned $20.” Over the next couple hours, I received a ball gag as I was screaming when he sold me to the next person for $20. And the next, until my debt was paid. I was uncuffed and allowed to put my pants back on. As I was leaving, the store owner said “Only come back if you are giving that ass away. No one wants to pay to fuck a fag with AIDS. On the drive home I stopped to consider what just happened. My cock is locked in a cage, and the keys are lost back at the store. I’ve been raped by multiple men who were HIV positive. And I enjoyed it. I turned the car around to go back to the city. That night, I left the pants in the car, and walked the back alleys in gogo boots, stockings, and soiled panties in search of any cock that would fill the gap in my ass…
THE CORRUPTION CONTINUES CHAPTER ONE After the scene at the bistro, Pat’s relationship with his bitch wife was officially over. In an effort to end things quickly, he actually convinced the cunt to take the house (including the majority of the contents) and her shiny sports car as her settlement. No alimony to hold over his head for years to come, just a clean break. And trust me, she’s the kind of parasite who would milk him for alimony until the day he died. Pat continued to stay at the cheap motel he’d been checked into the night he came to me, even though we spent most of our free time together now. He blocked out all of his buddies who tried calling him to ask him, “What the fuck?” when they heard about his divorce. Not to mention the fact that his skank ex-wife felt no shame in spreading the word that he was a faggot now. Little did she know how bad that made her look. She could have had the sexiest man in town all her own, but she couldn’t keep him happy. In fact, I made sure that word spread that she practically pushed him into my arms. And bed. It took so little effort to let everyone know that she was a shrill, frigid, caustic shrew who knew less about pleasing a man than the butchest of diesel dykes. The other reason Pat insisted on keeping the motel room long-term is because he liked the seedy nature of it. We fucked there often, making sure that people walking past or in nearby rooms could hear two guys fucking like animals. He had gone from ‘so naive’ to ‘such a pig’, it made my head spin. And my heart flutter. Despite the motel room, he basically lived with me. All of his clothes were at my place. That’s really all he took away from his marriage. That and his truck. And all of his tools. He was a man who works with his hands and needs his tools to work. He didn’t want anything else from the house. His clothes, his truck, his tools, and his dignity. What more does a horny single hunk need? With no bickering, his divorce was final after a month. After that everything changed. Pat had really gotten to love having a pig at his disposal. I literally sucked his dick anywhere he wanted, and bent over for a fuck anywhere he needed. Basically any time we were in his truck, I was leaning over and sucking him off or slathering his balls. We fucked beside his truck in a packed parking lot, and only one guy walked past us and grunted, “Faggots” at us. He was smiling, though, so he wasn’t going to cause us any problems. He fucked me in public bathrooms, clothing store change rooms, adult book stores and bath houses, cruising parks. Anywhere and everywhere. I was a slut in HEAVEN. But with the finalization of his divorce, Pat took a turn for the darker. He had started paying more attention to the guys around us while we were pigging out. Mostly at the bath houses and book stores, he started to notice some of the men who he hadn’t seen fuck me yet. Well, actually, we’d been fucking so much that he hadn’t told me to take any other cocks since those first couple of meetings. Since we were more ‘together’ it’s just been us. Until he started looking around at other guys who seemed to want in on the action. The sick looking guys. Skinny, wasting, gaunt, with KS lesions. He started asking me questions about them one night as we lay in bed after a particularly satisfying fuck session. “They have AIDS, don’t they?” he asked me, his arms around me, holding me tight to his body while we spooned. “I’m sure some of them do,” I sighed. “Does it ever worry you? You’ve let me encourage you to take loads from a few strangers and I never once thought about what it could be doing to you.” We had already discussed we were both negative shortly after our first fuck session, so he had an idea of what we might be getting into. Although his concern was seriously sweet, it was also getting me royally horny again, and I couldn’t help but shove my ass back towards his cock, which I found, had begun to fill out once again while we talked. “I lived too much of my life worried about the consequences. And I never had any fun,” I told him. “That’s why I started going to the book stores and being a slut. I know enough to know that it isn’t a death sentence, and the guys I know who are infected fuck like you wouldn’t believe. I always felt like I was missing out.” “But those guys who are sick . . . they could die, right? So it still could be a death sentence,” he pointed out. “Yeah, but some men who have full-blown AIDS have let themselves get to that point. They love having the virus so powerful in their systems. It’s a high for a lot of guys.” I continued to rub my ass on his now-hard cock, hoping he’d take the hint. Pat reached around and grabbed hold of my own rock-hard throbbing dick, and he laughed. “Fuck, feels like you might love it, too. Are you seriously this turned on because we’re talking about AIDS?” “I guess I am,” I replied, reaching back and lining him up with my already-cum-sloppy hole until he started to sink back into me. I was surprised to feel Pat get even bigger and harder inside of me, and he growled sexily in my ear as he began to ram me harder from behind. Normally getting fucked on my side wasn’t my favorite position, but this was feeling damn good to me. Intimate. “Uh! It -feels like -uh! like you -uh! enjoy it too!” I managed to grunt out between his urgent thrusts. Pat’s grip around me got much tighter, as if he was trying to possess me, get as deep as he could into my greedy pig hole. “Fucking right,” he grunted. “Let’s do it.” “Do what?” I asked. I knew the answer, but I really wanted to hear him say the words. “Get AIDS. Ah, fuck, I’m gonna cum!” he roared, squeezing me to him as his balls drained their payload into me. After we came back down and got our breathing under control, I rolled over so we were face to face, kissed him, and then just stared into his beautiful eyes. Pat reached up and caressed the side of my face and smiled at me. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” “Get infected, you mean?” I asked, to which he nodded. “I always expected it to happen sooner or later, so I’m fine with it. I just wasn’t sure if it was something you would be okay with.” “It scares the fuck out of me, I’m not gonna lie. But....” He stopped and looked down towards his crotch and then back up at me and grinned. “I think that says it all.” I glanced down. His cock as throbbing hard once again. Clearly he liked the idea as much as I. “Okay, then. Looks like we have a consensus,” I laughed.
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Hospice Worker Today was my first day on the job as an AIDS Hospice worker. My agency provides in-home services and proudly specializes in what they term “loving care.” I had received hours and hours of training, but this was to be my very first case. I was 2 minutes late when I rang the doorbell. A tall, fair-haired man opened the door. He had a pleasant face but at that moment, he looked tired and rather stressed out. He stepped back and beckoned me to enter. “Hi! I’m Bill. You’re here to see Martin, right?” I replied, “Yes! Hi…I’m Joey…from the agency!” “Well…thank God that you’re here!” he said. “He’s been asking for you!” “I’m not sure how much longer he’s going to last,” Bill said as he walked me up the stairs to the master bedroom, which had been converted into a sort of hospital room. “I know that he’s excited to be seeing you! He’s been saying that there’s something that he wants to give you before he goes.” I didn’t know what he was referring to, but…looking back…would it have made any difference? I was trained to see to any and all needs that my client had, right to the very end. Bill tapped on the bedroom door and opened it gently. “Martin? Are you awake? Joey’s here to see you!” After entering, I saw Martin lying on the hospital bed. Although now he was emaciated by the disease, at one time he must have been a rather fit and good-looking man. He had a ready smile and I could still see a passionate fire smoldering in his eyes! He said, “You must be Joey! I’m SO GLAD to finally meet you…SO GLAD that we can spend some time together!” He turned to Bill, “Could you bring Joey a cup of tea?” Tea is not really my thing, but like I said, I’m here to serve. When Bill returned with a cup and saucer, I murmured my thanks! Bill nodded and said, “Well…I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll check back in a bit!” There were no chairs in the room. Martin patted the spot next to him on the mattress, “Here! Come sit on the edge of the bed next to me. We can get to know each other.” I sat down, holding the tea saucer on my lap. We chatted about this and that. Even though this was our first encounter, he seemed exceedingly pleased to have me there. His cheeks had a feverish flush and his eyes burned brightly. “So…how’s your tea? Earl Grey, is it?” he inquired. I politely took a sip and said, “I’m not sure…but it tastes good!” Out of the blue, he asked me about my HIV status. When I informed him that I was HIV-Negative, his face lit up with an amazing smile. It was like the sun suddenly coming out from behind the clouds. “I, on the other hand,” he said, “have an incredibly high viral level! I bet that I’d convert you…I mean, someone like you…in no time at all! It makes me horny, just thinking about it!” His hand found its way onto my thigh. As we continued talking, he left it there. It didn’t really bother me, so I said nothing. Soon, however, his fingers began to trace lazy circles, almost as if he was trying to seduce me. In the interests of propriety, I tried shifting my leg a little but his remained perched where it was. He kept telling me to finish my tea, so before long, the cup was empty. I started to feel unusually tired. Martin asked, “Are you OK?” I answered, “Yeah…it’s just that all of a sudden I really feel like going to sleep.” Martin’s response was, “That’s just the knock-out drops kicking in. Don’t worry! They only last a few minutes. Here now…just relax! You’ll be alright!” I heard him call out, “Bill!” and vaguely heard the bedroom door open. As if from a distance, I heard Bill’s voice say, “I’ll get his things off!” Hands tugged at my clothes and then, at some point, I was aware of being naked. Bill’s voice came again. “Here you go! Up on the bed with you!” After that, I must have drifted off. At some point, my eyes popped open. I could feel what must be a large stiff cock, inching its way up inside me. Where was I? Someone’s fingers were playing weakly with my nipples. I became aware of someone’s hot labored breath on the back of my neck. I managed to speak. “Martin? Is that YOU?” A voice said, “Relax! I told you that you’d be alright! It’s just me! I wasn’t sure you’d want me making love to you…you know…you being NEGATIVE…and with my AIDS and all. This will be my last time and I wanted it to be with someone special like you. I hope you won’t hold this against me for doing this.” Once I was past the initial shock of my situation, I was able to put things into perspective. Martin had needs. Needs that only I could fulfill for him. Wasn’t that part of my job, after all? Martin, along with so many others, was entitled to the same joys and physical pleasures as the rest of us. I felt as if were my duty to open myself to him and provide what comfort I could. His hips started moving, pumping his organ in and out of my hole. God, it felt so good! His hands continued to paw at my chest as my back arched with delight. In his weakened state, he didn’t last very long. “Joey!” he cried. “Take my SEED! I’m passing my virus on to YOU! Treasure it! Keep it safe within you and let it flourish and grow. Let my DNA join with yours! That way…I’ll live on inside of YOU!” His body started to spasm. His hips slammed into me 3…4…5 times…and then held against me as the last of his toxic sperm drained into me. “Don’t move! he whispered imploringly! “Let my seed find a place to latch on to your innards and begin to multiply! It’s my GIFT to YOU!” It was the least I could do to remain there with him still inside me, his last diseased load beginning its assault on my immune system. A few minutes later, Martin passed away, a contented smile on his face. Bill re-entered the bedroom and helped me disengage myself. He handed me something and said, “Martin was hoping that you would use this!” It was a butt plug. “He wanted you to give his bug the best chance to spread throughout your body!” That made perfect sense. I won’t clean out tonight. I’ll keep his gift inside me & cherish it as a way to honor Martin and keep some part of him alive inside me. All I know is that, from now on, I’ll let our clients know that I’ll willingly offer my body as an incubator for their their viral seed.
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Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tounge so i could/would makes mistakes... this story is fiction... for now 😈😈 I plan to realise a part of it eventually... 3 people are willing to follow me. Time will tell... After chattin' with a friend of mine about my sexual deviance, he told me that i turned him on for several reasons. We started to explore his need and i got a big surprise... I was not alone with my twisted mind. He's twisted like me. Chapter 1 My friend, i'll call him Edouard (Eddy), wanted to get pozzed for a long time but he never found someone serious enough to Gift him, until we talked... Wa talked about our fantasy for 2 days on WhatsApp... describing how we'd like to proceed for his pozzing... He took me on some nasty paths that makes me hard as steel. He wants to consider me as a Jewel Wasp and him as my prey... He REALLY wants me to Make him... to Pozz him. He makes me horny like a Hornet who needs to sting his prey... he makes me become a predator, THE kind of predator i adore... EVIL. He said that he wasn't sure he wants to cross the line and he wants me to guide him at MY direction. He feels hypnotized by me, by my POZ dick, by my PA, by my twisted talk. Before working for his pozzing, we made a deal. If he accepts me as his Pozzer, that's gonna be like a sacrifice. He's gonna fuck up his health for MY pleasure and MY pride. There are some conditions he needs to satisfy for me to Reward him! A Wasp Tattoo... Emerald Green and Black (for the Jewel Wasp) it's MY Mark ! (the image at the end of this chapter) A negative blood test results. NO one to fuck him until he convert. Anonymous HIV test... until it comes back POZ and afterwards, regular blood tests to know how high the viral load will climb. when the convertion succeeds, he's gonna have to GIFT... and to get recharged. Stay off meds as long as he can (but i don't want my prey to pass away... ) Recharging me ! He agreed all of these conditions. These conditions are mine to POZ someone. I'm the Boss in MY colony! I want to create new wasps and make it grow!!! He needs me to break his Pandora's Box... to make sure he's not gonna close it anymore. He's feeling hot as Hell... and he invites me to talk in person about this. I travelled to his place and we talked, naked but we did not fuck. I wanted to control his mind like the Jewel Wasp does with its prey... so we talk about how we'd like to get sick, how i'd poz him, how i'd lay my wasp eggs inside his body... how free he'll be to be himself... and he'll be MINE! We jerked off... and we promised to get closer to the moment at our next date... He warned me that he could slow me down... step on the brakes... but i answer that i could not brake and i would push him over the precipice... He did not disagree but I still need time to control his mind completly... The job is not finish... It could take awhile but my reproductive instinct will get the job done sooner or later. When i left his place he said that he wants me to bring him to the Other side... into darkness... He wanted to be fucked by me... only me... and become an Evil to burn other people from the inside when he's pozzed. I promised him to continue to work on his mind to manipulate him, bringing him where i want him... and to sting his body with my dick to make him MINE... to start to build MY colony! He's gonna be a co-predator for the next hunt... but before, i have to finish my work with him... He will be my First Victim, my First Conquest ! I have 3 men now wating to be a part of my Colony... but Eddy will be the First and were gonna work together on the next ones.
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Part 1. Billy was and average kid. He didn't perform that well in school and didn't have any college prospects. He had just turned 18 and his mother told him he would have to go work for his jerk of a stepdad. His stepdad was a racist, a typical jock and aggressive. Billy's mother turned cold after his real father passed away and forgot almost that he and his sister existed. His older brother Tom, who was 32 cut ties with their mother as soon as she got remarried and they didn't hear anything from him. Billy was athletically built and he ran track. He had short blonde hair and grey blue eyes. He had a bubble butt on him and an 8 inch cut cock. He had a few girlfriends in high school but he always felt that he wasn't that much attracted to them. Bill started to notice the muscular bodies a of his class mates and their bulges. He got a phone in his senior year and he started to search for bisexual porn and then gay porn. He used to jerk of many nights. The one night his mother was out of town to some bible conference. His stepdad was getting pissed at the local bar. He took advantage of this and he went into the main living room. Using his phone and the smart tv he put on some gay porn. It was a twink getting bred by 2 older daddy types. He was stroking his cock and he was so close to cumming when he heard his stepdad's voice. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Faggot. Watching this filthy shit in my house. Take your stuff and get out!" That night Billy was kicked out with nothing but the clothes on his back. He slept on a park bench. None of his friends were able to help him and his sister told some of them he was a fag. He felt lost. The next day he decided that he was going to use the last money he had and buy a bus ticket and try and find his brother. When he came to the counter he found out that he didn't have enough money. He only needed a few dollars more and he asked people by the bus stop for money. By nightfall he still hadn't scraped enough money together. When he went for a piss by the urinal in the bathroom an older guy stood next to him. He unzipped and took out the longest cock Billy had ever seen. "Hey buddy. I heard you needed some money. I'm willing to help you out if you do me a favor" That night Billy sucked his first cock and he got 20 bucks for it. He felt dirty, but also kind of horned up by this. He took a bus to Chicago that same night. The bus arrived in Chicago the next morning. Billy spent most of the day asking around bars if people new his brother. The last Billy heard his brother worked at a bar. By the end of the day his feet were tired. He looked for a place to rest his head. He found a spot in an alley underneath a box behind a trash skip. He slept for a few hours untill he heard voices. Two guys were discussing a drug deal. The one guy almost looked like Post Malone and the other guy was a young guy, not a bit older than him. "Adrian I've told you before. I don't give out anything for free. Pay up or I cut you off". "Please Tyler I need to get wired to work. It helps take the edge off". "You can suck me for half a gram" Tyler took his cock out of his baggy jeans. It was a 9 inch cut cock. The twink proceeded to suck the guys cock. It was the hottest thing Billy had ever seen. He didn't know why this turned him on so much. He felt disappointed in himself. Tyler gave a soft groan and he came in the twinks mouth. The twink stood up and left. Tyler was standing in the alley and he took out a long pipe with a bulb on the end. He put some rocks into it. Next he took out lighter and put the flame under the bulb. Smoke started to form in the bulb and he took a long drag and blew out. He had this satisfied look on his face. Tyler was tall, had the body of a body builder. He was tattooed on his arms, in his neck and on his face. He was bald and had hazel eyes. He had a smile that made him look like a naughty school boy. He couldn't be much older than 24. Billy was mesmerized. "You're not a snitch are you? Didn't think I didn't see you there. First thought you were a hobo. But you're much too clean looking. What's your name and what are you doing here in the alley?" Billy introduced himself and told his story. "Do you want to crash at my place? Promise you don't have to do anything you don't want to. 20 minutes later Billy arrived at Tyler's place. It was a rooftop apartment in a brownstone apartment building. Tyler told him that he lived with his dad. The place had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, open plan kitchen and a balcony looking out on a park with many trees. In Tyler's room there was a big bed, covered with black pvc. There was a sling. Two screens connected to a laptop. Lots of cameras mounted on stands, mirrors all around and a coffee table with different drugs on it, syringes, pipes, a waterbong, different butt plugs and toys were scattered on the floor, on his ceiling there was a huge pentagram. Billy asked what the cameras was for. Tyler explained that he had an onlyfans site on Twitter. "You can put your stuff there in the corner and come sit on the bed. We can listen to some music and chat before sleeping. Make yourself comfortable" Billy took his shoes and his jacket off and sat on the bed. Tyler put on some music and sat next to him. "So Tyler is your dad cool with me staying over? He must be pretty open minded with all these sex toys and drugs laying around?". "Yeah, he is okay with it. This is a tough neighborhood and you learn how to manage. My dad went to jail for robbing a convenience store when I was 14 and I stayed with my cousins. I bought this apartment and when my dad came out of jail he came to live with me. I hope this is too much for you. " Billy didn't want to offend Tyler. His own mom and stepdad weren't perfect and the basically rejected him. He also didn't want to be on the street." No it's cool. So what were you smoking earlier. I've smoked weed before but never that. What does it do?". "It gives you lots of energy, makes you feel very good and also a bit horny. I like smoking after getting a blowjob. Feels amazing. I've got some if you want to try? Don't worry you don't need to pay. Newbies don't pay. I will show you how to smoke it" Tyler took the same long pipe out. There was still some T left in the bulb. He put the flame under the bulb. When smoke started to form he slowly turned the pipe and took a long drag. He kept it in for a moment and then blew out. "You're turn". Billy knew he probably shouldn't be doing hard drugs but he argued that his old life was over. He didn't find his brother. He could just let go. Nobody knew him here. Tyler held the stem of the pipe to his lips. He put some more crystals into the bulb. He lit the lighter. Billy saw the crystals melt. Tyler showed with his hand for him to wait. After a nice puddle formed Tyler gave him a thumbs up. Tyler touched his hand to guide him to turn the stem with their fingers touching. Billy inhaled the smoke and he tried to get a lot of it into his lungs. He wanted to blow as big a cloud as Tyler. After a few seconds he stopped inhaling. Again Tyler showed him to wait. He waited for a long time. It felt as if his lunga were going to burst. At last Tyler gave him a thumbs up again. He blew a big cloud out, almost as big as Tyler's. Billy and Tyler continued to take a few more hits. Tyler went to his laptop and turned it on. He put on some porn. It was a sketchysex video. Some twink was getting raw dogged by a lot of guys. "So Billy did you enjoy seeing my show in the alley" "I have to admit is was kind of hot seeing the guy have to suck you off for drugs. Reminded me of the guy I had to suck off too afford a bus ticket to get to Chicago. I felt disgusted but also turned on." "Look Billy nobody can judge you. We all do what we can to get by. I had to earn my keep when I lived with my cousins. I didn't intend to become a dealer. But the money is good and I get access to a lot of things other people don't. I also can't judge me father for what he did after jail. He did what he had to, to get out". Billy was curious to know what Tyler's dad did but he also didn't want to ask and insult him. Tyler took his shirt off and his jeans. He was laying there in his jockstrap. Billy decided that he also wanted to get more comfortable and took his t-shirt and shorts. He had boxers on. Not as sexy as the jockstrap Tyler was wearing. Tyler was busy changing the porn. He could see Tyler on the screen in the same room they were in. He was completely naked. The same street hustler that sucked Tyler off was on the bed with him. Tyler was showing him how to smoke the pipe just like he showed Billy. A few scenes later the hustler was sucking Tyler's cock and blowing clouds on it. Billy was liking what he was seeing and his cock was rock hard. He was stroking himself through his boxers. He looked over at Tyler. Tyler was completely naked and stroking his own cock. It seemed to look alot bigger in person. Tyler was smoking from the pipe again and it seemed as if his cock got harder and bigger with each pull of the pipe. Billy looked his body up and down. He had a six pack and treasure trail from his chest to below his navel. His cock and balls were clean shaven. Billy had almost no hair on his body but he had a thick bush and his hole also had hair. "You like what you see? You can touch if you want to. Billy didn't hesitate and touched from Tyler's pierced nipples down to his hard cock. Tyler also proceeded to feel Billy's body. He rubbed Billy's chest and stomach. Stroked gently with his fingers over Billy's cock taking it in his palm. Tyler surprised Billy by kissing him on the lips. Billy kissed him back. They made out for a few minutes. Tyler's embraced him and Billy felt as if he would melt. "How do you feel Billy? You okay?". " I feel amazing. Feels as if my body is tingling all over. I am so horny now and you are so hot. Doesn't feel as if I can compare or deserve it." I wouldn't be smoking and making out with you if I wasn't attracted to you. You just need someone to guide you and to help you feel awesome. I can be that person if that is okay with you? But you will have to listen to me and do everything I instruct you to do". " Yeah I want that. Show me. Please teach me." "Look in my closet. You will see there is an electric shaver, a black leather jockstrap. Hanging in the cupboard there is a leather harness. Also take it out. Then follow me and lets go to the bathroom." Spun Billy followed Tyler into the bathroom. Tyler shaved his cock with the shaver and then with water and a razor. He told Billy to squat over the bath. Tyler shaved Billy's hole. He then washed the of his freshly shaved cock, balls and hole. Billy felt so high and free. Tyler then told Billy to get into the shower. He told Billy how to use the douche attachment and to clean out until it was clear. Billy enjoyed this part. He liked the feel of the lukewarm water in his hole. Tyler stood not far away and smiled at Billy's ecstatic face. When done cleaning the went back into the bedroom. "Billy I want you to rest your back against this cushion" Billy lay down with his back against the cushion. His head was rested so that he could still see the screens. Tyler took out straps from behind the bed and put Billy's legs into it. This spread him so that his legs were back and his hole was lifted a bit higher and exposed. Tyler went to his laptop and turned on the cameras and few lights. On the one screen porn was playing. On the other Billy could see himself spread eagled. His now freshly shaved balls, cock n ass. His cock pumped blood when he saw himself. "Do you see. You are much hotter than you think. Look at your sexy boy hole and cock. Bet you didn't think you could look like a porn star. The next step in your path to superstardom is me putting something in your boy hole. But don't worry I will start off small" Tyler gave an evil grin. He reached for a baggie full of T on the table. He selected a sizable rock. He kneeled by Billy's hole and put the rock somewhere nearby. Tyler started to lick the outer rim of Billy's hole. He worked his tongue in and ate Billy's ass like a pro. This drove Billy wild and he was moaning like a bitch in heat. After a few minutes Tyler took a bottle full of jlube of the tabe and fingered Billy with first one finger and then 2 fingers. Billy could feel every stroke on his nerve endings and he felt immense pleasures. Little did he know that Tyler planned to rev up the ecstasy. Tyler wiped his fingers on a cloth. Billy's hole was wet enough to accommodate what was coming next without to much discomfort. Tyler reached for the shard, put it between two fingers and pushed the shard into Billy's virgin hole. Billy could feel a slight burning sensation. He hissed like a snake. Tyler kept one finger in and gently rotated it. The burning sensation turned into a pleasant warmth accompanied with a tingle. He could feel his ass muscles clench the finger and release. Clench and release. If he had to describe it. His hole was HUNGRY! Tyler fingered Billy a bit more. He fingered him until he had about 4 fingers in Billy's boy hole. He hoped this would help Billy take his raw cock. When fully erect Tyler's cock was 8 inches long and bear can thick. Tyler took a poppers bottle and told Billy how to take hits from the bottle. Billy in that moment felt as if his head was swimming when inhaling the poppers. He loved Tyler playing with his ass and he felt the happiest he had ever been. When looking at himself on the screen he could see Tyler in between his legs and the lips of his ass hole around his fingers. It made his cock throb. A little bit of precum was dribbling from his cock head. Billy looked at his face. It was pure lust. He was grinning from ear to ear and moaning. He was in a semi trance state. He saw Tyler withdraw his hand. He felt a sense of loss. He could see the he despair on his face. Tyler stood up and his hips were level with Billy's hole that was opening and closing in a twitching movement. Tyler reached for a camera stand that was behind him. He brought the camera closer. It was now angled to point at Billy's hole. Tyler turned the camera on.. He reached for a remote, pressed a few buttons. The screen now changed. It was split so that Billy could see his twitching hole up close, himself from top, from the side and a view from the back where he could see Tyler's ass, hole balls and long shaft dangling. On the side of the screen he saw a vertical bar with names and messages. All of a sudden he felt something wet and warm pressing against his boy button. He stopped reading the dirty messages and looked at the split screens. In the up close screen he could see Tyler's cock head press against his sphincter. "Look me in the eyes Billy" Billy looked into Tyler's eyes and it seemed like he could see into his soul. He felt a chill in other parts of his body but where Tyler's cock was trying to gain entry he could feel awat radiating. "Billy it isn't just coincidence that you happened to end up here in my apartment. He planned it. He wants you to offer up your most prized possession. One you didn't even know existed. He can give you so much power. You just have to accept the gift that he wants to give you. " Billy gasped. He heard a pop sound and all of his a sudden he felt his sphincter stretch wider than it had ever been. Tyler told him that he was as thick as a bear can, however the mushroom head felt and looked more like the thick end of a 1 litre Pepsi bottle. Billy's eyes were tearing and he heif felt as if his ass mucles and lips would tear. "It's okay Billy take a few deep hits of poppers. Those tears will soon be tear tears of joy" Billy inhaled the poppers deeply a few times. He felt his hole start to relax. The uncomfortable feeling soon became enjoyable. "So Billy you never asked me what my father did. Well I am going to tell you. In jail he loaned money from a very sick twisted guy. He gave me up as collateral. He couldn't pay so in the end they came to collect. They abducted me and whored me out to any guy they could get a buck out of. For 4 months I was used as a cumdump and urinal. I became very sick during my stay in their cell. I contracted AIDS from my abuse. When they dropped my frail body at this very apartment I vowed that I would become more powerful and make the best of my predicament. I vowed to give my soul to Sarah Palin and do His bidding. I have initiated many brothers and tonight I am going to help you become as powerful as I am. I see you’re cock is gushing precum. You are just as perverted as I am. I saw the darkness and greatness in you. Tonight you will be my blonde boy that I sacrifice to the Devil. Do you accept your fate? My toxic aids cum? Do you want me to breed and infect you?” Billy felt the mushroom cock head in him pulse. He could only assume it was precum. Tyler’s highly toxic precum was dripping into his virgin boy hole. He thought about what Tyler said. He never was religious or anything but he could feel there was evil in the air. He felt scared and in awe. He didn’t have a family anymore. He would at least have a bond with someone even if it was a demon. He also had a desire to be fucked. He was horned out of his mind. He opened his mouth “Yes Tyler I want you to infect me with your toxic cum and give myself to Sarah Palin” Tyler looked like a proud father looking down on his son. “Okay look up and repeat after me. I hereby denounce Jesus Christ as my savior. I give my soul to Lucifer the only true god. I accept the gift that his servant wants to bestow on me.” “Seems like I showed up just in time. A guy who looked if he could be a double for Freddie Mercury , he was what was best described as a an otter. On his chest was tattooed99. Below his navel was a Biohazard tattoo. His nipples and cock were pierced. He had a 10 inch shaved cock. Not as thick as Tyler’s but also girthy, but with a huge ballsack. “Hi I am Fred, Tyler’s dad. My son can be a bit of a drama queen. He bet he didn’t tell you how he got me back when he was returned to me. He beat the shit out of me. He dragged me to a park, tied me to a tree and he forced that thick cock of his into my arse. He forced himself into me. That night I was violated by at least 40 men. My hole still can’t close properly. I will bestow some kindness onto you to ease your transition.” Fred took three points out of his pocket, two were clear and the other was filled with blood and a little bit of water. Fred took is belt out he. He sat next to Billy on the bed, he used the belt to tie Billy’s arm off. He rested Billy’s arm on his lap and felt for a vein. He found one pretty easily as Billy had almost no body fat and his veins popped easlily. “So son what I have hear in my hand is a syringe filled with my own toxic blood, 0.5 meth and a little bit of water. Once I inject this into your bloodstream you will most definitely have our virus. You will also feel as if Sarah Palin himself is in the room” Fred put the needle with expert precision into Billy’s vein. He withdraw the plunger. The syringe filled with more blood of a different color. Fred let the blood mix. He slowly inserted the mixture into Billy’s bloodstream. He took the belt off and lifted Billy’s arm. Billy took a sharp breath. He had a coughing fit. His felt the most intense rush he ever felt before. He felt so happy and horny. He started to gyrate his hips on Tyler’s cock. “Tyler please breed me. I want your Aids. Fuck Christ!” Tyler reached for on of the clear points. “He quickly found a vein on his muscular arms and slammed himself. You could see his whole body react to the slam. He gave an evil laugh and pushed as hard and fast as he could into Billy’s boy hole. Billy gave something between a gasp and a moan. Tyler was now balls deep in the boy’s hole. Billy now had his first raw cock filling him up. He could feel Tyler’s heart beating in him. His cock felt so warm. He heard a cough behind him. Fred just finished his slam. He put the poppers bottle underneath Billy’s mouth. He closed Billy’s nostrils with his hand and Billy breathed the poppers in through his mouth. Fred released his hand from his nose. He felt something slick drip on his lips. Fred was bringing his cock close to Billy’s mouth. His cock was leaking lots of precum. Billy could smell his cock. It smelled of piss and had an intoxicating smell. He opened his mouth and started to suck the 10 inch cock. Billy liked sucking this cock. Tyler withdrew his cock completely. Billy felt a void where the immense throbbing heat was just earlier. Then Tyler began to fuck his cock in and out of Billy’s neg boy hole. He loved the feeling of the skin on skin and his ass prostate being rubbed. This rhythmic fucking went on for at least an hour. Billy was so enthralled in pleasure that he didn’t notice Fred went to sit at the laptop as soon as he came in Billy’s mouth. A dribble of cum was on the boy’s lips. Fred was on a site placing an ad. The site was called bbrt. Billy’s attention was agin brought back to his hole being pounded when Tyler picked up the pace. His breathing was louder and he was fucking deeper into Billy. “I’m going to cum you fuckn slut! Take my poz cum!” Tyler emptied his load into Billy and gave a hard moan. “Fuck yeah!”
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Question for my POZ brothers... What is being on meds like? I've mostly heard negative things -- are they all true? For example, Are they expensive? (for U.S. readers) Do you think "Obamacare" will reduce the cost of HIV treatment? Are the side effects really that bad? Is it true that meds, not HIV/AIDS itself, is what gives you "the look"? Are guys that are strict about taking their meds more likely to have "the look"? Did you have to experiment with a lot of different meds to find the one you like? Do you take a cocktail of meds each day, or one pill with various NRTIs in it? How are the 1990s meds (AZT, etc.) different from what we have now? Let's say someone doesn't know that you're POZ and asks what all those pill bottles are for - do you lie or tell the truth? Do you ever take a meds vacation to get your VL higher when you're going to poz up a NEG? Will meds make me not as horny to recharge and keep spreading The Gift? I take Xanax every day, and I know that I keep getting tolerant to it and have to take more and more. Does the same thing happen with meds?
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First attempt at a story. Be kind ✨️ Day 1 I've always been the most confident guy I know. I was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family, great genes, and by the time I'd hit my early 20's, I had a nice apartment in Central London paid for by my parents, a strong muscular physique, and luckily nature had given me a great 8" thick uncut cock. I thought the world owed me something, and I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. Girls wanted me, guys wanted me, and I knew it. I'd been getting letters from the local courts about something to do with unpaid parking fines, but I wasn't bothered, Dad and his lawyers would sort it out, because that's what happens normally, until one day, I'm on the peloton at home and there's a knock on the door. So, I did what I always do, took my shirt off to answer the door, and man I was glad I did, standing there in nothing but my 3.5" length Canterbury Rugby shorts,in front of the hottest policeman alive I immediately put my hand to my bulge, expecting the usual raised eyebrow, all I got was "Thomas Evans, you are under arrest for failure to attend a court appointed hearing". Next thing I know, I'm in the back of a squad car, handcuffed in nothing but my shorts, being whisked to the local cop shop, where I'm taken into custody and told that in my absence I've been sentenced to seven days in prison, for failure to attend a court hearing. Within what seems like minutes, I'm stripped, hosed down and given a grey t-shirt and blue shorts, and chucked onto a disgusting square cell, and just when I think life couldn't get worse, I spot it. A second bed. My mind is scrambled and I can't think, but it isn't long before I have company. In he walks, I think I have a grest physique, but this guy is just over 6 foot of solid muscle, and there is no discernible skin, just head to toe tattoo's. As the cell door closes, he turns to the guard and says " Thanks bud, I needed a new toy, I broke tha last one", to which the guard laughed and says, "don't forget we'll all want a go, when you've broken him in". At this point ,my head is fucked. My new friend sits down, lights a cigarette, and looks at me. "Pretty" is all he says, followed by "this will be a fun project, so strip faggot". Nobody speaks to me like that. Nobody. I ball my fists, and he rises to meet me, and it's clear, I wouldn't win . "Strip, faggot" he repeats "and make it fun for me". I don't know what came over me, but I start to put on a show for this beast, touching myself, stripping and gyrating on his lap. He starts to rub his cock and pulls it out. I'm big, but he is fucking huge. His cock, like the rest of him is fully tattooed, I can't make it out, but it looks like a snake of some sort, maybe a Cobra? I'm now naked, he has his mighty tattooed cock in his hand, and he just says three words. "Suck it, faggot". In any other world, I would have been angry beyond words, but I went down on him like a starving man at a free buffet. I couldn't get enough of that massive tattooed cock in my mouth. I licked up and down it, throated it, bathed his piss slit with my tongue, nursed his massive tattooed balls, and prayed to the hesvens I'd get his cum in my mouth, I even started to beg. "Please let me eat your cum Sir, I need it so bad". I'd changed from a cocky stud to faggot cocksucker in 15 minutes. "Bitch ,you're getting my load, but up your cunt, not down your throat, my snake needs to spit his poison, and make it count". I'm not stupid, I knew immediately, what was meant, so I took his cock out of my mouth, turned around, spread my muscled cheeks, looked over my shoulder and said "fucking do it, dump that fucking aids seed in me, knock me up and make me your aids faggot whore". He didn't need asking twice, still just with his glorious cock just sticking out of his fly, he jammed it in me. No mercy, the only lube on his cock still my spit. I've never experienced pain and pleasure like it. We were screaming at each other" fucking rape me ", "take the aids load you dirty whore", I don't know how long it lasted, but it was heaven. My cock was bouncing around as he mercilessly screwed me, my head lolling side to side, like a jack in the box whole I begged him to plant his poison in me. It was something I'd never thought about before, but now never needed more. And then it happened, I felt every thrust ,every pump, as he pumped me full of his toxic load, and even before he had finished I was thanking him. After he was sure, every drop of his precious poz cum was safely in my guts, he pulled out, "fuck faggot, you bled alot, that'll help my strain take hold, now lick my dick clean". I was on it immediately, thanking him, begging for more when he knocked on the door, and called the guard. I started to scramble to my feet, but my pozzer told me to stay put and keep nursing his cock. The guard arrived and asked how things were going, to which my tattooed devil replied, "tell the sponsor, he has been initiated, and did OK, the rest of the plan will progress tomorrow, he's no use to anyone right now, his cunt is so loose I could chuck a bowling ball up there and he wouldn't notice, let him have a rest, he'll need it for tomorrow's fun". I wax in a daze, what the fuck wax a sponsor, and more importantly, what was happening tomorrow? TBC
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PART ONE “Hey Ian! Looks like I finally found us some work?” “Oh? What?” “Prostitutes!” “WHAT?!” “Well, 'retail workers' if you wanna get all technical about it. Same difference, we're getting fucked over either way.” “O...kay...?” These sorts of interactions were commonplace in Kace and Ian's relationship. In fact, you might call it the bread-and-butter of their day-to-day life. Really, Ian should've been used to it now. But for a, shall we say, more 'reserved' person, his boyfriend's more risque sense of humour still succeeded in making that tan on his face look more like a sunburn, and getting him very interested in looking at the floor. Or a wall. Or anywhere that wasn't eye contact. “Come on,” Kace laughed, tossing a muscular arm around Ian, pulling the whole 'whopping' 145 pounds of man to his side of the sofa .“It was funny!” “You know how I feel about those kinds of jokes...” “Of course! Why do you think I make them?” “Because you like to see me squirm?” “Guilty as charged.” “But why?” “You want my honest answer?” “Uh, yea.” “Because...” Kace continued, arm sliding lower to wrap around Ian's waist. “You're cute as hell when you're flustered.” Though that remark did nothing to reduce said flustering, it did bring a hint of a smile to Ian's face, one of the few he'd made over the past couple weeks. However, that smile wouldn't last for long as he sighed, blonde hair mingling with his boyfriend's brown locks as he set his head on Kace's shoulder. “So... Those are the only openings you could find today, huh?” Likewise, Kace's teasing demeanour also faded, shifting instead into concern. “Look... I know you're not big on 'people'-y jobs.” “Kace, I-” “And I can't blame you. People are dicks.” “Kace-” “Don't worry, I'll find us something else and-” “KACE!” Though Ian's 'raised voice' was little more than speaking slightly above inside-voice levels, to Kace it was as if a screamo-metal rave was taking place in their tiny living room. Ian never yelled. EVER. To call this a cause for concern would be the understatement of the year. “It's okay. I'll do it. Just get me the application form.” “No. You don't have to do some job you hate. There are always other options.” “Like what? Calling up Mom? Again?” “Well...” “C'mon Kace, she's helped out too much already.” It was true. Since the day they'd rented that sardine-tin apartment, Ian's mother had practically shouldered all their living costs. She didn't mind, all she cared about was that her son found 'a nice young man to settle down with.' Besides, she'd joke, with him majoring in nursing, he'd be paying her back in spades anyways when she got 'so damned old I can't find my teeth no more!' Yea... Clearly Ian didn't inherit his shyness from his mom's side of the family. Anyways, the point was that even though she didn't mind, Ian sure as hell did. Kace sighed. Getting that guy to take a helping hand was akin to trying to bathe a cat. “Look... Just think about it, okay? We don't have to decide tonight.” Ian sighed. Though disappointed, his smarts overruled his emotion. There was no way he could rationally argue with Kace's suggestion. “Fine,” He acquiesced. “I'll think about it, but I can't promise anything. Now...” Ian paused. He needed something to occupy his mind, any menial task would do. “Would you like some supper?” “Dude. It's 4:30.” Ian's baby blues crashed, falling to look at an incredibly fascinating spot of brown carpet. “So yea!” Kace laughed, delivering a playful and (unintentionally) painful slap to Ian's back. Baby blues have just taken liftoff, I repeat, baby blues have just taken liftoff. “You're sure? I don't want you just to do this because of me-” “Ian. I'm. Hungry.” “As long as you're certain-EEP!” Why the 'eep,' you ask? Good question. In case you hadn't already guessed, Ian was rather the quiet type. He was lucky that he made all those (in Kace's opinion) adorable faces whenever they fooled around, because there were mutes who made more sound during intercourse. A good thing Kace, despite his large appetite for such activities, was fairly vanilla, because gagging Ian wouldn't have changed a thing in terms of the, ahem, 'auditory' stimulation. No, the only way, to the best of Kace's knowledge anyway, was to catch the guy by surprise. So, the second he stood up, SWHACK came a second slap! Only this one was a wee bit lower than the shoulder, let's put it that way. “Damn! Bounce quarters off that thing!” Kace hooted, counting not one, not two, but five ripples in Ian's butt before it finally settled back from extremely bouncy to its regular bouncy state. The display was made easily visible courtesy to a pair of bright blue short shorts. Really, the only reason Ian wore them was because they came free with his last photoshoot, and they couldn't afford to waste. Well that and he knew how much Kace loved it (though not as much as the complimentary Speedo, but that;s a story for another time). “I know,” Ian sighed, arching an eyebrow as a lazy smile spread across his lips. “You have. I've still got the bruises.” “Come on man,” Kace laughed, calling out to Ian as he scampered off to the kitchen. “It was only one!” “One quarter my ass.” Dinner was, as usual, a budget feast of tuna melts and baked beans. Protein, fat, and carbs, Kace would say. You couldn't go wrong with that! Even if it was plain. Even if they'd had it every night for the past week. Even if- A piano solo blasted from Ian's shirt pocket, snapping both parties out of their daydreaming fugue. Not any piano solo, however, no, his ringtone was the opening to Kace's latest, greatest piece. A little something to remind them of what all this was for in the first place. Ian swallowed his mouthful, fully prepared to hit decline.... That was until he got a good look at the caller ID. “Ah, sorry, I gotta take this one,” Ian said, leaving Kace alone with nothing but a half-eaten tuna melt for company as he made a hasty exit, not just out of the kitchen but out of the apartment altogether, off to pace the corridors in some conversation unknown. That... Wasn't like Ian. Like, at all. Running off like that, hiding conversations... It wasn't cheating, Kace knew that much. His boyfriend barely had enough extroversion to flirt with him, let alone a random stranger. Besides, the guy was paranoid about STDs and all that jazz (majoring in nursing can do that to a person). But, if not that, the question still remained: what was wrong? Whatever the problem was, Kace thought, sipping the last of his beer, he'd gently confront Ian with it that night. After all, their relationship was one constructed of trust. Whatever was bothering Ian, he could talk about it! Little did he know that Ian, who'd just hung up after insisting on consulting Kace before entering any 'binding contracts' was about to do the same thing. “Ian, are you-” “Uhm, so I-” The pair stopped. Tried again. Stopped again. It seemed every time one opened his mouth to speak, the other chose that moment to do the same, sending them into a hopeless cycle of cutting each other off. Alas, one of the few disadvantages of always travelling the wavelength as your partner. Though mildly infuriating, it did serve to ease off a good chunk of the tension, and by the end the two were deliberately cutting themselves off just for the joke of it. “So,” Kace said, finally getting out in front. “I was going to ask... But I feel you've been trying to tell me for the past five minutes.” “How did you ever guess? Hah, yea, it's... It's Jonathan!” “Jonathan? That's great news!” “Not quite... You see he said he was looking for a-” Why, might you ask, is that great news? Here's a hint: it has something to do with those short shorts hugging Ian's bubble-for-a-butt backside. Jonathan had been taking pictures since before the dinosaurs went extinct. Okay, maaaybe not quite that long. Let's just say he'd been at it long enough to to take maternity pictures for Kace's mom. Kace, who was now twenty. The pictures Jonathan specialized in though... Well, they weren't exactly white-bread pregnancy fare. And he wasn't interested in Kace. Don't be mistaken, he did not find him an unattractive man. Standing 5'8, 165 pounds, with a surfer dude mop of hair and deep brown eyes, the guy was nothing to sniff at. But Kace wasn't exactly what he (or, more accurately) his customers, were interested in. A bit too muscular. A bit too intimidating. A bit too, as one client put it 'top-ish.' They weren't looking for tall , dark and handsome. No, what they wanted was limber, lithe, and boyish. And that's where Ian came into play. With only his height (5'6) and measurements alone, most people would've assumed they belonged to a woman. But anyone who saw him knew better. He looked effeminate in the way only a man could. He was, as Jonathan put it, a- “-Twink. He said he was looking for a twink.” “Uh. Yea. And I think he found one,” Kace said matter-of-factly, giving his boyfriend a painfully obvious glance up and down (especially down). “So, what's he got you modelling this time? Bike shorts? Boxers? Speedos? Hmm, yea, I hope it's Speedos.” “No, it's... It's not anything.” “What? It's gotta be something! Come on, I won't bite! Now spill.” “No, Kace, that's what I mean. It's nothing. At least for a couple shots anyway.” “Ohhh!” The brunette's eyes lit up, finally grasping what Ian was too shy to simply say straight. “That all? Look, Ian, I know how Jonathan works. Private clients with private requests desiring pictures for private use. Like, maybe five people will ever see it at max. I'm not telling you to do it if you're uncomfortable, just... Don't start worrying I'm going to get all jealous or something. The only way you're gonna make me mad is if I don't get a peek at those sweets pics of yours.” Kace winked, leaning in for a kiss... But Ian pulled away. “That... That isn't all. I'm... This isn't a solo shoot.” “Oh...” He said again, more hesitantly that time around. “Yea....” “Well...” Kace continued, trying to keep the conversation moving forwards. “What does he want you to do? For the shoot, I mean.” “Sort of a plotline, actually. Basically, an, uhm, older black... Gentleman seducing a....” Ian reddened, unsure if he wanted to quote Jonathan on the next part. “ 'Soft white twink'.' B-But there's no...” “Sex?” “Yea, that.” “You can use the word sex, you know,” Kace laughed, trying to lighten the mood by, as he loved to do, teasing his boyfriend's 'fragile constitution.' “I mean, with how much we-” “He said,” Ian interrupted, eager to nip THAT little tangent in the bud. “He wants some close contact. Not heavy petting or anything, just...” “Regular petting?” The taller of the two joked. “You could call it that... I guess.” “You should do it.” “Huh?” “Yea, if you want to, go for it,” Kace shrugged. “Are you sure?” “Well, I mean, it's not like you're going to be fucking the guy or something.” “I-” “Right, sorry, 'engaging in intercourse,' is what I meant to say. Still, I'd prefer to look in on it myself too, just in case... Y'know... But if you can't do it with-” “Kace,” Ian said, putting a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder (made somewhat comical by their differing heights). “You being there is the only way I think I CAN do this.” Kace ended up being the one to send Jonathan the final okay, Ian taking off to do whatever he did when he felt embarrassed (which, let's be real, was probably holing up in the university library with a med textbook). When he arrived back some three hours later, he opened the door to find- “Hey, 'Rustic country lodging suite with fishing lake and complimentary fresh English breakfast,' or 'Roomy accommodations with...' Huh. Says here 'Nautical feel?'” “What?” Ian asked, baffled as he stepped into the kitchen, revealing Kace clicking feverishly on his old brick of a laptop. “What are you-” “Bed and Breakfasts. See anything you like, just shout. Oh! 'Chic, modern rooms a stone's throw away from the city's premiere entertainment venues?' Sounds like clubbing to me! And I don't know about you, but that's right up my alley! There's also-” “And why exactly are we looking at BnBs?” “Uh, for your shoot of course. Duh.” “My shoot is at three in the afternoon, right?” “Yea. Hey, this one has a pool! All these things used to have was, I don't know, a bed and a breakfast,” Kace responded, only half listening. “...And the studio is only an hour out of the city, correct?” “Yup. Say, which would you prefer: a circular room with square windows or a square room with circular windows?” “I'd prefer to know why it is you think we need a Bed and Breakfast for a one-day job.” “Need? No, we don't need it. But it'll be fun.” “And how are we planning to pay for this?” Ian asked, gesturing to the burnt out lightbulbs gone months without replacing. “....The shoot,” Kace responded, as if being forced to explain the most obvious thing in the world. “Yes, all 250 dollars of it.” “Two hundred and, hah! 250?” He laughed, slapping the table with nearly enough intensity to send the laptop barrel-rolling to the tiled flooring. “Ian, it's 250 per HOUR! It's an eight hour shoot! Haha! I'm supposed to be the dumb one in this relationship remember?” “You're not dumb,” Ian said, registering the need to assure his boyfriend before the first part of what was said sunk in. “Wait. Per hour?” “Yep! Bet you're glad I read the fine print, huh? I-oh!” Something rare had just happened. No, it wasn't the couple embracing, that was a daily (practically hourly) activity. The oddity at hand here was who was embracing who. Kace always played 'offensive,' as it were, both inside and outside the bedroom, Ian fair better suited to being on the receiving end. Yet, Kace now found himself pinned to his chair by a pair of thin, smooth arms leaning over him from behind. “Thank you...” Ian whispered. To Kace, it was just money. But to Ian, he knew it was a big deal. Something he wouldn't have to take from his mother or put himself deeper into the indentured servitude that was student loans. He'd always been the type to try to earn his keep. Unemployment was tough on him. Finally, he could go to bed without feeling guilty, like a mooch. “No...” Kace corrected. “Thank YOU. Now...” He continued, once the pair had enjoyed a couple minutes of comfortable, intimate silence. “You. Me. Six pack in the fridge.” “Huh?” “Dude! We're celebrating!” They had a wild night. And by wild, I mean Ian drank three-quarters of his bottle instead of the usual one half. “Lightweight,” Kace teased, draining the dregs from his third bottle. “Well, we can't all be fat like you,” Ian replied, having consumed just enough alcohol to allow him to make playful jabs. “Hey!” Kace said, pulling up his shirt to reveal a very different kind of six pack. “This look like flab to you?” “Hmm. I think I'll need to get a feel of it myself before I can make any final conclusions.” Ian? Flirting? Was... Was he somehow sloshed already? There was no way he'd- “But... I shouldn't. You're clearly intoxicated. It would be taking advantage of a vulnerable situation.” And there was the Ian that Kace knew. “You can take advantage, I don't mind!” Ian sighed. “Yes, that is what a drunk person would say.” “Dude! Watch!” Kace whined, performing the finger-to-nose sobriety test. Alas, he missed the dead centre, falling slightly closer to the left nostril than the right. For most people, that would've been more than enough to prove that one was still overall competent. But, in case you haven't already guessed, Ian wasn't most people. “See! Sober! S-O-B-E-R! Mostly.” “Alright. Look, it's getting late. I need-” “Your beauty sleep.” “-My rest or I'll be too tired to get anything done tomorrow. My courseload isn't going to review itself.” “But-” “And if you still feel this way in the morning, we'll do something about it then, promise. “Pinky swear?” “Make yourself a cup of coffee.” Kace made something between a grumble and a laugh. It was a strange sound, and one he'd only started producing after dating Ian. That guy could be so risk-averse that he made one want to throttle and protect him at the same time. Basically, the kind of frustrating one can't help but love. That's why, after being left alone with his thoughts (for Ian was readying for bed, no doubt flossing his teeth and cleaning under each nail), Kace found something that just didn't seem quite right. With a payout of 2000 dollars, it made total sense why Ian would swallow his nerves and get in front of the lens. But... When he made the decision, he thought he was only getting 250... Kace shrugged. Maybe Ian was right. Maybe he really was drunk. Now I know you're probably all on the edge of your seats right now. Did he or did he not live up to his promise to Kace the next morning? Well, I assure you, he did. For four hours straight, as a matter of fact. Ian could still... Sort of stand afterwards? But it was a good thing they hadn't done the deed the day of the shoot, or else the poor man might've needed a walker just to get around the set! To Be Continued.... (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello! I'm new to this site so I don't know if these are customary, so I'll attach one here in the first part and no more after. The story you are reading is a commissioned piece, and my buyer suggested I post it here. The story is currently complete, and per their request, I will be releasing it in parts. I am a female writer, so I apologize if sometimes my portrayal of the male homosexual experience comes across as 'off.' I hope you can enjoy regardless!)
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- poz
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First time at IML this May - staying at Congress Hotel. Hunting raw tops that want to breed my Brit ass whilst in town. Any hunting tips for my first time? Any buddy’s to share me with? Drop me a message - see you guys soon!
I have horrible fetishes. Most everything that I should run from turns me on. Danger, rape, STDs, everything I should find scary I instead want to chase. I know those things could permanently fuck up my life, but that's what I find most appealing. I'm halfway through college now, but extremely frustrated by my sex life. While my young, skinny body attracts guys, they're just too vanilla for me. I have been good about keeping my fetishes in check though; I haven't gone on craigslist or to bars looking for a hazardous encounter. I've instead been fulfilling my needs with porn that features those things. This way, I don't risk screwing up my life or the family I hope to make one day. It's been a while though, and porn isn't doing it for me anymore. That's where I got an awful, but also fantastic idea; I was going to live vicariously through other girls. Something I should mention; I am a film major. I'm not going to be an actress, I'm planning on being behind the camera somewhere. Because of my studies, I have a decent idea how the casting process goes and I have some connections to most industries. Using one of my connections, I put an anonymous call out for porn actresses. I made sure to do it in a city several hours away, so what would happen next couldn't be traced back to me. I created a fake company with a legitimate-looking name and logo. The ad offered a lot of money and reiterated several times how every male actor was 'tested' and condoms would be used; this was in hopes of attracting the least experienced. For that purpose, casting was 'open', meaning anyone could audition, regardless of experience. That was key when casting day came. If they had been in many porno's, they were more likely to have STD's or other things that wouldn't make it exciting. If they hadn't been in any porno movies? Good. If they hadn't been in any and they weren't very promiscuous? Great. If they were a virgin? That was the golden fruit. A girl who gets an STD/knocked-up the first time they fuck? That's probably the hottest thing I've ever heard. As the day drew on, I told all the girls roughly the same thing; 'This is a tough business, if you're right for the part we'll call you.' I didn't want to make anyone think they were a shoe-in, as I didn't want to make it seem like we were desperate for girls. The actual selection was extremely simple though; Half the girls who auditioned had been in porn before; I immediately cut them. I didn't want to risk them realizing how weird this porn shoot was and telling the other girls to back out. After them, I still had 22 girls left. Most of them were drop-dead gorgeous, but a couple were also on the opposite end of the spectrum (i.e. ugly). I hired them all anyway. Honestly, watching ugly girls get fucked is kind of more attractive. Like, if an attractive girl gets an STD, they can maybe still find someone who is lonely and will risk it for them. If an ugly girl gets an STD though? They're fucked. It was hard to get laid before, it'll be impossible now. I called all the girls personally to tell them my company wanted to hire them. I reiterated the pay and said they'd get it right after the shoot. Next was the fun part. I went to the worst parts of downtown. I found a spot within a couple blocks of two different homeless shelters; this would be a perfect spot to recruit. I walked into an alleyway with couple dozen homeless guys. They seemed bewildered by my willingness to approach them. They all had torn up clothes that were so dirty, they'd probably been wearing them for at least months, maybe years. I walked up to one of them and kind of just dove straight into my purpose: "Do you all want to be in a porn I'm making? The women you'll fuck will be beautiful." The guy looked at me with a bewildered expression. He said "Listen, even if you're being serious, Ima be real with you; we're all in this alley together because we were waiting for our free prescription. We heard this clinic is trialing a new drug that can treat our AIDS. Since we ain't ever been on meds before, I doubt ya want us in your movie." This was even better than I had imagined. Thinking on my feet I replied "Uhh, actually, that's exactly why I came to you guys. I knew you all had AIDS. See this porn only has actresses that had to leave the industry because they got HIV; now they can only work in porn's where the actors also have HIV." The homeless guys collectively got real excited when they heard that. Most of them were walking over with large grins on their faces. It was clear they were in. I gave them the address of the house and told them what day and time to show up. I also mentioned, it was a semi-rape scene. The setting was a group of sorority girls who get their house overrun by hobos. A lot of the actresses liked to commit to the part, but they should remember they don't need to stop unless one of them says the safety word; 'Blueberries', even if they're pretending to fight quite a bit. Also, I told them about the other signal; most of these guys hadn't trimmed their nails in a while, and some of the girls liked to be cut a bit. If a girl said 'pumpernickle', that was her signal for you to hold her down and finger her aggressively to cut up her pussy a bit. If she complained about a condom, that was the signal to hit her. When the day finally came, I was exuberant. I had set up hidden cameras all over the house to record everything. I live-streamed the cameras to my computer back at the dorm so when it was over I could make a quick get away. The girls came over first, about an hour before the guys. I spent that time explaining how it would work; "The scene is about some 'homeless people' who will break in and pretend to sexually assault you, the girls in the sorority. Whoever watches this porn would have to use their imagination a bit, as obviously they will also put on condoms before penetrating you, and obviously real homeless people wouldn't do that. To make up for that, the guys have seriously gotten into character for this one. Just so you know, a lot of them may stink, or look nasty, but that's just prosthetics and things for realism; we are a serious company and all. I should also tell you, all these guys have had a vasectomy too. While it won't matter because they'll have condoms, I know many of you aren't on birth control, so I thought it'd help your nerves. "Also, if at any time you want to stop, that is totally fine. The guys all know the safety word is 'pumpernickle', if you say it, they will stop, no matter what. We can just cut that few seconds from the record and no harm done, okay?" The girls all nodded in agreement. They all seemed a little more at ease after hearing about all the safety precautions. As we waited for the boys, I was still debating my outfit. I wanted to wear a short skirt so I could have easy access to masturbate if I needed, but I was also afraid one of the homeless guys would mistake me for one of the sorority girls. That was an extremely hot thought though. I decided to keep the skirt, but I would carry an extra camera around so they'd know I wasn't an actress. The girls kept peaking outside to see when the men would arrive. That might damage the suspense though, so I got them away from the windows. I also locked all the side doors and threw away the key, just to get rid of any ideas they might have. I took one of the four girls who were total virgins and placed her right by the front door. Her name was Abigail, and I liked her the most. She was blonde, skinny, with large yet firm breasts. Unlike the other virgins, she was 100% chaste. She hadn't even held a guys hand before. She said she was mostly doing this as a way to get out of her chaste life, as she's always been to scared to touch a guy before. I needed to see her go first. Minutes later, the front door burst open. A gruff, hairy man stumbled through. He must've had at least a 5 inch beard. It was probably longer, but it was all matted up from having not been washed in so long. Another 50 homeless guys followed him in; I guess word must've gotten around about this little shoot. Half of them were already half naked too, they must've been preparing early. Now that I see their bodies, I'm surprised I hadn't noticed the AIDS before; they looked absolutely ravaged and skinny. The gruff guy went straight for Abigail. you could tell she was immediately having second thoughts. He grabbed her and started kissing her before pulling her onto the ground. Several other hobos rushed over too. Abigail instinctively tried to stop them from tearing off her clothes, but to them it was just part of the scene. Within seconds her shirt had been literally ripped off. The gruff guy had already lifted her skirt and tore off her panties too. She tried to keep her legs closed but he pried them open anyway. He thrust inside her and wasted no time, immediately going full speed. With several guys on either side groping every part of her and the gruff guy humping her without a condom, Abigail finally remembered what to do; she shouted 'pumpernickle!'. Big mistake. The gruff guy stopped humping and pulled out. Abigail looked relieved for maybe a half second, but then the gruff guy inserted two fingers in and started sadistically fingering her. He was clearly not trying to go smoothly either, he was jamming his nails right into the side of her pussy. She screamed and kept shouting "Pumpernickle! Pumpernickle! Pumpernickle!" but he just took it as a sign to keep going. It got so bad you could see the blood from across the room where I was filming. Eventually she gave up with the 'safety word' and let it continue. The gruff guy, now no longer being told to claw out her insides, rammed his penis back in. Abigail did not seem to like that. It wasn't great before, but now, with her hole so cut up, she jolted upward. She seemed to try to get away, but the other hobos held her down. Her struggles just pushed the gruff guy further. After a few minutes his breathing changed. his humps lost their rhythm as he could feel it coming. Abigails face grew red and her body twisted as he grew inside her. Finally, he exploded, launching jets of poisonous cum into her. Right after he finished a different homeless pushed the gruff guy off. Abigail looked lost as he inserted his prick. She barely made a noise at first. Then the guy said 'I was looking for someone to fuck, but it's hard cause they usually care about my AIDS.' This trigger Abigail. She said 'what!?!' and started struggling to get away again, but other two guys still had her arms pinned. The guy on top leaned forward and started manhandling her massive breasts. She said 'wait no, I don't want AIDS! I can't get pregnant!' but the guy didn't care. He put one hand on her neck, holding her face looking directly at him. His pace quickened further. I could see Abigail's eyes light up as her expanded inside her. She started howling in pain, and that drove the guy over the edge as he erupted, spewing volley after volley of his hazardous cum into her. Several other guys took their turns directly afterwards, each one cumming inside her dilapidated pussy. I didn't stay to watch. I was getting hornier by the second. I left to see how the other girls were faring.
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For HIV only how safe is giving oral? Do you know anyone who became poz from sucking cock? I know three guys who did, the one sucked off 100s of men at glory holes, sex clubs in SF, and figures he had a cut or sore in his mouth and got it that way. The other two had recently had dental work and figured it was fine to suck cock and became poz this way...
Hotel Hoe Down: The next anonymous dick slid into my cum filled hole with ease. I moaned in contentment as I once again felt like a turkey filled with stuffing at a Pilgrim Thanksgiving, dripping with sauce. My intentions were innocent enough when I answered the man’s ad. OK, well maybe not, but even with the empty rigs lying on the floor, the multiple raw dicks that had bred me, and the BBC maintenance man/pimp repeatedly calling me his, “White bitch twitch,” code for drugged-up-cum-chaser, I had yet to admit to myself how far I had fallen. I was like an angel who had come to Earth and sexually tainted my eternal light with the darkness of sex and depravity. The Watcher had become the watched. My ass was being used as a flesh hole for raw dick and cum. My veins were being used as a transport network for whatever drugs my superior BBC master decided I needed. My mouth was being used as their urinal. I was still in the first stage of denial - shock - but the rest would come, I was sure, until finally I hit the last stage of acceptance and embraced who I had become. A drugged-up-AIDs-chasing-slut. In hindsight, maybe as the saying goes, “He doth protest too much.” I had been planning my vacation to New York City for months and a major part of that effort was scoping out who the big dicked tops were in the city - the raw fucking big dicked tops. I methodically reviewed all the members on the various hookup sites I was already on and even scoured the web for new, and different sites to explore to find some good dick. I found the usual suspects, most of whom I figured were fakes, but sent messages, chatted back and forth, and ‘lined up’ a few promising dicks to get me stuffed with raw man meat and cum during my vacation. If all went as planned I would not leave the hotel for five days as I would be too busy getting fucked. Plan B was that I would hit an ABS to find whatever nasty trade I could. But now I’m getting ahead of myself a little as while I normally stay at a hotel chain where I get points on my credit card, for this trip I chose a different one, one where a 10-inch BBC worked. When I first saw his online ad, I figured it was too good to be true. I mean, really, this dude checked all my boxes - BBC, nasty, raw top, POZ, smoked, drank, drugs, thuggish, and more. Well, you can see for yourself why I was intrigued and my hole was dripping when I responded to his post: YOU WILLING TO GET FUCKED HOW I SAY? OBEY A SUPERIOR BBC MASTER? Harlem nicca here. Work in a hotel, looking for slut bottoms who need their hole seeded. My rules, my way only. You must pass inspection. My buddy will come check that ass out. If he says it’s good then game on fuckas! I wanna breed my nut in YOU! The Dept of Health got my number. Who want to be added to the contact list? POZ breeder - take it or fuck off! I shook as I typed a reply and my brain spun thinking of how such a connect might play out. Yet I knew it was likely it was all fake - but hell, might as well give it a shot. To my surprise the guy responded and without asking the 101 questions every other guy in NYC had generally been asking. He only asked one - again, “YOU WILLING TO GET FUCKED HOW I SAY?” Of course I said yes. Little did I know what that would mean. Finally the day arrived and I was all set for my vacation. I had shipped a box via FedEx to the hotel with some ‘supplies’ to make sure I could prep, have some poppers, fuck towels etc… Getting a tub of Elbow Grease through security in my carry on was not an option, and I didn’t want to fill by luggage with nothing but fuck towels - a nice dark brown to hide any stains and not ruin the institutional white sheets and coverlets most hotels use these days. Once at the hotel, I unpacked, prepped, and at 2:45 texted the BBC Master as he had instructed, “I’m in room 632. Door unlocked. Bent over the bed. Blindfolded. Waiting as MASTER ordered.” I was anxious and paced back and forth on the worn carpet. Would he text me back? Was this a set up? Fuck I should have had a drink or something. Instead I grabbed the poppers and did a snuff. OK, better, but not - fuck! He texted me back. “You got 60 seconds to get ready. Bend over, white pussy ass out. You run - my man is out. You say anything - my man leaves. You make a fucking move and are anything but a cum hole - we done.” I quickly threw my phone up on the bed, bent over, slid the blindfold down across my eyes and huffed the poppers hard. I had a fuck towel set out on my right with a bottle of Elbow Grease H2O gel as ordered and a fuck towel to my left. My ass was prelubed, the lights were off except for the hall light. I waited. The door latch clicked as the handle was turned. The door banged against the jamb and clicked shut. Silence. Hard breathing, the shuffling of fabric, keys, a belt unloosening, the scrape of sharp nails against my skin, then my hole, then an evil chuckle as the skin cells of my ass ring were scraped like excess paint off a window sill. I wanted to flinch, cry out, move, beg for his dick but remembered what the BBC MASTER has said, so I stayed as still as a fawn being stalked by a wolf. The digging at my hole paused. I heard the flick of a lighter, the hiss as something caught flame, the sucking in of lung fulls of smoke - pause - then a great exhale. Jesus he was smoking in my room! Fuck! I was going to get charged for that damn it! I recognized that smell though - crack. I had a few street buddies from DC who smoked rock and the smell is unmistakable - sharp, sticky, chalky, with a mix of burnt toast. The lighter flicked again, the anonymous top exhaled, I heard the clink of glass onto the cabinet holding the TV, then felt his nails again as he clawed at my ass even harder now. My hole was getting wet; the top’s breathing was getting heavier as the crack kicked in. Damn I hoped his dick could still get a hard on and fuck. I should not have worried. The anonymous top leaned over my back, his dick head pressing against my ass. Shit he felt thick and his skin was hot like a white ember in a furnace. He moaned as he scored his fingers down my back and sides, kneaded my ass cheeks like a kitten on a pussy’s tummy, then grunted as he slammed his hard dick at my raw hole. I had to bury my face in the pillow and stuff my mouth with the white cotton to keep from not crying out. The fierce pain was like a bullet piercing my flesh, but in slow motion. Little by little he pushed into my ass. The raw, anonymous dick split me open, fucked me hard, and pounded me like a nail with a sledge hammer. I took it just like the BBC Master ordered and before long was rewarded with a deep grunt, a stiff dick, a ball spasm, and hot cum spewing like river rapids into my raw ass. Once he was satisfied, my anonymous benefactor slid his dick out, grabbed a fuck towel, mumbled something, tossed the towel onto my back, hiked up his pants, then left the way he came in. I stood up, stretched, yanked the blindfold off, went to the bathroom to rub my eyes and took some toilet paper to rub my tender hole - pink and red. Yeah he fucked me good. I wanted to keep the nutt in and flicked the lights on and went back to the bed and stopped - there on the bed was a white envelope: “10:30. COME TO THE 17TH FLOOR. END OF HALL TO THE RIGHT IF YOU WANT THAT POZ NUTT.” I opened the envelope and inside was a key card, like for a hotel room, but which one? I held the anonymous load of cum in as long as I could. When I finally went to the bathroom I had some sharp pain, like razors slicing my hole. He must have ripped me up some. I also felt tweaked out - can you get a contact high from a crack smoker through his cum? I figured yes. Repeatedly I checked my phone seeing if the BBC Master had texted or emailed me. I guessed I passed his first test but hell, who knows with these fakers and spammers. I was happily surprised someone showed up at all and eager for more dick and while I wanted to head to the ABS or online to find some more dick, I waited. At 10:25 I left my room, looked to the left then the right down the hotel hallway, then made my way to the elevator bank. I stepped in and pressed 17. Nothing happened. I hit it again. Nothing. I pulled the key card out of my pocket, swiped it against the small black square set below the floor buttons, it turned green, 17 lighted up, and I was on my way. The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and I stepped off into a dimly lit construction zone. I guess this was a floor they were remodeling as there was a cloud of perpetual dust, rows of plastic hanging off the wall and ceiling, piles of debris, and workshop style lights that fluttered in and out. Yeah, I know, this is the scene in Law and Order where the dumb ass criminal who is trying to escape the cops gets taken out by a serial killer or some shit. I looked to the left, then the right, headed down the hall stepping over bits and piles of construction debris and dodging drapes of hanging plastic from the ceiling. The only sound besides the thumping of my heart was the thrum of a generator, or machinery someplace. All the doors to the rooms were open and only darkness could be seen, not even a glint of light from outside. As I got closer to the last room on my right I noticed a faint glow coming from the room. I paused, listened; there was a soft CLICK, a rustling of plastic. I peered around the doorway and saw a large, dark shape of a man silhouetted against a single workshop light hanging from the ceiling behind him standing beside the shadowed outline of a stepladder. His face was in shadows, and to make it even murkier - and creepier - he was standing behind a sheet of opaque plastic hanging down from the ceiling. CLICK - the lighter caught, the brief flicker of flame near the shadow man’s head showed he was smoking something. Bright embers shimmered in the glass pipe like little distant stars behind the plastic sheeting. “WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAITING FOR BOY? GET THEM FUCKING CLOTHES OFF, THEN THE FUCK OVER HERE, BEND THOSE KNEES, AND GIVE ME SOME NECK. TASTE THIS POZ DICK!” the shadow man bellowed. CLICK - the lighter caught again and even as I got closer I still could not make out any details of his face. I paused, pulled off my t-shirt, shorts, kicked off my sneakers, and adjusted my now hard dick. CLICK - the lighter torched once more and just as I thought I might catch a glimmer of this POZ breeder, the flame died. The smoke was thick close to the plastic and smelled like crack, but way stronger. As I got nearer I also noticed there was a hole cut in the plastic and the shadow man had his dick stuck through it. I knelt on the dirty concrete floor, lifted his long breeding stick up, and placed the head on my tongue so I could savor his infected drip. “THAT’S IT BOY. TASTE THAT SUPERIOR BBC DICK. TASTE THAT MASTER DICK THAT’S GONNA FILL THAT CLOWN HOLE. I’M GONNA SMASH THAT BOY PUSSY GOOD AND MAKE YOU O.D. ON SOME AIDS NUTT. YEAH GOT SOME THUG TREATS FOR YOU FAGGOT - HELL YEAH - LOVE A COCK HUNGRY FAGGOT HOE WHO NEEDS THEIR PUSSY RAPED BY A TRUE SUPERIOR BBC MASTER. AIN’T THAT RIGHT? DON’T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL NOW - JUST FOCUS ON MAKING IT SLOPPY.” As his dick extended to its full width and length I had to brace myself and work to take what I could. I was beginning to think unlike most tops, he had undersold his assets, as clearly it felt bigger than 10-inches. “GOOD HOE SLUT. HOLD YOUR NECK ROLL A MINUTE - NO DON’T MOVE YOUR MOUTH, KEEP IT JUST LIKE THAT. DON’T FUCKING MOVE YOUR HEAD OR WE’RE DONE AND YOU DON’T GET THIS DICK UP THAT PUSSY YOU HEAR ME!” I wasn’t sure what he was trying to do at first and it made me jump a little when something hard and bristly pushed through the plastic gloryhole and at my mouth alongside his dick. He had stuck his hand through the hole too along with a hard bristle toothbrush. With his dick still in my mouth he jammed the brush in alongside his dick. He tried to brush my gums but between the angle and his dick filling my mouth, he just couldn’t make it happen. Quickly, he realized that too, “I’M GONNA PULL MY DICK BACK FOR A MINUTE SO WE CAN PREP YOUR AIR HOLE. PUT YOUR MOUTH RIGHT UP TO THE SPOT THERE, OPEN WIDE, AND USE YOUR FINGERS TO STRETCH YOUR LIPS OUT. REMEMBER, DON’T FUCKING MOVE YOUR HEAD OR WE’RE DONE!!” I did as the shadow man ordered and winced and whimpered as he had success and started gouging my gums good with his brush. Side to side, up and down, top then bottom, he was like an evil dentist. Tears ran out of the corners of my eyes, he pulled the brush back, the lighter went CLICK, he chuckled, “FUCK YEAH BLOODY HOE AIR HOLE. TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO POZ YOU AT BOTH ENDS. JUST LIKE PAINTING A HOUSE YOU GOT TO PRIME THOSE WALLS FIRST BEFORE YOU ADD THE FINISH COAT. NOW SCOOP SOME OF MY AIDS DRIP OFF MY DICK AND WORK IT AROUND YOUR GUMS THEN SLIDE MY MEAT UP AND DOWN YOUR TONGUE, INSIDE YOUR CHEEKS REAL NICE AND GOOD. OH YEAH THAT’S THE SHIT. FUCK YEAH HOE SLUT, FUCK YEAH.” My BBC master was pleased with how I obeyed and so decided I should get another treat, “That was good hoe fag. I like how you are whimpering cause you so hungry for my dick. Don’t worry, if you continue to please me I will make sure that body gets all the AIDS dick and nutt you can handle and then some you can’t. First, I want you to take this pipe. AH AH AH NO QUESTIONS! Good. The only time that mouth should be open is when I tell it to be. Like I was saying, take this pipe, hold it firm between your lips. I’ll heat the bowl and when I say so, you inhale deep as you can and hold it until I say stop and release.” Shadow man passed a glass object through the hole that was about as long as a pen with a rounded bulb on the end. I held it level as I bent forward a little, placed the end between my lips, and tried not to imagine him setting the plastic on fire or some shit. CLICK - he held the lighter’s flame below the bowl and swirled it around in little circles, “Go on now - suck it in good and deep and hold it no matter what. You’ll want to cough, but don’t, fight it - fight it - fight it a little...more...OK you can release.” When I did I coughed, hacked, and gasped for air as the world spun a bit and I got a wicked rush. Shadow man laughed, “Fucking slut - that was good and got my dick brick as shit. Let’s do that a few times.” I kept running my tongue back and forth and in and out of my mouth like dog that had just been given peanut butter. The taste was funky, the smoke had made the places where he had gouged my mouth up itch and burn, and I was tripping a bit. “Yo bitch, focus, put your mouth back here. That was a warm up. This time, inhale harder, hold it longer, and you’ll repeat several times in a row until the shit’s down. Come on now, that’s it.” By the time that round of hitting the pipe was done I good and buzzed. Shit I liked that and wanted more. I mumbled something but even I didn’t know what I said and shadow man just laughed, wagged the tooth brush back through the hole, “BEND THE FUCK OVER HOE - TIME TO PREP THAT PUSSY SO I CAN DUMP SOME AIDS BABIES.” I backed my ass to the plastic gloryhole, bent forward, and barely made a sound as he jammed the toothbrush in my ass and started digging around, getting my hole ready for his eternal gifts. Shadow man wasted no time and moved his hand back and forth in time to the need building inside his balls. He pulled his prep toy out, made a satisfied, “Hmmm..” then I felt the baby-fist head of his dark dick kiss my ass lips. “SHOW YOUR SUPERIOR BLACK MASTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT THAT DICK. TAKE IT DRY WITH JUST YOUR PUSSY JUICES. SHOW ME HOW MUCH OF A CHEM-FUCKED-UP-SLUT YOU ARE. EAGER PUSSY TRYING TO GET POZZED. NUTTED. BRED DEEP. THAT’S IT - PUSH THAT HOLE BACK, OPEN THAT CUNT - SHIT HURTS GOOD HUH? WAIT UNTIL I AM ALL THE WAY IN. RIDE THAT FUCKING DICK. RAPE YOURSELF ON IT. BOUNCE THAT SHIT BACK. YOU GO FAG BOY - YOU ASKING FOR IT GOOD NOW!” I was hungry for dick, for cum, for more of that pipe - the glass and BBC master versions. I stood part way up, desperately flinging myself back onto his POZ dick. Suddenly the shadow man wrapped his arms around me, encasing my head and body in the plastic hanging from the ceiling as he pressed our bodies together and pushed. The plastic rent from the connectors holding it to the ceiling. Bits of plaster cascaded down the crevices of the protective cover as the shadow man pushed me down onto the floor, his dick stull buried raw and deep in my ass. His hand and body slid over mine, the plastic forming a protective barrier against him except for the hole where his dick spread my ass open wider. “TIME TO POZ THAT ASS UP. ADD YOUR NAME TO MY FILE AT THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. BREED YOU LIKE THAT PUSSY NEEDS TO BE BRED AND FILLED. CREAM IT WITH THIS SUPERIOR BLACK NUTT TIL YOU GAPING, DRIPPING, AND THOSE PUSSY LIPS JUST SUCKING IT OUT OF ME! YOU READY TO GET THIS TOXIC LOAD? YOU READY FOR THAT BREEDING YOU’VE BEEN CRAVING - NEEDING - BEEN ALL HUNGRY FOR? I DON’T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU ARE OR NOT CAUSE YOU’RE GETTING IT NOW. NO PULLING OUT - NO STOPPING - FUCKING FILLING YOU DEEP!” Time paused - I could hear the drops of sweat from shadow man’s face drip onto the plastic over my head, could feel his body tense, shudder, and release inside me. I welcomed his gift. Time went back to normal speed when the BBC retreated from my hole. I stayed where I was, not wanting to lose the moment, but as with all things time, moments pass and it continues with or without you. I reached up and eased the plastic off my head, wiped the sweat and grime from my face, rolled over and looked for my shadow man. Once again he was silhouetted against the single light, all darkness and shadows, and then he spoke, “Good slut. You want some more breeder dick? Fucking white bitch twitch.” I WONDER WHAT ELSE HE HAD PLANNED FOR ME? (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
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Hi all, I've seen a few amateur BB vids (like in twitter, telegram) where there are young guys with snake tattoo either on a leg, around buttock, or on the chest, anche they are usually fucking bb stragers or random hookups. It seems that snakes indicates poz guys but I don't have much info about. And, how come that they use snakes? is that a secret code for lgbt community, or so? Thanks for your help!
Irving was a 56 year old man who was a chub. Who was also positive. He was not exactly eye candy. He was overweight, buck teeth and thinning red hair. Adam, was the love of Irving's life. Adam was 23, a muscular jock, with a 8 inch dick and a flat ass that Irving always fucked with a condom. He didn’t want Adam to become poz. Adam loved Irving, but was getting bored. Adam wanted more. As faith would have it, Adam met Kyle, a 24 year old man. A swimmers build, red hair, smooth body. A 7inch cock. Adam and Kyle almost immediately started having an affair. Kyle would tear Adam’s tight hole a part. Pumping him with his load. “Next time we fuck at your place.” Kyle said to Adam. Once Adam knew for sure that Irving was going to be out, he and Kyle were having sex all over the house. While Fucking in Irving’s study on top of his antique coffee table. I ring walked in on them. “Irving, I can explain.” “Explain what an ungrateful little slut you are?” Kyle, quickly got out and left. “I see you do like it raw.” Adam was no match for Irving, who weight over 256 pounds. Irving slammed Adam down.pulled down his pants, didn’t even use lube. Using Kyle’s cum. He went into the young man’s ass, and started fucking Adam. “Remember, your ass belongs to me.” “Since I stopped taking my meds,” I have a high t-cell count.” “Please, no Irving.” The young man pleaded. Irving kept going in and out. Until, he grunted and clasped on Adam’s back who had tears streaming down his face. ”From now on I fuck you raw.””you understand me, slut?” Adam whispered weakly. “yessir.”
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